Quarterly Newsletter / Winter 2014 Saint Stepanos Armenian Church
Quarterly Newsletter / Winter 2014 Saint Stepanos Armenian Church
Տաթեւ Տաթեւ Սուրբ Ստեփանոս Հայց. Եկեղեցւոյ Եռամսեայ Լրատու DATEV Saint Stepanos Armenian Church-Elberon, NJ Fr. Daniel Karadjian, Pastor Q u a r t e r l y N e w s l e t t e r / W i n t e r 2 014 1 Տաթեւ Welcome We are very happy to introduce you to the second edition of our updated Datev. We hope you will enjoy its new format as we continue to chronicle life within our Saint Stepanos Church community. The Parish Council and Editorial Committee will gratefully accept every donation to help us in publishing and mailing our DATEV to you. Please feel free to share your comments, suggestions and ideas regarding our DATEV. Administrative Information Aida Leon Kado - Chairmen E-mail: aidaleonk@gmail.com Bobby Nakashian – Vice Chairmen E-mail: bobnaz59@gmail.com Taleen Terjanian – Treasurer Email: tterjani@gmail.com AndrewBoyajian – Assistant Treasure Email: andrew_la84@yahoo.com Ashkhen Tadevosyan – Secretary Email: tadash08872@yahoo.com John Haytaian - Council Member Email: haytaian@optonline.net Armen McOmber – Council Member Email:ram@redbanklegal.com Terenig Terjanian – Diocesan Delegate Email: tterjan@aol.com Church Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. * For any of your needs and concerns, please contact us directly or by email ... * Since the email addresses of many of you have changed, please send us an email at: stepanoschurch@aol.com – with your name and current address so we can update our records, and are able to send you the bulletin and other important news. * If you would like to meet with the Pastor or submit items for “Datev” or for the Sunday Bulletin, please contact the office at 732 229-3661 or (stepanoschurch@aol.com). The Newsletter Committee: Editor-in-Chef, Layout and Design E-mail: stepanoschurch@aol.com Rev. Fr. Daniel Karadjian, Pastor Editor- Arpie McQeen Proofing- Dr. Terenig Terjanian Public Relations -Yn. Mariam Karadjian Submissions of news, articles, photos, essays and letters are welcome and should be sent to our church office at (stepanoschurch@aol.com). All texts must be submitted in electronic format, as text file or as email. Pastor’s Office Hours Tuesday - Friday: 10AM - 2PM. After hours in an emergency, please contact: Pastor’s Cell: (732) 312-8661 Saint Stepanos Armenian Church Quarterly Newsletter 11 8 4 11 8 4 O c e a n A v e n u e , E l b e r o n , N J 0 7 7 4 0 Church Office: (732) 229-3661 2 Տաթեւ OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH OF AMERICA (EASTERN) ²è²æÜàð¸àôÂÆôÜ Ð²Úàò ²ØºðÆβÚÆ ²ðºôºÈº²Ü ºØÆ DIOCESE Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate CHRISTMAS MESSAGE OF ARCHBISHOP KHAJAG BARSAMIAN Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America Behold, I Make All Things New SO THEY WENT WITH HASTE and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. (LUKE 2:16-20) ON ENTERING THE HOUSE, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. (MATTHEW 2:11-12) T HESE ARE THE MOST CELEBRATED VISITORS of all time: the shepherds and the Magi who fell on their knees before the manger bearing a miracle, the very Son of God. Of all the scenes in the Christmas pageant, these are the two reenacted again and again. Over the centuries, how many children, themselves swaddled in shepherds’ robes, crowns and headdresses askew, have marched to the crèche where Mary and Joseph stiffly pose before a baby Jesus? The audience holds its breath, transported for a moment by the comfortingly familiar sight, by the reverence, by the joy. The visits associated with Christmas—the angel Gabriel to Mary, the shepherds to the manger, the wise kings to the King of Kings—are so emotionally and psychologically compelling that they continue to be re-imagined in