Oliver, twisted Would this little boy be better off if he were an torphan
Oliver, twisted Would this little boy be better off if he were an torphan
“ Oliver, twisted Would this little boy be better off if he were an torphan? Find out in Opinion, page 3. Mullets, mullets, and a little bit Ali-ttUlCl with some poetry for good measure Take the challenge The ACC and Big Ten prepare iot their second showdown. Tuesday November 28, 2000 CHNICIAN: www.rechnicianonline.com NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERStrY's' Swarm . NCSU 0 An N.C. State junior attended global negotiations on climate control in the Netherlands last week. .limmy Ryals New» l'tlztoi 'l‘here \yas tto tatntly 'l‘haiiksgning dinner last yseek for Jennifer Kitig. art .\‘.(‘. State itttiior tn enttro'ttticntal engineering and political science. Rather. King spent her holiday iii tlte Netherlands “tilt 234 other US. studeitts and negotiators from around the maid The cattse that brottglit the negotiators together yyas a rottrtd oi negotiattoris on climate chattge iii the llagtte. Sponsored by the l'mtcd Nations iiratneyyork (‘onycntroti oti ('limatc (image. the (‘onl’ercnce of the Parties. as the negotiations were called. “as art effort by 7'” tiatiotts to tnake final changes to and ratify the i907 Kyoto Protocol. according to .\'(.‘SL' l’roiessor Martin Soroos. The meeting iii the rep goes ilagtre titarked the si\th titiie since I‘Nsl the nations haye come together to discuss climate cliatige and the first time tliai stttdettts hayc been allotted to attend the negotiations. The negotiations lasted from Not. I is 24; Kttig \\as tn the Hague front Not. Ito-20. Kitig called the trip to the Hague a tttiee>tttr.t-lllellttte e\pet‘icnce. i’ictutpped \y ttli badges lrotti (ireenpeace International. she arid the other students acted as official obset'y ct‘s. 'l'hey sttt iii (In speeches dcli\ cred by the ministers of the enytt'ttitltteltl frotii the cortntrics represented; says Jan l’t'onk. the conference‘s president: and listened to a series ol speakers. incltiding teleyiston's Bill Nye the Science (itiy. ['53. Assistant Negotiator |)a\id Sandoloyy and Bob Watson. chair of the lntct'gmernrttental Panel oti (‘ltmatc (‘hange ’l'he sitrdertis also lobbied [18. nego» tiators arid reported back to [15. came prises and tnedta outlets in art effort to enhance ayiai'ettess oi the negotiations Ktttg belic\es the negotiations rccetyctl to emissions little attention in the United States because of otigotrig media coyerage ot the presidential election. The mood at the negotiations \yas tense. ‘l yyottld say it “as pretty coritenttous; there \\as a big rift helyyeen the deyeloping countries and the deyel oped countries." Ktttg said. “The de\ eloptng countries belieyed they tycre being left in the dark." ‘llie l'ntted States contains only 4 percent ot the \torld's population bttt is responsible for 35 percent of world» yytde carboti dimide emissions. ACL'Ui'tliltg to Soroos. per-caprta emisstotis in litit'ope are less than half \sl’tat tiiey are iii the l'ntted States. King belteyes those tacts tiiake the timed States tnorc responsible for lower greenhouse gas emissions. "Since they're the lead iii emissions. tiicy should be the ones taking the lead tti tiiakittg tlits a stronger treaty tyitli cmrronniental integrity.” King said. The probleriis that tripped Iinal i'attt't cation oi the Kyoto Protocol centered on masrntum emission reduction l'lk'\tr conference bility. according to \‘otoos. lti bit)?~ l' R, Itegtitittttit's agreed to the Kyoto l‘r‘otocol. \ylitcii called for the l'nited States to inner etntssiotis of green house gases by percent, The Kyoto Protocol required that the other tiatrons that signed oti loner emissions by s percent. The l'nrted States \\t\lte\ to include attiong its reduced emissions total carbon dio\idc absorbed by forests and farmland toysard their total. Itotng so ytould lotyct' the emissions already existent iii the t’ntted States. creating less of a reduction burdcti tor the l'nitcd States. Also. i .S. tiegotrators pushed tor the alloiyance ol tiitltrittted "emission tr'ad ing.“ a practice by \thich larger coutr tries that are met their emission ieyels buy emission permits from countries that are \yell under their lc\els. general» ly less developed nations with little industry. like Rtissta arid the l'kratne. "That‘s one of the things that got stitdents and enyironniental groups upset at the l'titted States." Soroos said. luropean l'nion negotiators saty t' 8. support tot such options as a stay of ayottltrig the actual reduction of cintsstons l'hougii .s'oioos noted that a inass|\e reduction ot emissions iii the l nitcd States is "politically \cry tlilttv t‘ttlt.” ltt' lL'litl\ to see the t‘tlslt lttt' unltiitttcd ciiitssioti trading as a slightly undettiatidcd nio\e ”l tliitik it's a \L't\ sneaky thing tor the l‘llllk'ti Ni.tit'\ it' tl_\ lt) tltt lltttl.” S'oroos said t'lttrnatcly. the issues \otoos dis cussed led to the breakdoyytt ot negotiattotis and tatiute to adopt a treaty Kittg said there \\.ts talk ot a (‘t )l’ (i5 iii .\lay. “their could lead to the .tkit’Pr ltott til-it \yot ltl\\tde treaty on cttttssttitts redttctton. \s lot this round ot Iteg‘ttlttt' trotis. King is disappointed \yth then otttconie, "I belrcye it's better than coming tip \yith a steak treaty. one that \tould not curb the problem. although Kyoto is .|llsi a first step." King said. "it cortld hayc gone dtt'tet'etitly. it should ha\e gone drtlei'etitly." Florida decision mends no fences 0 It the election draws on after Dec. 12, it would actually he to George Bush’s advantage. puree to JAMt'St .JPtl «Air Brandon Lowe, 4, plays with a Thomas and friends train set at the Tom's Train Station and Sunburst Studio at south Hills Mall in Cary. Student aids in start of e-business Sarkar said the market for homeopathic could soon change. medicines. yyhtcli include alternatiye niedir The business is currently undergoing checks cities and natural remedies. is c\patiding. by ori.\'litie search engines for completeness. There are stores tltttt olvl'et‘ these products and could be ayailable tor business by tn large cities. btit the Web site makes '- totitorroyy on smaller search engines. them ayailablc to people liying itt 9“ “if you \Mtttt to be safe. you should tnorc rural areas. The demand tor buy nest week." said Sarkat'. to tnakc homeopathic medicine is also tnct‘cas- . stire arty glitches iii the nets business‘s trig because more people are looking sy stern are smoothed out. for' treatments \yhen "real" medithe Web site offers se\et‘;tl feacines didn't care tlietti. said 6 . tttrcs for customers. including a Sat'kar. “homeopathic guide." which for plans Preliminary lieips prospectiie bttycrs learn llntedtcitiecotit began last March. about the benefits of homeomore \yheit Sarkar and his ttyo business "1 é pathic treatments. and a “horned partners set about the process patltic focus" that offers ady ice ,1 . on the treatment of minor of filitig for incorporation with the state. they then had to pay common afflictions like skirt taxes and get tax and lederal lbs and irritations. The Web site also buy a Web domain. The grottp bought lays out ansyyet‘s to questions abotit office space in Charlotte. \yherc tltey host homeopathic treatments frequently asked by their oyyri site and offer space to oth- CUI‘ISUIHL‘TN Sarkat' said the worldwide interest iii horticers. The company holds sortie of its own opathic medicine is increasing. it is growing inventory. which comes lrotit suppliers more popular iti Asia. for example. and here including KingBio Pharmaccutical.s in iri North Carolina. Duke University has a Leicester. NC. ()ther inyctitory comes School of Homeopathic Medicine. 0 side frotii other companies throttgh Businesses iii Charlotte offer homeopathic t‘urrettily. remedies for pets. Hiltetlicitte.ettllt. ilitiediciiie.cottt handles tiiostly “The market‘s increasing every year. a. said referred customers front doctors Sarkar. Images from hmedlclnecom in Charlotte arid Atlanta. bttt that 9 An NCSU student has helped start an online business specializing in the sale of homeopathic medicines. Spaine Stephens News i‘ditot Witii more and tnore emphasis being placed oti both e—commerce and natural treatments. it‘s only logical that the two combined should yield a prosperous result. An NC. State student is booked with the start-tip of an online business \eiiture. \tyttyphrriediciiie.cotn. which offers homeopathic remedies for common ailments. “it‘s one way for eyeryone to get homeopathic medicine.” said Sumtt Sarkar. chief operations officer for HittC(ltL‘lnL'.et)llt. Vt ho is also ati NCSl' junior and computer sctcitcc major. Nick Narigon lMc l‘a :._ l. ‘.