- Braintree District Council
- Braintree District Council
Statement of Consultation Part 1 Regulation 18 Consultation on the Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan Braintree District Council January 2014 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Background Introduction Consultation Process Consultation Responses Received Summary of Main Issues and Officer Response Appendix Appendix 1 a) Copy of the response form b) Copy of the guidance notes Appendix 2 a) Copy of the notification letter sent to statutory consultees b) Copy of the notification letter send to non-statutory consultees c) Appendix 3 List consultees Appendix 4 a) Copy of the advert placed in local newspapers b) Copy of the posters used to advertise consultation c) Example of a site notice Addendum Copy of agendas, reports and minutes of the LDF Sub Committees of the 26th March, 11th April, 8th May, 30th May, 13th June, 17th June, 11th July, 24th July 2013. 2 1. Background In accordance with Regulation 22(l) (c) (i-iv) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2012, this is a factual statement which sets out the following information; (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Which bodies and persons Braintree District Council invited to make representations under Regulation 18 on the draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan How these bodies and persons were invited to make representations under Regulation 18 A summary of the main issues raised by the representations made pursuant to Regulation 18 How representations made pursuant of Regulation 18 were taken into account. 2. Introduction Braintree District Council adopted its Core Strategy in September 2011. This set out the overall spatial vision for the District and includes strategic policies in relation to housing, employment, retail, the natural and built environment, open space and infrastructure. In order to complete the suite of documents which make up a Local Development Framework, work on a Site Allocations and Development Management Plan began soon after the adoption of the Core Strategy. The purpose of the Site Allocations and Development Management Plan is to provide further detail on the implementation of the vision and strategic policies set out in the Core Strategy. It includes detailed development management policies which will be used in the consideration of planning applications in the District, the allocation of non-strategic sites for housing, employment, retail and other community uses and reviewed development boundaries for towns, villages and employment sites. If found sound at examination, the Plan will replace the remaining policies and maps in the Local Plan Review 2005. This consultation statement sets out the way in which consultation was carried out under Regulation 18 on the draft Site Allocation and Development Management Plan, the results of that consultation including the numbers of responses and the main issues raised and how these comments were taken into account when completing the Pre Submission Site Allocation and Development Management Plan. 3. Consultation Process The draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan was published for 6 weeks between 9th January and 22nd February 2013. The Council also consulted on a revised Statement of Community Involvement at the same time. 3 The development management part of the Plan included a proposed policy and also set out the alternative options which had also been considered. The Site Allocations part of the Plan included a proposed map and in most cases one or more alternative maps which included all the alternative sites which had been proposed for development and considered by the Council. The Plan was published on the Council’s website through its online consultation portal, alongside the SA/SEA. It was also available to download from the website as a pdf, as was the full evidence base of the Plan. A hard copy of the Plan was available to view at the main Council offices in Braintree and libraries in the District had a copy of the Plan on CD. All statutory consultees were also sent a copy of the Plan on CD and paper copies were available on request. A representation form and guidance notes on how to respond were also published on the website and were distributed in paper form on request, including at the exhibition events and these are included in Appendix 1a and b. Other written correspondence in the form of letters and emails were also accepted as representations. All statutory consultees including Town and Parish Councils, neighbouring local authorities and major stakeholders such as the Environment Agency and Natural England were informed by letter of the consultation and sent a copy of the Plan on CD. Notification letters/emails were also were also sent to all those on the LDF consultation database which includes local people, special interest groups, land owners and developers who had been asked to be kept informed on the process. This was in the region of 2000 notification letters and emails. A copy of the letters sent to statutory consultees and non-statutory consultees can be found in Appendix 2 a and b respectively. A list of the people who were notified of the consultation can be found in Appendix 3. To order to ensure as wider public consultation and knowledge of the Plan and to stimulate local debate, a number of other publicity measures were undertaken by the Council. This included highlighting the consultation on the Council’s website, advertising the consultations in local papers and advertising the consultation on social media sites and in the Council’s electronic magazine. Posters were also produced which were distributed to local Parish and Town Councils and displayed on community notice boards. The Council also produced site notices which were displayed adjacent to all residential sites of 10 or more and all new employment allocations. A copy of the advert in local papers, posters and the site notices are included in Appendix 4 a, b and c respectively. The Council also held a series a public consultation events across the District. These were an opportunity for members of the public to find out further information on what was being proposed, discuss this with officers and provide feedback. The exhibitions were held in the three main towns (two sessions in Braintree and Witham) and in the six key service villages and Great Yeldham (Great Yeldham had the largest residential allocation of all the ‘Other Villages’ and is located further north than the key service villages). At least two officers from Planning Policy were available at all times during the consultation events. Each consultation event included site specific information relating to that town or village and maps for all the towns and villages were available for discussion with officers at every event. Set out below is a list of the days and times of the events held and the number of attendees; 4 Date and Time 15th January 1.30pm – 6.30pm 16th January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 17th January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 21st January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 22nd January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 23rd January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 24th January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 28th January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 30th January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 31st January 2.30pm – 7.30pm 6th February 2.30pm – 7.30pm 7th February 2.30pm – 7.30pm Location Earls Colne Witham Witham Braintree Braintree Great Yeldham Coggeshall Halstead Hatfield Peverel Sible Hedingham Kelvedon Silver End Number of Attendees 62 46 61 46 66 70 100 86 137 62 123 18 As well as the staffed exhibition, an unmanned display was also available at Braintree and Witham libraries for the full 6 week consultation period and at Halstead library between the 9th and 22nd February. Other libraries in the District had a copy of the document on CD which could be viewed during normal opening hours. 4. Consultation Responses Received During the consultation period 1636 individual comments were received from 1007 separate consultees. Several petitions were also received. During the consultation there was the opportunity for land- owners to submit further sites for consideration. 54 such sites were submitted across the District. All duly made representations were processed and added to the Council’s consultation database. This means that they in the public domain and available to view. Comments received were then considered in detail village by village and through the policy chapters by the LDF Sub Committee at their meetings on the 26th March, 11th April, 8th May, 30th May, 13th June, 17th June and 11th July 2013 and changes were recommended in response to those comments. The meeting on the 24th July included consideration of the comments on the SA/SEA. The agendas, reports and minutes of these meetings can be found in the addendum to this document Prior to each LDF Sub Committee meeting, Planning Policy officers notified those people who had commented on the sites, plans or policies which were to be considered at that meeting. Officers also informed the landowners of sites, the relevant Town or Parish Council and local ward members. The meetings were also generally webcast, enabling members of the public not able to attend in person, to view proceedings. Of the comments that were received during the consultation period, around 24% were submitted directly to the online consultation portal, Objective, 22% were submitted by email and the remaining 54% were received by letter. 5 5. Summary of Main Issues Raised The remaining part of the document includes a summary of the main issues raised through the consultation, chapter by chapter and village by village. For each there is a summary of the comments and issues raised during the consultation period and what changes have been made to the document following the public consultation period. It should be noted that this is a summary of the main issues raised, therefore not all representations will be referenced individually. All responses can however be read in full on the Councils website http://braintree-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/. The addendum to this document includes the reports and minutes of the LDF Sub Committees where the comments were considered in detail and changes were proposed and agreed. Introduction and Background There were 17 comments received regarding this section of the Plan. The majority of these expressed opinions that the plan positively assists the realisation of the Core Strategy and Vision for the District. Other comments regarded a desire to see the plan strengthen countryside protection, enforce the general role of village envelopes, and include specific policies on urban and suburban tree planting, landscape protection and telecommunications. One comment stated that BDC had poorly publicised the consultation event. Changes Proposed: None Sustainable Development There were 26 comments received on this section of the Plan. General comments included a desire to see a re-wording to more closely reflect the NPPF and better align to the spirit of localism. Policy ADM1 received 6 comments and was praised in its commitment to growth and criticised for a perceived lack of detail in comparison to the NNPF. One comment regarded the lack of alternatives in light of a desire to see no additional growth in the District. A total of 15 specific comments were made to Policy ADM2 and regarded how the policy related to a presumption in favour of sustainable development, stated development boundaries should be reviewed, and sought more positive wording. Other comments praised reference to the protection of the historic environment, and also the importance of open space and biodiversity within boundaries. Changes Proposed: Wording changes to ADM2 Development within Development Boundaries Housing A total of 86 comments were received regarding housing policy. General comments surrounded a higher provision of housing to meet an objectively assessed need, and also stated that current figures should be treated as a minimum to be exceeded. A recommendation was made that small housing units should be provided to free up larger housing units. Policy ADM3 received 21 comments. These included a recommendation that phasing restrictions are removed, sought a different balance of provision across the Key Service Villages, and asked for more housing allocations in rural areas. Other comments stated a desire to see more employment, recreation and leisure uses in Key Service Villages in 6 response to a perceived over-provision of housing, called for more housing in Cressing, and looking at a new settlement to ease infrastructure issues in existing settlements. ADM4 received 4 comments regarding a recommended change of wording placing an onus on scheme providers to demonstrate the necessity for cross-subsidy market housing, minimising visual and landscape impacts and suggesting a maximum limit to affordable housing exception sites in order to limit rural impacts. Of the 3 comments received for Policy ADM5, one recommended the policy refer to the proximity of services by sustainable transport means. Other comments criticised a lack of care home provision in the Plan and stated that for older persons' accommodation, the healthcare impacts arising from such development should be identified and include appropriate mitigation in the form of new or improved healthcare infrastructure and/ or funding. Policy ADM6 received 3 comments supporting the use of the Essex County Council Market Position Statement to inform allocations and also the allocation of St Dominics Care Home in Kelvedon for additional Care Home facilities. Policy ADM7 also received 3 comments highlighting a desire for the Plan to make specific allocatinos for enough Gypsy and Traveller sites to meet need, and a wish for a better dispersal of Gypsy and Traveller sites. A total of 6 comments were received for Policy ADM8. These regarded a support for the protection of the historic environment, the effectiveness of the policy to achieve high quality development, and the flexibility of the policy in light of the NPPF paragraph 59. Other comments made related to a perceived incompatibility with Policy CS2 of the Core Strategy, a recommendation that the requirement that all new dwellings would meet Lifetime Homes Standards be removed , that there should be an emphasis that such developments should be accessible by sustainable modes of travel, and that the phrase "appropriate standard of residential accommodation" be clarified and explained. Policy ADM9 received no comments, however Policy ADM10 received one related to a perceived confusion and inconsistency between the two policies in regard to extensions of original dwellings. Policy ADM11 received 2 comments related to a need for buildings of architectural or historic value and criteria to apply across all areas of the District and the need for a list of such features, that the policy should be expanded to include resilience measures for replacement dwellings in medium or high flood risk areas, and also to expand the criteria for rural worker’s dwellings beyond agricultural operations to include retirement homes for farmers and food processing activities. Policy ADM12 received 1 comment supporting the wording of the policy but recommending that the section of the policy that deals with the consenting of temporary rural workers dwellings include an additional sentence which clarifies the position following a lapse of the initial three year period. A total of 6 comments were received for Policy ADM13. These recommended that outbuildings should not be converted into housing, be more flexible in regard to infilling and 7 to include additional consideration for previously developed land. Other comments sought more consideration for infilling in rural communities to support services, stronger protection for hamlets and support for an alternative of reducing the threshold property numbers in hamlets for allowing infill plots. Policy ADM14 received 2 comments; one supporting the policy and criteria looking to minimise impacts, and one objecting to the appropriateness of permitting garden extensions into the countryside as a material change of use. Changes to Plan: Wording changes to policies ADM3 Housing Allocations, ADM4 Affordable Housing in the Countryside, ADM5 Specialist Housing, ADM6 Care Homes and Specialist Housing Allocations, ADM8 Housing and Density, ADM11 Replacement Dwellings in the Countryside, ADM12 Rural Workers Dwelling in the Countryside ADM13 Hamlets, paragraph 3.17, 3.62 and 3.70. New policy and supporting text ADM13A, Previously Developed Infill Sites in the Countryside. Employment In total, 28 comments were made in response to the employment chapter of the Plan. General comments praised the approach and consistency with the NPPF. Policy ADM15 received 9 comments. These included a preference for such matters to be decided through the NPPF, that the Local Plan Review Policy (RLP33) provides more comprehensive information, and that bulky retail goods, trade counters and retail warehouses should be allowed in Employment Policy Areas. Other comments requested the inclusion of site RIV3EAlt as part of the existing Eastways Industrial Estate, the removal of site SIB3E and reallocation for housing and that land west of the A131 at Great Notley should be included within the schedule of Employment Policy Areas. Policy ADM16 received no comments, however Policy ADM17 received 1 comment specifying that site HEL2 should be removed as a business and industrial use and allocated solely for business in ADM16. There were 3 comments received for Policy ADM18; one praising the policy in light of the NPPF, one supporting the inclusion of Site SIB3 for B1 Business Use and Leisure and another specifying that the site should be reallocated for housing. Policy ADM19 received 1 comment related to a perceived lack of flexibility related to landscape management. Of the 2 comments received for Policy ADM20, one supported the policy’s stance on reducing the need to travel, whilst the other believed the policy to be a possible deterrent regarding the delivery of employment land. Policy ADM21 received 3 comments. These included support for the inclusion of marketing criteria, a desire to see criteria expanded to support residential conversion in the countryside, and a request for amendments regarding forthcoming changes to permitted development rights in respect of change of use from office to residential. Policy ADM22 received 1 comment supporting the alternative of reliance on a presumption in favour of sustainable development. 