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Dandy Aube Technologies Bruck Lighting ABB/Entrelec Audio-Technica Buchanan Access Lighting Banvil2000 Burndy Acculite Bega Burtek Systems ACE Manufacturing Bel Products Cadweld Acura Embedded Systems Belden Calrad Electronics Alico Beta Calco Calrad Lighting Alkco B-K Lighting Canadian Electrical Raceways/CER Allright Ladder & Scaffold BL Lighting Canadian Time Systems Allscape Blue Line Canarm Alpha Technologies Bob Dale Gloves Canlyte Appleton Brady Canstrut Products Argo International BRK CAP Products www.3m.com Tapes, Terminations www.acdandy.com Custom Pedestals & Cabinets www.abb.ca Terminal Blocks, Etc www.accesslighting.com LED Interior www.junolighting.com Indoor, Outdoor Lighting www.acemfg.com Enclosures www.acuraembedded.com Rugged Computers www.alicoindustries.com Lighting www.alkco.com LED Interior www.allrightladder.com Aluminum & Wood Ladders, Scaffolding www.allscape.net LED Exterior www.alpha.com UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) www.emersonindustrial.com Explosion Proof Products, Fittings, Lighting, Reelites, Rough In, Marine www.argointl.com Control FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA www.aifittings.com Fittings, Conduit, Flex, Specialty Boxes www.broan.ca Bath Fans, Range Hoods www.aubetech.com Thermostats ww.brucklighting.com LED Interior www.audio-technica.com Microphones, Headphones www.te.com Terminal Blocks, Terminations www.banvil2000.com Fans www.burndy.com Connectors, Tools www.bega.com LED Exterior www.adi-burtek.com Fire Alarms www.produitsbel.com Enclosures www.erico.com Thermal Groundings www.belden.com Electric Cable, Fire Alarm, Instrumentation, Teck www.betacalco.com Architectural Lighting www.bklighting.com LED Exterior www.bllighting.com LED Interior www.bluelineinnovations.com Power Meter Monitors www.bobdalegloves.com Gloves www.bradycanada.ca Labels, Markers, Tapes www.brkelectronics.com Smoke Detectors TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST www.calrad.com HDMI, HDMI Switches, Baluns, Electronics www.calrad.com Lifestyle Lighting www.cerinc.ca Duct, Floor Boxes www.canadiantime.com Clocks, Time & Attendance Management www.canarm.com Fans www.canlyte.com Lighting www.tnb.ca Tray, Fittings, Strut www.capproducts.com Fittings YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D FEATURED MANUFACTURERS Carmanah Commander Iberville Deca Cables Carol Con-Tech Lighting Designplan CCI Thermal Technologies Contrast Lighting Domtech Ceco Poles Cooper Wiring Devices Douglas Lighting Controls Celestial Lighting CRC Industries Duracell Cementex Cree e2 LightSpeaker CFI Critchley Eastern Wire + Conduit CGE Low Voltage Crouse Hinds Eaton Chubb Edwards CSA Books EcoSense Code Electric Products Cully Edge Lighting Coleman Cable Inc Cyclone Electro Cables Color Kinetics Dahl Electrotek Columbia Lighting Dals Elite Lighting Columbia MBF Dasal Elliptipar www.carmanah.com LED Exterior www.generalcable.com Portable Cords, Electronics www.ccithermal.com Caloritech, Ruffneck, Heating Elements www.cecopoles.ca Lighting Poles www.celestiallighting.com LED Interior www.cementexusa.com Arc Flash PPE, Tools www.canlyte.ca Fluorescent Fixtures www.gelighting.com Low Voltage www.chubbsecurity.com Fire Alarm, Signals, Clocks www.codeelectric.com Aluminum, Steel Boxes, Cable Tray www.colemancable.com Wire, Cable www.colorkinetics.com LED Exterior, LED Interior www.columbialighting.com Lighting