community education - Howard Lake • Waverly • Winsted Public
community education - Howard Lake • Waverly • Winsted Public
Howard Lake - Waverly - Winsted COMMUNITY EDUC AT I O N District 2687 Education Recreation Activities Special Events Birth - Age 5 Youth (K-12) Adults HLWW Fitness Center Walking Track, page 8 FALL 2016 Fall 2016 Brochure This is the Community Education brochure for Independent School District 2687, which serves the communities of Howard Lake, Waverly and Winsted. We look forward to serving all residents of the district to meet your needs and interests in continuing education. HLWW Community Ed. Staff Table of Contents • Margaret Marketon, Community Education Director • Helen Lester, Early Childhood Family Education Coordinator, Parent Educator, Early Childhood Educator and Explorers Teacher, Middle School • Felicity Ostvig, District 2687 Preschool Teacher, Winsted site; • Pam Henry-Neaton, District 2687 Preschool Teacher, Waverly site; and Youth Service/Adult Volunteer Coordinator • Stacy Horsch, Secretary • Geraldine Dressel, Robin Meredith, Clare Bjork School Age Care Staff AARP Smart Driver ............................................................... 6 ABE, GED, ESL, Volunteer Tutor Training......................10 Adult Volunteer Program, HLWW..................................12 Art Expo & Craft Fair...........................................................32 Census Information ....................................................25, 31 Communities Connecting Collaborative....................13 CPR and First Aid................................................................... 3 Dance.......................................................................................16 Driver Education for Youth ..............................................15 Early Childhood Family Education .........................20-26 Ed2go Online Classes ........................................................11 Family Education Classes .................................................11 Fitness Center, HLWW...................................................... 8-9 General Interest................................................................. 3-6 Gymnastics............................................................................14 Health and Fitness................................................................. 5 Mid-Minnesota Concert Band........................................... 6 Nurtured Heart Approach Adults.................................... 6 Opening Doors (For Adults with Disabilities) .....27-29 Preschool, District 2687 ...................................................19 Project Caring.......................................................................12 Registration Information ...........................................30-31 School Age Care Program ...............................................18 School Readiness Program, Explorers..........................23 Trips and Tours ...................................................................... 7 Violin, Guitar, Piano or Ukulele Lessons ....................... 3 Walk the Halls ........................................................................ 5 Walking Track...................................................................... 8-9 Yoga............................................................................................ 5 Youth Activities..............................................................12-17 Office number: 320-543-4670 Check Us Out on the Web at Community Education For You Community Education is based on the idea that schools belong to everyone and should serve all people through lifelong learning opportunities. Community Education aims to match needs with available resources for both individual and community improvement. Information about Community Education activities may be found in the brochures sent out to all residents in our school district. Community Education news and happenings are also published in the local newspapers and are broadcast on KRWC 1360AM, Buffalo and WCCO 830AM. Types of programs offered through Community Education: • Enrichment • Senior Programs • Recreation • Youth Programs • Educational • Volunteer Programs • Cultural • Adult Basic Education • Social • Adults with Disabilities • Trips • Parenting Classes • Health • Preschool • Special Events • School Age Care Community Education programs are held primarily in your area schools. When school is canceled or dismissed early, Community Education classes, seminars and trips are also canceled, and may be rescheduled. Cancellations are broadcast on KRWC 1360AM Buffalo and WCCO 830AM stations. Adults with Disabilities: You are invited to participate in the classes and activities in this catalog. We will make every effort to provide the accommodations necessary to help make your Community Education experience enjoyable. Advisory Council The Community Education Advisory Council represents the citizens of the school district. The council meets regularly to help identify, coordinate and evaluate the educational, social and cultural opportunities for district residents of all ages. Members of the advisory council welcome your suggestions, ideas, questions and concerns. All meetings are open to the public. If you have ideas or feelings you’d like to share, please feel free to talk to any Advisory Board member. If you would like to become a member, call Margaret Marketon at 320-543-4670. Community Education Instructors Wanted You can make a difference as a Community Education instructor. Community Education is looking for instructors to teach classes in computer, technology, gardening, various hobbies, skills, arts and crafts. For more information, or if you have a suggestion for a class, call 320-543-4670. Become a valuable part of your community by sharing your talents with others. Being a Community Education instructor is fun, challenging and rewarding. Everyone has talents that can be shared with others. For more information, contact the Community Education office. GENERAL INTEREST Your Life & Your Money In Retirement Retirement is just around the corner; what options do you have? Learn of solutions to get the most out of retirement! Have you asked all the right questions? What goals have you set for retirement? Learn how your retirement might be different, if you consider the right questions and plan. This is an information class only, no products are sold. Thursday, October 27 7-8 pm Room E213, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor No fee if registered by October 17 $7 after October 17 Geoff Stamp, Financial Services Representative Saving for College 101 The total cost of a college education can be overwhelming when you see all the numbers, then assume it increases each year by 5% on average. Student Loan debt continues to grow. Now more than ever, if you can provide an education fund in the future, what advantages this can provide for your children? Have you set a target amount or percentage to pay for the total cost of education? Start getting answers to these complex questions. This is an information class only, no products are sold. Thursday, November 3 7-8:30 pm Room E213, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor No fee if registered by October 24 $7 after October 24 Geoff Stamp, Financial Services Representative Keeping the Cabin, Farm or Business in the Family Division of the estate can lead to bitter battles between siblings and impact their relationships forever. Who will pay the taxes? What if one family member uses it more or does all the work? How can I ensure my children receive equal inheritance? What effect will estate taxes have? Get the answers to these and other questions and learn how to keep cabin, business, farm, or other property in the family without driving the family apart. This is an information class only, no products are sold. Tuesday, November 29 7-8:30 pm Room E213, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor No fee if registered by November 18 $7 after November 18 Geoff Stamp, Financial Services Representative PAGE 3 CPR Refresher Participants will review the skills of recognizing and caring for cardiac emergencies. This one night refresher course will continue your certification upon successful completion of the written and practical tests. Certificate in American Heart CPR. Register by October 10. Tuesday, October 18 6:30-9:30 pm Room E201, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor $35 Louise Weber Community First Aid Learn the signs and symptoms of cardiac distress, choking, and rescue breathing. Identify the signals of shock and minimize its effects; care for sudden illness, including poisoning, heat and cold emergencies; how to recognize an emergency and respond to the situation. Upon completion of this course, you will be certified in First Aid by the American Red Cross. Purchase of book is optional, not included in the class fee. Register by October 17. Tuesday, October 25 6:30-9:30 pm Room E201, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor $40 Louise Weber Holiday Floral Centerpiece Learn flower arranging techniques while making a holiday centerpiece using materials including fresh greens, holly, flowers, cedar, eucalyptus, candles and ribbon. This centerpiece will make a beautiful addition to your holiday decor. Materials fee estimated $12, includes container payable to instructor at class. Register by December 5. Wednesday, Dec. 21 6:30-8:30 pm Ag room B136, HS $10 Jim Weninger and Seena Glessing Beginning/Intermediate Violin, Guitar, Piano or Ukulele Lessons Start playing violin, guitar, piano or ukulele, the instrument you always wanted to learn. Lessons include beginner or intermediate. Student must have their own instrument to practice on at home. Advanced lessons can also be arranged, your choice. Register by September 21. Thursdays, September 29, October 6, 27, November 3, 10, 17, December 1, 8 Lessons begin after 6 pm, time arranged with instructor. Music room, Winsted Elementary $150 for 8 lessons usually 30 minutes beginner, intermediate 45 minutes, occasionally beginners go longer. Bonnie Hallett, music teacher GENERAL INTEREST PAGE 4 Junior Handlers-Dog Obedience Creative Canvas Painting Mittens Adult and Child age 6 and Older Want to try something new with your child and have your very own masterpieces to hang up afterwards? Come paint wintery mittens and customize them for your family and pets. We will have cookies to share at the end while displaying our beautiful works for the group. Register by November 8. Tuesday, November 22 no school the next day for HLWW 2687 students. 6-8 pm Art room A133, HS HL $34, per adult & child, each will paint a canvas Emily Lynch Victory, Artist/Instructor Creative Canvas Painting Holiday Bulbs Are you a little nervous to explore your creativity and paint? Absolutely no need! No experience or talent necessary. Come learn step-by-step how to paint your very own seasonal masterpiece! Everything you need will be supplied, even coffee and cookies to keep you going. Bring friends for a fun evening out! Register by November 14. Monday, November 28 6-8:30 pm Art room A133, HS HL $29 Emily Lynch Victory, Artist/Instructor This class is geared for young kids that are gearing up to learn about competition with their beloved K-9. You will learn the proper way to handle your dog in the ring when showing, correct commands to use, learn why timing/ correction is so critical to having a successful time in the ring and getting high scores. Commands to learn: heal, stand for exam, front, down, side, proper recall, about turns, U-turns, group sit stays, group down stays. Kathy has 22 years of training and showing background with obedience, hunting and agility. Bring a water bowl, 6 foot leather lead NO FLEXI’s, treats that are recommended are: string cheese, hot dogs or anything that is soft and palatable so it’s easy to swallow. Every dog must be fully vaccinated and must show proof PRIOR to class (distempter, bordetella, rabies and must be on a Frontline and Heartguard). Classes will be held outside weather permitting near Howard Lake. You will receive directions after registering. Register by September 14. Wednesdays, September 21-November 9, 8 weeks 6-7 pm $140, maximum 12 per class Kathy Larson, Sundowner Retrievers Kennel Basic Puppy Obedience This class is geared for the new puppy owner. Learn proper crating methods, what’s safe to give to your puppy, how to enforce sit/down /stay. Why positive treat reinforcement and timing on corrections is so critical. Proper healing, coming when called. Kathy has 22 years of training and showing background with obedience, hunting and agility. Bring a water bowl, 6 foot leather lead NO FLEXI’s, treats that are recommended are: string cheese, hot dogs or anything that is soft and palatable so it’s easy to swallow. Every dog must be fully vaccinated and must show proof PRIOR to class (distempter, bordetella, rabies and must be on a Frontline and Heartguard). Classes will be held outside weather permitting near Howard Lake. You will receive directions after registering. Register by September 14. Wednesdays, September 21-November 9, 8 weeks 7:30-8:30 pm $140, maximum 12 per class Kathy Larson, Sundowner Retrievers Kennel Class Cancellations When school is canceled due to weather or other emergencies, Community Education is also canceled. Cancellations are broadcast on radio stations KRWC 1360 AM (Buffalo), KDUZ 1260 AM, KARP 106.9 FM (Hutchinson) WCCO 830 AM and on the following TV stations: WCCO channel 4, KSTP channel 5, KARE channel 11. HEALTH AND FITNESS • YOGA PAGE 5 Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury Walk the Halls Waverly and Winsted Awareness During the school year the halls of the elementary Come and learn about head injuries and what they mean to you. A discussion on what a concussion is and what an average person needs to know. This class will cover how these injuries are handledand what to look out for following a head injury. A good class for the curious and for parents who are concerned about all the conflicting information about concussions in the media. Terminology will be at a level that everyone can understand. Register by September 15. Thursday, September 22 7-8 pm Room E213, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor $7 Natalie Aamodt, D.C. Lifestyle Solutions to Lifestyle Disease Learn about how the choices we make can set us up for chronic disease and simple solutions that we can implement to prevent them. Diabetes and heart disease are prevalent and can sharply limit quality of life and life span. This class is not to scare people into dieting, but to educate everyone about these conditions and simple things that anyone can do to benefit their health. Join us for a straightforward discussion and cut through all the advertising and misinformation. Register by September 28. Thursday, October 6 7-8 pm Room E213, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor $7 Natalie Aamodt, D.C. Detoxing Your Body Learn how to defensively eat, get a quick detox to make you feel great, and inspire you to use that energy for activities that do not include eating as the main event. We will cover how to eat to get skinny and quick easy detoxification diets. Fun and very educational class on how and why we eat. Register by November 1. Wednesday, November 9 7-8 pm Room E213, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor $7 Natalie Aamodt, D.C. No Guts, No Glory Learn why your digestive system is so important to keep regulated. Learn why