April 2015 - Elkford Chamber of Commerce
April 2015 - Elkford Chamber of Commerce
focus@elkfordlibrary.org April 2015 Volume 9 Issue 3 Elkford Secondary School at Regional Skills Canada Competition Dylan Atherton, CJ Mayne, and Kyle Klippenstein competed on Friday, March 6, at the Regional Skills Canada Competition in Cranbrook at the College of the Rockies. Skills Canada Competitions are the ultimate test to high school students who want to showcase their trades skills in a fun, yet competitive event. The boys competed in the "Carpentry High School" event, and all showed great skill and enthusiasm as they worked on their saw horse project. All three of them should be very proud of the projects they built, and the craftsmanship they showed. Congratulations to Kyle Klippenstein who placed first in the event and will be going on to compete at the provincial level in Abbotsford in April. Well done! I hope all three compete again next year in either the same, or a new event. I also hope that more students will want to compete in years to come so that we at ESS can showcase our skillful students and build a strong trades program. On behalf of the three of them, we would like to thank Mrs. Klippenstein for driving them to the event. Mr. Hart AGNES CREEK TRADING Reno Decks Flooring Handyman Projects Call Jack. Cell: 425-5327 865-7221 residential - commercial - industrial Jason Heyboer, FSR electrician jason.mountainelectric@yahoo.ca Box 1278 Elkford, BC V0B 1H0 T.O.P.S. LAHUE’S BOOKKEEPING & TAX SERVICES LTD (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) #5097 Elkford Chapter Meet regularly every Tuesday at the Elk Valley Congregational Church Basement Confidential weigh in: 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Meetings: 4:30 p.m. ‘til 5:30 p.m. Personal Income Tax Returns including, but not limited to: Everyone is welcome and we strive to educate each other pertaining to nutrition and food values. For further information call Renie @ 865-2029 or Lila @ 865-7190 -Investments -Family Tax Credit -Search & Rescue Volunteer Amount -RRSP’s -Audit Assistance -Instant Refund *some conditions apply* -Business Income Tax Returns -RRSP Over Contribution Returns -Tax Free Savings Account Over Contribution Returns -Bookkeeping Services -And More.... 70 - 101 Red Cedar Drive (Sparwood Mall) Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Walk ins, Drop offs and Appointments 250-425-2822 Proudly providing service all year to the Elk Valley for 7 years! Send us your photos! 10% Discount if ad is presented at time of service focus@elkfordlibrary.org Our goal is to cultivate a Focus on Elkford and we welcome your submissions of events, announcements, classifieds, ideas and opinions to focus@elkfordlibrary.org or bring your legible copy to the Library. The Elkford Focus, Board and Staff of the Library do not promote the opinions expressed. We reserve the right to edit or refuse to print submissions due to legality, length, religious or political reasons, good taste or discriminating beliefs. The Focus is published on the web and may be accessed and searched by anyone. We are not responsible for any unauthorized use of submitted information. Copyright of all material remains with the author. We wish to thank those who distribute the Elkford Focus: Chauncey Ridge Food Mart Elkford Conference Centre Elkford Mini-Mart/Fas Gas Race Trac Gas Elkford Motor Inn & Restaurant Kapps Pizza House Kootenay Market District of Elkford BC Elkford Liquor Store 2 3 The Elkford 50+ Club This will just be a short note to update everyone on the 50+ Club. It took awhile to get up and running but we are in full swing now. We are hoping to have a busy and exciting year. We are happy to welcome some new members to our club. They are very enthusiastic and are sharing some great ideas for possible events that the members may enjoy. The executive committee will be investigating some of these ideas and, if and when we have enough interest, we will make the necessary arrangements. So far the members have enjoyed our regular Tuesday afternoons enjoying games, doing crafts, sipping coffee or tea and snacking on goodies. Of course it goes without saying that we enjoy the company of our fellow members and the good natured bantering that accompanies that cup of coffee. We have had our first bingo since starting up again. Those who attended had a great time and due to popular demand we have booked our next bingo for April 14th. The club is also preparing for our annual spaghetti dinner which will be held on April 28th.This event is always well attended and enjoyed by our members and their guests. Remember that you do not have to be 50 years of age or older to join our club. We welcome members of any age, you just have to want to have some fun and enjoy the company of great people. The club meets every Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. at the United Steelworkers Union Hall. Our yearly fee for membership is $10.00. Hope to see you there. coalminersgallery@gmail.com Contributions Wanted: Send your photos, articles and comments to focus@elkfordlibrary.org Gail Cartier Thank you for saving resources! Pass this paper on for more people to enjoy! 