NCACTE Newsletter - North Carolina Association for Career
NCACTE Newsletter - North Carolina Association for Career
NCACTE Newsletter Wanda Robinson, President . Tom Jones, Executive Director . . September 2010 The Mission of the NCACTE is to provide educational leadership in developing a competitive workforce. NEW CTE SUMMER CONFERENCE FORMAT WAS WELL-RECEIVED Attendees at the 2010 Career & Technical Education Summer Conference followed a new conference format this year. Department of Public Instruction staff and NCACTE Leadership organized a new 3-day conference schedule instead of the more traditional 3-1/2 day conference attendees have been used to for many years. Comments were mixed, but many of the attendees questioned found the new 3-day conference packed with the same amount of information and excitement as previous conferences. If you have not completed your conference survey yet, your comments are extremely beneficial. You must complete the survey (received by email) in order to receive your CEUs for attending the conference. Inside this issue: President’s Message 2 ACTE National Convention: Las Vegas 3 Program Area Division News 627 CTSO Nat’l Winners 823 Legislative Platform 28 Consultants & Contacts 30 Calendar of Events 32 Tuesday’s opening session had 4 general speakers who shared with us their vision of the path and direction of Career & Technical Education. Our speakers were (pictured from top) Rebecca Payne, Director of Career & Technical Education; Dr. June St. Clair Atkinson, State Superintendent; Walter Dalton, Lieutenant Governor; and Angela Quick, Deputy Chief Academic Officer. Program area sessions began on Tuesday afternoon and continued to the close of the conference on Thursday at 5:00pm. NCACTE 2010 Awards were presented at the opening ceremony. Award recipients are (pictured below l-r): Daryle Nobles—NCACTE Outstanding Career and Technical Professional; Kaye Harris— NCACTE Outstanding Teacher in Community Service; Hillary Steere—NCACTE Outstanding New Career and Technical Teacher; and Scot Whitfield—NCACTE Teacher of the Year. Presenting awards were (also pictured l-r) Rebecca Payne, Dr. June Atkinson, and NCACTE President Ruth Huff. 2010 ACTE National Convention See Page 3 for details From Your President . . . . . I certainly hope each Career-Technical Education teacher, administrator and support personnel experiences a smooth transition from summer to school as well as a successful first quarter. By now, many of you are immersed in accountability issues, curriculum and instructional matters, parent and student concerns, personal and professional enrichment opportunities and many other educationally innovative matters. Each of these items demonstrate a small portion of what NCACTE members do to prepare students with globally competitive skills for the 21st century. Empowering today’s workforce for tomorrow’s challenges is what CTE does best! I am planning to attend the 2010 ACTE Career Tech expo in Las Vegas on December 2-4. It is my desire to have as many of you as possible to join me as we voice our concerns and provide support to Dr. Gary Moore. You may contact any Board of Directors member to express any questions, concerns or comments. We are here to act on your behalf. Let us know….remember….stop the yapping and make it happen! I truly appreciate your dedication to sharing your expertise and love to our future ready students and to our professional organization. NCATCE is comprised of thirteen divisions across the state. Unfortunately our membership numbers have dramatically decreased. I am looking forward to assisting with increasing members to 1200 members. Please continue to make positive impacts with new and non-renewed colleagues. Let’s stop yapping and make it happen!! I want to encourage you to involve tour Legislative committee members to communicate your concerns. It is always appropriate to contact your local, state and national elected officials as well. We need to educate everyone about the great things we do in Career Technical Education. Brag about your accomplishments, CTSO activities and classroom matters. Invite them into your room and allow them to become participants. I have been quite busy representing you and marketing NCACTE to new and seasoned professionals. I am asking all members to continue encouraging everyone across your LEA to join us. We do an excellent job of joining and renewing while at summer conference, however once we leave Greensboro…we forget. I ask each division’s president to utilize strategies to expand our membership base. Also, NCACTE is looking to recognize all ―life members‖. Please notify me if you are a life member in your division or state. We are a very strong force! Let us pull together and get the recognition we deserve. CTE has the answer for preparing all students to become productive citizens. Allow NCACTE to work for you. I look forward to seeing you as I travel across North Carolina representing you. I am just a click away: October 1-3 are the dates for the ACTE Region II Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. If you have never attended such an event....plan to do so. It allows an experience to meet with other states in our area. The setting is quite intimate for discussions and networking. Feel free to visit our website: for pertinent information. The NCACTE Fall Professional Development Conference and Board of Director’s will be held in Raleigh, NC, October 15-16 at the Holiday Inn Brownstone. I am expressing my appreciation in advance…thanks for representing and participating. I expect all chairpersons to contact your committee persons so as to discuss and solidify NCACTE goals for the 2010-11 year. All topics of discussion will be interesting and enlightening. Also, remember to bring an item or two for the auction. West Mecklenburg HS had 4 students compete at the FCCLA Nationals in Chicago; Amber Hopkins and Chabre' Phillips earned a silver medal in the National FCCLA Culinary Arts Competition; Thaneija Downing and Lashawnda Smith earned a Gold Medal in the hospitality event; Lakeisha Abernathy earned a silver medal in the Teach and Train event. 2 3 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Tom Jones, NCACTE Executive Director The 2010 CTE Summer Conference is over and by the time you receive this newsletter another school year may have begun. I hope that all of you will enjoy a good start, and are anticipating lots of good things happening during the 2010-11 school year. The new leadership in your association is eager to serve, and I believe that you can expect this year’s leadership team to work hard and represent your association and your interests in a very professional and excellent manner. State lawmakers were faced with some very difficult decisions--decisions that stood no chance of pleasing everybody. Our NCACTE Legislative Policy Day could not have been better planned and timed. Our direct contacts organized by our lobbyist, Dave Simpson, and our Legislative Committee chaired by Aaron Fleming succeeded in rallying support for CTE; and the budget language specifically targeting CTE was deleted from the state budget. I have been impressed with the diligent work of many of our state association committees. The emphasis we have placed on committee work over the past several years is beginning to show some results. I have noticed increased communications and an improved follow through with a committee's respective program of work. Our president appointed several special committees this year that have also been working hard on special projects. One such committee was appointed to work on improving the appearance of our membership form. While this work is ongoing, some worthy ideas have been mentioned; and I am confident these ideas will result in an improved membership form in the near future. Another special committee was assigned to work on developing a new membership category--unit membership. The Assembly of Delegates approved an amendment in July that added "Unit Membership" as a new membership category. We are hopeful that the inclusion of the "Unit Membership" category will result in a significant increase in state membership for this fiscal year. I also want to mention another special committee appointed this year whose work has just begun. NCACTE will be hosting the 2011 ACTE Region II Leadership Conference. A committee has been appointed by Ruth Huff (2009-10 NCACTE President) to put together the conference program and activities. The conference will be in Asheville, September 27-October 2, 2011. Even though our advocacy efforts have kept CTE from being directly harmed by the state budget, local school systems are still feeling the sting of decreased state funding and are having to make budget cuts that in many instances include CTE staff. Loss of CTE positions, travel restrictions, and apathy have all contributed to a decrease in our state association's membership. We have declined from 977 members in July 2009, to 792 members in July 2010. When one considers the significant impact that NCACTE has had on protecting CTE funding, it is difficult for me to understand how anyone related to career & technical education can justify not supporting the only professional organization whose advocacy efforts are directly related to the promotion and protection of career & technical education. NCACTE has done many good things, and our members have shown a dedication and willingness to involve themselves in advocacy efforts and other professional association projects; yet still we are losing ground in terms of membership and in terms of financial security. Unless we are able to really increase our membership and our revenues, we are looking at a significant change in the way that our association does business. I will be asking the leadership of our association to focus on the following: Consider new and different ways to provide staff development activities. Consider new and different ways to increase membership. Continued next page Last year we were very concerned about North Carolina's budget crisis. I made the comment in last year's report that the state's budget crisis is having some very negative and dramatic consequences for public education, and this in turn is affecting the financial security of our state association. The budget crisis continues, and in fact, is getting worse. This year we were threatened with losing approximately $56 million dollars. This was a very real and aggressive threat. 4 From Your Past President . . . . As we begin a new school year, I have enjoyed watching the TV commercial for Shredded Wheat. The commercial counts down to the first day of school and then shouts ―Happy New School Year!