printed program here. - Agassiz Centre for Education
printed program here. - Agassiz Centre for Education
2012 Congratulations UFV’s Class of 2012! G2 G UFV CONVOCATION 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS About our Ceremony, Program, and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Messages from the Chancellor, President, and Alumni Association Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About UFV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Our Traditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Academic Dress Our Traditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Stó:lō territory The Talking Stick Student Speakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Program of Ceremony, Thursday, June 14, 2:30 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Faculty of Professional Studies Faculty of Access and Open Studies Teaching Excellence Award — Dr. Sheryl MacMath . . . . . . . . . 16 Honorary Degree Recipient — Ray Silver Sr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Program of Ceremony, Friday, June 15, 9:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 College of Arts Honorary Degree Recipient — Red Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Program of Ceremony, Friday, June 15, 2:30 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Faculty of Science Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Trades and Technology Research Excellence Award — Dr. Olav Lian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Honorary Degree Recipient — Sheldon Kennedy. . . . . . . . . . . 42 UFV Highlights of 2011/12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Board of Governors and Senate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Senior Administration Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Keeping in Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 G3 G ABOUT OUR CEREMONY, PROGRAM, AND SERVICES Each ceremony takes about two hours to complete. To keep disruptions to a minimum, we ask for students to stay for the entire ceremony and their guests to remain seated during the ceremony. Photography Each graduate will have photos taken of them by Artona Photography: one as they shake the hand of the President, and one as they exit the stage. After the ceremony, family members and friends will have the opportunity to take photos of graduates at the venue. Reception Immediately following the ceremony, all guests are invited to join graduates, faculty, and special guests at an informal reception on the concourse at the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre. Light refreshments will be served. REGALIA (Gowns) Graduating students and faculty are reminded to return their gowns following the ceremony and reception. Services Both prior to and following the ceremony, you will find the following services on the concourse: • Artona’s photo studio for single, group and family photos • Significant Impact/Leader frames for credential framing orders • The UFV Bookstore for graduation mementos and gifts • The UFV Alumni Association for fresh-cut flower bouquets, UFV Alumni merchandise, and commemorative wine orders • Concession for purchasing snacks and refreshments. G4 G STUDENT RECOGNITION — WHAT THE SYMBOLS MEAN Dean’s List of Distinguished Students ( * ) The Dean’s List recognizes students who have achieved at least a 3.5 grade point average in each of two semesters of full-time study. We are proud to recognize the special achievements of these students, denoted with the * symbol. Recognition of Outstanding Achievement ( + ) This list is made up of a few students in each department in recognition of both academic excellence and outstanding performance in their program. We are proud to recognize these students, denoted with the + symbol.0 Co-operative Education ( v ) Graduates who have completed a Co-operative Education option are denoted with the v symbol. Message from the Chancellor MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Convocation is a day to recognize and celebrate your achievements. It is also a time of anticipation as you move forward with cautious optimism and courage to meet the many challenges ahead. In the new realities of today’s world — with so many serious issues before us — advanced skills, education, and critical thinking are more important than ever before. Welcome to our celebration of the achievements of more than 2000 students, who will graduate this year. Today we commemorate their diligence and triumphs. Tomorrow and beyond, we will watch with pride as they use their knowledge, skill, and creativity to benefit us all. Vibrant, innovative, healthy, inclusive and sustainable communities are built on the contributions of such graduates. The University of the Fraser Valley is delighted and honoured to have served them. The entire university turns its focus to its fundamental reason for being. We salute our graduates and their families. We recognize the successes of staff and faculty members in helping students in their life journeys. We take satisfaction in seeing the results of hard work and accomplishment, and imagine the positive impact that our new graduates will make on the world around us. You’ve earned the right to enjoy this milestone and to be very proud of this moment. You are our future. Congratulations! Brian Minter, DTech UFV Chancellor Please also join us in thanking the talented and caring faculty and staff who are building our futures through their work with our students, and the many other volunteers and benefactors who share our vision. I consider myself very fortunate to have such great friends and colleagues in this important work. And finally, family and friends of our graduates, please know how much we appreciate your support and the opportunity to share this celebration with you. Mark D. Evered, PhD UFV President and Vice-Chancellor Message from the Alumni Association Chair Congratulations to the UFV graduating class of 2012. Graduation is a special time — you reflect on the past, take pride in the present, and anticipate the future. We hope that you look back on your time with UFV fondly. It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the UFV Alumni Association. As a UFV graduate you are now considered a member of the Alumni Association and are entitled to benefits, programs, and activities exclusively offered to alumni. We are pleased to be able to offer the 2012 graduates new photo ID membership cards that entitle you to offerings exclusive to UFV alumni. For more information, please visit the UFV alumni website at Contact us at or visit us in the Alumni Relations office, home of the Alumni Association, in room B317 on the Abbotsford campus. Tony Luck, BBA ’96, BA ’07 UFV Alumni Association Chair G5 G G6 G about ufv Fraser Valley origins — Fraser Valley focus In 1974, after years of active campaigning by Fraser Valley citizens, Fraser Valley College (FVC) was established in Chilliwack and Abbotsford, with smaller centres in Mission, Hope, and Agassiz. In the early years, students gathered in church basements, local schools, and storefronts. The first buildings dedicated to FVC use opened at Marshall Road in Abbotsford and Yale Road in Chilliwack in the mid-1970s. The first permanent campus opened in 1983 on King Road in Abbotsford. FVC became the University College of the Fraser Valley (UCFV) in 1991, following another tremendous round of community support, and launched its first four-year bachelor’s degree programs in September 1992. More degrees were launched each year for several years. New facilities opened in Chilliwack in 1995 and in Mission the following year (as part of the Heritage Park Centre). In April 2008, the provincial government announced university status for UFV, following years of active lobbying by the communities of the Fraser Valley. The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) began operations under its new name on September 1, 2008. TODAY In 2012 the UFV is a fully accredited, public university that enrolls over 16,000 students per year. UFV has campuses and locations in Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, and Hope, and international partnerships across the globe. The university now offers more than 100 programs, including two master’s degrees, 15 bachelor’s degrees, majors, minors, and extended minors in more than 30 subject areas, and more than a dozen trades and technology programs. As it grows, the university will continue to offer programming that addresses regional needs, while maintaining the strong commitment to teaching excellence that has resulted in outstanding student satisfaction rates. UFV’S VISION Changing Lives, Building Community It is UFV’s vision to provide the best undergraduate education in Canada and to be a leader of the social, cultural, economic, and environmentally-responsible development of the Fraser Valley. UFV will measure its success by the successes of its graduates and the successful development of the communities they serve. In achieving its goals, UFV has committed to being innovative, entrepreneurial, and accountable. G7 G G8 G our traditions ACADEMIC DRESS Academic regalia consists of a gown, hood, and a mortarboard or cap and tassel. The wearing of robes became common in the middle ages. In monasteries and universities of the time, scholars wore the same long closed gowns as other medieval men. By the time the University of Cambridge was founded in the early thirteenth century, doctors in law and music were permitted to wear gowns in scarlet, purple, and red. Over time, garments and colours came to identify their university. Regalia colours often matched those of the university patron, or the colours of the city in which the university was located. At UFV, vee-stoles for diploma and certificate graduates incorporate the university’s rich green colours. The coloured binding on the edge of the degree hoods represents the particular faculty from which a student is graduating. UFV hood colours are: • white — Arts • silver — Health Sciences • dark green — Professional Studies • pale green — Science • royal blue velvet — Honorary degree. The addition of red cord denotes a master’s degree. G9 G G 10 G our traditions Stó:lō Territory UFV strives to be a place of learning that recognizes, respects and includes indigenous ways of knowing. Our Fraser Valley locations are in the traditional territory of the Stó:lō peoples. THE TALKING STICK The Talking Stick is a gift from the Stó:lō people to UFV, honouring all aboriginal people. The Talking Stick leads the procession into Convocation and the recession after the ceremony. The figures on the Talking Stick being used at UFV’s Convocation are a wolf and a thunderbird. The wolf is symbolic of “the teacher” in Stó:lō territory while the thunderbird represents the highest level of knowledge. Most universities in the Commonwealth have a ceremonial mace, which accompanies the convocation ceremonies. It is the staff of office, representing official authority (such as the Speaker of the House of Commons). UFV uses the Talking Stick rather than a mace for this purpose, thus bringing together a partnership between aboriginal and university traditions. G 11 G G 12 G Matthew Krabbendam, Student Speaker, Faculty of Health Sciences. Student speakers Each year UFV departments nominate students to present the graduand address at each convocation ceremony. It is a great honour to be selected to represent the Class of 2012. We congratulate the following student speakers: Jennifer Ofeimu, Abbotsford Faculty of Professional Studies, Teacher Education program For Jennifer Ofeimu becoming an elementary school teacher is an extension of a career immersed in working with children. She first earned a BA in child and youth care from the University of Victoria, and a diploma in applied linguistics from the University of British Columbia, and then worked for 15 years with the Ministry of Social Services before running her own government-licensed daycare. She currently lives in the Fraser Valley with her family and looks forward to teaching here as well. Her year in the cohort-based group of future teachers of the Teacher Education program has been a stimulating one. “It’s a different experience coming back to university after being in the workforce and raising a family for over a decade. Our class had a very intimate feel to it, and we had a very close connection to the faculty members. It was a phenomenal experience and a cathartic journey.” Ofeimu says it’s a “complete and utter honour” to be chosen as student speaker. “So many of my classmates could rise to this occasion, so I’m putting great thought into my speech.” John (Jack) Brown, hope College of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy major and Political Science minor Jack Brown has been a student of UFV since 2006, and is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (philosophy