Commencement Program - Commencement » UCF
Commencement Program - Commencement » UCF
COMMENCEMENT UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA May 6-7, 2011 UCF Arena Orlando, Florida This Commencement Program will be available at for download as a PDF beginning Monday, May 9, 2011. Gonfalons Symbolize the Spirit of the University of Central Florida THE UCF CREED College of Arts and Humanities College of Nursing The senses of sight, sound, and sensation are transformed by spirit and creativity into meaningful diverse forms of expression in the College of Arts and Humanities. The spirit of the College of Nursing is conveyed by images that symbolize caring, knowledge, and leadership. College of Business Administration College of Optics and Photonics Familiar symbols elicit world marketplace nance for the College of Business Administration with its innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and nationally recognized programs. The striking multifaceted relief captures the spirit of the Age of Light and epitomizes the science and technology of the College of Optics and Photonics uence in the 21st Century. College of Education College of Sciences nitive symbol of education and knowledge for centuries. And for the College of Education, a galaxy of encircling stars serves as a shining example of diverse opportunities for learning. As one of the largest colleges at UCF, the College of Sciences’ programs range from the behavioral, biological, computational, and physical to the communicative, political, and social sciences. INTEGRITY, SCHOLARSHIP, COMMUNITY, CREATIVITY, AND EXCELLENCE ARE THE CORE VALUES THAT GUIDE OUR CONDUCT, PERFORMANCE, AND DECISIONS. INTEGRITY I WILL PRACTICE AND DEFEND ACADEMIC AND PERSONAL HONESTY. SCHOLARSHIP I WILL CHERISH AND HONOR LEARNING AS A FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSE OF MY MEMBERSHIP IN THE UCF COMMUNITY. ce of Undergraduate Studies College of Engineering and Computer Science The Space Transportation System (STS) symbolizes c feats ever achieved and epitomizes the spirit of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. ce of Undergraduate Studies provides the foundation, vision, and leadership necessary for students to reach their academic potential and to prepare for the steps, challenges, and rewards of lifelong learning. COMMUNITY I WILL PROMOTE AN OPEN AND SUPPORTIVE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT BY RESPECTING THE RIGHTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL. College of Graduate Studies Leadership, research, and service empower graduate students in the division’s quality learning environment. The doctoral cap, hood, and gown epitomize the highest achievement for the College of Graduate Studies. CREATIVITY I WILL USE MY TALENTS TO ENRICH THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE. EXCELLENCE I WILL STRIVE TOWARD THE HIGHEST airs Rosen College of Hospitality Management The central fountain, framed by Mediterranean arches, has come to symbolize the Rosen College of Hospitality Management’s state-of-the-art campus and its standard of excellence for the industry. The Burnett Honors College Academic programs in the College of Health and airs are bound together by a shared sense of purpose—to serve communities and contribute knowledge that improves the quality of life of citizens. ame symbolizes The Burnett Honors College’s mission to foster honor and passion for lifelong learning. College of Medicine The UCF Creed The Rod of Aesculapius, serpent entwined around , is an ancient Greek symbol associated with healing the sick. The rod topped by the UCF Flame of Hope is spiraled with the DNA’s double helix to form the symbol for the College of Medicine. Integrity, scholarship, community, creativity, and excellence are the core values that guide the university’s conduct, performance, and decisions. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE IN ANY ENDEAVOR I UNDERTAKE. University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 University of Central Florida UCF Stands for Opportunity in scholarship, leadership, research, and service. The university also creates opportunities for economic development, as well as community and industry collaboration. UCF is Central Florida’s higher education partner and its hometown university. The talents of UCF’s more than 188,000 alumni, more than 56,000 students, and more than 10,000 faculty and staff members have made UCF one of the nation’s leading metropolitan research universities, and UCF is committed to innovative community partnerships, world-class research with local impact, and the integration of technology and learning. The university offers 91 bachelor’s degrees, 92 master’s degrees, 3 specialist degrees, and 29 doctoral degrees, as well as more than 94 graduate certificate programs. To date, more than 211,200 degrees have been awarded. The university seal, shown above, is the symbol that sets our university apart from others. As you might expect, choosing a university seal is no simple task. In UCF’s case, the job took 26 months. From the very first suggestion, submitted in early 1966, to the unveiling of the present seal, it was a task without precedent for those who were involved in the process. In the two years after the first submission, nearly 50 designs and 70 different color combinations were considered. The motto, Reach for the Stars, eventually served as the inspiration for the seal. It was first verbalized by charter president Charles N. Millican. The phrase came to him, he recalled, when he was flying on a night that was so clear the stars sparkled. Stars were used in a variety of combinations. Pegasus, the winged horse of mythology, was added to depict both contrast and connection between old and new, the humanities and the sciences. In their search for tenets on which to launch a new experiment in higher education, the university’s founders focused on two: Accent on Excellence and Accent on the Individual. Growth notwithstanding, their successors remain committed to that end. The university’s motto, Reach for the Stars, encourages UCF’s students, faculty and staff members, and alumni to go beyond the ordinary. Indeed, extraordinary things happen in UCF’s classrooms and laboratories every day, and UCF is prominent among its peers. UCF Stands for Opportunity. i University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 University of Central Florida Office of the President Dear Graduates: Congratulations to each of you for the achievements that have brought you to this day. Congratulations are also in order to your families, whose love and support have undoubtedly contributed to your success. Today’s commencement exercises mark the completion of a period of studying and learning, of developing and adapting, and of accomplishing and contributing. All of these activities prepare you for successful careers and for service as leaders in our society. Your university education will be of immeasurable benefit to you for the rest of your lives. As you leave UCF, please remember three things. First, your education is a lifelong process. Maintain the intellectual curiosity that got you this far and never cease your learning. Second, use your knowledge, your talent, and your degree for responsible purposes. Our world is so complicated that we need all the ability we can muster to solve the great problems of our time. Finally, remember your university and be loyal to it. Best wishes for a lifetime of success and satisfaction. Cordially yours, John C. Hitt President P.O. Box 160002 Orlando, FL 32816-0002 (407) 823-1823 (407) 823-2264 An Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Institution ii University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 Table of Contents The UCF Creed .................................................................................................................................. Inside front cover University of Central Florida ........................................................................................................................................ i President’s Personal Note .............................................................................................................................................ii University of Central Florida Administration .............................................................................................................. iv Commencement Program .............................................................................................................................................. v Commencement Speaker and Platform Party May 6, 2011 9:00 a.m. Ceremony.......................................................................................................................... vi 2:00 p.m. Ceremony ......................................................................................................................... vii May 7, 2011 9:00 a.m. Ceremony........................................................................................................................ viii 2:00 p.m. Ceremony .......................................................................................................................... ix Candidates for Graduate Degrees Doctoral Candidates ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Education Specialist Candidates ..................................................................................................................... 6 Master of Fine Arts Candidates ...................................................................................................................... 6 Master’s Candidates College of Arts and Humanities ........................................................................................................ 8 College of Business Administration .................................................................................................. 9 College of Education ....................................................................................................................... 11 College of Engineering and Computer Science .............................................................................. 13 College of Graduate Studies ........................................................................................................... 