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Different & Dynamic. Bigga, Brighta, Betta!
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016 • Website:
Tel: 647-669-9320 • Fax: 416-292-2943 • Email:
Connector Crowned Calypso Monarch
“Connector” (Joel Davis) is Toronto's New 2016
Calypso Monarch! He was the most popular choice
with his winning composition entitled “The Dress”
from a field of fourteen contestants on July 25 at the
Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre, 4 Credit Union
Drive in East York.
The full results were as follows:
1.Connector (Joel Davis) 2.Macomere Fifi (Tara
Woods) 3. De Carra (Leslie Carrabon)
4. Tie - Dennis James & Mr Wonderful (Steve
Clarke)6. Lady Scorpio (Norma Coar)
7. Antz (Wendell Ramdeen)8. Web (Hamilton
Alexander)9. King Cosmos (Henry Gomez)10.
Brown Sugar (Colleen Trotman)11. Scotty
(Hamilton Scott)12. Kenny C (Kennedy Caliste)13.
Loveman Kent (Kent Merchant) and 14. Dynasty
(Alfred Caton)
Special Awards were also presented in the following
Best Lyrics – Macomere Fifi “Soca Quest”; Best
Melody – Connector “The Dress”; Best
Presentation- Kenny C “Too Much Poverty”; Most
Original Calypso-Connector “The Dress”; Best
Rendition-Kenny C “Too Much Poverty”; Best
Composition on a Local Topic-Web “More Funding
for Carnival”; Most Humourous-Connector-“The
Dress”; Best Arrangement-Connector-“The Dress”;
The Peoples Choice – Connector-“The Dress”
Jagdeo Tells Queens Crowd “There's An Assault On Guyanese Of
Indian Origins. Calls For Community Spirt To Defend “Our People!”
-Opposition Leader and Former President Bharrat
Jagdeo, attempted to drum up support for his party
during a Guyana family fun day event in Queens,
New York over the July 20 weekend. During a short
speech at the open air event, Mr. Jagdeo told the
crowd of mostly Indo-Guyanese migrants, that
there is currently an assault on Guyanese of Indian
origin in Guyana and there is also an assault on
Guyanese who support the PPP.
Dressed in a green shirt, the Opposition Leader
painted a gloomy picture on Guyana as he
encouraged community work.
He said “it is good to see so many of you out here
and that you keep the spirit of our community alive.
This spirit is essential here for our people to make
progress but it is the same spirit that we need back in
Guyana now. A spirit of community to ensure that
we defend our people, through these dark times”.
“Most of you are familiar with what is taking place
at home now. There is an assault on our democracy.
There is an assault on people of Indian origin. There
is an assault of supporters of the PPP. What we
thought would never return to Guyana, in just one
short year, has returned with full force and even
worse in some regards than the Burnham era. From
snatching people's land that have transport to the
passage of new laws”, Jagdeo said.
He went on to tell the Queens gathering that the
government has introduced increase in taxes that
target the rural poor people of Guyana, “and you
know who live in the rural areas. It is mainly our
Jagdeo has been accused in the past of attempting to
drum up racial hostility in Guyana. He was charged
privately last year for statements he made during a
PPP rally at Babu John.
Many political observers have expressed no
surprise over his latest speech and its tone and
believe it is part of Jagdeo and the PPP's efforts to
rally a section of its supporters against the current
government. One political observer has described
his new efforts as “dangerous”.
Jagdeo also promised the Queens crowd that “we
are going to take back Guyana. We will take it back
from these people”.
The Guyana Government has since condemned
Jagdeo's remarks as race baiting!
Page 2 •
31 Progress Avenue, Suite 210
Toronto, Ontario, M1P4S6
Tel: 416-298-3200 • Fax: 416-298-3440
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Ontario Launches
Cultural Strategy
Ontario is launching its first Culture
Strategy, which establishes goals and
actions to promote participation in
arts and culture, build on the sector's
economic impact in communities
across the province and help
Ontarians tell their stories and express
themselves. Eleanor McMahon,
Minister of Tourism, Culture and
Sport, was in Toronto at the Art
Gallery of Ontario on July 20 to make
the announcement. The strategy
reflects the input of nearly 3,000
people who provided feedback last
fall during Culture Talks, a threemonth public engagement process on
the value of culture in people's lives.
Key actions include:
* Supporting the use of more
Canadian authors' content in schools
* Helping to conserve heritage
buildings with energy efficiency
improvements through Ontario's
Climate Change Action Plan
* Enhancing technical and business
skills training for workers in the
culture sector
* Developing a new fund to support
cultural activities in Indigenous
communities and supporting youth
cultural camps that build leadership
and promote awareness of traditional
Engagement in arts and culture is a
catalyst for creative thinking and
innovation. Communities where arts
and culture thrive attract creative,
talented and skilled people to live and
work there. These are essential
qualities in the knowledge economy
and vital to Ontario's future growth
and prosperity.
Supporting arts and culture is part of
the government's economic plan to
build Ontario up and deliver on its
number-one priority to grow the
economy and create jobs. The fourpart plan includes helping more
people get and create the jobs of the
future by expanding access to highquality college and university
education. The plan is making the
largest infrastructure investment in
hospitals, schools, roads, bridges and
transit in Ontario's history and is
investing in a low-carbon economy
driven by innovative, high-growth,
export-oriented businesses. The plan
is also helping working Ontarians
achieve a more secure retirement.
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Guyana Festival's
25th Anniversary • Page 3
Caribbean Jewel
The Guyana Festival, another of people who attended.
the planned events in Toronto to During the day they said close to
mark Guyana's 50th Independence 3000 people passed through the
A n n i v e r s a r y w a s h e l d a t venue and they vowed that next
Downsview Park on Sunday, July year will be an even better Guyana
17, 2016. Guyanese in the Greater Festival.
Toronto Area came out in numbers Lead Festival Organizers Victor
to sample their native cuisine, Yacob and Malcolm Cho Kee said
witness cultural performances, they'd like to thank the volunteers,
participate in and watch a food business owners, sponsors, trade
eating competition and purchase show participants and those who
Guyanese made products from attended for their support and
trade show booths.
looked forward for their input in
Festival organizers said that given future Guyana Festival events.
the challenges in finding a suitable This year the Guyana Festival
venue and having to make last marked 25 years since it began as
minute changes they were an outdoor celebration to mark
encouraged with the number of Guyana's Independence Day.
Bajan Beauty: In honour of Barbados’ 2016 Crop Over Festival, we are pleased to feature
this beautiful Bajan model from Krave Carnival’s Burlesque. No doubt she will be
“doing Dixie, wukking up” down Spring Garden Parkway come Kadooment Monday!