‖ These are my thoughts for each educator as you embark on an exciting and productive school year, full of many challenges and opportunities to make you a stronger professional. One great opportunity I encourage all to take advantages of is to join NCACTE. If you are already a member then you have started your year providing yourself with one great opportunity. As chairman of the Membership Committee I look forward to working with your division president and you to create new and innovative ways to increase membership and to offer more opportunities through your membership. For those of you who are now new members through unit membership, welcome. We are here to help the profession with support, staff development and advocacy. Please take advantage of the opportunities and become an active member. We must continuously work to grow new leaders and to provide support for Career and Technical Education programs. You could become one of those new leaders. If you are not a member at this time, please know that an entire family of supporters are here working for you to make Career and Technical Education better. The family of CTE is waiting for you to become a part of us. A membership application is included in this newsletter just waiting for you to complete and send to become a member. If you are a member I challenge you to go back to your school and recruit new or old members that have forgotten to renew. Thank you for your support last year as I served as your president. I know you will give Wanda the same support as she works for our association. It was my pleasure to serve as president and now as immediate past president. For 25 years I have given my support to this association and I plan to continue for years to come. If you have membership questions please let us know so we can help. Ruth Huff, NCACTE Past President Continued from previous page Continue to develop a strong relationship between NCACTE and NC-DPI that will allow the professional organization to take a more active role in providing staff development opportunities. Continue efforts to enhance the exposure that the Summer Conference Exhibitors' Showcase receives. Organize a special committee that will develop strategies that will allow the divisions to assume more responsibility for the welfare of the state association. Assess the probability of having future Summer Conferences. NCACTE will need to take the lead in making certain that Summer Conference will be a continuing activity. This year we lost membership and we lost money. Obviously, this is cause for concern. I hope that our teachers and administrators will begin to see more than ever the importance of our professional organization. We have a strong legislative advocacy process in place that has been very influential over the past several years. The advocacy efforts of our state and national associations will be critical during the coming months. If we allow our association to decline we will lose the most powerful advocacy tool that we have. We cannot let this happen. Let's pull together to keep our association strong. Challenges can present opportunities. Opportunities can be turned into success stories. It's time that we use our creativity to develop a new way of doing business. I serve this organization with a firm resolve to do my very best. This organization means a lot to me and I pray that my efforts combined with the efforts of our association leadership will result in its steady improvement and continued prosperity. 5 Administration Division Friends and Colleagues: It was great to see many of you at the 2010 Summer Conference at the Koury Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. It's hard to believe but it's that time of the year again - the beginning of a new school year. Welcome back! This year will bring several economic challenges as we begin to administer our programs and services to our stakeholders in both the public and private sectors. It is extremely important that we continue to come together with our association and encourage others to join us. As your 2010 NCACTEA President, we will continue the work that has started in building our organizations through unit membership, the strategic plan, and providing quality staff development (fall, spring, summer conference). Our 2010 Administrator's Fall Conference will be at the Embassy Suites in Cary, NC on October 20-22, 2010. Our theme is "Career and College...Ready, Set, Go!" which will expand on the Governor's current education initiative. Together we can achieve wonderful things. There's a lot of excitement ahead of us, Elements Implementation, Microsoft Academy (ITA), the CTE A&R System and other local initiatives in the LEA's. As the new 2010 ACTE theme: Learning Today...Earning Tomorrow suggest, we must continue to grow our future in CTE. Thank you for your commitment to Career Technical Education Programs in North Carolina. Sincerely, Mrs. Laureen G. Jones, Ed.S 2010 NCACTEA President DO YOU HAVE AN ARTICLE YOU WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE NEWSLETTER??? If so, submit your article to the editor at Articles should be in MS Word and should be proofed for content and grammar before submitting. 6 FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES DIVISION Linda West & Linda Johnson Wow! Is it really the 2010-2011 school year? The start of a new school year always bring with it new beginnings. It brings a fresh new start: new students, new colleagues, new curriculums, and new ideas. This year our FACS theme ―Recalling Our Calling----Refocusing our Future‖ really hit home. As we keep the best of our best, there is always room for new ideas. Summer Conference brought many new ideas for the upcoming school year. It was a time to share ideas and see what works for others, but also a time to renew old friendships and make new ones too. Many Family and Consumer Sciences teachers and others shared their imaginative and unique ideas and teaching techniques with us all. Our New Officers: President: Linda Johnson President-Elect: Katonia Humphrey Past President: Carol Harper Secretary: Linda West Treasurer: Jennifer Parker Our Committee Members: Awards: Carol Harper Bylaws: LeeAnn Williams Legislative: Carol Harper Membership: Linda Johnson Newsletter: Linda West Professional Development: Ruth Baker Public Information: Kristina Yarborough Resolutions: Derrick Fogg Strategic Plan: Katonia Humphrey Ways & Means: Rick Pearl (Anyone interested in serving as an officer or committee member next year, please contact Katonia Humphrey.) The registration booths along with the vendors and division booths worked great at Summer Conference. We want to thank everyone who stopped by the table to join NCACTE and take part in our ―Lottery Balloon‖ drawing. We encourage everyone to join or renew their membership to ACTE and NCACTE as soon as possible if you missed our table. (Left) President-Elect Katonia Humphrey and President Linda Johnson work the FACS division booth during summer conference. (Rt) Our very own President-Elect, Katonia Humphrey won the NCACTE drawing for the BRAND NEW LAPTOP!!! Katonia Humphrey receives her laptop from Bill Ellis. FACS Division voting delegates at the NCATE Assembly of Delegates, left to right: Linda Johnson, Carol Harper, Derrick Fogg, Everlene Davis, Rick Peal, Jennifer Buffaloe-Parker, Kristina Yarborough, Katonia Humphrey FACS Division continued on next page 7 A note from our new FACS President Linda Johnson My favorite quote is ―Stand up for what you believe, even if you are standing alone.‖ What I am asking each Family and Consumer and Sciences professional to do this year is to stand up and be counted as a member of your profession, but you definitely will NOT be standing alone. We have lots to accomplish this year and these goals are outline in organization and division’s strategic plans. The goals focus on increasing our membership, being informed and involved in legislative efforts, participating in professional conferences, encouraging professionalism, seeking out business partnerships, and leadership development of members. We need to be strong in numbers to accomplish all of these goals, so I am asking you to be become a member of the FACS division, NCACTE and ACTE. I wish each of you the best during the 2010-2011 school year. If I can assist you in any way, please contact me at FCCLA 2010 NATIONAL WINNERS 84 Competitors: 27 GOLD; 42 SILVER; 15 BRONZE DISTRICT 1: Adviser: Gwen Stevens; Student:Jasmine Harvey – Northeastern High – Interpersonal Communications - SILVER DISTRICT 2: Adviser: Kay Stanley; Student: Rachel Fisscher – John T. Hoggard High – Fashion Construction – GOLD Adviser: Tammy Gore-Holbrook; Students: Destiney James , Laportsha Little, Matthew Plewinski – Laney High – Food InnovationsSILVER Advisers: Tanica Jackson and Angela Taylor; Students: Megan Hemby, Kateema Jones – North Lenoir High –Promote & Publicize – BRONZE DISTRICT 3: Adviser: Dawn Harrison; Student: Taylor Harrison – Apex High – Applied Technology – SILVER Adviser: Oney Jones; Student: Taja Hobson – Warren County High – Career Investigation- SILVER Adviser: Irma Bode; Student: Lisa Dzera, Erika Sandy – Wakefield High – Chapter Showcase, Manual – SILVER Adviser: Yvonne Campbell; Student: Tyreka Evans – Northern Vance High – Entrepreneurship – GOLD Adviser: Irma Bode; Students: Katrina Argento, Alora Ewing-Santos – Wakefield High – Entrepreneurship – SILVER Adviser: Irma Bode; Student: Jahana Debery – Wakefield – Focus on Children – SILVER Adviser: Irma bode; Student: Kathlyn Miller- Wakefield High- Focus on Children – SILVER Adviser: Irma Bode; Student: Nick Defalco – Wakefield High – Food Innovations –GO LD Adviser: Yvonne Campbell; Student: Lapheal Williams – Northern Vance High – Job Interview – BRONZE DISTRICT 4: Adviser: Kristina Yarborough; Student: Ashlee Gray – Gray’s Creek High – Chapter Showcase, Manual – SILVER Adviser: Pam Lineberger; Students: Robert Nunnery, Riki Nunnery – Jack Britt High – Environmental Ambassador – GOLD Adviser: Elizabeth Moss; Student: Amanda Wilderman- Ellerbe Junior High – Illustrated Talk – SILVER Adviser: Sherry Williams; Student: Nikita Herbert – Southern Lee High – Job Interview – SILVER Adviser: Karrell Darden; Student: Denettra Moore – Terry Sanford High – Job Interview – BRONZE Adviser: Maria Keels; Student: Amber Autry – Mac Williams Middle – Life Event Planning – BRONZE Advisers: Debbie Kinlaw & Gail Marsh; Students: Teiashoona Autry, Qualynn McDowell – West Bladen High – Life Event Planning – BRONZE Adviser: Pam Lineberger; Student: Hannah Lineberger – Jack Britt High – Life Event Planning – GOLD 8 FCCLA National Winners Continued DISTRICT 5: Adviser: Sylvia Smith; Students: Travis Nickelston, Tiffany Tilley – North Stokes High – Chapter Service Project, Display – GOLD Advisers: Valerie Williams & Cathy Garrett; Student: Taylor Cahill – Southeast Guilford High – Chapter Service Project Manual – SILVER Adviser: Valerie Williams & Cathy Garrett; Student: Taylor Kennedy – Southeast Guilford High – Early Childhood – SILVER Adviser: Linda Green; Student: Mallorie Nelson – East Forsyth High – Fashion Construction- SILVER Adviser: Beth Bell; Student: Leah Friedman – East Chapel Hill High – Fashion Design – SILVER Adviser: Pam Schaub; Student: Natalie Baldwin – Orange High – National Programs in Action – SILVER DISTRICT 6: Adviser: Carol Parrish; Student: Emily Huss, Katie Wright – North Mecklenburg High – Applied Technology – BRONZE Advisers: Myra Spitzhoff & Rob Pinkston; Students: Brittany Crocker, Blair Steinmetz – Hopewell High – Applied Technology – GOLD Advisers: Debra Dunn & Ruth Baker; Students:Heidi Eggles, Wesley Mattox – Ardrey Kell High – Chapter Service Project, Display – SILVER Adviser: Carol Parrish; Student: Grace Lassiter – North Mecklenburg High – Chapter Service Project, Manual – BRONZE Adviser: Carol Parrish; Students: Leoine Becker, Kristen Dopf, Brittany MacLeod- North Mecklenburg High – Chapter Showcase, Display – SILVER Advisers: Christine Kapakos & Noriko Burgess; Student: Joseph Arrington- West Mecklenburg High – Culinary Arts – SILVER Adviser: Dale Richardson; Students: Amber Hopkins, Chabre’ Phillips – East Mecklenburg High- Culinary Arts – SILVER Advisers: Myra Spitzhoff & Rob Pinkston; Student: Teresa Douglas – Hopewell High – Environmental Ambassador – SILVER Advisers: Debra Dunn & Ruth Baker; Students: Sarah Gore, Summer Rockett – Ardrey Kell High – Focus on Children – GOLD Advisers: Christine Kapakos & Noriko Burgess; Students: Thainja Downing, Lashawnda Smith – West Mecklenburg High – Hospitality – GOLD Advisers: Debra Dunn & Ruth Baker; Student: Alejandra Lazarini – Ardrey Kell High – Illustrated Talk- GOLD Advisers: Debra Dunn & Ruth Baker; Student: Katelyn Robalino – Ardrey Kell High Interior Design – GOLD Advisers: Debra Dunn & Ruth Baker; Student: Grace Neely – Ardrey Kell High – Interior Design – SILVER Adviser: Carol Parrish; Students: Paige Medlin, Shannon Seufert – North Mecklenburg High – National Programs in Action – SILVER Advisers: Debra Dunn & Ruth Baker; Students: Danielle Belle-Williams, Ashley Nicholson, Alison Pandoff- Ardrey Kell High- National Programs in Action- GOLD Advisers: Christine Kapakos & Noriko Burgess; Student: Lakeisha Abernathy – West Mecklenburg High – Teach & Train- SILVER Advisers: Myra Spitzhoff & Rob Pinkston; Student: Casey Rowe- Hopewell High – Teach & Train – BRONZE DISTRICT 7: Advisers: Claudia Daly & Bobbi Richardson; Students: Amber Munday, Sarah Pruitt- Maiden High – Chapter Service Project, Manual – BRONZE Adviser: Kathyrn Jett McVea; Students: Prasilla Castillo, Sara Hoyle- Alexander Central High – Chapter Showcase, Display – BRONZE Adviser: Kathryn Jett McVea; Students: Asia Rhodes, Megan Willard – Alexander Central High – Chapter Showcase, Manual SILVER DISTRICT 8: Advisers: Lacey Grogan-Davis & Susan Holt; Student:Rachel Maynor- Clyde A Erwin High – Chapter Service Project, Display – GOLD Advisers: Lacey Grogan-Davis & Susan Holt; Students: Erin Lieder, Jessica Seager- Clyde A Erwin High – Chapter Service Project, Display – GOLD Adviser: Billie Wilson; Students: Brittany Nelson, Haley Owen – Rosman High- Chapter Service Project, Display- SILVER Advisers: Lacey-Grogan-Davis & Susan Holt; Students: Kindal Edmonds, Brooke Maynor, Katie Stewart – Clyde A Erwin High – Chapter Showcase, Display – GOLD Adviser: Billie Wilson; Students: Lea Kilpatrick, Christina Rice – Rosman High- Entrepreneurship - SILVER Adviser: Mary Mauney; Student: Skye Satz- Cane Creek Middle- Food Innovations – SILVER Adviser: Melanie Tabor; Students: Austin Warren, James Whitt- Swain County High – Illustrated Talk- SILVER Advisers: Lacey Grogan-Davis & Susan Holt; Students: Tonya Morris, Savannah Nesbitt – Clyde A Erwin High – Promote & Publicize GOLD 9 NC-ALIVE Division Greeting from your 2010-2011 North Carolina American Leadership Institute for Vocational Education (NC-ALIVE) President, Linda Wiggins. As we embark upon a new year, we will face many challenges. However; through collaboration, and networking, we can focus our attention towards developing ―the Professional Development Institute‖ for educators, administrators, and others desiring to develop effective leadership skills and educational leadership among members of diverse populations within Career and Technical Education, next spring. Our first meeting will be a strategy session that is tentatively scheduled for September. The Leadership Institute for Vocational Educators (LIVE) and the future plans of (NC-Alive) will be discussed at that time. The goal of our NCACTE President- Wanda Robinson is to increase membership from 800 to 1200 before the end of her term, July 2011. The challenge for NCACTE is to increase membership by 33% growth within that timeframe. As a division in the association, we challenge our members to seek 33% growth in the membership of NC-ALIVE. This means that we must recruit new members and encourage current inactive members to renew their membership in the division. NC-ALIVE membership currently consists of (51) members. “WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER.” Our past president, Kerry Baldwin started a campaign of sponsoring a new member to NCALIVE by collecting pocket change for the purpose of paying a new persons membership to our division. We had several people that actually accomplished this task. ―Would you like to follow the lead of those individuals?‖ Although you may be a member, this could be a way for you to sponsor a new member or if you are not currently a member, this could become a way for you to sponsor your own membership! The NC-Alive newsletter is scheduled for publication this fall. If you have articles that you would like to submit, email them to the newsletter chair. We look forward to continuing the NC-Alive Scholarship, the August B. White Award, and the Trailblazer Awards. We need your help in order to make this happen. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for either of these awards, please forward the information to me, and the awards committee chair, Helena Hendrix-Frye at the email addresses below. The scholarship information will be forthcoming in the NC-ALIVE Newsletter. President: President-Elect: Past President: Secretary: Treasurer: NCALIVE OFFICERS 2010-2011 Linda Wiggins Dr. Patricia Robinson Kerry Baldwin Michael Holman Ivey Farmer Committee Chairs are as follow: Awards Helena Hendrix-Frye BylawsRenea Stitt MembershipLinda Wiggins LegislativeKatonia Humphreys NewsletterShemeka Shufford Professional Development- Sandra Murphy Public InformationMichael Holman Resolution Committee- Quamesha Whitted Strategic PlansPatricia Robinson Ways & MeansMacArthur Mitchell Our Strategic Plan for 2010- 2011 includes Goals for: Membership Recruitment and Retention, Legislation Advocacy, Professional Development Advocacy, and Leadership Development The Quality Division Award for 2010-2011 is being sponsored by NCACTE and our plans are to rate a SUPERIOR for this award. As you can see we are well on our way in being proactive in these areas. If we can be of any assistance to you this year please let us know! We look forward to serving you this year. Updated information will soon be forthcoming! 10 Instructional Management Division “If there is No Struggle, there is No Progress” The new instructional management pilot has successfully been completed! The process of state-wide implementation is beginning. There is a major shift in the way we operate in the IMC position. The Instructional Management Coordinator position will be more curriculum-focused. We will no longer be the driver of the data; we will let Elements go on auto pilot. All data will be automatically driven by this system. This will give us time to work more on professional development and one-on-one with teachers in the trenches. This is all possible because of the partnership between the developers of ―Elements‖, a Thinkgate Limited Liability Corporation and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. We have to understand that ―If there is no struggle, there is no progress‖ (Frederick Douglass, 1857). IMC’s are going to have to meditate on this from time-to-time. There are major changes to our instructional management system, but trust us, it is worth the initial challenge. You will get frustrated and struggle, but you and your teachers will get through it and advance to a higher level of assessment and evaluation. You will get excited over the various ways you can assess students. We know variety is the spice of life. The data we receive from Elements is in-depth, immediate, and easy to access, because of its connection to NCWISE and Special Population data. The biggest obstacle that an IMC will have this year is planning for professional development using the Elements software. Look over your materials given to you at Summer Conference and on the ftp site. The NCDPI team and pilot members have posted many of the strategies to this site. Make contact with pilot sites to see what worked for them. Personally, as a member of a pilot site, some of the strategies we used we would not repeat and others worked great. NCDPI is requesting that all IMCs go back to the regional monthly meetings during this transition period. It is my understanding that ―best practices‖ and collaboration among regions is the way it worked when the state implemented CMS95. Is testing a major event in your LEA? With Elements, testing is a breeze! You will love how data becomes almost instant to you, your principal(s), and your teachers. No more printing sub-test lists—a process that took, what seemed like, a hundred clicks. Anyone get ―trigger finger‖ during testing? With this system, this is no longer a concern, time will be freed up. You will no longer have to upload data to the state; once it is scanned you are complete—yes, it is that simple! Membership Membership in our division is a must. I am going to give you the brutal truth. If you wear the IMC title, you should be member of the IMC division. To be a separate division, we are required to have a minimum membership of 50 members. At the CTE Summer Conference we were below that requirement. With our state having over 100 LEAs, that shouldn’t be an issue. Please contact to renew or add membership to our division. The success of the IMC division depends on you! You are the beneficiary. You help determine the success of your LEA (teachers and students alike). Can we count on you? If so, please let us know. IMC Division President Elect ............................................................................. Penny Lewis (Lenoir) Secretary ................................................................................... Barbara Long (Elkin City) Treasurer ................................................................... Cathy Ferguson (New Hanover) Awards Committee ........................................................................................................ Graham Fox (Montgomery) By Laws Committee...................................................................... Penny Lewis (Lenoir) Legislative Committee ..................................................................................................... Brenda Jones (Alexander) Legislative Representative .................................. Kim Brewington (Cumberland) New Recruitment Committee ............................................Ginger Stone (Sampson) Newsletter............................................................... Stephen Kelley (Cumberland) Professional Development Committee ........................................................ Tena Martin (Kannapolis City Schools) Resolution Committee ................................................................. Sylvia Parker (Brunswick) Strategic Plan Committee ............................................................. Penny Lewis (Lenoir) Ways and means Committee..................................... Cathy Ferguson (New Hanover) Submitted by: Stephen Kelley 11 Business Education Division Welcome Message from NCACTE-Business Division President Welcome from George E. Brooks your NCACTE Business President for the Year 2010-2011. At this time I would like to share a welcome message to all our NCACTE-Business Division Members. I would like to begin by giving a well deserved thank you to all the Business Division Officers, Committee Chairs and Committee Members who served our Business Division throughout the past year. Your service to our Division is greatly appreciated. First, here is some quick background information to introduce myself to our Business Division. I am currently beginning my 17th year as a Business Educator teaching at South View High School, Cumberland County in the town of Hope Mills. This year I will be teaching BE6412 Multimedia and Webpage Design, BE6411 Computer Applications-I, BE6215 Business Law, and (IB Academy) Information in a Global Society. I have a BS from Methodist University located here in Fayetteville and over 23 years experience in the U.S. Army prior to entering the teaching field in 1993. I retired as a Chief Warrant Officer Two and am a veteran of Desert Shield and Desert Storm. I am married to a wonderful wife Charlotte and we have two great children. Caitlin, age seven will be entering 2 nd Grade and Ephram, age four will be entering pre-school. Charlotte will be a CTE Facilitator at Terry Sanford High School this school year. I have served on the Legislative Committee and was appointed as President Elect of NCACTE-Business Division for the Year 2009-2010. At the state level, I have also served on the NCACTE Resolution Committee over the past few years. As always our biggest challenge for our Division is recruiting new and previous members, so I am asking everyone to locate new members and remind any pervious members to rejoin our Business Division. I am looking for suggestions to make our Division better, so if you have any suggestions please share them with our Officers and Committee Chairs. In closing I look forward to working with you to grow a stronger membership, a stronger voice for our division and serving as your NCACTE-Business Division President. Remember there is power in numbers!! Welcome Message from NCACTE-Business Division President-Elect Pamela Orbison I am currently serving as President-Elect of the NCACTE-Business Division. I have been a member of NCACTE since I began teaching in a lateral entry position in 2007. I have previously served on the Public Information and Nominations committees. I have a BS from Western Governor’s University and over 16 years experience in the Business world, prior to entering the teaching field. I teach Business Education at Corriher-Lipe Middle School within the Rowan-Salisbury School System. I l so teach part time at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. I have volunteered as a Guardian Ad Litem in Rowan County for approximately 10 years, and strive to be an advocate for all children. I am looking forward to serving the Business Division this year. Julia Ray’s Bio as NCACTE-Business Division Past President and embership Committee Julia Ray has served at all levels of ACTE. She has served on the electronic communications committee for three years where she has been a conference blogger and a forum moderator. As a member of NC-ACTE she has served as the Ways & Means Chair as well as a member at large of this committee. Julia’s experience at the Business Division level includes serving as president twice and thus also as president elect and past president. She also served on the Ways and Means committee. In her various positions this has placed her on the membership and the strategic planning committees at the state level. In addition, she has authored the electronic newsletter for the past three years. Julia has been the recipient of the Community Service Award as well as the Orus B. Sutton Teacher of the Year. Julia is also national board certified. She has 18 years of teaching experience, including four years at the post-secondary level, and ten years in North Carolina. 12 Business Education Division Continued Kim Mayo Bio as NCACTE-Business Division Secretary/Treasurer My name is Kimberly S. Mayo and most people call me Kim. Here are some stats about me: 1. My birthday is August 22 and I was born in Ohio, but I have lived in North Carolina for 35 years. 2. My husband's name is Horace Mayo and he has been self-employed at HMayo, Inc. for 34 years. He is an appliance sales and service repairman in Washington, North Carolina. 3. I have three children: Ace, Felisha and Natalie. I have one granddaughter, Lawton, who is five years old and she will begin school this year. Ace and his wife, Jamie, are expecting a little boy, a brother to Lawton, on Labor Day of this year. My daughter, Felisha, and her husband Ralf, are expecting a baby the first week of February. Natalie is a law student at the Brooklyn School of Law in New York and has one more year. 4. My undergraduate degree, Basic Business and Marketing Education, was received from East Carolina University in 1996 and my master's degree, Masters of Science in Information Technology, was received in December, 2005. I am a National Board Certified Teacher for the second ten years now. 5. I have taught at Washington High School for 10 years now. Prior to that I taught at Southside High School for a year and was part of the merger between Aurora High School and Chocowinity High School. My first teaching position was at Aurora High School in Beaufort County and I taught there for four years. I love teaching and believe in the public school system. Prior to teaching, I worked in my husband's business and raised our children. I was a paralegal/legal secretary prior to working with my husband and raising our children. I believe that bringing my "real world experiences" into the classroom has made me a better teacher. 6. My hobbies include any type of puzzle and working on the computer. I also love to cook and work in my yard. OFFICERS: PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT PAST PRESIDENT SECRETARY/TREASURER George Brooks Pamela Orbison Julia Ray Kimberly Mayo (910)425-8181 ext 236 (704)857-7946 (252)473-3141 ext. 2822 (252)946-0858 COMMITTEES: AWARDS BYLAWS LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP NEWSLETTER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC INFORMATION RESOLUTIONS STRATEGIC PLAN Kristy Christenberry Rita Wyss Sarah Doepner Julia Ray Marion Anthony-Jordan Kristy Christenberry Marion Anthony-Jordan Dee Grissett George Brooks 13 (252)943-6341 ext. 236 (828)286-4461 (919)466-4386 (252)4733141 ext. 2822 (336)599-6996 ext. 2702 (252)943-6341 ext. 236 (336)599-6996 ext. 2702 (910)608-3301 (910)425-8181 ext 236 BUSINESS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION NEWS August 2010 Deborah Seehorn, Business & IT Education Consultant The Business and Information Technology Education (BITE) State Staff has been busy working on curriculum, revisions to the Standard Course of Study, and several other initiatives that will benefit our BITE teachers. We had approximately 700 BITE teachers in attendance at the 2010 Summer Conference. The information presented below was discussed at the conference. STANDARD COURSE OF STUDY AND CURRICULUM Curriculum BITE Courses Released Summer 2010 6200/6600 Principles of Business and Finance (new course title; field test status 2010/2011) 6311 Accounting I (new course title; field test status 2010/2011) 6412 Multimedia and Webpage Design (new course title—formerly Computer Applications II; revisions to blueprint and curriculum guide; no longer in field test status) 7086 Personal Finance (field test status 2010/2011; shared course BITE, FACS, and Marketing)) BITE Courses Being Piloted 6460 Business Management and Applications (MBA Research course) 6460 Small Business Entrepreneurship (MBA Research course) Microsoft IT Academy—Office 2010 Applications (Microsoft ITA Courses) Curriculum Innovation—Combination Course: 6411 Computer Applications I and English 9 Standard Course of Study Proposed Program Area Name Change Business and Information Technology Education to Business, Finance, and Information Technology Change more clearly reflects the scope of our program area curriculum. Proposed New Courses Accounting for Managers AP Accounting (currently in pilot) Microsoft IT Academy Courses SREB Sequence – Introduction to Project Management, Technology and Project Management, Project Management in a Global Society, Advanced Project Management Wealth Management Proposed Course Deletions Business and Electronic Communications Proposed Course Title Changes Business Management and Applications to Business Management Exploring Business Technologies to Exploring Business, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship Computer Applications II to Multimedia and Webpage Design (effective 2010 – 2011 school year) MAJOR EMPHASES AND PARTNERSHIPS Industry Partners for Curriculum Innovation SAS (free training and curriculum) SAS Programming for High School and Oracle (free training and curriculum) Oracle Academy and Oracle Database Programming - Oracle ThinkQuest Projects MBA Research (formerly MarkEd) – Atkins "Trey" Michael, Vice Chair, Board of Directors Microsoft Microsoft IT Academy courses and software QTL – 6341 Networking I curriculum Professional development opportunities for teachers Computer Science Teachers Association – Deborah Seehorn, State Department Representative, Board of Directors Southern Region Education Board (SREB) – Improved Readiness for College and Career Project Introduction to Project Management, Technology & Project Management, Project Management in a Global Society, Advanced Project Management RELATED WEBSITES National Business Education Association – North Carolina Business Education Association – Association for Career and Technical Education, Business Education Division North Carolina Business and Information Technology Education – 14 Business & Information Technology Continued UPCOMING EVENTS Staff Development SBEA Convention, October 20 – 23, 2010, Charleston, SC ACTE National Convention, December 2 – 4, 2010, Las Vegas, NV East Carolina University, ACBMITE Conference, February, 2011—TBA, Raleigh, NC NBEA Convention, April 19 – 23, 2011, New Orleans, LA FBLA Meetings FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference, November 19 – 20, 2010, Washington, D.C. NC FBLA State Leadership Conference April 14 - 16, 2011 (TENTATIVE), Greensboro, NC FBLA National Leadership Conference, June 28 – July 1, 2011, Orlando, FL STATE STAFF Mary Jo Nason, Section Chief, Curriculum Section Edith Duncombe, Business and Information Technology Education Curt C. Miller, Business and Information Technology Education Deborah Seehorn, Business and Information Technology Education Linda Crouch, Program Assistant Position Vacant, NC FBLA State Adviser 919-807-3822 919-807-3873 919-807-3874 919-807-3871 919-807-3897 The revised proposed Standard Course of Study will be posted to the NCDPI CTE website soon. Feedback is welcome. NC FBLA Winners at the 2010 National Leadership Conference Nashville, Tennessee High School Events Event Accounting II Place 7th Banking and Financial Systems 7th Desktop Application Programming Desktop Publishing 9th Network Design 5th Networking Concepts 3rd Spreadsheet Applications Technology Concepts 10th 5th 4th Student Stephen Dunwoody Houston McCurry Kasey Mead Isaiah Nelson Kevin Cooper School Weddington High School Adviser Tom Schwartz Beth Eisenhart Highland School of Technology Sarah Discepoli Darien Thomas Amos Cao Neil Shah Frazier Smith Samuel Thompson Michael Yenik D.H. Conley High School Northwest Guilford High School Weaver Academy Kurt Garner Highland School of Technology Overhills High School Beth Eisenhart Northwest Cabarrus High School Thomas Barlow Georgia Hardee Deb Ramey Kim Hackett Middle Level Events Event Largest Local Chapter Computer Technology Open Event Place 4th 1st Student (121 Members) Trevor Hall School Midway Middle School Jacobs Fork Middle School Adviser Annette Caldwell Leslie Farris Who's Who in FBLA – Jeanee Cooper, student, Pine Forest High School FLBA Adviser of the Year – Sarah E. Doepner, East Cary Middle School 2010 standing Chapter Award of Merit (middle level) – Centennial Campus Middle School; Beaufort Middle School 2010 Gold Seal Chapters (high school) – South View High School; Pine Forest High School; Lake Norman High School; West Stanly High School 15 Trade & Industrial Education Division Welcome back T&I teachers. Another school year is upon us. The 2010-2011 year promises to be quite a challenge for all of us across the state. When we departed from Greensboro two weeks ago, I thought I might get some needed R&R. Boy, was I ever so wrong. I had hardly unpacked my bags when the phone started ringing. It has not quit with the upcoming year's planning