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University Farm Circle Newsletter
November 2015
Friendship ● Enrichment ● Scholarship
Candlelight Dinner
“Starry Night” Holiday Celebration
Please join us on Thursday December 10 at 6:30 PM at El Macero County Club for a
“Starry Night “ celebration of the Holidays.
We will open the evening with a few songs by the Davis Children’s Chorale, an auditioned choir, which has performed internationally and is directed by Tania Mannion. After our dinner service, we were fortunate to book the Davis Madrigals
Singers, who will entertain us as we enjoy our desserts. The Madrigals, directed by
Dr. Karen Gardias, are known for their Renaissance-inspired costumes and have
performed nationally and internationally with their “musical message of joy and
hope”. Although the evening officially begins at 6:30 PM, our no-host bar opens at 6
PM. We hope you can join us for an evening of great food, excellent entertainment
and the very best companionship.
There will be two (2) meal choices: Pork Osso Buco and a vegetarian pasta dish. If
our meal is as good as the tasting, everyone will enjoy it. The pasta will be freshly
made and the vegetable accompaniment will be fresh and locally grown. If you
have special dietary requirements, please contact Norma or Charlene. The evening
begins at 6:30 but the doors (and the no-host bar) will open at 6 PM.
Please submit your reservation form and check for $46 by 15 November. Seats are
limited, so reserve as early as possible. You may indicate your dinner companions
on your coupon.
Contacts: Charlene Sailer, event Co-Chair, 758-6689 ( or
Norma Reisen, event Co-Chair, 759-1865 (
More Fall Programs
Speaker Series
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Church
27274 Patwin Road, Davis
For many years, Sue Barnes, Director of U.C.
Davis Retirement Center, has been interested and
involved in entering contests and appearing on
game shows. A lively and entertaining speaker,
she will share her experiences. As she said, “I
think I can give lots of good advice, and interesting information about appearing on a game show
or entering creative contest.” Please join us for an
enjoyable afternoon.
This event will be open to the public. Cost for
members & guests is $10. Deadline: October 20.
Light refreshments will be served.
Contact Melinda Hillis, 665-6478 (
Battle of the Sexes
How Women Age Differently than Men
Thursday, November 5, 2015 - 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Church
27274 Patwin Road, Davis
Join us for a healthy and delightful lunch catered by
Pluto’s and an educational but humorous lecture on the
anatomy of aging with Dr. Michael McCloud. You will
learn the aging differences between men and women.
“Who ages better?” Discover how aging may be compulsory, but getting old is optional. Lunch will be served at
11:30 and Dr. Mc Cloud will speak at 12:45.
Our healthy lunch will be the choice of a half of a sandwich of a Herb Roasted Turkey, or Grilled Marinated tri
tip steak, or Portobello Mushroom with Roasted Red
Peppers and Goat cheese with a side Farmer’s Greens
Galaxy Salad- baby greens with 7 of most popular toppings: Sweet Corn, Roasted Bell Peppers, Pan Sauteed
Mushrooms, Bluelake Green Beans, Plum Tomatoes,
Broccoli and Croutons with Balsamic Vinaigrette. Beverage: Water, Lemonade, Coffee
Cost $20. Deadline: October 15. Seating is limited to
members until deadline. Open to guests & public if not
filled by then.
Contact Betty Pfeiffer, 753-7920 (
San Francisco Holiday Shopping Trip to Union Square
Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015
8:15 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Climb on our comfortable bus, relax with your friends, and enjoy a festive day of shopping, dining, theater and
exploration at one of the most beautiful cities in the world ~ San Francisco.The City by the Bay will soon get you
into the spirit of the season with beautiful holiday window displays, an ice skating rink in full swing and bustling
shoppers looking for the perfect gift.
The bus will drop us off and pick us up at Macy’s in Union Square. Macy’s will be celebrating their “Friends and
Family” sale and are providing 25% off coupons and holiday tote bags. If you are interested in their personal
shopper service, you can contact by Mystylist@macys or Regina at 415-296-4607, for that perfect outfit. The bus
provides plenty of room for packages on the return trip to Davis as we relax and reminisce about the fun day
when we return to Davis after we have “left our hearts in San Francisco.”
A list of special interests. restaurants and phone numbers will be provided for your convenience. You can go
online to for a great slide show of the sights in the downtown area, with additional
information on shopping, dining and sightseeing tips. Lunch will be on your own. Light snacks will be provided
on the bus.