4 Darts Tournament 1st Place Alice Tanaka and Diane Andrews We may not be the best dart players, but we do have a blast! The Tuesday Night Dart Club had a tournament on Saturday, March 9th . The play was accompanied by moans and groans for the near misses, and cheers when a shot actually went where it was meant to go. Our potluck lunch had a great assortment of food and all the participants were stuffed when play resumed in the afternoon. Thank you to Heather Smuin for arranging the tournament and to everyone who came out to play. 3rd Place Peter Schwab and Penny O’Neil 2nd Place Heather Smuin and Jesse Amano Wanda Cooke – Ladies Hi –115 pts. Peter Schwab – Men’s Hi – 133 pts. 5 Happy Birthday! Marg and Rita 3/4 Century 6 7 Jumping Frog Legs and Frankenstein But wait, there is more. Computerized scans to start at Pure Life Family Chiropractic Elkford!!! WOW! This is exciting news! Have you ever noticed that you turn RED when you are hot, or embarrassed? To better evaluate the health of the people in Elkford, I will begin phasing in the availability of this equipment on a weekly basis, starting on April 1st! This is because your blood vessels are controlled by your nervous system: brain, cord, nerves. Do you remember in grade 10 biology class the discussion on the Central Nervous System? Blood vessels get bigger to release heat that in your body. There is a computerized scan for that too! It's that complex communication system in your body that literally runs EVERYTHING! We can measure the effectiveness of your nerves to regulate the blood on both sides of the spinal cord. Whether you're feeling great, or suffer with health issues, the scans can identify areas of dysfunction in your nervous system. Made up of gooey/squishy matter called the brain and spinal cord. I am very pleased to offer these scans in the office to best help promote your health and well-being. Make today a great day! I hope you do, because it is really important to take care of!! This is the system that I focus on as a Chiropractor. Think of me as a non-invasive neurological specialist. Or a human electrician. Dr. Erik Thorlakson – Pure Life Family Chiropractic Lets travel back in time a bit. The year is 1792: A guy named Alessandro Volta is mixing acids, bases, a few chunks of metal and sticking them into cut up frog legs. I know, crazy scientists right! Well, he discovered something about LIFE. It was electrical energy in the body, that animates LIFE. Cool! Alessandro Volta eventually became recognized for his work. They call the measurement of electricity VOLTAGE after his last name. Very interesting. (This also provided the inspiration for the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley in 1817, where an arrangement of deceased body parts came to life by being struck by lightening...could happen I guess:) So, our brain sends electrical current into our body, to move our muscles around. That is why sticking your finger into a light socket makes your muscles contract or spasm. (including the heart – which could be very bad!!) Fast forward to next week. If you come into my office, guess what! We can measure that current flowing to your posture muscles. Imagine getting to see how your muscles are contracting around your spine. This is really fascinating stuff!!! It is called sEMG (surface electromyography) 8 9 10 Hiring Contractors and Making It All Work by Jess Here we are entering another roofing season quite early after a very gentle winter. Already the local folks with the worst roofs are busy requesting quotes and trying to make arrangements to get their work done. Like other local contractors, I am also busy happily responding to various client calls and trying to provide people with free detailed estimates of what work I believe their homes require and how much I believe it will cost. Regardless of what type of services any legitimate company provides, crafting real quotes requires loads of experience and knowledge acquired only after years and years of struggle and eventual perfection, or near perfection in their respective professional fields. Although many legitimate companies offer free quotations to potential clients, those ‘free quotes’ are made with substantial cost to the companies who create them. This means that ‘free quotes’ are actually a valuable crafted gift made to potential clients, in good faith, intended to win a client’s consideration. In certain ways, quotes received