Call Now For 2016
Special Pricing
Beat The Rush, Send Now
Page 4 •
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Guest Commentary:
Guyana 50th Awards: Pick 5, Choose 1.
On October 1, 2016 the Guyanese-Canadian
Community will celebrate Guyana's May 16, 2016
50th Independence Anniversary at an Awards Gala.
Some 600+ Guests, including many dignatories, are
expected to attend the $100 per plate Gala which will
be held at Scarborough's Brighton Convention &
Event Center. During the evening's proceedings
Awards will be presented to individuals who have
made outstanding contributions to the GuyaneseCanadian Community in the following categories:
Arts & Culture; Academic Excellence; Business
Excellence; Community Service (Individual);
Community Service (Organizational); Education;
Individual Under The Age of 30; Professional;
Science & Technology and Sports.
Over the past few weeks, the Gala's Organizing
Committee has been soliciting nominations for
worthy recipients of the Awards in the respective
categories. Because of time constraints, during the
Gala, only one Award will actually be presented in
each of the respective ten categories. In keeping with
the evening's Guyana 50th theme however, an
additional forty nominees will also be recognized by
means of inclusion of their profiles in the lifelong
keepsake Souvenir Programme. Copies of the
Programme will be distributed to all Gala attendees
and will also be distributed, post event, to the wider
To date the response to the Organizing Committee's
Award Nominations outreach activities has not
surprisingly been disappointing poor. The
documentation requested in support of Nominations
is ridiculously cumbersome and obviously wholly
impractical. Thankfully the Committee should soon
be requesting revised, much simpler, documentation
that can very easily be compiled and submitted via
For the greater majority of the categories identifying
worthy recipients should not be at all overly
difficult. Some categories: Academic Excellence,
Education, Science & Technology and the
Individual Under 30 are those which come to mind
as perhaps presenting some degree of challenge. The
others should be no-brainers, brimful of readily
identifiable, very worthy candidates.
The Sports category is in particular one for which
there will be very many worthy candidates.
Charmaine Hooper, the Canadian National Soccer
player, Ave Morgan, female Cricketer, Body Builder
Laura Crevalle and Priscilla Lopes the Olympic
Hurdler are a few female candidates that
immediately spring to mind. On the male side,
Cyclists Eon Dornellas and Aubrey Bryce, Mark
McKoy the Olympic Gold Medal Hurdler and
Eggerton Marcus the Boxer will be obvious
contenders. Try selecting just one, or even five, from
that lot!
The Business and Professional categories are others
which are also chock full of worthy candidates. For
the Professional Category, there will be numerous
Lawyers, Doctors, Accountants and others to choose
from. The likes of Dhaman Kisson, the Sharmas:
Roop, Chet and Ishwar, Tamesh Lilmohan are
readily identifiable. On the Business side, the Sue
Sisters: Natasha and Kim who have so admirably
taken over the Norman Sue Bakery operations since
their Dad's sad passing, are certainly deserving. So
too are Laparkan's Toronto CEO Jean DeCastro, Mr
Irie Spices: Eric Rodrigues, Robin Narine of
Narine's Bakery, Atlas Cargo's Ken Singh, R&S
Cargo's Roy Singh, Tropical Nights Owner Nizam
Ally, Ken Singh of Ken's Jewellery Charlie Budhoo
and the entire Charley's Groceries clan plus a host of
The names of all these individuals and others should
be submitted as very worthy nominees for the
Guyana 50th Independence Awards. In actual fact
the Awards are an opportunity for us to demonstrate
our appreciation for the outstanding contributions
they have made to our Guyanese Community. So
let's all get busy with our nomination submissions.
For each category, simply pick five and choose one!
Worth Repeating: Guest Editorial, Jul 25, 2016 Government, Ministry of the Presidency
Government Condemns Jagdeo Race Baiting!
Statement Of The Government Of The Cooperative Republic Of Guyana
The Government of the Cooperative
Republic of Guyana is disappointed
with, and condemns, in the strongest
possible terms, the irresponsible,
hateful race baiting and malicious
fabrications and falsehoods uttered by
Opposition Leader Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo
at an event in New York recently.
At a time when our people are focused
on the efforts to foster closer relations
and achieve a greater level of social
cohesion, the Coalition Government
considers it reprehensible that the
Opposition Leader, Mr. Jagdeo
chooses to sow seeds of division,
discord and race hate.
The claim that there is an “assault on
people of Indian origin” is despicable,
without any basis and a complete
figment of Mr. Jagdeo's imagination.
On the contrary, the policies of the
Coalition Government are designed to
achieve the good life for all Guyanese,
not a handpicked few as was the case
under the PPP regime which was
rejected by the Guyanese electorate on
May 11, 2015 in free and fair elections.
Speaking to a predominantly IndoGuyanese, audience Mr. Jagdeo
attempted to inject among them a
feeling that they are victims. The recent
census has shown that the exodus of
Indo-Guyanese was not abated during
Mr. Jagdeo's 12 year tenure as
President. Instructively, the single
largest exodus went to the United
States of America where they live and
work under the presidency of an
African American.
Also under Mr. Jagdeo's presidency
Guyana witnessed the incestuous
relationship with drug lords that
spawned the death of hundreds of
young people and several episodes of
massacres and assassinations
including that of a sitting government
Mr. Jagdeo is in fact insulting the
intelligence of Indo-Guyanese and all
Guyanese who have repudiated him for
the pervasive corruption under his
The Coalition Government remains
committed to stabilizing the Guyanese
economy after years of lawlessness,
nepotism, corruption, cronyism,
mismanagement, misrule and the
flagrant misuse of resources.
Though alarming, these hateful
divisive utterances are not surprising,
as they represent what appears to be a
well orchestrated plan of propaganda
which has been spewed locally but
which is now being taken
internationally by the opposition PPP.
All Jaganites will hang their heads in
shame that Mr. Jagdeo has descended
into the racist cesspit while pulling
with him, the PPP that had once
boasted of a credible record as a multiracial party.
Guyana, under the rainbow Coalition
of the APNU+AFC has a genuinely
multiracial government made up of six
political parties and all ethnicities.
Guyana has a functioning
p a r l i a m e n t a r y d e m o c r a c y, a n
independent judiciary and a free press.
The People’s Paper, daring to be different.
Tel: 647.669.9320 • Fax: 905.813.9403
Graphic Design:
There are no political prisoners in
Guyana and unlike under the regime of
Mr. Jagdeo no one has been charged
with treason. There have been no
political killings as happened when the
peaceful protesters of Linden were
gunned down in 2012.