Seating on the bus is limited, so send your reservation in early. (This trip usually sells out.) Meet at the Park and
Ride parking lot near Ikeda’s Market by 8:15 a.m. The bus will leave promptly at 8:30am.
Cost: $45.00 members. Reservation deadline: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th
Contact: Pat Van Brocklin, 758-3956 ( or Barbara Smith-Vaughn, 756-9620 (
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UFC Newsletter November 2015
Important Information
Membership Information
Annual membership dues are $30 a year if paid by October 15.
Make checks payable to UFC. Our year runs September through
May. If your dues haven’t been paid by October 15, then they are
now $35 and your name may not appear in the 2015-2016 roster.
All dues should be sent to Sheila Beyer, 3103 Florinda Lane,
Davis, CA 95618. Please use the membership application included in the UFC Program booklet. A membership application is
also available on the UFC website Be sure to
print clearly your name, address, telephone number, and email
What your dues cover
Your dues go to pay the expenses of UFC, including the cost of
the Fall Tea, the costs of printing and mailing our newsletters
and other publications, and other items in our budget. At the
end of our budget year any remaining monies go toward scholarships.
Membership benefits
UFC members usually pay less for events than non-members,
are given priority when an event has space limitations, and are
entitled to participate in UFC sections.
Newsletters will be by email All newsletters will be sent by
email only. If this creates a hardship for you, please contact Liz
Fenton, 231-5688 or (203) 219-9428. It will also be available on
the UFC website, If it does not reach you by
the end of each month, contact Sheila Beyer, 231-5059. Please be
sure your information is correct.
The membership roster will be mailed in December. Only members receive the roster.
Scholarship donations
If you would like to include a donation to the UFC Scholarship
Endowment, the Blanche L. Price Endowment or to the Carol
Lee Coss Memorial Scholarship fund, please add it to the membership fee. For information call Sheila Beyer, 231-5059, or UFC
Treasurer Diane Vandepeute, 753-1304.
Handicap Accessibility
Almost all of the general program events are held at local venues
that are handicap accessible. The bus used for out-of-town trips,
however, is not wheelchair accessible. For any other programs or
sections that are held in private homes, please call the hostess or
contact person to learn about the handicap accessibility.
Auto Insurance
When carpooling for UFC events (programs, sections, Newcomers), each driver must have current automobile insurance,
including $500,000 single limit liability; or $250,000 per person,
$500,000 per occurrence, and $100,000 property damage liability
and be a designated driver who has not consumed alcohol at the
Reservation Policy
All members of UFC are eligible to attend our programs. As space
is often limited, we have a reservation system, with members
having first priority.
Our reservations system: A reservation form and a check are
required to hold all reservations. Checks, made out to UFC, are
not cashed until after the event. Members’ names will be placed
on the Reservation List in the order received. Our policy is first
come, first reserved. Reservations will be considered accepted
page three
unless the member receives a phone call that the reservation has
been placed on a waiting list.
Before the Reservation Deadline: Due to space limitations,
the program may be at capacity before the reservation deadline
arrives. After capacity is reached, member reservations will be
placed on a Member Waiting List in the order received. If there
are cancellations before the deadline, members on the waiting
list will be called to confirm their interest, and they will be offered the available space.
Guest Reservations: Each member may bring only one
non-member guest. Guests may be charged more than members.
Please make out a separate check for your guest. Our policy
for guests is that their reservation will be placed on the Guest
Waiting List until after the program deadline occurs. If there is
space available at that time, guests’ names will be placed on the
Reservation List. (For some specific programs, reservations are
open to guests from the beginning of the reservation period—
check your newsletter.)
Member Reservations Made After the Deadline: After the
program reservation deadline has passed, member reservations
will be added to the Guest Waiting List and all will be accommodated in the order in which they were received.
Cancellation Policy: If you have paid for a program and need to
cancel prior to the Reservation Deadline (found in your newsletter), you may request a refund from the Program Coordinator.
After the deadline you will receive a refund only if the Program
Coordinator is able to fill your spot from the waiting list.
IMPORTANT! If you find you cannot attend an event, even
at the last minute: Call the Program Coordinator, who will try
to fill your place from the waiting list. You may not give away (or
sell) your reservation. Don’t forget this, as those whose names are
not on the reservation list will be turned away at the door.
