f,`P`lm PEoPLE - The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd.
f,`P`lm PEoPLE - The IBN SINA Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd.
PEoPL f,'P'lm R ,* tBNSINAPharmaceuticat tndustry Ltd. fr Q-<r+ fi-dTtdrfrEtrfifE nEtfrfrfrrts 4Qx sl, "f-6r"R.:o/q, {Fn& qr'/q,ost,)qod oovq qffiqt{R"l{re-lTffi Fi t<lq frrT Fr{frsfiria lqE 1iftds-qn mlfis etlffi]Ffsfq-rr qt{trt rfiq .:r, q4ff ol E;r to)s, 'ifi-nR srflE b : eo A{ .slBfifr{ eo.o{ <lf(r alfi.l {sf lqTCTfi {irs{fi c{i]R, iFt6 sst{ ctr+t (<ltrFs{ T{'r{) ,eSsat, at]Ifu, lls]ll Eq6E q< r {.-lT fiF <Ffofincc{. qffio Ei;{ :. lor.: n-crqfiafteRcta q3(ERE1r .{l-ffi{ lffi t. s. sGIilT€lC.t SRq{rffia l e *!T,r{ to)e {l1.I{ €lslfte qs-r1"al qiOin fi.fln a{( \;mi{ "nFdfrr fi'{R"t e 4fr6nrit4r{ r .sffi< s fift$.${ et n-GrsIT1vrFE6 TsErqpflc{.TS"fig q€{t qii qsRtrti3r {trR I mft6{qftq.rsm .----t" J-'"-l .fu rpffit,,!}-Fr,!r) (c:rfs crrqfi ccr]4?ta Erft{ ti6J, a{o1icsi (Recorddale): eo ql€i4,{{<td, io)8 c{r!t csi iRecorddalel q c$Flfi .,l]Il- c<G}]3q{l{]. 1G'iGbfi(<G}fc" fi 'w{ f.Ffi{({f@Iq(qT{fT ci1sfy.6af-.q E]dR .f{{ <ft-{ {fqi"i {s=t{O'Jq6 eern, csB ql14 q<( 4stTi.f't-Tq ({tl] <q ffi qmr 'i. csFr qR.tr{I € Fti eFfr4g"r{s co]{ wry?lln dF "ils qrr m14{Jfua{ '|g|{ q..Ee{ € .sFnf,id qar qfu ficfl.i q{co "]I{cr;r rr. IsI Eqbtq< fi4fts l:rC-:Kqss "tF 8r rril ,F.{ e& Ffi r.... BTt{ c<Gfib $iqt q{st{ rc,1qq\et({ 1."1sr{ .sffi< c<ffi qftT qct fiIg cr{ qGr{F{, qfu-$ E"l € Efu Fn{ .4]frc"fd'tftal sti.!m4 ci.:I]T.<ag|{SfiFftE s. {frs {tlril {.q ci{krqrEli,r"f csffii ciffiF; qi+{ .?,rf€ €ffuc<Fn s aiit {fl {i.le F. rf. :rit crtrf ) qT "lfrrtErs{ fi{tE{ 6. eos{ 3lftF cl{Rlt {ef{ 'ia.'6Fi'ld eFfi<aq€kolT"1T qq q$rrid Fffi sG"t,!31.r{crK sq6e {cq Vs ftq EffiFiIg iRrF €iftiF qftc F{lfidi{ II1-!r asPfifi 6cl4fi4{ 6Rb rlTtl]rn "rq nft4 T{otcT lfrd tc{ q{as rlT E. ']E]dfr-{ cfil ) o.sot]< :rc!] {{fie ..ffln e€Frcn-{i]{ {".fr! atB-btTq{.flt fi-iT{ €dlnqnt q{rdlrrEfi <E L <RstF.i1ilitfifrq crs qq.Fqdi.rira FE6.iiiqr{ft qlq4 ,ro\orr qfi+ IM<.i cEttr6s]{ersBr b"|{n^T{r €m].li! jT{t altFr.iit 06 annual report 2013 Notice TheIBNSINAPharmaceutical IndustryLtd. HouseNo.41, RoadNo. 10/A,DhanmondiFUA,Dhaka.l209. NottceoFTHegoth lruruuAL ceHennlMEETTNG Notice s hereby given that the 30th ANNUALGENEML [4EET|NGof the shareholders of Th€ IBN SINA PhamaceuticalIndustrvLimiledwi[ be hetd on Saturday, 07 June, 2014 at I : 30 A[,4at EmmaNuette,s ConventionCentef, ShimantoSquafeMarket(RlfelsSquarc),sth floor,Dhanmondi, Dhakato lransact thefollowingbusiness: AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. To rcceive,considerand adopitheAudited Accounts for theyearended December31,2013 andthe repoftof the Directorc,and theAuditors, thereon. Toapproveproposed Dividend for theyear2013. ToappointAuditors'andlo fix-uptheirrernuneration. To electDirectorc. Theshareholderc ofthe Companyare requested to ailendthe meeungin time. By orderof the Board Dated: 15April,2014 .'--"".W ([,4d. ShahidFarooqui,FCS) CompanySecreiary a. RecordDate: 30Apri,Wednesday,2014. b. TheshareholdeG whosenamewillappearin the shaferegisterofihe Company ordepository fegisler(CDBL)onthe RecordDateafe etigibteto atiendandvote in theAG[,]andenttledto the dividend. c. A mernberentitledto atlendand vote in the AnnualGene€t lj]eetinomav appoi,ltprcxylo attendard vorein his/herstead. d. ProxyFormmuslbe affixedwiih the revenuesiarnpofTk. 20.00andshoutdbe deposlledat the Registefed Offlceofthe Companyat teasi48 hoursbefo€ ihe scheduletimeof the meeting. e. Afnual Repoft,AtlendanceSlip, ProxyForm and Noliceof the 30ih Annual Generall,4eeting are beifg sentio the shareholders by post.AnnuatRepodand ProxyFormwillalsobe available ffomthe Regisiered Officeofthe Company. f. An Electionwillbe heldto electone Dircctorfrom'B' croup Sharehotders tn the 30lhAnnualGenerall\leeting.Candidate wiling to contestmuslsubmilhis/her Nominalonpaperduringoffce hou|sto lhe CompanySecrelaryai teast7 days beforethe dayandihe limeofthe meeting. g. Thesharcholderc arereqlrest€d to rcgister theirnames wilhin10.30anrinlhecounler. \o affangemertot ary lypeof g rL4ooo w ttbe made n lhe 30thAG[.4as per glvenby Bangladesh direction Securlties (BSEC) andExchange Commission annualreport 2013 07 qRErd-sEg-A-< sG(<na ffia<ir€llhida{ ryfi5 c.fitTaqt-et3q"i, qrrrrl]nr]{ qmiTn €fl <]Ff!gil rJ<f+1FE L stfi arlqi{a 'ifuuq_orqft<1s ralar qt'rit!< wtlrq ,eoE-t<iFi+ ql,ri"t IsR qtskr srsEl s nt't-5qfifF .to e) fu.rtri, ao)e .fTa"t qanq qrl <prT< iFlliaa{< .s"|{ 11.iErqsrsal3etfur<r4 sm iift'Fr r. Fi+{A€ ffil|i'5Iiir<. nJrarnlli. ErEr'TJI-.ld qaf suintrti a.iq e<ta{nfi{<rfl TqF]Rfii fir6.tar.:]orrs e nF{ fia<brn qq ati F<l {4 to)\e qft4 (it"Jriii {J-Irti4 {rI-I{ '6-rr:Rlr i1q4 qlqritF]tr ff{ir3 e$fu-{] {aTflf.Gr i!fiafu art'tiii< eFrtarFiar Ea 'rcitdt trtr i-E qt.urt"ruh+, lt-]]il e qtrsrq sgq bq"l]E'r {.{ {lrFlt.q'f € <111ir.i qEailfuF Eftirr .fiwq <151<Otrs+<r.q< -flqta.rr q!T{ l lEEft qFF Tlffi qiifi'I RIc1Tn{c{ Fm Trdl T166 ifu-<Ic<Tlifu.E Ftq fit q{( lTflftr € "tkcr.Fts nfiV q{rwsn {qtr|. q{ qblFlGiq I lo)s 4R (Tl-qf{{ Bq{lifiqEr qlie c1q q{t q< TrT{t AfrEffi sf$ft I]n'{ {-iq cq {ff.fr t-iFT "ifr-+q{l <tE-<]{c.ricrA sl{t qGT(qI sI{4R-i' {fuEit cEEltt qd icaF qffi.qq cfi1< €Xq Ftrfl{ qdI R{ qors utrqfui .rt-]lft.r ,!aF qEls qlilE qafrrFr s ilrclfid ffiI{(fi {? ftT qfrii- Flfq,{ Eia,lr cltao<ncq qr:rEtoqcfuft-r Eisr4 q<ql at{Err Tl'.si 4{ Tlq,qFi. .it9rfi" g{i{,} erTG{?m -qm <r:ts ee{i etlGcti-+<rai+ qro q(]rq I qEl}trFs to)\, qF t\"l]li'r. fr-6rl € liqqa ,!R Tn cci.{ srrl{l?-{lr'y?n rql E\tT catrs.STTra aqqfi ii4il er{h q<trqg ci1{ {fuwo {rffi qnir q{(c TqT{crcq RGre|lfrq6{ .sr-fift frrf(]{fifii 4iqd;ld qt€st{ rffi{ nr{qfl-fi Ea.l4,F|aiPrmft ii@ir <r{{l .dfi €f{t q<<qds rFfi&F qtT<Fslqnra qfiotT<q qlrffa <c.a e{,{ li'qr 1Gi{ac$r .stptF-i fic{ s F€n i dsrlfrF qF€ ligs rit <i1c rll sfi{]IE s{q <|qtr{ qqftE{ o99 erfufi crco rsrr iri | fi i.{fl FIlt rFtrlBofirrtii W ji. qrrabitq{ ic-anfiq..r eqfri {Rr<rR+q<qr{ <prro '|!{ {Gr.s L rFftqrnft@{ sftio Ecraqqt"r.jt liFr{ B+t, fir.5 <pr< fr.o{ Ea roor.sl frFif{ilotr eElh-{{i b.br% EjsSt:rEfrstq qlffrr.ilT{ q< qiIF4 F:{"1 to)e {fcff qFh rF4FF.T{ NIT|T q{Fn1lTr T<,rr{6q,tFFt tf{S <q.{,Ffuqit-{1o {fr-Fracqi T{{ cll{fidts qfi(n {d1ff€6?iE 6{t-d rFff{ivf{ilE (It{ lo)'! q]r4 r.)r% e16 q{ia ir-<re n lo)t qr{ q{ )).bo% I li'tE FGfi < -T{ €{{ rlt sd s 6FF"llfr{ eq6{ g3djE{r trq Fri b'rql"r4 qfl {.Et enfra{|-d (%) qt Flq{lr€ 6{$ crl'trfi-i 6dF[ )s% ,(r% annualreport 2013 21 \e{t€ €fl\'lFt 1ffi fr{'r F.T'r .q, {Fcrss s]{ II]I.{i qir crrdFL']{ {frql a{ Tr".qF qii or {l"if{r cfu{t{ 'Fiat 11i6 {|{ qi(Er<{ {€E fiF6eqdF ilp,rs1*ltfir -Tl q6$-{ b.,{rq{ SfolrT adti e"tie {Fr firrg t tf$ EEIlaT-l{ s{{ q€s Far ftli'l {rE {q:rdlTi cte cfi-cscitrlt ql{l(q< fitrs{ Errul qlq s$ il€iFqlq{ilr 'fifiGG't{ qr{fr'r lilis{f iiex.{i ffio 4Qq \3{{ \e :lFR E\rl1is cq1lRT <lq1{qto-{cri ${ir{ {<dt m-R FtiFvFrfiE fiid E.g{Iqff gFm crrl {r.p | ,4<i l{tflnlEqst{ tols {ra )ofr Ig< {a]lq toi\! Ct43tq]i[qlEJo Cq]I'?eFllRa4l:cqFiil_+<cqElg$ retrcraitqt{q]E ?Fdt drda 6{lslt t fitrn'rira .rm{ (i'Jffi{) l) :t'tBl{{coirf{"sbear"lii|nl{) o)rrrfic1)ooFfirEi Ferfiflra) 8),rft.qqrbrI"lr.q{ (qFriFlFi{ aEcqs 64fifu trt€r) a) 6Flifi4 & ('rarrecd.:|b (6]{ir-dF{ \36tslfii,llril4) ,r)rsfrfrl{(lq@n) (iriiqrsr € ir{FieMa) c)TEFifrral{ sia ffi r) $.]qG4smaooi]if{rs ({tfMm4€ tTriipllci4) b) ffift{ oftlr qt (ffi'fidit1 Fmirqn) )o) (qrc 80E'F1b t{rqrl4 (€fiqisr4) 5t crr3,filsa". fut1e1ifut1(q{.r4 ((lriT.'r1nrr) fs ) s]{ sRtut{qT.Fl (fllrE 1I.{) )s) F]13E )o) 1irnFi'+so sRfr iir6a{.F (fllritEtq{) )8) tqar s" ErlG t-dGr"r{(ffiqlqa) )a) dlisr a ft$ Br|irdnOlslGlft{) )'!)m,iad gtcloofifr W,l{fi (fi'f{Gi $finirii) 6Efa+qrifu (€Frelqa).'nrroq.+ cntG (d]q1q4) $ t(cr4{ ,fifu (tcqiiqlq{) trIsT'Fl {rrEfr-T6tq{ q'{ 6flKr qf.fi{ft ,9rF {l{ (qlo Ts'"IlsqiiF.5 ffi srn LnGEJI{ (I:r6ll'frfi) rri nfrT{ilT{ 'lm FGir €Rl'l K$r qiro sttlc tjlqF"r4 qr6 qkumi} snffiF q€rfu{ aFfrn r qsM n!_I (glrqiii fu'rr< tr?w (rrtrt{ffi4) E]lIE<fiT(?ifiI[{ qdi qlt{lqr{'lgR qn frigE ftli\{lll r cETc,q {t El]I]I{dt4ffi s qr€tGF.rtsG}c\- qrlr qHrifi wsR 4r-TCq 'lF.q{' .FRr<.qE (ffiiFlF{ :Irtr4 € celFift.Iffioa) | trl"l fiiT fiL{ ,lrrrrq r,ffifl&fi{GH{ t<F Fjatrfififf{ (qfuft.r ii&lq eF celr{l -r9a qq irqRqis qfla ql<irq{lPil"f{l{ eT-y"I{ qFirt "tf{{ a.. {tcE LsBi *<rqRqlt lo:,g qrq r:qli Jafr er"9"l'f rVr (e]gi]?