A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF 9-BALL POCKET BILLIARDS Vol.3, No.3 (201)226-5429 The Pearl" ROs'Rimmer i n Reno RENO" Eighty-one players descended into the Sands Regent arena and battled for a share of its $44,000 purse. When the smoke cleared, Earl Strickland came up smiling, posting a 10-1 record and clutching the $10,000 grand prize. In races to eleven, he beat Matlock (8), Martin (2), DiToro (3), Medina (10), Lemke (6), lost to Davenport 8-11, and then defeated Martin (4), McCready (8), Williams (2), and Davenport twice 9-8 and 9-3. rr ^ THE 5th SANDS REGENT OPEN RENO, NEVADA June 3-7,1987 FINAL NAME 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Earl Kim Bob Keith 5th-6th AVG. Strickland Davenport Williams McCready Mike Sigel Ray Martin 7th-8th Allen Hopkins Louie Lemke 9th-12th Efren Reyes Mike LeBron Howard Vickery Tim Kwong 13th-16th Ron Rosas David Howard Greg Fix Danny Medina 17th-24th Jerry Johnson Dave Bollman Takeshi Okumura Jerry Chappel John Henderson Steve Shaw Brian Hashimoto Craig Hauser 25th-32nd Dave Matlock Dan Louie Billy Aguero Bob Hunter Mike DeFino Gary Nolan Al Romero Dick Megiveron 33rd-48th Danny DiLiberto Danny D'Imperio Armando Canalis David Nottingham John DiToro Terry Osborne STANDINGS PRIZE ( .880) $10. ,000.00 (.861) 6 ,000.00 (.830) 4 ,000.00 (.817) 3:,200.00 (.881) (.828) 2 ,200.00 2 ,200.00 ( .828) (.817) 1 ,750.00 1,,,750.00 (.879) (.842) (.816) (.801) 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 (.848) (.846) (.836) (.832) 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 (.845) (.842) (.819) ( .797) (.773) (.766) (.762) (.724) 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 (.842) (.825) (.810) (.796) (.775) ( .761) (.760) (.756) 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 (.826) (.817) (.795) (.791) (.772) (.768) NAME AVG. Sergio Gandarilla\ ' .741) Joe Villalpando 1'.739) Bill Houck I'.730) J i m Williams 1'.729) Sal Butera 1f .729) Robert Gray 1! .724) J e r r y Coleman 1'.687) Peter Quande 1'.679) John Lewis 1\ .665) Doug Jensen I1.598) 49th-64th Wade Crane 1\ .850) Nick Varner I\ .809) Pete Lhotka 11.794) Ted Ito If . 7 9 0 ) Scott Kitto l1.789) Ernesto Dominguezi [ .764) Frank Konrath iI.750) Warren Costanzo lf .739) J r . Harris iI.734) Chris MacDonald 1[.717) J a c k Madden i[ .712) Ray Stanzione i1.699) Jim Ehrbar \ 1.698) Bill Loucks i(.672) John Miller (.669) Martin Lenz (.667) 65th-81st Paul Brienza (.777) Rich Geiler (.773) (.766) Bill Incardona Richard Florence ( .734) Tom Brown (.730) Yoshihiro Morino (.717) Gary Colder (.701) Ichira Kitatani (.695) Jeff Hill (.685) Greg Cich (.678) John Mitchell (.676) Yoko Miura (.646) David Reavis (.622) Joe Graham (.611) Isaac Mejia (.601) William Brown (.560) Monte Arrowood (.544) ACCU-FACT The Sands Regent Open produced 20 . 9 0 0 ' s , 14 w i r e m a t c h e s , and no s h u t o u t s . — R2 Strickland Outruns Davenport in the S t r e t c h Kim Davenport was on his way to capturing the biggest tournament of his career, The 5th Sands Regent 9-Ball Open but apparently, it wasn't meant to be- . .yet. Davenport dominated the winners' bracket disposing of Bollman, Varner, D'Imperio, Chappel, Vickery, Strickland, and Williams only to meet Earl Strickland once again for the title match. In fact, in the first set of the race to nine, two-out-of-three set finals, Davenport opened up with four racks. But Strickland never gave up eventually outpointing Kimmer to win the first set 9-8. The only thing the second set had in common with the first was the end result. Davenport just never got started while Strickland played superbly (.911), winning the match 9-3 and the $10,000 first prize. Davenport took home $6,000 for his runner-up finish. The Sands Regent Hotel/Casino hosted the summer version of its biannual promotion and kicked in the added $20,000. The race to eleven, double elimination format drew eighty-one contestants each anteing up $300 for the opportunity of sharing in the $44,400 purse. Doug Klisch did his usual outstanding job as Tournament Director and Master of Ceremonies while his wife Geri managed the referees, and Hank Pericle and Jerry Shaw managed the flow chart. Accu-Stats, of course, was on hand utilizing two ceiling mounted video cameras which aided in the collection of statistical data. Bob and Sally Bebb meticulously installed and maintained the eight custom made Rebco pool tables. The pro division, which followed Promoter Gene Stary's USPPA Pro-Am Handicap tournament (see article on page R10) had some interesting stats. Japan's Yoko Miura was the only female contestant. Tough playing conditions such as deep slates resulted in an inordinately low number of .900 TPA's. There was only twenty this tournament while in the previous events there a minimum of forty in each. Despite the conditions, Mike Sigel shot the two highest averages, a .952 and a .949. Both of his losses were at the hands of Keith McCready. And last but not least, Pete Lhotka, who during a 1985 match with this year's champion was accused of having a "Mary Poppins" break, had the highest Break Performance Average, making a ball on the break without scratching 24 of 29 breaks. Notable M a t c h e s With Keith McCready (.784) trailing the match 7-9, Paul Brienza (.805) missed a combination and never shot again. McCready ran out the set to win 11-9. Apparently unaware of the tough conditions, Mike Sigel (.949) proceeded as if they didn't exist. He missed one all as he strolled to an 11-2 victory over To* Brown (.667). Efren Reyes (.926) chalked up one of the high runs of the event by running out from the break four consecutive racks and pocketing 48 balls in a row. His opponent, Armando Canalis (.843), still managed to tally six on the wire. Despite a 5-9 disadvantage, Kin Davenport (.833) held Nick Varner (.846) scoreless winning the next six racks and the match 11-9. With respect to "running out from the break", Billy Aguero (.912) did just that five times during his 11-3 victory over David Reavia (.657). Although having ample opportunities after taking the lead 10-5, Pete Lhotka (.814) failed to close the set. Gary Nolan (.811) won the next six racks and won 11-10. balls and Craig Mauser (.724) pocketed 55. Hauser won 11-9. Mike Sigel (.916) shot the best match in defeat. Keith McCready (.887) nipped Sigel 11-10. In a most improbable eye-opening finish, Earl Strickland (.868) and Danny Medina (.858) were tied at 10-10 leading to a series of ssfties in the final rack. Strickland hooked Medina only to have Medina kick it in and proceed to run out. • . almost. Everyone assumed thst it was just a matter of time before Medina cleared the table. Even with two balls left on the table, everything was proceeding smoothly. Medina played the eight ball in the corner and slid the cue ball into the side pocket! Strickland won 11-10. Talk about hands tied! Amidst safties and kicks, Craig Hauaer (.526) was held to pocketing ten balls and winning one rack as Mike LeBron (.908) controlled the match to an 11-1 victory. Ron Rosas (.927) ran out eleven of his twelve opportunities defeating Steve Shaw (.674) 11-3. (continued on page R7) Very simply, Danny D'laperio (.853) pocketed 93 r/Reno SCORES & AVERAGES Name Score Avg. OPENING ROUND Williams Aguero 1) 8. B. 2) M. J. leBron I ( .892) 5 ( .816) I t .846) villalpando 7 ( .747) 3) D. Howard B. Incardona 1 ( .885) 6 ( .767) 4) E. Reyes J. Graham 1 I .826) 1 ( .528) 5) K. McCready P. Brienza 1 ( .784} 9 i .805) 6) M. Sigel J. Brown 1 ( .949J 1 ( .667) 7) B. Hashimoto C. MacDonald 1 t .853) 6 ( .723) 8) W. Crane S. Kitto 1 ( .855) 5 ( .833) 9) T. Kwong W. Brown 1 ( .847) 3 ( .605} 10) A. Hopkins Harris J. li) L. Lemke B. Hunter 12) E. Strickland Matlock D. 1 ( .797) 9 ( .728) 1 ( .820) 0 ( .783) 1 ( .845) 8 ( .813) 13) D. Medina I ( .883) C. Hauser 4 ( .717) 14) J. Johnson M. Arrowood 1 t .927; 15) J. Okamura R. Florence 1 ( .774) 8 ( .701) 16) 0. Y. DiLiberto Miura I ( .832) 5 ( .633) 17) K. D. Davenport Bollman 1 ( .854) 7 ( .812) 1 ( .414) WINNERS' BRACKET 18) A. Romero G. Cich 19) B. 8. Williams Loucks 1 ( .850) 5 ( .625) 1 ( .852) 4 ( .698) 20) J. Coleman J . Ehrbar 1 ( .727) 7 ( .672) 21) M. 0. 22) J. P. 23) D. G. 24) M. F. 25) E. A. 26) S. LeBron Louie 1 ( .860) 7 ( .815) Henderson Lhotka 1 ( .800) 9 ( .755) J. ^ Howard Nolan 1 ( .839) 7 ( .719) DeFino Konrath 1 ( .833) Reyes Canalis 1 ( 926; 6 ( .843) Gandarilla Mitchell 27) K. McCready M. Lenz 28) M. Sigel G. Colder 5 ( .604) I ( .786) 6 ( .629) 1 ( .920; 3 ( .786) 1 t .928; 3 ( .679) Name Score Avg. Name Score Avg. (.750) (.748) 58) T. Ito W. Brown li (.803) 29) B. Hashimoto W. Costanzo 11 9 30) R. Rotsas J . HUI 11 ( . 