Dizzy Dean Rules - Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc.


Dizzy Dean Rules - Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc.
“FUN, CHARACTER, WINNERS” By: Billy J. Powell Commissioner ‐ 97/98 Dizzy Dean Baseball is not for coaches, parents, or spectators. Dizzy Dean Baseball is for the youth that play the game. One of the greatest outlets for youth is baseball. As a professional, Dizzy Dean played baseball for the love of the game and with the enthusiasm, intensity and energy of the youth that play the game today. He played because it was fun. We must continue to make baseball a fun game without placing undue pressure and stress on our youth. Our youth come first, winning second. When you build the character in a youth, you build a winner. There was no organized baseball in Arkansas while Dizzy Dean was growing up and he was denied the opportunity to play baseball as a young boy. It was Dizzy Dean’s dream that one day every young person would have the opportunity to play baseball. We, the National Board of Directors of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc., are dedicated to giving our youth this opportunity and promise to provide them with the best baseball program available today. This was Dizzy Dean’s dream; this is what Dizzy Dean Baseball is about. Danny Phillips Commissioner ~1~
Baden Inside Front Cover
Dizzy Dean Letter 1
Table of Contents 2‐3
Communicable Disease Procedures 4
Child Abuse / Molestation 5
Louisville Slugger Ad 6
Disclaimer, Concussion Risk Management, Safety Equipment, Rules Notice 7
Operational Control Statement 8‐9
Legal Disputes 10
Mizuno Ad 11
Officers, Deputy Commissioners 12
Parliamentarian, Historian, Publicity, National Board Members State Director Coordinators 13‐15
State Directors, State Presidents 15‐19
League Age Chart 19
Committees 20
Deceased National Board Members/ Honorary/Gold Circle/Past Commissioners 21‐22
Scholarship Winners 23
Scholarship Application Contacts 24
Dizzy Dean Prayer 25
Hospital Wing Ad 26
2015 Rule Changes (Summary) 27
Dizzy Dean Baseball Organizational Structure 28‐31
Let ‘em Play Ad 32
ProTime Sports Ad 33
Florida Ad 34
Common Rule Index 35
Common Rules 36‐55
Official Measurements 40
A.D. Starr Ad 56
Georgia Ad / Georgia State Champions 57‐58
Platinum Trophies 59
Farm League Rules 60‐68
Champion Awards Ad 64
Rawlings Ad 65
Southpaw Web Designs Ad 69
The Game Ad 70
Atlanta Braves Ad 71
Mississippi Ad / Mississippi State Champions 72‐73
Minor League Rules 74‐78
Tennessee Ad / Tennessee State Champions 79‐80
Diamond Ad 81
Freshmen Rules 82‐85
Florida State Champions 86
Sophomore Rules 87‐91
Pennant Ad 92
Junior & Senior League Rules 93‐98
SteelBerry Trading Pins Ad 95
Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Ad 99
David’s Seeds Ad 100
World Series Information 101
6 Year Old World Series Photo & Information 102‐103
Alabama Ad / Alabama State Champions 104‐105
7 Year Old World Series Photo & Information 106‐107
8 Year Old World Series Photo & Information 108‐109
9 Year Old World Series Photo & Information 110‐111
Minor League World Series Photo & Information 112‐113
11 Year Old World Series Photo & Information 114‐115
Freshmen League World Series Photo & Information 116‐117
13 Year Old World Series Photo & Information 118‐119
Sophomore League World Series Photo & Information 120‐121
Junior League World Series Photo & Information 122‐123
Senior League World Series Photo & Information 124‐125
Dizzy Dean Approved Baseballs 126
Repicci’s Ad 127
Southern Athletic Fields Ad 128
Sadler Ad Inside Back Cover
PowerAde Ad ~3~
Back Cover
While risk of one athlete infecting another with HIV/AIDS during competition is close to non‐
existent, there is a remote risk that other blood borne infectious diseases can be transmitted. For example, Hepatitis B can be present in blood as well as in other body fluids. Procedures for reducing the potential for transmission of these infectious agents should include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The bleeding must be stopped, the open wound covered and if there is an excessive amount of blood on the uniform, it must be changed before the athlete may participate. 2. Routine use of gloves or other precautions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids is anticipated. 3. Immediately wash hands and other skin surfaces if contaminated (in contact) with blood or other body fluids. Wash hands immediately after removing gloves. 4. Clean all contaminated surfaces and equipment with an appropriate disinfectant before competition resumes. 5. Practice proper disposal procedures to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels and other sharp instruments or devices. 6. Although saliva has not been implicated in HIV transmission, to minimize the need for emergency mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation, mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation devices should be available for use. 7. Athletic trainers/coaches with bleeding or oozing skin conditions should refrain from all direct athletic care until the condition resolves. 8. Contaminated towels should be properly disposed of/disinfected. 9. Follow acceptable guidelines in the immediate control of bleeding and when handling bloody dressings, mouth guards and other articles containing body fluids. Additional information is available from your state high school association and from the National Federation. ~4~
1. Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. abhors all forms of child abuse including verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse and is committed to addressing these concerns by providing risk management guidelines that will lessen, but not totally eliminate the chance of an occurrence. Failure of leagues to implement these risk management precautions may expose such leagues and their officials, volunteers, and other representatives to significant legal liability. 2. Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has no operational control over league security including the selection of volunteers associated with independent leagues, which are affiliated with its program. Therefore, it is the sole responsibility of the independent league to take action to adopt and implement sound risk management precautions. 3. Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. strongly recommends that all leagues adopt and implement a child abuse / molestation risk management program. Guidelines for establishing such a program are available on the Dizzy Dean Baseball website or a league may develop a similar comprehensive program. 4. Elements of a sound child abuse / molestation risk management program are as follows: a) Screen all volunteers who have repeated access to youth by requiring completion of a volunteer application and by running a criminal background check. All criminal background checks indicating a conviction involving crimes against a minor must result in disqualification of the volunteer. In addition, other charges and convictions may be an indication of an unfit volunteer and may result in disqualification. b) Distribute materials to educate administrators, volunteers, and parents on the warning signs of child abuse / molestation and how to respond to an allegation. c) Appoint a conduct official to administer the program and to be the primary contact for allegations of child abuse / molestation. d) Encourage the use of a “buddy system” where a non‐related adult is never alone with a single child. e) Encourage the use of take home/pickup policies to ensure that a single child is not being transported by a volunteer as a result of a parent failing to pick up a child in a timely fashion. f) Prohibition of any overnight sleep over event at any official’s house. g) Limiting the distribution of directories / rosters with names, phone numbers, addresses, and pictures to persons on a “need to know” basis. ~5~
Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc., is not responsible for non – related activities at Dizzy Dean Tournaments. Furthermore, Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc., expressly disclaims any and all liability for injuries sustained at hotels, dormitories, restaurants, swimming pools, water parks or other fun parks, beaches, lakes or other recreational activities engaged in by coaches, players, family members or other spectators away and separate from the playing field of the Dizzy Dean Tournament. CONCUSSION RISK MANAGEMENT
Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. strongly recommends that all teams/leagues adopt and implement a concussion risk management program that keys in on training and education for staff, parents, and players in the areas of understanding concussions and their impact on health; recognizing concussion signs and symptoms; removal from play; and return to play protocol. Such a program normally includes web video training for staff and the distribution of an information sheet each season to all staff, parents, and players. Guidelines for developing a plan are available on the Dizzy Dean website. SAFETY EQUIPMENT
Any and all safety equipment specified by Federal, State, or Local legislation will be required. RULES NOTICE
Any rule not covered under an age group playing section: 
See next age group and or official baseball rules as published by Major League Baseball, Inc. 
See your State Director for clarification. To obtain a copy of the Girls’ Softball Rulebook contact any National Director or Email a request with name and address to: dizzydeanrulebooks@yahoo.com
As concerns all pre‐season activities, regular season, intraleague tournaments, and all other league activities; Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. shall have no operational control or responsibility over the following: a) Premises: including but not limited to playing fields, practice fields, player dugouts, spectator areas, concession areas, parking lots, adjoining areas, and player or spectator entertainment areas whether on site or off site. b) Activities: including but not limited to preseason and off‐season meetings and preparation, try‐outs, practices, games, intraleague tournaments, fundraising activities, banquets, team or league outings and all other activities that are team or league approved and travel to and from the above. c) Actions: including all actions (including inactions) or decisions on a league or team level that are initiated by league or team officers, directors, administrators or volunteers. 2)
As concerns all‐star tournaments including sub‐district, district, area, regional, state, and World Series, Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. shall have no operational control or responsibility over the following: ~8~
a) Premises: including but not limited to practice areas, spectator areas, concession areas, player accommodations, and player or spectator entertainment areas whether on site or off site. b) Activities: including but not limited to activities within housing, player or spectator entertainment on site or off site, outings, and travel to and from the above. c) Actions: including all actions (including inactions) or decisions initiated by the tournament host or by team volunteers or employees. 3)
Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has operational control and responsibility only to the extent of requiring that any violations of official rules and regulations be corrected in accordance with the official rules and regulations. a)
Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has joint operational control and responsibility with the tournament host over all game playing fields and dugout areas for all‐star tournaments including sub district, district, area, regional, state and World Series. 4)
Since Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. is primarily an “all volunteer” organization with limited resources, it is not responsible for taking affirmative action to police all premises, activities, and actions from compliance with the official rules and regulations except as outlined under 3. a) above. However, Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. will make best efforts to enforce all such official rules and regulations once a violation has been brought to its attention. ~9~
Section 1. Section 2. To encourage reasonable discussions between actual parties to legal disputes regarding DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC., sanctioned activities; to prevent additional disputes between parties to legal disputes; to limit contact and communication between parties to a legal dispute when legal counsel to all parties are not present; and to establish procedures for the suspension from DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. activities of those who are involved in legal disputes with DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. Effective November 8, 2010, any Dizzy Dean National Board Member Official, Dizzy Dean State Official, Participant, Official, Team, Coach, Sponsor, Related Party (including but not limited to parents of Participants, Officials, etc.) or any other person who threatens legal action against Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC., files a legal action against Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC., or has a lawyer contact DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. regarding a dispute of any kind shall be automatically suspended from all DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. activities until such legal discussions with Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC. are concluded to the satisfaction of Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC. National Board. Further, if a legal action against Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC. is filed by a Dizzy Dean National Board Member Official, Dizzy Dean State Official, Participant, Official, Team, Coach, Sponsor, or Related Party (including but not limited to parents of Participants, Officials, etc.), or any other person against Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC., that person’s (or any Related Party’s) team and each of its members may be suspended from all DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC., activities until such legal actions with Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC. are resolved to the satisfaction of Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC. National Board. Further, should any Dizzy Dean National Board Member Official, Dizzy Dean State Official, Participant, Official, Team, Coach, Sponsor, Related Party (including but not limited to parents of Participants, Officials, etc.) or any other person who sues a Dizzy Dean National Board Member Official, Dizzy Dean State Official or other DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. affiliate with respect to a dispute related to a DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. sanctioned activity, may be suspended in their sole discretion by Dizzy DEAN BASEBALL, INC. National Board. Further, the Commissioner of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. will be responsible for issuing the suspension until such time as it can be confirmed by the National Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting or at a special meeting called for this purpose. ~ 10 ~
~ 11 ~
P.O. Box 856, Hernando, MS 38632 FARM LEAGUE: 5 ‐ 8 Yrs. Old MINOR: 9 ‐ 10 Yrs. Old FRESHMEN: 11 ‐ 12 Yrs. Old SOPHOMORE: 13 ‐ 14 Yrs. Old JUNIOR: 15 ‐ 16 Yrs. Old SENIOR: 17 ‐ 19 Yrs. Old OFFICERS
COMMISSIONER…………………………………………………………………….DANNY E. PHILLIPS P.O. Box 856, Hernando, MS 38632 DDB: (662) 429‐4365 / Cell: (901) 262‐2239 Email: dannyphillips637@gmail.com PRESIDENT…….…………………….……….…………………….…….………………………… JIM WAHL 509 Krystal Lane, Birmingham, AL 35217 Cell: (205) 613‐0327 Email: jimmywahl@bellsouth.net VICE‐PRESIDENT………………………………………………...………….………………… BOBBY DUNN 5900 Hickory Hill Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 Home: (423) 344‐6210 / Cell: (423) 596‐1353 Email: bdunn39270@epbfi.com SECRETARY………………….……………………………………………………………..DONNIE STONE 8757 Hamby Rd., Kimberly, AL 35091 Cell: (205) 743‐9180 Email: dr_stone@bellsouth.net TREASURER……………………………………………………………………………...HOUSTON SUGGS P.O. Box 24, Cassville, GA 30123 Home: (770) 382‐9904 / Cell: (770) 606‐4621 Email: hsuggsdizzydean@aol.com DEPUTY COMMISSIONERS
Richard Ellis…Home: (662) 226‐2919 / Work: (662) 227‐3450 / Cell: (662) 417‐4685 / Fax: (662) 227‐3449 276 Salem Ch. Rd., Grenada, MS 38902 Email: druw@cableone.net or richardellis@cityofgrenada.ms Joe Chandler………………………………………………………………………………..Cell: (205) 919‐1091 9643 Ridge Way, Kimberly, AL 35091 Email: jchandler30@bellsouth.net Chris Landry……………..…………………………………………………………………Cell: (678) 531‐2291 1607 Chesterfield Ct., Woodstock, GA 30189 Email: clandry1607@yahoo.com Gary St. Clair……………………………………………………………………………Home: (423) 385‐6302 5011A Harley Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37416 Email: gstclair1@gmail.com ~ 12 ~
Joe Chandler………………………………………………………………………………..Cell: (205) 919‐1091 9643 Ridge Way, Kimberly, AL 35091 Email: jchandler30@bellsouth.net HISTORIAN
Jim Dunn………………………….…………………………………………………………Cell: (205) 585‐3866 1613 Hideaway Drive, Birmingham, AL 35235 Email: jdunnjr@charter.net COMPTROLLER
Peggy Ramsey…………………………….……………………Home: (662) 283‐4445 / Cell: (601) 573‐5624 P.O. Box 308, Winona, MS 38967 Email: peggym0307@att.net PUBLICITY
Bobby Dunn…………………………………………………...Home: (423) 344‐6210 / Cell: (423) 596‐1353 5900 Hickory Hill Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 Email: bdunn39270@epbfi.com NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS
ALABAMA Joe Chandler………………………………………………………………………………..Cell: (205) 919‐1091 9643 Ridge Way, Kimberly, AL 35091 Email: jchandler30@bellsouth.net Jim Dunn………………………….…………………………………………………………Cell: (205) 585‐3866 209 Allen Road, Pell City AL 35128 Email: jdunnjr@charter.net Donnie R. Stone………………………….…………………………………………………Cell: (205) 743‐9180 8757 Hamby Rd., Kimberly, AL 35091 Email: dr_stone@bellsouth.net Tommy Todd……………………………………………………………………………….Cell: (205) 821‐6185 2100 Grandview Trail, Smoke Rise, AL 35180 Email: qis1@hotmail.com Jim Wahl……………………….……………………………………………………………Cell: (205) 613‐0327 509 Krystal Lane, Birmingham, AL 35217 Email: jimmywahl@bellsouth.net FLORIDA Grady Moore……………………………………………………………………………….Cell: (850) 819‐7216 1820 Mallard Dr., Panama City, FL 32404 Email: gmoore5311953@yahoo.com ~ 13 ~