<fqBqfs qil qffcE.ao)aa]r{{tE4 Jo qn-rm l:{F ($sE {(r6iil&-6fiq be q L qrq s t1s"ffiR Tr-{sEc€]Ig]E .gfr {'<fiqa rySfu trqfTqf-p t.F!E:[.R n!4 l,$sBelql SrE qurqtft <trqqr C:IF]i{S fu,ilsa F--it-{ qr4tr4 qif{.f ra5o snf rrifts iflq{Tn $tfuF €{a.r<ErRql"Iq.q<q{ t<rq fifi cElrflrs cs{q €{T Es"lll-;r<'L3m ?lfi sa<rE t\"f!14 vd.r qxfuq <Fqii q<( +dK qr{ F-{|fr]n $lti{ qfri6 {..ils qq.fe-qin r-F nq] <fi'f4.elr{qqs'nqT suqlsrci{ F{ce {!F{ {Gr,s I 22 report2013 annual ftor s Fs+t ft ti1T ftii r fftEfi€]q M frfrds qn 1?4r € iis{"t Gglir !"r. ait craErrsl?t r6leR4?il € c{f'8sffi*F .q} so8 q4 qi-ffu Frr Tt jiq{.t Tr<E|{Drr;rq rqt4t-a{Eur ,! ft$4 'r-H iR4]IqI{ 5\efrGc']j" qFfir{ {q,$$T{ cqt<,c'iMTs]{ irtr€]r{{ Ff6i ffie= qlql:| ftE q<r {r<rc{ TB:rlq qtg{ fift6 TiIi' frrq{q.< atq f{Cq .q-itF{ )\9fr cca{ frI'ft, 88F 6rq,i 1fu, qr.flt{ € tn|nFiD1frtT FtM 4FicrlElRqtq]{ €tEtr{{IIltffi f{sR.t ftonrr<voqqt q<lt{o nnlq ' TF|{C-lq g-CT{ sftI:I|Fr.q{{f <]'wa c$]-iFi< q{Etdc.F1lv Gfti s'r{ 'ffift {ft4 sft6s 3F]@c{mfr{ "r$ c?r+Tfrlit € Ff6tii'1.t(s rn t s frcr6{ elFlF'.t cE{.f,sf.rIaF qfzflqrcc it{{+ Vfirfi Sc.f rfl qaP I qn-]fu "lfr+a.fi qfif4, sir{a ji<iE{ q ft:rFr. eFl$q. pfr li]m. ffi ,: "las-.i;n C's.Ca'j'-i.- dr 'Cb c6f-ri-i rrrF r* o 'ap jfn ?<kc i{:r--.?3 6jdt- Titfuq@ ftfiatr "]3f. rqn143furfl<q$ R.l1r <l<lst{ar €ffiim 6qFin€ qFF"i qFfi q.q qllE T:ffi{ sr\rqrl c$F'llfrr Fq{ ir<-{'nr{ e 1ifr4 c"mm eiGtto to)e ail-lF-{ fifu sI{ s frsfrt TirE (q"E),)el s.r6sEF]'F4qltn qr<t<]rq SFtT"iEts srnfu 6st-iFr Er€ffi{ pfrfl 'tf{;rF{F{ I qT iqrT r{l-tlfrir q-{T{c(4ls ffi Ftff tuG-rn .dGfrn cac 1tG1':T c{|-ifi-di6t{qffiqdr{ {116 {ft6 qvfr'd6ffEFf i-ir{ ii{ FrdlRqn6 ft6 qo fi:r6 ftqfl li'iE iq.n rrerq rvBFcq+ -R< m saoF b"]rqqt :nrfLb FKFio qtd pr< q ftofi q'r4 qsjTii jiG{ qrHlEfq, &fio ,t cwa sfef{'Ja< cq{fr,FiT ftg Tdr {ll]Gr fir6(R t{6d F]lrn .€Ffu"f.F &iTL{.i{ q{Ef-{fi-r"F. F-glrF6tr"tr {]TSd v\Rst, qt5]Tf4 FfGFFTcEtqran(a}rfurFT 1fufi ffi ft"lIf q,e?Isi FFb ."ff .Frl cq{3F.,4 Fra, E1ndr..!< nnar c6"qf. rF-r radslF('$Fia,"i.F.atss crr*L |?lTc{ q${< {i@ "fi,jlm 4P llarket ns company'{ffT TFi F!'s Efs ft{id Il.€6 qrlFffi a{ :Ifre eE]tr, .ElsE r$c< ql-€ cmlT, a4{q]t{c{{ cecft."Ft-re]T.iEl,q{ifrr (a}'llfi-{ F4;rj{qF q{Sf{{q {a{i} ElR 'fi€{'r {ftq $ q{r[{ lrldBs ft$rF 4]1fi$rqsrtr€ tiiifEq qr.r(q qq( ql-dtaEi. 6q{&"Ftr Gfur qr6 Mtc6 {at:rstc<rq qitI-m qFbr rer1 cst-ftfir gfir t-dfi, Ft:Ftril 'f.Ectit ati ,!E cqffiq. l;rfi{qqfr{ i4ftsi. - la 'r.ia: C!r<]ai . -ro=rq critr. Fi-tai \r"$ri, cge :rra ll-<an j:!r s q.1? tfln{-r.6 6*t'. EIi t lE r5r',!Frg q .6 iile <{(q :F!Jrn_.,1 in_{air+ fj rcirc|, {'.it,-'-.h-i tsL e iT{d" rrTf+ ?.d,it! annual report 2013 23 Er.i{F {Rr4,t cft'rr ft{$a{ aln?lcmeF]a-dilf,frqfr R(qr{ qtr{l ff{ t<6q3T1{Ti{nF lqrui r q E19l rtr qs. orr.l. "'fr 5.g ?si <r|atr{5 9''-F "is{ d{co nht s E_n'rqrd {r,lr]s d-?""6 T6.i compriantETP{1n ffil iGIq rttrdfr frRGfi q$lil cd-tlfr rr{l$ {s'lF 4frr{'l 3qnt r&cE I T['ffi dsrfq s&,its{ qffi .fi*fifin sfr6 Tr4i-{E ,ls.riq q< 'iis sli.{ 'rfii6 qdSls6 qff.firih Trffi isri.ffi qFT(a c+'r-tttr +iils opt<-rqq q1M< ri6qt{jq s Ffufi Eft6 ftGIIETqig"iE{ TIT,I]IRT L fr,qrili (BSEC)qi c{Fftrf.l{ qe s,rq+c'g]{qffi 5oo}c1'/)5b/Adm'n 88 4n C {f,< TTCF 09 {''r,. to)i i< \otficdtionNo - sEc,cl\rlRRCD q{qil .flqlfi-{ compliancePosition\9o 16]lI frlflit <crcq cGResqr' (ir-fift qR!-lE{F{R rqfie c-l:rRf{r€]{fl€ d} c{ftw qC w{FliR{!trsft ft--r{6Emc1 <q qrffi ,sv ufs(i{' qn {4 E(q.]] r "fiEl"Iset l copofate GovefnanceGuideline qd{]r{ fiIx EER o ftT{awed qrFfr qfusmrltrlrlt{ qR filbs FK{ t 'fi?tl{il AlGqrql,EId s{F qi( slrc4t qffi 'r. rcq ffic\5 c$lqfi {<qis ffi, iitsotr{ o"t€tRl5Er:ra t .r. c+r-rtfi{ ft{ta iF r{{ qafrqvm *<f*s {crcq; qiTs6ra qil (T]-liia RclE ,r.qrFfsfutrqi ry{ €lqq{ft4Rqlaqrqtq ftft:rFll {.fi{c,o'flra El.-xui qt6a.rqT{ drfu{si € frDs.iEk qfl rrt etr{rqi a".q'Tq qtfu fi{{ft cIE eEq{l(q ali{tll-i efiqlqtEtdsi]l-s Frt{ rr]R(IAs) \5qc-{"i6il q.-{ce; s. qsls+{ E. 6Ts.l <lT$ IIITE{qq ,!<r6]{rr{ €fa{l.i€ Es:t{!14fifus {{l {.arcqr D tflsfut -E '{c4a f?FFfi-< lx:r r g:niit : E. c{|-tF{ "rftnqrFts <]Prlr<1i{6 iECi|{qnitl cFril@ crt ; q. 4F <q-q*qiiutqc e qF6:FIJ:FE{:{q ob lSFr {ffe=eI3rE; ir. fiftq{Fsa]d c<fttfiF( crE1Q6{ 1i{{.t ,sadlT <fu elnlq r .!F..ffift{ cffi< cqfu( arEtdss Tbl-:r{fu <{a q{l i. filitliFq q€ q{6Fq Ffi.lr"K c$sfi q{rtft Trffi fq,i{ *qaR]q ffi €itu3nnr go dl{ E'rEAs<!rs BAS,BFRS:ReqrFrqTrnl'i11F1rqq{s q&is€iqdT{ 6dDT- ,I'r., 5tii!8 ,<. BangtaoFshSFLurties ano ExLl^arge Conniscion *-.. !b!q Ef,]r<.ttis, c$rgfi {rrs q< rR€li qft6 .di1r({{ ft{f{ nr<$.t q<t'f{ cfi€ qlFlo q{q|r 'FrE EflFfuRalq Bansladesh €i+t i FF, or fifbE €fi qlft9 c+lqfi< qM< standard(BAS)lq qrffi qlril1?rtdr ftl- r*q< d q:r<q tio urssq<lq sfuir Accountins Ffbs qfi qr r qFh fur]< €r€1'Efu]l]{ 4iErc-r'idr q{ft{ ryftt 't?]T ,lQfr ft{F ilfr{ ftr*d{ io "fbmmsm*rn r qfl6 qGGqas wFliR <rfto efu3irir :lT$l;{E1t q16 <q<c.nBqfio fois, iquF{ eF cqr+qli c{Erlild q{ q{4Ido q<( '!q csmifi<ai si6 fr'rl-{ er€s q<( d{sc]3 ,4$fr{a,FI {4fl:l{ € €fslr'|-4ntlP 1frFtTs:rg.Ai tq{ irr {toEq "rfiue+-roAt.r{o ,16ot?to TfnF q{{ EfunqF{ sqlRii< aEgt € 'I.ft{€r qisl +m "mc.T i6r.-t, rell?,ior, 24 annual report2013 ftftgfiFq qs qqcrq sfu.tT{ rqftlbr;-n * qqlfr,FrqNFqr<FGAoor-lre/qsli.r/oe08,stfilt lq c{a'ifi, loob qfifr \o)e llra qq{ csBFt-,wffic c gqir c+mrrm ot Rm csffir srr{' tF s lrcfiFFtrq{ fli&{ elFfi T{l{cEq "i1Mdqsi iJ{{"i{ "fiqm s 4fiETr, srdirfur(<' ifu'l-drqn aRriasqqql].Fr ffiua€{q c1dfi&. c E,tQGrq-drffFfr qq q9| qir c{Fr{fr{T rst'i T1r{ 1Tr lqtii Elotrinq nrc]T'I4 qG1in <lftoftrnds :lo sq Tbm<fu <TCqr lffi{${.t{vefrtn cstqrfi-{"ifrrtsr{qet( dtc € €]I[{ {ft{a ffiE qc:I(q j cFfiaqrq]g f+rqitsfu-{qr;Kss 1d]{ <fu q&iFfrF frftoliEq qs agcFqsli.tr{ fifrFnci..lR acsEcic MRRcD/too\earl5 s ..tfi"t oI tb/Adr.tn/s qnla to)r ,!i iioi.Ft cqMr.ii qfimo'roAlqEq ffio ffi ffilTrsrE e (Iin) {rqr qt-@{ ofrfr FF? iiftsl nm FIr ffirrsiq€l fiar.fi Tfrtr{ nt:$I{<Rsfi?i{"s.!{ qtiatsF s qGb4fiitrr qrFii."fFeifir{,iffiq vr 16ralfrr<Fno Rrrq 196 Tq]{ .rRtqar <are q&b4frFR."tE TfiF o]R ft46, qsrq:i.r fi?Tr qqG, {lfr-{ qtFfu'sfq<'a{ €rEfuc<l <Rsfi+F{fi.{ q-ft-<wftmta fi.m srraF{ e ldliEtF{T Trirer r ftr"flff..q{ (o]R'6'rr ll.rsr efr, qfr4 qq<t "rmt qFh q{qT qfuilr .f$t-.i liT rbr 4'f <tq{ s aq Rtq1q"FT<-.r1q :Frw<F{iqElB Efui TftF TrftF€ qg.iffir Gt ltflfr{$(:r{ 1ir ln*.rftn vrtr +(ner+ FF amarq{q q{(qF.{n qdt 1fu'ms-6qffi{' 1iftEft6q qe,{qoq FF].ITi caiiFrc+-n{(,!{,i,fii/ ft ,q{,GiR,q]d,frtu/too,e )arlqsFi{/88Elft'{ ol srFf$\.5r qdjiil F4< qw qalT, qFfrq, q+1i4{ ,!<i s4F1qn1 ifir ifrr"rqroi lfiDT{f ftnr{ qtfr9 4l-fit€c€{ qltr{{SG{6t c{t-flfi "iR}T4al.eir{ql,Flq alle|c€? RG{ gftTtr filfl:r.'rXE:FfiEiqr{ qfl{.t nifl a{ q< o<flr fi]]I q< em{CT € {?f{arstr<Filb5 Ffi {{ iEtr qii{ € lifiifilrffi qfraQ ffid sfusq:ncq crnqft lsan fi8-{6fir1t{rx aREa€lgdi eiErcr3qrer ft'dT aLT{ 6{, Fiis rf66-offi1rR qffiFiE "ifrrffllie <rrE I rF II?fa!,!'fliK a<i iE{ ']-a fik<q firl {&-dqtd qtc-{d qTcq{qfr. iFt 6r.1'REs{ ++ qqzrzqq6dtEfuT "tr cam ad*fii Td]{elzq <j<qff{ fiftE1?Fq qs qqrFq $li,tn, tffi *o sg(5q lds q< oiqq f{ qgoq 68 q{ Fi{fiE sti{, ABqrsI cr<iT{.{ r{c{ qr'?t-fEfttr i4l{?r]rlarq(< EI{iK"lqc<qlTa I annualreport 2013 25 Tc?lcm{ffiFr{} fiFrmuroil e TE,n <]ql.{< .fld i'FtFl 6d-nfi{ -rrffi 'r.sd{ FifuEr{ln qir fift€fiEq ,!s qg.rq rftfi oiio q qt't-b, qo5qElii.rf i{ffE €4rrib ,rsria "lRs arn{ q{4Eq c4rqfi{ ro)o acr<F{gt3rr cftt{ lima{ tqrle .{a'rd ,98 crrafi}Gri{.FFL?n filrl sr I lqnl'5 .q]F4d ,!s sr4Firfi, tEM ffi@;r?q i{ aamq s,qFib ac$rr4 qfr} c 41" q<i 4{di3{ qffiPran qql4T1dai frfidr ab dTT rmfo qrmEl q{o ffi{s{FslrTft esec liffi BSEc q. fu-rll q-d{if ft,ro a <RF{ qfu ft-{{q}ilftT fri"lrdr eb ..{ "ibl" cElif{crcq L 6ft-nfi-* *{+6t e +ffiq,qq{'ffirFtTffF{qc .irqji E1r rrit+cr{ tEfu. sq'rfu fii+r' qflT ats q<i cT{GF fi-{rl'g]. ft<ll4 q-F ".F-'<"tf-. v?-ar=z'<a r<g !6t ercliE 5'5t-a .4<eT'm irrcSa.FrFs '+n €.nab TIT TfE .{rt,.]4$rft qcii-4r{F{ <|{{'|nl Tr-qafr€{ dfi-r{{fTtq(ml'sR-{ qfiFtfr <E1-4 !{ qti.r, roov -ftriii, .ol-flii-n Ai {irF]3 a% qqls aqvbabstlFt Qitr T{rFT qq-ffi9.-{frfi en r 6iT {.-.r.s qs|gAi"iF{s"i qslqgi'fiF{d"t 3rrq rt 1-ftr 'e+aqlt6o ,{<\ 1Qo o<qt .]qFrlellaslq q{CqL']fiq4$:]qii l'rcr ir.{ egqft{ fi--rq"t'rE& Ii.{n{ € gdnrr{ q"r erGmi-<alr.|l{il qln]t{$rd Elro {&-i lr4eq il<ard, {6ir6 $qarq{ftaq ,l<( aqol fiFoioF{K qll qrfr {!I qatrfur .t qstsft"l fiTqq fiqI TFis<TcrA afi&m s Rfr<q q6ft+q{Eq q€l}sl fi4trrD rqt6r t,6 'tEFicr{ qE4 rGr sft.K E1FT,;st-jlfi csrdtqFfr{(!aR qa a-Ili{ qs t6l€ (q{frEqrl). fl&f4ltr{&n:i il",ffq{ fifirdv (fttufis4), ffFl f{ qsl'q 6iids (tuqli), F@m *{ qq:rq iifi.Fs (iiqc?) q<i ii.'.rft[.l fiFrfit fidq csl={ii (fiqFfqEft) ,!q 4a-r]'Iqs?I qfd(e r q:r< l<gl< rwrolq ,:pcq<fiq(rl .$Iefih-{ ql] Fr.ffi rcr'iq q1-+mq U{,8{ F{n {rsrn e{iis {c{(q rr]3r-aqemtirdeln \! (f{lRl€F lq Efufrlr.5G"lTsrIq.r rs${s&tr{ "r'irrartlfc'irs:lEr{qanc<{a{.o fiF5e€{rE{ 6T, qfiifim{sil asrqF{ Tr-qtFi-r 'rGeryfu qr'. EEfilK Fqnf{ q'rrii &i erarF<1T41fii<F Tfri,4cErFcrcr{lnn-' .rl!ET{1; cslqlfi< Taar.q qi-br-rfu{.