The Good Oil - March 2015 Good Oil Newsletter
The Good Oil - March 2015 Good Oil Newsletter
The Newsletter of the Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Inc. Issue 359 – MARCH, 2015 Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Club Macquarie, Cockle Creek commencing at 7.30 pm. Social events and outings are held on the following Sunday but may alter. Members should check the 'club runs' in this Newsletters calendar. Committee: President: George Vella Ph: 49773352 CAR OF THE MONTH 1936 CORD - 810. Terry Cockerell Vice President: Terry Jones J.P. Mob: 0427508627 Email change Secretary: Marilyn Vella Mob: 0488594993 Treasurer: Doris Holmes Ph: 49500477 Mob: 0428740552 Registrars: Neville McFadyen Mob: 0418404594 Ken Morris: Mob: 0417467232 Club Captain: Neville Maxwell. Mob: 0409502284 Please note change of mobile number Rally Sub Committee: Brian Johnston Ph: 40230232 Ross Skillen Mob: 0488212483 Editor: Ros Walker Ph: 49763755 Mob: 0407916374 Footnote: Articles appearing in this Newsletter reflect the views of the contributor and not necessarily those of the club, the committee or of the editor. Printing Deadline is the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Club Web Site: Club Calendar – March, 2015 OFFICIAL CLUB MEETINGS and RUNS EVENTS Mar 3, Mar 7, Mar 17, Mar 22, April 12 April 19, NRVC General Meeting. Club Macquarie, 7.30 pm 3 Points SATURDAY INVITATION To Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Motorfest. – Myall Park Sports Oval. Meet at Heatherbrae Maccas by 7.30 am 4 Points NRVC Executive Committee Meeting. Club Macquarie, 7 pm Mystery Run - Meet Edgeworth Maccas, 9 am. Bring what you need for the day. Atlantic Oil Run - to Gosford Showground. Maitland Steamfest MID-WEEK RUN CONTACT FABIO PAOLETTI 0431018144; GEORGE VELLA 0455672987 Mar, 19 Ziggy’s Run. Meet Hexham McDonalds 9 am. MORNING TEA AND LUNCH SUPPLIED. We need to know numbers coming for catering. This will be a Top Day with demonstrations and one not to be missed. April, 16 Easter Run to Ash Park Stockton Meet 9am Hexham Maccas May, 21 Somersby Falls Run Meet 9am Edgeworth Maccas NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER, NOTHING WILL STOP THE THURSDAY MID-WEEK RUNS, IF YOU’RE NOT SURE – CONTACT THE ABOVE PEOPLE. ALTERNATE RUNS – Permit required from the Club Registrar to attend. Mar 22, Open Day Lost in the 50s. 9.30-2.30 pm Phone: 024955445 Mar 29, MG Car Clubs Ringwood Hill Climb Venue. Future dates Contact Christine Waugh Ph:0418524211 Mar 27-29 Kurri Kurri Nostalgia Festival. Contact Ph: 0438639636 April 5, Toronto Boatfest SWAP MEETS/ CAR SHOWS OR OF INTEREST. Mar 8, Morisset Central Coast Swap Meet & Car Display. Morisset Showground. Ph: 0402949231. Mar 14-15 Hunter Valley Swap Meeting, Cessnock Showground. Contact John 0412235447. Mar 14-15 H.V.C.C.V. 5th Truck Muster, Maitland Showground. Contact Bill 042635146 Paul 0419430825. Mar 27-29 Kurri Kurri Nostalgia Festival. Contact Ph: 0438639636 WANTED TO BUY, RENT OR BORROW A VEHICLE ROTISSERIE. Also looking for various parts to complete my WB ute fuel tank, bucket seats, T/bar & Centre Console. Please phone Hans on 4958 1336 or Mob 0419 124 865. Please remember! You must comply with government rules – you cannot drive your car without permission from the Registrars, if your car is on Club Plates. ALSO, PLEASE REMEMBER TO HAVE THIS PAGE WITH YOU. WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS DARRELL & IRENE BIRT (Apologies for my error Darrell, for your incorrect name in February.) Welcome also to MELISSA JONES & MOLLY GLEW . ♪♫♥♫♪ - Happy Birthday – Celebrate all year ♪♫♥♫♪ Patsy Coghlan, Greg Collins, Karen Collins, Terry Cockerell, Salvatore Delia, Gerald Hide, Narelle Jackson,Trish Morris, Angela Williams, Julie Wilson, Michael Lockwood, George Vella, Rudy Galea, June Galea, Robert Gardner, Dennis Travers, Ruth Newcombe, Molly Glew, . NRVC COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES HELD AT CLUB MACQUARIE COCKLE CREEK TUESDAY 27TH JANUARY 2015 MEETING OPENED: 7.02pm FOR INFO ONLY: Due to a few committee members not being available on 20/1 meeting held on 27/1 PRESENT: Neville McFadyen, Ken Morris, Ross Skillen, Neville Maxwell, Doris Holmes, Ros Walker, Terry Jones, George Vella and Marilyn Vella. NORM DID HAND OVER TO NEW COMMITTEE