\.|!', H" lt“.\'.ll tl' WlRlzi l()\\'.»\ (iii. how The Ite\\s that l‘esas (ioy tieorge W. Bush had been certified as tltc \s intiet' oi the l'ioi‘ida \ote Sunday ritglit dryided l'niyei‘stty ol ion a students and professors. producing nn\ed reactions to an election that seems still to be a long \yay from otet t nt\et'stty ot lt‘\\.l senior iztntly tlatck. the Ple‘fltls‘ltl Ul Students ltit (iot‘c. \ttltl the UPC president has .t legal tight to a hand count and that lie is \\ ttliiii the \ onstitutional boundaries. "t(iorel has taketi eyet'y otttlct \\ itliiti l‘lot'ida layy to make sure the election comes out fairl_\ He hasn‘t lost yet." she said, Naturally. the president ot Students for George \\. Hush i’tcstdcnt. l'l sophomore (‘hrrstiati Kurasek. disagreed “Bush \son the lust. second and third recount. and non hc‘s mm the lourth. I think that they time been tiouncing on the Constitution." he said “the i-lorida Legislature l't‘\\ rote the Lots to fit \\ hat is con \L‘illeitt \\ tilt the (lore campaign." he said. the tedious handecounitng that kept the ttatton iri anticipation \tas ruti pct'tectly by the book. said (‘ary (‘oy ington. a H associate professor of political science "l-,\crything has been by the rules there has been no hint of crisis from the peaceful transition of ('Itnton to \thoeyet' the new president \\tll be." he said. ”(inert the nature of the incredible balaticc ot returns. the system has dorte a wonderful tob " ()ne tlitttg that iiatek. Kurasek and (’o\ ttigtort agreed on \y as that the election Will probably be oy ei by Dec. l2. \\ltL‘tt states must choose their izlectorai (‘oilege delegates. “The Deitiocrats hate shoyyn ts hat sore losers they are. and i don‘t think the election will be met until Dec. l2." Kurasek said. There are a less state courts to be addressed and a Supreriie ('ourt hearing Friday. which still probably take another \yeek. Coy'ington said. "(tore itas it) days to appeal. then Bush has in days ~» it could certainly be done by Dec. l2." he said. if the electron dratss on after Dec. i2. it would actually be to George Bush's advantage. Coy ington said. if the lilectoral College does not come to a conclttsion by its deadline. Dec. 18. then Congress would choose the next president, Being that the Republicans hold a tiiajority iii both houses. it is tnore than likely they would declare Bush as the next president of the United States. “Of cottrse. the Democrats could choose not to attend the special session. resulting in no contest." (‘oyingtort said. The Associated Press contributed to this report. 2 Colombia coHeges international students face cultural gaps 0 Columbia Collefe has enrolled additiona freshmen and transfer students from around the world, raising the overall number ol international students. Neda Simeonnva lks‘lllllll‘ld l'lic L Jlltl'll‘lJ \ hit‘nitlc \‘t‘i l.\'\\' i prepaid l5¢ a what wireless as low as minute. are you waiting for, emission? sea»; 14».W4% Now getting wireless is easy: 5&3 0 No credit checks. monthly bills or annual contracts, j i l ll ll l l 'I l 0 Package includes the latest Motorola V2397 slacnt- mti': changeable faceplate. headset and $25 airtime card 0 Plus features like VOiceMmI, Caller lD, Cal? ‘v‘v‘aitiig, and more. O FreeZGo Wireless serwce is as law as l5: 2 minute not". purchase of $200 airtime card on the Local Calling Plan WlRELESS FROM AT&T. YOUR WORLD. CLOSE AT HAND. a a AT&T illl lj'ooo-‘inAGINE' r ml '- ‘ A ‘.;c xi“ arm Coma M Dig-'1‘ m-Jtrunwou phrno 'lQu ‘ed A'I‘i’ I. wen Set. '9! w 1e n"l""S| in": C E in ‘CS‘uu-e‘. Tot mammal: i5'! , ’1.‘1-,‘. i" MI- "‘rs: as“Di-“i" ~"e' r1 u*1 veg,“ a $50.recrt”(I(rdam::0 33% tsmt’ett Heinz: an rtwe:iT‘. «at,'r'm‘atsiby :e- “Mole:A cwg‘is‘rd i: we ‘t' cu”m. ill'a :uy' s~ercspve rt: 3me:fl," 90«mute! t». _t ,.~-,'ill::u«t il.‘ :‘ieuu'm vi ;- our.” r»41's" ‘ .e’fvr? . 2 .., in“, aiirvnc .rci $25 Phone an: (1'sz daysand ARRIVE mm only warm: "a M;03,94}. “H ata! in("V.ma»WE’WQ‘i Caitlin:5“,.(9, Plan flower”! 3". “IN! 9,1, nd‘Wiu' ‘ai. :rd-ly va u:1v u” M.“ (A;be “if: 5'. wow ‘u‘ term ., ~ :0.“e"i'9“noonly... y -r,.~‘('A a 3. ''r.i( .wu t . . . .i, a. .- : ' a 7' , law' an'“t i‘“."W “aqua Amy”,on:"‘3amazon Dealer Pm-‘t‘V‘ffl' F d "any stint!‘waptwas , 0,119.4 Hotomll Hails-n Rebate CM" we.) e . , r ns . ’ -v” 1 -' ‘ ' "‘ "‘"W‘I'v bag and 4.0 a' 33!; «we r « rebate ::l¢r '0‘: "My (house MM: 25..» My 1v"! ’2’!!! DC' 3 ; _ . Lise ut' 'ew “‘czorola'rd‘?’ p‘i/rve, ,- , .“.j0 rig-"w. ”in ' "t"We'rea" vain »' “‘ M5 :.." ' - L r”‘ -' '5 ‘7‘‘in'ev‘ ""3 ”'7’" pvt! pm: «rm;Vat“! :1 2'6 'W“ 0? toMsoIt"! our”.:4 r3,VI?1-,; urvste ally u we HM whale is preterm-o (Jenni iew (trons lzily 'see '41:!th ”‘Ji m we». («vapor 1m R" (emu Md il'~\\'ll<l~i ('lllt‘.-\(i() liwr) )car than} .-\lllCl‘lC;lll studcnls |ca\c Ihcir honic. loans to go in college l-‘oi' sonic. this transition is not an cas) onc, :\tllll\llllg to ncu surroundings and people can hc hard tor soinconc \\ ho has icsidcd in lhc same plate l’oi' niost ol' their |i\cs, l‘or intcrnational studcnts \\ ho conic to thc l'nitcd Slatcs to .ittcnd collcgc. tlicsc dill‘iciilt adiustincnts arc inag~ nil'icd as ihc) it} to cope “1”] ii \\liolc rims cultural c\pcri~ cncc. thousands ol milcs anus l‘roni thc coinlort ol' hoiiic. This )car: ('oluinhia (‘ollcgc has ciirollcd additional l‘l'L‘\llr incii and iiaiisl'cr students l‘i‘oni iii'oniid llic \\orld. I';ll\> ing tlic mcrall iiuinhci' ol' llllL‘llldllUlldl stiidciits. (‘uirciiily t'oluinhia has a total ol *(ih‘ iiitci'national uiidci'giaduatc and about 50 gi'adualc sitidciits. This diicrsc iiiiciiiaiioiial stiidcnt hod) rcilccis iiiorc than M) dittciciit iiaiioiialitics. \Hlli thc largcst iiiici'iiaiional stu— dcni gioiip licnig Korciin \\llll llil studciiis .it pi'cscnl. l‘hci‘c .ii'c also 54 lapaiicsc studcnts. 5“ Polish and 45‘ Mcucan stndciits ,laiiaiicsc iiitciiiational slii~ dciit K.i_\oco lsiiii.i. 33. .i \L‘llr ioi niaioriiig in \lai'lscting t‘oininuiiicaiioiis. canic in tlit‘ l'iiilcd \taics in I‘M». Shc lll'sl Llllt‘llilt‘tl .i Ullk“_\L‘£ll intcnsi\c lz.\‘l program iii Quart (at). lll. lolloucd lo} l\\ii)t‘;1i‘s lll.lll .lk'lttlL‘llllt program. ln Scpicinhcr WW). shc translci'iul to (‘oliinihia Slic had licai‘d about llit‘ collcgt‘ hour a .lapancsc li'icnd \\ho had graduated \\llll a photog mph} dcgi'cc lllllll t‘oltnnhra. “Ms friend had hccoinc so successful in tlic l‘iiiicd Starcs and “cm to Columbia. so I \\anlcd to hc likc hci l “as \ci'} iiiiprcsscd." lsiiiia saltl. llci' niost dillicult upci'i» cncc as an iniciiiatioiial siu» dciii has liccii coniniuiiica— tion. "l‘lll iiiost Asians lcain iiig tlic liiiglish ltiiigiiagc is \t-r} dilliciill hccaiisc it is .i coniplctcls dillt‘i‘cnt Innguagc." shc said. She liclimcs that one ol thc \\tl}\ to owrconic languagc harricrs is to iritcract \\Illl pcoplc and learn iiiorc about s\lllL‘l|L‘illl cultui'c. \ulsilso ’l‘akahashi. IN. a gradualc siudciit [majoring in illustration. is JUPLlIlLNL‘ and also linds ctininiuiiicalion to he a big prohlcin l'or international studciits "Small iiiistakcs can bring to a lug confusion and niiscoin» niiiiiication." Tulsahashi said. llcl'oi'c slic camc hcri: shc did~ n‘t knou much about Ihc l'iiitcd Statcs. She was \Hilricd hccausc "Japanese media lirt‘scnls lKS. as a court”) \\|lll \cr) high crime ratcs. I didn‘t knoxs il‘ I could sur\ no hcrc." slic said. Another dil'l'icult) ‘l‘alsahaslii mpcricnccd was hung on hot own. She cur— i'cntl) ll\‘L‘s ol‘l~ campus and at thc lit-ginning that was var) hard l‘oi lici'. VIEW TECHNICIAN’S A mom pop operation? WHY DOES NORTH CAROLINA TOLERATE GAY SINGLE PARENTS BUT OUTLAW GAY PARENT COUPLES? WHICH SiDE OF THE GAY DEBATE FENCE SHOULD NORTH CAROLINA PICK? l'tH'l_\ letex. including North tr) Hlld .lhroHd, t‘HlolHlH. .lllou Hdoplion h) H gH) 'l‘here ix nothing inherent ill litllllt)» xinglc pHreHi prmtded H court- xe\llHllt_\ tth dixHhIex olle‘x thllt) .lpprmed detcllulnHlioH ol leentHl to provide the lianelHl xtthlil). iilliexx I’ueiit} xl\ xthcx. lio\\e\el'. elliotionHl xccul‘tt) Hlld heHllh) houxdon‘t .llIti\\ .ldopli ln h_\ gH) couplex. iilg eondilionx thl .ulopllon ngiiciex llic leng xchlxnl ix cleHll) queer; xeek \\hen xcl‘ecnilig potentlHI pHr» \\th lx ll thHl Hlchx llttllltGC'\ll;ll enlx p.li'cntx lilncllonHl Hx |lltll\ llltiHlx Hlld 'l‘o .irgue tliHl lltlllltixt‘\ll.‘tl pHi‘entx tl_\ xluncllonHl .lx couplcx‘ produce li}lilphonl;l» |~or llldll_\. the anln Hrgtllnent \\lll ine\il.lh|_\ xenmll)‘ de\lHnl children ix Hx .lg.llllxl lloilioxeulHl pHrcnllng ill niHc Hrguing preiudiced .lnll ludlcioux «:enelHl lx lliHl honloxe\liHl pHi'enlx llth .