art and music and literature two thousand years later. Yet we rarely reflect upon the moments that follow. What was the next chapter of Mary’s life, Mary the mother of Jesus, the one who treasured the angels’ words and pondered them in her heart? In what way did the shepherds “glorify God” when they returned to their fields, praising him for all they had seen and heard? After the Magi offered their gifts and left for their own country, by another road, how was life different? What did they find in that country and on that road that they would not and could not just a day before? All the rest of the New Testament teaches us that no encounter with God leaves a heart unchanged. The bleeding woman who touched Jesus’ robe; the leper who returned to his Lord in gratitude; the widow of Nain whose only child was raised up from his funeral bier by the compassionate Christ—all were “reborn” into a deeper faith that translated into a different life. 3 Տաթեւ 4 Տաթեւ Սուրբ Ծնունդն իմ Սրտում Բեթղեհեմի չոր, ճամփեքին քարոտ Հովսեփն ու Մարիամը ծանր ու տանջված, Թակեցին դռները պանդոկիս մի օր, Բաց արի դուռը սաստիկ զայրացած: Լի՛ է պանդոկս, ի՞նչ է չեք տեսնում, Ձեզ չեմ ընդունի, տեղ չկա ներսում: Կա՛ց, թե վճարեք դուք ինձ բավական Կթողնեմ գիշերն անց կացնեք գոմում: Ու ծնվեց Հիսուսն անշուք մարագում, Ախոռը եղավ նրան օրորոց. Քանզի պանդոկիս մարդկային կարգում Սենյակներն բոլոր տրված էին այլոց. Տեղ գտավ տանս մի հարուստ իշխան, Մաքսավորն էլ էր այստեղ գիշերում, Ընդունեցի ես վաճառականին, Տեղ չկար միայն խեղճ ծննդկանին: Տարիներ անցան՝ մի երեք տասնյակ. Ես Երուսաղեմ եկա սուրբ Պասին, Պանդոկս կորցրած, ծերուկ մի սնանկ Էլ դարման անող չկար իմ ցավին: Ասի ամբոխից Երուսաղեմի Ես փող կմուրամ հացի ու դեղի: Ծանր էր օդը, բայց ոչ թե տապից, Այլ ցավից, ահից, ու մահվան շնչից. Հրեա ամբոխը լծված էր գործի. Պահանջում էին որ խաչի հանեն Հիսուս անունով մի հանցագործի, Որ հանդգնել էր ներում քարոզել, Կույրին աչք տվել, տկարին բուժել, Ոտքի էր կոչել անշունչ մեռածին Ու ներկայացել որպես միածին: Իհարկե սուտ է, ասի ես հոգնած, Նայելով նրան արյունոտ, խաչված, Մի թե կարող եմ ներել ես նրանց, Որ թալանեցին ծերիս խեղճացած: 5 Տաթեւ Օրերը եկան ու օրերն անցան, Սոված, հուսահատ ճամփեզրին նստած Մի մարդ մոտեցավ, ու ծնկեց անձայն, Ու Հաց մեկնեց ինձ ձեռքերով ծակված: Հիշեցի ձեռքերն ու դեմքը բարի Թեկուզ ծանրացած՝ ես մեղքի ցավով Մի նոր բերկրանքով ես հացը վերցրի Ձեռքը եղբոր պես նա ուսիս դրեց, Նայեց աչքերիս սիրով անսահման, Ժպտաց ու մի մեղմ ձայնով հարցրեց. Պանդոկումդ հիմա կտա՞ս օթևան: Պանդոկս չկա՝ կորցրել եմ գիտես, Բայց հոգ չէ դա տեր քանզի այսուհետ, Հոգուս պալատում պիտի բնակվես, Բայց ոչ թե որպես հյուր մի անցավոր, Այլ որպես տան տեր Արքա փառավոր, Որ մինչ կյանքիս վերջ ես ամեն շնչում, Սուրբ ծնունդը քո տոնեմ իմ սրտում, Ու մի օր այնտեղ, գետից այն կողմ, Երբ որ ես թակեմ դռները քո տան, Մեղքերը իմ բյուր դու դնես մի կողմ Ու ինձ հավերժական դաս տաս հանգրվան: Ա. Օրբելյան 2013 «Սաղ ըլիք, ուրախութենի տարի ըլի. ցամաք աչքով, ուրախ սրտով ամէն տարի էս օրս հասնունք, ուրախութենով տարեմուտ ենք անում, ուրախութենով էլ սուրբ Յարութեանը արժանանանք, լի ու առատ տարի ըլի, Աստուած մահին թանգութիւն տայ, հացի էժանութիւն» (Լոռի): Ժողովրդական բարեմաղթանք Շնորհաւոր Նոր Տարի եւ Սուրբ Ծնունդ 6 Տաթեւ WE CELEBRATED THE DISCOVERY OF THE HOLY CROSS On Sunday October 27, 2013 we celebrated the feast of the Discovery of the Holy Cross. Many people from our community came to pray with us on this day dedicated to the Holy Cross of Jesus. The Sunday School students participating Badarak and took Holy Communion. In his sermon Der Hayr introduce them to the second person of the Holy Trinity –Jesus Christ. Our pastor explained them who Jesus is, why He came down from Heaven, and how our Lord shows His love to us. After Badarak, in our church’s hall, we celebrated Halloween the Armenian way. Der Hayr before blessing the fellowship table, joked with us saying that he is Santa Clause, but dressed as a priest. Our