Experts Guide - asdsa - American Society for Dermatologic Surgery


Experts Guide - asdsa - American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
acne scars
age spots
aging skin
crow’s feet
droopy eyelids
excessive sweating
facial redness
frown lines
sagging skin
Experts Guide
2014-15 ASDS
S k i n health and beaut y:
A directory to those in the know
skin cancer
skin growths/lesions
spider and varicose veins
stretch marks
sun-damaged skin
unwanted hair
News of note
he American Society for Dermatologic Surgery reports on consumer trends in medically necessary
and cosmetic procedures through two national surveys each year.
The ASDS Survey on Dermatologic Procedures presents the total number of treatments
performed by Society members in a variety of categories. The annual survey continues to reveal
trends in the subspecialty including:
• The worrisome increase in the number of skin cancer procedures continues.
• Fat-freezing and laserlipolysis for body sculpting are growing in popularity.
• A growing number of people are having tattoos removed.
• More men are getting injectable treatments.
Watch for the 2014 ASDS Survey on Dermatologic Procedures in February 2015.
The ASDS Consumer Survey on Cosmetic Dermatologic Procedures annually asks women and
men a range of questions about cosmetic procedures. Trends identified through this survey include:
• More consumers are considering getting a cosmetic procedure, from 3 in 10 in 2013 to 5 in 10 in 2014.
• Injectables continue to garner top satisfaction ratings.
• Dermatologists have the most influence (of 14 choices) on a consumer’s decision to have a procedure.
• The consistent No. 1 reason for seeking a procedure: “I want to look as young as I feel or better for my age.”
Watch for the 2015 ASDS Consumer Survey on Cosmetic Dermatologic Procedures in June 2015.
necessary and
the top medically
1.5 million total proce
Nearly 379,000 Dysport
More than1 million
Of more than
facial redness
Patient Age Range
were for non-melanom
< 30
> 55
total procedures
20,600 liposuction
82,000 cryolipolysis
500 laserlipolysis
43,300 non-invasive
treatment of fat and
3.04 million
< 30 2%
> 55
92% Female
8% Male
total procedures
total procedures
total procedures
89% Female
11% Male
2.85 million
total procedures
Dermatologist of choic
age spots
age spots
tissue tightening
tissue tightening
90% Female2%
10% Male
total procedures
Procedures include:
Juvederm | Radiesse | Restylane |
Sculptra | Belotero
acne scars
< 30
> 55
tattoo removals
total procedures
24,000 liposuction
89,000 cryolipolysis
total procedures
24,000 laserlipolysis
224,000 4,700
total procedures
total procedures
total procedures
50% SPECIALTY in which
physician is board-certifi
65.9% Laser and light treatment
for redness, tone and scars
57.5% Body sculpting
38,000 non-invasive
Top Satisfaction
treatment of fat and cellulite
wrinkle-relaxers 92%
(i.e., Botox, Dysport, Xeomin)
Source: American Society for Dermatologic
fillers 92%
Surgery (ASDS) Survey on Dermatologic
(i.e., Restylane/Perlane, Juvederm
Radiesse, Sculptra, Belotero)
Data were collected for the 2013 experience
generalized to represent all ASDS members.
Top 4 procedur
influencing cons
Top 3 of 14 factors
umers are
a procedurecons
the decision to have
36% Friends
35% Primary care physicians
38% Referral from a physician
Top 3 procedures
consumers are
45% Referral from a
44% Price
(in 9 of 10 categories)
47% Price
2013 InfographicFinal.indd
which the physician
10 categories)
Top 3 of 11 factors
the selection of a practi
74.1% Ultrasound, laser,
and radiofrequency treatment
for skin tightening or wrinkles
517,000 464,000
total procedures
surgical scars
surgical scars
laser resurfacing
laser resurfacing
Physician of choice:
WHAT has the most influ
were for non-melanomas
Patient Age Range
3 in10
45% Ultrasound,
laser, light and
radiofrequency treatme
nts for
skin tightening or wrinkle
41% Laser and light
for redness, tone and
36% Chemical peels
35% Body sculptin
g to cosmetic procedures
WHY are consumers turnin
Top 3 reasons
as I feel or better for my
I want to look as young
I want to appear more attractive
I want to feel more confident
ation Somewhat
Percentage of Popul
red by…
to Extremely Bothebody 83%
of the
Excess weight on any part
the eyes 63%
Lines and wrinkles around
ion 62%
Skin texture and/or discolorat
Sagging facial
Excess fat under
the mid-face
Lines, wrinkles and/or
around the cheeks and mouth
forehead area 51%
Lines and wrinkles in the
my eyebrows 50%
Acne scars 24%
Survey on Cosmetic Dermatolog
Surgery (ASDS) Consumer
spring, 2013.
Society for Dermatologic
a blind online survey in
*Source: 2013 American
from 6,350 consumers through
Procedures. Data were collected
Top Satisfaction
wrinkle-relaxers 93%
(i.e., Botox, Dyspor
t, Xeomin)
fillers 91%
(i.e., Restylane/Perla
ne, Juvederm
Radiesse, Sculptra
, Belotero)
of choice for
Of 8,315 surveyed…
5 in10
WHY are consume
Top 3 reasons
are con sid eri ng
rs turning to cosm
I want to look as young
as I feel or better
for my age
I want to appear more
I want to feel more
etic procedures?
Percentage of
Somewhat to Extr lation
Bothered by…
Excess weight on
any part of the body
Lines and wrinkles
in the forehead area
Lines and wrinkles
between my eyebro
ws 55%
Lines and wrinkles
around and under
the eyes 71%
Lines, wrinkles and/or
folds in the mid-fac
around the cheeks
and mouth 65%
Sagging facial skin
Excess fat under the
chin / neck 68%
Lines and wrinkly
skin on neck / chest
Skin texture and/or
discoloration 75%
Hair loss 41%
Acne scars 26%
1 Injectable wrinkle-relaxers
2 Varicose and spider vein treatm
3 Laser/light therapy for
skin redness, tone
and scars
DERMATOLOGIST 4 Ultrasound, laser, light and radiofr
equency treatments
(in 5 categories)
for skin tightening
5 Laser tattoo removals
and wrinkles
medical procedur
*Source: 2014 American
Society for Dermato
logic Surgery (ASDS)
Data were collected
2014 Consumer Survey
from 8,315 consume
on Cosmetic Dermato
rs through a blind
logic Procedures.
online survey in spring
6/24/13 8:13 AM
44% Friends
38% Primary care
atologic Procedur
Top 3 of 11 facto
Top 3 of 14 facto
influencing the
selection influenci
of a practitioner
ng the decision
to have a proc
52% SPEC
are considering a
ASDS Consumer Sur
on Cosmetic Derm
WHAT has the mo
st influence?
WHO do patients turn
for cosmetic procedures
322,000 416,000
facial redness
Procedures include:
| Sculptra | Belotero
| Radiesse | Restylane
total procedures,
Patient Age Range
< 30
> 55
89% Female
11% Male
Patient Age Range
Society for Dermato
Source: American
on Dermatologic
Surgery (ASDS) Survey
ce and
for the 2012 experien
Data were collected
t all ASDS member
generalized to represen
Of more than
photo rejuven
total procedures,
2.54 million
Nearly 373,000 Dysport
More than156,000 Xeomin
2.69 million
on Cosmetic Dermatolog
Of 6,35
3.04 million
total procedures
Nearly 1.3 million Botox
ASDS Consumeric Proce
procedures* performed are:
1.68 mill2.25
million 1.8 million total procedure
2013 2013
the top medically necessary and cosmetic
performed are:
etic procedures*
2.69 million total
Welcome to the 2014-15 ASDS Experts Guide
riters, editors and producers frequently turn to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
for insight and information on skin health and beauty.
The 2014-15 ASDS Experts Guide connects those who need to know with those in the know: ASDS
member dermatologists, the leaders and pioneers in the field of dermatologic surgery.
Their groundbreaking research has resulted in many important treatments. ASDS members have led
the way on skin cancer prevention, detection and treatment, plus procedures to improve scars, remove
blemishes and fill lines and wrinkles. From injectables to lasers to cutting-edge therapies, dermatologic
surgeons are at the forefront of innovative skin treatments.
This guide contains brief snapshots of nearly 80 ASDS members. Each entry includes
availability and contact information, plus conditions and treatments in which the member
has expertise. The preferred contact method is marked with an asterisk (*).
In addition, members have indicated if they have patients willing to share their stories of skin cancer
treatments, cosmetic dermatologic procedures or adverse effects suffered because of treatments
performed by a non-physician.
Many physicians request they be contacted via ASDS, and their biographies reflect that. Please call
or email ASDS Communications Manager Beth Bales at 847-956-9143 (
or ASDS Director of PR, Communications and Marketing Jolene Kremer at 847-956-9133
( Either will be happy to arrange an interview.
This ASDS Experts Guide represents only a fraction of our nearly 5,800 members, all of them wellversed in dermatologic conditions and their treatments. Visit our website,, for a complete look
at dermatologic surgery, skin conditions and treatments as well as skin cancer therapies and prevention.
San Francisco, Calif.
Tucson, Ariz.
707-829-0937 or
520-293-5757, ext. 7113*
Portland, Ore.
503-494-6483 (admin)
Bishr Al Dabagh, M.D.
Anna Bar, M.D.
• Advanced Skin Care and Dermatology Physicians (Calif.)
• Healthy Skin Dermatology (Ariz.)
• Years in practice: 5
• A
ssistant professor, Oregon Health and Science
University, Portland, Ore.
• Years in practice: 9
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Al Dabagh directly
Weekdays and short-notice
Contact Dr. Bar directly
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio
Medical School: New York University School
of Medicine, New York, N.Y.
Residency: Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.
Residency: Oregon Health and Science University,
Portland, Ore.
Fellowship: University of California at San Francisco
(procedural dermatology)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, excision and punch replacement grafts,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser surgery, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, photodynamic therapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments/prescriptions
Areas of expertise: Mohs and skin cancer surgery,
cosmeceuticals, hair removal, cosmetic treatments
for men, skin of color, melasma
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of peer-reviewed publications, oral and poster
presentations, honors and awards; extensive research
Fellowship: Mohs Chemosurgery and Advanced
Cosmetic Dermatology Surgery, California Skin
Institute, Mountain View, Calif.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excessive sweating, facial
redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider and
varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Blepharoplasty, chemical peels, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement grafts, fat transfers, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, microdermabrasion, Mohs
surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
punch grafting, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical
treatments/prescriptions, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Scar treatments, management of
complications, fillers and neuromodulators, skin cancer,
melanoma, sunscreen, rare tumors of the skin
Media experience: Interviews on local news
shows and on public radio, featured dermatologist
in Elle magazine
Presentations & Publications
Numerous abstracts and invited lectures, conference
presentations and professorships; a book chapter and
several peer-reviewed articles
British Columbia
New York, N.Y.
Katie Beleznay, M.D.
Diane Berson, M.D.
• S
eymour Health Centre, Carruthers & Humphrey
Cosmetic Medicine, Vancouver
• Years in practice: 1
• Diane Berson, MD Dermatology, New York, N.Y.