\luxhnl pHrentx \\llI Hxinexitth} \\lll hieed lxo to xperl llollloxe\tl.ll produce dogHthic inlcrnHtioliHl terv elllldl ‘ll, Reerrch cited in H recent rorixi children or llth rich \\llllL‘ pur\xxtleluled l’lexx l'epol‘l. Ilo\\c\et'. ineiitth) produce xpoiled. letex “ot the ill to it! xtudiex HiHll- enlx \\lll hth children. .lhle oil llonloxc\u;ll p.lrenting. none Hri‘oant \\H_\. the leglll xchi/oplircniH llldchtc .lli_\ hHrnil'ul ellect oil the thtl-‘itlier c\ixtx cHnllot he |llSll' euri‘elill} children." l'lllantel}. Hll ngtilnenix HgHinxl l'lcd. Sthc eourtx need to eliooxe honloxe\u.l| pHi‘entlng holl doun to hetueen H lilanet th on lioluoxewone heliei: gH} p;ll‘elitliood ix H'UIH' Lll pHrcntlng including xiligle pHrClllS or H I‘ltlllkt‘l iteL'L'ltlHlit‘L‘ til} lliHn no le'entllood Ht ;ll|. Sueli xuceplng ignolane ix e\;lctl_\ honloxequl p.lrelillng. \\hicli \\ould \\Ith iticlx the gloulng perxlxtelil e\p;lnd the current polic) to Hitlllde plohlelli oi oiplian in thix coun- \illllL‘TNL‘\ t‘ottt‘lex. Go ahead l'ie hcen to H concert c\el'} iHll out Hl \\'Hliitlt (.l'CL‘lx \lllL'k‘ l \\elx H lrcxliniHn. 'l'liHl Hughl not xecni like much to )otl erxoned concert giK‘l'S .llttl ilioxe 0'. )0“ “ho lollou . 4. thdx tllUllllkl on PGiFiCiO lotll. l‘ltl Il'x pt‘t‘ll) L'Utll llll lllC. lll\ Crone like .l \\H} oi ulHlknig the )L‘dlS. hele l mu .tt Hnothcr .ollcel'l. llnothel _\c.u' oldel. .inolhel _\e.tr .-.l xchool \nd xlllce the outdoor conceit ~~e.lxon th heeli o\el' loi .l \\liilc Him. I lecl like i'elnlllixcing llcxlllllHn )t'Ht' it \\Hx l).l\c .\l.ltthe\\x Hillltl \lllllilllllllili. l)lliilllldil‘ddilllil\ e. \\e qulce/ed up llilo llic lllh lo\\ \\llll .l tllelid lloui tngpl (‘thel lllll. She HHx concerned thl I \\Hxn‘l li;l\lng H good tune. I xiood xlill \\ itli Hi) h.llid on on lieHl‘l. leiuig .ll l).l\e Hlid u'_\ing to colllplchcnd c\Hctl) lioxi cloxe he \\Hx. ! \“lllkl xee lllx \\H‘dl through lilx red xllut. .ind l \\Hnled thl xlul't. Sick. lio’ llut l tHll xlllI lelilenlhcl tlle ieclingx oi H\\ L‘ Soplloniore )L'dl ll \\Hx l<l:.\l; lHle \tlgllxl. "Seplenihenx coining xoon..." lhc lllooll \\Hx oul. Hlid RIM lin c\ei'} piece oi neon ill the l'riHngle onxtng. lhe} ht up H |e\\ plecex tor eHch xollg l‘tll. .lt the end. .ln Hiclcdlhlc rendition ol' 'll\ The land ol llle \\orld .-\x \\e Kilo“ It.” the \\liole legc \\Hx ilelillig .llloxicHtingl}. l \\Hx H xophoniol'e. older Hlld Hlore colilidenl. Hlld l eould look lip Hi the xk} Hnd leten to the niuxic Hlld kilo“ llth Ill) plohleinx could he \\ol‘ked out. :lll)lliiiig \\Hx poxxihle on H lllght llkc tllHt. .lt.nior )cHi. H \\llx ('ounlilig ('roux Hlld Inc; the liglitx ucre gorgeoux Hlld llle coillpHn) \\Hx e\cellcnl. It \\Hx the l.lxl night ol the tour. Hnd the interHclion hctiieen lhe thdx \\Hx Huesonie-lioxx oilen do )ou gel the cthee to lieiii‘ \dHln l)ul'u/ xlng on “l)olpliin’x (‘l'_\” or ltd K<i\\.t|L‘/)k xilig H \el'xe oi "l l.lligiu' :\i‘olllld 7” Which. h_\ the \\H_\. ix lliucli lcxx .lnno_\ing ill H concert dlllitlSplit‘l't' tth it ix on the Mill. l.Htel' lliix erxon I xH\\ Bureilzlked l .ldiex Ht llle ltllokcl l)eHn Dome. Ht the T__ E :l tv'lk' 'l-‘ “Ja‘clk Daly I 7 'llil' El Inlr‘ ,vr'l‘tll’llk ‘7 Mark McLawhorn t-LNHI-l :lAllAQLL Kelly Magee ' . . C°""” S"“’°"' 373BanW""°'*"°°" Campus NCSU 8608 . .1 , _ . NC . 2/095A8a08 _ Raleigh imp ww'w leriillluunonllne (om opedl Hi‘ihotmull mm Oedlploss Llu‘nisu edu inchiniolti 'YCSIJ edu and dance reciHniiicndHlion oi Hli Hlel't l'eHdei' l.\en though \\c \\crc xitlllig xo liigll \\e \\ci‘c HcltlHll) heliind the .-\iliericHn ing. l th H thxl .ll lliHl xliou :ind dexeloped H xerioux criixli on Stephen l’ng. The thing Hhotil conccltx ix lliHl llic_\'re Hii oppoliuntl) to lol‘gel )oui‘ lrouhlex. gel xwept up iii the Hluxle :lnd xllig. dane Hlid xcteHni )otli‘xell lioHi'xe. knounig tht xoilieliou _\ou‘l| linixh thHl pHper lHtel’. Although I'm .l|\\;i)x hehind xonleonc reHll) lHll or xonleone leth Hlilio_\'ing. 1 low coneeltx tor the pcrxix‘cthe the) gl\e Hie: 'l‘liei'c Hl‘e xo niHn_\ lliiiigx ln liie xo niuch niole anortHnt lliHn xcliooluork :ind gl'zidex. l)on‘l get me urong. ngdex Hre linporlHnl. |‘\e Hl\\.l_\x hecn one to xuth ni_\ (iI’-\. Hut .ll H concert. I look Hlotind Hlld xee people illxt like me. Hlid people coniplelch diilcrenl troni Hie. Hll under the thne xpell ll'x Hx it in) l’ocux xhll'lx Hlld l mu xee lhe \\ol'ld the \\d_\ il‘x nicHlit to he xecn. School ixn'l the Child”. Hlld good ngdcx 'dl'L‘lld llie HllrlliipoltHnt. neitliel' ix H lilgli»pH)lng loh the ulilante god to uhlcli \\c Hll xlllie. Sonlctuliex \\ e H” iuxt lime to xit thk .lnd lixlcn. lel.l\ .lnd dane, Whether \\e‘lc iii llle reHl \\oi'ld leeHd} or xlill ill the [xll'lltllxt‘ oi t‘illlcg‘c. \\C \lltillltl ltll Hckno“ ledge the chl lliHl the world doexn‘l re\o|\e Hl'ound \\ol'k llltthS \\h} l lotc colicerlx‘. the) remind me tth l xhould l'eHll) he tocuxing in) ener— g) on linpillexx. So e\ en though no hulid l‘\c e\ei' xeen e\el le) ed the one xollg l lnoxt “timed to Item; I xtill think eoneeitx Hl'e H unique Uppt‘l‘llllltl) lttl' Hll ol‘ tlx to reHditixt our outlookx on Iiie. (.‘hill out. (io HheHd Hlld dane on the len. l)on‘t lllitik tth otllcr people \\Ulld judge )illi—tlie) will. But tlioxe \\lio judge me niixxlng the point oi the \\ hole experience. So do tlth xtupid little dHnee )ou do; tliei‘re looking. but it‘x ok. You're ill college. Hlld you're Ht H eolieelt. Hlld llth SpHiiixh l.n pHper \\ ill \\rile ilxelixonle— lion. .-\nd. ii it doesn't. the \\orld \\on‘t end lpronilxe. for (I hit of [lime \oIlgi I’llll‘lr‘itl llm llel‘l'r lieu/Tl ill ('Ullt't‘l'l. t'lilllllr‘l lir'r (ll I’M‘I'tlllt’m lull/\zlil‘ulx'l/ll C ' A . N Mark McLayvhorn ‘ Spaine Siephens ~ ~ Jimmy Ryals l A 'lohn Carrr l ‘ Jack Daly hilaiihew Pelland Jeremy Ashion I Amy Bissingerfl : Ryan Hill l Becky Clingerman Richard Morgan ‘Farrah i ‘Siherrie .. ‘ . . ‘ ‘Sanders .'‘ ‘ Owens ' ‘-'Eric "' = ‘‘ " V James Gonzalez Curle -““‘-I1 It'lw‘"l‘l ' I N‘".l. ‘ri l; l ' o . at.”k ’l" *t e 'l 4' ~ r ." ‘ "' i“l- “tinnitus .t l l'\ IL. I\ ~ \ I 3: Hittoo l"t"tc‘l min Shaved heads, streaking and the meaning of marriage \l‘otll xl\ M) rooinHthe Rd) llloild Hllelllptcd to llilill \o.. l in Hill qued in pllhln Hlolltllx .lgo til) errc the h_\‘ thglng on .1 huge \\ lildou l'he \\oidx ot no luolller-llrlH“ rto—he illend. iii our HpHrlnienl. .\II lleHrd \\Hx ; hling ch wine colutort She xilix llth gleHI ("hHllcx. got anr- hoolll lollo\\ed h} thllcrlng ngxx one x exel lL'dIl} leHd} to get ”1le l'led lluxeoniilig I looked up to xee tlic HccidentHI tllr no lied ion |e.uH Hx _\ilt| go lHIxo gillhel \\eekelitl llli d.l| lendlne. there. lilx iixtx xtill lll the HxxlliHm lllt‘ HiHritHl relHtioir litttlllllldlt‘. .Hi .illd H heu lldercd look lll lilx c_\cx. Hx xlllpx lIl.IIe l Ilt'ill xecll \\olk Iiotll lll_\ le l\‘.l}lllll|ill. lerx llle ngxx continued to l'HlI piece h) entx .ltld Hll\ellllncex ll.l\e heeli :i ll.lIl lilx \o\\x plcec to the ground. He xliilercd H cut lll.Hlnd Iolllloze lll.lllleeHlx 2* \cer. I‘llell _\c;ll lioln llo\\ l on the liHnd Hlld “I” he anrlied Hi lt‘xx ll|.ll|lll‘.'.'\ llla‘ \llll lli.ll.lttcrl/ed h} \\lll [Hill lllelli h) lliHn .i \\cek llldlxlllL‘ ln\ o\\n l{;l_\iliond Hlld I Here once llHlell to lo\t‘ lllltl\ltlI‘llll\ lltdl Ill‘le lS l‘tlillL‘tl Ill Illdllld‘g‘t‘ colliiiilt~ run nerd lo the xlrecl ll'oln our Hle'l coiilllluulcilt. liol plixxleHl .lttl'Httloll oi . Rhe" MCI-Gughlm lllclll ll xcclnx lllenl lH tolHl dilence ol Ztlti _\;lrdxi ll colllp.ltlllll:l_\ I loilxlder ll .l pl'i\llege like tuxt .l lc\\ (‘liHl'lex \\otild th\c lilx lieHd. \\'li_\ did lo ll.l\_‘ \llLIl reallHithle e\Hlllplcx to niolllenlx Hgo \\ c \\ elc xllllpljl .l t ollec He .lgl‘ce lo lliix" l do not kno“. Did he lt‘llt‘\\ lion oi lllilquule. lilexpctleuted. \l‘l xll.i\e liix heHd Hlld did \\e rlin to the \\lill lllcxe c\pcllcnced cou~ legc dllll\\ilx \\Hli liellllci .i clue liol .l meet nerd Hlld Hill I getting Hilli‘rlcll PIL‘\l.lll\l!|}‘ eli.il‘»lt~- llle to xee Ill.ll xlu‘eexx lll leu. lll lexx lliHn .l _\e.ll \\L' \\lll he H in June" llltllllilg’x' lx llol .lll ..h-vul pertolillane, eollcction oi lillulHtiire. ine\pcllentcd. icx. _\ex Hlld )ex ”it eielx otlicl pel'xoil on the ”)ollng protcxxlonHl' dulluux u llll Hel ll lllSl doexn't xceHl light. \\'li_\ lxnt l. .lli‘il_.