SpringSummer Catalog10.indd


SpringSummer Catalog10.indd
We lcome to . . .
Eas t
Count y
C ommu n i t y
Educ at io n
Site Address: Hathaway School Portable D, 630 24th St., Washougal
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 559, Washougal WA 98671
Washougal Staff:
Kathy Douglas, 954-3839
Lisa Young, 954-3895
Camas Staff:
Mary Weishaar, 954-3836
Karen Rudolf, 954-3837
Phone: 360-954-3838
“Sch o ols and C ommuni t y Succe e di ng To ge t he r ”
Office Use Only: √ #________________ Rec. #____________________
Student’s Name (please print): Last________________________ First_____________________________
Parent’s name if student is under age 18____________________________________________________
Phone: Home #_____________________Work #____________________Cell #____________________
Email Address_________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________ State________ Zip______________ Male
Youth Information: D.O.B.____________ Grade ____ School__________________T-shirt Size______
Code #
Class Title
$ Enclosed
_________________________ has my permission to participate in this ECCE
activity. I understand the Community Education program does not provide insurance. I certify that my child is physically
and mentally able to participate in this activity. I, intending to be legally bound, waive and release my rights and claims for
damages I may accrue against any and all sponsors of this activity.
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________ Date____________________
Office Use Only: √ #________________ Rec. #____________________
Student’s Name (please print): Last________________________ First_____________________________
Parent’s Name (if student is under age 18)___________________________________________________
Phone: Home #_____________________Work #____________________Cell #____________________
Email Address_________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________ State________ Zip______________ Male
Youth Information: D.O.B.____________ Grade ____ School__________________T-shirt Size______
Code #
Class Title
$ Enclosed
_________________________ has my permission to participate in this ECCE
activity. I understand the Community Education program does not provide insurance. I certify that my child is physically
and mentally able to participate in this activity. I, intending to be legally bound, waive and release my rights and claims for
damages I may accrue against any and all sponsors of this activity.
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________ Date____________________
Register page 2
“Hello” from East County Community Education
Washougal Community Education & Recreation and Camas Community Education are
working together as East County Community Education (ECCE). Our catalog will no longer be
mailed. If you have not received this catalog by email, please call 360-954-3838.
ECCE receives funding and in-kind support from the Washougal S.D., Camas S.D., and the
City of Washougal. As a service organization, our goal is to meet the needs of the patrons of
both school districts with programs relevant to the area’s unique lifestyle.
Classes are self-supporting and taught by knowledgeable instructors who share their talents.
ECCE believes instructors are the mainstay of the program, and ECCE is the facilitator.
“Thank you” to all our past instructors, facilitators, and coaches for your contributions.
We want to bring your skills and expertise to your friends and neighbors through the use of
your local school facilities. We encourage your input as we continue to grow.
To instruct a class in Washougal, please call Kathy Douglas, 360-954-3839.
To instruct a class in Camas, please call Mary Weishaar, 360-954-3836.
Registration and other class information . . .
On-site Office Registration
Check or exact cash only
Hathaway School, Portable D
630 24th Street, Washougal
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
If staff is out of the office, registrations and
payments may be left in the drop box in
Portable B on school days until 6:00 p.m.
Mail Registration
P.O. Box 559
Washougal WA 98671
If you need a receipt,
include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
School Closures
Class Locations:
• Camas High School
26900 SE 15th St., Camas
• Canyon Creek Middle School
9731 Washougal River Rd., Washougal
• Cape Horn-Skye Elementary School
9731 Washougal River Rd., Washougal
• Dorothy Fox Elementary
2623, NW Sierra St., Camas
• East County Community Education
Hathaway Portable D, 630 24th St., Washougal
Excelsior High School
1401 39 St., Washougal
• Gause Elementary School
1100 34 St., Washougal
If school is closed at your class site, your
Community Education class will not be held.
• Hathaway Elementary School
Prorated refunds will be given if the office is
notified prior to the second class. Refunds will
be given for one day classes if the office is
notified 2 days prior to class. A $5.00
processing fee will be charged for refunds.
• J.D. Zellerbach Complex
website: www.washougal.k12.wa.us/wcer
or www.camas.wednet.edu
• Prune Hill Elementary
Limited Class Sizes
All classes have a student enrollment limit.
Please register early.
630 24 St., Washougal
• Jemtegaard Middle School
35300 E Evergreen Blvd., Washougal
841 NE 22nd Ave., Camas
• Lacamas Heights Elementary
4600 NE Garfield St., Camas
• Liberty Middle School
1612 NE Garfield St., Camas
1601 NW Tidland St., Camas
• Skyridge Middle School
5220 NW Parker St., Camas
• Washougal High School
1201 39 St., Washougal
The Washougal and Camas School Districts comply with all federal and state rules and
regulations and do not discriminate on the basis of race; color; national origin, sex, age;
disability; sexual orientation, including gender identity; disability or VietNam and more recent
military action veteran status. This holds true for all district employment and educational
programs. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the
school district’s Title IX/RCW 28.640 compliance officer and/or Section 504/ADA coordinator.
Register page 2
Babysitter’s Boot Camp
Mosaic Tile Garden Art
Learn Babysitter’s curriculum, Infant and Child CPR,
and have a simulated day of
babysitting with a computerized infant. Bring a sack
Ages 11 to 15
Ages 10 to Adult
Students ages 10 to 15 must
be accompanied by an adult.
Learn the skills to create
mosaic tiling art. Class
includes description of tools,
supplies needed, and pattern creation. Take home a
finished mosaic tile stepping
stone. $5.00 materials fee
paid to the instructor at class.
Example available at the
community education office.
May 5
Code: 3016-10
6:00-8:00 PM
Fee: $10.00
Washougal H.S., 190, South door
Lisa Plous, Instructor
Wood Carving
Class is for new or skilled
carvers. Learn new techniques and share resources.
Materials needed will be
discussed at class.
Apr. 14-June 16 Code: 3018-10
5:30-8:30 PM
Fee: $20.00
Washougal H.S. - Woodshop Rm
Dave Cox, Instructor
Mad Science
Meet Me in the Lab
Grades K-5
Educational, entertaining,
hands-on activities. Spectacular demonstrations to
capture the imagination of
children. Goal is to spark
curiosity and instill an understanding of what science is
about and how it affects the
world. Includes: Lab Works,
Chem in a Flash, Slime
Time, Wacky Waves, Walloping Weather, Under Pressure
Apr. 28-June 2
1:20 PM-2:20 PM
Fee: $85.00
Dorothy Fox - Portable 22
Code: 3226-10
Grass Valley Elem. - Room 105
Code: 3228-10
Helen Baller Elem. - Cafeteria
Code: 3227-10
Summer Youth
Educational Activities
in the “Summer Camps”
section of this catalog.
Babysitter’s Training
Ages 11 to 15
Take this American Red
Cross class and learn how
to interview for a babysitting
job, safely market yourself,
and make good, responsible decisions. Basic care
routines, first aid, emergencies, illness, bedtime issues,
meals, and more will be
discussed. Learn what toys
and games are age appropriate. Students will take
home the reference book,
“Babysitter’s Handbook”, and
a participation card. Please
bring a sack lunch.
June 21
Code: 3021-10
9:00 AM-4:00 PM Fee: $50.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
Safe On My Own
Ages 8 to 11
This American Red Crossclass now includes internet
safety and how to handle
school bullying. Learn how
to be prepared when parents
are unavailable or away for
a short time. Also, learn how
to handle personal safety
topics, home alone responsibilities, and basic emergency
communication techniques.