Mr. Jagdeo ought to swallow his
spurious racist claims over the fact that
under the PPP administration IndoGuyanese rice farmers were teargassed and assaulted and mainly IndoGuyanese sugar workers were brought
to their knees as the Jagdeo-led
administration dragged the sugar
industry into bankruptcy and
indebtedness of over $100 BILLION.
Racism is the well known last refuge of
the politically desperate and the
Coalition Government calls on all
right-thinking and patriotic Guyanese
to reject Mr. Jagdeo's continued
attempts at sowing racial divisions in
our society.
Tony McWatt
Selwyn Baboolal, Chef Phillip Hendricks,
Dr. Richard Lai, Isa Rahamat, Zorena Sawh,
Vegentia Ramkhelawan, Dr. George Traitses
Oumarally and Baboolal
Haroon Gafur
Julie Rambali,
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Stuart Riles Against Opposition
BRIDGETOWN, A fiery Prime
Minister Freundel Stuart has labelled
the Barbados Labour Party (BLP)
members as 'spineless' while
describing Opposition candidate for
Christ Church West, Dr William
Duguid, as a 'political renegade' and
Addressing party supporters at the
Christ Church West's July 25 annual
luncheon at Almond Bay, Stuart
blasted Opposition MPs who joined
party leader Mia Mottley, in
abstaining from a vote in Parliament
l a s t Tu e s d a y t o a m e n d t h e
Constitution to move the retirement
age of the Auditor General and the
Director of Public Prosecutions from
62 to 67. Stuart said his Government
had nothing to lose in the defeated
vote that killed the Constitution
(amendment) Bill 2016, “but it will
stand there as a monument to the
spinelessness of people like Kerrie
Symmonds, and Edmund Hinkson,
and Ronald Toppin, and Jeffrey
Bostick, and Gline Clarke”.
Including Mottley in his vitriol, he
said, “she was able on Tuesday in the
House of Assembly to get the people
whom she leads to follow her into
abstaining from a vote to clean up a
mess that she created.
“A collection of spineless men – they
have spines but they had them on
mortgage to Mia Mottley, they were
not carrying them at the time.
“If they wanted to be real men they
would have to borrow their spines
from her, but she has them on
mortgage, and therefore they could
not vote against her will … so when
she says jump, they have to ask how
He added, “Their spinal cords were
with her, and they could only be men,
if they borrow back their spines from
her in order to put on the appearance
of men”. • Page 5
Yearwood Reigns As Bajan Soca Monarch
BRIDGETWON, Before a massive
crowd estimated as perhaps the biggest
ever at Bushy Park, St Philip, Edwin
Yearwood retained his Sweet Soca
Competition crown with a sizzling
rendition of Home Sweet Home.
With 25 points on offer for performance, a
similar number for melody and 20 for
lyrics, points gained in those three
categories especially would have gone a
long way towards the 86 total he
eventually accumulated.
Edwin performed the song which extolled
the virtues of his homeland with much
aplomb. And for those who often discount
the relevance of vocal ability in the this
party genre, Edwin reminded those
present of his excellent vocal skills,
working his voice through several
changes of pitch with the ease of the
consummate professional that he is.
The energy, dynamism on stage, the
coordinated dancers, the fireworks and
the use of the national colours in the
costumes, were simply the icing on a
night when Edwin's vocal skills enhanced
his performance and proved the cake on
which the thousands feasted and provided
his path to another crown. For his efforts
he won $10 000 and a car valued at $81
New BHTA Board Appointed
BRIDGETOWN,The Barbados Hotel
and Tourism Association (BHTA) has
appointed its new Board for the 2016
–2018 period, headed by new Chairman
Roseanne Myers.
Other members of the Board include
Immediate Past Chairman Sunil Chatrani;
First Vice-Chairman Jerry Lewis; Second
Vice-Chairman Kavita Sandiford; Vice
President – Finance Colin Jordan; Vice
President – Direct Tourism Services
(DTS) Allan Kinch; Chairperson – DTS
Vanita Commission; Chairperson –
Luxury Class, Karen Capaldi;
Chairperson – A Class Paul Collymore,
and Chairperson – B Class & Apartments
Robyn Gollop-Knight.
Also on the Board are representatives of
the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc.,
William Griffith, Barbados Tourism
Product Authority, Dr Kerry Hall,
Intimate Hotels, Omar Allahar and
C a r i b b e a n H o t e l a n d To u r i s m
Association, Patricia Affonso-Dass.
Myers is the first Direct Tourism Services
(DTS) member ever to hold the position
of Chairman, a historic move that has
been lauded by Caribbean Hotel and
Tourism Association`s (CHTA) CEO and
Director General, Frank J. Comito.
Norman Sue Bakery Ltd.
Thanks for your loyal and much appreciated continuing support.
Page 6 •
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
St Lucian Diplomat Dies While
Appointment Is Under Review!
Antigua Mas Association
Calls For Ban On T-Shirt Mas!
Chastanet who, while in opposition,
had questioned the legitimacy of his
Juffali shot into the local spotlight last
year, when the previous Dr. Kenny
Anthony-led administration refused to
waive his diplomatic immunity so that
he could face the divorce suit filed by
Estrada. Questions were asked about
Juffali's appointment, since he did not
have any known qualifications in
maritime law and there was no public
record of him ever attending any
meetings of the UK-based IMO.
A High Court judge subsequently ruled
that Juffali had secured the appointment
in April 2014 to avoid the suit,
following the breakdown of his
marriage. He and the former super
model were formally divorced in
December of that same year.
Shortly after becoming Prime Minister
when his United Workers Party won
elections in June, Chastanet said
Juffali's appointed was among several
diplomatic postings which were being
Carnival Tuesday, they
should not allow it at all. It
takes away from the
fantasy of Carnival, the
costumes and colours and
so forth,” Thomas said.
The designer and leader of
the Silkdus Mas' Troupe
said he has no problem
with t-shirt mas once it
sticks to the dedicated
times. The mas' builder
said the Carnival product
could suffer if t-shirt mas
were to become too popular on the main
Carnival days.
But Sir Clarence 'Oungku' Edwards
who started the trend of t-shirt mas' on
the two main days defended the style.
The Burning Flames front man argued
that t-shirts can also be considered
costumes when decorated or designed.
CASTRIES, St. Lucia, The status of St.
Lucia's Permanent Representative to
the International Maritime
Organization (IMO), under scrutiny by
the country's new government, is now a
moot point. Dr. Walid Juffali has died at
the age of 61 after a battle with cancer –
just weeks after his ex-wife Christina
Estrada was awarded £75 million
(US$98.3 million) in what the media
described as the largest divorce
settlement in English legal history.
International media reports indicate he
passed away on July 20 in Zurich,
where he was undergoing treatment.
The Saudi billionaire's position as St.
