part i sat vocabulary….…………………......………
part i sat vocabulary….…………………......………
INDEX PART I SAT VOCABULARY….…………………......………2 PART II ROOT…………………………………….………….7 PART III PREFIX…………...…………………………...….55 PART IV SUFFIX……………………………………………67 PART V WORDS GROUP………………….…………….…79 PART VI SYNONYMY…………….……….…………….…97 PART VII BARRON LIST………………….……….…..…110 1 更多SAT资料: PART I SAT VOCABULARY SAT词汇“飞跃式”突破法 一、SAT考试对于词汇掌握的要求 SAT 考试分为两部分,包括 SAT I(推理测验)和 SAT II (专项测验),对于广大申请 者来说,SAT I 成绩是必须的,如果还有 SAT II 成绩,更能增加申请者的竞争力。 从 NEW SAT 现有的题型进行分析来看,这是一个纯粹的标准化考试,换句话说,正如 大学英语四六级、托福、GRE 考试一样,这个考试具有很强的技巧性和规律性。突破这样 一种标准化的考试往往都有这样一个顺序规律,就是本着“先词汇,后真题”的原则。在掌 握词汇的基础上面,了解真题,熟悉真题,分析真题,得出该考试的出题思想以及解题技巧, 从而轻易的攻破该考试。对于 SAT 也是一样。可以说,攻破词汇是 SAT 成功的保证,并在 考试准备过程中占有最主要的地位。攻下词汇关,SAT 就拿下了一半! 但是,目前国内准备 SAT 考试的大部分为高中一、二年级的学生,这一时期学生的单 词量平均在 2000-2500 左右,然而 SAT 考试要求的词汇量在 10000 以上。另外,这个时期 的学生要面临本身学校的课业负担,要面临期中、期末、会考的压力,时间和精力都不充裕, 现在又加上这样一个大词汇量的考试,想在短时间之内将自己的单词量扩充五倍以上难度可 想而知。 二、背单词的两大误区 1. 抄写自虐 每当遇到一个新单词的时候,很多的同学,尤其是较用功的同学,往往会采 用一种“抄写自虐”的方法,这种方法在实际操作中不仅耽误时间和精力,更重 要的是这种做法没有明显的实际效果。大家可以联想我们的汉字,如果一个汉字, 你看五分钟后这个汉字连读音都想不起来了。英语单词也是一样,一个单词抄写 一百遍和抄五遍的效果基本上是相同的,一定遍数之后,只是在做简单的机械运 动而已。另外,这种做法,在应试的时候会产生一种后果:这个单词很熟悉,很 肯定我原来抄过这个单词,但是单词是什么意思就是想不起来了。 2. 囫囵吞枣 很多同学在背单词的时候只满足于掌握好这个单词简单的中文意思就可以了, 对于这个单词的具体用法以及短语搭配并不去重视。这种做法叫做背单词的“囫囵 吞枣”。在应试的时候会产生一种后果:阅读中的一段话所有的单词都认识,但是 就是不知道这段话说什么意思。举个最简单的例子, “look out”这样一个短语,很 多同学望文生义把它想成“向外看”的意思,这就大错特错了,这个短语中的两个 单词大家都认识,但是具体意思绝对不是“向外看”,而是“小心”。 2 更多SAT资料: 三、SAT词汇“飞跃式”突破法 结合 SAT 考试的题型具体分析以及词汇背诵经验,我们向大家推荐 SAT 词汇“飞跃式” 突破法来突破 SAT 词汇关。 SAT词汇“飞跃式”突破法的核心就在于结合SAT考试的特点,利用单词意群以及单词 感情色彩的思想,逐项飞跃式的突破,短期迅速扩大自己的词汇量,熟练的掌握并且准确 的运用单词。以下将对SAT词汇“飞跃式”突破法作以具体的介绍: 1. “飞跃式”突破法之词根词缀 所谓词根词缀就相当于汉语中的偏旁部首。可以发现,一个三点水旁的汉字 应该和水有关系,一个言字旁的汉字应该代表说话的意思,那么即使这个汉字是 一个生字,我们也可以根据字的“长相”来猜测字的意思。英语也是一样,英语 有 80%的单词是由词根词缀构成的,那么我们在考试的时候即使看到一个我们不 认识的单词,也可以根据这个单词的词根词缀把单词的意思推测出来。例如: unbelievable,这个单词含有三个词根词缀,分别是 un(否定)+believe(相信)+able (能),所以我们可以轻易推测出这个单词的意思是“难以置信的”。 在平时背诵单词的时候,我们更加可以利用词根词缀的方法,具体做法就是将 同一个词根词缀的所有单词放到一起记忆,这样可以达到以点向面的效果,从而迅 速扩展我们的词汇量。 例如:这样一组以“pos”为词根的单词:compound exponent expound opponent postpone postponement posit position positive posture apposite apposition compose composedly composer composite compositor composition component compost composure decompose depose deposit deposition depositor depository discompose discomposure dispose disposable disposal expose exposure exposition impose imposing imposition indispose indisposition interpose juxtapose oppose opposite opposition preposition prepositional propose proposal proposition purpose repose reposeful reposition superposition suppose supposedly supposition transpose transposition disposition 这些单词都和“pos” 词根的意思“放置,姿势,位置”有关,如果放到一起去背,那么可以发现 短时间内就可以突破几十个上百个单词。再例如:-able 词缀表示能力,-ism 词缀表示主义,-ist 词缀表示人,-ly 词缀表示副词等。 2. “飞跃式”词汇突破法之音形联想 音形联想法是根据某些单词的读音或者外形,聪明的联想出一些方法将单词 记住,而不是枯燥无味的抄写。其中外形联想法又可以分为颠三倒四,大卸八块, 形近词联想比较三个方面。 例如:(1)读音联想:ponderous(胖得要死-笨重的),exhaust(一个早死得她-筋 疲力尽的),nuptials(那不羞死-婚礼) (2)颠三倒四:将原本陌生的一个单词,通过颠倒单词的字母顺序,变成一 个我们熟悉的单词,通过两个单词中文意思的联想,将新单 词记住。例如:dingy(dying 垂死的→垂死的人脸上失去了 往日的光泽无光泽的→暗淡的;退色的)loot (tool 工具→ 军队是帝国主义对外掠夺的工具→掠夺,抢劫) (3)大卸八块:将单词拆解成若干个部分联想记忆。例如:reticent(阿姨提 钱-沉默不语) 3 更多SAT资料: 姑姑系列:daunt(打姑姑-沮丧),vaunt(v 胜利手势-吹牛), flaunt(fl 代表飞,姑姑飞出来-炫耀),gaunt(g 代表用刀割 -憔悴的),jaunt(j 代表脚-短途旅行),haunt(鬼姑姑哈哈 大笑-鬼萦绕的地方) (4)形近词联想:将外形相近而且容易混淆的单词放到一起,将两个单词的 意思进行联想,从而将中文意思深入脑中。例如:ample (sample 样本→丰富的样本材料→丰富的;充足的)knack (knock 敲→敲门,窍门,敲窍门→窍门) 注意:读音联想只是为了帮助大家聪明并且快速的记住单词,向枯燥的活动添一 些兴奋剂,正所谓不择手段。但是在口语发音的时候千万不要按照这种方 法读单词,否则后果自负。 3. “飞跃式”词汇突破法之意群记忆 在利用前两种方法的基础之上,我们可以飞跃到意群记忆的方法。在 SAT 单 词的记忆过程中,大家可以发现,和 GRE 一样,SAT 有很多中文意思相同的单词。 例如:中文同样是“嘲讽,嘲笑”,英文却有几十个单词:deride mock ridicule scorn sneer quip flout hack jape persiflage taunt mordant spoof badinage banter 等等。 单词的意群记忆法就是将表示同一个中文意思的单词总结到一起,形成一个 单词的意群,统一把这些单词记忆下来。按照这样的方法,这些单词的中文意思 在脑中的印象就会变得更加深刻。有利于单词的记忆。 4. “飞跃式”词汇突破法之易混词辨析 SAT 单词记忆到了这个步骤,你就可以发现你已经进入了词汇记忆的高级阶 段,即“非囫囵吞枣”的阶段。易混词语包括外形相近的词(前文中我们利用这 个特点帮助我们记忆中文意思)和意思相近的词。要掌握其中的差异,有效的一 个方法就是将每组易混易错的词语放到一起进行辨析,从而真正达到单词掌握的 境界。 例如:上例中的这些单词虽然都是嘲笑的意思,但这些“嘲笑”的具体用法, 短语搭配以及感情色彩都有很大差异,这个很容易被忽视的差异正是 SAT 考试填 空题和阅读题考查的重点。 再例如:SAT 中表示“郁闷”意思的英文有:morose saturnine crestfallen downcast melancholy gloomy dispirited doleful 等等,但这些郁闷也是不一样的。 利用易混词辨析记忆,可以达到的效果有三:第一,有利于同一个意思单词 中文意思的类比记忆。第二,有利于掌握单词的具体用法以及同义词间的差别辨 析。第三,有利于作文中词语高级性和多样性变化的精确运用。 下面以两道填空题为例,向大家简单介绍一下“飞跃式”词汇学习法在 SAT 中的应用。 1. Given the ______ state of the published evidence, we do not argue here that exposure to low-level microwave energy is either hazardous or safe. (A) Inconclusive (B) satisfactory (C) definitive (D) immaculate (E) exemplary 这道题中的四个选项基本上我们都可以用我们上述的方法进行背诵,即使在 我们上考场之前我们没有见过这几个单词,也可以根据词根词缀的方法将单词的意 4 更多SAT资料: 思推测出来。比如这道题的正确答案 inconclusive 我们可以从这个思路推出来:词 根 clos, clud, clus 意思是 close→conclude 总结,做出结论→conclusive 决定性的→ inconclusive 非决定性的。另外,definitive 可以这样来记忆:词根 fin 意思是 end, boundary→define 下定义,解释说明→definitive 确定的,最后的。这样看来,如果 我们能够熟练的掌握单词的意思,那么再加上一定的解题技巧,搞定 SAT 就轻松 多了。 2. Both ____ and ____, Wilson seldom spoke and never spent money. (A) vociferous….generous (B) garrulous….stingy (C) effusive….frugal (D) taciturn….miserly (E) reticent….munificent 这道题中,我们可以看到几组同义易混词,也就是我们上文中所提到的“意群”。 比如 taciturn 和 reticent 这两个词的中文意思都是“沉默寡言的”,我们看不出任何 差别,但是 taciturn 的英文解释为 habitually silent and talking little,而 reticent 的英 文解释为 inclined to silence; uncommunicative; reserved。很显然,按照填空题的解 题的对应技巧,只有 taciturn 这个词可以与题目中的 seldom spoke 相对应,如果不 仔细区分单词细微差别的话,就很难作对题目。 四、关于准备SAT词汇的几个注意事项 1. 快速+多遍 很多同学给自己制定了长达半年的背单词计划,但没过几个月,前面背过的东 西早已忘得一干二净。因此,记单词重在及时强化,而且不同时间,不同材料分别 重复,如果对任何一个单词在当天重复 3 遍,并在每 5 天之内再次重复,并时不时 的利用题目进行配合,记忆效果会好很多。 2. 与真题相配合 在背单词的同时,要用做 SAT 的真题的方法来配合单词的背诵。这样,刚刚 背过的单词可以在题目中得到巩固,并且在题目中加深了单词的印象,达到一箭 双雕的效果。 3. 读音与拼写相对次要 在如此多的单词量的情况下,SAT 不会要求考生对于每个单词的拼写一清二 楚,而用来写作的单词 1000-2000 个也已经足够,其余的单词我们只要知道它大概 的长相是什么就可以了。 五、SAT词汇背诵计划制定 按照 SAT 词汇量的特点,要求考生掌握 10000 词汇以上,减去一般高中生现有的词量 2000 个左右,在减去极偏词难词,那么我们需要准备的词汇为 8000 个左右核心词汇。按照 艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,在第一天学单词后如果不加以复习,第二天就会遗忘 25%,随着时间 的推移,遗忘的速度越慢,遗忘的数量也减少。我们结合新东方的内部词汇教材以及普通高 中生的日常时间安排,将这些核心单词分成了 30 个 list,并且制定了 15 天背词计划表如下: 5 更多SAT资料: Day 01 Day 02 Day 03 Day 04 Day 05 Day 06 Day 07 *1~2 *3~4 *5~6 *7~8 *9~10 *11~12 *13~14 1~2 3~4 5~6 7~8 1~2 3~4 5~6 7~8 9~10 11~12 1~2 3~4 5~6 7~8 9~10 11~12 13~14 Day 08 Day 09 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 *15~16 *17~18 *19~20 *21~22 *23~24 *25~26 *27~28 1~2 3~4 5~6 7~8 9~10 11~12 13~14 9~10 11~12 13~14 15~16 17~18 19~20 21~22 13~14 15~16 17~18 19~20 21~22 23~24 25~26 15~16 17~18 19~20 21~22 23~24 25~26 27~28 Day 15 *29~30 15~16 注意: 标注*的为当天新背的单词,没有标注*的为复习的单词 每个 list 词汇约为 200 个 23~24 27~28 29~30 按照这样的计划,用 15 天的时间将所有单词复习 3-5 遍,基本就可以掌握单词的意思。 但是这个计划的密度强度很大,需要用坚强的毅力来支撑,一定不要中途放弃。 六、关于准备SAT考试的心态 对于正在准备或者开始准备 SAT 的勇士们,心态对于最后的结果至关重要。 第一,我们在准备 SAT 的时候,一定要将对自己的要求放高。因为如果想要在任何一 个考试中取得一个好的成绩,那么应试者的能力一定不能仅仅局限在这个考试的要求范围, 而要高于这个考试才行。 第二,在能力与考试技巧的权衡上面,一定要将重点放在能力的提升上面。比如你眼 前有一块跟你一边高的石碑,石碑上面刻着很美丽的图画,但是你的身高是看不到的。这个 时候你能做的有两种办法,第一种就是跳起来,在考试中就是突击式复习,这种做法虽然能 看到画,但事实一瞬间的,并不能长久的领略画的魅力。第二种就是抬高自己,在自己的脚 下垫起一块石头,抬高自己的实力,这样一来,一切问题就解决了。 一旦决定开始准备 SAT,就踏上了一条艰苦的道路,尤其是准备背诵单词,更是一项痛 苦的差事,也是枯燥乏味的。但是“痛苦正是那破壳而出的悟性,就像果核必须破壳而出, 才能享受阳光。” 南京新东方学校 吴 晓 飞 6 更多SAT资料: PART II ROOT BELL antebellum bellicose belligerent rebel rebellion rebellious rebeldom PAC/PEAS pacify pacifist pact appease HOSP/HOST hostage hospice hostel inhospitable AM/IM amateur amatory amiable amicable amity amorist amorous enamor enamored enemy enmity inimical paramour CRIM crime criminal criminate incriminate recriminate criminology decriminalize incriminate recrimination PROB/PROV prove proof probable probably probability probate probation probationary probationer probative probe probing probity approbate approbation approbative approve approvable approval disapprove disapproval disprove disproof improve improvement reprobate reprobation reprove reproof reprieve GRAV grave gravity gravitate gravitation gravid gravida gravimeter aggravate aggravation grieve grief aggrieve LEV lever leverage levy leviable levitate levitation levity alleviate alleviation elevate elevation elevator relevant relevance relevancy relieve relief AG demagogue pedagogue synagogue 7 更多SAT资料: VEN/VENT advent adventitious adventive adventure adventurous venture venturous venturesome misadventure circumvent circumvention contravene contravention convene convention conventional conventioneer convenient convenience event eventful eventual eventuate invent invention inventor inventory prevent prevention preventive intervene intervention intervenient supervene supervention avenue revenue souvenir CAP/CEP/CIP capable capacious capacity caption captivate captivating captive captivity captor capture accept acceptable acceptance acceptation accepted conceive conceivable concept conception deceive deceivable deceit deception deceptive except exception exceptionable exceptional inception inceptive intercept interception interceptor perceive percept perceptible perception perceptive precept preceptor receive receiver receivable receipt receptacle reception receptive recipient susceptible susceptibility susceptive anticipate anticipation participate participation participle emancipate emancipation FIN fine final finale finalize finance financial finish finite finitude infinite infinitesimal infinitive infinitude infinity confine confinement define definite definition definitive indefinite refine refined refinement JAC/JEC abject abjection conjecture deject eject ejection inject injection interjection object objection objective objectivity project projectile projector reject rejection subject subjection subjective trajectory adjacent ejaculate ejaculation interjacent subjacent TRACT trace track trackage tract tractable traction tractive tractor trail trailer train trait treat treatment treatise treaty abstract abstraction attract attraction attractive contract contractible contractile contraction contractor contractual contracture detract detraction distract distraction extract extraction extractor intractable protract protractile protraction protractor retrace retract retractable retractile retractility retraction subtract subtraction entreat entreaty maltreat portray portrait retreat subtrahend DUC abduct adduct conduce conduct conductor deduce deducible deduct deduction deductive ductile ductility educate education educe eduction induce inducement induct induction inductive introduce introduction oviduct produce producer product 8 更多SAT资料: production productive reduce reduced reduction seduce seducer seduction semiconductor subdue superinduce traduce ventiduct viaduct SEC/SEQU sequacious sequel sequence sequent sequential consequence consequent consequential obsequious subsequence subsequent consecution consecutive execute execution executive executor persecute persecution prosecute prosecution prosecutor sue ensue pursue pursuance pursuit suit suitable suite THERM/THERMO thermal thermocouple thermonuclear thermocline PRIM prime primer primeval primitive primitivism primogenitor primogeniture primordial primordium primrose primus primacy primal primary primarily primate prince principal principle premier VOR voracious voracity carnivore carnivorous devour devouringly granivorous herbivore herbivorous insectivore insectivorous omnivore omnivorous piscivorous CARN carnage carnal carnalism carnation carniferous carnival carnivalesque carnivore carnivorous incarnate incarnation carrion discarnate CRED credence credential credible credit creditable creditor credo credulity credulous creed accredit discredit discreditable FID fidelity fiducial faith faithful confide confidant confidence confident confidential diffidence diffident infidel infidelity defy defiance defiant perfidy perfidious CURR/CURS current currently currency concur concurrence concurrent curriculum cursive cursory decurrent discursive excursion excursive incur incursion incursive occur occurrence precursor recur recurrence recurrent succor transcurrent course concourse discourse intercourse recourse 9 更多SAT资料: PED pedal pedate pedestal pedestrian pedicab pedicure pedometer biped centipede multiped quadruped tripod expedite expedition expeditionary expeditious expedient expedience expediency impede impediment pedagogue pedagogic pedagogy pedant pedantic pedantry pediatrician pediatrics pedophilia FLECT/FLEX flexible flexibility flexion circumflex inflexible inflexibility deflect deflection inflect inflexion reflect reflection reflective reflex reflexive ORTH/ORTHO orthodox orthodoxy orthogonal orthography orthographer orthographic orthopedic orthopedics orthopedist orthopsychiatry orthoptic RECT rectal rectangle rectify rectifiable rectifier rectilineal rectitude rector rectum correct correction correctitude corrective corrector direct direction directive director directory erect erectile erection erectness erector escort incorrect indirect DYS dysfunctional dyslexia dyspeptic dystrophy ROG rogation abrogate abrogation arrogance arrogant arrogate arrogation derogate derogatory interrogate interrogation interrogative interrogator interrogatory prerogative QUIS query quest question questionable questionnaire acquire acquirement acquisition acquisitive conquer conqueror conquest disquisition exquisite inquire inquiry inquest inquisition inquisitive perquisite require requirement requisite prerequisite requisition request sequester PLE plenary plenipotentiary plentitude plenty plenteous plentiful plenum ample amplify complete completeness completion complement complementary comply compliance compliant compliment complimentary deplete expletive implement impletion 10 更多SAT资料: replenish replenishment replete repletion supply supple supplement supplemental supplementary accomplish accomplishment METR meter metric metricate metrology metronome aerometer anemometer barometer centimeter chronometer chronometry diameter dynamometer geometry heliometer hydrometer hygrometer perimeter seismometer symmetry thermometer trigonometry voltmeter AUD audible audience audiometer audio-visual audiphone audition auditor auditorial auditorium auditory obedient obey disobedient SON sonant sonance sonic soniferous sonorous sonority consonant consonance dissonant dissonance resonant resonance resonate resonator subsonic supersonic ultrasonic unison unisonant unisonous ERR error errant errancy erratic erroneous erratum aberrant aberrance aberration inerrant inerratic CED/CESS abscess accede access accessible accession antecede antecedence antecedent cede cessation cession concede concession concessive exceed exceeding exceedingly excess excessive incessant intercede intercession intercessor precede precedence precedent precedented preceding precession proceed proceeding proceeds process procession recede recess recession recessive retrocede retrocession secede seceder secession succeed success successful succession successive successor VID/VIS visa visage visible vision visionary visit visitant visitation visitor visor vista visual visualize advise advisement adviser advisory advice devise device envisage envision envy envious invidious evident evidence improvise invisible previse prevision provide provident providential providence provision provisory prudent prudence prudential purvey purveyance purveyor revise revision supervise supervision supervisor supervisory surveillance surveillant survey surveyor televise television interview interviewee purview review SPIC/SPEC 11 更多SAT资料: spy espy espionage espial species special specialist specialty specialize specimen spice specify specific specious spectacle spectacular spectator spectral specter spectrum specular speculate speculation speculator speculum scope auspice conspicuous frontispiece perspicuous perspicacious transpicuous despise despicable despise despicable despite aspect circumspect conspectus expect expectant expectancy expectation inspect inspection inspector introspect perspective prospect prospective respect respectable respectful respective retrospect retrospective suspect suspicion suspicious VOC/VOK vocal vocalist vocalize vocable vocabulary vocation vociferate vociferous vouch advocate advocacy avocation avocation avouch avow convoke convocation equivocal equivocate equivoque evoke evocation invoke invocation multivocal provoke provoking provocation revoke revocation irrevocable PHON phoneme phonemics phonetic phonetician phonetics phonic phonics phonogenic phonogram phonograph phonography phonology phonometer phonophile phonovision cacophony cacophonous euphony euphonious gramophone homophone interphone megaphone microphone symphony telephone xylophone blaspheme euphemism euphuism prophecy prophesy prophet CUR accurate accuracy cure curer curious curiosity curio curate curator manicure pedicure procure procurable procuration procurator procurement secure security SENT/SENS sense sensibility sensible sensitive sensitivity sensorium sensory sensual sensuous sensate sensation sensational sentient sentience sentiment sentimental sentimentality sentence sententious assent assentient assentation consent consentient consentaneous consensus dissent dissenter dissentient dissension extrasensory insensate insensitive nonsense presentiment resent resentful resentment scent SOPH sophism sophist sophistic sophisticate sophisticated sophistication sophistry sophomore sophomoric philosophy philosopher philosophic TEND/TENT tend tendance tendency tendentious tender tendon tense tensile tension tensity tensive 12 更多SAT资料: tent attend attendance attendant attention attentive contend contention contentious distend distensible distension extend extensible extensile extension extensive extensor extent hypertension intend intended intendance intendment intense intensify intensification intension intensity intensive intent intention intentional ostensible ostensive ostentation ostentatious portend portent portentous pretend pretentious pretence pretension superintend superintendence superintendent PEND/PENS pendant pendent pending pendulous pendulum append appendage appendant appendix appendicitis compendious compendium depend dependant dependence dependency expend expenditure expense expensive impend impending independence independency independent interdependence interdependent perpend perpendicular spend suspend suspenders suspense suspension suspensive suspensor suspensory pension pensive compensate compensation dispense dispensable indispensable dispensary dispenser dispensation prepense propensity recompense poise counterpoise ponder ponderable ponderous preponderate preponderant PHOS/PHOT photochemistry photochromic photocomposition photoconduction photocopy photocopier photocurrent photodetector photoelectric photogenic photograph photographer photography photometer photophobia photoprint photosensitive photosynthesis phototherapy phototube LUC luster lustrous illustrate illustration illustrious lucent lucid lucidity Lucifer lucifugous luculent elucidate MOR/MORT mortal mortality immortal immortality mortician mortify mortification mortuary morbid morbidity moribund mortgage postmortem NEC/NIC/NOX connect connection connective connector disconnect disconnected interconnect interconnection annex annexation connexion nexus HER/HES adhere adherence adherent adhesion adhesive cohere coherence coherent cohesion cohesive inhere inherence inherent inhesion hesitate hesitation hesitant FUG 13 更多SAT资料: fugacious fugitive febrifuge lucifugous refuge refugee subterfuge vermifuge COSM cosmic cosmos cosmogony cosmonaut cosmopolitan microcosm pancosmism SCI science scientific scientist sciolism sciolist conscience conscientious conscious consciousness subconscious unconscious nescient nescience omniscient omniscience prescient prescience prescientific JUNCT join adjoin conjoin disjoin rejoin subjoin junction juncture adjunct adjunction conjunct conjunction disjunct disjunction injunction subjunction subjunctive PART part partage parting partake partial partiality partible participate participant participation participator participle particle particular particularity particulate partisan partition partitioner partner partnership apart apartment compart compartment counterpart depart department departure impart impartation impartial impartiality impartiality impartment parcel portion apportion proportion proportional MIT/MIS missile mission missionary message messenger admit admission admittance commit commitment committee commission commissioner compromise demise demission dismiss dismissal emit emission emissary intermit intermittence intermittent intermission manumit manumission omit omission omissible omissive permit permission premise pretermit pretermission promise promising promissory remiss remit remittance remittee remitter remittent remission submit submission submissive surmise transmit transmission PEL/PULS pulse pulsate pulsatile pulsation compel compulsion compulsive compulsory dispel expel expellant expulsion expulsive impel impellent impulse impulsion impulsive propel propellant propeller propulsion propulsive propulsor repel repellent repulse repulsion repulsive peal appeal appealing appellant appellation appellant appellation appellative repeal PUT compute computer computerese computerize computation depute deputation deputy 14 更多SAT资料: dispute disputable disputation disputatious impute imputation indisputable putative repute reputation reputable disreputable disrepute amputate LOG catalog Decalogue dialog monologue prologue epilogue logic logical apology apologia apologist apologue apologize analogy analogous anthropology astrology biology chronology entomology etymology eulogy eulogize genealogy geology meteorology mineralogy mythology neology pathology philology phrenology physiology psychology theology trilogy zoology colloquial colloquy eloquent