major and political science minor). He’s been involved with a variety of student groups on campus over the last half decade, including The Cascade, UFV’s “hip and subversive student newspaper,” (as he affectionately refers to it), as guest columnist, board member, and opinion editor. Jack also served in UFV’s Student Union Society, first as VP Finance and then as President, where his big project was the inception and introduction of the U-Pass. “I got to see it from its very earliest stages to its eventual implementation,” Jack says. “I’m somewhat proud of that.” For students still at UFV, Jack suggests taking Scott Fast’s classes on the intellectual history of Western civilization, which will teach “everything you need to know from Plato to Marx in one year.” Meanwhile, Jack is moving on to bigger and better things: he is currently employed as constituency assistant to Gwen O’Mahony, member of the legislative assembly for Chilliwack-Hope. He one day hopes to continue his studies at graduate school. matthew krabbendam, chilliwack Faculty of Health Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Matt Krabbendam always knew he wanted a career in health sciences. “Choosing nursing provided me with the opportunity to have a solid foundation on which to build my career. When I think about who inspired me, my former epidemiology professor from Simon Fraser University comes to mind. She was not only a dynamic and engaging instructor, but one who also sacrificed to give to causes she cared about. Each year, she would spend time working with homeless youth in India.” Matt graduated last fall, and has been working ever since as a registered nurse at Abbotsford Regional Hospital on the surgical inpatient unit. “While working, I am continuing to explore opportunities for further education,” he notes. He did his research before choosing UFV for nursing school. “Prior to entering nursing, I learned that the UFV school of nursing has an excellent reputation, and its graduates are well prepared for work in the field. I have found this to be true in my own personal experience. I credit much my success to the quality of the nursing instructors at UFV, who go above and beyond to support their students, and whose passion for nursing is evident in both the clinical and classroom setting. “I am humbled, honoured, and delighted to be representing the Faculty of Health Sciences as the student speaker! The last four years have been a lot of hard work, but also enjoyable and rewarding. I know my graduating peers have also worked very hard, and I am proud to represent them as well, and together celebrate in our achievements.” Photo Credit: Nomi Koning G 13 G PROGRAM OF CEREMONY June 14, 2012 2:30 pm CALL TO ORDER Brad Whittaker Director of Research Services and Industry Liaison ORDER OF PROCESSION Faculty of Professional Studies graduands Faculty of Access and Open Studies graduands Talking Stick and Stó:lō drummers and elders UFV faculty Stage party Stó:lō WELCOME NATIONAL ANTHEM O CANADA O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS Dr. Brian Minter PRESIDENT AND VICE-CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS Dr. Mark Evered BETTY URQUHART COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS CHOICE program, Agassiz Centre for Education Pacific Riding for Developing Abilities, Chilliwack G 14 G TEACHING EXCELLENCE AWARD Dr. Sheryl MacMath CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREE and GUEST SPEAKER Ray Silver Sr. Doctor of Laws CONFERRING OF CERTIFICATES, DIPLOMAS, AND DEGREES: Chancellor and President and Vice-Chancellor Faculty of Professional Studies graduands Dean of Professional Studies, Dr. Rosetta Khalideen Faculty of Access and Open Studies graduands Dean of Access and Open Studies, Dr. Sue Brigden DEAN’S MEDAL OF EXCELLENCE Crystal Drouillard, Bachelor of Business Administration GRADUAND ADDRESS Jennifer Ofeimu, Teacher Education Program Representing the Class of 2012 CLOSING REMARKS Recession REception Graduation lists in this program were prepared before the ceremony, and may not be completely correct; names of some graduates may be missing. We apologize for any omissions. Not all students listed have fulfilled their graduation requirements at the printing of the program. In the event of a discrepancy between this program and the UFV graduation roll, the UFV graduation roll shall be taken as correct. G 15 G G 16 G Teaching Excellence Award Dr. Sheryl MacMath UFV honours excellence in teaching every year through the presentation of its Teaching Excellence award. The award recognizes not only the classroom aspect of teaching, but also the behind-the-scenes work that is easy to overlook. Before and after lectures and labs, professors spend countless hours compiling materials and constructing lesson plans, and keeping up with the latest developments in their field, not to mention answering emails and holding office hours. This year’s award is particularly meaningful, as the recipient’s daily mission is to prepare the next generation of teachers. As such, Dr. Sheryl MacMath is a powerful mentor and role model for students in the Teacher Education program, who are themselves preparing to become teachers. It is something she excels at. This transformation from student to teacher can be a rocky one, and MacMath has built a support network for her students to make the transition as easy as possible. On the first day of classes, she hands out her home phone number in case they have any questions or crises, during the class or even during their careers. At Christmas, she sends each of her students a card. Her students attest to the countless hours MacMath spends reworking lesson plans and tailoring seminars to her individual classes. It’s these small gestures that make a good teacher a great one. “There are many things that make Sheryl MacMath an excellent candidate for the Teaching Excellence award, and to put them all down on paper would be impossible,” writes a student in one of almost 30 recommendation letters that accompanied MacMath’s nomination. “If Star Wars were to be quoted,” writes another, “Sheryl is a Jedi master: the Yoda of the Teacher Education program.” MacMath completed her PhD last year at the University of Toronto, with a focus on curriculum, teaching, and learning. G 17 G G 18 G HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT doctor of laws RAY SILVER SR. Ray Silver Sr. didn’t have much time or respect for formal education for most of his adult life. The Stó:lō elder had a terrible experience with residential school, first at Coqualeetza and then in Port Alberni. His younger brother died at the second school, and Ray returned home on a ferry with his brother in a coffin below decks. Like many of his generation, he was separated for crucial childhood years from his family, never learned his native Halq’eméylem language, and lost touch with much of his culture. He quit school at 12, and started a long career with the Clayburn brickmaking plant soon after. He always worked, making money at the plant and rising through the ranks to a leadership position, and hunting, fishing, and trapping. But Silver was also, in his words, a “slave to alcohol” until he was 41. “I had 11 kids and I supported them and loved them lots, but I wasn’t a great father to them when I was younger because of my drinking problem. I guess I became ‘me’ when I quit drinking.” This past Wednesday, he had a “birthday” party to celebrate 42 years of sobriety. Once he got sober, he started looking outward, and working with the youth in his community, running a boxing club for many years as a way of encouraging physical health, self-discipline, and sobriety. For his decades of community leadership and his role in reviving and perpetuating Stó:lō cultural traditions, UFV is presenting Ray with an honorary doctorate. He helped raise his own children and a dozen others, and encouraged youth to stay connected to their culture. “I kept them all at home and put them in public school after the experience we had at residential school, but I didn’t place a lot of emphasis on education because I’d had such a bad time with it. I didn’t push my children to work very hard at school because I was afraid of it,” he says. “I’m sorry about that today. Today a lot of our grandchildren and great-grandchildren have done very well at school. I’m encouraging my children and everybody else’s to go to school. It’s one of the most important things you can do in life today.” While he didn’t get much formal schooling, Ray taught himself to read and write later in life, and also considers himself a student of Mother Earth. “My education came from Mother Earth. We have to love what little of her we have left and learn to respect her, and also our waterways, which are the blood vessels of the earth.” He was instrumental in bringing the longhouse and the traditions associated with it back to the Sumas (Se:math) First Nation. He and his wife Millie continue to be strong proponents of aboriginal culture and very involved in their community. Last year, they organized the 35th annual Elders Gathering for aboriginal elders that attracted 5,000 people to Tradex in Abbotsford. They also run a youth dance group. Those dancers will be dancing for their grandfather this weekend in the longhouse as they honour Ray Silver Sr. on the occasion of his honorary degree. photo courtesy of the Abbotsford News. G 19 G FACULTY OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES DR. ROSETTA KHALIDEEN, DEAN Bachelor of Arts (Adult Education) MaryEllen Cain * Beverly Ann Canaday * Larry E. Cantelo * Jason Douglas Craig * Cecelia Marie Dirksen *+ Kerri Susan Favelle Peter John Fedos * Elaine Marie McKay * Nimo Mohamed Christine Ann Nieder Philip John Robson * Karen G. Ambrosi Spence * Bachelor of Business Administration Hatim Abdelkhalek Economics minor, Accounting and Financial Management concentration Mark D. Fischer Whitney Friesen * Human Resource Management option Leighan Gendemann Marketing option Rashwinder Singh Ghuman Accounting option Amandeep Singh Gill Accounting option Gagandeep Kaur Gill Human Resource Management option Talveer Singh Gill Nathan James Gole Accounting option Trades Management option Jeevika Goyal Subeg Singh Grewal Accounting option Gurpreet Singh Hanzra Samuel J. J. Harris Jordan William Hiebert * Economics minor, Accounting option Economics minor, Financial Management concentration Aditya Akre Gurjeet Singh Hothi Ryan Michael Allaire Teresa Lynn Hubbs Human Resource Management option Kevin Ricard Jones Economics minor, Operations Management/ Management Information Systems concentration Allison Delia Anderson Economics minor, Accounting and Financial Management concentration Christina Anne Appleton Balaram Kakkat Harjindar Singh Arjun Kapoor Amy Aydin Harsimran Kaur Kevin William Batke Adam K. Bausenhaus Accounting option Jennifer Beckstrom Accounting option Stefan Bergen Accounting option Matthew Gerrit Berkenpas * Nicolas R. Bideshi Marketing option Mindy Deanne Black *+ Economics minor Anureet Boparai Economics minor Gurvir Garry Brar Accounting option Harina Kaur Brar Accounting option Justin Brar Accounting option Maninder S. Brar Accounting option Samanpreet Kaur Brar Accounting and Financial Management concentration Ryan Jacob Braun Accounting option Emmalee Helen Broadfoot Marketing option Kelsey Bussiere Accounting option Hau Man Chan Marketing option Neeraj Chand Accounting option Adarsh Chandran Abhishek Chaurasia Marketing option Amritpal Singh Cheema Human Resource Management option Varun Raj Cheviri Kunhambu Jessie Chima Marketing option Deepshikha Choudhary Stephen M. De Beir Accounting option Avninder Dhillon Accounting option Guganpaul Dhillon Accounting option Crystal Drouillard * James G. Ellis G 20 G Ekroop Singh Khangura Amarmeet Singh Khehra * Cary James Koechlin Caleb Roelf Kruger Economics minor, Accounting and Financial Management concentration Accounting option Economics minor, Accounting option Economics minor Accounting option Human Resource Management option Ellen Kuyer Accounting option Synthia Nhung My Thi Lam Accounting option Kieve Soleil Laviolette * Accounting option Travis Lemky Jian Li Sha Sha Liu Ryan J. Loewen Organization Studies concentration Veer Raj Singh Madaan Priya Mahajan Masihulla Mahmood Nicole Mann Regina Ann Mathew Accounting option Marketing option Human Resource Management option Muhammed Rafzal Mayyazhi Dan McArthur Michelle Adriana McCrea Economics minor Accounting option Andrew McCulloch Jason Mertke * Accounting option Matthew Josef Mikul Accounting option David Moerman * Jason Andrew Craig Carla R. Do Prado Beverly Keswick * Accounting option Accounting and Financial Management concentration Human Resource Management option Tajinder Neger Alissa Rozanne Neumann V. Finn Nevill Organization Studies concentration Economics minor Naushad Ali S. Nizami Amanda Nutbrown Bourdeau Economics