Newsletter - Strong Enterprises
Newsletter - Strong Enterprises
St r o n g E nt e r p r i s e s Newsletter Issue 37, December 2010 This newsletter is written for: Packers, Riggers, DZ Operators, Strong Tandem Instructors & Strong Tandem Examiners. Your comments are welcome. Holidays HAPPY 2010-11 Making Memories... As the year comes to an end we get ready for a string of holiday festivities; from Thanksgiving to Christmas and the grand finale, New Years! It’s usually during this time that we gather with family and friends and new special memories are created. Some great memories will carry us through the new year, other memories we will be glad they are left behind. But more often than not, those special moments that bring back nostalgia will warm up our hearts and bring contentment. Making memories is what skydiving is all about. From the places you go to the people you meet, its all a new adventure. In every jump you defy gravity, you experience a freedom that some only dream about; for a few moments you own the sky! In every Tandem jump you give the student/passenger a glimpse of what skydiving is all about yet the experience will last them forever. What makes a memory immortal is when it’s shared and kept alive. During the last few days of 2010 and a whole new beginning in 2011 we hope you make each jump count. Keep it safe, keep it memorable. Happy Holidays from the Strong Tandem Family to Yours! For comments and questions please contact us at Strong Enterprises RSARY A N NIVE w 1961-2011 ww . s tr o n g p a r a ch u te s. c om Page 1 This Issue On TheIn Cover • Happy Holidays • Strong Enterprises Turns 50! • Trivia Question Page 2 • Argus AAD, Important Notice! •Trivia Answer •Maintenance on your DHT is Crucial • Congratulations to Skydive Pepperell (pgs2-3) Page 3 •Letter from Tandem Parachute Manufacturers • Reminders Page 4 • Tandem Meet & Greet at PIA 2011 Do you know? Do you know the proper aircraft emergency procedures for exits below 1,000 ft., at 3,000 ft. and above 5,000 ft.? Answer on page 2. Strong Enterprises Turns 50! Join us in 2011 to celebrate Strong Enterprises’ 50th Anniversary in business. This mile stone marks half a century of exceptional innovative designs and an amazing Strong Team throughout the years. Stay tuned online ( for information on how you can join in our year long celebration. A special Thank You to all our customers throughout the years. Your business and loyalty makes all the difference and we hope to continue delivering excellence! • 407.859.9317 • 11236 Satellite Boulevard • Orlando, FL 32837 Page 1 Tips, Stories & Headlines ARGUS AAD All DHT Systems using an ARGUS AAD having cutters manufactured before August 2007 are not in compliance with manufacturer guidelines and are in direct violation of Service Bulletin #22 and the TSO! A lot of speculation on the proper function of the ARGUS cutter has come into question due to recent unfortunate events. The recent fatality in Poland and the incident in Portugal occurred on ARGUS AAD’s using cutters manufactured before September 2007. If you refer back to Service Bulletin #22 issued on May 20th, 1997, it states that “only components approved by Strong Enterprises may be used on the Dual Hawk Tandem System for tandem jumping”. The ARGUS AAD cutters manufactured prior to August 2007 are not an approved component of the Dual Hawk Tandem System. Any use of them on the Dual Hawk makes the system out of compliance and in direct violation with Service Bulletin #22 and the TSO. This represents a significant hazard to the Tandem Instructor and student/passenger. You must refrain from using a Dual Hawk Tandem System until you have one of following approved AADs: ARGUS (manufactured after August 2007), VIGIL or CYPRES. In the Tandem Newsletter, Issue 36, we alerted our Tandem audience of the mandatory ARGUS Service Bulletin, requesting all ARGUS cutters manufactured prior to September 2007 to be replaced before the next repack. Because of the high demand of these new cutters, they will not be available until early 2011. AVIACOM has extended the “grace period” for the replacement until March 31st, 2011. Strong Enterprises directive still stands: all ARGUS cutters manufactured prior to September 2007 need be replaced before the next jump! If the new cutters are not available, your Dual Hawk Tandem System must be grounded until it’s in compliance. You may visit the following URL for more information on the AVIACOM’s Service Bulletin: ashx <> Answer... (Question on pg.1) A) Below 1,000 feet, land with the plane. B) For exits at 3,000 feet AGL or below, use the reserve. Remember, the Cypres AAD is set to fire at 2,000 feet, but first it must reach 3000 feet in order