eloquence loquacious loquacity obloquy soliloquy locution circumlocution elocution interlocution prolocutor TERR terrance terrain terramycin terraqueous terrene terrestrial territory territorial exterritorial extraterrestrial extraterritorial interment disinter disinterment Mediterranean subterranean terrible terrify terrific terror terrorism terrorist terrorize deter deterrent deterrence MAR marine mariculture mariner maritime submarine transmarine ultramarine PATH passion passionate passive passivism compassion compassionate dispassion dispassionate patient impatient compatible compatibility incompatible pathos pathetic antipathy antipathetic apathy neuropathy sympathize sympathy apathetic empathy pathology sociopath PEN/PUN penal penalize penalty penance penitence penitent penitentiary repent repentance repentant punish punishment punitive impunity MATR/METR maternal maternalism maternity matriarchy matricide matrilineal matrimony matrix matron MONI monition monitor monitorship monitory monument monumental monumentalize admonish admonition admonitor admonitory premonish premonitory summon 15 更多SAT资料: CANT cant canticle cantor descant incantation recant chant enchant enchantment accent accentuate LUD/LUS allude allusion collude delude delusion elude elusion elusive elusion elusive illusion disillusion ludicrous prelude interlude postlude PHAN/PHEN phantasm phantom phase fantasy fantasia fantastic fancy fancied fanciful phenomenon phenomenal diaphanous VER very veridical verify verifiable verification verily verisimilar verisimilitude verity veritable veracious veracity verdict aver TURB turbid turbidity turbulent turbulence disturb disturbance perturb perturbation trouble troublesome troublous VOLU/VOLV voluble volume volumeter voluminous volute volution circumvolute convolve convoluted convolution devolve devolution evolve evolution evolutionism evolutionist involve involvement involute involution revolve revolver revolution revolutionary revolt FAC/FEC/FIC fact factor factory faction factional factious factitious factotum factum facture benefactor malefactor manufacture putrefacient facile facilitate facility facsimile faculty difficult difficulty affect affectation affection affectionate confect confection confectionary confectionery defect defection effect effective effectual infect infection infectious disinfect perfect perfection imperfect prefect prefecture refection refectory deficient deficiency efficacy efficient efficiency magnificent magnificence proficient proficiency profit profitable office official sacrifice suffice sufficient affair feat defeat feature feasible counterfeit forfeit forfeiture surfeit UT/US use usage usance useful useless usual usufruct usufructuary usurp usurpation usury 16 更多SAT资料: usurer usurious utensil stile utilize utilization utility utilitarian abuse abusive disabuse disuse disused inutile inutility misuse misusage peruse perusal UMBR umbra umbrage umbrageous umbral umbrella adumbrate adumbration adumbrative penumbra somber VEST vest vestment vesture divest divestiture divestment invest investment investor THE/THEO theism theist theocracy theocrat theocratic theology theologian theological theologize apotheosis apotheosize atheism atheist atheistic monotheism monotheist pantheism pantheist pantheon polytheism polytheist DE/DIV deify deific deification deiform deism deist deity DEMO demagogue democracy democrat democratic democratize democratism demography demotic endemic epidemic pandemic POPUL populace popular popularity popularize populate population populous public publicity publicize publish publication depopulate depopulation overpopulated overpopulation republic republican republish republication underpopulated POLIS/POLIT acropolis cosmopolis cosmopolitan megalopolis megalopolitan metropolis metropolitan necropolis polity politic political politician politics police policy impolitic CORD accord accordance according accordingly cordial cordiality core concord concordance concordant courage courageous discord discordance discordant discourage discouragement encourage encouragement obcordate record CULP 17 更多SAT资料: culprit culpable exculpate inculpate inculpation DIC abdicate abdication dedicate dedication indicate indication index predicate prediction diction dictionary dictate dictation dictator dictum benediction condition contradict contradiction contradictious edict indict indite interdict interdiction jurisdiction malediction predict prediction sedition valedictory verdict vindicate GNI/GNO agnostic cognition cognitive cognizable cognizance cognizant diagnose diagnosis ignore ignorance ignorant incognito prognosis prognosticate recognize recognizable recognizance recognition APT/EPT apt aptitude aptness adapt adaptable adaptation adaptive inapt inaptitude ART art artful artist artistic artless artifact artificial artisan CAD/CID/CAS cadence decadence decadent accident accidental deciduous incidence incident incidental coincide coincidence coincident occident cascade case casual casualty occasion occasional CIS concise concision decide decision decisive excise excision fratricide incise incision incisive insecticide matricide patricide precise precision suicide CRYPT/CRYPH crypt cryptic cryptogram cryptonym decrypt encrypt apocryphal apocryphal cryptic cryptography crypt NASC/NAT/NAI nation national nationality nationalize nationalization native naïve nature natural naturalism naturalize naturalization agnate agnatic agnation cognate cognation connate connatural denature denaturalize innate neonate postnatal prenatal FER 18 更多SAT资料: ferry ferriage fertile fertilize afferent circumference confer conference conferment conifer coniferous defer deference deferential deferment differ difference different differentiate efferent indifferent infer inferable inference inferential luminiferous metalliferous odoriferous offer prefer preferable preference preferential proffer refer referable reference referential somniferous soniferous suffer sufferable sufferance suffering transfer transferor transferee transference PON/POS pose posit position positive post postage postal posture apposite apposition compose composedly composer composite compositor composition compost composure decompose depose deposit deposition depositor depository discompose discomposure dispose disposable disposal disposition expose exposure exposition expositor impose imposing imposition impostor imposture indispose indisposition interpose juxtapose oppose opposite opposition predispose predisposition preposition prepositional prepositive propose proposal proposition purpose repose repose reposal reposeful reposit reposition repository superimpose superpose superposition suppose supposedly supposition presuppose presupposition transpose transposition pause TEN/TIN/TAIN tenable tenacious tenacity tenancy tenant tendril tenement tenet tenor tenure abstain abstention abstinence appertain contain container containment content contented contentment continence continent continental continue continual continuance continuation continuity continuous countenance detain detainee detainer detention entertain entertainer entertainment impertinent impertinence lieutenant maintain maintenance obtain pertain pertinence pertinent pertinacious pertinacity retain rein retention retentive retentivity retinue sustain sustainable sustainment sustenance sustentation sustentative TERM/TERMIN term terminable terminal terminate termination terminative terminator terminology terminus conterminous determine determinable determinant determinate determination determined determiner determinism determinist exterminate extermination exterminator predeterminate predetermination VINC/VICT victor victorious victory vanquish invincible convince convincible convincing conviction convict evict evince SPHER sphere spherical sphericity spherics spheroid spherometer spherule atmosphere atmospheric hemisphere hemispheric 19 更多SAT资料: VERT/VERS verse versed versify versification version versatile vertex vertical vertigo vertiginous vortex adverse adversary adversity advert advertence advertise advertiser advertisement animadvert anniversary avert averse aversion controvert controversy controversial converse conversant conversation convert convertible conversion divers diverse diversify diversity divert diversion divorce evert extrovert inadvertent inadvertence introvert introversion invert inverse inversion malversation obvert obverse obversion pervert perversion perverse perversity retrovert retroversion revert reversion reverse reversal reversible subvert subversion subversive tergiversation transverse transversal traverse universe universal university MORPH morphology morphological amorphous heteromorphic isomorphic metamorphosis polymorphic FROM form formal formalism formality informal informality formation formula formulate conform conformance conformation conformist conformity deform deformity inform information informative informed malformation perform performance reform reformation reformatory reformer transform transformation uniform uniformity multiform DOC/DOCT docent docile doctor doctoral doctorate doctrinaire doctrinarian doctrine document documentary documentation didactic didacticism didactics disciple discipline indoctrinate indoctrination TUT/TUI intuition tuition tutelage tutorial TOP topical topiary topography ectopic CENTR/CENTER contral tentralism centralization centrifugal centripetal acentric anthropocentric concentrate concentration decentralize eccentric eccentricity heliocentric DOM 20 更多SAT资料: dome domal domestic domesticate domesticity domical domicile semidome dominant dominate domination domineer dominion domain daunt dauntless predominate predominant predominance kingdom HABIT/HIBIT habit habitual habitant habituate habitude habitat habitation cohabit inhabit inhabitation inhabitant exhibit exhibition inhibit inhibition prohibit prohibition TEMPOR temporal temporary temporize tempest contemporary contemporaneity contemporaneous extempore extemporaneous extemporize extemporization CHRON chronic chronicle chronograph chronology chronologic chronometer chronometry chronoscope anachronism isochronal prochronism synchronize synchronous ANIM animal animalcule animalism animality animate animation animator animosity animus disanimate equanimity inanimate magnanimity magnanimous reanimate unanimity unanimous FIG figure figuration figurative configuration disfigure prefigure transfigure effigy ANN/ENN annals anniversary superannuate annual annuity biannual biennial centennial perennial EV coeval longevity medieval primeval CORP corps corpse corporal corporality corporation corporeal corpulent corpus corpuscle incorporate incorporation corset TANG/TACT tangency tangent tangible tact tactful tactics tactician tactile tactility tactual contact 21 更多SAT资料: contagion contagious contiguity contiguous contingency contingent intact intangible integer integral integrant integrate integration integrity attain attainment attaint taint CODI/CODE codex codicil codify decode SIGN sign signal signatory signature signet signify significant significance signification significative assign assignation assignee assigner assignment consign consignation consignee consigner consignment countersign countersignature design designed designer designate designation ensign insignia resign resigned resignation TESSAR/TETR tetragon tetrahedron tetrarch tetracycline tetrahedron CAPIT cape capital capitalism capitalist capitalize capitally capsize captain cabbage decapitate decapitation precipitate precipitous ANTHROP anthropocentric anthropography anthropoid anthropology anthropomorphism anthropomorphous misanthrope misanthropy philanthrope philanthropy CUMB cumber cumbersome concubine concubinage decumbence decumbent encumber encumbrance incubus incumbent procumbent recumbent recumbency succumb DYNAM dynast dynastic dynasty dynamic dynamism dynamite dynamo dynamometer hydrodynamics thermodynamics GRAD grade gradation gradient gradual graduate graduation degrade degradation gravigrade postgraduate retrograde undergraduate upgrade ingredient aggress aggression congress digress digressive egress ingress progress progressive regression retrogress transgress LAT 22 更多SAT资料: ablation collate dilate dilatable dilatation elate illation oblate relate relation relative relator superlative translate translator ventilate ventilation delay CRIT criterion critic critical criticism criticize hypercritical hypocritical JUR abjure abjuration adjure adjuration conjure conjuration perjure perjury QUINT quintessential quintet quintile BIO biochemistry biography biographer biology biometry autobiography autobiographical antibiotic GEN gender gene genealogy general generality generalize generate generation generator degenerate engender regenerate generic generous genesis genetics genial abiogenesis biogenesis congenial endogenous exogenous homogeneity genital congenital pathogenic primogenitor progenitive progenitor progeny schizogenous genius ingenious ingenuous genocide genteel gentile gentle genuine genus eugenics prenant cognate hydrogen nitrogen oxygen FUNG/FUNCT malfunction functionary fungible perfunctory MUT mutable mutability mutate mutation mutual mutuality commutate commutation commutator commute commuter immutable permute permutation transmute transmutation FRAG/FRACT fraction fracture fragile fragility fragment fragmentary fragmentation frail frailty diffract diffraction infract infraction refrain suffrage PHIL 23 更多SAT资料: philatelist philology philter oenophile NEG negate negation negative neglect neglectful negligence negligible negotiate negotiation negatron abnegate renegade CENT centenary centenarian centennial centigrade centuplicate century percent percentage centimeter centipede centuple NOM norm normal normalize normalization normality normally normative abnormal abnormality enormity enormous subnormal supernormal PATER/PATR paternal paternity patriarch patrician patricide patrilineal patrimony patriot patriotic patriotism patron patronage patronize compatriot expatriate repatriate repatriation LEGA legate legation legator legatee legacy delegate delegation delegacy relegate relegation GREG gregarious aggregate aggregation congregate congregation segregate segregation egregious FLU/FLUCT fluent fluency fluid fluidity flume flush fluctuate flood affluent affluence circumfluent circumfluence confluent confluence effluent effluence influent influence influential refluent relfuence superfluous superfluity inflow overflow reflow flux fluxion afflux conflux efflux influx reflux PREHEND/PREHENS prison prisoner imprison imprisonment apprise comprise enterprise enterprising reprisal surprise surprisingly prize prehensile prehension apprehend apprehensible apprehension apprehensive apprentice apprenticeship comprehend comprehensible comprehension comprehensive misapprehend misapprehension reprehend reprehensible reprehension 24 更多SAT资料: TEMPER temper temperament temperamental temperance temperate temperature tempered tempersome attemper distemper PURG purge purgation purgative purgatory purgee purger compurgation expurgate expurgation expurgator expurgatory unexpurgated ACERB/ACRI acid acidify acidity acidize acidulate acidulous acidimeter acrimonious STRING/STRICT string stringent stringency straight strain strait straiten strangle strangulate stress stretch strict strictness stricture astringent astringency astrict astriction constringe constrain constrained constraint constrict constriction constrictive constrictor distrain distrainee distrainer distraint distress distressful district overstrain restrain restraint restrict restriction restrictive STRU/STRUCT structure structural construct construction reconstruct reconstruction construe destroy destruct destructible destruction destructive instruct instruction instructive instructor instrument instrumental instrumentality misconstrue misconstruction obstruct obstruction obstructive substructure superstructure PROP/PROPRI proper property propriety proprietary proprietor proprietorial proprietorship appropriate appropriation appropriator expropriate expropriation impropriety misappropriate misappropriation TORS/TORT torsion torture torturer torturous tortuous tortoise torment torch contort contortion contortionist distort distortion distortionist extort extortion retort retortion VIV victual victual viand vital vitality vitalize vitamin vivacious vivacity vivarium vivid vivify vivisect vivisection avitaminosis convivial devitalize revitalize revive revival revivify revivification survive survival survivor 25 更多SAT资料: SERV serve servant service servile servility servitude serf serfdom sergeant conserve conservancy conservation conservative conservatory deserve disserve disservice observe observance observation observatory preserve preservation preservative reserve reserved reservation reservoir subserve subservient CLUD/CLUS close closet closure conclude conclusion conclusive disclose disclosure enclose exclude exclusion exclusionism exclusive include inclusion inclusive occlude occlusion preclude preclusion recluse reclusion reclusive seclude secluded seclusive seclusion claustrophobia TEXT text textile textual texture textural context contextual contexture intertexture pretext subtle subtlety tissue PLAC/PLAIS placate placable placability placatory placid placidity complacent complacency implacable please pleased pleasing pleasant pleasantry pleasure complaisance complaisant displease displeasing displeasure unpleasant GRAT grateful ungrateful gratify gratification gratitude ingrate ingratitude gratis gratuitous gratuity gratulate gratulant grace graceful gracious disgrace agree agreeable agreement congratulate congratulation ingratiate ingratiation CLAM/CLAIM claim claimant clamor clamorous acclaim acclamation declaim declamation disclaim exclaim exclamation exclamatory proclaim proclamation reclaim reclaimable reclaimant reclamation CRAC/CRAT aristocrat autocratic bureaucrat plutocracy PUNG/PUNC pungent pungency punctuate punctilio punctilious punctual punctuality punctuate punctuation puncture acupuncture compunction compunctious expunge expunction pounce punch poignant point appoint appointment disappoint disappointment 26 更多SAT资料: PLIC implicit explicate replicate supplication MAND/MEND command commander commandment countermand demand mandate mandatory remand commend commendation recommend recommendation UND inundate redound redundancy undulant SACR/SANCT sacred sacrifice sacrilege sacrilegious sacrosanct sacrosanctity sacrament sacramental sanctify sanctification sanctimony sanctimonious sanction sanctity sanctuary consecrate consecration desecrate desecration execrate execration execrable obsecrate obsecration saint LOC local locale localism locality localize locate location allocate collocate collocation dislocate dislocation mislocate relocate relocation translocation locus lieu lieutenant VIR triumvirate virago virility virtuosity VAL valence valiant valid validate validation validity valor valorous value valuable valuation avail available convalesce convalescence convalescent countervail devaluate devaluation evaluate equivalent invalid invalidate invalidity invaluable multivalent prevail prevalent prevalence prevailing undervalue undervaluation CRE/CRET accretion accrue create creation creative creator creature concrete concretion crescent decrepit decrescent decrease increase increment procreate recreate re-create recreation FUND/FUS fuse fusible fusion found foundry confound circumfuse circumfusion confuse confusion diffuse diffusion diffusive effuse effusion infuse infusion interfuse perfuse 27 更多SAT资料: profuse profusion refuse refusal suffuse suffusion transfuse futile refute VERB verb verbal verbalism verbalist verbality verbalize verbatim verbiage verbify verbose verbosity adverb adverbial proverb proverbial SIMIL/SIMUL simile similar similarity similitude simulate stimulant simultaneous simultaneity assimilate assimilation dissimilate dissimulate semblance assemble assemblage assembly dissemble facsimile resemble resemblance verisimilar verisimilitude SCAND/SCEND scan scansion ascend ascent ascensive ascension ascendant ascendancy descend descent descendant condescend condescension transcend transcendent transcendence transcendental scale escalade escalator TEN/TENU tenuity tenuous attenuate attenuation attenuator extenuate extenuation SCRIB/SCRIP scribe scribble scrip script scripture scrivener ascribe ascription circumscribe circumscription conscribe conscript conscription describe description descriptive indescribable inscribe inscription manuscript nondescript postscript prescribe prescript prescription prescriptive proscribe proscription rescript subscribe subscriber subscript subscription superscribe superscription transcribe transcription MENS commensurate dimension immensity SOLV/SOLU solve soluble solute solution solvable solvent absolve absolution absolute dissolve dissoluble dissolution dissolute dissolvable dissolvent insolvable insolvency insolvent resolve resolvable resolvent resolute resolution HYDR hydrant hydrate hydroelectric hydrogen hydrogenate hydrography hydrolysis hydrophobia hydrotherapy hydrotropism dehydrate 28 更多SAT资料: ACT action actionable activate activation activator active activity actual actuality actualize actually actuate enact enactment exact exacting exaction exactitude exactly inaction inactive interact react reactor reaction transact transaction agency agent agile agility agitate agitation agitator agony cogent cogitate exigent prodigal AL/OL/UL