< lcrFhfr-<{ft{T{€f€.5 a-i {GIrqr fifrliqq fcDBL)Tffsr ftfufisE q<rFr{ lrE-€ft{ "tqfu'ofiiiEftfrq ,!i fu<?q nllll,qlfirftT i&.T; rEls. fit sit rsi5 a4t-rdicu|<a€tq{ lrfrs :rlF]Flrt"rfuffi rt{ Tlsi FiililF{ 6!:lliJrlii {il sa:I {rrf -{'cr fim rt:irfitffsrFr ffi FFraftsdcl{]3 08 qt{flft,toob car,riE{ 6r (go@ c{rq EBFfolqfu.o q{&-a q.Er iifttfifiq ,!s q3lrrq r1}'rzr{ ci-riT({t€kl"l t]< T+r {fiq astlJarrE{ 2013 26 annualreport eHi ilqlrd csl-nfr -{q{qfit qlrrb.l <kr< ({tl l{ira Effi € DEITq*f 5{F I f+ :rr6rt rtt;\fi !. qqa5q1asq i-i1T Fir< c"i{t<q& { q<{clrft.o a-.Tri tr$ 6 C6r oFn pe n miia<eil<rtc luq qA.qe ri{lz{{ s"tTsrf{ita to)s lliFr Bq.rdr q3]rFcq eft )o hFr<q&Es TnI{ ei:rt<qfiS r" b]sr.1tolr,itw rc.,e.rott$tr Gfu(Er:t1q, {fn ffiE 1?-{<'t efu-lr"K es ltBr erFl6 <_rEq jte €rctl s s!58 sFrab .4, a6r-airi 1r*a sfiFa qtEl € F-{'r {crc ?FFi5:l j<" (I-'II1T{ 9-< Y-mrro€ L r< -r"t r.3t (IFrdr .it'flF 'K$rlr qR.5tTqFr{Ft6 <q"lRir{ ql€tr crl'st't1Fqill{ 'lTTIG-r,{fi$trd{ sr"l Rccfi .rf-fiii F"riliEst{ wqT .+{{lult{ sFqlT {.q .{f-flft sdtir <lqT C{llFllll a3ifs sllt <tTqto)e {lrq 989.o8b.89y cslfr t]TI qfi4 +r< otds qalftG lidra a3lriqnj qrlia cln.,q qF qratsr sd <k i f{slra{ qcrh >'e% ,!i q;,rF{I TI"IGBBrcI {sr c(Griqq€ (qE) 98\9,o8b-,8eU. {frri{tr-{t th r-fiE ruf<TT<i'ss c(Ft'Ft cslffi{ li'+<ft<tff<;qfuim< cv $m cwrvte q4fr {fu,fi-t {F {t{{l"]4t Eful fi{{q qtr +{o6t-r{n?lq-"F,t6 -'y1T Cslqfi-i Fffil-sffi.]I9rd qar )41 qqti, toJe otr r.?tro$"RioTft.{.{ qT6 n!{ CT'T:I.TF{ 'E TTT€T qtri{ -lrw EG i+61€ fi,ir"J4 tffi fi-dl Tffii€firria ffiis:j-6niF sfrr6-affiq< El'?qfrr {-{*i6 {wr {,i&q. {l adqrli{ t$r{ € Eq"I|qri<n1iftcq <i*I6 efufu.s .G ]Fnfis "lRuaa{qd} '|isffi sf$,.ir-Fffi"l1 rk 'tq{ qfsfr$E-t,q"1ic ;.cnfir-l. qi{'rsl e Fffi6]T q;r {{r<]Fsrl"I.rTTF "iffi{sfr{tD{ r+l-tlF< ilq iifii< lu {tit q{{li< s re-m'q' +r'fr liirt-rc q'f F{i O) .F qT<tr4EF]R€.<l. (r) qI:IT{ s. s, .T, ,!r, ']l'TE +r4t-r ,!<i 1i' ,rF{ cltrf $Gi-K sT.tiiER T{fl4 qfl{ EI{"i c<rEiT w<r* +qrTtft ffirrsr{{ Tafi,i,rEGBC{fir BSECF.s+ et-g -F{arnq1{ll< I{tFs fiFrar{..F{ c<fts €|{{ Tsis <i<r qfuqi"rr{ qr "Jdi{rffilE {.El "tqeEs 'r<-{qffi EE \o )o ctr4{ Slg E a€ro-4fi61l-|{.ira erc{lsfrTqqqil qfu fq{qrp €tTn:+arcot fi+r rrffi 4qf$ etriti{fr& qflPrqF 3l{{'fil F:e<'f,Fq?FTsq.4lifi FrT .rt, rrrqfi( TFisI:R F4,is'l rlrt4 wrT c.mF1aqr"f.llo6l{{ rraitF Ik{r Eaf T{Tt €Ftaqnlo qia cEnfi.gl.<qftis {itrpfi oTt"\-l-. l|.n nRF rI< rto qfiif.e€ r.F]1nlqlsfi'nlF{i{l eql{{ rM 3ql{ lmF ,! ii(<}?ni ffiqrfi r.;{r-r s sii{s .ifififfi'frq< ritql € {ick qr<IsFqFrl4 qap EqtrrI< 4s].linfl]3ql Tri qtlf 4srTgt qR-atrrsd <erd{ Rct< l-ir.4ElT T[i ?ftr]{i:r6i] lo)e rtrdi{ qI' )" DtRr {,rFr]lnriSiifr c'FL{{ qrt ) o%*r fufu.ss (a{l-l{ ff]li) q<( ta% qLqT'iq aslR-t .rtqfi {{1?{ Frn C{ annualreport 2013 27 ffi,esqlT't{ eo)s {16r c{]-{fr{ fu ss aldd.]I)b,)o\e,rsraom Efr-e<mq qr tffi < i Ea ffAr{ft{l't crpnfu fifl'r-o:{lrFro fr&-ft€rdi. DFiri€TlffitT ro)\eftq!( fiilFt Fld']-lllT F.{(q{r $(eF jifhft s{il. 5.rEtd,{F]E.r.ts+{ ,! r.*i q{fi @t Fc{Iq{ q<( sEc/cFD7112001/Adrnin/02l05 Datedthe3rdJanuary, 2002qSiii.fiiii'.rl{ ro)s ,,{ll;r{q{t frAFr q4r GiR.oslr<IT Trirq Rcr({ fd<tTft:ir"k qlct c{Hffi'f s n-f6 r.l]I1{.{l'grr''iiFid qqas .?,rf q qtu6l{ cst-fii qlt dnFli cqr'g]iiffrBIAG FRFErf{r {,{l'{.t {e-tqtrqrq-rr.r ErFrcs,{< :lt{rFr etTFrqt€Frri]r{ qFfi rFailq, mrqfu qdlG, ,rlTvol.fFFisrr c udr{ rqi-6 E<R'o q<] r{ TFr cmrcqrors, q<8! Efu6]{ s q{4l{R.t .Tlqfr prIT ftfr?l q<frg {l;Eqrr cd]qllfu crlrr'Rr{lo]{l.i ctr]t{ liel.5i q14 qT( .lFt.r/ eff5+ir eqt rrr,rcTaT ,:c]3tcr{ {|!]IT eGfillo ELq{ FJfue oaffi c$E Fd6r 'fTcqr qrfr qt1ft-r s {a'fi']l{li} clTRqrFBs$n,!< $r!1{ ci{Ka{sl{ulft{ rlR i.f.El c{{l {l!t{.ol e!-laT3l q€irErE I cs-lqlfi +r:r rw :l{cfi T1iq € fis5 €rr<qtrft :i{r:r eFt+cqtol<.fifrEfift.e qs cg-oe rFrfi, dr qq.Eq rF '3 q{w<r<qrF1iGg{E n{-{{i-a sqr {fi{t{ a-c{atlrr adqfi {{ TlR ,!{( q"t]{ fsT{Efu fi.mnRtrdi l.rq c.Ft<r{q{{qir cGqr ,j E"iQ9 R€-:rt{qdl Ws q-dlq{$ft6 $rf rf]F ci{lii{€Rfrqr @sfr s a-ml 'rdr++q or++ ,!<( 4fiF qffi.t 'rst{ B"fig ffirfrrf{ 'i{l6E il{q'Fl "ifi5]qq qft{l{ri "r+q{erqt <tq+*o< Fit "lf,idE-$:rsilT'|s-t{ e+yrtR G'r{'Fi Trtr{ | Tsqq s {{'<lq@PFt3 "tfiot++:rofiis1v Ftr*< :m* ,R8? {r€ :E"fqlr, sl{ q.iff{ qiiqgn, €{{ fitq cfifu, T{16e Gftsrr, Ffi?.rr,r" qst q{etr" sar q]s1?E{{{q ql{lrp i'RElcF.tftftERfrq qs ,rgo@ Ffu"n nrsl € !A$c 6{ ,{qcF(En{rfiF Tcr.I'fiEld r-<T {ffiTE@fiFT{"tq<iq "tfrom+rrsii<i<'rftd l-,"qqEl:r qtqRr q<'itndtnt{ qil rs q,(F< +fut,+{ut?. cest-rstotryq 1t ffir € esf{lrj'ritcrstsl?r orRtT$rtqqtfi@ 'B,lcrl'"rqJFh qfu3li;r prd q{id qr] ffia 1lfiift s{4, flfu qaltadia q{ eG€ qFrdl fsE I qliFME sn r'4fi5 eREFlslTj.Tn llfr+ {{.Tlft lr qir qlqfl e$ls"]r.<Tfirs ch-4s qifr-{ q<lt€ RiFII ql{tF< {4 !FG{ e{t{ q|FtEftr r{a iio't Fc.ftT otietqfqft <r..4ftn.i€ 6{ffi{ tqtu, Itfh e afis Era'ifrd qrt :Rra qeF <r{q qqfft-fi fuqr qr{i3 -rrqETFm qifr l q{lqtEtcrr : .ftr nftDlq_sqeff'< ,@€w(€i(T|r q.qr.srls. qtrsn) Itlltr.l I nDtdl+ 28 annualreport 2013 (qcTfi s. q. (T.s:i. tFr{ t{ql{) lfiFt{r -----+" *!--"-i (ofi.€rnFfi, qFfrsc) (ar-fift,q@nr? Corporate 0perational Result Particulars Sa es (Nei) 2010 2012 2g1l 2013 1 277,868,846 1 605174,086 1,755,260,815 2,409,421,297 2,248,718,088 Salescrowlh (%) 21.43% 25.61Vn 9.35% 14.48v" s.92% 492,399,770 615,718,215 679,640,307 779,328,141868926367 Gfoss Profit GrcssProfiiRatio(%) 38.53% Net Profil beforeTax NetProfitRalio 81,837,174 49233664 60,070,895 54916571 3.74v" 3,056,132 4 0s1859 No. of Share holder 38.72"/" 6 t , 1 2623 9 3.85% Worke$ PPFund &WefareFund 3861% I375 9,628 74,082663 4.03% 3.95v" 4,364,659 l0 990 11,404 13352 1A 11ya '1237v" 5 789,594 316 33J 345 46 52 62 a2 93 0.73 2010 0.95 23.93(AdD 24.88(Adl) (omina ) Eaminspershare (Reslaled) 3 33% 87,176,811 259 2009 Equily per Share (Iaka) 66826,417 115,791,883 252 No. of ProdLrcis-Herbal Cuffent Ratio 8729i 175 39.34% 4,534,458 Relurnon Equity No. of Prodr.rcts-Pharma 38.7\r/a 54 70 4.56(Adj) 2011 1.03 25 37 2012 I t5 4082 2013 1.19 36.25 55.62 5.46 4.13 444 4.64(Adj) 3.39 3.44 444 Pice EamingRatio(Time) 28.38 2905 24.78 20.39 22.17 perShare.DSE Pdce 0u010d End) lYeaf 1552.50 1615.75 135.30 84.0 99.40 10%Siock& 25%Cash Dividendpef Share 20%Stock& 20%Stock& 25%Stock& 7.50% Cash 10%Cash 10%Cash 20%Slock& Reserye & suprs (Year End) 125414,n4 169,571,732 200,048,543 D vidend Yielcl D vidend Payoul Ratio RetanedEarninq Cuffent Liabililies NAV NOCFPS 1.77v" 5 A2 7 % 160,731 129 1 9 9t 4 3 1 8 6 150/o Cash 1.86% 25 8T% 41.62% 35 21% 53 94ya 641.430/n 848.47y) 7 8 04 8 % 49,233,664 60,070,895 70,812,051 66,826,417 8 7 . 1 7 a6 l l 225,056,867242736579 294,842,418 324,503,396 3TT,736,738 308437,653 256604,462 285,818,423 281,239,972 318,184,809 332,846,136330,214,386329,163,404 372.06J 184 383646,483 215,410,234 2 6 8 , 7 3 t12 g 328,743,186 76.96 10.93 750 704,605,482 2.60 6 6 13 1 64 9 3 570 annual report 2013 39 {"1 " h - ITRAT tslUSAlN L}{ ASSOCTAIES C l l A a i T F F b D : I i lr l I T A t i i f S - : L p\ ti l 4 | T I I i : CORPORATE GO\,'ERNANCE COMPIIANCE CERTIFICATE 1. ve haE adined the ooplisc of mdirions of Oorp@te cor1fa@ by Th€ IBN SINA Pt.fuemiql IodG|' Id. fthe Cofrpo),1forhe i@ dded 31 Del:dbd, 2013 6 p6 thr Cdptnte colll:ee Guideli'cs ised bI the Ba.sladch Sdii6 md srchange comission (BsEg aide Norifi@tio No SEC/CITRRCD/al0G1s8/r34lAdmin/44 der{ 7 August r12. 2. The .@plimce of @diri6 of Co.Fnte Go\droce is rbe Estonsibniq of rhe Mmag@t Ou minarion hs b€tu tioitcd ro a aviqe of the pmcdms md inpl€motdim rh@f, adopred by rh€ Co6p..,v fo. tuuioA the @nTli&ce \!ith the o'ditions of Corp@ft co!