9 0 6 1 (.694) 59) J. I. Harris Mejia li 31) D. Nottingham W. Crane 32) D. Jensen I. Mejia 33) J. Kwong G. Fix 34) S. Shaw li 60) 8. Hunter li 7 (.875) (.857) 11 6 (.667) (.607) 61) D. G. 11 7 (.832) (.803) 11 9 71) (.526) J. Williams J. Madden Score Avg. 11 10 (.730) (.722) 11 (.830) 3 (.704) 5 (.594) 8 (.764) (.681) 73) S. Butera S. Kitto 11 9 (.761) (.753) 11 5 (.835) (.716) 74) 8. Houck T. Ito 11 7 (.811) (.746) 62) C. Hauser J. Mitchell 11 9 (.698) (.705) 75) G. Fix J. Harris 11 6 (.861) (.701) (.807) (.802) 63) F. Konrath M. Arrowood 11 3 (.822) (.607) 76) B. Hunter W. Crane li 10 (.810) (.837) 11 5 (.850) (.717) 64) P. R. 11 8 (.810) (.778) 77) D. Matlock W. Costanzo 11 (.893) 4 (.714) 11 8 (.812) (.713) 65) J. Ehrbar Y. Miura 11 7 (.727) (.653) 78) C. Hauser M. Lenz 11 9 (.680) (.622) 11 (.781) (.694) 79) A. Canal is F. Konrath 11 (.902) 9 4 (.750) DiToro Kitatani 11 5 (.808) (.634) 66) D. Bollman 11 (.856) G. Cich 5 (.729) LOSERS (49th-64th) 80) G. Nolan P. Lhotka 11 (.811) 10 (.814) Strickland Martin li 81) D. Louie J. Ehrbar 11 (.923; 2 (.817) (.563) 3 (.667) Lewis Madden li 82) D. Bol I man B. Loucks 11 (.873) 6 (.735) (.654) 5 (.644) Medina Williams li 8 (.773) (.712) 35) A. Hopkins B. Houck 36) T. Osborne Y. Morino 37) L. Lemke 38) J. I. 39) E. R. 40) J. J. 41) D. J. 42) P. D. 43) J. J. Name 72) R. Martin C. MacDonald r. Ito S. 4 Sands Regent Butera Quande Megiveron Johnson Miller H. Vickery E. Dominguez li 8 (.635) (.711) 11 (.763) 5 (.697) 9 (.804) (.774) 9 (.747) (.766) li 45 J R. Gray J. Okumura li 46) J. Chappel R. Geiler li 47) D. R. DiLiberto Stanzione li 48) D. D. D'Imperio Reavis J. (.750) 4 (.837) (.746) li 2 (.824) (.603) l i (.912; 3 (.657) 51) Villalpando R. G e i l e r 11 10 (.783) (.787) 52) £ . Dominguez B. Incardona 11 8 (.798) (.765) 53) D. Megiveron J. Graham 11 5 (.797) (.649) 54) J. Madden P. Brienza 11 W (.757) (.757) 55) R. Martin T. Brown 11 9 (.855) (.745) 56) C. MacDonald I. Kitatani li 9 (.720) (.730) 57) S. Y. li (.796) (.722) Kitto Morino 6 Lhotka Florence 11 9 (.792) (.773) 68) Villalpando R. Stanzione 11 9 (.697) (.670) r. Okumura E. Dominguez 11 3 (.888) (.667) li (.772) (.643) 69) 70) D. Megiveron J. Miller 6 (continued on page R7) THE BEST POOL VIDEO EVER! Byrne's Standard Video of Pool & Billiards ' • * * * " - Home Viewer "A must lor all pool enthusiasts" - Pool & Billiard Magazine 'Stands Alone .. * * * * " - Billiards Digest 49} K. Oavenport 11 (.833) 9 (.846) N. Varner LOSERS (65th-81st) 50) B. Aguero D. Reavis Matlock Golder 67) 8. Aguero N. Varner (.807) 6 Hill (.761) • 60 minutes of clear and complete instruction • Beautifully produced, with computer-generated graphics, Byrne's Standard Video of Pool & Billiards will make you a winner Only $29.95 ( + $3.50 shipping and handling) To order, call toll-free 1-800-972-5858 ext. 310 By phone, credit cards only, or mail check, m.o.. or card information to: PREMIERE HOME VIDEO P.O. Box 708. Northbrook. III. 60065 Signature Cu mdrns no 66% 10 in n#tm *x >\ u. >>4» mo* 3 4 « m n» »>«'. R4 SHU *P. Visa MC # Eipires a VHS a Bda AS i m Southern liosp at its best TTie first annual Carol Cup is certain to the most exciting, elwllesigi and rewarding 9-ball burn ments in the Southeast. Spc tators and eompetitors alike will enjoy the fine facilities and pleasant atmosphere of Mothers Billiard Parlor & Grille in Charlotte North Carolina. The City offers a wide variety of motels, res taurants and recreational facilities. (Motel information available upon reqi The Carolinas Cup • Gandy Big G 4 %' x 9' • Double elimination • One final match • Dress code • Specialty Events • Spectator seating Women's: $3,000 added • September 17-19, 1987 K) entry fee ($250 after August 31) • limited to first 16 paid entrants • WPBA breakdown • WPBA sanctioned be f i n e r . . . nark your calendar and get those entry fees in! For more information contact Pat Fleming, Tournament Director, at 201/838-7089 or George Dowdy at 704/553-7457. • L • : BILLIARD PARLOR & GRILLE at the September 14-19, 1987 • Mothers Billiard Parlor & Grille • 6136 South Boulevard • Charlotte, NC • 704/553-7457 r >tal Performance Average CTPA) S a n d s Regent Open Rankings # NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mike Sigel Earl Strickland Efren Reyes Kim Davenport Wade Crane Ron Rosas David Howard Jerry Johnson Dave Bollman Dave Matlock Mike LeBron Greg Fix Danny Medina Bob Williams Allen Hopkins Ray Martin Danny DiLiberto Dan Louie Takeshi Okumura Keith McCready Danny D'Imperio Louie Lemke Howard Vickery Billy Aguero Nick Varner Tim Kwong Jerry Chappel 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. NAME TPA .881 .880 .879 .861 .850 .848 .846 .845 .842 .842 .842 .836 .832 .830 .828 .828 .826 .825 .819 .817 .817 .817 .816 .810 .809 .801 .797 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Top Ten Plays A TPA of .900 or more i s regarded as exception play. What follows are the ten best plays for the Sands Regent Open: 1. (.952) Hike Sigel v s . Bollman 2. (.949) Hike Sigel v s . T. Brown 3 . (.941) Greg Fix v s . Quande 4. (.931) Rey Martin vs. Romero 5. (.929) Efren Reyee vs. DeFino 6. (.928) Hike Sigel v s . Go 1 der 7. (.927) Jerry Johnson vs. Arrowood 8. (.927) Ron Roeee vs.Shaw 9. (.926) Efren Reyee vs. Canalis 10. (.923) Den Louie v s , Ehrbar ACCU-FACT PREVIOUS SANDS REGENT OPEN WINNERS June, '85: M. Sigel Dec. »85: E. Reyes June, '86: E. Reyes Dec. '86: M. Sigel TPA Bob Hunter Armando Canalis Pete Lhotka David Nottingham Ted Ito Scott Kitto Paul Brienza Mike DeFino John Henderson Rich Geiler John DiToro Terry Osborne Steve Shaw Bill Incardona Ernest Dominguez Brian Hashimoto Gary Nolan Al Romero Dick Megiveron Frank Konrath Sergio Gandarilla Joe Villalpando Warren Costanzo Jr. Harris Richie Florence Bill Houck Tom Brown .796 .795 .794 .791 .790 .789 .777 .775 .773 .773 .772 .768 .766 .766 .764 .762 .761 .760 .756 .750 .741 .739 .739 .734 .734 .730 .730 Fancy NAME 55. Jim Williams 56. Sal Butera 57. Robert Gray 58. Craig Hauser 59. Chris MacDonald 60. Yoshihiro Morino 61. Jack Madden 62. Gary Colder 63. Roy Stanzione 64. Jim Ehrbar 65. Ichira Kitatani 66. Jerry Coleman 67. Jeff Hill 68. Peter Quande 69. Greg Cich 70. John Mitchell 71. Bill Loucks 72. John Miller 73. Martin Lenz 74. John Lewis 75. Yoko Miura 76. David Reavis 77. Joe Graham 78. Isaac Mejia 79. Doug Jensen 80. William Brown Balabushka 81. Monte Arrowood • 2 shafts • 2 0 oz, 13 mm •Excellent condition •$1,100 Michael McIntyre 617-867-7701 Rt. 9, West Brookside, MA 01585 SHOWCASE BILLIARDS CUSTOM CUE REPAIR SERVICE (Repair any cue) Custom Made (303) 457-2501 2 pc. Hustler Cue: "Over 15 years experience" MADE TO YOUR SPECS ALL WORK GUARANTEED $100.00 Clay Etheridge 1028 W. 104th Ave. Robert Fekete Northglenn, Colo. 80234 R6 TPA .729 .729 .724 .724 .717 .717 .712 .701 .699 .698 .695 .687 .685 .679 .678 .676 .672 .669 .667 .665 .646 .622 .611 .601 .598 .560 .544 ^ SCORES Notable Matches ( c o n t i n u e d from page R4) (continued from page R3) Score flvg. WINNERS' BRACKET Name Name flvg. 111) S. Shaw fl. Canalis li 7 (.778) (.663) 112) G. Nolan J. Osborne 11 9 (.786) (.744) 113) D. J. 11 7 (.845) (.780) 11 2 (.888) (.474) 83} 8 . Williams fl. Romero li 84) M. LeSron J. Coleman 11 7 (.855) (.702) 85) J. Henderson D. Howard 11 (.803) 4 (.747) 86) E. Reyes M. DeFino 11 (.929; 4 (.744) LOSERS 87) K. McCready S. Gandarlllo 11 10 (.768) (.697) 115) B. Hashimoto 8. flguero 11 (.758) 9 (.733) 88) M. B. 11 4 (.870) (.700) 116) T. Okumura D. Megiveron li 6 (.826) (.757) 11 89) R. Rosas D. Nottingham 5 (.884) (.726) 117) R. Martin fl. Romero li 11 1 11 8 (.885) (.535) (.808) (.739) 118} 0. Howard M. DeFino li 119) G. Fix 11 4 (.890) (.736) 120) C. Hauser D. Matlock li 9 11 (.850) (.683) (.821) (.828) (.841) 7 (.816) 11 (.831) DiToro 3 (.679) 121) S. Shaw G. Nolan 11 7 (.775) (.688) 94) D. Medina J. Lewis 11 4 (.840) (.673) 122) D. D. li 6 (.792) (.708) 95) J. Johnson P. Ciuande 11 3 (.876) (.604) 96) H. Vickery R. Gray 11 9 (.784) (.688) 97)*J. Chappel D. DiLiberto 11 8 (.871) (.800) Sigel Hashimoto 90) J. Kwong 0. Jenson 91) fl. Hopkins S. Shaw 92) L. Lemke T. Osborne 93} E. Strickland J. i .847) 3 (.607} Score 98) K. Davenport 11 (.889) D. D'Imperio 2 (.707) LOSERS (33Td-48th) 99) B. 5. flguero 11 Gandarilla 7 (.787) (.737) Louie DiToro 114) D. Bollman J. Lewis Mike Sigel (.952) broke and ran out four consecutive racks shooting the best game of the tournament. He defeated his roommate Dava Bolloan (.739) 11-2. Within four strokes of the cue ball, the score had changed from 6-6 to 10-6. Rey Martin (.892) completed running a rack and then made the nine ball on the break three times in a row. David Howard (.886) was the victim and the racker in the 11-7 defeat. (25th-32nd) (.931J 1 7 8. Hunter Bollman Louie Bob Williams (.842) gets credit for ending Efren Reyes1 (.803) twenty-four session winning streak at the Sands. The exciting match began with Williams opening up with a 5-0 lead which included a 9-ball on the break. Reyes passed Williams by at 9-8 which included two 9-balls on the break. And last but not least, with the score knotted at 10-10, Williams won the set with (you guessed it) the 9-ball on the break. (.656) After Efren Reyea (.867) ran out the rack to tie the score at 6-6, he never pocketed another ball. Allen Hopkins (.888) won the next five racks and the match 11-6. WINNERS' BRACKET 123) B. Williams 126) T. Kwong R. Rosas li (.824) Name Score AVQ. Name Score AVQ. 8 (.763) 138) M. Sigel LOSERS (7th-8th) 11 (.952; 11 (.887) 0. Bollman 2 (.759) 151) R. Martin 11 (.841) 3 (.700) 8 (.827) fl. Hopkins LOSERS (13th-16th) 11 (.887) 11 (.813) 11 (.826) 152) M. Sigel 10 (.916) 139) fl. Hopkins 8 (.806) L. Lemke 9 (.832) D. Medina 11 (.774) WINNERS' BRACKET 11 (.892) 5 (.720) 