McAlester`s Oldest Tradition Set For August 17
McAlester`s Oldest Tradition Set For August 17
CHAMBER MATTERS Vol. 2 No. 6 McAlester Area Chamber of Commerce June 2007 McAlester’s Oldest Tradition Set For August 17 - 18 The stage is set for another exciting event in McAlester! August 17 - 18 marks the 67th Annual Oklahoma State Prison Rodeo. This year’s event is building on the great success of last year’s changes. The most notable change from past Prison Rodeos is the date change. Last year the rodeo was taken off Labor Day weekend and moved up two weeks. “Our attendance grew from years past due to some of the changes that were made,” said Helen Wheeler, Executive Director of the McAlester Chamber. “The date change gave McAlester another economically beneficial weekend and it gave people the ability to take part in other events and activities in the area during the holiday weekend. Another noticeable change that was made in 2006 was the inclusion of female inmates in the competition. The women have proven to be another big drawing card for the event. The women inmates compete in the same rough stock events as their male counterparts. “The women worked hard last year to be taken seriously,” said Rodeo Chairman, Connie Guidry. “Their drive and determination has definitely shown through with their performances. We look to them to really give the men a run for their money this year!” Both the male and female inmates will be competing Bull Riding, Bronc Riding, as well as the famous Bull Poker, Money the Hard Way, and other timeless prison rodeo events. The International Professional Rodeo Association will continue to sanction this event for the timed events. Card carrying members from all over the country as well as local cowboys will compete in Steer Wrestling,Team Roping, Calf Roping and Barrel Racing. Sponsorships are also available for the Prison Rodeo. Companies can sponsor boxes, chute gates, arena banners, and the prized belt buckles. Companies interested in participating in the Prison Rodeo can contact The Chamber at 423-2550. The Choctaw Casino is the presenting sponsor of the 2007 Prison Rodeo. The Choctaw Casino will be bringing in national recording artists to kick off the rodeo each night by singing the National Anthem. “This is a great tourist event not only for the city of McAlester but also for Southeast Oklahoma,” Guidry states. “McAlester has the opportunity to show off the growing economy in this area. So many people are visiting and moving to the area, this event SEE RODEO I PAGE 2 2 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 President’s Corner 2007 Chamber Leadership Executive Committee Dr. Steve Smith President Eastern Oklahoma State College Ann Owens - Vice President MRHC Foundation Mike Kern - Treasurer Kern Shores & Co. Evans McBride Immediate Past President First National Bank & Trust Co. Board of Directors Edward Gray - Old Town Antique Mall Kevin Priddle - The Bank N.A. Pam Bundy - Bundo Rentals Mary Shannon McAlester Public Schools Kenny Edwards AmericInn Lodge & Suites The state of Oklahoma is nearing its centennial celebration and McAlester wants to do their part in this historic event. The McAlester Centennial Commission is a group of RODEO CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 gives them a little taste of “rodeo country”. It is a tradition that continues to be good family entertainment and something that everyone should experience. “ community leaders who have been frequently meeting to put together a week full of events that will not only celebrate 100 years of statehood, but celebrate various aspects of our city. Events such as the Old Town Festival, Heritage Day, the recognition of local businesses that are 100 years old or older, and a unique event called a cemetery tour are just some of the happenings that are being discussed. The cemetery tour is in conjunction with a theater group that will research individuals in local cemeteries, dress in period clothing, and act out the person(s) that were researched.This sounds interesting as well as fun and educational. The centennial commission was the idea of Eddie Gray and Pam Bundy and will be held October 1 through October 7. Joe Ann Vermillion is the chairperson