If you have a question about your reservation before the
event: please call or email the Program Coordinator.
All attendees shall pay the regular admission and/or meal
charge at UFC events—even if they have worked on, or been a
part of, the program.
Numbers to know
Pat Stromberg 756-3660
Liz Fenton 231-5688
Diane Vandepeute 753-1304
Program Co-Chairs
Elysa Hillis 758-5420 & Lea Rosenberg 756-0697
Membership Chair
Sheila Beyer 231-5059
Newcomer Chair
Elizabeth Lasensky 848-5436
Interest Section Co-chairs
Wendy Hatfield 666-4488 & Karen Russell 753-2055
Sabbatical Housing
Regi Hamel 756-8762
Newsletter Editor
Karen Urbano 662-0755
UFC Newsletter November 2015
Congratulations to the UFC scholarship winners!
Marion Freeborn Scholars
Kimberley Berg is majoring in Genetics and Genomics
with a minor in Bioinformatics. She has taken leadership
positions in many on-campus groups including the Genetics Club, UNICEF, and the biological sciences honor
society, Phi Sigma. Kimberley is also a member of other
honors groups: Phi Kappa Phi and the University Honors
Program. In addition to her extracurricular activities, she
interns in a campus Genetics lab, doing research on the
frontiers of epigenetics. She hopes to continue her studies
in biology in graduate school with the ultimate goal of
one day making a significant contribution to science.
Alexis Caligiuri is majoring in Science and Technology
Studies with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies. She
is the Chief Justice of the ASUCD Court, and has been involved with student government since her freshman year.
She is also the “Morale Officer” of the UCD Star Trek
Club. For the last two summers she has interned with the
office of the Marin Public Defender, who himself wrote
her a recommendation for a scholarship, doing research
focused on restorative justice programs and other projects
to ensure equal access to justice. Because of her dedication to “equality before the law”, Alexis plans to go to law
school and continue her devotion to public service.
Valerie Fates is majoring in Animal Science and aspiring to veterinary school. She is also a violinist in the UC
Davis Symphony Orchestra, currently serving as co-concertmaster. Valerie is interested in how veterinarians can
serve as a link between human and animal medicine. In
past summers she has worked as a veterinary technician
in small animal hospitals, but currently she is gaining
research experience as an intern in both a human and an
animal laboratory on campus, the Canine Genetic Analysis project under Dr. Anita Oberbauer and on the Baby
Associated Built Environment project under Dr. Zachery
Lewis. Valerie was selected as a member of the Integrated Studies Honors Program and is an active member of
the Regents Scholars Society which pursues professional
development, networking, and community service opportunities.
Kate Fizell Founder’s Scholars
Tiffany Do is double majoring in Human Development and Asian American Studies. Off campus, she
is a volunteer for Citizens Who Care, volunteer coordinator for the Children’s Harmony Independent
Reading Program (CHIRP) and secretary of the
Asian American Association Film Festival Board.
On campus, she is an Academic Peer Advisor for
the University Honors Program and a Research
Assistant at the Asian American Center on Disparities Research. Tiffany enjoys working with people
of all ages and is considering careers in social work,
in non-profits, in education and in occupational
Melissa Elizalde is majoring in Sociology-Social
Services and minoring in Psychology and Education. Melissa has worked extensively with students
in Davis, Woodland and Sacramento as a Writing
Ambassador’s Intern, a Cal-Teach intern, and a
Student Recruitment and Retention Center volunteer. She is also a student activist who has attended
the Chicana/o Latina/o Retreat, the Reaffirming
Ethnic Awareness and Community Harmony
Retreat, and the Students of Color Conference.
Melissa enjoys traveling and has visited Nicaragua,
Mexico, and El Salvador to build houses and install
water-filtration systems for indigenous communities.
She plans to join the Peace Corps, teaching English
abroad, and later returning to the United States to
work as a school counselor or a community organizer.
Emily Masuda is majoring in English with a minor
in Education. Her activities include participation in
the Integrated Studies Honors Program, serving as
a Resident Advisor, and being a Writing Ambassador at elementary and secondary schools in Davis.
