1-1-2015 SERVANTS OF CHRIST in Brazil January-February 2016 The Rod and Ann Anderson family Highlights: 1. XIX Convention of Churches in Northern Brazil 2. Jeremy starting College - Electrical Engineering 3. Rebecca transferring to AHS Online (sophomore) 4. Church in N. Araguaina transitioning to independence Final Sunday at Nova Araguaina 1. 2. 3. 4. Prayer Requests: Wisdom for/in transitions Guidance for focus and direction of mission Car Repairs from accident XX Convention to be here in Araguaina, 2017 Transitions The last two or three years have been full of transitions. First Eliot and then Cynthia moved to colleges in the US. Cynthia continues at Ozark Christian College but Eliot completed his time at Otero Jr. College and transferred to the University of Oklahoma, Norman. That transition proved very difficult indeed and Eliot chose to sit out this semester and got a job. He is continuing on at O.U. at Norman this fall to work towards completing his degree. Josue leading at Nova Araguaina The transitions continue: This February, our third child, Jeremy, started college at ITPAC, the largest University in our state while continuing to live at home. (At 16 yrs old he scored in second place for Electrical Engineering!) Rebecca also transitioned out of the Brazilian school system to the American Highschool Online program where she is a sophomore. Both Rebecca and Jeremy are doing very well and enjoying their new schools. The congregation at Nova Araguaina where we have been for the last 7 years is also transitioning into independence, the 14th of February was our last Sunday with them. Josue, the elder who takes care of the church when we are on furlough has accepted responsibility for the congregation. As part of the transition our family continues to be there helping on Wednesdays for now. 2016 Convention in Belem Around 600 attended Our transition – since 2007 “2007 Focus of Future Work From a primary focus on the Jardim Goias congregation we will expand to multi-congregational discipleship and leadership training. 1. Helping the Brazilians establish a balanced, complete, Brazilian reproducible discipleship and leadership training program.” The First major stage of that transition was to help several other Ann’s choir continues to grow families start the congregation at Nova Araguaina leaving the and is well received. Jardim Goias congregation completely in Brazilian hands. We had hoped that Nova Araguaina would become the base for our continued expansion into the muti-congregational outreach. But things haven’t happened the way we expected and Nova Araguaina was requiring us to maintain our focus there. It got to the point that the church was so dependant on us (“church” was the missionaries’ job) that our continued presence was preventing the church from maturing further and so it became necessary both for that congregation’s maturity as well as that of our mission work to make this second major transition. Except for Wednesdays, we are back at the Rodoviaria congregation where we started out a quarter of a century ago. We can serve there and are hoping that things work out for this congregation to become the base we work out of in our multi-congregational outreach. Results: Since we moved to Rodoviaria except Wednesdays Nova Araguaina has started an outreach to youth using volleyball to attract interest on Sunday afternoon. On the last two Wednesdays we have had people from three different families that had once frequented Sunday services but stopped coming over a year ago no matter how often I called on them. Now with the church people themselves doing the calling instead of “the missionaries” they are coming Youth volleyball outreach started again!!! Sometimes our efforts to “help” make things easier after we transitioned away. actually prevent the growing up process. (No, that doesn’t make it any easier to let go, just ask the parent of any teenager!) At Rodoviaria, where the majority of her choir members are from Ann will continue with the joint choir of all our churches here in town. Ann just got approval to begain working on a joint choir project for all of our churches that are involved in the Northern Brazil Convention which will be held here in Araguaina next year. I have been asked to lead a small group focused on leadership/discipleship. I will also be working on organizing lessons and training materials from a variety of sources and completing some of my lessons with a look at making them more available to whoever has an interest or need (making them Brazilian Reproducible). I will also be in the process of developing contacts and opportunities in the various churches both for teaching and for learning what the Brazilians are already doing or think might work in this ongoing training. Since the Convention will be here next year I plan to be very involved with that. Early in March the 19th Convention was held in Belem for the first time. It was an excellent convention with a number of churches from the Belem area that participated in the convention for the first time. I was told there were approximately 600 in attendance. One of Ann’s classes at the Convention Ann’s Araguaina choir did so well that She has been put in charge of preparing a multi-city choir for 2017!!! About three weeks ago Ann and I were in a car accident. The other driver didn’t stop at his stop sign and so he hit our car hard enough to knock it on its side. No one was hurt but there was enough damage that the mechanics expect it to take till the end of March to get it fixed (and then only if they can get the parts used or new.) We have needed a second vehicle for a long time and so this seemed like the best time to do so. After 10 days of looking around the best option we had was to buy a new Chevrolet Onix. It cost about $13,000 of which we have about $4,000 and so have borrowed the rest. Be praying that God will provide the rest so we can pay off the loan as soon as possible. In the service of Christ Jesus our Lord, Rod and Ann Anderson and family Forwarding Agents email: Monte & Donna Shepherd 2413 W 25th ST N, WICHITA, KS 67204 phone: (316) 831-0878 Field Address email: Rodney and Ann Anderson Rua Antonio JD Lira 186 Setor Jardim Goias 77824-030 Araguaína Tocantins Brazil, South America Phone(from US): (316) 444-3447 (Kansas number that skype bounces to our Brazil phone)
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