needed to be accomplished. I must say though, the task is being made much easier because of our amazing T&I officers and support staff that is in place. This Fall, T&I will have eight regional update meetings sponsored by NCTIETA through the support of industry and business. These eight updates will occur across NC in every region at a designated High School during September and October. Check with your CTE Director on the dates and sites to be held. We will also try to post these on our website. During these regional update meetings, we will be looking for regional representatives to be our contacts for membership purposes, what Professional Development is needed, and to develop these reps as future NCTIETA leaders. If you are interested in becoming a region representative, let me or David Barbour( know. Our new officers are; David Barbour-President Elect, Patricia Barnard-Past President, Tammy BradleySecretary, and Tony Bello-Treasurer. I believe this group of outstanding T&I professionals are as good as you can get. I have to say a hardy Thank you to Patricia Barnard. Pat has served all of us in T&I in the most distinquished and dignified manner, served as my mentor, and has become a friend of mine. Also, a thank you to her husband John, who has done so much for our organization. Our new President Elect, David Barbour, brings to our organization great leadership and many other traits like having numerous contacts. Tammy Bradley, our Secretary, is always willing to go the extra mile and keep us on the right track. Tony Bello, our Treasurer, has a wealth of knowledge about our financial needs and how to make every dollar work for T&I. All of these officers lead with enthusiasm and determination that will help us to exceed our goals. Also, kudos to Tony for the great socials at Summer Conference. Todd Thibault, thanks for all you do. The Trade and Industrial division is a large division and most of you are not NCACTE members. NCACTE/ NCTIETA needs your support now more than ever. Without NCACTE, some of us would not be reading this article. Be the Professional that you are, join NCACTE/ NCTIETA today. "Scratch the back that scratches yours." NCACTE saved $55,000,000.00 in man months of employment in May. An application form is in this newsletter. National/State/Division membership is $136. You can get $1,000,000.00 of liability insurance for only $99.00. Total $235.00(1/2 of NCAE) That is all for now. Good Luck on the coming year. Mike Lewis-NCTIETA President 910-706-2010cell SkillsUSA-NC National 2010 Winners Kansas City, MO GOLD MEDAL WINNERS Advertising Design Internetworking Photography Parker, Sarah; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Career Center, Winston-Salem, NC Cain, Marcus; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Career Center, Winston-Salem, NC Garrett, Kaitlyn; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Career Center, Winston-Salem, NC SILVER MEDAL WINNERS Computer Maintenance Technology Residential Wiring Screen Printing Technology Telecommunications Cabling Chen, Bojia; Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill, NC Avary, Robert; Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Career Center, Winston-Salem, NC Richardson, Becky; Richmond Senior High School, Rockingham, NC Hassard, Allison; Weaver Academy, Greensboro, NC TOP TEN WINNERS 4 Chapter Business Procedure 6 Masonry 6 Principles of Technology 7 American Spirit 7 Cabinetmaking 7 Carpentry 7 Engineering Technology 7 Occupational Health and Safety - M 7 Video Product Development 7 Outstanding Chapter 8 First Aid-CPR 9 Precision Machining Technology 10 Sheet Metal Cox, Blake; Jordan, Weston; Kelley, Caroline; Kelly, Tommy; Nicholson, Jacob; Stephens, Wesley; Hayesville High School, Hayesville, NC Hudson, Chris; Mount Pleasant High School, Mount Pleasant, NC Curlee, Nathan; South Stanly High School, Norwood, NC Byrne, Brittany; Northwest Cabarrus High School, Concord, NC Justice, Tyler; McDowell High School, Marion, NC Simpson, Nick; West Carteret High School, Morehead City, NC Aranda, Hiram; Schwartz, Glenn; Smith, Raleigh; Caldwell Career Center, Hudson, NC Barkley, Ramsey; Northwest Cabarrus High School, Concord, NC Allen, Ashley; Botzenhart, Sean; Currituck County High School, Barco, NC Brown, Leah; Godwin, Jorjanna; Pierce, Annah; South Johnston HS , Four Oaks, NC Barefoot, Mariah; South Johnston High School, Four Oaks, NC Braswell, Sean; Hibriten High School, Lenoir, NC Curtis, Hunter; N F Woods Tech Center, Mooresville, NC 16 Special Needs Division Katherine Sapp – President I hope each of you had a restful and relaxing summer break. I would like to share a few important happenings in Special Needs: I would like to first of all THANK each member who joined the Special Needs Division either for the first time or as a renewing member. Our division was in danger of losing it status due to low membership. Each division requires a minimum of 51 active members. Prior to summer conference, our division had 29 members. We had to obtain 22 members in three days in order to keep our division. Thanks to the efforts of Mary Blackburn, Sharon Gainey, and Ruby McLean, our goal was met. Thanks again to EVERYONE who supported our division. I would like to encourage you to continue to support our professional organization and ask others to consider joining as well. NCACTE provides so many benefits to all of us working in Career Technical Education. Special Needs held a fundraising raffle and collected $125.00. Thanks to everyone who purchased a ticket. Our division also raised $90.00 for the NCACTE general fundraiser. The Special Needs Division awarded two scholarships this summer, $500.00 each to Jason Croce and LaQuanda Jones. Jason is a graduate of Salisbury High School. He plans to attend Rowan-Cabarrus Community College in Salisbury. LaQuanda graduated from South Robeson High School. She plans to attend Fayetteville State University this fall. Congratulations Jason and LaQuanda!!! Special Needs Division Officers for 2010-2011: President – Katherine Sapp – President-Elect – Ruby McLean – Past-President – Mary Blackburn – Secretary – Angela Williams – Treasurer – Sharon Gainey – The following committee positions are vacant: Awards, Bylaws, Legislative, Professional Development, Public Information, Resolutions, and Ways and Means. I encourage you to consider serving on one of the committees. Our division cannot grow without your help. Please contact me at or (336) 399-0846 if you would be willing to serve on a committee. Strategic Plan - 2010-2011: -Goal 1: Membership and Recruitment and Retention – maintain membership to a minimum of 51 -Goal 2: Professional Advocacy – encourage members to facilitate workshops and seek leadership positions in the division * Special Needs Division nomination for 2011 Outstanding Career Technical Educator is: Shirley Bynum, Ph.D. Career Technical Education Co-Director, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools In conclusion, I would like to again THANK everyone who joined the Special Needs Division. I encourage you to be an active part of our organization. Have a great 2010-2011 school year! 17 Guidance Division The 2010-2011 NCACTE Guidance Division Officers and Committee Chairpersons were installed during the division meeting session at Summer Conference by Bena Weires. They are as follows: “Invest in Your Future with the NCACTE Guidance Division” was our theme for summer conference. If you were in attendance, I am sure you saw your Guidance Division officers spreading the word everywhere about the benefits of your membership in NCACTE. I hope you were able to join us for the wonderful reception cosponsored by Johnson & Wales University and Futures for Kids, not to mention the educational programs provided by the state staff. If you were not able to attend, you were missed. Hopefully, your schedule next year will allow you to attend this very important staff development opportunity. Division Officers: President – Dan Shuping President-Elect – Liz Vaden Past-President – Judy Harrington Secretary – Fletcher Womble Treasurer – Amy Garner Standing Committee Chairpersons: Awards – Angela Thomas By-laws – Winslow Carter Membership – Dan Shuping Newsletter – Debra Grantham Professional Development – Marchelle Horner Public Information – Judy Harrington Resolutions – Jerry Hathcock Strategic Plan – Liz Vaden Ways and Means – Allison Parker As the new school year begins, please continue to be the advocate for CTE in your schools and community. Many expressed an interest in joining at conference, but much work is needed to increase our membership to an acceptable level. As I stated at summer conference, we are the citizens of CTE, and must be good stewards of our programs. With approximately 330 CDC/SPC’s in the state, we only have 70 current members, leaving much room for growth and improvement. ―Each one, reach one‖ can double our voice in the state legislature, ensuring our CTE programs in NC remain strong and our jobs secure. I continue to believe our challenge is great, but our potential even greater. We are proud of CTE and are equipped to make a difference in our student’s lives and to provide a direct impact on the workforce of tomorrow. The Guidance Division registration table displayed a wheel of fortune type game where participants could play by purchasing ―2 spins for $1‖. By spinning the roulette wheel, participants could win a chance to put their name into one of the four prize drawing pots. They consisted of: $25 money tree; basket of NC products; gift cards totaling $70 to various restaurants/department stores; and split the pot. Winners were announced during the break before closing session. I want to take this opportunity to thank Bena Weires for representing the Guidance Division as our candidate for NCACTE President Elect. Bena has had a strong presence in NCACTE for many years and along with her experience, will bring to this office her dedication and passion for CTE. Please support Bena with your votes for NCACTE President Elect. I leave the position of President of the Guidance Division; however, I will continue my commitment to NCACTE. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our division this year and I wish each of you a successful school year. I appreciate the hard work of our division officers this year and appreciate each of you for your dedication to NCACTE, the Guidance Division, and to CTE programs across our state. Judy Harrington operates the roulette wheel while Liz Vaden and Angela Thomas prepare the money tree at the Guidance Division registration table. Judy Harrington 2009-2010 Guidance Division President 18 Guidance Division Continued Summer Conference provides an excellent learning opportunity where we get to attend productive sessions and gather ideas from many sources. Career Development held two CDC/SPC round table sessions that were a huge success. Participants were given a program listing 20 round table discussion groups. During each of the two sessions, participants got to choose five 15 minute mini-sessions. Topics such as work-based learning, CDP+, College Tech Prep, and grant writing were presented by experienced professionals who shared their expertise on the topic. It is always enlightening to hear and learn what others are doing to promote and advance Career and Technical Education. If you have any information that you would like to share with other members, please send it to me at and I will be happy to include it in the next newsletter. - Debra Grantham Guidance Division Newsletter Chair Donna Shore, Jerry Hathcock, and Bill Hatch presented a ―CDC/SPC Best Practices Panel‖ at summer conference. REGION II CONFERENCE COMES TO NORTH CAROLINA IN 2011 October 2011 will be a great time for NCACTE as we host the ACTE Region II conference. Plans are being made to ensure this will be a conference to remember in North Carolina as well as the Region. The conference will be held in Asheville. More information will be sent out soon so you can begin your plans to attend. This is an opportunity North Carolina has every 11 years. Let’s make it a great conference. 