This academic year, Emily plans to add serving as a
writing tutor to fellow UCD students to her volunteer activities. Before attending graduate school,
she hopes to teach English abroad and then hopes
to obtain either an MA in Creative Writing, or a
teaching credential in English, or a PhD in English
Madelena Pabon is a Marion Freeborn Re-entry Scholar,
majoring in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. She transferred to
UCD from Sierra College and is the first member of her
family to attend college. Experiences of being on her own
and supporting herself from age 16 did not deter her from
her wish to become a doctor. After a five-year absence for
See next page for one more scholarship winner.
academic life, she finally was able to attend college and
begin on her path to that goal. Early on in college she
suffered a traumatic car accident and her experience goPhoto Section News
ing through recovery further fueled her desire to become Deanna Lee was awarded ribbons for each of her 6
a doctor. Her time at UCD is preparing her for the next photos submitted at the Yolo County Fair. Congratstep: applying to medical school.
page four
UFC Newsletter November 2015
Another Scholarship Winner!
Kaitlin Griggs is the Carol Lee Coss Memorial
Scholar double majoring in Art Studio and Communications. She is passionate about giving back
to her community and is an active participant in
many community service events. As a member of
Lambda Omicron Pi and an officer in the Prytanean Women’s Honor Society she has completed
30+ hours of community service each quarter
to organizations such as Tree Davis, 50 bikes for
50 Kids, Yolo County Food Bank, and Empower
Yolo. As an art major, she tries to bring art activities to students on campus. Working through
ASUCD, Kaitlyn helps with the annual Whole
Earth Festival, the quarterly CoHo art show, and
recently worked on a student-made mural for
the campus. She aspires to continue working in
the arts, with museum marketing, art education,
or art preservation as a career and working at
non-profits to continue the volunteering her UC
Davis experience has shown her to be so valuable.
Save the Date!
Tuesday, October 27 - Win at Game Shows
Thursday, November 5 - Battle of the Sexes
Thursday, December 3 - SF Bus Trip
Thursday, December 10- Candlelight Dinner
Newcomer Events
Friday, November 6 - First Friday Coffee
Sunday, November 15- Newcomers' Meet & Greet
Newcomers Events
Newcomers Meet and Greet
Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Home of Kathy and Don Bers
1605 Arena Drive, Davis
Join other Newcomers at a potluck/ appetizer party. Guests will include Newcomer members, spouses and partners, board members, and Newcomers
Committee members. Bring your favorite appetizer and a beverage to share. RSVP by Wednesday, November 11 to Yvonne Adcock, 756-4408
First Friday Coffees
November through June (except for January and May)
9:45 a.m.
Café 110 in the Hallmark Inn
Wendy Chason & Amanda Elmgrun at the Newcomer Welcome. Photo by Deanna Lee.
Our First Friday Coffees will begin on November 6 at
Café 110 in the Hallmark Inn, on F Street between 1st
and 2nd Streets.
First Friday coffees are a great opportunity for Newcomers to meet each other and learn more about
University Farm Circle. Look for a member of the
Newcomers Committee with a silk flower pinned to
her lapel. She will welcome you and get you started.
Contact Newcomers Chair Elizabeth Lasensky, 8485436 (
Diana Lee with newcomers Susan Lewis, Carol Christense &
Diana Gillingham. Photo by Linda Ziskind.
page five
UFC Newsletter November 2015
UFC Interest Sections 2015-2016
UFC currently has over 60 active Interest Sections. Some of them are full or there are multiple similar sections. If there
is no contact person listed for the group you are interested in, if you want more information, or if you wish to start a new
group, please contact Karen Russell, 753-2055, or Wendy Hatfield, 666-4488.
Lovely Lunch Ladies meet monthly to eat lunch in local
Learn about antiques and collectibles. There is a new topic
restaurants. Contact Natasha Witt, 297-5219.
each month and occasional field trips to antique stores
The Vegetarian group eats out usually, but sometimes they
nearby. Meets Monthly. Contact Rosie Cushing, 756-9510, do potluck in homes. Contact Nancy Schrott, (440) 382or Linda Schwartz, 759-9792.
Bird Watching
Davis is in a wonderful area for observing wildlife, espeGroup members organize monthly hikes in Davis and nearcially birds. Meetings and times vary. Contact Marnelle
by areas close enough for a day trip. Contact Sue Sheya,
Gleason, 753-9331.
