
. la fanzine italiana di mike patton . la fanzine italiana di mike patton . la fanzine italiana di mike patton .
king for a day
foo,l for a lifetime
Fantomas in italia
Il concerto di Bologna
dagli occhi di una fan
il film con Mike Patton
faith no more
che fine hanno fatto?
cosa chiedono i fan
al loro idolo
chi saranno
tra cinema,
musica e
biografia dei Mr. Bungle
doppio dvd firmato FNM
progetto Kaada - Patton
le foto dei dei fans
. la fanzine italiana di mike patton . la fanzine italiana di mike patton . la fanzine italiana di mike patton .
anno I . numero I . giugno 2006 . viareggio .
King for a day
Fantomas live @ Estragon
26/04/2006-Bologna, piove. Piove
talmente tanto che è difficile leggere
le indicazioni sul cartello all’uscita
della tangenziale. Iniziamo a girare
per le vie della città, poi finalmente
eccolo: il Parco Nord.
Un panino veloce consumato in
macchina e poi di corsa verso
l’entrata, non siamo molti, del resto
manca ancora un’ora all’apertura.
Fuori è freddo, ma nessuno osa
lasciare la sua postazione
rischiando di perdere
un prezioso posto in
prima fila. Ecco che
le porte si aprono, la
gente inizia a defluire
all’interno. L’Estragon è
enorme, un capannone
industriale immerso in
una luce soffusa dai
toni violacei e purpurei.
Alcuni si accalcano al
banchetto dei gadget,
altri non perdono tempo,
le prime file sono già
occupate dopo 5 minuti
dall’apertura delle porte.
Il palco si presenta epico:
due batterie, casse
spia e cavi ovunque,
effettiere, due testa e
cassa Marshall che
troneggiano sullo sfondo,
e’ indiscutibile che la
strumentazione dei
Fantômas metta paura.
Il concerto ha inizio, con
una debita mezz’ora
di ritardo. Sono gli ZU,
un gruppo jazz-core,
di Roma ad aprire le
“danze”. Il pubblico
risponde bene, applausi
ed acclamazioni. La
performance si fa però
un po’ lunga e i fans
più accaniti iniziano a
farsi sentire. Dopo un
veloce cambio palco, tra
i commenti del pubblico
e qualche urla, ecco
finalmente entrare in
scena i due batteristi,
quello dei Fantomas,
(Dave Lombardo) e
quello dei Melvins; i due
gruppi infatti si esibiranno
insieme, dando luogo
a un vortice sonoro
Poi tra le luci viola,
eccolo, entra lui,
Mike Patton. Capelli
ingelatinati e t-shirt
bianca larghissima.
L’ultimo look di Mike,
dopo averne cambiati
innumeravoli, dai tempi
dei capelli lunghi coi Mr.
Bungle fino ai completi
1 giugno 2006
giacca e cravatta con i Faith no
More passando per i Tomahawk fino
all’ultimo progetto Fantômas.
Il pubblico è carico, agitato, stordito,
eccitato. Si alterneno parti lente e
melodiose, su cui Patton improvvisa
sussuri e sbisbigli, e parti veloci, urla,
grida, follia.
I due gruppi sembrano fondersi
meravigliosamente, come se
suonassero insieme da sempre;
Patton riesce a orchestrare i musicisti
cantando e improvvisando con lo scat
allo stesso tempo, rispetto
il silenzio. Altra rullata dei batteristi:
“Così è meglio!”. E il concerto riprende
dopo questo spiacevole incidente che
aveva rischiato di minare l’armonia
dello speattacolo.
I ragazzi sotto il palco si scatenano,
chi balla, chi spinge, chi urla e chi
canta; e i musicisti recepiscono lo
spirito, il concerto è un crescendo fino
alla fine. Patton si scioglie, adesso
sembra più tranquillo, si destreggia
tra i milioni di effetti e i 4 microfoni.
In un turbinio di luci e di suoni l’aria
si scalda, adesso si suda veramente.
