WladImIr klItschkO:


WladImIr klItschkO:
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I have
no fear
in the ring
Oleksandr Bozhyk
Interview with a virtuoso violinist
Private collection
Yaroslav Rushchyshyn collected over 80 cast irons
Great cooks
Alexander Dumas, the writer and gourmand
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2 | guest
Wladimir Klitschko:
know that I’ll be a good husband and
“I have no fear in the ring”
On October 5 an undisputed world heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko is going to defend his championship titles in
a bout against the Russian Alexander Povetkin. A conversation between the two gentlemen will be held by means of gestures
in the ring of the Moscow Olympic sports complex. This fight could very well become the major sporting event of the year in the
former Soviet Union. In the meantime, our legendary champion spoke about the upcoming fight and his attitude toward football
and brotherly friendship that cannot be destroyed by anything.
I’m going
to become
a good husband and father
– Wladimir, you have said that the upcoming
fight will be the most important for you. Are you
being disingenuous?
– Not at all. For me, every next fight is
the most important one. As for Povetkin, his
track record speaks for him. He has enough
experience – both amateur and professional.
Alexander has not lost a single match. So our
fight is going to be pretty hard. But could
possibly such a fight between two Olympic
champions be different? And the fact that with
Alexander we are also the world champions in
the same version, doesn’t it add intrigue to the
fight? And will it not make it very interesting for
the audience? Honestly, I myself, will become a
fan of this fight.
– But why did we wait for it so long? Initially,
this fight was supposed to be held as early as 2008.
– There is a whole range of reasons here.
The subject of rivals in professional boxing is
rather complex. There are rules of international
boxing federations, which give their approval
to conduct fights. There are mandatory and free
types of the champion’s title protection. Finally,
there are rivals with different mindsets. Some
boxers can fight, but do not want to, others
want to, but cannot fight. And still others, they
want to fight, and can fight, and, moreover,
they are the official candidates. Finally, there
are injuries that prevent the boxers from
entering the ring. I also had a few canceled
fights because of injuries. But I suggest that we
never look back but look forward.
– Russian businessman Andrei Ryabinsky,
who offered an astronomical sum of 23 million
dollars, won the bidding for the right to organize
guest | 3
the fight Klitschko-Povetkin on October 5. Were
you surprised by this figure?
– On the one hand, yes I was surprised,
but on the other hand, it is the fight for the
championship belt in the heavyweight division,
one of the most prestigious titles in sports as
a whole. But I’d rather not discuss financial
matters now. I have already said repeatedly that
money for me is not the most important value in
life. Of course, boxing is my profession, my job,
and it should be adequately paid. But the main
motivation for me is the result, the victory. And
I am sure, for Povetkin as well.
– What do you consider the most important
value in life for a real man?
– Life values are often intertwined with
family values. Married men generally consider
their families the most valuable thing in life.
I’m not married yet, but I have a family – my
mother, brother, nephews, and a niece. And I
From the
“Bulba NEWS” file:
Name: Wladimir Klitschko
Date of Birth: March 25, 1976
Place of birth: Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, USSR
Marital status: single
Height: 2.01 m
Division: Heavyweight
Battle Stance: left-handed (orthodox)
Nickname: Dr. Steelhammer (Dr. Steel Hammer)
Titles: Olympic champion Atlanta -1996 (became the first white
boxer, who won the Olympic heavyweight champion).
Champion of the world by the International Boxing Association
(IBF), World Boxing Association (WBA), World Boxing
Organization (WBO), International Boxing Organization (IBO)
and the American magazine The RING.
He made his debut in the professional ring on November 16,
In professional boxing held 63 bouts. 60 wins (51 – KO), three
– lost.
In an independent computer boxrec.com ranking among
heavyweights holds second place, behind... his older brother
Vitali. In the ranking of boxers, regardless of weight class (Lb for
Lb) holds the sixth place (Vitali Klitschko – the fourth).
Honoraria of last six opponents of Wladimir Klitschko
Pyanet Francesco (Italy) – 500,000 euros
Mariusz Wach (Poland) – 650,000 euros
Tony Thompson (USA) – 1,050,000 USD
Jean-Marc Mormeck (France) – 400,000 euros + TV rights to
David Haye (UK) – 12.5 million USD
Samuel Peter (Nigeria) – one million USD
– What gives you inspiration before a
– When I know that a lot of people
in Ukraine, Germany, Russia, and other
countries support me, it seriously puts in
a positive mood. I am sure that in Moscow
I will also have a lot of fans – there is a
large Ukrainian diaspora here. I have
never had any problems with motivation
in the ring. On the contrary, sometimes
a too strong desire to finish the fight as
effectively as possible hinders me. So
now I try to go into the ring, as they say,
with a cold heart.
– When did you experience intense fear
in your life, and how did you fight it?
– In the ring, I have never had any
fear; at least, I do not remember anything
like that. I may fear not for myself, but
for my family or close friends.
– Many people criticize you for your
cautious style of fighting. Maybe you just
do not want your fiancée Hayden Panettiere
to see hematomas on her groom’s face?
– You can’t please everybody. After
each fight, experts and people, who call
themselves experts, will find a lot of
errors in your actions – even if you won
this fight with a “clean” knockout. In
sports, and not only in it, everyone is
trying to use their strengths. I use my
physique. But at the same time, I try
never to forget about my fans. I hope
boxing fans liked my last fights. And I
will do everything to make the upcoming
fight against Alexander Povetkin live up
to the expectations of my fans.
– By the way, do you often come to
– The last time I was here was on
August 12 for a press conference. Now
I will come at the end of September,
a week before the fight. Before the
fight, numerous traditional events for
journalists are held: a press conference,
open workout, official weigh-in. And
then there is the fight.
One man in the ring is no man
– You’ve already had a fight with
a Russian. February 23, 2008, in New
York you had a man’s conversation with
Sultan Ibragimov. From the point of
entertainment, that fight provoked some
criticism among the American audience...
– I did everything possible to win that
fight. And I won the fight as dominantly
as was possible. I had few opportunities
to finish the meeting ahead of time –
with his actions, Ibragimov brought the
risk of a knockout to a minimum. If the
opponent who has good experience, both
in amateur and professional boxing, does
not want to lose by knockout, it’s very
difficult to “catch” him. There is a saying
about this, “One man is no man.” It can
also be rephrased as “One man is no man
in the ring.” For a fight to be spectacular,
you need the desire of both boxers.
– Your recent fights in the warmer
months were hold in football stadiums
in Germany or Switzerland, as it was last
year in the fight with an American Tony
Thompson. Isn’t it high time to try out the
Olympic NSC, which hosted the final of
Euro 2012?
– It is true that this arena satisfies
all the requirements for the organization
and conduct of championship fights – the
Olympic sports complex, rebuilt virtually
from scratch, has an infrastructure not
inferior to the best German stadiums.
I very much hope that one day all the
threads will get formed together and I
will be able to fight at the Olympic NSC.
Klitschko’s menu
David Williams, Klitschko’s chef and a part-time
manager of Wladimir’s training camp, told us about the
diet of the Ukrainian during his preparation for a fight.
