
Executive Master of Business Administration
EMBA 2015
Welcome to the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, one of the top
universities in Vietnam. With an
outstanding record of achievement in
teaching and research in Asia, UEH
also strives to build and develop strong
relationships with international
education and business partners
around the world.
To that end, we are proud and excited
to be able to offer a globally ranked
international Executive Master of
Business Administration program at
our Ho Chi Minh City campus. The
program is a joint project between the
International School of Business at
UEH and the School of Management at
the University of Quebec at Montreal.
The program is designed for talented
students with impressive professional
backgrounds interested in further
developing their analytical and
strategic thinking skills as well as their
leadership capabilities.
President of
University of Economics
Ho Chi Minh City
Dean of International
School of Business
I invite you to explore this exciting
program in the following pages, and I
look forward to one day welcoming
you to the UEH-UQAM student body.
The School of Management at the
University of Quebec at Montreal
(ESG UQAM) is the largest business
school in Canada; with over 14,000
students it is, in fact, the largest
business school in the Francophone
world. Among our programs of study,
we offer an Executive MBA both
locally in Canada as well as in twelve
different countries all over the world.
In Vietnam, our partner is the
International School of Business at
the University of Economics, Ho Chi
Minh City. We are very proud of the
students who have come out of this
partnership EMBA program so far.
They continue to play an active role
in the international business world,
and have proved themselves to be
valuable to their organization as
leaders and innovators. You can read
about some of these past students at
the end of this brochure.
President of
University of Quebec
at Montreal (ESG UQAM)
Dean of ESG UQAM,
We believe that these successful
students have only set the ground for
the exciting, inspiring stories that are
sure to come from future generations
of EMBA students.
The School of Management at the Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG UQAM) is
widely considered one of the best management schools in the world. Based in Quebec,
Canada, the school has an annual enrolment of over 13,000 students and is known for
the quality of its practical teaching, the scope of its research, and for maintaining
relationships with international organizations throughout the business world. Despite
its size, ESG keeps class groups small, offering unprecedented accessibility to their
professors and lecturers.
ESG UQAM offers nearly 70 undergraduate and graduate programs, and over the last
five years has received over $40 million in funding for research projects and contracts
in Canada and abroad.
ESG UQAM has 265 professors and 25 associate professors who come from renowned
institutions including Cambridge, Cornell, UCLA, the University of Pennsylvania,
Wharton, and Yale.
The School of Management at the Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG UQAM)
ranks as one of the best management
schools and faculties in Canada and the
Why Executive MBA?
You receive an internationally recognized
MBA degree from a leading Canadian
university without having to leave Vietnam.
The EMBA is an MBA program that
requires students to have professional
managerial experience. The program is
designed for students who already possess
real-world business knowledge and are
serious about continuing their studies to
move their careers forward.
The EMBA program at ESG UQAM offers
students an international study experience
based on the latest management theories.
The 18-month (450-hour) program is
ideal for experienced managers who want
to benefit from innovative training and
real business case studies, as well as
develop relationships with their peers and
other business professionals.
This is the first Canadian MBA program
offered in Vietnam.
Classes are conveniently scheduled on 2
weekday evenings and 2 weekends every
month, which allows busy professionals to
attend class while continuing to work
You will have the opportunity to conduct
real case studies and apply your newfound
business knowledge and skills by carrying
out a work project in your own company or
Courses are delivered by professors who
are experts in their field and come from
UQAM and other leading American and
Australian universities.
You will have the opportunity to study with
talented peers who are from a similar
professional background.
Danielle Laberge
Professor of Project Management & Governance
Professor Danielle Laberge holds a PhD in Project Management & Governance and
Leadership. She joined the UQAM faculty in 1982 and was appointed Provost in 2001, a
position she held until 2006. Professor Laberge is a specialist in research methods, her
previous research has concentrated on the areas of social exclusion, poverty and especially
homelessness. She presently works on questions relating to team dynamics, conflict
management and communication within organizations.
Michelle Renault
Professor of Master Administration
Professor Michelle Renault is the director of the Master of Administration program at ESG
UQAM and the co-founder of Revenue Quebec. A member of the Association of Quebec
Women in Finance Foundation, Professor Renault has taught Managerial Accounting at
universities in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Africa and Asia.
Charles Benabou
Professor of Organizational Behavior
Professor Charles Benabou has thirty years of experience as a full professor in the subjects of
Organizational Behavior and Human Resources at UQAM. Professor Benabou has received
high ratings from students in Canada, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Morocco, Tunisia,
Cameroon, Peru, and other countries where UQAM offers its programs, as well as a prize from
the Minister of Education of Quebec for excellence in the field of organizational learning.
Jean Harvey
Professor of Operations Management
Professor Jean Harvey teaches Operations Management at ESG UQAM. He is also the director
of research at the RBC Chair in Financial Service Management and a member of the board of
governors of the Transat Chair in Tourism and the American Operations Management
Society. Professor Harvey has received a number of national and international awards for his
teaching and research, and is frequently invited to speak at international conferences.