Lucia's IMO representative had been
under scrutiny by Prime Minister Allen
Vice President of the Antigua &
Barbuda Mas' Association Barry
Thomas is calling on the Festivals
Commission to ban t-shirt style mas' on
the road for Carnival Monday and
“T-shirt is not no mas'; there is nothing
called t-shirt mas, it is a t-shirt jam. The
authorities should not allow anybody to
have a t-shirt jam on, especially,
St Kitts Making Energy Progress
BASSETERRE, St Kitts, Ian 'Patches'
Liburd, minister with responsibility for
energy, gave an update on a number of
projects currently taking place in St
Kitts and Nevis with respect to
alternative energy and noted that things
are progressing well.
Liburd was at the time speaking at a
town hall meeting on Monday, July 18,
and pointed out that with respect to
electricity/energy, the government is
doing all in its power to ensure that
everyone benefits.
The minister noted that wind energy is
presently being pursued.
The minister said that the efforts are
ongoing because it is predicted in the
next five years, with all the
developments and construction
occurring in St Kitts, that the demand
for electricity will be increased by some
18 megawatts. In addition to the wind
farm, Liburd said that the government
continues to explore the possibility of
geothermal energy on St Kitts.
Teranov, a French engineering and
services company for new and
renewable energy based in Guadeloupe,
has recently begun geothermal
exploration exercises in the Sandy
Point area around Brimstone Hill, going
to the top of Mount Liamigua.
St Kitts and Nevis hosted to a three-day
regional geothermal forum from May
10 to 12, 2016, organized by the
Organization of Eastern Caribbean
States (OECS) and the Caribbean
Community (CARICOM), at which
Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris said,
“Our goal is that, by the year 2020,
nearly 100 percent of the electricity
supplied in the country would be
produced from renewable energy
“We aim to become the first green
country in the world,” Harris said
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Corrupt Earnings Bloating
Guyana's Economy.
GEORGETOWN, Recent statistics
have painted a rosy picture of Guyana's
But are these stats telling the truth about
the health of the nation? Or are they
hiding some worrying socio-economic
According to Executive Member of the
Working People's Alliance (WPA), Dr.
David Hinds, economic statistics do not
always tell the story of the poor and
powerless in the society. In fact, the
political activist said that those
statistics often mask that story.
In his most recent column, he opined
that the ultimate measure of the health
of an economy such as Guyana's, is the
extent to which people are working and
making a living wage, and whether
small- and medium-sized businesses
are generating a living income for their
Chartered Accountant, Anand
Goolsarran tends to agree. Even he
opined that some financial analysts get
carried away by economic indicators
such as the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP). He stressed, however, that the
real test of the economy's health would
involve an on the ground check with the
vendors, the farmers, the businessmen
and even the consumers.
The Chartered Accountant said that
Guyana cannot and should not go along
anymore with an economy that was
allowed by the past regime to become
“obese with immorality and rank
corruption.” Goolsarran said he is in
support of government's move to clamp
down on corruption for it is necessary
for the nation's future wellbeing.
Recently, the Ministry of Finance
reported that Central Government's
revenues totaled $53.4 billion at the end
of April 2016. It explained that this
represents an increase of 5.9 percent or
$3 billion compared to revenue
collections during the same period –
January to April – last year.
Finance Minister, Winston Jordan had
said that this growth was mainly driven
by a number of factors. He said that
these include efficiency measures
implemented by the Government
including “tightening up at ports, new
focus on the regions and a clampdown
on illegal activities.”
The Finance Ministry in its Economic
Bulletin Report also stated that
increased non-tax revenues (revenue
earned from sources other than taxes) as
well as tax revenues, contributed to the
increase in central government
revenues. It said that the non-tax
revenues increased as a result of a
payment of $100 million by DDL and
increased spending during Jubilee
DJ Bashment Killed
GEORGETOWN, One of Guyana's
most popular Disc jockeys (DJ) Wavel
“Bashment” Sabsook was killed in a
road accident at Diamond, East Bank
Demerara, during the early morning
hours on Sunday, July 24. The driver of
the ill-fated car said another speeding
vehicle clipped his at about 5 AM,
causing his to topple and burst into
Sabsook flew out of the vehicle and he
died on the spot. He was reportedly
returning to his home at Grove, East
Bank Demerara from a party on the
West Demerara.
Police confirmed that they were
probing the accident that occurred just
outside Distribution Services Limited
Sabsook was the second child for his
parents to have died by accident. The
first was his sister several years ago on
the Linden-Soesdyke Highway. He
leaves to mourn his mom, whom he
supported, and a daughter. • Page 7
Spike In Drug
Fueled Murders
GEORGETOWN, Murders by
individuals who may have been under
the influence of drugs has been a
worrying trend over the past few
In January, three young men from
Bushlot, West Coast Berbice were
accused of hacking an 81 year-old
businessman and his reputed wife to
death during a burglary at their home.
One of the suspects reportedly
confessed to another murder/arson
that was committed three days into the
new year of 2016. That was when two
men bound a mother and son with
duct-tape at Bath Settlement, West
Coast Berbice.
They reportedly then set the house
alight, before escaping with some
valuables. The son escaped but his
mother perished in the fire.
In May an elderly man from
Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara, was
allegedly beaten to death by his drugaddicted son.
And in June, a 28-year-old man,
allegedly under the influence of
drugs, was accused of stabbing his
brother to death. The suspect was
described by another sibling as a
marijuana addict and was reportedly
in the habit of terrorizing his family.
In addition, the suspect was
previously charged with break and
entry and simple larceny.
Then early this month, a 27-year-old
man from West Coast Demerara,
reportedly hacked his reputed wife
and their two-year-old son to death,
while also severely wounding his
He allegedly turned up at another
community on the West Bank
Demerara where he attacked a
resident, before being shot by a police
officer. A few days later, a street fight
near the Stabroek Market between
two drug addicts ended with one man
Then there was the recent case in
which a 16-year-old boy allegedly
sneaked into his elderly stepfather's
home and butchered the old man in his
Page 8 •
Vybz Kartel Blanking Guyana
KINGSTON, Jamaican dancehall
artiste Vybz Kartel has dropped
Guyana from future travel plans,
saying that he would rather tour Iraq
than land here.
“I refused to go there before the ban
was imposed so that ban wasn't
necessary. I banned myself. Big up the
Guyanese Gaza fans but I would sooner
tour Iraq than go to Guyana,” Kartel
was quoted as saying by The Jamaica
He was at the time reacting to a ban of
vulgar songs in his catalogue from the
airwaves of the state-run National
Communications Network (NCN).