“For breakfast, I cook porridge for the champion,” says
– By the way, you missed last year’s
Euro Football Championship because at
that time you were preparing for the fight
in your training camp. Did you regret that
you could not personally cheer for your
fellow countrymen? Or, maybe football is
not one of your interests?
– Like millions of Ukrainians, I have
a positive attitude toward football. My
brother and I were friends of Euro 2012, and
Vitaly, besides that, was an ambassador
of the UEFA volunteer program. I watch
the biggest football tournaments – the
World and European championships, as
well as the most important games of the
Champions League. In Ukraine, I support
Kyiv Dynamo, you know I’m from Kyiv,
and in Germany I am a fan of St. Pauli in
Hamburg. And, of course, I support the
national team of Ukraine.
– Ukrainian fans even once contemplated
you in the Valeriy Lobanovskyy stadium
Dynamo when you played in a charity
football match organized by Andriy
– Yes, in that game teams of Italian
pop and Ukrainian sports stars sorted out
their relations. Thanks to Andriy, I played
in the San Siro. In Kyiv, I was playing in a
field, in Milan I played as a goalkeeper. It
didn’t go too well – I then missed three or
four goals. But then we were confronted
by a very serious contender - professional
football players. Therefore, I was not
ashamed for the missed goals. Moreover,
then we collected a sum of money for
charity – all tickets to San Siro were sold
David, whose great-grandmother at the beginning of the
last century emigrated from Odesa to the United States.
“In the morning I usually serve Vladimir egg whites, lots
of fruit, cottage cheese, and yogurt. For lunch, we have
a salad and something with protein – meat or fish. In the
evening, I offer more. I make sure there are proteins and
carbohydrates. Fruits to provide energy. I try to cook
“clean” – less fat, no cholesterol, and no salt.”
– “For the defense of the national
team of Ukraine to become impassable,
the Klitschko brothers have to play in the
defense.” Have you heard this joke?
– It’s funny. But this is nothing more
than a joke. I do not deny that I do not
possess great football talents. Can you
imagine that I have been playing football
since I was 8-9 years olds, but never
learned to play it properly? But I can
quite easily imagine soccer at the level of
I never moved from Kyiv
– What was your most meaningful and
memorable victory – not only in the ring,
but in life?
– People often asked me this question
in recent years. The answer has never
changed: I hope that my most important
victory is still ahead. Both in the ring
and in life. I always expect that my next
fight will be one of the most difficult and
the contender will be one of the most
persistent. So I seriously prepare for
Here’s what Wladimir’s lunch looks like: Chicken noodle soup,
grilled salmon with greens, walnuts, cheese, corn, avocado, and
mango sauce.
4 | guest
actors, politicians... Who among them, when
you met them in person made the greatest
impression on you?
– Famous people, as a rule, are very
easy to talk to. I liked speaking with other
people as well, not only celebrities. The
names of many people thanks to whom
mobile phones or plasma TVs appeared
are not known to the general public. But
meeting them is no less (and sometimes
more) interesting than the stars.
But out of the well-known people,
a meeting with Max Schmeling left an
indelible imprint on me. This was the
story. After shaking hands with him, I
realized that I shook hands with history.
Our meeting with Max was held in 1999
(the only one in the history of German
boxing world champion in the heavyweight
Maximillian Adolph Otto Siegfried
Schmeling by then turned ‘94. - Ed.). Type
in a search engine “Max Schmeling,” look
at the photos, see with whom he shook
hands, and you’ll see why over the 14 years
that have passed since our meeting, our
conversation remains fresh in my memory.
– Did you often have to cheat in your
– Cheating can be different. Here I do
not know whether this was a hoax or not,
but it happens that the opponent in the
ring expects from me one thing, tries to
get adjusted for certain tactics, and I play
into his hands in this, and then he gets
unexpected blows.
– Some people believe that every year
you become more and more like a Westerner.
Do you agree with this?
– And what are the criteria for the
concept of a “Western man”? Since 18 I
have been spending a lot of time abroad
– by virtue of my profession. Maybe
someone thought that I had left Kyiv. In
fact, I never left from here. I lived in my
native city, and I continue to live there.
Just my visits to Ukraine are not always
reported in the media
– You have long been among the top ten best boxers
in the world, regardless of weight class. Do you feel like a
legend of sport?
– No. I do sport in the given segment of my life because
I like it, it brings me pleasure. As for the legendary and
all the rest – this is a question for the critics. I am not
going to express my self-esteem here. I just enjoy the
process of participating in the sport in which I have
spent a lot of time and gained valuable experience.
– For many of your fans, especially young children, you
are an idol and a role model. Do you feel the burden of this
– I feel certain responsibility – just like Vitali. When
I was a teenager, I used to have my own idols. Now I
feel the interest of young people in our sport and in my
and Vitali’s fights. We are well aware that teens tend
to emulate their idols. And although I do not consider
myself an idol, I want to serve as a good example for the
children. Like years ago when I followed the examples
of my idols.
– What would you never share with your older brother
– My brother is the object of genuine pride for me.
I have much to thank my parents for. But most of all,
for the fact that they presented me a gift in the form of
my older brother. I know that nothing can destroy our
brotherly friendship – neither money nor fame. And I
also know that my brother and I will always come to help
each other in difficult times.
– You spoke with many famous people – athletes,
Cossacks Win: Three Prize-Winning Places
at the Moscow Marathon Taken by the Athletes
of Korchma Taras Bulba Club
–Now you are at the zenith of fame. But
this is not a constant. Have you ever asked
yourself the question, what happens next?
– In my boxing career, I really came to
the finish line. But how long it will be –
nobody will be able to tell now, including
myself. For my part, I will do my best to
make it out as long as possible.
Text: Vasily Moroz
Photo courtesy of Vladimir Klitschko’s press service
each subsequent fight. I will be able to give you a more
detailed answer to this question when I complete my
professional boxing career.
– Do you have a basic rule of life, which helps you to
keep the bar so high through your life?
– My life’s rule is simple – to treat others as you
would like them to treat you.
Taras is as good as his word | 5
About Wladimir Klitschko
Favorite season: There is no bad weather
Favorite cartoon: “Treasure Island”
The preferred style of clothes : What brand? Comfortable. Hugo Boss
I prefer to relax: Where there is the sea, the wind, and the sun
My favorite actor, actress: Jigarkhanyan, Oleg Tabakov, Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Lyudmila Gurchenko
Favorite movie: I liked “The Matrix,” “The Mummy”
Favorite drink: Coconut cocktail
Favorite food: Pancakes with caviar
Favorite music: Depends on my mood
Favorite holiday: New Year
Favorite city: Kyiv
Idol in sports: Max Schmeling
The most vivid memory in my life: Rocket launch from Baikonur, 1982
Most of all I like to: Travel
Most of all I appreciate in people: Punctuality
My best friend: My brother Vitali
Favorite book: “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe, “Financier” by Theodore Dreiser,
“The Master and Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov
Favorite perfume: Issey Miyake
I like to watch on TV: Discovery Channel
Favorite subject in school: Geography
My favorite fairy-tale hero: Ivan the Fool
My dream: To buy a “Boeing”
My hobby: Skysurfing
On Sunday, September 15, Moscow
hosted the first city marathon. More
than 7,000 people had the courage to
enter the race in the pouring rain that
did not stop for the whole day, and to
run the distance of 42 km 195 m. They
ran along the quays, main streets, the
Garden and the Boulevard Rings, and
finished at the Luzhniky Grand Sports
Arena. The race will go down in history
because something unprecedented
happened: all the prize-winning
places — I, II, and III — were taken
by the athletes of the Korchma Taras
Bulba Marathon Club! The sportsmen
emphasized that sports and a healthy
lifestyle are not just empty words for
The organizers praise the active
participation in this great sporting
competition, Dmitriy Tarasov, says
that he was surprised by the amount
of people and their attitude toward the
“Those are people of a new
generation. During the race they filmed
it on their phones and posted it on their
pages in social networks. In that way
they popularized the race not only in
the city, but in the country as well,”
said Tarasov.
