Mar 4 2013 - The Aurora Newspaper


Mar 4 2013 - The Aurora Newspaper
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Vol. 34 No. 09
MARCH 4, 2013
Life, leadership
lessons build
Sara Keddy,
Managing editor
“Little did I know,” Jim
Irvine said February 13, “I
had just joined the best career development program in
Now the commander of 14
Wing Greenwood, Colonel Jim
Irvine offered some words of
wisdom on leadership, being
open to opportunity and fear to
the Cadets of 517 F/Lt Graham
428 Main Street
EXIT Realty Town and Country
“Find something you love, something you can get
up in the morning and say, ‘Man…, this is fun.’”
Air Cadets.
“When I was 13, I was a
brand new Cadet in Winnipeg
and I really didn’t know what
I wanted to do. My mom and
dad recommended Cadets,
and I thought I’d see about
flying – I did like airplanes, my
dad worked on them and I was
an Air Force brat.”
While Irvine admitted his
first experience in a small
plane was a gut-turning event,
14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Jim Irvine shared his career experiences with 517 F/Lt Graham Air Cadets.
he found his niche in the Air
Corporal J.Reynolds, 14 AMS, Wing Imaging
Continued on page 4...
Explorer le chemin à parcourir
Une activité à la base marque la Journée internationale de la femme
Sara Keddy,
Rédactrice en chef
On ne peut oublier les grands
pas en avant du passé si l’on
veut que les femmes prennent
leur place égale dans la société,
au Canada – et dans les Forces
Le commandant du 14e Escadron de génie logiciel de la 14e
Escadre, le lieutenant-colonel
André Gloumeau, est le champion de la base de la cause des
femmes, et il encourage tous
ceux et celles qui ont « une
mère, une soeur, une mère ou
une épouse » à prendre part à
l’activité tenue à la base cette
année pour marquer la Journée
internationale de la femme.
Le 8 mars, une projection du
documentaire Killing Us Softly
#4 aura lieu au mess Annapolis
à 13 h, suivie d’une présentation
par la conférencière invitée Dr
Karen Breeck, le tout s’inscrivant dans le thème de cette
année : « L’égalité des femmes
– le chemin à parcourir ».
Le Lcol Gloumeau était heureux d’assumer ses responsabilités de champion lors de son
affectation à Greenwood l’été
dernier, et a bien aimé passer
du temps avec le général Chris
Whitecross lorsqu’elle a participé à la journée de développement professionnel de l’automne dernier pour les membres
féminins du personnel de la 14e
Escadre. L’activité du 8 mars est
une autre occasion de parler des
« questions fondamentales de la
diversité et de l’équité », de dire
le Lcol Gloumeau.
« Ici et maintenant, l’une des
choses que nous faisons est
d’inculquer à nos jeunes femmes notre histoire – elles savent
que les Forces canadiennes sont
intégrées, mais nous n’atteignons pas encore les objectifs
d’inclusion des femmes. De
grands progrès ont été faits au
Canada par le passé au Canada
et dans les Forces canadiennes,
mais nous voulons voir cela se
poursuivre. »
Les FC ont l’objectif d’être une
organisation formée à 25 pour
100 de femmes : en 2012, le
taux d’enrôlement des femmes
n’était que de 14,8 pour 100.
Voir des femmes progresser
jusqu’aux plus hauts grades
et assumer des rôles et des
responsabilités de plus haut
niveau est une chose, estime
le Lcol Gloumeau, à laquelle
tous les Canadiens devraient
Continued on page 2...
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Page 2
March 4, 2013
14 Wing Greenwood commemorates International Women’s Day
La 14e escadre Greenwood célébre la journée internationale de la femme
Friday, March 8 | Le vendredi 18 mars
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Explore road ahead
Base event marks International
Women’s Day
Sara Keddy,
Managing editor
1300-1545 hrs - Annapolis Mess Ad Astra & Argus lounges
Event open to all Canadian Forces and DND employees of 14 Wing
Women and Equality…The Road Ahead
De 13 h à 15 h 45, au mess Annapolis Mess et aux salons Astra et Argus
TOUS les membres des Forces canadiennes et tous les
employés du MDN de la 14e Escadre sont invités
L’égalité des femmes – le chemin à parcourir
DVD showing of “Killing Us Softly #4”
Dr. Karen Breeck
Great strides in the past
can’t be forgotten if women
are to take an equal place in
society, Canada – and the
Canadian Forces.
14 Wing Greenwood 14 Software Engineering Squadron
Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Andre Gloumeau is
the base champion for women,
and he’s encouraging everyone
“who has a mother, sister,
daughter or wife” to take part in
this year’s base event to mark
International Women’s Day.
March 8, a screening of
Killing Us Softly #4 will be presented at the Annapolis Mess
at 1 p.m., followed by a guest
presentation from Dr. Karen
Breeck, both in support of this
year’s theme, “Women and
Equality… the Road Ahead.”
Gloumeau was pleased to
take on his championship responsibilities upon his posting
to Greenwood last summer,
and enjoyed spending time
with General Chris Whitecross
when she was a participant in
last fall’s professional development day for 14 Wing’s female
personnel. The March 8 event
is another opportunity to talk
about “the fundamentals of diversity and equity,” Gloumeau
“Here now, one of the things
we deal with is impressing
on our younger women is
our history – they know the
Canadian Forces is integrated,
but we’re still falling short of
targets to include women.
Great strides were made in
the past in Canada and the
Canadian Forces, but we want
to see those continue.”
The CF has a target of being
a 25 per cent female organization: in 2012, the enlistment
Explorer le chemin à parcourir...
Au programme :
Projection du DVD « Killing Us Softly 4 »
Dre Karen Breeck
Please bring a donation for Chrysalis House. We are looking for small kitchen
appliances or gadgets that would help women and their children get set up in a new home.
Personal hygiene items and cash donations will also be accepted.
Veuillez apporter un don pour Chrysalis House. Nous sommes à la recherche de petits
électroménagers ou d’ustensiles de cuisine qui aideraient des femmes et leurs enfants à
se réinstaller. Les articles d’hygiène personnelle sont aussi les bienvenus. Nous acceptons
également les dons en espèces.
Le documentaire Killing Us
Softly #4 présente certaine images qui portent à réflexion dans
les médias et la publicité, et le
Lcol Gloumeau dit que les femmes des FC de demain auront
été affectées par ces images
pendant qu’elles auront grandi
et fait leurs études. Le Dr Breeck
est un ancien médecin militaire
des FC et est maintenant une
conférencière qui vit à Ottawa.
L’activité de la Journée internationale de la femme est
ouverte à tous les employés
des Forces canadiennes et du
OPI: Lori Gordon, 765-1494 local 1436 | BPR : Lori Gordon, 765-1494 poste 1436
Managing Editor | Directeur de rédaction
Stephen R. Boates • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441
Interim Managing Editor | Directrice de rédaction par intérim
Sara Keddy • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441
Business & Advertising | Affaires commerciales et publicité
Anne Kempton • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5833
Production Coordinator | Coordonnateur de production
Brian Graves • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5699
Administrative Clerk | Commis à l’administration
Candace’May Timmins • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5440
Editorial Advisor | Conseiller à la rédaction
Lieutenant (Navy) Sylvain Rousseau
• 902-765-1494 local/poste 5101
rate for women was just 14.8
per cent. Seeing women advance to higher ranks and
take on larger roles and responsibilities is something,
Gloumeau feels, all Canadians
should have an interest in.
Killing Us Softly #4 showcases some thought-provoking
images in media and advertising, and Gloumeau says tomorrow’s CF women will have
been affected by these images
as they grow and are educated.
Breeck is a former CF medical
officer and now a frequent
speaker living in Ottawa.
The International Women’s
Day event is open to all Canadian Forces and DND employees
of 14 Wing. Those attending
are encouraged to bring a
cash, personal hygiene item
or small appliance donation for
Chrysalis House, in support of
women and children beginning
new lives.
Circulation | Circulation: 5,900 Mondays | Lundis
Agreement No. | Numéro de contrat : 462268
Fax: 902-765-1717
Website | Site Web :
The Aurora, PO Box 99, Greenwood NS B0P 1N0
L’Aurora, C.P. 99, Greenwood (N.-É.) B0P 1N0
Location | Emplacement : 83A School Road, Morfee Annex | Annexe Morfee
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy or advertising to suit the aims of a service newspaper as specified
in the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy and/or by the Editorial Board. Opinions and advertisements appearing in The Aurora
Newspaper are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 14 Wing, Greenwood
or the printers. Published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of Colonel J.A. Irvine, M.S.M., C.D., Wing Commander.
Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de réviser, de condenser ou de rejeter tout article ou message publicitaire afin de satisfaire
aux exigences relatives aux journaux militaires figurant dans la Politique temporaire des journaux des Forces canadiennes. Les
opinions exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue des Forces
armées canadiennes ou de la 14e Escadre. Publié chaque lundi par la 14e Escadre sous les auspices du Colonel J.A. Irvine, M.S.M.,
C.D., commandant de l’Escadre.
MDN de la 14 e Escadre. On
encourage les personnes qui
y assisteront à faire un don
sous forme d’argent comptant,
d’article d’hygiène personnel ou
de petit appareil à la Chrysalis
House, en appui aux femmes et
aux enfants qui commencent de
nouvelles vies.
Useful links | Liens utiles
Canadian Air Force website
Site Web de l’Aviation royale canadienne
Community Gateway Site
Site du portail communautaire des Forces
14 Wing Greenwood Site
Site de la 14e Escadre Greenwood
Personnel Family Support Services
Services de soutien au personnel et aux
familles des Forces canadiennes
National Defence and the Canadian Forces
Défense nationale et Forces canadiennes
Combat Camera | Caméra de combat
Recruiting | Recrutement
Military Family Resource Centre
Centre des ressources pour les familles
des militaires
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 3
March 4, 2013
413, 405 involved in Miss Ally SAR effort
Sara Keddy,
Managing editor
Search and rescue crews
from 14 Wing Greenwood,
the Canadian and American
Coast Guards, Department
of Fisheries and a number
of smaller vessels ceased
a search for the Miss Ally,
after the search and rescue
region commander granted
a search reduction February
19. A search reduction results
when all probable chances for
survival are exhausted.
The men - Katlin Nickerson,
Tyson Townsend, Joel Hopkins and Steve Cole Nickerson
of Woods Harbour; and Billy
Hatfield of Cape Sable Island
- were aboard the Miss Ally,
a 45-foot fishing boat out of
Woods Harbour, which sent
out an emergency signal at 11
p.m. February 17.