8 Policy ADM23 received 3 comments. These praised the safeguarding of heritage assets, sought definitions for ‘remote’ and ‘acceptable locations,’ and recommended the first sentence be reworded to stress that locations remote from local services would not be supported. Changes to Plan: Wording amendments to policy ADM15 Employment policy areas, ADM16 Business Uses, ADM17 Business and Industrial Uses, ADM19 Design and Layout of Employment Policy Areas and Business Uses, ADM21 Change of Use of Commercial Buildings in the B Use Class, paragraphs 4.6 and 4.7 and updated information in tables 3 and 4. Delete policy ADM20 Workplace Nurseries, ADM22 Promotion of Employment Clusters and ADM23 Rural Enterprise Retail The Retail chapter of the Plan received 24 comments in total. Policy ADM25 received 1 of these stating that reference to Local Centres was missing . Policy ADM26 received 2 comments, one supporting the policy’s threshold in regard to the NPPF and another stating that the policy wording could be clearer. Policy ADM27 received 3 comments. These included praise to commitments regarding public realm improvements, a desire to see Local Centres given equal weight to those of towns, and a recommendation that additional wording be included on green infrastructure. Policy ADM28 received no comments. Policies ADM29 and ADM30 received 1 comment each, both stating that the plan is unlikely to meet the assessed development and infrastructure requirements over the plan period, does not offer the most appropriate strategy as it unnecessarily discounts reasonable alternatives, and is unlikely to be deliverable due to the identification of retail sites which suffer from significant constraints. This comment was also received for Policy ADM33, with an additional request to replace land to the east of the High Street with Weavers Court. Policy ADM31 received 2 comments stating that development should be allowed where there is no detriment to parking supply, and also that the car park at Braintree Retail Park and Freeport is being treated contrary to the NPPF and that forthcoming applications would not be treated on their own merits. Policy ADM32 also received 2 comments. Of these, one stated that additional land should be identified for retail warehousing at land south of Millennium Way, and that the policy was inconsistent and contradictory with itself; and the other sought the proposed retail warehousing allocations for Swanvale and Maltings Lane to be replaced as employment use. A total of 3 comments were received for Policy ADM34. These welcomed desired improvements to Witham, in particular regarding Newland Shopping Centre, and also recommended that the policy should exclude above ground decking or multi-storey car parking. A single response was received for Policy ADM35 requesting an amendment to include community uses. Policy ADM36 received 5 responses. These welcomed the protection of the historical assets in part, and also stated constraints related cost, public opinion, lack of potential developers, biodiversity, archaeology, access, traffic, safety of nearby school pupils and its visual impact on the townscape. Other comments stated that the nature conservation value of the land has 9 not been adequately evaluated, that at there were tree preservation orders on site and that the site should be allocated as an educational, social and recreational resource. Policy ADM37 received 1 comment expressing support. Changes to Plan: Wording changes to ADM24 Primary Shopping Areas, ADM25 District Centre, ADM26 Impact Assessments, ADM27 Town, District and Local Centre Improvements, ADM31 Car Parking – Freeport and Braintree Retail Park, ADM32 Retail Warehouse Development, ADN35 Comprehensive Development Area – Rickstones Neighbourhood Centre, Dorothy Sayers Drive, Witham, ADM36 Comprehensive Development Area – land to the east of the High Street, Halstead. To delete policy ADM29 Braintree Retail Park. To include new policy and supporting text ADM37A Broomhills Regeneration Site Community Facilities A total of 20 comments were received on the Community Facilities chapter. Of these, 3 were received for Policy ADM38. These included support, a requirement that some re-modelling and extension would be needed of existing schools and also one comment stating that the policy should be deleted as the new school falls within the extent of the North-West Braintree Growth Location which is relevant only to the Core Strategy. Policy ADM39 received 1 comment stating that proposals would be difficult to assess in light of new government guidance and the absence of an up-to-date assessment of playing pitch needs. Policy ADM40 also received a solitary comment stating that the Bocking site is unsuitable due to high water levels and those at Gestingthorpe and Witham would require a tier 1 risk assessment. Policy ADM41 received a total of 4 comments. These stated that the requirement for community use is already established in the adopted Core Strategy, questioned whether developer contributions relate to a proposed pooled contribution, or to specific proposals, that the land at Oxford Meadow in Sible Hedingham should be included for Community Uses, that the policy should separate new and existing allocations, and that there should be a consistent approach to designation of community halls. A total of 3 comments were received for Policy ADM42. These stated the importance of continued provision or improvement of existing facilities, and a request that an 'additional policy' within the Local Plan is included relating to Health Impact Assessments. Policy ADM43 also received 3 comments. These professed support for the approach and also one stating that it is the role of NHSNE to commission all healthcare facilities in the plan area. Policy ADM44 received 3 comments also. These requested Molly’s Wood, Sible Hedingham for inclusion, the retention of a buffer between two rear gardens on Witham River Walk and a recommendation that new community woodland be included at Silver End. Changes to Plan: Wording changes to policies ADM38 Education Provision, ADM39 Educational Establishments, ADM40 Cemetery Extensions, ADM41 Community Uses, ADM43 Retention of Local Community Services and Facilities and ADM44 Community 10 Orchards and Community Woodlands and additional paragraph 6.7 and new policy ADM43A Health and Wellbeing Impact Assessment and supporting text, Transport The transport chapter of the Plan evoked 39 responses. Of these, 5 were received for Policy ADM45. These included requests for re-wording as to what criteria apply for different types of development, that plug-in charging points are not needed in all residential developments, that there be triggers for provision of additional public transport linked to increased population, and a more positive statement of intent regarding the provision of sustainable modes of transport, cycling and walking in new developments. Policy ADM46 received 7 comments. One of these questioned the legitimacy of the policy as changes to CIL will make pooled s106 contributions unlawful and another stressed concerns that the policy would be inflexible in times of economic hardship. Other issues raised regarded the need for two bridging points on Witham River Walk, the request for a new policy promoting the provision of rural footways and cycleways, a desire for a cycle route between Coggeshall and Braintree, the reinstatement of a cycleway/footway designation for Little Braxted Lane, and provision for a cycle path along the disused railway track at the Premdor Rockways site in Sible Hedingham. There were 3 comments received for ADM47. These sought the exclusion of a link road to Cut Throat Lane in Witham, and improvements on this side of the station to focus on cycling, walking, taxi and bus provision. Other comments recommended parking provision be on the Easton Road side of the station and questioned the legitimacy of the Council allocating Eckard House when it was privately owned. Policy ADM48 also received 3 comments. These recommended the policy be more flexible in regard to potential uses of the site including residential, care home, residential and nonresidential institutions, assembly and leisure and hotel uses. Other comments recommended applications include substantial planting and landscaping, hours of operation conditions, well designed lighting and a comprehensive environmental improvement brief. Policy ADM49 received 19 responses. Regarding the Witham Station Access element of the policy, the majority opposed the access arrangements due to increased traffic and associated pollution, as well as flooding and heritage impacts. The A131 Halstead By-Pass proposal received comments stressing concerns on heritage and landscape, deliverability, relationship with other plans and programmes, funding, and impacts in Suffolk. It was also suggested that large scale housing proposals should pay the costs of necessary infrastructure improvements. Changes Proposed: Wording changes to policies ADM45 Sustainable Access for All, ADM47 Parking Provision, ADM48 Transport Related Policy Areas, ADM49 New Road Schemes and paragraph 7.25 and 7.7. Environment A total of 62 comments were received for this chapter. General comments requested greater consideration of the historic environment, and a stronger policy stance regarding protection. Other comments supported the extension of the Dedham Vale AONB and the consideration of the Amphamstone and Lamarsh area for the same designation. 11 Policy ADM50 received 5 comments. There was support for the protection of ponds, rivers and woodlands, however recommendations that the policy be more aspirational in its enhancement of local character, the connection of habitats, the Stour Valley, heritage and the historic manmade dimension of the landscape. Further considerations were requested for National Red Data Book and Essex Red Data Book species and acknowledgement of the Water Framework Directive. Policy ADM51 received 4 comments, predominantly related to the identification of impacts. Comments included a desire for local people to input into proposals, that ecological surveys and applications be undertaken by leading professionals and professional bodies, that ancient woodland requires further protection, that the Water Framework Directive should be referenced and that any negative impact should warrant immediate refusal. Regarding intensive livestock breeding, this element of the policy was deemed too restrictive in accumulation with a requirement for an EIA and that the word ‘intensive’ should be defined. There were 9 comments received for Policy ADM52. These questioned whether the policy was overly prescriptive, did not cover floodlighting or heritage issues, and was not mindful enough of nearby residents. Further comments called for more weighting to bridleways, less weighting to traffic movements and an additional emphasis on chicken rearing/laying. The policy was also praised for its design criteria regarding new buildings. Policy ADM53 received no comments. Policy ADM54 attracted a total of 9 comments. These praised the stance on Protected Lanes, called for more detail on natural features, sought additional statements regarding the reason for road repairs and emphasis that vehicle types are as important as vehicle numbers. There were also requests for an additional 9 lanes to be given Protected Lane status. There were 4 comments received regarding Policy ADM55. These sought inclusion within the policy that schemes should not go over the requirements of the Building Regulations, energy efficiency measures and that there may be some difficulty in converting historic buildings to Code 3. The inclusion of references to reducing water consumption were welcomed. Policy ADM56 received 5 comments. These largely supported the policy’s stance on historic buildings, renewable energy and impacts on water. Recommendations were made regarding a minimum requirement for renewable energy in all new builds, clarity around Flood Defence Consents and an acknowledgement that tree and hedge planting may have negative impacts on non-wooded areas of high wildlife. There were 3 comments received regarding Policy ADM57. These requested further reference to heritage assets, archaeology, consultation with sewerage undertakers, and contamination and the phasing of remedial measures. Support was received for the policy’s inclusion of historical contamination. Policy ADM58 received 2 comments. One favoured the alternative to ensure locations are appropriate and the other requested early engagement with the relevant Wastewater Company. 12 There were 4 comments received for Policy ADM59. These recommended a reference to the protection of heritage assets in terms of external lighting, a more prescriptive policy wording and that applicants should demonstrate the need for security lighting. There was also support for the policy’s comprehensiveness. Changes to the Plan: Wording changes to policies ADM50 Landscape Character, ADM51 Protection of Biodiversity and Geodiversity, ADM52 Built Development in the Countryside, ADM54 Protected Lanes ADM55 Energy Efficiency, ADM56 Renewable Energy, ADM57 Contaminated Land, ADM59 External Lighting and paragraph 8.6, 8.16. 8.40 – 8.47, 8.55. New policy and supporting text ADM53A Redundant or Disused Buildings in the Countryside Design, Conservation and Listed Buildings The Design, Conservation and Listed Buildings chapter received a total of 29 comments. General comments recommended that the policy be extended to consider heritage assets at risk, that heritage assets not designated be recognised through a "Local List” and that good design should be compulsory for all design and access statements. Policy ADM60 received 5 comments. These recommend that the Council be consistent with the Government's zero carbon buildings and climate change adaptation policy and adopt nationally described standards, that the viability of some proposals would be jeopardised, reference to waste separation for recycling internally and externally, and reference to flood resilience and resistance. Comments also praised the policy’s aspirational objectives and reference to the Essex Design Guide. There were no comments received for Policy ADM61. Policy ADM62 received 1 comments related to a desire to have protection for existing historic shop fronts and guidance on security shutters. Policy ADM63 received 3 comments. These stated that reference to local conservation area appraisals and management plans would provide a more locally distinctive policy, that there was some prepetition with policy ADM60 and that Local Plan Review Policy RLP96 offered more detail. Policy ADM64 received 1 comment recommending amalgamation with Policy ADM65 and the provision of guidance documents on shop front and adverts. Policy ADM65 received two comments supporting the policy and recommending down-lighting for frontages and signs. There were 3 comments received for Policy ADM66. These stated better alignment with the NPPF and English Heritage guidance regarding enhancement, appropriate control and what constitutes ‘significance’ in the policy. Policy ADM67 received 3 comments. These requested a demonstration that no viable use of the building can be found, or preservation secured through other means. Support was received for the month period to record a listed building prior support for demolition, however a recommendation was made that the policy require an appropriate historic building recording brief from the planning authority in order to ensure a permanent record of the historic building or structure is made. There were 2 comments made for Policy ADM68. These sought better alignment with English Heritage policy regarding enabling development and also the wording within the 13 NPPF, the formulation of a Local List of buildings, and expansion