15 College of Health and Public Affairs .............................................................................................. 16 College of Medicine ........................................................................................................................ 18 College of Nursing .......................................................................................................................... 19 College of Optics and Photonics ..................................................................................................... 20 College of Sciences ......................................................................................................................... 21 Rosen College of Hospitality Management ..................................................................................... 22 Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees Baccalaureate Degree Honors and Recognition............................................................................. 23 LEAD Scholars................................................................................................................................ 26 President’s Leadership Council ...................................................................................................... 27 Order of Pegasus ............................................................................................................................ 27 Air Force ROTC Commissions........................................................................................................ 27 Army ROTC Commissions .............................................................................................................. 27 College of Arts and Humanities ...................................................................................................... 29 College of Business Administration ................................................................................................ 34 College of Education ...................................................................................................................... 41 College of Engineering and Computer Science .............................................................................. 46 College of Health and Public Affairs .............................................................................................. 50 College of Medicine ........................................................................................................................ 56 College of Nursing .......................................................................................................................... 58 College of Sciences ......................................................................................................................... 60 Office of Undergraduate Studies ..................................................................................................... 70 Rosen College of Hospitality Management ..................................................................................... 73 The Commencement Ceremony and Academic Regalia. ............................................................................................. 76 College Gonfalons and University Mace Information ................................................................................................. 78 The Presidential Medallion ......................................................................................................................................... 78 Degrees Conferred ...................................................................................................................................................... 79 Diploma Distribution Information ............................................................................................................................... 79 UCF Alma Mater ......................................................................................................................................................... 80 UCF Regional Campuses ............................................................................................................................................ 81 This program contains the most accurate graduation information available at press time. The appearance of a name here is presumptive of graduation but not conclusive. Lost and found items may be turned in or claimed at Guest Services, located at the main entrance on the second level. All University of Central Florida campus activities, events, programs, and facilities are available to all students of any race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and veterans’ status with due respect to law and the university’s philosophy of respect for individual and personal dignity. iii University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 University of Central Florida Administration John C. Hitt...................................................................................................................................................... President Tony G. Waldrop............................................................................... Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Scott Cole .............................................................................................................. Vice President and General Counsel Helen Donegan .............................................................................................. Vice President for Community Relations Maribeth Ehasz ...................................................... Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services Deborah C. German.............................................. Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean, College of Medicine Alfred G. Harms, Jr. ................................. Vice President for Strategy, Marketing, Communications, and Admissions Robert J. Holmes, Jr. ............................................................... Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development Daniel C. Holsenbeck ..................................................................................... Vice President for University Relations William F. Merck II.............................................................................. Vice President for Administration and Finance John F. Schell ............................................................................................................ Vice President and Chief of Staff M. J. Soileau ................................................................................ Vice President for Research and Commercialization Patricia J. Bishop........................................................................ Vice Provost and Dean, College of Graduate Studies Elliot Vittes ............................................................... Interim Vice Provost and Dean, Office of Undergraduate Studies José B. Fernández ............................................................................................. Dean, College of Arts and Humanities Thomas L. Keon ........................................................................................... Dean, College of Business Administration Alvin Y. Wang ......................................................................................................... Dean, The Burnett Honors College Sandra L. Robinson ............................................................................................................ Dean, College of Education Marwan Simaan ........................................................................ Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science Michael Frumkin ....................................................................................... Dean, College of Health and Public Affairs Jean D. Leuner ...................................................................................................................... Dean, College of Nursing Bahaa A. Saleh ................................................................................................. Dean, College of Optics and Photonics Peter Panousis ...................................................................................................................... Dean, College of Sciences Abraham Pizam ................................................................................Dean, Rosen College of Hospitality Management State of Florida Rick Scott, Governor Jennifer Carroll, Lieutenant Governor Jeff Atwater Chief Financial Officer Pam Bondi Attorney General Ava L. Parker Chair, SUS Board of Governors Adam Putnam Commissioner of Agriculture Eric Smith Commissioner of Education Board of Trustees Jim Atchison Windermere Alan Florez Flagler Beach Harris Rosen Orlando Olga M. Calvet Lake Buena Vista Ray Gilley Orlando John Sprouls Windermere Ida Cook Chair, Faculty Senate Michael J. Grindstaff Orlando Richard J. Walsh, Chair Orlando Richard T. Crotty Orlando Mike Kilbride President, Student Government Association Thomas Yochum, Vice Chair Winter Park iv University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 University of Central Florida Commencement Program Prelude The Processional The Baccalaureate and Graduate Candidates The Faculty The Platform Party Convening of the Commencement The National Anthem Opening Remarks and Introductions John C. Hitt, President Commencement Address The Conferring of Degrees The Faculty The Deans The Provost The President Honors and Individual Recognition* Student Body Representative Alumni Association Representative Alma Mater The Recessional The Faculty The Platform Party The Graduate and Baccalaureate Candidates Andrew Walker, Organist Jose Velez, Vocalist David Enzfelder and Reg Lyle, Bagpipers Reader by ROMAGNA Company Sign Language Interpreter by Interpretek * Applause is the most appropriate method of conveying congratulations as your graduate’s name is called. Other methods may keep your neighbors from hearing their graduate’s name. As a courtesy to the graduates and families being recognized today, we ask that you remain in your seat until all graduates have crossed the platform. The ceremony will last approximately two hours. Thank you for joining the faculty, staff, administration, and student body in honoring our graduates. v University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 College of Business Administration, College of Engineering and Computer Science, and College of Optics and Photonics May 6, 2011 - 9:00 a.m. Platform Party Grand Marshal .............................................................................................................................. Dr. Samuel M. Richie Commencement Speaker .................................................................................................. The Honorable Brenda Carey President ................................................................................................................................................ Dr. John C. Hitt Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs .........................................................................Dr. Tony G. Waldrop Vice President and General Counsel ....................................................................................................... Mr. Scott Cole Vice President for Community Relations ........................................................................................ Ms. Helen Donegan Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services..................................................Dr. Maribeth Ehasz Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development ......................................................... Mr. Robert J. Holmes, Jr. Vice President for University Relations ................................................................................. Dr. Daniel C. Holsenbeck Vice President for Administration and Finance ........................................................................ Mr. William F. Merck II Vice President and Chief of Staff ....................................................................................................... Dr. John F. Schell Vice President for Research and Commercialization ........................................................................... Dr. M. J. Soileau Dean, The Burnett Honors College................................................................................................... Dr. Alvin Y. Wang Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies .................................................................................... Dr. Michael Stern Dean, College of Business Administration ..................................................................................... Dr. Thomas L. Keon College Top Honor Graduates Michael William Breinlinger, Management Christopher Ray Fisher, Management Information Systems Kevin Tyler Keen, Accounting Dean, College of Engineering and Computer Science.....................................................................Dr. Marwan Simaan College Top Honor Graduates Mark Andrew Donohue, Mechanical Engineering Jason Eric Hochreiter, Computer Science Dean, College of Optics and Photonics ............................................................................................ Dr. Bahaa A. Saleh Alumni Representative ................................................................................................. Mr. Joseph Mera, Class of 2003 President, Student Government Association...................................................................................... Mr. Mike Kilbride University Faculty Representative ................................................................................................ Dr. Patrick LiKamWa Staff Council Representative ............................................................................................................... Mr. Peter Alfieris Commencement Speaker Chairman Brenda Carey was first elected to the Seminole County Commission in 2004. She represents District 5, which includes the City of Sanford and is the county’s most diverse district. Carey, who has lived most of her life in Seminole County, is president and CEO of The Carey Company, which specializes in real estate strategic planning and owner representative services. She has been a licensed real estate broker since 1983. Carey represents Seminole County on the Central Florida Commission on Homelessness, the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, and the Florida Association of Counties Board of Directors. Governor Charlie Crist appointed her to the Wekiva River Basin Commission. Carey is a graduate of the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College. She and her husband, Fairley, have five grown children and three grandchildren. The Honorable Brenda Carey vi University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 College of Arts and Humanities, College of Health and Public Affairs, and College of Nursing May 6, 2011 - 2:00 p.m. Platform Party Grand Marshal .................................................................................................................................... Dr. Judith Ruland Commencement Speaker ..................................................................................................The Honorable Ava L. Parker President ................................................................................................................................................ Dr. John C. Hitt Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs .........................................................................Dr. Tony G. Waldrop Vice President and General Counsel ....................................................................................................... Mr. Scott Cole Vice President for Community Relations ........................................................................................ Ms. Helen Donegan Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services..................................................Dr. Maribeth Ehasz Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development ......................................................... Mr. Robert J. Holmes, Jr. Vice President for University Relations ................................................................................. Dr. Daniel C. Holsenbeck Vice President for Administration and Finance ........................................................................ Mr. William F. Merck II Vice President and Chief of Staff ....................................................................................................... Dr. John F. Schell Vice President for Research and Commercialization ........................................................................... Dr. M. J. Soileau Dean, The Burnett Honors College................................................................................................... Dr. Alvin Y. Wang Senior Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies .............................................................................. Dr. Max Poole Associate Dean, College of Arts and Humanities .............................................................................. Mr. Lyman Brodie College Top Honor Graduates Karissa Ailene Eubanks, English Krystal Danielle Gillette, Spanish Dean, College of Health and Public Affairs .................................................................................. Dr. Michael Frumkin College Top Honor Graduates Lindsay Megan Allen, Health Sciences Devyn Jeanne Kandle, Communication Sciences and Disorders Jany de la Caridad Perez, Legal Studies Dean, College of Nursing ..................................................................................................................Dr. Jean D. Leuner College Top Honor Graduates Danielle Jennifer Richmond, Nursing Marie E. Shultz, Nursing Alumni Representative .................................................................................................... Ms. Traci Blue, Class of 1990 President, Student Government Association...................................................................................... Mr. Mike Kilbride University Faculty Representative ........................................................................................................ Dr. Keith Koons Staff Council Representative ..........................................................................................................Ms. Joanne McCully Commencement Speaker Ava L. Parker is the chair of the Florida Board of Governors, which oversees the state’s 11 public universities. She was a charter member of the University of Central Florida’s Board of Trustees before she joined the Board of Governors in 2003. Parker, of Jacksonville, is president of Linking Solutions, which provides a variety of business services, including facilities management. She also is a practicing attorney at Lawrence & Parker P.A. She serves as counsel for The Eleventh Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, which includes more than 400 churches in Florida and the Bahamas. She was also general counsel of Edward Waters College. Parker serves on the Judicial Nominating Commission of the Fourth Judicial Circuit and the Jacksonville Transportation Authority. She is married to State Representative Joseph “Joe” Gibbons and is the mother of twins. vii The Honorable Ava L. Parker University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 College of Education, College of Graduate Studies, Office of Undergraduate Studies, and Rosen College of Hospitality Management May 7, 2011 - 9:00 a.m. Platform Party Grand Marshal ................................................................................................................................. Dr. Deborah Breiter Commencement Speaker ............................................................................................................ Mr. Richard Maladecki President ................................................................................................................................................ Dr. John C. Hitt Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs .........................................................................Dr. Tony G. Waldrop Vice President and General Counsel ....................................................................................................... Mr. Scott Cole Vice President for Community Relations ........................................................................................ Ms. Helen Donegan Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services..................................................Dr. Maribeth Ehasz Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean, College of Medicine .........................................Dr. Deborah C. German Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development ......................................................... Mr. Robert J. Holmes, Jr. Vice President for University Relations ................................................................................. Dr. Daniel C. Holsenbeck Vice President for Administration and Finance ........................................................................ Mr. William F. Merck II Vice President and Chief of Staff ....................................................................................................... Dr. John F. Schell Vice President for Research and Commercialization ........................................................................... Dr. M. J. Soileau Vice Provost and Dean, College of Graduate Studies ................................................................... Dr. Patricia J. Bishop Dean, The Burnett Honors College................................................................................................... Dr. Alvin Y. Wang Dean, College of Education ....................................................................................................... Dr. Sandra L. Robinson College Top Honor Graduates Derek Cavilla, Elementary Education Nicole Jennet Mills, Elementary Education Sheri Lynn Williamson Weston, Elementary Education Amy F. Zimmerman, Elementary Education Interim Vice Provost and Dean, Office of Undergraduate Studies ........................................................ Dr. Elliot Vittes College Top Honor Graduates Jennifer Lyn Hickel, Interdisciplinary Studies Sarah Linnea Reichel, Interdisciplinary Studies Dean, Rosen College of Hospitality Management ........................................................................... Dr. Abraham Pizam College Top Honor Graduate Katherine Elizabeth Leary, Hospitality Management Alumni Representative ............................................................................................. Ms. Teresa Shipley, Class of 1982 President, Student Government Association...................................................................................... Mr. Mike Kilbride University Faculty Representative ................................................................................................ Dr. William Bozeman Staff Council Representative ........................................................................................................... Ms. Pauline Strauss Commencement Speaker Richard Maladecki has served as president of the Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association for 13 years. He oversees a $1.5 million budget and manages a 45-member board of directors consisting of hotel general managers and tourism executives. A leader in the hospitality industry, Maladecki also has more than 30 years of nonprofit executive experience. For five consecutive years, he has been honored as one of Orlando Magazine’s “50 Most Powerful People.” An adjunct professor at the University of Central Florida, Maladecki teaches upper-level courses in volunteer management, nonprofit organizations, and resource development. He is the president of the Orange County Library Board of Trustees and a board member of Visit Orlando, the Central Florida Boy Scouts Council, and the Valencia Foundation. Maladecki was born and raised in Detroit and now lives in the Orlando area with his wife, Rosemary, and their three children. Mr. Richard Maladecki viii University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 College of Medicine and College of Sciences May 7, 2011 - 2:00 p.m. Platform Party Grand Marshal ...................................................................................................................................... Dr. William Self Commencement Speaker ......................................................................................................... Mr. Waymon Armstrong President ................................................................................................................................................ Dr. John C. Hitt Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs .........................................................................Dr. Tony G. Waldrop Vice President and General Counsel ....................................................................................................... Mr. Scott Cole Vice President for Community Relations ........................................................................................ Ms. Helen Donegan Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services..................................................Dr. Maribeth Ehasz Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean, College of Medicine .........................................Dr. Deborah C. German Vice President for Alumni Relations and Development ......................................................... Mr. Robert J. Holmes, Jr. Vice President for University Relations ................................................................................. Dr. Daniel C. Holsenbeck Vice President for Administration and Finance ........................................................................ Mr. William F. Merck II Vice President and Chief of Staff ....................................................................................................... Dr. John F. Schell Vice President for Research and Commercialization ........................................................................... Dr. M. J. Soileau Vice Provost and Dean, College of Graduate Studies ................................................................... Dr. Patricia J. Bishop Dean, The Burnett Honors College................................................................................................... Dr. Alvin Y. Wang Dean, College of Medicine ........................................................................................................Dr. Deborah C. German College Top Honor Graduates Stephanie Lynn Adams, Molecular Biology and Microbiology Jacqueline Yolanda Boehme, Molecular Biology and Microbiology Tamra Leann Culp, Molecular Biology and Microbiology Alexander John Noll, Molecular Biology and Microbiology Dean, College of Sciences ................................................................................................................. Dr. Peter Panousis College Top Honor Graduates Amelia Brooke Carey, Psychology and Sociology Andrew Onami Derewiany, Political Science Krystal Danielle Gillette, Advertising/Public Relations Elise Hernandez, Psychology Margarita Macias Hernandez, Interpersonal/Organizational Communication Brandon Soon-Mang Lee, Political Science Michael John Napoleon, Biology Gina Anne Privitera, Anthropology Alumni Representative ........................................................................ Ms. Melissa Yopack, Classes of 2002 and 2004 President, Student Government Association...................................................................................... Mr. Mike Kilbride University Faculty Representative ................................................................................................ Dr. Christian Clausen Commencement Speaker Waymon Armstrong has more than 25 years of experience in engineering- and technology-related fields. He has directed computermodeling activities and large-scale crisis response teams. Armstrong is the founder and president of Engineering & Computer Simulations, an Orlando-based software development and solutions company that provides simulation and training products and services. Armstrong benefited from UCF’s Business Incubation Program, which helps emerging companies succeed and grow. President Obama and the U.S. Small Business Administration honored Armstrong in 2010 as the National Small Business Person of the Year. Armstrong serves on the Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce Board of Governors’ Modeling, Simulation, and Training Committee and on the Metro Orlando Military Affairs Advisory Committee. He also is the chairelect of Orlando, Inc. Mr. Waymon Armstrong ix University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 1 Candidates for Doctoral Degrees College of Education DAVID LAEMMLE ASCHER Education Major Advisor: Dr. Glenn W. Lambie TRACY S. HUTCHINSON Education Major Advisor: Dr. Mark Young TIMOTHY ALLEN BAIR Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. Kenneth T. Murray MONICA LEPPMA Education Major Advisor: Dr. Mark Young CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN BERNIER Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. Rosemarye Taylor ROLANDO JOSE MARQUEZ Education Major Advisor: Dr. Glenda Gunter JANET LEE BISOGNO Education Major Advisor: Dr. Bobby JeanPierre MICHAEL JASON MARTIN Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. Rosa Cintrón ROSEMARIE NANCY BRANCIFORTE Education Major Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan LUCILE HEALD OLDHAM Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. Barbara A. Murray MARSHA ANN BUR Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. William Bozeman BEVERLEY CHRISTMAS PRICE Education Major Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Kaplan JOHN DAVID CARR Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. William Bozeman ENRIQUE A. PUIG Education Major Advisor: Dr. Sandra L. Robinson KATHRYN BENTLEY DYER Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. Rosemarye Taylor KEVIN C. SNYDER Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. Tammy Boyd JENNIFER M. FOSTER Education Major Advisor: Dr. W. Bryce Hagedorn BECKY STRUTT SPADACCINI Educational Leadership Major Advisor: Dr. Barbara A. Murray TIPHANIE GONZALEZ Education Major Advisor: Dr. K. Dayle Jones AMY LYNN TROGAN Education Major Advisor: Dr. Debbie Hahs-Vaughn CHRISTINA JANETTE HARDIN Education Major Advisor: Dr. Michele Gill KAREN