2 - Steidl Verlag
2 - Steidl Verlag
Paper Passion This season I am working on the oeuvres of Berenice Abbott Miles Aldridge Dirk Alvermann Lewis Baltz Koto Bolofo John Cohen Bruce Davidson Jim Dine William Eggleston Robert Frank Chris Killip Saul Leiter Boris Mikhailov Christopher Morris Trent Parke and Joel Sternfeld Gerhard Steidl Photo by Koto Bolofo Cover illustrations by Karl Lagerfeld Index Artists Contents Titles 3 Introduction 4 Index 97 Amanda Harlech Travelling in India 5 Contents 99 Karl Lagerfeld / Carine Roitfeld The Little Black Jacket. A-chan 115-117 Alber Elbaz, Lanvin 111 Algeria 125 6 How to contact our imprint partners / Press enquiries Achermann, Beda 95 American Prospects 35 7 How to contact us / How to order Aldridge, Miles 93 Americans 119 Alvermann, Dirk 125 Arbeit / Work 151 Baltz, Lewis 41-47 Before Color 69 8 Germany, Austria and Switzerland Barnes, Martin 153 Big Time / Männer Vogue 1984–1989 95 9 USA and Canada / France Bolofo, Koto 103-107 Black & White 25-29 10 All other territories 109 Shelly Verthime and Pascal Dangin (eds.) Alber Elbaz, Lanvin Cohen, John 59-61 Blackout 135 Cohen, Lynne 123 The Christmas Tree Bucket. Trent Parke’s Family 11 Steidlville Bookshops 115 A-chan Vibrant Home 13 How to Make a Film with Steidl 117 A-chan Off Beat Abbott, Berenice 71-77 Dangin, Pascal 109-113 Album 89 Chanel’s Classic Revisited 103 Koto Bolofo 105 Koto Bolofo Lord Snowdon Distribution 107 Koto Bolofo Dreams Steidldangin Davidson, Bruce 23-29 Chromes 63 15 How to Make a Book with Steidl 119 Christopher Morris Americans Dine, Jim 129 A City in the Mind 133 17 Book Awards 2011/2012 121 Orri Interiors Dufour, Diane 147 The Complete Film Works / Volumes 4, 5, 6 57 19 Paper Passion 123 Lynne Cohen Nothing is Hidden Eggleston, William 63-69 Curtis Moffat: Silver Society. Experimental Elbaz, Alber 109-113 125 Dirk Alvermann Algeria Photography and Design, 1923–1935 153 STEIDL World Wide Photography 127 Boris Mikhailov From Japan 129 Jim Dine Donkey in the Sea before Us Frank, Robert 49-57 Documenting Science 77 23 Bruce Davidson Fraser, Peter 133 Donkey in the Sea before Us 129 25 Bruce Davidson Black & White Graham, Robert 137 Doug Wheeler 139 31 Joel Sternfeld Greenberg, Howard 79-83 Dreams 107 33 Joel Sternfeld On This Site 133 Peter Fraser A City in the Mind Harlech, Amanda 97 Early Black & White 85 35 Joel Sternfeld American Prospects 135 Dan Holdsworth Blackout Holdsworth, Dan 135 Early Work 1963–1973 137 37 Joel Sternfeld First Pictures Jouannais, Jean-Yves 147 Fred Sandback 141 39 Joel Sternfeld Walking the High Line Killip, Chris 151 From Japan 127 41 Lewis Baltz 137 Robert Graham Early Work 1963–1973 Lagerfeld, Karl 99-101 The High and Lonesome Sound. The Legacy of 45 Lewis Baltz Rule Without Exception / Only Exceptions 139 Doug Wheeler Doug Wheeler 47 Lewis Baltz Texts 141 Fred Sandback Fred Sandback Leiter, Saul 85 Roscoe Holcomb 59 SteidlBG Steidl David Zwirner Marchand, Yves 143 Interiors 121 49 Robert Frank Meffre, Romain 143 James Karales 83 51 Robert Frank You Would 143 Yves Marchand / Romain Meffre The Ruins of Detroit Mikhailov, Boris 127 Leon Levinstein 81 53 Robert Frank Tal Uf Tal Ab 145 Britt Salvesen (ed.) New Topographics Moffat, Curtis 153 Lord Snowdon 105 55 Robert Frank Pull My Daisy 147 Diane Dufour / Jean-Yves Jouannais (eds.) Topographies of War Morris, Christopher 119 The Little Black Jacket. Chanel’s Classic 57 Robert Frank The Complete Film Works / Volumes 4, 5, 6 149 Inka Schube / Thomas Weski (eds.) Photography Calling! 59 John Cohen The High and Lonesome Sound. The Legacy of 151 Chris Killip Arbeit / Work Roscoe Holcomb 153 Martin Barnes (ed.) Curtis Moffat: Silver Society. Orri 121 Revisited 99 Parke, Trent 87-91 Minutes to Midnight 91 Roitfeld, Carine 99 New Topographics 145 63 William Eggleston Chromes Salvesen, Britt 145 Nothing is Hidden 123 69 William Eggleston Before Color Sandback, Fred 141 Off Beat 117 71 The Berenice Abbott Project Schube, Inka 149 On This Site 33 73 Berenice Abbott Paris Portraits 1925–1930 Shamis, Bob 81-83 Other Pictures 93 77 Berenice Abbott Documenting Science Sternfeld, Joel 31-39 Paris Portraits 1925–1930 75 Verthime, Shelly 111 Photography Calling! 149 Weski, Thomas 149 Pull My Daisy 55 81 Howard Greenberg and Bob Shamis (eds.) Leon Levinstein Wheeler, Doug 139 The Ruins of Detroit 143 83 Howard Greenberg and Bob Shamis (eds.) James Karales Rule without Exception / Only Exceptions 45 85 Saul Leiter Early Black & White Texts 47 87 Trent Parke Topographies of War 147 89 Trent Parke The Christmas Tree Bucket. Trent Parke’s Family Album Travelling in India 97 91 Trent Parke Minutes to Midnight Experimental Photography and Design, 1923–1935 155 Backlist The Howard Greenberg Library Tal Uf Tal Ab 53 Vibrant Home 115 Walking the High Line 39 You Would 51 Edition 7L 93 Miles Aldridge Other Pictures 95 Beda Achermann Big Time / The Legendary Style of Männer Vogue, 1984–1989 This catalogue is not for sale • © 2011 for the images by the artists • © 2011 for the texts by the authors • Scanning by Steidl’s digital darkroom • Production and printing by Steidl • Düstere Str. 4, 37073 Göttingen, Germany • Phone +49 551 49 60 60 / Fax +49 551 49 60 649 • mail@steidl.de • www.steidlville.com 4 www.steidl.de • All rights reserved • Printed in Germany by Steidl • ISBN 978-3-86930-478-6 5 How to contact our imprint partners Caroline Lebar 7, rue de Lille 75007 Paris France Tel. +33 1 4450 2200 Fax +33 1 4450 2205 caroline.lebar@karllagerfeld.com Box Ltd. 412 West 14th Street New York, NY 10014 USA Tel. +1 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Rühle’s word is worth groceries into his bike’s child trailer. He looked tired, more its weight in gold. I usually can’t bear having anyone with me than usual. All the same, he immediately began telling us when I travel – and especially no journalists – but with Rühle about the crazy time he’d had researching a piece on leg- things went really well. Nice guy. More later.” endary photographer Robert Frank for his “At Work” column So once again, we found ourselves reading and waiting in in the Süddeustche Zeitung. He’d spent the last three days the library at Steidlville. Hours later, and just before the last travelling all over the place with Frank’s publisher Gerhard train to Munich, the internal line finally rang for us: “Now I Steidl – to Göttingen, Paris and Nova Scotia! He’d then slept have a few minutes.” We ran downstairs and entered Steidl’s on the train for the entire return journey from the airport. And “paper cave”. He ate his lunch – much too late and while it was only because the conductor had woken him in Munich standing – and told us what he thought about the film proj- that he hadn’t ended up in the train depot. Now he quickly ect. “The work here at the publishing house is particularly had to write a good article, a full page in the arts and culture important. You can take a look at everything here. You can section. The piece had to do justice to his great encounter accompany me for a few weeks, we’ll go to London, Paris, with Frank and Steidl. Perhaps it wouldn’t even be an article New York… That’s important too, then you can see how I about Robert Frank, but rather about the work of his amazing work, ten appointments a day, one after another. You can stay publisher? here and see what you want to film, shoot until you have what After the article was published, Alex was nervous: what would Steidl think of the portrait? For a while, nothing happened. Alex feared the worse. But finally a call came. 12 And so we did just that – if only filmmaking were always so easy! With a small but vital budget from 3sat and the “Gerdsteidlforaxrühle,” support of FilmFernsehFonds Bayern, we were able to “Oh, hello, Mr. Steidl, how are you?” accompany Gerhard Steidl for a year and observe him mak- “Fine. If you ever want to make a book out of ‘At Work’, you ing books that are as beautiful as they are important. We can come by any time.” Gereon Wetzel and Jörg Adolph, Göttingen, 2009. Photo by Gerald von Foris you need. That’s your job, something I know nothing about.” lugged Steidl’s overfilled suitcases from airport to airport and But instead of immediately planning his book, Alex Rühle to photographers’ studios, to then quietly film and listen in on first considered making a documentary film with Steidl: he their conversations. And together with Joel Sternfeld we thought that all the frenetic running about, the back and forth waited for Steidl to continue work on Sternfeld’s iDubai. between Göttingen and the rest of the world, all the books As documentary filmmakers, these photographers taught and people, images and conversations, could be captured us a great deal about craftsmanship, subject matter and con- even more impressively in a documentary. So “Axrühle” called cept. In photography, there is a passionate debate about the “Gersteidl” and announced the arrival of two documentary art of the real, as well as an audience that has its eyes open, filmmakers, who would soon appear at Düstere Strasse 4 in that is attentive enough to look past the surface. In the varied Göttingen and wait for Steidl. world of photography, it’s easy to find perspectives that are When we arrived, Claudia Glenewinkel, a publicist and clearer, more honest, and more passionate that many found editor at Steidl, explained that she would be our guide for the in contemporary documentary film – which has to provide day, as Steidl himself had to finish a catalogue for Karl both information and entertainment (How to Make a Book Lagerfeld. Walking up and down the stairs, we met each of with Steidl being the exception). But we also learned that the 45 employees, or rather, we were introduced to them with books have to smell good, and that a great deal can be the words, “These are the two guys that want to make a achieved in a niche like this one if you proceed as radically, documentary.” The timid objection that we’d only come to systematically, and lovingly as Gerhard Steidl does. It’s just explore ideas and begin an initial dialogue became useless too bad that the time we spent filming with Steidl flew by so when Steidl himself appeared from the depths of the quickly – we would have loved to shoot more material on at labyrinth. “Hello. No time. Documentary film. Great. Rühle least two dozen artists and book projects. 13 Gereon Wetzel and Jörg Adolph How to Make a Book with Steidl Deutscher Dokumentarfilmpreis 2011 Dokumentarfilmpreis des Goethe-Instituts 2010 Goldene Taube Bester deutscher Dokumentarfilm Leipzig 2010 German Documentary Film Award Stuttgart 2011 Documentary Film Prize of the Goethe Institute Duisburg Film Week 2010 Golden Dove Best German Documentary Film DOK Festival, Leipzig 2010 A film by if… Productions. Co-produced by ZDF/3sat, funded by FFF Bayern Germany 2010, 88 minutes, NTSC/PAL, stereo Directed by Gereon Wetzel and Jörg Adolph Produced by Ingo Fliess ZDF/3sat: Katya Mader, Maik Platzen Research: Alex Rühle Cameraman in London: Daniel Schönauer Photographer: Gerald von Foris Legal Consultant: Jessica von Saucken Postproduction Coordinator: Fabian Spang Colourist: Martina Kiechle Sound Designer/Mixer: Benedikt Hoenes Music: The New Lost City Ramblers DVD Packaging Design: Bernard Fischer, Gereon Wetzel With: Gerhard Steidl, Martin Parr, Joel Sternfeld, Robert Frank, Ed Ruscha, Karl Lagerfeld, Khalid Al-Thani, Monte Packham, Günter Grass, John Cohen, Robert Adams, Jeff Wall, June Leaf and Jonas Wettre Co-published with DocCollection Not Distributed by Steidl in USA, Canada and Japan ISBN 978-3-86930-119-8 (German) DVD, documentary, 88 min., NTSC/PAL Original version: English and German Subtitles in English and German With a 48-page booklet in English and German € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 34.95 14 ISBN 978-3-86930-226-3 (English) 15 s s 2011/2012 Book Awards 2011/2012 Book Awards Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2012 Les Rencontres d’Arles 2011 Gold Medal Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre The Ruins of Detroit Thomas Wiegand Deutschland im Fotobuch Historical Book Award Lewis Baltz WORKS Paris Photo Book Prize 2011 Best Book from 1997 to 2011 Selected by Antoine de Beaupré, Satoshi Machiguchi, Silver Medal Hisako Motoo, Harper Levine and Marcus Schaden Paulo Nozolino Makulatur Winner Martin Parr (ed.) The Protest Box Svenska Fotografers Förbund Swedish Photobook Prize 2011 Paul Graham a shimmer of possibility Runner-up Malick Sidibé Chemises Winner Nominated Maria Miesenberger Sverige/Schweden Taryn Simon An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar Nominated Alec Soth Broken Manual Mikael Olsson Södrakull Frösakull Scotiabank Photography Award 2011 Alec Soth Sleeping by the Mississippi Lynne Cohen Juergen Teller Nackig auf dem Fußballplatz Aperture Foundation Lars Tunbjörk Vinter Aperture Award 2011 Bruce Davidson Gerhard Steidl American Association of Museums Frances Smyth-Ravenel Prize for Excellence in Publication Design Cynthia Young (ed.) The Mexican Suitcase 16 17 Paper Passion will be launched by Wallpaper* Handmade at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan, 17 to 22 April 2012 These pages tell the story of a passion and a twisting plot to put the particular bouquet of freshly printed books in a bottle. Paper Passion fragrance, by Geza Schoen, Gerhard Steidl and Wallpaper*, with packaging by Karl Lagerfeld and Steidl. Photography Koto Bolofo. Writer Emma Moore. It was Karl Lagerfeld who first alerted the German book eBooks,” he says preemptively. “There’s no reason to hate publisher Gerhard Steidl to the aromatic appeal of the them. But books are physically attractive. I think that to be freshly printed book. Steidl had worked on a number of PR able to wear the smell of a book is something very chic. campaigns for the fashion designer and photographer, Books are players in the intellectual world, but also in the producing all the related printed matter when, in 1997, world of luxury.” It turns out that Steidl, a man who rarely Lagerfeld asked him to make a book for the press launch of wears perfume, learnt a lot about fragrance working with his new perfume, Jako. Lagerfeld took the photographs and Lagerfeld. He started using his awakened nose to tweak Steidl printed the book in time for the event in Hamburg. and tailor the ink compositions he used according to their “As the books were placed on the seats, I realised they smelt very strongly of fresh ink on paper, and it didn’t visual appearance, and also the smell they produce when interacting with the different papers. strike me as the ideal situation for a perfume launch,” “With experience you get to know how each ink smells recounts Steidl. “I told Karl that I didn’t think we should on each paper,” he explains. “There are hundreds of ink put out the books, but he simply replied, ‘Rubbish! The types: fast drying, which have extra drying agents; high smell of a freshly printed book is the best perfume in the gloss, which have lacquers inside; or shiny, with metallic world.’” Convinced that Lagerfeld would think his books pigments. All have a basic primer and then various different stank, he discovered the exact opposite to be true. “That chemicals added on top. Today, very glossy lacquers are was the moment when I realised that books should smell,” fashionable, but they’re full of plastic materials that just smell he continues. “It took away a barrier, and I started making really cheap. I only use inks based on vegetable oils, and I sure my books always smelt good.” know exactly how to compose a smell with them on paper.” Forward 13 years, and Steidl’s passion for paper is Our idea of creating a printer’s perfume was turning out celebrated in an award-winning documentary, How to to be more apt than we first imagined. The challenge, Make a Book with Steidl. For the 61-year-old printer and though, was to find a perfumer with a corresponding sen- publisher of some of the world’s most stunning photo- sibility. It takes a certain unconventionality to want to apply graphic and art tomes, paper is not only defined by hard-won perfume-making skills to something so different weight, feel, appearance and its reactions to inks, but also as freshly printed paper, and the Berlin-based Geza by its smell as it goes through the various printing Schoen struck us as the man. With Jeff Lounds and Paul processes. “This is your perfume,” says Robert Frank in White, under the name This Company, Schoen has put out the film, as the publisher pushes a freshly printed book some of the most boundary-busting scents of the 21st under the legendary photographer’s nose. century, including Escentric 01, a fragrance composed of The coincidence of two passions of ours in the film’s di- a single molecule, that reacts with an individual’s alogues – beautiful books and perfume – didn’t pass un- pheromones to develop a very personal scent. This Com- noticed when we viewed the trailer earlier this year and it pany’s latest venture is a series of scents called The Beau- got us thinking about the possibility of bottling the se- tiful Mind that celebrates the intellectual aspect of specific ductive smell of a freshly printed book. When we put the muses. Schoen is currently working on the second scent idea to Steidl, he loved it. So we decided to team the pub- of the line – for the first, the muse he chose was Chris- lisher with a perfumer. tiane Stenger who, at the age of 12, became a Grand- For Steidl, it was an opportunity to celebrate all the master of Memory. The second is to be Polina Semionova, glorious sensuality of books, at a time when many in his in- the Russian prima ballerina at the Berlin State Opera. This dustry are turning against them. “I’ve nothing against man knows how to capture the unusual in scent form. Photo: The perfume is presented in a book with its pages cut out to leave space for the perfume bottle. Both the name of the fragrance and the packaging concept were the work of Karl Lagerfeld, a long-time friend and collaborator of Steidl. 19 Like Steidl, Schoen showed little hesitation when the acclaimed photographer who has some of fashion’s most project was proposed. “I like the simplicity of the idea – a coveted advertising campaigns – along with some fine book captured in scent,” says Schoen, who envisaged a Steidl tomes – to his name, and he documented the meet- quite faithful portrayal of the smell. “It’s a form of art in itself.” ing for these pages. Steidl sprayed on Schoen’s scent Schoen made his way to the Steidl HQ in Göttingen, in and smelt it at half-hour intervals. “The longer you wear it, the heart of Germany, to immerse himself in the inky the better it gets,” he concluded. “It delivers concentration paper-filled world of Steidl. Both office and presses are – all that you need with a book.” While they discussed based under the same roof, which has helped feed the tempering some of the stronger alcoholic notes, the focus that goes into Steidl’s work. That and the pub- essence of the scent did the trick for Steidl. The antithe- lisher’s rejection of e-mail. When working with an artist, sis of a bright scent that excites emotions, he describes it Steidl insists they come to his HQ, and engage in the pro- as “heavy, elegant and calm”. “My idea was that it should duction processes. He introduces them to the multi-sen- bring you down, like when you read a book, to a level of sory process of selecting the materials. Exposing them to meditation and concentration,” says a satisfied Steidl. “It’s the smells of the paper and the printing room are as es- a perfume that is perfect for the evening, for wearing when sential as the edit, if the book is to be the piece of art he drinking a red wine and reading a good book,” he adds. demands. Schoen received the same treatment. Steidl Schoen was also content with the results. “I love the took him down to the area where the printing fluids are neatness of the idea,” he says. “You have a book, you mixed, and they smelt inks, exploring what Steidl calls “the open it, there’s a bottle inside, it smells of the book. It elegant notes” and discussing those which he has learnt might be quirky, but the idea has a simplicity, a linearity.” to suppress. And along with a huge sense of pleasure at the surprising Back in his lab, Schoen worked on nailing the scent, degree of synergy we found in these creative media, we, and sourcing the necessary ingredients. “It was hard,” he too, have a sense of mission accomplished. Paper Pas- admits. “The smell of printed paper is dry and fatty; they sion has evolved into something quite beautiful and are not notes you often work with.” But the art of per- unique. fumery is to hold a catalogue of aromas in your head, and Bring on the red wine and the good book. he eventually managed to locate the most relevant, and www.steidlville.com; www.escentric.com managed to round out the scent with just four or five ingredients, including ethyl linoleate and a selection of woody ingredients to add dryness. Most perfumes are more likely to contain between 20 and 100, but Schoen stuck to his vision of simplicity. While Schoen worked on the juice, Steidl worked on the packaging concept. He turned to his friend and some time co-publisher, Lagerfeld for his opinion. Lagerfeld instantly visualised the packaging for such a scent as a real book with real pages and a hidden cut-out compartment to house the perfume in the middle. He sketched out the idea, giving the proposed perfume a name, Paper Passion. Steidl worked on a prototype, developing Lagerfeld’s idea further to resemble a paper swatch book, featuring different papers, with the grammage of each written in the Geza Schoen, 42, has notched up almost 20 years as a perfumer. He enjoyed professional success at a young age when corner. There would be whole pages in the front, that he won the pitch for the first Diesel fragrance in 1994, while still in education. While working for Haarmann & Reimer, which later became Symrise, Schoen travelled to Paris, New York, Singapore and Buenos Aires, researching perfumery in local markets. He has always had an experimental approach to perfume making, which he considers a form of art. This perhaps explains why he eventually settled in Berlin, where he feels “there is a sense of creative freedom”. His Escentric Molecules series launched in 2005, after Schoen was introduced to British branding expert Jeff Lounds and his friend graphic designer Paul White, and This Company was formed. The first scent daringly revolved around one single ingredient: Iso E Super, a subtle, woody note that mixes with an individual’s pheromones to produce a personalised scent. It had been in Schoen’s mind since the first time he came across the molecule as a student. This he followed with Wode by Boudicca, a scent based on the smell of “raw opium”, which dyes skin blue on initial contact, then fades. Schoen is now working on a series of fragrances called The Beautiful Mind, inspired by women admired for their intellect. would feature words on the subject of paper from Lagerfeld, Steidl, Schoen, and our resident paper fetishist, Wallpaper* editor-in-chief Tony Chambers. The cover would be hard, with a linen spine, and white and red in colour. The print inside would be grey. Schoen returned to Göttingen in June to compare notes with Steidl. Into the mix we threw Koto Bolofo, the highly Photo above by Koto Bolofo Left: Karl Lagerfeld’s sketch detailing the perfume packaging concept: a book with a white cover, black lettering, red fore edge and bellyband, and a secret compartment holding the fragrance bottle. 