• Assistant clinical professor, Department of Dermatology,
Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York
• Assistant clinical professor, Department of Dermatology,
New York University School of Medicine
• Years in practice: 26
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Beleznay directly
Medical School: University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Residency: University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Fellowship: University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider and
varicose veins, sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Browlift, chemical peels, cryolipolysis,
cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, fillers,
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
laser resurfacing (including fractional and nonablative), laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, microdermabrasion,
Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative laser
therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
procedures, non-invasive radiofrequency therapy,
photodynamic therapy, sclerotherapy, topical
treatments/prescriptions, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men, managing
complications from adverse outcomes from cosmetic
treatments, photoprotection, rosacea, facial redness
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients interested
in advocating for photoprotection and seeing a trained
dermatologist for proper screening; patients who
experienced a dramatic cosmetic procedure; patient who
experienced scarring and hypopigmentation on her leg
from hair-removal procedure completed by a non-physician
Media experience: Formal media training
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of publications, presentations and research activities
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Berson
Medical School: New York University School of Medicine
Residency: State University of New York Health Sciences
Center at Brooklyn, N.Y.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excessive sweating, facial redness,
frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin
cancer, skin growths/lesions, sun-damaged skin,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, laser/light therapy, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive radiofrequency
therapy, photodynamic therapy, topical treatments
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic management of
acne and rosacea, including skin care, cosmetics,
cosmeceuticals and procedures (laser, light, peels);
plus cosmetic management of early photoaging
Patients of interest: Patient with basal cell
carcinoma on forehead treated with Botox
Media experience: Numerous interviews for radio,
newspapers and magazines, including Harper’s Bazaar,
Parents and Seventeen; numerous appearances
on national and local television shows, including
“Today” “CBS This Morning,” “Dr. Oz” and “Good
Morning America”
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of publications, presentations and lectures
Chicago, Ill.
Lawrence, Kan.
Lee Bittenbender, M.D.
Jonith Breadon, M.D.
• D
ermatologist, Dermatology Center of Lawrence,
Lawrence, Kan.
• Years in practice: 37
• D
irector, Aesthetic Dermatology and Laser Surgery,
• Co-director of dermatologic surgery, John H. Stroger Jr.
Hospital of Cook County, Chicago
• Years in practice: 27
Weekdays and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Bittenbender
Medical School: University of Kansas
Residency: University of Iowa
Conditions: Age spots, aging skin, crow’s feet,
excessive sweating, frown lines/forehead furrows,
skin growths, spider veins, tattoos
Therapies: Cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, neuromodulators, sclerotherapy, surgical excision
Media experience: Media training through
pharmaceutical companies, multiple interviews
with local newspaper and TV stations regarding
dermatological topics
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Breadon directly
Medical School: Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola
University Chicago
Residency: Howard University, Washington, D.C.
(dermatology) and University of Illinois Hospital
(emergency medicine)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/
forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, spider and varicose veins,
sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
dermabrasion, excision and punch replacement graft,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing, laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, neuromodulators, non-ablative
skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy, punch
grafting, sclerotherapy, topical treatments/prescriptions,
ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Ultherapy for skin tightening, skin
of color, non-invasive skin rejuvenation, postadolescent female acne, generational dermatology
Media experience: Multiple interviews for print
and television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show;
consultant for many Chicago-area media outlets
Presentations & Publications
Book chapters, several journal articles in Dermatologic
Therapy and other peer-reviewed publications
Chatham, N.J.
Rochester, N.Y.
973-635-5050, ext. 227*
Marc Brown, M.D.
Lisa Breslauer, M.D.
• D
ermatologic surgeon, University Dermatology
Associates, University of Rochester Medical Center,
Rochester, N.Y.
• Professor of dermatology and oncology, University
of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Rochester, N.Y.
• Years in practice: 25
• Dermatologist, Laser + Skin Institute, Chatham, N.J.
• Years in practice: 11
Weekdays and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Brown
Medical School: Georgetown University, Washington,
Residency: University of Michigan (dermatology),
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
(internal medicine)
Fellowship: University of Michigan (cutaneous surgery
and oncology)
Conditions: Skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
sun-damaged skin
Therapies: Cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation,
laser surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
Mohs surgery, non-ablative laser therapy, photodynamic
therapy for pre-malignant growths, topical prescription
medications, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Skin cancer in organ transplant
Patients of interest: Patients willing to discuss
skin cancer treatments
Media experience: Frequent interviews in local
media regarding any skin cancer news updates
Presentations & Publications
Numerous clinical activities; hundreds of journal articles,
national presentations and invited lectureships; director
or moderator of dozens of courses/symposiums and
panels; multiple books and book chapters, posters
and abstracts
Monday-Wednesday and short-notice
Contact Dr. Breslauer directly
Medical School: Columbia University College
of Physicians and Surgeons
Residency: New York Presbyterian Hospital –
New York Weill Cornell Center
Fellowship: New York Presbyterian Hospital –
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center (clinical research);
Boston Dermatology and Laser Center (laser and
cosmetic dermatology, dermatologic surgery)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths, spider
and varicose veins, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, fillers,
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, neuromodulators, non-ablative
skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy, pulsed light
therapy, sclerotherapy, topical treatments
Media experience: Advisor for pharmaceutical
companies’ market research; contributing expert for
various health/beauty-related magazines and blogs,
presenter for charitable organizations
Presentations & Publications
Several publications, presentations and abstracts,
including The Treatment of Active Rosacea Using
the Pulsed Dye Laser for a national meeting
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Glenn Dale, Md.
Victoria D. Callender, M.D.
Alastair Carruthers, FRCPC
• D
irector, Callender Dermatology and Cosmetic Center,
Glenn Dale, Md.
• Director, Callender Center for Clinical Research
• Years in practice: 24
• C
arruthers Dermatology Centre Inc., Vancouver,
BC, Canada
• Clinical professor of dermatology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of British Columbia
• Years in practice: 37
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Callender
Medical School: Howard University College
of Medicine, Washington, D.C.
Residency: Howard University Hospital, Washington, D.C.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, hair loss, skin growths, tattoos, unwanted hair,
Therapies: Chemical peels, desiccation, grafts
(hair loss), fillers, injectable combinations, laser
surgery, laser/light therapy, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, punch transplanting, topical
Areas of expertise: Skin of color, hair loss in women,
treatment of hyperpigmentation
Media experience: Media training with several
Presentations & Publications
Numerous publications, dozens of presentations
604-714-0222 (admin)
com (admin)
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Carruthers directly
Medical School: Brasenose College, Oxford
Residency: St. John’s Hospital for Diseases of the Skin,
Conditions: Acne scars, aging skin, crow’s feet,
excessive sweating, sagging skin, scars, sun-damaged
skin, wrinkles
Therapies: Fillers, intense pulsed light therapy,
neuromodulators, punch grafting
Areas of expertise: Discoverer, with wife Dr. Jean
Carruthers, of the use of Botox for cosmetic applications
Presentations & Publications
More than 140 articles, numerous textbooks, dozens
of lectures, workshops, panels and presentations
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Redondo Beach, Calif.
310-939-9800 (admin)
Cameron Chesnut, M.D.
Annie Chiu, M.D.
• D
ermatologist, Dermatology Specialists of Spokane,
Spokane, Wash.
• Years in practice: 1
• O
wner/dermatologist, The Derm Institute, Redondo
Beach, Calif.
• Consultant, skin care companies, including Vichy,
SkinMedica and
• Years in practice: 7
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Chesnut directly
Medical School: University of Washington School
of Medicine
Residency: University of California, Los Angeles
Fellowship: University of California, Los Angeles
(integrated procedural dermatology: dermatologic
surgery integrated with plastic surgery, facial plastic
surgery and oculoplastic surgery)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, hair loss,
frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin
cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Blepharoplasty, browlift, chemical peels,
cryolipolysis, cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation,
excision and punch replacement graft, fat transfers,
fillers, grafts (hair loss), injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/
light therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
liposuction, microdermabrasion, microliposuction,
micropigmentation, microwave thermolysis, Mohs
surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin
rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures, radiofrequency
therapy, photodynamic therapy, punch grafting, punch
transplanting, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical
treatments, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound therapy,
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Necklifts, transconjunctival
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients and those
who have experienced dramatic cosmetic procedures
Presentations & Publications
Many presentations, research activities, book chapters,
papers and posters
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Chiu directly
Medical School: Stanford University
Residency: Emory University
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
spider and varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged
skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Blepharoplasty, browlift, chemical
peels, dermabrasion, desiccation, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser/light therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
sclerotherapy, topical treatments/prescriptions,
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Non-invasive rhinoplasty, cosmetic
treatments for men, neck and hand rejuvenation,
Cosmelan skin pigmentation treatment, body tightening
and contouring, under-eye and lip rejuvenation
Patients of interest: Female patient, 68, who had
a complete facial rejuvenation
Media experience: Appearance on “The Doctors;”
multiple national magazine interviews including
Parents, NewBeauty and Prevention; featured on and
Presentations & Publications
Numerous studies on neuromodulators, photoaging,
acne and eczema; numerous publications, ebooks, book
chapters and review articles as well as presentations,
lectures and workshops
Durham, N.C.
St. Louis, Mo.
Jonathan Lambert Cook, M.D.
M. Laurin Council, M.D.
• Duke University Medical Center, Durham, N.C.
• Years in practice: 17
• A
ssistant professor of dermatology, Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Mo.
• Years in practice: 3
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Cook directly
Medical School: The Medical University of South
Carolina, Charleston, S.C.
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Council
Medical School: Washington University, St. Louis
Residency: Emory University, Atlanta, Ga.
Residency: Washington University, St. Louis
Fellowship: The University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pa. (Mohs Micrographic Surgery
and dermatologic surgery)
Fellowship: Washington University (melanoma);
St. Louis University (Mohs Micrographic, Cosmetic
and Laser Surgery)
Conditions: Skin cancer
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/
lesions, spider and varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Mohs Micrographic Surgery and
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Academic dermatologic
surgery, safety and cost-effectiveness of office-based
surgical procedures
Media experience: Several local and national
print interviews
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of scientific presentations and numerous
Therapies: Blepharoplasty, browlift, chemical peels,
cryolipolysis, cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation,
excision and punch replacement graft, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, liposuction, microdermabrasion,
microliposuction, microwave thermolysis, Mohs surgery,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments/
prescriptions, tumescent liposuction, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Melanoma, skin cancer
prevention, sun protection
Media experience: Media training
Presentations & Publications
Several journal articles, including Contribution of Genetic
Factors for Melanoma Susceptibility in Sporadic U.S.
Melanoma Patients; reviewer for dermatology journal
New York, N.Y.
Nashville, Tenn.
themanhattandermatologist@ (admin)
Natalie Curcio, M.D.
Joyce Davis, M.D.
• President/founder, Curcio Dermatology, Nashville, Tenn.
• Years in practice: 4
• Joyce Davis, M.D., Dermatology, New York, N.Y.
• Voluntary faculty, Beth Israel Mount Sinai and
Mount Sinai hospitals
• Years in practice: 30
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Curcio
Medical School: Vanderbilt University School
of Medicine, Nashville, Tenn.
Residency: Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Nashville, Tenn.
Fellowship: University of California, San Francisco
(dermatologic cosmetic and laser surgery); Total Skin
and Beauty Dermatology Center, Birmingham, Ala.
(procedural dermatology)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging
skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider
veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, unwanted
hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
excision and punch replacement grafts, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional), laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, photodynamic therapy, punch
grafting, radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy, topical
treatments/prescriptions, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men;
neck and chest rejuvenation
Monday-Thursday and short-notice
Contact Dr. Davis directly
Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, N.Y.