ISSUING JOB DESCRIPTIONS TO EACH COMMITTEE MEMBER. CLUB CAPTAIN: The Speer’s Point Park Run on Australia Day is a run for consideration for 2016. Neville suggested an overnight stay to Wisemans Ferry. Mad Day Run up in air pending weather report. Any queries to do with Points System refer to Brian Johnston. REGISTRAR: Letters sent out to unfinancial members. After 3 Feb 2015 if fees are not paid these members will be deemed unfinancial. George asked Ken about 5k radius. The 5k radius can be lifted to accommodate members on historic plates who live more than this distance from necessary services to run their vehicles. To do this you must make application to the Registrar. Also asked if Ken had heard any more about new M Plate. This still seems to be in pipeline. ROSS SKILLEN: Information for the MG car club runs can be found in the Alternate run section of the Good Oil. Records of Certificates sheet to be updated. Neville Maxwell to keep track of this sheet. VICE PRESIDENT: Mel Jones will drive one of Terry’s cars. TREASURER: Terry Jones and George Vella to have their names added to Bank. It was mentioned that all monies collected at Spring Cruiz-In to be counted separately from each bag, raffles, drinks and Entry Fees by 3 people in private. EDITOR: She is doing fine with the GOOD OIL. Ros to put contact number for MG car club runs in the alternate section of the GOOD OIL. Roses 2 Go could possibly be future run. PRESIDENT: So as to get an insight into the different positions on the Committee, George asked some questions relating to how some of these positions are run. rd Neville Maxwell submitted a trophy to the committee for future consideration. Received positive feedback from Wallsend Bunning’s re the starting point for the 2015 Spring Cruiz-In. st Sunday 31 May car show Bunning’s. More information as it comes to hand. Logo change – speak to Neville Maxwell. Welcome back to Lost in the 50’s. MEETING CLOSED 9.37 pm NRVC GENERAL MEETING MINUTES HELD AT CLUB MACQUARIE COCKLE CREEK TUESDAY 3rd FEBRUARY 2015 OPENED: APOLOGIES: NEW MEMBERS: VISITORS: RAFFLE: 7.31pm Wes Coghlan, Neville McFadyen, Doris Holmes, Celeste Caban and Tom Lloyd Mel Jones and daughter Molly Hans Seigers $172.00 TREASURER: No Report SECRETARY: 6 Incoming mail. Marilyn spoke to members re minutes from 27/01 will be in the March Good Oil. Moved: R Galea Seconded: Dave Caban PRESIDENT: Now that I am in this position of President of this club, I fully intend to do the very best I possibly can for the benefit of everyone in this club. This club is not about any one individual, it’s all about everyone in this club. I’d like to just say I’ve been in clubs in Sydney and the Central Coast, and this by far is the best club I have ever been in and I’m sure Marilyn would agree. Since the AGM I have had a few phone calls regarding different things, so I thought I would go to the DFT to find out first hand. I spoke to a lady at the DFT and she said to me, that I chair the General & Committee Meetings and to delegate jobs to people on the committee, always act in the best interest of the club and its members. She also advised me that all paperwork must be true and correct, especially the Secretary to keep true and correct minutes and other documents and that the Treasurer to also keep true and correct financials, if they are not correct committee members can be held liable. She then recommended that we get an impartial and independent audit, so this is what I am going to do. We will then be able to move ahead. VICE PRESIDENT: Terry said we had a great club and was pleased that his daughter had joined the club and now had to let her drive one of his many cars. RALLY REPORT: Certificates given to Ken Morris, Ros Walker and Don Rumbel CLUB CAPTAIN: Australia Day we had bad weather but we had 12 cars and lots of laughs Bargoed House, Swansea 31 cars, 2 motorbikes. Next run Sunday 15/2/15, 1 point run, Meet Maccas Hexham 9.00am going to Bolwarra Café and Old School. Lunch Blue Gum Hills Reserve. th See GOOD OIL for all runs. Atlantic Oil’s run to Gosford Showground 12 April. 