a PDF version of the Conference
a PDF version of the Conference
Texas Water 2016 TM Conference Program April 19 – 22, 2016 Fort Worth Convention Center Fort Worth FOR THE LATEST IN TECHNOLOGY OF HARTWELL ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION Hartwell Environmental Corporation represents leading manufacturers of water and wastewater treatment equipment used in municipal and industrial treatment facilities. Our manufacturers provide the latest technology in the industry and we are dedicated to providing this equipment in the Texas and Oklahoma markets. For more information please contact: Houston Dallas Austin Tulsa 281-351-8501 Tel 817-446-9500 Tel 512-347-7676 Tel 918-299-8555 Tel www.hartwellenv.com Welcome to Fort Worth! Welcome to Texas Water! Volunteers for Texas Water 2016TM have been putting in long hours so that your experience in Fort Worth is educational, historic, and fun! The daytime technical sessions, carefully crafted by a strong technical program committee, will provide the information to make your work easier. The Fort Worth Convention Center Exhibit Hall invites you to learn about new tools and technology that solve problems — some you know you need and some you may not have thought of yet. Don’t forget to stop by and see the competitions, or sign up if you dare! After learning and networking, it is time to have fun at the Thursday Night-Out Event at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History! And don’t forget to check out the Texas Water app, sponsored by LNV and M.E. Simpson! Use the QR code at right or search for “Texas Water Conference” in the Google Play or Apple app store on your smartphone. We hope you have a great time in Fort Worth for Texas Water 2016TM! Buster Fichera Texas Water Co-Chair Water Environment Association of Texas Charly Angadicheril Texas Water Co-Chair Texas Section American Water Works Association Where to find... Competitions....................................28-29 Conference Highlights........................8-12 Conference Schedule...........................4-5 Exhibitor List.....................................44-54 Facility Tours..........................................26 Gloyna Breakfast...................................42 Guest Program......................................66 Host Committee.....................................24 Maps................................................33-35 Match the Name Game.........................14 Poster Topics..........................................15 Presenter Contacts..........................56-60 Quick Exhibitor Index.......................36-42 Special Guests.....................................6-7 Sponsors...........................................30-31 TAWWA............................................64-65 Technical Sessions............................16-23 TW16 App...............................................14 WEAT...............................................62-63 Women of Texas Water..........................9 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE NOTE: All events are at the Fort Worth Convention Center, 1201 Houston St, Fort Worth, unless otherwise noted. TUESDAY, APRIL 19 7:00 am 8:00 am–3:00 pm 9:00 am–12:00 pm 2:00 pm–5:00 pm 2:00 pm–5:00 pm 4:30 pm–7:00 pm 5:00 pm–6:00 pm 5:00 pm–7:00 pm Golf Tournament Exhibitor Move-In Curtis Smalley Environmental Event WEAT Annual Board Meeting TAWWA Annual Board Meeting Registration WEAT Ops Challenge Pre-Meeting Meet & Greet Golf Club at Fossil Creek Exhibit Hall Gateway Park Sheraton Hotel Magnolia Room 1 Sheraton Hotel Magnolia Room 3 & 4 Convention Center Lobby Ballroom C Exhibit Hall WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 6:30 am 7:30 am–3:30 pm 8:00 am–5:00 pm 8:00 am–5:00 pm 8:30 am–9:45 am 9:00 am–10:00 am 9:00 am–11:30 am 10:00 am–10:30 am 10:00 am–11:00 am 10:00 am–3:15 pm 10:00 am–5:00 pm 10:00 am–5:00 pm 11:30 am–1:00 pm 1:00 pm–1:15 pm 1:00 pm–1:30 pm 1:00 pm–4:30 pm 1:00 pm–5:00 pm 1:30 pm–3:00 pm 1:30 pm–5:00 pm 1:30 pm–5:00 pm 3:00 pm–3:30 pm 3:00 pm–3:30 pm 3:30 pm–5:00 pm 3:30 pm–5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm–6:00 pm Dodson’s Drive Fun Run Guest Program ‣ PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED Registration Speaker Ready Room/Room Monitor Check-In WEAT Process Control Event Opening Session WEAT Student Design Competition TAWWA Business Meeting Beverage Break WEAT Lab & Exhibition Events Exhibits Open Water For People Silent Auction Awards Lunch ‣ TICKET REQUIRED WEAT Business Meeting Meter Madness Pre-Competition Meeting Meter Madness (Jr. Meter Madness 1 pm) Disinfectant Residual Workshop Technical Sessions/Posters University Forum Young Professionals Session Networking Break Door Prize Drawings Technical Sessions Texas Shoot-Out Exhibit Hall Closes For Day Young Professionals & Student Reception/ Mentoring Program Networking Event Convention Center/Water Gardens Sheraton Hotel Restaurant Convention Center Lobby 203A 100 Ballroom C 204B Ballroom C Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Convention Center Lobby Ballroom AB Ballroom AB Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall 100 201, 202, 203B 203B 201A Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall 201, 202, 203B Ops Challenge Area Exhibit Hall Ballroom Pre-function Area THURSDAY, APRIL 21 7:00 am–5:00 pm 7:30 am–9:30 am 7:30 am–3:30 pm 9:00 am–9:30 am 9:00 am–9:30 am 9:00 am–10:00 am 9:00 am–1:15 pm 9:00 am–2:30 pm 4 Registration Awards Breakfast ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Guest Program ‣ PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED TAWWA Top Ops Pre-Competition Meeting TAWWA Pipe Tapping Pre-Competition Meeting Beverage Break Water For People Silent Auction WEAT Ops Challenge TEXAS WATER 2016 Convention Center Lobby Ballroom AB Sheraton Hotel Restaurant Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Convention Center Lobby Exhibit Hall NOTE: All events are at the Fort Worth Convention Center, 1201 Houston St, Fort Worth, unless otherwise noted. 9:00 am–4:00 pm 9:00 am–5:00 pm 9:30 am–11:00 am 9:30 am–Noon 9:30 am–1:30 pm 9:30 am–3:00 pm Noon–1:00 pm Noon–1:00 pm 1:15 pm–3:15 pm 1:45 pm–3:00 pm 3:00 pm–3:45 pm 3:15 pm–4:00 pm 3:15 pm–4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm–5:00 pm 5:00 pm–6:30 pm 6:30 pm–8:30 pm Exhibits Open Speaker Ready Room/Room Monitor Check-In Professional Ethics Workshop for Engineers Technical Sessions/Posters TAWWA Top Ops Competition TAWWA Pipe Tapping Competition Box Lunch ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Women of Texas Water Lunch ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Technical Sessions/Posters TAWWA Best-Tasting Drinking Water Event WEAT Ops Challenge Awards Ceremony Networking Break Door Prize Drawings Exhibit Hall Closes/Exhibit Breakdown Technical Sessions/Posters Texas Water Reuse Association Board Meeting Conference Night-Out ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Exhibit Hall 203A 100 201, 202 Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Ballroom C 201, 202 Exhibit Hall Top Ops Area Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall 201, 202 202D Fort Worth Museum of Science & History FRIDAY, APRIL 22 7:00 am–8:30 am 7:30 am–Noon 8:00 am–9:00 am 8:00 am–Noon 8:30 am–10:00 am 8:30 am–Noon 10:00 am–10:30 am 10:30 am–Noon Noon Gloyna Breakfast ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Registration Beverage Break Speaker Ready Room/Room Monitor Check-In Technical Sessions Facility Tours ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Networking Break Technical Sessions Conference Adjourns - See you next year in Austin! Ballroom C Convention Center Lobby Outside Tech Session Rooms 203A 201, 202, 203B Depart from Convention Center Outside Tech Session Rooms 201, 202, 203B WEAT/TAWWA Committee Meetings Tuesday, April 19 2:00–5:00 pm WEAT Board Meeting ‣ Sheraton Hotel Magnolia Room 1 2:00–5:00 pm TAWWA Board Meeting ‣ Sheraton Hotel Magnolia Room 3 & 4 10:15–11:15 am WEAT Collections Systems Committee ‣ 202D 10:30–11:30 am WEAT Membership Committee ‣ 203C 1:30–3:00 pm 2:00-3:00 pm 3:00-3:30 pm 3:30-5:00 pm TAWWA Management Division ‣ 204B TAWWA Distribution Division ‣ 204A TAWWA Education Division ‣ 203C WEAT YP Committee ‣ 204A 10:30–11:30 am WEAT Asset Management Committee ‣ 203C WEAT Strategic Planning Committee ‣ 203C TAWWA Water Utility Council ‣ 204A 1:30–2:30 pm WEAT Government Affairs Committee ‣ 204B 2:00–3:00 pm 4:00–5:00 pm 4:00–5:00 pm TAWWA Water Conservation/Reuse Division ‣ 203C WEAT Odor Control Committee ‣ 203C 10:00–11:00 am TAWWA Water Science and Research ‣ 204B 1:30–2:30 pm WEAT Biosolids Committee ‣ 204A 10:30–11:30 am WEAT PCOC ‣ 204A 8:30–9:30 am 1:00–3:00 pm Wednesday, April 20 8:00–9:00 am Thursday, April 21 8:00–9:00 am 5:00–6:00 pm 5:00–6:30 pm WEAT Safety and Security Committee ‣ 204A TAWWA Diversity Committee ‣ 204B WEAT Utility Management ‣ 203C WEAT MRRDC Reception & Meeting ‣ 202B Texas WateReuse Association Board Mtg./ WEAT Water Reuse Committee Mtg. ‣ 202D Friday, April 22 9:30–11:00 am WEAT Scholarship Trust Board ‣ 203C www.txwater.org 5 TEXAS WATER 2016 WELCOMES SPECIAL GUESTS Texas Water welcomes Joan Hawley Joan Hawley is a member of the 20152016 Board of Trustees for the Water Environment Federation (WEF). She is president of Superior Engineering, LLC, in Milwaukee. She founded Superior Engineering in 2002 to provide solutions to preserve the environment with specific focus on operations and maintenance (O&M) at resource recovery facilities and collection systems. She has more than 30 years of experience in the water industry in municipal, consulting and construction including: utility assessment and asset management programs; O&M programs for resource recovery facilities and collection systems; collection system rehabilitation; resource optimization; and sustainable O&M and capital programs. She has been a WEF Member since 1986. She started as a member of WEAT and then as Central States Water Environment Association (CSWEA) member, where she is still active. She is the past CSWEA Wisconsin Section Chair (1996) and participated in many Wisconsin Section committees, including Collection Systems and Management Committees. She became involved in the WEF collection systems committee (CSC) in 1990 and was on the CSC Steering Committee in 2003, was vice chair in 2005 and chair in 2008 to 2010. She served on the Committee Leadership Council as vice chair from 2009-2012 and chair from 2012 to 2015. She spent the last two years as part of the team that re-structured the WEF committees for the first time in over 30 years. She is the recipient of the WEF and Central States Golden Manhole Award and the 2011 WEF Collection Systems Award. She is also the proud member of the 7’s Central States Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers. Hawley is a registered professional engineer in the state of Wisconsin and a Grade IV Wisconsin Operator License. She received a B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1982 from Marquette University and an M.S. in Civil Engineering in 1990 from University of Texas Arlington. 6 AWWA Vice President visits TW16 Brenda Lennox, vice president of the American Water Works Association, will represent AWWA at TW16. Lennox has been with Tualatin Valley Water District for 20 years and has been an active AWWA member for 15 years. This includes efforts at the local, regional and national level. Local and regional involvement includes numerous committee chair and officer positions for the Pacific Northwest Section. This includes serving as Section Chair in 2010 and now as the Association Director. At the Association level, serving as Customer Service Committee Chair and team member, she developed curriculum for the Customer Service Certificate program. Utilizing this training program, she has helped to champion 1800+ classroom hours of training for customer service processionals in her region. Lennox serves on the Management & Leadership Division and was appointed to the Board Standing Committee on Diversity Member Inclusion by AWWA President Jim Chaffee in 2013. After attending Human Resource Management classes at Portland State University, Lennox served as a Human Resource Director in the private sector before joining the water industry. At Tualatin Valley Water District, she serves as Manager of Customer & Support Services. This includes oversight of customer service, billing, and the risk management program for the second largest water utility in Oregon. Lennox lives in Warren, Oregon with husband Jerry and shares her competitive barrel racing passion with daughter Michele. She is also passionate about her career, knowing that we are providing safe drinking water that is crucial for the lives of our children, families, and communities. This passion has been recognized by her section as a recipient of the Heart and Soul Award in 2005 and Powell Lindsey Citation in 2013. TEXAS WATER 2016 Texas Water 2016 opens with remarks from Bech Bruun Texas Water Development Board Chair Bech Bruun will address Texas Water’s Opening Session at 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 20. Bruun has served as a Board member of the Texas Water Development Board since September 1, 2013. Governor Greg Abbott designated him chairman in June 2015. Prior to his appointment to the Board, Bruun served on the senior staff of Governor Rick Perry’s administration. Bruun has also worked as the government and customer relations manager for the Brazos River Authority. During the 81st Legislative Session, Bruun served as chief of staff to State Representative Todd Hunter (District 32) and as general counsel to the House Committee on Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence. Bruun currently is a gubernatorial appointee to the Western States Water Council and the Texas Environmental Flows Advisory Group. He also serves as an ex-officio member of the Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Council. He received a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Texas at Austin and a law degree from the University of Texas School of Law. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas. A native of Corpus Christi, Bruun resides in Austin with his wife, Glenna, and their children, Cilla Kay and Radford. WEF Executive Director visits Texas Water Eileen O’Neill is the Executive Director of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international organization of water quality professionals headquartered in Alexandria, Va. Dr. O’Neill was appointed WEF’s Executive Director in January 2014. She had previously worked with the Federation for more than 20 years in a variety of positions, with responsibility for oversight of WEF’s technical, international and communications programs, and served as the organization’s chief technical officer before becoming deputy executive director in late 2011. Before joining WEF she worked as an academic and in environmental consulting in the U.S. and in Europe. She has a BS in Soil Science from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (U.K.) and a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Aberdeen (U.K.) and undertook a postdoctoral traineeship in Environmental Toxicology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. PROVIDING SOLUTIONS FOR CLEANER WATER PCL’s water infrastructure group has been partnering with communities in Texas and throughout the Southwest for over 30 years to help overcome their water infrastructure challenges. Visit us at Booth 618 at the Texas Water Conference. www.txwater.org 7 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT TUESDAY APRIL 19, 7 AM GOLF CLUB AT FOSSIL CREEK The Texas Water 2016 Golf Tournament benefits the scholarship programs of both WEAT and TAWWA. CURTIS SMALLEY ENVIRONMENTAL EVENT TUESDAY APRIL 19, 9 AM TO 12 PM GATEWAY PARK The Curtis Smalley Environmental Event will take place at Gateway Park and features a rotation of litter clean up, interactive and educational activities and a mural art project. EXHIBITION TUESDAY, APRIL 19 – THURSDAY, APRIL 21 Texas Water 2016 will host the largest regional water exhibition on the continent. More than 450 exhibitors are in one place, at one time, in the Exhibit Hall. See pages 44–54 for a complete look. OPENING SESSION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 9 TO 10 AM BALLROOM C Texas Water Development Board Chair Bech Bruun will keynote the Opening Session at Texas Water 2016. WEF Member Joan Hawley and AWWA President John Donahue will also be present. AWARDS LUNCH WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 11:30 AM TO 1 PM BALLROOM A/B ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Enjoy a great meal with your colleagues at the Awards Lunch. The luncheon will feature the first of the conference award ceremonies, recognizing some of the longtime leaders of our water/ wastewater community. Your ticket to the luncheon is included with Full or Wednesday-Only Registration. (Doors open at 11:15 am.) Joint Workforce Development Awards WEAT AWARDS William D. Hatfield Award Sidney L. Allison Award Medal of Honor for Heroism Award George W. Burke, Jr. Award Outstanding Public Official Awards Winfield S. Mahlie Award Outstanding Service Award Lifetime Membership Awards Arthur Sidney Bedell Award Lifetime Achievement Award MEET & GREET TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 5 TO 7 PM EXHIBIT HALL Texas Water attendees will gather for the Meet & Greet in the Exhibit Hall at the Fort Worth Convention Center. Registration opens at 4:30 pm, then join your colleagues at 5 pm in the Exhibit Hall to enjoy light refreshments and a relaxed atmosphere. TEXAS WATER DODSON’S DRIVE FUN RUN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 6 AM On-Site Registration/Bib Pickup: 6 am, FW Convention Center Fun Run Start: 7 am, Departs from the FW Convention Center Run, jog or stroll through the beautiful city of Fort Worth at the Texas Water Fun Run 5k. 2016 celebrates five years of the Fun Run, where water and wastewater professionals bond with coworkers, colleagues and friends over exercise, sweat and competition. To celebrate these five years, Texas Water is looking to make this the best one yet! We will be doing same day registration and bib pickup on Wednesday beginning at 6 am at the South Entrance of the FW Convention Center. The Fun Run will begin at 7 am at the same location. We are excited to have you all attend so please get there early! By participating, you are directly impacting and supporting the water and wastewater industry in Texas. Proceeds go toward Young Professionals and students to help support their education in the industry. This support is possible through the partnership with the Dodson’s Drive Sponsorship Fund, honoring the life and work of Kenneth Dodson, also known as “Kenny D.” Awards to be announced at the YP & Student Reception April 20 at 5 pm: Team: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place; Overall Winner: Male & Female; and Overall Top YP: Male & Female. 8 TAWWA AWARDS Partnership for Safe Drinking Water Award Service to the Water Industry Award Honorary Member Award Outstanding Service Award Chapter of the Year Award William T. “Doc” Ballard Award AWWA Tenure Awards George Warren Fuller Award WFP SILENT AUCTION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 – THURSDAY, APRIL 21 CONVENTION CENTER LOBBY Water For People volunteers have been rounding up treasures to offer in the annual silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Water For People effort to assist developing countries in providing safe and sufficient water for their citizens. Check out the offerings in the Convention Center Lobby. Winners are announced at 2 pm, Thursday. TEXAS WATER 2016 AWARDS BREAKFAST THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 7:30 TO 9:30 AM BALLROOM A/B ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Texas Water will honor WEAT and TAWWA friends and colleagues who have demonstrated their commitment to the wastewater and water profession. The ceremony, held at the Fort Worth Convention Center, will feature fast-paced video introductions and a full buffet breakfast. A ticket to the event is included with Full Registration. A limited number of tickets may be available for purchase on-site. Doors open at 7:30 am. TAWWA AWARDS Membership Awards Young Professionals Maverick Award Water Conservation and Reuse Awards JOINT AWARDS Ken Miller Water For People Founders Award Watermark Awards WEAT AWARDS Laboratory Analyst Excellent Award Municipal WWTP of the Year Award - Category 1 Municipal WWTP of the Year Award - Category 2 Municipal WWTP of the Year Award - Category 3 Outstanding Operator of the Year Emerging Leader Award Exemplary Employer Award Ronald B. Sieger Biosolids Management Award Susan B. Hier Award Excellence in Education and Licensing Alan Plummer Innovation and Excellence Award 5S Awards Dennis R. Laskowski Recruitment Award River Cleanup Award BOX LUNCH THURSDAY, APRIL 21, NOON TO 1 PM EXHIBIT HALL ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Thursday is a big day at the Texas Water Conference. In addition to the great Technical Programs and the full day of Exhibits, Thursday is also your opportunity to cheer on your favorite team at the Exhibit Hall competitions – Pipe Tapping, Operations Challenge, or Top Ops. So you won’t miss a minute of the action, we’ll serve a great Box Lunch at numerous locations in the Exhibit Hall. Your Full Registration or Thursday-Only Registration includes a ticket for the Box Lunch. Extra tickets are available for purchase. WOMEN OF TEXAS WATER LUNCH THURSDAY, APRIL 21, NOON TO 1 PM BALLROOM C ‣ TICKET REQUIRED The Women of Texas Water Lunch welcomes Betsy Price, mayor of Fort Worth, to celebrate the important contributions of women in the Texas Water Community. Admission is free, but a Box Lunch ticket, included in Full Registration and Thursday-Only Registrations, is required for a box lunch. Price, a Fort Worth native, took office as the 44th Mayor of Fort Worth on June 18, 2011. She is currently serving her second term as the city’s top elected official. Throughout her tenure, Mayor Price has been focused on fiscal responsibility, creating a stronger economy through public/private partnerships, and strengthening neighborhoods through her faith-based and citywide health engagement initiatives. The Mayor is also a major champion of getting young adults more civically engaged in Fort Worth. In 2011, she launched SteerFW, a group of more than 300 young citizens charged with learning about current challenges and finding solutions. Mayor Price graduated from Arlington Heights High School and earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. Since then, she has been a leader in the Fort Worth community, serving on numerous boards, commissions and professional associations. Her roles as a businesswoman and community activist garnered her a reputation as an innovator with strong leadership in solving some of the most pressing issues in one of Texas’s fastest-growing cities. Prior to her life in public service, Mayor Price was owner of Price Cornelius Title Service before becoming the Tarrant County Tax Assessor. She has been married to Tom, an insurance agent, for more than 40 years and has three children, Kathryn, Phillip and Paul. In her spare time, Mayor Price is an avid bike rider and has shared her passion with her Community Bike Ride throughout the neighborhoods of Fort Worth. She also enjoys spending quality time with her beloved grandsons Chappell and Price. www.txwater.org 9 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS YOUNG PROFESSIONALS PROGRAM STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 9 AM TO 11:30 AM ROOM 204B The WEAT Student Design Competition gives students the opportunity to design and present a project based on the master plan for a real-world wastewater treatment plant dealing with increased flows and nutrient limitations. Students will be competing to represent WEAT at the WEFTEC Student Design Competition in New Orleans at WEFTEC 2016. Come on out and support your alma mater. This year, Southern Methodist University, Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University and LeTourneau University will be represented. YP TECHNICAL SESSION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1:30 TO 5 PM ROOM 201A A panel of YPs will share their knowledge and experiences on an array of matters aimed at engaging the YPs and seasoned professionals alike. Reference the program lineup for details associated with each session. YP & STUDENT RECEPTION/MENTORING PROGRAM NETWORKING EVENT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 5 TO 6 PM BALLROOM PRE-FUNCTION AREA Come out and join the YPs and seasoned professionals for drinks and hors d’oeuvres as we continue to network and wrap up the Young Professionals session. We’ll have an opportunity for young professionals and students to hear more about the WEAT/TAWWA mentoring program and be able to sign up for a mentor for the following year. Finally, we’ll recognize the winners of the Student Design Competition, the University Forum and the recipients of the Dodson Drive Team Race. WEAT YP COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 8:30 TO 9:30 AM ROOM 204A Are you a YP wanting to get involved but not sure how to start? All YPs are welcome at the YP committee meeting at Texas Water. Come to the meeting and we will get you plugged in at the state or local level. 