aliment alimental alimentary alimentation alimony adolescence adolescent prolific prolificacy proliferate adult adulthood adultness ALT altar altimeter altitude exalt exaltation ALT/ALI alter alteration altercate altercation alternate alternation alternative alternator altruism altruistic alien alienable alienate alienation alias alibi adulterate adultery ANG anger angry anguish anxiety anxious ANGL/ANGUL angle angular equiangular quadrangular rectangle triangle triangular AQUA aquamarine aquatic aqueduct aquifer ARM arms armada armament armed armistice armor armory army alarm disarm disarmament AUG auction auctioneer audacity augment augmentative august author authority authoritative authorize authentic authenticity AVI avian aviary aviate aviation aviator aviatrix aviculture auspice auspicious inauspicious 29 更多SAT资料: augur augury inaugurate inauguration BAND/BOND band bandage bond bondage contraband bound boundary BAR bar barrage barrel barricade barrier barring barrister debar embargo embarrass embarrassment embarrassing BAT bat baton battalion batter battered battery battle battlement abate combat combative debate BAT/BAS acrobat acrobatic acrobatics aerobatic aerobatics BREV breviary brevity brief briefly abbreviate abbreviation abridge abridgement CALC calcify calcium calculate calculable calculation calculator calculus chalk CAMP campaign campfire campsite campus encamp encampment CAND candle candid candidate candidacy incandescent incandescence CAR career cargo carry carriage carrier cart carter charge discharge chariot CAST broadcast forecast outcast overcast telecast CAV 30 更多SAT资料: cave cavern cavernous cavity concave excavate excavator CELER celerity accelerate acceleration accelerator decelerate CERN/CRET concern concerning concernment discern discernable discernment discreet discrete discretion excrete excrement secret secretary secrete secretion CERT ascertain certain certainty certify certifiable certificate certification certitude concert disconcert CIRC/CYC circlet circuit circular circulate circus encircle bicycle cycle cyclone cyclopedia recycle CITE citable citation excite excitable excitant excitement incite incitement recite recital recitation resuscitate resuscitator solicit solicitation solicitor solicitous solicitude CLIN acclivity decline declension declination declivity declivous incline inclination disincline disinclination proclivity recline climax COCT concoct concoction decoct decoction precocious precocity COMMUN commune communal communalize communicate communication communion communism communist community COUNT countdown counter account accountable discount recount COVER 31 更多SAT资料: coverage covert discover discovery recover uncover CRUC crucial crucify cruciform crucifix crusade cruise crux excruciate CULT cultivable cultivate cultivated cultivation culture cultural acculturate agriculture agricultural apiculture aquiculture aviculture floriculture sericulture colony colonial colonist colonize CUSS concuss concussion discuss discussion percussion repercussion quash DEB/DU debt debtor indebted due duty dutiful DENT dental dentate dentist dentition denture edentate edentulous indent DERM/DERMA/DERMAT dermatology dermatologist epidermis hypoderm pachyderm DIGN dignity dignify dignitary indignity indignant dainty disdain disdainful DIVID/DIVIS divide dividend division divisive divisor individual individualism individuality indivisible subdivide DON/DOT/DOW donate donation donor anecdote antidote condone pardon dose dosage dower dowry endow DORM dormancy dormant dormitory dormouse 32 更多SAT资料: DOX/DOGMA dogma dogmatic dogmatism doxology orthodox paradox paradoxical DRAW drawback drawer indrawn outdraw overdraw redraw withdraw DROM aerodrome hippodrome syndrome DUR durable durance duration endure endurance indurate nondurable obdurate perdurable ECO ecology economy economic economical economics economist economize EGO egocentric egoism egoist egomania egotism egotist ELECTR electric electrical electrician electricity electrify electrocute electrochemistry electrode electrolysis electron electronics EM/EMPT example exemplar exemplify exempt prompt redeem EQU equable equal equalitarian equality equanimity equate equation equator equinox equinoctial equipoise equiponderate equity equitable equivalent equivocal adequate adequacy ESS/EST essence essential interest interesting disinterested uninterested quintessence FA/FABL/FABUL fable fabulous affable affability confabulate ineffable nefarious prefatory 33 更多SAT资料: FAC/FRONT façade facet facial facelift deface efface ineffaceable interface preface superficial surface front frontier affront confront effrontery FALL/FALS fallacy fallacious fallible infallible false falsehood falsify falsification falsity fault faulty default FAM fame famous infamy infamous defame defamation defamatory fate fatal infant infancy infanticide infantine FARE farewell thoroughfare warfare welfare FEND/FEST fend fence defend defendant defense defensive offend offense offensive infest infestation manifest manifestation manifesto FERV fervid fervidity fervent fervency fervor effervescent perfervid FESS confess confession profess profession professional professor FEST festal festive festival festivity festoon FICT/FIG fictile fiction fictional fictitious fictive feign feint figment FIL File filar filament filamentary filiform defile profile unifilar FIRM 34 更多SAT资料: firmament affirm affirmative confirm confirmation confirmed disaffirm infirm infirmary infirmity FIX fixate fixation fixity fixture affix infix prefix suffix transfix transfixion FLAM/FLAGR flame flammable flamboyant inflame inflammable inflammation inflammatory flagrant conflagration effulgent FLAT flatulent flatulence conflate conflation deflate deflation inflate inflation FLICT afflict affliction afflictive conflict inflict infliction FLOR flora floral florist florescent floret floriferous efflorescence flourish FOLI foliage foliate folio defoliate exfoliate portfolio trifoliate FORT forte fortify fortification fortifier fortress fortitude force forcible comfort comfortable discomfort effort enforce enforcement reinforce reinforcement perforce FOUND/FUND Found foundation founder fund fundamental profound profundity GAM bigamy bigamist bigamous monogamy monogamist monogamous polygamist polygamous GER/GEST gestate gestation gesticulate gesture congest congestion digest digestion exaggerate exaggeration indigestion ingest suggest suggestion 35 更多SAT资料: GRAM/GRAPH grammar grammarian cryptogram diagram epigram monogram parallelogram program programmer telegram gramophone graph graphic autograph biography autobiography cacography calligraphy dictograph geography lexicography lithography orthography phonograph photograph stenography telegraph topography GRAND grandeur grandiloquent grandiose grandiosity aggrandize aggrandizement HAP mishap happen happening haphazard perhaps HELIO heliocentric heliogram heliograph heliotherapy heliotropism helium HER heir heiress heirloom coheir heredity hereditary heritage heritable inherit inheritance inheritor disinherit HERB herbivorous herb herbage herbal herbalist herbicide HORR horrible horrid horrify horrific horrification horror abhor abhorrent abhorrence HUM/HOM posthumous human humane humanism humanitarian humanity humanize humankind homicide homage humble humiliate humiliation humility humus exhume inhume HYPNO hypnotic hypnotist hypnotism hypnotize hypnosis hypnotherapy IDIO idiographic idiom idiomatic idiomorphic idiopathic idiosyncrasy 36 更多SAT资料: INSUL insular insularity insulate insulation insulator island isle islet isolate isolation peninsula IT itinerant itinerary itinerate ambit ambition ambitious circuit circuitous coition initiate initiation initiative initiator initial perish perishable transit transition transitive transitory transient JOURN Journal journalism journey adjourn sojourn diary diurnal JUD judge judgment judicature judicatory judicial judiciary judicious adjudicate prejudice JUST/JURIS just justice justify adjust adjustment injustice unjust unjustifiable juridical jurisdiction jurisprudence jury jurist juror injure injurious injury LABOR laboratory labored laborer laborious belabor collaborate elaborate LAPS lapse collapse collapsible elapse relapse LATER lateral latitude bilateral collateral equilateral multilateral quadrilateral unilateral LAV/LAU lave lava lavatory lavish launder laundress laundry deluge dilute LAX/LYSE lax laxative laxity relax relaxation release analyze analysis analytic paralyze paralysis palsy 37 更多SAT资料: LECT/LEG lectern lection lecture lecturer collect collection elect election elector electorate intellect intellectual neglect neglectful recollect recollection select selection legend legendary legible legion diligent diligence elegant elegance eligible intelligent intelligence intelligible negligent negligence negligible sacrilege LEG legal legislate legislation legislative legislator legislature legist legitimate litigate litigation allege allegation allegiance privilege LIBER liberal liberalism liberalist liberality liberalize liberalization liberate liberation liberator liberty libertarian libertine LIBR/LIB library librarian libretto librettist libel libelous LIC license licensee licenser licentiate licentious illicit LIG legate ligament ligature oblige obligate obligation obligatory religion religious league colleague colligate liable liability ally alliance allied rally LINGU lingual linguist linguistic linguistics bilingual monolingual multilingual sublingual trilingual language LIQU liquate liquefy liquefaction liquid liquidity liquidize liquor LITER literal literalism literally literary literate literature alliterate illiteracy illiterate obliterate preliterate transliterate LONG 38 更多SAT资料: longevity longitude longitudinal along belong elongate elongation length lengthen lengthy oblong prolong prolongation LUMIN luminance luminary luminescence luminosity luminous illuminate illumine MAGN/MAJ/MAX magnanimous magnanimity magnate magnify magnificent magnificence magnifier magniloquent magniloquence magnitude majesty majestic major majority maxim maximal maximum climax anticlimax MAN/MANU manacle manage management manager manicure manifest manipulate manipulation manual manufacture manumit manuscript emancipate emancipation MARK marked markedly marker demarcate demarcation remark remarkable MECHAN mechanic mechanical mechanics mechanism mechanize MED medic medical medicate medication medicine remedy remediable remedial irremediable MEDI medium medial median mediate mediation mediator mediocre Mediterranean immediate intermediate intermediation intermediary mediaeval MELAN melancholia melancholic melancholy melanin melanoma MEMOR memorable memorial memory memorize memorandum commemorate commemoration remember remembrance MENT 39 更多SAT资料: memoir memento mental mentalist mentality mention amentia comment commentary demented dementia vehement mind remind reminder reminiscent reminiscence MERC mercantile mercenary mercer merchandise merchant market marketing mercy merciful merciless commerce commercial MERGE/MERS merge mergence merger emerge emergence emergency emergent emersion immerge immerse immersion submerge submergence submersion submersible MIGR migrate migrant migration migratory emigrate emigrant emigration immigrant immigration transmigrate transmigration MILIT militant militancy military militarize militarism militate militia demilitarize demilitarization remilitarize remilitarization MIN eminent eminence imminent imminence preeminent preeminence prominent prominence MIR admire admirer admiration admirable miracle miraculous mirage mirror marvel marvelous MIX mixer mixture admix admixture intermix intermixture premix MOD mode modal model moderate moderation moderator modern modernize modest modesty modify modification modifier modish modulate modulation commodity commodious commode accommodate accommodation outmoded MONSTR monster monstrous demonstrate demonstration remonstrate 40 更多SAT资料: remonstrative remonstrance remonstrant MOR moral morale moralist morality demoralization immoral unmoral moralize moralization amoral demoralize MOUNT mountain mountainous dismount paramount promontory remount surmount surmountable MOV/MOB/MOT move movement movable remove removable mob mobile mobilize mobilization automobile demobilize motion motivate motivation motive motif motor motorize commotion demote emotion emotional locomotion locomotive promote promoter promotion remote remoteness moment momentary momentous momentum mutiny mutinous MUNI Municipal munificence munificent commune communicate communication communion communism communist community immune immunity immunize MUR mural muralist extramural immure immurement intramural MYST mystery mysterious mystic mystical mysticism mystify myth NAU/NAV nausea nauseate nauseous nautical aeronaut aeronautics astronaut navy naval navigate navigation navigator navigable circumnavigate circumnavigation NECRO necrology necromancy necromancer necropolis necrosis NEUR/NEURO/NERV neural neuralgia neurasthenia neuritis neurobiology neurochemistry neurology neurological neurosis neurotic nervous enervate innervate unnerve 41 更多SAT资料: NEUTR neuter neutral neutralism neutralist neutrality neutralize neutron NIHIL nihilism nihilist nihilistic nihility annihilate annihilation annihilator NOC/NOX nocturnal equinox equinoctial NOMIN/NOM normal normalize normalization normality normally abnormal abnormality enormity enormous subnormal supernormal NOT note noted notable notary notarize notarization notation notice noticeable notify notification notion notorious annotate annotation connote connotation denote denotation NOUNCE/NUNCI announce announcement annunciate denounce denunciation enunciate enunciation pronounce pronouncement pronunciation renounce renouncement renunciation NOV novel novelette novelist novelty novice novitiate innovate innovation innovator renovate renovation NUL/NULL null nullify nullification nullity annul annulment NUMBER/NUMER numberless numerable numeral numerate numerical enumerate enumeration innumerable NUTRI nutrient nutriment nutrition nutritious nutritive innutrition malnutrition 42 更多SAT资料: OCUL ocular oculist binocular inoculate inoculation monocular ONYM homonym onomatopoeia acronym anonym anonymous antonym cryptonym metonymy patronymic pseudonym synonym OPER opera operable operant operate operatic operation operational operative operator cooperate cooperative cooperator OPT optimism optimist optimum opt option optional adopt adoption adoptive OPT/OPTO optic optical optician optics optometrist myopia myopic ORA oral orate oration orator oratorical oratorio oratory oracle oracular adoration inexorable inexorability perorate peroration ORDER/ORDIN primordial order orderly ordinal ordinance ordinary ordinarily ordinate ordination coordinate coordination coordinator disorder extraordinary extraordinarily inordinate subordinate subordination ORI orient oriental orientate orientation origin original originality originate originative originator aboriginal abortion disorient disorientation reorient reorientation ORN ornament ornamental ornamentation ornate adorn adornment OSS/OSTEO ossify ossification ossuary osteoarthritis osteopathy 43 更多SAT资料: PACT Pact compact compactly compactness compactor impact impacted impaction PAN pantry company companion companionship accompany PAR pare parade apparatus prepare preparation preparatory repair reparable reparation reparative separate separation parity compare comparable comparability comparative comparison disparate disparity imparity pair peer peerage peerless umpire appear appearance apparent apparition transparent parent parental parentage oviparous viviparous PASS passage passenger passerby Passover passport pastime bypass compass impasse overpass surpass trespass trespasser underpass PERI peril perilous empirical empiricism empiricist experience experiment experimental experimentation expert expertise imperil PET petition petitioner appetite appetitive appetizer appetizing appetent compete competition competitive competitor competence competent incompetent impetus impetuous repeat repetition centripetal PETR/PETRO petrify petrography petroleum petroliferous petrology PICT pictograph pictorial picture depict depiction PLAIN/PLAINT plaint plaintiff plaintive plaintiveness complain complainant complaint PLANT 44 更多SAT资料: plantation planter transplantation plantlet implant implantation transplant transplantable PLAUD/PLODE applaud applause applausive plaudit plausible plausibility explode explosion explosive implode PLORE deplore deplorable explore exploration explorer implore imploration PLY/PLI/PLE Ply pliable pliers apply appliance applicable applicant application imply implicate implication implicit reply replica replicate replication complicate complicated complication complicity complex complexion complexity explicate explicable explication explicit exploit perplex perplexed perplexity supplicate suppliant deploy deployment display employ employee employer employment simple simpleton simplicity simplify duple duplex duplicate duplicator duplicity diploma diplomatic diplomacy diplomatist triple triplicate triplicity quadruple quadruplicate multiple multiplex multiply multiplicity multiplication multiplicative plait pleach pleat plight PON/POUND Component compound exponent expound opponent postpone postponement proponent PORT portable portage porter portfolio portly comport comportment deport deportee deportation deportment disport export exporter import important importance importation importer purport report reportage sport sportive sporty support supportable supporter transport transportation portal portcullis porter portico porch importune importunity opportune opportunist opportunity passport POTENT potentate potential potentiality impotent impotence omnipotent omnipotence PREC precarious precariousness deprecate deprecation deprecatory imprecate imprecation imprecatory PRECI 45 更多SAT资料: precious preciousness appreciate appreciable appreciably appreciation appreciative appreciator depreciate depreciation praise appraise appraisal PREDA predacious predator predatory prey depredate depredation PRESS pressing pressure compress compressed compressible compression compressive compressor depress depressant depressed depressing depression express expressage expression expressionism expressionist expressive expressly impress impression impressionable impressionism impressionist oppress oppression oppressive oppressor repress repression repressible repressive repressor suppress suppressible suppression suppressor PRIV private privacy privately privation privative privatize privilege privileged privy deprive deprived deprivation PROACH/PROXIM approach approachable approachability approximate approximately proximity reproach reproachful reproaching PSYCH/PSYCHO psyche psychiatry psychiatric psychiatrist psychic psychics psychoanalysis psychoanalyze psycholinguistics psychology psychological psychologist psychoneurosis psychopath psychosis psychosomatic psychotherapy psychotherapist PUGN pugnacious pugnacity impugn repugnance repugnant PUR pure purify purification purism puritan puritanical purity impure impurity QUER quarrel quarreler quarrelsome querulous QUI/QUIET 46 更多SAT资料: quiet quietness quietude quietus inquietude unquiet quiescence quiescent acquiesce acquiescence acquiescent QUIT quittance quitter acquit acquittal requite requital unrequited RAD/RAS abrade abrasion abrasive erase erasable eraser erasure raze razor RADI radical radicalism radicalize radicalization radicand radish radix eradicate eradicable eradication eradicator radium radius radial radiate radiation radiator radiant radio radioactive radioactivity radiology radiotelephone radiotherapy irradiate irradiation irradiant irradiance RAP/RAV rape rapist rapacious rapacity rapid rapidity rapt rapture enrapt enrapture rapturous raptorial ravage raven ravening ravish ravishment RAT/RATIO ratify ratio ratiocinate ratiocination ration rational rationale rationalism rationalist rationality rationalize rationalization irrational irrationality REG regal regalia regality regent regency regicide regime regiment Regina regius region realm regnant reign regular regularity regulate regulation irregular royal royalty rigid rigidity rigor rigorous REPT reptile reptilian surreptitious RID/RIS ridicule ridiculous risible risibility deride derision derisive derisory ROD/ROS rodent corrode corrosion corrosive erode erosion erosive 47 更多SAT资料: ROT rotary rotate rotation rotational rotator rotor rotund rotunda rotundity dextrorotatory levorotatory RUD rude rudiment rudimental rudimentary erudite erudition RUPT rupture abrupt abruption bankrupt bankruptcy corrupt corruption disrupt disruption erupt eruption incorrupt incorruptible interrupt interruption irrupt irruption route routine RUR/RUS rural rustic rusticate rustication rusticity SAL salad salary salaried saline salinity salt salted desalt desalination SAL/SULT salient salience sally salmon assail assault desultory exult exultation insult resilient resilience result SAL/SAN salute salutatory salutation salubrious salutary sane sanity insane insanity sanative sanatorium sanitary sanitation sanitarian SANGUI sanguine sanguinary sanguineous sanguinity consanguine consanguinity ensanguine SAT sate satiate satiation satiable satiety insatiable insatiability insatiate satire satisfy satisfaction satisfactory dissatisfy dissatisfaction dissatisfactory saturation soil SECT sectarian sectary section sectional