‘ \\olkl I.lll llle ll'lttllldg‘t‘ text ll lllcl' .l clue liol .l pIHH hill .l \\ lle ltlllllk lllcte .l I‘llHl'l‘ngc text or liiHllngc pl.lucl. \\ele llle \ .lxe ‘lou xee. l'll .ll\\.l)x thk o\ei' Hll the xtupld tllulgx \e xeen checklixl Ilth \\e nulxl coniplete ill Illtll ll dulluzt I Hill continue to do xluHi} li'ielillx do llltll to Hlenlioil lll\ [‘L‘l' order to enter lliix nlolilentoux l‘L‘lllllt‘ll' he xotiHl contiucxtx lll loollxllllcxxL Hull ll xhlp.’ lt olih xceliix prloplthe lol‘ H pld thin-xx Hlld llllthk' tlioughtlcxx llllx~ ankex ille quexllon \\hethel oi' liol \\e mm thl ix Hhoul to become H huxhzlnd terx II no llllpclldlng lll.lrrnge ix to \llould he Hllo\\ed to he HlHlllcd Hlld poteHiith H lcher lo exliihu xollie xtlt'\ on I lllllxt llrlltellc to the l.li.l tllHl l letllclllhel' \\chhlllg lll\ llielld e\ ldence oi rexponxlhlllt) ()uextionx l \\tll let Hl_\ \\tte do\\n Hlld xlic \\lll ('hHilex .lx he prulHtlied .l lil Illill tor the anrrnge text could he. ”ll.l\e dleppoilll llle .llxo lliix xuulillel. lhe lump on hix xliouhollid \\Iille Il'.l\L‘l' )tlll eicr hloken )our rich lx \\lillc ti'_\- loxc oi llljl llle Hlld \\III \Hllllllll to lilig nillcli loo llixt lor xucli .l xlllilt He llig to inlprcxx )our iriendx .' Il‘\\‘ Ullk' Hllrtlllt‘l ltil Illt‘ Ill xpue oi our ended tip xpelldlng tliHl night ill the “the _\oil e\ er xlilliiered H .Sitltl “”17 xholleollllugx lxcepulf I'l xlep \\ uh oui hoxpitHl \\uh H hl‘okell pchlx Hlld .i do\\ Hlleniptlng to \Cill'k' xollleoile“ p.llelltx. I intend toi ilioxe xliol‘tcolii coneuxxlon. Sull'ertiig lrolli .l xe\el’c ll;l\c )ou e\cr l'Hn nerd Hcl‘oxx the ingx to ll.l\e nothing to do \\llll the loxx iii xliort—lel‘ln lllL‘lllttl'). lie i'epthed gloundx oi Hli HpHrtnlenl colilple\“" l the pherex "ll liul'tx like the dci ll" .lnd lllllik lliere ought to he xonie xtHndHl’d xllcnglh of out lll.llli.lee "\\‘li; Hi'en't )ou liul’t"' Hlld 'l \ idenll} Soon I \\lll lime the right to hcgin l I hurt Ill) lett hip" nioie tll.ln H ieii iHlnil). lo hH\ e oil'xpl'ing. l xlill l'eel like Shim/ll /\'lw {Hr/l itli It! Ilnl'tllil'et‘ [N ttlnex. lle th xlnce recoi cred Hlld gotr Hn oilxpring. Hnd xoon I Hi” he 'Hlxlng t/t'i [it”z l/ ”jute”. \mnll till/l LI” len niHl‘ried lli_\ oun. I'll tell them lliiligx like. (’lllllil \1 ml ‘Ml toured" r l'\ Ill \Il.t'l/ll. Bush’s wi n is simply a legality a! No“ illHl lhe " ' «r. M one count in \ l-loridll lin hecli ccrtllietl. tliillk . the illoxt hotllel' xollle llxpet‘t ill lllt‘ Pl‘tIL‘L‘SS Ittl' '\l (iorc Hnd lilx xuppoi'tcrx ix tliHl lhe ethipion ol the Hull leuerx th heell delellled on 'JGlert'enne leglihllex. When 'H' (lore hHrnged the i lete ol l'loi'idli \\Ill’t lantlitx .ll e\ei"\ le\e| in the llopex than he might he declHl‘ed l’rexidenl \\Iien till the xiiloke cleHi'ed. the l)enlocrHlx \\ere thklng on the chl tlth their l’R Hchlilnc Hiid l.|\\)t‘l‘l) e\perlixe could cut tllrollgli ti‘HdllioilHl election lHix like H liol knile lllrotigli hulter. Thexe thoelltex oi anxxl\ e lL‘lHL‘I'll' nieiit hoped thHi ilioxe in plmel \\otlld iorgel the xepHrHtlon oi pouerx Hnd their conxlltutlonHl rolex; lliHl the AmericHn people \\ould look to llle illl' knouing goierilnientHl coilglolllerHle to mer liL‘“ rulex Hlid xtrnghlen otll lliix cotil‘llxillg inexx. To xonie e\tetlt their xlritleg) worked. The Hll— l)elliocr;it l-loi'idH Suprenlc (‘otlrt. cliHrged \\lth xtrtctI} interpreting Hlld tlplioldiiig the l.‘l\\ tlth elected legile» lorx \\rile. decided to Hl'hltrHrll) c\Hlt lhe elliel'eHl "\\lll oi llle people" o\ei .ln) “hiperteehnicHl rellane on lettl tor) pl'o\ixlon" lohc_\ing the Lot. iii cilxe )ou lorgot _\our tlit'llllii;ll'}l Ill the \\er oi xucli H xtHl'tllng l'e\e|;lttoli lloiii llle Suprenlex. l xuggext tth \\e .lll “\\ill" tllHt \\e don’t need to p.i_\ l.l\ex lliix _\eHr. Since thl xeenlx to he H” tth ix required to oxerturn the lHu. \\lii don‘t \te do it more oilen ’ ()li . \\Hll l ioi'gol the) cHll tht HnHrclii, ‘l he court xeelllx lo hHie lorgotteii. ill tlleli xupi'eanc). llle nloxl thlc cit lex Iexxon \\ here the leglletlirc \\l'llex the In“ x. the giudlciHr) lntelprelx the Inn x. Hlld the e\ecuti\ e eniorcex llle lHu x. Another iogg} IxxtlL‘ “here the l)elnocrHix lime won xonie Hlld loxl xonie l.x lli‘dl oi the dinipled lhlllolx Tlioxe erieHl xirueturHI e\trellilxix in l’Hliii Beach decided the) pl’ohth) couldn‘t .x.i_\' \Hili eertHinl) tlth H “dinl plcd" hHllot \\‘Hx Hn HceurHte gHugc oi \oier intent. Browlrd (‘ount)’x cHii\Hx.xing hourd. howewr. \\Hx the to look Ht those .xertltches Hlld dentx Htid llxe psychic powerx to determine uhHl the Voters were thinking. Since election l.l\\ x;l\x ll;.:t the oul} .lttlilHle \\H) to deteltlllile \otcl intent lx through H plopelll t.:xl lmllol. I think He xhould plohHhh xllck to lliHl lllt‘dli ulltllir lHVt e\. en li ll lloexu’l glxe ilx \\lth \\e like. HleHll. u ‘.\e \\.llll .lll tlie \olex to be counted \\ 11‘. don‘t \\k lert \\ith the Ztlollil piux llllSdeI hilllolx in “HM (‘ounl\ llloue l kilo“ xonic people llllllk llllx \\liole oilleHl ix .lll Hnoanl) hlouglll .lhollt h_\ collluxlilg h.lllolx. hut the_\ need to leHll/e lllHl thouandx oi hHllotx u ere leit olll in c\ei} count) oi the union hetlluxe. luxl like ill l'irxt gl'Hde. people iciuxe lo lol|o\\ tlil‘Cc~ llt‘llS \ex. ll doex xecnl lh.lt lliixh \\on this election h) .l |eg.lllt_\. the legulit) oi :7I l'lk't'ltlllll (‘tillt‘gt‘ \t‘lL‘S‘. lliL‘ IegHIi» t_\ oi e\lxllng eleelloli I;l\\'. Hlld llle lethl} oi xepHrHtlon oi pouel'x. Tlian (iod \\c llle ni H tounu) “here no Hiliotllil oi Hiele Pillltllll‘) or opposi~ lioli rhetoric cHn o\erter the lex 0i our x_\xlenl. .\ ucu »\B(‘Ne\\xx poll iotllld tliHl Hhoill (ill pereent oi Allierchnx onl\ \\ixh -\l (‘lore would Hgiee. Qmwllom.’ (hill/Henri " Ifmuil Justin ill‘lill‘k’l‘t'r'lll’lll\flllka llorillrlll.<'mit Hair today Rachael Rogers \3111 \11111‘1 .\'1‘. .11 \1‘11‘1.1'\111111‘111~ 1‘111111111‘1111‘11. 11 11111 1111111411111:101111.11. 111111'11‘\.11‘111 11111 .1 1.1111111 1‘11111‘. 11111111‘1 11 “.1111 1111111111 11111111 1111‘ ~1111‘\ .11111 111p 111 1111‘ 111111'111‘.‘ \1g111111‘1111111 ~11111‘11‘1' 111.111 1111‘ 11.1111.“ \‘111111‘ 111111‘1' 1111111111111 11111111‘x 1111 .1 11111111". .11‘1‘ .1p1‘ 111‘.1p1‘. 11111711111111 11.111»1111\111111‘_\. 1‘1~1‘.111111111. 11111‘111‘1 11.111. K1‘111111‘111 11.111‘1'1'1111. 111 11‘11‘1. 1111111 1111p. \111111'1‘1‘1 p1‘11 .11111 1111‘ 11‘11111‘xx1‘1‘ 111p 11.11 11 1111111~111111111~ 111 1111‘ 11111111‘ "(‘11111 11.11111 1 11111:" 11111‘1‘1‘ .1 :1111 1.1111 p1‘11pl1‘ 111111 11111; .11111 \11.111_11_1 11.111‘ "\111111‘1 |1.‘.111~' 11111 1111111 111111 11 .111111111‘11' 111.11 1.111 .11.‘.1p 111‘1‘1 1111111 111111 11 .11 1'11‘11 111.11111‘1\. “.11 \1.111\ .11111 1111‘ \1.11C 1x111 11111'111111111111.11111111111111‘\111‘1\\. 111 1111111 11.1111 11! 1111p 111111» .11111111 1111‘ \1111‘ 111 1111‘ 11111‘1\1.111‘ \1111 111.11111‘ 1111 11111‘ 111 1111111‘ 1.11.‘ 111‘..1~11111~ 1111-.‘11 .1 "1'111111‘11“111‘1‘1 11'1/1'11‘1 1~11111.11111~11\1‘1‘ 111111111111 1111-111 11\.11‘1‘.11 11.1111‘111 11k .1 1111111.11 11.1x \111'1111‘11 111111: \111111.11 111 1111‘ “11.11‘111‘1 (111” .1111‘1 1111‘ 11111111111111 111 ”1 111‘11111' R1211 p1‘11pl1‘ 11.111‘ 111.‘111 11 11111 11111 ~111111‘1111111.111‘11 1.1x1111111111.11 11.11111 ~1‘1‘11 111 1111111111 1111‘ 111111 111‘.11'111u 1111111‘xr1‘1' 111111[11.111111‘111111111‘x \1111 11 11.» 111 111111 \11‘11‘1111111‘ (1111‘ hair 1111111‘111 111‘\1‘1‘1111‘1| .1 p1‘1x1111 111111 111111111 11.111‘ 11 11111111‘1 .11 “.1 \111‘1111 1.11‘111 11111 11131111111 1111111 111111 11‘.111\. 111111 .1 111‘1‘p x11111111‘1‘11 .11'1‘1‘111. 111111 1‘1111111 1‘1111 11p» 1111111 .11111 .\7\.\‘(‘-\R 1‘111'11111. .\ 1111‘11" \1111111‘ 111.11‘1 11'111‘. 11111 111 1111‘11‘ p1‘11pl1‘. 1111‘11 11.111'1‘1111 .11‘1‘ 111111. 1111111111 111111 111 \1111‘ 1111111’11x1111’1111‘111. 5111111‘p1‘11pl1‘1‘11‘11111111111111111.111‘x111 \1‘.111‘l1 111 1111‘ 1‘111x111‘ 11111111‘1 111 1111.11 1~ 111111111 .1~ 11111111‘1 1111111111; 1111‘11‘ "11111111‘1'x" 111 11111111 111 1111111 111 .1 p|111'1‘ .11111 11.111 1111111 1111-1 111‘ 11 111111111. 1111‘11 ~1111111 11p 111111 11‘1 1‘11‘1‘111111‘ 11111111 1111‘1‘11‘1111111111111111111‘1. 11111 1111‘11 111 1111‘11‘ 111111.1111‘1111111 111‘1‘1‘ ~111pp1‘11 111 1111‘ “1‘11 111111'111‘1 1111111‘) \11‘11‘ tomorrow p1‘1'11~111:1111111x1‘11.1111‘.11'11~1.11111111111111‘11‘ .1x111‘11 111111111 1111‘11' 11111111‘11. (1111‘ 11-1111111111-11. “\\'1‘11. 1 :1111‘11 1 111‘11‘1 11.111‘ 111111111111 .11111111 11 111‘111g \11l111‘111111gl 11111111. 11'~111~11111 1111112" 1111" 111111'1' 1'1‘\p11l1111‘11. "\‘111‘1'1‘ 1111 1111111, 11\ 1111111 1‘11‘1‘111111‘ 11.11. 11\ 1111‘ \13111 111.11 11111'1‘1‘ .1 31111. 1 1111111, 1 1111111 11111111 11\ 11111111 1'1‘11111. 11111 1 1‘1111 \1‘1‘ 11111 1.1111p1‘11pl1‘1111:11111111111111111111" S11. 1111‘ p1‘11pl1‘ 111111 \pm‘l 1111‘11‘ 111111 |1‘1\111111‘1 111‘1‘1‘11111‘11) 1'1‘11111 11111111.11111111 11. 1111‘} 1111111 11111 11111111 111 1111‘ 11111'1'11‘1 \1111p11111111‘1‘111‘111‘1'.11111111111111'1111111111‘1. 1111111 11111111 11 1x11'1 11111‘11111111111. 