May 2008 Review Template - The American Water Spaniel Club


May 2008 Review Template - The American Water Spaniel Club
American Water Spaniel Club, Inc.
The Review
MAY 2008
The Winning picture of the 2007 AWSC Photo Contest
Entry Submitted by Mark Wilkens
Other contest winning photos and information for the 2008 AWSC Photo Contest can be found beginning on page 25
AWSC, Inc. Publishing Policy
The AWS Review is the official publication of the American Water Spaniel Club, Inc., a Wisconsin non-profit corporation that was founded in 1985 to promote and develop the American
Water Spaniel (AWS). The AWSC, Inc. is recognized by the American Kennel Club as the breed’s
parent club responsible for the development of the AWS in the United States.
Our membership year runs from January 1
through December 31 each year. Renewals are
due by January 1. Your membership will lapse if
dues remain unpaid 45 days after they are due. To
obtain a membership application, contact:
The AWS Review editor encourages everyone to submit articles that may be of interest to our
members. Please send your articles to: Paul Morrison, 11450 Durand Rd. Howell, MI 48855. Articles may also be e-mailed to: Articles printed in the AWS Review will be informative or educational. The editor uses IBM compatible computers to edit and layout the AWS
Review. If possible, please send your material on a CD or floppy disk and send a hard copy of your
article. Check with the editor for the correct format.
Articles, letters, or opinions appearing in the AWS Review do not necessarily express or reflect
the views of the AWSC, Inc., the Board of Directors, the AWS Review or its editor. Material that
is contrary to the goals and policies of the American Kennel Club and the AWSC, Inc. will not be
printed. The AWS Review reserves the right to reasonably edit any material received. Letters to the
Editor will be published that do not criticize any member of the club, his/her dogs or kennel, or
the judging of any dog, but are of general interest to the members. Such letters that are acceptable
must have the signature of the author and be limited to 300 words. This policy is not to be construed as forbidding opposing viewpoints or constructive criticism.
Though the AWS Review may publish registration numbers, ratings, listings, gradings, standings, or other identifying information regarding AWS, provided by our own statisticians and various other organizations, the AWSC, Inc. takes no responsibility for either their accuracy or the
method from which they were derived. Please notify the appropriate person if an error is discovered.
Items sent, whether advertising, photos, or articles, must not require a signature (i.e. “Return
Receipt Requested” or “Express Mail”). If you desire a receipt, include a self-addressed postcard
which will be promptly returned to you.
Patty St. Onge
4835 South Mill Loop Road
Maple, WI 54854
Join the club devoted to promoting all aspects
of the American Water Spaniel and open to all
fanciers of the breed.
Address Changes
Please send address and phone number changes
Patty St. Onge
4835 South Mill Loop Road
Maple, WI 54854
Advertising Policy
If you are competing outside of the U.S. or in
NAHRA, UKC, UKC/HRC, etc., we need a copy
of the certificate of accomplishment or other
verification of your dog’s achievements.
The listing of kennels in the Breeders Directory and advertising in the AWS Review, by any organization or individual, does not constitute an endorsement of that organization or individual by
the AWSC, Inc.
For conformation, obedience, agility, and any
AKC honor that is not published, send your information to:
Advertising that includes the terms OFA and CERF must include the OFA number and CERF
number of all dogs listed. Brag/Win ads are for members only and cannot be used to sell anything.
A display ad is an advertisement meant to promote the sale of items or services including, but not
limited to, puppies, stud service, adult dogs, and pet products.
To advertise dogs and/or breeding services, one must be a current member of the AWSC, Inc.
for at least one year prior to the month of publication. The AWS Review has the right to accept or
reject any and all forms of advertising that do not fall within the stated goals and objectives of the
club. The editor cannot be expected to return long distance phone calls regarding advertising. Special pages available on a first come-first served basis.
Jayne Kamau
6657 Old M-11
Sawyer, MI 49125
For hunt test accomplishments, please send
verification to:
Patty St. Onge
4835 South Mill Loop Road
Maple, WI 54854
All properly submitted information will be
forwarded to the AWS Review editor for inclusion
in the newsletter.
Advertising Rates
Brag/Win Ad
Display Ad
Display Ad (two insertions)
Member Rate
Advertising Tips
Inside Cover (front or back)
Full Page
1/2 Page
$ 80
1/4 Page
$ 30
Inside Cover (front or back)
Full Page
1/2 Page
$ 90
1/4 Page
$ 50
Non-Member Rate
Brag ad includes - photo, names of dog and owner, type of win, name and date of show.
Type or clearly print all advertising copy. Capitalize only the things you want in capital letters.
Label your photo on the back with name of dog,
your name and address. Include cropping instructions. Mail your photos marked “Photos - Do
NOT bend” and use a photo mailing envelope or
cardboard for protection. For best reproduction,
photos must be clear and have good contrast. If
no instructions are given, photo will be cropped
to dog only.
© Reproduction of this publication, whether in
whole or in part, without written permission of
the American Water Spaniel Club, Inc., is prohibited.
MAY 2008
Page 3
AWSC — Board of Directors
Inside this issue:
George Zenk, President (serves to 2009) Vice-president
6361 Hwy 20
Webster, ND 58382
Vacant Position
(701) 395-4457
President’s Message
Vice-President’s Message
Annual Meeting Minutes
Getting Started
Sue Liemohn, Secretary (2007 - 2009)
18515 Lake George Blvd. NW
Anoka, MN 55303
Teresa Marley, Treasurer (2006 - 2008)
255 Knight Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901-1443
(415) 454-0789
Art Heun, Director (2006 - 2008)
6035 Autumn Point Cove
Olive Branch, MS 38654
(662) 890-4513
David McCracken, Director (2007 - 2009)
P.O. Box 1982
Sumter, SC 29151
(803) 494-3622
Paul Morrison, Director (2006 - 2008)
11450 Durand Rd.
Howell, MI 48855
(517) 552-1663
AWSC — AKC Delegate
Beth Lagimoniere
1013 W. Creston St.
Santa Maria, CA 93458
(805) 925-3547
National Specialty
Help Needed
Art Heun is looking for volunteers to be on-site emergency responders during the
Nationals. If you would like to help in this area, please contact Art at 662-890-4513 or
by email at
Volunteers are needed to assist in a variety of areas during this year's National Specialty. Contact Teresa Marley at or (415) 454-0789 if you will
be able to help.
A photographer is needed to take pictures of the performance events and qualifiers
at those events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Health and Genetics
New AKC Title Holders
Delegate’s Report
Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report
Rescue Report
Board Meeting Minutes
2007 Pfeifer Standings
Photo Contest
Statistician’s Report
Judges Education Seminar
Breeders Directory
Production Schedule
January 15
April 1
June 15
September 1
Page 4
President’s Message
from George Zenk, Jr.
With the recent resignation of Jeannie Wright as president, I find myself in the unenviable position of having to write the
President’s message for the first time.
I am fully aware of the specific issues, reasons, and causes for her untimely and unfortunate decision to vacate her leadership
position at a time when this organization so desperately needs skilled, fair, and unbiased leadership which she so unselfishly
was providing.
As a relatively new member to this organization, my observation is that the unheralded, relentless, negative behaviors of a
few individuals, is perpetuating the divisiveness in our organization. If it continues, the future does not bode well for the
AWSC, Inc.
I may be naïve but it certainly appears to me that all this controversy is not about what is best for the AWSC, Inc. and the
breed, but it is about control. Now it is not “rocket science” that organizations survive and thrive on “teamwork” and not
control. “Teamwork” and “control” are somewhat contradictory terms. Teamwork means that people “work together
as a unit.” Control means “to rule or have power over.”
Again, I may be naïve, but I assumed that this organization was a democratic creation, developed for the common good of
the membership at large and the breed; not a dictatorship being controlled by one person or a small group of individuals.
Now it seems rather logical to me that this incessant drive for control by a few individuals is one of the primary reasons for
our loss of membership. When members witness the negativity and divisiveness perpetuated by a few, they start to conclude
that those few individuals are driven by selfish or “I” needs and are not concerned with the wishes and needs of the membership at large and the breed. Consequently, those members began to feel isolated – less and less a part of the organization that
they originally wanted to be part of – and as a result leave.
This organization is being destroyed from within, right before our eyes. I don’t think or certainly hope that is not what you
want, but that is what is happening. I have once before, several years ago, witnessed this in an organization and it is not
pretty. Let’s not let that happen to this organization.
I think that we need to sit back, take a deep breath, ask ourselves “what are we doing,” and is it in the best interest of the
AWSC, Inc. and the breed or is it based on personal needs, vindictiveness, or the selfish desire to gain control. Remember,
organizations function the best with compromise, cooperation, and the entire group’s interest in mind.
I will conclude my lecture with some philosophical canine wisdom from some different sources that might be apropos at this
“The average dog is nicer than the average person.” - Andrew A. Rooney
“Know yourself. Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.” - Ann Landers
“If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.” Woodrow Wilson
“The more I see of the representatives of the people, the more I admire my dogs.” –Alphonse de Lamartine
“A dog has lots of friends because he wags his tail and not his tongue.” – Anonymous
“Your goal in life should be to become as wonderful as your dog thinks you are.” – Toby & Eileen Green
“If you can say honestly that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion, politics or other individuals, then my friend you are ALMOST as good as your dog, ALMOST but not quite, because besides not having any of
your hang-ups and vices, he would without hesitation, give up his life for you if need be.” – Virginia Trendall
MAY 2008
Page 5
Vice-President’s letter
from George Zenk, Jr.
For this issue of the REVIEW, I have
the unusual opportunity of writing
both the President’s message and the
Vice President’s letter due to the resignation of our President.
I am certainly pleased that Spring and
warmer weather have arrived. The
skies are filled with geese migrating
North and songbirds have started to
arrive and look for nesting sites. Our
snow has disappeared. The farmers are
getting out and starting their Spring
planting. It is great to see all the wildlife that has survived the winter and
soon will be bringing forth young of
the year as the cycle starts anew. The
giant Canada geese are already incubating eggs and the robins are starting to
build nests. The brown dogs are want-
ing to stay out longer and longer to
attempt to chase birds out of the yard.
Indeed, Spring is a very uplifting and
welcome time.
Spring, however, brings us ever closer
to Nationals. If you have not made
plans to attend, please do so early.
Plans are progressing for Nationals
and I surely hope that all of you can
attend. As usual, there will be activities for all and opportunities to make
new friends and reacquaint with old
Nationals also bring the opportunity to
volunteer to serve the organization.
For those of you who are interested in
serving on a committee or considering
serving on the board now is the time
to step forward and make those wishes
known. By the time you read this the
nominating committee will have completed its task of looking for and nominating individuals to fill board vacancies. We also have committees seeking
The coming of spring also affords
those of us living in the northern
climes the opportunity to once again
go outside and do some serious training with our brown dogs in preparation for hunting, hunt tests, RCTs or
whatever the case may be.
I want to congratulate all those who
have earned titles and placed in shows
these past few months and hope to see
you at Nationals in August in Alexandria, MN.
What is its purpose?
In an effort to recognize the joys
and sorrows of our members involving their dogs or family members (i.e. loss of a dog, death in
the family, birth of a baby, a special award, and so forth) the Board
of Directors has created a new
committee called AWSCares. It is
this committee's responsibility to
make contact with members experiencing such life affecting
situations with a personal note,
phone call, flowers, etc. However,
it will take all of us to keep the
committee informed of these life
experiences so that no member
goes unrecognized. We urge all
of our members to contact the
committee chairperson, Mike
Dismer, at,
if you know of a member facing
such an event.
2008 AWSC Fundraising
This raffle is for the benefit of the
general fund of the AWSC.
The prize is a winners choice of a
$100 gift certificate to Cabela's or Drs. Foster and Smith.
Tickets are a $1.00 donation each. The drawing will be held at
the AWSC Nationals on August 9, 2008.
To obtain tickets to sell, contact David McCracken at or at PO Box 1982, Sumter, SC
29151, or 803 494-3622. The tickets are bundled in packs of
10. The number of tickets requested will be mailed to the
member asking for them. After the tickets are sold, the stubs,
along, with a check for the appropriate amount (do not send
cash, please) should be mailed back to David McCracken.
There will be an information sheet mailed with each packet of
Page 6
Annual Meeting Minutes
Per the AWSC Bylaws, the AWSC must operate under the rules outlined in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order –
Newly Revised (RONR). In Chapter XV, Section 48, page 457, line 21 – 32 it states, “When the next regular business session will
not be held within a quarterly time interval (see p. 88), and the session does not last longer than one day, or in an organization in which there will
be a change or replacement of a portion of the membership, the executive board or a committee appointed for the purpose should be authorized to
approve the minutes. The fact that the minutes are not then read for approval at the next meeting does not prevent a member from having a relevant
excerpt read for information; nor does it prevent the assembly in such a case from making additional corrections, treating, the minutes as having been
previously approved …”
The committee formed to compile, review, and approve the minutes was composed of Sue Liemohn (chair), Lois
McCracken, and Rick Butler. The committee did not have the benefit of reviewing the audio tapes of the annual meeting because they were unavailable from the secretary.
Homestead Restaurant, Afton, WY
August 10, 2007
I. Call to order and attending:
President Linda Ford called the meeting to order at 8:05 pm.
Officers and Board members present:
Linda Ford
Martha Sbarbori
Teresa Marley
Paul Morrison
David McCracken
Art Heun
Officer absent:
George Zenk
AKC Delegate present:
Beth Lagimoniere
II. Patty St. Onge announced the results of the Roustabout, and David McCracken then announced the results of the Water
Derby and awarded the prizes. 17 teams participated. (The complete list of winners will be published in the Review and on
the website.)
III. Photo contest winners were announced by Linda Ford, by category as follows:
All Play and No Work
#1 Mark Wilkens
All Work and No Play
#2 Mark Wilkens
#6 Sue Weaver
#1 David McCracken
Overall Winner
#2 Mark Wilkens
People’s Choice
#2 Mark Wilkens
IV. The Annual Meeting Minutes Review Committee reviewed the 2006 annual meeting minutes earlier this year. Linda
asked if there were any other corrections. Minutes stand as approved by the special committee.