St. Stepanos children were very happy. Their costumes were funny and unique. Robin Hood, Captain Hook and many characters from our favorite books joined us on this celebration. The kids played games and went home with a bag of candy. We had a fun time. Let us express our thankfulness to the ladies from our Women’s Club who organized the Halloween Potluck for our community. Thank you and may God bless our St. Stepanos house. ML On Sunday October 27, 2013 the Lahham family in loving memory of their daughter Linda Lahham donated a Liturgical Vestments. During the Morning Service, Der Hayr held the Blessing of New Church Vestment service. At the end of the service, behalf of our church community, he expressed his thankfulness to Mrs. Azad amd Mr. Maurice Lahham for their heartfelt donation and asked the Lord to reward them with His “great and abundant mercy here and in the world to come.” Datev 7 Տաթեւ deacons training double workshop St. Nersess Armenian Seminary and the Eastern Diocese co-sponsored a Deacons' Training "Double Workshop" at St. Stepanos Armenian Church (Elberon, NJ) on November 1-3. Twelve altar servers participated from parishes in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC. Fr. Daniel Karadjian and Fr. Daniel Findikyan, Director of the Diocese's Zohrab Information Center and Director of the St. Nersess Seminary Deacons' Training Program, conducted simultaneous workshops, respectively, on censing for the Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of Water ceremony. The participants, the youngest of whom was 14 years old, devoted themselves enthusiastically to intensive training sessions late into the night on Friday and all day Saturday. The results were better than anyone could expect. On Sunday morning, Armen Chubukian and Arras Mermer, both of St. Mary Armenian Church, Washington, DC, were confident enough to execute the impressive but complex double-censing technique known as zooyk poorvar during the Divine Liturgy at St. Stepanos. Following the Divine Liturgy, a luncheon in honor of the workshop participants was hosted, the proceeds of which were generously donated to St. Nersess to support future Deacons' Training Workshops. Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan THANK YOU St. Stepanos Armenian Church would like to thank our deacons: Dn. Terenig Terjanian; Dn. Chris Kesici, Dn. Ara Karakashian, Dn. Raffi Karakashian SubDn.Billy Corrigan, SubDn Ari Terjenian; and our acolytes: Maurice Lahham, Greg Heitman, Patrick Corrigan, Vahn Mouradian, Haig Bakhtiarian and Chris Lombardi for all their service to God and our church throughout the year of 2013. May our deacons and acolytes continue to serve God and His church with dedication and commitment and grow with new members who are always welcomed. 8 Տաթեւ THE AAS Club’s Christmas Party 2013 T he AASC held its annual Christmas party in the afternoon of December 10, 2013 at the ARTISAN Restaurant, on Hooper Avenue in Toms River, NJ. The inclement weather, with threats of worse to come kept some, but not all the members from attending. We had the honor of the presence of Hayr Daniel and his beaming smile. We missed the presence of Yeretcgeen, who had other commitments and could not accompany Der Hayr. A multi-course dinner was served with the choice of multiple entrées; which was enjoyed by all attendees. When Der Hayr jokingly said I will have “Baklava” for desert, which was not an item on the menu, the waitress did not flinch and brought Der Hayr a nice big Baklava serving. This is to say that the restaurant was accommodating in every way possible. Throughout the dinner we were entertained by numerous funny jokes, presented by Koko (with his unlimited supply of jokes), Levon, Vahe, Florence Grunstra and Der Hayr, Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly and wished more of our members would have been able to partake of this joyous event. God willing next year nature will cooperate and we will have full attendance. On December 8th, 2013 our Parish Council hosted A SPECIAL LUNCHEON AT ST. STEPANOS CHURCH HALL. Our parishioners enjoyed delicious homemade food, desserts and much more. The proceeds of $2000 was sent to the ARS of Eastern USA Fund for Syrian Armenian. Many thanks to all of those who participate in this effort. This past fall the Sunday School and the Armenian School had a successful Food Drive. This event started by Greg Tchilinguirian and Tory McCook (husband and wife) Sunday School teachers in 2008 is one of the giving lessons in Christianity that our children learn from. We were able to collect and deliver to the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean counties 305 lbs of food with 6 frozen turkeys and other frozen meats. Tory and Greg we pray you are well and happy that what you started continues. Also this fall through the efforts of St. Stepanos Armenian Church Sunday / Armenian School Yeretzgin Mariam, St. Stepanos again has an Armenian School for the children. Yeretzgin was able to recruit Mrs. Varduhi Brutyan as a teacher and later Mrs. Ashken Tadevosyan as an asst. teacher. With 11 children registered with ages from 3 to 6 years old with one at 12 years old (who also helps with the little ones), the school has a bright future. Since some of the parents requested that their children learn Western Armenian, Yeretzgin became the teacher for that class. 9 Տաթեւ When Sunday School started, we were happy that Der Hayr and Yeretzgin responded to our request to have all of the door knobs to the classrooms and office changed so that we are now able to close and open the doors in a normal fashion. Yeretzgin also had two of the classrooms and the playroom painted. The playroom when finished had a wonderful surprise in that Yeretzgin asked our artist parishioner , Mr. Khachatur Balbabyan to paint a mural of Our Lord Jesus leading the children. If you have not seen it, you are missing something special. We finished out the first half of the year with our annual Christmas play on December 22, 2013. The children as always delighted the parish first with a presentation by the Armenian School children in song, dance and a recital. The Sunday School (which includes the Armenian School children) then presented an original St. Stepanos Christmas play first performed in 2008. The setting for the play was in an orphanage in Yerevan on Christmas Eve with the children of the orphanage telling the story of the first Christmas. The children performed well and sang the songs of Christmas with enthusiasm. They let out a big cheer with smiling faces from ear to ear when Der Hayr with the help of our guest celebrant for the Badarak, Hayr Soorp Abkar Hovakimyan gave them their Christmas presents from the Sunday School. JH. OUR CHURCH Celebrated NAME DAY St. Stepanos Church celebrated its name day on Sunday, December 22, 2013. Our church is named after St. Stephen the Protodeacon and First Martyr, whose feast day was observed on December 24 this year. The Very Rev. Fr. Apgar Hovakimyan, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Bulgaria, who was visiting us celebrated the Divine Liturgy, with Der Hayr, assisting. The services concluded with the veneration of the relic of St. James 10 Տաթեւ the Bishop of Nisibis. The centuries-old relic— comprised of bone fragments of St. James and encased in a beautiful, metal reliquary, shaped in the form of a human hand with fingers poised in benediction—was brought by Fr. Apgar Hovakimyan from the hometown church of our Pastor, Sourp Kevork in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In fact, the Bible records many accounts of the value of