THE Traveler -


THE Traveler -
T HE Traveler
is still
September 2016
545 Church Drive, Palmerton, PA 18071 (Trachsville)
Phone: (610) 681-4412 Facebook: Jerusalem Trachsville UCC
CHANGING LIVES. That's Our Church's Wider Mission.
Church Staff
Contact Information
Pastor: Rev. Kathryn Foster
Office Hours: By Appointment
home: (610) 261-9015
cell: (610) 554-7364
(610) 681-4412
Secretary: Linda (Lyn) Summers
Office Hours: Tue. thru Fri. 9 a.m. – 1 PM
(hours subject to change)
Director of Music: Shelba Scheffner
Director of Christian Ed: Marcia Heinick
Steph Anderson
Financial Secretary:
Sexton: Lisa George
Debbie Cope
(610) 681-3878
(610) 681-5033
2016 Consistory
Terry Goodhile
Vice-President: Charles LaSala
Lisa Williams
Additional Members: Paula Abel
Wendy Hoppel
Kim Williams
Matthew Binder
Andrea Lazicki
Ron Frable
Livia Mackes
Barry George
Beverly Waibel
Dear Members and Friends,
Recently, we began singing a new song for communion called, “I Will Never Be” by Darlene
Zschech. The song asks God to help and guide us in order to allow us to grow and change by
the Holy Spirit.
Sometimes that is difficult when we worry too much. Nancy Brinn had that problem too. She
says her “worries were growing like kudzu, threatening to take over and choke off her joy in
life.” She knew it, and had asked God for help that would reduce her worries and “give her a
chance to grow.” As a visual person, she loved to help her husband with his wood carving
business because as the finisher, she could mold a piece of wood to lovely curves and silky
smoothness. One day, he created a tiny spoon; smaller than usual because the piece of wood he
began with had many flaws. But neither of them gave up on that piece and finally, it was a
beautiful tiny spoon. Nancy really loved that piece cut out of mostly flawed wood.
On weekends, Nancy and her husband would go to fairs to sell the wooden works of art. They
put the spoon on the table to see if anyone would buy it. No one touched it for quite some time.
Finally, at the end of one day, someone picked it up and said, “I’ll take this.” Nancy’s husband
replied, “Ahh, that one; that is special to my wife.” The woman replied, “Oh, then maybe you
should keep it.” Nancy hesitated, then said, “No, It’s yours,” and wrapped it up. The woman
continued, “My late father loved to work with wood.... He used to make me spoons.”1
A peace settled over Nancy, and then a thought. She was “meant to let that special spoon go to
that woman, just as she is meant to let go of her worries and turn them over to God. Hadn’t she
asked God to stretch her abilities and give her a chance to grow?”
Nancy’s story illustrates how God gently calls us to deal with our human-selves, our fears, our
worries, using the people and things around us. God wants us to let our fears and worries go and
find peace and strength in following that life giving water, wind and fire of God. When we
journey with God, as the song “I Will Never Be” says, in wonderful ways we “will never be the
same again.”
See you in church!
Pastor Kathryn
Guideposts, Feb 2013. “Soul Spoon”
The Traveler 2
From The Consistory President
Summer is almost gone, the kids are going back to school and we are in the middle of our
big fundraisers for the year.
The last of the Concerts in the Grove series concluded August
20 on a perfect summer evening. About 70 people were in attendance to enjoy three great sets
from Gods House Band Plus.
August 6th was our 117th Annual church picnic. It was one of the best attended in recent
years. The Hawks supplied the afternoon and evening entertainment and were great, as always!
Over 130 prizes were awarded in the evening cakewalk (and yes, they actually walked). The
weather was near perfect and we made $6,299.84 profit. Thanks again to everyone who helped
make this a big success.
As of this newsletter, there has not been any word from the architect on the two
preliminary drawings for the renovations of the church. Lisa George has been hired as the new
custodian. You might have seen Lisa in church when she brings Dorothy Miller. Welcome Lisa!