V. Linda Ford thanked all the committee chairs and board members. She then presented tokens of appreciation for service
to the following committee chairs and board members who were present: Beth Lagimoniere, Patty St. Onge, Shirley Wilkens,
(Continued on page 7)
Page 7
MAY 2008
Annual Meeting Minutes
(Continued from page 6)
Jeannie Wright, Art Heun, David McCracken, Paul Morrison, Teresa Marley, and Martha Sbarbori.
The 2008 National Specialty will be held in Alexandria, MN. Volunteers to assist in this event are asked to contact the
Board. Teresa Marley is the Show Advisor, but committee chairs for all events are needed. Deb Parker and Sharilee Malik
planned and executed the details for this year’s National Specialty. This is a big job for only two people. Linda explained
that the show advisor administers the AKC paperwork, but a Show Chair and Show Committee to oversee each annual Specialty are a necessity. Jeannie Wright recommended there be two Show Committees working at all times, one for the current
year and one for the following year’s Specialty.
Linda then introduced incoming board members for the 2007-2009 term:
President, Jeannie Wright
Secretary, Sue Liemohn
Director, David McCracken (returning)
The Nominating Committee’s choices were unopposed, thus there was no election.
III. Secretary’s Report:
Martha Sbarbori requested the incoming Board consider revising the Club’s Articles of Incorporation to permit the Club to
engage in supporting the defeat of legislation that may adversely affect our sport. She gave the example of the recent failed
California assembly bill calling for mandatory spay and neuter. The AWSC was unable to take an official stand on this bill
and communicate that position to California lawmakers, due to the prohibition of “political” activity in the Articles of Incorporation.
V. Treasurer’s Report:
Copies of the Treasurer’s Report were distributed prior to the meeting. Teresa noted two corrections: T-shirt income
should be $757, and the income from the Cabela’s and portrait raffle should be $63. Teresa Marley cautioned everyone that
while the report looks good as of July 31, 2007, with a balance of $10,635.00, sizable Specialty expenses are pending. All income other than water derby and brown bag raffle has already been accounted for in the report. The auction tomorrow
night will be the final opportunity to raise money to defray the costs of this Specialty.
VI. Committee Reports:
Committee reports were distributed in the welcome bags, with the exception of the Rescue Committee report, which was
handed out at the meeting. The Library Committee Report was inadvertently omitted from the packet. Linda Ford therefore
gave an oral report. Linda is co-chair of the Committee until Pat Hamil can fully assume the duties of Chair.
Linda Hattrem asked why NAHRA titles were removed from consideration for ROM Awards. Linda Ford replied that because the AWSC is an AKC parent club, the Board agreed that AKC hunt test titles should be considered instead of other
clubs. This qualification can be revisited at some time in the future. Art Heun said he feels ALL awards should be considered, regardless of the venue. David McCracken agreed.
Linda Hattrem asked how many Board members voted on the special announcement regarding the formation of a new AWS
rescue group on the AWSC website. Linda Ford told her there were 4 votes in favor. David McCracken said he never saw a
call for vote. Linda Ford explained that the Board had received emails and calls regarding the letter that announced the formation of the new rescue AWS group, and presented the background. The letters from Holly Lewis were not received until
the first week of August. The group had been formed in April. The Board had not been informed until the letters were received. Lengthy discussion on the topic of the new AWS rescue organization, as well as past and future issues of potential
conflict of interest, ensued.
VII. Old Business
No Unfinished business from 2006.
VIII. New Business:
(Continued on page 41)
Page 8
Getting Started – for Started
submitted by Paula Harris
Anyone who is interested in running
tests needs to first be familiar with the
rules. Each group’s sanctioning body
will have the rules available at their
website. For example, the AKC Spaniel test guidelines can be found at, Hunting Retriever Club Started rules are located at,
and the rules for NAHRA are at The
AWSC website gives the format and
regulations for the RCT and the
AWSC tests. Reading the rules will
help a handler avoid many costly mistakes and perhaps allay some of the
pre-test anxiety that inevitably results
once that first premium list has been
filled out and the check sent in.
The rules will also contain basic descriptions of the tests, but generally in
a flushing test, the dog must flush 2
birds, need not be steady to wing and
shot, and must make a single retrieve
of about 20 yards from water. In retriever tests the single marks will be
both land and water ranging in distance from 35-75 yards, and the dog
may be restrained lightly at the line and
need not deliver to hand. In an AWSC
test, the dog must flush one bird and
make a single land and water retrieve
of 40 yards.
“When you read, you begin with A-BC,” the song continues, and the
Photo by Sue Liemohn
In our last issue, David McCracken
outlined the various levels of hunt tests
available to you and your AWS. By
now you are both probably anxious to
get started – but you might be wondering, “How do I get started for
Started?” As Maria croons in The
Sound of Music, the beginning “is a very
good place to start,” so in this installment we hope to present the rudimentary basics of both retrieving and upland games to start on the path to hunt
The author is pictured on the right running her dog at an HRC test in South Carolina
“ABC’s” of all dog activities is OBEDIENCE. While your dog doesn’t
have to be necessarily steady for the
entry levels of hunt tests, allowing your
dog to run amok at a test creates bad
habits that will be troublesome later on
when you get bitten by “the bug” and
want to keep going. Our clever little
brown dogs will quickly that corrections aren’t allowed at tests and will
suddenly “remember” this fact at inopportune times!
In addition, a solid obedience foundation is the basis of a good dog/handler
relationship. By teaching obedience
(and demanding obedience in all aspects of daily life, not just in the field),
you cement your place as “alpha” of
the pack, relieving your dog of any
responsibilities it might feel to take
charge. Obedience training creates a
well-mannered pet that is welcome in
hotels and at other people’s homes and
is a joy to live with.
The most important commands to
teach are: Sit (or “Hup” in Spaniel parlance), Stay, Here, and Heel. Looking
at an HRC Started retriever test, we
can see how these basic commands are
required in what is basically a test of
instinct. First, the dog must walk
calmly to the line on lead (Heel). The
dog needs to sit and wait for the bird
to fall (Sit/Stay). The dog runs to the
bird (this is instinct) and returns to you
with the bird, dropping it within a step
of you (that’s Here).
Running a Started (Junior) flushing test
is pretty much unstructured fun for
your pup. Most AWS will be able to
hunt on their own with little training,
so concentrating on the “perfect pattern” is not necessary yet. Just let your
dog hunt and have fun; they will find
birds! You can train by planting a few
quail, chukars, pigeons, or any other
available live birds in low cover (high
enough to hide the bird) and encouraging your pup to, “Hunt ‘em up!” He’ll
get the idea quickly! It must be noted,
however, that obedience is once again
of paramount importance here. The
pup MUST return to the handler; either with the downed bird or, in the
case of a missed fly-away, without it
(Continued on page 17)
MAY 2008
Page 9
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Page 10
Health and Genetics
The following article summarizes one of the
presentations at the 2007 National Parent
Club Canine Health Conference sponsored by
the AKC Canine Health Foundation and
Nestlé Purina. The full summary of the
speech, prepared by the conference, is available
on the AWSC website at and at the
AKC CHF home page under
Research, Educational.
What Everyone Needs to Know
About Canine Vaccines and Vaccination Programs
by Dr. Ron Schultz, PhD
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr. Ron Schultz is the world’s foremost authority of veterinary immunology and was able to coalesce many of
the new snippets of information we
have been hearing about updates in
canine immunizations.
There are still many misconceptions
about vaccinations today and Dr.
Schultz asked for our help to provide
education about current correct procedures to every veterinarian, boarding
kennel, groomer, breeder, pet owner
and even state and local officials to reduce the over-vaccination of both cats
and dogs. He also said that it is equally
important that we don’t overcompensate and then fail to vaccinate
often enough. A large threat to our
dogs is that only 50% of dogs are vaccinated, though if this were raised to
75%, we could eliminate many of the
diseases prevented by our core vaccines.
Recent vaccine trials have shown long-term
immunity of more than seven years for distemper and parvovirus, more than three years with
a canary pox-vectored distemper vaccine, and
more than seven years for canine adenovirus
with the second-generation vaccine product.
Rabies vaccines are mandated by law to a 3
year revaccination schedule in most places.
Challenge studies are underway to prove a
longer duration-of-immunity to all viral vaccines, including rabies.
Dr. Schultz said it is critical for veterinary
biological companies to endorse the three-year
immunization schedule, as they have since
2004. “The practitioner really relies heavily
on the company that supplies the vaccine. If
anything goes wrong, they want to be backed
up. If they need diagnostics, the company will
generally pay for them.”
In 2006, the American Animal Hospital
Association (AAHA) Canine Vaccine
Task Force released the updated Canine Vaccination Guideline. It can be
found at:
The Task Force’s vaccine experts recommend that following a proper puppy
vaccination schedule, the Core Vaccines be given every three years, not
yearly. The Core Vaccines are:
1. Canine Parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2)
2. Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
3. Canine Adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2)
Rabies Virus (RV)
For the Optional Vaccines, it is critical to
balance the odds of infection and disease
against the risk of adverse reactions, while
recognizing that treatment must be repeated
annually and efficacy does not approach that of
the core vaccines. He emphasized that Leptospirosis and Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccines
should never be combined with treatments for
viruses, and should never be administered before 12 weeks of age – the puppy needs all of
its immunological resources to develop a good
immunity to the deadly viruses. The treatments should be administered on opposite sides
of the animal, so that they affect different
lymph nodes.
This means that your pet should not be receiving Leptospirosis antigens in a combination
shot for viral diseases. The immune system
reacts differently to bacterial immunizations
than it does to viral. Immunity from Leptospirosis and Bordetella vaccinations lasts less
than one year and should ideally be given every
6-9 months after that initial vaccination and
booster in 2-4 weeks. AHAA tables show 1
year for revaccination, but in written notes and
verbally, Dr. Schultz indicated 6-9 months.
Dr. Schultz urged participants to report
adverse reactions (listed in the article
on the website) to veterinarians and
vaccine manufacturers as a way of generating more reliable data on their occurrence.
Dr Schultz said that his dream would
be to make antibody titer assessments
universally available at a reasonable
cost so that we did not have to overvaccinate our dogs.
More information is available on the
Internet. The Chair of the H&G committee also has some further notes.
Dr Ron Schultz is considered by his peers to
be the most knowledgeable researcher in field of
canine and feline immunology. He is currently
Professor and Chair of the Department of
Pathological Sciences, School of Veterinary
Medicine, UW-Madison. He has been researching veterinary immunology since 1970.
MAY 2008
Page 11
New AKC Title Holders of Record
submitted by Patty St. Onge
Champion (CH)
CH ASPEN SPRINGS WATER LILY, CD, RE, NA, NAJ, CGC, {F}, 03/15/2005, Breeder: Frank & Debra Parker, CH
CGC Owner: Frank & Debra Parker, Titled Earned: 02/1/08
CH KRASKEY'S GRAND LADY AMETHYST, {F}, 06/17/2005, Breeder: Kenneth L. Dugenske Sr., INT CH GRCH CH
Titled Earned: 01/06/08
CH MOUNTAIN STAR LADY MAVERIK, {F}, 08/05/2006, Breeder: Timothy and Sharilee Malik, MOUNTAIN STAR
Titled Earned: 01/05/08
CH MOUNTAIN STAR RANDOM GIFT, {F}, 08/05/2005, Breeder: Timothy and Sharilee Malik, CH GALAXY'S RANDOM ECLIPSE, CD, CGC, DPP x CH KOLKLEINE MTN STAR KITANA, Owner: Timothy and Sharilee Malik, Titled
Earned: 02/17/08
CH MTNSTAR ASPEN COLLABORATION, {M}, 03/06/2005, Breeder: Timothy and Sharilee Malik, CH MOUNTAIN
Sharilee Malik, Titled Earned: 02/17/08
COUNTRY TWIST, CD, CGC x CALIFORNIA LADY, Owner: John & Lorraine Tufts, Titled Earned: 02/23/08
Companion Dog (CD)
CH ASPEN SPRINGS WATER LILY, CD, RE, NA, NAJ, CGC, {F}, 03/15/2005, Breeder: Frank & Debra Parker, CH
CGC Owner: Frank & Debra Parker, Titled Earned: 01/21/08
Owner: Frank & Debra Parker, Titled Earned: 02/17/08
Novice Agility (NA)
CH ASPEN SPRINGS WATER LILY, CD, RE, NA, NAJ, CGC, {F}, 03/15/2005, Breeder: Frank & Debra Parker, CH
CGC Owner: Frank & Debra Parker, Titled Earned: 10/06/07
CH MOUNTAIN STAR TAZMANIAN, CDX, RAE2, NA, CGC, {M}, 09/20/2002, Breeder: Sharilee Malik, CH MOUNTAIN STAR OTIS MANYFETCHS, x CH MOUNTAIN STAR PARKIE, Owner: Frank & Debra Parker, Titled Earned:
Novice Agility Jumper (NAJ)
Owner: Frank & Debra Parker, Titled Earned: 01/26/08
Master Agility Excellent (MX)
CALIFORNIA REGAL CACAO DIANNE, CDX, RE, MX, AXJ, CGC, TDI, {F}, 11/05/2004, Breeder: Linda L. Ford,
R. Norckauer Jr., Titled Earned: 02/23/08
(Continued on page 23)
Page 12
AKC Delegate Report
submitted by Beth Lagimoniere
AKC Delegates Meeting –– March 11, 2008 (Manhattan, NY)
Long-time AKC employees were honored for their years of service and lifetime commitment to the American Kennel Club: Ines
Maldonado (23 yrs) – current position of Manager of Judging Operations Department; Maria Robinson (28 yrs) – current position of
Manager of Show Records; Mike Liosis (37 yrs) – current position of Director of Club Relations.
We have received direction from Mike Liosis in AWSC business on many occasions and have found him to be very knowledgeable
and always willing to help. I’d like to share a bit of humor with you in a quote from Mike’s supervisor, Jim Crowley. “One prime
task of his is to become involved in one of those very rare occurrences – a dog club dispute. Where else can you go into a job knowing that half of those you deal with are going to end up believing that you are ignorant, something is awry, and you are in league with
the other half, who also believe you are foolish and unfair.”