sectionalism sectionalize bisect bisection dissect dissection dissector insect insecticide insectivorous intersect intersection vivisection 48 更多SAT资料: secant segment SED/SESS/SID sedate sedative sedentary sediment sedimentation sedulous sessile session assess assessor assiduity dissidence dissident insidious obsess obsessive possess possessed possession dispossess prepossess repossess preside president presidency presidium reside residence resident residential residual residue subside subsidence subsidize subsidy subsidiary supersede siege besiege consult consultant consultation exile SEMIN disseminate seminal seminar seminary dissemination inseminate insemination SEN senate senator senatorial senescent senescence senile senility senior seniority SERT series serial seriate serried assert assertion assertive concert desert deserted desertion dissertation exert exertion insert insertion reassert reassertion SINU sinuate sinuous sinuosity sinus sinusitis insinuate insinuation insinuative SIST/STITUT/STA/ST assist assistance assistant consist consistent consistence exist existent existence insist insistent insistence persist persistent persistence resist resistant resistance irresistible subsist subsistence constitute constituent constitution constitutional destitute destitution institute institution prostitute restitute restitution solstice substitute substitution superstition superstitious stable stabilize stabilization stability establish establishment stage contrast obstacle obstetric obstinate obstinacy stance state stately statement static station stationary stationer stationery statistics statue stature status statute estate stead steady steadfast circumstance circumstantial circumstantiate constant constancy destine destiny destination distant distance extant instant instance instantaneous substance substantial substantiate restore restoration stall install installation installment apostasy apostate ecstasy ecstatic metastasis system SOCI sociable sociability social socialism socialist socialite socialize socialization society sociology sociologist associate associable associated association associative consociate consociation dissociate dissociable dissociation 49 更多SAT资料: SOL sole solely solitary solitude solo soloist solemn solemnity soliloquy solid solidity solidify consolidate console consolation solace desolate desolation solar solarium circumsolar insolate parasol turnsole SOMN somnambulate somnambulism somnambulist somniferous somnolent somnolence insomnia insomniac SORT sorter assort assorted assortment consort consortium resort SPER desperado desperate desperately desperation despair despairing prosper prosperity prosperous SPERS asperse aspersion disperse dispersal dispersed dispersion dispersive intersperse interspersion sparse SPIR spirit dispirit inspirit spiritual spiracle sprightly aspire aspirant aspiration conspire conspirator expire expiration expiry inspire inspiration perspire perspiration respire respiration respiratory suspire transpire SPLEND splendid splendiferous splendor resplendent resplendence SPOND/SPONS sponsor despond despondent despondence respond response responsible responsibility responsive correspond correspondent correspondence STELL stellar constellate constellation interstellar STILL 50 更多SAT资料: distill distillate distillation distiller distillery instill instillation STINCT/STING sting stingy distinguish distinguished distinct distinction distinctive extinguish extinguisher extinct extinction instinct instinctive instigate instigation instigator stimulate stimulant stimulation stimulus stigma stigmatic SUADE suasion dissuade dissuasion dissuasive persuade persuasion persuasive SUME/SUMPT sumptuary sumptuous assume assuming assumption assumptive consume consumer consumerism consumption consumptive presume presumable presuming presumption presumptive presumptuous reassume resume resumption unassuming SUMM summary summarily summarize summarization summation summit consummate consummation SUR assure assured assurance assuring ensure insure insurable insurance insurant insurer reassure reassurance reassuring reinsure reinsurance SURGE/SURRECT surge insurgency insurgent insurrection resurge resurgence resurgent resurrect resurrection source resource TAC/TIC tacit taciturn taciturnity reticence reticent TAIL tailor tailoring detail detailed entail retail retailer TECHNO technical technicality technically technique technocracy technocrat technological technologist technology 51 更多SAT资料: TECT detect detectaphone detection detective protect protection protectionism protective protector protégée tegument TEMPT/TENT tempt temptation tempter tempting temptress attempt attempted tentative tentacle TEST testament testamentary testate testator testatrix testify testimony testimonial attest attestation attester contest contestant contestation detest detestable protest protestant protestation THES/THET hypothetical thesis antithesis antithetic hypothesis hypothesize hypothetic parenthesis parenthesize synthesis synthesize synthetic TIM timid timidity timorous intimidate intimidation intimidator TON tone tonal tonality atonal atonality diatonic intone intonation monotone monotonous monotony semitone undertone TOUR/TORN tourism tourist tournament attorney contour detour TOX toxic toxicant toxicity toxicology toxicologist toxin antitoxic antitoxin detoxify intoxicate intoxicant intoxicated intoxication TRIBUT tribute tributary attribute attribution attributive contribute contribution contributor distribute distribution retribution retributive TROP tropic tropical tropism heliotrope heliotropism hydrotropism subtropical subtropics 52 更多SAT资料: TRUD/TRUS abstruse detrude extrude extrusion extrusive intrude intruder intrusion intrusive obtrude obtrusion obtrusive obtrusiveness protrude protrusion TUM tumefaction tumescent tumescence tumid tumor contumacious contumacy contumely ULTIM ultimate ultimately ultimatum ultimo penultimate antepenultimate URB urban urbane urbanism urbanite urbanity urbanize urbanization conurbation exurb exurban exurbia interurban suburb suburban suburbanite suburbia VAC/VAN/VOID vacant vacancy vacate vacation vacuum vacuity vacuous evacuate evacuation vain vanity vanish evanesce evanescence evanescent voidance avoid avoidance devoid inevitable vainglorious VADE evade evasion evasive invade invader invasion invasive pervade pervasion wade waddle VAGA vagabond vagary vagarious vagrancy vagrant vague divagate divagation extravagant extravagance extravaganza VAR vary variable variability variance variant variation varicolored varied variegate variegation variety VELOP develop development envelope envelop envelopment VENGE 53 更多SAT资料: vengeance vengeful avenge avenger revenge revengeful VENT ventilate ventilation ventilator VERG verge converge convergence convergent diverge divergence divergent VI/VOY via viable viaduct voyage convey conveyance convoy deviate deviant deviation devious envoy invoice obviate obvious pervious impervious previous trivia trivial triviality VIG/VEG vigil vigilance vigilant vigor vigorous invigorate invigoration invigorator vegetate vegetation vegetable VOL voluntary involuntary volunteer voluptuous volition volitional benevolence malevolence VULSE avulsion convulse convulsion convulsive revulsion 54 更多SAT资料: PART III PREFIX AB-/ABSavert avocation abaxial abdicate abduce abduct abject abnormal abominate abortion abrade abrupt absolve absorb abuse abscess abscond abstain abstract abstruse abundant advance avaunt AMBI-/AMPHIambidextrous ambient ambiguous ambition ambivalent amphibian amphibiology amphitheater ANTEantecedent antechamber antedate antediluvian antemeridian antenuptial anticipate anterior ancient ancestor ANT-/ANTIanti-communist antipathy antiseptic antithesis antagonist Antarctic antonym AUT-/AUTOautobiography autocracy autogamy autogenous autoinfection autonomy autonym authentic BI-/BINbicameral bicolored biennial bifurcated bigamy bilingual bimonthly binocular bipod bipolar bisexual biweekly CATAcataclysm catadromous catalyst catalogue catapult cataract catastrophe category CIRCU-/CIRCUMcircumambulate circumcise circumference circumfuse circumjacent circumlocution circumlunar circumpolar circumspect circumstance circuit circulate CONTRAcontradict contraposition contrary contrast contravene controvert counter counteract counterattack counterbalance counterfeit countermeasure counterpart 55 更多SAT资料: DECdecade decagon Decalogue decapod decigram deciliter decimal decimeter DI-/DUOdilemma diphthong diploma duodecimal duologue dodecagon dozen double doubt dual dubious duel duet duplex duplicate duplicity DISdisable disadvantage disagree disannul disapprove disband disbelieve discard discern disconsolate discontinue discord discourage discourse discreet discrepancy discrete discriminate disease disembark disfavor disfigure disfranchise disgorge disguise disgust dishearten disincline disintegrate dismember dismiss dispersion displace display dispose disregard disrupt dissipate dissolve distract distribute dispatch dessert digest dilapidate dilute dimension diminish diverge differ difficult diffident diffuse spend stain EP-/EPIepic epidemic epigram epigraph epilogue episode epistle epitaph epithet epitome ephemeral epoch EUeugenics eulogy eupepsia euphemism euphony euthanasia evangel EXTRAextra extracurricular extrajudicial extramural extraordinary extrasensory extreme extremity extravagant HEMI-/SEMIhemicycle hemisphere semiannual semicircle semicolon semiconductor semiconscious semidiameter semifinal semimonthly semiofficial semiprofessional semitropical HOM-/HOMOhomocentric homodont homogeneous homograph homologous homonym homophile homophone homosexual HYPER56 更多SAT资料: hyperacidity hyperactive hyperbole hyperborean hypercriticism hyperinflation hypermilitant hyperopia hypersensitive hypersonic hypertension hypertrophy HYPO-/HYPhypogastric hypocrisy hypostasis hypotension hypothecate hypothermia hypothesis MALmaladjustment maladministration maladroit malady malaise malcontent malediction malefactor maleficent maleficent malevolent malfeasance malformation malfunction malice malign malignant malinger malnourished malnutrition maltreat METAmetabolism metagenesis metamorphosis metaphor metaphysical metastasis meteor metonymy method MILLmillibar milligram milliliter millimeter millennial millipede millepore MONOmonochrome monocracy monocycle monogamy monoglot monogram monolingual monologue monopoly monopolize monosyllable monotheism monotonous monotony monarch monk PANpanacea pan-American panchromatic pandemonium panoply panorama pantheism pantheon pantomime PARAparable parachute paradigm paragraph parallel parallelogram paralogism paralyze paramount paranoid paraphrase paraplegia parasite parasol paratyphoid parenthesis parody palsy PENTpentachord pentagon pentagram pentahedron pentamerous pentameter pentarchy PERperambulate perceive percolate percussion peremptory perennial perfect perfidy 57 更多SAT资料: perforate perform perfume perfunctory perish permanent permeate permit pernicious perpendicular perpetual perplex persecute persevere persist perspective perspiration persuade pertinent peruse pervade pervert parboil pardon pellucid pilgrim PERIpericardium pericarp periderm perigee perihelion perilune perimeter period periphery periphrase periscope POLYpolycentric polychrome polygamy polyglot polygon polyhedron polymorphous polyphony polysyllable polytheism POSTpostbellum postdate postdoctoral posterior posterity postern postgraduate posthumous postlude postmeridian postmortem postnatal postnuptial postpone postpose postscript PREprecaution precede precept precinct precipice preclude precocious predecessor predict predilection prefabricate preface prefer pregnant prehistoric prejudice preliminary prelude premature premium preoccupy prepare preponderate preposterous prerequisite presage prescribe present preserve preside presume pretend prevail prevent preview previous PROproblem proceed proclaim procure prodigal produce profane profess proficient profit profligate profound profuse program progress prohibit project prologue prolong promenade prominent promiscuous promise promote promulgate pronoun pronounce propel prophecy propitious proportion propose propound prorogue prosecute prospect prostitute prostrate protect protest protrude provide provoke purchase purport purpose pursue purvey proffer prudent PROT-/PROTOprotocol protomartyr protoplasm protoplast prototype protozoan protozoology QUARD-/QUARTquadrennial quadricentennial quadrilingual quadripartite quadriplegia quadrisyllable quadruped quadruple RETRO58 更多SAT资料: retroact retroflex retrograde retrospect SUBsubconscious subcutaneous subdivide subdue subjacent subject subjugate subjunctive sublime submarine submerge submit subscribe subside subsist substance substitute subsume subterfuge subtitle suburb subway succeed succinct suffer suffice suffocate suffuse suggest summon support suppress suppurate surrogate susceptible suspect sustain TELEtelecommunication telegram telegraph telepathy telephone telescope teleview television TRANStransaction transduce transfer transfigure transform transfuse transgress transit translate transmit transmute transparent transport tradition traitor traverse tranquil transcend transcribe transpire travesty trespass TRItriangle tribe tribune tricar trichord tricycle trigonometry trilateral trilogy trio tripartite triple tripod trisection trisyllable triunity trivial UNIunicorn uniform union unique unit unite unity universal unanimous AAdown afresh akin anew aback abed ablaze aboard abroad afar afloat afoot aground ahead alive aloof asleep away abide alight alike aloud amaze arise arouse ashamed athirst await awake abandon abase abate abridge achieve amass ameliorate amenable amount avenge avenue avow abash amend avoid abyss achromatic Amazon amnesty amoral apathy aphasia asylum asymmetry atheism atom atypical ADAbbreviate accede accelerate accept acclimate accomplice accost accumulate accustom acknowledge acquire adapt addict adduce adhere admire adorn advent adverse advocate affiliate affirm afflict affront aggress aggrieve align allay allocate allot alloy allude allure annex annihilate appease append appertain apply appraise apprise approbate arrange arrest arrogant ascertain assert assuage assume attach attain attract attune 59 更多SAT资料: ALAlmighty almost alone ANAnemia anesthetic anarchy anecdote ambrosia ANAAnabaptist anachronism analogy ARCHArchangel archbishop archenemy archetype architect BEBecalm befool befoul befriend beguile belittle benumb betroth becloud bedew befog bestar become befall behold bemoan best bespeak because bequeath beside bedrench befit beloved bereave besiege bethink BENEBenediction benefaction benefactor beneficent beneficial beneficiary benefit benevolent benign benignant bonus boon bounteous bountiful bounty COMCombat combine comfort commemorate comment commensal commensurate commingle commiserate commotion commute compatriot compile compose coalesce coalition coeducation coerce coeval coexist cohabitation cohere coincide cooperate collaborate collapse colleague collide collinear collusion combustion concave conceit concentrate conclude concord concourse condense condescend condole confederate confer configuration confiscate confront congeal congenial conglomerate conjunction consent consume contaminate correct correlate corroborate corrugate corrupt council counsel DEDebase debate decadence decapitate decay decease deceive decide decipher declaim declare decrepit decry deduce defect defer deflate deflower deform deliberate delinquency deluge demarcation demerit demolish demonstrate depict deprave derelict derive despise despoil detail detain dethrone detonate devastate devour debark decamp decode deface defer deficit defrost defy dehydrate denude descant detach 60 更多SAT资料: detour detrimental DIADiacritical diagnosis diagonal diagram dialect dialogue diameter diatribe ENEnact enamor encase enclose encompass encounter encourage encroach encumber endeavor endorse energy enfold engage engrave enhance enjoin enlarge enlighten enlist enrage enrapture enrich enroll enshrine enshroud enslave ensnare entangle enthrall entitle entrench entrust envelop environment envelope embank embark embarrass embed embellish emblem embody embrace empower EXExacerbate exact exaggerate example exasperate exceed excel except excerpt exchange exclude excruciate execute exempt exert exhale exhaust exhibit exhilarate exhort exhume exit exonerate exorcise exotic expand expect expel expire explain explicit expose expound exquisite exterior exterminate external extinguish extirpate extol extort extradite extricate extrinsic extrude exuberant exude ebullient edit educate egress eject elaborate elapse elect elide eliminate elite elocution elope emaciate emanate emancipate erudite eruption event evident evince evoke eccentric eclipse ecstasy efface effete effort effuse escape example FORForbid forget forgive forgo forlorn forsake forswear FOREForearm forebear foredated foredoom forefather forefinger forefront foregoing foregone foreground forehead foreknowledge foreman foremost forerun foresee foreshadow foresight forestall foretaste foretell forethought foretime forewarn foreword forward FORTHForthcoming forthright forthwith HECTOHectogram hectograph hectoliter hectometer HETERO61 更多SAT资料: Heteroclite heterocyclic heterodont heterodox heterogeneous heteronym heterosexual HEXAHexad hexagon hexagram hexameter hexangular hexapod INInbeing inborn inbreathe incarcerate incarnate incense incentive inceptive incident incipient incise incline include income increase incriminate incubate incur incurve indoor induce indulge infatuate infect infiltrate inflame inflate influence infringe infuse ingrained inhale inherit inhibit inject injunction inlet innate innovate inquire inroad inrush inscribe insect insert insight inspect inspirit intake intoxicate intricate intrigue intuition inundation inure invade inveigle invest investigate involve illation illuminate illusion illustrate imbibe immanent immerge immigrate impair impale impart impeach impediment impenetrate impersonate impinge implant implement implicate imply import impose impound impoverish imprecate impregnate imprint imprison irradiate irrigate irruption inaccessible inadequate inaudible incautious incomparable inconsistent indecisive indigestion indispensable inequality infallible infamous innutrition insane invaluable invulnerable enemy ignoble ignominy ignorant illegal illegitimate illiberal illicit illiterate illogical immaculate immature immeasurable immediate immense immodest immortal immutable impalpable imparity impartial impecunious impenetrable impenitent impertinent impious implacable impotent imprudent irrational irredeemable irregular irrelative irrelevant irreligious irresistible irresolute irresponsible INTERIntercept interchange interfere interfuse interim interior interjacent interlace interlude intermingle intermit intermix international interplay interpolate interpose interpret interrupt intersect intersperse interstellar interstice intervene intertwine interval interweave enterprise entertain intellect intelligence INTRA/INTROIntraoffice intraparty intrapersonal intra-school intravenous introduce introspect introvert ISOIsobar isochronal isogloss isogonic isomer isometric isotherm isotope KILOKilobyte kilocalorie kilocycle kilogram kilohertz kiloliter kilometer kiloton kilovolt kilowatt 62 更多SAT资料: MACROMacroanalysis macrobiotics macrocosm macroeconomics macrometeorology marcromolecule macroscopic macro engineering MEGEMegabyte megadeath megalith megalomania megalopolitan megaphone megaton megavolt megawatt MICROMicroanalysis microbe microbiology microcosm microeconomics micrometeorology microphone microscope microwave MISMisaddress misadjustment misadvise misapply misapprehend misarrange misbehave misbelieve mischance mischief misconduct misdate misdeed misfortune mislead misogynist misplace mispronounce misstate misstep mistrust misunderstand MULTIMultichannel multicolor multifarious multiform multilingual multiparous multiply multipurpose multitude multivalence multivocal multocular NENefarious nescience neuter naught nay neither never none null negotiate NEONeoclassicism neocolonialism neofascism neoimpressionism Neolithic neologism neonatal neophyte neoromanticism NONNonaggression nonaligned noncombatant noncombustible noncommittal nonconformity noncoopertation nondurable nonentity nonessential nonmember nonpartisan nonsectarian nonverbal OBObdurate obedient obfuscate obituary object objurgate oblige oblique oblong obscene obscure obstacle obstinate obstruct obtain obvious omit occasion occult occupy occur 63 更多SAT资料: offend offer opponent oppress ostentation OCTA OCTOOctagon octahedron octave octavo October octopus octosyllable octuple OMNIOmnibus omnicopetent omnifarious omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnivorous OUTOutargue outbreak outdo outgrow outlandish outlaw outlay outline outlive outnumber outpace outrage outrival outrun outshine outwear outwit OVEROveract overbear overbridge overburden overcast overcoat overcome overcredulous overcrowd overcrust overdo overeat overestimate overflow overhang overhaul overhear overlap overlay overload overlook overnight overpay overpeopled overpower overrate overseas overset oversight oversleep overtake overthrow overturn overwhelm PENPeninsula penultimate penumbra PSEUDOPseudocarp pseudoclassicism pseudomorph pseudomyopia pseudonym pseudopod pseudoscience QUASIQuasi-cholera quasi-contract quasi-judicial quasi-official