GEORGIA Terry Darby……………..…………………………………………………………………Cell: (404) 403‐9531 372 Shady Brook Dr., Canton, GA 30114 Email: terrydarby@aol.com Chris Landry……………..…………………………………………………………………Cell: (678) 531‐2291 1607 Chesterfield Ct., Woodstock, GA 30189 Email: clandry1607@yahoo.com Frank Seabolt………..…………………………………………Home: (706) 935‐3272 / Cell: (423) 580‐3067 431 Wood Yates Rd., Ringgold, GA 30736 Email: gcagle1965@yahoo.com Houston Suggs………..…………………………………………………………………....Cell: (770) 606‐4621 P.O. Box 24, Cassville, GA 30123 Email: hsuggsdizzydean@aol.com Willis Waters…………….……………………………………..Home: (770) 479‐5621 / Cell: (770) 354‐8134 511 Scott Mill Road, Canton, GA 30114 Email: wwaters@windstream.net LOUISIANA Sunny St. Pelcovich………………………..……………..Home/Fax: (601) 795‐8277 / Cell: (504) 723‐7832 23 Louis Drive, Poplarville, MS 39470 Email: missedchances@msn.com MISSISSIPPI Richard Ellis…Home: (662) 226‐2919 / Work: (662) 227‐3450 / Cell: (662) 417‐4685 / Fax: (662) 227‐3449 276 Salem Ch. Rd., Grenada, MS 38902 Email: druw@cableone.net or richardellis@cityofgrenada.ms Brent Frey………………………………………………………………………………..Home: (662) 418‐7004 P. O. Box 5327, Mississippi State, MS 39762 Email: bfrey@athletics.msstate.edu Danny E. Phillips………………………………………………Home: (662) 429‐7790 / Cell: (901) 262‐2239 P.O. Box 856, Hernando, MS 38632 Email: dannyphillips637@gmail.com Billy J. Powell……………………………………………………………………………Home: (662) 258‐7626 2490 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Eupora, MS 39744 Peggy Ramsey………………………………………………….Home: (662) 283‐4445 / Cell: (601) 573‐5624 P.O. Box 308, Winona, MS 38967 Email: peggym0307@att.net TENNESSEE Ronald Berry……………………………………………………………………………..Home: (423) 894‐0689 6104 Marietta Street, East Ridge, TN 37412 Email: ronaldwberry@epbfi.com Bobby D. Dunn………………………………………………...Home: (423) 344‐6210 / Cell: (423) 596‐1353 5900 Hickory Hills Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37416 ~ 14 ~
Email: bdunn39270@epbfi.com Gary St. Clair……………………………………………………………………………Home: (423) 385‐6302 5011A Harley Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37416 Email: gstclair1@gmail.com STATE DIRECTOR COORDINATORS
ALABAMA……………….……………………………………………………………………TOMMY TODD 2100 Grandview Trail, Smoke Rise, AL 35180 Cell: (205) 821‐6185 Email: qis1@hotmail.com FLORIDA……………………………………………………………………………………GRADY MOORE 1820 Mallard Dr., Panama City, FL 32404 Cell: (850) 819‐7216 Email: gmoore5311953@yahoo.com LOUISIANA……………..……………………….………………………………………………COREY BUIE 2129 South Glencoe, Gretna, LA 70056 Cell: (504) 912‐5977 Email: corey_buie@plaqueminesparish.com TENNESSEE………………………………………………………………………………..RUSTY ROMITO 831 McHann Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37412 Home (423) 629‐8896 / Cell (423) 280‐0615 TENNESSEE (West)………………………………………………………………………BOBBY HENSLEY 7460 Hwy 18 South, Hickory Valley, TN 38042 Cell (731) 609‐5373 STATE DIRECTORS
ALABAMA (Farm League 5/6)………………………………………………………………TIM KENNEDY 1680 Fieldstown Rd., Gardendale, AL 35071 Cell: (205) 514‐4353 Email: timkennedy67@att.net ALABAMA (Farm League 7/8)…………………………………………………………………SONJA HARD 701 South Houston Street, Scottsboro, AL 35768 Work: (256) 912‐0554 / Cell: (256) 738‐2422 Email: iref247@yahoo.com ALABAMA (Minors)…………………….……………………………………………………MARTY ALLEN 915 West McKinney Ave., Albertville, AL 35950 Home: (256) 891‐8240 / Cell: (256) 302‐4030 Email: mallen@cityofalbertville.com ALABAMA (Freshmen)…………………………………………………………………… TRAVIS MANN 746 Doss St., Kimberly, AL 35091 Cell: (205) 746‐0152 Email: mannte3@aol.com ALABAMA (Sophomores)………………………………………………………………………MATT DILL 205 Pitts Drive, Columbiana, AL 35051 Cell: (205) 966‐1041 / Home: (205) 669‐0838 Email: mattd@vacaccessories.com ~ 15 ~
ALABAMA (Juniors, & Seniors)……………………………………………………………RANDY LEWIS 1363 HWY 61, Columbiana, AL 35051 Cell: (205) 217‐3755 / Home: (205) 670‐5037 Email: randy21lewis@yahoo.com FLORIDA ‐ DISTRICT 1……………………………………………………………………...DOY PEADEN 4845 Autumn Drive, Pace, FL 32571 (850) 698‐0443 Email: dpeaden@mchsi.com FLORIDA ‐ DISTRICT 2..……………………………………………………………………CINDY MEAD 912 Myers Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Work: (850) 891‐3875 / Cell: (850) 510‐5966 Email: cindy.mead@takgiv.com FLORIDA ‐ DISTRICT 3………………………………………………………………………...BILLY KING 2638 Emily Lane, Jacksonville, FL 32216 Home: (904) 725‐5145 / Cell: (904) 553‐6348 Email: Billy333@clearwire.net FLORIDA ‐ DISTRICT 4………………….………………………………………MICHELLE ZIPPERLEIN 1048 W. 11th Court, Panama City, FL 32401 (850) 630‐1867 Email: mzipperlein@cityoflynnhaven.com FLORIDA ‐ DISTRICT 5…………………………………………………………………BING BERRINGER (727) 422‐3760 th Street North, Seminole, FL 33772 9230 120
Email: bingberringer@gmail.com GEORGIA ‐ DISTRICT 1………………………………………………………………. ROBERT SEXTON 159 Austin Circle, Rossville, GA 30741 Home: (706) 861‐7796 / Cell: (423) 593‐2132 GEORGIA ‐ DISTRICT 2………………………………………………………………… DWAYNE PERRY 16 Joe Stella Drive, Cartersville, GA 30121 Home: (770) 975‐9837 / Cell: (770) 315‐6625 GEORGIA ‐ DISTRICT 3…………………………………………………………………GEORGE PARTON 1068 Lower Burris Rd., Canton, GA 30114 (770) 479‐8948 Email: parton65152@aol.com GEORGIA ‐ DISTRICT 4…………….……………………………………………… PAT CASTLEBERRY 3 Crestwood Court, Cartersville, GA 30121 Home: (770) 382‐1343 / Cell: (770) 655‐2137 Email: pc714@att.net GEORGIA ‐ DISTRICT 5……….…………………………………………………MARTIN CHEATHAM 417 River Circle, Bremen, GA 30110 Cell: (770) 328‐1095 / Work: (770) 537‐4222 Email: martincheatham@charter.net ~ 16 ~
GEORGIA ‐ DISTRICT 6……………..……………………………………………RITCHIE ANDERSON 1417 Frogtown Rd., Dahlonega, GA 30533 Cell: (706) 429‐6676 GEORGIA ‐ DISTRICT 7……………..…………………………………………………….GEORGE PAGE P. O. Box 1746, Valdosta, GA 31603 Office: (229) 259‐3507 / Cell: (229) 300‐1865 Email: gpage@vlpra.com LOUISIANA……………..……………………….……………………………………DANNY E. PHILLIPS P.O. Box 856, Hernando, MS 38632 DDB: (662) 429‐4365 / Home: (662) 429‐7790 Email: DPhil10513@aol.com LOUISIANA……………..……………………….…………………………………SUNNY ST. PELCOVICH 23 Louis Drive, Poplarville, MS 39470 Home/Fax: (601) 795‐8277 / Cell: (504) 723‐7832 Email: missedchances@msn.com MARYLAND…………………………………………………………………………… WILLIAM E. ALLEN 4516 Allen Rd., Randallstown, MD 21133 Home: (410) 922‐8133 MARYLAND……………………………………………………………………………… MICHAEL RITKO 1229 Kendrick Road, Rosedale, MD 21237 Home: (410) 687‐9037 MISSISSIPPI (Farm League, Minors)…………….……………………………………… BILLY POWELL 2490 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Eupora, MS 39744 Home: (662) 258‐7626 MISSISSIPPI (Freshmen)………………………………………………………………….RON MITCHELL 107 Nathan Drive, Starkville, MS 39759 (662) 418‐2172 Email: remitchell49@gmail.com MISSISSIPPI (Sophomores)………………………………………………………………PEGGY RAMSEY P.O. Box 308, Winona, MS 38967 Home: (662) 283‐4445 / Cell: (601) 573‐5624 MISSISSIPPI (Juniors & Seniors)………………………………………………………MICKEY RUSSELL 213 West Wiygul, Fulton, MS 38843 (662) 871‐3685 NORTH CAROLINA……..……………………….………………………………………JUSTIN DOCKERY 1627 Hwy 294, Murphy, NC 28906 (882) 557‐9381 TENNESSEE (Farm League 5‐6)………………………………………………….CHRISTY ALEXANDER P.O. Box 668, Soddy Daisy, TN 37384 (423) 488‐3832 Email: christyalex0@gmail.com ~ 17 ~
TENNESSEE (Farm League 7‐8)………………………………………………………..GLENN ALMOND 3252 51st St., Cleveland, TN 37312 Cell: (423) 618‐0878 Email: gaalmond@olin.com TENNESSEE (Minors)………………………………………………………………………LEE BRADFORD 5913 Grasshopper Road, Birchwood, TN 37308 Home: (423) 242‐8684 Email: lbradfor@agiresources.com TENNESSEE (Freshmen)………………………………………………………………NATHAN COLLYER 1327 Highland Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37415 (423) 413‐8901 Email: nathancollyer@gmail.com TENNESSEE (Sophomores)…………………………………………………………………ROY HINDMAN 8077 Eureka Road MN Charleston TN 37310 Cell: (423) 715‐1436 Email: rch6563@charter.net TENNESSEE (Juniors/Seniors)………………………………………………………………JERRY HARRIS 133 CR 257, Niota, TN 37826 Cell: (423) 506‐8518 Email: harrisjd@live.com STATE PRESIDENTS
ALABAMA………………………………………………………………………………………… JIM DUNN 209 Allen Road, Pell City AL 35128 Cell: (205) 585‐3866 Email: jdunnjr@charter.net FLORIDA …………………………………………………………………………………… DAN MARTIN 10897 105th St. North, Largo, FL 33773 Home: (727) 329‐8435 / Cell: (727) 422‐3760 Email: baseballprez@live.com GEORGIA…………………………………………………………………………………… CHRIS LANDRY 1607 Chesterfield Court, Woodstock, GA 30189 Cell: (678) 531‐2291 Email: clandry1607@yahoo.com LOUISIANA……………………………………………………………………… SUNNY ST. PELCOVICH 23 Louis Drive, Poplarville, MS 39470 Home/Fax: (601) 795‐8277 / Cell: (504) 723‐7832 Email: missedchances@msn.com MISSISSIPPI…………………………………………………………………………… TOMMY BLEDSOE 4489 Red Oaks Drive, Horn Lake, MS 38637 Cell: (901) 606‐6392 Email: tbledsoe@hornlake.org ~ 18 ~
TENNESSEE…………………………………………………………………………………RUSTY ROMITO 831 McHann Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37412 Home (423) 629‐8896 / Cell (423) 280‐0615 League Age Chart for 2015
You’re Age Born On or Between: Group May 1, 2009 April 30, 2010 5
May 1, 2008 April 30, 2009 6
May 1, 2007 April 30, 2008 7
May 1, 2006 April 30, 2007 8
May 1, 2005 April 30, 2006 9
May 1, 2004 April 30, 2005 10
May 1, 2003 April 30, 2004 11
May 1, 2002 April 30, 2003 12
May 1, 2001 April 30, 2002 13
May 1, 2000 April 30, 2001 14
May 1, 1999 April 30, 2000 15
May 1, 1998 April 30, 1999 16
May 1, 1997 April 30, 1998 17
May 1, 1996 April 30, 1997 18
August 1, 1995 July 31, 1996 19
~ 19 ~
Bobby Dunn (Chairman) Joe Chandler Tommy Todd Richard Ellis Chris Landry Gary St. Clair Frank Seabolt Grady Moore Brent Frey Grady Moore Peggy Ramsey Houston Suggs Ron Berry SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE
Joe Chandler (Chairman) Gary St. Clair Houston Suggs Richard Ellis CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE
Donnie Stone (Chairman) Sunny St. Pelcovich Brent Frey Billy Powell Jim Dunn SOFTBALL RULES COMMITTEE
Bobby Dunn (Chairman) Tommy Todd Donnie Stone Gary St. Clair Willis Waters Peggy Ramsey Terry Darby Houston Suggs Donnie Stone Chris Landry Donnie Stone FINANCE COMMITTEE
Peggy Ramsey (Chairman) Ron Berry Brent Frey Frank Seabolt Jim Dunn Gary St. Clair ETHICS COMMITTEE
Danny Phillips (Chairman) Billy Powell Sunny St. Pelcovich Houston Suggs Jim Dunn WORLD SERIES COMMITTEE
Bobby Dunn Chris Landry Danny Phillips Danny Phillips Chris Landry BUSINESS COMMITTEE
Billy Powell (Chairman) Jimmy Wahl Bobby Dunn Houston Suggs ~ 20 ~
National Board Members
Bob Arceneaux
Joedy F. Bates
Ted Bates
Robert R.J. Blakeney
James T. Tom Bryant
Charles Red Drake
Glenn W. Fuller
A.C. Ty Gauldin
Reese Griffin
John Guthrie
John Hall
E.C. “Buttermilk” Johnson
James Jones
C.C. “Bud” Newell
Jim Nichols
H.J. “Foots” Pearson
Marion Pearson
Earl Rayburn
E.E. Reno
A.L. Rigsby
Ray Shepherd
W.C. Comer Sims
Martin Smith
D. B. Stewart
Mike Stouflett
Wm. E. “Bill” Taylor
Dent Tullis
Gordan Turner
Jimmy Wright
~ 21 ~
Emily Blakeney Jean Hall Ruby Guthrie Frances Arceneaux Mary Shepherd Judy Johnson Nell Bryant Jeanette Taylor Sadie Stoufflet Carol Pearson Eleanor Sims Inez Pearson Mirian Rigsby Phillis Bates Marjorie Tullis Ida Mae Bates GOLD CIRCLE CLUB MEMBERS
Bobby Raborn Bill Norton P.O. Box 2261 114 Norton Trail Pascagoula, MS 39567 Ringgold, GA 30736 (601) 762‐7635 (706) 937‐4539 Richard Rogers 8 Cutoff Lane Fayetteville, TN 37334 (931) 433‐4678 PAST COMMISSIONERS
A.C. “Ty” Gaulden William E. “Bill” Taylor J.T. “Tom” Bryant Sunny St. Pelcovich Marion P. Pearson, Sr. Billy J. Powell Joedy F. Bates ~ 22 ~
Dizzy Dean
Scholarship Winners
Jacob Agnesia * Luke Agnesia * Michael Burrow * Jacob Gordon Mason McAnnally * Devin McCary * Ty Miller * Connor Moon Dalton Moore * Jacob Pennington * Joshua Pennington * Orion Recke Kennon Roberts * Garrett Suchey * Earnest Watson Jr. * Michael Williams FLORIDA
Dakota Spikes * Brandon Suttles GEORGIA
Davis Brown * Kevin Carr * Justin Crawford * Dylan Culver Bradley Mason * Nicholas Molleck * Harrison Murdoch * Matthew Murdoch Austin Oudeans * Austin Parrish * Alec Pallerino * Brittany Portwood Riley Sparks * Joshua Thomas * Bayrene Wright * Joshua McNabb MISSISSIPPI
Lakin Ables * Zachary Allen * Champion Boyer * Catlin Ann Burton Brady Chambley * Alexis Cooper * Yasmeen Cooper * Clay Harbour Cody Harbour * Jeremy Hayden Harris * Hayden Hendrix * Seth Freeman Johns Taylor Johnson * Caleb Kile * Jordan Kile * Charles May * Dalton Newman Morgan Ashleigh Orr * Taylor Thornton * Austin Yielding * Brock Ward TENNESSEE
Hunter Bradford * Jacob Brock * Chae Butler * Jacob Clements Sarah Hill * Jamie Key * Austin Melton * Wyatt Morrison Tyler Robertson * Heather Stevens In Honor of Ty Gaulden
Dizzy Dean’s First Commissioner
Note: Deadline to submit applications for scholarships is June 15th of the current year. Applications must be submitted for scholarship renewal. ~ 23 ~
Scholarship Application
In order to insure proper receipt and processing, please submit your scholarship application to the appropriate contact for your state (listed below). Scholarship Applications must be submitted/renewed by June 15th of the current year. For additional questions or information, contact the scholarship committee representative for your state. ALABAMA & LOUISIANA……………………………………………………………….JOE CHANDLER Cell: (205) 919‐1091 9643 Ridge Way, Kimberly, AL 35091 Email: jchandler30@bellsouth.net FLORIDA……………………………………………………………………………………..GRADY MOORE 1820 Mallard Dr., Panama City, FL 32404 Cell: (850) 819‐7216 Email: gmoore5311953@yahoo.com GEORGIA…........................................................................................................................HOUSTON SUGGS Home: (770) 382‐9904 / Cell: (770) 606‐4621 P.O. Box 24, Cassville, GA 30123 Email: hsuggsdizzydean@aol.com MISSISSIPPI………………………………………………………………………………...PEGGY RAMSEY Home: (662) 283‐4445 / Cell: (601) 573‐5624 P.O. Box 308, Winona, MS 38967 MISSISSIPPI…………………………………………………………………………………RICHARD ELLIS Home: (662) 226‐2919 / Work: (662) 227‐3450 / Cell: (662) 417‐4685 / Fax: (662) 227‐3449 276 Salem Ch. Rd., Grenada, MS 38902 Email: druw@cableone.net or prkrecgr@bellsouth.net TENNESSEE………………………………………………………………………………….GARY ST.CLAIR Home: (423) 385‐6302 5011A Harley Ln, Chattanooga, TN 37416 Email: gstclair1@gmail.com To contribute to the Dizzy Dean Scholarship Fund Contact: Danny Phillips (662) 429‐7790 Email: dannyphillips637@gmail.com or Houston Suggs (770) 606‐4621 Email: hsuggsdizzydean@aol.org ~ 24 ~
Oh Lord, it is with joy we begin this year of Dizzy Dean Baseball. We always want your blessings and pray for You to give us a desire to make a happy season of games. Help us to be more thankful to You by strengthening our minds, morals and bodies. Oh God, we thank You for the many blessings You have given us. We pray that the Holy Spirit will lead in the guiding and training of young people in the enjoyable game of baseball. Help us to always remember that growing a strong moral character is very important. Oh God, we ask You to be with our young people that they may always keep their bodies in good physical shape, to always be mentally active, to always play the game fair and square to the very best of their ability. Help them to always be good sportsmen so that they may develop mentally, physically and spiritually even as did our dear Lord whose holy name we pray. Amen. Glen Fuller Past National Director, GA (Deceased National Board Member) ~ 25 ~
One Team... One Goal… Saving Lives… www.hospitalwing.com DIZZY DEAN APPROVED
A.D. Starr
These companies have been approved to furnish Dizzy Dean stamped baseballs. It is recommended that one of these balls be used in local league and tournament play. ~ 26 ~
The Following Rule Changes are Effective for the 2015 Season Common: (All Ages)  Clarified that “Sting Stoppers” are not allowed. (See rule 2:07)  Unified “Offensive” time outs to allow a maximum of 2 timeouts per batter, per inning. (See rule 4:06)  Courtesy runner is allowed for the catcher only. (See rule 9:15) Farm League:  Clarified that a batted ball must be on or past the 20’ foul arc to be a fair ball. (See rule 1:06)  Batting Entire Line‐up: Changed the penalty for when a batter cannot bat in their allotted slot to, an out will be called (for the remainder of the game). *No longer a forfeit* (See rule 3:07)  Allow “Free Defensive Substitution” when opting to “Bat All Available Players”. (See rules 3:06 & 3:07)  Clarified that there is to be a maximum of 4 outfielders. (See rule 21:03) For questions or rule clarifications, please contact the State Director for your State. In the event that a State Director is not listed for your State, please go to the Dizzy Dean National Website for the contact listing in your area. www.dizzydeanbbinc.org Thank You for playing Dizzy Dean Baseball! ~ 27 ~
DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. Dizzy Dean Baseball has been organized as a youth baseball program for all youth regardless of sex, religion, race or color, five (5) through nineteen (19) years of age. 
The game is played on a baseball field suitable to the physical development of growing youngsters. 
The main purpose of this program is to expand Dizzy Dean Baseball and to provide a recreational outlet for as many youth as possible with emphasis being on local league play rather than tournament play. However, state tournaments and Dizzy Dean World Series are for leagues wishing to participate. The actual playing of Dizzy Dean Baseball is the same as in professional groups except that monetary fines and similar penalties are omitted and coverage, which fits the amateur game, is provided. 
Appropriate suspensions are allowed. Leagues affiliating themselves with this program must comply with a basic set of rules and regulations as outlined in this booklet. DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ARTICLE 1 Team Structure Section 1. The team shall be the smallest unit of organization and shall be governed by those active in the program who make up the managing personnel. 
Each team may have a manager and three (3) coaches. 
The manager will be the official in charge of the team, and the responsibility for the team will be that of the manager. 
The coaches will assist the manager. A team board of directors is optional. 
The above rule will apply to communities that are only able to field one team, such as where four or more communities come together to form a league. 
Communities that plan to field a complete league composed of at least four teams will begin their organization with Article II that follows (Refer to Section 11:00 for Tournament Play). 
