Recreational fishing identification guide
Recreational fishing identification guide
Recreational fishing identification guide August 2016 CONTENTS About this guide�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1 Offshore demersal���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3 Inshore demersal�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 Nearshore�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Estuarine ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Pelagic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Sharks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Crustaceans����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 Molluscs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27 Freshwater – Northern Inland����������������������������������������������������������������������28 Freshwater – Southern Inland����������������������������������������������������������������������29 Cover: Harlequin fish Othos dentex. Photo: Shannon Conway. Published by Department of Fisheries, Perth, Western Australia. Fisheries Occasional Publication No. 103, fourth edition, August 2016. ISSN: 1447 – 2058 (Print) ISBN: 978-1-877098-41-3 (Print) ISSN: 2206 – 0928 (Online) ISBN: 978-1-877098-43-7 (Online) ii Fish identification guide About this guide T his guide has been developed to help you identify the more common species in Western Australia that you may encounter. The purpose of this recreational fishing guide is to greatly enhance consistent and accurate species identification. If you are unsure about a particular species (or if it is not in this guide), please discuss it with a representative of the Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. You can access additional information on the website Six broad ecological depth-based habitats are recognised within each bioregion. Finfish species are listed in the habitat where they most commonly occur. Sharks and crustaceans are presented separately as they may occupy many habitats. Land FRESHWATER PAGE 28 PELAGIC PAGE 20 ESTUARINE PAGE 19 20m 250m NEARSHORE PAGE 12 INSHORE DEMERSAL PAGE 4 OFFSHORE DEMERSAL PAGE 3 Fish identification guide 1 About this guide (continued) Throughout this guide you will see all or some of the following coastal bioregion symbols with each fish illustration, indicating where the species is most likely to occur. NC North Coast GC Gascoyne Coast WC West Coast SC South Coast Freshwater species inhabit the inland bioregions, which are shown on the maps on pages 28 and 29. 114° 50' E North Coast (Pilbara/Kimberley) Kununurra NC Gascoyne Coast Broome GC Port Hedland Karratha 21° 46' S Onslow Exmouth As hbu r ton Rive r Carnarvon Denham 27 °S Kalbarri Geraldton West Coast WC Black Point Esperance Augusta 115°30' E 2 Fish identification guide Eucla Perth Albany South Coast SC Offshore demersal Eightbar grouper (Grey banded rockcod, eightbar cod) Blue-eye trevalla Hyperoglyphe antarctica Hyporthodus octofasciatus Hapuku Ruby snapper Polyprion oxygeneios Etelis carbunculus Bass groper Flame snapper Polyprion americanus Etelis coruscans Fish identification guide 3 Inshore demersal West Australian dhufish Juvenile Western blue groper Achoerodus gouldii (Dhuie) Glaucosoma hebraicum Blue morwong Northern pearl perch Glaucosoma buergeri (Queen snapper) Nemadactylus valenciennesi Juvenile Pink snapper (Snapper, pinkie) Harlequin fish Othos dentex Chrysophrys auratus Painted sweetlips (Slatey bream, sweetlip) Diagramma labiosum 4 Fish identification guide Sea sweep Scorpis aequipinnis Juvenile Yelloweye redfish Centroberyx australis Common coral trout (Leopard coral trout) Plectropomus leopardus Mainly offshore in NC and GC Bight redfish Barcheek coral trout Centroberyx gerrardi Plectropomus maculatus (Red snapper, nannygai) Swallowtail Centroberyx lineatus (Inshore coral trout) Yellowedge coronation trout (Coronation trout, lunartail trout) Variola louti Sergeant baker Aulopus purpurissatus Chinamanfish Juvenile (Chinaman) Symphorus nematophorus Fish identification guide 5 Inshore demersal (continued) Spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus Longnose emperor (Long-nosed emperor) Lethrinus olivaceus Grass emperor Redspot emperor (Black snapper, blue-lined emperor, grass snapper, tricky