of the committee and she is doing an excellent job in leading the group. The week long celebration will be promot- ed throughout the area and should draw a large number of patrons to McAlester. If you would like to get involved in the planning or want to participate with an event, please call the Chamber office and help McAlester celebrate our great community and state. Rodeo performances begin at 8:00 pm nightly with the gates opening at 6:00 pm. Tickets go on sale June 20 at 8:30 am at The Chamber. Ticket prices begin at $8 for General Admission, $12 for Reserved seating and $17 for Box Seats. Tickets can be purchased at the Chamber office - 345 E. Adams, online at, or by calling the Chamber directly at 1-800-879-2550. off your hat and shine those boots! CHANEY'S FUNERAL HOME; 2c; 5"; Black Only; 04571459; CHAMBER Steve Smith 2007 Chamber President So make plans to attend the 67th Annual Prison Rodeo. Oh and don’t forget to dust KIAMICHI TECHNOLOGY; 2c; 5"; Black Only; 04571239; When You’re Serious About Your Career… CHAMBER Kiamichi Technology Center Means Business. Instructors with business and industry experience teach the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for successful careers. Students enter the workforce ready to compete for high skill wage jobs. If you are ready for your first career, or a career change – contact Kiamichi Technology Center. Dawn Green - BancFirst Ross Eaton - State Farm Insurance Gayla Major - Arvest Bank Lyn Roberts - Defense Ammunition Center Melinda Nix - Nix Auto Center JoeAnn Vermillion Staff Helen Wheeler Executive Director Connie Matthews Membership Services Annette Harwell Information Specialist Stephen Harkins, Funeral Director/Owner, Ruth Harkins, Apprentice, Owner Racer Harkins, Son; Cade Harkins, Son; Olivia Harkins, Daughter The care our family can offer simply knows no bounds. In a family’s time of greatest need, we will always try to give concern and guidance. We personally have helped many families cope with their loss. Kiamichi Technology Center: • Serving High School and Adult Students • All-Day, HalfDay, or Evening Classes • Fourteen Day-Time Programs • Financial Aide Available • On-Site Child Development Center • Business & Industry Training and Assistance The sincere commitment to service is shared by every member of our family and staff. Our funeral home provides for every detail … from pre-need funeral planning to care after the service. We invite you to learn more about us and stop in for a personal tour. What you will find is care and concern that go far beyond the expected … just when you need it the most. 528 S. 3rd Street, McAlester 423-5353 Stephen Harkins, Licensee-in-Charge 301 Kiamichi Drive • McAlester, OK 74501 918 426-0940 • 888 567-6630 (toll free) 3 CHAMBER MATTERS || JUNE 17,, 2007 ATTENTION ALL FOOD VENDORS! The Downtown Merchants are currently looking for food vendors interested in participating in the Rodeo Stampede Downtown Celebration, Saturday, August 18th. For more information contact Sheri Magdelena at 420-5595. You don’t want to miss out on the thousands of people downtown that day! Top 10 Advertising Mistakes The goal of advertising is to cost-effectively reach a large audience and attract customers. Watch out for the following mistakes: 1. Not going after target audience. An ad campaign should be geared to your niche market. Do not create generic ads that do not speak the language or grab the attention of your potential customers. 2. Not accentuating competitive advantage. What gives you the edge? Too many ads are clever, but do not sell the benefits of the product or service. 6. Letting budget run advertising campaign. Budget based on seasonal advertising needs. 7. Diversification. Do not put all of your eggs in one basket. Spread advertising dollars around. 8. Trying to be everything. No product or service will appeal to everyone. Find your market and be everything you can be for that audience. 9. Not testing your ads in advance. Test ads on other people to see if they get the message that you are trying to convey. 