@e@. Ir is ocither r ddir nd d 6"rei@ of opil]@ @ tiedd s'allrmE of the (jmpml 3. ln or qplMdon opinbr and to the b€sr of ou infotfrrio' md a@iding to the mrde by the I'{a.ag(,1mt, \e e;red n) s dd th rep@tarios @tify tb.l rhe compaoy ba qDplied vith the cmdiri4 of co.p@te Gd@de 6 stipDlaredh $e BSEC noriEari@ @tion d,be 4 V,6 h{thd st tc th,r suh cobplimc js neidE r ssl,trc ri,bnity of the Ctnpoy nd the ctrcimcy e effecdmes M".agmt ba (fideled the .Ihic of rba QDpd). s to the fnt@ $itb lnich tlE rt !r Flusain &,A5sGiare. Chaneed Secrebri6 in Ptude tiignedby : ftat rllqin rcM rcs Dhak , 22 Apdl Z)14 "RI]TNESION€! AOUSE E IOA'I IO4.ITIIGSIDE (Bu,:017130,22,2t orBr,Eq/o1 6{ qlI.sll'NT,A DHAKA 1ZZ BANGLADESTi Ir,:ibrh,tr d@grb.i@ annual report 2013 59 1 11 1 1 x1 , , A \ !,).. :,:i , ' \ , \r , t _a-. _:..:,. t-. ' -'--".: ,/ / Disclosure F nanclalReport Auditorc'Report of Financal Position Statement Income Staiement ofComprehensive StalementofCashFlows Equiiy of Changesln Shafeholde/s Statement Statements Notesto the Financlal 1a4-128 105 106 'lO7 108 109 110-124 . l:,1-.:-,-.. -<. " {nn 's"-*"- q6asfrffi q-ft, Etfu qsttclttc b,&, {Gfire{fi&l$ q ii, EtFt-!""" CHARTEREDACCOUNTANTS Padre6: t\,Id. watiulah,FcA Mr swadBsh Ranjansaha,FCA Md.HabburRahman Sark€r, FCA Mr AnjanM.lllk,FCA 9.G MOTIJHEELC/A AUDITORS' REPORT TOTHESHAREHOLDERS THEIBNSINAPHARIIIIACEUTICAL INDUSTRY LTD. w6 haveaudiiedth6 accompany ng financiasiaiements ol THE tBN stNA PHARMACEUT|CAL tNDusTRyLTD,which comprseof statementot fnancat positionas al 3lsrDec€mber,2Or3and lhe relaredstatomentof comprenensNe income,slatemontof changesn sharehotders' equiiyand statornenl of cashflowsfor the yed then erueo, ano a sLrnr,rafy ofsignific€nt poiciesandothorexptanatory accounring informal on. IManagemonts Responsibillty for the FinanciatSrarements Management is responsibro lof the prcparation an.l fair reprosentation ot ihesetinancier staienenlsin accordance wh applicabelaws and BangladeshFinanciatReporltngStandads (BFRS).This responsibitity inctudesdesignins, implem.nling and mainlaining internar conlrotreevanlto preparalion andfairpresenration ofihe fi;anciarsiatemenbhal are lrom rnaledalmisstatement wheihefdue to traudor 6rmf,setecting and apptyngpolictesand makingaccowting ostimates thatare.easonabt6 in thecrcLmstances. Auditor'sRosponsibility Our responsblityis to expessan indopendent opinionon lheseiinanciastaiements basedon our audit.We.on.tlcled our audil n accordance with Bangladesh Srandards on Audiring(BSA).Thosestandardsrequhethat we comptywith ethicalrequiremenls and plan and perlom lhe auditto obiair reasonabte assuranc€ab;ul whetherthe rnancEl slalementsare lree frornmateria misstatoment. An audilinvovespedormng proc€dufes to obiainaudt evidenceaboulthe amounlsand disctosures in flre nnanca statemenlsTheprocodLrres selectod judgmenl,tncudingihe assessment dependon the audilor's of the rsks of materal misstatemenl of lh€ iinanca slatements, whetherdue to lraudor enor In maktigrhoser sks assessrnenls, lhe auditor considers lnternalcontrolrelevaftto the entiy'sprcparation andiak preseniaiion oI the ftnanciat staternenls in orderto desgnauditprocedufes lhatareappfopatein the crcumslances butnotforihepurpos€ot exp€sstrgan opinionon lhe effectiveness of the entitysiniernatcontrot. An auditatso nctudesevauatnglhe appropriateness of;ccountingpoices used and lhe reasonableness ol accourtingestimatesmadeby the nanagernenlas wet as evaluating lhe overatl presentation of theiinanciat slaiements. We beli€vethal the audilevidencewe haveoblaineda.e sutrcentand approprareio provde a basistor odr audil In our opinion,the linancialstatements preparedin accodancewith Bangradesh Financiat Reporring Standads(BFRS) and.B.ngradeshA6dniing Standafds(BAS),give a true and tar vew or lhe nnanciarposito; of THE tBN stNA PHARIIIIACEUTICAL INDUSTRY LTD.as at 31ErDeember,2013and ihe fosuls ot ]ts fn;ncat performance ard it,s casnnowsior lhe yearthenendedand comptywilh the Compantes Aci 1994,the Secuiltesand Exchange Rutes,1987 andolherapplicabe lawsandrcsutaiions. a) we haveobtained a I lhe information andexpanations whtchio the beslof ourknowtedge andbetefwere cc€ssary rorthepurposes of ouraudt andmadedueveriticalion thereoi b) ln our opnon, prcperbooksol accounlas requkedby aw havebeenkeprby lhe companyso far as Lappeareo Iromourexaminalion oflhosebooks; c) lhe company positionandstatement s slalement of linancial of comprehensive ncomedeattw th by the reponareIn agreemenl wilhthe booksofaccounl;and d) theexpendilure incutred waslor thepurposes ofthe company's busnessi tuvl' Aptil12,2014 (ltd, Waliullah,FCA) MALEK S I D DQ U I W A L I Charlered A.@unlanls Associared fh of Reddysiddtqlt e Kabani,pa|kvi6w,133139Thova e Loudon. w3 7RW uK E . r a ' l ' - r @ r e o d / , o d ' qo. " , \ \ p b s r e@ r ' - o d , . o d . a . o , annual report 2013 105 LTD. INDUSTRY THEIBN SINAPHARMACEUTICAL STATEMENT OF FINANCIALPOSITION As ai 31st Decembef,2013 ASSETS: Non-CurrentAssets: Property, Plantand Equipment (FaifValue) Inveslmenl in l,4arketable Secudties Deferred TaxAssets tr 31,12,2013 718,695,370 335,048,887 - SrndryDebtorc Advances, Deposils& Pfepayments Cash& CashEqulvaents 377,736,734 f136,650,4641 3,53A,212 111,849,7A1 119,698,358 TOTALASSETS '1,096,432,108 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYANDLTABILITIES: Shareholders'Equity: ShareCapilal TaxHolidayReserve Gainon Marketable Securiles(Unrealized) RetanedEarnings Non-Cu|rentLiabilities: LongTermFinance-Net off currenirnatudty DefeffedLiabilily DeferedTaxLiabilty 724,073,627 rc-3s46,4831 1,048,577 ,O23 704,605,481 rc-4,4oonoI 4,3g2nA 310,156,938 195,656,433 73,641,818 106,020,558 m-7s7"eotl 51,640,647 CurrentLiabilitiesl 318,184,809 22,O43,624 23,458,900 17,624,472 54,908,751 67,313,140 39,463,320 56,387,361 f6s,?44Frl LongTermF nance currentmaiurily Deposits Credilors | I 1s,945,890 | '12,512,328 | 59.167.141 l n,o2a,4o1 40.5A5.742 51,281,168 TOTALSHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYANDLIABILITIES ].99!.41r.1!8 1,044,577 ,O23 Th€annexed noies1 io 44fomanintegfapanofth€se linanc alslalemenls (Prof.A.N.lV.A.Zaher) *Ae- (Prot Dr.A.K.ltl.Sadrullslam) .---."*!'*. ([4d. Shahid Farooqui, FCS) CompanySecretary As perourreporlof dateannexed rt D a i e d ,D h a k a Aptil12,2014 2013 106 annual report .4 trLryl-' SIDDIQUIWALI MALEK ChartefedAccountants THEIBN SINAPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY LTD. STATEMENT OFCOMPREHENSIVE INCOME Fortheyeaf ended31stDecember,2013 @ SALES Less: Cosiof goodssold GROSSPROFIT Less: Operailng expenses OPERATING PROFIT LessrFinancial charges 2012 2,204,718,084 133pJpl,!4 2,O49,421 ,297 1,4S!9!,1!q Less:Workers'P.P. fund& wellarcfund 868,926,367 753,606,871 115,3'19,496 6,224,14a 109,095,348 12,486,129 121,541,477 5,789,594 779,324,141 691,743,272 87,584,859 4,672,712 82,912,157 8,745,677 91,657,834 4,364,659 PROFITBEFORETAX 115,731,883 a7,293,175 Less: incometax expenses: Currentlax Deferred tax 18,606,428 't0,008,644 24,O45,623 (3,538,865) 24,615,072 87,176,811 20.466,758 66,826,417 (19,587,823) (6,465,427) Add : Otherincome NETPROFITAFTERTAX OtherComprehensiveIncome: Gaid{Loss)or I\,4aerableSecJriles (U'1realizeo) -_, ,quE!!'gq8 EarninssPershare (EPs) elnq!,!9L "* [;] t | Theannexednotes1 to 44 forman inlegralpart oftheselinancial slalements. (Prof.A.N.ltl.A.Zaher) ,".e9' (Prot Dr.A.K.lM.sadrullslam) .-=-'.H ( M d .S h a h i d F a r o o q u i ,F C S ) Company Sefetary As perourrcpoi(oi dateannexed Dated, Dhaka Aptil 12,2014 f,rvl ' M A L E KS I D D I Q U I W A L I ChaderedAccountants annualreport 2013 107 THE IBNSINAPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY LTD. STATEMENT OFCASHFLOWS Fof the year ended 31st December,2013 Cash Flow From Operat'ng Activities: Collectionfrom cusiomerc& otherc Paymentfor cost, expenses& others Financialcharges lvliscellaneous income Net cash provided by operating aclivities Cash Flow From Investing Activities: PLrrchase of iixed assets Disposa of fixed assels 2,202,195,514 2,008,969,535 (2,126,776,531) (1,891,297,498) (19,899,366) 122,674,653) (6,224,148) (4,672,712) 1.315.800 1,940,340 92,265,012 148.242,690) 1,490,000 (7,391,644) 6,498,840 Profit frorn bank deposils& investment Net cash used in investing activities 3.954.834 (43.690,660) Cash Flow From Financing Activities: Paymentofdividend Long tem financefeceived/(paid ) from bank Shodietm nnancereceived/(paid) frcm bank Changes n otherfinance N€t cash flow from financing activities Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalenis Cash and cash equivalenlsatthe opening Cash and cash equivalents at the closing (19,755,512) (10,792,705) 36,147,500 5,598,879 12,519,492 107,174 119,698,358 (76,3sq238) 4,443,795 21.542 (69,s44,901) (12,145,965) 12,936,842 (17,229,878) 4.465 (16,434,536) 6,285,575 100,893,291 107,178,866 Theannexednoles1 to 44 forn an integralpart of theselinancialslalements. ,*Q"Y' (ProI.a.N.M.A.zaher) (Prof.Dr.A.K.M.Sadrullslam) .----+"J*{ (Md. shahid Farooqui, Fcs) Company Secrelary As p-.rourreportof dateannexed Dated, Dhaka Apti 12,2014 108 annualreport 2013 fl"il ' MALEKSIDDIQUIWALI Chartered Accountants THE IBN SINAPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY LTD. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUIry Fortheyearended31stDecember, 2013 '129,600,000 Balanceas at 1slJanuary,2012 4,392,110 Tolalcomprehef sivelicome/(Loss)-2012 D vidondforlheyeaf2011(cash,10%) Dvidendlof theyear,2011(stock-2s%) 32,400,000 336,209,788 (6 465,027) 143,713,2056 r 3 , 9 1 5 , 1 0 3 6 6 , 8 2 6 , 4 1 76 0 , 3 6 1 , 3 9 0 (12,960,000)(12,960,000) (32,400000) Balanceas at 1stJanu.ry,2013 162,000,0004,392,110 Totacofrprehensve ncome/(Loss) 2013 Divdendiorlheyear,2012(Cash-15%) Divid€fdforlheyear,2012(Slock-2o%)32.400000 329,744,761 165,179,622 661,316,493 (19,587,823) a T , 1 7 6 , 8 1 167,588,988 i24,300,000)(24,300000) (32,400,000) Balanceas at 31stDecember, 2013 310,156,938 134,400,0004 , 3 9 2 , 1 1 0 195,656,433704,605,481 Theannexednotes1 lo 44lorman inlegratpart ofthesefinanciat slatemenls. ,d),ry(ProI.A.N.M.A. zaher) Managing Director (Prof.Dr.A.K.M.Sadruttslam) Direclor .----."*H (Md.ShahidFarooqui,FCS) Company Secreiary As per our reporiof dale anneled Dated, Dhaka Aptil12,2014 n'il ' I{ALEKSIDDIOUIWALI Chartercd Accountants annual report 2013 109 LTD. THE IBNSINAPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY NOTES TOTHEFINANCIAL STATEMENTS Fofiheyeafended31stDecembet 2013 0 1 . COMPANY AND IT'SACTIVITIES: (aJ Lesalformof the Enterpriser 1983 InduslryLld.v/as ncorporated in Bangladesh on 22nd December, The lbn SinaPharrnaceutca Lrnderthe CompanesAct, 1913and t was converledinto a PublicLimiledcompanyin 1989.The Stock Shafesof the Companyarc listedwith the DhakaStockExchangeLimiiedand the Chittagong ExchanseLimited. (b) Natureof BusinessActivities: Factoryand producespharmaceuilcal The Cornpanyowns and operaiesa modernPhamaceutical drugsandmedicines andsellsthemin lhe ocalmarkei.The Companyexporca lew of its producisto someinternationa markets. POLICIESI 02. BASISOF PREPARATION ANDSIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING {a) BasisofAccounting: The Financial Staiemenls ofthe Companyhavebeenpreparedon goingconcembasisunderhistoical of ceriainfxed asseisand in accordance wlththe Bangladesh costconventon,subiectto revaluation (BAS)andBangladesh (BFRS). FinancialRepoirnq Standards Accolrnting Standards (b) Compliancewith Local Laws: of the companiesAci The financalstatements havebeenpreparcdin compiancewith requirements 1994,the Securities andExchange Rues 1987andotherrelevantloca lawsandrules. Componentsof the FinancialStatements: wiihthe guidelineprovided The preseniations ofthesefinanciastatemenis arein accordance by BAS1: Prcsentaionof Financial Slatemenlsl ( ) Statement of Financial Posiiionas at 31stDecember, 2013i (ii)Statement Incomefofthe yearended31stDecernber, 2013; ofComprehensive (iii)Statement 2013i oiCash Flowsforihe yeafended31stDecember, (iv)Staiemenl 2013; of Changesin Shareholderc' Equityfor the yearended31stDecember, (v)Accounling policiesandexplsnalory not€s. (d) Useof Estimatesand Jtrdgments: to The preparctonof financialstatementsin conformilywilh the BAS/BFRSrequiresmanagement policiesandthe repodedamountsofasselsand makeesi matesandassumption ihal affeciaccounling and liab itiesand discLosure of coningenlassetsand iabilillesat the daleof the financialsiatements revenLres fesullscoulddifferfromthoseestimates. andexpensesduringthe pedodrepoded-Aciual Esiimatesand underlyingassumpionsare reviewedon an ongoingbasis.Revisionsof accounting estmatesrecognizedin the pe od in which the estmatesare revisedand in any iuturc periods and Estimatesare used for accounlingof certalnitemssuch as long{ermcontracis;depreciation employees benefitplans,iaxes,reserues andconilngencies. 110 annual report 2013 (€) Property,Plantand Equipment: These are recognizedintally at cost and subsequentyat cost/revatuaUon tess accumutaied depreciation in compliance withthe BAS16 "Propeiry, Ptantand Equipmenl,,. The cosiof acquisition of an assel comprisesiis purchasep ce and afy dircctcost alldbutabteln brtnginglhe assetsto its workng condition for its intendeduse_ Expenditureincuned aftef the assets have been plrt into use. such as repairsand mainienance is normally charged off as expenses in the pedod in which it s tncuffed. In siluationwhereii can be clearly demonsiraiedthat the expendii!€ has resuttedin an incrcase in lhe iutureeconomicbenefit expecled to be obiained lrom the assets, ihe expendiiufets capilatizedas an additional cost of the (0 lmDairmentofAssels: The companyreviewslhe recovemble amounlof its assetsat eachrepodngdate.tf thereexistsany indication lhatthecarryingamountof assetsexceedsthe recoverable arnount, the companyfecognizes suchimpairmenl lossin accordance wiih BAS36 "tmpaimentofAssets'.Therewas no imDairment in 2413and2012. (sJ DeDrecialionl Deprecialion is pfovidedusng feducingbaance methodto amortizethe cost of lhe assetsafter commissioning, ovefthe peiod of theirexpectedusefuttives,in accordance withthe provisjonof BAS 16 "Propefty, Plantand Equipmenl". Depreciation is charcedon additionsmadedudngthe yearfiom the monthin whichthatasselsare put iniocomrnerciat operations. Depreciation is chargedat varying |atesas shownin iheAnnexufe-A. DepreciaUon meihods,usefullives and residualvaluesarc reviewedat each reportingdate. No estimates in respeclof itemsof property, plantandequipment wererevsedin 2013. (h) Inveslment ln marketable securities reporiedas non-cufentassetsai fair vatueand accounrfor as per para46 of BAS39."F nancialInstruments : Recogniiion andli,4easuremeni., Detatsarc shownin Note,o4. (D Invenlories are statedat the lowefof costandnet realizable vatuein comoliance to the reouiremenis of BAS2 "lnventorles" Naturc of Inventorles Packing[,4atefials Cost formula Welghled AverageCost Weighted AvefageCost FinishedGoods Others Nel realizable vaiueis basedon estimaied/expected settingpficetessany furthefcostsanlicipated io be incuffedto makethesale, Anyobsoletestockof abnofrnal lossesare recognzedas expenses. 0) Slatemenlof CashFlows: The Statement CashFlowshas beenpreparedln accordance wiih BAS7 "statementof CashFows". The CashFlowfrom operalingaciiviiteshas been preseniedunderdirectmethodas ouflinedtn the Securities & ExchanseRules,1987. annualreport 2013 l 1 l (k) RevenueRecognition: Sales: lrom differenldepotsand sales Salesare recognized at the lime of aclualdeliveryio the customerc centersandsalesrepresenlsaleslessVAT, OtherIncome: for on rcceiptbasrs. Otherincomehasbeenaccounted (t) Taxation I The cornpanyqualifiesas a "Plblicly TradedCompany".The provisionof taxationwas made at 27.50%. DeferredTax : with the provisionof BAS - 12 "lncome The companyhas rccognizeddeferredtax in accofdance Taxes".Defered Tax asseuliabiliiys providedusing the baiancesheet methodon temporary differences arisingbetweenthe lax basesof assets& labiliiiesand iheir catryingamountsin the enactediax rateis used n lhe determination oi deferredincomelax. financialstalements. Currently (mJ Cash& CashEquivalentsI Cash& Cash Equivalents includecash in hand & cash in tmnsjt,cash al bankswhichare held & available for useby the companywiihoulanyfestiction. (n) ReportingPeriod: io 31siDecembet. Therepodingpedodof ihe companycoversonecalendaryearfrom01stJanLrsry Earningsp€rShare(EPS): Acco!niingStandardBASin accofdance withthe Bangladesh Eamingsper Sha€ {EPS)is calculated 33 "EamngsPerShare". by dividinglhe earningsattribulabeto the odinary sharcs Eamingsper sharehavebeencalculated heldby the membersof lhe companydurlngthe year The BonusSharesissuedduringthe yeaf2013 yearaso. Hence,in computing the EPSof weretfeatedas ifthey awayshadbeenin issue n previous 2013,ih€ iota numberof shares ncludng the said BonusSharcshas been consideedas odinsry shafesoutstanding dufing\he yeat2012. No dilutedEPSis requfed to be calculated for the yearunderreview,as the totalnumberof ordnary shareswas constant. (p) EmployeeBenefits: The companyoperatesa recognizedconlfibutoryprovidentfund for iis fegulafemployees.The providenlfund ls adminislered eqLrally by the Boardof Trusteesand is fundedby fixedconlfibutions ouisideihe companys ffomemployees and lhe company. Theseconlributions are investedseparately GratuityFundl The companyhad inlrcduceda gratuity scheme for ihe reguar empoyeesand ltwas n operation in the yeaf2013andan amouniof fromfomationof that-A recognized Gratuly Fundwas esiabllshed 1l2 annual report 2013 initiallyio the firnd The companvwill conirlbuieto the fund an Tk. 4.40 Crorehad beentransferred basis The g|aiuilvrs amountrequiredto makeadequatepmvisionwithn few yearson installment payable month's basicpay lor evefy pay at the tate ol one and lt is calculaiedon lhe last basc Board ofTruslees provdentfund by lhe is admjnistered year seruce. The completed of Fund : Superannuation Fund n the year2013io extendflnancialhelpto the a Superannuation The companyhas established deaih employees andthe I familymembersas pef rulesin caseof severediseasesphysicaldlsabilitv, (Ten lo the Fund Lacs) of Tk 10 00 an amount yeat company conlriblrted In the 2013 and retirement. days. itssuppodn thecoming andwllcontinue Workers'ProfitParticipationFundand WelfareFund I The