Tra i pezzi “Page
27”, “04/02/05”e una
meravigliosa “Cape fear”.
Dopo un’ora e mezzo di
grida, sussurri, sudore,
spintoni e applausi
fragorosi il concerto si
conclude. Mike sorride
in mezzo ai cavi e alle
effettiere “Grazie mille!!
Alla prossima, buona
notte bolognesotti!!!”. La
gente inizia a defluire,
chi torna verso casa, chi
esce per fumarsi una
26 Aprile 2006
Non è stato facile
affrontare una prima
fila, il caldo, le gomitate
nei fianchi, e neanche 3
ore di autostrada sotto
live @ Estragon
l’acqua, ma dovessi
ripartire adesso lo farei
perchè la musica dal vivo
regala un emozione che
nessun disco può dare:
e’ come se il cuore ti
schizzasse via dal petto.
alle aspettative è stato meno show
man, più contenuto, ma comunque
Purtroppo a metà scaletta si
iniziano a levare da alcuni membri
del pubblico offese e ingiurie, ne
segue un quarto d’ora di silenzio
dei musicisti, Patton a lato del palco
impassibile; chi lo conosce sa che
sta macchianando qualcosa. Infatti
dopo un rapido gesto della braccia,
i batteristi improvvisano qualche
passaggio su cui lui urla: “Stai zitto!!”.
Il pubblico appalude e poi scende
Margherita Cortopassi.
King for a day
Faith no more, un tuffo nei ‘90
Doppio DVD!
Gli altri FNM
Rhino home video pubblicherà in un unico dvd le due
vhs uscite rispettavimante nel 1990 e nel 1998. “Live
at the Brixton Academy, London you fat bastard” e
“Who cares a lot” in un unico packing con doppio dvd.
Il dvd dal 23 maggio è già in vendita all’estero e on
line al prezzo di 24.99 dollari. Non ci sono contenuti
extra rispetto alle vecchie VHS.
La Rhino presenta il dvd in questi termini:
“The first—and most likely only—DVD release from
the influential band is comprised of two long-forms
previously available only as VHS releases. Live At
The Brixton Academy was filmed at the peak of their
career in 1990. Who Cares A Lot? features 18 videos,
many of them memorable MTV staples, spanning their
entire career. [180 MIN.; COLOR; NOT RATED]”
La tracklist:
Live at the Brixton
From out of nowhere
Falling to pieces
The real thing
Underwater love
As the worm turns
Edge of the world
We care a lot
Wodpecker from
Zombie eaters
War pig
Midlife crises
Falling to pieces
Anne’s song
We care a lot
Surprise! you’re
From out of nowhere
A small victory
Everythig’s ruined
Il bassista: BILL GOULD
While a few ex-Faith No More members have spent the
past few years appearing on ABC game shows, peeing
on photographers and growing pumpkins, former bassist and co-founder Bill Gould hasn’t played quite as
prominent of a role in the music scene as of late. Why?
“I started a shitty little label,” reveals Bill, “so it’s not like
I’m in the system.”
Buy now
on line!!
Bill’s label, Kool Arrow, has been around for about four
years now. As far as the company being as shitty as Bill
claims it is, that all depends on how much you despise
indie labels that provide a U.S. outlet to international
bands that otherwise wouldn’t have a chance for even
mediocre success in the States. All Bill’s saying is, give
foreigners a chance.
The founding of Kool Arrow, as well as Bill’s now-former role in the Mexican death metal band Brujeria, both
seem to have stemmed from either his appreciation for
international culture or his disdain for the seemingly
endless downward spiral concerning all things American. His participation in – a coalition
of non-voters united against the current administration
– is clearly a result of the latter. After living in Spain
and France all last year, Bill came back to San Francisco and settled in the Lower Haight, with most of his
energy these days going towards getting Kool Arrow
artists and militant Filipino anti-Americans Flattbush
out on tour. But that doesn’t mean his playing days are
Despite his understandable preference to shy away
from Faith No More-driven discussions so many years
after the fact, Bill was kind enough to discuss everything with us, from Faith No More to Brujeria to Kool
Arrow – past, present, and future. Plus, he made the
mistake of giving us his phone number, so he was up
shit creek whether he liked it or not.