Any deviation from these rules must be made by the State National Executive Board and approved by the National Commissioner of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. ARTICLE II League Structure Section 1. Section 2. Each team within the league must play a regular schedule of games. In order to qualify for tournament play each team, must play a twelve (12) game schedule against Dizzy Dean franchised teams. It is recommended that you play an eighteen (18) game schedule if possible. Each league shall have a president, a vice‐president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a board of directors. All team managers may be a member of the board of directors. The remainder of the board of directors may come from those people interested in the Dizzy Dean Baseball program. The officers of the league will be elected from this board of directors. ~ 28 ~
Section 3. Section 4. Section 5. Small nearby towns unable to field a league within its own territorial limits may form four to eight team leagues. All team presidents and managers will be members of the league board of directors, and the officers of the league will be elected from this board of directors. The state director with the approval of the National State Executive Board has the option of franchising less than a four (4) team league on an annual basis. Your organization will not be considered to be franchised until your application has been received and approved. All organizations must reapply each year for consideration. Each league or groups of leagues are to adopt a set of rules and regulations for the operation of the league or leagues which do not conflict with rules of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. In communities having two or more leagues, it may be advisable to have one set of officers and adopt the same rules and regulations. This, however, is optional and will be determined by the various leagues. The operation of more than one league with the same officers must be agreed upon by the managers of the various leagues. ARTICLE III District Structure Section 1. The districts within the state will be determined by the state director and the National State Executive Board. Section 2. Each district should have a district director, a district president, a vice‐president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a board of directors. Section 3. All league presidents and vice‐presidents will be members of the district board of directors. Section 4. The district director along with the approval of the board of directors will determine the site of the district tournament. The district director will be the director of the district tournament and will work with the local hosts. Section 5. The State Board working under the supervision of the National State Executive Board shall have the power to disqualify, suspend, or remove any manager, coach, player, league, organization, umpire, or any person involved directly or indirectly whose actions, in their opinion, reflects on or discredits this program or who violates any of the rules within their jurisdiction. State Structure Section 1. Each state shall also have a president, a vice‐president, a secretary and a treasurer. Section 2. The president shall preside at the state meeting. The state director will coordinate the site of the state tournament and all franchise leagues shall have the opportunity to bid for all tournaments. The state director assisted by the state president will be director of the state tournament and under the direction of the National State Executive Board. They shall work with the local officials in promoting the tournament. Section 3. The National State Executive Board along with the state director will be in charge of organizing Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. within the state. He will work with all leagues and keep them informed of necessary information that is pertinent to the Dizzy Dean Baseball Program. ~ 29 ~
Section 4. The state directors with the approval of the National State Executive Board shall appoint as many district directors as they deem necessary. The district directors will be under the supervision of the state director and the National State Executive Board and with their approval will have the power to disqualify, suspend, or remove any manager, coach, player, team, umpire, or any person involved directly or indirectly whose actions, in his opinion, reflect on or discredit this program or who violates any of the rules in effect within their jurisdiction. Section 5. The National State Executive Board will determine the boundaries in their state. DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. The purpose of the program is to provide a recreational outlet for as many youth as possible with emphasis being on local league play rather than tournament play. However, district and state tournaments and a Dizzy Dean World Series are held each year for leagues wishing to participate. The official rules of baseball shall be the basic set of rules for this program. However, special Dizzy Dean Baseball rules as set forth in this rulebook, shall govern in the event of conflict. Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. is not responsible for any non‐related activities that are not directly related to the playing of Dizzy Dean Baseball games. Dizzy Dean Baseball is designed to allow as many youth as possible to participate in a fair and equal community baseball program. No youth shall be turned down. Select Teams will not be sanctioned. A team made up of superior players by any means such as recruiting, selecting, etc. will be declared illegal for Dizzy Dean tournaments. Leagues affiliating themselves with this program must mail an Application for Sanction with two (2) additional copies to your state director by April 15th (ages 5‐12) and June 15th (ages 13‐19). a) A Team Certificate of Entry must be sent to the state director for each team in your league. 
The Team Certificate of Entry must match the leagues as submitted on your Application for Sanction. b) A copy of each leagues schedule must be sent to the state director. c) A Tournament Team Roster must be in the office of the state director one (1) week prior to your first (1st) tournament (District or State). 
All players on the Tournament Team Roster must have been listed on a previously submitted Team Certificate of Entry Form. The state director must mail one (1) copy of the Application for Sanction and one (1) copy of the Team Certificate of Entry to the state secretary and the national commissioner. The state director must retain a copy of the Application of Sanction, the Team Certificate of Entry and the Leagues Schedule and make them readily available upon request to the national commissioner or any Dizzy Dean Tournament Director. The state secretary must mail one (1) copy of the Application for Sanction with proper fees to the national treasurer by July 1st of the current year. All rules governing player selection, schedules, sanctioning and tournament teams are covered in our rulebook and must be followed. TOURNAMENTS Section 1. The corporation shall conclude its baseball program each year with a tournament, which shall be known as the Dizzy Dean World Series. In tournament play each league may enter an all‐star team or a league champion. ~ 30 ~
Section 2. The tournament shall be awarded to the organization, which in the discretion of the National Board of Directors, offers the best conditions and facilities. The organization awarded the World Series shall be permitted to field a host team. Section 3. All applications for the tournament shall be submitted to the national commissioner under such terms and conditions as he may require. For information call the commissioner. Section 4. All World Series sites must be inspected by a member of the Dizzy Dean World Series Committee or a representative chosen by them. Section 5. World Series Tournaments will be held for ages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 year olds, Juniors, and Seniors at the conclusion of the regular season. FINANCE Section 1. A franchise fee shall be charged each team affiliating itself with the corporation. Division of fee will be determined from time to time by the National Board of Directors to suit particular needs and circumstances. Section 2. The franchise fee shall be $15.00 per team with $3.00 returned to the state. If a double franchise for Sophomores & Juniors and Junior & Senior Leagues, the franchise fee will be thirty ($30.00 dollars per team) with $6.00 returned to the state. All franchise fees must be submitted to the National Treasurer no later than July 1 of the current year. Section 3. All profits from the Dizzy Dean World Series, after the expenses of the tournament have been paid, will be retained by the host team. THE TY GAULDEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND OF DIZZY DEAN BASEBALL, INC. Section 1. A college scholarship fund shall be established by the National Board of Directors. The scholarship shall be awarded by the National Board of Directors, under such rules and conditions as it may determine, provided however, that only those players who participate in the program of the corporation who are in need of financial help shall be eligible. The deadline to submit an application for scholarship is June 15th of the current year. Applications must be submitted for renewal. When lightning is readily visible in the vicinity of the playing field, ALL PLAY will be suspended until a period of 15 minutes has passed with NO lightning present. The intent of this rule is to ensure the safety of all participants of the game. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WILL BE ALLOWED AT ANY DIZZY DEAN TOURNAMENT To obtain a copy of the *Girls’ Softball Rulebook contact any National Director or Email a request with name and address to: dizzydeanrulebooks@yahoo.com Rules Changes Or Additions Are Noted In RED Type.
~ 31 ~
This spring while kids are making plays on the baseball field, their parents and coaches will probably be making headlines ‐ for violence. These days, youngsters in the batting box aren’t the only ones doing the swinging. Arrests have been made across the country of overzealous sports parents and coaches for assaulting referees, coaches and players. With a new baseball season just getting underway, now is the perfect time to interview sports psychology consultant Jack Llewellyn, Ph.D., for ways to bring the fun and sanity back to youth baseball. Cost $10.00 including shipping. To order: Attention: Danny Phillips 2470 Hwy. 51 S Hernando, MS 38632 (662) 429‐4365 Email: Email: dannyphillips637@gmail.com To order additional patches for your team: Contact: 866‐727‐9811 www.SteelBerry.com
~ 32 ~
~ 33 ~
Compliments Of FLORIDA
National Directors Grady Moore State Director Coordinator Grady Moore State Directors District 1 Pensacola Area Doy Peaden District 2 Tallahassee Area Cindy Mead District 3 Jacksonville Area Billy King District 4 Panama City Area Michelle Zipperlein District 5 St. Petersburg Area State President Dan Martin Vice President Grady Moore Secretary/Treasurer Marjorie Tullis State UIC Tommy Jackson Gold Circle Dent Tullis ~ 34 ~
Bing Berringer Maximum Pitching Innings: Maximum Pitching Innings: Per Per Week Tournament Absolute Maximum Game or Day without Requiring Rest Innings in a Day Required Rest Minor 8 12 3 7 48 HRS. Freshmen 10 14 3 7 48 HRS. Sophomore 12 16 4 10 36 HRS. Jr. & Sr. 14 18 4 10 24 HRS. * Required rest is from the time the pitcher leaves the mound, until the time they are allowed to return to the mound. Any Change in This Year’s Rules Are Denoted by the Actual Wording That’s Changed Being Printed in RED TYPE. All Rule Numbers Are Being Printed In RED TYPE For Easier Identification ONLY. Common Rule Index See Appropriate Age Group Playing Field Equipment Re‐Entry Substitution Managers and Coaches Regulation Game (See Appropriate Age Group) Pitching Rules (See Appropriate Age Group) Forfeiture, Appeals, and Protest Schedule Special Rules Teams All‐Star Tournament Teams Player Eligibility Birth Certificate Player Registration Selection of Players League Registration Team Sponsor Tournaments Section 1:00 Section 2:00 Section 3:00 Section 4:00 Section 5:00 Section 6:00 Section 7:00 Section 8:00 Section 9:00 Section 10:00 Section 11:00 Section 12:00 Section 13:00 Section 14:00 Section 15:00 Section 16:00 Section 17:00 Section 18:00 When a rule is not covered in these sections, refer to Official Baseball Rules published by Major League Baseball, Inc. ~ 35 ~
All coaches and leagues must try to get rule interpretations and problems solved by their state and national officers before contacting the Commissioner’s office. When a rule is not covered in these sections, refer to Official Baseball Rules Published by Major League Baseball, Inc. 1:00 THE PLAYING FIELD 1:01 The playing field shall be regulation size for age group participating (See field layouts and Official Measurements). All other conditions are covered under Official Baseball Rules Published by Major League Baseball, Inc. 1:02 Fence distances are recommended distance; see field layout section for proper age group (See National State Executive Board for approval for tournament play if conditions are less). 2:00 EQUIPMENT 2:01 All players must be in full baseball uniform (cap, numbered shirt, pants & socks). 
Team uniforms shall be the same color. T‐shirts (sleeves) of not more than two colors may be worn with the uniform. 
The Dizzy Dean patch must be attached in a manner not to appear temporary and be located in the same place on all jerseys (either sleeve or breast pocket). 
Coaches must wear a Dizzy Dean patch in all tournaments. 
No other organization’s patches may be worn on a Dizzy Dean tournament team’s uniform. a)
In all district, state, and World Series tournaments, coaches must wear a full baseball uniform that matches and coordinates with their teams uniform as close as possible or wear solid colored shorts (slacks are acceptable however, all coaches must be dressed the same) with a matching or coordinating team shirt or coordinating collared shirt. 
Coaches’ shirts are to be tucked in at all times. b)
Shorts must be cotton, button front with zipper and front pockets, 7” minimum in‐seam with a maximum in‐seam of 9”. In all cases, the shorts cannot extend below the knees. c)
Cargo shorts, Polyester shorts, Gym shorts or other shorts of any kind will NOT be allowed. 
Coaches must wear either tennis shoes or coaches’ shoes. 
NOTE: ALL Coaches must be dressed the same. 
PENALTY: Violators will not be allowed to participate. 
NOTE: All umpires must be in full uniform for tournament play (No shorts allowed). ~ 36 ~
COMMON 2:02 A NOCSAE approved protective helmet with full ear flaps will be worn by all batters, base runners and catchers (coaches are not required to wear a helmet). 
A player refusing to wear a helmet, after being warned to do so by the umpire, will not be allowed to continue as a player in the game and shall be replaced by a substitute. The substitute will assume the ball and strike count if the player was a batter, or will take his position on the base he occupied if he was a base runner. 
It is recommended that all players wear athletic supporters. 
A catcher must wear a chest protector, shin‐guards, protective cup (MALE CATCHERS ONLY), NOCSAE approved helmet, mask and a throat protector. 
Shin guards MUST have knee and metatarsal protection (soccer style shin guards are NOT acceptable). 2:03 A player is not allowed to play any position or to bat without his shirt being tucked into his pants in the proper manner. 2:04 Players not in full uniform shall not be permitted to play in the game. 2:05 All uniforms must be same color for tournament play. 2:06 A number must appear on the back of the uniform shirt to assist the official scorer and spectators in identifying the players in tournament play (Numbers not required on coaches’ shirts). 2:07 The bat shall be an unaltered baseball bat (not softball), with the following age specific requirements: a)
For ages 5‐12, all non‐wood bats “MUST” meet 1.15 BPF (Bat Performance Factor) for the life of the bat and “MUST” possess a “clearly identifiable” manufacture’s certification stamp. This will include 2 1/4, 2 5/8, and 2 3/4 barrel bats. 
BBCOR bats are legal for use in ages 5‐12. b)
For ages 13‐19, all non‐wood bats “MUST” meet BBCOR (Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution) and “MUST” possess a “clearly identifiable” manufacture’s certification stamp. 
A bat shall not weigh numerically more than, three ounces less than the length of the bat. 
The diameter of the bat shall be no larger than 2 5/8 barrel. c)
Bats that are broken, cracked, dented or deface the ball are illegal. d)
There shall be no devices, attachments or wrappings that cause the handle to become flush with the knob. 
Molded grips, Sting Stoppers and Choke up knobs are illegal. ~ 37 ~
COMMON 2:08 Any player found to be using an illegal bat will be ejected from the game (along with the Head Coach) and must sit out the remainder of the current game and the next scheduled game. 
If there is a second instance of using an illegal bat by the same player or under the supervision of the same Head Coach in the same baseball season, in addition to ejection, the matter is to be immediately referred to the National State Executive Board and the National Commissioner. Any further action must be approved by the National Commissioner. 
Any player, coach, parent, individual, group, or company who creates, possesses or uses an altered bat in any Dizzy Dean practice, game or tournament shall be banned from Dizzy Dean Baseball for life. 2:09 Any player warming up the pitcher must wear a mask and a cup while in the down or crouch position. 2:10 A Dizzy Dean approved baseball signed by the commissioner should be used in all levels of play and must be used in all tournament play. 2:11 Metal cleats will not be allowed for participants (coaches, players, and umpires) twelve (12) years and under. 2:12 A leather mitt may be used by the first (1st) baseman and the catcher only. 2:13 Equipment must be kept in the dugout. 2:14 All casts, splints and braces must be padded. Any player equipment judged by the umpire to be unreasonably dangerous is illegal and cannot be worn. 3:00 RE‐ENTRY SUBSTITUTION 3:01 Dizzy Dean Baseball is played under re‐entry substitution in local league and tournament play. a)
Any starting player (except a player pitcher) may be removed from the game by being replaced legally with a substitute, and then returned to the lineup one time; however, he must be inserted in the same position in the batting order that he possessed at the start of the game. The starting player may return to the lineup at any time, on offense or on defense. This includes all games. b)
Once the substitute has been removed from the game he cannot return. He can make only one appearance in the game. 
EXCEPTION: See Common Rules 3:03, and 7:06. c)
Once a player pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not return to the mound in the same game. ~ 38 ~
COMMON 3:02 A batter removed from the game because of too many appearances on the field by the manager in one inning cannot return to the field until the current half inning of play has been completed. 
Should this batter be a substitute player, he cannot return to the game at all, because a substitute can make only one appearance. 
EXCEPTION: See Common Rule 3:03. 3:03 If a manager or coach has used all of his eligible players and a player is injured, ejected, or becomes ill and cannot continue, the OPPOSING MANAGER must select one or more players on the bench who has already been in the game to replace the injured, ejected or ill player(s). 
If there is no one for the OPPOSING MANAGER to select, the game will be forfeited. a) A coach or player that is ejected must sit out the remainder of the current game and the entire next game. That player or coach becomes an illegal participant until he has set out his required games. Do not violate any pitching rules. In the event a team does not have the minimum number of players required the game will be forfeited. 3:04 When play is halted by officials for an injury, and a player is removed from the game, he will be declared an injured player and will not be allowed to return to the game. Only an eligible player may be used as a replacement for the injured player. See Common rule 3:03. 4:00 MANAGER AND COACHES 4:01 A team may have a manager and (3) coaches as listed on your tournament team roster. 4:02 Two adults may coach the bases if they choose to do so. 4:03 With the exception of the base coaches, all players, managers, etc. must remain in the dugout throughout the game. 
EXCEPTION: For Farm League (ages 5 & 6), See Farm League Rule 21:07. 4:04 Only registered adult coaches and manager of the team are permitted on the coaching lines. The adult manager or coaches, whether or not they are on the coaching lines, may moderately dispute any decision or may discuss any point with the umpires to the extent allowed by the rules of professional baseball; however, if he at any time makes any derogatory remarks or undue criticism about or to the opposing players or umpire, he shall immediately be ejected from the current game and must sit out the entire next game. ~ 39 ~
Group A B C D
Senior 60ʹ‐6ʺ 90ʹ 127ʹ‐3ʺ 95ʹ 18ʹ 26ʹ 13ʹ 45ʹ 20ʹ 10ʹ 15ʹ 60ʹ 350ʹ 350ʹ 10ʺ 4ʹ 6ʹ
Junior 60ʹ‐6ʺ 90ʹ 127ʹ‐3ʺ 95ʹ 18ʹ 26ʹ 13ʹ 45ʹ 20ʹ 10ʹ 15ʹ 60ʹ 350ʹ 350ʹ 10ʺ 4ʹ 6ʹ
Sophomore 54ʹ 80ʹ 113ʹ‐02ʺ 80ʹ 15ʹ 24ʹ 12ʹ 40ʹ 12ʹ
6ʹ 12ʹ 40ʹ 250ʹ 300ʹ 8ʺ 4ʹ 6ʹ
Freshmen 50ʹ 70ʹ 6ʹ 9ʹ 30ʹ 200ʹ 250ʹ 6ʺ 4ʹ 6ʹ
Minor 46ʹ 60ʹ 84ʹ‐10ʺ 50ʹ
8ʹ 4ʹ 6ʹ 20ʹ 200ʹ 200ʹ 4ʺ 4ʹ 6ʹ
Farm 46ʹ 60ʹ 84ʹ‐10ʺ 50ʹ 10ʹ 18ʹ
8ʹ 4ʹ 6ʹ 25ʹ 140ʹ 200ʹ 6ʺ 4ʹ 6ʹ
99ʹ 66ʹ 12ʹ 22ʹ 11ʹ 35ʹ 12ʹ
9ʹ 20ʹ 10ʹ 30ʹ
~ 40 ~
9ʹ 30ʹ
COMMON 4:05 The manager is responsible for the conduct of coaches, team and fans. 4:06 Any manager or coach going on to the playing field to talk to the same batter (or a batter going to the dugout or bench to talk to a manager or coach) more than twice (2) in one (1) time at bat will be required to remove the current batter from the game and make the substitution in the lineup. 
He may re‐enter at completion of the inning if he can do so without violating the substitution rule. 
NOTE: The only exception to rule 4:06 is in case of injury or if time is called by the opposing team or the umpire. 5:00 REGULATION GAMES “See Appropriate Age Group Section” 5:01 Teams may play more than two games in one day with the approval of the Dizzy Dean National State Executive Board and/or National Commissioner. 6:00 PITCHING RULES “See Appropriate Age Group Section” 6:01 Pitching changes must be reported to the home plate umpire who will announce the changes to the scorekeeper. 
Failure to do so will result in pitcher of record being charged with all innings pitched until notification or recognition of change has been made. 