”I believe that the Moscow marathon
can already be called international,
since there are thousands of foreigners
there,” said Aleksey Vorobyov, acting
head of the Department of Physical
Culture and Sports of Moscow. “I
think this start will be traditional.
The marathon is organized by order of
the Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin,
that’s why all the government of the
capital gets ready for it.”
The route of the marathon went through the
main streets of the city. The traffic in the center of
the capital was held up. The finishing 195 m were
run on the tracks of the Luzhniky Arena.
Among the men, a victory was won by Oleksandr
Matveychuk from Ukraine, who was timed at
2:19:36. The second and the third places were taken
by Ukrainian participants as well – Ihor Heletiy
and Serhiy Marchuk. They are the sportsmen of
Korchma Taras Bulba Marathon Club.
We would like to remind that the prize fund
of the Moscow marathon totals about 1.8 million
roubles. The marathon winners among men and
women received 350,000 roubles each; silver
medalists 200,000; and Bronze medalists 100,000.
The sportsmen who ranked from the 4th to 6th
places also received monetary rewards.
Korchma Taras Bulba congratulates the winners!
We wish the marathoners to ascend new sports
Welcome to Korchma in Kiev!
A free tour of Kiev
after lunch in
Kiev, Pushkinskaya Street 2-4/7
Phone: +38 (044) 270-7248, +38 (093) 342-3868
Personality | 7
Oleksandr Bozhyk:
“My music
heals people…”
I always return. I don’t even want to move
to Kyiv. Lviv is my hometown. Many people
think they need to move to a capital in order
to succeed, that it offers more possibilities,
but… I don’t want to move.
– When did you first realize: “I am popular”?
– After “Ukraine’s Got Talent.” I returned
from the show and could hardly walk the
streets unnoticed, I would enter a bus and
people would recognize me and talk about
me. They would come up to me on the street,
ask to take a picture. In social networks, I
had hundreds of new friends every day. Thank
god, I did not let the fame go to my head,
but I liked it. I realized that people liked
what I do. But I also had counterproductive
thoughts – that you cannot violate the
instrument like that, you cannot play it
in different positions, you cannot cut the
strings. But they proved wrong with time,
because many people got interested in
classical music. The auditorium is full even
when I perform at the Philharmonic with a
classical program. People even write me
letters: “We were wrong, we thought that
violin is dreary and boring, something old,
a relic…” Parents started encouraging their
children to learn the violin.
He inherited his music genius from his grandfather.
Though the grandfather was only a village musician and
played for a few dozen listeners, the grandson went
a long way – he is celebrated around the world and
his shows are always sold out. He tours in Europe,
Asia, the Americas. The key to Oleksandr Bozhyk’s
success is simple: he does miracles with a
regular violin – just like Paganini, he played
on one string, and he also played on four
instruments simultaneously. No one has done
it before. Instantly, the accomplishment of the
Ukrainian virtuoso was listed in the Ukraine’s Book
of Records, Guinness is on its way.
– Maestro, you inherited your music genius
from your grandfather. Though he was only
a village musician and played for some dozen
listeners, you went a long way – you are
celebrated around the world and you always
enjoy full attendance. You tour in Europe, Asia,
the Americas. The key to success is simple:
Oleksandr Bozhyk does miracles with a regular
violin – just like Paganini, he played on one
string, and four instruments simultaneously.
No one has ever done it before. How did it all
– I don’t think there are small children
out there who want to learn to play the violin
and go to music school. It’s the parents
who make them do it, at least this was my
story. While other kids had fun outside or
played football, I had to learn music score
and practice violin for eight hours a day.
Naturally, no one likes doing it, but the
experience proved rewarding. Much later,
when I was a first-year student at the Music
Academy, I realized I couldn’t imagine my
life without the violin. I also started earning
some money by playing. I don’t confine
myself only to this instrument: I also play
the piano, guitar, I compose music. I enjoy
composing, I spend almost all my free time
on that… My parents are not into music.
My dad is a construction worker, my mother
works at the Department of Sanitation. But
my mother sings very well, and she played
the bandura when she was a child. My family
wasn’t musical, but they wanted their son to
become a musician. They devoted their lives
to it.
– How old were you when you first started
learning the violin?
– I was six. I first started playing the
clarinet, but the teachers noticed that I
have long musical fingers and advised me
to shift to the violin. Moreover, I had some
genes because my grandfather was a village
violinist. He played mostly at weddings.
I must have got it from him and became
a musician. My grandfather was never a
professional musician. I think someone
just showed him a few chords, how to tune
the violin or the double-bass, he learned
everything else on his own. He was a simple
village violinist… Perhaps, he wasn’t that
simple, I don’t know, I never heard him play,
I was 4 or 5 when he died, I don’t remember
much. What I do remember very well is his
words: “When you become a musician, you’ll
be healing people with your music…” I could
hardly understand what he meant back then,
but now I keep pondering over it, because
there is such a thing as music therapy. People
walk out of my concerts relaxed, happy,
healthy, and this is a good sign. I started at
a regular school, in a primary class. I went
there for half a year, and then my father came
across a newspaper announcement about
admissions to a music school. They decided
to try me – what if I become a musician
for real! When the director auditioned me,
he confirmed that I need to study music. I
spent 11 years at Krushelnytska Music
School, then went on to study at the Music
Academy. There, instead of the required five
years, I remained for over 11 years, because
I toured so much for concerts and contests
that I had little time for studying. Then I
went on to post-graduate studies and spent
another three years on that… Then I passed
the test and became the first violin at the
Lviv Philharmonic, I still work there. This is
my primary job.
– Every professional musician goes through
a turning point when something clicks and
everything changes, and you take a different
road altogether… You could have stayed in Lviv,
worked in a closed academic environment, but
you would have never enjoyed global fame.
What was the turning point that drastically
changed your career?
– I had a two-year contract in Holland, I
played classics, you were right to say that I
was famous, but in rather contained circles.
People unrelated to music knew nothing
about me. In Holland, I worked with a famous
showman Hans Liberg. He is a pianist and
a comic actor. He tours throughout Europe
and his concerts gather full auditoriums.
What does he do? He plays the piano, then
he pauses and tells a joke, and then based
on that melody he can play, say, a Nokia ring
tune. People love it. He invited me to his
show, and there I experimented with playing
in different positions. People liked it that I
could experiment, that I can do it well. Then
I started contemplating a different direction.