to include the 7 tests set out in English Heritage guidance. Policy ADM69 received 1 comment related to consistency with the NPPF regarding consultation of the relevant historic environment record. Changes Proposed: To make minor wording changes to ADM60 Layout and Design of Development, ADM63 Preservation and Enhancement of Conservation Area and Demolition within Conservation Area, ADM65 Illuminated signs in Conversation Areas, ADM66 Alteration and Extensions and Changes of Use to Listed Buildings or Structures and their Settings, ADM67 Demolition of Listed Buildings or Structures, ADM68 Enabling Development, ADM69 Archaeological Evaluation, Excavation and Recording and paragraph 9.3 and 9.17. Sport and Recreation The Sport and Recreation chapter received 18 comments. General comments related to the absence of any allocations in the plan for new sports facilities and the inclusion of a policy which confirms the sites that will be allocated for meeting sport and recreation needs. Within this chapter, Policy ADM70 received 1 comment of support and adherence to the NPPF. Policy ADM71 received 3 comment, which suggested the inclusion of a presumption against the artificial lighting of golf courses and driving ranges. Policy ADM72 received 3 comments. These focused on a perceived omission of policy regarding the effect of noisy sports on other users of the countryside and also criteria involving recreational aircraft strips. Support was received for the Hatfield Peverel County Park. There were no comments received regarding Policy ADM73. Policy ADM74 received 6 comments with a general consensus of support. There were concerns about traffic impacts, inclusive access for those without cars and also a request to move the location west in order to better define the Hatfield Peverel Village Envelope. There was 1 comment made regarding Policy ADM75 which suggested clarification regarding how applicants are expected to 'demonstrate the need' for tourist development. Changes Proposed: Minor wording changes to policy ADM71 Golf Courses and Driving Ranges, ADM72 Sports Causing Noise or Disturbance and ADM75 Tourist Development. New policy 75A on New Formal and Informal Recreation Allocations. Delivery The delivery chapter of the plan attracted 4 comments. These requested modifications to more accurately reflect the NPPF and The Community Infrastructure Regulations 2010 in relation to Planning Obligations and CIL. Changes Proposed: None Glossary, Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 No comments received. Proposals Map A total of 54 comments were made to the Draft Proposals Map however these have been summarised on a village by village basis below. 14 Ashen The inset map(s) for Ashen received 2 comments; supporting the plan and requesting an amendment to the village envelope. Changes Proposed: Development boundary increased to the rear of Street Farm. Belchamp St Paul and Belchamp Otten The inset map(s) for Belchamp St Paul received 1 comment of support and rejection of the alternatives. Changes Proposed: Amended extent of churchyard in Belchamp Otten, additional areas of visually important open space designated in Belchamp St Paul. Birdbrook and New England Two additional sites were put forward near New England for consideration as residential and community sites. The Parish Council were not supportive unless substantial community facilities and road improvements could be provided. Changes Proposed: None Black Notley The inset map(s) for Black Notley received 7 comments; four in regard to the proposed map and 3 regarding alternatives. The proposed map attracted comment on visually open space restricting development for older persons accommodation, a desire to not see the village envelope extended and requesting improvements to Galleys Corner roundabout. Comments regarding alternatives stated that an alternative should be allocated, and supported the rejection of another due to impacts on protected species. Changes Proposed: Boundary of visually important open space at Bedells Avenue amended. Braintree and Bocking The inset map(s) for Braintree and Bocking received 277 comments, 245 of which were on proposed allocations. General concerns related to a wish to see smaller and more affordable homes, and that the level of growth is too small and poorly located to stimulate required infrastructure and economic growth, need for further retail development and parking supply. English Heritage noted opportunities for enhancement of the Conservation Area from some allocated sites. Most comments related to site BON16H off Broad Road and were regarding traffic, loss of countryside and wildlife, impact on services, drainage, impact on public right of way, could set a precedent and its potential for open space. Support for the site was expressed by the developer. Support for alternative sites were set out by landowners including housing need, use of brownfield sites, reflecting neighbouring character, sustainable locations and delivery of community facilities. Objections for alternative sites were submitted regarding loss of greenfields and trees, traffic issues, drainage and flooding, views and loss of recreation space. Comments were submitted on BON5CH that there are heritage concerns and precedent by allocating more than the frontage of the site but there was also support expressed by the landowner. Comments on BRC7H including the access and traffic and impact on facilities. Five new sites were submitted during the consultation period for consideration in Braintree and Bocking and one additional site at High Garrett. 15 Changes Proposed: BON16H off Broad Road was removed as a residential site of 10 or more dwellings, increased site area for residential site of 10 or more, BRE26H Braintree Tennis Club, allocate additional area of parking adjacent to Freeport Station and remove incorrect allocation of allotment at Dukes Road, informal recreation at Rifle Hill and education land at Lister Road. Bulmer The inset map(s) for Bulmer resulted in 3 comments being made in response to the alternative allocations. These supported the rejection of these sites on grounds of impacts on heritage assets, traffic safety, sewerage capacity, loss of open space, and a lack of capacity in local schools and healthcare. Change Proposed: None Bulmer Tye The inset map(s) for Bulmer Tye resulted in 1 comment supporting the rejection of an alternative due to the site containing a small motte and bailey castle. Changes Proposed: None Bures Hamlet The inset map(s) for Bures Hamlet resulted in 2 responses. One supported the rejection of alternatives on grounds of the capacity of local infrastructure, a lack of adequate retail facilities, traffic impacts and visual impacts. The other commented that an alternative should be allocated and Bures be designated as a Key Service Village. Changes Proposed: None Castle Hedingham The inset map(s) for Castle Hedingham resulted in 5 comments, all surrounding the alternatives. Of these, 2 support their rejection on grounds of wildlife, habitat, historic and landscape impacts; however the majority felt that a number of the alternatives should be allocated for housing. Changes Proposed: Amendment to development boundary at Nunnery Street Coggeshall The inset map(s) for Coggeshall had approximately 70 comments. Comments on COG12H were received regarding support for logical infill, room for parking and traffic generated would be minimal. Objections for housing submitted due to Conservation area, brownfield sites first, flood risk, sewers crossing the site, traffic, access and parking. Support for residential development from COG13Halt regards need for additional houses, off street parking proposed, green space proposed, no impact on neighbours. Comments objecting to residential development here included on intrusion of the countryside, archaeological interest, increase traffic, impact on heritage assets, flooding. Comments on alternative sites in the village included support from developers for sites and suggest review of development boundary, impacts on local wildlife site, increased surface water drainage issues, harm to historic assets, and to include the Dutch Nursery in the development boundary. Changes Proposed: Vicarage Field changed to informal recreation, site COG20H Walford Way allocated for a residential site of 10 or more, COG21H Beaumont House allocated for a residential site of 10 or more. 16 Colne Engaine The inset map(s) for Colne Engaine resulted in 1 comment. This objected to the dismissal of the alternatives, and wished the village envelope be expanded to include their allocation for housing and mixed-use development. Changes Proposed: None Cornish Hall End The inset map(s) for Cornish Hall End received 2 responses stressing a lack of infrastructure to support development, an inadequate public transport system, and impacts on the character of the settlement. Changes Proposed: None Cressing and Cressing Tye The inset map(s) for Cressing resulted in 4 comments being received, all regarding alternatives. Of these, most were supportive of the rejection regarding extensions of the village envelope into Greenfield land, coalescence with neighbouring settlements and impacts with predicted traffic congestion. Objections to the rejection of alternatives surrounded those on PDL, where they’d form a natural extension to Cressing, their proximity to services and their enhancement, and also the benefits of developer contributions and open space. Three additional sites were proposed for development. Changes Proposed: None Earls Colne Airfield The inset map(s) for Earls Colne Airfield received 5 comments, 3 of which responded to proposed allocations. These generally supported allocations as Employment Policy Areas, with some requests that they be expanded to include further land, and one comment stating that development would further increase commercial traffic. Support for the rejection of alternatives was received due to impacts on a Local Wildlife Site. Changes Proposed: Amend development boundary to the south and include site 9A and B as a B1-B8 uses. Earls Colne and White Colne West The inset map(s) for Earls Colne and White Colne West received 27 comments, 21 responding to proposed allocations. Comments stated that Earls Colne has recently seen development increase the size of the village by 10%, that housing need has been overestimated in the Plan and current capacity issues regarding healthcare, schools, sewerage, telecommunications and local roads. Further comments questioned the level of Greenfield development, the location of open space allocations and flooding issues. A large amount of comments were received regarding impacts on the Conservation Area and the countryside. Some support was expressed for both some of the allocations, especially the employment sites, and also the rejection of alternatives. There was some support also for an alternative site for housing. Changes Proposed: Residential allocation of 10 or more at site EAR3H amended, structural landscaping added, amendment to informal recreation extent. Residential allocation of 10 or more at site EAR1N and EAR1S extended, informal recreation amended and structural landscaping added. Remove visually important open space at De Vere Road. 17 Earls Colne and White Colne East The inset map(s) for Earls Colne and White Colne East received 8 comments; 4 each related to proposals and alternatives. These objected to the extension of the village envelope, that the site is too small for the level of development, that the allocation was contrary to the Village Design Statement, that there would be negative impacts on historic views, wildlife and tranquillity and that there would be pressure on local schools, doctors and local roads. There was some support for the proposal in relation to a modest supply of rural housing. The rejection of the majority of alternatives was supported, with support for one site stating its location and lack of impacts on neighbouring properties as a positive. An additional residential site was proposed in White Colne during the consultation period. Changes Proposed: Residential site for 10 or more at WHC3H off Colchester Road was removed. Feering The inset map(s) for Feering received 162 comments with 128 of these responding to the proposed allocation at FEE10 Inworth Road. Objections were submitted as Feering is not a Key Service Village, outside development boundary, greenfield, no demand or jobs, traffic impacts, lack of footway, facilities are at capacity and overlooking. Anglian Water were concerned about the capacity of waste water treatment works and surface water network. Support was received from the landowner due to its sutainable location, links to village and contained landscape impact. Support representations were submitted to alternative sites from developers including their sustainable location and good links to the village and facilities. Changes Proposed: Site FEE10H Inworth Road removed as residential site. Site FEE4H London Road added as a residential site of 10 or more. Finchingfield The inset map(s) for Finchingfield received 4 comments, of which 3 responded to the alternatives. These supported their rejection due to sites being located outside the village envelope, impacts on the historical character of the settlement, an inadequate public transport system to support development and increased traffic. Changes Proposed: None Foxearth and Liston The inset map(s) for Foxearth and Liston received 2 comments, both regarding the alternatives. There was support for rejection due to potential impacts on an SSSI, flooding issues and poor transport infrastructure. Support was received for employment development in the area. Changes Proposed: None Gestingthorpe and Audley End Two additional sites were submitted for consideration in Gestingthorpe and Audley End by the landowner, of which the Parish Council were not supportive. Changes Proposed: None Gosfield and Airfield The inset map(s) for Gosfield and Airfield received 10 comments; 8 of which responded to alternative allocations. Of these, the majority supported rejection due to possible traffic problems, the type of housing, the destruction of the village’s nature, infrastructure issues, 18 drainage problems, impacts on residents, wildlife and heritage impacts and issues regarding the Spinney. Support for alternatives responded to a range of community benefits and infrastructure improvements arising from development that extend to the wider community. A request for the affordable housing policy to be changed was made in order to make an alternative site viable. Four additional sites were put forward by landowners for residential development in the Parish Changes Proposed: None Great Bardfield The inset map(s) for Great Bardfield received 7 comments. Of these, 5 responded to the proposed allocations. Comments both objected to and supported the alteration of the village development boundary. Other comments involved a request to remove a Visually Important Open Space designation, supported the allocation of Local Wildlife Sites, and promoted a site for 12 properties to meet local need. The alternative map was supported, with comments citing impacts on the setting of the church and development detracting from the character of the village. Changes Proposed: Area to the rear of the Town Hall designated as informal open space, area adjacent to the fountain as visually important open space Great Maplestead The inset map(s) for Great Maplestead received 33 comments; 17 of which responded to the proposed allocations and 16 to the alternatives map. Objections to allocations believed there to be no policies that support such inclusion of housing, that there is sufficient capacity inside the village envelope, that changes to the envelope will stimulate back fill applications, a lack of waste disposal facilities, inadequate access, landscape issues, drainage problems, a lack of facilities to support development and that development would be contrary to the Village Design Statement. The rejection of alternatives was supported in regards to a lack of facilities, congestion issues, noise pollution, poor gas supply and telecommunications capacity, drainage and sewerage issues, and lack of privacy. There was one instance of support for development at an alternative site, however only for a single dwelling of high quality design. Major Changes: None Great Notley The inset map(s) for Great Notley received 4 comments; 3 of which responded to the alternatives map. Comments concerned the impacts of allocations in neighbouring Braintree would have on their educational and health resources, and objections were made to the rejection of alternative allocations that are perceived as highly sustainable. Changes Proposed: None Great Saling The inset map(s) for Great Saling received 1 comment generally supporting the Plan. Changes Proposed: None Great Yeldham The inset map(s) for Great Yeldham received 18 comments; 14 of these regarding the proposed allocations. Comments regarding the proposed allocations regarded issues such as drainage, impacts on listed buildings, the development of Greenfield land, the safety of the access proposals, loss of sunlight and privacy to neighbouring properties, noise 19 disturbance and flooding. Alternative sites received comments regarding safety of