questions taken on notice - City of Greater Dandenong


questions taken on notice - City of Greater Dandenong
Answers given below are only for Councillors questions that were taken on notice.
Questions that were answered at Council Meetings appear in the Minutes:
Your Council > Council Meetings.
For further information contact Governance on 8571 5235.
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Speed Devices in Birrong Avenue,
Noble Park
The installation of speed devices at
Bundeena Avenue in Keysborough has
been well received by its residents.
Similar speed hump devices are now
being sought by residents of Birrong
Avenue in Noble Park for their street.
Could the relevant officer please
investigate as a priority?
Date of
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/10/16)
Our early observations are that these
treatments have reduced vehicle
speeds and improved road safety
along the street. We will continue to
monitor the impact of the treatments
over the next 12 months.
These treatments were funded
through Council’s Local Area Traffic
Management Prioritisation Program,
which allocates the limited funding for
road safety infrastructure to the
locations where the greatest road
safety benefits will be realised. This is
achieved by assessing against
a range of criteria including traffic
data, road design and function, crash
statistics and proximity to activity
While Birrong Avenue has been
added to this program, it does not
currently rank in the top 20 locations
and is therefore unlikely to be funded
within the next 5 years. Its current
position on the list is based on traffic
data which is a couple of years old
(early 2014). I will arrange for new
traffic surveys to be undertaken on
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Birrong Avenue to ensure that the
current conditions are accurately
In 2014, the 85th percentile speed on
Birrong Avenue was 51.4km/h and
traffic volumes were an average of
just over 800vehicles/day and no
accident trend had been observed on
the street. Locations such as
Bundeena Avenue and others very
high on the Local Area Traffic
Management (LATM) priority list have
higher traffic speeds and volumes and
a number have a history of accidents.
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Jim Memeti
Voting Process for Blind Residents
With regards to elections whether it is
for Federal, State or Local
Governments, I was not aware that
for those who are legally blind, there is
a separate process to be followed. For
Local Government elections, the legally
blind voters have to be accompanied by
someone else. Members of the Greater
Dandenong community have
approached me to raise this matter.
Could Council refer this matter to the
Victorian Electoral Commissioner so
that the process is the same for those
declared legally blind across the three
levels of government?
Colour of Lights on Lonsdale Street,
I have seen all the lights in Lonsdale
Street and would like to know if Council
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/10/16)
Council will take on board a review of
voting facilities for the blind at the
2020 Council elections but also noting
that these elections are very likely to
be required by the new Local
Government Act and the Minister to
be conducted by postal voting with no
attendance vote being available.
In the event that attendance voting
remains allowable and is the option
chosen by Council, every effort will be
made to match the disability access
provided at both State and Federal
elections for blind people.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/10/16)
The light sticks are controlled through
software/programming system located
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
could look at the colours of the lights? It
is good to see all the lights working but
I think Council needs to fix the light
colours so Lonsdale Street lighting will
be colourful again.
Cr Youhorn Chea
Carparking along Queens Avenue,
I would like to ask the relevant officer
about car parking along Queens
Avenue in Springvale. I have asked the
same question previously but have not
seen any progress at all. Even though
car parking is available from 9am-3pm,
there are usually only three or four cars
during the day until 3pm when more
cars are parked there. Could the
relevant officer please investigate and
look at ways of improving traffic
conditions in the area?
Summary of Response
with The Drum Theatre.
The light sticks are interlinked and
controlled through an electrical
system of individual controllers and
the colour scheme programmer in
Drum Theatre. Currently, repairs/light
stick replacements are being
undertaken to address faults
with/damage to the poles, lights and
controllers, scheduled to be
completed by week ending 7 October
2016 weather permitting. Delay in the
repairs being undertaken has been
due to a high number of poles/lights
being recently damaged by vehicles.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/10/16)
Council has recently altered the
parking restrictions at this location
(late July 2016) to extend the period
on which the parking restrictions
apply. No parking is currently
permitted during the 7-10am and
3-6pm Monday - Saturday busier
periods. Consideration was given to
permanently banning parking at this
location, however a number of the
businesses in the area have
previously objected to this as
customers would not be able to park
close by. During peak periods, the
new restrictions are likely to have
some benefit. At other times, while
slight delays may be caused by the
parked cars, during most site visits the
traffic was still able to fully clear on
each cycle of the lights.
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Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
If any cars are observed parking in
these spots between 5pm and 6pm as
Councillor Chea has suggested, then
this parking is illegal. If illegally
parked cars are observed at this
location, then residents should be
advised to contact Council on 8571
1000 and report illegal parking. This
will assist Council’s Parking
enforcement officers with addressing
this behaviour.
Cr Youhorn Chea
Parking Costs in Springvale
Have the car parking rates in Warwick
Avenue, Springvale increased recently?
Director City
Design &
Cr Youhorn Chea
Free parking on Sunday in Springvale
Is it free to park in the Warwick Avenue car
park, Springvale on Sunday?
Director City
Design &
Cr Jim Memeti
Abbotts Road Railway Removal Project
Abbotts Road when it comes to peak time is
a very, very busy road. I think the State
Government has not made a decision on
whether the railway will go underground or
overground or what will happen in relation
to Remington Drive. What is happening
with that option?
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
No the car parking rates have not
increased recently. On the day you
referred to, the parking machine
malfunctioned and subsequently charged
a wrong fee. This machine was promptly
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
Further to my response on the night
please note that no, it is not free to park in
Warwick Avenue Springvale on Sunday.
It is only free to park at 8 Balmoral
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
The options left for consideration
regarding the Abbotts Road grade
separation project include the following:
Rail over road
Road over rail
Remington Drive is no longer part of the
consideration of the grade separation
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Cr Loi Truong
Subject & Summary of Question
Drop off/pick up spaces In
SpringvaleShopping Centre
Council agreed to have a drop off and pick
up area for assisted parking spaces in the
Springvale Shopping Centre for people who
have difficulty shopping there. I would like
to know how many car parking spaces are
used for drop off and pick up and their
Acting Director
Date of
Summary of Response
At the most recent Business Liaison
Group meeting chaired by Gabrielle
Williams, it was agreed to reduce the
options to one solution being the rail over
road option. An announcement on this is
expected soon with additional information
sessions to then be held by the LXRA.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
Consultation with traders/ properties was
undertaken regarding a number of
proposed locations within the Springvale
Activity Centre in September 2015. The
response to this consultation was that the
provision of pick up and drop off parking
areas at the locations proposed was not
supported by the businesses.
A number of 1/4P parking areas were
introduced in March 2016 at other
locations where no objections from
businesses were received. These
locations are:
• 2 spaces on the west side of
Buckingham Avenue just to the
north of Windsor Avenue (1/4P)
• 1 space on the east side of
Buckingham Avenue near the
shops to the south of Windsor
Avenue (1/4P)
In addition, within the core of the Activity
Centre areas of ticket parking are
designated to 1/2P parking to ensure that
there is high turnover and that anybody
wishing to undertake a quick errand or to
pick up or drop somebody off is able to
find a parking space. These parking
spaces include:
• 10 spaces on the north side of
Balmoral Avenue between
Buckingham Avenue and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Wheel chair access at 443 Princes Hwy
Dandenong for Maxi Taxi’s
In relation to wheelchair access at 443
Princes Highway, Noble Park, Maxi Taxis
cannot access this area to pick up disabled
people and some of these are quite
profoundly disabled people. I will forward
this issue to Acting Director Engineering
Intersection of Chandler Rd and
Cheltenham Rd Keysborough
I have received emails regarding the
intersection of Chandler Road and
Cheltenham Road, Keysborough. I have
Acting Director
of Engineering
Date of
Summary of Response
Springvale Road (1/2P)
• 2 spaces on the south side of
Balmoral Avenue between
Buckingham Avenue and
Springvale Road (1/2P)
• 35 spaces on the west side of
Buckingham Avenue between
Windsor Avenue and Balmoral
Avenue (1/2P)
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
One of our engineers has investigated the
site and identified that the Princes
Highway Service Lane at this location is of
a suitable standard for Maxi Taxis to get
to the site.
I am assuming that therefore, that the
issue is that the Maxi Taxis are unable to
get onto the site due to the vehicle
crossover onto the private road within the
development (which is relatively narrow
and located near a utility pole). If this is
the case, then concerned residents
should be contacting their owners
corporation / body corporate, who would
be responsible for the design and
maintenance of this crossover.
Director of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
If the owners corporation is unclear about
what changes they could make to their
crossover or how to do this, they would be
more than welcome to contact Council.
Application forms for new / alterations to
crossovers can be found on Councils
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
VicRoads are not supportive of the
provision of an additional north bound
lane on Chandler Road approaching this
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
been speaking to residents and they do not
think the response from the regulator is
adequate. Council is attempting to
represent this difficult this issue and I
advised that I would be elevating this to a
Council meeting. It may be that the media
could help with this as well. The residents
have got some very real concerns and I
have been there to investigate and it is
awful. If action is not taken in relation to a
north bound left turn lane at that
intersection there is going to be an accident
one day. I know everyone says that but
people have been asking and representing
a long time so I will forward the emails to
the Acting Director Engineering Services.
Cr Matthew
Keylana Drive Keysborough Bus Route
I have received concerned feedback from
Keysborough residents regarding the safety
of the Keylana Drive section of the new 709
bus route. That is the small section
between Lakeview Boulevard and Chapel
Road. Residents have commented that
there are no bus shelters in this section,
which is a common issue across that bus
route, but they have talked about that
section in particular. The narrowness of the
Summary of Response
intersection. VicRoads have provided
rationale for this position, which is
generally supported by Councils traffic
engineers. Ultimately any measures
which encourage higher traffic volumes on
Chandler Road are not supported. With
the exception of a very limited number of
properties, the left turn from Chandler
Road into Cheltenham Road is not the
most direct travel route for any trips. This
movement is primarily used by vehicles
“rat running” to avoid delays elsewhere. It
is more appropriate for the majority of
traffic to use alternative routes such as
Perry Road. The intersection between
Chandler Road and Cheltenham Road
also has a number of design constrains –
meaning that altering the signals to allow
more traffic through Chandler Road would
result in more significant delays to traffic
on Cheltenham Road.
Director of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Despite this, Council officers are in the
process of developing a maintenance
proposal to seal / improve the unsealed
surface at the intersection. While the
intersection and the land that this area sits
on is managed by VicRoads, Council will
offer to assist with the works.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
The bus route and stops proposed by
PTV were reviewed prior to installation
and discussed with the bus service
provider (Ventura). During a trial run of
the service, there were no issues with the
movement of a bus throughout the estate,
including navigating a bus through the
bends between Lakeview Boulevard and
Chapel Road. Although issues may arise
during the operation of the service, PTV
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Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
road is a hazard for both bus drivers and
other car users as this section gets clogged
with traffic in the afternoon due to its
narrowness. There is no crossing near bus
stops so that people can get safely across
what is being an increasingly busy road and
it is now a busier road due to the bus route.
There is inadequate lighting for people
getting on and off in the early mornings and
Date of
Summary of Response
advises that they will hold regular
operational meetings with Ventura to
resolve any issues that arises with the
The width of the road was considered
when selecting the preferred route for the
bus, and the development plans for the
estate (which were established long
before Keylana Drive was built or any
residents were present) ensured that the
design was appropriate for bus services.
Narrow road widths tend to reduce vehicle
speeds and improve road safety.
In general, pedestrian crossings are
warranted in areas with high pedestrian
volumes where it is identified that over 20
pedestrians cross at a particular location
in an hour. As Keysborough South is a
residential area, the volume of
pedestrians crossing the road is typically
low and sporadic and is unlikely to meet
the warrants set out by VicRoads.
Although the new bus stops have been
installed, there is no requirement for
pedestrian crossings to be provided. Bus
stops have been provided at locations
where visibility is good and there is
sufficient waiting space for pedestrians
getting off bus to determine a safe way to
cross the road.
An investigation of the area identified that
there are street lights spaced
approximately every 40m along Keylana
Drive. Council’s standard spacing for
street lighting is every 95m. Therefore the
lighting along Keylana Drive is considered
more than adequate and there is
significantly more lighting provided than is
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Cr Matthew
Progress of School based community
Hubs Report
On Monday 14 December 2015, when the
community hubs and community
development framework were adopted by
Council, a recommendation was moved to
consider the presentation of a report on the
advantages, disadvantages and
recommendations on how school based
community hubs could be used effectively
for community development and any other
opportunities for service delivery. What is
the progress status on this report?
Cr Jim Memeti
Burnt Down Building at Corner of
Langhorne and Foster Streets,
Approximately 12 to 18 months ago, the
building located at the corner of
Langhorne and Foster Streets,
Dandenong burned down. It has since
been boarded up with some fencing.
What is the update on that building? I
know it is not Council’s building but for
how long can they leave that boarding
up there? I think the building needs to
be pulled down. Can I have an update
on that?
Director City
Design and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
in place along the majority of bus routes
within the municipality.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/09/16)
This report is being finalised to
address the questions regarding the
school based community hubs and
will be included in the Council meeting
agenda on Monday 28 November
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/09/16)
There was a fire in the building on the
corner of Foster and Langhorne
Streets, Dandenong on 16 November
2015. The damage was restricted to
internal, some windows and doors
and roof. An emergency Order was
issued on the owner requiring a 1.8m
high safety fence be immediately
installed and within 24 hours shutters
being provided over all openings.
This was carried out by the owner
within the time prescribed which
satisfied the requirements of the
The Building Act and Regulations
have provisions to ensure the safety
of buildings when they become
dangerous due to factors like
structural instability or unsuitable for
habitation due to a fire. The
requirements initially are to make the
building safe either by restricting
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
access or in extreme cases requiring
the building to be demolished. In this
case the structure of the building has
not been compromised sufficiently to
warrant an order to demolish the
building. As the site was made safe,
there are no restrictions on the time
that a building, which does not pose
an immediate danger, can remain
indefinitely on the site. Council’s
Building and Residential Amenity
departments both play a role in
monitoring these sites for any
changing conditions and if required
will take the appropriate action to
bring the site into compliance.
Cr Jim Memeti
Missing Bike Racks on Lonsdale
Street, Dandenong
On my way to the Council building
today, I noticed that a few of the bike
racks on Lonsdale Street near Foster
Street, Dandenong are missing. It may
have happened last night because I
remember seeing them there early last
week. There seems to be a lot of
problems in Lonsdale Street and
Thomas Street, Dandenong so I would
like to report it to Council.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/09/16)
Council has been advised that the
damaged bike racks on the corner of
Lonsdale and Foster Streets,
Dandenong were first reported to the
Works Service Unit on Monday 22
August 2016 and were replaced the
next day.
Cr Maria Sampey
Update on All Abilities Playground
Could the relevant officer give a
progress update on the feasibility study
into an All Abilities Playground?
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/08/16)
Council Officers are currently working with
the appointed consultants to finalise the
feasibility study. Upon completion Council
will be briefed on the results.
Cr Matthew
Signage at Springvale Train Station
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
I regularly speak to residents that do
not know about Council events,
activities and consultations. The further
away from Central Dandenong the
more I am asked these questions.
Previously I inquired if, just like at
Dandenong Railway Station, there
could be posters put up on the
platforms of Springvale Railway Station
to inform residents about Council
events, activities and consultations,
including performances at the Drum
Theatre. Since redevelopment, the
Springvale Railway Station is now a
hive of activity which is why I think this
is so important. Has there been any
progress on this?
Director Corporate Services
Following Councillor Kirwan's inquiry
last year, discussions were undertaken
with Metro trains. Metro trains have
however declined Council's requests to
install poster frames at
Springvale Railway Station.
Cr Matthew Kirwan
Are the reasons Metro trains denied
Council’s requests known?
Director Corporate Services
I was not a party personally to those
discussions. I will take that question on
notice and speak to the officer that took
part in those negotiations.
Local Playground at Ralphie’s Park in
My next question relates to the Springvale
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
Council Meeting Minutes 22/08/16)
Following discussion with Metro Rail
in respect of this proposal, Council
was verbally advised that due to their
Marketing Policy and Public liability
risk, Council was unable to install the
poster boxes and therefore Metro
refused to support Council’s
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/08/16)
This information is being compiled
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
end of Keylana Drive, Keysborough.
Residents in that area have pointed out to
me that they have no local playground. This
is despite proposing one according to what
they have told me, in Ralphie's Park which
is between Alana Court and Breanne Place
as part of the original Keys Estate. Looking
at the 2013 Playground Strategy, there is
none proposed for this Park. However, the
Park meets the criteria of being more than
400 metres away from any other
playground in that area. Can a local level
playground please be investigated for this
Summary of Response
and will be sent to Councillors the
week beginning 22 August 2016.
Cr Maria Sampey
Extra Councillors Carparking at
Basement Carpark
With regards to the car parking spaces for
Councillors in the basement carpark, there
are five car parking spaces for 11
Councillors and there are 10 car parking
spaces reserved for the Library staff. Is it
possible for Councillors to get an extra car
parking space because one of the car
parking spaces is right next to the brick
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/08/16)
Due to a Notice of Motion proposed by
one of the Councillors regarding the
basement car park I suggest that Council
deals with the Notice of Motion first and
then I can come back to this matter, if this
is required.
Cr Roz Blades
CCTV Mobile Units
Following on from what John Bennie, Chief
Executive Officer mentioned earlier, could
Council make some sort of an inquiry in
relation to CCTV mobile units?
Director City
Design &
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/08/16)
Officers have recently followed up with the
Federal Attorney General’s Office in
respect of their pre-election indication of
being open to funding the approximate
$100k mobile CCTV.
Once a firm response has been received
from the Attorney General’s Office that
information will be circulated to all
Cr Youhorn Chea
Review of car parking issues along
Queens Avenue, Springvale.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
In regards to car parking along Queens
Avenue, Springvale, if the three car
parks in front of the shops on the
railway line side were demolished it
might prevent a long line of traffic
queueing up St Johns Avenue. Can
this be investigated?
Date of
Summary of Response
This issue is currently under
investigation and an Infosum was
circulated to Councillors on 7 July
advising of a proposal to lengthen the
times of operations of the existing
restrictions to assist with traffic flow
during peak periods.
We are not proposing to remove the
parking completely at this stage, as
during the inter-peak periods these
parking spaces have limited impact on
traffic flow. However, we will continue
to monitor the area and make further
adjustments if required.
Consultation with the adjacent
businesses is currently underway and
due to be completed by 22 July.
We will be in contact again to advise
of the outcomes of the consultation
and any further action we will be
undertaking on this matter.
Cr Youhorn Chea
Consultation with local businesses
before footpath trading regulations
are altered in Springvale
Regarding footpath selling, I have a
different view to Councillor O'Reilly as
the footpath along Springvale Road has
been changed many times. Steps have
been taken to allow the public to walk
easily along the footpath and to support
the business owners also. A few years
ago these regulations were changed.
Before any other changes are made
consultancy needs to be held with the
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
A briefing will be provided to all
Councillors in the first instance in
relation to this matter.
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Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Jim Memeti
Subject & Summary of Question
small business owners and also with
the Springvale Asian Business
Association (SABA) as they work at that
location each day and know very well
what is going on. The rents in the
Springvale Shopping Centre are high
and the shops are very small. If traders
cannot use the footpath it will be very
hard for them. I strongly believe that
before changes are made consideration
needs to be taken with regards to the
business owners.
Can more way finding signage be
provided to the No. 8 Balmoral car
park in Springvale
In relation to Number 8 Balmoral
Avenue Car Park, Springvale the boom
gate has now been removed however it
is still not being utilised by motorists.
Each time I visit Springvale Shopping
Centre I usually park there all the time
and during week days there are spaces
on the ground floor but Friday, Saturday
and Sunday the vacancies begin on the
third floor. I still believe that there is not
enough advertising of the car park for
people who do not live in this City or in
Springvale but sometimes come to
shop in Springvale. I have requested
more signage previously especially in
St Johns Avenue or in Queens Avenue,
Can the homeless issue in Palm
Plaza be investigated
As I was going for a walk down Palm
Plaza I noticed outside the Telstra
building there are many homeless
Date of
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
A project for additional way finding
signage to No. 8 Balmoral car park
has been funded within the 16/17
Council budget.
Planning works have already begun
for the additional signage which will
provide motorists with a combination
of advanced static and real-time
parking occupancy information.
Although signs will be progressively
introduced across the road network
later this year, the project is
anticipated to be complete by the end
of March 2017.
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
The area around the Plaza and the
Telstra building has been more
regularly monitored over the period of
the last month and there have been
no incidences of homeless people in
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Date of
Asked By
Cr Jim Memeti
Subject & Summary of Question
people. Since structures have been
demolished at Dandenong Park these
people have to move on and they have
moved to Palm Plaza outside the
Telstra building.
Can car parking restrictions along
Lonsdale Street, Dandenong be
extended until 8pm
As I was returning home to Dandenong
through Lonsdale Street, I stopped at
the chemist and there were no car
parks in front of the chemist at about
7pm. The car parking signs stipulated
car parking restrictions apply from 8am
until 6pm. I asked the chemist why
there were no car spaces in front of his
shop? He replied that at 6pm people
start to park their cars and do not move
them for many hours. The chemist
recognised me and asked if I was a
Councillor, to which I replied “Yes” and
asked if he thought it would be better if
car parking restrictions were extended
to 8pm? Can this be investigated?
Date of
Summary of Response
that area reported.
The area will continue to be monitored
as part of regular patrols.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
Managing parking restrictions within
an activity centre where there are
competing demands at various times
of day is a fine balancing act.
Although extending the hours of
operation to parking restrictions as
requested is possible, such a change
is subject to our usual review and
consultation process, to ensure all
relevant stakeholders have the
opportunity to provide input.
The matter will be discussed at the
next Parking Review Committee
(PRC) meeting, currently scheduled
for 9 August, and if supported, would
likely proceed to consultation.
Council Officers would then consult
with all affected traders and property
owners, seeking their support for the
proposal. As per our parking
management process, we would only
proceed with the alterations if a twothirds majority support is received
from those that respond to the
We will be in contact again to advise
of the outcomes from the PRC and
timing for any further actions.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
16 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Jim Memeti
Subject & Summary of Question
Can VicRoads be approached
regarding road congestion issues in
central Dandenong
Whilst driving down Lonsdale Street,
Dandenong I could not turn right and
the traffic is absolutely gridlocked in
Dandenong at the moment, especially
around peak traffic time. It takes me
from the Dandenong market to my
house, which is less than a kilometre
away, approximately 15 minutes. I
think that the ‘no right hand turn’ on
Lonsdale Street is affecting traffic in
Dandenong. Since the Dandenong
Bypass has been operational I know
many, many trucks do not drive through
Lonsdale Street, so why is Dandenong
becoming gridlocked? I think this
question needs to be asked of
VicRoads. There is an issue with the
right hand turn arrow, but is it
something else that is not being picked
up on?
How much do the coloured light
poles along Lonsdale Street,
Dandenong cost to replace?
Also driving down Lonsdale Street
today, unfortunately another six light
poles have been smashed over the
weekend. It just breaks my heart when
I see those light poles go down and I
know that it costs this Council money to
replace them. I love the look of it. I love
driving down Lonsdale Street at night
time with all the different colours. Can
Council lodge an insurance claim
Date of
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
You may be aware that Council has
previously written to the Minister and
VicRoads about this matter. Council
officers have been working with
VicRoads for a period of time on the
central Dandenong Network
Operating Plan.
Although there are several identified
issue with the network where it’s not
performing at level we would like,
council officers are working with
VicRoads to explore opportunities to
improve traffic flow.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
The impact of damage from vehicles
to the light poles in Lonsdale Street
carries a burden of costs to the
Council and our community.
Council can claim for damage where
we have sufficient evidence. Council
will continue to work with the Victoria
Police to try and obtain information to
assist in our investigations and we
rely on local CCTV also to assist.
17 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
against these motorists that smash
these lights? Can Council stay in
contact with police when they go to the
scene and check who has smashed
these lights and if they can pass on the
registration to Council? How much
these light do poles cost to replace?
Summary of Response
The estimated replacement cost of the
light poles is substantial as follows:
• unit cost of each LED light and
pole is $4,400 ex GST
• installation cost including traffic
management is $4550 ex GST
• The total cost to install 5 LED
poles is currently $26,550 ex
In view of the high visual effects of the
feature LED lights on our main
thoroughfare, we have scheduled to
replace three lights the week ending
24 July 2016 and have also ordered
additional light poles for the other two
replacements and some as spares. It
normally takes up to six weeks to
fabricate the light poles.
Cr Jim Memeti
Can Council change their general
phone number to a number which is
easier for callers to remember?
I was driving down Lonsdale Street and
noticed the new O'Brien Real Estate
office and it just caught my eye that
their phone number is 9793 3175, 3175
is the postcode for Dandenong. I
thought how great that would be if
Council had the phone number 8571
3175 or similar to make it easier for
people to remember. Can Council
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Documentation will be prepared to
recover replacement costs from our
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
Council has investigated the feasibility
of this proposal. Currently the Council
public contact number is 8571 1000.
Whilst Council owns many of the
numbers in the 8571 range – it does
not own the extension 3175 as this
owned by the ANZ bank.
For Council to establish a number
ending in 3175 – it would need to
move from its prefix of 8571 to a
18 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
officers investigate changing the
Council phone number that ends with
3175? I thought it was such a good
grab that I will never forget that real
estate agent's phone number. I thought
that would be a fantastic way for the
community to remember the number as
many times people have asked me
what is the Council phone number and I
need to consult my phone for the
More information requested
regarding parking management
issues in Keysborough
I would like more information regarding
Kirribilli Avenue and Waitara Avenue,
Keysborough and an upcoming
community notification regarding
parking management.
Date of
Summary of Response
different number. It would then have
to buy approximately 500 numbers in
a 100 number lots. The cost of doing
this outweighs the benefits in terms of
changes to stationery, business cards
and potential confusion created by the
change. Council also needs to be
cognisant that whilst 3175 has
relevance to central Dandenong,
Council has a range of other
postcodes within its municipality.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
The line marking near the intersection
of Kirriblli Avenue and Waitara
Avenue consisted of continuous
centre lines to assist with delineation
of the intersection and sweeping
bend, whilst also preventing parking
along the bend to provide better sight
lines for motorists.
When these roads were resurfaced,
the line marking in this location was
incorrectly replaced with a broken
centre line, which allowed vehicles to
park on the bend. The matter was
brought to our attention when
complaints were received regarding
sight distance issues caused by the
parked vehicles.
Once an inspection was undertaken, it
was quickly identified the incorrect line
marking had been installed and it
should be reverted back to the original
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Works orders have been submitted for
the line marking to be corrected and
residents have been informed via
letter of the changes, apologising for
the minor error and thanking them for
their understanding.
Cr Peter Brown
Cr Matthew
Request for a meeting with
Melbourne Racing Club officials
regarding car parking
One particular question I have and it
relates to the skyrail project as it is
going to impact most certainly on Noble
Park, Sandown and to a lesser extent
the Yarraman area. Council has been
advised by the Level Crossing Removal
Authority (LXRA) that there is going to
be removal of a significant number of
car parks in Noble Park. Would it be
possible for John Bennie PSM, Chief
Executive Officer to organise interested
Councillors and relevant Council staff to
meet with the necessary executive
members of Melbourne Racing Club,
the Sandown Greyhound Racing Club
and of course Council to negotiate a
strategy to provide additional car
parking in that area when the car park
is removed from Noble Park? I am
mindful of this because there are
several hundred available car parks
with the Melbourne Racing Club.
Questions regarding the review of
the Tatterson Park Masterplan
Regarding the review that was done in
2014, I do not recall any Councillor
input into that review or it coming back
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
Steps will be taken to organise this
Director City
Design &
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
There was a report to Council in
January 2014 regarding future
planning for a community hub in
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
20 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
to Council for adoption. Is there any
elaboration that you can provide on
either of those two points? In terms of
the size of the northern end of
Tatterson Park, is it large enough for a
secondary school?
Date of
Summary of Response
Keysborough South and advocacy for
a government school. Both these
matters have progressed through
various means since Council
endorsed the recommendations of the
report at that time. There has been a
budget decision through the capital
works budget to scope a concept
design based on community
consultation for a community hub and
there has been advocacy with the
State Government and local elected
members to consider the education
needs of Keysborough South
Based on the question asked in
Council there has been subsequent
advice from the Department of
Education to indicate that a primary to
secondary school would require
approximately 8.4 hectares, a primary
school would require approximately
3.5 hectares and secondary school
would therefore require approximately
4.9 hectares. A starting cost to build a
secondary school for say an
approximate 1,000 student place
school would be in the order of $30M.
The Minister for Education has written
to the Mayor indicating that the
preference is to utilise existing
secondary schools such as
Keysborough and Mordialloc Colleges
for secondary student placements.
The question asks is there sufficient
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
land on the Cheltenham Road site ie
the northern end of Tatterson Park to
accommodate a secondary school.
Yes there is the land surface area
however, this would require
approximately half of the land to the
north of the Springers Leisure Centre
to be converted to school use. The
current planned uses of the public
open space (active and passive
recreation) would therefore not be
available as planned in the Tatterson
Park Master Plan.
Cr Angela Long
Easier access for disposal of
needles at the Dandenong Civic
Centre Customer Service.
I have previously put in a request for
easier access to disposing of needles
at Dandenong Civic Centre customer
service. People have to attend the
customer service desk then someone
walks down to the Lonsdale Street
entrance, opens a locked door, they
dispose of their needles and then return
upstairs to customer service to get a
new needle container. In the previous
Dandenong office, there was a place
people could dispose of their used
needles down a chute. I would like to
know the outcome of my request.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 25/07/16)
The current syringe disposal system is
under review and while the
mechanism described by the resident
was appropriate for safe disposal of
the syringe, it is agreed that it involves
a variety of steps that ideally could be
simpler. The review is intended to
assess Council’s role and
responsibilities in relation to syringe
disposal and subsequent syringe
disposal bin options including the
Dandenong Civic Centre. This is a
matter being considered by the
Community Safety Advisory
Committee and will involve advice to
If Councillor Long could advise the
resident about this matter that the
advice or feedback is appreciated and
will be included for consideration as
part of the review. The point made by
the resident is that syringe disposal
22 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Speed along Buckley Street, Noble
The Noble Park Community Action
Forum has requested I mention that
Buckley Street in Noble Park has three
different speed zones. Some Councils
are even considering a 30 km/hr speed
zone. In Buckley Street, Noble Park
there are 50 km/hr and also 40 km/hr
speed signs near the school however it
is unclear exactly as to which speed
limit applies at any given time. Can this
be investigated?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
processes apart from complying with
regulations or standards also need to
ensure ease of access to the public.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 27/06/16)
Council has conducted an
investigation and identified there are
multiple speed zones active along
Buckley Street, which are as follows:
• A permanent 40km/h speed
limit at Douglas Street within the
Noble Park Activity Centre
• A permanent 40km/h speed
limit in the proximity of Noble Park
Primary and St Anthony’s Primary
(between Knox Street and Noble
• A permanent 40km/h speed
limit in the proximity of Wallarano
Primary School (between Birrong
Avenue and Rutherglen Street)
• A default 50km/h speed limit
applies at all other locations along the
The 40km/h speed limits are
permanent and apply at all times.
Councils traffic engineers have
investigated the signage for these
speed zones and identified that there
is a section of Buckley Street around
Noble Street where the speed limit is
40km/h northbound and 50km/h
southbound, which may cause some
confusion. Amending the speed signs
to provide a clearer end to the 40km/h
zone requires VicRoads approval.
Councils traffic engineers will request
approval from VicRoads to alter the
23 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
speed limits along this section and
speed zone to the south of the
roundabout at Noble Street.
It is anticipated this process will take a
few weeks to obtain the required
approval and install the signs,
however Council will endeavour to
have the signs corrected before the
beginning of School Term 3.
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Matthew
Noise levels & pollution on
Edinburgh Road, Springvale North
I have been contacted by residents
near the corner of McWilliam Street and
Edinburgh Road in Springvale North.
One side of the road is residential and
the other side is industrial. There is a
factory there and two semi-trailers are
parking side by side on the roadway
and offloading shipping containers from
one semi-trailer to the other
semi-trailer. It is quite noisy and there
are diesel fumes. Can Council
investigate this in regards to parking
signage? In Edinburgh Street there are
signs with regard to parking restrictions
but in McWilliam Street there are not.
Apparently cars and children go that
way to attend Wellington Secondary
College. Can Council investigate as it
has been an issue over the years and
the residents have asked to investigate
it again?
Trees at Norine Cox Reserve,
Dandenong South
Can Council look at the tree coverage
at the Noreen Cox Reserve in South
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 27/06/16)
Residents have been contacted and
reiterated the issues, which include:
• Large trucks (Semi’s)
reversing to and from adjacent sites.
• Loading / Unloading taking
place on-street.
• Trucks sitting idle for periods
of time, engines running, emitting
Council officers will conduct
enforcement activities to reduce (and
hopefully eliminate) the above issues.
This matter has been referred to the
Residential Amenity Unity for their
attention and action as required.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 14/06/16)
Numerous attempts to increase the
number of trees at Norine Cox
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
24 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Dandenong? I received a call from a
resident this afternoon living nearby
complaining about the amount of trees
in the park, particularly on the section of
Usher Court to Patchell Road and also
in the reserve generally. Can Council
please see if more plantings are
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Roz Blades
Cr John Kelly
Installation of Traffic Lights near the
Springvale Library
Can Council write a letter to the State
Government to install traffic lights
closer to the Library at the intersection
of Springvale Road and Hillcrest Grove
Avenue, Springvale. It is difficult for
motorists to turn right particularly at
school pick up time.
Letter of acknowledgement for Club
At the last meeting I requested that a
letter from the Mayor be sent to Club
Noble in relation to their winning an
award for the Clubs Victoria and also
the Best President and I would like to
know if that has occurred.
Acknowledgment of Chamber of
Commerce work in Stakeholders &
City Magazines
Summary of Response
Reserve have been made over the
years however, the establishment of
trees has been unsuccessful due to
repeated vandalism. Last year we did
not undertake any planting there and
hope that those who have been
responsible for the vandalism in the
past have moved on. This year we
have programmed to use some of the
plants in the Lonsdale Street crates to
enhance the park. The planting will
take place in Spring.