Class offers role playing
opportunities to practice answering the door and phone
calls. Your child is welcome
to bring a snack to class.
Fee: $35.00
3:45 PM-6:15 PM
May 11
Code: 3022-10
Hathaway School - Portable C
May 20
Code: 3235-10
Liberty M.S. - Library
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
June 21-23
Code: 4233-10
9:00 AM-3:00 PM Fee: $115.00
Liberty M.S. - Library
American Red Cross, instructor
A $50.00 non-refundable fee
will be charged if you cancel
after May 10. Phlebotomy
is the process of drawing
blood for medical diagnosis.
Class is open to anyone
age 18 and over who wants
employment in Phlebotomy.
Use for extra income or as a
stepping-stone into the medical field. Equipment used,
infection control, and safety
are covered. The instructor
will also help with resumes,
interviews, and employer
information/employment opportunities.
Friday, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
June 18-20
Code: 3248-10
10:00 AM-6:00 PM Fee: $350.00
J.D. Zellerbach - Room 104
Brenda Bush, Instructor
First Aid/CPR
First Aid and CPR class
meets OSHA and WISHA
standards. The card is good
for 2 years. Infant CPR is not
Charlie Dawson, instructor
Jemtegaard M.S. - Library
Fee: $35.00
Apr. 26
Code: 3030-10
4:00-8:30 PM
May 25
Code: 3031-10
4:00-8:30 PM
June 24
Code: 3032-10
4:00-8:30 PM
Aug. 17
Code: 4014-10
9:00 AM-12:30 PM
Register page 2
Finance & Law
Residential Property/
Landlord Rights
Create wealth, income,
retirement (25%-75% return
by saving money). New or
experienced; learn negotiating sales price, insurance,
taxes, codes, financing, appraisals, inspections, sales
agreements, earnest money,
return, and leveraging. Handouts/forms included. Bring a
sack lunch.
June 12
Code: 3036-10
9:00 AM-4:00 PM Fee: $54.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
Donald Samec, Instructor
Do you get “Asset Protection and Tax Relief?”
Understanding Corporations
(C&S), LLC, and LLP, General and Limited Partnerships,
etc. Discuss; why and how
to start, assets to protect,
taxes, forms (IRS, Corporate,
and Local), personal liability,
costs and states to incorporate in. Knowledge not legal
Apr. 20-27
Code: 3034-10
6:30-9:30 PM
Fee: $45.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
Donald Samec, Instructor
“The Residential
Landlord-Tenant Act”
and Laws Against
New or experienced? Learn
landlord/tenant rights, local/federal discrimination,
rental agreements/leases,
codes, tenant selection, and
evictions. Handouts/forms
(smoke detector, water heater, credit, condition reports
applications, etc.) Knowledge
not legal advice.
Apr. 19-26
Code: 3033-10
6:00-10:00 PM
Fee: $54.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
Donald Samec, Instructor
Health & Fitness
Zumba Fitness
It’s Fun, It’s Different, It’s
Easy, It’s Effective, It’s
Zumba !!!
Ages 16 to Adult
A Latin-inspired, dance-fitness class that incorporates
Latin music and dance
movements. This format
combines fast and slow
rhythms that tone and sculpt
the body to achieve a unique
blended balance of cardio
and muscle-toning. Zumba
is “Exercise in Disguise”.
You can burn 500 calories
in a class. The combination
of high energy and motivating music also dances away
your worries. Come check it
out - the first class is free!
Rocio Wallace, Instructor
Gause School - Gym
Fee: $50.00 per session
Spring Session 1
Mondays, Wednesdays
Apr. 26-May 19 Code: 3010-10
7:00-8:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
Apr. 27-May 20 Code: 3011-10
4:30-5:30 PM
Spring Session 2
Mondays, Wednesdays
May 24-June 16 Code: 3012-10
7:00-8:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
May 25-June 17 Code: 3013-10
4:30-5:30 PM
Summer Session 1
Mondays, Wednesdays
June 21-July 14 Code: 4004-10
7:00-8:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
June 22-July 15 Code: 4005-10
10:00-11:00 AM
Summer Session 2
Mondays, Wednesdays
July 19-Aug. 11 Code: 4006-10
7:00-8:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
July 20-Aug. 12 Code: 4007-10
10:00-11:00 AM
Ages 16 to Adult
Come see what all the buzz
is about. Zumba is one of the
fastest growing trends in the
fitness industry and once you
try it you’ll see why. Zumba
is a fitness program inspired
by Latin music and dance
such as merengue, cumbia,
salsa & reggaeton. Zumba
is fun. It is truly “Exercise
in Disguise”. You can burn
500 calories in a class. Wear
comfortable clothes & bring
plenty of water. Come ready
to sweat! Come check it out
- the first class is free!
Tia Kane, Instructor
Camas H.S. - Drama
Fee: Buy a $65.00/10 class
punch card or pay an $8.00
drop-in fee at class.
Tuesdays, Thursdays
Apr. 6-29
Code: 3232-10
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
May 4-27
Code: 3233-10
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
June 1-29
Code: 3234-10
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
July 6-29
Code: 4241-10
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Tuesdays, Thursdays
Aug. 3-26
Code: 4242-10
6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
July 5-30
Code: 4243-10
9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Aug. 2-30
Code: 4244-10
9:00 AM-10:00 AM
All skill levels are welcome.
Bring a floor mat. Learn
breathing techniques, simple
stretches, asanas, and meditation for relaxation. Meridian
exercises, plus 5 exercises
reputed to increase longevity
and youthfulness included.
Jill Mitchell, Instructor
Cape Horn-Skye School - Pod B
Spring Session
Mondays, no class May 31
Apr. 19-June 14 Code: 3026-10
6:30-7:45 PM
Fee: $45.00
Summer Session
July 12-Aug. 23 Code: 4010-10
6:30-7:45 PM
Fee: $40.00
Register page 2
Health & Fitness
Boot Camp
Ages 16 to Adult
Shed inches and gain core
body strength for a leaner,
stronger you? Class is a
combination of cardio, plyometrics, weights/resistance
training, and jump training.
Also, Improves strength,
speed, agility, and agility.
Please bring a mat.
Weekdays, 7:00-8:00 PM;
Saturdays, 9:00-10:00 AM.
Two days a week option, $50.00
Fee: $65.00
Liberty Middle School
Amber Ware, Instructor
Spring Session
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
Apr. 6-29
Code: 3229-10
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
May 29-26
Code: 3230-10
Summer Session
Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays
June 2-30
Code: 3231-10
Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays
July 3-31
Code: 4261-10
Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays
Aug. 2-30
Code: 4262-10
Tai Chi/Qigong
The ancient arts of Tai Chi
and Qigong combine natural,
physical movement with
breathing visualization, and
mental concentration to give
you a full body and mind
workout. This art form helps
relieve stress, lowers blood
pressure, and improves
strength, balance, mobility,
and endurance. All exercise
form is done standing up.
Wear comfortable clothing.
Gause School - Cafeteria
Jill Mitchell, Instructor
Spring Session
Apr. 21-June 16
6:00-7:10 PM
6:30-7:45 PM
Code: 3027-10
Fee: $50.00
Code: 3028-10
Fee: $50.00
Summer Session
July 14-Aug. 25
6:00-7:10 PM
6:30-7:45 PM
Code: 4011-10
Fee: $40.00
Code: 4012-10
Fee: $40.00
Introduction to Yoga
Find out what Yoga is all
about in this 6-week course.