The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax responded to the call, approximately
120 kilometres southeast of
Liverpool, with its search and
rescue resources. Crews covered more than 7,000 square
miles of ocean off the south
shore of Nova Scotia, using
a Royal Canadian Air Force
CH-149 Cormorant helicopter,
CC-130 Hercules aircraft, and
CP-140 Aurora aircraft from 14
Wing; as well as the Canadian
Coast Guard ships William
Alexander and Earl Grey. A
Department of Fisheries and
Oceans contracted aircraft,
operated by Provincial Airlines,
two United States Coast Guard
aircraft as well as various
merchant vessels were also
involved in the search.
Warrant Officer Conrad
Cowan, 413 (Search and Rescue) Squadron was called into
the search with his stand-by
crew February 18 around 6:30
a.m. Personnel were already
heading into work, so were
on deck within minutes. Their
Cormorant left for the scene
and spent a total of 10.2 hours
in the air, with two trips to
Shearwater to refuel.
“We saw the two Coast
Guards ships in the vicinity
of the overturned vessel, and
there was a debris field running with the current – as a
searcher, that’s a good sign,”
Cowan said. “We started our
search pattern, working in and
picking up things.”
Cowan said the sea state
was the worst he’s seen while
posted at 14 Wing: 10 metre
rollers, waves cresting over
each other, snow squalls and
a low ceiling. He credited the
helicopter’s flying crew for
“holding it together.”
A second Cormorant left
Greenwood when Cowan’s
returned that evening, and a
third trip went back out to the
search area February 19 at
first light.
Multiple agencies were involved in the survey of the wreck of the Miss Ally February 24, after five Nova Scotian
fishermen were lost when the boat overturned in a storm February 17.
“You never lose hope, but
we were really feeling anxious
heading out there. We rehearsed a rescue on the way,
hoping we’d have a life raft
and be able to do a cable and
lift – that’s what we were all
hoping for. We were really, really hoping to find someone.”
Captain Michael Austin, 405
Squadron, 14 Wing, said the
Aurora was on duty close to
seven hours, including halfan-hour of flying time both
to and from the search area.
While it is not common for
Auroras to be involved with
SAR, crews are trained and
the plane is equipped with a
SKAD (Sea Kit Air Droppable)
unit, which includes two life
rafts connected by buoyant
rope and other supplies. The
13-member crew manned
rear side viewing windows and
conducted visual searches into
Monday night, and also used
the plane’s radar – “but it is
difficult when you are looking
for a dinghy,” he acknowledged, in the expanse of ocean
being searched and its stormy
condition. The crew did not
see anything, although it was
able to track an emergency
signal for a period.
By 6 p.m. February 19,
responders determined any
hope of the men’s survival had
diminished significantly due
to careful consideration of the
call and survivability models.
Search time was well beyond
estimated cold water immersion survival times.
The matter was turned over
to RCMP as a recovery operation and missing persons case,
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additional diving operations.
No bodies were found.
An Aurora Block III aircraft
from 14 Wing supported the
RCMP’s efforts with an overnight flight February 23 into
February 24. Meanwhile, both
the Cormorant and Hercules
from 413 Squadron were
placed on a 30-minute standby posture February 24, to
expedite search and rescue
response in the event of a
further mishap at the scene.
There were no incidents, and
crews went back to the normal
two-hour posture by noon.
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and the agency requested the
support of the Department
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Coast Guard in its recovery
efforts. The Miss Ally was
relocated around 9:30 a.m.
February 23, 25 nautical miles
from the last emergency signal heard. Early February 24,
a remotely operated vehicle
from HMCS Glace Bay entered
the water and conducted an
underwater assessment of the
over-turned hull of the Miss
Ally, capturing imagery which
prompted the Fleet Diving
Unit to recommend against
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Page 4
Cadets, careers
and choices
Sara Keddy,
Managing editor
Eric Belanger hasn’t thought
too far ahead yet, but his experience as a member of the 517
F/Lt Graham Air Cadets could
sure help.
Close to 110 of the group’s
Cadets were sent through a
career showcase February 13
at their Birchall Centre meeting space, word scramble in
hand: by asking questions of
visiting working professionals,
they would be given a letter
that could hold the key to not
only a secret phrase, but also
inspiration for their future.
“I don’t know for sure,” Belanger, age 12, said. “I kind of
want to work on a Cormorant
like my dad does.”
Cadet squadron Commanding Officer Major William Montgomery said, while
Cadets have “no obligation” to
go into the military, “there are
basic skills learned in Cadets
– public speaking, standing
up and putting thoughts together - that stay with you all
your life.”
He knows all too well how
hard it can be to make life
decisions: when he went to
Acadia University for an arts
degree, “they wanted me to
pick a major – I didn’t want
Being exposed to a variety of
opportunities – like what was
on offer at the career night this
evening – is what Montgomery
himself was looking for.
“We wanted a range of
programs and people, and the
feedback from people coming
here has been good.”
Invited guests included a
number of 14 Wing Greenwood professionals, from
Canadian Forces search and
rescue technicians to a civilian
worker with health promotion;
media – radio and print, paramedics, dental professionals,
photographers and more.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
Paramedics offered Cadets
a show and tell chance to
see what their work is like.
PSP Health Promotion
manager Lisa White shared
some hands on advice with
Cadets about the effects of
drugs and alcohol on physical ability. Her simulated
impairment goggles were
Corporal J.Reynolds,
14 AMS Wing Imaging
Les leçons de vie et de leadership contribuent au succès
Sara Keddy,
Rédactrice en chef
« Je ne savais vraiment pas
», racontait Jim Irvine le 13
février « que je venais de me
joindre au meilleur programme
de développement de carrière
au Canada. »
Maintenant le commandant
de la 14e Escadre Greenwood,
le colonel Jim Irvine a offert
aux cadets de l’Escadron des
cadets de l’Air Flight 517 Flight
Lieutenant Graham de sages
conseils sur le leadership ainsi
que l’importance d’être ouvert
aux possibilités et de ne pas
avoir peur.
« Lorsque j’avais 13 ans,
j’étais un tout nouveau cadet à
Winnipeg et je ne savais vraiment pas ce que je voulais faire.
Mon père et ma mère m’ont
recommandé les cadets, et j’ai
pensé que j’allais me renseigner
à propos du pilotage – j’aimais
les avions, mon père travaillait
dans ce domaine et j’étais un
enfant de la Force aérienne. »
Même si le Col Irvine a admis
que sa première expérience à
bord d’un petit avion a été plutôt
retournante, il a trouvé son créneau dans la Force aérienne en
tant que pilote de divers aéronefs, dont récemment l’Aurora.
« Je peux vous dire que je
ne serais certainement pas
ici aujourd’hui n’eut été de
l’organisation des cadets de
l’Air, et de l’influence d’officiers
cadets et d’instructeurs civils
tout comme vous. »
Le Col Irvine a demandé au
groupe quel genre de leçons de
leadership les jeunes devraient
tenter d’apprendre.
« La première, la plus importante chose en ce qui concerne
le leadership est de savoir
comment suivre. Recevoir des
ordres, savoir quel est l’objectif
et écouter ses supérieurs –
ensuite, mener ses pairs et
continuer. Si vous ne pouvez
pas suivre, vous ne pouvez pas
bien mener. »
Savoir travailler en équipe
dans tout environnement est
essentiel « durant toute votre
vie », de poursuivre le Col
Irvine : « La somme des parties est beaucoup plus grande
que ce qu’on peut faire par
soi-même. »
Le leadership transformationnel est aussi un défi : si vous
criez après les gens, de dire le
colonel Irvine, pour leur faire
faire quelque chose, cela veut
dire qu’ils ne vous respecteront
« Lorsque vous travaillez
avec des gens avec qui vous
voulez aussi être amis, vous
devez les convaincre de ce
qu’est la meilleure chose à
faire – c’est là le meilleur genre
de leadership. »
Tout cela a des racines profondes dans le succès dès un
jeune âge. Le Col Irvine explique
que les défis et les nouvelles
leçons – apprendre comment
survivre en hiver, piloter, compétitionner dans des exercices
de drill, passer des semaines
loin de la maison dès un jeune
âge – lui ont tous montré qu’il
pouvait le faire.
« L’autonomie, le fait de se
fier à son entraînement, comprendre que vous pouvez le faire
– vous pouvez conquérir votre
peur lorsque vous êtes jeune. »
Transformer ces leçons –
et même ces rêves – en une
carrière nécessite de prendre
en considération ce que vous
voulez, et ce dont vous avez
« L’argent est important », de
dire le Col Irvine. « Vous voulez
une belle vie, une maison et tout
ce qu’il faut pour vous occuper
de vos enfants. Mais – ce n’est
pas la chose la plus importante.
« Trouvez quelque chose que
vous aimez, quelque chose qui
fait que vous vous levez le matin
et que vous dites « Ben j’ai pas
tant d’argent que ça – mais je
m’amuse. »
won’t respect you.
“Working with people you
also want to be friends with,
you have to convince them
of what the right thing to do
is – that’s the best kind of
All of that comes from solid
roots in early success. Irvine
said challenges and new lessons – learning how to survive
in winter, fly, compete in drill
exercises, be away from home
for weeks at a time at a young
age – all showed he could do it.
“Self-reliance, relying on
your training, understanding
you can do it – you can conquer
your fear when you’re young.”
Turning those lessons – and
even dreams - into a career
involves consideration of what
you want, and what you need.
“Money is important,” Irvine
said. “You want a good lifestyle, a home and to be able to
provide for your kids. But – it’s
not the most important thing.
“Find something you love,
something you can get up in
the morning and say, ‘Man, I
don’t have a lot of money – but
this is fun.’”
Life, leadership lessons...
Force as a pilot of many different aircraft, most recently
the Aurora.
“I can tell you for a fact, I
would not be here today if it
wasn’t for the Air Cadet organization, and the influence
of Cadet officers and civilian
instructors just like you have.”
What kind of leadership
lessons should young people
be focusing on learning, Irvine
asked the group.
“The first, most important
thing about leading is knowing
how to follow. Taking orders,
knowing what the goal is and
listening to superiors – then,
lead your peers and follow on.
If you can’t follow, you can’t
lead well.”
Working as a team in any
environment is crucial “your
entire life,” Irvine said: “the
sum of the parts is much
greater than working on your
Transformational leadership
is also a challenge: yelling at
people, Irvine said, to get them
to get things done, means they
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
Forty-one years…
2nd Lieutenant Amanda Crook,
Wing Logistics and Engineering
Sergeant Dave Boudreau
headed off on a Caribbean
cruise to enjoy the sun, sand
and sea – all celebrating his
February retirement from the
Canadian Forces after 41 years
of service.
