June - Hannahville Indian Community
Mno Nodegewen Hannahville (Something good you hear about in Hannahville) Ete men gises - Strawberry Moon June 2013 2013 - 2016 Hannahville Indian Community Tribal Council FEATURED EVENTS Championship at Sweetgrass, June 28-30.... page 3 Bicycle Rodeo, June 20.... page 9 Family Day, June 21.... page 12 On May 6, 2013, Tribal Council elections were held at the Community Center. Out of 249 registered voters, 238 people casted their votes and elected the following Tribal Council members: Executive Officers Tribal Chairperson, Kenneth Meshigaud Tribal Vice-Chairperson, Elaine Meshigaud Tribal Secretary, Tammy Meshigaud Tribal Treasurer, Lisa Little Council Members Chad Harris Sr. Charlotte Harris Jackie Kang Earl Meshigaud Sr. John Meshigaud Sr. Noreena Meshigaud-Dwyer D. Joe Sagataw Leroy Wandahsega Alternates1st Robin Halfaday 2nd Molly Meshigaud Hannahville Pow Wow, June 21-23.... page 16 Opening Parade, July 5.... page 17 In This Issue Above: On May 21, 2013, Tribal Council members took their oaths of office. Below: Elections drew a large audience. Board Election Results ............page 2 New Swim Hours ....................page 3 2013 Graduation .............pages 4 & 5 School News ...........................page 6 Report to Parents .....................page 7 Summer Food Program ...........page 8 Bicycle Rodeo .........................page 9 Summer Camps ..........pages 10 & 11 Health & Human ........pages 12 & 13 Quitting Smoking ..................page 14 American Legion ..................page 15 Hannahville Pow Wow .........page 16 Upcoming Events .................page 17 Community Information .......page 18 Pet Page ................................page 19 Casino Calendar ....................page 20 Activities ...............................page 21 Birthdays ...............................page 22 Personal Ads ......................page 23 Board Election Results 2013-2014 Hannahville Indian Community Board Members *The number that appears following their name indicates the year their term is up. Housing Board Health Board School Board Russel Dees (15) Richard Meshigaud (15) Alan Philemon (15) Donald Meshigaud (14) Mia Smith (14) Lois Tovar (14) Jesse Wandahsega (14) Alternates: 1st Christopher Halfaday, 2nd Tonto Wandahsega Amanda Hess (15) Crystal Lea (15) Mary Meshigaud (15) Lori Keshick (14) Donald Meshigaud (14) Alan “Barney” Philemon (14) Lois Tovar (14) Alternates: 1st Anna Larson, 2nd Debra Williams Rodney Frye, Sr. (15) Geneva “Magg” Wandahsega (15) Marilyn Shawano (15) Crystal Lea (14) Stephanie Philemon (14) Connee Sagataw (14) Charles “John” Wandahsega (14) Alternates: 1st Mary Meshigaud, 2nd Karol Sagataw Adult & Child Welfare Board Gaming Commission Mia Smith (15) Geneva “Magg” Wandahsega (15) Debra Williams (15) Vicki Dowd (14) Gloria Wandahsega (14) Alternates: 1st Mary Little-Winberg, 2nd Kelly Tovar Karol Sagataw (15) Darrel Wandahsega (15) James Wandahsega (15) Anna Larson (14) Richard Meshigaud (14) Stephanie Philemon (14) Connee Sagataw (14) Congratulations to the newly adopted Tribal Members: Chelsea Sagataw Katlyn Sagataw Congratulations to all those newly elected and re-elected to serve our community! Meeting Times Housing Board The Housing Board meets on the first Tuesday of every month within the Housing Department at 2:00 p.m. Health Board The Health Board meets on the fourth Thursday of every month in the upstairs conference room of the Health & Human Services building at 3:00 p.m. School Board The School Board meets on the second Thursday of every month in the conference room by the Day Care entrance of the School. During the summer they meet at 10:00 a.m. and during the school year at 3:00 p.m. Adult & Child Welfare Board The Adult & Child Welfare Board meets on the second and fourth Monday of every month in the conference room of the Visions Center at 10:00 a.m. Gaming Commission The Gaming Commission meets twice a month on Wednesday’s within the Casino at 10:00 a.m. The Gaming Commission reviews criminal charges for those seeking letters of rehabilitation for employment eligibility. Call Brad Madalinski, Gaming Commission Director at 723-2046 with any questions. Tribal Council Tribal Council meetings are held on the first Monday of every month in the Tribal Council chambers within the Administration Building. All times and dates are subject to change. Due to confidentiality reasons, some meetings may have closed sessions. page 2 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . New Swim Hours NEW TRIBAL SWIM HOURS EFFECTIVE MONDAY JUNE 3 With the 315 hotel rooms plus 53 RV sites, at one person each, adds up to a minimum of 368 guests who have paid for their accommodations and the use of the pool is included in their stay. Most guests do not come alone to stay, so we can easily multiply that at least by 2 per room or site. So then, 2 X 368 = 736 people, all