minor Avtesh Oberoi Leanne Oss Accounting option Jagdeep Partap Singh Pannu Human Resource Management option Ahamad Mashook Parayanganam Jacqueline Marie Penner Accounting option Lori Poljancic Human Resource Management option Brent River Posthumus Agriculture Management option Kyle William Redekop Accounting option Robert Reedyk Diploma in aviation R. Alexander Colcomb Airline option Stefan Dimitrov Dimitrov Airline option Cameron MacLean Nicholas Daniel Martin Airline option Jordan T. Rogers Quinton Jordan Weir Tejbir Singh Reen Michael J. Windsor Julie Richard Marketing option diploma in business administration Bradley Raymond Rouleau Ravneet Kaur Muhammad Aaqab Iqbal Gurpreet Sandhu Kamaldeep Singh Sandhu Accounting option Azbair, Mustapha Accounting option Ishaan Singh Battu Savi Sandhu Human Resource Management option Anureet Boparai Tajinder Kaur Sandhu Human Resource Management option Emmalee Broadfoot Brittany Juanita Saran Economics minor, Accounting and Financial Management concentration Jennifer Chung Justine Karyn Saran Economics minor, Accounting and Financial Management concentration Larissa Deanne Segger Accounting option Yuji Shimizu Accounting and Financial Management concentration Jahangir Singh Sidhu Khushneet Sidhu Mandeep Kaur Sidhu Human Resource Management option Samantha Lynn de Silva Accounting option Tessa Smith Harmit Kaur Sran Economics minor, Accounting and Financial Management concentration Steven Bandstra Jasdeep S. Bhandal Pardeep K. Brar Jessie Chima Jacinda Lynn Clark * Manjeet Kaur Clark Baban Dhaliwal Andrew Graham Douglas James Dalziel Craig B. N. Fewer Tiffany-Ann Finch Lin He Feng Hao Lambert Hao Yen Hsu Jun Min Hu Lili Huang Parminder S. Hundal Lin Jiang * Jacko Kardux *+ Kamal Preet Kaur Heidi L. Kenkel Ekroop Singh Khangura Amarmeet Singh Khehra *+ Torhild Log Kanishtha Sood Abdullah Abdulaziz Alshenaibir * So Min Kim Zachary Michael Maitlin Lord Albert Mackoty Caitlin McAuley Bria McCall * Anastasia A. Mroz Kegan Roelf van der Berg Accounting option Tajinder Neger Derek Van Reeuwyk * Accounting option Cody Passley Adrianne Velders Accounting option William John Pringle * Bing Bing Qu Nikolas Alek Venema * Economics minor, Finance option Kyle William Redekop Matthew Reimer Andrew D. Ververgaert Accounting option Charles Oliver Vidal Human Resource Management option Marina Lianne Parapini * Eric Pleiman Qiyuan Ren Farooq Siddiq Dharminder Singh Sidhu Dylan Silvestri Jeff Visscher Ashley Thompson Robert William Ward George Q. Tu Riley Weiss Danica Roxanne Velasco Ryan Scott Wiens Human Resource and Organization Studies concentration Bryan Wolgram Faith Deborah Woodard Ding Ming Wu Human Resource Management option Accounting option Ali Muhammad Zahoor Chris Yi Xin Zhang Feng Wang Rui Qi Wang Tsai Cheng Wang Julia Werner * Shane F.I. Wilson-Murray Yuesong Wu Xiaoyu Xing Xijing Yang Zi Yi Zhang Certificate in Accounting Justin Marcus David Coghill He Li Michelle P. Gebhart Tina Gabrielle Poudrier *+ Qing Yu Jeremy Brock Gordon Curtis Hillman Certificate in Business Administration Jameson Douglas Kroeker Doan Quang Ngo Tim Friesen *+ Natasha Lynn Nichols Roneil Ashwin Nath Paul Thomas Wickens Adrianne Velders Breeanna C. Velne Accounting option Bachelor of Business Administration in Aviation Melissa Tran Stacie Leigh vanden Eykel Professional Flight instructor option Joshua Andre Trautmann Ryan J. Loewen Lee Caitlin Penner Yi-Hsin, Wang G 21 G Certificate in Marketing and Sales Derek Beer Ryan J. Loewen Matthew Courtland Blom *+ Andrew McCulloch Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care Teela Allen Pinder Basran Child Welfare specialization Certificate in Early Childhood Education Tara N. Berg * Brenda Wanda Charlie Lana Deruyter * Nicole Breanne Erickson Navjot Kaur Bhattal Taylor S. Corriveau Chylanne Brittany Desmarais Kailea Falls * Christie Forde * Julie Anne Giroux Laura Guillou * Joelle Harding Erin Claire Beaton * Leah Chantell Hernandez * Kimberley Allison Blair *+ Jillian Caroline Klassen * Leah Roanne Connell Jocelyn Ellen Loewen Whitney McManus Kimberly Jean Craig Carrie Leanne Odell * Lindsay Alexis Olsen * Robyn Ferguson Samantha Marie Palmer Alison Friesen * Robert Smith * Robyn D. Harold * Michelle Dayle Sumner Kristen Honeybourne * Jolene Vander Meulen Julia Marie Hyslop Melissa Jollymore Renata Uhrig Amanda Wallace Certificate in Extended Studies in Early Childhood Education Child Welfare specialization Child Welfare specialization Chylanne Brittany Desmarais Special Needs specialty Jung Sun Park * Special Needs specialty Helen Rex * Certificate in Extended Studies in Child and Youth Care Tara Marie Wiebe Christine N. Williamson * Bachelor of arts in child and youth care — douglas college cohort Gurpreet Maya Jassal Christina Joan Frances Spenst *+ Tara Young Carrie Lee McDermott * Morgan Miller Dianna Reed Child Welfare specialization Ashley Anne Kalic * Brandon R. Litun * Lindsey Hill * Randi Lee Limb Child Welfare specialization Diploma in Early Childhood Education Sukhvir Brar Child Welfare specialization Katrina Popplewell * Child Welfare specialization Certificate in Applied Business Technology Lindsay Rachelle Adam Kayla May-Marie Auran Sarah Marie Allison * Michele Elizabeth Basso * Katelyn A. Barnes * Special Needs specialty Jessica Biro Kimberly Fisher Special Needs specialty Hannah Bouwman * Ashley Gaudet * Special Needs specialty Deanna Marie Carrier Manjot (Monica) Gill Special Needs specialty Gaylene R. deGroot Alyssa Higgins Special Needs specialty Abby S.A. Duncan Sylvia Monika Hopkins * Special Needs specialty Erica Rianne Ferchert Tzu-Han Hsu Special Needs specialty Rachel Ganzeveld * Tamara Huezo Special Needs specialty Susan Elizabeth Gnapp * Angela M. Joiner Special Needs specialty Ramanjot Haer Lanette LaRock Special Needs specialty Nadine Havrda * Kressie Lynn Kathleen Lockwood * Special Needs specialty Jocelyn Rose Hornady Jennifer Lungal Special Needs specialty Clare Louise Ingham Dennis R. McGregor * Special Needs specialty Taelyr James Keeley Shelley Marie McManus * Special Needs specialty Michelle Amy LaPointe * Tara Lemna Special Needs specialty Michelle Nicole Lineker * Meghan Luknowsky * Special Needs specialty Janelle Main * Natasha Ashley Pastro * Kelsey Laura Gunn Pidduck Brooke Ashley Schott Infancy specialty, Special Needs specialty Chelsea Messent * Marion Grace Boughen Teri Lee Brown Deanna Davyduke * Natasha Driscoll Linda Elizabeth English * Melissa Froehlich Desiree Gillis Kaitlynn Louise Grant Jennifer Michelle Hartley *+ Rachel Elise Hendricks Caitlin Huestis Danielle Irwin Monicque June Kitchen Chelsea Violet Rose Maneval Jamie Moortele Ravneet Kaur Sidhu Special Needs specialty Rachel Audrey Nichols Sabrina Spencer Special Needs specialty Brittani Rae Phillips Special Needs specialty Mirna Laris Rivera Torres Bonnie Robertson Amber Robinson Karen Nicole Roy Erin Lynn Spielman *+ Jocelyn Elaine Veer * Infancy specialty, Special Needs specialty Natasha Phillips Sheila Saieh Brianna Sale Heather Annette Saloka Sarah Styles Amanda Elizabeth Toews * G 22 G Alexis Chantal Parbery Jessie Shellee Tolmie * Carina L. Trout * Kim VanderVeen Anne Marie Fausto Vanette Vowell Nicole Wagner * Alison Nicole French Kristin Wiebe Taylor Bethany Wiebe Sandra Wilson Michelle Lynn Gilbart * Gurjeet Kaur Gill Lesley Hitchcock Diploma in Library and Information Technology Tracy L. Bergey Records Management concentration Mhairi Lynne Black * Youth Services concentration Records Management concentration Youth Services concentration Susan Ann Gibbs * Melanie Meyer Kristie Nagata * Gabor Oboczki * Kim Ortis * Andrei A. Ouspenski Tristan Michael Gibson Leslee J. Picton * Kristin Gossen * Gordon Ross Gray Records Management concentration, Youth Services concentration Sunita Kaushal Records Management concentration, Youth Services concentration Brodie Jane Pountney Reshmi Madhu Prasad Faye A. Reglin * Cristina G. M. Libera * Records Management concentration Tiffany Lauren Scott Joanne Laurie Matthews Records Management concentration, Youth Services concentration Kirandeep Sidhu Phillip Menger Records Management concentration, Youth Services concentration Kathleen Grace Snyder * Quinn Perry * Youth Services concentration Anette Tamara Struger Youth Services concentration Records Management concentration, Youth Services concentration Child Welfare specialization Cassie Alexandra Silva * Jordan Stellingwerff * Child Welfare specialization Ellice Lynn Strikwerda Jennifer Teigen Louise Esther Tucker *+ Norman Rusty Whitford * Reimund “Rvie” Vincent Tolentino Child Welfare specialization Diploma in Social Services Richard George Toochin Janine Beasley+ Jannette W. VanderBeek Allan Charles Webner *+ Child Welfare specialization Kristina Kiranpreet Kaur Sahota Elizabeth Kate Laturnus * Lindsay Marie Toews Child Welfare specialization Amneet Powar Lisa Michelle Robic * John Carl Kemp Michelle Xuan Hui Tang * Child Welfare specialization Susan D. McKamey Monika Bracun Hala Sally Elgammal * Carey-Jane Kerkhoff Nicole Patricia Leuthardt * Beverly Anne Braaten * Eleanor J. Busse Klassen * Jessie Shena Kergan * Jessica Elizabeth Kurucz Colin Robert Boyle Michael J. Brown * Child Welfare specialization Jennifer Janzen * Records Management concentration Elsemieke Wishart Youth Services concentration Layna R. Witzke Youth Services concentration Library Tech Post-diploma Certificate Laura Rebecca Somerville * Aingeal Stone * Tamara Gina Brautigam Steven Calvin Kerry Cameron Tatiana Carrizo-Pacheco Kara Cartwright Marcella Lenore Commodore Diondra Doak *+ Lorraine McKinnon Vlcek Meghan Christina Faye Bachelor of Social Work Meghan Rae Follett Heidi Ahlqvist Shara Frazier Carly Patricia Bailey Stephanie Funk Lisa Marie Bell Cherie Birner * Kerri Lee Hogg Child Welfare specialization Crystal Lataya Page Hoggard Patricia Braun Alyssa Ruth Kavanagh Tara Dawn Derby * Jessica L. E. Keras Andie Catherine Dodd Kemorie Symone Drysdale Sabrina Duhra Eric Yi-Ting Kuo * Child Welfare specialization Shelby Nicole Leigh Sheena Mista G 23 G Jessie Morris FACULTY OF access and open studies Albino Kon Nyuol DR. sue brigden, DEAN Sukhjinder Randay Jackie Rillera * Teaching English as a Second Language Certificate Sheena Ann Robson Chrisanna Jeanne Sampson * Margaret Ann Rajpreet Sandhu Jason Douglas Craig * Petrena S. Sly Eve Elizabeth Goodine * Kendra Amanda Taylor Sara Thiessen * Alisha Elizebeth Tushingham First Nations option, Shxwmísems ye xwexwílmexw Benjamin A. Veg Emily Dorothy Howell David Kenneth Johnston * Parvinder Kaur Khakh Adam John Knowlson * Jared Marc Légaré Victoria Rempel Certificate in Extended Studies in Social Services Kathleen Hamon Jeffrey Duane Heppell S. Elizabeth Middleton Meghan Watts Kaitlyn Chelsea Cliff Felicia Nicole Daase * Michael Schmidt * Dustin Mark Alan Stevens Julie Anne Krossa Matthew Thomas McLean Natasha Amber Oblak * Mandeep Sadhra Melissa Coral Senum Devinder Kaur Thandi Cherie Birner * First Nations option, Shxwmísems ye xwexwílmexw Eleah Marie Turkstra * Courtney Victoria Ticehurst Whitfield Sukhdeep K. Sidhu First Nations option, Shxwmísems ye xwexwílmexw Beverly Carol Willms * Eve Yi Jen Wu * Diploma in Substance Abuse Counselling AnnaMarie Shin-Ya Yang Certificate in Family Child Care Tanya Baggs Community Support Worker Certificate Tara Adolph Parmjit Bhullar Natalieth Elisa Arcos Morales * Alicia Priya Bali Gerickah Charlie Bridgette T. Boyer * Jodi Kim Brown Jasvir Dhadda * Colleen Denise Ciochetti * Lindsay Dawn Greenly * Nathan Michael Grant Heather Diane Horner+ Silvia Fassler * Kathleen L.E. George Nabila Ali * Doreen Arlene Charlie * Holly Ann Marie Dan Monica Dixon * Sharon Taylor Fayant * Kimberly Griffith * Barbara Audrey Jones Jeffrey Nathan Kerr Marsha Mary Emily Henry Anne Herridge * Shardé D. Massé Katie Ann Morrison Tanya Natasha Hiebert * Lanka Hobson * Terri Lee Packard * Michelle Nicole Huish * Sarah Elizabeth Mudgway * Meagan Lisa Pitcher * Lisa Stromdahl * Stefanne Sutherland Cheri Thiele Laura Ann Wagner * Jessica Wilcox * Certificate in Teacher Education Arlene Albeluhn * Thomas Howard Arnold Sandra Bergeron * Jenny-Rose Louise Goldfuss Kimberly Dyce * Tija Jean Amy Finch Melissa Patricia Forcier * Susan Joy Gemmell * Jennifer Eve-Lynn Henshaw April Hodson Kristen Anne Kasper Taylor Anne Kjemhus * Ashley M. La Roy Jennifer Lynn Ofeimu * Tiffany Renee Rast Robert James Skinner Sasha Amira Tang Shannon Arlene Thiesen G 24 G Travis Alstad Jordan Benjamin Barr * Nikita Brennan *+ Shannon M. Dyble Ronni Fast * April Johnson Alyssa Marie Kirkness * Dana L. Motoc Jennifer Jane Pucek * Jessie Russell * Sylvia Seebach * Ashley Shaw Brittany Jacklin * Megan Amy Kelsey * Jessica Malloway * Donna Elaine Peters * Victoria Purcell * Jessica Raelene Scheurer * Surinder Sekhon Prabhjot Sidhu Mikkaela Kayanne Slykerman * Danielle Sundberg * Reiko Tsukui-Hoppener * Monica VanderEyk * Rose Williams * Deanna Michelle Findlay Shelsea Dawn