3 trophies on offer. Swap meet agenda to be given to Phil Ilfield. REGISTRAR: Ring Ken for permissions to move. As of tonight if you have not paid your fees you will be consided unfinancial. Ken read out letter from Doris. Minutes received from CMC. M Plate still under consideration. Received confirmation from Bunning’s Wallsend re Spring Cruiz-In. Dave Caban spoke about Modifications on M Plate. Bush Council is the governing body for this club. Ken had 3 permissions to move and 2 inspections. Neville no report. MID-WEEK RUN: Collene Kalb gave an interesting and informative talk about the run to Tea Gardens. Story in GOOD OIL. EDITOR: Sent out 2 Good Oils. Welcomed Darren & Irene Birt, Melissa Jones and Molly Glew to the club. PAST RALLY’S: Terry Jones spoke about the Australia Day run and how Molly our new young member tattooed a lot of members. Young and older members were having tattoos on different parts of their body. Ron Palour obtained a new head of hair and lots of tattoos. We certainly all had a great laugh and the laughter certainly overshadowed the bleak day. The events co-ordinator would like us to return next year. GENERAL BUSINESS Marilyn thanked Ros, Deb and Adrian for donations for the raffle. Thanked Deb, Trish and Sandra for selling, drawing and counting the money for the raffle. Bill Kalb has updated the Directory of members but still waiting for updated new member’s forms so he can close the entry to the directory. Ken spoke about having a brochure at our runs so people showing interest in the club can see what we have on offer. st nd Brian Johnston had an old brochure that we can have a look at. Another idea was to photocopy the 1 and 2 pages of the Good Oil. Ron Palour indicated that we still need to carry a hard copy of the GOOD OIL according to the constitution. Meeting closed: 9.31pm PS: DONATIONS FOR RAFFLES WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. NRVC COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES HELD AT CLUB MACQUARIE COCKLE CREEK TUESDAY 17TH FEBRUARY 2015 MEETING OPENED: PRESENT: APOLOGIES: 7.05 pm Ros Walker, Neville Maxwell, Ross Skillen, Neville McFadyen, Ken Morris, George Vella and Marilyn Vella Doris Holmes PRESIDENT: Club Books, Dennis Paynting Run. CLUB CAPTAIN: Neville gave Secretary a list of incoming mail. Saturday 7 March Hawks Nest Run. th th $10.00 per car. More information to follow. 5 April Toronto Boat Fest. 12 April Atlantic th Oil Run to Gosford Showground. 19 April Maitland Steam Fest. Ken submitted a letter to the Committee. Neville: Nil report REGISTRAR: th VICE PRESIDENT: Terry suggested that if possible could the General Meeting time of 7.30pm be put to a 7.00pm start time. Advertising for our club was offered by Christine Waugh for $25.00 a year. We would have to supply the sign. EDITOR: MEETING CLOSED: Ros said that everything was going good. Ros had a copy of the March Good Oil. 8.55pm Pleasant Encounters of the 1950’s Kind. A few years ago while researching the history of my 1936 Cord 810 sedan with Serial No 1586A, I came across a picture of it in Jim Brockman’s Collection located in the ACD Club web site. The car had a two tone colour scheme with a grey body and dark blue fenders. The picture was taken in 1957 in 9 th St Auburn during the Reunion. The number plate on the car at that time was issued for 1957 in Canada. I later found out it was owned and driven by William Horning of Waterdown, Ontario. William was an early Canadian member of the ACD Club. Earlier this week (11/11/14 ) I was looking at You Tube and happened to see the following title, “Classic Car Club of America CARavan 1957” actually the year 1957 took my attention. So I opened it up and watched a procession of all sorts of old cars to the music of Scheherazade by Rimsky Korsakov. Then before my eyes was a grey Westchester with dark blue fenders. I nearly fell off my chair as I watched it appear a few more times during the film. I was mesmerised and must have watched many times. The “CARavan” was run August 18-23, between New York and Milwaukie via Niagara Falls, covering a distance of around 1000 miles one way. William must have continued on to Auburn where the picture was taken in 9 th St. I shared the You Tube film address with George Van Nostrand in Canada, who owned 1586A from April 1958 for any comments. He replied that he didn’t know William Horning was a member of the CCCA however in those days he could have just gone along. Regardless it was amazing to the car in colour all those years ago and just