31 May 2016 - St Joseph`s


31 May 2016 - St Joseph`s
1 6
3 1 S T
M A Y ,
2 0 1 6
Paul Mulqueen
5623 2943
Dear Families,
Congratulations to the following children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last weekend:
Brock Nardone
Aedan Rothmeier
Paige Smith
Lucas Kelliher
Nicholas Roberts
Hamish Dastey
William O’Connor
Madison Best
Alyssa Cruwys
Hope Ridsdale
Isabel Clancy
Ella Osler
Lauren Kovac
Jack Haley
Jasmine Hart
Emily Hart
Eden Nooy
Jye Nooy
Nicolas James
Ella Debnam
Amity Gilmore
Madilyn Schellekens
Bailey Rudlin
Aaron Borg
Nathan Whitten
Jarrod Meggetto
Bridget Halligan
Ruby Pritchett
Bryce Joyce
Harrison Kent
Evelyn Armstrong
Eleanor Mills
Lydia Magyar
Matilda Licciardello
Rhianna Somerville
Thomas Wans
Tayissa Hodder
We pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work and grow in each person!
God Our Father,
You sent your Holy Spirit upon the apostles and through them and their successors, you give
the Spirit to your people. May His work begun at Pentecost continue to grow in the hearts of all
who believe.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Mark Dunsmuir
0417 475 961
Margot Baker
0402 475 149
Luke Patterson
0439 311 569
Bernard Miron
0427 581 930
Mandy Moore
0400 000 336
Mayli Jamieson
0418 286 963
Kate Wenig
0407 884 558
On Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon 37 of St. Joseph's Grade 6 children celebrated the
Sacrament of Confirmation. The Sacrament was celebrated by our Bishop Patrick O'Regan and our Parish
Priest Father Hengel. Thank you to all our staff who assisted during the 3 Sacrament Masses and congratulations to all our confirmed students!
Pilgrimage Mass
Today, our Grade 5 students attended the annual Pilgrimage Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sale. This Mass,
which has been called the Pilgrimage Mass, helps emphasise the physical experience of ‘journeying’, as would a
‘Pilgrim’, as they travel to the Cathedral in Sale. The ‘journey’ was also a spiritual one for the children as they
encountered the many significant aspects of the Cathedral.
Parent Teacher Child Interviews
At St Joseph’s we know that education is very much a partnership between home and school. This partnership is
a vital form of communication as it can establish common understandings and develop effective ways to help
your child progress. One way that we try to enhance this communication is by holding parent–teacher-child interviews. This year these meetings will be held on Tuesday 21st June.
A major thrust of the interviews is to discuss the progress of your child during the first half year. The reports
will be sent home on Friday 17th June.
We feel that these interviews are very important in assisting the teaching and learning of your child. Letters with
online booking details and information will be emailed/sent home shortly.
Revisiting Baptism
Tomorrow night, Wednesday the 1st of June, we are offering a workshop for children in grade one and two,
along with their families. The evening provides an opportunity for parents and children to reflect on Baptism,
and to share their story of Baptism. It is also in alignment with our Religious Education unit called ‘What is Baptism?’ We are encouraging children to bring special items from their Baptism. This workshop will be led by St.
Joseph’s Pastoral Associate Ruth Thompson and will be held in the school library from 6.30-7.30pm. Please return the RSVP note to your child’s teacher to ensure we know numbers.
Awards Term 2, Week 7 - Justice
Nicholas Wilms
Elizabeth Faithful
Jackson Marx
Scarlett Bawden
One/Two Barry
James Demicoli
Archie Price
One/Two Ford
Brodie O’Leary
Addison Heenan
Matilda Logan
Clare Baker
Nate Young
Ava Patterson
One/Two Thompson
Eleanor Graafsma
Lauren Marx
Three/Four Dodman
Oskar Wilson
Will O’Brien
Three/Four EA
Kailey Kelton
Alix Tauru
Tia Jenkins
William Kent
Three/Four Bertacco/Leary
Georgina Free
Syke Huggins
Three/Four Shannon
Capprice Wells
Angus Dunsmuir
Five/Six Farina
Bernie Sheehan
Connor Eade
Prep Paulger
Prep Wans
One/Two Hawes
One/Two Jeffers
Three/Four Maunder
On Friday the 10th of June, St Joseph’s school community will be
having a thanksgiving celebration in honour of Father Hengel
who is retiring.