quasi-war RERebate rebel rebound rebuke rebut recalcitrant recall recant recapitulate recede receive reciprocate recite reclaim recline recognize recoil reconcile recondite reconnaissance record recreation recruit recur reduce redundant refer reflect reform refraction refresh refrigerator refuge refurbish refuse regress rehearse reimburse reinforce reiterate reject rejuvenate relax relevant relic relieve relinquish reluctant remedy reminiscence remit remonstrate remorse renaissance renew renounce repast repeat repel repent reply report reprisal reproach repugnant repute require requite rescind research resemble resist respect resplendent restore restrain resume 64 更多SAT资料: resurrection retaliate retard reticent retire retort retract retrench retrieve return reunion reveal revenue reverberate revere revise revive revoke revolt redeem redintegrate render SESecede seclude secret secrete secure seduce segregate select separate sequester sever SEPTSeptangle September septempartite septenary septennial septilateral septisyllable septuple SEXSexcentenary sexennial sexpartite sextuple STEPStepmother stepchild stepdaughter stepfather stepmother stepparent stepsister stepson SUPERSuperabundant superb supercharge supercilious superficial superfluous superimpose superintend superior supernal supernatural supernumerary superscribe supersonic superstition superstructure supervene supervise supreme supremacy soprano sovereign surcharge surface surfeit surmise surmount surname surpass surplus surrender surround surveillance survey survive SYNSynchronism syndicate syndrome synonym synopsis syntax synthesis system syllable syllepsis syllogism symbiosis symbol symmetry sympathy symphony symposium symptom TETRATetrachord tetragon tetrahedron tetrarch tetrasyllable TWITwice twig twilight twill twin twine twist ULTRAUltra ultramarine ultramodern ultramontane ultramundane ultrared ultrashort 65 更多SAT资料: ultrasonic ultratropical ultraviolet UNUnabashed unabridged unalterable unambiguous unambitious unapproachable unartistic unashamed unattainable unattended unauthorized unbelief unbiased unblemished uncertainty unchangeable unchaste uncivilized uncomely uncomfortable unconditional unconformity unconscious uncontrollable uncourteous uncultivated undecided undefined undescribable undesirable undue unexhausted unfeasible unfeigned unfinished unfortunate ungenerous unintentional unknowingly unlicensed unmanned unmerciful unmistakable unorthodox unparalleled unprecedented unquestionable unreliable unrest unsanitary unseasonable unsophisticated unsuitable unsystematic untidy untimely unutterable unverifiable unwarrantable unwholesome unwilling unwitting unwonted unworldly unyielding unarm unbind unbosom unbuckle unburden unbury unbutton uncage uncap uncase unclose uncork uncover undo undress unearth unfold ungird unhinge unload unlock unmask unpack unroll unseal unseam unsettle unshackle untangle untie unveil unwind unwrap unwrinkled UNDERUnderage undercurrent underdeveloped underemployment underestimate undergo undergraduate underground underlie underline undermine undernourishment underpass underrate understand undertake undertone UPUpend uphold upland uplift upright uprise uproar uproot upset upstairs upsurge upturn WITHWithdraw withhold withstand 66 更多SAT资料: PART IV SUFFIX -AIN captain chaplain villain -AIRE billionaire millionaire -AN/-IAN/-EAN pedestrian American German Mohammedan barbarian magician musician pedestrian physician European -ANT assistant descendant emigrant immigrant inhabitant servant tenant -AR beggar burglar liar scholar -ARD/ART coward drunkard sluggard Spaniard steward braggart -ARY adversary contemporary functionary lapidary secretary -ATE advocate apostate candidate delegate magnate pirate -EE committee devotee employee examinee nominee referee trainee trustee -EER auctioneer engineer mountaineer pioneer profiteer volunteer -EN 67 更多SAT资料: citizen heathen warden -ENT agent correspondent opponent president resident student -ER baker commander customer gardener leader Londoner manufacturer mariner messenger miller murderer owner philosopher prisoner producer -ESE Chinese Japanese Portuguese -ESS actress baroness empress hostess princess stewardess -EUR amateur connoisseur -HERD cowherd shepherd -IER cashier cavalier financier premier soldier -IFF plaintiff sheriff -IST communist defeatist dogmatist florist novelist oculist ornithologist sophist specialist tourist typist violinist -ITE cosmopolite Israelite laborite Tokyoite –IVE 68 更多SAT资料: captive fugitive native operative relative -MAN/-SMAN chairman fisherman postman salesman sportsman statesman stuntman -ON champion companion matron patron -OR/OUR ambassador conqueror counselor governor inspector neighbor savior successor tailor tutor -STER gamester gangster minister songster spinster youngster -Y/YER enemy lady lawyer sawyer -CLE article follicle icicle miracle particle speckle vehicle -EL/LE damsel model vessel bottle bundle pebble riddle -EN/-IN chicken kitten maiden bulletin elfin violin -ET/-ETTE banquet blanket bouquet cabinet islet tablet ticket cigarette gazette novelette -KIN cannikin lambkin manikin napkin pumpkin -LET booklet bullet cutlet fillet hamlet leaflet pamphlet rivulet streamlet 69 更多SAT资料: -LING darling duckling gosling seedling underling yearling -OCK bullock hillock paddock -(C)ULE animalcule globule granule minuscule molecule -IE/-Y auntie birdie Billy daddy kitty pony Tommy -ACE grimace menace solace -ADE ambuscade arcade blockade cannonade crusade decade escapade lemonade masquerade orangeade renegade stockade -AGE courage marriage passage shortage shrinkage usage wreckage -AL approval arrival betrayal denial refusal survival trial withdrawal -ANCE/-ENCE provenance absence appearance confidence decency forbearance hindrance innocence insolvency utterance vacancy -CY aristocracy bankruptcy fallacy intimacy prophecy -DOM freedom martyrdom wisdom 70 更多SAT资料: -HOOD/-HEAD boyhood childhood falsehood likelihood livelihood manhood neighborhood godhead maidenhead -IC(S) aerobatics aesthetics arithmetic classics ethics logic magic mathematics metaphysics phonetics physic physics skeptic stoic -ICE/ISE avarice caprice cowardice justice service treatise -ING aging bearing blessing calling clothing thanksgiving -ION reception addition civilization coronation exaggeration extension invitation protection quotation submission -ISM/ASM antagonism aphorism barbarism Buddhism communism existentialism exoticism hedonism heroism Marxism modernism optimism passivism pessimism enthusiasm -ITUDE altitude aptitude decrepitude fortitude gratitude latitude magnitude multitude solitude -(I)UM aluminum ammonium barium magnesium petroleum -MENT banishment fulfillment lineament movement treatment -MONY ceremony harmony matrimony testimony -NESS 71 更多SAT资料: adhesiveness abrasiveness consciousness friendliness goodness happiness kindness likeness madness wordiness -O(U)R ardor behavior endeavor favor humor odor savor splendor valor -RY artistry bravery bribery luxury mystery pedantry penury rivalry robbery slavery -SHIP citizenship fellowship friendship hardship landscape partnership relationship scholarship workmanship worship -T/-TH flight gift restraint thrift weight breadth death growth stealth warmth width -TY/-ETY/-ITY bounty certainty cruelty loyalty novelty poverty anxiety propriety variety absurdity elasticity familiarity fixity futurity hilarity hospitality immensity maturity originality proximity rapidity reality sagacity singularity stupidity -URE censure creature departure disclosure exposure failure furniture legislature literature mixture pressure seizure -Y agony delivery discovery flattery folly honesty jealousy modesty treaty tyranny -AGE baronage foliage peerage plumage –ARY dictionary vocabulary -RY cavalry gentry machinery poultry scenery 72 更多SAT资料: -ACE furnace terrace -AGE anchorage cottage village -ARY apothecary granary library seminary -DOM dukedom filmdom kingdom stardom -ERY bakery brewery cemetery gallery -ORY dormitory factory laboratory observatory territory -UM aquarium auditorium gymnasium museum sanatorium -Y abbey balcony county treasury -ABLE inhospitable amenable available changeable culpable desirable imponderable innumerable irritable noticeable reasonable unforgettable contemptible horrible incredible negligible -AL/IAL prodigal brutal federal literal mortal Occidental punctual regal aerial cordial genial racial -AN 73 更多SAT资料: European republican suburban veteran agrarian Christian Egyptian Parisian -ANT/-ENT incipient brilliant buoyant defiant indignant luxuriant radiant triumphant ardent fluent insolent obedient proficient prudent quiescent -AR circular familiar muscular poplar popular similar vulgar -ARY customary dilatory elementary exemplary imaginary temporary voluntary -ATE/-ETE/UTE accurate affectionate considerate fortunate obstinate ornate passionate temperate complete obsolete absolute minute -ED dejected aged bearded crowned gifted landed moneyed ringed talented -EN brazen earthen golden leaden wooden woolen -ERN eastern northern southern western modern -ESE Chinese Japanese Portuguese -FOLD manifold twofold tenfold -FUL dreadful fruitful graceful merciful mournful regretful scornful shameful thoughtful -IAC 74 更多SAT资料: cardiac demoniac insomniac maniac -IC polychromatic academic angelic arctic athletic calorific carbonic diplomatic domestic emphatic enigmatic exotic fantastic gigantic idiotic lunatic patriotic rustic scenic soporific -ICAL botanical chemical methodical physical radical surgical theatrical tropical zoological -ID languid limpid placid rapid solid splendid stupid timid vivid -ILE ductile facile fertile fragile hostile juvenile puerile sterile versatile -INE divine feminine genuine masculine sanguine -ING agonizing astonishing charming cunning daring lasing promising refreshing striking trying willing -IOR inferior junior senior superior -IQUE/-ESUQE antique arabesque grotesque oblique picturesque -ISH bookish brownish childish feverish selfish yellowish -ITE finite exquisite favorite infinite opposite polite -IVE 75 更多SAT资料: definitive exclusive exhaustive imaginative initiative massive representative respective talkative -LESS aimless groundless helpless odorless priceless reckless restless senseless shapeless -LIKE businesslike childlike ladylike sportsmanlike warlike womanlike -LY bodily costly cowardly earthly fortnightly friendly leisurely monthly stately timely worldly -MOST almost foremost innermost utmost -ORY compulsory contradictory obligatory obligation preparatory satisfactory -OUS ambiguous covetous envious furious glorious gorgeous industrious laborious perilous righteous spacious strenuous tremulous vicious virtuous -PROOF airproof bombproof weatherproof bulletproof fireproof rainproof soundproof waterproof -SOME venturesome burdensome irksome meddlesome quarrelsome tiresome troublesome wearisome wholesome -WARD awkward downward eastward homeward onward seaward wayward -Y bloody bushy cloudy clumsy dreamy dusky foggy greedy icy plumy scanty spicy 76 更多SAT资料: tardy worthy -ENCE hence thence whence darkling sideling headlong -LY absolutely actually barely heartily invariably literally readily roughly shortly steadily violently -S besides needs nowadays sometimes -WARD(S) afterwards backwards downwards homewards inwards northwards outwards southwards sunwards upwards -WAY(S)/WISE always anyway endways sideways someway straightway crosswise likewise otherwise sidewise -ATE agitate accommodate assassinate congratulate fascinate isolate navigate nominate originate speculate vibrate -EN darken fasten hasten heighten lengthen moisten redden sharpen strengthen threaten weaken worsen -ER batter chatter flicker flutter glitter loiter patter quiver shiver totter twitter waver -ESCE acquiesce coalesce convalesce deliquesce effloresce evanesce incandesce obsolesce -FY pacify classify edify fortify fructify identify justify liquefy mollify nullify personify 77 更多SAT资料: petrify purify qualify satisfy signify simplify stupefy vilify -ISH admonish banish blemish blush cherish demolish diminish embellish famish flourish furnish garnish languish publish punish -IZE/-ISE cauterize civilize dramatize generalize organize pulverize specialize symbolize utilize victimize -LE chuckle dazzle dwindle scribble sparkle sprinkle startle trickle twinkle 78 更多SAT资料: PART V WORDS GROUP EDUCATION Schooling kindergarten primary primary-school elementary elementary-school secondary secondary-school university college normal-university key-university comprehensive comprehensive-university technical technical-school vocational vocational-certificate organization union the-students’-union canteen university-medical-service campus campus-clinic auditorium library laundry dormitory laboratory semester option course counsel counseling-center remediation classmate monitor genial fatherly supervise exalt praise supplicated follow imitate exhibit attend administrate graduate postgraduate doctor specialized principle textbook video lecture recite pronounce repetition imitation compose repeat Subjects compulsory compulsory-course mandatory mandatory-subject mathematics physics chemistry biology politics history geography P.E. geology literature science sociology philosophy psychology engineering medicine astronomy economics law finance architecture ethnology botany zoology Mathematics mathematician arithmetic calculation calculator abacus numeral sum aggregate fraction decimal decimal-fraction decimal-point digit percentage addition plus subtraction minus minus-sign multiplication multiplication-table multiply power square division divide algebra equation formula root geometry geometric dimension parallel parallel-lines quadrilateral area rectangle polygon cube volume circle ellipse oval cone circumference diameter radius triangle angle degree differential calculus differential-calculus integral-calculus function probability statistics quantitative deduction inference induction Physics mechanics acoustics electromagnetism optics dynamics force velocity acceleration equilibrium motion inertia gravitation relativity gravity vibration media frequency 79 更多SAT资料: wavelength pitch intensity echo resonance sonar electricity static static-electricity magnetism magnet electromagnet magnetic magnetic-field electric-current direct-current alternating-current electric-circuit electric-charge electric-voltage electric-shock electric-appliance conductor insulator semiconductor battery cell dry-battery storage-battery electronics electronic electronic-component integrated circuit integrated circuit chip electron-tube vacuum vacuum-tube transistor amplification amplify oscillation optical optical-fiber lens convex concave microscope telescope magnifier spectrum ultraviolet x-rays gamma-rays infrared-rays microwaves transparent translucent opaque Chemistry chemical property chemical-property chemical-composition chemical-makeup agent chemical-agent chemical-reaction chemical-change bond chemical-bond apparatus substance matter material element periodic periodic-table hydrogen oxygen nitrogen helium carbon calcium silicon sulfur iodine compound hydrocarbon derivative alchemy petroleum petroleum-products crude-oil refine gasoline methane solution dissolve solvent solubility cohesion adhesion atom nucleus electron neutron proton molecule particle particle-accelerator ion catalysis catalyst artificial synthetic synthetic-fiber polymer polymerization plastic dye Infant Education infant immature naïve curious inquisitive emulate slothful ignorant selfish shortsighted self-centered bias naughty diffident dependent self-respect self-control allowance social interpersonal rational moral attain preference foster interact behavior blame mental intellectual potential agile creative intellect imagination activity clumsy stimulate respond puzzle distract nature lead LIVING ORGANISM Human Evolution era Eolithic Neolithic tribe hominid primate chimp ape gorilla anthropoid caveman dweller skeleton molar intelligence transition mutation resemble capacity capability specimen coexist famine originate homogeneous clan stone-age iron-age Paleolithic Mesolithic cranial 80 更多SAT资料: Laboring Activities dig spade shovel furrow pluck pioneer develop pick cultivate spear club defensive rough sharpen hunt grab poultry tame domesticate slaughter fatigue workable inventive facility tackle net handmade maintain apprentice blacksmith silversmith repose Human Body Structure skull brain forehead eyebrow eyelid eyelash eye ear cheek mouth lip tongue tooth chin neck throat shoulder wrist elbow finger thumb chest heart intestine liver kidney stomach lung belly waist hip spine knee shin heel toe thigh ankle Animal Species marine aquatic dolphin seal selfish crab prawn lobster terrestrial mammal chimpanzee reindeer zebra amphibian bat bedbug beetle spider firefly dragonfly rooster dove kingfisher swallow eagle nightingale peacock penguin woodpecker Body Structure of Animals beak wing feather limb talon fell fur hoof horn breast flank paw fin gill tentacle antenna claw ventral abdomen Inhabiting habitat continent rainforest Antarctic Arctic burrow cave cavern den grassland honeycomb lair nest nestle perch roost menagerie pigpen pigsty pond fishbowl Habits and Characteristics truculent feral ferocious fiendish fierce combative cultivated meek tractable docile timid cunning gregarious hive herbivorous carnivorous omnivorous nocturnal ecdysis Breeding and Migration inbreeding mate copulate multiply propagate multiply propagate reproduce crossbreed 81 更多SAT资料: thoroughbred pregnant childbearing parturition calf offspring whelp runt mature migrate immigrate Plant Species azalea peony lotus orchid daffodil gardenia laurel bush shrub evergreen cypress willow holly ivy olive scrub palm oak elm aspen pine bamboo cotton reed straw hay tissue spore bean cabbage carrot cauliflower cress cucumber eggplant garlic oat onion pea peanut potato pumpkin radish tomato almond cherry coconut grape lemon mango peach pear pineapple strawberry walnut watermelon Plant Cultivation green finger gardener planter peasant crop breed harrow plough hoe graft implantation muck manure hose irrigate drain scissor trim weed mow fertilize pesticide harvest reap Plant Growth seed sprout bud germinate bloom pollen petal calyx corolla fragrant florescence blossom blown wither shrivel wilt defoliate blight decompose rot perish putrefy toxin stalk stem trunk parasite transplant transpiration photosynthesis respiration fertilizer lush thrive ripe proliferous pullulate Plant Colors violet lavender mauve purple magenta rosy sanguine scarlet reddish pink ivory milky jade verdant maize yellowish golden maroon chocolate sandy brown grizzle indigo azure pale Plant Application bouquet perfume garland wreath beautify textile horticulture carpenter charcoal nutriment honey brew popcorn yogurt beverage wine 82 更多SAT资料: ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY Heavenly Bodies cosmos milky-way galaxy constellation interstellar luminary celestial solar nova supernova stellar cynosure shooting-star comet nucleus quasar sidereal starlet planet planetary Venus Mars Saturn Mercury Jupiter asteroid lunar Astronomical Phenomena chromosphere aureole eclipse eyewitness fantastic sunset sunglow impact polychrome aurora zenith solstice nebula meteorite meteor sunspot weightlessness revolution rotation phase crescent coincidence tide astronomer drift float horizon axis sphere Astronomical Technology astronaut cosmonaut spacecraft shuttle hatch spacesuit rocket satellite controller instrument module cabinet prototype radar screen screw experimental maiden unmanned liftoff launch eject kindle insulation sacrifice shock synchronous deploy accelerate fuel observe base planetarium observatory astrolabe sundial almanac astrology horoscope magnetosphere orbit globe aerospace atmosphere light-year mission probe explode Topographies and Landforms terrain physiognomy alpine barren bluff cliff cape crest bog marsh moorland canyon valley cavern cove foothill highland plateau tableland upland terrace meadow oasis peninsula plain prairie reef iceberg volcano crater slope tributary downstream delta Rocks and Minerals mineral ore basalt bauxite crystal diamond dripstone emerald flint gem granite jade lime marble mineral-deposit moonstone opal quartz ruby turquoise spa bedrock gravel boulder cobble pebble coalmine lode quarry prospecting dowse 83 更多SAT资料: Geographical Phenomena backwash cascade convection debris-flow erosion soil-erosion landslide rupture sediment weathering circulation erupt dormant collide deposit scour alluvial Climate monsoon subtropics subtropical littoral continental coastal oceanic Mediterranean moisture humid grassy drought arid semiarid seasonal annual variable global regional abnormality abominable disgusting wicked wile execrable delightful pleasant temperate polar Weather forecast weather-forecast predict blizzard drizzle downpour sleet raindrop intermittent freakish barometric scale subzero frost icicle flake chilly icy frigid dew hail lightning fog thunder moderate violent squall trade breeze gale cyclone hurricane typhoon tornado headwind gusty flood tsunami smoky muggy sultry scorching smother Geographic Terminology equator meridian latitude longitude perigee torrid tropical macroclimate continental-shelf oceanic-trench glacial megarelief mollisol permafrost migration markstone vegetation humidity multimeter multisensor nephograph nonius pantograph pedometer penetrometer perforator Living Environment biosphere