snapper) (Pink-eared emperor) Bluespotted emperor Redthroat emperor Lethrinus punctulatus Lethrinus miniatus Lethrinus lentjan Lethrinus laticaudis (Lesser spangled emperor) Yellowtail emperor Lethrinus atkinsoni 6 Fish identification guide (Sweetlip emperor) Barramundi cod Chromileptes altivelis Blackspotted rockcod (Malabar cod, estuary cod, slimy cod) Epinephelus malabaricus Epinephelus areolatus Frostback rockcod Goldspotted rockcod (Estuary cod, slimy cod, greasy grouper) Epinephelus coioides Potato rockcod Yellowspotted rockcod (Spotted cod, honeycomb cod) PROTECTED SPECIES (Potato cod) (Spotted cod, honeycomb cod, frostback cod) Epinephelus bilobatus Duskytail grouper (Spotted trout, trout cod) Epinephelus tukula Epinephelus bleekeri Juvenile Queensland groper PROTECTED SPECIES (Giant grouper, Queensland grouper) Epinephelus lanceolatus Rankin cod Juvenile (Whitespotted rockcod) Epinephelus multinotatus Fish identification guide 7 Inshore demersal (continued) Breaksea cod Mangrove Jack Epinephelides armatus Lutjanus argentimaculatus Rosy threadfin bream Darktail snapper (Black arse snapper) Nemipterus furcosus (Jacks) Juvenile (Maroon seaperch, dark tailed seaperch) Lutjanus lemniscatus Robinson’s seabream Brownstripe snapper Gymnocranius grandoculis Lutjanus vitta (Robinson’s bream, Robinson’s perch) Moses’ snapper (Moses’ perch, fingermark bream) Lutjanus russellii 8 Fish identification guide (Flagfish) Stripey snapper (Spanish flag, stripey seaperch) Lutjanus carponotatus Crimson snapper (Crimson seaperch, red snapper) Lutjanus erythropterus Saddletail snapper (Scarlet seaperch) Golden snapper (Fingermark seaperch, fingermark bream) Lutjanus johnii Goldband snapper Pristipomoides multidens Lutjanus malabaricus Maori snapper (Maori seaperch) Lutjanus rivulatus Rosy snapper (Rosy jobfish, crimson jobfish) Pristipomoides filamentosus Red emperor Sharptooth snapper Lutjanus sebae Pristipomoides typus (Reds) (Sharptooth jobfish) Fish identification guide 9 Inshore demersal (continued) Humphead Maori wrasse PROTECTED SPECIES Bluespotted tuskfish Goldspot pigfish Blue tuskfish Bodianus perditio Choerodon cyanodus Foxfish Blackspot tuskfish Bodianus frenchii Choerodon schoenleinii Cheilinus undulatus (Goldspot foxfish) (Western foxfish) Baldchin groper (Baldie) Choerodon rubescens 10 Fish identification guide Choerodon cauteroma (Bluebone) (Bluebone) Purple tuskfish (Grass tuskfish, bluebone) Choerodon cephalotes Bluebarred parrotfish Scarus ghobban Frypan bream Argyrops bleekeri Bighead gurnard perch (Gurnard perch) Neosebastes pandus Fish identification guide 11 Nearshore King George whiting (KG) Western trumpeter whiting Sillago burrus Sillaginodes punctata No dot markings on base of pectoral fin Faint or no bars Yellowfin whiting Southern school whiting (Sand whiting, school whiting) (Sand whiting, silver whiting) Sillago schomburgkii Sillago bassensis Dot markings on base of pectoral fin Well defined bars Goldenline whiting (Golden-lined whiting) Sillago analis Western school whiting (Sand whiting, school whiting) Sillago vittata Yellowtail scad (Yellowtail, yellowtail horse mackerel) Trachurus novaezelandiae 12 Fish identification guide Black markings on tail Australian herring Mulloway (Herring, tommy ruff) (River kingfish) Arripis georgianus Argyrosomus japonicus Juvenile Western Australian salmon (Salmon) Arripis truttaceus Black jewfish (Northern mulloway) Juvenile, often called salmon trout, looks like adult Australian herring but has smaller eye and pointy head Protonibea diacanthus Southern garfish Western butterfish (Gardie, southern sea garfish) Hyporhamphus melanochir (Butterfish, buttery) Pentapodus vitta Dark blotch below dorsal fin Lower lobe of tail fin longer Three-by-two garfish Bluespotted goatfish Hemiramphus robustus Upeneichthys vlamingii (Robust garfish, storm garfish) Juvenile (Red mullet) Fish identification guide 13 Nearshore (continued) Silver trevally Horseshoe leatherjacket (Skipjack, skippy) Meuschenia hippocrepis Longtom Sixspine leatherjacket Pseudocaranx georgianus This includes the smaller sand trevally (P. wrightii) Family Belonidae (Reef leatherjacket) Meuschenia freycineti Snook Sphyraena novaehollandiae Tailor (Chopper – small tailor) Pomatomus saltatrix