are essentially semiprivate documents intended only between the client and the contractor. Although most contractors understand that most potential clients will need to consult others about the details of any quote, contractor quotes are not normally intended to be shared by clients with lazy competitors hoping to grab work by undercutting an installation fee. Parties asking clients to share private quotes obtained from other contractors are knowingly asking you to participate with them in a dubious act intended to unfairly benefit them and harm others. Most often, in these circumstances, the undercutting party will attempt to increase their profits by supplying the client with inferior materials and workmanship in addition to taking advantage of the original contractor who supplied the ‘free’ estimate, in good faith, at their own expense. This is why it is common practice for our own government and large companies like Teck to impose closed (private) bidding on all potential work contracts. It is a time-tested way of measuring legitimacy. If a contractor/installer is legitimate, they will know their craft with some degree of perfection and they can produce their own detailed recommendations and quotation for you. Legitimate contractors do not need their clients to share private quotes obtained from competitors. Legitimate contractors do not need to read what remedies other professionals think any particular job requires. Legitimate contractors do not need to see and hack away at the net dollar value of their competitor’s estimates to win jobs. Please remember, real quality is rarely the fastest or the cheapest. Be wise, be careful! The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Elkford Focus and the Elkford Public Library Promote Your Home Business With the purchase of 6 months of business card size ads you can have up to a full page for an article to tell us about your home business. This is your opportunity to let the community know how your business started, the business' services and the people involved. FAQ's Only one full page article per business. Payment for business card sized ads must accompany article. $60 - colour, $30 - black & white Advertising is not allowed in this promotion, with the exception of your business card The Focus editors have full control on the appearance of the page that your article is on and it is up to the editor’s discretion as to which issue the article will appear or whether the article will be accepted. 11 Story Time wraps up at the Library 12 Community Update ... We are moving into our new larger store soon and it will take some time for us to get used to the new larger space. With the expanded grocery and general merchandise variety, it will take some time to source products from our suppliers. With the new proposed deli and in store bakery we will take our time to ensure that we have our staff trained to operate these new departments before we open them. We will have a grand opening at a later time when we are ready to present our new facility with our enhanced products and services. Until then, come in and experience a great new look for Elkford when we open. Thanks again for your patience and support. George Wood Kootenay Market 13 MARCH WAS KIDNEY HEALTH MONTH Latest stats show that 2.4 million Canadians suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease and 95% have never been told by a health professional that they have a kidney disease or dysfunction. You can lose up to 80% of your kidney function without experiencing any symptoms. It is a silent killer that may lead to heart attacks and strokes. Chronic kidney failure occurs when the kidney is working at less than 10% of full capacity. At this stage a person will need dialysis or a transplant to continue living. More than 20,000 Canadians with kidney disease are on dialysis. Predictions are that about half of all people aged 30 and older will develop chronic kidney disease during their lifetime. Part of the problem is that we are living longer and kidney function declines with age. But another contributor to the spread of the disease may be the growth of type 2 diabetes which can lead to kidney disease. Other common causes of kidney disease are high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries which can damage the blood vessels in the kidney. Kidney disease can also be caused by medications, blockages, auto immune and anatomic disorders. If caught soon enough, treatments are available that can slow the progress of the disease and delay having do go on dialysis. Healthy kidneys filter wastes from the blood, preventing toxins from building up in the bloodstream and create urine in the process. Kidneys are master multitaskers. As they clean the blood, they simultaneously regulate the body’s fluid levels and keep blood minerals