111111 1111‘) .11’1‘11‘11111111111111011111111.111111111m111111 1111‘ 111 11 1‘1111111‘1‘ 1111111111.111‘11 11} 1111111111 111.1“.1/1111‘1. 111-11.11 .11111 1111- 111111 111.11 11.11 111 111111131 111111111 1111111 \1'1‘ 11 111.1111.11 111~.11‘.1.111111 \1‘1‘11.1~.1\1;‘11111.111-.1. 1111‘1111111'12.11111/.1111111.111111'1‘11111-1111‘111. 1 11111‘1 11.11.11111111‘1\.111-.111.1xp1‘1’1111 1111‘ 111111111.111\.1111‘11111111 \1111111111.1111‘11111111 111.11 1'1‘111‘11‘ 111‘1111'.111‘ 11!1‘111\1'1\1‘\ 111 1‘11111‘1 11.111111: 111111111 11111111111111111111111 .11 11111111‘1~ 11 1.1111 1111111 111‘11.‘\1‘ 111.11. 111\I1‘111‘1 1111111\\.‘11 \111‘x 1111;111111 111111 11‘1‘~;I.111111‘111111 \1111 11 11111 11.1111 1111‘ 1121111111121 1.111‘ 11111‘ 5111111111 .11111\11'111| .1111111111 .11 1111* 111:1 \1.11111‘1 111 .1 \\.11\l.11'1 11111 1111111 11.111‘ [1111‘ 1111-11‘ 1111131 111 11 11111-11 .1 111111111 Know Your Mullets~ mm aggw; ' ‘ 1. 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Minitruck mullet , 111111111111111111‘1‘111111'1 111 11111.1~ 11 11.11 11111} 1111‘ 11111111111 11.11111111‘ 1111 1111‘ 111111‘ 111 1111‘ 111‘1‘11. (1. “111111111111 - 1111‘ 11111111 1‘111'111‘1‘x 11111111‘1 111 1‘111111‘1‘. 7. l‘ltimullct - 1111‘ 111111111‘1’ 111 .111 11111111‘1\ 1111‘ \11p1‘1'[0111111111111111111111111111‘.1r\111:11‘1111111111‘1'111111 11‘113111l. 8. Femullet , 1111111‘ 11 1111\ 111.1111 1.11111111‘1 1111‘ 11‘11111111‘1 11 111111111111111‘1111.111‘ 1‘111‘111111111‘x1111.111111111.1111111111111111111111‘1\111111‘1111‘1‘111‘11» 11111111‘1.11‘111111‘1‘11111111‘1 .111111111- 111121111111111111111‘1 SOuRCE1 1'11/161: FQOL' 1111?. ’.”.11E1§C:A1C‘QF 1:11:11! Joel Isaac Frady \1.111 \\'1’111‘1 Over 1111‘ 111111 11‘11 11am. 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It‘s hard to .Ika'l‘l 1h.” tun .ucn'l “we in} \llu\\ \llm‘n. sums “up .rmI \IIU\\ |.It|\t'l. \\ I IIIIICtI \I|‘\‘rH IIk‘ IrnuI |II\I HUI \MIC III) lrntm'. \'.|\\ )nu In IIIK' lows u! vu-rwne KILII [stt'tL \ml lcrlremhctuI IIrt‘ Immune“ (Iml I Imd Ullu‘ luuml I “mulled rnln lll_\ putkvr, PIIIIIILI nu! .l welt. nl menu-Hrs. 8.1“ .r\\nm.m~1ng Immln'rlunthc \ItIL‘ u! lht‘ miuI. I \.ll \IU“ II IKNHIC Itt‘l .IIItI UIIt‘lt‘tI IIL‘I .I \llx'k. Vol .I ylnrrtt- um t-\..'h.mg_'nI. not .1 \umI \w \[MI‘L' \\.III\\‘\I Ililn‘ IIlt‘ LAIL' .Il IITL' utl‘lk‘r HI IIIIIsImInHyIr. 'Iht‘ plow: \w had been In m nun) [Inn's lenlt'. ‘I'Iw nmn lennd IIIc u‘lllllt‘l ;J;I\C IHC .I Mummy srmlt'. I ml .II our I.t\urllc I.II‘IL' HhI Ii} the duo! NI.I)I\C H \\.1\ im- “ho I1.ltIIl.I IrcnlnI )«ru \wII. NI.|_\I\L' H \\.r\ me “ho hadn't undel\IIHILI. \I.I_\In' ll \\.1\ rm‘ “hm ILuIn't Imrn In .ll‘ph'k’mlk‘. Heurist- u'rlurnl} t'nuItIn‘t Inc .tlnnc. \lru’lcd In “.1”. II\‘IIIU “th the gold III in} IIK'IIlI. IIInllgII Imme- whirl \xhcl‘c I U‘lIIkIn'l Iu'l \\..lllllIII. ('qutIn I think or “Item- elsc I wold Hm. Inepl maybe min )nur .n‘ms. PHOTO JASON lVESIER/SIAFF GETA BAGEL rI I iI Ir r I I I I ; ' I I I I , ' ‘ , ; BRl rooms mom I BAKED FRESH I narrit‘m -. ' . I . ., ‘m I GARNH iii-“1 ~ 0 303mm Open Seven Days a Week k-.._....-_--—_—_.._.._.—-....—.—».-......-..- .- . -..... FREE COFFEE! BRL’EGGER'S mores W‘ “ _ ‘ .. ., SAME“ *“ 3“, e Cum; w _ nuRtMM g. i, . Open Seven Day” m“ _, 7 “VHS.“ I ; "Hm“. North Corotm Store Unwersrty CWQII‘t/e Ecuconon Program E I DO NOT MISS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY FOR THIS Everything you SEMESTER TO CHECK OUT CO-OP: A”.n-Wv4_‘~,m want in your m-uvn—”. new home is Attend One of the Following Orientation Sessions: ‘v; right here... Wednesday, November 29 5:00 pm. Wednesday, December 6 5:00 pm. 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments 1"2a“-. _” All infomration sessions held in J:v'.sw: Tucker Hall Classroom Ground Floor. .3 ” IT’S THE EXPERIENCE YOU NEED OR : . Off Avent Ferry Road THE JOB YOU WANT! Approximately one mile http://me.ncsu.edu/ncsu/co-op_ed from NCSU on Wolfline 1 -800-K82-PARK 85 l _ 783 1 De J Classifieds ‘3 17 M 1| 21 20 27 31 30 42 ‘1 u 50 47 51 52 57 crosmmomo inunagmmcckxom tor hook itit‘orttmttoii. ordering. and applications tor employ— ment next school year. Ptisllltllh \\ Ill lac utililtil'it‘ tor Blhillc‘ss. \rllll'kcllllg. l ;t_\'oitt. Photographers. L'op) tilltl \Ncb Design. ACROSS lSouttiemmtelIbot.) 4Praucuorlatibi) 6Heiped it Outdoors person 13 Slorttedtype 1501mm oftfie psyche iSSoomfulexpression 18$hort note lQChangacolor 21 Click 2 5 mm state (abbr) 23 Violation ofolleglarice 26Hot beverage ZQSnnIIroderits 31 Snare 33 Type of army discharge (alibi 34 Piitilic notice (stioittorm) 35Also 38 Brewed limit 39 Soutliem atafelaobr.) 40 Ceriumsymtiol labor.) 41. Cat sound 43 Stalk of a plant 45 Dine 47 Fill With lilo 50Ectmro'snlcloioma 52Atanotliertime mm 55mm” 588W 305m slSeoomoioroil stool "a, GGKeptfiidderl DOWN lSlWP 2Woman 329mm SArealoroombm “Millie! Tindefioiteprooouri aaoaveroomirucoons 9Vote iritoofllce 10% 12Postticript t4Companyiabbr) 17Dlrooti'on 20AMsoori 245Mlutsolpepef 25mg“) mm 28me . NCMNWOM 301mm 3.... 365mm 376M: Ml alibi. l 420mw1ndrlnlo wine excessively «Preparagollboll 46Annoy 488roods 3mm 3‘ a” pm . 54539193“ 55W°lll 56ka strength (physrcs abbt.) Read 57Eierlpoetlc) 59Roriton300 6212tfiGieeltletler TechniciAN 64Aigonsyinliol 27,000 students ot‘all nationalities. till religion». it” mum and tillili— ations. 27,000 people living dit‘l'ct‘cnt lives Willi tliilei'cnt ambitions and different backgrounds. 27,000 udults united in l2 Colleges under one university. 27.000 individuals vi itlt 37.000 stories. Carol i rib t a te University’s icIaI to v arbook ince 1902 Box Shilti. “ithenpoi‘n Student t ctttcr. 5|‘..Illl‘l. :tgrutticckxotit ()Nl5 YEAR, ()Nl‘ \'()l.L‘Ml{ Call 515-2829 Ol’ Fax 515—5133 9 am. and 5 pm. to place an \\lll \"lll between ad With your Visa or Mastett‘ard \llltll win. \jai Non;Student \ lIi first \‘Liii. Found 905 \hioi rl.ll‘.~ \SV‘tIi I‘ll ll li't‘a \_‘;i|i t~‘ f.!‘.~ \JRU‘i. Line Rd Bates assifieds \ line flds: IV“C\ tit Jdtancc if noon Display Hits: 2issues in advance ‘41.: noon . All Line Ads must be prgpgid - No exceptions. CreékHTt-l'v"3éfi.;. HTwo females needed for 7 Need a Job7 The. Annual Around Campus Hunter’s Cars left 2. SBA 160051. com- 4BR 48A in Lake Park Fund is hiring NC State munity pool NC State 8. WD. kitchen appliances KlA Sponsor? EX ‘97 Elk. students to raise money in AN EVENING IN AFRICA Wolfline 109 9 walk-in closet private fun and friendly enVITOtir Come and experience the GARA 8590007 40k mi, till disk CD chang— ament 4 t . mu S280 located on phonelrnes writ”? intuit mtiSu arid pnwnr a C r‘iuise campus'We‘re You pick your Available erGreat:rll share l'il1">?:~ All ; j ‘i': Roommates Wanted utilities 519.900 Call Dec Jan 854-7892 work afternoons .2543; 1‘13 it ion 850» l862tl10lTlel or 271- schedule nights-no and or 1 W“ 1» 31nd 8331celll Pay starts at roommate needed Apartment afteravailable 1.320 wwu perfectcollegecar co Saturdays“ ' on 1 E3. the Female $7,25'hour With frequent share ABRQBA house Sublease Parkwood Village 1 mile ’1' 1 it? its lJr‘iion to$315itionth raises Fur more informs campus. FREE m Your parents never had tron and to submit M1 U\ti Trek.75» are Cc’ act Kellyplusa. utilities an lh1851- from Cable 5305mm plus 12 i this good application go to r ~:1k. 0‘: . C»="'..tlStir will the 8;? Q or .wiStS-3780 Ulllllles. Call 7541463 or www ncsu edu annual» Services l I a m e 95"; ‘lgt NC \Ll $1111.19“: rommate needed tund call him or call 513» 5" Nf2. ti w: .2<‘,ii.‘erie . Female Split 1 ft rent and utilities DTGIn‘il hotmail corn. help" Altor'dable 2922 “tear State Call Bonnie Share new condo. Private Need 1' ‘ t Veterinary Iouns wrote and legal Elucweil at 3199007 dayblock 1 bath 8. bedroom C _,r « it; ,jtwi no ueronl lees Technrcrari Assistant and 828 5734 night- to campus.' T1 Internet Servrms . sir i. . :i'nmi time Call now 1~Htii:ir794-6371 needed for busy proges‘rne ASAP connection. Phone 8. for Sive practice voted Best in Aim.) .11 Ferriaie last approval avrl $275 and up needed to share cable by Spectator ' medal: .: unity 11; st. ei‘lu (38R 1 58A to borrow. No Triangle duplex 00 Priess Co. 870-5080 Money Pernament Full Time application fees High Career Wake Fr rest Rd tpcocom Positron Fabulous low and rains approval 8351) run Call Heather at Benefits Room for Rent interest rates and good or ApplyMail Fax Resume to F a iiv Mat. hing suit 6% 3915 credit welcome Call Oberlin Animal Hospital or: ., .