access, parking issues, loss of wildlife, congestion and noise pollution. A further site was proposed for housing that was previously safeguarded for employment which received numerous positive comments in support surrounding it’s inclusion of a surgery and a large playing field, the site being previously developed and visual improvements. A new site for residential development and regeneration of the employment area was submitted during the consultation for Hunnables Industrial Estate. Changes Proposed: Amendment of residential site area GRY3H Nuns Walk Field and inclusion of community uses, Whitlock Green allocation changed from community uses to informal recreation, additional of informal recreation designation at corner of High Street/Toppesfield Road, designation of GRY5H as a residential site of 10 or more including a site for community uses, reduction in employment allocation at Hunnables Industrial Estate. Halstead The inset map(s) for Halstead received 35 comments; 19 regarding the proposed allocations and 16 on the alternatives. Comments regarding the proposed allocations including impact on countryside, overlooking, flooding issues, traffic impacts and parking. Specific representations were also submitted on the amount of care home places in the town, impact on open space and the impact of development on the listed building at Blamsters Farm. Objections submitted to development on land east of the High Street due to impact on historic assets and prominent site and alternative uses suggested such as open space and heritage centre. Various positions for and against the Halstead bypass were put forward There was support from developers for alternative sites due to employment land not being required and objections on wildlife impacts, overlooking, flooding, traffic and parking, creation of ribbon development. Three new sites for residential development were submitted as part of the consultation. Changes Proposed: Amendment to site boundary of HTR6H to exclude footpath. Adjustment to development boundary along Ashlong Grove. To route of the proposed Halstead bypass shown as a corridor rather than a specific road proposal route. Hatfield Peverel The inset map(s) for Hatfield Peverel received 140 comments. Of these, 107 responded to the proposed allocations. General comments to on Hatfield Peverel were related to coalescene with Witham, traffic congestion, facilities cannot cope, impact on wildlife, noise of A12/railway line, impact on Arla Diary on village and there were specific highways concerns expressed on both the proposed housing allocations. Petitions were also received against HAT14H and WIS6 increase in numbers. Support representations were received from landowners setting out the deliverability, sustainable location, and potential link road from the sites. There were also some comments on whether the Arla Dairy site should be protected for employment uses and support for non-allocation of alternative sites. Two additional sites were submitted for consideration for residential development and one for industrial/commercial development in Hatfield Peverel. Changes Proposed: Removal of residential allocation of site HAT14H the Vineyards, increase in area of site HAT17H, Sorrells Field and addition of structural landscaping, formal recreation allocation of Cricket ground and adjacent allotments protected. Minor amendment to local centre boundary 20 Helions Bumpstead The inset map(s) for Helions Bumpstead received 4 comments; 3 of which responded to the proposed allocation. The majority of comments sought alternative sites to be included within the village envelope and as an allocation in the Plan, the inclusion of an allocated employment site and a site for affordable housing. Objections to allocations surrounded the demand and need for, and location of, allocated allotments. An additional site at Pale Green was put forward for inclusion within the development boundary. Changes Proposed: Amend employment designation of site HEL2E, Pale Green to B1 uses only. To move the allotment designation from site HEL5Halt to land north of Slate Hall Farm Kelvedon The inset map(s) for Kelvedon received 37 comments of which 23 regarded the proposed allocations. Traffic and parking problems in the village were highlighted along with the pressure on local services and that employment areas should be provided. Anglian Water noted concerns on the waste water treatment works capacity and surface water network capacity. National Grid supported the non-allocation of other sites which could have a detrimental impact on the rail network. There was some support expressed by developers for alternative sites and the extension to St Dominics Care Home, however objections were also submitted to these sites because of impact on landscape, flood zones and character of the village. An additional site was proposed for residential development. Changes Proposed: None Lamarsh and Alphamstone The inset map(s) received one comment regarding alternatives. This supported the rejection of all allocations due to flooding issues and a loss of amenity. Changes Proposed: None Nounsley The inset map(s) for Nounsley received 10 comments of which 4 responded to proposed allocations and 6 to alternatives. These supported no development outside the village envelope and requests for both the Sportsman’s Arms PH for residential. The rejection of alternatives was generally supported on grounds of an unwillingness for Nounsley to expand, with one objection to include a site for housing. Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation period for residential development. Changes Proposed: None Ovington The inset map(s) for Ovington received 1 comment in regard to an alternative. They supported the rejection due to impacts on a current dwelling that would be replaced, and suggested a redrafting of the village envelope boundary should the site become allocated for this reason. Changes Proposed: None Panfield The inset map(s) for Panfield received 4 comments; 2 each to proposed allocations and alternatives. These comments sought the allocation of a number of Assets of Community Value, a request that the village envelope is not expanded, and that significant strategic level growth is already planned for the area. There was one comment that objected to an alternative site’s rejection. 21 Changes Proposed: To designate the allotment site as such. Show the Thistledown Planning Field and John Barr Playing Field as formal recreation. Pebmarsh The inset map(s) for Pebmarsh received 3 comments of which 2 responded to proposed allocations. Representations requested development boundaries be amended to include alternative sites, whilst one comment supported the rejection of the alternatives, and another stressed that a playing field would be gifted on inclusion allocation of an alternative. Changes Proposed: None Rayne The inset map(s) for Rayne received 4 comments of which 3 related to the alternatives. These supported their rejection due to a loss of allotments, concerns regarding coalescence, and landscape impacts. There was support for one alternative site to be included as an allocation for 20 dwellings. Two new sites were submitted for residential development. Changes Proposed: Amendment of development boundary on School Road to accommodate existing development. Ridgewell The inset map(s) for Ridgewell received 8 comments; 4 of which responded to the proposed allocations. The majority of these objected to allocations on grounds of perceived impacts on the Conservation Area, existing housing densities, an Ancient Monument, privacy, wildlife habitats, trees, safe access, flooding and the potential for contaminated land; however there was support citing accessibility to services and development on previously developed land. The rejection of alternatives was supported where issues of land ownership were highlighted. Three additional sites were submitted for consideration for residential development. Changes Proposed: Removed designation of 10 or more dwellings and amend development boundary around site RID4H, Stambourne Road. Rivenhall The inset map(s) for Rivenhall received 7 comments. General comments sought the designation of numerous additional community uses, footpaths, cycleways and Protected Lanes. There was support for the rejection of all alternative sites, citing impacts on a Scheduled Monument, archaeological remains, a Local Wildlife Site and the identity of the village. Comments also respond to an already significant amount of planned growth in the area, issues of coalescence, the allocation of similar proposals nearby in Witham and safety of access to certain sites. Changes Proposed: None Rivenhall End The inset map(s) for Rivenhall End received 2 comments on the proposed allocations. These sought corrections to perceived inaccuracies in some cycleway, Community Use and informal recreation designations. Changes Proposed: Removed informal recreation north of village. Removed community use allocation from Henry Dixon Hall 22 Shalford The inset map(s) for Shalford received 2 comments; both of which responded to the alternatives and supported their rejection based on impacts on trees, the suitability of further housing in the area and the character of the village. Major Changes: None Shalford (Church End) The inset map(s) for Shalford (Church End) received 14 comments; 9 regarding alternatives and 5 responding to proposed allocations. There was support for some alternatives where the proposal would enhance the attractiveness of the area and support the primary school. Further comments supported the rejection of alternatives on ground of removing greenspace and trees, extending the village envelope, impacts on landscape, flooding issues, wildlife impacts and also impacts on neighbouring properties. Changes Proposed: Remove development boundary alteration adjacent to Gables, increase development boundary adjacent to White Courts and addition of visually important open space Sible Hedingham The inset map(s) for Sible Hedingham received a total of 7 comments of which 5 responded to proposed allocations. General comments question the designation of Visually Important Space in one instance and recommend the additional designation of spaces and Community Woodlands and Orchards in others. They also state that the Village Envelope should not be amended, seek the allocation of a business and leisure use on one site and identify significant infrastructure improvements that would be needed to accommodate new development. Comments were also received supporting new growth, particularly at allocated sites for mixed-use development. One comment responded to housing being more suitable on an allocated employment site. The rejection of alternative sites was generally supported due to being outside the Village Envelope and impacts on the Conservation Area. Changes Proposed: To allocate Mollys Wood as a community woodland/orchard. To allocate visually important open space between Swan Street and Grays Hall Meadow Silver End The inset map(s) for Silver End received 6 comments; 3 each to the proposed allocations and alternatives. General comments were received regarding a need for further parking provision with sites suggested. The allocations map received objection regarding impacts on housing density, the demolition of existing buildings, difficulties obtaining finance for the development and issues regarding deliverability. The alternatives map received objections regarding alternatives for housing, that the site is well screened, is partially previously developed and has suitable access including to sustainable transport. Contrary to this, support for the rejection noted issues regarding safe access, flooding and development into the countryside. Changes Proposed: Environmental Improvement areas added to Valentine Way and School Road and identify allotments off Joseph Gardens. Steeple Bumpstead The inset map(s) for Steeple Bumpstead received 6 comments. These stated that the proposed allocation is partly within a Conservation Area, would have landscape impacts if developed, and has access difficulties. Conversely, comments were received that praised the suitability, deliverability and logical location of the allocation. The rejection of alternative 23 sites was objected to; noting benefits to parking, the provision of affordable housing and deliverability. Changes Proposed: Amend development boundary at rear of Blois Meadow to reflect employment designation Stisted The inset map(s) for Stisted received 2 comments; 1 each for allocations and alternatives, and 127 separate comments on the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site at Twin Oaks. Objections on the site at Twin Oaks regarded the illegal use of the site, convenience for the Council, cost, concentration of pitches in a single area, sites should be in public ownership, smaller sites should be preferred, impact on local residents and infrastructure, access and highway safety, illegal activities on/adjacent to site. Support for the allocation was received from the agent representing the site regarding policy and pitch delivery and a suitable location. Comments on Stisted village were an objection to visually important space at Sarcel and support for non-allocation of an alternative site in the village. Changes Proposed: Removal of visually important open space designation at Sarcel. Sturmer East The inset map(s) for Sturmer East received 2 comments regarding the alternatives map. These objected to the rejection of a site citing its capability to meet local housing needs. An additional site was submitted for consideration for residential development. Changes Proposed: None Toppesfield No comments were received on the Plan, however two additional sites were submitted for residential development which generated significant public objections following the closure of the consultation period. Changes Proposed: None Wethersfield and Blackmore End No comments were received on the map(s) for Weathersfield, and Blackmore End received 1 comment stating that the two village envelopes are drawn in a manner that restricts infill development. In Blackmore End, two additional sites were submitted as extensions to the development boundary. Changes Proposed: None Wickham St Paul The inset map(s) for Wickham St Paul received 1 comment responding to the alternatives map. This sought the allocation of an alternative site on the grounds that it would provide housing in a sustainable location with a good level of local services. Changes Proposed: None Witham The inset map(s) for Witham received 114 comments. Of these, 83 responded to proposed allocations and 31 responded to the alternatives. Regarding WCH2Halt there was support for its designation as visually important open space due to its valuable contribution, close to existing open space and impact on wildlife site. A petition supporting this allocation was received. Comments from the land owner related to number of dwellings in Witham, 24 sustainable location, community benefits, most of site is hidden from view so cannot be visually important. A number of responses were on site WIS6 regarding the impact of increasing density, distance from facilities and coalescence with Hatfield Peverel. The developer objected to the phasing of the site but set out the density would be appropriate. ECC supported the increase as this would more easily support a new primary school. Representations on other allocated sites in the town regarded access, congestion and parking, drainage, impact on landscape and wildlife, need for community facilities, sewerage, already being used as for retail and need for access road to Morrisons. Representations received from land owners of alternative sites included the allocation for car parking not justified, harm historic setting, overdevelopment and adjacent to the development boundary. Objection received on allocating visually important open space within housing estates in Witham as could restrict infill development. Changes Proposed: Removed the proposed access road for site WIW1H, land at Teigh Drive and the structural landscaping adjacent to Blunts Hall Road. Allocate site WCH27H, the old Magistrates Court, as a residential site of 10 or more. To allocate Visually Important Open Space on Newland Street adjacent to site WCH27H. Allocated site WIS10H, Ivy Chimneys as a residential site of 10 or more and allocate visually important open space on Hatfield Road adjacent to the site. Amendment to the primary shopping area in Witham Settlements that received no comments The following settlements’ maps did not instigate any representations at public engagement:, Belchamp Walter, Bradwell, Little Maplestead, Little Yeldham, Stambourne Chapel End Way, Stambourne Dyers End, Terling, Tilbury Juxta Clare and White Notley. Changes Proposed: None Landscape Character Areas There were no comments received specifically on the Landscape Character Areas and no changes are proposed. 