Systems www.columbiambf.ca Conduit, Fittings FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA www.tnb.ca Outlet Boxes, Conduit Fittings www.con-techlighting.com LED Interior www.contrastlighting.com Lighting www.cooperindustries.com Wiring Devices www.crcindustries.com Aerosols www.cree.com/lighting LED Lamps www.te.com Marking Products, Wiring Duct www.cooperindustries.com Explosion Proof Products, Fittings www.csa.ca Canadian Electrical Code Books www.cully.com Screws, Fasteners www.cyclonelighting.com LED Exterior www.dahlvalve.com Strapping www.dalslighting.com LED Exterior, LED Interior www.dasalindustries.com Architectural Lighting TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST www.decacables.com Instrumentation Cable www.designplan.com LED Exterior, LED Interior www.domtech.net Data Cable www.douglaslightingcontrol.com Low Voltage www.duracell.ca Batteries, Chargers www.lightspeaker.ca LightSpeaker www.easternwire.com Flexible, Liquidtite Conduit www.eaton.com PM5 OEM Control, Drives www.ecosenselighting.com LED Interior www.edgelighting.com LED Interior www.electrocables.com Wire, Cable www.electrotekltd.com Pump Jack Controllers www.iuseelite.com Lighting www.elliptipar.com Architectural Lighting YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D FEATURED MANUFACTURERS Emergi-Lite Gardco Hammond Manufacturing Erico/Caddy GE Chemicals Hammond Power Solutions Erikson Consumer GE Intelligent Platforms Harman Kardon FC Lighting GE Lighting Systems Harmony Remotes Federal Signal Generac Haskel Firestop General Cable Hess America Flextherm General Electric Company Holophane Fluke Giantech Plastic Products Industrial Honeywell Focal Point Glyptal Horner Automation Group Forecast Lighting GM Lighting Hubbell Fraser Valley Steel & Wire Gotham Hydel FRE Composites Greenlee Hydrel G Lighting GVA Lighting Iberville Galaxy Lighting Hadco Iboco www.emergi-lite.com Emergency Lighting www.erico.com Fasteners www.eriksonconsumer.com Speakers www.fclighting.com LED Exterior www.federalsignal.com Sirens, Strobes Flame Retardants www.flextherm.com Floor Heating Systems www.fluke.com Meters, Test Equipment www.focalpointlights.com Architectural Lighting www.forecastltg.com Architectural Lighting www.fraservalleysteelandwire.com Phosphate Coated Nails www.frecomposites.com Reinforced Fiberglass Conduit (N/A in Alberta) www.glighting.com LED Interior www.galaxy-lighting.com Lighting FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA www.sitelighting.com LED Exterior www.hammondmfg.com Enclosures www.ge.com/chemicals Aerosols www.hammondpowersolutions.com Transformers www.ge-ip.com Automation, PLC’s, Industrial Computers www.harmankardon.com Receivers, Blu Ray, Amplifiers www.gelighting.com HID Luminaires www.logitech.com/en-ca/harmony-remotes Universal Remote Control www.generac.com Generators www.standardpro.com Tapes www.generalcable.com Wire, Cable www.hessamerica.com LED Exterior www.geindustrial.com Motor Control www.giantechplastic.com Vapour Barriers www.glyptal.com Specialty Coatings & Adhesives www.gmlighting.net Lighting www.gothamlighting.com LED Interior www.greenlee.com KO Sets, Benders, Pulling Equipment, Testers, Tools www.gvalighting.com Fluorescent, LED Lighting www.hadco.com Lighting TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST www.holophane.com Lighting www.honeywell.com Lighting Controls, Micro Switches, SDS www.heapg.com GEIP Compatible Modules www.hubbell-canada.com