- :f‘. '3'1 share Nut. winking female cola Female subleaser needed not 1-888-698-1301 toll»free 1216 Oberlin Rd Raleigh. it in kit ‘l‘Orl table regu-age l'iJOtT‘imalQ need— for Spring semester first NC 27608 834-4045. .1." ’r, . ‘:.tl '“l'lrg (l‘it'ilTS erl Snare iiBH 48A condo floor Lake Park Washer, Help Wanted attention Debbie Also .1; Lake Park own phone line turintei‘Viewmg on campus SKIS myr‘tl'»T Ol utilities dryer. Call Heather at Great fall semester lob. Tues Nov 28th 9930 Pruitt.» room bath Closet nished Excellent wages No late 1.30pm Sign up 111 W I? rt slw.tsher, nicely 816—8106 or Sunday work Call Patterson Hall or drop off sh.: iiVlt'Ig kitchen Anyone off-campus look night Codi“ 1 it 'ir‘rT‘JltlL} .‘ftft‘r furl movrng company for resume Jul .2001 Nickayla ing to move on campus to local l‘U‘v . “)‘4 Lowest Le-ISE iriterviow 3628355 the front large room in Evening work available pricei . " bikes Tuneup 8544244 It so cal. BARTENDERS NEED- Mon thru Thurs 6—9pm :7?" l- r~.-t.- .Ii Lii’iw‘fit‘iPS Flot‘imirrate wanted for Bragaw“ at 5124252 ED'” Earn 515-30hr Job StO/hr plus bonus Info .vilt‘ I'v‘W bikes “Ell «180 ABA co-ed apt W D. Anthony extensron 2 placement aSSistance is gathering Casual dress HillSl.‘ll u-t' HISBJ‘BBE ill’lllSllC‘d living kitchen. priority. Raleigh's 10mm from campus off of Closed ‘s‘ved on Wolflrne Available Jan, 28D at Lake P.qu Condos top Bartending School Call Glenwood Ave. Call Tracy L500! S300month» plus 14 01.; 5320 rent for tor information about 571-0888. Homes For Sale utilities Call 8473472 utilities Call Blair for more now Fall tuition special Otter Enthusrastic Sales Female roommate needed into 828-0097 ends PT or FT Olrl Runyon area. beauti‘ Mr lti‘ly-ltlrnlsl‘ied 489 UniverSity Oak 1 rnnrri tor soon" Have tun' Make Assocrates. AMPMweekends. or iii 5r” tar-drwrin. tilr'iir 11;? .i' The Abbey. avail- rent in 4BDABA :.rir'iuo rniiney‘ Meet przople' 6761110.41 1' r rr’ii‘ri'iutii‘s .‘lbli- apring 2001 Call Includes W D. water. near 0 7 7 4 combination. SB/hr +sales 0301M": incentives Must be avail. 5l1.i'i‘;l‘ 35- 3693 Woiflrne hrqf‘vspeed inter. www cricktallmrxer com able to work through Dec connection SBQSmri f‘l' .ilrv t . Fm ,ir. roommate for net 31 except for Holidays. Available .Jnii 1 38A 526017110000 +uiilities Apply in person at The i'lt. . .v‘til“.‘v ”Tl; ,‘lHl 'l‘l-A .18!) p.25 is,, .1 4 ”till11.»; Or. Wollline 1:;t Ca11851<3982 Globetrotter. North Hills Mail. or Cameron Villiage .l' l ‘ ‘3‘ ‘r'. .i' lL.-1i|Arnnri:a (1 233-1357 . 11:4 11- . 'M :.l WK 1 itT'ltlalG nun-smoker PT posrtion available at ;_..ii/ "w. l i 43‘ nowiwi lriri 1st to shat» upscale children's it‘w 28R 1 E18A within walking research snap Fun 141mm to VJrsrty Rent is atmosphere and flexrble $997 5.4) 1 2 utilities Call hours Call 852—0550 ring ii'ill IIOIIICIEPTMG APPHUIIOIIS! ' . Bahamas Pam. Cnflse 12"9 Honda ‘3 l l l) lanuuca \119 Cancun 8.199;? 1H.84.186. Llillll temporary, lul -lit le and part-time positions. flexiblesdieilales. $8.25 per hour. Positions begin Deternber l lot the 2030for season throughlune 200i ; Dullesiniltide: ooeninglsortirtgfor returns, rallying/similartat iiiloritialioii and filing, Requires llS diploma or GED. Pt/leyoortrdiiig oiill/or IU-lieycalculatorskillsare it plus. “'Ill apolitanlsaresubiari lo a aimiiiol liotlrgrouod titerli'" Formar:itilorti aliari oronapplication]pleasetwill: Il Dior.atlittoral Perioriiiolll lite Alta; Kimlotto Elliot2233 Raleigh.Ill2760 (iii) 733-730 Buildinglocation: Sil l . WilmingtonSt. Need Gas Servers Wanted Part-time. Flexible Hours ' Starting Pay Up To $8.50 0 Hours: 3:00pm - 7:30pm Vacation Time Accrued Immediately 0 10 Minutes From Campus ' Free Meals (fall Ray at Woodland Terrace 919.465.0356 The Little Gym of NRaleigh PT help wanted Fun energetic rob working wrth children Individual must be extremely depend» able and have previous experience With children Weekends required 5940 hr depending on experr once Please call 876. 1391 for more inIOrrnatron A high energy. Cary recruiting ottice is looking for college students to perform multiple office tasks Must be available to work 15‘ fleXibIe hours per week Great Pay”" If interested e-rnail resume to GEORGlAn‘PATLlCATA COM Part-time help needed for Cary warehouse Flexi le days 8. hours. 9-5 Now weegends. Call 469 "Catering Works'near NCSU seeks delivery staff. i’M-Fi6:30am~9 30am lM-Flgi30am<1 00pm lM—FiZDOpm-e 00pm SBOOlhr, 2 shifts wk minimum Call Paul at 8285932 (2pm—5pml HIRING for all posrtions PTFFT tor small animal clinic in Cary 469-8086 Sylvan Learintng Center in Cary Garner is looking for a math tudor who is competant in teaching students through Alg l Math instructors are needed P T on MW or TrH evenings Call Michele 8588103 Woodland Terrace. Cary's newest upscale retirement community Servers needed. 10mm from campus Starting wage up to $8.50/hr Flextble scheduling, out by 7:30pm Call 465-0365 x106. CHARLOTTE. NC VALET PAHKERS Parking Solutions has posrtrons available during the holidays. Wage plus tips. Call Gary (704)3771755. Kennel Asst/Receptionists postitions available. Town and Country Kennel. Apex. Call Jo or Gail at 387-7833. Servers neded for Irish pub near downtown. Above average tips and flextble scheduling. Stop by the Hibernian at 311 Glenwood Ave. . Policy Statement CU ups \‘runtt-d St‘t'ri‘r l’v . Elmratrii i’:.-wrwi:;.t. i Escalator llvltit=lll.1.‘t.iritit1 Facility in Cliiittiti NC a seeking 33 EllLi"‘rl‘t‘ll'«:j copps for Spring :w“1119‘s fer .ME IE. zinrttai‘t Chuck Spot! a 010-5005467 Or NCQU L‘ imp otttce tor deLiil-s Now hiring .111 00510011“: 1. r Ouizno 5 subs at the Royal BCIKE’T‘,‘St ‘54.i)I‘. Hillsboroiiriii 1601 Summer 2001 PAID Internship EARN OVER $6000 GAIN HANDS. ON" BUSINESS EXPEHI ENCE FOR YOUR RESUME APPL» AT WWW.TU|Tl0N— PAINTERSCOM NOW HlRlNG for the Holidays' THE RALEIGH GRANDE 0113095,?!llltn'riltl’ in north Raleigh otters ltPtf‘ movres. tlextblc hurris double pay on holidays and special urtiplnyeo showrrigs’ Stop by ft»: box office or r:.ilf tudziy .il far. 9000 BARTENDEHS .‘IAKE $100-$250 PER NIGHT' NO EXPERIENCE NEEDV ED' CALL NOW" 1 801". 981-8168.?“ 9035 Opportunity Fraternities Sororities Clubs Student Groups Earn 81000-82 000 this semester With the easy campusfundraiser corn three hour lundrdisrng event No sales required Fundrarstng dates are hit ing doickly so call today' i O D l a l l Campusiuridraiser .zorir git (888) 923-3238. or Visit wwaampustundraisei r. om IT‘S YQUR INTERNET. PROFIT FROM IT FIND our HOWI! wwwgoingpletlunum. corralmember/mvandyke» Also, receive $50 when you open an onlirie account with CompuBank rated tit online Bank by Smart Money (Free basrc Checking. VISA Check Card. Free ist set 01 Checks. FDIC Member. direct deposrt of your Gorng Platinum Earnings) See websiite for details Looking for eyewitness Thenc- was a car ar‘cvdent .ll the“- intersrwtron ot GUT’TLIH St and Ligolr St Sunday two weeks ago 1175-00. around 5 30pm If anyone 8(th the rill ident please. email me it rkr)a unityricsuedu MUSIC lANS starting .Qurntri. original tour letld r31 Raleigh arenllll‘_l\ some iazz. hip-hot) imp 10Ck PAYlNG GlGS' NATIONWIDE Email riewfunkbandlg‘69!com Spring Break l E-irly Specials' Sprno live 2k BaliillldS Patty Livilse' S Din $5.978" includes Meals. Parties' Awwscnne Beaches. ngllllllt'" Departs From Fiprrda' Ciel Group- Go F r .1 e l " apriirgbr .iktravelcom 1-‘ 800le «386 SPRING BREAK 2001 Jariiaim Cancun. Florida 'rttirliudrirr. liflllitlnaS. Purim» Now Hiring Campus Heps Earn. Free Trim Firm Meals Book by Nov 3rd Call for FREE info or‘ www sunsplashtours com 1-800-4207710 at Spring Break Vacations' Best Prices Guaranteed' Cancun. li‘iitiriica Bahamas 8. Florida Sell Trips. Earn: rant. ‘8. (fro Freii' Now hii int; Campus Reps 1 800 .1334 7007 urrdlesssprri iitertours com “‘ACT NOW! GUARAN TEE THE BEST SPRING BREAK PRICES! SOUTH PADRE CANCUN‘ JAMAICA BAHAMAS ACAPULCO. FLORIDA 8.l MARDIGRAS REPSi NEEDED TRAVEL FREE. EARNSSS GROUP DISCOUNTSl FOR 6+ 8008388203/9 W W W L E l S U R ETOURS COM Spring Break Cancun 8. Jamaica from 8419 Including Free Drinks 8. Food! Don't take a chance buying your trip ‘ from a company hun~ : dreds of miles away- too i many scains' Call or stop l; by our otfice at 133 5 E. Franklin St in Chapel Hill l Springbreaktravelcom 1800-678-6386 year. We understand tltat and lust lime to be tough enough to handle that." Wake Forest (59 Michigan (Tuesday. 7 p.m.. ESPN) \Vttlse l‘lll‘L‘Sl. the l: t‘ttttkeLl teatti iii the country. heads into Ann Arbor to take on .\liLhigan The Demon Deacons are 44) and Iiaye looked intpressiye. shooting oyer 5t) percent in each of their first tour games. Wake has been led in scoring unexpectedly by llltllttt' st\th» inait (‘raig Dawson i 18.3 points per game). and are atichored by tumor Darius Songalia and sea-tor Robert ()‘Kelley. Michigan is a disappointing 3.. I and out ol~ tlte top 25. losing its opening gattte to Oakland. Wake head coach l)a\c ()Llottt helte\es that eyents sttclt as the ICC/Big Tett Lhillettge \Hll eyeittttally catch oit around the country. "All ot college basketball bettel'tts trom eyettts sttch as these and l uouldn‘t be surprised it other coitl'et'ettces around the country ha\e their oun ot't'shoots ol this.” (Mom said. Georgia Tech Iowa t'l‘uesday. 