Street tree planting for replacement
trees in the abutting streets of Usher
Court and Patchell Road has been
scheduled for 2017.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes23/05/16)
Correspondence has been sent to
VicRoads seeking their response to
the request for signals to be installed
at this intersection.
Assistant for
the Mayor &
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes23/05/16)
A letter has of congratulations has
been sent to Club Noble and to Barry
Bradshaw, Club Noble President
congratulating him on his award from
the Mayor, Councillor Tak.
Acting Director
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 9/05/16)
An article has been drafted, approved
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
25 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr John Kelly
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Manufacturing in this City is doing
extremely well and was clearly shown
at the Greater Dandenong Chamber of
Commerce Awards presentation, which
recognised the achievement of eight
people in eight different business
categories, in the presence of about
400 people. Even though some people
might think the manufacturing industry
is dying, the Councillors including
myself witnessed the great
achievements of the manufacturing
Industry in our City and what it is
capable of producing. I think it would be
great if Council acknowledges the
contribution and impact of the
manufacturing sector to the City of
Greater Dandenong in the Stakeholders
edition or the City magazine. Greater
Dandenong residents deserve to know
the importance of what is happening in
our municipality.
Letter of acknowledgement for
Chamber of Commerce
I would like to congratulate the Greater
Dandenong Chamber of Commerce on
a successful evening the other night
attended by a number of Councillors. I
think it would be really appropriate if
this Council acknowledges that in a
letter from the Mayor, Councillor Tak.
Traffic along Gell Court, Noble Park
Residents of Gell Court in Noble Park
are experiencing some drainage issues.
Residents have also advised that there
has been increased traffic along Gell
Court because drivers are avoiding
Date of
Summary of Response
by Cr Kelly and will appear in the June
edition of The City.
Assistant for
the Mayor &
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 9/05/16)
A letter has of congratulations has
been sent to the Chamber from the
Mayor, Councillor Tak.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 9/05/16)
The roundabout at the intersection of
Dunblane Road and Gell Court was
installed in August 2015. Councils
traffic engineers usually wait until 12
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
26 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
driving along Dunblane Road where
teardrop intersections have been
installed. Gell Court is a very short
road and it is becoming a rat-run. Can
this be investigated?
Cr Roz Blades
Traffic at Northgate Drive & Andleon Director
Way, Springvale South
Northgate Drive and Andleon Way in
Springvale South are experiencing
huge increases in traffic. The traffic in
Andleon Way got very busy after the
truncation of Coomoora Road.
VicRoads were going to put in the
appropriate traffic devices at their cost.
I understand a teardrop intersection has
been installed and I also understand
from the residents that it is not doing
anything to help the traffic. Could Julie
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
months after the installation of a traffic
calming device to undertake a
comprehensive review of the impact
that this infrastructure has had on the
local road network. A review of traffic
volumes and speeds on Gell Court will
be undertaken as part of this review in
July / August this year.
Councils traffic engineers consider the
likelihood of rat running to avoid traffic
calming devices when designing Local
Area Traffic Management treatments.
Drivers using Gell Court are still
required to drive through the new
roundabout, and Gell Court does not
provide an alternative route to avoid
the roundabout.
In relation to the drainage issues in
Gell’s Crt initial modelling has been
completed which can now progress to
a detailed design in 16/17 financial
year. Following this detailed design,
funding and construction phasing will
be considered in terms of overall
drainage priorities.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 9/05/16)
Prior to the truncation of Coomoora
Road during the construction of the
Dandenong Bypass, approximately
3500 vehicles per day used
Coomoora Road travelling to or from
Springvale Road. While the
truncation of Coomoora Road was
always likely to result in additional
traffic on some local roads as these
vehicles were diverted, VicRoads
agreed to fund treatments to ensure
27 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Reid, Director Engineering Services
please look into that?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
that the impact of the additional traffic
did not significantly compromise the
function or safety of any of the
surrounding streets.
VicRoads funded alterations to the
intersection between Northgate Drive
and Coomoora Road in late 2014.
Council undertook a number of
surveys 12 months after this
installation to determine the effect on
the road network.
The traffic survey data undertaken in
December 2015 on Andleon Way
identified traffic volumes of approx
950 vehicles per day. This is an
increase of almost 700 vehicles
compared with prior to the truncation
of Coomoora Road. Traffic speeds
remained quite consistent with
previous counts (average speed of
41.5km/h). This traffic speed and
volume are within acceptable
parameters for a minor local street.
The traffic survey data undertaken in
December 2015 on Northgate Drive
identified traffic volumes of approx
1600 vehicles per day. This is an
increase of 500 vehicles compared
with prior to the truncation of
Coomoora Road. Traffic speeds have
increased slightly at this location
(average speed of 44.6km/h). This
traffic speed and volume are within
acceptable parameters for a local
It is assumed that the other 2300
vehicles per day which were diverted
following the truncation of Coomoora
28 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Subject & Summary of Question
Traffic congestion issues in
Can Council officers investigate the
traffic congestion on Osborne Avenue
and Springvale road which appears to
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
Road use alternative routes away
from this part of the local road
network, such as Paterson Road or
the Dandenong Bypass.
The VicRoads funded treatment at
Coomoora Road and Northgate Drive
has had the following impacts:
• Reductions in speed along
Coomoora Road
• A reduction in traffic on
Andleon Way and an increase
in traffic on Northgate Drive
(which is designed to cater for
the greater traffic volumes)
Although there has been an increase
in traffic, the volumes and speeds on
the roads in this area are now at
appropriate levels for local streets to
operate efficiently and safely.
VicRoads will not fund any further
mitigation measures as a result.
Council’s recommendation would be
that any ongoing road safety concerns
at these locations be considered by
Councils traffic engineers. Any road
safety measures or treatments should
be considered within the Local Area
Traffic Management Program.
Funding would only be allocated to
these locations if a greater road safety
risk was identified than at other
locations across the municipality.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 26/04/16)
Council officers will be arranging a
meeting onsite directly with Ward
Councillors to discuss these issues.
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
be caused by four car parking spaces?
Following this meeting Council’s traffic
engineers will investigate this further
and consider any potential measures
to address congestion. Consultation
with VicRoads is also likely to be
required prior to any changes
occurring, as VicRoads manage the
signals at the intersection of
Springvale Road and Lightwood
Please contact Engineering
Department for more information.
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Maria Sampey
Cost to Council to host
Keysborough South Community
Last week there were six Councillors
and five staff who attended the
Keysborough South forum and there
were approximately 11 residents who
attended. How much did it cost Council
staff to organise that forum?
Hazardous crossing, Cheltenham &
Chandler Road, Keysborough
There is also concern with Chandler
Primary School for families walking
along Chandler Road and crossing
Cheltenham Road, Keysborough as
there is a traffic island located there
and it is dangerous to cross at that
Sealing of Service road,
Heading down Cheltenham Road and
Chandler Road, Keysborough and
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 26/04/16)
There have been five forums held
since July 2015 at an average cost of
$2,300 per forum. Note that this cost
is exclusive of any staff time in both
organising and attending these
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 26/04/16)
The intersection between Cheltenham
Road, Chandler Road and Kirkham
Road West in Keysborough is
managed by VicRoads. The
residents’ concerns relating to this
intersection have been forwarded to
VicRoads for comment.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 26/04/16)
The intersection between Cheltenham
Road, Chandler Road and Kirkham
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
exiting Kirkham Road there is a service
road which is unsealed with large holes.
The resident is requesting "keep clear"
sign on the road also as it is continually
blocked and drivers cannot proceed
from Kirkham Road to enter the service
Date of
Summary of Response
Road West in Keysborough is
managed by VicRoads. The
residents’ concerns relating to this
intersection have been forwarded to
VicRoads for comment. There are
already “Keep Clear” marking’s in
place at this intersection.
One of the concerns raised relates to
the unsealed shoulder on Chandler
Road to the south of Cheltenham
Road, which is managed by Council.
Council has considered the possibility
of sealing this shoulder, however this
proposal was not supported by
VicRoads as it is anticipated that this
would encourage significantly more
traffic onto Chandler Road, which is
not designed to accommodate arterial
traffic volumes. This traffic is
encouraged to use Perry Road as an
As an alternative proposal, Council
will install some temporary kerbing in
this unsealed shoulder to prevent
traffic from using this shoulder. This
will address concerns relating to the
safety of using this lane and reduce
the number of pot holes forming at
this location, however this is unlikely
to address the concerns relating to
congestion. Following the installation
of this temporary kerbing, Councils
transport engineers will monitor traffic
on Chandler Road and liaise with
VicRoads further regarding longer
term measures at this location.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Council’s traffic engineers have
contacted the resident to provide an
update on these issues and have
spoken with the resident.
Please contact Engineering
Department for more information.
Cr John Kelly
Future Place Name in honour of
Pastor Don Cameron
Can a possible place name be
considered in honour of Pastor Don
Cameron in the future?
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 26/04/16)
Don set an example for a community
in much the same way that Anne
Halpin did. Selflessness and
compassion for those less fortunate
were Don's legacy.
We can consider how Don Cameron's
legacy can be remembered through
an appropriate memorial of some sort.
Often the right opportunity needs to
arise to allow a recommendation to
come forward.
Or Councillors need to keep in mind
Don's name when considering naming
aspects of Dandenong's
redevelopment. The most recent
example of this is Halpin Way.
Cr Matthew
Gambling Reform
This final substantive question is
without notice. The Cities of Monash,
Moreland and Whittlesea are all key
participants in the 2014 Enough Pokies
campaign and like the City of Greater
Dandenong, are looking at working
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 11/04/16)
Council shares a lead role with 15
Victorian Councils in the Alliance for
Gambling Reform (AGR), established
in 2015.
32 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
closer with the Alliance for Gambling
Reform to campaign more strongly on
the issue of gambling reform. Is Council
exploring the same enhanced
Date of
Summary of Response
Council provides information to the
AGR on gambling losses, decisions
by the Victorian Commission for
Gambling and Liquor Regulation and
supports collective advocacy activities
such as:
• ‘Strategic litigation’:
litigation against the
gambling industry on the
basis that their EGMs are
deceptive and promote
• Engaging with clubs to
secure their public support
for state-wide reforms to
• Prompting the Australian
Football League (AFL) to
support gambling reform.
• A campaign to ask Federal
MPs to pledge not to
accept donations from the
gaming industry.
• Lobbying State politicians
to build support for reform
within State Parliament.
• Informing the community,
through the development
of an educational kit,
discussion guide and
presentations by people
with personal stories.
• Localised campaigns to
inform residents about the
need for gambling reform.
In addition, consistent with Council’s
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
33 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
Progress and implementation of the
Language and Communications
Framework Action Plan Toolkit (Part
A only)
At the Council meeting on 15 March
2016, I asked for an update on the
progress and implementation of the
Language and Communications
Framework Action Plan approved by
Council on Monday 28 September
2015; and also when the framework
and Action Plan would be put on
Council’s website. Following the
meeting, I received an update that
progress has been made in the
implementation of the Language and
Communications Framework Action
Plan specifically: that the profiles of the
top languages spoken are in
preparation; that progress has been
made with the evaluation of online
translation tools; and that development
of a language services toolkit is also
underway which includes the review of
criteria to guide translation and
publication summaries. My follow-up
questions are:
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
Policy, at every opportunity Council
engage with State Government and
respond to planning applications to
limit the effects of gambling. Council
also implement initiatives such as
articles in ‘The City’ and local
newspapers, the gaming losses
‘scoreboard’ featured on the Big
Screen and the web-based guide to
recreational alternatives to gambling
‘Things To Do’.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 11/04/16)
The development of a toolkit is a
short-term action in the plan,
scheduled to commence by 2017.
However, progression is already being
made on the toolkit and subject to
resourcing and review by the Steering
Group, it is anticipated that the toolkit
may be completed as early as
December 2016.
The Language and Communications
Steering Group are meeting monthly
to guide the implementation of the
Language and Communication’s
Action Plan.
In accordance with the Action Plan
timelines, all immediate actions have
commenced and are anticipated,
subject to review by the steering
committee, to be completed by
September 2016.
34 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Cr Loi Truong
Subject & Summary of Question
a. When is the toolkit expected to be
b. When will the Framework and the
Action Plan be on Council’s website?
c. In terms of other actions marked
“Immediate” in the Plan, what progress
has been made with them, specifically:
(i) Establishing a central coordination
point for language services within
Council to monitor the provision of
language services, implement best
practice, support staff and continuously
improving language services?
(ii) Establishing a language services
register to monitor issues and
effectiveness in regards to
interpretation and translation?
(iii) Communicating in plain and simple
English in accordance with Council’s
Style Guide?
Signage at the New Civic Centre
Will external ‘way finding’ signage be
included in this installation?
Display of Opening hours for Public
Is it possible to have the opening hours
of the public toilets displayed outside
the facilities where they are clearly
visible to the public please?
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 11/04/16)
External way finding signage has not
been included in the development
proposals to date. Once building
works are complete with internal and
external signage and the tenants are
in place, the need for additional way
finding signage can be reviewed.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 11/04/16)
Currently Council do not have signs
advising closing times on its public
toilets although this is often indicated
on the facility they are attached to.
For example open space reserves can
have closing times for the reserve on
35 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Jim Memeti
Subject & Summary of Question
Change in speed limit along Kirkham
Road, Dandenong South
The speed limit along Kirkham Road in
Dandenong South, from the
Dandenong Bypass to Cheltenham
Road is currently 60 km/h but some
residents have suggested to reduce the
speed limit to 50 km/h. Council has had
some work done on Kirkham Road at
the corner of Hammond and Kirkham
Roads and I think the residents’
suggestion has a lot of merit. Can
Council look into that please?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
the entrance gate as do Council car
parks. Note that none of Council’s
public toilets are open all night. Most
toilets close between 9.00pm and
10.00pm. It would be possible to
erect signs at each toilet and if
Council desires it can seek a
quotation for this cost.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 11/04/16)
The wording in the question refers to
Kirkham Road between Cheltenham
Road and the Dandenong Bypass,
however I presume your question
relates to Hammond Road, as
Kirkham Road runs parallel to both
Cheltenham Road and the
Dandenong Bypass.
Council’s traffic engineers completed
an assessment of the speed limit on
Hammond Road, between the
Dandenong Bypass and Cheltenham
Road using the VicRoads VLimits
speed limit assessment program.
This program assists in determining
the most appropriate speed limit for a
given length of road by considering
many elements, including; adjacent
development, traffic volumes, road
geometry, number and type of
intersections and the function of a
By considering the above elements,
road authorities are able to determine
and establish appropriate speed limits
that are consistently applied across
the network, which should be credible
to motorists.
36 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
More off leash areas for dogs in
Luxford Reserve
This inquiry belongs in Lightwood
Ward. I have received emails from a
resident who lives near Luxford
Reserve, Noble Park. It is located on
the other side of the road to where
Paperbark Ward is. It is a lengthy piece
of correspondence which I will
distribute. It refers to more fenced
designated off leash areas being
provided for dogs that surround the
Luxford Reserve and other reserves.
This is a dog owner who has spoken to
other dog owners. I will pass the
emails on to the Lightwood Ward
Director City
Design and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
Using Vlimits, an appropriate speed
limit along this section of Hammond
Road was assessed as being 50km/h.
Given these results, Council’s
engineers will apply to VicRoads to
have this lower speed introduced
between Cheltenham Road and the
Dandenong Bypass.
An update will be provided to
Councillors once a response has been
received from VicRoads.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 29/03/16)
There is a fully fenced dog off leash
area located at Frederick Wachter
reserve, which is on Bloomfield Rd
Keysborough. That reserve is
approximately 2.5 km from your
Council has a Dog off Leash Strategy
in place, which will see the number of
dog off leash areas expanded to a
total of 13 sites over time. One of
those sites is at Roth Hetherington
Reserve, which is even closer to your
property. The strategy sets out the
process Council followed in setting
criteria for and then choosing sites to
become off leash areas.
Implementation of the strategy is
dependent upon the availability of
funding and there is no such funding
currently available. That matter is
reviewed on an annual basis and it is
hoped that funding will become
available over the next couple of
years, to facilitate the development of
further off leash areas.
37 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Cr Roz Blades
Cleanliness of Mile Creek and
Cheltenham Road area
Regarding Mile Creek at Cheltenham
Road, Dandenong, it is filled with
rubbish on both sides of Cheltenham
Road. I receive this complaint
frequently and I am wondering who is
the responsible authority? Once this is
determined perhaps pressure could be
placed on the relevant authority to
ensure that Mile Creek is kept clean.
Cr Roz Blades
Discuss with Martin Pakula MP the
closure of Maralinga Primary School
I understand that Council is meeting
with the local member of Parliament
and the Attorney-General, the
Honourable Martin Pakula. I was
hoping Maralinga Primary School could
be placed on the agenda so that Mr
Pakula could discuss a couple of the
schools. I think I am meant to be
convinced by the veracity of the figures
that there are going to be insufficient
children to go to Maralinga Primary
School. There is a huge amount of
community support not only in
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
If you would like more information on
the Dog Off Leash Strategy, please
visit Council’s website : and type
‘dog’s into the search window. This
will take you to a page where the
strategy can be viewed or
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 29/03/16)
Dumped rubbish in the Mile creek
area is the responsibility of Melbourne
Water to the high water mark, any
areas outside of this are a mixture of
council, Melbourne water and others,
council officers have advised
representatives from Melbourne water
of our concerns regarding dumped
rubbish on their land and we will
conduct an audit of any areas of mile
creek which are the responsibility of
council for clean up
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 29/03/16)
In response to that question, it can be
confirmed that this topic has been
forwarded to the Minister as an item
for discussion.
38 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Peter Brown
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
Keysborough but in Noble Park also. I
am very keen to make Minister Pakula
aware of that. He may speak to
Minister Merlino before he arrives but I
still think that that issue is worth this
Council pursuing.
Suitability of footpaths and
accessibility in Keysborough
I have a question from a resident who
was in Keysborough and interestingly,
we have a guest here this evening in a
wheelchair. The question, by pure
coincidence is if Council is in a position
to liaise with the police in the interest of
safety to prevent some disabled people
who are using Bloomfield Road and
Kingsclere Avenue, Keysborough rather
than Council footpaths creating a risk to
themselves and to other traffic. I do not
know how frequent the activities are
however, a long-term resident is
concerned in particular for the safety of
both the driver and the disabled person.
Timeframe surrounding Community
consultation regarding a new park in
Regarding the new park on the corner
of Westwood Boulevard and Stanley
Road, Keysborough, I am receiving
questions as to when it is expected to
be completed and also when and what
community consultation is expected on
that park which has been previously
mooted because of its size and also
because of its priority in the playground
strategy as a major park.
Date of
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 29/03/16)
Council will address Cr Brown’s
concern in two ways:
firstly the issue of residents using their
wheelchairs on Council roads rather
than footpaths will be referred to the
Road safety committee which is
attended by council officers, vicroads
and Victoria police
Secondly an inspection will be
conducted on the footpaths within this
area to ensure that they meet Council
intervention levels and are not a
contributing factor for residents with
disabilities using the roadway
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 29/03/16)
In response to that question I can
advise that the plan is to meet with the
Ward Councillors after Easter and
have the limited consultation
completed by the end of May 2016.
39 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Date of
Timeframe surrounding temporary
measures to combat speeding in
In addition to comments I have
previously made at Council about
speeding in Westwood Boulevard in
Keysborough, I am receiving increasing
reports about speeding in Church
Road, Keysborough which also runs
parallel to Westwood Boulevard. It is
also a major transport route east west
across that area. What is the latest
about considering traffic calming
measures in both roads? Please note
that I am receiving reports of speeding
not hooning.
Update on progress and
implementation of Language and
Communications Framework Action
Subject & Summary of Question
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 29/03/16)
Temporary traffic calming treatments
on both roads have been added to
Councils Local Area Traffic
Management Program which is used
to ensure that funding is allocated to
locations where the road safety risk to
the community is greatest.
At this time, the traffic data for
Westwood Boulevard is up to date.
While traffic speeds are higher than
desirable the road safety risk on
Westwood Boulevard is lower than a
number of other locations within
Greater Dandenong. It is unlikely that
any road safety treatments on
Westwood Boulevard will be funded
through this program within the next
few financial years, as the funds will
be spent at locations where a greater
road safety risk has been identified.
Beyond this time period, Councils
traffic engineers would look at
gathering new traffic data as traffic
speeds and volumes tend to change
over time.
Council does not currently have up to
date traffic data for Church Road, but
will be gathering data over the next
few weeks. Once this is received, it
will be possible to determine how
great the road safety risk is at this
location compared to other locations
across the municipality.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4
of Council Meeting Minutes 29/03/16)
Progress has been made in the
40 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
What progress has been made in
implementing the language and
communications framework action plan
that was approved by Council on 28
September 2015? I also had a request
that the framework and the framework
action plan be available on the Greater
Dandenong website as there is a
considerable amount of interest from
Council stakeholders in them both and I
could not find them on the website.
Cr Maria Sampey
Clarke Road Tip Odour
I have a question to the relevant officer
and it can be taken on notice. I have
been approached by various residents
from the Springvale South area that
over the weekend and last week, there
was a really foul smell coming from the
Clarke Road Tip. The residents were
seeing truckloads of dirt going into the
tip. Could Council investigate what is
causing the smell because residents
had to keep their windows closed?
Summary of Response
implementation of the Language and
Communications Framework Action
Plan approved by Council on Monday
28 September 2015.
Profiles of the top languages spoken
are in preparation and will be
important to guide targeted
communications across Greater
Dandenong’s diverse communities.
Progress has been made with the
evaluation of online translation tools.
The development of a language
services took kit is also underway
which includes the review of criteria to
guide translation and publication
A cross-directorate staff steering
group has been formed to work
collaboratively on the implementation
of the Action Plan.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 15/03/2016)
The current works are resultant from
interventions put in place by the
Environmental Protection Authority
(EPA) Victoria. Inspections of the site
triggered by way of EPA Statewide
landfill compliance regime. Site audit
indicated the cap areas covering
several cells had deteriorated (settled)
and may have allowed stormwater to
enter the cells. Preventative works
have been directed by EPA. The land
is in the hands of private ownership.
Council has no jurisdiction as to the
extent of the works, provided the said
works are confined to the EPA
remedial works directive. EPA advised
41 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
that regular inspections are carried
out to ensure compliance with the
works’ directive.
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Loi Truong
Hokey-Pokey Event on Website
The Yarraman Oaks Primary School
wants to run the largest gathering in
Australia of people doing the hokey
pokey. The current record is 467
people. Can this event be added to the
Greater Dandenong’s website please?
Rates for Hire of Springvale Town
I would like to know the subsidy rates
for hiring the Springvale Town Hall? Is it
similar to the rates for hiring the Drum
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 15/03/2016)
Information about the Hokey-Pokey
event has been sourced from the
Journal Newspaper and the school.
This information has been provided to
Council’s Media and Communications
department to be placed on Council’s
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 15/03/2016)
The hire rates which are applicable to
the Springvale Main Hall are outlined
below. These rates are published in
each Annual Budget.
(Min. 3
(Min. 5
(Min. 5
(Min. 5
(Min. 3
(Min. 5
(Min. 5
(Min. 5
(Min. 3
(Min. 5
(Min. 5
(Min. 5
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Friday Saturday Sunday
(day or (day or
42 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Roz Blades
Parking Meters in Dandenong
I have noticed since even before
Christmas, parking meters in
Dandenong and at the Dandenong
Market are not working, why is this the
Director City
Design &
Possible installation of CCTV in
Warwick Avenue, Springvale
I have received an email which I
forwarded to other Councillors in
relation to supporting the installation of
a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
system in Warwick Avenue, Springvale.
The writer hopes that proper CCTV
would assist police, drivers,
businessmen and local residents not
only to prevent conflicts, accidents and
traffic problems but also burglary and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/02/2016)
In November and December 2015 a
large number of Councils older ticket
machines were broken into and the
cash boxes stolen. We were able to
source some reinforced doors and
cash boxes from the manufacturer but
not enough to replace all those
affected. The stronger doors were put
on those machines that were the
busiest and the remaining machines
were switched off. This decision was
made with the knowledge that as part
of a scheduled upgrade new
machines will be rolled out in the
affected areas from 1 March 2016.
These machines have a stronger door
and reinforced cash boxes so it is
expected that the theft problems will
cease. The action taken was seen as
the most cost effective approach to
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/02/2016)
The request from the resident is
appreciated as a positive support for
Council’s efforts in this area. An area
wide assessment has identified a
need for CCTV connected to Council’s
broader network and an application
has just been made to the Federal
Government for a $650,000 grant for
CCTV to cover central Springvale and
this will include the Warwick Ave
43 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
illegal garbage dumping that frequently
occurs in this area.
Cr Roz Blades
Signage at School Crossing near
Chandler Park Primary School
I have mentioned this a few times
around Councillors’ discussions and it
is about Chandler Road and Cochrane
Avenue where Chandler Park Primary
School is. This is getting bigger
because Maralinga Primary School has
closed. I have mentioned on a couple of
times that a 40 kilometre sign is needed
there because I hate to say it because it
is a cliché and children’s safety is at
stake here. It is a big school and when
children are trying to cross Chandler
Road there is a big build up of cars.
There is a school crossing lady there
too but I think it is unsafe for them to be
there with cars screaming down
Chandler Road while kids are trying to
cross the road. It is a major road and it
needs signage to stop cars going fast in
an area that should be regarded as a
school zone. I think that is a priority for
this Council.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
carpark. The objective of the project
is to provide real time footage to the
Springvale Police Station and has
their full support. Consultation
through the local media will be
undertaken with the community once
the outcome of the grant is known.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/02/2016)
Council Officers have had some
success with regards to the request to
VicRoads for the introduction of a
40km/h School Speed Zone on
Chandler Road, Keysborough, near
Chandler Primary School.
VicRoads, as the managing authority
of Chandler Road, originally denied
Council’s request for the reduced limit
as they wanted Electronic Variable
Speed Limit (EVSL) signs to be used
(at considerable expense). However,
after continued advocacy by Council
Officers and discussion of alternative
options, VicRoads have modified their
original position to allow the time
based reduced speed limit to be
VicRoads have permitted the
installation of static School Speed
Zone signage at this location, as a
‘temporary’ measure. These signs will
be installed by Council, whilst
VicRoads will make submissions to
obtain funding for the installation of
Electronic Variable Speed Limit signs.
44 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Although it would have been
preferable to have the signs installed
prior to the commencement of the
school year, this was not achievable
as final approval and the signage
schedule was received from VicRoads
just prior to the school year beginning.
The signs were ordered for
manufacture immediately after and we
anticipate they will be installed in the
first week of February.
The Principal of Chandler Primary
School will be notified of this outcome
to share with the school community.
C Sean O’Reilly
Participation and Fees for
Dandenong Oasis Gym
My first question is regarding the
Dandenong Oasis Gymnasium. It has
been brought to my attention that the
gymnasium rates have increased
substantially since the YMCA was
appointed as Management. When I
went there about a year ago on a
casual visit, it cost me $25. It happened
during my term as the Mayor and there
was no discount. While Council should
be mindful of the financials of its
facilities, Council should also be looking
at maximum participation by residents
of its facilities in the age of growing
obesity. It is not all about the bucks. It is
also about the bellies. My question to
the relevant Director is, how does
Council assess the participation
numbers of places like the Dandenong
Oasis Gymnasium and what view does
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/02/2016)
The YMCA implemented the Fees and
Charges that Belgravia were
implementing at the time of handover
in October 2014. Membership fees
between 14/15 and 15/16 then
increased in the range of 3.7 – 3.8%.
Full access membership now includes
access to all health and wellness and
aquatics at three YMCA managed
Dandenong leisure facilities.
Gym participation declined after
commencement of the YMCA which
was anticipated as part of handover.
Participation is now on the incline
following successful membership
campaigns. Group Fitness has varied
across the 15 months and is currently
tracking above the level for the same
time last year.
45 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Subject & Summary of Question
the Director have on participation
versus money collected for use of
Council facilities?
City of Greater Dandenong
Community Calendar
What is the cost to print the 2016
community calendar?
City of Greater Dandenong
Community Calendar
My second question is regarding the
City of Greater Dandenong Community
Calendar. I have received feedback
from a resident that the day, numbers
and the dates on the calendar are a bit
small and unclear for older people. Can
the relevant officer please look into it?
On a positive note, what I can say is
that the photographs are second to
none, quite spectacular and all local
photos of the municipality. I think it is a
great calendar overall so
School Crossing Supervisors
My first question relates to School
Crossing Supervisors. My
understanding is that the State
Government has cut back their grants
to Council for School Crossing
Supervisors but the schools
think that it is Council who is cutting
back on the grants. I would like to ask
Jody Bosman, Director
City Planning, Amenity and Design if he
could please advise what the impacts
have been and is there any underlying
data or raised incidents of accidents to
Date of
Acting Director
An answer has been provided to
Councillors regarding the printing
costs as requested.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/12/2015)
Director City
Design and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Feedback will be taken into account
when planning next year’s calendar.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/12/2015)
Council has closed approximately 8
school crossings in the last 14 years.
None of these crossings were closed
until we had conducted detailed
assessment of each of them, including
counts of traffic/pedestrian numbers in
2 school years, risk assessments of
the individual sites and consultation
with school communities.
There is no known history of any
subsequent accidents/incidents
involving school children, at any of the
46 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
justify taking away a School Crossing
Traffic issues at Andleon Way,
Springvale South
This is something that I have repeatedly
raised in the past and it relates to
Andleon Way in Springvale South. The
residents have for some time been
complaining about the high percentage
increase in traffic along Andleon Way
and Northgate Drive because of the
truncation of Coomoora and Springvale
Roads. Council has represented the
residents’ views to VicRoads who have
responded in writing that they intend to
put some traffic devices in the area. I
spoke to the residents last week who
advised me, nothing has been done
yet. Can the relevant officer please ask
VicRoads to follow through with this as
quickly as possible so that some of the
traffic issues in the area can be
Date of
Summary of Response
sites Council has closed over this
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/12/2015)
VicRoads made commitments to fund
a traffic calming device to address
issues that were created when
Coomoora Road was truncated at
Springvale Road, as part of the
Dandenong Bypass works.
About October last year a ‘modified Tintersection’ treatment was installed at
the intersection of Coomoora Road
and Northgate Drive. These works
were managed by Council and funded
by VicRoads.
This treatment altered the priority
movement to direct traffic from
Coomoora Road into Northgate and
vice versa. It was hoped that this
would encourage drivers to access
Springvale Road via Northgate Drive
and Paterson Road, instead of using
Andleon Way.
Our most recent traffic data for
Andleon Way, identified that whilst
traffic volumes had increased, they
remained well within acceptable levels
for the local residential environment.
Additionally, the recorded vehicle
speeds confirmed the majority of
motorists travelled at 46km/h or less
along this road. Again, this is
acceptable for the local residential
It has been noted that the above
referenced data was collected after
the opening of Dandenong Bypass,
47 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
but prior to the installation of the
Coomoora / Northgate treatment. As
such we are in the process of
collecting new data for Andleon Way,
which is due to occur in the first week
of December.
Once this data has been collected,
we’ll be in a better position to review
the current traffic conditions and
assess if any further actions may be
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Matthew
Maralinga School site
I wanted to speak a bit about schools
because in Greater Dandenong,
Maralinga, Southvale, Coomoora and
Keysborough Park schools have been
sold. I know that Coomoora is surplus
to requirement. I am wondering about
Maralinga school, whether the State
Government has notified Council yet
whether they want that site or not. If
not, it might be time for Council to lodge
a petition to keep that school because
there have been a lot of children
moving into the municipality. The
children have lived and grown up in this
area and now there are grandchildren
and school aged kids living there. I
think we need our schools. If it is not
surplus to requirement, could Council
please write to the Minister for
Education asking them to reconsider
using that site as a school?
Christmas Decorations 2015
I have received some enquiries on what
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/12/2015)
A check has been made of Council’s
correspondence and document
management system and nothing can
be found that relates to the sale of the
former school site or, any specific
offer of any sale to Council. It is my
understanding that if a School site is
to be sold, it is required to be offered
to Council in the first instance; and if
such an offer has not been made, one
may conclude that the Department is
not yet ready to sell, if indeed, it
intends to sell at all.
It is now proposed that we make
separate enquiries of the Department
of Education regarding the status of
the site.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/12/2015)
The 2015 Christmas website pages
48 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
will be the specific nature of Christmas
decorations in Dandenong and Noble
Park this year. Will there be any
specific information on Council’s
website and if so when will it be live?
Request for presentation to be held
about Ross Reserve Master Plan.
On behalf of the Noble Park Community
Action Forum, the members would like
somebody to come out from the Council
to speak about the works going on in
Ross Reserve, Noble Park. There is
the Ross Reserve Master Plan which is
being enacted, which is very good and
members would like somebody to come
out to one of the meetings and talk
about it a bit more.
Garage Sale Trail to be held in Noble
Park early 2016.
I have a request from a member of the
Noble Park Community Action Forum.
It relates to the successful Garage Sale
Trail which was held in Menzies
Avenue, Dandenong North on Saturday
24 October 2015. The request is for
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
will be updated after the 30 November
2015 once all the decorations have
been installed. The video will also be
Note: the 6m trees in Noble Park and
Springvale will be installed this Friday,
Reindeer and Santa on Saturday and
the 9m tree in Dandenong on Sunday.
The Christmas decorations will be on
the Council website front page (more
prominent) with a banner and we can
update with photos. The banner will
take you to the Christmas pages.
We have a competition encouraging
people to take selfies, or photos of the
decorations and send to Council’s
Instragram or Facebook.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/11/2015)
It was agreed with Cr Blades that
Officers will update the Council
website with information regarding the
recreational attributes of the Skate
Park instead of providing officer
resources to attend further community
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/11/2015)
In response to your question, the
Garage Sale Trail occurs in October.