Forward Ashleigh Graham Garrison Scott Hodgins Brooke Amy Janzen Steven Michael King * Amanda Koop Breanna McRobbie Amanda Pryzner-Dunn * Maria Del Mar Saez San Miguel * Renya Switzer Danielle Tebrinke Bookkeeping for Small Business Certificate Yvette Adler Nicole E. Barry Barbara Ann Blom Olga Maria Card Rupinder Chhabra Henny De Jong Volha Filiushyna Sharanpreet Gill-Braich Lisa Guillemette Geertruida Admiraal-Blansjee Masoomeh Bayati Frauke Bracht Rachel Lynn Carter Benjamin J. Davis Cherilynn Ewert Gail M. Foote Christina Lynn Griffith Gurdeep Singh Hans Daniel George Hay Caitlin A. Hodgson Dawn Marie Horn Sena Kannangara Michelle Nicole Kellerman Vivian Nadine Krull Rita Joy Kouleas Sydney Hamilton Cindy C. Landers Sheena Houston Amanpreet K. Khaira Debra A. Koehn Shelby Lehmkuhl Maureen Landucci Sandi L. Lange Allison Lynn Later Saralyn Tanya Lavigne Sandra LeBlanc Judy E. Lesarge Christina Lindahl Kayla Malatinka Brenda Joy Loeschmann Yehlen B. Lorenzo Sara Christine Marvin Tammy Luu Francina Maarhuis Laura Michele Miller Carina May Pamela Anne Morton Kamal Deep Mann Michelle I. McKinnon Melinda J. Melenchuk Stanley Steven Morison Debbie Myers-Wardal Carlene Marie McVetty Karina Michaud Toni Gabrielle Mussell Hailey Porteous Karen L. Perry Heather Stam Joanne Powley Danielle Mae Tidmarsh Madeleine Russell Laurie Schiefermeier Zlata Studnicka Stephanie Saccomano Tylla R. Stanley Donna Thorgeirson Judy Trombley Gurvinder K. Uppal Bethany Welch Loc Truong Katherine Jeanne Scott Robbin Claire Williams Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate Sukhvir Bansi Lisa Virginia Beaudet Anousone Chomseng Jessica Surjit Kaur Dhaliwal Kathleen Beaman Paulette Katherine Breaks Jennifer G. Dether Rebecca Ann Duhaime Nicole L.M. Dunmall Jade Einer Fiona Dykes Jennifer Freeman Christine Giltrow Dawn Hedrick Melinda J. Konings Rachel May McMillan Jannigje C. Roos Ingrid Mariela Schile Sharon P. Smith Vanessa Hart Anne Heikkila Raveen Mandair Jennifer Lynn Rink Sonyia Sanghera Sukhjit Sidhu Kierra Bronwyn Traill Antonette Valmonte Jody Mae Welsh Kirsten Amanda Wilson Haley Vrba Cheyenne May Williams Andrea Wolfe Dental Office Receptionist Certificate Christie Lynn Brooks Ashley Robyn Daigneault S. Breanne Chalmers Chelsey Gail Dyck Karen K. Gill Ingrid Lillian Kilde Natalie Illes Michelle Kolinsky Jerica Jean Meldrum Joan Beverly Baxter Terri Brisson Erin Dawn Brown Aileen Rose Reyes Fontanilla Brittany Stinson Cheyenne Nicole Torry University Foundation Certificate Abdulmalik Fahad Tayash British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma Amesha Chastity Atwell Harold Duncan-Williams Meghan Helmer Sandra LeBlanc Maryann Nicholson * Heather Gwendolyn Roach Niccol Maria Marlene Buchanan Tiffany Dawn Fields Claire Rachel Tait Katerberg Matthew Nahirny * Lisa Simone Oyston * + Ryan Peter Schreurs Workplace Training in Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge Certificate Brent Bodner Certificate of Academic Proficiency in English as a Second Language Mohammed Eid Alqahtani Dae Hyun Chun Abdulrahman Riyadh D Alrasheed Rubinco Smilev * Certificate of Advanced Proficiency I in English as a Second Language Majid Ali Al Madani Mohammed Eid Alqahtani Ahmed Alotaibi Anna Maskvitsina * Rayan Raja Sleem Certificate of Advanced Proficiency II in English as a Second Language Mohammad Aba Alkhail Mohammed Eid Alqahtani Mohammad Sulaiman Alsulaiman Ofelia Castillo Meier Fahad Sulaiman Alhenaki Abdulrahman Riyadh D Alrasheed Jun Feng Rayan Raja Sleem Wu Mengmeng Liyuan Zheng Nursing Unit Clerk Certificate Jessika Elizabeth Edgar Jayme Smiley Maxine Wilson Tayash, Abdulmalik Fahad Ashlee Baxter Chelsea Mae Cairns Stacey Peters Balvinder K. Rajwan Jeremy Elise Savoy Jennifer Ann Pipe Karen Rushforth Patricia V. McRae Heidi Lynn Morrow Peggy Schonberger Sherylynn Nicole Niezen Jennifer Anne Robin Rebecca C. Martin Michelle Schartner Natasha Scott Donna L. Rowat Kirsten Lyon Kasey Reiss Krista Lynn Ness Jessica Reimer Jessica Hoang Anita Duffin Bekki Elias Certificate of Intermediate Proficiency in English as a Second Language Mohammed Eid Alqahtani Hye Gyeong Choi Mandeep K. Ghuman G 25 G PROGRAM OF CEREMONY June 15, 2012 9:30 am CALL TO ORDER Brad Whittaker Director of Research Services and Industry Liaison ORDER OF PROCESSION College of Arts graduands Talking Stick and Stó:lō drummers and elders UFV faculty Stage party Stó:lō WELCOME NATIONAL ANTHEM O CANADA O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS Dr. Brian Minter PRESIDENT AND VICE-CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS Dr. Mark Evered PROFESSOR EMERITus Dr. Martin Silverstein G 26 G CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREE and GUEST SPEAKER Red Robinson Doctor of Letters CONFERRING OF CERTIFICATES, DIPLOMAS, AND DEGREES: Chancellor and President and Vice-Chancellor College of Arts graduands Associate Dean, College of Arts, Dr. Susan Fisher GOVERNOR GENERAL’S ACADEMIC GOLD MEDAL Donna Alary, Master of Arts (Criminal Justice) GOVERNOR GENERAL’S ACADEMIC bronze MEDAL Marina Parapini, Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration diploma DEAN’S MEDAL OF EXCELLENCE Faculty of Humanities William Brooke, Bachelor of Arts, Major in Philosophy Faculty of Social Sciences Alanna Schuurmans, Bachelor of Arts, Geography Honours GRADUAND ADDRESS John (Jack) Brown, Bachelor of Arts, Major in Philosophy Representing the Class of 2012 CLOSING REMARKS Recession REception Graduation lists in this program were prepared before the ceremony, and may not be completely correct; names of some graduates may be missing. We apologize for any omissions. Not all students listed have fulfilled their graduation requirements at the printing of the program. In the event of a discrepancy between this program and the UFV graduation roll, the UFV graduation roll shall be taken as correct. G 27 G G 28 G HONORARY DEGREE RECIPIENT doctor of letters Red Robinson Red Robinson is a living museum of popular music and culture. Elvis Presley? Red Robinson met him. The Beatles? He emcee’d their show at Empire Stadium in 1964 and John Lennon cursed him off the stage. Buddy Holly and Louis Armstrong? Met them when they were launching their careers. John F. Kennedy? Met him during the 1960 presidential campaign. What started as a teenaged passion for Red — spinning rock ’n’ roll records on a local Vancouver radio station while still in high school — has turned into a six-decade career in the entertainment business. And he truly was a pioneer. He was the first DJ to play rock ’n’ roll music on a regular basis in Canada. You may say ‘it’s only rock ’n’ roll’ but in the mid-1950s the beatheavy music, heavily inspired by Black-American musical traditions, was viewed as subversive by most adults. Anyone trying to play it met with racist resistance from the establishment. “I was listening to American radio stations from up and down the West Coast and really getting into this new music, but nobody was doing in Canada yet. I was the first one to play it on a continuous basis. I really had the pulse of what my generation wanted to hear.” And he remains active in the industry, often greeting stars of yesterday and today as they perform at his Red Robinson Show Theatre in Coquitlam, and playing DJ Sunday afternoons on AM 650. For his pioneering contribution to the Canadian music industry, and his philanthropic work with the CHILD Foundation and the Heart and Stroke Foundation and other charities, Robinson is receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of the Fraser Valley on June 15. “I never expected to receive such an honour,” notes Robinson. “I never worked toward achieving awards — I worked for the joy of it.” Throughout his long career in radio and the entertainment industry Robinson has adhered to a belief in positive thinking. “You need to believe in yourself. Babe Ruth had the most home runs ever, but do you know who had the most strikeouts? Babe Ruth! You have to go to bat and swing if you want to succeed!” G 29 G Chad Matthew Surette College OF ARTS Amandeep Kaur Toor DR. JACQUELINE NOLTE, DEAN Juspal Kaur Toor Master of Arts (Criminal Justice) Donna Gina Alary Jennifer Lee Armstrong * Shelby Douglas Aylen * James J. Begley * Catherine Jane Byron * Marion Gladys Craig * Richele Blair Scarff * Bari Emam * Michela Vittoria Fiorido * Brian Desmond McKenna * Harinder Paul Singh Pabla Michael Pedrosa * Dale Morris Prokop * Yana Stratemeyer-Trinczek * Jessica Colville Urbina * Colette Anne Lainé Squires * Gabriel I.J. Theron * James Micheal Wittner Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) Vanessa Anne Addison David John Wartlik Tamara Wells Trevor J. Wiens * Diploma in Criminal Justice Mohammad Aba Alkhail Farah Ali Leanne Teresa Anderson Elias Philipos Charalambides Arsh Dhillon * Élise Zulu Baron Jaspreet K. Birdi Ryan M. Frohlich Davinder Singh Gill Sociology minor Ryan James Curtis Psychology extended minor Jasvinder Singh Dhaliwal Ian Douglas Love Fouad Makrout Christine Manila Terri Robyn Mercer Akiko Nakajima Alex Romy Montserrat Roca Louise Marie Sallai Kevin Robert Schentag Jesse Matthew Seymour Gagandeep Singh Sidhu Parampal Kaur Sidhu Angèle Toutant * Sandra Ann Tehennepe Steven James Vanden Berg Ryan William Ward Tracy Anne Drew * Alexander Wright Jalal Yaala Philip Elichev Tara Enns Bachelor of General Studies Brooklyn Louise Hoschka Nicole Kehler * Richard Benjamin Law Psychology extended minor Sociology minor Jo-Lynn C. Loyer Douglas Ernest Ast * Business minor, Geography minor Jenna Elizabeth Atte Visual Arts minor, Workplace Wellness thematic option Kevin Au * Shelley Ann Burke * Yi Mei Chan Callum Donald Mathers Business and Economics minor, History minor Permdeep Singh Brar Leigh Mae Buysse Jessy Malay History minor, Sociology minor Economics minor Vinu Abraham Chetipurackal Morgan A. Mercer Kaitlyn Chelsea Cliff Janie Mae Nadeau * Valerie Cottier * Neetu Nijjar English minor Business and Society thematic option Linda Gail Dahl * + Evan Phromkharanourak Danielle Desjardins Akwall Kaur Randhawa Alexandra Marie Ehrhardt Elizabeth Alexandra Anne Rempel Leticia Joy Frederickson Montserrat Roca Kathryn L Garcia * Joni Marie Louise Rolleman * Kuljinder Kaur Gill Shayna Lynne Russell * Jasmeen Sandhar-Gill * + Garrett Robert Gilmar Kevin Robert Schentag Eve Elizabeth Goodine * Michelle Segovia English minor Samantha D. Gunson Kathleen Hamon Daniel C. Hartman G 30 G Victoria L. Lane Tyson Kristoffer Lommerts Steven John Thiessen Ameet Dhanoa Sara J. Solon Innerdip Gill Steven Hildebrand Matthew Thomas Potomak Sharanjit Chadha Robin Nicholas Shook Daniel A. Gauvin Vincent Mulville Natalie Marie Browne Melissa Dawn Linn Sean James William Eno Callum Donald Mathers Steven Michael Borsato Allison Lee * Jennifer Jayleen Dueck Tara Enns Myeong-Keon Kim Raj Baring Danielle N. DeCosse Bryan Vachon Raman Gill Jessica Mary Babineau * Kristen Gena Elizabeth Chaisson * Nicholas Turner Geography minor, Theatre minor Kinesiology minor for Arts, Sociology minor Communications minor English minor Business minor, Thematic option in Professional Pilot Training (Fixed Wing) Theatre minor, Media and Communication Studies minor, Communications Thematic option English minor Business minor Ann B. Holdsworth * Sociology minor Bachelor of Arts Randal Holwerda * Samuel Joseph Abercrombie James Robert Inglis Johnmark Abrahams Hilmer Klaes Jagersma * Pang Lai Yin Justine Braden Kyle Adams Andy A. Kalirai R. Mark Adams Debi Ann Kerton Rachael Adams * + Adam John Knowlson * History minor Christy Lemke Andrew Mark George Lupton Christine Manila Business minor Criminal Justice minor Karen Doreen Massier * Kristina Patricia May Sustainable Agriculture Research – Applied Biology thematic option R. Devon McHardy * Kinesiology minor for Science, Middle Eastern Studies thematic option Kacey Oravec * Katie Charlene Paulson Lisa P. Pleadwell Jingjing Qi History major Geography major Katherine Grace Allan + English major Tara Alana Anderson History major Tara Crosby Anglehart * History major Hanney Catherine Annan Psychology major, Criminal Justice minor Tracey J.S. Arsenault * + Psychology major, English extended minor Jessie Nicole Backman + Geography major, Psychology extended minor, Environmental Studies concentration, International Studies concentration Sheldon Patrick Bailey History major Sociology major, Criminal Justice minor Geography minor Mallory Joy Blake English extended minor, Psychology extended minor Business minor, Communications minor Kurt Malakai Dale Spence Anthropology minor, History minor Geography minor Business minor Jackie Unger * Business minor Visual Arts minor Nancy Juliana Werner * Amber Willems History minor, Sociology minor Yuesong Wu Economics minor Xijing Yang Economics minor Ashley Théa Bootsma Shelley Burke * Sheena Edwards Tara Gieselman Yu Hou Sydney Marie Lamirand Karie Lanji Merinda Michelle Lester Rachael Morgan Letkeman Li Peng