25 Statement of Consultation Part 1 Regulation 18 Consultation on the Site Allocations and Development Management Plan Appendix Braintree District Council January 2014 Official Use only Rep Number Representation Form for Consultation on the Site Allocations and Development Management Plan Responses to the consultation on the draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan are encouraged via the Council’s online consultation system available on the website. However this form can be returned electronically, or in hard copy if preferred. All responses must be sent to planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk or Planning Policy, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree CM7 9HB and received by 5pm on Friday 22nd February 2013. Please read the accompanying guidance notes before completing this form. If you wish to submit a new site for consideration which has not already been included in either the Core Strategy or Site Allocations process, please fill in a site submission form (also available on the website) and return to the same address. If an agent has been appointed to act on your behalf please also fill in the agent’s details below. Personal Details Title Name Organisation (if applicable) Telephone Number Email Address Postal Address Postcode Agents Details (if applicable) Title Name Organisation Telephone Number Email Address Postal Address Postcode Please note that your representations will be available for public inspection and viewable on the website. Please provide your name and address as anonymous comments will not be considered. However to reduce the risk of identity fraud do not sign letters or forms with a signature. The Council reserves the right not to publish or take into account any representations which are openly offensive or defamatory. 1. To which part of the Site Allocations and Development Management Document is your comment referring? (Please write in policy or paragraph number or site reference number and map number as set out in the accompanying guidance notes). 2. Is your comment; • Supporting the draft plan? • Objecting to the draft plan? • Commenting on the draft plan? 3. Please set out your comments below (additional pages may be attached if required but if you are intending to submit a separate document which details your responses please summarise your comments in relation to the specific part of the document set out in question 1) 4. Please set out any changes to the document that you think are necessary Monitoring Information Please complete the monitoring form and return it with your representation. This allows us to monitor which groups are participating in the Local Development Framework process and which may need further support. The data will be detached from your representation and separated from any other information that could link it to you. Gender Female Male Transgender Prefer not to say Age 17 and under 18 – 29 30 - 44 45 – 59 60 – 74 75 and over Prefer not to say Do you have a disability? Yes No Prefer not to say Ethnic Origin White – British White – Irish White – Other Mixed – White and Black Caribbean Mixed – White and Black African Mixed – White and Asian Mixed Other Asian or Asian British – Indian Asian or Asian British – Pakistani Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British - Other Black or Black British – Caribbean Black or Black British – African Black or Black British – Other Chinese Prefer not to say Any other ethnic group, please specify below Guidance Notes for Responses to the Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan Consultation January and February 2013. Please read these guidance notes before submitting your representations. The draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan (together with a Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment) has been published for a 6 week public consultation period. The Council is inviting responses and comments on the draft document, before a final version of the document, known as the Submission Draft, is published later in the year and submitted to a Planning Inspector for examination. The document can be seen in full on the Council’s website and a paper copy is available to view at the Council’s main office at Causeway House in Braintree and at the libraries in Braintree and Witham. Copies of the document on CD are also held at the other libraries in the District during normal opening hours. Copies of the document on CD can be purchased from the Council at a cost of £10. The supporting documents and evidence base prepared in support of this document are available on the website and copies of specific documents on CD can be purchased if required. As this is a draft plan, it sets out the Council’s preferred approach to the document and also the reasonable alternatives which have been considered by the Council in the formulation of the document. The Council would welcome your comments on the preferred approach and also on whether you think the Council was right in not supporting the alternative options which are set out. You can also suggest new options and allocations if you believe they are reasonable, which have not yet been considered. The Plan contains a series of land allocation policies and maps which show the proposed development boundaries and draft land allocations for each of the Towns, Villages and Industrial areas in the District for: • Housing developments of 10 dwellings or more • Land which will be used for employment • Open space and land set aside for recreation and allotments • Land for retail development and boundaries for town centres and primary shopping areas • Land for community uses, education or cemetery/churchyards The maps also show information on Conservation Areas, Mineral Safeguarding areas and designated sites such as Local Wildlife Sites, Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Ancient Monuments. Areas outside of development boundaries are classed as countryside and are shown on the Proposals Map. In this draft document there are usually two maps for each settlement with a development boundary where alternatives have been submitted. The first shows the Council’s preferred option and proposed allocations for the settlement. The second map (where applicable) shows sites which were suggested by landowners or their agents for development of any kind. Most of these sites have not been included by the Council as preferred option development sites. You are invited to comment upon the Council’s preferred option and on whether you support any of the alternative sites. All the sites have a specific reference number which is shown on the maps and which should be used in question 1 on the response form to identify which site you are commenting on. On the draft site allocation plan this reference number is made up of; The prefix for that area e.g. KEL for Kelvedon or FEE for Feering; A number; and A letter which denotes what the site has been allocated for e.g. H for Housing, E for Employment. So for example the full reference would be KEL8E On the alternatives draft site allocation plan the reference number is made up of; A prefix and number as set out above; A letter which denotes what the site has been allocated or put forward for consideration for; and ALT which denotes it as an alternative site or site use. So for example the full reference would be FEE4HALT The Development Management Policies will apply across the whole District, once approved and are used by the Council when deciding whether to approve planning applications. The policies are separated into 8 chapters which deal with; - Housing Employment - Retail - Transport - Design Conservation and Listed Buildings Environment - Sport and Recreation - Community Facilities Each gives more detail and local context to the Government’s guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, and the strategic policies already approved as part of the Core Strategy. The policies provide criteria against which all types of large and small planning applications are assessed and form the basis of our approval or rejection of those applications. Each policy is numbered and begins with the prefix ADM. This draft document also suggests reasonable alternative policies or approaches which have been considered. In some cases no reasonable alternative options were identified and this is set out. Each alternative policy has a paragraph number and this should be quoted when commenting on the option. The Council would encourage all responses to be made through the Council’s online consultation system which is available on the website or by following this link http://braintree-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/. In order to submit your comments, if you are not already registered, you will need to click on login/register and then follow the links to register as a consultee. It is necessary to provide a valid email address to use the system. Please remember your username and password as you will need this to access the system. The online system will allow you to click on each map, policy or paragraph and comment directly upon it. However a response form is also available on the website and in hard copy as requested, which can be filled in and submitted online or via the post. Both the online consultation system and the response form require answers to the same questions. A separate representation form is required to be submitted for each representation where it relates to a different policy, paragraph, map or site. If you wish to submit a new site which has not yet been considered through the Site Allocations or Core Strategy processes you should download and return the site submission form which is available on the Council’s website. Alternatively this can be found on the online consultation system at the start of the Draft Proposals and Inset Maps section. This asks for details of the site which you wish to be considered, including a map/s of the site and what you wish the land to be considered for e.g. housing or employment. The site submission form and all accompanying maps and information must be received by the 22nd February. Guidance on how to fill in each question of your representation form is set out below Contact Details Please fill in your full contact details in the spaces provided. Representations which are submitted without a valid name or address cannot be accepted. Please supply an email address if you have one as it will allow us to contact you electronically. All representations will be published in full on our website but address and contact details of individuals will be removed (only the name will be included). Everyone who submits a representation will be added to our consultation database (if not already included) in order that we may keep you updated on the progress of the plan. If you do not wish to be contacted please state this clearly on the form. If an agent or consultant has been engaged to act on your behalf please fill in only your name then the agent’s details in full. All correspondence will then be sent directly to the agent, unless otherwise specified clearly on the form. If you are a landowner with an agent acting on your behalf please ensure that your agent knows the site name and reference number which your site has been given. Please note that your representations will be available for public inspection and viewable on the website. Please provide your name and address as anonymous comments will not be considered. However to reduce the risk of identity fraud do not sign letters or forms with a signature. The Council reserves the right not to publish or take into account any representations which are openly offensive or defamatory Question 1: To which part of the Site Allocations and Development Management Document is your comment referring? If your comment is relating to a paragraph or policy please write the number in the box (e.g. para 4.32 or ADM5). If your representation relates to an alternative option to a policy please state the paragraph number in which the alternative is considered. However if you are suggesting an alternative option for a policy which has not yet been considered please write in the policy number of the preferred policy. If you wish to suggest a whole new policy area for example a policy on houses of multiple occupation please put the chapter number you think the policy would fall under. If you are commenting on a map as a whole, the development boundary proposed for the area or an area which has not been considered for development, please put the Map Inset Number (found in the top right hand corner of each map). If you wish to comment on a specific site, either preferred or alternative please use the site reference number as shown on the map (and discussed in more detail on the previous page). Question 2: Is your comment • Supporting the draft plan? • Objecting to the draft plan? • Commenting on the draft plan? Please tick in the relevant box as to whether you consider your representation supports the Council’s preferred approach, objects or disagrees with the Council’s preferred approach (i.e. supports one of the alternative options identified or is suggesting a further alternative) or if you are commenting on the plan (neither objecting or supporting) Question 3: Please set out your comments below Please set out in detail, your comments relating to the specific paragraph, policy, map or site that you have specified in question 1. Please use further sheets if required. Whilst not encouraged if you are submitting a separate document detailing your representations please complete a summary of the comments in this box. Please also send 2 hard copies and an electronic version of this document to the Council. Question 4: Please set out any changes to the document that you think are necessary If you are not supportive of the Council’s preferred approach as set out in the document please use this space to clearly set out what changes you want made to the plan to make it acceptable. This could include new wording to policies or paragraphs, changes to development boundaries or different or new sites being allocated for development. Please use additional sheets if required. Please fill in the monitoring information to help the Council to monitor which groups are participating in the Local Development Framework process and which may need further support. The data will be detached from your representation and separated from any other information that could link it to you. If you have any questions about filling in the representation form please contact planning policy at Braintree District Council on Telephone 01376 551414 ext 2567 Email planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk Planning Policy Causeway House Bocking End Braintree CM7 9HB All representations must be received by no later than 5pm on Friday 22nd February. Our ref: Your ref: Ask for: Dial: Ext: Date: Planning Policy 01376 551414 2567 9th January 2013 Sustainable Development Causeway House Braintree Essex CM7 9HB Tel: 01376 552525 Fax 01376 557787 www.braintree.gov.uk Public Consultation on the Braintree District Council Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan and Sustainability Appraisal /Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) and on the draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement . I am writing to inform you that the Council is preparing a Site Allocations and Development Management Plan and has published a draft Plan for a period of six weeks public consultation, commencing on 10th January 2013. This Plan sets out proposed areas for development in the District up to 2026. It accompanies and supports the strategic development proposals in the Core Strategy approved in 2011. The Council would welcome your views on the draft proposals and representations about what a plan with that subject ought to contain. The Council is also publishing a Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment, which accompanies the Draft Plan and a Draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement, which sets out how the Council proposes to consult on planning proposals, upon which comments are also sought. I enclose a CD which contains the Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan, the draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement and the response forms and guidance notes. The SA/SEA will be available on the Council’s website in approximately one weeks time. The Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan sets out land allocations for future development on maps for each town, village and industrial area in the District, which have a development boundary. The maps shows the boundary of areas that can be developed. Outside these areas, land is classed as countryside, which is protected from most development. The maps identify specific areas of land proposed for; • Housing developments of 10 dwellings or more • Land which will be used for employment • Open space and land set aside for recreation and allotments • New retail development and boundaries for town centres and primary shopping areas • Land safeguarded for community uses, education or cemetery/churchyards. As this is a draft document, it contains two maps for most settlements. The first is the Council’s preferred option for the development boundary and land allocations in the settlement and the second shows other sites that have been proposed by landowners so far, for consideration for new development which have not been supported by the Council as part of the draft plan. Further development sites may also be suggested as part of this public consultation. Please note that the principle of the strategic growth locations, as well