Election of Delegates for a position on the AKC Board of Directors, Class of 2010, was held. Candidates were Dr. Carmen L
Battaglia (174 votes) and Dr. Fred C Bock II (160 votes). Other candidates running unopposed for the Class of 2012 were Dr. Thomas M Davies, Mr. Walter F Goodman, and Mr. Ronald H Menaker.
Issues voted on:
Proposed amendment to Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Rules Applying to Registration and Discipline, recommended by the AKC
Board of Directors. This amendment allows changes in a dog’s name with certain provisions and requirements, if it does
not impact the AKC Stud Book or event records. 2/3 affirmative obtained; amendment adopted.
First quarter AKC 2008 Community Achievement Awards were announced.
AKC Family Dog was awarded Best All-Breed Magazine by the Dog Writer’s Association of America for the second consecutive
year, as well as an additional award going to an AKC publication staff member for best column. AKC Gazette was recipient of 6
awards, the most given to any nominee in the All-Breed Magazine category. With two or more awards, one at the Alliance of Purebred Dog Writers award luncheon, AKC publications were the recipient of a total of 10 awards for 2007.
The June 2008 Delegates meeting will be held in Quincy, Massachusetts.
James S. Corbett, AKC Delegate, Tualatin Kennel Club
Reprinted from AKC Perspectives: The Delegates’ Newsletter
For the past few years we have seen a consistent attack on the American Kennel Club, the ownership of dogs, and
the events that are a part of our history. These attacks have come from animal rights activists, anti-hunting organizations
local legislative bodies looking for new financial resources, and others who have missions counter to our own as we pursue
purebred dog activities.
As we would expect, the focus of the public relations messages and the highlight of stories appearing on the AKC
Home Page, is Breed Specific Legislation, mandatory spay and neuter, cropping and docking, and ownership/breeder fees
that make dog ownership difficult at best. We see constant challenges from Kentucky to Ohio to California to Texas to New
Mexico to New York, to name only a few. These highlights sometimes miss local efforts where the legislative or legal challenges may seem harmless. The operative word is MAY.
To give a very local example, an October 16, 2007, the Columbia County Animal Control held a public hearing, with
the following statement: “You are invited to participate in the upcoming Columbia County ‘Kennel Ordinance’ meeting…”
The concern is that this relatively small county about 30 miles from Portland, Oregon is not represented by any AKC kennel
club. Individuals may attend and testify, but that is different from an organized body presenting a position or concerns about
proposed ordinances. Tualantin Kennel Club and Longview-Kelso Kennel Club are close from a geographic perspective, but
neither includes Columbia County in their sphere of influence.
The challenges we face within our 50 states are daunting. Every challenge, be it local or statewide, requires resources
– money and people. California and others have shown the value and accomplishments to be gained from local people
working together. AKC is a critical component in these efforts, as they provide advice and logistical support, as well as help
in carefully crafting letters to the governmental bodies involved.
One largely unrecognized area where we have legal and/or legislative challenges is performance events. All of the
(Continued on page 13)
MAY 2008
Page 13
AKC Delegate Report … continued
(Continued from page 12)
challenges noted above impact those of us in performance events.
In addition, performance events that use public or quasi-public lands may face additional challenges. For example:
The Pittman-Robertson Act offers serious challenges to use of lands in the state of Ohio. Pittman-Robertson may seem to
be a local issue for Ohio Field Trialers, but the ramifications are extreme. If we lose performance events venues in Ohio,
then any grounds with Pittman-Roberson funding is at high rist. It is important to remember that our loss here can easily
translate into other efforts to eliminate hunting and/or performance events in other states.
The Associated Bird Dog Clubs of Ohio website ( has a detailed history of the current
situation and describes the issues very well:
“The well-known field trial areas of Killdeer Plains and Indian Creek Wildlife Area in Ohio are in danger of being
closed by the Ohio Division of Wildlife. The Ohio Division of Wildlife has announced that these well known areas will be
closed to Field Trialing at the end of April 2008.
“In the summer of 2001, interim guidelines were published by the US Fish & Wildlife Service stating that field trials
were not a valid use of lands purchased or maintained by Pittman-Robertson funds. Pittman-Robertson funds are federal
funds raised from taxes on Ammunition, Firearms, and Licenses.
“Hearings at the federal level, pushed by Field Trialers at the national level, caused this to be dropped from implementation. In reality, it appears that this effort put the proposed draft on indefinite hold, rather than killing the initiative.
The ABDC of Ohio website conclude that Ohio has brought this to an implementation stage, and a prime field trial
area is at risk.
One important thing to remember is that we must all e good citizens. Many years ago, Walt Kelly had a carton strip
called “Pogo.” Pogo was a politically correct possum. His famous line fits eminently well into this environment-“We have
met the enemy, and they are us!”
In addition to Ohio, we have many states in the Heartland, including Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa,
and Nebraska, that are at risk as the result of federal regulations, state/local interpretations of federal regulations or the implementation of constraints from local or state government-mandated constraints.
On the West Coast, we have had public initiatives that resulted in laws that control our use of state lands and the use
of hounds in many of our traditional hunting sports. Bear and Cougar hunting are essentially eliminated, and Coonhound
night hunts are severely limited as a seasonal use of public and private land provides a very narrow window for such events.
California is equally restrictive, and more so in some aspects. Washington and other Pacific Northwest states are at risk for
hunting with hounds.
Beagle field trials in Oregon have been challenged by animal rights groups, and the Oregon Department of Fish &
Wildlife has been trying to walk a fine line and keep both hunters and animal rights activists happy. AS can be expected, this
is a near impossibility.
In Oregon, fighting the challenges to hunting with hounds has created some very interesting “bedfellows”. In the
mid-1990s, Oregon had an initiative petition passed by the citizens of Oregon that accomplished the constraints on coonhound hunting noted above. To fight this and similar battles, a coalition of houndmen, trappers, furriers and pet shop owners worked together to fight this challenge and related challenges.
To date, the challenges to bird hunting have been limited. Sauvies Island is very large and a key resource on the flyway for wildfowl. Much of the island was available for hunting and field trails, but gradually the allowed use has diminished.
The island was a great resource for field trialing and training, as it is almost within the city limits of Portland. The island was
also a great area for coon hunting, and night hunts.
The American Kennel Club has worked with member clubs, nonmember clubs, and individual members of the dog
fancy in numerous states to help fight legislative and legal challenges. The high profile issues of breed-specific legislation and
spay/neuter requirements have gathered most of the ink. It is equally important that we all monitor all legal and legislative
activities that challenge any part of the AKC family – conformation events, companion events, and performance events.
As we help you watch for breed restrictive legislation, spay/neuter legislation, or specialized fees for breeding of
dogs, we also need your help in watching for legal and legislative efforts that impact our field events.
The AWSC is in need of a Legislative Liaison.
Please consider contributing to protecting our breed and our rights by volunteering.
The AWS and AWSC need you!
Page 14
Committee Reports
Below you will find information regarding each of the AWSC committees reporting prior to the printing of the Review.
Listed will be each committee’s activities since the last report. For further information regarding any of the committees you
may contact the committee chairperson directly.
Standing Committees
AWSC Field Events – Steve O’Neal (Chair) –
Committee members: Jane Christiansen , David McCracken, Paula Harris, Kevin Smith, Art Heun, Sue Liemohn, Gary
Activities since last report:
We received all Field Events Materials from the past Field Events Chair.
We have responded to two requests for information about Hunt Tests and RCT’s. This resulted in the approval of a
RCT in the state of Washington.
3. As requested by the Board, we have discussed a variety of topics that include the Sportsmanship Award, RCT’s, and
National Hunt Test entries.
4. The National Hunt Test Committee has been selected by Steve Christiansen. It will include Jane Christiansen, Chet
Borg, and Jack Davies.
5. We have confirmed 4 judges for Nationals and have 2 more judges that were contacted and are getting back with us to
confirm their commitment.
6. We have already planned for the lodging and meals for the judges.
7. We currently have contacted club members to help with the Hunt Test as Head Marshall and Head Gunner.
8. We have already contacted a supplier of birds for Nationals.
9. We have discussed several new Field Events that could be offered at Nationals.
10. We have discussed how we can list all Hunt Test Titled AWS on the AWSC website in an effort to promote Field
11. We have also started a series of articles to promote interest in Field Events. These article are about training an AWS
and can be found in the AWSC Review.
Fund Raising – David McCracken (Chair) –
Committee members: David McCracken, Kathy Davies, Jan Heck, Martha Sbarbori
Activities since last report: The Cabela’s/Dr’s. Foster & Smith raffle is under way. Several hundred tickets have been distributed and money is coming in. There are still tickets that need to be distributed. Letters requesting donations for Nationals
will be mailed during April. Donations will be received by Jan Heck, who will transport them to Alexandria.
General Education – Beth Lagimoniere (Chair) –
Committee members: Linda Ford, Lois McCracken, Butch Norckauer, Sheila Norckauer
Activities since last report:
• Started on development of educational booklet “American Water Spaniel Dog Owner’s Guide”.
• Submitted articles of general interest to the Review.
• Started 2008 AKC Meet the Breeds booth design.
AWSC Rescue – Paul Olsen (Chair) –
Committee members: Currently seeking committee members
Activities since last report: See Rescue Article in this publication
(Continued on page 15)
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MAY 2008
Committee Reports … continued
(Continued from page 14)
Health & Genetics – Kathy Wiederholt (Chair) –
Committee members: Lois McCracken, Linda Ford, Pam Boyer, Paul Morrison, Beth Lagimoniere
Activities since last report: Since the last report, member Linda Ford generously summarized four of the presentations in
the proceedings from the 2007 CHF Canine Health Conference. Two of them have already been included in The Review.
Kathy contacted CHF and though the proceedings had still not been sent to the attendees by the end of March, they did provide her with a copy of the written notes for each presenter. From this we can put the individual topics on the AWSC website.
H&G has also been discussing a health survey through OFA. This would be a complete health survey of individual dogs
whereby anyone with an AWS could fill out the form, generating results for all to see. The complete survey we are contemplating would be modeled after the Vizsla survey which can be seen at: There would be no cost to us to implement the survey. Canine Health Foundation has indicated that results from surveys such as these would be helpful when
applying for health grants.
The issue of the AWS heart survey was again brought to our attention by member Mary Kangas. The preliminary survey
was done in collaboration with Dr. Anthony Tobias at College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. Kathy
spoke to Dr. Tobias and had discussion with H&G. The results in 2002, from the group of dogs surveyed at the time (78
subjects), indicated that 10% of the puppies in the study were affected by PDA (5%) or PS (5%), which are congenital. Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) with Regurgitation was diagnosed in 56% of the dogs >1 year old. It was rarely seen in the dogs
<1year old so it is most likely adult onset and not hereditary. The assessment by the researchers was that “Despite the high
prevalence of MVP in the population, no dogs showed clinical sign of congestive heart failure.” Indeed, Dr. Tobias verbally
indicated that it is possible that this condition might affect the dog’s CERF status, but not its quality or length of life. It is
also possible that it is serious, but not detected in the study. The severity of MVP was assessed to be mild and mitral regurgitation ranged from trivial to moderate. Dr. Tobias advised that any breed club needed extreme commitment and breeder/
owner support to complete such a study. The club would need very good cooperation with breeders for the pedigree information. In addition, at the funding level requested in 2002, the matching portion responsibility for AWSC was $35,625, of
which the club has $875.61 set aside for a heart study. Discussion within the committee has not been marked to this point,
but we will be revisiting the subject to complete discussion after completing work on the Breeder’s Ethics Guidelines.
H&G was asked to review and update the Breeder’s Ethics Guidelines available on the AWSC website. The Breeder Referral and Rescue chairs were added to the committee as ad hoc members for this task. Our draft document is almost ready to
go to the Board for their review and comments. After that period, it will be made available to the membership for a period
of comment. We hope to have the document finished in time for the annual meeting.
Special Committees
By-Laws Revision Committee – Paul Morrison (Chair) –
Committee members: Sharon Dougherty, Art Heun, Jon Hattrem, Sister Marie Kopin, Sue Liemohn
Activities since last report: The committee has completed a review of the Articles found in the Proposed Bylaws Revision
through Article VII.
Procedures, Position Descriptions – No chair assigned
Committee members: Tammy Schnabel, Lois McCracken, Sister Marie Kopin, Jan Heck, Paul Morrison
Activities since last report: Since the last report, work has continued on the assigned job descriptions. Additionally the board
referred the judge selection procedure for committee review and the judges’ education chair has requested a policy for member participation in judges’ education.
The following position descriptions are at the board level for review and approval:
AWSCares Chair – National Hunt Test Chair – Rescue Chair Revised – AWSC Fund Raising Chair –
(Continued on page 16)
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Committee Reports … continued
(Continued from page 15)
The following position descriptions are in committee review:
Statistician – Audit Committee Chair
Appointed Positions
AKC Delegate – Beth Lagimoniere
Activity since last report:
•Attended March 2008 Delegate meeting
•Provided reporting
• Researched multiple issues with AKC for AWSC Board and Committees
• Submitted 2007 list of expenses to assist Board in developing travel budget
• Donated 2007 travel expense reimbursement back to AWSC
Breeder Referral – Shirley Wilkens
Activity since last report: I have received 10 requests for packets and all have been sent. Postage was $21.77
Library – Linda Ford
Activity since last report: There hasn’t been any new material sent to the Library since the last report.
Membership Secretary – Patty St. Onge
Activity since last report: As of April 10, 2008 there are 125 mailing addresses of members, Which includes 8 new members.
5 of those were applied in 2007 with their membership to begin Jan. 1 of 2008. The 3 that recently joined have been sent
their new member packets. The board has 1 new membership application to review.
Membership Secretary – Patty St. Onge
Activity since last report: This last quarter I contacted the following new members:
Sandra Krause, Tigerton, WI; Grant Beauchamp, Pendleton, Oregon; Ellen Barth, Pardeeville, WI; Lynn Frederick, Sister
Bay, WI; Jane Tuttle, Edmonds, WA; Sharon Mann, Candler, NC; Charles Bell, Raleigh, NC (Was not able to reach by
phone. See below).
Sandra Krause - She had no questions. She has since spayed both females after seeing all the tests that need to be done for
breeding from the paperwork she got.
Grant Beauchamp - Grant is looking for a 2 or 3 year old female to be a companion to his male. He does not want to breed.
