accounting firms
accounting firms
14 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL THE LIST THE PACESETTER: The Los Angeles office of PricewaterhouseCoopers is the largest accounting firm with an office in Los Angeles County. The New York firm has 1,610 accounting professionals in its local office, up from 1,472 a year ago. Overall, the local office employs 1,757 people, plus support staff. GROWTH: KPMG acquired Rothstein Kass last year. The firm’s local office moved to 550 S. Hope St. in June. February 16, 2015 Next week The Largest Labor Unions in L.A. County ACCOUNTING FIRMS Ranked by number of accounting professionals in L.A. County Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • address • accounting prof.1 • name • 2014 • year founded • website • total prof.2 • title • 2013 • offices • phone • CPAs (L.A./total) (current/year ago) 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PricewaterhouseCoopers 601 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles 90017 Ernst & Young 725 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles 90017 KPMG 550 S. Hope St., Suite 1500 Los Angeles 90071 Deloitte 555 W. Fifth St., Suite 2700 Los Angeles 90013 Nigro Karlin Segal Feldstein & Bolno 10960 Wilshire Blvd., Fifth Floor Los Angeles 90024 Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt 11444 W. Olympic Blvd., 11th Floor Los Angeles 90064 Gelfand Rennert & Feldman 1880 Century Park East, Suite 1600 Los Angeles 90067 BDO USA 1888 Century Park East, Fourth Floor Los Angeles 90067 McGladrey 515 S. Flower St., 41st Floor Los Angeles 90071 Moss Adams 10960 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100 Los Angeles 90024 1,610/1,472 1,757/1,624 WND/WND 1,254/1,096 1,486/1,304 412/308 1,091/936 1,091/936 292/WND 1,052/1,043 1,626/1,584 WND/350 262/255 275/268 38/54 accounting, audit, forensic, human capital advisory, internal audit, IT, M&A, regulation, risk mngt., tax, transaction accounting, audit, corp. finance, internal audit, risk mngt., tax, transaction, forensic, financial advisory audit, business mngt., corp. finance, forensic, internal audit, IT, tax, advisory New York 1865 1/758 accounting, audit, corp. finance, financial advisory, forensic, human capital advisory, internal audit, M&A, risk mngt., tax accounting, business mngt., estate planning, forensic, personal finance, royalty compliance, tax construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, M&A, hospitality, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail, tax professional service firms accounting, business mngt., entertainment, non-profit, estate planning, litigation sports, publishing, support, royalty compliance, merchandising, corporate tax, royalty, valuations executives accounting, audit, financial entertainment, financial, advisory, forensic, internal health care, insurance, audit, risk mngt., tax manufacturing, non-profit, real estate accounting, audit, financial apparel, financial, health care, manufacturing, media, advisory, internal audit, IT, risk mngt., tax, transaction retail, tech New York 1895 3/674 Brian Cullinan Market Managing Partner (213) 356-6000 Patrick Niemann Managing Partner, Greater Los Angeles (213) 977-3200 Mark Hutchins Office Managing Partner (213) 972-4000 Michelle Kerrick Managing Partner (213) 688-0800 Los Angeles 1981 1/5 Mickey Segal Managing Partner (310) 277-4657 West Los Angeles 1991 5/8 Los Angeles 1967 2/5 Philip J. Holthouse Managing Partner (310) 566-1900 Chicago 1910 1/58 Brad Schrupp/ Carl Sasaki Managing Partners (310) 557-0300 Joe Mazza Office Managing Partner, L.A. (213) 330-4600 Todd Van der Wel/ Roger Weninger Partner/Regional Managing Partner (310) 477-0450 $34,000 entertainment, financial, $32,100 health care, insurance, legal, manufacturing, real estate, retail, tech, telecom 27,400 entertainment, financial, 25,800 health care, media, real estate, retail, tech 24,820 entertainment, financial, 23,420 health care, insurance, manufacturing, real estate, tech 34,200 apparel, entertainment, 32,400 financial, health care, media, non-profit, real estate, retail, tech, telecom 61 entertainment, financial, 56 legal, media, non-profit, real estate, sports, music 238/220 238/220 149/142 100 87 208/181 213/185 44/37 WND WND 207/181 217/188 84/76 833 683 179/143 193/156 58/50 1,400 1,367 169/148 169/155 72/112 WND apparel, construction, WND entertainment, financial, health care, manufacturing, non-profit Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. In millions. WND - Would not disclose 1 2 3 accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, internal audit London 1903 2/WND New York 1897 3/793 Chicago 1926 1/75 Seattle 1913 2/24 Todd Gelfand Managing Partner (310) 553-1707 Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. Researched by David Nusbaum Continued on page 18 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 14 2/12/2015 5:52:24 PM 18 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL ACCOUNTING FIRMS the list February 16, 2015 Continued from page 14 Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff • address • website Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • name • accounting prof.1 • 2014 • year founded • title • total prof.2 • offices • phone • 2013 • CPAs (L.A./total) (current/year ago) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ACQUISITION: SingerLewak acquired Biggs & Co. last year. The new business segment for the group was named SLBiggs, a division of SingerLewak. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Member Types The different occupations of AICPA members 28 3% 2% 13% Retired Government Education 29 Member Types 30 46% 36 13 3 2 Miller Kaplan Arase 4123 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood 91602 CBIZ/Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.4 10474 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 200 Los Angeles 90025 CohnReznick 1900 Avenue of the Stars, 28th Floor Los Angeles 90067 RBZ 11766 Wilshire Blvd., Ninth Floor Los Angeles 90025 Grant Thornton 515 S. Flower St., Seventh Floor Los Angeles 90071 Gumbiner Savett Inc. 1723 Cloverfield Blvd. Santa Monica 90404 Gursey Schneider 1888 Century Park East, Suite 900 Los Angeles 90067 Crowe Horwath 15233 Ventura Blvd., Ninth Floor Sherman Oaks 91403 Green Hasson Janks 10990 Wilshire Blvd., 16th Floor Los Angeles 90024 SingerLewak 10960 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Floor Los Angeles 90024 Windes 111 W. Ocean Blvd., 22nd Floor Long Beach 90802 NSBN 9454 Wilshire Blvd., Fourth Floor Beverly Hills 90212 Tanner Mainstain Glynn & Johnson 10866 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor Los Angeles 90024 Lodgen Lacher Golditch Sardi Saunders & Howard 16530 Ventura Blvd., Suite 305 Encino 91436 White Zuckerman Warsavsky Luna & Hunt 15490 Ventura Blvd., Suite 300 Sherman Oaks 91403 Vicenti Lloyd & Stutzman 2210 E. Route 66, Suite 100 Glendora 91740 Hutchinson & Bloodgood 550 N. Brand Blvd., 14th Floor Glendale 91203 Squar Milner Peterson Miranda & Williamson 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 800 Los Angeles 90025 Vasquez & Co. 801 S. Grand Ave., Suite 400 Los Angeles 90017 Marcum 2049 Century Park East, Suite 300 Los Angeles 90067 2 46% Public Accounting Source: American Institute of CPAs 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 18 WND entertainment, WND manufacturing, media, nonprofit, real estate, retail, tech WND construction, entertainment, WND financial, health care, legal, media, non-profit, real estate, retail 575 hospitality, manufacturing, 508 non-profit, real estate, retail 140/120 143/125 76/71 WND entertainment, hospitality, WND legal, manufacturing, nonprofit, real estate accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, financial advisory, royalty compliance, tax, accounting, audit, corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, internal audit, litigation support, tax accounting, estate planning, forensic, tax, financial and transaction advisory, external and internal audit accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, M&A, royalty compliance, tax 127/124 150/145 45/43 1,380 apparel, entertainment, 1,300 financial, manufacturing, media, non-profit, tech, telecom WND apparel, construction, WND entertainment, financial, hospitality, legal, manufacturing, media 31 entertainment, legal, 28 manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail, sports, tech 670 apparel, financial, health 599 care, hospitality, manufacturing, media, nonprofit, tech WND entertainment, hospitality, WND manufacturing, media, nonprofit, real estate, retail audit, forensic, internal audit, regulation, tax, transaction, international tax, valuation, restructuring accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, forensic, IT, litigation support, tax, family law audit, financial advisory, forensic, internal audit, IT, litigation support, M&A, risk mngt., tax accounting, audit, estate planning, forensic, M&A, royalty compliance, tax 160/155 181/176 68/91 148/133 155/139 84/83 120/125 132/137 72/72 116/113 120/118 72/64 107/91 109/93 33/33 104/101 104/101 63/60 101/89 115/101 48/42 90/90 100/100 55/55 68/68 76/76 43/44 56/71 58/73 18/22 55/51 67/61 38/34 38 construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, business 39 manufacturing, media, non- mngt., forensic, litigation profit, retail, tech support, risk mngt., tax, valuation 29 construction, financial, accounting, audit, business 30 health care, insurance, mngt., corp. finance, estate legal, manufacturing, nonplanning, internal audit, tax profit, real estate WND entertainment, health care, accounting, audit, business WND non-profit, real estate, mngt., estate planning, financial affordable housing, escrow, advisory, tax, bookkeeping/ entrepreneurial businesses QuickBooks WND construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, business WND financial, health care, real mngt., estate planning, financial estate, sports advisory, litigation support, personal finance, tax WND construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, business WND financial, hospitality, mngt., estate planning, financial manufacturing, non-profit, advisory, forensic, litigation real estate support, tax Los Angeles 1941 1/5 Douglas Waite Managing Partner (818) 769-2010 Cleveland 1978 1/100 Mark Luttrell/Jim Parks Co-Managing Directors (310) 268-2000 New York 1919 2/28 Scott M. Sachs Managing Partner Los Angeles (310) 843-9700 John Schweisberger CEO (310) 478-4148 Chicago 1924 1/725 Los Angeles 1975 1/1 Santa Monica 1950 1/1 Los Angeles 1979 2/3 Kullen Birkeland Southern California Managing Partner (213) 627-1717 Michael M. Savoy Managing Director (310) 828-9798 Los Angeles 1953 1/1 Stephan H. Wasserman Managing Partner (310) 552-0960 Ray Calvey Office Managing Partner (818) 501-5200 Leon Janks Managing Partner (310) 873-1600 Los Angeles 1959 3/6 Jim Pitrat Managing Partner (310) 477-3924 Long Beach 1926 2/3 Beverly Hills 1952 1/2 John L. Di Carlo Managing Partner & President (562) 435-1191 Kenneth A. Miles Managing Partner (310) 273-2501 Los Angeles 1976 1/1 Bradley Johnson Managing Partner (310) 446-2700 Encino 1965 1/1 Steve