The Palmerton Community Festival is just around the corner, September 9, 10 & 11. The
fun starts on Tuesday with the prep work for the filling and setting up the stand and doesn't end
until the stand comes back down the next week. Contact Wendy Hoppel if you are able to help
in any way! ALL help is greatly appreciated!
The Apple/Fall Fest wraps things up in the grove on October 1.
Attendance has been good all summer with about 70+ every week. Unfortunately, the
offering has not. We need the $20,000+ that these fundraisers bring in just to meet budget.
Enough said, see you in church.
Terry Goodhile
Consistory President
The Traveler 3
From the Director of Christian Education
It was the Summer of Super Heroes. We would see our nursery kids use their mighty strength to
push through the sanctuary doors as they passed between the world of Miss Judy and Miss
Racheal to their loving family, at warp speed!
The Sunday Church School kiddos received their Super Hero training by our highly enthusiastic
and knowledgeable teachers. The kids learned how to use their super powers through examples
of Bible heroes such as Moses, Elijah, Joshua, Apostles John and Peter and of course the
greatest of them all, Jesus.
Our Youth Group demonstrated their powers as they were hurled through the air at lightning
speed while riding the terrifying rides at Knoebels. Matt Binder even put “Aquaman” to shame
as he made a spectacular, yet perilous back flip dive off the highest diving board and lived to
talk about it! The youth were also seen at Godspell, the church picnic and VBS all while guided
by our resident super hero, “Guitarman” (AKA Bob Fahringer).
If you would like to join our team of Super Teachers please contact Marcia at 610-681-7222.
Enjoy the rest of your Summer!
Marcia Heinick
The Traveler 4
Leon George
Leon was a member of Jerusalem UCC from birth. Leon was baptized and confirmed at this church. He
left the church upon marriage to his wife, Danielle, who was brought up Catholic and both attended
various Catholic churches in Carbon County. The couple has two boys, Jacob and Benjamin, who were
both baptized, confirmed and received their First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church. The couple
both agreed to start attending Jerusalem UCC since that was Leon's home church.
Laura Maliszewski
Laura enjoys baking, crocheting, and playing Bingo. Laura is caregiver for her husband who is home
bound. She is originally from New York; her husband is originally from this area. She is very happy to
have become a part of this church community.
Welcome to your Church Leon, Danielle & Laura!
**Registration required for all programs**
Nursery (infant to pre-K): Meets with Judy Hessinger at
9:00 AM in the Sunday School room. For the nursery, parents are
required to stay on premises and may be asked to stay with their
children depending on planned activities.
Children (ages 5-12): "Children's Church" program begins during the 9:00 AM service;
children are released for Bible School around 9:15 AM. Parents are encouraged to stay for
church service. Registration required.
Youth Group (ages 13-17): Summer schedule will be announced in church. For more
information contact youth leader Bob Fahringer, or cell at 484-5976434.
Beginning September 11, 2016, we will return to our
Regular Sunday Services
Two services will be held as follows:
9 AM – Contemporary Service
With God’s House Band
10:30 AM – Traditional Service
See our website, bulletins and newsletter for updates and schedule. / Facebook: Jerusalem Trachsville UCC
9/11 @ 10:30 – Leonard & Grace Borger ~ 9/18 @ 10:30 – Mildred
Ahner & Wendy Hoppel ~ 9/25 @ 10:30 – Terry & Denise Goodhile
If you would like to serve as a greeter, please leave a message for
Donna Mackes at the church office.
The Traveler 5
We need your support for all church events!
If you can help out in some way, either by preparing or serving food,
providing hospitality, taking flyers to neighborhood bulletin boards or
to family and friends, helping with educational programming, inviting
or bringing people, or just participating and showing support, by doing
so, we will indicate to our neighbors and guests our commitment to
each other and to God. Call the church office, the pastor or Terry
Goodhile, consistory president to volunteer! Thank you in advance for
your faithfulness to our mission!