potential guests staying on a sold out date. Our Hotel and RV Park occupancy continues to increase every year and that’s a good thing for our tribe because it brings in more dollars to the tribe. It also means, those customers have a right to enjoy what they have paid for, including, the use of the pool. The capacity of the pool is only 46 people maximum, at any given time allowed in the pool. The pool was built for guests of the Island. Tribal member swim is a luxury, not a right, for members to be able to swim without paying for a room or RV site each day. So, in order to have the pool available for our Island guests AND still work in a tribal member swim time, those hours and days at the hotel pool will change effective Monday June 3, 2013. Tribal Member Swim hours are now Monday through Friday from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm ONLY. 5 slots will be available daily, please call ahead and make your reservations for a slot. Reservations will be honored first and walk ins will be allowed if an opening exists, otherwise, you will have to re-schedule for another open day. All members must sign in at the hotel desk. All swimmers must bring their own towel from home. All persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult and that adult must remain in the pool room for the entire time the minor is swimming. No food or beverages in glass containers allowed in the pool room. Use of the bathrooms is for clothing changes only. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES IN THE BATHROOMS OR ON THE FLOOR WHILE SWIMMING. Please remove all your personal items from the bathrooms while swimming and keep them with you on a chair/table in the pool room. These are public bathrooms so please leave them as clean and tidy as you found them. Please be respectful of others who use the bathrooms. Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 3 2013 Graduation Congratulations Class of 2013 Congratulations to the 2013 graduates of Hannahville Indian School. Pictured left to right: Shane Williams, Seth Williams, Steven Keezer, Katlyn Sagataw, Enisha Hill, Hannah Bartol, Olivia Manitowabi and Marty Thorban. Not pictured: Whitney Putnam Congratulations to the graduates of the FACE Program: Beepsee Teeple and Brionna Hutchings. We are celebrating preschoolers moving towards kindergarten and their parents getting their GED prior to the new standards starting in January 2014. An alert to test-takers who need to finish the GED test by the end of 2013: the current version of the test—the 2002 Series GED Test—will expire at the end of 2013, along with incomplete test scores. Whether you need classes, online preparation, or just someone to help you get through the process, support is available through the Hannahville FACE Program. If you know a GED test-taker, please encourage them to test before the 2013 deadline. The Hannahville FACE programs offers supports for famlilies with young children. These supports include, education for their children while they study, transportation, meals, and resources. It really supports keeping the Circle of the Family Strong. Call Rose Potvin at 723-2722 for more information. FACE Center Base If you have a 3-5 year old and need your GED or would like to work on life skills such as computer, job hunting or other skills, get signed up today while there are openings. Your child comes with you and attends Pre-school while you are working on education. FACE Home Base If you are pregnant or have a child 0-3 years old and want to be your child’s first and best teacher this program is for you. Home base empowers parents by giving them information on where their child is at developmentally. What they can be doing with their child to help them reach full potential. Parents get connected to resources and have a great time at the social meetings. page 4 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . 2013 Graduation Kindergarten graduation was held in the upstairs area of Youth Services. Mr. Kovish led the students in a song using the Potawatomi language. The students sat in the four directions and wore the colors to represent each direction. Congratulations to the Kindergarten Class of 2013! Head Start/Preschool Room #2 held a graduation ceremony for their students. Head Start/Preschool Room #3 also held a graduation ceremony for their students. Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 5 School News Teyah! We must be doing something right….. Congratulations once again to our Language Teacher Kyle Kovish and Ge tthe Migwetth to the entire School Teaching Staff for your support and vote giving Kyle this great honor for the second year in a row. The Culture Department is extremely grateful to Kyle for bringing this honor into the fold, the department recognizes and appreciates your commitment and dedication to not only the School but for your caring for today’s children and those yet to come. Keep up the good work and know that you are well supported for what you do. Earl J. Meshigaud Sr., Culture Director Community Play Day The annual “Play Day” was held at the School on June 4, 2013. It was a fun filled day for the community, students and employees that celebrates the last day of school and the beginning of summer. Thank you to all those who helped organize and put on this awesome event! Racing through the obstacle course. The climbing tower. page 6 Fun for all ages! Bingo is always a hit! Everyone enjoyed the tricycles! The inflatable giant slide. Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 7 page 8 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 9 Summer Camps page 10 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Summer Camps YMCA Day Camp Dates July 22-26 July 29-August 2 August 5-9 August 12-16 August 19-23 August 26-30 The YMCA Day Camp is fast approaching. You can count on us to engage your children with fun programs that challenge and entertain your children all summer long. And this summer, it actually is ALL summer long. We will be running Y Camp right up to the start of the fall school year. Last day of camp will be August 30th. Your kids will stay active as they swim, participate in arts & crafts, attend "Kids in the Woods" field trips, and try their hand at archery. All while experiencing a new fun theme each week! Many new things are planned for your kids. Even the most experienced young camper won’t know what will happen next. No child is turned away from YMCA Day Camp due to financial difficulties. Assistance is available. Register your child by calling 7890005 or stopping by the front desk. Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 11 Health & Human Services Did You See Our Billboard? The billboard was on Highway US 2 & 41 as you drive into Escanaba. Did you see it? It’s the Grand Prize winner from our Poster Contest this past fall. It showed some of the students in Mrs. Pare’s first grade class at Nah Tah Wahsh PSA and they have a clear message to the smoker’s in their life: “Smoking Makes You Look Old. QUIT!” These students, with the help of their teacher, did a great job and it is so wonderful to see their images and their hard work on display in the billboard they designed. We are so proud of them! page 12 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Health & Human Services Hannahville Fitness Center Effective June 17, 2013, the Fitness Center will be starting summer hours: Monday and Wednesday 7:00am-5:00pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:00am-4:00pm Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 13 NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS This notice shall satisfy procedural requirements of three separate, but related activities to be undertaken by the Hannahville Indian Community. REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS On or about July 8, 2013, the Hannahville Indian Community will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) funds to undertake two new housing construction projects know as “N15243 Ridgeview Road: Single Family Home” and “N15323 Ridgeview Road: “Single Family Home". The request also involves the construction of a Playground in the Cedarview Subdivision. These projects consist of new construction materials assistance in the amount of $175,642 (home construction) and Playground construction assistance in the amount of $10,000 for FY 2013 (Project No. 13IH2627640). The total amount of funds to be released is $185,642 for all projects. The sites are located within Hannahville Indian Community trust lands within Menominee County, Michigan. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The Hannahville Indian Community has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the natural and human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at the Environmental Protection Programs Office, Department of Planning/Evaluation, Hannahville Environmental Office, N14911 Hannahville B-1 Road, Wilson, MI 49896, and is available for review and examination or copying. Contact L. Scott Wieting, Environmental Programs Coordinator at (906) 723-2295. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual, group, or agency disagreeing with this determination or wishing to comment on the project may submit written comments to the Environmental Protection Programs Division, of the Department of Planning/ Evaluation, at the Hannahville Visions Center. All comments received by July 8, 2013, will be considered by the Hannahville Indian Community prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Comments should specify which Notice they are addressing. RELEASE OF FUNDS The Hannahville Indian Community certifies to HUD that Kenneth Meshigaud, in his capacity as Tribal Chairperson, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. The HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows the Hannahville Indian Community to use Program funds. OBJECTIONS TO RELEASE FUNDS HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the Hannahville Indian Community certification for a period of fifteen days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the Hannahville Indian Community; (b) the Hannahville Indian Community has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the grant recipient has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58, before approval of a release of funds by HUD; or (d) another Federal Agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Eastern/Woodlands Office Native American Programs, 77 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604-3507. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period. Kenneth Meshigaud, Tribal Chairperson Hannahville Indian Community page 14 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . American Legion Post 116 AMERICAN LEGION POST 116 Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Executive Room at the Casino. Congratulations to Walter Pearson who was elected by unanimous decision as the new Post Commander. Thank you Post 116 member, Jim Wandahsega for submitting all the pictures from various events. Shown on the left is a recent group picture. Thank you to American Legion Post 116 for putting on the Memorial Day service at the Hannahville Indian Community Cemetery. Above: Members participating in the Children’s Pow Wow. Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 15 Great Lakes Area Traditional POW WOW June 21-23, 2013 $5 ua l n n A h t 37 HO S T ED BY T H E H A N N A H V I LLE I N DI A N COM M U N I T Y CE FEE N A R T N E WOODLAND VALLEY GATHERING GROUNDS • WILSON, MICHIGAN ers 55+ and Eld er 5 children und FREE HOST DRUM: BEAR CREEK Honoring CO-HOST: r e h t o M BATTLE RIVER GRAND ENTRY TIMES: (Eastern Standard Time) FRIDAY 7:00 p.m. SATURDAY 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY 12:00 p.m. FIVE MEALS : Friday- Dinner Feast Saturday- Breakfast & Dinner Feast Sunday- Breakfast & Bagged Lunch Earth INVITED DRUMS: CHUB LAKE YOUNG FIREKEEPERS WOLF RIVER EMCEES: Marin “Mark” Denning • Milwaukee, WI Beedahsiga Elliott • Cape Croker F.N., Ontario P u blic ! Welcome ARENA DIRECTOR: Tim McGregor • Birch Island, Ontario HEAD MALE DANCER: Michael Fish • Keshena, WI HEAD FEMALE DANCER: Marlene Syrette • Batchewana First Nation, Rankin Reserve Ontario HEAD VETERAN DANCER: Ray Cadotte • Bad River, WI CONTESTS : Team Dance & Hand Drum 1st place $350 HONORARIUMS : DANCERS every Grand Entry & available for first 10 DRUMS FOR MORE INFORMATION GENERAL QUESTIONS: Molly Meshigaud (906) 399-1875 or Susie Meshigaud (906) 280-5388 THE GREAT LAKES AREA TRADITIONAL POW WOW IS A DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE EVENT. THE POW WOW COMMITTEE AND HANNAHVILLE INDIAN COMMUNITY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOST/STOLEN ITEMS OR ACCIDENTS. page 16 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Upcoming Events Escanaba’s Sesquicentennial Celebration Opening Parade - July 5, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. on Ludington Street This year the Hannahville Indian Community will be participating in the parade, please come out to show your support! “Showcasing Native American Culture” will be an educational event held at Ludington Park in the Band Shell on Thursday, July 11 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. We are still looking for members from the community who are interested in dancing, singing, demonstrating crafts and being vendors. For more information call the Potawatomi Heritage Center at (906) 723-2270. Escanaba’s Sesquicentennial Celebration is scheduled for July 5th through the 14th, 2013. Throughout the week, special events and activities will be scheduled to commemorate our past and embrace our future. For more information, visit www.esky150.org Wristbands for “Native American Day” at the U.P. State Fair Thursday, August 15, 2013 will be the day that Tribal members between the ages 5-17 that attend either Hannahville or Bark River school will receive a wristband compliments of the Hannahville Indian Community. Descendants and students that attend Carney and North Central will be put on a waiting list. This day has also been approved as a holiday for Hannahville Indian Community employees. If you are not an employee of the community please remember to request this day off. Marilyn Shawano is once again doing the registration for wristbands. She will be at the Homemakers building on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s between July 9-26th. If you do not pre-register your child, they will not be eligible to receive a wristband on August 15. There will also be a discounted gate admission on this day for all Native Americans who show their Tribal ID’s. Please remember