10 NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 6:30 TO 8:30 PM TICKET REQUIRED Come and enjoy a Night at the Museum! Re-explore the renovated Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. Its modern and lush open spaces will host our conference night-out in its beautiful atrium and innovation rooms. The event begins at 6:30 pm with appetizers and drinks. All attendees will have access to two exhibits located upstairs: the Noble Planetarium, with showings at 6:45 pm, 7:15 pm and 7:45 pm, and the special traveling exhibit — THINK. The planetarium is an immersive all-dome video combined with a fiber optic dual-hemispheres star projector that can see more than 7,000 stars to the southwest. A preshow area features satellites, meteorites and several large plasma screens showing real time photos from NASA telescopes. THINK is a 6,600 square-foot interactive exhibit created and developed by IBM and is designed to showcase how technology and innovation have transformed the world. THINK engages visitors through a unique combination of experiences including a 30-foot “gesture wall” using colorful visualizations of information. A hearty Tex-Mex buffet will be served at 7 pm following a small ceremony officially passing the torch to the 2017 host city. Buses will depart beginning at 6:15 pm from the conference bus stop on Houston Street, just across from the Omni Hotel. The last bus will leave for the museum at 6:45 pm. Buses will be on a continuous rotation to return attendees. Cars may park for free at the official museum parking lot located at Montgomery St. and Harley Ave. Parking at the parking garage and Will Rogers is not free and will not be comped. This will be a night to remember! Come and join us for food, drinks and to discover the stars at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. TEXAS WATER 2016 CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS VALUE OF WATER – TEXAS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 9:30 AM TO NOON According to Forbes’ “America’s Fastest-Growing Cities 2015,” half of the Top 10 fastest growing cities are located in Texas. Join us for the Value of Water – Texas as we spotlight the effect of population growth on the water and wastewater industry. The Value of Water – Texas program is designed to foster networking and dialogue amongst water and wastewater utilities of all sizes, focusing on the community outreach component of a project or challenges experienced with responding, interacting or communicating to end-users. Real-life experiences and lessons learned will be told. This program includes oral presentations, interactive discussions and an opportunity to meet and discuss outreach with the program speakers in a dynamic environment. Join us in a collaborative, storytelling environment as we learn more about the tools and resources used by the San Antonio Water System, the City of San Angelo and the City of Frisco as they deal with increasing populations and an increased need for public communication. Don’t miss this year’s special introduction by WEF Executive Director Dr. O’Neill highlighting the Value of Water Coalition and what the nation is doing to support water utilities and professionals just like you! April 21, 9:30 am: The Value of Water – Building a Message, Dr. Eileen O’Neill, WEF Executive Director April 21, 10 am: Drought Effects on Water Management and Planning, Bill Riley, Director of Water Utilities, and Allison Strube, Assistant Director of Water Utilities, City of San Angelo April 21, 10:30 am: Guess Who’s Coming to the Meeting?, Greg Wukasch, Education Coordinator, San Antonio Water System April 21, 11 am: Who Are You? An Introduction to the Residents of Frisco, Texas, Joyce Warren, Kristy Woodard, Misty Klein and Ron Garcia, City of Frisco Public Works Department April 21, 11:30 am: Breakout discussion featuring all presenters 12 SPECIAL SESSIONS HIGHLIGHT DISINFECTANT RESIDUAL WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1 PM TO 5 PM ROOM 100 All water operators are invited to attend a special workshop, Best Management Practices for Maintaining a Good Disinfectant Residual in Your Distribution System, on Wednesday, April 20, from 1-5 pm. Though designed to supplement the Top Ops Competition, all water operators can benefit from this important training. Topics will include: how, what, when and where to monitor in your system; how to recognize and address nitrification and other issues in the system; how to run an effective flushing program; how to manage commingling of source water (ground/surface free/chloramines); basics of chloramines chemistry (how to correctly determine chlorine to ammonia ratio and when it is really necessary to add ammonia); how to conduct a system burn with free chlorine; how to switch between free chlorine/chloramines and back again; and how to configure your storage tank to minimize water age issues. TCEQ has approved the workshop for four hours for water operators. There is NO additional fee for this training or need to preregister. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS WORKSHOP FOR ENGINEERS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 9:30 TO 11 AM ROOM 100 The Texas Water Engineer’s Ethics Seminar is an interactive provocation session led by Gina Smith and Bob Pence from Freese and Nichols, Inc. While earning one Professional Development Hour and satisfying the annual ethics requirement, you will learn to recognize ethical situations faced by engineers, analyze the issues of ethical situations and discuss how to resolve ethical situations in a creative and professional manner. There is NO additional fee for this training or need to preregister. TEXAS WATER 2016 World class experience — local presence Presentations by CH2M and Our Partners WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 20 Proactive CM…When Old Meets New, Upgrading an 80 Year Old WTP Cassia Sanchez (Dallas Water Utilities); Jonathan Tran (CH2M) Construction Issues 2:00 PM THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21 Process Adjustments to Manage Operational Cost and Stability During The Great Flood of 2015 Leon Downing (CH2M); Paul Hopkins; (Trinity River Authority); Mike Young; (Trinity River Authority); Bill Tatum (Trinity River Authority) Inspection of a Hydraulically Complex Limited Access Large Diameter Wastewater Pipeline Jerome Iltis (San Antonio Water System); Jonathan Vorheis (CH2M) MRRDC 9:30 AM Wastewater 10:30 AM Collection THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 21 The City of Sherman Water Treatment Plant UF/RO Expansion: Impact of Record Rainfall and Variable Demand on Plant Design Evan Ged (CH2M); Brian Fuerst (CH2M) Water Treatment & Operations Now hiring in all of our Texas offices! At CH2M, we’re a family of people excited to solve tough challenges that have a positive impact on the world. We’re always looking for like-minded people to join the CH2M family. If you’re interested in joining a world class team that loves what they do, please find a CH2M employee at the conference or visit the Careers section of www.ch2m.com to apply. 1:15 PM To learn more about CH2M, please visit our website at www.ch2m.com or contact Todd Warrix at 210-321-6275 For assistance finding CH2M presenters during Texas Water 2016, please contact Sherri Mancill at 972-663-2203 MATCH THE NAME GAME/INFORMATION ABOUT HOURS TCEQ OPERATOR HOURS MATCH THE NAME GAME In the Exhibit Hall, join in the fun and play MATCH THE NAME GAME! Winning one of the great prizes in the Match the Name Game is easy: Match the names on the Game Card with the same name imprinted on a label randomly distributed at exhibitor booths throughout the Exhibit Hall. When all matching labels have been affixed to the Game Card, place your Game Card in the Door Prize Drum, located near the back of the main Exhibit area. One Game Card is designated for Wednesday and one for Thursday. Drawings will be held both days so you have two chances to win! Game Cards are not interchangeable. Every attendee is eligible to play. You do not need to be present at the time of the drawings; see back of Game Cards for details of drawing times and pick-up location. Please note: Exhibitors are not eligible to win. If an eligible winner fails to pick up the prize on the day of the drawing, the prize will be forfeited. TCEQ has approved Texas Water 2016 for a maximum of 11.5 hours of Operator Training Certification credit for water and wastewater personnel. Credit hours will be available for attending some technical sessions. Before you leave a technical session, make sure a proctor initials the box on the credit application form. TCEQ requires that a proctor certify your attendance to receive hours. Competitors in WEAT’s Operations Competition and in TAWWA’s Top Ops contest may also receive ten and five hours of credit, respectively. TCEQ has approved the Chemical Safety Training Workshop for four hours for water operators and two hours for wastewater operators. Forms are available at the registration counter. Complete the forms indicating the technical sessions you attended. Forms must be returned to the registration desk before TW16 ends. You must have your TCEQ Operator ID number on the form for credit. Engineers may also receive licensing CE hours for attending on a self-reporting basis (please note: we will not have Engineering forms on-site). The Professional Ethics Workshop for engineers course offered on Thursday satisfies the Professional Ethics requirement. TEXAS WATER IS GOING MOBILE! Download the TW16 app Download the FREE Texas Water app now and manage your conference schedule! Use one of the many free QR readers available on your smartphone and scan the QR code at right. Your phone should direct you to the Texas Water app in the app store so you can download it for free to your smartphone. Or search for “Texas Water Conference” in the Google Play or Apple app store. For desktop use, visit the basic version of the app at http://m4.goeshow.com/txawwa/annual/2016. We hope you enjoy your mobile conference experience! Special thanks to LNV and M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. for sponsoring the TW16 app! surveyors 14 TEXAS WATER 2016 POSTER TOPICS and PRESENTERS Texas Water 2016 will once again give attendees an expanded opportunity to learn with the presentation of posters. The posters give authors the opportunity to display their research topics and to share the information they discovered. The posters will be displayed in the technical session hallway of the Fort Worth Convention Center from Wednesday morning through Thursday afternoon. Authors are encouraged to leave business cards or other contact information so that viewers can direct questions or comments their way. Affordable Desalination Delivered in San Antonio: Sustainable Water Supply Solution Meets Current and Future Water Needs Jill Manning Hudkins, Tetra Tech and Esther Harrah, San Antonio Water System Estimated Evaporation Losses From Major Reservoirs in Texas John Zhu, Texas Water Development Board Making the Water-Energy Nexus Work in Texas Jonathan Kleinman, AIQUEOUS; David Greene, Austin Water Utility; and Eddie Wilcut, Alan Plummer Associates Optimization of the Coagulation-Flocculation Process For the Removal of Natural Organic Matter Fractions Present in Drinking Water Sources Rosa-Maria Ramirez-Zamora, Engineering Institute, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Predictive Analytics For Water and Wastewater Monitoring and Control J. Nicole Conner, MWH and Ron Cass, MWH Proactive Asset Management Using Reliability Centered Design Gerald Fejarang, PinnacleART Providing May–July (MJJ) Seasonal Rainfall Forecasts to Improve Summer Drought Preparedness in Texas Nelun Fernando, Texas Water Development Board; Ruben Solis, Texas Water Development Board; Rong Fu, The University of Texas at Austin; and Robert Mace, Texas Water Development Board Stop by the technical session hallway on Wednesday and Thursday to join us for the Featured Poster Presentations. Join an informal, interactive, “Donahue-style” discussion on some of the most interesting and challenging projects in our industry. These presentations will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, April 20 and 21. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 ‣ 3-3:30 PM You Don’t Have to Break the Bank: Fast Track Asset Management Approach for Small and Medium Size Utilities ‣ Rami Issa, AECOM and Kirk Abbot, AECOM THURSDAY, APRIL 21 ‣ 3:15-3:45 PM Affordable Desalination Delivered in San Antonio: Sustainable Water Supply Solution Meets Current and Future Water Needs ‣ Jill Manning Hudkins, Tetra Tech and Esther Harrah, San Antonio Water System Pumping Water Without The Sediment – Sedimentation Design Challenges For River Intake Pump Stations Alan Hutson, Freese and Nichols; Jason Ward, Freese and Nichols; Eric Engelskirchen, Freese and Nichols; and Nick Landes, Freese and Nichols Texas State-Listed Mussels & Regulatory Requirements: What to Know to Avoid Project Delays David Ford, Halff Associates Trifecta Approach - A Study Approach for Disinfection Conversion, Taste and Odor and Bin Classification in Surface Water Treatment Plants Joshua Milks, CP&Y, Inc.; Guang Zhu, CP&Y, Inc.; Pat Lackey, River City Engineering; David Davenport, Canyon Regional Water Authority; and Marisa Vergara, CP&Y, Inc. You Don’t Have to Break the Bank: Fast Track Asset Management Approach For Small and Medium Size Utilities Rami Issa, AECOM and Kirk Abbott, AECOM Water Conservation Commissioning - Making Sure Things Work Right the First Time Eddie Wilcut, Alan Plummer Associates WEAT Student Design Competition Poster Southern Methodist University www.txwater.org 15 TECHNICAL SESSIONS • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 20 Moderators Wendy Nilsson Gupta and Associates Indira Pjetrovic CDM Smith Moderators Susan Turrieta Smith Turrieta Engineering Doug Varner, CDM Smith Michael Bloom, R.G. Miller Engineers Moderators Wesley Cleveland TRWD Jason Crawley Freese and Nichols 202D 202C 202B 202A Construction Issues Watershed Management/ Stormwater 2:30 - 3:00 pm 2:00 - 2:30 pm 1:30 - 2:00 pm Electrical/I&C Legislative/Regulatory Power and Money: A Discussion of Various Energy Optimization Strategy Control Objectives Jame Glegg 2M Associates Brad Rogers 2M Associates The Impacts of Federal Regulatory Delays on Water System Planning Alan Roberson American Water Works Association SCADA System Do It Yourself (DIY) View from Washington: Federal Update from NACWA Howie Li Team One Integration Jimmy Didehbani City of Grapevine Kent Conkle City of Grapevine Nathan Gardner-Andrews NACWA Representative High Resistance Ground System Fundamentals and its Application in Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants Doran McMahon HDR Overview of the Chapter 217/317 Design Criteria Louis Herrin III Texas Commission on Environmental Quality CMOR Value Through Collaboration Using CMAR David Bennett Freese and Nichols Kirby Anderson MGC Contractors Proactive CM… When Old Meets New, Upgrading an 80 Year Old WTP Cassia Sanchez Dallas Water Utilities Jonathan Tran CH2M Leyla Gutierrez CH2M Design for Design-Build Projects, Providing Designers Keys to a Successful Design-Build Project John Awezec HDR Patricia Quigley HDR Moderators Michael Bloom R.G. Miller Engineers Heather Harris CH2M Partnering on Stormwater Capture Projects on Amenity Lakes as Alternate Water Sources Melinda Silva Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation A Holistic Approach to Watershed Planning in Wilson, Karnes, and Goliad Counties Melissa Bryant San Antonio River Authority Feeling Exposed? How Arlington Water Utilities is Utilizing Geomorphology and Geotechnical Solutions to Protect Sanitary Sewer Mains From Creek Erosion Thomas Haster, Freese and Nichols Jessie Allen, Arlington Water Utilities Marc Miller, Freese and Nichols Audra Valamides, City of Arlington Stephanie Coffman, Freese and Nichols 4:30 - 5:00 pm 4:00 - 4:30 pm 3:30 - 4:00 pm Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall • 3:00 - 3:30 PM 16 Hi-Low-Hi Motor Starting: An Approach for Starting Deep Well Submersible Pumps Marcelino Trujillo Parkhill, Smith & Cooper The Art of the HMI is Changing: Migrating an Existing HMI Application for Situational Awareness Kevin Patel Signature Automation Miguel Galaviz Tarrant Regional Water District Energy Demand Response: It’s More Than Just Dollars and Sense! Sally Mills-Wright City of Arlington Carlos Bustamante City of Arlington Call Off the Cavalry: TCEQ’s New Wastewater Spill Reporting Rules Do’s and Don’ts of Factory Witness Testing Large Diameter Butterfly Valves Julie Nahrgang Water Environment Association of Texas Shelly Hattan Tarrant Regional Water District Mike Sylvain Freese and Nichols EPA Movement Toward Cyanotoxin Regulation and Freshwater Management Policy Change Building a Pump Station on the Water: Design and Construction Challenges for a New Raw Water Intake at Lake Conroe H Kenneth Hudnell Medora Corp Harrison Neat Medora Corp Van McClendon Pulaski County and Due Diligence Overview of the New “Waters of the United States” Rule Michael Bloom R. G. Miller Engineers Jim Herrington R. G. Miller Engineers Courtney Hale R. G. Miller Engineers Sam Meisner Freese and Nichols Jason Ward Freese and Nichols Shane Porter San Jacinto River Authority Large Diameter Pipe, Soft Ground Conditions – No Problem Troy Hotchkiss Kimely-Horn Ed Weaver Tarrant Regional Water District TEXAS WATER 2016 Panther Island and Beyond: Linking Watershed Models, Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Receiving Water Quality to Protect and Enhance the Trinity River Tina Petersen, CDM Smith Bill Espey, RPS Espey Robert Brashear, CDM Smith Woody Frossard Trinity River Vision Authority TRWD Reservoir Operations, Spring 2015 – From Water Conservation to Flood Operation Craig Ottman Halff Courtney Jalbert Tarrant Regional Water District Alice Godbey Tarrant Regional Water District Andrew Ickert Halff Stormwater Quality Solutions in North Central Texas – Case Studies Aiza Jose Gresham, Smith and Partners Perry Harts City of Frisco TECHNICAL SESSIONS • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 20 Moderators Charlie Maddox City of Austin Sunil Kommineni KIT Professionals Moderators Lance Rothe HDR Engineering Jacob Niemeier Bury Moderators Bill Rixey University of Houston Steve Sanders Burgess & Niple 201C 201B 201A 203B Biosolids Drinking Water Quality Young Professionals University Forum Mobile Field Operations Solution Wet Weather Capacity Analysis of “Really Small Diameter” Sewer Mains Impacts of Graphene on Nutrient Removal from Wastewater and Abundance of Functional Genes and Bacterial Community Structure in Activated Sludge Beyond Biosolids: Anuvia’s New Green Fertilizer Plant Ben Mosher CDM Smith Douglas Varner CDM Smith Jeff Burnham Anuvia Plant Nutrients Corporation Gary Dahm Anuvia Plant Nutrients Corporation Ganesh Rajagopalan Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Rodolfo Kilian Carollo Engineers Amlan Ghosh Corona Environmental Consulting Chad Seidel Corona Environmental Consulting Katherine Alfredo, Columbia University Alan Roberson, AWWA Optimizing BAF in Concert with Ozone Downstream of Softening to Combat Cyanotoxins Ashley Evans, ARCADIS Doug Wagner, City of Oregon Kirk Nowack, ARCADIS Jason Carter, ARCADIS Bridging the Gap Between College to Career Hang Nguyen University of Houston Debora Rodrigues University of Houston Impact of Soluble Microbial Products on Trace Organic Contaminant Removal from Drinking Water Emily Palmer University of Texas at Austin Gerald Speitel University of Texas at Austin Mary Jo Kirisits University of Texas at Austin Kaylee Dusek Garver BNR in an SBR: Expanding Your Plant’s Capabilities with Microorganisms and College Students Modeling the Volatilization of Chlorofrom in a Water Tower Using a Small-Scale Reactor Mackenzie Davies LeTourneau University Darryl Low LeTourneau University David Dittenber LeTourneau University Chris Carrillo AECOM Tim Johnson AECOM John Bennett Trinity River Authority 2:30 - 3:00 pm Integrating Wastes Creates Opportunities Rather Than Challenges Beyond MCLs and Treatment Techniques: Using Relative Health Indicators to Characterize Drinking Water Quality and Health Risks Joshua Milks CP&Y Heather Lindner HDR 2:00 - 2:30 pm Effect of High Performance Digester Operations on Biosolids Odor Miguel Diaz City of Corpus Christi 1:30 - 2:00 pm Moderators Sheri Van Der Wege TRA Mandi Siebels Carollo Engineers Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall • 3:00 - 3:30 PM Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide Pre-oxidation for Manganese Removal David Vallejo Black & Veatch Corporation Joseph Bernosky North Texas Municipal Water District Spinning Beats Squeezing: Drier Cake and Smarter Odor Control for the Lubbock Southeast WRP Solving the Mystery of a Disinfectant Residual Loss Through Mixed Source Facilities – Evaluating Impacts from Groundwater Jason Anderson Carollo Engineers Zoltan Fekete City of Lubbock Srikanth Koduri CDM Smith An Integrated View of Controlling Manganese in Water Systems Philip Brandhuber HDR Keep Calm and Go Back to School John Logan Freese and Nichols Abigail Gardner Freese and Nichols Planning for a Successful Primary Coagulant Changeover at City of Houston’s East Water Purification Plant Xuerui Ye City of Houston Hanh Pham City of Houston Yong Wang City of Houston www.txwater.org Hamidreza Sharifan Texas Tech University Audra Morse Texas Tech University Barium Sulfate Precipitation at Organic-Water Interfaces: Implications for Scale Formation Control Chong Dai University of Houston Yandi Hu University of Houston Deviation from the Colloidal Filtration Model for Polymer Capped Nanoparticles Tongren Zhu University of Texas at Austin Desmond Lawler University of Texas at Austin 4:30 - 5:00 pm Challenges of Sludge Conveyance – Pre and Post Thermal Hydrolysis Kira Smith, City of Houston Micky Ray, City of Houston John Seifert, LBG - Guyton Associates Michael Lee USGS Texas Water Science Center Lance Klement Garver Robert Lee City of Sulphur Springs Transfer Rate of Water Contaminants Through a Polyethersulfone (PES) Membrane 4:00 - 4:30 pm Ashley Pifer Garver Jeffrey Sober Garver A Custom Fit – Tailoring Improvements to Your Wastewater Profile 3:30 - 4:00 pm How Sludge Treatment Processes Affect Conveyance and Pumping Options 17 11:30 am - Noon 11:00 - 11:30 am 10:30 -11:00 am 10:00 - 10:30 am 9:30 - 10:00 am TECHNICAL SESSIONS • THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21 18 Moderators Ellen McDonald Alan Plummer Associates Don Vandertulip CDM Smith Moderators Yvonne Gil Vallejo City of Austin Robert Culwell Carollo Engineers Moderators David Irvine MWH Global Danny Hurtado CDM Smith Moderators Chris Bitter JQ Infrastructure Chris Haeckler Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 202D 202C 202B 202A Water Reuse Wastewater Collection MRRDC Water Distribution Process Adjustments to Manage Operational Cost and Stability During The Great Flood of 2015 The Town of Flower Mound: 40 Years Going on 100 Direct Potable Reuse Can (and Does!) Improve Water Quality: Full Results from Water Quality Testing at the Raw Water Production Facility in Big Spring Eva Steinle-Darling, Carollo Engineers Justin Sutherland, Carollo Engineers Andrew Salveson, Carollo Engineers John Burch Colorado River Municipal Water District John Womack Colorado River Municipal Water District Expanding the Water Supply Portfolio in Abilene, Texas – Indirect Potable Reuse to Augment James Naylor Alan Plummer Associates Marshall Plunk Alan Plummer Associates Jordan Hibbs Enprotec/Hibbs&Todd Joshua Berryhill Enprotec/Hibbs&Todd Lessons Learned: One Year of Practical Experience Operating a DPR Plant in Wichita Falls, TX Mark Southard City of Wichita Falls Daniel Nix City of Wichita Falls Harold Burris City of Wichita Falls Russell Schreiber City of Wichita Falls Pilot Testing Results from El Paso’s Advanced Water Purification Facility Sanaan Villalobos Arcadis Caroline Russell Arcadis Gilbert Trejo El Paso Water Utilities Putting the Right Team and Plan Together for Success: Corpus Christi’s Approach to Managing a Sanitary Sewer Consent Decree Program Temple Williamson City of Corpus Christi Pipe Bursting – How Big Can You Go? Do’s and Don’ts for Larger Diameter Upsizing Applications Michael Hagen Parsons Environment & Infrastructure Inspection of a Hydraulically Complex Limited Access Large Diameter Wastewater Pipeline Jerome Iltis San Antonio Water System Jonathan Vorheis CH2M Leon Downing CH2M Paul Hopkins Trinity River Authority Mike Young Trinity River Authority Bill Tatum Trinity River Authority Am I Making the Right Operational Decisions at my Plant? Using Biological Process Modeling for Operational Decisions, Optimization and Training Brandt Miller, Hazen and Sawyer P.S. Arora, City of Denton William (Rusty) Willard, City of Denton Joseph Rohrbacher, Hazen and Sawyer Chamindra Dassanayake Hazen and Sawyer A Five Step Approach to Get More Out of Your Grit System Jeffrey Sober Garver Disinfection of a Low UVT Municipal Wastewater Through a Combination of UV and PAA Escape from 20 Years of Data Management Purgatory David Koberlein Burgess & Niple Joshua Goldman CDM Smith Sarah Stewart CDM Smith Adrian Murray Trojan Technologies Scott Morgan City of Memphis In-System Wet Weather Storage: An Innovative Solution to Unnecessary Expansion Direct Potable Reuse: Is it Safe to Drink? Analytical Results from Wichita Falls’ DPR Operation Daniel Nix City of Wichita Falls P.S. Arora City of Denton Brandt Miller Hazen and Sawyer James Wilder City of Denton William (Rusty) Willard City of Denton Chamindra Dassanayake Hazen and Sawyer Primary Effluent Filtration to Achieve Energy Savings and Increase Plant Capacity Onder Caliskaner Kennedy Jenks Consultants TEXAS WATER 2016 Randy Williams Town of Flower Mound Wesley Hubbard Town of Flower Mound Adam McKnight Pure Technologies Greg Taber Pure Technologies Creating Power From Water, The Arlington Outlet Hydroelectric Facilities Andrew Doerflinger Black & Veatch Steven Metzler Tarrant Regional Water District Optimizing Chloramine Feed in TRWD’s Raw Water Supply System Alice Tu Tarrant Regional Water District Greg Pope Carollo Engineers Jason Gehrig Tarrant Regional Water District Avoid the Squeeze on Your Wallet & Pipeline: ARV Strategies Keith Rutherford Parkhill, Smith and Cooper Kimberly LaBree Parkhill, Smith and Cooper Nitrification Prevention and Response Planning – Perspectives and Experiences of a Large Water Provider Sunil Kommineni, KIT Professionals Kira Smith, City of Houston - Public Works and Engineering Julie Huerta, City of Houston - Public Works and Engineering David Munn, AECOM Yongki Shim, KIT Professionals TECHNICAL SESSIONS • THURS. MORNING, APRIL 21 Moderators Amy Robinson CDM Smith Moderators Grace Wike LAN Sharon Miller Perkins Engineering 201C 201B 201A Water Treatment & Operations Public Information Value of Water Growing the Numbers in a Growing City: Communicating a Water Education Message The Value of Water – Building a Message Don’t Panic – The SWATS Guide to a Membrane Filtration System Open Platform Retrofit Joshua Berryhill eHT Engineering Alain Richard Brazos Regional Public Utility Agency Colden Rich eHT Engineering Donna Stephens Tarrant Regional Water District James Vickers Separation Processes Jake Krumnow SPMWD Jason Gillespie SPMWD Mohammad Bayan Arlington Water Utilities Bill Gase Arlington Water Utilities Sally Mills-Wright Arlington Water Utilities Justin Bartlett Hazen and Sawyer Ben Stanford Hazen and Sawyer W. Joshua Weiss Hazen and Sawyer Vinny Minchillo Glass House Strategy Guess Who’s Coming to the Meeting? Greg Wukasch San Antonio Water System Who Are You? An Introduction to the Residents of Frisco, Texas Smart Water Metering = Water Education Tool in Round Rock Jessica Woods City of Round Rock The Customer Engagement Path to Advanced Metering Infrastructure Dominique Gomez WaterSmart Software Joyce Warren City of Frisco Public Works Department Kristy Woodard City of Frisco Public Works Department Misty Klein City of Frisco Public Works Department Ron Garcia City of Frisco Public Works Department Breakout Discussion Featuring all Presenters www.txwater.org 11:30 am - Noon Predicting Source Water Quality with NASA Satellite Remote Sensing Data Getting Citizens to Conserve – More Carrot, Less Stick Bill Riley City of San Angelo Allison Strube City of San Angelo 11:00 - 11:30 am Biological Filtration Operation and Monitoring – 17 Years and Ready to Graduate? Patricia Tennyson Katz & Associates Drought Effects on Water Management and Planning 10:30 - 11:00 am Evaluation of Scinor SMT600-P50 Membrane at the San Patricio Municipal Water District Communicating Potable Reuse: GET AGGRESSIVE! Eileen O’Neill WEF Executive Director 10:00 - 10:30 am Zebra Mussel Control Plan TRWD Kristy Woodard City of Frisco 9:30 - 10:00 am Moderators Mark Graves HDR Bryant Caswell Brown and Gay Engineers BADGES All participants of Texas Water 2016 must register. Your badge is proof of registration and must be worn at all times. Your badge is your admission pass for all technical sessions, the Exhibit Hall, and non-ticketed conference events. Admission will not be granted without a badge. Replacement of lost badges is available at the Registration Counter at a cost of $10. TICKETS REQUIRED Admission tickets to all events, including the Awards Lunch, Awards Breakfast, Box Lunch, Conference Night Out Event, Gloyna Breakfast and Facility Tours, are the same as cash. Lost tickets will not be replaced. Texas Water 2016TM is a registered servicemark of Texas AWWA for the exclusive use for this joint conference with WEAT. All rights reserved. 