Refuting reports of a total ban on
Kartel's music on Wednesday, NCN
programme manager Martin
Goolsarran explained that the network
had a longstanding policy of not airing
music that was of bad taste, promoted
violence or was offensive to any group
or religion.
Vybz Kartel
In the Jamaica Star report on Thursday,
Kartel, however, linked the ban to his
pulling out of a scheduled appearance
at a government-supported Jam Zone
Summer Break concert last month.
“Unfortunately, I didn't attend the show
and that is the reason why the ban on
my music was imposed. With that
being said, I care zero about them and
their ban because I won't be visiting
Guyana ever,” he was quoted as saying.
The artiste also suggested that the
reason he refused to board a Caribbean
Airlines flight to the Jam Zone concert
was due to alleged threats made against
him by Guyanese. The report added
that he had previously cancelled
another performance in Guyana for
similar reasons.
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Tourism Minister
To Visit China
KINGSTON, Tourism Minister Andrew Holness government is
Edmund Bartlett says he will be projecting five billion dollar (One
visiting China as Jamaica looks to Jamaica dollar =US$0.008 cents)
that Asian country to boost cruise in earnings from five million
ship visitors to the island.
cruise ship passengers stopping
“In September I am going to over by 2021.
China, and we are going to talk Bartlett said that the projected
about the possibility of having growth in the tourism industry
Chinese cruise emanating from should result in more than 120,000
within our area and going into the persons being directly employed
rest of the Caribbean. That would and another 300,000 persons from
enable us to look at other ports,” induced employment.
Bartlett said, noting that the
Jamaica To Participate In
Global Zika Vaccine Trials
KINGSTON, Jamaica will soon be
participating in clinical trials to
find a vaccine to treat the
mosquito-borne Zika Virus.
Minister of Health Dr. Christopher
Tu f t o n s a y s t h e i s l a n d ' s
participation is part of an
international study and fight
against Zika. The clinical trials are
supported by the World Health
Organization (WHO).
Tufton said a vaccine could
become available within a year.
Jamaica is among some 65
countries fighting Zika. And the
Health Minister reiterated that the
virus isn't going anywhere in any
He says the Government is
determined to empower citizens to
fight Zika through the free flow of
information at all levels. Tufton
believes that once people are
informed, they will be better able
to tackle the virus.
Jamaica has recorded 44
confirmed cases of the Zika virus,
but there are more than 3,000
suspected cases.
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Trini's Worried Following
Meeting Leads To
Robocop's Murder!
Deeper Understanding
PORT-OF-SPAIN, Jamaican Prime
Minister, Andrew Holness, has said
that his July 18 bilateral meeting with
Prime Minister of Trinidad and
Tobago, Dr Keith Rowley, has led to a
deeper understanding of critical
issues between the two countries.
Making a brief statement following
the meeting, Holness said he and
Rowley have developed a good
friendship and understanding.
The Trinidadian prime minister, in
turn, declared the meeting a
productive one, noting that a
foundation has been laid for further
discussion and work in other areas.
Follow-up discussions will be
conducted throughout the rest of
Rowley's official visit, after which a
more in-depth statement will be made
in a press conference on Thursday.
Minister of foreign affairs and foreign
trade, Kamina Johnson Smith, said
the brief meeting between the prime
ministers set a tone of strong
cooperation, deepening friendships
and expanded partnerships.
Staycations Being
once again being encouraged to
enjoy 'staycations', following the
launch of the Tourism Development
Company's (TDC) domestic
tourism campaign, “Stay To Get
Tourism Minister Shamfa Cudjoe
touted the financial benefits of
choosing to vacation within
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) rather
than journeying to abroad.
“Yes the international traveller
generates foreign currency inflows
and that is critical but when (local)
holiday makers stay here, we retain
the hard currency that might have
been spent abroad. As simple as it
seems, it keeps many businesses
afloat during the low and lonely
periods. Yes, your staycation
redistributes your currency within
the boundaries of your own
Citing data from a 2013 TDC
survey, Cudjoe said 263,300
overnight domestic trips were taken
by TT households over the survey
period. During he survey period, an
average of TT $295 was spent on
each day of an overnight trip, which
added up to an estimated spend of
more than TT $800 million.
Cudjoe was speaking at the
campaign's July 22 formal launch at
Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain. The
Stay To Get Away campaign, which
includes special discounts from the
Small Tourism Accommodation
Owners' of Trinidad and Tobago
(STAOTT), runs until the end of
August but Cudjoe assured that “as
we develop our domestic tourism
strategy, we intend to increase our
efforts to promote domestic tourism
all year round.” Referring to the
current recession, the Tourism
Minister noted that “some residents
are quickly adjusting their travel
behaviours and have elected to take
vacations within TT rather than
abroad.” Cudjoe said the ministry's
records show that the appeal of the
staycation, the long weekend
g e t a w a y, a n d t h e d o m e s t i c
experience has increased
significantly over recent years.
Looking specifically at data about
Tobago, the minister said the 2014
TDC survey revealed that
Trinidadian residents vacationing in
Tobago spent more TT $500 million
during their trips.
This adds up to about 59 percent of
Total Domestic Travel Expenditure.
Meanwhile, persons from Tobago
visiting Trinidad spent
approximately TT $250 million.
PORT OF SPAIN, Say the word
“Robocop” in Trinidad and Tobago
and the first thing that comes to
mind is not the 1987 American
action film, but Selwyn “Robocop”
Alexis, a businessman and allegedly
a major crime lord.
Police had, in the past, arrested
Alexis on various charges,
including kidnapping, armed
robbery, extortion, and perverting
the course of justice. None of the
charges ever stuck, but trouble
found “Robocop” on July 17, 2016,
when he died in a shootout at a carwash compound he owned in central
According to reports, two others
were killed in the violence. Alexis
apparently killed one of the
assailants before succumbing to his
own injuries, and a random
customer also died in the gunfire. A
five-year-old boy was shot as well,
and is currently receiving care at a
local hospital. Police have
expressed concerns that the murder
could spark a turf war between rival
gangs operating in the area.
The news broke quickly on social
media. On Facebook, Internet users
shared videos from the scene of the
shootout. Many people have felt
compelled to comment on the
I n T r i n i d a d a n d To b a g o ,
euphemisms abound when it comes
to describing gang leaders (and
there is no court-upheld evidence to
suggest that “Robocop” was one)
who are often called
“businessmen”, “community
leaders”, or “entrepreneurs”. But
because such figures may assist
people in downtrodden
communities, they are often revered
by residents who have come to
depend on them economically.
Alexis' widow has since suggested
that he was killed by “ungrateful”
people whom he would continually
help. When her husband realised
they did not want to work in order to
help themselves, she said, he
stopped the handouts and this
“angered” them. Making the point
that “Robocop” played the role of
mediator in the community, she
implied that the killers wanted him
out of the picture so that they could
have free rein with crime sprees in
the area.