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, NYC
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
crow’s feet, hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, spider and varicose veins,
sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
microdermabrasion treatments, desiccation, fillers,
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
laser resurfacing, laser/light therapy, laser treatment
for pre-cancerous growths, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
punch grafting, punch transplanting (hair loss),
sclerotherapy, topical treatments/prescriptions
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men
and for skin of color
Media experience: Media training, extensive
number of local and national print and TV interviews;
member of speakers’ bureau for a dermatology-related
organization; speaker and lecturer at Beth Israel
Medical Center in NYC
Patients of interest: Multiple skin cancer patients
(including melanoma); patients who had life-changing
cosmetic procedures (fractional resurfacing with
radiofrequency and soft-tissue fillers)
Media experience: Multiple interviews
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of presentations (regional, national and
international), multiple publications and teaching/
mentoring activities
New York, N.Y.
Mountain View, Calif.
Doris Day, M.D.
Abigail F.W. Donnelly, M.D.
• Doris Day, MD/Day Dermatology & Aesthetics, NYC
• Clinical assistant professor of dermatology, New York
University Langone Medical Center
• Years in practice: 15
• Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Mountain View, Calif.
• Years in practice: 3
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Day directly
Medical School: SUNY Downstate College of Medicine
Residency: Cornell University College of Medicine
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging
skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, stretch
marks, sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
fillers, intense pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing
(including fractional and non-ablative), laser treatment
for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, neuromodulators, non-ablative
laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation, noninvasive procedures, photodynamic therapy, topical
treatments, ultrasound therapy
Patient of interest: Skin cancer patient (AfricanAmerican woman whose mother died of melanoma)
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men, global
approach to rejuvenation, nutritional approach to aging
and how diet affects aging
Media experience: Master’s degree in medical
journalism; freelance medical journalist and author;
radio talk show host on “Doctor Radio” on Sirius;
numerous TV appearances, including “Good Morning
America,” “Today,” “Ten Years Younger” and Discovery
Channel documentaries; on medical advisory board for
“Dr. Oz;” numerous print interviews for major national
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of lectures, presentations and publications;
one book
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Donnelly directly
Medical School: Indiana University School of Medicine
Residency: Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Ariz.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown
lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, spider veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
desiccation, dermabrasion, excision and punch
replacement graft, fillers, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing
(including fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery,
laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light
therapy, micropigmentation, microwave thermolysis,
Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative laser
therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic therapy,
punch grafting, sclerotherapy, surgical excision,
topical treatments/prescriptions, ultrasound therapy,
wide-local excision
Presentations & Publications
Many publications, presentations, abstracts,
research activities
Marlton, N.J.
Mystic, Conn.
Daniella Duke, M.D.
Sandra D. Elder, M.D.
• Founder/director, Coastal Dermatology, Mystic, Conn.
• Years in practice: 18
• Aesthetic Dermatology, Marlton, N.J.
• Years in practice: 21
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Duke directly
Monday and Friday, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Elder directly
Medical School: Harvard Medical School
Medical School: New Jersey Medical School,
Newark, N.J.
Residency: Harvard Medical School
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital Laser
Center, Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Harvard
Medical School
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, excess fat, facial
redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider veins,
stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted
hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
desiccation, fillers, injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light
therapy, microdermabrasion, micropigmentation,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
photodynamic therapy, sclerotherapy, topical
treatments/prescriptions, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Lasers
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients or those who
have experienced a life-changing cosmetic procedure
Media experience: Local radio and television
interviews; numerous lectures
Residency: Hahnemann University, Philadelphia, Pa.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, excess fat, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
spider veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
varicose veins, wrinkles and unwanted hair
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
desiccation, fillers, injectables combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser/light therapy, laser surgery,
microdermabrasion, micropigmentation, Mohs surgery,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
photodynamic therapy, photodynamic therapy for
premalignant growths, sclerotherapy, topical treatments,
ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Patients of interest: Patients with cancer experiences
and life-changing cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Interviewed for several local news
magazines and television shows; answered listeners’
questions on a call-in radio show
Presentations & Publications
Numerous presentations, publications, honors and
awards; also has participated in research studies
Wilmington, N.C.
Livonia, Mich.
egeorge@wilmington (admin)
Khaled El-Hoshy, M.D.
Rosalyn George, M.D.
• D
ermatologist, Somerset Dermatology Institute,
Livonia, Mich.
• Clinical assistant professor, Wayne State University
School of Medicine
• Years in practice: 18
• O
wner/Founder/Physician, Wilmington Dermatology
Center, Wilmington, N.C.
• Years in practice: 6
Wednesday-Friday, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. El-Hoshy
Medical School: Cairo University School of Medicine
Residency: Duke University and Wayne State University
School of Medicine
Fellowship: Duke University Medical Center
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, scars, skin
cancer, skin growths, spider and varicose veins, sundamaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, chemical peels,
cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and
punch replacement graft, fat transfer, fillers injectable
combinations, laser resurfacing (including fractional),
laser surgery, laser/light therapy, neuromodulators,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments/
prescriptions, tumescent liposuction, wide-local excision
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. George directly
Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University
School of Medicine, Richmond, Va.
Residency: Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical
Center, Hershey, Pa.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, excess fat, excessive sweating, frown lines/
forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair and tattoos, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, fillers,
injectable combinations, laser/light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, microwave thermolysis, neuromodulators,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
photodynamic therapy, topical treatments/prescriptions,
ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Liquid facelift (using toxins
and fillers), collagen stimulators; non-ablative laser
resurfacing, non-invasive fat reduction
Patients of interest: 1) Patient thrown from a horse as
a child with surgeries that left her with an asymmetrical
face that was repaired with fillers and toxins. 2) Patient
with scars that were treated with non-ablative resurfacing
plus fillers to repair asymmetry. 3) Patients treated
successfully after being burned by chemical peels at
a local medical spa and after fillers left visible lumps
around the eyes
Media experience: Media training; appears monthly on
local television to discussion dermatology issues; filmed
multiple informational shorts; contributes to several
blogs on dermatology-related websites
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of research articles and publications, and multiple
medical presentations
New Haven, Conn.*
San Diego, Calif.
Mona A. Gohara, M.D.
Mitchel P. Goldman, M.D.
• Dermatologist, Advanced DermCare, New Haven, Conn.
• Assistant clinical professor, Yale University Department
of Dermatology
• Years in practice: 9
• F
ounder/Medical Director, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology,
San Diego, Calif.
• Volunteer clinical professor in Medicine/Dermatology
at the University of California, San Diego.
• Years in practice: 28
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Gohara directly
Medical School: Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio
Residency: Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, Conn.
Conditions: Age spots, facial redness, skin cancer,
skin growths, wrinkles
Therapies: Cryosurgery, desiccation, fillers, laser/
light therapy, photodynamic therapy for pre-malignant
growths, topical treatments/prescriptions, wide-local
Areas of expertise: Skin of color procedures
and skin cancer
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients, young
woman treated for acne scars with lasers and fillers
Media experience: Media days, advisory board
member for Fitness magazine, expert for several
popular magazines, desksides with multiple brands,
blogger for Fitness, Essence and People magazines
Presentations & Publications
Numerous presentations and lectures, plus
peer-reviewed journal articles
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Goldman
Medical School: Stanford University Medical School
Residency: University of California, Los Angeles
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/
lesions, spider veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, varicose veins, wrinkles, unwanted hair
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, cryolipolysis,
cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement graft, grafts (hair loss), fat transfers, fillers,
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
intravascular laser therapy, laser/light therapy, laser
resurfacing, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
liposuction, microlipoinjection, microliposuction,
neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, radiofrequency therapy,
photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy, punch
grafting, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical
treatments, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men;
rejuvenation of neck, chest and hand; pioneering use
of lasers for treating tattoos, birthmarks, skin cancer
and leg veins
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients, patients
who have had dramatic cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Multiple TV appearances on local
and national news; weekly medical news reporter for
local television station
Presentations & Publications
Hundreds of clinical research studies, hundreds of medical
publications and textbook chapters, author/co-author of
nearly 20 medical textbooks, hundreds of presentations
and lectures
Torrance, Calif.
Susan Goodlerner, M.D.
• Susan Goodlerner, M.D., Torrance, Calif.
• Clinical assistant professor of dermatology, HarborUCLA Medical Center
• Years in practice: 30
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Goodlerner directly
Medical School: Emory University Medical School,
Residency: University of California, Los Angeles
Mumbai, India
Nilesh Narendra Goyal,
• Director, Juvenis Clinic, Mumbai, India
• Years in practice: 5
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Goyal
Medical School: University of Mumbai/Topiwala
National Medical College
Dermatology training: Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen
University Hospitals, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excessive sweating, facial
redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider and
varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Fellowship: University of Miami (cosmetic dermatology)
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement graft, fillers, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, laser/light therapy,
laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser surgery, laser treatment
for pre-cancerous growths, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic
therapy, punch grafting, sclerotherapy, topical
treatments, wide-local excision
Therapies: Blepharoplasty, chemical peels, fat transfers,
fillers, grafts (hair loss) injectable combinations, laser
resurfacing (including fractional), laser/light therapy,
liposuction, microliposuction, micropigmentation,
neuromodulators, tumescent liposuction
Areas of expertise: Acne, cosmetic treatments
for men, cosmeceuticals, skin care
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patient; patient
who had life-changing cosmetic procedure
Media experience: TV interviews for local cable
affiliate and NBC News, interviews for area newspaper,
media advisory board member
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, frown lines/forehead
furrows, hair loss, sagging skin, scars, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, vitiligo, wrinkles
Areas of expertise: Skin of color, laser treatments
on pigmented birthmarks, treatment of keloids and
hypertrophic scars with triple combination injections
Media experience: Regular publication of articles
on cosmetic dermatology in Indian newspapers
and magazines
Presentations & Publications
Numerous publications at national and international
dermatology meetings
Rockville, Md.
Las Vegas, Nev.
Lawrence J. Green, M.D.
H.L. Greenberg, M.D.
• A
ssistant clinical professor, George Washington
University School of Medicine, Washington, D.C.
• Aesthetics, Skin Care, Dermatologic Surgery,
Rockville, Md.
• Years in practice: 20
• D
ermatologic surgeon, Las Vegas Dermatology,
Las Vegas, Nev.
• Years in practice: 8
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Green
Medical School: New York Medical College, Valhalla, N.Y.
Residency: University of California at Irvine
Fellowship: University of California at Irvine
Conditions: Age spots, aging skin, crow’s feet, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, skin cancer, skin growths, spider veins,
sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, desiccation,
fillers, laser/light therapy, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, repair of torn earlobes,
sclerotherapy, topical treatments, tumescent
liposuction, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Ear-shaping repair, state and
local advocacy issues such as scope of practice, indoor
tanning, cosmetic taxes, non-physician practice of
medicine, corporate practice of medicine, public
perception of dermatologic surgery
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients or someone
who has experienced a complication from a cosmetic
treatment performed by a non-physician
Weekdays and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Greenberg
Medical School: Wayne State University School
of Medicine, Detroit
Residency: Georgetown University Hospital,
Washington, D.C. (internal medicine); University
of Wisconsin Hospital, Madison, Wis. (dermatology);
Texas A&M University Health System, Temple,
Texas (dermatology)
Fellowship: Cutaneous Oncology, University
of Wisconsin Hospital
Conditions: Acne scars, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, scars, skin cancer, wrinkles
Therapies: Fat transfers, fillers, laser resurfacing,
laser/light therapy, Mohs surgery, non-ablative skin
rejuvenation, neuromodulators
Media experience: Numerous interviews for feature
magazine articles, fitness magazines, newspapers and
television news shows
Presentations & Publications
Book, journal, numerous book chapters, articles,
abstracts, dozens of presentations and posters,
many research projects (primary or sub-investigator)
Media experience: Multiple print, television and
Internet interviews, both taped and live
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of publications and presentations plus
The Dermatologist’s Guide to Looking Younger book
Atlanta, Ga.
com (admin)
Alexander Gross, M.D.