View the class schedule at
Register and pay at Community Ed., schedule dates
with Rushing Water Yoga,
Paul Cheek, Instructor
Rushing Water Yoga, 417 NE
Birch St., Camas WA 98607
Fee: $60.00
May 10-June 20 Code: 3040-10
June 21-Aug. 1 Code: 4032-10
Aug. 2-Sept. 12 Code: 4033-10
Stress Reduction Yoga
Nurture your body, mind and
spirit with Therapeutic Yoga.
Bring a mat, block and strap.
Apr. 13-May 18 Code: 2236-10
4:00-5:00 PM
Fee: $45.00
Prune Hill Elementary - Gym
Shelley Jones, Instructor
Personal Healing
An introduction to the
natural and drugless healing
method, Reiki. Learn how
to help keep you and your
families immune system at
a high level and stay balanced. Experience a healing
mini-treatment. Wear loose,
clothing. No disrobing is
required. Instructor has 20
years experience.
May 27
Code: 3037-10
7:00-9:00 PM
Fee: $10.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
John Janssen, Instructor
Foot Reflexology
Ages 16 to Adult
Register with partner.
Relieve tension and stress
throughout your body. Reflexology helps with headaches, sinus problems, low
back trouble and many other
ailments. Bring lotion and
wear loose clothes.
May 10
Code: 3017-10
6:00-8:00 PM Fee: $10.00/person
1700 Main Street, Washougal
- Conference Rm.
Elizabeth Stiles, Instructor
Home & Garden
House Building &
Has your home depreciated
in value? Is money tight? Are
you having trouble making
mortgage payments? Learn
remodeling and construction options available in
this tough economy. Guest
speakers and a voucher for
breakfast at Elmer’s Pancake
House included in fee.
May 4-18
Code: 3219-10
7:00 PM-9:00 PM Fee: $10.00
Liberty M.S. - 505
Dan Amundson, Instructor
Mason Bees Workshop
Are you a backyard gardener
who wants more fruit production from your trees? Learn
to identify and build habitat
for our native Mason Bees in
this informative workshop. In
addition to making bee-type
straws, students will receive
a PVC Nesting unit. Informational materials also provided. Pay instructor a $5.00
supplies fee at class.
Sherian Wright, Instructor
Apr. 19
Code: 3020-10
6:00-8:00 PM
Fee: $15.00
Washougal H.S., 194 - South door
June 28
Code: 4008-10
6:00-8:00 PM
Fee: $15.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
Go Green, Go Wild
Explore the super foods
growing all around us disguised as weeds. Oprah’s
Dr. Oz’s Purslane, Lambsquarter, Dandelion, etc.
Experience samples of easy
delicious wild recipes and
learn the positive identification of many wild treasures.
Empower yourself with easy
gardening tips to harvest wild
plants in your yard.
May 20
Code: 3038-10
6:30-8:30 PM
Fee: $15.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
Pixie LaPlante, Instructor
Register page 2
Introduction To Living
Foods - Go Nuts!
Living foods
are fruits,
and sprouted
nuts, grains
and beans prepared without raising the temperature
above 107 degrees for optimal enzyme and nutritional
value. Learn how to sprout,
grow sunflower greens, cook
with a food dryer etc. Explore
the energy benefits of adding
living food colors, tastes,
and textures into a balanced
menu plan. Samples and
recipes included.
May 27
Code: 3039-10
6:30-9:00 PM
Fee: $20.00
Hathaway School - Portable B
Pixie LaPlante, Instructor
Smoking/Cooking Fish
from Local Waters
Concepts of building/buying smokers, curing and
brines, fuels, herbs\spices,
cleaning and preparing your
purchase or catch. Recipes
and handouts for smoking
bass, crappies, catfish, trout,
shark, eel, salmon, etc., also
cooking (pickled, broiled,
fried, etc.)
May 6
Code: 3035-10
6:30-9:30 PM
Fee: $15.00
Hathaway School - Portable C
Donald Samec, Instructor
Thai Cooking Made Easy
Ages 16 to Adult
Thai food is widely enjoyed
but cooking it is a mystery to
many. Demystify some of the
basic dishes from appetizers
to main dishes. We’ll go over
the ingredients needed and
the techniques in making
authentic Thai food entrees.
Come ready to make and
then sample some great Thai
food! Bring containers to take
food home.
May 12 Code: 3249-10
6:00-8:00 PM Fee: $50
Camas H.S. - Room 204
Nancy Pham, Instructor
Cooking & Craft Classes
Grades 1-5
Prepare fun foods & creative
seasonal crafts on early
release Wednesdays. Then
sit down with friends and
enjoy eating your yummy
creations. Bus transportation from Camas elementary
schools is available.
Wednesdays - Early Release
1:45 PM-4:00 PM
Fee: $20.00 per class
J.D.Z., Adm. Center - Cafeteria
Lisa Ardenti-Meewes, Instructor
Apr. 21
Code: 3202-10
Apr. 28
Code: 3203-10
May 5
Code: 3204-10
May 12
Code: 3205-10
May 19
Code: 3206-10
May 26
Code: 3207-10
June 2
Code: 3208-10
June 9
Code: 3209-10
June 16
Code: 3210-10
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta!
Ages 7 to 12
Wow your friends and family
at the next Cinco de Mayo
party! Learn to make authentic Mexican food. Bring take
home containers.
May 3
Code: 3201-10
5:00 PM-7:00 PM Fee: $25.00
Camas H.S. - Room 204
Lisa Ardenti-Meewes, Instructor
Mommy and Me
Mother’s Day Sweets!
Adult and child
Make Mother’s Day memories. Prepare several treats
and then sit and visit as we
sample our creations! More
info. at lisalovescooking.
com. Fee is for adult and one
child, $7.00 per additional
child. Cancelations up to
three days in advance - No
refund. Bring an apron and
take home containers.
May 6
Code: 3200-10
6:00 PM-8:00 PM Fee: $30.00
Camas H.S. - Room 204
Lisa Ardenti-Meewes, Instructor
Spanish Classes
Nelda Doody, Instructor
Washougal H.S. - 127
Level 1
For beginning students ages 6
to 12 with parent/s or individual
students ages 13 to adult.
Planning a trip or just want
to learn a second language?
The advantages of learning
to speak and/or understand a
second language are great.
$55.00 fee is for parent/s
and child, or individual, and
$25.00 for each additional
child. Instructional materials
Apr. 29-June 17 Code: 3023-10
7:00-8:00 PM
Fee: $55.00
Level 2
For students who have attended Spanish, Level 1.
Apr. 28-June 16 Code: 3024-10
7:00-8:30 PM
Fee: $55.00
Level 3
For students who have attended Level 2 Spanish or
teacher recommendation.
Apr. 27-June 15 Code: 3025-10
7:00-8:30 PM
Fee: $55.00
Before School Spanish
Grades K-5
Learn how to speak Spanish.
Gain cultural understanding and acceptance in a
fun, engaging environment.
Learn colors, numbers, days,
months, weather, animals,
short phrases & more! No
make-up for missed classes.
Kristin Conradie, Instructor
Fee: $60.00
8:00 AM-8:45 AM
Dorothy Fox - Portable 30
Apr. 20-May 25
Apr. 22-May 27
Code: 3240-10
Code: 3241-10
Lacamas Elem. - Portable 501
Apr. 20-May 25
Apr. 22-May 27
Code: 3238-10
Code: 3239-10
Register page 2
Language, Cont.