to get your child’s Tribal ID’s before this date if they do not have them already. Potawatomi Gathering The 19th Annual Potawatomi Gathering is being hosted by the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi at its Rodgers Lake property, August 5-11, 2013. The calendar of events is now live, and they’d love for folks to check out the schedules and pre-register for the activities that interest them. Some of the activities they have planned include: basket making drum making rattle making clan panel discussion co-ed softball tournament 3-on-3 basketball tournament 5-on-5 volleyball tournament basic language workshops The week will also include the following conferences: All Council, Domestic Violence, Gaming Commission Roundtable, Judicial, Language and Youth. They are still adding more events and details, but are getting close to having the week fully arranged. Please visit www.potawatominations.com for more information. Tangles Casino Salon We specialize in all cuts, color, and permanents for ALL!! Men, Women, and children. In addition to hair services we offer acrylic nails, massages, and tanning!! To make an appointment, call our new number: (906) 723-2226. Thank you Hannahville Public Works crew for keeping our driveways & roads safely plowed again this year. We really do appreciate your hard work! Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 17 Community Information PROCEED WITH CAUTION You’ve probably seen the “Chi-Mitig” (Big Wood) Logging Company working throughout the reservation. Recently they’ve finished the area within the pines and are currently working on 38th Road. They will continue working within Tribal Lands throughout the summer, including the Wilson area. In accordance to the Tribal Logging Plan, they are thinning out over grown areas that may be hazardous. They are also cleaning visible areas and removing excess brush. This helps the trees and plants expand properly. Please watch out for workers and their equipment when passing the work areas. The company is also seeking self-insured chainsaw contractors. For more information, call Francis Smith Jr. at 906-241-3715. Hannahville Elders Trip to Nashville September 25 - October 1, 2013 The itinerary is as follows: •Wed. Sept. 25th, Travel to Shelbyville, IN. Staying near the Grand Casino LEVI AND HELEN SAGATAW REUNION Date: June 29, 2013 Where: Pow Wow Grounds When: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (E.S.T.) •Thurs. Sept. 26th, Travel to Nashville, TN. Staying at Opryland Hotel, 4 nights Who: Descendents of Levi and Helen Sagataw and guests •Fri. Sept. 27th, Country Music Hall of Fame, RCA Studio B and Ryman Museum Tours Details: We will start with a check in for name tags at 5:00 p.m. •Sat. Sept. 28th, Sightseeing, surrounding area and Grand Ole Opry There will be a meet and greet from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. •Sun. Sept. 29th, Free time, shopping and General Jackson Showboat Cruise Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. (Food will be provided by Committee) There will be a short list of speakers at 7:00 p.m. •Mon. Sept. 30th, Travel to Gary, IN. Staying at the Majestic Star Casino & Hotel •Tues. Oct. 1st, Travel Home Policy & Guidelines for Elders Trip. For health and safety reasons, we recommend that we stay as a group and give any cell phone numbers to the Committee members in the event that we do get seperated. Also the trip will include four dinners; you will be responsible for some breakfasts, lunches and dinners. If you have any questions, please call Vaughn at 906368-0593. page 18 The LPGA Futures golf tournament is going on that weekend at the Sweetgrass Golf Club, if you would like tickets to attend the event, those will be provided. You can RSVP with Tony at (906) 723-2611 to let us know how many plan on attending and you can get more details as they are finalized. We look forward to seeing all of you and hope you can attend. Reunion Committee Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 19 page 20 Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Activities Potawatomi Language Word Search Although words are shown with spaces between below, they appear as one word within the search. Can NDE GWDE MOTTH GE I am fishing. GWDE MO DON Catch it! GI GO fish GI GOSEK more than one fish GWDE MOTTH GEN fish hook GWDE MOTTH GNA TEK fishing pole SHE MOOTH GEN bait or lure To learn more Potawatomi, visit www.potawatomilanguage.org you find 5 differences between these photos? ORIGINAL CHANGED Preschool Classroom #3 eating in the school caferteria, getting a feel of what its like to be in Kindergarten! ANSWERS: POSTER ON WALL, EXTRA MILK ON TABLE, STAR ON SLEEVE, STRIPE ON DRESS, KID MISSING Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 21 June Birthdays George Megenuph Jr. . . . . . . . . 6/1 Jennifer Santellan. . . . . . . . . . . 