At about the same time I learned about the
show “Ukraine’s Got Talent” and started
going to castings, live shows. Then I started
combining the two things. Then Ukraine
got to know me, and I took second place in
the show. That was a turning point. I asked
myself: What should I do now? On the one
hand, I was offered an even better contract
in Holland, on the other, I could take a risk
and try myself at home. I chose the second
option and haven’t felt sorry for a second.
I like it here, I live next to my wife, my
parents, my friends, and I can do what I like.
My plan for the future is to live in Ukraine
but to travel extensively around the world.
– Does this mean that the opulent Europe
with its sumptuous lifestyle and fame didn’t
tempt you and you never regretted it?
– I don’t regret it a bit. I go there with
concerts, I stay there for a week or two, but
– The story with string cutting… Did you
surprise the judges at “Ukraine’s Got Talent”?
– I got the idea to cut the strings or to
play several instruments at once back in
Holland. When I came to Kyiv and started
playing in different positions, all the
producers liked it. When the first live show
approached they told me: “Don’t worry, we
will prepare you the number, it will be fine,
just chill and practice.” It just so happened
that they did not prepare anything for me
and three days before the show they told me
we have no number… Then I told them: “I
have a number, I can play like Paganini, on
one string.” Everybody was surprised. What
we couldn’t figure out was how to cut the
strings. There were ideas to shoot them or
even to set them on fire. But then we decided
that someone will come up with a small pair
of nippers and cut the strings one by one. In
fact, that is extremely difficult, as violinists
know, because when you cut even one string
the pitch changes drastically, it goes up and
makes it impossible to play. What’s more,
when there’s only one string left, the violin
could just fall apart. This was our major
concern with 17 million people watching the
live show. When I had only one string left I
was scared to death…
– How did you get yourself together?
– We practiced a lot, had many rehearsals.
We were prepared for the live shows. But
even then it was inconceivable that 17 million
viewers are watching your every move, your
every word. It’s very scary but it’s also very
exhilarating, and after you step down from
that stage you feel like you conquered the
world. It is such an adrenaline rush!
– And then you decided to move on and to
play more than one violin simultaneously…
– Yes, it was another live show, the final. I
was once again promised a number, but never
got it. Three days before the show I told them
I could play two violins at once. They didn’t
believe me. Then I said: “Get me another
instrument and I’ll show you.” Naturally, I
couldn’t do it well yet, but I practiced day and
night and surprised the judges again. Even
though they had said that after seeing me
play on one string it would be very difficult to
surprise them. But I have a couple of aces up
my sleeve and I don’t plan to reveal them yet…
The violin is a very productive instrument for
various show tricks.
– So you played two, then three, and finally,
four violins?
– Yes, it’s official. Representatives
from Ukraine’s Book of Records came and
recorded the fact. It’s not in the Guinness
Book yet, but it’s inevitable, because no
one in the whole world has ever played
four violins. How did I get the idea? I was
performing my “Four Elements” concert
and I thought it would be logical to play
four instruments, to symbolically conquer
them all. The idea was there. It was easier
to conceive than to implement it. But I did it
after practicing for two months.
– What was more difficult: to play the four
violins or to hold the two bows?
– We needed to arrange the violins so
that they wouldn’t fall. When you hold two
bows in one hand, your fingers are twisted
unnaturally and painfully. You cannot play
longer than a minute because it hurts a
lot. But I thought that even a minute, even
half a minute, would be enough for the
record. I played the “Requiem for a Dream”
soundtrack, but I could also play other
melodies. Naturally, I need to practice for a
long time.
– At the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent” you
joked that you need to win so you can earn a
million hryvnias. To buy a Stradivarius… What
instrument do you play now?
– I wasn’t joking, I was very serious then.
But a million hryvnias wouldn’t be enough,
because the Stradivarius violins cost three
or four million euros, but I dream of at least
renting it, trying it out. Right now, I have
four instruments, each of them has its own
function. I have an electric violin on which I
play rock music; a classical violin that I use
to perform at the Philharmonic, a show violin
that I play in different positions and cut
strings, and the fourth violin is a spare one,
which I only use to play four instruments at
– How much time do you spend practicing?
– A lot. Let’s add it up: I play four hours
a day at the Philharmonic, before that I
play two hours to warm up. That makes six.
Another three to four hours I play at the
recording studio. Right now I am such a
violin fanatic that I come home and practice
until late at night.
– How often do you tour abroad?
– Quite often. I just returned from
Georgia, I toured in Singapore, Denmark,
France. I travel around Ukraine, sometimes I
literally live on the train. I toured in Russia,
performed in Moscow. I also participated
there in the project “A minute of Fame,” I was
a finalist there. I like to travel, especially on
trains, on the upper rack. I sleep better there
than at home. It lulls you so gently to sleep,
like a kid, I like it so much…
Text: Stepan Hrytsiuk
8 | Private collection
Private collection | 9
“Old things bring back memories
and sincerity…”
There are at least three things that stand
out about Ukrainian entrepreneur Yaroslav
Rushchyshyn. His textile company Trottola
is a number one Ukrainian exporter with
clients such as the famous world brand Zara.
The businessman rides a Harley Davidson
decorated with Petrykivka ornamentation. He
is also a proud owner of a large collection of
old cast irons. He purchases them from all over
the world: France, Morocco, Hong Kong…
but he does not call himself a professional
collector. For Yaroslav, it’s just a hobby. Our
interview was about this hobby of his.
– Yaroslav, how did you first come up with the idea to collect old smoothing
irons? For me, your passion seems quite bizarre… How did it all start?
– I am not alone in my hobby. I heard somewhere in Ivano-Frankivsk
Oblast (one of the administrative regions in Western Ukraine – ed.) there
is a collection of 300 irons. I, personally, find it hard to believe,
because for the last five years I haven’t been able to find
any pieces that I don’t have already. I don’t remember
what it was exactly – perhaps, for my 30th birthday or
just a regular birthday – the Dzyga Art Association
presented me with 10 irons. I set them up in my office,
and since we have many contractors, they would come
to me, see the collection, and bring something new.
After a year or two, it grew to 30 pieces. Everything
else I bought myself from flea markets,
places where you can buy old things. Over
there they cost much less than they do
here. Now I have irons from Barcelona,
Morocco, France, Tunisia.
– How many pieces are in the collection?
– I think more than 80! No place to
exhibit them all. I also try to make sure that
they are all different.
– Have you tried to find out which iron is
the oldest or has the most intriguing history?
– The oldest one is over there on the wall.
It’s called magilnytsia (a device made up of a
stick and a plank with cut-out squares, also called a “beater” or “dolly”
– ed.) Back when linen clothing was used in Ukraine, it was smoothed
o u t
with a magilnytsia. The sheet was wetted, rolled on a bobbin,
and then smoothed on a plank. This device was used before
metal. With the advent of casting, the irons started to be
manufactured from a single piece of metal. They were
heated in a fire or something hot and then used for ironing.