part of the scene. I also shared the film address with other ACD friends around the world. Three days later an email arrived from Ric Simpson in Canada thanking me for sharing that wonderful old film. Ric then went onto relate how earlier that same day two Jehovah’s Witnesses came to call on him. One was elderly while his companion was considerably younger. The older one commented on Ric’s Cord phaeton which could be seen in the adjoining garage adding that way back in the late 1950’s he had been for a ride in a dark blue sedan. Ric’s attention became focused with further questions being asked about that event revealed that in fact the car in question had only dark blue fenders and a grey body. You just wouldn’t normally read about something like this. The older man continued to say “ The Cord belonged to a very nice old car collector by the name of William Horning.” Ric explained to the two men that the car in question was alive and well in far off Australia and that he would send greetings from a former passenger. Well that made my day complete. We all know Cords are rare and everyone is something special to its current owner but I like to think mine is just a bit more special with its “Pleasant Encounters of the 1950’s Kind.” Hope you all enjoy the You Tube film. CORDially acCORDing to the CORDite from Down Under, Terry Cockerell. McFADYEN’S HAULAGE Road Freight Haulage Lot 101 Campbell Drive TOMAGO NSW 2322 Ph. 49649049 Postal: 8 Mckenzie Place, Raymond Terrace. 2324 AUSTRALIA DAY – SPEERS POINT PARK – 26TH January, 2015. Reporter & Photographer – Collene Kalb Well Folks what a day this was in more ways than one, it was wet, and cold, but this did not stop us, we met at Edgeworth Maccas for the fix of Coffee etc. for the start, then on to Wangi Wangi for a run before morning tea, where we met up with some more members, but it was blowing a gale, Rain was heavy at first, easing slightly, umbrellas were seen, coats, hoodies, (mind you a rare sight these days of high temps and high humidity). Where we chatted, debated what was going to happen next, shared some cakes, Lamingtons, and of course the usual stories of Cars, but it was decided to move on to Speers Point by the Club Captain Neville Maxwell, as the outlook might be better or have eased in there. Of course some members like Richard, Lorraine, Doris, Norm and Julie, (who was hobbling on a caster encased Broken foot) decided they were going home, as it was too wet, and miserable, great to see you out and about Julie. Trish and Ken had won a weekend up at the Bay, so they too decided to take off so they could enjoy it, while they could. Off we go to Speers Point, where Bill & Collene decided to go around the round-a-bout and pick up Fabio as he was waiting for us at Speers Point, before heading left under the bridge to the park to be let into our designated spot for the day. We were told to park on the bitumen strip and put the Gazebo’s up on the grass in front of the cars, so that is what we did, looking all cool and comfortable, with Banners, the NRVC Board, table and chairs, and of course Flags, Food, Lamingtons, Iced Vovos, etc., and Drinks a plenty. We also had 2 new members join on the day, Mel Jones and Molly Glew, now Molly kept many busy with her face painting, and putting tattoos on anyone willing or game enough for her to experiment with, Mel and Mary Jones, found a lone Thong and had to inspect it closely. It was a great turn out considering the Weather, 45 people, 7 Visitors, 25 cars, in total for the day, Marilyn and Lyn were turned into Super Hero’s, their Super Power was they can both talk up a storm. Marilyn had to blow out the candles on her 59 + 2 Birthday cake, We met lots of Army Cadets, who it turns out nearly all had vintage cars they were driving, Hillman Minx, was one of them. Seen the Raising of the Flag Ceremony, A movie was shown on the Big screen and there were Entertainers on Stage, Scallywags Nursery Rhyme Adventure Show, various singers, and later Deep Creek Road opened the Concert, as well as Bushwackers and Dragon who went wild. The Fire Fighters, were handing out lots of Balloons, Flags, Magnets, Rulers, and more. The Police came and inspected our vehicles, with much interest, asked questions, re some of them, Lake Macquarie Council, took photos of some