Toma`s Diabetic Diet


Toma`s Diabetic Diet
Toma Grubb
Webmaster of
Ed Prestwood
President of CyberSoft, Inc.
Edited by Patricia A Sonnenstuhl
Nurse Practitioner and Nutrition Trainer
Free Trial of Nutribase 7 Nutrition Software Included
Based on his experience with type 2 diabetes, Toma has written an important book about
controlling blood glucose with diet. Among other things in this book are;
By far the most complete directory of sweeteners
Emphasis on the value of omega 3 and what type of omega 3 we need
The glycemic index and its value for people with diabetes
A list of low glycemic foods o Emphasis on low sodium and the sodium potassium
Discussion of the protein-carbohydrate-fat ratio and how to balance it
The difference between the good fats and the bad fats
The foods that help lower blood glucose
Toma tells his personal story about dealing with type 2 diabetes. When he was diagnosed he
had extremely bad labs and was close to death. He shares the information that helped him
restore his health and achieve normal labs, get off medications, and maintain normal blood
glucose readings and normal A1C with diet without medications.
I have been writing about diabetes for more than 12 years. I have written hundreds of magazine
and on-line articles, columns, blog entries, and Web pages about diabetes. But I even learned a
few things from this book. And reading his book has inspired me to resume taking omega 3
David Mendosa.
David Mendosa is a highly respected provider of diabetic information on the internet. He is often
quoted and referenced in on-line chat rooms, news groups and email lists.
This book will become a great addition to the volume of information about diabetes, Insulin
Resistance, and Syndrome X. The author shares his experiences, highlights the key factors that
seem to help with these conditions, and provides positive tips and suggestions that are easily
carried out. The Database software is unique and extensive, easing the life of those who wish to
take responsibility for their health and welfare. I know you will enjoy it...
Pat Sonnenstuhl,
RN, CNM, MS Nutrition Support
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Toma's ebook is amazing. I am a nutrition educator and as I was reading it, it sounded like
something I might have written. Toma is definitely on track with the advice in this book. He is a
diabetic who has achieved remarkable success in controlling his own diabetes. Any type 2
diabetic would benefit from reading this ebook.
Dr. David Hite, PhD
A lifelong educator with over 30 years experience, David has taught in California and around the
world. A twenty-year veteran in public schools, his presentation skills were honed teaching
biology, chemistry, and health education at the junior high, high school and community college
levels. Additionally, David spent two years teaching science at Cairo American College in Egypt,
and two years at Shanghai American School in China. He was twice honored by the state of
California as a Mentor Teacher.
As a professional member of the American Diabetes Association and the American Association
of Diabetes Educators, he keeps abreast of the latest research and treatment strategies working
daily with diabetes patients in his current position as a Clinical Health Educator in the Chronic
Conditions Management Department for a major healthcare provider.
Please feel free to post this thread for all to read and maybe benefit. Definitely secrets, Or rather
not common knowledge. Thanks for the info. Very informative! I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic 6
months ago. There has been a very steep learning curve to learn how to control it and your
ebook, website and phone conversations have been very helpful and enlightening. I did not
realize you could make your own flour. Some of the other tips you have passed on have also
been very helpful. This ebook and the links to your website makes learning what to do to control
type 2 diabetes much easier. My Doctor and diabetic trainer did not give me enough time or
information to really find out what I needed to do. I found your site from David Mendosa‘s site.
Then you sent me the ebook which was very clear and informative. I have been feeling I have a
lot to learn/understand about grains and lentils. I feel my knowledge is at a high school level and
there are several more steps. If someone had told me I would be eating 4 bean salad and liking
it a year ago I would have said they were crazy. My next step is to get a slow cooker and
steamer. I have started using the diet software. Still in the very initial stage. It will take a while to
save all the various meals. I can see how it is going to make my meal selection and planning
much easier.
Gordon Cameron
Dealer Principle
Southwest Honda
166 Starr's Road,
Yarmouth, N.S.
Toma, Congratulations, the doctor has spoken and he says
you aren't a nut case! I downloaded your book as you were
kind enough to send me the link. I read it on the way home on
the plane, all 176 pages. Great book, nutritionally sound and
excellent advice for the diabetic. You have researched well
and there is really very little I would take exception to. Well
Toma, congratulations, you have done a hell of a job. I am
particularly impressed that overall it is balanced, you don't go
off half cocked at some weird theory and your advice will help
people with Type 2 Diabetes improve control. I don't agree
with everything because we kind of come from different sides
of the fence but I do respect your point of view and today, my
first day back in the office I gave a patient your web site
address. I will have no trouble endorsing the book, I think it is
nutritionally sound and reasonable.
Our differences come primarily from the fact that I am in some ways very conservative, I have
been involved for years in the Canadian Diabetes Association's Clinical Practice Guidelines, I
tell all the patients that I see that the advice I will give them is in accordance with the Clinical
Practice Guidelines. I tell them that the guidelines are put together, based on graded levels of
evidence, by the foremost experts in the country, it then goes through an evidence review, a
peer review and is discussed annually at the national meeting. If physicians practiced and
advised patients according to guidelines we would have much better care of diabetes. Most of
the things that you suggest in the diet and exercise arena are covered fairly reasonably by
guidelines (though I know that you and I may take exception to some issues). If I go outside
guidelines I tell my patients and suggest that before taking that advice, they should think about
it, read about it and discuss with their family physician or get another opinion. Toma, I think that
if we can know and support guidelines where reasonable it enhances our credibility, we may
have issues with certain areas but if we go along with the reasonable stuff we sound a bit less
like the radical nut cases that we may be. I am impressed that you have really done your own
research, worked things through on your own and come to conclusions very similar to the
panels of experts, supported by evidence. Both of us may have a little something to offer each
J. Robin Conway M.D.
218 Percy St. Smiths Falls, ON, K7A-4W8
Tel: (613) 284-0145
Toll Free: 1-800-717-0145
J. Robin Conway M.D.
218 Percy St. Smiths Falls, ON, K7A-4W8
Tel: (613) 284-0145 Fax: (613) 283-9020
Toll Free: 1-800-717-0145
ISBN 978-0-9784631-0-6
Version 1.0.4 released April19, 2008. If contacting the authors concerning either the content or
functionality of this ebook please include this version number and release date in your
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Forward................................................................................................................................................. 10
Key points of the guidelines: .............................................................................................................. 11
About the authors: ................................................................................................................................ 14
Ed Prestwood .................................................................................................................................... 14
Toma Grubb ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 1. The consequences of uncontrolled diabetes ......................................................................... 20
Recent studies on diabetes and the benefit of good glucose control .................................................. 26
ACCORD Study ................................................................................................................................... 27
ADVANCE Study ................................................................................................................................. 28
Chapter 2. Introduction to Toma’s ideas on a Healthy Diabetic Diet ....................................................... 33
Chapter 3. Ten things to do for better health. ........................................................................................ 38
Chapter 4. Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) for Good Health ................................................................................... 40
Chapter 5. Increasing fiber for better health. ......................................................................................... 45
Chapter 6. Water is an essential requirement for good nutrition!! ......................................................... 51
Chapter 7. Protein is needed to rebuild body tissues such as muscles and organs. ................................. 54
Chapter 8. Carbohydrates ...................................................................................................................... 56
Carbohydrates and the Glycemic Index .............................................................................................. 57
Chapter 9. Good fats/ bad fats ............................................................................................................... 64
Chapter 10. Sodium and Potassium ....................................................................................................... 66
Chapter 11. Get the proper amount of vitamins. ................................................................................... 70
Dietary Reference Intakes...................................................................................................................... 79
Reference Values for Vitamins ........................................................................................................... 79
Chapter 12. Specific additional recommendations for type-2 diabetics .................................................. 82
Can A Type 2 Diabetic Drink Alcohol? ................................................................................................. 82
A Pinch of Cinnamon: Will It Help Type II Diabetics? .......................................................................... 84
Salba (Chia Seed) ............................................................................................................................... 86
Capsaicin Lowers Risk of Type-2 Diabetes .......................................................................................... 88
Making chili pepper a frequently enjoyed spice in your Healthiest Way of Eating could help reduce
your risk of hyperinsulinemia (high blood levels of insulin)-a disorder associated with type-2 diabetes.
.......................................................................................................................................................... 88
Dietary acid lowers blood glucose ...................................................................................................... 89
Stevia as a Diabetic Aid ...................................................................................................................... 91
Prickly Pear Cactus............................................................................................................................. 93
BERBERINE For diabetic and cholesterol control. ............................................................................... 95
Role of water in lowering blood glucose. ........................................................................................... 97
The Proper PCF Ratio ......................................................................................................................... 99
Inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods ....................................................................................... 99
Chapter 13: Sugars and Alternative Sweeteners .................................................................................. 103
Chapter 14. Implementing diet strategies. ........................................................................................... 113
Measuring results ............................................................................................................................ 118
You are now ready to install your trial software. .............................................................................. 120
Let’s start with the recipe function .................................................................................................. 124
The second function to learn is “meal”. ........................................................................................... 127
The next item to learn is the intake function .................................................................................... 128
The fourth function is for Personal food items. ................................................................................ 128
Chapter 15. Cooking methods are as important as food selection. ....................................................... 129
Cooking methods to avoid: .............................................................................................................. 129
Grilling, Smoking, high temp fat frying and boiling. .......................................................................... 129
Smoking .......................................................................................................................................... 130
High temp fat frying......................................................................................................................... 130
Boiling: ............................................................................................................................................ 131
Chapter 16. Exercise – Pat’s Story ........................................................................................................ 133
Chapter 17. Diabetic eye care .............................................................................................................. 137
The Top 10 Ways To Avoid Losing Your Vision To Diabetes .............................................................. 138
Chapter 18. Medical IDs are Critical ..................................................................................................... 140
Chapter 19. My list of Super foods ....................................................................................................... 144
HERBS and SPICES............................................................................................................................ 149
Benefits of Garlic - Heart Disease/Cholesterol Lowering................................................................... 150
Ginger ............................................................................................................................................. 151
Turmeric .......................................................................................................................................... 151
Fenugreek Seed ............................................................................................................................... 151
Bitter Gourd .................................................................................................................................... 152
Blueberry Leaf Tea ........................................................................................................................... 152
Gymnema Sylvestre ......................................................................................................................... 152
Other herbs ..................................................................................................................................... 153
BEANS – LEGUMES .......................................................................................................................... 153
ARTICHOKE ...................................................................................................................................... 154
AVOCADO........................................................................................................................................ 155
BLUEBERRIES ................................................................................................................................... 156
BRUSSEL SPROUTS ........................................................................................................................... 157
Benefits of Flax seed ........................................................................................................................ 157
LEEKS ............................................................................................................................................... 158
NUTS and SEEDS .............................................................................................................................. 159
Appendix 1. List of Low Glycemic Foods ............................................................................................... 160
Appendix 2 - Glossary of diabetic terms ............................................................................................... 168
A 14-day trial version of what I consider to be the best nutrition software is included with this
book. I recommend completely reading the ebook until you fully understand the concepts then
download and install the trial software so you will be getting a good chance to see the benefits
of using good software for nutrition planning and control. The download link is in the chapter on
using the software.
I am assuming you are reading this because you are a type-2 diabetic and looking for answers.
Or know that you are at risk for diabetes and want to slow your progression to diabetes. It is
also possible you have been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, and are looking for the best
way to approach your pregnancy.
I have some remarkable dietary strategies I want to share with you. These strategies have
worked extremely well for me and others I have shared them with.
In February 2005 I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. I was in such bad shape that the
doctors and nurses at the Veterans Hospital in Seattle told me I was close to death. I got diligent
about finding the best solutions. I am well controlled and now off all meds. In July 2006 I did an
intake physical with a new doctor. Based on my labs and symptoms at the intake physical, he
was questioning whether I had been misdiagnosed. Being misdiagnosed is highly unlikely since
I was in ICU at the Seattle VAMC for four days being poked, prodded and getting blood drawn
on a short regular schedule. There is more of my story in ―About the authors‖.
These strategies may not work for everyone, but I have received positive feedback from those
who have tried them. Do you want to try to have your blood sugars so well controlled you will
not need to take meds? I will not ask you to give up your medications. First you must get your
blood glucose so well controlled that your doctor will agree that you no longer need additional
I truly hope these strategies work as well for you as they did for me. Either way, I want to hear
from you and how your glucose control is progressing. You may even be able to teach me a few
One doctor told me that diabetics often become more expert at controlling their condition than
the doctors that are treating them. I know this is not true in all cases but the national statistics of
both the USA and Canada indicate that half of all diabetics are poorly controlled. Is it the
patients or the medical establishment that is failing? I will leave that judgment call up to you.
I was not getting good results trying to do what I was told to do by my medical team. My glucose
readings were still high. Doing it my way, my glucose readings dropped rapidly to the 90 mg/dl
to 100 mg/dl range and my A1C dropped from 20.9 to 5.2. My blood glucose readings have
been at non-diabetic levels since May 2005. (Over 2 ½ years) Doesn‗t get much better than that
does it?
I am not going to blow any smoke at you and tell you it is going to be easy. In the beginning it
will take a lot of work on your part. You will need to learn good dietary practices and relearn how
to prepare a meal and probably a new way of cooking. You may need to change how you think
about food. You will need to learn how to analyze, budget and balance every meal. I will tell you
that the end result is well worth the effort. You will feel much better and you will be lowering your
risk for the complications that can come with uncontrolled diabetes such as loss of sensation in
your feet, amputation, kidney failure, blindness, and heart disease.
I want you to get results as good as mine. I will do my best to help you through the forums on , by email, and Skype. You have nothing to lose but excess
weight and a lot of health benefits to gain. Sincerely,
The Diabetic-Diet-Secrets guidelines for diabetics fall between The American Diabetics
Association and the guidelines released by the Joslin Diabetes Center.
The dietary strategies recommended in this book are different from all other dietary strategies
known to the authors. The strategies are gleaned from many different sources. These dietary
strategies have resulted in exceptional diabetic control and as a side benefit has been very
affective in promoting better health in many other areas. None of the research used is original to
the authors, rather is the best peer reviewed studies we can find on the various topics. What is
original is the way it is combined.
Joslin Diabetes Center released their new ―Nutrition Guidelines for Diabetes‖ in April 2005.
This ―new guidelines‖ recommends that 40 percent of total daily calories come from
carbohydrates, mainly from fresh vegetables, fruits and beans; 20 to 30 percent from protein,
unless the person has kidney disease; 30-35 percent come from fat, mostly mono- and
polyunsaturated fats; and at least 20-35 grams of fiber.
This is a new approach since the American Diabetes Association guidelines state that low carb
diets are not recommended in the management of diabetes. They recommend an intake of 45 to
65% of total calories from carbs. In addition, both the Joslin and the ADA's guidelines mention
that "because the brain and central nervous system have an absolute requirement for glucose
as an energy source, restricting total carbohydrate to less than 130 g/day is not recommended".
The American Diabetics Association goes so far as to say to treat all carbohydrates the same.
This is part of the ongoing controversy of high-carb vs. low-carb diets and, if you read Dr.
Richard Bernstein's "Diabetes Solution", you will notice that he recommends an average of 15g
of carbs per meal, which is extremely low carb. Even lower is the recommendation from Dr
Barry Grove who would have us eliminate all carbohydrates. It is interesting to note that both Dr
Bernstein, and Dr Grove try to classify some foods as no carb foods when in-fact they do
contain carbohydrates. Milk would be a good example.
American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes.
Position Statement. Diabetes Care 28:S4-S36, 2005
Joslin Diabetes Center Announces New Nutrition Guidelines for People with Type-2 Diabetes or
Pre-Diabetes who are Overweight or Obese. Press release. April 2005
Dr. Richard Bernstein's book, "Diabetes Solution"
The recommendations presented in this book are different from every other diabetic /blood
glucose control strategies known to the author and are based on what has worked for Toma
Grubb, co-author of this book and the founder of Diabetic-Diet-Secrets. The Diabetic-DietSecrets formula for healthy eating is closer to the Joslin guidelines than to the American
Diabetic Association, but differs from both in key areas. When formulating the Diabetic-DietSecrets guidelines, Toma looked at a total nutrition package to deal with more than just
diabetes. The Diabetic-Diet-Secrets guidelines are an attempt to balance health concerns from
many different points of view. Diabetes of course is the main starting point since Toma is a type2 diabetic. Besides diabetes, the guidelines also take into account cholesterol, high blood
pressure, weight control, heart health and lowering cancer risks. Even though it would seem
these may be conflicting goals, it became apparent that what is good for a diabetic in many
cases is also good for the other conditions. In no case does a diet that considers a total health
agenda compromise one area for another as is the case with so many of the popular diets
plans. In fact many foods that work extremely well for one condition often are beneficial for
many others.
There are some key differences between my approach and the standard approaches.
The American Diabetic Association and Canadian Diabetic Association are more lenient with
carb counting and types of carbs than I am. I draw from them and other sources like USDA food
pyramid and others. I think they all have some good points, but also ignore some key issues.
Unlike ADA, CDA, USDA etc. I recommend eliminating all high glycemic carbohydrates i.e.
white rice, potatoes, breads from highly refined flours, sugar and any other high GI food. I draw
heavily from the Low Glycemic sources and believe they are providing a valuable tool. Still I
don't think Low GI is a total answer.
I think most of the above sources focus too much on carbohydrates and ignore some other
issues such as good fat / bad fat and a proper level of protein and protein sources. I am not a
low fat/no fat advocate, but I do recommend eliminating as much as possible trans fats and
cholesterol and strictly limiting saturated fats. I strongly advocate for a minimum of 1000 mg
Omega 3 per day (EPA/DHA) from fish oil not the flax oil or other supplements that fall under
the omega 3 umbrella.
I suggest, like many others, that protein should be from sources such as lean chicken breast,
fish, seeds, nuts, and legumes.
With fats and protein I differ from the extreme low carb advocates.
One major difference between my methods and other methods is the way I arrive at my meal
plans. Many people follow the exchanges program and it is highly promoted by the medical
establishment. I think it is too imprecise and allows foods that I think are bad choices. What I do
and recommend is using nutrition tracking software to analyze, plan and record meals.
There are many software options that work to some degree. I started with nutrient data books
and doing the math on paper. I soon upgraded to a hand held devise from HealthFitCounter that
was better and more convenient. I have tried FitDay, DietSoft, DietPower and a few other
software programs and they all will work. Finally I found the software I now use and advocate. It
is more powerful, has more options, has more data bases, has more foods in the data bases,
and tracks more nutrients than anything else I have found.
There are other differences and I know there are many who disagree with me. What they can
not disagree with are the results I am getting as supported by my medical records.
Key points of the guidelines:
Accurately determine the actual makeup of everything you eat. Maintaining an optimal diet
requires an accurate analysis of daily intakes. Whether your goal is weight-loss, glucose control,
high cholesterol or any other diet plan, you will reach your goals much quicker if you know the
composition of your meals. The failure of many plans is in their efforts to make it easy. Using the
palm of your hand, the size of your fist, a deck of card or many of the other strategies can
produce wildly inaccurate results. The only truly accurate method is to weigh and measure
everything eaten, and then analyze each component in the diet for its particular nutrient
composition. This can be a daunting task if done with pencil, paper and printed databases.
The Diabetic-Diet-Secrets Diet strategy relies on accurate measurements, recording and
analysis of food intakes. This requires a food scale and a method of recording and analyzing the
food intakes. Prior to the advent of personal computers this would have meant written logs and
extensive databases in books. In recent years, research quality food databases have been
compiled and made available to the public.
The NutriBase Personal Diet software is the software program of choice for the
implementation of our dietary strategies. NutriBase has a database of over 34,000+ food
entries, 52 popular US restaurants and is capable of tracking up to 88 nutrient values.
Weight loss is tied to caloric intake. Maintaining a caloric intake consistent with calorie
expenditures is the only method that has the full backing of the medical community.
A PCF ratio of 20-50-30 will work for most type-2 diabetics. PCF Ratio is the amount of calories
derived from Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats. All foods are composed of one or more of these
three nutrient values. Most foods have all three in their makeup. If the 20-50-30 ratio does not
work for a particular diabetic then the carbohydrates should be reduced further but probably not
less than 40%. Far more important than the total grams of carbohydrates is the type of
carbohydrates. (More on this later)
Increasing protein to more than 20-25 percent is unnecessary and undesirable in any case
since any amount over 15% will most likely be converted to glucose (even for a bodybuilder),
but runs the risk of stressing the kidneys.
All carbohydrates should be low glycemic carbohydrates. Many researchers from around the
world are showing that different carbohydrates affect blood glucose differently. Low Glycemic
carbohydrates raise the blood glucose of a diabetic much slower than high glycemic carbs. The
Glycemic Index will be discussed later in this book
Everyone should consume between 20-35 grams of fiber per day. Fiber is a form of
carbohydrate that is not absorbed by the human body. Fiber has been shown to aid in
maintaining a healthy digestive system, slow the rise in blood glucose, aid in lowering
cholesterol and in maintaining a healthy heart.
Healthy adults should consume in excess of 1000 mg omega 3 (EPA/DHA) per day. Some
guidelines say more. In unhealthy adults the omega 3 consumption may need to be as high as
4000mg per day. Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) comes from fish and seafood. To clarify, Most Omega 3
Capsules come in 1000 mg capsules. That does not mean you are getting 1000 mg of the good
stuff. You need to read the label more carefully for the EPA and DHA content. Some 1000 mg
capsules contain 400 mg EPA and 200 mg DHA while others contain only 178 mg EPA and 78
mg DHA. Make sure you are getting your money‗s worth. I have seen the lower content capsule
sell for as much as $40.00 at the trendy health food stores while I can by the much higher
concentration capsule for under $9.00 at discount outlets.
Healthy fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats should make up about 30% or more of a
healthy diet. Unhealthy fats (saturated fat, cholesterol, and trans fats) should be severely
restricted or eliminated.
Drink lots of water. Water helps our bodies eliminate toxins. Water also helps in flushing the
system of excess glucose.
Each of these topics will be covered in more detail later in this book. More in-depth information
about each of these points can be found in various places on A
goggle search within the site can find all the relevant references to each.
About the authors:
The lead author of this book is Toma Grubb and it is based on his experience as a type 2
This book may not have happened without prodding from Ed Prestwood and his offer to coauthor it. Mr. Prestwood has been very instrumental in Toma‘s success at controlling his blood
glucose because of the nutrition software he developed. Toma Grubb and Ed Prestwood have
communicated about different issues between July 2005 and present and are in regular contact.
Toma and Ed have a working relationship and have become friends even though they have
never met in person.
The book has been reviewed and edited by Patricia Sonnenstuhl RN, CNM BSN, CNM, CHT,
HBCE, MS Midwifery, CPPI. Again even though they have never met in person, Patricia
Sonnenstuhl has had a major influence on Toma and they have communicated primarily over
the internet. Without knowing it, Pat was influencing Toma and his search for better answers
through her numerous postings and other internet based correspondence in diabetic chat
groups and email lists. Pat became involved with Toma‘s websites about a year ago and has
been an advisor since. Pat also contributed the section on exercise.
This book contains articles from Dr. Paul Chous, M.A., O.D. and Professor J Anderson Nutrition
and food specialist from Colorado State University who have graciously allowed their works to
be included in this book.
Additional content is from public domain sources featuring the vitamin charts from Health
Canada, J Anderson from the USDA Agricultural Research Service CDC, US National Library of
Medicine, and probably some other sources I‘m forgetting to mention. No slight is intended.
Portions of this book are heavily influenced by the work of Dr. Jenne Brand-Miller, the world‘s
leading expert on the glycemic index from the University of Sydney in Sydney, Australia. Most
sources this book is based on were acquired through the internet so a thank you is also in order
to the people who made the internet possible. An additional Thank you to those who reviewed
and offered additional input to this book including; Dr. Robin Conway M.D. (one of Canada‘s
leading authorities on diabetes) and Katherine Corbett from the Glycemic Index Laboratories in
Toronto, ON Canada.
Ed Prestwood
Ed Prestwood has been instrumental in developing the NutriCoach Diet Strategies used in this
book. These strategies rely heavily on accurate and convenient analysis of nutrient intakes. This
would be a Herculean task without the diet software developed by CyberSoft, the company
founded by Mr. Prestwood. Use of this nutrient analysis software has resulted in exceptional
Blood glucose control for people who have combined his software with the diabetic diet
strategies offered in this book.
Ed Prestwood BS, MA, Founder and President, CyberSoft, Inc.
Mr. Prestwood is the former director of Technical Public Relations for the
Motorola Semiconductor Product Sector. Ed founded CyberSoft in 1986
and has published several books, most of which pertain to the nutritional
contents of foods. The "NutriBase Series" of books are the top-selling
books on the market for this genre. Ed managed the development of
NutriBase for DOS, released in 1993. NutriBase has since evolved to
become the most powerful and comprehensive software for nutrition and
fitness professionals today. The NutriBase personal editions incorporate
many of the functions in the professional versions of NutriBase.
Ed has developed relationships with many RD's and other experts who voluntarily test each new
revision of NutriBase software before release. Ed lives in Phoenix with his wife and four children
- all girls! He's the Webmaster for the NutriBase sites and currently oversees product
development and support activities.
NutriBase is the only nutrition software package whose nutrient information has been published
in a best-selling series of nutritional information books. NutriBase software provides the
foundation for the NutriBase Series of nutritional information books. As of 2006, there are three
million copies of these books in print. Each of these books is the market leader for the data
provided. It's easy to spot these books on the shelves - they are massive works that present
data for 40,000 foods. All of these titles are available now in all major bookstores.
The NutriBase Nutrition Facts Desk Reference - 950 pages; 7 1/2" x 9 1/8" format. This large
format volume provides information for 40,000+ food items. Data includes (Food Name,
Description, Serving Size, Calories, Protein, Carbohydrates, Total Fat, Total Saturated Fat,
Calories from Fat, % Calories from Fat, Sodium, Cholesterol, Total Dietary Fiber,), 13 vitamins and
minerals plus 5,000+ menu items from 60+ restaurants. Published by the Avery, a member of
Penguin-Putnam, Inc. Copyright by CyberSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
The NutriBase Guide to the Fat & Cholesterol - 750 pages; 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" format. This
popular entry to the NutriBase Series provides information for Food Name, Description, Serving
Size, Total Calories, Total Fat, Total Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, and % Calories from Fat. With
data for over 40,000 food items, it's the most comprehensive work of its kind. Published by the
Avery, a member of Penguin-Putnam, Inc. Copyright by CyberSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
The NutriBase Guide to Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fat - 704 pages; 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" format;
provides information for Food Name, Description, Serving Size, Calories, Protein,
Carbohydrates, and Total Fat. With information for over 40,000 food items, you're sure to find
the information you need. Published by the Avery, a member of Penguin-Putnam, Inc. Copyright
by CyberSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
The NutriBase Guide to Carbohydrates, Calories, and Fat - 700 pages; 5 1/2" x 8 1/4"
format. With 40,000+ food items, it‗s the most comprehensive work of its kind that you will find.
This book provides information for Food Name, Description, Serving Size, Calories, Total
Carbohydrate, and Total Fat. Published by the Avery, a member of Penguin-Putnam, Inc.
Copyright by CyberSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
The NutriBase Guide to the Fat & Fiber in Your Food - 700 pages; 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" format;
covers Food Name, Description, Serving Size, Calories, Total Dietary Fiber, Total Fat, and %
Calories From Fat. Includes information for over 40,000 food items. Published by the Avery, a
member of Penguin-Putnam, Inc. Copyright by CyberSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
The NutriBase Guide to Fast Food Restaurants - 700 pages; 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" format. This
member of the NutriBase series features the nutrient information for over 5,000 menu items
from 60+ restaurants. Published by the Avery, a member of Penguin-Putnam, Inc. Copyright by
CyberSoft, Inc. All rights reserved.
The NutriBase Complete Book of Food Counts - 704 pages; 5 1/2" x 8 1/4" format; covers
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Sodium, Total Dietary Fiber, and Cholesterol) for over 40,000 food items. Published by the
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Toma Grubb
Throughout my life, I've been pretty active. Even as a teen, I
was involved in sports and activities that can take a toll on the
human body. My experience as a DUSTOFF pilot (DUSTOFF
is the call sign for US Army air ambulance helicopters) in the
Vietnam War gave me a taste for the rush of adrenaline that
later in my life I was able to achieve without the added threat
of live ammunition. Well into my fifties, I participated in sports
and activities that many abandon earlier in their lives, ranging
from white-water rafting to competitive Country Western
A few years ago, I started noticing some changes. At first, I
thought my age was finally catching up to me. I had no
energy, felt achy and thirsty and I was slowly losing my
appetite. I thought I had the flu. Then, near the end of
January 2005, I started feeling discomfort in my lower back
around my kidneys. Thinking I had a kidney infection, I
stopped drinking my 10 Dr. Peppers per day and started
drinking juices--particularly cranberry juice. Unknowingly I was adding to the problem.
Things were getting worse, but since I was in Canada and had trouble crossing the border, I
was hesitant to go to the Veterans Administration Hospital in Seattle. Finally, I decided to go to
a Canadian doctor who told me I had diabetes and needed to go to a hospital for treatment. I
spent the next day on a ferry from Nanaimo to Vancouver and then a Greyhound Bus to Seattle.
Near midnight I finally arrived at the VA Hospital Emergency Room.
Some quick tests told the doctor that I was in serious condition. He told me if I had waited much
longer, I might not have made it. It was quickly discovered that my blood glucose was at 570
mg/dl. It should be between 70 and 100. My A1C, a test to determine the sugar retained in the
blood cells, was at 20.5--it should be under 7. My triglycerides were 1517 and should be under
150. I was badly dehydrated and my potassium levels were low, my eyes were blurry and my
blood pressure was high. The doctor placed me in the critical care ward where I spent the next
four days.
There, I was hooked up to an IV pump and administered 15 liters of saline over the next 3 days.
Twelve of the IV bags contained a potassium mix. I was given so many heparin shots I lost track
of them. Every few hours my blood was being drawn to monitor the effect of the treatments.
They were giving me pills that to this day I am unable to identify, and insulin.
Doctors and nurses told me that my pancreas had shut down, and that I was close to renal
failure. My triglyceride levels were so high that there was no way to tell what my cholesterol
numbers were. Cells need potassium to be able to take in the glucose that feeds our bodies.
Lacking insulin, my body was prevented from using or eliminating the excessively high levels of
glucose in my bloodstream. My blood was the consistency of syrup, and my urine was so full of
sugar it was sticky. Sugar in my lenses even caused my eyes to blur.
In short I was in pretty bad shape. I was in the process of necrosis (pertaining to the death of
tissue) and had already entered into severe diabetic ketoacidosis. Over the two weeks I was at
the VA Hospital, I got quite an education on diabetes--a crash course. When I had stabilized two
weeks later, they sent me off with a grocery sack full of literature about diabetes and nutrition. I
soon learned that the literature provided good advice but was so general it was practically
impossible to apply on a day-by-day, meal-by-meal basis.
I then headed back to join my Canadian wife at our seasonal home in Nanaimo. When I reached
the Canadian border, I was told I would be refused admittance until I applied for and was
granted permanent residency by Canada Immigration. Although my health had improved, at that
point my blood glucose level was still way too high. Frustrated, I headed back to my home in
Dan, a friend of mine, asked me to stay with him and his partner, Jamie, for a while. It was while
staying with them that my education really began. Jamie is a nurse and had worked for an
endocrinologist. She was also a body builder and very much into nutrition. They gave me a book
that really opened my eyes, called The Insulin-Resistance Diet, by Cheryl R. Hart, M.D. and
Mary Kay Grossman, R.D. I recommend this book to anyone who is nutritionally challenged.
The book was a godsend. It was much better than anything else I had encountered thus far,
especially when it came to controlling my blood glucose. However, like the literature given to me
when I left the Seattle VA Hospital, I felt it wasn't specific enough. In the meantime, Jamie was
teaching me to select and cook foods properly. I found a little nutrition counter that helped but
was rather limited and a little clumsy to use. It only had 2000 foods listed and a lot of them were
useless to me, particularly the fast food items.
Nevertheless, I was making really good progress with the little hand held counter and I knew I
was really on to something. I just wanted something even better, so I kept searching. Six weeks
later, I finally found a software program that listed 30,000 foods and 90 nutritional values for
each. I down loaded the trial version of the software and found it far superior to anything I had
found so far, but there were still some minor issues I knew could be easily fixed. I contacted the
developer and started negotiation with him to produce a version of his software that would meet
and exceed all the requirements I was looking for.
I applied all I had learned and have been able to totally controlled my blood glucose to less than
100 mg/dl ever since. Then there was also the side benefit--I lost 35 lbs and am well on my way
to my healthy body weight.
Since then, my energy levels
are greatly increased and when
I had my last blood test, my
cholesterol was almost where it
should be. I started this quest
with the intention of treating my
diabetes. As you can see in the
chart, my method worked
extremely well for controlling the
blood glucose. I soon realized
this approach would work with
nearly anyone who was
nutritionally challenged. My
sister heard about what I was
doing, saw the results I was
getting and asked me to come
stay with her and see if it would
work for her. At that time, she
was 5'3" and 310 pounds and
tried just about everything from
the latest fad-diets to gastrointestinal bypass surgery. Nothing had worked for her, and she was nearing the point of giving
up on life itself. 15 days later and 10 pounds lighter, we knew something was working. Never
before had she achieved such results. After two and a half months, she lost 22lbs, and her lab
tests were normal.
We realized we have information, techniques and tools that are desperately needed by millions
of people. I am bringing it all together in one place for easy access. The original NutriCoach
website had navigation issues that made it a little difficult to use so I started looking for a better
way to present what was working so well for me. The second attempt was www.NutriCoach2.
What I learned about web design in building those sites has been incorporated in
Update 5/19/2005 3:00 pm. To get my meds refilled I had to do a physical, including full blood
and urine tests. I just got off the phone with the doctor I saw yesterday at the Denver VA
Hospital. What she told me was quite surprising--all my numbers were exactly where they
should be. My A1C in February was 20.5, yesterday, 5.3. Anything under 6 is good. All other
numbers were in normal ranges. Based on my blood test and what I told them I was doing
nutritionally, they decided to take me off all my meds. She also stated she had never seen or
heard of anyone making such progress in so a short time. Like I, she believes we really need to
get this information to the general public. I am scheduled for a follow up in 30 days so there will
be another update then.
Update 6/22/2005 I went for my 30-day follow up and all my lab results were normal, even
without the meds. I was doing it all with just nutrition. If what I learned to do nutritionally works
this well for others, and me it must be a good thing. I believe it will work for anyone willing to
make major lifestyle changes to obtain better health. If nothing else, it does no harm to try.
Update 8/18/2005 My Daily Blood glucose is still staying right where it should be. I am finding it
a bit strange that I am getting resistance from the medical community. There is a Chief diabetes
trainer at the VA in Denver who could find nothing wrong with my approach and my results,
excepting that I haven't spent the years in school that she has to obtain a degree in nutrition. I
would find that a valid argument if I were presenting this as my own method. In fact, I have
nothing that can't be found in well-documented medical research available on the web. I simply
combined it into a cohesive program and simplified the presentation so it is easy to understand.
Update August/2006 I have been following what I preach concerning healthy nutrition and
diabetic control. In July 2006 I finally found a Canadian doctor willing to accept payment from
the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Foreign Medical Program administered by The
Canadian department of Veterans. The intake physical and labs were so good that he was
questioning the validity of my original diagnosis. HbA1C was 5.4 and my typical glucose
readings with my One Touch meter are between 4.2 and 4.9 since I am now in Canada I am
using a meter that is calibrated to the Canadian standards.
Update December/2007 My labs in December were the best so far. Since May of 2005 my A1C
has been between 5.2 and 5.6 depending on how strictly I have been following what I have
learned. The December labs were the best so far with A1C of 5.0. My new doctor was telling me
because my kidneys were failing when I was diagnosed I probably did not have full function in
my kidneys and wanted to do a creatinine clearance test to determine a base line to begin
dietary therapy to see if we could improve my kidney function. We were both surprised when the
creatinine clearance test indicated I had regained full function with my kidneys.
Patricia Sonnenstuhl RN, CNM
Pat Sonnenstuhl, RN, CNM has been associated with my program, and has reviewed my
research and this document. She brings over 40 years of background in the health field, and is
particularly interested in diabetes. Professionally she started as a nurse at an Alternative Birth
Center in California. By 1981 she had become a Nurse Practitioner. During her career she has
focused on women‗s health care, neo-natal care, family planning and nutrition. She has been a
nutrition consultant and trainer since 2002. With a strong family history, and strong personal
tendency towards diabetes, she is especially interested in the prevention aspect of this program.
She provides advice on several email lists, and maintains her own website which identifies
issues associated with Insulin Resistance.
She is exceptionally generous with her time, spending many hours answering questions for
people with nutrition and health concerns. Although she may not be aware of it, she helped me
refine and enhance what I was doing through answers she was giving to other people in email
lists I was monitoring. She would often bring up a point that sent me searching the internet for
more information.
Chapter 1. The consequences of uncontrolled diabetes
A new approach to diabetes recognition and treatment is needed because the conventional
wisdom has failed us. America is in the midst of a diabetes epidemic. Over the past 20 years,
the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than doubled, and children are being
diagnosed with diabetes in alarming numbers. Diabetes has rapidly emerged as a leading culprit
in the epidemic of heart disease that is sweeping the country, and it is a leading cause of
amputation and blindness among adults.
The long term consequences of uncontrolled diabetes are severe: blindness, kidney failure,
increased risk of heart disease, and painful peripheral nerve damage. Today, most practitioners
focus treatment on strict blood sugar control. While diabetes is characterized by excess blood
glucose (the form of sugar used by cells as energy), this simplified approach can actually hasten
the progression of the most common form of diabetes and does nothing to address the damage
it causes.
It is crucial that diabetics (and those predisposed to diabetes) understand the ways in which
blood glucose causes damage and take active steps to interrupt these processes. The most
notorious process is glycation, the same process that causes food to brown in an oven.
Glycation (defined as sugar molecules reacting with proteins to produce nonfunctional
structures in the body) is a key feature of diabetes-related complications because it
compromises proteins throughout the body and is linked to nerve damage, heart attack, and
Oxidative stress is also central to the damage caused by diabetes. Diabetics suffer from high
levels of free radicals that damage arteries throughout the body, from the eyes to the heart.
Once again, it is important that diabetics understand their need for antioxidant therapy to help
reduce oxidative stress and lower the risk of diabetic complications.
An additional factor that is changing the way diet and chronic disease management is being
thought of is new research that has emerged within the past five years showing a link between
inflammation and the diseases that are heavily influence by diet. This new research is
reinforcing the need to reduce the inflammatory foods in our diets and increase the antiinflammatory foods.
The Difference between Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes
There are two types of diabetes: type-1 and type-2. Underlying either form of diabetes is a
disorder of insulin production, use, or both. Insulin is a hormone responsible for transporting
glucose into cells. When there is excess glucose in the blood, insulin is secreted from the
pancreas and signals the liver and muscles to store glucose as glycogen. Insulin also stimulates
adipose tissue to store glucose as fat for long-term energy reserves. Insulin receptors are found
in all cells throughout the body. In a healthy person, blood glucose levels are extremely stable
(Kumar V et al 2005). Normal fasting glucose levels range between 70 and 100 mg/dL.
Type-1 diabetes. Type-1 diabetes, formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes, is an
autoimmune condition that occurs when the body attacks and destroys the cells (called beta
cells) that make insulin. Type-1 diabetes accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of cases. Because
type-1 diabetics can no longer make insulin, insulin replacement therapy is essential. Type 1
diabetics can benefit from improved diet but will still require insulin. This insulin is usually either
by injection or by pump. There was a lot of excitement a few years ago about the possibility of
inhaled insulin but that method has proved to be mostly unreliable. There are exciting new
possibility of a cure for type 1 diabetes but that is still in the research phase.
Type-2 diabetes. Type-2 diabetes, formerly known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes, occurs
when the body is no longer able to use insulin effectively and gradually becomes resistant to its
effects. It is a slowly progressing disease that goes through identifiable stages. In the early
stages of diabetes, both insulin and glucose levels are elevated (conditions called
hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia, respectively). In the later stages, insulin levels are
reduced, and blood glucose levels are very elevated. Although few people are aware of this
crucial distinction, therapy for type-2 diabetes should be tailored to the stage of the disease.
Mainstream thought on type 2 diabetes was it is progressive, meaning once diagnosed; it was
just going to get worse. Antidotal evidence is indicating this is not necessarily true. My case is
one where most of the symptoms have been reversed. There are others reporting similar results
to me. Before we can make such a claim, there needs to be clinical studies involving hundreds if
not thousands of type 2 diabetics over a number of years. Such a study is still waiting to be
Risk factors for type-2 diabetes include aging, exposure to toxins such as dioxin, obesity, family
history, physical inactivity, ethnicity, and impaired glucose metabolism. Type-2 diabetes is also
a prominent risk of metabolic syndrome, a constellation of conditions that includes insulin
resistance along with hypertension, lipid disorders, and overweight. Type 2 diabetes is the type
of diabetes that is growing in epidemic proportions. There is now a new type called type 1 ½. It
combines elements of both type 1 and type 2
The Diabetes Damage Cascade
Glycation and oxidative stress are central to the damage caused by diabetes. Unfortunately,
neither of them figures into conventional treatment for diabetes, which is generally concerned
only with blood sugar control. Glycation occurs when glucose reacts with protein, resulting in
sugar-damaged proteins called advanced glycation end products (AGEs) (Kohn RR et al 1984;
Monnier VM et al 1984). One well-known AGE among diabetics is glycated hemoglobin
(HbA1c). HbA1c is created when glucose molecules bind to hemoglobin in the blood. Measuring
HbA1c in the blood can help determine the overall exposure of hemoglobin to glucose, which
yields a picture of long-term blood glucose levels. This is why it is important to keep our A1C
between 4.5 and 6. The old standard was A1C of 7 or less. New research has indicated that
A1C of less than 6 is more desirable and this is possible with good dietary control.
Glycated proteins cause damage to cells in numerous ways, including impairing cellular
function, which induces the production of inflammatory cytokines (Wright E Jr. et al 2006) and
free radicals (Forbes JM et al 2003; Schmidt AM et al 2000).
In animal studies, inhibiting glycation protects against damage to the kidney, nerves, and eyes
(Forbes JM et al 2003; Sakurai S et al 2003). In a large human trial, therapies that resulted in
each 1 percent reduction in HbA1c correlated with a 21 percent reduction in risk for any
complication of diabetes, a 21 percent reduction in deaths related to diabetes, a 14 percent
reduction in heart attack, and a 37 percent reduction in microvascular complications (Stratton IM
et al 2000). High levels of blood glucose and glycation also produce free radicals that further
damage cellular proteins (Vincent AM et al 2005) and reduce nitric oxide levels.
Nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator that helps keep arteries relaxed and wide open. Oxidative
stress in diabetes is also linked to endothelial dysfunction, the process that characterizes
atherosclerotic heart disease. According to studies, diabetes encourages white blood cells to
stick to the endothelium, or the thin layer of cells that line the inside of arteries. These white
blood cells cause the local release of pro-inflammatory chemicals that damage the endothelium,
accelerating atherosclerosis (Lum H et al 2001). Diabetes is closely associated with severe
coronary heart disease and increased risk of heart attack.
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Diabetes
Common symptoms of diabetes include increased thirst and urination, unusual weight changes,
irritability, fatigue, and blurry vision. Clinical abnormalities include hyperglycemia and glucose in
the urine. The breath might smell sweet because of ketones in the blood (ketosis), which are
naturally sweet smelling. Dark outgrowths of skin (skin tags) may also appear.
The most common clinical tests used to diagnose diabetes are measures of blood glucose.
The common fasting glucose test measures the amount of glucose in the blood after fasting.
Prediabetes is diagnosed if the fasting blood glucose level is between 100 and 125 mg/dL.
Diabetes is diagnosed if the fasting blood glucose level rises to 126 mg/dL or above.
The glucose tolerance test is used to measure insulin response to high glucose levels. During
this test, patients are given glucose, and the rise in blood glucose levels is measured.
Prediabetes is diagnosed if the glucose level rises to between 140 and 199 mg/dL. Diabetes is
diagnosed if blood glucose levels rise to 200 mg/dL or higher.
The HbA1c test is also helpful in diagnosing less severe cases of diabetes. From this test
clinicians can estimate the average blood glucose level during the preceding two to four months.
Normally 4 to 6 percent of hemoglobin is glycosylated, which corresponds to average blood
glucose between 60 and 120 mg/dL. Mild hyperglycemia increases HbA1c to 8 to 10 percent (or
180 to 240 mg/dL), while severe hyperglycemia increases HbA1c values up to 20 percent. For
diabetics, a healthy HbA1c level is less than 6 percent, which corresponds to an average blood
glucose level of 140 mg/dL or less. HbA1c is also called HbA1g which can lead to some
confusion. Both can be referred to as A1C.