as the regeneration sites (at Premdor/ Rockways Sible Hedingham and former Crittalls/Finishing Company Silver End) were approved as part of the Core Strategy document in 2011 and are not part of the current consultation. The strategic growth locations are; NW Braintree off Panfield Lane, Springwood Drive 600 houses and 15ha employment West of A131 at Great Notley 18.5ha employment area SW Witham north of Hatfield Road, 600 houses NE Witham off Forest Rd in Rivenhall Parish 300 houses The plan contains the draft Development Management policies, which are used by the Council when deciding whether to approve planning applications. There are over seventy policies in the document, which deal with issues including; Housing, Employment, Retail, Transport, Design and Conservation, the Environment, Sport and Recreation and Community Facilities. As this is a draft document, it also contains alternative approaches or policy wording, which the Council has considered, but has not selected as its preferred approach. The Council is seeking your comments not only on the preferred approach but also on the alternative options which have been suggested. There is also the opportunity to suggest reasonable alternative options, which you think the Council has not yet considered and to submit new sites for consideration for development through a site submission form. The Council is holding a series of public exhibitions where officers from Braintree Council will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. All exhibitions will have copies of the maps for all parts of the District available to view. • • • • • • • • • • • • Tuesday 15th January Wednesday 16th January Thursday 17th January Monday 21st January Tuesday 22nd January rd Wednesday 23 January th Thursday 24 January th Monday 28 January th Wednesday 30 January st Thursday 31 January th Wednesday 6 February th Thursday 7 February Earls Colne Village Hall 1.30pm – 6.30pm Witham Public Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm Witham Public Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm Braintree Town Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm Braintree Town Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm Great Yeldham Reading Rooms 2.30pm – 7.30pm Coggeshall Village Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm Halstead Queens Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm Hatfield Peverel Village Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm Sible Hedingham Baptist Church 2.30pm – 7.30pm Kelvedon Institute 2.30pm – 7.30pm Silver End Congregational Church 2.30pm – 7.30pm The document and all the studies, which support it are available on the Council’s website www.braintree.gov.uk by following the links to planning policy and the LDF. Hard copies of the plan are available for reference at the Council’s offices at Causeway House in Braintree and at Braintree and Witham libraries. The plan will be available on CD at other libraries throughout the District. The CD may be purchased from the Council at a cost of £10 plus postage. Consultation responses are encouraged directly via the Council’s online consultation system, which can be accessed from the website. Alternatively a response form is available to download from the website and in hard copy on request. Please read the accompanying guidance notes before completing the form. All responses must be received by 5pm on Friday 22nd February and sent to; planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk or Planning Policy, Causeway House, Bocking End Braintree CM7 9HB If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01376 551414 and ask for planning policy or planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk Yours Sincerely Emma Goodings For Planning Policy Manager Our ref: Your ref: 2061 N/A Ask for: Dial: Ext: Date: Planning Policy 01376 551414 2567 9th January 2013 Sustainable Development Causeway House Braintree Essex CM7 9HB Tel: 01376 552525 Fax 01376 557787 www.braintree.gov.uk Dear Public Consultation on the Braintree District Council Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan and Sustainability Appraisal /Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) and on the draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement . I am writing to inform you that the Council is preparing a Site Allocations and Development Management Plan and has therefore published a draft plan for a period of six weeks public consultation, commencing on 10th January 2013. This Plan sets out proposed areas for development in the District up to 2026. It accompanies and supports the strategic development proposals in the Core Strategy approved in 2011. The Council would welcome your views on the draft proposals and your comments about what a local plan with that subject should contain. The Council is also publishing a Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment, which accompanies the Draft Plan and a Draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement, which sets out how the Council proposes to consult on planning proposals, upon which comments are also sought. The Draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan sets out land allocations for future development on maps for each town, village and industrial area in the District, which have a development boundary. The maps shows the boundary of areas that can be developed. Outside these areas, land is classed as countryside, which is protected from most development. The maps identify specific areas of land proposed for; • Housing developments of 10 dwellings or more • Land which will be used for employment • Open space and land set aside for recreation and allotments • New retail development and boundaries for town centres and primary shopping areas • Land safeguarded for community uses, education or cemetery/churchyards. As this is a draft document, it contains two maps for most settlements. The first is the Council’s preferred option for the development boundary and land allocations in the settlement and the second shows other sites that have been proposed by landowners so far, for consideration for new development which have not been supported by the Council as part of the draft plan. Further development sites may also be suggested as part of this public consultation. Please note that the principle of the strategic growth locations, as well as the regeneration sites (at Premdor/ Rockways Sible Hedingham and former Crittalls/Finishing Company Silver End) were approved as part of the Core Strategy document in 2011 and are not part of the current consultation. The strategic growth locations are; NW Braintree off Panfield Lane, Springwood Drive 600 houses and 15ha employment West of A131 at Great Notley 18.5ha employment area SW Witham north of Hatfield Road, 600 houses NE Witham off Forest Rd in Rivenhall Parish 300 houses The plan contains the draft Development Management policies, which are used by the Council when deciding whether to approve planning applications. There are over seventy policies in the document, which deal with issues including; Housing, Employment, Retail, Transport, Design and Conservation, the Environment, Sport and Recreation and Community Facilities. As this is a draft document, it also contains alternative approaches or policy wording, which the Council has considered, but has not selected as its preferred approach. The Council is seeking your comments not only on the preferred approach, but also on the alternative options which have been suggested. There is also the opportunity to suggest reasonable alternative options, which you think the Council has not yet considered and to submit new sites for consideration for development through a site submission form. The Council is holding a series of public exhibitions where officers from Braintree Council will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. All exhibitions will have copies of the maps for all parts of the District available to view. • Tuesday 15th January Earls Colne Village Hall 1.30pm – 6.30pm • Wednesday 16th January Witham Public Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm • Thursday 17th January Witham Public Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm st • Monday 21 January Braintree Town Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm nd • Tuesday 22 January Braintree Town Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm rd • Wednesday 23 January Great Yeldham Reading Rooms 2.30pm – 7.30pm th • Thursday 24 January Coggeshall Village Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm th • Monday 28 January Halstead Queens Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm • Wednesday 30th January Hatfield Peverel Village Hall 2.30pm – 7.30pm • Thursday 31st January Sible Hedingham Baptist Church 2.30pm – 7.30pm • Wednesday 6th February Kelvedon Institute 2.30pm – 7.30pm • Thursday 7th February Silver End Congregational Church 2.30pm – 7.30pm The document and all the studies, which support it are available on the Council’s website www.braintree.gov.uk by following the links to planning policy and the LDF. Hard copies of the plan are available for reference at the Council’s offices at Causeway House in Braintree and at Braintree and Witham libraries. The plan will be available on CD at other libraries throughout the District. The CD may be purchased from the Council at a cost of £10 plus postage. Consultation responses are encouraged directly via the Council’s online consultation system, which can be accessed from the website. Alternatively a response form is available to download from the website and in hard copy on request. Please read the accompanying guidance notes before completing the form. All responses must be received by 5pm on Friday 22nd February and sent to; planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk or Planning Policy, Causeway House, Bocking End, Braintree CM7 9HB You have been sent this letter, as you have asked to be placed on the database, are a landowner who has submitted a site, or has previously commented on a planning document such as the Core Strategy. If you do not wish to continue to receive these correspondences in the future, please let us know at the contact details above. Alternatively if you wish to receive these notifications by email please provide us with an email address. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01376 551414 and ask for planning policy or planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk Yours Sincerely For Planning Policy Manager A.P.T. Ancer Spa (Midlands) Ltd Anglian Water Services Ltd Arqiva Atkins Telecom Babergh District Council Boreham Parish Council Braintree Association of Local Councils Braintree Fire Station British Gas Connections Ltd British Telecom British Telecom BT Bures St Mary Parish Council Cambridgeshire County Council Castle Camps Parish Council Cavendish Parish Council Chappel Parish Council Chelmsford City Council Clare Parish Council Colchester Borough Council Connect (Quadrant Pipelines Ltd & Independent Pipelines Ltd) Constituency Office Copford & Easthorpe Parish Council Department for Education & Skills Department for Transport East of England Development Agency East of England LGA East of England LGA East of England Strategic Health Authority English Heritage Environment Agency EPN South Highway services ES Pipelines Ltd Essex & Suffolk Water Essex Ambulance Service Essex County Council Essex Fire & Rescue Service Essex Police Essex Police Felsted Parish Council G.T.C. Glemsford Parish Council Great & Little Leighs Parish Council Great Braxted Parish Council Great Cornard Parish Council Great Sampford Parish Council Great Waltham Parish Council Haverhill Town Council Highways Agency Home Builders Federation Homes and Communities Agency Homes and Communities Agency Housing Corporation Hutchinson 3G Kedington Parish Council Langford & Ulting Parish Clerk Lindsell Parish Council Little Baddow Parish Council Little Bardfield Parish Council Little Braxted Parish Council Little Cornard Parish Council Little Waltham Parish Council Long Melford Parish Council Maldon District Council Marks Tey Parish Council Messing Cum Inword Parish Council Mobile Operators Association Mount Bures Parish Council Mowlem Energy Ltd National Grid Natural England One2One Orange Passenger Focus Saffron Walden Constituency South Cambridgeshire District Council Sport England, Eastern Region St Edmundsbury Borough Council Stebbing Parish Council Stoke by Clare Parish Council Suffolk County Council Taxi Association Technical Director The National Trust The Planning Inspectorate Tiptree Parish Council T-Mobile (UK) Ltd Uttlesford District Council Virgin Media Vodafone Wakes Colne Parish Council Wixoe Parish Council Mr D R Miller Mr David Galley Mr Roger Odell Mr Michael Hargreaves Mr George Ellis Mr Steve Arthur Mason Mr Robin Pleasance Mr Rob Dobson Ms Jan Gardner Mr Mark Hidge Mrs Diana Jacobs Mr Ken Wiltshire Annie Gordon Messrs Jack and Guy Agazarian Mr gerry johnson Mr Chris Howard Mr Graham Went Mrs Jane Sexton Mr Paul Mitchell Mr Greg Howell Mr Jeremy White Mr and Mrs Lily and Bruce Vickers Mr Matt Lee Ms Emma Ousbey Cllr Tom Cunningham Cllr Stephen Canning Cllr Miss Vanessa Santomauro Cllr Robert Wright Cllr Mrs Collette Gibson Cllr Ms Lyn Walters Cllr Chris Cadman Cllr Mrs Susan Wilson Cllr Mrs Julia Allen Cllr Stephen Kirby Cllr Mrs Jennifer Sutton Cllr Derrick Louis Cllr Hylton Johnson Cllr Peter Tattersley Cllr Julian Swift Cllr Philip Barlow Cllr Mrs Corinne Thompson Cllr Patrick Horner Cllr Mrs Cheryl Louis Cllr William Rose Cllr Mrs Iona Parker Mrs Brenda Baker Mr Richard Ford Ms Angela Lock Mr Jim Bailey Ms Sharon Smith Ms Loraine Kelly Mr Mark Merchant Mrs R Lawes MRS TINA HODGE MRS TINA HODGE Georgina Challis Mr Paul White Ms Donna Marino Mr David Barker Mr David Lewis Ms Emma Deighan Mr Christopher Warder Smith Ms Verity MacMahon NATS Mr Sam Mott Kathleen Ford Janet Mizzen Marjorie Timms J G Nicholls Mr & Mrs Barber Sally Pulfer Mr David Flood Mrs Linda Sadler M Bates Mr & Mrs Root Jean Frost K R Wheeler Mr Brian Frost Iris Blackery B H Johnson Dorothy Fraser Mr Eric R Childs Flo Greeves Marion Hills L E Brown Mr & Mrs Lunn Mr John Chapman Gladys Freswater Mr & Mrs Muffett Iris Calvo Mr & Mrs Cooper-Cocks Mr David Stevens Mrs W Miller Mrs Joyce Hall Mary Smith Lord A E Cann Mr Albert Dowdall E M Layer Mr Robert Shaw Mr & Mrs Heath Mr & Mrs Green Debbie Page R Hume Phil Mr & Mrs Richardson Mr George Devall Mr Joe Davies Maltings Academy J E Fox Mr John Irving Mr B Miller Ms Suzanne Emery Mr Alexander Brady Ms Anne Wiles Christina Squibb Willcock deadline Mr P E Pawsey Mr Alvar Digby Mr Peter Williams Mr Gerald Wisby A M Stimpson Mrs Jenny Claydon Mrs G Warner Mr David Edwards Mr Neil Dinwiddie Mr Chris Hunnable Mrs J Oliver Mr Steve Landridge Mr Ben Allen Mr Mark Norman Dr Caroline Davies Mrs Doris Gowers Mrs Margaret Drysdale Miss Ilinca Diaconescu Mr Edward Keymer Mr David Broddle Mr Richard Foulsd Mr Steve Langridge Mr Duncan Perry Susanne Chung Mr Richard Playle Kelly Weeks Dr Annie Gordon Mr Stuart Grout Natalie Drewett Mr Robin Carpenter Teresa O'Connor Mr Crispin Downs Sandra Bissett Mr Page Mr Timothy Knight Mr Paul Mcqueen mr robert tappin Mr Michael Eley Mr Tony Bradley mr david house MR DONALD MCWATT Mr Richard Gray mrs julie mahoney Mrs Catherine Irving Mrs Susan Held Mr Wright Mr John Irving Mr Kevin Faulkner Miss Ilinca Diaconescu Mr Andrew Fairbairn Cllr Lynette Bowers-Flint Cllr Martin Green Cllr Francesco Ricci Mrs Sherry Webb Mr Mike Lambert Mr Robert Gardiner Mr Andrew Martin Mr Peter Sullivan sarah kirk Mrs Sheila Fullbrook mr Matthew Lee Mrs J Elfes Mrs Rosa Etherington Dawn Brailsford Ms Patricia Nutt Mr Jack Parish Systemafter Ltd Construct Reason Ltd & Mr D Jones TLC Care Homes Ltd Braintree South Alliance Mrs Fiona Waugh Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Franciscan Sisters C F E Hill Trustees of St Mary's Field, Redding Park Development Company Barratt Homes (Eastern Counties) E Hobbs (Farms) Ltd W G Developments Flitchway Settlement Mr A Bonnett Woodland Group Forwarding Investment Properties Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd Bellway Homes & The Raven Group James Development Company Ltd Mr Gordon Fulcher G Fulcher & Morray Engineering Mr D'arcy East of England CoOperative Society Mrs P Hennessey Mr R Turpin Mr and Mrs M Gerhart Mr Courtauld Franciscan Sisters Mr GVS Nott Mr J Nott Mrs Grimwood-King JWS Wright and Sons Mr T Barker Bloor Homes Mr Michael Austin and family Trustees of JSG Pelly Vellacott Gooding & Ashby - Witten Mr Stephen Walsh Mr J Melia McDonnell Mohan Ltd BHC Mr D Smith Crest Strategic Projects Ltd Essex Fire & Rescue Service CML Micro & Chelmsford Diocese BofF Mr Richard Hatch Lanswood Ltd West Register (Realisations) Mr & Mrs Weekes ASDA Stores Ltd West Tey Consortium Mr Martin Scott Aubries Estates Mr Christopher Warder Smith Mrs Ann Sparks Mrs Barbara Skeggs Mr & Mrs Tubbs Sorrells Field CWO Parker Mr Ian Yates Mr Debruin RWH PROPERTIES Booth Charities Mr & Mrs Jaggard-legerton Hunt Property Trust Mapley Steps Ltd Mr Neil Cowburn Mrs M Wilson & Mrs E Backhouse Royal Mail Teign Drive Residents Mr Dan Hallett Mr Roy Warren J Mycroft Mr D Webber Messrs Baines & Harman Mr Philip Whittome Mr Rob Weston Mr M Wilkes Mr B Williamson D&G Wilson Mr J