The Leolux Design Centers


The Leolux Design Centers
Foreword............................................. 4
Leolux and art.................................... 6
Eighty years of history.................... 10
Via Creandi. . ...................................... 12
Our Leolux for you. . ......................... 14
People with a Leolux heart............ 16
The collection,
a world with many faces. . ............... 20
Design as a podium. . ....................... 22
Leolux Design Centers.................... 24
Sitting pleasantly,
a question of comfort..................... 28
Comfort and functionalities.......... 30
Sculptures.. ........................................ 33
Arabella............................................. 34
Parabolica......................................... 38
Vol de Rêve.. ......................................40
Interview Jane Worthington. . ........ 42
B flat...................................................48
Interview Andreas Berlin................ 50
Sella. . .................................................. 52
Interview Patrick Belli..................... 54
Archipel............................................. 56
Papageno.......................................... 58
Scylla.................................................. 62
Interview Gerard Vollenbrock.......64
Kikko.. .................................................66
Formi.................................................. 70
Interview Jo Meesters..................... 72
Roots .................................................. 75
Horatio. . ............................................. 76
Marabis.............................................. 82
Interview Christian Werner............90
Mundo . . .............................................. 92
Faya lobi............................................ 98
Antonia Royale...............................100
Entrada.. ...........................................106
Goncharov. . .....................................108
Pupilla.............................................. 110
Sjamaan........................................... 112
Felizia............................................... 114
Boavista........................................... 116
Dolcinea.. ......................................... 118
Bella Bora........................................ 120
Interview Axel Enthoven.............. 122
CéCé................................................. 124
Timandra......................................... 126
Talassa. . ............................................ 128
Fidamigo.. ........................................ 130
Paian . . ............................................... 132
Kepler. . ............................................. 134
Sustainable business. . ................... 136
Design for a good cause. . ............. 138
Table Times ..................................... 141
Spring.. ............................................. 142
Strabo.. .............................................144
Pyrite. . .............................................. 150
Indus.. ............................................... 152
Lirio.................................................. 152
Vivre Largo. . .................................... 154
Natello............................................. 156
Izaki.................................................. 158
Talos................................................. 158
Calbuco. . ..........................................160
Niobe . . .............................................. 162
Quantissimo. . .................................. 162
Interview about furnishing..........164
Extra Space . . .................................... 167
Barilo................................................ 169
Piatra................................................ 170
Gozo................................................. 171
Aditi. . ................................................ 172
Cimber............................................. 173
TamTam / Bongo.. ........................... 174
Tablet............................................... 174
Blocco.. ............................................. 175
Salus................................................. 176
Sisu................................................... 177
Leolux seat extensions................. 178
Facts and backgrounds. . ............... 181
The charm of real leather............. 182
Producing Leolux leather. . ...........184
About the application of leather .188
Caring for Leolux leather............. 189
Leolux leather table...................... 190
About fabrics.................................. 192
Lacquers and stains. . .....................200
Living wood....................................204
Caring for wood and veneer........205
Leolux glass tables........................206
Decorative rugs. . ............................207
Technical illustrations. . ................. 210
Colophon . . .......................................225
Addresses Design Centers . . ..........228
Antonia Royale........................................... 100
B flat..................................................................48
Barilo.............................................................. 169
Bella Bora......................................................120
Calbuco......................................................... 160
Cameleon..................................................... 148
Entrada.......................................................... 106
Faya lobi...........................................................98
Fidamigo...................................................... 130
Fiji.................................................................... 104
Freyr............................................................... 146
Goncharov................................................... 108
Izaki................................................................ 158
Kepler............................................................ 134
Liliom............................................................. 168
Natello........................................................... 156
Niobe............................................................. 162
Pyrite.............................................................. 150
Quantissimo................................................ 162
Strabo............................................................ 144
Talos............................................................... 158
TamTam / Bongo.........................................174
Vivre Largo.................................................. 154
Vol de Rêve.....................................................40
Leolux seat extensions.......................178
“Beautiful, well-made
products mean a lot to
the people that surround
themselves with them”
Ideas with a smile
Beautiful, well-made products mean a lot to the people that surround themselves
with them.
They radiate the care they were produced with and display details conceived in product development with attention and great patience.
Strong products invoke feelings that make you happy, create a sense of security and
a smile appears because there is recognition of values thought lost.
I believe in the power of this family business that nurtures knowledge and skills and
has the courage to challenge the world with distinctive design, thrilling colour combinations and with an eye cocked at all too dogmatic design.
Ideas conceived with love invoke fine emotions. That’s what we enjoy working on at
In the name of Leolux
Sebastiaan Sanders
Leolux and art; the role of
Jo Meesters in this annual
This annual acquired its specific character in the cooperation
with designer Jo Meesters. On behalf of Leolux, he produced
three exclusively woven tapestries with the beauty of nature as
their source of inspiration.
‘I’ve been working together with Leolux
for a few years now,” says Jo Meesters.
“I’ve made various objects for the exhibition stands, lampshades in papier
mâché and in glass, vases and flowershaped rugs that Leolux also used as décor in the photography for the annual.
Now they’ve asked me to do the illustrations for this book. A fantastic job that I
thoroughly enjoyed working on.’
For the illustrations in the annual,
Meesters had three tapestries he had
designed woven by the Textiles Museum in Tilburg, on a format of 300x155
cm. For the darker background he used
black mohair wool and as much organic
cotton as possible. Meesters: ‘I love textiles and the natural materials they are
produced with. It has to do with feeling,
with the emotion the material evokes.
It begins with a thread and the material
is formed from that. Really fascinating.’
The tapestries were photographed with
a great deal of care so as not to lose the
texture in the original work. Parts of the
photos were chosen in close consultation with the designers of the book to
serve as illustration for the various sections.
Why does this work fit so well with
Leolux? Jo Meesters: ‘The theme of the
tapestries is the sheer joy of the beauty
of nature. In fact, Leolux and I have in
common that we work with natural
materials and produce lovely, precious
products with them.’ What’s more, the
designer has similar thoughts about
sustainability; Meesters already goes
further there than Leolux. He succeeds
in making high-quality art with secondhand materials. This form of “upcycling”
is for Leolux a challenging point of departure on the route towards new material choices.
Meesters sets a more literal link with
Leolux by applying subtle patterns
in the cloth. A pattern in the form of a
Leolux Pallone is woven throughout the
tapestry. Besides the large flowers, the
reader sees a smaller, embroidered flower in a raised thread, which is completely
built up in the forms of that characteristic Leolux armchair. But it is ultimately
the fine atmosphere of the still-life and
the natural materials in the tapestries
that send the message of the Leolux
Annual in crystal-clear form: the story of
precious products made by craftsmen
from the loveliest natural ingredients.
The exclusive Leolux tapestries from house
artist Jo Meesters are on sale as limited
editions at the Leolux Design Centers. You
can read an interview with Jo Meesters on
page 72
Henk vd Vet
Sjer Jacobs
Clemens Briels
Petra Hartman
Wouter Stips
Leolux and art
Bond with a long history
Leolux has for decades believed that
the interaction between artists, designers and traditional craftsmen stimulates
creativity. Art has more to do with interiors that you may think at first sight. Art is
inextricably linked with interior design;
it gives a home personality and atmosphere.
In the early seventies Leolux staged
the first exhibitions in its Design
Centers, which at the time were still
called showrooms. It was often local artists that were given a podium at Leolux.
But they had awoken the interest of
Leolux and the search started for more
durable links. Artists began to influence
the design of the Leolux Annuals and on
one occasion were even involved in the
design of furniture. The “in-house” artist
had been born and art became a definitive component of the Leolux DNA.
Over the decades we now look back
upon, a number of artists have played
a main role in image forming at Leolux.
Names like Clemens Briels and Sjer
Jacobs occupied a place for many years
and their work is still on offer. The alliances with Petra Hartman and Wouter
Stips are of a later date. Work by the
latter still defines the appearance of
Leolux buildings, most prominently in
the striking and huge facades of the
Design Center in Krefeld (D) and the Via
Creandi visitor’s center in Venlo (NL).
Anchored in the past
The first to bear the title of in-house
artist is Henk van der Vet (1939). In the
early nineties Leolux illustrates its annuals with his “photographics”. In this art
form, which he bases on photography,
Van der Vet combines various techniques. He himself calls it “Painting with
photography”. Over the years, silkscreen
prints have been made of his work for
Leolux, which Leolux offers in its outlets.
From 1996 it’s the turn of Clemens Briels
(1946). For the first time, this is a question of creative interaction. Not only
does Briels set the theme, but he is actively involved in designing furniture
and fabrics as well. The point of departure is ‘Antipodism’, his theory of the
extreme: there is light because there is
darkness too.
The colourful yet abstract work of Briels
is followed by the much less abstract
“people” of Sjer Jacobs (1963). These
scrawny figures are affable types and
the onlooker can quickly relate to them.
Sjer illustrates Leolux Annuals and delivers a colourful range of works both in
ceramics and on canvas. His characterful figures in wire populate the Leolux
sculpture garden at the production
plant in Venlo.
Leolux comes across Petra Hartman
(1960) at the time when flowers are
her key theme. The opposing power
of the flower results in illustrations
in Annuals, paintings and sculptures.
Later she creates “colourful” works
with black and white as the key tints.
Multidisciplinary artist Wouter Stips
(1944) exhibits graphic art and paintings, produces animated videos, directs
theatrical produc-tions and publishes.
From 1980 he devotes himself to making television programmes. Leolux and
Stips begin working together in 2005.
His “world full of beauty and the special”
is for several years the thread through
the advertising campaigns, he illustrates
various Annuals and his work graces the
facades of two Leolux buildings.
Artist and designer Jo Meesters (1974)
works closely together with Leolux on
a number of fronts from 2009 onwards.
The cooperation begins at a photo session where Leolux uses a hand-made
rug as an artistic element. Then follows
more direct cooperation; works by Jo
become image-defining elements in
the Leolux stands and Design Centers.
Lamps and vases bigger than life-size on
the Leolux stand during the International Furniture Fair (IMM) in Cologne in 2010
contribute a lot to the concept that is
soon to win a Reddot Award. A year later, Jo Meesters is responsible for a large
number of hand-made, richly-coloured
floral rugs in felt. Yet another eye-catcher that earns a great deal of admiration.
You’ll find an extensive interview with Jo
Meesters later in this Annual.
Eighty years of history
For almost eight decades,
Leolux has been choosing the evolutionary route. Innovation and
calm growth, steady but with a clear goal.
Quality and ambition can allow a tiny
firm to grow to become a player on a
global scale. The founders of Leolux
probably don’t realise that when they
start doing business in 1934 under the
name “Zuid-Nederlandse Clubmeubelfabriek”. With only a handful of employees they build classic Dutch furniture in
the southern Netherlands. Around ten
years later, World War II is meanwhile
drawing to a close, the brothers Ton and
Jan Sanders buy the factory. Interested
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as they are in design from Scandinavia
and Italy, they set a new course in the
mid-fifties, which will ultimately turn
out to be highly successful. The modern
line will be called Leolux, luxury furniture from the lion (Leo in Latin) in the
coat of arms of ZNC. Over the next ten
years, the furniture becomes ever more
innovative and creative, as is the way in
which it’s presented. Already in 1964,
Leolux opens its first Design Center in
Utrecht. The information centers sup-
port the Leolux partners with complete
information without obligation for the
A new generation takes the helm at the
beginning of the eighties. Jeroen Sanders
and his business partner Johan van
Beek add even more refinement to the
budding success formula of Leolux.
The photography, the advertisements
and the designs become more daring, colourful and challenging. From
now on, art becomes an element of the
pluriform collection. Leolux becomes
image-defining in Europe, extends the
Design Center concept to Germany and
Belgium and grows further to become
a global player with a modern factory
in Venlo where high-tech and tradition
are combined and a splendid visitors’
center, Via Creandi, where consumers
can see with their own eyes how Leolux
furniture is produced by craftsmen.
The furniture producer in Venlo distinguishes itself at decisive moments and
understands how to combine traditional
craftsmanship with state-of-the-art
technologies. The new generation, now
the third, takes the lead in 2012. Sebastiaan Sanders and Patrick Schreudering
set new accents but nurture the skills
and experience of their predecessors.
Leolux believes that quality and comfort
represent the essence of good furniture,
but only courage, self-assured choices
and a touch of eccentricity ultimately
provide for continuity and a long, beautiful future. And it’s up to the owners of
this family business with its rich history
to do that.
Want to know more about the history of
Leolux? Order the book “Talenten” via the
webshop on the Leolux site.
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Via Creandi:
a guided tour at Leolux
What can be lovelier than watching a fine product being created
in the hands of people?
Leolux enjoys opening the doors of its
factory in Venlo to anyone wanting to
experience how our furniture is produced to order. Guided tours take place
on a weekly basis, for individual guests,
but also for groups. A fascinating stop
during a day out in the region.
The starting and ending point of the
tour is the inspiring visitors’ center Via
Creandi, literally “the road of creation.”
After the reception and a film acquainting you with our family business, former
employees with many years of Leolux
experience escort you over the catwalks
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through the factory. From above, they
offer a perfect view over the production
departments. You don’t need to worry
about missing anything, because you
can always understand your guide over
the headphones, even in departments
that are a little less quiet. So you get an
entirely personal explanation of the production process, can ask questions and
experience the tricks of the trade at first
hand. And if you’ve recently ordered a
piece of Leolux furniture from your dealer, you may even come across it during
the tour. A unique opportunity to get to
know the makers of your seating idea.
About the Visitors’ Center
Via Creandi is a dream long cherished
at Leolux. The idea: show those interested that Leolux really exists and that
traditional skills and craftsmanship have
not vanished from Western Europe. The
first plans for such a visitors center go
back to the end of the last century, but
Via Creandi is finally realized 2007. The
building of a new logistics centre is the
right moment to make the dream reality.
Red bridge
The Via Creandi visitors center is opened
to the public in the autumn of 2007. It is
built based on the design by Amsterdam
architects Soeters van Eldonk. A characteristic red bridge links the existing production facility with a new logistics center and adjoining warehouse, in which
Leolux also accommodates its visitors
center. Here, with a fantastic view across
the Meuse, visitors get acquainted with
the world as Leolux sees it: modern and
hospitable, with a feel for the arts.
The façade of Via Creandi strikes the eye
as soon as you arrive. Wouter Stips was
responsible for the biggest work of art
for miles around. The combination with
the red bridge provides for an energetic
look that invites and inspires. Works
by the Leolux artists can be seen here,
and sometimes also bought. The Leolux
world of the beautiful and special begins in Via Creandi, in the house of Leolux. Welcome!
Via Creandi and the guided tour are
also accessible for wheelchair users. Via
Creandi can only be visited by appointment. Available dates and registrations
via You’ll find the address at the back of this book.
Via Creandi is not a showroom. For a presentation of the collection, please go to our
Design Centers.
Tours only in Dutch or German
Via Creandi
Marinus Dammeweg 42
Venlo (Blerick)
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Our Leolux for you
They’re still out there! Real family businesses where people work
on your order with great passion and craftsmanship.
The Leolux people in Venlo make superb-quality designer furniture completely to your specific needs. Because
that’s the only way, we feel at Leolux,
that your dream home can really come
Our furniture is created in intensive cooperation between designers, craftsmen
and freelance artists, painters, photographers and architects. The unique
Leolux products are born from their
inspiring and creative cooperation. Cosmopolitan, colourful to look at, versatile
in coverings, dimensions and comfort
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We select the loveliest designs, colours
and materials and put them together for
you. But ultimately it’s you that makes
the most important decisions. Because
at Leolux you choose the ingredients
from the collection that we should put
together in your sofa or armchair. Naturally, we’ll be happy to assist you in the
process of choosing them. The specialists in our conveniently located Design
Centers can advise you down to the last
detail. That’s how we realise your totally
personal dream home, together with
you, exclusively for you.
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People with a Leolux heart
The product developer
The woodworker
The cushion maker
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The leather cutter
The fabric cutter
The embroiderer
The product developer
‘With our team we elaborate on the
drawings by the designer and build the
Leolux prototypes. Whole generations
of seating ideas have gone through my
hands. The great thing is: it is still real
craftsmanship, making a product that’s
never been made before. You have to
think of everything. Of course, I have
lots of experience but the challenge is
always in finding new solutions. When
we’re done and the furniture is ready for
presentation, our work planners make
the dies and instructions, so that our colleagues can immediately build a perfect
piece of furniture for you.’
is to operate it. A camera first takes a
photo of the hide, which is saved in the
computer. With a special pen, I then indicate precisely where the blemishes in
the leather are. When it arrives on the
cutting table later, the cutting machine
automatically avoids the blemishes. I
make sure the computer works as efficiently as possible, because leather is astronomically expensive. My colleagues
and I cut about 10 million euro’s worth
every year. We know how important this
department is for Leolux. It’s the leather
you look at most, for years, and that’s
how you as customer measure the quality of the furniture.’
The woodworker
‘In this department we make the wooden
bodies of Leolux. Real quality bodies
built in beech. On cheap furniture the
parts are often riveted together, but at
Leolux there can of course be no question of that. We always use traditional
peg joints, which we then glue as well.
So the bodies are indestructible and
won’t creak. Leolux wants absolutely no
complaints about the build, because it’s
obviously a disaster if you have to dismantle a product with so much craftsmanship in it just to repair the body.’
The fabric cutter
‘The material I work with is not the greatest problem, but I have to make all the
fantastic, different patterns fit perfectly
on the familiar Leolux models. “Op patroon” we call it and that means: craftsmanship. The computer has been helping us since 1992, and we also cut with
computer support. That is ideal for the
top-selling models. You don’t have to
reinvent the wheel again every day; but
Leolux has a really big collection and
part of that will remain manual work.
That has to be the case, because Leolux
differentiates itself from so many others.
Who offers more choice? OK, that costs
time, but then you get something with a
face of its own, and I make that for you!’
The cushion maker
‘Many people don’t realise how important our department is, because it’s the
foam that ultimately defines the form
and appearance of a piece of Leolux
furniture. We cut every detail, every little angle that my colleagues in Product
Development add, from the sheets we
attach to the core. But the most important thing in the end is the comfort that
we build up in several layers to lend each
piece of furniture its own, characteristic
sitting experience. There’s a lot of knowhow behind that. Sit down on a Leolux
some time, then you’ll feel for yourself
how we use top ingredients as the basis
for a fantastic Leolux sofa.’
The leather cutter
‘At the moment we’re partly using the
latest digital technologies for cutting
leather. So with a computer, and my job
The embroiderer
‘All the different variants, coverings and
options make my job not only really varied, but also a real challenge. Here you
have to know an awful lot, be really allround. There are working instructions,
but you can’t keep looking everything
up, of course, there’s no time for that.
That would make the furniture exorbitantly expensive. Together with my colleagues, I make sure that the outside of
your sofa looks perfect, with the loveliest embroidery or perhaps contrasting
yarn colours. Precisely as you ordered it.
For me and my colleagues that is a matter of honour!’
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The lacquer specialist
‘Sanding, lacquering and staining.
Countless components pass through
our department for treatment. Not only
wooden table leaves, but also armrests
and feet . Every component first has to
be degreased and sanded, then it goes
to a spraying cabin for a coat of lacquer
or stain. It goes without saying that we
use water-based or powder lacquers as
much as possible. Those are less of a burden on the environment. We work based
on the latest regulations of course. We
mount the tables ourselves and package them carefully. The other lacquer
products go straight from here to the
upholstery shop. With that we and all
our colours provide the finishing touch
for your Leolux.’
The upholsterer
‘Many of our colleagues still see us as
the “Lord Upholsterers”. The craftsmen
of bygone times. That, of course, is also
the case. In this department, we’re all
qualified upholsterers who also master classic upholstery. But the times are
changing. Seating ideas these days are
pieces of life furniture and not stuffy sofas, at least that’s how we see it at Leolux
and that is a really major challenge: making modern products with the quality
of the past. That means a perfect piece
of work and careful use of materials.
Every detail has to be properly applied.
With our craftsmanship, we’re more or
less the “final controllers”. If it’s not right
then my colleagues and I stop work on
it, it goes back. I hold my craft in esteem.
Dexterity and insight, that’s what it’s all
about. On every piece of Leolux furniture, those in the know can see who made
it, that little bit of personality is still in it
and there lies the power of Leolux too.