Yellowtail barracuda (Pike, striped seapike) Sphyraena obtusata 14 Fish identification guide Banded sweep Scorpis georgiana Blue mackerel (Slimey mackerel, common mackerel) Greenback mullet Liza subviridis Scomber australasicus Oriental bonito Bluetail mullet Sarda orientalis Valamugil buchanani Barramundi Sea mullet Lates calcarifer (Mullet) Mugil cephalus Diamondscale mullet Liza vaigiensis Yelloweye mullet (Pilch, yellow-eyed mullet) Aldrichetta forsteri Fish identification guide 15 Nearshore (continued) Chinaman rockcod (Charlie court) Bludger trevally Carangoides gymnostethus Epinephelus rivulatus Queenfish (Queenie) Scomberoides spp. Carangoides fulvoguttatus Western yellowfin bream Golden trevally Acanthopagrus morrisoni Gnathanodon speciosus Northwest black bream Giant trevally Acanthopagrus palmaris Caranx ignobilis (Yellowfin bream) (Pikey bream) 16 Turrum (Goldspotted trevally) Fish identification guide (Banded trevally) (GT) 4 pectoral filaments Blotched javelin (Blotched javelinfish) Pomadasys maculatus Blue threadfin (Bluenose threadfin salmon, blue salmon) Eleutheronema tetradactylum 5 pectoral filaments Barred javelin (Spotted javelinfish) Pomadasys kaakan Silver toadfish POISONOUS (North-West blowfish) Lagocephalus sceleratus Weeping toadfish POISONOUS (Blowie, pufferfish, common blowfish) King threadfin (Giant threadfin salmon, giant threadfin) Polydactylus macrochir Giant sea catfish (Giant salmon catfish) Arius thalassinus Tripletail Lobotes surinamensis Torquigener pleurogramma Fish identification guide 17 Nearshore (continued) Male Female Western King wrasse Common dart Coris auricularis Trachinotus botla Sea trumpeter Brownspotted wrasse Pelsartia humeralis Notolabrus parilus Male Female Southern maori wrasse Ophthalmolepis lineolatus Western striped grunter (Trumpeter, striped trumpeter) Pelates octolineatus 18 Fish identification guide Estuarine Yellowtail flathead (Bartailed flathead) Smalltooth flounder Pseudorhombus jenynsii Platycephalus westraliae Northern sand flathead (Sand flathead, flag tailed flathead) Largetooth flounder Pseudorhombus arsius Platycephalus endrachtensis Southern bluespotted flathead (Bluespotted flathead, southern flathead) Black bream Acanthopagrus butcheri Platycephalus speculator Estuary cobbler (Cobbler) Cnidoglanis macrocephalus Tarwhine (Silver bream) Rhabdosargus sarba Fish identification guide 19 Pelagic Juvenile Samsonfish Seriola hippos Amberjack Seriola dumerili Southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii Longtail tuna (Northern bluefin tuna) Thunnus tonggol Yellowtail kingfish (Kingfish, kingie) Seriola lalandi Yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares Mackerel tuna (Jack mackerel, kawakawa) Euthynnus affinis Dogtooth tuna (Doggie) Gymnosarda unicolor 20 Fish identification guide Spanish mackerel (Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel) Scomberomorus commerson Shark mackerel (Scaly mackerel, salmon mackerel) Grammatorcynus bicarinatus (CONTINUED) Grey mackerel Blue marlin (Broad-barred Spanish mackerel, broad-banded mackerel) Makaira nigricans Spotted mackerel Black marlin Scomberomorus semifasciatus (Australian spotted mackerel) Makaira indica Scomberomorus munroi School mackerel (Queensland school mackerel, doggie) Striped marlin Tetraputerus audax Scomberomorus queenslandicus Fish identification guide 21 Pelagic (continued) Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus Mahi mahi (Dolphinfish) Coryphaena spp. Cobia (Black kingfish) Rachycentron canadum Wahoo Acanthocybium solandri Great barracuda Sphyraena barracuda 22 Fish identification guide Sharks Broad, angular upper teeth Interdorsal ridge Dusky whaler Carcharhinus obscurus Narrow hookshaped upper teeth Whitetip reef shark Triaenodon obesus No interdorsal ridge Bronze whaler Carcharhinus brachyurus Sandbar shark (Thickskin shark, northern whaler, sand shark) Carcharhinus plumbeus Tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier Whiskery shark Furgaleus macki Gummy shark (Southern gummy shark) Mustelus antarcticus Western spotted gummy shark Mustelus stevensi Fish identification guide 23 Sharks (continued) Hammerhead sharks Family Sphyrnidae Wobbegongs Family Orectolobidae Greynurse shark PROTECTED SPECIES Carcharias