That was the simplest construction. Then came the irons
with a removable core. This core could be heated and then
put back inside. The coal irons were invented at the very
end. They had a ventilation system. It was designed for
the coal to incandesce and keep a certain
temperature. After World War II electric
irons appeared – I don’t collect those.
The most interesting models are the socalled stalinka. They are evidence of the respect
to instruments or to means of production. Before
the Soviet Union, the irons were beautiful, they had
wooden handles and a screen to protect one’s hand
from the heat. In the Soviet times, though, it was no
more than a scrap of metal, with a twisted bracket for
a handle, which needed to be wrapped with a cloth. It
was impossible to operate without burning yourself…
People didn’t hold much value back then, so the
appliances were respectively bad. The irons from warm
countries are easily identifiable. They didn’t require
massive metal because the weather outside was warm, so
they didn’t cool off so fast.
– As far as I understand, the irons were pretty much the same around the world… There
weren’t other instruments?
– No, there weren’t. It was not a craft, it was a manufactured product. All the irons were
practically cast from one mold, that’s why there was no great variety. That’s why I don’t
believe someone can possess 300 kinds of different irons… They were manufactured at
factories, not at home, hence the uniformity.
– Rumor has it that Yaroslav Rushchyshyn rides
around on a bike decorated with the
famous Petrykivka ornamentation.
Is that really true?
– Yes, my bike has
Petrykivka ornamentation
– Does this mean you don’t make any special efforts to enlarge your
collection? You purchase what you find, don’t you?
– I like going to flea markets. They seem to bring back memories
and some kind of sincerity. Those could be old building plates, door
handles, other stuff… I like looking at those things, even though I don’t
need them. But when I see an iron, I buy it. And yet I wouldn’t call
myself a collector…
– Would you sell your collection if someone offered you money?
– I don’t know, really… If I needed the money badly, I would probably
sell it… But it all feels so sincere and close to our own production. I’m
not fetishizing. If somebody was in trouble and needed help, I would sell
it all in a heartbeat.
production, what does
your business look like
– Our association
statistics tell me we are
the number one exporter in
Ukraine. What we definitely
are is one of the largest producers
of women’s clothing. We sew up to 300,000
items a month. We work with customer-supplied
raw material from foreign companies. It means
we produce and deliver according to
their design. We used to employ two
thousand people, but were forced
to downsize because of the
recession. It’s hard to identify
the countries we export
our products to. One
of our customers is
Zara and they have
retail stores all
around the world.
But primarily it’s
Nothing difficult about it. I’ve been
to Petrykivka a few times and I liked everything
there. Not so much the ornaments, because we have
quite fascinating ones ourselves – from the Hutsuls
and Boykos, but I admire their optimism, it inspires,
motivates. So I asked a professor from the Academy of
Arts to reproduce it for me. We bought all textbooks
on the Petrykivka art style we could get and did it.
The only inauthentic thing about it is that Petrykivka
art has always been painted on a white background…
But embroidery also has evolved, and now it is done on
black linen. This is how we transferred the Petrykivka
ornamentation from textbooks to a motorbike (he
Text: Stepan Hrytsiuk
10 | Travelling
Travel Diary of the Founder
Time is the only resource that cannot be
accumulated, put by, or borrowed. It is as much as it is:
not more and not less.
What’s most important is that nobody ever knows
how much it is indeed. In all cases, it is acceptable for
the Jews to wish “Live till you’re 120!” Till you are one
hundred and twenty. And suddenly someone replies,
“I’m already 120.” The well-wisher contemplates it
for a moment and without batting an eyelid answers,
“Then have a nice day!”
I began to jot down travel notes and suddenly
realized that I did not have time for this…
Every day I remember about this promise to
myself, I suffer from not keeping my word. There is a
story in my mind: Who needs this? I shared Everest,
and seventy thousand people watched the video. So
I’m not a bad man, and so on…
And here I am, on September 11, I’m flying to
New York, and there is no Internet at the airport.
Nowadays, no Internet equals no electricity,
water, and gas supply in the whole world in the
It immediately became empty and dark. However,
time appeared. I haven’t been watching TV since the
beginning of the year. I thought I would save my time.
Although nowadays there is a new robber of hours and
days. The Internet.
I wandered the halls of the Sheremetyevo Airport,
watched smokers in the glass aquarium. They were
like the flies that in my childhood I put in a bottle in
which I exhaled my father’s Prima cigarette, turning
it into a gas chamber. Inhabitants of the smoking area
glared defiantly at me and filled their aquarium with
toxic smog. It is so nice to sit near such a person in the
cabin. Nine hours! This is exactly how long it takes me
to fly to New York.
But I would like to share my summer Italian
My house in Italy is a one-hour journey from
Florence, and one hot August day I decided to visit
the cradle of the Renaissance. There is no sense in
describing things which have been described hundreds
of times. I just would like to mention that if you
wake up at six o’clock in the morning, you have
an opportunity to see the city, while all the
tourists sleep and then have breakfast.
Among the world-known Florentine
sights, I visited two places that are not
often written about in guide books. I
came across them by accident, while
walking endless kilometers on the
narrow streets of the city. I almost
called them twisting. In Florence,
as in New York, it is impossible to
get lost.
I would call these places the
alchemists’ workshops. In one of
them, a jeweler creates things like
nothing on earth. There is such a mess
on his desk that the energy of this man
would be enough for ten ordinary ones,
I thought. This is how much it is needed
to find something in this chaos. This is just
a symbol of creative mess. Local magician
and alchemist Alessandro Dari – a jeweler,
a pharmacist and a sculptor at 115/R San Niccolo
Street in the Nasi-Quaratesi Palace (what addresses
people have). His work can be observed for hours.
This way or another, it is impossible to understand
how this is worn and who the maestro is working for.
It seems that his customers come at night and wear
their jewelry for feasts where ordinary people would
never end up.
He will show you the jewelry of the famous Medici.
And it is unclear whether he made them by himself,
or whether Lorenzo the Magnificent personally left
them there for safekeeping.
On the same day, I also went to the restaurant
La Giostra. It was filled with tourists, although it
was located far from the center and The Dome of
Brunelleschi. Its ceilings are 600 years old. Once in
1700, this place served as storage for the city’s merrygo-round during the winter period. Chianina cattle
evidently died for a reason under the knife of
a butcher of the Florentine School. I didn’t
assail people with questions about who
was who. All the information was written
in the menu! Dmitriy d’Asburgo Lorena,
the chef and the owner of a restaurant,
is a descendant of the Habsburg dukes
with a touch of Medici. His slogan is
“In food we trust,” like on the dollar
bills “In God we trust.” The place has a
special atmosphere and is not like others,
beginning with the owner and finishing with
the food. Although I wouldn’t call their food
non-Italian. And music. Old good rock of the
eighties and nineties, but not loud, everything
very classy and tasteful. Even Eagles – Hotel
California. It sounds beautiful in the atmosphere
of the sixteenth century. In America, I was once
told the story of the “hotel.” It appears to be a rehab
clinic where the whole band went for a detox. This is
where their “masterpiece” was written.
The prince keeps all wines in the hall, and waiters
just pick them up from there. I often think that in
Moscow they would quickly go bankrupt with such
an approach. Maybe I think so because I’m from the
Kyiv region with a touch of Khmelnytsk province.