The proposal from the Noble Park
Community Action Forum (NPCAF) to
hold a garage sale in Ross Reserve in
February 2016 would therefore be a
one-off type event, not linked to the
49 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
this to be replicated in Noble Park early
in 2016 as the Young Men’s Christian
Association (YMCA) Swimathon will be
held on Saturday 27 February 2016 and
they want to raise money to fund
programs to offset fees for disabled
swimmers to use their facilities or to
purchase equipment. Could this be
considered as it does seem like a very
good use of Ross Reserve? It is
normally held in October but is now
being requested to be brought forward
to Saturday 27 February 2016.
Cr Maria Sampey
Allocation of Community Response
Grants Program Funding.
Earlier tonight Councillors voted on the
Community Response Grants Program
Applications. The Ethnic Chinese
Happy Age were allocated $410, the
Noble Park North Multicultural Citizens
were allocated $360, the Special
Olympics Dandenong Valley Region
were allocated $330 and St Aiden's
Anglican Parish of Noble Park were
allocated $550. On Wednesday 14
October 2015, I sent an email
requesting that the grants be upgraded
to $1,000. This structure really does
Summary of Response
Garage Sale Trail. The Swimathon
mentioned in the question occurs at
the Oasis not at Noble Park Aquatic
Centre (NPAC). NPAC is hosting
“Beat the Heat Festival” on 14
February 2016 and have an open day
on 21 February 2016. If the NPCAF
would like to coordinate a garage sale
in Ross Reserve on either of these
dates, Council can assist the NPCAF
with promotion and permits for food
handling, planning, park and reserve
use. Insurance and other event
requirements would need to be
covered by the NPCAF in liaison with
Council’s festival and events team.
Alternatively, the NPCAF could
consider holding the garage sale in
October 2016 as part of the Sale Trail
and another option may be as an
event linked with Clean Up Australia
Day in March.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/11/2015)
There have been a series of email
exchanges between yourself and
staff about the various
Community Response Grant
applications that you raised in
your question.
Information was provided to all
Councillors requesting feedback
on the Community Response
Grants applications on the 7
An email was received from you
on the 12 October indicating
50 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
not work because there is no feedback
on whether my request was received. I
know that grants are averaged out but
there is no response until it appears on
the Council Meeting Agenda. I feel
nothing has been done. I have asked
for the amounts to be upgraded to
$1,000 and nothing has happened.
How is a system like this really
Cr Matthew
Timeframe on systematic
maintenance regime.
If I understand your answer correctly, in
terms of what I was specifically
enquiring about which is the systematic
maintenance regime that will occur
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
requested changes and
questioning the Friends of Rowan
Park application.
• A response to your query on the
Friends of Rowan Park
application and an
acknowledgment of your
requested changes to the other
four groups were contained in
emails of the 16 October.
• An email was sent to all
Councillors on the 20 October
advising of the final
recommendations prior to being
presented as a Council Report for
endorsement on the 9th
November 2015. Your
suggestions regarding
recommended outcomes to the
applications were included as part
of the process for consideration.
• The email communications from
officers to you indicated how the
process worked which is
consistent with discussions with
Councillors to manage the
process of recommendations
about applicants and is in line
with the Council adopted Policy.
In summary, I would conclude that there
have been responses to your
communications on this matter and the
process has been applied as discussed
with Councillors or in line with the Policy.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/11/2015)
It is intended to submit a CIP bid to
the 2016/17 Budget process for the
collection of location and condition
data on all plaques, memorials and
interpretive signage within the City.
51 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
when an asset plan is created for
plaques and memorials. What is the
timeframe on that?
Cr Matthew
Cr Peter Brown
Summary of Response
On completion of this data collection it
is intended to complete an asset
management plan including
maintenance schedule. Subject to
approval of CIP bid the asset
management plan will be completed in
16/17 financial year.
Road Safety Strategy
Julie Reid, Director Engineering
Services said the Road Safety Strategy
had not been finalised yet because it
was pending consultation on the
community safety strategy. When is it
expected to come to Council?
Gifts of cash from Springvale Asian
Business Association
I rise in relation to matters relevant to
the operation of s.78C of the Local
Government Act of Victoria but they are
not confined necessarily to s.78C.
Recently there have been serious
public allegations made by
representatives of the Springvale Asian
Business Association (SABA). There is
a question following and it is important
for the Acting Chairman, that he
understands the background to the
There have been serious public
allegations made by the Springvale
Asian Business Association
spokespersons, which include and I will
read them out for the benefit of the
public who may not be aware of them.
And it reflected adversely on this
Council and I think in many respects,
Cr Youhorn
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/11/2015)
It is planned that the draft Road
Safety Strategy will be brought to
Council around March 2016.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/11/2015)
For the record, I would like to confirm
that I never received donations from
members of SABA which I did not
declare in accordance with the Local
Government Act 1989. Further I have
never failed to declare relevant
conflicts of interest during Council
52 / 174
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
certainly more adversely on our officers
who are unable to defend themselves
against the scurrilous comments that
have been made.
Firstly, "Council was engaged in dirty
tactics". Secondly, Council had acted,
"Worse than an unscrupulous business
operator". "Council did not manage the
process of the parking meters
properly". "They" meaning Council, we,
"They tried to cover themselves, but it
exposes the way they conduct
themselves is far from desirable."
Unfortunately, with the exception of the
Mayor who is in this position,
attempting to defend this Council and
the officers against those scurrilous
accusations, regrettably Councillors
who were advocating for the parking against the parking meters, did not
stand up and attempt to require that
members of SABA exercise some
degree of moderation, in their
attacks on our officers.
On Monday 21 April 2015, Councillor
Chea tabled a Rescission Motion
against the Council’s decision to
introduce metered parking in
Springvale. The Rescission Motion was
defeated. Councillor Chea, after that,
was voted advocating members of
SABA and holding a petition, as he is
entitled to do and I am not criticising his
entitlement to be an advocate on any
issue before this Council. But there are
On 16 July 2015, Councillor Chea
attacked the Mayor for his support of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
53 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
the introduction of meters, threatening
his position on Council next year. I have
a question which arises from this and I
direct it to Councillor Chea.
Councillor Chea, have you at any time
received substantial gifts of cash from
both current and past SABA Board and
Committee members, which by law
should have required you to declare a
Conflict of Interest and absent yourself
from Council meetings dealing with
SABA issues?
Ticket Machines at No. 8 Balmoral
Avenue, Springvale carpak
My next question is regarding No.8
Balmoral Avenue car park in
Springvale. The ticket machines are
not working properly. One of the
machines does not take $2 coins and
the other one does not take 50cent
pieces which leaves only one machine
working. I know which machine works
and the ones which do not work but the
residents who go to work or shopping
do not know. Could the appropriate
officer have a look at these machines
Director City
Design &
CCTV Locations in Noble Park
I would like to know where the 15
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
cameras are going to be installed?
Director City
Design &
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/11/2015)
Matter reported through to the
technician on 27 October for review
and subsequent repair.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/10/2015)
The system consists of a total 17
cameras and provides an approximate
direction for captured vision.
12 cameras are located in identified
hotspots around Douglas Street and
the remaining 5 within the skatepark
A diagram showing the locations of the
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
54 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Maria Sampey
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Clearways Parking Restrictions
along Heatherton Road, Noble Park
Can clearways be installed along
Heatherton Road, Noble Park between
Chandler Road and Corrigan Road to
help reduce traffic due to the removal
of the proposed level crossing at
Heatherton Road?
Traffic at Browns Road & Police
Road, Noble Park
Two months ago, a gentleman advised
me of the traffic issues at the
intersection of Browns Road and Police
Road, Noble Park. The resident called
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
cameras has been forwarded to Cr
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/10/2015)
The request to restrict parking based
on safety issues is not supported by
casualty accident data and the daily
volumes are not sufficiently high to
require access to a second lane in
each direction at this time. It is the
opinion of Council’s Transport
Engineers that the delays currently
experienced by motorists are
predominantly due to the signalised
intersections and level crossing
located along Heatherton Road. Very
little travel time benefit would be
gained by introducing peak period
parking restrictions.
Council’s Traffic Engineers will
continue to monitor traffic along
Heatherton Road. If peak hour traffic
volumes or speed significantly
increase (which may occur as a result
of the level crossing removal) parking
restrictions such as a clearway would
be considered.
Also, to note, Clearways are classified
as Major Traffic Control Items
(MTCI’s) and as such, require
VicRoads’ consent before they can be
installed on any road.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/10/2015)
A number of actions have been
undertaken following this request,
• Council has received
55 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
me again today to advise he still has
not heard back from Council. I find it
rather strange because I am sure that
Council would have replied in the
last two months. Could the relevant
officer follow this up for me please?
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Maria Sampey
Steam Weeding Trial Report
So are we going to get a briefing back
to Council?
Steam Weeding Trial
I would like to ask the relevant officer
for an update on the non-toxic steam
weeding trial that Council took part in?
Summary of Response
VicRoads approval to reduce
the speed limit along Browns
Road to 50km/h and will be
undertaking consultation
regarding this in the coming
• A section of footpath has been
repaired near the intersection
in question
• A number of other concerns
were raised with VicRoads
regarding safety and the
accident history at the
intersection of Police Road
and Browns Road, as they are
the Responsible Authority for
this intersection
Council officers are awaiting a
response from VicRoads regarding
this issue. This is anticipated within
the next few weeks.
In the interim, an update will be
provided directly to the resident
regarding their concerns.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/10/2015)
As in CQT9.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/10/2015)
In response to CQT 9 and CQT10, we
can advise that as previously agreed,
a 6 month trial of the weed steam
treatment has recently been
completed at selected sites. A
meeting with the Contractor has been
arranged to obtain their maintenance
records and discuss the trial
outcomes. Once all information has
56 / 174
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
been collated and assessed, officers
will report back to Council on their
findings and recommendations.
Cr Heang Tak
Traffic near Springvale Railway
My second question relates to the
traffic situation at the Springvale
Railway Station near the bridge,
especially during the end of school
hours. I have witnessed on a number of
occasions that drivers who want to turn
left onto the bridge find it difficult to do
so as traffic from the opposite direction
goes past the white lines at the
intersection, leaving very little room for
turning traffic. I think there should be
'keep clear' signs on the road to let the
drivers know where to stop to make it
easy for other drivers to turn. Can this
be looked into by the relevant officer
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/10/2015)
Council’s Traffic Engineers have
observed behaviour on the Lindsay
Williams Crossing bridge. The issue
raised regarding vehicles queuing on
the wrong side of the road was only
observed for very short spells during
school pick up times. At these times
right turning and left turning queues
on the bridge sitting side by side
occasionally took up more space than
the lane proposed to accommodate
this traffic.
Council’s Traffic Engineers are
undertaking other works on this
bridge which may affect traffic
behaviour at these intersections. A
pedestrian crossing will be installed
on Lindsay- Williams Crossing to
improve pedestrian safety. This
crossing is only 25m from the
Following the installation of the
crossing, Council’s Traffic Engineers
will continue to monitor behaviour at
this location and determine if any line
marking is required. No other
changes will be made prior to this
assessment. ‘Keep Clear’ markings
are unlikely to be suitable, however
line marking to encourage traffic
leaving Lindsay-Williams Crossing to
turn left or right to position itself
appropriately may be appropriate.
57 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Heang Tak
Cr Jim Memeti
Date of
Traffic at Buckley Street, Noble Park
The owner of a coffee shop at Buckley
Street in Noble Park, directly opposite
the Paddy O'Donoghue Centre
reminded me to ask Council if a ‘No UTurn' sign can be installed on Buckley
Street? On numerous times, they have
witnessed many drivers taking illegal uturns on Buckley Street causing
traffic congestion. Councillor Blades
may want to add further to this issue.
I spoke about the petition from the
Easternats at the last Council meeting
and I was wondering if Mr
Davison, the Committee and the
members of the Easternats; and any
interested Councillors and
Subject & Summary of Question
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/10/2015)
Council’s Traffic Engineers are
currently reviewing a number of ‘No
U-turn’ signs in and around the Noble
Park Activity Centre. The guidelines
for the installation of ‘No U-turn’ signs
identifies that these should only be
used where vehicles undertaking a Uturn would be intolerable. Prior to
installing ‘No U-turn’ signs the
following are considered:
• Does U-turning on the street cause
significant safety concerns?
• Could the signs be appropriately
enforced by the police?
If the impact of the u-turning vehicles
is congestion only, then signage is not
an appropriate measure to deal with
the issue.
If vehicles are causing significant
congestion when making a U-turn,
they are likely to be already
performing an illegal manoeuvre,
regardless of whether signage is in
place. The Road Rules specify that a
driver is not permitted to make a Uturn unless the driver can safely make
the U-turn without unreasonably
obstructing the free movement of
traffic. (Road Rule 37).
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/10/2015)
The Chief Executive Officer and
Executive Officers are scheduled to
meet with Melbourne Racing Club
(MRC) Management shortly and will
bring these matters to their attention.
58 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Cr Matthew
Council officers would meet to discuss
further options? By advising the
Easternats members to liaise
directly with the Melbourne Racing
Club (MRC) is not the right approach. I
think a meeting between
Councillors who have expressed
interest in this topic, the Easternats
Committee and its officers and
perhaps Victoria Police would be a
good start. I would like to see that
Community Working Bee at
Dandenong Station
There was one action that was in the
Dandenong Station Action Plan, that is
the cooperative plan Council have with
Victoria Police and Metro Trains and a
number of other bodies about having a
community working bee at the train
station to potentially address some of
those issues. Did Council get any
response from Metro Trains as to why
that has not happened in the last 12
months as my understanding is that
they were committed to exploring it?
Cr Roz Blades
Vegetation Overlay
Date of
Director City
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 28/09/2015)
A meeting took place between
Council officers and senior officers
from Public Transport Victoria (PTV)
on 16 September 2015. The following
concerns were raised at that meeting:
• Landscaping (including
community working bee)
• Taxi rank
• Bus parking
• Bus interchange
The discussions were very positive
and both officers were keen to
understand the issues. They have
asked for those matters to be detailed
in a letter which I be sending this
Kevin Van Boxtel, Manager Central
Dandenong Revitalisation will also
liaise with Lynette While, Manager
Community Development, Facilities
and Recreation’s team regarding the
Dandenong Station Action Plan.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 28/09/2015)
59 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
I received a call from residents in
relation to gum trees and the amount of
gum trees that Council is cutting down
in order to build new homes. Does
Council have a vegetation overlay
where some of the old gum trees could
be protected?
Design &
Date of
Summary of Response
The purpose of a Vegetation
Protection Overlay is to protect areas
of significant vegetation; to ensure
that development minimises loss of
vegetation; to preserve existing trees
and other vegetation; to recognise
vegetation protection areas as
locations of special significance,
natural beauty, interest and
importance; to maintain and enhance
habitat and habitat corridors for
indigenous fauna and to encourage
the regeneration of native vegetation.
This type of control is generally aimed
at protecting contiguous areas of
native vegetation where the nature
and significances of the vegetation
has warranted protection, rather than
individual trees.
However in newly developing
residential areas in Keysborough
South (Somerfield Estate), Council
uses existing controls in the Greater
Dandenong Planning Scheme. These
controls when applied, as in the case
of Somerfield, allow for vegetation
assessments to be undertaken
ascertaining the best trees to be
retained and where unavoidable
losses of native vegetation are to
occur. At this ‘estate scale’ of
development planning a native
vegetation management plan is used
to give effect to broader precinct base
vegetation management.
In these areas, where losses occur,
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
they are offset by new plantings in
Council tree reserves and open space
thus enhancing the reserves
protecting old tree stock with young
specimens creating a managed
natural environment.
The municipality does not have a
vegetation protection overlay across
its urban area as it is very difficult to
establish the significances of isolated
Red Gum trees in the urban area to
implement such a control. Subject to
meeting its decision guidelines and
other requirements, Clause 52.17 of
the Greater Dandenong Planning
Scheme permits the loss of native
vegetation under a variety of
situations particularly on lot sizes less
than 0.4 of a hectare.
In regard to the development of new
housing generally in the municipality
that requires a planning permit for
development it is without exception
that a landscaping plan is required.
These plans require the planting of
advanced specimens of canopy trees
on each individual lot being
developed, which overtime add to the
city’s quantum of tree cover.
Cr Matthew
Marketing of Springers Leisure
Centre for new residents
With the letterbox drop, can Council
make sure this is a regular program? I
can understand Councillor Blades'
frustration because Councillor Blades
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/09/2015)
The YMCA have advised they will
carry out an annual letterbox drop
aimed at delivering around 2,000
brochures to the residents behind and
61 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
and I feel a letterbox drop is only
carried out when we lodge a complaint
so it would be good if it is a regular
program which would address the
presence of new residents in the area
all the time. In general, Springers
Leisure Centre is used by all Greater
Dandenong residents. I am frustrated
that the people living near the centre do
not have enough information about it.
Are the numbers of Greater Dandenong
residents using Springers Leisure
Centre growing per year as a whole
and if so, by how much?
Cr Matthew
Boundless Foundation.
Boundless Foundation connects
students from outer suburbs and
regional schools with challenging work
experience opportunities in the
realisation that studies from lower
socio-economic backgrounds often do
not have the networks to obtain
challenging, worthwhile work
experience placements. If this is not
already happening, could Council
please investigate in linking Boundless
Foundation with the businesses in
Greater Dandenong, particularly in
Dandenong South to see if any of those
businesses would like to get involved?
Summary of Response
around the Springers Leisure Centre.
The general trend of Springers
Leisure Centre utilisation based on
annual figures provided by the
previous management contractor
indicates an upward overall trend in
growth. The figure from the current
management is 391,319 for the 14/15
year which is consistent with an
increase, however it is not clear how
each of the management contractors
have calculated these figures. There
is no door counter or accurate method
of collecting the attendance data
therefore the numbers provided are
based on assumptions. It is proposed
that a CIP bid will be put forth for
16/17 to install a door counter at
Springers Leisure Centre.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/09/2015)
The Boundless Foundation was set up
in 2014 to assist students to find
meaningful work experience
placements when students lacked the
resources, networks or family contacts
to get an initial contact point into the
profession of their choice. They
currently rely on the ‘Teach for
Australia’ (TFA) network of teachers
to identify students and groups of
students who would benefit from their
services. As a new organisation with
minimal staff and somewhat reliant on
volunteers, they are developing their
business model and working out how
they will fund placements in the future.
62 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
The possibility of working in the
Greater Dandenong has been
discussed. In 2016 they are
scheduled to work in Shepparton and
Mill Park but are hoping to work with
2-3 more new schools next year. The
Boundless Foundation is investigating
which schools in our City have ‘Teach
for Australia’ staff who can give them
a foot in the door. As they are not
specifically committed to TFA, it was
suggested that they also contact the
ABCN to see if they can partner with
their corporate supporters and expand
their employer base to assist with
funding placements.
We will keep in contact to see how
things develop and have exchanged
contact details. If they can structure
a sustainable business model they
could be a valuable resource for our
schools in the future.
Cr Matthew
Great Bites Marketing in Greater
As well as having Dandenong Bites,
Noble Park Bites and Springvale Bites
there should be consideration to having
Dandenong North Bites and
Keysborough Bites. Council should
consider having food and restaurant
promotional pamphlets.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/09/2015)
The original Great Bites was as a
result of feedback through surveys of
the courtesy bus. It was created to
provide a lunch option under $10.00
and to encourage patrons of the bus
to try alternative cafes and restaurants
rather than eating either in food courts
or fast takeaway options. It was
opening up alternative options for
With the success of this first Great
Bites brochure, Noble Park and
Springvale were then introduced and
63 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
this provided a suite of brochures of
the major retail centres, Springvale,
Noble Park and Dandenong.
This is where the majority of the cafes
and restaurant food outlets are
The current Great Bites brochure has
been developed and will be printed by
early September. This new brochure
provides a change from the original
format of having a separate brochure
for each of the major activity centres,
Springvale, Noble Park and
Dandenong. These centres have all
been included in the one brochure
giving cross promotion of the centres
food businesses.
The Economic Development Unit is
researching ways to provide an online facility for all cafes and
restaurants across the City of Greater
Dandenong to be included. This would
be web based directory rather than a
hardcopy brochure.
This would be promoted to
businesses that they could then enter
and maintain their current details online. One of the disadvantages of a
hardcopy brochure is that generally
with businesses listed, some entries
will be incorrect at time of printing.
With the on-line version, the business
would be responsible for keeping their
details current and up to date.
I will bring further details back to
Council when we have undertaken the
research into an online version as
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
64 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Jim Memeti
Date of
Road Safety Investigation,
On the corner of Windsor Avenue and
Ellen Street, Springvale a car accident
occurred and the resident has now had
the fence fixed. However the owner is
still not confident about safety and is
requesting Council inspects the site.
‘Frosty’ Miller consideration for AFL
Hall of Fame
I read in the Dandenong Journal today
that it has been suggested that "Frosty"
Miller should be nominated for the
Subject & Summary of Question
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/08/2015)
An onsite meeting was conducted
with Cr Chea on 17/08/2015 to
discuss this matter. It was identified
by Council’s Traffic Engineers that
this location will be submitted in the
next round of Federal Blackspot
funding for the 16/17 Financial Year.
Should this submission not be
successful to receive Blackspot
Funding, traffic calming treatments for
this location would likely to be funded
within Council’s own Local Area
Traffic Management program.
Additional intersection warning signs
will be investigated as an option to
increase driver awareness of the
intersection and Council’s Speed Alert
Mobile (SAM) trailer will be located in
the area during the next school
holidays to provide instant visual
feedback to motorists of their speed.
Council will also be writing to the
owner of the adjacent property
identifying actions they can undertake
to protect their property, which
included landscaping treatments that
would reduce the likelihood of an
errant vehicle colliding with the house
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/08/2015)
The Sport and Recreation Team have
contacted AFL Victoria and they are
happy to consider an application for
65 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Loi Truong
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Australian Football League Hall of
Fame. If Council have any archives or
anything like that that to support that
suggestion, because whenever I do
attend the club rooms in Dandenong
there are always pictures of "Frosty"
Miller. I have heard lots of stories
about him and he was a wonderful
footballer and a fantastic full forward
who won a lot of games for Dandenong
and I think they won many
premierships with him. If Council can
do anything to support "Frosty" Miller to
enter the Hall of Fame, I would like
Council to look into this and support
that as well.
Springvale drop off/pick up area
I would like to visit Springvale with
Council staff to investigate possible
dates and locations for the drop off and
pick up area before any parking meters
are installed.
On Chandler Road, Keysborough there
used to be two schools, Maralinga
Primary and Chandler Park Primary.
Maralinga has closed and
consequently as a result of that there is
no 40 kilometre speed sign near that
school. Chandler Park Primary is now
a bigger school and I have had some
residents contact me about the
dangers of that school crossing. As the
school is not located directly on
Chandler Road, a 40 kilometre speed
sign is not able to be installed at that
location. I would like Council to
advocate to VicRoads or to have this
Date of
Summary of Response
Frosty Miller to enter the AFL Hall of
Fame. Kevin Shinners (ex Australian
Rules Football player who played for
Dandenong and Richmond and knew
Frosty) is putting together the
submission. Kevin is meeting with
Frosty Miller next week to obtain
further details about his playing
career. Council has offered to write a
letter of support and help with the
submission. Council is also
investigating with the Historical
Society if there are any pictures that
might be able to be submitted with the
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/08/2015)
A meeting was arranged with Cr
Truong on 17/08/2015 to discuss
matter, however was postponed and
is scheduled to occur on 24/08/2015
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/08/2015)
Council’s Traffic Engineering Team
will prepare all the relevant
documentation for a submission to
VicRoads for the introduction of a
time based 40km/h School Speed
Zone on Chandler Road in the vicinity
of Chandler Park Primary School.
It may take several weeks to receive
a response from VicRoads however,
an update will be provided to all
Councillors of the outcomes and
progress on this matter.
66 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
reviewed as it is dangerous. There is a
large number of children at the one
place and there is no 40 kilometre
signage to protect them.
Jacksons Road signage
With regard to road signage, when
motorists turn from Police Road into
Jacksons Road in Noble Park North
there is no signage indicating that it is
Jacksons Road. Can Council officers
review this signage?
Connection of Bicycle Paths
Is there any possibility or plans to
connect up Central Springvale, Central
Noble Park and Central Dandenong so
that it is possible to access those areas
by bicycle?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/08/2015)
Both of these roads are managed by
VicRoads and given the size of the
intersection a standard street name
sign identifying Jacksons Road in
Noble Park North, like those used at
many local street intersection, would
not be sufficient.
Council will be writing to VicRoads
requesting that they provide adequate
directional signage on Police Road,
Noble Park North, to inform motorists
that they are approaching the
Jacksons Road intersection. Council
will be recommending VicRoads
provide signage for both approaches
to this intersection, however, finer
details regarding signage location will
be left for them to resolve.
A progress update will be provided
once feedback has been received
from VicRoads on this matter, which
may take a few weeks.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/08/2015)
Council’s Strategic Cycling Corridors
consists of several key routes, one of
which is planned to provide a
continuous bicycle route from
Dandenong Station to Springvale
Station, with connections through to
Westall Station.
The delivery of these paths requires
67 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
provision of significant infrastructure
that will be delivered over many
years. The recent announcements of
the three railway grade separation
projects (Corrigan Road, Heatherton
Road and Chandler Road), which will
be delivered over the next three
years, may provide opportunities to
assist with significant lengths of this
cycling corridor.
Cr Matthew
Cr Peter Brown
Youth engagement figures
Regarding the organisational
performance report and specifically the
youth strategy implementation, how
does the number of young people
engaged in 2014/15 compare to the
number of young people engaged in
the previous year and what is the
reason for the difference?
Former Noble Park Special
Development School Site
The former Noble Park Special
Developmental School in Harrisfield in
Noble Park has now been closed for
quite some time. The buildings remain
largely intact but substantially
vandalised and the site is becoming
very run down in appearance. What
sort of action could Julie Reid, Director
Engineering Services recommend or
require of the Department of Education
and Training to do in order to clean
up the site and to deal with what is now
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/08/2015)
Youth Services engaged with 24,100
young people throughout 2014/15
compared to 23,131 in 2013/14, an
increase of 4.2%. The reasons are:
- New project initiatives such as the
Youth Hubs project, Work
Inspirations, Skilled Up, I Speak
- Increased participation in school
holiday events
- Increase in referrals from community
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/08/2015)
The Councillor’s request has been
entered into Council’s Customer
Request system – Merit, for
investigation and action by a Local
Laws officer. If the problem relates to
litter on the site, the officer will be
able to action under the provision of
the Environment Protection Act. That
Act binds the Crown (Education Dept)
to comply. If however the problem
relates to dilapidated buildings, which
are dealt with under Council’s Local
68 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
unfortunately a derelict building?
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Heang Tak
Summary of Response
Laws, the Crown is not bound to
comply. In those circumstances,
executive management will write to
the relevant State Government
department and request that they take
Coomoora Facility
I was wondering if we could get a bit of
an idea when Stage 2 of the Coomoora
facility which houses the Keysborough
Soccer Club and the Coomoora Cricket
Club, is going to be commenced?
Advertising for Springvale Snow
I would like to make a small request for
the future if Council can have more
advertising via the ethnic community
radio? I know that Dandenong Council
did a fantastic job by interviewing
Councillor Truong and Councillor Chea
on the Vietnamese and Cambodian
SBS Radio station but I do not know
whether the interviews have been
extended to other ethnic radios. I would
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/08/2015)
Stage two plans for the
redevelopment of Coomoora Reserve
pavilion have been redesigned as
previous tender costs came in too
high. Estimated quantity surveying
costs have now been received on the
revised plans which will now go out to
tender by Wednesday 5 August 2015.
The estimated start of construction
will be October 2015.
The clubs have been asked if there
are any key dates and events planned
so the works can be programmed
around these to cause minimum
disruption to the clubs. The option of
staging some of the works to ensure
the kitchen is done first or last will
also be considered.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/08/2015)
The Festivals and Events team
promoted Springvale Snow Fest to all
47 commercial and community radio
stations in Melbourne, including all
ethnic radio stations. This
promotional effort led to interview
requests from a number of radio
stations, including:
• SBS Radio on the Mandarin,
Cambodian and Vietnamese
69 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
like to say it was a fantastic event with
a lot of people attending.
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Youhorn Chea
Summary of Response
• ABC774 and
• LightFM.
The event was also profiled by
announcers on 3AW and Smooth FM
The event also received some
coverage in ethnic publications
particularly through an article in BQ
Australia Magazine, a glossy Chinese
The Festivals and Events team has
now established some great contacts
in the sector and will be investigating
the option to promote forthcoming
events to ethnic radio stations as well
all other community and commercial
radio stations.
Petition for land at Dalgety Street,
Dandenong North
There was a petition about 12 months
ago regarding a parcel of land owned
by Melbourne Water in Dalgety Street,
Dandenong South. After that petition,
Council held some consultation
meetings with emails going back and
forth. Has Council heard back from
Melbourne Water whether they are
going to sell Council the land or not?
Was that out for Melbourne Water to
Director City
Design &
Along Springvale Road, Springvale
between Safeway and the ANZ Bank
there were normally three rubbish and
recycle bins. At the moment, there is
just one and most of the time I see
someone just throw rubbish along the
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/08/2015)
Melbourne Water has responded
regarding the valuation of the surplus
land in question, identifying a price of
$2.173 million.
Additional to the above, works have
been completed to formalise the car
park on Canberra Avenue, adjacent to
the Mosque, with only minor works
remaining to strengthen a pit lid. This
has provided a further 12 to 15
parking spaces in close proximity to
the Mosque, which were previously
not (legally) available.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/07/2015)
Council officers have met with the
Cafe owner in Springvale Road who
requested the additional bin. At the
meeting it was decided that a public
70 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Maria Sampey
Subject & Summary of Question
street because the one bin is so far
away, at the top and one at the end.
Perhaps we need to put another one
closer to the Springvale Community
Centre, outside the chemist that is
there. I think this will be perhaps much
better. Business people are
complaining as well, especially the
people who have tables outside as
everyone goes and throws their rubbish
on their tables and so on.
I wanted to now mention some issues
around Copas Park, Noble Park. This
is a nice little park with
some nice play equipment but it's being
overshadowed by enormous
development as it’s in an area
of high development in Noble Park
because it's near the station. So this
small, nice family park is
being impacted across the road by
development that's going to go on in
Noble Street and Buckley
Street which goes the whole width
backing onto that park and then I think
there's going to be something on the
side as well. Could we have a look at
how we might open up that park and
how we might get some lighting in for
the residents so that they've got some
better use of it?
I've got a question for the relevant
officer. I don't know whether I was
there on the night, but discussions took
place with regard to the Dalgety Street,
Dandenong parking issues at the
mosque. It was suggested that they
Date of
Summary of Response
litter bin and a recycling bin will be
install next to the chemist outside the
tables of knowledge.
The bins have been programmed for
installation and should be installed
within the next two weeks.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/07/2015)
We are preparing documentation the
basis of which will be to take the
Noble Park Activity Centre Structure
Plan and overlay onto it the shadow
diagrams of the adjacent approved
permits, together with the pedestrian
access paths and other infrastructure
in the immediate area. With that to
hand we will then arrange a meeting
with Cr Blades AM to discuss any
concerns and any actions that might
be required as a result of the
discussions. It is expected that the
documentation for the above meeting
will be completed by mid-August.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/07/2015)
Estimated costs for various surface
treatments are as follows:
Crushed Rock (gravel) surface:$6,000
Asphalt surface: $39,000
Concrete surface: $42,000
71 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
contribute between $800 and $1,000
as a means of allowing the mosque to
have more parking by proposing to put
crushed rock there. I'm just wondering
what the cost would be, because the
crushed rock is going to go onto the
roadway, and I just think it would be
more economical in the long run to just
put in a sealed footpath there, rather
than crushed rock because that would
just go onto the road all the time. So
could we be advised of what the cost
would be?
The above estimated costs include
materials, labour, traffic management
and other associated works required
to obtain approvals from relevant
Also worth noting is that we have an
understanding with the Mosque that
they will pay for materials and Council
would cover all other costs. Should
we propose a different surface
treatment, the cost for materials
would increase significantly.
There is room available for a 1.5m
wide footpath. If there was a footpath
constructed it would be located along
the property line, in-front of the
parking spaces and would require
kerbing to prevent vehicles from
parking over the footpath. The
estimated cost would be $15,000.
We are still awaiting approval from the
Gas authority, as the works are in
close proximity to a high pressure gas
line. We cannot proceed until this
approval has been obtained and
ensure we comply with any conditions
that may be specified.
I think in the long term, it would be
more economical to do a proper job
and to also maybe make a
footpath between the fence and the
cars, rather than behind the cars so
that pedestrians could walk along the
Cr Roz Blades
Update on CCTV in Noble Park
I am also wondering if I can get an
update on the Closed Circuit Television
(CCTV) program in Noble Park? It
came up at the meeting of the Noble
Park Community Action Forum and we
are wondering how the program is
Summary of Response
Director City
Design and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 13/07/2015)
There have been several design
iterations with the CCTV system in
Noble Park. As part of the roll out a
planning permit application for a mast
on the rear of the Noble Park Public
Hall is required and is currently on
advertising. Upon this permit being
determined by end July, ground works
and commissioning of this system will
72 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
then take approx. 2 weeks.
An upgraded radio link to support the
new system has already been
installed at Paddy O’Donoghue
Centre. An additional four cameras at
the new Ross Reserve skate park
have been added into the system
design and will be installed in
conjunction with the Noble Park
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Matthew
Cr Peter Brown
Flooding in Meridian Estate,
Dandenong South
A resident sent me a photo about a
property in the Meridian Estate in
Dandenong South where the whole
driveway and around the road is a
puddle as there is nowhere for the
water to go. Do Council have any
insurance claims against the
developers at the time?
Council to send letter to Telstra on
behalf of residents regarding low
internet speeds in Somerfield Estate,
I can definitely reassure you that the
residents are but if Council can send a
letter to Telstra as well that would be
appreciated by the residents.
Ross Reserve Skate park safety
Can Director Engineering Services
assure Council that the highest drop,
perpendicular drop of the Skate ramp is
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 13/07/2015)
Council is currently doing some
preliminary trial work to improve the
drainage at the site. The works are
being contributed to by the developer
as an acknowledgement of the issues
that residents are facing.
