KARUTA 1.0: Ready for Innova ve Use Cases - ESUP


KARUTA 1.0: Ready for Innova ve Use Cases - ESUP
 KARUTA 1.0: Ready for Innova5ve Use Cases Jacques Raynauld, HEC Montréal Eric Giraudin, IUT 2 Grenoble Sillon Alpin APEREO Europe ESUP Days 2015 – Paris, le 6 février 2015 Summary
Karuta 1.0: ready for innova4ve use cases
Karuta is a next generaNon open source ePorOolio suite that has been created in the spirit of the Open Source PorOolio (OSP). Karuta 1.0, which is currently available for piloNng, offers dramaNc flexibility for designing learning porOolios with rubrics for the assessment of learning outcomes. The presentaNon will highlight several use cases on accreditaNon, showcasing, migraNon from OSP as well as an innovaNve use of Karuta by IUT-­‐2 Grenoble on competences and professional development. Objec4ves
•  Report on the progress made since last year •  Convince you about the ubiquitous and usefulness of porOolios •  Present some real porOolio use cases – IUT 2 Grenoble •  Invite you to be part of our incubaNon projet ESUP Paris 2015 3 Outline
OSP, Apereo and Karuta incubaNon project PorOolios are everywhere Karuta key features A porOolio use case : school of educaNon Karuta in six slides Simple use cases IUT-­‐2 Grenoble implementaNon Road-­‐map ESUP Paris 2015 4 OSP, Apereo and Karuta Incuba4on Project
•  OSP no longer supported in Sakai 10 •  Partners working on the next generaNon porOolio: HEC Montreal, Kyoto University, Three Canoes LLC, IUT-­‐2 Grenoble •  Apereo incubaNon project in April 2013 •  Release of Karuta 1.0 in September 2014 ESUP Paris 2015 5 Different types of porDolios
•  Learning
•  Focus on developing academic or
professional identity
•  Assessment
•  Focus on programmatic or
institutional improvement
•  Showcasing
•  Focus on sharing evidence with
Exemples •  Self-­‐assessment •  Internship reports •  AccreditaNon reports •  Resume •  Teaching PorOolio for tenure •  Admission Need a very flexible tool. Karuta can do all three types. ESUP Paris 2015 6 Key features
•  Highly customizable •  IMS LTI enabled (1 and soon 2) •  MulNlingual •  Responsive Design •  OSP import (proof of concept) •  Peer assessment •  ReporNng capabiliNes •  jQuery/javascript/front end (Twider boostrap) •  Java/mySQL-­‐Oracle back end ESUP Paris 2015 7 A porDolio use case : School of educa4on (Montréa
•  Students internships in elementary schools •  Competences framework set by the government •  12 competences •  50 + components •  100 + observables Self-­‐asssessment by students on each component hdps://flic.kr/p/eeeQap Comments by teacher ESUP Paris 2015 Final evaluaNon by teacher/
supervisor 8 Karuta in 6 slides : #1 ASM Model A simple learning porLolio Root Learning Objec5ves Cri5cal Thinking CriNcal Thinking InformaNon literacy Problem solving Presenta5on Submit evidence InstrucNons (text) Evidence (file) Structure Unit UnitStructure Context Refect on the evidence InstrucNons (text) Comment (text) Resource ESUP Paris 2015 9 Karuta in 6 slides : #2 opera4ons on the trees Copy • Menu Proxy -­‐ link • Proxy ESUP Paris 2015 Read value • Get_ressource 10 Karuta in 6 slides : #3 Nodes/leafs noderes noderes code label code label Node Node children Node context context text children Node Resource text Leaf Node ESUP Paris 2015 11 Karuta in 6 slides : #4 proper4es on Nodes/leafs Label • Text SemanNc Tag •  Powerful possibility AcNons/role • Read • Edit • Delete • Comment • Submit • Show • InformaNon ESUP Paris 2015 Display • CSS • Free posiNonning • inline 12 Karuta in 6 slides : #5 architecture Karuta-­‐core (javascript jQuery html css) Rest API Web Services Internet Ajax Browser ApplicaNon (javascript jQuery html css) Karuta-­‐Backend (java) Oracle ESUP Paris 2015 File Server (java) Server MySQL 13 Karuta in 6 slides : #6 prototyping KARUTA Designer Prototype -­‐ Pilot ESUP Paris 2015 KARUTA ProducNon 14 A simple porDolio – adding structures and resources
ESUP Paris 2015 15 Learning porDolio : student self-­‐assesment
ESUP Paris 2015 16 Learning porDolio : adding mul4ple evidences
ESUP Paris 2015 17 Evalua4on porDolio : the rubrics
ESUP Paris 2015 18 Evalua4on porDolio : tutor and rubrics
ESUP Paris 2015 19 Evalua4on porDolio : a liWle touch of color
ESUP Paris 2015 20 Presenta4on porDolio : free posi4onning
ESUP Paris 2015 21 Presenta4on porDolio : free posi4onning
ESUP Paris 2015 22 Presenta4on porDolio : free posi4onning
ESUP Paris 2015 23 Presenta4on porDolio : EUROPASS resume
ESUP Paris 2015 24 IUT-­‐2 Grenoble
•  Eric Giraudin presentaNon of the IUT-­‐2 porOolio iniNaNve. ESUP Paris 2015 25 Road-­‐map
•  Karuta 1.1 February 2015 •  OSP import – real cases •  Building our community •  Load tesNng and fine-­‐tuning ESUP Paris 2015 26 Thank you
•  Merci pour votre adenNon! Follow us on : www.apereo.org/content/karuta English Google+ page : KARUTA ePorOolio French Google+ page : KARUTA Francophone jacques.raynauld@hec.ca eric.giraudin@iut2.upmf-grenoble.fr ESUP Paris 2015 27