Stephanie Machmer Patrick M. Massar Qi Lin Pramoj Bhakta Malla Alysha Elizabeth McLean Rowena Beth Nichols * Sharon R. Perkins * + Angela Dawn Prichard Tony Reimer Matthew A. Riley Puneet Sharma Anmoldeep Singh Pardeep Singh Ryan Allan Steigvilas Yi-Hsin Wang Anthony L. Werner English extended minor,Visual Arts extended minor Sociology/Anthropology major, Geography minor Natalie Bridal-Fisher * + Sociology major English major, Sociology minor Meghan M. Brine + Sociology major, Media and Communications Studies minor William Robert Brooke * + Philosophy major J.D.R. Brown Philosophy major, Political Science minor Sarah Christina Brown * + English major Faith Rosemary Burr Psychology major Stephanie Margery Busser English extended minor, Geography extended minor Michael D. Cadarette Sociology major, Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor Leah P. Cender Diploma in General Studies Taryn Katheryne Hesketh Political Science major Lianna Rochelle Born * + Nichelle Breanne Briggs * + Thomas William Thorne Jessica Lee Ware Gregory J. Bokenfohr Phoenix Braun English minor, History minor Daniel James (Jim) Scott Elizabeth Anne Siemens Geography major Sheryl Bennett * + Communications minor Mandeep Sadhra Psychology major Communications minor Lauren Robinson-Gray Yun Zhang Sociology major, Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor Aurelia-Crina Benedik Karli Leigh Nolan Yunhe Yu English major, Criminal Justice minor Aaron M. Bayes Lisa Morry * Shu-Fen Wu History major, English minor Geoffrey Luke Walker Psychology major, Sociology minor Jacqueline Lee Cerf Sociology major Alisha R. Chalifour English major, History minor Tamara Childs * + Psychology major Ashley Shannon Clark History major, Geography minor Trina Kaitlynn Clarke Geography major, International Studies concentration, Urban Studies concentration Jessie Cockroft Psychology major, Criminal Justice extended minor Jennifer Anne Colbourne * + Honours English, History extended minor Corinne Connolly History major, Geography minor Ria Desiree Wotypka Cooke Psychology major, Business minor Nicholas Stanley Scott Cooper * Sarah Cornies Jaclyn Danielle Cottrell Deborah Mary Coughlin * + English major, Psychology major English major,Geography minor English major, Visual Arts minor English major, Visual Arts extended minor Yue Wang Tanya Nicole Cruzelle Psychology major Nicole Alexandra Whelen Felicia Nicole Daase * Psychology major Tong Yang Peng Zhang Morgen Brianne Daciuk Emma Marja Deacon Courtney Barbara May Delmonico English major, History extended minor History major Psychology major G 31 G Sheetal Ashika Deo Philosophy major, Political Science minor Stephanie Desjardins * + Psychology major Tejinder (Tony) Dhaliwal Geography major, Sociology minor, International Studies concentration Jayne Elisabeth Dirks History major, Geography minor Amy Kathleen Dodd Psychology major, Sociology minor Everett Douglas Psychology major, Kinesiology minor for Arts Andrea Carlee Dove French extended minor, Geography extended minor Jennifer Drain English extended minor, History extended minor Kristi Dryden Psychology major, Geography minor Heather L. Dyck * + History major Conrad Phillip Dykman + English major, Visual Arts extended minor Daniel Joseph Edwards English major, History extended minor Stefan Patrick Einarson History major Alyssa Marie Elson Kara Elizabeth Engebretson Darryl Ruben Engelbrecht Melinda M. Enns * + English major, History extended minor Criminal Justice and Psychology extended minor, Sociology minor Sociology major, Political Science minor Geography major, Urban Studies concentration English major, Geography extended minor Justin P. Goodrich + Political Science major Jennifer Sofia Evelyn Gray Lauren Hannem History major, Visual Arts minor English major, History major Jenifer R. Gleed Geography major, Visual Arts minor, Physical Geography concentration English major, Media and Communications Studies minor, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Ashley Harder History major Jessica Noel Harper * + Erica Hartling English major, History minor Geography major, Environmental Studies concentration Danae Haviland English major Andrew Steven Hegedus History major Emily F. Helmer * + Honours Geography, Environmental Studies concentration Laura Elizabeth Henderson * + Jeffrey Duane Heppell Megan Herbert Kristi A. Kotanko History major Stephanie Kovich Psychology major Bryan Michael Kuhn Natalie LaForest History major Geography major, International Studies concentration Rita Lal Psychology major, Biology extended minor Sydney Marie Lamirand Sociology major, Visual Arts minor Russell John Langhout * + Philosophy major Anne Anushka Livera Psychology major Matthew A. Loewen * + English major, Philosophy minor Terri Lee Loewen Sociology/Anthropology major Karisa Longmore * + Psychology major, Sociology minor Benjamin J. Lorimer * + English major, Sociology minor Johan J. Louwersheimer + Geography major, Environmental Studies concentration, Urban Studies concentration Kimberly Dawn Mackenzie * + Psychology major, Criminal Justice extended minor Eva May MacLean English major Bonnie MacLellan English major, Visual Arts extended minor Rebekah J. Makepeace English major, French minor Alexander Wesley Marion Honours Psychology Thomas Daniel Masi Psychology major, Kinesiology minor for Arts Chantelle Mathison English major, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Erin Mathison English major, Communications minor, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Madison Jessica Kisbee McArthur English major, Theatre extended minor, Drama concentration History major, Biology extended minor Katherine Elizabeth McKellar Psychology major,Sociology minor Brenna C. Lewang * + Psychology major, Sociology minor G 32 G History major, English minor Christopher Ryan McDonald English major English major, History minor English major, Psychology extended minor Geography major, International Studies concentration, Urban Studies concentration English major, History minor Psychology major, Criminal Justice extended minor Bryanne Alyssa Demuth Jensen * + Geography major, Urban Studies concentration Drew Nelson Koehn * + History major, Psychology extended minor French extended minor, Psychology extended minor Kirsten Alexandra Janzen Kayley Dawn Knapton * + English major, Geography minor Courtney Pauline Hill Emily Dorothy Howell English major, Psychology extended minor English major, Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Shannon Kelly McConnell + Meghan Elizabeth Hewitt Derek James Hoschka Lucas Ryan Klassen + History major Geography major, Environmental Studies concentration Rebecca Hopfner Kyle Andrew Kjemhus * + Sociology major Taryn Katheryne Hesketh Katherine Patricia Holman * + Psychology major, English extended minor English major, Sociology minor Josh Frede + Jason Cory Ginter Political Science major, Communications minor Lauren K. Key Julie Anne Krossa History major, Political Science minor Peter Gill * Ammar Kavazovic Geography major Larry Craig Fraser Kristi Jeannette Galer Geography major, Environmental Studies concentration, International Studies concentration Geography major, Political Science extended minor, International Studies concentration History major Andrew D. Frith Nicole Joseph Geography major, International Studies concentration Jason Allan Kowal Political Science major, Visual Arts extended minor Matthew Norman Aron Friesen + Sociology/Anthropology major, Communications minor Christopher Michael Jillings English major, Anthropology minor English major, Mathematics major, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Sarah Jane Federau Claire Jensen History major, Anthropology minor Alex McKenzie Psychology major, Philosophy minor Sarah Ashley McLatchy * + History extended minor, Psychology extended minor Matthew Thomas McLean History major, Geography minor Christopher David McMaster Caitlin Marie Mithrush Grant Morden Theresa Lee Mulder Raylene Murray Julianne Katherine Mutimer * + Calvin Alexander Muxlow Joel Hendrik Nagtegaal Geography major, French minor English extended minor, Geography extended minor English major Mathematics major History major English major Psychology major, Sociology minor Geography major, English minor, Urban Studies concentration Susan S. Naja Sociology/Anthropology major Nicole Renee Neuberg Geography major, History minor Raymond Thomas Nichols Psychology major Natasha L. Smith Political Science major, Anthropology minor Sarah Anne Marie Smith * + Kimberly Spice Sociology major, Communications minor Jennie Louise Nielsen * History major Justin Spicer Natasha Amber Oblak * + English major Asha Kamilah Stander Keisha Anne O’Hagan * + English major Dustin Mark Alan Stevens Jillian Olfert English major Rory Andrew Stevens *+ History major Diana Nicole Sullivan Crystal Oppal Nikita Oster English major, Sociology minor Dean Nathan Palfreyman * English major Anne-Marie Paquette Geography major, Geographic Information Systems concentration Marina Lianne Parapini * + English major, Business minor Kristina Irene Pearson * + Cheryl Penner Julie C. Penner * + Sociology major, Psychology extended minor English extended minor, Geography extended minor English major, Media and Communications Studies minor Tommy Phimanesone Psychology major, Criminal Justice extended minor Vanessa Prada Psychology major Renae Yoko Regehr * + Psychology major Angela Reid Victoria Rempel History major, Anthropology minor English major, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Darrell Alan Remple Danae S. Riach Sociology/Anthropology major, Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor English major, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Nicole Angela Robinson * + English major, Visual Arts extended minor Curt D. Romey * + History major, Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor Grace Emily Romund * + English major, French extended minor David Cameron Ross * History major, Biology extended minor Kari Brianne Rossi + Psychology major, Sociology minor Sarah Eve Sabir * + Sociology/Anthropology major Afarin Sabokdel * + Psychology major Katherine Marie Sallos * + English major, Sociology minor, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Christopher R. Scarrow * + History major, English extended minor Rebecca Elise Schierling * + Psychology major, Criminal Justice extended minor Adam Schilt * + History major Katherine T. Schilt * + Political Science major, History minor Michael Schmidt * + History major Raema-Jean Schneider * + English major Dylan James Schroeder + English major, Theatre extended minor, Drama concentration Jessi Donnel Schulz * + English extended minor, Visual Arts extended minor Alanna Schuurmans * + Honours Geography, Environmental Studies concentration, Physical Geography concentration Eric Scott Psychology major, Criminal Justice minor Meagan Nicole Selvitella History major, English extended minor English major, Media and Communications Studies minor Psychology major, Sociology minor History major Philosophy major, Psychology major English major, History minor Jessica Tamara Thiessen English major, Geography minor Etta Thorick * + Psychology major, Criminal Justice minor Chelsea Jean Thornton + English major Eleah Marie Turkstra * + English major, History minor Jennifer Ursel English major, Visual Arts minor Katrina M. Van Egdom Geography major, Anthropology minor Janine Natalie Van Maren * + Geography major Joel Douglas Van Meer History major, French minor Virginia Marie Vandenberg * + History major, English extended minor Thomas VanderHorst * + History major Kees Andrew Vanleeuwen * + Geography major, Physical Geography concentration Scott Alexander Varga * + Geography extended minor, Visual Arts extended minor Tron J. Veldhuyzen van Zanten History major, Visual Arts extended minor Cameron Brian Vos Geography major, Business minor, Urban Studies concentration Katelyn Jean Wagner Geography major, French extended minor, International Studies concentration, Urban Studies concentration Timothy James Walters * + Psychology major Alexandra Watkins * + English major, Sociology minor Jared Lawrence James Webster * + History major, Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor Paul J. Weimer * + English major, Visual Arts minor, Writing and Rhetoric concentration Courtney Victoria Ticehurst Whitfield Alisa Kristine Wickes Brayden Wiebe English major English extended minor, Visual Arts extended minor Geography major, Environmental Studies concentration, Physical Geography concentration Bethany Laurel Willms * + Joshua Alexander Wilson Sociology major, Business minor English major, Theatre extended minor, Drama concentration Kelly Wong + Psychology major, Biology extended minor Gloria Wyda * Psychology major, Philosophy minor AnnaMarie Shin-Ya Yang Ashley Allison Young Nikolaus Zimmerman * + Michael Zonta English major Psychology major, Criminal Justice minor History