members and their cars. Snoopy the Dog kept an eye out on his territory, by protecting us from all the visiting Dogs that came within range of any of the Gazebo’s, Snoopy also took advantage of any Lap he could snuggle onto, or con folk out of little bits of food he thought he should have. The Rare and Valuable NRVC Certificates were Awarded to Frank Kowalski and Margaret Evans, Neville & Debbie Maxwell, and Roslyn Walker. Members had on Australian Capes, Hats, Tee Shirts, Shoes, Flags, all this finished off a great day with the NRVC, and at 9.0pm Fireworks, thanks to all . MID-WEEK RUN RATHMINES on the HILL – 19TH FEBRUARY, 2015 Roving Reporter & Photographer – Collene Kalb .. Another great day with the Mid-Week Members, the day started out cloudy, a few drops of the wet stuff, as we gathered at Maccacs at Edgeworth, one by one they started to arrive, and grab their morning Coffee’s, have a chat, and catch up while waiting for more. We started with 11 cars, but 1 car decided it was going to throw a tantrum, (mind you it already had done this at home a couple of times before even getting out of the driveway) it was Brian Jacksons Desoto, a grand ole Lady all splendid in Blue, which was the fashion of that era, so Brian decided to take her home, his son Michael was in his Trans-am, so followed to bring Brian back to our first stop at Mulbring for Morning Tea, we headed off at 9.20am. We went on a great little Run, up-hill and down dale there were 17 of us following the leader, arriving at Mulbring, and making a round Circle with the cars, just like the Waggons of old did when they stopped, where we once again shared, cakes, yarns, and information re our cars. A few more spits of the wet stuff did not dampen our spirits, in fact the girls had fun on the new Play Ground that has been built, with the Fire Truck a popular ride, see Ruth rocking away. While the Boys went for a walk up to see the Oldsmobile being used as a Saw. Then it was time to move onto Rathmines on the Hill, again via a very scenic Route, now Marilyn just had to jump into the Trans-am, so she could experience the thrill of the ride, and drive from the passenger’s seat, (it’s left hand drive) Brian had to go in the MG with George. We had Kookaburra’s up in the trees, the girls went for a walk along the shore, on the way back we found a Pigmy Possum, on the ground, it did not appear to be injured, just stunned, so we put it up in a Tree with a tomato to recover. Fabio arrived just on Lunch. The Rare and Valuable NRVC Mid-Week Certificate was given to Ruth and Gary along with some Chocolates as a little extra from the Mid-Week Crew. The Next Mid-Week Run will be to Ziggy’s at Heatherbrae, on March 19th, meet at Hexham McDonalds at 9.00am, MORNING TEA, & LUNCH will be supplied, we will need to know Numbers for catering, this is not to be missed, as it will be a top day, with Demonstrations, use of tools, and some Surprises, don’t miss out. Thanks to All. __________________________________________________________________ It seems some Ford’s don’t like guzzling their liquid fuel down prior to going out _________________ on the road, a lesson learnt by our club captain Neville Maxwell on his way with wife Debbie to Bolwarra in February. He had done the right thing last time, filling up his car at the Petrol Station, which cost $27 before driving off with a full tank. All okay?? Naturally!! Unfortunately Neville did the same this particular weekend. Another cost of $27, the bowser clicked off, and car filled, or so it seemed. It seems that this particular ford still needing work done on it, prefers at this stage to just have its drink nice and easy, not rushed, and just take it’s time. No problems then, and Debbie won’t be continually saying “I’m going to burn it.” A good mobile mechanic like Johnny from JB Motors is helping out and a whiz on cars. It won’t be long before Neville & Debbie will enjoy their Ford. Debbie can then put the matches away, and use them for a power outage instead. I BELIEVE PROBLEM COULD BE AN AIR BLOCK SOMEWHERE? Ros. Homemaker Centre 240-260 Hillsborough Road Warners Bay, NSW Phone: (02) 4953 7461 autObarn 60 Shipley Drive Rutherford NSW Phone (02) 49323499 fax (02) 49320313 NRVC Car Club Members ask for discount JOHN MILLS UPHOLSTERY Enquiries: 02 49871160 