The preliminary trial works are being
carried out in a selected area after
discussions with residents and it is
hoped that the approach being taken
can be expended to other areas of
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/06/2015)
Council officers have written to both
Telstra and the developer of the
Sommerfield Estate expressing the
concerns of residents on the slow
internet speed
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/06/2015)
Based on the design plans and the
measurement out on site on 11 June
2015 it is confirmed that the depth of
73 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Peter Brown
Cr Angela Long
Cr Maria Sampey
Subject & Summary of Question
not two metres, or seven feet, but about
six to seven metres? Any skateboarder
who went off the side would not go
down the wall it would be a
perpendicular drop, in my estimation
from a 90 degree angle to a concrete
Cost of LED sticks in Lonsdale
Street, Dandenong
How much do the light emitting diode
(LED) light sticks located on the median
strips along Lonsdale Street,
Dandenong cost to replace?
Dandenong Benevolent Society
Funding Cuts
Dandenong Benevolent Society also
lost all of their Federal funding. If
Springvale Benevolent Society are able
to have a spot on Council’s website,
Dandenong should also be included as
they are feeling the pinch as well and
both do the same service in servicing
underprivileged families.
Parking Signs outside Salvation
Army Store, Noble Park
Residents have also contacted me with
regard to the recent addition of a "No
Standing" sign outside the Salvation
Army store located at Princes Highway,
Noble Park. The sign indicates no
parking from 10am until 5am.
Therefore the only time people can park
is from 5am until 10 am. This sign is
making parking difficult and people that
want to go to that store are getting
fined. It is the type of people that lack
Date of
Summary of Response
the largest skate bowl is 3.3 metres.
Acting Director
City Planning,
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/06/2015)
The cost per replacement light (pole &
lightstick) is between $13-15K
depending upon location and number
of lights replaced.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/06/2015)
In discussions with Cr Blades and Cr
Long this request will not be
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/06/2015)
It appears that an error has occurred
when this sign was renewed or
replaced, with incorrect text identifying
that the restrictions operate from
10AM. The sign in question should
identify that a 'No Stopping' restriction
operates from 10PM to 5AM (i.e
throughout the night). These
restrictions were introduced to combat
the 'hooning' problem by preventing
spectators from parking in this area
during the night when illegal drag
74 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
funds to pay fines that it is affecting
Summary of Response
racing may occur on Princes
The intention is that during the day
parking is unrestricted and customers
to the Salvo's Store should be able to
park in this area if they want to.
Councils signage works crew have
been notified and requested they
check adjacent signs in the area and
correct this issue as soon as possible.
Cr Matthew
Cr Roz Blades
Website Storage Costs
In relation to keeping more Council
Meeting Webcasts on Council’s
website, given website storage costs
are rapidly falling, when were storage
costs last looked at?
Noble Park Traffic Consultation
When will the consultation in relation to
Pau Street, Noble Park and the traffic
congestion around Noble Park Station
be completed and is there a report
coming to Council?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/06/2015)
A new quote has been received from
Council’s website providers. Currently
the cost to have two archived
webcasts is $10,000 per annum. This
can be extended to a full twelve
months of archived meetings at a cost
of $18,000 per annum.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/06/2015)
Council’s parking consultations
generally run for a two week period.
Specifically, the Powell Street, Noble
Park parking consultation is due to
close on Friday 5th June. However,
Council do wait a few days after the
closing date to allow for any
responses that may have been posted
on the closing date. Based on the
results the decision is then made
under delegation. Council staff then
advise all involved in the initial
request, as well as the residents
surveyed, of the outcomes and any
future actions.
75 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Roz Blades
Date of
Springvale Benevolent Society
Funding Cuts
Springvale Benevolent Society had their
funding cut by the Federal Government
completely. Funding has not been
reinstated despite letters, phone calls,
media and lobbying Members of
Parliament. One thing that has been
very useful is a couple of churches
have been donating non perishable in
date foods. I am just wondering if we
could have something on the City of
Greater Dandenong website requesting
people donate non perishable goods to
the Benevolent Society. I am not sure
about the logistics of that, so the
request can be taken on notice to the
Director of Corporate Services.
Lunar New Year Discussions
Councillor Tak already made a request
regarding the Lunar New Year and I
would like to add that perhaps the
President, Daniel Chang of Springvale
Asian Business Assocation (SABA)
could make an appointment to see
Mark Doubleday, Director of
Community Services also. Last time
only a representative attended the
discussions and perhaps this time the
President of the organisation could
Budgetary allowances for Buses
I was wondering if I could ask a
question on notice to Julie Reid,
Director Engineering Services on my
Subject & Summary of Question
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 9/06/2015)
In discussions with Cr Blades and Cr
Long this request will not be
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 25/05/2015)
A meeting has been set for Wednesday
27 May with the President of Springvale
Asian Business Association, Daniel
Cheng to finalise a plan for the Lunar New
Year Festival.
A report to Council at a Councillor Briefing
Session will follow.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 25/05/2015)
A letter has recently been sent to the
Transport Minister on several bus
related issues, one of which was
76 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
favourite subject which is buses.
I received a phone call last week
detailing that in the Budget there were
some bus allowances made which
come through Cranbourne and end up
in Dandenong South. That is a big
help, if we have buses going to
Dandenong South from places. It just
occurred to me that maybe there might
be other public transport news in the
Budget and have we had time to drill
down sufficiently into the Budget,
through all the departments to
determine whether that is the case?
Sister Cities Policy
Which Council meeting can we expect
to see a report on the Sister Cities
Policy and an assessment of the
advantages and disadvantages for
continuing the Sister City arrangement?
This review was first proposed two
years ago. As we are regularly
receiving advices regarding approval
for trips relating to the Sister City, I am
certainly a little bit impatient that we
look at that relationship and review the
benefits of it before proposing further
trips in 2016.
Rat and Pest Problems in Clarendon
Drive, Keysborough
This afternoon, another issue in
Clarendon Drive was brought to my
attention. A resident contacted me
about Council land behind Clarendon
Drive, which the resident mentioned
Council had previously said that they
would cover with gravel. The reason for
Date of
Summary of Response
requesting further information about
the recently announced bus service
reviews and identifying Council’s
willingness to participate in any
consultation process.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Council staff members are not aware
of any other public transport benefits
other than these and the Grade
Separations announced in the budget
for Greater Dandenong. If Council are
advised of anything else Council may
benefit from Council staff will inform
This policy will be addressed with
input from various directors and the
specific date for a report will be
determined from there.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 11/05/2015)
The site where the land to the rear of
Clarendon Drive is located has been
inspected and have held consultations
with several departments within
Council regarding the matters raised.
The following information was
forwarded to Cr Kirwan as well as the
77 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
this decision was because of the
constant rat and pest problems in that
area. I realise I am just bringing this up
now so I understand if it is taken on
notice but can we please look into that?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
There is a 5m wide grassed strip of
Council-owned land to the rear of
the resident’s property (which
extends from 182 Clarendon Drive
down to Greens Road) that is
separated from the land beyond by
a 1.8m high chain link fence. The
land beyond this is owned by a
major land developer and varies in
width from 20m (directly behind the
resident’s property) to over 800m a
little further to the north. The
resident lives on the edge of a new
residential development that backs
onto approx 42ha of former
agricultural land that is to be
developed for industrial use over
the next few of years. As this land
is developed, a 25m wide tree
reserve (passive open space with
native grasslands, pedestrian
trails, etc…) will be established
between the two land uses and
handed over to Council. There are
no plans by Council to gravel this
area and it is unclear why the
resident was advised this by the
developer (Intrapac).
• The current length and moisture
content of the grass on both
Council’s and the developer’s land
does not constitute a ‘fire hazard’
(it’s too wet and there is insufficient
fuel load). Prior to February this
year, the grass on Council’s land
was cut by internal staff approx 5-6
time per year and both fence lines
78 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
sprayed with poison. In February
the works were outsourced to an
external contractor managed by
Council with the area now cut
monthly and spraying/litter
collection on an ‘as needed’ basis.
The matter has been raised with
the Council officer who manages
this contract about a once off
‘clean up’ followed by increased
attention to the accumulation of
building rubbish along the base of
the chain link fence between
Council’s and the developer’s land
which will commence from late
May onwards.
• Council Health Officers have
inspected the area and did not
observe an unusual or ‘out of the
ordinary’ level of rats or mice, nor
did they identify any specific
nesting habitats or food sources
that might indicate a problem.
There is also nothing to suggest
that gravel or more frequent grass
cutting of the 5m wide strip of
Council land to the rear of the
resident’s property would have any
impact on the current level of rats
or mice in the area – these pests
still occur in clean and well
maintained environments (urban
and rural).
Cr Youhorn Chea
Problems at No. 8 Balmoral Avenue
car park
My first question is in relation to the No.
8 Balmoral Avenue car park in
Director City
Design and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/04/2015)
One of the three ticket machines on-site
does have an intermittent fault with its
coin reader. A replacement part has been
79 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Loi Truong
Subject & Summary of Question
Springvale. After only a few months, we
have had some problems with the
boom gate, the ticket machine and so
on. At the moment there are three
ticket machines with only one machine
working. I would like to ask the
appropriate officer, when will the two
machines be fixed?
Advertising food drives in The City
I think everybody is aware that the local
benevolent societies all lost their
funding from the Federal Government.
I have instituted several food drives and
I am just wondering if we could put
something in The City news around
people making donations of food or
buying food, buying something every
week, saving it up and giving it to an aid
Increase way finding signage for
Number 8 Balmoral Avenue car park
I would also like to request that Council
increase way finding signage for the
Number 8 Balmoral Avenue car park in
Springvale. The signage on Springvale
Road is adequate however, Webster
Road, Windsor Avenue, Balmoral
Avenue and Queens Avenue do not
have any signs.
Unclear signage out the front of
Number 8 Balmoral Avenue car park
I would like to ask a question about
parking fines received out the front of
the Number 8 Balmoral Avenue car
Date of
Summary of Response
ordered and is expected that it will be
installed by end of the week.
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/04/2015)
An article will be placed in the June
2015 edition of The City news.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/04/2015)
On February 16 Council was
presented with proposed changes to
parking in Springvale with officers
proposing the need to review/improve
way finding signage. A review is
proposed and now planned to be
conducted between July-December
2015, with a view to making a CIP bid
for the 16-17 financial year.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/04/2015)
Parking in Springvale is in very high
demand and there is a need to
balance the needs of the available
parking for various types of uses.
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
park in Springvale. The signs are
unclear as to the parking and loading
zone restrictions at this location and I
have received many complaints about
this matter. I would like Jody Bosman,
Director City Planning, Design and
Amenity to investigate this. I would also
request the investigation include
examining if fines are repeatedly issued
in the same location due to confusion
caused by unclear signage.
Date of
Summary of Response
As such, there are locations where the
on-street parking needs to provide
opportunities for deliveries to occur for
nearby businesses at one time of the
day and then serve as customer
parking at another time of day.
The particular spaces in question act
as a ‘Loading Zone’ between 8am and
10am, then become customer parking
for the remainder of the time, with a 1
hour restriction operating between
10am and 6pm, after which they
become unrestricted. These parking
restrictions were developed in
consultation with adjacent traders who
identified a need for loading zones
during the early part of the day.
The existing signage at this location is
to standard and clearly identifies when
the various restrictions apply. This
type of parking restriction signage is
not uncommon across the road
network and used frequently,
particularly in popular activity centres
such as Springvale, where there is a
diversity of needs with limited
It is up to all motorists to understand
the meaning of the various parking
restriction signs and ensure that they
adhere to the restrictions that apply at
the relevant time of day.
Given the above, no changes are
proposed at this time, with existing
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
restrictions to remain.
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Jim Memeti
Converting Ross Street, Dandenong
into a through road
Can we advise all the Councillors on
that response as to why Council are
unable to convert Ross Street,
Dandenong into a through road so if
residents in that neighbourhood ask
again all Councillors will be well
Gates for CFA volunteers training at
Booth Reserve
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/03/2015)
Council’s Engineers have investigated
this proposal. This investigation has
highlighted that there are a number of
reasons that this proposal would not
be considered a priority by Council’s
Traffic Engineers:
• The benefits would only affect a
small proportion of the
community during a small portion
of the day;
• The concerns are primarily
convenience and not safety
• This would be a fairly sizeable
infrastructure project ($200k
minimum estimate);
• There has been no indication that
the majority of residents would
support this proposal. To date
only one resident has requested
this measure. Other residents
may not support this measure as
an anticipated impact of the
works would be significantly
higher traffic volumes on these
local streets.
Once further investigation has been
undertaken, residents may be
consulted regarding the proposal and
a CIP bid may be raised for
consideration within the Budget.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/03/2015)
Council recognises the Country Fire
82 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Subject & Summary of Question
I was invited by the Country Fire
Authority (CFA) volunteers to attend
Booth Reserve, Dandenong and see
how they are doing their training. One
thing they raised with me is they have
occupied that area at the front of Booth
Reserve since 1967, since they moved
from the old Dandenong Market. I
witnessed people going right through
where they were training and onto the
playgrounds. This included small
children and families which was very,
very concerning. The Fire Brigade
teach the volunteers with carts and they
run at very quick speeds doing very
intense training, so it was very
disturbing to see that people can cross
right through their training facilities and
attend the park there. They requested
Council put new gates in somewhere
enabling people to stay off the track.
Can Council officers have a meeting
with the CFA volunteers and see if this
problem can be rectified?
Safety in the Civic Square
When I left the Chamber during the
discussion of an item that I had a
Conflict of Interest on, I was outside
and there were two groups of
youngsters in the Civic Square wanting
to fight each other. Fortunately, the
Security Guard was there and as
soon as they saw security, the two
groups dispersed. Can we perhaps
contact Victoria Police and
arrange for them to patrol the area
between 5-8pm, maybe every half hour
or hourly?
Date of
Summary of Response
Authority (CFA) utilises Booth
Reserve to conduct essential training.
The CFA has a responsibility to
ensure this training, which is
undertaken in a public space, is held
in a secure venue for their members
whilst maintaining safe access for
community use. This may mean
protocols about identification of the
event and warnings for the public and
will include consideration to provision
of gates. Council will finalise the
Licence Agreement with the CFA to
include suitable usage times whilst
ensuring public safety.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/03/2015)
Consistent with previous advice
provided and, actions being
considered throughout all parts of the
activity centre where from time to time
(and common to all busy activity
centres in all municipalities), issues
may arise that require intervention,
Council is discussing with Victoria
Police how its resources could be
used to assist.
83 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Jim Memeti
Date of
Feedback on the Lunar New Year
The feedback I received was if the
stage can be placed on the right side
rather than in front of the people who
are sitting. Secondly, a resident
complained that it was too hot and
there was no shade where they could
watch the show from. Perhaps next
year, if we can have some covered
areas especially for the elderly people
who want to sit and watch?
Traffic at Conway Street, Dandenong
I got a phone call as I was walking to
the Chamber this evening from a
concerned resident who lives
in Conway Street in Dandenong South,
where the street is at a bend at a 90
degree turn. They said they nearly got
run over because young people
accelerate round the bend. I am happy
to give the contact telephone number
for the resident to the relevant officer
and if the officer can contact them
please? I have always known that area
to be dangerous and maybe we can
install some speed humps to slow down
the motorists?
Master Plan for Dandenong Park.
It is a sad ending that the Bowls Club
and the Kindergarten close but it is also
an exciting time as part of our Master
Director City
Design and
Subject & Summary of Question
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/03/2015)
The location of the stage at the
Springvale Lunar New Year will be
reviewed and more suitable locations
will be considered when planning for
the next event. The options for
shade during the day at this event will
also be included.
A debrief and review process is
currently underway for the 2015 Lunar
New Year festival. A forthcoming
Councillor Briefing Session will outline
feedback and options for the festival
in 2016.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/03/2015)
We will undertake traffic surveys on
this street to determine the extent of
the speeding issue. The resident
suggested that the issue was primarily
a few cars hooning / driving at
excessive speeds. If this is confirmed
through the surveys, Conway Street is
unlikely to qualify for traffic calming
treatments through Councils Local
Area Traffic Management Program.
This program prioritises locations
were traffic speeds are consistently
high, and not were a few hoons are
the cause of the road safety risk. If
hooning is identified, we will also
forward the survey data to the police,
to assist them with enforcement.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/03/2015)
Council is arranging a briefing of
Councillors on the Master Plan and an
84 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Jim Memeti
Subject & Summary of Question
Plan for Dandenong Park. I think we
have been talking about it probably for
the last decades and it is now going to
come to fruition which I look forward to.
When will officers advise Council what
is happening with the Master Plan
because I think it has gone a bit quiet
for the last year or two so will that be
brought back to a Councillors Briefing
Charges for stallholders at the
With regard to the four major markets:
the Queen Victoria, South Melbourne,
Prahran and Preston Markets, do those
markets charge per month for
stallholders who choose to keep their
stock displays out in the aisles at the
front of their stores and if so, at what
charge or rate per month do the
stallholders get charged? I am happy
for the question to be taken on notice
so that it can be answered at the next
Council meeting.
Disabled Parking Permits
I was approached this week regarding
Date of
Summary of Response
updated position with regard to how
recent events involving both the Bowls
Club and the Kindergarten affect the
plan, especially with regard to the
timing and staging of works identified
in the master plan.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/03/2015)
DMPL staff have made contact with
each of the major Melbourne Markets.
The response provided is:
• Prahran say they don’t really
allow this type of use at all.
• Queen Victoria don’t allow
traders to place anything in the
public concourse outside their
lease line and charge for the use
of any stall space used at casual
stall rates.
• Preston Market Manager has
confirmed that they do charge for
display space. They are
presently reviewing the fee levels
and are looking at charging the
same rate that they charge for
casual stalls.
• South Melbourne Market has
advised that they charge for
display space at the same rate
per square metre at they charge
for their stalls.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/02/2015)
85 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
disabled parking permits. A resident has
had their disabled parking permit for many
years however their most recent renewal
application was declined. Are we
becoming stricter with issuing disabled
parking permits?
Fencing/Barriers at Metro Village BBQ
I was at Metro Village the other day and I
went for a walk. I know the area around
Dalgety Street and Morwell Avenue,
Dandenong very well as I used to live
around there. I went to the new area at
Metro Village where there is a barbeque
area and play equipment and I was
surprised that there was no sort of barrier
anywhere. I know this was developed by
Places Victoria and it was not developed by
Council. If however, you were going to have
a family outing and a barbeque there, you
would tend to be there for a couple of hours
at least. I wanted Council to be aware that
there is no fencing, barriers or signs at this
location. I had not thought about it before
but I had not had a good look before. I did
see it the other day and I wish to raise it. Is
this now in Council’s hands or can we pass
it back on to Places Victoria to rectify it?
Australia Day Festival Feedback
There were suggestions for improvement of
course. During the time that I was there and
I was there most of the time between 4pm
and 10pm, I probably received two key
pieces of feedback. Firstly, I received a
number of comments on the Australia Day
Awards, that the Australia Day Awards
should be given greater prominence in the
ceremony in Dandenong Park. A number of
community members told me that they
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Council officers have been in contact with
the resident and a disabled parking permit
has now been issued.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/02/2015)
Council officers have contacted Cr
Memeti to arrange a meeting to discuss
the issues, this will be held on the
10 March at 5pm.
Council officers have arranged a meeting
with various other stakeholders about the
broader issue of what would be an
appropriate response to the types of
issues raised by Cr Memeti. The meeting
is scheduled for 5 March 2015 and
includes a range of council officers from
both Dandenong and Casey council’s, our
insurer and the Playground Association Of
Victoria. In the interim, pending the
outcome of our meeting and subsequent
feedback to council, a Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) bid has been
raised for the upcoming 2015/16 financial
year to undertake any works that may be
deemed necessary ($100K).
The playground is Council’s responsibility
to maintain and manage.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 09/02/2015)
Australia Day Awards
The Australia Day Awards have
historically been presented annually at the
Drum Theatre. Drum Theatre was
selected for the awards as it provides a
high quality environment which supports
the ceremonial nature of the awards. It
also provides an appropriate venue for the
86 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
weren't sure why various recipients were
chosen for awards. They also wanted to
hear some of them speak. When I
explained that this had happened earlier in
the afternoon at a private ceremony at the
Drum Theatre, they felt excluded and
relayed that last year they really
appreciated that the Awards Ceremony was
held at the park which they found more
inclusive and meaningful. The other major
feedback I received was from other
community members who commented
to me that they would have liked more
mainstream entertainment during the
afternoon and less cultural specific
entertainment. They said it was more
appropriate for Australia Day. I actually
received that from a number of people with
different ethnic backgrounds. If both of
those aspects could be considered in the
planning for next year’s event, that would
be appreciated.
Cr Jim Memeti
New Year’s Eve Parking in Dandenong
This year, there will be fireworks happening
on New Year’s Eve in the Dandenong Civic
Square. Can we look into leaving the
multilevel car park on Walker Street open to
at least 10.30pm and make it free after
6pm? I don't want an answer now but it
makes sense that if people are going to
come to the Civic Square, they are going to
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
afternoon tea for the recipients. In 2014,
the awards were presented solely at the
Festival in Dandenong Park as there were
so many candidates for citizenship on
Australia Day that year, the awards could
not be fitted into the agenda at the Drum.
Councillors have therefore witnessed the
awards being presented at both venues.
If Councillors are keen to present the
awards at Dandenong Park, this could be
achieved in future years.
Australia Day Entertainment
There are two stage areas at Dandenong
Park: the main sound shell stage and the
youth stage. The local Freeza Committee
of young people programmed the youth
stage. This programming is driven by the
young people themselves and it is
suggested that this remain a decision by
young people to reflect local needs.
The main stage features a variety of acts.
Council staff try to program a variety of
entertainers throughout the Australia Day
program. Achieving a balance of
performers is at times a personal
preference. Officers will note the
feedback from the Councillor along with
other patron feedback received on the day
when booking entertainment for future
years with the aim of producing a
balanced program of entertainment for all
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/01/2015)
The Walker Street multi deck car park
opens until midnight Monday – Friday and
parking is free after 6pm. The Thomas
Street car park is open until 10pm and is
also free after 6pm. All other Council
parking in the CBD, both on street and off,
is free after 6pm and parking was not
87 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Maria Sampey
Subject & Summary of Question
need somewhere to park. I don't think there
will be anyone using the multilevel car park
at that time and I think it is a good idea to
leave it open to till about 10.30pm and
make free after 6pm.
(Municipal Association of Victoria) MAV
Membership Services
Council pays $57,111 to the Municipal
Association of Victoria (MAV) each year to
be a member. I have printed out the page
that states their Policy and Services and
one of them states Legal Representation as
a service. Through experience recently I
found out that the MAV do not provide
some of the services that they state that
they do. So what are the benefits of the
Council being a member and paying
$57,111? What support services are
provided by the MAV to Councillors to
justify Council spending $57,111 each year
on membership fees and why does the
MAV claim on their website that one of the
services they provide is legal representation
when in actual fact they do not?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
heavily patronised on New Years Eve,
other than for attendees at the Council
event. Parking was therefore readily
accessible, free and within the times
proposed by Cr Memeti.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/01/2015)
In order to appropriately respond to this
question, a response was sought directly
from the MAV. Copied below is the
response received
MAV Services
In response to your email request of 15
December, I have outlined below details
of the member benefits received through
participation in the MAV. Our diverse
support services are provided to
Councillors, mayors, CEOs, directors and
other council staff, with specific examples
provided that are applicable to Greater
Dandenong City Council.
As the peak body for local government,
the MAV offers services and benefits to
our members, many of which are included
as part of your annual membership fee,
such as:
• Participation in MAV working groups,
committees, regional meetings, metro
forums, State Council, etc to guide the
directions of the Association and the
work we undertake for the benefit of
• Advocacy on behalf of local
• Policy advice, support services and
access to specialist MAV staff
expertise in areas including
governance and legal, economics,
land use planning, environment,
infrastructure, transport, social, health
and community services
88 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
• Participation in MAV industry
development events including
meetings, workshops, seminars and
forums. Participation in some major
conferences and training programs are
charged separately on a cost recovery
basis by MAV
• Access to MAV procurement initiatives
• Access to the LGE Health Plan
• Participation in a variety of MAV
initiatives and projects including
development of a WorkCover self
insurance mutual, SWIFT library
consortium and a range of special
interest groups and networks.
MAV member benefits are described
further in the ‘MAV Financial Membership
Benefits’ document attached to this letter.
I have also included electronic copies of
both the latest MAV Annual Report and
MAV Insurance Annual Report.
The MAV’s Insurance products require
separate insurance membership and
payment of the applicable premium to
access these additional services.
MAV Insurance provides public and
products liability, and professional
indemnity insurance under our Liability
Mutual Insurance (LMI) Scheme. This
covers each member council for products
and liability insurance up to $400 million
and professional indemnity insurance up
to $300 million.
Members of our LMI scheme also receive
a number of additional free benefits
including tailored risk management
services, legal services, specialist claims
management, ongoing insurance
advocacy, help desk support and access
to training and best practice programs.
These services relate specifically to public
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
89 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
and products liability and professional
indemnity insurance matters. They do not,
for example, provide legal advice on other
matters for MAV member councils.
Our Commercial Crime Insurance
indemnifies member public authorities
against fraudulent or dishonest acts
committed by an employee or third party,
with a minimum sum insured of $1.5
million. Members can opt for a higher limit
if required.
In relation specifically to Councillor
support, the MAV offers a range of
services that have been separately listed
below in response to your query. These
include access to governance and other
specialist expertise, updates and advice
provided by the MAV for elected
representatives, and training and
development programs tailored for
Councillors needs.
Councils also have the opportunity to
purchase Councillor Credit Points each
financial year to assist them in attending
MAV events and training for councillors.
Greater Dandenong Council purchased
and used Councillor Credit Points in the
2013/14 financial year.
MAV Member Benefits
Highlights of our achievements in 2014 for
the benefit of MAV financial members
• Delivered cost-savings and
streamlined tender processes for
councils through completion of nine
MAV Procurement tenders including
the Local Government Funding
Vehicle, Energy Efficient Street
Lighting Installation, Maternal and
Child Health Information Management
System, Workers’ Compensation
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Claims/Injury Management
(Workplace Health and Safety, Return
to Work, Training and Education
services), Microsoft Software
Licensing, VMware Licensing, Tyres
and Batteries, Supply of Electricity and
Gas, and Mobile Garbage Bins.
o Since MAV Procurement’s
commencement in 2009, Greater
Dandenong has participated in a
range of cost-saving tenders
including the Local Government
Funding Vehicle; Maternal and
Child Health Information
Management System; trucks, small
plant and machinery;
telecommunications; Microsoft
licensing; VMware licensing;
energy efficient street lighting;
earthmoving equipment; parks and
playground equipment; tyres, tubes
and batteries; and bill payment
o Participation saves each council
the cost of planning, developing
and undertaking individual public
tender processes (valued between
$10,000 and $20,000 for each
tender), as well as the benefits
achieved through reduced costs
from suppliers by aggregating
councils’ purchasing power.
• Continued advocacy secured five
hours kindergarten funding from the
Commonwealth for 2015, as well as
$50 million in state capital funding for
kindergarten infrastructure.
• Delivery of a strengthened Victorian
State and Local Government
Agreement (VSLGA) after significant
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Summary of Response
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
consultation and negotiation between
the MAV, councils and the State
Government. The VSLGA now has
government and cabinet approval, and
was endorsed at our State Council
meeting in May. Enhancements
include making the Premier a
signatory to the Agreement and
support for the introduction of a new
Cabinet process to assess the impacts
of new or changed policy on local
government prior to its introduction.
Actively advocated for a Fire Services
Property Levy funding package, which
successfully resulted in State
Government funding of $5 million in
2014-15 for councils, and ongoing
funding indexed to 2017-18, followed
by a review.
Continued advocacy to the State
Government for Home and Community
Care (HACC) services resulted in a 45
per cent increase in the unit cost paid
by the State for personal care,
domestic assistance and respite
services. This follows a similar cost
increase secured by MAV in State
contributions for delivered meals in
State to continue managing the HACC
program in 2015/16, and confirmation
that the Commonwealth will maintain
funding levels and other arrangements
to ensure program stability during the
transition period and until at least
Continued advocacy to the State
Government resulted in $9.12 million
secured to continue funding to 64
councils, including Greater
Dandenong, for the Municipal
92 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Emergency Resourcing Program until
June 2016.
• Developed a Finance and Rate
Capping Taskforce, which all council
members have the opportunity to
participate in, to guide and drive the
MAV’s response to the Federal
Government’s freeze on financial
assistance grants and the State
Government’s rate capping policy.
• Continued advocacy and support for
the 'Victorian Library' One Library
Model in principle, subject to an
overarching partnership agreement on
libraries firstly being formalised by the
State Government.
• Provide councils the opportunity to be
involved in MAV Board advisory
committees covering a range of policy
matters including arts and culture,
emergency management,
environment, human services,
multicultural, planning, professional
development and
o Greater Dandenong officers
participate on the MAV Human
Services Committee and the
HACC Sustainability Group.
• Advocated to the state and federal
governments through the MAV
Multicultural Committee on cultural
diversity matters, of which Greater
Dandenong Councillor Roz Blades is a
member, and continued to provide
multicultural conferences and events
which Greater Dandenong attended.
• Produced our quarterly CiVic
Magazine which featured Greater
Dandenong initiatives in two articles in
the August 2014 edition, with free
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
copies provided to all MAV members
including CEOs, councillors, directors
and senior managers.
• Greater Dandenong participated in the
joint Enough Pokies campaign, where
we are undertaking advocacy to the
state government for pokies reforms
that reduce the harms to vulnerable
communities. The MAV also
commissioned research into the
decision-making process and policy
determinants for gambling application
approval processes to provide
guidance to members on the best way
to assess applications. We also
continue to advocate on behalf of
Greater Dandenong as one of the
councils funded through Healthy
Together Communities initiative.
• Continued promotion the work
achieved by Greater Dandenong to
the Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development
(DEECD) and the Victorian Children's
Council (VCC) in improving outcomes
for vulnerable children.
o This had resulted in Greater
Dandenong practices being
featured in a range of DEECD
strategies and Forums, including
the new strategic direction for
Maternal and Child Health and
the recent VCC data planning
• Facilitated a process to showcase
councils early years innovation in
planning and practice with a high level
of DEECD interest, and agreement by
DEECD Deputy Secretary and
Departmental Secretaries to visit
Greater Dandenong sites in 2015.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
• Delivered consultation on the
Metropolitan Whole-of-Water-Cycle
strategic (draft) framework, which was
attended by more than 40 council
officers, including two staff from
Greater Dandenong, who provided
input to the MAV’s submission.
• Secured changes to the draft 2015
Electric Line Clearance Regulations
that achieve a better balance of safety
and amenity considerations when
managing trees around power lines.
Also ran an information session with
Energy Safe Victoria about the
proposed regulations in December,
where Greater Dandenong officers
• Developed a series of process review
workshops to assist councils to
implement VicSmart – the statewide
process that requires councils to
assess simple applications within 10
days. More than 500 planners from
across Victoria attended, including
planners from Greater Dandenong.
• The MAV, in partnership with DTPLI,
commenced a pilot program to evolve
the MAV STEP Planning Process
Improvement Program (which Greater
Dandenong planners participated in
2013) to include additional areas of
importance to councils such as
strategy, customer service and staff
development. The pilot builds on the
STEP program, but recognises that
improved performance requires a
whole of organisation approach to the
delivery of planning services. The
pilot, assisted by 10 councils from
metropolitan and regional Victoria, will
also develop a reporting framework to
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Summary of Response
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
enable monitoring and benchmarking
of performance. We look forward to
reporting back on successful results
next year.
Conducted a series of sector
conversation events and conferences
to enable councils to exchange best
practice ideas in planning and
building, with Greater Dandenong
officers attending.
Negotiated and signed the MAVMetropolitan Planning Authority
Partnership Agreement to ensure
cooperative relationships between the
Authority and metropolitan councils,
and signed Victoria's first Climate
Change Adaptation Memorandum of
Understanding to clarify state and
local responsibilities and work relating
to climate change adaptation.
$1 million in funding provided to
councils for tobacco education and
enforcement activities, plus advocacy
on behalf of councils for smoking bans
resulted in new bans at outdoor public
children’s playground equipment,
skate parks and sporting venues
during organised underage sporting
events, as well as in the outdoor areas
of public swimming pools.
Provided opportunity for council
officers and staff to be involved in a
range of working groups and networks
covering a wide variety of policy areas.
Greater Dandenong has
representation on the MAV Local
Government Indigenous Network, the
MAV CALD Communications Working
Group, and the Preventing Violence
Against Women network.
Provided council staff with a range of
96 / 174
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
social media training opportunities,
and access to a new online Comms
Hub resource. All councils have also
been provided with our social media
desktop research report. We have also
continued to run media training for
journalists on how to report on and
understand council finance and
• Continuation of the MAV STEP Asset
Management program, which Greater
Dandenong is involved in, which
resulted in a 22 per cent increase in
the number of Victorian councils
achieving core competency in 2014.
• On the back of a VAGO report into the
performance of the building system,
we have developed a draft agreement
(currently out for consultation with
councils) to clarify building
enforcement roles and responsibilities
between the Victorian Building
Authority, councils and private building
surveyors. The agreement will go a
long way towards addressing the lack
of clarity around roles and
MAV Events
Among the many MAV events attended by
City of Greater Dandenong staff and
councillors in 2014 were the MAV State
Council, MAV Annual Conference,
Metropolitan Forums, MCH Nurses
Conference, MAV Technology conference
and forums, East West Link Eastern
Section Local Government Briefing,
Future of Local Food conference, Future
of Communities – Power to the People
Conference, Victorian Local Government
Multicultural Issues Network Forum,
Infrastructure and Asset Management
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
97 / 174
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Date of
Summary of Response
Conference; and our Planning
Improvement Conference.
In 2014 at the MAV Annual Conference
dinner, two Greater Dandenong
councillors were also recognised with
Councillor Service Awards for 10 and 15
years’ service respectively.
MAV Support Services for Councillors
• In 2014 a total of 128 training days
across 44 programs were offered with
a total of 478 member registrations
across these programs.