It means putting that much more of
yourself into it.’
The dispatcher
‘Visitors to our factory are always amazed by all the colours and fantastic com-
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binations that pass through here. And I
see something new every day too. Sometimes this place seems like a Design
Center. Here, on “the mat”, we cast a last
glance before we package your furniture. Because you can make a sofa as lovely
as you want, but if it’s not packaged properly it will inevitably get damaged during transport. That’s why we take care
of thorough packaging. Dirty hands get
no chance! We load in three levels in our
own trucks, not simply piled up on one
another. No, the furniture has the space
it needs and can then go to the dealer.
That’s how we make sure that your furniture leaves us in perfect condition!’
The driver
‘I’m proud of my truck. With our Leolux
colours we really turn heads, and with
the pictures on the back everyone sees
straightaway what we make. I see a great
deal of Europe, because Leolux finds it
important that we deliver everything
ourselves. After all, we know best how
to handle the lovely Leolux products.
Two drivers on a truck is standard, so
we always have enough manpower to
unload, because not every dealer, of
course, has someone standing around
available to help. That is service for the
dealer. So my colleague and I provide
for perfect presentation and delivery. A
worthy end, I would say.’
The tour guide
‘I worked at Leolux myself for more than
40 years, so I speak from experience
when I explain everything involved in
making a Leolux to our guests during
tours through the factory. With a family
company like this, you naturally want
to stay in contact after retiring, but as a
tour guide you remain more involved.
Now that they’ve built catwalks you can
see everything beautifully from above.
That, of course, was not the case in the
past. I can heartily recommend a tour
through this lovely factory!’
The lacquer specialist
The driver
The upholsterer
The tour guide
The dispatcher
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Stefan Heiliger in his studio
The collection,
a world with many faces
Leolux works together with a large number of freelance designers. Every one of them has his or her own background and a
different vision about the world around them.
What they all have in common is that the
final result is what counts.
From the sum of their creative contributions comes a pluriform collection that is
nonetheless recognizable at once in the
distinctive shapes and the characteristic Leolux handwriting: a refined finish,
high comfort and a colourful presentation. The world of Leolux begins with the
designer, in a creative process crowned
by an end product built by craftsmen.
A designer does not work in a vacuum.
He stands at the middle of the world,
looks around himself, travels and explores. A designer is sensitive to trends
and to the way we live. He lets himself
be inspired and he translates all those
impulses into new ideas. Indoors or out-
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doors, colourful and warm, with solid
materials or lacquer products? All those
factors play a role in the form and function that its creator endows upon a sofa
or armchair. This makes good furniture a
mirror of the time we design it in. And
the products that best reflect the spirit
of the times remain valuable to people
for a long time. You might say they acquire a touch of eternity value.
The designer and the product developers at Leolux get down to work together
to make a product from the first sketch
that meets the criteria that Leolux sets
for a piece of furniture. Sometimes they
need to make a concession on the shape
for the sake of the comfort. Another
time, the design might be adjusted for
a better construction or to stop the price
getting out of hand. But the designer’s
basic idea must not be thereby eroded.
The choice of materials, the dimensions,
the comfort and the stitching; all choices
that are made in this stage are crucial to
the quality of a product. The know-how
and skills that Leolux has built up over
several decades give it a decisive lead.
Not always visible on the outside, but
more than perceptible as soon as you sit
This book will introduce you to a number of designers. Read more interviews
on the Leolux website. Have questions
for one of the Leolux designers? Simply
ask them via
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Design as a podium
Leolux creates a world in which each piece of furniture has a
place of its own. Everything we do happens with that in mind; In
the field of fine art, photography, styling and stand creation.
Leolux is constantly breathing new life
into its collection with new impulses
that inspire and motivate. In doing so,
Leolux also offers opportunities in a never-ending search for new talent.
Presenting design
Creativity has many faces. Not only in
design, but also in presenting the Leolux
collection, creativity performs a key role.
The right photographer, the loveliest
styling for advertisements, the layout
of brochures and websites. And what
about the thinking behind the standbuilding or furnishing of the Leolux Design Centers? Creatives from Leolux and
from outside work together to come up
with presentations that do justice to the
furniture and offer inspiration for dealers
and consumers. That process evolves
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with the trends and hence represents a
permanent challenge.
The future
Leolux has been seeking cooperation
with young designers for many years
now. In the past that took the form of
the design competition “Laudatio”.
More recently, Leolux has been working closely together with the Design
Academy Eindhoven and in the meantime students of design in Aachen and
Maastricht have been coming in with
their ideas. For the designers of the future, the Netherlands’ biggest furniture
producer is a learning environment, but
the inspiration works in two directions.
The students of the design course have a
fresh view on design, and that regularly
reveals new insights, even for experien-
ced craftsmen. Their very latest knowhow and their frankness when it comes
to furniture design inspire the people at
Leolux and redefine the limits of what is
Experience and visibility are both essential for young designers. So, besides
becoming acquainted with the business
of design, Leolux offers the designers of
the future a podium too. With prototypes built at Leolux, they present themselves to the world – the real world and
the virtual one. Via the Internet, they
blog and twitter themselves a path to
fame. Various products created at Leolux in recent years have been visualized
worldwide in this way.
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The Leolux Design Centers;
see, feel and experience
Want to really experience Leolux? Then drop in at the Leolux
Design Center one day. You’ll be warmly welcomed by our specialised advisors, who will acquaint you without obligation with
everything Leolux has to offer. And that is a lot more than just a
lovely collection of seating ideas. The Design Center is about seeing, feeling and experiencing.
Stimulate your senses
You don’t choose a good piece of furniture in an afternoon of course. A visit to
the Leolux Design Center is really worthwhile as part of the choice process. You
discover the world as Leolux sees it: a
lovely and inspiring world to live really
well in. You feel the texture of the fabrics; you smell the leather and see how
our lacquers can enrich a piece of furniture. The world of Leolux is also a world
of art, where you can get acquainted
with the work of the Leolux in-house artists. But above all it’s a world you can feel
at home in, a world in which you experience what we mean by Leolux comfort.
Endless experience
Whether a chair is really comfortable is
something you usually only know once
you’ve taken a break in the sofa of your
choice. So take the time for a really long
test-sit. The shape and finishing may
well be important, but ultimately you
want to sit in the sofa of your dreams for
years to come. As far as we’re concerned,
feel free to bring a good book with you.
We really won’t mind.
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Take the time
In the Leolux Design Center our advisors
support you in making your choice. Together with you they select the Leolux
furniture that’s a perfect fit for you from
the boundless Leolux world of models,
materials and colours. They are of course
up to date down to the last detail on all
the possibilities in the area of adjustment, comfort and size options. Got the
children with you? No problem. They
too can have a great time in the Leolux
Design Center while you take the time to
look around.
NB: Good interior advice costs time. So we
always ask you to make an appointment
in advance. Don’t forget to bring photos,
dimensions and colour samples with you.
Choose your perspective
An interior sketch often expects too
much of the imagination. That’s why
we offer the option of a proposal in 3D,
whereby we draw your living room in
the computer, complete with doors, windows, floorings and light points. In that
décor we place the Leolux furniture of
your choice to produce a realistic picture
of your future interior.
Furnish it yourself in 3D
Via the Leolux website you can set up
your own living room with Leolux furniture yourself. You can create your own
interior design simply and quickly online. Add furniture, change the colours
and try different atmospheres.
You’ll find the addresses and route descriptions to the Leolux Design Centers
in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany at the back of this book.
Who pays for our non-binding advice?
The Leolux Design Centers work closely
together with the dealers. The advice they
give you is without obligation. But if you
do decide to make use of our advice, we
charge that service to your dealer, who after all has less advice work to do. So we can
keep offering our service without having
to charge for it in our prices.
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‘Welcome to the Leolux Design Centers’
Leolux has five Design Centers where you can get acquainted with the collection and world of
Leolux. You’ll find them in Utrecht, Eindhoven, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Krefeld and Ludwigsburg. Here
you’ll be welcomed by people driven by the desire to help you as far as possible in realising your
dream home. That is their dream.
We would like to introduce you to some
of them and their motives. Made-tomeasure advice with no waiting times?
Then make a timely appointment with
the Design Center of your choice.
About the distance
‘The majority of visitors in Utrecht have
travelled a long way to become acquainted with the Leolux product. Your
interest is usually aroused by an advertisement, the Leolux site or by family or
friends. It is our task to give you accurate, professionaladvice in a hospitable
and friendly way on the extraordinary
and extensive collection. Right from
the first impression up to and including
the giving of extensive advice, we wish
to show you, the ‘visitor’, that we have
something to add to the furniture world.
Perhaps that will lead to a purchase, but
we have succeeded when our advice
makes you feel that your trip was worthwhile.’
Rob Witberg, adviser Utrecht
About style and taste
‘Of course, everyone has his or her own
taste and style, and yet almost everyone
who comes here is able to find something to suit his or her taste, those who
like modern furniture at least. When
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looking through the annual or walking
round, you are immediately able to see
which models suit you and which don’t.
The beauty of this is that you can also really test the model that suits you. Once
you have found the right style and comfort, we are only too pleased to help you
choose the upholstery. And whilst doing
so we will make sure that you are provided with a nice cup of coffee.’
Roel van Nuenen, adviser Son/Eindhoven
About observing properly
‘My colleagues and I like to get acquainted with the environment you live in so
that we can give the best possible advice on colour,form and function. That
also means observing you when you sit
so that we can give the right advice for
comfort. It is also very satisfying to see
customers come back and tell us that
the picture that we sketched when giving the advice agreed with the result. “A
dream became reality,” said one of our
customers recently. It is always a challenge to be able to get such a result.’
Vera Pempelforth, adviser Krefeld
About our partners
‘I still occasionally get the question: what
is the difference between the Design
Center and the Leolux dealer? I believe
that we complement each other. We are
at the forefront of the process. Here you
discover free of obligation: ‘What do I
like, which form, which upholstery?’ My
colleagues and I are specialised in that
one brand, Leolux, and we like to enthuse you, too, in a hospitable environment and with all the information. Our
dealers also work with other products,
which they combine with Leolux products, give tailor-made advice and ensure
the perfect handling of your order and
delivery to your home. The Leolux dealer and us are real partners!’
Elke Steinforth, adviser Ludwigsburg
About planning of space
‘When buying furniture for a living
room or study, the art is to match the
individual needs of the inhabitant with
those of the environment. The quality of
the room does not depend on the size,
but the way the room is used. With the
Leolux collection we have all the ingredients so that together with you we can
look for the best solutions. We know the
collection inside-out so that we canensure that just the right advice is given.’
Johan Schaillee, adviser Sint-PietersLeeuw
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Sitting pleasantly,
a question of comfort
We have made it our mission to make sitting a pleasurable experience. Because, however creative and durable a design is, if
a sofa does not offer that one function, comfort, you’ll never be
able to realise your dream home.
You might not always realize it when you
sit down, but under you are countless
precious materials that were selected
with care to make sure that you are sitting comfortably.
With lots of experience, attention and
love for the job, we at Leolux seek the
best solution for every new design.
Three factors are crucial thereby: ergonomics, springing and foam. The attention the people from Leolux pay here
results in unprecedented levels of comfort.
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Studying the human body in various sitting positions is the basis for the comfort
of any piece of Leolux furniture. Active
sitting needs a fairly high seat, high armrests and a smaller angle between the
seat and the back, the so-called “rake”.
That type of seat is easier to get up from.
The more passive the seat, the more difficult it is to get up: the seat is lower and
deeper, the back has more of a rake and
the armrests are lower. When the dimensions and relationships of the seat match
the human dimension (the ergonomics)
and the function, the basis has been laid
for a comfortable seat.
The springing Leolux chooses depends
on the level of comfort chosen. A hard
or soft seat sets different demands for
the springing fitted under the seat.
Leolux usually chooses steel coil springs
that, depending on the thickness and
the pre-tensioning, offer more or less
springiness. Sometimes we also span
webbing that stretches on loading, or
the product developers choose sprin-
ging consisting of high-density foam.
One of the most precious elements of
a piece of Leolux furniture is invisible,
yet all the more perceptible for that:
the foam. Leolux applies several types
in every piece of furniture that together
ensure the right support. The foam in
furniture of an active character is usually stiffer and tighter, whilst a lazy sofa
has softer cushions. The back cushion
should always be softer than the seat.
That “nestles” better. For the same reason, a sumptuous cover layer is fitted on
top of the foam. That cover layer provides for a light, homely nonchalance and
gives an extra comfortable feeling when
you sit down.
Furniture with a flat seat and upright
back is seldom really comfortable. The
lack of rake creates the feeling that you
are sliding off the sofa, especially with
smooth coverings. But even with such
furniture, Leolux succeeds in providing
for a rake by combining foams in the
seat with different levels of stiffness. The
softer foam varieties at the back of the
seat create the right rake here.
You sit in rather than on a Leolux seat.
Naturally that also means that the foam
should not have so much springing power that the covering is totally stretched.
That would give you a permanent feeling that you are being pressed upward.
Comfortable cushions are a distinguishing
feature of quality furniture and demonstrate its softness, even after use. So creasing is inevitable.
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Comfort and functionalities
Lower: this model is available with lower feet or armrests, or you can easily adjust the height yourself.
Extendable table: this table is fitted with a system
with which you can make it bigger or smaller.
Higher: this model is available with higher feet or armrests, or you can easily adjust the height yourself.
This model is available with fire retardant foam. In
countries where the law prescribes, this model is already equipped with fire retardant foam .
Shorter seat depth: available with a shorter seat, or
fitted with an adjustable seat. Ideal for smaller users.
Angle: the model is available in an active and passive
version. This is attained by slightly slanting the seat so
that you can “lounge” more or sit more upright.
Worry-free comfort
Leolux furniture conforms to the European standards
set down by the EUFAC directives for fire-resistance;
BS 5852-PART 1. Leolux furniture is developed to
meet the most stringent legal requirements in the
field of fire safety. The foam materials Leolux uses as
standard also satisfy the European regulations. Different standards apply in certain countries, whereby
additional fire-retardant components in the foam are
required by law. Although it results in a different level of comfort, Leolux applies foam provided with the
fire-retardant melamine for those countries.
In production, Leolux follows the lead of the laws and
standards that apply in the country a piece of furniture is intended for. If you choose the fire-resistant foam
meeting the so-called “British Standard” rather than
the European standard foam, that is almost always
possible. Your Leolux advisor will be happy to tell you
more about this.
Adjustable seat: the footrest of this model can be easily pushed under the seat.
The comfort level of the fire-retardant foam differs somewhat from that of the standard foam.
Longer seat depth: available with a longer seat, or fitted with an adjustable seat. Ideal for bigger users.
Tilt: armchair with a mechanism that enables you to
adjust the tilt of the entire seat, forwards or backwards.
Swivel: armchair with a mechanism that enables you
to swivel the seat.
Seating concepts for large and small people
Leolux seating furniture is more than just
sofas and armchairs. It provides real seat
solutions with remarkable properties,
and that’s why Leolux prefers to speak
of “seating concepts”. They adapt, for
example, to the user: after all, standardsized people do not exist; people are
almost always taller or shorter than
average and have requirements which
standard products are unable to meet.
Thanks to extremely creative concepts,
Leolux furniture can often be adapted to
the highest individual requirements. So
your favourite seating concept does not
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need to be disregarded because it is just
too high or just too deep. This makes sitting equally comfortable for any user –
big, small or somewhere in between.
The Leolux dealer can supply further details based on the technical specifications.
These can vary with each model. Optional
dimensions may incur additional costs.
Comfort pictograms
In this annual we aim to advise you explicitly about the possibilities open to
you with our seating concepts. As far
as comfort is concerned, this is extremely important. After all, you want to be
sure that a particular model offers the
degree of comfort you’re looking for.
Therefore, with many models displayed
in this annual you will find one or more
pictograms, which will present you with
a complete picture of the characteristics
and extra comfort available to you in the
Leolux seating concepts.
Adjustable backrest: the backrest can be adjusted as
required – you can choose for a “lazier” or more upright position.
Back height: This model is equipped with a mechanism for adjusting the back height.
Adjustable arm and/or back parts: this model can be
adapted to the mood of the moment by adjusting the
arms or parts of the backrest.
Castors: available with castors which enable you to
move this seating concept around with even more
Please note
When developing a new seating concept, Leolux
always takes the ergonomics of its furniture into account. Each alteration in seat height, depth or angle
can influence that. Therefore, make enquiries before
you choose for certain options. For example, if you
find a certain piece of furniture too high, then it may
only be necessary to opt for a lower version of the
same chair and not to shorten the seat depth. Your
Leolux adviser is always at your service in this respect!
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The “sculptures” from Leolux are unique in their own way,
specially designed to be full of love, distinctive and selfwilled.
This endows them with a specific character of their own.
The Leolux sculptures are artistic, but also imbued with
tremendous comfort and designed to put the finishing touch
to distinctive interiors.
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A visual voyage
of discovery
ARABELLA • Design: Stefan Heiliger, 2011
An infinite object with touches of eccentricity: Arabella offers
a play on lines that at first sight seems familiar, but on closer
inspection surprises. Stefan Heiliger drew inspiration from the
Mobius Ring, a strip where the inside and outside alternate unnoticed with a single rotation. Colour combinations can harden that effect if needed. The asymmetric form creates different
sitting moments thereby, each with its own charm. A voyage
of discovery in shape, colour and perception, especially for
real connoisseurs.
Available as 2.5 and 3-seat sofa. Covering in two colours possible.
Frame is standard in chrome. Optional are epoxy, lacquered or Satin Chrome. Arabella can also be supplied in mirrored form. The illustration shows it finished as Curl outside Right. Crowned with a Interior Innovation Award 2012, Good Design 2012 and Good Industrial
Design award 2011. More info p.210
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Magical Arabella
Things sometimes stay hidden under the surface.
Consider, for example, the comfort and
compact construction of the Leolux
models. Something like that also applies
to inspiration, to phantasy and humour.
It creates magical moments because the
invisible does in fact exert an unmistakable influence. It’s more than you suspect.
Under the surface on its stands,
Leolux shows the world a richly coloured
Leolux world that inspires and surprises.
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But also in the atmospheric images that
Leolux creates for this Annual you’ll
sometimes recognise a deeper layer. For
the 2012 advertising campaign, Leolux
has added emphasis to these alienating elements. In the picture taken by
photographer Lisa Klappe, Arabella experiences a magical moment when the
picture in the mirror deviates from reality. With a wink to the painted art of the
early twentieth century, you might call
this magical realism, but without too
many pretences.
Leolux opts for the wink, for the reversed leg, but also for the magic of
photographic art. With its surprising
play on lines, the award-winning design
of Arabella created the context in which
this photo tells its story about the magic
of Leolux products, whereby something
invisible hides under the surface. Invisible but quite obviously present.
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One whirl
on paper,
parabolica • Design: Stefan Heiliger, 2009
The powerful form of this multiple prize-winner will make Parabolica a fantastic element in your living room. Through its
asymmetric shape, Parabolica invites you to quite different user moments: simply stretch out and relax, sit “normally” or use
Parabolica as a workplace with the armrest as a mini-desk. For this swivel armchair you define your very personal combination of
colours and coverings for the outside, the inside and the band around it.
Swivel armchair with arm left or right. Dish foot in brushed aluminium or lacquered. Winner of Reddot Award 2009, Good Design Award 2010 and Good Industrial
Design 2010. More info p.219.
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The Flight of Dreams
from Leolux
Vol de Reve • Design: Jane Worthington, 2006
This organic design was created with love and features
the most refined and clever details. A top design from Jane
Worthington, inspired by her earlier design for Leolux, the
Gisa. With a clearly floating back, refined stitching and fantastic visible elements in aluminium, Vol de Rêve is a modular
programme combining elegance, luxury and top comfort in
one. A dream of a sofa, with an unending experience.
Available as love-seat, 2.5-seat, 3.5 seat sofa and modular elements. Two
arm options available, “low” and the exuberant “swing”. The adjustable arm
cushions (only with arm low) offer extra comfort.
More info p.224.
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- interview -
The dream of Jane Worthingthon
Inspired by her Leolux design Gisa, British-born Jane Worthington created a beautifully elegant seating system in 2006 with
sofas and elements that fit effortlessly in every interior.