Abbott Mr B Fleet Margaret Robins Mr & Mrs C Wood Mrs A Wright Mr I Yeldham Rachel Patterson Diane Bowyer Mr Dave Hodgson Mr A Stevens Mr Matthew Morton Mr David Oakley Mrs Rita Churcher Mr Peter Smith Abigail Dodds Mr C I Marsden Mr D Clark Mr J Gallant Mr Clinton Riley Mr I Yates Mrs J Cole Mr R Steward Mr S Brice Mr E Isbell Miss T A Scanlan Mr C Aldous Colchester Gay Switchboard Mr Anthony Raftery Mr Donald Kenneth Lindsell Mr & Mrs Terence & Muriel Larkin Cllr John O'Reilly-Cicconi Mr Alan Gray Mr Robert Frank Thoday Mrs Maureen Wallace Mr James Howe Mr A Hasib Mr Michael Sewell Ms Lynn Williams Mr John Watson Mr Michael Hawes Mrs Vera Batkins Mr Peter Champion Mrs Janet Shepherd Mrs Robson Mrs Karen Skinner Mr Derek Pluckrose Mrs Ruby Goodwin Mr Peter Candler Mr Alan Reed Mr Tony Chadwick Mr Martin Geoffrey Hammond Mr John Andrews Mr Stephen Bezzant Mr Robert Isted Mrs Judith Slater Mr Terence Boreham Mr Ian Wood Mr Peter Francis Bransby-Zachary Ms Avril Hodgkins Mr Norman Rose Mr Barry Ludlam Mrs Joan Sturgis Mrs Irene Everett Mr Julian Hunnable Mr Michael Morgan Mr Neil Taylor Mrs Mary Joslin Marsh Properties & Services Ltd Mr Ivan Sutton Mrs Georgina Wade Mrs Kay Bradshaw Mr Patrick Bones Mrs Sandra Doe Mr Robert Marshall Mr & Mrs Gary & Sandra Turbard Mr Terence Rowland E. W KING & CO LTD Mr A T B George Mrs J Leech Mr Victor Rogers Mr William Bright Mr R P Jordan Ms Joan Noble Mrs Renee Hockley-Byam Mrs Desdra Leitch Mr Barry Gibson Mr Mick Ruszkiewicz Miss Lorraine Pretty Mrs Sylvia Ely Miss Caroline Lewin Mr Eric Noakes Mr Martin Gibbs Mrs Daphne Ellen Parris Mr Henry Bishop Mr Wells Mrs Angela Riley Mrs Linda White Mr & Mrs Peter & Vicky Lynn Murs Mrs L I Frost Mr Richard Warren Mrs Joan Clarke Mr Paul Wright Mr William Blaxland Mrs Elizabeth Mackenzie Mrs Bridget Couch Mr & Mrs Leonard & Helen Gray Mr Alan Richard Rutland Mr Brian Willey Mr Raymond Harris Mr Derek Lotery Mr Ian Weatherley Mr Neil McLelland Mr Dennis Little Miss Kate Jackson Mrs Wendy Lee Mrs Linda Heyman Mr Ross Allen Mr Brian Pereira Mr Paul Parmenter Miss Sue Burden Mr Andrew Wood Mrs Sandra Miller Mr & Mrs C & J Thompson Ms Grace Bryers Mrs Sally Barron Mrs Christine Othen Mr David Williams Mr Roger Browning Mr & Mrs Trevor & Linzi Williams Mr Keith Pook Mr Ian Peaty Mr Roger Duffin Mr Roy Cox Mrs Anne Balfour Mr John Clough Mr Douglas Martin Mr R Patel Mr Peter Sale Mr Nigel Brown Mr Tim Malyon Mrs D J Pickford Mr Andrew Waddell Mr Christopher Cater Mr Geoff Shaw Mr Daniel Downes Mrs Sylvia Abbott Mrs Janet Mellon Mr Andrew Bloomfield BC Mitchams Farms (Burwell Ltd) & Associate Compan Mr Peter Abbott Mr & Mrs Main Hon Thomas Lindsay Mr & Mrs Andrew & Jean Letham Mr David Smith Mrs Claire Darch Mrs Susan Ireland Mr Gerald Harold Lancaster Mr Dennis Buston Ms Janet Harvey Mr Chris Nicholas Mrs Catherine Miriam Gray Mr & Mrs Farrow Mr Robert Adam Mrs Weitz Mr Peter Long Mr Ian Ayres Mrs Julia Sherlock Mrs Pamela Whelan Co-operative Group Pension Fund Trustees Ltd Rosmoyne Ltd Mr Dan Hallett Mr Philip Heath-Coleman Mr Derek Ford Ms Charlotte Andrews Mr Edward Leader B & Q Plc Mr S Berney Mr M Halls Ms Mary Holditch Mr Sutton Grove Smith Ltd Mr Allister Burgess Mr Ray Banning Mr Joe Leedham Mrs J Kenny Mr James Wicks Mr Duncan Gray Mr Herbert Wicks Mr John Oldham Mr & Mrs Peterson Mr Malcolm Hobbs Mrs H Picknell-Stride Ms L Potter Mrs B Reed Mrs L Riley Mr Peter Crawley Mr F V Branwhite Mrs C Branwhite Miss R Branwhite Mr C Shawyer Mr D Hutton Braintree College Mr P Watts Mr Clive Waites Mrs J Harvey Mrs R Fitzpatrick Mrs R Welch Mrs E S Mortimer Mrs W Walker Mrs J James Mrs S Giles Mrs M Miller Mrs J Clarke Mrs R Mirecki Mr G Waters Miss P Hagan Miss B Dean Mrs A Barney Mrs D Long Mr J Couves Mrs M Webster Mr C James Mrs A Kelliher Mr J Smith Ms A Richardson Mrs D Bailey Cllr Roger Walters Mrs Lynn Watson Mr Tim Wilkinson Mr John Collar Cllr Mrs Wendy Scattergood Mr Nigel Harley Mrs Kathie Tearle Mr Nigel McCrea Mrs Karen Melville-Ross Mrs F J Wells Mrs K Fox Mrs K Fox Mrs C Carlisle Mrs P Potter Mrs A Crisp Annette Thorpe Orange Hutchinson 3G Vodafone One2One A.P.T. Mr Angus Goody c/o Mr Simon Pease T-Mobile (UK) Ltd The Communications Manager The Planning Inspectorate British Telecom British Telecom Atkins Telecom Virgin Media Connect (Quadrant Pipelines Ltd & Independent Pipelines Ltd) G.T.C. British Gas Connections Ltd ES Pipelines Ltd Mowlem Energy Ltd EPN South Highway services Mr Holdstock Mrs Sue King Mr Mike Bowles C/o Diane Harding Network Rail Mrs Wakefield Mrs E Vale Laura Ingles Mrs M Prime Mr Roy Kingman Mr Alan Cutts Mandy Quinn Ms C Kaldani Mr John Boon Mrs Ann Rolls Mrs S Bonner Mr David Ball Mr & Mrs Pudney Mr Neil Coughlan Mrs J Whittle Joan Smith Betty Beal Mrs B O'Hare M Nunn Mrs Juliet Walton Thea Campbell Mr Simon Churly Brenda Freshwater Mr N Harrington Miss Susan Carlisle Marianne Hatwell Miss Valerie Watson Mrs S Drury County Manager Kate Lowry The Manager Mr & Mrs G & A Burroughs Mr Gary Price Mrs M R Chapman Mrs M Waring Pam Cook Ms Mary Johnson Colchester Quaker Housing Association Mr Derek Payne Community Information Point/Chelmsford Library Tracy Corcoran Mrs Jean Murphy Mrs D Brooks Mrs Kickols Mr & Mrs John & Lucille Van Geest Place Mrs Christine Deal Mrs Marilyn Clark Tracey McCormack Mr P Whitehead Aderyn Gillett Barbara Morrison Disability Essex Kym Page Mrs Pauline Marlow Mrs Jill Lloyd Farleigh-in-Braintree Hazel Edridge Brendan Walsh Lynne Zwink Friends of Bocking Windmill Mrs Shirley Rose Mrs J Roughton Annette Leary Jane Beven Veronica Harman Julia Smith Mrs N Sebastian Dunn Mrs Brigitte Haig Mrs Gaby Chick Mrs Margaret Stewart Ms Anita Sartain Mrs K Butler Christine Barrett A Joy Interact Mr Clive Ramsden Pat Kent Mr A F Shelton Mr K Radley Ms M Houlding Mr Matt Matthews Mr Geoff Pattenden Mr Hardisty Mrs C Pegley Sue Stephens Mr A Short Mrs Marina Metson Chris Jenkinson Mr David Fremlin Mr John Parfitt Karen Collop Mr Nigel Oldacre Mr Malcolm Batty Mr Terry Rockall Mrs P Harrington Georgina Rhymes Susan Clubley Mr Clive Norris Jean Simmons Mrs Lorraine Francis Ms Jayne Kennedy Jacqueline Wilson Mrs Maggie Hughes RAD (Centre for Deaf People) Mrs Joyce Bryant Mr Jeff Dorley Miss Pilgrim Jackie Clarke Mr Colin Strong Nick Shuttleworth Ms Diane Harding Mr John Hillman Miss Carrie Appleby The Samaritans Marie Smith Peggy Keeble Karen Berry Ms Sue Stelfox Mrs Valerie Goddard Mrs Shirley Blacketer Anthea Cooper Mrs Valerie Ahern Helen Wilson Marion Ripper Mr Jack Norwood Rosemary Leak Mr W A Watson Linda Riley Mrs Eve Newell Mrs Lorriane Smith Mrs Sandra Howell E Murfitt Mr T Walker Mrs Ratnage Mr P G Conway Mr Robert Bellehewe Miss Sue Reichert Mr A G Shaikh All Saints & St Marys Rayne & Panfield Mrs T Ferguson Rev J Richardson Rev S Northfield Rev P Meader Department for Education & Skills Rev J E F Jasper Rev Father J Corbyn Rev J Hall Revd J Donaldson R Harvey Rev P Grinyer Rev M Child J F Williams Rev C.A.J Jones Mr K P Taylor Mr C B Bamforth Mr P Vaidva Amog Havajra Rev N Warner Christ Church Methodist & United Reform Church Rev D Thompson Mr Pearson Earls Colne Baptist Church Mr Andrew Knight Evangelical Church Rev D E Ivey Faulkbourne Parish Church E Healey Mr C Smith Halstead Baptist Church Hatfield Peverel Methodist Church The Vicar Mr R Swan Rev B Arnold Rev J W R Robinson Fr Anthony McKentey Mr C Keen Mrs A Howard Mons A Barrow Father J Farrell T & S Johnson Mr D Mann Rev J Blore Mrs Jane Coates Mr Reginald David Meade Mr John Daldry Mrs Patricia Sally Cheek Mr Terence Nicholass Mr Nicholas Edmonds Mr Brooks Newmark MP Mr Martyn Bailey Mr & Mrs Jemison Mr Roy Potter Mr & Mrs Murkowski Mr Allan McCoan Mr & Mrs Simpson Ms Adelaide Taylor Mr John Ashton Mr Tony Mead Mr Britten Mrs Frances Lindsay Mrs Sherri Beresford Mr Colin Bayliss Mr Walter Petchey Mr Ian Halliday Mr & Mrs Cope Mr Geoff Tipping Mr Donald Davies Dr Richard Fordham Mr Nigel Bolland Mr Roy Belsham Mr John Pollard Mr Anthony Edwards Mr P Walker Mr A Bourne Cllr James Abbott Mr Philip Barlow Cllr Mrs J C Beavis Cllr Elwyn Bishop Mr Stephen Bolter Cllr Robert Bolton Mrs A Balcombe Kerin Boylan Mr Barry Broyd Cllr Graham Butland Mrs Helen Catley Mr Roy Cavinder C F Coughlan Mr Nigel Edey W P Edwards Cllr Dr Robert Evans Cllr Anthony Everard Mr David Finch Cllr John Finbow Cllr T J W Foster Mrs Beryl Gage Mr Michael Gage Cllr Mrs Margaret Galione Mr Martin Green Mr John Gyford Mr Michael Haslam Mr Paul Heath Mr Philip Hughes Mr Arthur Jenner Cllr Michael Lager Mr Michael Lynch Cllr David Mann Ms Jacqueline Martin Mr Alan Millam Cllr Robert Mitchell Cllr Lady Patricia Newton Cllr Mrs Jacqueline Pell Mr John Pilgrim Mrs Joy Reekie Cllr D M Reid Cllr Douglas Rice Cllr Mrs Wendy Schmitt Cllr Anthony Shelton Cllr Mrs Gabrielle Spray Cllr Miss Moia Thorogood Mr Richard Tincknell Mr Peter Turner Mr Simon Walsh Mr R Bucknell Mrs S Carlisle Mr Dave Arnott Mr I Cass Mr R Cook Mrs Judy Cuddeford Mr B A Cutmore Hunnable Investments Ltd. Mrs Susan Fuller Mr & Mrs B.P. & P.C. Edwards Mr Jeffrey Babbs Mrs Carol East Mr Peter Hine Mrs Carol Braddy Mr Clive Leslie Mr Eric Hobbs Mr Lionel Holmes Mr Christopher Broadway Mr Geoff Shaw Mrs Elizabeth Poole Mr Peter Fox Mrs Ann Grice Mr Robert Crayston Miss Ann Wood Mr Saward Mr Christopher Butler Mrs Sylvia Craig Ms Elizabeth Humphrey Mr Patrick Pawsey Mr Stephen Morton Mrs Diane Scillitoe Mr Roy Cleaver Mr John Jessop Mr Simon Birnbaum Mrs Kathleen Little Mr George Warner Mr Anthony Couling Mr Barry Lewis Mr & Mrs Dunmore Mr Simon Attwood Mr Peter Tydeman Miss Janet Leng Ms Cherryl Ardley Miss Colleen Campany Mrs Pamela Parish Ms Ann Garrett Mr & Mrs Parsley Mr Mark Bell Mr Paul Evans Mr K Grinstead Mr D Gronland Mr R Haines Ms D Hardy Gen Rowell Mr K Hughes Mr Paul Foster Mr Phil Howorth Mr Anthony Seabrook Martin Grant Homes Ltd Mr Peter Smith Mr B Day Mr Nic Rumsey Mr Paul McCarthy Mr Richard Hawkes P Parsons Rev M Shrubsole Revd Sharon Mills Mr T Eccles Mrs Susan Lees Mr Bill Gustar Ancient Monuments Society The Council for British Archaeology The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings The Georgian Group The Victorian Society The Twentieth Century Society Mr Graham Fernandez IFF (GB) Ltd Mr S Heading David Walker Chartered Surveyors Mr Andrew Hull Mr Alex Anderson A D Brown Mrs Nicki Burton Mr John Palombi Mr John Chase Kirsty Walker Mr Gwynn Stubbings Mr Derek Stebbing Mr Anthony Dawson Mr A Goody Mr Doug Kibblewhite Ms Melanie Jones Laura Ross Mr Paul Bird Essex Wildlife Trust Mr K Taylor Community Commander East of England Strategic Health Authority Mr Graham Seward Mr Jack Sweeney Mr Eric Smith Agnes Bishop Mr Malcolm Bryan Marion Williams Rev David Dickens Ms K Mansfield Mr D Anthony Mrs G Argue Ms Brenda Baker Ms F Bodle Ms C Bradshaw Mr D Meechan Mrs V Hackett Mr D Forrest Mr J Brace Mr A Smith Mrs J Green Mrs C Edwards Mrs J Bartley Mr A Wright Mr D Iles Mr A Richbell Mr A Horne Mrs M Disley Mrs A Daisley Mr J Baker Mr C Duncan Ms M Trappitt Mr G Olney Mrs K Roebuck Mrs A Mitchelson Mrs A Green Mr A Jones Mr P Anderson Mr J Smith Mrs M Nicholls Mr S Young Miss K McGrory Miss R Cowles Mrs M Rumsey Mr G Pocock Mrs J Herring Mrs B Ferland Mrs S Spittlehouse Mrs P Smith Mr Tony Charles Clare Hutchinson Lindsey Backster Mr D Bigg Janet Brown Canon John Brown George Burrows Robert Carter Abbi Coldwell Mrs Lorraine Collins Mr Lee Crabb Mr Graham Eavery Zoe Middleton Mrs Norma Huxter Helena Goodwin Dorothy Lodge Mr Tim Lucas Mr J Macgregor Mr Joshua Marks Mr Alan Mickley Ms Leanne Mills Mr P Mitham Rachel Parratt Ms K Radley Ms Eve Reid Pat Roberts Ross Saxton-Davis Mr Mark Sexton Mr David Sharp Mrs Joy Sheppard Mr Robert Taylor Mr T Steed Mr G Stollar Mr D Sutton Angela Verghese Ms P Whitney Mr Alaba Banjo Mrs Pamela West Mrs J Seakins Ms Aimee Cannon Mr Jason Lindsay Eilish Loftus Mr Chris Papworth Mr Mike French Mr Ben Gibson Mr Gary Duncan Mrs Sarah Webber Ms Vilma Walsh Mrs Anne Taylor Kate Jennings Mrs S J Mott Mr Robert Smith Messrs Ramsey Ms Kate Matthews Mr & Mrs D Jones Mrs S Threadgold MoD Police Headquarters The Inland Waterways Association Essex Waterways Ltd Forestry Comission England Freight Transport Association Mr Hughie Smith Help The Aged Chrys Rampley Rampley Sue Pennell Rachel Stone Ms S Hill L Vanderberg Nhi Huynh-Ma Essex Ambulance Service Ms N Blaken Mr Michael Wilks Mrs B Raybould Mr Mike Murkin Mr J F Sheldrake Mrs J Halfhide Miss J Simmons Mrs C Carlisle Mrs B Temple Mr A Corder-Birch Mrs J Turner Coggeshall PC Mrs H Waterfield Mrs F J Wells Mr D Williams Ms L Miller Mrs J Wright Mrs J Walthew Mrs J Argent Mrs S Walker Mrs A Balcombe Mr K Butcher Mrs G Cant Mr K King Mr Adrian Corder-Birch Mr M Letch Mrs D Hilliard Mrs K Berry Mrs J Eady Mrs Lynn Exley Mr A Evans Mrs C Hamp Mr M Squire Mrs V Holmes Ms J Dawson Mr R Bradshaw Mrs A Jolley Mrs V Burrows Mr P Baxter Mrs J Beavis Mr D Porth Cllr J Pike Cllr D Louis Mrs Helen Cook Mrs Denise Humphries Mr Roger Bradhsaw Mr L Broadhurst Ms Carolyn McSweeney Coggeshall Heritage Society Mr A Waight Mr Lyndon Hopkins Head of Humanities Department Head of Humanities Department Mrs Hewes Head of Humanities Department Head of Humanities Department Data Capture Assistant Director Railtrack Property (Town Planning) Fund-raiser Garden History Society Mr Mike Benner Mr S Kirby Mrs J Cole Mr D Huxter Mr T Steel Mrs Petra Ward Mr D Whipps Mr M Leslie The RSPB Fields in Trust Mrs J Beavis Mrs H Fraser Diane Jacob Mrs J Clemo Mrs P O Player Miss S E Mann Mrs Teresa Ulrich Mrs L Rowe Mr I P Bradley Mrs Jessica Dawson Mr Colin Robertshaw Mr Roger Upward Mr P J Watson Mrs S Parker Mrs R Leeder Mrs B Fry Mrs L White Dr B Yallop Mrs D George Mr M Fitt Mr J Quick Mr Gordon Mussett Mr Will Austin Mrs T Nicholl Mr Chris Turner Ms M Farrant Mrs Claire Ebeling Mr Chris Turner Mr Rich Cooke Ms Karen Syrett Mr Derek Lawrence Mr Stewart Patience Mr Paul Morris Carol Horlock K Adams Mr Henry Aldridge Mr Ernest Andrews Ms. H Archibald D. K Athanasiadis S Attenborrow Mrs J Ball Mr Banyard Mr David Barclay A P Bulpin Mr P T Tyrie Mr Paul Foster Jamie Kemp Mr P Baxter Mr C Beard Katharine Fletcher Mr J Cornwell Mr B Bell S Butler-Finbow Mr R Belsham N Belton J T Bendall Rev Will Newman Father C Maher Mr R Bucknell Rev P Need Mr L Horsnell Mons G Read Rev Father D S Reynish Bed Mr Cyril Bamforth Mr Roderick Lane Lane Rev S Lloyd St Peter's Church The Rev'd Philip Banks St Bartholomew C of E Church The Vicar Mr Bill Brown The Chapel The Parish Church of St Michael Mr T Andrews Edna Chalmers Rev P A Andrirnatos Mrs H Crysell P Blios White Notley Parish Church Mrs A Coleman Mr D Malins Mr Brian Morgan Diocese of Chelmsford Mr Andrew Fido J B Wicks Granta Housing Society Limited Sanctuary Housing Association Mr Charles Nash Mr Peter Biggs Mr Arthur Hedges Littman & Robeson Mr S J Staines Blackwater/Anglia Housing Association Mr Peter Court Mrs P Bowers G A Boyle Braintree Electroplaters Ltd. Mr J Still Mrs C Burden Mrs L Button Mr J Grange Mrs Karen Gregory Mr & Mrs Griffiths Mr Dave Gronland Mr J Gunn Mrs J Hadley Mr Julian Hall Mr P J Hamilton Hanover Housing Association Mrs Doreen Harman Mr & Mrs Owen and Jean Harrison Mr S G Hasler Mr Steven Hathurst Mrs R Hawes Mr P Helps Mr D Hicks Mr V Hodgson Mr & Mrs L J Holt Housing 21 Mr Chris Howlett Mr Paul Hudson Mr Alfred John Hughes Mr P Gratton Peter Hutton Ian M. Edwards Associates K Jermyn Mr M Jack Ruth McCarey Cllr J Baugh Mr M Perlstrom B Bell Mr Ian Johnson Mr & Mrs Kennedy Mr & Mrs Kent Mr Kent E F King Mr & Mrs Knopp Mr Ricky Lamb Mr L Martin Mr Phillip Little Mr Brain Legan Ms Rose Freeman Mr P Lomax Mrs Susan Lord Mr L P McCartney Mr J Macrae Mr I C Terry BSc. ARICS. Mr Nigel Brooke Ms J L May Mr John McGlashan Mr O McKenna A R McLeod FRICS Norwood Mr M Bowen Mr & Mrs M & P Middleton Mr I Mitchell Mobile Operators Association D J Laver Mr G Roberts NACRO Nayland Building Design Mrs I Newby Mr S Nice Miss K Cafferkey Mr S Norris Mr Jonathan Wilde Mr A Panton Mrs Margaret Parmenter Dr. D G H Patey Mrs D A Patey Mr K Pearson Mr D R Smith Mr Paul Gibbs A Evans Mrs Pilgrim Ellie Smith Mr A Cole Mr Brian Smith Mr C Cooper Rosa Etherington Mr P Craig Mr P Crowe R H Curtis Mr M Scoot Mr D Clarke Ms M Ewel Mr John Haugh Mr Sebastian Hanley Mr Bernard Digby Mr E A Donnelly Mr M Duffill East Thames Housing Group Ms S Dicker Mrs B Ellison Mr Peter Cassidy Mr Richard Hockey Estuary Housing Association Mr & Mrs E G Ewers G S Cass Mr D Fegesse Mr T J Portway R F Wacey Mr A Quinlan R F Herrington FRICS. Mr M Harris Mrs M M Ratcliffe Mr J Reeves Mr A Reynolds Amanda Brown A G Roberts Rowbottom Developments Ltd. Mr M Runnacles Mrs J Russell Salvation Army Housing Association G Sansum Mr S Saward Mr P Schwier James Sims-Williams Mr Dan Skeates Mr M L Smith Mrs J Smith Mr David Smith Mr Colin Smith Mr Richard Smith Mr C A Richardson C Storey MRICS. Springboard Housing Group Mr Liam Boyd Mr I W Steel Mr B J Fleet Mr H Parkinson Mr D B Gale Mr P Nicklin G S Oliver The Right Reverend John Gladwin Mr D Glasson Mr Kevin Godfrey Mr J Capworth Ms D Carson Dr G E Chapman Mr Clark Suffolk Housing Society Ltd. Mr D Sullivan Mr J M Summerskill Mr V Swallow R Sweetman Mr R B Tattersall Miss L Nelson Miss M J Eskins Mr G W Tickner T D Harbord Mr C Tivey Mr Provan Mr Trundle Mrs T Tulley Ms A Turner Mr Andy Lawson B P Walker The Ven. A Cooper PlanningPolicy Mrs Margaret Dennis Katherine Blake Mr Ken Squibb Mr