Bibliografia selektywna


Bibliografia selektywna
Bibliografia selektywna
Bibliografia selektywna
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Bibliografia selektywna
Pamiętniki i wspomnienia
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Bibliografia selektywna
Indeks nazwisk
Indeks nazwisk
Indeks nie obejmuje bibliografii. Personalia Chińczyków podawane są w obowiązującej obecnie transkrypcji pinyin, następnie zaś (w nawiasie) w powszechnej do
niedawna, angielskiej transkrypcji Giles-Wade’a, w której występowały w większości cytowanych dokumentów i w części monografii. Nazwiska cytowanych autorów (podane kursywą) zachowują formę w jakiej figurowały w pracach, z których zaczerpnięto cytaty.
Abe Nobuyuki 359, 363, 364, 371, 384,
385, 424, 855
Abend Hallet 227
Abend Hallet 28, 227, 385
Achilles 820
Achmerow Ischak 880
Aderman Łucja 428
Adler Solomon 597, 590
Agawa Hiroyuki 116, 407
Agamemnon 253, 256, 346, 818
Ahashi Yoji 863
Ai Qing (Ai Ch’ing) 283
Akashi Yoji 605, 850, 860, 861, 863,
866, 867
Akashika Tsutomu 645
Akihito, syn cesarza Hirohito, potem
cesarz 924, 945
Akimoto Shunkichi 46,
Alan Brooke – zob. Alanbrooke
Alanbrooke, Alan Brooke 1st Viscount of
Alanbrooke 563, 641, 670, 750
Alanbrooke, Alan Brooke 642, 671,
Aldrovandi-Marescotti Luigi 200
Aleksandrow J. 889
Alexander Harold Rupert Leofric George, 1st earl Alexander of Burma and
Tunis 570, 571, 572, 574, 577, 580,
581, 582, 583
Alexander Harold [Field Marshall Alexander of Tunis] 571, 580
Allen Louis 751
Allen Louis 572, 574, 580, 659, 720,
721, 743, 744, 748, 751, 859, 867,
902, 953
Allison John 232
Allison John 232
Ambaras David D. 490, 666
Ambrose Stephen 951
Amhara Yü 916
Amō [Amau] Eji 99, 100, 103
Amsterdamski Piotr 148
Anami Korechika 531, 909, 912, 928
Anders Leslie 718
Anders Władysław 828
Anderson K.M. 592,
Andersson Johan Gunnar 352
Andersson Johan Gunnar 352
Andrew Christopher 484, 598, 799, 880
Annan W.T. 603
Antosiewicz Maciej 554, 910, 939
Applebaum Anne 780
Arakawa Hiryo 847
Araki Sadao 38, 57, 302
Araki Toshima 663
Arita Hachirō 334, 350, 357, 385, 386,
387, 396, 399, 408
Ariyoshi Akira 104
Arms Thomas S. 637
Indeks nazwisk
Armstrong George 876
Arnold Henry „Hap” 520, 607, 619,
620, 752, 771, 836, 895
Arustowicz Krystyna 47
Arystoteles 67
Asada Sadao 341
Asaka Yasuhiko, książę 213, 217, 227,
Asano Toyomi 729, 732, 738, 746
Ashley Clarke Henry 603, 680, 764,
766, 769, 783
Aslop Joseph W. 654, 822
Aslop Joseph W. 654, 822, 823
Atcheson George 800
Atkinson Brooks 777, 804, 830, 831
Attlee Clement 352
Attyla 207
Auchinleck Claude 600, 604
Auden Wystan Hugh 280, 281, 351
Auden Wystan Hugh 247, 281, 294
Auer James E. 127, 152
Aung San 577, 604, 659, 740, 876, 877
Aung San Suu Kyi 604
Auster Paul 806
d’Auxion de Ruffe Reginald 695
Azuma Shiro 217, 221
Ba Jin (Pa Chin, wł. Li Feigan, Li Fei-kan) 270
Ba Maw 559, 604, 658, 662, 666
Ba Maw 663
Ba Than 604
Baabar (Bat-Erdene Batbajar) 106, 181
Bach Jan Sebastian 284
Bagby Wesley 608, 641
Bagish Martin 225
Bai Chongxi (P’ai Ch’ung-hsi) 15, 79,
90, 134, 146, 163, 169, 241, 242, 245,
246, 247, 253, 262, 283, 262, 283,
299, 305, 306, 309, 311, 375, 493,
600, 611, 768, 775, 779–780, 786,
820, 822, 834, 896, 929, 947
Bailey Thomas 351
Bamford James 691
Banac Ivo 199
Banfield J.W. 115
Bankowicz Marek 19
Banzai Rihachirō 328
Baranowski Marian 621, 717
Barger Evert 755
Barmé Geremie 272
Barnhart Michael A. 66, 405
Barnouin Barbara 482, 878,
Barrett David D. 76, 692, 809, 810,
811, 812, 870, 874
Barrett David D. 76, 811, 812, 870
Barrett David P. 39, 101, 230, 263, 326,
327, 393, 394, 399, 413, 428, 435,
438, 439, 455, 690
Bartel de Weydenthal Jerzy 88, 89,
119, 150, 153, 162, 163, 176, 201,
235, 238, 470
Basange Jacquinot de 170, 273
Bashō 899
Bauer Max 72
Bayly Christopher 570, 576, 581, 599,
605, 620, 740
Beasley William G. 444, 658, 758
Beck Józef 203, 321, 357
Beckmann George M. 29, 853
Beddie James Stuart 418
Beethoven Ludwig van 284
Behr Edward 546,
Belden Jack 280, 432, 578, 579
Belden Jack 432
Benedict Ruth 63
Beng Weiren (Peng Wei-jen) 367
Beng Shiliang (Peng Shih-liang) 681
Benson C.C. 600
Bentley Elizabeth („Good Girl”, „Mirina”, „Umnica”) 799
Bergamini David 226
Bergamini David 227
Berger Gordon M. 114
Bergère Marie-Claire 144, 806, 847
Berle Adolf 484
Bertram James 280, 794
Bertram James 181, 280, 794
Best Anthony 350, 352, 386, 421
Bester John 127
Bianco Lucien 343
Biddle Anthony Drexel 361
Bidwell Shelford 749
Biernacki Franciszek 485
Birch John, 675, 923
Birolli Bruno 30, 36, 37, 39, 108, 126
Bissell Clayton J. 607
Indeks nazwisk
Bisson Thomas A. 804
Bisson Thomas A. 139, 225, 805
Bix Herbert P. 27, 115, 130, 138, 156,
175, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 315, 318,
319, 338, 351, 381, 382, 407, 409, 425,
476, 494, 525, 526, 536, 545, 546, 684,
707, 748, 789, 807, 808, 863
Bjorge Gary J. 728, 730, 734, 738, 740,
741, 742, 743, 856, 908
Blackburn A. 483
Blacker Carmen 139, 371
Blair Clay 840
Blake Henry 816
Bloch Marc 416, 511
Blomberg Werner von 203
Blucher Wasilij („Galin”) 69
Blum Leon 160
Boatner Hayden L. 720, 721, 723, 726,
735, 739, 750
Bogomołow Dmitrij 159, 198, 199
Bohlen Charles Eustis 883
Bohlen Charles Eustis 883
Bonavia David 253
Bonavia David 253
Bong Richard 841
Boorman Howard L. 37, 90, 190, 194,
213, 242, 246, 264, 299, 324, 329,
335, 336, 390, 503, 866, 931, 941
Borg Dorothy 116, 126, 146, 171, 200,
302, 341, 422, 529, 852, 858, 860,
Bose Chandra Subhas 563, 662, 666,
718, 733, 740, 748
Boyd Carl 362
Boyd James 108, 516
Boyle John Hunter 104, 112, 118, 125,
127, 140, 194, 195, 228, 229, 265,
293, 325, 328, 330, 331, 333, 334,
335, 337, 354, 371, 378, 388, 389,
392, 402, 424, 425, 453, 858, 941
Bór-Komorowski Tadeusz 889
Brackman Arnold C. 40, 266, 925, 946
Braun Otto („Li De”) 175
Braun Otto 175
Brett George 554
Briand Aristide 35
Broadmead A. 424
Brook Timothy 222, 226, 230, 263, 265,
266, 273, 428, 430, 431, 437, 447,
454, 456
Brooke Alan – zob. Alanbrooke
Brooks Barbara 103, 11, 122, 125, 127,
137, 302, 337
Brown C.C. 600
Brown Rothwell 727, 730, 752
Browne Courtney 536, 680, 648
Bryan H.C. 629, 630, 649,
Brzeska Magdalena Maria 484
Brzeski Rafał 484, 598
Brzeziński Zbigniew 882
Buck John Lossing 631
Budda (wł. Gautama) 202, 212, 222
Bukowski Ignacy 11
Bullit William Christian 160, 484,
Bullit William Christian 883
Bundy McGeorge 41
Bunker Gerald E. 264, 328, 330, 333,
334, 355, 389, 392, 424, 438, 458,
617, 659, 666, 852, 941
Burckhardt A. 137, 138
Burns Ross 744
Burton Margaret E. 45
Buruma Ian 945, 946
Busch Briton C. 745
Bush George W. 950
Bush Richard C. 120
Butker Susan 554
Butow Robert J.C. 538
Butow Robert J.C. 124, 130, 302, 319,
407, 510, 512, 513, 522, 526, 528,
534, 535, 536, 539, 540, 544, 547,
720, 749, 849, 854, 855, 859, 863,
902, 903, 909, 911, 913
Byrd Mary 607, 608
Byrnes James 900, 913
Cadogan Alexander George Montagu
121, 406
Cadogan Alexander George Montagu
Cai-feng, książę Chun (Ts’ai Feng, książę Ch’un) 323
Cai Jingjun (Ts’ai Ching-chün) 162
Cai Jingping (Ts’ai Ching-p’ing) 274
Cai Yuanpei (Ts’ai Yuan-p’ei) 34
Caldin Martin 186, 286, 495
Caldwell Olivier J. 689, 705, 713
Indeks nazwisk
Cannon R.M. 600
Cao Rulin (Tsao Ju-lin) 25
Capa Robert (wł. Endré Arnö Friedmann) 280, 298
Carlson Evans Fordyce 799
Carlson Evans Fordyce 158, 245, 247,
250, 253
Carter E. 194
Cartier Louis François 653
Carton de Wiart Adrian Paul Ghislain 769
Casella Alessandro 199, 203
Cavendish-Bentinck Victor, 9th Duke of
Portland 770
Chamberlain Austen 143, 267
Chamberlain Neville 162, 176, 348
Chamberlin William Henry 490
Chamberlin William Henry 225, 490
Chan Chak 697
Chan Hsin-hai 938
Chan Kit-ching Lau 615, 670
Chan Yeeshan 934
Chang Carson – zob. Zhang Junmai
Chang Chung-ming 34
Chang Iris 220, 224, 227
Chang Iris 217, 218, 219, 220, 221,
224, 227, 273
Chang Jui-te 62, 74, 75, 77, 92, 245,
317, 609, 640, 765, 947, 948, 951
Chang Jung 148, 186, 187, 461, 471,
472, 476, 480, 789, 790, 897, 914
Chang Kia-ngau (wł. Zang Gongchuan,
Tsang Kung-ch’uan) 624
Chang Kia-ngau 493, 624
Chang Kuo-t’ao 160, 467, 469
Chang Ming-kai (w pinyinie Zhang
Mingai) 13, 73, 86, 87, 128, 130,
152, 153, 157, 163, 167, 172, 178,
181, 187, 189, 208, 215, 242, 245,
253, 255, 258, 261, 299, 300, 302,
306, 312, 315, 345, 346, 347, 365,
372, 376, 378, 382, 401, 494, 500,
501, 503, 504, 532, 561, 562, 580,
587, 589, 608, 638, 643, 667, 668,
675, 681, 721, 749, 763, 764, 769,
778, 786, 817, 825, 834, 891, 893,
907, 925, 928, 929, 955
Chang Sidney H. 133
Chang Tso-lin – zob. Zhang Zuolin
Chater Arthur G. 352
Checkland Olive 63, 303, 447, 666
Chen Bijun (Ch’en Pi-chün, zwana
„Becky”) 323, 392, 941
Chen Bulei (Ch’en Pu-lei) 917
Chen Chaolin (Zhen Zhao-lin) 387
Chen Chak (Ch’en Chak) 558, 560
Chen Cheng (Ch’en Ch’eng) 15, 90, 91,
108, 146, 152, 163, 166, 168, 174,
179, 237, 245, 279, 299, 300, 308,
310, 345, 346, 365, 367, 368, 500,
501, 502, 532, 638, 639, 642, 668,
738, 770, 820, 871–872
Chen Ching-chih 661
Chen Chun (Ch’en Ch’un) 336
Chen Cunren (Ch’en Ts’un-jen) 433
Chen Duxiu (Ch’en Tu-hsiu) 280,
Chen Eugene, znany jako Chen Youren
(Ch’en Yu-jen) 34, 38, 383,
Chen Gongbo ( (Ch’en Kung-po) 204,
205, 325, 334, 388, 392, 850, 941
Chen Guangfu (Ch’en Kuang-fu) 349
Chen Guixian (Ch’en Kuei-hsian)
Chen Guofu (Chen Kuo-fu) 133, 283,
328, 329
Chen Jian-Yue 429, 447
Chen Lifu (Ch’en Li-fu) 109, 133, 197,
231, 239, 283, 324, 328, 329, 333,
635, 689, 690, 694, 867
Chen Li-fu 133, 239, 324
Chen Lu (Ch’en Lu) 337, 694
Chen Ping (Ch’en P’ing) 451
Chen Munong (Ch’en Mu-nong) 833
Chen Shaoyu (Ch’en Shao-yu) – zob.
