1st International Conference of Doctors` Unions


1st International Conference of Doctors` Unions
In our view, mutual exchange of ideas and international
cooperation becomes increasingly important as doctors
around the world face similar issues. The conference
therefore provides a platform for the exchange of ideas
and knowledge on topics that are important for salaried
doctors. The main conference topics will be on working
time arrangements and the migration of doctors.
The Marburger Bund is the alliance of all employed
physicians in Germany. As a trade union we engage in
creating better working conditions and call for
adequate payment of hospital doctors in Germany.
With more than 117,000 members the Marburger Bund
is Europe’s largest doctors’ association with voluntary
1st International Conference
of Doctors‘ Unions
13-14 June 2016 in Berlin
On an international level the Marburger Bund is a
member of the European Federation of Public Service
Unions (EPSU), the European Junior Doctors Permanent
Working Group (EJD) and the EFMA Forum. Additionally
we regularly participate in the meetings of the Standing
Committee of European Doctors (CPME) and the World
Medical Association (WMA) as an observer.
Tuesday, 14th June 2016
Monday, 13th June 2016
Breakfast at the hotel
Registration and lunch
1. Welcome and opening speech
5. Presentation: Cornerstones of the European
Working Time Directive
2. Keynote speech: Migration of doctors
(Brain-Drain & Brain-Gain)
6. Snapshots from around the world:
Working time arrangements for doctors
3. Snapshots from around the world:
Outcomes of doctors‘ migration and
integration of foreign doctors
7. Discussion: What can unions do to achieve
improvement of doctors‘ working conditions
Farewell and lunch
4. Discussion
How can doctors‘ unions support each
other on an international level?
Poster presentations throughout both days
Boat tour and dinner
To participate in the 1st International Conference of Doctors’
Unions please register online by the 29th of February 2016!
Where is the conference held?
Who can participate in the conference?
The conference venue will be announced shortly on the
conference website.
All doctors’ unions or medical associations that engage in
collective bargaining for doctors may participate in the
What are the aims of the conference?
We intend to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas
and knowledge on topics that are important for salaried
doctors. If the discussions show that there is enough
common ground, the outcome could be the formulation of
a resolution on working time arrangements and/or
migration of doctors.
Are there any obligations in attending the conference?
There are no obligations whatsoever attached in attending
the conference. We would appreciate your engagement in
sharing your knowledge and experience. If you wish, you
may register for a poster presentation or snapshot presentation on doctors’ migration into/out of your country
and/or working time arrangements for doctors in your
Which languages will the conference be held in?
Simultaneous interpretation will be offered in active and
passive form in English, French, Spanish and German
language. Depending your preferences and the number of
participants we might be able to offer further languages.
Please let us know what you require and feel free to
register to give a presentation in your mother tongue.
What does participation in the conference cost?
Participation in the conference is free of charge. The
Marburger Bund, however, does not cover the cost of
travel and accommodation.
The venue will be located centrally in Berlin and well in
reach from the international airports and the main train
station. A detailed description of how to find the venue
will be sent to you after registration.
When registering, please state whether you require
accommodation. We will provide you with possible
hotels in close proximity to the conference venue.
Please state the number of required rooms and your
date of arrival/departure.
How can I participate in the conference?
To participate in the 1st International Conference of
Doctors’ Unions please register online by
the 29th of February 2016!
BERLIN – well worth visiting
Berlin's combo of glamour and grit is
bound to mesmerise anyone keen to
explore its vibrant culture, cutting-edge
architecture, fabulous food, intense
parties and tangible history (Lonely
Register now!
Secure your place before
the 29th of February 2016!
Marburger Bund
Reinhardtstr. 36
10117 Berlin
Andrea Barclay
Tel.: +49 30 746 846 -43
Ruth Wichmann
Tel.: +49 30 746 846 -30
Email: conference@marburger-bund.de