being regular can help with many different conditions from low energy to being overweight, even being in constant pain. Register by December 5. Monday, December 12 7-8 pm Room E213, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor $7 Natalie Aamodt, D.C. schools in Waverly and Winsted will be open for walking Monday through Friday 3:30-5:30 pm. • Register with Community Education prior to your first walking time. You will receive a free walking pass which must be displayed when walking the elementary halls. • No walking when school is not in session. Fall Open Gym Watch for Fall Open Gym dates. We are planning Open Gym for Sunday evenings beginning in November. HLWW Activity Center, Middle School, park in lower level east parking lot. Enter Community Education/Activity Center entrance. Planning for Fitness Activities Looking for instructors and volunteers If you would be interested in leading any of the following fitness activity opportunities please contact Community Education 320-543-4670. • Adult Volleyball Coordinator • Fitness class Instructor including kettlebells, boot camp, yoga for youth, core, abs, walking program, strength, conditioning, etc. • Individuals who have experience with indoor soccer, tennis or pickle ball to teach or assist with play. Mixed Levels Yoga This yoga class is for those who may have prior experience with yoga and its basic postures, principles. In this class, we will start with basics and continue to practice at a more fluid pace with postures, breathing and yogic principles. This class will be more physical in nature than a basic Beginner’s Class, so please be aware of this if you have any concerns with movement and coming up and down off the floor. This class is open to ANYONE! Any outside prior yoga experience is great, but beginners are very welcome to this class. Bring a mat and a large towel or blanket. There will be some available for those who do not have access to these items. Registration deadline one week prior to class start date. Session 1: Tuesdays, September 20-November 1 (no class October 18) Session 2: Tuesdays November 15–December 20 6:15-7:15 pm Room E212/E214, MS, Community Education entrance east side lower level parking lot take elevator to 2nd floor $42 per 6 week session, $32 new participants with fitness center membership Julie Stoltman-Kubes, CPT, CMT, RYT NURTURED HEART APPROACH • MID MN BAND • AARP SMART DRIVER Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) Parents, grandparents, foster parents, child care providers, educators, coaches, counselors and others who have any interaction with children are encouraged to take the NHA classes. Interested in improving your relationship with your child? Learn the Nurtured Heart Approach and gain the following benefits: • Build your family with authentic connection and trust • Create a deeper sense of inner wealth and self- worth for your child • Improve performance on achievements and chores • Live with joy and success in this new reality of parenting Join us for 6 hours of learning an approach that will make all the difference for your family. Register one week prior to class start. NHA Full class Session 1: Thursdays, September 29 and October 6 Session 2: Thursdays, October 27 and November 3 6-9 pm Media Center, HS HL $15/person, 1 book; $20/family couple, 1 book Trainers: Vawn Krzmarzick and Breanne Adickes NHA Refresher Tuesday, October 25 6-8 pm Media Center, HS HL $8/person; $10/family couple, Trainers: Vawn Krzmarzick and Breanne Adickes Community Concert Wednesday, October 26 at 1 pm HLWW is inviting all senior citizens to the free Annual Community Concert scheduled for Wednesday, October 26 at 1 pm at HLWW High School. Refreshments will be served after the concert. This event is sponsored by Laker Pride. For updated information about the Community Concert, please see our website at or call the district office at 320-543-4646 between 8 am and 3 pm. Mid-Minnesota Concert Band The Mid-Minnesota Concert Band performs several concerts throughout the year, Care. New members are welcome to join the band. This would be a great time to join with all new music and concerts planned. Band members range in age from high school to 70+. Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:45 pm in the band room of the High School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. For more information, call Kendell Kubasch at 320-543-2678 or Marshall Carlsted at 320-543-2633. Foster Grandparent Program Our schools are again a site for the Foster Grandparent program that is facilitated through Lutheran Social Services. We will be fortunate to have one Foster Grandparent at Winsted Elementary again this year. We are open to having one at Humphrey Elementary also. Anyone who may be interested may contact Pam Henry-Neaton at 320-543-4680, extension 3168. PAGE 6 AARP Smart Driver™ Course AARP Driver Safety Programs are innovative classroom driver retraining programs for persons 55 and older which are designed to help improve driving skills. The eight-hour course or the four hour refresher course will be offered. Minnesota State Law requires all insurance companies to give a premium reduction to all persons 55 years of age and over who complete this course. AARP Driver Safety (ADS) offers the nation’s first and largest refresher course designed specifically for older drivers. The AARP Smart Driver Course is participant friendly and easy to follow. Learn researchbased safety strategies that can reduce the likelihood of having a crash. Understand the links among the driver, vehicle and road environment, and how this awareness encourages safer behavior. Learn how aging, medications, alcohol and other health-related issues affect driving ability and ways to adjust to allow for these changes. Increase confidence. Know how to drive safely when sharing the road with other road users. Learn the newest safety and advanced features in vehicles. Class is limited to 30 students. Preregistration is required. Bring your driver’s license to class. Fee includes AARP materials and host fee. Register one week prior to class date. $18 AARP members, bring card to class $23 non-AARP members 4-hour refresher For those who have already taken the 8-hour course Tuesday, September 20 5:30-9:30 pm FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance Tuesday, November 15 5:30-9:30 pm FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance Tuesday, March 14 5:30-9:30 pm FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance Tuesday, March 27 8 am-noon FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance Tuesday, June 13 8 am-noon FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance 8-hour class for new students Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22 5:30-9:30 pm FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance Monday, April 10 and Tuesday, April 11 5:30-9:30 pm FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance TRIPS AND TOURS Trips and Tours These trips are co-sponsored with Community Club Tours, call 320-543-4670 to register. Sandy & Chuck’s Fall Fun Mystery Tuesday, October 4 Lunch is included, $54 pp; Cokato 7:15 am-4:30 pm, Howard Lake 7:30 am-4:15 pm, Winsted 7:45 am-4 pm, Lester Prairie 8 am-3:45 pm, Plato 8:15 am-3:30 pm, NYA 8:30 am-3:15 pm Teen Idol: The Bobby Vee Story Thursday, October 13 We’re on our way to the History Theatre for another great show. Included buffet lunch follows the show. $72 pp; Cokato 7 am-4 pm, Howard Lake 7:15 am-3:45 pm, Winsted 7:30 am-3:30 pm, Lester Prairie 7:45 am-3:15 pm, Plato 8 am-3 pm, NYA 8:15 am-2:45 pm, Waconia 8:30 am-2:30 pm, Chanhassen 8:50 am-2:15 pm ‘That Lovin’ Feelin’ Saturday, October 22 We’re going to the Hudson House once again where we’ll begin with an included dinner. $76 pp; Cokato 9:30 am-5:45 pm, Howard Lake 9:45 am-5:30 pm, Winsted 10 am-5:15 pm, Lester Prairie 10:15 am-5 pm, Plato 10:30 am-4:45 pm, NYA 10:45 am-4:30 pm, Waconia 11 am-4:15 pm, Chanhassen 11:15 am-4 pm ‘The Geritol Frolics’ Thursday, October 27 We’re headed to Brainerd for a very popular variety show presented in vaudeville fashion! Snacks will be available, and we’ll do a fast food stop on the way home. $66 pp; NYA 11:15 am-8:30 pm, Plato 11:30 am-8:15 pm, Lester Prairie 11:45 am-8 pm, Winsted 12-7:45 pm, Howard Lake 12:15-7:30 pm ‘Triple Espresso’ Thursday, November 10 Begin with an included buffet lunch then head for the St. Cloud Paramount Theatre for Triple Espresso. $66 pp; NYA 9:30 am-5:30 pm, Plato 9:45 am-5:15 pm, Lester Prairie 10 am-5 pm, Winsted 10:15 am-4:45 pm, Howard Lake 10:30 am-4:30 pm, Cokato 10:45 am-4:15 pm ‘Greetings!’ Friday, November 18 After an included lunch at DayTrippers Dinner Theatre, it’s time for Greetings!, Guess who’s coming to Christmas dinner? $72pp; Cokato 9:45 am5:45 pm, Howard Lake 10 am-5:30 pm, Winsted 10:15 am-5:15 pm, Lester Prairie 10:30 am-5 pm, Plato 10:45 am-4:45 pm, NYA 11 am-4:30 pm, Waconia 11:15 am-4:15 pm PAGE 7 ‘Church Basement Ladies Away in the Basement’ Wednesday, November 30 At the Plymouth Playhouse, an included dinner will be enjoyed prior to the show. $69 pp; Cokato 9:30 am-5:20 pm, Howard Lake 9:45 am-5:10 pm, Winsted 10 am-4:55 pm, Lester Prairie 10:15 am-4:40 pm, Plato 10:30 am-4:25 pm, NYA 10:45 am-4:15 pm, Waconia 11 am-4 pm ‘A Nice Family Christmas’ Saturday, December 10 We’re going to the Hudson House where we’ll begin with an included dinner before the show. $76 pp; Cokato 9:30 am-5:45 pm, Howard Lake 9:45 am-5:30 pm, Winsted 10 am-5:15 pm, Lester Prairie 10:15 am-5 pm, Plato 10:30 am-4:45 pm, NYA 10:45 am-4:30 pm, Waconia 11 am-4:15 pm, Chanhassen 11:15 am-4 pm ‘Ole & Lena’s Family Christmas’ Thursday, December 15 We’re on our way to a brand new venue - the Ames Center in Burnsville. After an included lunch, enjoy the show. $72 pp; Cokato 9:45 am-6:15 pm, Howard Lake 10 am-6 pm, Winsted 10:15 am-5:45 pm, Lester Prairie 10:30 am-5:30 pm, Plato 10:45 am-5:15 pm, NYA 11 am-5 pm, Waconia 11:15 am-4:45 pm, Chanhassen 11:30 am-4:30 pm ‘The Lettermen Christmas’ Friday, December 16 Begin with an included buffet lunch then head for the St. Cloud Paramount Theatre for The Lettermen Christmas. $67 pp; NYA 9:30 am-5:30 pm, Plato 9:45 am-5:15 pm, Lester Prairie 10 am-5 pm, Winsted 10:15 am-4:45 pm, Howard Lake 10:30 am-4:30 pm, Cokato 10:45 am-4:15 pm Oak Ridge Boys Friday, March 3 Begin with an included lunch then head for the St. Cloud Paramount Theatre for The Oak Ridge Boys. $79 pp; NYA 9:30 am-5:30 pm, Plato 9:45 am-5:15 pm, Lester Prairie 10 am-5 pm, Winsted 10:15 am-4:45 pm, Howard Lake 10:30 am-4:30 pm, Cokato 10:45 am-4:15 pm ‘The Marvelous Wonderettes’ Saturday, April 29 We’re going to the Hudson House where we’ll begin with an included dinner. $76 pp; Cokato 9:30 am-5:45 pm, Howard Lake 9:45 am-5:30 pm, Winsted 10 am-5:15 pm, Lester Prairie 10:15 am-5 pm, Plato 10:30 am-4:45 pm, NYA 10:45 am-4:30 pm, Waconia 11 am-4:15 pm Chanhassen 11:15 am-4 pm Trip registration Guidelines, Right of Refusal, a complete listing and description of day and extended day trips are available at click on Community Education click on Trips and Tours or contact the Community Education office. 5-7 am 3-9:30 pm Monday-Friday Walking Track only membership Grades 7-Adult, grades 6 and under must have family pass and be accompanied by an adult. All participants must have a Fitness Center Membership. Wednesdays 5-9:30 pm 1 floor Fridays 5-9:30 pm 1 floor Basketball Court Grades 7-Adult, grades 6 and under must have family pass and be accompanied by an adult. 5-7 am, Monday-Friday 3-9:30 pm, Monday-Friday Walking Track Grades 7-Adult Free Weights Universal Weight Machines Cardio Machines: Treadmills, Bikes, Elliptical 5-7 am, Monday-Friday 5:30-9:30 pm, Monday-Friday Fitness Center Fitness Center membership includes for District 2687 residents age 60+ Receive a free walking track membership with a District Senior Activities Pass. Register with Community Education. This free class for adults, senior citizens and students grades 8-12 will introduce you to the universal weight machines, free weights and cardio machines including treadmills, bikes and ellipticals. Learn how to use the equipment. Wear clothes and tennis shoes for exercise if you would like to try the equipment. Register prior to the session you will attend. Choose one of the sessions. Mondays, September 12, 26, October 10, 24, November 7, 21, December 5 7:30-8:30 pm Fitness Center Middle School lower level east side entrance No Fee Bobby Lade Free Introduction to HLWW Fitness Center Equipment Register online at or register in person at the HLWW Community Education office located in the Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. Community Education and Activity Center entrance, lower level east parking lot. Register for HLWW Fitness Center and Walking Track Membership HLWW FITNESS CENTER • WALKING TRACK • INTRODUCTION CLASS Free Walking Track Membership HLWW Fitness Center and Walking Track is located at the HLWW Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. The HLWW Walking Track will be open to the public Monday through Friday 5-7 am and 3-9:30 pm. The Fitness Center hours are 5-7 am and 5:30-9:30 pm. Closed on holidays and when school is closed due to weather or maintenance. Park in lower level east parking lot, Community Education/Activity Center entrance Fitness Center & Walking Track September free with a three month purchase Walking Track Membership: Receive September free with the purchase of October, November, December quarterly walking track membership. Fitness Center and Walking Track Membership: Receive September free with the purchase of October, November, December or an annual membership. Yoga discount Discount on your first yoga session see page 5. Back to School Specials for Fitness Center and Walking Track Memberships PAGE 8 na Initial Fee * taxes included in pricing Replacement Card (price per card) Annual Fee $10 $60 $15 Quarterly Grades 7-12 Membership Frequency Quarterly Fee January-March, April-June, JulySeptember, October-December $10 $20 Monthly $195 $5 $10 $25 Monthly $235 Annual $5 $10 $35 Monthly $375 Annual $10 $120 $30 Quarterly na Grades 7-12 $10 No fee No fee Quarterly na Age 60 or older staff Family (Resident/Enrolled) Family (Non-resident) $10 $120 $30 Quarterly na Age 60 or older $10 na $10 $60 $15 Quarterly na $10 $120 $30 Quarterly $10 $100 $25 Quarterly na staff Adult Couple (Non-resident) Couple (Resident) (Non-Resident) $10 $45 Monthly $470 Annual $20 Family (Resident/Enrolled) $10 $50 Monthly $325 Annual $20 Family (Non-resident) $10 $65 Monthly $540 Annual $10 $200 $50 Quarterly na $10 $120 $30 Quarterly na $10 $240 $60 Quarterly na staff Two adults, children Two adults, children Grades 7-12, and full- Grades 7-12, and 18 years or older - 18 years or older - 18 years or older - 18 years or older time college full-time college non-student non-student non-student non-student student(s) student(s) staff Adult (Resident) Community Education and Activity Center entrance, lower level east parking lot. Register in person at the HLWW Community Education office located in the Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. $10 $35 Monthly $275 Annual $10 staff Adult Couple (Non-resident) Couple (Resident) (Non-Resident) Register online at Student Student Senior Senior (Resident/Enrolled) (Non-Resident) (Resident) (Non-resident) Description Walking Track ONLY $5 Annual staff Adult (Resident) staff Two adults, children Two adults, Grades 7-12, and full- children Grades 718 years or older - 18 years or older - 18 years