Stiletto heels formed the source of inspiration for the legs. ‘Everyone loves
high heels, men and women,’ says Jane.
‘‘They are elegant, make you taller and
give the wearer self-confidence. So this
sofa deserved high heels too. In consultation with Leolux, they were finally
made a little less pointed. The sharp
heels might have been too much of a
load on many floors’.
‘Vol de Rêve plays on a more flexible way
of living. Relaxing, welcoming guests, dining, you can do that all on and around
Vol de Rêve. The model offers a choice of
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two different arms, which each radiate
by parts of polished aluminium which
‘Relaxing, welcoming guests,
all on and around Vol de Rêve’
their own atmosphere. The wide range
of elements permits creative combinations for any interior.
The strikingly suspended back of the
design is reminiscent in its shape of the
Gisa armchair. The extremity is borne
seem to run through to the feet. But her
design also paid attention to the seat
depth so that taller users can also sit
comfortably without extra cushions.’
Jane Worthington
(Engeland, 1969)
Vol de Reve • Design: Jane Worthington, 2006
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Humour and design,
an indestructible
Pallone • Design: Boonzaaier/Mazairac/de Scheemaker, 1989
A real eye catcher, with timeless forms and a long history. Conceived by Roy de Scheemaker as a magic carpet, inspired by the
world of the science fiction cartoon.
Pallone was originally designed for the ‘house of the future”. Almost 25 years on, Pallone is at the same time futuristic and humouristic, but meanwhile totally in context too. With today’s level of comfort and a luxury finish, neutral or colourful. Design is
something for the very small too! Puppy Pallone was specially developed for children so that they can enjoy this top design on
their own scale.
Pallone is available as armchair, in normal or small versions (Pallone Puppy), a special version (Pallone Limited) and as footstool. Awarded Best Dutch Furniture
Design (1989), Design Preis Schweiz, Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen and Good Industrial Design 2010. More info p.219.
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Pallone Art
Leolux art for a good cause
Real people work at Leolux. With them
you as a working community are always
in the midst of life. You get involved in
the lovely moments of life and inevitably
come into contact with the worst ones.
Leolux sponsors various community
goals and in its anniversary year chose to
add substance to that in a quite special
In cooperation with Museum Kunstpaviljoen in Nieuw Roden (NL) a group of
young artists is challenged at the beginning of 2009 to give their vision on the
Leolux Pallone. The point of departure is
to exhibit the works and then to auction
them off . The proceeds go to the Pink
Ribbon Foundation, which raises funds
for breast cancer research. The task assig-
ned to the artists produces very surprising visions about Pallone. “Tasty chair”
becomes an herb garden that, like the
human body, needs a lot of attention.
The life-sized pink “Barba Pallone” catches the eye because of its playfulness,
as does the long-legged “Tripod” and the
“Sprout”, which represents a germinating seed. Much more abstract are the
“X-ray” in stainless steel and “Aquario”, a
big fi sh made of tubular material. A third
group chooses to keep the shape. The
artists apply special coverings (“Button
Up”, “Shades of Wood”) or even mosaic
Early September 2009: the “Pallone Art”
exhibition gets under way in Museum
Kunstpaviljoen. In this splendid museum
with contemporary art the works are displayed for two weeks, whereupon they
move house at the end of September
2009 to the “Woonbeurs” in Amsterdam.
The public can help to decide which of
these works of art is
the winner, although a jury has the final say. They award the first prize of five
thousand Euros to artist Paul van Zijp for
his X-ray. A professional auctioneer finally sells the Art Pallones to the highest
Participating artists: Neeltje Schoenmaker, Tjep, Paul van Zijp, Caroline Prisse,
Lianne van Genugten & Stijn Boemaars,
Karin Stevers, Gea Smidt, Space Invaders,
Huting & De Hoop.
Trendy tricolour with a history
Eleven Pallones each with its own name and own face.
For two decades Pallone had two colours: One for the back and one for the
seat. That changed in 2009. On the occasion of its 75th anniversary that year,
Leolux introduced the Pallone Limited
series. Based on the latest leather colours, the trend experts from Leolux
selected eleven combinations of always
three colours. The eleven Pallones become personalities, each with its own
name and own face.
Colour -trio
The Limited was at once an unprecedented success. That demonstrates the
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popularity of Pallone, but also people’s
need to finish a piece of furniture in a
personal way. This opportunity to personalise, which Leolux also offers with
other models, also applies to the Limited
edition of Pallone. Besides the combinations selected, there is also the option
to choose a colour-trio of its own. The
“configurator” on the Leolux site helps
to do this.
Futuristic yet classic
The success of the Limited can be attributed to its new presentation in three
colours. After all, nothing has changed
in the shape since it was designed more
than three decades ago for the “House
of the Future”. In all those years, the
aficionado could select a maximum
of two colours for the striking balloon
with backrest. The carefully chosen tricolour coverings for the Pallone Limited
personalities ensure that the futuristic
armchair from 1989 can effortlessly find
space in the interiors of today. Timeless
yet trendy.
Legs, Karin Stevers
X-Ray, Paul van Zijp
Tasty Chair, Caroline Prisse
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Height variations
in a graphic lowland plain
b flat • Design: Andreas Berlin, 2005
B flat: the lowest sofa in the Leolux collection with flat-lying backs for an amazingly transparent look. In this position each back
serves as a casual seat. Anyone sitting in B flat can set the right level of comfort by rotating the back upwards in little steps in the
rounded bed. The aluminium frame is available in two heights. B flat means sitting individually in an expansive seating landscape.
An absolute design topper from Leolux.
Available as 2.5-seat, 3-seat, footstool and various modular elements. The corner element and one section of the modular sofa are not adjustable. Components
without backs can be supplied with special back cushions as an option. The frame is produced in polished aluminium. Winner of a Reddot Design Award 2007. More info p. 211.
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- interview -
b flat • Design: Andreas Berlin, 2005
B flat by Andreas Berlin
There are many ways to sit, finds Andreas Berlin. In his B flat design the
emphasis is on an informal manner of use.
‘I wanted to design a sofa where you can
also sit on the back. So it had to be really
flat, but also adjustable. The round
shape is a logical consequence of
that, which I then elaborated on.’
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was already thought out by Berlin.
‘I always consider a large number of
possibilities before I offer a design to
Leolux’, says the designer. ‘Together, we
then look at which options can best be
developed further.’
The original design was fitted with gas
springs, but did not seem practical
enough because it needed two hands
to operate it. In addition, the strap
needed did not satisfy the aesthetic
requirements and you could only sit in
B flat in the traditional postures. ‘A rack
and pinion mechanism has now been
installed,’ says Berlin. ‘With it you can
the back with one hand and practically
seamlessly, which supports any sitting
Berlin is convinced of the timelessness
of his design, ‘The original idea stems
from 2004, so it has already proven itself.
The form was created from the function,
so it is not stand-alone. This makes B
flat much more than a fashion shape.’
Light colours have a clear preference in
its look. ‘The advantage of a white finish
is that the sofa adopts the colours from
the environment. By doing so, the sofa is
less dominant in its presence.’
The extended programme that B flat
now offers, still a few more elements,
Andreas Berlin
(Germany, 1965)
The traditional design questions are his
point of departure, but he distinguishes
himself by choosing innovative solutions.
Berlin’s designs are powerful, emotional
and balanced. But their simplicity
lends them a high utility value without
superfluous pretences. Andreas Berlin
studied at the University of Applied
Sciences in Wiesbaden, where he later
also taught. In the meantime, he lives and
works in Berlin.
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A f inely
f inished saddle
sella • Design: Patrick Belli, 2011
Sella combines a streamlined design with fine finishing and
high comfort. A hint of humour does the rest. As a stand-alone
seat, Sella forms a creative life object; in small groups this
special armchair offers plenty of playful variations. That’s how
Leolux turned this saddle-shaped object into an extremely
refined piece of furniture for lovers of abstract life forms.
Carpet: Jo Meesters
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Sella comes with a lightly sprung back. Model fitted with polished aluminium
feet. Various combinations possible for front and rear side. Also available as
“Sella Sensations”: 19 specially selected colour combinations. Crowned with
the Interior Innovation Award 2011, Good Design 2012 and Good Industrial
Design 2011. More info p. 221.
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- interview -
sella • Design: Patrick Belli, 2011
Patrick Belli
Leolux has an eye for talented young designers. For years now, we have
worked together in projects with students from the renowned Design
Academy Eindhoven. Leolux also keeps its ears and eyes wide open at all
national and international furniture fairs.
Patrick Belli first studied Product Design
at the Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht
(2004) to then graduate in 2008 from the
Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague
(Industrial Design). His armchair Sella
for Leolux won a prestigious Interior
Innovation Award at the Furniture
Fair in Cologne immediately on being
‘I see myself as a designer in search
of provoking design combined with
quality and functionality. I suppose I’m a
perfectionist in that respect. I don’t want
to lose sight of the image that captivated
me at the beginning of the design
process, but at the end of that journey
want to express it in a product that I
as designer can be proud of. I draw my
inspiration for that from everyday life.’
‘I always look for products that stimulate
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the phantasy and a nice combination
between form and function. The one
must not dominate the other, but
‘A good design
gives you
goose pimples’
reinforce it. Leolux is a company that
accords that vision a high priority. On
that plane, we can complement and
strengthen one another. A good design
gives you goose pimples, but it also has
to do whatever it was designed for. A
chair has to offer you the comfort and
a cupboard the right storage space, a
lamp the light you need. Apart from
that, any product has above all to make
you happy. Now, but also after 20 or 30
years. Then a design has been successful
in my eyes. I suppose you could say I’m
at the bottom of the ladder of course.
I’ve taken the first couple of rungs pretty
well, but I want to go right to the top!
I’d love to have my own design studio
over time, where I can translate my
imagination into lovely products that
are appreciated worldwide, but above
all by making people happy and fuelling
their imagination!’
Designer Patrick Belli
(Netherlands, 1981)
By Monique van Empel.
Read the whole interview at
Carpet: Jo Meesters
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Drifting islands,
boulders in the stream
with moving parts
archipel • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2004
Away with straight lines The elements of Archipel sit in your
living room like giant rocks. Their craggy shapes offer countless
sitting and reclining options, all provided with the right
support thanks to the adjustable back sections (Plus version).
The urge for movement within a playful shape is characteristic
for the work of Hugo de Ruiter for Leolux. Choose daring, and
take a real eye-catcher home with Archipel.
Various elements (standard and mirrored), footstools and a lounge table. The
footstool is available in three variants: storage footstool, footstool-seat or flex
version with revolving table leaf. The matching lounge table is equipped with a
glass leaf. More info p. 210
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A wink at
design attitudes
Papageno • Design: Jan Armgardt, 1993
Papageno is the Leolux symbol for playfulness, fun and humour. Those humoristic little aluminium feet, the slightly
sprung back and its lovely organic form make Papageno an
eye-catcher that is difficult to put a date to. The design, the
carefully selected embroidery and high level of comfort lend
this compact armchair a character that only Leolux dares to
give its models.
Feet and rear leg of this armchair are available in polished aluminium. More info p. 219.
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Share a burning passion
with me!
Tango • Design: Jan Armgardt, 1984
Tango is a Leolux classic that gave the world of the interior
another look with its flexibility. Around 25 years later the
Tango is still up to date. With its graceful play on lines and
adjustable armrests, this sofa forms the centre point of your
living room. The playfully finished aluminium feet lend this
fiery Tango a frivolous appearance. A timeless classic, with an
inimitable passion.
Available as 2-seat and 3-seat sofa. Arms and back components are strong in
character, but cannot be subjected to unlimited loading. Do not use as a seat in
the 0 position. More info p. 222.
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play on lines
with an eye
for detail
scylla • Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 1996
Gerard Vollenbrock designed the archetypically Dutch Scylla
with memories of “De Stijl” in mind. He provided the plain
design with a glittering tubular frame running right across
the back and robustly covered armrests. It is the little details
and the perfectionist finishing that make sure this design can
withstand any test even after so many years. Because only on
that condition can truly timeless design be created.
Scylla is available as armchair, 2.5-seat sofa and as the special “Scylla Flavours”
edition (series with fifteen different versions). Arm available in leather or
Alcantara. Crowned with an Interior Innovation Award 2011. More info p. 220.
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- interview -
scylla • Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 1996
Pan Metron Ariston
Greece is an important source of inspiration for designer Gerard
Vollenbrock. In his studio on the island of Serifos he works his designs
through to sketches and working drawings. The same went for the
successful Scylla, named after a nymph in the Greek legend in which
the daughter of Poseidon ends dramatically as a sea monster. But his
Dutch background is more than evident in his designs. So Vollenbrock
unites two worlds!
‘The design for Scylla clearly shows my
interest in De Stijl and Bauhaus: straight
lines, simple and clear form and construction, elegant but discreet modern
To put Scylla together I used the Golden
Dimensions because they are ancient
and timeless. Greek architects were already using them three thousand years
ago: “Pan Metron Ariston”, everything
has its right proportions.
I’ve captured the seat and the slightly
arched back in a continuous shape.
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Once I had finished the drawings – with
various adjustments – I made a scale
model. I kept looking at it for days on
end to decide whether the design had
‘We call her
the right proportions. I painted her in a
neutral colour and sent her to her future
home, Leolux. I wrapped her in a Greek
newspaper and carefully packed her
into an impact-resistant cardboard box.
Ready to ship with the boat from Athens
to the Netherlands. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, all alone in a little box on
a big ship... A month later, she arrived at
Leolux. The director immediately recognised her as my signature, partly with
the help of the Greek newspaper wrapping. He held my model like a treasure.
“We adopted her at once,” he said. “She
came here nameless, but we call her
Designer Gerard Vollenbrock
(Netherlands, 1949)
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Sit or
stretch out?
On Kikko
you can do
kikko • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2000
Is it a chaise longue? Yes, but this richly coloured multifunctional can do more. By lifting Kikko’s back slightly, it turns 90 degrees to
the left or right, transforming the chaise longue into a comfortable place to sit with an extra seat beside it. And just look at those
glittering, chrome-plated metal elements.
Armchair with asymmetric back. The back can turn through 180º by lifting the rest slightly. The back locks again as soon as you let it go or place a load on it. Back
is available in two variants (high to the left or high to the right). Kikko can be supplied in countless combinations of colours and coverings.
More info p. 217.
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volare • Design: Jan Armgardt, 1998
The reference to the design of early in the last century is
evident. To do that, the epoxied wire frame ensures that
Volare offers pleasantly sprung comfort at the same time. The
spacious seat on the armchair gives plenty of opportunity
to choose another posture than simply sitting straight. That
relaxed feeling that descends upon you in such moments fits
perfectly with the light look, the utter essence of a piece of
furniture, Volare has it all!
Programme: with matching footstools. Prize-winner of the Dutch interiors
magazine “VT Wonen” (1998). More info p. 223.
f loating away
on a
wire chair
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formi • Design: Frans Schrofer, 2002
Designer Frans Schrofer has created an entirely contemporary
swivel armchair with the Formi. With a large austere pod that
supports the head and cocoons the user from the outside
world, with firm arms and a reclining mechanism to rock away
in splendid style. The metal parts are finished in polished
aluminium and the covering is provided with high-quality
stitching. A truly formidable swivel armchair.
Swivel/recline armchair and footstool. Arm in leather or Alcantara. Crowned
with a North Sea Pearl Award 2008. More info p. 215.
You are the one formi-dable
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- interview -
Jo Meesters Masterful!
Jo Meesters moved to the Netherlands at the age of eleven. At
the time he adopted his mother’s second surname and changed
his first name from Jomunrek to Jo.
‘There’s a sort of twist in that. Here, Jo
is both a men’s and a women’s name.
And there are both male and female
elements in my work too. I have a preference for textiles, but I find other materials fascinating to work with as well.
Diversity is a high priority for me, because I don’t want to be placed in a particular corner. It’s all in the mix!’
His atelier in a former monastery in Eindhoven is littered with piles of sheets,
neatly sorted by colour, waiting to be
worked into a bed or as a rug. Huge
lampshades and vases made of papiermâché stand around everywhere as
well: Central to the work of Jo Meesters
is the reuse of second-hand items and
waste materials.
‘Papier-mâché is a material that I’ve actually rediscovered. It’s a left-over material
stemming from old, recycled newspapers. So utterly green and sustainable.
I began to experiment with it and then
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developed my own recipe as it were. It
is a surprising, alternative material and I
keep discovering new ways to use it in a
playful way. The pulp is mixed with glue
and then finished with an epoxy lacquer.
After grey and black, I’m now working in
white too. To really emphasise the contrast between throwaway and valuable,
some vases and dishes have even been
finished in gold leaf. It was together with
Leolux that I first made such big objects
with it.’
Leolux is open to joining forces with
young designers and artists and profiling itself with them. The same applies in
reverse, says Jo Meesters. ‘I was really impressed by the Leolux factory. It’s amazing that all this happens in house; from
production to transport. What binds us
is a piece of tradition, and a passion for
well-designed products. We both try to
give our designs a soul and do that with
a lot of attention and care.
Being green and sustainable as a designer is hugely en vogue at the moment. But
with Jo Meesters there’s no hype: ‘I’ve
always done that. I’m interested in any
materials that age gracefully, like glass
and wood. For me, working sparingly
with energy and materials goes without
saying. It’s just the way I am. It’s why I
used old sheets for my final exams too;
for lack of the money to have something
new made, but above all because those
materials were available and still perfectly usable. Recycling what’s still good
has always been my thing. I was like that
even as a young boy on the Philippines,
where I was born. I made vases out of
old tin cans and from the biscuit tins we
used to place on hot coals to cook with.’
Jo Meesters
Performance presentation of pulp products
from Jo Meesters.
By Monique van Empel
Read the whole interview at
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When creating the Leolux brand, the founders chose to manufacture aesthetically shaped furniture without slipping into a
frigid, modern line. The luxury seating ideas from Leolux are
living furniture to which you really come “home” at the end of a
long day. That Leolux has stayed true to its aspirations is all too
obvious in designs such as Antonia Royale, Ponton or Horatio.
Seating ideas in countless variants to suit any modern interior,
created for those who associate design with an enjoyable and
carefree life.
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Rotatable backrests
for any posture, at any moment
horatio • Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2012
A sofa with a low back offers unprecedented beauty, but falls
short when it comes to comfort. Designer Cuno Frommherz
found the solution in rotatable backrests. What’s more, they
give the design an extra function: by rotating the backrests
Horatio changes from a sofa to sit upright on in comfort into
a splendid chaise longue for moments of total relaxation. The
precious finishing with visible aluminium elements lends the
design an unforgettable look. It makes Horatio a seating idea
of unheard of richness that unites the designer’s refinement
perfectly with the craftsmanship of Leolux.
Available as love-seat and 3-seat sofa, modular sofa with a large number of
modular elements, 2 footstools and a slumber cushion. Choice of polished
aluminium feet or sleds. Optionally available in all Leolux lacquer and epoxy
colours. Feet and sleds can also be supplied in a higher variant (+2cm) (except
footstool with sled). Backrests at the corners can turn through 90 degrees. At
other points they are fixed in place. More info p. 216
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14-16 cm
14-16 cm
horatio • Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2012
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Everything on board
for perfect comfort
marabeau • Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 2012
You always want to sit comfortably, but not always in the same
way, so Leolux developed Marabeau. A distinctive looking
sofa with exclusive finishing that you recognise at once in the
tapering feet. But your Marabeau also has the flexibility you’re
looking for within the framework of perfect comfort and modest dimensions. Gerard Vollenbrock’s design offers pleasant
robustness and comes with a headrest that you can easily adjust in height and turn into three positions. So whether you’re
sitting upright or prefer a more relaxed position, Marabeau
has it all..
Available as 2.5- and 3-seat sofa and as footstool. The feet are finished in
chrome, Satin Chrome, epoxy or lacquer. For taller users, Marabeau offers a
greater seat depth (+ 2cm), for shorter users a lower seat height (- 2cm) is an
option. In terms of design, the Mundo and Marabis armchairs fit perfectly with
Marabeau. More info p. 217
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Icon for the highest
individual comfort
marabis • Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 2012
The little Marabis armchair is the perfect housemate: compact
in size, prettily shaped and designed to fit with the Marabeau
series of sofas. You see that in the shape and details, you feel
that when you sit down.