• The MAV Councillor Fundamentals
series offered to all members included
a range of training and development
opportunities in 2014: Councillor
Development Weekend, Mayoral
Program, Media Skills, Dealing with
Difficult People and Situations,
Demystifying Local Government
Finance, Public Speaking and
Presenting, Meeting Procedure,
Improve your Chairing Skills, Lobbying
and Influence, Planning and Building
101, Rapid Reading.
o Of these workshops and
programs Greater Dandenong
Council attended Councillor
Development Weekend, the
Mayoral Program and Improve
Your Chairing Skills.
• A range of other scholarship and
training services are offered to all
member councils each year by the
MAV, including the Diploma of Local
Government, the Company Directors
Course, Swinburne graduate program,
Cranlana Colloquim, and the McArthur
Local Government Fellowship.
• We have developed a range of
resources for councillors including a
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Summary of Response
collaborative good governance eguide and our candidature policy for
state and federal elections, as well as
the ‘Now you’re a councillor’ website
to support women councillors in
• Established a list of independent
mediators and facilitators that can help
to resolve issues between councillors
that cannot be otherwise resolved
using their best endeavours in a timely
and professional manner.
• Advocacy on behalf of councils
including submissions to the Local
Government Electoral Review Panel,
and the Local Government
Amendment (Governance and
Conduct) Bill 2014.
MAV Insurance
The City of Greater Dandenong is a
Liability Mutual Insurance (LMI) Member
and also a member of the MAV’s LGE
Health Plan.
Some of the key MAV Insurance
achievements in 2014 for the benefit of
our members included:
• Improving protection for members
through reinsurance negotiations on
claims costs below $1 million
• Successful advocacy in relation to the
Water Act review which will result in
fewer claims and better protection for
councils to defend claims arising from
damage caused by water release from
council assets
• Development of a tree root
assessment tool for councils
• Successfully limiting the potential
unwinding of tort reforms through
advocacy against proposals that could
have increased the cost of claims
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Maria Sampey
Subject & Summary of Question
Victorian Local Governance Association
(VLGA) Membership Services
The other question applies to the Victorian
Local Governance Association (VLGA). We
are paying $30,000 and when it comes to
Councillor support, there is nothing. There
is no Councillor support out there
whatsoever by these big organisations so
what are they there for?
CCTV Camera in Dunearn Road
I have been approached by the
shopkeepers and the traders in Dunearn
Road shopping strip that they want a CCTV
camera or something to that effect installed
there because we had one put at Menzies
Avenue and I don't know what the outcome
of that, whether it was successful or not, but
apparently there's been a lot of violence
with regards to youths using even
Date of
Summary of Response
through the VCEC review of the
Wrongs Act
• Tailoring our risk management
services to individual members to
specifically address factors causing
claims increases.
• Development of the MAV WorkCare
self-insurance initiative which will drive
improvement in health, safety and
return-to-work outcomes, and further
cost savings for members. Greater
Dandenong has expressed an interest
in participating in WorkCare (proposed
to commence in 2016).
Please let me know if you would like any
further clarification in relation to this
matter, or if a meeting with the MAV
would be beneficial.
Yours sincerely
Rob Spence | Chief Executive Officer |
Municipal Association of Victoria
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/01/2015)
In order to appropriately answer this
question, the VLGA were invited to
respond to the question raised.
A copy of this response is available
through Governance via email
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/12/2014)
Council officers have met and spoken with
five traders from the Dunearn Road
shopping strip. These conversations
confirmed the concerns expressed by the
traders about anti-social behaviour in the
retail area. An audit of evening lighting will
be requested and Council will discuss
increased patrols with Victoria Police.
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Date of
machetes about a month ago. The traders
are quite concerned. I'm just wondering
whether the relevant officer could meet with
some of the traders over there so that their
concerns could be heard with regards to
what's actually happening over there?
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Christmas Decorations
I have one question regarding the
Christmas decorations in the municipality.
Christmas is less than two months away
now and we have increased our budget
from $80,000 to $185,000. When can we
see some of those decorations going up
and have we spent the whole budget?
Letter of Congratulation to Keysborough
Freedom Club
On Sunday 9 November 2014, between
12pm and 4pm, the Keysborough Freedom
Club celebrated their 40th anniversary with
a market at Springers Leisure Centre,
Keysborough. It has been a long time since
I have seen Springers Leisure Centre so full
and I was just wondering, given the
marvellous service this group has played in
the community, whether the Mayor could
write them a letter of congratulations on
their 40th birthday?
Race Meeting at Sandown Park
A large part of the weekend was taken up
locally with Sandown Park having their race
meeting. Did they meet all the standards to
have the event because I have had my
usual large number of complaints?
Summary of Response
Graffiti will be removed immediately and
traders will be provided with the free
graffiti removal kits. ‘NO Drinking Alcohol
In Public Places’ stickers will be applied to
appropriate surfaces in the shopping strip
and Council staff will continue to liaise
with the traders over coming weeks.
In relation to the installation of CCTV at
the Menzies Avenue shopping precinct,
cameras were installed as a pilot project
on the Menzies Avenue Hall and related
public facilities
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/11/2014)
Installation of the Christmas decorations
will commence from the 29/11/14. The
budget is fully expended.
Assistant to
Mayor and
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/11/2014)
Letter of Congratulations sent to the
Keysborough Freedom Club 20
Director City
Design &
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 24/11/2014)
The event was the Historic Sandown Meet
which is an annual event during the
weekend of 7,8 and 9 November. The
numbers that actually get onto the track
are limited. It is a 95 Db (Decibel) non
Confederation of Australian Motor Sport
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Summary of Response
(CAMS) event. The vehicles were
inspected on Friday 7 by CAMS
volunteers to ensure vehicle safety etc.
There was no full racing occurred on the
Friday. Sandown Raceway employed the
noise monitoring expert for the event in
accordance with operational arrangement
we have in place with them. Council took
one complaint on Monday alleging
that cars were on the track before 9am.
After investigation it was established this
was not the case. They were within their
permitted track start time of 9am. The
noise may have emanated from Pit Lane
or the “Paddock” which is the parking area
behind Pit Lane. Sandown recorded one
resident complaint about the noise and
sent away one car on the Saturday. There
were no other issues.
With the exception of club events
continuing as normal, no more larger race
meetings will occur until March 2015.
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Graffiti Removal
I note in our Annual Report that we have
achieved a removal rate of 98.67% of
graffiti removed within ten days which I
think is an outstanding result. I note that at
Frankston Council, my brother, Councillor
Michael O'Reilly proposed a new plan for
graffiti and what this involves is rather than
using private contractors, they have brought
the graffiti removal in house so that they
could better control where the graffiti
removal was applied. They have also
engaged volunteer groups to target specific
areas so the idea is that you have a
volunteer group that looks after a prominent
area for graffiti and they would then take
pride in that. What they have found on the
initial results is that there is quite an
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/10/2014)
Email sent to Cr O’Reilly to advise of
action to be taken by Director of
Engineering Services including:
• Discussion with key staff
• Liaison with Frankston City Council
• Reading Frankston City Council’s
Graffiti Policy
Will report back on findings.
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Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
increase in both reactive and proactive
graffiti removal. So I ask for Julie Reid,
Director of Engineering Services' response.
Road Signage at Mons Parade, Noble
This is my third Council meeting where I
have brought to the meeting's attention that
on the corner of Mons Parade, Noble Park
on a pole there is a 60 kilometre sign and
underneath it there is a sign saying “No
right-hand turn from 7am-9am and 4pm6pm”. The signs are both almost at street
level and I think it is unsafe because if you
are driving and turning right, you are not
likely to see the sign. Apparently we have
asked VicRoads for a right-hand turn
flashing sign and that has not been
forthcoming. I am wondering if we could go
out there and move the signs up higher?
Activities for Seniors Week Booklet
During Seniors Week, the Noble Park
Community Action Forum had a very
successful presentation from the Council of
the Aged and I would like to congratulate
the Council on the booklet which delineates
all of the activities for Seniors Week. I did
notice however, when looking at the booklet
that the translation panel is actually on its
own on the back and I am just wondering,
in order to assist people with translations, if
we could have the translation panel on the
front of the book where people are likely to
see it? It is the only thing on the back page
so there is no reason you would turn it over
and I think maybe we might get a few
people from other nationalities attending
activities if we did that.
Trader Parking in Leonard Avenue,
Noble Park
Some traders in Leonard Avenue, Noble
Park who I have been meeting with and
Date of
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/10/2014)
Email sent to Cr Blades to advise the
following: We have finally received
approval from VicRoads to install another
sign at a more visible location. It should
be erected in the next week or so.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/10/2014)
Ensuring that the information provided
through the Seniors Festival booklet is
widely available to the City’s diverse
community is an important issue. 6000
booklets were widely distributed
throughout the municipality for 2014. The
festival booklet will be reviewed before the
2015 program of events. Consideration at
that time will be taken as to the placement
of the translation panel as Cr Blades has
suggested, as well as considering other
means of providing information about the
Director City
Design &
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/10/2014)
It is not uncommon for parking provided
adjacent to stations to be occupied by
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
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Date of
have met with staff, have lodged a petition
about the lack of trader parking. Some of
the issues have been caused by a lot of
people driving to Noble Park Station then
catching a train into the city. They are then
leaving their cars in the local streets all
day. If we could orchestrate a regular bus
service where the bus got to the train
station on the proper timetable then we
might find that motorists don't leave their
cars all day in the local streets and then
those spaces are available for traders and
customers. Is there something that we can
do that about that and can we make an
Cr Roz Blades
Bus Timetables for Commuters at Noble
Park Station
Can we can speak to the bus provider and
ask can they link in with the train timetable
so that if people can get a bus to the station
and back again when they get home, then
they will use less cars and then thus
alleviate this problem.
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
commuters, with specific parking areas
being provided for this purpose.
However, occupancy surveys conducted
by the Transport team identified that 2030% of parking spaces within the Noble
Park activity centre are available during
the peak periods (even more during nonpeak periods). The parking principles that
have been established to help guide
parking management within activity
centres identify that the ‘premium’ parking
spaces are reserved for visitors/
customers to the centre. As such, the
majority of on-street spaces located in the
core areas are short term (ie. 2 hours or
less), which should prevent commuters
from utilising these spaces.
Longer term parking for commuters and
traders/staff is generally available in the
peripheral areas. The unrestricted onstreet spaces are provided on a first
come, first served basis.
In summary, the existing parking
management discourages commuters
from parking in the core area (except at
the specific station parking). Approx. 2030% of spaces are available during the
peak periods and long term parking is
available in the periphery areas for use by
commuters and traders/staff on a first
come, first serve basis.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 27/10/2014)
I believe this question is asking for more
frequent bus services to the station. This
is part of our ongoing advocacy to Public
Transport Victoria (PTV). There are trains
running every 10 minutes between
Dandenong and the City. We are
continuing our advocacy for bus services
across the municipality to be provided on
104 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Noble Park Soccer Club
I represented the Mayor on Saturday 20
September 2014, at the Noble Park Soccer
Club where we have recently done some
work and improvements on the club rooms.
They are absolutely marvellous and the
Club members are very happy with that but
I just wondered if we knew or if I could ask
on notice when the Club kitchen upgrade
would be taking place?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
a more frequent basis to better match the
rail service.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 13/10/2014)
Upon the inspection we were able to
confirm that the kitchen has been
upgraded approximately 5 years ago (as
the layout is in the standard kitchen
upgrade format). It was also noted that
the physical condition of the kitchen is in
good shape, however the cleanliness was
of a poor standard. The floor, walls, and
light fittings were very dirty. Plates and
equipment had not been stored away, and
there were other items such as a large
homemade barbecue and gas bottle
inappropriately stored in the kitchen as
well. Council officers have contacted the
Noble Park Soccer Club to check if the
club was satisfied with the kitchen
facilities provided (without mentioning the
cleanliness issue). The club stated that
they had concerns with the layout and
ventilation of the kitchen and equipment
and that the current design is not fit for
purpose. It appears that a full
refurbishment would be required to satisfy
their requirements. The club advised that
the previous committee who were in
charge at the time were involved in the
design of the previous refurbishment.
After assessing our inspection and
listening to the comments of the Noble
Park Soccer Club it appears that there will
need to be both a short term and longer
term solution. In the short term, the
kitchen does not require any renewal
works but rather a commercial clean
(Council’s Building Maintenance
department has estimated that this would
take 2 days work due to the state of the
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Asked By
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
Dandenong Civic Centre Meeting Room
Hire Costs
I am getting complaints that the meeting
rooms in the new Dandenong Civic Centre
are too expensive to hire. Are some of the
bookings in the next few weeknights going
to be booking just one third of the meeting
room or is the whole of this space going to
be booked out for the next few nights?
City of Monash Clayton CANVAS
If possible, can we see how the City of
Monash’s Clayton CANVAS program runs
because obviously the demographic of
Clayton is very similar to the demographics
that form part of our City like Springvale for
example, that would be great?
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
kitchen). Council officers have also noted
that one wall in the kitchen could do with a
repaint due to some plaster repairs, and
one cupboard door requires a repair.
Once this clean has been completed, it is
highly important that the Club keep the
kitchen to this standard of cleanliness as
per the lease arrangements for the facility.
For the longer term, we can discuss the
possibility of setting aside funds in the
2015/16 financial year to investigate a
redesign of the kitchen. The funding of the
actual works (if required) would be subject
to available funding in future Capital
Improvement Program’s (CIP) thereafter.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/09/2014)
A schedule of the bookings for this week
was provided to Cr Kirwan.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/09/2014)
The CANVAS program presents Greater
Dandenong Council with an opportunity to
more clearly understand the nature and
effectiveness of such programs. The
lessons which it provides may be used to
guide future Council decisions about
conducting activities of a similar kind
among this community. In recent years,
officers from the Community Development
Unit have collaborated extensively with
their colleagues at Monash City Council in
relation to gambling-related issues.
Accordingly, Council staff will liaise with
officers from Monash Council to monitor
the progress and outcomes of the
106 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Victorian Tamil Cultural Association Inc
Civic Reception
I just wanted to show the meeting an
information booklet called A Complete
Guide to Asylum Seekers, Refugees and
Newly Arrived Migrants in Australia from the
Victorian Tamil Cultural Association Inc
which Council has provided funds towards.
I think it would be nice if we had a small
reception for the Tamil Cultural Association
so that we could properly launch this
information booklet as it is a joint project?
Noble Park Junior Football Club Ground
Could we have a look at the Noble Park
Junior Football Club’s ground in terms of
providing training lights for the next junior
football season? Some of the areas are
quite dark where the young people train
and I think it is a bit dangerous. Could we
have a look at that with a view to put some
money in the Budget?
Assistance to
Mayor and
Parking in Pamela Street, Noble Park
The last question is about Pamela Street,
Noble Park. There are a fair few difficulties
in Pamela Street with the camber of it and
with the amount of new developments in
there leading to a lack of parking and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
CANVAS project and determine how
effectively it achieves its objectives. Also
of interest will be any evidence about the
effect of the program upon the gambling
behaviour of particular individuals, or
upon wider gambling trends in the
Monash community.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/09/2014)
The Mayor will be hosting a civic
reception on Wednesday 24 September
2014 at 5.30-7pm to launch the
information booklet.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/09/2014)
Council’s Sport and Recreation team is
currently reviewing the Sport Facility Plan
2011. This includes reviewing and
prioritising floodlighting upgrades for all
Ross Reserve has been identified as a
site where upgrading is required. The
Master Plan for Ross Reserve also
identifies that work is required to upgrade
the existing sport floodlights.
The Sport Facility Plan and priority list is
to be completed by the end of the year, to
be able to assist in formulating the Capital
Works Plan.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 22/09/2014)
Council’s Parking Enforcement officers
will monitor this situation and enforce
appropriately. If the issue persists,
Council will consider hockey stick
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Date of
residents are quite worried about people
parking over driveways. I think I sent an
email through to officers already but what
we can we do in Pamela Street for the
residents to make it a bit more habitable so
that cars aren't across their driveways?
Cr John Kelly
Parking in Foster Street, Dandenong
I would like to ask Oliver Vido, Acting
Director Engineering Services a question I
asked about 12 months ago regarding the
parking in Foster Street, between Lonsdale
and Thomas Street in Dandenong and the
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
markings or similar on Pamela Street.
Traffic surveys undertaken on Pamela
Street in June 2014 identified that both
speeds and volumes are well within
acceptable parameters for a local street
and do not indicate that there are a
significant number of vehicles using
Pamela Street as a cut through.
The sight distance was checked and it
was found that Stop controls are not
warranted. However visibility of the
intersection could be improved by
installing line marking. These works will
be included in future line marking works
packages. Warning signs for curves are
also not warranted as traffic speeds on
Pamela Street are well within acceptable
parameters for a local street.
The trees located adjacent to property
numbers 23 and 27 have significant roots
that are causing physical damage to the
curb and channel and lifting of the
footpath. Grinding or removing of roots of
this size would be detrimental to the trees’
health therefore, Council’s Arborist has
recommended the two trees be
removed, grind the excess surface
roots, repair broken infrastructure and
replant with Leptospermum petersonii
(lemon-scented teatree), as per the street
tree strategy. These works are to be
scheduled with appropriate information
sent to adjacent properties informing them
of the need for the tree removal and
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/09/2014)
Council has discussed this proposal with
VicRoads. VicRoads provided traffic data
identifying that traffic flows are
significantly lower on a Saturday than
108 / 174
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
parking hours there. I would appreciate if
you can let me know. It was a question
taken on notice. I appreciate it is a
VicRoads matter but I think the parking
restrictions are only from Monday to Friday
evening. On Saturdays, it’s just bedlam with
people parking in that section there. Could
we have a look at that please?
Cr John Kelly
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Footpath in the Walker Street area
Could we possibly also have a look at the
footpath in the Walker Street area between
McCrae Street and Langhorne Street in
Dandenong? There is very uneven surface
there. Perhaps it might be time to take off
the brick surface and look at something
different. It certainly appears to be
reasonably dangerous. I have seen
someone trip on it.
Traffic Management for Popes Street
I was very pleased to read this in a previous
Councillors’ Weekly Information Summary
issue, that the local area traffic
management for Popes Road,
Keysborough has now been approved.
When are we going to let the residents
know and when will the works start?
Right hand turn at Mons Parade
About a few meters away from the corner of
Mons Parade and Heatherton Road, Noble
Park on a very large pole is a sign saying
there is no right-hand turn from Heatherton
Road into Mons Parade. I am getting a lot
of complaints from drivers who actually
cannot see the sign right next to a traffic
sign. I'm presuming that it's a VicRoads
issue because Heatherton Road is a
VicRoads road. Are we able to ask them to
at least put the sign where people can see
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
during the week and they are happy for
parking to occur at this location on a
Saturday. Despite this, Councils Traffic
Engineers will continue to monitor the
situation. Provided the existing Clearway
parking restrictions are not altered,
Council could install additional restrictions
on a Saturday without approval from
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/09/2014)
As part of Councils footpath renewal
program it is intended to carry-out a risk
assessment of this section of Walker
Street with the view to replace some of
the brick paving with asphalt, should
intervention levels be exceeded.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/09/2014)
Letters were sent out to residents on the
19 August 2014. We have had a number
of responses from residents and business
owners. Their feedback will be used
during the design process which will take
place over the next few months. It is
anticipated that works will take place early
in 2015.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/09/2014)
Council can certainly liaise with VicRoads
and look at moving this sign to a more
visible location. A sign was also installed
on the left side of Heatherton Road to
assist with this issue. Unfortunately when
traffic is queuing past this intersection on
Heatherton Road it is always going to be
harder to see signs on the right side of the
road. We are aware that traffic making
this turn includes residents, customers
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Date of
it because I think it's a little unfair that
people can't see it until they’re actually
turning right which can also be dangerous?
Cr Heang Tak
Citizenship Tests
About the culturally diverse ethnic
community in our municipality, I have
received an enquiry from a resident of
Noble Park asking whether Council offers
assistance in the preparation of those for
the Australian Citizenship test. Would the
relevant officer please respond?
Cr Roz Blades
Hard Waste Collection
I had a resident contact me in relation to the
hard waste collection. The resident thinks
that it would be good to have some sort of
transfer station where waste that was of
good quality could be chosen and collected
by people at no cost to them. If the Acting
Director Engineering Services could email
through the details relating to the cost of
purchasing items from the transfer station, I
will be able to let the resident know.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
heading to the RSL and commuters
parking for the station. If the issue
remains, Council may also look at
advertising the changes to the traffic
conditions at these locations.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 8/09/2014)
Citizenship classes are provided through
the Libraries. The Classes follow the
content provided through the publication
Australian Citizenship : Our Common
Bond. It is not necessary to do a class to
obtain citizenship but it helps people with
test preparation. There is also some
English language assistance provided to
those who require it. A four week round
of classes has just been completed at the
Dandenong Library. Citizenship classes
run 2-3 times per year depending on
demand. The classes are organised
through the Libraries’ Language and
Literacy program. No dates have been
set for the next round as yet. Once they
are determined, the dates for the next
round of citizenship classes will be
promoted through the Libraries and
Council website.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 25/08/2014)
Council’s “At Call” Hard Waste Collection
Service contractor, WM Waste
Management Services, endeavours to reuse or recycle as much of the collected
items as possible. Whitegoods, E-waste,
televisions, metals and mattresses are all
recycled for their raw materials.
WM Waste Management collects
E-waste, fridges and items of value in a
separate truck so as they are returned to
their Knox Transfer Station undamaged.
There, fridges are de-gassed, whilst
110 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Dog off Leash Areas
At Wachter Reserve, Keysborough there is
a dog off leash area but it is not completely
fenced off. There is a little bit at the end of it
near the tennis court where dogs can
actually get out. Whilst it is a very good offleash area the residents are a bit reluctant
to use it. I am wondering if there any offleash areas in the City of Greater
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
E-waste and televisions are packed into
containers, keeping them dry and secure
to be transported to an E-waste recycling
centre for dismantling.
Other items collected that are assessed of
value are sent to the transfer station’s
second hand shop. Those running the
shop are in regular contact with the
kerbside collection staff to advise them of
items in demand that are likely to sell in
the shop or are otherwise unwanted and
should not be collected for this purpose.
The Knox Transfer Station’s second hand
shop and storage yard has a range of
items including bric-a-brac, household
furniture, toys, games, household
appliances, bikes, golf clubs, garden tools
etc. The shop is open to the public 7 days
per week and is currently undergoing an
Items are sometimes given away or sold
for just a few dollars. The odd item
sometimes sells for $50-$100 dollars if it
is something special. These goods can
arrive at the shop via hard waste
collections or from people who visit the
Knox Transfer Station to dispose of
unwanted items.
The upcoming “Garage sale trail” will also
be a further option for residents to sell or
give away items which have a re-use
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 25/08/2014)
There are three fully fenced off-lease
areas within the City of Greater
Dandenong which are Wachter Reserve,
Keysborough; Tirhatuan Park, Dandenong
North; and Robert Booth Reserve,
Council rangers have now inspected
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Dandenong that are fully enclosed and can
we look at some sort of adequate rubbish
bin facilities, plastic bag dispensers and
drinking bowls for the dogs?
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr John Kelly
Parking Fees During Springvale Snow
Fest & Luna New Year Springvale
On Sunday 20 July 2014, I attended the
Springvale Snow Fest at the corner of
Balmoral and Buckingham Avenues,
Springvale. It was a great event however
some residents were asking why the
parking fees have changed from one hour
free parking to $5. The same situation
happened during the Lunar New Year
celebrations. The parking fees were
increased to $5 at the No.8 Balmoral
Avenue car park. There is a lot of space
available to the residents for their use. The
six levels are never full and I have not seen
any problems at all. May I suggest in going
forward, during the Lunar New Year and the
Springvale Snow Fest events that the
parking fees at No.8 Balmoral Avenue car
park be kept the same?
Letter for Bruce Fletcher
I would like ask the Mayor if we can
acknowledge one of the directors of the
Dandenong Market Committee who
resigned due to personal reasons, Mr Bruce
Fletcher has been a long time member
of the Dandenong community. His work as
a solicitor and expertise in leasing has been
really valuable to that committee. Mr
Fletcher’s knowledge has been absolutely
fantastic and will be sadly missed.
Can we send a letter to acknowledge Mr
Director City
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Wachter Reserve and advise:
• There are no holes or other gaps in
the fencing of the dog off leash area.
• There is a gap of varying height but
never more than 200mm between the
bottom rail of the fence and the
• There is a bin and a bag dispenser at
the north gate of the off leash area.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 11/08/2014)
The management of the car park has
recently been transferred to Peter
Shelton, Manager Regulatory Services.
Mr Shelton advises that he will be
undertaking a full review of the operation
of this car park, including parking fees.
A report will subsequently come to
Council, which may include
recommendations regarding fee changes
and the suggestions raised will be
addressed as part of that process.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 11/08/2014)
Letter sent to Bruce Fletcher on 4 August
112 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Subject & Summary of Question
Fletcher’s services to the Dandenong
Response to Aging Multicultural
We know that aged care is going to be a big
issue as the population ages but I think the
one point which was particularly salient to
this Council was that the demographics of
the aged will change. What it means
basically is that we now have in the City of
Greater Dandenong a large number of
Anglo-European aged people and as the
population ages, with the multicultural
nature of our Council, it means we will have
a lot more diversity in our aged care age
groups and this may present language and
cultural issues. How will Council respond as
the aged in the community changes from
largely Anglo-European to more
multicultural and I would say that is sort of
more South Asian and South East Asian
and African?
Date of
Summary of Response
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/07/2014)
While those born in Australia make up the
largest percentage of clients using
Community Care Services (Home and
Community Care – HACC and
Commonwealth Home Care Packages),
the trend over the last 4 years has
remained static in terms of access and
use by other culturally and linguistically
diverse (CALD) groups in the City.
The following graph shows the number of
residents in the City aged 70 years or
more. This is the age group that
commonly use Home and Community
Care (HACC) and other community care
Residents aged 70 years or more
Source: City of Greater Dandenong
Statistical Data (2011)
There are approximately 3,500 clients in
the HACC Program. Within this number,
the largest group of residents from
backgrounds other than Australia are as
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
113 / 174
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
350 (10%) – Italian background;
193 (5.5%) –Indian and Sri Lankan
• 158 (4.5%) – United Kingdom
• 140 (4%) – Greek background; and
• 88 (2.5%) – Vietnamese, Mauritius,
Poland, Netherlands and Chinese
This usage pattern correlates with the
distribution of residents aged 70 years or
Commonwealth Home Care Package
The pattern of access and use of the 100
Commonwealth funded Home Care
Packages, indicates a slightly different
pattern of CALD background. Vietnamese
background is the highest at 16.5% (16)
followed by Italian background at 10%
(10), Chinese 6.2% (6) , BosnianHerzegovina 4% (4), Maltese, Dutch and
Sri Lankan 3% (3). This program provides
not only service support but also case
management. Many of the case managed
clients have few family and informal
supports. Often clients accessing the
packages are 85+ in age with multiple
chronic health and care needs. Many
clients have come from countries where
war and deprivation would take a toll on
their health and possibly contributing to
their premature ageing or early
dependence on formal support.
The above graph gives a picture of the
CALD population spread for those aged
70+ in the City. At this point in time,
European and Asian country clients (who
migrated from middle to late 20th century
to Australia) represent the largest group
who would most likely require assistance
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
114 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr John Kelly
Subject & Summary of Question
Parking at Dandenong Railway Station
At Dandenong Railway Station there used
to be a number of car parking spots for
residents to pick up and drop off
Acting Director
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
from Community Care services both now
and the coming 10 years.
Additional Information:
• Community Care also has access to
and uses extensively the skills of a
full-time staff interpreter (speaking 3
Asian languages) as well as using
other language interpreting services
either through the Victorian
Interpreting and Translating Service
(VITS) as the State provider and the
Translating and Interpreting Serivce
(TIS) for the Commonwealth
• Community Care has over many
years successfully recruited office and
Care worker staff that reflect the
community cultural make up;
• At present out of the 135 Care
Workers over 67% (90) speak another
language with 40% (54) speaking an
Asian or South East Asian language,
31% (41) a European language and
26% (35) Eastern European
language. This positions the service
to respond as appropriately as
possible to the needs of a diverse
cultural community; and
• Community Care does significant
work to promote and provide
information to a wide group of people
living in the community. Regular
presentations regarding the available
services are made to Senior’s groups,
cultural specific groups, large GP
clinics, expos for service users and
carers, etc.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 23/06/2014)
A number of traders have expressed
concerns, particularly about the afternoon
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Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
passengers. In recent times, since the
development in that area, I am having a
guess but there are probably only two or
three spots left. The buses and taxis take
up the majority of the spaces and people
can no longer go down onto the tarmac
lower down on Foster Street, Dandenong.
As part of revising that area could the
relevant Director look at the pickup and
drop off zones within the station area as it is
insufficient at the moment?
Cr Matthew
Parking in Cleeland Street, Dandenong
Well it sounds like we haven't got a solution
at the moment. Has it been considered
actually making one or two of those parking
spaces outside the milk bar maybe 15
minutes because usually you have a
mixture of people just coming in and out
and people staying longer?
Director City
Design &
Cr Roz Blades
Noble Park Cricket Nets
The next item I would like to mention
relates to the Noble Park cricket nets. Two
weeks ago I met with two of Mark
Doubleday, Director Community Services'
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
commuter peak, when significant numbers
of vehicles are allegedly parking in the
precinct with drivers waiting to pick up
passengers from the station. This denies
Little India precinct customers the
opportunity to park in a convenient
location. Although drivers waiting for rail
commuters is not the most effective use of
these parking spaces, Councils Parking
Enforcement Officers are unable to
regulate this practice, as they are public
parking spaces. Unless drivers overstay
the time restriction, no offence is being
committed. It is proposed to install parking
meters in the precinct during the 14/15
financial year as part of the Dandenong
Activity Centre Parking Management
Plan. It is anticipated the introduction of
parking meters will reduce the occurrence
of this parking practice as there will be a
cost associated with the parking space.
Additionally, discussions are continuing
with Public Transport Victoria (PTV) to
determine if additional parking can be
allocated on both the north and south
sides of the station for kiss and ride
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/06/2014)
Matter has been referred to and will be
raised at the June Parking Review
If any changes are agreed upon, reporting
of this to Councillors will occur as per the
Committee’s usual reporting process.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 10/06/2014)
The following information has been
The ground internal to the nets has
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Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
staff members and a resident involved with
the Cricket Club to discuss the general
condition and safety of the Noble Park
cricket nets at the end of the Noble Park
Reserve by Moodemere Street. I had
subsequently sent an email to the
appropriate departments asking whether we
could in fact stage a project to upgrade
some of the nets this year, probably
through some Mid Year Budget Review
funds and complete the project next year.
I am yet to hear the outcome of those
discussions. Can the appropriate officer
please assist me? If I can have someone
respond to the email requests I sent.
Cr Roz Blades
Christmas Decoration Awards
This is a bit of an odd item to bring up while
we’re still in April, it is something I’ve been
trying to get done for many years, it’s to do
with the Christmas Decorations. As we
drive around our City at night in December
and a bit before that we see some
beautifully decorated houses. For some
time I’ve been trying to work out a way of
not exactly having a competition but
awarding some prizes commending people
for their beautiful Christmas decorations.
Date of
Summary of Response
been levelled and seeded.
The nets will be checked (as they
are each Winter) for safety issues
and repaired by City of Greater
Dandenong’s fencing contractor.
Cr Blades requested consideration to
fill the entire area from the bowlers
release to the back of the nets with
concrete. Prices have been sought
to do this and expected to be
received early next week.
While improvements, these actions do not
address the residents aims of replacing
the nets. The resident’s best approach is
to make a submission on the budget. The
resident has been contacted and it has
been suggested to them to also do this.
Council can then decide what action it
wishes to take with respect to these nets.
As previously advised, officers would
indicate that other club’s have nets that
would be a higher priority for funding (and
these were considered but not supported
by Council as part of the CIP budget
process). However, as always it is
Council’s decision and if a submission
were made for the $130,000 of funding
needed to replace these nets, it could be
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 26/05/2014)
Council’s Media and Communications
staff have followed this up with local
media and have received an expression
of interest from the Journal newspaper to
be involved in promoting Christmas lights.
Further discussions will occur in the future
to determine the most desired approach.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
117 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr John Kelly
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Council actually doesn’t have a directorate
responsible for this so what I’m suggesting
to the appropriate officer is that we
approach a partner that we can work with
maybe both or one of the local newspapers
so that we can liaise with them and
organise a Christmas house decoration
competition. I don’t actually want it to be a
competition but something nice for people
who go into all the trouble because their
houses are beautiful and it makes it very
Christmassy and it makes us all aware of
how precious Christmas is. If we could look
into that?
Lift at No.8 Balmoral Ave Carpark
I would like to know how many days
Council needs to repair the lift that is not
Intersection of Foster/Langhorne Streets
and Foster/Pultney Streets
I would like to mention the intersection of
Foster Street and Langhorne Street,
Dandenong going west to east where
people do a right-hand turn. I have also
mentioned the corner of Foster Street and
Pultney Street, Dandenong going from east
to west and people trying to turn right past
the traffic island there. I am wondering if the
Mayor could write to Terry Mulder MP,
Minister for Roads and to the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of VicRoads as I
think it is time that we escalate the issue.
Slab of Timber at Old Springvale
Could you please advise the Historical
Society at Springvale about the special slab
of timber at the old Springvale chamber?
Date of
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/05/2014)
Lift 1 was out of service on Saturday 19
April 2014 due to scheduled works
involving the installation of a new door
operator. The lift was returned to service
on Tuesday 22 April 2014.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 12/05/2014)
Letter sent to Minister for Roads and
Chief Executive Officer of VicRoads on
2 May 2014.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/04/2014)
Enquiries to the Springvale & District
Historical Society and others regarding
local knowledge about the river red gum
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
118 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Fundraising Event on Councils Website
An organisation has asked me to mention
their fundraising event on Sunday 13 April
2014 for the Monash Children’s Hospital, at
the corner of Bridge and Popes Roads,
Keysborough. It might be something we can
put on Council’s website?