Even as Alexis' son was giving
interviews to the media, saying that
his father was “a changed man” and
only wanted peace, some Twitter
users remained unconvinced.
Page 10 •
Good Foods To Eat
– Part I
Eat. Brush. Floss. Repeat! As you well
know the keys to dental health involve a
toothbrush, dental floss, and avoiding
certain foods (think sticky, sugary
But were you aware that certain foods
are actually good for your teeth and
gums? Turns out, simply eating lunch
could be a part of your daily dental
For instance, foods rich in calcium help
ensure not only strong bones, but also
healthy teeth. Other beneficial snacks
include those containing polyphenols
and probiotics, which can help
encourage a healthy environment in
your mouth.
So, go ahead — take a bite into these
tooth-friendly foods (plus, check out
which ones to avoid).
Milk. “Milk is one of the main sources
of sugars in the diet,” says Ellie Phillips,
DDS, a founding member of the
nonprofit American Academy for Oral
Systemic Health and author of Kiss
Your Dentist Goodbye.
But that's not an excuse to skimp on the
white stuff: Drinking milk can actually
promote healthy teeth and bones. “The
sugar in milk is lactose, which is the
least damaging to teeth,” explains Dr.
Phillips, and the calcium found in the
beverage helps kids develop strong
baby and adult teeth.
In addition, Phillips says, studies have
shown that when cavity-causing
foodsare eaten along with milk
(cookies, anyone?), the milk can
actually help protect teeth from
damage. If you don't drink milk, ask
your dentist about toothpastes that can
remineralize your teeth.
However, as good for your teeth as milk
is during the day, it can be a hazard to
them at night. Always be sure to brush
before sleeping, and think twice before
putting a child to bed with a bottle of
milk (or juice or other sweetened
drink). These beverages can linger on
the teeth, causing extensive damage.
Green tea. Certain teas may promote
dental health because they contain
polyphenols, which have the potential
to clean plaque from the teeth. In fact,
researchers in Japan found that people
who drank one or more cups of green
tea a day had decreased odds of losing
their teeth. However, Phillips warns
that even though teas may be good for
your teeth, they can be acidic, which
can be harmful — so sip carefully.
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Bra Seizure Leads To Dismissed
Impaired Driving Charge
-Police forces in the United States
have come under fire for using lethal
force against black males. In Ontario
it would seem that the police are more
interested in removing women's bras.
The Toronto Star reported two cases
recently where women were arrested
and forced to remove their brassieres.
In the case of Jessica Chater she was
arrested in March 2015 for impaired
driving. Upon being arrested and
while in custody of the Chatham-Kent
police she was forced to remove her
bra. The matter was in court recently
and the judge presiding over the case
dismissed the charge because she
found that the accused's constitutional
rights had been violated.
The Chatham-Kent police indicated
that their policy is to remove bras
from women who are lodged in cells
because the bra could be used for
strangulation. Fortunately the judge
hearing this particular case saw how
ridiculous this practice is. In this
particular case there was no
indication that Charter was unstable
or posed a threat to her upon her own
safety or her fellow cell mate. While it
is completely understandable that
police routinely seize, and remove
items from individuals who are
arrested and lodged in cells, the basis
for this type of seizure is safety.
However to routinely remove
women's undergarments when a
female is arrested is absolutely
absurd. Not only is this practice
absurd, but as the judge found in the
Chater case it amounts to a breach of
one's Charter Of Rights. Under our
Canadian Charter Of Rights and
Freedoms we are protected against
unreasonable search and seizure.
Section 8 stipulates:
Everyone has the right to be
secure against unreasonable search
and seizure.
If the police in exercising their duties
engages in an unreasonable search &
or seizure of your privacy or property,
then the appropriate remedy is to have
the evidence obtained as a result of the
unreasonable search/seizure
excluded. This remedy is provided for
by section 24 of the charter and it
seems to protect the individual while
keeping the state and police in check.
Often if a charter violation is so
flagrant, the court would be inclined
to dismiss the charges against the
accused because proceeding in the
face of a flagrant violation of
individual rights anf freedoms would
bring the administration of justice
into disrepute.
At the end of the day if you feel that
you have been treated unfairly or your
rights have been treated unfairly or
your rights have been violated during
the course of an arrest, speak to an
experienced criminal lawyer.
Selwyn R. Baboolal is a
partner at Oumarally Baboolal
practicing in the area of litigation for
the past 21 years.
This is intended for
information purposes only and you
should consult a lawyer if you need
legal representation or a legal
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Relevant Info!
At a country-club party a young man
was introduced to an attractive girl.
Immediately he began paying her
court and flattering her outrageously.
The girl liked the young man, but she
was taken a bit aback by his fast and
ardent pitch. She was amazed when
after 30 minutes he seriously
proposed marriage.
“Look", she said. "We only met a
half hour ago. How can you be so
sure? We know nothing about each
“You're wrong", the young man
declared. "For the past 5 years I've
been working in the bank where your
father has his account.
Pre Wedding Bliss
Blind Love
A Soon-To-Be-Bride goes to church
a week before her wedding to
confess her sins to the priest.
"Forgive me Father, for I have
“Tell all of your sins, my daughter."
"Oh, Father, last night my boyfriend
made hot, passionate love to me
seven times", She says.
The priest thinks about this long and
hard and says: "Take seven lemons
and squeeze the juice into a tall glass
and drink it.”
"Will this cleanse my soul of my
sins?", She replies.
"No", the priest says, "but it'll wipe
that smile off your face!
After a quarrel, a husband said to his wife: "You know, I was a fool when I married
She replied: "Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn't notice.”
Gratitude Dancing
Husband takes the wife to a disco.
There's a guy on the dance floor
giving it all break dancing,
moonwalking, back flips, the works.
The wife turns to her husband and
says: "See that guy? 25 years ago he
proposed to me and I turned him
Husband says: "Looks like he's still
Change Of Mind
A wife got so mad at her husband she
packed his bags and told him to get
As he walked to the door she yelled:
"I hope you die a long, slow, painful
He turned around and said: "So, you
want me to stay?"
Holding Exchange
Then there's the woman who goes to the dentist. As he leans over to begin working on
her, she grabs his crotch. The dentist says, "Madam, I believe you've got a hold of my
The woman replies, "Yes. Now, we're going to be careful not to hurt each other, aren't
Page 12 •
Application For Extension Of Status
Within Canada As A Visitor!