such as sodium, phosphorus and potassium in balance. Healthy kidneys also impact other functions in the body. They activate vitamin D to maintain healthy bones and release hormones that direct the production of red blood cells and regulate blood pressure. Symptoms and complications of kidney disease can include: Puffy hands and feet High blood pressure Fatigue Shortness of breath Loss of appetite Nausea and vomiting Thirst Bad taste in mouth or bad breath Weight loss Generalized, persistent itching skin Muscle twitching or cramping A yellowish-brown tint to skin Urine that is cloudy or tea colored Simple things everyone can do to protect their kidneys and prevent kidney disease: Get tested!! Often kidney disease has no physical symptoms until the late stages. Recommended yearly urine and blood testing especially for those with high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney disease. Reduce use of over the counter pain medications. They may alleviate aches and pains but can harm the kidneys especially if your kidneys are already damaged. Exercise regularly. Stay well hydrated to help your kidneys clean toxins. Eat less processed foods which can be a significant source of sodium, nitrates and phosphates which have been linked to kidney disease. There is a short quiz at the following link to determine your risk factors however the best prevention is to have annual testing done through your health care professional. www.kidney.ca/risk-assessment 14 HOW YOU CAN HELP In 2014, there were 354 people in British Columbia waiting for a kidney transplant. 69 people received a transplant from a deceased donor and 107 living donor kidney transplants were performed. The average wait time in British Columbia for a deceased donor kidney transplant is 5-10 years depending on your blood type. Transplants are cost-effective. For those with kidney disease, the average cost of dialysis is $50,000 per year. The one-time cost of a kidney transplant in BC is @$15,000 then yearly $5500 for anti-rejection drugs. By becoming a living kidney donor, you could help more kidney patients live longer and healthier lives. Healthy adults can become living donors after extensive medical testing determines it is safe for them. 3 WAYS TO BE A LIVING KIDNEY DONOR Donating a compatible kidney directly to a friend or relative. If the donor kidney is not compatible with the recipient, using the Living Donor Paired Exchange (LDPE) Program to be matched with another donor/recipient pair in a similar situation. (CANADA WIDE PROGRAM) Donating a kidney without personally knowing someone needing a transplant through the Living Anonymous Donor(LAD) program. In 2012, nationwide there were only 550 people registered in the LDPE program. Why aren’t more people signed up? In order to register, people must sign up via their nearest transplant program. It is not something that can be done from a website and people are required to undergo full medical and psychological screening to be on the registry. Medical studies have demonstrated that donors who have donated a kidney have as full, active and healthy a life as those who have not donated a kidney. FOR MORE INFORMATION British Columbia St. Paul’s Hospital – Vancouver 604-806-9027 donornurse@providencehealth.bc.ca Vancouver General Hospital 604-875-5182 livingdonor@transplant.bc.ca Alberta Living Donor Services Program – Edmonton 1-866-253-6833 780-407-8698 livingdonors@albertahealthservices.ca Southern Alberta Transplant Program – Calgary 403-944-4635 www.transplant.bc.ca/ www.blood.ca/en/organs-tissues/living-kidney-donation www.organsandtissues.ca/s/english-expert/organ-registries On September 30, 2014 I was diagnosed suddenly with kidney failure. I didn’t have any of the common symptoms. On October 2nd, I was started on dialysis 3 times a week and will have to continue dialysis until I hopefully receive a transplant. Because of my blood type, my wait period for a deceased donor will probably be 8-10 years. If there is more education about kidney disease, what you can do to prevent it and what can be done to help those living with it, the better off we will all be. For more information about your kidneys go to www.kidney.ca Tracey Halladay 15 16 News Release 17 18 “There is nothing certain in life except for death and taxes.” And fortunately you have me to help you with the latter. Yes, it is Tax Time again and this is your reminder. I attended the CCH tax seminar as I do every year to get updates on tax changes. Do you know that CRA is phasing out writing cheques? You need to set up Direct Deposit to be ready for CRA to put your tax funds (and any other moneys coming from the Federal Government) right into your bank account. CRA continues doing more processing reviews of our tax returns in their effort to squeeze a few more dollars from