He just wants a companion and hunting buddy.
Ellen Barth - Ellen requested that we show the name Robert Barth instead of Bob Barth. This is her brother and she showed
it as Bob but he wants it to be Robert. I have sent a note to Patty to have this corrected.
Lynn Frederick - She is hoping to find some people to train with. She has a male that is under one year of age. She would
like to train with other AWS people if possible. She had Chessies for many years but decided to go to a smaller dog.
Jane Tuttle - She was a member 2 years ago and forgot to renew last year. She is just renewing her membership.
Sharon Mann - She has two young dogs and is interested in showing in conformation, obedience and/or agility. She is also
interested in learning how to do hunt tests. She plans to make Nationals this year.
Charles Bell - I tried all of January and February but never seemed to be able to reach Mr. Bell. When I called for the last
time the end of February I left a message on his answering machine to welcome him to the club and to tell him I had been
unable to reach him.
(Continued on page 30)
MAY 2008
Page 17
Getting Started – for Started
(Continued from page 8)
(practical application of the Here command).
There are many great resources available to teach obedience and many
teaching methods. If you have never
done formal obedience before, classes
at dog training clubs are great places to
learn to train your dog and to get guidance about the process. Sometimes a
pro or a private trainer will also offer
classes, and there are many books and
videos geared to hunt test/field training. Dogs do not generalize concepts
well, so be prepared to train in different locations to make sure that your
AWS realizes that Sit means Sit,
whether he’s in the quiet yard you use
to teach commands, in the park surrounded by children and other dogs, at
the vet’s office, or at the line anxiously
waiting for birds to fall!
Once the dog learns the basic commands, you can start adding the whistle, which is a must if you are going to
run in advanced field events. For example, in advanced retriever tests, one
toot of the whistle means “Sit,” and
several quick toots means “here.”
Dogs generally get the idea quickly.
Pealess whistles are generally best because they do not stick when they become filled with moisture. Many retriever trainers use a Fox 40 or a Roy
Gonia, in contrast to the quieter,
Acme 210 ½, often preferred by the
spaniel folks.
In order to participate in spaniel tests,
the dog needs to be under basic control (Sit/Hup, Here) and should have a
good idea of how to quarter in the
field to find birds and how to turn on
the whistle. “Shakey Bird” is a training
game that takes three people and is
used to teach patterning for upland
hunting. It's also a good way to get a
pup that hasn't figured out how to
"hunt 'em up" yet to start hunting in
an open upland field. The requirements are: three people, two dead
birds (not bumpers), and a field with
light cover. To begin, the handler has
dog sit beside him with a helper positioned on each side (about 15 yards)
each holding a bird. The handler
points the pup to the left and says,
"Hunt 'em up,” casting with his hand.
The helper on left immediately starts
shaking his bird and calling pup’s
name. "Rudy, here, pup, pup, pup,
pup, Rudy, Rudy..." shaking bird in
front of pup the whole time. Everyone
is also walking, slowly, forward while
this is going on. When Rudy gets to
the helper on the left, that helper immediately hides the bird behind his
back, and the handler blows "toot,
toot" on the whistle to signal a change
in direction. Then, the helper on right
starts same procedure, calling the dog
enthusiastically while shaking his bird.
When Rudy gets right, again the bird is
hidden; the handler toot, toots on his
whistle, and the helper on left starts up
again. The game continues for five or
six passes in front of the handler, and
then the helper on the side dog is
headed to last will throw his bird in the
cover, giving the dog a reward for all
his hard work.
him, have an assistant fire a shotgun
(in a direction away from the dog)
about 75 yards away. Your pup probably won’t pay this shot any attention.
You can gradually decrease this distance as your pup becomes acclimated
to the noise and associates it with fun
activities. Birds can be introduced to
very young puppies by the breeder by
letting the litter examine a bird wing or
chase a live bird. Bird wings can also
be attached to bumpers to get the dogs
used to feathers, and then finally frozen thawed birds can be introduced.
Don’t be surprised if your dog quickly
prefers “the real thing” to a bumper!
Before you step to the line that first
time, watching (or, better yet, volunteering to marshal) at a hunt test is a
great way to get a feel for how the test
will proceed and to see several dogs
run that particular event. Hunt tests
are a great vehicle for meeting others
who share our passion/addiction and
are a great place to arrange future
training groups!
Hunt tests are a great way to bond
with your dog, enjoy the outdoors,
keep your skills sharp during the off
season and make new friends. Hopefully with a little work, you and your
AWS will step up to the line confidently and will soon have a collection
of ribbons, bands, and memories from
successful days afield.
One final caveat: be sure to introduce
your dog to gunfire and to birds carefully before entering any test! Both are
best done with puppies. As the puppy
is eating happily, loud noises (such as
banging pots and pans) can be made at
a distance from the pup
and gradually moved
closer to the dog. Be
careful when shooting
near a young dog –
there’s nothing like a
loud shotgun blast right
over the dog’s head to
create a gun-shy youngster! Introduction to gunfire can be accomplished
when the pup is retrieving. While he is focused
on running out for the
Linda Ford’s Callie retrieves one of her birds at
bird, which is great fun for
an AKC spaniel hunt test
Page 18
Treasurer’s Report – April 2008
submitted by Teresa Marley
Well, Tax season is over and just maybe warmer weather is around the corner for all of us.
With the first four months of the 2008 almost over the club has received income of $4,894.21.
Membership Dues
$ 455.00
$ 150.00
Color Decal Sales
$ 20.00
The expenses for January thru April 2008 have been $4,528.66.
Professional Fees
$ 624.00
$ 600.00
The Review
$ 550.31
Web Site
$ 95.40
Dues & Subscriptions
$ 62.00
$ 50.88
Nationals Specialty
$ 19.25
We have $6,966.55 in the checking accounts, Heart Fund $865.71, Rescue $1,743.71 and General Checking $4,357.63.
David & Lois McCracken are working on the Brown Bag and Auction for this year’s Nationals in Alexandria, MN which are
the biggest fund raising events the club hold each year. So please let David & Lois know how you can help and start saving
your money for bidding on all the great items. Linda Hattrem has picked out beautiful trophies for the Specialty and will be
looking for your donation. Kathy Davies has put together the meal choices for the all four days, so watch for the order form
in the mail soon.
Look forward to seeing everyone at Nationals,
Teresa Marley
Help Wanted
The following positions and committees need to be filled. Anyone interested in possibly assisting the AWSC in one
or more of these areas please contact the Board of Directors (see page 3 for contact information).
Auditing Committee – Chairperson and committee members needed
Policy and Procedures Committee – Chairperson needed
AKC GAZETTE Columnist – Appointed position (you can read the procedures for this position on the website
Legislative Liaison – Appointed position
MAY 2008
Page 19
AWSC Rescue Committee
submitted by Paul Olsen
sion incidents and so we made a tough
call to put the dog down.
Andrew quickly found a loving home .
It has been an unusually busy year for
AWS rescue. So far this year we have
had 9 dogs come through our rescue
program. Four have come from owner
surrenders, and rest have all come
from shelters. The dogs come into
rescue with various issues to contend
with from needing grooming, needing
veterinarian care, and behavioral issues. Some dog’s lack obedience
training, while other comes who are
model dog citizens? We have been
lucky enough to have three dogs
adopted this quarter they are Guinness, Rags, and Mugs. There is an
adoption pending for Tuffy. Currently
we are waiting to hear from the family
if they will go through with the adoption. If not we will find another applicant
We had one dog that came into our
system that we decided was unsuitable
for adoption. Carolyn Dylak (the fosterer) had the dog how demonstrate
unpredictable aggressive behavior after
every attempt was made to change the
dog’s behavior pattern. There had
been a few minor instances previously
too. We felt we could not guarantee
that there wouldn’t be future aggres-
We had a stray dog that we were contacted about thinking it was an AWS in
the Seattle area. After close examination it was determined to be a Boykin.
Mike Forman picked up the dog, and
transported it to Jane Tuttle’s house
where it was fostered for a couple days
before Boykin rescue picked up the
dog. She is now in their rescue program. This dog had no id on it. Had
the dog been micro chipped it could
have been returned to its owner. Instead the dog is now never going to be
seen by it’s original owner, and is going to be someone else’s dog. Please
take the time to get your dog micro
chipped if it isn’t already chipped.
The work involved with rescue is very
satisfying, but it is also very time consuming. Many phone calls have to be
made to arrange for pick up, and transportation of a dog from a shelter or
home to a foster home. It takes more
calls to try and find a foster home for
the rescue dog. We call club members
who often refer us to other friends and
other rescue organizations for help.
Foster homes can be several hundred miles away
from where the dog is
picked up. After a fostering period the dog is then
once again transported to
the new owner. We recently transported a dog
all the way from Rochester, Minnesota, to Minneapolis area, and then to
northern Colorado where
the new owner picked up
the dog, and drove back
to the Salt Lake City area.
That particular dog we
felt was not a good candidate for being flown in a
crate. He had been in a shelter for 90
days before we rescued him. He didn’t
like riding in crates, but he would wear
the safety harness with no problem.
Thanks here to Deb Parker and
Sharon Dougherty for their transporting Rags to his new life a Bridger They
were angels for chauffeuring him.
It has been a comforting feeling to
realize the unselfish and generous
spirit of our AWS club members,
friends of club members and members
of other dog rescue groups who have
helped with rescuing AWS dogs. We
have had help in fostering dogs from
Gary and Debby Hanneman, Jane
Kamu, Carolyn Dylak, Gail Kasper,
Frank Schwantner, John Tracy, and
Jane Tuttle from our club. Others who
have helped have been Karen Blessing
who is with the Irish Water Spaniel
Club, and Rich and Vicki Blanco from
the AWSFA. All these people have
lifted a hand to help with rescue of our
little brown dogs. Thanks to all them
for their unselfish acts of fostering
dogs for AWS rescue. They are angels
for helping all the rescue dogs.
Abby is a dog that recently found a new home through
our rescue services.
Page 20
Board Meeting Minutes
AWSC Board Meeting - January 20, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 8:24pm EST. Present were board members Jeannie Wright, George Zenk, Teresa Marley,
Sue Liemohn, Art Heun, David McCracken and Paul Morrison and AKC delegate, Beth Lagimoniere.
12/16/12007 Minutes - Minutes approved as presented.
Secretary Report was sent to Jeannie. Sharon Arcand still needs an appointment letter. Sue was out of town and will send an
appointment letter to her and double check to see that each committee chair and appointed position has received an appointment letter.
Sue had questions regarding the role of the committee to review the Annual Meeting minutes. The minutes are to be reviewed by the committee for accuracy and completeness and corrections will be made. They will then be sent to the past secretary for her review, approved by the committee and presented at the next board meeting. Additional corrections or additions can be made at the Annual Meeting. Sue suggested that when the minutes are published that the section of Robert’s
Rules of Order be quoted so that the members are aware of the role of the committee
Treasurer’s Report – Currently we have $6351 in checking. The following have yet to go to the bank: Donation of $200 to
rescue; new member and breeder directory $1720. The following have yet to be paid for rescue: vet bills for dog Heather
Rygg was fostering $452.74 to be paid directly to veterinarian; $404.21 for other expenses attributed to the same rescue dog
to be paid to Heather; rescue dog expenses (crates) for dogs in Ohio shelter 106.23 plus mileage.
After paying these bills there will be $1902.72 rescue fund. The following has yet to be paid from the General fund: hosting
website $95.40.
David moved that the club pay actual gas costs upon presentation of receipt (rather than IRS mileage allowance) when reimbursing for travel costs. Seconded by Art. The motion passed unanimously.
Beth reported that the next delegates meeting March 10-11. New York. Are we sending our delegate? Questions about budgeted amount for the delegate were discussed. We are still working on the budget so we are unsure as to how much money we
have to spend. Jeannie requested that Beth email the board with information on the number of meetings per year, how many
meetings Beth has attended, and the value of attending.
Unfinished Business
Jeannie sent out the list of committees. The list shows who has reported and who has not. She wants to make sure that all
committee chairs have report form. Sue will send (resend) report forms to all committee chairs. Paul reviewed what he
needed from committee chairs and others for the next issue of the Review.
George moved to approve and appoint the committees, chairs, special committees and appointed positions per the list that
was mailed out with the addition of Rick Butler and Lois McCracken to the Annual Meeting Minutes Committee.
David seconded. Motion passed. Voting in favor: David, Teresa, George, Sue, Art; Abstaining: Paul; Not voting: Jeannie.
After the membership window closes, we will revisit the committee list.
Status of special mailing - Teresa has all of the financial figures for 2007, the financial details of Rescue, rescue report, a renewal reminder, committee list, was sent statement from attorney regarding board members on committees.
Information regarding board members on committees is to be included in next Review. Mailing to non-renewed members
will go out first as Teresa has those labels.
Jeannie has had correspondence with Holly Lewis. Holly will ship property. She stated that she doesn’t know what to tell the
board about the duck pond issue without more specific information from Teresa – a list of when money was put out for the
duck pond. Jeannie asked if it was reasonable to expect some income from the duck pond. Sue thought that probably at
some events income would have come in. David is to let the board know when the property is received.
Jeannie stated that she wants reimbursing our members to be a priority for us. She asked who we have not reimbursed.
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Heather Rygg has not been reimbursed for rescue. Paul hasn’t received check for the Review expenses – printing and postage
– $520.40. Patty was sent a check in December. She has not received it yet. Teresa will mail checks at post office rather than
at her office. We need to check to see where checks are and how much money we have. We need to be careful about committing to things when we don’t know how much money we have. There are no outstanding bills other what have been
2008 National – Teresa is show coordinator. Jeannie stated that we need to get other people involved. Linda Hattrem is
working on trophies. We need people for the days of the show and hunt tests. Art and Jeannie will do emergency plan.
Jim Harding will be show secretary so he will do premium. Teresa will probably print and mail the premium so the club doesn’t have that expense. Catalog ads can go directly to Jim. Preliminary contract with the hotel had been signed in July but information did not get to the front desk. Teresa checked with the hotel and the issues have now been taken care of.
David moved that reimbursement for travel for judges be based on actual gas costs rather than the IRS reimbursement for
nationals upon presentation of receipt. George seconded. David moved to amend the main motion to state that we will double the receipt amount to account for the round trip. Seconded by George. The amendment passed unanimously. The main
motion passed unanimously.