relics and even episodes of miraculous events connected with them (Ps 116:15, 2 Kings 13:21; Mt 14:35-36; Lk 8:43-44). The veneration of relics of the saints is found in the early history of the Church. They have inspired all Christians to ask for the prayers of the saints and to beg the grace of God to live the same kind of faith-filled life. When we approach the holy relics with faith, respect and love, undoubtedly we will receive the blessing from the Saint that we have sought. T 2014 CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION AT ST. STEPANOS he St. Stepanos Armenian Church community celebrated Christmas with a two-day commemoration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, on January 5 & 6, 2014. The festivities and celebration began on Sunday morning, January 5, with the Rev. Fr. Daniel Karadjian, Deacons, and Altar Servers conducting the traditional Morning Services of the Armenian Church. This service was immediately followed by a concert in our sanctuary, featuring an exhibition of talent from our youth. Dn. Ara Karakashian, Master of Ceremonies, welcomed everyone to the event and introduced each performer, alternating between Armenian & English. Over a dozen talented and promising parishioners contributed to this splendid event, by displaying their rich skills and attributes. Participants included: Emil Orbelyan, Alyne Corrigan, Vahn Mouradian, Ani Mouradian, Maurice Lahham, Nunia Najarian, Arianna Hovsepian, Haig Bakhtarian, Heghine Nazarian, Mariam Nazarian, Anna Mehrabian, Mkhaela Freitor, Leon Bagdasarov, and Sarkis Balkhian. Musical compositions and recitations were eloquently presented to our parishioners. Pieces from Gomidas, Khachaturyan, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, and many other composers were performed on piano, violin, and cello. This program concluded with Dn. Ara thanking all of those who supported this event and assisted in making it a reality. He then proceeded to invite all participants to the front of the sanctuary, where Ani Mouradian (Church Organist) led everyone on keyboard with the singing of Yerevan Yerepuni. Fr. Daniel then led everyone in the singing 11 Տաթեւ of Hayr Mer. After a short break, the services continued with The Order of Lamp Lighting and services for the Eve of the Nativity and Theophany for Our Lord Jesus Christ. Altar Servers and Choir Members alternated with readings for the Christmas vigil, in English & Armenian. The prophecy of Daniel was chanted by Dn. Chris Kesici, Dn. Raffi Karakashian, Dn. Terenig Terjanian and our altar servers Haig Bakhtiarian & Vahn Mouradian, who performed the chants for the first time. Upon completion of the chants, the parishioners were able to participate in the Badarak (Divine Liturgy). This beautiful Badarak was then followed by the Choir and Altar Servers singing Khorhoort Medz as everyone proceeded to the hall for a final scripture reading and distribution of light to all parishioners (Jrakalalouitz). Der Hayr had lit a lantern symbolizing the light of Christ’s birth before departing the sanctuary. The light was distributed to all of our parishioners in the Hall, who then lit their own candles. Der Hayr prayed and blessed the table for our fabulous Christmas dinner, which was sponsored by the Parish Council and prepared by Yeretsgin Mariam and Azad Lahham, among others. The events of January 5 (Christmas Eve) were a rejuvenating and invigorating religious experience that exceeded everyone’s expectations. Attendees departed with the warm spirit of Christmas in their hearts. On the morning of Monday, January 6th, our church community celebrated the Armenian Orthodox Christmas Badarak, where Armenians all over the world celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord. After completion of the Badarak, Der Hayr