to arm itself. You must pull your reserve ripcord, as always. C) From 3,000 feet to 5,000 feet, deploy the drogue and main immediately after clearing the aircraft. D)Above 5,000 feet use normal drogue and main procedures. Maintenance on the DHT System is Crucial! You should not let a component of your Dual Hawk Tandem System get this deteriorated before replacing it or sending it in for repair. The attached photo of a recycled riser is an example of an extreme negligence on the part of the DZO, the packer, the rigger responsible for the 25 jump inspection, and the T/Is who have been using this rig without looking at the system. The T/Is should make themselves knowledgeable of the DZ’s DHT maintenance program as well as thoroughly inspecting any Tandem system that they are about to jump. So, what would have happened if this riser was to break during deployment? 1. Notice it is the left riser, and it has the R.S.L. attachment, which we all should be using. 2. Upon separation the R.S.L. would have deployed the reserve into the main which was still attached at the right riser. 3. The chances of a reserve/main entanglement would have been extremely high, making the chances of survival extremely low. 4. Two lives could have been lost for no justifiable reason. 5. The T/I would have been responsible because he did not actually inspect the DHT system before he made the jump. 6. The DZO would have been guilty of negligence in maintaining the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. 7. The Tandem System manufacturer would be sued. Everyone involved in Tandem operations has to conduct their business as if their life depends on it. Congratulations to, The Skydive Pepperell Team! Congratulations to the Skydive Pepperell Staff for an amazing 2010 Season. Due to the collaboration of their Tandem Instructors, Packers, Video Photographers, Office Staff, Pilots, Riggers, Twin Otter Owners and of course Fran, they were able to set a new Tandem jumping record at their DZ. They ended their 2010 Season with a grand total of 5003 Tandems. Page 2 • T/I: Dave Lane • Pass: Kevin Coyne T/I: Dave Lane • Pass: Morgan Sullivan 407.859.9317 • 11236 Satellite Boulevard • Orlando, FL 32837 T/I: Josh Siegel • Pass: Craig Minoff Tips, Stories & Headlines Letter From Tandem Parachute Manufacturers The matter of Tandem student/passenger’s legal age has become one of most importance. Through misleading advertising by Drop Zones and Tandem Instructors it has become unclear to the skydiving community what is the actually legal age for this practice. To the right you’ll be able to view a declaration letter signed by all three US Tandem Parachutes Manufacturers. They have jointly stated that their Tandem Parachute Systems are not to be used to carry student/passengers under the age of majority, or 18 years old, whichever is higher. If you are taking student passengers under the age of 18 years of age, you must discontinue that practice. 18 If anyone wishes to operate their Tandem System outside the guidelines of the manufacturers, that drop zone, or individual, will no longer be supported with parts or maintenance from Strong Enterprises. Additionally, the Tandem Instructor rating issued by the manufacturer will be suspended or revoked. Notices of suspension or revocation will be forwarded to the FAA and USPA headquarters, where it is expected that your USPA T/I rating will also be suspended/revoked. You may send your questions or comments to Reminders! • All Tandem Instructor Examiner renewal applications are due. All TI/Es who have turned them in will received their “Letter of Designation” in January. • All T/Is must submit their annual T/I Questionnaire. Form can be downloaded at • If you would like to feature your DZ or a T/I’s accomplishments you can email your info to tandem@ 5003!! ms T/I: Dave Lane • Pass: Kevin Coyne e ”It was on the last load Sunday tand evening (October 31, 2010), on the last flight of the Twin Otter for the season, in the cold, on the last day of the season, This is a New England record that will last for a long time. WOW!” - Don Mayer • S k yd i ve Pe p p e r e l l Te a m 407.859.9317 • 11236 Satellite Boulevard • Orlando, FL 32837 Page 3 TANDEM Newsletter - Issue 37 HAPPY Tandem Meet & Greet at You’re Invited to... 2011 If you RSVP you will receive a T-shirt and other free gifts from Strong. The Tandem Meet and Greet on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 at the PIA Symposium in Reno, Nevada. Stop by our booth for location & time information. You’ll enjoy food & drinks! You can RSVP by sending an e-mail to Please include your T-Shirt size in the e-mail. Page 4 • 407.859.9317 • 11236 Satellite Boulevard • Orlando, FL 32837