Manager/Head Coach must check the pitching record for accuracy and sign immediately after the ball game. See rule 6.02. 6:02 An inning is interpreted to mean the following: 
If a pitcher pitches to one (1) batter and is removed from the pitching mound before he is retired, he is only charged with one‐third (1/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after retiring one (1) batter but after he has pitched to the next batter he is charged with two‐thirds (2/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after he has retired two (2) batters and has pitched one (1) pitch to the next batter, he is charged with one (1) complete inning. 6:03 In all tournament play, pitching rosters must be signed within (10) ten minutes of the completion of play by both managers. If not, they will be signed by the tournament director and become official and cannot be altered. 6:04 When a pitcher is turned in on a line‐up card (or any new pitcher who toes the rubber and throws a warm up pitch to begin a new inning), he is the pitcher of record and shall pitch to the batter then at bat, or any substitute batter, until such batter is put out or reaches first base before he can be replaced or substituted and he will be charged with a minimum of one third (1/3) of an inning (unless the ~ 41 ~
COMMON new pitcher becomes injured or ill, during warm‐ups, and he will not be charged with any innings pitched). Refer to Common Rule 3:04. NOTE: Once an illegal pitcher toes the rubber and throws a warm‐up pitch and the opposing manager protests, the game is forfeited at that point. 6:05 Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not return to the mound in the same game. 7:00 FORFEITURE, APPEALS & PROTEST 7:01 Should a question arise as to the interpretation of the playing rules, only the manager/head coach may appeal. 7:02 A team failing to field at least nine (9) uniformed players (10 players for Farm League) within fifteen minutes after the scheduled game time shall forfeit the game. A forfeit shall count in league standings. Teams dropping out of the league will have the results of their previous games discarded (League play only ‐ See Tournament Section for tournament rules). 7:03 A team that does not complete its schedule will not be allowed to put a player on the all‐star team. 7:04 Playing illegal players or pitchers will result in forfeiture of games in which players or pitchers participate if protested by the opposing manager or coach. Should both teams use illegal players or pitchers both teams will be credited with a loss. 
A youth that is not an approved player on the playing roster is an illegal player. 
If a player belongs to another Dizzy Dean team or league and participates in a game in your league, he is illegal. 
A pitcher who has exceeded his allotted number of innings is illegal and the game will be forfeited if protested. If a manager or coach knowingly plays a player that is illegal after being told to stop by the local league, District Director, State Director or a National Director in that state, and continues playing that illegal player, that team and/or organization shall lose their franchise. You cannot back up into the tournament bracket past the last game played. In tournament play, only the last game played will be affected by forfeiture of the game. 7:05 An ineligible player is one who is legally a member of the team but who is ineligible to play or pitch in a particular game or games because of an infraction of the rules, or because of a previous violation or disciplinary action. It is the duty of the manager to keep a record of his players and pitchers. 7:06 The playing of an ineligible substitute will result in a protest if protested by the manager of the opposing team before the completion of the game. The penalty for ~ 42 ~
7:07 7:08 7:09 7:10 COMMON the playing of an ineligible substitute will result in the replaying of the game from the point of the infraction if the protesting manager’s team loses. Refer to Common Rules 7:10 and 7:11. A protest which involves an umpire’s judgment may not be made (i.e. Ball/Strike, Fair/Foul, Safe/Out). a)
The only legal protest is one in which a violation of playing rules has occurred; or the use of an ineligible player, ineligible substitute, or an illegal player. Refer to Common Rules 7:10 and 7:11. The protesting manager on a play situation must immediately notify the umpire that the game is being played under protest. 
Failure of the umpire to make this announcement shall not affect the validity of the protest. Refer to Common Rules 7:10 and 7:11. A protest based on a play situation shall be considered only if it is placed in writing and submitted to the league president within forty‐eight (48) hours. 
A fee set by local league may apply (In tournament play no protest fee will be required). 
This fee will be returned if the committee rules in favor of the protesting party. 
The president shall appoint a committee of three (3) impartial managers or coaches from another league, if possible, to act as the protest committee. Protest that are made in tournament play must be made to the umpire in chief (on the field) who will in turn refer the protest to the tournament director. 
When a Dizzy Dean State or National Director is not the “on‐site” tournament director, the tournament director and umpire in chief (on the field) will then call the other members of the protest committee. 
The protest committee shall consist of three (3) members as follows: a) Umpire in chief (or alternate umpire on the field if the umpire in chief made the call in question). b) The District Director, the State Director or the National Commissioner or one person appointed by such at their respective tournament. c) A third member associated with Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. but not connected with either team, this member to be appointed by “b” above or his representative. All other provisions of protest in tournament play to remain the same. The World Series protest committee shall consist of the National Director placed in charge of the World Series tournament (tournament director) or person(s) appointed by such or the National Commissioner. ~ 43 ~
COMMON 7:11 Tournament protests may be made only on a misinterpretation of a rule and ineligibility of a player or players. 
A protest based on the misinterpretation of a rule must be made before the next legal pitch. 
All other protests including ineligibility or legality of a player or players must be made before the team or umpires leave the playing field at completion of game. 
Protests must be made to the umpire in chief. 
The protest committee after hearing the protesting manager and the manager of the opposing team shall make a decision and that decision will be final. There will be no appeal. 
In all cases, a National Director or National Commissioner must be notified prior to any announcement on the field. 7:12 Rained out or otherwise postponed regularly scheduled league games must be played within seven (7) days, called by the league president. 
Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of the game by the home team, or they may appeal to the league president who will then set a time and date for play as nearly as possible to suit the convenience of both teams. 7:13 In local play only; a team may file a protest on the grounds of ineligibility of a player or pitcher within forty‐eight (48) hours after the completion of the game. 
NOTE: According to the interpretation of this rule, only the game or games protested will be considered and all protests of this nature must be within forty‐eight (48) hours (For Tournament play see Common rule 7:11). 7:14 Any team manager or their adult leader who withdraws a baseball team from the playing field under any circumstances prior to the official completion of the game, or forfeits a game, shall forfeit all rights to protest as described in this section. 
He shall also forfeit this game by a score of 6 to 0 if 12 and under and 7 to 0 if 13 and up. 
If a team concedes a game before its completion, the score at that time will be the recorded score and stand as is or with a minimum score of 7 ‐ 0 or 6 ‐ 0 depending on age group involved. 
This with the consent of the tournament director. The pitcher will be charged with all innings actually pitched. 7:15 Any player playing for more than one Dizzy Dean franchised organization will be declared illegal. ~ 44 ~
7:16 7:17 8:01 8:02 8:03 8:04 8:05 8:06 8:07 8:08 9:01 9:02 COMMON No tournament game may be forfeited unless by a District, State, or National Director. For appeals in farm and minor league, see rule 7:19 in appropriate age group. 
For freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior, see major league rulebook. 8:00 SCHEDULES A league is required to play a minimum of a twelve (12) game Dizzy Dean schedule against Dizzy Dean franchised teams to qualify an all‐star team for tournament play. Leagues are encouraged to play an eighteen (18) game schedule against Dizzy Dean franchised teams, exclusive of exhibition and practice games when possible. A team may play a double header, but for ages twelve (12) & under each game should be six (6) innings in length. Ages 13 and up should be seven (7) innings (A time limit is acceptable in league play and should be included in league rules). Under no conditions can league officials set up a schedule of games, which would require a team to play more than two (2) games in one day. A continued game of three (3) innings or less does not constitute a game. Exhibition and practice games are permitted but, all pitching rules must be followed. Leagues may play an interlocking schedule. Leagues should play at least two (2) scheduled games a week. Teams that are in different congressional districts may play in the same leagues with another state if necessary. Also, communities that are located on state lines may play in a league with another state if necessary. Players playing in adjoining states must apply for release and be approved by both states on a boundary release form. See State or National Director for clarification. 9:00 SPECIAL RULES No spectator shall be allowed on the playing field during the playing of any game. 
In the event that spectator’s swarm on the playing field during the playing of any game, the umpire in chief will request that the field be cleared by both managers within five (5) minutes under penalty of having the game forfeited. No adult will be allowed on the playing field during the playing of any game without the consent of the umpires; and no persons except the officially registered players of the team, the manager and the coaches will be allowed on the bench or in the dugout during the playing of any contest. ~ 45 ~
COMMON 9:03 At least two (2) umpires shall be furnished for each game. You may use more if they are available. 
All officials for District, State, and World Series play must be at least 19 years old unless approved by the National State Executive Board. 9:04 A baseball player, manager, coach, umpire or game official, will not be allowed to use tobacco products, alcohol or profanity during the ballgame. 
If, in the opinion of the umpires, a player or manager or coach or scorekeeper conducts himself in an unsportsmanlike manner or commits any act which may maim or injure an opposing player, if deemed deliberate, he shall be ejected from the game. 
When a manager, coach, or player is ejected, he must leave the dugout or bench and sit out the remainder of that game and the next scheduled game. 
The tournament director shall have the authority to remove any manager, coach or player for the remainder of the tournament for any flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct. 9:05 No manager, player, substitute, or coach shall at any time, whether from the bench, the coach’s box or on the playing field or elsewhere: a)
Incite or try to incite by word or sign a demonstration by spectators. b)
Use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon opposing players, an umpire or any spectator. c)
Call “time” or employ any word or phrase or commit any act while the ball is alive and in play for the obvious purpose of trying to make the pitcher commit a balk. 9:06 In league play all ground rules must be given on paper to the visiting manager and coach. Only those rules will be honored. You cannot make up ground rules as the game progresses. These ground rules must be filed with the league president before the schedule begins. 9:07 In tournament play all ground rules will be covered between coaches and umpires before each game. 9:08 The home club must have their pitcher warmed up and ready to pitch after eight (8) warm up pitches, or two (2) minutes, immediately after the umpire notifies the teams to play ball. 9:09 Any runner is out when he does not slide or attempt to avoid the fielder who has the ball in the proximity of the base and is waiting to make the tag, or if he maliciously runs into a fielder. 9:10 No artificial noisemakers allowed. 
Penalty: Offender will be removed after one (1) warning. ~ 46 ~
COMMON 9:11 The host team will furnish trophies for all State and World Series Tournaments: a)
A first place individual trophy being a minimum of 8” tall. b)
A second place individual trophy being a minimum of 6” tall. c)
A third place individual trophy or medallion. d)
A sportsmanship trophy must be awarded. 
It is recommended that a first, second and third place team trophy be furnished. 9:12 All members of an all‐star team eight (8) and under will receive a trophy or certificate for State and World Series Tournament. 9:13 The infield fly rule is in effect for ages nine (9) and above. 9:14 Any manager, coach or player that is ejected must sit out the remainder of the current game and the entire next game. 9:15 A courtesy runner is allowed for the catcher only (All Age Groups). 
The courtesy runner shall be any player who is not currently in the game. 
Use of a courtesy runner does not burn the substitute. Warning: Do Not Violate the re‐entry Substitution rule (see 3:01). 
If no substitutes are available, the last batted out is to be used as the courtesy runner. 
If there is no substitute or last batted out, the courtesy runner option cannot be used until the above listed criteria can be met. 10:00 TEAMS 10:01 Teams that are now operating under another organizational name that come into the Dizzy Dean Baseball program shall be allowed to retain their eligible players who were on the team roster the year before. The only change you have to make to convert the team into Dizzy Dean Baseball is to make application for a franchise and be approved by the National State Executive Board or Commissioner of Dizzy Dean Baseball. 10:02 Communities wishing to franchise one league and one all‐star team 5 thru 19 may do so with the approval of the State Director and National State Executive Board. 10:03 Once a player is on a team roster he is not allowed to transfer from team to team, league to league, or district to district without a written release. This must be approved by the State Director and the National State Executive Board. See common rule 15:03. 11:00 ALL‐STAR TOURNAMENT TEAMS 11:01 In order for a player to be eligible for an all‐star team, the player must be a member of a franchised Dizzy Dean team in the same age group as the all‐star team and participate in at least one half of that team’s scheduled games to be eligible for the all‐star team. Violation of this rule will make such all‐star team ~ 47 ~
COMMON ineligible. Managers are requested to double check player eligibility. 
EXCEPTION: A player injured in play after becoming a member of the team that is forced to miss more than half of the games will be eligible for the all‐star team provided it is agreeable with all the managers involved in the selection of the team, with the approval of National State Executive Board. 11:02 Each organization may adopt their procedure for choosing their All‐Star team. It is recommended that each team in the league have at least one player on their All‐
Star team. It is recommended that the winning manager of the league manage the All‐Star team and choose his coaches and the remaining players he desires to fill out his roster. 11:03 Eighteen (18) players (ages 5 and up) are allowed on an All‐Star team. 
Once a player has been named to the all‐star team, he cannot be replaced unless he becomes sick, injured or moves away. 
Replacement players will be allowed between tournaments to fill roster to original number of players using criteria as set forth in the rule book for player selection. 
The National State Executive Board or National Commissioner must approve all replacement players. 11:04 An organization with fewer than eight (8) teams may have one (1) or more all‐star teams with the approval of the National State Executive Board or the National Commissioner. 
Leagues with more than (8) teams must have two (2) or more all‐star teams. 11:05 Leagues of less than four (4) teams that have been approved by the State Director and the National State Executive Board may select an all‐star team. 11:06 A league may enter an all‐star team or league winner in tournament play. 11:07 No player may be selected for more than one (1) Dizzy Dean Tournament team. 11:08 A player or team cannot participate in two (2) tournaments at the same time. 
This means Dizzy Dean and any other organization’s tournament. 11:09 A player cannot participate in another tournament after the Dizzy Dean District, State, or World Series Tournament starts, until his team has completed their eligibility in that tournament (tournament starts the first pitch of game 1 in District, State, or World Series tournaments). 
A player must be available to play on each day of the tournament unless approved by the tournament director (if a National Tournament) or the National State Executive Board (if a District or State Tournament) and may not participate under any circumstance in another organization’s tournament. ~ 48 ~
COMMON 11:10 No team may have a bat boy or bat girl. 11:11 Any player who misses any scheduled league game to play on a pick‐up or tournament team before league play ends will not be eligible for all‐star play. 11:12 Requirements: Teams participating in a Dizzy Dean World Series: a)
Proof of Birth b)
Proof of Insurance c)
A Medical Release Form d)
Team Photo: All names written on back of the photo. Identify each person as they appear on the front from left to right. e)
Scorebooks from the State Tournament. f)
Your Tournament Team Roster (properly signed). g)
Your World Series Entry Form (properly signed). 11:13 Teams who do not field enough players for a tournament game will be ruled as abandoning the tournament and shall no longer be eligible for additional tournaments (i.e., if you drop out of District Tournament play, you will be ineligible for State or World Series play). 
If you drop out of state tournament play, you are not eligible for World Series play. This includes pool play. You must complete every tournament game you enter. See Common Rule 7:14; Refer to Common Rule 7:16. 11:14 Once a player is named to the tournament team/all‐star team he cannot be replaced unless he becomes sick, injured or moves away once a tournament starts. 
A player who simply quits the team cannot be replaced. 
Replacement players will be allowed between tournaments to fill roster to the original number of players using the criteria as set forth in the rules for player selection. 
The National State Executive Board or National Commissioner must approve all replacement players. 11:15 A team that fails to fulfill its obligation to the tournament (i.e. opening ceremonies, pool play, consolation bracket, etc.) will be forfeited out of the tournament and appearance fee will not be refunded. See Common Rule 11:14; Refer to Common Rule 7:16. 11:16 Teams who do not field enough players for a tournament game in pool play will be ruled as abandoning the tournament and all their games will be scored 1 to 0. Refer to Common Rule 7:16. 11:17 All teams including the host must qualify in pool play to advance to the championship bracket. ~ 49 ~
COMMON 11:18 In any pool play, winner will be determined by: 
Best Record 
Head to Head Competition 
Runs Allowed 
Runs Differential (+/‐ up to a maximum of 7 runs per game) 
Runs Scored 
Coin Toss Note: Names on the tournament and World Series roster must be the same as they are on the proof of birth. 12:00 PLAYER ELIGIBILITY 12:01 Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. shall be open to any approved youth whose birthday falls on or before April 30th (July 31st for 18/19) of the current year. a)
A player may play up one age group in local or tournament play. b)
For a player to play up in tournament play he must have played in that particular age group during the regular season. c)
A player cannot play down in tournament play. 
EXAMPLE: An 11 or 12 year old can play with a 13 or 14‐year‐ old team. If an eleven (11) year old plays in a twelve (12) year old league, he may not drop down and play as an eleven (11) year old all‐star. 
This does not count for mixed leagues of 5 and 6 or 7 and 8 or 9 and 10 or 11 and 12 or 13 and 14 or for 15‐16‐17‐18‐19 ages. 12:02 Only approved youth who are amateurs are eligible for Dizzy Dean Baseball competition. 12:03 Amateur is defined here to be in accordance with the rules of the high school athletic association. 
NOTE: District presidents or managers in doubt of violating the amateur status of a player are cautioned to contact their state high school athletic association to ascertain its ruling or policy, which would affect the athlete. 13:00 BIRTH CERTIFICATES 13:01 Dates of birth shall be certified by birth certificate or other legally accepted proof of age to a league official (president) prior to the league’s first regularly scheduled game. 
A legible copy of a birth record will be accepted, provided it is stamped and notarized as a true copy of same, signed by one or both of the parents of the player. 
This requirement will not be necessary if the birth record is a certified copy and was issued by the state, county parish, or United States Government. 
A valid driver’s license is an acceptable proof of age. ~ 50 ~
COMMON 13:02 Players not legally adopted but using a name different from that which appears on the certificate will be eligible provided that a notarized statement of this fact is made before a probate judge or clerk of court and statement attached to the birth certificate with the signature and seal of the probate judge or clerk of court. 13:03 Managers of teams participating in tournament play must have in their possession at all times proof of date of birth as stated above. 
These records are to be inspected by a credentials committee appointed by the tournament director prior to the tournament. 
These records are to be presented at all tournaments. 14:00 PLAYER REGISTRATION 14:01 All leagues participating in tournament play are required to file a roster of players of each team in each league with the president and state director on or before April 15 for players five (5) through twelve (12). 14:02 All leagues participating in tournament play are required to file a roster of players of each team in each league with the president and state director on or before June 15 for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. 14:03 The full name of the player, his date of birth, residence by street, road, etc., shall be included in the registration. 14:04 Unless you are the host team for a Dizzy Dean World Series, you must complete a Dizzy Dean ONLY State Tournament to be eligible for Dizzy Dean World Series play. Refer to Rule 19:21. 14:05 Communities or playgrounds participating in Dizzy Dean Baseball must sanction all teams in each age group that they choose to participate in. 
EXAMPLE: If a community or playground would have enough youths to have five (5) teams of 15‐16 year old players, they must sanction all five (5) teams. Violation of this rule could result in the loss of your franchise. 15:00 SELECTION OF PLAYERS 15:01 The National State Executive Board will determine league boundaries from which to select players. 
Each year (for ages 12 & under), all players selected to a team (with the exception of manager’s child and one (1) assistant) must be drafted, meaning all managers in an organization shall have equal rights and opportunity to select any player in that organization. 