In Italy though, the obligatory service is a straight
back, a smile, and a good mood. Happy feasting!
Text and photo: Yuriу Beloyvan
Chef and owner of the restaurant La Giostra
Dimitri d’Asburgo Lorena
the great cooks | 11
Alexander Dumas: a gourmand and a writer
Every occupation has its own gurus – the
people who are the best at it. This is true
for cooking – the task that requires selfless
dedication, good manners, refined taste, and
naturally, high esthetic sensibility. If a cook is
characterized by all these qualities, you may
be hoping for a masterpiece. If not, then you’re
in trouble. Eat little and be careful… and run
if you can. Starting with this publication we
begin a new column “The Great Cooks” about
famous people who turned a daily process
of cooking into an art. Every self-respecting
foodie is obliged to know their names. We
begin with the novelist Alexander Dumaspére who loved a good feast, adored coffee
and wrote Great Culinary Dictionary that
included over 800 short stories about food. It
contained recipes, anecdotes and letters that
have to do with food.
“Friends of the highly esteemed Monsier
Dumas claim that whenever he agrees to
move from his study into the kitchen, to leave
his pen in favor of a skillet, there is hardly
a better cook in the whole of France…” This
quote about a renowned writer belongs to a
famous journalist Octave Lacroix, and he was
absolutely right. In addition to writing bestselling adventure novels, their author also
liked traveling to various countries, tasting
all kinds of food, of which he left numerous
notes in his letters and travel journals. It goes
without saying that the French novelist was a
known gourmand, even a gormandizer, and he
loved big parties. Naturally, this addiction of
his had its impact on his figure, the effect is
obvious from his photos.
Rumour has it that Alexander Dumas
decided to celebrate his first literary fame –
the premiere of his Anthony in the Port SaintMartin theater – in the company of friends. His
main treatment was game, but he never forgot
about wine – three hundred bottles of Bordeaux
were warming up, three hundred bottles of
Burgundy were cooling off, and another five
hundred bottles of Champagne waited in the
iced buckets. We know little of the literati’s fate
after they consumed such an impressive battery,
but we know that the Artiste newspaper wrote
an enthusiastic description of the party and of
the generosity of the famous dramatist.
Among hundreds of books written by
Alexander Dumas one of the noteworthy is the
Great Culinary Dictionary. It contains recipes
collected by the author in various countries,
many anecdotes, short notes on the history of
cooking, different products, wines, vegetables.
It also contains a gastronomical calendar
designed to help in making menus for dinner
parties at any time of the year. But the alltime bestsellers are the recommendations from
Dumas himself. You can easily read something
like this: “The frog’s meat is easily digested,
that’s why we recommend it for elderly people
and young maidens because it brings color to
their cheeks.”
It is said that the book was first conceived
by the great Frenchman during his trip to
Russia at the end of 1858. Dumas was amazed
by the Russian hospitality and was returning
with bright impressions and with dozens of
recipes which later composed a large part of his
culinary encyclopedia. There are at least five
recipes of jam alone: rose jam, pumpkin jam,
black radish jam, nut jam and asparagus jam.
Especially memorable were his visits to the
Oranienbaum estate of Avdotya Panaeva. He
was in his element there, where he took long
walks and generally enjoyed himself. Each of
his visits was celebrated by a kurnik (chicken
and egg pie) which Dumas found the best in
the Russian cuisine. The dinners at Panaeva’s
usually consisted of cabbage soup, porridge
and fish patties, roasted piglet under the
horseradish sauce, duck stuffed with apples,
soft-salted pickles, mushrooms fried in sour
cream, botvinia. Dumas made sure he tasted
all the dishes! Avdotya Panaeva wrote in her
journal: “I think Dumas’ stomach is just as
capable of digesting a fly agaric.”
In the same year of 1858 he also traveled
to the Caucasus. He later wrote down his
impressions, but especially for the French food
lovers he brought a recipe of a dish he liked
most of all – the shish-kebab: “Take mutton,
the tenderloin part will serve best, cut it into
even slices no larger than a nut, marinade them
for 15 minutes in a mixture of vinegar, onion,
pepper and salt. Meanwhile, prepare a bowl of
charcoal to grill the meat. Take the mutton out
of the marinade and spit it on a metal or wooden
skewer alternating the meat with the onion
rings. Roast the meat all round by turning the
skewer. If you like your shish-kebab very spicy,
leave it in the marinade overnight. If you don’t
have a skewer at hand, you can use a ramrod. I
am using my carbine ramrod all the time and my
gun only shoots better!”
They say it was Dumas who first brought
shish-kebab to France! He opened the first
shish-kebab restaurant in Paris where he
cooked meat by the recipe he brought from the
Caucasus. The word shish-kebab was borrowed
in the 18th century from Turkic languages
and is literally translated as “food cooked on a
Dumas’s idea to write Great Culinary
Dictionary was first announced in The
Caucasus, which he wrote in the last months
of his trip to the Russian Empire. He kept on
collecting new recipes and spent the end of 1869
and the beginning of 1870 to finish his culinary
tome. In March 1870, Dumas presented to a
beginning publisher Alfonse Lemère a weighty
manuscript of over 800 short stories on various
culinary topics. Unfortunately, in the early
September of 1870, Dumas suffered a stroke, he
couldn’t work any more, and at night on the 6th
of December 1870, he died. The Great Culinary
Dictionary came out only in 1873. The book has
seen many reprints since then.
Text: Maria Krasna
Korchma “Taras Bulba”
recommends different kinds
of shish-kebab:
pork, mutton, chicken or veal.
A few trivia facts:
British scientists
discovered a one-of-akind undersea river at
the bottom of the Black
Sea. The discovery was
made by scientists at the
University of Leeds. The
river was found to be 37
miles long, over half a
mile wide, and it flows at
a speed of four miles per
Ukrainian power
lifter Dmytro
Khaladzhi has
entered the
Guinness Book
of World Records
as the breaker of
over two dozen
Ukrainian folk songs inspired
many composers to write
their world-renowned
masterpieces. The aria
“Summertime” written by
George Gershwin in 1935 for
the opera “Porgy and Bess,”
one of the most famous songs
in the world, was based on the
Ukrainian lullaby “The Dream
Walks by the Windows.”
Askania Nova in Ukraine
is the largest steppe
natural reserve in
Europe. Its area is 11,000
hectares. The continuous
sea of grass seems neverending. The reserve
was named in 1841
by its owner – Duke of
Anhalt Ketensky – after
his estate in Askania,
On March 14, 1850, in the
small town of Berdychiv
(Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine)
in St. Barbara Church, local
beauty Evelina Hanska was
wedded to Honoré de Balzac.
Berdychiv was also the town
where Frederick Chopin lived
for a while. Chopin not only
wrote music there, but also
managed the restoration of
the local organ.