Shuttle Bus Service to Dandenong
Market and Drum Theatre
It might be a good idea through the
Dandenong Market Pty Ltd and also the
Dandenong Drum Theatre Committee if
they were to look into providing a shuttle
bus service for those in the Keysborough
and Keysborough South areas that don't
have bus services so that they can go to
the Drum Theatre and Dandenong Market
and anywhere else in Dandenong they
would like to go.
Date of
Media and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
timber panelling has indicated that the red
gum was purposefully included to reflect
one of the first industries on which
Springvale was founded and is
considered integral to the Council
Chamber interior. The river red gum
timber was locally sourced and has local
cultural significance to the building.
Until Council formally resolves the future
use of the Springvale Council Chambers
site, it is recommended that the wood
panelling be retained in situ and any
future uses consider the advantages of
retaining the panels in their original
location. There will be advice provided to
the Springvale & District Historical Society
on this and continued liaison about the
future of the wood panels. Contact will be
maintained with the building project
manager to request that the integrity of
the panels is preserved and their
significance noted in any future works.
(Refer to attachment tabled in Item 4 of
Council Meeting Minutes 14/04/2014)
The fundraising event has been listed on
Council’s website.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
Council has on occasion provided a
shuttle bus for specific events such as
Australia Day activities on Australia Day
or when youth holiday activities take place
in school holidays. In addition, when the
former Noble Park Aquatic facility was
being rebuilt and not open to the public, a
shuttle bus was provided to ensure
residents could access Oasis Aquatic
119 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr John Kelly
Cr John Kelly
Subject & Summary of Question
Dandenong Chambers Table
I would hope that the table in the
Dandenong Chambers albeit only around
50 years old might have a place in our
community somewhere? I am not sure
where that is, but perhaps some of the
former Councillors and officers may be able
to provide some ideas to Council.
Interpretive Signs in Smaller Parks
In regards to the interpretive signs, I think I
asked the question a number of years ago if
we could start with perhaps some of the
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Centre for period of the closure.
The provision of shuttle buses has been a
one off occurrence in response to specific
event needs. Overall the shuttle bus
service has been very poorly used despite
a good level of publicity and information to
the public.
The Drum Theatre and the Dandenong
Market as Council business operations do
not include in their operating budgets the
provision of shuttle bus services to either
of the facilities as part of an ongoing
service. If an event of significance was
being undertaken at either location that
Council thought required a shuttle service
given the nature of the event, then this
could of course be considered depending
on the circumstances.
The population of the area generally
referred to as Keysborough South is
noted by Council to be increasing as the
area is developed for residential housing.
It is expected that approximately 3,950
dwellings will be in place by the 2018 if
the current development projections
continue. As the population continues to
rise over this period and developments
occur, public transport planning will also
be occurring.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
Council will find an appropriate place for
the Dandenong Council Chamber table.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
Council started a programme for installing
120 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr John Kelly
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
smaller parks or parks. The signs are
already there with the individuals' names on
them. I would imagine it's not that hard to
put a bit of history on each individual
person on those signs rather than maybe
starting with the streets. We have quite
large signs such as the one at the Jim
Hardy Park, which is at the intersection of
Macpherson Street and Foster Street East,
Dandenong. There is enough room to
include a bit of history so perhaps while we
are looking into that, can that be
investigated also?
Moreton Bay Fig Trees
The question which arises is about the
Moreton Bay Figs that Council have at
Laurel Lodge. A number of years ago we
were going through a drought period and
we had to put some watering into that. Do
we keep an eye on that and I am also
concerned that perhaps those Moreton Bay
Figs are looking a bit sick too?
Open Space Strategy
One specific point then was the area of
Dandenong West that is between
Hemmings Street and the railway line, was
that one of those areas because that
actually doesn't have any small parks at the
Date of
Summary of Response
interpretive signage approximately three
years ago. Signs have been installed at
locations including Lois Twohig Reserve,
Andrew Ericksen Gardens, and Oakwood
Park. There are also interpretive signs
currently being worked on for the Dandy
Pig and Bruce Patchell. Further signage
is dependent on funding support through
the annual budget process.
A bid for this programme is included for
Councillor consideration in the 2014/15
CIP budget papers.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
The figs at Laurel Lodge have an irrigation
system, so they get watered regularly,
and are nice and healthy.
Director City
Design &
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
With regard to the question regarding the
purchase of additional land for open
space purposes in areas experiencing
population growth; as per the response
provided at the Council Meeting on
24 February, the strategy does not identify
specific sites for future acquisition, nor
does it set out an annual plan for targeted
acquisitions of land to increase the open
space network. The purchase of land for
open space purposes is subject to land
availability, the size and location of land
and is underpinned by the Open Space
Provision Goals. A key goal of the
Strategy is to improve access to,
connectivity and continuous travel
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
121 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
between major parks, reserves and other
destinations such as shops, schools and
workplaces. Therefore, it is not merely
the quantum of open space which is
considered, but the provision of
appropriate and well-connected public
open spaces
In respect of Cr Kirwan’s reference to the
shortage of small parks in the area
between Hemmings Street and the
railway line in Dandenong West, that area
was identified in the Open Space Strategy
as an area without suitable access to
public open space. Since then, in 2011,
Places Victoria established the
Dandenong Pop Up Park, featuring two
synthetic sports pitches, a BBQ area with
picnic tables and a community garden.
This temporary park of approximately
2,000 square metres is currently managed
by Council and offers a range of
recreational opportunities for residents in
Dandenong West.
Also, the Revitalising Central Dandenong
Master Plan (2010) for Central
Dandenong has introduced the new civic
spaces of Settlers Square and Halpin
Way and transformed Lonsdale Street into
an award winning pedestrian friendly
boulevard. As residential and commercial
development in and around Central
Dandenong intensifies, these
streetscapes and civic spaces may take
on a greater role in the City providing
important bicycle and pedestrian linkages,
amenity value and urban/open space for
nearby residents.
Finally, the review of the Open Space
Strategy is scheduled to take place in the
2015/ 2016 financial year. A briefing to
Councillors on the Open Space Strategy,
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
122 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Letter of Congratulations for J.Sise
This might already have been done but just
in case it hasn't, a local teacher Judith Sise
who teaches at Lyndale Greens Primary
School has recently been honoured as the
National Winner of the BHP Billiton Science
and Engineering Award for excellence in
Science teaching. If we haven't already
done so, could we write to Judith
congratulating her on her award and also
send a copy to the principal
of Lyndale Greens Primary School?
Fire at Old Springvale Police Station
I haven't seen this myself but I understand
there was a fire at the old Springvale Police
Station. We have raised on many occasions
at Council meetings issues relating to
unoccupied schools being set on fire. I'm
gathering this is a State Government
building. I think this Council needs in no
uncertain terms to make its position clear
that if they're going to have buildings which
are left empty for years and years, there
ought to be some security around them.
Assistant to
Mayor &
Director City
Design &
Food Drive for the Springvale
Benevolent Society
I would like to give a report on the groups
that I am appointed to as a representative
by the Council. One is the Springvale
Benevolent Society. Yesterday when I
spoke to the president of the Springvale
Benevolent Society, we’re finding that our
membership numbers are increasing with
Media and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
its construct and implementation, is being
arranged for June.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
Letter of congratulations was sent on
3 March 2014.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
This property is under private ownership.
There was a recent spate of fires in
Springvale and this building was severely
impacted by fire. An emergency order to
make the site safe was issued and was
complied with quickly by the owner. We
have now issued a building order to
demolish the rest of the building. The
owner has made contact and has stated
that he will comply with the order.
As for State Government Buildings,
Council does not have control over these
site under the Building Act however when
we become aware of building issues we
contact the relevant state departments.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
An article appeared in both local
newspapers supporting this campaign and
a further article was placed in the
Tuesday March 11 edition of Webstar.
123 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Youhorn Chea
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Subject & Summary of Question
sometimes 20 to 30 new clients in a month.
Some years ago, I was involved in a
program where I asked everybody when
they went shopping, if they could buy a
couple of extra things, items they might see
on special such as canned food, sugar, tea,
breakfast cereal and the like, save them all
up and bring them to the Benevolent
Society meetings or they can arrange for
the items to be collected. The need is
growing and I think it's going to grow more
given the fact that we are going to be hit by
unemployment in the Dandenong area and
families are going to find themselves in
increasingly difficult situations. Maybe
that is something we can all do as
Councillors or it might be something which
can be uploaded on Webstar. I would be
pleased if the media would raise that in a
bipartisan way because I certainly
think some tough times are on the way.
Lifts at No. 8 Balmoral Avenue Car Park
Normally builders have a guarantee for their
work and they would need to have a
guarantee for that lift. How many years
guarantee is there for that lift?
Webcasting Equipment at the New
Municipal Building
With the new municipal building and the
equipment we use for webcasting, I think
we could say for anybody that has watched
themselves or a Council meeting that it is a
bit outdated. What new equipment can we
expect as we move into the 21st century?
Date of
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
The defects liability period was one year.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
The Council Chamber shall be provided
with multimedia presentation and
conferencing facilities, comprising:
- Large dual screen projected display
onto motorised screens, with
associated stereo audio speakers;
- A wireless audio conference system,
comprising table mounted microphone
and loudspeaker stations, and a
dedicated telephone interface to
facilitate audio conference calling;
- A voice reinforcement system
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
124 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Subject & Summary of Question
Lifts at No. 8 Balmoral Avenue Car Park
The Director Engineering Services has said
words like they are not meeting minimum
standards and they are not appropriate and
in the future they need to meet the
standards. Is the Director Engineering
Services willing to disclose to Councillors in
an email in the next couple of weeks on
what the minimum standards are? What
exactly does it mean for a resident of
Springvale that wants to use a lift? Is the
minimum standard 60% operational all the
time, or is it 80%, we do not know, so we
really need to know.
Date of
Summary of Response
consisting wireless lapel and handheld
microphones for use during live
- A dedicated webcast IP streaming
interface, coupled with three PTZ
cameras (1 ‘main’ and 2 ‘side’
cameras) for vision capture of Council
- Room combining capability with
adjacent spaces, linking both audio
and vision systems in a fully flexible
routing arrangement; and
- Connections to a variety of source
devices, including PTZ cameras, local
PC, connected laptops and a Blu-Ray
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
We have used both the design standards
for the lift and overseas uptime standards
as a benchmarks.
The design standards for the lift are no
more than 12 controllable outages per
annum. A controllable outage is one
where it is controllable (eg by
maintenance) and has a technical cause.
It excludes damage from other causes
such as vandalism or inappropriate use
(eg overloading).
These lifts have been having more
controllable outages than the 12 per
annum. For instance there were 8
outages in January 2014. These outages
are generally short (2-3 hours).
In terms of uptime, we are suggesting a
99% uptime standard.
For the last four months, the actual
performance of the lift has been:
Lift 1
Lift 2
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
125 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Angela Long
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
Letter to the Federal Minister of Health
I was contacted by a resident about a
young boy that is fighting cancer and was
on the front page of the Herald Sun last
Tuesday 4 February 2014. Apparently the
cost of his medication is over $240,000 per
year. The resident who contacted me asked
if the Mayor could write a letter to the
Federal Minister of Health to see if this
medication can be put on the
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) so
it is more affordable for this family?
Electronic Gaming Machine Applications
Bendigo City Council have received an
application for Shamrock Hotel to increase
the number of Electronic Gaming Machines
(EGM) they operate from 45 to 65. As a
result, that particular Council is undertaking
community consultation on the issue and
Date of
Assistant to
the Mayor and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
The December and January figures for Lift
2 can be traced back to an uncontrollable
outage where there was water ingress
into the controllers from an inappropriate
use. This outage would not normally be
countered against performance
standards. The damage to Lift 2 resulted
in increased use of Lift 1 and an increase
in controllable outages.
We have independent advice as to the
most likely cause of the controllable
outages. These faults relate to
construction workmanship rather than
maintenance. We also have funding,
including contributions from the
developer, for the rectification works.
These works start on 3 March and will be
substantially complete by 10 March.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
Letter sent to Minister for Health on
3 March 2014.
(Further information provided as per
Response in Council Meeting Minutes
Council’s Community Engagement Policy
now clearly outlines the value of
community engagement (such as social
impact surveys) to inform decision-making
126 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
asking residents over 18 to fill in a social
impact survey. Do we ever do community
consultations when venues increase their
numbers of EGMs, and if not, why not?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
and policy development on complex
issues such as gambling and Electronic
Gaming Machine (EGM) applications.
Community engagement techniques can
have potential for benefits in terms of
raising awareness about gambling trends
and issues within the community.
The Victorian Commission for Gambling
and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) is
routinely presented the findings of
community surveys, petitions and other
records of public opinion relating to
gambling applications, citing the Gambling
Regulation Act 2003 (S. 10.4.2(1)), which
stipulates that the VCGLR must conduct
“…any investigations or inquiries that it
considers necessary to consider the
application properly.”
To date, the City of Greater Dandenong
Council has not undertaken community
consultation to inform Council decisions
regarding specific applications for EGMs.
The scope of the development of the
Gambling Policy will also give
consideration to situations which might
trigger use of community engagement
techniques (including community impact
surveys) to inform decision making and
where evidence can support Council in a
case with the VCGLR (should they
choose to oppose an EGM application).
The review of the Gambling Policy may
involve community consultation.
The following factors would influence
instances for when these techniques are
applied in future. These include:
• Where Community input can
influence Council decision making
– Where there are unclear grounds for
Council to object to the EGM
application based on an assessment
127 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
against the Council Gambling Policy
and specific community viewpoints are
• Estimated response rates – Taking
into consideration the scope and
complexity of the application,
consideration could be given the
probability of achieving a response
rate likely to satisfy the Victorian
Commission for Gambling and Liquor
Regulation (VCGLR) in a metropolitan
area (for example, if a phone survey
was to be required, this can incur
considerable financial cost of say
$15,000+); and
• Timelines – In some instances, a
community survey would be difficult to
accomplish satisfactorily in the limited
time between a Council decision to
oppose an application and the date
when the submission falls due.
Council has 60 days to respond to an
application and consultation prior to a
Council decision can take longer than
this to be completed.
Research into the ability of community
surveys to influence the VCGLR decision
making process has shown the following:
• Precedents where community
survey findings influence decision
making - Research has shown that
where consideration is given by the
VCGLR to the results of a community
survey, the findings have a limited
level of influence upon the decision of
the Commission, with the applications
being approved in most instances; and
• Robust survey methodology Nearly all community survey findings
presented by Councils in support of
their opposition to applications are
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
128 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
discounted by the VCGLR on the
grounds of methodological flaws.
These include
1. Not presenting respondents with
sufficient information about the
attributes of an application;
2. A failure to secure a balanced and
representative sample of residents;
3. Insufficient numbers of
4. Perception that public opposition
reflected in the survey findings
reflect a general concern about
gambling rather than specific
apprehensions about a particular
application; and
5. Mismatch between the geographic
area covered by the survey and the
catchment of the venue, and other
The Effectiveness of Public Surveys in
Contesting Gambling Applications
The likelihood of a survey or petition
influencing the decision of the VCGLR on
a gambling application is low. A review of
over 60 recent applications identified 15
instances where the local Council had
surveyed public opinion. Of these, just
one – the unique case of the Romsey
Hotel in Macedon Ranges (2006) – was
rejected by the VCGLR due to that
evidence. Most of the remaining 14
applications were approved and a few
rejected for reasons wholly unrelated to
public opinion.
The forthcoming review of Council’s
Gambling Policy can consider the
occasions where community input and
social impact surveys could be utilised to
strengthen a case for objection to an
increase in EGM and gambling.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
129 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Date of
Council Officers Attendance of Ward
Feedback received from one of the
residents who attended the Red Gum Ward
meeting was their desire for Council officers
to be present at the meetings. The meeting
focused on Planning issues but other
meetings could focus on issues relating to
Engineering or Community Services. How
could these ward meetings be facilitated in
the future? Residents who attended
sometimes asked questions that only
someone with specialised subject matter
expertise can give definitive answers to.
Cr Roz Blades
Speed Limit Signs
Residents at Sunnyvale Crescent,
Keysborough are enquiring about the
50km/h speed limit signs on the road. They
are very happy with the local ‘traffic only’
signs because it has made an impact on
traffic entering the street but if that is
something we could discuss with VicRoads
that would be a big help as well.
Acting Director
Cr Roz Blades
Rabbits in the Keysborough Area
I would like to ask a question about bunny
Acting Director
Subject & Summary of Question
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Response as it appears on Minutes to a
Public Question on 28/01/2014 which is
related to this question
The only other clarifying point I would like
to make is that no officers were actually
invited to attend on that night. It was
obviously the first ward meeting we have
had for some time. I think Councillor
Kirwan at that stage was fairly keen that
Council officers not attend because he
didn't know exactly what feedback he was
going to get but no officers to my
knowledge were actually invited and didn't
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 10/02/2014)
The upshot of that matter as far as I am
concerned is that a set of procedures or
guidelines are to be developed that will
ultimately define how Council conducts
Ward meetings into the future including
who attends, how we give notice of the
meetings and what the Agenda may
include. I believe the answer is embodied
in advice that Mick Jaensch, Director
Corporate Services also provided on the
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 10/02/2014)
A Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) is
required from VicRoads to alter or install
additional Speed Limit signage on any
road. A MoA has been obtained from
VicRoads to install 50km/h signs on
Sunnyvale Cr, Keysborough. A works
order has been submitted to Council’s
Works Services Unit with the signs
anticipated to be installed in the coming
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 10/02/2014)
130 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Heang Tak
Subject & Summary of Question
rabbits. The whole area including the
Resurrection Parish, the Keysborough
Learning Centre and the Resurrection
Primary School Keysborough have a
plague of rabbits. We thought they might be
coming from the South-East Water drain
that’s allied to the property but we haven't
had any luck in getting in touch with South
East Water or getting a response. As Bruce
Rendall, Director Engineering Services is
not here, can we take this question on
notice and write to South East Water
making them aware of the situation? I am
hearing from a lot of residents that
apparently it is in almost plague
Work For the Dole
I have been listening to and reading in the
newspapers that the Federal Government
intends to bring back ‘Work for the Dole’
and was very interested when I heard that
local Councils were being looked at to
administrate this initiative. Can we find out
the details of whether it is going to be reintroduced and whether local government is
going to be the segue by which it is
introduced? If that is the case, I guess then
we need to find out what the financial
impost is on this City. It is early and I only
heard it on the weekend but I think because
it is early it gives us a good opportunity to
look into it and maybe liaise with the
Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and
the Victorian Local Governance Association
(VLGA) as well.
International Women’s Day
With the International Women’s Day coming
up, I would like to ask Mark Doubleday,
Director Community Services, what Council
does to celebrate the International
Women’s Day?
Date of
Summary of Response
Council has written to both Melbourne
Water and the Education Department on
this matter. While Council does not have
any powers to compel these agencies to
undertake control measures, we will
continue to raise the communities concerns
with these agencies. Council is undertaking
control measures on its own land.
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 10/02/2014)
Enquiries that I have made have neither
confirmed nor denied that ‘Work for the
Dole’ would continue and I think any other
action or enquiries at this time would be
both hypothetical and premature.
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 10/02/2014)
In response to the question taken on
notice in relation to International Women’s
Day (8 March 2014), I can advise the
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
131 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Subject & Summary of Question
Equipment at the Drum Theatre
My first question is regarding the Drum
Theatre. It has been reported to me that
some of the equipment is ageing and at risk
of breakdown including audio visual
equipment and this may be imposing some
limitations on how it is being used. Could
Mark Doubleday, Director Community
Services find out what capital demands we
can expect from the Drum Theatre in
future? When was the last equipment audit
purchased? And what is the life cycle
management plan for equipment?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
• The Mayor is hosting tables at the
South East Business Network (SEBN)
breakfast on the 7 March 2014; and
• There will be women’s art exhibitions
for the month as follows.
1. Illuminated Voices: an exhibition
by Students, Arabic women and
others at Heritage Hill, open to
the public with a launch on Friday
7 March 2014; and
2. She: the annual women’s
exhibition at Walker St Gallery,
official opening on Saturday
8 March 2014.
The equipment purchased for Drum
Theatre’s opening is now eight years old.
Some original equipment has been
replaced. The Drum Theatre has identified
through the capital planning process
recommendations for upgrade of the
equipment. The equipment is functional
however, with the increased use of digital
equipment by Theatre productions it is
timely to consider an upgrade. All
equipment is maintained in fully functional
order and does not require any limitation of
use. Some recent technologies are not fully
supported by the older equipment (ie
analogue not digital) and will occasionally
require a ‘work around’ solution. This does
not represent an overload risk.
Requirements have been assessed and
upgrades and renewal of relevant
technologies to support market and
industry standards are included in the
future capital applications for the Drum
Theatre with important improvements
proposed in 2014/15. Capital demands
have been developed in the 5 year capital
plan. This will be subject to consideration
by Council as part of the budget process
132 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr John Kelly
Subject & Summary of Question
After Hour Traffic at Palm Plaza
(1)Can Council have a look into the
vehicular traffic at Palm Plaza, Dandenong?
It is becoming more of a concern as I have
seen a number of trucks in there. What
caught my attention the other day was after
10.00pm at night when there were
supposed to be no vehicles, a truck from a
business in the area was backing out while
two elderly people were walking behind the
truck. It is a disaster waiting to happen. I
think we need to make it clear to those
businesses that there are opening and
closing hours for traffic in Palm Plaza. We
also have the disability access issues in the
Plaza and with all those vehicles it does
create a problem. Can that be looked at as
soon as possible?
(2)Can someone get back to us and let us
/Referred to
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
for 2014/15. A full list of all equipment is
managed internally and reviewed annually.
Major equipment and lifespan has been
identified as part of the 5 year capital plan
and will be part of the capital budget
process in terms of renewal or upgrade.
Minor equipment is subject to internal
condition report annually, is guided by
manufacturer specification, with
replacement also occurring if equipment
fails. There was a major exercise to review
all capital needs for the Drum Theatre in
2013/14. This has resulted in a 5 year
forward capital plan (renewal and upgrade
as well as new) and this will be reviewed
on a rolling annual basis and form part of
the capital budget planning process by
Unrestricted access to Palm Plaza is
provided in response to requests from
traders, who back onto Boyd Lane, to
have more direct access to and from their
properties. The changes to Lonsdale St
have made it difficult for these businesses
to get their vehicles in and out in a
reasonable time, due to the turning bans,
etc. Requests were received to provide
access via Palm Plaza, and it was
considered a reasonable request, whilst a
more permanent solution is arranged.
Additionally, Telstra need to access their
exchange with service vehicles at the
southern end (near Walker Street), so any
modifications restrict vehicle access will
need to consider this requirement.
Current restrictions identify that Palm
Plaza is a loading zone between 6am and
10am, and a no stopping area at all other
times. If loading activities were observed
to be occurring out of these times,
Councils Parking Enforcement Officers
133 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
Multifaith Space in New Municipal Office
One of the organisers of the recent
Dandenong Eid Festival which I attended
on behalf of the Mayor, Cr Memeti emailed
me last week asking if there was going to
be a multi-faith space open to the public in
the new Council building, preferably within
the new library. To quote from this letter:
“All religious groups could use this multifaith prayer room in accordance with their
individual religious duties. Generally, public
buildings of this nature are tailored to
accommodate a range of community
groups, and we hope that as a potential
prayer space this will contribute to the
inclusiveness of our Council and our
community. It would also emphasise the
City of Greater Dandenong’s ongoing
commitment of accommodating
multicultural and diversity.”
Has this already been looked at and if not is
that possible for consideration at this stage
in the project?
Community Consultations on Planning
Some residents have asked me questions
after the last Council meeting. A number of
Councils note on their websites that they
have a legislative requirement to review
Date of
Acting Director
City Planning,
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
should be contacted, however regular
patrolling of the area is currently
Options to control access and limit vehicle
movements are being considered by
Councils Traffic Engineers in conjunction
with other departments. However, no
requests for alterations to how this shared
space operates have been submitted by
the public in recent times, indicating the
majority of those who use it are doing so
in a responsible manner.
There is a public multi faith room within
the Dandenong Plaza. The Project
Control Group (PCG) considered the
option to include a multi-faith prayer room
but was determined not to be appropriate
within the context of the intended building
use (PCG minutes Feb 2013). Due to the
late stage of construction it is not practical
to consider inclusion of a public multi-faith
space in the building.
a) The Greater Dandenong Planning
Scheme was last reviewed in 2010. The
planning scheme is constantly reviewed in
response to State Government initiatives
and policy changes.
b) & c) The Residential Development and
134 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
their planning schemes every four years
under the Planning and Environment Act.
For example, Moonee Valley, Whittlesea,
Kingston Councils. To quote from the
Moonee Valley website: “A planning
scheme must be regularly reviewed to
ensure that it is up-to-date and can address
key issues that the municipality is currently
facing or is expected to face in the future.
Under the legislation we must review our
planning scheme every four years.”
(a) When was the last time a review was
conducted at the Greater Dandenong
Planning Scheme, including a review of the
Neighbourhood Character and Planning
Controls? (b) What community consultation
occurred and if none when was the
community last consulted on these
matters? (c) How were the residents
notified? Did Council write to the
residents? Was notification by a local
newspaper or city news and what type of
consultation was done? That question
comes up a lot because I know a lot of
residents particularly in Central Dandenong
cannot recall that consultation, so they have
questions about it. (d) What level of English
did the consultation cater for given that for
some residents in Central Dandenong
which is obviously the part of the Ward that
contacted me about it, obviously some do
have low levels of the English language.
Residential 2 Zone Boundaries
During the last Council meeting it was
mentioned in the answer to a question that
during Amendment C96, the Minister of
Planning asked for a request for a broader
shrinkage of the Residential 2 Zone to be
done via a separate Planning Scheme
Amendment. Do you know if this exercise
was attempted at the time and if not, why
Date of
Summary of Response
Neighbourhood Character Policy (Clause
22.09) was introduced to the planning
scheme in February 2011. The
amendment was extensively advertised in
accordance with the Planning and
Environment Act 1987 between 20 October
2008 – 30 January 2009. Notices were
sent to referral agencies, other Councils,
prescribed Ministers and placed in The
Dandenong Leader, The Dandenong
Journal, The Springvale and Dandenong
Star and the Age newspapers. An article
also appeared in Council’s City magazine.
Notice was not sent to individual owners or
occupiers as the municipal wide nature of
the amendment involving a large number of
potentially affected parties made it
impractical to notify them all individually
about the amendment in accordance with
Section 19 (1A) of the Act.n
d) The edition of the City magazine
(December 2008/January 2009) in which
an article on the amendment appeared
included Council’s standard interpreter
services information details. All planning
information is sent out including the
interpreter service details.
Acting Director
City Planning,
Design &
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
It is important to remember that the
Planning Minister has not ‘asked’ for the
Dandenong Residential Growth zone to be
shrunk. In fact, when going through the
C96 amendment process, the requests that
this Council made to reduce the ‘Grace
Park Avenue’ area were in some ways
‘rebutted’ by the panel. If that ‘shrinkage’ is
what all stakeholders seek at the 2014
135 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
not? Why are we waiting till now to re-look
at those boundaries?
Cr Roz Blades
Community Detention Refugee Support
I went to a forum where Council partnered
with the State Government and other
agencies. It was very interesting. It was all
to do with asylum seekers and refugees.
What I found out at that forum was that
many of our agencies are completely
physically exhausted and their resources as
well, in trying to look after the needs of
asylum seekers and refugees who are here
on bridging visas which do not allow them
to work and where they are only allowed to
earn three-quarters of the annual weekly
amount of Newstart and they are relying on
charity. We have some generous people
out there who are donating their time and
goods to other volunteers who take them
around to the houses where the refugees
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Vision & Objective Consultation Period,
officers will consider these requests against
the current strategic policy. It should be
borne in mind that the boundary change
may not (as before) or may be support by
policy and stakeholder now in 2013/14.
The State Government first proposed to
introduce new residential zones in 2008.
The Council Report of 29 June 2009
regarding Amendment C96 provides a
clear summary of the work undertaken by
the State Government which led to the
introduction of the reformed residential
zones in 2013.
Clause 22.09 has been in place since 2011
but the new residential zones have been
‘coming’ for all of this time.
As a result, it was considered inappropriate
to review the application of the former
Residential 2 Zone until such time as the
State Government had finalised the new
zones and applied them to Victoria, which
happened in July 2013.
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 09/12/2013)
Council arranged a forum with community
based and larger agencies to come
together and share concerns and these
have been documented in a draft action
plan. Council has also worked with State
Government agencies to host a forum of
government agencies to share knowledge
and concerns about this matter. The draft
action plan has been circulated to
agencies that participated in the Council
forum and there is an opportunity to
receive feedback on this before finalising
the actions for Council consideration.
These matters will also be raised in the
various networks of agencies and
community groups that Council supports
136 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Youhorn Chea
Subject & Summary of Question
live so that they can have some beds, pots
and pans, bed linen, the sorts of things we
all take for granted but it cannot go on like
that forever. The hours of volunteering are
tiring. The people who are doing the job are
using their own money and their own
resources because they are volunteers
themselves. I think it is a crisis of resources
as well as accommodation because there
are very few places to store the furniture,
videos and televisions to be delivered to
people when they need them. If anyone
around the table or in the gallery, or if there
are any resources that the Council of
Greater Dandenong can offer, please
advise our volunteering staff via email. Is
there somewhere reasonably long-term that
these volunteers can put their wares so that
they can give them to people in need?
I have said it is a crisis because I think it is.
I do not think it is an exaggeration when I
hear from our agencies that volunteers in
the City are exhausted and they cannot do
it anymore because of the government
regulations around the lack of finances that
temporary and bridging visa holders have to
abide by so if we could bear that in mind.
CCTV Cameras in Noble Park
Does Council have any idea when the
CCTV cameras in Noble Park will be going
Christmas Decorations for Springvale
It’s getting closer to Christmas and the
Christmas decorations in Dandenong are
fantastic, with the flags and the big sign on
the Bendigo Bank it is very good and I
appreciate that very much. As you know,
not only the Australian people celebrate
Christmas but the Asian people, refugees
Date of
Summary of Response
to see what further options can be
developed. The draft action plan also
includes options for Council to consider
advocacy to the Australian Government
about resources to assist groups and
Council in responding to this situation.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
CCTV Cameras are currently undertaking a
trial at the Paddy O’Donoghue Centre
finishing at the end of January 2014. If
successful will be out to Tender and then
implemented by the end of the financial
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 09/12/2013)
The installation of Christmas decorations
in Springvale Multicultural Place was
conducted on 13 November 2013. This
included 10 metal Christmas trees being
installed into flower crates and five
additional flower crates which had red
137 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
and the newly arrived migrants, we all
celebrate Christmas as well. In Springvale
we only have one small place which is the
Springvale Multicultural Place. It isn’t the
best place so we need to do something. We
need to show the migrants it is Christmas
time and what we are doing. If you go to
Chadstone, you hear Christmas music
everywhere so perhaps that can happen in
Springvale as well. We need to do
something because a lot of people sit on
the seats and have coffee at the coffee
shops and put the tables outside.
Car Park in Dalgety Street, Dandenong
A few Council meetings ago, Councillor
Memeti brought up the idea of a shared car
park for the Mosque in Dalgety Street,
Dandenong and the Russian Orthodox
Church in Morwell Avenue, Dandenong. I
was wondering if there was any progress
on consideration of that idea?
Dandenong Netball Centre Signage
One of the questions I had yesterday at the
Dandenong Show was about the new sign
at the Dandenong Netball Centre. They are
really looking forward to their new sign that
it will make it easier for patrons to find that
great facility. Is there any news on what the
timeframe is or when that is planned to be
Broken Light Globes Lonsdale Street
Following on from Cr Kelly’s question, can
Council order about 20 light globes
because every week the cars seem to be
hitting at least one light?
Giant Chess Competition
A resident has suggested an idea to me
regarding the giant chess set that is played
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
synthetic grass space which acted as
seating in the civic space.
Other decorations in Springvale were
installed at around mid November
included the flags on Springvale Road at
two sites leading into the retail centre and
putting signage in the retail centre
including Springvale Road and the sky
sign on Springvale Road. Roving
entertainment has been scheduled in and
around Multicultural Place between Friday
13 December and Tuesday 24 December
The matter is under investigation. The most
obvious location is not Council land so
detailed investigations are required.
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 25/11/2013)
A concept design has been developed for
the signage on the facility. This has been
discussed with the Netball Association. The
next steps in the process will be to obtain
quotes and assess these and then once a
contractor has been chosen, book the work
to be completed. This would mean, taking
into account the January (2014) holiday
and closure period, that work start in late
February 2014.
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
Council will keep a supply of replacement
globes in store.
(Further Response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 25/11/2013)
The chess set identified in the question is
138 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
in the Dandenong Plaza. They have asked
me if the Council could organise a
competition with a price because in their
view it would engage those men on bridging
visas that do not have anything to do so to
be engaged in this activity would be very
beneficial. Can that be considered?
Grab Hook Feedback
Council has recently been promoting the
use of a ‘grab hook’ for use by elderly
clients to enter and exit vehicles. I have
received reports from people who actually
use the ‘grab hook’ advising me that the
device sometimes slips. They are
concerned about the safety of the ‘grab
hook’. Has this feedback been received by
Council officers and if so, is the suitability of
the ‘grab hook’ being re-assessed?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Date of
Summary of Response
located within the Dandenong Plaza
shopping centre operated by The GPT
Group. Council also has a large outdoor
chess set which is located in Langhorne
Street (at Lonsdale Street). It is
suggested that Council officers liaise with
the centre management of the
Dandenong Plaza Shopping centre and
local chess clubs (Dandenong and Noble
Park) to determine if a suitable
competition can be established that
utilises both facilities. A prize could
potentially be offered as part of this
endeavour which could become an annual
event within the city, promoted by both
The GPT Group and Council. Officers will
pursue this matter further as suggested
and update Councillors in due course on
the initiative.
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
Council has offered the Handybar to clients
to assist with mobility in and out of
vehicles. The device is designed to be
placed inside the latching part of an open
car door and offer lift and steadying
assistance to enter a vehicle. To date there
have been no complaints from clients who
have chosen to obtain a Handybar. There
are various forms of vehicle access
assistance devices and they are widely
promoted (websites, brochures and other
means) as an aid for people who have
difficulty getting in and out of a vehicle.