140) R. Martin 127) L. Lemke fl. Hopkins li 6 (.789) 141) M. LeBron (.738) M. LeSron 124) E. Reyes J. Henderson 125) K. McCready M. S i g e l (.756) (.737) 128) E. Strickland D. Medina li 10 (.868) (.858) 11 101) T. Okumura D. Nottingham 6 (.840) (.765) 129) H. Vickery J. Johnson 11 8 (.844) (.840) 102) D. Megiveron D. Jensen 11 1 (.746) (.467) 130) K. Davenport J. Chappel 11 5 (.889) (.778) 103) fl. Romero J. Williams 11 9 (.777) (.746) LOSERS 104) R. Martin J. Coleman li 3 (.853) (.563) 105) D. Howard S. Butera 11 (.806) 5 (.712) 106) M. DeFino 8. Houck 11 (.794) 7 (.631) 107) G. Fix P. Quande 108) B. Hunter R. Gray 109) D. D. Matlock DiLiberto 110) C. Hauser D. D'Imperio (.886) 4 (.853) (.680) li G. Fix 11 5 100) B. Hashimoto Villalpando 7 D. Howard li 142) M. Sigel R. Rosas (17th-24th) 7 (.825) (.790) WINNERS' BRACKET 143) B. Williams E. Reyes 11 10 (.842) (.803) 144) K. McCready T. Kwong 11 9 (.795) (.748) 131) D. Medina B. Hashimoto li 8 (.810) (.731) 145) E. Strickland L. Lemke li 6 (.897) (.848) 132) li (.873) 10 (.845) 146) K. Davenport H. Vickery 11 8 (.899) (.851) 133) R. Martin J. Chappel 11 6 (.747) (.704) 11 (-941J 4 (.810) 134) D. Howard J. Johnson li li 6 11 10 135) G. Fix li (.796) (.733) (.836) (.830) (.724) 9 (.853) fl. Hopkins T. Okumura J. Henderson (.906; 5 (.783) 11 8 136) M. LeBron C. Hauser li 137) R. Rosas S. Shaw li (.836) (.746) (.908) l (.526) 3 (.927) (.674) LOSERS 11 6 (.888) (.867) 148) R. Martin T. Kwong li 6 (.842) (.704) 149) L. Lemke M. LeBron 11 9 (.814) (.793) 150) M. H. 11 9 (.804) (.811) R7 11 9 (.823) (.776) 154) K. Davenport E. Strickland 11 8 (.895) (.899) LOSERS (5th-6th) 155) E. Strickland R. Martin 11 4 (.893) (.667) 156) K. McCready M. Sigel 11 10 (.833) (.880) LOSER (4th) 157) E. Strickland K. McCready 11 ( . 9 2 0 ; 8 (.793) WINNERS' BRACKET 158) K. Davenport B. Williams (9th-12th) 147) fl. Hopkins E. Reyes Sigel Vickery 153) B. Williams K. McCready 11 6 (.848) (.740) LOSER (3rd) 159) E. Strickland 8. Williams 11 ( . 9 2 2 ; 2 (.786) FINALS 160) E. K. Strickland Davenport 161) E. Strickland K. Davenport 9 8 (.893) (.840) 9 (.911J 3 (.667) . r/Reno Performance Rankings TOTAL # NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 910. BREAK KICK PERFORMANCE GAMES BALLS MADE ERRORS Mike Sigel 767 155 Earl StricklandI 179 896 Efren Reyes 96 458 Kim Davenport 150 642 Wade Crane 55 260 Ron Rosas 76 347 David Howard 118 576 Jerry Johnson 77 343 Dave Bollman 94 443 Dave Matlock 89 400 (Sands Regent Open Average = 104 122 63 104 46 62 105 63 83 75 .789) TPA .881 1. 880 2. .879 3. .861 4. .850 5. .848 6. .846 7. .845 8. .842 9. .842 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NAME BREAK BALL MADE GAMES SHOTS W/0 SCR . BPA 24 18 21 18 41 46 54 34 19 55 .558) .828 .750 .724 .720 .707 .697 .692 .667 .655 .640 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 41 58 30 32 47 41 25 26 50 12 = 12.3) PCT. Earl Strickland 161 110 68.3 Efren Reyes 84 57 67.9 Mike Sigel 142 96 67.6 Kim Davenport 131 83 63.4 Wade Crane 45 28 62.2 Howard Vickery 80 48 60.0 108 Takeshi Okumura 63 58.3 John Henderson 55 32 58.2 Greg Fix 95 55 57.9 Keith McCready 140 81 57.9 (Sands Regent Open Average • 49.8) POSITION (PER 100 BALLS POCKETED) BALLS1 SHOTS NAME MADE MISSED Mike Sigel 767 Earl Strickland 896 Greg Fix 455 Efren Reyes 458 Allen Hopkins 669 David Howard 576 Jerry Johnson 343 347 Ron Rosas Kim Davenport 642 Paul Brienza 150 (Sands Regent Open Aveirage OPPORRUN TUNITIES1 OUTSI NAME # MISSES # PERFORMANCE RUN OUT OPPORTUNITIES PERFORMANCE Pete Lhotka 60 29 Ernest Dominguez 53 24 Jim Williams 60 29 Scott Kitto 53 25 58 Efren Reyes 96 David Howard 118 66 Allen Hopkins 78 149 Bob Hunter 98 51 Wade Crane 55 29 Kim Davenport 150 86 (Sands Regent Open Average = Sands Regent (MINIMUM KICKS = 15) NAME GAMES KICKS GOOD KPA Danny Medina 109 51 49 .961 38 .950 Ron Rosas 76 40 77 17 Jerry Johnson 16 .941 134 62 58 .935 Bob Williams Danny D'Imperio 46 15 14 .933 118 David Howard 25 23 .920 Louie Lemke 129 46 42 .913 22 20 .909 Efren Reyes 96 149 47 42 .894 Allen Hopkins 28 Greg Fix 104 25 .893 (Sands Regent Open Average • .808) (MINIMUM BREAKS=20) # ^ ERRORS (PER 100 BALLS POCKETED) BALLS POSITION NAME MADE ERRORS AVG 5.3 6.5 6.6 7.0 7.0 7.1 7.3 7.5 7.8 8.0 1. Earl Strickland 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Efren Reyes Mike Sigel Kim Davenport Wade Crane Keith McCready Mike LeBron Dave Matlock Dave Bollman Jerry Chappel (Sands Regent 896 35 458 19 767 37 31 642 14 260 40 640 37 574 26 400 29 443 17 251 Open Average = 8.8) S a n d s Regent Averages Nine ball made on the break: 2.3% Scratch on the break: 10% Run out from the break: 16% Run out after making a ball on the break: 29% Ball made on the break: 61% R8 AVG 3 9 4 1 4 8 4 8 5 4 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 5 6.8 * THE WINNING ¥ COMBINATION OF YOUR ABILITY & ^ McDERMOTT QUALITY! McMagic is a reflection of Jim McDermott's years of wizardry in the billiard industry. His magical formula has produced a cue with unexcelled beauty, performance, durability and value. • * * OUR MAGICAL FORMULA CONSISTS OF: * * •¥- * 26 models to choose from, with a price range to fit any budget. * Many options are available to meet your personal preferences. * W o o d to wood joint, for a solid hit and feel, like a one-piece cue. * Fibre ferrule — hits like ivory, but does not crack or chip. * Finest and most durable finish in the billiard industry. * Choose from 5 different stains at no extra charge. * Choice of wraps — nylon, Irish linen, cork, or calf skin leather. * You specify the weight and shaft diameter on each cue you order. ^ 100% American Made GET McMAGIC FROM A McDERMOTT DEALER NEAR YOU! €») W186 N7137 MARCY ROAD MENOMONEE FALLS, Wl 53051-4998 PHONE 414/251-4090 CUE MANUFACTURING, INC /f ^ Terry Osborne RENO, NV ( 5 / 3 0 - 6 / 2 / 8 7 ) - The Sands Regent Hotel/Casino once again hosted the USPPA Pro-Ara Handicap Tournament as i t does every June and December. The $3,000 added event which charged a modest e n t r y fee of $60 and p a i d f o r t y - e i g h t spots boasted a f u l l 128 p l a y e r field with a waiting list! Promoter Gene Stary and d i r e c t o r Pat Fleming scheduled the 255 matches a t one hour increments and enjoyed a smoothly run o p e r a t i o n . The format used was race t o e i g h t , double e l i m i n a t i o n w i t h a two out of three sets finals. After overcoming handicaps o f up t o f i v e games, the two b i g winners were roommates! Terry Osborne defeated his longtime friend Danny D'Imperio f o r the $2,000 first prize. Dates f o r the next three Pro-Am events are Dec. 5 - 8 , 1987, June 4 - 7 , 1988 and Dec. 3 - 6 , 1988. The top 32 f i n i s h e r s f o l l o w : NAME Tops USPPA PRIZE 1st Terry Osborne $2,000 2nd Danny D'Imperio 1,380 1,000 3rd Sal Butera 700 4th Ron Campbell 5th-6th 500 Noel Boni 500 Bruce Randall 7th-8th 400 Bill Rosenberry 400 Gary Golder 9th-12th 270 Rudy Jerez 270 John Henderson 270 Jeff Hill Terry Schmidt 270 13th-16th 200 Nick Cano Mike Dewey 200 Craig Hauser 200 John Willi ford 200 17th-24th 120 Bob Drakulic 120 Steve Goff 120 Brian Hashimoto Field PRIZE NAME Rich Hatler Fred Kent Jeff Pranke Ron Rosas Bill Weiss 25th-32nd John Baltazar Danny Cano Dan Copeland Sax Dal Porto Max Harbaugh Frank Konrath Chris MacDonald Geno Omodio 120 120 120 120 120 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 T h e S a n d s ' USPPA H a n d i c a p Tournament i a f o r system p l a y e r s only. If you are not on the f o l l o w i n g l i s t , not p l a y i n g i n a USPPA weekly tournament nor an A c c u - S t a t t e d t o u r n a m e n t , you cannot compete i n f u t u r e Sands Regent Handicap tournaments. (continued on R l l ) Don't Hiss t h e Carolinas' Cup George and Irene Dowdy, owners of Mothers B i l l i a r d Parlor & G r i l l e i n C h a r l o t t e , North C a r o l i n a are proud t o host t h e i r f i r s t major The Ultimate Trick Shot Tape A UNIQUE VIDEO CASSETTE WITH OVER 230 SHOTS IN COLOR • MOST ENTERTAINING POOL VIDEO OUT. • ONE HOUR & TWENTY MINUTES LONG. KICKS, KISSES. CAROMS, CURVES, ORIGINAL NOVELTY, BANKS. ONE POCKET, KISS POOL & PROPOSITION SHOTS. SEND CHECK OR I INCLUDES POSTAGE MONEY ORDER „ , AND HANDLING BETA $4995 44 Trick Shot Diagrams LEARN THE SET-UPS ANO PHYSICS OF POOL • 8EST TRICK SHOT INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE. LOOSE LEAF IN ENVELOPE $-1500 JN HANDSOME 6RINGBINDEP *20°o Improve Your Shotmak ing A DETAILED UST OF 30 BASICS THAT CAN CAUSE YOU TO MISS A POOL SHOT LOOSE LEAF TO FIT 6 RING BINDER CHECK OR MO $10<x> SEND POSTAGE PREPAID ORDER ALiTHREE$75°° POSTAGE PREPAID WITHOUT t*HD€R ' T O 0 0 WCLLKJCS POSTAGE It* 4 . 