ecosystem environment fauna fenland flora mountainous preserve reciprocal reserve settlement tropic wetland zone Pollution infrared ultraviolet radiation ozone ozone-layer noxious toxic waste solid-waste sewage-disposal purification decibel dump ecologist rain-forest food-chain pollution-free pollutant acid acid-rain carcinogen contamination pollute pollution discharge disposable drainage effluent leakage sewage emission greenhouse-effect radioactive misshapen exhaust fume spit junk litter trash lumber overexploitation exhaustion abate shortage desertification destruction deterioration endangered disaster 84 更多SAT资料: hazardous red-tide sandstorm Environmental Protection Measures administration convention declaration awareness obligation penalty propagandize utilization afforestation windbreak greening landscaping green-industry protection conservation decontaminate purifier disposal filtration separator dike landfill biodegradable degradable environment-friendly economization recovery sustainable recycle recyclable renewable SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Archeology ruin remains relic antique antiquity archeologist excavation excavate unearth artifact archaeology acclimate accustom adapt adjust ancient biological degenerate evidence evolution evolve extinct fossil gene genetic gradual inheritance maladaptive optimization origin procedure species supersede survive variation Technological Production digital device monitor sensor scanner laptop LCD processor hardware cable interface software operating-system network homepage multi-media download password accessory portable Application and Development innovation computerize internet log-on log-off hyperlink online memory decipher commercial profitable automatic intricate substitute technology robot impact overthrow Invention and Creation create creation invent invention devise contrive originate originality patent multifunction apply necessity advanced profit valuable 85 更多SAT资料: ENTERPRISE Trades agriculture fishery butchery manufacture masonry joinery lumbering glazing mining shipbuilding aviation utilities journalism insurance tourism retailing advertising moonlighting intermediary underwriter hairdressing textile hosiery Modern Agriculture agricultural silt cold agrarian pilot rural idyllic irrigation farm-animal farm-car farm-crane farm-product farm-vehicle farm-working farming farming-season autarkic tractor combine cowboy ranch cross pasture contract mechanize smallholder pastoral graze nomadic Enterprise Classification venture joint-venture enterprise SOE FOE Sino-foreign-joint-ventures cartel combine conglomerate cooperative corporation lose-making profit-making public-institution Competition opponent rival respectable admirable upright appreciate sportsmanship impartial unjust inimical vilify befoul telltale skullduggery malign underestimate undercut outbid promotion appraise debt bankrupt Import and Export importation exportation commerce transaction rebate purchase bulk bulk-sale distribution hire-purchase installment installment-plan dispute consultation mediation tariff delivery transit warehouse endorse receipt clearance liquidation dumping anti-dumping barrier trade-barrier domestic external overseas Products and Services commodity merchandise appliance utensil machinery component assemble condiment confectionery cosmetic dairy feedstuff mobile telecommunication electronic 86 更多SAT资料: energy-saving glassware porcelain headwear household logistic stationery Advertising and Publicizing advertisement brand communication target consumer customer persuasion cognition motivation marketing brainwash promote model strategy popularity magnify exaggerate impact irreplaceable irresponsible nonprofit leaflet tract junk-mail billboard poster Commercial Policy convention alliance policy implement bilateral mutual mutually recognition abide negotiate repeal countervail violate undermine elimination liberalization beneficial intransigence economic operational investment guarantee property Commercial Organizations WTO IMF CTG EFTA AFTA JCCT NAFTA UNCTAD GATT Price and Insurance duty customs charge freight due commission surcharge import-surcharge allowance damage variable import-variable-duties FOB net capital fund retail retail-price wholesale wholesale-price fluctuate compensation pilferage valuation parent-company directorate chairman headquarter personnel branch-office business-office personnel-department human-resources-department general-affairs-department accounting auditing sales sales-department sales-promotion-department international-department public-relations-department planning-department brainpower research-and-development-department secretarial secretarial-pool teamwork united Position administrator president principal minister ambassador official director director-general executive supervisor accountant broker cashier jobber analyst coordinator decorator architect engineer technician professor assistant lecturer tutor librarian consultant intern proofreader agent receptionist recruiter security staff 87 更多SAT资料: Responsibility arrange cooperate demonstration disposition handle documentation registration statistic fulltime permanent part-time temporary installation interpret modification negotiation promotion Labor Unions organize union guild society association consortium unionize guildhall advocate convener conflict defuse instigate safeguard nonunion voluntary non-governmental Office Supplies computer mouse keyboard printer electrograph cabinet drawer notebook ball-print vase pencil-vase clip tack file envelope lamp Job Hunting and Recruitment want-ad recruit request applicant application apply recommendation resume job-hopping job-hunt investigate identify assessment candidate inform interview hesitate relax ease presentation describe confident contact participate feedback panel Job Requirements accountable aggressive adaptable capable diploma bachelor collaboration coordination team-work sedulity diligence faithful initiative persistent practical experienced familiarity professional proficiency proficient resourceful tactful knowledgeable logical flexibility Employment employment counselor inquiry career content job-market well-paid white-collar blue-collar overtime qualified cautious enthusiasm attitude motivation compete team-spirit impression letter-of-reference appoint nominate promote annoy isolate bossy dismiss shelve lay-off layoff pension bonus tax enrollment register leave attendance check-on-work-attendance schedule agenda 88 更多SAT资料: Career Development Entrepreneur prospect expand improvement promising lifelong raise CULTURE Art Genres Classicism romanticism realism symbolism impressionism expressionism naturalism existentialism fauvism abstract-art cubism Byzantine futurism Romanesque Gothic Baroque Painting and Sculpture Exhibition gallery salon inspiration artist sculptor pigment crayon brush chalk frame canvas sketch portrait watercolor landscape seascape engraving nude caricature tracing plaster clay profile engrave carve statue bronze vivid lifelike Literature and Drama Masterpiece essay anthology prose novel biography allegory myth fiction science-fiction criticism satire reportage attractive thought-provoking copyright poet poetry poem ode sonnet verse rhyme playwright theatre drama comedy farce mummery perform plot episode denouement Language Origin and Usage Aboriginal exotic Latin Greek Rome French orient communicate lingual bilingual linguist linguistic verbal oral pronunciation accent stress fluent coherent articulate vocabulary expression phrase clause adage byword idiom proverb motto slang jargon irony Music and Dance Musician songster pianist soloist soprano tenor bass conductor rap rock jazz symphony blues R&B bassoon flute violin piano pantomime opera ballet anthem solo lyrics melody rhythm time composition cassette microphone step ballroom arena pop 89 更多SAT资料: Movie Filmdom first-run-cinema continuous-performance-cinema projector showing screening premiere festival film-festival certificate censor’s-certificate distributor director producer adaptation adapter scenarist stagehand actor leading-actor actress leading-actress supporting-role costar cinematographer utility-man stand-in stunt stunt-man swordsman cast screenplay script exterior lighting shooting shooting-schedule special-effects slow-motion montage sound-effects dub studio property spotlight serial trailer silent-cinema sound-motion picture newsreel documentary literary-film musical tragedy swordsmen-film detective-film ethical ethical-film affectional affectional-film Broadcasting Broadcast wave transmitter receiver signal preside anchor anchorperson newscast newscaster audience fair-sounding talkative DJ BBC VOA program rank ranks hotline consult announce News Press news-agency wire-service news-conference carry censor release journalist accredit accredited-journalist correspondent stringer contributing-editor copy-editor contributor columnist free-lancer journal weekly periodical quarterly newssheet extra supplement chart column contribution press-release title caption cartoon photograph headline banner update newsletter breaking-news fudge bulletin highlight affair anecdote back-alley-news rumor slander grapevine expose abstract brief boil-down digest editorial Traditions and Customs Convention custom habitude civilization legacy aboriginal ancestor background antiquated timeworn dated unique folk extinction preserve diversity Folkways Folkway civilian honest virtuous unsophisticated sophisticated hypocritical plain sincere warmhearted zealous intense hospitable humane 90 更多SAT资料: Transcultural Communication Communication culture misunderstanding barrier promote enhance exchange respect Publishing Press compile edit proofread publish stack volume dictionary subscribe issue hardcover paperback e-book edition handbook pirated catalogue table-of –contents content flyleaf preface index introduction chapter author signature LIVING Clothing Costume dress suit tuxedo jacket sweater sportswear vest shirt tie pant sock sneaker blouse skirt jumper jean underwear bikini gown robe lace cap hat scarf glove shabby gorgeous luxurious formfitting skintight corpulent layette mantle cloak hood shawl brief waistcoat slipper sandal trainer gumshoe high-heels loafer wellies boot dot stripe embroidery linen knitting knitwear tweed corduroy satin flannel Habitation Province town county countryside capital metropolis shopping-centre downtown uptown district residential residential-area urban suburb outskirt slum village hamlet locality shelter house building skyscraper flat shed cabin hut refuge townhouse cell basement apartment villa tent castle House Decoration Decorate decoration ornament layout outline furniture heater ceiling skylight spacious capacious simple crude traditional classical modern fashionable stylish comfortable toilet lavatory washroom balcony transom windowsill Housewares Armchair easy-chair stool footstool bench tea-table bookcase wardrobe built-in wardrobe bookshelf closet chest-of-drawers sofa screen fug carpet mattress quilt 91 更多SAT资料: blanket tapestry sheet bedspread dressing-table bath-towel towel-rack sponge curtain shutter kettle cooker pressure-cooker ladle oven microwave toaster dishwasher air-condition air-conditioning electric electric-cooker electric-fan electric-iron chandelier pendant pendant-lamp fluorescent fluorescent-lamp reading-lamp desk-lamp bedside-lamp floor-lamp lampshade bulb bulb-holder switch socket plug refrigerator television washer washing-machine flashlight vacuum vacuum-cleaner Nutrition Nutrition variety nourishment vitamin protein fiber dextrose amino-acid grain cereal vegetable vegetarian choosy tasteless nutrient balanced intake digest metabolism indigestion nourish absorb Food and Drink Beef veal pork mutton lamb duck seafood shrimp crab bacon ham sausage frankfurter steak rib cream butter cheese snack junk-food biscuit hamburger toast cookie sandwich pizza spaghetti dessert pudding broth salad pepper vinegar spice seasoning stew appetite juice lemonade soda cocktail sherry champagne Restaurant Restaurant cafeteria dining-room flavor delicious spicy horrible terrible book reserve chef waitress waiter knife fork menu bill tip economical Shopping Supermarket department department-store mall flea-market clerk sales-promotion discount reduction secondhand bargain stock Body-Building Gymnasium coach equipment instruction aerobics aerobic oxygen endurance muscle tired message pant gasp physical stature bonny towel sweat membership fee shadowboxing kickboxing Yoga jog hike 92 更多SAT资料: Vehicle Vessel dugout rowboat canoe ferry ferryboat raft skiff steamer yacht motorboat lifeboat cabin stateroom tourist-class first-class first-class-cabin steerage freighter cargo-boat tanker patrol-boat frigate gunboat bus minibus coach texi texi-rank texi-stand taxicab trailer compact-car lorry wagon moped motorbike motorcycle ambulance jeep limousine roadster trolley tramcar streetcar underground tube subway conductor railway railroad express-train fast-train through-train stopping-train excursion-train commuter commuter-train suburban-train carriage sleeper berth bunk booking-office ticket-office ticket-collector platform platform-ticket left-luggage-office terminal terminus car-attendant train-attendant rack transfer civil-aviation aircraft airplane airliner jet airline boarding-check airport air-terminal tarmac air-hostess stewardess steward aircraft-crew pilot takeoff Voyage Tourist journey route itinerary do-it-yourself independent guide travel-agent agency travel-agency guidebook transportation vehicle voyage destination sightsee sight scene scenery motel reservation passport expire luggage memento souvenir Family Relations Family-tree generation lineage stock origin kin ancestry extraction descent noble-birth humble-birth next-to-kin forebear forefather affinity offspring descendant progeny relative relation premarital cousin sibling rely newlywed bride bridegroom bridesmaid beatific harmony rapport reverent gracious venerate spoil cosset henpecked gentle gap illegitimate strict scold brutal tough separate divorce abandon adopt stepfather stepmother stepson orphan rejoin Friendship and Love Pal colleague roommate fraternal neighborly reliable loyalty easygoing deceptive sociable gauche unfriendly eccentric betray cheat dump quarrel indifferent passive impassive nonchalant troublemaker odious censorious tolerate bighearted ingenuous amiable beneficent charm lovesick amorous passionate beloved pious pursue engage marry wedding church partner null Diseases Autism barrenness complication anemia amnesia allergy sleepwalking phobia 93 更多SAT资料: tuberculosis rabies pinkeye sunstroke asthma tumor virus alcoholism pathology psychiatric venereal inflamed tumid turgid wan paralytic chronic acute communicable contagious remittent infect Medicine Heal therapy convalesce recuperate hospitalization medicate psychoanalyze antidote relapse exacerbate aggravate surgery specialist surgeon physician dentist oculist pediatric chemist dispenser matron remediable incurable curative analgesic antibacterial balm cure-all sanatorium scalpel sickbay ward sickbed medication remedy pill tablet capsule powder dose dosage aspirin tranquillizer laxative pain-killer antibiotic drug lotion tonic prescription pharmacy symptom generic-drug pharmaceutical herb injection cure treatment course alleviate soothe medical pharmacist side-effect potent effective Bad Habits Inhale marijuana poppy addiction junkie stub tobacco cigarette ashtray drunkard inebriate libation bibulous alcohol liquor tipple toast refrain abstinence teetotal temperance gamble gluttony oversleep vigil indulge abuse wallow SOCIAL ISSUES Social configuration Slave slavery kingdom capitalist feudalism feudalist capitalism communism communist Race Race racial ethnic racism segregation racialism genocidal minority ethnicity look-down-upon discriminate discrimination prejudice riot segregate isolation equal dark-skinned ghetto immigrant Crime Crime commit delinquency sin offence kidnap abduct robbery blackmail extortion 94 更多SAT资料: hijack murder assassinate violence rape arson counterfeiting pirate computer-fraud smuggle smuggling traffic drug-trafficking swindle guilty criminal gangster blackguard ringleader polarization soar frustration desperation unemployment Judicature Prosecution accuse adjudicate convict deprive verdict evidence criminal-record intention motivation gang court judge jury trial justice judicial courtroom venue witness victim lawyer attorney defend sanction arrest illegal legitimate Feminism Feminism feminist equality opportunity campaign revolution sponsor involve approve decry criticize ATHLETIC SPORTS Ball Games Tennis basketball volleyball badminton baseball soccer hockey golf bat rugby handball cricket ice-hockey football billiards bowls forecourt forehand ballplayer ballpark infield outfield backboard court goal goalpost judge goalkeeper fullback backfield forward center Track and Field Athlete relay relay-race hurdling marathon sprint dash pole-vault gavelock race middle-distance-race cross-country-race hurdle the 400-meter-hurdle hurdler decathlon high-jump long-jump broad-jump triple-jump hop step-and-jump vault throwing shop putting-the-shot shot-put discus throwing-the-discus hammer throwing-the-hammer javelin walk foot-race Others Champion skiing skating boxing jogging diving springboard gymnast gymnastics horizontal horizontal-bar parallel-bars ring trapeze side-horse pommel pommelled-horse weight-lifting wrestling Greece-roman-wrestling judo fencing 95 更多SAT资料: winter-sports downhill-race slalom ski-jump ice-skating figure-skating figure-skating roller-skating 96 更多SAT资料: PART IV SYNONYMY QUIET tranquil peaceful placid pacific still sedate restful AVOID dodge elude evade shun keep-away-from EDGE brim rim margin verge border COMFORT console reassure solace EXPENSIVE costly valuable priceless invaluable EDIT revise correct refine rewrite polish proofread redact precious WARRANT legitimize substantiate exonerate BESET besiege surround siege encircle blockade close-off retionalize PROTECT safeguard shield secure defend guard IMPROPER unbecoming inappropriate indecorous offensive unseemly unsuitable COMPLAIN yammer gripe grumble moan whine UNAVOIDABLE inevitable inescapable ERUPT burst-forth spout gush eject belch UNBELIEVABLE doubtful incredible unconvincing suspicious BURST pop fly-apart blow-up bust split UNCLEAR vague indefinite obscure indistinct LAMENT mourn grieve weep wail shed-tears sorrow bewail deplore NATIVE aboriginal indigenous native-born local questionable UNLIKE dissimilar disparate domestic distinct diverse various UNCONSCIOUS oblivious forgetful unaware mindless COLLAPSE crumple crumble topple founder buckle slump fold-up RIDICULE jeer taunt scoff sneer laugh-at tease deride NACESSARY needful indispensable essential ADMIT confess fess fess-up acknowledge own avow 97 更多SAT资料: stride swagger strut tread trudge march CLARIFY clear-up explain interpret define illuminate DELAY postpone put-off defer stall suspend LAST endure survive persist persevere keep-on outlast hold-out RESULT lead-to bring-about conduce induce generate RECOVER regain retrieve HOSTILE unfriendly enemy ENOUGH sufficient ample extensive generous adequate antagonistic malevolent OFFSET counteract compensate neutralize equalize cancel-out UGLY unattractive hideous homely unsightly plain balance EXAMINE probe inspect explore investigate DELIVER dispatch send-over transmit forward ABANDON desert discard forsake quit dump cast-off reject renounce TRADITIONAL conventional customary prescriptive GAMBLE bet wager chance speculate risk hazard STICK pierce puncture penetrate perforate bore stab prick TEMPORARY transitory transient passing fleeting impermanent momentary short-lived short-term RUDE rough coarse crude vulgar disrespectful uncivil EMIT emit discharge emanate expel diffuse outpour secrete excrete MISTAKE error misdeed flaw defect wrongdoing shortcoming FUME rage rant rave seethe boil explode BREAK fracture crack rupture shatter breach fall-apart smash splinter mangle HAPPEN occur befall take-place go-on come-about come-to-pass break-out CLEAN clean cleanse launder scrub scour purify DISCOVER dig-out root-out turn-up STEP 98 更多SAT资料: comply submit defer yield abide NOTICE detect perceive sense sniff-out stumble-on DECAY rot decompose BOTHER annoy pester distress COMPLEX complicated intricate involved PROSPER thrive flourish OBJECT disapprove protest oppose demur remonstrate COPY duplicate reproduce counterfeit RESIST repulse repel counter refute contradict ADAPT modify DASH zip bolt dart rush tear zoom CHANGE alter transform vary shift remodel reform ABOLISH annul quash repeal extinguish replicate clone OUTLINE rough-out sketch delineate summarize draft abstract synopsize CLASSIFY categorize catalog grade sort label rank INFECT taint affect SHARE distribute assign allot allocate apportion dispense SEPARATE segregate isolate insulate dissociate quarantine set-apart split-up ABUNDANT profuse lush BASIC elementary fundamental primary WIND breeze gust blast gale hurricane typhoon tornado TOOL instrument device implement apparatus facility VIEW scene scenery sight landscape prospect WILD fierce vicious brutal cruel ruthless bloodthirsty FAIR unbiased equitable evenhanded impartial neutral nondiscriminatory objective unprejudiced FLATTER adulate toady cajole fawn blandish ATTACT raid invade storm strike assail OBEY LONE 99 更多SAT资料: alone lonely lonesome separate solo