Welcome to Midi-Pyrenees - Midi


Welcome to Midi-Pyrenees - Midi
Welcome to Midi-Pyrenees
Southwest France
= 680 km
= 340 km
A strategic location
Half way between the Atlantic Ocean and the
Mediterranean, Midi-Pyrenees, the heart of the
southwest, is a major southern European crossroads.
Together with its neighbouring French and Spanish
regions – Languedoc-Roussillon, Catalonia and the
Balearics – it forms the PYRENEES MEDITERRANEAN
EUROREGION, home to 14 million inhabitants sharing
a mutually beneficial trade area. Midi-Pyrenees, with
its 5 airports, two of them international, its dry port in
Barcelona, and the southwest’s main logistical centre
in the Toulouse conurbation, is able to provide a high
performance flow of trade with the whole world.
In our world’s highly competitive environment, where
businesses are under constant pressure, the MidiPyrenees Region has opted to become a go-ahead
and innovative land with a high quality of life – a land of
fulfilment and prosperity.
for word...
“Here the land is fertile. Here ideas flow and things get done. Here people smile; they smile because they
are aware of their advantages. This genuine and creative region of ours is not only the largest in France,
it is also uniquely driven by a love of achievement and trade, a region open to the rest of the world.
Welcome to Midi-Pyrenees.”
Martin MALVY
largest Region
Former government minister,
President of the Midi-Pyrenees Region.
The largest Region of France; Midi-Pyrenees covers an area greater than those of eight of Europe’s sovereign States combined.
One of the foremost regions of France for international investments.
Toulouse, the capital, is the 4th largest city in France, and the country’s largest academic centre after Paris.
243 000 companies. 15 000 new companies are set up in Midi-Pyrenees every year.
More than 400 foreign companies operate and thrive in the area. 34 consulates are also based in the region.
Midi-Pyrenees hosts many high value added industries, including aeronautics, space science, electronics, biotechnology,
nanotechnology, information and communication technology, health and agro-industry.
Toulouse, nicknamed “Airbus City”, with its British and German communities, also hosts France’s largest Spanish community.
International schools in the region cater to children of these nationalities.
Largest trade surplus, and third in rank for annual growth of GDP.
A lively agricultural sector: 54 000 farming businesses in operation. With over 4000 companies, the food processing industry
accounts for the 2nd highest industrial business turnover in the region.
First rate tourism potential, with a business turnover of 4.5 billion euros and 45 000 jobs in the sector.
Over 32 000 people settle every year in Midi-Pyrenees, making it the second most attractive regional area of France.
The region is in constant growth in terms of employment, business start-ups, demography and trade.
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 3
of the Southwest
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
SPIRIT (noun)
© Parc National des Pyrénées / L. Nédélec
Timeless or imaginary being. Intellectual faculties.
Humour, a sense of irony. A way of thinking,
a way of perceiving things.
Midi-Pyrenees might well have adopted as its own the following description of wine by the philosopher Gaston
Bachelard: “It is a living body, in which the most diverse spirits live in equilibrium – spirits of the air and spirits of the
earth, the meeting of a certain sky and a particular soil.” Past wars and turmoil have left Southwest France with the quiet
strength and benevolence needed to reconcile the virtues of wisdom with the ambitions of youth. The attachment the
region has to its traditions is equalled only by its natural love of new experiences and of sharing them.
The men and women of this part of the world have inherited a powerful combination of caution and enthusiasm, a
combination that comes to fruition in all their local business, be it culinary, craftsmanship, economic, cultural or even
scientific. The Southwest seems to have an infinite capacity to conquer the highest peaks, bearing with it the strength
of the soil from which it has sprung – a constant upward surge fed by deep roots.
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 5
INP ENSAT Phytotron © P. Dumas
© Airbus S.A.S / H. Goussé
of a constantly
The strength
state-of-the-art economy
The number of students enrolled in universities around the world has risen rapidly throughout the 20th century, and in
southwest France more than anywhere else. In our day and age a good university education, and good higher education
in general, is an economic advantage. Midi-Pyrenees has been fully aware of this, and supports students, teachers and
Midi-Pyrenees has
established itself as a front runner among the academic regions of France.
A Eurocampus, covering the whole Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion, providing higher education to
510 000 students.
A University of Toulouse Research and Higher Education Centre and 3 RTRAs (advanced research
Thanks to the high quality of its universities and many higher education establishments,
subject networks)
The leader in France in Research & Development (R&D/PIB expenses)
2nd region in France in the number of public R&D researchers.