As a traffic technician, Boudreau began his career in
Cornwallis in 1972, and had
the opportunity to be posted
all over Canada, as well as
participate in deployments
to Egypt, Croatia, Mombasa,
Rwanda and Nairobi. He and
his wife, Lynn, were thrilled
to move back to the Annapolis
Valley upon Boudreau’s retirement from the Regular Force
in 1998. He has since served
in the Air Reserves.
He has now joined the Commissionaire Corps full-time.
This grandpa will also be kept
busy, running after his six
grandchildren: Joshua, 13;
Gabriel, 10; Charlie, eight;
George, five; Silas, three; and
granddaughter Devyn, 18
Boudreau’s 14 Wing Greenwood family congratulates
him on such a distinguished
career, and wishes him the
very best in his retirement.
Page 5
Gift of life
adds up
Eric MacKenzie,
like to thank Tim Hortons and
14 Wing Greenwood community McDonald’s for continued
recreation coordinator
14 Wing Greenwood Wing Logistics and Engineering Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Brian
Richardson, left, with Sergeant Dave Boudreau, upon
Boudreau’s retirement after 41 years of service with the
Canadian Forces.
business of the week
Erica Schofield | Tax Returns
Cost effective, no tax on prices.
All personal tax returns require
a $20 deposit, balance due
before filing. Small returns
require a $50 deposit,
balance is due before filing.
Canadian Blood Services
held another successful twoday blood donor clinic at the
14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre February 25 and
February 26, with 233 donors
contributing to over 200 donations – enough to save over
600 lives!
The community centre would
sponsorship of this event
and members of the 14 Wing
volunteer work party who assisted with the load in and out
of equipment: Master Corporal
Duncan Haldane, privates Eric
Cassie and Desirea Holt.
The next Greenwood clinic
will be May 13 and May 14.
To book an appointment to
give blood or to volunteer, call
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Page 6
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
bravo zulu | promotions & presentations
Captain Peter Dietert receives the 14 SES CO’s commendation
from Lieutenant-Colonel Andre Gloumeau, Commanding Officer
of 14 Software Engineering Squadron, and Squadron Warrant
Officer Master Warrant Officer Vincent Bazinet.
14 AMS, Wing Imaging unless otherwise indicated.
Captain Andréane Vidal receives the 14 SES CO’s commendation
from Lieutenant-Colonel Andre Gloumeau, Commanding Officer
of 14 Software Engineering Squadron, and Squadron Warrant
Officer Master Warrant Officer Vincent Bazinet.
Lieutenant Nathan Trail receives his Air Force Officer
Development Program certificate from Lieutenant-Colonel
Andre Gloumeau, Commanding Officer of 14 Software
Engineering Squadron, and Squadron Warrant Officer Master
Warrant Officer Vincent Bazinet.
Matthew Rodman, Captain Jim Kelly, Lieutenant Rudy Guay, Captain Peter Dietert and Henry
Desjarlais receive their PCT Scenario Development Training Course certificate from LieutenantColonel Andre Gloumeau, Commanding Officer of 14 Software Engineering Squadron, and
Captain Jim Kelly, Lieutenant Rudy Guay and Captain David Hung receive their Presagis Using Stage
Squadron Warrant Officer Master Warrant Officer Vincent Bazinet.
6.0 Training certificate from Lieutenant-Colonel Andre Gloumeau, Commanding Officer of 14 Software
Engineering Squadron, and Squadron Warrant Officer Master Warrant Officer Vincent Bazinet.
Matthew Rodman, Lieutenant Rudy Guay, Henry Desjarlais and Captain David Hung receive their
Presagis Creator Training certificate from Lieutenant-Colonel Andre Gloumeau, Commanding
Officer of 14 Software Engineering Squadron, and Squadron Warrant Officer Master Warrant
Officer Vincent Bazinet.
Matthew Rodman, Captain Blain Losier, Captain David Hung, Lieutenant Rudy Guay and Henry
Desjarlais receive their Presagis Terra Vista Training certificate from Lieutenant-Colonel Andre
Gloumeau, Commanding Officer of 14 Software Engineering Squadron, and Squadron Warrant
Officer Master Warrant Officer Vincent Bazinet.
To register or for more information call 765-5611 or drop-in at the
GMFRC located at the AVM Morfee Centre on School Road, Greenwood.
Pour s'inscrire ou pour plus d'informations, appelez au 765-5611 ou présentezvous au CRFMG situé au Centre AVM Morfee sur la rue School à Greenwood.
et gardiens d’enfants de tous
Thurs., Mar 21
FAMILY COOKING CLASS âges. Date limite d’inscription :
Wed., Mar 13
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Register by: Mon., Mar 11
Wed., Mar 20, 5 – 7 p.m.
Open to all ages!
Free at the GMFRC
Register by: Mon., Mar 18
Mercredi le 13 mars
18 h 30 à 20 h 30
Date limite d’inscription:
lundi le 11 mars
Mercredi le 20 mars
17 h à 19 h. Pour tous les âges!
Date limite d’inscription:
lundi le 18 mars
1 – 3 p.m.
$10 per person
Free for deployed families
and volunteers at the GMFRC
Register by: Mon., Mar 18
Jeudi le 21 mars
13 h à 15 h
10 $ par personne
Gratuit pour les familles des
militaires en déploiement et les
bénévoles au CRFMG
Date limite d’inscription:
lundi le 18 mars
Fri., Mar 22
10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Free!
Queen of Heaven Chapel
Annex. Parents/Caregivers with
young children of all ages
Register by: Mon., Mar 18
Vendredi le 22 mars
10 h 30 à 13 h 30. Gratuit!
À l’annexe de la Chapelle
Reine du Ciel. Pour les parents
lundi le 18 mars
Sat., Mar 23
1:30 p.m. at the GMFRC
Pay the cost of the pottery you
Register by: Wed., Mar 20
Samedi le 23 mars
13 h 30 (jusqu’à ce que votre
projet soit complété). Le coût
de votre création. Au CRFMG
Date limite d’inscription :
mercredi le 20 mars
GMFRC and the Casual
Childcare Centre Closure
Friday, March 8
12 – 4 p.m.
Le CRFMG et la haltegarderie seront fermés
vendredi le 8 mars
de 12 h à 16 h
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 7
March 4, 2013
On the 6th of February, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron (AMS) held its Honours and Awards ceremony at the Annapolis Mess.
Major Aleem Sajan, acting Commanding Officer (CO) 14 AMS, had the distinct pleasure and honour to officiate the ceremonies.
The ceremony acknowledged fellow Squadron members’ excellence and achievements through the presentation of the Canadian
Forces Decoration (CD) medals, first clasps to the CD, Officer Professional Military Education (OPME) Certificate of Completion
and 14 AMS Performer of the Quarter.
First Row (left to right): Sergeant Cheryl Leblanc receiving CD1, Major Aleem Sajan, acting CO 14 AMS, Chief Warrant Officer
Mike Power, 14 AMS Squadron Chief Warrant Officer, Sergeant Dave Barsi receiving the CD1, and Captain Aaron Kangeswaren
receiving the OPME certificate of completion.
Back Row (left to right): Master Corporal Simon Jean receiving the CD, Master Corporal David Clarke receiving the CD1,
Corporal Erin Quan receiving the CD, Master Corporal Jamie McDevitt receiving the 14 AMS Performer of the Quarter, Master
Corporal Donald Harvie receiving the CD1 and MCpl Simon-Pierre Frechette receiving the CD1.
Service Member of the Quarter was Corporal Kubis, centre, for
dedication and contributions to his section, 14 Air Maintenance
Squadron; 14 Wing, the Greenwood Military Family Resource
Centre and the wider community. Making the presentation were
14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Jim Irvine (left), and
Wing Chief Warrant Officer Pierrot Jetté.
Corporal J.Kusche, 14 AMS, Wing Imaging
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Page 8
Captain Sébastien Tardif, from 14 Software Engineer Squadron,
receives his Operational Unified Protector (OUP) medal from
Colonel Jim Irvine, Commanding Officer of 14 Wing, and Wing
Chief Warrant Officer Chief Warrant Officer Pierrot Jette.
March 4, 2013
Captain Adam Hollenbeck (center), a 404 Long Range Patrol
and Training (LRP&T) Squadron Navigator Communicator
Instructor, receives his Canadian Forces Decoration from Major
Yves Leblanc (left), Acting Commanding Officer of 404 (LRP&T)
Squadron, and Master Warrant Officer Dave Chevalier (right),
Acting 404 (LRP&T) Squadron Chief Warrant Officer.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Private Lucas Froese receiving his first chevron promotion
from Major K. Al Taylor, Wing Construction and Engineering
Officer, and Master Warrant Officer Rob V. Knight, Unit Wing
Construction and Engineering Master Warrant Officer. Submitted
405 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Mike 405 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Mike 405 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Mike
Adamson presents Private Marc Cormier with his first chevron. Adamson presents Private Jordon Cuming with his first chevron Adamson presents Private Mira Kim with her first chevron.
Squadron Chief Warrant Office Mario Roussel is at right.
Chief. Squadron Warrant Office Mario Roussel is at right.
Squadron Warrant Office Mario Roussel is at right.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 9
March 4, 2013
Add experience, expertise
to the next build
Tracy Chisholm says her volunteer time on a Habitat for Humanity build in Haiti last
fall was an eye-opening experience as to the importance of home.
Building a future
House becomes a home with
volunteer hands
Sara Keddy,
Managing editor
Tracy Chisholm’s inexperienced efforts to hang drywall
or build basement steps as
part of a Habitat for Humanity
team add up.
“You realize you have
something to contribute –
you’re providing a foundation
for a house, but also for a
Chisholm is a software
system specialist with 14
Wing Greenwood’s simulator
at 404 Squadron, and she’s
putting more and more nails
into Habitat for Humanity
projects – around the world –
as she more fully appreciates
what the organization means.
In Honduras and Haiti, a safe,
secure, solid home is one
thing; it means something
else in recent builds here in
the Valley.
“The need is greater there,
but the fact people are in more
dire straits doesn’t change
the fact there are issues with
housing here – mould, leaks,
security, housing situations
that are not OK – it’s not a
competition to see who’s
worse off,” she says.