19 Technology Education Division bringing in other people who would not have been able to participate without it,‖ said Morris. Carolyn Banks takes over as President of the NCTEA from Dr. Joe Busby during the Summer CTE Conference held in Greensboro, NC. Morris’ project is to create teaching materials. He is working with RCC Dean of Instructional Services Carl Howald and Mechanical Engineering Technology Department Chairman Dr. Randy Henson to determine what objects should be created for use at both the high school and college levels. Morris teaches Principles of Technology and Computer Networking at RSHS. Kenan Fellowship Program Paying Dividends via Special to the Richmond County Daily Journal ( 8775734/article-Kenan-Fellowship-program-payingdividends-) ―The project will be physics related and focus on the STEM related content areas of science, technology, engineering, and math,‖ said Morris. The seminar covered basic modeling, materials, lighting, rendering, and animation. Participants said it is the same software used to animate commercials and movies. A recent seminar using Autodesk 3D Max software was presented at Richmond Community College in participation with the Kenan Fellowship Program. (l-r) Kenan Fellows Sandre Lane of Laurel Hill and Fred Morris of Rockingham are joined by Richmond Senior High School student Grady Lorenzo and RSHS Architectural Drafting instructor Greg Norton in learning how to create models using the animation software. Mark Winslow (standing) was the trainer. Morris will develop teaching materials for use with the i3D systems at the college and high school. Grady Lorenzo, a senior at Richmond Senior High School, is a certified i3D trainer and will teach other students how to use basic programming and game simulation this year. He said his strengths lie in programming, but the seminar allowed him to improve his modeling skills. RCC Mechanical Engineering Technology major Israel Braddock said the program is similar to the AutoCad program used at RCC and adds another level of design. ―It’s wonderful to have the opportunity to attend such a seminar that is so costly and do it at no charge. There are lots of jobs available to people skilled in this software. It’s a great skill to have,‖ said Braddock. The Kenan Fellowship Program at Richmond Community College is already benefitting the community. RCC recently sponsored a seminar to train RCC’s Kenan Fellow Fred Morris of Rockingham and Mechanical Engineering Technology Chairman Dr. Randy Henson to use 3D software. The seminar was opened at no cost to 14 faculty and students from RCC and local high schools. Henson said the software could be used by his students in projects for their capstone courses during their last semester of study. Sandre Lane is a Kenan Fellow who teaches at Carver Middle School in Laurel Hill. Her project also involves 3D technology. ―This training session is designed to help participants learn to model using Autodesk 3D Max software. The reason it was offered is because the Kenan Fellowship was awarded to create teaching objects for use with the i3D systems in our classrooms. This proves the fellowship program is paying dividends, because we are ―It’s amazing and challenging to be exposed to this type of technology. I have learned a great deal and will be able to bring new concepts into my classroom,‖ she said. Continued next page 20 Continued from previous page School in High Point, North Carolina. Ms. Forbes hopes the institute will help draw more focus to the Technology and Engineering portion of STEM. Vice President for Instruction Johnnie Simpson said representatives from BRAC, the Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Commission, have met with representatives from education, business, industry, and governmental agencies to discuss how they can benefit the counties in their service area. The donation of i3D equipment to the college, and public schools is one of the outcomes. The Siemens Foundation in conjunction with Discovery Education and College Board, is pleased to announce the following fifty middle and high school educators from across the country chosen to participate in the inaugural Siemens STEM Institute this summer. Selected from a pool of nearly 600 applicants, these Fellows will spend a week at the world headquarters of Discovery Communications, outside Washington, D.C., where they will be immersed in hands-on STEM professional development. Educators will spend the week engaging with top scientists, thought leaders, personalities and innovators and visiting leading institutions where they will observe real-world applications of STEM subject matter and find opportunities for networking and collaborating with peers from across the nation. ―A chance encounter with a Kenan Fellow representative at a BRAC meeting gave me the opportunity to say RCC would love to host a fellow and that community colleges should be given consideration when selecting partners. I am delighted we are able to participate. It’s also nice to know that 12 of the 19 Kenan Fellows from the Class of 2010- 2012 are from the BRAC region,‖ said Simpson. RCC President Dr. Dale McInnis said participating in the Kenan Fellowship Program strengthens the college’s curricula as well as its partnership with universities and public schools. News from North Carolina State University The NC State University Technology Education undergraduate program has recently been revised. The previous TED and GC (Graphic Communications) faculties have joined hands and to become the new Technology, Engineering and Design Education Program. Input and collaboration was secured with the colleges of Engineering and Design. The new program designation is TDE. Enrollment trends are already showing some growth as the new name better identifies our curriculum and separates us from school media technology. All majors in the new TDE curriculum are licensure candidates and we are phasing out the nonlicensure components. Still, the numbers are up! Placing student teachers and interns is becoming more challenging and we are beginning to place them further from NCSU. If you would be interested in hosting one this Spring Term, get in touch with Jim Haynie at The formal process of placing a student teacher actually must initiate through the school administration, but we do not even want to ask for placements with teachers who wish not to participate. Must be a fully licensed Technology Education teacher in middle or high school with 5 years experience. We especially seek schools that incorporate TSA as we have found that this is valuable for students. We might have as many as 20 student teachers this Spring. ―Ultimately, we will better serve our students and the businesses and industries that employ them. The need to integrate STEM related concepts is evidenced by the customized training we provide industry. As technology advances in the workplace, we must prepare our graduates to be competitive for these jobs,‖ said McInnis. Morris said hosting the three-day training session shows the value of having RCC in the community. ―RCC is important for more than just the academic programs it provides to adults. Providing the extra things, such as this training, Truck Day for first graders, and other programs is important to our community. Having the Cole Auditorium and the DeWitt Performing Arts Series reaches people who otherwise could not attend such performances. Just having the facilities for community members to use for other functions is important. We all need to realize exactly how much RCC contributes to our quality of life,‖ said Morris. Congratulations to Kim Forbes Named Siemens STEM Institute Fellow Siemens STEM Institute announced that Kim Forbes has been named to their 2010 Siemens STEM Institute Fellows. Kim Forbes teaches at the Ferndale Middle Continued next page 21 Technology Education, Continued Upcoming Events: NCTEA Professional Development Conference February 4-5, 2011 NC State University Raleigh, North Carolina Details Pending 2011 National TSA Conference June 21-25, 2011 Grapevine Texan Hotel & Convention Center Dallas, Texas Keep Informed The NCTEA Listserv is a forum for sharing news, ideas, questions, and comments with fellow technology education teachers, teacher educators, and supervisors around the state. To subscribe to the NCTEA listserv, address a message to: In the body of the message, type ONLY: subscribe NCTEA firstname lastname Please note that ―firstname‖ should be your actual first name, and ―lastname‖ should be your actual last name. You will automatically be subscribed to the listserv, and all future postings on the listserv will be sent to the email address from which you subscribed. Once subscribed, if you want to post a message on the listserv, address it to: To unsubscribe from the listserv, address a message to This time, write ―unsubscribe NCTEA firstname lastname‖ Please note that this is an un-moderated list. All postings go out to all subscribers (about 120 people). Do not ―reply‖ to a list message unless you want the reply to go to all subscribers. Questions? Contact the list manager, Marie Hoepfl, at: 22 National Technology Student Association Conference Baltimore, Maryland June 28 – July 2, 2010 Elected to hold office of TSA National President: Zachary Barnes, Scotland High School National TSA Chapter Excellence Awards 2010 NC School of Science & Math Ferndale Middle School Manteo High School National TSA Teacher of Year 2010 Charlotte Waddell - Walkertown MS Susan Kennedy, Sanderson HS 2010 National TSA Conference Results MIDDLE SCHOOL: Team & Individual Results 4th Challenging Technology Issues Norwayne Middle School 5th Chapter Team Norwayne Middle School 6th Communication Challenge, Lindsay Stone, Sycamore Lane MS th 6 Digital Photography, Daylan Worley, East Hoke Middle School 5th Dragster, Timothy Chisholm, Mooresville Middle School 8th Dragster, Randy Rollins, Mooresville Middle School 10th Electronic Gaming Mooresville Middle School 7th Formula 1 in Schools Ferndale Middle School th 6 Global Manufacturing Manteo Middle School 7th Go Green Manufacturing Norwayne Middle School 8th Go Green Manufacturing Sycamore Lane Middle 8th Inventions & Innovations Sycamore Lane Middle 4th Medical Technology Issues Sycamore Lane Middle 9th Multimedia Production, Ben Hueston Hanes Magnet Middle st 1 Problem Solving Southern Middle School 10th Robot TOBOR Hanes Magnet Middle 7th Tech Bowl - Written, William Rierson Walkertown Middle 1st Techno Talk Hanes Magnet Middle 7th Transportation Challenge, Abel Koshy McDougle Middle School th 9 TSA Cup: Marine Design Norwayne Middle School 1st ZAP IT! Electrical Applications, Alex Ross Hanes Magnet Middle HIGH SCHOOL: Team & Individual Results 9th Agriculture and Biotechnology Design Pinecrest High School 8th CAD Architecture with Animation, Alex Helms Butler High School th 8 CAD Engineering with Animation, Nick Repak Wake Forest-Rolesville 10th Construction Systems Garner Magnet High School 8th Desktop Publishing, Weijie Jiang Providence Senior High 9th Electronic Research and Experimentation Manteo High School 2nd Essays on Technology, Clay Hackney Highland School of Tech. th 9 Imaging Technology, Natalie Carpenter Carrboro High School 4th Medical Technology Highland School of Tech 6th Prepared Presentation, Raul Gonzalez N. Mecklenburg High School 7th Technical Sketching and Application, Matthew Rogers - Highland School of Technology 23 Health Occupations Division The Summer CTE Conference was held July 18-22, 2010 at the Sheraton in Greensboro, NC. Through the teamwork of NCACTE and NC DPI, the Summer CTE Conference was a wonderful success. During the conference, NCHOETA found itself busy. President Nicole Motley and Debbie Wagner arrived on Sunday July 18, 2010 to meet the 35 new teachers attending the New Teacher Workshop. NCHOETA sponsored a breakfast for the new teachers at Biscuitville on Monday, July 19, 2010 at 7:00am. NCHOETA Preconference seminar was also held on Monday, July 19, 2010 at UNC Greensboro. Our professional development committee member, Teresa Harris, arranged for teachers to learn more about infection control issues related to the pandemic flu and MRSA, as well as, how to handle stress and the challenges of being a SUPERWOMAN as a teacher. Continuing education credits toward nursing licensure was provided for those in attendance. As teachers arrived at the registration booths in the conference hall, they were able to visit the multiple exhibits throughout the room while enjoying a cherry 7-up slushy from the NCHOETA booth. The goal of NCHOETA was for teachers in the Health Occupations Program to ―Sit Back and Relax in Paradise and Let NCHOETA Work for You!