The directions do need to be followed and
the devices are provided through a
Community Care officer who can assist
with understanding how it works. Council
will monitor the use of the device and if the
process of understanding and following the
instructions to limit any misunderstanding
139 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
in this area.
Cr Maria Sampey
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Chairs for Jan Wilson Centre
In the budget there was allowance made for
about 130 chairs for the Jan Wilson Centre.
When is the Jan Wilson Centre going to get
those 130 chairs because it was in the
budget? Was it in the mid year or last year's
But when was it allocated? Was it last
So how long will it be before they get the
chairs because the elderly people are
Congratulatory Letter to Wellbeing Dept
As mentioned in the Councillor Weekly
Information Summary edition 23 October
2013, Item 2: Family Day Care State
Winner 2013, I would like to pass on my
congratulations to Martin Fidler, Manager
Community Wellbeing, his staff and of
course the day care workers who look after
our children the most precious thing, for
being named best in the state in the 2013
Excellence in Family Day Care Awards. As
well as winning the award in this category,
the same department is also a finalist in the
2013 Early Years Award. I am aware that a
huge amount of work went into all that so
congratulations to Martin Fidler and his
team. I would like to ask if a letter can be
written to the Community Wellbeing
department with a Congratulatory
Certificate of Appreciation?
Number 8 Balmoral Avenue Carpark Lift
A couple of weeks ago I was at Number 8
Balmoral Avenue Carpark waiting to use
the lifts. It was quite busy and several
people got in to one lift as one was not
working. There was a lot of people that got
into the lift and when the doors closed it
then seemed that something had gone
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
It has been confirmed that 106 chairs (blue
to match existing chairs) have been
ordered and are currently being made. The
order is expected to be ready by the end of
November 2013. This will bring the total
seating capacity of the Centre to 255 and
Councillor Sampey’s request was for a
seating capacity of 250.
Assistant to
the Mayor and
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
Letter of congratulations was sent on
11 November 2013.
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
We do not believe that the actual lift was
overloaded in that event. There were nine
people in the lift and the lifts are rated
over 1,000 kilos and 13 people. We're not
sure it was an overloading issue but I
think it was a fault in one of the safety
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
140 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Subject & Summary of Question
wrong, it seemed to drop down and the
doors were locked closed for about five
minutes which is a conservative estimate.
After this time the doors opened and the lift
floor was still sunk about a foot down but
we were able to get out. I wanted to check
what is the safety mechanism when there
are too many people or if there is too much
weight in the lift as normally it should beep
and won’t move any further but in this case
it sank down and the doors were lock for
about five minutes.
Andleon Way, Springvale South Traffic
In Andleon Way, Springvale South we are
all aware of the truncation of Coomoora
Road, how quickly that happened and the
700% increase in traffic. I seem to
remember that VicRoads said that they
would put in traffic devices at their cost. The
residents are yet to see any traffic devices
and the traffic flow in Andleon Way it is
utterly terrible, especially early in the
morning. Can we speak with VicRoads and
see where they are up to with that?
Rose Garden in Memory of Olive
We have agreed as a Council to name part
of the Paddy O’Donoghue Centre after
Olive O’Donoghue. At a meeting on
Wednesday night, somebody from the
Noble Park Public Hall Trust suggested that
there is a little garden by the front door that
mostly people seem to use to throw their
cigarette butts in could be made into a nice
rose garden which was Olive’s favourite
flower and we could call it Olive’s Rose
Garden. I think it would be a nice touch.
Date of
Summary of Response
mechanisms which was able to be fixed
later that day. We are doing a lot of work
on those lifts, particularly in conjunction
with the developer of that facility, because
we are getting more faults than we
expected and given the age of the facility
we should not be getting that number of
faults. We hope to be able to get that
resolved at no cost to Council through
those negotiations with the developer.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
The proposed changes have been
designed. They focussed on Northgate
Drive but are there to reduce traffic
speeds and encourage traffic to use
Northgate Drive as opposed to Andleon
Way. The date of installation is yet to be
finalised but we are currently working with
VicRoads to close out the few remaining
issues following the Dandenong Bypass,
including that measure. We will make sure
we notify Council of the exact date when
we are aware that they will be going in.
Council officers have met to review the
potential for the naming of a garden
beside the front door to the Paddy
O’Donoghue Centre after Olive
O’Donoghue. The garden area around the
bench seat which is about half way along
the centre frontage may be suitable. This
has been discussed with a representative
of the family who is in agreement and
there will be further discussion on site
about the garden. It is proposed that the
existing established garden of native
plants remain and could be enhanced with
further plantings (native) to reduce the
opportunity to leave rubbish and further
141 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
enhance the entrance. This area is
preferred to the space immediately
adjacent to the front doors as it is less
cluttered and has a sunnier aspect. This
will mean two aspects of the Paddy
O’Donoghue Centre will be named after
Olive, an internal room and the front
garden bed. A naming ceremony will be
arranged when the details and signage
are finalised.
Cr Peter Brown
Independent Costs for Remediation
How much remediation work did Council
undertake as a result of the independent
Cr Roz Blades
Noble Park Football Club
On Saturday I was invited by the Eastern
Football League to attend the Bayswater
Oval where the Noble Park Seniors and
Reserves teams played in grand finals.
Assistant to
Mayor and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
(Further response as per Council Meeting
Minutes 28/10/2013)
There has been some further consultation
with the family and there is a great deal of
interest to not only have a room named
after Olive within the facility but also the
garden area. There was a meeting
towards the end of last week with a family
representative to discuss the possibility.
There is actually a suggestion that the
garden area not immediately to the right
of the entrance just before you get to the
front door but a little bit further back, and
to have a sign with a rose embossed into
the sign as part of it. Based on that
consultation there will be planning for a
small Naming Ceremony early next year.
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
Council’s resolution required both works to
create shallower gradients and best
practice actions such as the installation of
seats at 60 metre intervals. The cost to
Council to implement the resolution was
Letter of Congratulations was sent on
10 October 2013.
142 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Cr Peter Brown
Cr Matthew
Subject & Summary of Question
They did not win but they tried very hard.
They did Noble Park proud and I am just
wondering if the Mayor will be good enough
to write a letter to the president of the
football club Mr David Allan congratulating
the teams in getting to the grand final?
Council’s Support for the East-West Link
My understanding is that there is no
resolution by this Council supporting the
East-West Link so from what Councillor
Kirwan says, at the next Council meeting,
could something be tabled suggesting that
we have written to someone saying that we
support the East-West Link? Because there
is nothing in my memory which suggests
that we have given any formal indication in
support for it.
East-Link Road Toll Letter
Why didn’t Councillors get a copy of the
response to the Mayor of the City of Yarra
in regards to her letter of the 9 August 2013
asking for our Council support, in particular
in the form of a notice of motion from the
City of Greater Dandenong for their
municipalities campaign against the East-
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes
Council’s letter states that there is a need
for an alternative and strategic East-West
Road link between the east and south east
and rapidly growing west of metropolitan
Melbourne. It does not go on to say that it
also applies to the Port Melbourne. The
statement does not support or oppose the
current proposal. There had been previous
resolutions by Council made back in 2008
where they indicated support for the entire
East-West link as proposed in the EastWest Needs Assessment or commonly
known as the Eddington Report so there
was a resolution on Council’s records on
that matter. I think that the main focus of
the letter has been that it goes on to say
that Council must advocate for investment
in both road and public transport projects
reflecting both the needs of our residential
and business community. But as we
highlighted earlier tonight Council was
going to have further discussions on this
matter in a Councillors Briefing Session on
7 October 2013 and then present a position
at the next Council meeting after that.
A copy of the letter in response to the
Mayor of the City of Yarra has been
provided to all Councillors.
143 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Link Toll Road?
Cr Matthew
Taylors Road Prescribed Waste Landfill
I have become aware that the Taylors Road
Prescribed Waste Landfill (SITA) have just
received an Environmental Protection
Authority (EPA) Licence by nature of six
months trial to use Category C Waste as
cover material for prescribed waste. What is
our position on this and in particular what is
our assessment of the risks, if any, that this
could pose?
Acting Director
City Planning,
Design &
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Naming of a Place - Olive O’Donoghue
I had the honour last week of doing the
eulogy for Olive O’Donoghue who was
married to Paddy O’Donoghue. The
memorial service was held at the Noble
Park Public Hall which is very fitting. My
eulogy contained a lot of information about
Olive and her extensive involvement in
public life. I am not sure if it is possible at
the Paddy O’Donoghue Centre but could
officers conduct an investigation in to what
we might name Olive O’Donoghue? It may
not be at the Paddy O’Donoghue Centre
but in Noble Park we have quite a bit of
stuff going on including the civic centre.
Parkmore Junior Football Club
On 3 September 2013, the Parkmore Junior
Football Club was voted as the best
conducted club for 2013 at the South East
Juniors presentation. This club has
struggled to get teams for a number of
years and I think this season they had five
to six teams and have obviously worked
very hard in order to get this result. It is also
a good result for the City of Greater
Assistant to
the Mayor and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
SITA has agreed to defer the proposed trial
of Category C contaminated soil as an
alternative daily cover material at the above
site, pending further consultation with
Council and the reference group. SITA also
acknowledge Council’s letter requesting
further information on this proposal and
undertook to provide that information as
quickly as practicable. Whilst awaiting that
advice, officers are also making enquiries
directly with the Environmental Protection
Authority (EPA), to gain a detailed
understanding of the technical, safety, legal
and any other relevant aspects of this
Discussion has occurred with family
representatives regarding the possibility of
naming a room at the Paddy O’Donoghue
Centre or the Noble Park Public Hall
adjacent to the Paddy O’Donoghue
Centre after Olive O’Donoghue. There is
support to proceed with either of these
options and further steps will now be
taken to discuss this with the Public Hall
Trust and finalise a preferred naming
option with Council.
Letter of congratulations was sent on
18 September 2013.
144 / 174
Date of
Asked By
Subject & Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Dandenong because Wachter Reserve is
looked after by Council staff. It would be
good if the Mayor could write the football
club a letter congratulating them.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
145 / 174
At the Ordinary meeting of Council on Monday, 26 August 2013, Council resolved to change the way Councillor and public
questions taken on notice are answered and recorded from 9 September 2013 meeting of Council onwards.
Date of
Asked By
Cr Jim Memeti
Council received a capital grant to assist
with the provision of kindergarten places in
Dandenong South. Can I be informed of the
progress of this work and what is
happening with enrolments for this
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
I was approached by a resident from Green
Street, Noble Park in relation to the
resurfacing of the road. They thought that
the road was being resurfaced sometime
ago but when they recently contacted
Council they were told that it was not on
any resurfacing list. If the appropriate office
could follow that up?
For many years Council had quite a
successful sister school program with the
City of Xuzhou in China and some of the
Summary of Question
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
1,388 children are in enrolled in kindergarten in 2013,
currently there are 23 vacancies across the municipality,
a further 26 children remain on the waiting list for 2013.
Council officers have encouraged families on the waiting
list to take up a place where a vacancy exists at another
kindergarten however, due to personal circumstances,
families have chosen to remain on the waiting list for their
preferred kindergarten. As of 5 September 2013, 1,331
children have enrolled and been offered a place for
kindergarten in 2014. There are 1,503 places available in
2014 once construction is completed across all ten
kindergarten sites for additional places, this capacity will
increase to meet expected future demand. Dandenong
South residents have been offered the choice of two
kindergarten locations in 2014, a new 44 place facility in
located at Dandenong South Primary School that can
provide an additional 88 kindergarten places and
provision for three year old kindergarten. The Canberra
Avenue Kindergarten site in Dandenong South will remain
open during renovations to this facility in 2014. It currently
offers 75 kindergarten places and on the completion of
the renovation this will provide double the capacity
offering an additional 66 kindergarten places and will
allow the 15 hours of kindergarten per child to be
Green Street, Springvale was considered for resurfacing
in this year's program, however other streets were in
worse condition making them a higher priority for work.
Council resurfaces all or part of approximately 50 streets
per annum. The assessment of the condition, and based
on recent funding patterns, would see Green Street
programmed for resurfacing in a three to five year
(Response as per Council Meeting Minutes 11/11/2013)
This matter will be covered in a report to come before
Council on 9 December 2013 on the matter of the most
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Asked By
Cr Youhorn
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Cr Maria
Cr Maria
Summary of Question
schools I believe are still in touch with each
other. In relation to bringing forward a
report of the recent visit to Xuzhou and
other delegates business, could officers
have a look into how that is progressing? It
might be something that Paul Kearsley,
Group Manager Greater Dandenong
Business could investigate when he returns
to Xuzhou later this year.
In front of No. 52-58 Queens Avenue,
Springvale there were 10 car parking
spaces that have now been removed,
perhaps by the company working on the
Springvale grade separation. When the
work is finished there, who will rebuild the
10 car parking spaces?
Council is going to have a great new library
in Dandenong soon which we are all waiting
with high expectations which I am sure will
be fulfilled however with the library services
at Springvale, while we are progressing the
Springvale Masterplan and a potential new
library what are we doing in the interim to
bridge the services from now until then?
The 10 September 2013 marks World
Suicide Prevention Day. There are
community awareness walks being
organised and I would like to know what
this Council is planning for this day?
About five or six years ago, Council planted
some shrubs along the fenceline at
Currajong Reserve. The adjoining
neighbours were specifically told they were
only going to grow to the fence level and
they have since grown into high trees.
These trees are blocking one of the
residents solar panels and preventing them
from functioning properly. Is there anything
Council can do to trim the trees because
the resident has been told that Council are
Date of
Summary of Response
recent trip to the Xuzhou Investment Fair.
These parking spaces have been temporarily closed
whilst pipe jacking works, associated with the Springvale
Road Level Crossing Removal Project, are undertaken.
Once the pipe works are complete, these car parks will
be reopened, which is anticipated to occur in late
November 2013.
The Library Service will be monitoring usage and
demand for computers as well as internet speed and
recommend on changes to increase outcomes for library
users. Internet speed has been enhanced and feedback
forms will also be available for library users to give direct
input into future enhancements based on their current
experience of using the service. Councillors will be
advised of the outcome from these actions.
Council directly supports a wide range of name
occasions or theme days such as Cultural Diversity
Week, Children’s Week and other. In other instances
such as World Suicide Prevention Day, Council will be a
participant in events as appropriate as other specific
groups will take a lead role in arranging events or
The trees will be removed by 30 September 2013.
Although it is disappointing to remove several
established trees, Council recognises the commitment to
the environment the resident has undertaken with the
installation of solar panels and is prepared to carry out
this removal as a good will gesture. Once the trees have
been removed the area will be levelled and allowed to
return to grass.
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Summary of Response
not going to do anything?
Cr Maria
Cr Youhorn
Cr Maria
Cr Roz Blades
In relation to the community bus, we
currently have a nine or 11 seater bus
however we only accommodating for five or
six elderly residents to travel at a time. Why
is it that we can only accommodate five or
six people when it is a nine or 11 seater
community bus?
In relation to the community bus which is
taking the elderly to the various ethnic
groups, is there a waiting list and if so, what
is the waiting list for that service?
When I was walking along Buckingham
Avenue, Springvale some residents
suggested that there are so many accidents
at the roundabout of Buckingham Avenue
and Balmoral Avenue. May I request that
the lines on the road be re-painted so it is
easy for people to see and prevent them
from getting involved in accidents because
the elderly people always walk across from
one side of the shopping centre to another?
I asked about the Community Bus and the
shopping jeeps for the elderly at the end of
May. It is now the end of July. How long
does it take to put wire mesh backing at the
back of the bus so that elderly people can
take their jeeps? Have we bought the jeeps
for the elderly? Are we going to do the
fitting to the existing buses only?
On the weekend 11-13 October 2013, there
is going to be the Noble Park Community
Awards, the Noble Park Community Art
Show, the Noble Park Football Club
Presentation evening and more. I have
been thinking along the lines of something
like ‘Sensational Springvale’ and I would
like to have a whole weekend of events
badged together relating to Noble Park. I
am also hoping that by then we will have
Several questions were raised regarding the Community
Transport Service and advice has been provided to
Council on the various steps underway to look into the
issues. In summary Council endorsed a review of the
Community transport Service in November 2012 and an
independent report was received and considered by
Council in June 2013. The report highlighted actions
that are underway to address the questions raised and
these actions have been endorsed by Council.
Request to repaint the road lines has been entered into
Council’s customer request management system to be
The shopping jeeps have been purchased and are in
operation. The new community transport 11 seater bus
is in the process of being purchased and fitted out for
operation. The shopping bag limit has been increased
from one to two shopping bags.
There are a range of activities in and around Noble Park
in October this year that could be looked at in terms of
joining these together as a theme.
It would be appropriate for the Festival and Events and
the Marketing and Communications areas to consider
these possibilities and respond to the Ward Councillors
with suggestions.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Summary of Question
the neon sign at the Noble Park Civic
Centre. We may want to ask some schools,
business clubs, football clubs and all of the
organisations such as the Rotary Club in
Noble Park. Let us come up with a name
badge that we can make the people of
Noble Park feel special about over that
weekend when everything is happening.
On the weekend Council held the
Springvale Snow Fest which for the first
time brought snow to Springvale obviously
as the name implies. This event was well
anticipated by the community and
generated quite a buzz. I believe it has
been reported already that the number of
attendees were in the thousands including
my family. I am interested in receiving a
brief report on the first ever Springvale
Snow Fest and how Council might develop
that in the future to accommodate for what
seems like a great community response.
There has been a request by the
Macedonian Orthodox Church and I believe
the Sandown Cobras Football Club as well
regarding parking around the Edinburgh
Reserve in Springvale. I still need to clarify
exactly with them what they are requesting
but I understand that they have requested it
for a few years and they believe it has not
been responded to. I have not given Dino
De Melis, Acting Director Engineering
Services a lot of notice to respond so I can
understand if he takes at least part of it on
notice but I would ask for a response now if
Date of
Summary of Response
An evaluation of this new Festival has been conducted
with approximately 10,000 people attending the event.
Assessment and evaluation will be provided to
Councillors in the weekly summary report on 31 July
Council’s traffic engineers investigated this issue in
2010. The key outcomes of this investigation were:
• Parking demand in the vicinity of the Church was
observed to be high on street at operating times for
the Church and school pick up and drop off times.
• While some congestion was caused at these times
traffic speeds were observed to be low and no
significant road safety risk was identified
• A proposal to introduce indented parking bays within
Edinburgh Reserve was considered, however in
order to achieve a worthwhile number of additional
parking spaces several trees would need to be
removed and significant costs to relocate services
would be incurred
• Some off street parking is available within Edinburgh
Reserve which is not fully utilised. This parking is
around 100m from the Church.
A recent review of conditions on Edinburgh Road has
confirmed that the findings of this investigation are still
valid. For these reasons, Council does not propose to
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Cr Jim Memeti
I was driving through Dandenong the other
night and noticed that the light poles are
continually being fixed, some do not work at
all and others are not being fixed. Are there
major problems or defects with these lights
and what is happening with them?
Cr Matthew
Cr John Kelly
The Rotary Club of Dandenong have done
some significant volunteer work for the
Dandenong Kindergarten which is located
at the corner of Foster Street and Princes
Highway. The Rotary Club of Dandenong
want to fund half of the cost of shading in
the large play area at the kindergarten but it
is their understanding that Council does not
want to pay the other half as it has no plans
to spend money on that kindergarten. Is this
because the kindergarten does not have a
long term future at the site? And if so, when
will it be replaced? If it is not in the
imminent future could the request from the
Rotary Club of Dandenong to partly fund
that shading be reconsidered?
Could Council have a look at the gardens
beds along King Street, Dandenong? They
seem to lack a bit of maintenance.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
install angled parking bays. Council officers met with
representatives from the Church in August to discuss
Council’s decision. A letter has also been sent to the
Hon Alan Griffin MP advising Council’s decision.
Council officers met with the manufacturer of the light
sticks and brought to their attention the issue of the
plastic used deforming under hot weather conditions and
similarly snapping under cold weather/wind storm
conditions. The manufacturer has undertaken a check of
all the light tubes and replaced those light sticks that
have shown signs of deformation. New light sticks have
been manufactured and discussions are in progress in
relation to arrangements for the erection of the new
poles and light sticks. Four poles carrying light sticks
have suffered vehicle collision damage causing
transformers/fuses to blow up and affect other light
sticks. Council officer have also detected time lags in the
photoelectric cells causing some light sticks (closer to
Clow Street) to light up later than the remaining lights.
Council’s electrician will verify this and adjust the photo
electric cells accordingly to remedy this switching-on lag.
Discussion is continuing with Best Chance as the cluster
manager of the Dandenong Kindergarten and
Dandenong Rotary Club regarding priorities for the
outcome of recent fundraising.
The in-fill planting of replacement plants in the garden
beds at the frontage of the Dandenong Market in King
Street, Dandenong took place on Thursday 4 July 2013
as a part of an annual planting program to replace dead
or missing plants in garden beds across the City. This
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Summary of Response
program is scheduled for the winter period when ground
conditions assist with better survival rates.
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Cr Peter Brown
I have received a number of requests in the
short time I have been on Council
specifically about the use of Council
facilities for English language classes. That
will be something I would like to be
definitely addressed.
The Dandenong Community Aid and
Advisory Bureau (DCAAB) is having a Bring
In Your Bills day in late July to advise local
residents on how to reduce their energy
bills. Can Council contact the DCAAB to
see if there is any way we can assist with
As a result of Council’s decision in the last
meeting to authorise removal of vegetation
to enable construction of the drainage
channel in Perry Road South towards
Pillers Road many residents in the Perry
Road and Keys Road area are extremely
concerned about where that water is going
and what provision is being made for
drainage in that area. A document which is
being circulated states that Council also
allows overland flows by designing a road
system to carry up to 1-100 occurrence
of rain events. By whom and when was
Perry Road south of Greens Road
constructed and designed to provide a
drainage system to cater for a 1-100 year
This question arises from the concerns of
residents generally in relation to all but
specifically in relation to one property. The
owner of this property is not exclusively
concerned about the impact of their land on
the drainage or the water that has been
directed towards south of Perry Road and
Keys Road. What drainage easements, if
any, are registered on the title of Hagen
A list of English Language courses run by various
community groups that use Council owned community
facilities have been listed and provided to Councillors.
Relevant officers have contacted the organisation to
offer assistance.
In relation to regional drainage, flood plain and waterway
management, Melbourne Water is a:
1) Water Corporation and an Authority under the Water
Act, with waterway management, regional drainage
and floodplain management functions under
Divisions 2, 3 and 4 of Part 10 of the Water Act.
These functions include:
a) ensuring that adequate drainage and flood
protection standards for development are
achieved; and
b) ensuring that the bed and banks of waterways
are protected and enhanced.
2) Referral authority under the Planning and
Environment Act 1987 with the ability to specify
conditions pertaining to the use or development of a
Development services schemes are prepared to plan the
infrastructure required to ensure new urban
development meets appropriate standards for flood
protection, water quality, waterway health and amenity.
Infrastructure requirements are costed and used to
establish contributions under the Water Act that will
apply to developers to fund the provision of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Melbourne Water owns and maintains constructed
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Date of
Park, Perry Road and when were they
lodged and by whom if so?
This question again relates to drainage
concerns. What strategies are Council
Officers aware of to equitably share the
drainage burden in the Perry Road area
south of Greens Road and Huttons
Can John Bennie, Chief Executive
Officer assure Council that there is a
funded drainage scheme in place for the
Perry Road area south of Greens
Road/Hutton Road, and being able to
table a copy of that drainage scheme at
the next Council meeting?
In relation to the work in the Perry Road
and Huttons Road area that is being
undertaken for Council by Planisphere,
would it be possible to incorporate
drainage issues into the Planisphere
brief (for Perry Road area south of
Greens Road) if this has not already
been done?
Summary of Response
assets downstream of the 60-hectare limit.
The remaining assets are transferred to local councils
following an agreed process. Councils are responsible
for managing local drainage infrastructure in catchments
of less than 60 hectares, including ownership and
maintenance of drainage assets.
In this case, as the relevant catchment is
greater than 60 hectares, Melbourne Water is
the drainage authority.
A development services scheme comprises a drainage
strategy for an area together with a pricing arrangement
that allows Melbourne Water to require developers to
contribute to the cost of the construction of works by
Melbourne Water in connection with a development.
The strategy consists of functional designs for
Melbourne Water (regional) and local council drainage
assets, including works such as pipelines, overland flow
paths, retarding basins, waterways, wetlands and gross
pollution traps and identification of land to be set aside
for these purposes. The strategy ensures that planning
for urban development is conducted on a catchment
basis and meets appropriate standards for flood
protection and environmental performance, including
protection and enhancement of waterway and
biodiversity values.
The infrastructure within the scheme is funded by
financial contributions from developers or landowners
when development occurs, with all developable
properties contributing on the basis of land area and
land zoning. Income from developer contributions is
designed to equal planned expenditure of drainage
infrastructure over the expected life of a development
services scheme (typically 25 years).
There is a development services scheme for
the Perry Road area (see
aps/melways_map.asp?schemeNo=ds1140 )
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Summary of Response
In response to your specific questions I can advise:
Where is all that water going to go?
While seemingly rhetorical in nature, this is a good
question to ask. Council’s strategy for the land east of
Perry Rd is to convert the current rural use to industrial
use. Industrial use, with the high degree of impermeable
services, has faster runoff than if the land was still rural.
To manage this, we plan for a pipe systems that is
designed to take a 1:20 average recurrence interval
(ARI) rain event. We also look at onsite retardation,
generally through tanks. We also allow for overland
flows by designing the road system to carry up to 1:100
average recurrence interval rain event (one of our key
community education challenges is to sell the message
that water on the road doesn’t mean that the drainage
system is failing).
Ultimately we want all this water to get into the
waterways and the bay. To do this, the Melbourne
Water drainage scheme proposes a piped solution that
can take the 1: 20 ARI flows to the drain adjacent to
Pillars Road, then ultimately the Mordialloc Creek. This
scheme also allows for overland flows along water
courses and for wetlands to store, treat and retard some
of the flows. I also understand that Melbourne Water is
considering removing the levee bank on the northern
side of the drain that leads to Mordialloc Creek. The
southern levee, which lies adjacent to Pillars Road
would remain.
Has there been any consultation with landowners
downstream as to the impact of the proposed
We’ve discussed this matter with Melbourne Water.
They advise
we do generally go through a public consultation
process for new drainage schemes.
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For Perry Road for example, we would have
informed all landowners within the scheme and
all landowners affected by assets.
Melbourne Water do acknowledge that there has been
debate about the thoroughness and timing of specific
aspects of the consultation.
Detailed planning schemes are designed by Melbourne
Water in conjunction with the developers and /or
Council. Parties directly affected by the schemes are
consulted by Melbourne Water and/or developer (e.g.
Hagen Park). That is, if any part of their land(s) is
affected by easements, overland flows or required
easements, these land owners are consulted. In the
case of Stage 3 of Keysborough Industrial development,
the initial wetlands that receives the stage 3 stormwater
are located within Melbourne Water land. Further
stages of the wetlands will be located within private
properties (vicinity of Bowman lane) will involve
consultation with the affected landowner.
It is worth noting that in recent years Council has been
successful in facilitating discussions between
landowners and Melbourne Water over the maintenance
and management of the existing infrastructure south of
Keys Road.
What is the process for approving such works?
Approval processes vary depending on the nature of the
work and the who is undertaking it. For works delivered
by private developers on behalf of Melbourne Water or
Council, the approval process may include planning
permits and Council’s civil works permits. This also
includes associated works (e.g. the removal of the trees
along Perry Road). Melbourne Water and Councils can
also carry out works themselves, and subject to the
planning scheme with or without planning or other
permits. Ultimately though, all work even that under a
planning permit must accord with the approved
Melbourne Water drainage scheme and be designed to
their specifications and signed off by them.
What arrangements/agreements have been made for
the two retarding basins shown on privately-owned
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Summary of Response
Melbourne Water’s advise would indicate that they will
consult with the land owner, but our understanding is
that no arrangement and agreements have been put in
place as yet. As per the previous correspondence
between you and I, Melbourne Water is prepared to talk
directly to residents and I have passed on the name of a
contact for you to pass on to the concerned residents.
What is the publicconsultation process before
construction starts, if any?
See above
How can the proposed works proceed when there is
legal action by Hagen Park against Melbourne Water
for the proposal to channel drainage through its
This is a matter for Melbourne Water. Council
understand that there are drainage easements across
the Hagen Park land. Notwithstanding this, the Minister
also has the power to declare any area of land along
which water flows (whether continuously, intermittently
or occasionally) or any designated works referred to in
section 188(1) to be a drainage course. This then
creates other rights for Melbourne Water.
Has Melbourne Water and the Council considered a
comprehensive self funded drainage scheme for the
land south of Hutton Road?
Melbourne Water have a drainage scheme in place for
this area (Perry Road DS 1140). This is funded at least
partially by developer contributions.
Why not integrate the need for additional drainage
solutions into the review of management of the
current Green wedge land with particular attention
to the land south of Hutton Road?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Cr Youhorn
Cr Youhorn
Summary of Question
Late last year I raised the issue of the
Youth Holiday program as at the time there
were no events in the Springvale –
Springvale South end of the municipality.
Since then Council has been running
events in Springvale. Even though it is not
yet happening in Springvale South it is
good to see the events happening at that
end of the municipality. I think there is still
work to do on accessibility. It is my
understanding that in order for a child as
young as 12 years old who lives near IKEA
in Springvale to book an event or a bus,
they must attend the YStop office at
Dandenong in person. With our current
state of technology we could have online
bookings, mail bookings through the post or
credit card payments authorised by parents
and posted to Council. I do not see why
kids as young as 12 years old have to show
up in person at YStop in Dandenong to
book an event happening in Springvale.
Can Council do something about the CCTV
at the car park at Number 8 Balmoral
Avenue, Springvale for the safety of the
ticket machines to prevent them from being
stolen again?
At the last Council meeting I asked about
the ticket machine at the carpark at No.8
Balmoral Avenue, Springvale. At the
moment we are having some problems
because a number of drivers leaving level
one car park, still drive to where the old
ticket machine used to be. When they get
there, they realise they need to drive to the
Date of
Summary of Response
Drainage and flood risks are key considerations in the
green wedge review. All options will be considered.
This could include advocacy for changing the existing
drainage development services scheme (given that
these need to be reviewed on a 5 yearly basis or for
creation of a new one on the adjacent land (refer to the
map link above)
Youth Services conduct holiday programs for young
people in the school holidays and Councillors asked if
access to the programs can be enhanced through online
bookings and payment or bookings from diverse
locations such as Customer Service centres or similar.
They have also asked if travel by the Council bus can be
streamlined to facilitate access and overcome any public
transport limitations for certain events. The response in
summary indicates that all these suggestions are
excellent and aimed at enhance increased participation
and will be investigated for implementation.
Additional security staff have been employed to survey
the carpark at random times throughout the working
The ticketing machine that was located at the Balmoral
Street entrance to number 8 was stolen earlier this year.
The machine was later found by the Police at Moorabbin
but its internal operating system was completely gutted
and damaged beyond repair so the machine must be
A replacement machine has been ordered however
there is a 8-10 week delivery time. In the meantime,
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Cr Sean O’Reilly
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Maria
Cr Maria
Summary of Question
entrance of the Multicultural Place to pay
for a ticket. I would like to know how quickly
can Council bring in another ticket machine
for the entrance of the car park?
I have been contacted by a group of
disabled residents who live at Auda House
on Springvale Road, Springvale South who
are concerned about the increased risk with
traffic on Springvale Road. They are
requesting Council to advocate to VicRoads
for a separate pedestrian crossing to be
installed as close as possible to near where
they are which is also near Hoa Nghiem
Temple. What is Council’s initial view and
how Council can advocate for these
Now the Coomoora Primary School children
have moved to the Coomoora Secondary
College is there or should there be a school
crossing supervisor there considering that it
is likely that there was one at the Coomoora
Primary School?
I have heard that the Polish Senior Citizens
Community Centre in Rowville is in the
process of being sold. Council currently
provided a bus service to take the polish
community to the centre over there and if it
gets sold, what would happen to them down
the track? Where would they meet and how
would that effect the bus service that we
Last year I reported to Council that there is
no footpath for someone in a wheelchair to
access a shopping centre on Princes
Highway opposite the RACV building.
There are no ramps and you have to
manoeuvre yourself behind moving cars. I
know it is private property but I have been
contacted by a few elderly people that are
in wheelchairs who would like to access the
shopping centre safely. Can someone
please look at that?
Date of
Summary of Response
Council is arranging for one of the ticket machines at the
Multicultural Place entrance to be moved to the Balmoral
Street entrance and hope this work will be undertaken in
the next two weeks (subject to availability of contractor).
Letters have been sent to VicRoads and the Hon. Terry
Mulder, Minister for Roads.
Last year when the Primary School on Coomoora Road
was re-located, the existing crossing was removed and a
new one was constructed adjacent to the new facility.
The crossing supervisor was also re-located to the new
The advice Council has received is that the Polish
Senior Citizens Club premises are not for sale or closing
down. Based on this advice there is no need to consider
any community transport changes.
The shopping centre ramp complies with the standards
that applied at the time of construction. The current
access to premise standard would require access from
the street and be equitable, it is unlikely that the ramp
would meet today’s standards. As the land is privately
owned, Council has neither a role nor legislative power
to act or intervene on this matter. Complaints regarding
access to an existing building must be made by the
aggrieved person to the Human Rights Commission but
only after an approach has been made by the aggrieved
person to the owners of the building to address the
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Summary of Response
Cr Maria
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Cr Maria
Cr Matthew
I have a letter here from an elderly resident
who is disabled and on a scooter and tries
to access a shop in Vanity Arcade and
apparently it can’t be accessed. There are
stairs going into the shops from Thomas
Street and this resident has written me a
letter asking if Council could put in a ramp
at either end to make it disability friendly?
In relation to the Liberty swing at Hemmings
Park, I understand from previous questions
that users need to borrow a key in advance
to use the swing from Council offices during
the week. Is that correct? How many times
is the key borrowed per year? Is the fact
that users need to borrow a key in advance
affecting usage of the swing? Do other
Councils encounter this issue and if so what
approach do they take to make it easy for
the key to be borrowed?