• Director, Georgia Dermatology Center, Cumming, Ga.
• Assistant clinical professor of dermatology, Emory
University Medical Center
• Assistant clinical professor of community and family
health, Emory University Medical Center
• Years in practice: 23
Weekdays, weekends
Contact Dr. Gross directly
Medical School: University of South Florida College
of Medicine
Residency: Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Nashville, Tenn. (dermatology); Emory University,
Atlanta (internal medicine)
Fellowship: Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Nashville, Tenn.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/
lesions, spider and varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, vitiligo, wrinkles
Therapies: Blepharoplasty, chemical peels, cryosurgery,
desiccation, excision and punch replacement graft, fat
transfer, fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed
light therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional
and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light therapy,
laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths, liposuction,
microdermabrasion, microliposuction,
micropigmentation, neuromodulators, non-ablative
laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation, noninvasive procedures, non-invasive radiofrequency
therapy, pulsed light therapy, punch grafting,
sclerotherapy, topical treatments/prescriptions,
tumescent liposuction, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Outpatient facelift
Patients of interest: Patients willing to discuss skin
cancer treatments, life-changing cosmetic procedure
or complications after seeing non-physician
Media experience: Formal media and advanced media
training courses
New York, N.Y.
Monica Halem, M.D.
• Founder/Medical director, New York Dermatologic
Surgery Cosmetic Laser Center/Monica Halem, M.D.
• Years in practice: 10
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Halem directly
Medical School: University of Miami School of Medicine
Residency: University of Miami; Jackson Memorial Hospital
Fellowships: University of California, San Francisco
(Mohs Micrographic Surgery and procedural dermatology);
University of Miami (cosmetic research) Experience
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excessive sweating, frown/forehead lines,
hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/
lesions, sun-damaged skin, spider and varicose veins,
tattoos, unwanted hair, vitiligo, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, blepharoplasty,
browlift, chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision/punch replacement
graft, fillers, fat transfer, grafts (hair loss), injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, intravascular
laser therapy, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/
light therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
liposuction (plus microliposuction/tumescent liposuction),
microdermabrasion, microlipoinjection, micropigmentation,
microwave thermolysis, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
procedures, photodynamic therapy, pulsed light
therapy, punch transplanting, radiofrequency therapy,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments,
ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Facial aesthetics injector for Allergan
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients; those who have
undergone cosmetic procedures or experienced complications
Media experience: News consultant for major TV and radio
shows including “Entertainment Tonight”; print interviews
Presentations & Publications
Teaching and research experience; dozens of lectures,
publications and presentations; numerous awards
Newport Beach, Calif.
Chesterfield, Mo.
Peter Helton, M.D.
George Hruza, M.D.
• M
edical Director, Helton Skin and Laser Institute,
Newport Beach, Calif.
• Years in practice: 20
• M
edical director, Laser & Dermatologic Surgery Center,
Chesterfield, Mo.
• Clinical professor, St. Louis University School
of Medicine, Department of Dermatology
• Years in practice: 25
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Hruza
Tuesday-Friday, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Helton directly
Medical School: Michigan State College of Osteopathic
Conditions: Crow’s feet, scars, spider veins, tattoos,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Fillers, laser resurfacing (including
non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light therapy,
neuromodulators, sclerotherapy
Areas of expertise: Fillers, neuromodulators and lasers
used for rejuvenation
Presentations & Publications
Multiple publications, presentations and abstracts
Medical School: New York University School of Medicine
Residency: New York University Medical Center
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
University Medical School, Boston (laser surgery);
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison,
Wis. (Mohs Micrographic Surgery)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider veins, stretch
marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, excision and punch replacement grafts, fillers,
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing, laser surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, laser/light therapy, liposuction, microdermabrasion,
Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin
rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy, punch grafting,
radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision,
topical treatments, tumescent liposuction, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Torn earlobe repair, scar
revisions, laser repair for rhinophyma, laser treatments
for benign growths, health care reform: Affordable Care
Act, narrow networks and other related topics
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients, patients with
stories of life-changing cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Media training, numerous
interviews for newspapers, magazines, radio stations
and St. Louis news stations
Presentations & Publications
More than 130 publications including reports, review articles,
book chapters, abstracts and two textbooks; presentations
throughout the world on lasers in dermatology, Mohs
surgery, skin cancer and cosmetic and dermatologic surgery
Stamford, Conn.
Seattle, Wash.
Omar Ibrahimi, M.D., Ph.D.
Laurie Jacobson, M.D.
• Director, Connecticut Skin Institute, Stamford Conn.
• Visiting assistant professor, Harvard Medical School
Wellman Center for Photomedicine
• Years in practice: 4
• Pacific Dermatology & Cosmetic Center, Seattle
• Years in practice: 12
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Ibrahimi
Medical School: New York University School
of Medicine (M.D., Ph.D.)
Residency: Harvard Medical School
Fellowship: University of California, Davis (Mohs
and reconstructive surgery, laser and cosmetic surgery)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown
lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin
cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider veins, stretch
marks, sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair and tattoos,
varicose veins, wrinkles
Therapies: Browlift, chemical peels, cryolipolysis,
cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and
punch replacement graft, fillers, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, laser/light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
microdermabrasion, micropigmentation, microwave
thermolysis, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, nonablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, non-invasive radiofrequency,
photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments,
ultrasound therapy, wide-local excisions
Patients of interest: 1) Multiple patients who have
undergone Mohs surgery and then cosmetic treatment
of scars; 2) patients whose birthmark and burn scar
treatments have altered their lives dramatically
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of peer-reviewed articles, book chapters;
presentations across the country
Wednesdays and Fridays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Jacobson
Medical School: University of Illinois at Chicago,
Residency: Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio
Fellowship: Laser, cosmetic and Mohs Micrographic
Surgery, NYC
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths, spider
and varicose veins, sun-damaged skin, tattoos, wrinkles,
unwanted hair
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
excision and punch replacement grafts, fillers, laser
resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, laser/light therapy, Mohs surgery,
neuromodulators, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
photodynamic therapy, punch grafting, sclerotherapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Skin cancer damage and treatment,
Mohs surgery (1,000+ cancers each year), extensive
laser experience for actinic damage
Patients of interest: Patient with 20+ skin
cancer surgeries
Media experience: Seattle news and local cable news
and radio shows, “Inside Edition”
Presentations & Publications
Lectures nationally, written chapters in cancer
textbooks and published in peer-reviewed journals;
contributing editor for Dermatologic Surgery journal
Silver Spring, Md.
Coral Gables, Fla.
S. Manjula Jegasothy, M.D.
Beverly Johnson, M.D.
• P
resident/Medical Director, Miami Skin Institute,
Coral Gables, Fla.
• Years in practice: 15
• Beverly A. Johnson, M.D., Silver Spring, Md.
• Assistant professor of dermatology, Howard University,
Washington, D.C.
• Director of dermatology education, Providence
Hospital, Washington, D.C.
• Years in practice: 35
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Jegasothy
Medical School: University of Pittsburgh School of
Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Monday/Wednesday-Friday, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Johnson directly
Residency: University of Miami School of Medicine,
Miami, Fla.
Medical School: Howard University College
of Medicine, Washington, D.C.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/
forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin growths/
lesions, spider and varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Residency: Howard University Hospital, Department
of Dermatology
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, fillers, injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light
therapy, microdermabrasion, neuromodulators, nonablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, photodynamic therapy,
sclerotherapy, topical treatments, ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Procedural cosmetic dermatology;
practice is a national training center for Sculptra
injectable filler and previously served as center for
Botox cosmetic filler
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
spider and varicose veins, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
excision and punch replacement graft, fillers, injectable
combinations, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/
light therapy, microdermabrasion, neuromodulators,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, sclerotherapy, topical
Areas of expertise: Skin and hair of color, cosmetic
treatments for men, split earlobe repair, dermatosis
papulosa nigra, non-ablative lasers
Patients of interest: Patient with story of lifechanging cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Extensive media training
Presentations & Publications
Numerous publications and lectures
New York, N.Y.
New York, N.Y.
Bruce Katz, M.D.
Arielle N.B. Kauvar, M.D.
• Juva Skin & Laser Center, New York, N.Y.
• Director, Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Clinic, Mount Sinai
Hospital, NYC
• Clinical professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
• Years in practice: 30
• Founding director, New York Laser & Skin Care, NYC
• Clinical professor of dermatology, New York University
School of Medicine
• Years in practice: 20
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Katz directly
Medical School: McGill University Faculty
of Medicine, Montreal
Residency: Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center,
New York City
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/
lesions, spider and varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, chemical
peels, cryosurgery, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement graft, fat transfer, fillers, injectable
combinations, laser resurfacing (including fractional
and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light therapy,
laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths, liposuction,
microdermabrasion, microlipoinjection, microliposuction,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
non-invasive radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic
therapy, punch grafting, sclerotherapy, topical
treatments, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Neck rejuvenation, cosmetic
treatments for men
Media experience: Extensive TV, radio and print
interview experience
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of peer-reviewed articles plus case reports,
reviews, chapters and editorials; presentations;
workshops; several books/chapters
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Kauvar directly
Medical School: Harvard Medical School; Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (post-doctoral)
Residency: New York University Medical Center
Fellowship: Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Laser
Surgery, Laser and Skin Surgery Center of New York
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, facial redness,
frown/forehead lines, sagging skin, scars, spider/
varicose veins, , stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
desiccation, dermabrasion, excision/punch replacement
graft, fillers, injection combinations, intense pulsed
light therapy, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light
therapy, microdermabrasion, Mohs surgery,
neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation,
radio frequency therapy, non-invasive procedures,
photodynamic therapy, punch grafting, sclerotherapy,
topical treatments, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Research and development of laser
therapy for birthmarks, laser resurfacing of wrinkles
and scars; fractional laser treatments, laser tattoo
treatments, scars, acne and rosacea, melasma
Patients of interest: Cancer patients, cosmetic
treatment patients (facial scars and one with chemical
peel burn scarring after treatment by a non-physician)
Media experience: Media training, participant in media
tours, member of public relations, media relations and
communications task forces
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of papers, book chapters, published abstracts,
lectures, presentations, panel discussions and workshops
Washington, D.C.
Baltimore, Md.
202-628-8855 (admin)
Rebecca Kazin, M.D.
Terrence Keaney, M.D.
• A
ssociate, Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser
Surgery, Washington, D.C.
• Faculty, Department of Dermatology, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md.
• Years in practice: 9
• A
ssociate dermatologist, Washington Institute
of Dermatologic Laser Surgery
• Assistant clinical professor, George Washington
University Hospital
• Years in practice: 2
Tuesday-Friday and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Kazin
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Keaney directly
Medical School: University of Maryland School
of Medicine
Medical School: University of Virginia
Residency: Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin growths/lesions, sun-damaged
skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
desiccation, fillers, injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light
therapy, microdermabrasion, microwave thermolysis,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
non-invasive radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic
therapy, topical treatments, ultrasound therapy
Media experience: Media training, including through
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Presentations & Publications
Numerous publications as well as research, educational
and leadership activities
Residency: University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, spider veins, stretch marks, sundamaged skin, unwanted hair and tattoos, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement graft, grafts (hair loss) fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser/light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, microdermabrasion, microwave thermolysis,
neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive radio frequency, photodynamic therapy,
photodynamic therapy for premalignant growths, punch
transplanting, surgical excision, topical treatments,
ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments and skin cancer
in men; skin care and hair transplantation for men;
spearheaded the launch of the nation’s first cosmetic/
dermatologic laser surgery center for men; hair and
robotic hair transplantation; follicular unit extraction
Media experience: Extensive experience with multiple
television and print interviews and webcasts, particularly
in discussing male beauty, cosmetic procedures and
skin cancer in men, and hair transplantation
Presentations & Publications
Multiple peer-reviewed articles, poster presentations,
lectures and awards; research experience
New York, N.Y.