2009 National – A discussion was held regarding the location and date of 2009 nationals. Sue brought up the issue of nationals moving earlier and that we missed a corresponding date shift. George moved that we hold our 2009 national in Alexandria, Minnesota. David moved to amend the main motion to state that we approve pending the availability of Elk Lake Heritage Preserve for the field events. George seconded. Amendment passed unanimously. The main motion passed unanimously.
Member Call-in Summary as reported by Jeannie
• Mary’s issues about RCT have gone to the Field Events Committee. Mary made comments about having open board meeting. Jeannie stated that in holding the member call in with the full board that is basically what we are doing.
• Newsletter proofing – Paul will to use Linda Ford and Patty St. Onge for proofing. He checked with Linda Ford and will
check with Patty
• Minutes on the website – get them on as soon as they are approved.
• Linda Hattrem made comments that we should be using the website for communication. She had sent an earlier email regarding this topic that the board received.
• Jon Hattrem sent an email to the board rather than speak. He protested the fact that a board member was in attendance in
contrast to what had been published. His concerns were action between meetings, current state of the club’s financial situation and committees. His email was dated 11/21/07.
Generic email addresses – the webmaster has full access to the email that comes through generic email addresses. The idea is
to not have to change email addresses with other organizations whenever a new person takes over an office so that communication is not lost or delayed.
Special Board Meeting – Nationals 2008 – February 3, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 12:07pm CST. Present were Jeannie Wright, George Zenk, Teresa Marley, Paul Morrison
and David McCracken and Beth Lagimoniere. Absent: Art Heun
Teresa moved that the club logo be approved to be used on the trophies for 2008 nationals. Second by George. Motion
passed unanimously.
David moved that the Fund Raising Committee hold a raffle as detailed in David’s email message.
[The Fund Raising Committee would like to hold a fund raising raffle. We need the Board's approval. We propose raffling a
$100 gift certificate to either Cabela's or Dr.s Foster and Smith (winner’s choice).
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Purina Supports Our Parent Club
Purina Parent Club Partnership Program
Members of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club Partnership (PPCP) Program
may earn funding for canine health studies, education and/or rescue efforts that will benefit their breed. Since 2002, the first
year of the PPCP program, there has been more then $710,000 generated for health research, education or rescue. As of
2005, there are 149 National breed clubs participating in the program.
Through the PPCP Program, Purina and the AKC Canine Health Foundation work together to help parent clubs address
priority health concerns for their breeds and areas not previously funded.
Here's how the PPCP Program works: Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participating Purina brand dog
foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every $100 of qualifying weight circle points earned by Pro Club
members, Purina donates $10 to the participating national parent breed club.
Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of the value of the submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parent breed club and the AKC Canine
Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets the Foundation's funding guidelines.
The goal of Purina and the AKC Canine Health Foundation is to provide funding and resources to help breed clubs accomplish more in learning the causes of health conditions that may shorten a dog's life. Ultimately, the knowledge gained from
canine health studies may help dogs live longer, healthier lives.
Do you feed Purina Pro Plan, Purina One, or other Purina products to your canine companion?
Would you like to assist the American Water Spaniel Club to raise money for health research and to carry-on its mission?
If so, please clip the weight circles from your empty Purina dog food bags and mail them to:
AWSC - Weight Circle Program, Attn: Jane Christiansen, 44305 County Hwy. 41, Vergas, MN 56587
Another Record-Breaking Year for Nestlé Purina PetCare and the International Kennel Club of Chicago as they
Raise a Record $322,863 for CHF
Raleigh, NC – It was another record-breaking year in the “windy city” as The International Kennel Club of Chicago (IKC)
annual cluster came to another successful close. Members of the Board and Staff of The AKC Canine Health Foundation
(CHF) welcomed the proceeds from the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program and partial entry receipts from the
IKC. Held February 21-24, 2008, the event culminated with the Purina Invitational Ball where collectively, Nestlé Purina and
the IKC presented the Foundation with over $322,800 to be used for continuing canine health research. For over a decade,
the two organizations have collaborated to raise funds for the AKC Canine Health Foundation.
This year marked the tenth year in which the IKC and its show sponsor Nestlé Purina PetCare Company donated proceeds
representing $5 from each adult dog entry. IKC’s contribution and and a match from Purina to the CHF this year was
$18,770 – bringing the cumulative total from 1998 to an impressive $178,770!
After a moving dedication to Dori Auslander who passed away last year, International Kennel Club of Chicago President,
Lou Auslander commented, “The IKC is truly proud of our unique alliance with Purina and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. I’m confident that our commitment to the Foundation will continue to lead to amazing breakthroughs and discoveries.”
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Purina Support
(Continued from page 22)
The presentation of the check from entries was impressive; however, attendees were in for an even larger surprise – the
presentation of the 2007 proceeds from the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program (PPCPP). Each year, the grand total
represents the earnings from Purina ProClub members who have declared their participation in the PPCP program. Contributing is easy – members submit weight circles from the Purina products they use and ProClub tracks the value of the submitted weight circles. At the end of the year, Purina awards 10% of that value to each of the participating National Parent
In the first year of the program, Purina raised $84,000 through 62 participating clubs – half of which supported CHF. In the
sixth year, 164 participating clubs raised over $608,000.
Maureen Salamone, Director, Breeder Enthusiast Marketing at Purina commented, “We’re so proud to once again help our
member clubs as they support the AKC Canine Health Foundation in such a meaningful way. An interesting fact that sometimes gets lost in the shuffle is that not all of the supporting organizations are member clubs of the American Kennel Club –
we find that international support from other clubs is making a difference in the lives of our dogs as well.”
The PPCP program requires that 50% of each of the National Parent Clubs’ earnings be donated to the Canine Health
Foundation through their CHF donor advised funds – and this year, that represented over $304, 000 in earnings that were
received by the Foundation! The remaining $304,000 is to be used by the clubs to support additional canine research, education and rescue.
The checks were presented to the Canine Health Foundation at the Saturday evening charity ball at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom in Chicago by Louis Auslander; Maureen Salamone, Director, Breeder Enthusiast Marketing; Ann Viklund, Director,
Conformation Breeder/Enthusiast Group; and Ernie Planck, Purina consultant. Following the presentations was an elegant
dinner and an evening of dancing in appreciation of those donors and supporters of the AKC Canine Health Foundation –
all sponsored by Purina.
“I want to thank those who clipped weight circles, contributed through their entry fees, and who attended this wonderful
event,” added Cindy Vogels, acting president of the AKC Canine Health Foundation. “A portion of these donations is unrestricted which makes such a difference in helping us to ‘keep the lights on’ at the Foundation – many thanks for all you continue to do to make a difference in the lives of our canine friends – after all, it’s all about the dogs!”
The Opportunity
Despite the ease of the PPCPP, there are still several clubs who haven’t taken the steps to declare their participation – and
these clubs could be actively raising funds to support their respective breeds. Additionally, of the 65,000 or so ProClub
members that have declared for their breed – about a third of those participating actually redeem their weight circles meaning there are a significant number of people who are leaving money on the table. All you have to do is submit those weight
circles! (For more information on the PPCPP program, please call toll free, 1-877-PRO-CLUB or visit
ProClub members are encouraged to support participation within your respective clubs – let’s continue to stamp out canine
disease for all our dogs!
New AKC Title Holders of Record
submitted by Patty St. Onge
(Continued from page 11)
Rally Novice (RN)
CALIFORNIA COAST REDWOOD BURL, RN, TT, {M}, 11/25/2005, Breeder: Linda L. Ford, INT CH GRCH CH
KRASKEY'S GRAND RIO MACK TANK x SR CH CALIFORNIA STAR ATTRACTION, CD, WD Owner: John & Martha Sbarbori, Titled Earned: 02/22/08
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Board Meeting Minutes
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Tickets will sell for $1 each. With the upcoming hunt test and show seasons, the tickets should be easy to sell. The FRC
would like the Board to take a leadership position by selling 20 tickets each (of course, you each can sell more!).] Sue seconded. Motion passed unanimously. David will make sure that the raffle conforms to SC state law.
The Review is out to proofers and will go to printer as soon as that process is completed. The Treasurer’s Report will be in
the special mailing so will not be in the Review.
The special mailing has gone out to those who have not renewed. The rest of the members will be mailed when mailing labels
are printed. Teresa had problems opening the file so Paul will send the labels to Teresa.
Procedure for preparation for annual meeting was sent to each board member for reference as we prepare for nationals.
Jeannie reviewed the position description of the Show Advisor.
Status of preparations for the National Specialty weekend
Room for Judges Seminar has been requested from hotel. Rooms for lunch and dinners are arranged.
• Judges Education Seminar – Wednesday - Field demonstration at Elk Lake at 3:00pm – ½ hour travel time each way and
about one hour. PowerPoint presentation to start at 7:00pm back at hotel.
Hunt Test Grounds – dates are secure. Cabins are reserved
Parliamentarian – have name of the man that served last time in Alexandria. Teresa will contact him to see if he would be
willing to do it again for a small fee and dinner.
Teresa reported that the junior showmanship, obedience, sweepstakes judges are confirmed.
• Have not heard back from conformation judge (Doug Johnson) and will have to move on to another choice if we don’t
hear soon.
Ribbons, premium and catalog taken care of because we are using Jim Hardin as show secretary again.
• A discussion was held on finding a show chair for each year so that the Show Coordinator does not have to handle all of
the responsibilities of the show chair. Will attempt to get somebody lined up for 2009 who could work with Teresa this year.
• Show set-up and take down. Need volunteers. Sue suggested that Jack Davies be in charge with volunteers lined up
ahead of time.
• Hospitality – Bags and some stuffers will be available from Purina through Paul. Jan Heck will be asked if she can receive
auction, raffle and welcome bag donations.
Paul will develop a page on the website with a list of volunteers needed.
• Hospitality for judges – Will need to have seminar information at front desk (responsibility of Linda Hattrem and David
• Advertising – Jim Hardin can do catalog ads and they can be sent directly to him. Teresa will find out what he will charge
to do ads and whether he will layout ads.
Show photographer – difficult to find a professional because they don’t make much money.
• George will check with the technical school in Alexandria to see if they have a graphics program and if there is someone
who is would be willing to take photos. We need to have somebody whose responsibility it is to take photos. David suggested Mark Wilkens to help with photos. Paul will contact Mark Wilkens to ask for his help.
• Meals – Kathy Davies is working on meals. Teresa will mail to her the choices provided by the hotel. Teresa will check
with Kathy about taking reservations.
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Patty will be in charge of getting annual awards stuff together.
• David will check with Steve O’Neal asking him to talk to Patty about being Hunt Test Secretary and ask Field Events to
address the issue of gate entries is referred to Field Events.
Linda Hattrem has agreed to take the lead on the Judges Seminar at nationals. Jeannie will send necessary forms to Linda.
• Ringside mentoring – set aside a space for judges. Members of Judges Education Committee should do mentoring. Sue
volunteered to mentor when not showing.
T-shirt Design – George has been in contact with the artist. He has given her historical information. No sample designs
at this point. George will get in contact with her this week. If anybody has any ideas for the design, contact George.
There was a discussion regarding the quality and cost of the shirts. Sue will check prices in the Twin Cities area regarding
shirts using the sublimation method. George is to contact Sue regarding prices in Devils Lake.
Raffle and auction – David reported that he will be sending the letters to potential donors a bit later. Kathy Davies suggested that we sent up silent auctions along with the raffle and auction so that we can get more people involved because
some people leave by Saturday evening. George will be auctioneer for live auction. May again use Purina Weight Circle
funds to purchase items for auction.
Equipment set-up and take down – Sue suggested Jack Davies. Jeannie will contact him.
Emergency plan - Art and Jeannie will update emergency plan.
• Photo contest – Will ask Linda Ford. Beth has assisted. Beth will check with Linda to see if she will head it up again. We
still have ribbons for the photo contest.
Ribbons – Teresa will check hunt test ribbon inventory and order what we need when show ribbons are ordered. A discussion was held regarding the use of short tabs to designate the test level.
Roustabout and water derby – Field Events Committee proposes a Singles Roustabout – one hunter, one dog, two birds
and 10-15 minutes. An additional event is also suggested – Super Singles. This event would not require a highly trained
dog and there would be divisions based on the hunt tests titles achieved.
Other events – Canine Good Citizen – Janice Heck. Jeannie will contact Janice about Therapy Dog demo
Send list of volunteers for Hunt Tests, etc. to Steve O’Neal
Teresa has a handle on some free clipboards with a compartment underneath.
Complete Dog Book and Show/Trial Manual – we need to keep track of these so they are available for use. Each show
chair needs a copy of the Show/Trial Manual.
Process for 2009 conformation judge selection – the process got held up at the requesting bio stage. None of the judges
on the list were notified. The Policy and Procedure Committee will examine the procedure to see what can be done to
improve it.
Auctioning off hunt test fields – to be put on agenda for next meeting.
Next regular board meeting is March 16th. Member call-in is February 17th at 7:00 pm CST. Teresa will verify the access
Paul moved to adjourn. Seconded by Teresa. Passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Liemohn, Secretary
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Board Meeting Minutes
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AWSC Board Meeting Minutes 3-16-08
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 CDT. Present – Board Members - Jeannie Wright, George Zenk, Teresa Marley, Sue
Liemohn, Paul Morrison, Art Heun, David McCracken. AKC Delegate - Beth Lagimoniere
Approval of minutes – January 20th – Corrections: Teresa - deposits to be made (sent by Patty) was actually $1720. Paul said he stated that the annual meeting minutes had to be reviewed and submitted to the board within 6 months of the annual
meeting. [A review of the recording of the January 20, 2008 meeting shows no evidence of that statement being made.]
Heather Rygg’s rescue dog (Clyde) was placed so minutes should reflect that – change “was” to “is”. In the motion to approve the committees Paul says that he did not vote at all and wants his vote recorded as an abstention. Under generic
addresses, Paul stated that he said the webmaster “could” have access to emails rather than “would” have access. [The recording of the meeting showed no evidence of Paul having said “could” rather than “would”.] Action between meetings –
minutes state that 100% must agree that on a particular date….. The law does not say that the vote will happen on a particular date. Jeannie misstated the law and the minutes will be changed to reflect what the law says. David moved that we agree to
take action between meetings to approve the minutes online after Sue had checked the recording, made corrections and they
have been reviewed. Seconded by Paul. Passed unanimously.