The Truth about Type-2 Diabetes Therapy
Before discussing therapy for type-2 diabetes, it is important to understand the logic behind
conventional therapy—and to understand why this logic is flawed. Type-2 diabetics are routinely
told they need to boost their levels of insulin, which will help drive blood glucose into their cells
and lower their blood glucose levels. Unfortunately, this assumption defies common sense.
In the early stages of type-2 diabetes, insulin levels are already elevated (hyperinsulinemia).
This is because the problem isn‗t with insulin production; rather, the underlying defect in type-2
diabetes is a metabolic defect of insulin utilization. The delicate insulin receptors on cell
membranes are less responsive to the insulin than are the insulin receptors of people without
type-2 diabetes, which means that less glucose is absorbed from the blood stream than
normally would be, and glucose levels slowly rise.
This elevation in glucose upsets the body‗s natural balance, prompting the pancreas to
discharge copious amounts of insulin to normalize glucose levels. This short-term, biological fix
successfully drives glucose into cells, thereby lowering blood glucose levels, but it also hastens
the disease‗s progress. Eventually, the fragile insulin receptors become less sensitive (insulin
resistant), which means that the pancreas must secrete even more insulin to keep clearing the
blood of glucose. In later stages of the disease, the pancreas becomes ―burned out‖ and can no
longer produce adequate insulin. Insulin levels drop far below normal, allowing blood glucose to
rise even higher and inflict greater damage.
Unfortunately, many early-stage diabetics are prescribed drugs (such as sulfonylureas) that are
designed to boost insulin levels. Considering that insulin levels are already high, this strategy is
counterproductive and may actually serve to hasten the disease by further exhausting the
insulin receptors on cell membranes. Also, insulin itself is a powerful hormone that, in high
levels, can inflict damage. Evidence suggests that high levels of insulin may suppress growth
hormone synthesis and release among obese and overweight people (who are prone to
hyperinsulinemia) (Luque RM et al 2006). There is also evidence that increased levels of insulin
contribute to the proliferation of colorectal cells, which suggests that high levels of insulin may
be a factor in the development of colorectal cancer (Tran TT et al 2006).
A Program for Early Diabetics
There are acute differences between the early stages of diabetes and the advanced stages.
Thus, it doesn‗t make sense to treat all people with type-2 diabetes the same. In the early
stages of the disease, people suffer from both hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. Rather than
take drugs that further increase the level of insulin in the blood, people with type-2 diabetes
would do better to pursue therapies that increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors on the cell
One of the best defenses against mild to moderate type-2 diabetes and hyperinsulinemia is
improved diet and exercise. Although the disease has a genetic component, many studies have
shown that diet and exercise can prevent it (Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group
2002; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group 2003; Muniyappa R et al 2003; Diabetes
Prevention Program Research Group 2000). One study also showed that while some
medications delay the development of diabetes, diet and exercise work better. Just 30 minutes
a day of moderate physical activity, coupled with a 5 to 10 percent reduction in body weight,
produces a 58 percent reduction in the incidence of diabetes among people at risk (Sheard NF
2003). The American Diabetes Association recommends a diet high in fiber and unrefined
carbohydrates and low in saturated fat (Sheard NF et al 2004). Foods with a low glycemic index
are especially recommended because they blunt the insulin response.
The high-carbohydrate, high-plant-fiber (HCF) diet popularized by James Anderson, MD, has
substantial support and validation in the scientific literature as the diet of choice in the treatment
of diabetes (Anderson JW et al 2004; Hodge AM et al 2004). And is very similar in many ways
to what I practice and recommend. The HCF diet is high in cereal grains, legumes, and root
vegetables and restricts simple sugar and fat intake. The caloric intake consists of 50 to 55
percent complex carbohydrates, 12 to 16 percent protein, and less than 30 percent fat, mostly
unsaturated. The total fiber content is between 25 and 50 grams daily. The HCF diet produces
many positive metabolic effects, including the following: lowered post meal hyperglycemia and
delayed hypoglycemia; increased tissue sensitivity to insulin; reduced low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol levels; and progressive weight loss. Dr. Anderson provided me some valuable
information Yet, I found I could optimize my diet even better and get better results.
A healthy diet for diabetics is also rich in potassium. Potassium improves insulin sensitivity,
responsiveness, and secretion. A high potassium intake also reduces the risk of heart disease,
atherosclerosis, and cancer. Insulin administration induces potassium loss (Khaw KT et al 1984;
Norbiato G et al 1984).
People who are obese have a far greater tendency to develop type-2 diabetes than those who
are relatively slim. Therefore, weight loss accompanied by increase in exercise and a healthy
diet is effective for diabetes prevention and treatment (Mensink M et al 2003; Sato Y 2000; Sato
Y et al 2003).
Metformin: Increasing Insulin Sensitivity
The standard practice in mainstream medicine is to try to medicate. Medications are sometimes
required but I believe they should be initially used in crisis situations and later, only if proper diet
and exercise are not getting the desired results. Metformin is one of the more popular drugs of
choice. In addition to diet and exercise, the prescription drug Metformin has been proven to
increase insulin sensitivity in people with mild to moderate hyperglycemia but the main
mechanism of action is to suppress glucose production by the liver, thus decreasing the glucose
load on the body by decreasing the amount of glucose that the liver makes.
Metformin is now the most commonly prescribed oral anti-diabetic drug in the world. It works by
increasing insulin sensitivity in the liver (Joshi SR 2005). It also has a number of other beneficial
effects, including weight loss, reduced cholesterol-triglyceride levels, and improved endothelial
function. Metformin is tolerated better than many other anti-diabetic prescription drugs, but
people with congestive heart failure or kidney or liver disease are not candidates for metformin
therapy. Neither are people who use alcohol to excess. A benchmark assessment of kidney
function, followed by an annual renal evaluation, is essential. Vitamin B12 levels should also be
checked regularly because chronic use of metformin could cause a deficiency in both folic acid
and vitamin B12, resulting in neurological impairment and disruption in homocysteine clearance.
Also, metformin should not be used for two days before or after having an x-ray procedure with
an injectable contrast agent because of the rare risk of lactic acidosis.
Metformin is effective on its own, but it may also be prescribed in combination with another
class of insulin sensitizers called thiazolidinediones (TZDs; e.g., pioglitazone, or Actos®, and
rosiglitazone, or Avandia®). TZDs increase insulin sensitivity and stimulate release of insulin
from beta cells in the pancreas. TZD treatment also improves blood pressure and relieves
vascular and lipid defects (Meriden T 2004). However, TZDs have potentially serious side
effects, including liver toxicity, which requires regular monitoring of liver function (Isley WL 2003;
Marcy TR et al 2004). Late in 2007 warnings were raised that Avandia®, one of these TZDs was
causing increased risks of heart attacks.
In addition to these two prescription drugs, many nutrients have been shown to increase insulin
sensitivity, protect vulnerable cell membranes, and reduce the damaging effects of elevated
Ideally, a combination of improved diet, exercise, supplementation, and insulin-sensitizing
prescription drugs can reverse mild to moderate hyperglycemia before stronger drugs are
needed and permanent damage is done. All drug therapies have potential adverse side effects
and studies have shown a good regimen of diet and exercise can be more beneficial than the
The potential side effects of the medications:
SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects with metformin are nausea, vomiting, gas,
bloating, diarrhea and loss of appetite. These symptoms occur in one out of every three
patients. These side effects may be severe enough to cause therapy to be discontinued in one
out of every 20 patients. These side effects are related to the dose of the medication and may
decrease if the dose is reduced.
A serious--though rare--side effect of metformin is lactic acidosis. Lactic acidosis occurs in one
out of every 30,000 patients and is fatal in 50% of cases. The symptoms of lactic acidosis are
weakness, trouble breathing, abnormal heartbeats, unusual muscle pain, stomach discomfort,
light-headedness and feeling cold. Patients at risk for lactic acidosis include those with reduced
function of the kidneys or liver, congestive heart failure, severe acute illnesses, and dehydration.
Call me a radical, but I do not see the point in adding the risks of the potential side effects when
proper diet can produce the same or better results
What to Do if You Are Taking Metformin (Glucophage)
IMPROVE YOUR DIET AND INCREASE EXERCISE. If you improve your diet and increase
your level of exercise, you may be able to reduce or eventually eliminate your
Glucophage therapy.
According to recently published results from the Diabetes Prevention Program, exercise and
diet changes are more effective than metformin in preventing diabetes. This study divided
3,234 non-diabetics with elevated blood glucose into 3 groups. One group was given metformin
but no diet or lifestyle education and support. The second group was given only diet and lifestyle
education and support (no metformin). The third group received a placebo and no diet or
lifestyle support.
After 2.8 years in the study, the incidence of diabetes in the placebo group was 11 per 100
people. In the metformin group, the incidence was only 7.8 per 100 people. But the
diet/lifestyle group had the best results of all: only 4.8 of every 100 developed diabetes.
In other words, diet and exercise were 38% more effective than metformin in preventing
diabetes in high-risk people.
Other studies have shown that reducing weight and increasing exercise improves ovulation
rates and reduces male hormone levels. There's no question that healthy diet, exercise and
lifestyle habits will significantly improve PCOS-related health problems, as well as reduce the
risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Drug Therapy for Advanced Diabetics
Some people, however, will not have the benefit of this knowledge before their type-2 diabetes
advances to a more dangerous stage. In severe hyperglycemia, the pancreas becomes burned
out after producing high levels of insulin for a long time. Insulin levels drop as a result of
decreased production, and blood glucose levels are allowed to rise to very high, toxic levels.
Although diet and exercise, along with supplementation, are still strongly recommended, a
number of prescription drugs might also be necessary.
Sulfonylurea drugs stimulate pancreatic secretion of insulin. Unfortunately, they are often
prescribed as first-line treatment for mild to moderate type-2 diabetics, even when their use is
inappropriate. By increasing levels of insulin, which are already raised, sulfonylurea drugs
actually hasten the progression of early type-2 diabetes by exhausting insulin receptors faster,
which causes the pancreas to burn out more quickly. Sulfonylurea drugs should really be
considered a ―last resort‖ for people with severe hyperglycemia.
Insulin replacement therapy is also a last resort for type-2 diabetics. While insulin therapy is
universal and essential among type-1 diabetics, it is reserved for only severe, refractory (nonresponsive to treatment) type-2 diabetics. Proper dosing and monitoring of blood glucose are
essential as too much insulin causes low blood sugar and coma, and too little insulin creates
hyperglycemia. A new delivery system for insulin was recently approved by the US Food and
Drug Administration. This new system allows for inhaled insulin. But the early promise of this
therapy has waned as the delivery system had proved unreliable for maintaining a proper dose
Recent studies on diabetes and the benefit of good glucose control:
This is the abstract of a study comparing ―lifestyle intervention‖ to drug therapy.
Diabetes Prevention Program Coordinating Center, Biostatistics Center, George Washington
University, 6110 Executive Blvd., Suite 750, Rockville, MD 20852, USA.
BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes affects approximately 8 percent of adults in the United States.
Some risk factors--elevated plasma glucose concentrations in the fasting state and after an oral
glucose load, overweight, and a sedentary lifestyle--are potentially reversible. We hypothesized
that modifying these factors with a lifestyle-intervention program or the administration of
metformin would prevent or delay the development of diabetes. METHODS: We randomly
assigned 3234 non-diabetic persons with elevated fasting and post-load plasma glucose
concentrations to placebo, metformin (850 mg twice daily), or a lifestyle-modification program
with the goals of at least a 7 percent weight loss and at least 150 minutes of physical activity per
week. The mean age of the participants was 51 years, and the mean body-mass index (the
weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) was 34.0; 68 percent were
women, and 45 percent were members of minority groups. RESULTS: The average follow-up
was 2.8 years. The incidence of diabetes was 11.0, 7.8, and 4.8 cases per 100 person-years in
the placebo, metformin, and lifestyle groups, respectively. The lifestyle intervention reduced the
incidence by 58 percent (95 percent confidence interval, 48 to 66 percent) and metformin by 31
percent (95 percent confidence interval, 17 to 43 percent), as compared with placebo; the
lifestyle intervention was significantly more effective than metformin. To prevent one case of
diabetes during a period of three years, 6.9 persons would have to participate in the lifestyle26
intervention program, and 13.9 would have to receive metformin. CONCLUSIONS: Lifestyle
changes and treatment with metformin both reduced the incidence of diabetes in persons at
high risk. The lifestyle intervention was more effective than metformin.
PMID: 11832527 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
The importance of managing type 2 diabetes by diet and lifestyle adjustments (call commonly
'lifestyle intervention' in the medical jargon).
In this study, the diabetes medication 'Metformin' was compared to a placebo, and to a 'lifestyle
intervention' (weight loss and exercise through better diet and a very modest exercise program).
The original article as in 'The New England Journal of Medicine', Feb 7, 2002 titled "Reduction
in the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin" and performed by
the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group".
In the study of over 3000 adult non-diabetics at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes, after
just under 3 years in the study, the metformin only reduced the incidence of type 2 diabetes by
31% while the lifestyle intervention program reduced the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 58%
(both relative to the placebo). That is a huge difference.
Not only did the lifestyle change dramatically reduce the chance that the people in the study
developed type 2 diabetes, but the lifestyle intervention far exceeded the medication in its
protective health benefits against developing type 2 diabetes.
The message here is that the most important thing you can do to fight type 2 diabetes is to
modify your diet and lifestyle. You may require medications eventually as well, but your most
important weapon against type 2 diabetes is your choosing to live a healthy lifestyle
(exercise and diet)
In this book I am trying to bring you the best methods of controlling type 2 diabetes with diet.
There are two additional studies that should be considered in this equation. They are the
ACCORD study and the ADVANCE study.
Position Statement: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Issue: Part of ACCORD study halted due to safety concerns
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health has
halted the intensive blood-glucose lowering arm of the ACCORD (Action to Control
Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) study 18 months early due to safety concerns.
This trial, carried out in 10,251 adults with type 2 diabetes at especially high risk for heart attack
and stroke, was designed to compare the effect of two treatment strategies on the risk of
cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death from cardiovascular disease.
Participants were assigned to receive one of two strategies: treatment to intensively lower blood
glucose below current recommendations or treatment with a less-intensive standard strategy.
Over an average of almost four years, 257 people in the intensive treatment group have died,
compared with 203 within the standard treatment group. This is a difference of 54 deaths, or 3
per 1,000 participants each year (although the death rates in both treatment groups are lower
than rates seen in similar populations in other studies). Based on available analyses there is no
evidence that any one medication or any particular combination of medications is responsible
for these deaths.
While the exact reasons for these findings are unclear, they do suggest that intensive treatment
to target blood glucose levels below an A1C of 6.0% may not be appropriate for some patients,
especially those at high risk of heart attack or stroke and with poor initial glycemic control. A
target A1C =7.0% (as recommended for most patients with diabetes in the 2003 Canadian
Diabetes Association‘s Clinical Practice Guidelines) offers physicians the option of aiming lower
if they feel it is safe in an individual patient.
The ACCORD findings do not apply to people with type 1 diabetes, and it is unclear whether
they apply to patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or those who have a lower
cardiovascular risk than the participants in ACCORD.
It is important that people with diabetes not make any changes to their treatments or adjust their
blood glucose targets without speaking to their healthcare team. In addition to blood glucose
control, people with diabetes can reduce their overall cardiovascular risk by controlling their
blood pressure and cholesterol levels and by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes quitting
The ACCORD trial will continue, with participants in the intensive treatment arm now receiving
standard treatment instead.
Major international diabetes study (ADVANCE) does not confirm increased risk of death reported by US
trial. (ACCORD)
Preliminary findings from the largest-ever study of treatments for diabetes provide no
evidence that intensive treatment to lower blood glucose (sugar) increases risk of death
Interim results from the ADVANCE Study, involving 11,140 high-risk patients with type 2
diabetes, provide no evidence of an increased risk of death among those patients receiving
intensive treatment to lower blood glucose (sugar).
These findings contrast with those reported last week by the US National Heart Lung and Blood
Institute suggesting that intensive glucose lowering treatment levels had increased the death
rate among patients with diabetes recruited to the ACCORD trial.
ADVANCE was designed to answer two questions in patients with type 2 diabetes: first, does
intensive treatment to lower blood pressure improve outcome; and second, does intensive
treatment to reduce blood glucose improve outcome.
In September 2007, the ADVANCE Collaborative Group published evidence in The Lancet
showing that the blood pressure lowering treatment had reduced the death rate among
participants. In January 2008, the part of the study designed to assess the effects of the
intensive treatment to reduce blood glucose was completed. As in ACCORD, this intensive
treatment program was designed to lower blood glucose to levels below those usually
recommended by clinical guidelines.
Chairman of the ADVANCE Data Monitoring and Safety Committee, Professor Rory Collins from
the University of Oxford, said ―The interim results from ADVANCE provide no confirmation of the
adverse mortality trend reported from the ACCORD study.‖ He also noted that the ADVANCE
interim results were based on more than twice as much data and similar levels of glucose
control as in ACCORD. The members of the Data Monitoring and Safety Committee are the only
members of ADVANCE study team with access to the study results.
ADVANCE principal investigator, Professor Stephen MacMahon from The George Institute for
International Health in Sydney, stated that ―Due to the unexpected report from the ACCORD
trial, we felt it was in the public interest for us to ask our Data Monitoring and Safety Committee
to make a statement as to whether the available data from ADVANCE provide any support for
the suggestion that intensive blood glucose lowering may increase mortality.‖
In ADVANCE, the intensive blood glucose lowering program aimed to reduce levels of
haemoglobin A1c (a marker of long term blood glucose control) to below 6.5%. This treatment
regimen included a sulfonylurea drug, gliclazide modified release, for all patients and a range of
other drugs for those not reaching target blood glucose levels.
ADVANCE commenced in July 2001 and patients were treated and followed-up for an average
of five years. The Data Monitoring and Safety Committee, comprising a panel of independent
experts in the field, met every six months to review the study data for any safety issues or other
ADVANCE Management Committee Chairman, Professor John Chalmers, commented ―Doctors
and patients should feel reassured that the mortality trend reported by the ACCORD study has
not been found in the interim results from ADVANCE. However, we need to await more
definitive analyses and reports from both studies before drawing final conclusions‖.
―Final patient visits have been completed, and the ADVANCE study data base is close to
finalization. We expect to have definitive results soon,‖ said Study Director, Dr Anushka Patel,
from The George Institute. ―At this stage, the Data Monitoring and Safety Committee have
reviewed results that are more than 99% complete, so we are confident that the interim findings
communicated here are a reliable guide to the final results‖.
ADVANCE was conducted by an independent collaborative group of medical researchers, with
support from the National Health & Medical Research Council of Australia and the Paris-based,
Institute de Recherche Internationales Servier.
Bottom line: While the medical establishment under the influence of the pharmaceutical
companies is still stuck in the ―drug therapy‖ mode, there are ever increasing numbers of type 2
diabetics discovering they can get A1C as good, or better than the results obtained with
medication through nutrition and lifestyle changes. You and your medical practitioner need to
decide what is best for you. One thing we can all agree on is the desirability of keeping your
A1C under 7%. Many experts are recommending under 6.5 % and some are saying keep A1C
under 6% if you can do so safely. My A1c has been between 5.0 and 5.6 for the past 3 years
without medications and many if not all of my diabetic symptoms have reversed. I am other type
2 diabetics are maintaining non-diabetic A1C levels through proper diet.
Dr. J Robin Conway has this to add.
J. Robin Conway M.D.
Canadian Centre for Research on Diabetes,
March 2008
For many years we felt that the complications of diabetes were an inevitable part of the disease
process and were not related to glucose levels. Some people had suggested that lowering
glucose levels close to the normal non diabetic range may result in decreased complication
levels. In 1993 the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) in type 1 diabetes (T1DM)
demonstrated that lower levels of glucose resulted in dramatically decreased microvascular
complications of diabetes such as retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Subsequent follow
up of the people involved in this trial (DCCT-EDIC) demonstrated that the people treated
intensively with the aim of getting A1c down to below 7% also had significantly reduced risk of
heart attack and stroke (macrovascular disease). We learned that persons with diabetes did not
develop microvascular complications if the A1c level was less than 7% so this became the
glycemic target in Type 1 diabetes and our definition of diabetes was based on the fact that
people with fasting glucose levels less than 7 mmol/L did not develop diabetic retinopathy.
We suspected similar benefits would be apparent in type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and the United
Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) confirmed that intensive control with an A1c
target <7% decreased the risk of any microvascular endpoint by 25%, diabetes related death
was reduced by 10% but it took almost 10 years for the beneficial effect on death to be seen
and a 16% risk reduction for myocardial infarction took more than 3 years for evidence of
In the STENO-II trial reported in 2008 in the New England Journal of Medicine, the effect of
multiple interventions on glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels was studied. The
results confirmed the dramatic benefits of multifactorial intervention. The subjects in the
intensive control arm had a higher mortality for the first 4 years but after 13 years, the mortality
was only about half that in the conventional treatment arm.
The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) trial investigated people with
diabetes and vascular disease or multiple cardiovascular risk factors and randomized them to
an intensive treatment program targeting normal glucose values and an A1c less than 6% or a
standard treatment program with an A1c 7.0-7.9%. The intensive glucose control arm of the trial
was terminated early because there were excess deaths in this group. It should be pointed out
that the increase in death did not appear to be associated with any particular drug or treatment
regime. In particular there was no excess death rate linked to treatment with Avandia.
Generally we have seen that the rate of diabetes complications is proportional to glucose levels,
irrespective of how we achieve those glucose levels. While life style changes including 30
minutes of exercise a day and a weight loss of 7% of total body weight have demonstrated
efficacy in preventing new onset of diabetes in susceptible individuals, they have not shown as
much promise in treatment of people with established diabetes. We need to recognize that there
are multiple fundamental defects in diabetes, among which are insulin resistance, decreased
insulin production, deficient incretin hormone production and excessive glucagon production.
We need to rationally treat these defects, for some such as insulin resistance, life style
measures hold promise but for others medications are needed. We should not fear rational
medication treatments because the decreased glucose levels afforded will decrease risk of
death and complications. What is needed is a balanced treatment program with both lifestyle
and medications to achieve glucose levels that minimize risk and maximize quality of life.
We do need to note that the risk of death in either arm of the ACCORD study was extremely
small, 1.4 deaths per 100 patients per year in the intensive arm and 1.1 deaths per 100 patients
per year in the conventional treatment arm. The difference of 0.3 deaths per 100 patients per
year is miniscule. Another point that is seldom mentioned is that in this high risk diabetic cohort,
the expected death rate is 6 per 100 patients per year; so the most important point is that the
multifactorial risk reduction in the ACCORD Trial dramatically reduced risk of death by over 80%
and that the target A1c of 7% seems to give the highest risk reduction.
ACCORD is consistent with other landmark studies which confirmed short term pain for long
term gain.
In most countries of the world target for A1c is <7% as above this level there is rapid increase
in microvascular complications. Gradually the <7% target has been squeezed lower, first to
6.5% by the AACE and more recently the ADA & the CDA ; who set the official target at <7%
but suggest a target of <6% if it can safely be achieved. ACCORD has shown that in their high
risk patient cohort an A1c of 6.4% (which is the actual A1c achieved) is too low and the
cardiovascular mortality risks outweigh the benefits (at least in the period of the study).
Somewhat ironically, the intensively managed group showed increased mortality but there was
a 10% decrease in non fatal MI, demonstrating benefits as well as risks to intensive glucose
lowering. It may be that if this study had gone on longer we would have seen increased benefit
in the intensively managed group.
We have excellent Class 1 evidence of benefit for a target A1c < 7%, there is less evidence for
lower targets. The A1c achieved in the intensive arm of ACCORD was 6.4% and this level of
glycemia resulted in an increased rate of death, this has answered one of the questions to be
resolved by this study; whether lowering A1c below the currently recommended target of 7%
decreases complications of diabetes? The answer is no; while there may be some benefits,
there are also increased risks.
Other studies such as ADVANCE have not confirmed increased risk and studies such as
ORIGIN are ongoing. We need to understand; however, that each of these studies is looking at
a particular patient cohort and results from one group may not apply to another.
Until we have the results of these trials we should follow the Clinical Practice Guidelines of the
ADA & CDA which recommends targeting A1c less than 7%.
The lesson may be that if tight glucose control doesn‘t kill you, it will make you stronger.
What You Have Learned So Far
Diabetes is caused by abnormal metabolism of glucose, either because the body
does not produce enough insulin or because the cells become desensitized to the
effects of insulin.
Type-1 diabetes is caused by an autoimmune reaction that destroys the insulinproducing beta cells in the pancreas. Type-2 diabetes is caused by decreased
insulin sensitivity.
Type-2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in America. The incidence of
this disease, which is caused by obesity and genetic predisposition, has
increased dramatically over the past five years. It is more common among older
people than in other segments of the population, although it is also affecting
children at increasing rates.
People with mild to moderate type-2 diabetes should avoid drugs and therapies
that increase levels of insulin. Their disease is characterized by elevated levels of
both insulin and glucose. Instead, therapy should focus on strategies to increase
insulin sensitivity.
Possible complications in diabetes arise from damage to enzymes and other
proteins that impair their function and from resulting damage to blood vessels.
The subsequent decreased blood flow, increased vulnerability to oxidant stress,
and decreased antioxidant capacity all interact to produce end-organ damage to
the eyes, nerve tissue, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.
Type-1 diabetics always need to use insulin therapy to replace their lost insulin.
The best current therapy is proper diet and exercise.
Chapter 2. Introduction to Toma’s ideas on a Healthy Diabetic Diet
If you are anything like I was when I was diagnosed, you
want quick easy answers about what to eat and how to get
healthy. I can tell you what works well for me, and others I
have worked with, but understanding it will take some time
and study on your part. I recommend you start with this
book, then go to, bookmark the
site and visit it often until you have a clear understanding of
what makes a healthy diabetic diet and you feel confident in
planning a healthy meal
These are the dietary guidelines I use. If you follow them you should see a dramatic
improvement within a couple of months.
20% calories from lean protein such as chicken breast without the skin, fish, beans, nuts
and certain vegetables like spinach.
50% calories from low glycemic carbohydrates to include all carbs in all sources
including what some other plans call free foods.
30% good fats (mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats)
Less than 100 mg cholesterol per day (Your body produces all the cholesterol it requires.
There is no dietary requirement for cholesterol.)
Saturated fats limited to less than 7% of calories
Trans fats: There is no need for trans fats and they are very harmful. Eliminate them
25-35 grams of dietary fiber based on your body size, sex and age.
Omega 3: at least 1000 mg EPA/DHA per day. (Other conditions such as arthritis,
fibromyalgia, MS and other conditions that affect the joints, muscles and nerves may
benefit from higher daily intakes.)
1/4-teaspoon cinnamon per day (USDA ARS research indicates this amount of
cinnamon daily can reduce blood glucose by 20%)
Plenty of acids such as lime juice, lemon juice and vinegar. (Dietary acid slows the
glycemic response according to a study in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005)
59, 983-988. doi: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602197.)
Less than 1500 mg sodium. (Our bodies only require 250-300 mg per day. 1500 mg is
recommended by doctors on a severely restricted low sodium diet. Most North
Americans consume upwards of 4000 mg of sodium per day.)
At least 2 quarts of non-caffeinated liquid per day
There are a small percentage of type-2 diabetics that will have problems regardless of what they
do. There is also a small percentage that will not have major problems even if they do nothing.
The majority of us can benefit greatly from proper nutrition and exercise. If my formula does not
work for you, reduce the carbohydrates and increase the good fats.
Again if you are anything like I was when I was diagnosed, what I just told you makes little
sense and if you do understand it you are probably wondering how to achieve it. Not to fear, we
will cover each topic in detail.
At the time I was diagnosed I was also experiencing arthritis, acid reflux, acute recurrent
bronchitis, coronary abnormalities, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue and a
few other issues. With a vastly improved diet all the symptoms have gone away. I am now a
well-controlled type-2 diabetic taking no meds, including the ones I used to take for the other
When I was first learning to control blood glucose and trying to share what I was learning there
was a fellow who was trying to put me down and discourage me. He said I had nothing that I
could not get from a good endocrinologist. Without realizing it he actually gave me a
backhanded compliment. The advice on this book is not vastly different from what you would
hear from a good endocrinologist, if they took the time to explain it to you and if they were not
blindly following ADA recommendations and the propaganda they are flooded with from drug
It was not my experience (or the experience I have heard from many other sources) to have lots
of time with my medical team to teach me how to manage my disease. I have taken the time
and invested my money in building my websites and now in writing this book because I found
many of my friends and family were not getting sufficient education from their medical providers
either. They also were not getting the information they needed to be well controlled. US and
Canadian studies I read indicate that 1/2 to 2/3 of diabetics are not well controlled. Most
authoritative sources say the current 23 million diabetics in The US and Canada are expected to
double in the next 10 years. The situation is similar in Europe and the rest of the world.
Therefore, I think there is a need for sites such as and books
like this one.
Chapter 3. The Economics of Health, Dollars or Health?
I must preface my comments on the economics
of health by saying I do not believe there is a
conspiracy to keep us all unhealthy. While there
may be some who are knowingly doing harm for
profit motives, I believe most are producing
products and providing services with the intent
of doing good and providing value for the
compensation they receive. I do believe that
many are misguided in their beliefs and are
unknowingly doing harm. We need to consider
that diabetes treatment is still in its infancy and
was not considered a major medical problem
until recently. In 1950 the percentage of the
population diagnosed with diabetes was less than 1%. It grew to 3% in the 80s and is currently
over 7%. The percentage of the population diagnosed with diabetes is expected to go over 14%
by 2050. This closely parallels the increase in obesity and correlating dietary and social
changes that have happened over the past 60 years.
We all know money is the driving force of most things in life.
We rail against it. We want to believe we are more noble and motivated by higher ideals, but
when we boil it down, economic incentives are the driving force to most things in life. Health
care is no exception. There is not a lot of money in keeping people healthy. There are huge
economic incentives in producing drugs and treatments for sick people.
Since this book is about how to use nutrition for better health I will limit my comments to the
economic incentives of teaching people to be healthier through proper eating habits.
Start at the source of our food. Farmers are paid for producing the largest crops they can sell to
an existing market. There is not a strong financial link to producing the healthiest foods they
can. There are a growing number of ―organic‖ food producers‖. The organic‖ foods cost more,
but there is not a huge market for them. Even at this level there are economic pressures to allow
a diluting of the labeling requirements so some ―non-organic‖ practices can be used to produce
cheaper organic‖ products.
The small family farm has largely been replaced by corporate farming operations with more
emphasis on profit than healthy products. As a result there are more chemicals being introduced
to the food chain. U.S. and Canadian beef producers use steroids, growth promoting hormones,
and other methods to get their products to the market quicker. The EU has a ban on US and
Canadian beef because of artificially induced carcinogens in the beef. The ―organic‖ food market
has grown out of concerns with undesirable chemicals being introduced to the food chain from
farming practices.
Moving up the chain, food manufacturers produce prepackaged foods that may not be good
choices because they are popular and can be sold for large profits. These prepackaged foods
often are overloaded with sodium, carbohydrates, food additives, saturated fats, trans fats,
sugar, and other things that make them poor choices for a healthy diet. Things like
hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fats) are used to promote longer shelf life even though it has
been known for some time that the free radicals cause health problems. Most prepackaged
foods have excessive amounts of sodium mostly because the public has been conditioned to
enjoy the taste of salt and that is what sells. Candies and snack foods are also great examples.
Most candies and snack foods lack any significant nutrition value yet the market is huge and the
profits high so the food manufacturer will ―give the public what it wants‖ even though a large part
of the demand is driven by advertising. The food manufacturers are more interested in profits
than in providing you with healthy nutritious foods.
At this point there is far more economic incentive to produce unhealthy foods than there is to
produce healthy foods. Not all the blame can be laid at the feet of the food producers. They
would not be producing these foods if we were not buying them.
The next level in the chain is us. We (me included) have developed self indulgent, unhealthy
tastes that contribute to the health crisis and we condition our kids to participate in unhealthy
practices. In my case I had to relearn and recondition myself to eat what is good for me after a
major health crisis. The best way to change the food manufactures and farmer is to change how
we think about food and what we buy. If we don‗t buy the unhealthy foods there will be no
market for them and the food manufacturers will quit making all the unhealthy foods. That
probably isn‗t going to happen since those of us with raised awareness are still a minority. Think
of the market as true democracy. Every dollar is a vote. The market will produce what we vote
Then there is the medical establishment. The medical community has a strong economic
incentive to treat sick people, not put most of their efforts into keeping them healthy. The same
holds true with the pharmaceutical companies. Treatment and drug manufacturing is far more
profitable than educating people to remain healthy. The same goes for the studies. There are far
more dollars available for research to come up with a profitable ways to treat medical conditions
than there are for research into how to eat to maintain health.
We can‗t ignore government‗s role in the economics of health care. Politicians look no further
than the next election. They will do whatever is most expedient to get them re-elected. The right
thing to do is, more often than not, is the hard thing. Politicians and government agencies are
caught in a cross fire. They are beginning to wake up to the soaring cost of health care
aggravated by the unhealthy eating practices of the population. On the other hand they are
motivated by the tax dollars received from the food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies,
and others who have very strong lobbies looking out for the corporate interest. There are also
the health politics. Various factions are competing for their point of view and the health
consumers are getting caught in the crossfire.
A case in point is the USDA food Pyramid and the Canada’s Guide to Healthy Eating. In both
cases the advice given is influenced more by the interest of food manufactures than by good
science. Both give lip service to healthier dietary practices. When one uses either guide and
follows their examples it is easy to produce meals that follow the guidelines but are far from
We need to get our governments on our side in the fight against the chronic diseases that are
so closely connected to diet. This should be a political issue that politicians need to be held
accountable for.
All of the above makes the job of the individual seeking the best answers relevant to their own
health far more difficult. We are barraged with claims and cross claims from all the factions
involved. We can‗t even get a clear, straight answer about something as simple as ―should I use
a particular artificial sweetener.‖ Fortunately, consumers are waking up and becoming more
involved in their personal health choices. To a small degree, we are no longer just accepting
whatever the ―powers that be‖ tell us and we are actively seeking answers to our health care
This book is one small step in that direction. I had to find answers for myself. I am not a farmer,
food manufacturer, drug manufacturer, medical practitioner, researcher, politician or otherwise
entangled in the web that has created this international problem. I am one lonely voice in the
wilderness seeking answers and willing to share what I find with others. There are no big dollars
in trying to get people to make healthy choices so I will never get rich. If I can get a few people
to make healthy choices I may have done some good. If each of us then helps a couple more
get healthy we are contributing to the betterment of our communities. If enough of us get
involved in wanting a healthier world we will have a movement. If the movement quits buying
unhealthy foods, the food companies would listen and give us healthy foods. I know this is an
impossible dream but we have to start somewhere and I chose to start with myself and ask you
to join me.
Chapter 3. Ten things to do for better health.
Ten Easy Tips to Better health NOW! It really is possible .
I will start with a very simplified list of 10 things to do to improve
your health with diet. (Each of these ten topics will be covered
in more detail later in this book. You can also find more on Many of us are trying to be
healthier. It really is possible and much easier than you would
imagine. Better health now means a better diet and proper
exercise. You do not need a lot of pills and magic cures. Most of
the highly advertised pills and quick fixes are ineffective at best
and many are potentially dangerous. The best prescription for
better health is a better diet. I found out the hard way. A couple of years ago I was diagnosed
with type-2 diabetes and had gotten to a point where death was imminent. By changing my diet,
my health greatly improved and I now have labs comparable to non-diabetics without using
medications. I was told to adopt a low fat, low carb, and low sodium diet. I thought my days of
enjoying food were over. Much to my surprise, there are actually healthy meals that taste very
Ten tips for a healthier diet now.
1. Get plenty of Omega3 DHA/EPA. There are three forms of omega 3, ALA (Alpha-linolenic
acid), EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), and DHA (Docosahexainoic acid). The ones you need and
probably the single best thing we can do for an improved diet and better health is getting
enough EPA and DHA. These are the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in deep cold-water fish
and seafood. If you do not want to eat a lot of fish the essential fatty acids are readily available
in a capsule. You need at least 1000 mg per day and possibly up to 4000 mg per day if you are
arthritic or suffering from joint discomfort. Omega 3 EPA/DHA affects too many body systems to
mention in this article.
2. Eliminate saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol. Fats are very calorie dense. (9 calories
per gram compared to 7 calories per gram for alcohol and 4 calories per gram for protein and
carbohydrates.) Saturated fats and cholesterol clog your arteries and lead to heart attacks and
strokes. Trans fats present a problem with free radicals, which damage body cells. Replace
the bad fats with the good fats. The good fats are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated
3. Replace processed grains with whole grains. A simple rule is, if it is white don’t eat it. This
would include white bread, sugar, white rice, and potatoes. Every time a food is processed
something is lost. We do not eat nearly enough whole grains and whole grains open new
adventures in good eating.
4. Drink enough water. This may sound a bit silly to a lot of people, but something as simple as
not getting enough water is causing a lot of health issues. Just about every body system is
water dependent. The most common symptom of chronic dehydration is not thirst. Most people
suffering from chronic dehydration find themselves afflicted with a plethora of debilitating
conditions such as gastritis, heartburn, arthritis, headaches, depression, weight problems and
accelerated aging. Drink at least 2 quarts of water per day and more if you are in a situation
where you are sweating a lot. Many people are chronically dehydrated.
5. Eat lots of dark and brightly colored fruits and vegetables. The darker brighter colored fruits
and vegetables are loaded with anti-oxidants and other phytonutrients. They also tend to have
good levels of fiber. Good choices include avocado, artichoke, blueberries, spinach, broccoli,
guava, and the other bright, dark colored fruits and vegetables. An example of a poor choice
would be iceberg lettuce. It has very little in the way of the good nutrients.
6. Get plenty of soluble dietary fiber. Most of us do not get nearly enough fiber. As a result our
dietary tracts are unhealthy. It is far easier to increase fiber than you might imagine. Start with
unprocessed whole grains, and the good fruits and vegetables. To add even more fiber, include
psyllium husks to your diet daily.
7. Properly balance the intake of Protein, carbohydrates and fats. This is known as your PCF
ration. Most people will do best with a ratio of 15% calories from lean protein, 55% calories from
low glycemic carbohydrates, and 30% calories from good fats. For diabetics I recommend 20%
protein, 50% low glycemic carbohydrates and 30% good fats.
8. Limit the red meats to no more than two small servings per week. Best choices for lean
protein are Chicken breast without the skin, fish and seafood, nuts and seeds, legumes such as
beans and surprisingly some vegetables such as spinach.
9. Some herbs and spices have been shown to be great aids for better health. Garlic, cloves
and cinnamon are especially beneficial. Raw garlic is used by some to treat the symptoms of
acne and there is some evidence that it can assist in managing high cholesterol levels. Garlic is
high in anti oxidants to counter the effects of free radicals. Cloves and cinnamon both help lower
blood glucose levels for diabetics and help lower the bad cholesterols. There are also other
natural herbs that used wisely can improve your health.
10. Cut down on the salt. The human body needs between 250-300 mg per day to function
properly. 1500 mg of sodium per day is generally considered a severely restricted sodium diet
but is actually very achievable and is quite adequate to maintain electrolytes for most people
when properly balanced with potassium. The typical sodium consumption is often over 5000 mg
per day, which is way too high. Stop eating canned foods and you will instantly see a large
reduction in sodium consumption if you do not add a lot of salt to what you replace the canned
foods with.
Recently there have been news articles suggesting a low sodium diet may have health risks.
The problem is not in lowering sodium but iodine. Iodine is added to salt and is better acquired
through other diet choices such as seafood.
The bottom line is we need better diets to be healthier. When shopping, the best choices are on
the outer isles of the grocery store. This is where you will find the healthier produce, meats,
dairy and other food choices. If there is something on a label promoting the food as a healthy
choice, be cautious. Food manufacturers are using deceptive advertising practices to try to fool
you. Most of the ―healthy‖ choices promoted on packages are not healthy on closer inspection. If
you want a breakdown of what your healthy diet should be, there is a free diet assessment at
Chapter 4. Omega 3 (EPA/DHA) for Good Health
Before this discussion of omega 3 I believe it is important to clear up some of the confusion
about the omega essential fatty acids. Many of the food manufacturers attempting to jump on
the omega-3 bandwagon are using misleading information to try to get you to buy their products.
The omega 3 fatty acids that are missing in most modern western diets are Eicosapentaenoic
acid (EPA) and Docosahexainoic acid (DHA). There is another omega 3 fatty acid (Alphalinolenic acid, ALA) which most of us get plenty of. EPA and DHA we get from fish. ALA we get
from vegetable sources, primarily vegetable oils. Don't let the misleading advertising and
labeling fool you.
Are there different kinds of omega fatty acids?
Yes. Omega-3 fatty acids are one type of polyunsaturated fatty acid. A second type is called
omega-6. Monounsaturated fatty acids are from the omega-9 family of fatty acids. Only omega9 fatty acids can be synthesized by our bodies. We must obtain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty
acids from the foods we eat. The following table shows different families of fatty acids and their
food sources.
Family Name
Common Name
Oleic acid
Canola, olive, and peanut
oils, animal products,
Linoleic acid
Arachidonic acid
Corn, safflower, soybean,
cottonseed, and sunflower
oils animal products
Alpha-linolenic acid
Eicosapentaenoic acid
Docosahexainoic acid
Canola and soybean oils,
some nuts, flaxseed fish fish
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential. This means that they are necessary for our bodies to be able
to function, as they should. The body cannot produce these fatty acids by itself. Therefore we
need a daily supplement of Omega-3 fatty acids. The Omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish are
especially important. These are the ones the body can utilize best.
The U. S. National Library of medicine has this to say about omega 3; "Omega-3 fatty acids are
a form of polyunsaturated fat that the body derives from food. Omega-3s (and omega-6s) are
known as essential fatty acids (EFAs) because they are important for good health. The body
cannot make these fatty acids on its own so omega-3s must be obtained from food. These
different types of acids can be obtained in foods such as cold-water fish including tuna, salmon,
and mackerel. Other important omega 3 fatty acids are found in dark green leafy vegetables,
flaxseed oils, and certain vegetable oils. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to be beneficial
for the heart. Positive effects include anti-inflammatory and anti-blood clotting actions, lowering
cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and reducing blood pressure. These fatty acids may also
reduce the risks and symptoms for other disorders including diabetes, stroke, rheumatoid
arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, some cancers, and mental
If you do not like fatty fish, or for other reasons cannot or do not wish to eat as much fish as
necessary, and few of us eat nearly as much fish as would be required, you can meet your
needs by taking a supplement of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 is the name of a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The two most important of these
are called EPA and DHA and are made by plankton. Fish eat plankton; so Omega-3 fatty acids
are stored in the fat of the fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are primarily found in fatty fish such as
herring, mackerel and salmon. Lean types of fish such as cod and flounder contain few Omega3s.
Why take Omega-3s?
We need a certain amount of these fatty acids to thrive. They are important building blocks for
cells throughout the body. Since the body does not produce them itself, we have to acquire
them in the form of food and/or a dietary supplement.
Fish containing Omega-3s have been a natural part of the human diet for millions of years.
However, our diet has undergone great changes over the last 100 years. Today we eat much
more saturated fat and vegetable oils and much less fish. This has led to a significant imbalance
in fat intake, correlating with negative effects on our health. (As being studied by the U. S.
Center for Disease Control) Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your nutrient intake can restore this
balance. The best method is to significantly increase your consumption of fatty fish, but softgels
containing Omega-3 fatty acids are a good alternative or addition for people who cannot or do
not want to eat so much fish.
Production of Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3s are primarily formed in plankton in the sea. It is especially plankton in the cold sea
areas near the North and South Poles that contain high concentrations of Omega-3s. When the
fish eat this plankton, they ingest Omega-3s, which then accumulate in the fat of the fish. The
fish body oils are then used to make Omega-3 products.
Some of the types of fish used most commonly in the production of Omega-3 fatty acids are
sardines, mackerel and herring. The best sources are Blue Hake and Hoki. These fish are found
in the deep cold-water off the coast of New Zealand. There is another benefit in using the New
Zealand fish. The waters of the North Atlantic and North Pacific are rather polluted. The waters
off New Zealand are still pristine. I would have to believe that starting with a fish that is less
affected by pollutants would have to produce a better finished product. The quantity and type of
Omega-3s in the fish varies from sea to sea. The fish used for Omega-3 products is usually fish
caught for the purpose of producing fishmeal. The oil containing Omega-3 fatty acids is
extracted prior to this process.