We would like to warmly invite everyone to join us in showing
Father our appreciation for all he has done for our school and Parish over his years of dedicated guidance and leadership. Mass will
be celebrated at 9:30am and will be followed by a morning tea.
When: Friday the 10th of June at 9:30am.
Where: St Joseph’s School Hall
Upcoming Term 2 Dates
Wednesday 1st June - P&F Meeting 2.30pm
Friday 10th June - Father Hengel’s Retirement Celebration Mass 9.30am
Grade 5/6 Inter-School Sport (at Home against Bunyip)
Monday 13th June - Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Friday 17th June - Italian Day
Tuesday 21st June - Parent/Teacher/Child Interviews
Thursday 23rd June - END OF TERM 3.20PM
Friday 24th June - SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY
Teacher School Email Addresses
To assist with communication between teachers and parents, please find teacher email addresses listed below.
Please remember that teachers will respond to emails when they are able, during office hours, and this will not
necessarily be as soon as you have emailed them. If you need to contact the school immediately, ringing reception is still the best option on 5623 2943. The principal email address is listed on the front page of the newsletter.
Office Admin - kbarrett@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au, drobbins@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Prep Paulger - tpaulger@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Prep Wans - lwans@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 1/2 Barry - vbarry@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 1/2 Ford - kford@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 1/2 Hawes - jhawes@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 1/2 Jeffers - cjeffers@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 1/2 Thompson - kthompson@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 3/4 Dodman - ldodman@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au, jszkwarek@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 3/4 EA - evanboven@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au, adaly@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 3/4 Maunder - mmaunder@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 3/4 Moritz/Leary - rleary@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au, pbertacco@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 3/4 Shannon - mshannon@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 5/6 Clancy - mclancy@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 5/6 Baker - jbaker@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 5/6 Farina - lfarina@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Grade 5/6 Silver - msilver@stjwarragul.catholic.edu.au
Religious Education & Parish News
Weekend Mass Times For The Parishes of
Warragul & Drouin:
Saturday 7pm & Sunday 9am
Sunday 10.30am
Neerim Sth:
Saturday 5.30pm
Grade 1/2 Hawes
Prep Paulger
3rd June - Grade 5/6 Mass
Confirmation Celebration
10th June - Whole School Mass
Farewell to Father
Grade 1/2 Hawes
17th June - NO MASS
Italian Day
Grade 3/4
Advanced Notice
An Information evening will be held on Wednesday 13th July 7.30pm Marian Room (attached
to St. Joseph’s Church Warragul; enter car park from Bowen Street) for those who are interested in finding out more about what Catholics believe and why, considering possible becoming a
Catholic or an Adult Catholic who has not received First Eucharist or Confirmation. For more information you can contact: Joan Robertson at St. Joseph’s Parish Office, Warragul: 56231642 or Deacon
Mark Kelly at Marist Sion College: 56235944.
Sunday 12th June commencing at 12.00 noon
McCartan Hall Marist Sion College Burke Street Warragul.
COST: Adults: $25 per head, Pensioners: $20 per head, Children 5-12 $15,
Children under 5 Free
I/We will be attending the Luncheon:
Children: 5-12 Years:
Children under 5 years:
Special Dietary Requirements:
RSVP: NO LATER than Monday 7th June
This can be placed on collection plate at Mass, or handed in to St. Joseph’s Parish Office: 19 Connor
Street, Warragul, or Kitty or Deb at St. Joseph’s School Office.
Enquiries to St. Joseph’s Parish Office: 56231642
Parents & Friends Rosters & News
Bakers Delight at Coles
Dough Raiser Program
Simply mention St Joseph’s Primary school at
the Bakers Delight near Coles, Williams Square
in Warragul and they will give 5% of sales back
to our school. Fresh bread tastes even better
when you know it’s helping raise money for our
Warragul Cinema Tickets
Warragul Cinema vouchers/tickets available
for $13.00 from the school office.