Special Board Meeting of February 3, 2008. Topic Nationals – No additions or corrections – minutes approved as submitted.
Annual Meeting minutes, approved by the Annual Meeting Committee, were presented to the board. They will be printed in
the Review and placed on the website when it goes out in the Review. An explanation from Roberts Rules of Order will accompany the minutes.
Secretary report – Action between meetings taken after 100% agreement --- New members, Breslin, Combs and Mann. Contacted AKC to make sure specialty has been approved. Teresa received notice that everything has been approved by AKC for
the specialty.
Treasurer’s Report – Teresa - Report has been sent to board members. Balance is $6561.34. General account is $4149.54;
Rescue is 1546.09; Heart Study 865.71. Details are in report. Negative income of $39.66. No bills outstanding. Income not
yet received: renewals and reimbursement from Holly Lewis. AKC Delegate – Beth attended the March Delegates in New
York Meeting Delegates meeting – election of delegate for Board of Directors. Beth sent the board her 2007 list of expenses
to help determine the budget. She also included March expenses. 2007 expenses are a donation to the club. $1448.73 will be
posted as an expense and then a donation. Board should give direction on future meetings. The June meeting will be in
Quincy, MA, September in Newark, NJ and December in Long Beach, CA. George moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
Paul seconded. Passed unanimously.
Status of nationals – Teresa reported that Obedience, Rally and Conformation have all been approved. The show premium is
in process. Patty will do information, premiums, etc for nationals if the information gets to her by May 1st. Teresa suggested
that all the information go out together rather than a separate mailing of the show premium. The options of sending the information and entries out in the Review versus a special mailing were discussed. It was decided by general consensus to send
out a special mailing with all the national information. Teresa will print and mail the information first class. The timetable is
information to Patty by May 1st, files to Teresa from Patty by May 15th and Teresa will print and mail by June 1st. It will
include all the information an individual would need for nationals. Patty should send a copy of the finished product to Paul
for inclusion on the website.
Unfinished Business
Rescue – All property has been received from Holly. Check has not been received from Holly and we hope to resolve it
soon. Teresa is to contact Holly about the check. The issue will be closed when the check is received. Jeannie stated that
members have expressed concern that Holly and Gail were removed from the Rescue Committee due to conflict of interest.
What was stated in the Rescue Report was that to eliminate the possibility of confusion the members were not reappointed.
We have no policy regarding conflict of interest. There have been questions of policy regarding biting dogs. Policies are rules
that the club follows. A discussion was held regarding biting dogs. Sue expressed her concern about taking in known biters
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and went on record that she is against it. Beth will check with those on parent club list to see what responses she gets regarding biters. David stated that if we don’t take in any biters, we are covered. Art stated that we need to look seriously as to how
define a known biter. George suggested that Beth also ask for definition of biter. By consensus the board decided that we
research the issue and that, in the meantime Jeannie will instruct Paul Olsen that we will not take in any known biters until
our research is complete. We will add this to the agenda for the next meeting.
Club logo to be used on caps – Paul moved and Teresa seconded that George has approval to use the club logo to be used
on caps to be used in fund raising at nationals. Passed unanimously.
RCT in Washington – Mt Ranier Sporting Spaniel Club has requested a waiver to use chukar rather than ducks. The use of
ducks was going to be costly and questioned where they were going to be able to get them. Jeannie stated that it is a deal
breaker if they have to use ducks. Many options were discussed including only holding junior and senior to avoid the requirement of ducks at master. Paul moved that we approve the duck waiver for the RCT for Mt. Ranier Sporting Spaniel Club
including holding master level and encourage them to use ducks in the future. George seconded. Passed. Voting in the affirmative, George, Paul, Teresa, Sue, Art. Abstaining, David
Titles in the Review – Paul explained that Jayne submitted her report for last Review. Paul let Jayne know that Patty was to
review it for accuracy of titles. Any page that had a title was forwarded to Patty, she then reviewed it and then made corrections. The assumption is that Patty’s information is accurate. Some of the issue is due to the lag time with AKC and the other
is that titles do not get updated. Beth will check with AKC regarding the possibility of titles being incorrect in their reports.
Jeannie will check with Jayne to see what her process of updating titles is. The other issue is a question of accuracy of placements in AKC events.
Photo contest - By general consensus that the photo contest be approved with the money going to the general fund.
Generic email – Paul stated that to avoid a responder’s email address going out Paul could give a person log-in capability to
anybody and they would have access to the website mail system but it is cumbersome. Most would not want to do it. The
main part of this issue is that Patty does not want her email address to be posted and it seems that we can deal with that. Discussion was held. No action was taken.
Pre-approved Rescue Expenditures – Clarification for job description. Grooming is $45 per dog per quarter. Transportation
of rescue dogs will be actual expense of gas paid upon presentation of a receipt. A discussion was held regarding transportation expenses of rescue dogs. Jeannie will talk with Paul Olson to discuss other expenses surrounding transportation of dogs.
T-shirt for national – George will get prices on shirts. We need design for approval by May 1st.
Two week rule for minutes – Jeannie – In December meeting….. There were two motions. The first was to have the board
meeting minutes completed within 14 days of the meeting. The second was to post the minutes to club website within 14
days of their approval. Sue may need a back up and this is going to require action between meetings. Paul said that the minutes could be in draft form and that was part of the discussion at December meeting. Sue stated that it was totally inappropriate to take such action without consulting the secretary. She further stated that the motion didn’t say draft and she was not
told that they could be in draft form. David – suggested an assistant that can sit in on the board meeting and do help get the
minutes out. Paul suggested that the recording of the meeting could be handed off to someone to transcribe. Jeannie suggested an assistant could do other things allowing Sue to concentrate on the minutes. Get a draft form out and take comments on the draft. We will discuss this under unfinished business next month.
Questions on non-profit status for rescue and the status of rescue monies – Teresa stated that research done by past board
and even rescue money were put in a separate account it is still AWSC money and is at risk. And that to put it in a reserve
fund would mean that the money would be frozen and only the interest could be used. Attorney advised to keep it as a separate line item. Paul stated the only way to separate these funds and to protect the money it would be to establish a foundation
and the cost would wipe out all the of the rescue funds. The foundation would be controlled by the AWSC board of directors. Followed up by discussing this with attorney and then discussed with Bob Roth, accountant. He verified what the attorney said. This report cannot be found in the minutes. We are doing a separate P & L for Rescue. Sue questioned whether
there is a written report from the attorney and Bob Roth regarding. Sue will contact Linda Ford and Martha Sbarbori to see if
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they have anything in writing.
Member call-in – Jeannie stated that we need meeting time and will cancel the member call-in for April.
Member call-in – Jeannie – The following are a summary of Butch’s comments – Perceived a real problem on the board and
we are vulnerable if there is an external attack. An external attack is coming. He doesn’t like how questions are answered. The
board has been less than truthful. One instance of a person handing out a personal business card at a Meet the Breeds [Beth
said that was handled on the spot and there wasn’t a problem] He doesn’t like the process for changing the by-laws, and that
the members should be involved in a section by section review. [Sue questioned if the By-laws Committee went beyond the
charge given to the committee and asked about the documents that were to provide a section by section report of the shortcomings, the suggested changes and the reason for the changes. Paul responded that to get that you would need to go
through the email trail of the previous board. That trail would have section by section discussion and if there was a concern
that the board had, that went back to committee. The committee reviewed that and sent it back to the board. The email trail
is not available due to a crash on Paul’s AOL system. Jeannie stated we are way into this process. George stated that there is
nothing to it and we should move on]
Statistician is providing incorrect information [Jeannie – we addressed this earlier] Eliminate two signature requirement on
application if people own two AWS. [Beth will research whether the two signatures are an AKC requirement. George – think
it is worth discussing if it isn’t an AKC requirement] Five dollar bounty for new members favors breeders and board members. [This is no longer being done] Membership chair cannot be contacted and should be replaced [People can call or write
her a letter] Rescue – the investigation was dishonorable and questions what is going on with rescue now. [Butch is involved
with Rescue] The club should certify breeders as friends of rescue if they give $5 per puppy to rescue and should start a subsidiary rescue organization that can offer tax-deductible donations. We should have someone on the board of AWSRI or
have nothing to do with them. [No action will be taken or issue already addressed] AWSCares is a stupid idea and bound to
leave people out [AWSCares will work the best we can make it work and be cautious regarding privacy. Beth – suggestion
from other delegates that a full page ad be in newsletter and put a disclaimer in ad that if someone doesn’t want to be contacted that they contact the committee. Beth will send the information to Jeannie]
Job Descriptions – Paul moved that we take action between meetings on the four job descriptions (Rescue Chair, Hunt Test
Chair, Fund Raising Chair and AWSCares Chair. Seconded by Teresa. 100% agreement.
Procedure for Judge Selection – Jeannie – Feedback 1. Drop request for bio’s. 2. Membership does not seem all that interested 3. Old process worked when it was used but that hasn’t been used for a while.
Jeannie stated that the process didn’t work when it was used just months in advance. Sue and Linda Hattrem have agreed to
work with Jeannie on procedure and it will go back to committee.
Comments from Paul regarding Hunting Events Committee – Sue asked what Paul had said about the Hunting Events Committee at the December board meeting. Paul said he would not accept the report from the chair.
New Business
Late renewing memberships – David moved to approve the four late renewals (Charles Higley, Jeff & Leslie Nevens, Gary &
Tammy Schnabel, Richard Furlong and Cynthia Butt). Seconded by George. Passed unanimously.
Committee changes and board appointments – Jeannie – Judges Education – wants to turn chair over to Linda Hattrem and
add Linda Ford to that committee. Policies and Procedures – Jeannie will continue as chair because no one asked to take
over has responded. Rescue – Paul Olsen needs help with paperwork, etc. Lola Thorsness, Carmen and Allan Hull, Jayne
Kamau. AWSCares – Mike requested a west coast person and Linda Ford volunteered. George moved to approve the committee changes. Seconded by Teresa. Passed unanimously. George moved to remove Beth (at her request as she had never
been a member of the committee) from Health and Genetics. Seconded by Paul. Passed unanimously.
Nominating Committee – Jeannie - Pam Boyer has volunteered. We need members from different areas of the country. Need
to approve before April 15th. Paul suggested putting a call out to members by email and on website. Approved by consensus.
(Continued on page 29)
Page 29
MAY 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
(Continued from page 28)
Protection and Retention of Club Records – George has received reports from Teresa, Sue, Patty and is awaiting a reply from
Martha. Jeannie asked George to send a report to the board based on information he has received. It will then go to the Policies and Procedure committee and back to the board. We need to protect information from loss and protect members’ information.
Titles on Website – Jeannie stated there was a request to put hunting titles on the website. What about the other titles?
George suggested that we do all titles or nothing. Paul had similar issues. Teresa suggested doing a year in review listing new
titles earned in the year. Art suggested that the responsibility for keeping up could be assigned to Hunting Events Committee, agility to agility people, etc. Jeannie stated that the Field Events wanted to do to encourage people to run their dogs so
maybe a report could be given that lists the number of titles, number of tests run, etc. Sue suggested that we start with
AWSC Hunt Test titled dogs. List all dogs that have earned AWSC hunt test titles. David and Sue will take this back to Field
Events Committee.
AKC Breed Column - Art moved that we agree to take action between meetings on the AKC Breed Column and the Nominating Committee. Teresa seconded. 100% agreement.
George moved adjourn. Teresa seconded. Passed unanimously.
Next meeting is April 20th.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Liemohn
AWSC Board Meeting Minutes 4-6-2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm CDT. Present – Board Members George Zenk , Teresa Marley, Sue Liemohn, Art
Heun, Paul Morrison, David McCracken.
Nominating Committee
The following people volunteered to serve on the Nominating Committee: 3/19/2008 – Pam Boyer – reiterated her desire to
serve (originally sent 2/29/2008), 3/20/2008 Avis Prior; 3/20/2008 - Kevin Smith – volunteered to chair the committee;
3/21/2008 - Lynn Morrison - volunteered to chair the committee; 3/22/2008; Gail Kasper; 3/22/2008 – Mary Kangas;
3/25/2008 – Holly Lewis.
George called Art and asked him to chair the committee and suggested Art as chair, Pam Boyer and Lynn Morrison as members. There was a discussion regarding Lynn Morrison volunteering to serve on the committee with possibility of being put in
a position of Paul being nominated for another term. Sue suggested Pam Boyer in the west, Avis Prior in the east, Kevin in
the Midwest or Art in the south. Paul moved to nominate Art to chair the committee. Seconded by Teresa. Passed – affirmative votes Paul, Teresa, David, Sue. Abstaining Art. Motion passed.
Sue moved to nominate Pam Boyer and Kevin Smith to the nominating committee. David seconded.
Passed – affirmative David, Sue Teresa. Opposed – Paul. Abstain – Art. Motion Passed
Paul moved to nominate Mary Kangas and Avis Prior as alternates to the nominating committee. David seconded. Passed –
affirmative Paul, David, Teresa, Sue. Abstain – Art. Motion passed.
Vice President Vacancy
The following people volunteered to serve as Vice President: 3/22/2008 – Mike Dismer (vp or other board position);
3/28/2008 – Mike Zarlenga (vp or other board position); 4/3/2008 – Gary McCullough (vp or other board position);
4/4/2008 – Marie Kopin (vp or other board position)
Sue moved to nominate Mike Dismer for the office of vice president. David seconded. Discussion – Sue pointed out that
Gary is ineligible to run because according to the by-laws a member has to be a member for a year at the time of nomination
and he hasn’t been a member for a year. Affirmative – David and Sue. Opposed – Paul, Teresa, Art. Motion defeated.
(Continued on page 30)
Page 30
Board Meeting Minutes
(Continued from page 29)
Paul moved to nominate Sister Marie for the office of vice president. Teresa seconded. Discussion – Sue pointed out that she
hasn’t participated in any club event, she does serve on committees and she doesn’t current own a dog although she houses
one. David – Agree with Sue. The vice president position is an important one and they need to show commitment to club.