3rd region in France in the number of phD degrees.
Renowned for publicly funded research in many fields, including universe sciences (natural environments, astronomy,
astrophysics), engineering sciences (fluid mechanics, metal engineering, process engineering, etc.) and information
and communication technological sciences (IT, automatic control engineering, signal treatment, etc.).
State-of-the-art private research in many fields, including aeronautics and space construction, radio equipment,
telecommunications, pharmaceutical industries, etc.
1st region in France in the number of engineering degrees.
More than 24 000 people involved in research.
INSA Département de Physique © P. Dumas
World famous research laboratories and centres, including LAAS, CEMES, CESR, CERFACS, CNRS, CNES, INRA,
Universities / Research
An intellectual
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 7
Centres and Clusters
Ingenious innovation
AEROSPACE VALLEY – in association with the Aquitaine
Region – is devoted to aeronautics, space science and on-board
systems. With 120 000 jobs in industry, 1 600 establishments, 8 500
researchers, one third of all French aeronautics staff and 50 % of space
science staff this centre is the largest European pool of employment in
this sector.
CANCER-BIO-SANTE, devoted to cancer research and
© Biotech P. Fabre
biotechnology, has two main objectives: to contribute to the development
of innovative products and technology for improving patient care, and
the fight against cancer on the one hand, and the creation of value in
bio-health on the other.
AGRIMIP INNOVATION is focused on food processing and
agro-industry. The strategy of this centre is that of an industry attached
to values and innovation. It sets out to provide the market with a variety
of distinctive products as well as innovative technology and services.
WATER, this centre brings together the industrial and scientific
assets of three whole regions: Languedoc-Roussillon, Midi-Pyrenees
and Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur. As water resources become one of
the major problems for our planet this centre, which received certification
in 2010, addresses the subjects of identification and mobilisation of
these resources, their management and use, as well as the filtering, reuse and recycling of water.
In Midi-Pyrenees six centers have been certified “model company clusters”,
particularly in the field of ICT (information and communication technology),
mechanics, well-being (cosmetics, etc.), and flavourings (high added value
foods, etc.).
© CNES / Photo/ill. M.Regy
As the second region of France in the field of innovation, Midi-Pyrenees
has received certification for 4 competitiveness clusters. Designed as
partnerships, these clusters bring together companies, research centres
and training organisations, and with the support of associations are
intended to develop common synergies in innovative projects.
© P. Dumas
MPE / Donatien Rousseau
The Cancer-Bio-Santé (CBS) competitiveness cluster, with its 20 000 jobs and 3 650 researchers is a vital centre
for the up-to-date study of health. The Toulouse Cancer Centre occupies a 220 hectare campus which will eventually
host 4 000 people involved in the fight against cancer and will bring together private players such as the Pierre Fabre
group and Sanofi-Aventis, and public bodies including the University Cancer Institute, the Toulouse Cancer Research
Centre, Inserm and ITAV (Institut des Techniques Avancées du Vivant).
Midi-Pyrenees excels in many other disciplines too, for example research in cardiovascular diseases, neurosciences,
infectious diseases, hepato-gastroenterology, dementia (Alzheimer’s disease, etc.) and dermatology. The region also
hosts the European Institute of Telemedicine. Pharmaceutics groups established in the region employ nearly 4 500
people. Midi-Pyrenees can boast of special skills in in vivo and functional imaging and in clinical research, as well of a
high potential in academic and privately funded research.
In the field of dietary health, a new R&D consortium based on multidisciplinary studies and a partnership between
research and industry was set up in 2005 to create a collaborative work space on nutrition, diet and health, called the
PA3S Centre. Its objective is to conduct a multidisciplinary research programme based on the work of laboratories in
Toulouse, and to set up a scheme for the transfer and promotion of technology towards innovation and the creation of
new products in partnership with locally established industries.
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 9
© Airbus SAS / H. Goussé
The world’s largest
aeronautics centre
Clément Ader, Louis Blériot, Pierre-Georges Latécoère, Jean Mermoz, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, André Turcat – just
some of the names of great pioneers who testify to Midi-Pyrenees as a cradle of aviation. Today many leading businesses
of the sector, including Aerolia, Daher Socata, Latécoère, Ratier Figeac, Rockwell Collins and the Safran et Thales
groups are thriving here, as are the company head offices of ATR, Labinal, Liebherr Aerospace, and of course Airbus,
with its extraordinary technical and sales success, making the southwest the world’s leading centre for civil aviation.