Her first experience with
Habitat for Humanity was
Discover Driving
Certified Driving Instruction
in Montreal 10 years ago,
when her workplace spent
a Saturday volunteering at
a housing project. Home
in Nova Scotia on vacation
more recently, she spent
two-and-a-half weeks helping
at a four-home build in Lower
Sackville. Eighty per cent of
the volunteers on the site were
women, and she says the
Canadian Forces personnel moving across
Canada – and beyond – may be in a unique position to know just how important a home is.
That’s what makes them valuable volunteers at a Habitat for Humanity build project.
“They come, they work hard, they clean
up and go home,” says Tracy Chisholm, a 14
Wing Greenwood civilian worker.
“The support of the base is really tremendously helpful” as the Valley Habitat for Humanity chapter gets set for its second build.
Project administrator and fundraising chairwoman Belinda Manning says crews from 14
Wing Greenwood helping at last year’s first
Valley build “worked their butts off.
“And then some of them came to the
dedication ceremony with the family, and it
was really great to see them – what a huge
Anyone interested in pitching in as the
project digs in this spring is encouraged to
contact Habitat for Humanity, habitat.av@ Manning says build volunteers are
always needed but, to get to that point, the
experience was “really great.
“It showed me I can do
Chisholm signed up for
an international project in
Honduras, where volunteers
worked alongside a “beautiful family” to build a home.
She continued to help out in
Montreal, and then was happy
to find a year-old Habitat for
Master Corporal Nathalie Gelineau
shovels new top soil for the front lawn.
Volunteers from 14 Air Maintenance
Squadron, 14 Wing Greenwood, put
in a day of yard work last fall at the
Habitat for Humanity housing project
in Wolfville.
organization is looking for some planning
support, particularly people with some
experience in trades who can help look at
home design plans, figure out the building
stages and make decisions on quotes.
Humanity chapter in the Valley when she started work in
Greenwood last year. The Valley chapter had just finished
its first home in Wolfville, and
is now ready to build another
this summer in New Minas.
Chisholm has signed on as the
group’s secretary and build
committee vice-chairman.
“A safe home is something
these people would never
have been able to have, and it
changes things for the family
for the long run.
“I’ve realized how important
it is to have a home from
which to go forward every
day, and then come back to.
Every creature on Earth needs
a home – but so many people
don’t have one.”
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Page 10
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
Family fun celebrates winter
Eric MacKenzie,
Almost 70 individuals at- face painting. At the end of the Camryn Little walked away Recreation Nova Scotia.
wood Military Family Resource
14 Wing Greenwood community Centre teamed up February 21 tended this family event at the afternoon, Wing Administra- with $25 CANEX gift cards, and
A special thank you to the
recreation coordinator
to offer a fun family skate, part
of Take the Roof off Winter,
The 14 Wing Greenwood Nova Scotia’s February winter
Community Centre and Green- active campaign.
Greenwood Gardens Arena,
and were treated to an hour
of free skating, on-ice games,
hot chocolate and sweets and
tion Officer Lieutenant-Colonel
Heber Gillam and Chief Warrant
Officer Lise Ward drew for
the prizes. Mario Roussel and
many others won prizes generously provided by the GMFRC,
the Nova Scotia Department
of Health and Wellness and
staff of the GMFRC and community centre, including volunteer Liam Bridge, for their
support and assistance. Thanks
Working hard to stay up and moving….
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Êtes-vous transféré à Comox?
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
to the Greenwood Gardens
crew for their help in making
this event a success, and Corporal Jessye Therrien, Wing
Imaging, for doing a great job
capturing all the fun moments.
If you enjoyed the family
skate, the Greenwood Gardens
Arena offers free public skating
to anyone with a valid Commu-
nity Recreation Card Saturdays
from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. and
Sundays 11 a.m. to noon. For
information, or to make sure
family skating has not been
cancelled due to weather or
a tournament, call 765-1494
local 5305.
To learn more about the community centre’s weekly youth
Page 11
March 4, 2013
programs or nearly 30
clubs, which provide
many great ways
to stay winter active, contact Eric
MacKenzie at the
14 Wing Greenwood Community
Centre, 765-1494 lo
local 5337.
Eric MacKenzie lays down the rules of
ice skate soccer.
Corporal Jessye Therrien,
14 AMS, Wing Imaging
Wing Administration Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Heber Gillam
makes the draws for Take the Roof off Winter prizes.
Moving back into civilian work doesn’t
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your military experience and provide
jobs that let you continue to build
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Please complete our survey at
and we will make a $10 donation to
the Military Families Fund in your name.
Page 12
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
Health Promotion Services (PSP) Winter/Spring 2013 Program Schedule
Mental Fitness & Suicide Awareness: Super Trg
7 Mar – 8 Mar 13
9 May – 10 May 13
Alcohol, other Drugs & Gambling:
Super Trg
4 Apr – 5 Apr 13
20 Jun – 21 Jun 13
0830 – 1530 hrs (day 1)
0830 – 1200 hrs (day 2)
F&S Centre
Nutrition/Active Living Seminar
11 Apr 13
0830 – 1530 hrs
F&S Centre
Managing Angry Moments
7 May – 28 May 13
(every Tuesday)
0830 – 1130 hrs
F&S Centre
Top Fuel for Top Performance
23 May – 24 May 13
0830 – 1530 hrs (day 1)
0830 – 1200 hrs (day 2)
F&S Centre
Stress Take Charge!
5 Jun – 6 Jun 13
0830 -1530 hrs
F&S Centre
Inter-Comm: Improve Communication
in Personal Relationship
TBA Jun 13?
0830 – 1530 hrs
F&S Centre
(by apt only)
1330 – 1530 hrs
F&S Centre
(by apt only)
0930 – 1130 hrs
F&S Centre
Butt Out – Self-Help Program
0830 – 1530 hrs (day 1)
0830 – 1200 hrs (day 2)
F&S Centre
For more information or to register, please contact: Health Promotion Office (PSP), F&S Centre (Gym), (902) 765-1494
ext: 5388 • •
Services de promotion de la santé Hiver – Printemps 2013
Kings, Annapolis
athletes compete at
NS winter Special
The Nova Scotia 2013
Winter Games for Special
Olympics were in Yarmouth
February 22, 23 and 24.
In curling, teams were on the
ice in three divisions: Howard,
Martin and Koe.
In the Howard Division, Halifax beat Annapolis, Kings 1
defeated Yarmouth, Clare 2 won
over Kings 2, and Lunenburg
beat Kings 1. Cobequid 1 won
the gold over Kings 1, while Cape
Breton took home the bronze.
In the Martin Division, Clare 1
beat Annapolis, Kings 2 defeated
Cape Breton, Sackville won over
Kings 2 and Pictou beat Kings 1.
In the final, Sackville beat Pictou
to take gold, and Yarmouth 2
won bronze.
Finally, in the Koe Division,
Cobequid 1 beat Annapolis and
Kings 2 defeated Clare 1. In the
end Cobequid 1 won gold, with
silver for Kings 1 and bronze for
Cape Breton.
Floor Hockey was also played
in three divisions. Kings played
in Division 2, with Pictou and
Lunenburg/ Queens, and was
standing third after day one of
competition. Pictou won gold
in the final, with Kings taking
silver and Lunenburg/ Queens
the bronze.
Snowshoeing was cancelled
due to lack of snow. Regions
with athletes in this sport had
a fun day of bowling, with a regional competition taking place.
Each region had four players to
a team with the winner being
determined based on the collective score of the group. Team
Annapolis won the gold, while
Shelburne was second and Team
Kings captured the bronze.
Force mentale et sensibilisation au
suicide : formation du superviseur
7 mars et 8 mars 13
9 et 10 mai 13
0830 – 1530 h (jour un)
0830 – 1200 h (jour deux)
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
Formation de sensibilisation aux
problèmes liés à l’alcool, aux autres
drogues et au jeu excessif
4 et 5 avril 13
20 et 21 juin 13
0830 – 1530 h (jour un)
0830 – 1200 h (jour deux)
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
Nutrition/Vie active
11 avril 13
0830 – 1530 h
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
Gérer les moments de colère
7 mai au 28 mai 13
(tous les mardis)
0830 – 1130 h
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
(West Kings, Middleton Regional, École Rose-des-Vents and Central Kings)
Bouffe-santé pour un rendement
23 mai – 24 mai 13
0830 – 1530 h (jour un)
0830 – 1200 h (jour deux)
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
Spring Session Commences March 20
West Kings District High School
Le stress, ça se combat
5 et 6 juin 13
0830 -1530 h
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
Additional Information & Registration Form
Inter-Comm : Améliorer les
communications dans nos relations
Va être announcé en juin
0830 – 1530 h
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
(sur rendez-vous
Students should be 15 years 6 months to Register
Payment Installment Plan Available
Inquire About Our New Sibling Discount Program
Telephone: 847-9821 Email:
1330 – 1530 h
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
(sur rendez-vous
0930 – 1130 h
Salle de classe du Centre de
conditionnement physique et de sports
Écrase-la (S’aider soi-même)
Pour plus d’information ou enregister contactez le : Bureau de la Promotion de la santé : Bâtiment : Le Centre du
conditionnement physique et de sports : 902-765-1494 ext : 5388 : Courielle : :
*Priority is given to military families first and if spaces
are available it will be open to the community.
* La priorité est d'abord donnée aux familles militaires.
Toutefois, si des places sont disponibles, les membres
de la communauté pourront participer.
AVM Morfee Centre
Centre AVM Morfee
School Road / rue School
Greenwood, NS / N.-É.
(902) 765-5611
Maritime Driver Education
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 13
March 4, 2013
Make a March break plan
If you’re looking for a great
way to spend a week off with
your friends, then the 14 Wing
Greenwood Community Centre’s March break day camp
program is your answer.
The centre will be offering a
week-long program for anyone
between the ages of six and 12
Meritorious medals
Zone Commander Dave Blanchard, left, recently presented Meritorious Service Medals
to Royal Canadian Legion Branch 098 Kingston members Linda Desmond and Larraine
McWilliams, with the assistance of branch president David Geddes.
Fais un plan pour tes
vacances de mars
Si tu cherches une façon
merveilleuse de passer la semaine de congé avec tes amis,
alors le camp de jour des
vacances de mars du Centre
communautaire de la 14e Escadre Greenwood est ta réponse!
Du 11 au 15 mars prochains,
le centre offrira un programme
d’une semaine aux jeunes de 6
à 12 ans. Commençant à 9 h
et se terminant à 15 h, chaque
journée proposera des activités différentes.