"…pray for one another, so that you may be healed." (James 5:13)
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing…" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)
As disciples of Jesus, we seek to pray daily. Below is a list
of those who need our prayers.
Longer term prayer concerns:
James Behler
Emily Brong
Jim Buck
Raymond Hawk
Ada Fredericks
Dalton Fredericks
Peg Zeiser
Don George
Bonnie O’Brien
Paula Gower
Orpha Shaffer
Kayla Johnson
Donald & Lillian Smith
Dorothy Miller
Christine Lorch
John Lawrence
John L. Green & Family
Family of Katrina Peter
Jillian Hessinger & Family
Scott Smith & Family
John Maliszewski
Shorter term prayer concerns:
Bob Buck
Lorraine Beltz
Anna Bowman
Edward Mertz
Barry Smale
Jim Hessinger
Buzz Hill
Leon Smale
Marvin Haydt
Dolores George
Jim Fritz
September 4 – Sal & Linda Addotta in honor of their 49th anniversary
September 11 – Sloan, Stacy & Paige Burnett in honor of Tanner’s 16th birthday on Sept. 9th
September 18 – Lorrie & Keith Nothstein in honor of their anniversary today and Jamie &
Darren Rockwell’s anniversary September 19th
September 25 – Lana Kuehner in honor of her 65th birthday on September 18th
The Traveler 6
Even after some rain showers early in the day, it turned out to be a beautiful day for a picnic! A
large crowd gathered early in our beautiful grove for great food, great music and great
company. We saw old friends and made new friends. The Hawks put on three great shows in
the afternoon and evening. The kids played games, had a cakewalk and fished for prizes. Later
in the day, the adults walked around the cakewalk ring and tried to win cakes, watermelons and
other prizes. At the end of the cakewalk, Country Harvest Gift Cards were given to four lucky
winners - Nancy Bollinger, Amy Klein, Shirley Neff and Patty Lantz. At the end of the evening,
the raffle ticket winners were drawn and some very lucky people won beautiful quilts, afghans,
paintings, baskets, cash and gift cards. The profit for the day was $6,299.84. It was given to the
Jerusalem UCC General Fund to help pay our everyday expenses. Special thanks to everyone
who volunteered their time and talents that day and in the days before the picnic to get
everything ready. A special thanks those who donated supplies - fishing pond and games prizes,
cakes and prizes for the cakewalks, ice cream sundae supplies, and Pocono Mountain Dairy for
4 free tubs of delicious ice cream. Thank you to everyone to worked in the stands, too, on the
day of the picnic. We couldn't have done it without you!
Donated By
1. Embroidered Bed Spread
2. $25.00 GIANT Gift Card
Edna Schoenberger
Terry & Denise Goodhile
3. $25.00 Cash
4. Crocheted Afghan
5. $25.00 Cash
6. $30.00 Cash
7. Hand painted Item
8. $50.00 Cash
9. Child’s Play Table
10. 425.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card
11. $25.00 Cash
12. embroidered Pillowcases
13. Hand-made Doily
14. Potted Planter
15. $25.00 Gift Card
16. $25.00 Haydt’s Meat Market G.C.
17. $25.00 Cash
18. Longaberger Cake Basket
19. $25.00 Cash
20. Hand Painted Item
21. Cross Stitched Picture
22. Longaberger Fruit Basket
23. Pink Flower Quilt
24. $25.00 Cash
Lenny Breiner
Mildred Green
Bob & Marie Andrews
Leonard & Grace Borger
MaryAnn Shaffer
Mildred Ahner
Binder Family
A Friend of the Church
Lenny Breiner
Alverta Strohl
Eileen Rinker
Mitch & Dottie Kreger
Shelba Sheffner
Faye Haydt
Jerusalem UCC Choir
Greg & Deb Cope
Lenny Breiner
MaryAnn Shaffer
Greg & Deb Cope
Sherry Yurko
Greg & Deb Cope
Lenny Breiner
Lorraine Beltz
Len Brunson
(Donated Back)
Ted Kreger
Deb McDermott
Kip/Shannon George
Gerald Lawrence
Sherry Yurko
Donna Mackes
Ruby Voorhees
Pam Pauker
Barbara Borger
Stacy Netzavik
Sterling Burger
Jim Buck
Madalyn Kressley
Blair Rockwell
Lisa Haydt
Michelle Fredericks
Herman Smale
Tammy Sherer
Freda Zimmerman
Jim Deebel
Tim Lorah
William Kemmerer
The Traveler 7
Donated By
25. $25.00 Haydt’s Meat Market G.C.