Lacher/ Ken Lodgen Partners (818) 783-0570 Chicago 1942 1/29 55/55 55/55 25/25 15 construction, entertainment, 13 financial, hospitality, insurance, legal, manufacturing, media accounting, audit, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support, personal finance, risk mngt. Sherman Oaks 1971 1/2 Fred Warsavsky Managing Partner (818) 981-4226 54/49 64/53 34/34 WND hospitality, legal, WND manufacturing, non-profit, individuals, education, government 27 construction, entertainment, 25 financial, health care, hospitality, legal, manufacturing 52 apparel, construction, 45 entertainment, financial, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, non-profit accounting, audit, forensic, litigation support, tax, fraud investigation, business valuation accounting, audit, business mngt., IT, litigation support, regulation, tax Glendora 1953 2/2 Linda M. Saddlemire Managing Partner (626) 857-7300 Glendale 1922 1/4 Peter Weir Partner in Charge (818) 637-5000 accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, internal audit, litigation support, M&A Newport Beach 1951 2/5 Stephen P. Milner Managing Partner (310) 826-4474 Los Angeles 1969 1/1 Gilbert R. Vasquez Managing Partner (213) 873-1700 New York 1951 1/22 Philip Wilson/ Neil Prasad Partners-in-Charge (310) 453-9400 54/52 64/62 31/33 53/40 53/46 36/27 51/51 57/57 22/22 50/46 52/52 30/28 WND construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, business WND health care, hospitality, mngt., forensic, internal audit, manufacturing, non-profit IT, tax, contract compliance 385 apparel, financial, health 350 care, manufacturing, real estate, retail, tech Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. 3 In millions. 4 CBIZ Accounting Tax & Advisory Services and Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. are associated through an alternative practice structure. WND - Would not disclose Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. To the best of our 1 36% Management Accounting 167/162 179/175 96/93 accounting, audit, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support, transaction knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2015 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. Researched by David Nusbaum Continued on page 20 2/12/2015 5:54:10 PM 20 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL ACCOUNTING FIRMS the list February 16, 2015 Continued from page 18 Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff • address • website Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • name • accounting prof.1 • 2014 • year founded • title • total prof.2 • offices • phone • 2013 • CPAs (L.A./total) (current/year ago) 31 32 33 Member Types 34 46% 36 13 3 2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Bigger Numbers AICPA membership has been rising. (in thousands) 48 370 49 365 360 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 348 352 358 362 365 50 355 350 Macias Gini & O'Connell 2029 Century Park East, Suite 1500 Los Angeles 90067 Simpson & Simpson CPAs 633 W. Fifth St., Suite 3320 Los Angeles 90071 Lucas Horsfall Murphy & Pindroh 100 E. Corson St., Suite 200 Pasadena 91103 Rose Snyder & Jacobs 15821 Ventura Blvd., Suite 490 Encino 91436 SRG 16633 Ventura Blvd., Sixth Floor Encino 91436 Stanislawski & Harrison 301 N. Lake Ave., Suite 900 Pasadena 91101 Turner Warren Hwang & Conrad 100 N. First St., Suite 202 Burbank 91502 Richardson Kontogouris Emerson 2942 Columbia St. Torrance 90503 Singer Burke Zimmer & Butler 6345 Balboa Blvd., Suite 375 Encino 91316 Krost Baumgarten Kniss & Guerrero 790 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 600 Pasadena 91101 Meloni Hribal Tratner 21255 Burbank Blvd., Suite 250 Woodland Hills 91367 PDM 3460 Torrance Blvd., Suite 150 Torrance 90503 Duffy Kruspodin & Co. 15910 Ventura Blvd., Suite 800 Encino 91436 Fineman West & Co. 801 S. Figueroa St., Suite 1000 Los Angeles 90017 HKG 50 E. Foothill Blvd., Third Floor Arcadia 91006 Fishman Block + Diamond 16830 Ventura Blvd., Suite 400 Encino 91436 Raimondo Pettit Group 21515 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 1250 Torrance 90503 Farber Hass Hurley 9301 Oakdale Ave., Suite 230 Granada Hills 91311 Milam Knecht & Warner 535 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 600 Glendale 91203 Gerber & Co. Inc. 2011 1880 Century Park East, Suite 200 2012 Los Angeles 90067 2013 2014 2015 49/41 60/48 25/25 $34 apparel, entertainment, $34 financial, health care, legal, manufacturing, media, nonprofit, real estate, tech WND construction, financial, WND health care, media, nonprofit, tech accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, internal audit, litigation support accounting, audit, business mngt., internal audit, IT, personal finance, tax Sacramento 1987 2/9 Los Angeles 1976 1/1 James Godsey/Martin Fox/Kenneth Goldman Partners (310) 277-3373 Brainard C. Simpson Managing Partner (213) 736-6664 46/48 59/56 25/27 WND construction, legal, nonWND profit, real estate, telecom Pasadena 1957 1/1 Michael Amerio Managing Partner (626) 744-5100 44/44 46/46 33/32 WND apparel, health care, legal, WND manufacturing, media, nonprofit Encino 1976 1/2 Tony Rose CEO (818) 461-0600 42/42 42/42 37/37 accounting, audit, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, internal audit, litigation support accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, human capital advisory, tax accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, forensic, litigation support, tax WND entertainment, health care, WND insurance, legal, manufacturing, real estate, tech 8 