Beginning Chinese
Grades K-5
Learn Mandarin Chinese in
a fun & interactive learning
environment. Children will
learn the language & culture
through games, songs, stories, & crafts. Learn to speak,
read & write Mandarin Chinese appropriate to the class
level. Parents are welcome
to come & learn with their
children for free! Kindergarten parents are required to
stay during the class.
Prune Hill Elem. - Computer Lab
Jenny Lee, Instructor
Wednesdays, 1:30-2:30 PM
Fridays, 3:45-4:45 PM
Apr. 7-30
Code: 3236-10
Fee: $80.00
Wednesdays, Fridays
May 5-26
Code: 3237-10
Fee: $70.00
Chinese Dance
Ages 3 to 5
Learn seated movement to
stretch and develop flexibility.
Techniques will be standing
movements. Practice basic
routines, which will utilize
sense of rhythm and timing. Also, develop memory,
increase coordination, and
improve posture. Wear a leotard (no tights) and all work
is done bare foot.
Jill Mitchell, Instructor
Fee: $45.00
Apr. 23-June 18 Code: 3029-10
Fridays - 4:45-5:30 PM
No class April 30 and May 28
Gause School - Cafeteria
July 14-Aug. 25 Code: 4013-10
Wednesdays - 10:00-10:45 AM
Gause School - Gym
Combination Dance
Lynne Mitchell, Instructor
Pay a $5.00 recital fee to the
Ages 3 and 4
Tap, Pre-Ballet/Creative
Movement, and Tumbling.
Mondays, No class May 31
Apr. 19-June 14 Code: 3000-10
4:30-5:15 PM
Fee: $45.00
Gause School - Cafeteria
Ages 5 to 7
Tap, Ballet/Creative Movement, and Tumbling.
Mondays, No class May 31
Apr. 19-June 14 Code: 3001-10
5:15-6:15 PM
Fee: $55.00
Gause School - Cafeteria
Apr. 22-June 10 Code: 3002-10
5:00-6:00 PM
Fee: $55.00
Gause School - Portable 4
Ages 6 to 9
Prerequisite: 3 consecutive
sessions of Combination
Dance, Ages 5 -7. Tap, Ballet, and Tumbling
Apr. 15-June 10 Code: 3003-10
6:00-7:15 PM
Fee: $65.00
Gause School - Portable 4
Ages 10-13
Tap, Ballet, Jazz, and Tumbling.
Mondays, No class May 31
Apr. 12-June 14 Code: 3004-10
6:15-8:00 PM
Fee: $75.00
Gause School - Cafeteria
Tap, Ballet, and Jazz.
Mondays, No class May 31
Apr. 12-June 14 Code: 3005-10
8:00-9:30 PM
Fee: $75.00
Gause School - Cafeteria
July 6-26
Code: 4000-10
7:30-9:30 PM
Fee: $40.00
Jemtegaard M.S. - Commons
“Just for Fun” Piano
Ages 16 to Adult
Learn to play piano in a day
by a nationally known pianist.
Play your favorite songs &
improvise without years of
lessons. Creative aspects of
playing piano, not note reading. $25.00 material fee for
Book & CD paid at class.
May 12
Code: 3218-10
6:00 PM-9:00 PM Fee: $60.00
Camas H.S. - Choir Room
Donn Rochlin, Instructor
Learn basic gymnastics skills
including flexibility, agility,
and strength. Focus is on
backbends, cartwheels,
splits, walkovers, beam work,
and bar. Wear shorts and a
T-shirt or leotards. Work will
be done barefoot. Instructor
Jill DeLoach has 15 years of
coaching experience.
Wednesdays, Early Release
May 5-June 9
Cape Horn-Skye School - Gym
Fee: $50.00
Ages 4 to 6
1:00-1:45 PM
Code: 3014-10
Grades 1-5
11:45 AM-12:45 PM Code: 3015-10
Fee: $50.00
Summer Youth
Music/Dance Activities
in the “Summer Camps”
Section of this catalog.
Jazz/Hip Hop
Fun, challenging and builds
self confidence. Current yet
age appropriate dances.
Instructor, Jamie Washington, has been a professional
dancer & choreographer
for the NBA Phoenix Suns
and cheerleader for NFL
Arizona Cardinals she is also
a mother of young children.
Wear moveable clothes &
tennis shoes.
J.D. Zellerbach Adm. Cntr.
- Main Gym
Ages 3 to 5
Apr. 6-27
Code: 3211-10
4:15 PM-5:00 PM Fee: $45.00
May 4-25
Code: 3213-10
4:15 PM-5:00 PM Fee: $45.00
Ages 6 to 10
Apr. 6-27
Code: 3212-10
5:00 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $55.00
May 4-25
Code: 3214-10
5:00 PM-6:00 PM Fee: $55.00
Ages 11 to 16
Apr. 22-29
Code: 3215-10
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Fee: $30.00
May 6-27
Code: 3216-10
4:30 PM-5:30 PM Fee: $60.00
Register page 2
Cheer Camp ‘10
Grades 8-11
Prepare for high school
cheerleading tryouts! Learn
basic techniques, motions,
jumps, and stunting. Also,
learn two sideline dances,
cheers, chants and the CHS
fight song that is required for
CHS cheer tryouts. Former
CHS cheerleaders will offer
assistance. Wear shorts and
gym shoes. No prior cheer
experience required.
Tuesdays, Thursdays
Apr. 20-May 13 Code: 3217-10
6:00 PM-7:30 PM Fee: $85.00
Camas H.S. - Gym
Brandy Reed, Instructor
Ages 13 to Adult
$10.00 discount when you
register for Tae Kwon Do
and Kickboxing. Minimum
6 months training with Mr.
Brown or previous experience. Call, 607-5569, for
details. Class consists of
stretching, conditioning and
sparring drills based on Point
and Continuous style “Karate”. Individual exercises and
drills with partner(s) aimed
at sport competition martial
arts. Wear sweats/shorts.
Apr. 15-June 10 Code: 3009-10
6:30-8:00 PM
Fee: $55.00
Hathaway School - Gym
Steve Brown, Instructor
Women’s Basketball
Ages 15 to Adult
Join us at the gym to play organized scrimmages, shooting around, and working on
your fundamentals. “Open
gym” style class with no
instruction; just a fun way to
improve on your basketball
skills and keep in shape.
Apr. 15-June 17 Code: 3006-10
6:30-8:00 PM
Fee: $20.00
Canyon Creek M.S. - Gym
Lynn Brown, Instructor
Over 35 Basketball
Keep in shape - one night a
week for the over 35 crowd.
New teams each week. No
children. Class limit is 25.
7:00-9:00 PM
Skyridge M.S. - Gym 2
Andy Schmunk, Instructor
Fee: $20.00
Apr. 7-June 16 Code: 3220-10
June 23-Aug. 25 Code: 4219-10
Men’s 30+ Basketball
Great way to get exercise
and have fun, too. No child
supervision. Class is limited.
7:00-9:00 PM
Jemtegaard M.S. - Gym
Greg Townsend, Instructor
Fee: $20.00
Apr. 15-June 17 Code: 3019-10
June 24-Aug. 26 Code: 4009-10
No class July 29 and August 5
Tae Kwon Do
Moo Duk Kwan Tae Kwon
Do. Builds flexibility, concentration, confidence, and
strength. Lecture and demonstration. Modern and traditional techniques through
individual and group drills.