19 TECHNICAL SESSIONS • THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 21 Moderators Ken Hall CH2M David Sloan Freese and Nichols Moderators Tony Almeida Halff Stephen Jeffus RJN Moderators Brett Bugh Brown and Gay Engineers Tye Jordan Parsons Moderators Andrea Odegard-Begay Garver Ferdous Mahmood Arcadis Water Reuse Wastewater Collection MRRDC Water Distribution Moving Forward with Potable Reuse in San Angelo: Tradeoffs Between IPR and DPR Options Bypass Pumping: The Artificial Heartbeat Of Sewer Surgery 2:45 - 3:15 pm 2:15 - 2:45 pm 1:45 - 2:15 pm 1:15 - 1:45 pm 202D 202C Ellen McDonald Alan Plummer Associates Bill Riley City of San Angelo Philip Wheat Halff Ben Stephens Halff Public Perceptions of Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) in Four US Cities Stephanie Ishii Hazen and Sawyer Treavor Boyer University of Florida David Cornwell EE&T Steve Via American Water Works Association Facing Drought – What to do When Current Water Resources are Fully Committed but Water Demands Continue to Grow? Lee Hamm Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam Tom Ray, Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam Richard Garrett, Bell County Water Control & Improvement District No. 1 Dan Dow, Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam Take Credit Where Credit is Due – TLAP Credit for Chapter 210 Beneficial Reuse Christianne Castleberry Castleberry Engineering & Consulting Earl Foster Lakeway Municipal Utility District Save a River & Eliminate Septics: A CWSRF Project Case Study Keller Drozdick Tetra Tech From Drought of the Century to Flood of the Century Julia Hunt Trinity River Authority Jerry Cotter United States Army Corps of Engineers John Durbin Trinity River Authority Is Oxygen Injection the Solution for Your Collection System Odors and Corrosion? An Investigation into Applications of Oxygen Injection for a Central Texas Municipality Melissa Woo CDM Smith Chelsea Solomon City of Georgetown, Georgetown Utility Systems 202B Climbing the Peak! – Managing the Largest Extended Wet Weather Event on Record at TRA CRWS David Jackson Freese and Nichols Julia Hunt Trinity River Authority Bill Tatum Trinity River Authority An Adaptive Effluent Disinfection Strategy for High-Flows with PAA and UV Michael Watts Garver Aaron Stallmann Garver Maintaining Utilities in the Face of Shrinking and Competing Capital Budgets Chris Kaakaty Gresham, Smith and Partners Tim O’Brien Gresham, Smith and Partners Addressing Effluent Filtration Needs at NTWMD Wilson Creek WRP Jeff Caffey Alan Plummer Associates David Terrill North Texas Municipal Water District Daniel Spradlin North Texas Municipal Water District 202A Hydraulic and Surge Modeling of Distribution Systems and Transmission Pipelines: Four Examples in Texas Gil Barnett CP&Y Occurrence and Dispersal of Invasive Zebra Mussels through Municipal Water Transfer Pipelines and Lake/Stream Potable Source Waters under Different Reservoir Levels and Downstream Flow Conditions Christopher Churchill U.S. Geological Survey Leak Detection 101: The Irving Experience Donna Starling, City of Irving Barry Allen, City of Irving Daniel Andrews, City of Irving Shane Collier, City of Irving Daniel Grimes, City of Irving City of Houston 30-inch Water Transmission Main Replaced by Compressed Fit HDPE Lining Todd Grafenauer, Murphy Pipelines Arthur Morris, City of Houston Department of Public Works and Engineering James Wilson, City of Houston Department of Public Works and Engineering Frank Mbachu, FCM Engineers 4:30 - 5:00 pm 4:00 - 4:30 pm Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall • 3:15 - 4 PM 20 Pulling Out All the Stops to Meet the Growing Need for Water in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Robert Jenkins Black & Veatch Brian MacManus East Rio Hondo WSC Phil Cook Black & Veatch Evaluation of a Direct Monitor for 6-Log Virus Removal with RO Membranes in a Direct Potable Reuse Application Justin Sutherland, Carollo Engineers Eva Steinle-Darling, Carollo Engineers Andrew Salveson, Carollo Engineers Stuart Mitchell, Membrane Services Construction Sequencing and Bypass Pumping to Manage 30 MGD Andrea Odegard-Begay Garver Wes Kucera City of Garland Malcolm Parker City of Garland How Rough is Wastewater? Using Hazen-Williams to Validate a Pressure Sewer Hydraulic Model Tarun Gill HDR Engineering Jeff Koska City of Horseshoe Bay Preparing for Tomorrow with Today’s Advanced Treatment Processes and Technologies in a Collaborative Environment Leon Allen, Carollo Engineers Mark Vega, McAllen Public Utility Sergio Espinoza, McAllen Public Utility Rodolfo Kilian, Carollo Engineers Toshio Shimada, Carollo Engineers Ready for Treatment Plant Optimization: Where Do We Start? Ana Peña-Tijerina Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility TEXAS WATER 2016 Water Transmission Crossing of USACE Hurricane Levee and Sabine-Neches Waterway Using Direct Pipe Method Ronald Arceneaux Arceneaux Wilson & Cole Keestan Cole Arceneaux Wilson & Cole Arlington’s ICI Water Usage Classification System and Demand Forecasting: Expanding the Use of AMI Data for Better Planning Robert Stanley City of Arlington Brendan Hamilton City of Arlington Michael Mosier City of Arlington Moderators Jordan Hibbs EHT John Linder Walker Partners Moderators Eddie Wilcut Alan Plummer Associates J.B. Conant RJN Moderators Cathy Dominguez Brazos River Authority Dean Sharp Sharp Consulting Services Water Treatment & Operations Water Conservation Diversity/WFP Water Conservation by the Yard: Estimating Water Savings from Outdoor Watering Restrictions Kimley-Horn LIFT – A Focus on Retention of Women 201C Evan Ged CH2M Brian Fuerst CH2M Sunil Kommineni, KIT Professionals Zach Lillie, Baytown Area Water Authority Jose Pastrana, City of Baytown Yongki Shim, KIT Professionals Liaqat Khan, NHC Steve Kwan, NHC Thomas Demlow, NHC Aaron Archer, HDR Tom Gallier, BCRUA Jerry Snead JQ Infrastructure Jody Zabolio Upper Trinity Regional Water District Tim Brazile Upper Trinity Regional Water District Letty Arvide-Gomar Carollo Engineers Alexandra Applegate AECOM Kathy Berek Burns & McDonnell Frisco Texas: A Conversation About Conservation Succession Planning for Employee Retention Water Conservation: From Planning, to Implementation, and Back to Planning Retaining Diversity Through Active AWWA Members Joyce Warren City of Frisco John Sutton Texas Water Development Board Mark Vega McAllen Public Utility Terry Walters American Water Works Association 2:45 - 3:15 pm How to Find a Needle in a Haystack – Investigating and Fixing the Source of Leaks at the Thomas E. Taylor Water Treatment Plant Allen Berthold Texas A&M AgriLife, Texas Water Resources Institute YP Retention Through Mentoring 2:15 - 2:45 pm CFD Model Analysis of a 144 MGD Raw Water Intake in Lake Travis, Texas Helping Homeowners Conserve Water By Providing Access to Hourly Water Consumption Data Jenifer Tatum Kimley-Horn and Associates 1:45 - 2:15 pm Meeting Potable Water Production Requirements Using Innovative Strategies – Re-rating of Surface Water Treatment Plant and Alternative Compliance Assessment Jennifer Walker Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter 201A 1:15 - 1:45 pm The City of Sherman Water Treatment Plant UF/RO Expansion: Impact of Record Rainfall and Variable Demand on Plant Design 201B Save the Date! Texas Water 2017TM April 10-13, 2017 » Austin, Texas TECHNICAL SESSIONS • THURS. AFTERNOON, APRIL 21 Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall • 3:15 - 4 PM Peter D’Adamo HDR Andrew Molly, City of Houston Eric Garza, City of Houston David Munn, AECOM The Energy Water Nexus of the End User – What Sustainability and Water Efficiency Program Professionals Need to Know Bill Hoffman Frontier Associates Farida Goderya City of Fort Worth Jacob Niemeier Stantec, Inc. The Hueco Bolson: A Case for Improved Transboundary Aquifer Management Lindsay Sansom Texas A&M University www.txwater.org 4:30 - 5:00 pm When a Lake Turns into a River: How the City of Houston’s Northeast Water Purification Plant Uses Early-Warning Monitors to Mitigate Water Quality Problems David Smith Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service Jennifer Nations City of College Station - Water Services Dept. From Surviving to Thriving, a Global Perspective on Water! 4:00 - 4:30 pm Recycle Options for Water Treatment Facilities Patterns, Problems, and Potential for Residential Landscape Water Conservation: City of College Station Experience 21 9:30 - 10:00 am 9:00 - 9:30 am 8:30 - 9:00 am TECHNICAL SESSIONS • FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 22 Moderators Billy Wendland Burgess & Niple Micah Lance Burgess & Niple Moderators Dean Sharp Sharp Consulting Services Mike Wagner Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Moderators Wayne Owen TRWD Heather Harris CH2M Moderators Dana White City of Austin Elizabeth Turner NTMWD 202D 202C 202B 202A Small Systems Utility Management Water Resources Laboratory The Value of Accurate AWWA Water Audits, Part II Craig Hannah Johnson Controls Construction and Operation of a 2.5 Mgal Elevated Storage Tank at the DFW Airport Thomas Curl DFW Airport Designing an Oasis in the West Texas Desert Jerry Snead JQ Infrastructure Andrew Keith TXDOT Challenges to Development of Asset Management Plans for Small Water Districts Finding 35,000 Ac-Ft in Lavon Lake: Lessons Learned from Inland Dredging in North Texas The Practical Application of Low Level Mercury Sample Collection and Analysis Michael Rolen AECOM Lindsey Tracy AECOM Sam Meisner, Freese & Nichols Ryan Opgenorth, Freese & Nichols Steve Long North Texas Municipal Water District Corey Anderson North Texas Municipal Water District Brooke Noack North Texas Municipal Water District Kelly Harden North Texas Municipal Water District Maximizing Succession: How to be Ready When Opportunity Knocks Challenges in Planning, Designing and Constructing the Largest Inland Brackish Groundwater Desalination System in the U.S. Update on National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation and the TNI Standards Donna Starling City of Irving Steve Pettit City of Irving Regional Partnerships in the Houston Region to Deliver Large Projects Melinda Silva Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation Carol Batterton The NELAC Institute Jerry Parr The NELAC Institute David Timmermann, Black & Veatch Ashok Kaji, San Antonio Water System Esther Harrah, San Antonio Water System Laguna Madre Water District Considers DPR with Help from Bureau of Reclamation Charles Ortiz Laguna Madre Water District Eva Steinle-Darling Carollo Engineers Root Cause Analysis for the Laboratory and Beyond Elizabeth Turner North Texas Municipal Water District 11:30 - Noon 11:00 - 11:30 am 10:30 - 11:00 am Networking Break in Technical Session Area • 10:00 - 10:30 AM 22 A Case Study of Utility Consolidation as a Means to Relieve a Water Supply Shortage While also Reducing Cost of Service Thomas Hodge SJWTX Fire-Hydrant, Pipe and Valve Repair or Replacement Without System Interruption Michael Mecredy TEAM Industrial Services How GPS Affects Customer Service – More Than You Thought! Chris Kercher SmartPhone Meter Reading, LLC The Moneyball Approach To Managing Your Utility William Lloyd HDR Alissa Lockett San Antonio Water System Regional Water Source Development: Brazosport Water Authority and the City of Rosenberg Partner to Implement Regional Water Solutions in Brazoria and Fort Bend County Kim Chanslor, CDM Smith Ronald Woodruff, Brazosport Water Authority Larry Nutt, Brazosport Water Authority Wyatt Ringgold, Brazosport Water Authority Tobin Maples, CDM Smith Managing a Billion-Plus Dollar CIP Program for a Wholesale Texas Water Utility Marco Ramirez Trinity River Authority of Texas Kenneth G. Lawrence IT Nexus Ronald K. Tamada Trinity River Authority of Texas Emergency Raw Water Desalination for North Texas Drought Response Mark Graves HDR Water Supply Planning for the City of Dallas to 2070 and Beyond Cory Shockley HDR Triple Bottom Line Comparison of Potable Reuse and Other Water Supply Options Ben Stanford Hazen and Sawyer Stephanie Ishii Hazen and Sawyer TEXAS WATER 2016 Combining a New 20,000 CFM Air Handler and Roof Top Exhaust System Utilize Existing Fume Hoods to Implement a New One-Pass Air Exhaust System Stephen Hines Tom Hines - Architect Responding to Naegleria Fowleri, the Brain Eating Amoeba, in Drinking Water: The Louisiana Story Chad Seidel Corona Environmental Consulting Changes to the EPA Method Detection Limit Procedure Richard Burrows TestAmerica Jerry Parr The NELAC Institute TECHNICAL SESSIONS • FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 22 Moderators Steve Sanders Burgess & Niple Preston Dillard Alan Plummer Associates Moderators David Terrill NTMWD Mazen Kawasmi Freese and Nichols Moderators Rick Hidalgo Signature Automation Joe Baldwin Baldwin Consultants Moderators Buster Fichera City of Fort Worth 201C 201B 201A 203B Infrastructure Financing Asset Management Safety and Security Nanomaterials and Water: Texas Universities Research Frank Crumb Halff Kara Shuror City of Fort Worth Bech Bruun Texas Water Development Board Jennifer Ivey Arcadis Focused and Strategic Planning for Operations & Maintenance Excellence for Trinity River Authority of Texas Julia Hunt, Trinity River Authority Valery Jean-Bart, Trinity River Authority Matt Bond, Black & Veatch Laura Moreno, Black & Veatch Integrating Asset Management and CMMS John D’Antoni Alan Plummer Associates Randy Williams Town of Flower Mound Nicole Dogan Town of Flower Mound CyberSecurity: What do I Need to Do? Jeff Miller Schneider Electric Richard Witucki Schneider Electric Molecular Level Detection of Ag+/AgNP Interactions with Natural Organic Matter Nathaniel F. Adegboyega Baylor University Matthew R. Brantley, Baylor University Abayomi D. Olaitan, Baylor University Touradj Solouki, Baylor University William C. Hockaday, Baylor University Pottery Inspired Nano-Enabled Ceramic Filters for Point-ofUse Water Treatment Navid B. Saleh The University of Texas at Austin L. Stetson Rowles III The University of Texas at Austin Desmond F. Lawler The University of Texas at Austin Removal of Arsenic and Metals From Water Using Nano-Metal Oxides Keeping Workers Safe During Night-Time Repairs Doug Riseden Krausz USA Heather J. Shipley The University of Texas at San Antonio Dipendra Wagle The University of Texas at San Antonio Karen E. Engates The University of Texas at San Antonio Jinxuan Hu, Hydrozonix Valerie Grover, CALIBRE 9:30 - 10:00 am Taking the Sting Out: How to Fund Large CIP Projects Mazen Kawasmi Freese and Nichols Jessica Brown Freese and Nichols Darrell Gadberry City of Fort Worth David Urbina The University of Texas at Dallas Jairo Giraldo The University of Texas at Dallas Nils Tippenhauer Singapore University of Technology and Design Alvaro Cardenas The University of Texas at Dallas 9:00 - 9:30 am State Water Implementation Fund for Texas: Turning Planning into Projects New Sight for Old Pipes 8:30 - 9:00 am Funding Your Capital Improvement Program in the Age of Water Conservation Cyber-Attacks in the Secure Water Treatment Testbed (SWaT) Networking Break in Technical Session Area • 10:00 - 10:30 AM Melinda Silva Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation Rocky Craley Raftelis Financial Consultants Chris Ekrut NewGen Strategies & Solutions Nick Bulaich FirstSouthwest David Mednaich Hilltop Securities Elizabeth Rentschlar City of Bryan RFID: A Cost Effective Solution to Locating Existing Utilities James Bryan Kimley-Horn and Associates David Chacon City of Frisco Jeff Witt City of Frisco Evaluation of Alternatives for Wastewater Disinfection Andrea Odegard-Begay Garver Michael Watts Garver What is your Resiliency Scorecard? Using a Disaster Resilience Scorecard to Increase a Community’s Resilience Jerry Smiley AECOM Steven Duong AECOM www.txwater.org Desmond F. Lawler The University of Texas at Austin Tongren Zhou The University of Texas at Austin Ijung Kim The University of Texas at Austin Iron-Enriched Mineral Nanoparticles as Reactive Surfaces for Contaminant Transformation in Aquatic Environment and Treatment Systems Weile Yan Texas Tech University Track ends at 11:30 am 11:30 - Noon Getting a Good Opinion – The Importance of Financial Policies and the Impact on a Utility’s Credit Rating Implementing a Risk Based GIS Prioritization Model to Optimize Routine Maintenance of the Sanitary Sewer System Sam Barraco Carollo Engineers Aliza Caraballo North Texas Municipal Water District Granular Media Filtration of Environmentally Transformed Silver Nanoparticles 11:00 - 11:30 am Righting the Ship: A New Water Supply and a Higher Fund Balance Kirk Obst Austin Water Chemical Systems Safety and Operations: A Snapshot of a Typical Day at North Texas Municipal Water District’s Wylie WTP Complex 10:30 - 11:00 am Leveraging Texas Water Development Board SWIFT Monies to Keep Water Rates Low Austin Water’s Large Diameter Pipeline Condition Assessment & Leak Detection Program: The “Condition of Our Condition” and Setting the Framework for Future Linear Asset Management 23 TEXAS WATER 2016 HOST COMMITTEE Chairs Buster Fichera, City of Fort Worth (WEAT) Charly Angadicheril, City of Fort Worth (TAWWA) Finance Yolanda Gonzalez, City of Fort Worth Best-Tasting Drinking Water Tommy Howard, City of Fort Worth Golf Tim Allen, City of Fort Worth Andy Cronberg, City of Fort Worth Guest Program Stacy Walters, City of Fort Worth Competitions Russ Pior, City of Fort Worth Ginger Laird, City of Fort Worth Moderators Melissa Beasley, Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. Convention Center/Events Kara Shuror, City of Fort Worth Michele Birmingham, City of Fort Worth Posters Chad Simmons, Freese & Nichols Dodson’s Drive 5K Andrew Alleman, CH2M Door Prizes Brenda Williams, City of Fort Worth Environmental Event Stephanie Zavala, City of Mansfield Jeff Empante, City of Fort Worth Exhibits Donald Lange, Brown & Gay Engineers Travis Andrews, City of Fort Worth Greg Stean, City of Fort Worth Program Meera Victor, Carollo Engineers, Inc. Bruce Curtis, EBAA Iron Sales, Inc. Publicity Mary Gugliuzza, City of Fort Worth Hilda Zuniga, City of Fort Worth Registration Fran Peterson, City of Fort Worth Secretary Lisa Chambers, City of Fort Worth Signs Jerry Pressley, City of Fort Worth Steve Nutter, City of Fort Worth Tours Paul Wright, City of Fort Worth Ana Peña, City of Fort Worth Transportation Chris Harder, City of Fort Worth Volunteers Kim Pool, City of Fort Worth Monique Florez, City of Fort Worth Water For People John Logan, Freese & Nichols Staff Support Julie Nahrgang, WEAT Mike Howe, TAWWA Clay Avery, GCP Association Services Cliff Avery, GCP Association Services Laura Cowan, GCP Association Services Liz Davidson, GCP Association Services Lisa Nejtek, GCP Association Services Tracy Wagner, GCP Association Services A clean, safe water supply Ensuring the water we have today can serve the world tomorrow. Please visit us in booth #334. BGE TxWater 2016 program ad.indd 1 24 www.browngay.com 3/2/2016 2:29:50 PM TEXAS WATER 2016 R CROM AWWA D110 Prestressed Concrete Tanks Three Potable Water Storage Tanks WECO - San Antonio,Texas Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. Three Clarifier Tanks & One Aerobic Digester Brownsville Utilities Brownsville,Texas CH2M Field Superintendents average 77 tanks built. Professional Engineers Dedicated to the Design of Low Maintenance, Bottle-tight Tanks. Request a ROE and Ask an Owners About Us. Experienced Trusted Respected CROM TANKS Over 4100 Tanks Designed and Built 900 CONGRESS AVENUE, SUITE L-115 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 Ph: 512.900.0471 www.cromcorp.com FACILITY TOURS Attendees who purchased tickets will enjoy one of these tours on Friday morning. A limited number of tickets may be available for purchase on-site for $35. Tours will depart at 8:30 a.m. from the Fort Worth Convention Center on Friday, April 22. Option 1: City of Fort Worth Rolling Hills Surface Water Treatment Plant Tour We are offering a tour of a surface water treatment plant with a power twist as a bonus. The Rolling Hills Surface Water Treatment Plant is a conventional surface water treatment plant that utilizes ozone as a primary disinfectant. Originally constructed in 1972 with a treatment capacity of 80 MGD with dual-media filters as a seasonal operational treatment plant to supply the water needs of the Miller Brewery, Rolling Hills has expanded to treat 200 MGD with biologically-active filters. The tour participant will observe the blending of the old technology with the new technology in water treatment. The tour will range from the raw water intake at the plant to the discharge from the high service pump station. The “twist” to this tour is the presentation and visit to the Generation Station of the Tarrant Regional Water District. The same raw water that feeds the Rolling Hills Surface Water Treatment Plant can also be used to generate electricity. The hydroelectric plant can generate 1.36 Megawatts of electricity. The combined tours will last about two hours and will include a tour led by the Plant Engineer and a presentation by Jason Gehrig of Tarrant Regional Water District. It will be conducted outdoors, so bring adequate protection from the elements. The tour participant should wear comfortable shoes as it is a walking tour. Option 2: MillerCoors Brewery Tour We are also offering a tour of the MillerCoors Brewery. The brewery is located on the Southside of Fort Worth along I-35. The plant was originally built by the Carling Brewing Company in 1964 and later purchased by Miller Brewing in 1969. The brewery has expanded from an original annual capacity of 300,000 barrels to 9,000,000 barrels. The brewery is located on 155 acres with 51 acres under roof. It is the original home of Miller Lite. Incoming water from the City of Fort Worth is treated to become process water for the production of beer. The brewery returns approximately 63 percent of the water it uses back to the City of Fort Worth. The wastewater is primarily treated through an anaerobic digester. The 26 system also captures and provides up to 20 percent of the natural gas needs of the brewery. A brief presentation regarding water and wastewater treatment will start the tour and the tour will focus on the main processes of beer brewing and packaging. In addition, the brewery is a leader in the industry regarding sustainability. Since 2010, the brewery has reduced water consumption by more than 20 percent. Currently, the brewery uses 3.2 barrels of water to produce one barrel of beer. National average in the brewing industry is approximately 6.0 barrels/barrel. The tour will last about two hours and will be led by Lairy Johnson of MillerCoors, the Brewery’s Environmental and Sustainability Engineer. It will be conducted outdoors, so bring adequate protection from the elements. The tour participant should wear comfortable shoes as it is a walking tour. Option 3: City of Fort Worth Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility Tour We are very excited to offer a tour of the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility (VCWRF) that is recognized by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies with the Platinum Award for complete and consistent TPDES permit compliance for the last 25 years. VCWRF has a rated capacity of 166 MGD with a two-hour peak of 369 MGD. The plant uses conventional activated sludge treatment and a high rate clarification system during wet weather flow conditions capable of treating an additional 80 MGD. One of VCWRF’s goals is to become an energy neutral/net-zero facility and features several energy efficiency and production systems aimed at achieving that goal, including gas turbine generators, heat recovery system, steam driven aeration blowers, high strength waste co-digestion and automated dissolved oxygen control. After the implementation of the above facility improvements under the energy savings performance contract, the facility has reduced electrical consumption by an additional 39 percent, allowing VCWRF to meet up to 75 percent of its energy demand. WERF has recently recognized VCWRF with its Award for Excellence in Innovation during a celebration of WERF’s subscribers in WEFTEC at Chicago. The tour will last approximately two hours and will include a tour led by plant staff emphasizing major energy related systems. Tour will be conducted outdoors and closedtoe shoes are required. TEXAS WATER 2016 Good morning, Texas. A new, affordable process for improved water quality is here. As Texas grows, so does its demand for more clean water—and at lower costs. The GEO Specialty Chemicals water treatment chemical manufacturing facility in Deer Park, TX, produces new, highly active polyaluminum chloride (PAC) products. We are dedicated to serving Texas municipalities in need of better, cost-effective solutions in clean water practices. Call us to learn more: 800-453-2586. www.geosc.com Brazos River COMPETITIONS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 Operations Challenge EXHIBIT HALL See full event schedule on page 29. The WEAT Operations Challenge invites you to join the best and the brightest professionals that Texas has to offer. Join teams from Arkansas, Louisiana, Colorado, Austin, Dallas, TRA and Longview in a multi-day competition designed to showcase the team’s knowledge and skills in Process Control (Sponsored by Freese and Nichols), Laboratory Analysis (Sponsored by Hartwell Environmental), Pump Maintenance (Sponsored by CP&Y), Collection System Repair (Sponsored by AECOM), Safety (Sponsored by Carollo) and our 5th Annual Exhibition Event (Sponsored by Victaulic). Competitors can receive up to 10 TCEQ CEU hours, t-shirts, entry into the technical sessions and exhibit halls, and bragging rights! The Top Three Texas Teams earn a free trip to WEFTEC Nationals, which will be held in September in New Orleans. Texas Shoot-Out Competition, Open to All! 3:30 to 5 pm, Exhibit Hall, Ops Challenge Area Who is the fastest draw on cutting a piece of 8-inch SDR 35 pipe with a hand saw? It’s time to show who really has the quickest hands in Texas at the annual Texas ShootOut. This competition is designed to demonstrate elements of the Operations Challenge’s Collection event. The event is open to all. The $5 entry fee proceeds go to Curtis Smalley Memorial Fund. First place in all events will receive a plaque. THURSDAY, APRIL 21 Top Ops 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, Exhibit Hall Water operations personnel can impress their co-workers and dazzle their bosses with their technical knowledge by competing in this quiz show-style event. The winning team advances to the National Top Ops Competition in June 2016 at the AWWA Annual Conference. Pipe Tapping Contest 9:30 am to 3 pm, Exhibit Hall Four-person teams from across the state compete to determine who will represent Texas at the AWWA National Pipe Tapping Competition in June. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 Junior Meter Madness 1 to 2:30 pm, Exhibit Hall The Junior Meter Madness Contest matches students from high school environmental programs for a test of their meter-assembling skills and dexterity in the Exhibit Hall from 1 to 2:30 pm. Please support these “future water professionals” by attending on Wednesday. Meter Madness 2:30 to 4:30 pm, Exhibit Hall Contestants race to assemble a 5/8-inch meter (sponsored by Master Meter) from loose parts and test for leaks. The winner represents Texas at the AWWA national competition. 28 Best-Tasting Drinking Water Contest 1:45 to 3 pm, Exhibit Hall The Best-Tasting Drinking Water Contest brings together entries representing utilities across Texas. A panel of celebrity judges grades the samples. Along with Texas bragging rights, the winning entrant competes at the AWWA Annual Conference and Exhibition in June. We’d like to give a special thank you to our Best-Tasting Drinking Water judges! Name Claim to Fame Paul Innes ................ MillerCoors Cody Martin .............. Martin House Brewing Company Enrique Teuteló ........ Telemundo TEXAS WATER 2016 Texas Water 2016 Water Environment Association of Texas Operations Challenge WEAT Operations Challenge Schedule of Events EVENT SCHEDULE Pre-Comp Meeting EVENT: SPONSOR: LOCATION: 8:30 AM 8:45 AM 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 11:45 AM 12:00 PM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 12:45 PM 1:00 PM 1:15 PM 1:30 PM 1:45 PM 2:00 PM 2:15 PM 2:30 PM 2:45 PM 3:00 PM 3:15 PM 3:30 PM 3:45 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Chair: PWO Rep: Safety Officer: Scorekeeper: Coordinator: Coordinator: Process Control Event Laboratory Event Exhibit. Event Texas Shoot Out Safety Event Collection System Event Maint. Event Electrical Event Freese & Nichols Hartwell Envir. Victaulic EI2 Carollo AECOM CP&Y Gupta Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Ballroom C Tues, Apr 19 Equipment Move In Room 100 ALL Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Tables A Tables B Wednesday, April 20 Thursday, April 21 8 6 2 7 9 1 6 1 8 7 5 5 4 5 8 4 6 9 6 9 3 4 3 1 5 8 2 7 4 3 Lunch 3 4 1 2 7 9 6 Lunch 5 7 1 2 1 9 9 3 6 3 2 2 4 7 5 8 8 Texas Shoot Out MWH Global-Competition Awards Ceremony (Top Ops Area) Pre-Comp Meeting OPERATIONS CHALLENGE STAFF: Jeff Sober, Garver Scott Baggett, Longview Cynthia Bennett, JPS Health Network Tamie Young Rhonda Harris, CH2M Heather Compton, Garver Top Ops 1 2 3 4 5 COMPETITION TEAMS: TRA CReWSers TRA Waste Warriors DWU Central Snappers DWU Aqua Techs JWU Mixed Liquors Pipe Tapping Thursday, April 21 » 9:30 am Thursday, April 21 » 9:30 am Competitors*: Competitors*: Arlington Dallas Fort Worth New Braunfels San Antonio (mens) San Antonio (womens) City of Fort Worth City of Houston Trinity River Authority of Texas www.txwater.org 6 7 8 9 LA Wrecking Crew NRH POOseidons NOLA Water Dogz NTMWD South Mesquite Rangers Best-Tasting Drinking Water Thursday, April 21 » 1:45 pm Competitors*: (Teams can still enter day of event) City of Universal City San Jacinto River Authority San Patricio Municipal Water District Upper Trinity Regional Water District *competitors as of press time 29 Texas Water 2016 Sponsors Diamond CONSTRUCT ABILITY, LLC Platinum surveyors 30 TEXAS WATER 2016 Diamond Gold Silver Bronze Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. Badger Meter AACE Consulting Engineers CDM Smith HDR Carboline EJ Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd, Inc. Gupta & Associates, Inc. Water Remediation Technology www.txwater.org 31 SMARTER SOLUTIONS FOR THE WATER INDUSTRY 540 knowledgeable, professional, dedicated staff 16 offices throughout Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana 66 years of delivering high-quality results COUNTLESS ways to serve you n ARCHITECTURE n ENVIRONMENTAL n GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS n LAND AND SITE DEVELOPMENT n LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING n n n n n n MEP ENGINEERING OIL AND GAS PROCESS MANAGEMENT TOOLS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT PUBLIC WORKS RIGHT OF WAY n STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING n SUBSURFACE UTILITY ENGINEERING / UTILITY COORDINATION n SURVEYING n TRANSPORTATION n VISUALIZATION n WATER RESOURCES FOR MORE INFO SMARTER SOLUTIONS INFO@HALFF.COM HALFF.COM Fort Worth Convention Center Map Sheraton Hotel Room 100 EXHIBIT HALL Registration WFP Auction Bus Pickup Schedule (from Convention Center unless otherwise noted) Curtis Smalley Environmental Event: Tuesday, April 19 8:30 am Guest Program (from Sheraton): Wednesday, April 20 8:30 am Guest Program (from Sheraton): Thursday, April 21 8:45 am Night Out at the Museum: Thursday, April 21 6 pm Facility Tours: Friday, April 228:30 am Awards Lunch Awards Breakfast YP/ Student Reception Opening Session Women in Water Speaker Ready Room Committee Mtgs. Posters Featured Poster Technical Sessions Texas Water 2016 1146 1047 746 647 646 547 1144 1045 1044 945 944 845 744 645 644 545 1142 1043 1042 943 942 843 742 643 642 543 1140 1041 1040 941 940 841 740 641 640 541 1138 1039 1038 939 938 839 738 639 638 539 1036 937 936 837 836 736 637 1338 1239 1238 1139 1336 1237 1236 1137 1334 1235 1234 1135 1134 1035 1034 935 934 835 834 735 734 635 634 535 1332 1233 1232 1133 1132 1033 1032 933 932 833 832 733 732 633 632 533 1330 1231 1230 1131 1130 1031 1030 931 930 831 830 731 730 631 630 531 1328 1229 1228 1129 1128 1029 1028 929 928 829 828 729 728 629 628 529 1326 1227 1226 1127 1126 1027 1026 927 926 827 826 727 726 627 626 527 1324 1225 1224 1125 1124 1025 1024 925 924 825 1222 1123 1122 1023 1022 923 922 823 822 723 722 623 622 523 1220 1121 1120 1021 1020 921 920 821 820 721 720 621 620 521 1318 1219 1218 1119 1118 1019 1018 919 918 819 818 719 718 619 618 519 1316 1217 1216 1117 1116 1017 1016 917 916 817 816 717 716 617 616 517 1314 1215 1214 1115 1114 1015 1014 915 914 815 814 715 714 615 614 515 1312 1213 1212 1113 1012 913 912 813 812 712 613 1310 1211 1210 1111 1110 1011 1010 911 910 811 810 711 710 611 610 511 1308 1209 1208 1109 1108 1009 1008 909 908 809 808 709 708 609 608 509 1306 1207 1206 1107 1106 1007 1006 907 906 807 806 707 706 607 606 507 1304 1205 1204 1105 1104 1005 1004 905 904 805 804 705 704 605 604 505 1302 1203 1202 1103 1102 1003 1002 903 902 803 802 703 702 603 602 503 1300 1201 1200 1101 1100 1001 1000 901 900 801 800 701 700 601 600 501 3 4 5 6 7 724 625 8 9 10 11 12 13 546 447 446 347 346 247 544 445 444 345 344 245 542 443 442 343 342 243 540 441 440 341 340 241 538 439 438 339 338 239 536 437 436 337 534 435 434 335 334 235 234 135 532 433 432 333 332 233 232 133 530 431 430 331 330 231 230 131 528 429 428 329 328 229 228 129 526 427 426 327 326 227 226 127 524 425 424 325 522 423 422 323 322 223 222 123 520 421 420 321 320 221 220 121 518 419 418 319 318 219 218 119 516 417 416 317 316 217 216 117 514 415 414 315 314 215 214 115 512 413 412 313 510 411 410 311 310 211 210 111 508 409 408 309 308 209 208 109 506 407 406 307 306 207 206 107 504 405 404 305 304 205 204 105 502 403 402 303 302 203 202 103 500 401 400 301 300 201 200 101 14 15 16 136 134 132 224 125 212 113 120 118 116 114 112 110 108 106 104 102 100 TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBIT HALL QUICK INDEX OF TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS 3M Company……………………………………………………………..1117 A. R. I. Flow Control……………………………………………………..645 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.………………………….……………………..611 A.W. Chesterton Co.……………………………………………………..728 Abel Pumps, L.P.………………………...……………………………..435A Accelerated Technology Laboratories………...........………………..1310 Ace Pipe Cleaning Inc.………………………………………..………..1217 ACFM, Inc.………………………………………………………………..831 ACT Pipe and Supply…………………………………………………..1214 Active Water Solutions, LLC……………………………………….…..1308 Adaptor, Inc.………………………………………………………...…..1033 ADI Water Solutions………………………………….…………………..443 ADS Environmental Services……………………….…………....……..906 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.……………………………………..928 Advanced Process/Danfoss…………………………………….…......1032 Advanced Valve Technologies LLC…………………...………………..647 AECOM…………………………………………………………………....243 Aeration Industries International……….…….…….….……..……….1028 Aerator Solutions……………………………………………..…………..214 Aero-Mod, Inc.……………………………………………………...…..437A Aerzen, USA Corporation…………………………….………………..413A Air Mac, Inc.…………………………………………………………..…..545 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc.……………………..…………………..901 Alfa Laval Ashbrook Simon-Hartley…………………………300A & 117A Alpha Testing, Inc.………………………………………………………..815 Alsay, Inc.……………………………………………………………..…..938 American AVK Company…………………………...…………………..1124 American Ductile Iron Pipe…………………………….………………..839 Ameron Water Transmission Group………………..…………………..209 Amiad Water Systems…………………………………………..……..115A Amwell - A Div. of McNish Corp.…………………….………………..433A Ana-Lab Corporation……………………………………………………..915 Analytical Technology, Inc.……………………………….…………….1038 Andritz Separation Inc.…………………………………………………..403 APG-Neuros……………………………………………………………..1103 Aqua Metric Sales Company……………….….…………………….....905 Aqua Metrology Systems……………….….……………..…….…......1332 Aqua Texas………………………………………………………………..922 Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.……………………………...……………..401 Aqualitec Screening Equipment……………………..………………..1031 Aquarius Technologies Inc.………………………………..…………..100A Aquaturbo Systems, Inc.………………………………….……………..439 ARCADIS……………………………………………….……………..…..621 Archer Western……………………………………….…………………..835 ASA Analytics…………………………………………….……………..422A Asahi/America, Inc.……………………………………………………..1312 Assmann Corporation of America……………………..………………..615 Atlantic Blowers & Diffusers…………...………………………………..444 Atlas Copco Compressors Inc.…………………………..……………..102 AUC Group………………………………………………………….…..100B AWC, Inc.…………………………………………………………..……..600 Badger Meter, Inc.………………………………………………………..908 BDP Industries, Inc.…………………………………..………………..216A Belco Manufacturing Co Inc.……………………..……………………..619 Bentley Systems, Inc.…………………………………………………..1208 Bilfinger Water Technologies.………………………….….….………..1026 Binder Group……………………………………………………….……..526 Binkley & Barfield, Inc.………………………………….………………..729 BioAir Solutions…………………………………………………………..516 BioCOPE, Inc.………………………………………………..…………..702 BJ Environmental……………………………………….………………..538 BLOC Design-Build, LLC………………………………………………..720 Blue Earth Labs…………………………………………………………..519 Blue Water Technologies……………………….……………………..422B Blue-White Industries…………………………………...………………..223 BlueInGreen…………………………………………………...………..215B 36 Boerger LLC………………………………………………….…………..323 Brenntag Southwest……………………………………………..……..1045 Brentwood Industries, Inc.………………………..……………………..518 Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc.…………………….……………………..334 Bulldog Steel Products…………………………………..……………..1326 Burgess & Niple, Inc.……………………………………………………..808 Bury, Inc. now Stantec………………..……………………...…………..620 C.C. Lynch & Associates, Inc.…………………………………………..714 C2i Control Instruments, Inc.…………………………………………..1130 Cabot Norit Americas Inc.…………………………….………………..1131 Calgon Carbon Corp……………………………………………………..504 Cambi……………………………………………………………..……..103A Carboline Protective Coatings & Linings…………………..…………..703 Cardno………………………………………………………….………..1204 Carollo Engineers………………………………….……………………..207 CB Solutions LP…………………………………………………………..333 CB&I…………………………………………………………….….……..532 CCI Pipeline Systems………………………………..…………………..643 CDG Environmental, LLC………………………….…………………..1123 Centrisys Centrifuge Systems……………………….………………..440B Cerlic Environmental Controls, Inc.…………….…………...….…..1003B Charter Machine Company…………………………….……………...307A Chemtrade…………………………….…………………………………1041 Cityworks by Azteca Systems, Inc.………………...…………………..812 CLA-VAL……………………………………………………………..…..1129 CleanServe Inc.…………………………………………………………..202 CLS………………………………………………………………..……..1109 CNP Technology………………………………………………………..440A Collier Consulting, Inc.………….………………………………………..817 Construct-Ability……………………………………………….………..1022 Containment Solutions, Inc.……………………………………………..641 Continental Blower, L.L.C.………………………………..……………..402 Control Panels USA…………………………………………….………..722 Cook Legacy Water & Energy………………….……………………..417B Copperhead Industries LLC……………………………………………..920 Cortrol Process Systems, Inc.…………………………………………..614 Cougar Controls/Cougar Fuel Systems……….…..…………………..322 CP&Y, Inc.………………………………………………………….……..345 Cretex Speciality Products…………………………..…………………..646 CROM………………………………………………………......…...……..14 CST Covers………………………………………………………...……..425 Custom Conveyor Corp………………………………………………..316A Daniel Company…………………………………………….…..………..329 Data Flow Systems, Inc.………………………………………………..1127 Denali Water Solutions…………………………………………………..428 DeNora Water Technologies…………………………………..406A & 221 Deskins Dewatering-Backwash Water Recovery……………………..445 DeZurik APCO | Hilton…………………………….……………………..717 DFW Plastics, Inc.…………………………………….………………..1304 Diamond Fiberglass…………………………………….………………..112 Diesel Fuel Maintenance, Inc.……………………..…………………..1211 DN Tanks…………………………………………………………………..909 D. R. Cordell & Assoc., Inc..….….….….….…..….….……….………..210 Ductile Iron Pipe Research Assoc……………….……………………..930 Duke’s Root Control, Inc.………………………………………………..806 Dunham Engineering, Inc.……………………………………………..1039 Duperon Corporation……………………………………….…………..1100 DXI/DPC Industries, Inc.…………………………….…………………..708 DXP Enterprises, Inc.……………………………….…….……………..629 Dynamatic Drive Source International…………….…….……………..431 E & I Corporation……………………………………….…….………..420B Earth Science Laboratories, Inc. - EarthTec…………....……………..630 EBAA Iron, Inc.…………………………………………………….……..900 ECO Oxygen Technologies, LLC……………………………………..420A ECS House Industries, Inc.……………………………….……………..113 Egger Pumps………………………………………………………….…..523 TEXAS WATER 2016 MAKING A DIFFERENCE ONE DROP AT A TIME… Newman Regency Group professionally represents top-tier manufacturers in the water and wastewater industry providing engineered solutions designed to preserve our most valuable resource. HOUSTON 281-980-7448 AUSTIN 512-288-8552 DALLAS / OKLAHOMA 972-769-1993 www.NewmanRegencyGroup.com QUICK INDEX OF TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS EGW Utilities, Inc.………………………………………………………..939 EJ…………………………………………………………………...……..539 Electrolytitech Technologies, Corp.……………...……………………..501 Emerson Process Management / Rosemount……….………………..230 Enexio….….….……………………………………………….…………..405 Engineered Textile Products, Inc.……………………………..………..503 Engineered Treatment Systems, LLC.……………………….……….1002 Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd, Inc.…..………………………….…….……..1306 Entech Design, Inc.………………………………………………..……..231 Enviro-Care……………………………………………………………..419B Environment One Corporation…………………………………………..110 Environmental Dynamics International……………….………………..310 Environmental Improvements, Inc. (EI2)…………………....…134 & 136 Environmental Treatment Technologies, Inc.………………………..1000 EPA Region 6 - Water Quality Protection Division…………………..…..8 EquipSolutions Water Treatment Equipment & Services………..…..432 Evans Enterprises, Inc.………………………….……………………..1224 Evoqua Water Technologies LLC, Memcor Products………...125 & 320 Fairfield Service Company………………...……………..….………1003A Ferguson Waterworks…………………...……………………………..1133 Filtronics, Inc.…………………………………………………....……1007A Fin-Tek Ozone………….…….…….…………………………...………..924 Five Star Electric……………………………………………..…………..941 Five Star Filtration LLC…………………………………………………..105 FKC………………………………………………………………………..302 Flexim Americas Corp………………………………….………………..226 Flo Trend Systems, Inc.……………………………..…………………..101 Fluid Dynamics, Inc.………………………………….………………..410B Ford Hall Company.…………………………………...….…….….……...13 Forterra Pressure Pipe…………………………………………………..203 Fortiline Waterworks……………………………………………………..346 Fournier Industries, Inc.………………………………………………..421A Frank Clark Associates………………………………….……………..1021 Franklin Electric (Little Giant/FPS)……………………….…..….……..719 Franklin Miller Inc.…………………………………………….………..1105 Freese & Nichols………………………………………………..………..133 Fuquay, Inc.……………………………………………………………..1237 Gajeske, Inc.………………………………………………….…………..912 Garney Construction…….….….………………………………………..541 Garver……………………………………………………………………..738 GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc.………………………………..321A Geneva Polymer…………………….….….……………………….…..1324 GEO Specialty Chemicals………………………………..……………..933 Gexpro……………………………………………………………………..925 GH Systems, Inc.………………………………………………..……1001B Gicon Pumps & Equipment………………………….…………………..341 Glasco UV…………………………………………………………….…..438 Global Treat Inc.…………………………………………………………..534 Global WET……………………………………………………………..430B Gray Matter Systems………………………………...…………………..829 Great Plains Industries………………………………..………………..1235 Gulf Coast Tank and Construction……………..……………………..1302 H2O Innovation…………………………………………………...……..1101 Hach………………….……………………………………….…………..843 Hach Company Flow Products & Services………..…………………..227 Hahn Equipment……………………...…………………………….…..1212 Hartwell Environmental Corp.………...……………….………………..415 Hayward Gordon Ltd.…………………………………………………..117B HD Supply Waterworks……………………………….………………..1209 HDR Engineering, Inc.…………….….………..……….……………..1200 Headworks International………………………….……………………..512 Hendrick Screen Co.………………...…………………………………..306 Henry Pratt Co.…………………………………………….……….…..1015 Hiller Separation & Process, LLC………………….….………………..511 Hobas Pipe USA………………………………………..………………..802 Hoffman & Lamson by Gardner Denver……..…….…………………..327 38 HR Green Inc.…………………………………………………………..1205 HRM Environmental…………………………………..…..………..210-219 Huber Technology, Inc.…………………………………………………..127 Hydra-Stop………………………………………………………………..916 Hydro Gate………………………………………………….…………..421B Hydro International………………………………..….…………………..212 Hydro-Dyne Engineering, Inc.………………….……………………..217B IDEXX Laboratories…………………………………..…….…………..1234 Indepth Utility Solutions LLC…………………….….…………………..834 Industrial Control Systems/Filter Magic………………………………..500 Infilco Degremont, Inc.…………………………………….……………..409 Innovyze………………………………………………………….………..807 Inovair………………………………………………………….…………..308 Insituform Technologies, Inc.………………………………..…………..825 International Flow Technologies, Inc.…………………..……………..1126 Invent Environmental Technologies…………………………………..414A IPEX, Inc.………………………………………………………….….…..926 IPM Systems……………………………………………….……………..305 ISCO Industries, LLC……………………………..…….………………..913 IXOM WATERCARE…………………………………….……………..408A Jacobi Carbons, Inc.…………………………........….….….….….…...416 Jacobs Engineering………………………………….....………………..813 JCM Industries Inc.……………………………….….…………………..208 JCS Industries, Inc.………………………………………..……………..733 JDV Equipment Co.…………………………………………….………..412 Jeans Waterproofing of Texas……………………………..…………..1228 Jim Cox Sales, Inc.……………………………………………………..1338 Jim Myers & Sons, Inc. (JMS)…………………………………………..123 JM Eagle/RCT………………………………………………….…….…..923 Johlin Measurement Ltd………………………………………………..1220 Johnson Screens Div of Bilfinger…………..…….……………………..505 JQ Infrastructure……………………………………………….….……..837 JWC Environmental…………………………………….….…………..413B Kaeser Compressors, Inc.…………………………………….……..1004A Kamstrup Water Metering……………………………….……………..1229 KCI Technologies………………………………………………………..1300 Kemira Water……………………………………………………………..721 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.……………………..………………..801 Komline-Sanderson………………………………………..…………..316B Krofta Technologies…………………………….….…………………..417A KROHNE…………………………………………………………………..710 Krüger……………………………………………………………………..447 KSA.………………………..………………………….…………………..823 Kubota Membrane USA Corporation……………….…………………..111 Kusters Water…………………………………………………………..434A KWS Manufacturing Co., Ltd.……………………..…………………..1102 L. F. Manufacturing, Inc.……………………………….………………..206 Lakeside Equipment Corporation………………..……………………..326 Landia Inc.………………………………………………………………..418 Landmark Structures……………………………….…………………..1027 Layne Christensen…………………………………………….………..1020 Lime Association of Texas…………………………..…………………..547 Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.…………………………………..723 Lone Star Blower…………………………………………………..……..119 Lonza……………………………………………………….….…………..222 Loprest Water Treatment Company…………………...……………..435B Lowell Corporation………………………………………………….…..1210 Lutz - JESCO America Corporation…………….….…………………..521 M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.………………………………….……………..1009 Macaulay Controls Company……………………….…………………..235 Magna Flow Environmental……………………….….………………..1108 Maloney Technical Products…………………………………………..1016 MARS Company………………………………………………………..1219 Master Meter, Inc.……………………………………..………………..1230 McCain Waterworks Marketing……………………..…………………..645 McCrometer, Inc.………………………………………….……………..220 TEXAS WATER 2016 McGard…………………………………………………………………..1044 McWane, Inc.……………………………………………………………..705 MDN Enterprises……………………………….….……………………..742 Mechanical Associates…………………………………………………..527 Merrick Industries, Inc.…………………………………………………..325 Metso Automation/RealTech .………….….…….…….………………1034 Meurer Research, Inc.……………………………………….…………..407 Milton Roy Pumps………………………………………….…………..437B Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc.………………………………..311 Mixtec NA………………………………….….………….……………..1030 MMG/Gripper Gasket………………………………….….……………..340 Moody Bros., Inc.…………………………………………….…………..942 Motor Controls Inc.………………………………….….………………..644 Mueller Co.……………………………………………….……………..1140 Mueller Systems.………………..……………………….……………..1138 Municipal Valve & Equipment Company…………..…………………..540 MWH Global………………………...…………………………………..1201 Neel-Schaffer, Inc.………………………………………………….…..1225 NeoTec UV…………………………………………………….….……..1107 Neptune Technology Group, Inc.………………….…………………..1018 Newman Regency Group………………………………………………..319 Niagara Conservation Corp.………………………..….………………..706 Nicor Inc.…………………………………………………………….…..1128 North American Pipe Corporation…….….….……..…………………..814 Northwest Pipe Company………………………………..….…………..332 NOSHOK, Inc.…………………………………………………….….…..229 NOV/Moyno, Inc.………..………………………………………………..114 Odessa Pumps & Equipment……………………….…………………..533 Oldcastle Enclosure Solutions……………………...…………………..638 Onyx Valve Co.………………………………………..………………..1146 Orthos Liquid Systems Inc.……………………………………………..442 Ostara…………………………………………………………….……..300B OTT North America LLC……………………………….………………..524 Ovivo USA, LLC……………………………………….….…1006A & 1236 Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers…………………………………..836 PALL Corporation………………………………………...……….……115B Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc.…………………………………………..935 ParkProcess…………………………………………………….………..400 Parkson Corporation………………………………..….………304 & 430A ParkUSA……………………………………………………….………..1035 Patterson Equipment Company…….…………….….………………..1122 Pax Water Technologies………………………………………………..1125 PB Equipment, Inc..……………………………………….….……....1001A C PCD Sales, Inc.……………………………………………….….……..1137 M PCL Construction, Inc.…………………………………………………..618 Pencco Inc.…………………………………………….………………..1336 Y Performance Pipe………………………………………………………..536 Perma-Liner Industries, Inc.……………………….…………………..1121 CM PeroxyChem……………………………………………………….……..116 MY Philadelphia Mixing Solutions…………………………………………..506 Phoenix Tank Co.……………………………………….….…………..1318 CY PillAerator GmbH…………………………………………….…………..522 CMY Pinnacle Industries…………………………………………..…………..635 Pinnacle Ozone Solutions, LLC…………………….…………………..509 K Pipeline Plastics, LLC……………………………………………….…..918 Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co.………………………………..…………..1203 Plasti-Fab, Inc.…………………………………………………………...718 PMC Engineering LLC…………………………………………………..910 Pollardwater……………………………………………………………..1047 PowerSeal Pipeline Products Inc.………………………..….………..1238 Precision Calibrate Meter Service…………………….….…………..1316 Precon Tanks……………………………………………………………..640 Preload…………………………………………………………….….…..204 Premier Silica……………………………………………………………..921 Prime Controls, L.P.………………………………….…………………..821 Process Solutions Corp………………………………..………………..642 Process Solutions, Inc. – a UGSI Solutions Company……...…...…..120 ProMinent Fluid Controls, Inc.…………………………………..232 & 234 Prominent Systems, Inc.……………………………..………………..1213 Pulsafeeder, Inc.………………………………………………….……...423 Pulsco……………………………………………………………………..502 Pulsed Hydraulics, Inc.…………………………………………………..520 Pump & Power Equipment………………………….…………………..701 Pump Solutions, Inc.……………………………………………………..601 Pumps & Controls………………………………………………………..809 Pumps of Houston, Inc.………………………….….…………………..623 Purafil, Inc.………………………………………………………………..309 Pure Air Filtration, LLC…………………………….…………………..109A Pure Technologies…………………………………….…….……200 & 201 Purifics……………………………………………………………………..517 Quadex…………………………………………………………………..1216 R. E. Merrill and Assoc. Inc……………………………………………..907 RACO MFG & Engineering Co.……………………………...………..1036 Rangeline Tapping Services, Inc………………………….……………..12 Raven Lining Systems……………………………………...…………..1114 Red Flint Group…………………………………………………………..731 Rexa……………………………………………………………...………..411 RG3 Meter Company……………………………….….………………..929 RJN Group, Inc.…………………………………………………………..247 RKI Instruments, Inc.……………………………………………………..228 Roberts Filter Group……………………………………………………..514 Robuschi USA Inc.…………….…….…………………………………..317 Romac Industries, Inc.…………………………………………….……..827 RootX……………………………………………………………….……..804 Rotork Dallas - K-TORK………………………………..………………..819 Preload_TX Water 2016 Attendee Brochure.pdf 1 12/17/15 RPS Espey……………………………………………….….…………..1118 Russell Corrosion Consultants LLC…………………………………..1314 PIONEERS OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE TANKS Denton, TX Upper Trinity Regional Water Authority Carollo Engineers 4,000,000 Gallon Clearwell www.txwater.org WWW.PRELOAD.COM 1-888-PRELOAD 39 11: QUICK INDEX OF TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS RWL Water……………………………………………………..………..1206 S&N Airoflo, Inc.………………………………………………………..307B s::can Measuring Systems, LLC………………………………………..716 Saf-T-Flo Chemical Injection………………………..….……………..109B SAMCO Leak Detection Services, Inc.…………..….………………..1116 Schnabel Engineering…………………………………...……………..1227 Schneider Electric………………………………………………………..726 Schreiber LLC……………………………………………….….………..531 Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.…….….…………………..704 Schwing Bioset Inc.………………………………………………….…..529 Scinor Water America, LLC…………………………….….…………..1104 Seepex……………………………………………………………………..404 Shand and Jurs………………………………………….……………..406B Sherwin Williams Co.…………………………….….…………………..427 Siemens Energy Inc.….………………………..….…………………..414B Siemens/FCI…………………………..….…..….…………….….…....1040 Siemens/Murray Energy.….…………..….……..…...….….….……...1042 Sigma Corporation……………………………………...………………..833 Singer Valve LLC………………………………………………….……..108 SIP Industries/Serampore…………………………….………………..1115 SludgeNET Dewatering Systems, Inc.………………….……………..429 SmartCover® Systems™………………………………………………..528 SmartPhone Meter Reading, LLC……………………………………..1120 Smith & Loveless………….…….….….….….….….….….331, 342 & 344 Smith Pump Company…………………………………………………..727 Smith-Blair Inc.…………………………………………………….……..805 40 South Western Environmental…………..…..…..…....….….…424 & 426 Southwest Fluid Products, Inc.…………..…....….….…......….….…1024 Specialty Maintenance Products/Valve-Out Tools……………..……..637 Specific Energy………………………………………….………………..441 Specification Rubber Products, Inc.………………..…………………..241 Specified Utility Associates………………………………….…………..830 SpectraShield Liner Systems…………………………………….….…...338 Spectrum Water Technology……………………..….….………………..530 Spirac USA Inc.………………………………………………….……..216B SPS Engineering………….….….…………………..…………………..507 SPX, Lightnin Brand…………………………………….……………..408B STA-CON INC…………………………………………………………..1202 Star Pipe Products…….….….…………………………………………..818 Statiflo Corp.…………………………………………………….………..315 Stewart Brothers Drilling Enterprises, Inc.……….……..……………..927 Structural Technologies…………………………………………...……..205 Sulzer Pump Solutions Inc.……………………………………………..446 Sun Coast Controls.………………….….….……………….….….…..1005 Superior Tank Co., Inc.…………………………….………….………..1207 Swaby-LOBELINE Pump Co...…….……………..…………………..103B Swan Analytical…………………………………………………………..932 Take Care of Texas - TCEQ……………………….………….…………..15 Tank Builders Inc.…………………………………………….…………..740 Tank Connection………………………………………..………………..218 Tank Industry Consultants……………………….……………………..1011 TE Connectivity/KPSI and TruBlue…….….….……..………………..1215 TEXAS WATER 2016 Construct-Ability, LLC has an industry leading approach that presents clients with a unique opportunity to save money. Our company’s pioneered approach to the requested services are built around one principal, to provide the client with a “Constructible” project at a competitive market value. Our unique approach to constructability review focuses on a team of cross trained professionals. Each team member is fully versed in the tasks used to perform our services. This will allow our entire staff to support the varying needs of each individual work order. Phone: 830-632-6139 Nick@construct-ability.com www.construct-ability.com Grout‐In‐Place PVC Lining Trenchless Spiral Wound or Panel Installation ANY SIZE >36” ANY SHAPE ANY HOST MATERIAL Pipes – Culverts – Tunnels – Structures – Manholes A Corrosion Resistant True Structural Rehab Phone: 281‐598‐1126 Info@danbyrehab.com www.danbyrehab.com Integrating the best of both safety and inspections, to create a single outlet in which to better serve your company's construction needs; by providing a safe work environment for all of your employees, companies can remain competitive in the work industry. Phone: 830-632-6088 Info@construct-assurance.com www.construct-assurance.com QUICK INDEX OF TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS TECO-Westinghouse………………………………………..….………..917 TEEX Water & Wastewater Training……………….…………………..735 Telog, A Trimble Company……………..………………………………..224 Tetra Tech………………………………………………………….……..239 Texas Aquastore, Inc.………………………………..…………………..107 Texas AWWA…………………………………………….…...……………..3 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality-Water Quality……..…..11 Texas Fluid Power Products…………………………….……………..1144 Texas Fluoridation Project………………………………………..………..9 Texas Water Development Board……………………………..