Omega-3s are natural. First the oil is pressed out of the fish meat. Then removing the unwanted
fat - the saturated fat, refines the oil. The more unnecessary oils removed, the greater the
concentration of Omega-3s.
The difference between fish oil (Omega-3) and cod-liver oil
Cod-liver oil is made from the livers of codfish. Omega-3 products are made from the oil of the
meat of fatty fish. Cod liver oil contains a naturally high content of the fat-soluble vitamins A and
D, which are stored in the body. Cod liver oil was regarded as a vitamin product until late 1970s,
when Omega-3 fatty acids were discovered. Cod liver oil cannot be concentrated strongly the
way other fish oils can, making the other fish oils a much better source for concentrated and
pure omega-3s.
How do we notice the effect of Omega-3s?
Our bodies need Omega-3s. Just like vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids have a long-term effect.
Since Omega-3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels and circulation,
changes can only be measured at the doctor's office by testing blood pressure and levels of
blood lipids. In the case of people who take high doses of omega-3s for their skin and joints, on
the other hand, the user should notice a positive effect after a few months.
Even if you do not feel it directly, Omega-3s will be built into your cells, helping to ensure
vigor and vitality, and helping to enable you to enjoy life for a long time.
Does the effect disappear if we stop taking Omega-3 supplements?
If you stop taking an Omega-3 supplement, your body will gradually be emptied of the reserves
that have been built up. In the course of four to six weeks the proportion of Omega-3s in your
body will fall to the same level as before you started. Omega-3s are something that must be
added to the body all the time, through food and/or dietary supplements - like vitamins.
In nutritional terms, the expression "essential" refers to a large number of substances, which are
crucial to good health, but not produced by the body. Such essential substances must be
supplied through the diet.
Essential fatty acids
Vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids and essential fatty acids are all among these
substances, which we must eat constantly in order to maintain good health. Various plants
produce polyunsaturated fatty acids. We get them through our diet, either directly through fruits
and vegetables or indirectly through the meat or eggs of animals, birds or fish that have eaten
plants containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Difference between Omega-3s and Omega-6s
Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids belong to one of two "families", the Omega-6 family or the
Omega-3 family. The two families differ not only in their chemistry, but also in their natural
occurrence and biological function. Terrestrial plants typically produce omega-6 fatty acids. We
usually find them in cooking oils such as corn oil, soybean oil and sunflower oil. The best oil of
this type that I have found is Enova oil. Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, originate mainly
from marine plankton ending up in the marine food chain. The most important source of Omega3s is high-fat fish from deep cold ocean waters.
DHA, docosapentaenoic acid, one of the most abundant of the Omega-3 fatty acids, is essential
to the brain, other nerve tissue and the light-sensitive cells in the retina of the eye. In all these
functions, the presence of the Omega-3 fatty acid in the cell membrane has a strong impact on
the cell's ability to transmit electrical impulses.
Omega 3 is important to so many human systems that listing all the research on omega 3 would
take a whole book. An excellent resource for documentation about the health benefits of omega
3 can be found at
Don‗t be misled by manufactures propaganda. A
good Omega 3 supplement will have at least 500
mg of EPA and DHA per 1000 mg portion.
Additionally the product should be molecularly
distilled to remove any pollutants. High priced
products from some ―health‖ stores often have much
lower concentrations of the EPA and DHA than
much lower priced products from stores such as
Wal-Mart, Costco, Walgreens, your grocery store
Omega 3 Essential for health or marketing
The answer is both. Health Canada says,‖omega-3 fatty acids are unique types of
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA‗s) that are essential to human health and are of dietary
importance since our bodies do not produce them. Typical North American intakes of
EPA/DHA are approximately 100-150 mg daily - one-tenth of what is considered necessary
for the maintenance of optimal health.
A series of experiments were performed which demonstrate that diets that are low in n-3
fatty acids (Omega 3) lead to low brain DHA and also lead to losses in nervous system
function. Omega 3 has also been shown to decrease arthritis, slow the onset of Alzheimer‗s,
and improve function in many systems in our body. Recent research has found many
benefits associated with adequate omega 3 consumption. Our bodies do not produce these
essential fatty acids so they have to be consumed in the diet. Like many other vitamins and
minerals they have to be replenished or they become depleted.
Food manufacturers are quick to jump on any angle that that gives them a marketing edge.
In our sound-bite, buzz-word filled society it is fairly easy to take advantage of consumers
by making claims that may be true but give very misleading information. Most articles about
Omega 3 tend to lump all omega 3s into one category ignoring that there are 3 distinctly
different forms of Omega 3. The three main forms of Omega 3 are ALA, EPA and DHA
which each has a different function in our bodies. Most food manufacturers misuse this poor
understanding by the public to sell products. Just a couple examples highlight the problem.
The Omega 3 eggs are the best current example. People buy them at a higher price
thinking they are doing a good thing. The chickens eat flax seed, which is ALA (the least
effective form of Omega 3.) People are not getting the benefit they are expecting and in the
process are getting a lot of dietary Cholesterol. (Up to 211 mg of cholesterol per single large
egg.) Omega 3 Eggs claim to have 150 mg of Omega 3. This is in-fact substantially higher
than other eggs, which have 38 mg but is nowhere close to the recommended 1000 mg per
day. Neither are good sources of the right form of Omega 3. These are by no means the
worst offenders but they are in the news and make good examples of truth being twisted for
corporate profit.
Workshop on the Essentiality of and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for Omega-6 and
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Novel Food Information: DHA-Enanced Milk, and Dairy Products Made From This Milk
Chapter 5. Increasing fiber for better health.
This section on fiber is based on the work of J. Anderson, Colorado State University
Cooperative Extension foods and nutrition specialist and professor of food science and human
nutrition; S. Perryman, Extension foods and nutrition specialist; and L. Young, former foods and
nutrition graduate student.12/98 and is used by permission.
Quick Facts...
Fiber may be beneficial in treating or preventing constipation, hemorrhoids and
Water-soluble fiber helps decrease blood cholesterol levels.
Foods containing dietary fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains.
Include a variety of high-fiber foods in the diet.
Can high-fiber diets really do all they claim to do? Studies have looked at the relationship
between high-fiber diets and many diseases, including colon cancer, coronary heart disease
and diabetes. Proven benefits of a high-fiber diet include prevention and treatment of
constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. In addition, certain types of fiber help decrease
blood cholesterol levels and blood glucose levels. Dietary fiber in foods slows the conversion of
carbohydrates to blood glucose making the meal lower glycemic. Low glycemic means a food is
slower in raising blood glucose.
What Is Dietary Fiber?
Dietary fiber comes from the portion of plants that is not digested by enzymes in the intestinal
tract. Bacteria in the lower gut, however, may metabolize part of it. (Dietary fiber is only found in
plants, Meat and other animal products do not contain fiber.)
Different types of plants have varying amounts and kinds of fiber, including pectin, gum,
mucilage, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Pectin and gum are water-soluble fibers found
inside plant cells. They slow the passage of food through the intestines but do nothing to
increase fecal bulk. Beans, oat bran, fruit and vegetables contain soluble fiber.
In contrast, fibers in cell walls are water insoluble. These include cellulose, hemicellulose and
lignin. Such fibers increase fecal bulk and speed up the passage of food through the digestive
tract. Wheat bran and whole grains contain the most insoluble fiber, but vegetables and beans
also are good sources. Recently psyllium has become a popular high fiber source. Psyllium is
higher in dietary fiber than most other sources.
Sometimes there is confusion as to the difference between crude fiber and dietary fiber. Both
are determined by a laboratory analysis, but crude fiber is only one-seventh to one-half of total
dietary fiber.
Benefits of Fiber
Insoluble fiber binds water, making stools softer and bulkier. Therefore, fiber especially that
found in whole grain products is helpful in the treatment and prevention of constipation,
hemorrhoids and diverticulosis. Diverticula are pouches of the intestinal wall that can become
inflamed and painful. In the past, a low-fiber diet was prescribed for this condition. It is now
known that a high-fiber diet gives better results once the inflammation has subsided.
Low blood cholesterol levels (below 200 mg/dl.) have been associated with a reduced risk of
coronary heart disease. The body eliminates cholesterol through the excretion of bile acids.
Water-soluble fiber binds bile acids, suggesting that a high-fiber diet may result in an increased
excretion of cholesterol. Some types of fiber, however, appear to have a greater effect than
others. The fiber found in oats is more effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels than the
fiber found in wheat. Pectin has a similar effect in that it, too, can lower the amount of
cholesterol in the blood.
Other claims for fiber are less well founded. Dietary fiber may help reduce the risk of some
cancers, especially colon cancer. This idea is based on information that insoluble fiber
increases the rate at which wastes are removed from the body. This means the body may have
less exposure to toxic substances produced during digestion. A diet high in animal fat and
protein also may play a role in the development of colon cancer.
High-fiber diets may be useful for people who wish to lose weight. Fiber itself has no calories,
yet provides a "full" feeling because of its water-absorbing ability. For example, an apple is more
filling than a half cup of apple juice that contains about the same calories. Foods high in fiber
often require more chewing, so a person is unable to eat a large number of calories in a short
amount of time.
Sources of Fiber
Dietary fiber is found only in plant foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. Meat, milk and eggs
do not contain fiber. The form of food may or may not affect its fiber content. Canned and frozen
fruits and vegetables contain just as much fiber as raw ones. Other types of processing, though,
may reduce fiber content. Drying and crushing, for example, destroy the water-holding qualities
of fiber.
The removal of seeds, peels or hulls also reduces fiber content. Whole tomatoes have more
fiber than peeled tomatoes, which have more than tomato juice. Likewise, whole grain
bread contains more fiber than white bread. Table 2 lists the dietary fiber content of some
common foods.
How Much Fiber?
In 2002, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences Research
Council issued Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for fiber (see Table 1). Previously, no
national standardized recommendation existed. The new DRIs represent desirable intake
levels established using the most recent scientific evidence available. The current
recommendations range between 19 grams per day and 38 grams per day depending on
age and gender. However, the average American only consumes 14 grams of dietary fiber
per day.
Table 1: Dietary Reference Intakes
(DRI) for Fiber.
g/day Fiber
1-3 years
4-8 years
9-13 years
14-18 years
19-50 years
51+ years
9-13 years
14-18 years
19-50 years
51+ years
<18 years
18+ years
<18 years
18+ years
For many people, meeting the DRI for fiber may require changes in their eating habits. Eating
several servings of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and dried beans each day is good way to
boost fiber intake. However, if you are not used to eating high fiber foods regularly, these
changes should be made gradually to avoid problems with gas and diarrhea. Anyone with a
chronic disease should consult a physician before greatly altering a diet.
Food Labeling of Fiber
Nutrients required on food labels reflect current public health concerns and coincide with current
public health recommendations. Nutrition labels now list a Daily Reference Value (DRV) for
specific nutrients, including fiber. The DRV for fiber is 25 grams per day based on a 2,000
calorie diet, or 30 grams per day based on a 2,500 calorie diet. The fiber content of a food is
listed in grams and as a percentage of the daily value. We have all seen nutrition labels on our
food. Imagine a food nutrition label. It tells you the product provides 3 g of fiber in a half cup
serving. The percent Daily Value for one serving is 12 percent, or 12 percent of DRV of 25
grams based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Unfortunately, only packaged foods require the labels. For
the data on the healthier whole and unprocessed foods we have to go to data bases such as
that provided in the NutriBase software that came with this book.
Specific health claims can be made for food products that meet specific requirements. For
example: "Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and rich in fruits, vegetables and grain
products that contain fiber, particularly soluble fiber, may reduce the risk of coronary heart
disease." In order to make a health claim about fiber and coronary heart disease, the food must
contain at least 0.6 g of soluble fiber per reference amount. The soluble fiber content must be
listed and cannot be added or fortified. A product containing a health claim for fiber and
coronary heart disease must also meet the definitions of a low fat, low in saturated fat and low in
cholesterol product.
A statement such as "made with oat bran" or "high in oat bran" implies that a product contains a
considerable amount of the nutrient. Claims that imply a product contains a particular amount of
fiber can be made only if the food actually meets the definition for "high fiber" or "good source of
fiber," whichever is appropriate.
The following terms describe products that can help increase fiber intake:
High fiber: 5 g or more per serving
Good source of fiber: 2.5 g to 4.9 g per serving
More or added fiber: At least 2.5 g more per serving than the reference food
Although fiber is important, it is just one part of a properly balanced diet.
It is possible that too much fiber may reduce the amount of calcium, iron, zinc, copper and
magnesium that is absorbed from foods. Deficiencies of these nutrients could result if the
amount of fiber in the diet is excessive, especially in young children.
Fiber supplements are sold in a variety of forms from bran tablets to purified cellulose. Many
laxatives sold as stool softeners actually are fiber supplements. Fiber's role in the diet is still
being investigated. It appears that the various types of fiber have different roles in the body.
For these reasons, avoid fiber supplements. Instead, eat a variety of fiber-rich foods. This is
the best way to receive the maximum benefits from each type of fiber present in foods, and
obtain necessary nutrients.
Farley, Dixie. May 1993. Look for 'LEGIT' Health Claims on Foods. FDA Consumer.
Kurtzweil, Paula. May 1993. Nutrition Facts to Help Consumers Eat Smart. FDA
Consumer. Duyff, Roberta. American Dietetic Association's 2nd Edition Complete
Food and Nutrition Guide. P130-142. 2002.
Slavin, J. "Dietary Fiber: Mechanisms or Magic in Disease Prevention?" Nutrition
Today. Nov/Dec. 1990.
Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat,
Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients). National
Academy Press p. 265-334. 2002
Table 2: Dietary fiber content of foods.
Serving size
Breads, cereals, grains
White bread
1 slice
Whole grain bread
1 slice
100% All Bran
1/2 cup
Corn Flakes
1 cup
Shredded Wheat
2 biscuits
Oatmeal, cooked
1 cup
Rice, brown, cooked
1 cup
Rice, white, cooked
1/3 cup
Fruit (fresh unless otherwise noted)
Apple, with skin
1 large
1 cup
Grapefruit, pink and red
Grapefruit, white
Melon, cantaloupe
1 cup
1 small
1 medium
1 cup
1 small
Prunes, dried
1 cup
1 cup
Beans, baked, canned, plain 1 cup
Beans, green, cooked
1 cup
Beets, canned
1 cup
Broccoli, raw
1 cup
Cabbage, raw
1 cup
Carrots, raw
1 cup
Cauliflower, raw
1 cup
Celery, raw
1 cup
Corn, yellow, cooked
1 cup
Lentils, cooked
1 cup
Lettuce, romaine, raw
1 cup
Lettuce, iceberg, raw
1 cup
Peas, boiled
1 cup
Peas, split
1 cup
Potato, baked, fresh
1/2 potato
Sweet potato, cooked
without skin
Tomato, red, ripe
Winter squash, cooked
Zucchini squash
Other foods
Meat, milk, eggs
Almonds (24 nuts)
Peanuts, dry roasted
(approx. 28)
Walnuts, English (14 halves)
1/2 potato
1 tomato
1 cup
1/2 cup
1 oz.
1 oz.
1 oz.
J. Anderson, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension foods and nutrition specialist
and professor, food science and human nutrition; S. Perryman, Extension foods and
nutrition specialist; and L. Young, former foods and nutrition graduate student.12/98.
Reviewed 11/05.
Chapter 6. Water is an essential requirement for good nutrition!!
What are the recommended servings of water per day?
Why should you drink water?
 It is an essential nutrient and makes up more than
60% of adult body weight
 It is needed for all body functions, such as nutrient
digestion, absorption, transport, and metabolism
 It aids in body-temperature maintenance
 It is vital to electrolyte balance
 Water contains no calories or fat
 May help with weight loss by acting as a natural
appetite suppressant
 Prevents complications from dehydration, such as
headache or fatigue
 May benefit people with respiratory diseases by
thinning mucous secretions that worsen asthma
May help people who experience recurrent urinary tract infections by increasing their
urine flow
May help reduce cancer risk of the colon, kidneys, bladder
How much water do you need?
The equivalent of 8 cups of water for women and 12 cups of water for men is the minimum
amount of fluid recommended daily to replace water losses under conditions of moderate
activity, mild temperature, and altitude. Fluid requirements increase due to exercise,
environmental factors, fever, pregnancy, and other conditions. Exercise: Before: 2 cups, 2 hours
before exercise During: - 1 cup every 15-20 minutes After: 2 cups of fluid for every pound of
body weight you lost during exercise.
Environment factors:
Increase intake in:
Hot or humid climates
During/after sun exposure
In heated indoor air
In cold weather while wearing insulated clothing
When you are at high altitudes
Pregnancy: Pregnant women should drink 2.3 liters (about 10 cups) per day Women who
breast-feed should drink 3.1 liters (about 13 cups) per day.
Dietary Sources of water
Your diet can provide a large portion of the water your body needs. In an average adult diet,
food provides about 20 percent of total water intake. The remaining 80 percent comes from
beverages you drink. Beverage requirements are met best by consuming plain water. You can
also choose herbal or green tea (hot or iced), diluted fruit juice, sparkling water, or add
lemon/lime juice to plain water. Fruits and vegetables also contain lots of water and are also
good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. The water content of fruits and vegetables does
not count as part of your daily water requirement of 8 glasses for women and 12 for men.
Too little water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you do not have enough
water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can make you tired.
Signs and symptoms of dehydration include:
Excessive thirst
Dry mouth
Little or no urination
Muscle weakness
Drinking Too Much Water
Drinking too much water is uncommon but may lead to hyponatremia, a condition in which
excess water intake dilutes the normal amount of electrolytes in the blood. (mostly sodium and
potassium) Symptoms of water intoxication include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and confusion.
Check with your doctor or a registered dietitian if you're concerned about drinking too much or
too little water.
Chlorine and Lead
Chlorine and lead are the two most common contaminants in tap and some bottled water.
Although it may serve an important role in a public water supply, chlorine is a strong oxidizing
agent and may increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Small amounts of lead
may be toxic, especially in infants, children, and pregnant women.
The following are some ideas to increase the likelihood that your drinking water is safe:
Use a quality bottled water? The wisdom of bottled water is now being questioned.
Health Canada among others are looking very closely to links between bottled water and
cancer causing toxins that are believed to leach out of the plastic and into the water then
accumulate in body tissue. Bottled water may not be as good an option as it has been
advertised to be. An alternative is to get into the habit of flushing your kitchen faucet
daily by letting water run for about three minutes, then fill non-plastic drink containers.
Have tap water tested to see if impurities exist.
State and local health departments often do free tests for bacterial contamination
To find out about toxic substances, such as lead, arsenic, and high levels of chlorine,
use a private testing lab
A home purifying/filter system can help
A home water distillation system may produce the purest water.
Ideas to Increase Water Consumption
Keep a pitcher of herbal iced tea in the fridge.
Add fresh lemon or lime to juice to water.
Drink hot herbal tea.
We do not recommend drinking sodas because they are devoid of essential nutrients
while at the same time add excess amounts of sugar and caffeine, even the ―diet
sodas‖ while better are not the best choice.
We do not recommend drinking juices because they are high in calories and usually lack
the fiber of whole fruit.
Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal.
Take water breaks instead of coffee breaks.
Substitute sparkling water for alcoholic drinks at social gatherings.
Carry water in your car.
Dietary Intake for Water, Salt, and Potassium. National Academies web site. Available at:
Nutrition Fact Sheet: Water. Northwestern University web site. Available at:
Water: How much should you drink every day? CNN web site. Available at:
What‗s the best water filter? Today‗s Question. Dr. Weil‗s web site. Available at:
Too much water? Today‗s Question. Dr. Weil‗s web site. Available at: Last
Updated (Saturday, 20 January 2007)
Chapter 7. Protein is needed to rebuild body tissues such as muscles
and organs.
The typical American diet provides plenty of protein -- more than the RDA (Recommended
Daily Allowance) in most instances. The RDA represents the minimum amount of protein
needed to fulfill protein needs in 97.5% of the population. This value is equal to 0.8 g of protein
per kg body weight per day. The average mixed American diet provides from one to two times
the RDA for protein. You might think, then, based on this that protein deficiency is unlikely in the
U.S. However, the RDA for protein has been derived from research studies performed on
healthy individuals. Growing children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, and anyone
undergoing severe stress (trauma, hospitalization, and surgery), disease or disability need more
Muscles are built from protein. Unlike fat cells for fat and muscle or liver for glucose, there is no
place in the body to store protein. We need to consume enough protein to allow our muscles to
be healthy and perform work.
Animal and plant or vegetable foods are the two major protein sources. Animal protein foods
include meat, poultry, fish, dairy products and eggs and are said to be of high biological value.
That is, they contain all nine essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body
(histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and
Plant protein sources, although good for certain essential amino acids, do not always offer all
nine essential amino acids in a single given food. For example, legumes lack methionine, while
grains lack lysine. What is needed are complementary proteins, various protein food sources
that, eaten together, enable a person to meet the standards of a high biologic protein diet.
If vegans eat a variety of plant foods -- cereals, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes -- they'll be
fine. They don't have to eat all these food items at a given meal. However, they should consume
most or all of them during the course of the day to insure a well-balanced protein diet of high
biological value.
The typical North American and European diet is already providing plenty of protein.
There is no value in adding even more protein to that amount, since protein cannot be stored in
the body and the excess is eliminated in urine and feces.
When people start consuming too much protein (over 2.0 g/kg/d), the extra protein can become
a stressful stimulus for the kidney. This is even more of a concern as we get older and our
organs are less efficient and effective.
Very high levels of dietary protein have also been correlated with increased urinary calcium
excretion. The loss of calcium through urine could potentially be harmful for bone turnover, with
the added risk of osteoporosis. Finally, protein requires vitamin B6 in order to be metabolized
and ultimately utilized in the body. Very high levels of dietary protein increase the requirement
for this B vitamin.
There are many high protein/high fat/extremely low carb diets currently being promoted for
weight loss and diabetic glucose control. Mainstream medical opinion is these diets put
diabetics at greater risk for kidney damage.
A Google search will render many results similar to the following. These are a few of the
statements from a few of many different sources expressing current thought on proteins in the
diet. You may access the full article by going on-line and entering the links provided.
Why is a low protein diet necessary? Protein is needed for growth, upkeep and repair of all
parts of your body. Protein comes from the food you eat. When your body digests it, a waste
product called urea is produced. If the kidneys are not working well, urea can build up in the
bloodstream and may cause loss of appetite and fatigue. Eating a low-protein diet will reduce
the workload on the kidneys so that the remaining healthy part of the kidney does not have to
work so hard. There are two main sources of protein:
National kidney foundation
People with reduced kidney function need to be aware that some parts of a normal diet may
speed their kidney failure.
Protein. Protein is important to your body. It helps your body repair muscles and fight disease.
Protein comes mostly from meat. As discussed in an earlier section, healthy kidneys take
wastes out of the blood but leave protein. Impaired kidneys may fail to separate the protein from
the wastes. Some doctors tell their kidney patients to limit the amount of protein they eat so that
the kidneys have less work to do. But you cannot avoid protein entirely. You may need to work
with a dietitian to find the right food plan.
Another problem that may be associated with kidney failure is too much cholesterol in your
blood. High levels of cholesterol may result from a high-fat diet. Cholesterol can build up on the
inside walls of your blood vessels. The buildup makes pumping blood through the vessels
harder for your heart and can cause heart attacks and strokes.
National Institute of Health
By restricting carbohydrates drastically to a mere fraction of that found in the typical American
diet, the body goes into a different metabolic state called ketosis, whereby it burns its own fat for
fuel. Normally the body burns carbohydrates for fuel -- this is the main source of fuel for your
brain, heart and many other organs. A person in ketosis is getting energy from ketones, little
carbon fragments that are the fuel created by the breakdown of fat stores. When the body is in
ketosis, you tend to feel less hungry, and thus you're likely to eat less than you might otherwise.
However, ketosis can also cause health problems, such as kidney failure…
Chapter 8. Carbohydrates
Too often Carbohydrates are blamed for weight gain, high blood glucose, and just about
anything else wrong in our diet. Also, carbohydrates are discussed without a clear
understanding of what they are and the important role Carbohydrates play in our diet.
Carbohydrates are not all equal! There are good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. There
are high glycemic carbohydrates and low glycemic carbohydrates.
A recent large (15,792 participants) study looked at the
amounts of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains U.S.
adults ate and looked for connections between their diets
and the occurrence of certain diseases. Not surprisingly,
those people who ate more whole grains had a lower
total mortality (they were less likely to die) and a lower
risk of heart disease. Those who ate more fruits and
vegetables also had a lower total mortality. AfricanAmericans who ate more fruits and vegetables were less
likely to have heart disease than other AfricanAmericans, but this association was not seen in whites. Intakes of whole grains, fruits, and
vegetables did not seem to affect the risk of stroke. This report provides more support for
recommendations to eat more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables--in other words, a more
plant-based diet.
Reference: Steffen LM, Jacobs DR, Jr, Stevens J, et al. 2003. Associations of whole-grain, refined-grain, and fruit
and vegetable consumption with risks of all-cause mortality and incident coronary artery disease and ischemic stroke:
the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Am J Clin Nutr 78:383-90.
What are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates come from a wide array of foods - bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes,
cookies, spaghetti, corn, and cherry pie. They also come in a variety of forms. The most
common and abundant are sugars, fibers, and starches. The basic building block of a
carbohydrate is a sugar molecule, a simple union of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Starches
and fibers are essentially chains of sugar molecules. Some contains hundreds of sugars. Some
chains are straight, others branch wildly.
Carbohydrates were once grouped into two main categories. Simple carbohydrates included
sugars such as fruit sugar (fructose), corn or grape sugar (dextrose or glucose), and table sugar
(sucrose). Complex carbohydrates included everything made of three or more linked sugars.
Simple sugars were considered bad and complex carbohydrates good. The picture is much
more complicated than that.
The digestive system handles all carbohydrates in much the same way - it breaks them down
(or tries to break them down) into single sugar molecules, since only these are small enough to
cross into the bloodstream. It also converts most digestible carbohydrates into glucose (also
known as blood sugar), because cells are designed to use this as a universal energy source.
Fiber is an exception. It is put together in such a way that it can't be broken down into sugar
molecules, and so passes through the body undigested.
Since the body handles all carbohydrates in the same basic way, can‗t all carbohydrates be
treated the same? The American Diabetes Association says yes. In fact, the ADA recipes
include many of the foods that others say should be excluded such as white bread, white rice,
potatoes, sugar, highly refined grains etc.
May researchers around the world are saying pay attention to the glycemic effect of the
carbohydrates. You can perform a simple experiment to verify this concept. 4 hours after you
have eaten anything else take a glucose reading with your glucose meter. Eat a 100 gram
portion of the food you are testing. Then without eating anything else, test your blood glucose at
30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours and 4 hours after eating the food. You will see that different foods
will have different effects on your blood glucose. This is called the glycemic effect.
Carbohydrates and the Glycemic Index
The diabetic associations such as ADA, CDA and others used to say there was no value in the
glycemic index or glycemic load and that all carbohydrates should be treated the same. They
are slowly recognizing the benefits of low glycemic food concepts in a diabetic diet plan and are
grudgingly acknowledging its benefits for diabetics in controlling blood glucose. Current
research shows a low glycemic load diet helps control blood glucose. I will give credit to the
Canadians as they are far ahead of the US in accepting new ideas and treatments for both
preventing and controlling type 2 diabetes.
A new system for classifying carbohydrates calls into question many of the old assumptions
about how carbohydrates affect health. This new system, known as the glycemic index, or
glycemic load measures how fast and how far blood sugar rises after you eat a food that
contains carbohydrates. The glycemic index is an important concept to understand for anyone
wanting better glucose control. There are many low glycemic index diets and books about the
glycemic index and the glycemic load currently available. The American diabetic diet
recommended by the ADA has pretty much ignored the benefits of a low glycemic load diet.
There needs to be a distinction made between the glycemic index and the glycemic load. The
glycemic index refers to how quickly a food will raise blood glucose and the glycemic load refers
to the accumulated effect of both the glycemic index and the glycemic load in a glycemic index
All carbohydrates are not created equal. White rice, for example, is converted almost
immediately to blood sugar, causing it to spike rapidly. It's classified as having a high glycemic
index. Brown rice, in contrast, is digested more slowly, causing a lower and gentler change in
blood sugar. It has a low glycemic index. There are different scales for determining the glycemic
index. Some glycemic index values are based on white bread, others are based on glucose
White rice is a very high glycemic food with a glycemic index number of 128 which is higher
than the glycemic index number of 100 for the glucose that is used as the reference point in
determining the glycemic index.
The most comprehensive list of the glycemic index of foods was published in the July 2002,
issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Diets filled with high glycemic index foods, which cause quick and strong increases in blood
sugar levels, have been linked to an increased risk for both diabetes and heart disease. On the
other hand, lower GI foods have been shown to help control type-2 diabetes. Diets that contain
low glycemic load foods have also been shown to be an effective aid for weight loss. A healthy
diabetic diet cannot ignore this concept.
One of the most important factors that determine a food's glycemic index is how highly
processed its carbohydrates are. Processing carbohydrates removes the fiber outer bran and
the vitamin and mineral rich inner germ, leaving mostly the starchy endosperm. (See Fiber for
more information on whole grain foods.)
Other factors that influence how quickly the carbohydrates in food raise blood sugar
Fiber. Fiber shields the starchy carbohydrates in food from immediate and rapid attack
by digestive enzymes. This slows the release of sugar molecules into the bloodstream.
Ripeness. Ripe fruits and vegetables tend to have more sugar than unripe ones, and so
tend to have a higher glycemic index.
Type of starch. Starch comes in many different configurations. Some are easier to
break into sugar molecules than others. The starch in potatoes, for example, is digested
and absorbed into the bloodstream relatively quickly.
Fat content and acid content. The more fat or acid a food contains, the slower its
carbohydrates are converted to sugar and absorbed into the bloodstream.
Physical form. Finely ground grain is more rapidly digested, and so has a higher
glycemic index, than more coarsely ground grain.
All these elements can lead to sometimes counterintuitive results. Some foods that contain
complex carbohydrates, such as potatoes, quickly raise blood sugar levels, while some foods
that contain simple carbohydrates, such as whole fruit, raise blood sugar levels more slowly.
Although the fine points of the glycemic index and glycemic load may seem complicated, the
basic message is simple: Whenever possible, replace highly processed grains, cereals, and
sugars with minimally processed low glycemic index carbs. Only eat potatoes - once on the list
of preferred complex carbohydrates - occasionally because of their high glycemic index and
glycemic load.
Low Glycemic Load / Low Glycemic Index Foods
High-fiber fruits and vegetables (not including potatoes), Pearled barley, Bran cereals, Many
legumes (including; chick peas, kidney beans, black beans, lentils, pinto beans), Scotch oats,
steel cut oats and whole grains. Nuts, seeds and other foods are also low glycemic.
These are the best Carbohydrate choices for most people and especially diabetics. They are
slower to be absorbed therefore causing less insulin spiking. I have condensed a list of low
glycemic carbohydrates from the Glycemic Index Database maintained by the University of
Sydney. A condensed edited list is included later in this book.
Medium Glycemic Load / Medium Glycemic Index Foods include:,
Brown rice, Oatmeal, Bulgur, Rice cakes, Whole grain breads, (not whole wheat), Whole grain
pasta and some of the sweeter fruits
High Glycemic Load / High Glycemic Index Foods,
The foods you should avoid include; Baked potato, French fries, refined cereal products, Sugarsweetened beverages, Jelly beans, Candy bars, Couscous, Cranberry juice cocktail, many
varieties of White rice, White flour, sugar, White flour pasta, White bread, and fruit juices.
Diabetic diet foods need not be boring. A good diabetic diet plan that includes low glycemic
index carbs can be tasty and interesting. There is a common misconception that a healthy
diabetic diet is one that deprives you of all the goodies and treats. NOT SO! Substituting high
glycemic sugary foods with low glycemic load foods that use alternate sweeteners can be just
as enjoyable without the nasty side effects. Understanding the glycemic index and glycemic
load can be one of your best tools for controlling Type-2 diabetes.
Diets filled with high-glycemic-index foods, which cause quick and strong increases in blood
sugar levels, have been linked to an increased risk for both diabetes and heart disease. On the
other hand, lower GI foods have been shown to help control type-2 diabetes.
One of the most important factors that determine a food's glycemic index is how highly
processed its carbohydrates are. Processing carbohydrates removes the fiber outer bran and
the vitamin and mineral rich inner germ, leaving mostly the starchy endosperm.
Going with the (Whole) Grain
We have come a long way from
the days when one of the kneejerk answers to the question
"What should I eat?" was "Get a
lot of carbohydrates." We now
know that the staples of most
diets, carbohydrates, aren‘t all
good or all bad. Some kinds
promote health while others,
when eaten often and in large
quantities, actually increase the
risk for diabetes and coronary
heart disease.
The resurgence of the Atkins diet and the rise of the South Beach and other low carbohydrate
diets have put the focus on the carbohydrates. While it may be true that easily digested
carbohydrates from white bread, white rice, pastries, and other highly processed foods may
contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss, that doesn't mean all carbohydrates are
suspect. Regardless of what you've read or heard about the dangers of carbohydrates, they are
an important part of a healthy diet. Carbohydrates provide the body with the fuel it needs for
physical activity and for proper organ function. The best sources of carbohydrates - fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains - deliver essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and a host of
important phytonutrients. Carbohydrate foods are the largest group in the USDA food pyramid.
The higher a food is on the pyramid the less you should eat of it. Complex carbohydrates are at
the base of the pyramid. Even though the USDA food pyramid is mentioned as examples, it
should be noted that the pyramid leaves a lot to be desired as it os based more on the special
interest of food manufacturers than on good science.
Other factors that influence how quickly the carbohydrates in food raise blood sugar
Fiber. Fiber shields the starchy carbohydrates in food from immediate and rapid attack
by digestive enzymes. This slows the release of sugar molecules into the bloodstream.
Ripeness. Ripe fruits and vegetables tend to have more sugar than unripe ones, and so
tend to have a higher glycemic index.
Type of starch. Starch comes in many different configurations. Some are easier to
break into sugar molecules than others. The starch in potatoes, for example, is digested
and absorbed into the bloodstream relatively quickly.
Fat content and acid content. The more fat or acid a food contains, the slower its
carbohydrates are converted to sugar and absorbed into the bloodstream.
Physical form. Finely ground grain is more rapidly digested, and so has a higher
glycemic index, than more coarsely ground grain.
All these elements sometimes lead to counterintuitive results. Some foods that contain complex
carbohydrates, such as potatoes, quickly raise blood sugar levels, while some foods that
contain simple carbohydrates, such as whole fruit, raise blood sugar levels more slowly.
Although the fine points of the glycemic index and glycemic load may seem complicated, the
basic message is simple: Whenever possible, replace highly processed grains, cereals, and
sugars with minimally processed whole grain products. And only eat potatoes - once on the list
of preferred complex carbohydrates - occasionally because of their high glycemic index and
glycemic load.
When Sugar Management Goes Awry
Digestible carbohydrates are broken down in the intestine into their simplest form, sugar, which
then enters the blood. As blood sugar levels rise, special cells in the pancreas churn out more
and more insulin, a hormone that signals cells to absorb blood sugar for energy or storage. As
cells sponge up blood sugar, its levels in the bloodstream fall back to a preset minimum. So do
insulin levels.
In some people, this cycle doesn't work properly. People with type-1-diabetes (once called
insulin dependent or juvenile diabetes) don't make enough insulin, so their cells can't absorb
sugar. People with type-2 diabetes (once called non insulin dependent or adult onset diabetes)
usually start out with a different problem - their cells don't respond well to insulin's "open up for
sugar" signal. This condition, known as insulin resistance, causes both blood sugar and insulin
levels to stay high long after eating. Over time, the heavy demands made on the insulin making
cells wears them out, and insulin production slows, and then stops.
Insulin resistance isn't just a blood sugar problem. It has also been linked with a variety of other
problems, including high blood pressure, high levels of triglycerides, low HDL (good)
cholesterol, heart disease, and possibly some cancers.
Genes, a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, and eating a diet filled with foods that cause big
spikes in blood sugar can all promote insulin resistance. Data from the Insulin Resistance
Atherosclerosis Study suggests that cutting back on refined grains and eating more whole
grains in their place can improve insulin sensitivity.
No Carbohydrates?
Some popular diets, particularly the Atkins diet, treat carbohydrates as if they are evil, the root
of all body fat and excess weight. While there is some evidence that a low carbohydrate diet
may help people lose weight more quickly than a low fat diet, no one knows the long-term
effects of eating little or no carbohydrates. Equally worrisome is the inclusion of unhealthy fats in
some of these diets.
If you want to go the lower carb route, try to include some fruits, vegetables, and whole grain
carbohydrates every day. They contain a host of vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients
that are essential for good health and that you can't get out of a supplement bottle .
Adding Good Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and grains should give you the bulk of your calories. For
optimal health, get your grains intact from foods such as un processed whole grains, brown rice,
whole grain pasta, and other possibly unfamiliar grains like quinoa, whole oats, and bulgur. Not
only will these foods help protect you against a range of chronic diseases; they can also please
your palate and your eyes.
Until recently, you could only get whole grain products in organic or non-traditional stores.
Today they are popping up in more and more mainstream grocery stores. Here are some
suggestions for adding more whole grains to your diet:
Start the day with whole grains. If you're partial to hot cereals, try old fashioned or steel-cut
oats. If you're a cold cereal person, look for one that lists whole wheat, oats, barley, or other
grain first on the ingredient list. I can‘t really recommend any of the cold cereals since they are
still made with highly processed grains. If you insist on using breads, use whole grain breads for
lunch or snacks. There are better breads coming on the market that are made with spouted
grains and no flour. Two examples are Silver Hills breads available in western Canada and the
north western United States and Ezekiel Bread that I have been finding in the US. Check the
label to make sure that whole wheat or other whole grain is the first ingredient listed.
Bag the potatoes. Instead, try brown rice or even "newer" grains like bulgur, wheat berries,
millet, or hulled barley with your dinner.
Pick up some whole-wheat pasta. If the whole grain products are too chewy for you, look for
those that are made with half whole-wheat flour and half white flour. Better yet, replace pasta
with plain steamed whole grains.
I think a common mistake made by many is to lump all carbs together and treat them the same.
I use 50% calories from carbohydrates but that includes the 30 grams of soluble fiber, which is a
carbohydrate but many systems don't even count. All my carbohydrates are from low glycemic
Not all carbs are equal.
Some carbs such as sugar, white rice and potatoes are high glycemic meaning they raise blood
glucose very quickly. It might surprise you that rice and potatoes both have glycemic values
higher than sugar. Ripe fruit is typically mid to high glycemic. On the other hand, there are very
low glycemic carbohydrates like those found in artichoke, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, whole
grains, beans, almonds, walnuts sunflower seeds and many other food choices.
There are actually some carbs that can lower blood glucose. 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (80%
calories from carbohydrates) per day can help with both cholesterol and blood glucose, as can
Stevia, vinegar (100% calories from carbohydrates) and lemon juice. Psyllium husk can add
fiber, which will also help. Psyllium husk often has to be found in a health food store.
1. Jenkins DJ, Kendall CW, Augustin LS, et al. Glycemic index: overview of implications in
health and disease. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 76:266S-73S.
2. Foster-Powell K, Holt SH, Brand-Miller JC. International table of glycemic index and glycemic
load values: 2002. Am J Clin Nutr 2002; 76:5-56.
3. Schulze MB, Liu S, Rimm EB, Manson JE, Willett WC, Hu FB. Glycemic index, glycemic load,
and dietary fiber intake and incidence of type-2 diabetes in younger and middle-aged women.
Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80:348-56.
4. Willett W, Manson J, Liu S. Glycemic index, glycemic load, and risk of type-2 diabetes. Am J
Clin Nutr 2002; 76:274S-80S.
5. Liu S, Willett WC. Dietary glycemic load and atherothrombotic risk. Curr Atheroscler Rep
2002; 4:454-61.
6. Pereira MA, Liu S. Types of carbohydrates and risk of cardiovascular disease. J Womens
Health (Larchmt) 2003; 12:115-22.
7. Brand-Miller J, Hayne S, Petocz P, Colagiuri S. Low-glycemic index diets in the management
of diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes Care 2003; 26:2261-7.
8. Liu, S. Insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and risk of major chronic diseases--a dietary
perspective. Proc Nutrit Soc Austral 1998; 22:140.
9. Liu, S, Willett, WC, Stampfer, MJ, et al. A prospective study of dietary glycemic load,
carbohydrate intake, and risk of coronary heart disease in U.S. women. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;
10. Reaven GM. Insulin resistance/compensatory hyperinsulinemia, essential hypertension, and
cardiovascular disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88:2399-403.
11. Liese AD, Roach AK, Sparks KC, Marquart L, D'Agostino RB, Jr., Mayer-Davis EJ. Wholegrain intake and insulin sensitivity: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study. Am J Clin Nutr
2003; 78:965-71.
12. Foster GD, Wyatt HR, Hill JO, et al. A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for
obesity. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:2082-90.
13. Samaha FF, Iqbal N, Seshadri P, et al. A low-carbohydrate as compared with a low-fat diet
in severe obesity. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:2074-81. 69
Chapter 9. Good fats/ bad fats
Not all fats are villains; in fact, we need good fats for good health.
As strange as it sounds, eating fat can actually help you lose weight. Not only that, your memory
and your immune system will benefit from eating fat. It is an extremely bad idea to eliminate fat
completely from your diet. "Good" fats are absolutely essential. These good fats come from
things like Enova Oil, canola oil, extra virgin olive oil, flax seed, almonds, walnuts and coldwater fish. Eating the right kind of fat and getting rid of the wrong kind is what is needed.
There is the example: a study that involved 1,000 rats and how they lost weight while actually
eating more fat. The rats were fed a diet high in saturated fats, the kind in milk, cheese and red
meat. Part way through, 500 of the rats had omega-3 fatty acids added to their diet. Not
substituted, but added. "All of them lost weight and tumor growth and heart problems got
better.‖And they were eating double the fat." This is why we need to recognize the value of fat
and how North Americans have got it all wrong. Good fat is fabulous!
Fat for health
We need the good fats not only to keep our arteries healthy but also for prostaglandular activity.
Prostaglandins are an important family of hormones that help control things like fertility,
inflammation, immunity and communication between cells. That means, when you drastically cut
fat out of your diet or eat the wrong fats, your body suffers.
The best fats are omega-3 fats, the ones that come from olive oil, cold-water fish, walnut oil,
wheat germ oil and flax seed oil.
America took a wrong turn a few decades back (and the world followed) with popular diets
extolling the benefits of eating fewer fats. The problem was that while many of the food products
being hyped as healthy were lower in fat, they were made up of the worst kind of fats for our
bodies: trans fats. What more recent research is showing, according Harvard School of Public
Health, is it isn‗t low fat that is so important. Rather, it is the type of fat in our diet that is a key to
good health.
Part of where we went wrong was in our desire to simplify and express everything in sound
bites. When fats are discussed in mainstream media, all they say is ―fat‖. As a result, most of us
think all fat is the same. In fact there are at least 48 different categories of fat. These fats run the
gamut from essential for health to very unhealthy.
If omega-3 fats are the good guys, then trans fats are the villains.
Recently, the Food and Drug Administration has moved to have trans fats listed as part of
nutrition labeling on foods, but… The new labeling law still allows trans fats to be hidden so
consumers have to do a little detective work.
The easiest way to tell if a product has trans fat is to look for the words "hydrogenated oils" or
"partially hydrogenated oils" on the label. Heating liquid vegetable oils in the presence of
hydrogen produces hydrogenated oils. It makes fat more stable, which helps in the preparation
of processed foods, but it‗s not something our body particularly likes. Unfortunately, trans fat is
often an ingredient in things we all like to eat (crackers, cookies, potato chips, French fries, stick
margarine) and contributes to the heart disease and obesity that is sweeping the world.
The recent trend toward ―no trans fat‖, though encouraging, is often misleading. There are two
major issues:
The first is the hiding of trans fats. The way the labeling laws are written allows food
manufactures to still use the same trans fats. The law says if they have less than .5
gram of trans fat per serving they can put 0 trans fat on their nutrition label. All they have
to do is reduce the serving size to one that gets the grams of trans fats to under the .5
gram limit. You may have noticed cracker and cookie serving sizes to be reduced for
The other issue is with cooking methods. When oil is heated it is transformed, producing
free radicals. Free radicals are the major issue with the trans fats. As cooking oils are
heated they form free radicals. The higher the temperature and the longer it remains at
high temperature effects how many free radicals are produced. The fast food labeling of
―trans fat free‖deep fried foods is therefore also very misleading. It is better they are
starting with good oils that have no trans fats but the cooking method is producing
transformed fats.
