2014 FORD - The Pilot News
2014 FORD - The Pilot News
Boys Basketball Tournament Tips Off March 3 Pages 9-11 Home • Auto • Life • Health 5900 S. Range Rd., Suite 1, North Judson Inside Bailey’s Discount Center 574-896-0100 • huntersins.com FREE March 3, 2015 PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #5 KNOX, IN *******ECRWSS*** Postal Customer Knox, IN 46534 ECONOMY AUTO SALES Your award winning small town dealer The Leader/Review BEST OF Starke County 2014 1st Place Voted #1 Used Car Lot 9 years running! This week’s featured vehicles... 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan $ 110wk.* 2003 GMC Sonoma $ 79wk.* 2009 Hyundai Sonata $ 2004 Chevy Silverado 4x4 95wk.* $ 110wk.* Why is Economy Auto #1? Both Quality & Selection Buy Here - Pay Here Finance Program Flexible Pay Day Payment Plans Many Loans only 32 Months or less Free Warranties & Oil Changes All Vehicles Inspected & Serviced Rebuild Your Credit with Credit Bureau Reporting! 2008 Chevy Uplander $ 89wk.* 2007 Chevy Uplander Wheelchair Lift $ 100wk.* 2009 Saturn Aura $ 95wk.* 2005 Chevy Monte Carlo $ 85wk.* 2008 Buick Lacrosse $ 95wk.* 2011 Dodge Caliber $ 95wk.* 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix $ 89wk.* 2012 Ford Escape $ $ 100wk.* 2008 Chevy Impala 105wk.* 2008 Chrysler Town & Country $ 2011 Chevy Impala $ 89wk.* 2009 Chevy Cobalt 100wk.* $ 89wk.* Economy Auto Sales We finance your future not your past 300 North U.S. Highway 35, Knox (1/2 Mile North of Knox) (574) 772-6646 • Hours: Tues-Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-3 Financing Good People with All Types of Credit Since 1989. Check us out & apply online at... www.economyautosales.net Page 2 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 2014 FORD FUSION SE $ 15,499 PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 230 a month! $ 2014 FORD F150 SUPERCAB 4X4 X4 $ 2014 FORD F150 PAYMENTS AS S LOW AS $ 23,499 342 a month! 25,900 25 279 a month! $ 365 a month! 2013 CHRYSLER 200 TOURING 28,900 $ 399 a month! $ $ 179 a month! $ 2014 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4X4 HEMI 2014 DODGE RAM 1500 $ QUAD CAB 4X4 23,999 PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 21,999 $ 2013 DODGE AVENGER R SXT 12,900 PAYMENTS AS LOW AS PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 19,499 PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $ XLT 4X4 329 a month! $ PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 2015 FORD EXPLORER $ 4X4 CREW CAB 4X4 CRE $ PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 2014 FORD ESCAPE 389 a month! $ $ 11,900 PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 169 a month! $ 2014 CHEVROLET 1500 CREW CAB 4X4 $ 29,900 PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 429 a month! $ SERVICE CENTER WE WILL MATCH ANY DEALER SERVICE REPAIR QUOTE PLUS ADDITIONAL 5% BREMEN & PLYMOUTH SERVICE CENTERS OPEN SATURDAYS BREMEN, 1203 W. Plymouth St. Bremen, IN 574-546-2727 PLYMOUTH, 2303 N. Oak Rd. Plymouth, IN 574-936-5590 SOUTH BEND, 6302 US 31 S South Bend, IN 574-231-9680 Payments quoted at 72 mos @ 2.99% with 10% down plus taxes, titles and fees. Tim Martin Auto Sales is not responsible for misprints. Customer must provide written dealer quote from a competitive dealership. Independent shop quotes will not be matched. Service repair on customer pay quotes only. No case back for service, 5% will be put on customer’s Owners Advantage Rewards account once repair has been paid in full. OAR can be used for future parts and service purchases. See dealer for details. Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 – page 3 Working to find jobs for those who pay child support STARKE COUNTY — The Child Support Division of the Starke County Prosecutor’s office has partnered with WorkOne in Knox to help those ordered to pay child support find employment. WorkOne accepts referrals from the Child Support Division for non-custodial parents to enter into a training program to increase their opportunities to get a job. The training includes job skills, resume building and interviewing techniques. Assistance also is available to help attain a GED. All services are provided by WorkOne at no charge to the individual or the County. “It’s also particularly beneficial to those with a criminal record,” said Prosecutor Nicholas Bourff. “WorkOne already has established relationships with area companies who hire those convicted of felonies and other criminal activities.” In the past, if a parent couldn’t pay child support, a job search form had to be turned in for each week support was not paid. According to Bourff, that system was only partially successful. Chief Deputy Prosecutor Mary Ryan oversees the program, which has been in effect for approximately one month. Magistrate Jeanene Calabrese hears most child support cases, and will issue an order that those unable to pay child support participate in the WorkOne program. Anyone who doesn’t comply can be held in contempt of court. Ryan added, “So far we have done 20 referrals, and we’re following up on their progress. One of the referrals was really excited about the opportunity, and personally reported his progress to the Child Support office. Having just been released from incarceration, he really didn’t know where to go or how to look for a job that would accept someone with a record. The program offers opportunities and hope.” It’s too early to determine overall results of the program, however initial indications are positive. “We continue to finetune the process,” said Ryan. “We’re working on the details to ensure that they follow through with WorkOne and communicate back to the Prosecutor’s Office.” In addition to preparation to finding a job, other assistance may be available, such as assistance with gas costs going to and from job interviews. Overall, the program is aimed at providing skills and opportunities for those required to pay child support, and through a controlled environment ordered by the Court, and coordinated between the Child Support Division and WorkOne. Booth named director of NJ Library NORTH JUDSON — The North Judson-Wayne Township Library has appointed Michael Booth as its new director, effective Jan. 1. Booth replaces Jane Felchuk, who retired after serving the Library for many years. Originally from Logansport, Booth currently resides in Monticello, but eventually plans to relocate to North Judson. He received his bachelor’s degree in music and his MBA from St. Joseph College, Rensselaer, and his master’s degree in library science from IUPUI. Prior to joining the library, he taught choral music, was a media specialist and the director of library services at North Newton Junior-Senior High School, in Morocco. Music and public libraries are his passions. “I always had an interest in public libraries and working more extensively as a director,” said Booth. “When this opportunity opened up, I knew I had to take it. I’m very happy to be among the patrons and community of North Judson.” Some of the challenges facing Booth include: upgrading the technological infrastructure and website development; being more visible in the community so patrons know the Library is there to serve the intellectual and entertainment needs of the community; and integrating music in the Library. On the personal side, Booth is engaged to Ashley Rodwell, of Monticello, and they plan to marry Oct. 10. He also plans to become more involved in music and fine arts in Starke County and is contemplating obtaining a Ph.D. in global business. Booth and his fiancé will present their introductory music event at the NJ-WT Library at 12 p.m. on Feb. 7, which will include performing songs from the “Great American Songbook,” featuring classic numbers originally performed by artists like Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett and others. FOODS WHITE OR YELLOW $ 1.79 LB. MILLERS SPLIT $ FRYERS FRESH 1.29 LB. CHICKEN TENDERLOIN FRITTERS $ $24.99 FOR 20 LB. BOX 1.99 LB. BUTTER QUARTERS DAIRY FRESH SALTED 4 2/$ • March 11, Speaker Pastor Pam Pask from Hamlet United Methodist Church • March 18, Speaker Rev. Ed Hasnerl from Eagle Creek Church • March 25, Speaker Pastor Bill Talbott from Knox United Methodist Church 1330 Articles for Sale 1355 Sporting Goods ❝ 1533 3rd Rd., Bremen, IN • 574-546-9010 OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 Ad Good 3-02-15 thru 3-07-15 All items while supplies last HONEYCRISP & GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES $ Come Join us for our Lenten Luncheons on the following dates at Noon CST: • Feb. 25, Speaker Pastor Ann Dill from Tracey United Methodist Church • March 4, Speaker Father Richard Holy from St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church G&G GUNS: Sell, Buy, Trade, Repair. 