10. Monitoring ads. Take time to ask new customers or clients where they heard about you to learn which ads are generating business. Source: BISHOP FUNERAL SERVICE; 2c; 2"; Black Only; 04571461; McAlester CHAMBER 110 S. 3rd 3. Not establishing an image. There are plenty of products you recognize from the packaging or logo. Image counts when it comes to ads and promoting your business. Build a consistent image. 4. Being too thrifty. Typically advertising is not the place to cut corners. 5. Advertising in the wrong place(s). Know what customers read, watch and listen to and advertise in media that reaches your target market. I C E H T E HOOS ER B M A CH “I believe that our McAlester Area Chamber of Commerce is a great organization and a good investment. Membership in the Chamber offers the opportunity for one to benefit in a number of ways, i.e. networking with other members, email communication and Legislative Voice for Businesses. I have enjoyed the benefits of belonging to the Chamber for more than fifty years, it has worked for me and it will work for you.” Bill McMahan McMahan Appraisal Service 426-4666 BETHUNE AIR; 2c; 2"; Black Only; 04571428; CHAMBER Authorized American Standard Dealer 426-4244 BETHUNE AIR Hartshorne Heating & Air Conditioning 918-916-1234 801 Penn 297-2346 EASTERN OKLAHOMA STATE COLLEGE; 2c; 2"; Black Only; 04571233; CHAMBER Wilburton Campus 1301 N. Main, Wilburton, OK 74578 ! RED HORSE TIRE; 2c; 2"; Black Only; 04571457; CHAMBER RED HORSE TIRE 426-0526 110 S. 6TH • McAlester TOLL FREE 1-888-567-TIRE (8473) 4 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 “McAlester Pride” - Business Spotlight of the Month Taco Bob’s Fiesta Grille The Chamber’s Business Services Committee and the McAlester Ambassador Club are proud to announce the creation of a new monthly recognition for one of the Chamber’s business members. This recognition will be called the “McAlester Pride” Business Spotlight of the Month and will be for a business that has demonstrated excellence and exhibited dedication to making our community a better place to live. This month’s recognition goes to Taco Bob’s Fiesta Grille and its owners Bob & Glenda Woolman. Taco Bob’s is located at 307 S. Main in McAlester. According to Woolman, it was opportunity - the opportunity of purchasing the Taco Hut in Tandy Town Shopping Center that brought him to McAlester in 1974. That opportunity has resulted in 33 years as a restaurant owner in McAlester, having owned several restaurants and other businesses over the years. In 1984, he opened Taco Pronto at the South Main location where he’s presently located. That business had about 2400 square feet and about 10 employees. Over the last couple of years, Woolman has expanded and remodeled his business to include the entire EASTERN OK STATE COLLEGE-MCALE; 2c; 2"; Black Only; 04571235; CHAMBER YATES PEST CONTROL; 2c; 2"; Black Only; 04571421; CHAMBER Yates Pest Control L.L.C. Pest Control Lic. C1974 Residential, Commercial, Termite, Weed Control, building. Along with the General Pestcame Control. expansion the name – to Taco Bob’s Fiesta HOMEchange INSPECTIONS Grill. When totally finished, The Campus for Working Adults 1802 E. College Avenue • McAlester Campus 918-426-5272 • Lic. 471 th 100 the S. 7 , McAlester expanded business will 423-5178 occupation of over 10,000 square feet. He currently has 25 employees. Over the years, customers came to know Woolman as he took their order and made sure that they were seated as quickly as possible. He was always personable and friendly as he greeted each customer, often by name. Soon customers began to refer to Woolman as “Taco Bob” and referred to the business as “Taco Bob’s”.The name stuck and even though the name of the business is Taco Bob’s Fiesta Grille, most customers refer to it simply as “Taco Bob’s”. During the remodeling, customers have marveled over what’s new and different since their last visit. Virtually all of the remodeling has been done during off and slow hours. The expansion and remodel has resulted in a beautiful restaurant both inside and out. Another change at “Taco Bob’s” is that Bob no longer takes your order. He now seats you or sees that you are seated and then takes your payment as you leave the restaurant. Friendly wait-persons now take your order and continue to provide the great meal experience that’s always been the case at Taco Bob’s. The McAlester Chamber is proud to recognize this month’s “McAlester Pride” Business Spotlight of the Month – Taco Bob’s Fiesta Grille, known for their quality, atmosphere, and service. We encourage you to go by and say hello to “Taco Bob”. 