Monique Aubry
Professor of Project Management
Professor Monique Aubry is a full professor in the School of Business and Management at
UQAM where she teaches Project Management. She is a member of the Project Management Research Chair, and has previously worked as a project manager in a major Canadian
financial group.
Lam Nguyen
Associate Professor of Management
Professor Lam Nguyen received his PhD in management from Webster University. He is
an associate professor at the Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, and has been a
senior lecturer at Colorado State and other universities in the U.S.
Howard Nicholas
Professor of Economics
Professor H.B.V. Nicholas holds a PhD in economics and is currently a senior lecturer at the
Institute of Social Studies in The Netherlands. He teaches Economics and the Sociopolitical
Context of a Firm.
Sarath Delpachitra
Professor of International Finance
Professor Sarath Delpachitra is the associate international dean at Flinders University, and
the school's representative to the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC). Professor
Delpachitra is also currently the treasurer and chair of the Finance and Governance
Committee of the Adelaide Metropolitan Regional Development Board. He teaches
International Finance and Managerial Finance.
Nigel Bairstow
Professor of Channel Marketing Relationships
Professor Nigel Bairstow holds a PhD in marketing from the University of Technology
(UTS), Australia. He has worked in various marketing roles for Alcan Aluminum Company,
Komatsu, and Atlas Copco, winning two 3M global marketing awards for best marketing
practice. His research interests include the topic of "Alienation in Channel Marketing
Elie Elia
Professor of Information Technology
Professor Elie Elia holds a PhD in industrial engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique of
Montreal. He is a founder of L.I.R.T.A., a living lab of practitioners, experts and researchers
working on IT advancements in the business world. Professor Elia teaches Information
Technology at ESG UQAM.
Foundation course
Introduction to Graduate Studies •
Module 1:
Manager & the Company
Organizational Behavior •
Information Technology •
Project Management •
Module 2:
Commercial & Financial Management
Financial Accounting & Managerial Accounting •
Managerial Finance •
Marketing •
Module 3:
Goods & Service Production Management
Operation Management •
Human Resources Management •
Integration Activities •
Module 4:
Management Planning
Economic & Sociopolitical Context of Firm •
Strategic Management •
Simulation/Corporate Management •
Module 5:
International Management
Decision Making Technology •
International Finance •
Direction & Governance •
The program covers various facets of an
organization and its inherent structure, while
developing a global vision for your activities.
The program has 15 units with 30 hours per
unit. Five major themes are covered in our
program: the manager and the organization,
marketing and financial management,
operations management, strategic management, and synthesis activities.
Classes in the EMBA program at ESG UQAM
are held on 2 weekday evenings and 2
weekends every month, making it easy for
students to maintain a healthy work-life
balance and to continue with their career
commitments while they study.
15 main courses
1 foundation course
Networking and
team building activities
The primary goal of this course is to
introduce students to the strategic
options available to firms.
It will draw upon skills acquired through
various courses to determine actions that
lead to the short-term survival and
long-term success of the organization,
requiring decisions of strategic importance that affect the whole firm.
At the end of the course, students will
understand and be able to apply some of
the following concepts in contemplating
strategic actions: the importance of
strategy to a firm and to its success; how
resources create value and their effective
use; economies resulting from scale, scope
and learning and implications for industry
structure and firm growth; and the
internationalization of a firm and the
challenges that poses.
The focus of this course is the financial
management environment and issues
faced by international business enterprises
because of their international operations.
Many of the same financial management
challenges are common to both domestic
and international businesses. But
businesses with international operations
also face unique issues in the context of
having economic advantages and
opportunities not usually available to
strictly domestic companies. International businesses also face additional risks
because of the cross-cultural nature of
their business.
Taking advantage of these opportunities
and managing these additional risks is a
recurring theme in the curriculum for this
subject. Emphasis is given to managing
the multinational corporation, but many
of the issues addressed in this course are
also relevant for firms with more restricted international business dealings.
This course focuses in particular on the link
between strategy and operations in
complex (internal and external) services
that create the most value in any organization.
Process management is the linchpin
between all aspects of the course: service
strategy, service quality, the dynamics of
operational change management, organizational learning, process improvement
methodology and process design methodology. The nature of this subject calls for a
mix between conceptual and practical
aspects. The challenge here is the maintenance of coherence between strategy and
action. Students will be expected to draw
on their management experience to work
on a practical project throughout the
This course serves as an introduction to
human resource management for those
considering careers in employment
relations and those who will potentially
have people management responsibilities.
HR processes and practices are studied in
contexts and with a consideration of
stakeholders’ interests, leading to an
appreciation of the contribution of human
resource management to organizational
success. Students will evaluate particular
approaches to human resource management through analyzing real-world cases
and practical activities.