17-HMR Mossberg or Savage w/scope in-stock! (574)772-2168 1365 Firewood/Fuel SEASONED FIREWOOD, split to size, stored inside. Delivery available. (574)952-2691 or (574)952-9025 BUNK-BED, KING mattress/headboard and spring set, twin beds/dresser. Plymouth 574-780-4198 When you are looking for a deal, be sure to check your classifieds. 5.99 A PECK ATLANTIC SNO-COD $ 4.99 LB. CLOSEOUT SHELF CEREAL BOWLS 1 4/$ 4 DIFFERENT CEREALS ❞ 1390 Wanted to Buy BUYING COIN Collections, Silver & Gold Items (574)209-1001 SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT AMERICAN SLICES BULK FOODS RENTOWN BULK FOODS RENTOWN BULK FOODS RENTOWN BULK FOODS RENTOWN BULK 1.99 LB. Knox United Methodist Church Lenten events RESTAURANT FREE MEAL WINNER IS DIANA HAWKINS 1/2 BISCUITS & GRAVY $ W/ BACON 2.99 RENTOWN HAYSTACK 3.99 $ SOUP OF THE WEEK HOMEMADE IN OUR KITCHEN CHEDDAR CHOWDER BAKERY SPECIAL OF THE WEEK APPLE COFFEE $ CAKE 2.99 8 A.M.-2 P.M. 8 A.M.-2 P.M. 8 A.M.-2 P.M. SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT SNACK DEN RESTAURANT CHEESE $ No. 9 USPS 436-440, 214 N. Michigan St. Plymouth, IN 46563, 574-936-3101 Periodical postage paid Plymouth, IN 46563 1340 Household Furnishings RENTO RENTOWN OWN NB BAKERY AK A KEERY RY RENTOWN BAKERY RENTOWN BULK FOODS RENTOWN BULK FOODS RENTOWN BULK FOODS RENTOWN CO JACK March 3, 2015 Marketing Director . . . . . . . . Cindy Stockton Group Editor . . . . . . . . Diona Eskew The Leader Editor . . . . . . . . . Cheryl Patrick Production/IT Manager. . . . .Greg Hildebrand Circulation Manager . . . . . . . . Adrien Prochno Business Manager . . . . . . . . Michele Louderback STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS 936-8150 Michael Booth RENTOWN BULK FOODS RENTOWN BULK FOODS The Review Vol. 50 RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN RENTOWN Page 4 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 Leadership group learns about education Photo provided A student panel offered opinions and answered questions when Leadership Starke County visited OD to learn about education. The panel included, from left: Lexi Minix and Jackson Green, both 11th graders; Blake Hurford, 12th grade, who will attend Butler University in the fall; sixth graders Dylan Murphy, Ryan Pitts and Samantha Goetz; and Katie Watts, 12th grade, who plans to attend Ball State University. Pictured in the back are OD principals Tim Pletcher, Junior-Senior High School, and Bill Bennett, Elementary School. Hurry in for the best selection! ry o t n e Inv ction Redu le! Sa Men’s, f cks o & a R 0 1 en’s Wom othes Cl Kid’s $ First Pentecostal Church of Knox is having a Port-A-Pit Fundraiser on 1 March 7 each Stoves • Refrigerators & Freezers Washers & Dryers • Couches • Furnaces • Games Chairs • Tables • Knick Knacks • Small Appliances Records • Tapes • Movies • Books • Crafts • Toys Floral Arrangements • Porcelain Dolls Army Uniforms • Household Items Rosa’s Resale 204 Lane St., North Judson Hrs: Mon-Fri 11 to 5 Sat 10 to 2 574-896-4020 Bargain Hunters where every item, every day is $50 or less! 1155 Bargain Hunters 1155 Bargain Hunters ADJUSTABLE ALUMINUM crutches. $5. 574-935-4813 GOLD-N-HOT JUMBO ceramic triple barrel wave iron. $10. 574-952-9020 ALUMINUM FOLDING walker w/adjustable legs. $15. Call (574)935-4813 COFFEE TABLE cabinet style walnut color $20 Patty 574-936-6621 DISNEY PRINCESS kitchen, brand new, full assembled. Never used. $25. (219)575-2801 END TABLES cabinet style (2) matching walnut color $20 574-936-6621 CLASSIFIEDS WORK! OWL 1 night light. 2 owl candles. $20 Patty 574-936-6621 OWL LAMP 574-936-6621 $20 OWL STATUES made with shells. 3, 4”-5” tall. $20. Patty 574-936-6621 RESTAURANT TABLE, $45.00 (574)936-6035 TWIN FRAME $50 w/head and foot 574-780-4198 UPHOLSTERED CHAIR w/ottoman $40 574-780-4198 Build Now With... in the Smith Farm Store parking lot (1002 South Heaton Street) from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Port-A-Pit® Half Chicken with Pit-Tatoes® - $10.00 Proceeds To Benefit The First Pentecostal Church of Knox Food Pantry and Family Camp Patty ER WINT NTS! OU DISC Post Frame Buildings • Concrete Work Free Quotes • Great Rates • Quality Workmanship Residential • Agricultural • Commercial 1-800-747-6516 “Trustworthy People & Buildings” www.steelridge.biz Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 – page 5 Indiana awarded nearly $22 million WASHINGTON – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently awarded nearly $22 million to public housing authorities in Indiana. The funding will allow agencies to make major large-scale improvements to their public housing units. The grants are provided through HUD’s Capital Fund Program, which offers annual funding to approximately 3,100 public housing authorities to build, repair, renovate and/ or modernize the public housing in their communities. These housing authorities use the funding to do large-scale improvements such as replacing roofs or making energy-efficient upgrades to replace old plumbing and electrical systems. “Every American deserves a place to call home where they can successfully raise their kids, enhance their financial security and build a better life,” said HUD Secretary Julián Castro. “Through this funding, HUD is committed to strengthening our nation's affordable housing units and to providing folks with the springboard they need to succeed.” "In Indiana, the Capital Fund Program will help ensure that our families and most vulnerable individuals, our seniors, are residing in housing that is decent, safe and in good repair," said Antonio R. Riley, HUD Midwest Regional Administrator. "It is part of HUD’s mission to protect consumers and meet the need for quality affordable homes for all.” For more than 75 years, the federal government has been working and investing billions of dollars in developing and maintaining public and multifamily housing – including providing critical support through the Capital Fund grants announced today. Still, the nation continues to lose approximately 10,000 public housing units each year, primarily due to disrepair. In 2011, HUD released Capital Needs in the Public Housing Program, a study that estimated the capital needs in the public housing stock in the U.S. The study found the nation’s 1.1 million public housing units are facing an estimated $25.6 billion in large-scale repairs. Unlike routine maintenance, capital needs are extensive improvements required to make the housing decent and economically sustainable, such as replacing roofs or updating plumbing and electrical systems to increase energy efficiency. To help protect the considerable federal investment in public housing, and respond to the growing demand for affordable rental housing, the Obama Administration proposed the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), a comprehensive strategy that complements the Capital Fund Program and offers a long-term solution to preserve and enhance the country’s affordable housing stock, including leveraging public and private funding to make critically needed improvements. Since Congress approved the RAD demonstration in November of 2011, early results show it is generating significant additional capital for public and assisted housing. HUD has made awards to 60,000 public and assisted housing units in more than 340 different projects across the country. Through these awards, housing authorities have proposed to generate approximately $3 billion in capital repairs by leveraging private debt and equity, which will preserve or replace distressed units and support local jobs in their communities – all without additional federal resources. Currently, the Department has received applications from PHAs for an additional 116,000 units under RAD. To support the growing demand for RAD, the President’s FY 2016 budget proposal requests to eliminate the RAD cap, and provide $50 million to help local public housing agencies to finance the recapitalization of more than 185,000 units of public housing and stimulate private investment. 