F. UHLE Education Major Advisor: Dr. Suzanne Martin J. STEPHAN HERNDON Education Major Advisor: Dr. Michele Gill KEVIN S. WATERS Education Major Advisor: Dr. William B. Russell III TAYLAR BROOKE HINKLE Education Major Advisor: Dr. Michele Gill 1 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 2 College of Engineering and Computer Science SULEIMAN ODEH ALSWEISS Electrical Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. W. Linwood Jones YIDONG LIU Electrical Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Jiann-Shiun S. Yuan FERAS AYOUB BATARSEH Computer Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Avenlino Gonzalez YI LUO Computer Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Ladislau Boloni JEANNE M. BOWIE Civil Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Essam Radwan EMMANUEL PEREZ Materials Science and Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Yongho Sohn DAVID BRYAN D’AMBROSIO Computer Science Major Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Stanley SHIRISH ANANTVAIBHAV PETHE Electrical Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Neelkanth G. Dhere YAELA HAVA DAHAN MARKS Modeling and Simulation Major Advisor: Dr. Michael Proctor NANCY V. SALDANHA Electrical Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Donald C. Malocha JOSEPH S. DEKEYREL Industrial Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Linda Malone IMRAN SALEEMI Computer Science Major Advisor: Dr. Mubarak Shah ASSAL E. HADDAD Environmental Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Debra Reinhart HANSEN ANDREW SCHWARTZ Computer Science Major Advisor: Dr. Fernando Gomez YAN HONG Materials Science and Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Ming Su PENGJU SHANG Computer Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Jun Wang BALAJI JAYARAJ Materials Science and Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Yongho Sohn CRAIG L. TIDWELL Modeling and Simulation Major Advisor: Dr. Charles Reilly CYNTHIA LYNN JOHNSON Computer Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Avelino Gonzalez PAUL D. VARCHOLIK Modeling and Simulation Major Advisor: Dr. Charles E. Hughes NIKOLAI YUREVICH KOZLOVSKI Electrical Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Arthur Weeks JUN XIA Civil Engineering Major Advisor: Dr. Kevin Mackie College of Health and Public Affairs MEGAN AHAMMER-MCCARTNEY Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Judi Schack-Dugre GREGORY JAMES AYSCUE Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Judi Schack-Dugre 2 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 3 JENNIFER L. BAKER Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Judi Schack-Dugre ROBERT JOSEPH HOFFMAN Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Judi Schack-Dugre JORDAN NICOLE BIRKHEAD Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Carey Rothschild TONY M. HUYNH Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. William Hanney TRAVIS DANIEL BOERSMA Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Judi Schack-Dugre NICHOLAS JAMES INOSENCIO Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Gerald Smith REIDLAND BREDY Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Judi Schack-Dugre NICOLA MARIE IVEY Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Patrick S. Pabian MATTHEW GORDON BURKHALTER Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Carey Rothschild MARLA LALOO Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Patrick S. Pabian KEVIN CHRISTOPHER CEZAT Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Judi Schack-Dugre KATELYN MARIE LAMB Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Gerald Smith JASON TYLER CIROLIA Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. William Hanney NATTHANI MEEMON Public Affairs Major Advisor: Dr.Thomas T.H. Wan KRISTEN M. CROSBY Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. William Hanney ALISON MICHELLE MORSE Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Gerald Smith BRAD F. CZASZYNSKI Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. William Hanney ERIKA M. NEUGIN Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Gerald Smith TINA LOUISE DELGADO Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. William Hanney SEUNG CHUN PAEK Public Affairs Major Advisor: Dr. Thomas T.H. Wan JULIE L. EDWARDS Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. William Hanney KYLE ALEX PIERSON Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Gerald Smith KATHERINE LEIGH FOWKE Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. William Hanney DAVID ALLEN RHINEHART Public Affairs Major Advisor: Dr. R. Cory Watkins PAUL EDWARD GLEASON Public Affairs Major Advisor: Dr. Lawrence Martin THOMAS DENNIS STATON Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Tucker JOHN DAVID HIRST Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Tucker JEAN NICOLE STOKES Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Tucker 3 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 4 JANNA OLEGOVNA SOUVOROVA Public Affairs Major Advisor: Dr. Lawrence Martin KRISTIN CAROL YOUNG Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Patrick Pabian LINDLEY ANN WESTERVELT Physical Therapy Major Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Tucker College of Medicine ANGEL ANTHONY ALVAREZ Biomedical Sciences Major Advisor: Dr. Kiminobu Sugaya JULIE ANNETTE MARTELLINI-MOORE Biomedical Sciences Major Advisor: Dr. Alexander Cole HEDVIKA DAVIS Biomedical Sciences Major Advisor: Dr. James J. Hickman MICHAEL P. TAYLOR Biomedical Sciences Major Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Teter SOUMYA JAGANATHAN Biomedical Sciences Major Advisor: Dr. James Turkson College of Nursing MYRA DYNEASE DOWNING-SHERMAN Nursing Practice Major Advisor: Dr. Diane Wink AMMA SEWAAH BONSU Nursing Major Advisor: Dr. Diane Wink DEBRA ANN HUNT Nursing Major Advisor: Dr. Karen Aroian KAREN LYNNE WRIGHT Nursing Major Advisor: Dr. Jacqueline Byers CLELIA BARBOZA LIMA Nursing Practice Major Advisor: Dr. Anne Norris College of Optics & Photonics MICHAEL HEMMER Optics Major Advisor: Dr. Martin Richardson IBRAHIM TUNA OZDUR Optics Major Advisor: Dr. Peter Delfyett CLARISSE MAZUIR Optics Major Advisor: Dr. Winston V. Schoenfeld BRIAN A. SLOVICK Optics Major Advisor: Dr. Glenn Boreman RICHARD TY OLMSTEAD Optics Major Advisor: Dr. Martin Richardson 4 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 5 College of Sciences LATICIA D. BOWENS Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Barbara Fritzsche MAHER A. QADDOURA Chemistry Major Advisor: Dr. Kevin D. Belfield CHRISTOPHER GORDON BROWN Physics Major Advisor: Dr. Martin Richardson Major Advisor: Dr. Helge Heinrich HAIMEI SHAO Mathematics Major Advisor: Dr. Jiongmin Yong TODD BLANTON SMITH Mathematics Major Advisor: Dr. Sudipto Roy Choudhury CLAUDIA DE MENDONÇA COSTA SYNEK LISTOPAD Conservation Biology Major Advisor: Dr. John Weishampel ELIZABETH ANNE SWART Sociology Major Advisor: Dr. Jana Jasinski SHRUBA GANGOPADHYAY Chemistry Major Advisor: Dr. Artem Masunov WENDI LYNN VAN BUSKIRK Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Clint Bowers MD. FIROZE H. HAQUE Physics Major Advisor: Dr. Enrique Del Barco XUHUA WANG Chemistry Major Advisor: Dr. Kevin D. Belfield DAN NATHAN MARONDE Physics Major Advisor: Dr. Costas Efthimiou MUZAFFER TONGUC OZTEK Chemistry Major Advisor: Dr. Michael D. Hampton 5 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 6 Candidates for Education Specialist ANDREA NICOLE AZORIN School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Gordon Taub TRAVIS S. PILCH Education Major Advisor: Dr. David Boote KATHRYN MARGARET BARRY School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Gordon Taub KIMBERLY ANN REESE Education Major Advisor: Dr. Stacy Van Horn JENNIFER LYNN BENSHOOF School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Gordon Taub SALLY K. SAMUEL Education Major Advisor: Dr. David Boote MONICA LYNN BOX School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Gordon Taub ANDREW JOSEPH STEWART SATKOWIAK School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Oliver Edwards ANTHONY SALVATORE CAPOVERDI School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Gordon Taub JESSE BENJAMIN STEIF School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Oliver Edwards MEGAN RAE MILLER School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Gordon Taub JENNIFER MARIE STENSON School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Oliver Edwards JESSICA LYNNE NOTT School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Oliver Edwards DAVID TICHENOR School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Oliver Edwards LISA MAGALY PEREZ School Psychology Major Advisor: Dr. Oliver Edwards Candidates for Master of Fine Arts JENNIFER MARIE ADAMS Theatre MOLLY J. BUSBY Theatre NARGGES SHAVERDI ALBEKORD Studio Art and the Computer ANDREW HUNTER CLATEMAN Theatre ALEXANDER JON BOWSER Film JILLIAN AMISTOSO-PEREZ DUDZIAK Studio Art and the Computer LUCY LYNN BRYSON Theatre MEGAN MAYO ENGSTROM Theatre 6 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 7 BRYAN TRENT FUCCI Theatre BEN D. RUPP Studio Art and the Computer BROOKE MICHELLE HANEY Theatre GARY A. SEYMOUR Studio Art and the Computer ASHLEY MICHELLE INGUANTA Creative Writing NATHAN S. SZEWCZYK Theatre JONATHAN E. KOSIK Creative Writing SAMUEL ELIOT TORRES Film DEBORAH STARR LEITCH Studio Art and the Computer GRACE LORRAINE TRIMBLE Theatre BRITTANY MEGAN METZ Studio Art and the Computer JULIAN DANIEL VALENCIA Creative Writing PATRICIA LOIS NUSS Studio Art and the Computer MATT MERLE WENGE Theatre ALEXANDER GREGORY POLLACK Creative Writing 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 23 Baccalaureate Honors and Recognition University Honors – The Burnett Honors College To graduate with University Honors, the student must complete 12 hours of Honors lower-division coursework, an Honors Symposium, and upper-division Honors course requirements in his or her college or major. Stephanie Adams Dominique Aulisio Jessica Auz Lauryn Beardsley Victor Becerra Heather Bierman Scott Biltek Rebecca Blanton Melissa Blette Kimberly Boberman Jacqueline Boehme Rachel Botsford Jack Bower Michael Breinlinger Vanessa Brewster Hillery Brooks Cara Brown Samantha