Riporteremo nei prossimi numeri i progetti attuali degli altri Faitn No, nel prossimo numero lo speciale su
Mike Bordine e la sua collaborazione col principe delle tenebre (e della musica metal vecchio stile) Ozzy
The end..
“After 15 long and fruitful years, Faith No More have
decided to put an end to speculation regarding their imminent break up... by breaking up. The decision among
the members is mutual, and there will be no pointing
of fingers, no naming of names, other than stating, for
the record, that “Puffy started it”. Furthermore, the split
will now enable each member to pursue his individual
project(s) unhindered. Lastly, and most importantly, the
band would like to thank all of those fans and associates that have stuck with and supported the band throughout it’s history. “
Faith No More played their last show in Lisbon,
Portugal on April 7.
1 giugno 2006
King for a day
l’intervista dei fantofan a mike patton
La direzione del Delìrivm Fantômas Fan Club,
comunica che la tanto attesa intervista al signor Mike
Patton è stata finalmente portata a termine.
Le risposte sono nel classico stile del Sig. Patton:
piuttosto brevi e poco “profonde”. Prendere o
F.C. : When did you first realize the
potential of your voice?
M.P. : I guess when i was 8 or 9. I did
things to get
attention at the orphanage.
M.P. : Prog does not do it for me. I don’t enjoy
noodling and I don’t smoke pot. I have enough
right now!
F.C. : Even though electronic is without any doubt
I love it all!”
F.C. : Did you have any teacher at
the beginning? Did you take singing
lessons or studied solfeggio and
such stuff?
M.P. : Never.
F.C. : Have you ever watched Stratos’ documentary
on his technique? Do you use any of his exercises?
Can you make a second or third sound? We know
you were going to take part in an event in Demetrios
Stratos’ honour in Vicenza ( Italy ).are you still going
to? Maybe playing together with the remaining
members of Area. By the way, are there any italian
artist you would like to sing with?.Mina?
M.P. : I have not seen the documentary. I can make
interesting sounds. Most of the Italian artists that I
really admire are dead. But I really like Zu and
Corleone and others.
F.C. : What do you exactly think about italian prog,
or prog in general? Has it ever crossed your mind
the idea of taking part in such a project? Maybe a
collaboration with Cedric from Mars Volta, or John di
Leo ( ex-Quintorigo ) or Balletto di bronzo.
1 giugno 2006
F.C. : You have a little golden horn around your
neck...superstition? Have you any peculiar feeling
with black cats, or is it still superstition?
We are thinking about “Falling to pieces” videoclip or
your liveshows with Mr.Bungle, as
you used to put a black cat puppet
upon the stage.
M.P. : I have some superstitions,
but would prefer not totalk about
F.C. : ....
M.P. : Nope
F.C. : When did you first come to
M.P. : I have never been, but
heard it is nice.
F.C. : Did your parents or friends
realized your talent?
And who gave you the gratest
support ( apart from Trevor)?
M.P. : The Lord our savior helped
me. Most people still don’t know that
I’m talented. Trevor keeps trying to
get me to retire or let him sing.
F.C. : Apart from being a young
metalhead ( or merdallaro, as you
prefer! ), what other kinds of music
did you use to listen to before joining
Faith No More? And, as an example,
how did you discover Demetrio
Stratos and Area? And, furthermore,
have you always been listening to
almost everything, or have you been
enlarging your musical horizons
through the years?
M.P. : Before FNM I was mainly into metal and
music. I became aware of other interesting music as
travelled the world. I’m always looking for new stuff.
games. I did the voice of the title character in an
upcoming PS3 game called “The Darkness”.
F.C. : Who was the one who
taught you Italian bestly, ormostly?
M.P. : Maybe you? Bestly?????
F.C. : Tell us what you DON’T like
about Italy!