Wang Ming
Chen Wanli (Ch’en Wan-li) 413
Chen Yi (Ch’en I) 463
Chen Yibai (Ch’en I-pai) 696
Chen Yung-fa 792
Cheng Kexiang (Ch’eng K’o-hsiang)
371, 711
Cheng Pei-kai 319
Cheng Yu-kwei 847
Chennault Anna, Anna Chen Chennault (wł. Chen Xiangmei, Ch’en
Hsiang-mei) 787, 949
Chennault Anna 646, 787, 829, 895
Indeks nazwisk
Chennault Claire Lee („Chennauzu”)
86, 520, 533, 573, 578, 579, 580, 582,
589, 597, 602, 607, 608, 628, 640,
641, 643, 644, 646, 647, 648, 652,
653, 654, 668, 674, 675, 681, 684,
712, 724, 736, 737, 751, 754, 758,
760, 761, 762, 764, 767, 769, 769,
770, 771, 772, 776, 777, 779, 780,
783, 784, 803, 815, 820, 821, 825,
830, 833, 835, 836, 845, 846, 872,
872, 894, 895, 926, 949
Chennault Claire Lee 86, 520, 521,
526, 641, 643, 668, 675, 676, 761,
767, 770, 778, 784, 787, 821, 825,
846, 893, 894, 895, 926
Chesneaux Jean 806
Chi Madleine 25
Chi Ch’ao-ting 352
Ch’i Hsi-shen 939
Ch’i Hsi-shen 73, 78, 159, 173, 311,
373, 375, 380, 381, 493, 572, 638,
649, 684, 759, 764, 778, 804, 828,
837, 934, 939, 940, 952
Chiang Ching-kuo – zob. Czang Czingkuo
Chiang Ching-kuo 134
Chiang Chung-cheng [Chiang Kaishek] 889
Chiang Kai-min (w pinyinie Jiang Gaimin) 920
Chiang Kai-shek – zob. Czang Kajszek
Chiang Kai-shek 252, 320, 337, 340,
390, 550, 564, 918
Chichibu, książę, brat cesarza Hirohito 255
Chikayuki Akagi 695
Chin Kee Onn 605
Chin Rockwood O.P. 627
Chojnowski Andrzej 19
Chomakow Petyr 839
Chou Eric 624
Chow Julie Yen-ling 25, 212
Chow Tse-tung 25
Christensen Erleen 633
Chruszczow Nikita 469, 673, 881, 939
Chruszczow Nikita 673,
Chu C.K. 635
Chu Pao-chin 33, 201, 419, 422
Churchill Winston Spencer 252, 283,
404, 405, 406, 420, 514, 522, 541,
542, 552, 553, 554, 560, 563, 564,
566, 570, 571, 583, 594, 598, 615,
616, 619, 621, 622, 641, 655, 657,
669, 670, 671, 673, 676, 677, 678,
679, 680, 682, 586, 686, 693, 696,
735, 777, 798, 800, 820, 821, 846,
855, 870, 880, 881, 883, 884, 908,
909, 930, 950, 955
Churchill Winston Spencer 542, 669,
Ciano Galeazzo di Corteleazzo 197,
205, 239, 325, 416, 418, 617
Ciano Galeazzo di Corteleazzo 197,
204, 205, 239, 325, 391, 418, 617
Clark Anne B. 463
Clark Kerr Archibald, 1st earl of Inverchapel 313, 321, 336, 360, 378, 384,
399, 405, 422, 483, 485, 696, 886,
889, 904
Clay Lucius D. 597, 725
Clines C.V. 587
Clubb Olivier Edmund 637
Clubb Olivier Edmund 45, 637, 882
Coates Patrick Devreux 880
Coble Parks M. 94, 95, 100, 140, 434,
455, 946, 952
Coe Frank 597, 598
Coggins Cecil 705
Cohen Jerome 666, 758
Cohen Warren 529, 806
Collins Sandra 113, 490
Compton Boyd 793
Connel John 604
Connors Lesley 385, 407
Conquest Robert 673
Conroy Hillary 25, 47, 48, 100, 113,
123, 225, 293, 324, 850, 865, 943
Cook Haruko Taya 224, 664, 847, 924
Cook Theodore F. 224, 664, 847, 924
Coox Alvin 22, 25, 31, 37, 38, 46, 48,
63, 100, 108, 112, 113, 120, 123, 204,
225, 227, 254, 286, 287, 288, 289,
293, 324, 333, 356, 362, 494, 507,
509, 511, 512, 513, 514, 516, 839,
840, 850, 865, 903, 905, 911, 921,
925, 933, 937, 943, 951
Cornelius Wanda 286
Indeks nazwisk
Cortazzi Hugh 139
Courtois Stephane 766
Cowman Chas E. 684
Cowman Chas E. 684
Craft Stephen G. 204, 360, 371, 556,
Craigie Robert 251, 265, 267, 335, 348,
357, 359, 360, 370, 371, 384, 385,
396, 707
Craigie Robert 36, 114
Cressy-Marks Violet 282
Cressy-Marks Violet 282
Cripps Stafford 565
Crowley James 96, 103, 104, 110, 114,
115, 116, 117, 120, 123, 125, 130,
131, 196, 229
Crozier Brian 624, 630, 888
Cruickshank Charles 697
Culp Robert 275
Currie Lauchlin 483, 484, 485, 519,
592, 593, 594, 598, 640, 795, 798,
799, 801, 808, 830, 880
Curtin John 767
Curtis John 209
Czan Tso-lin – zob. Zhang Zuolin
Czang Czing-kuo (Jiang Jinguo, Chiang
Ching-kuo; „Jelizarow”) 134, 381,
484, 488, 899, 900
Czang Kaj-szek (Jiang Jieshi, Chiang
Kai-shek) 11, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23,
26, 27, 29, 33–35, 40, 42, 43, 49, 53,
61, 71–73, 76, 78, 79, 81, 86, 88–92,
97–99, 101–104, 106–111, 116–118,
120, 122, 124–129, 132, 133, 136,
137, 140–142, 144, 145, 148–150,
152, 154, 159–164, 167–180, 183,
189, 192, 193, 195, 197–199,
202–204, 208, 210, 211–215, 217,
223, 227–231, 233–236, 238–240,
243, 246, 252, 253, 254, 258, 262,
265–278, 280, 281, 289, 291, 293,
296–301, 303, 304, 306, 311, 313,
314, 316–318, 320, 321, 323–327,
330–333, 335–337, 340–344,
346–351, 353–355, 357, 358, 360,
362–365, 368, 369, 372–375, 378–381,
384, 385, 388–390, 393–395, 398,
400, 401, 404–406, 409–423, 425,
426, 430, 431, 436, 438, 439, 441,
445, 446, 448, 454, 457, 461, 463,
464, 466–476, 478–485, 488, 491,
492, 495, 499, 504–507, 509,
510, 512, 516, 518–525, 530–532,
535–537, 540–544, 546, 547, 550,
554, 555, 559, 560, 563–567,
570–572, 574, 578–580, 582–585,
590–593, 598, 601, 602, 605, 608,
611, 614–618, 620–622, 624, 625,
628, 630, 633–635, 638–640, 643,
645, 647, 648, 650, 651–657, 659,
662, 668–674, 676–680, 682–685,
687, 688, 690, 694, 697, 699, 700,
702, 704, 705, 710–712, 714, 718,
722–726, 731, 732, 734–738, 746,
749, 750, 753, 754, 760, 764–767,
770–772, 774–776, 779–783,
785–788, 790–793, 795–797,
800–804, 807, 808, 810–813, 815,
818–832, 835–837, 842, 845, 847,
849, 851, 854, 856–862, 864, 865, 869,
870, 876–879, 883, 884, 886–890,
895–898, 900, 903, 908, 909, 912,
916–918, 920–925, 927–932, 938,
939, 941, 943, 945–947, 949–951,
954, 955, 957
Czang Wei-kuo (Jiang Weiguo, Chiang
Wei-kuo) 391, 607
Czerny Anna Ludwika 94
Czubarian Aleksandr 592
Czujkow Wasilij 485, 516
Czujkow Wasilij 485
Czyngis Chan (wł. Temudżyn) 107,
196, 207, 332
Dai Anlan (Tai An-lan) 580
Dai Li (Tai Li) 145, 163, 265, 333, 343,
350, 371, 387, 389, 402, 403, 416,
455, 472, 628, 680, 688, 689, 690,
691, 691, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695,
697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703,
704, 705, 706, 710, 711, 712, 713,
714, 736, 801, 861, 864, 865, 867,
873, 874, 905, 932, 941
Dai Jie (Tai Chieh) 694
dalajlama XIII, wł. Tcupten Gyatso,
T’ub-bstan-rgja-m’co 700
Dallin Alexander 278, 480, 481
Indeks nazwisk
Danchev Alex 642
Daniels Gordon 139
Darlington Charles Evans 740
Darwin Charles 605
Davidson-Huston James Vivan 145,
146, 166
Davies John Paton 592, 647, 668, 713,
726, 755, 754, 762, 765, 795–799,
801, 811, 873
Davies Norman 515
Davis Norman 200, 201
Davis Lydia 806
De, książę – zob. Demczunkdongrubb
Demczunkdongrubb (Demchunkdonggrub, Demchüngdungrübb), książę
De, „De Wang” 53, 106, 107, 182,
196, 378, 392, 427, 439, 453, 937
Deng Longguang (Teng Lung-kuang)
Deng Ren (Teng Jen) 430
Deng Yingchao (Teng Ying-ch’ao) 276
Deng Yuxian (Teng Yu-hsiang) 442
Deng Xiaoping (Teng Hsiao-ping, „Dozorow”) 270, 461
Deng Xihou (Teng Hsi-hou) 245, 246,
Dennys L.E. 696
Dębski Sławomir 370, 423
Diamant Neil J. 942
Dill John 619
Dilks David 406
Dimitrow Georgi 199, 298, 473, 480,
481, 482, 486, 488
Ding Ling (Ting Ling) 484, 792
Ding Mozhun (Ting Mo-chun) 393
Dirksen Herbert von 86, 120, 203, 204,
211, 227
Dirksen Herbert von 120
Disraeli Beniamin 1st earl of Beaconsfield 870
Divine Robert A. 546
Doak Kevin M. 46
Dobrosielski Paweł 741
Dobson Richard 319,
Dockrill Saki 508, 638, 748
Dodds James 148
Doihara Kenji 29, 33, 38, 47, 100, 101,
104, 105, 106, 140, 293, 294, 302,
328, 928
Dolan Brookes 699, 701
Dole Robert 950
Doleżał-Nowicka Irena 625
Domes Jürgen 92, 476
Donald William Henry („Donald of China”) 88, 133, 175, 191, 214, 234,