5 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 Remember to Notify Us!!! Have you moved? Has your business changed in some way? Do you have an event that you would like to promote? Call our office and we will make the necessary changes. If it is an event we will post it on our website! To visit the Community Event Calendar log onto! ROSS EATON; 2c; 2"; Black Only; 04571455; CHAMBER Business Casual Tips for Summer Before you go shopping for your summer work wardrobe, consult your company’s dress code. You may have a formal policy on whether seasonal pieces like sandals and T-shirts are acceptable. General Guidelines Spring and summer clothing are defined by bright, cheery colors. Add some of this color to your work wardrobe. Don’t go overboard. White and lacy clothing are popular, but if you choose to wear these fabrics, also make sure you’re wearing appropriate undergarments.A little overexposure can go a long way in souring your credibility. Keep a cardigan or blazer at your desk, to provide a quick cover-up if you get called in for an important meeting. Check with your employer before wearing: Sandals and open toed shoes – if toes are exposed, keep feet clean. Capri pants and gauchos – Pair them with dressy, professional heels. Polos & T-shirts – Stick to conservative, basic styles. Trendy jewelry – Big earrings, necklaces and belts are popular, but use discretion when wearing them to work. Avoid accessories that can become distracting to others. Remember to avoid clothing that is sheer, sloppy or revealing, such as : denim shorts; short skirts; halter, strapless or tank tops; flipflops; workout attire; beachwear; midriff-bearing clothing; concert T-shirts or those with offensive slogans. The Bottom line: Enjoy the season, but when it comes to office wear, always err on the side of conservative. Source: Rosemary Haefner,Vice President of Human Resources for New Members OKLAHOMA HEALTHCARE; 2c; 5"; Black Only; 04571237; CHAMBER THANK YOU for being our Volunteer Dr. Chris Manschreck Medical Director 270 Sheet Metal Chad Barlow 5060 East Hwy 270 420-5580 Bethune Air Randy Bethune Route 6, Box 166 916-1234 Chique Massage & Salon Christie Phillips 207 E. Chickasaw 429-0137 Efficiency Air Tom Pope 2315 S. Main 426-6371 Impress Hi & Ginger Impson 215 N. 1st 423-8822 Lightning C Arena Jay & Jyme Beth Cochran 8 miles East on Hwy 270 918-297-0101 MuCullar Motor Sports Keith McCullar 900 N. Main 429-0887 Rio Verde Mexican Restaurant Ricardo Aguinaga 319 E.Wyandotte 423-7333 Sadler Refrigeration 5060 East Hwy 270 423-8759 Star Wireless Stacie Starr 222 E. Choctaw 302-0064 Starbucks Coffee Co. Josh Williams 427 S. George Nigh Expwy, Suite 433 Tumble In Mikhy Smith 1712 E. Carl Albert Pkwy. 918-682-1581 United Packaging & Shipping Vickie Cherry 125 S. Main 423-3839 Whispering Meadows Vineyard & Winery Bob & Karen Stobaugh 34 E. Choctaw 470-9927 6 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 McAlester Ambassador Club Sonic Drive-In of McAlester 1040 South Main 426-0920 The McAlester Ambassador Club was on hand at the Sonic Drive-In on South Main celebrated the completion of their recent renovation. Mike Price proudly served breakfast to Sonic executives Marcellus Jones, Robert & Mary Barnes, Ron Graves and Shelley Brungardt. Be sure to make Sonic Drive-In a summer time tradition for breakfast, lunch, dinner or late night ice cream. Call-in orders are always welcome. 918-426-0920. Lightning C Arena 8 miles east of McAlester on Hwy 270 918-297-0101 Lightning C Arena offers a full range of activities and opportunities. Jay and Jyme Beth Cochrane own and operate the 67,275 sq.ft. facility just outside of McAlester. Events and activities include rodeos, barrel races, team roping, calf roping, riding lessons, horse camp, bullriding, indoor motorcross, horse shows, auctions, private parties, concerts. Call 918-2970101 with your questions. 