Brown Alixandra Burks David Callies Michael Calvo Vincent Cannizzaro Leisha Cavallaro Sean Cavanagh-Voss Wyatt Champion Melissa Charif Linda Chen Ocean Cohen Thomas Collery Felicia Combs Kathleen Coulter Kaitlyn Crandall Patricia Cruz Rebecca Decesare Stephanie DeFreitas Rene Diaz Lauren Dickson Joseph Dimino Christine Doan Ashley Ewh Tracey Fancher Jomah Fangonilo Eric Farr Kelsey Fleeger Brandi Fliegelman Mary Foster Ana Franco Danielle Franks Melissa Franks Jamie Freeman Charles Gabel Stephanie Galo Jacqueline Garcia Michael Garcia David Gian-Cursio John Giblin Jennifer Gibson Jasper Gietkowski Krystal Gillette Kristene Graves Ashley Green Reanna Greene Martha Guttery Natalie Hair Meredith Head Elise Hernandez Jason Hochreiter Zachary Hollis Brandon Hopwood Adam Horton Jenessica Howard Kelly Iliff Ashley Jackson Joseph Kahl Devyn Kandle Alexander Kaplan Kevin Keen Josh Knorr Kristy Kormondy Melissa Kronenberger Carolyn Krueger Ryan Kwong John Laster Brandon Lee Stephanie Levitt Laura Lin Rebecca Lobasz Amanda Longman Anthony Lora Robert Lorch Amanda Lowell Garrett Lund Megan Macewen Zachary Manier Erin Mannion Caitlin Mantle 23 Blaire Martin Jeronimo Matos Alisha Mays Meghan McCaffrey Corey McCall Justin McConnell Scott Mercado Kumail Merchant Michelle Messina Brendan Monaghan Nerissa Moore Abigail Moreshead Zachary Morgan Justina Napoli Jennifer Nealy Kristen Neilson James New Steven Novik Stephen O’Neal Jennifer Ordonez Alicia Paradis Courtney Paulson Caroline Perkowski Catherine Perrault Matthew Philbrick Stephanie Philips Allison Phillips Wendy Piesco Sarah Powers Danielle Ptak Lauren Pugliese Megan Reid Jenna Richards Christine Rigby Hannah Rigel Jennifer Rionda Renae Rippere Brian Roberts Lindsay Romano Phillip Romanski Susanna Ruppert Patricia Samuels Nancy Sanfrancesco Charles Schall Stephen Schumacher Samantha Scovic Smit Shah Ramkrishna Sharma University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 24 Stephanie Sharrer Dara Shore Holly Simmons Emily Simpson Kyle Simpson Melissa Smith Tyler Smith Lisa Soros Michael Speiser Antony Stabile Robert Stewart Breena Stoner Ashley Stowe Elizabeth Stuebben Catherine Sullenberger Lauren Sullivan Jessica Thompson Lee Todd Laif Toland Carlyn Topkin Jonathan Torres Quoc-Thieu Tran Maura Turner Tony Urbisci Leah VanLear Demitria Vasilatis Nate Voois Stephanie Wade Megan Ward Justin Wasdin Justin Weinstein Joseph Whitacre William Wight Molly Wilhelm Christopher Will Jennifer Wolff Brittany Wycoff Matthew Yeager Mariam Zeini Stephani Zivkovic Honors in the Major David Ackerman Legal Studies Astrid Breuer International and Global Studies Andrew Derewiany Political Science Rachel Adams Philosophy Simon Caine Psychology Rene Diaz Aerospace Engineering Benjamin Aguda Philosophy Amelia Carey Sociology Kevin Dupree Humanities Sabikha Alam Molecular Biology and Microbiology Christian Christoefl International and Global Studies Christine Dykstra Environmental Engineering Roberto Claretti Mechanical Engineering Bryce Emley English Casey Cooper Political Science Karissa Eubanks English Kaitlyn Crandall Political Science Lauren Flaherty Nursing Ariel Dansky Political Science Marco Funk Political Science Hema Dass Legal Studies John Giblin Spanish Jivco Bojinov International and Global Studies Lee Davis Interpersonal/Organizational Communication Eric Goldstein Molecular Biology and Microbiology Andrew Bolender Political Science Heather Denmark Art Education Adam Scott Green Interdisciplinary Studies Cody Amato Nursing Caitlin Araldi Spanish Javiriyah Ashraf Accounting Jessica Auz English Melissa Blette Marketing 24 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 25 Reanna Greene Nursing Nicole Labriola Psychology Marlaine Monroig Psychology Leon Guerrero Mathematics Shahzia Lakhani Nursing James New Molecular Biology and Microbiology Michael Hale Political Science Krystal Lee Psychology Amanda Havill Psychology Zachary Lehner Finance Hunter Herskowitz Psychology Hayley Lemkin Theatre Studies Alexander Noll Molecular Biology and Microbiology Jessica Hewkin English Ramon Lopez Political Science Daniel Olson Health Sciences Chad Heyne Statistics Robert Lorch Molecular Biology and Microbiology Amanda Ortiz Nursing Christine Hippler Psychology Austin Hooper Political Science Amy Howard Nursing Kelly Iliff Elementary Education Lindsey Johannessen Elementary Education Pamela Kacerosky Anthropology Daniel Karpan Philosophy Saarah Kison Psychology Victor Knoe Art Nico Koop Finance Kristy Kormondy Physics James Kullberg Mechanical Engineering Amanda Lowell Psychology Emmanuel Malchiodi Humanities Camha Nguyen Molecular Biology and Microbiology Stephanie Parenti Political Science Timothy Paskowski Psychology Courtney Paulson Statistics Evan Malloy Legal Studies Jennifer Marvel History Corey McCall Computer Engineering Justin McConnell Legal Studies Gregory McDowall Political Science Michael Peffers Electrical Engineering Annie Pierre Psychology Christina Restrepo Science Education Laura Sanchez Political Science Smit Shah Psychology Joshua Mester Psychology Christopher Sharpe Psychology Henry Miller English Nicole Mills Elementary Education Shanine Mollentze Elementary Education Brendan Monaghan Psychology 25 Dara Shore Anthropology Marie Shultz Nursing Joshua Simpkin Sociology University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 26 Samantha Snyder Sociology Victoria Sweeney Psychology Juliana Velasco Political Science Brandon Sollins Psychology Michelle Tanner Event Management Deanna Velazquez English Language Arts Debra Stagman Psychology Candice Torres Political Science Nina Washington Elementary Education James Stevenson Economics Gabrielle Torres Psychology Tricia Windowmaker English-Creative Writing Catherine Sullenberger Molecular Biology and Microbiology Rebecca Vazquez Film Chantelle Yandow Religious Studies Angela Zimmerman Nursing LEAD Scholars Michelle Aippersbach Katherine Beatrice Allen Lauren Elizabeth Alonso Jessica Lynn Auz Angela Rose Bassolino Lindsay A. Beard Claudia C. Bernal Michelle Marie Bilyeu Keristen N. Black Melissa Bonnie Blette Eric William Boehm Audris Melita Bol Kristina A. Bradley Jessica A. Brill Dawn Elizabeth Brooks Alixandra Camilla Burks Raquel Alicia Caporella Lindsey Jeanne Cardillo Emily Leone Cassulo Rosemary Chacko Michael Anand Chandiramani Matthew Anthony Chesney Caitlin Faye Connolly Cameron R. Cote Chelsie Marie Cotten Kathleen Erin Coulter Courtney Cox Kaitlyn Crandall Allison Britney Crouch Rachel M. Davis Lauren Leigh Dickson Ryan Patrick Diguglielmo Christine Doan Samantha Kayla Dullard Keely Edgar Tyler Marcellas Egbert Robert William Enslen Grant E. Evans Jamie Elizabeth Farrell Emilie Cecile Finney Kevin Lee Firestone Rhianna Ione Garcia Christina Marie Gauthreaux John Paul Giblin Peter Theodor Gies Alyssa Shea Gonzalez Ariana Lynn Gonzalez-Greene Regina Francesca Gorman Reanna L. Greene Dianne Elizabeth Gross McKenzie Lee Gudzak Adrian Leigh Guinn Ashleigh Elizabeth Guinn Kevin L. Hall Marissa Michelle Hatcher Sarah Marie Helton Julia Vavrik Hernandez Jessica Ellen Hewkin Katherine Elizabeth Hosack Jazmine Marie Hudspeth Kelly Iliff Ryan Joseph Iocco Karen Michelle Johnson Joseph H. Kahl Huma Khan Michael Edward Kmietowicz, Jr. Kyle Russell Kodalen Molly Ann Kordsmeier Calvin Victor Kuenzel Kristin Annelise Lewis 26 Kellie R. Liess Laura A. Lin Anna Bradley Lozier Ashley Brooke Marrotte Randall Wainwright Marsden Kimberly Ann Matyjasik Courtney Leigh Maynard Meghan Kathleen McCaffrey Bridgette Arielle McMillan Edward Peter Melville Kumail Hasan Merchant Michelle Mae Messina Christie Morales Flores Derek Cleveland Mullins Joseph Dennis Myszkowski Jacqueline Marie Nelson Patricia Kathleen Neubert Tiffany Anne Patterson Caroline Deanna Perkowski Brian Min Phillips Wendy Lee Piesco Colten Russell Priesman Jennifer Lauren Rionda Casey Aime Roberts Mary Catherine Roberts Aaron Rosen Elizabeth Anne Rossi Josh Clay Sasser Brianne Elizabeth Schichtel Lana Michele Schillaci Jonathan Maxwell Schwartz Stewart Alexander Shebroe Athena Henares Smith Luke Andrew Smith Kali Jeanel Standorf University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 27 Jennifer Lauren Stover Michelle Suzanne Sullivan Kelli Lynn Sutton Ashley Nicole Tate Christina Claire Thomas Lee Michael Todd Vincent Mark Torina Candice Dolores Torres Kimberly Andrea Trimble Adam McQuillan Tulp Maura Danielle Turner Deanna Lynn Velazquez Charlotte Warren Joseph Lloyd Whitacre Marcus Le’Okey Williams II Matthew James Yeager Julia Marie York Christian Claire Young President’s Leadership Council Aaron Alva Melissa Blette Michael Chandiramani Andrea Cathlyn Ciotti Bianca Deslouches Rene Orlando Diaz IV Justin W. McConnell Shane Meckler Michelle M. Messina Joseph D. Myszkowski Michael A. Newman Marcus Elijah Sanderlin Kyle Schumacher Kyle Brent Simpson Jared Snyder Candice D. Torres Adam McQuillan Tulp Nicole Marie Valdes Marcus L. Williams II Order of Pegasus Keristen Black Melissa Blette Jacqueline Boehme Ashley Ewh Adam Giery Satyender Goel Kumail Merchant Michelle Messina Jasmine Rosa Stephen Kyle Schumacher Kyle Simpson Rachel Spangenberg Air Force ROTC Commission Daniel B. Beckett Maxwell A. Burns Dustyn B. Carroll Frederick G. Carter Margret A. Carter Nicholas M. Collazo Austin L. Davis Katrina C. Guerra Andre P. Jacobs Kyle R. Kodalen Austin P. Lieberman Brady C. Montuori Ashley M. Peterson Britain A. Reuscher Robert G. Rollins Christopher A. Roth Michael J. Sanacore Aurea R. Seefong Jason A. Ten Haken Joshua J. Tyler Nathaniel E. Voois Nicholas A. Votipka Kathryn L. Yates Army ROTC Commission Andrew Agnoli Stefanie Aiello Robert Barnhart Nicholas Basquill White Derek Brodt Lisa Cefalu Taylor Davis Delfin Fuentes Derrick Gessler Ariel Gunn Cassidy Harpster Derek Henry Russell Higgins Letha Johnston Sean Knight Anthony Natal Sherman Perez Jean Pijeau 27 Oliver Quang David Rey Seth Shook Peter Sulzona Glenn Thomas Patrick Ting William Traeger Victor Turchany University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 28 Baccalaureate Honors Baccalaureate Honors are conferred on those students who complete a minimum of 48 semester hours at UCF and attain an overall grade point average that falls in the top ten percent of all graduating students in the same college over the