entertainment, financial, accounting, audit, business 8 media, non-profit, real mngt., corp. finance, estate estate, sports, tech, telecom planning, financial advisory, personal finance, tax WND financial, legal, non-profit accounting, audit, estate WND planning, forensic, internal audit, IT, tax Encino 1963 1/1 Fred Solomon Managing Partner (818) 995-0090 Pasadena 1982 1/1 Gregory Stanislawski Managing Director (626) 793-3600 Burbank 1987 1/2 Kian Moshirzadeh Managing Partner (818) 954-9700 48/48 52/52 20/20 42/40 42/40 25/26 42/41 49/47 23/19 41/38 41/38 26/24 WND apparel, health care, WND hospitality, legal, manufacturing, non-profit, retail, tech WND entertainment, health care, WND legal, media, real estate accounting, audit, M&A, tax, transaction Torrance 2006 1/1 Jeffrey W. Richardson Managing Partner (310) 527-4550 accounting, business mngt., financial advisory, personal finance, tax Encino 1991 1/1 Matthew A. Burke Partner (818) 774-1000 accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, personal finance, tax, transaction, management advisory services accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, forensic, IT, litigation support, M&A, royalty compliance, tax accounting, audit, estate planning, regulation, tax, transaction Pasadena 1939 2/4 Greg A. Kniss CEO, President (626) 449-4225 Los Angeles 1997 1/1 Gerald Hribal Partner (818) 587-3730 Torrance 1998 2/2 33/32 41/41 18/17 WND construction, entertainment, WND financial, hospitality, legal, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail WND construction, entertainment, WND financial, manufacturing, media, non-profit, real estate, retail, tech WND apparel, construction, WND financial, hospitality, insurance, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail WND construction, entertainment, WND financial, health care, legal, manufacturing, real estate accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, personal finance, tax Encino 1990 2/4 Dana Piazza/Hank Parker/Scott Donnelly Partners (310) 540-4118 Thomas G. Duffy Managing Partner (818) 385-0585 32/33 39/38 28/25 WND apparel, entertainment, WND hospitality, manufacturing, real estate, retail, tech Los Angeles accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, personal 1975 1/1 finance, tax, transaction Harold J. West Managing Partner (213) 688-9898 audit, corp. finance, estate planning, internal audit, IT, litigation support, tax Arcadia 1995 2/3 David R. Hinton Managing Partner (626) 585-0666 41/37 43/37 16/13 40/34 52/49 25/25 35/34 36/36 24/24 33/30 35/35 30/24 31/30 34/33 20/20 9 apparel, financial, 9 insurance, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail 30/30 30/30 20/20 WND entertainment, financial, WND health care, legal, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate WND construction, entertainment, WND financial, insurance, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, sports WND construction, health care, WND legal, manufacturing, media, non-profit accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, human capital advisory, internal audit accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, financial advisory, M&A, tax, transaction, Erisa audits accounting, audit, corp. finance, estate planning, M&A, tax, peer review Encino 1962 1/1 Steven J. Fishman Managing Partner (818) 783-7140 Torrance 1992 1/2 Timothy D. Pettit Managing Partner (310) 540-5990 Chatsworth 1986 2/5 Michael Hurley Partner (818) 895-1943 WND apparel, construction, WND entertainment, hospitality, insurance, legal, tech accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, tax, transaction, valuations Glendale 1995 1/2 Michael D. Milam Managing Partner (818) 550-9991 WND entertainment, health care, WND legal, manufacturing, nonprofit, real estate accounting, audit, business Los Angeles mngt., estate planning, financial 1986 advisory, personal finance, tax, 1/1 international tax 30/30 32/32 18/18 29/29 29/29 23/21 8.9 7,337 7,837 7,942 8,288 8,879 8.7 29/28 32/31 8.5 13/11 8.3 28/26 8.1 30/28 21/20 7.9 Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but7.7 excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. 3 7.5 In millions. WND - Would not disclose Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms7.3 are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. To the best of our ’10every ’11 ’13 knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While effort is’12 made to 1 2 345 340 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 Source: American Institute of CPAs Bigger Numbers 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 20 Selwyn Gerber Founding Shareholder (310) 552-1600 ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2015 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. ’14 Researched by David Nusbaum Continued on page 22 On the Rise 2/12/2015 5:54:21 PM 22 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL ACCOUNTING FIRMS the list February 16, 2015 Continued from page 20 Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff • address • accounting prof.1 • 2014 • website • total prof. 2 Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) • 2013 • CPAs Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • name • year founded • title • offices • phone (L.A./total) (current/year ago) 51 52 53 54 55 Head Count Number of accounting professionals at the 50 largest firms in L.A. County. (in thousands) 56 57 8.9 8.7 58 8.5 8.3 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 7,337 7,837 7,942 8,288 8,879 59 8.1 7.9 60 7.7 7.5 BPE&H, an Accountacy Corp. 21300 Victory