M.P. : I love it all!!!!
extremely useful, we prefer a great lot having a
musician, a person who plays an instrument.take
William Winant in Mr. Bungle as an example.
M.P. : You like Willie?????
F.C. : Which italian bands do you
like? What do you think about Zu,
with whom you play in Perugia
and even in Japan? Are you going
to do something with them? .by
the way: what are you listening to
lately, and what would you suggest
to us?
M.P. : Yes, I really like Zu. Lately
I’m listening to tapes
of new Tomahawk music. I
suggest you listen to what
your momma says and everything on Ipecac.
F.C. : With the Peeing Tom project how do you think
you will go live, on stage, if you will ever do it?! By
the way, are there any news about the release of
the cd? It’s great stuff!!!
M.P. : It will be a full band. Hopefully touring by Fall.
The record comes out end of May. We just shot a
F.C. : In a previous interview, talking about
Fantômas, you said something about a possible
videoclip in Italy, where you drive an ape, running
through the streets, with the rest of the band on
the back, playing. Are you still thinking about it?! If
you need public or we are! It would be
M.P. : We are almost done with it, but we need your
for sure. Call me!!!
F.C. : With Mr. Bungle you used videogames
Which were you favourite videogame when you
wereyounger? Did you use to play with pc or with
consoles? Do you know Monkey Island? .which
videogames do you play with now?!
M.P. : I hate PC games only consoles. I just got a
PSP that
I love. I used to play Sonic and RBI Baseball. My
favorites now are NBA Live and the Grand Theft
F.C. : Is it annoying for you that some fans of
yours film your concerts? If it is NOT for business
purposes, we find great ( considering nowadays
technology ) to have the chance of having a video so
easily, and with such a great quality. As there are no
official video or dvd this is the only way to appreciate
Fantômas music as it sounds in live performances,
which is an important aspect of a band. What do
you think about it? Are you against or pro bootlegexchange?
M.P. : Trading is great! Selling is bullshit!
King for a day
F.C. : What did Adam Jones do in Fantômas cds?!
M.P. : He plays glockenspiel and wrote the lyrics on
“Suspended Animation”.
ad un grosso show in Francia,
uno in Olanda ed in altri. TutTra Mike Patton e Anthony to molto bello finché qualcuno
Kiedis dei Red Hot Chili Pep- non ha provato invidia. All’impers non corre buon sangue? provviso siamo stati cancellati
Nel 1989 quando uscì “The da molti festivals, incluso un
Real Thing”, il frontman dei enorme festival in Australia,
Red Hot Chili Peppers accusò SPECIFICATAMENTE PERMike di aver copiato, soprat- CHE’ ANTHONY KIEDIS
tutto nel brano “Epic”, il suo NON VOLEVA I MR. BUNstile; Mike rispose con parole GLE NEL BILL. Minacciò la
non proprio carine. La cosa non partecipazione dei Chili
sembrò finire lì, ma circa dieci Peppers se i Mr Bungle non
anni dopo, Anthony Kiedis si
è reso protagonista di un gesto
davvero infame nei confronti
di Mike e dei Mr Bungle. Queste le parole di Mike, tratte da
un’intervista dell’ottobre 1999
“.L’estate passata stavamo cercando di inserire i Mr Bungle
in alcuni grossi festival europei. Non avevamo mai suonato
in grandi festival. Era un’ottima possibilità per noi: potevamo suonare davanti a migliaia
di persone e far conoscere la
nostra musica. Il nostro agente
stava facendo di tutto per farci
comparire in questi grossi festival, stavamo per partecipare
F.C. : We think that it was no easy for you the
substitution of Lombardo with Bozzio. and, in fact,
you were behaving quite differently on stage, maybe
you were even a bit nervous, isn’t it? What was that
let you choose Bozzio? There are rumors about a
possible project with him.should Lombardo feel “at
risk” now?!
M.P. : We are all at risk! Bozzio is a great drummer,
different than Dave but very good. Dave is the
Fantômas drummer.