or older - 18 years or older time college 12, and full-time Age 60 or older non-student non-student non-student non-student student(s) college student(s) Senior (Non-resident) 10 punches - $50 $10 $10 Monthly $95 Annual $5 Age 60 or older staff Senior (Resident) Register for HLWW Fitness Center and Walking Track Membership Membership-Walking Track * taxes included in pricing $10 $15 Monthly $145 Annual $5 Grades 7-12 Student (Non-Resident) 20 punches - $100 $10 Replacement Card (price per card) Per-Use Punch Card $8 Monthly $75 Per Month Fee Membership Frequency Annual Fee $5 Annual Membership Frequency Grades 7-12 Student (Resident/Enrolled) Initial Fee (new member) Description Fitness Center (Includes walking track and on select days, BB court) Membership-Fitness Center, Walking Track, Basketball Court HLWW FITNESS CENTER • WALKING TRACK Insurance Reimbursement options available Swipe Cards Provide tracking of usage and easy access to facility during operating hours Security Facilities supervisor available for assistance and all areas are monitored by cameras Parking Convenient parking near Fitness Center and Community Education office 3-9:30 pm, Walking Track 5:30-9:30 pm, Fitness Center Monday-Friday 5-7 am, Walking Track and Fitness Center Monday-Friday Howard Lake Waverly Winsted Fitness Center and Walking Track PAGE 9 ESL • GED • ADULT BASIC EDUCATION • TUTOR TRAINING ABE/GED/Basic Skills Classes for Adults Thursdays, 6:30-9 pm classes begin September 15 Ollie Provo, Instructor Room E201, 2nd floor, HLWW Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. Use Community Education entrance lower level east side parking lot, take elevator to 2nd floor • Start class anytime - no fee • Work with a teacher, make an education plan, complete school work using reference books and computer. • Skills assessments and pretests. • Small group preparation in all five GED test areas. Basic Skills (ABE) Strengthen important basic skills in math, reading, communication and basic technology. GED Diploma Preparation Must be 17 years or older and not enrolled in public education. Job Skills Enhancement Develop job seeking skills using the internet, completing applications and resume writing. ABE Learner Eligibility • At least 17 years old • Not enrolled or required to be enrolled in high school under State law • Do not have a high school diploma or GED Call Community Education 320-543-4670 to register or for more information. The GED Learning is a lifelong process and for adults who did not receive their high school diploma, earning the General Educational Development (GED) certificate is a way to demonstrate that they did not stop learning when they left school. The GED is a recognized credential for job seekers and for admission to technical school or college. WEST Adult Basic Education (ABE) offers free GED preparation at learning sites and online to help students meet their goals. i-Pathways Online GED Preparation For more information e-mail Cheryl at adminged.i@ PAGE 10 Free English (ESL) Classes for Adults Wednesdays, 6:30-9 pm classes begin September 14 Elizabeth Muellerleile, Instructor Room E201, 2nd floor, HLWW Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. Use Community Education entrance lower level east side parking lot, take elevator to 2nd floor Begin class anytime - no fee - free childcare if you call one week ahead to arrange: 320-543-4670. Resource Center, entrance A east side • Free classes. • All levels are welcome. • Help with speaking, listening, reading, and writing English in multi-level classes. This class is for people of all nationalities. Call Community Education 320-543-4670 to register or for more information. What is Adult Basic Education (ABE)? ABE is for any adult who has basic skill levels (math, reading and writing) below a 12th grade level on a pretest - even if the person has a high school diploma. Students must be 17 years or older and not enrolled in high school. This includes language learners to improve their English. Improve your math, reading and writing for yourself, a job or college entranc. Many area sites available with both ABE and ESL, classes call with any questions 763-272-2040. The WEST ABE GED testing center in Monticello WEST ABE offers GED testing at Eastview Family Center in Monticello. To schedule a testing session, visit and register an account. Call 763-272-2040 for more information. Three Easy Steps to Become a Tutor Give a few hours of your time each week and experience the rewards of tutoring individuals whose first language is not English or helping adults with basic reading, writing or math skills. Call 763-682-8688. Step One Step Three Attend Tutor Orientation Final training session Buffalo: Wednesday, October 12 Monday, October 17 6-8 pm6:30-9:30 pm Discovery CenterIOCP 301 2nd Ave NE, Buffalo 1605 County Rd 101 N Plymouth Step Two Combination English and Literacy Training Saturday, October 15 9 am - 4 pm IOCP 1605 County Road 101 North Plymouth ED2GO ONLINE CLASSES • FAMILY EDUCATION CLASSES More than 300 online courses All instructor-facilitated online courses run for six weeks (with a 10-day grace period at the end). Courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links, and more. You can complete any of these courses entirely from your home or office and at any time of the day or night. New course sessions begin monthly. Please visit our Online Instruction Center to see exact start dates for the courses that interest you. Courses Start as Low as: $79 Enroll Now! Give us a call 320-543-4670 or follow the easy steps below How to Get Started: 1. Visit our Online Instruction Center: 2. Click the Courses link, choose the department and course title you are interested in and select the Enroll Now button. Follow the instructions to enroll and pay for your course. Here you will choose a username and password that will grant you access to the Classroom. 3. When your course starts, return to our Online Instruction Center and click the Classroom link. To begin your studies, simply log in with the username and password you selected during enrollment. Requirements: All courses require Internet access, e-mail, and the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Web browser. Some courses may have additional requirements. Please visit our Online Instruction Center for more information. Family Education Classes > Instructor-Facilitated Classes held at Resource Training & Solutions (unless noted) 137 23rd Street South, Sartell Visit or call 888-447-7032 for registration, details and directions. Online Learning Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Select from these and many other Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microsoft Access courses Discover the secrets to setting Store, locate, print, and automate Accounting Fundamentals up fully formatted worksheets access to all types of quicklyPersonal and efficiently. Finance information. Personal Investments Creating Web Pages Software Introduction to Microsoft Word Business Learn the basics of HTML so you Learn how to create and modify Business Communication can design, create, and post documents with the world's most Grant your very own site Writing on the Web. popular word processor. Sales and Marketing Accounting Fundamentals Management Start Your OwnProject Business Gain a marketable new skill by Fundamentals learningComputer the basics of double-Applications Gain the skills you'll need to entry bookkeeping, financial Excel, Access, Word, succeed in etc. the fast-growing field reporting, and more. QuickBooks of project management. SpeedPhotoshop Spanish Computer Skills for the Learn Digital six easy recipesPhotography to glue Workplace SpanishGraphic words togetherDesign into sentences, and you'll be Gain a working knowledge of the Multimedia speaking Spanish in no time. Design computer skills you'll need to Web Design succeed in today's job market. A to Z Health Grantwriting Care & Medical Learn how to research and Introduction to Dreamweaver Language & Arts develop relationships with Speed SpanishHarness the broad range of potential funding sources, capabilities Dreamweaver brings organize grantwriting campaigns, French Conversational to Web development. and prepare proposals. Publishing Introduction to PC Estate Investing MedicalReal Terminology: A WordParalegal Association Approach Troubleshooting Learn to decipher and solve PrepareCriminal for a career in the&health General Law almost any problem with your services industry by learning medicalPersonal terminology in a Development PC. Genealogy memorable and enjoyable Basics fashion.Math RefresherIntroduction to PowerPoint Build impressive slide Resume Writing Introduction to QuickBooks presentations filled with text, Search Learn Job how to quickly and images, video, audio, charts, efficiently gain control over the Test Prep and more. financial aspects of your Grammar Refresher business. EntertainmentCreating Web Pages II Learn to develop polished and Grammar Refresher Analysis Business interactive pages complete with Gain confidence in your ability to Computer Fundamentals tables, forms, frames, audio, and produce clean, grammatically CSS. correctComputer documents and Programming Database Development speeches. Discover DigitalSkills Photography Workplace Computer An informative introduction to the Intermediate Microsoft Excel Networking fascinating world of digital Work faster and more Communications photography equipment. productively with Excel's most powerful tools. Technology Web Medical Math GRE Preparation - Part 1 Discover powerful strategies for Real Estate Investing PCprotect Security Build and your wealth by success in the verbal and analytical sections of the GRE. investing in real estate. Aging Assisting Parents MORE COURSES AVAILABLE AT OUR ONLINE INSTRUCTION CENTER. 070714 Learnthe fromort of comfme! ho PAGE 11 ‘Sight Night’ The Howard Lake Lions 14th Annual “Sight Night” eye glass collection kicks off this fall during the month of October. Collection containers will be placed at various businesses to make your eyeglass donations convenient or bring them to the Community Education office located in the HLWW Middle School. PLEASE help support this very important cause by donating used glasses, sunglasses, any old lens or frame in any shape and used hearing aids. The event will conclude with a Howard Lake Lions Halloween Party on October 29, 4-6 pm at the HL Lions Youth Center. PROJECT CARING • ADULT PROGRAMS • SPEAKER AMBERLEY SNYDER Project Caring We invite our communities to participate in Project Caring sponsored by District 2687 Howard Lake-WaverlyWinsted Schools and organized by FFA students. Preschool through grade 12 students collect non-perishable food items and cash donations through December 13. The items students collect are brought to the High School and packed by volunteers for families in our area on December 20. Local organizations and individuals contribute to Project Caring. If you would like to donate nonperishable food items or cash to Project Caring you may drop them off at any District 2687 school. Contact Community Education at 320-543-4670 for additional information. HLWW Adult Volunteer Program As we look forward to the 2016-2017 school year, we also look forward to the help our volunteers will give us. We have been fortunate in the past years to have been able to utilize our volunteers and their knowledge to benefit our students and staff. Many hours have been given to the students and staff through our district’s volunteer program in the past years and we appreciate it greatly. If you are a parent and interested in volunteering, please return the appropriate forms to your child’s schools so you can become a volunteer after going through the volunteer application process. If you are a community member and would like to volunteer in our schools, you may go to the school website and fill out the appropriate forms and send them via mail to Pam Henry-Neaton, Humphrey Elementary school, P.O.Box 248, Waverly, MN 55390 or email them to Pam at . 60+ and Healthy Clinics The 60+ and Healthy Clinics provided by Wright County Public Health provides foot care for the Senior Citizens of Wright County. We trim toenails to meet the needs of those seniors who have a health condition such as diabetes or are unable to trim toenails themselves. We will check blood pressures if needed and as time allows. The 60+ and Healthy Clinics charges a $15 fee for foot care services. This fee is necessary because our clinics are no longer being funded by grant money. However, if you are unable to pay the $15 fee, you will not be turned away from our clinic. If you have any questions, please ask clinic staff or call Wright County Public Health at 1-800-362-3667 or 763-6827456. If you are unable to attend, or miss a clinic in your area, please feel free to attend a clinic in any of the communities. •2nd Tuesday during the months of January, March, May, July, September and November; 9:30-11:30 am, Howard Lake Community Center, above Public Library, 617 6th Ave. PAGE 12 Purina & Munson Lakes Nutrition Presents Amberley Snyder Sunday, September 18 2 pm At the HLWW High School Auditorium 8700 County Road 6 SW Howard Lake For additional information, please contact The Howard Lake Country Store at 320-543-3517 Amberley Snyder has been riding since she was three years old and competing in rodeo since she was seven. Rodeo has always been her passion since her first run. In January of 2010 Amberley was driving to the National Western Stock Show in Colorado when she was involved in a rollover car accident which left her paralyzed from the waist down. Doctors told her she would never have any chance of recovery and that her rodeo days were over. A year and a half later, she figured out how she could barrel race once again using a seatbelt, Velcro and a strap to hold her in place. She now travels the country as a motivational speaker telling her story and encouraging everyone to “Get Back on the horse.” Youth Babysitting Course Buffalo Hospital Program This course gives youth ages 11 and older the skills necessary for safe and responsible care of children in the absence of their parents or guardians. Problem solving skills and accident prevention, first aid, safe play, recognizing and managing breathing emergencies in infants and children are taught. Participants are encouraged to bring a bag lunch. Register by going online at classes or by contacting Brenda Christensen, 763-684-7025, Brenda. Saturday, October 15; 8:30 am-3 pm, $45 Class is at Buffalo Hospital Conference Center. Community Education Location The Community Education office is on the lower level of the Middle School with easy access from the east parking lot. The walking track and HLWW Fitness Center also use this entrance. The School Age Care and Early Childhood classrooms are next to the office and are used for day and evening activities. COMMUNITIES CONNECTING COLLABORATIVE • YOUTH ACTIVITIES PAGE 13 Fabulous Food Youth Center Howard Lake Lions Grades 3 and up! Want to learn to play pool, try your luck at air-hockey, play cards or spin a game of chance at pinball? If you do, the Youth Center is the place to “hang out” and have fun with your friends. If you like sports, music, playing games, or pizza this is the place for you! We have remote control cars, board games, ping pong and more. Come check us out on Saturday nights. This is a great place to relax with friends or the whole family. Food and beverages are available to purchase. Saturday, September 17 Open House revealing the remodel. Saturdays, September 24, October 8, 15, 22, November 5, 12, 19, December 3, 10, 12, January 7, 14, 21 6:30-9:30 pm 625 8th Street, Howard Lake, 2 blocks south of Highway 12 on County Road 6 $3 per youth per night includes a snack at 7:30 pm from a rotating menu. Students should bring additional money if they want to purchase pop, chocolate/white milk, juice, water, candy, lions mints or popcorn. Adults Free, Children under grade 3 accompanied by adult. Chess Club Grades 2-5 Girls and boys come make friends at Chess Club, have fun, learn sportsmanship and game strategy. We will start from scratch with the rules of chess, co-teaching and game play. It will be an open environment for kids of all levels. Scoring, tournaments and camps may be added. Students welcome to join at anytime. Our instructor is a volunteer. If you enjoy chess, we are looking for adult volunteers who would like to help with chess club. Students may ride a bus from all elementaries in the school district to the Middle School. Notify Community Education of transportation need prior to dates attending. Indicate schedule when registering. Student picked up by parent after club. Contact Katie Huff at with questions. Thursdays, September 29-December 15, will not meet October 20, November 24 3:30-4:30 pm Room E213, Middle School no fee Katie Fryslie Huff Grades 1-4 Kids, have fun cooking delicious food. You will learn chef skills with hands-on practice. Taste the food prepared in class. Indicate any allergies on registration form. Student may ride a bus from an eclementary to the Middle School. Indicate when registering if you need transportation. Student must be picked up after class. Register by November 1. Tuesday, November 15 3:30-4:45 pm FACS room, A134, HS, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL, High School entrance $13, youth may request a partial fee waiver Michelle Johnson Creative Canvas Painting Mittens Adult and Child age 6 and Older Want to try something new with your child and have your very own masterpieces to hang up afterwards? Come paint wintery mittens and customize them for your family and pets. We will have cookies to share at the end while displaying our beautiful works for the group. Register by November 8. Tuesday, November 22 no school the next day for HLWW 2687 students. 