12 | Calendar
1 October
Day of the Land Forces of the Russian Federation
International Day of Music
3 October
Day of Special Police Forces
4 October
World Animal Day
World Smile Day
Day of Civil Defense of Russia’s Ministry of Emergencies
5 October
World Teacher’s Day
Day of the Criminal Investigation Department
7 October
World Architecture Day
International Doctor’s Day
8 October
Lawyer’s Day of Ukraine
9 October
World Post Day
15 October
Global Handwashing Day
Folk Calendar
for October
October 24
Philip’s Foot-dragging
In Rus, October was called the “dirty” month. Although there are sunny days, the sky
is often overcast and a light autumn rain falls. The trees lose leaves, and the first night
frosts begin. Farming work is finished before the beginning of October and the time of
weddings starts. The Christian feast of the Intercession of the Theotokos, or Pokrov, is
considered to be a protection of brides. On this day, brides pray for their future family,
“Holy Pokrov, cover my head with your veil.” After a wedding ceremony in a church, the
bride’s head would have been covered with a veil. The newly married couple would ride
horses from the church to the bridegroom’s parents’ house. The father would welcome
the groom and the bride with an icon, and the mother with bread and salt.
Proverbs and sayings about October
Many acorns on an oak mean a severe winter
October will cover the earth with leaves and someplaces with snow
October – the dirty month – does not favor either wheels or skids
16 October
Boss’s Day
20 October
Day of Military Signaler
Birthday of the Russian Military-Maritime Fleet (Day of the
International Chef’s Day
Calendar | 13
Folk sayings in October
If there is thunder in October, the winter will be snowless and short.
If in October the moon is in circle, the summer will be dry.
If in October leaves form birches and oaks are falling cleanly, an easy year is ahead, if
uncleanly, a severe winter is ahead.
If on Arina’s Day (October 1) cranes fly south, wait for the first frost on the Feast of the
Intercession (October 14).
250 gr. – 250 rub.
According to the church calendar, the Day of Saint
Philip – the Apostle from the seventy – is coming. He
was from Caesarea Palestinae. The disciples of Jesus
Christ chose him as a deacon after Saint Stephen.
When the persecutions of Christians began, Stephen
was killed; Philip left Jerusalem and came to one of
the Samaritan towns where he started to preach his
faith. The Apostle did not only tell about Jesus, but
also worked miracles, exorcised the evil spirits, healed
the sick. Thanks to this, many pagans came to believe
in Christ.
On Philip’s Day, the foot-dragging usually began – in
such a way our ancestors called slush and mud on the
roads. When it was time to go out, Christians used
to say, “There is no time for foot-dragging.” And they
immediately added, “The roads are so impassable that
Philip himself is stuck to the stove.”
October 27
Paraskeva the Dirty,
On this day, Saint Paraskeva of Serbia who lived in the
eleventh century is commemorated. Paraskeva was
born in the town of Epivates on the shore of the Sea of
Marmara into the same family of Saint Euthymius, bishop
of Maditos. After her parents’ death, the girl gave her
inheritance away to the poor and went to Constantinople
where she took the veil. After the pilgrimage to the Holy
Land, she settled in the Jordan Valley. Two years before her
death she came back home, where she died. Hagiography
states that marvelously found relics of Saint Paraskeva
became famous for the numerous miracles that happened
around them.
In Rus, Paraskeva was given an unkind nickname – the
Dirty. This is because of the damp weather and slush that
usually accompanied her memorial day. “The Dirty’s day
is never dry,” people said. By the amount of mud, people
predicted when the winter would come. If the slush was so
big that the horse’s hoofprint immediately was filled with
water, then four weeks were left before winter. Moreover, a
lot of mud pointed to the abundance of rain in spring.
200 gr. – 320 rub.
October 29
Chef’s Day
This holiday started to be celebrated only in the 21st century,
it was initiated by the World Association of Chefs Societies.
This is the day when food industry representatives organize
contests of craftsmanship, taste culinary masterpieces and
award prizes to chefs and super-chefs.
23 October
Advertising Day
24 October
Day of Special Military Forces of the Russian Federation
25 October
Day of the Customs Officer of the Russian Federation
On this day, the Orthodox Christians
celebrate the Day of martyr
Longinus. It is said that the Roman
soldier Gaius Cassius Longinus, a
centurion, was one of the guards at
the crucifixion of Jesus. During the
execution, the blood of the Savior
spurted out upon the soldier’s
eyes, and he was healed from a
cataract, from which he suffered
for a long time. After this, Longinus
testified that Jesus was the Son of
God. Three days later he and other
soldiers witnessed the Resurrection
of Jesus.
According to the church tradition,
Saint Longinus was considered
to be a healer of eye diseases. On
this day, everybody who had any
problems with eyesight prayed to
CHICKEN “Tapaka”
1/2 – 320 rub.
October 14
The Intercession of the Theotokos
On this day, the Orthodox Christians celebrate a great feast – the Intercession or the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady. It originates
from the legend about the apparition of Mary the Theotokos in the tenth century in a Constantinople church where her chasuble
and belt were kept. The legend goes as follows: At the time of Leo the Wise, the Byzantine Empire was at war with the Saracens. The
Muslims came close to Constantinople, and the capital was threatened by mortal danger. On Sunday, October 1, according to the
Julian calendar, during the all-night vigil, when the church was filled with praying people, Saint Andrew the Fool-for-Christ raised
his eyes upwards and saw Our Lady walking on the air. She was illuminated and surrounded by many angels and saints. For an hour
the Mother of God prayed and shed tears. Thereafter, She took off Her shining homophor and extended it over the people. When the
vision disappeared, the homophor became invisible, but the Holy Virgin’s grace remained with the people of Constantinople.
By the Intercession, the Christians tried to finish all their work in the field: reaping the harvest, making preparations for the winter.
The first frosts began. Cattle did not graze on the pasture any more, but were taken to the cattle sheds and fed with the winter
forage. At this time workers were hired – usually for a period till the Epiphany. The Feast of Intercession was considered to be a day of
payment for the work and goods.
Source: www.calend.ru
variety of dessert varenyky
250 gr. – 200 rub.
Kyiv Cake
What is Ukrainian land famous for? It
is known for salo (pork fat), borscht,
and vodka. Those with a sweet tooth
and guests of the capital Kyiv would
certainly add Kyiv Cake to this list.
Neither a vacation nor a business trip
is complete without a purchase of this
cherished souvenir. This tradition became
a custom in the Soviet times, but back
then it was extremely difficult to find
this confectionary masterpiece. People
usually fell back on all the possible ways
to get it; they gave bribes in shops and
stood in enormous lines. At that time,
Kyiv Cake had a magical power to solve
all kinds of problems in the capital of the
Soviet Union.
The history of the cake conception is the
following: once confectioners forgot to
cool a batch of egg whites for a sponge
cake. The next morning, in order to cover
their colleagues’ mistake, Kostiantyn
Petrenko, manager of the sponge cake
shop, and Nadiya Chernohor, a 17–yearold confectioner’s assistant, took the
risk and covered the hardened layers
of meringue with buttercream dusted
with vanilla powder and decorated the
top with a flower ornament. That was
the forerunner of a cake which was
destined to become a symbol of Kyiv and
remained so for many decades.