Available as armchair. The feet are finished in chrome, Satin Chrome, epoxy or
lacquer. In terms of design, the Marabis fits with the Marabeau series of sofas
and the Mundo armchair. More info p. 217
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A personal
given by
your designer
cuno • Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2008
A more complete series is hardly conceivable. Cuno is an austerely designed sofa with fine lines and outstanding levels of
comfort. The programme offers practically all conceivable options, both in its appearance and in combinations and comfort. With adjustable seats that make this model ideal for users
of any height. So Cuno is guaranteed to meet all your needs
within elementary shapes. She’s the pride & joy of her designer, so he signed it in her own name as well.
Available as (swivel) armchair, love seat, 2.5-seat, 3-seat, 3.5 seat sofa, modular elements, footstools, arm cushions and headrests.
More info p. 213
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Cuno: more versatile than you think
Maybe the most complete series that Leolux is rich in. Besides
a broad choice of elements such as (swivel) armchairs, fixed
sofas, two footstools and modular elements, Cuno of course
offers all the options in the Leolux collection in terms of colours and materials, fabric or leather, but also in yarn colours.
With it you can create any look, for any space and in any modern taste.
Cuno becomes even more playful when you combine several colours or materials with one another for the body and
Clever feet and sleds
The angular (Cubic) or round sleds (Trineo) are produced in
polished stainless steel. The picture, though, becomes completely different if you choose a wooden foot, Palo, in plain
walnut or stained oak. On the modular elements, the feet and
sleds are cleverly combined to avoid creating visual pressure.
Heights and depths
For taller users, the feet and sleds are available in 2 heights:
standard or +3cm. The seats can be adjusted using a handle
into 4 different positions. So you choose the depth that suits
you best.
Higher / lower arms
Higher armrests offer nice support when you stand up, whilst
the low rests provide for an extra calm look.
Points or not
Another image definer: the upholstery finish “Points” for the
seat and back cushions. This technique lends Cuno an entirely
contemporary look, but one which is purely decorative. If you
have a preference for the pure form, then the “straight” version is more your thing.
cuno • Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2008
3 x 2,5 cm
Comfort cushions
Extra comfort or a decorative addition? Available with Cuno
are the adjustable cushions attached to the armrest, a loose
arm cushion and a fantastically soft slumber cushion. The
comfortable headrest in two widths offers support for your
neck or head.
25 cm
Firm or soft
You define the firmness of Cuno yourself. Stiffer foam offers
you a firm seat, but if you prefer a more luxuriant look, then
Cuno offers soft cushions as well. Your choice is naturally definitive to the look: the firm cushions are upholstered to be austere, whilst the soft variant looks cosily nonchalant.
30 cm
10/13 cm
10/13 cm
palo / oak
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10/13 cm
10/13 cm
palo / walnut
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Ref inement
down to the details
mayon • Design: Christian Werner, 2012
Mayon: the name is reminiscent of other cultures, is exotic and
sublime, God-like. You recognise the refinement in the compact Mayon at first glance. You see it in the organically curved
rounding of the arms and back, in the sprung armrest, the perfect line of the aluminium feet that flows into the stitching on
the front and in the exclusive upholstery in back and arm elements. In other words: Subtle right down to the details. That is
Mayon from Leolux in optima forma.
Available as 2-seat, 2.5-seat, 3-seat sofa, armchair, slumber cushions and footstool. Extra comfort thanks to sprung arms. Aluminium feet in three heights
(standard, - 2 cm and + 2 cm). Optionally available lacquer and epoxy. More info p. 218
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- interview -
The role of refinement
Designer Christian Werner (1959, Berlin) describes his own interior as a really lively mix. There is space for designs from his own
pen, but also from his wife’s, who like Werner is also a designer.
In fact, there are only two fixed elements, a sofa and a big table.
The rest changes on a regular basis. Because, he explains, a family
with four children simply keeps creating new impulses.
Mayon is the first time Leolux has worked together with Christian Werner,
who at the moment is enjoying repute
as a designer for top European brands. A
pleasant and inspiring cooperation, says
Werner: ‘For Mayon, I really did place
myself in the world of Leolux. The name
stands for round shapes and that inspired me. The challenge was to design
a “classic” seating group, with a luxury
sofa, an armchair, modern with compact
dimensions. For all target groups, but
contemporary, for the young or stayedyoung design aficionados who have no
space for a seating landscape. I enjoyed
the openness, the speed and the feeling
for details at Leolux; the will of the developers to look for the limits, for the optimum between comfort and form. Everything was unbelievably harmonious.’
The result is a sofa with a relaxed, pleasing design. ‘I myself find the flowing
line between the arm and the backrest
characteristic, it provides for a certain
tension. It’s like a thin cushion embracing you and tempting you to crawl
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away into the corner.’
Does he still have a certain preference of
his own for the finishing? ‘When designing Mayon I worked completely based
on leather coverings. That’s how I imagined it even in my sketches. I myself really love a sofa in a lovely, neutral fabric,
but I always had at the back of my mind:
Leolux is leather. So I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out that the prototype in fabric looked fantastic as well.’
Emotion is the key driver for people, in
every decision. I am convinced that consumers choose products they feel good
with. You don’t buy a car if you don’t like
it. No-one buys a car purely based on
reason, just as little as colours or furniture. So refinement plays a significant
role for me. I believe in the beauty of
minimalism, but then – like an Australian
artist once described it, and that appealed to me - “minimalism plus”. Otherwise
it becomes dry engineering output. A
little softness is needed as well. It is my
task as designer to give people a pro-
duct they feel good with, with which
they can identify.
Thirteen years ago, Werner moved with
his family from the hustle and bustle
of the big city in Hamburg to a quiet
suburb. The bungalow from the seventies with lots of glass elements offered
space for a design studio of his own.
‘That is an unheard-of luxury. It gives
you the space to divide your own time.
To take advantage of those creative moments that sometimes overcome you in
the evening and which would vanish if
you first had to drive to the office. But
it’s also fantastic to just sit there in the
evening, with a glass of wine and some
Christian Werner (1959, Berlin) pursued
studies as an industrial designer in Berlin
and Hamburg. He has been working as a
freelance designer since 1992. Werner designs furniture, lighting and accessories for
various well-known firms.
mayon • Design: Christian Werner, 2012
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mundo • Design: Gerard Vollebrock, 2011
A true
world citizen
Sensuously shaped with timeless elements; that characterises
the work of Dutch designer Gerard Vollenbrock. In Mundo he
mixes style, elegance and a compact look with power and character. The tapered feet and the compact cup of the seat are
architectural style elements that somehow invoke nostalgic
emotions but at the same time are completely of today. Mundo
is a mini-armchair that feels at home anywhere in the world,
because it speaks the language of the world.
Available as compact armchair. Choice of 10 preselected colour/material combinations (Metro|Mundo),or completely free choice. Feet finished in chromeplated steel or optionally in Satin Chrome, with a slightly matt appearance,
lacquer or epoxy. Distinguished with Good Industrial Design 2011. More info p. 218
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for seating ideas
ponton • Design: Braun & Maniatis, 2008
Slide, rotate, couple and move. Anything goes with Ponton. The cubistic elements with rotating backs invite endless experimentation. The one wants to stretch out with a book, and the other prefers a movie? No problem, because with Ponton everyone creates
the sitting moment he wants, even on the same piece of furniture. Slide the elements together to become a corner sofa or rotate
the backrest to create a chaise longue. Or even better: place two chaise longues next to one another. From now on, there’s no
more battles for the most comfortable spot on the sofa. You both have one!
Available as 1.5-seat and 3-seat elements, footstools, arm cushion, slumber cushion and lumbar cushion. Backs can be adjusted in four positions (4 x 90°), and rotate both inside the element and across the seats of the other elements. Available only in (cross-woven) fabrics. The loose cushions are though available in leather.
Choice of four different versions in terms of stitching and finish. Polished aluminium feet available in three different heights (standard, +1.5 or +3 cm). Crowned with
a reddot design award 2009. More info p. 219.
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Basic version: here, Ponton is
finished with a normal “flat”
Patch version: finished with
“patchwork” in Alcantara or
Comfort on the sides of the
Honey version: the special
“Honey” decorative stitching
is combined with the fabric
Villano or Divina (Melange).
Ideal for really frivolous combinations.
Piping version: the pretty
piping in leather lends Ponton
a sumptuous appearance.
ponton • Design: Braun & Maniatis, 2008
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Elongated depths
faya lobi • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2003
This refined series of sofas has so much to offer! Faya Lobi comprises a large number of elements and different seat depths. It
puts any combination, for any space, within reach. Of course,
you add your own substance by choosing the covering material you want. The rich details in the feet and the stitching
provide for the finishing touch. Those are the ingredients for a
splendid sofa that exudes a pleasing nonchalance thanks to its
large covering elements.
Various elements and footstools. Faya Lobi is finished exclusively in (cross-woven) fabric coverings. Separate cushion is of course available in leather. Feet are
polished aluminium. More info p. 214.
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The uncrowned
queen from Leolux
antonia royale •
Design: Hugo de Ruiter,
In her basic form, the grande dame of Leolux has been around
since the 1950’s and even now still represents a solid basis for
the collection. For a long and happy future, the familiar Antonia has been revisited, transformed and provided with a new
(yet familiar) look. A model with a solid reputation deserves a
title of honour. That’s why the queen of the Leolux collection
is known as Antonia Royale.
(Swivel) armchair, 2-seat, 2.5-seat, 3-seat and 3.5-seat sofa, footstools, cushions,
headrests and a large number of modular elements. Two different comfort options (Soft or Firm). Seven different foot options. Available in three different
foot heights; swivel armchair available in 2 foot heights. Available with seat
depth -2 cm. Swivel armchair is fitted with a memory spindle (memory 0 position). More info p. 210.
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Antonia Royale: a world of options
The Antonia Royale programme is more than complete. It consists of two armchairs, a swivel armchair, four spacious sofas
and three footstools for you to compose your own elegant seating area. With the modular elements, you can let your phantasy run completely free. Count the possibilities our fabric and
leather collections offer and the other options in yarn colours
and you’ve laid the foundations for entirely personal furniture.
Frames in any colour
The frame of any sofa defines the appearance of your furniture. Antonia offers you all the space you need: the slender
Palo comes in oak, and the Cube provides for a robust look (in
oak and aluminium). Noble, Elegance, and Fado are aluminium
feet, each with a face of its own, and finally there is the stainless steel sled. If you want, simply select your own finish from
our stain (for feet in oak) or lacquer colours (for the aluminium
Heights and depths
For taller or shorter users, all feet and sleds can be supplied
in three heights: standard, +2cm or -2cm (not on the swivel
armchair). The seat depth on fixed sofas and armchairs can be
shortened by 2 cm if you want. That is not possible with the
modular elements.
Comfort cushions
Extra comfort or a decorative addition? Antonia Royale offers you plenty of choice. There is, for instance, the adjustable
cushion attached to the armrest, a decorative cushion roll and
a fantastically soft slumber cushion. The comfortable headrest
in two widths offers support for your neck or head.
antonia royale • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 1996/2010
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Firm or soft
Antonia Royale is as soft as you want it to be. Stiffer foam offers
you a firm seat, but if you prefer a more luxuriant look, then
Antonia offers fantastically soft cushions that gently embrace
you. Your choice is naturally definitive to the look: the firm
cushions are upholstered to be austere, whilst the soft variant
looks cosily nonchalant.
12-14-16 cm
12-14-16 cm
cube oak
12-14-16 cm
12-14-16 cm
12-14-16 cm
seat depth standard
seat depth - 2 cm
12-14-16 cm
12-14-16 cm
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fiji • Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2012
Some shapes talk straight to the imagination. Fiji keeps the
promise of high comfort inside an elementary shape, whereby
this compact armchair offers fantastic styling options. You
combine coverings and colours to your heart’s content, whilst
you can use the embroidery on the rear side to create the loveliest contrasts. Or perhaps you prefer a more discreet variant.
It’s completely up to you.
Armchair with matching footstool. Fitted with a plinth in oak, in all Leolux stain
colours, or in Leolux Cristallo colours. Seat depth +2cm or –2cm. Fiji features
very refined embroidery. Upholstery options: inside / outside body. More info p. 215
A contrary
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An elusive beauty
entrada • Design: Natalie Buijs, 2008
Perhaps the greatest challenge in the work of a designer is
to realise the perfect balance between appearance and construction. The light looking yet hard as iron frame of Entrada
carries the seemingly floating seats. And the lightness this creates means the Entrada sofa is completely at home even in not
so big interiors. Entrada is timeless and compact in form, with
the high level of comfort you may expect of Leolux. A successful design and perfect execution.
Available as armchair, 2-seat, 2.5-seat sofa, modular elements and two footstools. Frame as standard in polished stainless steel. Optional lacquer and
epoxy. More info p. 213
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A vision of contemporary
Goncharov • Design: Braun & Maniatis, 2003
Goncharov is like a sketch of modern times: accessible and inviting, yet individual and ultra-personal too. Adjustable headrests make this Leolux design equally comfortable for taller
and shorter users alike. You define the character of this sofa
yourself with the material options and combinations designed
especially for you. So whether you like a more classical version
or tend towards the modern, Goncharov is open for that. For
all your moments of relaxation, alone with a book or together
with a glass.
Armchair, 2.5-seat, 3-seat sofa and footstool. Backrest is adjustable in height.
The 2.5-seat and the 3-seat sofa both have two backrests. The feet and visible
parts are finished in American walnut or polished aluminium. More info p. 215
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A feast for
the eyes
pupilla • Design: Gabriele Assmann, 1998
“I love the apple of my eye, and the apple of my eye loves me”.
It was under that motto that designer Gabriele Assmann drew
her Pupilla for Leolux. Shaped with great feeling based on
her ideas about comfort, multifunctionality and emotionality.
An organically shaped sofa on eccentric little feet with extra
height option. And thanks to the clever way the modular elements are coupled, Pupilla takes less space than you might
Available as 2.5-seat, 3-seat sofa, modular element and coupling chaise
longues. More info p. 220.
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from a
Sjamaan • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 1998
Furniture can be magical. Simply think about how it transforms an ordinary room into a home. Sjamaan does this with
an interplay of lovely stitching and a completely organic shape. What’s more, its dimensions are smart, so the matching
footstool fits precisely under the seat. So the little sorcerer
from Leolux brings magic into your living room.
Available as armchair and footstool. Can be supplied on aluminium feet or glides in various heights. The seat depth is adjustable, Winner of the ICFF award
1999. More info p. 221.
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Tasteful and ref ined
with the greatest possible comfort
felizia • Design: Axel Enthoven, 2012
Felizia’s soft curves invite you to explore her comfort, the
cushions on the arms to curl up in or rest your head. In this
series of sofa, Leolux gathered all its knowhow in design and
ergonomics together. The outcome is a unique sofa, which
unites absolutely top levels of comfort with an accessible design. To maximise your comfort, Felizia is also available with
a high back. Familiar, tasteful and refined, all put together as
only Leolux does it.
Available as armchair, 2-seat, 2.5- and 3-seat sofa (with high or low back) and as
footstool. The sofas and armchair are provided with free-sprung back sections
that adjust to your body shape. Comfort options; Felizia is available with an
adjusted seat height (+ or – 2 cm) and with a greater seat depth (+2cm). The feet
are finished as standard in polished aluminium. Optionally in lacquer or epoxy,
with the exception of (Metallic) Brush. More info p. 214.
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boavista • .Design: Axel Enthoven, 2011..
Boavista unites compact design with amazing comfort. Obvious at once as a design by Enthoven: light-footed and subtle,
within a familiar form language. And as the name betrays, special attention was paid to the finishing. With upholstery that
seems tightly folded like an envelope and lovely upholstery
details on the inside of the arm and the side of the back.
Available as armchair, 2-seat, 2.5-seat, 3-seat and as footstool. Choice of high
or low back. Lovely upholstery details on the inside of the arm and the side of
the back. Sprung back for extra high comfort. Available in three different seat
heights (-2, 0, +2 cm). More info p. 212.
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Heart conquering
already a whole
future long
Dolcinea • Design: Jan Armgardt, 1992
Only a piece of furniture that conquers the hearts of people
acquires perpetuity value over time. A hint of it at any rate.
Dolcinea convinces through its charm and refinement and
combines those talents with a high degree of functionality.
She is compact and very comfortable thanks to the sprung
back that adjusts to your body. The arched underside helps
you stand up and prevents damage. These are just a few of
the options that make Dolcinea so exciting, because the total
picture fits here. Ultimately that is what gives Dolcinea that alldecisive lead, already a whole future long.
The feet on Dolcinea are finished in polished aluminium, lacquer or stained
oak, With a shorter or longer seat for shorter/taller users. More info p. 213.
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The loveliest Bora of them all
bella bora • Design: Axel Enthoven, 1983/2008
This model is based directly on the Bora series of 1983, with
which Leolux so radically changed the world of seating thirty
years ago. So light! So elegant, compact and comfortable!
The characteristic active comfort of the Bora is enhanced still
further by the unique Leolux system with which the backrest
adjusts to your body..
With this “Bella”, the Bora of then is again a Bora completely for
you. Modest but still unimaginably beautiful.
Available as armchair, 2-seat, 2,5-seat, 3-seat sofa (all with high or low back) and
footstool. More info p. 211.
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- interview -
Beautiful through its
simplicity and candour
It all began in 1983 with Bora Bora. Afterwards came Bora Bèta
and more recently, after a little restyling, Bella Bora. So now,
thirty years after introduction, the Bora series still exists. What is
the success of this design classic and how was its spiritual father
Axel Enthoven inspired to his creations? A conversation with an
inspired designer.
‘In the early eighties, quality sofas were
still ponderous and pompous,” says Enthoven beginning his story. “The level of
comfort was in fact defined by wooden
frames and large quantities of foam
material. For the more modest among
us, who elect to live on a smaller scale,
that was of little use. The furniture took
up too much space and, under the influence of the advancing modernism, more
elegant models came into favour. Leolux
asked me to come up with something
thinner and lighter; in wood and with
the famous ‘Leolux’ seating quality. That
was a challenge I gladly took on”.
A bestseller at once
To arrive at a slender sofa with the same
level of comfort, Enthoven developed a
new process. “First we took a critical look
at where ‘filling’ was needed and where
not: at that time a really innovative step.
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We also opted to make the frame out of
plywood strips, with better springing as
a consequence.” The result? An elegant,
fully upholstered sofa in wood with narrow armrests and a slender back. The
How come this sofa is still so popular? According to Enthoven it all has to do with
the intelligence of the design. “People
recognise craftsmanship. I am not a designer who is led by trends. I approach
‘The Bora Bora stays beautiful
through its simplicity ‘
Bora Bora was a bestseller at once. “This
sofa was unique,” says Enthoven, explaining its success. “The three-seater, for
instance, was merely 1.80 metres wide.
That was unheard of at the time; threeseat sofas measured at least two metres.” Meanwhile the Bora series seems
to have become an “ever seller.”
design based on logic and practical use,
not based on a fashion trend. The Bora
Bora remains lovely thanks to its sheer
simplicity and candour. That lends the
sofa its power and makes it timeless”.
bella bora • Design: Axel Enthoven, 1983/2008
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Strong designs
defy the times
cece • Design: Axel Enthoven, 2010
The legendary armchair 200 by Axel Enthoven from 1978 is
being delivered thirty years later under the name of Cécé.
Comfort and technology of this swivel/recline armchair have
been adapted entirely to today’s requirements, but the characteristic look remains. The aluminium dish foot provides for
a wholly contemporary accent. That’s how strong designs can
effortlessly defy the times.
Swivel/recline armchair and footstool. The dish foot can also be supplied in lacquer and epoxy. More info p. 212.
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So gracefully
in balance may
its contours be
+ 2,5 cm
+ 5 cm
+ 7,5 cm
Timandra • Design: Gabriele Assmann, 2010
Civilized, refined and quite obviously the work of Gabriele
Assmann. In Timandra she has united compact design and
extremely pleasant active comfort. With a touch of the hand
under the seat you choose one of the four seat depths Timandra has to offer you. But as so often happens, it is the first impression that convinces: with its glittering in polished chrome
slides, balanced proportions and graceful lines, Timandra is
the uncontested pivotal point of your living room. That is love
at first sight.
Available as (swivel) armchair, 2-seat, 2.5-seat and 3-seat sofa. Adjustable seats
and active comfort. More info p.223.