Summer is finally here and so are
thousands of family members and
friends, who will be visiting Canada
and may want/need to extend their
stay. When a Visitor lands in Canada,
their passport is normally stamped to
show the date they landed and how
much time they may remain in
Canada as a Visitor. The maximum
time that may be given is six months,
if no date is written below their date of
landing. If a date is written below their
date of landing, then this is the time
their status in Canada expires as a
Visitor. Please note that the expiry
date of your Visitor's Visa is different
from the date that you are allowed to
remain in the Country.
In order to extend your stay in Canada
as a Visitor, you need to submit a
formal application with the
application form, fees and supporting
documents explaining why you
would like to remain in Canada longer
- Example, you need to assist with a
newborn grandchild. Ensure that you
submit supporting documents to show
that your adult children will be
supporting you for the duration of
your stay.
Ensure that your application is sent
off before your current status expires
(CIC suggests 30 days). The time
period between when your status
expires and you hear from
immigration is referred to as having
“Implied Status”. You may remain in
Canada until you get a response from
Citizenship & Immigration Canada.
Once CIC processes your application,
they will send a written response with
either a Visitor's Extension document
or a Refusal letter, stating why the
application was refused. If the
application was refused, you have 90
days from the date of refusal to apply
for Restoration of your status.
Ensure that your application is
completed properly, the processing
fee is paid and the supporting
documents are included, before
sending off your package.
Nadine Mahabeer is a weekly guest
on “Immigration Mondays” on
Nationwide 90FM in Jamaica –
Monday mornings at 10am –
streaming live on the Internet.
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
How Much House Can You Afford:
Calculating Your Monthly Income
years, then add that to your regular
salary or hourly monthly income.
If you want a shortcut that is
usually close, get out your W2
forms for the last two years. Add
When a loan officer prequalifies them together and divide by
you, he works backwards to figure twenty-four. That is your monthly
your maximum mortgage amount. income.
You can do the same thing. The If you are a teacher, a nurse, a
first step is to determine your s e a s o n a l e m p l o y e e , i n
monthly income. It isn't quite as construction, or earn only parteasy as it sounds. Lenders only time income -- you can use that
count income they can document shortcut, too. Add the figures from
through paperwork.
your last two years W2's, then
If you are a salaried employee, and divide by 24. It generally gets you
don't earn bonuses, it's easy. Get close.
out your paycheck. If you get paid If you are self-employed or receive
twice a month, multiply by two. If 1099 income, then you need a twoyou are paid every two weeks, then year track record. Lenders go by
you multiply by 26 (the number of what you declare to the IRS as
pay periods in a year) and divide i n c o m e , s i n c e t h a t i s
by twelve. Unless you're a teacher. documentable. Since some selfTeachers don't always work year employed people overstate their
round and they have special rules. expenses, this may understate your
If you are an hourly employee who income. Look at the Schedule C of
works a straight forty hours a week your tax returns for the last two
and don't earn overtime income, years and the number at the bottom
then it's easy, too. Look at your that says "profit" is your annual
paycheck, multiply your hourly income. You can add any
rate by 40, multiply that total by depreciation to that figure. Add
52, then divide by twelve.
them together and divide by
If you earn overtime, bonuses, or twenty-four.
commissions -- it isn't as easy. T h e r e a r e v a r i a t i o n s a n d
Lenders don't give you credit for exceptions (like those who own
what you are currently earning. their own corporations) but the
They average your income from above should cover most people.
those sources over the last two
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Kitchen Staging Ideas To
Make Buyers Bite!
If you're selling your house,
staging—the mysterious practice by
which you prep and prettify your
home before its debut—can make a
huge difference in catching the
attention of buyers and ultimately
reeling in an offer. And the room
you'll really want to focus on here is
the kitchen: After all, it's the crown
jewel that buyers ooh and ahh
over—except when the counters are
packed with stacks of mail, nearempty boxes of Froot Loops, and a
hulking Cuisinart you rarely use.
To make sure this critical area is
perfectly poised to woo buyers, try
these home staging ideas for your
kitchen and get some offers cooking.
Clear off counters
Put it away—put it all away. We're
looking at you, coffee maker, blender,
knife block, standing mixer, and
toaster oven. And don't forget the top
of the refrigerator.Home staging in
this room is all about making your
kitchen look bigger, cleaner, and more
streamlined. And while you're in
purge mode, remove every bit of
paper and those souvenir magnets
from the refrigerator and cabinets.
The only thing you should keep on the
counter is a pop of color, such as a
pretty bowl of bright green apples or
Some experts recommend setting the
table with colorful plates and napkins
to give the kitchen a homey feel
Cleanliness is critical. Not only must
you clean the countertops, but the
grout, faucet, and grimy drain rim,
too. Try CLR (calcium, lime, and rust
remover) on the faucet to make sure
water flows through it smoothly.
Clean cabinet fronts to remove dust
and grime, and scrub greasy spatters
on the stove and backsplash with a
vinegar-water solution. And if you
have a stovetop with burns or food
rings, remove them with a soft soap
product and a razor blade—it'll look
almost like new.
Let as much natural light into the
space as you can, by either opening
heavy drapes or replacing them with
sheer panels. Have a kitchen that
looks out to a patio or deck through
glass doors? These must sparkle in
order to illuminate the space. “And if
you don't have under-cabinet
lights—get them,” recommends
Halpin. You can purchase batterypowered puck-shaped lights for very
little money and stick them under the
cabinets (it adds that extra glow that
every cook covets). • Page 13
Away From It All – Part II
Is cottage ownership for you? A look
at what it takes to make it happen.
Here are some more tips on how to
make your Cottage ownership
dreams become a reality.
Paying for it
Many people need financing to
make their cottage dreams a reality.
You will need at least a 20 per cent
down payment, or you'll be required
to pay for mortgage default
insurance. Some lenders also have
strict criteria around the kinds of
properties they will finance: factors
like whether the cottage has a
foundation or is winterized can
determine if they will finance your
purchase and what type of rate they
will offer.
Another option is taking out a line of
credit against your primary
residence and using the proceeds
toward the purchase of your cottage.
Speak with your advisor to figure
out what makes the most sense for
your situation and consider getting
pre-approved before you begin your
cottage hunt.
Looking ahead
Once you've purchased your dream
cottage, consider the impact on your
estate. In Canada, assets can be
transferred tax-free to a spouse at
death. However, when the spouse
dies and the assets are transferred to
children or other heirs, a significant
tax bill may result that must be paid
before the heirs receive anything.
Your principal residence is exempt
from this type of taxation, but
generally, a cottage won't be. It is
likely to be considered a capital
asset that could trigger a capital
gains tax liability at death. Your
advisor or a tax specialist can
suggest strategies, such as
purchasing life insurance payable to
your estate to cover the tax liability
at death.