blessed a new set of red priest’s liturgical vestments, which were donated by the Terjanian family. Parishioners enjoyed an elaborate coffee hour, which was sponsored by the Women’s Club. We thank everyone for their blessed contributions of time and talent for our Christmas celebration. Dn. Ara Karakashian 12 Տաթեւ Յունուար 5, 2014 Ճրագալոյց Ծննդեան Տօնական օրերու սովորական ժխոռէն եւ երբեմն այլ խլացուցիչ նուագներէն ասդին բացառիկ երեւոյթ մըն էր Սուրբ Ստեփանոս եկեղեցւոյ ներկայացուցած Սուրբ Ծննդեան համերգը։ Կիրակի Յունուար 5ին, կէսօրին արդէն ժամանած էին մանուկներ, պատանիներ իրենց ծնողներով եւ բարեկամներով։ Ժամը մէկին սկսաւ յայտագիրը ճարտարօրէն ղեկավարուած բարեշնորհ Արա Սրկ. Գարաքաշեանի կողմէ, որ մէջ ընդ մէջ ընթերցեց Աւետարանէն Սուրբ Ծննդեան նկարագրական հատուածներ եւ խորհրդածումներ։ Փակ խորանին առջեւ մի առ մի հրաուիրուեցան դերակատարները«արուեստագէտները», 4 տարեկան աղջնակէն մինչեւ մանուկներ եւ 20 անց պատանիներ, որոնք զմայլեցուցին ներկայ հանդիսատէսները իրենց մանկական թոթով, նուրբ կամ աւելի վարժ մատներու ստեղծագործութիւններով, ըլլայ դաշնակի, ջութակի կամ թաւ ջութակի վրայ։ Վերացանք մեներգիչներու ներկայացումէն որոնք մի քանի լեզուներով թռիչք տուին մեր սրտերուն իրենց մեղրանուշ ձայներով։ Բացառիկ եւ յոյժ տպաւորիչ պահ մըն էր տեսնել Տէր Հօր ծիրան ու չամիչ բաշխիլը ամէն մի դերակատարին։ Ապա 15 վայրկեան դադարէ մը ետք, հաւատացեալները կրկին եկեղեցի հրաւիրուեցան։ Այս անգամ Սուրբ Գրային ընթերցումներ կատարուեցան դպիրներու եւ սարկաւագներու կողմէ։ Սուրբ Պատարագի հոգեզմայլ երգեցողութիւնը կատարեց մեր եկեղեցւոյ դպրաց դասը, վարպետ ղեկավարութեամբ՝ Տքթ. Դերենիկ Սրկ. Թերճանեանի։ Շատ խորհրդաւոր էր այս Սուրբ Պատարագը, մայրամուտի լոյսերու մէջ գտնուելով ստացանք փառաւոր Աւետիսը՝ «Քրիստոս ծնաւ եւ յայտնեցաւ, ձեզի եւ մեզի մեծ Աւետիս»։ Ապա «Խորհուրդ մեծ»ի շարականով թափորը ուղղուեցաւ դեպի սրահ, ուր տեղի ունեցաւ Նախատօնակի օրհնութիւն եւ մոմավառութիւն, որ խորհրդանշեցին Յիսուս Քրիստոսի Ծննդը եւ Իր գալուստը իբրեւ լոյս աշխարհի։ Այս բացառիկ օրուան լռումէն առաջ հրամցուեցաւ ճոխ ընթրիք մը։ Շնորհաւորելի են այս ձեռնարկը յղացողները եւ կատարողները, ի մասնաւորի Տէր Հայրն ու Երեցկին Մարին, որոնք կարողացան տաքուկ, հայ տոհմիկ մթնոլորտ մը ստեղծել մեր եկեղեցւոյ յարկէն ներս, ջերմացնելով մեր բոլորին սրտերն ու հոգիները։ Վարձքերնիդ Կատար. Ներկայ մը Ե.Կ. 13 Տաթեւ In Lieu of Flower for Sona Celiksu $100.00 - McOmber Family, Louise Demirdjian, Krikor Toufayan, Aida Kado: $50.00 - Mary Gorra, Lahham Family, Linda Patruno; $25.00 - Rose Froonjian, Hagop Bakhtirian, Eric McQueen, AnnMary Rooney, Mary Ann Tutundjian, Silva Bakhtiarian, Haroutun Mouradian, Maral Karakashian, Bobby Nakashian. In Lieu of Flower for Virginia Chilingirian ( Ojen) $100.00-Tomas Dabakian, James Altoonian, Arthur Boyadjian, Roland Permut, Rose Kapighian... $50.00 – Karen Gokberg, David Dimech, Deroian Family, Mary Gorra, Ara Gokberg; $35 Sedrak & Ophelia Jidarian... $30.00 Maral Karakashian, Eliza Yezdanian... $25.00-Rose Froonjian, Aida Kado, Louis Lombardi, Thomas Heiman, Linda and Paul Patruno, Anne Alfano, Louis Lombardi ... $15.00- Mary Ann Berberian... In Lieu of Flower for Richard Sahagian $100.00 – Denis Orlando, Linda Novelo, McOmber Family; $50.00 – Aida Kado, Lahham Family, Mary Gorra, Tavit Najarian; $30.00 - Maral Karakashian; $25.00 - AnnMary Rooney, Asbed Vassilian, Nakashian Family, Deroian Family, Eric MacQueen, Linda and Paul Patruno, Rose Froonjian, Virginia Sabonjian, Mary Ann Berberian, Silva Bakhitarian. $15.00 - Horence&Kinneth Pagella... We thank our Parishioners for their Poinsettia Donations Mary Gora; Norig Buchakjian; Trudy Takakjian; Linda Patruno; Babby Nakashian and Anna Marie Rooney. Total income: $250 YOUGHAKIN CRISTMAS 2014 We gratefully acknowledge the following for their generous gifts of love in the form of Christmas Youghakin in the amount of $4960.00 Adrienne & Richard McOmber; Alan & Mary Lee Deroian; Anna Angele