This course provides a business foundation
for information technology (IT) in
organizations. It aims to develop the ability
of managers to: recognize the roles of IT in
organizations and understand the heavy
trends in IT; discuss the business impacts
of IT at the operational, managerial and
strategic levels; understand the main
functions and business objectives of
enterprise applications; analyze managerial
issues related to enterprise applications'
selection, implementation and usage;
understand the technical and organizational fundamentals of business intelligence (BI); design managerial BI tools such
as dashboards and scorecards; enhance
business analytical reasoning by using
interactive data visualization tools; identify
IT enabled opportunities for business
model innovations.
The course aims to provide students with
the necessary analytical tools and conceptual framework for understanding and
analyzing key economic issues in general,
and economic issues of relevance for doing
business in developing countries, like
Vietnam. Particular attention will be paid
to explaining the determinants of pricing,
the distribution of income, the use of
factor services, economic growth,
inflation, the external payments balance,
and the exchange rate. In the macroeconomics section of this course, attention is
also paid to fiscal and monetary policies.
Students are encouraged to be aware of
the different and competing perceptions of
economic phenomena. Various case
studies are used to illustrate all topics
covered during this course, and much of
the case study material used pertains to
the Vietnamese economy.
The focus of this course is to describe new
challenges that the modern business
environments pose for an organization and
how organizations can respond to these
unprecedented pressures, in particular
through the management of their staff.
Students will study topics like: the nature
of change and how to manage it; comparing old and new organizational work
designs and to study their impact on the
motivation and development of employees; the different types of conflicts and
politics induced by these changes and their
causes and their solutions; and identifying
and comparing different managerial
cultures and explaining how managers can
use them.
Financial statements are an essential tool
of communication between companies and
their partners including shareholders,
employees, and investors.
Even more specifically important are the
numbers that are in those statements since
they play a very important role in all
business transactions. The reading and
understanding of financial statements is an
accounting science skill that requires
manages to have a fundamental understanding of a key set of rules and regulations. This course focuses on helping
students develop those skills to better
prepare them to make successful decisions
in the business world.
Successful candidates for the EMBA program are
expected to possess:
A Bachelor degree or higher degree.
At least 4 years of documented professional
working experience.
A sound level of English.
Admission Timeline
The program begins in the fall and lasts 20 months.
The final deadline for admission is in July. Please visit
the website for additional dates and details.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Applicants
are advised to submit their completed application as
early as possible because the class may be filled prior to
the final application deadlines listed above.
Steps to apply
Submission of application package
Candidate interview (in English)
and English proficiency test
Complete candidate profile
Receive offer from UQAM
Acceptance of offer and payment
Orientation day
Mr. Larry Truong (CHS, CFP, CLU, ChFC)
Head of the Centre for Professional
Development, Agency Division,
Manulife Vietnam
The UQAM Executive MBA is a great opportunity to understand how corporations work and
how you can best contribute to them. It also
helps you to challenge your assumptions, to
meet with people from other business fields
and other backgrounds, and to interact with
them and improve your skills. If you want a
world-class Executive MBA in an international
environment while keeping your job, a
program that combines academic theory with
real world application, to improve your
leadership and strategy skills, and above all a
great human experience then the UQAM
Executive MBA is the right choice and right
place to be.
Ms. Nguyen Phuong Khanh
Mr. Nguyen Trung
Corporate Services Manager
Santa Fe Relocation Services
Strategic Planning Director,
Vinamilk corporation
EMBA UQAM is a great program that I was
honored to take part in. This is a perfect
program for managers looking to strengthen
their expertise of business and management.
The students benefit from real case studies
that are very useful for our career. I am
confident that I will continue to utilize the
skills learned during this course, and ensure
my projects are better structured and set up
to succeed in the future.
I will admit that the program is demanding.
However, I had the chance to study with some
of the top business professors in the world and
acquire latest knowledge and theories and new
approaches. The class atmosphere encouraged
interaction and discussion among executive
peers from different professional backgrounds,
which gave me a chance to make new
The networking activities were also
extremely helpful for all the students to
enhance our professional network. I would
definitely recommend this program to my
friends and colleagues.
Mr. Nguyen Khac Han Hoan
Tu Du Hospital
Mr. Phan Nhu Minh
General Manager, FUCHS GmbH & Co. KG,
Asia Purchasing Office
The executive MBA program of ESG UQAM
helped me to challenge old conventions. The
classes, which are run at weekends and on
weekday evenings, offered me different
perspectives to run a business. This EMBA
program has added immeasurable value to
me and my business.
EMBA program organized by UQÀM and UEH
ISB was comprehensive, practical and
challenging. It was all fulfilling advanced
knowledge and skill sets for who wished to
better their organizations and minimize risk of
failure. Of course, I did enjoy learning EMBA
and was so excited to explore new horizon in
each course. “The EMBA really helps me
improve my career as a head doctor in medical
department, but that's not all” was the answer
to my friends’ questions.
EMBA Admission Office
17 Pham Ngoc Thach Str.,
District 3, HCMC
(08) 5446 5555
0902 85 11 77
For more informations
please visit website
University Of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
ESG - UQAM | EMBA Admission Office
17 Pham Ngoc Thach Str., District 3, HCMC
(08) 5446 5555
0902 85 11 77