9:30 p.m.. ESPNZ) (leoi'gia 'l‘eclt comes in at 4—0 under ttrst year head coach Paul lleysitt. loysa comes lit at 3-“ unth secottd year head coaclt Steye .-\llord. \ylio has also brought in one ol the top iecrutting classes in the coun» try Tech starts three ol their lite seniors. led by seyen lootei' .-\|\ iit Jones. Northwestern (LII (‘lemson (Tuesday. 7:30 p.m.. ESPNZ) Nortlmestern and (‘letnsott come in \\llll identical 2-! records but appear to be head— ing in opposite directions. The Wildcats lost their opener to .-\rkaitsas-l-ittle Rock. and lime “on two straight o\er Maryland Eastern-Shore and Vermont. The Tigers. meanyshile. come in having lost oiin to 10thranked Seton Hall by a mere point. "It's a great thing [to he playiitg agatttst the ACT]. I ~iUst \sish my teatn \\ as playing a little better.” \‘LttLl Wildcats head coach Bill (‘artttody The Tigers “Ill look to Will Solottton. last season‘s ACC‘ scoring leader. to add to his already impressive totals this year (34 points per game. four assists per contest). Penn State @ N.C. State (Wednesday, 9:30 p.m.. ESPNZ) This is a retnatch from last year‘s NIT final four in New York. where N.(‘. State lost to Penn State iii the consolation game alter losing to Wake Forest. The Nittany lions at'e L'oittiitg oll a huge upset otet' Kentucky at Rupp .A\t'ena met the \seek» end. Brothers Joe iseniort and .loii isophoinoret ('rispin. coin bated for 57 points against Kentucky tor the Lions. State comes in liming beaten ('harleston Southern handily on Saturday night. but a neck eaiv “er the V‘Voll‘pack lttLtkL‘Ll lilk’lv luster iit getting bloun otit by ("harlotle at home in the (‘oSlDA Classic. The Pink is I—() in the .»\("('/Big Ten Challenge. liming upset Purdue on Justin (jaiiteys last»secoitd jumper last year. TITLE . r' M‘ a each ()lanreuatti “as the \\'ollp.ick's top reboundet \sith ll l‘ittlt'tls " I his is a big \\ tn hit us.“ said You. “Once again otir Lletettse \\as a key lor Us." Shanna lldt‘lllittt and l)aita (‘ltei‘i‘y. ulto scored II and HI points iespectnely, led \tkaltsas The Pack held the Ra/ot'back‘s leading sL'oiei. tltieespoittt tltt'eat \Vendi \\'il|tts. to rust three points on one ol II\L' \ltitttltllgl State LlL‘lL‘dIL‘Ll Northern Illinois o8 W l riLlay morning in tlte last round ot the (‘lassic at the lttt\eisity ol llauatt l'he l‘aLk iitittpcd on the Huskies early. grabbing a 35- I9 halftime lead. "I thought otir defense US strong today \shieh gaye US some opportunities on the other end ot. the tloor." You said. "We basically played tyso units. subbing t'i\e at a tittte \\ll|L‘ll allotted us to tune lresh people iii the game attd increase otir deteitsiie intensity." The Pack held Northern Illinois to 36 percent troitt the t’looi'. including holding the llusktes top scorer. ls't'istatt ls'nake. to (H3 tor the game. State also torced l7 turnoyers and recorded se\en blocked shots. Leo is led State \\ itlt H points. three assists. a rebound. a steal and a blocked shot in 27 minutes ol action. Sophomore lttl'\\ ai‘Ll Moody earned her lirst career start today and posted her last career doiiblealouhle \\llll l2 points and It) rebounds The Pack shot 47S percent lTUlll the floor in the game and out-rebounded Nll' 4t-3s. State also had a strong showing I't'oin the [TCC Iltt‘tm line connecting on ..| ot 2‘) attempts lot 734 percent. ()lanreualu connected it” seyen ol' seven tree llll'tt\\s on her “tiy to a career~|ttgh II points in addition to her st\ rebounds. Amelia |.abaLloi. playing in l'i'ont ol' taitiily itietit hers that reside in llauaii. lttt tour ol' the “Old goals to score a career-high time points. (‘liristen Greene tecoi'deLl a career-high the blocked shots tit tlte contest. ASHTON . t’.;.... llllL‘. Hut ll State does some day play litl‘ a Lhatttptoitsliip. this team shotild be tL-iiieitibeicd as the one that started It all .li'ri‘mt .I \ll/HII '\ L‘HlllHlIh ‘ Lip/Mir on llll'\rlti‘\\ Hz i‘rm lie ii'tii‘ltul Lil </".‘~1/l or [Lilli/t(ii/ital 1mm in \H i ilti. iii Limit, Minnesota (t,b FSL‘ (Wednesday, 8 p.m.. ESPN Regional) 5'? Gome join c assz'fi. 9 our team KE‘OPENINQ SOON AT CAMERON VILLAGE. RALEIGH Inactogslore.com ‘ . enters Florida State Wednesday night's game l»3. haying already lost to the likes of Florida. Ohio State and DePaul. Minnesota enters this game 4-l.having lost the final of the Hauait l’acit'ie Thanksgiving (‘lussle to Georgetoun. l)on Moiisoit enters his second season as head coach ot. the (iolden Gophers. looking to rebound I'rom the Clem Haskins tiaseo. Florida State and Minnesota are one of three pairings in \shich each teain won its inaugural game iii the AFC/Big Ten challenge last year. READ THE LATEST ISSUE OF AMER lCANA. unlt/ (Hr—line trl www.anutricanaulu CAFE CAROLINA . lRllCapithiinlo. j at GRIDIIEIRCOM I \0 III. ‘ \LSI I): Tim tit \iiiIt Qualiu. listtal’rire Ilonct 8.:IC.iirtntcec AND BAKERY 0 FLEXIBLE HOURS 0 PART TIME 0 FULL TIME O FUNA TMOSPHERE ! O WEEKLY PAY CHECKS i CALL BILL BAirrit t9 l9t845 5525 ‘ HENREDON line li1r111iurc’ ENGINEERING CO- OPS NEEDED .Ileehumcul Engineers: Industrial Engineers, Agricultural Engineers Anyone interested in nor/Ling H Ill PIUdULt and IluntI/LIL‘Iuruigr Engim’ers on \chtat P: o £71glllc’t'f‘ prUlLL“ We will be on campus for a co-op orientation on Thursday, November 30, and for interviews on Friday, December 1. The positions are located in Morganton at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, close to greats kiing, hiking, biking and camping. Free housing is provide d. Sign up today at Peele Hall for an interview. li'isit us a! "NHL/1t'Ill't‘(/()Il.(‘()111 . ‘ ‘ . TTENTlIlll: N080 BOMMIITEII TTA is on the move with additional routes to serve NCSU commuters. Bftertjuurs TTA has started noati Itotrr routes sonrtno Garner. Itowntown ltalolottfififlantl lit? with transfers to Ilttrliam amt chattel lllll. LI5+EFI Edl'ilF’UE E+d+IElFl EtE'5+ Il'l l'ilUEtIL'. dIl'Ei l--llElUl" +El l'cidIE] FEll' +l-iE' E'LE’EH'Ell'IIE BF+El'l-iElUl"5 E'UE‘I'l-l 5+i:ll'+Il'|'3 “A's expanded can routes sortie Aviation Parkman. llavis Itritre. Weston Parkway. control can. [IIIEIJono Ilotirtown ltaleiolt a” \ Gall 549-9999 tor intormation and to request a Fall 2000 i 1 2 7A : with and sLheduk broLlime ... F “Lt-you! or obtain ttom the Ni.Sll ltanspo rtation ottitel é“ 'bi-../ Triangle Transit Authority www.rideTTA.org MEIER III!“lip these (oupons and take "WHEEL-me-way ridLs on TTA. I V 0 N E WAY 0N! WAY lilEll"l"+l-iLl i:l+ s aso 8so E:l.'.ll:lFl'i'l LIIHI'IE.EII'9.«’::IF+E‘I"hElUF5.-" mm'91itinnoonauma au uotvumsn s soso S so l l'l0002"9i1 3l0o13 fl0 i“OVU" fl s? ~9qu will 8:; so}: triad itii ort0003aowaoao uo:vu'"sn . : sit ~93»: wil§ 3;; L03. 0003'9!1"II000030 13 90 “Otvu'"sn sit abs-q sogi; 8;; s93 this"'91J0003aomaoao itii D ”OiVLl'"5fl SCORES \o L'Imex xtlicdiiltd SCHEDULE t‘ootball ix Miiinexoia lZ/Itx’ M. Baxketball \x. Penn St. l l/Z‘). mil) W Baxlxetball m S Carolina IZ/4 \\rextliiig lax \egax liiiiiriei. ll’.‘ Sixiinming. Georgia lmit.. ll/l—3 Tuesdav u OrtS f o o t b a / / Defying An encore l0ll eC eii ACC VS. Big Ten OACC and Big Ten schools will lace oil tonight and Wednesday night in a chance to claim conference superiority. \\ex‘ Putnam x i" \\ 'llie xecond .illlllt.il \l’attlii l‘I‘axl Conference iii; lei: ( hilleriee bit’lx\ I‘ll tonight \\itli a lioxi i I g...ii.-x Each Icaii: lioiii l"' \t'( \\lll pl.i_\ one team loan the l‘l _‘_‘ li‘l!. \\lill tour to be pla) ed tonight .iiid ll'I c on \\ cdiiextlai Illinois (~i Duke l l‘uesda). 9 p.rn.. ICSPM ‘l'liix could be the iiiaiiiiiee match up ot the \(1' Hi; lent liallii‘ei liiixt )ear head coaili liill \ell liax liix lllnioix xiiiiad l-l and ranked eieiiili l ‘. the cotintr) entering liiextl.i_\\ fjalllc‘ in (ireenxboi'o .Ij:.iiiixt the lltlllll‘t‘l one liltie l)e\le. llinoix ix .oi'iiiig oll _. xii-it“ x"-IiI. in: ill the \l iiii (’iaxxii lam-i \t'.'\l~. .\lie:.- the l'iglitiiig' lll i: ll l‘llttlx loll a pelt l \l \ \tllltltl and \laii land, lieloie loxiiie to then ltllltll‘c‘l one \ll./Hll.1 in tlie ellitllllllt‘ll‘xlllll game l)iil\e toiiiex iii tiexli oil of a "iit‘x‘ thraxliiiie oi \iiiii \ iiiiitla} night .iiid \\inx oxei l'e\.ix .lllil Zenipie to capture the title in ltl\l \\eeix'x l’iexeaxon \l l‘ lll \ladixoii \ipmu liaiilcn l'\(‘ U \lichigan State t\\e(lnexda_\. 