- Catfoss Cabin Hire Ltd
- Catfoss Cabin Hire Ltd
Tel: 0845 345 6404 Cabin Reference Guide For allayour cabin requirements, please contact our For ll your cabin requirements, please contact dedicated national office: our dedicated na=onal office: Premier Interlink (Waco Ca@oss Cabin Hire LUK td Ltd) CABIN DIVISION Ca@oss Lane Top Floor Brandesburton Rivermill East Yorkshire School Lane YO25 Socon 8EJ Eaton Neots Tel: 0845 345 6St 404 Fax: 01964 544 817 Cambs, PE19 8GW www.ca@osscabinhire.co.uk Tel: 01480 408350 Fax: 01480 408351 or your local area sales representa=ve. www.waco.co.uk or your local area sales representative. 1 PLEASE NOTE: Cabin layouts, fixtures and fittings may vary subject to stock availability at the time of order 3 4 3658 12ft x 9ft Jackleg Unit Open Plan 2649 Layout Options 12ft x 9ft Jackleg Unit Drying Room Canteen 5 6 4876 16ft x 9ft Jackleg Unit Open Plan 2649 Layout Options 16ft x 9ft Jackleg Unit Drying Room Canteen 7 24ft x 9ft Jackleg Unit Open Plan 8 Layout Options Canteen 24ft x 9ft Jackleg Unit Drying Room Split Office 9 32ft x 10ft Jackleg Unit Open Plan 10 Layout Options Drying Room 32ft x 10ft Jackleg Unit Canteen Twin Office Drying Room Canteen Split Office 11 40ft x 12ft Jackleg Unit Open Plan 12 Layout Options 40ft x 12ft Jackleg Unit Drying Room Canteen Twin Office Drying Room Canteen Split Office 13 Jackleg Toilet Units 12ft x 9ft 2 Berth 14 Jackleg Toilet Units 12ft x 9ft 2+1 15 Jackleg Toilet Units 12ft x 9ft 3 Berth 16 Jackleg Toilet Units 16ft x 9ft 3+1 17 Jackleg Toilet Units 16ft x 9ft 4 Berth 18 Steel Store 21ft x 9ft 19 Anti-Vandal Units 20ft x 8ft Open Plan 20 20ft x 8ft Layout Options Drying Room Canteen Anti-Vandal Units Canteen Drying Room 4 Berth 21 20ft x 8ft Layout Options Drying Room Canteen Anti-Vandal Units Canteen Drying Room 4 Berth 21 22 Linked Units 23 Double Stacked Units NOTES Ca@oss Cabin Hire Ltd is part of the Ca@oss Group, The Ca@oss Group is a consor=um of companies that provide commercial buildings including offices, schools, retail, health, housing and student accommoda=on to the private and public sectors across the UK. Contact us for more details Head Office: Ca@oss Group Tickton Hall, Tickton, Beverley HU17 9RX Tel: 01964 544877 Email: sales@ca@ossgroup.com Web: www.ca@ossgroup.com Tel: 0845 345 6404 Fax: 0845 345 6404 www.ca@osscabinhire.co.uk
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