Les détenteurs de la carte
des loisirs peuvent s’inscrire à partir de chez eux à
Pour les inscriptions en ligne,
veuillez communiquer avec
le Centre communautaire de
years of age March 11 to 15.
Each day will consist of different activities, and starts at 9
a.m. and ends at 3 p.m.
Recreation card holders may
register from home at http://
index.asp. Contact the 14
Wing Community Centre at
765-1494 local 5341 to set up
your account and password.
On-site registration will be
available in the main office of
the community centre. There
are 20 positions available.
If you have questions, contact Eric MacKenzie, 765-1494
local 5337.
Need help
keeping warm
this winter?
la 14e Escadre au 765-1494,
poste 5341, pour créer votre
compte et obtenir votre mot de
passe. On pourra aussi s’inscrire en personne au bureau
principal du Centre. Il y a 20
places en tout.
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez vous adresser à
Eric MacKenzie au 765-1494,
poste 5337.
7 PM Sunday 24 March 13
The Taizé Community
Taizé is a tiny village hidden away in the hills of Burgundy, in the eastern part of France
not far from the town of Cluny. Since 1940 it has been the home of an ecumenical
community of brothers whose prayer three times a day is at the center of their lives.
Today, Taizé is a place to which visitors of all ages and backgrounds come on pilgrimage,
to participate in international meetings of prayer and reflection.
The Chapel Taizé service is open to everyone who would like to participate in prayer,
reflection and music during Holy Week.
Sunday 24 March – Palm Sunday Mass – at 11 AM and Taizé Service at 7 PM
Monday 25 March – Parish Reconciliation Service at 7 PM
Thursday 28 March – Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 PM
Friday 29 March – Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of Our Lord at 3 PM
Stations of the Cross (A Children’s Live Portrayal) – Good Friday at 10 AM and 7 PM
Saturday 30 March – Easter Vigil – at 8 PM
Sunday 31 March – Easter Sunday – Celebration of Resurrection of Our Lord at 11 AM
Sunday 24 March – Palm Sunday Special Service – with Padre Richard Bastien at 10:30 AM
Thursday 28 March – Maundy Thursday – with Rev Mike McKeage at 6:30 PM
Friday 29 March – Good Friday Celebration – with Padre Gordon Poley at 3 PM
Sunday 31 March – Easter Morning – with Padre Gordon Poley at 6:30 AM
Sunday 31 March – Easter Celebration – with Padre Gordon Poley at 10:30 AM
The Heating Assistance Rebate Program
may be able to help with up to
$200 towards your home heating costs.
Call 1-800-670-4357 or visit
Page 14
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
Le CRFMG se transforme en galerie d’art
Alexandra Sidorenko
Centre de ressources pour
les familles des militaires de
Le Centre de ressources pour
les familles des militaires de
Greenwood a le plaisir d’accueillir
« Effigie en Transparence », une
exposition d’autoportraits réalisés par des élèves de l’école
Rose-des-Vents, en partenariat
avec le Musée des beaux-arts
de la Nouvelle-Écosse (Galerie
d’art de la Nouvelle-Écosse) et
les programmes ArtsSmarts
Nova Scotia et GénieArts de la
Fédération culturelle acadienne.
Cette exposition sera visible du 7
mars au 3 avril au CRFMG.
L’artiste acadien François
Gaudet a travaillé avec les élèves
des 5e et 6e années de Mme
Goziou de l’école Rose-desVents, et les a guidés dans une
étude de leur propre identité et
dans la création de leur autopor-
Alexandra Sidorenko,
Greenwood Military Family
Resource Centre
Justin Bish
Tom Ruggle
Come see us for great customer service
spotlight of the week
‡ Six businesses run a business
card ad for six weeks
‡ Each week one of the businesses
will be featured
‡ Feature may include an article
& photos
$199 .00
plus tax
per business
Call Anne Kempton
Marketing Consultant
765-1494 local 5833
Mar 18
Start date
un atelier unique en son genre.
Les membres de la collectivité sont invités à venir admirer
ces œuvres d’art vivantes et
dynamiques pendant les heures habituelles d’ouverture du
CRFMG. La cérémonie de clôture
de l’exposition Effigie en Transparence aura lieu au CRFMG le
3 avril prochain entre 18 h et
20 h. Venez célébrer les magnifiques œuvres d’art créées
par les élèves de l’École Rosedes-Vents et savourer de légers
Le projet de l’école Rose-desVents a été établi en partenariat
avec le Musée des beaux-arts
de la Nouvelle-Écosse (Galerie
d’arts de la Nouvelle-Écosse) et
financé par GénieArts NouvelleÉcosse et La Fédération culturelle
acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse.
Le 12 mars, les familles militaires
(enfants d’âge scolaire et plus
vieux) sont invitées à travailler
avec l’artiste François Gaudet et
à créer leur propre autoportrait
pendant un après-midi des arts
gratuit pour la famille, de 13 h à
16 h, au CRFMG. Veuillez vous
inscrire d’ici le 8 mars.
Et si vous n’avez rien à faire
pendant le congé de mars, le
Musée des beaux-arts de la
Nouvelle-Écosse et le CRFMG
organiseront un autre après-midi
familial des arts pour les enfants
d’âge scolaire et des participants
plus vieux. Venez créer une œuvre d’art avec les conseils d’un
artiste établi.
GMFRC turns into art gallery, studio
Mike Landry
& the staff welcome
Justin & Tom
to Kentville Mazda
trait. Les élèves ont également
visité Grand-Pré pour étudier
et s’approprier la culture de
l’Acadie. Ils ont créé des portraits
en transparence à partir de photos de leur visage et de gel, puis
ont transféré ces portraits sur la
toile. Ils ont également appliqué
de la peinture au-dessus et audessous de leur portrait, afin d’y
apporter une touche encore plus
personnelle. François Gaudet
se rendra également à l’école
Dwight Ross pour y organiser
The Greenwood Military
Family Resource Centre is
pleased to host Effigie en
Transparence, an exhibition
of self-portraits produced by
students at l’École Rose des
Vents, in partnership with the
Art Gallery of Nova-Scotia
and La Fédération culturelle
acadienne’s ArtsSmarts Nova
Scotia/ GénieArts NouvelleÉcosse programs. The exhibition will be on display March 7
to April 3, at the GMFRC.
Acadian artist François
Gaudet worked with Mme
Goziou’s grade 5 and 6 students at l’École Rose des
Vents, guiding them through
an examination of their own
identities and the creation of
their self-portraits. They also
visited Grand-Pré to explore
and connect with the culture
of l’Acadie. The students used
photographs of their faces
and gel medium to create a
transparent portrait image,
which was then transferred
to canvas. They also painted
under and over their portraits,
adding defining details to
create a personal likeness.
Gaudet will also visit Dwight
Ross School to work with
students in a one-of-a-kind
services & trades
Contact Anne at 765-1494 local 5833 for rates
and other advertising inquiries.
Members of the community are invited to come view
these vibrant and dynamic
works of art during GMFRC
regular working hours. The
closing ceremony for Effigie en Transparence will be
held at the GMFRC April 3,
between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Come celebrate the beautiful
artwork created by students
from École Rose-des-Vents
and enjoy light refreshments.
The École Rose-des-Vents
project was created in partnership with the Art Gallery
of Nova-Scotia and funded by
ArtsSmarts Nova-Scotia and
La Fédération culturelle aca-
dienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse
with funding from GénieArts
March 12, military families
(school aged children and up)
are invited to work with artist
Francois Gaudet and create
their own self-portraits during
a free family art afternoon, 1
p.m. to 4 p.m., at the GMFRC.
Please register by March 8.
And, if you have nothing
to over March break, the Art
Gallery of Nova Scotia and the
GMFRC will host another family art afternoon for schoolaged children and older participants. Come create an art
piece with the guidance of an
established artist.
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 15
March 4, 2013
Ladies, learn to run
Veteran of
the month
Wade Seymour enlisted in
the Canadian Forces July
14, 1976 and has served
in both the Regular and
Air Reserve. During his 32
years, he has been posted
to CFB Cornwallis, NDHQ
Ottawa, 1 AMU Trenton,
437 Squadron Trenton,
CFB Borden and 14 Wing Greenwood. He has seen many
parts of the world on different operations and exercises.
He deployed on Exercise Brave Lion in Norway, Exercise Box Top in Thule, Greenland; Operation Matador in
Namibia and Operation Deliverance in Somalia. He has
travelled to every province in Canada, throughout the
United States, Europe and Middle East while flying as a
C130 Hercules loadmaster. Seymour has been a member
of the Royal Canadian Legion for 36 years, and currently
holds the position of branch chaplain at Branch 098
The 14 Wing Greenwood
Community Centre will be
offering a beginners’ learn to
run program, beginning the
week of March 4 (date and
time to be determined).
This program is designed
for women only, and for
anyone who would like to
start running, learn how to
run or just get healthier. It
will be conducted in a safe,
fun atmosphere designed
especially for women who
may have never run a step.
Sessions will consist of both
an educational and running
segment. Topics will include
nutrition, injury prevention,
cross training and actual
training time. Classes will
be held twice a week for one
hour, and will run for 10
The cost is $65 plus tax,
and the program is open to
all women with a valid Greenwood Community Recreation
Card or military member.
For information, contact Jill
Jackson, recreation director,
765-1494 local 5331.
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1-888-338-0331 (Oil delivery 6 days a week)
Alice and Jack
did it for the
For the first time, Alice and Jack didn’t visit an Access Nova Scotia office to renew
their vehicle permit. They went online and renewed from the comfort of their home.
And so can you! When your renewal notice arrives in the mail, go online to renew and
print off a 10-day permit. Your official vehicle permit and sticker will arrive by mail a
few days later. It is simple, fast, and convenient.
When the time comes to renew your vehicle permit, take some advice from Alice and
Jack. Why wait in line when you can stay home—and do it online!
Ce service est également offert en français
Page 16
The Aurora publishes items of interest to
the community submitted by not-for-profit
organizations. Submissions are limited to
approximately 25 words. Items may be submitted
to our office, 83A School Road (Morfee Annex),
14 Wing Greenwood; by fax, (902)765-1717;
or email Dated
announcements are published on a first-come,
first-served basis, and on-going notices will be
included as space allows. To guarantee your
announcement, you may choose to place a paid
advertisement. The deadline for submissions is
Thursday, 9:30 a.m., previous to publication
unless otherwise notified.
Le commandant publie des avis d’intérêt public
soumis par des organisations à but non lucratif.
Ces avis doivent se limiter à environ 25 mots.