Sean Millar Mr Brian Tann Mr Anthony Meyer Mrs Elizabeth Edey Cllr John McKee Cllr Lene Shepherd Mr Malcolm Dunn Mr David Hume Cllr David Bebb Mr Fred Swallow Ms Rosemary O'Shea Cllr Sandra Howell Cllr John Elliott Cllr Janet Money Ms Lucy Barlow Mr Stephen Lambourne Mr Trevor McArdle MR TERRY DIXON Moiz Khanbhai Mr Graeme Free T Brown Mr Bruce Hanley Mr Phil Benns Mrs Christine Ann Eliason Phil Sturges Mr Richard Ramsey Mr Glynn Parsley Mr David Bull Mr Ian Poole Mr Richard Paczko Mr & Mrs K Green Mr Ian Anderson Marks Tey Consortium Town and Country Development (Essex) Ltd L Boxall Andrew Martin Associates Mr Adam Smith Mr Jim Holder Mr Stephen Austin C/O Lisa Arber Maurice Young Angela Schembri Mr Stephen Rolph Mr Kevin Fraser Ms Sara King Mr Ian Robottom Mr Ian Hawkins Mr D Gowers Mr Jon Clay Mr Paul Ryland Mr David Alton Mr Chris Strickland Countryside Properties Plc. Mr Andrew Dodgson Messrs Ramsey Dean Byford & Sarah Charlton Sam Cook Mrs Steed Mrs Susan McCrea Mr D Lawrence Mrs Giles Hodges Mr John Lovric Mr S.T. Rhenius Mr Andrew Epsom Mr Chris Dale Mr John Todhunter mr robin purchas Ms T Turner Mr Gareth Knight G Bell Mr Kenneth Logue Mr Martin Tyrrell Elaine Vashi Mr James Salmon Mr William Clarke Mrs E Smith Victoria Adams Mandy Gill Mr H Humphries Mr Gary O'Doherty Mr J B Bowyer K T Bonnage Mr Colin Bates Mrs D Hilliard Reverend Robert Beaken Equality & Human Rights Commission Miss DO NOT USE Joanna Hardwick B Vermilio Mr B Mann Marks Farm Partnership Faris Barlow Mr David Barker Gemma Tromans Mr Aaron Dixey Mr Des Wilson Mr Robin Meehan Mr Ron Elliston Mr Geoffrey Cohen Mr G H Watson Firstcity Mr Hamish Feldy Mr Vernon Weller Mrs Caroline Cawson Mr Rob Chapman Mrs W Y Hearn Rachael, Stephen, Kai Hart-Bryan Mr William Waples Adele Waples Mr and Mrs Puttock Mr and Mrs R F Allen Mr and Mrs J Braybrook Linda Sharpe Mr Richard Parsons Emma Succamore & John Pennell Emma Succamore & John Pennell Mr & Mrs C Poulter Emma Laws Mrs Norma Dases Mr D Holmes Ms H Holmes Belinda Hoste Mr Michael Hutley Mrs Chapman Mrs V Turner Mr John Redgwell A & V Chapman Mr & Mrs Falzarano Mr and Mrs F J Kiddle Mrs P Webb Mr & Mrs R Brown Mrs Lilian Springett D Watkins F Sheldrake Mr Stephen Haygreen Mr and Mrs L Sutton Mrs Smith Mr and Mrs A & B Polson Cllr Malcolm Fincken S A Wright C Howling I Chinnery Mr and Mrs R M French Mr and Mrs Nield Mr Crome Mr Steve Price Mrs Sue Rouse Mr Wigg Patricia Pead Lisa Pickering Mr A Palmer Mr and Mrs Turner Mr K Gipps Mr and Mrs S K Farvous S Hood Ms Lindsey Read Mr William Allan Mrs Charmaine Dean Mr Moutimer Mrs Linda May Mrs Barbara Chinnery Mrs P.A Baldwin Mrs J Peaston Mrs S Bradbrook Mr and Mrs A and J Shuttlewood J Bowtell Ms Sharon May Clarke Mr and Mrs A Thornton Mrs C Bateman Mr and Mrs K and P Ahearn Mr Adrian Dunningham Mr VJ Townsend J A Fuller G Crow Mr B Wilkinson Mr ML Ciame Ms Josie Roel Mr and Mrs Rowe The Rev'd & Mrs C W Danes Mr and Mrs Smith Miss Amy Potter Mr John Ellson Mrs W Runham Mrs R Hall AC Harrington Mr Stephen John Bolter Miss Davinia Venton Mr Robert Wright Cllr Eric Lynch Ms S Roper Ms Alison Talkington Ms Cheryl Gerald Mrs Karen Scott Ms Lynn Green Mr Michael Leach Mrs Jane Coleman Mrs V Bruce M. V Anderson M Prime Cllr. Mike Banthorpe Mrs C McCarthy Mr R Wiltshire Mrs Sian Derbyshire Mr Richard Tunnicliffe Mr. Francis Thompson Mr Steve Hancocks Mrs L Warwick Countryside Properties Limited John Pease Mr John Benson Mr John Schonert The Trustees of the Northern Estate Trust Exors of Nigel Vaizey & Co Owners The Trustees of the Martlets Estate Mr C Porter Unknown P J French R R & E S Ward Mrs T Lee Mr & Mrs Fancy Mr D J Hosford Mr Paul Brown Mrs Daryll Golding c/o Boydens Mr Philip Howorth Construct Reason Ltd Mr David Cooper Capel House Property Trust Ltd. Mr & Mrs Clayden Fairview New Homes Mr W Fisher Mr B Goodson C Doe Mr R J Suckling Mr Richard Long Mr Paul Hales Mr G Tanner Mrs Nicola Bickerstaff CHELMSFORD Diocese Board Of Finance Mr Bethell Messrs Smith & Turpin Mr & Mrs Gerhard Mr P M Ratcliffe Executors of Late Robert Hills Strutt and Parker (Farms) Ltd Robert Brett & Sons Ltd Unknown Mr R Hunt R F Chapman Mr James Thompson The Trustees of St Mary's Field Mr H Ralling Ms Deborah Ruffel Mr James Thompson Client839 Mr Stephen Norris Harold Good Farm Trust Granville Developments Bellway/Raven/CML/Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance Elderly Housing and Care Home Providers Land Securities Trillium Tesco Stores Ltd Unknown Mr S Wildman A Cockrell Colne Valley Golf Club R W Spencer and Son Ltd Tarmac Ltd Mr S Mortimer Unknown Webber/Dixon/Smith Messrs Wiffin Messrs J N & D Cousins Messrs Price Cressing Park Holdings Messrs Hubbard Mr Dennis Hodds East Essex Hunt Mrs Linda Palmer Mrs Z Napier Ms J Ward Strutt and Parker (Farms) Ltd Mrs Clements Newton Family Mrs C Woodhouse Repairbrook Ltd Mr and Mrs J Conner Mrs S Brierly Mr and Mrs Janet and John Potton Mr Cork Ms Sandra Frost Mr Goodchild O O'Neill Mr W Buckley C Reynolds Mr Stuart Cock Margaret Somerville Mrs Hayden Mr and Mrs Van Gelder Hunwick Engineering Ltd Mrs D McIlroy Mr DJ and RHA Pannell Mrs P Percival Braintree Leisure Ltd unknown Galliard Homes Ltd Mr Stephen Lloyd Greene King Mr Dean Tabone Mr Billie Hayes Mr Karl Healey Mr Stuart Cock Mr Rod Lane Mrs Pauline Hennessey Mrs J Bonnington Mid Essex Primary Care Trust Mr Gary Goodhew Construct Reason Ltd Mrs I R Collett Mr G Bober Mr R Chaplin CHELMSFORD Diocese Board Of Finance Georgina Grayland C F E Hill Mrs D Hunt Premdor Mr and Mrs Keeble Tesco Stores Ltd Consortium of Landowners in respect of Maltings Lane Mr Jack Prime A Phillips Tesco Stores Ltd Mrs Pauline Ellis Swan Hill Homes Dr Lesley Cooper Braintree Leisure Ltd Mr Kevin Willcox James Developments Mr D Leverett Higgins Homes Ltd Mrs J S Cain Mr C Young Mr David Harvey Cemex Mr J A Clarke Bermac Properties plc Mrs Beverley Steel Mr J Andrews Mr Tony Strudwick Mr C S Gosling Miss Emilie Bills Mr G Lanza Mr Moiz Khanbhai Redrow Homes (Eastern) Ltd M R W Button Swift Developments Mr and Mrs Ellison Ulting Overseas Trust Ms Kathleen Cole Galliard Homes Ltd Mr Steven Miller The Crown Estate Office Ms Sue Spinks Mr N Barton Mr E A White Mr and Mrs Thompson Mr C Taylor Councillor Barbara Collar Mr Brian Hagan Ms Marie Hodds Mr Iain Paton Mr Iain Ashford Mr Paul McConnell Mr Patrick Pawsey Mr Chris Long Mr & Mrs J White Mr S Goodfellow Councillor Diana Garrod Ms Jemma Ferridge Miss H Bonnington Mr Stuart Anderson Ms Angela Melia Mrs T Plane Mr B Callow Mr John Camp Ms Nicola Little Mr Ian Bonnington Mrs M L Gardner Mr Paul Hart Mr Roger Duffin Ms Katy King Mr John Getty Mr Adam Holland Cressing Park Holdings Mr Karl Gibson Mrs Linda Portch Dr Irene Bainbridge Mr William Palmer Mr Ian Norton Mrs C Beavis Mr George Worster Mrs Winifred Thomas Mr Scott Billson Mr JA Beavis Mr Lee Harding Mr Vernon Rolls Ms Sophie Ansell A Williams C Wright M Clifford Mrs Y.P McDonnell E Robinson D Pailter J Bateman A Gladden S Jeffrey J Peacock S Holland A Austin R D Chinnery Mr Keith Newbitt Mrs Valerie Ockelford Mrs Dorothy Watson Mr David Lee Ms B.G. Rice Mark Wilson Mr John Huggett Mrs S Allfrey Mr Mark Fisher D Andrews Mr and Mrs Field Mr David Blaylock Ms L Hockley Susan Fisher Ms Rachel Whitfield Mr Brian Joscelyne Mr S Braster Mr Ashley Spurling Mrs L.A Edwards Mr A.T. Pearce Mr Carl Edwards Karen Bridge Mr Howard Bills R G Barker Mr W.P. Clayton Mrs L O'Leary Mrs D Goate Mr S Brailey Mr R Allen Mr & Mrs Burton Mr A Ryman Denise Howard BM & J Bush Mr A Walsh Mr David McCartney Mr & Mrs Tushaw Mrs Stephanie Bills Ms Natasha Agombar Riddleston W J Body Mr Philip Welch L A Jordan Mr A Bonnington Mr Jonathan Wicks Mr and Mrs P and A Culling Mrs Emine Weaire Mr Graham Legg Braintree LSP Executive Group Mrs Gina Legg Robert Hill, Executors of Late Mr John Evans Banbridge Gemma Grimes Mr D Porth Mr T A Raybould Mr Alan Carr Cllr A W Hayward Mrs A Howes Mr Andrew Temperton Mrs Julie Watts Mr & Mrs Spurling Mr Terry Brooks Unex Technical Services Miss Ann Wood Mr Kenneth Davies Mrs Susan Fuller Mr P Ogburn Mr Richard Ramsey Mr and Mrs Spry Mr Hicks Mrs Jennifer Smith Cllr Chris Siddall Ms & Mr Smith & Passfield Clive Walker & Michelle Leading Mr David Higgins Mrs Tyler Mr Adrian Dunningham Halstead Residents Association Sarah Allison Countryside Properties Mr Peter Sale David Paul Brian Wright Mrs Joan Watson The Owner/Occupier J.M & J.E Rayner The Owner/Occupier The Owner/Occupier Mr George Harris The Owner/Occupier The Owner/Occupier Miss Katy Humphreys The Owner/Occupier Mr Stanley Barrett Mr & Mrs Webb Mr & Mrs Murton M Eymere Mrs Melanie A'Lee The Owner/Occupier Mr James Stevens Mr Denis Elavia Mr G R Nield Mr Jonathan Mills Mr Colin Pharoah Mr Peter Cook Mr and Mrs Romeli-Lee Mr Jay Coleman P.J. Brazier Mrs Patricia Singleton Mrs Nicola Bryant B Bastiaansen & G Gildea Mr John James Yvonne Game Mrs S M Dowd Mrs S D Harris Mrs Louise Youngman Mr Derek R Middleton Miss Susan Burton Mr & Mrs P Sillis Mrs Ann Jones Mr & Mrs Gordon-Hancock Mrs Olive Crabtree Mrs Patricia Sullivan Mrs Lynn Orrin Mr John Hopkins Mr & Mrs Dover Mrs Janet Duncan Mr & Mrs Cruickshank DJ & JG Barnes Mr Neil Hodges Mr & Mrs Watson Mrs J M Parker Mr & Mrs Thorogood Mrs K Guimas Mrs Nicola Blyth C A Twohey Mr Anthony Wren Miss Laura Davies Mr Graham Roper Mr Richard Quinnell Mr David Newman Mr & Mrs B V Collins Mr & Mrs Brothers Amanda Game K J Owen RJ & BM O'Brien Miss Burford Mr Bowler Mr Derek Ray Mr Anthony White Miss Charlotte Ward Mr & Mrs Plumb Mr & Mrs Clark Mrs F Hawkswell Mr & Mrs Merton Mr Warren Gray The Occupier Mr T Milburn Mrs S Butcher Mr Alan Bodfield N & S Wischhusen Mr M A Hill Mrs Jenny Wilson Ms Gail Jackson Miss Diane Leech Mr & Mrs P Warren Mr T Robinson M Wyatt Keeley LeBan Miss M A Geeves Mr Paul Woodridge Sharon Leader Mr Paul Belton Mr J D Darrell Mrs Burgess Mr & Mrs Teeder Mr Ian Marsden Mr D Hills T J Sheppard Mr Mike Barritt Mr Mike Cole Mr PG Ratcliff Donna Wickham Wickham Secretary of State for Transport Mr Dino Athan S A Pearman Cllr Patricia Lee Mrs Emma Frankish Mr Johnathan Hodgkin Mr Graham Hughes Mr John Hills Mr Nye Mr P J Cole Mr Anthony Middlebrook Mr David Golding Mr John Nash Mr Tim Bluff Mr Carl Hockey Ms Jane Turner Mr John Lefever Mr James Cutting Mr Robert Frost Mr Mark Wells Mr Mike Goodson Mr Akin Durowoju Ms Susan Ramage Mr Terry Fuller Chelmer Canal Trust The Church Commissioners Mr Tony Middleton Health & Safety Executive (Essex) Fields in Trust Women's National Commission Mr Geriant Hughes Priti Patel Mrs Jean Burnside Ms Hannah Bizoumis Mr Jay Coleman Mrs Lorraine Pearson Mrs Karen James Mr David Hill Mr David Nichols Mr Tony White Miss Katy Eggleton Mrs Ann Brench Mr Steve Draper Mrs Ellen Game Mr David Game Mr Bernard Palmer Mr Michael Perry Ms Angela Melia Mr Roger Jenkins Mr Eric Saltmarsh Mrs Jacqueline May Mr Jeremy R Spalding Mr & Mrs S Uden Mr Timothy Leahy Miss Karen Boroughs Mrs Nicky Wyatt Mrs Beryl Bailey Mr Martin Arnold Mrs Maureen Bodfield Miss Heather Turner Miss Beverley Wallman Mr Nicholas Scales Mrs Christine Bealer Arqiva Mrs Hazel Deal Mr Matthew Morton Mr Neil Anderson Mr David Uffindell Mr Colin Shead Mr Joseph Devenny Mr Anthony Pitt Mrs Mary Devenny Mr Luke Merriman Mr John Chambers Mrs Joan Chambers Mrs Veronica Crowe Mrs D Callow Miss Lucy Burton Mr Kim Burton Mr Kieran Burton Miss Lindsay Branch Mr Frederick Twindell Mrs Pamela Twidell Mr David Steel Miss Charlotte Steel Mrs Pamela Sawyer Mr Eric Sawyer Mr Kenneth Steel Mrs Audrey Steel Mr Robert McBurney Mr Russell Thompson Miss Toni Williams Mrs Margaret Wren Mr Terence Sheehan Miss Catherine Hayward Mr Donald Harvey Mr Stephen Archer Mr Paul Goold Witham 1st Scout Group Friends of Braintree Mr Ernest Griffin Mr Kenneth Gair Mrs Shirley Gair Mr Connor Gair Mr Callum Gair Mrs Karen Pears Mrs Kate Ashton Mr Geoffrey Dench Mrs Gladys Hayes Mrs Patricia Furse Mr William Furse Mr Peter Maryott Mrs Julie White Mr William White Consultation Service Mr Martin Fox Mr James French Mrs Carol Elaine Green Mr Craig Chambers Mrs Hazel Ray Miss Rebecca Taylor B Gingo Mr Vincent Dunne Mr Arthur Marshall Mrs Michele Webb Mrs Sharon Goodfellow Mrs Jennifer Gibbons Mr John Kelly Mrs Jennifer Kelly Mr Paul Gibbons Mr Mark Austin Mr Scott Pearman Mr James jenkins Mr G R Watt Mr Ray Lesnik Mr Tony Rowell Mrs Bradshaw D Garrod Mrs S Cocks Dr Roslyn Elliott Mr William Bonwick Mr & Mrs Stephen and Joyce Brownsell Mr Dan Mason mrs petra ward Mrs M F Lewis Mr & Mrs K and M Robins Miss Kerry Clements Mr Terry Clements Mr Simon Van Minnen Mr Frank Ramsden Mrs Karen Brasier Mr Josh Brasier Mr Matthew Brasier Mrs Cherry Quinnell Mr Michael Button Mr George Barlow Mrs Melanie Harris Mrs G Noble Mr Reginald Franklin Mrs Cynthia King Miss Susan Frost Mr John Green Mrs Hazel Green Ms Jenny Taylor Mr and Mrs Bradshaw Mrs Claire Williams Ms Eileen Carr Mr Robert Moore Mr and Mrs Brian Tompsett Mr Luke Raistrick MR I.W KIDDY Essex County Council Mr Gyan Ludhor Ms Helen De La Rue Mrs Sue Bull Miss AR McDonnell Mr and Mrs Pink Mr Frank Ladkin Mrs Abi Olumbori mr tom fryer Mrs Rona Gottesmann Diana May Ms Pamela Jane Ms Belinda Stoker Mr Matthew Payne Mr Kirk Wells Mrs Linda Smith Mr Lawrence Cox Mr Panton Mrs Rory Arnese Mr A Galley Mr Mike Eccles Mr Richard Ford c/o Andrew Martin Associates Mr Dale Greetham Mr Sean McGrath Ms Emma Powell Mr JF Hume Ms Christine Cope Mr S Hall L & JC Sherman Mr Jim Konig Liz Pollock Worley Mr Steve Gittins Mr Paul Ambrose Mr Bryan Baker Ms Sofia Khatcherian Mr Alan Holden Miss Finola O'Neill Mr & Mrs Edwin and Jean Baker S C Tucker Mr & Mrs Ron and Yvonne Laity Mr John Parish Mr Kevin Goodwin Mrs Diane Fletcher Mr & Mrs R Moriarty Mr & Mrs G Money Ms Sarah Lewis Julie Amsden Mr & Mrs Eldridge Mr G J Trew Mr Ian Smith Mr Martyn Richardson Mr Tony Isaac Susan Betts Mr & Mrs Pluck Mr & Mrs B Barrett N Wing Mr & Mrs Caplen Mr Ron Kidman Marie Southwell Mr Anthony Boast Carly Bradshaw Mr Robert Brown Gary and Caroline Martin Mr G S Gillman Mr & Mrs Cooper Mr & Mrs David and Anna Game Ian and Sally Slack Mr Stephen Dormer Mr Stanley Perry Patricia Wood Mr A P Gardner Mr Roger Dodman Mr Jon Hinchliffe Mr Graham Harmer Mr P Drury Mr James Waller Mr Terence Cooper Mr Ray Ranns Maud Instone Ann and David Spalding Mr John Tapsfield Mr John Ahsley Mr Peter Collins Mr Peter Game Mr Neil Worledge Mrs Jenny Worledge Helen Beard Mrs Jill Champion Mr Stephen Johnson Katrina Barker Mr Robin Copus Valarie Wood Barbara Wilson T A Pierce Mr & Mrs Pateman Mr John Grant Mr Trevor Johnson Mr David Mortimer Mr John Ashley HSBC CRE Mr Jim Konig Mr Tom Hyde Mr Simon Dixon Smith Mrs Jacqueline Smith Geraldine Tate Mrs Humphreys Mrs S M Lam Pam Beckwith Park Stores Grove House CB Richard Ellis Trigina Ltd Mr A Pearce Essex Strategic Health Authority Ramsden Mills Mrs Carolyn Johnson Mr David Game Mr Ian Coward Ms Mary J Waite Mr Peter Mercer MBE Mr George Kasabov Mr Tony Bishop Proposed Future Housing and Growth Public Exhibitions Site Allocation and Development Management Plan: Come along & Have Your Say Come along to our public exhibitions in January and February Tues 15th January Earls Colne Village Hall 1.30pm - 6.30pm Wed 16th January Witham Public Hall 2.30pm - 7.30pm Thurs 17th January Witham Public Hall 2.30pm - 7.30pm Mon 21st January Braintree Town Hall Centre 2.30pm - 7.30pm Tues 22nd January Braintree Town Hall Centre 2.30pm - 7.30pm Wed 23rd January Great Yeldham Reading Rooms 2.30pm - 7.30pm Thurs 24th January Coggeshall Village Hall 2.30pm - 7.30pm Mon 8th January Halstead Queens Hall 2.30pm - 7.30pm Wed 30th January Hatfield Peverel Village Hall 2.30pm - 7.30pm Thurs 31st January Sible Hedingham Baptist Church 2.30pm - 7.30pm Wed 6th February Kelvedon The Institute 2.30pm - 7.30pm Thurs 7th February Silver End Congregational Church 2.30pm - 7.30pm Seethedraftplansandtelluswhatyouthink. Comments on the draft Plan should be received no later than Friday 22nd February. For more information please visit the Council’s website www.braintree.gov.uk/planning NOTICE PUBLIC CONSULTATION 10 January 2013 to 22nd February 2013 th Local Development Framework Publication of the draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan Braintree District Council are consulting on the draft Site Allocations and Development Management Plan which will allocate sites for housing, employment and other land uses and detail policies which will be used to determine planning applications. Former Garage site, South Street, Braintree (reference BRC36H) has been proposed in the draft plan as a housing site of 10 or more dwellings. You can view a copy of the draft plan in the local libraries and at www.braintree.gov.uk A public exhibition will be held on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd January at Braintree Town Hall from 2:30pm to 7:30pm where you will be able to meet with officers. Please see website for the full list of exhibitions – www.braintree.gov.uk How to respond to our consultation: • Online: public consultation programme at: http://braintree-consult.limehouse.co.uk/portal/ • Email: planningpolicy@braintree.gov.uk • Post: Planning Policy, Braintree District Council, Causeway House, Braintree, CM7 9HB *If responding by email or post please use consultation form available on website www.braintree.gov.uk* All consultation responses must be received no later than 5pm on Friday 22nd February.