isolated secluded tangle miscellany mess GET acquire obtain gain procure purchase earn FIXED stationary fixed immobile motionless static rooted stable INTENTIONALLY deliberately advisedly on-purpose by-design ACTIVE energetic brick animated spirited vivacious purposely vigorous AROUSE excite stir provoke incite stimulate EMPLOY employ hire engage take-on TIMID sheepish cowardly bashful ULTRA extreme excessive radical extravagant inordinate extraordinary drastic LEGAL lawful licit allowable sanctioned constitutional just legitimate judicial NOBLE preeminent sublime unsurpassed superexcellent unexceptionable KIND humane compassionate sympathetic merciful understanding forgiving tolerant magnanimous TINY minute slight miniature undersized PUZZLING knotty baffling perplexing troublesome thorny NEGLECT disregard ignore overlook pass-over discount brush aside FORTIFY strengthen feinforce buttress harden steel intensify beef-up DISBURSE squander expend consume outlay splurge PROVIDED providing supposing in-case on-condition EVOKE summon call-forth elicit rouse awaken MEETING conference assembly convention session gathering PRETEND simulate fake pose counterfeit sham put-on congress feign affect JAIL imprison lock-up cage confine intern impound MIX blend compound mingle combine merge meld ABATE slacken dwindle fall-off downsize pare subtract MIXTURE jumble hodgepodge mishmash medley 100 更多SAT资料: despite in-spite-of even-though/if in-the-face-of for-all nevertheless nonetheless notwithstanding REPORT portray detail PRIZE reward award bounty premium EXPERIENCED veteran seasoned professional practiced worldly-wise ARTFUL sly foxy cunning tricky wily crafty SURPRISE astonish amaze startle wonder marvel EDUCATE train enlighten school edify tutor coach cultivate COMPETE emulate rival match vie contend REVEAL disclose expose divulge uncover unmask lay-bare FOCUS center-on center zero-in-on pinpoint fix concentrate spotlight ECONOMIZE conserve scrimp cut-back LIVE inhabit occupy reside dwell cut-corners stint REFUSE reject veto deny decline spurn turn-down ASSEMBLE synthesize combine integrate conglomerate DONATE contribute grant confer bestow bequeath LIBERATE release emancipate loose unshackle deliver manumit unbind COIL wind spiral twist loop twirl twine convolute FIRE dismiss lay-off discharge expel TRANSLATE paraphrase reword restate rephrase DECIDE choose determine settle opt commit oneself rule resolve URGENT pressing exigent imperative ACTIVATE actuate impel ignite motivate spur rouse TENSE jumpy restless jittery skittish edgy on-edge fidgety START commence begin set-about set-to GENEROUS lavish bountiful unsparing NERVOUS anxious stressed uneasy high-strung SHAMEFUL disgraceful dishonorable ALTHOUGH 101 更多SAT资料: humiliating embarrassing scandalous ignominious despicable infamous homologous analogous THEORETICAL hypothetical speculative academic conjectural notional untried unproven untested RELIABLE credible trusty trustworthy dependable POSSIBLE probable likely potential conceivable imaginable RATIONAL sane reasonable sensible levelheaded sober lucid logical DESIRE long yearn hunger crave thirst hanker wish-for pine EXEMPLIFY typify represent illustrate demonstrate symbolize stand-for personify BLANK vacant bare hollow void COOL freezing chilly chill icy glacial frigid HORRIFY dismay shock frighten terrify appall scare JOURNEY trip wayfaring tour excursion voyage safari junket hike SHRIVEL wither dehydrate desiccate wilt wizen dry-up NAKED uncovered nude bare exposed FLATTER compliment praise laud extol ROAM ramble wander drift stroll meander saunter traipse RAPID prompt fleet expeditious PUZZLE confuse bewilder befuddle confound perplex mystify baffle disorient BROAD extensive spacious ample roomy ATTRACTIVE charming enchanting alluring engaging glamorous catchy winning BESET plague harass torment badger hassle vex LAVISH extravagant prodigal OPTIMISTIC hopeful forward-looking sanguine upbeat expectant sunny bullish confident SIMILAR comparable kindred equivalent akin CHARM captivate fascinate bewitch enchant enthrall SECRET covert confidential clandestine private stealthy DESCRIBE 102 更多SAT资料: depict characterize picture represent composed dispassionate sober collected UNDERSTAND grasp apprehend comprehend make-out EVALUATE appraise assess estimate assay gauge rate NOTICEABLE perceivable conspicuous observable discernible palpable obvious visible apparent distinct evident perceptible plain seeable COMMENT remark observe expound criticize touch-on DESTROY demolish wreck devastate wipe-out eradicate crush raze obliterate WISE judicious sage sagacious thoughtful astute EVERYWHERE ubiquitous omnipresent widespread all-over pervasive universal worldwide PEER gaze stare ogle eye scrutinize watch survey scan glare DECEIVE mislead delude trick defraud beguile ABUSE mistreat maltreat ill-treat torture ODD queer weird bizarre abnormal singular funny quaint CLIMB ascend scale mount clamber shinny scramble ORIGINATE initiate inaugurate LIMP hobble stagger hitch totter WRINKLE rumple crinkle crumple crease ripple furrow dishevel mess-up muss-up BIG huge gigantic colossal immense enormous gargantuan prodigious whopping tremendous jumbo stupendous STRESS emphasize punctuate accentuate underscore underline accent FAT obese corpulent plump rotund stout chubby paunchy MANDATORY required obligatory requisite compulsory demanded JET stream spew spray spring STRONG tough muscular athletic sinewy brawny TIRED exhausted fatigued weary jaded wear-out KNOCK bump bang punch pound pummel batter thump rap CALM 103 更多SAT资料: ADMIRE regard esteem respect look-up-to revere worship honor FUSE smelt commingle weld alloy DELIGENT hardworking industrious assiduous FLEXIBLE lithe limber pliant supple bendable lithesome lissome SCORN distain despise look-down-on BROADCAST spread disseminate scatter CONDITION circumstance state case posture status MURDER slay slaughter assassinate gun-down strangle decapitate butcher BEG pray request entreat ask-for plead appeal implore POOR penniless down-and-out impoverished bankrupt DELETE strike-out omit erase destitute FLASH blink flicker flare shine glow glint shimmer BAN restrict boycott forbid bar exclude PHYSICAL corporeal fleshly material CANCEL call-off revoke countermand abort MYSTERIOUS inexplicable enigmatic inscrutable cryptic unfathomable mystical arcane REMOVE eliminate exterminate BLEED ooze exude flow seep percolate CERTAIN positive absolute definite decided MOIST humid damp wet vaporous clammy dank misty WARM enthusiastic ardent cordial fervent BEAR withstand endure put-up-with tolerate PERIOD age epoch era weather ACTUAL authentic bona-fide genuine veritable RECOGNIZE distinguish discern spot identify pick-out TWINE braid entwine interlace intertwine knit weave wreathe CASUAL random haphazard accidental unplanned arbitrary fortuitous aimless 104 更多SAT资料: COMFORT alleviate mitigate relieve unburden salve assuage DOZE slumber nap drowse fall-asleep lie-in turn-in ENABLE empower capacitate endow authorize invest go-to-bed DIE expire decease depart perish breathe one’s-last pass-away TIRESOME wearisome exhausting laborious arduous tedious boring monotonous humdrum SEARCH grub poke forage hunt PARALYZE immobilize incapacitate disable cripple numb anesthetize ABRIDGE contract shorten condense abbreviate curtail ADAPT adjust accommodate orient acclimate habituate REDUCE decrease diminish lessen ESCAPE run-away break-out abscond elope flee decamp PAIN smart irritate harm excruciate afflict USE employ apply exploit utilize make-use-of avail-oneself-of take-advantage-of trade-on IMPROVE enhance uplift amend better SELECT nominate propose name ACCIDENT casualty mishap occurrence incident NATIVE natural born inherent inborn inbred innate SUITABLE fitting apt proper appropriate NAÏVE innocent ingenuous childlike unworldly COLLECT accumulate heap pile-up gather aggregate stack-up amass assemble CHOOSE pick elect single-out opt-for SKINNY lean bony slender spare spindly INFORM notify advertise advise apprise instruct give-notice SKILLFUL expert adept proficient masterly FACILITATE expedite quicken further speed up DECAY deteriorate degenerate wane 105 更多SAT资料: EBB recede decline retreat fade withdraw wish expect look-forward-to WINCE cower cringe flinch quail recoil shrink draw-back EXHIBIT show display present showcase parade CONSUME swallow-up devour gobble-up wolf gulp gorge bolt EMERGE appear arise surface crop-up come-out unsafe look-for demonstrate complete LIMIT bound confine restrain hem-in curb circumscribe threatening QUITE pretty considerably fairly moderately reasonably to-a-degree ACCOMPLISH achieve effect fulfill consummate effectuate DANGEROUS risky hazardous parlous perilous anticipate OPPOSITE inverse contrary contradictory antithetical PREVENT scare-off inhibit check hinder stall BELIEVE hold maintain presume trust suppose assume surmise TRIVIAL unimportant insignificant inconsequential petty trifling piddling worthless paltry FIT accord harmonize match conform agree JUSTIFY vindicate defend excuse SINGLE sole unique solitary IDEA thought scheme theory insight belie notion FEED nourish sustain provide serve foster cater maintain PEEL skin husk strip scale decorticate shuck shell GENTLE mild easygoing equable placid EVAPORATE dissipate vanish disappear disperse CONTAMINATE pollute poison blemish bolt CAREFUL alert vigilant circumspect on-one’s-guard PHYSICAL tangible solid concrete substantial IMITATE emulate ape mimic HOPE 106 更多SAT资料: attentive wary cautious watchful HATE detest loathe abhor disgust abominate FEASIBLE doable attainable viable FLOCK school herd pack swarm mob WEAK powerless feeble fragile impotent RELY depend lie-on sponge-on build-upon lean INSINCERE dishonest deceptive fake NUMEROUS copious plentiful considerable myriad innumerable numberless MIGRATE emigrate immigrate rove range relocate FORMER past preceding previous prior NARRATE relate recount recite THEREFORE accordingly consequently hence thus thereby as-a-result ANNOUNCE declare proclaim set-forth ETERNAL undying immortal unfading everlasting imperishable endless permanent ceaseless constant infinite WHEEL reel revolve rotate spin swivel trundle whirl ASK query question cross-examine inquire interrogate BRAVE fearless courageous heroic manful stout-hearted daring bold gallant SWIFT speedy hasty winged SPEND exhaust use-up pay-out QUELL subdue crush conquer suppress quash vanquish silence put-down stamp-out GRACEFUL elegant refined polished cultured polite SUBMERGE sink submerse plunge immerse dunk dive swamp drown GLOOMY somber depressing bleak mournful funereal gray STRICT severe stern harsh rigorous HESITATE waver dither hang-back VEIL cloak conceal cover disguise hide mask screen shroud POISONOUS toxic venomous pemicious 107 更多SAT资料: virulent dreary noxious WINDY blustery breezy tempestuous stormy blowing windswept drafty SMELLY odorous fragrant stinky odoriferous aromatic scented BATTLE combat struggle contend clash EXCEL surpass outdo outshine defeat redolent GLAD merry jovial cheerful joyous gleeful FIND stumble-upon come-upon chance-upon ferret-out PARALLEL equal equate correspond approximate TREASURE cherish adore idolize appreciate PREDICT forecast foresee prophesy foretell divine augur HONEST veracious truthful factual EXCUSE pardon forgive condone spare ARGUE quarrel bicker squabble wrangle feud FARAWAY distant remote removed far-off EVAPORATE vaporize dehydrate PROMISE engage contract appoint give-one’s word ACCURATE correct precise faultless TUNEFUL melodious melodic musical harmonious euphonious euphonic symphonic DEBATE argue dispute deliberate rebut ALLOW permit license consent entitle grant PROVE confirm certify validate verify document SEND transport transfer mail ship relay FAVOR support back endorse advocate sanction ACCLAIM applaud hail commend ABILITY know-how expertise capability experience talent proficiency knack flair mastery BLAME scold condemn reprove reproach rebuke MAGNIFY enlarge increase expand exaggerate overstate faithful controvert FRANK square straightforward blunt amplify APPOINT 108 更多SAT资料: straight contest delegate designate contrived assumed mannered stilted ACCUSE indict inculpate impeach incriminate impute LETHAL fatal deadly mortal killing malignant MAIN principal chief central prime major predominant foremost crucial FAMOUS prominent eminent distinguished celebrated renowned DECORATE beautify ornament garnish adorn LOAD fill stack stuff lade cram weigh-down saddle burden CONCEITED self-satisfied vain pretentious smug DISCOURAGE prohibit deter block retard balk obstruct hamper INTIAL original embryonic incomplete rudimentary undeveloped FINAL ultimate terminal conclusive eventual UPPERMOST highest leading maximum superior DEAL transact perform handle carry-out execute prosecute AFFECTED 109 更多SAT资料: PART VII abase abash abate abbreviate abdicate abduction aberrant abet abeyance abhor abject abjure ablution abnegation abolish abominable aboriginal abortive abrade abrasive abridge abrogate abscond absolute absolve absorb abstain abstemious abstinence abstract abstruse abundant abusive abut abysmal abyss academic accede accelerate accentuate accessible accessory acclaim acclimate acclivity accolade accommodate accomplice accord accost accoutre accretion accrue acerbity acetic acidulous acknowledge acme acoustics acquiesce acquire acquittal acrid acrimonious acrophobia actuarial actuate acuity acumen acute adage adamant adapt addendum addiction addle address adept adhere adherent adjacent adjunct admonish admonition adorn adroit BARRON LIST adulation adulterate advent adventitious adversary adverse adversity advocacy advocate aerie aesthetic affable affected affidavit affiliation affinity affirmation affix affliction affluence affront aftermath agenda agent agglomeration aggrandize aggregate aggressor aghast agility agitate agnostic agrarian alacrity alchemy alcove alias alienate alimentary alimony allay allege allegiance allegory alleviate alliteration allocate alloy alloy allude allure allusion aloft aloof altercation altruistic amalgamate amass ambidextrous ambience ambiguous ambivalence amble ambulatory ameliorate amenable amend amenities amiable amicable amiss amity amnesia amnesty amoral amorous amorphous amphibian amphitheater ample amplify amputate amulet anachronistic analgesic analogous 110 更多SAT资料: analogy anarchist anarchy anathema ancestry anchor ancillary anecdote anemia anesthetic anguish angular animated animosity animus annals annex annihilate annotate annuity annul anoint anomalous anomaly anonymity anonymous antagonism antecede antecedents antediluvian anthem anthology anthropocentric anthropoid anthropologist anthropomor phic anticlimax antidote antipathy antiquated antiseptic antithesis apathy ape aperture apex aphasia aphorism apiary aplomb apocalyptic apocryphal apogee apolitical apologist apostate apotheosis appall apparatus apparition appease appellation append application apposite appraise appreciate apprehend apprehension apprenticeship apprise approbation appropriate apropos aptitude aquatic aquiline arable arbiter arbitrary arbitrator arboretum arcade arcane archaeology archaic archetype archipelago archives ardent arduous aria arid aristocracy armada aromatic arousal arraign array array arrears arrest arrogance arroyo arsenal articulate artifact artifice artisan artless ascendancy ascertain ascetic ascribe aseptic ashen asinine askance askew asperity aspirant aspire assail assay assent assert assessment assiduous assimilate assuage assumption assurance asteroid astigmatism astral astringent astronomical astute asunder asylum asymmetric atavism atheistic atlas atone atrocity atrophy attain attentive attenuate attest attribute attribute attrition atypical audacious audit auditory, augment augury august aureole auroral auspicious austere authenticate authoritarian authoritative autocratic automaton autonomous autopsy auxiliary avalanche avarice avenge averse aversion avert aviary avid avocation avow avuncular awe awry axiom azure babble bacchanalian badger badinage baffle bait baleful balk ballast balm balmy banal bandy bane bantering barb bard baroque barrage barren barricade barterer bask bastion bate bauble bawdy beam beatific beatitude 111 更多SAT资料: bedizen bedraggle beeline befuddle beget begrudge beguile behemoth belabor belated beleaguer belie belittle bellicose belligerent bemoan bemused benediction benefactor beneficial beneficiary benevolent benign bent bequeath berate bereavement bereft berserk beseech beset besiege besmirch bestial bestow betoken betray betroth bevy biased bicameral bicker biennial bigotry bilious bilk billowing bivouac bizarre blanch bland blandishment blare blasé blasphemy blatant bleak blighted blithe bloated bludgeon bluff bluff blunder blurt bluster bode bogus bohemian boisterous bolster bolt bolt bombardment bombastic booming boon boorish boundless bountiful bourgeois bovine bowdlerize boycott braggart brandish bravado brawn brazen breach breadth brevity brindled bristling brittle broach brochure brooch browbeat browse brunt brusque buccaneer bucolic buffet buffet buffoonery bullion bulwark bumptious bungalow bungle buoyant bureaucracy burgeon burlesque burly burnish bustle buttress buxom cabal cache cacophonous cadaver cadaverous cadence cajole calamity calculated caldron caliber calligraphy callous callow calorific calumny camaraderie cameo camouflage candor canine canny cant cantankerous cantata canter canto canvass capacious Capacity capitulate caprice capricious caption captivate carat cardinal cardiologist careen caricature carnage carnal carnivorous carping cartographer cascade castigate casualty cataclysm catalyst catapult cataract catastrophe catcall catechism categorical cater to catharsis catholic caucus caulk causal caustic cavalcade cavalier cavil cede celebrated celerity celestial celibate censor censorious censure centigrade centrifugal centripetal centurion cerebral cerebration ceremonious certitude cessation cession chafe chaff chaffing chagrin chalice chameleon champion Chaotic charisma charlatan chary chasm chassis chaste chasten 112 更多SAT资料: chastise chauvinist check checkered cherubic chicanery chide chimerical chisel chisel Chivalrous choleric choreography chortle chronic chronicle churlish cipher cipher circuitous circumlocution circumscribe circumspect circumvent cistern citadel cite Civil clairvoyant clamber clamor clandestine clangor clapper clasp claustrophobia cleave Cleft clemency clench cliché clientele climactic clime Clip clique cloister Clout cloying Clump coagulate coalesce coalition coddle codicil codify coercion cogent cogitate cognate cognitive cognizance cohere cohesion coiffure coin coincidence colander collaborate collage collate collateral colloquial collusion colossal comatose combustible comely comeuppance commandeer commemorate commensurate commiserate commodious communal compact compact comparable compatible compelling compensatory compile complacency complaisant complement complementary compliance compliant complicity component composure compound comprehensive compress comprise compromise compunction compute concave concede conceit concentric conception concerted concession conciliatory concise contrived controvert contusion conundrum convene convention conventional converge conversant converse converse convert convex conveyance conviction convivial convoke convoluted Copious coquette cordial cordon cornucopia corollary coronation corporeal corpulent correlation corroborate corrode corrosive corrugated Cosmic cosmopolitan coterie countenance countenance countermand culvert cumbersome cumulative cupidity curator curmudgeon cursive cursory curtail cynical cynosure dabble dais dank dapper dappled daub daunt dauntless dawdle deadlock deadpan dearth debacle debase debauch debilitate debonair debris debunk debutante decadence decapitate decelerate deciduous decimate decipher declivity decollete decomposition decorum decoy decrepit decrepitude decry deducible deface defame default defeatist defection defer defer defer deference defiance defile definitive deflect defoliate defray deft defunct defuse degenerate 113 更多SAT资料: degradation dehydrate deify deign delectable delete deleterious deliberate delineate delirium delude deluge delusion delve demagogue demean demeanor demented demise demolition demoniac demur demure demystify denigrate denizen denotation denouement denounce depict deplete deplore deploy depose deposition depravity deprecate depreciate depredation deranged derelict deride derivative dermatologist derogatory descant descry desecrate desiccate desolate desolate despise despoil despondent despot destitute desultory detached detergent determination deterrent detonation detraction detrimental deviate devious devise devoid devotee devout dexterous diabolical diagnosis discomfit discomposure disconcert disconsolate discord discordant discount discourse discredit discrepancy discrete discretion discriminating discursive disdain disembark disenfranchise disengage disfigure disgorge disgruntle dishearten disheveled disinclination disingenuous disinter disinterested disjointed dislodge dismantle dismay dismember dismiss disparage disparate disparity dispassionate dispatch dispel disperse dispirited disputatious disquiet dissection dissemble disseminate dissent dissertation dissident dissimulate dissipate dissolute dissolution dissonance dissuade distant distend distill distinction distort distraught diurnal diva diverge divergent diverse diversion diversity divest