1 J Li* a WILLIE JOPLING TAPE P.O. B o l 2 2 1 5 • L y n c h b u r g , VA. 2 4 5 0 1 9-ball tournament, the $15,000 added Carolinas' Cup (see ad on page R5). Mother's ia just two years young and prides itaelf as a successful billiard parlor and restaurant. Most recently, a large tournament room was added on to the original structure. Lodging rates will range from $30$60 depending on your preference. S p e c t a t o r t i c k e t s w i l l be available on a daily basis and weekly passes will be available for $60* Spectators will also have the opportunity to participate side by side with the pros in specialty events with no entry fee. The $12,000 added Open Division is sanctioned by the Professional Billiards Association and will take place September 14-19. The field is limited to the firat sixty-four paid entrants. The entry fee is $250 if paid by August 31, $300 after that date. - ^ R 1 0 — The format will be race to eleven, double elimination with one session for the finals, an extended race to fifteen. A dress code will be enforced. No jeans, no tennis shoes, and no collarless shirts. Contestants must be PBA members if residing outside a 200 mile radius of the tournament site. Non-members may join prior to the draw for $25. The prize money breakdown based on a full field is as follows; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5-6. $7,000 4,500 3,000 2,000 1,500 7-8. 9-12. 13-16. 17-24. 1000 650 425 275 The $3,000 added Woaena* Division is sanctioned by the WPBA and will take place September 17-19. The field is limited to the first sixteen paid entrants. The entry fee is $200 if paid by Aug. 31, $250 after that date. The women will race to nine, one session to eleven in the finals. fr USPPA (continued from RIO) 97 nn Absher, Chuck 117 Aguero, Billy 115 Ambrose, Richi 120 Annigoni, Tony 117 Archer, John 64 Badami, Ray 118 Baker, Paul 110 Balukas, Jean 108 Barro8y Paul 138 Bell, Terry XJO Bentivegna, Fred 107 Bollman, Dave 130 Borrego, Ed 96 Brienza, Paul 130 Broome 1, Bruce 98 Brown, Scott 114 Brown, Tom 122 142 Brunt, George 107 Bryant, John Buss, Jim Butera, Lou _— __ _ r Butera, Sal Canales, Armando Cano, Dan Cano, Nick Carter, Jeff Chandler, Scott Chappel, Jerry Coleman, Jerry Cone, Mike Cosgriff, Char. Costanzo, Warren Crane, Wade Cross, Ken Datwyler, Max 84 128 107 ±u/ 112 83 93 146 99 108 108 124 m 77 123 133 119 86 Davenport, Kim DiLiberto, Danny Dobosenski, Ron Dominguez, E. Dooley, Mike Drennan, Garry Dumser, Rick DeFino, Mike DiToro, John Eden, Barry Ehrbar, Jim Elder, Willie Favor, Dave 143 132 130 120 115 106 115 105 114 95 89 109 122 135 Fix, Greg 120 Fleming, Pat Florence, Richie 110 105 Flowers, JM Futternick, Roy 129 Galloway, John 73 Gandarilla, S. 111 Garrison, Rick 118 Geiler, Rich 113 Golder, Gary 102 Graham, Joe 93 Granas, Henry 129 Gray, Bob 98 Gridley, Clive 88 Gulya8sy, Mike 126 Hall, Buddy 173 Harris, 123 i l a t i i-o , Jr. *JL • Hashimoto, Brian 117 Hauser, Craig 100 Henderson, John 99 Hilis, Rusty 105 Hines, Jack 103 Hodges, Jimmy 133 Hopkins, Allen 161 Houck, Bill 100 la * m Howard, David Hubbart, Larry Hulse, Dee Hunter, Bob Hutchings, Gary Igel, Bill Incardona, Bill Ives, Mike Jarvis, Mark Jensen, Doug Johnson, Jerry Jones, Danny Karabotsos, Tom Kearney, Roger Kent, Freddie King, Wilson Kitatani, Ichira Kitto, Scott •--" Konrath, Frank Kuykendall, Dan Lane, Dick Lapitan, Glenn LeBron, Mike Lee, C M . Lemkce, Louie 147 133 113 116 93 107 134 114 130 81 116 125 104 99 75 iuo 108 103 149 70 110 125 73 141 117 124 103 Lenz, Marty 100 Lewis, John 103 Lhotka, Pete 114 Loder, Lenny 95 Loucks, Bill 138 Luat, Rudolfo 123 Lutman, Gary ±LS MacDonald, Chris 120 Martin, Ray 132 Martin, Ron 113 Maryo, Mark 119 Massey, Mike 119 Masterman, Jim 99 Mataya, Jim Mathews, Grady Matlock, Dave Mattille, Matt Medina, Danny Megiveron, Dick Michaels, George Mielke, Bill Miller, John Miura, Yoko Mizerak, Steve Marino, Yoshiro Munson, Willie McCoy, Don McCoy, Peter McCready, Keith Nelson, Larry Nolan, Gary Nordquist, D. Northup, Joe Nottingham, D. Okumura, Takeshi Opsahl, Bob Orlandi, Guido Osborne, Terry Padgett, Tim Paez, Ismael Parica, Jose Pasqual, Rudy Platis, Harry Poppe, Aaron Poppke, Mike Quande, Peter Reavis, David Reid, Jimmy Rempe, Jim Reyes, Efren Rhodes, David 134 140 124 95 135 110 110 1,Q 118 95 72 143 105 129 145 102 142 117 125 104 88 114 124 105 98 108 115 122 146 115 99 103 99 91 85 137 151 170 133 Ritonya, John Rivera, Arturo Roberta, Louie Rogers, Jimmy Romero, Al Rosas, Ron Rosenberry, Bill Ross, Rich Salazar, Joe Saunder8, Lance Scharper, Armond Schumacher, Pat Schwartz, Larry Searcy, Denny Shaw, Steve Showalter, Mark Sigel, Mike Spencer, Jim Spitzer, Dick Stanzione, Roy Steele, Don Strickland, Earl Swanson, Jay Trevino, Joe Tugwell, Cecil Varner, Nick Vickery, Howard Villalpando, Joe Weidel, Tom Wesley, Don West, Dallas Wetch, Jim White, Rick Williams, Bob Williams, Jim Wilson, Mark Zimmerman, Mike Zuglan, Mike .=N 89 119 121 105 105 133 97 103 128 118 88 108 116 139 120 95 173 79 117 109 118 163 136 101 117 159 120 97 86 101 143 115 107 132 110 134 108 135 / Patent Pending Absolutely the most efficient and reliable product on the market. The unit is powered with a Dayton one-quarter H. P. motor controlled by a Dayton timer switch, both of which have 1 year warranty. The powered unit operates by rotating the balls in individual lined holes and spraying lightly with a cleaning solution. Then close the lid and watch the amazing and satisfying results. One set of replacement felt pads is provided with instructions. Developed by Leonard Bludworth of the Pro Shop. Manufactured and marketed by Bob Opsahl under RAKM UP Productions Inc., the promoter of the annual RAKM UP CLASSIC in Columbia, S.C. Only $395.00 plus shipping by UPS. Sales lax where applicable. RAKM UP PRODUCTIONS, INC. 6334 St. Andrews Road, Suite 101 Columbia, S.C. 29212 (803) 772-5336 R11 (r Sigel Picks up 15 Grand at LA. Invite LOS ANGELES, CA - ( 6 / 2 5 - 2 8 / 8 7 ) A f t e r four days o f 9 - b a l l c o m p e t i t i o n , Mike S i g e l waltzed away w i t h $15,000. Sixty-four invitees i n c l u d i n g seven women competed i n the $20,000 added Peter V i t a l i e Invitational which employed a s i n g l e e l i m i n a t i o n f o r m a t , race t o seven, two out o f three s e t s . The black t i e event seeded s i x t e e n p l a y e r s and charged a $500 e n t r y fee. On t i g h t pockets w i t h deep s l a t e s , S i g e l defeated Okumura, A l l e n , Crane, Hopkins, Reyes, and Buddy H a l l . Mary Kenniston AccuS t a t t e d the finals with these results: Sigel Set one: M B Hall Set two: M Sigel B. H a l l 7 5 7 5 (.915) (.877) (.842) (.823) NAME NAME PRIZE 1st Mike Sigel $15,000 2nd Buddy Hall 7,000 3rd-4th Efren Reyes J, 500 Mike LeBron 3,500 5th-8th Allen Hopkins 1,750 Nick Varner 1,750 Greg Fix 1,750 Steve Mizerak 1,750 9th-16th Wade Crane 1,000 Bob Williams 1,000 Sammy Jones 1,000 Paul Brienza 1,000 David Howard 1,000 Howard Vickery 1,000 Danny Medina 1,000 Danny DiLiberto 1,000 : ^ \ PRIZE 17th- 32nd Ronnie Allen Terry Osborne Grady Mathews Tom Brown Brian Hashimoto Dan Louie Don Polo Craig Hauser Dick Megiveron Jose Parica Bob Vanover Loree Jon Jones Don McCoy Ismael Paez Jean Balukas Earl Strickland 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 IN THE MONET Tar Heel Classic New Totk State Charlotte Open HIGH POINT, NC ( 5 / 1 2 - 1 7 / 8 7 ) Host: C l a y ' s Country Roads Club E n t r y : $250 Added: $7,500 P l a y e r s : 20 1st NAME PRIZE Kim Davenport $4,000 2nd Earl Strickland 3rd Paul Brienza 4th Howard Vickery 5th-6th Jimmy Reid Kenny Wellman 7th-8th Mike Cone Takeshi Okamura 9th-12th Efren Reyes Dave Piona Grady Mathews Bill Kelleher 2,500 1,500 1,000 800 800 450 450 250 250 250 250 The New York State Open i s an annual e v e n t . The C h a r l o t t e Open i s the smaller of two hosted by Rob's Roost. The Tar Heel C l a s i c i s one o f two High P o i n t e v e n t s . 900 TPA'8: In 1987, after CHARLOTTE, NC ( 7 / 7 - 1 1 / 8 7 Host: Rob's Roost E n t r y : $200 Added: $6,000 (MEN) E n t r y : $200 Added: $2,000 (Women) BINGHAMTON, NY ( 5 / 1 5 - 1 7 / 8 7 ) Host: Pocket B i l l i a r d Lounge E n t r y : $100 Added: $2,600 P l a y e r 8 : 58 NAME 1st David Daya $2,340 1,400 2nd Guy Carney 935 3rd Ray Martin 655 4th Allen Hopkins 5th-6th 470 Mike Xiarhos 470 Jim Rempe 7th-8th 325 Dennis Hatch 325 Mike Lane 9th-12th 235 Tom McGonagle 235 Jerry Fiehl 235 Ernie Lorelli 235 Augie Nangini 13th-16th 135 Joe Frady 135 Sammy Jones 135 Mike Sigel 135 Ron Casanzio four Accu-Statted NAME PRIZE tournaments, 209 different players have accumulated ninety-seven .900 TPA's. T h i r t y - e i g h t d i f f e r e n t p l a y e r s have shot a t l e a s t one .900 TPA. Three p l a y e r s p r e s e n t l y dominate the r e s t as Mike S i g e l leads the pack w i t h f o u r t e e n . Buddy H a l l has eleven and Efren Reyes has t e n . p < " PRIZE 1st Earl Strickland $4,000 2nd David Howard 2,000 3rd Grady Mathews 1,500 4th Mike LeBron 1,000 5th-6th Wade Crane 700 Buddy Dennis 700 7th-8th Buddy Hall 450 Kim Davenport 450 9th-12th Al Bonife 200 Charlie Brinson 200 George Breedlove 200 Buddy Huggins 200 1st 2nd 3rd NAME PRIZE Mary Kenniston Bonnie Hoffman Belinda Beardon $1,500 1,100 900 4th Cerri Titcomb 5th-6th Ewa Mataya Peg Ledman 700 500 500 fr ^ ACCU-STATS ACCU-STATS 204 Eagle Rock Avenue Roseland, New Jersey 07068 (201)226-5429 204 Eagle Rock Avenue Roseland, New Jersey 07068 (201)226-5429 Vol. 3, No. 3 - The 5th Sands Regent Open Reno, Nevada Publisher-Editor Circulation Manager Field Coordinator Storekeepers Vol. 3, No. 3 - The 3rd Glass City Open Toledo, Ohio Patrick Fleming Fran McKee Dennis McGimpsey Monte Arrowood Glynn Biles Ron Campbell Larry Chavez Richard Felix Steve Goff Steve Lingelbach Mark Menser Sam Sesso Joe Spinelli Tony White Brian Williford Publisher-Editor Circulation Manager Field Coordinator Scorekeepers Glass City Open Tournsment Staff: Hi-Q B i l l i a r d s Sponsor Host Site Promoter Tournament Director Publicity Director John Williford Sands Regent Open Tournament Staff: Sponsor Host Site Promoter Tournsment Director Asst. Director Flow Chart Manager Flow Chart Assistsnt Public Relations Patrick Fleming Fran McKee Dennis McGimpsey Martin Courtois Mario Cilitti Mike Dugan John Hatch Gene Kiselis Kelly Simpson Laura Smith Jean Vaillencourt The Sands Regent Hotel/Casino The Ssnds Regent Hotel/Casino Gene Stary Doug Klisch Geri Klisch Hank Pericle Jerry Shaw Barbara Woodward Copyright °1987, by Accu-Stats. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Tam-0-Shanter Sports Complex L s r r y Kahan Joe Kerr Tom Elder Copyright °1987, by A c c u - S t a t s . All rights res e r v e d . Except as p e r m i t t e d under the United S t s t e s Copyright Act of 1976, no p s r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n may be reproduced i n any form or by any means, w i t h o u t the w r i t t e n permission of the p u b l i s h e r . Whats Next? The next issue o f Accu-Stats w i l l feature the Carolinas' Cup. The PBA and WPBA ssnctioned event scheduled f o r September 14-19 w i l l take place at Mother's B i l l i a r d P a r l o r & G r i l l e i n C h a r l o t t e , NC. And f o r the f i r a t t i m e , Accu-Stats w i l l monitor esch tournament t a b l e w i t h a c e i l i n g mounted video camera. — — - — — — | Subscription Form YES!! Enter my n a m e as an A c c u - S t a t s SUBSCRIPTION Card * Signature. Name Address. City Accu-Stats v subscriber R A T E i O n e Year For Only $ 1 5 . 0 0 Exp. Dale. State. Zip. 204 Eagle Rock Avenue • Roseland, New Jersey 07068 Check - m/o • Master Card • Visa • (201)226-5429 J R13 (r Reno FLOWC Below i s t h e double e l i m i n a t i o n f l o w c h a r t f o r The 5 t h Sanda Regent Open. line separates the winners' bracket from t h e c e n t e r l i n e r e p r e s e n t t h e r e s u l t s o f the f i r s t losers' bracket. The b o l d c e n t e r The names b o r d e r i n g round o f p l a y . The s m a l l numbers the throughout VARNER AGueR0 , (*p 74BC AGUERO MEDINA HOPKINS <t> HOPKINS HOPKINS REYES yjT ^AGUERO (Jfifk I ^YGANDARILLA ^ ^ HASHIMOTO Js STANZIONE 4 r4f* I *VP . VILL 'PANDC^j T4B -® I HASHIMOTO / J T ^VILL 'PANDOtx^k JMEDINA ^HASHIMOTO <5*£|i OKUMURQ r%£ OKUMURO X L ^ OKUMURQ X ^DOMINGUEZ , s ^ I ^NOTTINGHAM <§£$ OKUMURO A MILLER rrm I ^ ^ f , MEGIVERON J T ^ L - 0 I^CGJyEffQN/g ^MEGIVERON tt£ ^HOPKINS ^JENSEN *2C|£ -59^2 W W 7 I N _ AL MARTIN <§> I MARTIN 9 - ® CHAPPEL 1 CHAPPEL *^ _/3r , asia £7 I MARTIN MARTIN STR1CKLA < £ = = ^ ^ W 0 D £ w ^ROMERO MARTIN MARTIN % X ^COLEMAN SUT£ft/1 ^Mac ^MacDONALD ftJTEfi/; X r mm _KI1 HOWARD 4> HOWARD KWONC STRICKLAND 1 DiFINQ ^ _m HOUCK X HOUCK -<5) TJOHNSON " V I TO HGL (fine ^DiFINQ BYE FI> LSJ> HAF (Jg <2^ FIX Fix FIX _& ^QUANOE JT^ ^HARRIS FIX FIX J m ^ ^ [m YHOMflO MARTIN T £ CR£ HW V HENDERSON STRICKLA LeBRQN ^ COSTANZO cosr/wzt MATLOCK \HENL MATLOCK < > LEMKE H/lU5gft 4> LeBRON LEMKE ^ STRICKLAND^ L£NZ ,/;9 nait^FO 0 MCCREADY ROSAS LeSflON SIGEL i ROSAS ^D'lMPERIO ^ WILLIAMS >jT^ N0LAN NOLAN rf& VUrtWCA 4^ l ^ g 51 ^OSBORNE * p ^ LOUIE B0LLM/.N SIGEL 8 *2C^ C/WLI5 WLAN_^j£ SIGEL VICKERY = LOUIE LOUIE Q MCCREADY J Hfluseff ^— —mj SHAW <§> X ^MflTLOCJC \ SHAW SIGEL X ^DILIBERTO pgy siga BOLLM LOUCKS X- r-Sli ^ ^ S a n d s Regent / CHART the chart represent Romero b o t h Cich drew the byes. loser's As the 11—5, and t h e n W i l l i a m s score chart for that flows to d e f e a t e d Romero session. the right, For we can example, tell Greg that Cich Romero and Al defeated 11-3. BYE I ONE ~VARNER AGUERO '3REAVIS BYE M $TAN210NE OS BY£ I AGUERO BYE BYE PANDQ BY£ OKUMURO INCARDONA GUEZ [eyXIMINGUEZ RO BYE •{BYE BYE { INCARDONA BYE BYE WILLIAMS L0UCK * 7~J3 WILLIAM& S WIL L I / W EHRBAR COLEMAN COLEMAN CT LOUIE eBRON LeBRON & WILLIAMS ¥ L HZ?RSON NOLAN 16) HOWARD KONRATH (9^mm B?OWARD eBRQN m eFlNO DeFINQ & CANAL IS REYES J) REYES MITCHELL GANDARILLA GANDARlLLfl@j LENZ CREADY (5\ MCCREADY (§P^ WILLIAMS NDERSQN EYES -teges MILLER WE GRAHAM ERON ^ GRAHAM (SfiEGIVERON BYE LIAMS , j w l L L i m s BYE CREADY BYE BRIENZA N BRIENZA •&MADDEN BYE GOLDER T BROWN SIGEL N T BROWN LI) SIGEL {SMART IN IGEL BYE COS TANZO u/KurMnm MacDONALD )NALD MacDONALD HASHIMOTO (^SHZMOTO C&KltATANt 1 g ^ RQ$A$ BYE OSAS \A BYE HILL BUTERA OSAS BYE NOTTINGHAM KITTO TTING ^ KITTO CRANE (&MQRINO BYE JENSEN JENSEN BYE HOUCK WONG FIX BYE W BROWN WONG W BROWN KWONG & { 4 ) 1 TO ITO BYE HAW WE SHAW & FIX -fepgpKiNS^ BYE HOUCK HARRIS HOPKINS HARRIS ts <5YiEjIA HOPKINS {§) MORlNO BYE OSBORNE BYE OSBORNE "?§) -j CRANE EMKE BYE BUTERA EMKE HUNTER :R { HUNTER LEMKE # •j&yilLL BYE KITATANI BYE iTQRO }NZ0 BYE 'ORO TRICKLAND H COSTANZO' W MARTIN TRICKLA ^ MATL0CK~ A MATLOCK XK STRICKLA {SCOLDER BYE LEWIS BYE LEWIS {WE MADDEN ^ > LENZ DINA BYE ( ^ HAUSER IR HAUSER •QMITCHELL BYE LIS {WE CANAL IS OHNSON BYE MlLLER -^JOHNSON ARROWOOD HTH ARROWOOD CD JOHNSON •(tyONRATH ' BYE DOMINGUEZ VICKERY BYE VICKERY (D1 v VICKERY -j NOLAN BYE ~ FLORENCE <A { PLORMJ LB] OKUMURA aigsar -{QXHOTKA ~ WE CHAPPEL CHAPPEL BYE i {BYE_ GEILER CHAPPEL j LOUIE STANZIONE n . JRFRm BYE MIURA DILIBERTO b f l L I B E R T 0 { MIURA (\R <J)EHRBAR O'IMPERIO D,IMpERW BYE BYE KS REAVIS {BYE AVENPQRT LOUCKS BYE VARNER AVENPQRT BOLLMAN J) DAVENPORT MAN j BOLLMAN •(&CICH © ?* B) {WT 3> wi— (f WILLIAMS CCREADY ¥ CREADY ( ^ WONG ¥ WE (P VENPORT TRICKLAND STRICKLAND EMKE TRICKLAND DAVENPORT ¥ TRICKLAND & q ¥ TRICKLAND CF .VICKERY 3> © BP S VENPORT <fe* VENPORT VENPORT p j 1987 Major Tournament Results MINIMUM WINNINGS - $600.00 (THRU Name Events Sigel, Mike 6 Strickland, Earl 5 Hall, Buddy 5 Reyes, Efren 6 Varner, Nick 5 Davenport, Kim 6 LeBron, Mike 6 Williams, Bob 5 Howard, David 6 Jarvis, Mark 4 Medina, Danny 6 West, Dallas 3 DiLiberto, Danny 4 Martin, Ray 3 Hopkins, Allen 3 McCoy, Don 3 Mizerak, Steve 4 Fix, Greg 5 McCready, Keith 2 Vickery, Howard 6 Jones, Sammy 3 Rempe, Jim 2 Bollman, Dave 6 Nolan, Gary 4 Brienza, Paul 5 Hunter, Bob 4 Mathews, Grady 5 Crane, Wade 5 Parica, Jose 3 Lemke, Louie 1 Vanover, Bob 2 Reid, Jimmy 3 Kwong, Tim 1 Dominguez, Ernest 3 Archer, John 1 Balukas, Jean 4 Hashimoto, Brian 2 Hauser, Craig 2 Lane, Dick 2 Maryo, Mark 4 McAninch, Steve 1 Burge, Billy 1 Carter, Jeff 2 Rosas, Ron 2 Incardona, Bill 4 MacDonald, Chris 5 Michaels, George 2 Aporff, Harry 1 Megiveron, Dick 2 Louie, Dan 2 , Dobosenski, Ron 3 In Money 6 5 5 6 4 5 5 4 6 2 5 3 3 3 2 2 3 4 1 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 YTD$ Winnings 33855.00 17681.00 16397.00 13914.00 12950.00 10789.00 6402.00 5752.00 5617.00 5500.00 4827.00 4200.00 4178.00 3664.00 3500.00 3500.00 3389.00 3200.00 3200.00 2700.00 2600.00 2402.00 2300.00 2225.00 2200.00 2152.00 2100.00 1776.00 1776.00 1750.00 1400.00 1302.00 1200.00 1025.00 1017.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 902.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 875.00 800.00 776.00 776.00 700.00 700.00 650.00 650.00 600.00 6/28/87) Sessions Won Lost 48-9 26-9 32-9 34 - 13 20-10 23 - 12 26 - 13 18 - 10 28 - 13 11-8 26 - 13 16-6 15-8 15-6 14-7 8 - 7 15-8 18-11 6-4 12 - 14 11-8 8 - 4 16 - 12 11-8 9-11 10 - 8 11 - 10 11 - 11 9-6 5-2 7-4 7-6 4 - 2 6-6 3 - 2 7-9 6-4 7-5 4 - 4 5 - 8 3 - 2 3 - 2 5 - 4 4 - 4 6-8 8-10 4 - 4 3 - 2 5 - 4 5-5 7-6 ST CHAR TOLEDO COL SC DAY IA RENO 1 1 2 17-24 5-6 2 4 5-6 . 1 4 7-8 17-24 1 . 5-6 3 9-12 2 9-12 . 17-24 1 13-16 49-64 13-16 9-12 3 17-24 2 17-24 25-32 13-16 13-16 9-12 17-24 . 17-24 25-32 3 7-8 13-16 13-16 5-6 13-16 . 2 33-48 5-6 . 17-24 5-6 7-8 49-64 13-16 . 13-16 5-6 4 . 3 17-24 . . 33-48 13-16 . 9-12 . 5-6 33-48 . . . 7 - 8 . . 49-64 3 . 5-6 . 33-48 17-24 . . 33-48 17-24 17-24 13-16 . . . . 4 49-61 17-24 33-48 25-32 9-12 . 9-12 . 13-16 . 17-24 . 4 . . 33-48 25-32 13-16 7-8 17-24 . . 9-12 7-8 25-32 . 7-8 33-48 49-64 65-81 17-24 5-6 . . 25-32 25-32 13-16 33-48 9-12 . 9-12 . 25-32 49-64 49-64 9-12 17-24 . . . . . . 7-8 . 9-12 . . . 17-24 . 33-48 9-12 . . . . 9-12 . . 7 - 8 . 49-64 7-8 . 33-48 17-24 . 25-32 . . . . . 17-24 . . . . 17-24 17-24 17-24 . . . 33-48 9-12 49-64 33-48 . . . 9-12 . . . 9-12 . 33-48 9-12 . . . . 13-16 9-12 49-64 33-48 . 65-81 9-12 25-32 49-64 . 49-64 . 13-16 49-64 . . . 13-16 . . . . 25-32 . . . . 25-32 . 33-48 13-16 . . L.A. 1 17-32 2 3-4 5-8 33-64 3-4 9-16 9-16 33-64 9-16 9-16 5-8 17-32 5-8 5-8 33-64 9-16 9-16 . 33-64 33-64 9-16 33-64 17-32 9-16 17-32 17-32 33-64 17-32 17-32 17-32 . 