major Sociology/Anthropology major English major Melissa Coral Senum English major Emma Jayne Seymour + English extended minor, Visual Arts extended minor, History extended minor Alexandra K. Shewan * + English major, Theatre extended minor, Drama concentration Kelsey Siemens * + History major Colleen Jane Smith Sociology/Anthropology major Jacqueline Elizabeth Smith * + Psychology major, Applied Ethical and Political Philosophy minor G 33 G Bachelor of Arts — Douglas College Cohort Associate of Arts Degree Natassia K. Alexander Psychology major Mahelete Beneberu Kida Andrew * + Psychology major Ashley Théa Bootsma Stephanie Appels Psychology major Whitney Marie Braun Jina Bae Psychology major Brian Carlisle Harpreet Baughan Psychology major Shannon Frances McKee-Carlisle Lei Cao * + Psychology major Kessewa Darkoh International and Development Studies option Shabnam Fayazzadeh Psychology major Jackelyn H. Davison International and Development Studies option Carmen Marie Fowle Psychology major Bibi Firdos Dilmahomed Jaunbocus Shirley Marie French Psychology major Kristi Dryden Danielle Revé Goss Psychology major Robert Murray Grant * Natalie Elizabeth Helm * + Psychology major Jennifer Sofia Evelyn Gray Ambar Eloina Indlekofer Psychology major Samantha D. Gunson Megan Kok Psychology major Kazuto Hashimoto So Yeun Koo Psychology major Taryn Katheryne Hesketh Jennifer Marie Larson * + Psychology major Christopher Michael Jillings Shannon Mackay Psychology major Nicole Joseph Tanja Maier * + Psychology major Seung Yi Lee Aimee Martin + Psychology major Yazhu Li Kason Remay Mattu Psychology major Kexin Lu Sanda Noronha Psychology major Eva May MacLean Kelsey Evelyn Elissa Ogilvy * + Psychology major Taichi Maehata Dawn-Madonna Ann Rozario Psychology major Shannon Kelly McConnell Sapandeep K. Singh Psychology major Caitlin Marie Mithrush Christine Michelle Skwarok * + Psychology major Katelyn Mittelsteadt Andria Elissa Smith Psychology major Jennie Louise Nielsen Rosemary E. Sojka Psychology major JunChul Park Cindy Lee Stace Psychology major Cheryl Penner Shannon Sui Ying Tang + Psychology major Sydney Madelaine Sallstrom Danielle Christine Toth * + Psychology major Alanna Schuurmans * + Ryan Boyd Wiebe * + Psychology major Sean Sliman Ashley Nichole Woollacott Psychology major Rachael Southgate Theatre option Media and Communications Studies option International and Development Studies option Dwain Starrett * Midori Takeda * WanLing Wang Courtney Victoria Ticehurst Whitfield Tian Lu Zhang Chenfeng Zhang G 34 G Diploma in Liberal Arts Braden Kyle Adams Julie Allenby Bachelor of Fine Arts R. Mark Adams Kevin Au * Jennifer L. Berger Ashley Théa Bootsma Danyel Bourgeois Phoenix Braun Whitney Marie Braun Natalie Bridal-Fisher * Nichelle Breanne Briggs * Sook Gyeong Melissa Chea Ashley Shannon Clark Jennifer Anne Colbourne * Nicholas Stanley Scott Cooper Morgen Brianne Daciuk Alitha Ersilia D’Ottavio Jeffrey Dressler Kara Elizabeth Engebretson Candice Rae MacLean Foulkes Lauren Hannem Jordin Daniel Hiemstra Pamela Sue Hunt * + Claire Jensen Felicia Nicole Daase * Amy Kathleen Dodd Hannah Maureen Bennett * + Mary-Anne Louise Dades Karen Dawne Davies Anne Meredith Franklin Ryan Albert Larocque Melinda M. Enns * Samantha D. Gunson Kazuto Hashimoto Katherine Patricia Holman * Visual Arts major Visual Arts major Megan Sjogren Visual Arts major Diploma in Visual Arts Laura Susan Cawker Anita Lewis Reanne Ashley Novak Diploma in Graphic Design Brett Allen Suvneet Bains Mathew K. Harley Jennifer Nicole Klantschi William Daniel La Hay Tong Yang Thomas Malinowski Casey McCullagh Matthew McKenna Grant Morden Kristina O’Brien Jillian Olfert Nikita Oster Cheryl Penner Renae Yoko Regehr * Angela M. Schettle Brianna Toebosch Kyle Andrew Kjemhus * Matthew A. Loewen * Meagan L. Joyce Lillian G. Neufeld * + Kelsey Melissa Kirk Sydney Marie Lamirand Visual Arts major, Graphics and Digital Design extended minor Melanie N. Schnidrig Sandra Dorothea Jacques * Christopher Michael Jillings Visual Arts major Carla R. Miller Everett Douglas Megan Embree * Visual Arts major Vijit Kelvin Keomisy Shuai Li Eva May MacLean Shannon Kelly McConnell Linda Marie McIlvaney * Certificate in Indigenous Studies: Maps, Films, Rights, and Land Claims Debi Ann Kerton Katelyn Mittelsteadt Theresa Lee Mulder Keisha Anne O’Hagan * Leona Danica Osei-Appiah Ian Alexander Patillo Shane Ryan Potter Kristi A. Kotanko Stó:lō Studies Certificate Marjorie Savino Early Modern Studies certificate Chelsea Jean Thornton Angela Reid Diploma in Fashion Design Grace Emily Romund * Kari Brianne Rossi Katherine Marie Sallos Katherine T. Schilt * Seo Heui Han Fashion Technology option, Textiles option Danira Sehomerovic Kim Kokoszka * + Fashion Technology option, Textiles option Amy Coleen Mayo * Fashion Technology option, Textiles option Dylan James Schroeder Melissa Coral Senum Jenelle Spicer Chelsea Jean Thornton Alishia van den Beld Joel Douglas Van Meer Jared Lawrence James Webster * Gloria Wyda Jacqueline Elizabeth Smith * Midori Takeda * Kylie Jennifer Trudeau Janine Natalie Van Maren * Tron J. Veldhuyzen van Zanten Angela T. Welch AnnaMarie Shin-Ya Yang Kimberly Croft Marketing option Roisin Michniewski Brittany Parkman Samantha Paige Proche Gurdeep Sibia Ivonne Silveira * Fashion Technology option, Textiles option Textiles option Chelsea Steffen Shelley Zabel Certificate in Extended Studies in Fashion Design Dawn Michelle Russell * Textiles option G 35 G Lori Poljancic Diploma in Theatre Arts Leanne Atley Jonathan M. A. Bayrock Megan Laurel Davies * + Rebecca Lea MacKenzie * Modern Languages Advanced Proficiency Certificate Matthew Thomas Potomak Jingjing Qi Linna Qiao Julie Richard Matthew A. Riley Nitin Sachar Sukhdeep Kaur Sandhu Daniel J. Sarrasin John Henk van Steenis Jackelyn H. Davison Karen E. Toews * Nikolas Alek Venema * in Spanish Charles Oliver Vidal Cameron Brian Vos Jason Allan Kowal in French Ryan William Ward Michael T. Westwick Jason Allan Kowal in Spanish Michael J. Windsor Tong Yang Victor Mills * in Spanish Grace Emily Romund * in French Kara Warren in Spanish Emily Dorothy Howell in Spanish in Mandarin Matthew Thomas McLean in Japanese Morgan Miller Jong Hoon Park Hailey Peters-Sam in French in Mandarin in Halq’eméylem Grace Emily Romund * in French Stephanie Roy * in Halq’eméylem Marjorie Savino in Halq’eméylem Sasha Amira Tang in French Jennifer Pauline Trithardt-Tufts in French Jessica Anna Yee in Mandarin Professional Communications Essentials Certificate Ryan Michael Allaire Janine Beasley Derek Beer Shannon Frances McKee-Carlisle Abhishek Chaurasia Jennifer Anne Colbourne * Adelina Michelle Dean Crystal Drouillard * Melinda Epifano Whitney Friesen * Kathryn L. Garcia * Samantha D. Gunson Kathryn Hatchard * Karen M. Jarvis * Kevin Ricard Jones Jacko Kardux * Ekroop Singh Khangura Chloe Ann Klippenstein * Benjamin J. Lorimer * + Albert Mackoty Andrew McCulloch Leonard Naimi Raymond Thomas Nichols Amanda Nutbrown Bourdeau G 36 G Tanya Ruscheinski * Michael T. Westwick Introduction to Journalism Certificate Modern Languages Intermediate Proficiency Certificate Kerry Cameron Certificate in Media Literacy Allison Delia Anderson Jennifer Beckstrom Mindy Deanne Black * Anatilde Cascavita Jessie Chima Jason Andrew Craig Bibi Firdos Dilmahomed Jaunbocus Christie-Lee Duncan Michael William Everitt Aric Shawn Froese Tara Gieselman Samuel J. J. Harris Michael William James Claire Jensen Balaram Kakkat Alyssa Ruth Kavanagh Myeong-Keon Kim Ryan J. Loewen Jo-Lynn C. Loyer Masihulla Mahmood Akram Mourad Alissa Rozanne Neumann Rowena Beth Nichols * Sharon R. Perkins * Lauren Hannem Lucas Ryan Klassen Sharverty Neville * Tanya Ruscheinski * Certificate in Diaspora Studies Julia Anna Theresa Both * Leonie Windt * Isabel Jasmin Raabe * G 37 G PROGRAM OF CEREMONY June 15, 2012 2:30 pm CALL TO ORDER Brad Whittaker Director of Research Services and Industry Liaison ORDER OF PROCESSION Faculty of Science graduands Faculty of Health Sciences graduands Faculty of Trades and Technology graduands Talking Stick and Stó:lō drummers and elders UFV faculty Stage party Stó:lō WELCOME NATIONAL ANTHEM O CANADA O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! From far and wide, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS Dr. Brian Minter PRESIDENT AND VICE-CHANCELLOR’S ADDRESS Dr. Mark Evered PROFESSOR EMERItus Dr. Arthur Last G 38 G research excellence award Dr. Olav Lian CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREE and GUEST SPEAKER Sheldon Kennedy Doctor of Laws CONFERRING OF CERTIFICATES, DIPLOMAS, AND DEGREES: Chancellor and President and Vice-Chancellor Faculty of Science graduands Dean, Ora Steyn Faculty of Health Sciences graduands Dean, Dr. Diane Reed Faculty of Trades and Technology graduands Dean, John English GOVERNOR GENERAL’S ACADEMIC silver MEDAL Ricardo Jahns Gigglberger, Bachelor of Computer Information Systems LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR’S STUDENT MEDAL Kyriel Funk, Certified Dental Assistant program DEAN’S MEDAL OF EXCELLENCE Faculty of Science Rosanna Martens, Bachelor of Science Faculty of Health Sciences Deni Nicole Hawley, Bachelor of Kinesiology GRADUAND ADDRESS Mathew Krabbendam, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Representing the Class of 2012 CLOSING REMARKS Recession REception Graduation lists in this program were prepared before the ceremony, and may not be completely correct; names of some graduates may be missing. We apologize for any omissions. Not all students listed have fulfilled their graduation requirements at the printing of the program. In the event of a discrepancy between this program and the UFV graduation roll, the UFV graduation roll shall be taken as correct. G 39 G G 40 G Research Excellence Award Dr. olav lian In a way, Dr. Olav Lian is just a middle-aged version of the proverbial little boy who likes to pick up rocks at the seashore to see what’s under them. But along the way, he has collected a doctorate in earth sciences, built a world-class luminescence dating laboratory at UFV, participated in and led cutting-edge research on environmental change, and mentored several undergraduate students as they launched their academic research careers. For his collaborative approach to research and his guidance of UFV students, Dr. Lian has been awarded the inaugural Research Excellence award at UFV. “I get an incredible amount of joy out of doing research and making discoveries,” he says. He also derives great joy from sharing his passion for scientific inquiry with others. “It’s a wonderful feeling making others aware of the opportunities that exist for pursuing research,” he says. Understanding timing of environmental change using grains of sand has been a lifetime’s work for Lian. As geochronologists, Lian and his associates view time very differently than many of us; they do this by studying the physical environment as it has changed over the millennia, by analyzing long-buried grains of sand using a technique called luminescence dating, which allows one to date when grains of sand buried within a landscape were last exposed to sunlight — or when that landscape was last unstable. Lian’s work has been published extensively in major journals. His research has earned him recognition and success in major external grant competitions such as NSERC, which have brought hundreds of thousands of dollars to UFV, and he has also been a dedicated and active member of the UFV research community. G 41 G G 42 G Honorary Degree Recipient doctor of laws sheldon kennedy Fourteen years ago, Sheldon Kennedy stood up to a bully and abuser on behalf of himself and all victims of childhood sexual abuse. The former pro hockey player was the first to accuse Graham James of abusing junior hockey players, which led to a conviction and, eventually, further charges. It was a very brave thing to do. Kennedy chose to ‘out’ himself as a victim in order to expose a problem that had been hidden away in sport. Since then, he has devoted his professional life to abuse prevention and education, running Respect Group with business partner Wayne McNeil, a company that provides online education for the prevention of abuse, bullying, and harassment. For his initial bravery and continued commitment to a very important cause, the University of the Fraser Valley is bestowing an honorary doctorate on Kennedy on June 15, which happens to be his 43rd birthday. Kennedy says he was surprised and honoured to be receiving an honorary degree. “Having been working so hard on an issue for such a long time, I don’t get a lot of opportunity for reflection because I am just concentrating on what is in front of me day to day. Recognition of this magnitude causes me to take a moment and say, ‘holy cow, we are making a difference.’” Kennedy has become an unofficial spokesperson for millions of abuse survivors around the world. His life story was