The lowdown
One of the things trans fats do is to raise something called low-density lipoproteins or LDL. And
even though the word "low" makes this sound enticing, low-density lipoproteins are not a good
thing when it comes to the body. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, these lowdensity lipoproteins carry cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body.
When there is too much LDL in the blood, it can be deposited on the walls of coronary arteries
and lead to heart attacks. High-density lipoproteins are good. They carry cholesterol from the
blood back to the liver, which processes it for elimination. You should know your levels of both
HDL and LDL.
People look at cholesterol as a number, but really it is a ratio. If you increase the amount of
HDL, it carries away a lot of the bad LDLs. Trans fats not only raise the LDLs (bad cholesterol)
but also lower HDLs, the good cholesterol.
Moderation is key
I have been advised by my registered dietician to allow as much as 30% calories from fats.
It has to be "good" fats. So who are the good guys of fat? These include Extra virgin olive oil,
avocado, flax seed oil, almonds, walnuts, salmon and cold-water fish. It is best to stop frying.
Saturated fats like those in cheese, beef and chicken and milk should play smaller roles in our
diet. Meat fats, things like pork fat, lard and bacon, should be avoided, along with partially
hydrogenated oils in things like margarines and snack foods. Old oils of any kind are also bad
for you.
Fat has to get a new image in the minds of people across the country. "We relate fat in our food
to fat on our body, and that‗s just not true.
Fat can be fantastic!
Chapter 10. Sodium and Potassium
Low sodium is fairly easy to achieve with a little practice.
First, stop eating canned and prepared frozen foods. Just about all of them are really loaded
with sodium. (Even the ones that claim to be healthy and there are usually other reasons as well
why the prepared foods in the grocery store labeled "healthy" aren't really very healthy.)
We have all been indoctrinated about how good soup is for us.
Start reading the labels. Canned soups are typically from 8002400 mg of sodium per serving. A serving is not a bowl! A
serving is 1/2 cup or typically 2.5 servings per can. My daily
limit is 1500 mg. One bowl of canned soup would put me over
my limit. The average American consumes in excess of 4000
mg of sodium per day. The recommended daily allowance for
a healthy normal person is 2500 mg or less per day. A
restricted sodium diet is from 1500-2000 mg per day. Our
bodies only need from 250-300 mg per day. We don't need it;
we just like the taste of it.
One level U.S. teaspoonful of granulated evaporated salt
contains approximately 6,200 mg sodium chloride, or
approximately 2,400 mg sodium. Sodium isn't just in what we
think of as table salt. There is a lot of seafood that has a lot of naturally occurring salt. (Such as
shrimp) sodium is also found in celery, onions and vegetables, and most meats. There are also
other things beside salt that contain sodium, such as baking powder, baking soda, MSG
(monosodium glutamate) and sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate saccharin, probably a lot of other
things I am not thinking about.
There have been recent articles in the mainstream media about too little salt in our diets. If you
listen carefully, they are not talking about salt. They are talking about iodine. Early in the 20th
century it was recognized that there were serious complications caused by too little iodine in our
diet. The simple solution was to add iodine to our diets by adding it to salt, which was commonly
consumed. In my opinion (take it with a grain of salt) it is better to cut way down on the salt
consumption and get iodine from other sources such as seafood and fruits and vegetables
grown in coastal areas where the soil has iodine from the ocean or add it as a supplement. It is
already being added to salt as a supplement so why not decrease the salt and get the iodine
from other sources?
Either too much or too little potassium can cause serious health risks.
Too little. An abnormally low plasma potassium concentration is referred to as hypokalemia.
Hypokalemia is most commonly a result of excessive loss of potassium, e.g., from prolonged
vomiting, the use of some diuretics, some forms of kidney disease, or disturbances of
metabolism. The symptoms of hypokalemia are related to alterations in membrane potential and
cellular metabolism. They include fatigue, muscle weakness and cramps, and intestinal
paralysis, which may lead to bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain. Severe hypokalemia
may result in muscular paralysis or abnormal heart rhythms (cardiac arrhythmias) that can be
Too much Abnormally elevated serum potassium concentrations are referred to as
hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia occurs when potassium intake exceeds the capacity of the kidneys
to eliminate it. Oral doses greater than 18 grams taken at one time in individuals not
accustomed to high intakes may lead to severe hyperkalemia, even in those with normal kidney
function. Hyperkalemia may also result from a shift of intracellular potassium into the circulation,
which may occur with the rupture of red blood cells (hemolysis) or tissue damage (e.g., trauma
or severe burns). Symptoms of hyperkalemia may include tingling of the hands and feet,
muscular weakness, and temporary paralysis. The most serious complication of hyperkalemia is
the development of an abnormal heart rhythm, which can lead to cardiac arrest.
In 2004, the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine established an adequate
intake level (AI) for potassium based on intake levels that have been found to lower blood
pressure, reduce salt sensitivity, and minimize the risk of kidney stones.
0-6 months: 400 mg
6-12 months: 700 mg
1-3 years: 3.5 g
4-8 years: 3.8 g
9-13 years: 4.5 g
14-18 years: 4.5 g
19-30 years: 4.7 g
31-50 years: 4.7 g
51+ years: 4.7 g
Pregnant women: 4.7 g
Lactating women: 5.1 g
The best sources of potassium may not be what we have been led to believe. When I did a
comparative analysis with the NutriBase software I was surprised to find bananas were not even
in the top 500 when I did a food ranking based on a standardized 100g portion size. The
Nutribase Diet software that comes with this book can be a great source for learning what is
actually in the foods we eat. The following chart though not complete illustrates this point.
Foods ranked as quality sources of: potassium
Amount DV Nutrient
Cals (mg) (%) Density Foods Rating
Swiss chard, boiled
1 cup 35.0 960.75 27.4 14.1
Romaine lettuce
2 cup 15.7 324.80 9.3
very good
Crimini mushrooms, raw
5 oz-wt 31.2 635.04 18.1 10.5
Spinach, boiled
1 cup 41.4 838.80 24.0 10.4
Celery, raw
1 cup 19.2 344.40 9.8
very good
Basil, dried, ground
2 tsp
7.5 103.00 2.9
Mustard greens, boiled
1 cup 21.0 282.80 8.1
very good
Fennel, raw, sliced
1 cup 27.0 360.18 10.3
very good
Broccoli, steamed
1 cup 43.7 505.44 14.4
very good
Winter squash, baked, cubes
1 cup 80.0 895.85 25.6
very good
Cucumbers, slices, with peel
1 cup 13.5 149.76 4.3
Blackstrap molasses
2 tsp
32.1 340.57 9.7
very good
Tomato, ripe
1 cup 37.8 399.60 11.4
very good
Turnip greens, cooked
1 cup 28.8 292.32 8.4
very good
Collard greens, boiled
1 cup 49.4 494.00 14.1
very good
Summer squash, cooked, slices
1 cup 36.0 345.60 9.9
very good
Eggplant, cooked, cubes
1 cup 27.7 245.52 7.0
very good
Cantaloupe, cubes
1 cup 56.0 494.40 14.1
very good
Green beans, boiled
1 cup 43.8 373.75 10.7
very good
Kale, boiled
1 cup 36.4 296.40 8.5
very good
Brussel sprouts, boiled
1 cup 60.8 494.52 14.1
very good
Carrots, raw
1 cup 52.5 394.06 11.3
very good
Turmeric, powder
2 tsp
16.0 114.48 3.3
Beets, Boiled
1 cup 74.8 518.50 14.8
very good
Asparagus, boiled
1 cup 43.2 288.00 8.2
very good
1 each 118.6 781.28 22.3
very good
Bell peppers, red, raw, slices
1 cup 24.8 162.84 4.7
Cauliflower, boiled
1 cup 28.5 176.08 5.0
1 each 16.8 103.60 3.0
Ginger root
1 oz-wt 19.6 117.65 3.4
Yam (Dioscorea species), cubed, cooked 1 cup 157.8 911.20 26.0
1 cup 43.2 239.04 6.8
1 each 46.4 252.32 7.2
Chili pepper, dried
Cod, baked/broiled
Lima beans, cooked
Cabbage, shredded, boiled
Onions, raw
Halibut, baked/broiled
Tuna, yellowfin, baked/broiled
Snapper, baked/broiled
Potato, baked, with skin
Avocado, slices
Yogurt, low-fat
Watermelon, diced
Pinto beans, cooked
Green peas, boiled
Sweet potato, baked, with skin
Lentils, cooked
Kidney beans, cooked
Figs, fresh
Cow's milk, 2%
Scallops, baked/broiled
Foods Rating
very good
2 tsp
4 oz-wt
1 cup
1 cup
1 each
0.50 each
1 cup
4 oz-wt
4 oz-wt
4 oz-wt
1 each
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 cup
1 each
1 cup
1 cup
8 oz-wt
1 each
0.25 cup
1 cup
1 cup
4 oz-wt
1 cup
There are specific meanings to excellent source, Very good Source and good source when
talking about foods as a source of a particular nutrient. There has been considerable
advancement in nutrition science in the past 5 years. Many of the things we have been thought
and have taken for granted are now being challenged.
Chapter 11. Get the proper amount of vitamins.
Getting the proper balance of vitamins is a very confusing topic. We get a lot of vitamins from
the foods we eat. Too much of some vitamins can be just as much a problem as not enough.
The charts included here are for reference. The only easy way I know of telling if you are getting
the right amount of each vitamin is with the software that is included with this book.
RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) of vitamins change and there is controversy about the proper
daily intakes of vitamins. The most recent chart I have found is from Health Canada. This chart
is for reference purposes only. Your personal needs may vary based on specific medical
conditions. Check with your medical provider for what is right for you and your condition. A study
released February 27, 2007 suggests there may be a higher health risk from anti-oxidant
supplementation. The best source of anti-oxidants is in a healthy diet.
Vitamins and minerals are essential to your health. Although they do not give you
energy, they do assist in energy-yielding reactions and promote body growth and
development. Vitamins and minerals are vital for human function, each one playing a
different role. Read on to find out what select vitamins and minerals do and where you
can find them! Whole foods are the preferred source of important vitamins and minerals
for your health. Always look to foods first, before considering a supplement. If you have
questions about vitamins, minerals, or nutrition supplements, talk to your doctor or
Registered Dietician.
Daily Values "Daily Value" is one of the new terms used on today's food labels. It
indicates the amount of a nutrient that is provided by a single serving of a food item.
Daily Values are used to establish standards for comparison.
The Daily Value is actually based on two sets of standards. The first set of standards is
called the Reference Daily Intake (formerly known as the U.S. Recommended Daily
Allowance). It reflects the recommended level of intake for most vitamins and minerals.
The second set of standards, called the Daily Reference Values, is used for other
nutrients that are also known to have a significant impact of health and disease. These
other nutrients include fat,, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
The following are the Daily Values based on Daily Reference Values:These may need to
be adjusted and redefined for diabetics and other health concerns. Notations in green are
those From Toma/Nutricoach.
Total Fat 65 grams (based on 30% of 2000 calories) 2000 calories is a hypothetical
diet for demonstration purposes many people will require far less.
Saturated Fat 20 grams (based on 8% to 10% of 2000 calories) Less than the 8% of
saturated fat is desirable the recommendation is for a maximum.
Cholesterol 300 milligrams Your body produces all the cholesterol it needs there
is no daily minimum requirement. Less than 100 milligrams is very achievable.
Total Carbohydrate 300 grams (about 60% of 2000 calories)This is high for a
diabetic and not necessary for anyone. 50% is recommended by NutriCoach.
Some recommend far less. Less carbohydrates means the intake of fat or protein
is increased.
Fiber 25 gramsNutriCoach recommends 25-35 Grams of fiber.
Sodium 2400 milligramsTypical western diets exceed 5000 milligrams per day. The
minimum daily requirement is between 250-350 milligrams NutriCoach
recommends not to exceed 1500 milligrams
Potassium 3500 milligrams
Potassium and sodium ratios should be monitored and kept in balance.
Protein 50 grams (about 10% of 2000 calories)Diabetic diets should have a
reduced percentage of calories from carbohydrates. The amount of reduction is in
dispute. the NutriCoach recommendation is 50% other plans reduce it to as little
as 20%. Extreme reductions bring on other possible complications. Too much
protein has been shown to stress the kidneys too much fat, particularly saturated
fat leads to high cholesterol and arterial/coronary complications.
*DRV for protein does not apply to certain populations;
Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for protein has been established for these
children 1 to 4 years: 16 g
infants under 1 year: 14 g
pregnant women: 60 g
nursing mothers: 65 g.
All of this is an other good argument for good nutrition tracking software.
The following are the Daily Values based on Reference Daily Intake: USDA>
Vitamin A 5000 IU
Vitamin C 60 milligrams
Vitamin D 400 IU
Vitamin E 30 IU
Thiamin 1.5 milligrams
Riboflavin 1.7 milligrams
Niacin 20 milligrams
Vitamin B6 2 milligrams
Vitamin B12 6 micrograms
Folic Acid 0.4 milligrams
Biotin 0.3 milligrams
Pantothenic Acid 10 milligrams
Calcium 1000 milligrams
Iron 18 milligrams
Phosphorus 1000 milligrams
Iodine 150 micrograms
Magnesium 400 milligrams
Zinc 15 milligrams
Copper 2 milligrams
Vitamin and Mineral Chart
Fat Soluble Vitamins can be stored in the body and need not be consumed daily. While it is difficult to
"overdose" on them from ordinary sources, consuming mega doses of fat soluble vitamins, especially A
and D, can lead to a dangerous buildup in the body.
Abbreviations: IU=International Units; mg=milligrams; mcg=micrograms.
Vitamin A
Men: 3 000 IU
Women: 2 700
Beta Carotene
(Pro-Vitamin A)
(See Vitamin A)
fortified Milk (Retinol
Squash, Broccoli,
Green Leafy
Function:Essential for
eyes, skin and the
proper function of the
immune system. Helps
maintain hair, bones
and teeth.
Converted to Vitamin
A in the body. (See
Vitamin A) The
antioxidant properties
of this nutrient may be
a factor in reducing
the risk of certain
forms of cancer
Deficiency: Night
blindness; reduced
hair growth in
children; loss of
apetite; dry, rough
skin; lowered
resistance to
infection; dry eyes.
blurred vision;
periods; joint
and bone pain;
dry, cracked
skin; rashes; loss
of hair; vomiting,
liver damage.
Vitamin D
Sources:Egg Yolk,
Men: 100 IU
Milk, Exposure to sun
Women: 100 IU enables body to
make its own Vitamin
Function:Helps build
and maintain teeth
and bones. Enhances
calcium absorption.
Deficiency: Rickets in
children; bone
softening in adults;
Calcium deposits
in organs; fragile
bones; renal and
Vitamin E
Sources:Corn or
Men: 9-10 mg
Cottonseed Oil,
Women: 6-7 mg Butter, Brown Rice,
Soybean Oil,
Vegetable oils such as
Corn, Cottonseed or
Soybean, Nuts,
Wheat Germ.
Helps form red blood
cells, muscles and
other tissues.
Preserves fatty acids.
The antioxidant
properties of this
nutrient may be a
factor in reducing the
risk of certain forms of
Deficiency: Rare,
seen primarily in
premature or low
birth weight babies
or children who do
not absorb fat
properly. Causes
nerve abnormalities.
Vitamin K
Function:Needed for Deficiency: Defective Overdose:
normal blood clotting. blood coagulation.
Jaundice in
Vegetables, Liver,
also made by
Estimated at
0.03 mcg/kg
intestinal bacteria.
Water Soluble Vitamins are not stored in the body and should therefore be consumed daily.
Vitamin B1
Men: 0.8 - 1.3
Women: 0.8 mg
Seeds, Pork, whole
and enriched Grains,
dried Beans.
for carbohydrate
metabolism and
muscle coordination.
Promotes proper
nerve function.
Deficiency: Anxiety;
hysteria; depression;
muscle cramps; loss
of apetite; in extreme
cases beriberi
(mostly in alcoholics).
Vitamin B2
Men: 1.3 - 1.6
Women: 1.1 mg
Sources:Liver, Milk,
Spinach, enriched
Function:Needed for
metabolism of all
foods and the release
of energy to cells.
Essential to the
functioning of Vitamin
B6 and Niacin.
Deficiency: Cracks
Overdose: See
and sores around the Vitamin B1.
mouth and nose;
visual problems.
Vitamin B3
Men: 16-23 mg
Women: 14-16
Niacin is
converted to
niacinamide in
the body.
Bran, Tuna, Chicken,
Beef, Peanuts,
enriched Grains.
Function:Needed in
many enzymes that
convert food to
energy. Helps maintain
a healthy digestive
tract and nervous
system. In very large
doses, lower
cholesterol (large
doses should only be
taken under the advice
of a physician).
Deficiency: In
extreme cases,
pellagra, a disease
characterized by
dermatitis, diarrhea
and mouth sores.
Overdose: Hot
flashes; ulcers;
liver disorders;
high blood sugar
and uric acid;
Vitamin B5
Men: 2.5 mg
Women: 2.5 mg
Sources:Abundant in
animal tissues, whole
grain cereals and
food to molecular
forms. Needed to
manufacture adrenal
hormones and
chemicals that
regulate nerve
Deficiency: Unclear
in humans.
Overdose: See
Vitamin B1.
Vitamin B6
Men: 1.8 mg
Women: 1.5 mg
protein foods,
Spinach, Broccoli,
Function:Needed for
protein metabolism
and absorption,
metabolism. Helps
form red blood cells.
Promotes nerve and
brain function.
Deficiency: Anemia, Overdose: Nerve
irritability, patches of damage.
itchy, scaling skin;
although excess
of one B vitamin
may cause
deficiency of
Vitamin B12
Cyanocobalamin almost exclusively in genetic material. Helps Pernicious anemia;
Men: 2 mcg
animal products.
form red blood cells. nerve damage.
Women: 2 mcg
(Note: Deficiency
rare except in strict
vegetarians, the
elderly or people
with malabsorption
Overdose: See
Vitamin B1.
60 mcg
Sources:Cheese, Egg, Function:Needed for
Yolk, Cauliflower,
metabolism of glucose
Peanut Butter
and formation of
certain fatty acids.
Essential for proper
body chemistry.
Deficiency: Seborrhic Overdose: See
dermatitis in infants. Vitamin B1
Rare in adults, but
can be induced by
consuming large
amounts of egg
whites - anorexia,
nausea, vomiting, dry
scaly skin.
Folic Acid
Men: 180-220
Women: 160190 mg
Sources:Green, leafy
vegetables, Orange
Juice, organ Meats,
Function:Essential for
the manufacture of
genetic material as
well as protein
metabolism and red
blood cell formation.
Adequate amounts of
this nutrient in the
first stage of
pregnancy may reduce
the risks of neural
tube birth defects.
Deficiency: Impaired
cell division; anemia;
Vitamin C
Ascorbic Acid
Men: 40 mg
Women: 30 mg
Sources:Citrus Fruits,
Broccoli, Green
Helps bind cells
together and
strengthens blood
vessel walls. Helps
maintain healthy
gums. Aids in the
absorption of iron.The
antioxidant properties
of this nutrient may be
a factor in reducing
the risk of certain
forms of cancer. May
reduce the effects of
the common cold.
Deficiency: Muscle Overdose:
weakness, bleeding Diahrea, Kidney
gums; easy bruising. stones
In extreme cases,
Minerals in organic products essential for body functions.
Convulsions in
epileptics. May
mask pernicious
anemia (see
Vitamin B12
Men: 800 - 1000
Women: 700800 mg
Sources:Milk, Yogurt,
Cheese, Sardines,
Broccoli, Turnip
Sources:Egg yolks,
Men: 50- 200
Cheese, Meat, Whole
Micro grams
grains, nuts,
Women: 50- 200
Micro grams
Function:Helps build
strong bones and
teeth. Promotes
muscle and nerve
function. Helps blood
to clot. Helps activate
enzymes needed to
convert food to
Deficiency: Rickets in
osteomalacia (soft
bones) and
osteoporosis in
Function:Works with Deficiency:
insulin for proper
glucose metabolism.
Increases serum levels
of HDL(good
cholesterol). Aids in
prevention or reversal
of peripheral
neuropathy. Aids in
weight loss.
Kidney Stones,
calcium deposits
in body tissues.
absorption of
iron and other
Overdose: Over
200 micro grams
daily may be
hazardous, more
research is
needed. Possible
renal failure in
high doses.
Pregnant women
and nursing
mothers should
avoid doses of
chromium above
the upper limit
of the estimated
safe and
adequate daily
dietary intake
chromium is 50
to 200
daily. Those with
a history of
should exercise
caution in the
use of chromium
Those with a
history of
or type 2
diabetes mellitus
should only use
supplements for
the possible
management of
tolerance under
2-3 mg
Sources:The richest
sources of copper in
the diet are Liver and
other organ Meats,
Seafoods, Nuts and
of several enzymes,
including on needed to
make skin, hair and
other pigments.
Stimulates iron
absorption. Needed to
make red blood cells,
connective tissue and
nerve fibres.
Rare in adults.
Infants may develop
a type of anemia
marked by abnormal
development of
bones, nerve tissue
and lungs.
Liver disease;
Men: 8-10 mg
Women: 8-13
Sources:Liver, lean
Meats, Kidney beans,
enriched Bread,
Note: Oxalic acid in
spinach hinders iron
Function:Essential for
making hemoglobin,
the red substance in
blood that acrries
oxygen to body cells.
Skin pallor;
weakness; fatigue;
headaches; shortness
of breath (all signs of
Toxic buildup in
liver and in rare
instances the
Men: 230 - 250
Women: 200 210 mg
Beef Greens,
Broccoli, Tofu,
Popcorn, Cashews,
Wheat Bran
enzymes needed to
release energy in
body. Needed by cells
for genetic material
and bone growth.
Deficiency: Nausea,
irritability, muscle
weakness; twitching;
cramps, cardiac
vomiting, low
blood pressure,
nervous system
Overdose can
be fatal to
people with
kidney disease.
2-5 mg
Tea, whole Grains
and Cereal products
are the richest
dietary sources.
Adequate amounts
are found in Fruits
and Vegetables.
Needed for normal
Deficiency: Unknown
tendon and bone
in humans.
structure. Component
of some enzymes
important in
Generally results
from inhalation
of manganese
containing dust
or fumes, not
0.15-0.3 mg
concentration in food
varies depending on
the environment in
which the food was
grown. Milk, Beans,
Breads and Cereals
contribute the
highest amounts.
Function:Component Deficiency: Unknown Overdose: Goutof enzymes needed in in humans.
like joint pain.
metabolism. Helps
regulate iron storage.
Men: 1000 mg
Women: 850 mg
(3-6 g)
Breast, Milk, Lentils,
Egg Yolks, Nuts,
Function:With calcium Deficiency: (Rare)
builds bones and
Weakness; bone
teeth. Needed for
pain; Anorexia.
metabolism, body
chemistry, nerve and
muscle function.
Hinders body's
absorption of
Men: 40-80
Women: 40-80
mmol (3-6 g)
Bananas, Orange
Juice, Green Beans,
Oranges, Broccoli,
Sunflower Seeds.
maintain regular fluid
balance. Needed for
nerve and muscle
infusion of
followed by
cardiac arrest.
Symptoms of
overdose may
include irregular
heartbeat, blood
in stools, and
Function:Antioxidant. Deficiency: Unknown Overdose:
Weakness, tiredness,
or cramping in arm or
leg muscles,
sometimes severe
enough to cause
inability to move
arms or legs due to
weakness (much like
a paralysis),Tingling
or numbness,Nausea
cramping, bloating,
Palpitations (feeling
your heart beat
large amounts of
urine or feeling very
thirsty most of the
time,Fainting due to
low blood pressure
behavior (depression,
psychosis, delirium),
confusion, or seeing
or hearing things
0.05-0.2 mg
amounts are found in
Seafood, Kidney,
Liver and other
meats. Grains and
other Seed contain
varying amounts
depending on the soil
Interacts with Vitamin in humans.
E to prevent
breakdown of fats and
body chemicals.
Finger nail
changes, hair
Men: 12 mg
Women: 9 mg
Shrimp, Crab, Beef,
Turkey, whole Grains,
Peanuts, Beans.
element in more than
100 enzymes that are
essential to digestion
and metabolism.
abdominal pain;
gastric bleeding.
Slow healing of
wounds; loss of taste;
retarded growth and
delayed sexual
development in
Additional information can be found at Nutritional, Vitamin and Herbal Supplements
Information Guide - provides educational, evidence-based information and reviews for health
conscious consumers. At first glance it looks like a supplement sales site, but it is just an
extensive resource on vitamins and herbs.
The following set of charts is from Health Canada. The recommendations are slightly different
and are included for comparison.
Dietary Reference Intakes
Reference Values for Vitamins
1 2
Vitamin A ,
μg/day (RAE)
0-6 mo
ND 400*
7-12 mo
ND 500*
1-3 y
210 300
4-8 y
275 400
9-13 y
445 600
14-18 y
630 900
19-30 y
625 900
31-50 y
625 900
51-70 y
625 900
>70 y
625 900
9-13 y
420 600
14-18 y
485 700
19-30 y
500 700
31-50 y
500 700
51-70 y
500 700
>70 y
500 700
< 18 y
530 750
19-30 y
550 770
31-50 y
550 770
< 18 y
885 1200
19-30 y
900 1300
31-50 y
900 1300
IU/day (RAE)
Vitamin D
μg/day IU/day
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
25 200* 1000 ND
25 200* 1000 ND
50 200* 2000 5
50 200* 2000 6
1767 2500
1833 2567
1833 2567
9333 5*
10000 5*
10000 5*
50 200* 2000 12
50 200* 2000 12
50 200* 2000 12
800 75*
1000 90*
1000 90*
2950 4000
3000 4333
3000 4333
9333 5*
10000 5*
10000 5*
50 200* 2000 16
50 200* 2000 16
50 200* 2000 16
800 75*
1000 90*
1000 90*
This table presents Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) in italics, Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) in bold type
and Adequate Intakes (AIs) in ordinary type followed by an asterisk (*). Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) are in shaded columns.
As Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE). See conversion factors for more details.
No DRIs are established for beta-carotene or other carotenoids. However, existing recommendations for consumption of carotenoidrich fruits and vegetables are supported.
UL as preformed vitamin A only. Beta-carotene supplements are advised only to serve as a provitamin A source for individuals at risk
of vitamin A deficiency.
AI values are based on the absence of adequate exposure to sunlight.
EAR and RDA/AI as alpha-tocopherol (2R-stereoisomeric forms) only. See conversion factors for more details.
The UL for vitamin E applies only to synthetic vitamin E (all isomeric forms) obtained from supplements, fortified foods, or a
combination of the two.
Due to lack of suitable data, a UL could not be established for vitamin K. This does not mean that there is no potential for adverse
effects resulting from high intakes.
Vitamin C
mg/day (NE)
Vitamin B6
0-6 mo
ND 40*
ND ND 0.2*
ND ND 0.3*
ND ND 2*
ND ND 0.1*
7-12 mo
ND 50*
ND ND 0.3*
ND ND 0.4*
ND ND 4*
ND ND 0.3*
1-3 y
400 0.4 0.5
ND 0.4 0.5
ND 5
0.4 0.5
4-8 y
650 0.5 0.6
ND 0.5 0.6
ND 6
0.5 0.6
9-13 y
1200 0.7 0.9
ND 0.8 0.9
ND 9
0.8 1.0
14-18 y
1800 1.0 1.2
ND 1.1 1.3
ND 12
1.1 1.3
19-30 y
2000 1.0 1.2
ND 1.1 1.3
ND 12
1.1 1.3
31-50 y
2000 1.0 1.2
ND 1.1 1.3
ND 12
1.1 1.3
51-70 y
2000 1.0 1.2
ND 1.1 1.3
ND 12
1.4 1.7
>70 y
2000 1.0 1.2
ND 1.1 1.3
ND 12
1.4 1.7
9-13 y
1200 0.7 0.9
ND 0.8 0.9
ND 9
0.8 1.0
14-18 y
1800 0.9 1.0
ND 0.9 1.0
ND 11
1.0 1.2
19-30 y
2000 0.9 1.1
ND 0.9 1.1
ND 11
1.1 1.3
31-50 y
2000 0.9 1.1
ND 0.9 1.1
ND 11
1.1 1.3
51-70 y
2000 0.9 1.1
ND 0.9 1.1
ND 11
1.3 1.5
>70 y
2000 0.9 1.1
ND 0.9 1.1
ND 11
1.3 1.5
< 18 y
1800 1.2 1.4
ND 1.2 1.4
ND 14
1.6 1.9
19-30 y
2000 1.2 1.4
ND 1.2 1.4
ND 14
1.6 1.9
31-50 y
2000 1.2 1.4
ND 1.2 1.4
ND 14
1.6 1.9
< 18 y
1800 1.2 1.4
ND 1.3 1.6
ND 13
1.7 2.0
19-30 y
100 120
2000 1.2 1.4
ND 1.3 1.6
ND 13
1.7 2.0
31-50 y
100 120
2000 1.2 1.4
ND 1.3 1.6
ND 13
1.7 2.0
This table presents Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) in italics, Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) in
bold type and Adequate Intakes (AIs) in ordinary type followed by an asterisk (*). Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs)
are in shaded columns.
Because smoking increases oxidative stress and metabolic turnover of vitamin C, the requirement for smokers is
increased by 35 mg/day.
Due to lack of suitable data, ULs could not be established for thiamin and riboflavin. This does not mean that there is
no potential for adverse effects resulting from high intakes.
As Niacin Equivalents (NE). See conversion factors for more details.
The UL for niacin applies only to synthetic forms obtained from supplements, fortified foods, or a combination of the
As preformed niacin, not NE, for this age group.
μg/day (DFE)
Biotin Choline
μg/day mg/day
ND 65*
ND 80*
ND 0.4*
ND 0.5*
120 150
160 200
0-6 mo
7-12 mo
1-3 y
4-8 y
9-13 y
14-18 y
19-30 y
31-50 y
51-70 y
>70 y
9-13 y
14-18 y
19-30 y
31-50 y
51-70 y
>70 y
< 18 y
19-30 y
31-50 y
< 18 y
19-30 y
31-50 y
Vitamin B12
ND 1.7*
ND 1.8*
5* ND 125* ND
6* ND 150* ND
300 0.7 0.9
400 1.0 1.2
ND 2*
ND 3*
8* ND 200* 1000
12* ND 250* 1000
600 1.5
800 2.0
1000 2.0
1000 2.0
1000 2.0
1000 2.0
20* ND
25* ND
30* ND
30* ND
30* ND
30* ND
375* 2000
550* 3000
550* 3500
550* 3500
550* 3500
550* 3500
600 1.5
800 2.0
1000 2.0
1000 2.0
1000 2.0
1000 2.0
2.4 d
20* ND
25* ND
30* ND
30* ND
30* ND
30* ND
375* 2000
400* 3000
425* 3500
425* 3500
425* 3500
425* 3500
520 600c
520 600c
520 600c
800 2.2 2.6
1000 2.2 2.6
1000 2.2 2.6
ND 6*
ND 6*
ND 6*
30* ND 450* 3000
30* ND 450* 3500
30* ND 450* 3500
450 500
450 500
450 500
800 2.4 2.8
1000 2.4 2.8
1000 2.4 2.8
ND 7*
ND 7*
ND 7*
35* ND 550* 3000
35* ND 550* 3500
35* ND 550* 3500
As Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE). See conversion factors for more details.
The UL for folate applies only to synthetic forms obtained from supplements, fortified foods, or a combination of the two.
Due to lack of suitable data, ULs could not be established for vitamin B12, pantothenic acid or biotin. This does not mean th at there
is no potential for adverse effects resulting from high intakes.
Although AIs have been set for choline, there are few data to assess whether a dietary supply of choline is needed at all stages of
the life cycle, and it may be that the choline requirement can be met by endogenous synthesis at some of these stages.
In view of evidence linking the use of supplements containing folic acid before conception and during early pregnancy with reduced
risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, it is recommended that all women capable of becoming pregnant take a supplement containing
400μg of folic acid every day, in addition to the amount of folate found in a healthy diet.
It is assumed that women will continue consuming 400 μg folic acid from supplements until their pregnancy is confirmed and they
enter prenatal care. The critical time for formation of the neural tube is shortly after conception.
Because 10 to 30 percent of older people may malabsorb food-bound vitamin B12, it is advisable for those older than 50 years to
meet the RDA mainly by consuming foods fortified with vitamin B12 or a supplement containing vitamin B12.
Note: These are reference values for normal, apparently healthy individuals eating a typical mixed North American diet. An in dividual
may have physiological, health, or lifestyle characteristics that may require tailoring of specific nutrient values. Date Modified: 200606-29
Chapter 12. Specific additional recommendations for type-2 diabetics
These recommendations are for Type-2 Diabetics. This is the simple version of an optimized
Diabetic Diet. More detail is included for each recommendation further in this chapter. Specific
reference data can be found on the individual pages for each topic. Numerous additional
references can be found by doing a search using Google on the internet. Should you find
reliable information that questions my conclusions, please email me using our contact us form
on and I will do further research. If there is better information I
will post it on the site and change the recommendations.
First there are the recommendations for specific items to include in a Diabetic Diet on a daily
Can A Type 2 Diabetic Drink Alcohol?
If you suffer from type 2 diabetes then you are probably wondering whether or not you can enjoy
alcoholic drinks. The first thing you must realize is that alcohol can either lower or raise your
blood sugar levels. However, this all depends on how much you drink as well as what foods (if
any) you have eaten.
Below is a short list of guidelines that type 2 diabetics can use when it comes to drinking
1. Before considering drinking any alcoholic beverage, it is imperative that you consult with
your diabetes health care specialist. They can take stock of your current condition and
your treatments in order to assess whether it is safe for you to drink alcohol or not.
2. A good rule of thumb when drinking alcohol is to ensure that your blood sugar levels are
in your normal target range. Never drink when your blood sugar is too high or too low.
3. Just like the advice given to people that do not have diabetes, it is recommended that
you limit your consumption of alcohol to two drinks each day if you're male. If you're a
woman, than the recommended amount is one drink each day. The amount of "one
drink" will vary of depending upon the strength of the alcohol chosen. For example, it
takes a much smaller amount of hard liquor to measure one drink than a glass of wine or
a glass of beer would.
4. Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. In fact, it is best to combine your drink with a
carbohydrate snack.
5. When a diabetic drinks, the alcohol makes it more difficult to know how low your blood
sugar is. If you're going to drink than try to have a friend or family member who is close
to you that knows about your diabetes and can help treat low blood sugar if needed.
6. It is best to stay clear from alcoholic drinks that are high in sugar content. Such drinks
would include hard liquor mixed with high fructose mixes, wine coolers, and sweet
7. An obvious tip, one that is unfortunately ignored, is to never drink if you are pregnant.
This advice should go for every woman and not diabetics.
8. If you are experiencing other medical problems as a result of your diabetes then it is best
to skip alcohol altogether. Even if your complications are not the result of your diabetes,
alcohol should be still be ignored because it can make the problems worse.
Stevia is an alternative sweetener that also can be beneficial in lowering both glucose and
cholesterol levels.
Omega 3 EPA/DHA
While omega3 EPA/DHA is not diabetes specific, it is recommended to take a minimum of
1gram EPA/DHA per day or more. Omega 3 EPA/DHA has so many beneficial effects for so
many of our bodies systems it is considered an essential fatty acid. In my opinion, keeping our
bodies as healthy as possible allows all systems to function more efficiently. There is a big
difference in supplements currently on the market. Before purchasing any Omega 3 product,
read the page on omega 3.
2 quarts minimum of water per day
Water seems too often over looked. It is absolutely essential for maintaining good glucose
control. Chronic dehydration is a common condition in both diabetics and the general
population. It is needed to flush excess glucose from the body and also is needed in eliminating
Very few people eating what has been called a ―modern western diet‖ get enough fiber. Fiber
is needed to maintain healthy elimination and a healthy digestive tract. It also slows the
conversion of carbohydrates to glucose and helps lower cholesterol. Recommendation is for 30
grams of fiber per day.
PCF Ratio 20-50-30
PCF ratio is the percentage of calories from each protein, carbs and fat. There are more
considerations to add to the PCF ratio. This is easiest to achieve with the NutriBase software
included with this book.
The protein should be from lean meats. (Fish and lean poultry breast are the best choices) Most
Registered Dieticians recommend 15% calories from protein as optimal. I recommend 20% for
convenience in getting a good balance since we are limiting the Carbohydrates to 50% from all
sources. Diet plans that rely on high protein (some much higher than 20%) present a danger to
diabetics. Diabetics are already at significantly higher risk for renal failure than the general
population. Excess protein is converted to glucose in a process that can stress the kidneys. A
proper amount of protein helps slow the conversion of carbohydrates to blood glucose.
Carbohydrates should all be low glycemic carbohydrates with a glycemic index number not to
exceed 55. I avoid all refined sugars and starches and limit the natural sugars like those found
in milk, and sweet ripe fruits. White bread, potatoes, certain white rice varieties or other highly
refined carbohydrates should also be eliminated. There are varieties of white rice that are low
glycemic, but until you are able to understand and select the better white rice varieties it is safer
to avoid white rice. When the GI values have been properly measured, they do indeed vary
significantly - eg: converted rice is low GI, whereas jasmine rice is quite high GI.
All dietary fats should be the good fats with the bad fats avoided as much as possible. Good fats
are polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Bad fats are Saturated fats and trans fats.
(For convenience, I also lump cholesterol into the bad fats) Fat also slows the conversion of
carbohydrates to blood glucose.
Selective use of alternative sweeteners
Stevia is preferred; aspartame and some other artificial should be avoided. Sugar alcohols
should be limited. There are far more sweetener options than are commonly known. The best
advice is. Eliminate all refined and processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Being realistic I
recognize we enjoy sweets and often crave them. Learn about the alternative sweeteners and
make an informed choice should you chose to use them.
Very limited red meats.
In a recent study, a group of diabetics were fed diets in a controlled situation where the only
difference between the diets was red meat and lean chicken breast. The group that ate the
chicken breasts had lower blood glucose readings. As a control the diets of the two groups was
switched and the group whitch ate the chicken breasts was still showing the same results.
( Another study
( indicates a connection between
red meat and higher risk for diabetes. Still another study in Asian countries again points a finger
at red meats.
A Pinch of Cinnamon: Will It Help Type II Diabetics?
Research at the USDA Agricultural Research Service has identified a substance in cinnamon
that mimics insulin. According to the research, ¼ teaspoon per day can reduce blood glucose
levels and cholesterol.
People with diabetes can help keep their bodies healthy by simply adding a dash of spice to
their diet, new research reports.
In a study, diabetics who incorporated one gram -- equivalent to less than one-quarter teaspoon
-- of cinnamon per day for 40 days into their normal diets experienced a decrease in levels of
blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fats.
For people with diabetes, the less of those substances in the body the better.
Type-2 diabetes arises when the body loses sensitivity to insulin, a hormone that shuttles the
sugars from food into body cells to be used for energy. As a result, the amount of sugar, or
glucose, in the blood remains high, leading to fatigue and blurred vision. Over the long term,
excess blood glucose can increase the risk of heart disease, kidney failure and blindness.
The current findings suggest that a small amount of cinnamon can help protect diabetics from
these and other potential complications of their condition, according to study author Dr. Richard
A. Anderson of the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland. Diabetics could
add a dash of cinnamon to their morning servings of coffee, orange juice or cereal. You can also
make a cinnamon tea by simply boiling water with stick cinnamon.
Cinnamon may also help stave off the onset of type-2 diabetes in people at risk of the condition.
Cinnamon contains some substances that can be toxic in high amounts, so people should be
sure not to get too much of a good thing. A gram per day is not a high amount. During the study,
Anderson and his colleagues at the USDA Agricultural Research Center asked 60 people with
type-2 diabetes to consume 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon each day for 40 days, or the
equivalent amount of wheat flour, as a placebo. Both the cinnamon and wheat flour were
administered in capsule form.
Reporting in the journal Diabetes Care, Anderson and his team found that all cinnamon-takers
experienced a drop in blood levels of glucose, fats and cholesterol by up to 30 percent. No
change was seen in the people taking placebo capsules. Anderson explained that cinnamon
contains compounds that help make insulin more efficient, improving the hormone's ability to
bring glucose to the cells that need it. As an added bonus, cinnamon contains virtually no
calories, allowing diabetics to add zest to their meals without adding to their waistlines.
Cinnamon contains less than 3 calories per gram, negligible in the total dietary intake. Previous
research has shown that cinnamon appears to help fat cells recognize and respond to insulin. In
test tube and in animal studies, the spice increased glucose metabolism by about 20 times
For more information, contact Richard A. Anderson, (301) 504-8091; USDA-ARS Beltsville
Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, MD.
A Swedish research team has again confirmed previous studies from
2000 and 2004, showing the positive effect of cinnamon in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Cinnamon has previously been indicated as a potential insulin substitute for those with type 2
diabetes -- researchers have found that cinnamon contains a bioactive component with "insulinlike" effects. It has also been determined that this inexpensive spice increases glucose
metabolism 20-fold.
American Journal of Nutrition Vol. 85, No. 6, 1552-1556, June 2007
On the issue of cinnamon, I do use it along with many other natural dietary aids. There are
many authority sources that support its use. For the 2 plus years I have been using it I have
seen no downside and my last A1C was 5.0. In short, it seems to do no harm and may be
helping so I will continue to use cinnamon and suggest its use to others.
Salba (Chia Seed)
New research by Dr. Vladimir Vuksan's
research team at St. Micahel's Hospital in
Toronto has revealed fascinating properties of
Salba seed, a variant of the Chia grain, highly
valued in ancient times by the Aztecs.
Dr. Vuksan, Vice-President of GI Labs, and his
team of researchers studied the Salba seed,
known to be exceptionally high in nutrients
such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and omega3 fatty acids and rich in fiber. Dr. Vuksan and
his team discovered that regular consumption
of Salba in individuals with type 2 diabetes led
to a decrease in clotting factors and
Figure 1 At our house we use regular black chia seed that we inflammation. Most importantly, the study
hydrate in a small glass jar.
participants achieved a drop in blood pressure
better than what is typically achieved with
many medications. The results of this study have far-reaching applications for the management
of type 2 diabetes, offering a non-medicinal effective diabetes therapy.
Canadian researchers have discovered that the same variety of grain that sprouts so verdantly
from heads of clay rams, turtles, frogs and other assorted characters in the Chia Pet menagerie
also bears a host of health benefits for diabetes patients.
A University of Toronto study published August, 2007 in the U.S. journal Diabetes Care reveals
that Salba, a variant of the tiny chia grain, decreases blood pressure, reduces inflammation and
thins blood.
"You simply don't see many other ingredients that can do what Salba can," said Vladimir
Vuksan, lead researcher on the study and associate director of the Clinical Nutrition and Risk
Factor Modification Centre at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto. "You add this to any food, even
bad food, and it will improve your health."
The study focused on 20 Type-2 diabetes patients who ate up to four teaspoons of Salba every
day for three months. Researchers found that clotting factors dropped 20 per cent and levels of
C-reactive protein, a key marker of inflammation, fell 30 per cent.
Levels of EPA, an essential omega-3 fatty acid found mainly in fish, increased 80 per cent in the
patients who took part in the trial.
Most astonishing of all, however, was a six-unit drop in systolic blood pressure (the peak
pressure in the arteries).
"That's better than a lot medication," Dr. Vuksan said.
High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems among people with diabetes
and tends to amplify all of the disease's potential complications. A six-unit blood pressure
reduction "would likely translate into less chance of cardiovascular events or kidney disease" for
diabetes sufferers, said University of Toronto professor Amir Hanna, who also worked on the
While the study results surprised researchers, they affirmed some ancient beliefs. Several
centuries ago, runners were the chief means of communication for the Aztec civilization, and
legend has it that they subsisted on chia grains for days at a time.
"It's now no wonder the Aztecs could run so long on this," Dr. Vuksan said. "Their circulation
was better, their blood was thinner and their inflammation was less."
Salba is a white variant of that ancient food, which was mainly black, and is slightly smaller than
a sesame seed. Part of its appeal is versatility. Almost tasteless, it can be sprinkled on cereal
and salad or baked into bread without altering the flavor.
Researchers say it's unclear which of Salba's nutritional components make it so beneficial to
diabetics, but the tiny grain had been building buzz in dietitian circles for its long list of
advantages even before the study results became clear.
One hundred grams of Salba contains as much omega-3 fatty acid as a 32-ounce Atlantic
salmon steak, as much magnesium as 10 stalks of broccoli, as much calcium as 2½ cups of
milk and as much iron as half a cup of kidney beans.
Because it's high in insoluble fiber, dietitians are also recommending it as an appetite
"I'm hearing about it everywhere right now," Toronto dietitian Cara Rosenbloom said. "Dietitians
like to treat patients with food first rather than recommending a lot of supplements, so this
makes a lot of sense."