33-64 33-64 17-32 17-32 33-64 YEAR TO DATE Sessions Won -Lost MINIMUM SESSIONS - 8 (THRU 6/28/87) # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. NAME WON LOST PCT # NAME 4 8 - 9 3 2 - 9 2 6 - 9 1 6 - 6 34 - 13 1 5 - 6 28 - 13 26 - 13 26 - 13 20 - 10 1 4 - 7 8 - 4 23 - 12 1 5 - 8 1 5 - 8 18 - 10 7 - 4 18 - 11 9 - 6 6 - 4 6 - 4 7 - 5 1 1 - 8 .842 .780 .743 .727 .723 .714 .683 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 .658 .652 .652 .643 .636 .621 .600 .600 .600 .583 .579 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Jones, Sammy 11 Nolan, Gary 11 Bollman, Dave 16 Hunter, Bob 10 Carter, Jeff 5 Matlock, Dave 5 Meglveron, Dick 5 Schwartz, Larry 5 Dobosenski, Ron 7 Reid, Jimmy 7 McCoy, Don 8 Mathews, Grady 11 Crane, Wade 11 Munson, Willie 6 Dominguez, Ernestt ) 6 Louie, Dan 5 Gulyassy, Mike 4 Kitto, Scott 4 Lane, Dick 4 Michaels, George 4 Nottingham, David 4 Rosas, Ron 4 Spaeth, Gary 4 Sigel, Mike Hall, Buddy Strickland, Earl West Dallas Reyes, Efren Martin, Ray Howard, David LeBron, Mike Medina, Danny Varner, Nick Hopkins, Allen Rempe, Jim Davenport, Kim DiLiberto, Danny Mizerak, Steve Williams, Bob Vanover, Bob Fix, Greg Parica, Jose Hashimoto, Brian McCready, Keith Hauser, Craig Jarvis, Mark Upcoming Major Date (1987) Event's T i t l e LOST 8 8 - 12 8 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 - 10 - 11 6 6 5 4 ~ 4 4 4 4 4 4 PCT .579 .579 .571 .556 .556 .556 .556] .556 .538 .538 .533 .524 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 Events C i t y , State Entry Added Phone Aug. 30-Sep. 3 B.C. Open (Open) Aug. 30-Sep. 3 B.C. Open (Women) Binghamton, NY Binghamton, NY $350.00 $250.00 $10,500 $5,000 607-754-2482 607 -754-2482 Sept. 14-19 Sept. 17-19 C a r o l i n a s ' Cup (Open) C a r o l i n a s ' Cup (Women) C h a r l o t t e , NC C h a r l o t t e , MC $250.00 $200.00 $12,000 $3,000 201 -838-7089 201-838-7089 O c t . 20-25 C i t y of Champions D e t r o i t , MI $300.00 $10,000 216 -376-0202 Nov. 2-7 U.S. Open N o r f o l k , VA N/A N/A (Wait f o r det«tils) Nov. 9-14 N.C. F a l l 9 - B a l l C l a s s i c C h a r l o t t e , NC N/A N/A (Wait f o r d e t a i l s ) Nov. 17-21 Lexington A l l - S t a r Open L e x i n g t o n , KY $200.00 $6,000 216 -376-0202 Dec. 9-13 Sand3 Regent Open Reno, NV $300.00 $20,000 800 -648-3553 Columbia, SC $275.00 $20,000 803 -772-5336 Jan. 11-16(88) Rak'm Up C l a s s i c What is the "40 Second Ti»e Limit Rule?" E s s e n t i a l l y a player has no more than f o r t y seconds t o shoot each a h o t . At the s t a r t o f a r u n , the c l o c k s t a r t s when the incoming p l a y e r steps t o the table. During a r u n , the c l o c k s t a r t s when a l l o f V the b a l l s stop r o l l i n g . A f t e r a f o u l , the clock ^ WON s t a r t s when the incoming p l a y e r i s handed the cue ball. During a break s h o t : c l o c k s t a r t s when the I n a l l cases., the rack i s approved or accepted. c l o c k 8tops when the cue b a l l i s s t r u c k . Warning: a c l i c k i n g sound i s heard when ten seconds remain. P e n a l t y : f o u l , b a l l i n hand anywherei on the t a b l e . rri2; ji Tour Point Rankings ST. LOUIS, MO - The Tour Point Rankings is the official method for determining PBA player rankings. Points are awarded to the top twenty-four finishers of each PBA sanctioned event according to point values set up by the PBA board. The points are updated at the end of each month and reflect the results of PBA sanctioned tournaments for the previous twelve months. It's interesting to note thst Mike Sigel may be the first professional pool player to win over $100,000 in tournament winnings in a twelve month period. # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. PRIZE NAME MONEY MICHAEL SIGEL $102,176 EARL STRICKLAND 36,165 NICK VARNER 31,503 BUDDY HALL 26,070 DAVID HOWARD 26,995 ALLEN HOPKINS 24,567 EFREN REYES 15,762 DANNY MEDINA 17,886 KIM DAVENPORT 16,239 MIKE LEBRON 14,464 WADE CRANE 10,076 GRADY MATHEWS 8,393 JOSE PARICA 9,942 HOWARD VICKERY 8,154 JIMMY REID 6,910 STEVE MIZERAK 8,646 DAVE BOLLMAN 7,201 MARK JARVIS 6,081 ROBERT WILLIAMS 6,562 DALLAS W E S T 6,098 LAWRENCE HUBBART 5,498 DANNY DILIBERTO 5,278 PAUL BRIENZA 4,400 RAY MARTIN 5,840 TERRY BELL 4,133 JIM REMPE 3,959 KEITH MCCREADY 5,372 JEFFREY CARTER 3,956 SAMMY JONES 3,700 BILL INCARDONA 2,976 MIKE ZUGLAN 3,467 PAT FLEMING 1,718 TOUR POINTS 736 447 385 358 329 316 238 219 206 191 166 145 136 124 119 112 101 93 93 90 88 78 67 64 63 57 52 47 47 45 44 43 NAME 33. ROBERT HUNTER 34. DAN LOUIE 35. CHRIS MACDONALD 36. JIMMY MATAYA 37. DICK LANE 38. DAVID FAVOR 39. GARY NOLAN 40. SCOTT KITTO 41. LENNY LODER 42. RONALD ALLEN 43. MIKE GULYASSY 44. BOB VANOVER 45. LOUIE ROBERTS 46. MARK MARYO 47. BILLY BURGE 48. MICHAEL CONE 49. JASPER FLOWERS 50. JR. HARRIS 51. THOMAS KENNEDY 52. ERIC WILLIAMS 53. BILL KELLEHER 54. GUIDO ORLANDI 55. HARRY APORFF 56. WARREN COSTANZO 57. DONALD POLO 58. GERRY WATSON 59. PAUL BAKER 60. STEVE COOK 61. GENE COOPER 62. TOM BROWN 63. RICHARD GEILER 64. tuGENE CATRON 4 Leonard Bludworth "Everything for the Pool Player" cue TOWNE BILLIARD 713-943-1615 repairs by 264 E. Blackwell Street Dover, N.J. 07801 Billiard Supply Store 201-366-9829 ft PRIZE TOUR MONEY POINTS $3,678 42 2,938 42 2,639 42 2,105 41 2,502 32 1,391 30 2,225 28 2,393 23 1,460 22 1,833 19 650 19 1,400 17 650 16 900 15 900 12 450 12 650 11 800 11 375 10 500 10 250 9 1,093 9 700 8 1,200 8 500 8 968 8 350 7 375 7 325 7 918 5 500 5 The Pro Shop Next Tour Stop: Mother's, Charlotte, NC Call or write for consumer brochure 1d01 Redford Rd 2005-B T11 Houston. TX 77034 • Just Part Of The JOBfl TRADING Line-Up Of Top Quality Products fcranito GRANITO A - now officially recognized by the UMB ^Mlty GRANITO TOURNAMENT 2000 - used in many of the major sanctioned pool tournaments GRANITO POOL - new blend now available 83% wool - 17% nylon •SGREN ^SGGARD Used in the 1986 World 3-Cushion Championship. Watch for the finest pool tables ever built. The official table at the 1987 Classic Cup VI PBA's Choice the RED CIRCLE Cue Ball officially recognized as the ball to use. also: Super Aramith Deluxe 61.5 mm. The best 3-cushion ball available Call or Write Today: Name: Address: City St: Zip: Phone: Interested in: LI Granito P.O. Box 48183 Niles, IL60648 Phone:(312)545-2474 I I i i Aramith O Soren Sogard I P Other Joba Products ! Performance Rankings Toledo TOTAL NAME 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PERFORMANCE GAMES BALLS MADE ERRORS Buddy Hall 111 591 57 467 66 105 Nick Varner 655 99 145 Efren Reyes 900 152 175 David Howard 340 58 72 Jim Mataya 290 50 70 Mike Sigel 508 89 116 Don McCoy 146 26 41 Paul Brienza 342 61 74 Bob Williams 485 90 105 Mark Jarvis (Glass City Open Average = .806) BREAK KICK TPA .912 1. 876 2. .869 3. .856 4. .854 5. .853 6. .851 7. .849 8. .849 9. .843 10. 1. 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RUN OUT OPPORTUNITIES PERFORMANCE BREAK BALL MADE GAMES SHOTS W/O SCR. BPA Danny Medina 41 20 23 Takeshi Okumura 52 98 Dallas West 170 65 Dave Bollman 132 39 Bob Williams 74 81 Efren Reyes 145 43 George Breedlove 89 41 Jean Balukas 76 27 Willie Munson 57 35 Bill Stephen 68 (Glass City Open Average = 14 16 68 45 27 53 28 26 17 22 565) .700 .696 .694 .692 .692 .654 .651 .634 .630 .629 # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MISSES NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Buddy Hall Nick Varner Don McCoy Paul Brienza Jim Mataya Efren Reyes Bob Williams Mike Sigel Mike LeBron Dennis Hatch (Glass City Open NAME OPPORTUNITIES Buddy Hall Nick Varner Efren Reyes Kim Davenport Mike LeBron Don McCoy Mike Sigel Jack Hynes Danny Medina Jim Mataya (Glass City Open SHOTS MISSED 28 591 23 467 27 508 9 146 21 340 41 655 22 342 19 290 33 472 25 323 Average ' 10.9) RUN OUTS 103 76 83 59 121 83 60 39 95 60 100 63 61 38 45 28 31 19 67 41 Average • 52.5) POSITION (PER 100 BALLS POCKETED) BALLS MADE PERFORMANCE (MINIMUM KICKS = 15) NAME GAMES RICKS GOOD KPA Buddy Hall 111 27 26 .963 Jim Mataya 72 23 22 .957 John Beyerlein 48 15 14 .933 Grady Mathews 83 26 24 .923 Yoshihiro Morino 61 23 21 .913 Jean Balukas 76 21 19 .905 Efren Reyes 145 39 34 .872 Harry Aporff 82 23 20 .870 Mike Sigel 70 22 19 .864 Ichiro Kitatani 71 20 17 .850 (Glass City Open Avera ge : = .786) (MINIMUM BREAKS= 20) NAME Glass City Open PCT. 73.8 71.1 68.6 65.0 63.2 63.0 62.3 62.2 61.3 61.2 ERRORS (PER 100 BALLS POCKETED) AVG NAME 4 7 4 9 5 3 6 2 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 6 7 0 7.7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BALLS MADE POSITION ERRORS Buddy Hall 591 156 Danny Medina 100 Wade Crane 467 Nick Varner 900 David Howard 655 Efren Reyes 213 Jack Hynes 508 Don McCoy 337 Jean Balukas 352 Steve Mizerak (Glass City Open Average 18 6 4 19 40 30 10 27 18 19 = 7.3) AVG 3 0 3 8 4 0 4 1 4 4 4 6 4 7 5 3 5 3 5.4 GLASS CITY Averages Ball made on the break: 63% Nine ball made on the break: 3.1% Scratch on the break: 11% Run out from the break: 16% Run out after making a ball on the break: 28% Run out with ball in hand: 65% Vs T8 ^ Scores Notable Matches ( c o n t i n u e d from page T4) # Name Score Avg. / Name (continued from page T3) Score Avg. 83) G. Fix 8. Dickerson 11 8 (.826) (.755) 107) D. West H. Aporff 11 2 (.895) (.586) 84) M. LeBron 8. Williams n (.928J 9 (.845) 108) G. Nolan S. Jones 11 7 (.827) (.800) 85) D. West T. Mougey 11 8 (.843) (.808) 86) M. Gulyassy Y. Morino li 3 (.835) (.631) 87) G. Breedlove B. Stephen 11 10 (.804) (.794) 88) S. Mizerak D. Hatch n 6 (.918) (.740) WINNERS' BRACKET 89) G. Mathews J. Mataya 11 10 (.822) (.842) 90) 8. Hall D. Bollman 11 6 (.936) (.783) 91) E. Reyes M. Sigel 11 7 (.873) (.857) 92) J . Reid I. Kitatani 11 W (.797) (.731) 93) D. McCoy 5. Jones 11 2 (.869) (.729) 94) 5. McAninch G. Nolan 11 9 95) B. Surge J. Aporff 11 