Self-defense is included.
Wear sweats.
Apr. 13-June 8
Hathaway School - Gym
Steve Brown, Instructor
Fee: $55.00
Ages 6-12
6:00-7:00 PM
Code: 3007-10
7:15-8:15 PM
Code: 3008-10
Ages 13 to Adult
Beginning Golf
Learn all aspects of the
game - putting, chipping,
pitching, irons, woods and
an on-course session. If you
have clubs, please bring
them. Professional staff in a
fun environment.
4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Fee: $125.00
Camas Meadows Golf Club
4105 NW Camas Meadows Dr.
Jenny Duce, Instructor
June 7-28
Code: 4259-10
July 8-29
Code: 4260-10
Summer Youth
Sports Activities
in the “Summer Camps”
section of this catalog.
Korean Martial Arts
Age 7 to Adult
Learn the traditional Korean
martial art of Soo Bahk Do
taught by nationally certified
Moo Duk Kwan instructors.
Sessions will touch on both
the physical and mental
aspects to promote improved
physical coordination and
knowledge. Classes conducted in a safe environment
of non-contact to ensure
the best experience for all
- Uniforms available for
- Federation membership required for rank advancement.
Mondays, Wednesdays
J.D. Zellerbach Adm. Cntr.,
Main Gym
Anna Oulashin, Charles Smith,
Session 1
May 3-June 30
5:00-5:45 PM
Code: 3242-10
Fee: $127.50
July 5-Aug. 25
5:00-5:45 PM
Code: 4239-10
Fee: $120.00
Session 2
Session 1
May 3-June 30
6:00-7:00 PM
Code: 3243-10
Fee: $127.50
July 5-Aug. 25
6:00-7:00 PM
Code: 4240-10
Fee: $120.00
Session 2
a website
dedicated to keeping
parents in the
Camas/Washougal area
informed on local
sporting opportunites
available to youth.
Register page 2
Summer Camps
Washougal S.D.
Summer School 2010
Credit Recovery
For high school students who
have attempted and failed a
course. Students can work
from home on their computers (internet access needed),
or they can come to the
school lab and work daily.
Information will be available
at Washougal High School
and the Community Education office in May.
ECCE KinderAcademy
teacher will introduce students to basic kindergarten
expectations: transitioning,
following directions and being ready to learn. An opportunity to follow a kindergarten
schedule including class
time, recess, library, gym
time, and cafeteria etiquette.
Also, includes reading, writing and math skills. Join us
for this fun jump start into
Monday through Thursday
9:00 AM-12:30 PM
Hathaway School - Portable C
Cathy Saberi, Instructor
Fee: $60.00
Aug. 9-12
Code: 4025-10
Aug. 16-19
Code: 4026-10
Adventures in ABC’s
Ages 4 to 6
Develop and nurture your
child’s early literacy skills.
Participation in fun, hands-on
activities focusing on phonetic awareness, beginning
phonics, and concepts of
print. Taught by a Kindergarten teacher
Mondays through Fridays
July 5-16
Code: 4212-10
9:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $150.00
Prune Hill Elem. - Rm 11
Jessica Papantchev, Instructor
Pre-K Readiness presents
an opportunity for your child
to learn valuable skills which
will help make transitioning
into Kindergarten a smooth
and exciting one. Focus is
on: problem solving, fine motor skills, beginning reading,
writing and math. Taught by
a Kindergarten teacher.
Mondays through Fridays
July 19-30
Code: 4213-10
9:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $150.00
Prune Hill Elem. - Rm 11
Jessica Papantchev, Instructor
Preschool Day Camp
Ages 3 to 5
Monday through Friday
10:00 AM-12:30 PM
ECCE Staff
Hathaway School - Portable A
Fee: $60.00
Snakes, lizards, frogs and
other slippery friends.
July 12-16
Code: 4027-10
Let’s Go Camping!
Make your camping gear, put
up a tent, sing around the
campfire and enjoy smores!
July 19-23
Code: 4028-10
Ooey Gooey Week
Messy “hands-on” fun with
gak, sand, water, clay and
colored goop.
July 26-30
Code: 4029-10
Cooking Around the World
A fiesta, a tea party, special
pizza and a taste of Asia.
Aug. 2-6
Code: 4030-10
Wacky Water Fun
Slip-n-Slide and sprinkler
fun, explore the ocean, ice
art, snow cones and more!
Aug. 9-13
Code: 4031-10
Summer Camp
Preschool to Grade 5
Camps include fun theme
based activities, walking
field trips, library visits, science projects and hands-on
learning. Lunch and snacks
Monday through Friday
7:30 AM-5:30 PM
ECCE Staff, Instructors
Hathaway School - Portable B
Fee: Full day (over 5 hours)
$175.00/week or $40.00/day
1/2 day (5 hours or less)
$125.00/week or $30.00/day
Nature Study
Plant a garden with stepping
stones, explore habitats, bird
watch and build a birdhouse.
June 21-25
Code: 4034-10
Celebrate the U.S.A.
4th of July activities including
origami firecrackers and a
special BBQ.
June 28-July 2 Code: 4035-10
Mystery Week
Invisible ink, fingerprinting
and CSI activities using math
and science.
July 6-9
Code: 4036-10
Summer Olympics
Enjoy sports from around the
world, earn your medals and
run an obstacle course.
July 12-16
Code: 4037-10
It’s Show Time
Share your talents and explore magic, drama, dancing,
singing and juggling.
July 19-23
Code: 4038-10
Let’s Go Camping
Build your supplies, pitch a
tent, enjoy a campfire with
singing, smores and stories.
July 26-30
Code: 4039-10
Around the World in 5 Days
Enjoy international foods,
games, languages and art.
Aug. 2-6
Code: 4042-10
Wacky Water Week
Sprinkler fun, boat races, watercolors, water course, and
Aug. 9-13
Code: 4041-10
Crazy Science
Build robots, create a maze,
grow crystals, build and fly
your own kite.
Aug. 16-20
Code: 4040-10
Register page 2
Summer Camp at
Math Review
Computational Fun
Fun activities including arts,
crafts, organized games,
walking field trips, library visits, science projects, cooking
and Reader’s Theater. Each
week will have a new theme
as well as time to just kick
back & enjoy being a kid!
Snacks provided, lunch provided by parents.
Full day - 5 hours or more:
$200 a week or $45 a day
1/2 day - 5 hours or less:
$140 a week or $30 a day
Learn strategies to master
multiplication and division
facts, double digit multiplication and long division.
For 2010-2011 Grades K- 6
Monday through Friday
7:30AM-5:30 PM
J.D. Zellerbach Adm. Cntr., Rm 305
ECCE Staff, Instructors
Ooey Gooey
June 21-25
Code: 4220-10
June 28-July 2
Code: 4221-10
July 5-9
Code: 4222-10
July 12-16
Code: 4223-10
July 19-23
Code: 4224-10
July 26-30
Code: 4225-10
Aug. 2-6
Code: 4226-10
Aug. 9-13
Code: 4227-10
Aug. 16-20
Code: 4228-10
Aug. 23-27
Code: 4229-10
Celebrate America
Science Made Fun
Environment Week
Camas Days
Mystery Week
2010-2011 Grades 4 and 5
Monday through Thursday
July 19-22
Code: 4209-10
9:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $50.00
Prune Hill Elementary - Rm. 17
Arun Cameron, Instructor
Reading Writing
2010-2011 Grades K-2
Join us for some fun-filled
intensive literacy instruction
this summer! Each session
will be dedicated to reading
and writing instruction at your
child’s instructional level.