1200 Apartments for Rent 1200 Apartments for Rent 2BR, B O U R B O N , with washer/dryer. $475/month, No pets. 574-936-2723 or 574-936-8988 (after 4:00pm) Plum Street Villas GARDEN VIEW CONDOS For Seniors Over 55 1 bedroom with garage Appliances included 1230 Office Space/ Rent/Lease 2 bedrooms 2 baths 1 car garage All appliances included Ask about March special Oregon-Davis School Corporation Lunch Menu 574-936-4487 574-936-4487 MALLARD LAKE APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom units Open floor plan Pet friendly 574-936-0004 2 BR, 1 BR, Studios FREE RENT Specials! (574) 936-3496 www.valueproperties.net PLYMOUTH: 1 & 2BR, utilities included. No smoking/pets. Monthly/weekly rent +deposit. 574-952-3155 PLYMOUTH: NICE 2BR apartment w/d hook-up. No smokers/pets. $615/month, water/trash furnished. 574-952-3155 Prime Location! Great Floor Plan! (574)936-3496 1205 Houses for Rent 1245 Wanted to Rent 5BD/4FULL BATH Luxury Home For Rent, Plymouth, $2,500/month includes maintenance, serious inquiries only 574-933-2692. WANTED GOOD WHITETAIL DEER HUNTING PROPERTY TO LEASE I am looking for a whitetail deer hunting lease, trust worthy, honest, deer hunter looking to hunt in Indiana and after doing some homework I think this is the area I would like to build a relationship with a local farmer or landowner. Mostly thinking bowhunting for now maybe gun hunt in the future thank you (814) 688-5074 pineridgeenergy7@verizon.net NAPPANEE, 2-BEDROOM charmer. Duplex style, Refrig. & Stove. Nice yard, shed. Clean & Ready for YOU. 574-305-4858 PLYMOUTH HOUSE and 2 apartments in town. No smoking or pets. (574)936-7806 CLASSIFIEDS WORK, PUT THEM TO WORK FOR YOU! 2nd Annual Antique & Collectible Show & Sale March 12, 13 & 14, 2015 Thursday Early Bird Sale 4-6 p.m. Friday 9-5 pm. • Saturday 9-4 p.m. • Toys • Pattern Glass • Crafts • Furniture • Advertising • Misc. • Farm Toys • Jewelry • Greentown Glass • Depression Glass • Postcards BRING THIS AD TO SHOW FOR $1.00 OFF ADMISSION! Fulton County Fairgrounds, 4-H Buildings US 31 North, Rochester, Indiana Admission $4 - 12 years and under free Antiques, Collectibles, Farm Toys, Dolls, Quilts and Misc. Items. Something for everyone, young and old. DEALERS WANTED • FOOD AVAILABLE Early Bird Sale on Thursday, March 12 from 4-6 p.m. Admission $5 - 12 years and under Free Co-Chairperson Bill Garman Cell (765) 210-5645 • Phone (574) 223-3534 Sponsored by: Fulton County Habitat for Humanity and produced in cooperation with, Fulton Co. REMC & Fulton Co. Tourism Committee North Judson-San Pierre School Menus March 9-13 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Monday Turkey Burger, Baked Beans, Grahams, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar Tuesday Triple Mac N Cheese, Peas, Muffin, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar Wednesday Spaghetti w/meat, Garlic Toast, Broccoli, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar Thursday Turkey & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Bread & Butter, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar Friday Coney Dog, Tri Taters, Fruit, Milk, Salad Bar JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL Monday BBQ Chicken, Chili Cheese Wrap, Cole Slaw, Broccoli Salad, B&B, Salad Bar, Fruit Tuesday Meatloaf, Chicken Rings, Mashed, B&B, Salad Bar, Fruit Wednesday Sloppy Joe, Polish, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, B&B, Salad Bar, Fruit Thursday Chicken Tender Wrap, Hot Dog, Fries, B&B, Salad Bar, Fruit Friday Cheese Ravioli, BBQ Beef Rib, Green Beans, B&B/Garlic Bread, Salad Bar, Fruit MARCH 9-13 BREAKFAST Monday Cereal, Muffin, Juice Tuesday Breakfast Pizza, Juice Wednesday Strawberry Pop Tart, Yogurt, Juice Thursday French Toast Sticks, Juice Friday Cereal, Muffin, Juice LUNCH Monday Hamburger/Bun, Crispy Cubes, Pork & Beans, Peaches Choice: Tenderloin Tuesday Tangerine Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Broccoli, Bread, Pineapple Wednesday Spaghetti & Meat Sauce, Max Sticks, Green Beans, Salad/ HS, Fruit Thursday Grilled Chicken/Bun, Cooked Carrots, Applesauce, Cookie Friday Pizza, Corn, Salad/HS, Oranges, Frozen Yogurt KNOX SCHOOLS LUNCH MENU March 9-13 ELEMENTARY BREAKFAST & LUNCH MONDAY: Juice, Pop Tart, Crackers TUESDAY: Juice, Burrito WEDNESDAY: Juice, Cereal, Cracker THURSDAY: Juice, Breakfast Bar FRIDAY: Juice, Biscuits & Gravy MONDAY: Beans & Weenies, Potatoes, Corn, Peaches TUESDAY: Chicken Patty/Bun, Potatoes, Broccoli/ Dip, Mixed Fruit WEDNESDAY: Chili, Cracker, Peanut Butter Cracker, Green Beans, Applesauce, Sherbet THURSDAY: Chicken Pasta, Potatoes, Squash, Pears FRIDAY: Pizza, Potatoes, Tossed Salad, Fresh Fruit –––––––––––––––––––––––––– MIDDLE SCHOOL BREAKFAST & LUNCH MONDAY: Apple Jacks/Van Goldfish TUESDAY: French Toast Sticks WEDNESDAY: Biscuit/Gravy THURSDAY: Pop Tart FRIDAY: Breakfast Sandwich MONDAY: Chicken Patty/Bun, Potato Cheese Bake, Cauliflower, Mandarin Oranges TUESDAY: Hot Dog/Bun, Oven Fries, Celery Sticks/PB, Peaches, Ice Cream Sandwich WEDNESDAY: Soft Shell Taco, Refried Beans, Broccoli, Mixed Fruit, Apple Churro THURSDAY: Salisbury Steak, Breadstick, Mashed Potatoes, Beef Gravy, Side Salad/Peas, Cinnamon Apple Slices FRIDAY: Fish Sandwich, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Carrots Sticks/Dip, Lemonade Slushie –––––––––––––––––––––––––– HIGH SCHOOL BREAKFAST & LUNCH MONDAY: Muffins, Yogurt TUESDAY: Pancake on a Stick WEDNESDAY: Breakfast Croissn'wich THURSDAY: Pop Tart FRIDAY: Hot Biscuit Sausage Gravy MONDAY: Cheese Ravioli, Breadstick, Garden Salad, Grape Tomatoes, Diced Cucumbers, California Blend, Spiced Apples, Smoothie, Fresh Fruit TUESDAY: Italian Beef Sandwich, French Fries, Celery & Carrot Sticks & Dip, Nantucket Blend, Applesauce, Fresh Fruit WEDNESDAY: Soft Shell Fajita, Lettuce & Tomato, Cup Cheese, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans, Steamed Broccoli, Peaches, Smoothie, Fresh Fruit THURSDAY: Sweet & Sour Chicken, White Rice, Egg Rolls, Fortune Cookie, Steamed Corn, Pineapple Cup, Fresh Fruit FRIDAY: Garlic Cheese Pizza, Variety Chips, Garden Salad, Parisian Carrots, Pears, Smoothie, Fresh Fruit Your #1 Ford Dealer in Starke County STARKE COUNTY CO-OP Hamlet, Indiana 574-867-2411 606 W. Talmer, North Judson 574-896-5931 300 S. Heaton Street, Knox, IN 46534 574-772-2181 www.bestfordknox.com Page 6 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Auto Center 217137 Save $20 Service Center Service Direct Save $20 2705 N. Michigan Plymouth, IN appts@countryautoservice@yahoo.com Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 4WD Inspection NOW $19.95 Save $20! No Heat? System Inspection NOW $19.95 Save $20! Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 Save $20 574-780-2101 Buy 4 - Save $20 on mount balance Save $20 ONE STOP SHOP Tires Bald? Save $20 Country Is Your Vehicle Winter-Weather Ready? Expires 3/28/15 Save $20 Employment 1170 Help Wanted 1170 Help Wanted 1170 Help Wanted 1170 Help Wanted CYLINDER DELIVERY DRIVER: Class-B CDL w/hazmat. Good pay/benefits. No weekends. Berger Welding Supply, 574-784-3045 Newspaper Delivery Routes Open We have walking and motor rotes open in the Plymouth, Argos, Walkerton, Donaldson areas. Great way to earn extra money! Delivery is Monday through Saturday. Shopper routes available for weekend delivery. Motor routes must have dependable transportation, valid drivers license and insurance. For more information please call our Circulation Department at 936-3101 or stop in at 214 N.Michigan Street, Plymouth PART-TIME CLEANING offices on Wednesday, 4:30-8:30pm and Saturday, 9am-2pm in Bremen. Opening on days, cleaning houses in Bremen & Plymouth. 574-546-4583 WENDY’S OF Plymouth is hiring day shifts and closing positions for applicants 18 years or older. Open availability required. Apply online at snagajob.com. FATHER OF 3 looking for reliable babysitter/drivers license preferred. Bremen Schools. 