6-8 pm Art room A133, HS HL $34, per adult & child, each will paint a canvas Emily Lynch Victory, Artist/ Instructor Fall Camp Nurtured Heart Approach Grades 1-4 Join your friends for a fabulous Fall Nurtured Heart Approach Camp. Participate in leadership activities, skill building opportunities for growing your self-confidence, learn how to handle frustrations and anxiety. This Camp is just the approach to build inner wealth, teach how to reset and build on the positive successful strength that is within us. The Camp will include service and art projects along with leadership and team building activities. Students may ride a bus from all elementaries in the school district to the Middle School, the activity bus is available for take home. Please indicate when registering if you need transportation or if you will be bringing and/or picking up your child. Register by November 3. Monday, November 14, Wednesday, November 16 and Monday, November 21 3:30-5 pm Room E213, Middle School $15, youth may request a partial fee waiver. Vawn Krzmarzick and Breanne Adickes GYMNASTICS Gymnastics Sponsored by Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Community Education Gymnastics classes are held at the Humphrey Hall gym in Howard Lake and are coached by Kevin Scott and assistants. Our program focuses on the fun rather than the competition of gymnastics! New students are welcome at anytime! Level 1 grades K-2 Level 2 grades 3-6 These classes are designed to teach boys and girls gymnastics skills, correct body positions and terminology on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam and tumbling. Students will have fun participating in activities that will build stronger bodies, sharper minds, coordination, strength, and self confidence. Hotshots For both boys and girls that are ready for a higher level of commitment to gymnastics and have the instructor’s permission to register for this class. Instructor, Kevin Scott is a Former Gymnast, Head Gymnastic Coach at Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted/ Holy Trinity, previous gymnastic coaching Community Education/Jr. High thru High School, licensed K-12 Physical Education Instructor, MSHSL Coaching Certification, CPR and First Aid Certification. Kevin believes that gymnastics needs to be fun with an emphasis on flexibility, strength, coordination and positive self-worth in order to have a safe rewarding experience. PAGE 14 Students must preregister by session deadline. Leotard or tight biker shorts for both boys and girls. No skirts, tutus or loose clothing for safety reasons. Fall Session Tuesday, October 11 Monday, October 17 Tuesday, October 25 Tuesday, November 1 Thursday, November 10 Tuesday, November 15 Register by October 3. Level 1 entering grades K-2 6-6:45 pm $54 Level 2 entering grades 3-6 6:45-7:30 pm $54 Hotshots 7:30-8:30 pm $60 Location HLWW District 2687 Gym, Humphrey Hall, 720 9th Avenue, Howard Lake, west entrance. The District 2687 Gymnastic facility is permanently setup to provide the best experience for your young gymnast. Facility and equipment include regulation mats, spring floor, strap bar, floor bar, spectator bleachers, (3) standard beams, (2) low beams, (2) uneven bars, vault table with runway, (3) spring boards, (2) sting mats, 30 foot air tumbling trak and an assortment of skill building/ training and safety pit mats. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gymnastics Registration Form Return form with fee to: HLWW Community Education District 2687, P.O. Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 Registrations must be received by October 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Age Grade School __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City Zip Code I, the undersigned, agree to release District 2687 Public Schools, Community Education, its employees and volunteers of all liability related to accidents or injuries which myself or a member of my family might incur while participating in the above activities. I give permission for my child’s picture to be used for promotional materials. I have adequate insurance protection for my child and will assume all responsibility for injuries incurred while practicing for or participating in the above activity. If you enroll your school-aged child in a public school activity, he or she must abide by the anti-bullying policy at all times while participating in that activity. Violations of this policy may result in your child’s removal from the activity in question, and/or other consequences, as described in the policy. We ask that you review this policy in full with your child. The complete policy is available on the school website or in the Community Education office. ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Parent signatureDateHome phone Mother’s name__________________________ Cell number_______________ Work number______________ Father’s name___________________________ Cell number_______________ Work number______________ Parent e-mail addresses: _________________________________________________________________________ Specify class session, level and time ________________________________________________________________ YOUTH ACTIVITIES • DRIVER EDUCATION Flag Football Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 Participants will learn basic skills and football terminology, pass patterns, punting and organized plays. Time will be divided between learning skills, techniques and game time. Wear sweat pants and a sweat shirt, tennis shoes (no spikes are allowed). Mouthguards are provided and are optional. Participants must provide their own transportation and be picked up promptly after practice at 7 pm. Participants will also play at the HLWW varsity home football games Fridays, September 23 and 30. Registration form available at Community Education, Elementary and Middle School offices. Register by September 12. If you would like to be a volunteer coach/helper for flag football, please call 320-543-4670 before the first practice. Mondays, September 12, 19, 15, October 3 6-7 pm, Canceled practices will not be rescheduled. Practice on baseball fields 3 & 4, HLWW High School/ Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, HL. Games at HLWW High School field. $15, youth may request a partial fee waiver Rick Baumann and volunteer coaches Cheer Camp Grades K-4 Learn the Laker cheers and cheer at the September 23 football game. The Laker Cheerleaders and coach, Kayti Heber are hosting this fundraiser cheer camp. Participants will learn Laker cheers. We also will enjoy leading cheers and practice crowd cheering. All participants will cheer on the sidelines of the football game. Cheer camp participants get in free to the game. All others will need to pay admission fees. Participants need to wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes to camp. Participants will receive a t-shirt. Register by September 8. Maximum 30 participants. Saturday, September 17 HLWW High School Gym 9-10:30 am Cheer September 23 football game, football field, HS HL $20, includes t-shirt HS Cheerleaders and Kayti Heber, coach Volleyball Grades 3, 4, 5, 6 Learn the fundamental skills of serving, passing, setting, playing team volleyball and having fun. Wear gym shoes and comfortable clothing. Participants must provide their own transportation and be picked up promptly after practice. Registration form available at Community Education, Elementary and Middle School offices. Register by September 11. Maximum 40 participants per section. Practices: Mondays, September 19, 26, October 3, 11 Section 1: 5:15-6:30 pm grade 3 Section 2: 6:30-7:30 pm grades 4-6 Tournament: grade 3, 5:15-6:30 pm Tuesday, Oct. 11 Tournament: grades 4-6, 6:30-7:30 pm Tuesday, Oct. 11 Activity Center, Middle School lower level door east side $15, youth may request a partial fee waiver. Mary Pettit PAGE 15 Fee Waivers for District 2687 Youth Activities Partial class fee waivers are available for District 2687 youth who participate in various Community Education activities. Waivers will be based on criteria similar to free and reduced lunch, or special need. Fee waivers are subject to availability of funds and do not apply to all classes. Excluded classes are Driver Education, gymnastics and music lessons. Contact Community Education at 320-5434670 for fee waiver information. HLWW Youth Service The Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Youth Service program students continue to contribute in many ways giving back to their communities. If you have questions regarding the Youth Service program contact Pam HenryNeaton at 320-543-4680, extension 3168. Driver Education Classroom and Behind the Wheel Driver Education classroom and behind the wheel instruction will be offered through Howard Lake-WaverlyWinsted Community Education for District 2687 students and students who are residents in District 2687. Classroom Instruction Section A classroom instruction will meet 3-6:15 pm Mondays and Thursdays, January 30-March 6. Section B classroom instruction will meet 6-9:15 pm Mondays, March 28-June 19. Section C classroom instruction will meet 9 am-12:15 pm, Monday, June 12-Friday, June 23. Students must be committed to this class and must attend all class hours. Please read the form carefully when registering. Required Presentation for Parents-GDL Law All parents of students taking District 2687 Driver Education and Behind the Wheel must attend a presentation for parents with their student in the Auditorium of the High School in Howard Lake. See class schedule for date. This presentation will meet one of the requirements of the Graduated Driver License (GDL) law. Behind the Wheel Instruction Behind the wheel instruction will be offered June through August for students who are 15. When students receive their permit they must begin behind the wheel lessons. Students are expected to complete behind the wheel as soon as they are eligible. Registration Registration forms with complete information are available at the High School office, Middle School office, Winsted and Waverly Elementary offices and the Community Education office. You may view all information online at click on Community Education, click on Youth Activities, click on Driver Education. Registration form is in the right side column. DANCE YOUTH AGES 3+ • HOWARD LAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY Dance Open House Thursday, September 15 Open House for dance classes in Winsted will be Thursday, September 15 at Winsted Elementary Gym 5-7 pm. Come meet co-instructors, Nancy Marcks and Bethany Kozitka, who will be teaching ballet and tap for ages 3-5 and ballet, tap, lyrical and character for ages 6 and up. Supplies needed may be ordered at this time (shoes, tights, leotards). Classes begin Thursday, September 29. Class registration prior to the open house date is encouraged. You may contact Nancy at 320-2243549 or the HLWW Community Education office at 320-5434670 with questions. Dance Classes at Winsted 2016-17 Dance classes for children ages 3 and older will be held in Winsted beginning September 29 continuing through May. Classes will be co-instructed by Nancy Marcks and Bethany Kozitka and include ballet and tap for ages 3-5 and ballet, tap, lyrical and character for ages 6 and up. Class registration prior to the open house date is encouraged to hold your spot. Dance is an 8 month commitment. You are responsible for the fee unless you contact Community Education to withdraw. There may be a waiting list and we would like to offer another child the opportunity to dance. Students must wear their hair pulled back, leotards and tights to class. Dance shoes are required, pink ballet and tan tap. They may be ordered through the instructor. The monthly dance fee is to be paid by the first of each month to HLWW Community Education, P. O. Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349. Nancy has been involved in dance for over forty years. She has owned and operated her own studio for 40 years. Her students have won numerous regional and national awards, as well as being awarded the “School of Excellence” 3 years in a row. Her background includes training in ballet, lyrical, tap, jazz and character dance. Open House for dance classes in Winsted will be Thursday, September 15 at Winsted Elementary 5-7 pm. Supplies needed may be ordered at this time, i.e. shoes, tights. Classes will not be held on “no school days” unless instructor has revised the schedule. Classes will be canceled if school is closed or dismissed early due to weather or other circumstances. End of the year recitals are planned for Saturday, June 3 in the Laker Theater, HLWW High School. Recital rehearsal will be Thursday, June 1 at the High School. Costumes will be handled through the instructor. Thursdays, September 29-May 3:45-4:15 pm class 1 $29 per month 415-5 pm class 2 $33 per month 5-5:45 pm class 3 $33 per month 5:45-6:45 pm class 4 $36 per month 6:45-8 pm class 5 $38 per month Classes may be adjusted due to class numbers. Winsted Elementary Gym Questions, contact Nancy Marcks 320-224-3549 PAGE 16 Howard Lake Library Fall Events 617 6th Avenue, Howard Lake, 320-543-2020 Tech Tutors Want to download e-books to your phone, tablet, e-reader, laptop or desktop computer? Struggling and need help with your Phone, iPad or Kindle? Great River Regional Library has Tech Tutors who can help! Call your local library to schedule an individual appointment or ask to have a class set up! Call the Howard Lake Library today to get started! Library Knit Wits Have you ever wanted to learn to knit? Or need help with a particular technique? This may be the place for you! Get instruction and/or assistance from an experienced knitter, free-source some patterns, find out what’s hot and what’s not, and enjoy the company of other knitters. Participants must bring their own yarn and needles. For adults and teens. Preregistration helpful but not required. Howard Lake Library Every Friday beginning September 9 (except for holiday weeks) 10:30 am to 12 noon Arm Knitting Workshop Learn to knit using your arms as the knitting needles! The class will cover techniques, supplies and project options and discover the beautiful thick yarn that accompanies this artform. Each participant will make an eternity scarf using this yarn in class. For adults and teens. Limited to 12, preregistration required. A Legacy event. Howard Lake Library Wednesday, September 21 5:45 to 7:45 pm Pumpkin Painting Fun for ages 3- 12! Limited to 30 per session, adults may paint, too if space permits. Sponsored by the Howard Lake Friends of the Library. Pumpkins are $3 each or $10 maximum per family. Features washable paints, but painting clothes are highly recommended. Call the Library at 320-543-2020 to register. Howard Lake Community Room (above the Library) Saturday, October 15 10 am and 11 am sessions Minnesota Stately Spirits Show Great for Tweens, Teens and Adults! Stories of Real Haunted Minnesota Homes, Inns, Roadsides & More! Exhibit of Ghostly Artifacts! (And YES Spooky Events May Occur!) Interactive Audience Participation! Presented by Robert and Lynn Halbrook for tweens, teens and adults. Preregistration not required. Sponsored by the Howard Lake Friends of the Library. Howard Lake Community Room Monday, November 7 6:30-7:20 pm Friends of the Library Holiday Booktique Great selection of giftable books and other treasures at great prices! Howard Lake library, Saturday, December 3, 10 am-1 pm WINSTED ARTS COUNCIL • SNOWMOBILE SAFETY TRAINING Fall 2016 with the Winsted Arts Council More detailed program and registration information can be found on the Winsted Arts Council website: www. or find us on Facebook or email us at winstedartscouncil@gmail. com. Call Julie at 612-2226-4454 with questions. Kids OnStage Expression, communication, imagination, collaboration and confidence are the words of the day when your 1st and 2nd graders work together to put on a production led by Amy Ohlemacher-Lonetti. Ms Ohlemacher-Lonetti has extensive theater and teaching experience, and kids love her! Thursdays September 22-December 1 (no class October 20 or November 24) 6:30-8 pm Performance Saturday, December 3 at 3 pm during Winsted Winter Festival Art Explorers This popular elementary after school art program is led by Rosanne Hansen. Your child will learn about artists and their techniques while creating their own projects inspired by the class theme. First session begins the week of September 20, choose Tuesday or Thursday. Bringing it All Back Home-An Evening of Music & Song Saturday, October 15, 7 pm, Blue Note Ballroom Winsted area musicians come together for a very special evening of music in a cabaret setting at the Blue Note Ballroom all as a fundraiser for the Winsted Arts Council. $15 per person for a fabulous night of incredible, homegrown entertainment. Silent auction will also be available. PAGE 17 Books & Cookies with Packy Mader Saturday November 12, 10 am Along with several children’s books, author Patrick (Packy) Mader has also written a new book just in time for the Olympics! Minnesota Gold celebrates the perseverance and triumphs of fifty-seven diverse homegrown athletes from 19482014 as they pursued their dreams to compete in the greatest international competitions. Packy’s children’s books celebrate intergenerational rural family life, and the illustrations by Andrew Holmquist beautifully capture the essence of the stories. Packy will read from his books and have books available for purchase. Refreshments served. Family History Research Series with the McLeod Co Historical Society and the Pioneerland Library System Mondays, November 7, 14, 21 Poetry/Songwriting/Music with Brian Laidlaw Sunday, November 13, 6 pm Brian Laidlaw is a poet-songwriter originally from San Francisco. He graduated from the University of Minnesota MFA program in Poetry, and went on to spend several years on the Songwriting faculty at McNally Smith College of Music in St. Paul. He has released a number of books and records, most recently Amoratorium (Paper Darts Press), The Stuntman (Milkweed Editions) and Jeremiad (Hymie’s Vintage Records). Brian is now a full-time touring folksinger, traveling nationally and internationally with his Twin-Cities-based folk band The Family Trade. On Sunday, November 13, Brian will be performing at the Winsted Arts Council with Family Trade bandmate Ashley Hanson. They will lead a poetry/songwriting workshop (open to writers of all ages and ability levels) at 6 pm, followed by a concert at 7 pm. Snowmobile Safety Training Learn to Dance with Victor Albrecht Saturday Evenings October 22-November 5 Swing dance, Salsa, Ballroom - or just learn to dance for a special occasion! Victor has over 30 years experience teaching dance. From Polka to Texas Two-Step, Victor can help you learn. For Youth and Adults This class is for youth 12 years of age and older and adults. Pre-registration is required by calling Robin Hillmyer 320-286-2404. A parent or guardian must register the youth. Proof of age is required on all youth by providing either a birth certificate or current Minnesota Driver License or Minnesota Identification card. Any resident born after December 31, 1976 is required to have taken a snowmobile safety training course to operate a snowmobile in Minnesota. Saturday, December 3 8 am-4:30 pm $10 Stockholm Community Center, 16233 County Road 30 SW, Cokato Instructor Robin Hillmyer, volunteer instructor certified by the MN DNR Division of Enforcement. SCHOOL AGE CARE PROGRAM PAGE 18 District 2687 Laker School Age Care Program for Grades K-6 Location Room E016, HLWW Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. Community Education entrance, lower level east side parking lot. Scheduled Late Starts SAC Thursday, September 22; Wednesday, November 16; Wednesday, February 1; Thursday, April 20 2 hour late start $12 6-10 am Come join the fun! We provide an enriching environment with a focus on having fun. You may begin attending SAC at any time. Children must be pre-registered. Students enjoy free play, games, crafts, gym, computer time, themes and special activity days, outdoor play, science and art activities. The program is open on school days, scheduled late starts, scheduled early releases and offered on non-school days, excluding holidays. Before School Care A before school program for the 2016-17 school year will be available 6-8 am Monday-Friday at the HLWW Middle School for students grades K-6. Transportation is available from the SAC site to schools in our district. Fees are $30 per week and include breakfast. Daily rate is $7 per day. After School Care The 2016-17 after school care program will be at the HLWW Middle School for students grades K-6 from 3-6 pm, Monday-Friday. Transportation to the SAC site can be arranged from schools in our district. Fees are $45 per week and include snack and activities. Daily rate is $10 per day. Registration It is very important that you contact Community Education, 320-543-4670, regarding your School Age Care needs for the 2016-17 school year. We need to plan for staffing, materials and space. One week payment with registration fee will hold your space, non-refundable. SAC fees are due one week in advance. Annual registration fee: $25 per child (nonrefundable) valid September 1-August 31. Coordinating Activities SAC students are encouraged to participate in Community Education and enrichment activities. Full Day SAC On Non-School Days, excluding holidays Join us for a fun day of activities. Games, crafts, free play, gym and outside activities, computer time, individual and group activities. Student does not need to be a regular SAC attendee to join us on nonschool days. Sign up for any number of days. The SAC Program will offer full day sessions on the following non-school days: • Thursday, October 20 • Friday, October 21 • Monday, November 7 • Wednesday, Nov. 23 • Monday, January 16 • Friday, March 24 • Monday, March 27 • Tuesday March 28 • Wednesday, March 29 • Thursday, March 30 • Friday, March 31 A decision to hold full day SAC will be made based upon forms and prepaid fees returned. A minimum of 12 students is needed for full day SAC to be held. Fee for full day SAC is $26 per day per child, to be paid in advance with registration. Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from the SAC location. Send a bag lunch, nutritious snacks and beverages with your child. A refrigerator and microwave are available. If you have questions contact Community Education at 320-543-4670. Summer SAC Program 2017 Come join the fun next summer. The School Age Care Program will be open for summer session 6 am-6 pm Monday through Friday, JuneAugust 2017. DISTRICT 2687 PRESCHOOL PAGE 19 HLWW District 2687 Preschool ”A 4 Star Rated Preschool A Rating Tool for Selecting High Quality Early Education Parent Aware’s Star Ratings help parents find programs that go above and beyond to prepare children for school and life. The one- to four-star ratings system measures best practices identified by research that help children succeed in kindergarten and beyond. To earn a Four Star Rating, programs are excelling in the use of best practices in preparing kids for kindergarten. •Exemplifies a truly engaged school readiness partner for parents •Ongoing assessment of child’s progress and regular updates to parents •Continually adapts lesson plans and goals to meet individual needs •Trained on children’s developmental disabilities •Communicates across cultures •Receives and documents on-going childhoodrelated education •Devoted to strong, caring relationships with each child •Adopted the latest approaches to keeping children’s Register NOW learning on track Community Education Preschool •Committed to daily activities and routines helpyear classes 1999-2000that school children learn Sites in and Howard Lake and Winsted •Places a focus on children’s health safety 2 day classes 3 year oldsto offer the very best in quality Programs earning a Four Star shows that it for is equipped 2 & 3 day classes 4 & 5 year early learning and kindergarten readiness, assuringforparents thatolds it is doing all it can to Transportation arrangements available prepare their children for school. Limited financial assistance available. For more information visit Foruses a complete listing of classes and fees contact HLWW District 2687 Preschool Creative Curriculum and the GOLD Assessment Community Education at 543-3600, 658-4633 or System as well as Everyday Math and OWL curriculums. 1-800-450-3407 Preschool Donations District 2687 Preschool maintains a tuition assistance fund. Monetary donations for the tuition assistance fund are welcome. We also will use donations of new and used classroom equipment and materials. Our preschool serves children ages 3, 4 and 5. The curriculum provides children with a focused approach to learning and a strong emphasis on literacy, math and science skills. The fun activities for children include personal and social development, language and literacy, mathematical thinking, scientific thinking, social studies, the arts, physical development and health. Thank you to all our contributors. Call Community Education 320-543-4670 if you have questions or a donation. Register Now Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District 2687 Preschool A 4 Star Rated Preschool eligible for Pathway II scholarships 2016-17 Classes Begin September 12 Class sites in Waverly and Winsted 2 day classes for 3 & 4 year olds 2 & 3 day classes for 4 & 5 year olds, Friday morning class option Transportation arrangements available Financial assistance available to qualifying families For a complete listing of classes and fees contact Community Education at 320-543-4670. EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION What is ECFE? Early Childhood Family Education ECFE is a place where families with young children come together to have fun learning and get to know other families in the district. Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is available to all Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted families with children between the ages of birth to kindergarten entrance. ECFE is staffed by licensed teachers and no family is turned away for inability to pay. Early Childhood Family Education: • Believes that parents are a child’s first and foremost educator. • Supports parents in their child raising effort. • Offers information about child development and alternative parenting techniques. • Gives children opportunities to discover, play and learn. • Promotes positive parental attitudes. • Provides information on community resources available to parents and children. In a typical class, families meet once a week for approximately 90 minutes. Parents and children spend approximately 50 minutes playing and learning together. The final 40 minutes of class includes time for parents to talk with others about the wonders and challenges of parenting. This discussion time is facilitated by a Parent Educator, while an Early Childhood teacher spends time teaching the children. In other classes, parents and children spend the entire time together and discussion between parents is informal. Come join our classes and meet other parents with young children in the HLWW communities. Check out our ECFE web page under Community Education on the Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted School District website. There are photos, videos, a Pinterest page, parent resources and updated information about ECFE. Give us a try; you’ll have a great time! PAGE 20 ECFE NEWS We are really excited to kick-off another year of ECFE classes! This fall we are offering some new one time family events and continuing our Toddler Topics, Fantastic Fathers, Preschool Explorers, Creative Kids and Beautiful Babies classes. We look forward to having you join us! Our classes are located in Room E013 Enter Community Education door East side MS Check our ECFE web page under Community Education on the Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted School District website. We have photos, a Pinterest page, parent resources and updated information about ECFE. NEW BABY? Congratulations! You’re entitled to a Free Baby Packet! This packet is for you and your baby, and is available to all parents living in Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District 2687 who have an infant between the ages of birth to 12 months. Call to schedule a free in-home visit from a licensed Family Educator to obtain your packet or pick up your packet at the Community Education office located in the Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Middle School. The packet contains: a gift, information on child development, and a coupon for an ECFE class. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact Helen Lester at 320-543-4670. EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION PAGE 21 New Family Nights! Pop In, Play and Take Home a Ball Come burn off some energy playing t-ball, kickball, toss and catch games and enjoy spending time together as a family! We will be outside if the weather is gorgeous, otherwise we will be in the activity center. Bonus: every child gets to take home a ball! Monday, September 19 6-7 pm $3 per child Come and enjoy a fun filled evening with your child! We will have stories, awesome activities, and a special treat! You’ll have projects to take home along with a free book at the end of the night. Pajamas and slippers are encouraged but not required. Thursday, October 27 6-7 pm $3 per child Classes are in Room E013 Enter Community Education door East side MS Register by October 13 Room E013 Enter Community Education door East side MS Register by September 12 Pajama Party and Take Home a Book Class Cancellations When school is canceled due to weather or other emergencies, Community Education is also canceled. Cancellations are broadcast on radio stations KRWC 1360 AM (Buffalo), KDUZ 1260 AM, KARP 106.9 FM (Hutchinson) WCCO 830 AM and on the following TV stations: WCCO channel 4, KSTP channel 5, KARE channel 11, KMSP channel 9. Fall 2016 ECFE Classes at a Glance Monday Pop In and Play 6-7 pm September 19 Toddler Topics 6-7:30 pm Session 1 September 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24 Session 2 November 14, 21, 28, December 5, 12 Fantastic Fathers 6-7 pm November 7 December 19 Tuesday Preschool Explorers 12:30-3 pm Session 1 October 4, 11, 18, 25, November 1 Session 2 November 8, 15, 22, 29, December 6 Nurtured Heart Approach Refresher October 25 6-8 pm Creative Kids 1-2 pm December 13, 20 Thursday Pajama Party 6-7 pm October 27 Preschool Explorers 12:30-3 pm Session 1 Oct. 6, 27, Nov. 3 Session 2 Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 1, 8 Beautiful Babies 6-7 pm Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 1 Open Gym for 2-5 year olds Have children who need to run off extra energy? Join us for open gym! It’s the perfect place for your child to run around, play toss and catch games and more. Thursdays, December 15 and 22 1:10-1:50 Classes are in MS Activity Center, enter Community Education door East side MS $3 per child Register by December 12. Open Gym 1:10-1:50 pm December 15, 22 Scholarships NHA Full class 6-9 pm Session 1 Sept. 29 and Oct. 6 Session 2 Oct. 27 and Nov. 3 Immunizations Parent and child fees may be reduced, waived or placed on a payment plan upon request. All children enrolled in the Early Childhood Family Education Program must be up-to-date with immunizations. EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Beautiful Babies Birth to 18 months Thursdays 6-7 pm Join other parents and babies in a baby safe environment. Enjoy activities, songs and movement games together with your baby. Parents will have parent education time to discuss infant topics. Begins November 10 and ends December 1 (3 weeks) (No class November 24) Classes are in Room E013 Enter Community Education door East side MS $15 per child Register by October 27 Toddler Topics 12 to 36 months Toddlers come with all sorts of surprises and challenges. In this class parents will discuss toddler development as well as topics pertaining to sleep, health and nutrition, appropriate behavior guidelines and strategies, activities to stimulate learning at home, and other joys and concerns as they come up in the group. For the first 45 minutes of class parents and children are together participating in fun learning activities. The second 45 minutes, parents gain information and support from a parent educator and other parents, while toddlers play and learn with the supervision of an early childhood teacher. Parents do not leave the classroom, discussion occurs as the children play. Mondays 6–7:30 pm Session 1: September 26 and Ends October 24 (5 weeks) Session 2: November 14 and Ends December 12 (5 weeks) Classes are in Room E013 Enter Community Education door East side MS $28 per child per session Registration deadline one week prior to class start PAGE 22 Fantastic Fathers Children ages 3-5 Bring your dad, grandpa, or uncle (moms are also welcome) to these fun filled classes! You will have the opportunity to play, explore, and have fun with your child. We will have lots fun activities available and a snack too! See below for the theme of the night. Turkey Centerpiece Get in the Thanksgiving spirit by building a turkey centerpiece with your child! Please bring a hammer to class. Monday, November 7 6-7 pm $10 per child, fee may be reduced or waived upon request Room E013, Enter Community Education door East side MS Register by October 24 Gingerbread Houses You and your child can work together to create a one of a kind gingerbread house! We will supply the house, all the decorations, and clean up the mess. You bring the creativity. Monday, December 19 6-7 pm $5 per child Middle School Commons Register by December 5 Creative Kids Children ages 2-5 Come spend the afternoon enjoying playdough, paint, songs and movement, playing with toys, and more! See class descriptions below. Daycares are welcome to join us for this class! Tuesday, December 13 Join us for some groovy Pete the Cat activities! We will read about Pete the Cat, play a shoe matching memory game, and more! Tuesday, December 20 It’s all about winter in this class! Paint a wintery picture that sparkles, find the missing snowball, and make a candy cane fizzle. 1-2 pm Classes are in Room E013 Enter Community Education door East side MS $10 per child Register by November 29 EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Preschool Explorers 2-day preschool class for 3-5 year olds Child must be 3 by September 1, 2016 At the Middle School, Room E013 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake This class is designed to prepare young children for their next school experience. Theme-based, fun activities will focus on helping children develop their personal and social skills, language and literacy skills, mathematical thinking, scientific thinking, social studies, creativity, physical development and health. A typical day will consist of discovery time, small and large group experiences, story time, snack, and large motor play. This preschool class uses Creative Curriculum, as well as Everyday Math and OWL curriculums. These curriculums provide children with a focused approach to meeting appropriate developmental objectives, with a strong emphasis on learning through intentionally planned play activities. For more information, please contact Community Education 320-543-4670. Transportation is available one-way. At the family’s request children can be transported to school by bus. Families will need to transport children home at 3 pm. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-3 pm Session One October 4, 6, 11, 18, 25, 27, November 1, 3 (No Class October 13, 20) Register by September 20 Session Two November 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 29, December 1, 6, 8 (No Class November 24) Register by October 25 You can register for one or both sessions. • $99 per child/per session Scholarships Are Available Through a grant received this year, financial assistance is available to families that qualify. If you think you might qualify due to income guidelines contact 320-543-4670. Income is based on free and reduced lunch guidelines (see chart below). You can also qualify if you are enrolled in one of the following public assistance programs: MFIP, CCAP, FRLP, CACFP, SNAP, Head Start or Foster Care. Your family’s income is equal to or less than 185% of the federal poverty level in the current calendar year. The chart below based on FY2015 poverty guidelines published in the Federal Register on January 25, 2016: Family Family Gross Income Gross Income Size Size 2 $29,637 6 $60,273 3 $37,296 7 $67,951 4 $44,955 8 $75,647 5 $52,614 9* $83,343 for family units of more than eight members, add $7,696 for each additional member. * See Family Size of 9 as an example. PAGE 23 Early Childhood Screening The State of Minnesota requires all children attending kindergarten in 2016-17 school year, to be screened. Children attending preschool must also be screened. HLWW schedules screenings for families with young children throughout the school year. Why is screening important? Screening helps identify children who may benefit from early childhood services before they enter school and connects them with the appropriate resources and programs. If your child has already been screened, he/she does not need to be screened again. Who needs to be screened? The state of Minnesota requires all 3½ to 4 year old children living in the Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District to be screened before entering Kindergarten. Screening is most valuable when completed before your child turns four years old. What is Early Childhood Screening? Screening is a free check of your child’s vision, hearing, height, weight and development, as well as a review of her or his immunization records. Children are screened by school district professionals. Your child will be assessed in three important developmental areas: motor skills, concepts, and communication skills. This is not an IQ test. It does not rank children according to scores. The purpose of screening is early detection of children’s development, health, and other factors that may interfere with a child’s learning, growth, and development. How do I make an appointment? Please contact Nicole, HLWW Health Assistant at 320543-4680 ext.3103 or email: Screening Dates and Time Friday, December 2 Friday, March 3 8 am-2 pm Home Visits Screening Location HLWW High School/ Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW Howard Lake Are you interested in a home visit? Are you a new parent? Do you have a parenting concern you’d like to discuss? Visits include: • Activities for your children • Support and information on parenting • Information on child development, early childhood screening and other available community resources Call Helen Lester at 320-543-4670. This is a FREE service! EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) Parents, grandparents, foster parents, child care providers, educators, coaches, counselors and others who have any interaction with children are encouraged to take the NHA classes. Interested in improving your relationship with your child? Learn the Nurtured Heart Approach and gain the following benefits: • Build your family with authentic connection and trust • Create a deeper sense of inner wealth and self- worth for your child • Improve performance on achievements and chores • Live with joy and success in this new reality of parenting Join us for 6 hours of learning an approach that will make all the difference for your family. Register one week prior to class start. NHA Full class Session 1: Thursdays, September 29 and October 6 Session 2: Thursdays, October 27 and November 3 6-9 pm Media Center, HS HL $15/person, 1 book; $20/family couple, 1 book Trainers: Vawn Krzmarzick and Breanne Adickes NHA Refresher Tuesday, October 25 6-8 pm Media Center, HS HL $8/person; $10/family couple, Trainers: Vawn Krzmarzick and Breanne Adickes PAGE 24 Winsted Public Library 180 Main Avenue West, Winsted 320-485-3909 Fall Storytime Fall Storytime will be Tuesdays from 9:30-10 am & Wednesdays from 9:4510:15 am, September 13th-November 30th. The theme is Fairy Tales. Howard Lake Public Library 617 6th Avenue, Howard Lake, 320-543-2020 Pumpkin Painting Fun for ages 3-12! Limited to 30 per session, adults may paint too if space permits. Sponsored by the Howard Lake Friends of the Library. Pumpkins are $3 each or $10 maximum per family. Features washable paints, but painting clothes are highly recommended. Call the Library at 320-543-2020 to register. Howard Lake Community Room (above the Library) Saturday, October 15 10 am and 11 am sessions 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Sponsored by the Howard Lake Friends of the Library. New and simplified record keeping available for both new and current program members! Come into the Library to register and find out more. United Way of McLeod County Presents Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a 60-volume set of books beginning with the children’s classic “The Little Engine That Could.” Each month a new carefully selected book will be mailed in your child’s name directly to your home. Best of all, it is a FREE GIFT! There is no cost or obligation to your family. This program allows every child who lives in McLeod County and was born August 1, 2012, or later, to be eligible to receive an age-appropriate book in the mail each month. Children remain enrolled until they turn age 5 or moves out of McLeod County, MN. The books are a gift from United Way of McLeod County donors. The program is absolutely free to the newborns and parents. What Are My Responsibilities? You must reside within McLeod County, MN (Biscay, Brownton, Glencoe, Hutchinson, Lester Prairie, Plato, Silver Lake, Stewart, or Winsted). Submit an official registration form filled out by the parent or guardian OR register online by going to our website: (Please note: All registrations must be approved by United Way of McLeod County). Notify United Way of McLeod County any time your address changes. Books are mailed to the address listed on the official registration form. If the child’s address changes, you must notify United Way of McLeod County to continue to receive the books. Last but most importantly, please read with your child. While the UWMC is hosting the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in McLeod County, the program is driven by donations from individuals, small businesses, service organizations and corporations. Donations for this specific initiative can be sent to: United Way of McLeod County 218 Main Street South, Suite 124, PO Box 504, Hutchinson MN 55350. Please denote Imagination Library on the memo line. Visit us at For more information about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, please visit: www. EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION McLeod County Immunizations Immunizations may be given by appointment, Monday-Friday from 8 am-4 pm, to individuals of all ages. Call 320-864-3185 or 320-395-2568 to schedule an appointment. A record of all previous immunizations is required. There is a fee for immunizations. Ask for fee information when calling. The immunization program is designed to serve low income individuals and families, or others without medical coverage for immunizations. Wright County WOW Van The Wellness on Wheels, or WOW van, is a mobile clinic staffed by Registered Nurses (RNs). RNs provide teaching, guidance, support, and the screening and immunization services. Services provided include: immunizations for adults and children; health and wellness screening (blood pressure, cholesterol*, diabetes, pregnancy testing, hemoglobin, lead, Mantoux test), car seat checks*, and fluoride treatment (*appointment needed). Available information about health concerns, safety, child development, pregnancy, family planning, and community services. Bring immunization records with you. The WOW van will announce cancellations on radio stations KRWC 1360 AM and KDUZ 1260 AM and van sites will be notified of any cancellations. Please note: The WOW Van does not go out in below zero weather or when the roads are in poor driving