companyprovidesa regularallocationof fund @ 5% of net prcfll before1axafterchatgingthe LaborAcf2006. contdbution as perpfovisionof Bangladesh (q) Provisions,ContingentLiabilitiesand ContingentAssets: are recognized in the siaiemenlofinancal postionwhenthe cornpanyhasa prcsentlega Provisions thai canbe measuredreliablvas a rcsultof pasteventandit is probablelhat obligation or consiructive io setllethe oblgation. benefitswllbe reqlrired an ouiflowol resolirces/economic that arisesfrom pasl evenls2nd whose are possibleobLigations/assets Conilngeniiabilities/assels of one of moreuncertan futufe or non_occurrence wlLlbe confimedonlyby the occurrence existence shouldnot be recognized iabilit es/assets eni ty. Contingent control of the not wholly with n the events jn the financialsiatemenls blrtmayrequre disclosure. (r) ForeignCurrencyTransactions: Takaat the exchange|ale pfevarIng intoBangladesh arc converted in forcigncurfencies T|ansacilons "Theeffecisof changesin foreign pfovisions BAS 21 of n accordance with on the daie of transaclion currencyrates".Amounijn FCADEROAccounthas beentranslalednto laka ai the reporiingdateat the exchangerate prevaiingon that date and gain/(oss) have been accouniedfor as olher In.ometlo's/ in s.alFne,rrof conprehensve income (s) SegmentReportingI As the companyhas a singlebusinessine of prcducli e manufaclung and seling of m-Adi'n_'and no segmenireportng is fell necessary segmentwilhinwhichit operates, onegeographic (t) DateofAuthorizationfor lssue: in the 215thof its for issueby the Boad of Directorc havebeenauthorized Thesefinanciaslatenrenis meetins daled12.04.2014. (u) Generall Figufesof prevous yeat have been re-affangedwhereverconsderednecessarvio coniormto presentation of the currentyear currencyand have b-'en Flguresin the annexedfinancialstatemenisare expressedin Bangladeshi roundedoffio the neafestTaka. a n n u a l r e p2o0r1t 3 1 1 3 03. PROPERTY, PLANTANDEQUIPMENT Cost/Revaluation Balanceas al 1stJanuary Addlionduringtheyear D sposal/Adjusimeni dudngthe yeaf Balanceas at 3'1stDecember AccumulatedDepreciation Balanceas at 1siJanuary Chargedduing theyear Disposa/Adjustment durngtheyear Balanceas at 31sl December WrittenDownValue(WDV) Grcupwisedelailsoffixedassetshave beenshowninAnnexufe'A. 621,941,A37 48,242,690 ,122,463 668,062,064 545,591,599 76,350,238 249,878,653 36,439,115 216,428,195 33,450,458 1,902,1 2A4,415,541 249,878,653 383,646,483 372,063,184 621,941,837 IN MARKETABLESECURITIES{FAIRVALUE) I 04. INVESTI\IIENT SI No, 1 No.olShar€sl Shares/BondBordHeld samiBank Lld Bans adesh (IBBL)n shafes 9,554,682 2 hlam Bank 4 590 Bond Cosl Holding Rale TolalMarket Unrcaliz€d Quoled ofshaieslBoid Per SharcJBond as value Gain/(Loss) Cost ason30.12.t3 0n30.12.13 t 0 20,30r,949 2.12 34.60 1,000 4 590000 100000 971.00 330591997 310290048 4,456,890 ( r 3 r31 0 ) Bangladesh L1d. (IBBL)n Mddaraba IotalTk. 24,891,949 335,048,887310,156,938 Securitiesihat are deslgnaiedas availablefor sale by ihe The above Invesimentin l\rlarketable assetand unrealized Theseafe measuredal fa r valueand presenledas non_current management. income. ga n/(oss)fromihe aboveinvestment as othetcomprehensive are rccognized r Gain/(Loss)on MarketableSecurities{Unrealized) UnrealizedGain/(Loss)Pos lion (Closing) Uffealized Gain/(Loss)Position(openjng) Gaini(Loss)onNrlarketable Securitiesdurjngthe yeat 1 1 4 a n n u a l r e p2o0r1t 3 310,156,938 329,744,761 (19,587,823) 329.744,761 336,209,788 (6,465,027) 05. INVENTORIES i Packingmaterials Work-in-process goods Finished Physicians' samples Spares& stores Indircctmaterials Prnling& stationery Laboratory chernicals 06. SUNDRYDEBTORS: t nsecured-sood 38,997,856 34,211,112 T9,608,100 39,O77,410 469,130 42,322 118,045 59,964 17,9'17 8,611 29,856,456 26,O39,412 15,456,600 32,915,810 463,780 al,672 94,504 83,505 15,772 10,757 136,650,467 105,024,268 3,538,212 2,065,406 No amountwasdueby lhe direclors(includingthe lvanaglngDireclor),managers andoiherofficers ofthe companyor anyofthen eitherseveratty orjointtywilhanyoiherpe$on. 07.ADVANCES, DEPOSITS & PREPAYMENTS Thisis rccoverable in cashorforvalueto be receivedand consislsof: a. AdvancesagainstSalary 1,142,473 Expenses/works/shares 23,669,519 1,896,250 l,4otor cycles{oemployees 7.607,167 65,595,298 Oiherc 184.807 100,059,514 b. DepositsSecuritymoney pfemium Insurance 4,950,886 12,514,932 324,369 '12,839,301 117,a49.701 762,O22 14,'131,614 1,565,250 9,375,127 69,408,553 279,469 95,522,035 3,275,537 11,242,356 194,924 11,437,284 -_ 11!?91,8!6 a. (i) Advances againsisalaryTK.1,102,473 incudesadvafcesTk.612,435tolheoliicers. (i) Noamountwasdue bythed reciors(includingthe Managing Dircclof), manaqerc andotherofticeGolthe companyor anyofthemeilh€rseverally ofjointy wlthanyoiherpersonexceptas statedabove. annualreport 2013 1 1 5 : 08. CASH& CASHEQUIVALENTS Thisconsstsof : a. Cashin hand b. Cashat banks 8.1 CASHAT BANKS: a. With lslamiBankBangladeshLtd. n SNDAccounls n [,4SAAccounis In FCADERQAccounts b. WithAl"Arafahlslami BankLtd. in SNDAccounts c. With PrimeBankLtd. in CurrentAccount (lsamicbanking branch) d. With ShahjalallslamiBankLtd. in CurrentAccount e. With Filst Securitylslami BankLtd. in SNDAccounts i With SonaliBank Ltd. in STDAccount 332,586 113,916,422 350 119,698,358 386,019 101,949,497 4,843,350 107,178,866 88,253,818 7,414,522 3,209,016 1,018,109 451,235 69,546,016 7.943,227 945,930 6,232,616 5,040,387 15,091 I 056,106 15091 7,241,113 4.985,117 4.094.525 113,916,422 101,949,497 250,000,000 250,000,000 500,000,000 250,000,000 250,000,000 500,000,000 91,985,180 77,747,470 1A2,414,820 44,252,530 '194,400,000 162,000,000 09.SHARECAPITAL: 'A' c assofd naryShafesof Tk. 10 each 25,000,000 OtdnaryShares ofTk.10each 25,000,000'B'cass & Paid-llp: lssued,Subscribed 91,985,180 A'C assOrdnaryShafesofTk.10each fullypaidup in cash 102414,8208'CassOrdnaryShafesofTk.10each fu y paidup in cash The Shareholdings consist oI: Sponsors I n s l i t L i t i o( ln. C . B ) 36 406 12.910 13,352 TotalHoldings 9,198,518 1,220,292 9,021,190 19,440,000 47.32% 624% 46.41% 100.00% holdelsafd theirsharchodingsas on 31 122013arc as follows: Thed slibullonscheduleshownglhe numberofshare Rangeof Holclings Lessihan500shares 500io 5,000shafes shares 5,001to 10,000 shares 10,001 10100,000 10,421 2,627 168 136 13,352 TotalHoldings 1,974,636 3,949,136 1,186,746 12.325.442 19,440,000 14.16'/. 24.31'/" 6.10% 63.4 100.00% The shares are isted with the Dhaka Siock ExchangeLlmiied and ChittagongStock Exchange Limited.The shares were quoted atTk.99.40 in the Dhaka Stock ExchangeLmited on 30.12.2013and ai Tk.101.50in the Ch ttagongStock ExchangeLim ted on 30.12 2013 respeclively. 1l6 report annual 2013 10. TAx HOLIDAYRESERVE : 4,392,110 4,392.110 Thisrepresents prcvisionmadeout of profilof TaxHotidaypedodif accordance withseclion45 (28) andsection46,4(2)of IncomeTaxOrdnance1984. 1 1 . RETAINED EARNINGS : Balarceas sl 1stJanuary Dividendpaid Add:S!miusdudngiheyear 1 2 . LONGTERMFINANCE: (i) FromAl-ArafahIslamiBankLtd.-Secured (UnderHirePurchase Shirkatul[,4ek) 165,179,622 (56,700,000) 87,176,811 195,656,433 '143,713,205 (45,360,000) 66,826,417 165,179,622 32,703,794 5r , 0 0 9 , 5 1 3 Less : currentmaturitytransferredto crrrent tiabitity ,i) FronAl A'a ah lsl".lrBanhI d -secured Nore-161 15,945,890 23,458,900 LONGTERMFINANCE- net offcurrent maturity 16,757,9O4 27,550,613 (i)Tk. 16,757,904 (excluding curfenlmalu ty) represent the balanceamouniswhlchwoutdbe due for repayment position.The amountsare aftef12 ( tu/elve)monthsfromthe dateof Statement of Financiat the baancesof the financeobiainedfrcmALA|afahlstamiBankLld.for importof capilatmachneryon H rc PufchaseSh *atu l\,lelkon thefollowinglerms& condiiions : Repsyable in equal84 monthlyinsiattmentwith 16%rateof profiton ihe balancedueunderdtminishing S€curities: a) CollateralI (i) Registeredmoftgageof landedpropertymeasudng804 decimatof tandwith faciorybuiding localedai Shafpur,cazipur. (ii) Registered ircvocablegeneralPowerofAilomeyalthorizingihe Bankto sel lhe prcpertywirhout inlervention ofthe couirshallalsobe executedby the ownerof mortgaged tand/prcperty. b) Others: Hypothecat on of company's machinery. annual report 2013 117 zol2 'ot' 13. DEFERRED LfABlLfr r. gmtuilytecognized ofwh ch is as below: as liabiliiythemovement Defeffedliab ityrepresents employees Balanceas at 1slJanuary Provisionduringthe year GratuityFund LessiPaidto Employees Less:Paiddufingihe yeaf 78,469,945 21,302,847 (44,000,000) 4,132,145 51,640,647 64,555,130 17,170,702 ,255,887) 78,469,945 14. DEFERREDTAXASSET/ LIABILITY ofwhichis as belowi deJeffed taxrccognized as asserliablilythernoverneni Deferred TaxAsseti Liabiltyrcprcsenls Balanceas ai 1slJanuary Deferred tax expense/(income) TERMFINANCE: 15. SHORT A. FromAl-ArafahlslamiBankLtd. - Secured (UnderComposite iacilitiesLC(lvlPl/TR) B. Loantrom others (4,765,377) 10,008,644 5,243,267 65,666,013 74,126 65,744,139 22,005,5A2 74.126 22,083,624 fof pfocutemeniol raw and packingmaterials A. (i)Tk. 65,666,013represenlsamountsLrtillzed on the fo lowinglerms and conditions: Period ol Investment | 01 (one)yearon revolvingbass. Rate of profit : 16% per 6nnum & Commission0.25% per q uarief . Securities I a ) C a s h l 4 a r g i n: ( i ) L C @ 1 0 %c a s hm a r gn & M P I@ 1 0 %m a r g i no n l a n d e dc o s t . b) Prinary : (i) L/C relateddocumenis. (ii)N,lPl Pledgeof impodedgoods/soods inlmde. (iii)TR -Trusi Recept & hypolhecallonol importedgoods. c) Gollateral : al shalipurGazipur' buidng ocated (i)Reglstercd measuring 804decirna oflandwithfactory moftgage of andedpropedy d) others : (i) Hypolhecalion of company's machinery. '16.LONGTERMFINANCE-cunent maturity: Thisconsstsof: (i)FromAl-ArafahlslamiBankLtd.