Taught by Camas Elementary teachers.
Monday through Thursday
9:00 AM-11:30 AM
Lacamas Elementary - Rm 103
Tracey MacLachlan and
Becky Hansel, Instructors
Fee: $100.00
Icky Sticky Frogs
June 28-July 1
Code: 4210-10
July 12-15
Code: 4211-10
Creepy Crawly Bugs
We’ve Got Talent
Fun & Fitness
Reader’s Theater
Math Review
Computational Fun
2010-2011 Grades 2 and 3
Learn strategies to master
addition and subtraction
facts. Adding and subtracting
with regrouping.
Monday through Thursday
July 12-15
Code: 4208-10
9:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $50.00
Prune Hill Elementary - Rm. 17
Arun Cameron, Instructor
Immersion Camp
Ages 5 to 9
Immerse your child in the
Spanish language this summer. Learning new Spanish
words while exploring Mexican and Central American
history through hands-on
activities, recreating artifacts,
crafts, and symbols significant to Hispanic life. This
combination of activities will
provide students with a varied picture of the wealth of
influences found in Hispanic
culture. Projects include:
Building Mayan statues,
Aztec Shields, a Worry Doll,
and Pinata
Monday through Thursday
June 28-July 1 Code: 4251-10
9:00 AM-11:30 PM Fee: $85.00
J.D. Zellerbach - Room 307
Kristin Conradie, Instructor
Science Camp
2010-2011 Grades 3-6
Do you love to find out how
things work? Have you
always wanted to dissect
a salamander, starfish or
maybe a pig? Explore life
and the environment with
hands-on activities and experimentation. Use supplies
and equipment found in a
secondary science classroom, with one-on-one use
of microscopes and other
scientific tools. Each day
a different field of science.
Monday through Thursday
July 5-8
Code: 4216-10
1:00-4:00 PM
Fee: $50.00
Camas H.S. - 703
Jennifer Dean, Instructor
Crime Scene
2010-2011 Grades 3-6
Use the methods and tools
of a forensic scientist. Work
in a biology lab to investigate
a mock crime scene and
learn to properly collect and
preserve physical evidence.
Practice your observation
skills and analyze clues to
solve a mystery.
Monday through Thursday
Camas H.S. - 703
Jennifer Dean, Instructor
Fee: $50.00
July 5-8
Code: 4215-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
July 12-15
Code: 4217-10
1:00 PM-4:00 PM
Science Olympiad
2010-2011 Grades 3-6
Interested in joining the
Science Olympiad Club at
your Camas elementary
school? Check out the different events and activities!
Use equipment found in a
secondary science classroom. Different events will be
featured each day - Crime
Scene Busters, Junkyard
Challenge, and more. Camas
H.S. 3rd place state championship team will be at camp.
Monday thorugh Thursday
July 12-15
Code: 4218-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $50.00
Camas H.S. - 703
Jennifer Dean, Instructor
Register page 2
Summer Camps
Education, Cont.
Mad Science Camps
Monday through Friday
J.D. Zellerbach Adm. Cntr.
- Cafeteria
Every camper will get a
T-shirt as well as take-home
projects. Bring a snack.
Junior Science Explorers
2010-2011 K - 2
Topics include: Mad Messages, Junior Naturalists,
Earth Awareness, Science of
Sport, and Junior Astronauts.
June 28-July 2 Code: 4245-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $139.00
In the Garden
Ages 4 and 5
Topics include: Soil & Seeds,
Sun Wind & Rain, Plants &
Leaves, Flowers Fruits &
Veggies, Butterflies Bees &
July 12-16
Code: 4246-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $139.00
Rockets and the
Science of Flight
2010-2011 Grades K - 2 Space,
rockets, planes and flight...
a little bit of everything for
a rockin’ good time! Topics:
The Wright Stuff, Newton’s
Loco-Motion, It’s an Up
Thing, The Mildy Way &
Rockin’ Rockets
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday
July 26-30
Code: 4247-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $139.00
Radical Robotics
2010-2011 Grades 4-7
Build 2 robots of your very
own! Topics include: What is
a Robot, Electric Thoughts,
Machine Muscles, Robot
Building (2 days). Also, bring
a sack lunch.
Aug. 2-6
Code: 4248-10
9:00 AM-3:00 PM Fee: $299.00
Art Alive!
2010-2011 Grades K - 5
Summer Camps
Art, Dance,
Drama, Cooking
Advanced Dance Camp
Ages 9 to Adult
For students who have had 2
or more consecutive years of
dance instruction. Advanced
work will be on Tap, Ballet,
Jazz, and Tumbling. Bring a
sack lunch and water.
Monday through Thursday
July 12-15
Code: 4003-10
10:00 AM-2:00 PM Fee: $75.00
Jemtegaard M.S. - Commons
Lynne Mitchell, Instructor
Learn about famous artists
& then create a piece of art
work based on a famous
piece. Artists studied include
O’Keefe, Matisse, Van Gogh
and more! Use a variety &
combination of mediums
including watercolor, tempera
paint, oil pastels, etc.
Use lower parking lot & enter
through the downstairs door
- 2nd grade hallway.
Monday through Thurday
June 28-July 8 Code: 4264-10
11:30 AM-1:00 PM Fee: $110.00
Prune Hill Elementary - Rm. 4
Jessica Crowe, Instructor
Fairies, Princesses,
and Ballerines
Ages 5 to 7
SAVE $10.00! If you register for
both classes (”Fairies, Princesses, and Ballerines” and “Hannah
Montana Dance Party”) the fee
for both is $75.00. If you take
both, bring a sack lunch.
It’s all about being a Fairy,
a Princess, or a Ballerina!
Learn creative movement
from an experienced dance
teacher. Art projects, a story
time, and a snack included.
Pay the instructor $5.00
material fee. Bring water.
Tuesday through Friday
July 6-9
Code: 4002-10
10:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $35.00
Jemtegaard M.S. - Commons
Lynne Mitchell, Instructor
Hannah Montana
Dance Party
Ages 6 and older
SAVE $10.00! If you register for
both classes (”Fairies, Princesses, and Ballerines” and “Hannah
Montana Dance Party”) the fee
for both is $75.00. If you take
both, bring a sack lunch.
Learn routines to your
favorite Hannah Montana
songsandtumbling routines.
Bring water.
Tuesday through Friday
July 6-9
Code: 4001-10
12:00-2:00 PM
Fee: $50.00
Jemtegaard M.S. - Commons
Lynne Mitchell, Instructor
Kid Show
2010-2011 Grades 2 - 5
Join our music director in this
fun filled camp. Choreograph
dance, choose songs, create
a script and make a backdrop. A concert for family and
friends will be held August 6
at 10:00 a.m. . Bring a snack
to class each day. Additional
siblings $65.00 each.
Mondays through Fridays
July 26-Aug. 6 Code: 4230-10
9:00-11:30 AM
Fee: $100.00
Helen Baller Elem. - Cafeteria
Patti Hardy, Instructor
Missoula Children’s
2010-2011 Grades 1 - 12
This performance features,
“Beauty Lou and the Country
Beast”. This show can utilize
a maximum of 60 cast members. Auditions are Monday,
practices the rest of the
week. The final performances will be Saturday, July 24th
at 3:00 and 5:30 p.m.