Chia first piqued Dr. Vuksan's attention several years ago when he saw how quickly the grains
sprouted from the clay domes of Chia Pets. "I thought, there must be some incredible nutritional
properties in this grain."
But when he analyzed common chia grains, he found that their nutritional profiles were
inconsistent. One grain could be loaded with vitamins, minerals and omega-3 oils while the next
could show virtually none. Only when the Canadian-based Salba Nutritional Solutions - which
sponsored the study - finally started growing the more consistently nutrient-rich white variety
under controlled conditions in Peru did Dr. Vuksan start studying the grain more seriously.
At first he tested himself. He found that the more Salba he added to his diet, the lower his
glucose levels would go.
When he embarked on the clinical diabetes study, he had expected to see the same result
among his research subjects. Although their blood-sugar levels showed only a small change,
Dr. Vuksan suspects the other nutritional benefits of Salba could still make it worthwhile for
diabetics. "It perfectly fits into our battle to beat diabetes," he said.
Dr. Vuksan is already getting his fill. Before moving on to clinical studies, he adopted a new
dinner table accoutrement. At home, he has a salt shaker, a pepper shaker and a Salba shaker.
It's something he likes to call "stealth health."
Reference: Diabetes Care, 30:2804-2810, 2007
DOI: 10.2337/dc07-1144 © 2007 by the American Diabetes Association Published online
August 8, 2007
Capsaicin Lowers Risk of Type-2 Diabetes
Making chili pepper a frequently enjoyed spice in
your Healthiest Way of Eating could help reduce
your risk of hyperinsulinemia (high blood levels of
insulin)-a disorder associated with type-2 diabetes.
In a study published in the July 2006 issue of the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Australian
researchers show that the amount of insulin required to
lower blood sugar after a meal is reduced if the meal
contains chili pepper. When chili-containing meals are a
regular part of the diet, insulin requirements drop even lower.
Plus, chili's beneficial effects on insulin needs get even better as body mass index (BMI, a
measure of obesity) increases. In overweight people, not only do chili-containing meals
significantly lower the amount of insulin required to lower blood sugar levels after a meal, but
chili-containing meals also result in a lower ratio of C-peptide/ insulin, an indication that the rate
at which the liver is clearing insulin has increased.
The amount of C-peptide in the blood also shows how much insulin is being produced by the
pancreas. The pancreas produces proinsulin, which splits into insulin and C-peptide when
secreted into the bloodstream. Each molecule of proinsulin breaks into one molecule of Cpeptide and one molecule of insulin, so less C-peptide means less insulin has been secreted
into the bloodstream.
In this study, which involved 36 subjects aged 22-70 years, the effects of three interventions
were evaluated. Subjects were given a bland meal after a bland diet containing no spices, a
chili-containing meal after a bland diet, and finally, a chili-containing meal after a chili-containing
diet. A palatable chili flavoring, not pure capsaicin (the active component in chili), was used.
Blood sugar rose similarly after all three interventions, but insulin rose the most after the bland
meal after a bland diet and the least after the chili-containing meal after a chili-rich diet. The
maximum increases in insulin after the bland diet followed by a chili-containing meal were 15%
lower than after the bland meal following a bland diet, and 24% lower after the chili-containing
meal after a chili-rich diet compared to the chili-containing meal after the bland diet. C-peptide
blood levels also increased the most after the bland meal after a bland diet and the least after
the chili-containing meal after a chili-rich diet, showing the least insulin was secreted after the
chili-rich diet and meal. In addition, the C-peptide/insulin ratio was highest after the chilicontaining meal after a chili-rich diet, indicating an increase in the liver's ability to clear insulin.
Besides capsaicin, chilies contain antioxidants, including vitamin C and carotenoids, which
might also help improve insulin regulation.
A little chili pepper can really perk up an omelet, add heat to a black bean/sweet potato soup, or
transform an ordinary salad dressing. So, spice up your meals with chili peppers. Your body will
need to make less insulin and will use it more effectively. No need to go overboard though.
Population studies in India and Mexico suggest that loading up on hot chilies at every meal may
be linked to increased risk of stomach cancer.
Dietary acid lowers blood glucose
All you need is a little acid. But it matters a lot what type of acid.
Acetic acid seems to be the most effective. Acetic acid is the chief acid of vinegar.
The best types to use are red or white wine vinegars. The most common vinegar, white, is
cheap but somewhat harsh-tasting, so it‗s not a good choice for most recipes. The other
common vinegar, cider vinegar, is milder and less acidic. The less common but well-known
balsamic vinegar is much sweeter and would probably be a poor choice. So too is rice vinegar,
which has a sweet flavor and light acidity.
Vinegar is a key ingredient in several different dishes. Typically, it is used together with oil to
dress salads and vegetables. Its presence in pickles is also noticeable but pickles are very high
in sodium making them something to limit or avoid.
Jennie Brand-Miller, professor at The University of Sydney and a recognized authority on the
glycemic index says Lemon juice is just as powerful as vinegar and Lime juice is likely to work
just as well.
A surprisingly small amount is effective. A typical vinaigrette dressing of oil and vinegar works
well and can taste wonderful. Add mustard powder, garlic, and your favorite spices.
In one study the glucose response with vinegar was 31 percent lower than without it. In another
study vinegar significantly reduced the glycemic index of a starchy meal from 100 to 64 (where
white bread = 100).
Fermented foods also reduce blood glucose levels. The natural fermentation of starch and
sugars by a yeast starter culture that produces lactic and propionic acid is what makes
sourdough bread. In a third study the glycemic index of sourdough bread was 68 compared 100
for non-sourdough bread.
All these foods will help you hold your blood glucose in check. They do that by slowing the
speed with which your stomach empties.
Your best bet is to include a side salad with an olive oil and vinegar or lemon dressing in as
many meals as possible. Another option is to use lemon juice, lime juice and vinegar as
flavoring agents replacing salt. Your body will thank you.
Primary References:
Liljeberg H, Bjorck I. ―Delayed gastric emptying rate may explain improved glycaemia in
healthy subjects to a starchy meal with added vinegar.‖ Eur J Clin Nutr. 1998 May;52(5):368-71.
Liljeberg HG, Lonner CH, Bjorck IM. ―Sourdough fermentation or addition of organic acids or
corresponding salts to bread improves nutritional properties of starch in healthy humans.‖ J
Nutr. 1995 Jun;125(6):1503-11.
Brighenti F, Castellani G, Benini L, Casiraghi MC, Leopardi E, Crovetti R, Testolin G. ―Effect of
neutralized and native vinegar on blood glucose and acetate responses to a mixed meal in
healthy subjects.‖ Eur J Clin Nutr. 1995 Apr;49(4):242-7.
Secondary Reference:
Brand-Miller, Jennie, Kaye Foster-Powell, and David Mendosa. ―What is the advantage of
vinegar, lemon juice, and sourdough bread?‖ in What Makes My Blood Glucose Go Up…and
down? New York: Marlowe & Company, 2003, p. 141-2.
This study is just one of several that support this conclusion.
Vinegar Significantly Lowers Blood Glucose, Insulin Response, and Increases Satiety
Supplementation of a meal based on white wheat bread with vinegar reduced postprandial
responses of blood glucose and insulin, and increased the subjective rating of satiety. To
investigate the potential of acetic acid supplementation as a means of lowering the glycemic
index (GI) of a bread meal, and to evaluate the possible dose-response effect on postprandial
glycemia, insulinanemia and satiety, 12 healthy volunteers participated in tests performed by
researchers at Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry, Lund University, Sweden.
Three levels of vinegar (18, 23 and 28 mmol acetic acid) were served with a portion of white
wheat bread containing 50 g available carbohydrates as breakfast in randomized order after an
overnight fast. Bread served without vinegar was used as a reference meal. Blood samples
were taken during 120 min for analysis of glucose and insulin. Satiety was measured with a
subjective rating scale.
They found: ―A significant dose-response relation was seen at 30 min for blood glucose and
serum insulin responses; the higher the acetic acid level, the lower the metabolic responses.
Furthermore, the rating of satiety was directly related to the acetic acid level. Compared with the
reference meal, the highest level of vinegar significantly lowered the blood glucose response at
30 and 45 min, the insulin response at 15 and 30 min as well as increased the satiety score at
30, 90 and 120 min postprandially. The low and intermediate levels of vinegar also lowered the
30 min glucose and the 15 min insulin responses significantly compared with the reference
meal. When GI and II (insulinaemic indices) were calculated using the 90 min incremental area,
a significant lowering was found for the highest amount of acetic acid, although the
corresponding values calculated at 120 min did not differ from the reference meal.‖
The researchers concluded: ―Supplementation of a meal based on white wheat bread with
vinegar reduced postprandial responses of blood glucose and insulin, and increased the
subjective rating of satiety. There was an inverse dose-response relation between the level of
acetic acid and glucose and insulin responses and a linear dose-response relation between
acetic acid and satiety rating. The results indicate an interesting potential of fermented and
pickled products containing acetic acid.‖
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005) 59, 983-988. doi: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602197.
Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin responses and increases satiety after a
bread meal in healthy subjects, E Östman, Y Granfeldt, L Persson and I Björck.
Stevia as a Diabetic Aid
If you've ever tasted stevia, you know it's
extremely sweet. In fact, this remarkable noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay, has been used
as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for
centuries. But this innocuous-looking plant has
also been a focal point of intrigue in the United
States in recent years because of actions by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA
has handled the subject of searches and
seizures, trade complaints and embargoes on
importation, at times as if stevia were an illegal
Since the passage of the Dietary Supplement
Health and Education Act (DSHEA), stevia can
be sold legally in the United States, but only as a
"dietary supplement." Canada also has a strange
law where Stevia can be sold as a ―food
additive but not as a sweetener. Even so, it can be found in many forms in most health-food
stores, and is also incorporated into drinks, teas and other items. (All labeled as "dietary
supplements"). It cannot, however, be called a "sweetener" or even referred to as "sweet." To
do so would render the product "adulterated," according to the FDA, and make it again subject
to seizure.
Fifteen times sweeter than sugar with no calories and a glycemic index of 0, the powdered leaf
of Sterva rebaudiana has recently become highly sought after as a super sweet, low-calorie
supplement throughout Asia and South America. Stevioside, a natural extract of the stevia leaf
that is 300 times sweeter than sugar, has become even more popular, especially in Japan and
Stevia and stevioside, however, are more than just safe, non-caloric, intensely sweet herbal
supplements. Several modern clinical studies suggest that stevia may have the ability to lower
and balance blood sugar levels, support the pancreas and digestive system, protect the liver,
and combat infectious microorganisms (Oviedo et al., 1971; Suzuki et al., 1977; Ishit et al.,
1986; Boeckh, 1986; Alvarez, 1986).
But stevia is more than just a natural low-calorie, low glycemic, and super sweet supplement.
Unlike nutrient-empty synthetic sugar substitutes, stevia is loaded with vitamins and minerals,
including magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, zinc, chromium, and selenium. Stevia is also one of the
oldest, safest, and most highly esteemed South American herbs known, with a centuries-long
History of safe use.
Called yerba dulce (honey leaf) by the Guarani Indians of Paraguay, stevia has been used in
native medicines and foods for hundreds of years. However, stevia was unknown outside of
South America until 1899, when it was introduced to the West by Italian botanist Moises S.
Bertoni, who found that "a fragment of the leaf suffices to keep the mouth sweet for hours." By
1921, stevia was being hailed by American trade commissioner George Brady as a "new sugar
plant with great commercial possibilities." He was so convinced that it made "an ideal and safe
sugar for diabetics," that he presented it to the United States Department of Agriculture.
Stevia's role as a commercial sweetener first began to be seriously considered during the
Second World War. Suffering severe sugar shortages, Great Britain began cultivating stevia as
a sugar alternative under the auspices of the Royal Botanical Gardens. Unfortunately, the
project was abandoned with reintroduction of cheap cane and corn sugar at the conclusion of
the war.
However, other countries were intrigued with the possibility of using stevia as a non-caloric
sweetener and as a replacement for potentially toxic, synthetic substitute sugars like saccharin.
When Japan banned the importing of synthetic sweeteners in the 1960's, the Japanese National
Institute of Health began researching both stevia and stevioside as possible natural
replacements. This prompted a series of high-quality studies to examine both the safety and
stability of stevia leaf extract and stevioside (the super sweet glycoside derived from stevia) in
order to determine their suitability for sweetening commercial foods. All of the studies found that
stevioside had no negative impact on any physical function after an extensive series of tests
were conducted. The only side effect noted was a decrease in body weight (Okumura et al.,
1978; Lee et al., 1979).
More recent studies have found stevioside to be not only safe, but also to reduce the incidence
of breast tumors and kidney damage when consumed on a long-term basis. A high-quality study
conducted by Dr. Toyoda of the National Institute of Health in Japan found that even when used
in doses as high as 5 percent of the diet for two years, stevioside had no side effects on
laboratory rats except for a slight loss of weight, reduced risk of cancer, and an improvement in
kidney function (Toyoda et al., 1997).
Other researchers found that stevioside was highly stable to both heat and acid. When heated
to 100°C for one hour in pHs ranging from 3 to 9, over 98 percent of the stevioside remained
unchanged (Ochi, 1979; Fujita and Edahiro, 1979a). It even remained stable when heated to
100°C at a pH of 3 for 5 hours. (Abe and Sonobe, 1977)
In the late 1970s a consortium of large Japanese food producers began to incorporate
stevioside as a non-caloric sweetener in numerous food products ranging from soy sauce to
seafood. By 1979, Japan was using over 700 tons of stevia a year.
During the 1980s stevioside expanded into Japanese soft drink market, eventually being used
as a sweetener in Diet Coke sold in Japan. Although it was later replaced with aspartame when
Coca Cola decided to standardize its sweeteners worldwide, stevioside continued to gain
acceptance as a safe, non-caloric sweetener in numerous other foods in Japan. Today, 52
percent of all commercially sweetened products in Japan contain stevioside. Following Japan's
lead, other countries began adopting stevia as a sweetening agent. China, Korea, Taiwan, and
Israel began actively importing and producing stevia extracts for inclusion in foods.
In 1994, the FDA permitted the importation and use of stevia as a dietary supplement in the
United States. However, its acceptance by American consumers has been slow because the
FDA does not currently permit stevia to be marketed as a food additive, only as a dietary
supplement. Stevia also faces opposition by the artificial sweetener and sugar industry in the
U.S. even though stevia's safety and stability have been shown in numerous studies, including a
University of Chicago clinical trial (Pezutto 1985).
Unlike traditional sucrose based sweeteners, stevioside does not promote tooth decay, actually
inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans, bacteria associated with promoting tooth decay
(Berry et al., 1981; Yabu et al., 1977).
Several types of stevia are available, including ground stevia leaf, stevia extract, and stevioside.
Of these, stevioside is the sweetest and most popular
Prickly Pear Cactus
Prickly pear cactus has been used
successfully for centuries. The Aztecs were
busy cultivating the plant in Mexico when
the Spaniards arrived early in the sixteenth
century. The ancient Aztecs also used it for
medicinal purposes as described in the
Aztec Herbal of 1552. They referred to it as
"nohpalli." Today the Mexicans still call the
popular plant "nopal."
Parts of the prickly pear cactus have been
used in various ways throughout the world.
The Aztecs extracted the milky juice from
the plant and mixed it with honey and egg
yolk to provide an ointment to treat burns. The Chinese dressed abscesses with the fleshy pad
of the plant. The Indians used the fruit for food and also made syrup from it to treat whooping
cough and asthma.
In Italy, the flowers have served as a diuretic. A tea made from the blossoms has treated colitis.
In Israel, researchers found that the dried flowers may be used to battle an enlarged prostate.
In California, during the 1700s and 1800s, prickly pear cactus plants stood guard near the
Spanish missions and on the large Spanish ranchos. In addition to the cooked stems and sweet
fruits savored by diners, the cactus pads provided a source of sticky binding material for adobe
bricks during construction. More recently, the Mexicans have used the plant to treat diabetes
and obesity, as well as elevated blood cholesterol levels. They prepare the medicine by slicing
cactus pads into strips and boiling them like string green beans.
Prickly pear cactus belongs to the genus Opuntia, a large group of cacti that contains over 300
varieties--some with spines, some without. A common type of prickly pear cactus, also known
as Indian fig (Opuntia ficus-indica), grows in large thickets. Originally native to Mexico, it's now
cultivated in Mediterranean regions of Europe, the western United States, and throughout Latin
America. Today the cactus is commercially grown in California.
The many-seeded, fleshy, and sweet fruit known as cactus apple or tuna can be eaten raw or
made into a drink. Some people use the juice of prickly pear to make jellies and candies. The
cactus fruits have long been highly prized, and were traded by Native Americans in Central
In Mexican traditional medicine, prickly pear cactus (nopal) is used for the treatment of diabetes
and high cholesterol. Today nopal is a commonly called upon herbal agent for the treatment of
Type-2 Diabetes by Mexican Americans as well as American Indians. The blood sugar-lowering
action of nopal has been documented in a number of studies.
Extracts of prickly pear cactus have hypoglycemic effects when fed to animals with
experimentally induced diabetes, as well as to healthy animals with elevated blood glucose
levels. Researchers in Mexico found that patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
who were given broiled nopal stems experienced a significant drop in blood glucose levels,
while their insulin showed improved effectiveness. Furthermore, the regular use of sap from
prickly pear cactus has been shown to improve the general symptoms of a diabetic patient.
The use of prickly pear cactus may also lower blood lipid levels. In a recent study, the daily
consumption of 250 grams of broiled prickly pear cactus lowered total cholesterol and LDL
cholesterol levels (but not HDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels) in 15 young patients with
familial hypercholesterolemia. Although there are many species of Opuntia, only a few varieties
have been positively shown to be effective in normalizing blood sugar or blood lipid levels.
The stems of prickly pear cactus contain substantial levels of pectin and other soluble fibers. It's
the fiber content that is believed to be responsible for the ability of the cactus to lower blood
sugar and blood lipid levels. Broiling the cactus stems apparently increases its ability to lower
blood glucose levels. About 400-500 grams (one half pound) of broiled cactus stems is the
typical dose needed for the effect. The high content of pectin also provides the consumer with a
sense of abdominal fullness. This property may play a role in the use of prickly pear cactus for
weight reduction.
Prickly pear cactus appears to be safe when consumed as food. When used medicinally to
lower blood sugar levels, it has proven itself to be trustworthy and effective for individuals with
diabetes while not triggering hypoglycemia.
BERBERINE For diabetic and cholesterol control.
I am always searching for new and better methods of controlling type-2 diabetes. This one I
found quite by accident. It is from Chinese medicine and is undergoing medical testing in China
to validate its usefulness by modern medical standards. I have not tried it yet, but the initial
investigation seems very promising for controlling blood glucose and for lowering cholesterol. I
probably would not be a good subject to test the effectiveness of berberine since my blood
glucose is already well controlled without medicines.
Berberine is an isoquinoline alkaloid with a bright yellow color that is easily seen in most of the
herb materials that contain any significant amount of this compound. Among Chinese herbs, the
primary sources are phellodendron and coptis (similar isoquinoline alkaloids, in these herbs,
such as jateorrhizine, coptisine, palmatine, and columbamine, also have a yellowish color).
Berberine has long been used as a dye; it is currently known as "natural yellow 18," being one
of about 35 yellow dyes from natural sources.
Coptis chinensis rhizomes (huanglian; literally "yellow thread") and related species used
as its substitutes have about 4-8% berberine, while Phellodendron amurense bark (huangbo,
literally "yellow bo," where bo is this particular type of tree) has about half as much, at 2-4%
berberine. This compound is also found in the less commonly used Chinese herb sankezhen (B.
sargentiana) and in the Japanese barberry (woody portion of Berberis thunbergii). All of these
herbs are known as therapies for damp-heat syndromes, particularly for intestinal and lung
infections, and they are used topically for various skin diseases. Several Western herbs also
contain berberine, such as barberry root bark (Berberis vulgaris), Oregon grape root (Berberis
aquifolium), and goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis). Berberine was isolated and used as an
herbal drug in China 50 years ago (the drug forms are usually the hydrochloride or sulfate; the
chloride, as used in the dye, may have the strongest antiseptic action). It has since become an
ingredient in several Western herbal products, particularly for treatment of intestinal infections.
Coptis and phellodendron have been used in China for treating gastrointestinal diseases with
reported success; applications have included acute gastroenteritis, cholera, and bacillary
dysentery. So, the first applications of isolated berberine were for treatment of these conditions.
Recent clinical trials have yielded conflicting results as to which of the disease organisms
causing intestinal symptoms are responsive to berberine. Tests of the antiseptic action of
berberine against bacteria, yeasts, viruses, and amoebas have shown a range of activity levels
from apparent potent action to mild suppression. Inhibition of giardia and of candida have been
areas of considerable interest and initial positive research results have led to development of
several herb products for those applications.
Soon after berberine was prepared as an isolated agent for clinical use, it was noted that
berberine had other potential benefits; for example, it appeared to reduce high blood pressure at
doses of about 1 gram per day. The hypotensive action of berberine has been confirmed in
several pharmacology experiments, but follow-up clinical trials have been lacking. Still, this
effect of berberine fortunately led to further testing of the compound for patients with
cardiovascular disease risk factors, and evidence developed to demonstrate a lowering of
cholesterol (and triglycerides) and of blood sugar. These new findings are the main focus of this
brief report.
There has been increased interest in lowering blood cholesterol, and especially LDL-cholesterol,
as a means of curtailing the high rates of heart attack and stroke. In addition to recommended
dietary changes, many people are prescribed statin drugs for this goal. The statin drugs are
powerful, frequently effective, and may have other benefits, though they also pose certain risks.
During the 1990s, the Chinese herb material "red rice yeast" (Monascus purpureus) was sold in
the U.S. as a natural supplement that contains, as one of its active ingredients, small amounts
of lovastatin, one of the widely used statin drugs (it also contains several related compounds
that contributed to the cholesterol lowering action). After prolonged legal disputes between the
supplement providers, the drug companies, and the FDA about its content of the drug
substance, the sale of red rice yeast and its extracts as natural cholesterol lowering agents was
It was reported recently that berberine lowers cholesterol through a mechanism different than
that of the statin drugs, suggesting potential use both as an alternative to the statins and as a
complementary therapy that might be used with statins in an attempt to gain better control over
cholesterol. In a controlled Chinese study, it was shown that berberine, administered 500 mg
twice per day for 3 months, reduced serum cholesterol by 29%, triglycerides by 35% and LDLcholesterol by 25%. The apparent mechanism is increasing the production of a receptor protein
in the liver that binds the LDL-cholesterol, preparing it for elimination.
Research on use of berberine for diabetes began with Ni Yanxi and his colleagues in
Changchun (a large city in Jilin Province) with diabetes treatments. As an introduction to a 1995
English language publication on this subject (presenting their earlier clinical data from 19831987), they wrote (5): "It was found by accident that berberine had the therapeutic effect on the
decrease of blood glucose when the authors used berberine to treat diarrhea in patients who
suffered from diabetes."
Note: Research and studies conducted in China must be viewed with caution as there are not many of
the safe guards that are in place for western studies. There has been widespread evidence of study
falsification and maybe even academic prostitution. Even western studies must be viewed with caution
since there are academic prostitutes that will generate studies to debunk other more valid studies
particularly when there are financial interests at stake.
Dietary therapy was first introduced to the patients for one month. For those who still had high
fasting blood sugar, berberine was administered orally at a dose of 300, 400, or 500 mg each
time, three times daily, adjusting the dosage according to the blood glucose levels; this
treatment was followed for 1-3 months. A control group without diabetes was similarly treated,
with no effect on blood sugar. For the diabetic patients, it was reported that patients had less
thirst, consumed less water and urinated less, had improved strength, and had lower blood
pressure; the symptoms declined in correspondence with declining blood glucose levels.
Laboratory studies suggest that berberine may have at least two functions in relation to reducing
blood sugar: inhibiting absorption of sugars from the intestine and enhancing production of
insulin. As relayed by Ni in his review of the literature, clinical experience with berberine has
shown that doses of 2 grams per day produced no side effects.
Rabbani GH, et al., Randomized controlled trial of berberine sulfate therapy for diarrhea due to
enterotoxigenic E. coli and Vibrio cholerae, Journal of Infectious Diseases 1987; 155(5): 979984.
Kaneda Y, et al., In vitro effects of berberine sulphate on the growth and structure of Entamoeba
histolytica, Giardia lamblia, and Trichomonas vaginalis, Annals of Tropical Medicine and
Parasitology 1991; 85(4); 417-425.
Chang HM and But PPH (editors), Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica,
(volume 2), 1986 World Scientific, Singapore. Kong Weijia, et al., Berberine is a novel
cholesterol-lowering drug working through a unique mechanism distinct from statins, Nature
Medicine 2004; 10(12): 1344-1351.
Ni Yanxia, et al., Therapeutic effect of berberine on 60 patients with non-insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus and experimental research, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and
Western Medicine 1995; 1(2); 91-95.
Role of water in lowering blood glucose.
In emergency situations when blood glucose is extremely high fluids are given intravenously by
IV drip. This is done to aid the body‗s urinary system in flushing excess glucose from the body.
In my case I was in ICU for 4 days on an IV drip of saline and potassium. I was extremely
dehydrated and they had to get fluids into my body so the high concentrations of blood glucose
could be flushed from my system. In addition to the IV drip they gave me pitchers of water and
told me to drink as much as I could.
The same applies to us all on a day-to-day basis. We need lots of fluid to allow our bodies to
eliminate the excess glucose. When we are first diagnosed and are experiencing high blood
glucose levels we should be drinking about a gallon a day. At all times we need a minimum of 2
quarts of non-caffeinated, non-sugared fluids. A non-sugared fluid includes all forms of juice.
Unsweetened apple juice contains 27 grams of sugar per 8oz. Serving. Orange juice has 21
grams of sugar per 8 oz. Serving. I was surprised to learn that even things like tomato juice or
carrot juice also have significant levels of sugar. (8 oz. Tomato juice = 8 grams sugar, 8 oz.
carrot juice = 9 grams sugar)
The kidneys
The kidneys regulate the volume and concentration of fluids in the body by producing urine.
Urine is produced in a process called glomerular filtration, which is the removal of waste
products, minerals, and water from the blood. The kidneys maintain the volume and
concentration of urine by filtering waste products and reabsorbing useful substances and water
from the blood.
The kidneys also perform the following functions:
Detoxify harmful substances (e.g., free radicals, drugs, excess glucose)
Increase the absorption of calcium by producing calcitriol (form of vitamin D)
Produce erythropoietin (hormone that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone
Secrete renin (hormone that regulates blood pressure and electrolyte balance)
The urinary system
Your body takes nutrients from food and uses them to maintain all bodily functions including
energy and self-repair. After your body has taken what it needs from the food, waste products
are left behind in the blood and in the bowel. The urinary system works with the lungs, skin, and
intestines —all of which also excrete wastes— to keep the chemicals and water in your body
balanced. Adults eliminate about a quart and a half of urine each day. The amount depends on
many factors, especially the amounts of fluid and food a person consumes and how much fluid
is lost through sweat and breathing. Certain types of medications can also affect the amount of
urine eliminated.
The urinary system removes a type of waste called urea from your blood. Urea is produced
when foods containing protein, such as meat, poultry, and certain vegetables, are broken down
in the body. Urea is carried in the bloodstream to the kidneys.
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs about the size of your fists.
They are near the middle of the back, just below the rib cage.
The kidneys remove urea from the blood through tiny filtering
units called nephrons. Each nephron consists of a ball formed of
small blood capillaries, called a glomerulus, and a small tube
called a renal tubule. Urea, together with water and other waste
substances, forms the urine as it passes through the nephrons
and down the renal tubules of the kidney.
From the kidneys, urine travels down two thin tubes called
ureters to the bladder. The ureters are about 8 to 10 inches long.
Muscles in the ureter walls constantly tighten and relax to force
urine downward away from the kidneys. If urine is allowed to
stand still, or back up, a kidney infection can develop. Small amounts of urine are emptied into
the bladder from the ureters about every 10 to 15 seconds.
The bladder is a hollow muscular organ shaped like a balloon. It sits in your pelvis and is held in
place by ligaments attached to other organs and the pelvic bones. The bladder stores urine until
you are ready to go to the bathroom to empty it. It swells into a round shape when it is full and
gets smaller when empty. If the urinary system is healthy, the bladder can hold up to 16 ounces
(2 cups) of urine comfortably for 2 to 5 hours.
The Proper PCF Ratio
Optimized PCF Ratio
There is an optimal mix when we are trying to
balance our nutrient intake. In very simplified
terms, there is a Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat Ratio
(PCF Ratio) that will work best. The chart on this
page shows what is working extremely well for
me, PCF Ratio: 20-50-30. The standard PCF is
more typically defined as 15-55-30. a body
builder may want to use something close to 2550-25. You might notice in all the examples the
ratios are pretty close. Some "diets" go to
extremes. Some of those extremes can actually
be harmful.
In my case, I was told to go on a "low Carb" "low fat" "low Cholesterol" "low sodium" "low sugar"
"potassium enriched" diet. I thought, "My god, I will never be able to enjoy food again." This
turned out to be far from the truth. I did a lot of research and found each restriction had its own
limitations. I also found that most of the "restrictions" are really just good nutrition concepts that
everyone should follow. The "low" seems to usually be defined as compared to the normal bad
diet most Americans are used to. I also discovered we are fed a lot of misinformation by people
and companies with an agenda to push. Be assured my only agenda is good nutrition for good
health. I started by looking for the best information I could find to solve my problem. My intent is
to pass on what is working for me in an attempt to help others. I am open to anything that works
that is better than what I am doing now. I do not manufacture foods, supplements or anything
else. Anything I recommend I recommend because I have found solid research that says it is a
good concept and it is something that is working extremely well for me and those I am coaching.
Inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods
Another way to look at our food choices is from the angle of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory
foods. They are slightly different but you will see a lot of commonality. It is my opinion that we
should compare and combine the best information from as many different sources as possible.
Diet and life style defiantly impacts our risks for type 2 diabetes. New research released within
the past 5 years is saying it is not just type 2 diabetes that is affected by diet. Type 2 diabetes,
Alzheimer‘s disease, obesity; cancer, heart disease, stroke, Parkinson‘s, and rheumatoid
arthritis and several others all have this dietary link in common. Ground-breaking research
indicates that they may all begin with an inflammatory process.
Inflammation is the body‘s first line of defense against harmful invaders such as unwanted
bacteria, viruses, and a multitude of other nasty critters. The inflammatory process has several
soldiers in the form of white blood cells that act as protecting agents when the body is attacked.
Although this process is critical in maintaining the balance of health, researchers and scientists
have now demonstrated that problems occur when the inflammatory process becomes chronic
and no longer switches ―off.‖ In fact, some studies now indicate that inflammation may be the
platform on which several disease processes begin.
Not Always Obvious
Unfortunately, the North American diet and lifestyle (which includes hydrogenated fats, a lack of
omega-3 essential fats, high glycemic carbohydrates in the diet; smoking; and high levels of
daily stress) all are thought to promote chronic inflammation. The stimulus that triggers the
defense mechanism of inflammation is eaten, drunk, smoked, or otherwise experienced by
millions of people who are unaware of the underlying damage they are causing.
Inflammation may not be detected by a blood test, x-ray, or other diagnostic measurement, but it
is still occurring. On a microscopic level, inflammation can be silently and slowly wreaking havoc
on your body‘s weakest link. The good news is that the inflammatory process can be halted and
reversed simply by changing your diet and lifestyle.
By following the steps outlined below, you will be providing your system with the best defense
against future illness and disease. If you are currently suffering from an inflammatory condition,
this is a powerful treatment approach. These foods are also covered in other sections of the
book from other points of view.
Trans Fatty Acids
Eliminate all chemically-produced fats (partially hydrogenated fats) from your diet. These fats
are found in some margarines, some commercially-packaged foods such as chips, crackers,
and cookies (check labels), and in various deep-fried foods such as french fries.
Red Meat and Cheese
Minimize red meat and cheese consumption. When the saturated fat found in these two foods is
eaten in excess, inflammation occurs. Substitute egg whites, fish, beans whole grains, nuts,
seeds, and lean chicken breasts without the skin.
Fish High in Mercury
Ensure fish you eat is low in mercury and other toxic residues such as dioxins. Purchase
wild salmon and refer to for a listing of mercury levels in fish
and seafood as measured by the US Food and Drug Administration between 1990 and 2003.
Other better fish choices are the fish from the relatively pristine waters of New Zealand and the
southern oceans.
Eat foods that are rich in phytochemicals (plant chemicals) that ward off and reverse
inflammation. These foods include colorful fruits and vegetables such as berries, broccoli,
squash, and sweet potatoes.
Eat an abundant amount of omega-3 foods such as walnuts, sesame seeds, and ground
flaxseeds. In addition, supplement your diet with a minimum of 2 grams of distilled fish oils daily.
Ginger offers potent anti-inflammatory effects and can readily be incorporated as a seasoning
on food or brewed as tea.
Drink six to eight glasses of fresh, clean water daily. Remember, though inflammation may not
be seen or felt, changes may be occurring. Start taking preventive steps now by including antiinflammatory foods in your daily diet to ensure your body‘s inflammatory switch is turned ―on‖
only when necessary.
What are the inflammatory foods?
The following foods are considered among the inflammatory foods and can help you in deciding
what is best for you to eat. Stay away from pro-inflammatory foods. A simple rule of thumb is to
consider the following: If it contains flour, and/or sugar or other sweetener, it will be proinflammatory. Sugary, starchy foods are poor choices and will not only pack on excess pounds;
they will add a lot of empty calories.From the standpoint of inflammation, the foods to avoid
would include:
Breads, rolls, baked
Cereals (except and
whole grains)
Corn bread, corn muffins
Corn syrup
Egg rolls
Fast food
French Fries
Fruit juice, (choose the
fruit instead)
Fried foods
Hard cheese (except for
feta and grating cheeses,
such as Romano and
Hot dogs
Ice cream, frozen yogurt,
Italian ices
Jams, jellies and
Margarine (hydrogenated
Pita bread
Rice (except wild and
Snack foods,
including: potato chips,
pretzels, corn chips,
rice and corn cakes,
The anti-inflammatory foods include:
Best protein choices (these are also rich in essential fatty acids,
which help facilitate weight loss): Blue Hoki, Wild Alaskan salmon,
halibut, herring, trout, anchovies and sardines.
Seafood choices: Shrimp, scallops, clams, mussels, crab, lobster, bass,
cod and flounder.
Best poultry choices: Skinless chicken breast and skinless turkey
Other good sources of protein (choose low fat varieties if weight is a
concern): Plain yogurt, high essential fatty acid eggs, plain kefir, cottage
cheese and tofu.
Grains and legumes: Old fashioned oatmeal (or better yet steel cut
oats), whole grains,(Kamut, rye, quinoa, oats, barley. etc.) lentils,
chickpeas, dried beans, and buckwheat.
Fruits and Vegetables (The Rainbow Foods): Apples, artichokes,
arugula, asparagus, avocado, bamboo shoots, bell peppers (green and
red), berries (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries), bok
choy, broccoli, broccoli rabe, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cantaloupe,
cauliflower, celery, cherries, chives, collards, cucumbers, dark green leafy
lettuces (baby greens), eggplant, endive, escarole, fresh lemons, garlic,
green beans, grapefruits (red and pink), honeydew melon, hot peppers,
kale, leeks, mushrooms, onions, pears, pea pods, radish, rutabaga,
scallions, swiss chard, spinach, sprouts, summer squash, tomatoes,
turnips, water chestnut and zucchini.
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, macadamia
nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seed and
Herbs and spices: Cinnamon sticks, dill, marjoram, parsley, turmeric,
ginger root, basil, oregano, thyme, lemon balm, mint, sage and rosemary.
Beverages: Green tea, water, Açaí (found in natural food stores),
pomegranate juice (unsweetened).
Condiments: Extra-virgin olive oil (look for Italian or Spanish high
quality), cayenne pepper, salsa.
Chapter 13: Sugars and Alternative Sweeteners
Probably more than you ever wanted to know about sugar and sugar substitutes.
Sugar and other sweeteners are a major part of many diets. Anything ending in ―ose‖ is a
sugar. Sugars are carbohydrates. To clarify, carbohydrates are molecules of carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen produced by plants through photosynthesis. The term saccharide is a synonym for
carbohydrate; a monosaccharide (mono=1) is the fundamental unit of carbohydrates.
Disaccharides (Di=2) are molecules containing 2 monosaccharide units. Di and
monosaccharides are also known as sugars, simple sugars, or simple carbohydrates. Next are
oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Oligosaccharides are made of 3-9 monosaccharide
links. Polysaccharides consist of 10 to thousands of monosaccharide links. A complex
carbohydrate refers to many monosaccharide units linked together. In addition, you will often
hear the terms ―long‖, and ―short‖ carbohydrate chains. Short carbohydrate chains are those
under 10 sugar molecules. And long chains are those over 10 sugar molecules. Which fits in
conjunction with the above terms, Oligosaccharides and Polysaccharides?
Not everything that is a sugar is something we would relate to when thinking of sucrose or
common table sugar. Diabetics and people looking to reduce calories are often looking for sugar
substitutes. This article started from a desire to find a good sugar substitute. There were far
more options than would have been imagined. There are still other sugars and sugar substitutes
that are not included either because they are obscure and were not found or because they are
not commonly found in our diets. If you know of something I have missed that should be
included please use the "contact us" form to email me.
No endorsement is intended for any particular product. All Items are listed alphabetically and
there will be some overlap between entries.
Acesulfame-K Also known as ―Ace-K,‖ (Sunette®), or acesulfame potassium, was discovered
in 1967 in Germany. It was approved in 1988 by the FDA as a tabletop sweetener and for use in
baked goods, frozen desserts, beverages, and candies. Consisting of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen,
hydrogen, sulfur, and potassium atoms, acesulfame K is 200 times sweeter than table sugar.
Acesulfame K is not digested, so it contributes no calories to the diet. Some animal studies
suggest a possible cancer-promoting effect.
Agave syrup (also called agave nectar) is a sweetener commercially produced in Jalisco, Mexico,
from several species of agave, including Agave tequilana (also called Blue Agave or Tequila
Agave), and the Salmiana, Green, Grey, Thorny, and Rainbow varieties. Agave syrup is sweeter
than honey, though less viscous. Agave syrup is produced in the Mexican States of Jalisco,
Michoacán, Guanajuato and Tamaulipas, according to Mexican laws pertaining to certificate of
To produce agave nectar, juice is expressed from the core of the agave, called the piña. The
juice is filtered, then heated, to hydrolyze carbohydrates into sugars. The main carbohydrate is
a complex form of fructose called inulin or fructosan. The filtered, hydrolyzed juice is
concentrated to a syrup-like liquid a little thinner than honey.
Agave syrup consists primarily of fructose and glucose. One source gives 92% fructose and
8% glucose; another gives 56% fructose and 20% glucose. These differences presumably
reflect variation from one vendor of agave syrup to another. As a sweetener, Agave syrup is
notable in that its glycemic index and glycemic load are apparently lower than most if not all
other natural sweeteners on the market
Alitame Like aspartame, Alitame is made from amino acids. Alitame is 2,000 times sweeter
than sugar. Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company and manufacturer of this sweetener, petitioned
the FDA in 1986 for approval.
Aspartame You might recognize aspartame as the product contained in the blue packet with
―Nutra Sweet‖ printed on the front. Once saccharine began to lose its luster, aspartame gained
popularity. While aspartame might be popular in diet soft drinks, coffee and tea, it‗s not
recommended for baking as it can lose its flavor after being exposed to heat for a certain
period of time. Adding it to foods once they stop cooking, however, is fine. There currently is
concern with aspartame as it has been linked to cancer by studies in both the United States
and Europe.
Brown Rice Syrup is a natural sweetener with a mild, buttery flavor and a delicate sweetness
that makes it ideal for use in baking and desserts. Unlike simple sugars, such as
monosaccharide‗s and disaccharides, Brown Rice Syrup is a polysaccharide, or a complex
sugar. The unique structure of complex sugars allows them to be absorbed and broken down
more slowly than simple sugars, avoiding rapid spikes in blood glucose. Slower absorption also
allows the body to utilize complex sugars for energy instead of having to store them as fat for
later use. Brown Rice Syrup is made by fermenting brown rice with special enzymes that break
down the natural starch content of the rice. This process produces a translucent syrup that's an
alternative to white and brown sugar.
Cellulose is something we don‗t normally think of as sugar but it ends in ose so is therefore a
sugar. Cellulose is an excellent source of insoluble fiber derived from plant sources. Insoluble
fibers may regulate bowel transit time and support the health of the GI tract. Unlike soluble
fiber, insoluble fiber does not feed undesirable bacteria well and is not readily fermented into
short chain fatty acids.* It has no effect on cholesterol levels and inactivates many intestinal
toxins.* High intake of insoluble fiber is associated with a decreased risk of unfavorable
conditions of the colon, potentially supporting balanced intestinal microbiology.
Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a sweetener made from corn and can be found in numerous foods and
beverages on grocery store shelves in the United States. Contrary to its name, HFCS is not
high in fructose. At the time HFCS was developed, the only sweetener in all other corn syrups
was glucose; none contained fructose. So the name "high" fructose corn syrup, in comparative
terms, makes sense and is entirely appropriate. But when compared to table sugar (sucrose),
HFCS is not at all "high" in fructose. In fact, HFCS is nearly identical in composition to table
sugar (sucrose), which is composed of 50 percent fructose and 50 percent glucose. HFCS is
composed of either 42 percent or 55 percent fructose, with the remaining sugars being glucose
and higher sugars. HFCS is used in foods and beverages because of the many benefits it
offers. In addition to providing sweetness at a level equivalent to table sugar HFCS makes
foods such as bread and breakfast cereal "brown" better when baked, and gives chewy
cookies and snack bars their soft texture.
Cyclamate This is the sugar substitute used by Weight Watchers. It‗s used for cooking and
baking. It‗s sweeter than sugar, about ten times sweeter, so keep this in mind when opening a
package of ―Sugar Twin.‖
Cyclamate was synthesized in 1937 at the University of Illinois by a student who accidentally
discovered its sweet taste. The patent for cyclamate was first purchased by DuPont and then
later sold to Abbott Laboratories. In those days, Abbott‗s reported interest was to use the
product to mask the bitter taste of an antibiotic and a pentobarbital elixir. Cyclamate was
initially marketed as tablets that were recommended for use as a tabletop sweetener for people
with diabetes and others who had to restrict their intake of sugar. Although it is approved for
use in many countries, cyclamate is banned in the United States due to concerns over potential
Dextrose, occurs naturally in food, and is moderately sweet. It is a monosaccharide (basic unit
of carbohydrates, C6H1206) and has a high glycemic index (digested carbohydrates ability to
raise blood glucose levels, also called Gl) ranking at 100. Dextrose is labeled a simple
carbohydrate Other Names: D-Glucose; Anhydrous dextrose; Cartose; Cerelose; Corn sugar;
D-(+)-Glucose; Dextropur; Dextrosol; Glucolin; Grape sugar; Sugar, grape; α-d-glucose;
component of Kadalex; D-Glucose, anhydrous; Dextrose, anhydrous; GLUCOSE (D); Syrup;
Glucose, anhydrous; Glucose liquid. Also called corn sugar and grape sugar, dextrose is a
naturally occurring form of glucose.
Diabetisweet Diabetic Sugar Substitute for Baking and Cooking Looks, tastes, and bakes just
like sugar. Maintains its taste at high temperatures, so it‗s ideal for baking and cooking.
DiabetiSweet® has the same granulated texture as sugar, DiabetiSweet® is sweetened with
Acesulfame-K, a high intensity non-nutritive sweetener. It also contains Isomalt, a heat-stable
bulking agent that adds volume to cakes, breads, and other recipes. DiabetiSweet® does not
contain aspartame, saccharin, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, maltodextrin, or dextrose.
Equal® Equal is an artificial sweetener containing aspartame, dextrose, and maltodextrin.
Major concern would be the aspartames recent link to cancer.
Erythritol a polyol (sugar alcohol), is a sweetener which is suitable for a variety of reducedcalorie and sugar-free foods. It can be used as a sugar substitute in most sugar-free recipes.
Erythritol has been part of the human diet for thousands of years due to its presence in foods
such as pears, melons, grapes and mushrooms. Erythritol is derived from a corn source.