If the organization has multiple leagues (i.e. American, National, Continental, etc.), all managers must draft from the same player pool at the same time and divide into leagues after the selection process. 
~ 51 ~
The system used shall be under the direction of a ʺplayer agentʺ who shall see that all teams have equal opportunity in the selection of the players. 
Much care should be taken in the selection of the player agent. It is suggested that a player agent be appointed by the league president.
15:02 In the rural areas where four (4) or more small communities come together to form a league, the players within a ten (10) mile area belong to that league. All players outside this area are free players and can play with whatever team they choose. 15:03 The National State executive board of each state will determine the guidelines/ eligibility for all player transfers within their state. 
All transfers must be approved by the National State Executive Board of the state which they reside. Refer to Common Rule 7:04 16:00 LEAGUE REGISTRATION 16:01 Leagues affiliating themselves with this program must mail an Application for sanction with two (2) additional copies to your state director by April 15th (ages 5‐
12) and June 15th (ages 13‐19). a)
A Team Certificate of Entry must be sent to the state director for each team in your league. 
The Team Certificate of Entry must match the leagues as submitted on your Application for Sanction. b)
A Team Roster must be in the office of the state director one (1) week prior to your first (1st) tournament (District or State). 
All players on the Tournament Team Roster must have been listed on a previously submitted Team Certificate of Entry in the same age group as the tournament team. 16:02 The state director must mail one (1) copy of the Application for Sanction and one (1) copy of the Team Certificate of Entry to the state secretary and the national commissioner. 
The state director must retain a copy of the Application for Sanction, the Team Certificate of Entry and the League’s Schedule and make them readily available upon request to the national commissioner or any Dizzy Dean Tournament Director (All players must be on the team certificate of entry of the tournament age group). 17:00 TEAM SPONSORS 17:01 Dizzy Dean Baseball teams should be sponsored only by those organizations, firms or companies whose activities or products are not detrimental to the welfare of the youth. Sponsor name can be placed on uniforms (as long as the players’ number or Dizzy Dean Patch is not covered). ~ 52 ~
COMMON 19:00 TOURNAMENTS 19:01 In tournament play a pitcher may not pitch more than his maximum number of tournament innings. 
Once he has, he cannot pitch again until he has had his required rest (He becomes an illegal pitcher once he has exceeded his maximum number of innings). Do not violate any pitching rules. 19:02 Tournament protests are covered in Section 7:00 common rules. 19:03 All‐star teams may have eighteen (18) players, one (1) manager and three (3) coaches on the team. See rule 11:24 for Farm League. 19:04 All teams participating in tournament play, coaches included, will be required to wear the Dizzy Dean Patch attached in a manner not to appear temporary and located in the same place on all jerseys (either shoulder or breast pocket). 
A number must appear on the back of the player’s jersey (Coaches numbers are not required). 
Coaches must wear a Dizzy Dean patch in all tournaments. 
PENALTY: Violators will not be allowed to play. 19:05 Each team entering a draw for a tournament must deposit $250.00. This will be returned after the team has fulfilled their obligation to the tournament. 
Exception: Senior Division World Series (See Senior Division Tournament Rules 19:27). 19:06 Tournament Team Rosters must be filled out by all teams participating in tournament play. 
This roster will include name, date of birth, age, address of the players and the name of player’s regular season team. 19:07 Each team must have two (5x7) team photographs with the player’s names written across the back left to right as they appear in the photograph. A team photograph and a team roster of the state tournament team must be turned in to the state director on the opening day of the state tournament. There will be no changes to the roster after the tournament begins. The manager will keep the other photograph. The state director will make arrangements to have team’s picture taken if they arrive at the state tournament without their photograph. State tournament directors will mail a team photograph and a team roster of all teams in their tournament to the World Series tournament director on the opening day of the state tournament. As soon as a winner is certain in each state, the state director will telephone, collect, the World Series tournament director and notify him of the winner. This will not cause delay in having that team’s picture in the program. This will save much time on the part of the program committee. ~ 53 ~
COMMON 19:08 Teams participating in tournament play must have a proof of birth, as stated under common rule 13:00 Birth Certificates, in their possession. These records are to be inspected by a credentials committee. These records are to be presented at all tournaments at the request of the tournament director. Scorebooks from the state tournament will be sent to the World Series tournament director by the state director. 19:09 Once a team has been certified as being eligible for tournament play, the team as well as individual players can be questioned and they may be disqualified if in violation of any rule governing Dizzy Dean Baseball. 19:10 Teams may play more than two (2) games in one (1) day with the approval of the Dizzy Dean National State Executive Board and/or National Commissioner. 19:11 It is the duty of the manager to keep a record of eligible players and pitchers. 19:12 Beginning with the district tournament, all levels of tournament play must use an approved Dizzy Dean Baseball signed by the commissioner. 19:13 Pitching rules listed in common Section 6:00 and 7:00 will apply in tournament play. 19:14 Tournaments may be single, double elimination or pool play. This is left up to each district and the state tournament director with the approval of the National State Executive Board. The World Series format will be determined by the Dizzy Dean World Series Committee. 
Note: Any team not wishing to participate in the consolation bracket (if offered) must declare at coaches meeting or they risk forfeiture of their no‐show fee, if they leave. 
All tournament formats and gate fees must be approved by the World Series Committee. 
All tournaments are to begin play on Friday or Saturday. 
All tournament games are to start, no later than 10:00 am. 
No tournament games can be scheduled to start after 10:00 pm (EXCEPTIONS: Championship games, Finals, etc.). A time limit is acceptable in pool play only. 
NOTE: No new inning can be started after time limit has expired. Pool Play time limits: o
Farm League 1:15 (One Hour and Fifteen Minutes). o
Minor League 1:45 (One Hour and Forty Five Minutes). o
Freshmen League 1:45 (One Hour and Forty Five Minutes). o
Ages 13 thru 19 2:00 (Two Hours). ~ 54 ~
COMMON 19:15 If a state has only one (1) league, that league will be the state champion. If there are two (2) leagues only, these teams will play a best two out of three series. 19:16 The Tournament Host and All teams participating in tournament play must provide evidence of the following insurance policies: 1) Excess Accident Insurance with a medical limit of at least $50,000. It is not acceptable for each parent to provide individual evidence of health insurance for his or her child. 2)
General Liability Insurance with an “each occurrence” limit of at least $1,000,000 combined single limits for “bodily injury” and “property damage”. Such policy may not provide “claims made” coverage and may not have an exclusion for lawsuits arising out of injuries to athletic participants. 
If a team does not purchase its General Liability insurance through the endorsed Dizzy Dean insurance plan (see rulebook ad), it is required that the team’s General Liability policy be endorsed to name Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. as an “Additional Insured”. 19:17 Official tournament brackets of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. must be used. 19:18 The Tournament Director (with the approval of the National Commissioner) will determine the selection process for team positions in World Series tournament play. 
The host team will have the choice of the game time on opening day only. 
Every effort to avoid 1st round play of teams from same league should be made. 
If it is a National Tournament, same state teams should be avoided. 19:19 All official scorebooks will be collected after each World Series and sent with a picture of the championship team to the secretary or treasurer of Dizzy Dean Baseball. 19:20 The HOST team for the STATE TOURNAMENT may be allowed to participate in the district tournament. 19:21 All teams who qualify in a Dizzy Dean District or State Tournament must advance to the Dizzy Dean World Series. 
If they do not, and attend another organizations tournament, their sanction can be pulled for one year. For questions or rule clarifications, please contact the State Director for your State. In the event that a State Director is not listed for your State, please go to the Dizzy Dean National Website for the contact listing in your area. www.dizzydeanbbinc.org ~ 55 ~
Thank You for playing Dizzy Dean Baseball! ~ 56 ~
Compliments Of GEORGIA
National Directors Frank Seabolt * Willis Waters Houston Suggs * Chris Landry Terry Darby State Directors District 1 ‐ Robert Sexton District 2 ‐ Dwayne Perry District 3 ‐ George Parton District 4 ‐ Pat Castleberry District 5 ‐ Martin Cheatham District 6 ‐ Ritchie Anderson District 7 ‐ George Page State President Chris Landry Vice President Terry Darby Secretary Diane Jones Treasurer Frank Seabolt State Director of Umpires Daun Ruel www.dizzydeanga.org ~ 57 ~
North South 5 YEAR OLD Acworth N/A
6 YEAR OLD Sandy Plains 7 YEAR OLD Eastside Thunder 8 YEAR OLD Kennesaw Blue 9 YEAR OLD Buckhead Braves 10 YEAR OLD Sandy Springs Storm Albany Dizzy Dean
11 YEAR OLD Sandy Springs Storm N/A
12 YEAR OLD Druid Hills Vipers 13 YEAR OLD South Cherokee N/A
14 YEAR OLD Villa Rica N/A
Albany Dizzy Dean
Lee County
Albany Dizzy Dean
Albany Dizzy Dean
www.dizzydeanga.org ~ 58 ~
~ 59 ~
FARM LEAGUE 5‐8 YEARS OLD All coaches and leagues must try to get rule interpretations and problems solved by their state and national officers before contacting the Commissioner’s Office. The Farm League Division of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has been organized as a baseball program for youth whose 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th birthday falls on or before April thirtieth (30th) of the current year. 
Rules set forth in this book shall govern all tournament play. 
It is suggested that individual leagues follow these rules in local league play; however, they may be adapted to fit local league play at the option of each individual league. 
Six (6) year olds and under may play coach pitch or bat off “T”. 
Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) year old farm league will play coach pitch in tournaments. 
Call your state director for clarification of any rule not covered in this book. 
There is NO Infield Fly, NO Walks, and NO Stealing in Farm League. 1:00 PLAYING FIELD These rules are mandatory for tournament play only. 1:03 First (1st) and third (3rd) baselines shall be sixty (60) feet from the point of home plate. 1:04 The distance from the point of home plate to second (2nd) base and from first (1st) base to third (3rd) base shall be (84) feet (10) inches. 1:05 The pitching circle will be ten (10) feet in diameter and the center will be forty‐six (46) feet from the back of home plate. 1:06 There will be a twenty (20) foot chalked arc from the first (1st) base line to the third (3rd) base line in front of home plate. 
The ball must be on or past this line to be fair; if not, it is a foul ball. ~ 60 ~
FARM LEAGUE 1:07 Halfway/safety hash‐mark (30) feet will be drawn on first baseline and third baseline in front of home plate. 
Infielders must stay behind this 30’ hash mark until ball is hit. 
PENALTY: Offensive manager gets choice of result of the play or negate the last pitch thrown. 1:08 The minimum recommended homerun distance shall be 140 feet. Any new field should have an outfield fence of 200 feet. 2:00 EQUIPMENT 2:15 Tennis shoes or baseball shoes with RUBBERIZED cleats may be worn. 
NO METAL OR PLASTIC CLEATS. 2:16 All batters and runners must wear NOCSAE approved batting helmets with a chinstrap. 
Any batter who steps into the batter’s box without his headgear is awarded a strike. 
Any player running the bases who deliberately removes his headgear (includes chin strap), in umpire’s decision, is out. 
EXCEPTION: Home run over the fence or time out. 2:17 A catcher must wear a chest protector, shin‐guards, protective cup (MALE CATCHERS ONLY), NOCSAE approved helmet, mask and a throat protector. 
Shin guards MUST have knee and metatarsal protection (soccer style shin guards are NOT acceptable). See Common Rule 2.02 2:18 Pitcher must wear a facemask. 3:00 RE‐ENTRY SUBSTITUTION 3:05 In league play, if a manager has used all of his eligible players and a player is injured, becomes too sick to continue, or is ejected; the game will not be forfeited. a)
In the case of an injured or sick player, the OPPOSING MANAGER must select as a replacement one of the players on the bench who has already been in the game. b)
In the case of an ejected player, he shall simply be scratched from the lineup and the team will play with a player short. c)
No team shall play with less than eight (8) players in league play. No out shall be charged when that player would have batted. 
NOTE: An injured player who has been replaced cannot return to the game. 3:06 Dizzy Dean Baseball is played under re‐entry substitution in local league and tournament play. a)
In Farm League, any starting player may be removed from the game by being replaced legally with a substitute, and then returned to the lineup one time; however, he must be inserted in the same position in the batting order ~ 61 ~
FARM LEAGUE that he possessed at the start of the game. The starting player may return to the lineup at any time, on offense or on defense. This includes all games. 
In Farm League, a player who plays in the pitchers circle will be considered an infielder. 
EXCEPTION: See bullet under Farm League Rule 3:07. b)
Once the substitute has been removed from the game he cannot return. He can make only one appearance in the game. 
EXCEPTION: If a manager has used all of his eligible players and a player is ejected, injured, or becomes ill and cannot continue, then the OPPOSING MANAGER must select one or more of the players on the bench who have already been in the game to replace the ill or injured player or players. See Common Rules 3:03, and 7:06. 
This only applies to a substitute and not an ejected player. 
If there is no one for the opposing manager to select, then the game will be forfeited. 
An injured player who has been replaced cannot return to the game. 
No team shall play with less than eight (8) players in league play. 3:07 Batting All Available Players is allowed in COACH PITCH AGE GROUPS ONLY. 
Opting to bat All Available Players must be declared before the game starts. 
If this option is used, you must finish with the same number of batters you started with. 
If this option is used and a player cannot bat in their allotted slot, an out will be called every time that player is scheduled to bat (Remainder of the Game). 
Minimum number of players (10) must be maintained at all times. (PENALTY: Forfeit). 
If Batting All Available Players, “Free Defensive Substitution” is allowed. Batting order must be maintained at all times. 4:00 MANAGER AND COACHES 4:06 Any manager or coach going on to the playing field to talk to the same batter (or a batter going to the dugout or bench to talk to a manager or coach) more than twice (2) in one (1) time at bat will be required to remove the current batter from the game and make the substitution in the lineup. 
He may re‐enter at completion of the inning if he can do so without violating the substitution rule. 
EXCEPTION: Injury or if time is called by the opposing team or the umpire. 
PENALTY: If opting to bat All Available Players, an out will be called (current at ~ 62 ~
FARM LEAGUE 4:07 5:01 5:02 5:03 5:04 6:06 6:07 bat) for violations of this rule. Player will resume spot in batting order (future at bats), if eligible to do so. Each team will be allowed four (4) adults in the dugout, one (1) manager and three (3) coaches. 5:00 REGULATION GAMES Teams may play more than two games in one day with the approval of the Dizzy Dean National State Executive Board and/or National Commissioner. A game will be six (6) innings in duration. 
The game will be called after the opposing team has been numerically eliminated by the run rule. There will be a maximum of one defensive time out per inning with each time out being no more than one (1) minute in length. The scorekeeper will keep a log of time‐outs. 
For a violation of this rule, you will remove the player pitcher. 
Player may re‐enter without violating substitution rule at the completion of the inning. 
If no substitutes are available, the game will be forfeited. 
Note to Umpires: Try to keep these violations from occurring. Any game called for bad weather after three (3) complete innings will be considered a complete game. 
If interrupted before three completed innings the game will be rescheduled at the point of interruption. 
Tournament play will be six (6) full innings always. 6:00 PITCHING RULES COACH PITCH An offensive coach will pitch to his own batters. 
The coach may only coach the batter until he reaches first (1st) base or after he leaves third (3rd) base. 
The coach will be replaced after one warning of a violation for the remainder of that game. See Common Rule 4:03 or 4:04. The pitcher may pitch anywhere from in front of the 20 foot foul arc to the pitching circle. 
He may not cross the foul arc or enter the pitching circle. 
He must keep one foot on or astraddle the pitching‐line. 
The coach may pitch over‐handed or underhand to the 6 & 7 year olds. 
He must pitch overhand to the 8 year olds. 
PENALTY: For not standing on or astraddle the pitching‐line, the defensive team gets the choice of the play or negate the last pitch thrown. ~ 63 ~
~ 64 ~
~ 65 ~
FARM LEAGUE 6:08 Any batted ball that hits the pitching coach will be a dead ball and a no pitch. 
If the pitching coach intentionally (in the umpires’ judgment) allows the ball to hit him, the batter will be out. 
No runner may advance. 6:09 The offensive coach (pitcher) must attempt to leave the field and try to pick up the batter’s bat. 
The offensive coach (pitcher) that does not attempt to get off the field and/or interferes with the defensive player to keep him from making a play will cause the batter to be out. 
No runners advance. 7:00 FORFEITURES, APPEALS AND PROTESTS 7:18 The umpire may call time‐out for injury or protest. These time‐outs will not be charged to a team. 7:19 An appeal play will be handled in this manner. 
The manager will make his appeal to the plate umpire who will consult the base umpire. 
The manager must identify the correct player by name or number and also the correct base involved in the play, no second chance if he names the wrong player or base. 
If he is correct, the base runner is out. 
Appeal must be made before the next pitch is thrown. 9:00 SPECIAL RULES 9:06 In league play all ground rules must be given on paper to the visiting manager and coach. 
Only those rules will be honored. 
You cannot make up ground rules as the game progresses. 
These ground rules must be filed with the league president before the schedule begins. 9:07 In tournament play all ground rules will be covered between coaches and umpires before each game. 9:16 If a player is injured by being hit with a batted ball in the face, throat or head, time will be called immediately and all players will be awarded: a)
One (1) base if player injured was an infielder. b)
Two (2) bases if player injured was an outfielder. 
The awards are from the time of the pitch. 
Any other injury deemed serious enough in judgment of the umpire will be handled in the same manner. 
FARM LEAGUE 9:17 If a batter squares to bunt and then swings, he will be called out (umpires decision). 10:00 TEAMS 10:04 All ages 5 thru 8 will be allowed eighteen (18) players whose names shall be registered with the league president by April 15th on league roster forms. 10:05 Managers may not sign new players after April 15th for ages 5 thru 8. 
A violation of this rule will make the player ineligible for tournament selections and reason for protest in local or tournament play. 11:00 ALL‐STAR TOURNAMENT TEAMS 11:19 In all World Series and tournament play, in order for a game to be a complete game, it must be a full six (6) inning contest, regardless of the delay; and no other tournament game can be started until the completion of the interrupted game. 
All games shall be six (6) innings in duration unless the losing manager wishes to concede without penalty. 
EXCEPTION: A game will be called when the opposing team has been numerically eliminated. 
This rule to apply in all local league play and all tournament play. 11:20 Teams may play more than two games in one day with the approval of the Dizzy Dean National State Executive Board and/or National Commissioner. 11:21 District, State and World Series tournaments will be held each year. 
Each tournament will have three (3) separate age groups, (6U, 7U, and 8U). 11:22 Players may participate up in an older age group but will not be allowed to participate in a lower age group. 
EXAMPLE: If a 7 year old plays in an 8 year‐old league he may not drop down and play as a 7 year old all‐star. 
This does not count for a mixed league of 7 and 8 year olds combined. 11:23 A player must be a member of a franchised Dizzy Dean program and participate in half (1/2) of his teams scheduled games to be eligible for the all‐ star team. 11:24 All‐star teams may have eighteen (18) players, (1) manager and three (3) coaches on the team. 