…………..5 The Ford Meter Box Company………………………………..………..715 The Hellan Strainer Company……………………………….………..328A The Scruggs Company…………………………………………….…..1017 The Spencer Turbine Company…………………………….…………..211 Thermal Process Systems……………………………………...……..419A Thermo Scientific Water Analysis Instruments………………………..712 Thompson Pipe Group-Flowtite………………………….……………..934 Thornton, Musso and Bellemin, Inc.………………...………………..1328 Tideflex Technologies…….……….…….……………………………..321B TIGERFLOW Systems…………………………………………………..106 TLP Solutions………………………………………………….………..1330 TNEMEC - The Barry Group…………………………..………………..608 Trihedral Engineering Limited………………………….….…………..1132 Trojan Technologies…………………………………………….………..301 TXWARN……………………………………………………………………..4 U.S. Composite Pipe, Inc.………………………..……………………..609 U.S. Saws/Inserta Fittings……………….……….……………………..639 U.S. Underwater Services, LLC………………….……………………..936 UGSI Chemical Feed, Inc. a UGSI Solutions Company……....……..118 Ultraflote Corp…………………………………………………..………..104 Underground Solutions…………………………………………………..607 Unison Solutions, Inc.…………………………………………………..1119 United Blower, Inc.……………………………………….……………..1106 US Peroxide, LLC………………………………………………………..303 USA BlueBook…………………………………………………..………..820 Utility Service Co.…………………………………….….……………..1222 GLOYNA BREAKFAST FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 7 TO 8:30 AM BALLROOM C Fiona Allen, Northern Region Manager at the Trinity River Authority of Texas, will be the featured speaker at the Gloyna Breakfast Friday morning. Tickets for the breakfast are $35 and are sold separately. Allen graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. She joined the Trinity River Authority of Texas in March 2011 as Northern Region Manager, where she is responsible for a staff of 205 dedicated personnel charged with planning, developing and operating wholesale water and wastewater services for 1.3 million people in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, local sponsorship of three USACOE reservoirs and a Capital Program of over $300 million. Prior to her current responsibilities, Allen served in various roles with the City of Arlington, including Director of Utilities and in January 2005, served as Interim Deputy City Manager. In March 2006, she was named Deputy City Manager/ Capital Investment, overseeing Public Works, Water Utilities and Environmental Services. In October 2009, she 42 V-FOLD, Inc.……………………………..……………………………1006B VAF Filtration Systems……………………………..………….……..1004B VAG/GA/RHC/FONTAINE……………………………..………………..132 Valve & Equipment Consultants, Inc.…………………………………..610 Vaughan Company, Inc.……………………………………..…………..314 Verder, Inc.………………………………………………………………..318 Victaulic…………………………………………………………….……..543 Victaulic Bermad Technologies………………………..………………..822 Vision Equipment……………………………………..…………..1100-1111 Vogelsang USA…………………………………………………………..436 Vulcan Industries, Inc.………………………….….…………………..215A Wachs Utility Products………………………………..………………..1113 Waco Products, Inc.……………………………………..……………..433B Walker Partners…………………………………………………………..626 Wangen America, Inc.………………………………………………..1007B Water Environment Association of Texas…………….…………………..6 Water Environment Federation………………………………..…………..7 Water Remediation Technology…………………………….…………..700 Waterman Industries…………………………………………….……..328B Waters to the Sea………………………………….….…………………..10 WaterSmart Innovations…………………………….…………………..914 Watson Marlow Fluid Technology Group……………………..………..121 WEDECO a Xylem brand………………………………………………..131 Weir Specialty Pumps (WEMCO)………………...…………………..217A WesTech Engineering, Inc.………………………………….…………..313 Wey Valve Inc.………………………………………………………..…..233 Whipps, Inc.………………………………………………………..……..219 Wigen Water Technologies……………………………….……………..330 Winters Instruments………………………………….….……………..1233 WL Plastics………………………………………………….…………..1218 WWaterTech, Inc.……………………………………...…...508, 510 & 515 Xylem - Flygt Products………………………………………..………..1008 Xylem Water Solutions - Leopold……………………..………………..129 Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc.…………..…….…………………..410A Young Engineering & Mfg……………………………………………..434B Zenner Performance………………………………………..……………..16 was named Deputy City Manager/ Economic Development, overseeing Aviation, Convention Center, Planning & Development and the Economic Development office with the duties of supervising Public Works and Water Utilities added in 2010. She retired from the City of Arlington in February 2011. Allen holds licenses as a Texas Professional Engineer and Registered Sanitarian, as well as TCEQ Class B-Distribution System Operator and Class III Wastewater Collection System Operator licenses. She is the immediate past Chair of the Texas A&M University Zachry Department of Civil Engineering Advisory Council, co-Chair of the Texas Section AWWA Water Utility Council, North Central Texas Chapter AWWA Trustee and serves as Vice President of the Northern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. She is a member of AWWA, WEF, Texas Municipal Utilities Association and Texas Water Conservation Association, where she was recently elected to the Board of Directors. She has been recognized as Engineer of the Year by the Mid-Cities Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers and received the Distinguished Service Award from TMUA. TEXAS WATER 2016 THE MOST IMPORTANT MEASURE IN THE BUSINESS OF WATER IS DEPTH OF EXPERTISE Archer Western, a part of the The Walsh Group is the nation’s largest contractor of water and wastewater treatment projects. As construction experts in this industry, we know plant design and understand the intricacies of complex systems. We’re versed in conventional and new technologies and work with hundreds of manufacturers, large, small and innovative to procure quality products and service. We build nationwide and understand the nuances of geographical regions. Our market knowledge, size and industry relationships reduce your risk while ensuring the best project and price. RECOGNIZED AS AN INDUSTRY LEADER BY ENR MAGAZINE T O P T E N L A R G E S T C O N T R A C T O R C AT E G O R I E S : US BUILDER OF WATER AND DESALINATION PLANTS US BUILDER OF SANITARY AND STORM SEWER CONTRACTOR US BUILDER OF SEWERAGE AND SOLID WASTE BUILDER US BUILDER OF US DOMESTIC HEAVY CONTRACTOR TOP US BUILDER OF DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTOR US BUILDER OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS WASTEWATER TREATMENT BUILDER US BUILDER OF HYDRO PLANT BUILDER ARCHER WESTERN A WALSH GROUP COMPANY 1411 GREENWAY DRIVE | IRVING, TX 75038 972.457.8500 | WWW.WALSHGROUP.COM AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. DISABILITY/VETERAN US BUILDER OF CONCRETE CONTRACTOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT DESIGN/BUILD GREEN BUILDER SELF PERFORM TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS 3M Company 3M Center Building 251-2A-39 St. Paul, MN 55144 sjani@mmm.com www.3m.com/water Booth 1117 ADS Environmental Services 10630 Rockley Houston, TX 77099 cfranklin@idexcorp.com adsenv.com Booth 906 A. R. I. Flow Control 18975 Marbach Ln #1202 San Antonio, TX 78266 jimmccain@mccainwaterworks.com Booth 645 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. 115 West Crown Point Rd Winter Garden, FL 34787 daniel.hale@ads-pipe.com www.ads-pipe.com Booth 928 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. 713 Oak Bluff Trl New Braunfels, TX 78132 kboerner@aymcdonald.com www.aymcdonald.com Booth 611 Advanced Process/Danfoss 13777 Stafford Point Ste B Stafford, TX 77477 brettk@wt.net www.advprocess.com Booth 1032 A.W. Chesterton Co. 8590 Newham St Lantana, TX 76226 sproulj@chesterton.com www.chesterton.com Booth 728 Advanced Valve Technologies LLC 800 Busse Rd Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 shawn.petty@yahoo.com Booth 647 Abel Pumps, L. P. 17778 West 59th Place Golden, CO 80403 rskesler@abelpumps.com Booth 435A AECOM 16000 Dallas Pkwy Ste 350 Dallas, TX 75248 tisha.eames@aecom.com www.aecom.com Booth 243 Accelerated Technology Laboratories 496 Holly Grove School Road West End, NC 27376 sstutsman@atlab.com www.atlab.com Booth 1310 Ace Pipe Cleaning Inc. 1509 Sylvania Court Fort Worth, TX 76111 bjameson@acepipe.com www.acepipe.com Booth 1217 ACFM, Inc. 16250 Tomball Pkwy Houston, TX 77086 brent@acfm-inc.com acfm-inc.com Booth 831 ACT Pipe and Supply 1888 W Northwest Hwy Dallas, TX 75220 cwolf@actpipe.com Booth 1214 Active Water Solutions, LLC 100 Waugh Drive, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77007 t.wilson@activewatersolutions.com www.activewatersolutions.com Booth 1308 Adaptor, Inc. 2151 South 54th St West Allis, WI 53219 dave@adaptorinc.com www.adaptorinc.com Booth 1033 ADI Water Solutions PO Box 360 Black Diamond, WA 98010 mikem@adiwater.com Booth 443 44 Aeration Industries International 4100 Peavey Rd Chaska, MN 55313 brian.jones@aireo2.com www.aireo2.com Booth 1028 Aerator Solutions jarnold@aeratorsolutions.com Booth 214 Aero-Mod, Inc. 7927 US Highway 24 Manhattan, KS 66502 john@aeromod.com Booth 437A Aerzen, USA Corporation 108 Independence Way Coatesville, PA 19320 kgrant@aerzenusa.com Booth 413A Air Mac, Inc. 8901 Directors Row Dallas, TX 75247 smyers@airmac.com Booth 545 Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 1320 S University Dr Ste 300 Ft Worth, TX 76107 mbeasley@apaienv.com www.apaienv.com Booth 901 Alfa Laval Ashbrook Simon-Hartley 11600 East Hardy Houston, TX 77093 jaime.bengoechea@alfalaval.com Booth 117A & 300A Alpha Testing, Inc. 2209 Wisconsin St Dallas, TX 75229 jwilt@alphatesting.com www.alphatesting.com Booth 815 Alsay, Inc. 11221 Cutten Rd Bldg 1 Houston, TX 77066 charlie.mcculloch@alsaywater.com Booth 938 Aqua Texas 9450 Silver Creek Fort Worth, TX 76108 smdunnahoe@aquaamerica.com Booth 922 American AVK Company 1913 Highlands Oaks Wylie, TX 75098 mtompkinsavk@gmail.com Booth 1124 Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. 6306 N Alpine Rd Loves Park, IL 61111 mfehler@aqua-aerobic.com www.aqua-aerobic.com Booth 401 American Ductile Iron Pipe PO Box 153988 Irving, TX 75061 wegreen@american-usa.com www.american-usa.com Booth 839 Ameron Water Transmission Group 10681 Foothill Blvd. Suite 450 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 kathleen.torres@nov.com Booth 209 Amiad Water Systems 1251 Mulhardt Avenue Oxnard, CA 93030 peachie.hytowitz@amiad.com Booth 115A Amwell - A Div. of McNish Corp. 600 N Commons Dr., Ste 116 Aurora, IL 60504 phaizman@amwell-inc.com www.amwell-inc.com Booth 433A Ana-Lab Corporation 11105 Shady Trail #123 Dallas, TX 75229 trey@ana-lab.com www.ana-lab.com Booth 915 Analytical Technology, Inc. 6 Iron Bridge Dr Collegeville, PA 19426 sales@analyticaltechnology.com www.analyticaltechnology.com Booth 1038 Andritz Separation Inc. 1010 Commercial Blvd S Arlington, TX 76001 bruce.sorelle@andritz.com Booth 403 APG-Neuros 1270 Michèle-Bohec Blainville, QC J7C 5S4 Canada lbalafoutis@apg-neuros.com Booth 1103 Aqua Metric Sales Company 6700 Guada Coma Dr Schertz, TX 78154 salestx@aqua-metric.com www.aqua-metric.com Booth 905 Aqua Metrology Systems 1225 E. Arques Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 twilliams@ aquametrologysystems.com www.aquameteologysystems.com Booth 1332 TEXAS WATER 2016 Aqualitec Screening Equipment 3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd, Ste 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90034 omonfort@aqualitec.com www.aqualitec.com Booth 1031 Aquarius Technologies Inc. 1103 Mineral Springs Dr., Ste. 300 Port Washington, WI 53074 kwessel@aquariustechnologies.com aquariustechnologies.com Booth 100A AUC Group 1800 Augusta Drive, Suite 108 Houston, TX 77057 tmueller@aucgroup.net www.aucgrouplp.com Booth 100B AWC, Inc. 10610 Newkirk St, Ste 105 Dallas, TX 75220 taylor.mcgaughey@awc-inc.com www.awc-inc.com Booth 600 Badger Meter, Inc. 8635 Washington Ave. Racine, WI 53406 shamilton@badgermeter.com Booth 908 BDP Industries, Inc. 2020 North 725 West Centerville, UT 84014 kelly@bdpindustries.com Booth 216A Aquaturbo Systems, Inc. 3225 E. Baseline Road Gilbert, AZ 85234 brent.bailey@aquaturbo.com Booth 439 Belco Manufacturing Co Inc. 2303 Taylor’s Valley Rd Belton, TX 76513 zcarmona@belco-mfg.com www.belco-mfg.com Booth 619 ARCADIS 1717 W 6th St Austin, TX 78703 debbie.arizpe@arcadis-us.com www.arcadis.com Booth 621 Bentley Systems, Inc. 685 Stockton Dr Exton, PA 19341 joel.johnson@bentley.com www.bentley.com Booth 1208 Archer Western 1411 Greenway Dr Irving, TX 75038 sdawson@walshgroup.com www.walshgroup.com Booth 835 Bilfinger Water Technologies 1950 Old Highway 8 NW New Brighton, MN 55112 dean.ouellette@bilfinger.com Booth 1026 ASA Analytics 2325 Parklawn Dr Ste I Waukesha, WI 53186 david@chemscan.com asaanalytics.com Booth 422A Asahi/America, Inc. 655 Andover St Lawrence, MA 01843 mmonroe@asahi-america.com www.asahi-america.com Booth 1312 Assmann Corporation of America 300 North Taylor Rd Garrett, IN 46738 srowlison@assmann-usa.com www.assmann-usa.com Booth 615 Atlantic Blowers & Diffusers 1225 Capital Dr Ste 100 Carrollton, TX 75006 kasey@atlanticblowers.com Booth 444 Atlas Copco Compressors Inc. 15045 Lee Rd. Houston, TX 77032 zachary.azra@us.atlascopco.com www.atlascopco.us/usus Booth 102 Binder Group 804 Barnsworth Lane West Chester, PA 19382 tilo.stahl@bindergroup.info www.bindergroup.info Booth 526 Binkley & Barfield, Inc. 1710 Seamist Dr Houston, TX 77008 dah@binkleybarfield.com www.binkleybarfield.com Booth 729 BioAir Solutions 110 Kresson-Gibbsboro Rd Ste. 303 Voorhees, NJ 08043 cwest@bioairsolutions.com www.bioairsolutions.com Booth 516 BioCOPE, Inc. 23711 Hix Rd Canyon, TX 79015 gmcdaniel@biocope.com biocope.com Booth 702 BJ Environmental 1404 Desert Willow Pl Cedar Park, TX 78613 www.bjenvironmental.com Booth 538 BLOC Design-Build, LLC 140 E Tyler St Ste 600 Longview, TX 75601 cfrazier@blocdesign.com www.blocdesign.com Booth 720 Brenntag Southwest 1632 Haden Rd Houston, TX 77015 sfelsenthal@brenntag.com www.brenntagsouthwest.com Booth 1045 C.C. Lynch & Associates, Inc. 300 Davis Avenue Pass Christian, MS 39571 brandon@cclynch.com www.cclynch.com Booth 714 Blue Earth Labs 5055 W. Patrick Lane Las Vegas, NV 89118 matt.seeker@blueearthlabs.com Booth 519 Brentwood Industries, Inc. 500 Spring Ridge Dr Reading, PA 19610 david.barrasse@ brentwoodindustries.com www.brentwoodindustries.com/water Booth 518 C2i Control Instruments, Inc. 5253 Oakdale Rd Smyrna, GA 30082 lhoberg@c2iinc.com www.c2iinc.com Booth 1130 Blue Water Technologies 10450 North Airport Drive Hayden, ID 83835 Booth 422B Blue-White Industries 5300 Business Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649 asnyder@blue-white.com Booth 223 BlueInGreen 700 W Research Center Blvd. Suite 1207 Fayetteville, AR 72701 tanya.leblanc@blueingreen.com Booth 215B Boerger LLC 2860 Water Tower Place Chanhassen, MN 55317 tri@boerger.com www.boerger.com Booth 323 Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. 10777 Westheimer Ste 400 Houston, TX 77042 probinson@browngay.com www.browngay.com Booth 334 Cabot Norit Americas Inc. 3200 University Ave Marshall, TX 75670 rick.bower@cabotcorp.com www.cabotcorp.com Booth 1131 Carboline Protective Coatings & Linings 2150 Schuetz Rd St Louis, MO 63146 agrigsby@carboline.com www.carboline.com Booth 703 Cardno 2270 Springlake Road, Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75234 tylor.bottorff@cardno.com www.cardno.com Booth 1204 Carollo Engineers 14785 Preston Rd Ste 950 Dallas, TX 75254 clyons@carollo.com carollo.com Booth 207 Bulldog Steel Products PO Box 569 Clyde, TX 79510 keith@bulldogsteel.com Booth 1326 Calgon Carbon Corp 18606 Abell Road Iowa, LA 70647 mpeet@calgoncarbon.com calgoncarbon.com Booth 504 CB Solutions LP 20811 Dawn Dr Ste 905 Lago Vista, TX 78645 cary@cbsolutionslp.com Booth 333 Burgess & Niple, Inc. 5085 Reed Road Columbus, OH 43220 leigh.cerda@burgessniple.com Booth 808 Cambi 5 Great Valley Parkway, Ste. 210 Malvern, PA 19355 paul.christy@cambi.com Booth 103A CB&I 2103 Research Forest Dr The Woodlands, TX 77380 kdcarr@cbi.com www.cbi.com Booth 532 Bury, Inc. now Stantec 221 West Sixth St, Ste 600 Austin, TX 78701 www.stantec.com Booth 620 CCI Pipeline Systems 1058 Oneal Dr Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 lee@ccipipe.com Booth 643 Clearly Better. CDG Environmental, LLC 361 W Cedar St Allentown, PA 18102 edauscher@cdgenvironmental.com www.cdgenvironmental.com Booth 1123 Centrisys Centrifuge Systems 9586 58th Place Kenosha, WI 53144 fred.ramirez@centrisys.us Booth 440B Cerlic Environmental Controls, Inc. PO Box 420097 Atlanta, GA 30342 www.cerlic.se/en Booth 1003B Charter Machine Company 55 Wester Ave Metuchen, NJ 08840 williamw@chartermachine.com Booth 307A Chemtrade 90 E Halsey Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054 mcluver@chemtradelogistics.com www.chemtradelogistics.com Booth 1041 Cityworks by Azteca Systems, Inc. 11075 S. State St Ste 24 Sandy, UT 84070 bmize@cityworks.com www.cityworks.com Booth 812 Toby Sledge East Texas Account Manager tsledge@badgermeter.com 800-876-3837, Ext. 16526 Chip Woods West Texas Account Manager rwoods@badgermeter.com 800-876-3837, Ext. 17204 www.badgermeter.com/BEACONAMA www.txwater.org 45 TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS CLA-VAL 8707 Forney Rd Dallas, TX 75227 tstaats@cla-val.com www.cla-val.com Booth 1129 CP&Y, Inc. 1820 Regal Row, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75228 vsaroni@cpyi.com www.cpyi.com Booth 345 CleanServe Inc. 3808 Knapp Rd Pearland, TX 77581 kent@cleanserveinc.com www.cleanserveusa.com Booth 202 Cretex Speciality Products N16 W23390 Stoneridge Dr A Waukesha, WI 53188 jadugger@cretexseals.com www.cretexseals.com Booth 646 CLS 15103 Mintz Lane Houston, TX 77014 Booth 1109 CROM 900 Congress Ave., Ste. L115 Austin, TX 78701 rgo@cromcorp.com www.cromcorp.com Booth 14 CNP Technology 9535 58th Place Kenosha, WI 53144 gerhard.forstner@cnp-tec.com Booth 440A Collier Consulting, Inc. PO Box 1137 Stephenville, TX 76401 tracy@collierconsulting.com Booth 817 Construct-Ability 2115 Stephen’s Place, Ste 530 New Braunfels, TX 78130 nick@construct-ability.com www.construct-ability.com Booth 1022 Containment Solutions, Inc. 5150 Jefferson Chemical Rd Conroe, TX 77301 dham@csiproducts.com Booth 641 Continental Blower, L.L.C. 23 Corporate Circle E Syracuse, NY 13057 mikem@continentalblower.com continentalblower.com Booth 402 Control Panels USA 16310 Bratton Lane Ste 100 Austin, TX 78628 jkornele@controlpanelsusa.net www.controlpanelsusa.net Booth 722 Cook Legacy Water & Energy 21 West Columbus Street Pickerington, OH 43147 ryan.cook@elginindustries.com Booth 417B Copperhead Industries LLC 7720 Highpointe Rd Woodbury, MN 55125 m.moore@copperheadwire.com www.copperheadwire.com Booth 920 Cortrol Process Systems, Inc. 4518 W 56th St Tulsa, OK 74107 tcollins@cortrol.com www.cortrol.com Booth 614 Cougar Controls/ Cougar Fuel Systems 14824 Tomball Parkway Ste 150 Houston, TX 77086 dleos@cougarsales.com www.cougarsystemsllc.com Booth 322 46 CST Covers 498 N Loop 336 E Conroe, TX 77301 jstaat@cstcovers.com www.cstcovers.com Booth 425 Custom Conveyor Corp 20550 Commerce Blvd Rogers, MN 55374 Booth 316A Daniel Company 1939 W 11th St Upland, CA 91786 Booth 329 Data Flow Systems, Inc. 15843 County Rd 4137 Lindale, TX 75771 rdurham@dataflowsys.com www.dataflowsys.com Booth 1127 Denali Water Solutions 3308 Bernice Ave Russellville, AR 72802 charlie.golden@denaliwater.com www.denaliwater.com Booth 428 DeNora Water Technologies 1110 Industrial Blvd. Sugar Land, TX 77478 kyle.cook@denora.com www.denora.com Booth 221 & 406A Deskins Dewatering-Backwash Water Recovery 14074 Trade Center Dr Fishers, IN 46038 Booth 445 DeZurik APCO | Hilton 2029 Westgate Dr Ste 120 Carrollton, TX 75006 team9@hughcunningham.com www.dezurik.com Booth 717 DFW Plastics, Inc. PO BOX 648 Bedford, TX 76131 rmckinnon@dfwplasticsinc.com www.dfwplasticsinc.com Booth 1304 Diamond Fiberglass 1036 Industrial Park Dr. Victoria, TX 77905 pcohen@diamondfiberglass.com www.diamondfiberglass.com Booth 112 Diesel Fuel Maintenance, Inc. PO Box 759 La Porte, TX 77572 dieselfuel@sbcglobal.net Booth 1211 DN Tanks 410 E Trinity Blvd Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Booth 909 D. R. Cordell & Assoc., Inc. 95 West Butler Ave. Chalfont, PA 18914 steve@cordellmfg.com www.cordellmfg.com Booth 210 Ductile Iron Pipe Research Assoc 4405 Birdseye Court Hermitage, TN 37076 acox@dipra.org www.dipra.org Booth 930 Duke’s Root Control, Inc. 1020 Hiawatha Blvd West Syracuse, NY 13204 lynn@dukes.com Booth 806 Dunham Engineering, Inc. 12815 FM 2154 Ste 150 College Station, TX 77845 kayle@dunhamengineering.com Booth 1039 Duperon Corporation 1200 Leon Scott Ct Saginaw, MI 48601 Booth 1100 DXI/DPC Industries, Inc. PO Box 59 Cleburne, TX 76033 rbrown@dxgroup.com Booth 708 DXP Enterprises, Inc. 7272 Pinemont Houston, TX 77040 amckinney@dxpe.com www.dxpe.com Booth 629 Dynamatic Drive Source International 7900 Durand Ave, Bldg 3 Sturtevant, WI 53177 Booth 431 E & I Corporation 3903 Balcones Woods Drive Austin, TX 78759 jcarroll@eandicorp.com Booth 420B Earth Science Laboratories, Inc. - EarthTec 113 SE 22nd St Ste 1 Bentonville, AR 72712 rmanderson@earthsciencelabs.com Booth 630 EBAA Iron, Inc. PO Box 857 Eastland, TX 76448 brucec@ebaa.com www.ebaa.com Booth 900 ECO Oxygen Technologies, LLC 3939 Priority Way South Dr #200 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Booth 420A TEXAS WATER 2016 ECS House Industries, Inc. 3720 Highway 1 South Cherry Valley, AR 72324 chad@houseindustriesinc.com www.houseindustriesinc.com Booth 113 Egger Pumps PO Box 26787 Salt Lake City, UT 84126-0787 Booth 523 EGW Utilities, Inc. 1406 Hutton Dr Carrollton, TX 75006 mjman@egwusa.com www.egwusa.com Booth 939 EJ PO Box 439 East Jordan, MI 49727 tim.powell@ejco.com ejco.com Booth 539 Electrolytitech Technologies, Corp. 19597 NE 10th Ave Bay G North Miami Beach, FL 33179 dbl@electrolytitech.com www.electrolytictech.com Booth 501 Emerson Process Management/Rosemount 13705 Compark Blvd Englewood, CO 80112 Booth 230 Enexio 10565 Greens Crossing Blvd Ste 102 Houston, TX 77038 jenny.davis@enexio.com Booth 405 Engineered Textile Products, Inc. PO Box 7474 Mobile, AL 36670 Booth 503 Engineered Treatment Systems, LLC 238 Commercial Dr Beaver Dam, WI 53916 www.ets-uv.com Booth 1002 Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd, Inc. 402 Cedar Street Abilene, TX 79601 scott.hibbs@e-ht.com www.e-ht.com Booth 1306 Entech Design, Inc. 315 S Locust Denton, TX 76201 memmanuel@entechdesign.com www.entechdesign.com Booth 231 Environmental Dynamics International 5601 Paris Rd Columbia, MO 65202 Booth 310 Environmental Improvements, Inc. (EI2) 517 N Kealy Lewisville, TX 75057 jalemond@ei2dallas.com www.ei2texas.com Booth 134 & 136 Environmental Treatment Technologies, Inc. 3881 FM 972 Georgetown, TX 78626 ett-inc.com Booth 1000 EPA Region 6 - Water Quality Protection Division 1445 Ross Ave Dallas, TX 75202 Booth 8 EquipSolutions Water Treatment Equipment & Services 4525 Turnberry Dr Hanover Park, IL 60133 Booth 432 Evans Enterprises, Inc. 201 S Industrial Waco, TX 76710 brandon.kent@goevans.com goevans.com Booth 1224 Evoqua Water Technologies LLC, Memcor Products 2683 Java Ct Denver, CO 80211 nicholas.lucas@evoqua.com Booth 125 & 320 Fairfield Service Company 1401 Kentucky St Michigan City, IN 46360 www.fairfieldservice.com Booth 1003A Ferguson Waterworks 2650 S Pipeline Rd Euless, TX 76040 rebecca.lynn@ferguson.com Booth 1133 Filtronics, Inc. 3726 Miraloma Ave Anaheim, CA 92806 Booth 1007A Fin-Tek Ozone 6412 Colquitt Rd. Keithville, LA 71047 mickey@fin-tek.com www.fin-tek.com Booth 924 Enviro-Care 1570 St. Paul Ave Gurnee, IL 60031 clow@enviro-care.com Booth 419B Five Star Electric 11135 Iota Dr. San Antonio, TX 78217 hjacobs@vfd.com www.vfd.com Booth 941 Environment One Corporation 2773 Balltown Road Niskayuna, NY 12309 mspringer@eone.com www.eone.com Booth 110 Five Star Filtration LLC 35 Wellington Lane Conroe, TX 77304 jay@5starfiltration.com www.5starfiltration.com Booth 105 Founded in 1976, ACT brings strong experience. We have locations all throughout Texas to serve our customers. ACT provides pipes, valves, fittings and more to Municipalities throughout Texas and beyond by working with more than 100 manufacturers. We strategically manage a large inventory of products so we’re able to respond to customers needs better and faster. ACT professionals are committed to working closely with our customers to provide reliable products and first-rate service. Please visit our website at www.actpipe.com to find the nearest location. Act has the relationships, history and commitment to deliver its promises. Reliable, Customer Focused, Knowledgeable. We provide the promised materials at the agreed price with service to back it up. www.actpipe.com TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS FKC 2708 West 18th Street Port Angeles, WA 98363 aharper@fkcscrewpress.com www.fkcscrewpress.com Booth 302 Garney Construction 1333 NW Vivion Rd Kansas City, MO 64118 wbriggs@garney.com www.garney.com Booth 541 Gulf Coast Tank and Construction 3902 Reese Rd A400 Rosenberg, TX 77471 kjohnson@gctanks.com www.gctanks.com Booth 1302 Flexim Americas Corp 10635 Shadow Wood Dr Houston, TX 77043 Booth 226 Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway Ste 190 Frisco, TX 75034 www.garverusa.com Booth 738 H2O Innovation 330 Rue St.