Blvd., Suite 520 Woodland Hills 91367 Martini Iosue & Akpovi 16830 Ventura Blvd., Suite 415 Encino 91436 Weiss Accountancy Corp. 16217 Kittridge St. Van Nuys 91406 Sobul Primes & Schenkel 12100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1150 Los Angeles 90025 PTD Business Management 13801 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks 91423 Gorelick & Uslaner CPAs 15260 Ventura Blvd., Suite 1705 Sherman Oaks 91403 Kirsch Kohn & Bridge 21550 Oxnard St., Suite 200 Woodland Hills 91367 Maginnis Knechtel & McIntyre 300 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena 91103 Gish Seiden 21700 Oxnard St., Suite 850 Woodland Hills 91367 Galgas Russell Weber 21700 Oxnard St., Suite 1950 Woodland Hills 91367 2 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 WND construction, health care, $6 legal, manufacturing, nonprofit, real estate, retail Martin Belak-Berger Managing Partner (818) 914-7100 26/25 26/25 22/22 WND WND Don Iosue Managing Partner (818) 789-1179 25/19 25/19 16/12 WND WND 25/24 25/24 14/14 WND WND 25/25 28/28 8/7 WND WND 24/24 30/29 22/22 WND WND 21/21 22/22 17/17 WND WND 21/21 21/21 15/15 WND WND 21/21 26/23 14/16 WND WND 21/21 22/22 12/12 WND WND accounting, audit, corp. finance, Woodland estate planning, financial Hills advisory, internal audit, tax 1988 1/1 Encino construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, estate 1991 planning, M&A, tax, general legal, manufacturing, real 1/1 business consulting, estate, retail, tech international tax real estate, distribution, accounting, audit, business Van Nuys manufacturing, apparel, mngt., estate planning, financial 1980 construction, legal, retail, advisory, tax, business 1/2 film production valuations accounting, audit, business Los Angeles apparel, entertainment, mngt., estate planning, financial 1981 health care, legal, advisory, personal finance, tax 1/1 manufacturing, real estate, retail Sherman entertainment, legal, nonaccounting, business mngt., Oaks profit, real estate, sports estate planning, financial 1990 advisory, personal finance, tax 2/2 Los Angeles construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, business 1946 financial, health care, legal, mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, tax 1/1 manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail, tech construction, health care, accounting, audit, estate Woodland hospitality, legal, planning, forensic, litigation Hills manufacturing, non-profit, support, M&A, tax, transaction, 1961 real estate, retail, tech tax controversy representation 1/1 Pasadena accounting, audit, business construction, financial, mngt., estate planning, financial 1971 health care, hospitality, 1/1 advisory, forensic, internal insurance, legal, audit, litigation support, M&A manufacturing, non-profit entertainment, health care, accounting, audit, estate Woodland hospitality, manufacturing, planning, financial advisory, Hills real estate, retail, tech, M&A, tax, business consulting 1942 dealerships, architects 1/1 Woodland accounting, audit, business entertainment, financial, Hills health care, manufacturing, mngt., corp. finance, estate 1980 non-profit, real estate, tech planning, financial advisory, 1/1 forensic, IT, tax Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. 3 In millions. WND - Would not disclose 1 7.3 27/25 27/25 17/17 Source: Business Journal research Scott Weiss Managing Partner (818) 997-7712 Rick Schenkel Managing Shareholder (310) 826-2060 John G. Power Managing Partner (818) 793-5700 Edward Gorelick President (310) 444-1889 Stuart L. Jaffe Managing Partner (818) 907-6500 James Balbin Partner (626) 449-3466 Maureen O'GaraAdford Managing Partner (818) 854-6100 Raymond A. Russell Partner (818) 444-6700 Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. Researched by David Nusbaum Continued on page 24 On the Rise SMALL FIRM ATTENTION, BIG FIRM CAPABILITIES. Audits/Reviews/Compilations Tax and Accounting Management Advisory Financial Consulting Specialty Services FOR OVER 70 YEARS Discover the difference 818.854.6100 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 22 Accounting for the past, planning for the future. 2/12/2015 5:54:30 PM 24 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL ACCOUNTING FIRMS the list February 16, 2015 Continued from page 22 Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff • address • accounting prof. • website • total prof. Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) 1 2 Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • name • 2014 • year founded • title • 2013 • offices • phone • CPAs (L.A./total) (current/year ago) 61 62 63 64 65 MERGER: Last year, Onisko & Scholz CPAs merged with the practices of Steve Eperthener CPA and Bill McConnell CPA. 66 67 ON THE MOVE: Prager Metis CPAs recently merged with Bruce Kolbrenner & Co. 68 69 70 20/19 22/22 14/11 Winningham Becker & Co. 21031 Ventura Blvd., Suite 1000 Woodland Hills 91364 Martin Werbelow 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 930 Pasadena 91101 Rossi 400 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach 90802 Sousa & Weber 2615 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 224 Hermosa Beach 90254 Stern Kory Sreden & Morgan 24961 The Old Road Stevenson Ranch 91381 Onisko & Scholz CPAs 5000 E. Spring St., Suite 200 Long Beach 90815 Beach Freeman Lim & Cleland 861 Parkview Drive North, Suite 200 El Segundo 90245 Prager Metis CPAs 2381 Rosecrans Ave., Suite 350 El Segundo 90245 Hedman Partners 27441 Tourney Road, Suite 200 Valencia 91355 Weil & Co. 1925 Century Park East, Suite 