239, 240, 252
Dong Biwu (Tung Pi-wu) 801
Dong Jiyuan (Tung Chi-yuan) 645
Donovan William 688, 699, 700, 701,
703, 712, 713, 723, 728
Doolittle James 11, 587, 775, 820, 893,
Dooman Eugene H. 323, 358, 361, 527
Dorman Smith Reginald 570
Dorn Frank 13, 14, 78, 141, 300, 301,
316, 577, 578, 581, 709,710, 765,
803, 872
Dorn Frank 78, 136, 138, 142, 159, 172,
173, 179, 184, 187, 189, 190, 191, 242,
245, 247, 251, 253, 295, 297, 300, 306,
308, 312, 316, 317, 345, 346, 368, 376,
378, 381, 400, 401, 500, 501, 504, 532,
533, 571, 577, 580
Dower John W. 685, 853, 854, 855, 916,
932, 933, 937, 944
Drea Edward J. 14
Drea Edward J. 52, 61, 65, 74, 95, 98,
108, 111, 121, 155, 156, 158, 161,
165, 166, 167, 172, 175, 180, 185,
187, 192, 208, 210, 215, 217, 251,
382, 410, 422, 503, 589, 592, 729,
738, 759, 767, 825, 834, 893, 903,
937, 949
Dreifort John E. 371, 404
Dreyer Edward L. 171, 190, 293, 297,
311, 315, 365, 621, 646, 732, 769,
813, 893, 895
Drum Hugh A. 557
Dryburgh Marjorie 101, 106, 123, 130
Du Fu (Tu Fu) 278
Du Yuming (Tu Yü-ming) 375, 567,
573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 579
Du Yuesheng (Tu Yueh-sheng, „Wielkouchy Du”) 143, 145, 162, 690
Duan Qirui (Tuan Ch’i-jui) 264
Duara Parasit 429
Duff Arthur 699, 701
Dull Paul S. 27
Dundin Tilman 297
Indeks nazwisk
Dunlop Richard 713
Duus Peter 25, 39, 47, 66, 103, 108,
303, 444, 445, 664, 720
Dymitrow Georgi 198, 278, 298, 480,
481, 482, 486, 488, 592
Dyskant Józef Wiesław 145, 147, 153,
163, 238, 285, 304, 306, 340, 345,
Działak Jerzy 145
Easterbrook Ernest. F. 600
Eastman Lloyd E. 223, 952
Eastman Lloyd E. 173, 223, 251, 277,
296, 297, 304, 492, 623, 628, 630,
635, 648, 782, 818, 998
Eden Anthony, earl of Avon 115, 126,
148,196, 352, 485, 558, 563, 563,
564, 615, 622, 669, 676, 784, 835,
879, 887, 888, 890
Edmonds Richard Louis 43, 934
Edward VII, król 148, 150
Edwards Leslie 747, 921
Eggleston Frederick sir 554
Eifler Carl 699, 701,
Eifler Carl 706
Einstein Albert 351
Eisenhower Dwight 283, 752, 817, 950
Eisenstaedt Alfred 926
Ejdus Christina 119
Eldridge Fred 578, 599
Elegant Robert 811
Elgin Robert 68
Enbu Katsuichiro 498
Enomoto Masayo 218, 219, 220, 221,
Ehrman John 670, 638, 748
Epstein Israel 297, 804
Epstein Israel 145, 247, 688, 806
Erenfeicht Leszek 840
Ericsson John 513
Escalante Heliodoro 917
Etter Charles 932
Eto Shinkichi 230, 328, 387
Fairbank John King 636
Fairbank John King 67, 160, 447, 637,
801, 819
Fairbank Wilma 636
Falkenhausen Alexander von („Fakenhaosen”) 72, 110, 132, 142, 149,
153, 169, 188, 202, 238, 239, 253,
Faligot Roger 428, 691, 705, 706,
Fang Xianjue (Fang Hsien-chüeh) 775,
776, 778, 786, 803
Farmer Rhodes 419
Farmer Rhodes 145, 162, 166, 247,
261, 303, 317, 420
Farnsworth Beatrice 683
Fei Mary 498
Feis Herbert 420, 421, 425, 527, 543,
583, 724, 781, 800, 809, 826, 845,
888, 889, 890, 901, 909
Fenby Jonathan 73, 173, 213, 248, 373,
381, 401, 474, 557, 607, 678, 761
Feng Yuxiang ((Feng Yu-hsiang) 35,
42, 100, 178, 183, 234, 274, 277, 279,
498, 630
Feng Xinfa (Feng Hsin-fa) 268
Feng Xuzhou (Feng Hsu-chou) 432, 433
Feng Zhenhai (Feng Chen-hai) 184
Feng Zhian (Feng Chih-an) 891
Feng Zikai (Feng Tzu-k’ai) 272
Feng Zongmeng (Feng Tsung-meng)
269, 275
Ferguson Niall 949
Ferguson Niall 63, 224, 949
Feuerwerker Albert 160, 623
Field Frederick V. 804
Finch Perceval 150
Firsov F.I. 278, 480, 481
Fisher Max 280
Fitzmaurice N. 295
Fitzmaurice Gerald 156
Flaming Peter 351
Flasiński Tomasz 225
Floyar-Raychman Henryk 31
Foch Ferdinand 148, 920, 929
Foo Yee Wah 637, 886, 887, 899, 901,
904, 912
Forbes William C. 41
Forman Harrison 804
Forman Harrison 187, 474
Fouché Joseph, książę Otranto 688
Fox John P. 199, 203, 210, 239
Francillon René J. 60, 495
Indeks nazwisk
Franciszek, św. Franciszek z Asyżu (wł.
Giovanni Bernardone) 952
Franco Bahamonde Francisco 202
Frank Anna 10
Franke Wolfgang 448
Fraser Andrew 386
Fraser George MacDonald 63
Fraser George MacDonald 63
Fraser T.G. 350, 491, 656, 659, 799
Fremery Henri de 157
Freidel Frank Burt 548
Frillman Paul 676, 681
Fruhjelm Jan 32
Fu Bingchang (Fu Ping-ch’ang) 637,
654, 885, 886, 901, 902, 904
Fu Poshek 427, 435, 456, 458
Fu Shenghui (Fu Sheng-hui) 9
Fu Xiaoan (Fu Hsiao-an) 434, 695
Fu Zuoyi (Fu Tso-i) 107, 108, 178, 181,
190, 378, 697, 908
Fujieda Takeo 394
Fukuda Hikosuke 71
Fuller J.F.L. 11
Fuller J.F.L. 11
Fuller Richard 57, 95
Funaki Shigeru 911
Funke Manfred 92
Funatsu Shin’ichiro 140, 147
Furuya Keiji 34, 49, 102, 103, 104,
124, 129, 142, 146, 187, 197, 233,
330, 343, 354, 361, 417, 421, 422,
473, 477, 480, 482, 507, 519, 521,
522, 537, 542, 553, 555, 565, 618,
653, 677, 679, 682, 774, 786, 805,
823, 825, 884, 887, 890, 919, 923
Fushimi Hiroyasu, książę 105, 147, 228
Gacek Jerzy 19
Gage Berkeley Edward 610
Galbraith William 458
Galbraith William 458
Galos Rafał Albert 515
Gan Lizhu (Kan Li-chu) 825
Gan Weiyong (Kan Wei-yung) 833
Gan Zhengzheng (Kan Cheng-cheng)
Gandhi Mohandas zwany Mahatma
564, 565, 567, 670
Gang De (Kang Teh) – zob. Puyi
Gann Lewis H. 457
Gao Dong (Kao Tung, „Godunow”) 801
Gao Guizi (Kao Kuei-tzu) 134
Gao Zhisong (Kao Chih-sung) 215
Gao Zongwu (Kao Tsung-wu) 140, 324,
325, 328, 333, 334, 335, 389
Garver John W. 637
Garver John W. 159, 199, 211, 285,
360, 384, 398, 402, 416, 481, 541,
637, 827, 884, 888, 899, 901, 955
Gaulle Charles André de 335, 596, 715,
Gauss Clarence 547, 591, 617, 699,
761, 762, 765, 809, 812
Gauss Friedrich 203
Gawlikowski Krzysztof 67, 70
Gellhorn Martha 483
Genda Minoru 285
Giangreco D.M. 910
Gibbon Edward 241
Gibson Michael 73, 373
Gilbert Martin 583
Gilbert Prentiss 37
Gilbert Rodney 318
Gilley Bruce 448
Gillin Donald G. 174, 178, 183, 185,
190, 299, 300, 372, 473, 930, 932
Giles H.A. 415
Giraud Henri 715
Gleason S. Everett 524
Glenn Edgar „Buzz” 643, 771
Głogoczowski Maciej 809
Godziński Stanisław 106
Goette John A. 415, 503
Goh Chor Boon 606
Goldblatt Howard 437
Goldstein Erik 23
Goldstein Melvyn 615, 700
Goldstein Steven M. 810, 885
Gomułka Władysław 428
Gordijewski Oleg 598, 880
Gordon Charles 831
Gordon David M. 14, 546,
Göring Hermann 203, 240, 416
Goto Ryunosuke 227
Gowen Robert Joseph 25
Góralczyk Bogdan 559, 581, 604
Góralczyk Zdzisław 811
Indeks nazwisk
Graebner Norman A. 200, 529
Grant Ulisses 606
Green William 352
Gregory Ron 57
Grew Joseph 200, 341, 358, 390, 523,
527, 530, 531, 536, 537, 539, 924
Grew Joseph 523, 530, 536,
Grudziński Przemysław 596
Gruhl Werner 11, 939, 950
Gruhl Werner 9, 11, 267, 939
Grzelak Czesław K. 356
Gu Shunzhang (Ku Shun-chang) 706
Gu Zhudong (Ku Chu-dung) 179, 207,
Gu Zhutong (Ku Chu-t’ung) 411, 480,
Guan Linzheng (Kuan Lin-cheng) 367
Guan Yu 67
Guo Daiji (Kuo Tai-chi)
Guo Xunji (Kuo Hsun- chi) 208
Gui Yongqing (Kuei Yung-ch’ing) 293,
294, 416
Guillain Robert 165
Guillermaz Jacques 129, 135, 688
Guillermaz Jacques 129, 135, 478,
688, 789
Gunther John 297
Gunther John 46, 114
Guo Anna – zob. Satō Tomiko
Guo Daiji (Kuo Tai-chi) 360, 521
Guo Moruo (Kuo Mo-jo) 271, 278, 280,
Gutowska-Nowak Barbara 12
Haggie Paul 362
Hagiwara Mitsuru 61, 87, 836
Hahn Emily 781, 812, 829
Halifax, Edward Frederick Landley 1st
earl of Halifax 267, 292, 313, 321,
348, 352, 357, 359, 360, 370, 393,
399, 446, 622
Halimarski Andrzej 442
Haliżak Edward 492, 951
Halliday Jon 148, 186, 187, 461, 471,
472, 476, 480, 789, 790, 897
Hamaguchi Osachi 26
Hamamoto Kisaburo 36
Han Dejin (Han Te-chin) 299