-Vallier Est Ste 340 QC G1K9C5 Canada Booth 1101 Flo Trend Systems, Inc. 707 Lehman St Houston, TX 77018 rhicks@flotrend.com flotrend.com Booth 101 Fluid Dynamics, Inc. 295 Dekalb Pike Northwales, PA 19454 Booth 410B Ford Hall Company PO Box 2110 Richmond, KY 40476 www.fordhall.com Booth 13 Forterra Pressure Pipe 511 E John Carpenter Freeway Irving, TX 75062 forterrabp.com Booth 203 Fortiline Waterworks 7025 Northwinds Dr NW Concord, NC 28027 john.tysinger@fortiline.com www.fortiline.com Booth 346 Fournier Industries, Inc. 547 Preserve Blvd Young America, MN 55397 Booth 421A Frank Clark Associates 6080 South Hulen St Suite 360, PMB 390 Fort Worth, TX 76132 jsmith@primaryflowsignal.com Booth 1021 Franklin Electric (Little Giant/FPS) 2029 Westgate Dr Carrollton, TX 75006 www.hughcunningham.com Booth 719 Franklin Miller Inc. 60 Okner Parkway Livingston, NJ 07039 Booth 1105 Freese & Nichols 4055 International Plaza, Ste 200 Fort Worth, TX 76109 thomas.haster@freese.com www.freese.com Booth 133 Fuquay, Inc. 4861 Old Hwy 81 New Braunfels, TX 78132 john@fuquay.com Booth 1237 Gajeske, Inc. 6200 North Houston Rosslyn Rd Houston, TX 77091 jolano@gajeske.com Booth 912 48 GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc. 100 Fairway Court Northvale, NJ 07647 Booth 321A Hach 5600 Lindbergh Dr. Loveland, CO 80538 gfeikes@hach.com www.hach.com Booth 843 Geneva Polymer P.O. Box 60006 Boulder City, NV 89006 mbussio@genevapolymer.com www.genevapolymer.com Booth 1324 Hach Company Flow Products & Services 5600 Lindbergh Drive Loveland, CO 80538 www.hachflow.com Booth 227 GEO Specialty Chemicals 9213 Arch Street Pike Little Rock, AR 72206 brad.spangler@geosc.com Booth 933 Hahn Equipment 5636 Kansas Houston, TX 77007 www.hahnequipment.com Booth 1212 Gexpro 9500 N Royal Ln Ste 130 Irving, TX 75063 john.mcdaniel@gexpro.com Booth 925 Hartwell Environmental Corp. 22115 Hufsmith Kohrville Rd Tomball, TX 77375 rculp@hartwellenv.com www.hartwellenv.com Booth 415 GH Systems, Inc. PO Box 2657 Georgetown, TX 78627 Booth 1001B Gicon Pumps & Equipment 17922 N I-27 Abernathy, TX 79311 www.giconpumps.com Booth 341 Glasco UV 126 Christie Ave Mahwah, NJ 07430 Booth 438 Global Treat Inc. PO Box 681625 Houston, TX 77268 www.globaltreat.com Booth 534 Global WET 10900 Research Blvd Ste 160C 65 Austin, TX 78759 jabraham@globalwet.com www.globalwet.com Booth 430B Gray Matter Systems 100 Global View Drive Warrendale, PA 15086 iblyth@graymattersystems.com Booth 829 Great Plains Industries 5252 E. 36th Street North Wichita, KS 67220 bpatterson@gplains.com gpi.net Booth 1235 Hayward Gordon Ltd. 1183 Brittmoore Ste 100 Houston, TX 77043 Booth 117B HD Supply Waterworks 1373 G Wilson Rd Belton, TX 76513 shellie.brinkman@hdsupply.com Booth 1209 HDR Engineering, Inc. 4401 West Gate Blvd, Ste 400 Austin, TX 78745 richard.brooks@hdrinc.com Booth 1200 Headworks International 11000 Brittmoore Park Dr Houston, TX 77041 Booth 512 Hendrick Screen Co. 3074 Medley Rd Owensboro, KY 42304 Booth 306 Henry Pratt Co. 401 S Highland Ave Aurora, IL 60506 thoban@henrypratt.com www.henrypratt.com Booth 1015 Hiller Separation & Process, LLC 1010 McLean St Lampasas, TX 76550 Booth 511 Hobas Pipe USA 1413 Richey Rd Houston, TX 77073 lwieder@hobaspipe.com Booth 802 TEXAS WATER 2016 Hoffman & Lamson by Gardner Denver 200 Simko Blvd Charleroi, PA 15022 todd.nelson@gardnerdenver.com www.hoffmanandlamson.com Booth 327 HR Green Inc. 11011 Richmond Avenue, Ste. 200 Houston, TX 77042 mhalde@hrgreen.com www.hrgreen.com Booth 1205 HRM Environmental 312 Water Oak Dr Cedar Park, TX 78613 mvera@hrmenv.com Booth 210-219 Huber Technology, Inc. 9735 NorthCross Center Court Ste A Huntersville, NC 28078 wayne.grooms@hhusa.net www.huber-technology.com Booth 127 Hydra-Stop 144 Tower Drive, Suite A Burr Ridge, IL 60527 dchristensen@idexcorp.com www.hydra-stop.com Booth 916 Hydro Gate 401 S Highland Ave Aurora, IL 60506 Booth 421B Hydro International 2925 NW Aloclek #140 Hillsboro, OR 97124 bpaetel@hydro-int.com www.hydro-int.com Booth 212 Hydro-Dyne Engineering, Inc. 4750 118th Ave. North Clearwater, FL 33762 john.walsh@hydro-dyne.com www.hydro-dyne.com Booth 217B IDEXX Laboratories One IDEXX Dr Westbrook, ME 04092 jamie-brunelle@idexx.com Booth 1234 Indepth Utility Solutions LLC 219 Brand Ln Stafford, TX 77477 www.indepthus.com Booth 834 Industrial Control Systems/ Filter Magic 20 W Williamsburg Rd Sandston, VA 23150 mromers@ics-scada.com www.filtermagic.com Booth 500 Infilco Degremont, Inc. 8007 Discovery Dr Richmond, VA 23229 Booth 409 Innovyze 11709 Roe Ave Ste D-242 Shawnee Mission, KS 66211 paul.hsiung@innovyze.com Booth 807 Inovair 14801 W 114th Terr Lenexa, KS 66215 Booth 308 Insituform Technologies, Inc. 13502 Almeda School Road Houston, TX 77047 rsmith@insituform.com www.insituform.com Booth 825 International Flow Technologies, Inc. 221 N County Line Road Mustang, OK 73064 leon@linestop.com Booth 1126 Invent Environmental Technologies 105 Applewood Valley Dr Hendersonville, TN 37075 Booth 414A IPEX, Inc. 3433 Eastbrooke Ct. Newburgh, IN 47630 kerry.koressel@ipexamerica.com www.ipexamerica.com Booth 926 IPM Systems 4225 NE Port Drive Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Booth 305 ISCO Industries, LLC 2441 Mathis Rd Mansfield, TX 76035 hal.smith@isco-pipe.com www.isco-pipe.com Booth 913 IXOM WATERCARE 33101 E Quincy Ave Watkins, CO 80137 tony.galvan@ixom.com www.miexresin.com Booth 408A Jacobi Carbons, Inc. 432 McCormick Blvd Columbus, OH 43213 michael.bickel@jacobi.net www.jacobi.net Booth 416 Jacobs Engineering 1999 Bryan St. Dallas, TX 75201 olivia.whittaker@jacobs.com Booth 813 JCM Industries Inc. P. O. Box 1220 Nash, TX 75569 Booth 208 JCS Industries, Inc. PO Box 90028 Houston, TX 77290 www.jcsindustries.us.com Booth 733 JDV Equipment Co. One Princeton Ave Dover, NJ 07801 www.jdvequipment.com Booth 412 Jeans Waterproofing of Texas 301 Main Plaza #400 New Braunfels, TX 78130 jhunt@jwtexas.com Booth 1228 Jim Cox Sales, Inc. PO Box 2380 Keller, TX 76244 jim@jimcoxsales.com Booth 1338 Jim Myers & Sons, Inc. (JMS) 5120 Westinghouse Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273 kdissinger@jmsequipment.com www.jmsequipment.com Booth 123 JM Eagle/RCT 5200 W. Century Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90045 robertwang@jmeagle.com www.jmeagle.com Booth 923 Johlin Measurement Ltd PO Box 367 Turner Valley, AB T0L 2A0 Canada walshjb@telus.net Booth 1220 Johnson Screens Div of Bilfinger 62 Westwood Dr Sturbridge, MA 01566 mark.watson@bilfinger.com www.bilfinger.com Booth 505 JQ Infrastructure 100 Glass Street Dallas, TX 75207 cjacoby@jqieng.com Booth 837 JWC Environmental 290 Paularino Ave. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 pauls@jwce.com www.jwce.com Booth 413B Kaeser Compressors, Inc. PO Box 946 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 Booth 1004A Kamstrup Water Metering 1040 Crown Pointe Parkway Suite 320 Atlanta, GA 30338 kag@kamstrup.com www.kamstrup.com Booth 1229 KCI Technologies 13750 San Pedro Ave Ste 640 San Antonio, TX 78232 mehmet.boz@kci.com Booth 1300 Kemira Water 4321 W 6th Street Lawrence, KS 66049 mark.hust@kemira.com www.kemira.com Booth 721 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 12750 Merit Drive Ste 1000 Dallas, TX 75251 Booth 801 Komline-Sanderson 12 Holland Ave Peapack, NJ 07977 Booth 316B Krofta Technologies 401 South Street Dalton, MA 01227 jeffrey.aldrich@krofta.com krofta.com Booth 417A KROHNE 7 Dearborn Rd Peabody, MA 01960 info@krohne.com Booth 710 Krüger 4001 Weston Pkwy Cary, NC 27513 jim.daugherty@veolia.com www.krugerusa.com Booth 447 KSA 140 E Tyler St Ste 600 Longview, TX 75601 www.ksaeng.com Booth 823 Kubota Membrane USA Corporation 14824 NE 95th St Bldg 6 Redmond, WA 98052 Booth 111 Kusters Water 101 Zima Park Drive Spartanburg, SC 29304 don.shoaf@kusterszima.com www.kusterswater.com Booth 434A KWS Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 3041 Conveyor Drive Burleson, TX 76028 Booth 1102 L. F. Manufacturing, Inc. PO Box 578 Giddings, TX 78942 chris.welch@lfm-frp.com www.lfm-frp.com Booth 206 Lakeside Equipment Corporation 1022 E Devon Avenue Bartlett, IL 60103 jm@lakeside-equipment.com lakeside-equipment.com Booth 326 Landia Inc. 111 Triangle Trade Drive Cary, NC 27513 asa@landiainc.com www.landiainc.com Booth 418 Landmark Structures 1665 Harmon Rd Fort Worth, TX 76177 gcurry@teamlandmark.com www.teamlandmark.com Booth 1027 Layne Christensen 5931 Brittmore Rd Houston, TX 77041 mark.harkness@layne.com www.layne.com Booth 1020 Lime Association of Texas PO Box 9556 Austin, TX 78766 kelvinreinhardt@limetexas.org www.limetexas.org Booth 547 Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. 2925 Briarpark Dr Ste 400 Houston, TX 77042 ectracy@lan-inc.com www-lan-inc.com Booth 723 Lone Star Blower 1100 Louisiana St South Houston, TX 77587 jcook@lonestarblower.com www.lonestarblower.com Booth 119 Lonza 12 River Valley Ct Maumelle, AR 72113 terry.grisham@lonza.com Booth 222 Loprest Water Treatment Company 2825 Franklin Canyon Rd Rodeo, CA 94572 Booth 435B Lowell Corporation 65 Hartwell St West Boylston, MA 01583 pcarnes@lowellcorp.com Booth 1210 Lutz - JESCO America Corporation 55 Bermar Park Rochester, NY 14624 Booth 521 M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. 3406 Enterprise Ave Valparaiso, IN 46383 michael@mesimpson.com www.mesimpson.com Booth 1009 Macaulay Controls Company 13920 Osprey Court Ste E Webster, TX 77598 khollway@macaulaycontrols.com www.macaulaycontrols.com Booth 235 Magna Flow Environmental 14915 Highway 59 North Humble, TX 77396 angie.russell@magna-flow.com www.magna-flow.com Booth 1108 Maloney Technical Products 1300 East Berry St Fort Worth, TX 76119 mwright@sbtechprod.com Booth 1016 MARS Company 3925 SW 13th Street Ocala, FL 34474 mikemastic@marswater.com www.marswater.com Booth 1219 Master Meter, Inc. 101 Regency Pkwy Mansfield, TX 76063 www.mastermeter.com Booth 1230 www.txwater.org McCain Waterworks Marketing 18975 Marbach Ln #1202 San Antonio, TX 78266 jimmccain@mccainwaterworks.com Booth 645 Moody Bros., Inc. 9909 Tanner Rd Bldg E Houston, TX 77041 www.moodybros.com Booth 942 McCrometer, Inc. 10543 Highland Ridge Rd Fort Worth, TX 76108 johnc@mccrometer.com www.mccrometer.com Booth 220 Motor Controls Inc. 2818 Virgo Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Booth 644 McGard 7710-T Cherry Park Dr #253 Houston, TX 77095 jerwin@mcgard.com Booth 1044 McWane, Inc. 110 Wickiup Trail Harker Heights, TX 76548 scott.rhorick@mcwaneductile.com pe.mcwane.com Booth 705 MDN Enterprises PO Box 1148 New Caney, TX 77357 www.mdnenterprises.com Booth 742 Mechanical Associates 745 Broadway Street Fresno, CA 93721 thansell@mechanical-associates.com Booth 527 Merrick Industries, Inc. 10 Arthur Dr Lynn Haven, FL 32444 nteeters@merrick-inc.com www.merrick-inc.com Booth 325 Metso Automation/RealTech 1560 Westfork Dr. Lithia Springs, GA 30122 www.metso.com Booth 1034 Meurer Research, Inc. 6270 Joyce Dr Golden, CO 80018 Booth 407 Milton Roy Pumps 10 Cole Brook Ln Conroe, TX 77304 Booth 437B Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc. 116 Commerce Drive Freedom, PA 15042 Booth 311 Mixtec NA 4106 S Commerce Drive Murray, UT 84107 mwalker@mixtecna.com mixtecna.com Booth 1030 MMG/Gripper Gasket 120 E 15th Ave N. Kansas City, MO 64116 van@mmgonline.net www.mmgonline.net Booth 340 Mueller Co. 8711 Cherry Lee Ln Argyle, TX 76226 Booth 1140 Mueller Systems PO Box 128 Cleveland, NC 27013 Booth 1138 Municipal Valve & Equipment Company 4547 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001 www.municipalvalve.com Booth 540 MWH Global 10000 North Central Expy, Ste 1140 Dallas, TX 75231 randy.l.bush@us.mwhglobal.com www.mwhglobal.com/markets/ water-and-wastewater Booth 1201 Neel-Schaffer, Inc. 2501 Ave J, Ste 120 Arlington, TX 76006 Booth 1225 NeoTec UV 409 6th St Olathe, KS 66061 Booth 1107 Neptune Technology Group, Inc. 1600 Alabama Hwy 229 Tallassee, AL 36078 rbaxter@neptunetg.com Booth 1018 Newman Regency Group 12705 S Kirkwood Stafford, TX 77477 Booth 319 Niagara Conservation Corp. 1200 Lakeside Parkway, Suite 450 Flower Mound, TX 75028 www.niagaracorp.com Booth 706 Nicor Inc. 100 Commons Rd #7-35 Dripping Springs, TX 78620 jeffacook@nicorinc.net www.nicorinc.net Booth 1128 North American Pipe Corporation 2801 Post Oak Blvd Houston, TX 77056 reads@northamericanpipe.com www.northamericanpipe.com Booth 814 Northwest Pipe Company 351 Longhorn Rd Saginaw, TX 76179 dpayne@nwpipe.com www.nwpipe.com Booth 332 49 TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS NOSHOK, Inc. 1010 W. Bagley Road Berea, OH 44017 swright@noshok.com www.noshok.com Booth 229 NOV/Moyno, Inc. 8708 West Little York Rd Ste 100 Houston, TX 77040 james.hehli@nov.com nov.com Booth 114 Odessa Pumps & Equipment 28855 IH 10 West Boerne, TX 78006 brandon.foster2@dnow.com Booth 533 Oldcastle Enclosure Solutions 7921 Southpark Plaza, Ste 200 Littleton, CO 80120 www.oldcastleprecast.com/ enclosures Booth 638 Onyx Valve Co. 835 Industrial Hwy Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 Booth 1146 Orthos Liquid Systems Inc. PO Box 1970 Bluffton, SC 29910 843-987-7200 Booth 442 Ostara 4631 Dolores Avenue Oakland, CA 94602 Booth 300B OTT North America LLC 1000 Peachtree Industrial Blvd Ste 6266 Suwanee, GA 30024 Booth 524 Ovivo USA, LLC 2404 Rutland Dr Austin, TX 78758 ann.perry@ovivowater.com ovivowater.com Booth 1006A & 1236 Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers 7557 Rambler Road Dallas, TX 75231 hmcpherson@pkce.com www.pkce.com Booth 836 PALL Corporation 25 Harbor Park Drive Port Washington, NY 11050 Booth 115B Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc. 2000 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78213 mhernandez@pape-dawson.com www.pape-dawson.com Booth 935 ParkProcess 7015 Fairbanks N Houston Houston, TX 77040 Booth 400 50 Parkson Corporation 9477 Cedarhurst Lane Unit C Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 rmaiorana@parkson.com Booth 304 & 430A ParkUSA 7015 Fairbanks N Houston Houston, TX 77040 www.parkusa.com Booth 1035 Patterson Equipment Company PO Box 771 Roanoke, TX 76262 patterson-jeff@sbcglobal.net www.pattersonequipment.net Booth 1122 Pax Water Technologies 860 Harbour Way South Richmond, CA 94804 swoodward@paxwater.com www.paxwater.com Booth 1125 Phoenix Tank Co. 182 South County Road 900 East Avon, IN 46123 will.collins@phoenixtank.com phoenixtank.com Booth 1318 PillAerator GmbH 46 Duane Ave Schenectady, NY 12304 schultz@piller-tsc.com www.pillaerator.com Booth 522 Pinnacle Industries 407 Eagle Ave Pasadena, TX 77506 jamesz@pinnind.com www.pinnacleindustriesltd.com Booth 635 Pinnacle Ozone Solutions, LLC 3001 Oxbow Circle Cocoa, FL 32926 Booth 509 PB Equipment, Inc. PO Box 2657 Georgetown, TX 78627 info@pb-equipment.com www.pb-equipment.com Booth 1001A Pipeline Plastics, LLC 1301 Solana Blvd Bldg 1 Suite 1440 Westlake, TX 76262 tvoglesong@pipe.us www.pipe.us Booth 918 PCD Sales, Inc. 14934 Webb Chapel, Ste. 20 Farmers Branch, TX 75234 kjordan@pcdsales.com www.pcdsales.com Booth 1137 Pittsburg Tank & Tower Co. PO Box 913 Henderson, KY 42419 www.watertank.com Booth 1203 PCL Construction, Inc. 1711 W. Greentree Dr, Ste 201 Tempe, AZ 85284 cyakubow@pcl.com www.pcl.com Booth 618 Pencco Inc. PO Box 600 San Felipe, TX 77473 ethan@pencco.com www.pencco.com Booth 1336 Performance Pipe 5085 West Park Blvd Ste 500 Plano, TX 75093 moharmd@cpchem.com www.performancepipe.com Booth 536 Perma-Liner Industries, Inc. 13000 Automobile Blvd Ste 300 Clearwater, FL 33762 morgan@perma-liner.com Booth 1121 PeroxyChem 2005 Market Street, Suite 3200 Philadelphia, PA 19103 eric.krueger@peroxychem.com www.vigorox.com Booth 116 Philadelphia Mixing Solutions 1221 East Main St Palmyra, PA 17078 Booth 506 Plasti-Fab, Inc. 9665 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd Tualatin, OR 97062 Booth 718 PMC Engineering LLC 11 Old Sugar Hollow Rd Danbury, CT 06810 www.pmc1.com Booth 910 Pollardwater 17515 NE 67th Ct Redmond, WA 98052 info@pollardwater.com www.pollardwater.com Booth 1047 PowerSeal Pipeline Products Inc. 701 Pleasant View Dr Wichita Falls, TX 76306 www.powerseal.com Booth 1238 Precision Calibrate Meter Service 4244 Bee Creek Rd Spicewood, TX 78669 noffy3@yahoo.com www.watermetercalibrate.com Booth 1316 Precon Tanks 115 SW 140th Terrace Gainesville, FL 32669 mlisk@precontanks.com www.precontanks.com Booth 640 Preload 2613 Industrial Lane Garland, TX 75041 tkleppe@preload.com www.preload.com Booth 204 TEXAS WATER 2016 Premier Silica PO Box 429 Brady, TX 76825 jonathan.allen@premiersilica.com Booth 921 Purafil, Inc. 2654 Weaver Way Doraville, GA 30340 Booth 309 Prime Controls, L.P. 1725 Lakepointe Dr Lewisville, TX 75057 www.prime-controls.com Booth 821 Pure Air Filtration, LLC 2905 Amwiler Rd, Suite E Atlanta, GA 30360 rdohn@pureairfiltration.com www.pureairfiltration.com Booth 109A Process Solutions Corp 4134 Bluebonnet Dr Ste 111 Stafford, TX 77477 varteaga@psctexas.com www.psctexas.com Booth 642 Pure Technologies 4505 Excel Pkwy Ste 600 Addison, TX 75001 dave.kurtz@puretechltd.com www.puretechltd.com Booth 200 & 201 Process Solutions, Inc. – a UGSI Solutions Company 1077 Dell Avenue, Suite A Campbell, CA 95008 jerry@4psi.net www.4psi.net Booth 120 Purifics 340 Sovereign Rd London, ON N6M 1A8 Canada bbutters@purifics.com www.purifics.com Booth 517 ProMinent Fluid Controls, Inc. 136 Industry Dr Pittsburgh, PA 15275 gregc@prominent.us www.prominent.us Booth 232 & 234 Prominent Systems, Inc. 8910 Lawndale St Unit E Houston, TX 77012 www.prominentinc.com Booth 1213 Pulsafeeder, Inc. 2883 Brighton Henrietta Townline Road Rochester, NY 14623 afreeman@idexcorp.com www.pulsa.com Booth 423 Pulsco 17945 Sky Park Cir S-GH Irvine, CA 92614 Booth 502 Pulsed Hydraulics, Inc. 2359 Monument Pl East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Booth 520 Pump & Power Equipment 5285 Schurmier Road Houston, TX 77048 www.pumppower.com Booth 701 Pump Solutions, Inc. 18594 US Hwy 59 New Caney, TX 77357 Booth 601 Pumps & Controls PO Box 150207 Arlington, TX 76015 steven@pumptx.com www.pumptx.com Booth 809 Pumps of Houston, Inc. 10239 Cossey Rd Houston, TX 77070 pumpsofhouston.com Booth 623 Quadex 9155 Wallisville Road Houston, TX 77029 travis.allen@vortexinfrastructure.com www.vortexinfrastructure.com Booth 1216 R. E. Merrill and Assoc. Inc 7707 Bissonnet 109 Houston, TX 77074 ron@remerrill.com Booth 907 RACO MFG & Engineering Co. 1400 62nd St Emeryville, CA 94608 800-722-6999 www.racoman.com Booth 1036 Rangeline Tapping Services, Inc. 13168 Highway 105 E Conroe, TX 77306 jim@rangeline.com www.rangeline.com Booth 12 Raven Lining Systems 13105 E 61st St Ste A Broken Arrow, OK 74012 bollingers@ravenlining.com www.ravenlining.com Booth 1114 Red Flint Group One American Blvd Eau Claire, WI 54702 erica.rocksvold@redflintgroup.com www.redflint.com Booth 731 Rexa 4 Manley St West Bridgewater, MA 02379 www.rexa.com Booth 411 RG3 Meter Company 2912 S Access Rd Longview, TX 75602 rg3meter.com Booth 929 RJN Group, Inc. 200 W Front St Wheaton, IL 60187 rjn.com Booth 247 You deserve rock-star treatment from your design-build partner. Design-build delivers results when you make the right connection. When the City of Wichita sought partners for its aquifer storage and recovery project, we struck a power chord by delivering an innovative, globally recognized project for $20 million less than originally estimated. Get the whole story at burnsmcd.com/TxWater. Offices Worldwide TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS RKI Instruments, Inc. 201 Lincoln St Deer Park, TX 77536 Booth 228 Roberts Filter Group 214 N Jackson St Media, PA 19063 wringler@robertsfilter.com Booth 514 Robuschi USA Inc. 3300 N Loop 336 W #314 Conroe, TX 77304 Booth 317 Romac Industries, Inc. 21919 20th Ave Ste 100 Bothell, WA 98021 kevin.mcmechan@romac.com Booth 827 RootX 1705 Salem Industrial Dr NE Salem, OR 97301 chad@rootx.com www.rootx.com Booth 804 Rotork Dallas - K-TORK 10410 Vista Park Rd Dallas, TX 75238 terry.pettit@rotork.com Booth 819 RPS Espey 2777 N Stemmons Fwy Ste 1102 Dallas, TX 75207 wayne.hunter@rpsgroup.com Booth 1118 Russell Corrosion Consultants LLC 7130 Minstrel Way, Suite 230 Columbia, MD 21045 alton@russellcorrosion.com russellcorrosion.com Booth 1314 RWL Water 7135 Madison Ave W Golden Valley, MN 55427 www.rwlwater.com Booth 1206 S&N Airoflo, Inc. 1011 Sycamore Ave Greenwood, MS 38930 Booth 307B s::can Measuring Systems, LLC 1035 Cambridge Street Ste 1 Cambridge, MA 02139 atrollier@s-can.us www.s-can.us Booth 716 Saf-T-Flo Chemical Injection 4091 E La Palma, Ste U Anaheim, CA 92807 aknaus@saftflo.com Booth 109B SAMCO Leak Detection Services, Inc. 1308 Daytona Dr Austin, TX 78733 samco-leakservice.com Booth 1116 Schnabel Engineering 12720 Hillcrest Road, Suite 585 Dallas, TX 75230 gteetes@schnabel-eng.com www.lachel.com Booth 1227 52 Schneider Electric 8001 Knightdale Blvd Knightdale, NC 27545 jeffm.miller@schneider-electric.com Booth 726 SludgeNET Dewatering Systems, Inc. PO Box 1165 Highlands, TX 77562 Booth 429 Schreiber LLC 100 Schreiber Dr Trussville, AL 35173 john@schreiberwater.com www.schreiberwater.com Booth 531 SmartCover® Systems™ 2067 Wineridge Place, Suite E Escondido, CA 92029 jboyd@smartcoversystems.com www.smartcoversystems.com Booth 528 Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 2350 NE Hopkins Ct Pullman, WA 99163 melanie_weller@selinc.com www.selinc.com Booth 704 SmartPhone Meter Reading, LLC 3600 K Ave Plano, TX 75074 chrisk@smartphonemeterreading.com www.smartphonemeterreading.com Booth 1120 Schwing Bioset Inc. 350 SMC Dr Somerset, WI 54025 cwanstrom@schwingbioset.com www.schwingbioset.com Booth 529 Scinor Water America, LLC 1440 Broadway, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10018 Booth 1104 Seepex 2112 Kingsley Dr Mansfield, TX 76063 Booth 404 Shand and Jurs 5911 Butterfield Rd Hillside, IL 60162 mlandato@ljtechnologies.com www.ljtechnologies.com Booth 406B Sherwin Williams Co. 2100 Lakeside Blvd Ste 400 Richardson, TX 75082 john.m.hilton@sherwin.com Booth 427 Siemens Energy Inc. 4654 West Junction Street Springfield, MO 65802 mitch.hylen@siemens.com Booth 414B Siemens/FCI 9730 Skillman Dallas, TX 75243 Booth 1040 Siemens/Murray Energy 9730 Skillman Dallas, TX 75243 Booth 1042 Sigma Corporation 5000 Askins Houston, TX 77093 mc1@sigmaco.com www.sigmaco.com Booth 833 Singer Valve LLC 1873 Scott Futrell Dr Charlotte, NC 28208 Booth 108 SIP Industries/Serampore 2900 Patio Dr Houston, TX 77017 tsmith@sipindustries.com www.sipindustries.com Booth 1115 Spectrum Water Technology 218 W. Eastbank Street Gonzales, LA 70754 sbeckwith@spectrumwater.com spectrumwater.com Booth 530 Spirac USA Inc. 75 Jackson St Ste 300 Newnan, GA 30263 jill.mccusker@spirac.com www.spirac.com Booth 216B Swan Analytical 225 Larkin Dr Unit 4 Wheeling, IL 60090 info@swan-analytical-usa.com Booth 932 Take Care of Texas - TCEQ PO Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711 dana.macomb@tceq.texas.gov www.takecareoftexas.org Booth 15 SPS Engineering 900 North 400 West Bldg #16 North Salt Lake, UT 84054-2637 Booth 507 Tank Builders Inc. PO Box 1527 Euless, TX 76039 kekromer@tankbuildersinc.com Booth 740 Smith & Loveless 14040 Santa Fe Trail Dr Lenexa, KS 66215 www.smithandloveless.com Booth 331, 342 & 344 SPX, Lightnin Brand 135 Mt. Rd Blvd. Rochester, NY 14611 zach.militello@spxflow.com www.spxflow.com/en/lightnin Booth 408B Tank Connection 3609 N. 16th Street Parsons, KS 67357 mhill@tankconnection.com www.tankconnection.com Booth 218 Smith Pump Company 301 M & B Industrial Waco, TX 76712 www.smithpump.com Booth 727 STA-CON INC 105 Bluefish Ct Aransas Pass, TX 78336 phil_gallagher@stacon.com Booth 1202 Smith-Blair Inc. 99 Ridgewood Circle Wimberley, TX 78676 patrick.valkner@smith-blair.com Booth 805 Star Pipe Products 4018 Westhollow Pkwy. Houston, TX 77082 blakew@starpipeproducts.com Booth 818 Tank Industry Consultants 7740 West New York St Indianapolis, IN 46214 snodgrass@tankindustry.com www.tankindustry.com Booth 1011 South Western Environmental 500 Saddlebrook Dr Lucas, TX 75002 Booth 424 & 426 Statiflo Corp. 75 South Church St Floor 6 Pittsfield, MA 01201 edwardgaffny@statiflocorp.com www.statiflo.com Booth 315 Southwest Fluid Products, Inc. 204 Santa Fe Dr Weatherford, TX 76086 marshallwray@att.net www.southwestfluidproducts.net Booth 1024 Specialty Maintenance Products/Valve-Out Tools 5711 Clarewood, Suite B Houston, TX 77081 Booth 637 Specific Energy 19785 South Austin Ave Georgetown, TX 78626 kate.altmann@specificenergy.com www.specificenergy.com Booth 441 Specification Rubber Products, Inc. 1568 1st Street North, PO Box 568 Alabaster, AL 35007 Booth 241 Stewart Brothers Drilling Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 80122 MIdland, TX 79708 clayton@stewartbrothers.com www.stewartbrothers.com Booth 927 Structural Technologies 10150 Old Columbia Road Columbia, MD 21046 www.structuraltechnologies.com Booth 205 Sulzer Pump Solutions Inc. 140 Pond View Dr Meriden, CT 06450 Booth 446 Sun Coast Controls 4130 North Canal St Jacksonville, FL 32209 Booth 1005 Specified Utility Associates 13663 Jupiter Rd #409 Dallas, TX 75238 nott3@att.net Booth 830 Superior Tank Co., Inc. 1700 Bamore Rd Rosenberg, TX 77471 superiortank.com Booth 1207 SpectraShield Liner Systems 6942 FM 1960 #405 Humble, TX 77346 sbales@spectrashield.com Booth 338 Swaby-LOBELINE Pump Co. 921 Seaco Court Deer Park, TX 77536 rick_hunt@msn.com www.swabypump.com Booth 103B TEXAS WATER 2016 TE Connectivity/ KPSI and TruBlue 1000 Lucas Way Hampton, VA 23666 stephen.howett@te.com Booth 1215 TECO-Westinghouse 5100 N IH-35 Round Rock, TX 78681 janikjam@tecowestinghouse.com www.tecowestinghouse.com Booth 917 TEEX Water & Wastewater Training PO Box 40006 College Station, TX 77842 james.fischer@teex.tamu.edu www.teex.org Booth 735 Telog, A Trimble Company 830 Canning Parkway Victor, NY 14546 dbaker@telog.com www.telog.com Booth 224 Tetra Tech 700 N Saint Mary San Antonio, TX 78205 Booth 239 Texas Aquastore, Inc. 1422 W. Houston Street Sherman, TX 75092 johnh@texas-aquastore.com www.texas-aquastore.com Booth 107 Texas AWWA PO Box 80150 Austin, TX 78708 mikehowe@tawwa.org www.tawwa.org Booth 3 TEXAS TEXAS TOUGH. TOUGH. It’s a different way of thinking. We get that, and we think you should expect more. For nearly 40 years, Garney has been the leading water and wastewater contractor in the State of Texas. We specialize in pipelines, treatment plants, pump stations, and almost any project in the water industry. SAFETY. SERVICE. QUALITY. EXPECT MORE WITH GARNEY. ECENT PR OJEC T R SEE MORE AT GARNEYTX.COM Water Resources Integration Program Pipelines & Twin Oaks Pump Station SAN ANTONIO WATER SYSTEM 86 $ MILLION 45 MGD high service pump station 42,000 LF of 60” steel waterline TEXAS WATER 2016 EXHIBITORS Texas Commission on Environmental Quality-Water Quality 12100 Park 35 Circle Bldg F MC-148 Austin, TX 78753 www.tceq.texas.gov Booth 11 Texas Fluid Power Products PO Box 5107 Kingwood, TX 77325 txfluidpwr@yahoo.com Booth 1144 Texas Fluoridation Project PO Box 149347 Austin, TX 78714 deba.dutta@dshs.state.tx.us Booth 9 Texas Water Development Board 1700 North Congress Ave Austin, TX 78711 www.twdb.texas.gov Booth 5 The Ford Meter Box Company 130 Ranger Dr Boerne, TX 78006 gglispin@fordmeterbox.com Booth 715 The Hellan Strainer Company 3249 East 80th St Cleveland, OH 44145 Booth 328A The Scruggs Company 8530 Hansen Rd Houston, TX 77075 Booth 1017 The Spencer Turbine Company 600 Day Hill Rd Windsor, CT 06095 rryder@spencer-air.com www.spencerturbine.com Booth 211 Thermal Process Systems 3113 Covington St West Lafayette, IN 47906 kstaton@thermalprocess.com www.thermalprocess.com Booth 419A Thermo Scientific Water Analysis Instruments 22507 Lantana Drive Magnolia, TX 77355 deanna.bohlen@thermofisher.com Booth 712 Thompson Pipe Group-Flowtite 18585 Samuels Rd Zachary, LA 70791 bmadden@thompsonpipegroup.com www.thompsonpipegroup.com Booth 934 TIGERFLOW Systems 4034 Mint Way Dallas, TX 75237 pete.conwell@tigerflow.com tigerflow.com Booth 106 TLP Solutions PO Box 968 Grapevine, TX 76099 ddriscoll@tlpsolutions.net inquiries@tlpsoluitons.net Booth 1330 TNEMEC - The Barry Group 8950 Gary Burns Dr Ste 1 Frisco, TX 75034 ksims@barrygroupllc.com Booth 608 Trihedral Engineering Limited 1160 Bedford Highway, Ste. 400 Bedford, NS B4A 1C1 Canada bsooley@trihedral.com www.trihedral.com Booth 1132 Trojan Technologies 3020 Gore Road London, ON N5V 4T7 Booth 301 TXWARN PO Box 80150 Austin, TX 78708 txwarn@texas.net Booth 4 U.S. Composite Pipe, Inc. 800 CR 209 Alvarado, TX 76009 edavidson@uscompositepipe.com www.uscompositepipe.com Booth 609 U.S. Saws/Inserta Fittings jimmccain@mccainwaterworks.com Booth 639 U.S. Underwater Services, LLC 123 Sentry Dr Mansfield, TX 76063 www.usunderwaterservices.com Booth 936 UGSI Chemical Feed, Inc. a UGSI Solutions Company 1901 West Garden Road Vineland, NJ 08360 jscott@ugsicorp.com www.ugsichemicalfeed.com Booth 118 Ultraflote Corp 3640 W 12th St Houston, TX 77008 msumbera@ultraflote.com www.ultraflote.com Booth 104 Thornton, Musso and Bellemin, Inc. P.O. Box 181 Zachary, LA 70791 kathryn@tmbwater.com Booth 1328 Underground Solutions 920 Brush Creek Road Warrendale, PA 15086 mscanlan@ undergroundsolutions.com www.undergroundsolutions.com Booth 607 Tideflex Technologies 600 North Bell Avenue Carnegie, PA 15106 phandke@tideflex.com Booth 321B Unison Solutions, Inc. 5451 Chavenelle Rd Dubuque, IA 52002 tony.schilling@unisonsolutions.com Booth 1119 54 United Blower, Inc. 1198 Airport Dr Ball Ground, GA 30107 Booth 1106 US Peroxide, LLC 900 Circle 75 Pkwy Suite 1330 Atlanta, GA 30339 Booth 303 USA BlueBook 3781 Bur Wood Dr Waukegan, IL 60085 jkirchner@usabluebook.com www.usabluebook.com Booth 820 Utility Service Co. PO Box 1350 Perry, GA 31069 jdsullivan@utilityservice.com www.utilityservice.com Booth 1222 V-FOLD, Inc. 15700 Rovins Hill Rd, Ste 2 London, ON N5V 0A4 Canada Booth 1006B VAF Filtration Systems 5270 Marshall Street Arvada, CO 80002 info@vafusa.com Booth 1004B VAG/GA/RHC/FONTAINE 9025 Marshall Rd Cranberry Township, PA 16066 Booth 132 Valve & Equipment Consultants, Inc. 24116 Yoakum St Huffman, TX 77336 Booth 610 Vaughan Company, Inc. 364 Monte-Elma Rd Montesano, WA 98563 Booth 314 Verder, Inc. 110 Gateway Dr Macon, GA 31210 Booth 318 Victaulic 8333 Braesmain Dr #1116 Houston, TX 77025 kaci.earp@victaulic.com www.victaulic.com Booth 543 Victaulic Bermad Technologies 9424 West Little York Houston, TX 77040 Booth 822 Vision Equipment 6 Falls View Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 david@visionequipment.net Booth 1100-1111 Vogelsang USA PO Box 751 Ravenna, OH 44266 davel@vogelsangusa.com www.vogelsangusa.com Booth 436 TEXAS WATER 2016 Vulcan Industries, Inc. 212 S. Kirlin Street Missouri Valley, IA 51555 norm@vulcanindustries.com www.vulcanindustries.com Booth 215A Weir Specialty Pumps (WEMCO) 440 West 800 South Salt Lake City, UT 84110 katherine.shores@weirgroup.com www.global.weir Booth 217A Wachs Utility Products 455 Comanche Circle Harvard, IL 60033 dwalstrom@ehwachs.com www.turnvalves.com Booth 1113 WesTech Engineering, Inc. 3665 S West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84115 ifife@westech-inc.com www.westech-inc.com Booth 313 Waco Products, Inc. 1330 Knecht Avenue Baltimore, MD 21229 Booth 433B Wey Valve Inc. 175 Bryan Blvd. Shannon, MS 38868 tbaldwyn@weyvalve.com Booth 233 Walker Partners 600 Austin Ave Ste 20 Waco, TX 76701 www.walkerpartners.com Booth 626 Wangen America, Inc. 855 North Wood Dale Rd Ste A Wood Dale, IL 60191 Booth 1007B Water Environment Association of Texas 1825 Fortview Rd Ste 102 Austin, TX 78704 julie@weat.org www.weat.org Booth 6 Water Environment Federation 601 Wythe St Alexandria, VA 22314-1994 Booth 7 Water Remediation Technology 5525 W. 56th Ave., Suite 100 Arvada, CO 80002 preko@wrtnet.com www.wrtnet.com Booth 700 Waterman Industries 25500 Road 204 Exeter, CA 93221 Booth 328B Waters to the Sea 1536 Hewitt Ave, MS-A1760 St. Paul, MN 55104 tfredin@hamline.edu www.hamline.edu/cgee Booth 10 WaterSmart Innovations 1001 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89153 watersmartinnovations.com Booth 914 Watson Marlow Fluid Technology Group 9218 Stone Post Circle Houston, TX 77064 bill.schiller@wmpg.com www.wmftg.com Booth 121 WEDECO a Xylem brand 14127 South Bridge Circle Charlotte, NC 28273 www.xyleminc.com Booth 131 Whipps, Inc. PO Box 1058 Athol, MA 01331 Booth 219 Wigen Water Technologies 6500 S Quebec St #300 Centennial, CO 80111 michael.bourke@wigen.com www.wigen.com Booth 330 Winters Instruments 11777 S. Sam Houston Parkway W. Houston, TX 77031 crussell@winters.com www.winters.com Booth 1233 WL Plastics 3575 Lone Star Circle Ste 400 Ft Worth, TX 76177 wlsales@wlplastics.com www.wlplastics.com Booth 1218 WWaterTech, Inc. 3104 Washington St Waller, TX 77484 sholt@wwatertechinc.com www.wwatertechinc.com Booth 508, 510 & 515 Xylem - Flygt Products 2400 Tarpley Rd Carrollton, TX 75006 Booth 1008 Xylem Water Solutions - Leopold 227 South Division St Zelienople, PA 16063 bruce.wolfe@xyleminc.com Booth 129 Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc. 9333 N 49th St Brown Deer, WI 53223 Booth 410A Young Engineering & Mfg 560 W Terrace Dr San Dimas, CA 91773 Booth 434B Zenner Performance 15280 Addison Rd Ste 340 Addison, TX 75001 marketing@zennerusa.com www.zennerusa.com Booth 16 TEXAS WATER 2016 PRESENTATION CONTACTS Leon Allen Carollo Engineers, Inc. 