20 Text originally published in Wallpaper*, no. 149, August 2011 21 Bruce Davidson Published by Steidl Born in 1933, Bruce Davidson began photographing at the age of ten and has not stopped since. Davidson and Steidl have undertaken an ambitious publishing plan to do justice in book form to this outstanding oeuvre. Davidson, together with his studio manager Amina Lakhaney and wife Emily Haas Davidon, are painstakingly editing a life’s worth of prints, negatives and Ektachromes to make these books a reality. We began our collaboration with the now sold out Outside Inside and have recently published a re-issue of the cult book Subway. This season we present 40 years of Davidson’s black and white photography in a limited boxed set. The best is yet to come. England / Scotland 1960 (revised edition, Fall 2013) Bruce Davidson in Color (three books in a slipcase, Fall 2013) Portraits (2014) Emily Haas Davidson, Gerhard Steidl, Bruce Davidson and Amina Lakhaney. Photo by Koto Bolofo 23 BRUCE DAVIDSON BLACK & WHITE CIRCUS · BROOKLYN GANG · TIME OF CHANGE EAST 100 TH STREET · CENTRAL PARK Black & White is the definitive collection of Bruce Davidson’s black and white photography, spanning a period of 40 years. This collectable five-volume set comprises re-prints of classic books of Davidson’s poignant and purposeful imagery, some of them newly edited and expanded. The seminal bodies of work are Circus (1958), an intimate portrait of a dwarf clown; Brooklyn Gang (1959), depicting a group of troubled youths; Time of Change (1961–1965), a civil rights documentation in America; East 100th Street (1966–1968), showing life on one block in Spanish Harlem; and Central Park (1992– 1995), exploring layers of life in New York’s famous urban oasis. Black & White is a tribute to Davidson’s unique photographic achievement, and a powerful document of social change. Limited Edition of 2,000 sets. A certificate, hand-signed and numbered by the artist, is included in Volume 1. Texts by Bruce Davidson, Emily Haas Davidson, Mildred Feliciano, Sam Holmes, John Lewis, Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Deborah Willis Book design by Gerhard Steidl, Duncan Whyte and Bruce Davidson Volume 1 / Circus: 104 pages, 82 tritone plates. Volume 2 / Brooklyn Gang: 120 pages, 95 tritone plates. Volume 3 / Time of Change: 168 pages, 144 tritone plates. Volume 4 / East 100th Street: 168 pages, 149 tritone plates. Volume 5 / Central Park: 144 pages, 91 tritone plates 11.6 x 11.4 inches / 29.5 x 29 cm Five clothbound books, with tipped-in photos and foil embossing, housed in a handmade slipcase € 248.00 / £ 220.00 / US$ 345.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-432-8 B R U C E DAV I D S O N , C I R C U S 24 VOLUME 1 VOLUME 2 VOLUME 3 VOLUME 4 VOLUME 5 SLIPCASE 25 B R U C E D A V I D S O N , B R O O K LY N G A N G 26 B R U C E DAV I D S O N , TI M E O F C H A N G E 27 B R U C E D A V I D S O N , E A S T 10 0 T H S T R E E T 28 B R U C E DAV I D S O N , C E NTR A L PA R K 29 Joel Sternfeld Published by Steidl “Steidl did what I now know he always does: he turned out an impeccably printed, slightly mass-produced artist’s book.” Joel Sternfeld Books have played a central role in Joel Sternfeld’s career, and many of his publications are now collectable rarities. Now Sternfeld with Steidl is publishing definitive editions of his books. These include expanded re-prints of influential titles such as American Prospects and On This Site, as well as new work. Each book is the result of a close collaboration between photographer and publisher, shaped by understanding and humour. 30 Joel Sternfeld selecting binding materials for iDubai. Photo by Jonas Wettre 31 NEW REVISED EDITION Joel Sternfeld On This Site “I went to Central Park to find the place behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art where Jennifer Levin had been killed. It was bewildering to find a scene so beautiful … to see the same sunlight pour down indifferently on the earth. As I showed the photograph of this site to friends, I realized that I was not alone in thinking of her when walking by the Met. It occurred to me that I held something within: a list of places that I cannot forget because of the tragedies that identify them, and I began to wonder if each of us has such a list. I set out to photograph sites that were marked during my lifetime. Yet, there was something else that drew me to this work. I think of it as the question of knowability. Experience has taught me again and again that you can never know what lies beneath a surface or behind a façade. Our sense of place, our understanding of photographs of the landscape is inevitably limited and fraught with misreading.” Joel Sternfeld Between 1993 and 1996, Joel Sternfeld photographed 50 infamous crime sites around the US. On This Site contains images of these unsettlingly normal places, ordinary landscapes left behind after tragedies, their hidden stories disturbingly invisible. Each photograph is accompanied by a text describing the crime that took place at the location. This is the first Steidl edition of On This Site, originally published in 1996 to great acclaim. A major figure in the photography world, Joel Sternfeld was born in New York City in 1944. He has received numerous awards including two Guggenheim fellowships, a Prix de Rome and the Citibank Photography Award. Sternfeld’s books published by Steidl include American Prospects (2003), Sweet Earth (2006), Oxbow Archive (2008) and First Pictures (2011). Joel Sternfeld On This Site Book design by Joel Sternfeld and Gerhard Steidl 112 pages 12 x 10 in. / 30.5 x 25.4 cm 50 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-434-2 32 33 NEW REVISED EDITION Joel Sternfeld American Prospects This is the definitive edition of Joel Sternfeld’s seminal American Prospects, developed in close association with Sternfeld and featuring new photographs, and a revised format and cover. The subjects of the now classic American Prospects include a fireman shopping for a pumpkin while a house burns behind him; motorcyclists at the side of the road taking in a stunning, placid view of Bear Lake, Utah; the hi-tech world headquarters of the Manville Corporation in picturesque Colorado, obscured by a defiant boulder; and a lone basketball net in the desert near Lake Powell in Arizona. The book is a search for the truth of a country not just as it exists in a particular era, but as it is in its ever-evolving essence. It is a sad poem, but also a funny and generous one that recognizes endurance, poignant beauty and determination within its sometimes tense, often ironic juxtapositions of man and nature, technology and ruin. A major figure in the photography world, Joel Sternfeld was born in New York City in 1944. He has received numerous awards including two Guggenheim fellowships, a Prix de Rome and the Citibank Photography Award. Sternfeld’s books published by Steidl include American Prospects (2003), Sweet Earth (2006), Oxbow Archive (2008) and First Pictures (2011). Joel Sternfeld American Prospects Essays by Kerry Brougher, Andy Grundberg and Anne W. Tucker Book design by Joel Sternfeld and Gerhard Steidl 160 pages 15.4 x 12 in. / 39 x 30.5 cm 70 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo € 98.00 / £ 80.00 / distributed in the USA by DAP ISBN 978-3-88243-915-1 34 35 2 N D EDITION AVAILABLE SOON Joel Sternfeld First Pictures This is the first book of Sternfeld’s largely unseen early colour photographs. In 1969 Sternfeld began working with a 35 mm camera and Kodachrome film, and First Pictures contains works from this time until 1980. Here Sternfeld develops traits that appear in his mature work: irony, a politicised view of America, concern for the social condition. But there are also pictures that bear little relation to his later work: colour arrangements that parallel those of Eggleston, as well as street photography which Sternfeld ceased making in 1976. The photographs in First Pictures were made at a time when colour photography was struggling to assert itself against the authoritative black and white tradition, making this book a revelation both in Sternfeld’s oeuvre and in the history of contemporary photography. A major figure in the photography world, Joel Sternfeld was born in New York City in 1944. He has received numerous awards including two Guggenheim fellowships, a Prix de Rome and the Citibank Photography Award. Sternfeld’s books published by Steidl include American Prospects (2003), Sweet Earth (2006) and Oxbow Archive (2008). Joel Sternfeld First Pictures Essay by Jessica May Book design by Joel Sternfeld and Gerhard Steidl 320 pages 11.6 x 9.6 in. / 29.5 x 24.5 cm 140 photographs Four colour process Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 78.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-309-3 36 37 3 R D EDITION AVAILABLE SOON Joel Sternfeld Walking the High Line In March 2000 Joel Sternfeld began photographing the High Line, an abandoned elevated railway which runs down the West Side of Manhattan. Sometimes a river of grass, sometimes more like Canadian wheat fields, this unique ruin permitted Sternfeld to contemplate nature within the city. Walking the path of this true-time landscape, Sternfeld experienced the seasons as they unfolded in a meandering ribbon within the vertical architecture of New York City, and he created a suite of images marked by quiet grace and formal rigour. In Walking the High Line, as in all of his work, landscape is both a social and cultural indicator. In 2009 the High Line was converted into a public park that will preserve the delights of the High Line for future generations. Sternfeld’s book is thus a unique record of the High Line at a time when it faced demolition, and this re-print follows several sold-out editions. A major figure in the photography world, Joel Sternfeld was born in New York City in 1944. He has received numerous awards including two Guggenheim fellowships, a Prix de Rome and the Citibank Photography Award. Sternfeld’s books published by Steidl include American Prospects (2003), Sweet Earth (2006), Oxbow Archive (2008) and First Pictures (2011). Joel Sternfeld Walking the Highline Essays by Adam Gopnik and John Stilgoe 72 pages 10.2 x 8.4 in. / 26 x 21.5 cm 29 photographs Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket € 28.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 40.00 ISBN 978-3-88243-726-3 38 39 Lewis Baltz Published by Steidl “My best moments in recent years, the moments when I least regret my choice of profession, are when I am working with Steidl. The creativity and high achievement in his atelier – for an atelier it is – are a reminder that being an artist, even trying to be an artist, is still a noble calling.” Lewis Baltz Steidl’s ambition to comprehensively publish the oeuvre of Lewis Baltz found its first expression in 2010’s WORKS, the award-winning – and now sold-out – ten-volume tribute to his most influential photographic series. This season we continue with the retrospective Rule without Exception / Only Exceptions, and Texts, a compendium of Baltz’s writings. Texts shows Baltz to be a man who chooses his words with care. With equal care, we are insuring that the books we publish are worthy of the art they contain. 40 Baltz’s Candlestick Point on the Steidl press. Photo by Slavica Perkovic 41 Lewis Baltz, Rule Without Exception 42 Lewis Baltz, Only Exceptions 43 Lewis Baltz Rule Without Exception / Only Exceptions This progressive book object combines two volumes and covers the sweep and depth of Lewis Baltz’s influential oeuvre. Rule Without Exception is a re-issue of Baltz’s award-winning mid-career retrospective book which accompanied a travelling exhibition of the same name in 1991. The book surveys Baltz’s work from “The Prototype Works” of 1967 through to “Sites of Technology” of 1991, showing the range of his images of industrialised landscapes and technological sites. Each section of the book is accompanied by installation views as well as texts by distinguished writers, some newly Volume 1, Rule Without Exception Volume 1, Rule Without Exception commissioned for this edition. Only Exceptions is a new book chronicling Baltz’s work – now usually site-generated commissioned works – from 1992 to the present and is published on the occasion of an exhibition organized by the Kunstmuseum, Bonn. Only Exceptions includes Baltz’s work in California, Leipzig’s “Black Triangle”, Reggio Emilia, Groningen, Rome, Venice, and two projects with Jean Nouvel in France and Italy. Born in 1945 in Newport Beach, California, Lewis Baltz is a defining photographer of the last half-century. After studying at the San Francisco Art Institute and Claremont Graduate School, Baltz came to prominence with the New Topographics movement of the 1970s. His awards include a Guggenheim fellowship and the Charles Pratt Memorial Award, and his work is held in most major museum collections. Baltz’s books with Steidl include 89–91, Sites of Technology (2007), WORKS (2010), The Prototype Works (2011) and Candlestick Point (2011). Exhibitions: Kunstmuseum, Bonn, 10 May to 2 September 2012; Kestnergesellschaft, Hanover, 14 September to 4 November 2012 Volume 1, Rule Without Exception Volume 1, Rule Without Exception Lewis Baltz Rule Without Exception / Only Exceptions 44 Volume 2, Only Exceptions Volume 2, Only Exceptions Volume 1, Rule Without Exception Volume 2, Only Exceptions Volume 2, Only Exceptions Volume 2, Only Exceptions Sleeve Texts by Mowry Baden, Simon Baker, Gus Blaisdell, Olivier Boissière, Paolo Costantini, Marco Fincardi, Stefan Gronert, Mark HaworthBooth, Marvin Heiferman, Shirley Irons, Jeff Kelley, Bernard Lamarche-Vadel, Jane Livingston, Jeff Rian, Christoph Schaden, Michael Schmidt, Urs Stahel and Igor Zabel Book design by Connie Wilson and Lewis Baltz Rule Without Exception: 184 pages 9.4 x 13.1 in. / 23.8 x 33.3 cm 130 photographs Only Exceptions: 184 pages 9.4 x 13.1 in. / 23.8 x 33.3 cm 130 photographs Duotone and four colour process Two otabind softcovers, housed in a cardboard sleeve € 75.00 / £ 60.00 / US$ 98.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-110-5 45 Lewis Baltz Texts This is the long-awaited compendium of Lewis Baltz’s writings from 1975 until 2007, drawn from his critical writing for magazines such as Art in America, the Times Literary Supplement, L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui and Purple. The book includes Baltz’s texts on Edward Weston, Walker Evans, Robert Adams, Michael Schmidt, Allan Sekuka, Chris Burden, Thomas Ruff, Barry Le Va, Jeff Wall, Félix González-Torres, John McLaughlin, Slavica Perkovic and Krzysztof Wodiczko, among others. This important publication gives Baltz’s literary output the standing it deserves and offers a unique insight into some of history’s leading photographers. Born in 1945 in Newport Beach, California, Lewis Baltz is a defining photographer of the last half-century. After studying at the San Francisco Art Institute and Claremont Graduate School, Baltz came to prominence with the New Topographics movement of the 1970s. His awards include a Guggenheim fellowship and the Charles Pratt Memorial Award, and his work is held in most major museum collections. Baltz’s books with Steidl include 89–91, Sites of Technology (2007), WORKS (2010), The Prototype Works (2011) and Candlestick Point (2011). Lewis Baltz Texts Introduction by Matthew S. Witkovsky 160 pages 5.3 x 8.3 in. / 13.5 x 21 cm Clothbound hardcover with foil embossing and a bookmark, with an acetate dust jacket € 24.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 30.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-436-6 46 47 Robert Frank Published by Steidl Robert Frank is a humble photographer who makes humble books. Despite this humility – or perhaps because of it – Frank has produced some of the most important books in the history of photography. Steidl has long been committed to producing with Frank the definitive editions of books such as The Americans and Black White and Things, which have gone through many re-printings over the years, often without Frank’s approval or knowledge. This season sees the release of the next instalment of Frank’s Complete Film Works, as well as two books that reveal Frank’s approach to book-making now. The re-edition of 2010’s Tal Uf Tal Ab and the new You Would combine recent photographs, classic images and autobiographical texts in two affordable softcover volumes which possess an unassuming authority. Robert Frank, The Complete Film Works Currently available: Volumes 4, 5, 6 (Spring 2012) Black White and Things Come Again Frank Films – The Film and Video Work of Robert Frank Henry Frank, Father Photographer London/Wales Looking In: Robert Frank’s The Americans Me and My Brother New York to Nova Scotia One Hour Pangnirtung Paris Peru Portfolio Pull My Daisy Seven Stories Storylines Tal Uf Tal Ab The Americans Zero Mostel Reads a Book Life Dances On... (1980), 32 minutes Home Improvements (1985), 24 minutes Energy and How to Get It (1981), 30 minutes This Song for Jack (1983), 27 minutes Ginsberg Corso Reading (1984), 17 minutes Corso Reading (1987), 15 minutes Hunter (1989), 37 minutes C’est vrai (One Hour) (1990), 60 minutes Last Supper (1992), 50 minutes Run / New Order (1989), 3 ½ minutes Robert Frank, The Complete Film Works Volumes 7, 8, 9, 10 (2014) Last Supper (1992), 52 minutes Moving Pictures (1994), 30 minutes The Present (1996), 24 minutes Summer Cannibals/Patti Smith (1996), 4 minutes Flamingo (1996), 10 minutes Robert Frank, The Complete Film Works / Volume 1 Pull My Daisy (1959), 28 minutes The Sin of Jesus (1961), 40 minutes Me and My Brother (1968), 85 minutes Robert Frank, The Complete Film Works / Volume 2 OK End Here (1963), 30 minutes Conversations in Vermont (1969), 26 minutes Liferaft Earth (1969), 37 minutes What I Remember from My Visit (with Stieglitz) (1998), 7 minutes San Yu (2000), 27 minutes Fragments (2000), 5 minutes Robert Frank, The Complete Film Works / Volume 3 About Me: A Musical (1971), 30 minutes Keep Busy (1975), 38 Minutes S-8 Stones Footage from Exile on Main St. (1971), 5 minutes Paper Route (2002), 30 minutes Tunnel (2005), 5 minutes True Story (2004), 30 minutes Egypt Δ (1995/96–2006) Robert Frank working on the layout of You Would , Mabou, Nova Scotia, August 2011. Photo by Gerhard Steidl 49 Robert Frank You Would “Now I like it here OK, something you don’t like that can be the case anywhere. Of course I have to work a lot and that is how it is. But here all people tell you in a polite way what isn’t right.” Robert Frank You Would is a sequel to Robert Frank’s acclaimed Tal Uf Tal Ab of 2010. You Would contains recent images, some shot on 35 mm, others Polaroids, of Frank’s friends, acquaintances and surroundings in New York and Mabou, Nova Scotia. In the book are also iconic images from earlier in Frank’s career such as a photo of Delphine Seyrig and Larry Rivers on the set of Frank’s 1959 film Pull My Daisy. This careful edit of new and old suggests that past experience tempers Frank’s present, and shows that his life is not only recorded by book-making but shaped by it. Robert Frank was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1924 and immigrated to the United States in 1947. He is best known for his seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959, which gave rise to a distinct new form in the photo-book, and his experimental film Pull My Daisy, made in 1959. Frank’s other important projects include the books Black White and Things (1952) and Lines of My Hand (1972), as well as the film Cocksucker Blues (1972) for the Rolling Stones. He divides his time between New York City and Nova Scotia, Canada. Robert Frank You Would Text by Robert Frank Book design by Robert Frank, A-chan and Gerhard Steidl 48 pages 8.1 x 9.8 in. / 20.5 x 25 cm 41 photographs Tritone and four colour process Otabind softcover housed in a slipcase € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 28.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-418-2 50 51 Robert Frank Tal Uf Tal Ab “Tal Uf Tal Ab is Swiss-German. It means direction up the valley – down the valley. Now I live and wait and think mostly in the places I live – New York City and Mabou N.S.” Robert Frank Tal Uf Tal Ab shows Robert Frank’s life now, an inquisitive existence shaped by memory, and includes photographs of newsstands, streetscapes, friends, his wife June Leaf, interiors, as well as a self-portrait. Among these images are scattered earlier ones from Frank’s past, for example a candid portrait of Jack Kerouac. As with all Frank’s publications, Tal Uf Tal Ab is a humble yet important progression in the medium of the photo-book. Robert Frank was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1924 and immigrated to the United States in 1947. He is best known for his seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959, which gave rise to a distinct new form in the photo-book, and his experimental film Pull My Daisy, made in 1959. Frank’s other important projects include the books Black White and Things (1952) and Lines of My Hand (1972), as well as the film Cocksucker Blues (1972) for the Rolling Stones. He divides his time between New York City and Nova Scotia, Canada. Robert Frank Tal Uf Tal Ab Text by Robert Frank Book design by Robert Frank, A-chan and Gerhard Steidl 40 pages 8.1 x 9.8 in. / 20.5 x 25 cm 29 photographs Tritone Otabind softcover housed in a slipcase € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 28.