

USSA National J2 Talent Camp
July 31- August 8, 2010
Houghton, Michigan
Athlete Invitation
You have been selected to attend the U SSA National J2 Talent Camp. This training camp
will provid e top Junior 2 age class cross country ski racers with a great opportunity to
work with other top J2’s from across the USA. Selections have been made on the basis of
results from US Junior Cross Country Ski Champion-ships. Details regarding staffing,
registration and cost, travel and accommodations are outlined below.
Registration and Camp Confirmation:
Please complete the attached registration form and email return it to
Alison Deines adeines@ Ali is Head Coach for the Jackson Hole, WY Nordic
Team and will be coordinating all pre-camp planning .
Deadli ne: Confirming participation and returning your Regis tration Form: Fri May 21,
Cost: Airfar e: Each participant w ill handle their air travel arrangements. This w ill allow
you to utilize miles and to shop for the best deals
Ground Costs: We have been able to secure very affordable lodging and meals through
Michigan Technlogocal University. Ground Costs includ e your meals, lodging, lo cal
transport and facility fees.
The National Cross Country Ski Education Foundation has very generously provid ed a grant
to help underwrite the costs of the camp. This has helped us be able to keep the camp at
the lowest possible cost for camp participants
$435.00 payable to N CCS EF Please send camp payment in advance to
NCCSEF 774 E. 3 rd Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Travel Planning: Athletes flying in should organize travel to arrive Houghton County
Memorial Airport
Saturday , July 31, 2010, pref erably prior to 6pm. Air travel is not includ ed in the camp
We will have staff in Houghton on Friday 7/30 in advance of the start of the camp, so if
your travel options are limited and you need to arrive ear lier than Sat, let us know and we
can organize lodg ing. There will be an additional lodging fee for early arrivals
All particip ants should book their depar tures from Houghton County Memorial Airport on
Sunday, August 8 th . Any time of the day works for departures. Get the flight that works for
Once w e get all confirmations, we will f ollow up with you regarding campus lod ging
arrangements, daily schedules and airp ort pickups and drop offs.
Rick Kapala
Head Coach Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation 208 720-7981
Rick has been the Head Coach in Sun Valley since 1987. During that time he’s worked
with numerous top US skiers and has coached internationally at World Junior/U23
Championships and World Champs and has been coaching at the National level for over 25
Alison Deines Head Coach Jackson Hole Ski Team adeines@jhskiclub .org. After a
successful racing career that includ ed NCAA Championships as a member of the
University of Colorado program, Ali’s coaching exper ience includ es Winterpark CO, The
Sun Valley SEF and currently at the successful Jackson program. She has served as team
leader for the Scand inavian Series and also as staff for World Junior Championships.
Janice Sib ilia: Competitive Program Director , New England Nordic Ski Association.
Under Janice’s lead ership, NENSA has continued to develop as the lead ing junior ski
racing divisional program in the US. Janice, a former national level cycling competitor in
her youth brings a strong background in training and f itness to her role as a coach.
Josh Smullin: Nordic Coach, Steamboat Springs Winter Sports Club jrsmullin@
Josh has now been with the SSWSC for two years and in that time the program has
continu ed to grow into one of the top
Junior cross country ski programs in the US. Another former CU Buff, Josh brings a high
level of energy and commitment to skiing
Camp Venue:
The camp will be based from the campus of Michigan Technolog ical University. Located in
Houghton, Michigan. MTU was chosen as the inaugural site b ecaus e of the excellent
dryland training opportuntites, state of the art gym and athletic facilities, convenient and
affordable dorm lodging and meals and central location.
Traini ng Pl an:
The goals of the camp are two fold. Provide camp participants with an excellent week of
dryland training with other top US Juniors that serves to help motivate particip ants in their
efforts in sk racing. Addtionally, we will be using the camp to provide participants with up
to date information on nutrition and health manag ement, current international ski
techniqu e and training planning and execution.
Please contact Rick Kapala, Natio nal J2 Talent Camp Director at 20 8 7207981 or
Via email m with any questions.