918-297-0101 Sprocket Wireless 1714 E. Carl Alberty Parkway (inside Tandy Town) 426-7735 Sprocket Wireless, known to McAlester residents as their "In-town, anytime, anyplace phone" has become a local company that goes a long way. Sprocket Wireless excels in the latest technological advances as well as their marketing and advertising. For information on available service plans, calling features and the latest phones and accessories, visit online at or stop by the McAlester store in Tandy Town. 7 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 Ribbon Cuttings & Goodwill Visits Hello McAlester. I hope your summer is off to a good start. This last month we attended 5 ribbon cuttings. Our ambassador‘s have a lot of ribbon cuttings and good will visits to attend this summer. Being a chamber member and an ambassador is a lot of fun and gives you a lot of gratification. By becoming a member, you are able to help your community and be a part of all of its new beginnings and growth. do for your chamber. I assure you will get a lot more out of it by having this view. I know personally I really enjoy being a chamber member. I am so excited about what all is going Rather than asking what can on here in McAlester. your chamber do for you, ask your self what you can There is so much happening here in our community. If and school is out watch out you are not involved with for our children. See you the chamber you are miss- around town! ing out on so much. I hope that you will come and join Connie Davis - Counts us either by being a chamSecretary/ Treasurer ber member or an ambassaThe McAlester dor. Ambassador Club Remember summer is here Qualified Workplace Solutions 515 S. 3rd. 918-916-2526 Chuck and Jeannette Mackey, owners of Qualified Workplace Solutions are experienced and the ones to call for safe, timely and economical drug & alcohol screenig. Available 24 hours a day Qualified Workplace Solutions will conduct breath alcohol testing, hair testing, and perform court mandated testing. Individuals as well as companies utilize the services offered by Qualified Workplace Solutions. Also, they will do jobsite analysis for ADA compliance. Call Chuck or Jeannette at 918-916-6526. United Packaging & Supply 125 S. Main 423-3839 United Packaging and Shipping located at the corner of Main & Cherokee is still enjoying serving McAlester after 21 years. This family owned business caters to each client as one of their own. They offer UPS, FedEx and DHL services, gift wrapping and gift cards as well as individual mail box rental. They also have a notary available. Call 918-423-3839 for your shipping questions. 8 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 Chief Gregory E. Pyle Assistant Chief Gary Batton Councilman Bob Pate 9 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 Tips for Growing Your Business Chamber Dates June July Monday, June 18 Ribbon Cutting for Miller Family Dental 11:30a @ 201 S. 3rd Tuesday, July 3 Executive Cmte. Meeting 3:30p @ The Chamber Thursday, June 20 Prison Rodeo Tickets Go On Sale at 8:30a! Ribbon Cutting for Devon Energy 11:30a @ 200 W. Hwy 270 Thursday, June 28 Ribbon Cutting for Whispering Meadows Vineyards & Winery 4:00p @ 34 E. Choctaw Friday, June 29 Ribbon Cutting for Star Wireless 11:30a @ 222 E. Choctaw Tuesday, July 10 Business Services Cmte. 10:30a @ The Chamber Wednesday, July 11 Board of Directors Meeting 3:00p @ EOSC - McAlester Thursday, July 12 Ambassador Club Noon @ TBD Ribbon Cutting for Starbucks 4:00p @ 427 S. George Nigh Friday, July 13 Ribbon Cutting for Impress Printing 4:00p @215 N. 1st * Boost your marketing and advertising results by using personalization. This is easy to do when communicating directly to one person by email, postal mail or telephone – just use their name. But what about people seeing your ads, listening to your radio commercials or visiting your website? You can effectively personalize to groups by referring to known characteristics in the target market. For example, use phrases such as: “When you started your business… “ for business owners;“Your favorite NFL team…” for sports fans; and “Every mother knows…” for women with children. Group-oriented personalization isn’t as effective as OKLAHOMA HEALTHCARE; 5c; 5.5"; Black Only; 04571434; CHAMBER Back row left to right: Lisa Browne, Administrator; Angela