Han Deqin (Han Te-ch’in) 479
Han Fuju (Han Fu-chü) 183, 184, 189,
190, 191, 192, 234, 237, 245
Han Juanbu (Han Chüan-pu) 501
Han Suyin (Han Su-yin) 278, 310, 411,
495, 496, 553
Han Suyin 279, 310, 411, 496, 553
Han Wenying (Han Wen-ying) 295
Hanaya Tadashi 32
Hanson Haldore 225
Hanson Haldore 189, 226
Hao Monlin (Hao Mon-lin) 189
Hara Takashi 385
Hara Takeshi 759, 766, 770, 774, 834,
Hara Yoshimichi 545, 546
Harada Kumao 115, 229, 408, 421
Hari Mata (wł. Margaretha Geertruida
McLeod) 428
Harinouchi Kensuke 362
Harootunian Harry 29
Harper Tim 570, 576, 581, 599, 605,
620, 740
Harpole Sally 134
Harries Meirion 61, 222, 294, 314, 318,
322, 718, 722, 733, 748
Harries Susie 61, 222, 294, 314, 318,
322, 718, 722, 733, 748
Harriman Averell 800, 883, 885, 886,
899, 900
Harriman Averell 890
Harris Sheldon H. 708
Harrison James Pinckley 465
Harrison Kenneth 909
Harvey Robert 707
Hasegawa Kiyoshi 147
Hashimoto Gun 98, 114, 120, 121, 122,
Hashimoto Toranosuke 42
Hashimoto Yoshiko 856
Hastings Max 844, 856, 863, 868, 902,
911, 914, 919, 921, 922, 924
Hata Hikozaburō 774
Hata Ikuhiko 96, 97, 98, 99, 112, 113,
114, 115, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123,
125, 140, 148, 156, 178, 185, 201,
208, 286, 404, 405, 764
Hata Shunroku 254, 255, 258, 265,
266, 301, 314, 318, 322, 351, 363,
Indeks nazwisk
364, 385, 406, 512, 759, 774, 789,
850, 910
Hatanaka Kenji 914, 928
Hattori Satoshi 156, 158, 161, 165,
166, 172, 180, 185, 187, 208, 210,
215, 217
Hattori Takushirō 758
Havens Thomas R.H. 490
Hayashi Kyuijirō 32, 36
Hayashi Saburō 120, 904
Hayashi Saburō 120, 494, 589, 904,
Hayashi Senjūrō 32, 110, 11
Hayden Joseph 700, 701
Haydn Joseph Franz 284
Haynes John Earl 598, 713, 881
Hayter W.G. 393
He Bingdi (Ho Ping-ti) 938
He Haruo (Ho Ha-jo) 630
He Hengfu (Ho Heng-fu) 276
He Jiunheng (Ho Chün-heng) 741
He Long (Ho Lung) 462
He Suiyuan (Ho Sui-yuan) 270, 330
He Xianning (Ho Hsian-ning) 283
He Yaozu (Ho Yao-tsu) 397
He Yingqin (Ho Ying-chin) 96, 100,
107, 108, 123, 125, 129, 132, 140,
172, 179, 236, 237, 243, 477, 479,
482, 653, 727, 769, 770, 822, 829,
851, 857, 865, 872, 908, 925, 927,
He Zizhen (Ho Tsu-hen, wł. He Guiyuan, Ho Kuei-yuan) 471
Hearn Tom 783
Hedin Sven 243
Heinrichs Waldo H. 529
Hemingway Ernest 280, 483, 519
Henriot Christian 158, 447
Henry Arsène 340
Hepburn James Curtis 18
Heppner Richard 874
Herbert G.A. 419
Herling-Grudziński Gustaw 605
Herling-Grudziński Gustaw 605
Herwarth Hans von 883
Heuchert Agnieszka 19
Heyden-Rynsch A. 203
Hicks George 65, 220
Hidaka Shinrokurō 125, 128, 226, 227
Higashikuni Naruhiko 254, 301, 302,
312, 841, 848, 857, 860, 861, 863,
864, 866, 924
Hill David „Tex” 776
Himmler Heinrich 145, 688
Hinton William 941
Hiranuma Kiichirō 338, 339, 340, 343,
356, 358, 385, 510, 855
Hirohito, pośmiertnie nazwany Shōwa,
cesarz 9, 16, 30, 44, 47, 113, 115,
130, 132, 138, 147, 156, 175, 226,
228, 229, 230, 232, 302, 303, 315, 318,
319, 338, 339, 350, 351, 381, 382, 385,
407, 409, 425, 446, 477, 470, 494, 516,
525–527, 536, 545–547, 549, 551, 664,
684, 707, 732, 740, 748, 789, 807, 808,
855, 856, 863, 908, 912–915, 920, 929,
945, 953, 957
Hirota Kōki 99, 108, 110, 122, 123,
127, 147, 148, 204, 210, 211, 223,
226, 228, 229, 264, 302, 848, 855,
902, 903, 916, 927
Hiss Alger („Ales”) 484, 830, 880
Hitler Adolf 169, 199, 202, 203, 222,
223, 239, 340, 362, 370, 372, 391,
409, 410, 418, 423, 424, 472, 481,
485, 488, 507, 508, 512, 515, 516,
544, 554, 565, 653, 748, 783, 796,
801, 821, 828, 848, 869, 939
Ho Chi Minh (wł. Nguyen Ai Quoc, ur.
jako Nguyen Sinh Cung) 715, 956
Ho Franklin 634
Ho Ping-ti 938
Hoang Trong Phu 715
Hoffman Carl 688
Holcombe William 600
Honda Katsuichi, żołnierz 218
Honda Katsuichi, 223
Hong Lishen (Hung Li-shen) 899
Honjō Shigeru 30, 32, 37, 45, 47, 48, 928
Honma (Homma) Masaharu 139, 226
Hoo Victor – zob. Hu Jizai
Hooker Nancy Hervison 200
Hooton Edward R. 77
Hoover Edgar 688
Hoover Herbert 200, 529, 802
Hopkins Harry 548, 553, 648, 649,
651, 654, 657, 673, 676, 677, 880,
884, 900
Indeks nazwisk
Hornbeck Stanley Kuhl 529, 726, 880
Hosokawa Hajime 158,
Hosoya Chihiro 339, 384, 385, 417,
418, 507, 508, 509
Hotta Masaki 202
Hotz Robert 86
Hou Chi-ming 103, 610, 623, 648
Howard Richard C. 37
Howarth Stephen 60
Howe Christopher 660, 945
Howe R.G. 171, 191, 195, 207, 505
Hsiung James C. 14, 152, 311, 373,
398, 468, 626, 810
Hsu Long-hsuen (w pinyinie Xu Longxuen) 13, 73, 86, 87, 128, 130,
152, 153, 157, 163, 167, 172, 178,
181, 187, 189, 208, 215, 2472, 245,
253, 255, 258, 261, 299, 300, 302,
306, 312, 315, 345, 346, 347, 365,
372, 376, 378, 382, 401, 494, 500,
501, 503, 504, 532, 562, 562, 580,
587, 589, 608, 638, 643, 667, 668,
675, 681, 720, 749, 763, 764, 769,
778, 786, 817, 825, 834, 891, 893,
907, 925, 928, 929, 955
Hsu Shushi 119
Hu Diedie (Hu Tieh-tieh, znana jako
„Butterfly Wu”) 436
Hu Egong (Hu En-kung) 372
Hu Houji (Hu Hou-chi) 834
Hu Jibang (Hu Chi-pang) 902
Hu Jizai (Hu Chi-tsai, znany jako Victor Hoo) 899, 901
Hu Norman 528
Hu Pu-yu 173, 251, 345, 354, 376, 382,
Hu Shi (Hu Shih) 109, 173, 283, 324, 325,
351, 360, 523, 541, 542, 547, 549
Hu Su 749
Hu Zongnan (Hu Tsung-nan) 91, 234,
311, 472, 630, 765, 807, 819, 897
Hunter Charles 742, 750
Hunter Charles 750
Hua Liang 271
Huang Dao (Huang Tao) 784
Huang Jixiang (Huang Chi-hsiang)
Huang Meizhen 372, 388, 399, 416,
416, 617, 659, 843, 851
Huang Ray 629, 630
Huang Ray 579, 629, 630, 632, 652,
670, 678, 820
Huang Shaogu (Huang Shao-ku) 279
Huang Shaohong (Huang Shao-hung)
273, 274
Huang Shaoxiong (Huang Shao-hsiung)
Huang Weigang (Huang Wei-kang)
Huang Zhen (Huang Chen) 434
Hudson G.F. 764, 813, 879, 889
Hull Cordell 200, 211, 288, 361, 362,
395, 396, 405, 406, 407, 420, 421,
524, 525, 534, 538, 539, 540, 541,
542, 543, 544, 545, 549, 615, 655,
726, 762, 809, 821
Hull Cordell 406, 407, 524, 539, 540,
541, 542, 555, 615, 656
Hułas Magdalena 386
Humphreys Leonard A. 52, 112, 687
Hunter Janet 491
Huo Weizhen (Huo Wei-chen) 832
Hurley Patrick J. 753, 802, 816, 817,
819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 826, 827,
829, 872, 878, 879, 885, 889, 890,
897, 901, 923
Hutton Thomas 566, 567
Husarska Anna 553
Hyde Robin 351
Ianaga Saburō 217, 309, 380, 546,
Iida Shojino 570
Ijiri Hidenori 945
Ike Nobutaka 510, 511, 512, 513, 525,
530, 534, 537, 538
Ikeda Kiyoshi 350, 659
Ikeda Sumihisa 911
Ikei Masaru 24
Iklé Frank W. 202, 211, 384
Imai Kiyoshi 112
Imai Masatake 217
Imai Seiichi 302, 341
Imai Takeo 328, 330, 387, 388, 858,
861, 925
Imamura Kibici 375
Imamura Hitoshi 112
Indeks nazwisk
Imamura Hōsaku 932
Imaoka Yutaka 514
Imoto Kumao 96
Impey Lawrence 69
Impey Lawrence 69
Ingersoll Royal E. 176
Inoue Shigeyoshi 105
Inukai Ken 325, 333, 354, 371
Inukai Tsuyoshi (Ki) 37, 44, 45, 47,
164, 385
Iriye Akira 223
Iriye Akira 25, 29, 126, 173, 196, 223,
520, 522, 525, 529, 530, 659
Isaacs Harold 833
Isherwood Christopher 247, 281, 294,
Isherwood Christopher 247, 281, 294,
Ishii Itarō 103, 111, 122, 125, 137, 139,
140, 226, 293, 337, 387
Ishii Shiro 708
Ishikawa Shigo 528
Ishiwara Kanji 29, 30, 32, 33, 36, 39,
40, 46, 47, 103, 108, 110–113, 117,
121, 122, 126, 127, 138, 148, 147,
185, 208, 408, 487, 659
Ishiwari Heizo 376
Isogai Rensuke 241, 242, 244, 246,
247, 248, 250, 251, 253, 255
Israel John 40, 782, 819
Itagaki Seishirō 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 39, 42,