-Secured (UnderHirePurchase N4elk-General) Shirkatul Balanceas at 31stDecember 1 1 8 a n n u a l r e p2o0r1t 3 15,945,890 23,458,S00 15,945,890 23,458,900 2013 2012 1 3 . DEFERRED LIABILITY: as liabiitythe movemenl of whichs as below: Deferred liabiliiyrcpresents empoyeesgral!ityrecognlzed Balanceas ai 1stJanuary Provlsionduringihe yeaf Less:Paidto Employees GrciuityFund Less:Paiddu ng theyear 78,463,945 21,302,847 (44,000,000) 4,'132,145J 64,s55,130 17,170,702 (3,255,88 51,640,647 1 4 . DEFERRED TAXASSET/LIABILITY: lilythernovernenl ofwhich isasbelow: deieffed taxrecognized asasseviab Deleffed TaxAsseii Liabil ty represents Balanceas at 1slJanuary Deferred tax expense/(income) (4,765.377) 10,008,644 5,243,267 1 5 . SHORT TERMFINANCE: A. FromAl-ArafahlslamiBankLld. - Secured (Undercomposiiefacillties LC(MPl/TR) B. Loanfrom others 65,666,0T3 '126 65,744,139 22,4O5,502 78,126 22,O43,624 of rawandpackingmaterlals represenis amounisutilizedfo. procurement A. (i)Tk. 65,666,013 : on the followino termsandconditions basis. Periodof Investment:01(one)yearon fevolving Rate of profit | 16%pef annum& Commission 0.25%perquader. a) cash Margin: (i) LC@ 10%cashma€in& I\,4P1 @10%rnarcinon land€dcosi. b) Primary: (!)L/Crclateddocuments. (l ) [,4P]- Pledgeofimpodedgoods/ goodsntrade. goods. (iii)TR- TrustReceipi& hypothecation of imported c) Collateral: Gazipur. ( ) Regslered properly of andwithfactory buldingocaled atShafpur, nrorlgBge oflanded measurng 804decima d) Others: (i) Hypolhecation of company's machinery maturityI 16. LONGTERMFINANCE-current Thisconsists of: (i) FromAl-ArafahlslamiBankLtd.-Secured [4elk-Gene€l) Shirkatul {UnderHirePurchase Balanceas at 31stDecember 118 annual report 2013 15,945,890 23,458,900 15,945,8S0 23,458,900 The amounlsreprcsentcurenl maturityof tongtermfinanceobtainedfromAt_Afafah tstamtBankLld. whichafe fepayable w thinnexl 12 (Twelve) posir|on. monlhsfromlhe dateof Statem€nt of Financiat 2013 '|7. DEPOSTTS : Thisconststsof : Sharemoneydeposit Securitymoneyreceivedffomemptoyees 2012 14,848 18,CREDITORS: t2 497,480 12,512,328 14,848 17,6'tO,O24 17,624,472 59,167,141 54,908,751 This fep€sents amounl payabte to suppliersof raw mateials,packingmaterbls,prcmolional maierialselc. All supptiers werepaid on a regularbasis. '9. OTHERFINANCE : Uncaimed dividend Advanceagainstsales WofkeE prcfitparlicipalion fund& welfaretund Olhers 21,303,667 '12,695,140 5,789,594 717,341 40,505,742 19.1.UNCLAIMED DIVIDEND : YeaFwise break-upoflhe aboveis as fojtows: 1992,93& 1993,94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 199S-00 200001 2042 2003 2AO4 2005 2006 2047 2008 2AO9 2410 2011 2012 20.INCOI'IETAXLIABILITYI Thisis arrivedat as followsi Openingbalance Add : Cureni t3x expense Less:Adjustedduringtheyear 429,872 608,590 608,198 464,764 767,825 621,O79 578,834 1,037,548 837,451 775,797 974,975 1,'12,O47 1,375,92A 1,672,146 1,711,155 651,197 1,04017a 1,199,930 4,830,161 21,303,667 I- 56,387,361 I 18,606,428?4,rrt?8, (23,712,62t) 51,281,.168 16,759,579 17,744,904 4,364,659 594,17a 39,463,320 430,438 609,510 609,278 465,714 768,845 625,129 580,274 T,040,788 840,251 774,597 978,566 1,115,471 1,379,889 1,684,980 1,730,955 674,139 '1,079,724 1,367.431 16,759,579 50,447636 l 24,0A5.623 | ?4.45375tfi8.065.898) 56,387,361 annual report 2013 1 1 9 21.SALES: Thisls madeup as followsl 1,989,191,317 20,229,984 2,009,421,297 Expoftsales Theabovesalesfepresentthefollowing: Quantityin Thousand ProductGroup Unit Tablel Capsule DrySyrup/ oRS Liquid Bottes Drops Ointmenl Openins Stock 12,590 3,612 1,680 6,515 62 1,308 16 Botte Bottle Closlngslock Samples 1,204,275 154867 16,204 14p42 5,280 4,386 5,087 23,831 7,509 804 713 202 186 9,996,180 32,91s,810'1,355,949,502 1,495 785 1 009 6,446 92 292 272 39,077,410 Sales 1,191,543 150,185 16,071 14,258 5,048 5 245 4,645 2,208,718,088 22, COSTOF GOODSSOLD: Thisis ardvedat as follows: RawmateriaLs consumed Packingmaterlals consumed Openingwork-in-process Closlngwork-in-process TotalConsumption Ivlanulaclung expenses Cost of Production Openlngfinishedgoods Closingfinlshedgoods sampes Costof physicians' CONSUMED: 22.1RAWIMATERIALS Thisis ardvedai asfollowsi Openingstock Closingstock 2013 120 annualreport N"t"r3l 683,902,758 749,682,276 352,723,669 382,269,171 1,036,626,427 1,131,951,447 11,305,100 15,456,600 (15,456,600) (19,608,100) 't,032,474,927 1,127,799,947 212,948,927 228,149,554 't,355,949,501 1,245,423,454 26,754,210 32,915,810 (32,915,810) (39,077,410) 1,349,787,901 1,239,262,254 996,180 ,169,098 1,230,093,156 1,339,791,721 29,856,456 758,823,676 (38,997,856) 749,682,276 25,715,056 688,044,158 (29,856,456) 683,902,758 22.1,1SUII4MARISED QUANTITYAND TOTALVALUE OF RAWIT,IATERIALS CONSUIVIED: Exc€pents Colour gellatin Ernply capsute Sugar Sorbitol Unit Opening Stock |\s 30,685 120,S73 47 31230000 647 16,034 36,832 50,334 20,675 161,565 445,169 166 138265050 1,677 302,855 142,822 91,348 24175 163,501 441954 181 142,501,700 2,232 299,863 138589 85,747 29,453 24,749 118,192 32 26,993 350 92 19,026 41,065 55,935 15397 23,856,456 758,823,676 745,682,276 38,997,856 rg. Kg. r.g. ^g Kg Kg. ^9. Valuein Taka Consumptions Closing Stock Rawmalerialsconsisiof 376itemsof which52_7j%(invatue)afe imported. 22.2 PACKINGIMATERIALS CONSUMED: 2012 Thisis arived at as follows: Openingslock 26,O39,412 394,440,871 211.12 382,269,171 Closingstock 14,467,712 359,895,369 26,O39,412 352,723,669 22.1.1SUMMARISED QUANTITY ANDToTALVALUEoF RAWMATERTALS CoNSUMEDI Allurniniumfoll Unit Opening Slock Kg. 20,610 275883 1107,189 Botte Conianer PVC'fim Valuein Taka Kg. 9,343,160 6,029,900 21,962 1,765000 1438,668 206,604 26,039,412 Closing Stock 93,919 '1,928,151 11,424,348 1,723,680 23,464,995 14288,031 74,756 12116,150 3,999,047 3,309,300 394,440,871 99,259 2,065,105 11,247,214 1,693 010 24 627,937 17,415,382 81,381 12,590,655 3,286584 2 579.385 382,265,171 15270 138,929 1,324,323 30,670 8,180,218 3,302549 15,337 1,290,495 2,151,131 936,519 38,211,112 Packingmalerlalsconsistof 1015 itemsofwhich9.80% ( n value)are a n n u a l r e p2o0n1 3 121 isr" : EXPENSES 23. MANUFACTURING Salarywages& allowances Tmveling& conveyance Pdnling& slationery Repairs& maintenance building machlnery & equlprnent Repairs& ma ntenance& oihers Repalrs& maintenance-vehicle Entertainmeni Staffwelfare & subscription Donation Newspaper& pefiodicals Siaffunifom & stores Laborctory chemicals Depreciauon Damagedgoods 130,555,746 514,930 714,747 2,635,247 12,907,206 3,110,393 53,204 31,099,040 25,400 2,133,O82 525,752 8,599,288 434,577 2,184,990 11,000 36,583 586,186 870,719 2,72A,669 26,735,776 1,633,569 49 224 149554 114,931,631 595,173 799,863 4,423,451 17,606,324 2,747,717 234,942 25,480,137 426,000 2,112,797 553,495 7,221.984 287,961 1,538,575 10,000 30,009 1,399,095 1,521,690 4,858,085 24,241,963 1,510,245 17.730 212,944,927 lhe yearwho receivedaggtegate (a) The numberof empoyeesemployedin the faclorythtoughoLrt wasnil. noi lessthanTk.36,000 remuneration (b) The numbefofemployeesemployedin the factoryfor partoftheyeatwhofecelvedaggregate noi essthanTk.3,000pef monthwas32 rernuneralion andGratllityofTk 3 357,239 of Tk 9,506,195 (c) Salarywages& allowances includeP.F.contrjbuiion : 24. OPERATINGEXPENSES Expenses Administratlve Expenses Seling& DisAibLrtion 2013 122 annualreport Note%l [ott%] t;,,;;tl | I 701,627,909 753,606,871 58,216,112 633,527,160 2012 25. AD[4INISTRATIVE EXPENSES : Salarywages& allowances D fectorc'remuneration D fectorc'meetingfee T|aVeIing& conveyance Repairs& maintenance-building & equipment Repairs& maintenance'vehicle & others Posiage& slamp Trainingexpenses Enieftainment