212-472-6790 (admin)
com (admin)
Laguna Niguel, Calif.
Mitchell A. Kline, M.D.
Edward Kramer, M.D.
• Dermatologist at Mitchell A. Kline, MD
• Assistant clinical professor, Weill Cornell Medical College
• Years in practice: 24
• D
ermatologist, Aesthetic Dermatology & Laser Center,
Laguna Niguel, Calif.
• Years in practice: 28
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Kline directly
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Kramer directly
Medical School: University of Pennsylvania
Medical School: Georgetown University School
of Medicine, Washington, D.C.
Residency: Cornell Medical Center, Rockefeller
University Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/
forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin
growths, spider veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
wrinkles, unwanted hair
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, fat transfers, fillers, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser treatment
for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
photodynamic therapy, punch grafting, sclerotherapy,
topical treatments, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Melanoma diagnosis, digital
imaging technologies, confocal microscopy, dermoscopy,
biotechnology and RNA makers, non-invasive imaging
modalities, optical coherence tomography, ultrasound,
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients; patients with
life-changing cosmetic procedures or who have
experienced a complication from a procedure
performed by a non-physician
Media experience: Multiple appearances, including
HBO documentary, “Cancer: Urgency to Emergency,”
“Game Changers,” “Extreme Makeover,”
“Extra Lifechangers” and news shows
Presentations & Publications
Multiple publications and research projects
Residency: Georgetown University School of Medicine,
Washington, D.C.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin
growths/lesions, spider/varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement graft, fat transfers, fillers, grafts (hair loss),
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/light therapy,
laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths, liposuction,
microdermabrasion, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
procedures, photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy,
punch grafting, punch transplanting, sclerotherapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments, tumescent
liposuction, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Complex Mohs treatments
for skin cancer (approximately 500 per year), expert
injector of Sculptra and Voluma
Patients of interest: Patient with successful
reconstruction after large tumor on nose removed;
several patients whose self-confidence and dramatically
improved after facial volumization
Media experience: Several in-depth media interviews
Presentations & Publications
Several presentations and publications, including “ASDS
Guidelines of Care: Injectable Fillers,” in Dermatologic
Surgery journal
New York, N.Y.
New York, N.Y.
Jessica L. Krant, M.D.
David Kriegel, M.D.
• Founder, Art of Dermatology, LLC, NYC
• Assistant clinical professor of dermatology,
SUNY Downstate Medical Center, NYC
• D
irector, Division of Dermatologic and Mohs Surgery,
Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC
• Director/Founder, Manhattan Center for Dermatology,
• Associate clinical professor, Icahn School of Medicine,
Mount Sinai Hospital
• Director/Founder, Procedural Dermatology Fellowship,
Mount Sinai Hospital
• Years in practice: 19
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Krant directly
Medical School: Columbia University College
of Physicians and Surgeons
Residency: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Fellowship: American College of Mohs
Surgery fellowship
Conditions: Age spots, aging skin, crow’s feet, droopy
eyelids, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths, spider
veins, sun-damaged skin, tattoos, varicose veins,
wrinkles and unwanted hair
Therapies: Browlift, chemical peels, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser/light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, liposuction and microdermabrasion,
Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative
skin rejuvenation, non-invasive radiofrequency,
radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic therapy,
punch grafting, sclerotherapy, surgical excision,
topical treatments, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men, liquid
facelift, non-surgical browlift
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients and others
who have had dramatic cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Participation in advanced media
training; multiple radio and TV interviews, including
MSNBC and “Dr. Oz” show as well as many print and
online interviews
Presentations & Publications
Textbook chapters, journal articles, presentations
at conferences
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Kriegel directly
Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine
Residency: Boston University Medical Center
Fellowship: State University of New York Stony Brook
(Mohs Micrographic Surgery)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excessive sweating, facial
redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths, spider and varicose
veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
fillers, injectable combinations, laser resurfacing, laser
surgery, laser/light therapy, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation, photodynamic
therapy, punch grafting, surgical excision, sclerotherapy,
topical treatments, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Skin cancer screenings and
melanoma counseling, Mohs Micrographic Surgery,
reconstruction following Mohs surgery, laser scar
revision, laser facial rejuvenation
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients, many
of them younger
Media experience: Media training, numerous
interviews with local and national media
Presentations & Publications
Numerous peer-reviewed academic studies
Walnut Creek, Calif.
Lafayette, Colo.
925-932-9389** (admin)
Jeanie Leddon, M.D., Ph.D.
M. Christine Lee, M.D.
• D
ermatologist, Boulder Valley Center for Dermatology,
Lafayette, Colo.
• Clinical assistant professor, cosmetic unit, University
of Colorado Dermatology Department
• Years in practice: 14
• D
irector/founder, The East Bay Laser & Skin Care
Center Inc., Walnut Creek, Calif.
• Assistant clinical professor, Department of Dermatologic
Surgery, University of California, San Francisco
• Years in practice: 15
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Leddon
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Lee directly
Medical School: Cornell University Medical College
Medical School: University of Illinois at Chicago
Residency: New York University
Fellowship: University of Vienna Medical School, Austria
Post-doctoral fellowship: Glaxo Research Institute,
Triangle Park, N.C.
Ph.D: Chemistry, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excess fat, facial redness, frown
lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, spider veins, sun-damaged skin,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, cryolipolysis,
desiccation, fillers, injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin
rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures, photodynamic
therapy, sclerotherapy, topical treatments/prescriptions,
wide-local excision
Patients of interest: Cancer patients willing to
discuss experiences; patients with stories of lifechanging cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Interviews on local and national TV
stations and magazines, including Lifetime Channel,
Real Simple, Better Homes and Gardens, Glamour
Presentations & Publications
Several publications, including Selected Pearls from NYU
Clinical Conferences in the Journal of Clinical Dermatology
Residency: Baylor School of Medicine, Houston
Fellowship: University of California, San Francisco and
Stanford Medical Center
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown/
forehead lines, hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer/
growths/lesions, spider/varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, vitiligo, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, blepharoplasty,
browlift, chemical peels, cryosurgery, cryolipolysis,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch replacement
grafts, fat transfers, fillers, grafts, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, intraoral laser for folds, lines
and skin tightening, intravascular laser therapy, laser
resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser
treatments for pre-cancerous growths, laser treatment for
snoring/sleep apnea, liposuction, microdermabrasion,
microlipoinjection, microliposuction, micropigmentation,
microwave thermolysis, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
procedures, non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation, photodynamic
therapy, pulsed light therapy, punch grafting, punch
transplanting, radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments, tumescent
liposuction, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Lasers; treatment of ethnic skin/scars;
helped develop therapy for vascular, pigmented lesions
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients; ‘80s supermodel relaunching her career; patients with burns or
disfigurement because of treatments by non-physicians
Media experience: Appearances on television shows, both
national and cable; extensive print interviews for many
national newspapers and magazines; radio talk shows
New Orleans, La.
Greenwich, Conn.
Mary P. Lupo, M.D.
• Lupo Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology,
New Orleans
• Clinical professor of dermatology, Tulane University
Medical School
• Director, Tulane’s Resident Cosmetic Clinic
• Years in practice: 30
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Lupo directly
Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine,
New Orleans
Residency: Tulane/LSU-Affiliated Hospitals
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging
skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider
veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
varicose veins, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
dermabrasion, excision and punch replacement grafts,
fillers, injectables combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing, laser/light therapy, laser
surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
microdermabrasion, neuromodulators, non-ablative
lasers/skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic therapy,
punch grafting, sclerotherapy, topical treatments,
ultrasound therapy
Diane C. Madfes, M.D.
• Diane C. Madfes, MD, Greenwich, Conn.
• Years in practice: 18
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Madfes directly
Medical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, N.Y.
Residency: Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, N.Y.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excessive sweating, facial redness,
frown lines/forehead furrows, scars, sun-damaged
skin, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, combination resurfacing
and fat injections (burn scars), excision and punch
replacement grafts, fat transfers, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including non-ablative), laser/light
therapy, microwave thermolysis, non-ablative skin
rejuvenation, non-invasive radiofrequency therapy,
photodynamic therapy, topical treatments
Areas of expertise: Burn scars, consultant to L’Oreal,
consulting dermatologist for Garner skin care products,
independent research and development for Healing Skin
LLC, developer of burn cream and skin care products
Media experience: Many TV, radio and print interviews
Areas of expertise: Non-surgical eye rejuvenation,
treating facial asymmetries non-surgically, preventive
protocols using less-invasive treatments and
micro-injections, specialized combinations,
improving lips without fillers
Patients of interest: Patient, 28, with melanoma from
tanning bed use; patient who suffered complications
from injection procedure at med spa
Media experience: Numerous print, radio and TV
interviews; media days and desksides in NYC
Presentations & Publications
Participant in numerous FDA clinical trials, nearly 300
presentations, dozens of publications
Wyckoff, N.J.
Miami Beach, Fla.
Stephen Mandy, M.D.
LindaSusan Marcus, M.D.
• South Beach Dermatology, Miami Beach, Fla.
• Voluntary professor of dermatology, University of Miami
• Years in practice: 40
• LindaSusan Marcus, M.D., Wyckoff, N.J.
• Years in practice: 25
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Mandy
Medical School: George Washington University
Residency: Johns Hopkins University and
University of Miami
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
spider and varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged
skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, excision and punch replacement graft, fat
transfer, fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed
light therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional
and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy, liposuction,
microlipoinjection, microliposuction, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic therapy,
punch grafting, sclerotherapy, topical treatments/
prescriptions, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound
therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Most areas of cosmetic
Media experience: Formal media training
Presentations & Publications
Ten-plus book chapters, dozens of journal publications
and presentations
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Marcus directly
Medical School: SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Residency: Boston University/Tufts Medical Center;
St. Luke’s/Columbia Presbyterian
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/
forehead furrows, scars, skin cancer, skin growths,
spider veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
fillers, injection combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser surgery, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy,
microlipoinjection, neuromodulators, non-ablative
skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy, topical
treatments, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Skin cancer and skin rejuvenation
Past media experience: Appearances on “Today
Show,” “Extra” and other TV shows; multiple magazine
and newspaper interviews
Presentations & Publications
Multiple articles and publications
Seattle, Wash.
Virginia Beach, Va.
David H. McDaniel, M.D.
425-391-2500, ext. 7 (admin)
Victor R. Michalak, M.D.