prior two-year period. Honors are distinguished as follows: *** summa cum laude—students in the top 2.5 percent ** magna cum laude—students in the top five percent but not in the top 2.5 percent * cum laude—students in the top ten percent but not in the top five percent The asterisk (*) appears as indicated above next to the name of each graduate who may qualify for Baccalaureate Honors. Because records for the final term are incomplete at the time the commencement program is printed and final term grades may affect relative rankings and overall GPA, indication in the program of graduation with Honors is presumptive rather than conclusive. Baccalaureate Honors list cutpoints are available at: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 76 The Commencement Ceremony and Academic Regalia The Academic Procession has descended from religious processions that came to include teaching faculties when universities were closely associated with the medieval church. The presence of a piper in American academic processionals has become popular in recent years. The pipers for UCF’s ceremonies are David Enzfelder and Reg Lyle. The procedure followed for the awarding of degrees is based on a practice developed at the University of Paris almost 800 years ago. In those days, the bishop of Paris, like every other bishop, was responsible for local educational curriculum and degree granting. His authority in these matters, however, soon came to be disputed by the teachers. They asserted that only they could be the proper judges of the qualifications of the students. This threatened impasse was resolved by a compromise under which the teacher, or masters, judged the merits of the students and then recommended them to the bishop for their degrees. Today’s ceremony includes a secularized version of that procedure. The chair of the Faculty Senate, as a representative of the faculty, certifies that the student candidates are qualified to receive their degrees. The president then authorizes the awarding of the degree. Academic heraldry in the form of academic dress reaches as far back as the earliest days of the oldest universities. Formal directives concerning the correct and proper wearing of academic regalia date back to the early 14th Century. In the United States, as a result of our English heritage, caps and gowns have been used since colonial times. As heraldic devices such as shields, coats of arms, and standards could identify a knight and his individual heritage, academic regalia can describe the academic origin and accomplishments of the wearer. Easily recognizable are holders of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. With the same glance, the trained eye may identify the university that conferred the degree as well as the individual’s field of learning. The shape and decorations of the gown are the keys to the highest degree earned by an individual. The gown for bachelor’s has long pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed only. The master’s gown has an oblong sleeve and is open at the wrist; the rear part of its oblong shape is square cut, and the front part has an arc cut away. The master’s gown may be worn open or closed. The doctor’s gown has bellshaped sleeves, may be worn open or closed, and may be most readily identified by its velvet facing down the front and by three velvet chevrons on each sleeve. It is the hood, however, which is the most important and distinctive feature of American academic pageantry. Chevrons enable those attending an academic function to distinguish at a glance the wearer’s academic heritage. The bachelor’s hood, seldom seen in American academic circles, is three feet long with a two-inch edging of velvet. The master’s hood is three and one-half feet long with a three-inch edging. The doctor’s hood is four feet long with a five-inch edging. The color of the hood’s velvet edging represents the field in which the wearer earned his or her degree. Although black may be used for any area, colors denoting selected fields of learning are as follows at UCF and American universities: all Ph.D.s are edged in dark blue, while professional doctorates such as the Ed.D. are edged in the color of professional discipline. The hoods used by American colleges and universities are lined with silk in the official academic colors of the institution that conferred the degree. UCF graduates, for example, will wear hoods with linings of black and gold. Generally, a school’s academic colors are identical to its athletic colors. The academic regalia you see before you today can be traced directly back to the beginnings of the oldest colleges and universities. In 1885, there occurred a widespread student movement in America to wear caps and gowns at commencement ceremonies. The graduating students seemed to feel a need for significant and dignified apparel for the occasion. By 1895, widespread adoption of a uniform code by 95 percent of colleges and universities in the country gave America its own distinct academic regalia. However, at any academic gathering, there usually appear regalia which cannot be fathomed by these guidelines. Some of these may be from foreign universities; others are from those American institutions that have preferred to remain with the European tradition of allowing each school to determine its own costume. The result is the academic regalia you see before you today. The colors of the master hoods are as follows: College of Arts and Humanities DISCIPLINE............................................................................................................................... COLOR OF DISCIPLINE English ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ White Film & Digital Media ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. White Foreign Languages ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... White History ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... White Interactive Entertainment .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... White Music ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Pink Religious Studies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Scarlet Red Studio Art & the Computer ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Brown Teaching English as Second Language ................................................................................................................................................................................. White Texts & Technology .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... White Theatre ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Brown 76 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 77 College of Business Administration DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Accounting ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Drab Business Administration ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................Drab Economics ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Copper Management ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Drab Management Information Systems ..................................................................................................................................................................................................Drab Sports Business Management ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................Drab Taxation .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Drab College of Education DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Education ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Light Blue College of Engineering and Computer Science DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Computer Science ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Science Gold Digital Forensics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Science Gold Engineering ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Orange College of Graduate Studies DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Interdisciplinary Studies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. White College of Health and Public Affairs DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Communication Sciences and Disorders .............................................................................................................................................................................. Sage Green Criminal Justice ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Science Gold Health Care Informatics ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Kelly Green Health Sciences .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Kelly Green Nonprofit Management .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Peacock Blue Physical Therapy ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Teal Public Administration ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Peacock Blue Social Work .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Citron College of Medicine DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Biomedical Sciences............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Science Gold Molecular Biology and Microbiology ............................................................................................................................................................................... Science Gold College of Nursing DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Nursing .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Apricot College of Optics and Photonics DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Optics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Aqua Rosen College of Hospitality Management DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Hospitality and Tourism Management ....................................................................................................................................................................................Pineapple College of Sciences DISCIPLINE ................................................................................................................................. COLOR OF DISCIPLINE Anthropology .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. White Biology ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Science Gold Chemistry............