574-248-5890 FIBERGLASS REPAIR tech. Must be willing to travel Northern Indiana and have a good driving record. Company equipment provided. Good pay and benefits. Please apply at Oasis Lifestyle, LLC, 1400 Pidco Drive, Plymouth, In 46563 IMMEDIATE DRIVER Position Available! Age 18+. Pay: Hourly + tips + mileage. Fun working environment. Apply in person at Plymouth Jimmy Johns, ask for a manager. NOW TAKING applications for ALL seasonal positions. Apply at: Plymouth Jellystone Park, 7719 Redwood Road. When you are looking for a deal, be sure to check your classifieds. MARSHALL STARKE HEAD START has an opening for an individual to recruit eligible Head Start children, assist families with applications, and offer resource referrals. Must be fluent in English and Spanish. High school diploma required; degree preferred in social work, family studies or related field; 35 hours per week; 9 months per year. No phone calls. Send resume to: FRW, MSDC, 1901 PIDCO Drive, Plymouth IN 46563. EOE 1173 Industrial /Skilled Trade LENDING OFFICE HIRING ENTRY LEVEL DATA ENTRY/ RECEPTION The ideal candidate will have a great attitude, work well under pressure, have outstanding ethics, data entry, and computer skills. Must be a team player with great communication skills. Hours are generally 9-5 Monday - Fri with some early evenings and Saturdays on rotation. We offer competitive wages, health benefits, and the chance to work in a fast paced, clean environment. Please mail or drop off your resumes with references to: K Krathwohl C/O ALB 115 W Garro St. Plymouth, IN 46563 or email to ALB@autoloanbuilder.com Buying or Selling? Try the Classifieds! MACHINE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Machine Repair / Maintenance worker needed to work in our Bremen, IN location. This will be a 1st shift position. Individual will fabricate, adjust and/or repair tools, gages, dies, etc. Must have strong experience working in a Tool Room. Must also have experience in Machine repair, Electrical, Millwright, & Pipefitting. Must be able to operate a fork-lift. Must be able to work to essential functions of the job. Must have Mechanic Certification or a minimum of 5 years maintenance experience. Excellent benefits. Must be 18 at time of hire. Please send resume to RBC Precision Products, 225 Industrial Dr., Bremen, IN or via email to cwaldron@rbcbearings.com or fax to 1-574-546-5924 Attn: HR. EOE AA TOPP INDUSTRIES, INC. a leading manufacturer of septic and sewage basins for the waste water industries is looking for experienced Truck Drivers with a Class A CDL to join our fleet of highly professional drivers. We require a minimum of 2 to 3 years of OTR driving experience with a clean driving record and good references. Topp currently pays .40 cents per mile for short hauls and .45 cents per mile for long hauls and $20 per drop. We offer a complete benefit package. Please apply in person, 8am to 3:30pm. Topp Industries, Inc. 420 N St Rd. 25 Rochester, IN 46975 jchambers@toppindustries.com Make money by Making a difference. When you donate blood plasma at Octapharma Plasma, you help in the creation of life-changing medicines, while putting a little extra money in your pocket for the things you want or need. $5 BONUS on 1st donation with this ad. HAND SANDERS AND FINISHERS CHASE Manufacturing, a growing woodworking company, has an immediate need for hand sanders and finishers. Starting compensation is based on experience and skill level. Apply at 1511 US Highway 6 West, Nappanee, IN. For questions, call 574-546-4776. CLASSIFIEDS WORK 1170 Help Wanted L OOKING FOR A SUMMER JOB? Culver Marina, Maxinkuckee Boardshop and the Boardwalk Bar & Grill is the place.We are looking for honest, personable help. Willing to show-up and work. Must work weekends and summer holidays. Job openings include the following: CULVER MARINA Service Department MAXINKUCKEE BOARDSHOP Retail Salespersons • Dock Staff BOARDWALK BAR & GRILL Experienced Bartenders • Wait Staff Kitchen Positions • Bus Staff Contact Culver Marina for Application, stop in for Application form, or go online to culvermarina.com. Must be 18 years old to apply. Culver Marina 3000 East Shore Drive • Culver, IN 46511 (574) 842-3375 • www.culvermarina.com BORKHOLDER BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES IS HIRING! Production Manager needed for roof and floor truss manufacturer - 2nd shift. Supervisor experience required. Prior assembly, carpentry, or framing experience preferred. Contractor Counter Sales – responsible for sales of building materials to contractors and retail customers. Retail experience and construction background preferred. Computer skills and some Saturdays required. Delivery Driver – responsible for transporting materials to customer jobsites. CDL Class A license required. Previous delivery experience preferred. Must be flexible Mon-Sat. Home nights. Send resumes to hr@borkholder.com or Human Resources, Borkholder Buildings & Supply, 786 US Highway 6, Nappanee, IN 46550. AMI INDUSTRIES IS HIRING! PROCESS ENGINEER Requirements: Manufacturing process design knowledge Machine and tool design and procurement capability Leadership in PFMEA creation Knowledgeable in Microsoft office, has a Bachelor's degree in Engineering and 3-5 years experience GENERAL PRODUCTION OPENINGS FOR 1ST SHIFTS Please apply in person at: AMI Industries 2400 Walter Glaub Drive Plymouth, IN 46563 Topp Industries, Inc. a leading manufacturer of septic and sewage basins for the waste water industries is looking for a Rotational Molding Supervisor for our Argos Facility. The supervisor is responsible for achieving company objectives related to safety, product quality, productivity and manufacturing costs. The top candidate will have proven leadership and supervisory experience. Rotational molding experience is a definite plus and consideration will be given to those candidates. Solid mechanical aptitude and a willingness to learn as well as a passion for growth and continuous improvement are also required. The ability to communicate with all levels of the organization is essential. We offer a competitive wage and benefits. Please apply in person, 8am to 3:30pm or submit a resume for consideration. Topp Industries, Inc. 420 N St Rd. 25, Rochester, IN 46975 jchambers@toppindustries.com PTX Services, LLC is a Plymouth, Wisconsin based truck load carrier. Our Fleet consists of 50 company drivers and owner operators along with 140 dry van trailers. All of our equipment is air ride. PTX is looking for drivers to work out of the South Bend, IN area facility. Drivers from this location typically leave out Sunday night or Monday morning and begin delivering multiple drop shipments in a 500 to 900 mile radius from the terminal.At the completion of your run, we load you up with a backhaul going back to northern IN and that is your week. Drivers usually get home Thursday nights or sometime on Friday. In the event of a short week, we would bring you back to our terminal in Plymouth, Wl. Depending on how many hours you have left for the week, you can either choose to go home or take a load to maximize your mileage We offer: 2102 S. Michigan St., South Bend • 574.234.9568 www.octapharmaplasma.com Must be 18-64 years of age & in good health • Have valid picture ID, proof of Social Security number & current residence postmarked within 30 days Health/Dental Insurance • 401k with company match 6 paid holidays and 1 personal day • Short and long term disability Life insurance • Vacation pay • Rider policy New drivers receive a $1,300 sign on bonus! If you're interested in finding out more about this position, you are at least 23 years old with 2 years tractor trailer experience and a reasonable driving record. Call Tim at 920-892-3000. Bargain Hunters where every item, every day is $50 or less! Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 – page 7 As measles continue, state health officials prepare INDIANAPOLIS—As the national measles outbreak that began in a California amusement park in December 2014 continues to spread, State health officials have been taking steps to prepare for a case here in Indiana. Investigating and containing measles is nothing new for health officials in the Hoosier state. Since 2005, Indiana has experienced 67 cases of measles, including an outbreak in 2012 that made national headlines when two individuals with measles visited Super Bowl Village in downtown Indianapolis while infectious. “We’ve been lucky that in recent years we haven’t lost any lives due to measles, but I’m afraid that might not always be the case,” said State Health Commissioner Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H. “With measles once again posing a serious threat, we are working to inform health care providers about signs and symptoms and continue to encourage all Hoosiers to check your vaccination status and get the appropriate doses of the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine if you haven’t already done so.” Measles was declared eliminated (absence of continuous disease transmission for greater than 12 months) from the U.S. in 2000 thanks to a highly effective vaccination program. Measles is still commonly transmitted (endem- ic or large outbreaks) in many parts of the world. This includes Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and Africa. Worldwide, an estimated 20 million people get measles and 122,000 die from the disease each year. Before the United States measles vaccination program started in 1963, about 3 to 4 million people in the U.S. got measles each year; 400 to 500 of them died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 4,000 developed encephalitis because of measles. “The cases of measles in the infants in Illinois clearly demonstrate just how important it is that every one of us gets vaccinated,” said Dr. Adams. “Vaccinations not only protect us and our loved ones, but they also protect vulnerable members of society who may not be able to get vaccinated, such as babies and individuals whose immune systems are suppressed due to chronic disease.” About Measles Measles is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by a virus. It is rare in the United States due to high vaccination rates with the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine; however, visitors from other countries or unvaccinated U.S. citizens traveling abroad can become infected outside the United States and bring measles back with them. More than 95 percent of people who receive a single dose of MMR will develop immunity to measles, and more than 99 percent will be protected after receiving a second dose. Two doses of the vaccine are needed to be fully protected. Individuals are encouraged to check with their health care providers to ensure vaccinations are up-to-date. Children are routinely vaccinated for measles at 1 year of age, and again between the ages of 4-6 before going to kindergarten, but children as young as 6 months old can receive the measles vaccine if they will be traveling to a country where measles is endemic, or are otherwise at risk. Individuals born before 1957 are presumed to be immune to measles, unless they are health care providers. Individuals who are unsure about vaccination history should contact their health care providers. Hoosiers can also access immunization records directly through the secure online tool, called MyVaxIndiana, by requesting a PIN from their health care provider. Visit www. MyVaxIndiana.in.gov to learn more. Symptoms Measles begins with a fever, cough, runny nose, and red eyes about 7-10 days after exposure. The fever increases and can get as high as 105 degrees. Two to four days later, a rash starts on the face and upper neck. It spreads down the back and trunk, and then extends to the arms and hands, as well as the legs and feet. After about five days, the rash fades the same order in which it appeared. Measles is highly contagious. When infected persons sneeze or cough, droplets spray into the air. Those droplets remain active and contagious in the air for up to two hours. “Hands down, the best way to prevent measles is to get two doses of the MMR vaccine for people born after 1957,” said Dr. Adams. “With flu and other contagious illnesses also going around, it’s always a good idea to also wash your hands frequently, cover your cough and stay home if you become sick.” If you don't have health care coverage or access to a doctor, see if you're eligible for the new Healthy Indiana Plan—HIP 2.0—by visiting www.HIP.IN.gov or calling 1-877-GETHIP-9. For more information about measles, please visit the Indiana State Department of Health at www.StateHealth.in.gov or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at http://www. cdc.gov/measles/. Visit the Indiana State Department of Health at www.StateHealth.in.gov. Follow the Indiana State Department of Health on Twitter at @ StateHealthIN and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/isdh1. Which blood pressure reading is right? By Keith Roach, M.D. DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 70-year-old man with high blood pressure. I take a calcium-channel blocker and a diuretic to control it. I am concerned about systolic readings that can vary 10-12 points when I take my blood pressure five-10 minutes apart. A recent example: readings of 132, 143, 140 and 133, taken five to six minutes apart. My diastolic readings don’t vary more than a point or two in the mid-70s. Should I be concerned about these variations in systolic pressure? -- J.S. ANSWER: Having a patient who gets multiple values, thinks about what it means and cares enough to ask is a real pleasure for a physician. This degree in blood pressure variation is well within the expected norm. Your systolic pressure (the top number, and the peak blood pressure while the heart is expelling blood from the left ventricle into the aorta) is about 136, plus or minus seven points. Having multiple readings increases the precision of the measurement and allows your physician to make better decisions about the effectiveness of your treatment regi- SPORTS QUIZ BY Chris Richcreek 1. When Craig Kimbrel set the Atlanta Braves’ mark in 2014 for career saves, whose record did he break? 2. Who holds the Pittsburgh Pirates’ record for most strikeouts by a rookie pitcher in a game? 3. When was the last time before 2013 that Michigan State’s football team had an undefeated Big Ten season? 4. How many coaches had winning records in their first full NBA season guiding the 1300 Pets & Supplies AFFECTIONATE OLDER cat needs loving home. Indoor only. For more information, (256)361-5986 CHIHAHUA/DASH MIX 10 months/male free to good home 574-780-7912 ROWDY LOVING healthy kittens to great forever homes. Five months old. (574)842-8851 Community Classifieds 574-936-3101 men. Your systolic number, however, is in the range of prehypertension, so your doctor will be keeping an eye on that. During the course of the day, systolic blood pressure readings can vary as much as 30 points. Even in the few minutes you took these, I often see variation as much or more than this. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: What are the methods for diagnosis and treatment of an Achilles’ tendon tear? -- L.N. ANSWER: The Achilles’ tendon connects the calf muscles, soleus and gastrocnemius, to the heel bone, the calcaneus. A complete rupture usually happens with a sudden, forceful contraction of the calf muscles, such as jumping, often in sports. The diagnosis usually is made by physical exam. It’s not always as obvious as it might seem: Some people with a complete rupture can still walk, and some people have no pain. Still, an experienced examiner should be able to diagnose a complete tear. An ultrasound or MRI is sometimes used to evaluate a partial tear or look for similar conditions, such as bursitis or Clippers? 5. In 2014, Martin St. Louis became the sixth undrafted player to make his NHL debut after the 1969-70 season and reach 1,000 career points. Name three of the others. 6. When was the last time before 2014 that the U.S. failed to medal in men’s and women’s Olympic long-track speedskating? 7. What was the last Grand Slam event that Tiger Woods won, and what year was it? Answers 1. John Smoltz, who had 154 saves. 2. John Candelaria (1975) and Jose DeLeon (‘83), with 13 each. 3. It was 1966. 4. Two -- Gene Shue (1978-79 season) and Doc Rivers (201314). 5. Wayne Gretzky, Adam Oates, Peter Stastny, Dino Ciccarelli and Joe Mullen. 6. It was 1984. 7. The U.S. Open in 2008. tendinopathy. A complete tear can be managed surgically or with physical therapy and rehabilitation. A surgeon should always be consulted. Partial tears are usually treated conservatively, with PT and rehab. Surgery on the Achilles’ tendon typically requires two to three months off of work. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: I have heard that magnesium destroys vitamin B, and vitamin B keeps you warm. I am cold all the time. I take magnesium for a delayed heartbeat. Do you think that magnesium is my problem? -- H.A. ANSWER: I also have heard that vitamin deficiencies, including B vitamins and vitamin D, can lead to intolerance of cold. However, I couldn’t find much good scientific evidence to support that, and none at all that magnesium causes problems with vitamin absorption or activity. Low thyroid, hypothyroidism, is the first condition to come to mind with cold intolerance, and anemia is the second. Although it can’t hurt to try a B-vitamin supplement, I would recommend getting checked out for these conditions. Stylish Sofas Stop by and see our selection of Ashley Sofas! NIFF-TONE DIST. INC. starting at only $399 Serta Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set Queen sizes YOUR METAL SIDING DISTRIBUTOR starting at * Metal Siding * Roofing $399 * Windows * Doors * Insulation * Door Track And Rail MATTRESS EXPRESS * Fiberglass * Recycled Plastic Call NIFF-TONE FOR ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL & FARM BUILDING NEEDS. Mentone – 574-353-7701 1-800-458-0840 Behind Aldi’s (Next to Sherwin Williams) 574-936-1611 www.banfichinteriors.com • info@banfichinteriors.com Store Hours: M-F 10-6 • Sat. 10-5 • Closed Sun Page 8 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 Advantage Dental Changing Smiles, Enriching Lives Dentures same day as planned extractions! Dentures made by licensed dentists Onsite Denture Lab • Interest Free Financing Flexible Payment Plans* FREE EXAM & FULL MOUTH X-RAYS $200 Value for New Patients No Obligations. Some limitations apply DENTURES for new denture patients S Some lilimitations i i apply. l Cannot be combined with other offers Offer ends March 27 *Complete details in office. Upon approved credit. Co-signers welcome All General Dentistry Onsite STATE OF THE ART DENTISTRY INCLUDING: • Extractions, Fillings, Cleanings, Crowns, Bridges and Root Canals • Nitrous Oxide Available for a Comfortable Dental Experience • Implants for Denture Stabilization and Tooth Restoration • Warranties on all Dentures In Schedule your appointment TODAY! Christos’ 8 8 35 1911 S. Heaton St. Knox, IN • 574-772-7720 Dentures-Indiana.com Plaza E 200 S Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 – page 9 Front: Dominic Cox, Jacob Duckett, John Messer, Dalton Salyer, Jeffrey Avery, Ethan Nettrouer and Joshua Bope. Middle: Coach Joe Eskridge, Braxton Moorefield, Lance Campbell, Jonathan Clark, Trevor Risner, Kevin Avery, Blake Hurford, Garrett Snodgrass and Coach Charlie Winger. Back: Joel Worthington, Carl Schnekenburger, Justin Fields, Cameron Clark and Henry Clark Good luck, Bobcats! good luck, O-d Bobcats! T A E ST AREA TEAMS! Hamlet 867-3321 F Koontz Lake 586-2120 Good Luck, Bobcats! Starke County Co-op GUN TOWN R A E RE TT E TA T E STA 1800 S US 35 • 574-772-3666 10660 E. US 30, Grovertown, IN 46531 574-867-2025 Sporting Goods 574-867-2026 fax Guns, Ammo www.theguntown.com Vests Page 10 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 Go Get ‘Em at Sectionals, Blue Jays! Front, from left: Ethan Bishop, Hunter Medborne, Trevor Thomas and Samuel Back Middle: Caleb Peretti, Jordan Darnell, Josh Mullens, Jordan Schultz and Mike Wilcox Back: Max Reinbold, Samuel Allender, Anthony Powell, Brian Eckert, Tyler Elsea and Kaden Shepherd Blue Jays! Good luck, Starke County Co-op Go get ‘em at sectionals, Blue Jays! Collision Auto Body 5180 W. Hwy. 10 • North Judson 574-896-5339 Good luck at sectionals! 574-772-3496 3115 S. Range Rd., North Judson, IN M-W-Th-F-Sat: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Sunday: 12-5 p.m. D.W. WHITE CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM HOME BUILDING 5095 S. RANGE RD., NORTH JUDSON, IN • 574-896-3122 BRANTWOOD FAMILY DINING & LOUNGE 407 E. Talmer Ave., North Judson, IN 896-2538 “Home of the Famous Italian Beef” t a k c u L d Goo ! s l a n o i Sect 12 South Prettyman St.. Knox 574-772-7003 Fax: 574-772-7004 Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:30 • Sat. 8:00-Noon Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 – page 11 ron seniors from lef �or�a� A��er�o�� �erem� Critte��o� a�� �cott �aru�� iddle �oo�er �roe�e r� Ale� Her�a��e�� Cor��� Ho�ar�� �cott ro�e� a�� �� �c�ee� ac Coac� ��ro� �aul�titc�� Coac� �ic� C�ar�ec�i� ��la� �ater�a� Cam�e� �rue�er � �o���� ol�o�� �ra� La�o�e� �alac�i A�coc�� Coac� �lliot Coa�� Coac� �o� �rue�er a�� Hea� Coac� �ar� � ictor Redskins! Good luck, Starke County Co-op Good luck at sectionals! 865 E. Jefferson St. Plymouth 574-936-4081 Show them how it’s done! Affordable Insurance 574-772-5370 www.insurancebyval.com • Auto • Home • Commercial • Life Good luck to all area teams at Sectionals! A.L. OLSON REAL ESTATE Marsha Boggs/ Broker 574-772-3051 Linda Chorba 574-772-2528 Angie Dowd 574-772-0964 Cathy Raab 574-772-5055 Becky Pulver 574-806-6158 Donna Wheeler 219-508-6950 Page 12 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 Scholarships available through IU Health entities LAPORTE – Since 1983 Indiana University Health La Porte Hospital, the La Porte Hospital Foundation and the La Porte Hospital Auxiliary have sponsored scholarships and awards/loans to students pursuing healthcare careers. Through the combined efforts, more than $67,750 was distributed to 37 students in 2014. The following Auxiliary scholarships are available in 2015: • Auxiliary Scholarships - $750 to first-time applicants. Renewals of $1,000 available for students applying for second year, based on satisfactory academic progress and need. • Friends of Auxiliary - $750. • Harold and Marcy Bowen Scholarship - $750. Students must be in their freshman or sophomore year and enrolled in a healthcare program at an accredited school. The Foundation offers the following scholarships: • Elizabeth & Eugene Siefker Scholarship - $500 to a student enrolled in a healthcare program. • Foundation Scholarships - For undergraduate juniors, seniors or fifth-year students in degrees requiring five years of study in any healthcare program. Amount determined by Scholarship Committee. • Hrankja Scholarship – For students entering their junior or senior year of a Bachelor of Nursing program. Amount determined by Scholarship Committee. • Magnuson Scholarship - Available to employees of IU Health La Porte and Starke hospitals, IU Health La Porte Physicians, IU Health Lakeshore Surgicare and all other regional affiliated facilities, seeking an advanced degree in a healthcare program. Amount established by Scholarship Committee. Recipient may apply for one additional year (maximum of two years). • Richard M. Sisson Scholarship $1,000 available to students enrolled in a nursing program. Students eligible for all scholarships must be one of the following: • Resident of the IU Health La Porte and Starke hospitals service area, which includes La Porte and Starke counties as well as eastern Porter County, northern Pulaski County, Marshall County, northwest Kosciusko County, western St. Joseph County and southwest Berrien County, Michigan. • Current employee or child of an employee of IU Health La Porte or Starke hospitals, IU Health La Porte Physicians or IU Health Lakeshore Surgicare. • La Porte Hospital Auxiliary member or volunteer. The following awards/loans are available: • The Foundation Rumely Award/Loan Program - Up to $6,000 available annually to a college senior enrolled in a full-time accredited healthcare program. Value to be determined by amount of tuition due for one school year. Renewals available for one additional year. Upon graduation, recipient must accept employment at IU Health La Porte Hospital or regional affiliated facility for one year for each award/loan received, or repay the award with interest. • The Foundation Bilingual Student Award/Loan Program - Up to $4,000 available annually to a bilingual (English/ Spanish) student enrolled in a two or four year degree that leads to licensure or certification in fields directly employed by IU Health La Porte Hospital or regional affiliated facility. Students must be enrolled full time in courses at one of the following schools: Indian University Northwest, Indiana University South Bend, Purdue North Central or Ivy Tech. Value to be determined by amount of tuition due for one school year. Renewals available for three additional