26. Longaberger Basket
27. $50.00 Gas Card
28. Needlepoint Picture Frame
29. $25.00 Country Harvest G. C.
30. Hand Painted flowered Picture
Keith & Lorraine Nothstein
Wendy Hoppel
Rick & Stephanie Anderson
Greg & Deb Cope
A Friend of the Church
Louise Green
Barry Hook
Violet Strickland
Judy Zeigenfus
Beverly Waibel
Lori Gibson
Sharon Bowers
Thank you to everyone who donated an item, sold or bought tickets, or helped with
The stand to sell tickets! It was a great success because of you!!
It’s Palmerton Festival Time!
September 9th, 10th & 11th
It’s hard to believe that our annual picnic is over ~ but that can only
mean one thing! It’s Palmerton Festival Time! So…everyone please
sharpen your favorite paring knife, dust off your largest cutting board,
and find your Jerusalem UCC apron!
We Need YOU!
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016 – 6:00 pm – Polk Township Fire Company (Rt. 209)
Please join us in starting to cut up celery, onions, parsley
potatoes and lots & lots of bread
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016 – 9:00 am to ? – More vegetable chopping! But also making over 110
Pans of Wonderful, Delicious Filling. Yum!
Friday, Saturday & Sunday – September 9, 10 & 11
All three days, see you all at the Festival ~ PLEASE SIGN UP!
Please see Wendy Hoppel in church to sign up for a shift on the 3 days listed above,
or give her a call! (H) 610-377-5946 or (M) 610-577-6772
See you there!
Saturday evening, September 17, 2016 from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Bring your own snacks and drinks to our church grove
and join us for Singing, stories, and good company!
The Traveler 8
Jerusalem U.C.C., 545 Church Drive,
Palmerton (Trachsville) (610) 681-4412
(located 1/2 mile off Rt. 209, behind Towamensing Fire Co)
Saturday, October 1, 2016
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
In the Picnic Grove
Music by God’s House Band Plus
from noon until 3 p.m.
Chinese Auction and Meat Raffle
with drawings at 3 p.m.
Homemade food, including apple dumplings,
apple fritters, shoo-fly pie, apple sausage sandwiches, soup, Bar-BQ, hot dogs and
macaroni & cheese.
Wagon with apples, pumpkins, and fall items for decoration.
Apple/Fall Fest Chinese Auction baskets (or boxes or trays) of assorted items with an apple
or fall theme or home decorative items, plants, etc. make nice prizes for the Chinese auction.
Please bring any items for the Chinese Auction for the Apple Fall Fest to the church during
office hours or to the festivalCALENDAR
by 8:30 AM, Saturday,
1. The Chinese auction corner
has been a popular area at the festival for many years.
All donations are appreciated!
Thank you to everyone who worked in the refreshment area for our
concerts in the grove and the presentations of the musical, “Godspell.” A
special thanks to the people who shopped, prepped, and did the clean-up
work also! These events were quite successful and enjoyed by all in our
beautiful grove.
We look forward to more events next year!