Haroutunian; Annamarie Rooney; Annette Serabian Ara & Virginia Derzarian Aram & Silvia Damadian Asbed & Zabel Vassilian Bobby & Nazeni Nakashian Charles & Jacqueline Vartanian; Debra Ann Buruchian Dorothy Otchy; Eliza Yezdanian; Elizabeth A. Gustafson-Danella; Elizabeth Agulian; Frank & Tina Gallo George & Anne Kazanjian Gloria & Ronald Yeranian 14 Hagop & Eranica Kouyoumdjian; Hagop & Lina Bakhtiarian; Haigo Armenian Mouradian; Hazel Menegigian; Igor Khalatian & Larisa Loboda Irene Koutishian James & Lara Manfre Jeffrey & Sharena Surenian John & Marie Haytaian Kevork & Arpine Kalayjian Khachig Konyalian Krikor & Sonia Toufayan Linda & Paul Patruno Louis & Lori Lombardi Marie & Adrienne Aldermeshian; Mary Ann Ber- berian; Mary Gorra; Mary Gueyikian; Maryann Tutunjian & Jean K. Papazian Maurice & Azat Lahham Miscellaneous; Nareg & Rita Yaralian; Nubar & Mariam Zohrabian; Patricia & Ralph Jacopino; Peg & Nubar Tchilinguirian Richard Marrin & Mona Ann Krikorian; Richard Sahagian; Robert Aslanian Rose & Charles Kapighian Rose Froonjian; Sarkis & Dido Krikorian Shant & Nayri Gueyikian Suzan Mikhail Տաթեւ SylvaBakhtiarian;Terenig&SilvaTerjanian;Virginia&HenryApelian;VirginiaSabonjian William&JenniferFolker;YeranuhiGidikoglu,Zaneta&AlexanderTukmanian... DATEV thankthefollowingfortheirdonationsintheamountof $65.00:Albert &RosemarySahatjian;MauriceLahhamJr;AnnaHovsepian;William&Jennifer Folker. O n the whole, 2013 proved to be a very active and financially healthy yearforourchurch.Fromthegrand effortplacedintoourGreatGatsbyfundraiser,tonearlydoubletheincomereceivedfromourArmenianIndependenceDayPicnic, theseannualeventsnotonlyserveasenjoyableexperiencesforourcommunity,butalso ensurethesustainedgrowthofourparish. A25%riseinmembershipover2012isaprimeexampleofincreaseinchurchattendance and involvement. Weekly collection plate offerings have also increased over the pastquarter,inadditiontoaslightriseamongChristmasdonations,thankslargelyinpart toDerHayrandYn.Mariam’sYughakinmailingoutreach. Mr.RichardMcOmberalsomadeavaliantpushthisfinalquarterforStewardshippledges.Despitecomingupshortofourgoal,wewouldliketothankeachfamilyandindividual fortheir2013contributions. TheNewYearholdsmuchpromiseforadditionalactivitiesandevents,somewhichwill serveastremendousfundraisingaffairs,otherswhichwillsimplyprovidetheopportunity forcamaraderie.Ineithercase,ongoinginvolvementbyallmembersofourcommunityis appreciated,andultimatelyneeded,sothatwemaycontinueenjoyingeachotherscompanyandthebeautyofourchurch. Baptisms and Confirmations Christopher Alexander Mosses Anoushavan Kyureghyan Funerals Sona Celiksu passed away on Friday, December 20th, 2013. Richard Sahagian passed away on Friday, December 27th, 2013. Virginia Chilingirian ( Ojen) passed away on Wed.,January1st,2014. % Send your donation for “DATEV”: To: Saint Stepanos Armenian Church Please accept my donation for “D A T E V ” Amount: $___________ Name: ___________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Email: 15 St. Stepanos Armenian Apostolic Church 1184 Ocean Avenue, Elberon, NJ 07740 ARMENIAN LANGUAGE CONVERSATIONAL CLASSES FOR ADULTS Where? At our Church. When? Every second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Second lesson on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 7:00PM Come to learn or brush up on your Armenian-speaking skills; Learn about the Armenian culture and history. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Please, contact the church office at 732-229-3661 with your interest to attend. NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE HOURS OF WORSHIP - Morning Service: 9:30AM - Divine Liturgy: 10:30 AM - Sunday School: 10:00 AM Come celebrate with Father Daniel 16 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Տաթեւ
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