Mobile: 0416521950 Auto & Marine Upholstery Domestic Furniture Upholstery Restoration & Complete Upholstery Repairs Cnr Kangaroo & Carmichael Streets, Raymond Terrace. NSW We Specialise in..... Recores – Repairs Cleanouts – Change Overs Heater Cores Complete Radiator Assembles Petrol Tank Repairs Air Conditioning 9 Port Stephens Street, Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 FAX 0249874533 To ensure the ultimate Experience Viewing is by appointment only. Ph. 024955445 or email Adults $15.00 Children under 12 FREE Email: Australia Wide 3 year Conditional Warrantly A BIT OF AUSSIE HISTORY OF MOTORING IN THE 1920s The 1920s were a snorting, roaring, clanking, intensely challenging time for the world’s motor industry. Motoring for the masses had been established. Henry Ford was making a good mousetrap – and some remarkably ingenious ideas were produced to find a better one. The number of new designs that hit the road was exceeded only by those that collapsed. The demand for cars exceeded everyone’s expectations. In 1920 some 75,628 vehicles were registered for use on Australian roads – equivalent to one for every seventy one people. But by 1930, the vehicle population had soared to 571,000 one for every eleven people. As a result, the motor car rapidly changed the nation’s life-style. A whole generation was brought up – and in some cases conceived – in the motor car. It quickly became the magic carpet that mankind had long yearned for – providing unlimited freedom for people to go where they wished, when they wished. Inevitably, the changes brought sadness, abuse, reaction – and humour. One favourite story concerns the enthusiast who imported a Sunbeam guaranteed to reach 145 km/h. He was showing off its paces to someone he had met at his Sydney Club, and as he threw the car into the tight bends and whistled down the straights, the passenger became increasingly nervous. Finally, he said, “You must have great confidence in this car, cornering at these speeds.”The driver replied, ‘It’s quite safe. We are sitting on the best tyres made today. Barnet Glass. Locally made, you know.’ Then for goodness sake, pull up,’ shouted the passenger. ‘ I AM BARNET GLASS.’ Reproduced from the book Australians On The Road, Over 80 years of Motoring in Australia by Pedr Davis. FOR SALE 1949 MORRIS OXFORD, M.O. SEDAN. OWNED SINCE 1996. GOOD CONDITION, SUN-VISOR, TOW-BAR, RADIO, WHITE WALLS. ENGINE FULLY RECONDITIONED (NOT REBUILT) AND FULLY BALANCED. HARDENED VALVE SEATS, NISSAN VALVES, BRONZE TIMING GEAR. IDEAL LONG DISTANCE TOURER. TRAVELLED EXTENSIVELY THROUGH NSW, VIC, & SA. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF SPARE PARTS INCLUDED IN SALE. $ 6,950. FOR INFORMATION, RING SEAN ON 4944 7055. MOTORISTS APPRECIATION DAY 1st FEBRUARY, 2015 DON RUMBEL KEN & TRISH MORRIS CHRISTINE WAUGH ROSS SKILLEN PRESENTING THE HONOURABLE AWARDS ON BEHALF OF THE RALLY SUB COMMITTEE. M.A.D. organised by the Rickshaws Hot Rod & Kustom Car Club comes but once a year. This year was another great showing of Cars, Motor Bikes, Stalls, Entertainment etc. always including some pretty nifty tear drop caravans, something that I would have loved to own in my younger years. Even an early shower didn’t dampen the days event, as there was very little space left for late motor enthusiasts. On behalf of the N.R.V.C. I would like to congratulate Rickshaws, and everyone else involved including the owners of Bargoed House for allowing their land to be used for M.A.D. in Swansea. Ros Walker PHOTOGRAPHER – BRIAN JOHNSTON. EXCHANGE ENGINES&CYLINDER HEADS ALL ENGINE PARTS Complete Engine Reconditioning Service For:Automotive Marine Performance & Race Engines Farm & Agricultural TIG & MIG Welding Balancing Boring & Grinding Cylinder Head Specialists Engine Fitting Service & Supplier of Century Batteries. NAME Avis John Bailey Doreen Bailey John Birt Darrell Birt Irene Boyce Anna Bradford Linda Bradford Michael Broadbent Shirley Broadbent Tom Brown Peter Browning George Caban Dave Caban Celeste Carey John Cockerell Gai Cockerell Terry Coghlan Laurie Coghlan Patsy Coghlan Wesley Collins Greg Collins Karen Conner Bernie Delia Anna Delia Antonino Delia Salvatore Dembeck Justin Dickson Bruce Dickson Monica Evans Margaret Farmer Lynn Fitzsimmons Sean Fitzsimmons Bronwyn Fotheringham Glen