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy N Suite 2200 Austin, TX 79759 512-453-5383 lallen@carollo.com Jason Anderson Carollo Engineers, Inc. 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy N Suite 2200 Austin, TX 78759 512-453-5383 janderson@carollo.com Ronald Arceneaux Arceneaux Wilson & Cole LLC 2901 Turtle Creek Drive Suite 320 Port Arthur, TX 77642 409-724-7888 ron.arceneaux@awceng.com Megan Arnold WHECO Controls 8501 Jacksboro Hwy Fort Worth, TX 76135 817-244-6660 mjarnold09@gmail.com P.S. Arora City of Denton 901-A Texas Street Denton, TX 76209 940-349-7189 psarora@cityofdenton.com John Awezec HDR Engineering 1670 Broadway, Suite 3400 Denver, CO 80202 3037641525 john.awezec@hdrinc.com Gil Barnett CP&Y Inc. 115 West 7th Street, Ste 1500 Fort Worth, TX 76248 817 354-0189 gbarnett@cpyi.com Sam Barraco Carollo Engineers, Inc 14785 Preston Road Ste 950 Dallas, TX 75254 2143951437 sbarraco@carollo.com Justin Bartlett Hazen and Sawyer 5847 San Felipe, 17th Floor Houston, TX 77057 713-821-1631 jbartlett@hazenandsawyer.com Carol Batterton The NELAC Institute 15 Scenic Ridge Fredericksburg, TX 78624 512-924-2102 carbat@beecreek.net Mohammad Bayan Arlington Water Utilities 101 W. Abram Street Arlington, TX 76004 817-459-6644 mohammad.bayan@ arlingtontx.gov David Bennett Freese and Nichols, Inc. 4040 Broadway Suite 600 San Antonio, TX 78209 210-298-3829 dtb@freese.com Joshua Berryhill eHT Engineering, Inc. 402 Cedar Abilene, TX 79601 325-698-5560 joshua.berryhill@e-ht.com Allen Berthold Texas A&M AgriLife, Texas Water Resources Institute 1500 Research Parkway Ste 110 College Station, TX 77843 979-845-2028 taberthold@ag.tamu.edu Michael Bloom R. G. Miller Engineers, Inc. 16340 Park Ten Place, Ste 350 Houston, TX 77084 281-921-8784 mbloom@rgmiller.com Matt Bond Black & Veatch 5400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 975 Dallas, TX 75082 214-728-0966 bonddm@bv.com Philip Brandhuber HDR 1670 Broadway, Suite 3400 Denver, CO 80202 303 764 1527 philip.brandhuber@hdrinc.com Bech Bruun Texas Water Development Board PO Box 13231 Austin, TX 78711 512-463-7814 laura.rodriguez@twdb.texas.gov James Bryan Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 12750 Merit Drive, Suite 1000 Dallas, TX 75251 972-776-1752 james.bryan@kimley-horn.com Visit us at Booth #729 www.BinkleyBarfield.com HOUSTON • AUSTIN • RICHARDSON • COLLEGE STATION • ROUND ROCK 56 TEXAS WATER 2016 Kim Chanslor CDM Smith 11490 Westheimer Road Suite 700 Houston, TX 77077 713-423-7353 chanslorkm@cdmsmith.com Christopher Churchill U.S. Geological Survey 2775 Altamesa Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76133 817-319-7290 cchurchi@usgs.gov J. Nicole Conner MWH Global Dallas, TX 77843 254-485-3653 nicole.conner@mwhglobal.com Melissa Bryant San Antonio River Authority PO Box 839980 San Antonio, TX 78283 210-302-3611 mbryant@sara-tx.org Rocky Craley Raftelis Financial Consultants 401 Congress Ave., Suite 1540 Austin, TX 78613 512-687-3409 rcraley@raftelis.com Jeff Caffey Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 1320 S. University Drive, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76107-5764 817-806-1700 jcaffey@apaienv.com Frank Crumb Halff 4000 Fossil Creek Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76103 817-764-7448 fcrumb@halff.com Onder Caliskaner Kennedy Jenks Consultants 10850 Gold Center Drive Suite 350 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 916-858-2738 ondercaliskaner@ kennedyjenks.com We know water. Christianne Castleberry Castleberry Engineering & Consulting, P.L.L.C. P.O. Box 40546 Austin, TX 78704 512-751-9272 c.castleberry@ castleberryengineering.com Chris Carrillo AECOM 16000 Dallas Pkwy Ste 350 Dallas, TX 75248 972-735-3058 chris.carrillo@aecom.com Thomas Curl DFW Airport P.O. Box 619428 DFW Airport, TX 75261-9428 972-973-3642 tcurl@dfwairport.com Peter D’Adamo HDR 555 Fayetteville Street, Ste 900 Raleigh, NC 27601 919-357-2762 pdadamo@hdrinc.com John D’Antoni Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 1349 Empire Central, Ste 1000 Houston, TX 75247 713-464-2724 jdantoni@apaienv.com Miguel Diaz City of Corpus Christi 13101 Leopard St Corpus Christi, TX 78410 361-826-1217 migueld@cctexas.com David Ford Halff 1201 North Bowser Road Richardson, TX 75081 214-346-6394 dford@halff.com Andrew Doerflinger Black & Veatch One Lincoln Centre 5400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 975 Dallas, TX 75240 4695133175 doerflingerao@bv.com Evan Ged CH2M 12750 Merit Dr, Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75251 972-663-2388 evan.ged@ch2m.com Leon Downing CH2M 12750 Merit Dr Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75251 920-889-9291 leon.downing@ch2m.com Keller Drozdick Tetra Tech 700 N St Mary’s St., Suite 300 San Antonio, TX 78205 210-299-7913 keller.drozdick@tetratech.com Kaylee Dusek Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway Ste 190 Frisco, TX 75034 972-377-7480 kpdusek@garverusa.com Chris Ekrut NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC 1300 E Lookout Dr., Ste 100 Richardson, TX 75082 972-232-2234 cekrut@newgenstrategies.net Ashley Evans ARCADIS 1717 W. 6th St. Suite 210 Austin, TX 78703 512-527-6080 ashley.evans@arcadis.com Gerald Fejarang Pinnacle Advanced Reliability Technologies One Pinnacle Way Pasadena, TX 77504 916-996-1337 gerald.fejarang@ pinnacleart.com Nelun Fernando Texas Water Development Board 1700 North Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701 512-475-0454 nelun.fernando@twdb.texas.gov Amlan Ghosh Corona Environmental Consulting 1600 Shadywood Lane Flower Mound, TX 75028 214-250-1456 aghosh@coronaenv.com Tarun Gill HDR Engineering 695 Atlantic Avenue Boston, MA 02111 858-337-2204 tarun.gill@hdrinc.com Jame Glegg 2M Associates LLC 5930 Preston View Blvd., Suite A Dallas, TX 75240 214-926-9179 jglegg@two-mm.com Joshua Goldman CDM Smith 555 17th St, Suite 1100 Denver, CO 80202 303-383-2437 goldmanje@cdmsmith.com Leticia Gomar Carollo Engineers 14785 Preston Rd Ste 950 Dallas, TX 75254 972-763-4445 lgomar@carollo.com Dominique Gomez WaterSmart Software 611 South Congress Avenue Suite 125 Austin, TX 78704 719-659-2865 dgomez@watersmart.com Todd Grafenauer Murphy Pipelines 804 Tall Pines Dr Friendswood, TX 77546 414-321-2247 toddg@murphypipelines.com Mark Graves HDR 4401 West Gate Blvd., Suite 400 Austin, TX 78745 512-912-5179 mgraves@hdrinc.com Michael Hagen Parsons Environment & Infrastructure 1301 West President George Bush Hwy, Suite 350 Richardson, TX 75080 972-244-6128 michael.hagen@parsons.com Lee Hamm Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. 215 Mary Ave, Suite 305 Waco, TX 76701 254-753-9585 lbhamm@lan-inc.com Craig Hannah Johnson Controls, Inc. 1603 Loop 289 West Lubbock, TX 79416 806-784-4914 craig.c.hannah@jci.com Thomas Haster Freese and Nichols 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX 76109 817-735-7238 th@freese.com Shelly Hattan Tarrant Regional Water District 808 East Northside Dr Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-720-4256 shelly.hattan@trwd.com Stephen Hines Tom Hines - Architect, LLC 1407 Texas St. Basement Suite Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-706-0114 thines@architecttomhines.com Thomas Hodge SJWTX Inc. PO Box 1742 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 830-226-7224 tom.hodge@clwsc.com www.txwater.org Bill Hoffman Frontier Associates. 9013 Texas Sun Drive Austin, TX 78748 512-294-7193 billhoffmantx@earthlink.net David Jackson Freese and Nichols, Inc. 4040 Broadway, Suite 600 San Antonio, TX 78209 214-217-2257 drj@freese.com Troy Hotchkiss Kimely-Horn 12750 Merit Dr, Ste 1000 Dallas, TX 75251 972-776-1739 troy.hotchkiss@kimley-horn.com Robert Jenkins Black & Veatch 14100 San Pedro Ave Suite 410 San Antonio, TX 78232 2108840139 jenkinsr2@bv.com H Kenneth Hudnell Medora Corp 3225 Highway 22 Dickinson, ND 58601 252-288-6870 ken.hudnell@medoraco.com Julia Hunt Trinity River Authority P.O. Box 240 Arlington, TX 76010-0240 817-493-5100 huntj@trinityra.org Alan Hutson Freese and Nichols, Inc. 10497 Town and Country Way, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77024 713-600-6847 ach@freese.com Jerome Iltis San Antonio Water System 2800 US Hwy 281 North San Antonio, TX 78212 210-233-3683 jerome.iltis@saws.org Stephanie Ishii Hazen and Sawyer 4035 Ridge Top Road Suite 400 Fairfax, VA 22030 703-537-7917 sishii@hazenandsawyer.com Rami Issa AECOM 16000 Dallas Pkwy Ste 350 Dallas, TX 75248 972-735-3012 rami.issa@aecom.com Jennifer Ivey Arcadis 12400 Coit Rd, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75251 972-339-0783 jennifer.ivey@arcadis.com Aiza Jose Gresham, Smith and Partners 2811 McKinney Avenue Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75204 214-366-6507 aiza_jose@gspnet.com Chris Kaakaty Gresham, Smith and Partners 2811 McKinney Avenue Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75204 214-366-6513 chris_kaakaty@gspnet.com Mazen Kawasmi Freese and Nichols, Inc. 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX 76109 817-735-7432 mhk@freese.com Chris Kercher SmartPhone Meter Reading, LLC 3600 K Ave. Plano, TX 75074 214-540-5056 chrisk@ smartphonemeterreading.com Liaqat Khan NHC 16300 Christensen Road Suite 350 Tukwila, WA 98188 206-241-6000 lkhan@nhcweb.com Rodolfo Kilian Carollo Engineers, Inc 14785 Preston Road Ste 950 Dallas, TX 75254 972-239-9949 rkilian@carollo.com Jonathan Kleinman AIQUEOUS 8920 Business Park Drive, Suite 250 Austin, TX 78759 512-745-3606 jkleinman@aiqueous.com 57 TEXAS WATER 2016 PRESENTATION CONTACTS Lance Klement Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway Ste 190 Frisco, TX 75034 214-250-3497 lpklement@garverusa.com Ellen McDonald Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 1320 S. University Dr., Ste. 300 Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-806-1700 emcdonald@apaienv.com David Koberlein Burgess & Niple, Inc. 5085 Reed Road Columbus, OH 43220 512-306-9266 david.koberlein@ burgessniple.com Doran McMahon HDR 4401 West Gate Blvd., Ste 400 Austin, TX 78745 512-912-5101 doran.mcmahon@hdrinc.com Srikanth Koduri CDM Smith 8140 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 1000 Dallas, TX 75231 214-346-2800 koduris@cdmsmith.com Sunil Kommineni KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77042 713-231-4403 skommineni@kitprofs.com Howie Li Team One Integration, LLC P.O. Box 117370 Carrollton, TX 75011 214-718-7253 hli@teamoneintegration.com William Lloyd HDR 437 Meadowbrook Drive San Antonio, TX 78232 210-260-2891 bill.lloyd@hdrinc.com John Logan Freese and Nichols 4055 International Plaza, Suite 200 Fort Worth, TX 76109 214-217-2381 john.logan@freese.com Sherif Mabrouk HDR 4401 West Gate Blvd., Ste 400 Austin, TX 78745 512-912-5105 sherif.mabrouk@hdrinc.com Jill Manning Hudkins Tetra Tech 201 East Pine Street, Ste 1000 Orlando, FL 32801 407-839-3955 jill.hudkins@tetratech.com 58 Michael Mecredy TEAM Industrial Services, Inc. 200 Herman Drive Alvin, TX 77511 704-737-8825 mike.mecredy@teaminc.com Sam Meisner Freese and Nichols, Inc. 2711 N Haskell Ave, Ste 3300 Dallas, TX 75204 214-217-2235 sam@freese.com Joshua Milks CP&Y, Inc. 12500 San Pedro, Ste 450 San Antonio, TX 78216 210-798-2303 jmilks@cpyi.com Brandt Miller Hazen and Sawyer 5847 San Felipe, 17th Floor Dallas, TX 77057 214-382-5750 bmiller@hazenandsawyer.com Sally Mills-Wright City of Arlington - Water Utilities PO Box 90231 MS 42-0100 Arlington, TX 76004 817-575-8972 sally.mills@arlingtontx.gov Vinny Minchillo Glass House Strategy 3941 Legacy Drive, Suite 204, PMB A212 Plano, TX 75023 214-534-2127 vinny@glasshousestrategy.com Andrew Molly City of Houston 12121 North Sam Houston Pkwy E. Humble, TX 77396 832-395-3785 andrew.molly@houstontx.gov Ben Mosher CDM Smith 670 North Commercial Street, Suite 208 Manchester, NH 03101 603-222-8381 mosherbr@cdmsmith.com Malcolm Parker City of Garland 2343 Forest Lane Water Utilities Garland, TX 75042 972-205-2715 mparker@garlandtx.gov Julie Nahrgang Water Environment Association of Texas 1825 Fortview Rd Ste 102 Austin, TX 78704 512-693-0060 julie@weat.org Jerry Parr The NELAC Institute P.O. Box 2439 Weatherford, TX 76086 817-598-1624 jerry.parr@nelac-institute.org Muhammad Naveed WaterAid House 148, Street 48, Sector F10/4 Islamabad, 44000 00923000502915 naveedmuhammad@ wateraid.org James Naylor Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 1320 S. University Dr., Ste. 300 Fort Worth, TX 76107 817-806-1700 jnaylor@apaienv.com Daniel Nix City of Wichita Falls 4801 Big Ed Neal Dr Wichita Falls, TX 76308 940-691-1153 daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov Kirk Obst Austin Water 3907 S. Industrial Dr Austin, TX 78744 512-972-1120 kirk.obst@austintexas.gov Andrea Odegard-Begay Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway Ste 190 Frisco, TX 75034 972-377-7480 amodegard-begay@ garverusa.com Charles Ortiz Laguna Madre Water District 105 Port Road Port Isabel, TX 78578 956-943-2626 cortiz@lmwd.org Craig Ottman Tarrant Regional Water District 804 E. Northside Drive Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-720-4205 craig.ottman@trwd.com TEXAS WATER 2016 Kevin Patel Signature Automation 14679 Midway Rd, Suite 205 Addison, TX 75001 469-619-1241 knpatel@sig-auto.com Ana Peña-Tijerina Fort Worth Water Department 4500 Wilma Lane Arlington, TX 76012 817-392-4982 ana.pena@fortworthtexas.gov Tina Petersen CDM Smith 555 17th St, Suite 1100 Houston, TX 80202 713-423-7300 petersencm@cdmsmith.com Ashley Pifer Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway Suite 190 Frisco, TX 75034 972.377.7480 adpifer@garverusa.com Ganesh Rajagopalan Kennedy/Jenks Consultants 3210 El Camino Real, #150 Irvine, CA 92602 949-567 2162 rganesh@kennedyjenks.com Marco A. Ramirez Trinity River Authority of Texas 5300 South Collins Arlington, TX 76063 817-493-5104 ramirezm@trinityra.org Rosa-Maria Ramirez-Zamora Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Ciudad Universitaria, Instituto de Ingenieria Mexico City, 04510 52 55 56233610 rramirezz@iingen.unam.mx Elizabeth Rentschlar City of Bryan 1111 Waco St Bryan, TX 77803 979-209-5926 erentschlar@bryantx.gov Doug Riseden Krausz USA 331 SW 57th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 352-817-6754 doug.riseden@krauszusa.com Alan Roberson AWWA 202-326-6127 aroberson@awwa.org Michael Rolen AECOM 5444 Westheimer Road Suite 200 Houston, TX 77056 713-267-2967 mike.rolen@aecom.com Keith Rutherford Parkhill, Smith and Cooper 501 W. San Antonio El Paso, TX 79901 915-533-6811 krutherford@team-psc.com Cassia Sanchez Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main St, Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75201 214-671-9559 cassia.sanchez@ dallascityhall.com Lindsay Sansom Texas A&M University 2301 Briar Oaks Dr Bryan, TX 77802 lindsay.sansom@tamu.edu Chad Seidel Corona Environmental Consulting, LLC 357 S. McCaslin Blvd. Ste 200 Louisville, CO 80027 303-544-2161 cseidel@coronaenv.com Cory Shockley HDR Engineering 4401 West Gate Blvd, Ste 400 Austin, TX 78745 512-912-5182 cory.shockley@hdrinc.com SMITH PUMP COMPANY, INC. WWW.SMITHPUMP.COM Pump & Pumping Systems Specialists Since 1962 Quality Products Quality People AUSTIN FT. WORTH HOUSTON WACO 3500 Comsouth Drive, Suite 500 4624 M. L. K. Fwy 5750 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E. Suite 1103 Corporate Office 301 M & B Austin, TX 78728 Ft. Worth, TX 76119 Houston, TX 77032 Industrial Waco, TX 76712 512-310-1480 817-589-2060 713-997-8647 254-776-0377 TEXAS WATER 2016 PRESENTATION CONTACTS Kara Shuror City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton Fort Worth, TX 76101 817-392-8819 kara.shuror@fortworthtexas.gov Robert Stanley City of Arlington 101 W Abram St Arlington, TX 76010 817-459-6824 robert.stanley@arlingtontx.gov Marcelino Trujillo Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc 501 W. San Antonio El Paso, TX 79901 915-533-6811 mtrujillo@team-psc.com Terry Walters AWWA Org 6666 West Quincy Ave. Denver, CO 80235 303-347-6215 twalters@awwa.org Kristy Woodard City of Frisco 11300 Research Road Frisco, TX 75033 972-292-5854 kwoodard@friscotexas.gov Melinda Silva Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation 3100 West Alabama Houston, TX 77098 713-527-6427 melinda.silva@dannenbaum.com Donna Starling City of Irving 333 Valley View Lane Irving, TX 75061 972-721-2431 dstarling@cityofirving.org Alice Tu Tarrant Regional Water District 808 East Northside Dr Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-720-4222 alice.tu@trwd.com Joyce Warren City of Frisco 11300 Research Road Frisco, TX 75033 972-292-5852 jwarren2@friscotexas.gov Jessica Woods City of Round Rock 2008 Enterprise Dr Round Rock, TX 78664 512-671-2872 jwoods@roundrocktexas.gov Michael Watts Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway Ste 190 Frisco, TX 75034 214-619-9052 mjwatts@garverusa.com Xuerui Ye City of Houston 2300 Federal Road Plant 3 Admin Building Houston, TX 77015 832-395-6014 xuerui.ye@houstontx.gov Jerry Smiley AECOM 1950 North Stemmons Freeway, Suite 6000 Dallas, TX 75207 214-672-2842 jerry.smiley@aecom.com David Smith Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service 301D Scoates Hall College Station, TX 77843 979-862-1989 davidsmith@ag.tamu.edu Kira Smith City of Houston - Public Works and Engineering 611 Walker St, 21st Floor Houston, TX 77002 832-395-2849 kira.smith@houstontx.gov Jerry Snead JQ Infrastructure 100 Glass Street Dallas, TX 75207 972-850-2162 jsnead@jqieng.com Jeffrey Sober Garver 3010 Gaylord Parkway, Ste 190 Frisco, TX 75034 214-883-6263 jlsober@garverusa.com Mark Southard City of Wichita Falls 4801 Big Ed Neal Dr Wichita Falls, TX 76308 940-691-1153 mark.southard@wichitafallstx.gov Ben Stanford Hazen and Sawyer 4011 Westchase Blvd Suite 500 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-863-1027 bstanford@hazenandsawyer.com 60 Eva Steinle-Darling Carollo Engineers, Inc. 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy N Suite 2200 Austin, TX 78759 512-453-5383 esd@carollo.com Donna Stephens Tarrant Regional Water District 808 East Northside Dr Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-720-4251 donna.stephens@trwd.com Justin Sutherland Carollo Engineers, Inc. 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy N Suite 2200 Austin, TX 78759 512-453-5383 jsutherland@carollo.com John Sutton Texas Water Development Board 1700 North Congress Ave Austin, TX 78711 512-463-7988 john.sutton@twdb.texas.gov Jenifer Tatum Kimley-Horn & Associates Fort Worth, TX 817-335-6511 jenifer.tatum@kimley-horn.com Patricia Tennyson Katz & Associates, Inc. 5440 Morehouse Drive, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92121 858-452-0031 ptennyson@ katzandassociates.com David Timmermann Black & Veatch Corporation 5400 LBJ Freeway, Ste 975 Dallas, TX 75240 214-893-1195 timmermannda@bv.com Elizabeth Turner North Texas Municipal Water District 201 E. Brown Street PO Box 2408 Wylie, TX 75098 469-626-4325 eturner@ntmwd.com David Urbina The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080 214-994-0079 david.urbina@utdallas.edu David Vallejo Black & Veatch Corporation 5400 LBJ Freeway Suite 975 Dallas, TX 75240 469-513-3214 vallejodf@bv.com Mark Vega McAllen Public Utility 1300 Houston AVenue McAllen, TX 78501 956-681-1630 mvega@mcallen.net James Vickers Separation Processes, Inc. 3156 Lionshead Ave, Ste 2 Carlsbad, CA 92056 760-400-3660 jvickers@spi-engineering.com Sanaan Villalobos Arcadis 401 East Main St., Suite 400 El Paso, TX 79901 915-227-4444 sanaan.villalobos@arcadis.com Jennifer Walker Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter P.O. Box 1931 Austin, TX 78767 512-627-9931 jennifer.walker@sierraclub.org TEXAS WATER 2016 Philip Wheat Halff 12225 Greenville Ave., Ste. 200 Dallas, TX 75243 972-761-1634 pwheat@halff.com Eddie Wilcut Alan Plummer Associates 6300 La Calma, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78752 210-386-5284 ewilcut@apaienv.com Randy Williams Town of Flower Mound 2121 Cross Timbers Road Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-874-6404 randy.williams@ flower-mound.com Temple Williamson City of Corpus Christi 2726 Holly Road Corpus Christi, TX 78415 361-826-1805 templew@cctexas.com Richard Witucki Schneider-Electric 30000 Mill Creek Avenue Suite 300 Alpharetta, GA 30022 770-521-7512 richard.witucki@ schneider-electric.com Melissa Woo CDM Smith 12357-A Riata Trace Pkwy Ste 210 Austin, TX 78727 512-346-1100 woomk@cdmsmith.com WATER ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 2015-2016 Water Environment Federation Officers President Paul Bowen, Lawrenceville, GA President-Elect Rick Warner, Reno, NV Vice President Jenny Hartfelder, Denver, CO Immediate Past President Ed McCormick, Oakland, CA Treasurer Ralph Exton, Trevose, PA Executive Director Eileen O’Neill, Alexandria, VA 2015-2016 Water Environment Association of Texas Staff Executive Director Julie Nahrgang 1825 Fort View Road, Suite 102 Austin, TX 78704 512-693-0060, Fax: 512-693-0062 julie@weat.org Membership Services and Financial Director Melissa Sansing 1825 Fort View Road, Suite 102 Austin, TX 78704 512-693-0060, Fax: 512-693-0062 melissa@weat.org Association Officers, Directors and Management Review Committee Members President and Management Review Committee Chair Jenna Covington North Texas Municipal Water District 505 E. Brown St., PO Box 2408 Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-5405 jcovington@ntmwd.com President-Elect and Strategic Planning Committee Chair Treasurer and Audit and Budget Chair Sarah Berkey Carollo Engineers 10375 Richmond Avenue, Ste. 1625 Houston, TX 77042 713-299-7148 sberkey@carollo.com Member-at-Large Daniel Spradlin North Texas Municipal Water District PO Box 2408, 505 E. Brown St. Wylie, TX 75098 469-626-4912 dspradlin@ntmwd.com Senior WEF Delegate David Briggs CDM Smith 12357-A Riata Trace Parkway, Ste. 210 Austin, TX 78727 512-346-1100 briggsdc@cdmsmith.com Junior WEF Delegate John Bennett Trinity River Authority-Denton Creek Plant 1687 N. Hwy 377 Roanoke, TX 76262 817-430-4657 bennettj@trinityra.org Past WEF Delegate Jody Zabolio Upper Trinity Regional Water District P.O. Drawer 305 Lewisville, TX 75067 972-219-1228 jzabolio@utrwd.com Historian Richard Eason City of Corpus Christi 15306 Bonasse Corpus Christi, TX 78418 512-550-5334 reason828@gmail.com Parliamentarian David Jackson Freese & Nichols, Inc. 1701 North Market St., Ste. 500 LB 51 Dallas, TX 75202 214-217-2252 drj@freese.com Brad Castleberry Lloyd Gosselink Attorneys at Law 816 Congress Ave, Ste. 1900 Austin, TX 78701 512-322-5800 bcastleberry@lglawfirm.com Past President PWO Representative Steve Coonan Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 6300 La Calma Drive, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78752 512-452-5905 scoonan@apaienv.com T. Scott Baggett City of Longview PO Box 1952 Longview, TX 75606 903-291-5225 sbaggett@longviewtexas.gov Vice President and Committee Leadership Chair Young Professionals Jeff Sober Garver 3010 Gaylord Prkwy, Ste. 190 Frisco, TX 75034 972-377-7480 jlsober@garverusa.com Secretary Leigh Cerda Burgess and Niple 4701 Westgate Blvd., Ste E 503 Austin, TX 78745 512-306-9266 leigh.cerda@burgessniple.com Corinne Duckworth Carollo Engineers 14785 Preston Rd., Ste. 950 Dallas, TX 75254 975-239-9949 cduckworth@carollo.com Section Representatives Amarillo Open Abilene/San Angelo Open Lubbock Dr. Andrew Jackson, Faculty Advisor Dept. of Civil Engineering, M.S. 41023 Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-1023 806-742-2801 andrew.jackson@coe.ttu.edu Dallas/Fort Worth Erin Flanagan Freese & Nichols Inc 1701 N Market St. Ste. 500 LB 51 Dallas, TX 75202-1834 214-217-2261 ecf@freese.com Longview/Tyler/Texarkana Gary Sober Byo-Gon Inc. 2344 VZ CR 4823 Chandler, TX 75758 903-849-4165 gary@byogon.com El Paso David Ornelas El Paso Water Utilities 209 N Lee St. El Paso, TX 79901-1707 915-594-5730 dornelas@epwu.org Midland/Odessa Open Austin Ana Karamalegos CDM Smith 12357 Riata Trace, Ste. A210 Austin, TX 78727-7168 512-773-3979 karamalegosam@cdmsmith.com Houston/Galveston Lindsay Kovar Brown and Gay Engineers 10777 Westheimer Rd., Ste. 400 Houston, TX 77042 713-488-3006 lkovar@browngay.com Beaumont/Port Arthur Karin Warren clarieff@yahoo.com San Antonio David Bennett Freese & Nichols 4040 Broadway, Suite 600 San Antonio, TX 78209 210-298.3829 dtb@freese.com Corpus Christi Logan Burtan LNV 801 Navigation, Ste. 300 Corpus Christi, TX 78408 361-883-1984 loganb@lnvinc.com Bryan/College Station Open Del Rio/Uvalde Rusty Brown Harlingen/Brownsville William Lewis Halff Associates, Inc. 20407 Los Venados Drive Edinburg, TX 78542 956-664-0286 blewis@halff.com Laredo Open 62 TEXAS WATER 2016 Port Lavaca Open Waco Christina L Burleson City of Waco 213 E Chapman Hewitt, TX 76643 254-424-3554 clf68@hotmail.com Wichita Falls Russell Schreiber City of Wichita Falls P.O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-761-7477 russell.schreiber@cwftx.nt WEAT 2015-2016 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Knowledge Committee Chairs Asset Management Cara Wilson Carollo Engineers 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy N, Ste. 2200 Austin, Texas 78759-7200 512-453-5383 cwilson@carollo.com Air Quality and Odor Control Chris Hunniford V&A Consulting Engineers 8220 Jones Road Houston, TX 77065 Biosolids Management Toshio Shimada Carollo Engineers 14785 Preston Rd, Suite 950 Dallas, TX 75254-7876 972-239-9949 