107, 128, 180, 186, 188, 189, 241, 243,
244, 247, 253, 254, 255, 302, 334, 339,
341, 343, 350, 355, 364, 385, 388, 403,
415, 506, 507, 512, 928
Itō, major 744
Itō Hirobumi 385
Itō Nobufumi 340
Itō Risaburo 691
Itsuki Kiyonaho 97
Ivens Boris 280
Iwai Eiichi 789
Izawa Takio 522
Jabłoński Jarosław („Jabu”) 19, 54
Jacobs Travis 171
Jacoby Annalee 552
James David H. 665, 740
Jankowska Wanda 19
Jansen Marius B. 326 24, 131, 686
Jantos-Gacek Marzena 19
Jaruzelski Wojciech 429
Jastrzębski Jarosław 19
Jastrzębski Jarosław 23, 548
Jerzy VI, król 199
Jewdoszuk Joanna 186
Jezus Chrystus 252, 918
Jeżewski Władysław 12, 673
Jędrzejewicz Wacław 63, 69
Ji Chaoding (Chi Ch’ao-ting) 352
Ji Chaozhu (Chi Ch’ao- chu) 272, 611
Ji Chaozhu 272, 611
Ji Shaobin (Chi Shao-pin) 452
Ji Xingwen (Chi Hsing-wen) 96
Jiagchid Sechin 378
Jiang Bocheng (Chiang Po-ch’eng) 345
Jiang De (Chiang Te) 914
Jiang Fugen 219
Jiang Jieshi – zob. Czang Kaj-szek
Jiang Renjian (Chiang Jen-chien) 270,
Jiang Zemin (Chiang Tse-min) 448
Jiang Zhaozong (Chiang Chao-tsung)
Jin Binhui (Chin Pin-hui, znana jako
„Kawashima Yoshiko”) 428
Jin Jiashan (Chin Chia-shan) 108
Jin Wang (Chin Wang) 745
Johnson Chalmers A. 187, 466, 482
Johnson Nelson Tusler 38, 159, 231,
292, 300, 362, 405, 419, 422, 423,
Johnston Reginald F. 39
Johnson Walter 904
Johnstone W. Christopher 617
Jones F.C. 319
Jones Jessie 555
Jordan Donald A. 42
Jordan Donald A. 33, 34, 42, 49
Jowett Philip S. 52, 53, 58, 251, 440,
478, 567, 600, 646, 845
Ju Zhifen 451, 452, 453, 608, 609
Jungraw J. 119
Junji Banno 35
Kagesa Sadaaki 325, 331, 333, 335,
354, 371
Kahn B. Winston 100, 106
Indeks nazwisk
Kahn David 543, 548, 692
Kaliagin A.J. 75
Kaliagin A.J. 73, 75
Kalinin Michaił 899
Kamimura Shinichi 127
Kanai Shoji 196
Kang Sheng (K’ang Sheng) 484, 792
Kania Krzysztof 46
Kan’in Kotohito, książę 103, 112, 115,
226, 228, 229
Kanroyi Osanaga 132
Karachan Lew Michajłowicz (wł. Karachanian; „Michajłow”) 35
Karpiński Jakub 881
Kase Toshikazu 418
Kastory Andrzej 387
Katakura Tadashi 31
Kataoka Tetsuya 120, 186, 298, 478
Kato Masuo 528, 539
Katsuki Kiyoshi 121, 122, 128, 130,
179, 182, 184
Kauffer Rémi 428, 691, 705, 706
Kawabe Masakazu 95, 120, 748
Kawabe Torashirō 208
Kawada Isao 943
Kawagoe Shigeru 109, 111, 125, 128,
141, 162
Kawakami K.K. 418
Kawakishi Bunsabuōro 128
Kawakita Nagamesa 434, 435
Kawano Hiroki 219
Kawano Hitoshi 503, 504, 506, 764
Kawashima Yoshiko - zob. Jin Binhui
Kaya Okinori 131
Kayano Nagatomo 44
Kazami Akira 127, 128
Kazanin M.I. 69
Kehr Harvey 598, 713, 881
Kellogg Frank 35, 156
Kennedy Paul 53, 60, 66, 491, 494, 513,
514, 515, 533, 595, 665
Kent Wade 844
Kershaw Ian 543, 546
Keswick John 835
Kibata Yoichi 102, 350, 352, 386, 659
Kido Kōichi 526, 848, 863
Kiernan Frank A. 67
Killery Valentine 696
King Ernest J. 698, 702
King Wunsz 201
Kinji Sudo 410
Kinji Sudo 411
Kinnison Henry 742
Kirby S. Woodburn 559, 560, 569, 574,
576, 582, 620, 621, 720
Kirby William 555
Kirby William C. 92, 228, 626, 628,
847, 934
Kirshener Jonathan 351
Kisson Thomas A. 804
Kita Ikki 28, 29, 852
Kita Seichi 125, 193, 194
Kitajima Yu 433
Kitaoka Shin’ichi 66, 117
Kitson G.V. 195, 807
Klekot Ewa 65
Klein Donald W. 463
Klimecki Michał 13
Klimecki Michał 13, 626, 681, 717, 905
Knatchbull-Hugessen Hughe 88, 110,
Knatchbull-Hugessen Hughe 161, 162
Knox Frank 703
Kobayashi Saburō 291
Kobylański Tadeusz 341
Koga Mineichi 228
Koiso Kuniaki 112, 121, 842, 848, 849,
850, 856, 857, 859, 860, 861, 862,
863, 864, 865, 877
Kołodziejczyk Babara 543
Kołomijec Niko 53
Komotō Daisaku 27
Konfucjusz (Kongzi, K’ung-tzu, K’ungfu-tzu) 22, 67, 68, 241, 426, 473,
Konfucjusz 67
Kong Lingjie (Kung Ling-chieh, znany
jako „Louis Kung”) 769, 770
Kong Xianxi (Kung Hsiang-hsi,
„H.H. Kung”) 276, 199, 233, 239,
304, 608, 688, 726, 831
Kono Ichiro 113
Konoe (Konoye) Fumimaro, książę 96,
113–117, 122, 127, 128, 130, 131,
139, 147, 152, 155, 164, 200, 204,
227–230, 239, 302, 310, 314, 319,
325, 329, 330, 331, 333, 337, 338,
339, 376, 403, 407–410, 414, 415,
Indeks nazwisk
417, 421, 443, 453, 489, 506, 508,
511, 512, 516–518, 522–528, 530,
531, 533–537, 848, 852, 853, 854,
855, 928, 929, 957
Konoe (Konoye) Amatsumaro, książę 325
Koo Wellington (Gu Weijun, Ku Weichün) 33, 35, 200, 201, 204, 360,
371, 383, 395, 419, 422, 556, 566,
669, 888, 889
Kornat Marek 203
Korzon Barbara 209
Koshino Abako 664
Kowalewski Aleksander 687
Kowalski Jerzy 882
Koyama Kango 164
Kozaczuk Władysław 175
Kozanecka Agnieszka 636
Kozłowski Jerzy 583
Krarup-Nielsen Aare 70
Kratoska Paul H. 605
Krebs Gerard 344, 371
Kriwoszejew G.F. 287
Kropotkin Piotr 270
Krupa Andrzej 492
Kubo Toru 430, 454, 455, 457
Kuga Hidemasa 914
Kumagai Yasushi 454
Kunjara Karb 714
Kuno Seiichi 376
Künstler Mieczysław Jerzy 17
Kuo Warren (Guo Hualun, Kuo Hualun) 160, 187, 468, 477, 480, 482,
Kurihara Riihi 218
Kuromiya Hiroaki 338, 687
Kurtyka Andrzej 744
Kurusu Saburō 408, 416, 539, 540,
542, 544, 545, 548, 549
Kusumoto Sanetake 264
Kuwahara He 196
Kuźniak Mirosław 53
Kwiatkowski Aleksander 197
Kyo Gisors 795
La Fontaine Jean 201
Ladany Laszlo 811
Lai T.C. 436
Lampson Miles Weddeburn, 1st baron
Killearn 21, 31, 32, 41, 71, 143
Lan Ping (wł. Li Junhe, Li Yun-ho, potem znana jako Jian Qing, Chiang
Ch’ing) 471
Lang Olga 270
Langer William L. 524
Lao She 143, 270, 278, 282, 611
Large Stephen L. 427, 229, 303, 350,
516, 527, 863, 945
Lary Diana 935
Lary Diana 13, 14, 70, 79, 92, 107, 169,
184, 189, 192, 232, 234, 241, 242,
248, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 267,
270, 271, 284, 295, 296, 297, 318,
319, 375, 376, 394, 410, 412, 428,
430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 442,
443, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 454,
459, 498, 611, 633, 695, 754, 791,
833, 834, 838, 929, 934, 935, 936,
938, 942, 947, 957
Latham Earl 881
Lathrop Alan K. 576, 582
Lattimore Owen 485, 519, 816
Lattimore Owen 485
Laval Pierre 332, 404
Laurel José 662
Law R.K. 421, 550
Lawrence of Arabia Thomas Edward
38, 280, 293
Le Barbier Françoise 806
Le May Curtis 855, 856,
Leahy William D. 598, 672
Leahy William D. 672
Lebra Joyce C. 319, 456, 666
Ledwoch Janusz 59
Lee Bing-shuey Edward 40
Lee Booker Edna 313
Lee Chong-sik 48
Lee David 741
Lee Duncan („Koch”) 713
Lee En-han (w pinyinie Li Enhan)
Lee En-han 224
Lee Leo Ou-fan 278
Lee Robert E. 952
Lee Teng-hui (w pinyinie Li Deng-hui)
947, 948
Lee Willis „Ching” 698
Indeks nazwisk
Legg Donald 19
Leith-Ross Frederick 102, 103, 104,
175, 191
Leith-Ross Frederick 102
Lenin Włodzimierz (wł. Uljanow) 160,
Leng Xin (Leng Hsin) 925
Lentaigne Joseph 738
Leonard Royal 134
Lepin Edward 148
Lestz Michael 319
Leuchtenburg William E. 387
Levi Werner 231
Lewis John W. 352
Levine Stephen I. 14
Levine Stephen I. 152, 311, 373, 398,
468, 626, 810, 930
Li Bifan (Li Pi-fan) 293
Li Binxian (Li Pin-hsien) 311, 891
Li Dequan (Li Te-ch’üan) 277, 498
Li Fei Fei 212, 224
Li Fuying (Li Fu-ying) 185
Li Hongkun (Li Hung-k’un) 411
Li Jiade (Li Chia-te) 505, 506
Li Jishen (Li Chi-shen, znany też jako
Li Chai-sum) 818
Li Jue (Li Chüeh) 367, 501
Li Lincoln 105, 121, 136, 195, 389,
439, 444, 445, 464
Li Minghui 107, 108, 197, 453
Li Shao 265
Li Shiqun (Li Shih-k’un) 438, 789
Li Shouwei (Li Shou-wei) 479
Li Shouxin (Li Shou-hsin) 107
Li Shu-fan 561
Li Tien-min 887
Li Tsung jen – zob. Li Zongren
Li Wendian (Li Wen-tien) 137
Li Xianglan (Li Hsiang-lan) – zob.