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Space anywhere,
talassa • Design: Frans Schrofer, 2003
Not every chair needs a fixed spot in the living room. The
Talassa armchair offers flexibility because it is light enough to
move quickly if you ever need it to. That of course does not
come at the expense of comfort, which is superb despite the
very slender lining. You can gear the armrests to match your
taste. We offer the options of American walnut, oak, lacquer
and a covered variant (leather or Alcantara).
The frame on Talassa is finished as standard in chrome. With its design, Talassa
fits perfectly with the Talos dining room chairs.
More info p. 222.
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A low back, or prefer it high?
Adjustable for your comfort
Fidamigo • Design: Frans Schrofer, 2003
This trusty friend offers you an unprecedented level of
snugness. Fidamigo has an extremely soft and nonchalant
manner, the adjustable back cushions and perfect ergonomics
guarantee a fantastic sitting experience. Add in its lovely looks
and it’s really easy to happily abandon yourself to this trusty
friend in your living room, Fidamigo from Leolux.
Fidamigo is available as armchair, 2-, 2.5 and 3-seat sofa and footstool. Also
available with a lower seat depth (-2 cm) or with higher feet +1,5 or +3 cm. Extra
option: arm cushion (60x42 cm). The feet are finished in polished aluminium.
Each back cushion can be adjusted in height by 11 cm using a gas spring. You
can combine Fidamigo with the (dining room) armchairs Quantissimo. More info p. 214
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Paian • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2007
Familiar design
with all options
Compact, active and equipped with adjustable seats. Paian
boasts a wide range of options that make this model ideal for
both taller and shorter users. Simply select one of the four seat
depths via a handle under the seat. The feet in aluminium or
oak can be supplied in three heights. We will also be happy
to adjust the firmness of the cushions to meet your needs:
as standard Paian is beautifully soft, but firmer cushions are
also one of the possibilities. With all those options, Paian will
immediately become familiar company in your living room.
Available as (swivel) armchair, 2-, 2.5- and 3-seat sofa and footstool. Thanks
to the extendable seat, the seat depth can be raised by 2.5, 5 or 7.5 cm. Feet
are available in polished aluminium or oak (in lacquer or stained) and in three
heights (-2, 0, +2 cm). The armchair has a swivel foot with a memory for the
0-position (not adjustable in height). Standard: foot with rounded corners
(epoxy). Option stainless steel. More info p. 218
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+ 2,5 cm
+ 5 cm
palo +2 / -2 cm
noble +2 / -2 cm
+ 7,5 cm
| 133
Press one button
to gaze at the stars
kepler • Design: Scooter & Partners, 2005
Completely relax once in a while? Kepler was made for such
moments, with a back and foot rest that are adjustable independently of one another. The remote control does not lie inconveniently on the seat, but is attached under the arm with a
magnet. Kepler is of course made to order, whereby the swivel
foot comes in brushed aluminium or lacquer.
Electrically adjustable swivel armchair. Available with battery. More info p. 216.
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Sustainable business
Work sparingly with material
Leolux produces quality and in doing
so is taking a decisive step towards environmentally responsible products. The
environmental issue is after all an element of the quality issue. A long life, no
wasting of usable materials, it represents
an important contribution to a better
environment. But lifetime and quality
in use alone are not enough to deliver a
real contribution. So Leolux strives for a
production method that is clean and efficient.
From the outset when developing the
product, we take account of the materials applied and production methods.
Naturally within the limits that go hand
in hand with making comfortable furniture. Manufacturing consumer goods
will never be entirely neutral to the environment, but Leolux regards it as its
duty to at least strive for the maximum
achievable. That is better for our employees, for our surroundings and ultimately
for the world we all live in. Leolux works
at various levels on sustainable products
and cleaner production methods. But
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nobody has a monopoly on the truth
and no business can unite all the knowhow, so Leolux worked together with
others on projects of the Dutch Ministry
of Housing, Regional Development and
the Environment and the Department of
Economic Affairs, such as the “Ecodesign
project” (early nineties) and the “Chain
Management Project” a few years later.
As one of the first, Leolux joined “MVONederland”, a forum of Dutch companies
for whom socially responsible business
was a high priority. Leolux has been acclaimed several times over the past decades for its efforts to realise a sustainable
method of production.
Leolux produces its furniture in
Venlo, the city nominated as the
C2C (Cradle to Cradle) capital of
the Netherlands. In this inspiring
environment where research is being
carried out to ascertain how we can
achieve fully recyclable product flows,
Leolux is delivering its own modest
contribution. Making consumer goods
will probably never be totally neutral, but
Leolux regards it as its duty to strive for
the maximum achievable. That is better
for our people, for our environment and
ultimately for the world we all live in.
The nature around Leolux
The beautiful Limburg countryside is
where Leolux products originate from. It
is unique in all ways and is a varied source
of inspiration and relaxation for Leolux
employees. That’s why Leolux is a member of the Robur Foundation and supports the work of the Limburg Countryside Foundation, a private organisation
that since 1931 has protected valuable
scenic areas in the province by buying
and managing them. This foundation
now has approximately sixty scenic areas
under its management which are usually
open to the public. Leolux is proud of its
roots and that’s why it supports the Limburg Countryside Foundation.
On what can you judge us?
| 137
wij vechten mee,
wij fietsen mee...
EvEn iEts mindEr comfort
voor EEn goEd gEvoEl
Leolux fietst mee tegen kanker.
steun ons team:
met in ons Leolux hart de herinnering aan:
Caroline 1998, Peter 2005
John 2006, Luud 2009, Bart 2010
Ricardo Belli
Leolux is committed to good causes in terms of sports
too. Teams of Leolux employees took part in the “Ride
for the Roses” and Alpe d’HuZes, cycling events where
money is collected for the battle against cancer. This advertisement remembers the Leolux colleagues who have
died of this disease.
Design for a good cause
Good causes with something
for everyone
Because we stand in the midst of the
community, we as Leolux also want to
deliver a contribution there. Not only by
producing the loveliest seating ideas,
but also by supporting others. People
and organisations that can use our support and that – often because of some
personal involvement – are close to our
In recent years we have auctioned off
Pallone works of art from Dutch artists
for Pink Ribbon, and Leolux teams have
taken part in the Ride for the Roses and
Alpe d’Huzes, two cycle runs where
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money is collected for cancer research.
The consumer is equally involved in
the projects: confronted with the abject poverty in parts of Europe, Leolux
decided to set up a trade-in promotion. Used items of furniture now get a
second lease of life at, among others,
orphanages and old people’s homes in
Hungary. Since then, the promotion has
been repeated successfully on two occasions.
close to the World Horticultural Expo,
Floriade, Leolux is starting two new
sustainability projects aimed at further
enhancing the countryside around the
company: at the Pelgrimshof estate,
woods have been planted in the form
of the L in the Leolux logo; and a Leolux
footpath has been laid out along the
banks of the Maas. Opening mid-2012.
The woods and the footpath are open
to walkers.
In 2012 Leolux is supporting Energy4All
for a year. It collects money for children
with a serious metabolism disorder. And
You’ll find more information on the Leolux
Surprising ideas sometimes culminate in
unexpected successes. Take Pallone for
example: designed in 1989 for the House
of the Future, the model seemed so original that it freed itself from its context
and became a Leolux classic under its
own power. At the moment Leolux is
working on two new designs that, just
like Pallone at that time, were selected
for another purpose. Perhaps their original starting point will lead to new surprises.
Design for a good cause
When the preparations began in 2011
for the centenary of the Dutch Association of Furniture Manufacturers (CBM),
a decision was quickly taken to support
a good cause. Just like Leolux, the association believes that an anniversary
offers opportunities to do something
for others and it chose Energy4All, an organisation that collects money for children with a metabolism disorder. They
decided to stage a design competition
among students. That is delivering a
large number of designs for junior loungers, furniture for children, which will be
auctioned off at the end of 2012. Leolux
is working on two of those designs.
“Bolea” by Riccardo Belli is an item of
furniture to play, sit or lounge on and
appeals at once to the needs of children.
With its spoon-like shape, the design offers a cocoon for sick children or their
housemates. The prototype of this organic design was sculpted traditionally in
foam. A unique piece of furniture that is
so special due to its powerful shape that
Leolux has decided to look at whether
there is a place for Bolea in the regular
collection. Riccardo Belli (1992) is studying design in Maastricht.
The second design is from a duo studying design in Aachen. Marco Preussener
(1988) and Bertil Brahm (1986) created
four different animal friends: a red panda Momo, the bear Bruno, the fox Volpi
and the sloth Dipo. All four of them can
serve as a bean-bag, cosy blanket or
fancy-dress costume, so children can let
their phantasy run wild.
Leolux is convinced that the key to a lovelier world is in unselfish initiatives with
a smile. The collaboration with young
designers in that context offers space
for unbounded creativity.
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The dinner table is a place to gather: for a fine meal, a good conversation, to carry on working
or just to get together. A comfortable armchair reinforces the feeling of wellbeing that turns
such moments into precious occasions. That’s how Leolux creates moments that can last
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Your own
light footed
Spring Butterfly
Spring Dancer
Spring Orchid wood
spring • Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2010
The transparent frame, the upholstery options for the seat: Spring from Leolux is at home in even the most minimalist rooms.
The range of versions and covering variants permit any individual choice. The integrated handle on the back makes Spring easy
to move around. It made Spring the favourite of award juries and, even more important, an absolute crowd-puller in the Leolux
dining room collection.
Dining room chair available in three variants: without arms, with armrests (wood and upholstered) or as bucket seat. Frame: chrome. Options Satin Chrome, epoxy
or lacquer. Crowned with reddot design award 2010 and Good Industrial Design 2010. More info p. 221.
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The spot where function and
beauty converge
strabo • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2012
The loveliest dining tables are not always all that practical in
use. Not so with the extendable Strabo table. By combining
technical solutions with an ultra-light look, Leolux is more
than living up to its reputation as a builder of bridges between
function and beauty. The load-bearing elements have been
worked in so far under the leaf that they are practically invisible. You see only the leaf and the legs. The extend function is
performed by a high-quality mechanism to ensure really light
operation. The slide-out function is equipped with a highquality mechanism that provides for effortless operation. Leolux provided Strabo with a broad choice of fine materials for
the top leaf, so you can let your phantasy run free in choosing
its ultimate appearance.
Table Strabo with chair Spring
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Dining table with choice of four lengths (160, 180, 200, 220 cm) and two heights
(75 or 76 cm). More info p. 221.
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Legacy from the past
freyr • Design: Erik Munnikhof, 2003
A new technology, about a century ago: frames. They formed
the basis for an entirely new type of furniture. With frames
made of one piece of bent tube, and an intrinsic level of comfort derived directly from the properties of the material. This
“freischwinger” brought forth a revolution in furniture design.
It was industrial yet comfortable. Freyr gave this type of dining
room chair a completely modern context and contemporary
comfort. Anything can be improved on. So the sprung frame
remains the starting point for Freyr, but the finish is tailored to
the needs of today.
(Dining room) chair with or without armrests. Armrests are covered in leather or
Alcantara, or finished in European oak, American walnut, cherry or lacquer. The
floor glides are fitted with felt for smoother surfaces. The frame is available in
lacquer or (Satin) Chrome. More info p. 215.
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The capacity to change
cameleon • Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
Unparalleled versatility. Cameleon offers precisely what you
expect of a table of that name: it takes on the form that best
fits its environment. Besides the dimensions, you define the
material of the leaf and then the finishing of the legs. That
creates a table that fits perfectly into its surroundings. Like a
Dining table in the dimensions: 180, 200, 220, 240 x 100 cm. Table can be styled
either as classic or very modern. Leaf: various materials and colours possible.
Option: satin glass, HPL, lacquer and wood veneer. Frame available in stainless
steel, epoxy and lacquer. On the inside and/or outside, frame can be fitted with
foot caps (available in wood, HPL, lacquer or covered). More info p. 212.
leaf 8 mm
leaf 33 mm
feet caps
no feet caps
feet caps inside
no feet caps
Table Cameleon with chair Pyrite
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Faceted chairs
pyrite • Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
Its distinctive facets make the Pyrite dining chair characteristic
without being intrusive. These chairs are light, so easy to push.
The relatively small bucket forms a comfortable spot with an
active seat for many hours of enjoying dinner or entertaining
Available in four different frames: oak (palo) or metal with plastic foot caps
(fino), castors (twist) or sleds (outline). More info p. 220
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Fine dining
indus • Design: A Design Studio, 2011
Indus is a spacious oval dining table for splendidly luxuriant
dining with family or friends. Oval in shape, but without the
limitations that entails. To give you all the space you need as
head of the table, the leaf is flattened off at the head side. So
each place at the table becomes a preferred spot. The major
bevelling on the underside of the leaf also gives the impression that the leaf is thin and that it almost “hovers”.
That gives fine dining a really inviting face.
Dining table in the sizes 220 x 127, 240 x 127 and 260 x 127 cm. In oak or walnut,
oiled or stained. More info p. 216.
lirio • Design: Frans Schrofer, 2011
Lirio invites and delights through her gracious lines and high
level of comfort. The high back, the softly curving arms and
compact dimensions ensure you’ll never gladly leave this cocoon of a chair. Those are rare features that Leolux has been
able to incorporate in the design in an inspired fashion.
Dining room chair available on castors or feet. As a mini-armchair can also be
used in a seating group. More info p. 217.
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Table Indus with chair Lirio.
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with age
vivre largo • Design: Minimal Design, 2002/2010
A solid wood table lives with you; over the course of the years
it shows signs of use and that lends it extra character. The refined finishing with an aluminium strip makes the robust Vivre
Largo a joy to behold. Equipped with high-quality technology
to make sure the feet of this table stay where they belong – at
the four corners - even after being extended. Given that inlay leaves see the light of day less often, they are lacquered
as standard in a darker colour on Vivre. Solid wood inlay leaves are, though, an option to lend your table extra cachet. In
whatever dimensions, that makes your Vivre Largo a perfect
Tafel Vivre Largo met fauteuils Lirio.
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(Extendable) dining table in walnut, oak or cherry. The extendable leaf of Vivre
Largo can be enlarged by 52 or 2x52 cm without the table sacrificing stability.
Table height 75 or 76 cm. More info p. 223.
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Superb comfort on a
scintillating base
natello • .Design: Daniel Figueroa, 2006
The sheer richness of Natello strikes the eye at once. The frame
in polished aluminium is a real jewel and at the same time provides for pleasantly sprung comfort. The ergonomic qualities
of the softly upholstered seat and armrests enhance that comfort still more.
With Natello the developers made optimum use of the technical properties of the material. Casting the entire sub-frame in
one piece creates a strong yet flexible sub-frame completely
unmarred by weld points. This creates a chair of unprecedented class, to make those after-dinner conversations a lovely way
to pass the time.
Feet are fitted as standard with foot caps Small, including felt. Option (at no
extra charge): Foot cap Large (plastic incl. felt). The frame is available in polished aluminium. Dining room chair with or without armrests. Armrests can be
covered in leather or Alcantara. More info p. 218.
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The four feet
stay at
the corners
even after
izaki • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2004
A roomy table with lovely details in aluminium, with attractive technical solutions and an important practical function:
on extendable tables the legs often wind up at inconvenient
places, but Izaki lets the legs extend with it so they remain at
the corners. Such clever solutions make life more pleasant!
Extendable dining table. Available in walnut, or lacquer. Leolux strives to make
the grain of veneered inlay leaves run through as nicely as possible, but completely perfect is not feasible in practice.
More info p. 216.
talos • Design: Scooter & Partners, 2006
Really fine dining places strict demands on a dining room
chair. On dimensions and proportions, on softness and materials. The stylish Talos is unbending in that field of tension. Finished with a straight chrome frame and modest dimensions
to look good even at smaller dining tables. With a seat that
invites you to spend hours of fine dining. In all its simplicity, a
fantastic choice!
Tafel Izaki met fauteuils Talos.
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Arms are covered in leather, Alcantara or with wooden armrests in lacquer, oak
or American walnut. The frame is chrome-plated as standard. Option: Satin
Chrome. Glides can be supplied with felt for smoother surfaces. More info p. 222.
| 159
The leaf
hides a secret
calbuco • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2005
You can enlarge this oval Leolux table by simply sliding the
leaves apart. The extension leaves are located in the compartment beneath the top leaf. You press on them, the leaves
emerge and you fold them out. That’s it. Calbuco stands on
a foot of epoxied aluminium and a column in veneer or lacquer. At its lowest point (the storage compartment) Calbuco
is 67 cm high, so most dining chairs can be pushed up to it
Dining table in the dimensions 150 (210) x 125 cm. Available in walnut, oak or
lacquer. More info p. 212.
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Made with love for
luxuriant dining
niobe • .Design: Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2009
Whether round, oblong or oval, the Niobe table program offers any shape in lacquer, solid oak or solid walnut (in oil or
matt lacquer). The aluminium feet and the striking squared
finish of the solid table leaf endow Niobe with a modern and
solid appearance. Complete, lovely and inviting. Your dining
room table needs nothing more.
Dining room table with choice of different shapes, straight-oval (210x105 en
240x110), rectangular (180x100, 200x100, 220x100, 240x100), round (ø 130). Table leaves are available in solid oak, solid American walnut or lacquered (plain
MDF). More info pagina 218
quantissimo • .Design: Frans Schrofer, 2000
Quant, the smallest unit in physics, was the inspiration for this
extremely compact little dining room chair. Quantissimo is
light, easy to move around and adjustable in height for bigger
or smaller users. Available with a high or low back and with
feet or castors. It meets all the conditions for luxuriant afterdinner sessions. Perfected with passion for form and performance.
Programme: Dining chair with choices in back height, feet, castors and covering. More info p. 220.
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- interview -
“There is no such thing as
the perfect interior”
Furnishing is a question of
‘Of course you can give all sorts of useful tips about furnishing:
don’t let yourself be dictated to and follow your own taste.’ This
is the core of a conversation with Leolux stylist
Suzanne van Pinxteren.
You know your own style best. But how
do you define your ideal interior? Reading lifestyle magazines and websites,
watching TV programs about home
furnishings and visiting furniture stores
and Leolux Design Centers can help you
in excellent fashion there. ‘Look around
you: restaurants, public buildings, film
decors, advertising hoardings. They offer an awful lot of inspiration,’ says Suzanne. ‘And that’s how I see them too, as
a source of inspiration. But if you build
a replica of such a model living room at
home, it will be much too impersonal.
Personal taste is so important. What do
you find lovely, in what sofa do you feel
good? But you need to take plenty of
time for it, look around properly and get
extensive advice.’
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should take the samples you have collected to the home furnisher or the Leolux-Design-Center.
Defining the loveliest combination of
colours is an entirely personal process,
but an interiors specialist can help with
his or her experience. Colours in the
interior need to be dosed to achieve a
balance in the whole. Vivid colours radiate energy; they surprise but can also
quickly dominate. Some guidelines: use
lighter colours in a darker room, and
the other way round. In addition, watch
out with trends! They are valid only for
a year. It’s better to replace the accessories a little more often.’
Where do you start when buying new
‘Usually you don’t go looking for an
entirely new interior. You’re searching
for a new lounge suite, an armchair, or
new dining-room chairs and they have
to blend into the existing arrangement:
whether modern, classic or rural. The
style is seldom a problem. Colours are
the biggest difficulty. I always advise
people to first search for samples for
the curtains, the colour of the walls, the
upholstery fabric or carpets. Take photographs of the existing interior and cut
out illustrations of your favourite interiors from magazines. If you make a collage out of these, a colour scheme will
emerge of its own accord.’
‘If people choose Leolux, then they still
have a choice of dozens of models.’
‘Yes, that seems difficult, however, it’s
not that bad. If you leaf through the annual, certain models will appeal more to
you that others. Everyone has their own
favourites. Try those out – take a seat in
them. Visit one of the Design-Centers
for example because an important part
of the current collection is there, often in
different variants. There is no such thing
as an ideal piece of furniture, but there
is an ideal piece of furniture for you. So
we always advise people to sit down and
try it for a while. And be critical: does the
seat depth support your whole body?
Is the seat not so high that it blocks the
blood circulation in the upper legs? Or
so low that you have problems standing
up? Good ergonomics in a furniture design are extremely important.
What should you watch for when making a colour choice?