Lighting, Plastic Boxes www.circaent.com/hydel Utility & Overhead Supplies www.hydrel.com Specialty Lighting www.tnb.ca Fittings www.iboco.com Panel Builders YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D FEATURED MANUFACTURERS Ideal Industries J R Stephensen Leviton IDEC JBL Liebert iLight Technologies Juno Light Tape Ilsco Keene Lightolier Indy Keltek Safety Apparel Lily Fasteners Infinity Kenall Lighting Lind Equipment Infratech Kendal Lighting Litecontrol Insight Kichler Lighting Liteline Intense Lighting Kidde/Pyrene Lithonia Lighting Intermatic Kim Lighting LPS IP Lighting Klein Tools Lumacell Ipex LBL Lighting Lumascape Itron Ledalite Lumec Iwasaki/Standard Products Legrand Lumenpulse www.idealindustries.ca Wire Connectors, Testers, Tools www.idec.com Relays, Power Supplies www.ilight-tech.com LED Interior www.ilsco.com Industrial Connectors www.junolighting.com Indoor, Outdoor Lighting www.infinitysystems.com Home Speakers www.infratech-usa.com Infrared Heaters www.insightlighting.com LED Exterior, LED Interior www.intenselighting.com LED Interior www.intermatic.com Timers www.iplighting.com LED Interior www.ipexinc.com PVC Conduit, Fittings, Cor-Line, Light Fixtures www.itron.com Power Meters www.eyelighting.com Lamps, Ballasts, Luminaires FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA www.jrstephenson.com Enclosures, Punched Plates www.leviton.com Data www.jbl.com Home Speakers www.liebert.com UPS Power Conditioning www.junolighting.com Recessed, Track Lighting www.lighttape.com LED Interior www.canlyte.com HID, Architectural Lighting www.lightolier.com Recessed, Track Lighting www.keltek.ca Arc Flash Gear Screws, Fasteners www.kenall.com LED Exterior www.lindequipment.net Portable Equipment www.kendallighting.com Lighting www.litecontrol.com LED Interior www.kichler.com LED Interior www.liteline.com Lighting www.kiddecanada.com Smoke, CO Detectors www.lithonia.com Lighting www.kimlighting.com Architectural Lighting www.lpslabs.com Aerosol Lubricants www.kleintools.com Tools www.tnb.ca Emergency Lighting www.lbllighting.com LED Interior www.lumascape.com LED Exterior www.ledalite.com LED Interior www.lumec.com LED Exterior www.legrand.ca Home Automation, Wiring Devices, Lighting Controls, Receptacles, Plugs & Connectors, TVSS TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST www.lumenpulse.com LED Interior YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D FEATURED MANUFACTURERS Lumenstar Moeller/Eaton Nutech Energy Lutron Moldcast/KIM Nutek Magic Lite Molex www.molex.com Ethernet Switches, Communication Cards www.nutone.com Bath Fans, Intercoms, Range Hoods Marrettes MP Lighting NuVo Martec Nehring Electrical Olflex McGill Nemalux OnQ Megapro Nesco OrigAudio Mersen/Ferraz/Gould/Shawmut Nexans Ortronics Micro Electric North Safety OZ Gedney/Appleton Minuteman Power Technologies Northern Cables Pace Illumination Mircom Technologies Northern Rig Lites Panasonic Milwaukee Notifier www.notifier.com Fire Alarm Peerless Electric Company www.milwaukeetool.com Power Tools, Cutters MM Plastics Nova Pole International www.novapole.com Poles Pelican www.mmplastics.com Anti-Shorts Moda Light Nuheat Pentair Thermal Management www.lumenstarled.com LED Exterior, LED Interior www.lutron.com Light, Blind & Whole Home Controls www.magiclite.com LED Exterior, LED Interior www.tnb.ca Wire Connectors Steel Poles www.emersonindustrial.com Extension Lights, Lamp Changers, Wire Guards, Meter Bases www.megapro.net 