Additional siblings $75.00
Monday through Saturday
July 19-24
Code: 4231-10
10:00 AM-2:30 PM Fee: $90.00
Camas H.S. - Theater
Register page 2
Cooking Around
the World
Ages 7 to 12
Learn to cook wonderful authentic food in a fun
atmosphere. Enjoy eating
the meal at the end of each
class. Each child will get
hand’s on cooking experience that will last a lifetime.
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Lisa Ardenti-Meewes, Instructor
Camas H.S. - Room 204
Fee: $25.00 each class or
$90.00 each session.
Session 1
July 19
Code: 4200-10
July 20
Code: 4201-10
July 21
Code: 4202-10
July 22
Code: 4203-10
Session 2
Aug. 9
Code: 4204-10
Aug. 10
Code: 4205-10
Aug. 11
Code: 4206-10
Aug. 12
Code: 4207-10
Summer Camps
Play Soccer!
Ages 5 to 8
Learn to play or
expand your soccer skills.
Introduce kids to soccer
who will be first time league
soccer players in the fall.
Coach, Moe Saberi, has 25
years experience as a soccer
Tuesday through Friday
July 6-9
Code: 4016-10
5:00-7:00 PM
Fee: $40.00
Washougal H.S. - Stadium
Moe Saberi, Instructor
Soccer Fundamentals
Ages 9 to 12
Learn a variety of skills and
soccer fundamentals from
Washougal H.S. Boys JV
Soccer Coach. Includes
ball control skills -touches,
rollovers etc., dribbling and
juggling drills. Ball striking
skills - shooting, passing,
and heading. Ball winning
skills - learning to win 50-50
balls, how to shield. Learn
how to set your opponent
up - practice fakes. Bring a
water bottle.
Monday through Thursday
July 19-22
Code: 4020-10
9:00-11:00 AM
Fee: $40.00
Washougal H.S. - Stadium
Charles Boyce, Instructor
Soccer Rules with
Dan Macaya
2010-2011 Grades K - 8
Learn new skills or touch-up
on fundamental techniques.
This coaching staff will be
made up of local college
players that love helping out
in their community! Dribbling,
passing, shooting and defending skills . Include t-shirt
size on registration.
Monday through Friday
June 28-July 2 Code: 4232-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $55.00
Soccer Field - Ione Street, Camas
Dan Macaya, Instructor
2010-2011 Grades 3 - 8 Work
on fundamentals that will
help you be successful on
the basketball court. Focus is
on building skills at all levels,
player development and
good sportsmanship. You
will play scrimmage games
each day. Completion certificates will be given to each
participant. Special awards
will also be given out at each
Monday through Thursday
July 19-22
Code: 4236-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $60.00
Liberty M.S. - Gym
Scott Eppinger, Instructor
2010-2011 Grades 2 - 5
Learn a wide
variety of skills
and basketball fundamentals from
H.S. Girls
Varsity Basketball Coach.
Camp includes ball handling,
shooting, defense, rebounding, fast break drills and the
fundamentals of the screen
and roll. Put the package
together while playing small
sided games. Bring water.
Monday through Thursday
June 28-July 1
Fee: $40.00
Washougal H.S. - Gym
Charlie Boyce, Insructor
Grades 2-5
Code: 4018-10
9:00-11:00 AM
Grades 6-8
Code: 4019-10
1:00-3:00 PM
Cheer Camp
Ages 8 - 12
Learn fun, challenging
cheers, chants and a dance.
The instructor has been a
professional dancer & choreographer. Wear fitted t-shirt
and shorts and tennis shoes.
Parents, grandparents and
friends come at 11:00 on
Thursday to see a mini performance.
Monday through Thursday
July 12-15
Code: 4214-10
9:30 AM-11:30 AM Fee: $100.00
J.D. Zellerbach Adm. Cntr.
- Main Gym
Jamie Washington, Instructor
Flag Football
2010-2011 Grades 3 - 6
Work on fundamentals that
will help you be successful
on the football field. Focus is
on building skills at all levels,
player development & good
sportsmanship. You will play
scrimmage games each day.
Completion certificates will
be given to each participant.
Special awards will also be
given out at each session.
Monday through Thursday
July 26-29
Code: 4235-10
9:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $60.00
Camas H.S. - Cardon Field
Scott Eppinger, Instructor
Register page 2
Summer Camps
Girls Volleyball
2010-2011 Grades 6 - 9
Beginner, intermediate & advanced players join Camas
H.S. coaches & players for
a great volleyball camp! Skill
development will include
serving, passing, setting &
hitting. Time to practice skills
in framework of games too.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
July 19-21
Code: 4234-10
8:00 AM-12:00 PM Fee: $60.00
Camas H.S. - Gym
Julie Nidick, Instructor
Parent’s Night Out
Open Gym
Ages 6 - 12
Please pre-register. Pay
at class or with ECCE. Join
Washougal H.S.Coach,
Charlie Boyce, for a fun
Saturday night of basketball,
volleyball, indoor soccer,
ping pong, video games,
or ... While parents have a
fun night out of their own.
Fee: Each Saturday, First child
$10.00, $5.00 each add. sibling
7:00-11:00 PM
Jemtegaard M.S. - Gym
Charles Boyce, Instructor
July 10
Code: 4021-10
July 17
Code: 4022-10
July 24
Code: 4023-10
August 7
Code: 4024-10
Summer Fitness Fun
2010-2011 Grades K - 5
Class will start with indoor
warm-up and an aerobic
activity, team game. Outdoor
activities include track and
fitness stations.Cool down
includes strengthening &
stretching. Please bring a
water bottle every day.
Mondays through Thursdays
June 28-July 8 Code: 4263-10
9:00 AM-11:00 AM Fee: $120.00
Prune Hill Elementary - Gym
Jessica Crowe, Instructor
Tennis anyone? Develop
good technique and basic
skills while learning the
fundamentals of forehand,
backhand, serving, scoring,
and positioning. Advanced
students will focus on
refining strokes and more
intense lessons. The class
will be taught by C.H.S. tennis coaches. Bring a water
bottle, wear sunscreen, and
bring a racket.
Monday through Thursday
July 5-8
Fee: $50.00
Camas H.S. - Tennis Courts
Jonathan Burton and
Annie Sumpter, Instructors
Grades 3-5
Code: 4237-10
9:00 AM-10:25 AM
Beginning Golf
Learn the basics of golf from
a great professional staff at
Camas Meadows Golf Club.
Learn the pre-swing and
in-swing fundamentals of
putting, chipping, pitching,
irons, woods, and on course
play in a fun environment. If
you have clubs please bring
them. No prior experience
Camas Meadows Golf Club
4105 NW Camas Meadows Dr.
Camas Meadows, Instructor
Fee: $50.00
Age 6 - 9
July 6-27
Code: 4253-10
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Ages 10 - 14
Grades 6-8
July 6-27
Code: 4254-10
2:30 PM-3:30 PM
Junior Speed, Sports
and Athletics
Aug. 5-26
Code: 4255-10
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Code: 4238-10
10:30 AM-12:00 PM
This is a youth track and field
camp taught by instructor,
Mike Hickey. Become a better, faster, smarter athlete.
Mike coached 9 years of
college track and 2 years of
speed and agility at Clackamas Community College.
Please bring water, snacks,
and a sack lunch.