taurus Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjackson 24 Fish identification guide White shark PROTECTED SPECIES Carcharodon carcharias Sawsharks Family Pristiophoridae Sawfishes PROTECTED SPECIES Family Pristidae Crustaceans Western rock lobster Panulirus cygnus Southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii Claw spines reduced or blunt prominences One small blunt spine or no spines at all on the elbow Short, broad lobes between the eyes Brown mud crab (Orange mud crab) Scylla olivacea Claw spines large and distinct Painted rock lobster (Tropical rock lobster, green rock lobster) Panulirus versicolor Long, narrow lobes between the eyes More than one prominent sharp spine on the elbow Ornate rock lobster Green mud crab Panulirus ornatus Scylla serrata (Tropical rock lobster) (Giant mud crab) Fish identification guide 25 Crustaceans (continued) Blue swimmer crab (Blue manna, blue crab) Portunus armatus (formerly P. pelagicus) Prawns Family Penaeidae 26 Fish identification guide Molluscs Roe’s abalone Haliotis roei Greenlip abalone Squid Order Teuthoidea Octopus Haliotis laevigata Octopus spp. Brownlip abalone Cuttlefish Haliotis rubra conicopora Sepia spp. Fish identification guide 27 Freshwater – Northern Inland Two different bioregions apply for freshwater species – the Northern Inland Bioregion (shown on the map below) and the Southern Inland Bioregion. Redclaw Kununurra (Queensland red claw crayfish) Cherax quadricarinatus Broome Port Hedland Karratha NI Onslow Exmouth As hbu r ton Rive Northern Inland r Carnarvon Denham 27 °S Kalbarri Geraldton Macrobrachium spp. Southern Inland Perth Eucla Esperance Augusta Black Point Albany Silver cobbler (Lake Argyle catfish, Ord River catfish) Neoarius midgleyi Western sooty grunter (Sooty grunter) Hephaestus jenkinsi 28 Cherabin (Freshwater prawns) Fish identification guide Kununurra Freshwater – Southern Inland Broome Two different bioregions apply for Port Hedland freshwater species – the Northern Inland Karratha Bioregion and the Southern Inland Onslow As Bioregion on the map below). h(shown Exmouth bur ton Rive Northern Inland r Carnarvon Denham 27 °S Kalbarri SI Geraldton Southern Inland Perth Redfin Perca fluviatilis Eucla Esperance Augusta Black Point Albany Freshwater cobbler (Freshwater catfish) Tandanus bostocki Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Marron Cherax cainii Brown trout Salmo trutta Fish identification guide 29 INDEX OF COMMON NAMES A Amberjack....................................... 20 Australian herring............................. 13 Blue threadfin.................................. 17 Blue tuskfish................................... 10 Breaksea cod.................................... 8 B Baldchin groper................................ 10 Banded sweep................................. 14 Barcheek coral trout........................... 5 Barramundi ..................................... 15 Barramundi cod................................. 6 Barred javelin................................... 17 Brownlip abalone............................. 27 Brown mud crab............................... 25 Brownspotted wrasse....................... 18 Brownstripe snapper.......................... 8 Brown trout...................................... 29 Bass groper....................................... 3 C Bighead gurnard perch..................... 11 Cherabin.......................................... 28 Bight redfish...................................... 5 Chinamanfish..................................... 5 Black bream.................................... 19 Chinaman rockcod........................... 16 Black jewfish................................... 13 Cobia.............................................. 22 Black marlin.................................... 21 Common coral trout........................... 5 Blackspotted rockcod......................... 7 Common dart................................... 18 Blackspot tuskfish........................... 10 Crimson snapper................................ 9 Blotched javelin................................ 17 Cuttlefish......................................... 27 Bludger trevally................................ 16 Bluebarred parrotfish........................ 