This is achieved on a daily basis by associating all players in the business, including prime manufacturers, equipment
manufacturers, subcontractors, consultants, training establishments and test and research centres.
The leading European region for civil aviation.
The foremost French centre for higher education and research devoted to aeronautics and space science.
Over 600
aeronautics companies.
54 000 directly employed staff, 30% of French aeronautics R&D, 5 000 state and privately funded
Headquarters of the world famous Aerospace
Valley competitiveness cluster.
Europe’s foremost
© CNES - Sept.2007 / Illustration : D. Ducros
space science
AESE (Aeronautique Espace Systèmes Embarqués) together with
Toulouse Space Centre (CNES) and the two European space
systems contractors - EADS Astrium and Thales Alenia Space –
has developed dynamics unique of its kind. Backed by an industrial
fabric of more than 150 small and medium service providers and
a dense network of engineering schools, universities and research
laboratories, Midi-Pyrenees is the leading region for the design,
development, integration, production and maintenance of satellites;
the leader in satellite communication, in oceanography, meteorology
and climatology, in radar technology, and a world leader in space
altimetry, remote sensing, data gathering, localisation and navigation.
As a unique centre of skills, Midi-Pyrenees is constantly developing
its capabilities and its ability to create new markets.
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 11
© Continental
At the cutting edge of
on-board systems
On-board systems are electronic and IT systems that require specialised engineering. In southwest France these skills
have grown in the space sciences, aeronautics, defence, automotive and railway sectors and then spread more widely
to the fields of health, energy and the environment. On-board systems lie at the heart of tomorrow’s economic and social
imperatives owing to the importance and diversity of the fields in which they are used. Midi-Pyrenees, a pioneer in this
technology, has all the advantages needed for their design, validation, production and use, including the quality and diversity
of research laboratories as well as the presence of nationally recognised industrial companies and service providers.
The leading French centre for on-board electronics
A centre of excellence and innovation in the engineering of on-board systems
A cradle of automotive and avionics electronics.
E. PERRIN / ¶ CNRS Photothèque
40 years of expertise and success thanks to its approach system.
20 000 jobs, 250 companies and laboratories.
© A. Baschenis
© ??????????
and Agro-
In the field of agriculture, Midi-Pyrenees is the first French region in terms of the number of farms (about 50 000) and area of land in use (2 540 000 hectares).
Cattle and sheep rearing and arable farming are three of the main activities among a very diversified range of local products. In all, the agricultural and food
processing sector accounts for about 13% of jobs in the region’s goods production and trade services.
Major names are also present in the field of training and research, including INRA (national institute of agronomic research), the CNRS (national scientific research
centre), State agronomic and veterinary colleges, INSA (national institute of applied sciences), and the Ecole des Mines de Carmaux. Over 23 000 students are
enrolled in technological, scientific and managerial courses in the field of agro-biosciences.
Over 60 State agronomic and veterinary
the Toulouse Agri-Campus skills centre.
research units involving 1 700 people within
4 155 establishments including 750 industrial companies, making it one of the region’s main economic
activities covering all links in the agro-industrial chain, from seeds to food and other processing.
The leading French producer of soybean, sorghum, garlic, seeds, protein crops, sheep’s milk,
foie gras, jams and dry cured meat products.
French research on sunflower is based in Toulouse.
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
Over 100 000 salaried employees in the agriculture and Agro-industry sector which includes
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 13
A strategy
for high quality products
Products are increasingly marketed with quality or origin labelling
Midi-Pyrenees remains the largest French producer of products marketed with guaranteed quality and origin labelling,
including 120 references in both animal and vegetable products (Roquefort cheese, foie gras, various vineyards, cured
meat products, Chasselas grapes, etc.).
Local provenance as proof of authenticity
Midi-Pyrenees also has the largest area of land under certified organic cultivation, which has increased at the rate of 56% in 5 years
© M. Lefebvre
In parallel with its role as advisor to farmers and food processing operators who wish to benefit from quality control
labelling, IRQUALIM carries out collective promotional operations.
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
This strategy has been used with great success. Midi-Pyrenees was also the first French region to set up a food quality
institute (IRQUALIM) which now covers all products from Midi-Pyrenees bearing guaranteed quality and origin labels.
The green economy covers all economic activity generated by
companies that produce goods and services that aim to prevent,
limit or correct damage to the environment affecting water, air or the
soil, as well as problems relating to waste material, noise pollution
and the protection of eco-systems.