Teresa – Serving on committees is a big commitment. George – Her resume has shown a substantial amount of involvement.
Affirmative – Paul, Teresa. Opposed – Sue , David, Art. Motion defeated.
Sue moved to have a re-vote on Mike Dismer. David seconded. Roll call vote. Affirmative – David, Sue.
Opposed – Paul, Teresa, Art. Motion defeated.
Committee Reports
(Continued from page 16)
All of the above were sent the Welcome booklet.
Statistician – Jayne Kamau
Activity since last report: Results of performance events and titles are now published by the AKC on CD, making it easier to
find listings of American Water Spaniels. This CD arrives in the mail mid-month and covers data from two months previous
to publication. Breed standings are taken from two online sites: and, which are also updated mid-month. Patty St. Onge has provided an updated list of titles, and I will be able to find new titles on the AKC CD.
Certificates and awards not published by the AKC, such as CGC and TDI, must be sent to the statistician for inclusion in the
report. Annual First and Foremost Obedience ratings are published by the magazine Front & Finish. Results for 2006 were
published in October, 2007.
2007 Pfeifer Points Final Standings
Congratulations to the very first Pfeifer award recipients!! You’ve made breed history.
The Pfeifer Award is to honor the top five AWS field working dogs. Each year the points obtained by passing hunt tests will
be totaled to determine the top five dogs. This award will allow dogs to continue to compete for the award year after year
thereby encouraging AWS handlers to continue to enter their dogs (after earning titles) in all hunt tests in which the AWS is
allowed to run. This would showcase the breed in different venues by having AWS out there performing at high levels.
In order to receive the traveling Pfeifer Award Trophy, the top dog must have earned a minimum of 100 points for the previous year. This award will be presented at Nationals. The top 5 dogs (regardless of points) will receive a certificate suitable
for framing. These awards will be based on points earned between January 1 and December 31 of each year.
2007 Pfeifer Points Final Standings
Dog’s Name
MAY 2008
Page 31
2007 AWSC National Specialty
Photo Contest
Mark Wilkens won in the categories of “All Play and No Work” and “All Work and No Play”, for which he was
also awarded the People’s Choice and Overall Winner awards. Mark’s top photo graces the cover of this Review.
The other photo winners can be seen below.
In the category of “Puppy”
Winner: Sue Weaver
In the category of “Adult dog photos”
Winner: David McCracken
Best entry “All Play and No Work”
Winner: Mark Wilkens
Page 32
Entry Instructions:
Photographs must be received in hard copy form - no e-mail entries will be accepted. Photos should be no smaller than 5” x
7” and no larger than 11” x 14” (preferably 8” x 10”) and preferably matted, not to exceed ¼ inch thickness. (Mats should
be plain and simple as the main judging criteria will be photo quality and composition.) Maximum size for mount board is
12” x 16”. No frames allowed. The front of a mounted photo must not have any markings in the frame area around the
photo. Photos may not include humans - AWS only, please. No signatures or other identifiers should be visible on any entries. If you are submitting a photo taken by a professional photographer (other than yourself), we must have a signed release from the photographer or we cannot accept the entry. We reserve the right to switch any photo to a different category
than the one submitted.
Please identify each item submitted with your name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number and entry category
(on the back of photos).
There is a maximum entry limit of 3 entries per category by the same person. If a photo won a first through third last year,
the photo is not allowed to reenter this year. If the photo did not win a placement, it is allowed to be reentered.
For the digital category - one computer enhanced 8” x 10” photo. A print that has been improved, manipulated or changed
in some way with a computer. (Any change to original picture - i.e. cropping, lighten, darken, etc.) The entry must include the
before and after picture. Before print may be a 4” x 6”. (Multiple photos made into a composition are not allowed.)
Entry Fee and Deadline:
A completed Photo Contest Entry Form and $5 entry fee must be firmly affixed to each entry. The $5.00 entry fee will go
toward the General Fund. Entries must be shipped in a reusable container with return postage enclosed.
Every precaution will be taken to avoid damage to entries. The AWSC, Inc. nor the hotel will assume any responsibility in
the event of loss or damage. The AWSC, Inc. reserves the right to refuse any entry.
Photo Contest Categories:
All Work & no Play - any hunting or competition photo.
All Play & no Work - any non-hunting or non-competition photo.
Adult dog photos - any other adult dog photo.
Puppy - any puppy photo.
Digitally enhanced photo any photo that is digitally enhanced. Must be submitted with a copy of original photo.
Additional Information:
Over-all Winner from all categories will go on Front Cover of the Review. Other winners of the individual categories will go
in the Review.
We will have a People’s Choice Award. Members at the Nationals will have the opportunity to cast their vote for the best
over-all picture. The People’s Choice Award Winner will also be shown in the Review.
MAY 2008
Page 33
2008 National Specialty
Photo Contest Entry Form
Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________State: __________________ Zip: _________________
Phone: _____________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________
Will you be attending the National Specialty?
Do you want your entry returned by mail after the National Specialty?*
Yes, return my entry by mail. I have enclosed return postage.
No, I will take my entry with me from the National Specialty.
*Entries not picked up by the close of the 2008 National Specialty or for which return postage has not been
prepaid will not be returned.
I confirm that the photo(s) submitted for the 2008 National Specialty Photo Contest are in fact the
actual work of the individual indicated.
Signature of person submitting entry: _________________________________________________
A completed Photo contest Entry Form and $5 entry fee (payable to AWSC, Inc.) must be received
for each entry—this includes mailed and hand delivered entries. Mailed entries must also have a
copy of the completed Photo Entry Form firmly affixed to each entry and must be received by July
31, 2008. All hand delivered entries must be received by 1:00 p.m. on August 8, 2008.
Mail your entries to: Linda Ford, 4919 Conejo Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028
Please use one line for each entry submitted.
Category #1 All Work & No Play; Category #2 All Play & No Work; Category #3 Adult Dog Photos;
Category #4 Puppy; Category #5 Digitally Enhanced Photo
Category #
Description of Photo
Entry Fee
Total Entry Fees
Return Shipping
Total Amt. Enclosed
Page 34
Statistician’s Report
submitted by Jayne Kamau
New Canine Good Citizen Certificates
Compiled by Jayne Kamau
CH Ca-Beavercrk’s Best Kept Secret CGC “Tori” Date Certificate Earned: 1/18/08 Breeder: L Ford Sire: Kraskey’s
Grand Rio Mack Tank Dam: California Abra-Ca-Dabra Owner: L Thorsness AKC# SR30685304
Temperament Test Certificate
California Coast Redwood Burl RN TT “Burl” DOB: 11/25/05 American Temperament Test Society. Date Certificate
Earned 8/4/07 Breeder: L Ford Sire: Kraskey’s CH Grand Rio Mack Tank Dam: CH California Star Attraction Owner: J
and M Sbarbori AKC# SR30683706
Obedience, 1st – 4th Placements
January 1, 2007-December 31, 2007
Compiled by Jayne Kamau
1. California Regal Cacao Dianne CDX RE MX AXJ CGC TDI
H. Norckauer
Rally 1st-4th Placements
January 1, 2007-December 31, 2007
2 – 2 – 0 – 3
1st – 2nd – 3rd – 4th
Novice B
1. CH Night Mist’s Mud Puppy CD RN
S Weaver
2. CH Tarheel’s Dixie R Darlin RN CGC
T Marley
3. Kraskey’s Itsa Grand Life TD
J Heck/C Kraskey
4. Aspen Springs Wind Spirit CD RE NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
Advanced A
1. Aspen Springs Water Lilly CD RE NA NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
2. Aspen Springs Wind Spirit CD RE NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
3. UH HRCH CH Nighthawks Carolina You Go Girl RE MH WDS CGC TDI
L McCracken
Advanced B
1. BISS CH Game Cr Waterway Jack of Hearts RA JH WD CGC
P Boyer/L Hattrem
Excellent A
1. CH Game CRK-Waterway Kylends Joyia CDX RE OA NAJ
A Prior
2. Aspen Springs Wind CD RE NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
3. Aspen Springs Water Lilly CD RE NA NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
4. UH HRCH CH Nighthawks Carolina You Go Girl RE MH WDS CGC TDI
L McCracken
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
0 – 1 – 0 – 0
2 – 0 – 1 – 1
1 – 0 – 0 – 2
0 – 0 – 1 – 1
1 – 0 – 1 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 1 – 0
2 – 0 – 0 – 2
2 – 0 – 3 – 2
0 – 1 – 1 – 0
(Continued on page 35)
MAY 2008
Page 35
Statistician’s Report … by Jayne Kamau
(Continued from page 34)
Rally 1st-4th Placements
January 1, 2008-January 31, 2008
1st – 2nd – 3rd – 4th
Advanced A
1. UH HRCH CH Nighthawks Carolina You Go Girl RE MH WDS CGC TDI
L McCracken
0 – 0 – 0 – 1
Excellent A
1. UH HRCH CH Nighthawks Carolina You Go Girl RE MH WDS CGC TDI
L McCracken
0 – 0 – 0 – 1
Agility 1st-4th Placements
January 1, 2007-December 31, 2007
1st – 2nd – 3rd – 4th
Novice A
1. Game CR Waterway Kylends LC Mary CDX RE NAJ SD
A Prior
2. Aspen Springs Water Lilly CD RE NA NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
3. Mountain Star Tazmanian CDX RAE2 NA CGC
F Parker/D Parker
Novice B
1. CH Mountain Star Tazmanian CDX RAE2 NA CGC
F Parker/D Parker
2. Aspen Springs Wind Spirit CD RE NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
B Lagimoniere
2. Game CR Waterway Kylends LC Mary CDX RE NAJ SD
A Prior
3. California Regal Cacao Dianne CDX RE MX AXJ CGC TDI
H Norckauer
4. CH Game CRK-Waterway Kylends Joyia CDX RE OA NAJ
A Prior
Excellent A
1. California Regal Cacao Dianne CDX RE MX AXJ CGC TDI
H Norckauer
JWW Novice A
1. Game CR Waterway Kylends LC Mary CDX RE NAJ SD
A Prior
2. Aspen Springs Water Lilly CD RE NA NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
1 – 0 – 1 – 0
4 – 0 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
2 – 0 – 0 – 0
3 – 1 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
2 – 2 – 0 – 1
1 – 1 – 2 – 0
5 – 1 – 0 – 1
2 – 0 – 0 – 0
(Continued on page 36)
Page 36
Statistician’s Report … by Jayne Kamau
(Continued from page 35)
Agility 1st-4th Placements
January 1, 2007-December 31, 2007
1st – 2nd – 3rd – 4th
JWW Novice B
1. Aspen Springs Water Lilly CD RE NA NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
2. Mountain Star Tazmanian CDX RAE2 NA CGC
F Parker/D Parker
3. CH Game CRK-Waterway Kylends Joyia CDX RE OA NAJ
A Prior
4. Aspen Springs Wind Spirit CD RE NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
JWW Open
1. California Regal Cacao Dianne CDX RE MX AXJ CGC TDI
H Norckauer
2. Aspen Springs Water Lilly CD RE NA NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
JWW Excellent A
1. California Regal Cacao Dianne CDX RE MX AXJ CGC TDI
H Norckauer
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
2 – 0 – 0 – 0
2 – 1 – 3 – 0
2 – 0 – 0 – 0
2 – 1 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
4 – 2 – 0 – 0
Agility 1st-4th Placements
January 1, 2008-January 31, 2008
JWW Novice B
1. Mountain Star Tazmanian CDX RAE2 NA CGC
F Parker/D Parker
2. Aspen Springs Wind Spirit CD RE NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
1 – 0 – 0 – 0
Breed Standings
January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2007
1. Amt/Int BIS CH Waterway-Game Crk Mare-Z-Dotes SD JH
L Hattrem/ J Hattrem/ P Boyer
2. Mountain Star Tazmanian CDX RAE2 NA CGC
D Parker/F Parker
3. CH Kei-Rin’s Mountain Man
D Hancock/P Kozak/ J Bartee
4. CH Game CRK-Waterway Kylends Joyia CDX RN OA
A Prior
5. CH Tarheel’s Dixie R Darlin RN
T Marley
6. CH Ca-Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret CGC
L Thorsness
7. Mountain Star Lady Maverik
S Malik/T Malik
8. Mountain Star’s Elusive Dodger
S Malik/T Malik
(Continued on page 37)
MAY 2008
Page 37
Statistician’s Report … by Jayne Kamau
(Continued from page 36)
Breed Standings
January 1, 2007 – December 31, 2007
9. CH Waterway-Game Creek Okie-Dokie
R Radnuzel/ L Hattrem/P Boyer
10. CH Mountain Star Aspen Jasmine
R Stephens
11. CH Kei-Rin’s Root’N Toot’N Cowboy
P Kozak/K Kozak/L White
Breed Standings
January 1, 2008- February 29, 2008
1. CH Nissop’s Joki Koira SH SD
D Possin
2. CH Mountain Star Random Gift
S Malik/T Malik
3. Wine Country Murphy J Brown
L Tufts/J Tufts
4. CH Aspen Springs Water Lily CD RE NA NAJ
F Parker/ D Parker
5. CH Minstar Collarboration
S Malik/T Malik
6. California Coast Redwood Burl TT
J Sbarbori/M Sbarbori
7. SHR Carolina’s Wild March Hare
L Mccracken
8. Amt/Int BIS CH Waterway-Game Cr Mare-Z-Dotes SD JH
L Hattrem/ J Hattrem/ P Boyer
9. Game CR Waterway Kylends LC Mary CDX RE NAJ
A Prior
10. CH Kei-Rin’s Mountain Man
D Hancock/P Kozak/J Bartee
All Breed Standings
October 10, 2007-January 31, 2008
1. Amt/Int BIS CH Waterway-Game Cr Mare-Z-Dotes SD JH
L Hattrem/ J Hattrem/ P Boyer
2. CH Nissop’s Joki Koira SH
D Possin
3. CH Ca-Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret CGC
L Thorsness
4. SHR Carolina’s Wild March Hare
L Mccracken
5. Aspen Springs Wind Spirit CD RE NAJ CGC
F Parker/D Parker
6. Wine Country Murphy Brown
L Tufts/J Tufts
(Continued on page 40)
Page 38
OFA LISTINGS (October - December 2007)
submitted by Linda Ford
OFA number interpretation - Example: AWS-234E36F - AWS=American Water Spaniel, 234=Ascending numerical order of
normal individuals assigned a breed registry number, E=Phenotypic evaluation (E=Excellent, G=Good, F=Fair), 26=Age in
months when evaluation was done, F=Sex of individual (female), T=Tattooed, PI=Permanent Identification, NOPI=No Permanent Identification, VPI=ID has been verified and signed off by the attending veterinarian. EL-Elbows, CA-Cardiac
OFA Number
Registered Name
Reg. Number
Mountain Star Aspen Brooke
Wavecrest Surfin Wailea Bay
Kraskey’s Grand Lady Amethyst
Night Hawk’s Little Sister
Little Brownies Nighthawks Ike
Nighthawk Jack Daniels Old No. 7
Nyenske’s Daisey Duke
Waterway-Game Crk Coda Meister
Wavecrest’s Repeat the Legend
Wavecrest’s Legend Ketcher
Wavecrest Ginley’s Macangus
Wavecrest Mocha of Little Egypt
Waterway-Game Creek Okie-Dokie,CH
Wine Country Keuka Chase
CA-Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret, CH
Mountain Star Random Gift
SR 247541/05
SR 185298/02
SR 276021/02
SR 268835/06
SR 267667/02
SR 269433/01
SR 276021/01
SR 272845/01
SR 185298/01
SR 271948/01
SR 287902/01
SR 271948/02
SR 336166/02
SR 276266/03
SR 306853/04
SR 317273/01
Wine Country Keuka Chase
SR 276266/03 James & Miriam Reid
Sharilee & Timothy Malik
Thomas & Lora T. Desombre
Carolyn Kraskey
Jane E. Christiansen
Jane E. Christiansen
Jane E. Christiansen
David Bechard/Jon Peotter
Karen Williamson/Linda Hattrem
Lara A. & Richard N. Suesens
Lara A. & Richard N. Suesens
Ronald & Ruth MacDonald/Lara A. Suesens
Anthony & Deshona Loyd/Lara A. Suesens
Roxanne Radunzel/Linda & Jon Hattrem
James & Miriam Reid
Lola thorsness
Sharilee & Timothy Malik
Little Brownies Nighthawks Ike
Night Hawk’s Little Sister
Nighthawk Jack Daniels Old No. 7
Waterway-Game Creek Okie-Dokie,CH
Waterway-Game Crk Coda Meister
AWS-CA178/29F/C-PI-Echo Kraskey’s Grand Lady Amethyst
CA-Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret
SR 267667/02
SR 268835/06
SR 269433/01
SR 336166/02
SR 272845/01
SR 276021/02
SR 306853/04
SR 026674/07 Teresa R. Marley
SR 171608/03 Teresa R. Marley
SR 267667/02 Jane E. Christiansen
Silver Falls Kit Carson, CH
Tarheel’s Dixie R Darlin, CH RN CGC
Little Brownies Nighthawks Ike
Jane E. Christiansen
Jane E. Christiansen
Jane E. Christiansen
Roxanne Radunzel/Linda & Jon Hattrem
Karen Williamson/Linda Hattrem
Carolyn R. Kraskey
Lola Thorsness
Note: If the owner’s name is followed by an *, the dog belongs to multiple owners.
