Plane Crazy Saturday – After Action Report December 18, 2010
Plane Crazy Saturday – After Action Report December 18, 2010
Plane Crazy Saturday – After Action Report December 18, 2010 What a great day in the rain at Mojave Airport! The aircraft parked on the ramp looked beautiful with their reflections shimmering off the wet pavement. Alan Radecki captured some great photos of the F-86 Sabre and F-100F Super Sabre. Many thanks to Bob Green, owner and John Ligon of Flight Test Associates for the use of the Super Sabre as the Aircraft of the Month for our Plane Crazy Saturday event. As Dick Rutan stood in Voyager Restaurant looking out at the F-100 parked just outside the windows, he recounted numerous stories of flying the two-place Fmodel while serving in the U.S. Air Force at Phu Cat Air Base in Vietnam during 1968 and 1969, before and after the Tet Offensive. Before Rutan began his fighter pilot talk, he took his audience back to Dec. 18, 1986, when he and Jeana Yeager were flying in the Voyager aircraft on the fifth day of their nine-day journey around the world. Sleep deprivation, violent storms and mountains looming kept them stretched mentally beyond all limits of normal. Dick just wanted to get past the land and back over the ocean, so he didn’t have to worry about the thought of running into any mountains! The mountain was Mount Cameroon and is one of Africa’s largest volcanoes, rising 13,255-feet above the coast of west central Africa. “We came within one mile of dead half way up the eastern slope,” Dick told the audience. Each day on that historical flight presented new life threatening dangers. The absolute world distance records set during that flight remain unchallenged today. The cramped cockpit environment was most uncomfortable and sleep deprivation was the enemy. Imagine being locked in a phone booth for nine days while flying at speeds of only 70 and 80-knots navigating around thunder storms, near hostile countries, threatening to shoot you down, worrying about whether or not you have enough fuel for the trip. Four days following the historic flight of the Voyager, President Ronald Reagan awarded Burt Rutan, Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager the Presidential Citizen's Medal of Honor at a special ceremony. The medal has been presented only 16 times in the history of the United States. The actual Voyager aircraft hangs in the South Lobby of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. and a smaller version, approximately 1/5 size radio control model hangs in Legacy Park at Mojave Airport. This model flew at Mojave Airport during the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Voyager flight. Glenn Dunlap of Cincinnati, Ohio builder and RC pilot flew the model at the birthplace of Voyager. Dick signed many Voyager prints and books with the history of the North American F-100F Super Sabre. Dick visited one to one with many Veterans and friends who came from miles around to hear about his flying adventures. So many in the audience went back in time with Rutan to their time flying in Vietnam. Others were World War II veterans and shared some of their stories with him. This black and white photo shows a young Rutan inspecting a hole that was blown in the horizontal stabilizer of an F-100 during one pilot’s last mission. If you are interested in more information about the MISTY Pilots go to and order the book Bury Us Upside Down – The MISTY Pilots and the Secret Battle for the Ho Chi Minh Trail, by Rick Newman and Don Shepperd. Thank you to Chris and Riitta Martin for taking care of the Mojave Transportation Museum booth and selling the many items signed by Dick Rutan. Many thanks to Dr. Christian Gelzer for coming out on a rainy day and setting up a booth to sell his great new book called “Edwards Air Force Base – Images of Aviation.” Dr. Gelzer is the Chief Historian NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. We didn’t have the hundreds of visitors that we usually have for Plane Crazy, but the really “Plane Crazy” people were still there in force! Thank you one and all for your interest and support. Thank you Ron Langford for setting up the tables and chairs for us and for your concern and help with me as I worked through my little episode with Crohn’s. See everyone next month – January 15, 2011! Happy New Year! Photos by: Cathy Hansen, Alan Radecki and Bill Deaver
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