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-101-3 52 53 Robert Frank Pull My Daisy Pull My Daisy is a collectable object containing Robert Frank’s famous film of 1959 on DVD; a text booklet with an introduction, the transcript of the film and lyrics to the opening song; and a photo-magazine of on-set documentary photos by John Cohen. Pull My Daisy typifies the Beat Generation. Directed by Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie, Pull My Daisy was adapted by Jack Kerouac from the third act of a stage play he never finished entitled Beat Generation. Kerouac also provided improvised narration. It stars Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Larry Rivers, Peter Orlovsky, David Amram, Richard Bellamy, Alice Neel, Sally Gross and Pablo, Frank’s then infant son. Based on an incident in the life of Neal Cassady and his wife Carolyn, the movie tells the story of a railway brakeman whose painter wife invites a respectable bishop over for dinner. However, the brakeman’s bohemian friends crash the party, with comic results. Pull My Daisy was praised for years as an improvisational masterpiece, until Leslie revealed in 1968 that the film was actually carefully planned, rehearsed, and directed by him and Frank. Robert Frank was born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1924 and immigrated to the United States in 1947. He is best known for his seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959. Frank’s other important projects include the books Black White and Things (1952) and Lines of My Hand (1972), as well as the film Cocksucker Blues (1972) for the Rolling Stones. He divides his time between New York City and Nova Scotia, Canada. Robert Frank Pull My Daisy Book and object design by Robert Frank and Gerhard Steidl DVD, text booklet and photo-magazine, housed in a cardboad box Cardboard box: 5.6 x 7.6 in. / 14.2 x 19.2 cm Text booklet: 32 pages, 1 photograph Photo-magazine: 56 pages, 36 photographs € 20.00 / £ 16.00 / US$ 28.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-428-1 DVD (NTSC/PAL) Robert Frank on the set of Pull My Daisy. Photo by John Cohen 54 Cardboard box Photo-magazine Text booklet 55 Robert Frank The Complete Film Works / Volumes 4, 5, 6 Even though Robert Frank was already a renowned photographer when he started working as a filmmaker at the end of the 1950s, he remained a well-kept secret within the film community for almost four decades. The Complete Film Works fills a long overdue gap by presenting every one of Frank’s more than 25 films and videos, some of them classics of the New American Cinema of the 1950s and 60s. Life Dances On… (1980), 32 minutes Home Improvements (1985), 24 minutes Energy and How to Get It (1981), 30 minutes This Song for Jack (1983), 27 minutes Ginsberg Corso Reading (1984), 17 minutes Corso Reading (1987), 15 minutes Hunter (1989), 37 minutes C’est vrai (One Hour) (1990), 60 minutes Last Supper (1992), 50 minutes Run / New Order (1989), 3 ½ minutes Robert Frank was born in Zurich in 1924 and immigrated to the United States in 1947. He is best known for his seminal book The Americans, first published in 1959, which gave rise to a distinct new art form in the photo-book, and his experimental film Pull My Daisy (1959). Frank’s other important projects include the books Black White and Things (1952) and The Lines of My Hand (1972), as well as the film Cocksucker Blues (1972) for the Rolling Stones. He divides his time between New York City and Nova Scotia, Canada. Robert Frank The Complete Film Works / Volumes 4, 5, 6 Life Dances On… (1980), 32 minutes Home Improvements (1985), 24 minutes Energy and How to Get It (1981), 30 minutes This Song for Jack (1983), 27 minutes Ginsberg Corso Reading (1984), 17 minutes Corso Reading (1987), 15 minutes Hunter (1989), 37 minutes C’est vrai (One Hour) (1990), 60 minutes Last Supper (1992), 50 minutes Run / New Order (1989), 3 ½ minutes Nine DVDs in film-roll boxes, housed in a cardboard box € 98.00 / £ 80.00 / US$ 150.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-480-9 56 57 JOHN COHEN THE HIGH AND LONESOME SOUND THE LEGACY OF ROSCOE HOLCOMB John Cohen The High and Lonesome Sound The Legacy of Roscoe Holcomb “The music of Roscoe Holcomb transcends daily life. Although it is grounded in Appalachia, in East Kentucky, in his little town of Daisy, his music travels like it is on a path towards a distant star.” John Cohen In 1959 John Cohen travelled to East Kentucky looking for what he calls “old music”. Cohen asked for names at local gas stations but soon ran out of leads, and drove off the highway onto the next dirt road. Here he stumbled across Roscoe Holcomb playing the banjo and singing on his front porch in a way says Cohen, “that made the hairs on my neck stand up on end”. And so by pure chance began the life-long friendship that is the background for The High and Lonesome Sound. Cohen visited Holcomb frequently over the next three decades, and made many photographs, films and records of his music. In time Holcomb, a poor coal miner by trade, became a regular feature on the American concert and festival circuits. The “strange beauty and discomfort” of his music – a mixture of blues, ballads and Baptist hymns, and unique through his high strained voice – was exposed to a larger audience. Nevertheless Holcomb died alone in a nursing home in 1981. The High and Lonesome Sound combines Cohen’s vintage photos, film and musical recordings as well as an anecdotal text into a multimedia tribute to this underappreciated legend of American music whose every performance was in Cohen’s words “not just a rendition of music, but a test of something to be overcome”. John Cohen, born in 1932 in New York, is a photographer, filmmaker, and founding member of the New Lost City Ramblers. A masters graduate from Yale University, Cohen was active in the artistic circles of late 1950s and early 1960s New York, and worked with Robert Frank on his film Pull My Daisy (1959). Steidl has published Cohen’s Past Present Peru (2010). Films Music John Cohen The High and Lonesome Sound The Legacy of Roscoe Holcomb Text by John Cohen Book design by Gerhard Steidl DVD with two documentary films on Roscoe Holcomb CD of Roscoe Holcomb’s music 270 pages 8.3 x 10.2 in. / 21 x 26 cm 158 photographs Tritone Softcover book with a DVD and CD, housed in a cardboard box € 45.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 58.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-254-6 61 William Eggleston checking prototypes of Chromes, Memphis, March 2011 Photo by Gerhard Steidl WI LLI A M E G G LE STO N C H R O M E S VO LU M E 1 64 WI LLI A M E G G LE STO N C H R O M E S VO LU M E 2 65 NOW AVAILABLE William Eggleston Chromes William Eggleston’s standing as one of the masters of colour photography is widely acknowledged. But the gradual steps by which he transformed from an unknown into a leading artist are less well known. Steidl has undertaken to trace these steps in an ambitious series of publications. Before Color (Steidl, 2010) explored Eggleston’s revelatory early black and white images, while Chromes is an edit of more than 5,000 Kodachromes and Ektachromes taken from ten chronologically ordered binders found in a safe in the Eggleston Artistc Trust. This archive had once been used by John Szarkowski who selected the 48 images printed in Eggleston’s seminal book William Eggleston’s Guide, while the rest of the archive has remained almost entirely unpublished. This book presents Eggleston’s early Memphis imagery, his testing of colour and compositional strategies, and the development towards the “poetic snapshot”. In short, Chromes shows a master in the making. William Eggleston, born in Memphis in 1939, is one of the most important contemporary American photographers. From the 1970s onwards, his work has been central to the recognition of colour photography as an artistic medium. Eggleston has published extensively and has shown in many major exhibitions. Steidl has published Eggleston’s Paris (2009) and Before Color (2010). William Eggleston Chromes Text by Thomas Weski Book design by Gerhard Steidl Vol. 1: 248 pages Vol. 2: 256 pages Vol. 3: 224 pages 12.4 x 12.6 in. / 31.5 x 32 cm 364 photographs Four colour process Three clothbound hardcover books with tipped-in photos, housed in a foil-embossed slipcase € 248.00 / £ 220.00 / US$ 345.00 ISBN 978-3-6930-311-6 WI LLI A M E G G LE STO N C H R O M E S VO LU M E 3 66 67 2 N D EDITION AVAILABLE SOON William Eggleston Before Color A few years ago in the archives of the William Eggleston Artistic Trust in Memphis, a box was found containing Eggleston’s earliest photography – remarkably in black and white. The photos were subsequently exhibited at Cheim & Read gallery in New York and sold. This book reunites these photos in their entirety, and shows the artistic beginnings of a pioneer of contemporary photography. In the late 1950s Eggleston began photographing suburban Memphis using high-speed 35 mm black and white film, developing the style and motifs that would come to shape his pivotal colour work including diners, supermarkets, domestic interiors and people engaged in seemingly trivial and banal situations. Now, 50 years later, all the plates in Before Color have been scanned from vintage prints developed by Eggleston in his own darkroom. In the mid 1960s Eggleston discovered colour film and was quickly satisfied with the results: “And by God, it worked. Just overnight.” Eggleston then abandoned black and white photography, but its fundamental influence on his practice is undeniable. This new edition of Before Color follows the sold-out first print-run. William Eggleston, born in Memphis in 1939, is one of the most important contemporary American photographers. From the 1970s onwards, his work has been central to the recognition of colour photography as an artistic medium. Eggleston has published extensively and has shown in many major exhibitions. Steidl has published Eggleston’s Paris (2009) and Before Color (2010). William Eggleston Before Color Text by Dave Hickey Book design by Gerhard Steidl, Thomas Weski, Katharina Staal and Sarah Winter 200 pages 8.8 x 10 in. / 22.5 x 25.5 cm 152 photographs Quadrotone Imitation leather hardcover with a tipped-in photo € 56.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 78.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-122-8 68 69 The Berenice Abbott Project Berenice Abbott’s career in photography spanned seven decades and during this time she was involved with many photographic projects. In fact, other than strictly commercial assignments, she rarely took a photograph that was not part of a specific project, one usually initiated by her. Portraits, New York City and documenting science are three of Abbott’s most well-known bodies of work. Equally compelling are her early photographs of rural American life and those of Route 1 from Maine to Florida. A few of her projects were time-specific but others extended over many years. Abbott took her first photographs in the 1920s and her last in the 1980s, and while some of her projects are not as well-known as Changing New York, all yielded exceptional photographs. Ron Kurtz Hank O’Neal The Berenice Abbott Project will feature twelve new books including the reissue of Berenice Abbott (2008). Edited by Ron Kurtz and Hank O’Neal: Paris Portraits 1925–1930 (English and French editions, Spring 2012) Documenting Science (Spring 2012) New York City – Early Work 1929–30 (Fall 2012) US Route 1 (Fall 2012) The American Scene 1930–35 (2013) Greenwich Village 1935–1950 (2013) Maine 1951–1981 (2013) The Unknown Abbott (2014) New York Retrospective 1929–1953 (2014) Berenice Abbott (two volumes, second edition, 2015) Written and edited by Hank O’Neal: Berenice Abbott Words and Memories (two books in a slipcase, 2013) Book 1: You’ve Got To Do A Damn Sight Better Than That, Buster! Berenice Abbott in Maine 1972–1991 Book 2: Berenice Abbott In Her Own Words 1933–1991 Berenice Abbott’s Maine. The Colour Photographs 1973–1991 (2014) Berenice Abbott, Self-portrait, 1926, Paris. Glass plate negative, scanned by Steidl 70 71 Berenice Abbott, Paris Portraits 1925–1930 72 Berenice Abbott, Paris Portraits 1925–1930 73 Berenice Abbott Paris Portraits 1925–1930 This is the first in a series of books to be published by Steidl that will explore Berenice Abbott’s exceptional body of work. Abbott began her photographic career in 1925, taking portraits in Paris of some the most celebrated artists and writers of the day including Marie Laurencin, Jean Cocteau, Peggy Guggenheim and James Joyce. Within a year her work was exhibited and acclaimed. Paris Portraits 1925–1930 features the clear, honest results of Abbott’s earliest photographic project and illustrates the philosophy of all her subsequent work. For this landmark book, 115 portraits of 83 subjects have been scanned from the original glass negatives, the full negatives have been printed, and a die-cut overleaf presents each portrait incorporating Abbott’s cropping instructions. Berenice Abbott, born in Springfield, Ohio in 1898, was a dominant figure in twentieth-century American photography. Abbott moved to Paris from New York in 1921, and in 1923, after many false starts, was hired by her friend Man Ray. He was looking for an assistant who knew nothing about photography whom he could teach. Abbott learned quickly and within a year was taking her own photographs. Her first solo exhibition in 1926 was a success, and for the next 65 years Abbott mastered a wide range of subjects. Highlights of Abbott’s career include the monumental project Changing New York (1935–1938), photographing rural America including US Route 1 from Maine to Florida, photographically interpreting scientific and natural phenomena, establishing the reputation of Eugène Atget, and founding the first university photography program in the United States. Steidl published the two-volume retrospective Berenice Abbott in 2008. Co-published with Commerce Graphics, New York The grey areas on the left-hand pages indicate where the pages will be die cut. When a left-hand page is laid over a right-hand page, the image will be cropped to reveal Abbott’s fine-tuned compositions. Berenice Abbott Paris Portraits 1925–1930 Edited by Ron Kurtz and Hank O’Neal Texts by Ron Kurtz and Hank O’Neal Book design by Steidl Design 368 pages 9.4 x 11.8 in. / 24 x 30 cm 58 photographs Tritone Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo € 98.00 / £ 82.00 / US$ 130.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-314-7 74 75 Berenice Abbott Documenting Science Fascination with the scientific advances that were rapidly changing the world motivated Berenice Abbott to use photography as “the friendly interpreter of science”. Documenting Science explores this work, beginning in 1939 with Abbott’s early experiments with scientific imagery, continuing with science-based commercial assignments, and culminating in 1958 with the Physical Science Study Project at MIT which illustrated a new series of physics textbooks. This spectacular body of work is arguably Abbott’s most innovative and creative. Both beautiful and instructive, these images often illustrate some basic scientific principle. They are a marriage of science and art, and have fundamentally changed the way thousands of students visualize complex principles of physics. Berenice Abbott, born in Springfield, Ohio in 1898, was a dominant figure in twentieth-century American photography. Abbott moved to Paris from New York in 1921, and in 1923, after many false starts, was hired by her friend Man Ray. He was looking for an assistant who knew nothing about photography whom he could teach. Abbott learned quickly and within a year was taking her own photographs. Her first solo exhibition in 1926 was a success, and for the next 65 years Abbott mastered a wide range of subjects. Highlights of Abbott’s career include the monumental project Changing New York (1935–1938), photographing rural America including US Route 1 from Maine to Florida, photographically interpreting scientific and natural phenomena, establishing the reputation of Eugène Atget, and founding the first university photography program in the United States. Steidl published the two-volume retrospective Berenice Abbott in 2008. Co-published with Commerce Graphics, New York Berenice Abbott Documenting Science Edited by Ron Kurtz Essays by Julia Van Haaften and John Durant Book design by Ron Kurtz, Duncan Whyte and Gerhard Steidl 180 pages 11.6 x 12.2 in. / 29.5 x 31 cm 93 photographs and 6 illustrations Tritone Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo € 58.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-431-1 76 77 Th e Howard G reenberg L ibr ary The Howard Greenberg Library has been created to bring broader recognition and appreciation to the work of great photographers who have not received the attention they deserve, and may have been overlooked in the canon of the history of photography. Born out of a shared passion and respect for great photography and fine photographic books, Gerhard Steidl is proud to introduce the first three publications in this series. Howard Greenberg Howard Greenberg. Photo by Robert Leslie 78 79 Th e Howard G reenberg L ibr ary Howard Greenberg and Bob Shamis (eds.) Leon Levinstein American street photographer Leon Levinstein is much admired within the photographic community, but little known outside of it. Solo exhibitions at the National Gallery of Canada in 1995 and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 2010 brought him to the attention of many, but his dynamic and original work is yet to achieve the recognition it deserves. Levinstein’s fearless and unsentimental black and white images, whether shot in New York City, Coney Island, Haiti, Mexico or India, possess in Metropolitan Museum of Art Curator of Photographs Jeff Rosenheim’s words, “graphic virtuosity – seen in raw, expressive gestures and seemingly monumental bodies – balanced by an unusual compassion for his off-beat subjects”. In 1975, at the age of 65, Levinstein received a grant from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. His intention, in his own words, was to photograph “as wide a spectrum of the American scene as my experience and vision will allow”. This long-awaited book fulfils this ambitious goal. Born in West Virginia in 1910, Leon Levinstein moved to New York in 1946 and studied with Alexey Brodovitch, artistic director of Harper’s Bazaar, and Photo League founder and teacher Sid Grossman, both important early advocates. By 1950, Levinstein was photographing strangers on the street, a practice he would continue for the next 35 years. Howard Greenberg and Bob Shamis (eds.) Leon Levinstein Texts by Jeff L. Rosenheim, Bob Shamis and Carrie Springer Book design by Gregory Wakabayashi 320 pages 11 x 13.8 in. / 27.9 x 35.1 cm 200 photographs Duotone and four color process Hardcover € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-443-4 42nd Street and 8th Avenue. Courtesy of Howard Greenberg Gallery 80 81 Th e Howard G reenberg L ibr ary Howard Greenberg and Bob Shamis (eds.) James Karales “James Karales (1930–2002) was big-time in the best time but is not as well known as he should be,” argues photographic historian Vicki Goldberg. This book will change that. Early in his career, Karales began a photo-essay documenting Rendville, Ohio, an important stop on the Underground Railroad during the Civil War and one of the few racially integrated communities in America in the late 1950s. These pictures demonstrate his striking ability to capture the essential qualities of a community, are reminiscent of images made for the Farm Security Administration in the 1930s, and reflect Karales’ state of mind as he grappled with the racial issues that were to preoccupy him and America for many years to come. Karales worked for Look from 1960 until it ceased publication in 1971. Among many important assignments for the magazine, Karales documented Martin Luther King and the 50 mile, five-day Selma (Alabama) march in 1965. 