15 in 1 Tools www.ep-ca.mersen.com Fuses, Fuse Accessories www.tnb.ca Meter Bases www.minutemanups.com Surge Suppressors, UPS www.mircom.com Fire Alarm, Communications www.modalight.com LED Interior FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA www.eaton.com Motor Control www.moldcast.com Architectural Indoor, Outdoor Lighting www.mplighting.com LED Interior www.nehringwire.com Wire, Cable www.nemalux.com LED Industrial www.nescocanada.com Fixture Chain, Hooks www.nexans.ca Wire, Cable www.northsafety.ca Safety Product www.northerncables.ca Cable, Specialty Cables www.azz.com Lighting www.nuheat.com Floor Heating Systems TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST www.lifebreath.com Energy Recovery Products www.tnb.ca Plastic Boxes Nutone www.nuvotechnologies.com Distributed Audio, Speakers, Sources www.lappusa.lapgroup.com Wire, Cable www.legrand.ca/onq.aspx Data www.origaudio.ca Volcano, Rock-It www.legrand.ca/ortronics.aspx Data Communication www.emersonindustrial.com Industrial Connectors www.paceillumination.com LED Exterior www.panasonic.ca Bath Fans www.peerless-electric.com Lighting www.pelican.com/canada Portable Lighting, Industrial Enclosures www.thermal.pentair.com Heat Trace, Accessories YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D FEATURED MANUFACTURERS Pepperl + Fuchs PULS Roxtec Perma Pouch Pulsar Russell Lighting Philips Lighting Pyrene/Kidde Russound Pioneer Quadlogic Ruud Lighting Posh Speaker Systems Rab Design Sasco Powers Rawl Rack-A-Tiers Sauna Craft Premier Lighting Rawl Schmersal Prescolite Raychem/Pentair Thermal Mgmt Senso Lighting Prima Lighting RC Lighting Sensorswitch Prime Cords Remee Siemens Prime Fasteners Republic Conduit Sinclair Audio Progress Lighting Rize Enterprises Smart Box Prysmian Robertson Solaira PTI Cables Rosco LitePad Soundcast www.pepperl-fuchs.us Proximity, Ultra Sonic, Photo Electric Sensors www.permapouch.blogspot.ca Leather Pouches, Belts www.lighting.philips.ca Lamps, Ballasts, Luminaires www.pioneerelectronics.ca Receivers, LED TVs www.poshspeakers.com Speakers www.powers.com Bits, Cutters, Fasteners www.premier-lighting.net LED Interior www.prescolite.com Recessed, Track Lighting, Controls www.primalighting.com LED Interior www.primewirecable.com Heavy Duty Extension Cords www.primefasteners.ca Screws, Fasteners www.progresslighting.com Residential Lighting www.prysmiancanada.com Wire, Cable Wire, Cable FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA www.pulspower.com Power Supplies www.controlab-pulsar.com Relay Phase Loss Protectors www.kiddecanada.com Smoke, CO Detectors www.quadlogic.com Power Meter Monitors www.rabdesign.ca Commercial, Industrial Lighting www.rack-a-tiers.com Specialty Tools, Accessories www.powers.com Anchors, Fasteners www.thermal.pentair.com Heat Trace, Accessories www.rclighting.ca LED Luminaires www.remee.com Wire, Cable www.republic-conduit.com EMT & Steel Conduit, Fittings www.rize-enterprises.com Aircraft Cable, Cable Joiners & Suspension Systems www.robertsonscrew.com Screws, Screwdrivers www.rosco.com LED Interior TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST www.roxtec.com Sealing Products www.russell-lighting.com Residential, Commercial Lighting www.russound.com Distributed Audio/Video, Speakers, Sources www.ruud.ca LED Exterior www.sascocan.com Floor Boxes www.saunacraft.ca Sauna Timers www.schmersal.com Safety Switching, Light Curtains www.sensolighting.com LED Interior