F.C: : Talking about artworks ( marvellous!!! ), how did
start your collaboration with Kvamme? To what extent
do you take part in his work? And how do you two
come to the final product?
M.P. : Met him at a show in Norway years ago. I really
like his stuff and he is a real pro! We trade ideas
formonths. We put a lot of work into these packages.
F.C. : How do you think of the sounds you sing? I
mean:when you first sang “purumpuppà”, did it have
a precise meaning for you?! Or were you following
some strange rule of composition? Or did you have a
sound in mind and then you tried to make it with your
own voice? or is it your mechanic who invents them
for you?!
M.P. : The voice is an instrument. No rules, just part of
the music.
F.C. : Apart from music, are there any arts you explore
so deeply or you feel deeply involved with? What you
read and watch does influence you musically? If so,to
what extent?
M.P. : I like reading and movies as well as
Everything in life influences me. Especially food.
Everything but interviews!!!!
fossero stati estromessi. Renditi conto di quello che ha fatto!
E’ stato dannatamente patetico.
Quest’uomo ha venduto milioni di dischi! Non siamo che un
granello di polvere sul suo culo!
Quale cazzo è il problema? E’
veramente incredibile...”
il muro dei fans
1 giugno 2006
King for a day
uno, nessuno...centomila patton!
Peeping Tom
“Firecracker” è il promettente film di Steve Balderson
che sta facendo incetta di premi in giro per il mondo (ha
vinto diversi premi al Raindance 2004, al Fantasporto
2005 e al Vision Fest 2005) e che ha Mike Patton come
uno dei principali elementi del cast. Mike partecipa a
questo film in un doppio ruolo: un alcolizzato di nome
David e il proprietario di un circo itinerante di nome
Years in the making, PEEPING TOM, noise rock renaissance man Mike Patton’s most accessible work
since his days in Faith No More, is finally a reality. The
11-track opus, featuring a lengthy and incongruous
cast of guest performers, is set for a May 30 release on
Patton’s own Ipecac Recordings label.
Just what the world needs... another damn label! In
this era of mind-numbing musical mediocrity, sagging
sales, major label mega-mergers and indie label burnout, why the hell would anyone do something crazy like
start a label?! Like the medicine it’s named after, Ipecac Recordings is here to purge you of the drek that’s
been rotting in your tummies.
Ipecac Recordings is the brainchild of Greg Werckman
(former label manager for the legendary punk label, Alternative Tentacles, employee for Mercury Records for
a record 15 minutes, currently operating Pick-A-Winner Management) and Mike Patton (former Faith No
More frontman, currently of Mr. Bungle and Fantômas).
Werckman and Patton have been scheming for years
(in between video games) about starting their very own
label, waiting for just the right moment to unleash their
master plan. Ipecac Recordings is not about to make
music biz history and execute a revolution (although
one is surely needed) or bore you by waxing poetic
about their original musical philosophies. But if we
have to adhere to a “mission statement,” how about the
notion of being an honest, artist friendly label run on a
shoe string with no outrageous promotional or production costs. This label will be a home to Mike Patton’s
eclectic musical collaborations as well as a place where bands we admire will have the freedom to release
music they might not be able to, or want to, release on
other labels.
Fantomas and Ipecac Recordings.
Responsible for one of the most eclectic catalogs of
recent memory, Fantômas return with Suspended Animation, a thirty-track set that both celebrates the art of
cartoon composition and the many reasons to behold
the fourth month of our calendar, April (with one piece for each day of the month). Who knew that April
is subtitled “national humor and anxiety month”? Who
knew that the dreaded April 15 was actually titled “That
Sucks Day” or that April 24 marks the beginning of National Karaoke Week? Leave it to the creative minds
behind Fantômas to enlighten us to the many forgotten
holidays throughout April.
Tomahawk and Ipecac Recordings.