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Science Gold Communication .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Crimson Forensic Science ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Science Gold Mathematical Sciences ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Science Gold Physics ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Science Gold Political Science ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dark Blue Psychology ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Gold Sociology ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... White Statistical Computing .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Science Gold 77 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 78 College Gonfalons The gonfalon originated in the medieval state of Italy as an ensign of the state of office. The UCF gonfalons designate the university seal, the various colleges, and the core values of The UCF Creed. The colors of the university, black and gold, are joined together in a UCF star common to all colleges. The University Mace During the Middle Ages, the mace was an effective weapon in battle, but as newer and more powerful military arms developed, it was transformed into a symbol of authority. The earliest ceremonial maces were borne by bodyguards of 12th Century English and French kings. By the end of the 16th Century, they were used widely by officials of English cities and towns. Today, the ceremonial mace is found in the British Houses of Parliament and is frequently carried in ecclesiastical processions and in university convocations and commencement ceremonies. The mace incorporates two symbols identified with the University of Central Florida. The top is cast in the shape of the star found over the Pegasus in the UCF emblem. Inside the star is a reproduction of the “Flame of Hope” sculpture near the UCF library. The mace is cast in bronze with three bronze UCF emblems inlaid at the crest of the rosewood staff. The center of the staff is engraved with the names of the presidents of UCF. The creation of UCF’s mace was a collective effort by UCF art professor Jagdish Chavda, sculptor David Cambia, and wood craftsman David Conway. The Presidential Medallion The gold medallion worn by the university president at formal and ceremonial occasions marks the president as a distinguished scholar and administrator, the highest officer of the university, who strives to uphold the twin tenets established by its founders – Accent on the Individual and Accent on Excellence. The medallion is embossed with the university seal showing the mythical Pegasus ascending toward a single heavenly star and the motto, Reach for the Stars. The seal serves as a visible reminder to each member of the university community to strive to reach individual goals. The president has been entrusted to maintain and develop an atmosphere in which these creeds can be realized. The presidential position represented by the medallion epitomizes the foundations and aspirations of the university that the president has pledged to uphold. As the only university official who can formally award a degree, the president recognizes the graduates for meeting the standards of excellence set by the university and for reaching the point from which new ventures begin. From the presentation of the first medallion in 1968 to charter-president Charles Millican to the one worn today, the Presidential Medallion has remained a symbol of academic leadership and the legacy of those pioneers who launched a unique experiment in higher education. 78 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 79 Degrees Conferred B.A. B.A.B.A. B.A.S. B.F.A. B.M. B.M.E. B.S. B.S.As.E. B.S.B.A. B.S.C.E. B.S.Cp.E. B.S.ConE B.S.E.E. B.S.E.E.T. B.S.E.T. B.S.Env.E. B.S.I.E. B.S.M.E. B.S.N. B.S.W. D.N.P. D.P.T. Ed.D. Ed.S. M.A. Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Music Education Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Bachelor of Science in Nursing Bachelor of Social Work Doctor of Nursing Practice Doctor of Physical Therapy Doctor of Education Education Specialist Master of Arts M.A.A.E. M.A.T. M.P.A. M.B.A. M.Ed. M. F. A. M.N.M. M.S. M.S.A. M.S.A.E. M.S.B.M. M.S.C.E. M.S.Cp.E. M.S.E.E. M.S.Env.E. M.S.I.E. M.S.M. M.S.M.E. M.S.M.S.E. M.S.N. M.S.R.E. M.S.T. M.S.W. Ph.D. Master of Arts in Applied Economics Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Public Administration Master of Business Administration Master of Education Master of Fine Arts Master of Nonprofit Management Master of Science Master of Science in Accounting Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering Master of Sports Business Management Master of Science in Civil Engineering Master of Science in Computer Engineering Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Master of Science in Management Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Master of Science in Material Science and Engineering Master of Science in Nursing Master of Science in Real Estate Master of Science in Taxation Master of Social Work Doctor of Philosophy Diploma Distribution Information Approximately 6-10 weeks after commencement, all baccalaureate, education specialists, and master’s degree diplomas will be mailed to the address indicated on the student’s Intent to Graduate form. Undergraduate students should contact the Registrar’s Office, and master’s students should contact the College of Graduate Studies to update their diploma mailing addresses. For additional information, undergraduate students should call the Registrar’s Office at 407-823-3100. Graduate students should contact the College of Graduate Studies at 407-823-4132. Congratulations, graduates! 79 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 50 The UCF ALMA MATER All hail to Alma Mater whose banner black and gold, will wave in fame and splendor as the passing years unfold. May loyalty and friendship, within our hearts unite, and light the star to guide us ever upward in our flight. With honor and affection our friendship will renew, we sing of thee our Alma Mater ever true. 80 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 56 81 University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 56 NOTES University of Central Florida Commencement ♦ May 6 & 7, 2011 56 NOTES Gonfalons Symbolize the Spirit of the University of Central Florida THE UCF CREED College of Arts and Humanities College of Nursing The senses of sight, sound, and sensation are transformed by spirit and creativity into meaningful diverse forms of expression in the College of Arts and Humanities. The spirit of the College of Nursing is conveyed by images that symbolize caring, knowledge, and leadership. College of Business Administration College of Optics and Photonics Familiar symbols elicit world marketplace nance for the College of Business Administration with its innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, and nationally recognized programs. The striking multifaceted relief captures the spirit of the Age of Light and epitomizes the science and technology of the College of Optics and Photonics uence in the 21st Century. College of Education College of Sciences nitive symbol of education and knowledge for centuries. And for the College of Education, a galaxy of encircling stars serves as a shining example of diverse opportunities for learning. As one of the largest colleges at UCF, the College of Sciences’ programs range from the behavioral, biological, computational, and physical to the communicative, political, and social sciences. INTEGRITY, SCHOLARSHIP, COMMUNITY, CREATIVITY, AND EXCELLENCE ARE THE CORE VALUES THAT GUIDE OUR CONDUCT, PERFORMANCE, AND DECISIONS. INTEGRITY I WILL PRACTICE AND DEFEND ACADEMIC AND PERSONAL HONESTY. SCHOLARSHIP I WILL CHERISH AND HONOR LEARNING AS A FUNDAMENTAL PURPOSE OF MY MEMBERSHIP IN THE UCF COMMUNITY. ce of Undergraduate Studies College of Engineering and Computer Science The Space Transportation System (STS) symbolizes c feats ever achieved and epitomizes the spirit of the College of Engineering and Computer Science. ce of Undergraduate Studies provides the foundation, vision, and leadership necessary for students to reach their academic potential and to prepare for the steps, challenges, and rewards of lifelong learning. COMMUNITY I WILL PROMOTE AN OPEN AND SUPPORTIVE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT BY RESPECTING THE RIGHTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL. College of Graduate Studies Leadership, research, and service empower graduate students in the division’s quality learning environment. The doctoral cap, hood, and gown epitomize the highest achievement for the College of Graduate Studies. CREATIVITY I WILL USE MY TALENTS TO ENRICH THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE. EXCELLENCE I WILL STRIVE TOWARD THE HIGHEST airs Rosen College of Hospitality Management The central fountain, framed by Mediterranean arches, has come to symbolize the Rosen College of Hospitality Management’s state-of-the-art campus and its standard of excellence for the industry. The Burnett Honors College Academic programs in the College of Health and airs are bound together by a shared sense of purpose—to serve communities and contribute knowledge that improves the quality of life of citizens. ame symbolizes The Burnett Honors College’s mission to foster honor and passion for lifelong learning. College of Medicine The UCF Creed The Rod of Aesculapius, serpent entwined around , is an ancient Greek symbol associated with healing the sick. The rod topped by the UCF Flame of Hope is spiraled with the DNA’s double helix to form the symbol for the College of Medicine. Integrity, scholarship, community, creativity, and excellence are the core values that guide the university’s conduct, performance, and decisions. STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE IN ANY ENDEAVOR I UNDERTAKE. COMMENCEMENT UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA May 6-7, 2011 UCF Arena Orlando, Florida This Commencement Program will be available at for download as a PDF beginning Monday, May 9, 2011.
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