years. Within six months of receiving award, recipient must complete certified medical interpreter course (offered free to recipient) through IU Health La Porte Hospital. Upon graduation, recipient must accept employment at IU Health La Porte Hospital or regional affiliated facility for one year for each award/loan received, or repay the award with interest. • IU Health La Porte and Starke hospitals, IU Health La Porte Physicians and IU Health Lakeshore Surgicare Critical Occupations Award/Loan Program Presented to a student pursuing a career in the following occupations: medical laboratory technician/medical technician, nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing or nurse practitioner program), pharmaceutical or occupational, physical and speech therapy. Up to $10,000 to be used for tuition, books and room and board available to a student in final year of training. Student must provide school financial statement before receiving award/loan. Recipient must join IU Health La Porte Hospital or regional affiliated facility upon graduation and remain employed full-time for at least two years, or repay the award with interest. Applications available at iuhealth.org/ laporte/foundation/scholarships. All completed applications and required documents must be returned or postmarked by March 27, 2015. Interviews may be required, and semi-finalists will be notified of their status. Final selections will be announced in June. For more information, call 219-3262471 or toll-free at 877-265-4539, email laportehospitalfoundation@iuhealth.org or visit iuhealth.org/laportefoundation. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY & 498 Audio/Video 510 Cleaning Services 525 Contractors 565 Home Improvement / Remodel TV ANTENNAS I NSTALLED CleanRite Cleaning Service TLC Livinghouse Construction TROUBLE SHOOTING TV TOWERS PAINTED TV T OWERS REMOVED 574-216-8079 574-721-9794 Est. 2000 • BBB • Chamber Member Homes, Businesses, Apts & Windows Insured • Bonded 574-586-9614 574-274-2424 1st Place Remodeling •New Construction Roofing • Siding • Seamless Guttering 574-298-3831 Plymouth, Indiana MARKLEY SERVICES We are here to help with all your cleaning needs. 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Buy, Sell, Repair (574)298-9800 Hooters Tree Service 595 Plumbing PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. “QUALITY SERVICE AT A REASONABLE RATE” • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FREE ESTIMATES SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION PLUMBING • HEATING • REFRIGERATION LICENSE # - CP 1930006 574-784-2005 629 Small Appliance Repair Markley Appliance Repair Servicing most brands 574-546-4583 Certified Technician Tree trimming, topping, stump removal, fire wood, top soil, demolition, excavating/trucking. Fully Insured. 574-936-5818 553 Financial Services BANKRUPTCY: FREE CONSULTATION $25.00 to Start. Payment Plans Available. Ch. 13 No Money Down. Filing fee not included. Call Collect 574-269-3634, Warsaw, IN. Sat. & Even. Appt. Available. Debt Relief Agency under Bankruptcy Code. Is your competitor listed here? SHOULDN’T YOU BE! NEED HELP Contact one of your local with a JOB! business professionals! Reach over 98,000 potential customers every week in the Community Classified Business & Service Directory for as little as $115.00 a month. Call 574-936-3101 or 800-933-0356 to place your ad today! Strange but True • Though they seemingly have little in common, early 20th-century American politician William Jennings Bryan and 19thcentury French author Honore de Balzac seemed to share a distrust of great wealth. Bryan observed, “No one can earn a million dollars honestly,” and Balzac, echoing that sentiment, stated, “Behind every great fortune there is a crime.” • A single speck of blood contains around 5 million red blood cells. • You might be surprised to learn that ebooks are not a recent phenomenon; back in 1971 a man named Michael S. Hart began to digitize printed works, typing them in by hand. His first project -- The Declaration of Independence. • Woodrow Wilson is the only U.S. president who held a Ph.D. • With a height of 321 feet, the Memphis Pyramid, completed in 1991, is the largest pyramid in the Americas, and the sixthlargest in the world. • The Dalai Lama likes to repair watches as a way to relax. • Before modern medical techniques became common, it was not unusual for people to be inadvertently buried alive. In 1819, the Doctor Regent of the Faculty of Medicine in Paris estimated that one-third to one-half of people who died in bed were, in fact, still alive when they were interred. This led to the invention of the “security Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 – page 13 coffin,” which was connected to a monitoring station by a long tube. If the presumed corpse did regain consciousness, food and drink could be transported through the tube while the coffin was exhumed. • In ancient China, snail shells were used as currency. *** Thought for the Day: “Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keeps friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment.” -- Grenville Klieser (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. Starke County Young Artists’ Conference Saturday, March 14, 2015 Sponsored by Psi Iota Xi (PIX) Sorority, the Starke County Community Foundation, REMC, Starke United and NIPSCO Dear Parents, The 20th Annual Young Artists’ Conference will be held at the North Judson – San Pierre Elementary School in North Judson. This conference is open to First through Fifth Graders. At this conference, your child will have an opportunity to: • Meet authors, artists, musicians and Illustrators; • Learn something new about music, art, writing, storytelling, drama and more; • Participate in the creative process; • Get excited about learning; • Purchase autographed books from authors; • Receive a “goodie bag filled with treasures from local merchants and community organizations! Registration begins at 8:30 am. Arts for Learning will be providing an interactive and entertaining program at the end of the day. Aesop’s fables are famous for turning common animals into story heroes. The animals portray human behaviors and learn life lessons along the way. Their afternoon show (from 1-2 PM) is open to the entire family! For the safety of the children, parents must have a proper ID and come inside the building to collect their children. Please be patient during this essential security process. The registration fee of $5.00 includes all supplies, a mid-morning snack, lunch, and entrance to the afternoon program (when the students can be joined by their entire family). Questions? Feel free to contact the Conference Chair, Marylyn Lukac, at (w) 574-896-3177, (c) 219-928-3894 or malukac@yahoo.com or the Knox Chapter President, Tammy Fletcher, at (r:) 574-772-4384 or tlfletcher@embarqmail.com. We will send a reminder, along with the day’s agenda, to all registrants by Friday, March 13th. ***************THIS REGISTRATION FORM IS DUE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2015*************** Please return this form, with the $5.00 fee, in an envelope to your child’s teacher. Kindly print and make checks/money orders payable to Psi Iota Xi Sorority. Thank you. Child’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name: _____________________________________________ Emergency Contact #: _________________________________________________ School:_____________________________________________________________ Grade Level: ________________________________________________________ Any Allergies to: Food(s) ____________________________________________________________ Medication(s) ________________________________________________________ Teacher’s name: _____________________________________________________ Other special notes:___________________________________________________ Psi Iota Xi Sorority may take photographs of participants, attendees, and guests and collect their names for use in its marketing and promotional materials or news publications. By attending this event, you are consenting to the collection and use of: 1.: your name and photograph; 2. you child’s name and photograph; and 3. your guest(s)’ name(s)’ and photograph(s) without compensation. Any photographs will be the sole property of the PIX Sorority. Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________________ Page 14 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 1st Source donates $10,000 to SCILL KNOX – 1st Source has donated $10,000 to the Starke County Initiative for Lifelong Learning (SCILL) for its Automation, Robotics and Equipment Maintenance Program. The funds will be used for a two-year program for junior and senior students in the North Central Area Vocational Cooperative beginning in the 2015-16 school year. Connie Lemler, 1st Source Regional President, presented the donation to Jerry Gurrado, SCILL Coordinator of Student Services and Programs and A.J. Gappa, Superintendent of the Knox Community School Corporation and Chairperson of the SCILL Board. They were joined by SCILL students and Judy Caudill, 1st Source Banking Center Manager in Knox. “1st Source is a strong supporter of SCILL’s efforts to recruit, educate and connect students and adults with employers who need a well-trained workforce,” said Lemler. “This initiative is important for our community and we are pleased to partner to make it happen.” 1st Source Corporation, parent company of 1st Source Bank, has assets of $4.83 billion and Photo provided is the largest locally controlled financial institution headquartered in the northern IndianaPictured are: A.J. Gappa, Judy Caudill, Connie Lemler and Jerry Gurrado. southwestern Michigan area. Does a Dry Nose Mean Dog Is Sick? By Sam Mazzotta DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Settle an argument for us: My wife says that you can tell if a dog is sick with an upper respiratory infection be- cause it has a dry nose. I think a dry nose has nothing to do with a dog’s health. What do you say? -- Barrett in Wheeling, West Virginia and just worried about it, contact your veterinarian, who may ask about specific symptoms or behavior changes. Your vet may have you bring your dog in to check and make sure it’s not developing an illness. Or, if your dog is ill, the vet can determine what type of illness and what might be causing it, and treat it appropriately. DEAR BARRETT: While a dry nose (one that feels dry when you touch it, versus cool and damp) may be a sign that your dog is under the weather, it’s not the most reliable indicator. Some dogs’ noses feel dry all the time, and some noses vary day to day. Some noses are wet and runny due to allergies. It’s better to look for other symptoms if you’re worried about your dog’s health. Frequent sneezing or snorting, pawing at the nose, nasal discharge that’s heavier or thicker than normal, behavioral changes (lethargy, lack of enthusiasm for everyday events like going outside) or lack of appetite. More serious symptoms include labored breathing, retching or gagging, weight loss, a deep cough or extreme lethargy. If your dog has any of these symptoms, or you’re not sure Email your photos to The Leader theleader@centurylink.net Include names of everyone in photos and mini summary of event Woodland Variety Store $ SMOKED HAM PIECES JIMMY DEAN ROLL CHEESE N’ CARAWAY MUENSTER CHEESE 1.99 lb. $ Limit 12 lbs. Additional $2.29 lb. $ 1.99 lb. Limit 15 doz. Additional $1.39 doz. SHREDDED CHICKEN $ BONE-IN BBQ OSCAR MYERS HONEY CHICKEN WINGS & SMOKED HAM 75¢ 8 oz. 1.99 lb. 19 US 6 331 BREMEN NAPPANEE 3 B Rd 1350 N Woodland Variety Store 1250 N Hepto n Rd 6th Rd US 30 BOURBON 23 19 Marshall County Line Road 331 19 ETNA GREEN $ CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY IS MARCH 21ST! FREE CHILI & HAM SANDWICHES WILL BE SERVED $ $ RITZ CRACKERS 1.99 lb. 99 From The Deli $ 1.89 lb. Limit 10 lbs. Additional $2.19 lb. y he Baker CLAEY’S SANDED From T REESE WHOOPIE PIES DROPS 89¢ 6 oz. 9.50 50 lb. bag 1.99 10 lb. bag $ 7.5-9.1 oz. EASY CARVE HAM $ $ POTATOES CHICKEN IN A BISCUIT, COUNTRY FRESH EXTRA TRISCUIT & WHEAT THINS HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM $ ¢ 1.25 13.7 oz. 22 40 lb. HUMMUS 75¢ 8 oz. Roasted Garlic or Classic HOMESTYLE PEPPERED CHICKEN TENDERS 1.69 lb. TEXAS TEXAS ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT $ N County Road 800 W $ 1.39 lb. Boneless/Fully Cooked HOMEMADE HAM SALAD $ 1.99 lb. GRADE A MED. EGGS $ 1.19 doz. SAUSAGE $ 1.69 lb. Accepting Debit, Credit & EBT Cards 2.99 5 ct (Tues-Sat) Most items are while supplies last! 1.19 quart while supplies last Harvey & Gloria Chupp 4133 E Marshall County Line Rd Bremen, IN 46506 574-773-0303 ext. 1 HOURS Mon - Sat 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Prices Good March 2-7 We will no longer be open until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays MOULDY SAYS... SAVE $100’S! OUR STORE IS OVERSTOCKED! HIGH END MOULDING AT LOW END PRICES! NOW OPEN SUNDAYS Select Grade Mouldings: Solid Pine • MDF • Primed Poplar • Red Oak • Tongue & Groove Items And of course we stock factory seconds ALL@ discounted prices AND MUCH MUCH MORE! Add a decorator’s final touch with these impressive solid wood mouldings THEMOULDINGOUTLET.NET THE MOULDING OUTLET E. LINCOLNWAY Al’s Super Market Moudling Outlet N 720 E. Lincolnway • LaPorte, IN STORE HOURS 219-324-0373 MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8-4:30 • SAT 8-5 Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 – page 15 Come See the Value! (L-R) Mike Fisher, Rick Kobold, Dean Jernigan, Jim Smith, Bruce Feldman, and Jason Clark Beginning Monday, March 2nd, our two Auto Park Service Departments will become " " One The 1845 West Jefferson department will be merging into the Plymouth Airport location. All customer work will now be serviced at our Airport location: 201 Airport Road, Plymouth · 574.935.6600 At the beginning of 2014, with both service departments overloaded with inspections and a high demand from the community for our services, the Elkhart Auto Park processing center was born. Utilizing 40 bays to service, detail, pic and stock inventory, the Elkhart center quickly took all the heavy workload off of the Plymouth service departments. Always wanting to be the best at what we do, we are taking our best technicians and advisors to the airport! All 3 ASE Master-Certified technicians have over 65 years of combined technical experience in automotive repair. Both advisors have been servicing the public for over 25 years. The Auto Park Service Center will continue to service all makes and models, from transmission rebuilds to changing your oil and everything in between. We have taken the best in the industry and put them under one roof so that we can give our customers the Best Shop in Town or Anywhere Around! IT’S TAX SEASON! LET THE AUTO PARK SERVICE CENTER HELP YOU SAVE YOUR MONEY WITH OUR IN STORE REBATES $20 PER TIRE UP TO $80 $40 PER AXLE ON BRAKE REPLACEMENT UP TO $80 $25 BATTERY REPLACEMENT ASK US ABOUT OUR REFERRAL PROGRAM! SERVICE DEPARTMENT 201 AIRPORT ROAD, PLYMOUTH 574-935-6600 100% EMPLOYEE OWNED! AUTOPARK.COM Page 16 – Starke • The Review March 3, 2015 Used Cars of Plymouth Make your tax refund go further with us! ‘10 FORD FUSION ‘10 HONDA ACCORD ‘11 FORD EDGE ‘11 KIA SOUL Sport, FWD, 6 cyl. $197/month EX-L, Silver, FWD $198/month SEL, White Suede, AWD $262/month Shadow, FWD, 4 cyl $172/month ‘12 DODGE AVENGER ‘12 DODGE AVENGER ‘12 INFINITI G SEDAN ‘12 KIA OPTIMA SXT Plus, 6 cyl., FWD $187/month SE, Blue Streak, FWD $172/month Limited Edition, AWD, 6 cyl. $414/month LX, Metal Bronze, FWD $183/month ‘12 MITZUBISHI LANCER ‘12 NISSAN MAXIMA ‘13 FORD FOCUS ‘13 NISSAN ALITMA GT, Apex Silver Metallic $213/month 3.5 S, Winter Frost, FWD $234/month SE, Ignot Silver Metallic, FWD $202/month 2.5 SL, Gray, FWD $224/month ‘14 FORD FUSION ‘14 HYUNDAI TUCSON ‘14 NISSAN SENTRA ‘15 HYUNDAI ELANTRA SE, Auto, FWD $261/month Limited, Blue, AWD $321/month SV, Brilliant Silver, 4 cyl. $228/month SE, Symphony Silver, FWD $247/month Stock #K2413 Stock #E1710 Stock #E1655 Stock #E1705 Stock #E1599 Stock #K2369 Stock #K2376 Stock #K2388 Michael Wireman Michael Wireman has been with Mike Anderson’s for two years. Michael takes a great deal of pride in bringing his customers the knowledge and satisfaction of finding the right vehicle for them! Stock #E1701 Stock #K1834 Stock #E1723 Stock #E1674 Stock #K2417 Stock #K2410 Stock #K2418 Stock #E1726 75 months | $2000 Down | 1.99% 2600 N. Michigan Street, Plymouth, Indiana 574-540-2009 DriveNowPlymouth.com
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