The band, in order of famousness is composed of Mike
Patton, John Stanier, Duane Denison (their Michael
Nesmith-like leader) and Kevin Rutmanis. These sensitive deities were assisted in forging this generous
gift to humanity (it was produced, in vulgar terms) by
In keeping with the landmark 1960 psychological horror
film that inspired its name, PEEPING TOM had its genesis as a modus operandi devoid of physical intimacy.
Patton would write songs with a wishlist of theoretical
collaborators in mind, then hope for a reply in the form
of a finished track. “It’s an exotic way of working for
someone accustomed to a band environment,” Patton
says. “It was charming, really. None of the usual Animal
House stuff. Instead of swapping spit and underwear,
we were swapping files.”
Lack of face-to-face interaction did not keep long-distance collaborators from turning in exceptional performances: Norah Jones’ lascivious “Sucker,” Kool Keith’s
Frank. Il film è attualmente in fase di distribuzione,
quindi a breve dovrebbe essere immesso sul mercato
(speriamo anche quello italiano).
“Firecracker” è una tragedia classica basata su eventi
attuali. Il cast oltre a Mike Patton include: Karen Black,
Susan Traylor, Kathleen Wilhoite, Jane Wiedlin, The
Enigma, Katzen, Cathy Berry, George “the Giant”, Paul
Sizemore, Pleasant Gehman, Selene Luna, Amy Kelly,
Brooke Balderson, e Jak Kendall.
Uno dei tanti progetti di Mike vede l’ex Faith no More
accanto al giovane autore di colonne sonore cinematografiche Kaada. Da quasto originale sodalizio nasce
Romance, un disco impegnativo ma bello, che contiene musica complessa, celebrare, ma al contempo
diretta e spontanea. Il magma di suoni d’ambiente e
la voce inconfondibile di Patton creano scenari incerti,
sospesi e onirici.
E’ un disco da assimilare, chiaro, ma contiene un
pugno di perle rare che sarebbe ingiusto non cogliere.
Inoltre, dietro Romances si comprende chiaramente
che c’è un ‘disegno’ artistico complesso e affascinante, a partire dall’artwork raffinato (con una cover mai
così rappresentativa della sostanza contenuta nel
disco) passando per l’approccio compositivo (assimilabile maggiormente a quello delle colonne sonore
che a quello dei tanti dischi ‘di genere’). E’ inoltre un
disco profondamente europeo, questo Romances,
che omaggia la cultura francese già a partire dai titoli,
ma che è ulteriormente legato alla cultura musicale
del vecchio continente per via di un approccio classico ma comunque istintivo. Dai la-la-la dell’ inquietante
invocazione iniziale, passando per la messianica e
bellissima Pitié pour mes larmes e per le atmosfere
decadenti e kafkiane di L’Absent o per la weilliana
Viens le gazons sont verts, tutta la materia musicale
di Romances risulta affascinare per i tanti rimandi
ad altre arti, al cinema in primis, ma anche a tanta
1 giugno 2006
“Getaway” and Massive Attack’s “Kill The DJ” are intense and passionate as anything a live band environment
could have produced-despite the fact that Patton has
still never met Jones or Keith. “Plenty of people on the
record are still complete strangers to me,” he says.
The initial PEEPING TOM offering also includes contributions from Amon Tobin, Bebel Gilberto, DubTrio,
Kid Koala, Dale Crover, Rahzel and several of Patton’s
Bay Area running buddies, such as Dan “the Automator” Nakamura, and Jel, Odd Nosdam and Dose One of
hip hop collective anticon. The end result is an utterly
unique multi-genre/multi-artist departure from Patton’s
more recent noisy output-one that would ultimately
have to be classified as a pop record, alas a Mike Patton pop record, but a pop record nonetheless.
The band will make their worldwide live debut on the
Conan O’Brien show on May 26th.
From the Ipecac website.
the Roman warrior, Joe Barresi. Centurion Barresi
has worked with lesser “artistes” such as Pennywise,
Queens of the Stoneage, Led Zepellin and the Melvins.
From the Ipecac website.