15 minutes before the end of the march, the sky darkened and Karales’ wide-angle shot of the protesters silhouetted against the horizon has since become an emblem of the march and has insured the photographer’s place in this tumultuous period of American history. Through this new publication we discover that Karales’ stature as a photojournalist and social documentary photographer par excellence is based on much more than one iconic image from Selma. James Karales was born in Canton, Ohio in 1930. In 1955, after earning his degree in Fine Arts from Ohio University, he came to New York and worked as an assistant to the renowned W. Eugene Smith. As a photojournalist, Karales won numerous awards, among them the Picture of the Year and the Overseas Press Club Award. His photographs are in numerous collections including the High Museum in Atlanta, the International Center of Photography, and the Museum of Modern Art, both in New York. Howard Greenberg and Bob Shamis (eds.) James Karales Texts by Vicki Goldberg, Howard Greenberg and Sam Stephenson Book design by Gregory Wakabayashi 176 pages 11 x 9 in. / 27.9 x 22.9 cm 116 photographs Tritone Hardcover € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-444-1 82 83 Th e Howard G reenberg L ibr ary Saul Leiter Early Black & White The distinctive iconography of Saul Leiter’s early black and white photographs stems from his profound response to the dynamic street life of New York City in the late 1940s and 50s. While this technique borrowed aspects of the photodocumentary, Leiter’s imagery was more shaped by his highly individual reactions to the people and places he encountered. Like a Magic Realist with a camera, Leiter absorbed the mystery of the city and poignant human experiences. Together with Early Color, also published by Steidl, Early Black & White shows the impressive range of Leiter’s early photography. Saul Leiter was born in Pittsburgh in 1923, the son of a rabbi. His work is held in the permanent collections of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, as well as in other public and private collections. Saul Leiter Early Black & White Edited and introduction by Martin Harrison Book design by Martin Harrison Volume 1: 224 pages Volume 2: 192 pages 7.9 x 7.9 in. / 20 x 20 cm 280 photographs Tritone Two clothbound hardcovers in a slipcase € 98.00 / £ 80.00 / US$ 145.00 ISBN 978-3-86521-413-3 84 85 I’ve never really been interested in single photographs or collections of photographs. What I’m interested in is stories. When I photograph, it’s always with the book in mind as the end result. The book is the work. Each line, photograph, or train of thought forms another transition in building the narrative. One thing leads to the next. And even though the work may eventually appear in various forms, only the book can ever truly deliver the original idea. Trent Parke Trent Parke. Photo by Jonas Wettre 86 87 Trent Parke The Christmas Tree Bucket Trent Parke’s Family Album “’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…” The Christmas Tree Bucket is a modern-day Christmas story with a dark edge. A wordless narrative, Parke’s story is an ironic take on the typical Australian suburban Christmas. He photographs friends and family, and casts them in a twisted tale that merges fact and fiction. The viewer is left to make imaginative sense of images of barbeques, screaming children, a burning gingerbread house, and even the photographer himself vomiting into the infamous Christmas Tree Bucket. Says Parke: “It was there – while staring into that bright red bucket, vomiting every hour on the hour for fifteen hours straight – that I started to think how strange families, suburbia, life, vomit and in particular, Christmas really was…” Merry Christmas! Trent Parke, born in Newcastle, Australia in 1971, joined Magnum Photos in 2002 and has been a full member since 2007. Parke has exhibited internationally and has received numerous awards including World Press Photo Awards in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2005, and the W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography in 2003. His publications include Dream / Life (1999), The Seventh Wave with Narelle Autio (2000), Bedknobs & Broomsticks (2010), and the highly anticipated Minutes to Midnight, also to be published this season by Steidl. Trent Parke The Christmas Tree Bucket Trent Parke’s Family Album Book design by Trent Parke, Duncan Whyte and Gerhard Steidl 128 pages 10.8 x 8.8 in. / 27.5 x 22.4 cm 61 photographs Four colour process Clothbound hardcover with foil embossing € 58.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-206-5 88 89 Trent Parke Minutes to Midnight In 2003 Trent Parke began a road-trip around his native Australia, a monumental journey that was to last two years and cover a distance of over 90,000 km. Minutes to Midnight is the ambitious photographic record of that adventure, in which Parke presents a proud but uneasy nation struggling to craft its identity from different cultures and traditions. Minutes to Midnight merges traditional documentary techniques and imagination to create a dark visual narrative portraying Australia with a mix of nostalgia, romanticism and brooding realism. This is not a record of the physical landscape but of an emotional one. It is a story of human anxiety and intensity, which although told from Australia, represents a universal human condition in the world today. Trent Parke, born in Newcastle Australia in 1971, joined Magnum Photos in 2002 and has been a full member since 2007. Parke has exhibited internationally and has received numerous awards including World Press Photo Awards in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2005, and the W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography in 2003. His publications include Dream / Life (1999), The Seventh Wave with Narelle Autio (2000), Bedknobs & Broomsticks (2010), and the long-awaited Christmas Tree Bucket, also to be published this season by Steidl. Trent Parke Minutes to Midnight Book design by Trent Parke, Duncan Whyte and Gerhard Steidl 96 pages 11.6 x 9.8 in. / 29.5 x 25 cm 48 photographs Tritone Clothbound hardcover € 58.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 75.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-205-8 90 91 Miles Aldridge Other Pictures Other Pictures is Miles Aldridge’s surreal take on the traditional family album, and an autobiographical sequel to Pictures for Photographs (Edition 7L, 2009), in which Aldridge presented his fashion drawings and photographs. Other Pictures opens with seductive black and white images of Aldridge’s then lover, now wife, model Kristen McMenamy. Taken in hotel rooms after fashion shows from London to New York between 1994 and 1997, the photos are spontaneous and narcissistic, and show the young Aldridge investigating the medium of 35 mm photography as much as his unfolding romance with McMenamy. The second part of Other Pictures is an introspective portrait in deep colour of Aldridge’s married life with children. Cinematic and beautiful but filled with anxiety, these images show Aldridge’s children as vacant and sometimes corpse-like actors in the photographer’s imagined drama of family life. Miles Aldridge, born in London in 1964, has published his photographs in such influential magazines as American and Italian Vogue, Numéro, The New York Times, and The New Yorker. His work has been exhibited in numerous group shows, and his solo shows include those at Brancolini Grimaldi in Florence, Hamiltons Gallery in London, and Steven Kasher Gallery in New York. Aldridge’s work is held in the National Portrait Gallery and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, and in the International Center for Photography in New York. Miles Aldridge Other Pictures Book design by Miles Aldridge and Gerhard Steidl 140 pages 15.4 x 10.6 in. / 39 x 27 cm 94 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover with tipped-in photos € 98.00 / £ 82.00 / US$ 145.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-437-3 92 93 Beda Achermann Big Time The Legendary Style of Männer Vogue, 1984–1989 This book is an exciting step back in time to when Männer Vogue was Germany’s leading men’s fashion magazine. During Männer Vogue’s golden age between 1984 and 1989, Swiss-born Beda Achermann was the magazine’s creative director and left his iconic style on a generation of graphic designers, typographers, photographers, fashion journalists and stylists. Commissioning young photographers like Mario Testino, Ellen von Unwerth and Max Vadukul, along with established talents including Herb Ritts, Peter Lindbergh and Helmut Newton, Achermann set a new benchmark in fashion editorial. Big Time is a retrospective of Achermann’s groundbreaking work for Männer Vogue, showing the magazine’s best spreads which have lost none of their modernity and flair. The book comprises three chapters – “Big Style” (fashion), “Big Shots” (features and portraits) and “Big Bang” (portfolios) – which together recreate a unique period in fashion history when international glamour was made in Germany. Highlights in Beda Achermann’s career include positions as creative director at Männer Vogue in Munich and Donna in Milan. In 1990 he founded the acclaimed Studio Achermann in Zurich, which combines art in all its forms with advertising and other commercial projects. Beda Achermann Big Time The Legendary Style of Männer Vogue, 1984–1989 Essays by Karl Lagerfeld, and Angelica Blechschmidt Interview with Beda Achermann German language book with an English booklet Book design by Studio Achermann, Zurich 380 pages 10.4 x 13.8 in. / 26.3 x 35 cm 300 photographs Four colour process Softcover in a slipcase € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-445-8 94 95 Amanda Harlech Travelling in India “This album is a photographic gesture. It is in the spirit of those intrepid British travel writers like Lady Stanhope who used words and a sketchbook to record their impressions. I don’t think you can ever capture or explain India, but during my three weeks exploring a fraction of this multifarious, miraculous country I discovered a world as vivid and refined, as complicated and intensely coloured as an eighteenth-century Mughal miniature. Here was the shifting animation of life itself, the celebration of humanity and the longing of the soul for the divine in every small act of kindness. Every day is a festival, every day is a death.” Amanda Harlech Travelling in India is Amanda Harlech’s photographic record of her travels from Delhi to Mumbai. This is not documentary photography, but rather an elegant suite of confessional impressions – of people, landscapes, markets, temples, colours and textures. The book gives shape to aesthetic and emotional responses that resist definition, and suggests in Harlech’s words, “ the vibrancy and improvised genius of India, alive with prescience, disquiet, grace and yearning”. Writer and stylist Amanda Harlech was born in 1959 in London. After studying English literature at the University of Oxford, Harlech became a fashion editor at Harpers & Queen. She subsequently worked with John Galliano for twelve years and today is a consultant for Karl Lagerfeld. Amanda Harlech Travelling in India Text by Amanda Harlech Book design by Karl Lagerfeld and Gerhard Steidl 192 pages 8.3 x 5.8 in. / 20 x 14.8 cm 88 photographs Four colour process Clothbound hardcover with red hand-coloured fore edges € 32.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 40.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-393-2 96 97 Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld The Little Black Jacket Chanel’s Classic Revisited This book is Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld’s reinterpretation of Chanel’s iconic little black jacket. Lagerfeld has redesigned the jacket, transforming it into a modern, adaptable garment to be worn by both sexes of all ages. The Little Black Jacket contains Lagerfeld’s photographs of celebrities wearing the jacket with individual flair – sometimes classic, sometimes irreverent, but always Chanel – and each styled by Carine Roitfeld. A range of accomplished actors, musicians, designers, models, writers and directors gets the little black jacket treatment, including Claudia Schiffer, Uma Thurman, Kanye West, Tilda Swinton, Baptiste Giabiconi, Yoko Ono and Sarah Jessica Parker. This book shows the astounding versatility of Chanel’s vision in Lagerfeld’s hands, and ensures the little black jacket’s future as a timeless classic. Karl Lagerfeld, fashion designer, book dealer and publisher, began working as a photographer in 1987. Lagerfeld has received the Lucky Strike Design Award from the Raymond Lewy Foundation, the cultural prize from the German Photographic Society, and the ICP Trustees Award at the International Center of Photography’s Infinity Awards in 2007. His recent exhibitions include “Konkret Abstrakt Gesehen” at the Langen Foundation in Neuss, and “Metamorphoses of an American – A Cycle of Youth, 2003–8” at Pace/MacGill in New York. Steidl has published most of Lagerfeld’s books, including Casa Malaparte (1998), A Portrait of Dorian Gray (2004), Room Service (2006) and The Beauty of Violence (2010). Alexander Wang, Designer Daphne Groeneveld, Model Carine Roitfeld is a fashion writer and stylist, and was editor-in-chief of French Vogue from 2001 to 2011. Roitfeld began her career as a model before moving to French Elle as a journalist and stylist. Meeting Mario Testino then marked the beginning of an ongoing collaboration that saw the pair create groundbreaking advertising campaigns and editorial shoots. Roitfeld worked as a consultant with Tom Ford during his time at Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, and her book Irreverent was published in 2011. Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld The Little Black Jacket Chanel’s Classic Revisited Preface by Karl Lagerfeld Book design by Karl Lagerfeld, Carine Roitfeld, Eric Pfrunder and Gerhard Steidl 232 pages 11.4 x 14.6 in. / 29 x 37 cm 112 photographs Tritone Otabind softcover housed in a slipcase € 50.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 65.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-446-5 Tilda Swinton, Actress 98 Joshua Jackson, Actor 99 Yoko Ono, Artist 100 Anna Wintour, Editor-in-chief of American Vogue 101 I remember being struck, as a student at college many years ago, by the image of a lone chair on the cover of Lord Snowdon’s book Sittings. Since then, Lord Snowdon has been an inspiration for me. My wish in photographing Snowdon was to discover the man behind the myth, to document how he lives his life now, to show he is alive and kicking – and still making fantastic photographs. It’s too often the case that great photographers – Irving Penn, Helmut Newton and Richard Avedon among them – are ignored in their advancing years. People remember their early work, but few know how they choose to use their creativity in old age. I hope my book on Lord Snowdon changes that trend, and preserves his legacy. Koto Bolofo Koto “analogue” Bolofo. Photo by Claudia Van Ryssen-Bolofo 103 Koto Bolofo Lord Snowdon Lord Snowdon is Koto Bolofo’s photographic portrait of legendary British photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones, known to the world as Lord Snowdon. The infamous Snowdon has photographed many icons of the twentieth century including David Bowie, Miuccia Prada, and Gilbert and George, and through his 1960 marriage to Princess Margaret, he has become a privileged photographer to the British Royal Family. This book is Bolofo’s tribute to Snowdon’s life and work, and a document of the man behind the public persona. Snowdon and Bolofo hit it off from their first meeting (“Would you like a drink?” asked Snowdon at 11 am), and their rapport is evident in Bolofo’s portraits of Snowdon in his London home and studio. Lord Snowdon includes images of old newspaper clippings, as well as Snowdon’s archives and notebooks, making the book the most tender and comprehensive study of Snowdon to date. Koto Bolofo was born in South Africa in 1959 and raised in Great Britain. Bolofo has photographed and made short films for magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair and GQ. He has created advertising campaigns for brands including Hermès, Louis Vuitton and Dom Pérignon. Bolofo lives in the Vendée, France, and his books with Steidl include Venus (2008), I Spy with My Little Eye, Something Beginning with S (2010), Vroom! Vroom! (2010), Grand Complication (2010) and La Maison (2011). Koto Bolofo Lord Snowdon Text by Kristine Miller Guest Book design by Koto Bolofo and Gerhard Steidl 208 pages 11.4 x 14.6 in. / 29 x 37 cm 166 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover € 75.00 / £ 59.00 / US$ 99.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-329-1 104 105 Koto Bolofo Dreams Six years ago in rural France Koto Bolofo discovered a treasure trove of vintage linen sheets – some from hospitals and convents, others from the homes of peasants and aristocrats. For Bolofo, the sheets embodied the dreams and forgotten histories of those who had once slept in them, and he was inspired to transform these materials into unique handmade garments. The resulting creations were simple and sophisticated like the photos Bolofo then made of them; but the idea stopped there, and the clothes were packed away for safekeeping in a trunk. Since then Bolofo began photographing for the renowned women’s fashion and homeware brand Anthropologie, and in 2010 the company asked Bolofo if he had a personal project he might like to develop with them. The photographer immediately thought of his beloved garments and the rest is history: Anthropologie has now produced his collection on a commercial scale to be launched at New York Fashion Week in Spring 2012 and sold exclusively in their stores. Who says dreams don’t come true? Koto Bolofo was born in South Africa in 1959 and raised in Great Britain. Bolofo has photographed and made short films for magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair and GQ. He has created advertising campaigns for brands including Hermès, Louis Vuitton and Dom Pérignon. Bolofo lives in the Vendée, France, and his books with Steidl include Venus (2008), I Spy with My Little Eye, Something Beginning with S (2010), Vroom! Vroom! (2010), Grand Complication (2010) and La Maison (2011). Koto Bolofo Dreams Text by Koto Bolofo Book design by Koto Bolofo and Gerhard Steidl 144 pages 11.4 x 14.6 in. / 29 x 37 cm 166 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover € 75.00 / £ 59.00 / US$ 99.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-395-6 106 107 108 Shelly Verthime and Pascal Dangin (eds.) Alber Elbaz, Lanvin “I face a blank page each day and I have to fill it with a dream. That’s my work.” Alber Elbaz In March 2002, Alber Elbaz debuted his first collection for Lanvin, the oldest couture house in Paris. One decade later, Lanvin has become one of the most coveted houses for its uniquely modern vision and desirable designs. Alber Elbaz, Lanvin documents the journey of one collection, from the first sketch to the final runway show. With the camera acting as a secret door, Alber, for the first time, invites the viewer into his own world. These images not only unveil the continuous process of design, the behind the scenes work in progress, but also the human side of creating a collection. “Each collection is always different, but the process of creating is always the same,” says Alber. The monograph is the result of a close collaboration with Pascal Dangin, who edited and created a book that transcends Alber’s vision and sensibilities – a book that needs no words. Photographer But Sou Lai’s poetic and sensitive images mirror Alber’s work. His personal, voyeuristic approach allows the viewer to share these intimate moments. Shelly Verthime and Pascal Dangin (eds.) Alber Elbaz, Lanvin Photographs by But Sou Lai Creative direction by Pascal Dangin 704 pages 11.5 x 9.4 in. / 29.1 x 23.9 cm 300 images Handmade hardcover book, bound in silk grosgrain cloth, black foil stamping on front and spine, hand-gilded edging with engraved typography, delivered in a handmade cardboard box € 320.00 / £250.00 / US$ 450.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-447-2 112 113 A-chan Vibrant Home Vibrant Home is A-chan’s tender visual diary of the three places in which she has lived since 2000: Tokyo, Fujishiro and New York City. Wandering the streets with her camera, she captures that which we see but overlook: a grid of power lines against the sky, magnolia blossoms reaching sunwards over a wall, a self-absorbed child on the subway, rain-lacquered streets. A-chan explains: “Vibrant Home is the name of the apartment I used to live in in Tokyo. That was my first time to live alone. There is beauty, slight movement. I stop walking and just follow my intuition.” Born in 1978 and raised in Japan, A-chan began her career photographing advertisements, CD jackets and magazine editorials. She has since exhibited her photographs and held slide shows at galleries in Tokyo. In 2006 A-chan moved to New York City and in 2007 began working with Robert Frank. She has co-edited and co-designed a number of Frank’s books including Tal Uf Tal Ab (2010), Pangnirtung (2011) and the upcoming You Would. A-chan Vibrant Home Book design by A-chan 104 pages 9.3 x 11 in. / 23.5 x 28 cm 68 photographs Four colour Otabind softcover € 30.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 48.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-415-1 114 115 A-chan Off Beat “I don’t listen to music while taking photography. Because I sing. I am wondering someday I could find someone who is singing the same song as me.” A-chan Off Beat presents photographs taken in New York City in 2008 and 2009, when A-chan began working with black and white film. The images were made in the same wandering spirit as those in Vibrant Home, also to be published this season by Steidl. A-chan explored the streets of New York, allowing her compositions to reveal themselves rather than searching for pre-determined motifs. Pigeons perched on a branch, the lyrical geometry of serviettes on a table, or the play of shapes created by a bus silhouetted against traffic: such is the material of A-chan’s restless, charming vision. Born in 1978 and raised in Japan, A-chan began her career photographing advertisements, CD jackets and magazine editorials. She has since exhibited her photographs and held slide shows at galleries in Tokyo. In 2006 A-chan moved to New York City and in 2007 began working with Robert Frank. She has co-edited and co-designed a number of Frank’s books including Tal Uf Tal Ab (2010), Pangnirtung (2011) and the upcoming You Would. A-chan Off Beat Book design by A-chan 64 pages 7.5 x 9.4 in. / 19 x 24 cm 45 photographs Tritone Otabind softcover € 30.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 48.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-416-8 116 117 Christopher Morris Americans Americans is the second book in a series on America by Christopher Morris. While the first book My America (Steidl, 2006) focused on Republican nationalism, Americans takes a much broader journey across American society. With an empathetic and critical eye, Morris presents a nation in a state of perpetual loss and its people searching for an identity – stranded within two long-running wars and an economy on the verge of collapse. Christopher Morris, born in California in 1958, began his career as a documentary conflict photographer, working almost exclusively with Time magazine, where he has been on contract since 1990. Parallel to his career as a photojournalist, Morris has recently expanded into the fashion world, working for such clients as Roberto Cavalli and magazines on the collections of Louis Vuitton, Prada and MaxMara. Morris has received many awards including the Robert Capa Gold Medal, the Olivier Rebbot Award, and the Infinity Award for photojournalism from the International Center of Photography. Morris is a founding member of the photojournalist agency VII in New York. Christopher Morris Americans Book design by Christopher Morris and Gerhard Steidl 200 pages 7.9 x 9.1 in. / 20 x 23 cm 117 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover with a dust jacket € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 68.