School Support Roster
Naomi Simpson 0438 558 152
30th May
Lisa Heggart, Hayley Davidson
6th June
Prue Metcalfe, Meg Height
13th June
Richelle Harris, Emma Pilla
20th June
Mary Rothmeier, Fiona Armstrong
Cake Raffle Roster —Friday at Assembly 50 Cents
Please remember no nuts when baking and to provide a list of ingredients with the cake. The cake is
required at School by 2.00pm on a Friday afternoon so raffle tickets can be sold prior to assembly.
Thanking you, Meg Height 0438 514027 or admin@thesummit.net.au.
Friday 3rd June
Friday 10th June
Friday 17th June
Thursday 23rd June
Friday 24th June
Kristen Murphy
Linda Banks
Silvia Pongracic
Rebecca Johnson
Urgently Needed Helpers For Pie Drive Packing
Volunteers are needed on Friday June 3rd from 1.00pm onwards to help pack
pies for the pie drive.
If you are available to help please contact Paula Gowans on 0407 232983.
St Joseph’s P&F would like to thank Rebecca from the Country Cake Boutique
who provides a regular contribution to cake raffle and other events. Check out
her website http://www.thecountrycakeboutique.com.au
Wellbeing - Michael Tomkins
Gospel Values – Optimism
When we show optimism we believe God is present in our life through working, praying and being together. We are hopeful and confident about the future or about the success of something. On the playground optimism can be seen when we are positive we can do things and we can succeed through hard
work. In the classroom, optimism is shown when we have belief in our ability to not only have a go at
tasks but also complete them to the best of our ability. When we show optimism we show confidence,
cheerfulness and have a positive attitude.
How to practice it
Here are a few ways to increase optimism.
Be friendly. Greet others with a smile and a few cheery
words. Being cheerful and friendly leads to more positive interactions and positive feelings.
Give yourself a break. If you greet someone, and your
friendliness is not returned, think, “She/He is having a bad
day,” rather than, “She/He does not like me.” Never blame
yourself for other people’s conditions.
Be a problem solver. If a plan doesn’t work out, make changes in the plan. Do not give up.
Distract yourself. When someone is less than kind, or you embarrass yourself in a social situation, do something
you enjoy to take your mind off the situation. An enjoyable activity breaks the trend toward negativity. Go outside,
listen to music, phone a friend….
Laugh. It is good for the body and soul.
Practice looking on the bright side, even if you do not really feel like it.
Each time you count on success and achieve it, your confidence will build.
Energy – positive or negative? What we give out affects others. You can choose to give out happy, positive energy
which attracts others to you!
Giving Freely
Being socially aware of those in need and being charitable is a good habit to have and for your children to
see. It also shows your children that you know there are people in our world who are not as fortunate
as us. It also relates to compassion and follows Catholic teaching.
Talking about opportunities for children for contribute to society and developing a family tradition of giving for Christmas or another time are ways of helping our neighbours, both near and far. Modelling these
behaviours is a great example for children to see in you and for them to continue in their life.
Sports News - Melia Silver
Division Cross Country
Last Thursday, 26th May the Division Cross Country was held at
Chairo in very wet conditions. It
was very successful for 8 of our
students qualifying for Regional
level. Congratulations and well
done to all that competed !!
Library News - Barb Bird
Book Club
Issue 4 was sent home last Friday. If you are wishing to place an
order, please return to the school by this coming Friday morning
or place your orders online via the loop system on the Scholastic
Website, prior to the 4th June. Thank you for your continued support.
Notice Board Items
Youth Event – Kidslife
Cake Stall Thanks
What? Team Challenge
When? Sunday 5th June following 10:30am
Mass at St Ita’s.
Where? St Ita’s School Hall
Hot dogs – gold coin donation.
RSVP – Jess 0447 664 337
I would like to say thank-you to all of the Grade 5/6
classes and their families for helping by bringing in so
many cakes.
A special big thanks to Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Mackay,
Mrs. Mulqueen and Mrs. Shelton for all of their extra help.
And finally, thanks to everyone for buying cakes, we
raised just over $1500.00 for the Cancer Council
which is a lot of money !
Ella Pitkin