Can Council consider some shade
structures for the Hemmings Park
Were Council’s Disability Officers consulted
when the footpath at Racecourse
Road/Princes Highway was built?
As the land is privately owned, Council has neither a role
nor legislative power to act on this matter. Complaints
regarding access to an existing building must be made
by the aggrieved person to the Human Rights
Commission but only after an approach has been made
by the aggrieved person to the owners of the building to
address the concerns.
The key is available at Council Customer Service
Centres and information is posted on the Council
website and through brochures regarding access to the
Swing. An additional key will be available at the
Dandenong Library for access after Customer Service
This will be included as part of next year’s budget
There are a variety of officers in Council who have
specific roles in relation to disability services, usually in
the areas of program development, information
collection, strategic planning and education and
awareness. These officers wouldn’t be usually consulted
on specific projects such as a footpath extension or
others like this. Also Council has a “whole of Council and
whole of community” approach to accessibility issues
and as such all Council staff have a responsibility for
implementation of Council’s Disability Policy.
Approx 2-3 years ago, Economic Development
undertook some minor upgrade works at the Noble Park
Shopping Strip. Council consulted with various people
about the changes prior to implementing them. The main
works focused on improving the landscaping at the
corner of Douglas St and Heatherton Rd, including path
I have been asked by Noble Park residents
where the community board previously
located at the corner of Mons Parade and
Heatherton Road, Noble Park has gone and
whether it will be reinstalled in another
location in Noble Park and if so, when?
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Date of
Cr Roz Blades
I have received a number of complaints
about traffic noise around the area of Koval
Court and Coomoora Road, Springvale
South. Can we convey this issue to
Cr Roz Blades
Cr John Kelly
I purchased a plastic bag overseas which
was made entirely from recyclable
materials, in particular plastic bottles. I am
wondering if as part of our waste
management program we could get some
of these made? We could maybe have
some of them at Dandenong Market for
people to take away.
Cr Kirwan mentioned the intersection of
Foster Street and the Princes Highway. I
have mentioned to Kevin Van Boxtel,
Manager Revitalising Central Dandenong
numerous times that those who traverse
east across Foster Street and the number
of people doing u-turns outside the court is
quite incredible. There was a large accident
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
way and garden bed improvements, tree planting and
the removal of the community sign which was well past
its used by date and out of date. There was no firm
commitment at the time to reinstate the sign, however
we can have a look at signage as part of the upcoming
financial years Douglas Street upgrade program.
Council officers wrote to VicRoads in June 2013.
VicRoads has conducted post opening noise monitoring
in June 2013. The results have shown that all properties
tested were below the prescribed maximum average
outlined in the VicRoads Traffic Noise Reduction Policy.
VicRoads has undertaken additional noise
measurements for some of the residents who had raised
concerns at Pont Court, Dryandra Crescent and Fenton
Court, and the readings at these properties were found
to be below the maximum decibel levels. VicRoads has
contacted all residents where readings were taken, and
informed them of the noise monitoring readings. All
results were below the prescribed maximum average.
Three residents from Chapel Road and Sunnyvale
Crescent were identified as requiring some form of noise
treatments. The process has commenced for these
properties. Council officers have followed up again in
August to make sure that those areas around Koval
Court and Coomoora Road have been appropriately
Media and Communications has approached some bag
suppliers for information and quotes on producing similar
bags, but at this stage has not been able to source an
identically manufactured bag.
Council officers referred these matters to VicRoads
seeking a review of the peak period right hand turn
bans. VicRoads have recently contacted the Victoria
Police requesting assistance in respect to enforcement
of illegal manoeuvres at this intersection. Places
Victoria are about to commence works involving
changes to the roadway along Lonsdale Street between
Foster Street and Webster Street, including the
159 / 174
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Asked By
Summary of Question
Date of
at the intersection probably a month ago so
I think VicRoads certainly need to have a
serious look. Obviously residents are
Cr John Kelly
Cr Jim Memeti
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
While we are looking at the main street in
Dandenong, I wonder if we can look at the
light system there too. In the last week I
have seen the lights on at 4.30-5pm, not
just the main coloured lights but the side
lights as well. Can that be looked at
Do we know how long it will take to build
the kindergarten at Dandenong South
Primary School?
When I was at the Cyrene Centre
fundraiser on Saturday, I learnt that the
Centre had initially been set up with
significant Council involvement and funding
but at some stage in the mid 2000s Council
had decided to discontinue this funding.
What were the reasons for that?
I was talking with traders in Noble Park on
Saturday and they asked why the kerb at
the south-east corner of the Douglas Street
and Buckley Street intersection could not
be brought in so that the traffic island be
moved closer to that corner so that it would
be easier to make a right hand turn from
Buckley Street into Douglas Street.
What discussions have there been with
VicRoads regarding re-allowing right-hand
turns from Foster Street into Lonsdale
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
intersections. The works are expected to be completed
by the end of 2013. Upon completion of these works it is
recommended that Council in consultation with
VicRoads and the Victoria Police undertake a full review
of traffic operations along Lonsdale Street to ascertain
what further improvements can be made to the road
network to improve the level of accessibility and safety
for motorists and to improve the economic vitality of the
This was due to a faulty timer which has now been
replaced. Lights working normally now.
The building works will be completed in September 2013
and landscaping works will be completed in November
The Cyrene Centre received grant funding from Council
for specific support services in the drug and alcohol
support area between 2004–2007. The need for the
extent of funding was reviewed and other priorities for
grant funding have been considered since this time. The
Cyrene Centre has continued to seek grant funding for
projects and where eligible these have been considered
by Council. The Cyrene Centre, in conjunction with
other community groups and agencies are able to apply
for community support grants and be considered for
Council’s Traffic Engineering department contacted shop
owners to discuss further and provide an update.
Council officers referred these matters to VicRoads
seeking a review of the peak period right hand turn
bans. VicRoads have recently contacted the Victoria
160 / 174
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Asked By
Summary of Question
Date of
Street during peak times? In my opinion
and in the opinion of residents who have
contacted me in the last couple of months
and it is a constant thing that people talk to
me about, it is an accident waiting to
happen. People get into the turning lane
then realise they cannot make
a right hand turn and either try and get back
into the lane going straight up Foster Street
or illegally make a right hand turn anyway.
Just a follow up on that then, did VicRoads
acknowledge whether it is unsafe or not?
Cr Peter Brown
I attended the Noble Park RSL march along
with Cr Tak and whilst waiting for the
ceremony to commence I noticed the pine
tree on the corner of Mons Parade and
Heatherton Road. I suggested to the
chairman of the RSL that in my view it
might be a good idea if the Council in
conjunction with the Noble Park RSL to
harvest the pine cones (which are now
being formed) for the 100 commemoration
of ANZAC next year. The tree on the corner
of Mons Parade and Heatherton Road
comes from the seeds of the Lone Pines of
Gallipoli. I am happy to support the Noble
Park RSL to provide funding either for our
parks and gardens to harvest and cultivate
the seeds or for it to be outsourced and I
would encourage other Councillors to speak
to Bruce Rendall, Director Engineering
Services about this idea. I think it is
important that the pine cones be harvested
immediately otherwise we will lose them for
a season. For the purpose of next year’s
ANZAC anniversary celebrations the City of
Greater Dandenong and the Noble Park
RSL will actually be able to provide
specimens or cultivated pine trees from the
original Lone Pines of Gallipoli.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Police requesting assistance in respect to enforcement
of illegal manoeuvres at this intersection. Places
Victoria are about to commence works involving
changes to the roadway along Lonsdale Street between
Foster Street and Webster Street, including the
intersections. The works are expected to be completed
by the end of 2013. Upon completion of these works it is
recommended that Council in consultation with
VicRoads and the Victoria Police undertake a full review
of traffic operations along Lonsdale Street to ascertain
what further improvements can be made to the road
network to improve the level of accessibility and safety
for motorists and to improve the economic vitality of the
Council officers have collected the pine cones from the
site for harvesting.
161 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Loi Truong
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Cr Peter Brown
Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
I have driven past Heatherhill Primary
School many times and I found that when
the cars keep flashing their lights it diverts
one’s attention to one side of the road
making it more difficult to notice the warning
sign. I do not think the sign complies with
engineering standards. There is one
warning sign and it is placed in an
extremely high position so it is not in
anyone’s line of vision as one approaches
Heatherhill Primary School. If people are
being distracted they have one chance to
see the sign and because the sign is very
highly positioned there is a good possibility
of missing it. I would like to ask Bruce
Rendall, Director Engineering Services for
his department to check whether or not the
single sign satisfies the required standards
for signs and whether a second sign is
needed to provide adequate warning to
approaching the school.
I am concerned about the old building
opposite the Springvale railway station
which may have been an old factory. I think
Council should arrange for it to be
inspected to make sure it is safe. Should
Council provide maintenance or should it be
The traffic engineers have inspected the Heatherhill
Primary School speed zone signage on Heatherton
Road. A 40 km/h advanced warning sign is missing from
the eastbound direction. Once this sign is installed, it
will comply with signage guidelines detailed in the
VicRoads Traffic Engineering Manual. In the westbound
direction the signage complies with the guidelines.
However, the engineers indicate that the times of
operation on a 40 km/h repeater sign may be difficult for
drivers travelling westbound to see. This could be
improved by adjusting the angle of the sign. However
the sign is the approved standard sign and the operating
times are consistent across all school speed zones
(8.00am to 9.30am, and from 2.30pm to 4.00 pm on
school days).
The flashing electronic variable speed limit signs
provided were visible and meet standards. Council’s
Traffic Engineers will contact VicRoads to inform them of
the missing sign, requesting that it be installed.
Council manages the kindergarten booking
service which I understand tries to manage
supply as best as possible. With many
families in our municipality that need or at
least want both parents to be income
earners the wait for suitably located
kindergartens can sometimes impact many
families’ lives. This is critical because it
affects who is going to look after the young
A basic visual check on 26 April 2013 by public health
officers, showed that the structure poses no apparent
risk to employees of the air conditioning business below
(all access to tower blocked and locked) or to people
external to the building.
The owners of the building have certain hazard
reduction obligations. Council officers have requested
confirmation from the owner that such work is being
regularly completed and that Council be informed of the
owner’s intentions for managing the structure/asbestos
cladding into the future.
Council’s Central Enrolment Kindergarten Officer is in
regular contact with families on the waiting list to offer
alternative kindergarten services that they could access
however, in most instances families prefer to wait for a
place at their first preference which is in close proximity
to the family home or work place. First round offers for
kindergarten places are posted out in August 2013 in the
preceding year of attending kindergarten. Families are
welcome and encouraged to call the Central Enrolment
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Summary of Question
Date of
children and it impacts on people’s lives
deeply. What further information could the
Council booking service provide to parents
who are waiting for a place? How can the
parents be better informed on where they
are in the queue and what their estimated
wait will be? Reporting total waiting list
numbers at each kindergarten will increase
transparency and draws public attention to
the issue. If the public views the waiting list
or the quantum for the number of kids that
are on the waiting list, I think we will be
better off as far as transparency and
making public awareness of the issue goes.
Can Council publicly report waiting list
Cr Matthew
Cr Maria
2014 marks the 20 anniversary of the
formation of the municipality of Greater
Dandenong. Is there anything planned to
mark the occasion? One idea would be a
municipal history. To my knowledge the last
municipal history commissioned by the
former City of Springvale was published in
1984 and the last municipal history
commissioned by the former City of
Dandenong was published further back in
1973. There has been significant growth
and change in our communities since then.
Could this idea be considered?
Can I have a meeting with John Bennie,
Chief Executive Officer and Bruce Rendall,
Director Engineering Services at the site of
the footpath connecting Ambrie Crescent to
Sandown Park Hotel in Noble Park so they
can see for themselves the struggles that
are going to be anticipated by the elderly in
the community?
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Kindergarten Officer at anytime during business hours to
find out their position and placement on the list of their
preferred kindergarten. Each kindergarten service has a
licensed capacity for occupancy; most families on the
waiting list will be offered a place by the end of second
term however, the municipality does have a transient
population and this figure can change throughout the
kindergarten year.
Council’s central enrolment kindergarten scheme
currently has a waiting list of 45 children however, it
should be noted that there are 25 places available
across the City for residents to access in the municipality
if they choose to.Council regularly distributes media
releases and responds to media enquiries on
kindergarten enrolment. Public reporting of the waiting
list would have limited value on this basis. The most
important focus for families is the prospect of gaining the
first choice of location for kindergarten and this is
achieved through direct contact with the Central
Enrolment Officer.
The response at the Council meeting of 8 April 2013
indicated that Council would examine ways in which the
20 years since formation could be promoted. In saying
this 20 years is not generally regarded as a ‘milestone’
compared with 25 or 50 years. While no consideration
has been given to celebrating a “20 year milestone”
there are ways in which this could be acknowledged
such as promoting the documented histories of the
former City of Springvale and Greater Dandenong.
There may be other ways to promote the formation of
Greater Dandenong Council and these can be
Matter referred to Councillor Briefing Session.
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Asked By
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Cr Maria
Cr Youhorn
Summary of Question
There was an article in the Star newspaper
last week in relation to the Lim Pharmacy in
Springvale who this year received two
awards at the Australian Pharmacy
Professional conference held in
Queensland. They received the Pharmacy
of the Year award and also the Community
Engagement category in the National
Quality Care Pharmacy Program awards.
Perhaps, one day we could invite Mr Lim
and his wife to have dinner with us to
recognise his contributions.
In relation to the community services listing
that Council has, it has been brought to my
attention that it is a bit hard to find. At first, I
thought there was no comprehensive listing
of our community groups but have since
been informed that there is. What can
Council do to improve accessibility of our
community services listing? Does Council
see the benefit in overseeing the accuracy
and timeliness of this information? Does
Council agree that we should change this
URL for the community services listing and
not just refer to only Dandenong or Dandy
when referring to the whole of Council?
The Domestic Animals and Management
Plan is currently out for submissions. I
would like to know if it is normally
advertised in the newspaper so people
would know. It would have been good to
notify the people for the registration of their
animals. How can we notify people in the
future because it is not advertised even in
The City magazine that there is going to be
changes to the Domestic Animal
Management Plan?
Date of
Summary of Response
Mr and Mrs Lim will attend the Council dinner on
Monday 13 May 2013.
There is a community directory on the Council website
with a large number of agencies listed. The list was
checked in 2011 as a one off process when the directory
was updated to be placed on the website. Groups or
agencies maintain their own information and a process
is being developed to encourage new groups to utilise
the directory.
Councillors were provided with advice in February 2013
on the status of the Domestic Animal Plan review.
Included in that advice was detail on the public
consultation activities which included:
• Article on p7 of March edition of the The City;
• Public notices in all local papers, in the week
commencing 4 March 2013;
• Advertising on Council website, with copies of plan
made available at libraries or via download;
• Direct mailing of draft plan to key stakeholders such
as domestic animal businesses, vets, animal welfare
agencies etc.
Submissions have been received. A further briefing to
Councillors will take place in May 2013.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
164 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Peter Brown
Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Regarding the recently constructed and
completed apartment blocks in Peppertree
Court, Keysborough South which are now
up for sale. There is a central access road
to both of the apartment blocks, one block
facing Chapel Road the other one facing
Peppertree Court. It is very difficult to gain
access into the apartment block, one has to
go around the corner, up the hill and around
the Peppertree Court. There is sufficient
room for only one car to go one way at a
time so there is no room for passing. With
respect to the garages, most of the garages
could only accommodate from my
calculations a small 4 cylinder car like a
mini minor. Can one of our Building
Compliance officers go to inspect the
property to ensure the building plans have
been complied with?
Can young people from Noble Park,
Springvale South and all of the other
suburbs gain access to the Dandenong
Oasis Holiday Program? We have
discussed this matter previously. I hope we
can maybe organise some shuttle buses so
that it becomes inclusive and everyone is
Council’s building department has investigated the
matter and the building plans have been complied with.
I would like to raise the issue of disabled
carparking. I have been approached by a
number of residents on the weekend
advising that the disabled car parking in
Noble Park needs to be policed. People are
parking in the disabled carpark without
The Greater Dandenong Youth Services, Autumn Action
Holiday Program has commenced this week with a
number of activities on offer. Autumn Action Holiday
Program encompasses over 17 structured activities, a
number of events and ongoing youth services programs.
Out of the 17 structured activities occurring over the two
weeks, ten of these offer transportation to and from the
activity. Pickup and drop off points include YStop in
Dandenong, NPAC in Noble Park and Springvale
Council Offices. Transportation availability has been
widely promoted as part of the Holiday Program
promotion. Currently the most popular transportation
points are YStop Dandenong, followed by NPAC Noble
Park. There are various holiday activities promoted in
the City by groups such as Belgravia Leisure (Oasis)
and Council does not provide transport to non Council
run activities such as these.
Officers have been instructed to increase patrols of
disabled access spaces at both Parkmore Shopping
Centre and the Noble Park Activity Centre.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Cr John Kelly
Cr Matthew
Cr Maria
Cr Maria
Summary of Question
disabled stickers. I have also received the
same complaint in
relation to the Parkmore Shopping Centre
in Keysborough where the Council has a
negotiated contract to regulate parking. A
lot of people have been complaining and I
feel it is time that we had a car parking blitz.
Can we look at that please and refer this
issue to Regulatory Services?
Can a letter be written from the Mayor to
the City of Bendigo in regards to their
national women’s basketball side winning
the grand final on the weekend?
As part of the development of the new
Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Strategy,
the Minister for Planning has released a
discussion paper titled "Melbourne - Let’s
Talk About the Future". I understand that
due to time constraints the Council will not
be doing a community consultation as part
of formulating its submission however, via
its websites, social media or other means
will it be informing the residents of Greater
Dandenong that they can make a
submission of their own, how they can do
that and that the deadline is 28 March
It has been reported in today’s Journal
Newspaper that the rent per square meter
at the Dandenong Market is higher than
Queen Victoria Market and Chadstone
Shopping Centre. Can we have a report to
Council on how we compare and whether
the rent being charged at Dandenong
Market per square meter is more expensive
than others that have been quoted in the
Can we look at some sort of traffic
management regarding the way that cars
are parked in Dunearn Road, Dandenong
North? Could we look at possibly right
angle parking or have it assessed and see
Date of
Summary of Response
Letter of congratulations sent 20 March 2013.
Information relating to the Melbourne Metropolitan
Planning Strategy, including a link to make submissions,
are available on Council’s website.
Benchmark data has been compiled by Savills that
indicates that market rental levied at the Dandenong
Market are comparable to other major Melbourne
markets and certainly nowhere near shopping centre
rental levels. The most obvious difference at
Dandenong Market is the shortage of trading days with
the current three days below all other Markets. This will
be addressed in the upcoming Market Strategic Plan.
Council has investigated the angled parking along
Dunearn Road, adjacent to the local shops. The
preferred option is to convert the parking to 90° bays.
Councils Transport Engineers will be liaising with the
traders and residents in the coming weeks to obtain
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
if we can help some of the issues that are
happening there?
Cr Maria
How frequent are the bins emptied, the
roads swept and the weeds trimmed which
are growing in the concrete next to the shop
fronts in Dunearn Road, Dandenong North?
Cr Roz Blades
I was at the Haldane Street, Keysborough
playground recently and noticed that the
equipment there is looking very old and
worn. Given there aren’t a lot of nice
playgrounds in that area can Council could
do an evaluation to see what is needed
there? I am specifically referring to the state
of the playground equipment which I am not
sure is safe because it is very old. Could
Council have a look at that?
Cr Sean O’Reilly
It has been reported to me that a child ran
from the playground on the corner or
Memorial Drive and Corrigan Road, Noble
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
there feedback on the proposal. If Council receives no
strong objections to the proposal, works will be
scheduled to alter the line marking to 90° bays, which
would likely be completed in May.
The maintenance frequencies for the Dunearn Road
shopping strip are as follows:
• Residential road sweeping (kerb and channel) –
residential roads are swept once a month.
• Public litter bin emptying – the bins are emptied
three days per week on a Monday, Wednesday and
• Footpath and car parking bay sweeping – the car
parking bays and the shopping strip footpath is
swept three days per week on a Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
• Kerb and channel weed spraying – this is part of the
residential road sweeping program and is done once
a month.
• Hard stand (footpath) weed spraying – this is
performed once every four months.
Should additional cleaning outside of the above times be
required, they are carried out on an as needs basis.
Council officers that visit the site for public litter bin
emptying duties monitor the cleanliness of the site and
advise the team leader should any additional action be
The playground was inspected on 13 March 2013. The
playground is classed as a local playground according to
Council’s Playground Strategy, so is inspected monthly.
The previous inspection was conducted on the 8
February 2013. Additionally, all of Council’s playgrounds
are inspected every six months by an independent
playgrounds assessor. The last independent inspection
was undertaken on the 13 February 2013. On the 13
March 2013, a few maintenance items were reported,
however no serious hazards were identified. These
maintenance items have either been completed or
scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2013.
167 / 174
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Asked By
Cr John Kelly
Cr Youhorn
Cr Sean O’Reilly
Summary of Question
Park onto Corrigan Road last week and
luckily an oncoming car stopped in time.
The child was supervised by an expectant
mother with at least one other child. This
playground is approximately 50 meters from
the busy Corrigan Road and it has no
fence. How does Council assess the need
for fencing around public playgrounds,
particularly those near busy roads?
How did the E-Waste Collection go which
Council undertook over the weekend in
conjunction with Techcollect?
The No.8 Balmoral Avenue carpark is
always full on the fourth and fifth levels
every Saturday and Sunday. I would like to
suggest putting ‘No Parking’ signs on the
third level in about 10 carpark spaces. I
think perhaps we should have the carparks
for the residents on Levels 1 & 2 and not for
Level 3.
I have been liaising with Bruce Rendall,
Director Engineering Services about
cleanliness issues in Greater Dandenong
and I appreciate his interest and support on
this topic. It appears that in Springvale
and Springvale South there is a higher
number of incidents where cigarette butts
have being thrown on the ground than other
parts of Greater Dandenong as well as
other Councils. If people do not get the
message that cigarette butts should be
thrown in the rubbish bins, what we can do
to try and limit that is introduce smoke free
zones similar to those introduced by the
City of Frankston. What would be the
impact of introducing smoke free zones in
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Council had disappointing numbers attend the E-waste
collection event held at Greaves Reserve Friday 22,
Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 February despite two weeks
of advertising in local papers, on Council’s website and
via emails to interested groups. We also joined in a
promotion in the Sunday Herald-Sun’s TV Guide. The
second collection on Friday 22, Saturday 23 & Sunday
24 March was promoted in the March edition of The City
to increase awareness.
The areas of parking set aside for the residents have
resulted from the town planning permit associated with
the development. Large scale changes to the parking
configurations and setup at “number 8” are scheduled to
occur in 2014 subject to the outcomes of the traffic and
parking study currently being undertaken by Engineering
This matter will be addressed as part of a cleanliness
presentation to Council.
168 / 174
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Asked By
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Roz Blades
Summary of Question
selected areas within the City of Greater
Dandenong especially in Springvale and
Springvale South?
The Buddhist community in Greens Road,
Dandenong have asked me today to pass
on their concerns about the lack of public
transport. According to the members of the
Buddhist community the situation is getting
A number of people attended the Ross
Reserve Urban Park Development Plan
meeting. Many of the people who I spoke to
were very happy with the event. There were
suggestions made that events of this kind
can be shown on Facebook especially now
as we are moving more into social media. It
would also be good if we could receive
some sort of responses via Facebook.
Residents have advised me that on
Thursdays to Sundays, there have been
speeding by hoons outside the Eleanor
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
Council has over the last decade prepared several
strategy documents covering public transport within the
City. Key public transport priorities for the City of
Greater Dandenong are developed from the Public
Transport Plan 2000-2020 and the 2005 Integrated
Transport Strategy. As a result, Council staff and
Councillors have been advocating for improvements
whenever opportunity has arisen as well as through
several regional committees:
Eastern Transport Coalition – A regional group with
representatives from a number of councils which
focuses on public transport and seeks state and federal
government funding South Eastern Metropolitan
Integrated Transport Group – A group which provides
advice on integrated transport to the South East Metro
CEOs group. Council is represented on both of these
committees and also regularly provides submissions to
State and Federal Government on their strategies and
discussion papers.
Beyond the aforementioned channels for advocacy,
Council unfortunately has limited opportunity to directly
deliver public transport services. Council relies strongly
on these partnerships as well as effective lobby from the
community to the State’s Public Transport Victoria (PTV)
department who does have direct responsibility for the
planning, provision and administration of bus services.
The Ross Reserve Urban Masterplan redevelopment
project was posted on Facebook seeking feedback from
the community on 21 February 2013.
This section of Princes Highway (Elonera Road towards
Dandenong) has a history of issues regarding hoon
activity at nights. The police are aware of this issue and
169 / 174
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Asked By
Summary of Question
Date of
Avenue, Noble Park area of the Princes
Highway from 11.00am to 5.00pm. Can we
liaise as soon as possible with the relevant
traffic officers and should there be a speed
camera? Is that something that we could
actually consider?
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Youhorn
Cr Heang Tak
I thought that after a recommendation has
been moved and seconded, questions and
opposition called for and then carried, that
any Councillor can actually speak? I am not
sure if that is correct but I seem to
remember that it has been done before.
Can a survey be conducted around the
Number 8 Balmoral Avenue carpark in
Springvale to find out what percentage of
people who live in Greater Dandenong
actually use the shopping centre and what
they like and dislike?
I have been contacted by a Springvale
South resident who received a parking
ticket from one of Councils parking ticket
inspectors for stopping in a no standing
zone in Buckingham Avenue, Springvale. Is
there something that we can do to reinforce
Summary of Response
have advised that they periodically blitz the area, which
results in the problem clearing for a while. This claim is
supported by residents who have identified similar
patterns of policing in the area.
The Police will continue to conduct periodic enforcement
in the area and have requested that residents assist by
contacting Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report
hoon drivers and provide as much detail as possible, i.e.
specific times and routes the hoons may be using. This
helps the police to focus their enforcement activities with
the limited resources available.
With regard to the suggestion for a speed camera at this
location, a fixed Speed - Red Light (SRL) camera
currently exists at this intersection for Dandenong bound
traffic. Speed and Red Light cameras are the
responsibility of Victoria Police, and locations are
selected by a committee with representatives from
Victoria Police, VicRoads and the Department of Justice.
Should Council want to request additional camera sites,
submissions would need to be provided for
consideration by the committee. Given that there is an
existing SRL camera at this intersection, it is unlikely
that any additional camera infrastructure would be
The Meeting Procedure Local Law allows the mover to
speak after a Motion has been carried without
opposition. Other Councillors make speak at the
discretion of the Mayor.
A review of traffic and parking in the Springvale area
(Springvale Road) and environs is currently being
undertaken and Ward Councillors have been involved in
An article has been prepared for April edition Council’s
community publication - The City.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Date of
Summary of Response
Can the Mayor write a letter to the South
Asian Business Association (SABA)
congratulating them on their efforts and
success of the 21 Springvale Lunar New
Year event?
We recently received advice from our
solicitors in relation to a Notice of Motion
that I put up about Smart Meters and I was
hoping that the content of the solicitors
opinion to Council could be made public?
Can Council look into offering some sort of
assistance or liaison body with some of the
public welfare organisations to assist the
people in the Returned Services League
(RSL) units who will be without a home
when the building is demolished?
Is there any chance of getting some bus
shelters or seats installed in Loch Road,
Dandenong North because during
inclement weather the residents are getting
Letter of appreciation sent on 18 March 2013.
A summary of the advice received was included in a
report that was formally considered by Council at its
Ordinary meeting on 25 February 2013.
The Returned Services League (RSL) will be advised to
contact WAYSS Ltd which is housing support agency
operating in the City and across the South East region.
WAYSS Ltd will be able to assist if any occupants
require housing support.
A resident contacted me regarding a
complaint they had tried to make to Council.
When they attempted to contact the Council
office on the weekend by phone, it just cut
Council is not the provider of bus shelters. Bus shelters
within Council are provided as part of an agreement with
a bus shelter provider such as Adshel or Public
Transport Victoria. As part of the agreement the bus
shelter provider is permitted to construct and advertise
on shelters within the city. In return Council is also
provided with a number of non advertising shelters and
ongoing maintenance of these shelters. Council’s most
recent agreement for bus shelters was with Adshel and
included the installation of 75 advertising and 75 nonadvertising shelters across the municipality. These
shelters have all been installed and Council is currently
seeking to negotiate a new agreement for future bus
shelter installations. Until an agreement with a provider
is confirmed, Council’s transport engineers have
developed a list of priority bus shelters for
implementation once an agreement is made. Provision
of a shelter on Loch Road has been added to this list.
There was a delay between the diversion to the afterhours service and being connected to an officer. This
was estimated to be approximately 25 seconds with no
music or announcements. The issue was raised with
Summary of Question
in the community that no standing means
no standing?
Cr Roz Blades
Cr Peter Brown
Cr Peter Brown
Cr Maria
Cr Maria
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Date of
Asked By
Summary of Question
Date of
out and no one responded to them. Can we
check to see whether our after hour’s
phones are working properly?
Cr John Kelly
Cr Matthew
Cr Matthew
I have received a letter tonight from Council
regarding winter season sports ground and
pavilion allocations. The catch to this letter
is where it talks about clubs only being
allocated the use of the pavilion for training
and match days. Can I have an explanation
Owners of small businesses in the Cleeland
Street, Dandenong shopping strip have for
a number of years had the parking spaces
outside their shops filled up by worshippers
at the Emir Sultan Mosque in Hopkins
Street, Dandenong particularly but not
exclusively at Friday prayer time. They
have discussed this on a number of
occasions that this is causing them loss in
business. Once the expanded
mosque is completed they fear that this
problem will be worse. Can Council please
advise whether this has been investigated,
what has been the outcome of this
investigation and what measures have
been taken to address this?
What is the current status of each of the
objectives in the Greater Dandenong
Neighbourhood Houses and Community
Centres Future Directions Plan 2010-2015?
Summary of Response
our supplier who has since confirmed that it was a
problem at their end and not due to Council’s systems.
Council has tested the service and can confirm that it
has been rectified.”
Clubs can use the facilities outside of scheduled match
and training usage, e.g. for end of season events or
activities and allowance is made for this in the
management of the seasonal tenancy arrangements.
Clubs are required to advise these times with
Community Facilities, Sport and Recreation.
A request for additional enforcement in the area has
been forwarded to Councils Parking Management
Coordinator. Additionally, a letter has been sent to the
shop owners/occupiers to inform them that increased
enforcement will be occurring and should result in
greater compliance.
Council adopted a Neighbourhood House and
Community Centres Future Directions Plan (2010-2015)
in 2010. It is timely that actions that have been
undertaken since the Plan was adopted are reported to
Council and this will occur through a Councillor Briefing
Session (to be scheduled).
Council did approve planning funding (CIP) for
community facilities in 2012/13 and this study is now
complete. The planning study covered the central
Dandenong and Springvale areas and included future
directions for Neighbourhood Houses and Learning
Centres in these areas. The findings of this study will be
reported to Council also through a Councillor Briefing
Session. It would be appropriate to bring forward the
overall review of the Neighbourhood House and
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
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Asked By
Summary of Question
Date of
Summary of Response
Community Centres Future Directions Plan (2010-2015).
Cr Sean O’Reilly
There is a large meeting room at the
Dandenong Library to the left of the
entrance which was previously managed by
the library for use by community groups. I
understand the bookings for this room have
now been taken over by Council’s Civic
Facilities and I am concerned of the impact
of this change
on community access to the facility. Is there
any way we can make that more accessible
for community groups? It may mean giving
back the administration process to the
library where the meeting room is situated.
Cr Sean O’Reilly
The Noble Park Aquatic Centre is a great
swimming facility with a kids’ playground
which is like a mini Wet n Wild amusement
park. I have heard that there are problems
keeping it open all the time due to
supervision requirements. I would like to
ask how Council can work with Belgravia
Leisure to maximise the opening times for
the facility particularly on hot days.
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Bookings for the Dandenong Library meeting room are
currently taken by the Council’s Civic Facilities team,
which is part of the Corporate Services directorate. This
team is also responsible for the management and
bookings of other venues across the city including the
internal Dandenong and Springvale office meeting
rooms and Chambers, the Springvale Town Hall,
Springvale Reserve rooms, Edinburgh Hall, Menzies
Ave Hall and the meeting room in Palm Plaza. It is
important to note that the Civic Facilities team has in fact
managed the booking process for the Dandenong
Library meeting room for several years. There has been
no recent change in the management of the room.
The only reason we anticipate that community groups
would have difficulty booking this room is if it is already
in use or booked to someone else. The overall utilisation
figures for this room are consistently around the 75-85%
mark. The percentage of internal usage on this room is
only about 18% which is primarily made up of usage by
Library Services, Children and Youth Services. The
remainder is external community groups.
The splash playground at the Noble Park Aquatic Centre
is open the following hours during the summer months:• 10.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday
• 8.30am to 6.00pm Saturday and Sunday
After Easter hours may change due to weather
conditions but the splash park may be opened upon
request. Signage will be displayed advising members
and guests about how to make these requests which is
generally to the front counter staff.
The waterslide operates when the forecast temperature
is 26 degrees or above, times are as follows:
School Holidays
• Monday to Friday 2.00pm to 6.00pm (over 32 degrees
extended to 12.00pm to 7.00pm)
• Weekends/Public Holidays 1.00pm to 5.00pm (over
32 degrees extended 12.00pm to 6.00pm)
School term
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Asked By
Cr Heang Tak
Summary of Question
Could Council arrange a letter to the
Cambodian Chinese Friendship Association
recognizing their achievement in completing
their new building debt free?
Date of
Reports from Councillors/Delegates & Councillors’ Questions – Questions Taken on Notice
Summary of Response
• Monday to Friday 4.00pm to7.00pm
• Weekends 1.00pm to 5.00pm
Waterslide operation times and the weekly forecast are
displayed at reception.
A letter of congratulations and acknowledgement was
signed by the Mayor and sent to the Cambodian
Chinese Friendship Association of Victoria on 19
December 2012.
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