King for a day
Trevor Dunn: bass
Danny Heifetz: percussion
Clinton “Bär” McKinnon: tenor sax, clarinet, keyboards
Mike Patton: vocals
Trey Spruance: guitar, keyboards
Mr. Bungle was formed in 1985 in Eureka, California. The original line-up
included Trevor Dunn on bass, Mike
Patton on vocals, Trey Spruance on guitar, and Jed Watts on drums. The band
took its name from two short films which
appeared in early episodes of the “The
Pee Wee Herman Show,” in which an
ill-mannered, un-hygienic puppet clown
demonstrated how good grade-school
kids should not behave (only later did
band members learn, through Faith No
More bassist Bill Gould, that the porn
flick “Sharon’s Sex Party” also stars
a character named Mr. Bungle). Mr.
Bungle’s first demo tape, “The Raging
Wrath of the Easter Bunny,” was recorded in 1986. It featured a low-fi, fast,
death metal style that also managed
to incorporate the sounds of bongos, a
trainwhistle, a saxophone, and a kazoo.
In the next year at least two versions
of a tape called “Bowel of Chiley” were
recorded and distributed by Mr. Bungle,
mainly to local radio stations. One of
these was reproduced and sold without
the band’s permission (on tape in 1991
and on CD in 1997), creating one of the
more popular Mr. Bungle bootlegs, the
erroneously-titled “Bowl of Chiley”. The
music of “Bowel of Chiley” was radically
different than that of “The Raging Wrath
of the Easter Bunny,” mixing the sounds of ska, swing, and funk. By this time
drummer Jed Watts had been replaced
by Hans Wagner, and the band’s new
sound required the employment of Scott
Fritz & Theo Lengyel as horn players.
In 1988 Fritz was out, Luke Miller was
in, and Mr. Bungle released “Goddammit I Love America!” Similar to “Bowel of
Chiley” (described by band members as
“a Fishbone rip-off”), but with a tighter
sound, two of the seven tracks on “Goddammit I Love America!” would find their
way onto Mr. Bungle’s first major label
release. 1989’s “OU818” was the band’s
final demo tape before finding themselves with a major label record contract.
It was also the first to feature drummer
Danny Heifetz & tenor sax player Clinton “Bär” McKinnon, and contains tracks
that make up half of Bungle’s first major
label release. Combining songs from
earlier demos with new ones, it was a
little lighter on the ska, and had a heavier overall sound than the two previous
releases. Having established a strong
following in Northern California, and
with the hiring of vocalist Mike Patton
by popular Reprise rock group Faith No
More, Mr. Bungle was signed by Warner Bros. Records. Their first album,
produced by John Zorn and titled “Mr.
Bungle,” was released August 13, 1991.
There were several new songs on it, but
the sound was much the same as that of
“OU818,” commonly described as “funk
metal” by music critics. The album sold
well, and Mr. Bungle toured North America successfully to support it. A multitude of side-projects and artwork delays
contributed to the the four-year gap
between the self-titled album and the
release of “Disco Volante” in October of
1995. It was made up almost entirely of
new songs, and musical styles combining jazz, techno, tango, and death metal, to name a few, set it apart from all
previous efforts. Tours (featuring guest
percussionist William Winant) of North
America, Europe, and a wildly popular
tour of Australia followed its release.
They were finally wrapped up with two
shows in San Francisco in November of
1996. Mr. Bungle’s latest album, “California,” was released on July 13, 1999.
Theo Lengyel does not appear on it, and
is not expected to be involved in any future Mr. Bungle projects (management
cites “creative differences” as the reason for his departure). A supporting tour
of North America began in Santa Cruz,
California on July 12, however, a conflict between Mr. Bungle’s record company & past distributors prevented “California” from being available overseas
(other than as an import) for several
months. Overseas touring was put on
hold long enough to allow three consecutive North American tours in support
of “California” to take place, including
an opening spot at Sno-Core 2000. The
band finally made it’s way to Australia in
March of 2000 and Europe in August &
September of 2000 before taking a break
from touring & recording to focus on the
other things going on in its members’ lives for awhile. At the same time, ideas
for new Bungle songs are being shared.