300 Los Angeles 90067 20/28 20/28 11/19 20/21 20/21 8/9 20/20 20/20 8/9 18/17 18/17 13/11 18/16 22/17 12/9 18/15 18/15 10/11 18/16 18/16 8/7 17/15 17/15 12/10 17/17 21/21 11/11 accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, financial advisory, personal finance, tax, trust administration accounting, audit, estate planning, financial advisory, IT, litigation support, tax Woodland Hills 1954 1/1 Pasadena 1952 1/1 Erich Rail Managing Partner (626) 577-1440 WND apparel, health care, legal, WND manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail, tech, transportation WND entertainment, WND manufacturing, media, real estate, retail, tech, wholesale/distribution WND construction, entertainment, WND financial, health care, legal, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate 3 apparel, construction, 2 entertainment, health care, legal, manufacturing, nonprofit, real estate WND legal, manufacturing, nonWND profit, real estate, retail, tech, franchising accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, forensic, litigation support, M&A, tax, transaction accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, litigation support, M&A, tax Long Beach 1984 1/1 Albert Rossi Managing Partner (562) 495-3325 Hermosa Beach 1993 2/2 Stevenson accounting, audit, estate Ranch planning, financial advisory, forensic, M&A, personal finance 1977 1/1 Long Beach accounting, audit, estate 1988 planning, forensic, internal 1/1 audit, litigation support, tax, international tax El Segundo accounting, audit, forensic, 2003 M&A, royalty compliance, tax, 1/1 fraud prevention and detection Rich Weber Managing Partner (310) 376-5040 36 entertainment, media, WND telecom 2 Trevor Rice Vice President (661) 286-1040 Paul P. Scholz Managing Partner (562) 420-3100 Gene Lim Managing Partner (310) 447-1234 audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, litigation support, personal finance, royalty compliance WND construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, estate WND legal, manufacturing, real planning, M&A, tax, transaction, estate, tech compilation, review, consulting New York 1920 2/8 Joseph Rust Partner (310) 207-2220 Valencia 1994 1/1 Calvin D. Hedman President (661) 287-6333 WND construction, entertainment, WND health care, legal, manufacturing, real estate, retail, telecom Los Angeles 1953 1/1 Ron Iino Managing Partner (310) 451-9871 Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. 3 In millions. WND - Would not disclose 1 Larry Winningham Managing Partner (818) 598-6525 WND entertainment, financial, WND legal, manufacturing, real estate, sports, professional services 4 financial, health care, 4 insurance, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support, tax Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. Researched by David Nusbaum Continued on page 26 ǫ Ǥ ǯ Ƥ ơǤ ǡ Ƥ ǡȄ ǤǯơǦǦǤ ơǤǤǤǤ ȈƬ Ȉ ȈƤ ȈƬ ȋ͢͢͝Ȍͣ͜͞Ǧ͢͜͜͜Ȉ Ǥ ͛ͣͤͥ͜͜͡͡ ͤ͜͞͡͡Ǥǡ ͥ͟͝͡͡ lbw insurance ad-elephant-highres.indd 1 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 24 7/30/14 8:06 PM 2/12/2015 5:54:43 PM 26 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL ACCOUNTING FIRMS the list February 16, 2015 Continued from page 24 Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff • address • accounting prof.1 • 2014 • website • total prof. 2 Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • name • year founded • title • offices • phone • 2013 • CPAs (L.A./total) (current/year ago) PUBLIC: Weinberg & Co. is registered by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Weinberg & Co. 1925 Century Park East, Suite 1120 Los Angeles 90067 SKMC 11845 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 900 Los Angeles 90064 Bessolo Haworth & Vogel 15303 Ventura Blvd., Suite 1650 Sherman Oaks 91403 N/A Smith Mandel & Associates 333 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Suite 201 Burbank 91502 Dunn & Pariser 16255 Ventura Blvd., Suite 525 Encino 91436 JLK Rosenberger 801 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 550 Glendale 91203 McDowell Dillon and Hunter AC 4500 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 300, Long Beach 90804 Fulcrum Inquiry 888 S. Figueroa St., Suite 2000 Los Angeles 90017 Harvey & Parmelee 13215 E. Penn St. Suite 101 Whittier 90602 Perry Hay 22144 Clarendon St., Suite 304 Woodland Hills 91367 16/16 18/18 14/14 16/15 17/16 12/13 16/14 16/14 11/11 16/16 16/16 7/7 16/13 16/13 6/5 WND apparel, entertainment, WND manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, retail, telecom accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, tax Los Angeles 1992 1/4 Corey Fischer Managing Partner (310) 601-2200 3 entertainment, financial, accounting, audit, business 3 legal, media, non-profit, real mngt., estate planning, tax, estate, retail, tech transaction Los Angeles 2004 1/1 Michael D. Carter Managing Partner (310) 477-6161 accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support, M&A accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, tax Sherman Oaks 2007 1/2 Burbank 1997 1/1 Larry Haworth Partner (818) 493-6650 accounting, business mngt., tax, transaction Encino 1990 1/1 Long Beach 1979 2/2 Patrick Dunn/ Mark Pariser Partners (818) 285-0400 William V. Rosenberger Partner (818) 334-8623 Robert Dillon Managing Partner (562) 494-1121 Los Angeles 2002 1/1 David Nolte Principal (213) 787-4100 Whittier 1922 1/1 Richard Scrivanich Managing Partner (562) 698-9891 Woodland Hills 2014 1/1 James Perry/ Robert Hay Partners (818) 444-1222 WND entertainment, financial, WND legal, manufacturing, nonprofit, real