A team must field ten (10) players in tournament play at all times. 
PENALTY: FORFEIT. 20:00 OFFENSE 20:01 After one warning per game, per player for slinging his bat, the batter will be out, a dead ball called, and no runners advance. 20:02 In tournament play an offensive batter will receive five (5) pitches before being declared out. 
He will be called out on three (3) swinging strikes. 
If fifth (5th) pitch is fouled, he may continue to bat. ~ 67 ~
If fifth (5th) pitch is fouled and caught it is an out. 
If the fifth (5th) pitch or 3rd strike is a bunted foul the batter is out. 20:03 Any base runner leaving the base before the ball reaches home plate is out (umpire’s decision). 
The ball is dead and all other runners return to base occupied prior to pitch. 
The pitch will not count. 20:04 If a runner misses a base; it will be an appeal play to the umpire (See appeals and protests). 20:05 It is not an out for ages 5 & 6, if a batter has one foot entirely out of the batter’s box when contact with the ball is made. Delay dead ball, defense gets choice of the play or negate the last pitch thrown. 20:06 There will be a maximum of seven (7) runs per inning, per team. 21:00 DEFENSE 21:01 No rolling the ball intentionally will be allowed. 
No outs will be allowed by rolling the ball. 
Runners will automatically be safe if the defensive team rolls the ball (Umpire’s decision). 21:02 The infield fly rule will not be in effect. 21:03 Only ten (10) players on the field (Maximum of four (4) outfielders). 21:04 The defensive player listed as pitcher will stay in the 10 foot circle until ball is hit. 
The player may have one foot outside of the circle. 
PENALTY: Offense gets choice of the play or negate the last pitch thrown. 21:05 Play shall not be stopped by the defensive team heading off or stopping the front‐
runner. 
Any other runner may continue at his own risk. 
Any play made on a runner other than the front‐runner will release the front‐runner. 
Other runners may continue. 21:06 In league play if a team has less than ten (10) players, the manager may decide which position(s) to leave vacant on defense. EXCEPTION: Pitcher and catcher. 21:07 Five (5) and six (6) year old teams may have two (2) coaches on defense. 
The coaches must remain behind the outfielders, in foul territory, until the play is over. 
PENALTY: Delay dead ball option to the offense when play is complete. 21:08 The defensive catcher must be in a direct line, no more than 10 feet behind home plate, to make a play on a batted ball. 
PENALTY: Offensive team gets a choice of the play or negate the last pitch thrown. ~ 68 ~
To order additional patches for your team: Contact: 866‐727‐9811 www.SteelBerry.com
~ 69 ~
~ 70 ~
~ 71 ~
Compliments Of MISSISSIPPI
National Directors Billy J. Powell * Danny E. Phillips Peggy Ramsey * Richard Ellis Brent Frey State Director Coordinator Richard Ellis State Directors Farm & Minor Leagues Billy J. Powell Freshmen Ron Mitchell Sophomores Peggy Ramsey Mickey Russell Juniors & Seniors State President Tommy Bledsoe HOME OF DIZZY DEAN www.msdizzydean.org ~ 72 ~
6 YEAR OLD Grenada Youth 7 YEAR OLD J. P. Hudson 8 YEAR OLD Calhoun County 9 YEAR OLD Caledonia None
10 YEAR OLD Southaven Starkville
11 YEAR OLD J. P. Hudson Louisville
12 YEAR OLD Grenada Youth Mantachie
13 YEAR OLD None None
14 YEAR OLD Southaven None
16 YEAR OLD Pontotoc None
www.msdizzydean.org ~ 73 ~
Columbus National
MINOR LEAGUE RULES AGES 9‐10 All coaches and leagues must try to get rule interpretations and problems solved by their state and national officers before contacting the Commissioner’s office. The Minor League division of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has been organized as a baseball program for youth whose 9th or 10th birthday falls on or before April thirtieth (30th) of the current year. 
Rules set forth in this book shall govern all tournament play. 
It is suggested that individual leagues follow these rules in local league play; however, they may be adapted to fit local league play at the option of each individual league. 1:03 1:04 1:09 1:10 1:11 1:12 2:17 2:19 4:08 1:00 THE PLAYING FIELD These rules are mandatory for tournament play only. First (1st) and third (3rd) baselines shall be sixty (60) feet from the point of home plate. The distance from the point of home plate to second (2nd) base and from first (1st) base to third (3rd) base shall be (84) feet (10) inches. The pitching distance from the point of home plate to the front of the rubber shall be forty‐six (46) feet. The minimum recommended home‐run distance shall be 200 feet. The height of the pitching mound above the level of home plate shall be raised by gradual slope to a height of 6 inches. The strike zone shall comply with major league rules. 2:00 EQUIPMENT A catcher must wear a chest protector, shin‐guards, protective cup (MALE CATCHERS ONLY), NOCSAE approved helmet, mask and a throat protector. 
Shin guards MUST have knee and metatarsal protection (soccer style shin guards are NOT acceptable). See Common Rule 2.02 Metal cleats will not be allowed for participants (coaches, players, and umpires) twelve (12) years and under. 4:00 MANAGER & COACHES Any manager who calls time and goes on to the playing field more than twice (2) in one (1) inning per pitcher (not game) to talk to a player or players, will be required to remove the current pitcher. 
He may not return to the mound in the same game. ~ 74 ~
MINOR LEAGUE 5:00 REGULATION GAMES 5:05 In league play, it is a regulation game if it is called by the umpire due to darkness, rain or other cause which in the umpire’s judgment interfered with further play, provided that: a)
four (4) or more innings have been played, or three and one half (3 1/2) innings shall constitute a legal game if the home team is ahead at the end of the half (1/2) inning, or before the end of the fourth (4th) inning if the home team is ahead. 
In the event of a partial inning beyond 4 innings, if the visiting team has not completed batting or the visiting team is ahead, you would revert back to the last completed inning. 
If one‐half inning is completed and home team is ahead the game is ended at that point with home team winning. 
In the event that a game is halted before completion for any cause, it must be resumed from the point of termination when the game is rescheduled by league officials, with as nearly the same lineup as possible. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least fifteen (15) runs at the end of the third (3rd) inning or ten (10) runs at the end of the fourth (4th) inning the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner. This rule to apply in all local league play. 
WARNING: DO NOT VIOLATE ANY PITCHING RULES. 5:06 Games shall be six (6) innings in duration. In case of a tie at the end of the 6th inning of play the game shall go into extra innings until a winner is established or the game is called by the umpire. 6:00 PITCHING RULES‐MINORS 6:02 An inning is interpreted to mean the following: 
If a pitcher pitches to one (1) batter and is removed from the pitching mound before he is retired, he is only charged with one‐third (1/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after retiring one (1) batter but after he has pitched to the next batter he is charged with two‐thirds (2/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after he has retired two (2) batters and has pitched one (1) pitch to the next batter, he is charged with one (1) complete inning. ~ 75 ~
MINOR LEAGUE 6:04 When a pitcher is turned in on a line‐up card (or any new pitcher who toes the rubber and throws a warm up pitch to begin a new inning), he is the pitcher of record and shall pitch to the batter then at bat, or any substitute batter, until such batter is put out or reaches first base before he can be replaced or substituted and he will be charged with a minimum of one third (1/3) of an inning (unless the new pitcher becomes injured or ill, during warm‐ups, and he will not be charged with any innings pitched). Refer to Common Rule 3:04. 
NOTE: Once an illegal pitcher toes the rubber and throws a warm‐up pitch and the opposing manager protests, the game is forfeited at that point. 6:05 Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not return to the mound in the same game. 6:09 A pitcher can pitch in consecutive games in the same day if he does not violate any of the following rules. 6:10 If a pitcher pitches beyond his allotted innings per game, per day, per week or per tournament because of a double or triple play, the game is not forfeited (He was legal when the pitch was made). 
The pitcher will be removed after the outs are made and will not be eligible to return to the mound until his minimum required rest has been completed. 6:11 Pitching week starts at 12:00am on Monday and ends at 11:59pm on Sunday. 6:12 A pitcher is allowed 8 innings each week, during regular season (including regular season tournaments). 6:13 A pitcher may pitch 12 innings in an all‐star tournament. 6:20 If any pitcher pitches three (3) full innings and then throws to another batter in the SAME DAY OR GAME, he will not be eligible to pitch until he has had 48 hours rest, beginning with the time he leaves the pitching mound as a pitcher. 6:21 If a pitcher pitches no more than three (3) full innings in any DAY, he may be used on as many consecutive days as desired provided he does not exceed the 8 inning rule (12 in tournament play). 6:22 A pitcher is limited to seven (7) innings in a GAME OR DAY. No pitcher may pitch over seven (7) innings in a day. a)
If a pitcher pitches one (1) pitch over three (3) innings, he will be required to rest for forty‐eight (48) hours. 
If there is a second game in the same day, he will be ineligible to pitch if he has pitched over three (3) innings in his first game. ~ 76 ~
6:23 7:18 7:19 9:06 9:07 9:17 9:18 9:19 MINOR LEAGUE b)
If the game has been delayed until the next day and he has pitched more than three (3) innings, he will be required to rest forty‐eight (48) hours before returning to the mound, beginning at the time he left the mound. 
Once a pitcher has pitched one pitch over three (3) innings and leaves the mound, he cannot pitch again until he has had forty (48) hours rest. 
All pitching applies to that game regardless of the delay. 
WARNING: DO NOT VIOLATE ANY PITCHING RULES. If a pitcher, after coming in contact with the pitching rubber, with runner(s) on base, feints a throw to home plate, a balk will be called, with no one on base a ball will be called. 
NOTE: This is the only instance where a balk can be called in minor league division. 7:00 FORFEITURES, APPEALS AND PROTESTS The umpire may call time‐out for injury or protest. These time‐outs will not be charged to a team. An appeal play will be handled in this manner. 
The manager will make his appeal to the plate umpire who will consult the base umpire. 
The manager must identify the correct player by name or number and also the correct base involved in the play, no second chance if he names the wrong player or base. 
If he is correct, the base runner is out. 
Appeal must be made before the next pitch is thrown. 9:00 SPECIAL RULES In league play all ground rules must be given on paper to the visiting manager and coach. Only those rules will be honored. You cannot make up ground rules as the game progresses. These ground rules must be filed with the league president before the schedule begins. In tournament play all ground rules will be covered between coaches and umpires before each game. If a batter squares to bunt and then swings, he will be called out (umpires decision). Three (3) strikes is an out even if the ball is dropped. Any base runner leaving the base before the ball reaches home plate is out (umpire’s decision). 
The ball is dead and all other runners return to base occupied prior to pitch. 
The pitch will not count. 
If a runner misses a base it will be an appeal play to the umpire (See appeals and protests). ~ 77 ~
MINOR LEAGUE 9:20 Once the pitcher has possession of the ball and is in contact with the pitching rubber, any base runner who does not immediately advance to the next base or return to the previously occupied base is out (umpires decision). 
The ball is dead and no other runners may advance until the next pitched ball has crossed home plate. 
EXCEPTION: The runner is not out if a play is made on the runner (i.e., making a move toward the runner or faking a throw). 9:21 After one warning per game, per player for slinging his bat, the batter will be out, a dead ball called, and no runners advance. 10:00 TEAMS 10:06 All teams 9 and 10 will be allowed eighteen (18) players whose names shall be registered with the league president by April 15th. 10:07 Managers may not sign new players after April 15th for ages 9 and 10. 
A violation of this rule will make the player ineligible for tournament selections and reason for protest in local or tournament play. 19:00 TOURNAMENTS 19:22 (Minors) In all World Series and tournament play, in order for a game to become a complete game, it must be a full six (6) inning contest, regardless of the delay; and no other tournament game can be started until the completion of the interrupted game. 
All games shall be six (6) innings duration, unless the losing manager wishes to concede without penalty. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least fifteen (15) runs at the end of the third (3rd) inning, or ten (10) runs at the end of the fourth (4th) inning, or any inning thereafter, the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner in all tournament play. Refer to tournament rules, Common section 19:00. For questions or rule clarifications, please contact the State Director for your State. In the event that a State Director is not listed for your State, please go to the Dizzy Dean National Website for the contact listing in your area. www.dizzydeanbbinc.org Thank You for playing Dizzy Dean Baseball! ~ 78 ~
Compliments Of TENNESSEE
National Directors Ronnie Berry * Bobby Dunn Gary St. Clair State Director Coordinator Rusty Romito State Directors Christy Alexander * Roy Hindman Lee Bradford * Jerry Harris Nathan Collyer * Glen Almond State President Rusty Romito Vice President Roger Stevens Secretary Roger Stevens Treasurer Sylvia Berry Umpire Coordinators Randy Ellis * Al Slater www.tndizzydeanbaseball.com ~ 79 ~
EAST WEST Middle Valley MVP N/A Hixson Blacksox N/A Harrison Titans N/A Hixson N/A East Brainerd Bolivar East Brainerd N/A Bradley County Germantown Red Bank Tornados N/A Chattanooga Christian N/A N/A N/A 6 Year Old 7 Year Old 8 Year Old 9 Year Old 10 Year Old 11 Year Old 12 Year Old 14 Year Old Junior Senior www.tndizzydeanbaseball.com ~ 80 ~
~ 81 ~
FRESHMEN LEAGUE RULES AGES 11‐12 All coaches and leagues must try to get rule interpretations and problems solved by their state and national officers before contacting the commissioner’s office. The Freshmen League Division of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has been organized as a baseball program for youth whose 11th or 12th birthday falls on or before April thirtieth (30th) of the current year. 
Rules set forth in this book shall govern all tournament play. 
It is suggested that individual leagues follow these rules in local league play; however, they may be adapted to fit local league play at the option of each individual league. 1:00 THE PLAYING FIELD 1:12 The strike zone shall comply with major league rules. 1:13 First (1st) and third (3rd) baselines shall be seventy (70) feet from the point of home plate. 1:14 The distance from the point of home plate to second (2nd) base and from first (1st) base to third (3rd) base shall be ninety‐nine (99) feet. 1:15 The pitching distance from the point of home plate to the front of the rubber shall be fifty (50) feet. 1:16 The minimum recommended home‐run distance shall be 200 feet. The maximum shall be 250 feet. 1:17 The height of the pitching mound above the level of home plate shall be raised by gradual slope to a height of six (6) inches. 2:00 EQUIPMENT 2:17 A catcher must wear a chest protector, shin‐guards, protective cup (MALE CATCHERS ONLY), NOCSAE approved helmet, mask and a throat protector. 
Shin guards MUST have knee and metatarsal protection (soccer style shin guards are NOT acceptable). See Common Rule 2.02 2:19 Metal cleats will not be allowed for participants (coaches, players, and umpires) twelve (12) years and under. 4:00 MANAGER & COACHES 4:09 Any manager who calls time and goes onto the playing field more than once (1) in one (1) inning per pitcher (not game) to talk to a player or players, will be required to remove the current pitcher. 
He may not return to the mound in the same game. ~ 82 ~
FRESHMEN LEAGUE 5:00 REGULATION GAMES 5:05 In league play, it is a regulation game if it is called by the umpire due to darkness, rain or other cause which in the umpire’s judgment interfered with further play, provided that: a)
four (4) or more innings have been played, or three and one half (3 1/2) innings shall constitute a legal game if the home team is ahead at the end of the half (1/2) inning, or before the end of the fourth (4th) inning if the home team is ahead. In the event of a partial inning beyond 4 innings, if the visiting team has not completed batting or the visiting team is ahead, you would revert back to the last completed inning. If one‐half inning is completed and home team is ahead, the game is ended at that point with home team winning. 
In the event that a game is halted before completion for any cause, it must be resumed from the point of termination when the game is rescheduled by league officials with as nearly the same lineup as possible. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least fifteen (15) runs at the end of the third (3rd) inning or ten (10) runs at the end of the fourth (4th) inning the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner. This rule to apply in all local league play. 
WARNING: DO NOT VIOLATE ANY PITCHING RULES 5:06 Games shall be six (6) innings of duration. 
In case of a tie at the end of the 6th inning of play the game shall go into extra innings until a winner is established or the game is called by the umpire. 6:00 PITCHING RULES 6:02 An inning is interpreted to mean the following: 
If a pitcher pitches to one (1) batter and is removed from the pitching mound before he is retired, he is only charged with one‐third (1/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after retiring one (1) batter but after he has pitched to the next batter he is charged with two‐thirds (2/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after he has retired two (2) batters and has pitched one (1) pitch to the next batter, he is charged with one (1) complete inning. ~ 83 ~
FRESHMEN LEAGUE 6:04 When a pitcher is turned in on a line‐up card (or any new pitcher who toes the rubber and throws a warm up pitch to begin a new inning), he is the pitcher of record and shall pitch to the batter then at bat, or any substitute batter, until such batter is put out or reaches first base before he can be replaced or substituted and he will be charged with a minimum of one third (1/3) of an inning (unless the new pitcher becomes injured or ill, during warm‐ups, and he will not be charged with any innings pitched). Refer to Common Rule 3:04. 
NOTE: Once an illegal pitcher toes the rubber and throws a warm‐up pitch and the opposing manager protests, the game is forfeited at that point. 6:05 Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not return to the mound in the same game. 6:09 A pitcher can pitch in consecutive games in the same day if, he does not violate any of the following rules. 6:10 If a pitcher pitches beyond his allotted innings per game, per day, per week or per tournament because of a double or triple play, the game is not forfeited (He was legal when the pitch was made). 
The pitcher will be removed after the outs are made and will not be eligible to return to the mound until his minimum required rest has been completed. 6:11 Pitching week starts at 12:00am on Monday and ends at 11:59pm on Sunday. 6:14 A pitcher is allowed 10 innings each week, during regular season (including regular season tournaments). 6:15 A pitcher may pitch 14 innings in an all‐star tournament. 6:20 If any pitcher pitches three (3) full innings and then throws to another batter in the SAME DAY OR GAME, he will not be eligible to pitch until he has had forty‐
eight (48) hours rest beginning with the time he leaves the pitching mound as a pitcher. ~ 84 ~
FRESHMEN LEAGUE 6:21 If a pitcher pitches no more than three (3) full innings in any DAY, he may be used on as many consecutive days as desired provided he does not exceed the ten (10) innings rule or fourteen (14) innings in tournament play. 6:22 A pitcher is limited to seven (7) innings in a GAME OR DAY. No pitcher may pitch over seven (7) innings in a day. a)
If a pitcher pitches one (1) pitch over three (3) innings, he will be required to rest for forty‐eight (48) hours. 
If there is a second game in the same day, he will be ineligible to pitch if he has pitched over three (3) innings in his first game. b)
If the game has been delayed until the next day and he has pitched more than three (3) innings, he will be required to rest forty‐eight (48) hours before returning to the mound, beginning at the time he left the mound. 
Once a pitcher has pitched one pitch over three (3) innings and leaves the mound, he cannot pitch again until he has had forty (48) hours rest. 
All pitching applies to that game regardless of the delay. 9:00 SPECIAL RULES None 10:00 TEAMS 10:08 All teams 11 and 12 will be allowed eighteen (18) players whose names shall be registered with the league president by April 15th. 10:09 Managers may not sign new players after April 15th for ages 11 and 12. 