One thousand eight hundred regional businesses are involved in the
fight against pollution and in the management of natural resources.
Three important areas with a high potential or growth in industry,
research and training are water, eco-friendly materials, waste and
renewable energy. Moreover the energy-efficient building sector
involves more than 200 companies and 7 large groups, over 200
researchers in 10 research centres and 6 technology transfer
world’s foremost structured industrial
organisation for decommissioning old aircraft
sSecond largest wind farm in France (Aveyron).
s15 500 salaried employees in a wide range of fields
(water air pollution/odour, noise pollution, waste, energy, etc.).
© Fournier Métaux
panel energy.
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 15
Landscapes are like people :
one must live with them to learn their secrets”.
Harry Bernard (novelist).
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
Unesco World Heritage sites
Midi-Pyrenees has four listed sites
Canal du Midi
In 1662 Pierre Paul Riquet set out to revolutionise the transport of goods between the Atlantic ocean
and the Mediterranean. Over a period of fourteen years tunnels were bored through mountains, locks
were built, and Riquet cleverly fed the canal from small streams from the Montagne Noire. Today
the Canal du Midi delights holiday makers with the finest freshwater cruise in Europe on the 240
kilometre stretch between Toulouse and the Mediterranean.
Cirque de Gavarnie – Mont Perdu
Gavarnie was made famous by the explorations of botanists and scientists and the descriptions of
painters, poets and other “Pyreneists” in search of new experiences. This prodigious 1 700 m high
wall of rock extending over a 14 km semicircle encloses a series of strikingly symmetrical terraces
and is framed by a procession of giants including Mont Perdu (3 352 m), Pic du Marboré (3 248 m),
Taillon (3 144 m) and the legendary Brèche de Roland pass where one can see Europe’s highest
waterfall, with a plunge of 413 m.
The pilgrim ways of Saint James of Compostela
For eleven centuries pilgrims from all over the world have trodden the paths leading to Santiago de
Compostela to worship at the tomb of Christ’s apostle James Major. The world heritage site includes
128 km of sections of the way and 25 constructed cultural monuments.
© M.H. Carcanague
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
The Episcopal city of Albi
The city contains two famous sites: Sainte Cecile cathedral, a true masterpiece of southern Gothic
art that dominates the town, and the Toulouse-Lautrec museum devoted to the famous painter born
in Albi in 1864. The more than 1000 canvases, drawings and lithographs in the museum make this
the world’s greatest collection of works by this unusual artist. It is one of the greatest museums of
contemporary art in France
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 17
© iStock
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
Great sites of
Rocamadour, Millau viaduct,
Sorèze-Revel-Saint-Ferréol, Pic du Midi, Lourdes, Conques, Toulouse, Marciac,
Cahors, Figeac, Cauterets-Pont d’Espagne, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, the Ariège collection,
Auch, Cirque de Gavarnie, Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges,
Cordes-sur-Ciel, Albi, Moissac, Villefranche de Rouergue-Najac,
Flaran-Baïse-Armagnac, Luchon, Dordogne valley, Canal des Deux Mers, etc.
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
Midi-Pyrenees has sites that simply overwhelm the senses, heart and soul, sites where
suspended time link us to a past full of lessons and beauty. These sites are some of the wonders
of the world, whether they be “nature’s monuments” or creations of man. These iconic, grand
or more intimate sites of the southwest are timeless links between our past and our future. They
underpin the identity of our region and carry its reputation far beyond our borders.
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 19
Land of
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
Midi-Pyrenees is one of the regions of France with
the greatest diversity and best representations of
prehistoric civilisations, from the most ancient to
the more recent. Niaux, Le Mas d’Azil, Gargas and
Pech-Merle are all world famous prehistoric sites. It
is estimated that about 1 500 dolmens still stand in
the area. The history of the southwest is intricately
bound up with the crusades led against the Cathars
and their heretical faith. In the 12th century this
movement, which had broken away from the Roman
church, gained many followers in the Languedoc.
The church’s reaction and repression was terrible,
and resulted in many brutal massacres. This legacy
of insurrection and fierce conflict has left the
southwest with a robust sense of independence.
© J. Estrades
Large as
In summer the cool waters of our lakes provide a refreshing respite
from the long warm sunny days. People love to linger at café terraces
in the evening, while festivals enliven the streets. Then comes autumn,
the land turns golden brown, and it is time to harvest the grapes.