estate, retail, tech, agriculture WND apparel, construction, WND entertainment, financial, legal, manufacturing, nonprofit WND entertainment, legal, media, WND real estate, sports, tech 15/19 16/20 5/7 7 construction, financial, 6 insurance, manufacturing, non-profit, retail, sports 14/14 15/15 9/9 WND apparel, construction, WND manufacturing, real estate, retail 13/13 15/15 4/4 WND apparel, construction, WND entertainment, financial, health care, hospitality, legal, real estate, retail, tech WND legal, manufacturing, nonWND profit, real estate, retail 12/10 12/10 12/10 12/12 12/12 5/5 2 accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, IT, tax, transaction, payroll services accounting, audit, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support, M&A, royalty compliance accounting, audit, estate planning, financial advisory, personal finance, royalty compliance, tax WND construction, entertainment, accounting, audit, estate WND non-profit planning, financial advisory, tax Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. 3 In millions. WND - Would not disclose 1 accounting, audit, business Irvine mngt., estate planning, financial 2013 advisory, M&A, tax 1/2 R. Douglas Smith Managing Partner (818) 556-4000 Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. Researched by David Nusbaum Continued on page 28 Building award winning spaces for over 30 years. 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 26 /howardbuildingcorporation 2/12/2015 5:54:53 PM 28 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL ACCOUNTING FIRMS the list February 16, 2015 Continued from page 26 Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff • address • accounting prof. • website • total prof. Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) 1 2 Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • name • 2014 • year founded • title • 2013 • offices • phone • CPAs (L.A./total) (current/year ago) 81 82 83 84 85 86 INTERNATIONAL: Sotomayor & Associates has an office in Pasadena and representative international offices in the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. 87 88 89 90 Kelly & Small CPAs 3529 Ocean View Blvd. Glendale 91208 Clumeck Stern Schenkelberg & Getzoff 17404 Ventura Blvd. Encino 91316; Cooper Moss Resnick Klein & Co. 15400 Sherman Way, Suite 380 Van Nuys 91406 Zdonek & Wolowicz Accountancy Corp. 25500 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 2120 Torrance 90505; KKAJ 27200 Tourney Road, Suite 475 Valencia 91355 Williams & Ribb 600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1515 Los Angeles 90017 BNG Accountancy Corp. 14011 Ventura Blvd., Suite 502 Sherman Oaks 91423 Sotomayor & Associates 540 S. Marengo Ave. Pasadena 91101 Krycler Ervin Taubman & Kaminsky 15303 Ventura Blvd., Suite 1040 Sherman Oaks 91403 Levy Sapin Ko & Freeman 4221 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 430 Los Angeles 90010 12/6 12/6 3/3 11/12 11/12 9/9 11/14 11/14 8/8 11/12 11/12 8/8 11/9 11/9 8/8 11/11 11/11 5/5 10/10 10/10 9/9 10/10 18/18 8/8 10/10 13/13 6/6 10/10 12/12 6/6 WND construction, entertainment, accounting, business mngt., $1 real estate, retail estate planning, personal finance, tax Glendale 1997 1/1 WND construction, entertainment, WND financial, health care, legal, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, tech 3 construction, entertainment, 3 hospitality, manufacturing, non-profit, real estate, tech accounting, audit, corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, litigation support, tax Encino 1987 1/1 David Small/ Edward Kelly Partners (818) 249-9896 Larry Clumeck Partner (818) 906-2230 Van Nuys 1970 1/1 Leonard I. Klein Managing Partner (818) 988-4053 WND apparel, construction, WND entertainment, health care, hospitality, legal, manufacturing, non-profit WND construction, entertainment, WND legal, manufacturing, nonprofit, real estate, retail accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, IT, tax accounting, audit, business mngt., estate planning, litigation support, personal finance, tax Torrance 1970 1/1 Sergio Minassi President (310) 378-9911 Valencia 1953 1/1 Dennis V. King Managing Partner (661) 705-4222 WND apparel, construction, WND entertainment, financial, health care, legal, manufacturing, non-profit 4 construction, entertainment, 4 health care, legal, manufacturing, real estate, retail 3 entertainment, financial, 3 health care, manufacturing, non-profit, retail, telecom accounting, audit, estate planning, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support, M&A, personal finance, tax accounting, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, forensic, personal finance, tax Los Angeles 1985 2/2 Charles R. Gross Partner (213) 683-1013 Sherman Oaks 1970 1/1 accounting, audit, estate Pasadena planning, financial advisory, 1992 personal finance, regulation, tax 1/1 Christopher Brooks Managing Partner (818) 789-6191 WND construction, entertainment, WND legal, manufacturing, nonprofit, sports, professional services 3 apparel, entertainment, 3 health care, legal, manufacturing, media, real estate accounting, audit, financial advisory, forensic, litigation support, personal finance, tax Michael J. Krycler President (818) 995-1040 Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. 