Erythritol resembles sugar in consistency and taste but has a caloric value near zero. It is also
a sugar alternative for diabetics. Eyrthritol, like Xylitol, may also inhibit cavities by denying
plaque bacteria the fuel (sugar) it needs to erode tooth enamel. Low in calories: Erythritol has a
very low caloric content; its value is 0.2 calories per gram for food labeling purposes in the
United States and 0 (zero) calories per gram for food labeling purposes in Japan. Foods
containing substantial amounts of erythritol are very unlikely to cause gaseous and laxation
side effects. Clinical studies conducted in people with diabetes conclude that erythritol may be
safely used to replace sucrose in foods formulated specifically for people with diabetes.
Fructose, Also known as ―fruit sugar‖, fructose is roughly 50% sweeter than ordinary sugar,
tastes wonderful, and does not raise blood sugar levels like table sugar. When taken in
moderation, fructose can be taken by diabetics after first consulting with their physician.
Fructose is derived from corn and is approximately 1.8 times sweeter than regular table sugar.
Unfortunately we cannot supply an exact equivalency for substituting Fructose for table sugar.
Experimentation will yield the best results, keeping in mind how much sweeter Fructose is. In
general, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, a little over a 1/2 of a cup should be close. Sweeten
to taste is the best advice! Fructose's chemical name is levulose. Fructose is also called the
fruit sugar. Fructose is found in fruits and honey.
Galactose is a simple sugar derived from the breakdown of the milk sugar lactose. Because
galactose is toxic to the lens of the eye, infants lacking the enzyme needed to metabolize it
develop cataracts at a young age. Epidemiologist Paul F. Jacques has now compared levels of
this enzyme, called galactokinase, with dairy food consumption in 106 persons aged 40 to 70 73 of them with cataracts. The just-completed study offers the first strong indication that
galactose may play a role in adult cataracts.
Glucose this sugar is the chief source of energy in the body. Glucose is chemically considered
a simple sugar. It is the main sugar the body manufactures. The body makes glucose from all
three elements of food, protein, fat and carbohydrates, but in largest part from carbohydrates.
Glucose serves as the major source of energy for living cells. It is carried to each cell through
the bloodstream. The cells cannot, however, use the glucose without the help of insulin.
Glucose is by far the most common carbohydrate and classified as a monosaccharide, an
aldose, a hexose, and is a reducing sugar. It is also known as dextrose, because it is
dextrorotatory (meaning that as an optical isomer is rotates plane-polarized light to the right
and also an origin for the D designation. Glucose is also called blood sugar as it circulates in
the blood. Glucose is initially synthesized by chlorophyll in plants using carbon dioxide from the
air and sunlight as an energy source. Glucose is further converted to starch for storage.
Honey is a source of simple carbohydrates. Its composition on average is 17.1 percent water,
82.4 percent total carbohydrate and 0.5 percent proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
The average carbohydrate content is mainly fructose (38.5 percent) and glucose (31percent).
The remaining 12.9 percent of carbohydrates is made up of maltose, sucrose and other
Honey supplies energy at 64 calories per tablespoon. Honey appears to be a carbohydrate
source that is relatively mild on its effects upon blood sugar compared to other carbohydrate
Honey contains small amounts of a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
antioxidants. The vitamins found in honey may include (depending on floral variety) niacin,
riboflavin and pantothenic acid; minerals present include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Just as the color and flavor of honey varies by
floral source, so does the vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and amino acid content.
Honey has a phytochemical profile which includes polyphenols that can act as antioxidants.
Antioxidants perform the role of eliminating free radicals, which are reactive compounds in the
The use of honey as a wound dressing goes back to ancient times and has now been
―rediscovered‖ by modern medicine. The antibacterial properties of honey may help clear
infection in wounds, and the anti-inflammatory action of honey may reduce pain and may
improve circulation, which hastens the healing process. Honey stimulates the re-growth of
tissue involved in healing, making healing faster and reducing scarring.
Lactose is made from galactose and glucose units. Lactose or milk sugar occurs in the milk of
mammals - 4-6% in cow's milk and 5-8% in human milk. It is also a by-product in the
manufacture of cheese. An acetal oxygen bridge in the beta orientation joins the galactose and
glucose units. To recognize galactose look for the upward projection of the -OH on carbon
Lo Han Guo (Siraitia grosvenorii) has been used as a food, beverage, and traditional
medicine. It is from the plant family, Cucurbitaceae. The cucumber, melon, squash, and gourd
are also a part of this family. The most unique component of Lo Han Guo is the triterpene
glycoside. These non-caloric sweeteners are known as mogrosides. Lo Han has traditionally
been used as an analgesic, expectorant, antitussive, and to treat infiltration of the lungs. The
Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends it for lung complaints including dry
coughs and as a laxative. The fruits are used in Chinese medicine for heat stroke with thirst,
acute and chronic throat inflammation, aphonia, chronic cough, constipation in the aged, and
as a sugar substitute for diabetics.
Maple syrup is a 100% natural food, processed by heat concentration of pure maple sap. This
sap is a sterile, clear liquid, which provides the trees with water and nutrients prior to the buds
and leaves opening in the spring. In the boiling, concentrating, and filtering processes, all the
nutrients remain in the syrup. There are some quantitative differences in maple syrup's nutritive
composition due to metabolic and environmental differences among maple trees. The main
sugar in pure Maple syrup is sucrose. The darker grades, especially Grade B syrup, contain
small and variable amounts of fructose and glucose. In pure filtered maple syrup the main
minerals present are: calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. In
pure maple syrup trace amounts of vitamins are present, mainly B 2 (Riboflavin), B5
(Pantothenic Acid), B6 (Pyridoxine), PP (Niacin, B1), Biotin, and Folic Acid. Many amino acids
are present in trace amounts. The total solids in pure maple syrup amount to 66.5%, with the
remaining 33.5% consisting of water. The table below represents the main elements within the
total solids. Maple syrup is 88-89% sucrose and about 11% glucose. There are also trace
amounts of other sugars. Diabetics and others concerned with sugars should treat maple syrup
the same as table sugar.
Maltodextrin is a sweet, easily digested carbohydrate made from cornstarch. The starch is
cooked, and then acid and/or enzymes (a process similar to that used by the body to digest
carbohydrates) are used to break the starch into smaller chains. These chains are composed
of several dextrose molecules held together by very weak hydrogen bonds. Maltodextrin
digestion starts right when it enters the mouth, beginning the reduction of maltodextrin into
smaller linked glucose molecules.
Maltose Barley malt is a common version of maltose and technically refers to malt sugar,
which is a buff-colored crystalline powder. Evaporating the water out of barley malt syrup
makes malt sugar. Malt sugar is becoming increasingly available in health food stores as a
sugar replacement that is less sweet but adds a better texture and pleasing nutty flavor to
baked goods. Liquid barley malt is available in barley extract and barley-corn malt. The extract
is 100 percent barley malt and usually tastes as strong as blackstrap molasses. Barley malt is
mostly carbohydrate although it contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals. Maltose is
made from two glucose units. Maltose or malt sugar is the least common disaccharide in
nature. It is present in germinating grain, in a small proportion in corn syrup, and forms on the
partial hydrolysis of starch. It is a reducing sugar.
Maltitol Sugar-free Sweetener is available in syrup, crystalline and powder form. It is used in
place of common sugar (sucrose) in cooking and baking. Maltitol is a member of a family of
bulk sweeteners known as polyols or sugar alcohols. It has a pleasant sweet taste--remarkably
similar to sucrose. Maltitol is about 90% as sweet as sugar, it is claimed to be non-cariogenic,
and significantly reduced in calories.
Maltitol is made by the hydrogenation of maltose which is obtained from starch. Like other
polyols, it does not brown or caramelize, as do sugars. Maltitol may also be used to replace fat
as it gives a creamy texture to food. Maltitol is slowly absorbed. Therefore, when maltitol is
used, the rise in blood glucose and the insulin response associated with the ingestion of
glucose is significantly reduced.
The reduced caloric value of maltitol (2.1 calories per gram versus 4.0 for sugar) is consistent
with the objective of weight control. Mannitol is also used as a sweetener for people with
diabetes. Mannitol also has a negative heat of solution. For this reason, mannitol is a
sweetener in "breath-freshening" candies, the cooling effect adding to the fresh feel. In doses
larger than 20g it acts as a laxative, and is sometimes sold as a laxative for children. It is
sometimes used as a dilutant for heroin or other illicit drugs
Molasses / Cane Molasses There are three major types of molasses: unsulphured, sulphured
and blackstrap. There are also three major grades of molasses: first molasses, second
molasses, and blackstrap molasses.
Unsulphured molasses is the finest quality. It is made from the juice of sun-ripened cane and
the juice is clarified and concentrated. Sulphured molasses is made from green (unripe) sugar
cane and is treated with sulfur fumes during the sugar extraction process.
Each season, the sugar cane plant is harvested and stripped of its leaves. Its juice is then
extracted from the canes (usually by crushing or mashing), boiled until it has reached the
appropriate consistency, and processed to extract the sugar. The results of this first boiling and
processing is first molasses, which has the highest sugar content because comparatively little
sugar has been extracted from the juice.
Second molasses is created from a second boiling and sugar extraction, and has a slight
bitter tinge to its taste. Further rounds of processing and boiling yield the dark blackstrap
molasses, which is the most nutritionally valuable, and thus often sold as a health supplement,
as well as being used in the manufacture of cattle feed, and for other industrial uses.
Sugar Beet Molasses Molasses from the sugar beet is different from cane molasses. Only the
syrup left from the final crystallization stage is called molasses; intermediate syrups are
referred to as high green and low green. It is about 50% sugar by dry weight, predominantly
sucrose but also containing significant amounts of glucose and fructose. The non-sugar
content includes many salts such as calcium, potassium, oxalate and chloride. As such, it is
unpalatable and is mainly used as an additive to animal feed or as a fermentation feedstock. It
is possible to extract additional sugar from beet molasses through a process known as
molasses desugarisation. This technique exploits industrial scale chromatography to separate
sucrose from non-sugar components. The technique is only economically viable in areas where
the price of sugar is supported above the world market e.g. in areas with trade barriers, and is
prevalent in the US and is also seen within the European community.
The non-sucrose elements in the beet sugar production process are called molassegenic
because they take equal amounts of sucrose with them to the molasses stage where it cannot
normally be economically extracted.
Polydextrose Litesse®* is a water-soluble specialty carbohydrate which is manufactured from
glucose. Developed and manufactured by Danisco Sweeteners, Litesse® is unique in being
only partially metabolized by the body. The result is that Litesse® contributes only 25% 101
of the calories of sugar, and only 11% of the calories of fats. It can also improve the mouth-feel
and texture of calorie reduced foods. Litesse® has been labeled as fiber in a number of
countries around the world for many years. Litesse® is used in confections, beverages, frozen
desserts, cultured dairy products, baked goods, nutrition bars and fruit spreads and fillings.
Saccharine The main ingredient in the popular pink-packets of ―Sweet N Low,‖ saccharine is
one of the more well-known sugar substitutes. Saccharine was popular years ago but fell out of
favor when it was concluded laboratory rats developed cancer after using this artificial
sweetener. It‗s not recommended for pregnant or lactating women, however. Saccharine can
be used to sweeten drinks of all temperatures and can be used in place of sugar in recipes.
Raffinose is not a sugar that you will usually associate with sweetness or see used as a
sweetener. It is found in legumes and is the cause of flatulence.
Sorbitol, originally derived from the mountain sorberry, is a naturally occurring sweetener
found primarily in fruits and berries. This product is manufactured from glucose, but is only 5075% as sweet as regular sugar. Because it is absorbed and metabolized slowly, sorbitol has
little effect on blood sugar levels. This product therefore may be useful in replacing regular
sugar in recipes for diabetic diets. Use in making jams, canned fruits, and homemade candies,
Sorghum syrup is a natural sweetener made by processing juice squeezed from the stalks of
certain types of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) called sweet sorghum or sorgo. Sweet sorghum is
grown for syrup or forage, whereas most other sorghums, commonly referred to as milos or
kafirs, are grown for grain. Specialized milling equipment is necessary to extract the juice, and
evaporative pans with heating units are used to steam off excess water, leaving syrup. The
correct label for sorghum syrup is "sorghum syrup" or "pure sorghum." Molasses, unsulphured
molasses, cane molasses, and cane syrup are byproducts of sugarcane processing and sugar
crystallization. "Sorghum molasses" is a blend of sorghum syrup and sugarcane molasses.
Sorghum syrup has a unique taste all its own and is very popular in parts of the southern
United States. It should be treated as sugar for diabetic purposes.
Stevia is a naturally sweet plant native to Paraguay that is 30 times sweeter than sugar in its
unprocessed form. With more than 1,000 studies and patents on Stevia, it is known to be allnatural, contain zero calories and have a zero glycemic index. Through a patented process the
pure glycosides can be extracted from the Stevia leaves and turned into an intensely sweet
powder that is 300 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia is claimed to be safe for diabetics and
hypoglycemics. 2 drops = 1 tsp. of sugar.
Sucralose is what is contained in a yellow packet of ―Splenda.‖ Splenda is gaining in
popularity not only because it‗s made of sugar, thereby tasting almost like sugar, but because it
measures the same as sugar, which makes it more convenient for baking than other sugar
substitutes. Sucralose is six hundred times sweeter than sugar, however, so if one is not using
the Splenda brand, one will have to do some math to figure out how much to add to your
baking. Concerns have been raised about sucralose because of the chlorine in it. The
manufacturer claims it is totally safe.
SweetOne is a brand of sugar substitute sweetened with acesulfame potassium, an intense
sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Sweet One offers an alternative for people
who are limiting their intake of sugar. Sweet One tastes like sugar and it doesn't break down in
heat, so you can cook with it. It has zero calories! Each packet of Sweet One contains the
sweetness of two teaspoons of sugar; this sweetness does not increase proportionately when
using Sweet One in cooking and baking. In recipes for sweetened sauces and beverages, all
the sugar can be replaced with Sweet One. However, recipes for most baked goods require
sugar for proper volume and texture.
Trehalose is a multi-functional sweetener found naturally, for example in honey, mushrooms,
lobster, shrimp and foods produced using baker's and brewer's yeast. The commercial product
is made from starch by an enzymatic process. Trehalose is almost half as sweet as sucrose or
table sugar. The metabolism of trehalose is similar to that of other disaccharides. Ingested
trehalose is hydrolyzed to glucose and absorbed in the small intestine. The makers of
Trehalose say it has been shown to elicit a very low insulin response and provide sustained
energy. Trehalose protects and preserves cell structure in foods and may aid in the freezing
and thawing process of many food products by assisting in the maintenance of the desired
texture of the food. It is also heat stable. Because trehalose is only half a sweet as sucrose it is
more likely to be used for cell preservation than for sweetness.
Whey Low™ is a patent-pending blend of all-natural sugars. The manufacturers claim that
Whey Low offers the same sweetness, taste, and food properties of sugar with 70 to 80%
lower glycemic index and 75% fewer calories and impact carbohydrates than sugar. Whey
Low™ contains fructose, which is obtained from corn syrup (glucose), and lactose, which is
obtained from whey or milk. Both the fructose and lactose that go into Whey Low™ are
extremely pure crystalline sugars and contain no allergens or any proteins that could possibly
be allergens. These two simple sugars are not known to cause any allergies.
Xylitol is a natural substance derived from the xylan of birch and other hardwood trees,
berries, almond hulls and corncobs. It was discovered in 1891 by German chemist, Emil
Fischer, and has been used as a sweetening agent since the 1960's. Xylitol is a substance that
occurs naturally in many fruits and vegetables, and in fact, is produced in small amounts (5-15
grams per day) in the human body during normal metabolism. Xylitol enjoys wide acceptance
in Japan, Finland, and the Scandinavian countries. In the Soviet Union it has been used for
decades as a sweetener for diabetics. Numerous clinical and field studies performed over the
past 30 years have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of xylitol as a healthy alternative to
sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Sugar Alcohol Although these ingredients were given this consumer-friendly name because
part of their structure resembles sugar and part is similar to alcohol. Sugar alcohols do not
contain ethanol, which is found in alcoholic beverages. Sugar Alcohols, (Polyols) &
Polydextrose occur naturally in small amounts in fruits and vegetables: including berries,
apples, and plums, but for large-scale commercial use they are manufactured from common
sugars. While they are chemically very similar to sugars, they are less sweet than sugars and
have fewer calories per gram. Currently the following sugar alcohols are permitted for use as
food additives: hydrogenated starch hydrolysates, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, maltitol syrup,
mannitol, sorbitol, sorbitol syrup, xylitol and erythritol.
Another food additive, polydextrose, a compound synthesized from dextrose (glucose), is also
permitted. Because it has a low digestible energy value, it is used to provide bulk in foods,
thereby reducing the caloric content. Unlike polyols, polydextrose is not sweet but has a slightly
tart taste and thus can add texture to food without adding sweetness. It is often used as a
replacement for sugar, starch, and fat in foods such as cakes, candies, pudding, and desserts.
It is known that eating too much of these substances can cause gastro-intestinal discomfort
and laxative effects. This is a result of sugar alcohols and polydextrose being poorly taken up
from the gastrointestinal tract. The likelihood of such effects occurring is related to the amount
consumed and, therefore, increases with the consumption of more than one product containing
sugar alcohols and/or polydextrose. There is a wide variation, however, in sensitivity between
individuals to these effects. Also, it is possible with frequent consumption of products
containing sugar alcohols and/or polydextrose to develop a tolerance, and be able to increase
consumption without experiencing adverse effects.
Mannitol and sorbitol, along with other sugar alcohols, have been promoted as useful sugar
substitutes for diabetics. Unlike sucrose and glucose, which cause quick changes in blood
glucose concentration, these sugar alcohols do not produce significant changes in blood
glucose concentration because, once absorbed, they are converted to energy by processes
that require little or no insulin. People with diabetes, however, should consult their physician or
other health professionals about the usefulness of sugar alcohols in their diet before increasing
the amount of foods they eat that contain these substances.
Sugar alcohols are also resistant to metabolism by the bacteria in the mouth, which break
down sugars and starches to release decay-causing acids. As a result, sugar alcohols in
general are considered not to promote tooth decay. Studies have indicated that xylitol in
particular may actually help to prevent tooth decay.
Overall, the benefits of permitting the use of sugar alcohols and polydextrose as food additives in
certain foods are greater than the potential for laxative effects that could result from excessive
consumption of these substances. It is important for consumers to be made aware that sugar
alcohols and/or polydextrose are added to certain foods, to recognize the names of these
compounds and to be aware that excessive consumption of such foods could lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and laxative effects.
Most of the above sugar substitutes have been approved by the FDA and Health Canada as safe
for use by diabetics. Those who are diabetic, pregnant or nursing would probably find it in their best
interests to check with their physicians before using any of these products regularly.
Chapter 14. Implementing diet strategies.
The first thing you will need is a good understanding of the proper nutrient mix for your body. I
am going to make this part easy for you. If you have an email account and access to the
Internet go to and click on the blue menu bar where it says Diet
Assessment. Fill out the form being careful to be accurate and submit the form. You will get a
multi page report giving you the proper nutrient mix for you and your body. This is a free report
that I generate using a much more powerful professional version of the same software you got
with this book. Each persons report will be unique with values generated based on height,
weight, age, sex, activity level and other key variables. I will include some of the tables without
values so you will know what to expect.
Client Information and Goals:
Start Date:
The date the report is
Present Weight:
Activity Level:
Desired Weight:
Goal Date:
Weight Loss/Week:
Client Name:
Present Body Fat:
Desired Body Fat:
Body Build:
Resting Heart
Maximum Heart
Daily Exercise Calorie Goals:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Friday Saturday
* Your average daily exercise calorie expenditure. This is based on the data you entered. Failure to enter
accurate exercise calories will result in inaccurate results.
Estimated Daily Calorie Requirement Summary: The Values generated are based on
standard formulas. Your actual calorie needs will probably be either slightly higher or lower than the
formula recommendations. This is a starting point. To determine your actual calorie needs, accurately
record all food consumed, weigh yourself daily on an accurate scale. Compare your actual results to
those predicted by the formulas. Adjust accordingly.
Basic calorie
Calories to maintain
weight present weight:
Based on Average exercise
your data calories:
Based on your activity
Calories to lose
Basic + Exercise – 500
0.7 lbs. per week: per pound per week
Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fat Ratio Goals: The PCF ratio is for totals. Each food category should further
defined for the best Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats. All protein should be from either lean animal sources such
as chicken breast or fish or from vegetable sources. All carbohydrates should be low glycemic carbohydrates
(Particularly if there are concerns with blood glucose above 6 mml/l or 100 mg/dl) and all fats should be mostly
polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats with care taken to avoid saturated fats and trans fats.
% of Daily Calories
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Daily Value Goals for ______________ Based on Daily Reference Values
Daily Value
Calories (kcal)
Protein (g)
Calories from Protein
% Calories from Protein
Carbohydrates (g)
Calories from Carbohydrates
% Calories from Carbohydrates
Fat (g)
Calories from Fat
% Calories from Fat
Saturated Fat (g)
Cholesterol (mg)
Total Dietary Fiber (g)
Daily Values for __________ Based on Reference Daily Intake
Fat-Soluble Vitamins:
Daily Value
Vitamin A (IU)
Vitamin D (IU)
Vitamin E (IU)
Vitamin K (mcg)
Water-Soluble Vitamins:
Daily Value
Thiamin (mg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Niacin (mg)
Vitamin B6 (mg)
Folate (mcg)
Vitamin B12 (mcg)
Vitamin C (mg)
Daily Value
Calcium (mg)
Iodine (mcg)
Iron (mg)
Magnesium (mg)
Phosphorus (mg)
Selenium (mcg)
Sodium (mg)
Zinc (mg)
The multi page report you receive will include explanations for each field as well as some tips.
The complete report you will receive after filling out the form will also explain how to implement
the recommendations. This report is a good way to get what you will need to set up your
personal nutrition goals in your own copy of the NutriBase Personal Plus software that came
with this book. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what NutriBase Personal Diet Software can
do for you. You can plan each meal so it is the best possible choice for you. You can make
meal plans and recipes that you can save and go back to anytime you want something quick.
You can generate literally millions of customized reports to help you work with your doctor or
Diet Software as a Diabetic tool
The best diet strategy in the world is only as good as the method of implementing it. Many
popular systems try to make tracking easy and that is their biggest weakness. Some of the
common methods such as the ADA exchanges program and others start with a flawed method
of determining serving sizes such as comparing to a deck of cards or the palm of your hand.
These methods of measuring your portion sizes are inaccurate for a number of reasons.
Food density varies from food to food and even the same food can have different water
Foods will have different thicknesses, especially meats.
Trying to visually determine portion size is inherently inaccurate as most people are not
that good at it. Measure your portion sizes accurately preferably with a food scale or at
least by using measuring cups or spoons.
The major flaw in these methods is tracking just a very limited number of nutrient values. Some
will only track the amount of carbohydrates for example. Our nutrient intake is complex. Very
few foods are one thing such as protein, fat or carbohydrate. Most foods have a mix of these
basic components.
Beyond that, each of the three basic categories has many subcategories. Fat for example can
be further broken down into:
saturated fat
monounsaturated fat,
polyunsaturated fat
trans fats
Each of these then can be further defined. The USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference has at least 40 subcategories for fat. And about 180 nutrients and they do not even
list everything.
Carbohydrates can be further classified as:
Starch (simple and complex)
Sugars, (glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, etc.)
Dietary Fiber.
At his point we have not even started with all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The
point I am making is this: The nutrient composition of food is very complex. Trying to manage a
proper balance manually is a Herculean task. Just presenting all the math and formulas
involved would take several pages. Fortunately with modern computers and the appropriate
software this has become a manageable task.
Good Software Makes Diabetic Diet Control Much Easier
There are three good reasons to use diet software for optimizing your diabetic diet.
The first reason is you will be more successful. Regardless of whether you are using our
diabetic diet strategies or those from other sources, you will be far more successful at
achieving your goals if everything you eat is tracked and analyzed to assure you are doing the
diabetic diet plan the way it is intended.
The second reason is you will take the guesswork out of deciding if you are making good
choices that comply with your diabetic diet plan.
The third reason is you will be able to plan meals with more ease.
Most diabetic diet plans want you to log what you are eating and try to plan what you will eat
based on set guidelines. Trying to follow those guidelines can be very time-consuming and
frustrating, leading to failure.
Good diet software can make planning and analyzing your diabetic diet plan a breeze. The
NutriCoach Diabetic Diet plan we use in this book was developed specifically to be used in
conjunction with good software. The best diet software we know of is NutriBase from
CyberSoft, Inc which has been a leader in nutrition software for years.
Why meal-planning software is critical in learning good dietary control of diabetes, high
cholesterol, weight loss, control of arthritis and other health concerns.
It is fairly common knowledge that dietary control is the best way to control type-2 diabetes,
lower cholesterol, improve heart health, lose weight and a host of other medical conditions. It is
not as commonly known how to achieve a healthy diet.
Nutrition tracking software is a learning tool
Nutrition software is an extremely valuable tool for learning what and how much of each food to
eat. Meal planning for diabetics can become an overwhelming task. Good diet software makes
that task a lot easier by doing the math so you can know what the actual nutrient balance is in
your meal. To obtain optimal results each meal needs to be properly balanced instead of trying
to just get a nutrient balance for the day. The math involved in nutrient analysis could easily
take over an hour if done with paper, pencil and a calculator. Good nutrition tracking software
does this in microseconds. In addition, a good diet planner shows graphs to give you a visual
tool to help you see and understand the nutrient analysis. This adds a key component,
visualization, to enhance the learning curve and simplifies the task of diet analysis. People who
use nutrition software are more successful at reaching their nutrition goals.
The reasons diet software make it easier to reach nutrition goals is easy to understand.
Guesswork is eliminated. When you take a few minutes to plan and analyze a meal before
eating you know you are getting the proper nutrients in the proper amounts. Once you know a
meal works well by comparing results with your blood glucose meter, you know you have a
safe meal for future reference. You have a record of what you have eaten to know what works
and what does not. Your learning curve is reduced. As you do a diet analysis, you start to see
and understand what a good nutrition balance looks like. It becomes easy to make and modify
recipes that support your nutrition goals.
Diet planning software makes meal planning easier
When you are making your meal plans, it is best to see how the nutrient analysis of the meal
looks before making and eating the meal. When you are trying to achieve a well-balanced meal
it is almost impossible to get it right by simply guessing at the appropriate quantities of each
ingredient in your recipe. A good diet tracker will show you what the nutrient balance looks like
and allow you to adjust the quantity of each ingredient to achieve a truly balanced meal plan.
Nutrition software for developing recipes
The old way of making a recipe was combining ingredients strictly for taste and eye appeal.
With the concern for what nutrients are in a recipe, software that shows the nutrients while a
recipe is being compiled is becoming more and more important. Meal planning software that
does this is the answer. This is particularly important for people who have diabetes, high
cholesterol, heart conditions and other medical conditions that are affected by diet.
Nutrition tracking software can also save you money.
In addition to giving you better control of your dietary intake the better diet planners also
produce shopping list so you are only buying the food you will be eating, cutting down on
waste. Let‗s face it. If you are buying fresh meat, fish, and produce, you can expect significant
spoilage if it is being bought without a good meal plan for using it. Beside the food savings,
there are the reduced medical expenses.
If you get really healthy you won‗t be buying as many medicines, paying for visits to the
dietician as often and possibly even fewer doctors visits. My software has paid for its self many
times over.
I use NutriBase Personal plus which I believe is the best personal nutrition software available.
Whether you are using the NutriCoach dietary recommendations or following some other
nutrition plan, nutrition software can be your best tool in understanding and implementing the
I am a fanatic about nutrition and diabetic diet planning. I started with a little hand-held device
that got me started but cost more than the NutriBase 6 Personal Plus that I eventually ended
up using after trying several others. I now use NutriBase Clinical but it is over kill for most
personal needs. Like I said I am a fanatic and it allows me to track about 168 different
nutrients. All versions of NutriBase will work for you but I recommend NutriBase Personal Plus.
Measuring results
Use your Glucose Meter to Test for Blood Glucose Levels
Why self-test blood glucose levels?
Testing enables you to see how certain foods, activities, and situations may impact your blood
glucose levels. It can also help you and your diabetes care team evaluate how effective, or
ineffective, a new treatment routine or change in medication is. For people who take insulin,
self-testing allows for more accurate dosage adjustments. Very similar to the way your
bathroom scale is your best guage for determining if your weight loss strategy is working, your
glucose meter is your best way to tell if your glucose control strategies are working.
Regardless of any diet recommendations, carb counts, low glycemic list or any other source;
your glucose meter is the final deciding factor in determining whether a particular food is good
or bad for you.
The ADA suggests that people with type-1 diabetes and pregnant women taking insulin test
their blood glucose levels at least three times a day.
There is no official recommendation for daily testing frequency for type-2 diabetes; however
the ADA does state that testing should be frequent enough to achieve blood glucose goals,
and both type-1 and type-2 patients should test more often when their treatment regimen is
My suggestion is to test as often as you need to determine how your body is reacting to certain
foods. Initially this may be as much as 8 times per day. Once you are well controlled you may
only need to test frequently when you are trying new foods. I think testing at least once a day
for a well controlled type-2 diabetic helps remind you of your goals and shows you if you are
staying on track with your glucose control strategy.
What kind of blood glucose monitor?
There are a wide variety of blood glucose monitors to choose from, from stripped down singlereading meters to models with computer compatibility, alarms, and backlights.
Think about the functions that are important to you. For example, if you like seeing trend data
on your glucose readings, a meter that has extensive memory may be for you. People with
vision impairment may prefer a large display, or an adaptive meter with voice reading
capabilities. Size may also matter; if you prefer an unobtrusive glucose monitor that can be
used discretely you‗ll want something small and easy to handle. Your certified diabetes
educator or pharmacist is a good source of information on what blood glucose monitor may be
right for you. This will vary by country, but in most places, they will give you the monitor when
you buy a certain amount of test strips. It is more important to know the price of the test strips
than the price of the glucose monitor Most meters on the market today read blood plasma, the
same standard that is used in a clinical setting (many older meters provide whole blood
Consider the following features when deciding on a blood glucose monitor:
Size and user-friendliness: Is it convenient for your needs and easy-to-use?
Time to readout: How long does the meter take to display results?
Memory: How many test results will the meter s memory hold, and does it have the
capability of averaging results for a designated time period?
Trend data and computer compatibility: Does the meter interface with a computer
and allow you to download meter results and generate blood glucose trend
Battery life and availability: Will battery power last a reasonable amount of time, and
are the batteries easily available at a local store or must they be special ordered?
Blood sample size: Does the meter require a minimal amount of blood, or do you have
to open a vein to get a reading?
Alternative site testing: Some meters allow you to test blood samples from the
forearm and other sites beyond the fingertips.
Cost: Factor in the cost of test strips when evaluating your meter purchase.
Multi-tasking: Some blood glucose monitors double as blood ketone testers (Precision
Xtra; MediSense) and insulin injection devices (InDuo; NovoNordisk)
Adaptive technology: If you have vision impairments, you may need a meter that
speaks your results.
Bells and whistles: Glow-in-the-dark cases, backlighting, and swappable faceplates
are just a few of the other features today‗s blood glucose meters can offer.
What other supplies do you need?
All meters require test strips to operate a small chemically treated strip that slides into the
meter. After insertion, a drop of blood is placed on the opposite end of the strip that protrudes
from the meter, and the meter reads the glucose level and displays the number on the screen.
Some monitors use test strip drums, which are self-enclosed spools of strips that automatically
load without user intervention. Small children and adults who have difficulties with their fine
motor skills may find this type of monitor easier to use.
You‗ll also need a lancet (a small, fine needle) to get a blood sample for testing. Lancets are
inserted into a lancet device a spring-loaded mechanism about the size and shape of a pen. A
dial allows the user to adjust the depth of the lancet stick. Typically there is a button that you
push to release the lancet into a fingertip or other site to draw a blood sample. Lancets come in
different gauges; the higher the gauge, the finer (i.e., thinner) the needle. Higher gauge
needles are less painful, but they also may create a smaller blood sample.
Your blood glucose monitor may also come with control solution (for calibrating the monitor per
manufacturer s directions for use) and a carrying case.
You are now ready to install your trial software.
If you have read this far and understand what you have read it is time to install your trial
software and get started. Install the included software on your computer. You can download
the software at
It is a large file and may take up to 12 minutes on a high speed connection. If you are on dial
up you may want to get the download accelerator from When you
click on the link you will be asked to install or save the file. Select save the file and note where
it is saved to. (if you forget to do this step you can find it by doing a search on your computer
for (file name added here)) A complete NutriBase user‗s manual can be downloaded at
After the download is complete open the install file you just downloaded. Close all other open
programs and begin the installation. When the install is complete you are ready to set up your
copy for your use. This is where the Diet assessment will be very handy.
Use Your User's Manual. If you don't have a hard copy User's Manual, print one. This
document provides instructions for every feature of the software. The NutriBase Setup program
places a shortcut to this User‗s Manual on your Windows Desktop… click it to view and print
your User's Manual.
The Table of Contents and the Index of Topics are your keys to finding what you need to
know. Your User‗s Manual‗s Table of Contents and Index are designed to point you to the
section of the manual that will provide you step-by-step instructions.
Tutorial. NutriBase is "robust." It can do a lot of things for you. The first time you start
NutriBase, you're liable to ask yourself "What do I do first?" We've provided a tutorial to help
you get started and it starts on page 11 of the NutriBase User‗s manual.
New User Help. When NutriBase starts for the first time, a "New User Help Screen" appears.
The icons on this window take you to Help Topics for new users. Please click the items of
interest and get acquainted with NutriBase. Remember, when you see text that is highlighted,
you can click it to jump to the topic described by the green underlined text. Click the box
labeled "Don't show this screen again." to remove this screen.
Learn How to Reposition and/or Resize Your Windows. This is a basic windows skill that
you must learn.
NutriBase supports multiple open screens. It is designed to not run full screen. This makes it
practical for you to have multiple windows open at once. You may resize and reposition the
windows as desired - NutriBase will remember the sizes and positions of all your windows for
you. What you don't want is for your windows to open up on top of each other in the center of
your screen and covering each other up. Manipulating windows is a basic mouse-oriented skill
that you will need to master to use NutriBase effectively. Check the information in the
NutriBase user‗s manual for help with this.
"How To…" Topics The NutriBase Tutorial shows you how to do some basic things with the
software. But for step-by-step "how to" instructions for performing any of over 150 NutriBase
functions, look at the "How To‖ sections listed in the Table of Contents of the NutriBase
User‗s manual.
Customize Your Tool Bar. You can control the look and size of your icons. You can include
captions. You can select which icons to include. Take a moment to customize your Tool Bar
either now or after you've had the chance to work with NutriBase for a while and get the feel for
which tools you use most often. See page 7 of the user‗s manual.
User Preferences. Click the "Prefs" option in the Menu Bar above your Tool Bar Icons. Click
through all of the Tabs to see the options you can set. Since you may not be familiar with the
software at this time, you may want to hold off making changes until after you've used
NutriBase for a while. Return to this screen any time to tweak your preferences as desired.
See page 61of the NutriBase Manual.
Set up Your Fitness Manager Preferences Before You Use the Fitness Manager. This
way, all calculations are based on your choices rather than the default fitness formulas set up
in NutriBase. Click ―Prefs‖ in the Menu Bar at the top of the NutriBase Screen. Click the
Fitness Tab. Make changes if desired. It is not necessary for you to modify these options
unless you feel you are qualified to do so. Once you are happy with the settings, click the Okay
NutriBase Loves Large Monitors with High Screen Resolutions. The larger your monitor
and the higher your screen resolution, the more information you can see at once. The
minimum recommended screen resolution is 1280 x 1024 pixels. A resolution of 1200 x 1600
or greater is much better. NutriBase supports multiple open windows. Your imagination is the
limit to the number of screen layouts that are possible.
NutriBase Supports Multiple Monitors. If you have two monitors connected to your
computer, all the better...
NutriBase was designed to take advantage of multiple monitors.
Play with the Software for a Day, then Reinstall to Start "Clean" One thing can hamper
your progress in learning NutriBase (or any other software) is fear. There's really no need to be
afraid to try anything. You can't hurt anything permanently by trying new things. Consider
playing with NutriBase and trying a wide variety of things with the software for a day or two.
When you have experimented and tried everything you wanted to try, you can uninstall the
software, and then reinstall it to start fresh. For some users, this is a good way to encourage
themselves to be bold during the learning process.
The first thing you will want to do is to log yourself on as a client. (The NutriBase software sees
you as a client.) Your NutriBase Personal Plus software is a slightly scaled down version of
professional nutrition software used by Nutrition professionals with hundreds or even
thousands of clients. Where the instructions refer to clients, think of yourself as the client.
Client Functions "How To" Topics The Client Setups Icon allows you to perform a variety of
client-related tasks. You can "log on" (add) new clients. (You normally need to log on a client
before you can record their food intake.)You can modify the goals and personal information for
existing clients. You can delete clients. You can select and modify nutrient goals and nutrient
How to Log on a New Client
1) This option lets you log a new client on to your system. Once you've logged on a client, you
can begin recording and saving intakes for that client. You must have an active client logged
on to save an intake. To log on a new client:
2) Click the Client Icon to open the Client Setups dialog, then click the "Log on a New Client"
option. In the Client Log On dialog box, click the Calendar Button in the upper left corner and
select the start date. The current date will be offered. (If today's date is okay, there's no need
to click the Calendar Button.)
3) If you are using NutriBase Clinical or higher edition, you can click the Contact Button in the
upper right corner to enter your client's contact information (Email address, phone, etc.).
4) Fill in the information requested by the form. The section concerning body fat content is
5) To track your client's body fat content, you must know your client's body fat content. Fill in
the sections that ask you for your client's current body fat content (in % body fat) and desired
body fat content.
a) If you want to specify the duration (in weeks) of your "program" (your nutrition/exercise
regime), click the "Calculate loss/gain based on program duration" radio button. Otherwise, just
tell the software how much weight you wish to gain or lose per week.
b) If you want to enter a client's workout and have NutriBase calculate the calories expended
for you, click the Calc Button.
c) If your client wishes to lose weight, NutriBase assumes that all weight loss will be Fat. It
is suggested that you recommend an exercise regimen to support the loss of body fat.
d) Click the Fat Chart Button to view suggested % Body Fat values for women and men.
e) Click the Update Button to update any calculations NutriBase should make based on the
values you have entered for body weight and body fat values.
f) If your client is trying to gain weight, NutriBase assumes that all weight gain is lean body
mass when in updates the "Desired % Body Fat" value.
g) To override any of the calculated values, check the "Calculation Override" box.
6) Click the Next Button. This takes you to the Goal Summary. Click the Button for a variety of
options, including the use of an Injury Factor (also called the Stress Factor), entering RMR
directly, etc. NutriBase normally uses the AEA Tables for children 18 years old and under. You
can use this option to change the way calorie needs for children (or anyone, really) are
calculated… just click the formula you would prefer to use rather than the AEA Tables. This
option is useful for children who are unusually heavy or light for their age. For more information
on this, just click the Help Button on this window.
7) If you would like NutriBase to recalculate your caloric needs on a daily basis, check
the box for the item labeled ―Adjust goals daily based on current weight‖. This will tell
NutriBase to calculate your calorie requirements based on the log-on information you entered
and the latest body weight. NutriBase also recalculates your goals for Protein, Carbs, Fat and
Saturated Fat since these values are based on a percentage of calories.
8) After you complete the Goal Summary, click the Next Button again
Help is always available to help you with using your NutriBase software. There are video
tutorials on as well as email support from Toma or Ed. Additional help can be found in the
forums at
Now that your software is installed and set up it is time to do some practical exercises to
become familiar with how to use the software. There are four functions you are going to find
particularly helpful in controlling your blood glucose. They are the intake, recipe, meal, and
Personal Food Items (PFI) functions of NutriBase.
Let’s start with the recipe function.
Look for the recipe Icon on the NutriBase tool bar. Click on it. (The Recipe instructions in the
NutriBase manual may be helpful here, Page 31-34) In the Recipe Manager click on create.
You will be asked to either enter a byline or no byline. When you are doing original recipes
enter your byline. (these can later be added to the NutriBase recipe file sharing option at
After you select the byline option ―Edit a recipe‖ will open. First give the recipe a name. Let‗s
make a recipe for TABOULI
3 cups of finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
1/2 cup of finely chopped fresh mint
4 or 5 finely chopped spring onions (with the green parts)
4 ripe, medium size tomatoes, chopped into small cubes
1 cup of medium burghul (cracked wheat)
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 jalapeno pepper, de-seeded, chopped fine (optional)
5 TBS good olive oil
Rinse burghul several times and then soak in cold water for about twenty minutes.
Chop the tomatoes (small dice).
Clean the parsley and remove the large stems (you want mostly leaves). Chop fine.
Put the burghul in a sieve to drain.
Trim the spring onions, and chop them into 1/4" lengths.
Put the drained burghul and tomato in a large mixing or serving bowl. Add pepper, allspice,
lemon juice, olive oil, mint, parsley, and optional minced jalapeno.
Taste for seasoning. If too dry, you can add additional lemon juice.
Toss well.
Tabouli benefits from resting - you can cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave in the
refrigerator for a few hours or overnight, tossing occasionally. Serve with cabbage or lettuce
leaves - scoop some tabouli into a leaf and enjoy!
Portions 4-6
I copied this recipe from one I entered on Diabetic-Diet-secrets in the recipe section. In your
recipe editor you will start by entering the ingredients.
Click on search and a new window will appear.
Find the first ingredient by entering parsley into the search box.
Click on search and a new window will appear.
Select parsley, raw, 1cup
Click on the recipe Icon in the lower part of the box then confirm when the little window
A little window asking for the serving size will appear with cup highlighted and 1 in the
Enter serving amount box.
Change the 1 to 3
Close the search results window.
You now have Parsley #cups entered into your recipe.
Repeat this for each ingredient.
Click on the Directions tab in the recipe editor in the row to the right.
Add the directions
Click save (also in the row to the right in the recipe manager.)
Congratulations! You have now made your first recipe in NutriBase. By entering all of your
favorite recipes your work will get a lot easier as we start using NutriBase and controlling our
Recipes can be added to either ―Meals‖ or ―Intake‖ there will be more upfront work but much
easier later.
Now enter the recipe for Halibut
Halibut with Lemon-Herb Mayonnaise
1/4 cup Helman's Half the Fat Mayonnaise
zest and juice of 1/2 a lemon
2 teaspoons finely chopped tarragon
2 teaspoons finely chopped shallots
4 halibut fillets, about 6 ounces each
freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh dill
2 cloves garlic
In a small bowl combine the mayonnaise, lemon zest, lemon juice, tarragon and shallots. (This
can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator.)
Season the halibut fillets with dill, lemon juice and pepper. Let set for 15 minutes.
While pan is warming, slice the garlic cloves into very thin slices across the clove. In a large
nonstick skillet, heat the oil over low heat and sauté the garlic.
Add the halibut fillets and slow cook the fillets until done. The fish will be white in appearance
and flake when cut with a fork. Do not overcook the fish as this destroys the texture and
tenderness. Slightly undercooked fish is preferable to over cooked fish.
Serve each fillet with a dollop of lemon-herb mayonnaise.
portions 4
The second function to learn is ―meal‖. It works much like the recipe editor.
Click on the Create tab
First, name the meal.
Click the search tab.
Search this time in the recipe tab for tabouli
Select tabouli in the search screen and click the search button.
Then click the display button at the bottom of the window.
A new window will open again add the tabouli to the meal by clicking the meal button in
the Edit a recipe window. Click the appropriate options in the two small windows that
open then close the ―edit recipe window‖
Repeat this for halibut.
We now have two recipe items for our meal but we want to add other things that we do not
have a recipe for.
We will add broccoli, blueberries and a non-dairy whipped cream topping. Repeat the above
procedure but this time instead of adding recipe items we will be adding 1 cup of broccoli, 1
cup of blueberries and 3 tablespoons of whipped cream topping. (non-dairy)
Take a look at the balance of this meal. The nutrient balance can be changed by changing the
serving size of each component. See how easy it is to get it to balance to a PCF ratio of 20-5030.
The next item to learn is the intake function.
When you click on the intake Icon it will open a calendar where you select the date. Click on
―OK‖ It will open your intake recorder where what you eat every meal and snack for every day
will be recorded. It will function very similar to the ―Recipe Manager‖ and the ―Meal Manager‖
when you use the ―Intake Recorder‖ you can enter items either as individual foods, recipes or
complete meals. When you set up the recipes and meals you will be saving a lot of time when
you go back to use recipes and meals that you already know work well for you in controlling
your blood glucose.
The fourth function is for Personal food items.
Even with the data base of over 34,000 foods you will occasionally find a food that is not in the
data base. You can add any additional food with the Personal food items. (PFI on the tools bar)
the function is very similar to what you have already learned.
There are many more functions in the NutriBase software that you will earn as you progress
with it. Particularly interesting is the reports function. With the reports you can generate reports
that can be very helpful when working with your medical support team.