‖ On July 21, 2010, NCHOETA hosted a reception for Ruth Huff, a retired health occupation teacher who served as the NCACTE President this past year. Many friends gathered to thank Ruth for her dedication and leadership of NCACTE. NCHOETA would like to thank Alista ―Cozzie‖ Watkins, a new member and teacher, Crystal PaytonDemry, and Dianne Wall for serving as delegates at the NCACTE Assembly of Delegates on July 21. NCHOETA held a business meeting on July 20, 2010. Although membership is down from the 2009-2010 year, NCHOETA had 45 membership forms completed during the conference. Renewal notices for members will be mailed this fall. Don’t forget to renew you membership! New members can go to for an online membership form or email Audrey Massengill, NCHOETA President to request a form. (address below). As a CTE teacher, this is your professional organization. NCHOETA Officers for the 2010-2011 are listed below. Please feel free to contact any member of NCHOETA with any concerns or questions. NCHOETA is here for you. However, greater things happen in greater numbers. Therefore, JOIN NCHOETA and Make a Difference. Next NCHOETA Meeting: October 15-16, 2010: NCACTE Fall Professional Development Conference in Raleigh, NC. (Bring the family and enjoy the NC State Fair as well.) NCHOETA Officers for 2010-2011: President: Audrey Massengill President –Elect: Dixie Holding Past President: Nicole Motley Secretary: Judy Wilson Treasurer: Debbie Wagner 919-427-9922(cell) 910-977-6623 (cell) 980-521-8054 (cell) 828-557-3602(cell) 919-467-5855 (cell) Respectfully submitted by Audrey Massengill, RN, ADN 24 HEALTH OCCUPATIONS EDUCATION UPDATE August, 2010 STANDARD COURSE OF STUDY AND CURRICULUM Curriculum HOE Course Changes 7212 Allied Health Sciences II revision in progress to become Health Science II and Nursing Fundamentals 2010-11 HOE Pilot (7280 Health Science II in the Fall and 7280 Nursing Fundamentals in the Spring) in 16 schools across the state 7232 Pharmacy Technician Standard Course of Study Proposed Changes Program area name to Health Science Education Revise Allied Health Sciences I and Medical Sciences I to become Health Science I Revise Medical Sciences II, currently planned as Health Care Management. The development of this course will be based on industry input. Biotechnology pathway courses to be industry products. UPCOMING EVENTS Staff Development HOE 80 Hour Induction Mentorship and future dates for completion of the HOE 80 Hour Induction to be determined National Health Science Curriculum Conference, October 19-22, 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota ACTE National Convention, December 2 – 4, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada Health Occupations Education Nurse Aide Nurse Aide Handbook The 2010 Handbook, 2010 curriculum skills, and related nurse aide forms are on the summer conference CD and are also located at 2010-2011 Nurse Aide Program Applications Due in to the Nurse Aide office no later than September 24, 2010 Email the electronic Excel application to Agnes Moore at Mail hardcopy with signatures via USPS to Agnes Moore RN, CTE/HOE/Nurse Aide Program Manager, 6358 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-2825 Incomplete applications and hand written applications will not be processed Firm enrollment limit of 16 for AHSII/Nurse Aide classes Refer to NA handbook on criminal background checks and cell phone use for students in clinical NNAAP competency testing is now $101.00 OnLine application process for NNAAP testing requires the use of a credit card Paper applications for the NNAAP test will still be accepted RELATED WEBSITES For the latest information and registration material: North Carolina Health Occupations Education: North Carolina HOSA: National HOSA: Association for Career and Technical Education, Health Science Technology Education Division: http:// National Consortium for Health Science Education: 25 MARKETING EDUCATION The Standard Course of Study for Career and Technical Education Division is currently under revision. The proposed changes for Marketing Education program area reflect necessities in preparing students to be college and career ready. Marketing Education curriculum supports students that have aspirations to pursue careers related to, but not limited to the disciplines of marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. The following information consists of updates for Marketing Education: Summary of proposed Standard Course of Study changes for 2012-2013 Program Area Name Marketing Education to Marketing and Entrepreneurship Education Course Level Marketing to a level one (available grades 9-12) Course Names Exploring Business Technologies to Exploring Business, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship Small Business Entrepreneurship to Entrepreneurship I Travel, Tourism, and Recreation Marketing to Hospitality and Tourism Marketing New/Additional Courses Apparel I & Apparel II (Available to be taught by ME teachers with appropriate certification) Entrepreneurship II SREB courses: Introduction to Project Management Technology and Project Management Project Management in a Global Society Prerequisite Sports and Entertainment Marketing I a prerequisite for Travel, Tourism, and Recreation Marketing. (Students will be able to take Marketing or Sports and Entertainment Marketing I as a prerequisite.) Course Deletion Marketing Technology and Media Additional Cluster Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Cluster Courses to be Piloted 2010-2011 in select LEAs NCDPI Course Title MBA Guide Title Marketing Marketing Principles Marketing Management Marketing Applications Small Business Entrepreneurship Venture Ready: Preparing to Own Your Own Sports and Entertainment Marketing I More Than A Game: SEM Sports and Entertainment Marketing II Grand Slam: Advanced SEM State Staff Mary Jo Nason, Section Chief - Curriculum Linda Crouch, Program Assistant Delores P. Ali, Marketing Education Consultant Pamela O’Brien, NC DECA State Adviser 919-807-3822 919-807-3897 919-807-3875 919-807-3907 26 Professional Development for Marketing Education Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Education FORUM, November 12-16, 2010 Columbus, OH ACTE National Convention, December 2-4, 2010 Las Vegas, NV East Carolina University, ACBMITE Conference, February 2011-TBA Raleigh, NC MBA Research and Curriculum Center Conclave, June 2011-San Diego, CA DECA Meetings NCDECA Career Development Conference, February 27-28 & March 1, 2011 Greensboro, NC International Career Development Conference April 29-May4, 2011 Orlando, FL Major Partnerships MBA Research (formerly MarkEd), Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurship Education FORUM – Microsoft IT Academy courses and software Related Websites Association for Career and Technical Education, Marketing Education Division – marketing.aspx National Business Education Association – North Carolina Association for Career and Technical Education – North Carolina Marketing Education – The Hop on the BUS! Business Plan Competition The Hop on the BUS! High School Business Plan Competition Committee recognized its top three teams for the 4 th annual competition on May 26, 2010. The committee consists of representatives from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, REAL Enterprises, Rural Economic Development Center, and Council for Economic Education (joined this year.) The winners this year all worked with business partners on their journey to compose their written business plans, and then pitched their plans in a five to seven minute video. The winners along with their teachers received prizes at the North Carolina Council for Economic Education Annual Awards Banquet. The winners are as follows: The 3rd place winners-Hollie Baker and Nicole Kessler, impressed the judges with their idea of tennis and fitness center for the rapidly growing pastime sport of eastern NC. The Advantage Tennis Center to be located in northern Wayne County of Pikeville. Ms. Tammy Vail is their teacher. The 2nd place winners-Courtney Luchey and Cory Hutchens are proud of their assorted, handmade jewelry. Their RamWear jewelry includes earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and more exhibits school spirit that can be shown at games, dances, and so many others places in Yadkin County. They have opened this business. Their teacher is Ms. Melanie Matthews. The 1st place winners-Tempest Walker, Corey Gwynn, and Anatasia Godfrey want to serve classy, elegant dining experiences. The restaurant Amore’ will be a place to meet friends or have a business meeting. The unique feature about Amore’ will be its balcony view of the city of Burlington. Their teacher is Ms. Rhonda Farmer. These winners were selected from the semi-final round that consisted of ten teams. Over hundred and twenty-five teams participated in the competition. As a way to collaborate resources among the participating agencies, the North Carolina Council for Economic Education invited the committee to participate in this banquet and subsequent ones. Winners of the competition were saluted by Dr. June Atkinson, the superintendent of North Carolina Public Schools. Check out the website for more information about the competition. Submitted by Delores P. Ali Marketing Education Consultant 27 LEGISLATIVE PLATFORM ANNOUNCED Aaron Fleming, Chairman of the Legislative Committee, has released the NCACTE Legislative Platform for 2010-2012. Please review the legislative platform below. You may contact Aaron at North Carolina Association for Career & Technical Education Legislative Platform 2010-2012 Biennium NCACTE will continue to keep legislators and other policymakers informed on how Career and Technical Education positively affects increased graduation rates and lower dropout rates statewide. To accomplish this platform, NCACTE supports: Keeping in place, and preferably increasing, the current level of state funding for CTE. Such funding could provide local improvements, additional CTE directors across the state, and enhanced recruitment and retention efforts for CTE personnel. Ensuring that CTE is an integral part of dropout prevention funding. Pay increases for teachers and administrators. Legislation that requires the State Board of Education to add a required Career Cluster/CTE Concentration as a part of the future ready core graduation requirement. Legislation to increase the funding formula for CTE programs from grades 8 through 12 to grades 6 through 12. Legislation that would require each Local Education Agency (LEA) in North Carolina to have a licensed CTE director at the central office level. Legislation that promotes inclusion of Career and Technical Organizations within the Career and Technical Education curriculum. 