• M
edical director, McDaniel Laser & Cosmetic Center
and McDaniel Institute of Anti-Aging Research
• Co-director, Hampton University Skin of Color
Research Institute
• Adjunct professor, Hampton University School
of Science
• Adjunct assistant professor, Department of Biological
Sciences, Old Dominion University
• Years in practice: 25+
• Director, Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. McDaniel directly
Medical School: Cornell University Medical College
Medical School: West Virginia University School
of Medicine, Morgantown, W.Va.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/
lesions, spider and varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Residency: West Virginia University School of Medicine
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excess fat, facial redness, frown
lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin lesions,
spider veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Cryolipolysis, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser/light therapy, neuromodulators,
non-ablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin
rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures, sclerotherapy,
topical treatments, ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Cosmeceuticals, LED light therapy,
skin of color, anti-aging research
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients;
patients with complications willing to talk for
print publication only
Media experience: Formal media training; media
spokesperson for a number of medical societies and
other groups
Presentations & Publications
Reviewer of multiple professional journals, dozens
of peer-reviewed articles, 22 patents granted, 40+
patents pending
of Issaquah (Seattle suburb)
• C
linical instructor, University of Washington Medical
School Department of Dermatology
• Years in practice: 27
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Michalak directly
Residency: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Therapies: Blepharoplasty, browlift, chemical peels,
cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and
punch replacement graft, fat transfer, fillers injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, liposuction,
microdermabrasion, microlipoinjection, microliposuction,
Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/
skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
photodynamic therapy, punch grafting, radiofrequency
therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical
treatments, tumescent liposuction, ultrasound therapy,
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men,
neck and hand rejuvenation, non-surgical rejuvenation
options, skin cancer screenings/treatments, advanced
cosmeceutical infusion procedures with non-ablative
lasers and ultrasound and radiofrequency devices,
laser nail fungus treatments; among first in country
to perform tumescent liposuction
Patients of interest: Cancer patients, patients who have
had life-changing cosmetic treatments
Media experience: Spokesperson training, numerous
interviews with Seattle TV news stations plus ABC, CBS,
NBC, Fox and “Evening Magazine”
San Antonio, Texas
Wichita, Kan.
Vineet Mishra, M.D.
Christopher Moeller, M.D.
• D
irector of Mohs Surgery and Procedural Dermatology,
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio
• Years in practice: 2
• C
linical professor, KU School of Medicine – Wichita
(University of Kansas)
• Professor, Wichita State University
• Physician/owner, Moeller Dermatology and The Skin
Enhancement Center, Wichita, Kan.
• Years in practice: 27
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Mishra directly
Medical School: Vanderbilt University School
of Medicine
Residency: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Fellowship: Scripps Clinic, San Diego, Calif. (procedural
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown/
forehead lines, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer/growths/
lesions, spider/varicose veins, stretch marks, sundamaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, vitiligo, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, chemical peels,
cryosurgery, cryolipolysis, desiccation, dermabrasion,
excision and punch replacement graft, fat transfer,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, intravascular laser therapy, laser resurfacing,
laser surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
laser/light therapy, liposuction, microdermabrasion,
microlipoinjection, microliposuction, micropigmentation,
microwave thermolysis, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
procedures, photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy,
punch grafting, radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments, tumescent
liposuction, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Skin of color
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients, cosmetic
treatment patients, patients with complications after
treatment from non-physician
Presentations & Publications
Several presentations and publications, plus principal
investigator and manuscript review work
Contact Dr. Moeller directly
Medical School: The University of Iowa College
of Medicine
Residency: Duke University Medical Center
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excessive sweating, facial
redness, frown lines/forehead furrows; sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin lesions/growths, spider veins,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, varicose veins, vitiligo,
wrinkles and unwanted hair
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, Excimer laser for skin conditions, fillers,
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
laser resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, laser/light therapy, microdermabrasion,
micropigmentation, microwave thermolysis, MiraDry
for hyperhidrosis, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, nonablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments/
prescriptions, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Patients of Interest: Cancer patients, those with
dramatic cosmetic procedures and those who previously
had complications after a procedure by a non-physician
Past media experience: Multiple television and
radio interviews; organizer of skin cancer screenings
for many years
Houma, La.
New York, N.Y.
P. Mark Neal, M.D.
Nelson Lee Novick, M.D.
• D
ermatologist/owner, The Dermatology Clinic
of Houma, Houma, La.
• Years in practice: 2
• Nelson Lee Novick, MD, New York, N.Y.
• Clinical professor of dermatology, Mount Sinai School
of Medicine
• Years in practice: 34
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Neal directly
Medical School: Louisiana State University School
of Medicine, Shreveport, La.
Residency: Tulane University, New Orleans (dermatology)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, spider and varicose veins,
stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted
hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, fillers, injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light
therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments/
prescriptions, wide-local excision
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Novick
Medical School: Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Skin
and Cancer Unit
Conditions: Acne scars, aging hands and skin, age
spots, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
spider veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
vitiligo, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Browlift, chemical peels, cryolipolysis,
cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and
punch replacement grafts, fat transfers, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser
treatments for pre-cancerous growths, microdermabrasion,
microlipoinjection, microliposuction, micropigmentation,
neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, punch grafting, radiofrequency
therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments
Areas of expertise: Non-invasive rhinoplasty,
browlifts and necklifts; repigmenting hypopigmented
scars and vitiligo; medical microneedling therapy (hair
loss); non-invasive facial treatments, radiofrequency
surgery for treating facial telangiectasis, fillers for
cellulite dimpling and scars; fat dissolution
Media experience: Extensive media training; many
interviews for print, radio and national TV; national
and local book publicity tours; radio and satellite tours
Presentations & Publications
Numerous scientific articles, medical textbooks and
chapters; nine trade books; numerous articles, audiotapes,
presentations and lectures
New York, N.Y.
Solana Beach, Calif.
Marnie B. Nussbaum, M.D.
Melanie Dawn Palm, M.D.
• Marnie B. Nussbaum, MD, New York, N.Y.
• Clinical instructor of dermatology at Weill Cornell
Medical Center, New York, N.Y.
• Years in practice: 7
• Founder/director, Art of Skin MD, Solana Beach, Calif.
• Assistant volunteer clinical professor, University of
California San Diego
• Years in practice: 6
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Nussbaum directly
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Palm
Medical School: Weill Cornell Medical College
in Manhattan
Medical School: University of Chicago, Pritzker School
of Medicine
Residency: Weill Cornell-New York Presbyterian
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging
skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider
and varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Browlift, chemical peels, cryolipolysis,
cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, fillers,
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
laser resurfacing (including fractional and nonablative), laser/light therapy, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
non-invasive radiofrequency therapy, photodynamic
therapy, pulsed light therapy, sclerotherapy, topical
treatments, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Synergy of neurotoxins with laser/
light sources and fillers; rejuvenation of the
neck and eye
Patients of interest: Melanoma patient, 28, who had
been misdiagnosed; patient with acne scars changed by
non-ablative laser treatments
Media experience: Written several articles featured
in Self, Marie Claire, Dermascope, Washingtonian,
the Bergdorf Goodman website and Men’s Health and
Mott50 blogs. Multiple media Interviews, including
“Entertainment Tonight;” multiple education outreach
events at Bergdorf Goodman, Sotheby’s, Christie’s and
the Junior League of New York
Residency: Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical
Center, Chicago
Fellowship: Cosmetic Laser Associates of La Jolla,
La Jolla, Calif.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/
lesions, spider and varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, chemical peels,
cryolipolysis, cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation,
excision and punch replacement grafts, fat transfers,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, intravascular laser therapy, laser resurfacing,
laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, liposuction, microdermabrasion,
microlipoinjection, microliposuction, microneedling
radiofrequency, neuromodulators, non-ablative
lasers/skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy, punch
grafting, radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments, tumescent
liposuction, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Hormonal female acne, multimodality treatment of melasma, earlobe repair,
burn scars, combination treatments, body contouring
Patients of interest: Young cancer patient with history
of multiple melanomas, patient who has had significant
reconstructive work for a congenital abnormality,
melasma patients treated with lasers
Media experience: More than 30 TV segments in the
San Diego area, plus appearance on national TV,
including on “The Doctors;” multiple national and
local radio broadcasts
Irvine, Calif.
Lexington, Ky.
Deborah Phillips, M.D.
Nissan Pilest, M.D.
• C
o-founder, Lexington Dermatology & Laser Center,
Lexington, Ky.
• Years in practice: 21
• Founder, Total Dermatology, Irvine, Calif.
• Assistant clinical professor, University of California,
• Years in practice: 35
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, weekends
and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Phillips
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Pilest directly
Medical School: University of Texas Medical School,
San Antonio
Medical School: National University of Iran
Residency: M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, University
of Texas
Fellowships: Charlotte Memorial Hospital, Charlotte,
N.C., and University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excessive sweating, facial redness,
frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin
cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider and varicose veins,
stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, excision and punch replacement grafts,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light therapy,
laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
microdermabrasion, microneedling, neuromodulators,
non-ablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin
rejuvenation, non-invasive radiofrequency therapy,
photodynamic therapy, sclerotherapy, topical
treatments/prescriptions, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Earlobe repair, skin of color,
hair loss
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients and those
who have experienced dramatic cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Speaker for various groups
Residency: Charlotte Memorial Hospital, Charlotte, N.C.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, hair loss, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
spider and varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged
skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, fillers, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light
therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
microdermabrasion, neuromodulators, non-ablative
laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation, noninvasive procedures, non-invasive radiofrequency
therapy, platelet-rich plasma collagen induction
therapy, photodynamic therapy, sclerotherapy,
topical treatments/prescriptions, ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Laser skin treatments, non-invasive
rhinoplasty, under-eye hollow treatment, melasma
treatments for skin of color, injectables using Acuvein
vein-finder, treatments for men, neck rejuvenation,
ear-shaping repairs, hand rejuvenation, plasma
injection treatments for hair loss, training physician
for injectables and lasers
Patients of interest: Patients who have experienced
dramatic cosmetic procedures
Media experience: Extensive number of in-person
interviews; regularly appear in in-office training and
office videos
Boston, Mass.
Washington, D.C.
Kelley Pagliai Redbord, M.D.
Kavitha Reddy, M.D.
• D
ermatologist, Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
Group of Northern Virginia, Vienna, Va.
• Associate clinical professor of dermatology, George
Washington University Medical Faculty Associates,
Washington, D.C.
• Greater Washington Dermatology, Rockville, Md.
• Years in practice: 7
School of Medicine
• V
isiting scientist, David H. Koch Institute for
Integrative Cancer Research, Harvard University
and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Years in practice: 3
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Redbord
Medical School: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
Baltimore, Md.
Residency: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Fellowship: Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous
Oncology and Procedural Dermatology, Laser and Skin
Surgery Center of Indiana
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, facial redness, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, sun-damaged skin, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, Mohs surgery,
photodynamic therapy, topical treatments/prescriptions,
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Hyperhidrosis
Media experience: Legislative conference media
training, several interviews
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of publications, abstracts, presentations and
research experiences
• Director of dermatologic surgery, Boston University
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Reddy directly
Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine
Residency: Boston University School of Medicine
Fellowship: Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York
(procedural dermatology and dermatologic surgery)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer/growths/
lesions, spider/varicose veins, stretch marks, sundamaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, cryolipolysis,
desiccation, dermabrasion, excision and punch
replacement graft, fat transfer, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing, laser surgery, laser treatment for precancerous growths, laser/light therapy, liposuction,
microdermabrasion, microwave thermolysis, Mohs
surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin
rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures, photodynamic
therapy, radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical
excision, topical treatments, ultrasound therapy,
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men,
skin of color
Patients of interest: Cancer patients, patient with
life-changing cryolipolysis (fat-freezing)
Media experience: Multiple national interviews, radio
interviews and podcasts
Presentations & Publications
Multiple publications including original reports, reviews
editorials, textbook chapters
New York, N.Y.
Aventura, Fla.
212-685-3252 (admin)
Barry Resnik, M.D.