11 Blue-eye trevalla................................. 3 Blue mackerel.................................. 15 Blue marlin...................................... 21 Blue morwong.................................... 4 Bluespotted emperor.......................... 6 D Darktail snapper................................ 8 Diamondscale mullet........................ 15 Dogtooth tuna.................................. 20 Duskytail grouper............................... 7 Dusky whaler................................... 23 Bluespotted goatfish........................ 13 E Bluespotted tuskfish........................ 10 Eightbar grouper................................. 3 Blue swimmer crab.......................... 26 Estuary cobbler................................ 19 Bluetail mullet................................. 15 30 Bronze whaler.................................. 23 Fish identification guide F K Flame snapper................................... 3 King George whiting......................... 12 Foxfish............................................ 10 King threadfin.................................. 17 Freshwater cobbler........................... 29 Frostback rockcod.............................. 7 Frypan bream................................... 11 L Largetooth flounder.......................... 19 Longnose emperor............................. 6 G Longtail tuna.................................... 20 Giant sea catfish............................. 17 Longtom.......................................... 14 Giant trevally.................................... 16 Goldband snapper.............................. 9 Goldenline whiting............................ 12 Golden snapper................................. 9 Golden trevally................................. 16 Goldspot pigfish............................... 10 Goldspotted rockcod.......................... 7 Grass emperor................................... 6 M Mackerel tuna.................................. 20 Mahi mahi....................................... 22 Mangrove Jack................................... 8 Maori snapper................................... 9 Marron............................................ 29 Moses’ snapper................................. 8 Mulloway......................................... 13 Great barracuda............................... 22 Greenback mullet............................. 15 Greenlip abalone.............................. 27 Green mud crab............................... 25 Grey mackerel.................................. 21 N Northern pearl perch.......................... 4 Northern sand flathead.................... 19 Northwest black bream..................... 16 Greynurse shark............................... 24 O Gummy shark.................................. 23 Octopus.......................................... 27 H Hammerhead sharks........................ 24 Oriental bonito................................. 15 Ornate rock lobster.......................... 25 Hapuku............................................. 3 P Harlequin fish.................................... 4 Painted rock lobster......................... 25 Horseshoe leatherjacket................... 14 Painted sweetlips............................... 4 Humphead Maori wrasse ................. 10 Pink snapper..................................... 4 Fish identification guide 31 Index of common names (continued) Port Jackson shark........................... 24 Sea sweep........................................ 4 Potato rockcod................................... 7 Sea trumpeter................................. 18 Prawns............................................ 26 Sergeant baker.................................. 5 Purple tuskfish................................. 10 Shark mackerel................................ 21 Q Sharptooth snapper........................... 9 Queenfish........................................ 16 Silver cobbler................................... 28 Queensland groper............................. 7 Silver toadfish ................................. 17 R Rainbow trout.................................. 29 Rankin cod........................................ 7 Redclaw........................................... 28 Red emperor...................................... 9 Redfin............................................. 