Over time, some changes were
introduced to the recipe of Kyiv Cake: in
the 1970s the confectioners improved
the cooking of the white eggs and nuts
mixture, and later they started to add
hazelnut and experiment with peanuts
and cashews. Since the cost of the cake
increased from the use of expensive
nuts, the confectioners returned to using
Kyiv Cake was regularly delivered to
the Kremlin, specifically for Leonid
Brezhnev, the Secretary General of the
Central Committee of the Communist
Party of the USSR, and Andrei Gromyko,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
USSR, who adored the cake. It was one
of the gifts from the Ukrainian SSR for
Brezhnev’s 70th anniversary. The threestoried work of culinary art consisted of
70 layers and weighed more than five
14 | news from “Korchma”
Pelmeni, Borscht, Varenyky
Are Top Sellers in America
Reception Dedicated to the
Independence Day of Ukraine
On September 10 the Embassy of Ukraine held an official reception dedicated
to the 22nd anniversary of Ukrainian Independence for more than 600 guests
from all over the world. The rules of diplomatic etiquette state that all the
holidays falling in the period of summer vacations are shifted to September. This
was the case for the Ukrainian Embassy. Volodymyr Elchenko, the ambassador of
Ukraine, greeted the guests. The reception was attended by guests from friendly
countries. A well-organized feast has always been the a part of the Ukrainian
news from “Korchma” | 15
Embassy’s receptions. This time, as it has been for many years, Korchma Taras
Bulba was the partner of the event. The food was exquisite: excellent varenyky,
Ukrainian home-made sausage, and authentic kvass and fruit drinks.
The guests were entertained not only with food. Organizers gathered both
politicians and famous singers under the same roof. Iosif Kobzon personally
arrived to congratulate the ambassador, and Tatiana Bulanova performed
Ukrainian songs for the guests of the event.
On June 1, 2013, Korchma Taras Bulba opened
its door to the residents and guests of New York
city. Our popularity is growing and at present we’ve
taken the first steps in our SoHo district restaurant,
as well as in New York overall. Such dishes as
Zakarpattia bullhead fillet, Chicken Kiev, roast
meat, pelmeni (meat ravioli), varenyky (dumplings)
and of course borscht (beetroot soup) have become
the top sellers.
Many visitors are familiar with Slavic cuisine,
especially Ukrainian or similar Russian cuisine.
The decor and the interior attract all types of
people. The hostesses and administrators can
answer all kinds of questions about the history
of the creation of the interior and the conception
behind it.
A great number of guests are Russian speakers –
people who want to introduce our national cuisine
and culture to their friends. Since we are located
in SoHo, tourists and locals come over for lunch or
Among the celebrities who visit us are
Maria Sharapova and the winners of the show
“Dancing with the Stars” Karina Smirnoff and
Maksim Chmerkovskiy. Representatives of
the Embassy of Ukraine are also our regular
Ukraine is number
one in the world in
producing honey per
capita: 1.5 kg per
person. The largest
producers of this
product are the regions
of Donetsk, Mykolayiv,
and Zhytomyr, says
Ukraine has
the largest
in the world
reserve of
ore – 2.3
billion tons,
or about 11
percent of
the entire
Ukrainian citizen Olha
Horozhanska made the
largest embroidered map
of Ukraine. It measures
197 cm by 152 cm. The
map is composed of
over 600,000 crosses and
looks very realistic with
its rivers and lakes, cities,
and oblast borders. The
accomplishment was
entered into Ukraine’s
Book of Records.
to the famous
Ukrainian poet Taras
Shevchenko have
been erected in over
1,200 places around
the world. Overall,
they make up the
greatest number of
monuments dedicated
to a person, after
totalitarian leaders
and unknown soldiers.
The longest
trolley route in the
world makes up
86 km and lies in
Crimea connecting
Simferopol and Yalta.
We h av e o n l y fr e s h an d s av o r y n e w s !
Bulba NEWS has its own website now
We offer only fresh and savory news!
Share the news in social networks,
and leave your comments.
Send your news to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com
The newspaper office is open for cooperation! Call us at 8-968-665-12-07 or write to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com
October 22 – October 29
t e r fo r t
ro uc
of butter with herbs rolled in a breaded
chicken breast.
Ukrainian cuisine –
made with love!
• Chicken fillet – 3 pcs
• Egg – 2
• Butter – 120 g
• Bread crumbs – 180g
• Chopped dill or parsley – 3 teaspoons
• Salt, pepper – to taste
• Oil for frying – 4 tablespoons
Mix the butter, dill (or parsley), garlic
powder, salt or pepper. Put the mixture
onto a plastic wrap and make a small roll.
Refrigerate it. Using a sharp knife split
each fillet almost to the edge and open
it like a book. Put each of the chicken
breasts between 2 pieces of plastic wrap.
Tenderize and season with salt and
pepper each piece of the chicken.
Divide the frozen butter into 3 parts.
Place one piece of the butter into each
chicken breast.
Fold the edges of the chicken and then
roll it. Put it into the freezer for 10
Beat the eggs with a fork or whisk. Put
bread crumbs in a separate bowl.
Each of the half-finished product dip into
the eggs, then coat in bread crumbles and
dip into the eggs again. Roll once more in
bread crumbles.
Heat the oil in a deep frying pan to the
medium-high temperature. Carefully
place each roll seam down into the oil
and cook for 5-7 minutes on each side
until golden brown.
160 gr. – 230 rub.
For the whole
week we will serve
pumpkin dishes
to ancient
t h e wa i
he d
Kiev New
“Pumpkin Fest”
In New York, a Chinese guy
walks into a bank. He tells the
loan officer that he needs to
borrow $5,000 for two weeks.
As collateral for the loan, the
guy offers his car – a $250,000
Ferrari that is parked in the
street in front of the bank. Two
weeks later, the Chinese guy
returns and repays his $5,000
loan. Plus $15.41 in interest.
After he settles his loan, he
gets his car back. The loan
officer says to the guy, «I don’t
understand why you bothered
to borrow such a small amount
for such a short time with such
expensive collateral.» The guy
replies, «Where else in New
York can I park my Ferrari
for $15.00 for two weeks and
expect it to be there when I
Restaurants’ location:
MOSCOW, Aviamotornaya metro station,
6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741
Avtozavodskaya metro station,
6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532
Akademicheskaya metro station,
16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877
Alekseyavskaya metro station,
3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754
Airport metro station,
64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011
Baumanskaya metro station,
23/41 Bakuninskaya St., (495) 956 5580
Borovitskaya metro station,
8 Mokhovaya St., 24-hour, (495) 644 8020
Krasnye Vorota metro station,
47 Myasnitskaya St., (495) 607 1762
Leninskiy Prospekt metro station,
37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466
Novokuznetskaya metro station,
14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153
Novye Cheryomushki metro station,
Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211
Smolenskaya metro station,
12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902
Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station,
13 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., 24-hour, (495) 694 0056
Chekhovskaya metro station,
30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082
Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station,
6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051
Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year,
27 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660
KIEV, “Teatralnaya”, “Zolotye Vorota”,“Kreschatik” metro
station, 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St.,+38 (044) 270-7248
357 West Broadway, NYork City, NY 10013
phone: (212) 510 75 10
Look for this taste treat in our menues!
Certificate of registration PI № FS 77 — 19940. Circulation is 5 000 copies.
Laskavo prosymo!