‘In order to make a colour choice that
blends with the existing interior, you
Avoiding a piece of furniture that
doesn’t fit!
‘At this stage the choice has almost been
made, however, it is important not to
make a hasty decision. Take especially
your time in deciding where the new acquisitions will be placed. That prevents
annoying surprises. And remember: In
the store, furniture always looks smaller.
If you’re in doubt about the dimensions,
cut out the contours at full size from a
newspaper or make a layout to scale of
your living room. Draw in the windows,
power sockets and the doors with their
opening direction. If you then cut out
the furniture of your choice to the same
scale, you can position it at the best place in the layout. You’ll find the dimensions of all Leolux furniture in this Annual
and on the Leolux site. If you prefer to
trust in a 3D drawing, then simply make
an appointment at one of the Leolux
Design Centers, or draw your new living
room in 3D yourself on the Leolux website.’
Can you give any more guidance?
’You don’t buy a new sofa or armchair
every year. So it’s also important that
your new furniture is perfect and fits
completely in your interior. There is no
such thing as the perfect interior. That is
different for everyone. There is only one
rule when furnishing your home: you
must feel good in it. Follow your feelings
when furnishing it. And create calm. Too
many points of attention and accessories can quickly create a sense of chaos.
Go for one strong piece of furniture
rather that several small(er) elements.
Think about colour, existing furniture
and the size of the room, but also the dimensions of your new furniture.’
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Leolux makes sitting a pleasure. Footstools and lounge tables are part of that. After all, sitting
comfortably requires flexibility in how you use the space you have. Sometimes you may want to pull
a footstool over as a place to rest your legs or as an extra seat. A lounge table offers space for that
cup of coffee, or you find a more flexible solution with the help of a side table. Leolux offers practical
solutions: often really clever, always beautiful.
extra space
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barilo • .Design: Busk & Hertzog, 2011
With Barilo, Leolux is adding a Danish influence to its collection. With a lacquered top leaf, Barilo functions as a side table.
With a covered top leaf it reveals itself as an extra seat. And if
you lift the top leaf, you’ll discover a secret padded storage
space. Austere and timeless: a functional solution for a flexible
footstool/side table.
Feet aluminium, polished. Option (against surcharge): epoxy and lacquer. More info p. 211.
liliom • Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
These organically shaped little tables are available in different
forms and in three heights. So you choose your own combination of tables that you can slide over one another if you
need to save space for a tidied-up look. And to bring an extra
natural accent into your interior, the leaf-shaped table tops of
Liliom are finished in solid wood in lacquer or leather to match
your seating.
Available as triangular or rectangular, Small and XL version in three heights (35,
40 of 45 cm). The triangular and rectangular versions are finished in solid oak,
walnut, lacquer or leather. Small and XL only in finished in solid oak, walnut or
lacquer. Feet are chrome-plated and optionally available in epoxy, lacquer or
Satin Chrome. More info p. 217.
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GOZO • .Design: Kai Stania, 2011
Gozo is a perfect example of organic oriental design: fluid,
curving and soft. A series of lounge tables in three different
heights, with two different diameters. The leaf is lacquered
and underneath it the table is provided with a soft filling. You
adapt the covering to your interior. You choose one or two colours, whereby the strips alternate.
Available as lounge table in 3 different heights, combined with 2 different diameters. More info p. 215.
piatra • .Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
This boulder-shaped footstool offers a playful resting point in
your home. With the striking stitching, you give Piatra a face of
its own, which is reinforced if you choose contrasting surfaces,
piping or garn colours. So every Piatra is different, just as no
two stones are identical in nature. The topside, underside and
the piping can be chosen separately, The piping is available
only in leather or Alcantara.
Crowned with Good Design Award 2010.
More info p. 219.
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cimber • .Design: Frans Schrofer, 2012
Four “hairclips” folded open and mounted crosswise under a
rectangular table leaf. Cimber comes in three leg heights geared to the proportions of the leaf. That makes it possible to
combine these tables with one another and partly slide them
over each other.
Available in various leaf options: lacquered, solid oak (oil, option stain), solid
walnut (oil, option stain). Frame in chrome (option epoxy or lacquer). More info p. 212.
aditi • .Design: Minimal Design, 2002
Lounge table Aditi is available in a square and a rectangular
variant. Aditi is finished in lacquer or solid wood (oak, cherry
or American walnut), oiled or lacquered. The oak variant can
also be stained. Under the table is a glass shelf where you can
simply place magazines or a remote control out of sight. The
sled is finished in brushed stainless steel. More info p. 210.
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tam tam/bongo • Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 1995
A humoristic mini-table with a removable leaf. Under it is a
concealed storage space, for example for small toys or the remote control. The leaf is lacquered in all Leolux colours and
(Metallic) Brush. The legs are finished in polished aluminium.
Also available as the storage footstool Bongo in two variants:
“one-eye”, with a button in the middle of the seat, and “smile”
with two buttons that together with the covering contours
form a smiling little face. More info p. 222.
blocco • .Design: Scooter & Partners, 2004
This tapering, square lounge table is made up of three sections. You can swivel the top two sections in any direction at will
to bring the table leaf closer by. Under Blocco Swivel you’ll find
storage compartments for small things like magazines and
your remote control. You can choose a colour for each section.
Blocco Swivel has been weighted down to avoid tipping. More info p. 211.
tablet • .Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2000
This Leolux lounge table consists of two halves that slide apart
to reveal a concealed storage compartment. Tablet is available
in lacquer, walnut, oak and cherry and offers three contemporary frames: the “Elegance” legs, the square tubular frame “Cubic” (stainless steel) and the “Trineo” sled (stainless steel). The
storage compartment and the “Elegance” legs are finished in
epoxy. More info p. 222.
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sisu • .Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2012
Neat & tidy: that certainly applies to this Sisu from Leolux.
Spaces have been spared under the lounge table where the
matching footstool and an upholstered occasional table (options) find room when you don’t need them. A useful function,
which Hugo de Ruiter coupled with a basically straight shape.
In the finishing, the horizontal divisions offer subtle opportunities for contrasting or tone-in-tone colour combinations.
You see those divisions in the occasional table too, which like
the footstool can be supplied on wheels or with the aluminium feet of the table. Clever and tidy, this Sisu lounge table
from Leolux. More info p. 221.
salus • .Design: Axel Enthoven, 2012
From austere lacquer to rich oak or precious walnut. The Salus
lounge table from Axel Enthoven fits effortlessly into your interior, however contemporary. With fantastic design details:
the choice of a solid wood or aluminium frame, its sumptuous
design and the matter-of-course manner in which they become part of the top leaf. That is the power of Leolux to transform such external features into precious jewels. More info p. 220.
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Leolux seat
vol de Rêve
May we introduce you to seat extensions from Leolux? You
could also call them Leolux comfort extensions. A Leolux
footstool instantly conjures up the ideal lounger. And what do
you think about some extra space where you can temporarily
lay down your books and magazines? They’re easily within reach anytime you wish. Oh yes, we almost forgot ... our footstools
naturally provide an extra seat, but you already knew that,
of course.
More info from p. 210
antonia royale
tam tam
bella bora
bongo - one eye
bongo - smile
faya lobi
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ce ce
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Facts and backgrounds
Leather and fabric, as well as wood, lacquers and decorative rugs, are important ingredients in the Leolux collection. They determine the overall
picture of your interior, the smell, the warmth and the colour. You will
live and grow together for many years. That also applies, of course, to our
beautiful collection of fabrics and leathers, and certainly for wood, which
is a pure emotional product. The decorative rugs and lacquers enable you
to finish off your living room to perfection. You choose your own colours,
so that all the decorative objects in your living room, furniture and rugs,
are in perfect harmony.
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The charm of real leather
Real leather is a natural product that lives with its owner. Just
like a pair of shoes or a wallet that takes on the form of its owner over time and to which you become ever more attached.
The same applies to the leather on your
furniture too. The leather of your furniture attracts a patina, maybe a scratch
here and there and it will display a little
wrinkling; it has lived, lived with you.
That is the charm of nature, the charm of
real leather.
Leolux leather
There is a multitude of leather qualities
in the world and not all are good. As a
result, the origin of furniture leather is
often unclear and it is not always evident what you can expect from it. At Leolux, however, we are very clear: Leolux
selects only the very best cow hides for
its furniture. Hides of a lesser quality are
not accepted, so when choosing Leolux
leather, you are always choosing a reliable product.
Now take our basic leather: beautiful cowhide, strong and user-friendly,
which you can use for virtually anything.
Do you also have a taste for beautiful
things? Then Leolux has a beautiful se-
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lection of luxurious leathers. They require a little extra attention, just as an
expensive port or crystal glass does, but
then you also get a lot more back. The
best of two worlds? That’s possible too,
because the top quality leathers Arkadia
and Bimardo are, despite their rich appearance, smooth to touch, in a beautiful palette of colours and user-friendly,
even though a little careful treatment is,
of course, recommended.
How do you recognize Leolux
The Leolux leather collection is made
up of ten grades of leather divided into
three groups: the basic leather, the luxury leathers and the characteristic leather
varieties. But how is this collection put
together and how does Leolux select
the suppliers of its hides? Leolux wants
to offer different varieties of leather,
so that you can ultimately choose the
leather covering that fi ts best with your
lifestyle and the image you are seeking.
In production of our leather we place
strict demands on our suppliers: the
quality must, of course, be very high, but
also entirely constant; we demand optimum monitoring of the tanning process
and we set high standards for environmental protection. Before we start working together with a new supplier, we first
of all check whether that tannery can
meet our strict requirements. Can they
always deliver on time, for example, do
they have enough know-how in-house
and do they possess enough innovative
capacity? Afterwards we create a “custom made” leather collection with such
a producer, because in order to get the
finest grades of leather with a constant
high quality you need to be sure of the
origin of the cattle, how the animals
were cared for, selection of the right
weight classes and the choice of male or
female animal. But these are only a few
of the factors that play a role. Managing
the details is essential in putting together a top collection that meets the high
demands that Leolux sets.
Lovely leather and a lovelier world
Leolux intends to work with the loveliest ingredients produced in an environmentally friendly manner. These ‘green’
products are bought in from a small and
trusted group of suppliers who share the
Leolux ambition to make the world a little lovelier every day. Here we pay a lot
of attention to the most important base
materials, and in particular our leather.
A good example: Dani
One of the key suppliers of this highquality covering material is the leather
specialist Dani, like Leolux a family
company founded in 1950 in the beautiful north of Italy. As a global player in
leather for the consumer and automotive market, the company sets itself
strict standards when it comes to producing leather of the very highest quality. Innovation and certification are fully
embedded in the corporate philosophy
and are explained in their environmental reporting. At this very moment, the
Italian leather tanner is working on vari-
ous green projects, among them on processes to tan the hides chromium-free
and depilate them without sulphides.
Such projects are a major step towards
producing greener leather.
The leather from Dani is thoroughly certified, among others with the famous
German eco-labels “Der blaue Engel”
and “Golden M”. With such efforts, partners like our supplier Dani are the guarantee for a reliable origin of the Leolux
Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of
comfort chosen. That specific comfort level
means that some. Leolux products lose
their initially taut appearance over time
and increasingly show the wrinkles and
signs of use that are normal for a natural
product. Apart from that, bigger surfaces
will exhibit some wrinkling after a while,
which will show your guests that your Leolux furniture is a joy to live with.
Clean production checks
Leolux buys its leather from suppliers
that meet the requirements of the ecolabel “Der Blaue Engel”. By doing so we
can deliver a relevant contribution to
a safer and cleaner world. This is once
again a step on the path to the maximum achievable: products that place a
minimum burden on the environment.
For all producers of Leolux leather, the
rule is that they must be REACH-proof.
REACH stands for “Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of
Chemicals”. This European regulation
requires suppliers of chemical products
(for example for tanning and finishing
of leather) to establish with ECHA, the
European Chemicals Agency in Finland,
what ingredients they contain. The
leather producers Leolux works together with use only such registered products, so what substances are used in the
production of our leather is completely
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Producing Leolux leather
Leolux leather is produced from hides of cattle primarily kept for meat
production. It has grown; a natural product with its own characteristics
and nuances. The leather undergoes a specific production process to
provide your Leolux furniture with the most supple and lovely leather
Basically, production of leather is the
same at every tannery. The process we
describe below varies only in the (sometimes very important) details.
Cleaning the underside of the hide
Residues of flesh, fat and muscle etc. are
found on the underside of the hide. A
scraping machine removes these.
The purchase of untreated hides. After
the cow has been slaughtered, the skin is
cleansed of all perishable remnants and
put into cold storage. In this manner the
skins are preserved until they are transported and sold. The hides are traded
at auctions where the price is subject to
the fluctuations in supply and demand.
This method of trading regularly causes
speculation, bringing about price fluctuations and supply stagnation. The tanner buys the leather in batches of several hundred hides and can choose from a
variety of quality categories. The better
the quality, the higher the price of the
leather. The quality category determines
the price of the leather. This is the reason
why the prices of leather furniture vary
so much.
Splitting the leather
A normal cowhide is 4-6 mm thick. To
arrive at the desired thickness for furniture leather, the hide is split, generally
into two or three parts. The minimum
thickness for furniture leather from the
top hide must be 0.9 mm. Leolux plays
safe and never works with leather thinner than 1 mm. The bottom layer, the
so-called split leather, is used in lining
leather and working gloves.
Depilating the rough hides
A cowhide is completely covered in hair
on the outside. Given that the fur side
will be the top side of furniture leather,
that side needs to be carefully depilated.
The hair is soaked off with a chemical solution and rinsed away. After this treatment the leather is completely smooth
and white.
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Leather tanning
In order to make it durable, leather is
tanned. There exist different processes
for this, referred to in terms of chrome
tanning and vegetable tanning. Chrome
tanning is the more generally applied
procedure, during which the hides are
made durable by the integration of preservatives.
Intermediate checking
Interim checks After the tanning, every
hide is taken to hand, inspected and divided into quality classes. Leolux buys
only first-class leather qualities, which
comes down to at most 50% of European quality hides. The hide meets all
quality requirements, but the top hide
has sometimes been damaged so badly
during the animal’s life that the consumer would not accept a purely natural
leather displaying so many signs of its
The aniline dye treatment
Leather in all quality classes is coloured using aniline dyes. This takes place
in huge tanks that work like a washing
machine. The dye ingredients penetrate
deep into the hide to produce leather
dyed through and through. The total
process of dyeing takes about eight
Drying and milling the hides
Drying hardens the hides. In order to
make them supple again they are milled.
Milling is the mechanical “kneading” of
Final check before finishing
Every hide goes through yet another
final check for flaws before being finished. Leather is selected according to
quality, each with its own specific finish.
Leolux makes a distinction between basic, luxury and individual leathers. Read
more about them in the chapter on various leather qualities.
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About the application of leather
Caring for Leolux leather
Leather is primarily cut with the help of computers, but the principle is the
same as the cutting by hand performed for decades by experienced Leolux
Small scars, scratches, insect bites and a
difference in pore density create different nuances in the leather. These natural
distinguishing marks also create different nuances in the colour. The refraction
of light is influenced by the hide structure, which differs with every piece of
Processing a natural product like this demands great craftsmanship and insight
in order to arrive at an optimum result.
The actual cutting already happens
largely with the help of the computer.
Each hide has only a limited amount of
pieces which are suitable for the larger
and more visible parts of the furniture.
When cutting the leather, choices have
to be constantly made and in order to
simplify these choices and make them
more manageable, Leolux has implemented three categories of cutting patterns, each distinguishable by colour.
The categories are as follows:
A-part, colour red
reserved for the most visually prominent
parts of the furniture:
- front side of backrest
- upper side of arms
- upper side of seat
B-part, colour orange
reserved for the remaining less visually
prominent parts of the furniture:
- rear side of backrest
- sides of arms
- front side seat
C-part, colour green
reserved for those parts of the furniture
which are more or less
out of sight:
- insertions
- lower side of cushions
- inner backrest etc.
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Leather is a natural product and the right care is very important. Exposed leather qualities appreciate regular maintenance. With buckskin
varieties the rules are different. We recommend the Leolux care products for maintenance. Which product is most suitable depends on the
type of leather on your furniture. You’ll find the right cleaner for your
covering in the table later in this book and on the Leolux website.
With these categories, the leather cutter can see where each piece of leather
will be used in a piece of furniture. The
leather cutter follows the following procedure for cutting leather:
1.First he visually checks the hide and
marks the obvious flaws, such as unhealed scratches, thin patches and
2.Then he cuts the A-parts. For these
pieces he selects the best sections
of the hide, avoiding scars and other
irregularities. Locating the A-parts
takes time and effort, as a really even
piece of leather does not exist!
3.Now the B-parts are selected. The
leather cutter chooses sound pieces
of leather, but properly healed scars,
coarser grain and more open pores
are acceptable in a natural product
such as leather, and may be processed
in B-parts, which tend to seem all the
more genuine for these distinguishing
marks. The B-parts are generally used
in the vertical parts of the furniture,
on the outside, so that the selection
between the A- and B-parts has an
optimal effect and arbitrary processing of the leather parts is avoided.
4.The rest of the hide is used by the
craftsman for the small C-parts. For
Leolux furniture all sections are cut
from leather, with optimum use being
made of the possibilities offered by
the hide. The most beautiful pieces
of leather are used in the most visually
prominent parts of the furniture and
are not arbitrarily distributed. Leolux
is convinced that the most beautiful
result is attained with this disciplined
production method: a genuine Leolux
Important tips for leather
Wipe your furniture (except buckskin
and pure aniline leathers) every day
if possible with a moist cotton cloth
to remove dust particles. With that
you are also removing skin fats that
adhere to head and armrests and that
can attack the leather over time. For
that purpose Leolux also offers the
safe Leolux Water, which needs to be
sprayed onto a cotton cloth and then
applied to the furniture. Leolux Water
is available from your Leolux dealer.
Wipe up spilt liquids immediately
using a cotton cloth so moisture has
no chance to penetrate the leather.
Never place leather furniture in direct
sunlight. The leather may dry out or
Never place your leather furniture too
close to a stove, fi replace or radiator.
The leather may dry out in places and
shrink, which can cause cracks. The
wooden frame may also twist or crack.
Provide for the right level of humidity
(50-60%). As a natural product, leather
then feels most at home.
through excessive sunlight or is showing
signs of use. The treatment is simple:
apply a few drops to a cotton cloth and
rub in. Allow to dry for a short while and
then rub out using a dry cotton cloth.
Caution: never press or rub too hard
because that can cause unnecessary
wear on the leather. Test the product
for the first time at an inconspicuous
spot. Your care kit is available from your
Leolux dealer, in the Leolux Design
Center and via
Caring for buckskin leather (Suave)
We recommend a little restraint when it
comes to caring for this type of leather.
One cleaning session a year or every
two years is normally enough. A special
cleaning agent for buckskin leather is
available from your Leolux dealer, the
Leolux Design Center or
Periodic maintenance
Leolux care products keep the leather
supple and nourish it. The standard
Ecocare and Anilinecare products are
transparent. Ecocare is also available in
colour. The colours are matched to the
Leolux leather collection. In most cases,
use of the transparent product suffi ces.
We recommend a coloured product if (a
part of) your furniture has discoloured
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Leolux leather table
Basic leather
Luxurious leather
Luxurious leather
Luxurious leather
Characteristics / Description
• 1,1-1,3 mm thick
• Smooth lacquer leather
Characteristics / Description
• 1,4-1,7 mm thick
• Leather with a smooth grain and
a shrink effect
Characteristics / Description
• 1,2-1,4 mm
• Fine patent leather with a smooth structure
Characteristics / Description
• 1,9-2,1 mm thick
• Rough structure difference together with sturdy thickness
This sturdy leather requires very little care. It feels less
supple and appears a bit stiff, certainly at first. This leather
quality is a question of personal preference, budget and
user circumstances. With Wapiti leather you choose for
dependability under intense use.
The special character of Senso leather is due to its thickness.
The unusual structure on the surface of this heavy leather is
caused by a shrinking effect during the drying process.
This quality leather stems from young bulls on European
soil. The skins are processed using the latest know-how and
tanning techniques into a highly exclusive type of leather
with a smooth surface free of grain. Bimardo has a natural
grip which lends the leather an exceptionally soft and warm
feel. The beautiful look, the splendid touch and the carefully
selected colours underline the luxury feeling this leather
exudes. With discreet colours and produced with love for
the craft, Bimardo is a brilliant choice for the leather aficionado.