28 Student From Your President Elect I want to thank you for electing me as your President Elect. I treasure the opportunity to serve the members of The North Carolina Association for Career and Technical Education. I will do my best to perform my duties so as to bring honor and respect to our organization. We have challenges before us in this economy from the local level to the national level. We will plan and work together to overcome and prosper. Thank you again and I look forward to serving NCACTE members. NCACTE Officers: From Left— Past President Ruth Huff, President Elect Bill Ellis, and President Wanda Robinson. - Bill Ellis NCACTE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee: 1. President…………………………….……..Wanda Robinson 2. President-Elect……………………………. . . . . . . Bill Ellis 3. Immediate Past President……………………. . . . Ruth Huff 4. Recording Secretary…………………...........Shakema Black 5. Finance Officer………………………………..Brenda Jones 6. Parliamentarian………………………………. . Gwen Clark 7. Historian .……………………………………Nicole Motley 8. Vice-President. (Elected by BOD)………….Gerald Barlowe 9. Vice-President (Elected by BOD)…………… . .Mike Lewis 10. Vice-President (President’s Division)……….Linda Wiggins 11. Executive Director……………………………….Tom Jones 2010-2011 Vice Presidents-Elect: (representing divisions) 22. Administration……………………………...Jonathan Clontz 23. Agricultural Education………………………...Roger Teeple 24. Business Education…………………………Pamela Orbison 25. Family and Consumer Sciences…………Katonia Humphrey 26. Guidance………………………………………….Liz Vaden 27. Health Occupations Education………………...Dixie Holden 28. Instructional Management……………………..Penny Lewis 29. Marketing Education………………………….Hillary Steere 30. New and Related Services………………….. 31. NC-ALIVE………………………………..Patricia Robinson 32. Special Needs………………………………...Ruby McLean 33. Technology Education…………………………….Kim Fann 34. Trade and Industrial Education………………David Barbour Vice Presidents: (representing divisions) 12. Administration………………………………. Laureen Jones * Agricultural Education ……………………..Gerald Barlowe 13. Business Education………………………….George Brooks 14. Family and Consumer Sciences……………...Linda Johnson 15. Guidance……………………………………….Dan Shuping 16. Health Occupations Education…………..Audrey Massengill 17. Instructional Management……………………...Jean Collins 18. Marketing Education…………………………Betsy Mofield 19. New and Related Services…………...…….. * NC-ALIVE…………………………………..Linda Wiggins 20. Special Needs……………………………….Katherine Sapp 21. Technology Education……………………….Carolyn Banks * Trade and Industrial Education…………………Mike Lewis Standing Committee Chairmen: 35. Awards Chair……………………………….Angela Thomas * Bylaws Chair……………………………………Gwen Clark 36. Legislation Chair…………………………….Aaron Fleming * Membership Chair (Immed. Past President)……...Ruth Huff 37. Newsletter Chairman (and Editor)…………Paul Heidepriem 38. Nominations Chair…………………… 39. Professional Development Chair………………Bena Weires * Strategic Plan Chair (President-Elect)……………..Bill Ellis 40. Public Information Chair………………………..Tony Bello 41. Resolutions Chair……………………………Shirley Bynum 42. Tellers Chair…………………………………... 43. Ways and Means Chair……………………Brantley Murphy Note: * denotes member already included in Board of Directors count. ACTE Region 2 Policy Committee State Representative...Bena Weires ADVISORY COUNCIL Director of Career-Technical Ed. NC DPI……………..Rebecca Payne Director of School-To-Work Programs, Governor’s Commission on Workforce Preparedness…Dr. Beth Lucas NC Community College System……………………..Robert Witchger 29 Career & Technical Education—Eight Regions 2010-2011 District 7 District 5 District 3 District 1 District 8 District 6 District 4 District 2 Career and Technical Education Division Rebecca Payne Director Greg Gift Assistant Director Administrative Assistant Tina Marcus 919-807-3818 Finance Assistant Cindy Worrill 919-807-3905 704-962-0338 Regional Services Curriculum Mary Jo Nason Section Chief 919-807-3822 Student Certification and Credentialing David Wehbie Section Chief 919-807-3816 CTE Support Services Felicia Gray-Watson Section Chief 919-807-3892 Central Region Ted Summey 336-721-2131 Northeast Region Darlene Moss 252-945-7577 Northwest Region Marty Tobey 336-475-0184 Southeast Region John Kirkman 919-935-4619 Southwest Region Eric Leazer 704-857-0099 Western Region Wendy Edney 828-697-4932 Curriculum Specialist/ Teacher Educators Trey Michael 919-807-3877 Business & IT Education Curt Miller 919-807-3874 Deborah Seehorn 919-807-3871 Edith Duncombe 919-807-3873 Family & Consumer Sciences Janis Meek 919-807-4014 Judith Simon 919-807-3883 Health Occupations Agnes Moore 919-807-3893 Cecilia McBryde 919-807-3845 Joan Thompson 919-807-3904 Marketing Education Delores Ali 919-807-3875 Program Assistant Linda Crouch 919-807-3897 CTSO Advisors DECA Pam O’Brien 919-807-3907 FBLA Vacant 919-807-3908 FCCLA Janet Johnson 919-807-3884 HOSA Faye Cress 919-807-3900 TSA Kathleen Squibb 919-807-3901 Student Certification Carol Short 919-807-3880 Technology Education Brian Moye 919-807-3886 Trade & Industrial Education Craig Pendergraft 919-807-3881 David Barbour 919-807-3885 Vacant Program Assistant Chanda Pickett 919-807-3889 CTSO Advisors SkillsUSA Glenn Barefoot 919-807-3887 Peyton Holland 919-807-3902 Agricultural Education Joshua Bledsoe 919-513-1205 Benjie Forrest 252-793-4428 David Harris 828-684-3562 Horace Johnson 919-515-1690 Elizabeth Deakle 919-515-4206 CTSO Advisor - FFA Jason Davis 919-513-0216 30 Career Development Felicia Gray-Watson 919-807-3892 Section Chief Civil Rights/Special Populations/ Equity Bill Hatch 919-807-3872 State & Federal Accountability Rhonda Welfare Senior Analyst 919-807-3876 Instructional Management & State Data Reporting Margaret Harris 919-807-3906 Program Assistant Vacant 919-807-3888 College Tech Prep & Work-Based Learning High Schools That Work Chris Droessler 919-807-3891 Program Assistant Helaina Hinson 919-807-3878 E-MAIL Address Information: All e-mail addresses are the first initial of the persons first name + their full last name followed by For example: Tina Marcus is: The exceptions to the rule are listed under the individuals name. Revised: July 2010 NCACTE NCACTE Renewing Membership Form Please Check One New Member _________ Primary Division ____________________________ Renewing Member _____ Primary Division ____________________________ Revised July 2010 Please print or key all information in legible format. NAME: Last Date: First Middle Initial NAME OF SCHOOL SYSTEM OR OTHER EMPLOYER JOB TITLE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OFFICE PHONE OFFICE FAX HOME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP HOME PHONE PREFERRED E-MAIL ADDRESS (Home or Work) Note: All NCACTE members must join the state association and at least one (1) division. 1. STATE/NATIONAL Select One. Place a √ in selection column. NCACTE (state only) NCACTE & ACTE 6. 2. DIVISIONS 3. 4. 5. Transfer your membership Amount Referencing the list below, place a √ in Primary Additional amount(s) according to your Due membership category listed below: the next column(s) for your one primary Division Divisions division and any additional divisions you √ one √ any/all Transferred Amounts are joining. (required) (optional) ACTIVE RETIRED STUDENT LIFE $40 $15 $5 $400 $ $120 $46 $15 NA $ Administration $22 $11 NA NA $ Agricultural Ed $160 $35 NA NA $ Business Ed $20 $5 NA NA $ Family & Consumer Sci Ed $20 $5 NA NA $ Guidance $20 $2 NA NA $ Health Occupations Ed $20 $2 NA NA $ Instructional Management $20 $10 $5 NA $ Marketing Ed $20 $5 NA NA $ NC-ALIVE $40 $15 NA NA $ New & Related Services: NRS-Instructional Materials/Vendor $10 $5 NA NA $ NRS-Middle Grades $10 $5 NA NA $ NRS-Post Secondary Educator $10 $5 NA NA $ NRS-Other (Please Specify) $10 $5 NA NA $ Special Needs $25 $3 NA NA $ Technology Ed $20 $2 NA NA $ Trade & Industrial Ed $16 $5 NA NA $ 7. ACTE MEMBERS WITH MULTI-DIVISION MEMBERSHIPS ONLY ACTE charges an additional $10 for each division joined in addition to your primary division, except for NC-ALIVE. ACTE multi-division members need to use the following process to calculate their multi-division amount: Number of Additional Divisions checked in Column 4 (Do NOT include NC-ALIVE.) = _____ x $10 = $ 8. Credit Card Processing Fee = $5.00 9. Add all amounts in the 'Amount. Due', Column 6, to calculate your TOTAL MEMBERSHIP DUES 1. Return the complete form with payment to: 10. Method of Payment ____Check payable to NCACTE ____VISA $ ____MASTERCARD Credit Card # (Debit Card NOT Accepted) NCACTE Membership P.O. Box G Catawba, NC 28609 Phone 828.241.3910 Credit Card Expiration Date Fax 828.241.2146 The Federal Government requires this notice: Contributions or gifts to NCACTE are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal Income Tax Purposes. However, dues may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Cardholder’s Name as Appears on Card (Print) Signature 31 $ RECRUIT A BUSINESS AD $ GET A MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT! *Obtain advertisement order form online at *Persuade a business to buy an ad. *Put your name, home address, division in the appropriate space on order form. *Remind business to mail order form and check to NCACTE, PO Box G, Catawba, NC 28609. *A credit receipt will be mailed to your home address for you to attach to next year’s membership form. *Credit receipts can be applied to Summer Conference membership renewals when paid advertisement order forms are received by NCACTE. *A notice of membership dues credit will be mailed upon receipt of paid advertisement order form from business. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ P. O. Box G, Catawba, NC 28609 The NCACTE Newsletter staff is seeking advertisers for the upcoming year. Recruit a business to buy an advertisement in our NCACTE NEWS, and you will get your state association dues ($40.00) paid for next year! In order to get the membership credit, do the following: 2010-2011 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES & DATES October 1-3, 2010…...…….. ACTE Region II Conference—Louisville, Kentucky October , 2010……………... NCACTE Fall Professional Development Conference and Board of Directors’ Meeting--Raleigh, NC (Brownstone) November 11, 2010……...NCACTE NEWS Deadline December 2-4, 2010……….. ACTE Annual Convention—Las Vegas, Nevada February 2011.……………... Career & Technical Education Month— ―CTE: Learning Today, Earning Tomorrow‖ February 18-19, 2011………. NCACTE Spring Professional Development Conference and Board of Directors’ Meeting—Atlantic Beach, NC March 7-9, 2011……………. ACTE National Policy Seminar—Crystal Gateway, Arlington, VA March 11, 2011…………... NCACTE NEWS Deadline April 1, 2011………………... Nominations for ACTE/NCACTE Awards due April 18-19, 2011…..………..Raleigh Legislative Policy Seminar Summer 2011.……………… Career & Technical Ed. Summer Conference—Greensboro Sept. 28—Oct. 2, 2011…….. ACTE Region II Conference—Asheville, NC NCACTE Website: 32