Book Clubs
Several groups meet monthly during the day or evening to
One Photography group meets monthly to share ideas and
discuss characters, themes and plots.
techniques on photography. Sometimes they have profesCoffee and Conversation
sional photographers as speakers. In good weather they
Ladies gather 1st and 3rd Tuesday to visit over coffee at lomay visit outdoor venues. Contact Linda Ziskind, 297cal coffee shops. Especially good for newcomers who want
to meet new people. Contact Nancy Schrott, 440-382-3227
The Travel Photography group has a focus as name suggests
Crafts & Handicrafts
and they share slideshows of their trips. Call Maryellen
Crafty Ladies. This craft group meets in homes to work on
Bauer, 753-2786.
various arts & crafts projects together. Contact Mary Ann
Doerzbacher, (412) 559-5161.
Meets on the last Thursday morning of the month at 10:00
Quilting Group. Work on projects from simple to complex.
a.m. to share information on products, professional serMeets 1st & 3rd Mondays at noon. Contact Marlene Barkvices, recipes, etc. that may be useful to the general memley, 750-1932.
bership. Contact MaryAnn Doerzbacher, (412) 559-5161.
Stitchery. Beginners and skilled needleworkers are invited to
join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. ConFor anyone who likes to draw—either novices or those with
tact Marie Gillingham, 661-6801.
experience. Group meets at various locations in Davis,
indoors or out, on the 2nd Tuesday. Contact Judy Capurro,
Dinner Groups - Dine-in Dinner & Bon Appetit
Several groups meet monthly in members’ homes to share
delicious dinners and enjoy each other’s company. Spouses
Informal coordination with others who like to ski, sharing
costs of driving and parking. Members coordinate by email
Games groups
and phone when the ski season starts, approximately De
Groups rotate hosting in homes.
cember through March. Contact Charlene Sailer, 220-5999
Bunco is fun and easy to learn. Group meets monthly. Call
Yvonne Adcock, 756-4408.
Spanish Conversation
Mahjong has several different groups that meet weekly to
Two groups meet twice monthly for discussions. They are
play. Call Chaviva Hollman, 402-1262
both a mix of native Spanish speakers and intermediate
Bridge group is for experienced players.
speakers. Contact Lin Lindert, 758-6418, or Wanda Portela
Games Plus group meets monthly to play a variety of differ- -Anaya, 414-0570.
ent games.
Travel groups
Taste for Travel group meets to discuss interesting travel
Two garden groups each meet monthly to learn more about destinations and travel tips. Meets at restaurants for lunch.
different aspects of gardening in our area. New topics each
Contact Laurie Friedman, 758-9688.
month. Occasional field trips or demonstration workshops. Travel Symposium goes more in depth and may have speakContact Kathy Stevens, 297-1569 or Lynn Hatamiya, (916)
ers, presentations, etc. Meets at the library. Contact Loran
Hoffman, 758-9668
German Conversation
These two groups each meet every other month on alterThis group meets the 1st Monday of the month. Contact
nating months.
Elfriede DeRock, 756-2680.
University Connections (UConnect)
Connect to UC Davis’s free- and low-cost lectures, music,
Lunch in Groups
art, and events. A calendar of UC events is listed on our
Sunset Plus groups cook delicious recipes from various food website,, in the Members Only section.
magazines or other sources to enjoy monthly luncheons,
Contact Robbie Fanning, 231-5388 (
rotating hosting in members’ homes.
Healthy Gourmet also prepares delicious recipes. Contact
Several walking groups meet regularly in local areas.
Kalli Louis, (916) 652-8910.
For El Macero, contact Barbara Carter, 753-6623.
For Woodland, contact Chaviva Hollman, 402-1262.
Lunch Out Groups
For nature walking in various locations, contact Mahvash
Ethnic Eateries and Ethnic Tastings members choose a wide
Ghorbanzadeh, 848-1044.
variety of ethnic food restaurants in the area for monthly
lunches. Contact Nancy Schrott, (440) 382-3227.
Sections continued on next page....
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UFC Newsletter November 2015
Sections, continued...
Wine Tasting
Several lively wine tasting groups meet monthly in members’ homes to sample & discuss various wines. Spouses
Writer’s Group
Scribblers meet monthly to do various types of writing and
sharing, depending on the interests of the group. Contact
Valerie Dolphin, (609) 502-9508.