Les avis peuvent être soumis à nos bureaux,
au 83A, School Road, (annexe Morfee),
14e Escadre Greenwood, par fax au (902)
765-1717 ou par courriel à l’adresse editor@ Les annonces avec
date sont publiées selon le principe du premier
arrivé, premier servi, et les avis continus seront
inclus si l’espace le permet. Si vous voulez
être certain que votre avis soit publié, vous
voudrez peut-être acheter de la publicité. La
date de tombée des soumissions est à 9 h 30
du matin le jeudi précédent la publication, à
moins d’avis contraire.
metro crossword
solution page 18
1. Swedish rock group
5. Teen skin disorder
9. An instrument that
14. Sledgehammer
15. Ran away from
16. Old European silver
17. “Rule Britannia”
18. Rend or tear apart
19. Oats genus
20. Greater TV resolution
23. Kiln
24. A furrow in the road
25. Family Turdidae
28. Duck-billed mammal
33. German tennis star
34. “You Send Me”
singer Sam
35. Volcanic mountain in
36. Governed over
38. Process of decay
39. Clear wrap brand
41. Put into service
42. Snake catcher tribe
of India
44. Best section of the
45. Masseur
47. Funereal stone slabs
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
49. Before
50. Again
51. 1 of 10 official U.S.
days off
58. Alternate name
59. One of Bobby Franks’
60. Port capital of
61. Individual dishes are
a la ___
62. Shellfish
63. Welsh for John
64. Fencing swords
65. Griffith or Rooney
66. Titanic’s fate
1. Far East wet nurse
2. Apulian seaport
3. Barrel hole stopper
4. Tavern where ale is
5. Anew
6. Actor Montgomery
7. Pigmented skin moles
8. Adam & Eve’s garden
9. Legislative acts
10. Pit
11. Butter alternative
12. Actor Sean
13. A major division of
geological time
21. Hyrax
22. Country of Baghdad
(alt. sp.)
25. Repetitive strumming
26. West Chadic
27. Rattling breaths
28. Savile Row tailor
29. Burbot
30. Christmas lantern in
the Phillipines
31. Utilization
32. Sound units
34. Leg shank
37. Umlauts
40. Female owners of #4
43. One who regrets
46. Serenely deliberate
47. Stuck up
48. Cablegram (abbr.)
50. In advance
51. Envelope opening
52. Ireland
53. Australian
Labradoodle Club of
America (abbr.)
54. Poetic forsaken
55. Female operatic star
56. Actor Alda
57. An American
58. Highest card
metro crossword brought to you compliments of
954 Central Avenue
At CentreStage
CentreStage Theatre Presents The
Dixie Swim Club, about five very
different Southern women who
met on their college swim team
and continue to share long weekends at the same beach house.
This hilarious and poignant play
is about the friendships that last
forever. It is best suited for adults
and teens. Dixie Swim Club plays
March 8, 9, 15, 16, 17 (2 p.m.
matinee), 22, 23, 24 (2 p.m. matinee), April 5, 6. Showtime 8 p.m./
2 p.m. matinee). Tickets $12/ $10.
Call 678-8040 for reservations.
Teen group
To May 28, a social group for
teenagers with autism will meet
Tuesday evenings, 6:30 p.m. to
8:30 p.m., at the Sobeys community room, Greenwood. For
information, contact Karen at
Computer skills
Do you have a computer question
you would like some assistance
with, or did you get an eReader
or tablet for Christmas and want
to know how to use the Valley
Regional Library’s eBook or
audiobook download service?
Maybe you would like to begin
using computers. This one-hour
session, with an instructor, is for
you. To book your basic computer
session, call the Berwick library
at 538-4030 Tuesday, 9 a.m. to
2 p.m., or Wednesday noon to
4 p.m.; or the Kingston library
at 765-3631, Monday 2 p.m. to
6 p.m., or Thursday, 10 a.m. to
2:30 p.m.
Outdoor skating rinks
The towns of Middleton,
Three easy ways to enter.
Bridgetown and Annapolis Royal
invite you to their outdoor, free
skating rinks. Middleton: Centennial Park; Bridgetown: Trojan
Sport Centre; Annapolis Royal: on
St. Anthony Street, across from
the EHS station. For more info,
call Brooke at 824-1069.
March 4, enjoy a bridge afternoon
at St. John’s United Church, Main
Street, Middleton, from 1 p.m.
March 4 at 1:30 p.m., Hike Nova
Scotia and County of Annapolis Recreation Services present a guided snowshoe hike at
Tupperville Falls in Tupperville.
Pre-registration required at 5323144/ 825-2005 or Participants
qualify to win trail prizes. www.
Music therapy
To March 5 (Tuesdays), the Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism
Nova Scotia will present free music therapy sessions for children
with autism spectrum disorder at
Kingston and District Elementary
School. Group 1: ages four to 11,
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Group 2: ages
12 to 21, 5: 30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Support will be provided for your
child. Parents welcome, but not
required to stay during the session. To register, contact Brenda
Johnson, Sound Connections,
692-1662 or soundconnections@
March 5 is the general monthly
meeting of the Kingston and
District Health Auxiliary, 1 p.m.,
at the Kingston fire hall. All welcome to come and help support
1. Through our website:
2. Fax: 765-1717
3. Drop into our office located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex)
our hospital. New members are
March 6, 7 p.m., the second section of the course, “Discovering
Your Spiritual Gifts,” will begin,
sponsored by Foundations Bible
School, a division of New Beginnings Christian Ministries, 1151
Bridge St. Greenwood.
Annapolis Royal family fun
To March 8, every Friday from
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the ARRA
Gymnasium. Bring your friends
and family and come on out for
an evening of fun and games. All
equipment provided. For more
info, call Brooke at 824-1069.
Tea and display
March 9, the Fundy Group Rug
Hookers will hold a rug hooking
display and tea at the Wilmot
Community Hall, Hwy. 1 Wilmot,
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Freewill
offering. Call Cindy, 825-6314,
for directions.
March 9, 8 p.m., see Laura Smith
at the Evergreen Theatre, 1941
Stronach Mountain Road, East
Margaretsville. In Smith’s music,
real emotions ebb and flow. East
Coast Music Awards and Gemini
Award winner, and Juno nominee.
Tickets $20. Reservations: (902)
825-6834 or evergreentheatre@
Bluegrass show
March 10, 1:30 p.m., the Annapolis Valley Bluegrass & Oldtime
Music Association presents an
afternoon of music at the Kings
Mutual Century Centre, Berwick,
featuring New Ground, Valley Blue
and Randy Sheffield & Friends.
Find & Win
Entry deadline:
Noon, March 7, 2013
Full name
Phone number
Complete the following questions from ads in this week’s issue and win a large 2-topping pizza
from Pizza Delight, Greenwood. Coupon valid for 30 days.
What is back by popular demand? _________________________________________
What movie is playing at the Zedex Theatre? _________________________________
When do spring driving sessions start? ______________________________________
Who is offering a coupon for ½ price appetizers? ______________________________
What business is under new owner/management? ____________________________
Limited to one win per family in a TWO MONTH PERIOD.
The winner will be drawn randomly from all correct entries. Only one entry per family per week.
Pizza Delight, Greenwood
Congratulations to last week’s winner: SHEILA PYNCH
Admission $10, canteen, 50/50.
We support the IWK Hospital.
Hymn sing
March 10, there will be a hymn
sing, 7:30 p.m., at the Wilmot
Baptist Church Christian Fellowship Centre, corner of Hwy.1
and Dodge Road. Special guests
will be a contemporary Christian
band, band2gether, from the
Kentville area. All welcome to
March 11, 7 p.m., Mid Valley Palliative Care Services will hold its
annual meeting in the Founder’s
Room, Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital (storm date March 18).
Autism program
To March 12 (Tuesdays), the Annapolis Valley Chapter of Autism
Nova Scotia is pleased to offer
an after school arts and crafts
program for children between the
ages of six and 10 with Autism
Spectrum Disorder. There are
spaces for seven children. There
will be one group leader and
one support person to supervise
children. Aldershot Elementary
School, 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Registration: Denise, 678-6709
or 670-8294.
March 12, join friends at the
Kingston Lions’ hall for a delicious meal of chicken supreme,
mashed potatoes, vegetables
and dessert. Cost: $8, $8.50
delivered. For take-out orders,
call 765-2128.
March break
March 12 and 13, a March break
day camp takes place at Middleton Baptist Church. This free
camp, offered to children age
three to Grade 5, runs from
9:30 a.m. to noon each morning. Registration online at www., or by
phoning 825-3537. The theme
is Mexican Fiesta. Wednesday,
all children and parents/guardians
are invited to stay for tacos and a
children’s clothing and toy swap
(noon to 1 p.m.).
Variety show
March 16, the Kingston Lions
present a variety music night at
the Kingston Lions’ hall, 7 p.m.
Cost $5. Featuring performances
by Just For Fun, Hughie McDonell
and Wendy Lynn.
March 16, All Saints’ Church,
Kingston, will be holding a St.
Patrick’s Day dinner, 4:30 p.m.
to 6 p.m., at the church on Pleasant Street (turn west off Bridge
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Street). Menu: stuffed pork loin,
mashed potatoes, turnip, carrots, peas, gravy and dessert.
Price: $ 12, tickets available from
Gordie Skanes (825-6118). All are
Men’s basketball
Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.,
men’s basketball at Pine Ridge
Middle School. Cost $10/ person
until December (or $3/night). Enter
by door in the back of the building.
Info: Glen, 844-0156 or
Volunteers needed
Valley Community Learning Association is recruiting volunteers
to tutor ESL learners in Kings and
Annapolis counties. If you can
speak and write English, you can
volunteer! For information, email or
phone/ text (902) 692-8042.
Roller derby
Thursdays, Riptide Roller Derby
will host open house sessions, for
women ages 19 and up, at NSCC
Middleton, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sun-
days, learn to roller skate at the
AV Morfee Centre, Greenwood, 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. Check us out on
Single parent support
Wednesdays - “Just Me & the
Kids,” a group supporting single
parent families in our region, will
be offered at Emmanuel Church,
Middleton. Contact Deb, 8256909, for information.
Fridays, join us for an evening
of square dancing, 8 p.m. to 10
p.m., at the Melvern Square Hall.
Phone 765-8145 for information.
Donations accepted
The Greenwood Health Auxiliary’s
Opportunity Shop (in the Greenwood Mall, next to The Inside
Story), is accepting donations
of good used clothing, purses,
shoes, linens, and small appliances. All proceeds go back to
health care in our area.