6/1 Chad Harris Sr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/2 Dyllan Keshick. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/2 Kaliah Decota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/4 Kion Decota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/4 Denise Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/4 Riley Litchard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/4 Pushkwaydashin McCullough . 6/4 Chris Tovar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/4 Michael Troxell. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/4 Luann Wandahsega. . . . . . . . . . 6/4 Kyle Boda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/5 Bobbie Dillard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/5 Ray Frye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/5 Lisa Megenuph. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/6 Tessa Keshick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/12 Barbara Malinowski. . . . . . . . . 6/12 Ernest Meshigaud Sr. . . . . . . . . 6/12 Ryen Metzger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/12 Taralyn Scheeneman. . . . . . . . . 6/12 Amber Shalifoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/12 Theodore Wandahsega Sr.. . . . . 6/12 Gagek Webkamigad . . . . . . . . . 6/12 Margaret Hardwick. . . . . . . . . . 6/13 Connor Lafave . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/13 Sierra Meshigaud . . . . . . . . . . . 6/13 Seth Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/13 Shane Williams. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/13 Misty Meshigaud . . . . . . . . . . . 6/14 Jordan Wandahsega. . . . . . . . . . 6/14 Brittany Williams . . . . . . . . . . . 6/14 Tonto Wandahsega . . . . . . . . . . 6/7 Autumn Keshick. . . . . . . . . . . . 6/15 Winifred Lawler. . . . . . . . . . . . 6/15 Vanessa McCullough . . . . . . . . 6/9 Samuel O Brien. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/9 Alyssa Sagataw. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/9 Larissa Thunder. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/9 Deborah Louis-Holinbeck. . . . . 6/16 Robert Sagataw. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/16 Randy Wagner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/16 Rosalie Wagner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/16 Cynthia Burns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/10 Mindy Lafave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/10 Tracy Sagataw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/10 David Tovar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/10 Dustin Hardwick. . . . . . . . . . . . 6/18 Steven Litchard. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/18 Mary Little-Winberg. . . . . . . . . 6/18 Kathryn Schueller. . . . . . . . . . . 6/11 Reginald Meshigaud Sr. . . . . . . 6/19 Quentin Troxell. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/19 Happy Birthday Brother! Love ya, Dave Happy belated Birthday to Our BABY GIRLS! BIANCA #11 June 2nd. DIAMOND #5 April 24th. Love YOUS Super Mucho! Mom & Daddy & Luke & Zoey Happy belated Birthday June 12th to Our Navy Soldier. Love You Mucho! Margaret & Luke & Bianca & Diamond & Zoey page 22 Kenneth Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryan Metzger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Philemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . Joyce Rhode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vanessa Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 Kelly Dowd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/21 Robert Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/21 Brent Auginash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/22 Brian Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/22 Betty Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/23 Shaye Halfaday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mckenzie Mathias. . . . . . . . . . . . . Arial Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrick Wandahsega . . . . . . . . . . . 6/24 6/24 6/24 6/24 Brenda Howard-Woelfel. . . . . . . . Annileece Lofquist. . . . . . . . . . . . Jaymen McCullough-Smith . . . . . Katalena Wabanimkee. . . . . . . . . . Barbara Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 Heidi Carlson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/26 Dezirae Lattergrass. . . . . . . . . . . . 6/27 John Meshigaud Sr.. . . . . . . . . . . . Craig Meshigaud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aubree Sagataw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joseph Wagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephen Wandahsega. . . . . . . . . . . 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 Hannah Bartol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bethany Keshick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dyan Topper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shirley Williams-Keezer. . . . . . . . 6/29 6/29 6/29 6/29 Kerry Haley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louis Halfaday II . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earl Meshigaud Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . Katlyn Sagataw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 Happy B-Day Boo boo Foot! Love ya, Manda FSU on your birthday cuz YOLO! Love ya n Happy B-Day Uncle Bob! Love, Nephew Happy 43rd Birthday to my hubby! Love ya, Manda Happy Birthday to you Auntie Margs! Hope u have a good one. Love ya, Manda Happy Birthday Dad YOLO, David Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Personal Ads Thank you to the Hannahville Indian Community for sponsoring me and helping me take part in the amazing opportunity to travel with People to People this summer. I really appreciate your generosity. Sincerely, Dominique Wandahsega (June 15th) Happy Birthday to my little brother Jake Miller. Love, your sister, Roxanne & fam Happy father’s day to the best daddy in the world. Love Dez, Jaidyn, Jordyn & MJ HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY TO BEAUTIFUL GIRL DEZIRAE. LOVE DAD Happy 31st Anniversary to my wonderful husband Dan. June we make it another 31 years! I love you Dan, with all my heart. Love you always. Happy Father’s Day to the greatest MAN, FATHER and PAPA that ever existed. We love you so much and are thankful that we have been blessed to have you as our own. Love Binashee, Dominique, Arianna and Jacqueline. Happy 8th birthday to my beautiful daughter Happy 17th Birthday Sam! Dezirae Joelle Diamond! Love u, Momma, Love you always, Jordyn, Jaidyn, n MJ Mom, Dad, Alicia, Anakwud and Ogeema Happy Fathers Day to the awesomest, coolest, most loved Dad ever! We love you dad, alwayz n alwayz will. Love your boys, Jadrian & Jesse Happy Fathers Day to the sweetest & most loving dede a lil girl could ask for! I love you bunches & bunches! Love, your lil princess Katalena Happy late Mothers Day Happy belated 1st Annie Meshigaud. We love birthday Lucas James you and appreciate you in Ward (June 22nd). Love every way - every day!! & Miss you! xoxoxoxo Diana, Deanna, Sonny & Grandma Diana Alysha and Lucas Happy belated birthay (June 9th) Deanna Ward. Love and miss you! xoxoxoxo Mom Happy belated birthday Jordan Rose Seymour. Love and miss you, From “Antique” Happy Birthday Autumn and Happy Birthday to the sweetest Tessa I love you guys. You both baby sister ever. We luv you so much are the best cousins ever. Love your AWESOME Katalena, we could just squeeze cousin Bethany(: you! Love, Jadrian & Jesse James Happy Birthday my Son. Love, Mom, Victor & Trevor Happy belated 1st birth- Happy belated birthday (June Happy belated birthday (June day Lucas James Ward. 20th) Lesley Monroe. Love 16th) Sonny Ward. Love & You’re the worlds greatest your ole, not old, sister Diana Miss you! xoxoxoxo Mom nephew! From your one Happy Fathers Day and only Auntie, Deanna Happy belated birthday DAD! (Anthony Williams Ward. I love & miss you! Sonny Ward. Love & miss Sr.) Thanks for all you Hope to see you soon! you. Your sister~ Deanna do! We appreciate all the I’m a proud owner of my help. We are so proud on home! My house is paid off how far you have come! and I’m very happy about it! Keep up the good work! ;) Christine Metzger/Smith Love, Jill & Jesse n kidz Mno Ddeshkan Katalena Alyce! You lighten up our days with your beautiful smile.You cheer us up with your cute lil giggle.You get so excited when you learn new things, we can’t wait to see what the future brings! We love you princess with all hearts <3 <3 Momma & Dada Hannahville Happenings . June 2013 . Page 23 Hannahville Happenings Visit our facebook page- Hannahville Happenings to view additional pictures, job postings and reminders of events. Hannahville Happenings is available online. Visit Hannahville Indian Community’s website at www.hannahville.net Published by – The Hannahville Indian Community Advisor – Earl Meshigaud Tribal Communications Coordinator/Editor – Molly Meshigaud Photographer/Reporter/Graphic Artist/Sales – Molly Meshigaud Office: (906) 723-2270 Email: newsletter@hicservices.org Hannahville Happenings is a monthly publication of the Hannahville Potawatomi Tribe. Opinions appearing in this publication do NOT necessarily reflect the opinions of the Hannahville Happenings staff or the Hannahville Community. We welcome letters, editorials, articles and photos from our readers. Submissions are entered into each newsletter based on priority. Space is limited. Thank you for understanding. The deadline for submissions for July’s issue is Wednesday, June 26, 2013 Hannahville Happenings Hannahville Indian Community N14911 Hannahville B-1 Road Wilson, Michigan 49896 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 03 WILSON, MI 49896
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