Very rich people can have a Dietician and cook do this for them if they can find someone who
already has the knowledge about how to do it. You and I can do it for ourselves. You have this
book to get you started. You also have resources are to help
you learn more. You now have the tools. It is now up to you to learn all you need to know and
take control of your diabetes.
Chapter 15. Cooking methods are as important as food selection.
Selecting the proper food preparation method is equally important as selecting the right foods.
Some foods require cooking while others are best whole and live. Cooking methods affect
nutrition of the foods you eat. There are several factors in cooking that affect the mutation value
of the foods we eat. Improving your cooking methods can improve your health.
Cooking methods to avoid:
Grilling, Smoking, high temp fat frying and boiling.
Grilling is a very popular method of
cooking in North America particularly in
the summer. There are two major
problems with grilling. First, most grilling
involves fat in one form or another
subjected to direct flame. This transforms
the fat creating free radicals, which are
known to be carcinogenic. Second, the
fuels used to barbeque produce toxins
that are transferred to the foods.
Charcoal and wood are the worst
offenders but even propane has its
Does charred meat really cause cancer?
The American Institute for Cancer Research doesn‗t mince its words. “Cancer researchers
have found that grilling … causes “muscle meats” (red meat, poultry and fish) to produce
cancer compounds.”
These compounds, called HCAs (heterocyclic amines), have been shown to cause tumors in
animals and increase the possible risk of breast, colon, stomach and prostate cancer in
Another cancer-causing substance forms when fat from meat, poultry or fish drips onto hot coals
or wood and then, via smoke and flare-ups, is deposited onto the food above. These
carcinogens are called PAHs or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Some years back there was some confusion about barbecued foods containing a cancercausing substance called benzo(a)pyrene. Studies showed that the cooking temperature, type
of fuel used, and the fat content of the meat all affect the amount of benzo(a)pyrene that is
formed. The most benzo(a)pyrene is the result of charcoal grilling and gas grilling, when the gas
flame is below the meat. Additional factors are; grilling closer to the heat source, grilling meats
with more fat, grilling for a long period of time.
Smoked meat is contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
another carcinogen created when fat from meat drips onto hot coals
and sends smoke back up into the meat. In addition, cooking meat
over charcoal emits air-polluting compounds including hydrocarbons,
furans, steroids, and pesticide residues.
High temp fat frying
Ok, this will be a hard one for some, but we would not have
your better interests at heart if we held back on the truth.
We believe that frying and deep-frying are major causes of
cancer - and there is plenty of scientific evidence to
support this.
As you consider the following, may we again remind you
that you do not have to give up anything - you only have to
switch to using better alternatives. Whatever you have fried
in the past can be baked and, because your taste buds will
not be coated in oil, your food will taste so much better especially if you bake at a temperature not exceeding
160C- 320F. Whatever you have sautéed in the past can
be sautéed in cold pressed sesame oil provided you do so at a low temperature.
Frying - Be Warned!
What happens in frying? Temperatures up to 600-700
degrees F. may be obtained. If fried foods become burned
or scorched, temperatures up to 1000 or 1100 degrees F.
may have been reached. At these temperatures ``cis'' fatty
acids are converted to ``trans'' fatty acids . . . in other words,
the unsaturated fats behave as if they were saturated. Thus,
fried foods are more likely than un-fried foods to increase
the likelihood of hardening of the arteries. When fat is
reheated to frying temperatures the second time, as in a
deep fryer [or a popcorn vendor], the fat is more likely to
develop the cancer producing agent acrolein.' (Dr Agatha Thrash, Nutrition for Vegetarians, p.
The dangers to health of frying and deep-frying result from rapid oxidation and other chemical
changes that take place when oils are subjected to high temperature in the presence of light and
First, antioxidants in the oil (vitamin E and carotene) are used up.
Then, frying and deep-frying produce free radicals that start chain reactions in oil
Under these conditions, many chemical changes take place in oils. Frying and deep-frying
produce some trans- fatty acids. These are the least harmful of the altered molecules produced
by these processes but still not good for you. The food companies such as Kentucky Fried
Chicken, Mc Donald‗s and all the others who deep fat fry foods and claim 0 trans fat are guilty of
misleading advertising. They are now starting with cooking oils that are trans fat free when they
start but as just described their foods still have trans fat, just less and the regulations allow them
to claim the food is trans fat free. The danger is in the free radicals produced.
Other oxidation products are far more toxic than trans- fatty acids.
Scores of unnatural breakdown, dimer, and polymer products with unknown effects on health
are produced by frying and deep-frying. Frying with oils once will not kill us, and so [this
practice] seems harmless. Our body copes with toxic substances. But over 10, 20, or 30 years,
our cells accumulate altered and toxic products for which they have not evolved efficient
detoxifying mechanisms. The altered and toxic substances interfere with our body's life
chemistry, our `bio-chemistry'. Cells then degenerate, and these degenerative processes
manifest as degenerative diseases. (Udo Erasmus, Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, pg. 125,126)
Boiling vegetables impairs anti-cancer properties.
The anti-cancer properties of Brassica vegetables,
namely broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels
sprouts, are well-known. However, boiling such
vegetables severely impairs their potential health
benefits, as a new UK study has reported.
Researchers from Warwick University purchased a
selection of Brassica vegetables and evaluated the
impact of different storage and different cooking
methods on concentrations of glucosinolates. These are
constituents of Brassica vegetables which are
metabolized in the body to become substances known
as isothiocyanates. These substances are thought to reduce the risk of some cancers.
The results showed that boiling the vegetables for 30 minutes reduced levels of glucosinolates
by 58% to 77%, depending upon the vegetable. Steaming, stir frying or microwaving the
vegetables had a negligible effect on levels of glucosinolates. Storing vegetables at ambient or
refrigeration temperatures resulted in minor losses of glucosinolates. Freezing had a more
severe impact, due to the thawing process.
It was concluded that people should avoid boiling vegetables in order to gain the maximum
nutritional benefits.
For more information, see Song & Thornalley (2007). Effect of storage, processing and cooking
on glucosinolate content of Brassica vegetables. Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Vol 45, pg
216-24. The effect of different cooking methods on folate retention in various foods that are
amongst the major contributors to folate intake in the UK diet
Folate intake is strongly influenced by various methods of cooking that can degrade the natural
forms of the vitamin in foods.
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of different cooking methods on folate
retention in various foods that contribute to folate intake in the UK diet.
Typical purchasing and cooking practices of representative food folate sources were determined
from a questionnaire survey of local shoppers (n 100). Total folate was determined by
microbiological assay (Lactobacillus casei NCIMB 10463) following thermal extraction and trienzyme (-amylase, protease and conjugase) treatment in raw foods and after typical methods of
Boiling for typical time periods resulted in only 49 % retention of folate in spinach (191·8 and
94·4 g/100 g for raw and boiled spinach respectively; P<0·005), and only 44 % in broccoli
(177·1 and 77·0 g/100 g for raw and boiled broccoli respectively, P<0·0001).
Steaming of spinach or broccoli, in contrast, resulted in no significant decrease in folate content,
even for the maximum steaming periods of 4·5 min (spinach) and 15·0 min (broccoli).
Prolonged grilling of beef for the maximum period of 16·0 min did not result in a significant
decrease in folate content (54·3 and 51·5 g/100 g for raw and grilled beef respectively).
Compared with raw values, boiling of whole potatoes (skin and flesh) for 60·0 min did not result
in a significant change in folate content (125·1 and 102·8 g/100 g for raw and boiled potato
respectively), nor was there any effect on folate retention whether or not skin was retained
during boiling.
These current results show that the retention of folate in various foods is highly dependent both
on the food in question and the method of cooking. Thus, public health efforts to increase folate
intake in order to improve folate status should incorporate practical advice on cooking.
Authors: McKillop D.J.1; Pentieva K.*1; Daly D.1; McPartlin J.M.1; Hughes J.1; Strain J.J.1;
Scott J.M.1; McNulty H.1
Source: British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 88, Number 6, December 2002 , pp. 681-688(8)
Publisher: CABI Publishing
Chapter 16. Exercise – Pat’s Story
What, I need to exercise too??.....Pat’s story
Patricia A. Sonnenstuhl BSN, CNM, CHT, HBCE, MS Midwifery, CPPI
Toma asked me to write a little chapter on exercise. Research is more and more supporting the
notion that regular exercise is so beneficial for everyone, and needs to be instituted early in our
lives, and become a regular habit. Insulin resistance is improved by regular exercise. It seems
to make the cells more responsive to the insulin and glucose. Exercise improves the
cardiovascular system, and keeps all of the joints and muscles lubricated and moving! It has
been well documented that Physical exercise can improve both your mental and physical health.
There are many great benefits to regular exercise. A list of fairly current articles on the web
follow this chapter. Here are some of the key points for you to ponder:
Exercise improves your mood.
Exercise stimulates various brain chemicals, which may leave you feeling happier and more
relaxed than you were before you worked out. You'll also look better and feel better when you
exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Exercise
even reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. Exercise can help alleviate stress and make
you more productive. This is why choosing exercise you enjoy and can stick with it.
I attend a water fitness class three days a week. It starts at 7:30 in the morning, which is fine, as
I am an early riser. But, driving to the class, I am thinking to myself, wondering what the heck I
am doing. By the time I am done an hour later, I feel terrific, and I have done a good, enjoyable
exercise workout for the day. The endorphins are flowing, I feel good, and my body really
appreciates it.
The time is convenient, the instructor is great, and my body feels good when I am done. What
more can I ask for?
Exercise can put the spark back into your sex life.
Are you too tired to have sex? Or feeling too out of shape to enjoy physical intimacy? Exercise
to the rescue.
Regular exercise can leave you feeling energized and looking better, which may have a positive
effect on your sex life. Exercise improves your circulation, which can lead to more satisfying
sex. And men who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction
than are men who don't exercise, especially as they get older.
Exercise combats chronic diseases.
Regular exercise can help you prevent — or manage — high blood pressure. It helps to keep
your blood vessels healthy, and moving. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
Regular exercise seems to boost high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol while
decreasing low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad," cholesterol. This one-two punch keeps your
blood flowing smoothly by lowering the buildup of plaques in your arteries.
Regular exercise can help you prevent type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and certain types of
cancer. It seems to improve how your cells use insulin and glucose. Aerobic exercise improves
cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and flexibility. Exercise pumps more blood through
your veins. This increases the size of your arteries, prevents fat from clogging your arteries and
helps prevent blood clots. A strong heart does not have to work so hard so you are less likely to
have a heart attack.
Regular exercise improves the joints and muscles, and even sore or stiff joints feel better after
an appropriate exercise session. The water fitness class I mentioned is especially good for
joints, muscles and arthritic joints. You can do water fitness in deep water, never touching the
bottom of the pool, and I can do things in the water that I can‗t do on land. It also makes me feel
lighter. Now, explain that one!
Your lungs will also benefit from exercise as they become better conditioned so that activities
such as climbing stairs will not make you out of breath. Muscles that are not used become small
and inelastic, but aerobic exercise will help tone your body by increasing muscle size, strength
and flexibility while burning calories.
Exercise helps you manage your weight.
When you exercise, you burn calories. The more intensely you exercise, the more calories you
burn — and the easier it is to keep your weight under control. You don't even need to set aside
major chunks of time for working out. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk during your
lunch break. Do jumping jacks during commercials. Better yet, turn off the TV and take a brisk
walk. Dedicated workouts are great, but activity you accumulate throughout the day helps you
burn calories, too. Current recommendations include short bursts of exercise as being better
than none at all. So, if you have fifteen minutes to walk somewhere, do it!!
Exercise promotes better sleep.
It appears that some form of regular exercise can assist you in sleeping at night. A good night's
sleep can improve your concentration, productivity and mood. Regular exercise can help you fall
asleep faster and deepen your sleep. The timing is up to you — but if you're having trouble
sleeping, you might want to try late afternoon workouts. The natural dip in body temperature five
to six hours after you exercise might help you fall asleep. Regular physical activity can improve
your mood and the way you feel about yourself. Researchers also have found that exercise is
likely to reduce depression and anxiety and help you to better manage stress.
Exercise can be — gasp — fun!
Exercise doesn't have to be drudgery. Take a ballroom dancing class. Check out a local
climbing wall or hiking trail. Push your kids on the swings or climb with them on the jungle gym.
Plan a neighborhood kickball or touch football game. Find an activity you enjoy, and go for it. If
you get bored, try something new. If you're moving, it counts!
With any healthy eating plan, exercise of some kind needs to be basic.
Over the years I have realized that exercise needs to be convenient, fun and enjoyable.
Perhaps my story will inspire you. I am in many ways a sedentary person, spending hours in
one day working on my computer on various projects. But though the years I have realized the
value of exercise. It is the one thing I can intentionally do, in addition to making healthy food
choices about my diet.
I have several suggestions for you about exercise. Now, let me explain. I am not an exercise
freak. I remember walking to school when I was in junior high school and high school. I know it
was lots of miles, and that was before backpacks and rolling suitcases. So, I walked carrying my
books to and from school. I had never enjoyed exercise, especially anything that required
running. From about 3rd grade on, I have had a weight issue, trying a variety of eating plans
and sometimes more dramatic things like Dexedrine in 9th grade, that caused my heart to
In the late 1970s we moved to a house that was on the top of a hill. Now, how the heck do you
exercise when you need to go up and down a hill all the time? My husband would ride his bike
to and from work, and took on that hill every day. But, that was not something I was willing to
do. I was also raising elementary age children, so getting regular exercise was challenging.
In the early 1980s we moved to a community in which walking was much easier, and I did try to
get into a regular pattern of exercise. I also was smoking at that time, and finally decided to quit.
I recommend stopping smoking if at all possible, and needed to be a good example for my
clients. I started to increase my exercise by swimming walking, and biking. I had a brief period
of depression, and regular exercise helped me improvise my depression, and gave me
something I could accomplish every day. When I moved to Tacoma, WA in 1986, I tried walking
whenever I could. That is when I became addicted to books on tape, and realized I could read a
book and walk at the same time. The north end of Tacoma is lovely, many old homes, so
walking there was very pleasant. I was on call at one of the local hospitals, so I would walk
when I didn‗t have a client in labor.
In 1989 we moved to our current home in Olympia, WA. It is on a quiet street, and I established
early a walking path that took me up hills and down, and gave me a good 45 minute workout.
When the arthritis started in my left knee, I changed my path a bit, but still try and walk 45
minutes a day. I found that walking in the morning was my best time, so it is not unusual to see
me venturing out come rain or shine.
I also have tried some of the circuit fitness programs such as Curves. I improved my balance,
but to be honest I didn‗t see much change in my weight or body distribution, despite regular
workouts. A gym or fitness center has never appealed to me, but I am sure it would be nice to
have a personal trainer, and someone to help motivate me and help me find just the perfect
exercises for me. Several years ago, I discovered a water fitness program near my home, and
am a loyal participant. I have found that it is invigorating, and it is an hour of a nice workout,
moving myself along at the best pace possible. Water fitness is promoted as being a great
venue for folks who need to nurture their joints back to health.
I can‗t claim that the regular exercise I do results in a dramatic weight loss. I am stable at the
same weight I have been at for quite a few years now. At 63, my goal is to keep my lab values
within a normal range, and to avoid gaining extra weight. I would like to release about 50
pounds, and continue to eat in healthy ways, but I am enjoying life.
My final comments about exercise are:
1. Look for the benefits that you need. There are many and they will change as you age.
For example, biking is very difficult for me now. I used to love it, but my knees scream
when I try bike.
2. Find types of exercise that you enjoy. There are many opportunities out there to find
the exercise that works best for you. Of course, walking is free, and we can always find
somewhere to walk.
3. Schedule sessions in your days. Schedule something for every day. Then if you need
to skip a day, you will still have the other days. Don‗t be hard on yourself if you need to
miss an exercise session. Just start in again the next day. It really is only about an hour
out of your day, so schedule it like you would any other appointment.
References and additional information:
Physical Activity Fundamental To Preventing Disease
Specific Health Benefits of Exercise
Are the Benefits of Exercise Related to the Timing of Meals?
Exercise and Well-Being: A Review of Mental and Physical Health Benefits Associated
With Physical Activity
Why should I be active?
Chapter 17. Diabetic eye care
This section by Dr.Paul Chous M.A. O.D.
Diabetic retinopathy, damage to the smallest blood vessels lining the light sensitive film at the
back inside wall of the eye, is the leading cause of severe vision loss and blindness in
Americans of working age. Both the landmark Diabetes Complications and Control Trial (DCCT)
and the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) demonstrated that tighter control
of blood sugar significantly reduces the chances of developing or worsening diabetic retinopathy
in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, respectively. The UKPDS also demonstrated that
tighter control of any high blood pressure greatly reduces the risk of vision loss in patients with
type 2 diabetes. Even with tighter control of blood glucose and blood pressure, however, many
patients still lose vision to diabetic retinopathy.
Although laser treatment of severe diabetic retinopathy has been proven to greatly lower the risk
of severe vision loss, much attention is now focused on preventing and minimizing this common
diabetes complication with drugs that are used to treat other medical conditions, including blood
pressure medicines like the so-called angiotensin receptor blockers‗(ARBs), statin‗ drugs that
lower cholesterol (e.g. Lipitor), diabetes drugs and various nutritional supplements (e.g.
benfotiamine, curcumin and pine bark extract). It is interesting to note, however, that relatively
little attention with respect to diabetic eye disease has been paid to the one substance every
single person with diabetes ingests – food. In my view, this is a major mistake because day to
day dietary choices may dramatically impact our health, including the health of our eyes.
A recent paper appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, for instance, showed that
non-diabetic patients with age-related macular degeneration (the leading cause of severe vision
loss in the US) were much more likely to have severe vision loss if they consumed diets having
a high overall glycemic index,‗ that is, diets containing higher amounts of refined carbohydrates
that are converted rapidly by the body into glucose. Although use of the glycemic index in
diabetes care is somewhat controversial for a number of valid reasons, it is interesting to note
that high glycemic index foods, like potatoes, white bread and rice are known to simultaneously
raise blood glucose levels and levels of inflammation in body tissues, and that presence of
inflammatory proteins within the retina is one of the first and most consistent features of both
diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.
Perhaps more to the point is a post hoc nutritional analysis of DCCT patients showing that the
rate at which diabetic retinopathy worsens was directly correlated with total calories consumed,
the total amount of fat consumed (especially saturated fats and monounsaturated fats), lower
intake of dietary fiber, and cigarette smoking. The positive correlation of saturated and
monounsaturated fat, and the negative association of dietary fiber with retinopathy progression
and other well established retinopathy risk factors (like high blood pressure and glycosylated
hemoglobin) in this study suggest but do not prove that animal-based food products promote
retinopathy much more than plant-based products. Animal products are high in saturated and
monounsaturated fat, and have no dietary fiber.
So what should we eat to avoid vision loss from diabetes? My recommendation is to eat an antiinflammatory diet that emphasizes low glycemic index vegetables, nuts and whole grains, with a
minimum of 25 grams of dietary fiber daily. There is much evidence that this so-called
Mediterranean Diet aids in weight loss and maintenance, prevents atherosclerosis and heart
disease, and helps stabilize blood glucose levels so it is very well-suited for patients with
diabetes. Avoiding foods containing refined carbohydrate, high amounts of (especially animal)
fat, and limiting total calories consumed will not only reduce the risk of severe retinopathy, but
other small and large blood vessel complications of diabetes. Finally, please remember to do
whatever it takes to stop smoking cigarettes and talk with your eye care specialist about dietary
choices that promote healthy eyes and good vision.
The Top 10 Ways To Avoid Losing Your Vision To Diabetes
1. Keep your average blood glucose as close to normal as possible (less than 100) but at
least less than 150. Study after study shows that the closer blood sugar levels are kept
to normal, the less risk there is of diabetic retinopathy.
2. Keep your hemoglobin-A-1-c (HbA1c) levels less than 6.5%. For HbA1c levels under
8%, each ten percent reduction (for example, reducing HbA1c from 8% to 7.2%) cuts the
risk of diabetic retinopathy progression almost in half; above an HbA1c of 8%, the risk
reduction is even greater.
3. Try to keep your lowest low blood sugar and your highest high blood sugar as close to
your average blood sugar as possible. Scientific evidence shows that more damage
occurs to blood vessels (in the eyes and elsewhere) when blood sugar levels fluctuate a
lot; minimizing these fluctuations (in the vocabulary of statistics, lowering the standard
deviation of the mean) reduces the risk of blood vessel complications even when HbA1c
levels are good. So, for example, if your average blood sugar level is 140 (equivalent to
an HbA1c of 6.1%), try always to keep your blood sugar levels above 70 and below 210
(i.e. keep the variability less than ½ your average).
4. Keep your blood pressure less than or equal to 120/80, your mean arterial pressure
(MAP) less than 93 and your retinal perfusion pressure (RPP) less than 45. High blood
pressure accelerates diabetic retinopathy and greatly increases the risk of most diabetes
complications. MAP and RPP predicted those patients most likely to develop sightthreatening retinopathy in one large study, and the values cited here will place you at
much lower risk. MAP = 1/3 the difference between the upper (systolic) blood pressure
number and the lower (diastolic) number added to the diastolic number (e.g. for a blood
pressure of 126/81, MAP = (126-81) divided by 3 + 81 = 96). RPP = 2/3 times MAP,
minus your internal eye pressure - ask your eye doctor to measure and tell you this
value (e.g. for a MAP of 96 and an internal eye pressure of 15, RPP = (2/3 x 96) – 15 =
5. If you use fast-acting insulin to control your blood glucose levels, take multiple small
doses rather than 1 or 2 large doses. Several studies show that diabetic retinopathy
progresses more slowly when patients take multiple small doses rather than one or two
large doses of insulin. This phenomenon may be due to less blood sugar fluctuation (as
discussed in #3 above) and/or to stimulation of abnormal blood vessel growth caused by
higher levels of circulating insulin.
6. Consider taking 150 mg of benfotiamine three times per day, just before each major
meal. This fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 (thiamine) totally prevented the development of
diabetic retinopathy in animals and is now being taken by a number of diabetes
specialists who have diabetes themselves (including me). Human safety and efficacy
trials are under way (see my article under what‗s new‗ at my web site,
7. If you snore or are obese, get tested for sleep apnea syndrome and get treated if it‗s
diagnosed. Sleep apnea (brief stoppage of breathing while sleeping) is caused by
obstruction of the airway, is highly associated with overweight and obesity, and causes
snoring. It has been shown to be an independent risk factor for diabetic retinopathy (and
stroke) because it reduces oxygen supply to the retina and brain.
8. Keep your blood lipids well controlled, with LDL levels below 100, triglycerides below
150 and HDL levels above 50; also, talk to your doctor about taking low dose aspirin
daily. People with diabetes tend to have abnormal blood lipids, which are associated
with numerous eye diseases, including more severe diabetic macular edema. The
statin‗ drugs lower LDL cholesterol, whereas exercise raises HDL cholesterol; Aspirin
thins the blood, thereby significantly reducing the risk of stroke, including stroke of the
optic nerve.
9. Move your body on a regular basis. Get a pedometer and try to walk 5-10 thousand
steps every day. Exercise improves metabolism and reduces insulin resistance, the
hallmark of type 2 diabetes. It is now believed that insulin resistance not only causes
high blood glucose levels that damage the eye but, also, that hyperinsulinemia caused
by insulin resistance accelerates proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Walking is a great
activity because it can be done anywhere and at low cost, while wearing a pedometer
gives positive reinforcement of physical activity and makes a game of it.
10. Get a dilated eye exam every year by an optometrist or ophthalmologist knowledgeable
about and interested in excellent diabetes care. Most blindness caused by diabetes can
be prevented if eye complications are caught in time and treated appropriately. Dilation
greatly increases the risk of early detection and appropriate treatment. It‗s a hassle, I
know, but much less so than losing your eyesight. As an added bonus,‗ remember that
the steps advocated above will not only greatly reduce your risk of losing vision to
diabetes but, also, the risk of kidney disease, nerve disease, stroke, heart attack, and
For more information on diabetic eye disease, consult Dr. Chous‗ book Diabetic Eye Disease:
Lessons From a Diabetic Eye Doctor, Fairwood Press, Seattle, 2003.
Available online.
Chapter 18. Medical IDs are Critical
Everyone with diabetes should wear a medical ID at all times.
Medical IDs are recommended for those living with chronic or rare medical conditions such as
diabetes, asthma or heart conditions; persons with allergies such as food, drug or insect; and
those taking multiple medications or blood thinners.
As many as one-third of adults with type 2 diabetes do not know they have the disease.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
One-in-three children born five years ago are expected to become diabetic in their
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Diabetes deaths will increase by more than 50 percent in the next 10 years.
Furthermore, diabetes deaths are projected to increase by over 80 percent in uppermiddle income countries between 2006 and 2015.
Source: World Health Organization
Medical IDs are Critical
In an emergency, many patients cannot speak for themselves.
Proper diagnosis in the first few minutes is critical to proper treatment and can reduce
long-term effects.
Symptoms in an emergency situation from common maladies can easily be
misdiagnosed – for example, someone with diabetes experiencing hypoglycemia can
appear intoxicated, which can delay getting the necessary treatment.
Half of all medical errors happen because of mistakes made during hospital admission
or discharge.
More than 95 percent of emergency responders look for a medical ID.
In an emergency, properly engraved medical IDs provide time-saving and easy access
to life-saving medical information.
Medical IDs can reduce medical errors, prevent minor emergencies from escalating and
reduce medical costs.
Medical IDs are Essential for Family Caregivers
Medical IDs are essential for family caregivers as well as those living with chronic conditions or
allergies. Millions of people are caring for loved ones with a chronic condition or disability and
most are employed. Medical IDs provide freedom for caregivers who want confidence that their
family member‘s health will be attended to in case they are unable to do so.
We recommend caregivers engrave the following on their ID:
I am a family caregiver for my (relationship)
Caregiver‘s name
Care recipient‘s name
Relationship—mother, father, spouse, sister, etc.
Urgent needs and instructions for the recipient
Who to contact in your absence
Care recipients are recommended to wear a medical ID engraved with a brief description of their
health conditions, medications, allergies and the caregiver‘s contact information.
Wear a Medical ID—Save Money
A recent survey regarding disease management in the workplace and cost implications of
treatment in a medical emergency noted that persons living with chronic medical conditions or
allergies who did not wear a medical ID had an average hospital bill that was seven times
more than the average bill for those who were wearing medical identification. Additionally,
those not wearing a medical ID were 44 percent more likely to require a trip to the emergency
Persons wearing a medical ID who experienced a medical incident at
work which led to a trip to the emergency room averaged $3,753.27
for their hospital bill versus an average hospital bill of $26,395.32 for
those not wearing a medical ID. Primary reasons for the discrepancy
in the hospital costs include:
Patients may experience a more rapid diagnosis and
treatment if wearing a medical ID, thus reducing the chance
of long term medical implications. For example, a delay in
treatment for a person living with diabetes experiencing
hypoglycemia could lead to organ failure or amputation.
There is a lower chance for medical professionals
administering potentially harmful medications or treatments, such as drugs that a patient
may be allergic to, if the patient is wearing a medical ID. For example, Penicillin is the
most common medication allergy with one-in-ten of patients reporting a drug allergy;
however it is also one of the most commonly used drugs to avoid infection.
The most expensive place to treat an individual is the emergency room, therefore if
admission to the hospital can be avoided; the patient can potentially save thousands of
Medical IDs for the Everyday Lifestyle
When I was first diagnosed I was unaware of IDs other than the cheap ones sold at grocery
stores and other retail outlets. They are cheap, unattractive and have the bare minimum of
essential information. Frankly, I was a bit embarrassed to wear one. Then I found the company
that made the very attractive medical ID bracelet I wear now. I now strongly recommend
Universal Medical ID who creates high quality, customized medical identification jewellery to
meet one‘s everyday lifestyle. The medical IDs are available with bracelets, necklaces, watches
and sportbands, in gold, gold-filled, sterling silver, stainless steel, titanium and nylon. Each ID is
custom fitted and personalized with complimentary engraving giving all the important
information that may be needed in an emergency.
See their selection at their website.
Universal Medical ID also provides a free Online Medical Registry for life, with purchase of
a medical ID, where participants can maintain an online personal health file of their medical
conditions, emergency contact information, prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and
personal and medical files. This file can be accessed anytime through a secure online
connection or a 24-hour emergency telephone line. The program also provides 24/7 unlimited
access to a registered nurse for emergencies or ongoing health questions.
To create awareness and encourage the ownership and use of medical IDs, Universal Medical
ID works with many well-known, national organizations including retail pharmacies, associations
and non-profit groups. Universal Medical ID has partnered with me to help distribute this book
for a pilot program at the Denver VA to help disable veterans who have type 2 diabetes from
exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. The pilot program is based on this book and my
websites. They also help support the work done through my sites at
and I thank them for their support and ask you consider them for your medical
Universal Medical ID accepts orders via mail-in order forms, Web site and toll-free telephone.
Click their banner on my site for more information or feel free to call them: Use the Promo code
United States, 1 800 363 5985
Canada, 1 800 616 3400
United Kingdom, 0800 055 6504
When you call please mention you heard about them from this book and let them know you
appreciate what they are doing to help you, our veterans and other diabetics worldwide.
Chapter 19. My list of Super foods
There are super foods with healing powers that need to be included in a healthy diet. Many of
these foods we know from folklore, but now there is scientific evidence that explains what
makes these specific foods, "super foods that heal." People do not need to understand
everything about individual nutrients in order to consume nutritionally adequate and wellbalanced diets. Even though the current understanding of nutrition, health and disease has
advanced well beyond nutrient deficiencies, there is still much that is not known, and probably
never will be known, about the relationships between diet and health. Fortunately, however, with
a bit of common sense, people can still be well nourished even though the understanding of
nutritional science may be incomplete.
For example, research efforts exploring the possible protective effects of phytochemicals
against various forms of chronic diseases have often shown an association with the
consumption of various foods rich in these compounds, but not with specific phytochemicals
themselves. There are several possible explanations for this, including: the specific
phytochemicals being investigated may not be the ones that have an effect; the effects of
individual phytochemicals may be additive; and it may be the interaction of two or more
phytochemicals and nutrients that produces an effect.
Since the understanding of nutrition science and the complex functions and interactions of the
many vitamins, minerals, macronutrients and phytochemicals contained in food is still so
incomplete, it is important that a rational and time-tested approach be taken to the promotion of
good nutrition. It is also important to continue emphasizing the benefits of nutrient-dense foods,
such as citrus fruits, and to recognize that the consumption of whole foods and natural juices is
preferred over the consumption of individual nutrients that have been isolated from food and
then consumed as dietary supplements. Focusing on single nutrients, instead of foods and the
total diet, does not constitute a healthful approach to good nutrition.
As nutritionists and public health specialists learn more about the relationship between diet and
health, the importance of balanced and varied dietary intakes becomes ever more evident.
Accordingly, there is an increasing emphasis on promoting high levels of fruit and vegetable
intakes among most population groups.
Ready to take a dirt nap or would you prefer ordering 120 ml of insulin to go with that #5 w/
extra cheese at your fast food restaurant? In
the ―Golden Age of Over-Indulgence,‖
Americans across the board are overweight
and increasing their chances of serious health
risks by the minute because of poor eating
In an attempt to help you get back to ―healthy
living,‖ we have identified some foods that will
help to strengthen your immune system which
will help you fight off diseases and thereby
increase your lifespan.
There is a list of Super foods, more recipes and a lot more information at Some of the super foods on the site were omitted from this book for sake of
These super foods in my list for type 2 Diabetics include:
Artichoke, Agave, Avocado, Barley, Beans, Blueberries, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts,
Cabbage, Cactus leaf, Carrots, Chia, Chili Pepper, Chicken Breast, Cinnamon, Citrus
Fruits, Flax Seed, Fish, Garlic, Green Tea, Kale, Leeks, Nuts, Seeds, Onions,
Persimmons, Pineapple, Psyllium, Quinoa, Snow Peas, Spinach, Squash, Stevia,
Strawberries, Sweet Potato, Tomatoes, Water, Whole Grains. I recommend including these
super foods in the proper proportions for optimal health.
The super foods I am including in this list are those that are specific to type 2 diabetes and are
not covered in other parts of this book.
Health Benefits of Whole Grains
Whole grains are dense in nutrients and fiber.
Whole grains can claim a wide array of health benefits that many foods
cannot. Not only do whole grains contain fiber and traditional nutrients
such as B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium and iron, but also numerous
disease fighting phytochemicals and antioxidants. More and more,
consumers know that fruits and vegetables contain these disease
fighting agents, but what they do not know is that whole grains contain
these important chemicals much less that they often contain more than
most common fruit and vegetables. Further, some of the antioxidants in
grains are not found in fruits and vegetables.
Studies have shown that people who eat whole grains have lower total
cholesterol. Various large epidemiological studies on a variety of
different populations note that people who eat three daily servings of
whole grains have been shown to reduce their risk of heart disease by
25-36%, stroke by 37%, Type II diabetes by 21-27%, and digestive
system cancers by 21-43%, and hormone- related cancers by 10-40%. Furthermore, in
intervention studies where whole grains became a regular part of the diet, people showed
improved blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
The data have convinced The American Heart Association, the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans, and Healthy People 2010 to all recommend three daily servings of whole grains. Yet
the average American eats less than one daily serving of whole grains, and over 30% of
Americans never eat whole grains.
Meta-analysis Explains Whole Grains' Health Benefits
In many studies, eating whole grains, such as oats, has been linked to protection against
atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity, and premature death. A
new study and accompanying editorial, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
explains the likely reasons behind these findings and recommends at least 3 servings of whole
grains should be eaten daily.
Whole grains are excellent sources of fiber. In this meta-analysis of 7 studies including more
than 150,000 persons, those whose diets provided the highest dietary fiber intake had a 29%
lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those with the lowest fiber intake.
But it's not just fiber's ability to serve as a bulking agent that is responsible for its beneficial
effects as a component of whole grains. Wheat bran, for example, which constitutes 15% of
most whole-grain wheat kernels but is virtually non-existent in refined wheat flour, is rich in
minerals, antioxidants, lignans, and other phytonutrients-as well as in fiber.
In addition to the matrix of nutrients in their dietary fibers, the whole-grain arsenal includes a
wide variety of additional nutrients and phytonutrients that reduce the risk of cardiovascular
disease. Compounds in whole grains that have cholesterol-lowering effects include
polyunsaturated fatty acids, oligosaccharides, plant sterols and stanols, and saponins.
Whole grains are also important dietary sources of water-soluble, fat-soluble, and insoluble
antioxidants. The long list of cereal antioxidants includes vitamin E, tocotrieonols, selenium,
phenolic acids, and phytic acid. These multifunctional antioxidants come in immediate-release
to slow-release forms and thus are available throughout the gastrointestinal tract over a long
period after being consumed.
Whole grains are rich sources of lignans that are converted by the human gut to enterolactone
and enterodiole. In studies of Finnish men, blood levels of enterolactone have been found to
have an inverse relation not just to cardiovascular-related death, but to all causes of death,
which suggests that the plant lignans in whole grains may play an important role in their
protective effects.
Lower insulin levels may also contribute to the protective effects of whole grains. In many
persons, the risks of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity are linked to
insulin resistance. Higher intakes of whole grains are associated with increased sensitivity to
insulin in population studies and clinical trials. Why? Because whole grains improve insulin
sensitivity by lowering the glycemic index of the diet while increasing its content of fiber,
magnesium, and vitamin E.
The whole kernel of truth: as part of your healthy way of eating, whole grains can significantly
lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Enjoy at least 3 servings
a day. No idea how to cook whole grains? Just look at the "How to Enjoy" section in our profiles
of the whole grains, or for quick, easy, delicious recipes, click on this link to our Recipe
Assistant and select oats or whichever whole grain you would like to prepare.
Many whole grains are rich in nutrients and high in fiber giving them a spot in our list of super
foods that heal.
Word of caution for diabetics: Whole grains are best included in your diabetic diet plan as whole
grains. Processed whole grains have a higher glycemic index due to the fact that when a whole
grain processed into flour or other forms it becomes easier to digest and convert to blood
glucose. The fiber is often removed along with other beneficial nutrients.are dense in nutrients
and fiber.
For many centuries humans have used the barley plant (both the seeds and
leaves) as food and medicine. A source for B vitamins, vitamin E, and folic
acid, barley seeds are also ground into flour for baking or processed for use
as a cereal. Malt sugar, another common derivative of barley is made and
used as a natural laxative. Many people associate barley with the making
beer, but in other parts of the world it is a primary grain for food. In Asia,
barley seeds are fermented and added to soybeans, salt, and seaweed for
flavoring food. For medical use barley is being researched for its ability to
treat diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity. Some evidence suggests that
barley seed products in the diet may improve blood sugar levels in individuals
with diabetes, possibly because the fiber in barley seeds delays stomach emptying and slows
down the absorption of carbohydrates from foods. Like oatmeal, barley seeds contain both
soluble and insoluble types of fiber that may help to lower cholesterol. Studies have shown that
individuals with barley in their diet experienced reductions in their total cholesterol, low-density
lipoprotein (LDL, the "bad" cholesterol), and triglyceride levels. Additionally, barley may assist in
weight loss in that it acts as an appetite suppressant making people feel like they have eaten
more than they really have. Barley seeds may also protect against colon cancer.
Fiber - Barley is a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. At a time when
consumers are being encouraged to increase fiber and grain intake, barley foods or
barley components added to other foods is a useful way to meet nutritional goals.
One of the theories for the hypocholesterolemic effect is that the soluble fiber becomes
viscous in the intestinal tract, thus interfering with the absorption of dietary cholesterol
and fat.
Tocotrienols - Barley has high concentrations of tocotrienols, compounds which act as
antioxidants, and are capable of reducing serum LDL-cholesterol (one of the risk factors
in cardiovascular disease). Tocotrienols act by repressing the activity of the first ratelimiting enzyme (HMG-CoA Reductase) in the liver, thus reducing cholesterol synthesis.
Beta-glucan - Beta-glucans are carbohydrates distributed throughout the grain, with
slightly higher concentrations in the outer layers of the kernel. "Waxy" barley varieties
are higher in beta-glucans than other barleys. High beta-glucan levels in the waxy barley
were believed to be one of the reasons for the improved blood glucose and lipid levels
among diabetics in the clinical trial at the University of Alberta.
Buckwheat is often confused as a grain but in fact it is
not. Buckwheat goes way beyond the pancake mixes
we associate with it. Japan‘s soba noodles, Brittany‘s
crêpes and Russia‘s kasha are all made with
buckwheat. Botanically, buckwheat is a cousin of
rhubarb, not technically a grain at all – and certainly
not a kind of wheat. But its nutrients, nutty flavor and
appearance have led to its ready adoption into the
family of grains.
Buckwheat tolerates poor soil, grows well on rocky
hillsides and thrives without chemical pesticides. Health bonus: Buckwheat is the only grain
known to have high levels of an antioxidant called rutin, and studies show that it improves
circulation and prevents LDL cholesterol from blocking blood vessels. Additionally, like a few
other foods buckwheat has a unique quality that mimics insulin.
Buckwheat is one of the best sources of high-quality, easily digestible protein in the plant
kingdom. Its 74% protein absorption rate makes it an excellent meat substitute. It is also very
high in carbohydrates as well as in numerous minerals, and vitamins such as zinc, copper, and
niacin. This makes buckwheat an ideal ingredient for a wide range of food products.
Buckwheat can either be milled into flour or processed into groats and grits. The groats and grits
can be eaten roasted or plain; in addition, the roasted groats may be used as a meat extender
or as an ingredient in breakfast cereals, soups, and energy bars for athletes. Buckwheat starch
can also act as a fat alternative in processed foods. In Japan, buckwheat flour is mixed with
other varieties to produce Soba noodles, a traditional dish. In North America, buckwheat is also
used in the chocolate bar and snack food industries. The pharmaceutical and nutraceutical
industries are undertaking innovative research into the potential use of buckwheat for lowering
cholesterol and fighting diabetes.
The crop's nectar is also used to make honey, and aspirated buckwheat hulls offer an
interesting pillow stuffing alternative to consumers allergic to feathers, dust, and pollen.
Demonstrated health benefits
Dr. Campbell joined forces with the University of Manitoba‘s Dr. Carla Taylor to investigate the
potential health benefits of consuming these new lines of buckwheat, specifically looking at how
buckwheat influences diabetes. The high quality of Dr. Taylor‘s ARDI-funded research has
already been acknowledged by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC), which awarded Dr. Taylor a Strategic Project Grant to continue this important
research. She will be submitting a final report to ARDI on buckwheat‘s ability to mimic the effect
of insulin.
―There are indications in the literature that buckwheat may contain compounds which are
beneficial for lowering blood glucose in diabetes,‖ Taylor said. ―We have done some work with
animal models of diabetes, and we showed that an extract prepared from buckwheat was
effective in lowering blood glucose concentrations in animals that were a model for type 1
These animals already had hyperglycemia, or high levels of blood glucose. We conducted what
are called acute tests, and they involved giving the animals a dose of buckwheat extract, and
then monitoring the blood glucose levels in those animals compared with the placebo group
over a period of two hours.‖These tests showed that animals given buckwheat extract
experienced a blood glucose reduction of about 20 per cent over the two-hour monitoring
Taylor‘s team is now using cell culture to study how the buckwheat extract affects specific
signaling pathways, and whether or not it performs functions similar to that of insulin.
―That‘s the exciting thing about this project,‖ Taylor said. ―It spans the whole range from plant
breeding, through to analytical chemistry, whole body and metabolism studies, to cellular and
molecular levels. We are now focusing on whether or not certain compounds in buckwheat
might be able to mimic the effects of insulin.
‖Over the next three years, Taylor would like to identify exactly which buckwheat compounds
are insulin-mimetic, and possibly begin a pilot study in humans. She is quick to point out that
even if buckwheat compounds prove effective in lowering blood sugar in individuals with
diabetes, people should not expect it to replace insulin or oral diabetes medications. A more
realistic expectation, she said, would be for the beneficial compounds to be incorporated as part
of an overall diet management plan.
―Identifying functional foods which are helpful in managing blood glucose levels could be
especially important for people with type 2 diabetes, since the early stages of this disease can
be managed by diet and lifestyle changes,‖ she said.―As a nutritional scientist, I‘m interested in
disease prevention, not just management or treatment. From a functional foods point of view, if
we know that we‘re consuming dietary components that are helpful for keeping blood glucose in
its normal range, then that can have an overall benefit to the population.‖
The healing powers of herbs and spices are legendary. Ancient healers relied very
heavily on herbs and spices. Currently there are people known as herbalist.
Unfortunately, the use of herbs has been labeled as quackery by many and herbalist too
many times have overstated their cases.
Modern science is sorting fact from fiction and is finding legitimate uses for many herbs
and spices. The inclusion of herbs and spices in your diabetic diet plan can aid in the
control of blood glucose.
The healing powers of some of the herbs and spices included in our list of Super Foods
that heal are listed in the menu.
One of our spices, Cinnamon, has been mentioned earlier in this book.
Benefits of Garlic - Heart Disease/Cholesterol Lowering
Besides the mythical acclaim for warding off vampires and other evil
spirits, garlic has a centuries-old reputation for its health and healing
qualities. Today, this plant ranks as our most popular herbal cure-all. And
it may indeed have some untapped medicinal potential.
An analysis of five studies, reported last year in the Annals of Internal
Medicine indicates, for example, that eating one-half to one clove a day
reduced cholesterol levels by 9%. Another study in Circulation, the prestigious journal
sponsored by the American Heart Association, suggests that garlic may help maintain the
elasticity of aging blood vessels. (Blood vessels, like old rubber bands, lose their stretchiness
with time. This is why many elderly people have high blood pressure.) In the Circulation study,
the average garlic intake was five 100-milligram tablets (a little less than half a medium garlic
clove) a day.
Other studies have shown garlic may lower high blood pressure, retard the growth of certain
bacteria, reduce the risk of breast, stomach and colon cancers, serve as a diuretic, and help in
the long-term treatment of intermittent claudication (restricted leg blood flow that causes pain
while walking).
Nevertheless, munching on garlic cloves or taking garlic supplements is not now being advised
by the American Heart Association or any other national health organization. The reason is that
appropriate experimental studies have not been conducted -- that is, long-term clinical trials
where individuals are randomly assigned to consume or not consume garlic. Of the 1,000 or so
garlic and health investigations to date (including those mentioned above) almost all are of the
observational or questionnaire type (epidemiological) studies. Gold standard experimental
studies are essential to prove the real value of a substance.
Furthermore, aside from an antibacterial compound called allicin, scientists do not know which
of the many substances in garlic produce beneficial effects. Until all this is clear, health
organizations will be reluctant to make any health recommendations for garlic.