Watkins, Office Manager; Debbie Fassino, RN; Rozella Tadlock, CHHA; Kristin Cook, CQI/LPN; Elizabeth Caldwell, CHHA; Jennifer Draper, LPN; Cathy Compton, CQI/LPN; Bottom left: Sandy Dingman, RN; Sylvia Thompson, Medicare Biller; Hoetta Smith, CHHA; Treva Hall, HR Clerk. Not pictured: Ann Benge, CHHA; Ruth McKaughan, CHHA; Carrie Monroe, CHHA. tomers are on hold, instead of playing recorded music, play a recording of your best customers voicing the benefits of doing business * Here’s a unique way with your company. to use customer testimonials. When call-in cususing a person’s name, but it still attracts attention because the prospects can react with, “that’s me.” Janell’s House of Beauty JANELL'S; 2c; 3"; Black Only; 04571356; CHAMBER Full Service Family Salon Featuring a full line of Mineral Make-Up SHAKLEE VITAMINS AND MEAL REPLACEMENT Rid toxins from your body! Experience the Ion Cleanse Body Detox. GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Janells House of Beauty also features a broad selection of red hats 214 S. Main • 426-5505 We know how difficult it is to devote the proper care to your loved ones who may need special care following an accident or illness. Home is the most desirable and effective place for recuperation. Let Oklahoma Healthcare Solutions bring its quality care right to your door, where and when you need it most. Oklahoma Healthcare Solutions values quality of service above all else. Our commitment to you is visible through the quality of training and care provided by our Registered Nurses, Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists, Medical Social Workers, Licensed Practical Nurses and Certified Home Health Aides. Each staff member is eager to provide the best possible home health services. We now offer Anodyne Therapy to assist our clients, who have been referred by their physician for this service. Let Oklahoma Healthcare Solutions be your solution for home health care, by calling 1-877-469-1000 for the location nearest you. OKLAHOMA HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS 1-800-285-8091 315 E. WYANDOTTE • McALESTER 10 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 Thank you to the businesses who have reinvested in the McAlester Chamber this month! A-1 Ministorage Allied Appraisal Group Art’s Custom Picture Framing Best Value & Suites of Savanna Best Western Inn of McAlester Connie J. Davis Insurance EASTOK, Inc. Fenton Nissan First National Bank Green Country Electric & Pool Home & Investment Properties Real Estate Home Xpressions Unlimited Jim’s Tire & Brake, Inc. Jimmy J.Williams & Co., PC John’s Flowers & Gifts Klean-R-Us Land Arkoma Company, Inc. Lovera’s Italian Grocery Marilynn’s Boutique McAlester Super Liner Plus Dr. Jon M. McCauley, M.D. McMahan Appraisal Service Miller Brother’s Enterprises Mitchell Manor Motor Inn Painter Scaped Landscaping Qualified Workplace Solutions Riddel’s Skin Care Center Save Our Water, Inc. Southeastern Psychiatric Services T.S. Phillips Investments Inc. Taco Bell Van Buren House Vicars Furniture Weddle Signs Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Wilson Transfer 11 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007 They have moved! Take note the following chamber members have recently moved locations: BizTel has moved to 906 E. Wyandotte Digital Technology Solutions has moved to 525 E. Choctaw Life Church has moved to 1300 S. George Nigh GRANDS $ 24 00 CARTON Membership Benefit Spotlight: Communication Honest open COMMUNICATION within a business community is beneficial to all involved. As a Chamber member you have a variety of COMMUNICATION avenues. 1. Chamber Minute on the Radio COMMUNICATES to the listening area who you are and what you do. 2. COMMUNICATING with your peers at Chamber events can go a long way toward the success of your business. 3. At the McAlester Area Chamber of Commerce we feel COMMUNICATION is a two-way street. Therefore, we utilize email, fax, media and mailings when necessary to keep Chamber members informed. 24 HOUR PAY-AT-PUMP AND CAR WASH! CARNIVAL $ 25 00 CARTON MARLBORO $ 35 50 CARTON QUIK MART 1400 E. Carl Albert • 423-9048 12 CHAMBER MATTERS | JUNE 17, 2007
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