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM-3:00 PM
Camas H.S. - Cardon Field
Fee: $150.00
2010-2011 Grades 6-8
July 5-9
Code: 4266-10
July 12-16
Code: 4267-10
2010-2011 Grades 2-5
Pre-School Golf
Ages 4 - 5
Introduce your child to the
game of golf at a great developmental age. they will learn
the very basics of golf from
putting, chipping, pitching,
full swing with irons & woods
in a fun and positive atmosphere. If you have clubs
please bring them, if not we
will provide them.
July 8-29
Code: 4252-10
1:00 PM-2:00 PM Fee: $50.00
Camas Meadows Golf Club
4105 NW Camas Meadows Dr.
Camas Meadows, Instructor
Ages 10- 14
Intermediate Golf
Ages 8 - 14
Build golf skills from a great
professional staff at Camas
Meadows Golf Club. Continue development of the preswing and in-swing fundamentals of putting, chipping,
pitching, bunkers, irons,
woods, and on course play
in a fun environment. Focus
will be on-course development as most of the class will
be held on the golf course.
Please provide your own
clubs. Traditional golf attire
required, collared golf shirts,
and khaki pants or shorts.
Camas Meadows Golf Club
4105 NW Camas Meadows Dr.
Camas Meadows, Instructor
Fee: $60.00
July 6-20
Code: 4256-10
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
July 7-21
Code: 4257-10
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Aug. 4-18
Code: 4258-10
6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Register page 2
Clark County Coach-a-Roo
Collegiate Style Wrestling Camp
Featuring some of the best coaches & wrestlers from the SW WA area. After learning skills in
the morning, older wrestlers will have the opportunity to teach them to young wrestlers in the
afternoon. The concept is that younger and older, inexperienced and experienced wrestlers
alike will benefit. This will enable them to master techniques that win championships & create
lasting relationships. The camp is ran by the same team that brought about Camas Junior
Wrestling & The Camas CROCS Club. Go to www.ClarkCountyWrestlingCamp.com.
Monday through Friday
Aug. 2-6
Skyridge M.S. - Gym 2
Tom Sawyer, Brody Faler, Instructor
Fee: $80.00 (Students grades 7-12 pay $40.00
if you stay and coach grades K-6 in the afternoon.)
2010-2011 Grades 7-12
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Code: 4249-10
2010-2011 Grades K - 6
1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Code: 4250-10
Delightf ul Daycation Tours
Sponsored by S.W. Washington Community Education Consortium
Mount Hood Railroad Blossom
Festival Excursion
Date: Saturday, Apr. 17th
Time: 7:30am-4:30pm – Please be prompt!
Fee: $55 per person before Mar. 1,
$60 Mar. 1 or after
Age: Family
Code: WS10990b
Oregon’s Yamhill County
Date: Saturday, May 8th
Time: 6:00am-8:00pm – Please be prompt!
Fee: $75 per person before Apr. 28,
$80 Apr. 28 or after
Age: 21 and over
NW Trek Wildlife Park
Date: Saturday, June 26
Time: 6:30am-6:00pm – Please be prompt!
Fee: $50 per person before June 12,
$55 June 12 or after
Age: Family
Code: WS10990c
35th Annual Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show
Date: Saturday, July 10th
Time: 6:00am-8:00pm – Please be prompt!
Fee: $45 per person before June 12,
$55 June 12 or after
Age: 16+ Adult
Code: WS1099d
Trips depart from and return to:
Evergreen S.D. Administrative Service Center, 13501 NE 28th St. Vancouver.
To register: Send names, phone numbers, and addresses of all attendees with check (payable
to SWCEC) to Evergreen Community Education, PO Box 8910, Vancouver, WA 98668-8910.
Phone registration or credit cards not accepted. Questions, call 360-604-4082.
Camas Library
Communit y Information
For Spring/Summer activities, please call 834-4692, or visit 625 NE 4th Ave., Camas, or check
the website at www.ci.camas.wa.us/library for more information on what’s happening.
Washougal Library
For Spring/Summer activities, please call call 835-5393, or visit 1661 C St., Washougal, or
check the website at www.fvrl.org for more information on what’s happening.
Happy Trails 4-H Camps
Located at Camas Camp-n-Ranch in Fern Prairie, 4 -Seasons 4-H Camp, has planned handson activities with farm animals, fun and educational uses of things found on a farm, nature
trails, treasure hunts and much more! For camp and reservation information call, 360-606-1970
or email, camascampnranch@comcast.net.
Mother’s Day Plant and Garden Fair
Saturday, May 8, 2010, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. downtown Camas. Regional nurseries and local
merchants will be on display. There will be a “Kids’ Zone” from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. For more
information visit the plant fair website www.cwplantfair.org or call 360-834-7598.
Register page 2
On-line Classes and Career Courses
Our instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly
interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive
communities for learners. All courses run for six weeks with a two-week grace period at the
end. Courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments,
discussion areas, supplementary links, and more. You can complete any course entirely from
your home or office, any time of the day or night.
How to Get Started:
1. Visit www.ed2go.com/washougalcommed our Online Instruction Center.
2. Click the Courses link, choose the department and course title you are interested in and
select the Enroll Now button. Follow the instructions to enroll and pay for your course. Here
you will enter your e-mail and choose a password that will grant you access to the
3. When your course starts, return to our Online Instruction Center and click the Classroom
link. To begin your studies, simply log in with your e-mail and the password you selected
during enrollment.
All courses require Internet access, e-mail, the Netscape Navigator, or the Microsoft Internet
Explorer web browser. Some courses may have additional requirements. Please visit our
Online Instruction Center for more information.
New course sessions begin on the third Wednesday of each month. Start dates for the
courses are listed at the Online Instruction Center web-site.
Camas School District,
841 NE 22nd Ave., Camas, WA 98607, 360-833-5400
Washougal School District,
4855 Evergreen Way, Washougal WA 98671, 360-954-3000
Mt. Pleasant School District,
152 Marble Road, Washougal WA 98671, 360-835-3371
City of Washougal,
1701 C Street, Washougal WA 98671, 360-835-8501
City of Camas,
616 NE Fourth Avenue, Camas WA 98607, 360-834-6864
Camas-Washougal Chamber of Commerce,
422 NE Fourth Avenue, Camas WA 98607, 360-834-2472
Port of Camas-Washougal,
24 South A Street, Washougal WA 98671, 360-835-2196
Clark County Board of Commissioners, 360-397-2232
C-Tran/C-Van, 360-695-0123
Loaves and Fishes at the Washougal Civic Center,
1681 C Street, Washougal WA 98671, 360-835-8742
The Unified Family Center - a social services center managed by
Children’s Home Society, 1702 C Street, Washougal WA 98671,
Two Rivers Heritage Museum,
1 - 16 Street, Washougal WA 98671, 360-835-8742
East Clark County Great Artists Series,
Email, cpsconcerts@eccgas.org or call 360-834-7807 or 360-834-5913
Dates to Remember
Non Attendance Day, Washougal.............................................................April 30
Memorial Day Holiday Weekend, Camas/Washougal..........................May 28-31
Camas Graduation........................................................................June 11
Washougal Graduation..................................................................June 12
Last Day of School, Camas.................................................................June 17
Last Day of School, Washougal...........................................................June 18
Community Education Fall Catalog available on-line.......................September 1
Washougal School District events - www.washougal.k12.wa.us
and click on “Calendar of events.”
Camas School District events - www.camas.wednet.edu under
“Parents Corner,” click on “Calendar; All Events.”