And while you try to survive the latest
four-year wait until a new Mr. Bungle
album, you may find some of the band
members’ side-projects entertaining. For
information on Virgil Shaw & The Killer
Views (with Danny Heifetz), visit Virgil
Shaw’s Website. Trey Spruance’s Secret
Chiefs 3 has several websites devoted
to it, including Trey’s own WEB of MIMICRY, and by Corey Morton. The Selected Discography
of Trevor Dunn has audio samples and
contact information to help you acquire
some of the many recordings featuring
Mr. Dunn. Bär McKinnon and Danny
Heifetz appear on the latest Barefoot
Hockey Goalie album. The adventures
of Mike Patton & his Fantômas cohorts
are always chronicled at Caca Volante
and the Ipecac Recordings website.
Tutte le informazioni sono tratte dal sito
The Central Florida Future:nov.2,1995
parental advisory explicit lyrics!!
1 giugno 2006
King for a day
mike on stage
Patton & Zappa
“Zappa, lui è stato un grande”
Al contrario di quanto si possa pensare, Frank Zappa
non è stato così influente per Mike? Questa è la risposta data a Mike al suo intervistatore che gli chiedeva
della presunta influenza di Zappa sui Mr Bungle: “Moltevolte ci hanno accostato a Frank Zappa, ma la cosa
buffa, è che si, ho ascoltato alcuni dischi di Zappa, lui
è stato un grande, ma né io, né gli altri membri dei
Mr Bungle, siamo mai stati suoi grandissimi fans. Negli
anni in cui abbiamo formato la band non era lui che
Terry Bozzio
Nel tour seguente all’album
troviamo una novità nella
band. Dave Lombardo viene richiamato dagli Slayer
per il tour estivo e Mike
sceglie come sostituto temporaneo uno dei più grandi
drummer della storia del
rock: Terry Bozzio, musicicsta che vanta una lunghissima serie di collaborazioni, e una formazione di alto
livello dal maestro Zappa.
Un altro straordinario personaggio si aggiunge alla
lista di artisti che hanno
collaborato con l’ex Faith
No More, confermando ancora una volta il valore e il
carisma di questo master
of voice and electronic manipulation.
Alesis - AirSynth
Korg - Kaoss Pad 2
M-Audio - Ozone
(collegato al powerBook)
Schermo LCD
(collegato al powerBook)
Boss - RV-5 Digital Reverb
Custom made noise instrument
(per controllare il powerBook)
Marshall - Casse JCM800 2 Shure
Apple - powerBook G4 Microfono CB
Nei suoi dischi e nelle interpretazioni live
Mike controlla la sua voce e gli effetti
(loop, ellettroniche, ecc) da una “plancia
comandi”. Nel tour seguente l’uscita di
“Delìrium Cordia” del 2004, Patton filtrava la sua voce attraverso un Korg Kaoss
Pad, per creare ed utilizzare una serie
di effetti sonori, inoltre disponeva di 2
microfoni e una paio di pedalini Boss, rispettivamente un reverb e un delay. Tutti
gli effetti passavano da un mixer da palco posto nella sua consolle. Per la parte
“beat e loop” utilizzava un powerBook
della Apple (con un programma per
Reaktor della Native Instrument). Il computer veniva controllato con un mouse,
un joystick e una tastiera di controllo
midi/usb, la Ozone della M-audio.
“questa è la musica che sento che c’ho dentro e devo farla uscire”
“siamo lì per far vivere questa musica, spero che a la gente piace però sennò
non è che mi sparo in testa hai capito”
Mike Patton
La direzione ringrazia:
MrBungle82, del sito
Fantomas, del sito
Ipecac Recordings,
Rhino home Video,
Il sito
Il sito
Il sito ufficiale
Il forum
Il sito
tomato express cake, cogliamo l’occasione per citare il
sito internet della sua band
Maggie, per la grafica e l’articolo di pag 2, indirizzo mail
Margherita Cortopassi.
1 giugno 2006