French Natalie Galea June Galea Rudy Gardner Robert Garrett Lynn Garrett Robert Gillies Colin Glew Molly Hansell Bill Hansell Narelle Harris Wayne Healey Kathleen Heffernan Greg Heffernan Felicity Hellyer Gary Jan Feb Tot 3 3 3 3 0 7 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 7 7 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 7 7 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 3 0 3 1 8 1 8 7 7 3 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 8 1 5 7 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 7 7 6 0 10 1 8 1 11 10 10 3 0 6 0 7 0 0 3 4 0 6 0 0 0 4 11 1 12 14 0 0 3 0 6 6 0 14 14 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 NAME Hughes Barry Hughes Cindy Hunter Ruth Illfield Jeanette Illfield Phillip Jackson Brian Jackson Narelle James June James Keith Johnston Brian Johnston Grant Johnston Joanna Johnston Lyn Jones Mary Jones Terry Jones Mel Kalb Bill Kalb Collene Kowalski Frank Kramer Joe Kramer Maria Laney Lorraine Laney Richard Livingston Glen Livingston Sue Lloyd June Lloyd Tom Lockwood Michael Lockwood Quida Maxwell Deborah Maxwell Neville McFadyen Neville McFadyen Noelene Malam Alan Milne John Morris Ken Morris Steve Morris Tona Morris Trish Newcombe Gary Newcombe Ruth Nichols Stephen Nadin Alan O'Donnell Robert O'Donnell Kim O'Neill John O'Neill Lorraine Paoletti Daniel Paolette Dianne Jan Feb Tot 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 4 4 4 7 7 4 7 7 7 0 0 7 7 3 3 0 0 3 0 7 7 3 3 0 0 7 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 8 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 3 8 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 4 3 3 8 8 1 1 0 3 8 3 0 8 4 4 7 0 0 0 3 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 7 10 0 0 0 15 5 5 5 11 10 8 10 10 15 0 0 7 7 6 6 0 4 6 3 15 15 4 4 0 3 15 3 0 15 11 11 14 0 0 0 3 0 14 4 NAME Payne Jeni Payne Miles Pengilley Max Puller John Quigley Ian Richards Graham Redmond Carole Redmond John Rumbel Don Rumbel Sandra Scarr Barry Scarr Zira Shannon Thomas Skillen Ross Small Brett Small Robyn Smith Cheree Smith Darren Smith Kenneth Stanton Kevin Stanton Dawn Taylor John Taylor Margaret Thompson Errol Thompson Helen Towndrow Glenn Towndrow Natalie Towndrow Eliza Travers Dennis Travers Diane Tserepas John Tserepas Alexandra Van der Velde Andre Van der Velde Susan Vella George Vella Marilyn Venners Adrian Visser Pieter Visser Anne Walker Roslyn Ward Bruce Ward Judy Walshe Martin Walshe Robyne Waugh Christine Waugh Gordon Waugh Patricia Williams Allan Williams Angela Jan Feb Tot 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 7 7 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 7 3 3 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 8 0 4 1 3 0 3 0 7 3 3 3 0 8 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 3 10 3 6 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 6 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 15 15 0 7 4 3 0 3 0 14 10 3 3 0 15 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 Hellyer Lynda Henry Naomi Hide Doreen Hide Gerald Hogbin Gary Hogbin Gail Holmes Craig Holmes David Holmes Doris 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 5 12 Paolette Fabio Paoletti Michael Parlour Laraine Parlour Ron Wilson Darcy Wilson Anne Wilson Merv Holmes George 7 7 4 7 4 4 0 0 8 15 3 10 5 9 8 15 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 Williams Betty Wilson Kim Wilson Julie Wilson Sam Wilson Norm Williams Brett Houston Steven Houston Tracey 0 0 4 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 5 12 3 3 0 0 0 0 Bolwarra Café & Blue Gum Park Minmi Run Sunday 15.2.15 It was a beautiful day and we all met at Hexham Maccas for 9am We left there and headed up to Maitland over the bridge to Lorn and then on to Bolwarra Café, for Morning Tea. Ah! what’s this we hear Neville Maxwell had run out of fuel. “Oh no” Thanks to those that stopped and helped. We enjoyed Scones with Jam & Cream etc. Cappuccinos, Tea, Hot Chocolates, and Iced Coffees just to name a few. We then went onto Blue Gum Park Minmi, everyone had a great afternoon, relaxing chatting, laughing going for a walk to check out the maze and the flying fox. Nineteen cars attended. It was a very hot day. Everyone had a great day!!! Natalie Towndrow
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