The right support
Between choosing the ideal location
and avoiding financing hiccups, it's
wise to enlist the help of experts.
Speak with your advisor to
determine if a cottage purchase fits
into your overall financial plan, and
work with a real estate agent who
specializes in cottage properties.
With the right guidance, you can be
on your way to kicking back and
enjoying the summer in your own
piece of paradise.
Rental income can be a great way to
help offset some of the costs of
cottage ownership. Here are a few
tips for doing it right.
Set the right price by researching
what the rent is for comparable
properties in your area.
Screen renters, and meet them if
Prepare a rental agreement that
covers number of guests, house
rules and the amenities guests are
allowed to use.
Inform your insurer and make sure
your property is covered when it's
rented out.
Plan for extra costs like utilities,
property damage, wear and tear,
advertising, cleaning, and any agent
or property management fees.
Keep in mind that net rental income
is taxable.
1 - mortgages/looking-to-get-a-mortgage-on-acottage-heres-what-you-need-to-know/article24541904/
2 -
Isa Rahamat is a Financial Advisor with Manulife Securities
Inc. His email is - This
content is provided courtesy of Solutions from Manulife.
© 2016 Manulife. The persons and situations depicted are
fictional and their resemblance to anyone living or dead is
purely coincidental. This media is for information purposes
only and is not intended to provide specific financial, tax,
legal, accounting or other advice and should not be relied
upon in that regard. Many of the issues discussed will vary
by province. Individuals should seek the advice of
professionals to ensure that any action taken with respect to
this information is appropriate to their specific situation. E
& O E. Commissions, trailing commissions, management
fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund
investments. Please read the prospectus before investing.
Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change
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amount that is allocated to a segregated fund is invested at
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Page 14 •
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Pineapple Curry Jerk Kebabs
sumptuous sizzling
Summer recipe to spice up
y o u r
Here's another simple yet
b a c k y a r d
entertaining. Yeah Man!
- 2lbs Boneless chicken
- 3 lg Sweet onions
- 2each Red and green bell peppers
- 20 8in wood skewers
- Walker woods Jerk seasoning or your favourite blend
- 2 (6 ounce) cans pineapple juice1 cup brown sugar
- 1tsp curry powder
Soak skewers
Wash and cube Boneless chicken
Marinate in your favourite jerk seasoning
Wash and coarsely chop onions and peppersSkewer chicken
and prepared onions and peppers according to your taste
While Heating Bbq
Mix the pineapple juice, brown sugars and curry powder in a microwave-safe
ceramic or glass bowl and microwave on medium power until the glaze is boiling
and slightly thickened.
- Place skewered jerk chicken on hot bbq grill
- Brush pineapple glaze on skewers. Work carefully because the glaze will be sticky
and very hot
- Turn frequently
Volume 10 • Number 14 • July 27, 2016
Holder Blames Poor Execution
For Windies 1st Test Loss!
West Indies captain Jason Holder before tea.
has flagged a number of glaring The strongly-built Brathwaite
areas where he felt his team went made 51 not out – his third halfwrong but said the biggest flaw century in as many Test matches –
was in “execution”, after they to follow up his 69 at the Sydney
tumbled to a heavy innings and 92- Cricket Ground in January and 59
run defeat to India within four days at the Melbourne Cricket Ground
in the opening Test .The 24-year- last December.
old, in his sixth Test at the helm, Bishoo, meanwhile, made a
faced a barrage of questions from career-best 45.
members of the media at the end of “Execution is the name of the
the game, which ended inside the game at the end of the day and in
first hour after tea on Sunday at the the end we have to admit we didn't
Vivian Richards Cricket Ground.
execute well enough. We need to
Holder said his young team was string together partnerships for
hurting after the defeat and were longer periods,” Holder said.
examining where they went wrong “Today Bishoo and Carlos showed
over the four days.
what is possible once you give
“It is always tough playing catch yourself a chance to get in and play
up cricket. In the next match we well. We had 20 to 30-run
need to bowl better in partnerships, partnerships, but we weren't able
string together more maidens over to convert them to bigger
a period,” the Barbadian said.
partnerships like India had when
“We have to build pressure. We they batted and that is something
weren't able to do that in this match we have to get better at.
and scoring became quite easy for “Test cricket is about occupying
the Indian batsmen.”
the crease for long times and we
Off-spinner Ravi Ashwin took didn't really show that here.”
seven for 83 as the Windies were Holder added: “We didn't really
bowled out for 231 in their second bowl well in the first innings. It
innings after being forced to was a daunting task, trying to
follow-on on Saturday's third day.
chase 560-odd. We obviously need
Things could have been worse to bowl a bit better. Shannon
were it not for some courageous (Gabriel) bowled extremely well,
batting from Carlos Brathwaite Bishoo was decent. We just need to
and Devendra Bishoo, who put on string together some more dot
95 for the ninth wicket, holding up balls (and) some more pressure
India's victory bid after West deliveries.”
Indies slumped to 132 for eight • Page 15
Russell Stressed Out By
Anti-Doping Enquiry
“It's not easy, honestly, it's tough”
West Indies and Jamaica Tallawahs
allrounder Andre Russell has made
his first public comments since being
charged by the Jamaica Anti-Doping
Commission (JADCO) with
committing an "anti-doping
whereabouts" violation earlier this
year for having allegedly missed three
drug tests in a 12-month period. Three
missed tests trigger a failed drug test
ruling under anti-doping regulations.
Preparing for Tallawahs' final two
games of the league stage of the
Caribbean Premier League, in
Lauderhill, Florida, Russell was
asked what it had been like to play
with the uncertainty of the JADCO
tribunal process hanging over his
head. Russell replied by describing
the mental strain he has gone through
since reports first surfaced in March
that he was facing a two-year ban.
"It's not easy, honestly, it's tough,"
Russell said. "When I cross the rope, I
definitely block it off my head but
then when you go back to your room
and you know you have to face reality
and know that something is going on
like that, it's kind of stressing and
Russell avoided questions about last
week's independent panel hearing,
offering a "no comment" when asked
about the most recent events.
According to The Jamaica Gleaner,
Russell's lawyer Patrick Forster
claimed at the hearing of an
independent panel on July 20 that his
client had received correspondence
from JADCO for only twice - January
to March, 2015 and July to
September, 2015 - for allegedly
missing the out-of-competition
doping tests.
In the mean time, Russell said he was
focused on helping the first-place
Tallawahs secure a second CPL title,
after first winning it in 2013.
Tallawahs round out their league
stage by playing St Lucia Zouks
twice, on July 30 and 31. Heading into
the playoffs, a win in either game will
clinch first place for Tallawahs,
giving them two chances to reach the
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