10 M ^ J - | (.832) (.777) « ^J" ^ ^ •— f (.750) (.706) 96) M. Jarvis 11 (.888) K. Davenport 7 (.760) LOSERS (17th-24th) 97) N. Varner I. Kitatani li 98) D. Howard M. Sigel 11 10 (.856) (.822) 99) D. Bollman G. Fix 11 10 (.798) (.758) 100) M. LeBron G. Mataya 11 9 (.786) (.818) 1Q1) D. West K. Davenport 11 10 (.853) (.826) 102) H. Aporff M. Gulyassy 11 8 (.756) (.791) 103) G. Nolan G. Breedlove 11 9 (.856) (.750) 104) S. Jones S. Mizerak 11 8 (.814) (.802) 2 ^ B i (.865) (.683) * ^ J - ^ p - ^r r LOSERS (13th-16th) 105) D. Howard N. Varner 11 (.9041 8 (.882) 106) D. Bollman M. LeBron 11 8 (.795) (.742) In what would have been the most spectacular comefrora-behind win t h i s year, Jim Mataya (.842) t r a i l e d Grady Mathewa (.822) 1-9. After winning the next nine racks, the stage was set f o r the i n c r e d i b l e come back. Mathews played a s a f e t y and Mataya k i c k e d a b a l l i n t o s t a r t h i s run o u t . With j u s t two easy b a l l s from v i c t o r y , Mataya missed the e i g h t b a l l . F i n a l : Mathews 1 1 , Mataya 10. WINNERS' BRACKET 109) B. Hall G. Mathews 11 (.922J 4 (.836) 110) E. Reyes J . Reid li 111) D. McCoy S. McAninch 11 7 (.859) (.750) 112) M. Jarvis B. Surge 11 8 (.874) (.786) (.918; 5 (.817) I n another come-from-behind match, I c h i r o K i t a t a n i (.731) trailed Jiaary Raid (.797) 1-7. He e v e n t u a l l y t i e d the match a t 7 - 7 , 9 - 9 , and 10-10. He broke the f i n a l rack and was running o u t . He got s t r a i g h t i n on the e i g h t b a l l , too s t r a i g h t . T r y i n g t o finesse the cue b a l l , he f o l l o w e d i t i n behind the e i g h t . Reid won 1 1 - 1 0 . LOSERS (9th-12th) 113) D. Howard S. McAninch li 3 (.863) (.676) 114) D. Bollman B. Surge li 10 (.800) (.827) 115) D. West G. Mathews li 3 (.814) (.698) 116) G. Nolan J. Reid 11 10 (.784) (.810) The best played match was saved f o r the f i n a l s . Buddy H a l l (.976) kept Efren Reyes (.769) busy k i c k i n g , s a f t y i n g , r a c k i n g and s i t t i n g ! H a l l won the one-sided a f f a i r 11-1 w h i l e missing j u s t one thin cut. aw LOSERS (7th-8th) 117) D. Howard D. Bollman li 118) D. West G. Nolan li 5 (.809) (.696) 6 (.821) (.792) Hall and Balukas (continued from page T3) not share in the high run honors for "Breaking and Running Out." Six competitors tied in that category with a high run of three racks. They were Jim Mataya, Takeshi Okumura, Willie Munson, John Duclos, and Gary Nolan. WINNERS' BRACKET 119) B. Hall E. Reyes li (.907; 7 (.820) 120) D. McCoy M. Jarvis li (.906J 4 (.789) a* LOSERS (5th-6th) 121) E. Reyes li D. Howard 6 122) 0. West li M. Jarvis 8 LOSER (4th) (.851) (.839) (.837) (.783) 123) E. Reyes 0. West (.870) (.750) 11 5 Twenty-four women competed in the race to nine Women's Division. Jean Balukas drew a bye the fir8t round and then defeated Shampo (7), Picard (4), Jones (5), Mataya (3), and Miura (6). The WPBA established the prize money breakdown and awarded Balukas 2,700. Three lucky spectators were rewarded for their support of the tournament by winning valuable door prizes. Cathy Arndt won a $2,500 trip to Hawaii plus $500 cash! Mike Hudkins won $1000 cash and Vince Jabkiewicz won a $750 Joss Cue and a $175 George Cue Case. See ya next year! WINNERS' BRACKET 124) B. Hall 0. McCoy li (.904! 4 (.738) LOSER (3rd) 125) E. Reyes D. McCoy li 7 (.886) (.855) FINALS 126) B. Hall E. Reyes PAUL MOTTEY li (.976i 1 (.769) MOTTEY CUSTOM CUES FOR SALE V. 2852 Broadway Avenue Pittsburgh. Pa. 15216 (412)531-3500 Commercial Pool Table Commercial Billiard Table Commercial Snooker Table For information, call 201-226-5429 T7 Total Performance Average (TPA) GLASS CITY Rankings * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. U. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. TPA NAME Buddy Hall Nick Varner Efren Reyes David Howard Jim Mataya Mike Sigel Don McCoy Paul Brienza Bob Williams Mark Jarvis Steve Mizerak Jean Balukas Grady Mathews Dallas West Gary Nolan Mike LeBron Danny Medina Dennis Hatch Kim Davenport Willie Munson Greg Fix Tony Mougey .912 .876 .869 .856 .854 .853 .851 .849 .849 .843 .840 .838 .838 .835 .832 .831 .825 .824 .819 .818 .817 .814 NAME 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Jack Hynes Harry Sexton Mike Gulyassy Howard Vickery Takeshi Okumura Bob Dickerson Sammy Jones Jimmy Reid Billy Burge Steve McAninch Wade Crane Mark Maryo Dave Bollman George Bveedlove Gene Catron Bill Petrovish Dave Piona Bill Stephen John Zaksas Stan Moon Mike Alvarez NAME TPA .813 .813 .812 .810 .808 .808 .802 .802 .801 .800 .800 .799 .796 .788 .785 .784 .783 .781 .780 .774 .773 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. TPA Harry Aporff John Beyerlein Chuck Absher Ron Casanzio Ichiro Kitatani Yoshihiro Morino John Duelos Steve Dobrowolski Larry York Pete Tascarella Carl Burgio Frank Zummo John Dansereau Wesley Oyama Dick Perkins Mike Hudkins Mark Griffin Joe Wichman Rejean Picard Dan Kromer Tom Peck .770 .764 .754 .752 .744 .74 J .739 .736 .725 .723 .718 .718 .710 .702 .663 .663 .625 .624 .569 .548 .418 What is an error? An error is one of the factors used in determining the TPA, There are five possible errors. They are any Miss, Scratch on the Break, Bad Kick, Bad Safety, and Bad Position. Top Ten Plays A TPA o f .900 or more isi regarded made in /A* as except i o n p l a y . What f o l l o w s are the ten best playsi for the Glass City Open: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (.976) Buddy H s l l vs. Reyes (.937) Nick Varner vs i Burgio (.936) Buddy H a l l vs. Bollman (.934) Bobby Williams vs. York (.928) Mike LeBron vs . W i l l i a m s (.922) Buddy H a l l v s . Mathews (.918) (.907) (.906) (.904) Efren Reyes vs . Reid Buddy H a l l vs.1teyes Don McCoy vs. ,J a r v i s Buddy H a l l v s . McCoy 1 1 Two-piece billiard cues with the features and quality found only in other cues costing much,much more. Write or call for brochures and Information Tho Henry W.T. Mali & Co. Inc. 1 257 Park Ave. South New York, N.Y.. 10010. U.S.A. Phone: (212) 475-4960 Toll Free: (800) 223-6468 TWX: (710) 581-5522 A Huebler custom cue will be made exactly to your specs, will be shipped within 60 days, will improve your game, * will hit balls perfectly, and will probably save you money. That's all. Call or write Huebler Industries, P.O. Box 514, Linn, Missouri 65051 (314)897-3692 f^~ ^ Scores & Al Toledo # Name Score Avg. OPENING ROUND Name Score Avg. # Name Glass City Open Score Avg. # Name Score Avg. 30) K. Davenport P. Brienza 11 9 (.809) (.845) 58 j S. Jones 0. Piona li (.769) IQ (.773) 7 i ; 6 . Wiiiiams 0. Piona i i f.848) 7 f.75^J 31) J. Balukas S. Mizerak 11 6 (.833) (.763) 59) G. Nolan G. Fix 11 8 (.876) (.828) 72j M. LeBron M. Maryo i l (.878) 7 (.764) 32) M. Jarvis D. Kromer li 2 (.875) (.448) 60) S. McAninch B. Dickerson li 9 (.864) (.827) 73) T. Mougey D. Perkins 11 1 61) B. Surge H. Vickery li 9 (.870) (.785) 74) 0. West J. Duclos li (-900J 1 (.484) 62) H. Aporff T. Okumura 11 5 (.874) (.743) 75) M. Gulyassy J. Zaksas 11 (.833) 7 (.795) 63) K. Davenport C. Burgio 11 4 (.856) (.726) 76) Y. Morino 11 (.794) S. Dobrowolski 7 (.713) 64) M. Jarvis J. Balukas li 10 (.820) (.835) 77) G. Breedlove B. Petrovish 11 5 78) B. Stephen S. Moon li 79) D. Hatch J. Hynes 11 10 (.832) (.780) 80) S. Mizerak G. Catron li 9 (.850) (.800) 1) J. Mataya J. Beyerlein 11 3 (.903) (.615) 2) G. Catron J. Wichman li 3 (.768) (.586) 3) J. Hynes N. Varner U 8 (.847) (.833) 4) G. Mathews W. Crane 11 4 (.895) (.744) 33) J. Beyerlein J. Wichman 11 5 (.819) (.658) 5) S. Moon D. Howard 11 9 (.781) (.764) 34) N. Varner W. Crane 11 8 (.868) (.829) 6) D. Bollman W. Oyama 11 9 (.852) (.816) 35) D. Howard W. Oyama li 5 (.832) (.545) 7) G. Breedlove M. Alvarez 11 (.793) 7 (.769) 36) W. Manson " M. Alvarez 11 10 (.862) (.778) 8) 8 . Hall W. Manson 11 9 (.865) (.804) 37) M. Griffin T. Peck li (FORFEIT) 65) J. Balukas J. Beyerlein 11 (.845) 7 (.763) 9) Y. Morino T. Peck U 2 (.729) (.418) 38) R. Casanzio M. Hudkins li 5 (.795) (.695) 66) N. Varner C. Burgio li (.937J 4 (.700) 10) M. Sigel M. Griffin 11 4 (.870) (.673) 39) B. Williams L. York li 5 (.934) (.820) 67) 0. Howard T. Okumura 11 6 (.898) (.785) 11) E. Reyes R. Casanzio 11 2 (.878) (.686) 40) M. Maryo J. Dansereau 11 9 (.798) (.670) 68) H. Vickery W. Munson 11 5 (.869) (.754) 81) N. Varner J. Balukas li (.869) 9 (.840) 12) M. Gulyassy M. Hudkins 11 8 (.761) (.630) 41) D. Perkins R. Picard 11 (.721) 7 (.608) 69) B. Dickerson M. Griffin 11 2 (.844) (.571) 82) D. Howard H. Vickery 11 3 13) J. Duclos B. Williams 11 9 (.777) (.764) 42) D. West P. Tascarella li (.833) 70) G. Fix 10 (.787) 1 R. Casanzio 11 9 (.793) (.747) (.774) (.643) 43] ,7 7ak<za<i 0. Medina M ( R?6 1 L^B^B^BW 10 (.793) 1 14) I . Kitatani L. York ^ W m t )CTCiOCS ^T i ^b • r » ^b Im \^m W s_d »^bh li 5 ^k » 1 * ' ' ^ ^ f LOSERS * * ~s } \J * LoA (49th-64th) J a Z> X X \ * \J £ \J / LOSERS 11 8 (.798) (.763) 44J S. Dobrowoski H. Sexton li (.811) 4 (.765) 1 1 16) J. M. 17) D. 0. Reid Maryo McCoy Perkins 11 9 11 4 (.846) (.826) (.811) (.630) 45) B. Petrovish F. Zummo 10 (.812) 2 (.688) 1 1 46) B. Stephen C. Absher 11 (.818) 9 (.750) 1 1 18) M. LeBron R. Picard 11 1 (.860) (.500) 4 7 ; D. Hatch P. Brienza 11 (.864) 10 (.852) 1 1 19} S. Jones D. West 11 (.865) 7 (.772) 20) D. Piona P. Tascarella 11 5 48J 5 . Mizerak li (.826) 0. Kromer 2 (.614) WINNERS' BRACKET 1 1 1 21) G. Nolan D. Medina 11 (.90QI 9 (.872) 49) J. Mataya G. Catron li (.857) 6 (.786) 1 1 22) G. Fix J. Zaksas 11 4 (.882) (.677) 50) G. Mathews J. Hynes li (.873) 7 (.808) 1 1 23) B. Dickerson 11 S. Dobrowolski 5 (.814) (.659) 51) D. Bollman 5. Moon 11 (.815) 1 8 (.765) 24) S. McAninch H. Sexton 11 9 (.804) (.848) 52) B. Hall G. Breedlove li (.885) 3 (.673) 1 1 25) B. Surge J. Petrovish l i 4 (.788) (.736) 53) M. Sigel Y. Morino 11 (.869) 5 (.797) 1 1 26) H. Vickery F. Zummo 11 4 (.818) (.739) 54) E. Reyes M. Guiyassy 11 (.885) 6 (.851) 1 1 27) H. Aporff B. Stephen 11 2 (.810) (.678) 55) I. Kitatani J. Duclos li (.755) 10 (.778) 1 1 28) 11 8 (.868) (.759) 56) J. Reid T. Mougey 11 (.728) 10 (.812) 1 1 11 9 (.720) (.806) 57) D. McCoy M. LeBron 11 (.875) 10 (.771) 1 1 T. Okumuro C. Absher 29) C. Burgio D. Hatch LOSERS (.858) (.817) (.800) 7 (.774) (25th-32nd) (.940) (.714) ( c o n t i n u e d on page T7) ^•PB^BVB^BV^BBI 15) T. Mougey J. Dansereau (.824) (.627) (33rd-48th) (.840) (.529) T4 Presenting the J-EF-Q Case. A ease of distinctive design lo accommodate your needs and protect your cue stick. Constructed ot* 100% leather and brass hardware outside, and lined rigid tubing inside lo protect the finish of your stick. Plus a 1-o-n-g shoulder strap dial folds ncaUy when not in use. W i l l i normal use and a lillle T-L-C your case will last a long lime and serve you well. TOP HANDLE — NAMK ANO V \ ? DKSJGNI'ANKL JL KNONT ANO U A C K J B su* , its --,«-— - ^ B&9 . »!* rf"5V'':!n , li n ' * 1 ' Vdd»St"i ^Irt l"OCKKTW/ - l i L TOP /-1I*1'KI< li IM w b i• 4 J- - 7^| ] 1jffi^efi t * fl ff IIAND1.K fl 1* v &•• J II \^f SMOULDKK Q l ' STKA1* MS KIVKTS S ff *ffl'' rir tl I •I FA Li/ l^A h ^ ^ f ^ V J R TOCKETW/ J, FKONT BACK 2014 PHYLLIS PLACE • T A M P A . FL 33619 (813)623-6004 — J Hall and Balukas Win Hands Down A full field of sixty-four players competed in the Open Division of The 3rd Annual Glass City Open and watched helplessly as Buddy Hall ran away with it. A field of twenty-four women competed in the Women's Division and watched helplessly as Jean Balukas ran away with that one. Both players breezed through their respective fields undefeated. Promoter Larry Kahan and Director Joe Kerr hosted the $15,000 added event in the massive Tam-0Shanter Sports Complex in Sylvania, Ohio, a suburb of Toledo. Kahan made an extra special effort this year to improve the popular event by taking it out of his Hi-Cue Billiards and securing an arena that would accommodate more spectators and vendors. He had Ray Downing of The Toledo Billiard Supply Co. set up six beautiful Brunswick Gold Crowns. Promo man Tom Elder was responsible for the beautiful four color poster and spectator program in addition to committing the media to cover the event. It seemed that nothing was being overlooked but what was not anticipated was the unusually high humidity and heat. There's no question about it that the playing conditions were tough. The humidity and heat contributed to less than ideal playing conditions. With high humidity, pocketing balls is more difficulty position play especially when using the rails is also a problem. As a result, the true champions who could adjust to unusual situations would prevail, and they did. The opening round had more than its share of upsets such as Jack Hynes over Nick Varner, Stan Moon over David Howard, and John Duclos over Bob Williams. It was also ironic that during a nationally televised news story recently featuring Jean Balukas, Steve Mizerak was quoted as saying that "Jean Balukas will never win a men's tournament." Well, ahe's getting closer. Mizerak himself fell victim to Balukas' talents 11-6. There were a total of fourteen .900 TPA's, most of which were shot by Buddy Hall. In the finals, Buddy Hall shot a near perfect .976, the highest average of the week, to clinch the Glass City Title from runner-up Efren Reyes. Hall not only shot the highest single Accu-Stats average but also had the highest overall tournament average of .912! The next highest tournament average was thirty-six points lower, an .876 by Nick Varner. Hall also scored highest in the "Run Out Opportunity" category running out 76 of the 103 opportunities (73.8%) he had. Hall did (continued on page T7) Notable Matches Gary Nolan (.900) and Danny Medina (.872) traded the lead several times during their match and were tied nine separate times. Nolan won the last two rscks to end the see-saw match 11-9. For the first ten racks, Jean Balukas (.833) maintained a .925 TPA while mounting an 8-2 lead over Steva Mizerak (.763). They traded racks for the rest of the set as Balukas won 11-6. A nine ball on the break put Pete Taacarella (.787) on the hill 10-6 over Dallas West (.833) but Tascsrella had some tough leaves to work with and just couldn't close the set. West's good run outs, nine ball on the break, and session winning kiss shot cinched the match 11-10. While Accu-Statting this match from the video tape, it appeared that Bill Petroviah (.812) had prematurely won the race to eleven match over Frank Zummo (.688) 10-2. Evidently, Zummo had had enough torture for one day and conceded early. Jiaay Reid (.728) scratched eleven times in his match against Tony Mougey (.812). Reid scratched four times on the break, five times while going for position, once while playing a safety, and once while kicking. Despite all of the scratches and despite pocketing only 67 balls to Mougey's 95, he still managed to squeak out the win 11-10. In this nip and tuck match, Jean Balukas (.835) and Mark Jarvis (.820) traded racks as they were tied at 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, and 10-10. Jarvis played the last two racks with precision and won 11-10. Nick Varner (.937) recovered from some inferior matches by running out 11 of the 12 opportunities he had and missing only one ball. He defeated Carl Burgio (.700) 11-4. Dallae West (.900) made a ball on the break without scratching on each of his eleven breaks en route to an 11-1 victory over John Duclos (.484). Bill Stephen (.800) won the first ten racks of this session and shot an impressive .938 TPA up to that point. For the next seven racks, Stephen shot a .400 TPA nearly jeopardizing the match. He finally closed the door on Stan Moon (.774) 11-7. During two turns at the table, David Howard (.940) pocketed a total of 57 balls while rendering Howard Vickery (.714) helpless. Howard won 11-3. (continued on page T7) tr- : : \ THE 3rd ANNUAL GLASS CITY OPEN TOLEDO, OHIO May 26 31,1987 FINAL Mem NAME STANDINGS PRIZE AVG. 1st Buddy Hall 2nd Efren Reyes 3rd Don McCoy 4th Dallas West 5th-6th David Howard Mark Jarvis 7th-8th Gary Nolan Dave Bollman 9th-12th Grady Mathews Jimmy Reid Billy Surge Steve McAninch 13th-16th Nick Varner Mike LeBron Sammy Jones Harry Aporff 17th-24th Jim Mataya Mike Sigel Steve Mizerak Kim Davenport Greg Fix Mike Gulyassy George Breedlove Ichiro Kitatani 25th-32nd Bob Williams Jean Balukas Dennis Hatch Tony Mougey Howard Vickery Bob Dickerson (.912) (.869) (.851) (.835) $6, ,000.00 4,,000.00 3,,000.00 2 ,000.00 (.856) (.843) 1 ,500.00 1 ,500.00 (.832) ( .796) 1 ,200.00 1 ,200.00 (.838) (.802) (.801) ( .800) 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 (.876) (.831) (.802) (.770) 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 (.854) (.853) (.840) ( .819) ( .817) (.812) ( .788) (.744) 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 ( ( ( ( ( ( .849) .836) .824) .814) .810) .808) NAME AVG. Bill Stephen (.781) Yoshiro Morino (.743) 33rd-48th Willie Munson (.818) Jack Hynes (.813) Takeshi Okumura (.808) Mark Maryo ( .799) Gene Catron (.785) Bill Petrovish ( .784) Dave Piona (.783) John Zaksas (.780) Stan Moon (.774) John Beyerlein (.764) Ron Casanzio (.752) John Duclos (.739) Steve Dobrowolsl <i( .736) Carl Burgio (.718) Dick Perkins (.663) Mark Griffin (.625) 49th-64th Paul Brienza ( .849) Danny Medina (.825) Harry Sexton (.813) Wade Crane (.800) Mike Alvarez (.773) Chuck Absher (.754) Larry York (.725) Pete Tascarella ( .723) Frank Zummo (.718) John Dansereau (.710) Wesley Oyama (.702) Mike Hudkins (.663) Joe Wichman (.624) Rejean Picard (.569) Dan Kromer (.548) Tom Peck (.418) Women: (in the money) NAME 1st 2nd 3rd vv 4th PRIZE Jean Balukas $2, 700 Yoko Miura 1,750 Ewa Mataya 1,450 Loree Jon Jones 1,100 PRIZE NAME 5th-6th Bonnie Hoffman Belinda Beardon T2 800 800 NAME 7th-8th Leanne Cox Lori Shampo PRIZE 600 600 J A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF 9-BALL POCKET BILLIARDS (201)226-5429 " Vol. 3, No.3 Buddy Halls .976 Clinches Glass City Title Photo by BILLIE BILLING TOLEDOBuddy Hall was more than a match for his competitors as evidenced by his 7-0 record and his .912 tournament average. The accomplishments earned him the $6,000 first prize and The 3rd Annual Glass City Open title. In races to eleven, he routed Munson (9), Breedlove (3), Bollman (6), Mathews (4), Reyes (7), McCoy (4), and Reyes (1). Jean Balukas continued her domination of the womens' division.
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