us all. Don’t just pay any amount they say you owe before you look into it, as it is often a matter of providing information to back-up your claim. I have been told that this year CRA is targeting business-in-home expenses. Make sure you have all your receipts. Reminders: There are new rules for paying and collecting CPP. An important item in the Elk Valley, where we have to travel for a good portion of our medical care is to claim expenses. Depending on the situation, you can claim travel, meals and accommodation. You have benefits for your children for their attendance in art and/or physical activity programs. When you bring me your tax information, please remember to bring the assessment or re-assessment that the government sent after filing your 2014 taxes. I am looking forward to seeing all my prior clients again. Thank you for your business. Referrals are welcome and so are new clients. Tax-free benefits inside. Join us at Immanuel Lutheran Church 2700 Balmer Drive across from Rocky Mountain Elementary School Sunday service at 4:00 pm Need to talk to a Pastor? Call toll free 1-866-426-7564 check out our website at www.eklutheran.ca 19 The Future of Real Estate is Here! The PropertyGuys.com East Kootenay and Crowsnest Pass franchise has welcomed new owners Lisa Christopher and Amber Biberdorf, seen here with Administrative Assistant Sally Sansom, and owner Laura Clark. With over 200 properties for sale in the area, the East Kootenay franchise is locally owned and operated by 4 lovely ladies! Fifteen years ago PropertyGuys.com pioneered the assisted private sale concept. Today they are known for their wildly successful system for selling homes privately. They are North America’s largest, most respected, and fastest growing network for the private sale of real estate. We provide service to the entire East Kootenay, Columbia Valley, and Crowsnest Pass. Our franchise was recently recognized among the top 10% of the PropertyGuys.com franchises from coast to coast! We also have exciting new products and services to offer and would love the opportunity to provide you with advice on marketing and selling your home. We help you: An estimated 25% of homes in Canada sell without a listing agent. In the past year alone over 3800 properties in Canada sold with the help of PropertyGuy.com and our services! We look forward to celebrating a successful property sale with you! Sell Faster - We do not charge a commission so you can Price Lower to Get Traction & Keep More Dollars in YOUR Pocket! Get Noticed - Powerful Exposure through REALTOR.ca (formerly MLS.ca). Property Specific Advertising on Google, Facebook and E-know.ca. Stand Out - Best Listings PERIOD. Premium photography, YouTube Video Tours, Just listed postcards & More. 20 Elk Valley Congregational Church elkvalleycongregational.org We will soon be celebrating Easter. Many people see Easter as an opportunity to get four days off of school, get a long weekend and maybe go someplace. As great as these perks are, it should cause us to sit back and reflect on why we do celebrate Easter? We celebrate Easter because Someone wants no person left behind! That someone is Jesus, Son of God. When we read 3 stories in Luke 15 we see Jesus sharing that every person is of great worth. Luke 15: 1-7 is the story about the lost sheep. A shepherd has his flock of sheep out in the open country. As he prepares to get his flock back home he realizes that one is missing. This lost sheep may have been the curious one that always wanted to try out a new trail or run on ahead. The adventurous one who chose not to listen to his mother bleating at him to “Come back.” However, the shepherd found him and carried the sheep home. No one was lost. The second story is about a lost coin. A woman loses one out of many. She turns the room upside down looking for that coin. She searches and searches until the lost coin is found. The third story is one about the lost son. A son leaves home to do his own thing. There is no interaction with his family. He doesn’t need those people! In his heart he is possibly thinking that he can make it on his own without dad, mom or older brother telling him what to do!!! However, he eventually hits rock bottom and he returns home. When his father sees him coming, he runs out to meet him, greeting him by throwing his arms around him and kissing him. The returned son feels totally unworthy of even being called the son of the Father. However, the Father would hear none of that. He praised the Lord for his son who was lost and had returned home. Jesus is searching for us if we do not know Him. That is why Jesus came to earth. He was born, He grew, He ministered to the people of his time. The Pharisees, and the upper class people who thought they had life all together did not like what He was doing. He ate with the downtrodden, he travelled with the fishermen, he was friends with the tax collector, etc. Yes, Jesus came to earth, died on the cross for our sins, and returned from the grave, prior to ascending to heaven. If we believe in Him and what He did for us, we must be willing to ask for forgiveness for the things we have done wrong. Then walk with Him, share His love with others, so they too will hear the Good News and we pray they will make a decision to invite Jesus to be Lord of their life. You are all encouraged to celebrate this Easter season by attending the Good Friday Service at the Elk Valley Congregational Church on April 3 at 10:30 am, and you are also invited to an Easter Sunday service at any number of the churches in Elkford on April 5th. Enjoy the Easter Season and remember the real meaning for this holiday. Blessings Pastor Kay 21 22 Calling all Kids/Teens… Would you like to learn how to Knit or Crochet ? Elkford Public Library Annual General Meeting April 28th at 6:00 pm at the Library If there is enough interest, the FREE classes will start May 16th and will run for 4 weeks. To register or for more information, please call the Elkford Public Library at 250-865-2912. Upcoming Workshops Canada Reads 2015 Kids Who Grow Their own Food April 15, 4:00 pm We have all 5 of the Canada Reads books: Ru by Kim Thuy When Everything Feels like the Movies by Raziel Reid And the Birds Rained Down by Jocelyne Saucier The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King Intolerable by Kamal Al-Solaylee If you are interested in registering for the workshops, please call the Elkford Public Library at 250-865-2912 to put your name on an interest list. Thank You. Shaw Go WiFi at the Elkford Public Library The Elkford Public Library is a popular place to access your electronic devices. It’s even easier now that we are a Shaw Go Wi-fi hotspot. All you need is your Shaw email address and password to access Shaw’s wireless network. No Shaw account? No problem. You can always use the library’s free wireless. Just ask the librarian for the password. Pat Zibauer, Michael Zibauer and Fred Wolbert 23 24 25 26 Coming Events Workshops in Glass with Katherine Russell Etching: Tues April 14: 6-8pm $30 Fusing: Wed April 15: 6-8pm $40 or Mother's Day: 1-3pm $40 k.russell.glass@outlook.com WRITING AND PROOFREADING - 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents at churches, in government and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - Darren Lowe darrenlowe1222@gmail.com Elkford Community Cinema: $2 per person - $5 per family at the Elkford Community Conference Centre. Bring your own snacks, For more information please go to: Elkford Community Buy Sell Trade or Free Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/467939579943316/ http://elkfordcommunitycinema.weebly.com/ Curbside Recycling is now available in Elkford For more info call Dustin or Nicholle at 865-4341 Email: elkford.recycles@gmail.com Website: www.elkfordrecycles.com Wapiti Ski Hill AGM - May 20th at 8 pm at the lodge Preschool preregistration: April 21 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Rocky Mountain Elementary School. 5th Annual Tee Off for Tots Charity Golf Tournament $250/team. 9-hole best ball tournament. June 5th, 2015, 2 pm shot gun. Fore more information contact Jennifer Cherney 250-865-7156. Food Bank If you need assistance from the Food Bank, or you know somebody who does, please call: (250) 865-4029 2015 Elkford Adult Triathlon - Sunday, June 7th. and leave a message. We will get back to you. 10th Annual Wildcat Grass Smash Volleyball Tournament June 27 & 28 - 2 guys, 2 girls. $120 entrance fee. Get your team together. For more information contact Dustin Murray at 250-865-2411. Fernie Women’s Resource Centre Phone: 250-423-4687 Toll Free: 1.800.339.7393 Email: FWRC@shaw.ca Elk Valley Safe Homes Women’s Shelter & Helpline 1-800-200-3003 Elkford Womens Task Force 250-865-2031 Deadline for submissions for the next issue of the Elkford Focus is the 20th. Please email your classified ads to focus@elkfordlibrary.org and put classified ads in the subject line. If you are sending us a coming event, please put coming event in the subject line. Kids Count Too Kids Counselling 250-425-4202 Advertising Rates per month effective March 1, 2013 Did we mention that classified ads are free? Short descriptive ads, no more than 50 words. Black & White If you wish to add a picture, then we charge you our regular ad rates (see below). But our rates are so inexpensive, they are the next best thing to free! Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page $ 5.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 Find us on facebook. /breastfeedingmamas Amy, our facilitator in Elkford can be reached at ryanamy@shaw.ca 27 Colour $10.00 $30.00 $45.00 $80.00 28