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-448-9 118 119 Orri Interiors “Useful pictures don’t start from ideas. They start from seeing.” Robert Adams Orri Jónsson was holidaying one summer in the north of Iceland with his family, when he stumbled upon an abandoned farmhouse and began taking photos of it. Fascinated with the results but disappointed by the restrictions of the 35 mm film he had used, he returned to the motif with a large-format analogue camera. Orri thus photographed the gloriously decaying interiors of deserted houses throughout Iceland for the next twelve years, and Interiors contains the best of these images from 1999 to 2010. Painterly in colour, rigorous in composition and lacking people, Orri’s photos evoke the personal histories of the inhabitants who long ago abandoned their homes. Interiors is shaped by an uncanny silence and sense of loss, most poignant in the images of objects people left behind – old buttons, newspapers and even a hot water bottle – tokens of vanished lives. Orri Jónsson was born in Reyjavík in 1970, and received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 1996. Orri’s photographs have been published in magazines including Big magazine, and he has exhibited at institutions including the Museum Folkwang in Essen and the Reykjavík Museum of Photography. Orri is also an accomplished musician and producer; his albums as half of the duet Slowblow include Quicksilver Tuna (1994) and Noi Albinoi (2004). In 2011 Orri co-wrote, directed and edited his first film Grandma Lo-Fi: The Basement Tapes of Sigríður Níelsdóttir. Orri Interiors Text by Dagur Kári Pétursson and Gunnar Þorri Pétursson Book design by Orri, Duncan Whyte and Gerhard Steidl 144 pages with a 16-page text booklet 11.7 x 12.2 in. / 29.7 x 31 cm 72 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 68.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-375-8 120 121 Lynne Cohen Nothing is Hidden “I feel as if the world can’t be like it is. It seems full of finished works of art.” Lynne Cohen Nothing is Hidden features both well-known and recent unpublished works by acclaimed Canadian photographer Lynne Cohen, beginning with images from the early 1970s. The book shows the consistency and depth with which she has mined her chosen theme of uninhabited domestic and institutional interior spaces. Depicting formally and not so formally arranged uncanny interiors, Cohen’s photographs are sometimes wryly humorous, sometimes bleak, and frequently both. Her vision is informed by a profound feeling for the mystery in the ordinary, what is on the surface but out of sight. This is the first in a series of annual publications to be published by Steidl celebrating the winner of the Scotiabank Photography Award, Canada’s largest contemporary photography award for an established Canadian artist. Scotiabank is a leader among Canadian corporations and internationally for its charitable donations and philanthropic activities. The award was established by photographer Edward Burtynsky with Jane Nokes of Scotiabank. Lynne Cohen, born in 1944 in the US and living in Canada since 1973, has been photographing public and private interiors for the past four decades. She has exhibited extensively and has held major retrospectives in Canada, France and Switzerland. Cohen’s books include Occupied Territory (1988), No Man’s Land (2001), Camouflage (2005) and Cover (2009). She has received many awards, including the inaugural Scotiabank Photography Award (2011) and the Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts (2005). Co-published with Scotiabank, Toronto Lynne Cohen Nothing is Hidden Essay by Jenny Diski Book design by Barr Gilmore 172 pages 12.4 x 10.3 in. / 31.5 x 26.2 cm 128 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover with foil embossing € 88.00 / £ 78.00 / US$ 98.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-449-6 122 123 Dirk Alvermann Algeria When he went to Algeria in the 1950s Dirk Alvermann was only 18, a rebellious West German teenager thrilled by the struggle for freedom by the Algerian people against French colonial rule. Together with a unit of the Algerian liberation army, Alvermann found a way into the Eastern Algerian war zone, determined to keep a photographic record of the events unfolding there. After returning to West Germany he set about planning the publication of his work in the most accessible form available: the book should go from hand to hand like a political manifesto. In 1950 German publishing house Rowohlt had introduced its paperback series, known by the name of rororo – an ideal format for Alvermann. Rowohlt initially agreed to publish Algerien – L’Algérie but later cancelled it when any partisanship with the Algerian resistance seemed inappropriate. The book was eventually published by the East Berlin publishing house Rutten & Loening in 1960 as a hardcover, contrary to Alvermann’s vision for the project. Steidl’s new edition of Algeria gives voice to the artist’s original intentions, adopting the rororo format and softcover finish. The photographs are accompanied by historical documents, and quotes taken from French military sources, pamphlets, newspapers and magazines. More than 50 years after its first publication, the book is as relevant as ever as it tells the story of a people rising up against oppression and despotism: against European colonialism or, like today, against homemade dictatorial regimes. Dirk Alvermann was born in Düsseldorf in 1937. Early in his career Alvermann became an influential political photographer publishing numerous books including Algerien – L’Algérie (1960) and Keine Experimente – Bilder zum Grundgesetz (1961). Throughout the 1960s he worked as a photographer for magazines including Neue Berliner Illustrierte, Quick, Das Magazin and Magnum Photos. Since the publication of his seminal book Ich Liebe Dich in 1979 Alvermann has focused on his work as a filmmaker and author. Dirk Alvermann Algeria Text by Dirk Alvermann Book design by Dirk Alvermann 224 pages 4.3 x 7.1 in. / 10.8 x 18 cm 162 photographs Tritone Softcover € 24.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 32.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-255-3 124 125 Boris Mikhailov From Japan From Japan is exactly that, Boris Mikhailov’s photographic statement from and on Japan. Best known for images of his native Ukraine, Mikhailov is concerned with ignored social realities and depicts his subjects with tragicomic compassion. By turning his attention to Japan, Mikhailov has joined other contemporary colour photographers such as Nan Goldin and Juergen Teller who have been fascinated by the country. Mikhailov’s Japan is comparable to Araki’s vision, showing sexual desire as an often repressed but underlying social factor. Volume 1 Volume 2 Boris Mikhailov was born in 1938 in Kharkov, Ukraine, and today lives and works in the Ukraine and Berlin. His work has been important in documenting the effects of the break-up of the Soviet Union on social structures and the human condition. Mikhailov has exhibited extensively, at institutions including the Kunsthalle Zurich and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In 2000 he received the Hasselblad Award. Volume 3 Volume 5 Volume 4 Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 8 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 6 Boris Mikhailov From Japan Book design by Boris Mikhailov, Bernard Fischer and Gerhard Steidl Volume 1: 24 pages / Volume 2: 48 pages / Volume 3: 48 pages / Volume 4: 32 pages Volume 5: 40 pages / Volume 6: 48 pages / Volume 7: 48 pages / Volume 8: 64 pages 8.3 x 5.9 in. / 21 x 15 cm 176 photographs Four colour process Eight magazines in a box € 78.00 / £ 65.00 / US$ 98.00 ISBN 978-3-86521-817-9 Volume 7 126 Volume 8 Box 127 Jim Dine Donkey in the Sea before Us “Donkey in the Sea before Us is a marriage of poetry and water-colour portraits of the boy/puppet, who is on his way to becoming a human” Jim Dine This book of new water-colours by Jim Dine continues his life-long obsession with the character of Pinocchio. Dine first encountered Pinocchio through Disney’s acclaimed animated film which he saw as a child in 1940, and later through Carlo Collodi’s original text. Says Dine: “I have for many years been able to live through the wooden boy. His ability to hold the metaphor in limitless ways has made my drawings, paintings and sculpture of him richer by far. His poor burned feet, his misguided judgment, his vanity about his large nose, his temporary donkey ears all add up to the real sum of his parts. In the end it is his great heart that holds me. I have carried him on my back like landscape since I was six years old.” Born in 1935 in Cincinnati, Ohio, Jim Dine is a prolific painter, draughtsman, print-maker and photographer. Initially associated with the Pop movement, Dine’s career spans over 40 years and his work is held in numerous private and public collections. His books with Steidl include Birds (2001), The Photographs, so far (2003) and Hot Dream (52 Books) (2008). Jim Dine Donkey in the Sea before Us Poem by Jim Dine Book design by Jim Dine and Jonas Wettre 56 pages 4.5 x 6.7 in. / 11.5 x 17 cm 24 images Four-colour process Hardcover with dust jacket € 18.00 / £ 12.00 / US$ 28.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-451-9 128 129 SteidlBG Brancolini Grimaldi is dedicated to showcasing innovative artists whose work loosens photography from its traditional and conventional bounds. By introducing a more conceptual context to photography, it aims to redefine the future of the medium and the way it is displayed and experienced. Brancolini Grimaldi opened a new gallery in London in April 2011, expanding on its existing galleries in Rome and Florence. It now represents a broad range of international artists who share a groundbreaking and experimental approach to photography as a means of artistic expression. Since 2006 Brancolini Grimaldi has collaborated with Steidl in publishing books, special editions and Massimo Vitali’s limited edition portfolio Landscape with Figures. Moreover, the gallery in Florence houses the main Steidl bookshop in Italy. We are excited to continue and expand our partnership with Steidl by creating books that are an invaluable introduction the artists’ work and establish a long-lasting legacy for both the artists and the gallery. We decided to launch SteidlBG by releasing two new publications this season: Peter Fraser’s A City in the Mind and Dan Holdsworth’s Blackout. Both volumes will be published in conjunction with exhibitions held in London in the Spring and Summer of 2012. Isabella Brancolini Camilla Grimaldi Isabella Brancolini and Camilla Grimaldi in their London Gallery. Photo by Charlie Bibby / Financial Times 130 131 Peter Fraser A City in the Mind Many years ago, Peter Fraser was captivated by Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities (1972). In 2006 he re-read this extraordinary novel and, struck anew by its emotional charge, began to photograph his current home London with the aim of creating an imagined “city in the mind”. Calvino’s book is a fictive exchange between the Tartar Emperor Kublai Khan and the explorer Marco Polo, whom Khan commissioned to collect news from across his massive empire in the late 1200s. Every evening Polo describes a new city from his travels more fabulous and exotic than the last, thus philosophising on the myriad creative possibilities of a “city”. (Many believe Calvino’s cities are indeed different interpretations of one and the same place – perhaps Venice.) Fraser recasts Calvino’s notion of an invisible city to create a poetic vision of London that transcends the physical, and can only be experienced in the imagination. Peter Fraser was born in Cardiff in 1953 and graduated in photography from Manchester Polytechnic University in 1976. In 1982 Fraser began working with a Plaubel Makina camera, which led to an exhibition with William Eggleston at the Arnolfini, Bristol, in 1984. Fraser’s many books include Two Blue Buckets (1988), Deep Blue (1997), and Lost for Words (2010). In 2002 the Photographers’ Gallery, London, staged a twenty-year survey of Fraser’s work, and in 2004 he was shortlisted for the Citibank Photography Prize. Exhibition: Brancolini Grimaldi, London, 25 May to 21 July 2012 Co-published with Brancolini Grimaldi, London Peter Fraser A City in the Mind Text by Brian Dillon Book design by Peter Fraser and Gerhard Steidl 80 pages 11.2 x 12.6 in. / 28.5 x 32 cm 50 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover with foil embossing € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-453-3 132 133 Dan Holdsworth Blackout Occupying a space between the documentary and the make-believe, Dan Holdsworth’s photographs transform Icelandic glaciers into a strange and futuristic landscape. In Blackout the landscape is present only as a brooding, eerie image of itself: the blue of the sky has become the deep black of space, while the earth appears in pale negative. This lunarlike terrain humbles the viewer before a foreign, awe-inspiring nature and repositions the notion of the romantic sublime. Dan Holdsworth, born in 1974 in Welwyn Garden City, England is one of the most innovative British photographers working with landscape today. Holdsworth studied photography at the London College of Printing, and has exhibited internationally including solo shows at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, and Barbican Art Gallery, London; and group shows at Tate Britain, London, and Centre Pompidou, Paris. His work is held in collections including the Saatchi Collection and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Exhibition: Brancolini Grimaldi, London, 23 March to 12 May 2012 Co-published with Brancolini Grimaldi, London Dan Holdsworth Blackout Essay by Oliver Morton Book design by Dan Holdsworth and Simon Earith 80 pages 11.3 x 13 in. / 28.6 x 33 cm 33 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-454-0 134 135 Robert Graham Early Work 1963–1973 Early Work 1963–1973 brings together rarely seen works by Robert Graham, providing an overview and reconsideration of his initial engagement with Minimalism and figurative sculpture. Modelled after images on television or in popular magazines such as Life, Graham’s early work comprises Plexiglas-encased environments populated by miniature wax figurines engaged in leisurely or pleasurable activities. The ethereal surfaces of these enclosures evoke the highly finished and meticulous objects associated with the “Finish Fetish” aesthetic, while their interior spaces suggest the geography of 1960s California as well as the modernist domestic interiors popularized by John Entenza’s Case Study House Program. Over the course of his career, Robert Graham developed an exceptionally focused artistic practice preoccupied with scale and the human figure. Since the early 1970s his works have been exhibited widely at venues including the Kunstverein, Hamburg, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Graham’s work is held in major museum collections and he received numerous public commissions, including the 1984 Olympic Gateway in Los Angeles and the Duke Ellington Memorial in Central Park, New York, in 1997. Born in Mexico City in 1938, Graham died in Santa Monica, California, in 2008. Exhibition: David Zwirner, New York, 7 November to 10 December 2011 Co-published with David Zwirner, New York Robert Graham Early Work 1963–1973 Texts by Hunter Drohojowska-Philp, Peggy Fogelman and Anjelica Huston Book design by David Chickey and Masumi Shibata 128 pages 8 x 10 in. / 20.3 x 25.4 cm 47 images Four colour process Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in image € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 68.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-985-9 136 137 Doug Wheeler Trained as a painter, American artist Douglas Wheeler’s Minimalist constructions and installations are characterized by their singular experimentation with the perception and experience of space, volume and light. Wheeler was a key figure in the “Light and Space” movement that emerged in Southern California in the 1960s. This book, along with Wheeler’s 2012 exhibition at David Zwirner, presents a continuation of the artist’s “Light Encasement” series of innovative light paintings, begun in 1965. These works consist of large squares of plastic, with neon lights embedded along the squares’ inside edges that blur the distinction between the artwork and its surrounding context. Generally hung on a wall in a pristine white room of precise proportions, these objects create an immersive environment, absorbing the viewer in the subtle construction of pure space. Like Robert Irwin and James Turrell, Wheeler explores the materiality of light and the viewer’s physical and emotional reactions to it. Exhibition: David Zwirner, New York, January to February 2012 Co-published with David Zwirner, New York Doug Wheeler Essay by Germano Celant Book design by David Chickey 128 pages 10 x 11.5 in. / 25.4 x 29.2 cm 70 images Four colour process Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in image € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-455-7 138 139 Fred Sandback Known for sculptures that outline planes and volumes in space, American artist Fred Sandback’s work is informed by a minimalist artistic vocabulary. Though Sandback employed metal wire and rod, and elastic cord in his earliest works, he soon dispensed with mass by using acrylic yarn to create sculptures that produced perceptual illusions while addressing their physical surroundings – the “pedestrian space”, as Sandback called it, of everyday life. Throughout his career, yarn enabled the artist to explore the phenomenological experience of space and volume with unwavering consistency and ingenuity. The work of Fred Sandback (1943–2003) has been exhibited internationally since the late 1960s. His first solo exhibitions were at Galerie Konrad Fischer, Düsseldorf, and Galerie Heiner Friedrich, Munich, both in 1968, while the artist was still a graduate student pursuing his MFA at the Yale School of Art and Architecture. Sandback’s work is on permanent display at Dia:Beacon, New York, was the subject of a travelling survey exhibition organized in 2005 by the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, and is held in major museum collections in Europe and the United States. Exhibition: David Zwirner, New York, Spring 2012 Co-published with David Zwirner, New York Fred Sandback Essay by James Lawrence 128 pages 10 x 12 in. / 25.4 x 30.5 cm 64 images Four colour process Hardcover € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-456-4 140 141 3 R D EDITION NOW AVAILABLE Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre The Ruins of Detroit “The state of ruin is essentially a temporary situation that happens at some point, the volatile result of a change of era and the fall of empires. Ruins are a fantastic land where one no longer knows whether reality slips into a dream or whether, on the contrary, dream makes a brutal return into the most violent of realities.” Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre Over the past generation Detroit has suffered economically worse than any other of the major American cities and its rampant urban decay is now glaringly apparent. Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre have documented this disintegration, showcasing structures that were formerly a source of civic pride, and which now stand as monuments to the city’s fall from grace. This is the third edition of this award-winning book. Born in 1981 and 1987 in the Parisian suburbs, Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre began to photograph separately in 2001. They began to work as a duo at the beginning of their project on the ruins of Detroit in 2005. Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre The Ruins of Detroit Texts by Robert Polidori and Thomas J. Sugrue Book design by Yves Marchand, Romain Meffre, Sarah Winter, Jonas Wettre and Gerhard Steidl 230 pages 15 x 11.4 in. / 38 x 29 cm 186 photographs Four-colour process Clothbound hardcover € 88.00 / £ 78.00 / US$ 125.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-042-9 142 143 Britt Salvesen (ed.) New Topographics This book is dedicated to the exhibition “New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape”, held in 1975 at the International Museum of Photography, and demonstrates both the historical significance of the show and its continued relevance in today’s culture. The exhibition brought together Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Stephen Shore and Henry Wessel. Signalling the emergence of a new approach to landscape, the exhibition effectively gave a name to a movement. Even today, the catchphrase “New Topographics” is used to characterize the work of artists not yet born when the exhibition was held. New Topographics has since come to mark a paradigm shift. The show occurred just as photography took its place within the contemporary art world. Arguably the last traditionally photographic style, New Topographics was also the first photo-conceptual style. Illustrated with selected works from the 1975 exhibition, installation views and contextual comparisons, this new edition also includes an illustrated checklist of the show and an extensive bibliography. Stephen Shore Bernd and Hilla Becher Britt Salvesen (ed.) New Topographics With essays by Britt Salvesen and Alison Nordström Book design by Michael Mack and Joby Ellis 256 pages 11.8 x 15.7 in. / 30 x 40 cm 192 photographs Four-colour process Hardcover € 65.00 / £ 54.00 / US$ 85.00 ISBN 978-3-86521-827-8 Lewis Baltz 144 145 Diane Dufour and Jean-Yves Jouannais (eds.) Topographies of War Is it possible to represent war other than by images of combat, corpses and rubble? Topographies of War features photographic and video works that ignore confrontation, injury and death, and instead document war in a disembodied way through its sites, territories and constructed spaces. This book contains topographical essays that explore war through its geography, without denying the human cost of fighting. In terms of military strategy, such iconographic choices coincide with the increased use of simulation techniques and the spread of long-range weaponry, as well as with the military’s media censorship and the virtual impossibility for photographers and video-makers to operate freely on the ground. Has the territory of war become an abstract concept, an ideological construction, a given that cannot be represented? Topographies of War tackles this question through the work of Jananne Al-Ani, Luc Delahaye, Harun Farocki, An-My Lê, Paola De Pietri, Walid Raad, Jo Ractliffe, Till Roeskens, Eyal Weizman and Donovan Wylie. Diane Dufour and Jean-Yves Jouannais (eds.) Topographies of War Text by Jean-Yves Jouannais Book design by Steidl Design 96 pages 11.4 x 8.3 in. / 29 x 21 cm 110 photographs Four colour process Hardcover € 25.00 / £ 18.00 / US$ 38.