Yamaguchi Yoshiko
Li Xiannian (Li Hien-nien) 401
Li Xiaobing 477
Li Youxing (Li Yu-hsing) 220
Li Yudang (Li You-tang) 561, 825
Li Yun-han 119
Li Zhuying (Li Chu-ying) 499
Li Zongren (Li Tsung-jen, zwany Delin,
Te-lin) 34, 79, 90, 134, 179, 189,
234, 237, 241–243, 245–251, 253,
255, 256, 258, 261, 262, 270, 280,
299, 301, 311, 317, 328, 346, 347,
400, 499, 500, 501, 557, 818, 834
Liao Yaoxiang (Liao Yao-hsiang) 580,
581, 600, 717, 731, 741,742, 745,
Liao Zhongkai (Liao Chung-k’ai) 283
Liaozi (Liao- tzu) 460
Liam Boon Keng 606
Liang Chin-tung 31, 92, 567, 900, 901,
Liang Hanzhao (Liang Han-chao) 801
Liang Hongzhi (Liang Hung-chih) 264,
265, 336, 390, 392, 694, 941
Liang Hsi-huey 72, 148, 253
Liang Qichao (Liang Ch’i-ch’ao) 498
Liang Sheng 498
Liang Xixian (Liang Hsi-hsien) 503
Lieu D.K. 628
Lim Robert K.S. ( Lin Keheng, Lin K’osheng) 76, 282, 317, 876
Lin Biao (Lin Piao) 178, 186, 187, 462,
463, 475, 810, 923
Lin Bosheng (Lin Po-sheng) 393
Lin Han-sheng (w pinyinie Lin Hansheng) 123, 864, 865
Lin Han-sheng 324, 865
Lin Keheng (Lin K’o-sheng) – zob. Robert K.S. Lim
Lin Sen 332, 657
Lin Weiwen (Lin Wei-wen) 314
Lin Yutang 813, 814
Lin Yutang 448, 737
Lincoln Abraham 603
Lindbergh Charles 798
Lindsay Michael 37, 44, 280, 804, 806,
Lindsay Michael 804
Lindsay Ronald Charles 37, 44
Linlithgow Victor Alexander John
Hope, 2nd Marquess of 566, 601
Linnel M. 313
Lippman Walter 291, 315
Litwinow Maksim (wł. Meir Wallach)
160, 200
Liu Bang (Liu Pang, imię dynastyczne
Gaozu), cesarz 238
Liu Bocheng (Liu Po-ch’eng) 462
Liu David 212, 224
Indeks nazwisk
Liu Frederick Fu (wł. Liu Zhibu, Liu
Shih-pu) 73, 92, 173, 262, 315, 373,
425, 492, 493, 494, 600, 638, 649,
752, 759, 779, 785, 844
Liu Fei 163
Liu Fengbin (Liu Feng-pin) 186
Liu Gan (Liu Kan) 763
Liu Jiaji (Liu Chia-chi) 189
Liu Kan (Liu K’an) 764
Liu James T.C. 228
Liu Juiheng (Liu Chiuheng zwany jako
J. Heng Liu) 282
Liu Maoen (Liu Mao-en) 764
Liu Ruming (Liu Ju-ming) 178, 180
Liu Shaoqi (Liu Shao-ch’i) 461, 468, 897
Liu Siying (Liu Ssu-ying) 336
Liu Tuojuan (Liu T’o Chüan) 501
Liu Xiang (Liu Hsiang) 184, 214, 237
Liu Xiaoyuan 884
Liu Youjing (Liu Yü-ching) 346
Liu Yungxiu (Liu Yung-hsiu) 914
Liu Zhangyi (Liu Chang-i) 764
Liu Zhensan (Liu Chen-san) 135
Liu Zhi (Liu Chih) 891
Liuszkow Gienrich 288, 333, 338
Lloyd W.L. 620
Lo Jiu-jung 393, 429, 438
Lo Zhoying (Lo Cho-ying) 345, 346,
365, 500, 501, 502, 561, 568, 577
Lockhardt Frank 363
Lohbeck Don 802, 817, 820, 822, 823,
826, 890
Long Mu’an (Lung Muan) 293
Long Yun (Lung Yun) 237, 245, 328, 329,
330, 331, 332, 405, 559, 602, 628, 636,
697, 782, 832, 848, 876, 878
Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian 405
Lou Hongmao (Lou Hung-mao) 437
Lovell Stanley 688
Lowe Peter 176, 349, 350, 491, 656, 659
Lu Danmeng (Lu Tan-meng) 834
Lu Daoyuan (Lu Tao-yuan) 777
Lu David J. 155, 159, 508
Lu Fang-shang 442
Lu Han 365
Lu Yan 271
Lu Xun (Lu Hsün, wł. Zhou Shuren,
Chou Shu-jen) 143, 271
Luce Claire Boothe 519
Luce Henry R. 519
Lunt James 568, 576
Lunt James 568, 576
Luo Dingwen (Lo Ting-wen) 919
Luo Ji (Lo Chi) 832
Luo Jungqiang (Lo Chung-ch’iang)
Luo Longji (Lo Lung chi) 279, 819
Luo Zhuyin (Lo Chu-yin) 163
Lusey Algan 699, 700
Lyman Robert 97, 733
Lytton lord, Edward Robert Bulwer earl
of Lytton 22, 30, 37, 40, 42, 44
Łaptos Józef 596
Łozowski Aleksandr (wł. Solomon Dridzo) 899, 909
Łukasiewicz Juliusz 484
Ma Liang 264, 454
Ma Zhan (Ma Chan) 122
Ma Zhanshan (Ma Chan-shan) 36, 37
Ma Zhongyin (Ma Chung-yin) 880
MacArthur Douglas 552, 558, 570,
583, 651, 701, 707, 752, 759, 906,
921, 923, 924, 925
MacCarthy Joseph 881
Macartney George 93
MacCormack Gavan 27, 686
Macdonnel Colin 831
Mach Jolanta 39
Machiavelli Niccolo 870
MacKinnon Stephen R. 13, 14, 92, 107,
192, 234, 235, 241, 245, 251, 256,
262, 268, 277, 279, 280, 282, 305,
306, 309, 315, 375, 394, 401, 428,
430, 431, 433, 434, 437, 442, 443,
450, 451, 455, 791, 942, 947
MacLean Donald 880
MacLynn Frank 751
MacNair Harley 635
Maddux Thomas R. 406
Magruder John 554
Maillart Ella 47
Makino Nobuaki 408
Makino Takashi 608
Indeks nazwisk
Malik Jakow 902, 903, 911
Malinowski Rodion 922
Malinowski Rodion 905
Mallory Walter H. 285, 328
Malraux André 795
Maltby C.M. 558
Manchester William 63
Mander G.L. le 162
Mansergh Nicholas 566
Mansfield Walter 713
Manuilski Dmitrij 480
Mao Dun (Mao Tun) 143, 144
Mao Fumei (Mao Fu-mei) 381
Mao Tse-tung – zob. Mao Zedong
Mao Tun 144
Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) 22, 101,
109, 120, 13), 145, 148, 160, 178,
186, 246, 271, 272, 277, 279, 280,
298, 323, 358, 398, 401, 426, 428,
460, 461, 463–474, 476, 477, 479,
480–483, 488, 592, 662, 663, 674,
675, 689, 711–713, 716, 770, 777,
780, 788, 789, 791–793, 795, 797,
799, 801, 802, 805–812, 813, 816,
824, 827, 829, 852, 867, 872–874,
879, 885–887, 896, 897, 901, 914,
921–923, 930, 932, 942–945, 947,
949, 957
Mao Zedong 298, 468, 790, 793, 922,
Margary A.R. 673
Margolin Jean-Louis 225, 790
Margolin Jean-Louis 225, 606, 608,
720, 766, 774, 840, 853, 938, 947
Markiewicz Roman 93
Markowski Wawrzyniec 59
Marshall George Catlett 520, 540, 542,
556, 557, 558, 582, 585, 586, 587,
593, 594, 607, 608, 616, 620, 640,
641, 652, 672, 673, 676, 677, 702,
713, 725, 726, 728, 729, 735, 736,
750, 751, 752, 771, 772, 779, 780,
800, 808, 816, 817, 820, 821, 825,
829, 871, 870, 874, 895, 905, 921,
950, 952
Martin Bernd 19
Martin Bernd 72, 92, 253, 338, 508,
511, 512, 514, 515, 516, 517
Martin Brian 623
Martin Robert 748, 750
Maryański Andrzej 442
Masaki Jinsaburō 103, 104
Matloff Maurice 671, 800
Matsudaira Takayoshi 107
Matsudaira Tsuneo 408
Matsui Iwane 131, 156, 157, 159, 166,
167, 172, 207, 214, 216, 222, 230,
265, 928
Matsui Takurō 97, 98, 114, 121
Matsuoka Yōsuke 29, 45, 46, 407, 408,
410, 417, 421, 423, 486, 489, 506,
508, 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515,
516, 536
Matsuyama Yūzō 746
Matuszyn-Suh Aleksandra 766
Maurer Herryman 154
Maurer Herryman 154
Maurer John 23
Mawdsley Evan 12
Maxon Yale 119, 408
May Ernest R. 116, 129
McCaffarey S.A. 784
McClure Robert 322, 505
McCoy John 37
McGee S. 742
McHugh James M. 699
McKillop Douglas 251
McLynn Frank 751
Mei Lanfang (Mai Lan-fang) 435
Mei Niang 443
Mei Subing (Mei Su-ping) 326
Meiji (za życia Mutsuhito), cesarz 25,
30, 52, 206, 385, 664, 665
Meissner Larry 30
Mencjusz (Mengzi, Meng-tzu) 67
Menon Kriszna 635
Menon Krishna 623
Mercier Fabienne 404, 521, 617
Merrill Frank D. 718, 723, 728, 729,
731, 734, 738, 740, 741, 742, 743
Meyer Eugene 647
Meynier Katiou 715
Meynier Robert 715
Miao Bin (Miao Pin, jap. Myō Hin)
611, 849, 850, 856–867, 886, 888,
890, 903, 924
Mih Walter C. 150
Mihajlovič Dragoljub 889
Indeks nazwisk
Mikasa, książę, brat cesarza Hirohito
476, 924
Mikietyński Piotr 360, 508, 951
Miles Milton E. 686, 693, 697, 698,
699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 705, 706,
712, 713, 714, 715, 788, 874, 905
Miles Milton E. 598, 693, 700, 701,
702, 715
Miller John 646
Miller Lyle 714
Millward James A. 399
Minami Jirō 36, 102, 103, 107
Minear Richard H. 946
Minter Mary Miles 698
Mitchell Richard H. 853
Mitrochin Wasilij 483
Mitrochin Wasilij 484, 799
Mitter Rana 28, 38
Miura Keiji 186
Miyamoto Takanesuke 455
Mizukami Genzō 751
Mo Yan 337, 959
Mo Yan 437, 957
Moczar Mieczysław (wł. Mikołaj Demko) 946
Moffat Pierepont Jay 200
Mogami Sadao 924
Mojżesz 67
Moltke Helmuth von 291
Mołotow (wł. Skriabin) Wiaczesław
357, 360, 361, 370, 383, 397, 405,
418, 432, 469, 480, 481, 486, 488,
508, 655, 882, 883, 899, 903, 909,
910, 912
Montgomery, pułkownik 764, 818
Montgomery Bernard Law of ElAlamein 283, 821
Montgomery Michael 131
Mook Hubertus van 396
Moon Thomas M. 706
Moreira Peter 483
Morgenthau Henry 349, 406, 555, 597,
Morishima Morito 32
Morita Tetsuo 95
Morley James William 29, 100, 112,
193, 202, 286, 310, 339, 385, 387,
404, 409, 418, 459, 491, 510, 518,
536, 544
Morrison Samuel Eliott 716
Moser Don 744, 763
Mosiewicz Kazimierz 669
„Moskwin” – zob. Zhou Enlai
Mosley Leonard 929
Mosley Oswald 798
Mou Bangzu (Mu Pang-tsu) 86
Mountbatten Louis 1st earl of Mountbatten 603, 652, 653, 659, 669, 671,
676, 677, 680, 715, 718, 722, 723,
726, 727, 730, 732, 735, 744, 746,
749, 750, 830, 835, 869, 871, 930
Mountbatten Louis 654, 669, 677, 680,
Mowrer Edgar Ansel 257, 295, 297
Mowrer Edgar Ansel 258, 260, 296,
Mozołowski Andrzej 775
Mucha Krzysztof 728
Mukai Toshiaki 220
Mushakoji Kintomo 202, 203
Mussolini Benito 200, 202, 205, 239,
325, 340, 391, 409, 410, 424, 801