A violation of this rule will make the player ineligible for tournament selections and reason for protest in local or tournament play. 19:00 TOURNAMENTS 19:23 (Freshmen) In all World Series and tournament play in order for a game to become a complete game, it must be a full six (6) inning contest regardless of the delay; and no other tournament game can be started until the completion of the interrupted game. 
All games shall be six (6) innings duration, unless the losing manager wishes to concede without penalty. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least fifteen (15) runs at the end of the third (3rd) inning or ten (10) runs at the end of the fourth inning or any inning thereafter, the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner in all tournament play. Refer to tournament rules, Common section 19:00. ~ 85 ~
6 YEAR OLD Forest Hills Forest Hills North West Levy Park North West Myers Park Pinellas Park Meridian Park N/A 16 YEAR OLD Seminole 19 YEAR OLD N/A 7 YEAR OLD 8 YEAR OLD 9 YEAR OLD 10 YEAR OLD 11 YEAR OLD 12 YEAR OLD 13 YEAR OLD 14 YEAR OLD ~ 86 ~
SOPHOMORE LEAGUE RULES AGES 13‐14 All coaches and leagues must try to get rule interpretations and problems solved by their state and national officers before contacting the Commissioner’s office. The Sophomore League Division of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has been organized as a baseball program for youth whose 13th or 14th birthday falls before April 30th of the current year. Rules set forth in this book shall govern all tournament play. It is suggested that individual leagues follow these rules in local league play; however, they may be adapted to fit local league play at the option of each individual league. In league play, you may double sanction 13‐14 Sophomore Division and 15‐16 Junior Division. You can then play 13‐16 year olds or any combination (Example: 13‐16 year olds). You can then have a tournament team in each individual age group. (Example: 13 & under, 14 & under, 16 & under). This also applies to 15‐16 Juniors and 17‐
19 Seniors. Under no circumstance can 13‐14 Sophomore play with 17‐19 Senior. 
State Option: A field may have the following modifications: 90’ bases, 60’‐6” mound distance. 
Note: World Series will be played on 54/80 field dimensions (see chart pg. 37) 1:00 THE PLAYING FIELD 1:12 The strike zone shall comply with major league rules. 1:18 First (1st) and third (3rd) baselines shall be 80 feet from the point of home plate. 1:19 The distance from the point of home plate to second (2nd) base and from first (1st) base to third (3rd) base shall be 113’‐2”. 1:20 The pitching distance from the point of home plate to the front of the rubber shall be fifty‐four (54) feet. 1:21 The minimum recommended home‐run distance shall be 250 feet. Any new field should have an outfield fence of 300 feet minimum. 1:22 The height of the pitching mound above the level of home plate shall be raised by gradual slope to a height of ten (10) inches. 2:00 EQUIPMENT 2:17 A catcher must wear a chest protector, shin‐guards, protective cup (MALE CATCHERS ONLY), NOCSAE approved helmet, mask and a throat protector. 
Shin guards MUST have knee and metatarsal protection (soccer style shin guards are NOT acceptable). See Common Rule 2.02 2:20 Metal cleats will be allowed for participants (coaches and players) thirteen (13) years and up. 2:21 Each bat shall be: a)
In diameter...at thickest part 2 5/8 inches or less. b)
In length...36 inches or less. c)
In weight....A bat shall not weigh numerically more than, three ounces less than the length of the bat. ~ 87 ~
SOPHOMORE LEAGUE 4:09 5:05 5:07 6:02 4:00 MANAGER & COACHES Any manager who calls time and goes onto the playing field more than once (1) in one (1) inning per pitcher (not game) to talk to a player or players, will be required to remove the current pitcher. 
He may not return to the mound in the same game. 5:00 REGULATION GAMES In league play, it is a regulation game if it is called by the umpire due to darkness, rain or other cause which in the umpire’s judgment interfered with further play, provided that: a)
four (4) or more innings have been played, or b)
three and one half (3 1/2) innings shall constitute a legal game if the home team is ahead at the end of the half (1/2) inning, or before the end of the fourth (4th) inning if the home team is ahead (in the event of a partial inning beyond 4 innings, if the visiting team has not completed batting or the visiting team is ahead you would revert back to the last completed inning, if one‐half inning is completed and home team is ahead the game is ended at that point with home team winning). 
In the event that a game is halted before completion for any cause it must be resumed from the point of termination when the game is rescheduled by league officials with the same lineup as possible. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least fifteen (15) runs at the end of the fourth (4th) inning or ten (10) runs at the end of the fifth (5th) inning the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner. This rule to apply in all local league play. 
WARNING: DO NOT VIOLATE ANY PITCHING RULES. Games shall be seven (7) innings of duration. 
In the case of a tie at the end of seven (7) innings of play the game shall go into extra innings until a winner is established, or the game is called by the umpire. 6:00 PITCHING RULES An inning is interpreted to mean the following: 
If a pitcher pitches to one (1) batter and is removed from the pitching mound before he is retired, he is only charged with one‐third (1/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after retiring one (1) batter but after he has pitched to the next batter he is charged with two‐thirds (2/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after he has retired two (2) batters and has pitched one (1) pitch to the next batter, he is charged with one (1) complete inning. ~ 88 ~
6:04 6:05 6:09 6:10 6:11 6:16 6:17 6:24 6:25 6:26 SOPHOMORE LEAGUE When a pitcher is turned in on a line‐up card (or any new pitcher who toes the rubber and throws a warm up pitch to begin a new inning), he is the pitcher of record and shall pitch to the batter then at bat, or any substitute batter, until such batter is put out or reaches first base before he can be replaced or substituted and he will be charged with a minimum of one third (1/3) of an inning (unless the new pitcher becomes injured or ill, during warm‐ups, and he will not be charged with any innings pitched). Refer to Common Rule 3:04. NOTE: Once an illegal pitcher toes the rubber and throws a warm‐up pitch and the opposing manager protests, the game is forfeited at that point. Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not return to the mound in the same game. A pitcher can pitch in consecutive games in the same day if he does not violate any of the following rules. If a pitcher pitches beyond his allotted innings per game, per day, per week or per tournament because of a double or triple play, the game is not forfeited (He was legal when the pitch was made). 
The pitcher will be removed after the outs are made and will not be eligible to return to the mound until his minimum required rest has been completed. Pitching week starts at 12:00am on Monday and ends at 11:59pm on Sunday. A pitcher is allowed 12 innings each week, during regular season (including regular season tournaments). A pitcher may pitch 16 innings in an all‐star tournament. If any pitcher pitches four (4) full innings and then throws to another batter in the SAME DAY OR GAME, he will not be eligible to pitch until he has had 36 hours rest, beginning with the time he leaves the pitching mound as a pitcher. If a pitcher pitches no more than four (4) full innings in any DAY, he may be used on as many consecutive days as desired provided he does not exceed the 12 inning rule (16 in tournament play). A pitcher is limited to ten (10) innings in a GAME OR DAY. No pitcher may pitch over ten (10) innings in a day. a)
If a pitcher pitches one (1) pitch over four (4) innings, he will be required to rest for thirty‐six (36) hours. 
If there is a second game in the same day, he will be ineligible to pitch if he has pitched over four (4) innings in his first game. b)
If the game has been delayed until the next day and he has pitched more than four (4) innings, he will be required to rest thirty‐six (36) hours before ~ 89 ~
SOPHOMORE LEAGUE returning to the mound, beginning at the time he left the mound. 
NOTE: Once a pitcher has pitched one pitch over four (4) innings and leaves the mound, he cannot pitch again until he has had thirty‐
six (36) hours rest. 
All pitching applies to that game regardless of the delay. 
WARNING: DO NOT VIOLATE ANY PITCHING RULES. 9:00 SPECIAL RULES 9:22 A designated hitter will be allowed for any player in the Sophomore League. 9:23 A hitter may be (not mandatory) designated for any one starting player (not just pitchers) and all subsequent substitutes for that player in the game. 
A starting defensive player cannot be listed as the designated hitter in the starting lineup. 
A designated hitter for said player shall be selected prior to the start of the game and his name shall be included on the lineup cards presented to the umpire‐in‐chief and to the official scorer. 
Failure to declare a designated hitter prior to the game precludes the use of a designated hitter in that game. 
If a pinch hitter or pinch runner for the designated hitter is used, that player becomes the new designated hitter. 
The player who was the designated hitter may re‐enter as the designated hitter under the re‐entry rule. 
A designated hitter and the player for whom he is batting are locked into the batting order. No multiple substitutions may be made that will alter the batting rotation. The role of the designated hitter is terminated for the remainder of the game when: a)
the defensive player, or any previous defensive player for whom the designated hitter batted, subsequently bats, pinch‐hits, or pinch‐runs for the designated hitter; or b)
the designated hitter or any previous designated hitter assumes a defensive position. 10:00 TEAMS 10:10 All teams 13 thru 14 will be allowed eighteen (18) players, whose names shall be registered with the league president by June 15th. 10:11 Managers may not sign new players after June 15th for ages 13 and 14. 
A violation of this rule will make the player ineligible for tournament selection and a reason for protest in local or tournament play. ~ 90 ~
SOPHOMORE LEAGUE 10:12 All players must be registered with the league president by June 15th. 
A violation of this rule will make the player/players ineligible for tournament team/all‐star team selection and reason for protest in local league and tournament play. 10:13 A manager may franchise a complete roster independent of a player selection system. 
NOTE: This team cannot add any players after their team Certificate of Entry is submitted and must play at least a twelve (12) game schedule interlocking with other sanctioned Dizzy Dean Baseball teams selected the same way. 10:14 Teams formed independent of a player selection system cannot add any player(s) for the purpose of tournament play (These teams cannot add any player to their June 15th roster). 19:00 TOURNAMENTS 19:24 (Sophomore) In all World Series and tournament play, in order for a game to become a complete game, it must be a full seven (7) inning contest regardless of the delay; and no other tournament game can be started until the completion of the interrupted game. 
All games shall be seven (7) innings duration unless the losing manager wishes to concede without penalty. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least (15) runs at the end of the fourth (4th) inning or ten (10) runs at the end of the fifth (5th) inning or any inning thereafter, the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner in all tournament play. Refer to tournament rules, Common section 19:00. For questions or rule clarifications, please contact the State Director for your State. In the event that a State Director is not listed for your State, please go to the Dizzy Dean National Website for the contact listing in your area. www.dizzydeanbbinc.org Thank You for playing Dizzy Dean Baseball! ~ 91 ~
~ 92 ~
JUNIOR & SENIOR LEAGUE AGES 15‐16‐17‐18‐19 All coaches and leagues must try to get rule interpretations and problems solved by their state and national officers before contacting the Commissioner’s office. The Junior Division of Dizzy Dean Baseball, Inc. has been organized as a baseball program for youth whose 15th and 16th birthday falls on or before April thirtieth (30th) of the current year. The Senior Division is for youth whose 17th, 18th or 19th birthday falls before August first (1st) of the current year. Rules set forth in this book shall govern all tournament play. It is suggested that individual leagues follow these rules in local league play; however, they may be adapted to fit local league play at the option of each individual league. 
1:12 1:23 1:24 1:25 1:26 1:27 2:17 2:22 2:23 You may double sanction Juniors and Seniors. 1:00 THE PLAYING FIELD The strike zone shall comply with major league rules. First (1st) and third (3rd) baselines shall be ninety (90) feet from the point of home plate. The distance from the point of home plate to second (2nd) base and from first (1st) base to third (3rd) base shall be one hundred twenty‐seven (127) feet three and three eights (3‐3/8) inches. The pitching distance from the point of home plate to the front of the rubber shall be sixty (60) feet six (6) inches. The minimum recommended home‐run distance shall be 300 feet. The height of the pitching mound above the level of home plate shall be raised by gradual slope to a height of ten (10) inches. 2:00 EQUIPMENT A catcher must wear a chest protector, shin‐guards, protective cup (MALE CATCHERS ONLY), NOCSAE approved helmet, mask and a throat protector. 
Shin guards MUST have knee and metatarsal protection (soccer style shin guards are NOT acceptable). See Common Rule 2.02 Metal cleats will be allowed for participants (coaches and players) fifteen (15) years and up. Each bat shall be: a)
In diameter...at thickest part 2 5/8 inches or less. b)
In length...36 inches or less. c)
In weight....A bat shall not weigh numerically more than, three ounces less than the length of the bat. ~ 93 ~
JUNIOR & SENIOR 4:00 MANAGER & COACHES 4:09 Any manager who calls time and goes onto the playing field more than once (1) in one (1) inning per pitcher (not game) to talk to a player or players, will be required to remove the current pitcher. 
He may not return to the mound in the same game. 5:00 REGULATION GAMES 5:07 Games shall be seven (7) innings of duration. 
In the case of a tie at the end of seven (7) innings of play the game shall go into extra innings until a winner is established or the game is called by the umpire. 5:08 In league play, it is a regulation game if it is called by the umpire due to darkness, rain or other cause which in the umpire’s judgment interfered with further play, provided that: a) five (5) or more innings have been played. b) four and one half (4 1/2) innings shall constitute a legal game if the home team is ahead at the end of the half (1/2) inning or before the end of the fifth (5th) inning if the home team is ahead. In the event of a partial inning beyond 5 innings, if the visiting team has not completed batting or the visiting team is ahead you would revert back to the last complete inning. 
If one half inning is completed and home team ahead, the game is ended at that point. 
In the event that a game is halted before completion for any cause it must be resumed from the point of termination when the game is rescheduled by league officials with as nearly the same lineup as possible. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least fifteen (15) runs at the end of the fourth (4th) inning or ten (10) runs at the end of the fifth (5th) inning the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner. This rule to apply in all local league play. 
WARNING: DO NOT VIOLATE ANY PITCHING RULES For questions or rule clarifications, please contact the State Director for your State. In the event that a State Director is not listed for your State, please go to the Dizzy Dean National Website for the contact listing in your area. www.dizzydeanbbinc.org Thank You for playing Dizzy Dean Baseball! ~ 94 ~
~ 95 ~
JUNIOR & SENIOR 6:00 PITCHING RULES 6:02 An inning is interpreted to mean the following: 
If a pitcher pitches to one (1) batter and is removed from the pitching mound before he is retired, he is only charged with one‐third (1/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after retiring one (1) batter but after he has pitched to the next batter he is charged with two‐thirds (2/3) of an inning. 
If he is removed after he has retired two (2) batters and has pitched one (1) pitch to the next batter, he is charged with one (1) complete inning. 6:04 When a pitcher is turned in on a line‐up card (or any new pitcher who toes the rubber and throws a warm up pitch to begin a new inning), he is the pitcher of record and shall pitch to the batter then at bat, or any substitute batter, until such batter is put out or reaches first base before he can be replaced or substituted and he will be charged with a minimum of one third (1/3) of an inning (unless the new pitcher becomes injured or ill, during warm‐ups, and he will not be charged with any innings pitched). Refer to Common Rule 3:04. NOTE: Once an illegal pitcher toes the rubber and throws a warm‐up pitch and the opposing manager protests, the game is forfeited at that point. 6:05 Once a pitcher has been removed from the mound, he may not return to the mound in the same game. 6:09 A pitcher can pitch in consecutive games in the same day if he does not violate any of the following rules. 6:10 If a pitcher pitches beyond his allotted innings per game, per day, per week or per tournament because of a double or triple play, the game is not forfeited (He was legal when the pitch was made). 
The pitcher will be removed after the outs are made and will not be eligible to return to the mound until his minimum required rest has been completed. 6:11 Pitching week starts at 12:00am on Monday and ends at 11:59pm on Sunday. 6:18 A pitcher is allowed 14 innings each week, during regular season (including regular season tournaments). 6:19 A pitcher may pitch 18 innings in an all‐star tournament. 6:27 If any pitcher pitches four (4) full innings and then throws to another batter in the SAME DAY OR GAME, he will not be eligible to pitch until he has had 24 hours rest, beginning with the time he leaves the pitching mound as a pitcher. 6:28 If a pitcher pitches no more than four (4) full innings in any DAY, he may be used on as many consecutive days as desired provided he does not exceed the 14 inning rule (18 in tournament play). ~ 96 ~
JUNIOR & SENIOR 6:29 A pitcher is limited to ten (10) innings in a GAME OR DAY. No pitcher may pitch over ten (10) innings in a day. a)
If a pitcher pitches one (1) pitch over four (4) innings, he will be required to rest for twenty‐four (24) hours. 
If there is a second game in the same day, he will be ineligible to pitch if he has pitched over four (4) innings in his first game. b)
If the game has been delayed until the next day and he has pitched more than four (4) innings, he will be required to rest twenty‐four (24) hours before returning to the mound, beginning at the time he left the mound. 
NOTE: Once a pitcher has pitched one pitch over four innings and leaves the mound, he cannot pitch again until he has had twenty‐four hours rest. 
All pitching applies to that game regardless of the delay. 
WARNING: DO NOT VIOLATE ANY PITCHING RULES. 9:00 SPECIAL RULES 9:24 A designated hitter will be allowed in the Junior and Senior programs. 9:25 A hitter may be (not mandatory) designated for any one starting player (not just pitchers) and all subsequent substitutes for that player in the game. 
A starting defensive player cannot be listed as the designated hitter in the starting lineup. 
A designated hitter for said player shall be selected prior to the start of the game and his name shall be included on the lineup cards presented to the umpire‐in‐chief and to the official scorer. 
Failure to declare a designated hitter prior to the game precludes the use of a designated hitter in that game. 
If a pinch hitter or pinch runner for the designated hitter is used, that player becomes the new designated hitter. 
The player who was the designated hitter may re‐enter as the designated hitter under the re‐entry rule. 
A designated hitter and the player for whom he is batting are locked into the batting order. No multiple substitutions may be made that will alter the batting rotation. The role of the designated hitter is terminated for the remainder of the game when: a)
the defensive player, or any previous defensive player for whom the designated hitter batted, subsequently bats, pinch‐hits, or pinch‐runs for the designated hitter; or b)
the designated hitter or any previous designated hitter assumes a defensive position. ~ 97 ~
JUNIOR & SENIOR 10:00 TEAMS 10:15 Managers may not sign new players after June 15th for ages 15 thru 19. 
A violation of this rule will make the player ineligible for tournament selection and a reason for protest in local or tournament play. 10:16 All teams 15 thru 19 will be allowed eighteen (18) players whose names shall be registered with the league president by June 15th. 19:00 TOURNAMENTS 19:25 (Junior & Senior) In all World Series and tournament play, in order for a game to become a complete game, it must be a full seven (7) inning contest, regardless of the delay; and no other tournament game can be started until the completion of the interrupted game. 
All games shall be seven (7) innings duration unless the losing manager wishes to concede without penalty. 
EXCEPTION: If a team is leading its opponent by at least (15) runs at the end of the fourth (4th) inning or ten (10) runs at the end of the fifth (5th) inning or any inning thereafter, the game shall be terminated and the team in front declared the winner in all tournament play. Refer to tournament rules, Common section 19:00. 19:26 (SENIOR ONLY) There will be a two hundred dollar ($200.00) entry fee payable to the host site, for all teams (other than a State Champion) entering the World Series. 