This mid-European leather is a true speciality in the Leolux
collection. The hide is approximately 2 mm thick (almost
twice as thick as “normal” leather). This leather accentuates
the craftsmanship of furniture made to order. Arkadia leather is soft and supple as only a real hide, real leather, feels.
The durability of leathers in this class is legendary.
Natural, soft and warm.
Type of use
Normal to intensive use.
Type of use
Normal to intensive use.
Leolux Water / Ecocleaner + Ecocare
(available in colour).
Cool, tough, with a smooth feel.
Type of use
Intensive use, suitable for a busy family life.
Leolux Water / Ecocleaner + Ecocare
(available in colour).
Leather with “body”.
Type of use
Normal to intensive use.
Leolux Water / Ecocleaner + Ecocare
(available in colour).
Sporty and thick
leather with allure.
Leolux Water / Ecocleaner + Ecocare
(available in colour).
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Individual leather
Individual leather
Individual leather
Dutch Patina
Individual leather
Characteristics / Description
• 1,0-1,2 mm thick
• Pure nature, destined for the real leather connoisseur
Characteristics / Description
• 2mm – 2.2 mm thick
• Semi-aniline “transparent” with silky-smooth grip
Characteristics / Description
• 1.0-1.2 mm thick.
• Silky-soft leather with a soft, mother-of pearl gloss.
Characteristics / description
• 1.4mm – 1.6mm
• Very soft buckskin with a “write-effect”
Zerlina is made from the very best of cow hides and coloured
with minerals, the most environment-friendly method meeting today’s ecological standards. The leather is not sealed so
that it can “breathe”; a thin protective layer protects it from
the worst effects of dirt and moisture, whilst enabling it to
retain its natural characteristics. The irregularities and colour differences, even within a hide, form the “certificate of
authenticity” of this beautiful natural leather. Over the years
and through use it gets a patina. This means that the Zerlina
grows even more beautiful as the years go by.
With the robust Bronto, Leolux has struck the perfect balance between user-friendliness, aesthetics and emotive value. The super-thin protective layer means that this leather
variety should in theory be classified amongst the semianilines, but given its aniline look that actually does Bronto
too little justice. The silky-smooth grip, the thickness and
the naturally alternating grain pattern lend this leather the
emotion that only the loveliest leather qualities can offer.
Maintaining authenticity was the point of departure in its
development, whereby the natural attributes of the leather
should be kept. That makes Bronto the loveliest choice for
lovers of authentic leather.
While finishing this exclusive Leolux leather, a softly glimmering film with tiny metal parts is applied under the top
layer. This creates a leather with an extremely luxurious
appearance. The absolutely top choice for lovers of furniture
with an exclusive look.
Temperamental buckskin with a lovely warm appearance.
Working this pure buckskin leather mechanically on the
grain side creates a write effect. This gives Suave a soft and
pleasant touch, making it one of the loveliest leather qualities in the Leolux collection.
Tactile, sumptuous and luxurious.
Smooth and warm grip
Type of use
Normal use.
Type of use
Elegant use
Leolux Water / Ecocleaner + Ecocare.
Regularly roughen a little with a “reviving sponge”
Beautifully soft leather. Increased seating
Robust, pure nature
Type of use
Normal use.
Type of use
Normal use
Leolux Water / Ecocleaner + Anilinecare.
Leolux Water / Ecocleaner + Aniline care
Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and
the level of comfort chosen.
Leolux has good experience with the care products recommended here,
but assumes no liability for application of them or for the advice of the
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About fabrics
Leolux is known for its furniture in leather. But even if you prefer
fabric, Leolux offers plenty of choice. Leolux, of course, carries
fabrics from reputable brands. The exclusive Leolux fabrics
are specially geared to the lacquer and leather colours in the
collection and offer clever combination options.
Extensive options
Reputable brand fabrics form the basis
of the Leolux fabrics range. Manufacturers such as Kvadrat, De Ploeg and Fanny
Aronsen supply woven fabrics that have
proven themselves on the market. From
their ranges, Leolux has selected the
best quality fabrics and chosen a contemporary range of colours.
In addition, Leolux offers the “Calata”
fabrics. This collection comprises a wide
range of high-quality materials produced exclusively for Leolux. Leolux is
closely involved in the selection of the
fabrics, so they fit seamlessly with the
other covering materials in terms of colour and feel. So it’s easy for you to put
the loveliest combinations together, and
that helps you in the process of choosing your furniture.
You’ll find a complete overview of the
fabrics collection at your Leolux dealer
or Leolux Design Center.
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Man-made fibres
Acrylic, polyester, viscose and other synthetic fibres have great tensile strength.
They can easily be dyed in lovely colours and achieve high levels of colour
fastness. Drawbacks are that they often
have a hard, metallic gloss, easily pick up
static electricity and that their capacity
to absorb moisture is low to very low.
For that reason synthetic fibres are almost always mixed with cotton or wool.
Another practice is to mix a number of
man-made fibres such as viscose, poly-
This is the collective name for upholstery materials which are made of polyester and polyether microfibres. The thin
fibres are over 200 times thinner than
woollen fibres and aren’t woven, as the
name “non-wovens” already indicates,
but bound together in an ingenious
chemical process. This process produces
an ultramodern product of extraordinary softness and high light resistance.
Furthermore, these upholstery materials
are easy to clean.
When you choose fabrics from Leolux
you can be sure that those materials
meet very high demands in terms of
wear-resistance, colour fastness and fire
Quality fabrics
Just as there are norms for leather quality, so there are norms for the quality
of upholstery fabrics, which provide insight into the qualities of the material.
During its development, an upholstery
fabric is constantly tested to see whether it will meet expectations. Two qualities - durability and light-resistance - are
of the utmost importance in evaluating
a fabric.
Measuring light-resistance
The light-resistance degree of a fabric
is tested by means of UV-light from Xenon lamps (synthetic daylight) and is
expressed in an International Standards
Organisation (NEN-ISO) norm.
Photography: Matthew Donaldson
Woollen yarns are spun from the fleece
of sheep. When healthy sheep are shorn
and the fleece is not mixed with lesser
This is also a natural fibre, but it is vegetable in origin. Cotton yarns are spun
from the seed bolls of the cotton plant.
The fibres of these bolls are 15-50 mm
long. They have a natural tendency to
curl, which makes them easily blend together during spinning, and the tensile
strength of the better qualities is excellent. This is why the back of pile fabrics,
and the web of woollen fabrics, are often
made from cotton. Cotton fabrics have
a lower degree of colour-fastness than
woollen fabrics. They therefore need
more protection from direct sunlight.
ester or acrylic because their individual
properties, such as tensile strength,
durability, colourfastness, resistance to
soiling and moisture absorbency, can
vary considerably.
Graphic Thought Facility
The seduction of fabrics
What material will you pick from the fantastic warm fabrics in the Leolux collection; a lovely ribbed fabric, or perhaps a
coarse-woven material? A fabric with a
pattern or a multicolour? Your own taste
plays an important role of course, but
the product properties can also be critical. The base materials a covering fabric
is produced from define its characteristics and what maintenance it needs.
So we’ll explain a little more about the
properties of the various base materials.
qualities, we are permitted to call it pure
wool. Pure wool is long fibred and durable. It is resilient and therefore doesn’t
flatten easily when in use. The dirt-repellent properties of wool, especially pure
wool, are common knowledge.
“Wool,” it is said, “doesn’t soil nearly as
quickly as cotton.” This is because the
wool fibre is protected by a natural layer
of wax: lanolin. This wax layer has a melting point of 40°C. It is also damaged by
aggressive chemical cleaning agents.
Woollen fabrics must therefore be handled with care.
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The fabric is exposed to the light for a
certain standard time. Then a colour
comparison is carried out with standard colour samples on a scale of 1-8,
whereby 8 equals no discoloration and 1
equals high discoloration. The discoloration due to light is unavoidable with fabrics, so that an 8 is unattainable for the
furniture upholstery. A light-resistance
to a degree of 3-4 is generally accepted
as sufficient, but can deviate according
to colour. Not all shades can therefore
be realised.
Measuring wear-resistance
Durability is established by means of
the Martindale test, which consists of
testing how quickly plain woven fabrics wear through and how quickly pile
fabrics become threadbare. The name
“Martindale” comes from the name of
the apparatus which carries out this internationally recognised test. The results
are expressed in the number of revolutions that are needed before a maximum
of three threads or less are broken off by
a plain weave, or if visible pile damage
occurs. Generally a fabric evaluated at
6,000 – 10,000 revolutions is suitable for
light duty, 10,000 – 20,000 for daily use.
From 20,000 revolutions a fabric is suitable for heavy usage.
Extra convenience
A number of Calata fabrics from Leolux
are woven in the high-quality, userfriendly and low-maintenance Trevira
CS. These fabrics satisfy the highest
international fire safety standards. The
yarns are produced in molecular form
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to maintain their fire-retardant properties for their entire lifetime. The fabrics
from Trevira CS offer a perfect balance
between comfort and safety.
Choosing a fabric
Leolux quality fabrics are always suitable for normal use. Yet some patterns or
colours can only be achieved if a certain
technique or certain yarns are used. Luxuriousness, refinement or pure reliability
create the subtle differences between
“good” and “better.” All Leolux fabrics
meet the stringent light resistance norm
of 3-4, and have a durability minimum
of 12,000 revolutions. On request, the
degree of light-resistance and durability of the Leolux Calata patterns can be
explained by your dealer at the Leolux
Design Centers. If you desire absolute
certainty or if you opt for a heavy-usage
fabric, these statistics will guide your decision. But remember that these are not
the only factors that define whether a
fabric will stay beautiful. Looping, for instance, occurs faster in a coarse-woven
fabric, certainly if children or pets play
on the sofa.
Caring for Leolux fabrics
Leolux selects its fabrics with care, and
with the right care from you they will remain lovely for years.
Any fabric can discolour under the influence of light. Brightly coloured and
dark fabrics suffer the most. For that
reason, try to avoid placing your furniture in direct sunlight.
Furniture fabrics with natural fibres,
and especially woollen fabrics, also
appreciate the right humidity (5060%).
Do not let children play on your furniture with their shoes on. Buckles and
heels can cause permanent damage
to the fabric.
Do not let pets lie on your furniture or
scratch on the covering.
Particles of dirt on coverings are practically invisible but they will damage
the fabric. So vacuum clean your furniture once a week with a duster. Always
use the right attachment.
Care for your furniture from day one
with Leolux cleaning fluid. This removes skin fats that collect on headrests and armrests and attack the fabric over time. See the packaging for
the correct cleaning intervals.
Consult the stains guide or
Remove elements sticking to the fabric as far as possible using a spoon.
Then soak a dishcloth in cold water,
wring it out, place on the stain and
leave to dry. Do not dab, rub or scrub.
Do not check to make sure it’s working; this interrupts the absorption of
the liquid into the dishcloth.
Let stubborn stains dry properly. Consult the stains disc or call the James
Stains Line for expert advice: +31(0)77-3278008.
Quality woven fabrics
| 195
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‘Alcantara®, Extraordinary Every Day’
Alcantara® is a unique covering material that enriches interiors
with a warm atmosphere and a touch of class. It stays lovely
through the years thanks to its functionality, versatile uses and
shine. The range of colours is broad and the tones remain vibrant, full and clear. Alcantara, which is produced only in Italy,
is the best choice for those with a highly contemporary lifestyle who cherish the products they live with every day. Apart
from that, it spares the environment: the entire production
process is carbon neutral and thus produces no CO2 emissions
196 |
| 197
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Features of Alcantara
Alcantara has high light-fastness (class 5-6)
Alcantara is highly wear-resistant (150.000 end point Martindale cycles)
Alcantara can be cleaned normally based on the rules at and can also be washed in the washing machine with a cold water program.
The secret of Alcantara
Alcantara is a registered trademark of
Alcantara S.p.A. and is one of the excellence of Made in Italy. The plant and the
research departments are situated in
Nera Montoro, in the heart of Umbria.
Alcantara is one of the best covering
materials for luxury furniture. Behind the
soft look hides an ultramodern product,
the result of human ingenuity in application of a unique and patented techno-
198 |
logy. In a unique way, Alcantara unites
tactility, aesthetics and functionality,
combined with ethical and social awareness. The secret of Alcantara is concealed in the combination of comfort,
sustainability and practical usability. Leolux products covered in Alcantara acquire an exclusive character of their own
and guarantee many years enjoyment of
comfort and practical usability.
| 199
Austere lacquers and subtle stains
With the Leolux lacquers and stains you can evoke almost any
atmosphere in your living room. We can perfectly combine the finish of wood sections as well as of metal legs or even glass table
leaves with the upholstery.
The Leolux lacquer collection is put together by trend experts and offers 44
balanced colours to lend your Leolux lacquer products a contemporary appearance. In addition, this collection fits perfectly with the colours offered by other
furniture manufacturers. From our “View
on colours” you can easily choose the
loveliest combinations, but other colours are also still available. The lacquer
colours from the “View on Colours” collection are available in a smooth Satiné
finish and the slightly textured Spruzza
variant. These lacquers can be applied
on practically all table leaves, feet and
armrests. For more special applications,
Leolux offers various lacquers that were
developed in-house.
Those who prefer a matt finish and sheer
lines choose this Leolux lacquer with its
completely smooth pearly surface. This
lacquer can be delivered in more than
1200 colours. The connoisseur of smooth
and shining surfaces prefers this lacquer. However, particulary in the darker
shades, scratches due to daily wearand-tear tend to be visible, as is the case
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with glass tabletops and the bodywork
of a car. The Leolux Satiné lacquer is so
smooth that it radiates beauty.
nature of the Leolux lacquer sprayer can
be found on every leaf and makes each
Cosmos product the only one of its kind.
A soft grain gives the Spruzza just a little
more depth that the smooth satin lacquerlacks. The Spruzza’s colour palette
is endless - just like the types above, it is
available in over 1200 colours.
Leolux metallic lacquers are created by
adding miniscule metal filings to the lacquer. The “metallic” layer of the lacquer is
smooth and textureless.
Special lacquer systems
In addition to the aforementioned lacquers, Leolux develops a variety of special lacquer systems in-house.
A hard, reinforced lacquer with high
scratch resistance for metallic effects.
Cristallo lacquer is composed of colour
pigments and aluminium elements that
blend together during the lacquer process.
This lacquer is an invention by Leolux
itself and is realised by bringing two lacquers into contact with one another before the lacquer has hardened. The sig-
This lacquer gives wooden tables a
brushed metallic look, but with the characteristics of lacquer: strong and easy to
maintain. Available in various metallic
Metallic Brush
The brushed look of the Brush lacquers
is also applied in a very strong version
with a metallic appearance. This Metallic
Brush is finished in six beautiful colours
and is ideal for surfaces that undergo intensive use.
view on colours
| 201
The Style lacquer comes with a fine
striped structure that adds depth and
character to the top of table leaves.
Other parts remain smooth but are, of
course, provided with the same Spruzza
lacquer colour. This creates an austere
look and your lacquer product is given a
texture with low maintenance.
In an environment-friendly manner,
the metal parts are given an extremely
strong lacquer layer with this “powder
lacquer”. The powder is applied to the
metal section using static electricity and
melted at high temperatures.
This gives a smooth and extremely
strong layer of lacquer.
Stain colours
Leolux has a lovely collection of stain
colours for walnut and oak that permit
subtle colour nuances. After staining,
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the furniture is provided with a strong,
transparent lacquer coat that achieves
the same properties as the familiar lacquered products from Leolux.
Lacquer maintenance
A Leolux lacquer achieves its full hardness two months after application. The
“evaporation process” is then completed
and you can no longer “smell” the table.
This is comparable to acquiring a new car
whose “newness” can be “smelled” for
months. During the hardening period we
recommend you treat your product with
care. Avoid placing heavy objects on the
table and clean it only with a damp cloth
and diluted washing-up liquid.
Resistance to scratches
Leolux tables are scratch-resistant. This
means they will put up with scratches
occurring in normal use. They are not totally scratch-proof. In that, they resemble
car paints. Hard objects, such as sugar
grains, a tray or flower pot dragged over
the table top, can cause scratches, which
will be all the more visible the darker the
leaf is in colour. However, a great deal
of attention is paid to the lacquer layer,
so that it is fully equal to its task. Thanks
to the elasticity, it will never flake off or
break under sudden, heavy pressure, nor
will it wear off at the edges and corners.
Clean normally using a damp cloth and
grease-removing agents. We particularly
recommend the use of a concentrated
washing-up liquid. In any case, do not
use abrasive cleaners such as Cif. Also,
furniture cleaners that contain silicone
can create patches which are difficult to
polish away. Stains caused by wine, coffee, alcohol etc,should be removed with
water and concentrated washing-up
liquid. Felt pen ink marks should be removed carefully with white spirit.
| 203
Living wood
Whether it’s oiled or lacquered, you want to live with wood
forever; a wooden table lives and experiences much. Tea is drunk
and food is eaten, a paper read, everyone tells their story: a
wooden table is the centre of family life and grows older and
ever more beautiful with use. Leolux makes such home tables in
a large variety of wood sorts and combinations. Many of these
tables, as well as the arm sections in seats, for example, are
made of the most beautiful of solid woods. When that is not
technically possible, Leolux makes them in top-class veneer.
Solid wood
A solid wood table is a natural product.
A“solid” tabletop or its legs are not necessarily made from one piece of wood,
as wood “works”. Humidity causes the
wood to shrink or expand. A table made
from one piece of wood would warp. To
avoid warping, the tabletop is constructed from slats of wood that are glued on
all sides. This limits the shrinkage and
expansion of the wood. The table legs
are also constructed from more than
one piece of wood for the same reason.
With use you must be aware that solid
wood “works”. Never place your solid
wood table too close to a fire or radiator
to avoid changes in temperature and
humidity (50-70% is ideal).
Wood veneers
However beautiful, solid wood does
have its limitations. It works, warps and
cannot be used if very thin. This means
that certain constructions in solid wood
are not possible. The leaves of the Tablet coffee table, for example, need to
be thin. And if the intermediate leaf of
the Calbuco table were to warp it would
no longer fit into its housing and would
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fail on this technical principle. For such
challenges, Man has fortunately discovered a technical solution: wood veneer,
a thinly peeled or stripped layer of real
wood that is applied to a base layer. Real
wood, worked into a manageable
Wood sorts
Leolux reveals the time-honoured European oak of high standing. It’s not possible to imagine life today in the furniture industry without this wood with its
peaceful and beautiful grain. The Leolux
oak is supplied with a natural or lacquer.
Our cherry has a beautiful, light striped
pattern. t is a charming type of wood
that, depending on the light, displays
various nuances of a deep, copper glow.
Walnut is highly variegated. Leolux has
chosen American walnut wood that has
a dark warm glow.
Caring for wood and veneer
In this chapter we describe the maintenance of solid (oiled)
wood and veneer products. For maintenance of lacquered tables,
please refer to the chapter on Leolux lacquers and veneer types.
Solid wood (oiled)
Do not place your solid wood table too
close to a radiator or open fire. Avoid
major fluctuations in temperature and
humidity.Make sure the relative humidity in your home is between 50 and 70
%. Cracking as a result of a relative humidity outside that margin is excluded
from the guarantee.
An oiled table is more susceptible to
stains and damp than a lacquered table.
Remove spilt liquids immediately.
For day-by-day maintenance, wiping the
table with a dry or moist cloth suffices.
Treat your table with the oil supplied
with it on a regular basis. Apply the oil
thinly to a clean, dry table using a cloth.
Rub in using a dry cloth. Do not use corrosive or scouring agents. Treat minor
scratches and stains carefully with a
scouring sponge in the direction of the
grain. Then apply oil again. A maintenance kit for solid wood is available from
Leolux dealers and the Leolux Design
Veneer: Finishing and maintenance
The Leolux veneers come in various
shades, which can all be finished with
a variety of lacquers. In all cases, they
are given a finishing coat using a matt
lacquer. The properties of the lacquer
are identical to those of other Leolux
lacquers. Maintenance only consists of
normal cleaning with a damp cloth and
mild detergents. Do not use any scouring products. After delivery, this Leolux
product needs two months in which to
harden through and through. Do not
overload the table during that period.