Tuesdays – join Toastmasters –
where leaders are made - 6:15
solution page 18
p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Air Commodore Birchall Training Centre,
Bldg 221, Greenwood. Everyone
welcome. For information contact or
Edie Murray, 665-2397.
Horse back riding
Public horse back riding and lessons, 471 Vault Road, Melvern
Square. Non-profit, registered
charity; all funds support abused
women and children. (902)8242329.
Community luncheon
Community lunch every Wednesday at New Beginnings Centre,
1151 Bridge St., Greenwood.
No charge. 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
There are also free clothes. Sponsored by Open Hand.
Public skating
Tuesdays and Thursdays, Kingston Recreation adult skating,
10:30 a.m. to noon at the Kingston rink. Cost: $3/ skate or $35
until Dec 20. Call Glen at 7652800 or email for informa-
tion. Limited helmets available.
Middleton Skate Park Committee
Every 1st and 3rd Monday of each
month, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
in the MRHS library. If you are
interested in having a skate park
in Middleton, these meetings are
for you! New members always
welcome. For info, call Brooke
at 824-1069.
Youth bowling
14 Wing Greenwood Community
Centre youth bowling programs
are now underway. Ages five to
19. Call the Greenwood Bowling
Centre to register, 765-1494 ext
Greenwood AA Group
Greenwood Group of Alcohol
Anonymous, Tuesdays at St.
Mark’s Church Annex, 8 p.m.
Meetings are open to those who
have a desire to stop drinking.
Jam session
Wednesdays, come out to Brickton (12062 Hwy 1) jam sessions
at 7 p.m. Great country and
sudoku brought to you compliments of
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20
Finding time to get everything
done can be challenging, Aries.
Fortunately, you have quite a few
supporters in your corner who are
willing to lend a helping hand.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21
Taurus, difficult decisions take time
to mull over. Although you want
to properly work through all the
scenarios, this week you might not
have all the time you need.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, water rolls off of your back
quite easily. However, something
tugs at you this week and you may
have to give it more thought than
you’re accustomed to.
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, with such a hectic schedule,
you may be feeling the pressure. It
is not unreasonable to take some
time for yourself and focus on
your relationship with a spouse or
significant other.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23
Sometimes you have to make a
few mistakes before you get things
right, Leo. Don’t let this worry you
because you’ll get back on the right
path soon enough.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, it’s important to recognize your
way is not always the right way. If you
absorb what other people are saying,
you might have an easier go of things.
patrick’s puzzle brought to you compliments of
Cost Assure ™ RNans aFLWUVVo YOU.
Middleton - 902-825-5525 • Greenwood - 902-765-2267
Church service
Sundays: 9:45 a.m. Sunday
school, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. worship services at the Fellowship
Baptist Church, 174 Bridge Street,
Melvern Square. 765-6361, www.
Church service
Sunday service 10:45 a.m. at
New Beginnings Centre, 1151
Bridge St., Greenwood. Nursery
and program for children ages
three to 12. We are an evangelical
Christian church. 765-8155.
Support group
Valley Acquired Brain Injury Support Group hosts various outing
of general interest each month,
determined by the group. The
ABI group meets in Kingston,
Greenwood and surrounding
areas every third Wednesday, 7
p.m. to 9 p.m. (location & activity
will be announced). All are welcome to attend. For information,
contact Dan and Sharon Nogler,
February 24 - March 02
solution page 18
Save your business
up to 20% every month.
Classic menu only.
bluegrass music. Come to play,
sing or listen. Refreshments at
intermission. $2 admission.
Kingston Area Seniors
Kingston Area Seniors Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. at
Kingston Branch No 98 Royal
Canadian Legion. Fun day (cards
and games) every second and
fourth Friday of the month, 1
p.m. For information, contact Pat
Coakley, 765-2175.
911 Civic Signs - Joint Lions
Club Initiative
Purchase your 911 Civic Sign(s)
by contacting any Lions Club
member or by calling your local
Lions Club and leave a message.
Aylesford: 847-9374, Kingston:
765-2128. Please call for pricing and remember if emergency
responders can’t find you, they
can’t help you. Funds raised go
back into your local community
when purchased through Lions
patrick’s puzzle horoscopes
Fun By The Numbers
Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers
1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out
the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric
clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name,
the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Back by
Page 17
March 4, 2013
Greenwood Mall
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, keep the lines of
communication open with a loved
one. There may be messages
coming your way, and you should
be ready to receive them.
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22
You may need to break out of
your routines this week, Scorpio.
Even though you thrive when
things are organized, you cannot
expect everything to go according
to plan.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21
There are some happy moments in
your immediate future, Sagittarius.
This will make any difficult days
in your recent past seem well
worth it.
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20
Capricorn, now is a good time to
get friends or family together for an
informal dinner party. Focus your
energy on socialization to get away
from the daily grind.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18
Aquarius, others appreciate all that
you do for them, but sometimes
they have to do for themselves to
learn valuable lessons. This week
is a time to step aside.
PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20
Pisces, things may seem like they
are going to go one way this week,
but at the last minute things turn in
an entirely different direction.
horoscopes brought to you compliments of
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
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Pour faire paraître une publicité dans un encadré, appelez-nous au (902) 765-1494 poste 5833, ou un courriel à
School district. New hardFOR RENT – 2 bedroom apartmoval, lawn care and garbage
wood floor, tile, paint and trim
ment with 1100sqft of living
collection included. Available
upstairs and large Rec room
space. Located on Victoria
Dec 1st. Rent is $795/month.
downstairs with an economical
Street, Middleton the apartFor further information contact
pellet stove. References apment affords worry free reJoan at 847-1365. (3342-ufnb)
preciated. $850.00 per month
tirement living at its’ best. FOR RENT – Clean 3 bedroom
plus utilities. Available March
Hardwood flooring, R2000+
apartment located in Nictaux.
1st, 2013. Please call Gord at
construction, electric heat
$850/month with heat and
1-902-449-9435. (3408-2tpb)
and paved driveway are a few
lights included. Fridge, stove
on the amenities. Kitchen inand dishwasher provided with FOR RENT – 2 bedroom upstairs
cludes 5 appliances. In a very
apartment located in Kingston.
washer/dryer hook-up available.
quiet area, with a 10 minute
Close to Legion. Fridge and
Located in a quiet subdivision.
walk to all amenities. Snow restove provided. Rent is $550/
No dogs. Reference required.
month plus utilities. Available
Call Ross at 840-0534. (3402immediately. Call 825-3607.
FOR RENT – Bungalow on 3
By the piece or lot.
FOR RENT – 1 bedroom apartWhispering Pines subdivision
We do local moving
ment located in Middleton.
in Wilmot. Only minutes to
Ground floor furnished. All utili765-4430
Kingston & Greenwood, yet
ties including WiFi and cable are
812 Maple Street Ext., Kingston
within the popular Middleton
included. References required.
Rent is $700/month. Call 902-
FOR RENT – 1 bedroom apartment on second floor in quiet
rural area for single person.
Rent includes all utilities,
cable, Wi-Fi. Fully furnished
and equipped with fridge,
stove, washer and dryer. No
smoking, no pets. Perfect for
person on IR. Rent is $900/
month. Call Joe 765-1898.
Hardwood, $210 a cord
Softwood, $170 a cord
Cut, Split, Delivered
Ph: 825-6424
David A. Proudfoot
Barristers • Solicitors • Notaries
Stephen I. Cole, LL.B.
Craig G. Sawler, LL.B.
Barrister * Solicitor * Notary
811 Central Avenue, PO Box 100
Greenwood, NS B0P 1N0
T: 902-765-3301 F: 902-765-6493
crossword solution
• Real Estate
• Wills / Estates
• Consultations /
sudoku solution
264 Main Street, Middleton, N.S.
Tel: 902-825-6288
Fax: 902-825-4340
Evening and Weekend
Appointments Available
844-0331 or (3403-ufn)
FOR RENT – small 2 bedroom
house located in the Kingston
area. Rent is $725/month including heat and lights. Fridge
and stove provided. Call 8475046. (3403-ufn)
FOR RENT - One bedroom
apartment in Middleton $450.00. Secure Building
with On-site Superintendent.
Utilities paid by Tenant. Pet
friendly. On-site Laundry
Facilities. Available Feb 1,
2013. Lease and References
Required. Call 765-2421 for
information. (3407-ufnb)
FOR RENT - Two Bedroom
Apartment in Middleton $495.00. Secure Building
with On-site Superintendent.
Utilities paid by Tenant. Pet
Friendly. On-site Laundry
Facilities. Available Feb 1,
201. Lease and References
Required. Call 765-2421 for
information. (3407-ufnb)
For Rent - 2 bedroom house
located near West Kings High
School in Auburn. Available
now. Hardwood floors, fridge/
stove, washer dryer hookup.
Snow removal and lawn care
provided. $525.00 per month
plus utilities. Call 844-0432 or
848-6667. (3407-ufn)
FOR RENT –Spacious 2 bedroom
apartment located in Morden.
Large private yard. Fridge
and stove provided. Rent is
$425.00/month plus utilities.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Chris Parker L.L.B
Ronald D. Richter
(B.A. Hon.), L.L.B.
Southgate Court,
Greenwood N.S.
Phone: 902-765-4992
Fax: 902-765-4120
Contact 538-9259 or 844-0374.
oversize garage and storage
shed/workshop. Many extras.
Asking $324,900.00. Phone
FOR RENT – 4 Bedroom house
1-902-679-2324. (3407-3tpb)
with garage and 2 bathrooms
in Kingston Subdivision. QUAIL EGGS FOR SALE: You
$1100.00 per month, utilities
would be surprised to know
extra. No pets & no smoking.
that for such small eggs, with
References required. Phone
regular consumption, the
1-403-795-6430. Available Imhealth benefits are huge!! The
mediately. (3408-3tp)
first great thing is they have no
“bad” cholesterol like regular
FOR RENT – One Bedroom
chicken eggs. They are 3-4
Apartment. $650.00 a month,
times higher in nutritional
utilities included. Located
value, compared to regular
in Tremont on Meadowvale
chicken eggs. Quail eggs are
Road, Nictaux. Fridge & Stove
much higher in vitamins A,
is available. Ready now. Call
B1, B2. Iron, protein & potasfor more info. 765-8019 or
sium; also rich in phosphorus
760-0496. (3409-2tpb)
& calcium. Go online to find out
FOR RENT – April 1st, 2013
many more great things about
Duplex located in central
quail eggs. Cost $1.00 per
Middleton. 2 levels, adult
dozen located at 719 Torbrook
suitable, lawn care & snow
Road or 760-1468. (3409-2tpb)
removal provided. $685.00 per
month, utilities not included. RESORT
No smoking & no pets. Phone FOR SALE OR RENT: Two bedroom
825-4521. (3209-2tpb)
deluxe suite in Blue Tree Lake
FOR RENT – Fully furnished/unResort, Buena Vista, Florida. 2
furnished 5 bedroom 140 year
bathrooms, 3 TV’s, full kitchen,
old Victorian home. Renowasher & dryer. Near Disneyvated, insulated and beautiful.
land. Good restaurants, etc
Located in the middle of a
nearby. 5 heated pools within
working fruit farm. References
the resort, which is suitable for
required. Rent is $900/month.
children. $600.00 a week, price
Available April 1st. Call 847is negotiable for sale purposes.