Mutaguchi Renya 95, 96, 97, 121, 718,
732, 734, 736, 743, 744, 747, 748
Mutō Akira 111, 112, 208, 391, 512, 707
Mutō Kinsuke 840
Mutō Nobuyoshi 45
Murray Patrick 386
Myers Ramon H. 25, 27, 39, 47, 66, 103,
108, 133, 444, 445, 457, 661, 720
Nabeyama Sadachiki 29
Nafziger George F. 73, 75, 876
Nakano Seigo 848
Nagano Osami 512, 524, 525
Nagano Yoshijirō 762
Nagaoka Shinjiro 518
Nagatsu Sahishige 111
Nagatsu Saliju 118
Najita Tetsuo 44
Nakagane Katsuji 47
Nakamura Akihito 666
Nakamura Shogō 859
Nakamura Takafusa 196, 918
Nakamura Takafusa 303, 445, 491,
665, 840, 918
Nakayama – zob. Sun Yatsen
Indeks nazwisk
Nan Pandit 564
Naozo Ikeda 500
Napoleon 126, 174, 176, 274, 688
Nashimoto Yūhei 164
Neal Steve 607
Needham Joseph 636
Nehru Indira (potem Gandhi Indira)
Nehru Jawaharlal 565, 566
Nelson Donald M. 817
Neumann, dr 419
Neurath Konstantin von 210, 240
Neville Edwin 34
Nie Rongzhen (Nieh Jung-chen, „Zorin”) 477
Nie Rongzhen 477
Niedbalska-Asano Patrycja 853, 859,
902, 909, 913
Nightingale Florence 76
Nimitz Chester 603
Nish Ian H. 36, 41, 49, 102, 138, 339,
343, 350, 352, 363, 417, 508, 518,
525, 659, 660
Nishi Yoshiaki 325
Nishina Yoshio 910
Nishio Toshizō 179, 182, 355, 364, 368
Nishizawa Hiroyoshi 841
Nitta Schin’ichi 154
Nitobe Inazo 52
Nitobe Inazo 52, 65
Nixon Richard Milhaus 949
Noda Takeshi 220
Nomura Kichisaburō 363, 390, 521,
522, 523, 524, 528, 529, 530, 534,
539, 540, 542, 545, 548, 549, 550
North Robert 358
Northcote Geoffrey 404
Nowakowski Witold 57
Nowicki Jacek 775
Nunelly John 747
Nyholm Erik 696, 697
Ohata Tokushiro 310, 340
Ohkawa Kazushi 29
Ohashi Chūichi 32
Oikawa Koshiro 409, 423, 510, 534
Oishi Shinto 692
Oka Yoshitake 116, 127, 155, 164, 227,
229, 302, 319, 330, 338, 385, 407,
409, 425, 508, 516, 522, 527, 534,
535, 854
Oka Takasumi 512
Okada Keisuke 105, 855
Okamoto Kiyotomi 509
Okamoto Shumpei 116, 126, 200, 302,
341, 422, 529
Okamoto Suemasu 863
Okamura Yasuji 302, 307, 308, 344,
345, 359, 368, 381, 400, 401, 402,
478, 831, 834, 850, 851, 858, 859,
890, 892, 893, 895, 906, 917, 924,
925, 927, 928, 929, 951
Okano Utako 19
Ōkido Sanji 117
Ōkawa Shumei 852
Ōkuma Shigenobu 25, 385
Olivier Frank 296
Olszowska Joanna 791
Orchard John E. 444
Orwell George (wł. Eric Blair) 553, 569
Orwell George 553, 565
„Osborne Frank” 310
Ōshima Hiroshi 210, 362, 409, 507,
Osmańczyk Edmund Jan 679
Ōta Ichiro 111, 417
Ōtani Sonyū 443
Ott Eugen 361, 385, 399, 417, 511
Ou Tsuin-chen 635, 637
Ou Zhen (Ou Chen) 531, 776
Ouno Ichirō 295
Ōyama Isao 146, 147
Ozaki Yukio 660
Ogata Sadako N. 30, 32
Ogata Taketora 659, 849, 859, 860,
861, 862, 863
Ogburn Carlton 739, 750
Ogburn Carlton 730, 739, 740, 742, 750
Ogden A.G. 393, 421
Pai Chung-hsi – zob. Bai Chongxi
Pajewski Janusz 14
Pakula Hannah 622, 870, 872, 950,
Pałasz-Rutkowska Ewa 103, 105, 344,
491, 664, 687, 916, 945
Indeks nazwisk
Pan Hannian (P’an Han-nien) 789
Pan Yukan (P’an Yü-k’an) 749
Pang Binxun (P’ang Ping-hsun) 243,
Pangu (Pan-ku) 241
Paniuszkin Aleksandr 362, 405, 479,
Pantsov Alexander 461
Patton George 895, 905
Parada George 728
Parker Robert Alexander Clarke 515
Parnicki Teodor 70
Pawłowski Tymoteusz 61
Payne Robert 626
Payne Robert 43, 274, 412, 626
Pearson Drew 799
Peattie Mark R. 14, 25, 39,
Peattie Mark R. 30, 39, 47, 61, 66, 74,
98, 103, 108, 110, 111, 113, 121, 126,
127, 147, 154, 156, 159, 175, 180,
185, 192, 251, 285, 286, 410, 422,
444, 445, 456, 457, 487, 495, 496,
503, 589, 592, 661, 720, 729, 738,
759, 767, 825, 834, 949
Peck Graham 336, 340, 632
Peck Graham 632
Peffer Nathaniel 349
Peffer Nathaniel 349
Pender-Cudlip P. 59
Peng Dehuai (P’eng Teh-huai) 472,
474, 475, 476, 477, 478
Peng Dehuai 474, 475
Peng Shengmu (P’eng Sheng-mu) 371,
Penligton John N. 37, 38, 40
Pepłoński Andrzej 338, 687
Perry Elisabeth J. 465
Perry Hamilton Darby 232
Persico Joseph E. 483
Pétain Philippe 404, 433
Philips Herbert 172, 209
Philips Lucas C.E. 559
Pick Lewis 843, 845
Pietrow Apollon 899
Pietrzyk Bartłomiej 541
Piggot Francis 139, 148, 226, 345, 371,
Piggot Francis 371, 408
Piggot Francis Taylor 139
Pol Pot (wł. Saloth Sar) 956
Polit Aneta 19
Polit Jadwiga 19
Polit Jakub 13, 44, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27,
41, 71, 91, 214, 228, 268, 326, 339,
358, 360, 361, 370, 381, 394, 404,
417, 421, 461, 468, 484, 485, 503,
508, 615, 622, 634, 700, 706, 724,
945, 949
Polo Marco 94, 97, 98, 112, 114, 115,
117, 120, 121, 125, 127, 130, 132,
140, 148, 152, 155, 156, 180, 201,
208, 426, 456, 694, 720, 747, 792,
817, 818, 886, 922, 930, 932
Polo Marco 94
Potter John Deane 341
Powell Elinor 352
Powell Lyle Stephenson 77
Presseisen Ernst Leopold 227, 343,
Prideaux-Brune Humphrey Ingram
210, 680
Przybylski Antoni 96, 114, 119, 124,
134, 231, 266, 303, 470
Puyi (Pu I, imię cesarskie Xuan Dong
[Hsuan Tung], jako cesarz Mandżukuo Gang De [Kang Teh]) 39,
40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 264, 441, 925,
Pu Yi [Puyi] 39, 42
Pułaski Michał 18
Qi Baishi (Ch’i Pai-shih, wł. Qi Huang,
Ch’i Huang) 436
Qi Xieyuan (Ch’i Hsieh-yuan) 440
Qian Dai (Ch’ien Tai) 201
Qianlong (Ch’ien-lung), cesarz 94
Qin Dezhun (Ch’in Te-chun) 97, 98,
Rabe John 222, 223
Rabe John 223, 232
Raczyński Edward 46
Radtke Kurt W. 87, 157
Rajchman Ludwik 34
Ramsaier Edna 691
Rawski Thomas G. 72
Indeks nazwisk
Reading, Rufus James Issacs, Marquess
of Reading 36
Rees Laurence 219, 220, 221, 222,
Ren Yuandao (Jen Yuan-tao) 293, 438,
Renaud Rosario 241, 260
Ribbentrop Joachim von 210, 240, 357,
360, 361, 362, 370, 416, 418, 423,
469, 488, 508, 511, 512, 883
Ribbentrop Joachim von 511
Richardson Hugh Edward 399, 617
Ristano Marcia R. 170, 273
Rees Lawrence 219, 220, 222
Reynolds E. Bruce 720
Roberts Andrew 12, 63, 951
Robinson Thomas W. 555
Rodziński Witold 673, 711, 852
Romanek Michał 543
Romanus Charles 76, 554, 560, 570,
572, 579, 585, 586, 590, 591, 593,
594, 614, 615, 620, 641, 646, 648,
652, 671, 684, 720, 721, 724, 726,
728, 730, 735, 736, 737, 741, 742,
746, 748, 639, 751, 764, 769, 770,
772, 778, 780, 783, 786, 800, 804,
808, 809, 816, 820, 821, 824, 826,828,
869, 870, 872, 873, 875, 893, 895
Romer Tadeusz 165, 263, 288, 321,
357, 370, 386
Rong Zongjing (Jung Tsung-ching) 857
Ronning Chester 935–936
Roosevelt Eleanor 622
Roosevelt Eliott 673, 677
Roosevelt Eliott 594, 656, 674, 683
Roosevelt Franklin Delano 171, 176,
200, 211, 232, 283, 330, 361, 386,
397, 414, 420, 421, 483, 484, 485,
514, 515, 519, 520, 522–525, 527–530,
539–548, 550, 553–558, 586, 589,
590, 591, 594, 596, 598, 604, 606,
607, 614–616, 619–621, 637, 640,
641, 646, 651, 652, 654, 655–657,
668–670, 672–674, 676–680, 682,
683, 702, 712, 724–726, 735, 736,
742, 753, 760, 771, 772, 777, 780–782,
795, 797, 798–802, 808, 810, 812,
814–816, 820–823, 825–827, 829,
830, 847, 853, 854, 865, 869, 873,
879, 880–890, 899, 903, 909, 912,
950, 955
Roosevelt Theodore 882
Roots Logan Herbert 794
Roots Logan Herbert 794
Rosemann Judge Samuel 673, 831
Rosinger Lawrence 781
Royle Trevor 621
Rudolf Krzysztof Filip 542
Rumińska Joanna 541
Rurarz Agnieszka 225
Rurarz Joanna Paulina 225
Russel of Liverpool Edward, 32, 221,
222, 605
Ryczagow Pawieł 242
Sabattier Gabriel 877
Sabella Robert 212, 224
Saich Tony 298, 467, 476, 792
Saigō Takamori 52
Sainsbury Keith 655, 669, 670, 671,
672, 677, 679
Saionji Kimmochi (Kinmochi), książę 30, 115, 229, 385, 386, 395, 407,
408, 421, 425
Saito Fred 186
Saitō Hiroshi 341
Saitō Makoto 45, 105
Saitō Yōzō 146, 147
Sakai Saburō 186
Sakai Saburō 186
Sakō Shūichi 361
Sakurai Shozo 633
Salisbury Harrison 288, 791
Samson Jack 896
Sano Manabu 29
Sansom George 349
Sapożnikow Boris G. 73, 178, 187, 193,
216, 364, 367
Sasaki Toichi 217
Satō Kenryo 336
Satō Kotoku 733, 747
Satō Naotake 110. 111, 337, 903, 909,
910, 911
Satō Tomiko (Anna Guo) 271
Sawada Shigeru 370, 371
Schaller Michael 521, 706, 923
Schecter Jerrold 799
Indeks nazwisk
Schecter Leona 799
Schell Orville 420, 883
Schiffrin Harold Z. 24
Schoppa R. Keith 428
Schoppa R. Keith 170, 269, 273, 274,
275, 277, 313, 428, 431, 433, 437,
447, 588, 629
Schran Peter 471, 634, 791
Schumann Robert 284
Schurmann Franz 420, 883
Scoones Geoffrey 744
Scott Robert Heatle 21
Seagrave Gordon 578, 739
Seagrave Gordon 574, 578, 599, 739
Seagrave Sterling 688, 751, 803
Seaton Albert 951
Sebag Montefiore Simon 910
Seeckt Hans von 72
Selden Mark 296, 790
Selle Albert 133, 240
Service John Stewart 754, 765, 795,
797, 798, 799, 801, 808, 810, 811,
812, 814, 822, 830, 872, 873, 885
Service John Stewart 811, 885
Seymour Horace James 615, 617, 618,