All our wood originates from reforested
Solid wood (lacquered)
See the Chapter on Leolux lacquered
Wood discolours under the influence of
daylight. Do not place hot objects (saucepans) directly onto the wood. This creates rings that are impossible to remove.
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Leolux glass tables
You’ll find the transparent beauty of glass in the dining tables
from Leolux.
Tables like Cameleon and Strabo have
variants with top leaves in satin glass,
as well as options in lacquer or HPL for
example. Tables with glass leaves are an
obvious choice in spaces that combine
openness and light with glittering design.
Colour and look
On coloured leaves, Leolux applies the
lacquer colours to the underside of the
glass to minimise the chance of damage.
This means that the colour of the glass
can influence the way you perceive the
lacquer colours. The glass samples at
your Leolux dealer or the Leolux Design
Center offer a clear picture, but minimal
differences cannot be ruled out. After
all, glass is a natural product.
Satin glass has a soft appearance because the material is very slightly porous
rather than hard as glass. You can account for that in day-to-day use by wiping up any aggressive liquids spilt, such
as fat or red wine, immediately. Use a
soft sponge and, possibly, a mild scour-
ing agent (e.g. Cif Creamy). Never use a
scouring sponge.
For day-to-day care, a glass cleaner,
concentrated washing-up liquid or
water with a dash of methylated spirits suffices.
Never drag hard objects (pottery, spilt
sugar) across the glass leaf. Follow the
instructions in the section on lacquers
when cleaning the lacquered underside.
Decorative rugs
Leolux’s motto when putting together the collection is
“everything that makes for pleasant living”.
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Naturally, the collection is centred
around seating concepts, tables and
dining-room chairs. But homes are
made up of more than just seats. That’s
why the collection also includes art. Leolux has carpets to complete the collection. After all, they provide your living
room with warmth, a higher “softness
factor”, or simply the right optical effect.
That’s how the Leolux rugs contribute to
a pleasant living environment.
create very special effects with carpets.
With a rug in a contrasting colour you
can create a “colour island” so that your
furniture stands out even more. You
choose the colour that best matches
your home environment from a large variety of possibilities.
Leolux rugs complete your living room
because they match the colours of your
furniture. Individualists can, however,
More information on Leolux rugs can be
obtained from your Leolux dealer or in the
Leolux Design Centers.
The Leolux Saltino rugs are available
with a pile height of 32, 45 or 60 mm.
| 207
A two year warranty is given on construction, workmanship,
upholstery padding and lacquer finishes, motors and mechanisms.
1.The warranty is valid from the day of delivery to the first
owner or at the latest 30 days after delivery by Leolux to
the Leolux dealer.
1.The Leolux warranty does not apply to leather or upholstery fabrics that do not belong to the Leolux collection
- the so-called “forwarded materials”.
2.On the owner’s request, the Leolux warranty includes
repairs due to assembly and production errors. Separate
stipulations applying to material faults are given below.
2.The Leolux guarantee covers only the costs of the fabric
and leather materials delivered by the metre. Costs for
upholstering carried out by third parties are not covered
by Leolux.
3.Claims on the Leolux warranty must be made known
within the warranty period.
4.The warranty applies to the piece of furniture; should this
pass on to third persons, then the application of the warranty does not alter.
To the extent permitted by law, the guarantee period
shall not be prolonged, renewed or otherwise changed
by resale, repair or replacement of the furniture by
a recognised Leolux partner. Repaired components
or replacement of (parts) of products fall under the
guarantee for the remainder of the original guarantee
period or for sixty days from the date of repair or
replacement, whichever period is the longer.
6.Different guarantee conditions apply to products purchased via Leolux Global BV. These can vary per country
and are available on request from Leolux Global. Global
sells Leolux products in countries which are not associated with Leolux Meubelfabriek BV, Leolux Möbelfabrik
GmbH and Leolux Belgium NV.
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3.Normal wear-and-tear and damages are not included in
the warranty.
4.Damage which is a result of incorrect use or maintenance
is excluded from the warranty.
5.Repairs made to the upholstery materials and furniture
without prior written permission from Leolux result in
exclusion from the warranty.
6.Indirect costs which may be the result of an eventual
defect, for example loss of income etc., are also excluded
from the warranty.
7.In order to deal with your service request the product
must be within the Leolux sales organisation area in which
it was sold. If this is not the case, Leolux will be unable to
carry out any inspections or repair activities.
elements. This choice is deliberate, and will not be accepted as a ground for complaints.
9.Leather is a natural product. Scratch scars, insect bites,
cuts etc are characteristics of leather, and cannot be accepted as grounds for complaints. Slight colour variations
in a piece or group of furniture cannot be avoided.
10.The wood’s natural characteristics do not form grounds
for complaints, such as the changing colour of the cherry,
the striped colour nuances of ash and grain differences in
the various tables.
11.Cracks in solid wood caused by the relative humidity
being too low (<50%) or too high (>70%) do not represent
grounds for complaints.
12.Small patterns or stripes will not be worked to pattern.
13.The guarantee for fabrics is null and void once they have
been treated with a dirt-resistant coating.
14.Changes in the nap of velvet(like) fabrics which result from
use cannot be claimed for. The resulting colour differences which are only visual are a specific characteristic of
this type of fabric.
15.Slight colour deviations may occur.
8.Leather and fabric creasing occurs in the soft, luxurious
Leoskin of our high-quality, form-retaining foam
16. Batteries are not covered by our guarantee.
A Leolux service form should be completed in the event of a
complaint. Complaints will only be dealt with if the warranty
number or product ID number is quoted and a clear description of the complaint given.
•All dimensions are approximate.
•Because of their design and the level of comfort chosen, creasing is inevitable with Leolux furniture.
•We reserve the right to make changes in the collection
and in dimensions.
•For tailor-made advice please contact the Leolux partners and the Leolux Design Centers.
| 209
Technical illustrations
B flat
Design: Andreas Berlin, 2005
3-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
3-seat sofa
3,5-seat sofa
3,5-seat sofa
1,5-seat unit NA
Corner unit
back R
3-seat sofa unit AR
3-seat sofa unit AL
2,5-seat sofa unit AR
Corner unit
back L
Corner unit
Design: Busk & Hertzog, 2011
1,5-seat unit
1,5-seat unit AL/AR
Occasional table
3-seat unit AL/AR
2,5-seat unit AL/AR
Chaise longue AL/AR
1,5-seat unit NA
Antonia Royale
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 1996/2010
Connection sofa AL
2x back
2,5-seat sofa unit AL
Bella Bora
Design: Axel Enthoven, 1983/2008
2,5-seat sofa
3-seat sofa
Design: Scooter & Partners, 2004
Occasional table
Footstool with
rotating table leaf
3-seater, plus, single back
L/R back extended
Coffee table
3-seater, plus, single back
L/R back standard plus
Element footstool
L/R, plus
2-seat sofa
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2004
3-seat sofa
Armchair 315
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
Design: Stefan Heiliger, 2011
2,5-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
Armchair 314
90 x 90
62 x 55
124 x 55
Corner unit round
Corner unit 23º
Corner unit 90º
1,5-seat unit footstool R/L
210 |
2,5-seat sofa unit AL/AR
Connection sofa AR
2x back
Coffee table
Connection sofa AL
1 back
Design: Minimal Design, 2002
Connection sofa AR
1 back
2,5-seat sofa
AL/AR = Arm Left / Right • NA = No Arm • FL/FR = Footstool Left / Right
All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
| 211
Corner unit 90º
Corner unit round
1,5-seat unit NA
End unit 1,5-seat footstool L/R
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2005
3,5-seat sofa
3-seat unit AL/AR
2,5-seat unit AL/AR
1,5-seat unit AL/AR
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
Love Seat
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
Rotating armchair
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2008
Design: Axel Enthoven, 2011
Dining room table extendable
Design: Jan Armgardt, 1992
Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
Dining room table
2-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa unit AL/AR
2,5-seat sofa
Footstool Footstool
Connection sofa AR/AL
Design: Natalie Buijs, 2008
Design: Axel Enthoven, 1978/2010
Design: Frans Schrofer, 2012
212 |
Occasional table
All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
| 213
Faya Lobi
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2003
Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2012
2-seat end unit, footstool L/R
Design: Frans Schrofer, 2002
Connection sofa AL/AR
Design: Erik Munnikhof, 2003
2-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
3-seat sofa
Dining room chair
without armrest
Design: Braun & Maniatis, 2003
2-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
3-seat sofa
Design: Kai Stania, 2011
Design: Frans Schrofer, 2003
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
Coffee table
214 |
Dining room chair
armrest uphostered
Design: Axel Enthoven, 2012
Dining room chair
armrest wood
2,5-seat unit, footstool L/R
2-seat end unit, back L/R
Chaise longue AL/AR
2,5-seat unit AL/AR
2-seat unit AL/AR
1,5-seat unit NA
All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
| 215
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2000
"Moving Moments Seat"
backrest left high
"Moving Moments Seat"
backrest right high
3-seat unit AL-FR/AR-FL
3-seat unit AL/AR
3-seat sofa
Love Seat
Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2012
Corner unit with
short backrest R/L
Coffee table
Design: A Design Studio, 2011
Occasional table
Coffee table
Design: Frans Schrofer, 2011
Coffee table
Coffee table
Unit 1,5-seat FR/FL
Unit1,5-seat AL/AR
1,5-seat NA
Coffee table
Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
Connection sofa AL/AR
Connection sofa FR/FL
Chaiselongue AL/AR
Dining room table
Dining room
table extendable
Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 2012
Dining room
table extendable
3-seat sofa
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2004
2,5-seat sofa
Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 2012
Design: Scooter & Partners, 2005
216 |
All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
| 217
Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 2011
Design: Jan Armgardt, 1993
Pallone Puppy
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
Design: Boonzaaijer/Mazairac/De Scheemaker, 1989
Design: Christian Werner, 2012
Design: Daniel Figueroa, 2005
Design: Stefan Heiliger, 2009
Armchair arm left
Armchair arm right
Dining-room chair
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2009
Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
Dining room table
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2007
Design: Braun & Maniatis, 2008
3-seat pivot point
left & right
3-seat 2x pivot point
3-seat 2x pivot point
1,5-seat pivot
point left
1,5-seat pivot
point right
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
Dining room table
Dining room table
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All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
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Design: Gabriele Assmann, 1998
Design: Patrick Belli, 2011
Chaise longue large AL/AR
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2012
Dining-room chair
Quantissimo Dining
Design: Frans Schrofer, 2000
Design: Axel Enthoven, 2012
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 1998
low back
high back
Dining-room chair
Dining-room chair
Design: Norbert Beck, 2010
Dining-room chair
Chaise longue medium AL/AR
42 / 43,5
2-seat unit AL/AR
42 / 43,5
3-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
Design: Cuno Frommherz, 2010
Dining room chair
without armrest
Dining room chair
upholstered armrests
Dining room chair
with armrest
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2012
2,5-seat sofa
Dining room table
Dining room table
Design: Gerard Vollenbrock, 1996
Dining room table
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All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
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Design: Gabriele Assmann, 2010
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 2000
Coffee table Elegance
2-seat sofa
2,5-seat sofa
3-seat sofa
Coffee table Cubic
Vivre Largo
Design: Minimal Design, 2002/2010
Design: Scooter & Partners, 2006
armrest upholstered
Dining room table
Design: Hugo de Ruiter, 1995/2002
one eye
Design: Jan Armgardt, 1998
Design: Scooter & Partners, 2006
wooden armrest
Design: Jan Armgardt, 1984
3-seat sofa
2-seat sofa
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All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
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Vol de Rêve
Design: Jane Worthington, 2006
2,5-seat sofa
2-seat unit
AR/AL Swing
3,5-seat sofa
3-seat unit
AR/AL Swing
2-seat unit
3-seat unit
Love Seat
3-seat half angle
unit AR/AL swing
2,5-seat half angle
unit AR/AL low
3-seat half angle
unit AR/AL low
2,5-seat half angle
unit AR/AL swing
1,5-seat unit NA
The realisation of the 2012-2013 Annual was brought about by:
Corner unit 90°
Large corner unit
Artwork and text:
ICP Venlo
Leolux, Kamer 465
All dimensions are approximate. Wrinkling is unavoidable on Leolux products because of the design and the level of chosen comfort.
Jo Meesters (p. 52, 53, 55, 110, 111), Claudy Luijcks (p. 48), Marieke Staps (p. 70), Ontwerpduo (p. 94, 95, 96, 97), Bauke Knottnerus (p. 108), Lise Lefebvre (p. 101), Petra
Vonk (p. 102), Tweelink (p. 130), Ontwerplabel Vij5 (p. 147), Roos Soetekouw (p. 120,
123), Aoife Wuller (p. 104), Elise Kim (p. 77), Iris van Daalen (p. 120, 123), Leonie Smelt
(p. 114), Marc Jansen (p. 51, 79, 99), Arzu Firuz (p. 59, 86).
Frank Tielemans Fotografie, Zebra foto studio’s, Alexander van Berge, Arjan Benning,
Lisa Klappe, Piet Cox, Diana Post Fotografie, Sjaak Peeters, Ingmar Timmer, Richard
Stradtmann, Leolux.
Interviews by:
Frances van der Steen, Maartje Wolff, Monique van Empel.
Thanks to:
Billekens Licht en Advies, Blooming, Gutzz, Brand en van Egmond, Haans, 70f, Seppo
Koho, Jaspers Herenmode Eindhoven, Audax Textielmuseum Tilburg, Ege carpet:
Floorfashion by Muurbloem, Hans Boodt.
We have tried to mention all holders of rights to photos and works of art. If we have
missed any, you can still get in touch with us.
Leolux Meubelfabriek BV
Kazernestraat 15
NL-5928 NL Venlo
The Netherlands
© 2012 Leolux Meubelfabriek B.V. Nothing form this publication may be copied or
reprinted without written permission from Leolux Meu­bel­fa­briek B.V.
Leolux is a brand of Leolux Living BV.
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NO. 8
Leolux Design Center SON (near Eindhoven)
Meubelplein Ekkersrijt 4040
NL-5692 DA Son
T +31 (0)499 490 976
F +31 (0)499 496 025
NO. 8
Beneluxlaan 27
NL-3527 HS Utrecht
T +31 (0)30 293 81 49
F +31 (0)30 294 54 74
Monday - Thursday 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
10.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m
10.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Hours of opening:
Monday to Saturday 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
On late night shopping day (Thursday) open from 9.30 am to 9.00
On the A50 near Eindhoven take Exit 6 (Ekkersrijt / Centrum)
and follow the signs to Ekkersrijt. At the traffic lights turn right
(Meubelplein). The Leolux Design Center is 250 metres down
on the left.
By car:
A)From the A27 Hilversum / A28 Amersfoort: Follow the route to
“Rotterdam/Den Haag” and then to “Nieuwegein/Jaarbeurs”, take
exit 17 “Kanaleneiland/Jaarbeurs”, and at the end of the exit turn
(Europalaan), turn left at the roundabout (Beneluxlaan), follow the
tram track and go straight on at the next roundabout. The DesignCenter is on your left. You can park on the right (car park behind
the flats).
B)From the A12 from Arnhem: Follow “Nieuwegein-Jaarbeurs”, then
as for A.
C)From the A12 from Rotterdam-The Hague: At Ouderijn follow “Amsterdam”, then “Centrum/ring Utrecht-West”, take exit 8 “Utrecht
Centrum”, and at the end of the exit turn right, turn right at the
traffic lights. The Design-Center is on your right. Parking is in front
of the Design-Center.
D)From the A27 / A2 Den Bosch: Take exit 8 (Ring West “Utrecht
Centrum”), then as for C.
E)From the A2 from Amsterdam: Take exit 8 “Utrecht Centrum”, and
at the end of the exit turn left, then as for C.
Eindhoven Station, number 11 bus towards Son, Meubelplein
Ekkersrijt near the Leolux Design Center.
Eindhoven, Brussels, Amsterdam.
Exit 6
Leolux Design Center
Leolux Design Center
Ludwigsburg Baden-Württemberg
Elbestraße 39
D-47800 Krefeld-Gartenstadt
T +49 (0)2151 943 660
F +49 (0)2151 943 650
Monreposstraße 55
D-71634 Ludwigsburg
T +49 (0)7141 324 01
F +49 (0)7141 324 46
Hours of opening:
Monday to Friday
10.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Hours of opening:
Monday to Friday
By car:
Take the A57 highway until the Krefeld-Gartenstad exit. Exit the highway and continue towards Krefeld. At the first set of traffic-lights turn
left, following the signpost for TÜV. Then at the second crossroads
turn left onto the Magdeburgerstraße. After approximately 300 metres, directly after the tramrails, turn right onto the Elbestraße. The
Leolux-Design-Center is on the left-hand side after 250 metres.
By car:
Take the A81 Stuttgart-Heilbronn and exit the highway at the
Ludwigsburg-Nord exit, driving in the direction of Ludwigsburg over
the B27 (Frankfurterstraße).
Turn left at the first set of traffic lights (Monreposstraße) and then
immediately take the first right. The Leolux-Design-Center is located
150 metres on the left-hand side.
Public Transport:
From Krefeld Central Station take 042 tram, getting off at the
“Bochum-Friedhof” (cemetery) stop. Walking on to the next traffic
lights, turn right onto Emil-Schäferstraße, then after approximately
50 metres onto Elbestraße.
10.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
A detailed route description can be found on
Düsseldorf, Mönchengladbach, Cologne-Bonn, Niederrhein.
A detailed route description can be found on
Public transport:
At Utrecht station take the fast tram to Nieuwegein. Get off at the
stop “5 Mei Plein”, near the Leolux-Design-Center.
Eindhoven, Amsterdam.
A detailed route description can be found on
Leolux Design Centers are open six days a week and on
special occasions. For more information about events,
route descriptions and an overview of the models on
display, go to
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afrit 12
Marinus Dammeweg
Station Venlo
Bergensesteenweg 423A
B-1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
T +32 (0)2 331 27 70
F +32 (0)2 331 30 18
Hours of opening:
Monday to Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Open only by appointment
By car:
Follow the E19 to the ring-road around Brussels and then follow the
sign Charleroi/Mons/Paris (keep right). After about 10 km you will
see exit 16 (N6), “Sint-Pieters-Leeuw - Anderlecht.” At the end of the
exit turn right towards Sint-Pieters-Leeuw/Halle. You are now on the
Steenweg op Bergen (Mons) road.
The Leolux-Design-Center is approximately 4 km on your left.
BY CAR: (follow “bedrijvennr.” 6875)
A: From Venlo town centre:
Over the bridge to Blerick, left at the 2nd traffic lights, 2nd
right (Kazernestraat, past the station and the main building
of Leolux). At the roundabout continue straight ahead. At the
end, take the road to the right in between the Leolux buildings. Via Creandi is now ahead of you on the right.
B: From A67/A73:
“Knooppunt Zaarderheiken”, exit Venlo-West/Blerick. At the
end of the slip road turn right towards Venlo (N556). After
about 2.5 km, immediately after the filling station, turn
right (Burg. Gommansstraat) and then the 2nd right (Kazernestraat). At the roundabout continue straight ahead, then as
Public Transport:
Approaching from the station Brussels South (Bruxelles Midi) take
bus HL (HL is crossed through). Get off at the stop Bergensesteenweg. The Leolux-Design-Center is about 100 metres away.
Brussels, Charleroi.
A detailed route description can be found on
Besides Leolux, in this “house full of the unique and beautiful” you
will find the collection from its partner Siematic.
Leolux Dealers
Leolux works with a network of specialised dealers. Our
products are always sold via the Leolux dealer. In their stores
they will be happy to help you with comprehensive advice,
but they are also your contact when it comes to the purchase
and delivery of your Leolux furniture.
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via creandi
Marinus Dammeweg 42, Venlo (NL),
T +31 (0)77 387 71 62
F +31 (0)77 387 72 73
Blerick station (500 metres on foot). This station is on both the
“Maaslijn” Roermond-Nijmegen and on the Eindhoven/Venlo
line. Leave the station and turn right. Follow the Kazernestraat
past the main building of Leolux. At the roundabout continue
straight ahead, then as A..
Leolux Brandstores
Leolux operates brandstores in a number of world cities.
These brandstores present seating from Leolux based on
the Leolux concept, together with art and accessories from
well-known brands. You’ll find addresses of the Leolux
brandstores at
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