www.sensorswitch.com Occupancy Sensors, Accessories www.siemens.ca Distribution Equipment www.sinclairaudio.com Structural Speakers www.smartboxinc.com Plastic Boxes www.solairaheaters.com Infrared Heaters www.soundcastsystems.com Outdoor Wireless Speakers YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D FEATURED MANUFACTURERS Southwire The Light Edge WattStopper Spaulding Lighting Thomas & Betts Weidmuller SSL/Solid State Luminaires Traxon Technologies Wera Standard Products/Iwasaki Trydor Westcoast Electric Stanley Unistrut Westcoast Engineering Stanpro USAI Lighting Wheatland Tube Steinel Ushio White-Rodgers Stelpro Valmont Industries Wide Loyal Stumm Electric Vantera Wide-Lite Sturdy Ladders Vaya Wieland Superior Flexible Conduits Visa Lighting Winona Swift Devices Visionaire Lighting Wiremold TCP Visual Lighting Technologies Wobble Light Techspan Wago Woodhead www.southwire.com Wire, Cable www.spauldinglighting.com Architectural Lighting www.solidstateluminaires.com LED Exterior www.standardpro.com Lamps, Ballasts www.stanleytools.com Hand Tools, Staples www.stanprols.com Emergency Lighting, Commercial Fixtures www.steinel.net Motion Sensors, Heat Guns www.stelpro.com Heating Boxes www.sturdyladder.com Aluminum & Wood Ladders, Scaffolding www.superiorflex.com Flexible, Liquidtite Conduit www.swiftdevices.com Specialty Devices, Ball Aligners www.tcpi.com LED Lamps www.techspan.ca Watertite Connectors FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA www.thelightedge.com LED Interior www.wattstopper.com Lighting Control www.tnb.ca Boxes & Covers, Connectors, Fittings, Markers, Tyraps, Canstrut, Steel City www.traxontechnologies.com LED Interior www.trydor.com Anchor Rod, Accessories www.unistrut.ca Tray, Channel www.usaiillumination.com LED Interior www.ushio.com Lamps www.valmont.com Steel Poles www.iplc.com Parking Lot Power Controllers www.colorkinetics.com/vaya LED Exterior www.visalighting.com LED Exterior www.visionairelighting.com LED Exterior www.visual-lighting.com LED Interior www.wago.com Quick Connectors TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST www.weidmuller.com Terminal Blocks www.weratools.com Tools Custom Products www.wceng.com Poles www.wheatland.com Conduit www.emersonclimate.com Thermostats www.wideloyal.com Flexible Light Products www.widelite.com Outdoor Lighting www.wieland-electric.ca Terminal Block, Accessories, PLC Interface, Wiring Duct www.winonalighting.com LED Interior www.legrand.ca/wiremold.aspx Surface RaceWay Data Termination, Floor Boxes www.wobblelight.ca Portable Construction Lights www.molex.com/woodhead Watertite Plugs & Connectors, Hand Lamps, Cord Reels YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D FEATURED MANUFACTURERS World Dryer www.worlddryer.com Electric Hand Dryers Zumtobel www.zumtobel.com LED Interior FACEBOOK.COM/GESCANCANADA TWITTER.COM/GESCANWEST YOUTUBE.COM/GESCANTV WWW.GESCAN.COM MANUFACTURERS L I N E C A R D BRANCH LOCATIONS BRITISH COLUMBIA AbbotsfordTel: 604-607-7377 Fax: 604-852-8197 North Vancouver Tel: 604-984-2577 Fax: 604-984-2425 ChilliwackTel:604-792-5554 Fax: 604-792-1834 Penticton Tel: 250-490-8009 Fax: 250-490-8908 CoquitlamTel: 604-472-7130 Fax: 604-472-7150 Surrey Tel: 604-596-5515 Fax: 604-596-9954 Kelowna Tel: 250-860-2334 Fax: 250-860-7919 Trail Tel: 250-364-1221 Fax: 250-368-6638 Langford Tel: 250-391-4600 Fax: 250-391-4522 VancouverTel: 604-874-8556 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