There will be NO entry fee for a State Champion but, the $250.00 “No Show” fee is still in effect. ~ 98 ~
The Greatest
Collection of
Dizzy Dean
in America
Named America’s Eighth Most Amazing
Baseball Museum by ESPN.com
Jackson, Mississippi
~ 99 ~
~ 100 ~
2015 World Series Information
Age Group: Report Date: Check‐In Time: Brackets Set: Play Begins: 7 Year Olds July 17, 2015 9:00AM‐1:00PM Blind Draw July 18, 2015 9 Year Olds July 17, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N July 18, 2015 11 Year Olds July 17, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N Seeded by 14 Year Olds July 17, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N State Finish July 18, 2015 16 Year Olds July 17, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N July 18, 2015 8 Year Olds July 22, 2015 6 Year Olds July 24, 2015 9:00AM‐1:00PM Blind Draw July 18, 2015 July 23, 2015 9:00AM‐1:00PM Blind Draw July 25, 2015 10 Year Olds July 24, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N July 25, 2015 12 Year Olds July 24, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N Seeded by 13 Year Olds July 24, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N State Finish July 25, 2015 19 Year Olds July 24, 2015 10:00AM‐12:00N July 25, 2015 July 25, 2015 Televised World Series Games
8 Year Olds: The “Elite Eight” (Final 8 teams) will be regionally televised on a delayed broadcast. ‐ Each team participating in the “Elite Eight” will be supplied with: ‐
Jersey’s and Hats, Batting Gloves, Batting Helmets and Catcher’s equipment. 12 Year Olds: The “Final Four” (Final 4 teams) will be regionally televised on a delayed broadcast. ‐ Each team participating in the “Final Four” will be supplied with: ‐
Complete Uniforms (Jersey’s, Pants, Socks and Hats), Batting Gloves, Batting Helmets and Catcher’s equipment. ~ 101 ~
~ 102 ~
Back (from left): Brian Eckerman, Peter Desmond, Joy Flowers, Mike Tuggle, Brian Beatty
Middle (from left): Alec Eckerman, Vance Desmond, Gavin Bodott, Jared James, Deion Cole, Chase Tuggle
2014 ‐ 6 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – SANDY PLAINS COUGARS RED, GA Front (from left): Jesse Walton, Rhett Layne, KJ Hart, Braeden Kirby, Will Flowers, Jack Beatty
CHAMPION: Sandy Plains Cougars Red, GA Runner‐Up: Acworth Warriors Orange, GA Sportsmanship Award: Chelsea Black, AL World Series MVP: KJ Hart, Sandy Plains Cougars Red, GA ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: KJ Hart Sandy Plains Cougars Red, GA
Gavin Bodoh Sandy Plains Cougars Red, GA
Will Flowers Sandy Plains Cougars Red, GA
Braeden Kirby Sandy Plains Cougars Red, GA
Jared James Sandy Plains Cougars Red, GA
Luke Dolsen Acworth Warriors Orange, GA
Lawson Sheffield Acworth Warriors Orange, GA
Jayden Whiteside Acworth Warriors Orange, GA
Tyler Niehr Acworth Warriors Orange, GA
Colby Gilliam Hobgood Heat, GA
Trevor Condon Hobgood Heat, GA
Clayton Rice Northport Nationals, AL
Judd Sanford Northport Nationals, AL
2015 ‐ 6 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/24/15 • PLAY: 7/25/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. April 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. April 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 103 ~
Compliments Of ALABAMA
National Directors Jimmy Wahl * Donnie Stone Joe Chandler * Jim Dunn Tommy Todd State Director Coordinator Tommy Todd State Directors Farm League (5/6) Tim Kennedy Farm League (7/8) Sonja Hard Minors Marty Allen Freshmen Travis Mann Sophomore Matt Dill JR & SR Randy Lewis State President, Secretary & Treasurer Jim Dunn www.alabamadizzydean.com ~ 104 ~
5 YEAR OLD Northport Nationals
6 YEAR OLD Gardendale Maroon
7 YEAR OLD Gardendale Maroon
8 YEAR OLD Scottsboro Gold
9 YEAR OLD Oneonta Redskins
10 YEAR OLD Walker County Miners
11 YEAR OLD Beehive
12 YEAR OLD North Chilton Elite
13 YEAR OLD Beehive
14 YEAR OLD Beehive
JUNIORS Irondale
SENIORS Sumiton Thunder
~ 105 ~
~ 106 ~
Back (from left): Tim Lucas, Paul Ericson, Chris Turner, Jay Worley, Drew Smith Rylan Moffitt Middle (from left): Kade Kisz, Sammy Ericson, Vinny Pacini, Jackson, Rose, Andrew Smith, Reid Worley, 2014 ‐ 7 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – HOBGOOD HEAT, GA Front (from left): Jack Turner, Bryce Lucas, Ryan Turner, Fuller Morrish, Jason Ensley 7 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: Hobgood Heat, GA Runner‐Up: Midway Wolverines Gold, GA Sportsmanship Award: Harrison Express, TN World Series MVP: Jack Turner, Hobgood Heat, GA ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Jack Turner Hobgood Heat, GA
Andrew Smith Hobgood Heat, GA
Ryan Turner Hobgood Heat, GA
Kade Kisz Hobgood Heat, GA
Sammy Ericson Hobgood Heat, GA
Talan Born Midway Wolverines Gold, GA
Hunter Hollbrook Midway Wolverines Gold, GA
Hunter Green Midway Wolverines Gold, GA
Brady Hollbrook Midway Wolverines Gold, GA
Mason Gazaway Oregon Park Sharks, GA
Jack Peek Oregon Park Sharks, GA
Caiden Combs Gardendale Maroon, AL
Brodie Sumter Gardendale Maroon, AL
2015 ‐ 7 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/17/15 • PLAY: 7/18/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. April 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. April 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 107 ~
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Back (from left): Charles Edwards, Jake Robitzch, Phillip Galbreath, Tim O’Connor Christian Morales Middle (from left): Blake Martin, John Brady Knight, Deuce Vincent, Carlos Taylor, TJ Smith, Charles “Trey” Edwards, 2014 ‐ 8 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – KENNESAW GENERALS BLUE, GA Front (from left): Carter Galbreath, Mattheson Go, Kyle Robitzsch, Ryan Maddocks, Nolan O’Connor 8 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: Kennesaw Generals Blue, GA Runner‐Up: AYBA Eagles, GA Sportsmanship Award: Lakeside, TN World Series MVP: TJ Smith, Kennesaw Generals Blue, GA ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: TJ Smith Kennesaw Generals Blue, GA
Nolan OʹConnor Kennesaw Generals Blue, GA
Mattheson Go Kennesaw Generals Blue, GA
Charles Edwards Kennesaw Generals Blue, GA
Asher Sabom AYBA Eagles, GA
Braydon Kersey AYBA Eagles, GA
Brandon Nielsen AYBA Eagles, GA
Jackson Chappell AYBA Eagles, GA
Hunter Shiver Paulding County, GA
Austin Nagy Paulding County, GA
Michael Ward Paulding County, GA
Quindon Wright Albany All Stars, GA
Jacob Wenland Albany All Stars, GA
Tario Price Harrison Titans, TN
2015 ‐ 8 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES GREENBROOK PARK SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/22/15 • PLAY: 7/23/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. April 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. April 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 109 ~
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Back (from left): Clayton Nash, Wyatt Frazee, Jace Estes, Grant Gallagher Middle (from left): Brady Neal, Andrew Wallace, Kolten Leach, Ryker Chavis, Reid Harvey 2014 ‐ 9 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – LEVY PARK TOMAHAWKS, FL Front (from left): Chapin Frazee, Michael Gallagher, James Estes, Paul Chavis 9 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: Levy Park Tomahawks, FL Runner‐Up: Oneonta Redskins, AL Sportsmanship Award: Harrison Heat, TN World Series MVP: Brady Neal, Levy Park Tomahawks, FL ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Brady Neal Levy Park All Stars, FL
Grant Gallagher Levy Park All Stars, FL
Rhyder Poppel Levy Park All Stars, FL
Andrew Wallace Levy Park All Stars, FL
Ryker Chavis Levy Park All Stars, FL
Luke Weems Oneonta Redskins, AL
Charlies Jones Oneonta Redskins, AL
Garrett Helms Oneonta Redskins, AL
Samual Patrick Oneonta Redskins, AL
Brandon Tavares Hobgood Heat, GA
Coogam Bombard Hobgood Heat, GA
Donnie ʺTresʺ Brown Boynton Cannons, GA
Brevin Massengale Boynton Cannons, GA
2015 ‐ 9 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/17/15 • PLAY: 7/18/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. April 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. April 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 111 ~
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Top: Kip West, Adam Faerot
Right: Anthony Pappas, Drew Faerot, Aiden Butler, Chris Stanfield, Jaxson West,
Jayce Kirkman
2014 ‐ 10 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – LEVY PARK TOMAHAWKS, FL Left: Jason Ritchie, Jason Hosey, Chris Butler, Bradley Willis, Caleb Grange, Tyler Ritchie, Boone Hosey, Luke Koon,
CHAMPION: Levy Park Tomahawks, FL Runner‐Up: Northwest, FL Sportsmanship Award: Hawaii, HI World Series MVP: Bradley Willis, Levy Park Tomahawks, FL ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Bradley Willis Levy Park, FL
Jaxson West Levy Park, FL
Alden Butler Levy Park, FL
Caleb Granger Levy Park, FL
Dylan Silverstein Northwest, FL
Benjamin Bridges Northwest, FL
Shane McClanahan Northwest, FL
Joseph Spinola Northwest, FL
Ryan McTighe Sandy Springs, GA
Jackson Mette Sandy Springs, GA
Matthew Morrison Walker County, AL
Keilan Martin Walker County, AL
2015 MINOR LEAGUE WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/24/15 • PLAY: 7/25/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. April 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. April 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 113 ~
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Back (from left): Mike Wilson, Ron Harley, Tolga Dincman Middle (from left): Nolan Wilson, Harrison Letson, Jack Sturgis, Blake Dincman, Logan Bryner, Dallas Tease 2014 ‐ 11 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – MYERS PARK, FL Front (from left): AJ Thorpe, Cullen Craig, Payton Usina, Tristan Harley 11 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: Myers Park, FL Runner‐Up: Sandy Springs Storm, GA Sportsmanship Award: Leeds, AL World Series MVP: Dallas Tease, Myers Park, FL ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Dallas Tease Myers Park All Stars, FL
Tristan Harley Myers Park All Stars, FL
Jack Sturgis Myers Park All Stars, FL
AJ Thorp Myers Park All Stars, FL
Buck Olson Sandy Springs Storm, GA
Evan Sitzmann Sandy Springs Storm, GA
Cole Forrest Sandy Springs Storm, GA
Kurt Dames Sandy Springs Storm, GA
Kal Whaley Beehive All Stars, AL
Riley Austin Beehive All Stars, AL
Ryan Austin Beehive All Stars, AL
Christopher Wilson Walker County Hitmen, AL
Chance Majors Walker County Hitmen, AL
Peyton Thomasson Walker County Hitmen, AL
2015 ‐ 11 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/17/15 • PLAY: 7/18/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. April 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. April 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 115 ~
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Back (from left): Shane Kohn, Brett Benton, Lake Gilliland, Steve Patterson, Kerry Blankenship, Chris Jones Middle (from left): Mason Blankenship, Graham Blankenship, Trent Jones, Tucker Patterson, Camden Phillips 2014 ‐ 12 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – NORTH CHILTON ELITE, AL Front (from left): Pico Kohn, Noah Gilliland, Josh Breckenridge, Alijah Franklin, Tanner Jones, Dylan Benton FRESHMEN LEAGUE WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: North Chilton Elite, AL Runner‐Up: JPRD West, LA Sportsmanship Award: Marbury, AL World Series MVP: Tanner Jones, North Chilton Elite, AL ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Tanner Jones North Chilton Elite, AL
Graham Blankenship North Chilton Elite, AL
Pico Kohn North Chilton Elite, AL
Camden Phillips North Chilton Elite, AL
Ron Franklin Jr. JPRD West, LA
Jordan LaCava JPRD West, LA
Robbie Shamp JPRD West, LA
Seth Jackson JPRD West, LA
Austin Deckinga Pinellas Park, FL
Nathan Moeller Pinellas Park, FL
Ryan Haswell Pinellas Park, FL
Dylan Allender BC Express, TN
Matt Clark BC Express, TN
Dylan Rogers BC Express, TN
2015 FRESHMEN LEAGUE WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/24/15 • PLAY: 7/25/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER April 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. April 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. April 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 117 ~
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Back (from left): Morgan Ursin, Chad James, Kevin Breaux, Herman Farlough III, De’Andrei Pittman, Jikari Martin Wade Williams, Lonnie Ellis III 2014 ‐ 13 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – ST. JOHN WARRIORS, LA Front (from left): Amari Gilmore, DeJon Muhammad, Brendon Nunnery, Rayron Joseph, Tahmaz Jones, Prentice Cook, 13 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: St. John Warriors, LA Runner‐Up: Meridian Park, FL Sportsmanship Award: Irondale, AL World Series MVP: Amani Gilmore, St. John Warriors, LA ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Kevin Breaux St John Warriors, LA
Herman Farlough St John Warriors, LA
Wade Williams St John Warriors, LA
DeʹJohn Muhammad St John Warriors, LA
Zack Treadway Meridian Park All Stars, FL
JD Tease Meridian Park All Stars, FL
Chance Scott Meridian Park All Stars, FL
Danny Andzel Meridian Park All Stars, FL
Pete Taylor JPRD West, LA
Zach Gongora JPRD West, LA
Daevin Lansing JPRD West, LA
Josh Mahan Irondale All Stars, AL
Anthony Gates Jr. Irondale All Stars, AL
Derrick Felton Jr Irondale All Stars, AL
2015 ‐ 13 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/24/15 • PLAY: 7/25/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER June 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. June 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. June 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 119 ~
2014 ‐ 14 YEAR OLD WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – JPRD WEST, LA Front (From Left): Zack Smith, Zachary Reimann, Marco Alfonso, Nick Gauthe, Manny Roque, Jordan Sullivan, Will Bailey, Coach Mark Brisco Back (From Left): Coach Todd Coulon, Coach Rocky Coglaiti, Jordan Bullock, Jacob Parfait, ZʹNoah Broyard, Blake Billiot, Dustin Percle, Tre Barnes, Colby Coulon ~ 120 ~
CHAMPION: JPRD West, LA Runner‐Up: Section, AL Sportsmanship Award: Section, AL World Series MVP: Zack Smith, JPRD West, LA ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Zack Smith JPRD West, LA
Colby Coulan JPRD West, LA
ZʹNoah Bloyard JPRD West, LA
Ulysses (TLE) Barnes JPRD West, LA
Blake Billiot JPRD West, LA
Dylan Davis Section, AL
Trevor Gentry Section, AL
Drew Kirby Section, AL
Tanner Potterfield Section, AL
Griffin Johnson Section, AL
Nick Corkill Villa Rica, GA
Tristan Allen Villa Rica, GA
Brody Phelps Meridian Park, FL
Jessie Jahn Meridian Park, FL
Sidney Sutton Meridian Park, FL
2015 SOPHOMORE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/17/15 • PLAY: 7/18/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER June 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. June 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. June 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 121 ~
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Back (from left): Coach Ryan Prince, Jordan Lyles, Michael Baldwin, Brayden McCollum, Bo Davis, Walker Barrow, Zonterious Scofield, Coach Jeff Minge Coach Richie Haney 2014 ‐ JUNIOR WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – CEDARTOWN DOGS, GA Front (from left): Tristan Wright, Miles Minge, Jack Haney, Casey Newsome, Dalton Prince, Henley Hayes, JUNIOR LEAGUE WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: Cedartown Dogs, GA Runner‐Up: Pontotoc, MS Sportsmanship Award: Pontotoc, MS World Series MVP: Jack Haney, Cedartown Dogs, GA ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Jack Haney Cedartown Dogs, GA
Austin Cotton Southaven, MS
Tyler Wilkerson Southaven, MS
Dakota Keenan Southaven, MS
Jon Sylvester Southaven, MS
Claude Newell Irondale, AL
Kobe Smith Irondale, AL
Brandon Gary Irondale, AL
Brandon Howard Irondale, AL
Delvin Zinn Pontotoc, MS
Tyleque Reed Pontotoc, MS
Ethan Cordor Pontotoc, MS
Brady Kyle Pontotoc, MS
Pontotoc, MS
Kolton Berryhill 2015 JUNIOR LEAGUE WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/17/15 • PLAY: 7/18/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER June 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. June 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. June 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 123 ~
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Back (from left): Jack Robbins, Jonah Todd, Donnie Ruth, Cameron Honeycutt, Stonie Phillips, Aaron Key, Andrew Hudson, Blake Stone, Taylor Keeton, Cameron Crane, Michael Gordon, Steven key, Mike Stone 2014 ‐ SENIOR WORLD SERIES CHAMPION – SUMITON THUNDER, AL Front (from left): Dalton Bahrik, Jed Cordell, Dylan Willcutt, Andrew Welch, Joe Hudson, Quinton McCarty, Jacob Gordon SENIOR LEAGUE WORLD SERIES
CHAMPION: Sumiton Thunder, AL Runner‐Up: North Florida Blacksox, FL Sportsmanship Award: Grenada Rec. All Stars, MS World Series MVP: Jonah Todd, Sumiton Thunder, AL ALL TOURNAMENT TEAM: Joe Hudson Sumiton Thunder, AL
Jacob Gordon Sumiton Thunder, AL
Blake Stone Sumiton Thunder, AL
Quinton McCarty Sumiton Thunder, AL
Tyler Kinard North Florida Blacksox, FL
Nick Nelson North Florida Blacksox, FL
Rion Murrah North Florida Blacksox, FL
Tyler Chatman North Florida Blacksox, FL
Antonio Taylor Grenada Rec. All Stars, MS
Jaylan Bledsoe Grenada Rec. All Stars, MS
Javoris Redditt Grenada Rec. All Stars, MS
Dustin Bennett JPRD‐Jefferson Parish, LA
Blair Thornton JPRD‐Jefferson Parish, LA
Terrell Thornton JPRD‐Jefferson Parish, LA
2015 SENIOR LEAGUE WORLD SERIES SOUTHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI REPORT: 7/24/15 • PLAY: 7/25/15 IMPORTANT INFORMATION All Teams Traveling To And From All Tournaments Must Have Their Insurance Policies In Their Possession. Coaches Are Responsible For Their Fans. DATES TO REMEMBER June 15 ‐ Managers may not sign new players after this date. June 15 ‐ Final date for franchising. June 15 ‐ Teams participating in tournament play must file roster with the state director. July 1 ‐ Submit all rule changes. ~ 125 ~
A.D. Starr
These companies have been approved to furnish Dizzy Dean stamped baseballs. It is recommended that one of these balls be used in local league and tournament play. For Rule Interpretation/Clarification: Contact The State Director For The Specific Age Group, In Your State!
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