3 In millions. WND - Would not disclose 1 2 accounting, audit, business mngt., corp. finance, estate planning, personal finance, tax Sherman Oaks 1987 1/1 Hancock Park 1958 1/1 Ivan J. Sotomayor Managing Partner (626) 397-4900 William Levy/ Scott Freeman Partners (323) 936-8256 Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. Researched by David Nusbaum Continued on page 30 Accepting Nominations! On March 31, 2015 the Los Angeles Business Journal will publish a special supplement featuring Most Influential Lenders in Los Angeles County. We are accepting nominations through Monday, February 23, 2015. You are invited to nominate deserving individuals (must be based in Los Angeles County) for consideration. To obtain the nomination form, please contact Naz Bayazit via email at 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 28 2/12/2015 5:55:05 PM 30 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL ACCOUNTING FIRMS the list February 16, 2015 Continued from page 28 Rank Firm • name L.A. County Staff • address • accounting prof. • website • total prof. Firmwide Industries Served Revenue3 (partial list) 1 2 Services Offered Profile Top Local Executive (partial list) • headquarters • name • 2014 • year founded • title • 2013 • offices • phone • CPAs (L.A./total) (current/year ago) 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 PAYROLL: In addition to accounting and tax services, Lazar and Co. CPAs operates an affiliated standalone payroll company. 98 99 100 Kelfer & Associates 17425 Chatsworth St., Suite 200 Granada Hils 91344 Landau Swartz & McCarty 21300 Victory Blvd., Suite 420 Woodland Hills 91367 Rivin Wenzel & Co. 20300 Ventura Blvd., Suite 150 Woodland Hills 91364 Kaufman Rosenberg Cohen & Gilbert 15300 Ventura Blvd., Suite 304 Sherman Oaks 91403 GTL 12800 Riverside Drive, Suite 300 Studio City 91607 Brown Sterman Reznik & Gershkowitz 16861 Ventura Blvd., Suite 202 Encino 91436 Caskey Mandell Karp & Block 11150 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 750 Los Angeles 90064 Lazar and Co. CPAs 21800 Oxnard St., Suite 250 Woodland Hills 91367 Condie & Wood CPAs 28490 Westinghouse Place, Suite 140 Valencia 91355 Szabo Accountancy Corp. 23901 Calabasas Road, Suite 2018 Calabasas 91302 10/10 9/9 5/4 accounting, corp. finance, Granada Hills Michael S. Kelfer WND apparel, entertainment, Managing Partner WND insurance, legal, media, real estate planning, tax, transaction 1963 (818) 832-9500 1/1 estate, retail 10/7 10/10 4/5 WND entertainment, financial, WND insurance, manufacturing, media, real estate, tech Michael J. Landau Managing Partner (818) 705-4259 8/8 8/8 6/6 WND construction, entertainment, accounting, business mngt., WND legal, non-profit, real estate, corp. finance, estate planning, financial advisory, personal retail finance, tax WND health care, non-profit, real audit, tax, business consulting WND estate, manufacturing, distribution Woodland Hills 1968 1/1 Woodland Hills 1986 1/1 Sherman Oaks 1977 1/1 Studio City 1975 1/1 8/8 8/8 4/4 WND construction, entertainment, accounting, business mngt., WND legal, manufacturing, real estate planning, personal estate, retail, tech finance, tax Encino 1962 1/1 Todd M. Reznik Managing Shareholder (818) 986-6674 Los Angeles 2012 1/1 James Caskey Managing Partner (310) 943-8080 9/9 9/9 5/5 8/9 9/10 7/8 7/7 10/12 5/5 7/7 8/8 5/4 7/6 8/6 3/3 7/7 9/9 1/1 audit, estate planning, tax WND construction, entertainment, accounting, business mngt., WND insurance, legal, non-profit, estate planning, financial advisory, tax real estate, tech WND entertainment, financial, WND legal, manufacturing, media, non-profit, real estate, tech WND construction, entertainment, WND health care, legal, manufacturing, media, real estate, tech WND health care, insurance, WND manufacturing accounting, business mngt., estate planning, personal finance, tax Employees doing accounting work, including CPAs, but excluding support staff. Total professionals, including accounting professionals, but excluding support staff. In millions. WND - Would not disclose 2 3 Kaufman/Rosenberg/ Cohen/Gilbert Partners (818) 783-3577 Fabio L. Vasco Managing Partner (818) 509-0066 accounting, audit, business Woodland mngt., estate planning, financial Hills advisory, personal finance, tax 1983 1/1 Valencia accounting, business mngt., 1991 estate planning, financial advisory, M&A, tax, transaction 1/1 David A. Lazar Owner (818) 981-4200 Calabasas 1996 1/1 Craig A. Szabo President (818) 225-1001 WND construction, entertainment, accounting, business mngt., WND financial, health care, legal, corp. finance, personal finance, tax, transaction real estate, sports 1 Edward P.T. Wenzel Managing Partner (818) 348-1040 Gary E. Condie President (661) 257-2900 Note: The information on this list was provided by representatives of the firms themselves. Accounting firms are ranked by the number of accounting professionals and CPAs in L.A. County offices, respectively. Researched by David Nusbaum C A L L F O R N O M I N AT I O N S Honoring L.A.’s most successful women business leaders. The Los Angeles Business Journal is proud to honor L.A.’s most successful women business leaders. In its 23rd year, this annual awards luncheon will recognize women making a difference in the Los Angeles community. This reader-nominated event and special supplement traditionally garners over 250 nominations each year. Nomination Deadline: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Award Categories: • Business Owner/CEO of the Year • Rising Star of the Year • Executive of the Year • Volunteer of the Year • Philanthropist of the Year PLATINUM SPONSORS: For sponsorship or more information, please visit, or call Breanne Kamai at 323.549.5225 ext. 203 or email • Corporate Advocate GOLD SPONSOR: City of Glendale 14-30_Accounting_LIST.indd 30 2/12/2015 5:55:18 PM
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