7:30 p.tn.. hSPNZi Vl‘llh j‘ ill ‘ \lli"llil l‘Ii llltlcl‘ iiioic liotli L‘Illllc‘xtc‘il llia'i taxi juiat'x iniicliiiip. \\liicli \llilll:,'.tli \iale "\\t‘ll ltat‘idl I\ lit (liapel llii.’ lacli learn .iiiiiex iii laxll .iiixiiie \\llll 1H ietoitlx. "tit iiiicxuoiix or leai leixliip loom large toi l‘IIlll ieainx \oitli tf .iioiiiia \\lll iiiixx itx iiooi ecncial lioiii lllk laxl l-Itii \eaxx Ell i ll t VIti although the lleclx li.i\e .idetitiatc replat eiiiciiix not tic-texxai iljx at point giniid it :ili live l'otte. liietidan llaiiiooil l\ll\ l an; and l.l\lill ('api‘l Michigan \tate docxn‘t ict lion ion lllllill ol .iii iiiip. ti llli' lox. o: in llll guard iliiiii iri-iiei.il \liti'eiii . ~ .Lliil .\lilll'l\ l’fili‘lxiil‘ lit lllc \l$\ I‘..1l ll.i\i' \ltill lhlllx‘lH l.t.'c'\ l‘l\ lllxl lltii' lc‘xl .i\ heltl LK‘ itli ol ilie llet lx. :‘tit 'Iitxji t iiiiiid the tone li cam xclieiltiliiie "'\\t iI' .mititl to plai ill" Il‘lt‘llillltL‘ national .liaiiipionx.” llo'Ii.-: i. x.iid "llie_\ liaic l;‘lc.ll teazii Purdue (a \ irginia i'l'iiex’da). 7 p.in.. l,Sl’,\i llie Buileiiirakcix .xiiiie iii (‘liarlottexi ille on the llt't‘l\ oi .i xtiininii; iipxet o\ei number one \iimna. \iliitli \\ iped the bail taxte iIl u l_i\l xi'citlltl ltiIttIt‘ loxx to ('eiitial \licliieaii -itit iIl l’tiIiliic'x moiitlix l’cte (iillcii‘x \‘i;:tiii.i learn ix iotiiie "l\\e] .ireii l readi Ioi :i team like l’iirdiie." (iillen xaid The (lnx coiild ll\ .tllil attack l‘iii‘diie x l'ronteourt. \ilneh ix lacking lieielit .iiiei Brian ('ariliiial'x departure 'o the piox "lt‘x goin: l\‘ he one ol lliiixc :attlcx \\ here _\oii got iiio llixllllit'll ll\lliL' to gut gtt}x to do \\lial iii" \\atil them to: xaiil Curdue head coach ( ieiic lxeailx Direction: Above Scooter Sherrill and the Pack will take on Penn St. in the ACC/Big Ten . Challenge. . '. ,. Direction: Right Archie Miller started his first gameof the season Saturday night against Charleston Southern. . ». . Maryland vs. Wisconsin l\\'ednesda_\'. 9 p.rn.. ESPN) lzacli team coinex into thix game \\llll lillel e\pectatioiix tor the year \\itli all the tlmicx head coach (Ear) V\'i|liamx hax done lot the \l.ii'_\ land l‘lilv cram. lie lt.tx neiei taken it beiond the \\Ieei lb l)lc‘l\ lieiiiieii‘x liadeeix are coming oil a l-inal loin xi‘axiitt ‘l‘liix game \\Ill leatiiie .1 toiitiaxl ol xl}lt‘\ \1.ir‘}laiid'x .itliletic. uptempo oi lettxe .igairixt tlie Haileeix knock tlt'\\ll. dragroiit ilelenxe. "'l‘he} pla) great del'eiixe. and their plaierx ll.l\L‘ bought into Dick Beniictt‘x x) xtein.” \Villiainx xaid. Due to liix team‘x liming to pla} three earnex laxt neck in the Main ('laxxic. latieue might be a concern lor Mar) land. though \\illiainx tliinlxx hi.x team \iill be read). "I don't think it‘ll be a lactor becauxe \\C 1101 httc‘lx ll‘ltht) ttlltl t'att ltiiik \UlliL‘ time till he xaid. “You ha\ e to be able to do thix \\ ith the xehediile that it e liai e iliix Ber: ACC Khan 7‘ Pack takes Wahine title l'lic Pack ix pli_\ing \\itlioiit l-rexliiiiaii Adeola ()lanreiiaiii to a quick Ml lead betorc the ti' \l.i:.‘ lx' ix it Ilk xci\iux oi three ol itx top had team hiehx ol' l2 rebotmdx Pack rexponded. 'l'hroiighoiit lt‘lll \ciil'ctx. \\llt) arc out “it“ and tour xtetilx and alxo added the game there new ll lead \ C State x 1nd raiilxcd knee iiiiiiriex xe\ en pointx tor the Woltpack charigex. \Iiiinen'x baxlxetball teaiii ”We xcored a xeaxon—liigh State xliot 4-1.(i percent iroin The Pack trailed b) one at the ileleatetl .\ri/ona State <45] m l7 pointx in the championxliip the lloot‘ lol' the {Jalttt' “title hall. the cliainpionxliip game III the came and .ilxo contributed l‘our limiting Ari/ona State came out xtrong iii the \\aliiiie ('laxxic to uni the .i\xixtx and lltt'L‘L‘ reboundx State to 34 percent. The Sun xeeond hall. “1”] Mood) xcor merit lor the \L‘ttilltl time in Sophomore toi'iiard (‘arixxe l)e\i|x made up ground at the mg the l'irxt tour pointx ol‘ the xcliool liixtor) Mood} contributed ll pottilx. l'rec»thro\i line. hitting.v l4 ol IX xecorid hall to giie the 'l'iriexlia l-k'm‘ “"1 ”W the reboiindx and three attemptx “line the Pack made \\"oll'pack a three~point lead. \\olipick throughout the tour blocked xhotx in the three ol' xix atteriiptx l‘roiii the “1 Mix proud of the way our lld lllL‘lll and um named the “In Mood). \\ ho plaied \\ell line. learn played today" You Mlltl. \\tilnnc ('ltixxlc Moxt Valuable throughout the entire toiirna Betx) Boardrnan. \\ ho xeored "We hung in there through l’laier merit, viax named to the all, in pointx. led ASl'. Amanda write of .~\rl\anxa.x' runs and "lt mix a great tournament for tournament team. Leverix and Melody .lohnxon. fought our way back into the itx." xaid Kai You. who ix “T_\ nexlia and (‘arixxe are both contributed l3 and l2 each. game." xcien \\mx .xh} ol' her til)tlth playingy realh \\‘ell l’or us right State edged :\t'l\‘att,\;tx 48—46 l.e\\ix and Mood) led State career \lL‘lUr) "l \\ax teall) rioii.”xaid \‘(,“_~~ The) xtepped to advance to Sunday ',x champi- with IS pointx apiece. The duo proud of hon ei‘er)one xtepped tip and led the team thix ixeelx- oiixhip game. alxo contributed xix rebounds ,, ,. .- I, t iiptheirgame.” end." Fhe Ra/orbackx jumped out See TITLE Page 7 State won three in Hawaii. expectations \\ild regular xcaxon came to a \\lltl eiid l'or N.(' State Satmda} at (‘arter-l‘inlei Stadium. The \Vollpaek liiiixhed (‘liiick Amato‘x lu‘xt )ear ax head coach \\lllt a raiii-xoalxetl ‘iZ-l-i “I" m er \Valxe l-orext. l'olloiiing the \ictor). liapp} State plaierx xlid acroxx the llltltltl} end lone. celebrating in lront ol~ lliL‘ 3".H:l taiix that lHtH ed the \\ eather ; conditionx _ ,, J lt‘ xee the garnet J8 re my III u “in. ASthfl lhe .xc‘t‘tlt‘ ——‘—'—"" \\ax a Pt‘l‘lt‘tfl metaphor for the ltiiitl‘all lt'tlltt'x \t‘dxtitt. State continuall) dealt \\itli liardxhip but made the bext ol' the xitiia~ lion and pi'exxed on. The Pack entered the )ear piclxed to t'inixli xeienth in the Allulille (.ottxl (Vitttl‘c‘t‘ettc't‘. State \\ax e\pected to do \ei'_\ little \\itli a l-llNl’lllllC head coach. a lt'ethari quarterback and little depth. Yet ax December approacliex. the Pack lookx better than it hax in iearx, .-\inato. the lll'\lrlllllk' head coach. energi/ed the pro gram and created an iriterext in football that hax oierxhadoited the xtart ol baxlxetball xeaxon. Philip Rnerx. the t‘rexliinan quarterback. ix .i xiire thing loi‘ :\('(‘ Rookie ol' the Year. .\llil 'itttlt‘ Ix headed to le xi‘cottd appearance in tlie .\licronpc.coni lioiil in three )earx alter a 7 J regular xeaxon. lhe l’ack xpent the entire xea» xon oieracliim my. 'l‘het'e ix del imtcl} raiA talent on tliix team. xiicli ax Roerx. |.e\ ar l‘t\llL‘l‘ and Koren Robmxon lint State realI) went into the )eai oiitinaiined \\llll a roxter lackingy depth at \irtiiall) eiei‘) l‘lt\llltill. .\lll;llt\ tallied during' the \ltlllr mer aboitt lion liix pla} ei'x need~ ed to iinprme then with ethic and pla) \\itli paxxioii 'l‘lie) did both tliix xeaxoii. \ihich reall_\ xltim ed on the field. 'l'hix team \\on \\itli xheei‘ determination and \\lllpti\\c'l. xometliing that became eiident earl) iii the _\ear ii} .ill rielilx. State xlioiildn't liaie beaten \i‘kiiiixax State or lndiana. con~ xidei'ing the poxitioiix it mo in near lltt‘ L‘tltl til lhiixe c'titllI.'\l\. l‘lie Pack \tiltlL‘llti\\ loiiiid \\.t)\ to come baclx and pull out \ icto t‘lex -l‘l]tl\k' [\\ti gtttttc‘N xet the tone tor the text ol the xeaxon \\itli lltc‘ t‘\L‘CPllHtt (Il ti 5hr l4 liixx In Florida State. the Pack \\ax in C\L‘t‘_\ game it piped right tip until the clock liit /ero, l{\en \\ hen State began loxiiig pl;i_\erx to initiriex. the team lxept lightin; exer} time out. State‘x lieart xlio\\ed tip on xo man) oecaxionx tliix )ear. lt \\ax put on lull dixpla} in l'our laxtr minute or oiet‘tmie \ietoriex. lt xiirl'aced iii Fixher when he recorded Ill tacklex in that blimoiit loxx againxt l-Sl’. And it could he xeeri in Riierx \\ hen he pl;i_\ ed inoxt iii a game againxt Mankind \\ith a xlight xhoulder xeparatioii. one oi man) e\ainplex ol State plaierx \\ ho pla)ed him. And “line no one elxe e\pect~ ed much from it. State xet itx :Joalx high and achieied man} ol them. The l’aclx linatl} ended itx loxing xtrealx to North (‘arolina beating the Tar lleelx .ltx'rlll lt xitept itx iiirxtate ri\alx l NC. Ulllxt‘ arid Wake. The team ix alxo headed to a bo\\l game. a lilting reitard l'or itx L'llUTIS. (‘hancellor Marie Anne l'ox xaid bet'ore Amato arriied at State that xlie \\atitx the football program III be a perennial national title contender. That goal ix xtill )earx amt) from becoming a reality. Amato needx to add depth and xpeed bel'ore the Pack can exert lhlnl\ about contending tor a confer ence title. Inuch lexx a national See ASHTON Page 7
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