1297. (3409-2tpb)
index.htm. Call 765-2863.
FOR SALE – Private Sale on popular Aylesford Lake. Attractive SERVICES
2 bedroom, 2 bath split entry SERVICE – Bilingual handyman
on 150 feet of water frontage.
carpenter available, 25 years
Open concept kitchen, living
of experience with finish work,
area on main floor. Large famflooring, stairs, tile work and
ily room, flex room and screen
more. Reasonable rates – flexible
room on lower level. Detached
hours. Call Mike at 242-2465 or
840-0529. Greenwood/Kingston
Steve Lake’s
Light Trucking
Moving & Deliveries
16’ Cube Van
844 0551
“Serving the Western Valley Since 1977”
Valleywide In-Home
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For Fast, Economical,
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Clear Hardwood
Cut, Split and Delivered
Quality Guaranteed
Please Phone
Durland, Gillis &
Schumacher Associates
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
W. Bruce Gillis, Q.C.
Blaine G. Schumacher, CD
(Also of the Alberta Bar)
Clare H. Durland, Q.C.
Phone (902) 825-3415
Fax (902) 825-2522
74 Commercial Street
P.O. Box 700
Middleton, NS
B0S 1P0
Get your FREE copy of The Aurora Newspaper at the following locations
Bert’s Grocery
Chisholm’s Pharmacy
NEEDS Convenience Store
Atlantic SaveEasy
Avery’s Farm Market
WKM Health Centre
Main Street Video
Price Chopper
Sidetrack Beverage Room
Wilson’s Drug Mart
Avery’s Farm Market
Avery’s Farm Market
A&W (Greenwood Mall)
Dairy Queen
GMFRC & 14 Wing Library
Greco Pizza
Inside Story Book Store
Irving Service Station
Mark’s Barber Shop
NEEDS Convenience Store
Post Office
RCAFA Civic Bldg (by ball field)
Shoppers Drug Mart
Smoke Shop (Greenwood Mall)
TAN Coffee
Tim Hortons (Central Ave.)
The Aurora Newspaper
Venus Video
Atlantic Superstore
Avery’s Farm Market
Best Western Aurora Inn
Kingston Diner
Kingston Legion
Kingston Medical Clinic
Mama Sofia Pizzeria
Mimies’s Pizza
NEEDS Convenience Store
PharmaSave/Valley Drug Mart
Ralph Freeman Motors
Vicki’s Sea Food Restaurant
Avery’s Farm Market
Atlantic SaveEasy
Avery’s Farm Market
Brooklyn Street Market
Bruce Chev Olds
Capital Pub
Connell Chrysler
Fundy Spray Motel
NEEDS Convenience Store
PharmaSave/Valley Drug Mart
Price Chopper
Soldiers Memorial Hospital
Tim Hortons
Venus Video
NEEDS Convenience Store
High Country Tire
Sabean’s Meat Market
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Game play
for charity
Page 19
March 4, 2013
14 Wing Greenwood Fire
Services and the Military Police force have challenged
each other to a ball hockey
match-up at the base’s Fitness
& Sports Centre Friday, March
8 at 8:30 a.m., all in the name
of charity.
Players on both teams will
throw $10 into the collec-
tion, which will be shared
between the Military Police
Fund for Blind Children and the
Canadian Fallen Fire Fighter
the advertisers
that stand behind your military
DND file
87 Cornwallis Street PO Box 100
Kentville, NS B4N 3W3
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the following lands are liable to be sold for arrears of taxes due to the County of Kings as described below, and that unless such taxes with interest and
expenses are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell the said land at Public Auction, Council Chambers, Municipal Complex, Cornwallis Street, Kentville, Nova Scotia on the 6th day of March 2013 at
10:00 a.m. in the forenoon:
# 00321923 Keith R & Geraldine Robinson
9848 Main St
Land Dining
District 1
Zoned: C2
# 03661601 George & Linda Lou Sawler
1393 George St
Land Dwelling Building
District 6
Zoned: R1
# 04767675 Listana Realty Inc
3911 Brooklyn St
Land Dwellings Incorp Farm
District 4
Zoned: A1
# 00991031 Est of Darrell Criss
1319 Bains Rd
Sheffield Mills
District 1
Zoned: A1
HST is applicable on the purchase price
# 01101501 John M & Deirde E Clark
913 Park St
Land Dwellings Garage
District 5
Zoned: RM
# 04115872 Michael Frederick Royal
423 Bennetts Bay Rd
Bennetts Bay
Lot FSL-1 1974 Mobile
District 1
Zoned: F1
# 04920333 Est of Colin Whynott
1231 Forest St
Land Dwelling
District 5
Zoned: RM
# 05758858 Larry A & Shirley Clair Crocker
1140 Lanzy Rd
North Kentville
Lot 3 Dwelling Building
District 3
Zoned: R1
# 04172817 George Sawler
1492 Magee Dr
Lot 3 12x56 Villager
Serial SATSK4068M
District 5
Zoned: RM, Mobile Only
# 04172965 Gary & Debi Lave
321 Main St
Lot 15 Mobile Commodore 12x48
Serial 7359
District 5
Zoned: RM, Mobile Only
# 09304630 Base Emporium Inc
Kars St
Port Williams
Parcel 98-1
District 2
Zoned: Wharf
HST is applicable on the purchase price
# 10217199 David J Browning &
Constance Shy-Browning
Corkum & Burns Rd
Black River
Lot 108A
District 12
Zoned: F1
HST is applicable on the purchase price
#10241057 Brian Dodge
Starrs Point Rd
Port Williams, Lot 17
District 2
Zoned:R2, UF1
HST is applicable on the purchase price
# 01433571 David Bowers
19 Beattie Dr
1974 Mobile 14x56
Chinook Serial 56GB1669
District 8
Zoned: A1, Mobile Only
# 01763318 Base Emporium Inc
Kars St
Port Williams
Parcel A-1
District 2
Zoned: Wharf
HST is applicable on the purchase price
# 02670585 Tina Marie Sturk
4303 Highway 221
Land Dwelling
District 4
Zoned: A1
# 04176057 Ella K Muise Kelly
& Eric Kelly
1152 Grand Pre Rd
Land Dwelling
District 12
Zoned: F1
# 04269357 Juanita L Wilcox
1359 Bluff Rd
Hants Border
Land Dwelling
District 12
Zoned: F1
# 03289605 3037861 Nova Scotia Ltd
8799 Commercial St
New Minas
Lot 3-2000-X
District 11
Zoned: C1/O1
# 04333209 Roger Ellis Smith
Lockhartville Rd
District 12
Zoned: F1
HST is applicable on the purchase price
#10241987 Bell Forestry
Stoddart Dr
East Dalhousie,
Land District 8
Zoned: S2
HST is applicable on the purchase price
$ 1,043.19
Terms: Taxes, interest and cost owing. (The amount advertised) to be paid at the time of sale by cash, money order, debit, certified cheque from the bank (will not be accepted if not certified) or
lawyer’s trust cheque, balance of your bid to be paid by cash, money order, debit or certified cheque within three (3) days after the sale.
“Take notice that tax sales do not in all circumstances clear up defects in title. A tax deed conveys only the interest of the assessed owner, whatever that interest may be. If you are intending to
clear up defects in the title of your property by way of a Tax Sale, you are advised to obtain a legal opinion as to whether or not this can be done.”
Purchasers should not consider that the Municipality in any way guarantees good title.
The Municipality of Kings makes no representations or warranties to any purchaser regarding the fitness, geophysical or environmental suitability of the land(s) offered for sale for
any particular use and are being sold on an “as is” basis only.
This advertisement will be maintained and updated on our website.
Kim Durling, Manager of Financial Services and Municipal Treasurer
Tel:(902) 690-6144
Fax: (902) 679-2820
Tel: 1-877- 337-2999
Page 20
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
March 4, 2013
Paint it yourself pottery for
francophone families
Isabelle Leblanc,
Greenwood Military Family
Resource Centre
With your family, come
and paint a piece of pottery
and unleash your creativity!
A team member from The
Clayground will visit the
Greenwood Military Family
Resource Centre March 23
at 1:30 p.m. to offer families various pottery items
(vases, cups, plates, small
animal figurines and much
more) at prices ranging between $6 and $40. You will
only have to pay for the item
Members of the Greenwood Health Auxiliary recently donated money to
the Western Kings Memorial Health Centre for the
purchase of an automated
blood pressure machine
(featured) and a lighting
unit for the monthly pap
test clinic. In the front row,
from left, are Wanda MacInnis, president, and Mary
Osmond, vice-president,
of the Greenwood Health
Auxiliary; in the back are
Connie d’Entremont, RN,
and Jacinta Harvey, nurse
of your choice. Come create
your own masterpiece, chat
in French and spend an
afternoon in good company.
Registration deadline is
March 20. To register, or
for information, contact
GMFRC at 765-5611 or
come visit us.
Peinture sur poterie pour les
familles francophones
Isabelle Leblanc,
Centre de ressources pour
les familles militaires de
Avec votre famille, venez
peindre une pièce de poterie
et laissez libre cours à votre
Un membre de l’équipe
de Clayground sera au Cen-
tre de ressources pour les
familles militaires de Greenwood le 23 mars à 13 h 30
pour offrir aux familles plusieurs modèles de poteries
(tels que des vases, tasses,
assiettes, figurines en forme
d’animaux et bien plus) à
des prix variant entre 6 $ et
40 $. Vous n’aurez qu’à défrayer les coûts pour l’objet
de votre choix. Venez créer
votre propre chef-d’œuvre,
discuter en français et passer
un après-midi en agréable
La date limite d’inscription
est le 20 mars prochain.
Pour vous inscrire ou pour
d’informations, communiquez avec le CRFMG au
765-5611 ou visitez-nous.
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