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-421-2 146 147 Inka Schube and Thomas Weski (eds.) Photography Calling! Photography Calling! presents the work of some of documentary photography’s most accomplished practitioners, including acknowledged masters of the medium William Eggleston, Diane Arbus and Robert Adams; a younger generation of international leaders such as Jeff Wall, Andreas Gursky and Thomas Demand; and emerging photographers such as Laura Bielau. Combining works from the Sprengel Museum Hannover and the collection of the Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung, the exhibition and accompanying book show photography in all its power, beauty and ambition. Photography Calling! also has a political motive: to increase the prominence of photography in German museum collections in which it is currently underrepresented. In Thomas Weski’s words, Photography Calling! risks “a precarious balancing act between, on the one hand, surprising the art world and initiating a serious discourse and, on the other, popularizing high-level contemporary artistic photography and making it accessible to a wider audience”. Rineke Dijkstra Stephen Gill Inka Schube and Thomas Weski (eds.) Photography Calling! Texts by Inka Schube and Thomas Weski Book design by Müller & Wesse, Berlin 460 pages 9.3 x 11.8 in. / 23.5 x 30 cm 450 photographs Four colour process Hardcover € 45.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 60.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-379-6 Jitka Hanzlová 148 Hans-Peter Feldmann 149 Chris Killip Arbeit / Work This book showcases Chris Killip’s photography from 1969 to 2005, and is a retrospective of a photographer who has influenced an entire generation of younger documentary photographers. Arbeit / Work presents several of Killip’s longterm projects, primarily in North England, which explore the working and living conditions of people through portraits as well as images of landscapes and architecture. This comprehensive publication includes Killip’s early portraits for the first time in book form, as well as images made in Ireland and on the Isle of Man. Man and Child at Sunday Market, Newcastle, 1975 Helen and her Hula-Hoop, Lynemouth, Nortumberland, 1984 Chris Killip was born on the Isle of Man in 1946 and since 1991 has taught as Professor of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University. His work is held in institutions including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, George Eastman House in Rochester, and the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra. Steidl has published Killip’s Pirelli Work (2006) and Seacoal (2011). Exhibition: Museum Folkwang, Essen, 4 February to 15 April 2012 Co-published with Museum Folkwang, Essen Housing and Shipyard, Wallsend, Tyneside, 1975 Terraced Housing, Wallsend, Tyneside, 1975 Supermarket Display of Baked Beans, North Shields, 1981 Mills, Huddersfield, 1974 Chris Killip Arbeit / Work Texts by David Campany and Ute Eskildsen Book design by Tim Loffing 136 pages 11.2 x 10.4 in. / 28.5 x 26.5 cm 84 photographs Tritone Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket € 48.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 68.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-457-1 Terrace House and Coal Mine, Castleford, 1976 150 Thrashing at Grenaby, 1973 151 Martin Barnes (ed.) Curtis Moffat: Silver Society Experimental Photography and Design, 1923–1935 Curtis Moffat created dynamic abstract photographs, innovative colour still-lifes and some of the most glamorous society portraits of the early twentieth century. He was also a pivotal figure in Modernist interior design. This is the first book on his work. Moffat was born in New York in 1887 and died in 1949. He studied painting there and then in Paris, and in 1916 married the English actress and poet Iris Tree, daughter of the actor Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree. While in Paris, Moffat collaborated with Man Ray, producing portraits and abstract photograms. Moving to London in the mid-1920s, Moffat opened an interior design company and avant-garde gallery in Fitzroy Square. The business sold Modernist furniture by some of the best designers of the day, as well as African sculpture. It was here, throughout the 1920s and early 1930s, in the era of the “Bright Young Things”, that Moffat produced stylish photographic portraits of leading figures in high society, stage and theatre, and the arts, including Cecil Beaton, The Sitwells, Nancy Cunard, Lady Diana Cooper, Tallulah Bankhead and Daphne Du Maurier. The enterprise closed in 1933, largely due to the Depression. Moffat and his first wife divorced in 1932 and in 1936 he married Kathleen Allan. He returned to the US in 1939 and turned his attention again to painting until his death ten years later. In 2003 and 2007 Penelope Smail, daughter of Curtis and Kathleen Moffat, generously gave his extensive archive to the Victoria and Albert Museum. This book is drawn from that archive and includes digital reconstructions of colour images from original tri-carbro process black and white negatives. It reveals Moffat’s pioneering but hitherto little-known photography in all its depth and beauty. Co-published with the Victoria and Albert Museum, London Martin Barnes (ed.) Curtis Moffat: Silver Society. Experimental Photography and Design, 1923-1935 Essays by Mark Haworth-Booth and James Stevenson Book design by Steidl Design 240 pages 9.1 x 12.6 in. / 23 x 32 cm 140 illustrations and photographs Four colour process Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket € 45.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 60.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-461-8 152 153 BACKLIST BACKLIST Abbott, Berenice Berenice Abbott Two clothbound books housed in a slipcase, 32 x 34 cm Vol. 1: 264 pp, 118 tritone plates Vol. 2: 316 pp, 151 tritone plates € 100.00 / £ 70.00 / US$ 145.00 978-3-86521-592-5 Adams, Robert Gone? Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 25.4 x 25.4 cm, 128 pp 118 tritone photographs € 49.50 / £ 44.00 / US$ 69.95 978-3-86521-917-6 Adams, Robert Tree line Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 25.6 x 27.6 cm, 128 pp Tritone € 35.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-956-5 Ai Weiwei Interlacing Otabind softcover with dust jacket 17 x 23.5 cm, 496 pp Four colour process € 39.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-337-6 Bailey, David Pictures that Mark Can Do Clothbound hardcover 26 x 33 cm, 176 pp 164 colour plates € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-367-9 Bailey, David 8 Minutes Clothbound hardcover 26 x 33 cm, 264 pp Four colour process € 44.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 68.00 978-3-86521-864-3 Bailey, David Flowers, Skulls, Contacts Leatherbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo 26 x 33 cm, 300 pp € 56.00 / £ 49.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86930-128-0 Bailey, David Eye Clothbound hardcover 26 x 33 cm, 188 pp 3 colour plates, 89 tritone plates € 48.00 / £ 44.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-708-0 Al Thani, Khalid Here is My Secret Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo 29 x 24 cm, 160 pp 80 photographs, tritone 978-3-86521-922-0 Alÿs, Francis Sign Painting Project Hardcover 26.5 x 14 cm, 220 pp 300 photographs € 45.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 64.00 978-3-86521-290-0 Babeth Clothbound hardcover in a slipcase 28.4 x 36.3 cm, 416 pp 200 colour plates € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-482-9 Bacon, Francis Francis Bacon – New Studies. Centenary Essays Hardcover with dust jacket 19.5 x 25.5 cm, 272 pp 260 colour plates € 39.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86521-946-6 Baldessari, John Miracle Chips Softcover 20.3 x 24.7 cm, 80 pp Four colour process € 28.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 34.00 978-3-86521-677-9 Balet, Catherine Strangers in the Light Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 29.5 x 29.5 cm, 144 pp 75 photographs, four colour process € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-263-8 Baltz, Lewis Works Nine clothbound hardcovers housed in a slipcase 27.9 x 26.8 cm Quadrotone and four colour process € 700.00 / £ 600.00 / US$ 1000.00 978-3-86930-114-3 Baltz, Lewis The Prototype Works Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 27.9 x 26.8 cm, 188 pp 85 photographs, tritone € 58.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 72.00 978-3-86930-250-8 Bailey, David Bailey’s Democracy Clothbound hardcover 26 x 33 cm, 160 pp 47 tritone plates € 44.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-192-7 Bailey, David Havana Leatherbound hardcover 26 x 33 cm, 176 pp Four colour process € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-270-2 Bailey, David Is That So Kid Hardcover 26 x 33 cm , 72 pp 51 tritone plates € 40.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-632-8 Bailey, David NY JS DB 62 Hardcover 26 x 33 cm, 72 pp 3 colour and 24 tritone plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-414-0 Baltz, Lewis Candlestick Point Clothbound hardcover 32.2 x 24.5 cm, 128 pp 50 photographs, 72 tritone and 12 colour plates € 58.00 / £ 48,.00 / US$ 72.00 978-3-86930-109-9 Banier, François-Marie Perdre la tête Hardcover 18 x 24.7 cm, 256 pp 160 tritone plates € 26.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-234-4 Banier, François-Marie Beckett Hardcover 14.5 x 18 cm, 88 pp Four colour process € 18.00 / £ 15.00 / US$ 25.00 978-3-86521-983-1 Banier, François-Marie I Missed You Hardcover 18 x 24.5 cm, 328 pp Tritone € 45.00 / £ 39.50 / US$ 60.00 978-3-86521-823-0 154 155 BACKLIST BACKLIST Banier, François-Marie Grandes Chaleurs Clothbound hardcover 24 x 30 cm, 144 pp 109 tritone plates € 45.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 59.90 978-3-86521-822-3 Banier, François-Marie Boite de dessins Autocar Volume 1 Clothbound hardcover 36 x 26 cm, 96 pp € 75.00 / £ 65.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86930-066-5 Banier, François-Marie Brioche Lait Pot Poire Autocar Volume 2 Clothbound hardcover 30 x 40 cm, 48 pp € 46.00 / £ 76.00 / US$ 110.00 978-3-86930-067-2 Banier, François-Marie To have fun at home Autocar Volume 3 Clothbound hardcover 7.5 x 14 cm, 48 pp € 24.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 32.00 978-3-86930-068-9 Barnett, Mariani (eds.) Hiroshima Ground Zero 1945 Otabind softcover 25.4 x 30.9 cm, 248 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 68.00 978-3-86930-334-5 Barney, Tina Players Hardcover with dust jacket 30.5 x 22.9 cm, 96 pp 66 photographs, four colour process € 35.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-995-4 Bartos, Adam Boulevard Hardcover 29.4 x 24.5 cm, 120 pp 59 colour plates € 48.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-159-0 Joseph Beuys, Klaus Staeck Honey is flowing in all directions Clothbound 21 x 29.6 cm, 104 pp 93 duotone plates € 24.50 / £ 17.50 / US$ 29.95 978-3-88243-538-2 Banier, François-Marie On n’est jamais tranquile Autocar Volume 4 Clothbound hardcover 33 x 19 cm, 64 pp € 58.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 68.00 978-3-86930-073-3 Banier, François-Marie I am Fascinated Autocar Volume 5 Leporello fold with a cardboard cover 15.5 x 29.3 cm, 24 pp € 48.00 / £ 58.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-074-3 Banier, François-Marie Etoiles Autocar Volume 6 Clothbound hardcover 32 x 37.5 cm, 92 pp Four colour process € 98.00 / £ 80.00 / US$ 125.00 978-3-86930-159-4 Banier, François-Marie Poaime Autocar Volume 7 Clothbound hardcover 35 x 29.5 cm, 80 pp Four colour process € 98.00 / £ 80.00 / US$ 125.00 978-3-86930-160-0 Blaufuks, Daniel Terezín Hardcover with dust jacket 20.5 x 25.5 cm, 192 pp 126 photographs, four colour process € 42.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-699-1 Bolofo, Koto Venus Williams Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 29.7 x 34 cm, 100 pp 90 colour and b/w plates € 42.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 60.00 978-3-86521-602-1 Bolofo, Koto Vroom! Vroom! Hardcover 29 x 37 cm, 96 pages 84 colour plates € 58.00 / £ 52.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-961-9 Bolofo, Koto Große Komplikation / Grand Complication Three clothbound hardcovers housed in a slipcase 29 x 37 cm, 274 pp € 98 / £ 80.00 / US$ 118.00 978-3-86930-055-9 Banier, François-Marie Follow me Autocar Volume 8 17.5 x 25 cm, 60 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-161-7 Banier, François-Marie A 2 Doigts Autocar Volume 9 25.5 x 32 cm, 32 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-162-4 Banier, François-Marie Optimisme Autocar Volume 10 10 x 14.5 cm, 196 pp Four colour process € 38.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86930-163-1 Banier, François-Marie Pense à moi Autocar Volume 11 34 x 31.5 cm, 48 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-164-8 Bolofo, Koto La Maison 11 hardcover books, bound in craft paper with tipped-in photos, housed in a slipcase 18 x 23.2 cm, 864 pp € 175.00 / £ 149.00 / US$ 238.00 978-3-86521-912-1 Bolofo, Koto Horse Power Clothbound hardcover 29 x 37 cm, 144 pp 197 photographs, four colour process € 68.00 / £ 60.00 / US$ 98.00 978-3-86930-129-7 Bourdin, Guy In Between Hardcover 29.4 x 24.5 cm, 272 pp 300 photographs, four colour process and tritone € 56.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86930-033-7 Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Henri CartierBresson, Walker Evans Documentary and Anti-Graphic Photographs Hardcover, 20 x 24 cm 192 pages, 89 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-072-2 156 157 BACKLIST BACKLIST Brohm, Joachim Ohio Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 29.5 x 25 cm 120 pp, 40 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 36.00 / US$ 59.95 978-3-86521-698-4 Brohm, Joachim Areal Clothbound hardcover 20.4 x 26.6 cm, 264 pp 206 colour plates € 35.00 / £ 22.50 / US$ 35.00 978-3-88243-878-9 Brohm, Joachim Ruhr Clothbound hardcover 29 x 32 cm, 160 pp 50 colour plates € 50.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-389-1 Brynner, Victoria (ed.) YUL Yul Brynner: A Photographic Journey Four softcover books in a slipcase 21.6 x 28.2 cm, 800 pp € 98.00 / £ 88.00 / US$ 150.00 978-3-86930-131-0 Carter, William Causes and Spirits Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 24 x 28 cm 289 pp, tritone € 50.00 / £ 52.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86930-123-5 Christenberry, William Working from Memory Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 23 x 25 cm 112 pp, 50 colour plates € 35.00 / £ 22.50 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-593-2 Clarke, Brian WORK Seven clothbound hardcover books housed in a slipcase 25.4 x 36.5 cm € 180.00 / £ 150.00 / US$ 249.90 978-3-86521-633-5 Chuck Close Scribble Book: Self Portrait Two accordion-fold books and a saddle-stiched booklet in a clamshell box 25.4 x 36.5 cm. Books: 2 x 9 pp, booklet: 8 pp, 9-colour printing € 75.00 / £ 64.00 / US$ 99.90 978-3-86521-492-8 Burtynsky, Edward China Clothbound hardcover 38.1 x 30.5 cm, 180 pp 80 colour plates € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-130-9 Burtynsky, Edward Oil Clothbound hardcover 37.5 x 29.5 cm, 140 pp 100 colour plates € 98.00 / £ 85.00 / US$ 128.00 978-3-86521-943-5 Burtynsky, Edward Quarries Clothbound hardcover 38.1 x 30.4 cm, 176 pp 80 colour plates € 68.00 / £ 60.00 / US$ 88.00 978-3-86521-456-0 Callahan, Harry Eleanor Hardcover 26 x 31 cm, 160 pp 121 tritone and 3 colour plates € 50.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-88243-464-5 Cohen, John Past Present Peru Two clothbound hardcover books, 3 music CDs with a text booklet and 5 film DVDs, housed in a slipcase 27.5 x 28 cm, 284 pp € 125.00 / £ 110.00 / US$ 175.00 978-3-86930-103-7 Cole, Ernest The Photographer Hardcover 27 x 29 cm, 256 pp € 45.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 56.00 978-3-86930-137-2 Collins, Michael Record Pictures: Photographs from the Archive Clothbound hardcover 30 x 25.5 cm, 218 pp 60 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-031-9 Colom, Joan RAVAL Hardcover 20 x 24 cm,156 pp 85 duotone plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-324-2 Callahan, Harry Nature Hardcover 19.5 x 22.5 cm, 32 pp 13 tritone plates € 20.00 / £ 13.00 / US$ 25.00 978-3-88243-437-9 Callahan, Harry Seven Collages Clothbound hardcover 28 x 32.4 cm, 32 pp 7 tritone plates € 40.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86930-140-2 Calle, Sophie True Stories The Hasselblad Award in Photography 2010 25.6 x 27.6 cm, pp 128 € 45.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-156-3 Carroll, Mary Ellen Mary Ellen Carroll Softcover housed in a slipcase 17.5 x 24.5 cm, 360 pp 400 colour and b/w illustrations € 35.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-618-2 Cowin, Daniel Modernist Photography: The Daniel Cowin Collection at ICP Hardcover 22.3 x 25.4 cm, 112 pp 70 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 60.00 978-3-86521-158-3 D'Agati, Mauro Alamar Clothbound hardcover 29.5 x 25 cm, 156 pp 87 colour plates € 45.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 59.95 978-3-86521-954-1 D'Agati, Mauro Napule Shot Hardcover 29.5 x 20.2 cm, 408 pp 286 colour plates € 56.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 80.00 978-3-86521-955-8 D'Agati, Mauro Palermo Unsung Hardcover 22 x 30 cm, 104 pp 55 tritone plates € 45.00 / £ 39.50 / US$ 60.00 978-3-86521-918-3 158 159 BACKLIST BACKLIST Davidson, Bruce England / Scotland, 1960 Clothbound hardcover 23.5 x 27 cm, 192 pp 120 tritone plates € 32.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-127-9 Davidson, Bruce Subway Hardcover with dust jacket 29.5 x 29 cm, 140 pp 117 photographs, four colour process € 58.00 / £ 52.00 / Distributed in the USA by Aperture 978-3-86930-294-2 Davidson, Bruce Outside Inside Three clothbound hardcover books housed in a slipcase 23 x 30 cm, 944 pp Tritone € 185.00 / £ 158.00 / US$ 195.00 978-3-86521-908-4 Dean, Tacita Darmstädter Werkblock Softcover, signed and numbered by the artist 6 x 15.3 cm, 80 pp 80 colour plates € 85.00 / £ 70.00 / US$ 100.00 978-3-86521-703-5 Dewitz, Bodo von (ed.) La Bohème Clothbound hardcover 25 x 28 cm, 320 pp € 54.00 / £ 52.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86930-139-6 Dine, Jim Birds Clothbound hardcover 29.5 x 31.5 cm, 88 pp 36 tritone plates € 49.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-88243-240-4 Dine, Jim Entrada Drive Clothbound hardcover 29.5 x 31.5 cm, 48 pp 44 tritone plates € 50.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 70.00 978-3-86521-080-7 Dine, Jim The Photographs, So Far (vols. 1-4) Four books housed in a slipcase, 21.3 x 28.5 cm 1046 pp, 548 plates € 150.00 / £ 100.00 / US$ 150.00 978-3-88243-905-2 Dean, Tacita Seven Books Grey Seven softcover books in a slipcase 19.2 x 26 cm, 488 pp Four colour process € 78.00 / £ 65.00 / US$ 98.00 978-3-86930-299-7 De Keyser, Raoul Terminus Drawings and Recent Paintings Hardcover 23.6 x 29.8 cm, 144 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86930-054-2 Delehaye, Luc 2006 – 2010 Otabind softcover 21 x 26 cm, 80 pp 13 photographs, 8 details Four colour process € 24.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-86930-228-7 Demarchelier, Patrick Patrick Demarchelier Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 27 x 31 cm 408 pp, 410 colour and b/w plates € 68.00 / £ 48.50 / US$ 99.00 978-3-86521-736-3 Dine, Jim Jim Dine Softcover 14.8 x 21 cm, 64 pp Four colour process € 14.00 / £ 11.00 / US$ 19.95 978-3-86930-038-2 Dine, Jim Hot Dream (52 books) 52 hardcover books housed in a cardboard box, 17 x 23.5 cm b/w, tritone and four colour process € 380.00 / £ 327.00 / US$ 480.00 978-3-86521-693-9 Dine, Jim This Goofy Life of Constant Mourning Clothbound flexible hardcover 21.5 x 25 cm, 296 pp 181 colour plates € 70.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 80.00 978-3-88243-967-0 Dine, Jim Night Fields, Day Fields – Sculpture Softcover 23 x 28 cm, 144 pp 75 photographs, four colour process € 35.00 / £ 29.00 / US$ 42.00 978-3-86930-204-1 Depardon, Raymond Hear Them Speak Hardcover 15.9 x 21 cm, 168 pp 94 colour plates € 32.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-837-7 Depardon, Raymond Villes / Cities / Städte Hardcover 30 x 42 cm, 130 pp Four colour process € 38.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-292-4 Depardon, Raymond Manhattan Out Clothbound hardcover 29.5 x 20.5 cm, 120 pp 97 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 49.50 978-3-86521-704-2 Derges, Susan Elemental Hardcover 25 x 35 cm, pp 240 € 54.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86930-150-1 Dine, Jim This Is How I Remember Now Hardcover 21 x 24.5 cm, 350 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 33.00 / US$ 70.00 978-3-86521-603-8 Dine, Jim L’Odyssée de Jim Dine Clothbound hardcover 29.7 x 31.3 cm, 192 pp Four colour process € 60.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-370-9 Diserens, Corinne (ed.) Contemporary African Photography from the Walther Collection Appropriated Landscapes Hardcover, 24 x 32 cm, 448 pp Four colour process € 78.00 / £ 72.00 / US$ 98.00 978-3-86930-387-1 Disfarmer, Mike Original Disfarmer Photographs Hardcover 20 x 25 cm, 240 pp 209 colour and 4 b/w plates € 35.