The great chain of the Pyrenees is ever present as a backdrop of
peaks and crags, and in summer provides walkers with 26 000 km
of trails. In winter snow blankets all the high peaks, and skiers set off
to one or other of the 28 resorts of the Pyrenees or to the mountains
of the Aveyron or the Monts de Lacaune. There are winter sports for
all –downhill skiing, snowboarding, langlauf or cross-country skiing,
trekking on snow shoes or sleigh rides. Midi-Pyrenees is also the
4th major region of France for the number of its thermal spas, and
the region is famous as much for the quality of its infrastructure as
for the natural beauty of the resorts. Midi-Pyrenees has 4 regional
natural parks and one national park.
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
© P. Rigaud
It is not so long ago that Occitania was a major cultural influence in the whole of
Europe, and the current revival of the Occitanian language is a natural expression of
the appreciation of our outstanding local heritage. The creative genius of local circus
and street art has received international recognition. The plastic and visual arts fill
local museums such as the Ingres museum in Montauban, the Toulouse-Lautrec
museum in Albi, Goya in Castres, Champollion in Figeac, the Abbatoirs Museum of
Modern Art in Toulouse and many others. Music too thrives here, with the Capitole
National Orchestra in Toulouse conducted by Tugan Sokhiev acclaimed all over
Europe, and many music festivals such as the international jazz festival in Marciac
attended each August by the greatest names in jazz from around the world.
With its extensive range of large scale sporting facilities, Midi-Pyrenees hosts and
encourages all the noblest aspects of the sporting spirit. All sports are practiced
here, from mountain sports to rowing, through parachuting, competitive swimming
and team sports such as basketball, football and of course the region’s favourite
game: rugby.
The southwest has an unrivalled reputation for gastronomy. With 120 local products
enjoying one or another guaranteed quality or origin labels, Midi-Pyrenees ranks
among the highest in France. To order an ideal meal, why not start with a foie gras
from the Gers, or a Lacaune charcuterie. As a main course a Quercy farmhouse
loin of lamb, a breast fillet of duck, an emincé of black porc from Bigorre with
Tarbais beans, or an aligot puree made with fresh tome d’Aubrac cheese. When
it comes to the cheese course there is Roquefort, of course, but also Tomme des
Pyrenées, Bleu des Causses, Laguiole and Cabécou d’Autan, without forgetting
the little round soft Galets of Rocamadour, the pride and joy of the Lot. As to
dessert, try a bunch of Chasselas de Moissac, a grape from the Tarn-et-Garonne,
to be enjoyed with a few walnuts from the Lot. Wash it all down with one of the
fifteen local AOC, VDQS or “de pays” wines and end with a glass of Armagnac,
France’s oldest brandy.
Midi-Pyrenees Southwest 21
Southwest France
Midi-Pyrenees Expansion (PE), the regional economic development agency, which
was set up and funded by Midi-Pyrenees Region for the benefit of companies and
associations, assists companies to settle and develop here by selecting available
buildings or land, providing information on human resources, the local industrial fabric,
R&D, introductions to potential partners and financial engineering. The agency supports
territorial development projects by setting up and expanding business areas, hotels and
business incubators.
A network of 28 business incubators bound by a regional quality charter ensures the
consistency and quality of services provided (www.rezopep-midipyr.com)
Incubators encourage the setting up of innovative technology companies throughout the
region’s territory (www.incubateurmipy.com)
Twenty-one business parks of a high environmental quality approved by Midi-Pyrenees
Region provide a guaranteed high level of services and equipment. (www.zir.midipyrenees.fr)
A regional plan called “Entreprendre Midi-Pyrenees” facilitates your projects in setting up,
transferring or buying out a company. (www.entreprendre.midipyrenees.fr)
Midi-Pyrenees Innovation (MPI), which was set up by the Region, is a field operator at
the service of all regional businesses of any size, whatever their culture of innovation
processes. MPI’s work is focused on the following five main objectives: the spread
technology; support for innovative projects; support for European projects; legal and
technological monitoring; communication. (www.mp-i.fr)
Regional capital investment companies including IRDI, MPC, iXO private equity, support
the setting up, growth or transfer of companies.
But there is also a whole raft of tools,
particularly financial tools, available to companies
through the Midi-Pyrenees Region.
© D. Viet / CRT Midi-Pyrénées
Contact us for any of your business creation
or development projects at :
Tel. + 33 (0)5 61 12 57 12
w w w . m i d i p y r e n e e s . f r