MAY 2008
Page 39
CERF LISTINGS (October - December 2007)
submitted by Linda Ford
CERF Certificate # interpretation Example: AWS-236/95-26 AWS=American Water Spaniel, 236=the CERF number assigned
to an animal, 95=the year in which the animal was examined, 26-the age in months. A CERF number is good for one year from
the exam date. Ask to see a copy of the certificate. CERF no longer includes the full number in our reports. They now show an
N on the reports. N=No permanent identification.
CERF Number
Registered Name
Wavecrest Chance of a Legend, Am/Multi Int. CH
California Crystal Ball, CGC
CA-Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret, CH
Waterway Game Creek Okie-Dokie, CH
Wavecrest Legend’s Flash Dance
Waterway - Game Crk Coda Meister
Reg. Number
Exam Date
SN 844658/01
SR 220789/01
SR 306853/04
SR 336166/02
SR 323418/02
SR 272845/01
Lola Thorsness
Linda L. Ford*
Lola Thorsness
Roxanne Radunzel
Richard & Lara Suesens
Karen Williamson*
Note: If the owner’s name is followed by an *, the dog belongs to multiple owners.
Pfeifer Award Points Standings
Remember folks to get out there in the training fields and then have your dog’s tested at hunt tests. The more you pass and
the more points you gain. Perhaps in 2008 you can be in the top five.
Total number
of Points
Dog's full name
These dogs are off to a great start to the second year of earning points for the Pfeifer award.
1. In AKC hunting tests send a note including the full name of the dog, its registration number and the date of the passes.
2. In NAHRA hunting tests send a note including the full name of the dog, its registration number and the date of the
passes. These passed will be verified upon the publication of the results in the NAHRA newsletter
3. In HRC tests send a copy of their pink receipts, which will be verified from the publication of the results in the Hunting
Retriever newsletter
Information is to be sent to Patricia A. St. Onge, 4835 S. Mill Loop Rd. Maple, WI 54854. All passes will then be verified
when published in the AKC Awards or on the AKC website or the NAHRA newsletter or the Hunting Retriever magazine.
Page 40
Statistician’s Report … by Jayne Kamau
(Continued from page 37)
All Breed Standings
October 10, 2007-January 31, 2008
7. CH Tarheel’s Dixie R Darlin RN CGC
T Marley
8. UH HRCH CH Nighthawks Carolina You Go Girl RE MH WDS CGC TDI
L Mccracken
9. CH Silver Falls Rough Rider JH SD CGC
J Wright
10.Game CR Waterway Kylends LC Mary CDX RE NAJ
A Prior
All Breed Standings
January 1, 2008-February 29, 2008
1. CH Nissop’s Joki Koira SH
D Possin
2. CH Mountain Star Random Gift
S Malik/T Malik
3. Wine Country Murphy J Brown
L Tufts/J Tufts
4. CH Aspen Springs Water Lily CD RE NA NAJ
F Parker/ D Parker
5. CH Minstar Collarboration
S Malik/T Malik
6. California Coast Redwood Burl TT
J Sbarbori/M Sbarbori
7. Carolina’s Wild March Hare
L Mccracken
8. Amt/Int BIS CH Waterway-Game Cr Mare-Z-Dotes SD JH
L Hattrem/ J Hattrem/ P Boyer
9. Game CR Waterway Kylends LC Mary CDX RE NAJ
A Prior
10. CH Kei-Rin’s Mountain Man
D Hancock/P Kozak/J Bartee
Top Group Placements
January 1, 2007-December 31, 2007
Best in Show- Group 1-- Group 2 -- Group 3 – Group 4 – Total Points
1. Amt/Int BIS CH Waterway-Game Cr Mare-Z-Dotes SD JH
L Hattrem/ J Hattrem/ P Boyer
2. CH Ca-Beavercrk’s Best Kpt Secret CGC
L Thorsness
3. CH Game CRK-Waterway Kylends Joyia CDX RE OA
A Prior
1 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 3 3847
0 – 0 – 0 – 1 – 2
0 – 1 – 0 – 0 – 1
MAY 2008
Page 41
Judges Education Committee
submitted by Linda Hattrem, Chair
Judges Education Seminar
The Judges Education Committee will be putting on a seminar at our 2008 Nationals to help educate conformation judges.
The seminar will consist of two parts - the first part being a field demonstration which will be held at Elk Lake Heritage Preserve (the location of our fun field events and AWSC hunt tests). This will help the judges better understand the work our
dogs are expected to do. The second part will consist of a Power Point presentation with a hands-on – an opportunity for the
judges to go over some dogs.
Members are invited to attend either or both parts of the seminar at no charge. In order for members to attend, you need to
sign up in advance and let us know what you will be attending. Space may be limited for the formal presentation so we encourage you to sign up in advance. If there is space available, you may be able to sign up the day of the seminar before
6:30pm. To avoid disruptions, we request that you be on time and that you not leave until the seminar has concluded. The
printed material that the judges receive will be available to members for $5 to cover the cost of printing. Questions from
members will be fielded after the seminar is over and the judges are done.
Wednesday, August 8, 2008
2:45 – Meet at front desk of Holiday Inn
3:00 – Leave for Elk Lake
3:30 – Field Demonstration at Elk Lake
6:30 – Deadline for member sign-up
7:00 – AWSC Breed Presentation followed by hands-on
To sign up to attend the seminar, contact Linda Hattrem, Judges Education Chair at , 608-272-3908
or 7375 Bayport Avenue, Sparta, WI, 54654. Please indicate if you will be purchasing the packet of printed information ($5).
Annual Meeting Minutes
(Continued from page 7)
The only new business submitted for discussion was the formation of the new AWS Rescue organization, with Sue Liemohn
being asked to speak. Sue said that it had all been covered in the previous discussion during the Committee report discussions.
IX. Other Business:
Board gift to Linda Ford:
Paul Morrison presented an Award from the Board members to Linda for her service. A card and gift in the form of a donation to AKC Canine Health Foundation donor-advised fund for AWS Partners in honor of Linda’s service, and a plaque featuring a photo of one of her AWS, was presented on behalf of the 2005-2007 Board.
X. Adjournment:
Linda Hattrem moved to adjourn. Seconded by Art Heun. Passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Sbarbori
Secretary, American Water Spaniel Club, Inc. 2005-2007
Page 42
Address, Telephone, and Email Changes
submitted by Patty St. Onge
Evan Hattrem
Brittany Sie
745 W. Hamilton Ave. Apt. 5
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Sandra Krause
(715) 754-4939
Marie Kopin & Irene Kopin
James & Ramona Larson
Joan Meester
David & JoAnn Kirkman
1945 Fox Ridge Rd
Long Lake, MN 55356
(612) 317-4746
Pat Hamel
Sam & Alice Justus
Dennis & Sharon Lochner
Heather Rygg
Lola Thorsness
Contact Patty St. Onge, 4835 S. Mill Loop Rd, Maple, WI 54854 with any changes in your address or phone number or email.
Welcoming New Members
George & Cindy Breslin
16073 Shellcracker Road
Jacksonville, FL 32226
(904) 751-1443
Member date 3/17/2008
David McCracken
Lois McCracken
Alec & Wendy Combs
1112 W. Wright Rd
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 756-8669
Member date 3/17/2008
William O' Neal
Tracey O' Neal
Joseph & Sharon Mann
14 Glencliff Road
Candler, NC 28715
(828) 665-4074
Member date 1/10/2008
David McCracken
Lois McCracken
Ken & Elaine Reinboth
1001 Baywood Dr.
Williamstown, NJ 08094
(856) 728-4095
Member date
Paul Morrison
Lynn Morrison
2nd Quarter 2008 New Hunt Test Title Holders
S ubmitted by Pat ty St. Onge
Started Hunting Retriever (SHR)
MH, RE, WDS, CGC, TDI Owner: Lois McCracken, Titled Earned: 12/03/07
Hunting Retriever (HR)
UH HRCH MHR CH GAMECR WATERWAY JUST PLAIN 'OL, MH, WDS, {M}, 06/07/2001, Breeder: Pamela Boyer /
GAME CR BRINSLEY, CD, SD, ROM, CGC Owner: Susan Liemohn/Pam Boyer and Linda Hattrem, Titled
Earned: 02/25-07
When your dog earns an HRC title send a copy of your certificate to Patty St. Onge, 4835 S. Mill Loop Rd, Maple, WI 54854
to have your dogs accomplishment given credit and published in the AWSC, Inc. Review.
MAY 2008
Page 43
Breeders Directory
Publication of advertisements in this directory should not be construed as an endorsement of the advertiser by the American Water Spaniel Club, Inc.
Buyers should be certain to check all matters relating to AKC registration, health, quality, health clearances, and stud agreements, with the breeders, sellers, or stud owners before making any decisions.
Aspen Springs Kennel
Beavercreek American Water Spaniels
Frank and Debra Parker
16590 E. Baltic Place
Aurora, CO 80013
Lola Thorsness
22270 S. Kamrath Rd
Beavercreek, OR 97004-9615
California American Water Spaniels
Carolina American Water Spaniels Kennel
Linda Ford
4919 Conejo Road
Fallbrook, California 92028
David and Lois McCracken
PO Box 1982
Sumter, SC 29151
Cow Creek Kennel
Edie’s AWS Kennel
Steve and Tracey O’Neal
2324 Baum Road
Chesapeake, VA 23322
Patrick (Gary) and Tonja McCullough
2352 Palm Dale Dr. SW
Wyoming, MI 49519-9631
Game Creek
Pam and Steve Boyer
180 South 150 East
Driggs, ID 83422
208-313-0201 or 208-354-2571
Just Plain Ol' American Water Spaniels
Kraskey's Grand
Little Brownies Kennel
Carolyn Kraskey
2600 Grand St. N.E.
Minneapolis, MN. 55418
Paul and Lynn Morrison
11450 Durand Rd.
Howell, MI 48855
517- 552-1663
Sue Liemohn
18515 Lake George Blvd. N.W.
Anoka, Minnesota 55303
Night Hawk Kennels
Tarheel Kennels
George and Jane Christiansen
44305 County Highway 41
Vergas, Minnesota 56587
Teresa Marley
255 Knight Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901-1443
Swan Lake Kennels
Waterway's American Water Spaniels
Ellen and Bob Barth
W6892 Breneman Road
Pardeeville, Wisconsin 53954
Jon and Linda Hattrem
7375 Bayport Ave
Sparta, WI 54656
2008 AWSC National Specialty
August 6th through the 10th
Alexandria, MN
Holiday Inn Alexandria
5637 State Hwy 29 S
Alexandria, MN
Date of Show: Thursday - August 07, 2008
Closing Date for show entries: Wednesday - July 16, 2008
National Specialty Hunt Tests
Retrieving Certification Tests and Roustabout
August 8, 9, and 10
This year's National Specialty Hunt Tests,
Retrieving Certification Tests, and Roustabout
will be held at the
Elk Lake Heritage Preserve
11824 185th Street Barrett, MN.
AWSC - Editor
11450 Durand Rd.
Howell, MI 48855