tshimada@carollo.com Collections Systems Leigh Cerda Burgess & Niple 4029 Capital of Texas Highway, Ste. 220 Austin, TX 78704 512-306-9266 leigh.cerda@burgessniple.com Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls V.K. Gupta Gupta & Associates, Inc. 13626 Gamma Road Dallas, TX 75244 972-490-7661 vkgupta@gaiconsulting.com Laboratory Elizabeth Turner North Texas Municipal Water District 201 E. Brown Street Wylie, TX 75098 eturner@ntmwd.com Municipal Waste Treatment Co-Chairs Tina Hanson Garver 3010 Gaylord Pkwy, Ste. 190 Frisco, TX 75034 972-377-7480 tehanson@garverusa.com Ana Julia Pena Tijerina City of Fort Worth – Village Creek 4500 Wilma Lane Arlington, TX 76012 817-392-4982 ana.pena@fortworthtexas.gov Operations and Maintenance James Dias City of Austin 125 Liard River Rd Hutto, TX 78634-2003 817-602-4315 james.dias@austintexas.gov Pre-Treatment Jennifer Moore Pretreatment Coordinator Trinity River Authority of Texas 6500 W. Singleton Blvd Dallas, TX 75212 972-975-4322 moorej@trinityra.org Safety and Security Co-Chairs Joseph Baldwin Baldwin EHS Consultants 310 Marshall Creek Road Roanoke, TX 76262 940-268-7001 joe@baldwinehs.com Rick Hidalgo Signature Automation, LLC 4347 W. Northwest Hwy. Ste. 120 #270 Dallas, TX 75220 469-619-1241 x 101 hjhidalgo@sig-auto.com Stormwater Heather G. Harris CH2M HILL 12301 Research Blvd., Bldg 4, Ste. 250 Austin, TX 78759 512-453-2468 heather.harris@ch2m.com Utility Management Rick Shaffer City of Weatherford 917 Eureka Street Weatherford, TX 76086 817-598-4473 rshaffer@weatherfordtx.gov Water Reuse Glenn Clingenpeel Trinity River Authority Of Texas 5300 S. Collins Street Arlington, TX 76018 817-493-5117 clingenpeelg@trinityra.org Watershed Management Michael Bloom R.G. Miller Engineers, Inc. 16340 Park Ten Place, Ste. 350 Houston, TX 77084 281-921-8784 mbloom@rgmiller.com Delivery Committee Chairs Awards Co-Chairs Kim Chanslor CDM Smith 3050 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 300 Houston, TX 77056 713-628-2122 chanslorkm@cdmsmith.com Randy Lee Bush Montgomery Watson 7557 Rambler Rd., Ste. 440 Dallas, TX 75231 214-360-9929 randy.bush@mwhglobal.com Manufacturers & Reps Co-Chairs Kent Guilbeau Hartwell Environmental Corp. 1406 Camp Craft Rd., Ste. 104 Austin, TX 78746 512-347-7676 kguilbeau@hartwellenvironmental.com Jim Sproul A. W. Chesterton Company 8590 Newham St. Lantana, TX 76226 940-465-4651 sproulj@chesterton.com Ops Challenge Jeff Sober Garver 3010 Gaylord Pkwy, Ste. 190 Frisco, TX 75034 214-619-9027 jlsober@garverusa.com Publications Stephen Jeffus RJN Group 12160 Abrams Road, Ste. 400 Dallas, TX 75238 214-240-4412 sjeffus@rjn.com Scholarship Cathy Sieger Trinity River Authority 6500 West Singleton Road Dallas, TX 75212 972-263-2251 siegerc@trinityra.org Specialty Conference Rene Aguilar Carollo Engineers 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy N, Ste. 2200 Austin, TX 78759 512-427-8108 raguilar@carollo.com Texas Water Management Buster Fichera City of Fort Worth 4500 Wilma Ln Arlington, TX 76012 817-392-4978 buster.fichera@fortworthtexas.gov Texas Water Steering Jenna Covington North Texas Municipal Water District 505 E. Brown St. PO Box 2408 Wylie, TX 75098 972-442-5405 jcovington@ntmwd.com Texas Water Program Meera Victor, P.E. Carollo Engineers, Inc. 10375 Richmond Ave., Ste. 1625 Houston, TX 77042 281-872-4512 mvictor@carollo.com Texas Water Exhibits Donald Lange Black & Veatch Corporation 14100 San Pedro, Ste. 410 San Antonio TX 78232 210-404-1330 langedp@bv.com Stakeholders Committee Chairs Government Affairs Heather Cooke Austin Water Utility P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767 512-972-0083 heather.cooke@austintexas.gov Public Communication and Outreach Committee Sharon Miller Perkins Engineering Consultants 6001 Interstate 20 West Ste. 219 Arlington, TX 76017 817-330-0485 smiller@perkinsconsultans.com YP Texas Water University Forum Bill Rixey Environmental Science & Engineering Dept. University of Houston Houston, TX 77204 713-743-4279 william.rixey@mail.uh.edu YP Student Sections Subcommittee Jason Crawly Freese and Nichols, Inc. 2711 North Haskell Avenue, Ste. 3300 Dallas, TX 75204 214-217-2226 jkc@freese.com Management Committee Chairs Water Aid Organizations Jason Cocklin Freese & Nichols, Inc. 1701 N. Market St., Ste. 500 LB 51 Dallas, TX 75202 214-217-2207 jc@freese.com TWUA Raymond Longoria Freese & Nichols, Inc 4055 International Plaza, Ste. 200 214-217-2252 rrl@freese.com WEAT Emerging Leader Award 2002 Michael F. Bloom Bylaws Brad Castleberry Lloyd Gosselink Attorneys at Law 816 Congress Ave, Ste 1900 Austin, TX 78701 512-322-5800 bcastleberry@lglawfirm.com 2002 Rebecca Patterson Guthrie 2003 Dennis Laskowski 2004 Heather Harris Membership John Marler HDR Engineering Inc. 4401 Westgate Blvd., Ste. 400 Austin, TX 78745 512-912-5188 john.marler@hdrinc.com Nominations Steve Coonan Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 6300 La Calma Drive, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78752 512-452-5905 scoonan@apaienv.com 2005 Randy Lee Bush 2006 Jennafer “Jenna” Piper Covington 2007 Jennifer “Jennie” T. Almerico 2009 Tarlton “Trooper” Smith 2010 Meera Victor TAWWA 2011 Jeff Sober Brad Castleberry Lloyd Gosselink Attorneys at Law 816 Congress Ave, Ste. 1900 Austin, TX 78701 512-322-5800 bcastleberry@lglawfirm.com 2012 Erin Flanagan 2013 Josh Marazzini WERF Lynne H. Moss CDM Smith 12357-A Riata Trace Parkway, Ste. 210 Austin, TX 78727 512-346-1100 mosslh@cdmsmith.com 2014 Jason Crawley 2015 Lindsay Kovar WILLIAM D. HATFIELD AWARD RECIPIENTS A. L. Allison W.N. Wells Haskell R. Street Cecil H. Williams Mansel Smith James D. Goff J. Les Robinson Robert E. Derrington Leo Wood C.H. Schere W. E. Gibson Albert Breaux S.A. Webb George H. Powell Foster Crowell Joe P. Teller M. Truett Garrett, Jr. Charles Ganze M. Dolan McKnight Martin J. Manning Octavio A. Ramirez W. W. Right Basil S. Housewright, Jr. Robert T. McMillon Kenneth R. Jackson Joe G. Taylor Donald D. Spurrier Victor Marcus Ehlers Winfred S. Mahlie J.H. Sorrels Roger Moehlman C.H. Connell A.C. Bryan David F. Smallhorst David G. Chase John P. Wold Albert H. Ullrich G. R. Herzik, Jr. Pearl Goodwin Jack E. Huppert Sam L. Warrington Clayton H. Billings Joe Driskell Joe P. Teller J.L. Robinson John B. Scott A.E. Holcomb Ernest F. Cross W.S. Sam Hutton S.A. Garza Robert L. Nichols P.D. Parks Dick Whittington Joseph F. Malins, Jr. Marshall L. Haney Sharon D’Orsie 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Bert H. Bates, Jr. William Goloby Rhonda Harris Earnest F. Gloyna Stephen M. Jenkins Robert T. McMillon Ron L. Mayo Paul Roach Joe King II Patricia M. Cleveland Foster Crowell Raj Bhattarai Alan Plummer Ron Sieger Betty Jordan Betty Carol Mayo Mary Evans Cathy Henderson Raymond R. Longoria Jim Taafe Carolyn Ahrens Wieland Richard Eason Carol Batterton Brad Castleberry John Bennett Ronald Dale Carlson Jody Zabolio Dawn Anderson David Briggs 2008 Naomi Azulai Liaisons Committee Chairs 1958 1959 1961 1962 1963 1965 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 BEDELL AWARD RECIPIENTS 1949 1952 1955 1958 1959 1961 1963 1964 1965 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Wesley N. MacKenzie Lynn Norton Curtis L. Smalley Teresa Battenfield William T. Manning Gary W. Burton Olga Rodriquez Enrique Woo David Mask Oscar Guerrero Alfonso Carmona Stephen Hodge David Hackley Robert A. Rowell William Lewis (Bill) Tatum Meg Conner Michael A. Young John Bennett Edmund R. Mach Orren West Gurdip S. Hyare Clifford W. Beaber Frederick R. Moore Gary LaGassey Larry Rowe Jerry Pressley Tim Morgan www.txwater.org WEAT PAST PRESIDENTS The presiding officer was known as a Chairman of a Section from 19281961 and as President since 1962. Chairman, Sewage Division, Texas Section, Southwest Water Works Association 1928-1931 1932-1933 1934-1936 1937 1938-1943 W.S. Mahlie Edgar Whedbee W.S. Mahlie W.S. Stanley R.M. Dixon Chairman, Sewage Division, Texas Water Works and Sewage Short School 1944 1945 1946 1947 E.J.M. Berg E.M. Dixo L.C. Billings J.H. Sorrels Chair, Sewage and Industrial Waste Section Texas Water and Sewage Works Association 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 C.H. Connell A.H. Ullrich A.C. Bryan K.E. Mills W.S. Mahlie Glen A. Doty John F. Conlon Roger Moehlman T.L. Satterwhite Cecil Williams John P. Wold President, Texas Water Pollution Control Association 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 W. N. Wells Robert L. Nichols S.A. Garza Harry O. Henkel M.T. Garrett Jack Huppert S.O. Brady James D. Gof David G. Chase Ronald D. Sadow 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Curtis E. Johnson James E. Laughlin Albert Breaaux Joe Malina Tom Koederitz W.W. Wright D.M. Cochran Joe P. Teller P. D. Parks Robert R. Bustamante Glen Longley Marshall Haney Sharon M. D’orsie Jim Taaffe Bert Bates Bob Derrington John Cook Richard Smullen, Jr. Robert McMillon Carol Batterton President, Water Environment Association of Texas 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Alice Megna Gordon Koblitz Stephen Jenkins Joe King II Rhonda Harris Martha Martin Ron Mayo Patty Cleveland Clyde Burnett Mary Evans Jim Joyce Ron Sieger Ray Longoria Richard Eason Paul Roach Raj Bhattarai Brad Castleberry Betty Jordan Jody Zabolio David Briggs John Bennett Curtis Smalley Steve Coonan Jenna Covington 63 TEXAS SECTION AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jennifer Elms, Chair Edminster Hinshaw Russ & Assoc. 10555 Westoffice Drive Houston, TX 77042 713-784-4500 ext. 2336 jelms@ehrainc.com Daniel Nix, Chair-Elect City of Wichita Falls P.O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov Bruce Curtis, Vice-Chair EBAA Iron Sales, Inc. P.O. Box 857 Eastland, TX 76448 972-602-1001 brucec@ebaa.com Alissa Lockett, Past Chair, AWWA Director at Large San Antonio Water System P.O. Box 2449 San Antonio, TX 78298-2449 210-233-3401 alissa.lockett@saws.org David Scholler, Director Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc. 10777 Westheimer, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77042 281-558-8700 dscholler@browngay.com Mike Howe, Executive Director/ Secretary Treasurer Texas AWWA P.O. Box 80150 Austin, TX 78708 512-238-9292 mikehowe@tawwa.org North Central Texas Region Trustee Fiona Allen Trinity River Authority P.O. Box 240 Arlington, TX 76001 817-493-5114 allenf@trinityra.org Deputy Trustee Sally U. Mills-Wright City of Arlington Water P.O. Box 90231 Arlington, TX 76004 817-575-8972 sally.mills@arlingtontx.gov Central Texas Region Trustee Andrew Creel Andrew Creel Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 6300 La Calma Drive, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78752 512-687-2163 acreel@apaienv.com Deputy Trustee Teresa Bryant City of Waco PO Box 2570 Waco, TX 76702 254-750-8007 teresab@ci.waco.tx.us 64 Central West Texas Region Trustee Tommy O’Brien Southeast Texas Region Trustee James Jones Deputy Trustee Russell Schreiber Deputy Trustee Drew Molly City of Abilene P.O. Box 60 Abilene, TX 79604 325-676-6416 tommy.obrien@abilenetx.com City of Wichita Falls P.O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-761-7477 russell.schreiber@wichitafallstx.gov East Texas Region Trustee Clayton Nicolardi Jones & Carter 6335 Gulfton, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77081 713-777-5337 jcjones@jonescarter.com City of Houston Public Works 12121 North Beltway 8 East Humble, TX 77396 832-395-3785 andrew.molly@houstontx.gov South Central Texas Region Trustee Melissa Bryant Tyler Water Department P.O. Box 2039 Tyler, TX 75710 903-531-1085 cnicolardi@tylertexas.com San Antonio River Authority 600 E. Euclid Ave. San Antonio, TX 78283 210-302-3611 mbryant@sara-tx.org Deputy Trustee Terry Winn Deputy Trustee Greg Swoboda Winn Professional Engineers PO Box 2727 Longview, TX 75606 903-553-0500 twinn@winnpec.com HDR, Inc. 1020 NE Loop 410, Suite 400 San Antonio, TX. 78209 210-268-4707 gregory.swoboda@hdrinc.com Panhandle Region Trustee Tim Loan Coastal Bend Region Trustee Brent Clayton City of Amarillo 509 S.E. Seventh Ave. Amarillo, TX 79105 806-378-9085 tim.loan@amarillo.gov City of Corpus Christi Water Department 2726 Holly Road Corpus Christi, TX 78415 361-826-1670 brentc@cctexas.com Deputy Trustee Floyd Hartman Deputy Trustee Brian Williams City of Amarillo 509 S.E. Seventh Ave. Amarillo, TX 79105 806-378-9086 floyd.hartman@amarillo.gov San Patricio Municipal Water District P.O. Box 940 Ingleside, TX 78362 361-777-4037 bgw@spmwd.net West Texas Region Trustee Carmon McCain Rio Grande Valley Region Trustee Alondra Hernandez High Plains Underground Water Conservation District No. 1 2930 Avenue Q Lubbock, TX 79411-2499 806-762-0181 info@hpwd.com McAllen Public Utilities P.O. Box 220 McAllen, TX 78501 alhernandez@mcallen.net Deputy Trustee Brandon Autrey McAllen Public Utilities P.O. Box 220 McAllen, TX 78501 956-681-1700 jgsantiago@mcallen.net AMD Engineering, LP 2807 74th St., Ste. 8 Lubbock, TX 79423 806-771-2976 baytrey@amdeng.com Permian Basin Region Trustee Irazema Rojas El Paso Water Utilities 210 N. Lee St. El Paso, TX 79901 915-594-5772 isrojas@epwu.org Deputy Trustee Angel Bustamante El Paso Water Utilities 210 N. Lee St. El Paso, TX 79901 915-594-5401 abustamante@epwu.org Deputy Trustee Javier Santiago COUNCILS and DIVISIONS DISTRIBUTION DIVISION Jerry Snead JQ Infrastructure 2105 Commerce Street, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75201 972-850-2162 jsnead@jqieng.com EDUCATION DIVISION Christianne Castleberry Castleberry Engineering & Consulting 512-751-9272 c.castleberry@castleberryengineering.com TEXAS WATER 2016 Mark Southard, Membership City of Wichita Falls P.O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 mark.southard@wichitafallstx.gov Karen Hood, K-12+ Education Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. 3100 Wilcrest Dr., Ste. 270 Houston, TX 77042-3530 713-464-2724 khood@apaienv.com Grace Wike, Consumer Outreach Jacobs 2705 Bee Cave Road, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78746 512-732-7518 grace.wike@jacobs.com Andrea Odegard-Begay, Partnership Development Garver 3010 Gaylord Pkwy, Suite 190 Frisco, TX 75034 972-377-7480 amodegard-begay@garverusa.com Melissa Bryant, Competitions San Antonio River Authority 100 East Guenther St. San Antonio, TX 78204 210-302-3611 mbryant@sara-tx.org MANAGEMENT DIVISION Dean Sharp Sharp Consulting Services 7203 N. Ute Trail Austin, TX 78729 512-247-8609 dean@deansharpconsulting.com REGULATORY AGENCIES DIVISION Elston H. Johnson Elston Johnson & Associates 512-809-7552 elston@ejohnsonconsulting.com WATER CONSERVATION and REUSE DIVISION Jennifer Nations City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 979-764-6223 jnations@cstx.gov Nora Mullarkey, Conservation Lower Colorado River Authority 3700 Lake Austin Blvd. Austin, TX 78703 512-473-3200 x 4009 nora.mullarkey@lcra.org Jason Christensen, Reuse HDR 4401 West Gate Blvd., Suite 400 Austin, TX 78745 512-912-5109 jachrist@hdrinc.com Melissa Bryant, Alternative Water Supplies San Antonio River Authority 600 E. Euclid Ave. San Antonio, TX 78283 210-302-3611 mbryant@sara-tx.org WATER RESOURCES DIVISION Wayne Owen Tarrant Regional Water District 800 East Northside Drive Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-335-2491 wayne.owen@trwd.com WATER QUALITY and TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Aaron Archer HDR 4401 West Gate Blvd., Suite 400 Austin, TX 78745 512-912-5183 aaron.archer@hdrinc.com WATER SCIENCE and RESEARCH DIVISION Charles Maddox City of Austin Water Utilities 625 E. 10th St., Suite 300 Austin, TX 78701 512-972-0021 charlie.maddox@ci.austin.tx.us WATER UTILITY COUNCIL Fiona Allen Trinity River Authority P.O. Box 240 Arlington, TX 76001 817-493-5114 allenf@trinityra.org Brent Locke Bistone M.W.S.D. P.O. Box 145 Mexia, TX 76667 254-562-5992 bistonewater@nctv.com COMMITTEES AWARDS Richard Talley P.O. Box 822061 North Richland Hills, TX 76182 817-312-3920 rstalley@att.net BYLAWS REVIEW Daniel Nix City of Wichita Falls P. O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov CUSTOMER SERVICE Gina Hickman City of Hurst Hurst, TX 76054 817-788-7037 ghickman@hursttx.gov DIVERSITY Ronald K. Tamada Trinity River Authority 5300 South Collins Arlington, TX 76018 817-493-5100 tamadar@trinityra.org GROWTH SYSTEMS Vacant INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Javier Santiago WWater Tech McAllen, TX JOINT CONFERENCE OVERSIGHT Daniel Nix MENTORING Letty A. Arvide-Gomar RATES and CHARGES David Klein SCHOLARSHIP Ignacio Cadena WATER FOR PEOPLE Adam Conner LEGISLATIVE Heather Cooke NOMINATING Alissa Lockett REGIONAL ACTIVITIES Bill R. Smith, Co-Chair YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Theresa Hlavinka WORKFORCE Cathy Dominguez City of Wichita Falls P. O. Box 1431 Wichita Falls, TX 76307 940-691-1153 daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov City of Austin 625 East 10th St., Suite 606 Austin, TX 78701 512-972-0083 heather.cooke@austintexas.gov LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Charly Angadicheril City of Fort Worth 1511 11th Ave Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-392-8299 charly.angadicheril@fortworthtexas.gov MANUFACTURERS/ASSOCIATES Cullen Allred PowerSeal Pipeline Products 701 Pleasant View Dr Wichita Falls, TX 76306 940-782-9080 callred@powerseal.com MEMBERSHIP Donna Howe Carollo 14785 Preston Road, Suite 950 Dallas, TX 75254 972-763-4445 lgomar@carollo.com San Antonio Water System 2800 U.S. Hwy 281 North P.O. Box 2449 San Antonio, TX 78298 210-233-3401 alissa.lockett@saws.org Trinity River Authority of Texas P. O. Box 240 Arlington, TX 76004 817-493-5153 smithb@trinityra.org PROGRAM (Annual Conference) Bruce Curtis Freese and Nichols 10814 Jollyville Rd., Bldg. 4, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78759 512-617-3185 grs@freese.com EBAA Iron Sales, Inc. P.O. Box 857 Eastland, TX 76448 972-602-1001 brucec@ebaa.com Fort Worth Water Department 1000 Throckmorton St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-392-8253 mary.gugliuzza@fortworthgov.org ‘DOC’ BALLARD AWARD WINNERS Glen Doty, Dallas 2001 C. K. Foster, Houston 2002 Charlotte Voelker, San Antonio 2003 Henry Graeser, Corpus Christi 2004 John Kubala, Arlington 2009 Kay Kutchins, Galveston 2012 Ronny Hyde, San Antonio 2014 Thomas Taylor, Dallas 2015 Charlie Maddox, Corpus Christi YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MAVERICK AWARD WINNERS 2003 Shay Ralls Roalson, Corpus Christi 2004 Matt Berg, Arlington 2005 Bobby Mengdon, Galveston 2006 Marisa Vergara, Austin 2007 Jason Christensen, Fort Worth 2008 Alissa Lockett, San Antonio 2009 Jerry Snead, Galveston 2010 Chris Varnon, Corpus Christi 2011 Melissa Bryant, Fort Worth 2012 Adam Conner, San Antonio 2013 James Mansfield, Galveston 2014 Letty Gomar, Dallas 2015 Grace Wike, Corpus Christi Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Black & Veatch. 3500 Summit, Suite 400 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-769-6077 cadenaI@bv.com San Antonio Water System P.O. Box 2449 San Antonio, TX 78298 210-233-3452 adam.conner@saws.org Kennedy/Jenks Consultants 6300 Bridge Point Pkwy, Bldg 1, Ste. 230 Austin, TX 78730 512-852-3009 theresahlavinka@kennedyjenks.com Brazos River Authority 4600 Cobbs Drive Waco, TX 76714 254-761-3176 cdominguez@brazos.org Gary Smith, Co-Chair RESOLUTIONS Ronny Hyde PUBLIC INFORMATION/ PUBLICATIONS Mary Gugliuzza York Valley MUD 14979 Doria Dr. Austin, TX 78728 512-238-9090 domhowe@aol.com 2000 Lloyd Gosselink 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1900 Austin, TX 78701 512-322-5818 dklein@lglawfirm.com 5916 Wedgmont Circle N. Fort Worth, TX 76133 817-292-2923 ronnyhyde@sbcglobal.net SAFETY Rick Coronado City of Austin 625 East 10th Austin, TX 78701 512-972-0510 rick.coronado@ci.austin.tx.us GEORGE WARREN FULLER AWARD WINNERS Name Conference City Robert P. Van Dyke Hot Springs Haskell R. Street El Paso Richard G. Toler Tulsa David R. Smallhorst Fort Worth John H. Stacha San Antonio J.L. Robinson Houston John T. Hickerson Little Rock Otis Goldman Dallas George O. Muller Baton Rouge Charles K. Foster Corpus Christi Glen Doty Oklahoma City John Kubala San Antonio Phil Kosub Little Rock James H. Bailey Galveston Thomas D. Tiner New Orleans Michael K. Tubbs Fort Worth Michael Meadows Tulsa Kay Kutchins Arlington Dennis L. Allen Little Rock W.T. Ballard Houston Lee C. Bradley, Jr. Galveston Warren Norris Amarillo Katie McCain Corpus Christi Jack A. Renfro Austin Randy J. Goss Arlington Ronny Hyde Galveston Steve Walden Fort Worth Carole Baker Dallas Mark Lowry Houston Bill Riley San Antonio Gary Smith Corpus Christ Jeannie Wiginton Arlington Charles Anderson Galveston Glenda Dunn Austin Bill Smith Fort Worth Dean Sharp San Antonio Mike Howe Galveston Charles Maddox Corpus Christi Mary Gugliuzza Fort Worth Richard Talley San Antonio Daniel Nix Galveston Donna Howe Dallas Ron Tamada Corpus Christi www.txwater.org TAWWA PAST DIRECTORS & CHAIRS Year 1971 1972-75 1975-78 1979-80 1980-81 1981-84 1984-87 1987-90 1990-93 1993-96 1996-99 1999-2002 2002-2005 2005-2008 2008-2011 2011-2014 2014-2017 Director Conference City Atlee Cunningham San Antonio Robert P. Van Dyke San Antonio Richard G. Toler Fort Worth John H. Stacha Dallas Robert P. Van Dyke Baton Rouge John Kubala Corpus Christi Phil Kosub Little Rock Michael D. Meadows Fort Worth Glen A. Doty Houston Kay Kutchins Amarillo Randy Goss Austin Katie McCain Fort Worth Jeannie Wiginton San Antonio Glenda Dunn Arlington Charles Anderson San Antonio Charlie Maddox Fort Worth Dave Scholler Dallas Year 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Chair Conference City Richard G. Toler Hot Springs John Kubala El Paso John H. Stacha Tulsa Charles K. Foster Fort Worth Gordon H. Smith San Antonio George O. Muller Houston Otis Goldman Little Rock Ralph Hardy Dallas Albert Breaux Baton Rouge Phil Kosub Corpus Christi Michael K. Tubbs Oklahoma City Bill Healer San Antonio Tom Tiner Little Rock Mike Meadows Galveston Glen A. Doty New Orleans James Bailey Fort Worth Kay Kutchins Tulsa Dennis L. Allen Arlington John B. Lowe Little Rock Lee C. Bradley Houston Lowell Roberts Galveston Jack A. Renfro Amarillo Randy J. Goss Corpus Christi Ronny Hyde Austin Larry W. Webb Arlington Eduardo Garaña Galveston Katie McCain Fort Worth Bill Riley Dallas Gary Smith Houston Jeannie Wiginton San Antonio Charles Anderson Corpus Christ Glenda Dunn Arlington Bill Smith Galveston Dean Sharp Austin Charles Maddox Fort Worth Shay Ralls Roalson San Antonio John Burke Galveston Mari-Garza Bird Corpus Christi Richard Talley Fort Worth Dave Scholler San Antonio Brent Locke Galveston Christianne Castleberry Dallas Alissa Lockett Corpus Christi 65 GUEST PROGRAM GUEST PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20–THURSDAY, APRIL 21 PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED Wednesday, April 20 Continental breakfast served - meet at the Sheraton Hotel Restaurant at 7:30 am 9 am-11:45 am: Bureau of Engraving and Printing 11:45 am-1 pm: Lunch, Houlihans Restaurants 1:30 pm-3 pm: Texas Motor Speedway After a fabulous breakfast buffet, guests will be carried by private chauffeured transportation throughout the day. The first stop will be at the Bureau of Engraving’s Fort Worth location. The BEP’s public Tour and Visitor Center is a great place to learn about U.S. currency. Visitors can see where billions of dollars are printed from an enclosed walkway, which is suspended above the production floor! Over half of the nation’s currency order is produced in Fort Worth. The experience includes an informative theater film and the opportunity to walk through two floors of interactive exhibits and displays showcasing currency history and the intricate art of currency manufacturing. Tour note: The BEP is a secured facility. Visitors, including children, are subject to security screening prior to entering the Tour and Visitor Center. Cell phones, electronic equipment, back packs, cameras, weapons (including knives, pellet guns, mace, etc.), explosives, food, and drinks are prohibited. Thursday, April 21 Continental breakfast served - meet at the Sheraton Hotel Restaurant at 7:30 am 9 am-11 am: Schakolad Chocolate Factory 11:30 am-1 pm: Lunch, WATERS Bonnell’s Coastal Cuisine 1:30 pm-4:30 pm: American Airlines CR Smith Museum After a fabulous breakfast buffet, guests will be carried by private chauffeured transportation throughout the day. Thursday promises a tasteful tour starting with the Schakolad Chocolate Factory. Schakolad is one of the truly custom retail chocolate boutiques in the business. Their chocolates are “Made Fresh on Premises” using a tried and true three-generation European-style family recipe that calls for the highest quality ingredients and attention to design detail. This is a private tour and chocolate-creation class. You will have a chance to makeand-take your own custom treats and purvey the custom goods for sale in the factory! Luckily, your appetite will be satisfied at an Americanstyle restaurant, with an impressive record of delighted diners – Houlihan’s. Afterwards, our group will dine at famous Chef Jon Bonnell’s seafood restaurant: WATERS. Born and raised in Fort Worth, Chef Jon Bonnell grew up hunting, fishing and cooking. In 2013, he launched his latest concept to showcase his passion for and love of seafood. Chef Bonnell also offers numerous daily specials based on the freshest wild fish available from waters around the world, delivered directly from fishermen. WATERS captures Chef Bonnell’s famous Fort Worth fancy atmosphere in the city’s lively 7th Street District, and, while seafood is certainly the restaurant’s signature, the menu will satisfy every palate with game, beef and vegetarian options. The grand finish line of the day is found at Texas Motor Speedway! This is a high-speed visit to one of the world’s largest and most modern sports and entertainment facilities. Get a high-level birds-eye view of more than 150,000 seats and the 1,500 acres that make up Texas Motor Speedway. Finally, imagine yourself getting ready to negotiate one of the Speedway’s 24-degree, highbanked corners that allow race cars to exceed 200 mph! Laps of the racing oval, in our tour van, produce the same hold-your-breath sensations experienced by the greatest race drivers in America. (Laps around the Speedway are subject to availability at the time of each tour.) Bring your camera for numerous photo opportunities at the Texas Motor Speedway where Pit Road, luxury suites, gifts, the Concourse, and Victory Lane are all part of the tour. Finally, cap off the day with a tour of the American Airlines C.R. Smith museum. The C.R. Smith Museum takes visitors on a flight through American Airlines history, with interactive exhibits that entice participation by all age groups. The museum features hundreds of historical artifacts, photographs, full-scale aircraft engines and a rare Douglas DC-3 airliner. In addition, the museum’s 4K digital theater features Pursuit of Flight, a film featuring the history and physics of aviation from ancient times through today. The featured exhibition of a collection of images comes from the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection at the Library of Congress. These successive government endeavors intended to document American life from the great depression era and through the first years of WWII. 66 TEXAS WATER 2016 LET’S TALK WATER For more than a century, HR Green has helped communities and private clients meet their needs for water, wastewater, and water management. From feasibility studies through construction phase services, we help our clients achieve reliable, cost-effective, innovative, custom solutions to their water project needs. Visit us at booth #1205 and let’s talk water! w 11011 Richmond Ave w Phone 713.965.9966 Suite 200 Houston, TX 77042 Fax 713.965.0044 w HRGREEN.COM T R A N S P O R TAT I O N + WAT E R + G O V E R N M E N TA L S E R V I C E S + L A N D D E V E L O P M E N T + E N E R GY + C O N S T R U C T I O N