condition. If you have questions or to schedule an appointment, call 763682-7716 or 800-362-3667 ext. 7516. See Wright County Web Site: for WOW schedule and other information. Follow Along Program Babies and young children grow and learn at their own rate. Some children need special help to grow up healthy and learn skills such as sitting, walking or talking. If this is true for your child, the Follow Along Program can help you. The Follow Along Program is: • A good way to learn about your child’s health and development. • A fun way to get ideas about “what to teach” and “at what age” to teach it. • A simple way to ask questions about how your child is hearing, moving, seeing, playing, talking, learning, growing and acting . • An easy way to find out about other services you may want in order to select the right program for your child. A professional, most often a nurse, may visit with you to tell you more about the program and find out more about your child. To refer a child, contact your local Public Health Agency or the MCYSHN Information and Assistance Line at 1-800-728-5420. For information on the Follow Along Program, contact the Program Coordinator at 651-201-3641. PAGE 25 Help Me Grow Help Me Grow is an interagency initiative of the State of Minnesota (Departments of Education, Health and Human Services) partnering with local service agencies to provide resources about the development of young children for parents and professionals. These resources include information on developmental milestones, YouTube videos, caregiver strategies to support development, screening and evaluation, and how to talk about developmental concerns. If you have any concerns about your child’s growth and development, please talk to your child’s health care provider or call 1-866-693-GROW(4769) to talk to a professional and find out ways in which you can get connected to various resources in Minnesota. You can also check out the Help Me Grow website, Census Howard LakeWaverly-Winsted District 2687 Independent School District 2687 maintains a census to better serve the residents of our communities. In our continuous effort to update our files, we ask that you contact the school if you are new to the community or have changes to your household information, including a birth. Call 320-543-4670. Census form on page 31. Do you need a car seat? Wright County residents call Terri at Wright County Public Health, 763682-7516. McLeod County residents contact Family Health Services at 320864-3185. EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION ECFE Registration Mail registration form Early Childhood Family Education, District 2687, P.O. Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349. Register in person HLWW Community Education Office located in the HLWW Middle School, 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. Enter Community Education door East side. For more information call 320-543-4670 Payment Include fee with registration. Registration is not complete until fee is received. Registrations are confirmed by your payment of fees on a first-come, first-served basis. You will not receive confirmation of your class. Register early to ensure a place in the class. ECFE accepts payments of cash, check, money order or debit/credit cards with VISA or MasterCard logos. Make checks payable to District 2687. Checks will be cashed upon receipt. Scholarships Parent and child fees may be reduced, waived or placed on a payment plan upon request. PAGE 26 UCare members If you are a Ucare member you are eligible to receive an ECFE parent/child class at no charge. List your UCare ID # on the registration form in place of the fee. Call 320-543-4670 for more information. Immunizations All children enrolled in the Early Childhood Family Education Program must be upto-date with immunizations. Class Cancellations When school is canceled due to weather or other emergencies, Community Education and Early Childhood Family Education is also canceled. ECFE Parent Advisory Council The Parent Advisory Council is a group of volunteer parents and community members who promote the goals of the Early Childhood Family Education Program. What Do We Do? The Parent Advisory Council advises the Early Childhood Family Education program on policies, programming, and events that are important to families with children birth to five years old. Our mission is to be responsive to all young families in the HLWW communities. We Want to Hear From You! We welcome your comments, suggestions, and concerns. We represent all parents and will see that your needs are addressed. Call Helen Lester at 320-543-4670 if interested. District 2687 Early Childhood Family Education Registration Fall 2016 Make checks payable and return to: ECFE District 2687, P.O.Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 Mother/Guardian ________________________ Cell Phone________________ Work Phone______________ Father/Guardian ________________________ Cell Phone________________ Work Phone______________ Mailing Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone___________________________ e-mail address_______________________________________ Child’s Name Age Date of Birth M/F Activity Name Start Date Fee __________________ _______________________________________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________ _________________ Statement of release: I, the undersigned, agree to release District 2687 Public Schools, Community Education, its employees and volunteers of all liability related to accidents or injuries which myself or a member of my family might incur while participating in the above activities. I give permission for my child’s picture to be used for promotional materials. I have adequate insurance protection for my child and will assume all responsibility for injuries incurred while practicing for or participating in the above activity. If you enroll your school-aged child in a public school activity, he or she must abide by the anti-bullying policy at all times while participating in that activity. Violations of this policy may result in your child’s removal from the activity in question, and/or other consequences, as described in the policy. We ask that you review this policy in full with your child. The complete policy is available on the school website or in Community Education office. Parent’s Signature_______________________________________ Date________________________ Credit Card Information: Charge my VISA MasterCard Card Number__________-__________-__________-__________Expiration date______ Card Holder’s Signature_______________________________________ CID_________ UCare ID _______________________________________________ OPENING DOORS (FOR ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES) Opening Doors Program Community Education Classes, Services and Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities What is Opening Doors? Opening Doors is a program for Adults with Disabilities, age 16 and older. Specialized activities, lead by caring qualified staff, offer educational, social, life skills and recreation learning opportunities for people with any type of disability. The Opening Doors Program offers classes/activities in the school districts of Becker, Big Lake, Buffalo-HanoverMontrose, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted and Monticello. To learn more, or if you have specific program questions, contact Mark Preissing, Program Coordinator, 763-682-8771. Register for classes online at Arts and Crafts Fall Colors Plate Design and use your imagination to decorate a keepsake plate for display during the fall season and holidays. All materials supplied. F3106A: Tuesday, October 4; 10-11 am, 1 session $9, Buffalo–Discovery Center Room 202 F3106B: Thursday, October 6; 9:15-10:15 am, 1 session $9, Buffalo-PRIDE Transitions Center F3106C: Tuesday, October 18; 7-8 pm, 1 session $9, Monticello-Middle School Staff Lunch Room F3016D: Monday, November 21; 7-8 pm, 1 session $9, Howard Lake-HLWW High School FACS Room A134Use High School entrance Pumpkin Painting Party Create your own spooky pumpkin by painting a face and adding hair or other embellishments. Halloween treats provided. It might be orange and spooky but it will be tons of fun. F3104A: Thursday, September 29; 7-8 pm, 1 session $7, Delano-High School Room D105 F3104B: Saturday, October 1; 1011:30 am, 1 session $7, Buffalo–Discovery Center Room 202 Fleece Tied Blankets This fun no-sew blanket is so simple to make! It’s a great activity and you can make it in one class! Fun fleece prints to choose from. All class supplies included. F3108A: Tuesday, November 15; 7-8 pm, 1 session $12, Monticello-Middle School Staff Lunch Room F3108B: Monday, November 28; 7-8 pm, 1 session $12, Buffalo-Discovery Center Room 202 Sparkling Glitter Ornaments Create your own shimmering glitter ornaments to make dazzling new gifts or to decorate your favorite holiday spot. F3110A: Monday, December 5; 7-8 pm, 1 session $9, Monticello-Middle School Staff Lunch Room F3110B: Monday, December 19; 7-8 pm, 1 session $9, Delano-High School PAGE 27 Personal Development Cupcakes and Canvas Come out for a creative good time! Enjoy a cupcake treat while you create your art work on canvas. All treats and materials included. Enter main building doors. F3302: Tuesday, September 13; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $9, Howard Lake-HLWW High School FACS Room A134-Use High School entrance Holiday Gift Making and Tea Party Enjoy the holidays by choosing 2 or 3 different craft gift projects to complete (ornaments, decorative room air fresheners, etc.) along with soothing teas. Lots of choices for gifts to make and teas to try! F3312A: Thursday, December 1; 9:15-10:15 am, 1 session $7, Buffalo-PRIDE Transitions Center F3312B: Thursday, December 8; 1:15-2:15 pm, 1 session $7, Buffalo-PRIDE Transitions Center F3312C: Wednesday, December 7; 10-11 am, 1 session $7, Buffalo-Discovery Center Room 202 F3312D: Wednesday, December 7; 7-8 pm, 1 session $7, Howard Lake-HLWW High School FACS Room A134Use High School entrance Healthy Cooking Club Join us for tasty new recipes! The Healthy Cooking Club works on menu planning and hands-on cooking led by nutrition educators and Opening Doors staff. A meal will be cooked and eaten at every Healthy Cooking Club session. F3300B: Monday, October 10; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $5, Buffalo-Discovery Center Room 202 F3300C: Monday, November 14; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $5, Buffalo-Discovery Center Room 202 F3300D: Monday, December 12; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $5, Buffalo-Discovery Center Room 202 Baked Apples and Turkey Toss Join in on this great new activity. You will prepare and bake a tasty apple treat followed by a turkey-themed version of bean bag toss-but you’ll be tossing turkeys in this new game! F3306A: Thursday, November 3; 7-8 pm, 1 session $7, Becker-High School Room 225, enter at door #11 F3306B: Monday, November 14; 7-8 pm, 1 session $7, Big Lake-High School Room C112-Foods Holiday Cookies Make and take! Create special holiday treats for yourself and friends. You will have a great time making cookies. Please bring container to take cookies home in. This class fills up quickly. Space is limited. Don’t wait to register! F3310A: Saturday, December 17; 10-12 pm, 1 session $12, Buffalo-Community Middle School Room 510 F3310B: Tuesday, December 13; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $12, Big Lake-High School Room C112Foods OPENING DOORS (FOR ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES) PAGE 28 Recreation Socialization Basketball It’s time for some HOOPS! Develop your skills; work on exercise, and physical fitness. Join your friends on the basketball court and come ready to show us your moves and learn some new ones too! F3502A: Wednesdays, September 7-28; 7-8 pm, 4 sessions $20, Buffalo - Discovery Center Cafeteria F3502B: Wednesdays, November 2-30 (no session 11/23), 7-8 pm, 4 sessions $20, Buffalo - Discovery Center Cafeteria Bingo Pizza Party Welcome the cool evenings with pizza, bingo and great prizes. Bring a friend! Any staff planning on eating is required to register and pay $5 prior to event. F3600A: Friday, September 9; 6-8 pm, 1 session $8, Monticello-Middle School Staff Lunchroom F3600B: Friday, September 30; 6-8 pm, 1 session $8, Becker–High School Room 225-Use Door 11 on North Side F3600C: Friday, October 7; 6-8 pm, 1 session $8, Howard Lake-HLWW High School FACS Room A134-Use High School entrance F3600D: Friday, November 4; 6-8 pm, 1 session $8, Buffalo-Discovery Center Boardroom F3600E: Friday, December 16; 6-8 pm, 1 session $8, Big Lake-Independence Elementary Community Room Floor Hockey Join the team for a friendly game of floor hockey. Floor hockey is a fun, recreational sport with the added benefit of healthy exercise. The instructor will lead skill-building exercises in addition to playing games. F3504A: Wednesdays, October 5-26; 7-8 pm, 4 sessions $20, Buffalo-Discovery Center Cafeteria F3504B: Wednesdays, December 7-21; 7-8 pm, 3 sessions $15, Buffalo-Discovery Center Cafeteria Bowling Pizza Party Celebrate the cold winter with a warm slice of pizza and get in a fun round of bowling at the same time. Enjoy a pizza party bowl and win a bunch of awesome prizes too! F3508B: Thursday, October 13; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $13, Monticello-River City Extreme F3508C: Thursday, November 10; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $13, Monticello-River City Extreme F3508D: Thursday, December 8; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $13, Monticello-River City Extreme League Bowling Develop your skills. Get ready for the big match. Socialize with friends and be active at the same time. Let’s bowl some strikes! Bring a friend! F3520A: Saturdays, September 10, 24, October 8, 22; 2-4 pm, 4 sessions $45, Buffalo Huikkos Bowling and Entertainment Center F3520B: Saturdays, November 5, 19, December 3, 17; 2-4 pm, 4 sessions $45, Buffalo Huikkos Bowling and Entertainment Center Ney Park Walk and Roll Fall Hike Enjoy a stroll outdoors along the trails and paths at Ney Park. Look for signs of fall. Meet at the Environmental Education Station at the west unit of Ney Park near Maple Lake. Snacks and refreshments provided after the walk. F3530A: Sunday, September 25; 10-11:30 am, 1 session $3, Maple Lake-Robert Ney Memorial Park-West Unit F3530B: Sunday, October 23; 10-11:30 am, 1 session $3, Maple Lake-Robert Ney Memorial Park-West Unit Halloween Bingo Bash There might be spooky ghosts and goblins at this event. But lots of bingo prizes and sub style sandwiches will not be scary! Dinner and treats provided. Any staff planning on eating is required to register and pay $5 prior to event. F3606: Wednesday, October 26; 6-8 pm, 1 session $8, Big LakeIndependence Elementary Community Room Thanksgiving Turkey Bingo Check out the turkeys at this one! Experience a fun night of bingo and socializing. Acting, dressing or talking like a turkey not required to participate. Snacks and treats provided. F3610A: Tuesday, November 22; 10-11 am, 1 session $5, Buffalo-Discovery Center Boardroom F3610B: Tuesday, November 22; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $5, Delano-High School Room D105 Dinner and a Movie Have a great time digging into a tasty pizza and watching a great flick. A different feature will be shown each month. Any staff planning on eating is required to register and pay $5 prior to event. F3628A: Friday, September 16; 6-8 pm, 1 session-A new release $8, Buffalo-Discovery Center Boardroom F3628B: Friday, October 14; 6-8 pm, 1 session-An old time classic $8, Buffalo-Discovery Center Boardroom F3628C: Friday, November 11; 6-8 pm, 1 session-An action flick $8, Buffalo-Discovery Center Boardroom F3628D: Friday, December 9; 6-8 pm, 1 session-A holiday themed movie $8, Buffalo-Discovery Center Boardroom OPENING DOORS (FOR ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES) Special Events Improv Comedy Nights Get your crew out for a fun night of comedy. This is an open mike event with audience participation suggested! Pizza and snacks provided. F3865A: Thursday, September 22; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $5, Buffalo-PRIDE Transition Center F3865B: Thursday, October 6; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $5, Big Lake-Independence Elementary Community Room F3865C: Thursday, November 17; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $5, Buffalo-PRIDE Transition Center Halloween Dance and Monster Mash Get your dancing shoes on for this spooky dance. Consumers and staff are invited to wear their favorite Halloween costumes for this frightening event. Great music provided by DJ Roger from the Scene. Tricks, treats, and snacks are included. F3810: Friday, October 28; 7-9 pm, 1 session $5, BuffaloDiscovery Center Main Gym Mall of America Shopping Trip via the Light Rail Back by popular demand! Ride the rails right to the MOA for an enjoyable day of shopping and exploring. Meet at the Big Lake train station, transfer to the Hiawatha rail line and arrive in comfort at the mall. Start your holiday shopping before the big rush. Train tickets, supervision included class fee. The staff to consumer ratio will be 1 to 5 for this outing. Meet at the Big Lake North star Light Rail train station at 10 am. Train returns to Big Lake at approximately 5 pm. F3814: Saturday, December 10; 10 am-5 pm, 1 session, $15 Consumers, assistants $10, Offsite, Deadline to register is December 2 Sing a Long with Holiday Favorites Come to this fun tradition of singing carols with your friends. Lots of old time favorites will be belted out in another new activity. Holiday treats and baked treats provided. Ho Ho Ho!! F3870: Tuesday, December 20; 10-11 am, 1 session $1, Buffalo-Discovery Center Boardroom Holiday Party Join us for this Opening Doors tradition. Enjoy a great meal, dance to fun tunes and have a blast celebrating the holidays. Food and hospitality provided by the Buffalo Lions, Joe Carlson from KRWC radio is the award winning emcee and the Buffalo Legion Club #270 is the host for this event. Consumers, staff, caregivers, and families are all invited to this free and fun night to celebrate. Registration in advance is required. F3820: Wednesday, December 14; 5:30-8 pm, 1 session Free, Buffalo Legion Additional Opening Doors Activities To see the full list of classes/activities offered by the Opening Doors program, visit PAGE 29 Very Special Artist Series Bring out the artist in you. Join us for a yearlong celebration of the arts. Each session will feature different local artists sharing and teaching in their special areas of interest. A Very Special Arts Fair and Festival will be held in May of 2017 with an art show and displays to honor the work of the artist in everyone. These arts activities are made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Central MN Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. Sun Catcher with Wrought Iron Hanger Frame your 4” x 8 1/2” sun catcher with this wrought iron hanger. Create your own design using chips of glass, odd cuts or glass frit. This class includes all materials, kiln firing and a wrought iron hanger. Class is located at Artistic Me in the Soo Town Lane area of Buffalo at 205 5th Street. F3202: Saturday, September 24; 3-5 pm, 1 session $15, Buffalo-Artistic Me A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words-Fused Glass Picture Frames Struggling to find that perfect picture frame for your home? Need the perfect gift? If you like puzzles you will love stacking bits and pieces of glass into a pattern to make a beautiful picture frame. After the design is complete it will be fired in our in-house kiln and a picture frame will be applied to the back. Class is located at Artistic Me in the Soo Town Lane area of Buffalo at 205 5th Street. F3203: Tuesday, October 25; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $9, Buffalo-Artistic Me Drawing for Fun-Basic Techniques Learn how to draw with confidence. Gain an understanding of fundamental drawing concepts (basic shapes, shading, perspective and measuring methods) while using various techniques, tools and mediums. All drawing class supplies are included. F3205: Thursdays, October 6 & 13; 7-8 pm, 2 sessions $9, Buffalo-Discovery Center Room 202 Flowers in Oil Pastels Have fun blending oil pastels on fuzzy velour paper while drawing flowers inspired by artist Georgia O’Keeffe. We will draw flowers zoomed in close while blending and mixing bright colors. F3207: Monday, November 7; 7-8:30 pm, 1 session $9, Buffalo–Discovery Center Room 202 Holiday Ornaments Acrylic Painting Join us for a fun evening and celebrate the season while painting a holiday ornament with acrylic paints on stretched 11x14” canvas. Choose from a variety of colors and pick your own patterns and designs to make a unique painting. F3210A: Tuesday, November 29; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $9, Big Lake-High School Room C112-Foods F3210B: Wednesday, December 14; 6-7:30 pm, 1 session $9, Buffalo–Discovery Center Room 202 REGISTRATION INFORMATION AND ADULT FORM Community Education Registration Information For information or questions call the Community Education office 320-543-4670. Mail Registration Form Community Education District 2687, P. O. Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349. Register In Person HLWW Community Education office located in the HLWW Middle School at 8700 County Road 6 SW, Howard Lake. Enter the east side lower level. Payment Registration is complete when fee is received. Registrations are confirmed by your payment of fees on a first-come, first-served basis. You will not receive confirmation of your class. Register early to ensure a place in the class. Checks Make checks payable to District 2687. Checks will be cashed upon receipt. Debit/Credit Cards Debit/Credit Cards with VISA and MasterCard logos are accepted. Over-the Phone Payments You may call Community Education to use your debit/credit card to make your payment for Community Education sponsored activities, 320-543-4670. Pre-Authorized Payments Monthly fees/tuition can automatically be processed to a debit/credit card. PAGE 30 Paytek Solution Check Recovery Service Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted School District 2687 has partnered with Paytek Solutions. In the unlikely event your check is returned due to NSF or a closed bank account, your check may be collected electronically along with the state allowed fee. Your check is welcome as payment. School District 2687 has established the following policy for accepting checks and collecting bad checks: for a check to be an acceptable form of payment it must include your current, full and accurate name, address and telephone number. When paying by check you authorize the recovery of unpaid checks and the recovery of the state allowed fee by means of electronic re-presentment or by paper draft. Canceled Activities If a class is canceled due to insufficient enrollment, we will notify you and a refund will be made. Unless you are notified, you should meet at the time and place listed. Refunds No refunds will be made after the first class session or after registration deadline for trips unless a replacement can be found. Members of UCARE UCare members may be eligible for a $15 discount on most classes in this catalog. Members must have UCare insurance at the time of the registration and throughout the duration of the class. Members need to include their UCare ID numbers when registering. Some restrictions may apply. UCare for Seniors members and EssentiaCare members are eligible for one $15 discount per calendar year. UCare Choices and Fairview Choices members are not eligible for the $15 class discount. Community Education Adult Registration Form Fall 2016 Use one form per participant. Duplicate as needed. Complete form and mail with payment to: HLWW District 2687 Community Education, P.O. Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 Participant name_____________________________________________________________________________________ Complete mailing address______________________________________________________________________________ Home phone________________________ Work phone_________________________ Cell phone__________________ E-mail address_______________________________________________________________________________________ Class/Activity/Trip & location pick up Start date/Session Fee _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Statement of release: I agree to release District 2687 Public Schools, Community Education, its employees and volunteers of all liability related to accidents or injuries which myself or a member of my family might incur while participating in the above activities. I give permission for my picture to be used for promotional materials. I have adequate insurance protection and will assume all responsibility for injuries incurred while practicing for or participating in the above activity. Signature_____________________________________________Date___________________________ Make check payable to: HLWW District 2687 Community Education or use a VISA/MasterCard (credit cards not accepted for trips and AARP Driver Safety classes) Credit Card Information: Charge my VISA MasterCard Card Number__________-__________-__________-__________ Expiration date_____________ Card Holder’s Signature______________________________________UCare ID No.______________ REGISTRATION YOUTH FORM AND CENSUS PAGE 31 Community Education Youth Registration Form Fall 2016 Duplicate as needed. Complete form and drop off at a public school office or mail with payment to: HLWW District 2687 Community Education, P.O. Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 Mother/Guardian ___________________________ Work Phone__________________ Cell Phone__________________ Father/Guardian ____________________________ Work Phone__________________ Cell Phone__________________ Mailing Address______________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ Home Phone_____________________________________________ E-mail address_______________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name Date of Birth M/F Age Grade Activity Name Start Date Fee ________________________________________________________________________ __________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____________ _____ Statement of release: I, the undersigned, agree to release District 2687 Public Schools, Community Education, its employees and volunteers of all liability related to accidents or injuries which myself or a member of my family might incur while participating in the above activities. I give permission for my child’s picture to be used for promotional materials. I have adequate insurance protection for my child and will assume all responsibility for injuries incurred while practicing for or participating in the above activity. If you enroll your school-aged child in a public school activity, he or she must abide by the anti-bullying policy at all times while participating in that activity. Violations of this policy may result in your child’s removal from the activity in question, and/or other consequences, as described in the policy. We ask that you review this policy in full with your child. The complete policy is available on the school website or in Community Education office. Parent’s Signature_________________________________________________Date_____________________ Make check payable to: HLWW District 2687 Community Education or use a VISA/MasterCard Credit Card Information: Charge my VISA MasterCard Card Number_____________-_____________-____________-___________ Expiration date____________ Card Holder’s Signature__________________________________________UCare ID No._______________________ Census Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted District 2687 Independent School District 2687 maintains a census to better serve the residents of our communities. In our continuous effort to update our files, we ask that you contact the school if you are new to the community or when you have changes to your household information. Being on the school census ensures you will receive information for families with children living in the school district. The school will be prepared for your child when it is time for Early Childhood Screening and Kindergarten. Accurate census numbers are important for funding of school programs based on census numbers. Head of Household information If you have questions feel free to contact the Community Education office at 320-543-4670. If you have recently moved to the school district or have not registered your family with the school district please complete and return the below form listing all household members, adults and children birth-21 years. #1 Name________________________ #2 Name________________________ #1 Home phone___________________ Cell phone ______________________ Work phone_______________ #2 Home phone___________________ Cell phone ______________________ Work phone_______________ Mailing address________________________________________________________________ Street address_________________________________________________________________ Names of Children (last name, first name, middle name) M/F Date of Birth Please return to: District 2687 Community Education, P. O. Box 708, Howard Lake, MN 55349 School Attending Non Profit Org US Postage Paid Winsted, MN Permit No 30 38th Fine Arts Expo 36th Creative Crafts Fair Variety and Quality Many New Exhibitors Saturday November 19 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Refreshments available No Admission Fee 38th Annual Fine Arts Exposition Activity Center Middle School 8700 County Road 6 SW Howard Lake 100+ Exhibitors Saturday, November 19, the 38th Annual Fine Arts Exposition will be held. Talk with artists, observe them creating their fine art, and take advantage of the opportunity to purchase their work. Exhibition artists are from surrounding areas and throughout Minnesota. Art disciplines may include oil, watercolor, wildlife paintings, blown glass, photography, pottery, wood carving, pen and ink, calligraphy, stained glass, hand-woven baskets, and more. Exhibitor Information Buy, learn and view, techniques old and new. Register for prizes 36th Annual Creative Crafts Fair Saturday, November 19, enjoy a large display of handcrafted and collectible items. A sampling of the crafts may include needlework, holiday crafts, ceramics, knit, crochet, woodcraft, home sewn articles, wreaths, dolls, jewelry, quilted items, decorative items, rugs, dried florals, toys, lotions, soaps, clothing and more. Crafts and collectibles will be available for purchase. Refreshments and lunch available. Join us for an enjoyable day for all ages. Artists and Crafters who would like a space may call 320320-543-4670 543-4670 for information or download an application at www. Click on Community Education then Art Expo & Craft Fair. Homemade items only, arts and crafts.