In addition, there is little market control on garlic supplements. When you purchase garlic pills,
you can't be sure of exactly what you are buying. These products, like other dietary
supplements, are not viewed as drugs by government regulators; therefore, they are not
scrutinized for content, purity or anything else so long as the manufacturers do not make health
claims on the package.
Consequently, the content of the pills can and does vary. One study found that the amount of
garlic ingredients released by different supplement brands varied by as much as 18-fold.
Caution. If you regularly take medications such as aspirin or other drugs that thin the
blood, see your doctor before taking garlic supplements. Garlic has anticoagulant
Ginger (Zingiber officianlis) has been used as a staple ingredient in Indian and
Asian food for hundreds of years. In western herbalism, it is known for its
action as a digestive, an anti-inflammatory, and as an anti-nausea medicine.
However, recently ginger has demonstrated promising results in basic science
and animal research testing its ability to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce
oxidation, and improve cholesterol (Bhandari et al. 2005 and Akhani et al.
2004). We still do not know much about the impact of ginger on these
parameters in humans, however the preliminary research is very promisingand ginger tastes quite good!
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is sold in most grocery stores
ground as a yellow-orange powder, or sold in many
Asian and specialty markets as a whole orange root.
Turmeric has been used in Traditional Chinese and
Ayurvedic herbal medicine for thousands of years as a
detoxification herb (as it appears to protect the liver) and
as a potent anti-inflammatory.
Modern science has been applied to the use of turmeric,
and has shown its reputation is based on solid scienceturmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory! Although no long-term studies have been done
specifically in people with diabetes, the bench research shows that turmeric does reduce many
of the inflammatory signals known to be overactive in diabetes (i.e. cytokines IL-6, IL-1, and
TNF) and improves the action of disrupted insulin-response pathways in diabetes (i.e. PPARgamma) (Shishodia et al. 2005)!
Fenugreek Seed
The seed of the Fenugreek plant has been discovered to
produce a positive effect in the metabolism of glucose in the
body. Fenugreek seeds are chopped finely and served as a
flavorful spice in the US. But in India and in Middle East, it is
more popular as a treatment for diabetes. These seeds are
soaked in water until the following morning, then eaten alone
or combined with other foods. There are studies showing a
decrease in the fasting blood sugar levels when tested on
diabetics. They are also found to lower cholesterol levels since
they contain a gel-like soluble fiber which combines with bile
acid and lowers cholesterol levels. For therapeutic purposes, about 3 1/2 ounces of fenugreek
seeds are to be taken in daily.
Bitter Gourd
The Bitter Gourd, or sometimes called the balsam pear is
the most commonly used herb to combat diabetes. It often
grows in countries from Africa, South America, and Asia.
Just a quarter cup of the extract of bitter gourd is enough
to bring down blood glucose levels by twenty percent.
Glucose tolerance was also improved in seventy five
percent of patients with type 2 diabetes when treated with
the extract of bitter gourd. The juice or unripe fruit of the
bitter gourd plant has also the ability to bring down blood sugar levels. This is due to the number
of sterols it contains that acts like sulfonylurea drugs to produce lowered blood sugar levels. The
only setback of this herb is its extremely bitter taste.
Blueberry Leaf Tea
The leaves of the blueberry plant have been found to have hypoglycemic
properties beneficial to diabetics. Several cups of the blueberry leaves is
enough to bring down blood sugar levels to normal. The leaves are first
soaked in cold water, and then boiled for 5-10 minutes. This preparation
should be taken at least a few times a day for three months to be able to
see a visible and significant change in blood sugar levels. The anthcyanic
acid present in blueberry leaves is the ingredient thought to be the main
ingredient in the metabolism of carbohydrates. You may also take in
anthcyanic acid in capsule forms available in several health stores.
Gymnema Sylvestre
A popular practice in alternative medicine in India known as the ayurveda
makes use of this plant, Gymnema sylvestre. It is common to find this
plant being used in treatments in alternative medicine, especially for
diabetes. In fact, studies have shown improvements in the control of
blood sugar by patients with type 1 diabetes. It is also effective in treating
patients with type 2 diabetes since tests have shown a decrease in the
dosage of oral medications sometimes to a point to allow oral agents to
be discontinued completely. Unfortunately, the use of this plant has only
been seen in abnormal blood sugar levels. The benefits of this plant have
not been subjected to controlled studies.
Other herbs
Other herbs and spices that exhibit anti-diabetic action include: cumin (Le at al. 2004 and Rchid
et al. 2004), garlic (Ashraf et al. 2005 and Ahmad et al. 2006), and red chili pepper (Tolan et al.
2001 and 2004)!
Although definitive statements are difficult to make regarding the exact action and effective
―dose‖ of each of these herbs and spices, in my opinion there is enough research available to
suggest these long-standing traditional herbs and spices have health benefits for people with
diabetes and eating these foods should be encouraged by physicians and nutritionists.
Legumes, also known as dried beans and pulses, are
the edible seeds that grow in pods on annual plants,
bushes, or vines of the Leguminosae family. The seeds
can be eaten fresh, sprouted, dried and ground into
flour, or prepared in countless other ways. Legumes are
often cooked in combination with grains, because when
the amino acids they contain are combined this way
they provide complete protein. Leading members of the
legume family include beans (Phaseolus), lentils (Lens),
and peanuts (Arachis). Beans are a Nutritional Power
House When separating the "haves" from the "have nots" on the playing field of nutrition, beans
line up as first-string all-stars. Beans are found in two places on the USDA's Food Guide
Pyramid - with high-protein foods such as meat, eggs, poultry and fish, and also with vitaminrich vegetables. The double dose of nutrition packed into beans make them a "must have" in the
daily diet.
Beans are an extremely beneficial component in all diets because they are high in
complex carbohydrates, protein and dietary fiber, low in fat, calories and sodium, and
completely cholesterol-free. As little as a half-cup of beans added to the daily diet can be
very helpful in reaching important nutrition goals.
Protein Beans are an excellent, non-fat source of protein. Just one cup of beans
provides as much as 16 grams of protein.
Beans are loaded with complex carbohydrates - the nutrient that provides energy to the
muscles and brain. Just one cup of beans can provide 15 percent of the carbohydrates
needed daily. Plus, beans have the best type of carbohydrate for maximum energy - low
or moderate glycemic index carbohydrates. Beans and other carbohydrates with a low to
moderate glycemic index have the unique ability to provide energy over a longer period
of time by being slowly released into your bloodstream to provide sustained energy. A
benefit for diabetics.
Beans are one of the best sources of dietary fiber, containing both insoluble and soluble
fiber. Insoluble fiber which is generally thought of as "roughage," that moves quickly
through the digestive system, is important in our diets because it helps promote a
healthy digestive tract and can reduce the risk of some types of cancer. During
digestion, soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance, which helps the body handle fats,
cholesterol and carbohydrates. Soluble fiber plays a role in helping to lower blood
cholesterol levels, one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular
disease. A high-fiber diet helps control diabetes and maintains healthy blood glucose
Calcium The recommended calcium intake for adults is 1,000 mg per day. A half-cup of
beans provides as much as eight percent of the recommended daily allowance for
calcium. Calcium is necessary to maintain bones and help prevent osteoporosis, a
decrease in bone density that can lead to fractures and disability.
Potassium Beans contain an abundance of potassium, which may help reduce your risk
of high blood pressure and stroke. Just one-half cup of cooked dry beans contains as
much as 480 mg of potassium. Plus, dry-packaged beans are naturally low in sodium,
with no more than 5 mg of sodium in a one-half cup serving.
Folate an important B vitamin that provides many health benefits. Of all foods, dry beans
are the best source of folate. Ccooked dry beans provides, on average, 264 mcg of
folate. Studies show that folate may help reduce the risk of certain birth defects, like
spina bifida (a potentially crippling defect in which the spinal cord is not completely
encased in bone) and anencephaly (a fatal defect in which a major part of the brain
never develops).
Artichokes are low in calories, with only 60 calories for one
medium cooked globe and fat-free. It is a natural diuretic, a
digestive aid, and provides nutrition to health-promoting
bacteria in the intestinal tract. Some studies suggest that
fresh artichokes help control blood sugars in diabetics and
lower cholesterol levels thus warding off arteriosclerosis.
Although artichokes have a high amount of natural sodium,
they are still lower than most processed foods, and are also
good sources of fiber, potassium and magnesium. Some
claim an extended period of eating artichokes when in
season will result in a cleaning and detoxification of the body.
Don't let the thorny leaves of the artichoke discourage you. Within this member of the thistle
family lays a treasure for the palate and a boon to the body. Spring is prime time for artichokes.
The ancients considered artichokes to have many benefits. Artichokes, including leaves, were
thought to be an aphrodisiac, a diuretic, a breath freshener and even a deodorant. Decoctions
of artichoke leaves have been used as blood cleansers, cholerics, to improve bile production
and secretion and to detox the liver and the skin. The new information about phytochemicals
contained in vegetables and fruits is confirming some of these ancient claims. Research is now
underway to determine the phytochemicals in artichokes, and work continues to define the role
these phytochemicals play in maintaining good health and preventing disease.
Current research is showing benefits to the liver from cynarin, a compound found in the
artichoke's leaves. Silymarin is another compound found in artichokes that has powerful
antioxidant properties and may help the liver regenerate healthy tissue.
Artichokes are nutrient dense, so, for the 25 calories in a medium artichoke, you're
getting 16 essential nutrients!
Artichokes provide the important minerals magnesium, chromium, manganese,
potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. For example, that 25 calorie artichoke
provides 6% of the Recommended Daily Value of phosphorus, 10% of magnesium, 8%
of manganese, 10% of chromium, 5% of potassium, 4% of iron and 2% of calcium and
In addition to all these important minerals, artichokes are a good source of fiber (12% of
the RDV), vitamin C (10% of the RDV), and folate (10% of the RDV).
Artichokes are low in calories and sodium, have no fat and no cholesterol.
All this means that artichokes, as a part of a well balanced, high-fiber diet, can help reduce the
risk of certain types of heart disease, cancers and birth defects.
But cut one open and you'll taste why avocados have entranced
diners since emerging from Central America thousands of years
ago. Satiny, silky, sensuous, smooth -- all the adjectives that
avocado growers and promoters use for the homely fruit apply.
Indeed, avocados are sort of like a creamy dairy product that
grows on trees. They contain a surprising amount of fat (about
15 grams per half) but fortunately almost all of that is
monounsaturated fat (the same kind found in olive oil) that is
thought to be good for the heart. They're also loaded with
potassium, fiber and disease-fighting nutrients. Known for their deliciously rich flavor, California
avocados are also rich in phytochemicals -- natural plant nutrients that help protect against a
variety of cancers and diseases.
Research shows that avocados rank highest in the following phytochemicals and nutrients
among the 20 most frequently consumed fruits:
Lutein – protects against prostate cancer and eye disease such as cataracts and
macular degeneration.
Vitamin E -- a powerful antioxidant known to slow the aging process and protect against
heart disease and various forms of cancer.
Glutathione – functions as an antioxidant like vitamin E to neutralize free radicals that
can cause cell damage and lead to disease.
Beta-sitosterol – lowers blood cholesterol levels. Avocados contain four times as much
beta-sitosterol as oranges, previously reported as the highest fruit source of this
Monounsaturated fats – heart-healthy fats proven to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
and boost HDL (good) cholesterol.
Folate – promotes healthy cell and tissue development. Folate is especially important for
woman of childbearing age as it helps protect against birth defects.
Potassium – helps balance the body‘s electrolytes. Avocados contain 60 percent more
potassium than bananas.
Magnesium – helps produce energy and is important for muscle contraction and
Fiber – lowers cholesterol and reduces risk of heart attack.
Many people are surprised to learn that avocados are a fruit. They love the taste of avocados
but do not realize they are so rich in nutrients and phytochemicals. The avocado‘s unique
nutrient profile makes them a stand out among commonly eaten fruits.
With flavors that range from mildly sweet to tart and tangy, blueberries
are nutritional stars bursting with nutrition and flavor while being very
low in calories. Blue berries are included in our list not because of any
know diabetic control properties but because they are so packed with
Blueberries are at their best from May through October when they are
in season. Blueberries are literally bursting with nutrients and flavor,
yet very low in calories. Recently, researchers at Tufts University analyzed 60 fruits and
vegetables for their antioxidant capability. Blueberries came out on top, rating highest in their
capacity to destroy free radicals. Packed with antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins,
blueberries neutralize free radical damage to the collagen matrix of cells and tissues that can
lead to cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, heart disease and
Anthocyanins, the blue-red pigments found in blueberries, improve the integrity of support
structures in the veins and entire vascular system. Anthocyanins have been shown to enhance
the effects of vitamin C, improve capillary integrity, and stabilize the collagen matrix (the ground
substance of all body tissues). They work their protective magic by preventing free-radical
damage, inhibiting enzymes from cleaving the collagen matrix, and directly cross-linking with
collagen fibers to form a more stable collagen matrix.
Fruit extracts of bilberry (a variety of blueberry) have been shown in numerous studies to
improve nighttime visual acuity and promote quicker adjustment to darkness and faster
restoration of visual acuity after exposure to glare. This research was conducted to evaluate
claims of bilberry's beneficial effects on night vision made by British Air Force pilots during
World War II who regularly consumed bilberry preserves before their night missions. Better
Brain with Blueberries In animal studies, researchers have found that blueberries help protect
the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce the effects of age-related conditions such as
Alzheimer‘s disease or dementia. Researchers found that diets rich in blueberries significantly
improved both the learning capacity and motor skills of aging rats, making them mentally
equivalent to much younger rats.
Recent research indicates that Broccoli contains a substance called
Sulforaphane that has been shown in animal studies to dramatically
reduce the number, size, and reproduction of malignant tumors, as well as
delay the onset of these tumors. This appears to relate directly to cancer
risk in humans, particularly in breast, stomach, colon, rectal, and lung
cancers, and it is believed to be a powerful preventative for these diseases.
It is also rich in fiber, carotenoids, and vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K,
(which is a known stomach and colon cancer preventative.) Some sources
are even saying broccoli is helpful in controlling blood glucose.
Due to its high levels of vitamin C, beta carotene, and fiber, Broccoli is a powerful antioxidant
that is believed to prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals, which are believed to be a
factor in cancers, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, arthritis, and in the aging process itself,
suggesting that a diet high in these substances may prevent or at least minimize the effects of
these diseases.
Broccoli is a powerful anti-carcinogen, since it stimulates the body to produce its own cancerfighting substances. But broccoli doesn't stop there; it can also help prevent cataracts, heart
disease, arthritis, ulcers, and viruses. The best way to prepare and eat broccoli is to steam it or
eat it raw.
You either hate 'em or you love 'em. You can buy them loose and
they'll be good, but if you can find them on the stalk, that is the way
to get them at their very best because they are still pulling nutrients
from the stalk.
Brussels sprouts are the cabbage variety BRASSICA OLERACEA
GEMMIFERA. The genus BRASSICA includes 40 or more species
including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, petsai, rape, rutabaga and turnips to name a few.
When selecting Brussels sprouts on the stalk, make sure the stalk is green and that the
Brussels sprouts are also green, free from any yellowing whatsoever. When selecting them
loose in bulk, larger is not always better as smaller sprouts are usually milder and sweeter.
Fresh sprouts can be sautéed in extra virgin olive oil with a couple cloves of garlic, or used in
soups or stews. Always cook them al dente for the best flavor and to retain the nutritional value.
Cooked sprouts are good sprinkled with lemon juice and nutmeg, seasoned with mustard and
dill, or combined with cooked chestnuts and tossed with margarine. Very young, tender sprouts
can be eaten raw for dipping. A tip to keep them from smelling up the kitchen when you cook
them is to add some celery to the water.
Besides calcium and vitamins A, C, and E, Brussels sprouts are also a good source of fiber,
folic acid, and a variety of phytochemicals including sulphoraphane, and indoles.
Benefits of Flax seed
Its high content of alpha linolenic acids has made the ancient flax seed
become a modern miracle food. Alpha linolenic acid is a type of omega
3 fatty acid, similar to those found in fish such as salmon. Benefits of
flax seed as shown in many studies include lowering total cholesterol
and LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) levels. Other benefits show
that flax seed may also help lower blood triglyceride and blood
pressure. It may also keep platelets from becoming sticky therefore
reducing the chance of a heart attack. There are claims that alpha
linolenic acid help reverse diabetic neuropathy.
My mother was experiencing neuropathy in her feet. Her toes had turned purple and she was
afraid of amputation like had happened to her sister. We changed her diet to include alpha
linolenic acid and a good Omega 3 product that was highly concentrated EPA and DHA. We are
not sure whether it was the alpha linolenic acid or the EPA and DHA in the fish oil omega three
capsules that did it, but today her toes are pink and healthy rather than amputated.
Aside from alpha linolenic acid, flax seed is rich in lignan. Lignan is a type phytoestrogen
(antioxidant) and also provides fiber. Researches reveal that lignan in flax seed shows a lot of
promise in fighting disease -- including a possible role in cancer prevention especially breast
cancer. It is thought that lignan metabolites can bind to estrogen receptors, hence inhibiting the
onset of estrogen-stimulated breast cancer.
Recent studies also showed positive benefits of flax seed oil in IBD (Crohn's Disease and
Colitis). Flax seed oil seems to be able to heal the inner lining of the inflamed intestines.
Moderately include flax seed in your diet. Indeed, a lot of food products contain flax seed such
as the better breads and cereals.
Leeks, like garlic and onions, belong to a vegetable family called the
Allium vegetables. Since leek is related to garlic and onions, it
contains many of the same beneficial compounds found in these
well-researched, health-promoting vegetables.
Lower LDL Cholesterol While Raising HDL Cholesterol
A high intake of Allium vegetables has been shown to reduce total
cholesterol and LDL, or ―bad‖ cholesterol levels, while at the same
time raising HDL, or ―good‖ cholesterol levels. This can be very
important for preventing the development or progression of the
blood vessel plaques that occur in atherosclerosis and diabetic heart
disease. If these plaques grow too large or rupture, the result can be a heart attack or stroke.
Allium vegetables have also been shown to lower high blood pressure, another risk factor for
heart attack and stroke.
Protection from Cancer
Regular consumption of Allium vegetables, as little as two or more times a week, is associated
with a reduced risk of prostate and colon cancer. The research focused on colon cancer
suggests that several of the compounds found in these foods are able to protect colon cells from
cancer-causing toxins, while also stopping the growth and spread of any cancer cells that do
happen to develop.
Although leeks contain many of the same compounds as those active in fresh garlic and onions,
they contain them in smaller amounts. For this reason, larger amounts of leeks may need to be
eaten to obtain the benefits provided by its Allium family cousins. Fortunately, the mild, sweet
taste of leeks makes this easy to do.
Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels
In addition to their unique properties as Allium family vegetables, leeks also emerged from our
food ranking system as a very good source of manganese and a good source of vitamin B6,
vitamin C, folate, and iron. This particular combination of nutrients would make leeks particularly
helpful in stabilizing blood sugar, since they not only slow the absorption of sugars from the
intestinal tract, but help ensure that they are properly metabolized in the body.
While nuts and seeds are not known to specifically control or
reduce blood glucose they are very helpful in controlling blood
glucose since they mostly contain good fats, protein and fiber.
These are a good for including in a meal or snack to lower the
glycemic index and load.
Nuts are seeds that are covered with a hard shell. Most are the
seeds of trees, but the seeds of a few other plants that are not
strictly nuts will also be considered here as they can be
conveniently classified with nuts for culinary purposes.
Nuts in general are very nutritious, providing protein and many essential vitamins, such as A
and E, minerals, such as phosphorous and potassium, and fiber. Nuts are also high in
carbohydrate and oils, so shouldn't be eaten in excess. Whereas pulses all belong to the
legume group of plants, nuts come from a variety of different plant groups, so the nutritional
content is more varied too. A brief description of a few individual varieties is given together with
the main nutrients they contain.
Nuts should be stored in cool, dry conditions in airtight containers away from the light. Because
of their high fat content, many of them benefit from storage in the fridge or freezer to deter
Appendix 1. List of Low Glycemic Foods
Get most of your carbohydrates from low glycemic sources. This list of low glycemic
carbohydrates is arrange with the lowest glycemic carbohydrates at the top of the list moving
down to the higher glycemic carbohydrates at the bottom according to their GI rating. This list is
culled from the Glycemic Index data base maintained by the University of Sydney in Sydney
It is based on the work of Jennie Brand-Miller who is one of the world's leading authorities on
the glycemic index. She and her co-authors have published a number of practical books on how
choosing low GI carbohydrates. The books are available in our on-line Amazon store.
Getting most if not all of your carbohydrates from low glycemic carbs in this list can help you
maintain good glucose control.
Measuring the GI
To determine a food's GI rating, measured portions of the food
containing 10 - 50 grams of carbohydrate are fed to 10 healthy
people after an overnight fast. Finger-prick blood samples are
taken at 15-30 minute intervals over the next two hours. These
blood samples are used to construct a blood sugar response
curve for the two hour period. The area under the curve (AUC)
is calculated to reflect the total rise in blood glucose levels after
eating the test food. The GI rating (%) is calculated by dividing
the AUC for the test food by the AUC for the reference food
(same amount of glucose) and multiplying by 100 (see Figure
1). The use of a standard food is essential for reducing the
confounding influence of differences in the physical
characteristics of the subjects. The average of the GI ratings from all ten subjects is published
as the GI of that food.
Does the GI increase with serving size? If I eat twice as much, does the GI double?
The GI always remains the same, even if you double the amount of carbohydrate in your meal.
This is because the GI is a relative ranking of foods containing the "same amount" of
carbohydrate. But if you double the amount of food you eat, you should expect to see a higher
blood glucose response - ie, your glucose levels will reach a higher peak and take longer to
return to baseline compared with a normal serve.
Why doesn't the GI of beef, chicken, fish, tofu, eggs, nuts, seeds, avocadoes, many fruits
(including berries) and vegetables, wine, beer and spirits appear on the GI database?
These foods contain no carbohydrate, or so little that their GI cannot be tested according to the
standard methodology. Bear in mind that the GI is a measure of carbohydrate quality.
Essentially, these types of foods, eaten alone, won't have much effect on your blood glucose
For our purposes foods with a glycemic index of less than 55 will be considered low glycemic.
You may notice there are several foods with carbohydrates that are not in the list. That is
because many people do not count them as carbohydrates. These include dark green and
brightly colored vegetables, cruciferous vegetables like onion and garlic, nuts, seeds, fruits like
avocado and some berries.
This list is meant to give you more ideas about what you can safely eat but is by no means
complete. When in doubt use your NutriBase software to see the Protein, Carbohydrate, and
Fat (PCF) of that particular food. If the good fat and protein in the food is high and the sugar
content is low it is usually a safe food. The diet management methods we recommend account
for all carbohydrates as well as the fats and protein in the meals we eat and balance each meal.
Soup, noodle soup (traditional Turkish soup with
stock and noodles)
254 g
Gaio® Tagatose sugar replacement (Arla Foods)
(Test portion not 100% available carbohydrate)
Hummus (chickpea salad dip)
30 g
Xylitol (25 g test portion)
Nopal (prickly pear cactus) (South American)
Acacia aneura, mulga seed, roasted, wet ground to
paste (Australia)
50 g
Castanospermum australe, blackbean seed, sliced,
soaked 1 wk, pounded and baked (Australia)
50 g
Chickpeas (Garbanzo beans, Bengal gram), dried,
soaked, boiled 35 min (Philippines)
150 g
Blue Agave cactus nectar, organic, light, 97%
10 g
Blue Agave cactus nectar, organic, light, 90%
10 g
Bengal gram dhal, chickpea (India)
150 g
Jalna Leben European Style Yoghourt
200 g
Fructose (50g test portion)
50 g
Ga kenkey, prepared from fermented cornmeal (Zea
mays) (Ghana)
Jalna Premium Blend - Greek Style Yoghourt
200 g
Kidney bean /white bean (Phaseolus vulgaris Linn),
soaked, boiled 17 min (Philippines)
150 g
Peanuts (Canada)
50 g
Pinto beans, boiled in salted water (South American)
100 g
Cannelloni, spinach and ricotta
400 g
Carrots, raw (Romania)
80 g
Lentils, red, dried, boiled (Canada)
150 g
Uppuma kedgeree (millet, legumes, fenugreek seeds;
roasted and cooked in water) (India)
Rice Bran, extruded
Rajmah (Phaseolus vulgaris) (India)
Premium Agave Nectar (Sweet Cactus Farms)
Black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris Linn), soaked
overnight, cooked 45 min (Philippines)
150 g
Barley, pearled (Canada)
150 g
Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan Linn. Huth.), soaked,
boiled 45 min (Philippines)
150 g
Cashew nuts, (Australia)
50 g
2.9 -3
Yoghurt, non-fat with no added sugar
200 g
Plum, raw
120 g
Brown beans
80 g
Mixed nuts, roasted
50 g
Grapefruit, raw (Canada)
120 g
Mung bean, germinated (Australia)
150 g
Peas, yellow, split, dried, soaked overnight, boiled 55 25min
150 g
Butter beans, soaked overnight, boiled 50 min
150 g
Freedom Foods Raspberry spread, no added sugar
10 g
Coarse barley kernel bread with 75% kernels
30 g
Bangladeshi rice, variety BR16, pressure parboiled
150 g
Spaghetti, protein enriched, boiled 7 min
180 g
Chapatti, baisen (India)
60 g
Apple, raw (Denmark)
120 g
Peach, raw (Canada)
120 g
Butter beans (South Africa)
150 g
Proti pasta (protein-enriched pasta), boiled in water:
Vital Nature Inc., San Antonio, Texas, USA
1 cup
Rye, whole kernels (Canada)
Apple, dried (Australia)
60 g
Prunes, pitted
60 g
Butter beans, dried, cooked 1.25 h (South Africa)
150 g
Haricot/Navy beans, pressure cooked at 15 psi for 25 min
150 g
Wheat, whole kernels (Triticum aestivum) (India)
Apricots, dried (Australia)
60 g
Banana, under-ripe (Denmark)
60 g
Haricot/Navy beans, dried, boiled (Canada)
150 g
Black Beans (South American)
150 g
Wheat tortilla (Mexican)
50 g
Full-fat cow's milk, fresh
258 ml
Orange, raw (Denmark)
120 g
Haricot/Navy beans, boiled (Canada)
150 g
Marrowfat peas, dried, boiled (USA)
Apricots, dried, ready to eat
150 g
Bangladeshi rice, variety BR16, traditionally parboiled
(27% amylose)
150 g
Skim milk (Canada)
259 ml
Apple, Braeburn, raw (New Zealand)
120 g
Lima beans, baby, frozen, reheated in microwave oven
150 g
Fettucine, egg, boiled
180 g
Spaghetti, white, boiled 15 min
180 g
Spaghetti, wholemeal, boiled (USA)
180 g
Locust honey (Romania)
25 g
(27% amylose)
Pear, raw, (Canada)
120 g
Blackeyed beans/peas (Cowpeas), boiled (Canada)
150 g
Campbell's ® tomato juice (US formulation): Campbell
soup company, Camden, NJ, USA
354 ml
Coarse barley kernel bread with 80% scalded intact
kernels and 20% white wheat flour
30 g
Rye, whole kernels, pressure cooked (15 psi) 30 min in 2 L
water (Canada)
Apple, raw (Canada)
120 g
Pear, Winter Nellis, raw (New Zealand)
120 g
Spaghetti, white, durum wheat, boiled
180 g
Dioscorea bulbifera, cheeky yam, peeled, sliced, soaked 2
d, baked 15 min (Australia)
150 g
Dioscorea bulbifera, cheeky yam, peeled, sliced, soaked 2
d, baked 15 min (Australia)
250 g
Bangladeshi rice, variety BR16, parboiled (28% amylose)
150 g
Vermicelli, white, boiled (Australia)
180 g
Yellow box honey (46% fructose) (Australia)
25 g
Yam, peeled, boiled (New Zealand)
150 g
Dhokla, leavened, fermented, steamed cake; dehusked
chickpea and wheat semolina (India)
100 g
Yoghurt, low fat, natural
200 g
Peaches, dried, ready to eat
60 g
Yoghurt (Canada)
200 g
Butter beans (Canada)
150 g
Cheela (thin savoury pancake made from legume batter),
bengal gram, fermented batter (India)
150 g
Lima beans broth (Phaseolus lunatus)(Pima Indian, USA)
Yakult LIGHT, fermented milk drink
65 ml
Yoghurt, Greek style, honey topped
140 g
Dates, Khalas, sun-dried, vacuum-packed
55 g
Apple juice, pure, cloudy, unsweetened
262 ml
Sweet corn, 'Honey & Pearl' variety (New Zealand)
80 g
Chapatti, barley (India)
60 g
Tomato juice, canned, no added sugar
257 ml
Converted rice, white, boiled 20-30 min, Uncle Ben's®
150 g
Long grain rice, parboiled, boiled 5 min (Canada)
150 g
Cheela, (thin savoury pancake made from legume batter),
green gram, fermented batter (India)
150 g
Green gram, (Phaseolus aureus),soaked 12 h, stored
moist 24 h, steamed 1 h (India)
Green banana, boiled (New Zealand)
120 g
Tortilla, corn (Zea mays and Olneya tesota)(Pima Indian,
50 g
Apple juice, pure, unsweetened, reconstituted
243 g
Apple, Golden Delicious, raw (Canada)
120 g
Ravioli, durum wheat flour, meat filled, boiled (Australia)
180 g
Pea, green, frozen, boiled (Canada)
80 g
Corn tortilla, served with refried mashed pinto beans and
tomato sauce (Mexican)
100 g
Muesli, Natural
30 g
Apple, raw (USA)
120 g
Orange, raw (Canada)
120 g
Strawberries, fresh, raw (Australia)
120 g
Unripe plantain (Musa paradisiaca) (Ghana)
120 g
Corn hominy (Zea mays)(Pima Indian, USA)
150 g
Chapatti, flour made from popped wheat, moth bean and
bengal gram (India)
60 g
Macrozamia communis, cycad palm seed, sliced, soaked 1
wk, pounded, baked (Australia)
Coarse rye kernel bread (pumperknickel) with 80% intact
kernels and 20% white wheat flour (Sweden)
30 g
Wholemeal rye bread (Canada)
30 g
Mango (Mangifera indica) (Philippines)
120 g
Pear, Bartlett, raw (Canada)
120 g
Carrots, peeled, boiled (Australia)
80 g
Porridge made from raw rolled oats
250 g
Banana, slightly under-ripe (yellow with green sections)
120 g
Wheat, whole kernels, boiled (Canada)
Corn chips, plain, salted, Doritos™ original (1998)
50 g
Cheela (thin savoury pancake made from legume batter),
bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) (India)
150 g
Fajitas, chicken
275 g
9-Grain Multi-Grain bread
30 g
Grapes, raw (Canada)
120 g
Lactose (50 g test portion)
Black gram, (Phaseolus mungo), soaked 12 h, stored moist
24 h, steamed 1 h (India)
150 g
V8 ® 100% vegetable juice (US formulation): Campbell
soup company, Camden, NJ, USA
163 ml
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas),boiled (Australia)
150 g
Buckwheat groats, hydrothermally treated, dehusked,
boiled 12 min (Sweden)
150 g
Converted rice, white, Uncle Ben's® brand
150 g
Macaroni, plain, boiled 5 min
180 g
Dates, Khalas, traditional dried, dark brown colour
55 g
Wholegrain pumpernickel bread
30 g
Cracked wheat (bulgur/bourghul), boiled in 800 mL water
20 min (Canada)
150 g
Banana, raw (Canada)
120 g
Romano beans (Canada)
Cassava, boiled, with salt (Kenya)
100 g
Sweet corn, frozen, heated in microwave
80 g
Potato, New (Canada)
150 g
Grapefruit juice, unsweetened
261 ml
Sourdough rye (Australia)
30 g
Sweet corn, on the cob, boiled 20 min (Australia)
50 g
Banana, over-ripe (yellow flecked with brown) (USA)
120 g
Milk, skimmed, pasteurised, British (Dairycrest)
250 ml
Red River Cereal, breakfat cereal
Oat bran, raw
10 g
Brown rice, steamed (USA)
150 g
Parboiled rice, Doongara, high-amylose (28%), boiled
150 g
Banana, ripe (all yellow) (USA)
120 g
Pea, green, frozen, boiled (Canada)
80 g
Yam (Canada)
Porridge made from steel-cut oats, cooked in water
60 g dry
Cracked wheat (bulgur/bourghul), boiled 20 min (Canada) 53
150 g
Quinoa, organic, boiled
100 g
Taro (Colocasia esculenta) peeled, boiled (Australia)
150 g
Last Updated (Saturday, 01 September 2007)
Appendix 2 - Glossary of diabetic terms
ADRENALIN is a hormone released by the body in reaction to stress. It prepares the body for
'flight or fight.'
ADULT-ONSET DIABETES is the former term for non-insulin dependent, or type-2 diabetes.
This term is no longer in use because, although type-2 diabetes usually occurs after 40 years of
age, it may develop at younger ages..
ALPHA CELLS are found in the Islets of Langerhans within your pancreas. They are
responsible for producing glucagon, a hormone which causes an increase in the blood sugar
AMPUTATION is the surgical removal of a limb or part of a limb. People with diabetes may be
at increased risk for gangrene due to nerve damage in the legs and feet, which may require
ANIMAL INSULIN is the original form of insulin derived from the pancreas of cows and pigs.
ANTIBODIES are proteins that the body produces to fight off foreign substances such as
bacteria, viruses and transplanted organs.
ANTIOXIDANTS are chemicals that are added to foods containing fat to prevent oxygen from
combining with the fatty molecules. Oxidation would cause the fatty food to become rancid.
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. This condition often
occurs with aging, in hypertension and diabetes.
AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE is a disorder in which a person's own antibodies destroy body
tissues, such as the beta cells in the pancreas.
BEEF INSULIN was a form of insulin derived from the pancreas of cows.
BETA CELLS are found in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Their function is to produce
BLOOD GLUCOSE METERS are hand-held machines designed to test blood glucose levels. A
drop of blood from your finger is placed on a small strip of material, which is then inserted into
the meter for analysis and the result is displayed. Blood glucose meters allow the person with
diabetes to play an active role in monitoring their own blood glucose levels.
BLOOD PRESSURE refers to the pressure exerted by blood flow on artery walls. People with
diabetes should aim for a blood pressure of 130 / 80 or lower. High blood pressure
(hypertension) can cause health problems such as heart attacks, strokes and kidney problems.
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) is a unit of measurement to describe weight in relation to height for
people 20 to 65 years of age (kg /m2) Classifications include-Underweight (<18.5), Normal
Weight (18.5 - 24.9), Overweight (25 - 29.9),Obese(>30)
BUNION is a bulge on the first joint of the big toe caused by swelling under the skin as a result
of chronic irritation and pressure from poorly fitting shoes.
CALLUS is a common, usually painless, thickening of the skin on the feet or hands, at points of
external pressure or friction.
CALORIE is a measurement of the energy provided by food. The sources of calories in a diet
are carbohydrate, protein, alcohol and fat.
CAPILLARY is the smallest blood vessel. Capillary walls are so thin that oxygen and glucose
can pass through them and enter the cells. Waste products, such as carbon dioxide, pass back
into the bloodstream via the capillaries to be carried away and expelled from the body.
CARBOHYDRATE one of the major sources of calories in the diet. It comes primarily from
sugar (found in refined fruits and vegetables) and starch (found in grains and legumes).
Carbohydrate breaks down into glucose during digestion and raises blood glucose levels.
CATARACTS are a grey-white film that can cover the lens of the eye, obscuring vision. They
tend to occur in people over 50 years of age, but can occur at a younger age and advance more
rapidly in the presence of diabetes. If left untreated, cataracts can cause blindness.
CHIROPODIST is a health professional who diagnoses and treats disorders of the feet.
CHOLESTEROL is a type of fat which occurs naturally in our bodies and is also found in animal
fats. Too much saturated fat and dietary cholesterol may be associated with arteriosclerosis.
CHRONIC refers to a disease or disorder that is present over long periods of time often the
remainder of a lifetime of an individual.
COMA is a state of unconsciousness. In diabetes, it may result from a variety of causes
including severe hypoglycemia or severe ketoacidosis.
C-PEPTIDE is formed in the beta cells of the pancreas therefore a test of C-peptide levels
indicates the amount of beta cell function occurring in the pancreas.
CREATININE is a compound present in the muscles and blood that is passed in the urine. A
'creatinine clearance test' is a diagnostic test for kidney function.
DEHYDRATION is a state in which there is excessive loss of water from body tissues. It can
occur when the blood sugar levels are high for long periods of time. It can also result from
inadequate water intake, or excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea. Symptoms of dehydration
can include extreme thirst, irritability, confusion and flushed, dry skin. Many people are
chronically dehydrated.
DIABETIC RETINOPATHY is a disease in which the small blood vessels (capillaries) in the
back of the eye (retina) may bleed or form new vessels. This condition usually occurs in people
with long-standing diabetes. Regular eye examinations are an important part of diabetes
DIABETES is a condition in which the body either cannot produce insulin or cannot effectively
use the insulin it produces. (see Gestational Diabetes, type-1 Diabetes, type-2 Diabetes)
DIALYSIS is a method of removing waste products and excess water from the body when the
kidneys no longer function adequately.
DIETITIAN is an expert in nutrition who can assist people plan the kinds and amounts of foods
that promote a healthy lifestyle.
EDEMA is the swelling or puffiness caused by fluid collecting in the tissues.
ENDOCRINOLOGIST is a medical doctor who specializes in treating people who have
problems related to their endocrine system, which includes diabetes.
EPIDEMIOLOGY is the study of the occurrence, distribution and causes of diseases in
FAMILIAL OCCURRENCE refers to the pattern of a disease within a family. Family and twin
studies have shown that type-2 diabetes is far more likely to run in families than type-1 diabetes.
FAT is the most concentrated source of calories in a diet. Saturated fats are found primarily in
animal products but can also be found in some plant products and unsaturated fats come from
mostly from plants but the most important polyunsaturated fats come primarily from fish oils.
Excess intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease
and stroke.
FIBER is a type of material within foods mainly found in vegetables, fruits and cereals that adds
bulk to the diet aiding digestion.
GANGRENE is the death of body tissues usually due to loss of blood supply to the affected
area, followed by bacterial invasion.
GESTATIONAL DIABETES develops during pregnancy due to a deficiency of insulin during
pregnancy that disappears following delivery. Women who have had gestational diabetes are at
a high risk of developing type-2 diabetes later in life.
GLUCAGON is a hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates the liver to produce large
amounts of glucose. It is given by injection for hypoglycemia and generally restores blood sugar
within five to ten minutes.
GLUCOSE is a simple form of sugar that acts as fuel for the body. It is produced during
digestion of carbohydrate and carried to the cells in the blood.
GLYCOGEN is the main carbohydrate storage material, which is stored in the liver and muscles
for use when energy is required.
GLYCOSURIA refers to an increased amount of sugar in the urine. It is usually an indication of
an elevated blood glucose level.
GLYCOSYLATED HEMOGLOBIN (A1C) is a measure of your average blood glucose level
over the past 2 - 3 months.
HONEYMOON PERIOD is the period of time after the diagnosis of type-1 diabetes when the
dose of insulin may need to be reduced due to remaining or recovered insulin secretion from the
pancreas. This period can last weeks, months or years.
HORMONES are the substances released into the bloodstream from a gland or organ.
Hormones control growth and development, reproduction, sexual characteristics, blood sugar
levels and influence the way the body uses and stores energy.
HUMAN INSULIN is a bio-synthetic insulin created in the 1990s using recombinant-DNA
HYPERGLYCEMIA (also HYPERGLYCAEMIA) is a condition caused by greater than normal
levels of glucose in the blood. Symptoms include thirst, frequent urination and fatigue.
HYPERLIPOPROTEINEMIA is the presence in the blood of greater than normal amounts of
certain lipids and other fatty substances in the blood.
HYPERTENSION is the medical term for high blood pressure.
HYPOGLYCEMIA (also HYPOGLYCAEMIA) is a condition in which blood glucose levels drop
too low. Symptoms may include sweating, trembling, hunger, dizziness, moodiness, confusion
blurred vision and hunger.
IMPOTENCE is a form of sexual dysfunction in which a man is unable to obtain an erection.
INSULIN is a hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas in response to increased
levels of glucose in the blood.
INSULIN LIPODYSTROPHY is the loss of fatty tissue that can occur as a result of repeated
insulin injections in the same area.
INSULIN PUMP is a portable, battery-operated device that delivers a specific amount of insulin
through a small needle inserted under the skin. It can be programmed to deliver constant doses
throughout the day and / or deliver extra insulin as required throughout the day.
INSULIN RECEPTORS are areas on the outer walls of a cell that permit insulin to bind to the
cell. When cells and insulin bind together, the cell is able to take glucose from the bloodstream
and use it for energy.
INSULIN SHOCK is another term used for hypoglycemia or low blood sugar (see hypoglycemia)
ISCHEMIA is an inadequate supply of blood to body tissues or organs. It can occur if blood
vessels are narrowed or constricted.
ISLETS OF LANGERHANS are clusters of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, glucagons
and pancreatic polypeptide.
JUVENILE-ONSET DIABETES is the former term for insulin-dependent, or type-1 diabetes.
KETONES are chemicals produced by the liver when the body cannot use glucose and must
break down fat for energy. Ketones can poison and even kill body cells. When ketones build up,
the body gets rid of them in the urine. Ketones that accumulate in the body over long periods of
time can lead to serious illness and coma.
KETOACIDOSIS is a severe complication of diabetes that is the result of high blood sugar
levels and ketones often associated with poor control of diabetes or as a complication due to
other illnesses.
LASER TREATMENTS are a recognized treatment for retinopathy that involves a source of
intense radiation that targets damaged areas of the retina.
mg/dL is the American abbreviated form of milligrams per deciliter, a term used to describe how
much glucose is present in a specific amount of blood. To convert American mg/dl readings to
the Canadian mmol/L, divide by 18.
mmol/L is the abbreviated form of millimoles per liter, a term used to describe how much
glucose is present in a specific amount of blood. To convert Canadian mmol/L to American
mg/dl, multiply by 18.
MORBIDITY RATE is the number of cases of a particular disease occurring in a single year
often expressed as 'x cases per 1000'.
MORTALITY RATE is the rate of people who die from a specific illness in relation to the total
population. Mortality rates are usually expressed as the number of deaths per 1,000, 10,000 or
100,000 persons.
NEPHROLOGIST is a medical doctor who specializes in the care and treatment of people with
kidney diseases.
NEPHROPATHY is any disease of the kidneys.
NEUROPATHY is inflammation or degeneration of the peripheral nerves.
OBESITY is an abnormal increase in the proportion of fat cells. Obesity may be accompanied
by other signs of poor health and is a risk factor for type-2 diabetes.
OPHTHALMOLOGIST is a medical doctor who specializes in treatment and care of the eyes.
ORAL AGENTS are medications, taken by mouth, for the treatment of type-2 diabetes.
ORAL GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST (OGTT) is a test of the body's ability to metabolize
carbohydrate. It is performed by giving a standard dose of glucose and measuring the blood and
urine for glucose at regular intervals.
PANCREAS A fish-shaped grayish-pink nodular gland that stretches transversely across the
posterior abdominal wall in the epigastric region that secretes various substances such as
digestive fluid, insulin and glucagons. It is divided into a head, a body, and a tail, and is about
13cm long in adults.
PEDIATRICIAN (also PEDIATRIST) is a medical doctor who specializes in the care and
treatment of children.
PODIATRIST is a health professional who diagnoses and treats disorders of the feet.
PORK INSULIN - is a form of insulin that is derived from the pancreas of pigs
POST-PRANDIAL means 'after mealtime'.
PROTEIN is one of the major sources of calories in a diet. Found in meats, eggs, milk and some
vegetables and starches, protein provides the body with material for building blood cells,
hormones and body tissue.
SUGAR is a simple form of carbohydrate that provides calories and raises blood glucose levels.
TYPE-1 DIABETES (or insulin-dependent diabetes) occurs when the pancreas no longer
produces any or very little insulin. The body needs insulin to use sugar as an energy source.
Type-1 diabetes usually develops in childhood or adolescence and affects 10% of people with
TYPE-2 DIABETES (or non-insulin-dependent diabetes) occurs when the pancreas does not
produce enough insulin to meet the body's needs or the insulin is not metabolized effectively.
Type-2 usually occurs later in life and affects 90% of people with diabetes.
ULCER is a crater-like lesion of the skin or mucous membrane often as a result of inflammatory
URINE TESTS measure substances, such as blood glucose or ketones, present in the urine.
VASCULAR DISEASE is a disease of the blood vessels.
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