The Traveler 9
George’s Transportation invites the JUCC Community
to Experience a Presentation of
Departing Palmerton @ 11 am
Departing Lehighton @ 11:30 am
Arrival at Kitchen Kettle Village @ 1:30 pm
Depart Kitchen Kettle Village @ 3 pm
Dinner @ “Good ‘N Plenty”@ 3:30 pm
Arrival at Theater @ 5:30 pm
Sponsored by Leon A. George II Transportation
Includes: Bus, Dinner, Taxes & Gratuity
Adult Tickets – (13 Yrs. Of age and older) - $97
Children Tickets – (12 Yrs. of age and under) - $54
Please Call Leon George @ 610-826-7684 for reservations
PNEC WOMEN’S RETREAT is scheduled for September 23-25,
2016 at Trout Lake near Stroudsburg. All women from UCC
churches are invited to attend. (Friends of UCC women are also
invited!) Information and registration forms can be obtained by
accessing PNEC’s NEW website: $150 for two nights lodging and four meals. Our
own JUCC praise band, God’s House Band, will be leading worship
on Saturday night! Come and experience “What makes your heart
The Traveler
Upcoming Events to Watch For!
Saturday, November 5, 2016 ~ 9 am to 2 pm
Holiday Items ~ Baked Goods ~ Soups BBQ ~ Hot Dogs
Halushki Filling ~ Beverages
Baskets to be Raffled!!
We will need donations of filled baskets or gift cards with minimum
value of $15.00, baked goods for the Bake Sale, slightly used
Holiday items & volunteers to help day before and day of the event.
If anyone is willing to help, please contact:
Beverly Waibel, Denise Goodhile, or Wendy Hoppel
Beverly Waibel has volunteered to organize the church flea
market, tentatively set for early June 2017. If you are able to
help on the committee, please let her know. If you have things to
donate, and can keep them until then, your donations will be
appreciated. Thank you Beverly!!
Please continue to save your register receipts from Kinsley's Shop Rite in Brodheadsville and
Weis Markets. Last year, receipts were down from prior years, so consider requesting
receipts from your neighbors and friends. Bring or mail them to the church to the attention
of Lana Kuehner.
Receipts that will not be accepted include:
--- Kinsley's receipts with the senior discounts, prescriptions, cigarettes,
and beer.
--- Weis Markets receipts with prescriptions, cigarettes and beer.
If you are not getting "The Traveler", the Jerusalem monthly newsletter, by
E-mail and would like to, please call the church secretary, at 610-681-4412
Or with your e-mail address.
The Traveler
Just a reminder - Our beverage can shed is looking for
your empty aluminum beverage cans.
There are two deposit slots: one for crushed cans
and one for uncrushed cans.
Our clothing bin is out in the grove near the beverage can container. Recycle Local is a
community based organization benefiting those in need while keeping many items out of the
nation’s landfills. Accepted items include all clean & dry clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts,
purses, blankets, sheets, towels, drapes, pillow cases and stuffed animals.
Pastor Kathryn is looking for your old documents, photos and news clippings
in order to build a Church Archive file. Your memorabilia will be treated
with care and respect, and returned to you after being scanned. Many old
church documents were lost in a house fire years ago, so we are trying to
recreate them.
Please call or email the church secretary at 610-681-4412 or
October 2nd, 2016, we will celebrate Harvest Home Sunday. To beautify our church and express our
thanks to God for a bountiful life, we are asking that people donate non perishable food items, canned
goods and produce that will be either be donated to CACPAC, given away privately or sold to raise money
for the church. You can bring non perishable items for CACPAC or canned items any time; however
please wait until Saturday, Oct 1st to drop off perishable produce items in the church building.
Thank you in advance!
Please have your articles for October’s newsletter to
me no later than October 20th. Thank you!
~ Church Secretary ~
Please remember as you are preparing for the fall & winter seasons, and upcoming holidays, that our
church still has bills to pay and continues to need your contributions to continue the ministries we
support together.
Electronic banking is an easy way to have your contributions sent to the church on a regular basis. Just
put your envelope number in the account number section of your bill pay accounts.
Thank you for your support!!
Pastor Kathryn
The Traveler