Stafi un form Stafi welfarc Donation & subscriplion Newspaper& periodicals Printing& slaiionery Water,electficity & gas Annua genefameetingexpenses Expenses relaiinqto dividend Deprccialion 28,246,971 2,742,004 512,000 730,610 1,217,904 1,711,757 171,000 2,923,405 533,243 93,011 10,500 220,771 998,985 59,208 612,687 558,070 1,540,630 171,OOA 908,906 145,225 269,190 948,739 2,757,424 135,185 3,665,387 T35.550 51,978,962 26,499,448 2,734,54O 454,500 951,747 2,544,421 2,005,064 93,600 2,923,410 60,493 121,371 107,800 123,633 1,579,379 27,840 647,350 668,351 6,157,256 312,000 1,223,6A4 96,566 571,473 826,264 3,658,869 160,900 3,570,038 99.831 58,216,112 Auditiees represenls auditorc'remuneration nc udingVATon auditfeesof the financiastatemenis of the conrpany for theyeaf 2013. The nLrmberofemployeesemployedin the administraiion depadmentthroughouiih€ yeaf who feceivedaggregate remuneration nol lessthanTk.36,000 was n . Salarywages& allowances lncludeP.Fcontdbution ofTk. 5,514,382 andGratuilyofTk.1,134,042. (o) The numberof employees employedin lhe admnistralion depairment for padof the yearwho received aggregate femuneraiion nol lesslhanTk 3,000permonthwasnil. annualreport 2013 123 26. SELLING & DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES: Salary wages& a lowances Traveling& conveyance Headoffice& salescenlresrcnt Pfinting& siationery Repairs& maintenance'building & equipment Repairs& maintenance-vehicle & others Water,electricity & gas Fied forcesconfercnce expenses Enterlainmenl Staffwelfare Salesrepresentatives confefence Detailing bag& briefcase Fleldpersonnel expenses Pfoductdevelopmeni expenses Pfoductpad& lteratLrfe Othefprcmotional expenses Physicians' samples Markeisuryey& research Dep€cialion Losson saleof vehcl€ Staffunifom 408,303,683 't,o24,217 11,435,4U 3,426.144 2,578,559 9,809,785 753,098 635,068 154,O40 4,358,000 922,814 835,465 2,5/.3,793 1,467,170 739,900 35,875 1,054,926 10,099,362 346,000 542,824 100,922,211 '135,547 30,521,634 10,543,590 12,043,590 2,034,302 2,227,141 75,373,297 6,037,951 566,688 33,909 117.512 7O1,627,9O9 345,473,791 1,595,164 10,152,249 4,984,664 2,411,797 11,260,244 378,040 692,156 74,941 5,861,304 1,O73,225 970,362 2,839,830 1,014,225 589,419 30,750 899,384 9,603,567 600,500 683,765 95,382,586 114,437 29,914,503 10,547,106 11,O47.106 2,673,425 2,249,150 74,995,600 5,638,457 30,645 80.648 633,527,160 (a) The numbefof employees employedln the selling& distribution departmeni ihfoughoutthe year who rccelvedassrcsateremuneralion notlessthanTk.36,000 wasnil. (b) Salarn wages & allowancesinclude P.F. conlrlbulionof Tk.230,852,406and Gfatuity of Tk.16,811,567. (c)The numberof employeesempoyedinthe seLling & dislribltiondepartmentfor partof the year who receivedaggregaleremuneration notlessthanTk.3,000per monthwas56. 124 annualreport 2013 27. OTHERINCOME : Dividendincome(cash) Profiion bankdeposiis Profiton investment Foreign Exchange Fuctualon Gain/(Loss) on FCADEROAccounls lViscelianeous income 6,498,840 3,331,512 623,322 (s53,069) 2 12,446,129 4,483,794.89 1,132,106 605,880 (16,444) 1,940,340 5,789,594 4,364,659 28. WORKERS'P.P FUND& WELFARE FUND: 4,745,677 Th s fepresents 5% of netprofitbeforetax aftercharuing ihe contribuUon as pef provision of lhe Bangladesh LabourAct,2006andis payableto workersas defnedif the saidAct. 29. CURRENT TAX: Thisrepresenis estimatedIncomeTa)(iabiityforthe year2013madeas io ows: 30. EARNINGS PERSHARE(EPSI: pershare Basc eamings hasbeencalcutated asfotowsl Earnings atlrbLlabl€ 1olheOdinary Sharcho ders(Netprofrafteftax) Divdedbynumber ofOrdinary Shares outstanding during they€af 18,606,428 24,005,623 a7,176,81'l 19,440,000 66,426,417 19,440,000 EARNINGS PERSHARE(EPS) (AdjustedEPSof2012) 4.48 3.44 31. THEAGGREGATE AMOUNTSPAID/ PROVIDED DURINGTHECURRENTYEAR ONACCOUNTOF DIRECTORS ANDOFFICERS OF THECOMPANYAREAS FOLLOWS: [,4anageial remuneration [,4eeiing fee Bonus 2012 ]l-z'z:4"oo r-iG lzz.l5'2.ooo l [,"ss?ot-l fr€-rr8rtl 25",.000 I 454.500 t90.000 a ti8orlf+osroolT I 9/.552 575,643 | ) 98.652 | 563,752 I It.59/.055 ",qtalf nsa.taI t05.4/4I 12,22,960 I 8790.1/5 5,or"ol rra.a+o t03.240 1,052.530 Therateot Boardmeetingaltendance fee wasTk.4,000perdirector. annual teport 2013 125 32. VALUEOF IMPORTS ON CIFBASIS l,latefias taw & packing) & spareparc Components Capitagoods 401,533 456 461,533 359 36,986 498,878 49 451,865 ON SINGLESHIFTBASISANDREASONSFOR 33.INSTALLED CAPACITYACTUALPRODUCTION 2013I SHORT.FALL DURINGTHEYEARENDED31STDECEMBER, Quantity in Thousand Tablet Capsu€ DrySyrup / ORS Lquid Drcps Onlment Injection 119,276 124,356 30,241 11,386 8,580 8,923 1 204279 154,867 16,204 14,942 5,280 4,386 5,087 (485,003) (30,511) 13,997 (?,516) 3,300 3,336 3,836 : 34. RELATED PARIYIRANSACTIONS of business andon carried oultransactions withrcaledpaftiesn ihenormalcou6e Du ngtheyear,theconrpany p, parties, and their total value have been relaiionshiypesoltlarsacllon anam'slenglhbass. Thenarne of rclaied padles arc provisions Pairy D sclosur€s". Tmnsaction wjth rclated wlththe of BAS24'Realed seloutinaccordance lnvolve rnore lhan a drstomers of simlar credenlas and do not execLted on thesamelennsas thoseol other 1 . BNSlNATrust Dlvdendpaymenl 9,585,097 Receiptof Dv d€nd 7,122,162 shares hoding43.83% 2. lsamiBank BD Ltd 35. There was no contractfor Capital Expendiiufetemainingto be execuled and not pfovided for ai 31si Decembef,2013. 36. There was no geneml nature of credt faclities availabe to the company under any contracioiher lhan lfade credil availabe in ihe ofdlnarycourceof businessand not availedof as on 31.12.2013. 37. No brokerageor discountother than usualtmde discounlagainstsales was paid dufing the yeaf. 126 annuai report 2013 38. As lherewas no salesagenl,commission thereforwas notpaid. 39. The companydid not incurany expensein foreign cufency on accounioi rcyaly,technicatknow-how, proiesslonal& advisoryfees,iniefestsetc. 40. As therewas no non-resideni sharcholder, no dividend was remittedabroad. 41. During ihe year the company(a) earned forelgn exchangeof US $ 297,003.40equivaenr io Tk.23,045,539.00 on accountof exportsale,b) butdld noi earnor recetveany incomein respectof royatly, lechnicalknow'how,prcfessional & advisoryfees,inierest& dividend_ 42. There were claims of rk.462,244,Ik.338,278,Tk.34,499, Tk.732355,1k.476,777,Tk. 817,061. Tk.2,349,848 and Tk.855,457in rcspeciot assessmentyearc 1997-98, 2OAO-2OA1, 2AO|2AO2, 2OO22043,2OA3-2004,20O4-2AO5,2A07-2A0A,2A11-2012respecUvety againsithe Companyfor IncomeTax but nolacknowedgedas debts,as appealsremainedpendingon 31.12.2013. 43. There was no contingentliabililyother than lettersol creditoutsianding for importalionof raw & packing materials, capitalgoods as on 31.12.2013. 44. EVENTSAFTERTHEREPORTING PERIODI The Boardof Directo$at its meetingno.2lslhhetcton 12.04.14recommended to the sharehotderc 25% cashdivdendand 10%stockdividendfor the yearended31stDecembef, 2013whtchwi be considered fof approvalby the shareholders at the 30thAnnuatGenerattvleeting . annualreport 2013 127 i c . i d @ o - i o @ s t t r t . . i r i - _ n:o.-.+.N. < 6 E R 6 o + 6 * d o t d F : o N 6i@ .i6i.i d o ' i : _ r j F @ r ' o o ; S 5 s S S S S : Q i a ! < : s ; e c i o o o 6 o o o o o o N- ' l p l l t" + o . i 6 @ F z ul E c d S d t o F - d . . i c d . . < i Iuo o1 zu <ut FID z> 6 + d i d i d t s d d 6 i + < LJJ J(J O- LJI e Jo i ul cf) o< E A report 2013 128 annual a E - e <,^l| ; g z ? SPeEstE:Eg E=FEpFESi-agE Etii 6.9: e E i >4.n fr Q<r+ fi-{t+tdtfrCtrriE ffi qRv<c li t{Tqft{l Tidifrotsia ft1$ ffu-e* w-qrAr{rq. frtutu ........................... ..6dqR.ftl{lr{n qFr I R[}]1< oq 94 io)8 $i{fd, qX6-s<t cFfqFT 9",q <lfr-{ q-{Rq {s'iT qq( 6qcTl-{{{s? q]IlTFi{E[{ ,]T$ cstil]l{j q{r frc{Ft G& | {e-El Sleo ?nTTjEi{ q{( sfu{ atTd qliil ri$trcalslrfi TiF{ +frn* REli qfr{. u*<l 5. TIF{ .atqfi qFRqifus r{dt.itTd qflit Cqn {qfu i. {q s|{btiT{ fidfis ryc|{ qs-!s 8} (qtBDEn)Tbt a.f erfu-n<'rl" broracjGfiG $lrq qqoE{rrn:r4Enq1S.r srr ($r-l]fid 6ffiM qFFIcqri ftceqI< | ,e. ek j+ffi fi{jl-$ cnfrfib *Jiretd t'rT alT( <,<F qa<i qk:P<{ qr iFcmib aft {JrqK Td {trr 8. frt<qFtqrffifibBFjr{ffiRFdu q&-<t"teqfF oc E-r,to)8 1Fi{l{{{sls ob.eoilr c4t'nfr{ eoE{ qtfis {r4Rt {st ifi{r3fs{ q*srlq c{it<, ilTis r{]d l]ffi GrlGFs{ E-jIR)\et Eqt, qr$rfu,rlT].:Iqq6E<l ji t<I{ fi{ Tr:(rfrBfi-$ietotF$ fdFrctss_q{ eoE{ <lfrs fi{lr.i rstT q:rR B'iEG frft<h Ftrqlq efirrrlql9]!1/efu{4r{ c"i{R q(!l]t.... Tiis q( fis ( C.fir]3r{f€t</qfu{'rtrd lia ga Tslqaaac<r.rdi]l'f qre{l 'tq +flrrlstl{ Tn t Tl-Kff4f )".eo aT :tc<trytfis eiffifqsFrF{ TN c(E? dvitr{ q{.rit lT+F{qd{ qit qdlit{ T$ ErF
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