Darrell Rigel, M.D.
• Resnik Skin Institute, Aventura, Fla.
• Voluntary clinical professor, University of Miami
School of Medicine Department of Dermatology
and Cutaneous Surgery
• Volunteer staff physician at two Florida facilities,
providing dermatologic care for low-income families
and tattoo removal for at-risk teens
• Team dermatologist, Miami Marlins
• Years in practice: 20
• C
linical professor of dermatology, New York University
Medical Center
• Rigel Dermatology Group, New York, N.Y.
• Years in practice: 30
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Resnik
Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine
Residency: University of Miami School of Medicine/
Jackson Memorial Medical Center, Miami
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead
furrows, hair loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer/
growths/lesions, spider/varicose veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, chemical peels,
cryosurgery, desiccation, excessive sweating treatments,
excision and punch replacement grafts, fat transfers,
fillers, grafts (hair loss), injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/
light therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
liposuction, microdermabrasion, microlipoinjection,
microliposuction, neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/
skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures, photodynamic
therapy, pulsed light therapy, punch grafting, radiofrequency
therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments,
tumescent liposuction, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Patients of interest: Patient with multiple basal
and squamous cell cancers treated with Erivedge
medication; patient treated for acne scars
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Rigel directly
Medical School: George Washington University
Residency: New York University
Fellowship: New York University
Conditions: Skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
sun-damaged skin, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma, dysplastic nevus
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
dermabrasion, laser surgery, laser treatment for precancerous growths, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
topical prescription medications, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Photoprotection; skin cancer,
including early detection, risk factors, prognostic
factors, costs and sociopolitical factors
Patients of interest: Many skin cancer patients
Media experience: Formal media training, multiple
national TV appearances and interviews in national
Presentations & Publications
More than 800 presentations at medical and governmental
policy conferences worldwide; chair of numerous national
and internal conferences and meetings; author of numerous
articles and abstracts, lead editor for major cancer textbook,
testimony before U.S. Congress regarding the effects of
ozone depletion on skin cancer
Media experience: Multiple interviews in all media;
trial work/testimony
Presentations & Publications
Numerous journal articles, book chapters, presentations
and workshops
New York, N.Y.
Newport Beach, Calif.
Anthony M. Rossi, M.D.
Adam Rotunda, M.D.
• A
ssistant attending of dermatology, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
• Years in practice: 1
• P
resident, Adam M. Rotunda, M.D., Mohs Micrographic
and Dermatologic Surgery, Newport Beach, Calif.
• Volunteer clinical professor of dermatology at
University of California, Irvine
• Assistant clinical professor, David Geffen School of
Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles
• Years in practice: 10
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Rossi directly
Medical School: Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Residency: St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital, NYC
Fellowship: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center/Weill
Cornell Medical College, NYC (procedural dermatology)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness,
frown lines/forehead furrows, hair loss, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider and
varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, unwanted hair, vitiligo, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, blepharoplasty,
browlift, chemical peels, cryosurgery, cryolipolysis,
desiccation, dermabrasion, excision and punch replacement
graft, fat transfer, fillers, grafts, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, intravascular laser therapy,
laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy, liposuction,
microdermabrasion, microlipoinjection, microliposuction,
micropigmentation, microwave thermolysis, Mohs surgery,
neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, photodynamic therapy, pulsed
light therapy, punch grafting, punch transplanting,
radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical
excision, topical treatments, tumescent liposuction,
ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Cosmetic treatments for men;
fillers for nose, chin and cheek augmentation; lasers for
darker skin types; laser and other non-surgical options
for skin cancers; non-invasive imaging of the skin
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients
Media experience: Formal media training; written
multiple magazine articles plus been interviewed for
multiple online and print publications; appeared on Fox
5 News regarding FDA regulations on cosmetic labels
Weekdays, weekends, scheduled in advance
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Rotunda
Medical School: State University of New York
Downstate College of Medicine, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Residency: David Geffen School of Medicine University
of California at Los Angeles
Fellowship: Mohs Micrographic Surgery, Cutaneous
Oncology and Dermatologic Surgery, Bennett Surgery
Center, Santa Monica, Calif.
Conditions: Aging skin, excess fat, skin cancer,
skin growths, sun-damaged skin
Therapies: Dermabrasion, desiccation, Mohs surgery,
non-invasive procedures, wide-local excision
Patients of interest: Hundreds of skin cancer patients
Areas of expertise: Submental fat reduction (under
chin) with ATX-101, Kythera’s product in development
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of peer-reviewed publications, books chapters,
book reviews, symposiums, posters, research activities,
presentations and courses
Los Angeles, Calif.
328-857-0777, ext. 105
(admin)* (admin)
Ontario, Canada
Payam Saadat, M.D.
Jennifer Salsberg, M.D.
• Skin and Beauty Center, Los Angeles
• Assistant professor, USC Keck School of Medicine
• Years in practice: 6
• Staff dermatologist, Bay Dermatology Centre, Toronto
• Years in practice: 2
Monday, Tuesday, Friday; weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Saadat directly
Medical School: University of Southern California Keck
School of Medicine
Residency: University of Southern California
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and skin,
crow’s feet, excess fat, excessive sweating, frown lines/
forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin
growths, spider veins, sun-damaged skin, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
desiccation, fat transfer, fillers, injectable combinations,
laser resurfacing (including fractional), laser/light therapy,
microlipoinjection, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-invasive procedures, photodynamic therapy,
sclerotherapy, topical treatments, tumescent liposuction,
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Extensive experience with
photodynamic therapy, CO2 resurfacing and skin
cancer treatments/surgery
Patients of interest: Cancer patients willing to discuss
experiences; patients who have had life-changing CO2
resurfacing and/or filler treatments
Presentation & Publications
Dozens of research activities, publications, abstracts
and presentations
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Salsberg directly
Medical School: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
Residency: University of Toronto
Fellowship: University of Toronto (dermatologic laser
surgery and aesthetic medicine)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excessive sweating, facial
redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider and
varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
dermabrasion, fillers, injectable combinations, intense
pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light
therapy, microdermabrasion, Mohs surgery,
neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers, non-ablative
laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments/
prescriptions, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Anti-aging preventative
measures, cosmetic procedures and their outcomes
on darker skin
Media experience: Magazine interviews
Presentations & Publications
Numerous publications and presentations
Minneapolis, Minn.
St. Anthony, Minn.
Sarah Schram, M.D.
Neil Shah, M.D.
• A
ssistant professor, Department of Dermatology,
University of Minnesota Medical School
• Years in practice: 2
• M
edical director/president, Clarus Dermatology,
St. Anthony, Minn.
• Years in practice: 3
Weekdays, weekends, short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Schram
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Shah
Medical School: University of Minnesota Medical
School, Minneapolis, Minn.
Medical School: University of Minnesota Medical
School, Minneapolis, Minn.
Residency: University of Minnesota Medical School
Residency: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Fellowship: University of Minnesota Medical School
(procedural dermatology)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging
skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider
veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
varicose veins, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Conditions: Aging skin, birthmarks, crow’s feet, excess
fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown lines/
forehead furrows; sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin
lesions/growths, sun-damaged skin, tattoos, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
desiccation, fillers, injectable combinations, laser
resurfacing (including non-ablative), laser surgery,
laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths, laser/
light therapy, microwave thermolysis, Mohs surgery,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments/prescriptions,
ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, fillers, injectable
combinations, intense pulsed light therapy, laser
resurfacing (including fractional), laser surgery,
laser/light therapy, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative laser therapy, non-invasive procedures,
non-invasive radiofrequency therapy, pulsed light
therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical
treatments/prescriptions, wide-local excision
Media experience: Live interviews on local news
and radio
Areas of expertise: Non-invasive total face
rejuvenation (liquid facelift), skin of color,
cosmetic treatments for men
Presentations & Publications
Multiple research-related/scientific activities, including
industry-sponsored trials; abstracts, publications and
presentations; and dermatology-related volunteer
activities, including a program for Minneapolis/St. Paul
K-12 teachers on skin health and sun protection
Patients of interest: Patient with severe, locally
advanced non-melanoma treated with excellent
functional and cosmetic results
Media experience: Appearances on local cable
access shows
Washington, D.C.
Boca Raton, Fla.
Noelle Starr Sherber, M.D.
Laura Skellchock, M.D.
• Dermatologic surgeon, Sherber + Rad, Washington, D.C.
• Years in practice: 4
• Integrative Dermatology, Boca Raton, Fla.
• Years in practice: 24
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Sherber directly
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Skellchock
Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, Baltimore
Medical School: University of Arizona College of Medicine
Residency: Johns Hopkins Hospital
Fellowship: Clinical Trials, Columbia University,
Department of Dermatology, New York City
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, facial redness, frown lines/
forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin
lesions, spider veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, fillers, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative) laser/light therapy, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, microdermabrasion,
neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy, nonablative skin rejuvenation, sclerotherapy, topical
Patients of interest: Several young professional
women who have had melanoma, highlighting that this
disease affects young people at an alarming rate, and
who can send the message to young people about how
they should, from a young age, see a dermatologist and
protect their skin
Past media experience: Physician consultant to “Good
Morning America,” numerous broadcast and print
interviews, including local news shows and Vogue, Elle,
Self and Women’s Health. Dr. Sherber practices with
her husband, a board-certified plastic surgeon; they can
speak about concerns they treat synergistically, from
skin aging to skin cancer
Presentations & Publications
Peer-reviewed original research articles, chapters for three
books, research protocols, national and international
Residency: University of California at San Diego Medical
Center, San Diego, Calif.
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging hands and
skin, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
spider and varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged
skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
excision and punch replacement graft, fat transfer,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser treatment
for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy,
microdermabrasion, microliposuction, microwave
thermolysis, neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin
rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy, pulsed light therapy,
punch grafting, radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy,
surgical excision, topical treatments, tumescent
liposuction, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Earlobe repair and rejuvenation,
cosmetic treatment for men, non-invasive rhinoplasty,
carboxytherapy for stretch marks and wrinkles,
treatment of under-eye dark circles, platelet-rich
plasma stem cell fat transfer, O-Shot for vaginal
rejuvenation and urinary stress incontinence, use
of supplements, bio-identical hormone replacement
Patients of interest: Model with squamous cell
carcinoma on face, procedures (lift plus fat transfer)
on woman getting divorced
Media experience: Interviews for television, radio,
newspapers and magazines
Presentations & Publications
Several publications, including book chapter as well
as current advice column in Simply the Best
Encinitas, Calif.
760-203-3839, ext. 101
760-203-3839, ext. 103 (admin)
Philadelphia, Pa.
215-615-3578 (admin)
Stacy Smith, M.D.
Joseph Sobanko, M.D.
• P
resident, California Dermatology & Clinical Research
Institute, Encinitas, Calif.
• Voluntary assistant clinical professor, University
of California, San Diego School of Medicine
• Years in practice: 20
• A
ssistant professor of dermatology, Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Director of
Penn Dermatologic Surgery Education, Philadelphia
• Years in practice: 5
Monday-Thursday, weekends, short-notice
Contact Dr. Smith directly
Medical School: Hahnemann University School
of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa.