divine divulge docile doctrinaire doctrine document doff dogged doggerel dogmatic doldrums doleful dolt domicile domineer don doodle dormant dormer dossier dote douse dowdy downcast drab draconian dregs drivel droll drone drone dross drudgery dubious ductile dulcet dumbfound dupe duplicity duration duress dutiful dwarf dwindle dynamic earthy ebb ebullient eccentric eccentricity ecclesiastic eclectic eclipse ecologist economy ecstasy eddy edict edify eerie efface effectual effervescence efficacy effigy effrontery effusive egoism egotistical egregious egress ejaculation elaboration elated elegy elicit elixir ellipsis 114 更多SAT资料: elliptical eloquence elucidate elusive emaciated emanate emancipate embargo embark embed embellish embezzlement embody embrace embroider embroil embryonic emendation eminent emissary emollient empathy empirical emulate enamored encipher enclave encomium encompass encroachment encumber endearment endemic endorse enduring energize enervate enfranchise engage engaging engender engross enhance enigma enigmatic enmity ennui enormity enrapture ensconce ensemble entail enterprising enthrall entice entitlement entity entomology entourage entrance entreat entrepreneur enumerate enunciate eon ephemeral epic epicure epigram epilogue episodic epistolary epitaph epithet epitome epoch equable equanimity equestrian equilibrium equine equinox equitable equity equivocal equivocate erode erotic erratic erroneous erudite escapade escapism eschew esoteric espionage espouse esteem estranged ethereal ethnic ethos etymology eulogy euphemism euphonious euphoria evanescent evasive evenhanded evince evocative ewe exacerbate exacting exalt exasperate exceptionable excerpt excise exclaim excoriate exculpate execrable execute exegesis exemplary exemplify exempt exertion exhaustive exhilarating exhort exhume exigency exodus exonerate exorbitant exorcise exotic expansive expatriate expedient expedite expenditure expertise expiate expletive explicate explicit exploit exploit expository exposure expropriate expunge expurgate extant extent extenuate extol extort extradition extraneous extrapolation extricate extrinsic extrovert extrude exuberance exude exult fabricate facade facet facetious facile facilitate facsimile faction faculty fallacious fallible fallow falter fanaticism fancy fanfare farce fastidious fatalism fathom fatuous fauna fawning faze feasible fecundity feign feint felicitous felicity fell fell felon feral ferment ferret fervent fervid fervor fester festive fetid fetter fiasco fickle fictitious fidelity figment 115 更多SAT资料: figurative figurine filament filch filial filibuster finale finesse finicky firebrand fissure fitful flabbergasted flaccid flag flagrant flair flamboyant flaunt fleck fledgling fleece fleece flick flinch flippant flit floe flora florid flounder flourish flout fluctuate fluency fluke fluster flux fodder foible foil foil foliage foment foolhardy fop forbearance ford forebears foreboding forensic foreshadow foresight forestall forgo forlorn formality formidable forsake forswear forte forthright fortitude fortuitous forum foster founder founder fracas fractious frail franchise frantic fraternize fraudulent fraught fray frenetic frenzied fresco fret friction frigid frivolous frolicsome frond frugality fruition frustrate fugitive fulcrum fulsome fundamental furlough furor furtive fusion futile gadfly gaffe gainsay gait galaxy gale gall gall galleon galvanize gambit gamely gamut gape garbled gargantuan garish garner garnish garrulous gauche gaudy gaunt gavel gawk genealogy generality generate generic genesis geniality genre genteel gentility gentry germane germinal germinate gesticulation ghastly gibberish gibe giddy gingerly girth gist glacial glaring glaze glib glimmer gloat glossary gloss over glossy glower glut glutton gnarled gnome goad gorge gorge gory gouge gourmand gourmet graduated graft grandeur grandiloquent grandiose granulate graphic grapple grate gratify gratis gratuitous gravity gregarious grievance grill grimace grisly grouse grotesque grove grovel grudging gruel grueling gruesome gruff guffaw guile guileless guise gullible gustatory gusto gusty hackneyed haggard haggle hallowed hallucination halting hamper haphazard harangue harass harbinger harbor hardy harrowing haughtiness hazardous hazy headlong headstrong heckler 116 更多SAT资料: hedonist heed heedless heinous herbivorous heresy hermetic hermitage heterodox heterogeneous heyday hiatus hibernal hibernate hierarchy hilarity hindrance histrionic hoard hoary hoax hodgepodge holster homage homogeneous hone hoodwink horde horticultural host hostility hovel hover hue hulking humane humdrum humid humility hurtle husband hybrid hydrophobia hyperbole hypercritical hypochondriac hypocritical hypothetical ichthyology icon iconoclastic ideology idiom idiosyncrasy idolatry ignite ignoble ignominy illicit illimitable illuminate illusion illusory imbalance imbibe immaculate imminent immobility immune immutable impair impale impalpable impart impartial impassable impasse impassive impeach impeccable impecunious impede impediment impel impenetrable impending impenitent imperative imperceptible imperial imperious impermeable impertinent imperturbable Impervious impetuous impetus impiety impinge impious implacable implausible implement implicate implication implicit implore imply importunate importune impostor impotent impoverished impregnable impromptu impropriety improvident improvise imprudent impudence impugn impunity inadvertently inalienable inane inanimate inarticulate inaugurate incandescent incantation incapacitate incarcerate incarnation incendiary incense incentive inception incessant inchoate incidence incidental incipient incisive incite inclement incline inclined inclusive incoherent incompatible incongruous inconsequential inconsistency incontinent incontrovertible incorporate incorporeal incorrigible incredulous increment incriminate incrustation incubate inculcate incumbent incur incursion indefatigable indelible indentation indenture indeterminate indicative indices indict indifferent indigenous indigent indignation indignity indiscretion indiscriminate indisputable indissoluble indoctrinate indolent indomitable indubitable induce indulgent industrious inebriated ineffable ineffectual inefficacious inept inequity inert inevitable inexorable infallible infamous infantile infer infernal infidel infiltrate infinitesimal infirmity inflated influx informal infraction infuriate infusion ingenious ingenue ingenuous ingrained ingrate 117 更多SAT资料: ingratiate inherent inhibit inimical inimitable iniquitous initiate injurious inkling innate innocuous innovation innovative innuendo inopportune inordinate inquisitor insalubrious insatiable inscrutable insensible insidious insightful insinuate insipid insolence insolvent insomnia instigate insubordination insubstantial insularity insulated insuperable insurgent insurmountable insurrection intangible integral integrate integrity intellect intelligentsia intemperate inter interim interloper interment interminable intermittent interrogate intervene intimacy intimate intimidate intractable intransigence intrepid intricate intrinsic introspective intrude intuition inundate inured invalidate invasive invective inverse invert invidious invigorate invincible inviolable invocation invoke invulnerable iota irascible irate ire iridescent irksome ironic irony irrational irreconcilable irrefutable irrelevant irremediable irreparable irrepressible irreproachable irresolute irretrievable irreverence irrevocable itinerant itinerary jabber jaded jargon jaundiced jaunt jaunty jeopardize jettison jingoist jocose jocular jollity jostle jovial jubilation judicious juncture junta jurisprudence justification kaleidoscope kernel killjoy kindle kindred kinetic kleptomaniac knave knit knoll knotty kudos laborious labyrinth laceration lachrymose lackadaisical lackluster laconic laggard lament lampoon languid languish languor lap larceny larder largess lassitude latent lateral latitude laud lavish Iax leaven lechery leery legacy legend legerdemain leniency lethal lethargic levitate levity levy lewd lexicographer lexicon liability liaison libel liberator libretto licentious lilliputian limber limerick limpid linchpin lineage linger linguistic liniment lionize liquidate list listless litany lithe litigation livid loath loathe lofty log loiter loll longevity loom lope lout low lucid lucrative ludicrous lugubrious lull lull lumber luminary luminous lummox lunar lunge lurid lurk luscious luster 118 更多SAT资料: lustrous luxuriant machinations madrigal maelstrom magnanimous magnate magnitude maim maladroit malady malaise malapropism malcontent malediction malefactor malevolent malfeasance malicious malign malignant malingerer malleable malodorous mammal mammoth mandate mandatory maniacal manifest manifesto manipulate mannered marital maritime marked marquee marred marshal marsupial martial martinet martyr masochist material materialism maternal matriarch matriculate maudlin maul maverick mawkish maxim meager meander meddlesome mediate mediocre meditation medley meek melancholy mellifluous membrane memento menagerie mendacious mendicant menial mentor mercenary mercurial merger mesmerize metallurgical metamorphosis metaphor metaphysical methodical meticulous metropolis mettle miasma microcosm migrant migratory milieu militant mimicry mincing minuscule minute minutiae mirage mire mirth misanthrope misapprehens ion miscellany mischance misconception misconstrue misdemeanor miserly misgivings mishap misnomer misrepresent missile missive mite mitigate mnemonic mobile mock mode modicum modulate molecule mollify molt molten momentous momentum monarchy monastic monetary monochromatic monolithic monosyllabic monotony montage monumental moodiness moratorium morbid mores moribund morose mortician mortify mosaic mote motif motley mottled muddle muggy multifaceted multifarious multiform multilingual multiplicity mundane munificent mural murky muse mushroom musky muster musty mutability muted mutinous myopic myriad mystify nadir naiveté narcissist narrative nascent natty nauseate nautical navigable nebulous necromancy nefarious negate negligence negligible nemesis neologism neophyte nepotism nettle neutral nicety nihilist nip nirvana nocturnal noisome nomadic nomenclature nominal nonchalance noncommittal nondescript nonentity nonplus nostalgia notable notoriety novelty novice noxious nuance nullify numismatist nuptial nurture nutrient oaf obdurate obese 119 更多SAT资料: obfuscate obituary objective objective obligatory oblique obliterate oblivion oblivious obnoxious obscure obscure obsequious obsessive obsolete obstetrician obstinate obstreperous obtrude obtuse obviate odious odium odorous odyssey offensive offhand officious ogle olfactory oligarchy ominous omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnivorous onerous onset onus opalescent opaque opiate opportune opportunist optician optimist optimum optional opulence opus oracular orator ordain ordeal ordinance ordination orgy orient orientation ornate ornithologist ornithology orthodox oscillate ossify ostensible ostentatious ostracize oust outlandish outmoded outskirts outspoken outstrip outwit ovation overbearing overt overwrought pachyderm pacifist pacify pact paean painstaking palatable paleontology palette pall palliate pallid palpable palpitate paltry pan panacea panache pandemic pandemonium pander panegyric panoramic pantomime papyrus parable paradigm paradox paragon parallelism paramount paranoia paraphernalia paraphrase parasite parched pariah parity parochial parody paroxysm parry parsimony partial partiality partisan partition passive passport pastiche pastoral patent pathetic pathological pathos patina patriarch patrician patronize paucity pauper peccadillo pecuniary pedagogy pedant pedantic pedestrian pediatrician peerless pejorative pellucid penchant pendant penitent pensive penury perceptive percussion perdition peregrination peremptory perennial perfidious perforate perfunctory perimeter peripheral periphery perjury permeable permeate pernicious perpetrate perpetual perpetuate perquisite persona personable perspicacious pert pertinacious pertinent perturb peruse pervasive perverse pessimism petrify petty petulant phenomena philanderer philanthropist philistine philology phlegmatic phobia phoenix phylum physiological picaresque piebald piecemeal pied piety pigment pillage pine pinnacle pious piquant pique pique pitfall pithy pittance pivotal placate placebo placid plagiarism 120 更多SAT资料: plagiarize plaintive plasticity platitude plaudit plausible plenitude plethora pliable pliant plight plumb plumage plummet plutocracy podiatrist podium poignancy polarize polemical politic polygamist polyglot pomposity ponderous pontifical pore porous portend portent portly poseur posterity posthumous postulate potable potent potentate potential potion practicable practical practitioner pragmatic pragmatist prank prate prattle preamble precarious precedent precept precinct precipice precipitate precipitate precipitous précis precise preclude precocious precursor predator predecessor predetermine predicament predilection predispose preeminent preempt preen prehensile prelate prelude premeditate premise premonition preposterous prerogative presage prescience presentiment prestige presumptuous pretentious preternatural pretext prevail prevalent prevaricate prey prim primordial primp pristine privation probe problematic proclivity procrastinate prod prodigal prodigious prodigy profane profligate profound profusion progenitor progeny prognosis projectile proletarian proliferation prolific prolixity prologue prolong prominent promiscuous promontory promote prompt promulgate prone propagate propellants propensity prophetic propinquity propitiate propitious proponent propound propriety propulsive prosaic proscribe proselytize prosperity prostrate protean protégé protocol prototype protract protrude protuberance provident provincial provisional provocative provoke prowess proximity proxy prude prudent prune prurient pseudonym psyche pterodactyl puerile pugilist pugnacity pulchritude pulverize pummel punctilious pundit pungent punitive puny purchase purge purported purse purveyor pusillanimous putrid pyromaniac quack quadruped quaff quagmire quail quaint qualified qualms quandary quarantine quarry quarry quay queasy quell quench querulous query quibble quiescent quietude quintessence quip quirk quiver quiver quixotic quizzical quorum rabid raconteur rail raiment rally ramble ramification ramify ramp 121 更多SAT资料: rampant ramshackle rancid rancor random rankle rant rapacious rapport rapt rarefied raspy ratify ratiocination rationale rationalize raucous rave ravel ravenous raze reactionary realm reaper rebuff rebuke rebuttal recalcitrant recant recapitulate recast receptive recession recidivism recipient reciprocal reciprocate recluse reconcile reconnaissance recount recourse recrimination rectify rectitude recumbent recuperate recurrent redolent redoubtable redress redundant reek refraction refractory refrain refurbish refute regal regale regime regimen rehabilitate reimburse reiterate rejoinder rejuvenate relegate relent relevant relic relinquish relish remediable remedial reminiscence remiss remission remnant remonstrance remorse remunerative rend render rendition renegade renege renounce renovate renown rent reparable reparation repast repeal repel repellent repercussion repertoire replenish replete replica replicate repository reprehensible repress reprieve reprimand reprisal reprise reproach reprobate reprove repudiate repugnant repulsion reputable reputed requiem requisite requite rescind resentment reserve residue resigned resilient resolution resolve resolve resonant respiration respite resplendent responsiveness restitution restive restraint resumption resurge retain retaliation retentive reticence retinue retiring retort retract retrench retribution retrieve retroactive retrograde retrospective revelry reverent reverie revert revile revoke revulsion rhapsodize rhetoric rhetorical ribald riddle rider rife rift rig rigid rigor rigorous rile riveting rivulet robust roil roster rostrum rote rotundity rousing rout rubble ruddy rudimentary rue ruffian ruminate rummage ruse rustic ruthless saboteur saccharine sacrilegious sacrosanct sadistic saga Sagacious sage salacious salient salubrious salutary salvage salvo sanctimonious sanction sanctuary sanguine sap sarcasm sardonic sartorial sate satellite satiate satire 122 更多SAT资料: satirical saturate saturnine saunter savant savor savory scabbard scad scaffold scale scamp scanty scapegoat scavenge scenario schematic schism scintillate scoff scourge scruple scrupulous scrutinize scuffle scurry scurvy scuttle scuttle seamy seasoned secession seclusion secrete sectarian secular sedate sedentary sedition sedulous seedy seemly seep seethe seismic seminary sensual sententious sentinel sequester serendipity serenity serrated servile servitude sever severity shackle sham shambles shard sheaf shear sheathe sheer shimmer shirk shoddy shrewd shroud shun shyster sibling simian simile simper Simplistic simulate sinecure sinewy singular sinister sinuous skeptic skiff skimp skinflint skirmish skulk slacken slag slake slander slapdash sleeper sleight slight slipshod slither slothful slough slovenly sluggard sluggish slur slur smelt smirk smolder snicker snivel sodden sojourn solace solder solecism solemnity solicit solicitous soliloquy solitude soluble solvent somber somnambulist somnolent sonorous sophisticated sophistry sophomoric soporific sordid sovereign spangle sparse spartan spasmodic spat spate spatial spatula spawn specious spectrum spendthrift sphinx-like splice spontaneity sporadic sportive spry spurious spurn squabble squalor squander squat staccato stagnant staid stalemate stalwart stamina stanch stanza static statute steadfast stealth steep stellar stem stem from stereotype stifle stigma stigmatize stilted stint stint stipend stipulate stodgy Stoic stoke stolid stratagem stratify stratum strew striated stricture strident stringent strut strut studied stultify stupefy stupor stymie suavity subdued subjective subjugate sublime subliminal submissive subordinate suborn subpoena subsequent subservient subside subsidiary subsidy subsistence substantial substantiate substantive 123 更多SAT资料: subterfuge subtlety subversive succinct succor succulent succumb suffragist sully sultry summation summit sumptuous sunder supercilious superficial superfluous superimpose supersede supplant supple supplicate supposition suppress surfeit surly surmise surmount surpass surreptitious surrogate surveillance susceptible sustain sustenance suture swagger swarm swarthy swathe swelter swerve swill swindler sybarite sycophant symbiosis symmetry synoptic synthesis table tacit taciturn tactile taint talisman talon tangential tangible tanner tantalize tantamount tantrum tarantula tarry taut tautological tautology tawdry tedious temerity temper temperament temperate tempestuous tempo temporal temporize tenacious tenacity tendentious tender tenet tensile tenuous tenure tepid termination terminology terrestrial terse testy tether thematic theocracy theoretical therapeutic thermal thespian threadbare thrifty thrive throes throng thwart tightwad tiller timidity timorous tirade titanic title titter titular toady tome tonic topography torpor torrent torrid torso tortuous totter touchstone touchy tout toxic tract tractable traduce trajectory tranquillity transcendent transcribe transgression transient transition transitory translucent transmute transparent transport trappings traumatic travail traverse travesty treacly treatise trek tremor tremulous trenchant trepidation trespass tribute trifling trigger trinket trite trivial trough truculence truism truncate tryst tumult tundra turbid turbulence turgid turmoil turncoat turpitude tutelage tycoon typhoon tyranny tyro ubiquitous ulterior ultimate unaccountable unanimity unassailable unassuming unbridled uncanny unconscionable uncouth Unctuous underlying undermine underscore undulating unearth unequivocal unerringly unfathomable unfetter unfrock ungainly uniformity unimpeachable uninhibited unintimidating unique universal unkempt unmitigated unobtrusive unpalatable unprecedented unprepossessing unravel unrequited unruly unscathed unseemly 124 更多SAT资料: unsightly unstinting untenable unwarranted unwieldy unwitting upbraid upshot urbane usurp utopia vacuous vagabond vagrant valedictory valid validate valor vampire vanguard vantage vapid vaporize variegated veer vehement velocity venal vendetta vendor veneer venerable venerate venial venom vent vent ventriloquist venturesome veracity verbalize verbatim verbiage verbose verdant verge verisimilitude verity vernacular versatile vertex vertigo verve vestige vex viable vicarious vicissitude vie vigilance vignette vigor vilify vindicate vindictive viper virile virtual virtue virtuoso virulent virus visceral viscid viscous vise visionary vital vitriolic vituperative vivacious vociferous vogue volatile volition voluble voluminous voluptuous voracious vortex vouchsafe voyeur vulnerable waffle waft waggish waif waive wake wallow wan wane wanton warble warrant warranty wary wastrel watershed wax waylay wean weather welter wheedle whelp whet whiff whimsical whinny whittle willful wily wince windfall winnow winsome wispy wistful withdrawn wither withhold withstand witless witticism wizardry woe worldly wrath wrench writhe wry xenophobia yen yield yield yoke yore zany zeal zealot zenith zephyr 125 更多SAT资料: