Bulletin - Catholic Printery
Bulletin - Catholic Printery
October 30, 2016 St. Henry Catholic Church Iglesia Católica San Enrique 346 N.W. First Street, Gresham, OR 97030 503-665-9129 Email: sthenry_gresham@archdpdx.org Website: sthenrygresham.org Fax: 503-665-8238 ~ Saturday ~ Sacrament of Reconciliation: 3:00—4:30 pm Administrative Council Development…..……………..………….….……..Vicky Leliefeld Finance…. …………..………………….…..………..…Rod Moritz Kathy Thompson Jesús Torres Build/Grounds….…..………………………………….Tom Barrie Shane Tercek Pastoral Council Chair…...………………………………………...…...Glenn Zmuda Vice Chair/Admin Rep…...……………………….Charlie Marino Secretary…...……………………………...…….Stella Armstrong Formation…...…………………..………………….......Larry Rose Evangelization…...…………...…..…………..……Marcy Marlow Organization…...……………………………...…...…...Art Abbott Vocations…...…………………...………………...…...Doug Klein Outreach…...……………………….…………….......Don Schantz Spanish Liaison…...……………….......Guillermina Hernandez Spanish Liaison…...…………………..……Gerardo Arredondo Staff Pastor..….…………………………………...…...Fr. Charles Zach Parochial Vicar / Habla Español..........Fr. Henry Guillen-Vega Deacon / Habla Español.…...………………….…..Lou De Sitter Business Manager…………….....……………….…..Joan Myers Care Ministry…....…………………...………………..Mari Spring Faith Formation….…………………...….…...Jeanne Chambers Liturgy / Sacraments…...………………..………..…...Sara Wise Music………..….…………………………............Barbara Adams RCIA / Adult Ed……...……….……..……...……Connie Ostlund Youth Ministry / Habla Español………………....Dave Crepeau Administrative Assistant…...………...…...…….Terri Heitzman Administradora Hispana / Habla Español…..…....Ana Solano Maintenance.……...………………………………..……..Ed Kurtz Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 8:30am & 11:00am 1:30pm ~ Spanish Monday ~ Saturday Mass: 8:00am Calendar ~ 10/30-11/6 Sunday October 30 Priesthood Sunday Masses 8:30am & 11:00am English 1:30pm Spanish Elem. Faith Form. & Sacra. Prep 9:45am & 12:15pm (P/C) Coffee & Donuts hosted by Sacra. Prep 9:45am (GYM) Library Open 9:45am (LIB) Nursery 9:45am (RM 5) Mercy Presentation 9:40am (KC Hall) Adult Basket Ball 4:00pm (GYM) Monday October 31 Happy Halloween Mass 8:00am Aztec Dance Practice 7:00pm (GYM) Tuesday November 1 Holy Day ~ All Saints Masses 8:00am & 6:00pm English 7:15pm Spanish Pointers Prayer Group 8:45am (CH) St. Vincent de Paul Pantry 10:00am (SVDPP) Al-Anon 10:00am (RM 6) Day Shelter 1:30pm (GYM) Adult Ed 7:00pm (FSR) Nar-Anon 7:00pm (RM 7) Wednesday November 2 ~ All Souls Masses 8:00am English / 7:00pm Spanish Adult Education 9:00am (FSR) O.A. 10:30am (RM 7) Youth Ministry 7:00pm (P/C) Thursday November 3 Mass 8:00am Mom’s Group 10:00am (RM 8) Adult Basketball 7:00pm (GYM) RCIA Meeting 7:00pm (FSR) Folk Group Practice 7:00pm (CH) Friday November 4 Mass 8:00am Library Open 10:00am (LIB) Saturday November 5 Mass 8:00am Vigil Mass 5:00pm Mass World Apostolate of Fatima 8:45am (CH) St. Vincent de Paul Pantry 10:00am (SVDPP) Confessions 3:00pm (AD CH) Sunday November 6 Day Light Savings Ends Mass 8:30am & 11:00am Mass 1:30pm Spanish Elem. Faith Form. & Sacra. Prep 9:45am & 12:15pm (P/C) K of C Breakfast 9:45am (GYM) Library 9:45am (LIB) Nursery 9:45am (RM 5) History Albums 2:00pm (RM 10) Pg 2 Adult Basketball 4:00pm (GYM) Mass Intentions 10/30-11/5 S +Paul Thuong & Maria Ninh Nguyen (Peter & Bicky Nguyen) +Nick Oliver (Lulu Oliver) +Mel Freitas (Russ & Marion Bridenbeck) +Jim Lechner (George Lechner) -Kenneth Bell (Ron Welsh) M +Marcus Bladow (Clara Campbell) T +Adela & Vicente Villa +Benjamin Haley +Eleanor Arbuckle (Nancy Haley) (Nancy Haley) (Terri Heitzman W +John Villa +Brigham Villa (Nancy Haley) (Nancy Haley) T +Bob Loomis +Joe Perletti F +Gladys Boyce S +Judy DeCourcy +Catherina Pereira Spear (Linda Loomis) (Susanna Perletti) (Tom Bourgo) (Catholic Daughters) (Pereira/Spear Family) Prayer List “What you ask in my name, I will do” - John 14:13 Brittany, Theresa Bower, Casey C. Margaret Caldwell, Connie Clausing, Gen Collins, Cheryll D’Eath, Richard Dusa, David Ford, Lisa Hills, Lisa J. Dan Kaufman, Chris Martin, Jim Martin, Elaine Merry, Synthia Meyers, Dr. Richard H. Miller, Kurt Minich, Sarah Minich, Julia Murray, Mike Mushkin, Pauline Olbrich, Mike O’Neal, Kathy Paintner, George Peery, Mike Peery, Barbara Pereira, Donna Summerfield, Matt Thoman, Tom Trevarthen, Jay Underwood, Bill Wessels Out of respect for an individuals privacy, we print only the names of those who give their permission to have their names published. Support the businesses that help to make this bulletin free to our church This Week’s Advertiser of the Week is : PM Law ~ Legal Representation Day Care Providers needed for Nursery 9:30am to 12:30am on Sunday’s This is a paid position. Must be 18 or older to apply. Please call the parish at 503-665-9129 Pastor’s Message ~ Time to vote with the heart of the two commandments: Love God and your neighbor Imagine for a moment if we reformulate the Jesus’ parable of two people who arrive at the temple to pray. Let’s see how this resonates: Two people went to the poll to vote. One was convinced and proud of his own righteousness and despised the other person. He went with the attitude that he cornered the market on all the issues. The other person went to the poll with a humbled heart and beat his breast calling upon the Lord for inspiration and guidance and mercy. Now Jesus might conclude this redacted parable with the following: He would honor the second man who teaches something essential about the way we stand before God. So what does a humbled heart mean? Ultimately we call upon the Lord for inspiration, guidance and mercy. The path of calling upon the Lord is to love God and our neighbor when we vote: 1. Be properly informed about the current issues; 2. Have a conscience that is formed by the teachings of Jesus through the Church; and 3. Pray for prudence and right judgment. Why? Christians are to have an impact on society. That’s a mission, to bring about the Lord’s peace and justice. Otherwise we just “go with the wind of the prevailing culture.” What are the current fundamental issues in our country? abortion, excessive consumption (related destruction of natural resources), narrowing of religious freedom, lack of preferential option for the poor, broken immigration system, and war/ terror/violence in our world. Our responsibility as citizens doesn’t just happen in the polling booth, for it is an obligation that is ongoing long after the polls are closed and the country has spoken. In the presence of God we try to do the best thing. We need to have a code of moral content, to discriminate between various possible behaviors. We are given a free will so that we can make wise choices when faced with a dilemma. In this there is no room for pride. There is only room for the man and woman of humility. Responsible citizenship is a virtue; and participation in political life is a moral obligation. So we examine the issues of human life and dignity and the issues of justice and peace. Planning Study Dear Parishioners, You may be aware that we are conducting a comprehensive survey of the entire parish. The purpose of the study is to help gauge support for the following projects that constitute our parish’s master plan: • Enlarging our current foyer • Creating a defined Church entrance • Increasing our parking I would like to thank everyone who has already participated in the study. Your thoughts are extremely valuable to us during this planning process. I encourage everyone who has not responded to do so. Your input will help us make an informed decision regarding our long-range plans for St. Henry. We hope to have all surveys completed by Wednesday, Nov. 9. You may return your survey to the office or place it in the offertory basket at any of the Masses. You may also complete the survey online by going to http://sthenrygresham.org/, clicking on the survey link and entering the password: henry. Sincerely in Christ , Fr. Charles Zach, Pastor Breakfast with the JVC’s The Knights of Columbus are serving up a wonderful Breakfast next Sunday, November 6, at 9:30am in the gym. Guests of Honor will be the Jesuit Volunteers. Plan to come for a delicious start to your day and meet some awesome people. Pg 3 Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship The Church is involved in the political process but is not partisan. The church cannot champion any candidate or party. Our cause is the defense of human life and dignity and the protection of the weak and vulnerable. St. Henry Church does not authorize distribution of partisan political materials or biased voter education materials (those that support or oppose-or exhibit bias for or against-any candidate or party) on church property, in church publications, or at church activities. Authorization should be given only after materials have been approved by the diocesan attorney. If you have questions or concerns, please speak with the front office. While it is important to be clear about what we can’t do, the most important thing to focus on is what we can do. In a democracy, loving our neighbor and caring for the least among us means supporting leaders and policies that promote the common good and protect society’s most vulnerable members. Last week’s bulletin had a pamphlet in it titled “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship”. There are a few copies on the tables at the back of church. Pick one up if you have misplaced yours. Prayer Before An Election Justice & Peace Lord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city/state/ country and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. We ask for eyes that are free from blindness so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, one and equal in dignity, especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned, men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion, or gender. We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom. We pray for discernment so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word, live your love, and keep in the ways of your truth as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles and guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace. We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS) Next week our parish will take up the Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS). The AMS relies solely on private donors in support of its mission, “Serving those who serve” and its ministry to provide the same pastoral care and services to catholic's serving in the United States Armed Forces, enrolled in the U.S. Military Academies, undergoing treatment at any of the 153 Department of Veteran’s Affairs’ Medical Centers, working in civilian jobs for the federal government beyond U.S. borders, and the families of these populations. While the salaries and retirement of Catholic military chaplains are paid for by the U.S. Government, the AMS receives no funding from government or the military for its programs and services, including the Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program, which provides priests for home diocese and for the military chaplaincy. To learn more about the AMS, go to milarch.org/nationalcollection . Fall Time Day Light Savings ends next weekend. On Saturday, November 5, 2016 before heading to bed, be sure to set those clocks back one hour so you can arrive to Mass at the correct time. Book Group News Pg 4 Friday Dec 2 10:00 AM Church Library Book to be Discussed: The Last Days of Dogtown by Anita Diament All Saints Day and All Souls Day November 1 is the Feast of All Saints. Masses will be at 8:00am & 6:00pm in English and 7:15pm in Spanish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ November 2 is the Feast of All Souls. Masses are 8:0am in English and 7:00pm in Spanish with a Celebration following in the Gym after the 7pm . Vicariate Happenings Braving the Holiday’s Grief Education/Support Group...Trinity Lutheran Church on Powell and Eastman Mondays, Nov 14, 2016—January 2, 2017 2:00pm-3:30pm. The season to be jolly can be a challenging time for people who have lost a loved one. This is a support group for people grieving a loss due to death. Whether it has been months or years since your loss, this group can provide a supportive environment to help you develop coping skills. Register @ 503-668-5545 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Michaels Church on Langensand Rd in Sandy is presenting their Harvest Jingles Bazaar Saturday, November 19 from 4pm—7pm and Sunday, November 20 from 10am to 2pm. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Crafts and Food. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Holiday Bazaar at St. Peter on 87th St, South of Foster. Lots of Booths and Kids Entertainment. Gift Baskets, Crafts, Silent Auction, Cookies and Free Coffee. Saturday, November 12 from 10am—8pm, Soup & Sandwiches @ 11am-5pm. Bingo 7pm-10pm. / Sunday, November 13 from 10am-4pm. Mexican Food 1:30pm-4pm, close of Silent Auction 3pm, Drawing and Basket ends @ 4pm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Therese 35th Annual Christmas Bazaar. November 12 from 9am—4pm. Café Open. Featuring many talented Craftsmen, Tasty Cookie Sale, Used Books Corner, Drawing, and Santa too! 132nd & NE Halsey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas on Broadway Bazaar Handmade Items—Multiple Vendors, Great Food and Gifts. Friday, November 11 and November 12 from 9am to 5pm. St. Aloysius Catholic Church on 297 North Broadway in Estacada. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Rita’s Annual Fall Festival and Bazaar will be held in the church hall at 10029 NE Prescott Street in Portland on Friday, November 4 and Saturday, November 5 from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Featured are many new vendor tables as well as our boutique, baked goods, fresh produce, Santa’s Treasures and more. Food is served all day. Sponsored by St. Rita’s Women’s Guild. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A relic of St. John Paul II will be making a tour in the Archdiocese of Portland between November 8 and 18th. The vial of blood has been authenticated by Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwicsz or Krakow, Poland. Tour dates and locations are as follows: November 8 & 9, St. Edward Catholic Church, Keizer. November 11 & 12 at Sacred Heart, Medford. November 14 & 15 at St. Alice in Springfield. November 17 & 18 at St. Anne in Gresham. The relic will be accompanied by Brother Mauricio Torres who is originally from Bogota Columbia and is a consecrated lay brother of Totus Tuus residing in Los Angeles. For each visit, br. Mauricio provides some teaching along with the opportunity for prayer and devotion of the relic. Pg 5 ~ Stewardship ~ 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time “But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, ‘Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor, and if I extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over.’” LUKE 19:8 We are all called to graciously give back to the Lord in proportion to the blessings we have been given. This means everyone isn’t called to give the same amount, but is called to give equal sacrifice. No amount is too small or insignificant! Open your heart, how is God calling you? Offertory Giving for October Actual: Budget: Difference: Month to Date Year To Date $ 66,882.11 $ 58,419.76 $ 8,462.35 $ 283,290.23 $ 273,143.73 $ 10,146.50 Thank you for your generous response to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith last weekend on World Mission Sunday. Our parish raised $1,310.61. While some go to serve in other countries to develop the Church and serve its people, all of us are called to pray and support the Missions from right where we live. Youth Ministry What is “the game?” You may notice that little blue circles with numbers are starting to appear around the church. “The game” is a pilgrimage that students in Youth Ministry are making around the church. Each week on Wednesday night we announce a number. The following weekend, when our students come to Mass they find the number and they take a selfie with the number and the important part of the church in the background. They will then text that selfie to the Youth Ministry phone before they leave church that day. Pictures must arrive during their designated weekend only in order to count for score. Even if your score doesn’t count for the week… we still want everyone to play! Over the course of the next 18 Youth Ministry lessons, our students will visit 18 important sites around our church. The students who complete all 18 visits over the 18 weeks in order will win a prize. Youth Ministry parents… please encourage your students to join in with us! Also… Check out the November Youth Ministry Calendar available in the back of the church! Catholic Daughter Quilt Catholic Daughters are selling tickets for your chance to win a beautiful handmade queen size quilt. This beautiful Quilt is hanging in the back of the church in the Vestibule. Tickets will be on sale after the 8:30 and 11:00 Masses. Tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The drawing will be held December 4 at the Knights of Columbus breakfast. Proceeds from the sales will be donated to Catholic Daughter state and local charities. Marcy Marlow Youth Choir Youth Choir is always looking young people who would like to sing at church. If you are age 6 to 11 you can join the “St. Henry Cherubs” and if you are a little older, age 12 to 35, join in with the “St. Henry’s Joyful Noise”. Please give Theo Burke (503-255-3426) or Steven Piplovick (503-704-4837) a call. Knights of Columbus Knights Korner… Interested in becoming a Knight? Any practicing Catholic male, 18 years of age or older, is invited to join the Knights of Columbus. Please check out the Knights of Columbus website at kofc3179.org or call Randy Paden at 503-708-3859. Do you want to help support the Knights?...If you shop through Amazon, go through the Knights of Columbus website and click on the Amazon tab. This gives the Knights of Columbus a 1% kick back of your total purchase. Pg 6 El Rincón de Ana El grupo de las “Hijas Católicas” estará vendiendo boletos para rifar una bella colcha. Esta colcha está colgada en la parte trasera de la iglesia. Los boletos estarán de ventas después de las misas de 8:30 y 11:00 de la mañana. El costo por boleto es de $1 o 6 boletos por $5. La rifa se llevará a cabo el 4 de Diciembre en el desayuno de los caballeros de colon. Lo recaudado será donado para las caridades locales. Mensaje del Padre Charles Zach Tiempo para votar con el corazón de los mandamientos: Amar a Dios y a su prójimo. Imaginen por un momento si reformulamos la parábola de Jesús acerca de los 2 individuos quienes llegaron al templo a orar. Veamos como resonaría: Dos personas fueron a los comicios a votar. Uno estaba convencido y orgulloso de su propia rectitud y despreciaba a la otra persona. Este hombre fue con la aptitud de que, El tenia control de todo los problemas. La otra persona va a los comicios con un corazón sencillo, golpeándose el pecho, y pidiéndole al Señor inspiración, guía y misericordia. Jesús puede ser que concluya esta parábola redactada con lo siguiente: Él va a honrar al segundo hombre quien ensena algo esencial acerca de la manera en que nos presentamos ante Dios. ¿Entonces, que significa un corazón sencillo? Últimamente, le pedimos al Señor por inspiración, guía y misericordia. El camino que el señor nos ensena es amar a Dios y a nuestro prójimo cuando nos toque votar: 1.Informate sobre los problemas actuales; 2. Ten una conciencia que está formada por las enseñanzas de Jesús atreves de la iglesia; y 3. Ora por prudencia y juicio correcto. ¿Por qué? Porque los cristianos tienen un impacto en la sociedad. Esta es la misión, traer la paz y la justicia del señor. De otra forma, solo vamos a votar “con el viento de la cultura prevaleciente”. Cuales son asuntos fundamentales en nuestro país? El aborto, consumismo, limitada libertad religiosa, la carencia preferencial por los pobres, un sistema de inmigración quebrado, la guerra, el terrorismo, la violencia en el mundo. Nuestra responsabilidad como ciudadanos no solo sucede en la junta receptora de votos, porque es una obligación que continua después de que las juntas receptoras son cerradas y el país a hablado. En la presencia de Dios tratemos de hacer lo mejor. Se nos ha dado una conciencia y libre voluntad para hacer escogencias sabias cuando nos enfrentamos a un dilema. En esto no hay lugar para el orgullo. Solo hay lugar para el hombre y la mujer humilde. Una ciudadanía responsable es una virtud; y la participación en la vida política es una obligación moral. Entonces, examinemos los problemas de la vida humana y dignidad y los asuntos de justicia y paz. Ministerio de Jóvenes ¿Que es “el juego?” Tal vez se dará cuenta que los círculos azules con números están apareciendo alrededor de la iglesia. “El juego.” Es un peregrinaje que los estudiantes en el ministerio de jóvenes están haciendo en la iglesia. Cada semana el miércoles por la noche anunciamos un numero. El siguiente fin de semana, cuando nuestros estudiantes vengan a Misa y encuentran el numero y se toman una foto con el numero con la parte de la iglesia en el escenario. Luego van a textear esa foto al número del Ministerio de jóvenes antes de que se vayan de la iglesia ese día. Las fotos tienen que llegar en el fin de semana designada para poder contar para puntos. ¡Aunque su puntaje no cuente para la semana… queremos que todos jueguen! Durante el curso de las próximas 18 lecciones del ministerio de jóvenes, nuestros estudiantes visitaran 18 sitios importantes alrededor de la iglesia. Los estudiantes completaran las 18 visitas durante las próximas 18 semanas en orden para ganar un premio. ¡Los padres de Ministerio de jóvenes…Por favor motive a sus estudiantes a participar! ¡También… Chequee el calendario de noviembre para el Ministerio de jóvenes en la parte trasera de la iglesia! Primer Estudio de Planificación Queridos feligreses, Estamos conduciendo una cuidadosa encuesta en toda la parroquia. El propósito de este estudio es ayudar a medir el apoyo para los siguientes proyectos que constituye nuestro plan maestro parroquial: 1) Ampliar nuestro vestíbulo actual 2) Crear una entrada definida 3) Incrementar nuestro parqueo Quisiera agradecer a cada uno de Uds., quienes ya están participando en este estudio. Sus pensamientos son extremamente valerosos durante este proceso de planificación. Aquellos que no lo han hecho aún, les animo a hacerlo. Su opinión nos ayudara a realizar una decisión informada en cuanto a nuestros planes para el futuro de la Parroquia San Henry. Esperamos tener todas las encuestas completada el miércoles, 9 de noviembre. Pueden retornar sus encuestas a la oficina o depositarlo en la canasta de la colecta en cualquiera de nuestras misas. Además, pueden completar la encuesta vía internet en: http://sthenrygresham.org/, yendo al enlace de la encuesta, escribiendo la clave: henry. Gracias, P. Charles Zach, Pastor. Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin Glenn Zmuda Real Estate Broker,GRI Gresham Memorial Chapel Family Owned Funeral Home John Gerbish Preferred Inc. REALTORS® 10121 SE Sunnyside Rd #150 Clackamas, OR 97015 Phone (503) 659-1550 503-618-8176 Cell (503) 504-4515 257 SE Roberts, Gresham www.greshamfuneral.com glennzmuda@remax.net www.glennzmuda.remaxagent.com John J. O’Hara Attorney at Law “Serving local parishioners for over 40 years” Personal Injury & Accidents Wills Trusts Estates (503) 255-8795 850 NE 122nd Ave. www.warrenallen.com REALTOR® who puts her clients first DELPLATO CHIROPRACTIC LESLEE DIRK, Broker, CRS, GRI, SRES ELIZABETH DELPLATO, D.C. ERA Freeman & Associates, Realtors 1685 E. Powell • Gresham 25500 S.E. Stark Street, Suite 201B Gresham • Auto & Work Injuries • No Referral Needed • Family Practice (503) 318-0927 Cell (503) 665-4619 Home (503) 665-3144 Office cdirk1@frontier.com Each office independently owned and operated Tel.: (503) 667-9491 Parishioner La Carreta of Gresham 2016 Mexican Restaurant & Cantina Providing Insurance and Financial Services SEMINAR SERIES Joe Swift. Agent 503-661-7647 Se Habla Español 660 NE Burnside • Gresham (503) 491-1661 CherryPark Living Plaza Senior Community 503-665-1101 1008 NE Division St., Suite A, Gresham DANNA BROTHERS’ ELMER’S Mall 205: 9660 S.E. Stark 503-256-0333 Gresham: 1590 N.E. Burnside 503-665-5144 Parkrose: 10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 503-256-2150 Tigard: 14055 S.W. Pacific Hwy. • 503-620-6440 Independent, Assisted Living & Memory Care ...because everyone deserves great care! 1323 SW CHERRY PARK RD • TROUTDALE, OR 97060 CHERRYPARKPLAZA.COM A Compass Pointe Healthcare System Community Work Where Living You Wellness on a Takes Budget In Christ’s Love, Everyone is Someone HealthierForYourFamily.com Results: Better Health • Peace of Mind • Enhancing Lives To Learn More Contact Amy Delegato • 503-502-0334 Cottages Apartments Nursing & Rehab 503.618.9646 $99 tune up FURNACE, AC, or HEAT PUMP ClawsonHeating.com CCB#173219 GRESHAM’S PREMIER RENTAL RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Call 1-503-667-4500 to schedule lunch and a tour. Amy Goodenough, Broker 503-667-1965 Summa Real Estate Executives 1280 NE Kane Dr. Gresham, OR 97030 DIVISION FAMILY DENTAL (503) 676-3439 • divisionfamilydental.com 2484 NE Division Street Gresham OR 97030 Clackamas, OR 360-771-7278 1545 SE 223rd Ave • Gresham, OR 97030 1-503-667-4500 • www.watermarkcommunities.com INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING Making a Difficult Time Easier 503-736-0102 1304 E. Powell Blvd. Gresham •Arrangements in your home or ours. •Cost conscious package prices. •Pre need planning for cemetery & services. www.FamilyMemorialMortuary.com 2050 E. Powell Blvd Gresham 503.665.3154 Buzz, Annette, Craig, and David Gilbert - Parishioners gilbertstireandauto.com Gresham Optical www.allianceplumbing.net -$115 Sewer Scope -$125 Sewer Scope w/copy of video -10% off Drain Cleaning For All Your Plumbing Needs -10% off Plumbing Service -$150 off New Water Service -10% off Whole House Water Filtration System Eye Exams • Contact Lenses Large Frame Selection Greg Brophy O.D. 2150 NE Division (503) 667-2424 503.228.5617 www.sdra.com Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device Have your doctor order from Pacific Medical 1-800-726-9180 Dedicated to providing high quality legal representation that will efficiently solve your legal needs! Dedicated to providing high quality legal representation that will efficiently REAL Eneeds! 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