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-189-7 160 161 BACKLIST BACKLIST Doisneau, Robert From Craft to Art Hardcover 17 cm x 24 cm, 160 pp Tritone € 38.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86930-025-2 Dom Pérignon I am Drinking Stars! History of a Champagne Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 14 x 20.5 cm, 140 pp € 28.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 34.00 978-3-86521-750-9 d'Orgeval, Martin Pâques Softcover 18.5 x 23.5 cm, 120 pp 66 tritone plates € 20.00 / £ 14.50 / US$ 28.00 978-3-86521-262-7 D’Orgeval, Martin The Soul Clothbound hardcover 42 x 34.3 cm, 80 pp Four colour process € 65.00 / £ 57.00 / US$ 88.00 978-3 -86930-072-6 Enwezor, Okwui (ed.) Archive Fever: Uses of the Document in Contemporary Photography Softcover 22.8 x 27.9 cm, 224 pp 185 plates € 30.00 / £ 22.50 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-622-9 Enwezor, Okwui (ed.) Snap Judgments: New Positions in Contemporary African Photography Clothbound hardcover 24 x 32 cm, 300 pp 250 colour plates € 55.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-224-5 Enwezor, Okwui (ed.) Events of the Self: Contemporary African Photographs from The Walther Collection Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 24 x 32 cm, 352 pp € 65.00 / £ 58.00 / US$ 88.00 978-3-86930-157-0 Epstein, Mitch Berlin Clothbound hardcover in a slipcase 24.5 x 29.5 cm, 72 pp Four colour process € 45.00 / £ 36.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86930-224-9 Earhart, Amelia Image and Icon Hardcover 22.8 x 28 cm, 160 pp 120 tritone plates € 25.00 / £ 17.50 / US$ 28.00 978-3-86521-407-2 Edström, Anders waiting some birds a bus a woman / spidernets places a crew Clothbound hardcover 26.8 x 21 cm, 128 pp 80 colour plates € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-032-6 Eggleston, William Paris Clothbound hardcover 22 x 28 cm, 184 pp 70 colour photographs and 50 drawings € 39.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-915-2 Eggleston, William Before Color Hardcover 22.5 x 25.5 cm, 200 pp Quadrotone € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-122-8 Epstein, Mitch Recreation: American Photographs 1973–1988 Clothbound hardcover 28 x 42 cm, 144 pp 66 colour plates € 60.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-084-5 Epstein, Mitch Work Hardcover 22.9 x 26.6 cm, 276 pp 226 duotone and 138 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-281-8 Epstein, Mitch American Power Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 29.5 x 26.5 cm 144 pp, 64 colour plates € 58.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 72.00 978-3-86521-924-4 Eskildsen, Ute Photography Collection Museum Folkwang Hardcover 22.5 x 28 cm, 312 pp 345 colour and b/w plates € 34.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86930-071-9 Elkoury, Fouad Be ... Longing Hardcover 18 x 24 cm, 160 pp Four colour process and tritone € 28.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86930-345-1 Eneroth, Joakim Swedish Red Clothbound hardcover 17 x 25.6 cm, 48 pp 32 colour plates € 38.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-613-7 Engström, JH CDG / JHE Hardcover 29.7 x 23 cm, 112 pp 66 colour plates € 38.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86521-538-3 Engström, JH Haunts Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 24.2 x 30.5 cm, 216 pp 127 colour and duotone plates € 50.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-297-9 Eskildsen, Joakim / Rinne, Cia The Roma Journeys Hardcover with a CD of field recordings and music recorded on the journeys, 23.3 x 26.6 cm 369 pp, 329 colour plates € 60.00 / £ 52.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86521-371-6 Evans, Walker Lyric Documentary Clothbound hardcover 23.7 x 24.4 cm, 260 pp 200 tritone plates € 48.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 60.00 978-3-86521-022-7 Fäldt, Tobias Year One Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 18.5 x 25 cm, 128 pp 120 colour plates € 38.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 ISBN 978-3-86521-537-6 Flick, Robbert Trajectories Clothbound hardcover 29.6 x 30 cm, 304 pp 225 colour plates € 70.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-018-0 162 163 BACKLIST BACKLIST Foster, Heiting, Stuhlman Imagining Paradise Hardcover 30.4 x 35.5 cm, 264 pp Four colour process € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-462-1 Forsslund, Maja AKT Clothbound hardcover 29.5 x 23.6 cm, 80 pp 40 tritone plates € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-410-2 Franck, Martine Women / Femmes Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo 20.5 x 22.5, 152 pp € 35.00 / £ 31.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86930-149-5 Frank, Robert The Americans Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 20.9 x 18.4 cm 180 pp, 83 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 39.95 978-3-86521-584-0 Frank, Robert The Complete Film Works Vol. 2: OK End Here, Conversations, Liferaft Earth Three DVDs in a film-roll box € 78.00 / £ 75.00 / US$ 140.00 978-3-86521-525-3 Frank, Robert The Complete Film Works Vol. 3: Keep Busy, About me: A Musical, S-8 Stones Three DVDs in a film-roll box € 78.00 / £ 75.00 / US$ 140.00 978-3-86521-591-8 Frank, Robert London/Wales Hardcover 20 x 24.5 cm, 128 pp 70 tritone plates € 47.50 / £ 30.00 / US$ 74.50 978-3-86521-362-4 Frank, Robert Me and My Brother Softcover with DVD 25 x 32.5 cm, 56 pp 100 tritone plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-363-1 Frank, Robert Looking In: Robert Frank’s The Americans – Expanded Edition Hardcover, 24 x 29.2 cm, 528 pp 108 colour, 168 tritone, 210 duotone plates € 69.00 / £ 49.90 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-806-3 Frank, Robert Henry Frank, Father Photographer Clothbound hardcover 14 x 16.5 cm, 88 pp Tritone € 24.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 28.00 978-3-86521-814-8 Frank, Robert Portfolio Brochure in printed envelope 20.5 x 27.3 cm, 48 pp 40 tritone plates € 18.00 / £ 12.00 / US$ 20.00 978-3-86521-813-1 Frank, Robert Tal Uf Tal Ab Otabind softcover housed in a slipcase 20.5 x 25 cm, 40 pp Tritone € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 28.00 978-3-86930-101-3 Frank, Robert New York to Nova Scotia Hardcover 22.7 x 30.4 cm, 112 pp 27 duotone and 4 colour plates € 25.00 / £ 17.50 / US$ 30.00 978-3-86521-013-5 Frank, Robert Zero Mostel reads a book Hardcover 14.4 x 21.5 cm, 40 pp 36 tritone plates € 17.50 / £ 14.00 / US$ 27.50 978-3-86521-586-4 Frank, Robert Frank Films – The Film and Video Work of Robert Frank Softcover 17 x 24 cm, 304 pp B/w photographs throughout € 32.00 / £ 27.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-815-5 Frank, Robert Paris Hardcover with dust jacket 18.5 x 22 cm 108 pp, 69 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-524-6 Frank, Robert Black White and Things Softcover 20 x 20.7 cm, 80 pp 37 tritone plates € 22.00 / £ 18.00 / US$ 29.95 978-3-86521-808-7 Frank, Robert One Hour Clothbound hardcover 10.5 x 15 cm, 96 pp 14 tritone plates € 18.00 / £ 12.50 / US$ 20.00 978-3-86521-364-8 Frank, Robert Come Again Sewn softcover 21.5 x 28 cm, 48 pp Colour matt inks with polaroid varnish € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-261-0 Frank, Robert The Complete Film Works Vol. 1: Pull My Daisy, The Sin of Jesus, Me and My Brother Three DVDs in a film-roll box € 78.00 / £ 75.00 / US$ 140.00 978-3-86521-365-5 Frank, Robert Pull My Daisy Hardcover 13.7 x 20.2 cm, 64 pp 53 tritone plates € 17.50 / £ 14.00 / US$ 27.50 978-3-86521-673-1 Frank, Robert Seven Stories Seven stapled softback albums housed in a slipcase 14 x 10 cm, 124 pp 93 colour plates, four colour process € 25.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-789-9 Frank, Robert Pangnirtung Clothbound hardcover 23 x 30.5 cm, 40 pp 27 photographs, quadrotone € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 32.00 978-3-86930-198-3 Frank, Robert Storylines Softcover 24.5 x 28 cm, 240 pp 225 duotone and 25 colour photos € 35.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-041-8 164 165 BACKLIST BACKLIST Frydman, Julien and Pontbriand, Chantal (eds.) Mutations (Paris Photo 2011) Hardcover 21 x 29.7 cm, 200 pp Four colour process € 28.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86930-356-7 Garb, Tamar (ed.) Figures and Fiction Contemporary South African Photographs Hardcover 24 x 32 cm, 256 pp, 280 images € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-266-9 Garner, Philippe / Mellor, David Alan Antonioni’s Blow-Up Hardcover 24.5 x 28.6 cm, 144 pp 113 photographs, four colour process € 38.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 49.00 978-3-86930-023-8 Gearon, Tierney Daddy, where are you? Clothbound hardcover 32.5 x 26.8 cm 156 pp, 73 colour plates € 75.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 80.00 978-3-86521-309-9 Grass, Günter Günter Grass Catalogue Raisonné 2 - The Lithographs Hardcover with dust jacket 24 x 31 cm, 742 pp 356 illustrations € 98.00 / £ 70.00 / US$ 125.00 978-3-86521-566-6 Gray, Colin In Sickness and in Health Clothbound hardcover 16 x 20 cm, 96 pp 63 photographs, four colour process € 28.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 39.00 978-3-86521-940-4 Haas, Ernst Color Correction Ewing, William A. (ed.) Hardcover with dust jacket 25 x 25 cm, 200 pp 163 photographs € 48.00 / £ 43.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-136-5 Gundlach, F.C. The Photographic Work Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 24 x 30 cm, 304 pp 400 photographs, four colour process € 65.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 88.00 978-3-86521-594-9 Goldberg, Jim Open See Four volumes in a printed sleeve 16.5 x 26.1 cm, 200 pp Tritone and four colour process € 40.00 / £ 36.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-826-1 Gonzalez-Torres, Felix Felix Gonzalez-Torres Clothbound hardcover 21.2 x 27.3 cm, 320 pp Four colour process € 70.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-196-5 Gossage, John The Thirty-Two Inch Ruler / Map of Babylon Clothbound with dust jacket 23.5 x 28.6 cm, 80 pp 180 colour plates € 45.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 68.00 978-3-86521-710-3 Gowin, Emmet Photographs Clothbound hardcover 24 x 26 cm, 102 pp Tritone € 40.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 60.00 978-3-86521-863-6 Hajek-Halke, Heinz Artist, Anarchist Clothbound hardcover 26 x 33 cm, 224 pp 108 tritone plates € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 80.00 978-3-86521-134-7 Hara, Cristóbal Autobiography Hardcover 18 x 24 cm, 96 pp 69 colour plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-472-0 Hara, Cristóbal An Imaginary Spaniard Clothbound hardcover 18 x 24 cm, 96 pp 63 colour plates € 25.00 / £ 17.50 / US$ 30.00 978-3-88243-901-4 Evelyn Hofer Breidenbach, Susanne (ed.) Clothbound hardcover 24 x 29 cm, 312 pp 76 tritone and 70 colour plates € 65.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 80.00 978-3-86521-057-9 Graham, Paul Paul Graham Hardcover 22.5 x 28 cm, 376 pp 250 colour plates € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 64.00 978-3-86521-858-2 Graham, Paul a shimmer of possibility Softcover 24.2 x 31.8 cm, 376 pp 176 colour plates € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 64.00 978-3-86521-862-9 Grant, Alexandra / Reeves, Keanu Ode to Happiness Singer stitched brochure, printed in quadrotone on Somerset book paper, housed in a clothbound slipcase 20 x 32.5 cm, 40 pp € 38.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 55.00 978-86930-209-6 Grass, Günter Günter Grass Catalogue Raisonné 1 - The Etchings Hardcover with dust jacket 24 x 31 cm, 608 pp 303 illustrations € 98.00 / £ 70.00 / US$ 125.00 978-3-86521-565-9 Hoogland Ivanow, Martina Far Too Close Clothbound hardcover 29.7 x 25 cm, 80 pp 40 photographs, four colour process € 34.00 / £ 29.00 / US$ 46.00 978-3-86521-735-6 Horn, Roni Another Water Otabind softcover 19.7 x 30 cm, 112 pp Four colour process € 38.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-318-5 Horn, Roni Haraldsdóttir, part two Clothbound hardcover with foil embossing, 20.8 x 26 cm, 144 pp Four colour process and tritone € 88.00 / £ 75.00 / US$ 98.00 978-3-86930-317-8 Horn, Roni Haraldsdóttir, part two Special edition in slipcase Clothbound hardcover with foil embossing, 20.8 x 26 cm, 144 pp Four colour process and tritone € 380.00 / £ 330.00 / US$ 540.00 978-3-86930-429-8 166 167 BACKLIST BACKLIST Horn, Roni If on a Winter’s Night... Softcover 17.2 x 22.9 cm, 128 pp 62 colour plates € 20.00 / £ 14.50 / US$ 20.00 978-3-88243-911-3 Horn, Roni Doubt Box (Book IX of To Place) Boxed set, 20.3 x 25.4 cm 28 two-faced cards 56 colour plates € 85.00 / £ 55.00 / US$ 100.00 978-3-86521-276-4 Horn, Roni Cabinet of Hardcover 30.5 x 35.6 cm 76 pp, 36 colour plates € 65.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-88243-864-2 Horn, Roni Her, Her, Her, & Her Softcover 24 x 24 cm 128 pp, 120 duotone plates € 35.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-035-7 Horn, Roni Roni Horn aka Roni Horn Two volumes housed in a paper slipcase 19 x 24 cm, 430 pp 375 colour plates € 50.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 70.00 978-3-86521-831-5 Iturbide, Graciela asor Clothbound hardcover 21 cm x 21 cm, 200 pp 115 tritone plates € 45.00 / £ 39.00 / US$ 49.90 978-3-86521-681-6 Iturbide, Graciela The Hasselblad Award 2008 Clothbound hardcover 25 x 27 cm, 144 pp Tritone € 35.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-733-2 Jacob, John P. (ed.) Kodak Girl Hardcover 21.7 x 26 cm, 336 pp Four colour process € 58.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86930-324-6 Horn, Roni Index Cixous Softcover 14 x 20.5 cm, 116 pp 65 tritone and 15 colour plates € 22.50 / £ 15.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-86521-135-4 Horn, Roni Rings of Lispector (Agua Viva) Two softcover books in a slipcase 28.6 x 22.4 cm, 144 pp 47 colour plates € 28.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-149-1 Horn, Roni This is Me, This is You Hardcover 18.5 x 23 cm, 192 pp 96 colour plates € 28.00 / £ 18.00 / US$ 25.00 978-3-88243-798-0 Horn, Roni A Kind of you Softcover 20.9 x 22.8 cm, 96 pp Colour and b/w plates € 20.00 / £ 15.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-86521-583-3 Jasper, Texas The Community Photographs of Alonzo Jordan Hardcover 29.5 x 23 cm, 160 pp 137 tritone and 3 colour plates € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-151-8 Jeppesen, Adam Wake Hardcover 16 x 20.3 cm, 48 pp 27 colour plates € 32.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86521-645-8 Johansson, Gerry Deutschland Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in image 17 x 24 cm, 448 pp 222 tritone plates € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-534-5 Johns, Jasper Catenary Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 25 x 30 cm, 128 pp 51 colour plates, 30 illustrations € 48.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86521-162-0 Horn, Roni bird Clothbound hardcover 28.4 x 30.5 cm, 36 pp 20 colour plates € 35.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521669-4 Horn, Roni Her∂ubrei∂ at Home Softcover 15.2 x 21.6 cm, 128 pp 60 colour plates € 20.00 / £ 13.00 / US$ 25.00 978-3-86521-457-7 Horn, Roni VATNASAFN / LIBRARY OF WATER Hardcover with dust jacket 23 x 17 cm 176 pp, 87 colour plates € 35.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-942-8 Horn, Roni AKA Clothbound hardcover 28.4 x 30.5 cm, 36 pp 20 photographs, four colour process € 35.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86930-133-4 Judd, Donald Donald Judd Hardcover 25.4 x 29.2 cm, 128 pp Six colour process € 48.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-390-1 Karel, Betsy Bombay Jadoo Clothbound hardcover 24 x 22.5 cm, 91 pp 53 tritone plates € 32.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-86521-376-1 Kirkland, Douglas / Lagerfeld, Karl Mademoiselle – Coco Chanel / Summer 62 Clothbound hardcover 26 x 21.5 cm, 104 pp Tritone € 35.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-865-0 Kasher, Steven / Michaelson, Mark Least Wanted: A Century of American Mugshots Hardcover 22 x 28 cm, 288 pp 330 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-291-7 168 169 BACKLIST BACKLIST Keita, Seydou Photographs, Bamako, Mali, 1948–1963 Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo, 27.5 x 35.5 cm 412 pp, 400 tritone plates € 98.00 / £ 86.00 / US$ 148.00 978-3-86930-301-7 Killip, Chris Pirelli Work Clothbound hardcover 35 x 28 cm, 128 pp 50 tritone plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-317-0 Killip, Chris Seacoal Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 27 x 23 cm, 112 pp 116 tritone plates € 38.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 48.00 ISBN 978-3-86930-256-0 Koudelka, Joseph Roma Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 32 x 24 cm, 224 pp 109 quadrotone plates € 48.00 978-3-86930-388-8 Lagerfeld, Karl Work in Progress Softcover 20 x 25 cm, 192 pp 120 colour photographs € 20.00 / £ 17.00 / US$ 25.00 978-3-86930-261-4 Lassnig, Maria The Pen is the Sister of the Brush Diaries 1943-1997 Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 17.8 x 23.4 cm 208 pp, 80 b/w plates € 30.00 / £ 27.00 / US$ 44.00 978-3-86521-739-4 Lauffs, Helga and Walther (eds.) The Helga and Walther Lauffs Collection Two hardcover books housed in a slipcase, 28 x 31.8 cm 508 pp, four colour process € 120.00 / £ 120.00 / US$ 175.00 978-3-86521-850-6 Leaf, June Record 1974/75 Clothbound hardcover 18.3 x 30 cm, 188 pp Four colour process € 40.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 59.95 978-3-86930-045-0 Kuhn, Mona Bordeaux Clothbound hardcover 29.2 x 31 cm, 102 pp Four colour process € 58.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86930-308-6 Kuhn, Mona Evidence Clothbound hardcover 29.2 x 31.1 cm, 108 pp 33 tritone and 20 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-372-3 Kuhn, Mona Native Clothbound hardcover 29 x 31 cm, 96 pp 65 colour plates € 36.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-913-8 Kuhn, Mona Photographs Clothbound hardcover 26.5 x 28.5 cm, 108 pp 33 tritone and 20 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-008-1 Lebeck, Robert Tokyo / Moscow / Leopoldville Three hardcover books in a slipcase 21 x 29 cm, 576 pp 380 b/w plates € 65.00 / £ 55.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-527-7 Leiter, Saul Early Color Clothbound hardcover 20 x 20 cm, 168 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-139-2 Leong, Sze Tsung History Images Clothbound hardcover 34.2 x 27.9 cm, 144 pp 80 colour plates € 75.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 90.00 978-3-86521-274-0 Lemos, Kalliopi Crossings Two softcover books in a slipcase 24 x 32 cm, 144 pp € 35.00 / £ 29.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86930-052-8 Lagerfeld, Karl The Beauty of Violence Softcover in a slipcase 29 x 37 cm, 68 pp Tritone € 34.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86930-046-7 Lagerfeld, Karl Body Freedom Two softcover books housed in a slipcase, 34.3 x 42 cm, 88 pp Quadrotone € 48.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-260-7 Lagerfeld, Karl Byzantine Fragments Singer-stitched brochure housed in a slipcase, 30 x 40 cm, 52 pp 25 photographs, 7-colour process on ivory parchment € 85.00 / £ 72.00 / US$ 110.00 978-3-86930-246-1 Lagerfeld, Karl Metamorphoses of an American Four clothbound hardcover books housed in a slipcase 15.2 x 20 cm, 1144 pp 864 tritone plates € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-522-2 Lynch, David Works on Paper Hardcover in a sleeve 28.5 x 39.5 cm, 528 pp Four colour process € 145.00 / £ 125.00 / US$ 195.00 978-3-86930-130-3 Man Ray Trees + Flowers - Insects Animals Hardcover 22 x 26 cm, 370 pp 320 drawings and photographs € 45.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-696-0 Marchand, Yves / Meffre, Romain The Ruins of Detroit Clothbound hardcover 38 x 29 cm, 200 pp 150 colour plates € 89.00 / £ 82.00 / US$ 125.00 978-3-86930-042-9 Mark, Mary Ellen Falkland Road: Prostitutes of Bombay Clothbound hardcover 32.6 x 28.4 cm, 106 pp 65 colour plates € 55.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-128-6 170 171 BACKLIST BACKLIST McCarthy, Paul Vol. 1: Piccadilly Circus / Vol. 2: Bunker Basement Two-volume hardcover box set 30.5 x 31 cm, 348 pp Four colour throughout € 80.00 / £ 60.00 / US$ 120.00 978-3-86521-626-7 McDean, Craig Lifescapes Hardcover 38 x 26.7 cm, 88 pp 40 colour plates € 70.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-033-3 Meiselas, Susan Carnival Strippers Clothbound hardcover 27.3 x 23.4 cm, 164 pp 78 tritone plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-88243-954-0 Meiselas, Susan Encounters with the Dani Hardcover 21.1 x 27.7 cm, 176 pp 300 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-88243-930-4 Michener, Diana Figure Studies Softcover sewn with red thread, housed in a black slipcase 29 x 37 cm, 64 pp Quadrotone € 28.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 39.50 978-3-86930-213-3 Mik, Aeronout Communitas Otabind softcover 24.5 x 31 cm, 232 pp Four colour process € 35.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86930-297-3 Mikhailov, Boris Salt Lake Hardcover 40 x 30 cm, 80 pp 65 tritone plates € 68.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-88243-815-4 Mikhailov, Boris Maquette Braunschweig Hardcover 24 x 34 cm, 272 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 43.00 / US$ 68.00 978-3-86521-834-6 Meiselas, Susan In History Hardcover 17.7 x 24.7 cm, 264 pp 200 b/w and colour plates € 50.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-685-4 Mettig, Klaus Don’t Be Left Behind Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 23.5 x 31 cm, 328 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 42.00 /US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-595-6 Meunier, Sébastien Visual Pollution Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 29.5 x 32 cm, 120 pp € 58.00 / £ 52.