29 Redspot emperor............................... 6 Redthroat emperor............................. 6 Robinson’s seabream......................... 8 Roe’s abalone.................................. 27 Silver trevally................................... 14 Sixspine leatherjacket...................... 14 Smalltooth flounder.......................... 19 Snook............................................. 14 Southern bluefin tuna....................... 20 Southern bluespotted flathead.......... 19 Southern garfish ............................. 13 Southern maori wrasse..................... 18 Southern rock lobster....................... 25 Southern school whiting................... 12 Rosy snapper..................................... 9 Spangled emperor.............................. 6 Rosy threadfin bream......................... 8 Spanish mackerel............................ 21 Ruby snapper..................................... 3 Spotted mackerel............................. 21 Squid.............................................. 27 S Saddletail snapper............................. 9 Sailfish............................................ 22 Samsonfish..................................... 20 32 Striped marlin.................................. 21 Stripey snapper.................................. 8 Swallowtail........................................ 5 Sandbar shark................................. 23 T Sawfishes ....................................... 24 Tailor............................................... 14 Sawsharks....................................... 24 Tarwhine.......................................... 19 School mackerel.............................. 21 Three-by-two garfish ......................... 13 Sea mullet....................................... 15 Tiger shark...................................... 23 Fish identification guide Tripletail.......................................... 17 Yellowtail emperor.............................. 6 Turrum............................................. 16 Yellowtail flathead............................ 19 W Wahoo............................................. 22 Yellowtail kingfish............................. 20 Yellowtail scad................................. 12 Weeping toadfish............................. 17 West Australian dhufish...................... 4 Western Australian salmon................... 13 Western blue groper........................... 4 Western butterfish............................ 13 Western King wrasse........................ 18 Western rock lobster........................ 25 Western school whiting..................... 12 Western sooty grunter...................... 28 Western spotted gummy shark.......... 23 Western striped grunter.................... 18 Western trumpeter whiting................ 12 Western yellowfin bream................... 16 Whiskery shark................................ 23 White shark .................................... 24 Whitetip reef shark........................... 23 Wobbegongs.................................... 24 Y Yellowedge coronation trout................ 5 Yelloweye mullet............................... 15 Yelloweye redfish................................ 5 Yellowfin tuna.................................. 20 Yellowfin whiting............................... 12 Yellowspotted rockcod........................ 7 Yellowtail barracuda......................... 14 Fish identification guide 33 Before you go fishing, let someone know where you are going and contact them if your plans change. Always let them know when you return. The information in this guide is current at the date of printing, but may change. A separate guide on fishing rules is available. For the most up-to-date information on fishing, visit the Department of Fisheries website or contact us. The latest version of each brochure is available for download in PDF format from the website. Produced for the Survey of Recreational Fishing in Western Australia. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES – HEAD OFFICE 3rd Floor, The Atrium, 168 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 T: (08) 9482 7333 F: (08) 9482 7389 ABN: 55 689 794 771 2754/16 AUGUST 2016 Illustrations © R.Swainston/
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