Kamala Paul, senior instructor with Kali Ray TriYoga International, teaches TriYoga, offering restorative and modified postures for all levels. Classes are held Tuesday and
Thursday mornings. Fee for the 8-week session, payable in
advance. Contact Kay Ross, 756-5573 (
New Section Topics
Movie Group Singles or couples, limit 10, every 1-2
months. Those who sign up fall 2015 will determine how
the group works. Contact Sandy Filby, 756-8524.
WASH - Women Aging with Spirit & Heart – Discussing
common issues that occur as we get older. Informative, supportive & nurturing. 4th Monday, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Contact
Linda Ziskind, 297-1942.
Did you Know?
A portion of each UFC member’s annual dues goes
toward scholarship. Our UFC Scholarship Endowment was established in 1995. The sources of income
for the fund are the proceeds from UFC events
and fundraisers, donations to UFC, and the interest
earned on this fund. This is the fund out of which the
Marion Freeborn and the Kate Fizell Founder’s Scholarships are given. In addition, donations can be made
to the Blanche L. Price Endowment and the Carol Lee
Coss Memorial Scholarship.
Sabbatical Housing is a service provided by University Farm Circle. Over the years thousands of dollars
have been generated by this process. Long-time UFC
member Regi Hamel has worked over the years with
the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Office to
maintain a list of homes available for rent by University faculty and the public. Individuals can find
information about this service on the UFC website.
At the Newcomer Welcome: L to R - Hostess Bonnie Lam, UFC President Pat Stromberg, newcomer Molly Hillis, Membership chair Sheila Beyer, newcomer Linda Assaner & President-Elect Liz Fenton. Photo by Diana Lam.
Newcomer Ruth White & Newsletter Editor Karen Urbano
Photos by Linda Ziskind
page seven
Carlene Ozanoff & newcomer Margaret Brady with Newcomer Chair
Elizabeth Lasensky Lasensky
UFC Newsletter November 2015
Coupons for Upcoming Programs
Checks payable to UFC
Win at Game Shows
Tuesday, October 27
Battle of the Sexes
Thursday, November 5
Name _____________________________________
Name ______________________________
____________________ _____________________
Reserve _____ members & guests @ $10
Guest name ___________________________
_______________ ____________________
Reserve _____members @ $20
Indicate sandwich choice:
_____ Turkey _____ Tri-tip _____Mushroom
Return form by October 20 to:
Melinda Hillis
2609 Somerset Circle
Woodland, CA 95776
Candlelight Dinner: “Starry Night “
Thursday, December 10
Name: ____________________________________
_____________________ ____________________
Reserve ____ members and ____ guest @ $46 [One
guest per member, please.]
Guest name _____________________________
Dinner Choice:
Pork Osso Buco _____ Vegetarian Pasta _____
Please inform us by phone or email if you have special
dietary requirements.
To facilitate the serving of our dinner entrees, please
submit your preference for dinner companions by naming
them (below) or submitting your forms and checks in the
same envelope. You can also email the co-chairs. In order
to accommodate your request, please submit your request
in writing. Each table seats 8.
Preferred Dinner Companions: up to 7 others
_____________________ _______________________
_____________________ _______________________
_____________________ _______________________
I would like to be at the Newcomer Table ___________
No Preference - I will sit at any available table ______
Return form by November 10 to:
Charlene Sailer
324 Sandpiper Drive
Davis, CA 95616
page eight
Return form by October 15 to:
Betty Pfeiffer
308 Fiesta Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
San Francisco Holiday Shopping Trip to Union
Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015
Name ___________________________________
_____________________ ___________________
Reserve ___members @ $45
Return form by November 19 to:
Joyce Halle
39341 Spanish Bay Place
Davis, CA 95616
2016 Holiday Home Tour & Boutique Workshops
Workshops will be held monthly starting in November for UFC-made products to sell at the Boutique.
If you are interested in helping with this project,
please contact Mary Fish, 757-7939 (maryfish3716@ or Marlene Barkley, 750-1932 ( Craft and sewing/quilting expertise are not necessarily required. There is always
some part of a project that you can do. All proceeds
from these products will benefit our scholarship
UFC Website
To access the Members’ Only section of the website, you must first log in. In the navigation panel
on the left side, click on Member Login for howto insructions. Login information is
below; use lower case, not capitals:
New user name: ufcmember
Password: welcome
UFC Newsletter November 2015