Residency: Naval Medical Center, San Diego
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, scars, skin cancer, skin lesions/growths, spider
and varicose veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin,
tattoos, wrinkles, unwanted hair
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, chemical
peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation, excision
and punch replacement grafts, fillers, injectable
combinations, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser
treatment for pre-cancerous growths, laser/light
therapy, neuromodulators, photodynamic therapy,
punch grafting, sclerotherapy, topical treatments,
ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Research (all aspects), including
in dermatology, FDA regulations, product development,
newest therapies
Patients of Interest: Skin cancer patients
Media experience: Multiple interviews and TV
appearances, plus extensive public speaking experience
to both lay and professional audiences
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of research projects, multiple reviews, regulatory
audits, presentations, posters and publications, workshops
and book chapters
Tuesday & Thursday, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Sobanko directly
Medical School: State University of New York
at Stony Brook
Residency: Georgetown University Hospital,
Washington, D.C.
Fellowship: Advanced Dermatologic Surgery,
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, facial redness, sagging skin,
scars, skin cancer, sun-damaged skin, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, fillers, laser resurfacing
(including fractional), laser/light therapy, Mohs
surgery, neuromodulators, photodynamic therapy,
wide-local excision
Media experience: Media training course, multiple
interviews for newsletters, national publications
(magazines and newspapers), news channels and
specialty websites, including
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of lectures by invitation, articles in peer-reviewed
research publications, abstracts, editorials, reviews,
book chapters
Fond du Lac, Wis.
Washington, D.C.
Burt Steffes, M.D.
Elizabeth Tanzi, M.D.
• Dermagologist, Agnesian HealthCare, Fond du Lac, Wis.
• Years in practice: 5
• C
o-director, Washington Institute of Dermatologic
Laser Surgery
• Associate professor of dermatology, George Washington
Medical Center
• Years in practice: 14
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Steffes
Medical School: Medical College of Wisconsin,
Residency: University of California, Irvine Medical Center
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excessive
sweating, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths/lesions,
spider veins, sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted
hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, desiccation,
dermabrasion, excision and punch replacement graft,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing (including fractional and
non-ablative), laser surgery, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, laser/light therapy, Mohs
surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy,
sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical treatments,
wide-local excision
Patients of interest: Several dog bite victims
whose facial appearances were improved with laser
and filler therapy
Media experience: Multiple interviews, articles
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Tanzi
Medical School: SUNY Health Science Center at
Syracuse, Syracuse, N.Y.
Residency: St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center,
Columbia University, NYC; Albert Einstein College
of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y. (ophthalmology)
Fellowship: Washington Institute of Dermatologic
Laser Surgery, Washington, D.C. (cutaneous laser
and cosmetic dermatology)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, birthmarks,
crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown/forehead lines, sagging skin, scars,
lesions, sun-damaged skin, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, fillers, injectable combinations,
intense pulsed light therapy, laser resurfacing, laser/light
therapy, microwave thermolysis, neuromodulators,
non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation, non-invasive
procedures, photodynamic therapy, radiofrequency
therapy, topical treatments, ultrasound therapy
Areas of expertise: Laser treatments for surgical
and traumatic scars; natural-looking, age-appropriate,
rejuvenation for the under-50 crowd
Patients of interest: Young woman treated for basal cell
carcinoma before wedding with scar nearly erased
via laser; young woman with extensive scarring from
motor-vehicle accident who has seen at least 80 percent
improvement in the scarring
Media experience: Monthly magazine interviews;
frequent guest on “Dr. Oz,” “The Today Show,”
“The Doctors” and several local news programs
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of invited lectures, teaching activities, book
chapters and original papers
Glencoe, Ill.
Fruitland, Idaho
Amy Forman Taub, M.D.
Carl R. Thornfeldt, M.D.
• Founder/medical director, Advanced Dermatology, LLC
• Founder/medical director, Skinfo, specialty skin care
boutique and website
• Faculty, Cosmetic Clinic for Northwestern University
dermatology residents at the Northwestern Medical
Faculty Foundation
• Years in practice: 25
• Dermatologist, CT Derm, Fruitland, Idaho
• CEO/co-founder, Episciences, Inc., manufacturer
and distributor of the Epionce product line
• Years in practice: 30
Weekdays and short-notice
Contact Dr. Taub directly
Medical School: Northwestern University Medical
School, Chicago
Residency: Northwestern University McGaw Medical
Center, Chicago
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, droopy eyelids, excess fat, facial redness, frown
lines/forehead furrows, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin growths/lesions, spider veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, desiccation,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, laser resurfacing, laser surgery, laser/light
therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
neuromodulators, non-ablative lasers/skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, photodynamic therapy,
radiofrequency therapy, topical treatments, ultrasound
therapy, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Poikiloderma treatment,
photodynamic therapy for acne and superficial skin
cancer, neck rejuvenation, combination treatments,
body shaping, liquid facelift
Patients of interest: Patient with 5+ melanomas,
in clinical trial for stage 3 melanoma
Media experience: Interviews for national and local
magazines and newspapers, including Self, Glamour,
Health Day, Chicago Tribune and the Wall Street
Journal; radio and television
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of publications, presentations and research studies
Weekdays and short-notice
Contact ASDS to reach Dr. Thornfeldt
Medical School: Oregon Health Sciences University
Residency: University hospital, University of California,
San Diego
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, facial redness, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer,
skin lesions, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryosurgery, dermabrasion,
laser/light therapy, microdermabrasion, photodynamic
therapy, topical treatments, wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Extensive research and experience
in topical prescription and OTC treatments for antiaging, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, irregular
pigmentation, actinic keratoses. Extensive research
and experience in botanical arena for topical treatments
and in damaged skin barrier and chronic inflammatory
factors and how those relate to skin diseases and
conditions. Also has a number of patents
Media experience: Media training, multiple media
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of presentations worldwide, dozens of scientific
articles, journals, book chapters and poster exhibits,
one textbook
San Francisco, Calif.
Long Beach, Calif.
415-292-6350 (admin)
Anne Marie Tremaine, M.D.
Kathleen M. Welsh, M.D.
• S
taff dermatologist, Laser Skin Care Center, Long
Beach, Calif.
• Years in practice: 1
• Dermatologist, Bay Area Cosmetic Dermatology
• Years in practice: 29
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Tremaine directly
Medical School: State University of New York,
Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, N.Y.
Residency: University of California, Irvine
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital/
Harvard Medical School, Boston (cosmetic treatments
and clinical lasers)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, crow’s feet, excess fat, excessive sweating,
facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, sagging
skin, scars, skin cancer, spider veins, stretch marks,
sun-damaged skin, tattoos, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, fillers,
injectables combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
laser resurfacing (including fractional and non-ablative),
laser surgery, laser/light therapy, laser treatment for
pre-cancerous growths, neuromodulators, non-ablative
skin rejuvenation, photodynamic therapy, sclerotherapy,
topical treatments/prescriptions, ultrasound therapy
Media experience: Interviews for Allure’s website, Skin
and Allergy News and NewDerm MD
Presentations & Publications
Many articles and publications, including contributions
to books, plus presentations and seminars
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Welsh directly
Medical School: Harvard Medical School
Residency: University of California, San Francisco
(internal medicine); Stanford University (dermatology)
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin,
birthmarks, burn scars, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids,
excess fat, excessive sweating, facial redness, frown
lines/forehead furrows, hair loss, sagging skin, scars,
skin cancer, skin growths/lesions, spider and varicose
veins, stretch marks, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
vitiligo, unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement graft, grafts (for hair loss), fat transfers,
fillers, injectable combinations, intense pulsed light
therapy, intravascular laser therapy, laser resurfacing
(including fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery,
laser/light therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous
growths, liposuction, microdermabrasion,
microlipoinjection, microliposuction, micropigmentation,
microwave thermolysis, Mohs surgery, neuromodulators,
non-ablative laser therapy, non-ablative skin rejuvenation,
non-invasive procedures, photodynamic therapy, pulsed
light therapy, punch grafting, punch transplanting,
radiofrequency therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision,
topical treatments/prescriptions, ultrasound therapy
Patients of interest: Skin cancer patients, patient who
had a life-changing cosmetic procedure; patient who
experienced a complication from a cosmetic
procedure performed by a non-physician
Media experience: Frequent appearances on local news
about new technologies, and in local print and national
media on cosmetic dermatology
Naples, Fla.
Bayside, N.Y.
718-423-0200 (admin)
Cyndi Yag-Howard, M.D.
Jordan Zuckerman, M.D.
• P
resident/owner, Advanced Dermatology and
Skin Surgery Specialists, Naples, Fla.
• Years in practice: 17
• M
edical director, The Dermatology Center, Bayside,
• Years in practice: 23
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Yag-Howard directly
Weekdays, weekends and short-notice
Contact Dr. Zuckerman directly
Medical School: University of South Florida College
of Medicine
Medical School: Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.
Residency: University of South Florida College
of Medicine
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows,
sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths, sundamaged skin, unwanted wrinkles
Therapies: Cryosurgery, dermabrasion, desiccation,
fillers, injectable combinations, laser/light therapy,
Mohs surgery, neuromodulators, photodynamic
therapy, topical treatments/prescriptions,
wide-local excision
Areas of expertise: Innovative suturing techniques;
sutures of various types and uses
Patients of interest: Cancer patients willing
to discuss experiences
Media experience: Formal media training;
multiple media presentations; appearances
on television and radio
Presentations & Publications
Dozens of publications, presentations and abstracts
Residency: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Conditions: Acne scars, age spots, aging skin, crow’s
feet, facial redness, frown lines/forehead furrows, hair
loss, sagging skin, scars, skin cancer, skin growths,
spider and varicose veins, sun-damaged skin, tattoos,
unwanted hair, wrinkles
Therapies: Ambulatory phlebectomy, blepharoplasty,
browlift, chemical peels, cryolipolysis, cryosurgery,
dermabrasion, desiccation, excision and punch
replacement graft, fillers, fat transfer, grafts (hair loss),
injectable combinations, intense pulsed light therapy,
intravascular laser therapy, laser resurfacing (including
fractional and non-ablative), laser surgery, laser/light
therapy, laser treatment for pre-cancerous growths,
liposuction (plus microliposuction and tumescent
liposuction), microdermabrasion, microlipoinjection,
micropigmentation, microwave thermolysis, Mohs
surgery, neuromodulators, non-ablative laser therapy,
non-ablative skin rejuvenation, non-invasive procedures,
non-invasive radio frequency, photodynamic therapy,
pulsed light therapy, punch transplanting, radiofrequency
therapy, sclerotherapy, surgical excision, topical
treatments, ultrasound therapy, wide-local excision
Media experience: Multiple appearances as
dermatology expert on television news programs
in Ohio; interviewed for stories in local New York
Acne Scars
Age Spots
Aging Skin
Crow’s Feet
aging skin
to skin cancer,
Droopy Eyelids
Excess Fat
Excessive Sweating
Facial Redness
Forehead Furrows
Frown Lines
Hair Loss
Sagging Skin
Skin Cancer
Spider Veins
Sun-Damaged Skin
Unwanted Hair
Unwanted Tattoos
Varicose Veins
choose a dermatologist.
There are countless reasons to protect, enhance and treat your skin.
And no one more qualified than a dermatologist to support your
skin health and beauty through every stage of life. You’ll look and
feel your best when dermatologists combine their training and
expertise with the widest range of options available. ASDS member
dermatologists – who pioneered most of the innovations used
today – perform more than 5 million cosmetic procedures each year.
Experts Guide
2014-15 ASDS
S ki n h ea l th a n d b e a uty :
A directory to those in the know
acne scars
age spots
aging skin
crow’s feet
droopy eyelids
excessive sweating
facial redness
frown lines
sagging skin
skin cancer
skin growths/lesions
spider and varicose veins
stretch marks
sun-damaged skin
unwanted hair
i kles
kl es

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