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86521-093-7 Michals, Duane Foto Follies Softcover 16 x 24 cm, 96 pp € 22.50 / £ 15.00 / US$ 29.95 978-3-86521-275-7 Mocafico, Guido Movement Hardcover 35.5 x 35.5 cm, 96 pp 60 colour plates € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-455-3 Morath, Inge First Color Clothbound hardcover 25 x 32 cm, 336 pp Four colour process € 38.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 49.95 978-3-86521-930-5 Morath, Inge The Road to Reno Hardcover 24 x 25 cm, 144 pp 60 tritone and 10 colour plates € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-203-0 Morris, Christopher My America Clothbound hardcover 20 x 23 cm, 180 pp 112 colour plates € 35.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-201-6 Michals, Duane A Visit with Magritte Flexible hardcover 15.5 x 20.5 cm, 64 pp Four colour process € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 32.00 978-3-86521-987-9 Michals, Duane Photographs from the Floating World Softcover 24 x 16 cm, 64 pp Four colour process € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 32.00 978-3-86521-986-2 Michener, Diana Dogs, Fires, Me Softcover 22 x 27 cm, 160 pp 100 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-123-1 Michener, Diana Sweethearts Softcover 17 x 11.5 cm, 224 pp Four colour process € 15.00 / £ 14.00 / US$ 22.00 978-3-86521-713-4 Munkacsi, Martin Martin Munkacsi Hardcover 24 x 29 cm, 416 pp 318 tritone plates € 48.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-269-6 Muybridge, Eadweard Helios: Eadweard Muybridge in a Time of Change Excluding UK and Irish markets Hardcover, 27.9 cm x 21.6 cm, 300 pp, 200 photographs and illustrations € 65.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-926-8 Nádas, Péter Own Death Clothbound hardcover 18.5 x 26.2 cm, 288 pp 161 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-010-4 Nickerson, Jackie Faith Hardcover 22 x 27 cm, 224 pp 140 colour plates € 50.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-484-3 172 173 BACKLIST BACKLIST Nixon, Nicholas Live Love Look Last Hardcover 24.5 x 30 cm, 148 pp Tritone € 42.00 / £ 37.00 / US$ 59.95 978-3-86930-026-9 Nozolino, Paulo bone lonely Hardcover 18 x 26 cm, 72 pp Four colour process € 34.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-861-2 Nozolino, Paulo Far Cry Clothbound hardcover 24.8 x 32 cm, 136 pp 78 tritone plates € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 60.00 978-3-86521-122-4 Nozolino, Paulo Makulatur Singer-stiched brochure 18 x 26 cm, 20 pp Tritone € 24.00 / £ 21.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86930-327-7 Paulsen, Susan Tomatoes on the Back Porch Clothbound hardcover 20 x 22 cm, 74 pp 33 duotone and 5 colour plates € 20.00 / £ 12.95 / US$ 25.00 978-3-86521-056-2 Picardie, Justine Chanel - Her Life Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, housed in a sleeve 15.4 x 23.5 cm, 400 pp € 38.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-262-1 Pigozzi, Jean Catalogue Deraisonné Hardcover 23.6 x 28.6 cm, 400 pp € 56.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86930-034-4 Pol, Andri Where is Japan Hardcover 24.2 x 30 cm, 320 pp Four colour process € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-993-0 Odermatt, Arnold On Duty Hardcover with dust jacket 28 x 31.2 cm, 336 pp Four colour process € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 80.00 978-3-86521-271-9 Odermatt, Arnold Off Duty Hardcover with dust jacket 28 x 31.2 cm, 358 pp 347 colour plates € 65.00 / £ 58.00 / US$ 95.00 978-3-86521-694-6 Olsson, Mikael Södrakull Frösakull Clothbound hardcover with French fold jacket printed recto/verso 25 x 26 cm 208 pp Four colour process € 58.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 72.00 978-3-86930-059-7 Packham, Monte Concentric Circles A Chronicle of Steidl Publishers Clothbound hardcover 17 x 23 cm, 160 pp € 20.00 / £ 17.00 / US$ 27.50 978-3-86930-024-5 Polidori, Robert Havana Clothbound hardcover 38.5 x 30 cm, 160 pp 152 colour plates € 74.00 / £ 48.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-88243-333-3 Polidori, Robert Robert Polidori’s Metropolis Clothbound hardcover 29.2 x 27.3 cm, 144 pp 92 colour plates € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-078-4 Polidori, Robert After the Flood Clothbound hardcover 38.6 x 30 cm, 320 pp 300 colour plates € 75.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 90.00 978-3-86521-277-1 Polidori, Robert Zones of Exclusion: Pripyat and Chernobyl Clothbound hardcover 38.5 x 30 cm, 112 pp 190 colour plates € 60.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-88243-921-2 Parr, Martin (ed.) The Protest Box Five books and a text booklet in a cardboard box Limited edition of 1,000 boxed sets € 380.00 / £ 338.00 / US$ 500.00 978-3-86930-142-6 Parry, Eugenia / Model, Lisette Shooting Off My Mouth. Spitting Into the Mirror. Lisette Model – A Narrative Autobiography Hardcover 20.3 x 24 cm, 128 pp € 34.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-920-6 Petersen, Anders City Diary Stapled brochure with a cloth-covered spine, housed in a sleeve 23.4 x 31 cm, 192 pp Quadrotone € 75.00 / £ 68.00 / US$ 98.00 978-3-86521-536-9 Paulsen, Susan Sarah Ryhmes with Clara Clothbound hardcover 23.5 x 27 cm, 128 pp Four colour process € 40.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86930-244-7 Polidori, Robert Parcours Muséologique Revisité Three hardcover books housed in a slipcase, 29 x 29 cm 744 pp, 480 colour plates € 98.00 / £ 85.00 / US$ 124.90 978-3-86521-702-8 Polidori, Robert Points in between...Up till now Hardcover 25 x 30 cm, 192 pp Four colour process € 30.00 / £ 27.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-994-7 Prinz, Bernhard Latifundia Hardcover 22.8 x 27.9 cm, 180 pp 114 colour plates € 50.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-487-4 Raad, Walid I might die before I get a rifle Clothbound hardcover 25.6 x 27.8 cm, 120 pp Tritone € 35.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86930-336-9 174 175 BACKLIST BACKLIST Rautert, Timm Josef Sudek, Prag 1967 Hardcover with dust jacket 24 x 28 cm, 98 pp 42 b/w plates € 35.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-712-7 Rautert, Timm No Photographing (English) Clothbound hardcover with a belly band, 22 x 28 cm,156 pp Four colour process and duotone € 38.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86930-322-2 Reed, Lou Romanticism Hardcover with dust jacket 36 x 25 cm, 68 pp 45 quadrotone plates € 42.00 / £ 41.00 / US$ 68.00 978-3-86521-728-8 Rodchenko MacGill, Peter / Steidl, Gerhard (eds.) Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 24.5 x 33 cm, 104 pp 39 photographs, four colour process € 88.00 / £ 74.00 / US$ 115.00 978-3-86930-245-4 Ruscha, Ed Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Volume 2: 1971-1982 Clothbound hardcover housed in a slipcase, 24 x 29.2 cm, 526 pp Four colour process € 160.00 / £ 110.00 / US$ 200.00 978-3-86521-138-5 Ruscha, Ed Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Volume 3: 1983-1987 Clothbound hardcover housed in a slipcase, 24 x 29.2 cm, 558 pp Four colour process € 160.00 / £ 110.00 / US$ 210.00 978-3-86521-368-6 Ruscha, Ed Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Volume 4: 1988-1992 Clothbound hardcover housed in a slipcase, 24 x 29.2 cm, 526 pp Four colour process € 148.00 / £ 135.00 / US$ 219.90 978-3-86521-833-9 Ruscha, Ed Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Volume 5: 1993 – 1997 Clothbound hardcover housed in a slipcase, 24 x 29 cm, 504 pp Four colour process € 165.00 / £ 138.00 / US$ 220.00 978-3-86930-251-5 Rovner, Michal Fields Hardcover 21 x 16 cm, 400 pp Four colour process € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-216-0 Rovner, Michal Histoires / Histories Hardcover 24 x 30 cm, 160 pp Four colour process € 40.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86930-343-7 Ruetz, Michael Eye on Infinity Hardcover 29.5 x 29.5 cm, 252 pp 112 tritone plates € 48.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 70.00 978-3-86521-766-0 Ruetz, Michael Eye on Time Hardcover with dust jacket 29.7 x 21 cm, 360 pp 290 tritone plates € 48.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 70.00 978-3-86521-577-2 Ruscha, Paul Paul Ruscha’s Full Moon Softcover 16.5 x 24 cm, 184 pp Four colour process € 15.00 / £ 10.00 / US$ 20.00 978-3-86521-231-3 Schaller, Matthias The Mill Hardcover 29 x 23.5 cm, 120 pp 55 colour plates € 50.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-378-5 Schaller, Matthias Purple Desk Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 25 x 29 cm 72 pp, 30 colour plates € 38.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 49.90 978-3-86521-597-0 Schmid, Joachim Photoworks 1982–2007 Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 26 x 21 cm 288 pp, four colour process € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-394-5 Ruetz, Michael Spring of Discontent: 1964-1974 Hardcover 24.6 x 29 cm, 192 pp Tritone € 40.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-866-7 Ruscha, Ed Photographer Clothbound hardcover 20.5 x 25.5 cm, 184 pp 214 illustrations € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-206-1 Ruscha, Ed THEN & NOW Slipcased 45 x 32 cm, 152 pp Four colour process € 120.00 / £ 80.00 / US$ 175.00 978-3-86521-105-7 Ruscha, Ed Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Volume 1: 1958-1970 Clothbound hardcover 24 x 29.2 cm, 436 pp Four colour process € 160.00 / £ 110.00 / US$ 200.00 978-3-88243-972-4 Schmidt, Michael Berlin nach 45 Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 29 x 23.5 cm, 144 pp 54 duotone plates € 45.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3–86521–090–6 Schneider, Gregor Die Familie Schneider Clothbound hardcover 17 x 24 cm, 184 pp Tritone € 30.00 / £ 19.99 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-236-8 Schorr, Collier Neighbors Forest and Fields Volume 1. Hardcover 32 x 26 cm, 88 pp 58 tritone plates € 38.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-303-7 Schorr, Collier Blumen Forest and Fields Volume 2. Hardcover 25 x 31.4 cm, 104 pp 53 colour and b/w plates € 35.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-687-8 176 177 BACKLIST BACKLIST Schorr, Collier There I Was Hardcover 25 x 31.4 cm, 72 pp Four colour process € 27.50 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-616-8 Schuh, Gotthard A Kind of Infatuation. Gotthard Schuh – Photographic Work Hardcover 24 x 30 cm, 240 pp 200 b/w plates € 65.00 / £ 58.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86521-830-8 Scully, Sean Glorious Dust Hardcover 21 x 16 cm, 232 pp 201 colour plates € 32.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 47.00 978-3-86521-081-4 Sekaer, Peter Signs of Life Hardcover 25 x 27.5 cm, 200 pp € 48.00 / £ 43.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-120-4 Sheikh, Fazal Moksha Clothbound hardcover 26.7 x 33 cm, 220 pp 170 tritone plates € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-125-5 Sheikh, Fazal The Circle Clothbound hardcover 17 x 22.5 cm, 114 pp 108 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-599-4 Sidibé, Malick Photographs Clothbound hardcover 29.6 x 30 cm, 108 pp 64 tritone plates € 60.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 68.00 978-3-88243-973-1 Sieff, Jeanloup Les indiscrètes Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 23.8 x 30 cm, 200 pp 160 tritone, 150 b/w plates € 49.00 / £ 44.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86521-460-7 Serra, Richard Dirk’s Pod Clothbound hardcover 24.5 x 26 cm, 128 pp 50 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-089-9 Serra, Richard Torqued Spirals, Toruses and Spheres Clothbound hardcover 24 x 29.5 cm, 64 pp 44 duotone plates € 28.00 / £ 18.00 / US$ 24.95 978-3-88243-633-4 Serra, Richard / Reinartz, Dirk Te Tuhirangi Contour Clothbound hardcover 24 x 22 cm, 76 pp 40 duotone plates € 28.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-014-2 Serra, Richard Notebooks Five books housed in a cardboard box Limited edition of 1,050, signed and numbered by the artist € 420.00 / £ 350.00 / US$ 550.00 978-3-86930-253-9 Signer, Roman Travel Photos Hardcover 24 x 30 cm, 240 pp Four colour process € 38.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-282-5 Simon, Taryn An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar Clothbound 25 x 34 cm, 150 pp Four colour process € 65.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 80.00 978-3-86521-380-8 Simon, Taryn Contraband Softcover 24.5 x 16.5 cm, 224 pp € 45.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86930-134-1 Singh, Dayanita Dream Villa Flexible plastic softcover 10 x 20 cm, 136 pp Four colour process € 28.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 38.00 978-3-86521-985-5 Sescz, Maria Inter esse Berlin 1985 – 87 Clothbound hardcover 29.5 x 23.6 cm, 80 pp 35 photographs, four colour process € 45.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 58.00 978-3-86521-788-2 Shafran, Nigel Edited Photographs 1992-2004 Flexible hardcover 22 x 29 cm, 112 pp 20 duotone and 50 colour plates € 30.00 / £ 19.99 / US$ 35.00 978-3-88243-976-2 Sheikh, Fazal Ladli Clothbound hardcover 26.7 x 33 cm, 140 pp 70 tritone plates € 30.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-381-5 Sheikh, Fazal Portraits Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 19.7 x 25 cm, 304 pp 142 photographs, quadrotone € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-819-3 Singh, Dayanita Go Away Closer Softcover 16 x 20 cm, 32 pp 31 tritone plates € 12.00 / £ 8.50 / US$ 15.00 978-3-86521-386-0 Singh, Dayanita Sent a Letter Seven softcover volumes housed in a handmade clothbound box 9 x 15.5 cm, 126 pp Tritone € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 90.00 978-3-86521-454-6 Smoliansky, Gunnar One Picture at a Time Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 28.9 x 28.9 cm, 256 pp 230 tritone plates € 65.00 / £ 59.00 / US$ 82.00 978-3-86521-615-1 Soth, Alec Dog Days Bogotá Hardcover 21.5 x 22.5 cm, 60 pp 50 colour plates € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 34.00 978-3-86521-451-5 178 179 BACKLIST BACKLIST Soth, Alec Sleeping by the Mississippi Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo 28.5 x 27.5 cm, 120 pp Four colour process € 40.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 54.00 978-3-86521-753-0 Soth, Alec Niagara Hardcover with a tipped-in photo 23 x 26.5 cm, 144 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 35.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-233-7 Soth, Alex Broken Manual Softcover with gatefolds and UV finish 21 x 29.7 cm, 68 pp 17 colour plates, 33 b/w plates € 40.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86930-199-0 Spagnoli, Jerry Daguerreotypes Softcover 29 x 29 cm, 56 pp 112 colour plates € 30.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-86521-200-9 Strömholm, Christer In Memory of Himself Hardcover 20.5 x 25 cm, 144 pp 100 duotone and colour plates € 38.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-298-6 Sultan, Larry Katherine Avenue Hardcover 21.0 x 29.7 cm, 120 pp € 48.00 / £ 43.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-135-8 Taylor, Al Al Taylor Hardcover with a tipped-in photo 25.4 x 31.8 cm, 172 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86930-389-5 Taylor-Wood, Sam Still Lives Two books in a sleeve 23.4 x 29.9 cm, 192 pp 160 colour and b/w plates € 38.00 / £ 51.00 / US$ 34.00 978-3-86521-323-5 Spero, David Churches Clothbound hardcover 23 x 29.7 cm, 144 pp 65 colour plates € 38.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86521-308-2 Staeck, Klaus Pornografie Softcover 20 x 25 cm, 392 pp 295 b/w plates € 35.00 / £ 24.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-88243-124-7 Sternfeld, Joel Sweet Earth: Experimental Utopias in America Clothbound hardcover 30.5 x 25.5 cm, 136 pp 60 colour plates € 60.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-124-8 Sternfeld, Joel When it Changed Softcover 22.3 x 15 cm, 144 pp 54 colour plates € 25.00 / £ 17.50 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-278-8 Teller, Juergen Märchenstüberl Hardcover 27 x 21 cm, 144 pp 140 colour plates € 22.00 / £ 14.00 / US$ 25.00 978-3-88243-863-5 Teller, Juergen Nackig auf dem Fußballplatz Softcover 27.3 x 20.4 cm, 184 pp 9 colour plates and 1 duotone plate € 25.00 / £ 18.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-88243-963-2 Teller, Juergen Zimmermann Clothbound hardcover housed in a slipcase 23.5 x 29 cm, 56 pp € 45.00 / £ 39.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-996-1 Teller, Juergen Nürnberg Clothbound hardcover 35 x 28 cm, 120 pp 60 colour plates € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-132-3 Sternfeld, Joel American Prospects Excluding US Market Clothbound hardcover 36.8 x 29.8 cm, 140 pp 65 colour plates € 75.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-88243-915-1 Sternfeld, Joel iDubai Clothbound hardcover 20.3 x 25.4 cm, 160 pp 70 colour plates € 20.00 / £ 18.00 / US$ 28.00 978-3-86521-916-9 Sternfeld, Joel First Pictures Clothbound with a tipped-in photo 29.5 x 24.5 cm, 320 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 42.00 / US$ 78.00 978-3-86930-309-3 Sternfeld, Joel Walking the High Line Clothbound with dust jacket 26 x 21.5 cm, 72 pp 24 colour and 5 b/w plates € 28.00 / £ 25.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-88243-726-3 Teller, Juergen / Jacobs, Marc Marc Jacobs Advertising 1998-2009 Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 30 x 38 cm, 576 pp 700 colour plates € 88.00 / £ 78.00 / US$ 120.00 978-3-86521-715-8 Teller, Juergen The Master Stapled softcover 17.5 x 23 cm, 26 pp, 33 colour plates € 100.00 / £ 80.00 / US$ 160.00 978-3-86521-104-0 Teller, Juergen The Master II Stapled softcover 17.5 x 23 cm, 56 pp 31 colour plates € 16.00 / £ 14.00 / US$ 19.95 978-3-86930-056-6 Tichý, Miroslav Miroslav Tichý Hardcover 21.6 x 32.4 cm, 328 pp 364 colour plates € 58.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86930-102-0 180 181 BACKLIST BACKLIST Philip Trager Clothbound hardcover 25.2 x 31.2 cm, 312 pp 156 tritone plates and 50 illustrations € 60.00 / £ 40.00 / US$ 75.00 978-3-86521-239-9 Tuggener, Jakob Fabrik Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 22.8 x 30.9 cm, 62 pp 95 photographs, tritone € 65.00 / £ 45.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-86521-493-5 Tunbjörk, Lars I Love Borås! Hardcover in a slipcase 27.4 x 34.4 cm, 168 pp 175 colour plates € 75.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 90.00 978-3-86521-296-2 Tunbjörk, Lars Vinter Hardcover with a tipped-in photo 22.5 x 27.8 cm, 192 pp 135 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 27.50 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-497-3 Weiner, Lawrence Something to Put Something On Hardcover 25 x 21 cm, 44 pp Four colour process € 25.00 / £ 20.00 / US$ 35.00 978-3-86521-491-1 Welling, James Light Sources: 1992-2005 Clothbound hardcover 19 x 26 cm, 144 pp € 40.00 / £ 36.00 / US$ 55.00 978-3-86521-859-9 Wessel, Henry Waikiki Clothbound hardcover with a tipped-in photo and dust jacket 29.5 x 29.5 cm, 60 pp 25 photographs, tritone € 58.00 / £ 50.00 / US$ 85.00 978-3-89630-300-0 Wetzel, Gereon / Adolph, Jörg How to Make a Book with Steidl DVD, documentary, 90 min Original version: English / German with subtitles € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 34.95 978-3-86930-119-8 Turbeville, Deborah Past Imperfect Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 29.7 x 24.5 cm, 192 pp Four colour process € 48.00 / £ 38.00 / US$ 59.00 978-3-86521-452-2 van der Meer, Hans European Fields: The Landscape of Lower League Football Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket, 26.8 x 38 cm 176 pp, four colour process € 85.00 / £ 55.00 / US$ 100.00 978-3-86521-191-0 Verburg, JoAnn Interruptions Hardcover 24 x 33 cm, 28 pp 19 photographs € 25.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-86930-118-1 Vitali, Massimo Landscape with Figures Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 38.5 x 30 cm, 200 pp 114 photographs, four colour process € 85.00 / £ 69.00 / US$ 98.00 978-3-86930-197-6 Wiedenhöfer, Kai Perfect Peace Hardcover 24.5 x 33 cm, 174 pp 125 duotone plates € 42.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 40.00 978-3-88243-814-7 Wiedenhöfer, Kai The Book of Destruction Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 22.7 x 30.5 cm, 160 pp 94 photographs, four colour process € 34.00 / £ 30.00 / US$ 48.00 978-3-86930-207-2 Wood, Tom Photie Man Clothbound hardcover 21.5 x 28 cm, 224 pp 68 tritone and 106 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-083-8 Wylie, Donovan British Watchtowers Hardcover 30.3 x 23.5 cm, 72 pp 49 colour plates € 40.00 / £ 27.50 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86521-499-7 Vitali, Massimo Landscape with Figures / Natural Habitats Two hardcover books housed in a slipcase, 38.5 x 30 cm, 344 pp 192 plates, four colour process € 145.00 / £ 125.00 / US$ 198.00 978-3-86930-257-7 Vollmer, Jurgen On Filmsets and Other Locations Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 24 x 33 cm, 183 pp 76 colour and 95 b/w plates € 38.00 / £ 34.00 / US$ 59.00 978-3-86521-598-7 Waddell, Stephen Hunt and Gather Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 25 x 28.7 cm, 96 pp 41 colour plates € 35.00 / £ 32.00 / US$ 50.00 978-3-86930-115-0 Warhol, Andy / Colacello, Bob Andy Warhol: Unexposed Exposures Softcover 22 x 17 cm, 132 pp 70 tritone plates € 20.00 / £ 18.00 / US$ 30.00 978-3-86930-116-7 Wylie, Donovan Maze Two hardcover books and a singer-stitched booklet, housed in a slipcase, 29.5 x 23.5 cm 206 pp, 150 colour plates € 48.00 / £ 44.00 / US$ 65.00 978-3-86521-907-7 Wylie, Donovan Outposts / Kandahar Province Clothbound hardcover with dust jacket 29.5 x 23.5 cm, 64 pp 28 photographs, four colour process € 32.00 / £ 28.00 / US$ 45.00 978-3-86930-321-5 Wylie, Donovan Scrapbook Softcover 20.5 x 29.5 cm, 112 pp € 24.00 / £ 22.00 / US$ 37.00 978-3-86521-910-7 Young, Cynthia (ed.) The Mexican Suitcase Two softcover books in a sleeve 25.4 x 30.9 cm, 750 pp € 85.00 / £ 70.00 / US$ 98.00 978-3-86930-141-9 182 183 ISBN 978-3-86930-478-6
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