made into an award-winning television movie and he has appeared on Oprah, Nightline, W-5 and The Fifth Estate. After retiring from the NHL, Sheldon in-line skated across Canada to raise awareness of abuse issues, and raised more than $1 million, which he gave to the Red Cross for anti-bullying initiatives. In 2006, Kennedy wrote Why I Didn’t Say Anything, a riveting account of the many psychological impacts of abuse. Sheldon’s personal experience and continued work “in the trenches” has led to his passion to effect change. When the sexual abuse case at Penn State University came to light last year, Kennedy was asked to testify before a congressional committee about how Canadian sport was addressing abuse prevention. “The spotlight is really on Canada when people are looking at who is leading the way in this area,” he says. “What I presented to Congress was the concept of empowering the bystander, so that the 99 percent of people in organized sport who are good citizens are empowered to stand up for the rights of children and given the tools to do so.” G 43 G Annastacia Emily Pesek FACULTY OF SCIENCE ORA STEYN, DEAN Bachelor of Science Nana Afua Akyaa Addo * Biology major, Pre-medicine concentration Aasma Kausar Ahmad Biology major Georgia Margaret Ballem * Biology major Jannetta Christina Barten Mathematics major, Biology minor Sheldon Xavier Bjorgaard Biology major Kathryn Marie Bose * Biology major, Cellular and Molecular Genetics concentration, Pre-medicine concentration Shelley Lynn Brooks Biology major, English minor Wallis Kathryn Brooks Biology major, Kinesiology minor for Science Christopher Glenn Otto Csoka Peiter Djaja *+ Biology major, Cellular and Molecular Genetics concentration Physics major, Psychology extended minor Jonathan Andrew Dyck Physics major, Biology minor Joel Allan Ewald Physical Geography major Helena Fraser *+ Honours Biology, Physical Geography minor, Ecology concentration Samantha Gallinger Biology major Jasraaj S. Gill Biology major, Biology of Organisms concentration Amandeep Grewal Biology major, Pre-medicine concentration Ning Hao Mathematics major, Economics minor Naomi Hashimoto Biology major Jocelyn Herbert Biology major, Mathematics (Statistics option) minor, Ecology concentration Daniel Paul Huesken Physical Geography major Taylor Gerald Hunt * Biology major Guillaume Jean * Biology major Kyler Scott Johnson James Glendon Kanis Melissa Jean Kenny Marten Kerkhoff Danyue Klassen * Biology major, English extended minor, Cellular and Molecular Genetics concentration Biology major, Kinesiology minor for Science Biology major, Kinesiology minor for Science Tristandip Singh Kooner Krisdeep Lally Biology major, Biology of Organisms concentration, Pre-medicine concentration Biology major, Psychology major Myles Mahon Lamont Wing Sum Vincent Lau Chelsea Robyn Mackovic Danielle Catherine Martel Rosanna Kristine Martens * Joel McCall Mathematics major Biology major Chelsea McCall * + Biology major, Cellular and Molecular Genetics concentration, Ecology concentration, Biology of Organisms concentration Biology major Biology major, Physics minor Biology major, Kinesiology minor for Science Biology major, Chemistry minor Biology major, Cellular and Molecular Genetics concentration Biology major, Cellular and Molecular Genetics concentration Brett Michael McCarthy * Kimberley Mintenko Biology major, Pre-medicine concentration Biology major, Kinesiology minor for Science Kelsey Mitchell Mathematics major, Physical Geography minor Leonard Naimi Chemistry major, Communications minor Gillian Nicole O’Gorman G 44 G Honours Biology, Chemistry minor, Cellular and Molecular Genetics concentration Fil Adrian M. Presnilla Biology major Amanda Reimer Biology major, Chemistry major Biology major, Ecology concentration Christina Sandhu Biology major, Chemistry minor Andrew John Harris Schroeder Honours Biology, Pre-medicine concentration Courtenay Anne See Biology major, English extended minor Caitlin B. Shaw Biology major Roxanne May Snook Honours Biology, Ecology concentration Sneha Ann Thomas * Honours Biology, Kinesiology minor for Science Lee van Ardenne *+ Honours Physical Geography James Bradley VanderHorst * Honours Biology Kori Westsells Biology major, Physical Geography minor Amanda Lynn Whelihan Krista Wuensche * Biology major, Pre-medicine concentration Samantha Alexander Edwards Biology major, Biology of Organisms concentration Jenna Marlene Peters * Biology major Biology major, Biology of Organisms concentration Associate of Science Degree Meryem El Fakir Gillian Nicole O’Gorman Zhen Yu Tang Bachelor of Computer Information Systems Dilpreet Bawa Software Development concentration Reginald D’souza * Robert Gordon Ferguson * Information Systems Security concentration Christopher Gordon Henderson Anusha Raghunathan Iyengar * Ricardo Alberto Jahns Gigglberger * Software Development concentration, Information Systems Security concentration Joe Johnson Congjiang Li Jessica Lloyd * + Software Development concentration Xiaojie Lu Information Systems Security concentration Swarup Regani Information Systems Security concentration Seher Meherali Samnani David Michael Stec Amandeep Thind Software Development concentration Jonathan Vandermey * Diploma in Computer Information Systems Graham S. Forchuk * Jacek Andrzej Labus Jiaqi Li Philip Anthony Smith *+ Navneet Joshi Hang Li Jeremy Sandau Richard Zogheb * Certificate in Computer Information Systems Jody Burns * + Kimberly Griffith Amanda Nutbrown Bourdeau Gary P. Schroeder * Gurdeep Singh Ben Wiese Tara Gieselman Jacek Andrzej Labus Sheila Saieh Anmoldeep Singh Web Design and Animation option Zachariah Carl William Syens Animation Arts Certificate James Mathew Doull * + Cooper McGregor Storoshenko Brook Morrison Ryan Kostuk Spenser Takacs Kameron Taylor Reid Taylor Joshua D. Fehr History minor Mirjana Thiessen FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Dr. diane reed, Dean Biology minor Joseph Rae Vargas Kjerstin Whiteley Natalie Christina Marie Alberts William Ryan Gibbs Barichello * Betty Thuy Linh Tran Emily Joy VanderWekken * Bachelor of Kinesiology Jennifer Nicole Armstrong Sheldon Edward Thompson Biology minor Exercise Science option Trent Wittal Carly Lynn Wright Bachelor of Science in Nursing Brooke Bosma Chelsea Michelle Brotherston Amber Aarts Ashley E. Butcher Kaitlin Elysa Mika Araki Heather Lindsey Bell Kailey Mayumi Belton Elaine R. Bergman * Dawne Carver * English minor Celine Marie Charbonneau * Amy Lynette DeJong Cathers Jeremy C. Coté Kiran Davesar Danielle Ashley Cross Geography minor Navneet Dhanoa Ramandeep Dhaliwal Taelor Alexander Komalpreet Cheema Tammy Miranda de Blieck Rajny Kaur Dhillon Amrita Doad Rupinder Kaur Dulai English minor Carissa Dyck Britney Rosemarie Foster Abimbola Eke Psychology extended minor Jolene Froese Herjote Kaur Gill * Megan Embree * Psychology extended minor Sukhpreet Gill Sarah Jean Carolyn Eagles Jacob Glenn Arthur Fauth Janelle Marie Halldorson *+ Jennifer Giles Sara Nicole Heppell Alana Gronkjaer Biology minor Destiny Klassen Jamie Lynn Harper French minor Matthew Sean Krabbendam *+ Deni Nicole Hawley * Dana Lea Kustaski * Raycene Hudec Sarah Tiffany McMurchie * Alysha Jinnah Crystal M. Nedimovich * Larisa Kaplanchuk Bethany Nichols Ernest Jackson Kliever Tegan Noel Christian Kubas *+ Roselynn Amber Peters Chris Les * Daniel J. Lewis Jessica Mae Presta Psychology extended minor Sanjog Sunny Mann Kim Brandon Marshall Tara Lynne London MacKinnon Russell Business minor Andrea McLachlan Carleen Jennifer McMaster Lianna Louise Richmond Melissa Thiessen * Annemarie Kathleen Vander Waal Psychology extended minor Janice Ruth Martha Visscher * Melissa Grosart Kelsey Clarie Hande Rupali Kapila Laura Brittany Klassen Kari Nicole Kress Ravinder Kaur Mann Elizabeth E. Miller * Catherine Mary Nelson * Celeste Noble Anna Pawlak Cherie Plecas * Kate Regehr Jessica Roberge * Sheena Christine Sutherland Deborah Tran * Candace Lorraine Vantil * Alexandra Emilia Ann Yuriy Hollie Jean Anne Elizabeth Melville Brenna Murray * Psychology extended minor Courtney Lee Parker * Kristina Carlee Priest * Michael David Rastad Psychology extended minor Allison E. Richardson English minor Angelina M. Rodenburg * Jordan Micah Ross * Blake Ryan Ruscheinski Lyndsay Rae Sam Dustin Cody Shapansky Andrew Thomas Smee Business minor, Pedagogy option Michael George Stone Geography minor G 45 G Certificate in Practical Nursing Arica Marie Appleton-Suomi * Jocelyn Michaela Blahut Certified Dental Assistant Certificate Jungwoo Bang * Sarah Anastasia Britz * Anne Adderley Valerie Erin Baker * Crystal A. DeJong Kelly Derouin * Haley M. Edwards Emily Raelene Franz * Heather Gotzke Kyriel Alisha Funk *+ Alicia Katherine Harris John Isaak Adrienne Michelle Havers *+ Rozlyn Morgan John Bo Lam Kim Vanessa Candice Klassen Stefanie Russell Jolene Sanders Barry White Jessica June Scott Kari-Lynn Sweet Sara Nichole Tap Brenda Wesley Jessica Witt Angela Marie Armstrong Allison Bell Rebecca Joyce Bikker Thea Michelle Carmichael Nicole Clarke Jagdip K. Dhillon Lena Marie Dominique Jordan Freelove Chantal Jane Gowland * Jodeane Holly Guild Lindsay Michelle Hall Sara Blair Hambly Tanis Marie Harrison Evelyn Holt Shannon Huesken * Ria Jones Christina Margaret Keranen Gail Kibarita Cassandra Labbé * Breann Helena Letkeman Christina Lucas Gilles Lescure T. Pauline Lindhout * Sandra Nelson McQueen Sabine Poile Rebecca Preston Stephanie Faye Priest Chilot Zephrys Mesert Renaerts Kristine Santosuosso Halicia Sibley Darcie Danielle Snyder Marianne Johanna Struys Nellie Stoshic Heather Sturgeon+ Paljit K. Toor Joanne Marcia Van Den Dorpel * Kayla Walters Micheal Rian Witt Brandy Lynn Wright Diploma in Dental Hygiene Stephanie Kristin Coulson * Sheena Brenda Starr Ferguson Jenna-Rose Di Maria * Michelle Ford * Brianne Johnson * Nicole J. Kuhn * Katelyn Maidment Adrienne Peters * Melanie Pitt * Nicola Spencer * Theresa Wallace+ G 46 G Chantelle Marie Paquette Megan Punnett Melissa Charlene Arnold Jessica Gregoire * Jordana Keller Sarah Dawn Reid Health Care Assistant Certificate Deanna Gobin Breanne Michele Horton Ramneek Tatlay Kristine Michelle Wilcox Carole Cross * Lindsay Menczel Stephanie Fehr Satvir K. Grewal Jacqueline Popma Sharalin Jennine Wegenast * Karin Joy Berghauser * Lindsay Kahl Carmen Joy Bonneau Melissa C. Sawatzky Aria Siemens Kore Leonard Andreasen Hui Feng He (Grace) Kelsey Michelle Arnold Nisha Mariam Samuel Amanda Lynn Steunenberg * Rebecca Paige Zweep FACULTY OF TRADES AND TECHNOLOGY John English, DEAN Aman Singh Budwal Diploma in Agriculture Technology Andrew Garnet Etsell Sarah Kathleen Fransen Kulvir Singh Gill Daniel John Houweling Charmaine Ann Legault Bryanna Lepine Elizabeth Gayle Newbigging Huseyin Deniz Petekkaya Aircraft Structures Technician Certificate Julio Cesar Beltran Horticulture Crop Production and Protection option Livestock Production option Curt Dick Amandeep Singh Gill Adam Groves Ryan William Mosdell Scott Patterson Horticulture Crop Production and Protection option Stephen Craig Phillips Trevor Pullen Horticulture Crop Production and Protection option Sheldon J. Saretzky James Sinclair Horticulture Crop Production and Protection option Jonathan D. Street Clarisa P. Tandiama Barinder S. Thiara Stefan Trenholm Livestock Production option Wyatt Alexander Visser John Anthony Waring Charmaine Ann Legault Johanna R. Alderliesten Victor Mills Heidi VanDokkumburg Andrew J. Brooks Sarah Marie Zonneveld Kaitlyn Ellis Certificate in Integrated Pest Management Essentials Maryann Nicholson Heidi VanDokkumburg Kulvir Singh Gill Heidi VanDokkumburg Certificate in field vegetable production essentials Maryann Nicholson Heidi VanDokkumburg Certificate in Livestock Production Megan Cushing Samantha Gibson Huseyin Deniz Petekkaya Joy Anna Faith Stobbe Jennifer Gibson Jagdeep Hans Jaydee James McKean Jake Mortensen Jason Derek Noort Certificate in berry production essentials Sarah Kathleen Fransen Dustin Grisnich Meghan Courteney Rumble Colin Windover Milker Technician Certificate Luke Paul Jordan Arthur Nickel Pardeep Kumar Notay Benjamin Reitmeier Computer Assisted Drafting Certificate Georgeina Anne Cutts Kristine Habbas Yolande Uriel Corey Waughtal Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing Certificate Aaron Wesley Beckmann Brad Esau Taylor Haynes Cody-james Hulme Andrew Lavallee Christopher Vander Meer Heidi VanDokkumburg Tyler Klassen Melissa Louise McRory Matthew Yodogawa Tamara Pottrick Maryann Nicholson Eric R. Goosen Levi Weaver Michael Hystek Megan Cushing Gregory L. Funk Michael Van Laar Matthew Ivan Nachtigal Certificate in Current Agricultural Practices Essentials Benjamin James Doerksen Landen Colby Sperling Megan Cushing Anthony Stoutjesdyk Adam R. Breitung Rappinder Sangha Emily Victoria Bornestig Nicole Ridder Michael Wall Michael Lee Wiens Architectural Drafting Technician Certificate Jennifer Renee Hayes Hong Sop Cho Bailey Hatchwell Livestock Production option Kulvir Singh Gill Maryann Nicholson Kamalpreet Singh Gill Wesley Liebault Horticulture Crop Production and Protection option Gurkirpal Singh Bala Hong Sop Cho Alex I. Dahl Steven Dietterle Juila Margaret Hiller Certificate in Horticulture Crop Production and Protection Megan Cushing Matt Booth Jordan Edwin Boucher Kyle Foster Steven Daniel Hooge Cody Lambert Chris Moras Andrew Paul Thomson Automotive Service Technician Certificate Craig R. Barton Varun Bhakoo Cameron Brian Jepsen Ty Kennedy Luvy Basra Michael J. Harrison Jordan R. Johnson Levi Mack Danielle Nergaard Daryl Brent Ostendorf Paramvir Singh Rakhra Elliott Ranger-LePage Sandor Szeles Josh Tapp Christopher Van Dijk Renan Portes Vaz Mitchell Werk Loren Westeringh G 47 G Hailey Starr Ledward Carpentry Certificate Zachary Achtymichuk Adam Baker Matthew Walter Bulman Tyson Campbell Tyler Derksen Lindsey Dirks Brayden Gough Jeremy Hoffmann Praneel Maharaj Riley James Pilla Devon Schierbeck Kyle Skantz Shaun TeBrinke Simeon Enoch Weststeijn Daniel Wickes Camille Simone McDonald Neesha Nicole Kaur Pooni Allysa Van Den Broek Victoria Szeles Gilbert Apelt Alesha Goode Jason Waardenburg Matt Williams Neil J. Anderson Kultar Singh Dhaliwal Electronics Technician — Common Core Certificate Ronald Glenn de Ruiter Randy Gill Dominic Travis Harder Said Hashimi Daniel Lengkeek Eric Steven Woelders Allissa Nicole Dyble Caitlin Michele Gleboff Reid Alexander Spletzer Jenneke Franken Andrea Griffin Danielle Guy Samantha N. Kerr Electrical Work Certificate Hailey Maclean Alison C. Starkey Miranda N. Stephen Jillian Thiessen Chad Dylan Friesen Sunny Heer Plumbing and Piping Certificate Nathan Friesen Rick Cannon Douglas Jarvos Bradley Foster Denim Isaac Sean McKerchar Clayton Lins Riley Meints Scott Thomas Moore Nathan Josiah Poelzer Matthew D. Randall Michael David Madsen Clayton David Nickel Jason Rai Trevor Stout Walter Thompson Jesse Warren Sandy Watson Trevor Wiebe James Wise Chad R. White Professional Cook Certificate Kaylea Maree Ashfield Daniel Boudreau Jonathan Manglo Cayetano Floral Design Certificate Sara Marie Morton Debby Windle Smit Ian Carty Ryan Derek William Cocker James Collins Scott Hylkema Carissa La Fond Steve Macleod Antonia P. Malloway Roxana Ratiu Kaila Stevenson Jordan Sydney Nelson Tao Shuai Agnes Vandijk Health and Human Services Certificate Brielle Boles Amy J. Bergen Julie Anne Guenther Donna Lynn Townsley Sydney Allemeersch Brody Dyck Jordan Glendinning Cameron Bela Krajnyak Cory Lehti Jill Marie Biggerstaff Kristel Carretas Ashley Elaine Dueck Alicia Marie Eksyma Tanja Rebekka Enns Jennifer Frost G 48 G Chantelle Marie Walper Garrett Costello Michael Field Ashleigh Elizabeth Henczel Vanessa King Heather Angela Mah Colleen M. Schaefer Mitchell Daggitt Karen J. Fisher Jodi A. Hodge Allan David Barnett Gabriel Cherrington-Kelly Brandon Themistocles James MacIntyre Elizabeth Gueho Christian Luke Arnau Michael J. Cichanovich Bryce Johnson Connor Wood Jayme Lynn Clifford Nicholas Alejandro Miguel Serrano Tony W. Yee Brandon F. Udy Nicolas Olivier Webster Hospitality Event Planning Certificate Jordan Hank Robinson Joel Clayton Walters Scott Swinburne Shelbie Arcand Cory McIntyre Colin James Tilley Jason DeBad Mitchel F. Hughes Michael Leiper Ally Lynn Davies Taylor Belich Anthony J. Barnett Barrie William Chesterman Terry J. Renker Manvir Singh Tatla Stephen James Forster Justin Tyler Baker Holly Williams Steven Joseph McGillis Gordon Van Dokkumburg Anthony Lee Battaglia Craig Allen Tobi Steward Joshua Laufer Jared Romeyn Rob Surtel Mariah Joy Ratzlaff Tylor William Crawford Joinery Certificate Scott Grittner Camilla Pagowski Heavy Duty/Commercial Transport Certificate Gordon Brennan Barson Antony C. Maslin Gabriela Jamillete Martinez Andrea Desirae Sargent Nerissa Marie Teunissen Welding (Level A) Certificate Justin Carter Michael Robert Harris Fulford Kevin S. Klassen Jesse Allan James Mazurick Andrew M. Prokay Ryan Dale Klassen Matthew Olafson Carson Cory Stevenson Welding (Level B) Certificate Robert M. Brisson Robert James Currie George Brian English Evan Epp Kevin Jalava Ryan Dale Klassen Caleb Krahn Alexander LaFonde Yvan Landry Lauren Lyftogt James Cameron Motion Bryce Penner Edward Rampling Riches Colin Russell Tucker Clint Roy Daniel Wegener Welding (Level C) Certificate Khalil Ahmad Matthew Dean Baldacchino Dylan Connor Bogardi Nadeem Brunsdon Clayton J. Bushman Braedon Bainbridge Danilo Birog Tim Braun Cody Allen Budau Ceydie Nicole Dyck Andrew Ehresman Derek Joel Epp Wesley John Fales Kaulin James Folk Matt Fraser Christopher T. Frolov Lucas Frose Mitchell Goddard Blake Gray Valentin M. Gruenwald Brodie Hansen Matthew Hiebert Kyle Derrek James LaRocque Tony Mitchell Greg Hendricks Ryan Tyler Knott Andrew Les Dani P. Moffoot Kieran O’Donnell Nicholas Peters Ryan Poole Codi Pustanyk Scott Wesley Reinheller Kayla Saccomano Kyle Sangster Justin Riddell Joshua Mark Sanders Parker Smith Daniel Lyle Stobbart John Stoutjesdyk Bradley Streifel Jonathan Talbot Levi TeBrinke Tyler Tees David Thiesen Cheyenne Jose’e Tresierra Tyler Joel Vanderlinde Kyle J. Wurst Nick Webb Travis Ziegler G 49 G G 50 G UFV 2011/12 HIGHLIGHTS In 2011–2012, the University of the Fraser Valley made significant contributions to the educational, cultural, and economic landscape of the region. Our accomplishments: • Once again celebrated earning top marks in the Globe and Mail’s Canadian University Report. • Received more than $750,000 in donations and pledges from our generous community of donors. • Launched the Faculty of Health Sciences bringing together UFV’s existing programs in the areas of nursing, kinesiology, practical nursing, dental assisting, dental hygiene, and health care assisting. • Announced the Pacific Berry Resource Centre partnership, collaboration with the British Columbia Blueberry Council, Raspberry Industry Development Council and the Fraser Valley Strawberry Growers Association. • Formed a partnership with the district of Mission to launch a graphic design program at UFV’s Mission campus. • Launched the UFV Today blog, which keeps students, staff, and the community up-to-date on the news, events, and overall happenings of the university and its students. • Presented our annual season of theatre and directors’ festival. • Hosted science camps, science fairs, electoral debates, HST forums, numerous guest speakers, conferences, micro-lecture lunch hours, a university lecture series featuring noted UFV faculty members, and a president’s lecture series featuring our honorary degree recipients and noted community guests. • Cheered national awards for the Cascades men’s golf team, women’s volleyball team and the men’s basketball team. • Strengthened our partnership ties with China and India. • Celebrated Abbotsford’s historic Gur Sikh Temple centenary with numerous community partners. • Welcomed Chilliwack lawyer Laurence R. Stinson as the new chair of UFV Board of Governors, as he succeeded Rod Thomson of Abbotsford. Re-appointed Dr. Brian Minter to a second three-year term as Chancellor of UFV. • Announced Dr. Lenore Newman as the Canada Research Chair in Food Security and Environment. • Donned Abbotsford’s new tartan, created by UFV fashion student Samantha Merritt. • Launched a Culinary Arts program dining experience at Rivers Dining Room. • Created another fantastic Absolute Style fashion show, hosted by the Fashion Design program. • Took pride when UFV Distinguished Alumni winner Shirzad Ahmed was recognized for human rights work. • Opened UFV’s new Abbotsford City location Clearbrook Centre home for Continuing Studies, Applied Business Technology program. • Celebrated the 100 year birthday of “friend of UFV” Dr. Jean Scott. • Cut the ribbon on our newest building at Canada Education Park. G 51 G BOARD OF GOVERNORS SENATE Guided by the University Act, the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business, and affairs of the university are vested in the Board. The Board consists of appointed members and elected faculty, staff, and student members. Members sit as part of the stage party during convocation. Senate is the academic governing body at UFV which is responsible for policies concerning academic matters and advising the board on policies of mutual interest. Members of the senate may also join faculty and members of the board as part of the stage party. Dr. Mark Evered, Chair Laurence R. Stinson, Chair Gerry Palmer, Vice-Chair Henry Jansen, First Vice-Chair Dr. Brian Minter, Chancellor Bonnie McGhie, Second Vice-Chair Nathan Abrahams Dr. Brian Minter, Chancellor Trudy Archie Randy Bartsch Teresa Arroliga Piper Angela R. Bennett Wise Bakson Dr. Tim Cooper Dr. Tom Baumann Barry Delaney Maria Bos-Chan Dr. Mark Evered Alycia Bradley Justin P. Goodrich Dr. Jason Brandenburg Stacey Irwin Dr. Sue Brigden Sean Parkinson Mark Brosinski Terry-Lynn Stone Kelly Chahal Rupe Sunner Tim Cooper Nikolas Venema Dr. Eric Davis Dr. Elizabeth Dow John English Kim Isaac Dr. Rosetta Khalideen Dr. Chantelle Marlor Steven Marsh Rod McLeod Dr. Sylvie Murray Dr. Jacqueline Nolte Shane Potter Dr. Diane Reed Ora Steyn Norm Taylor Leanne Tielmann Maggie Theron Noham Weinberg Al Wiseman G 52 G UFV SENIOR ADMINISTRATION TEAM The senior administrative team at UFV assists the board by managing and administering the day-to-day operation of UFV. Members of the senior administrative team join faculty and VIP guests to form the stage party at convocation. Dr. Mark Evered, President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Eric Davis, Provost and Vice-President Academic Harv McCullough, Vice-President External Dr. Karen Evans, Vice-President Students Jackie Hogan, Chief Financial Officer Dr. Peter Geller, Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President Academic Yvon Dandurand, Associate Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies Diane Griffiths, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources Al Wiseman, University Secretary and Registrar Dr. Sue Brigden, Dean, Faculty of Access and Open Studies Dr. Jacqueline Nolte, Dean, College of Arts Dr. Susan Fisher, Associate Dean of Students, College of Arts Dr. Ken Brealey, Associate Dean of Faculty, College of Arts Dr. Diane Reed, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences Dr. Rosetta Khalideen, Dean, Faculty of Professional Studies Ian McAskill, Dean, Faculty of Science John English, Dean, Faculty of Trades and Technology Kim Isaac, University Librarian Ora Steyn, Executive Director, UFV International * Madeleine Hardin, Executive Director, Alumni and Development Craig Toews, Executive Director, Campus Planning * Ora Steyn leads graduates in ceremony for the year 2012 in tribute to her time as Dean, Faculty of Science. TEAM CONVOCATION Thank you To the many members of the UFV Convocation Team who provide guidance and support for the ceremonies and format at the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre. To the members of the UFV Marketing and Communications team who design, write, and produce convocation materials and program. To the Abbotsford Entertainment and Sports Centre staff, who provide advice and support to the UFV team. G 53 G G 54 G KEEPING IN TOUCH Graduation is not the end but rather the beginning of a new relationship with UFV. As you walk across the stage to receive your credentials, you are following in the footsteps of thousands of students who have gone before you. You are becoming a new member of UFV’s Alumni Association. You will receive a copy of Skookum magazine, published twice a year for the university community. For more information, please visit the UFV alumni website at Contact the alumni office at or visit the Alumni Relations office, home of the Alumni Association, in room B317 on the Abbotsford campus. UFV is always looking to engage the community and build support for our programs and students. Contact the development office at or visit the development team in room B306 on the Abbotsford campus. Congratulations again on your remarkable achievements here at UFV and please stay connected with UFV and your alumni community. CONTACT US 604-557-4008 or toll-free (Canada) 1-888-504-7441, local 4008 Calling all Lost Alumni WIN an iPad 3 Moved? Not a member? UFV wants to stay in touch with you! In three minutes you can be entered to win an iPad 3. Update your contact information by October 31, 2012 to be automatically entered. Enter today at Since 1974 more than 30,000 people have graduated from UFV. Today we’re in touch with half of you. If you are someone we’ve lost contact with, you are considered a Lost Alumni and we want to find you. If you are a Lost Alumni, update your contact information on our Lost Alumni webpage and you will be automatically entered to win an iPad 3. It’s that easy! The black iPad 3 features WiFi, stunning retina display, a 5 megapixel iSight camera and is 32 GB. Valued at $619. G 55 G