770, 777, 782, 783, 785, 786, 813,
824, 835, 837, 875, 878, 879, 880,
887, 888, 896, 909
Shai Aron 28, 109
Shakespeare William – zob. Szekspir
Shambaugh David 555
Shang Zhen (Shang Chen) 294, 296,
572, 696
Shao Hsi-ping 25
Shao Kao-kang 878
Shao Ming Huang 428, 442, 661
Shaw Yu-ming 414, 418, 506, 507,
Sheenan Vincent 553
Shen, wieśniak 941
Shen Tsun-han 609
Shen Yu 690, 703, 704
Shen Zui (Shen Tsui) 145
Sheng Michael M. 887, 897, 921, 922
Sheng Shicai (Sheng Shih Ts’ai) 197,
198, 398, 399, 637, 880
Shepherd Charles 351
Sherwood Robert 553, 590, 591, 884
Shi Liang (Shih Liang) 276
Shi Menhong (Shih Meng-hung) 433
Shi Shuo (Shih Shu-e) 161
Shiba Yashinori 932
Shibayama Kaneshirō 11, 113, 128,
138, 139, 140, 850, 857, 860, 862
Shidehara Kijūrō 26, 29, 34, 36, 37,
Shieh Milton J.T. 896
Shigemitsu Mamoru 35, 286, 310, 370,
408, 455, 530, 658, 659, 685, 839,
848, 850, 855, 856, 856, 857, 861,
862, 863, 864, 866, 867
Shigemitsu Mamoru 356, 658, 843,
849, 867
Shillony Ben-Ami 105, 394, 657, 661,
662, 664, 776, 807, 848, 863, 914
Shimada Shigetarō 839
Shimada Toshihiko 100, 104, 111
Shimada Toshio 518, 539
Shimizu Setsurō 96, 97, 98
Shimamoto Masaichi 21, 22
Shimomura Sadami 208
Shimura Kikujirō 96
Shinohara Miyohei 29
Shiroyama Saburō 127, 223, 226, 342,
Shizong (Shih-tsung), cesarz 93
Short Philip 475, 873, 943
Short Thayne 286
Shōwa – zob. Hirohito
Shozo Sakurai 500
Shum Kui-kwong 480
Shyu Larry N. 39, 101, 263, 281, 230, 326,
327, 399, 413, 428, 435, 455, 690
Shi Menghong (Shih Meng-hung) 433
Siergiejew Georgij 922
Sih Paul K.T. 92, 119, 281, 235, 609,
610, 635, 782, 900
Sikorski Władysław 63, 483, 573
Sikorski Władysław 63
Silberman Bernard I 29
Simon John 37, 44
Simpson Bill 633
Simpson Wallis 143
Simpson William 905
Siwek Grzegorz 416
Slim William 568, 575, 576, 580, 583,
620, 721, 727, 728, 729, 738, 740,
741, 744, 746, 747, 750, 752, 843
Indeks nazwisk
Slim William 559, 575, 576, 583, 620,
721, 728, 729, 738, 742, 744, 746,
752, 843, 844
Sliney George 599, 600, 844
Sładkowskij Michaił M. 475
Sławiński Roman 315, 477, 492, 661,
938, 951
Small Melvin 528
Smedley Agnes 180, 181, 804
Smedley Agnes 181, 191, 280, 281,
Smith Jean Edward 597, 724
Smith Wilfried 676
Smith Norman 443
Snow Edgar 141, 280, 483, 795, 799,
801, 804
Snow Edgar 141, 281, 463, 483
So Alvin I 296
Sobolewski Leszek 404, 405, 715, 877,
929, 956
Solak Andrzej 932
Solarz Jacek 58, 59, 747
Sołżenicyn Aleksander 933
Somervell Brehon 652, 653, 725
Song Ailing (Sung Ai-ling, Ellen „Ella”
Soong, po zamążpójściu Ailing
Kong) 653
Song Kengdang (Sung K’eng-tang)
Song Meiling (Sun Mei-ling, znana jako
Soong Mei-ling lub Margaret Soong)
91, 166, 173, 233, 239, 388, 498, 519,
564, 566, 585, 590, 618, 621, 637,
653, 656, 670, 676, 798, 872, 950
Song Qingling (Sung Ch’ing-ling, znana jako Soong Ch’ing-ling lub Rosamunde Soong) 280, 699, 782, 796,
Song Zheyuan (Sung Che-yuan) 42,
46, 95, 98, 100, 101, 106, 117, 119,
122, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 130,
136, 139,183
Song Ziliang (Sung Tzu-liang znany
jako „T.L. Soong”) 387, 388, 403,
414, 415, 416
Song Ziwen ( (Song Tzu-wen, „T.V. Soong”) 34, 104, 406, 414, 420, 519,
520, 558, 573, 576, 590, 617, 648,
650, 654, 656, 659, 669, 687, 688,
703, 819, 820, 822, 837, 845, 888,
889, 894, 899, 900, 901, 912, 922
Sontag Raymond James 418
Soong T.V. – zob. Song Ziwen
Spaak Henri 200
Spector Ronald H. 845, 895, 921, 949,
Spence Jonathan D. 630
Sperling Edward 215
Stahmer Heinrich 416, 417
Staklo Vadim A. 278,
Stalin Iosif Wissarionowicz (wł. Dżugaszwili) 30, 37, 109, 148, 178, 198,
199, 200, 203, 204, 211, 242, 278,
285, 336, 338, 355, 357, 360, 360,
362, 370, 372, 382, 383, 391, 398,
399, 402, 406, 407, 416, 417, 418,
419, 422, 425, 461, 462, 466, 467,
468, 469, 470, 472, 473, 474, 480,
481, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 508,
509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515, 517,
541, 554, 556, 573, 587, 592, 598,
619, 633, 655, 656, 657, 673, 674,
677, 678, 682, 683, 693, 695, 713,
725, 732, 748, 781, 788, 793, 784,
795, 796, 797, 798, 800, 802, 807,
808, 814, 816, 827, 847, 851, 853,
854, 857, 865, 866, 874, 879, 880,
881, 882, 883, 884, 886, 887, 888,
889, 890, 897, 899, 900, 901, 902,
903, 909, 910, 912, 921, 923, 924,
927, 939, 955
Stanhope James Richard Earl of 176
Stanley Olivier 885
Stanley II Roy M. I 86
Stapler Jack 698
Starecka Katarzyna 491, 916, 945, 946
Stark Harold 540
Staunton George 93
Steeds David 748
Stefańska-Matuszyn Maria 428
Stein Gunther 293, 803
Stein Gunther 804
Steinhardt Laurence Adolph 486
Stennes Walther 134, 240
Stephan John J. 26
Stettinius Edward 655, 821, 881, 885,
Stettinius Edward 904
Indeks nazwisk
Stilwell Joseph Warren („Vinegar
Joe”) 11, 14, 15, 129, 184, 188, 202,
297, 300, 308, 552, 554, 556–560,
565, 567, 568, 570, 571–580, 582,
583, 585, 586, 589, 592–595,
598–603, 607, 608, 610, 616,
620, 621, 633, 634, 639, 640, 641,
646–648, 651, 652, 653, 654, 668,
670–674, 676–678, 684, 688, 699,
700, 702,703, 712, 713, 715, 717,
718, 720–737, 739, 740, 741–743,
746, 748–753, 760, 761, 764, 767,
769, 770, 772, 773, 777–781, 783,
785, 786, 794–797, 799–804, 808,
810, 811, 814–817, 819–832, 837,
843, 846, 869–872, 874–876, 882,
894–896, 949, 952, 954
Stilwell Joseph Warren 570, 571, 572,
573, 574, 576, 578,580, 585, 589, 593,
602, 610, 614, 627, 672, 677, 723,
730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 738, 743,
750, 752, 773, 779, 796, 803, 811,
818, 820, 821, 822, 823, 830, 882
Stilwell Joseph Warren Jr 721, 737
Stimson Henry Lewis 34, 38, 41, 48,
63, 420, 525, 586, 812, 825, 830
Stimson Henry Lewis 41
Stirling A. 766
Stirling Charles Norman 21
Stockey G.E. 618
Stopford Montague 744
Storry Richard 119
Strang William 348
Stratton Roy 701, 711, 712, 713, 716
Strauss Julia C. 496, 625
Strong Anne Louise 297, 482, 804
Stuart John Leighton 414, 418, 506,
507, 516, 517, 520
Sues Ilona 297
Suetaka Kamezo 287, 289
Suetsugu Nobumasa 228
Suga Hikojirō 355
Sugihara Seishirō 528, 548
Sugimura Yotaro 128
Sugiyama Gen (Hajime) 112, 114, 115,
117, 120, 126, 127, 140, 147, 152,
155, 165, 204, 226, 228, 254, 302,
490, 512, 513, 517, 526, 527, 539,
747, 849, 857, 861, 862, 867, 928
Sukarno 956
Sultan Daniel (Dan) 829, 843, 845
Suma Yakihirō 395
Sun Fo (Sun Ke) 199
Sun Lianzhong (Sun Lien- chung) 243,
246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 638, 675,
Sun Liren (Sun Li-jen) 573, 575, 576,
578, 580, 583, 600, 717, 718, 721,
722, 723, 727, 728, 730, 731, 734,
739, 741, 743, 745, 749, 752, 826,
830, 843, 845
Sun Mingjin (Sun Ming –chin) 681
Sun Warren 467
Sun Weiru (Sun Wei-ju) 377, 763
Sun Yatsen, Sun Zhongshan, Sun Yixian
(Sun Yat-sen, Sun Chung-shan, Sun
I-hsien) 22, 24, 42, 47, 68, 69, 89,
123, 143, 177, 199, 206, 214, 264,
276, 278, 284, 298, 323, 325, 326,
327, 331, 332, 389, 391, 392, 394,
429, 454, 462, 502, 615, 636, 686,
796, 852,
Sun Youli 227
Sun Zhaiwei 212
Sun Zi (Sun Tzu) 639
Sun Zi 119, 234, 585, 619, 686
Sunderland Riley 76, 554, 560, 570,
572, 579, 585, 586, 590, 591, 593,
594, 614, 620, 639, 641, 646, 648,
652, 671, 684, 720, 721, 724, 725,
726, 729, 730, 735, 736, 737, 741,
742, 746, 748, 751, 764, 769, 770,
772, 778, 780, 783, 786, 800, 804,
808, 809, 816, 820, 821, 824, 826,
828, 869, 870, 872, 873, 875, 893,
„Sung Tzu-chieh” 415
Sutton Donald S. 78, 133, 154, 170,
Suzuki Kantarō 105, 853, 902, 909,
911, 913, 912, 913
Suzuki Shigiyasu 180
Suzuki Takuji 388, 415
Suzuki Teiichi 415, 534
Suzuki Teiji 832
Suzuki Yorimichi 95
Swinson Arthur 95, 732, 744, 747
Sykes Christopher 621, 731
Indeks nazwisk
Sze Alfred, Sao-ke Alfred Sze ( wł. Zhi
Shaoji, Shih Chao-chi) 33
Sze Szeming 77
Szekspir William (William Shakespeare) 278, 415, 600
Szembek Jan 203
Szembek Jan 361
Szkwarcew Aleksandr 416
Ślósarczyk Antoni 44, 48, 146
Śmigły-Rydz Edward 283
Taboulet Georges 340, 349
Tada Hayao 94, 185, 208, 478
Tada Shizue 372
Tada Shun 228, 229, 414, 418
Taishō (za życia Yoshihito), cesarz 25,
Takagi Sokichi 527
Takahashi Korekiyo 105
Takahashi Tan 118
Takamatsu, książę, brat cesarza Hirohito 131, 848, 852
Takashi Takamori 891
Takemoto Toru 47
Talleyrand Périgord Charles Maurice
de 231
Tamayama Kazuo 747
Tamura Shinsaku 849, 858
Tamura Taijiro 309
Tan Amy 209
Tan Choin Keng 606
Tan Daoyuan (T’an Tao-yuan) 258
Tan Kun (T’an K’un) 437
Tan Xiang (T’an Hsiang) 299
Tan Yankai (T’an Yen-k’ai) 299
Tanaka Giichi 26
Tanaka Kakuei 943, 944
Tanaka Kyuichi 817
Tanaka Nobuo 747
Tanaka Ryukichi 40, 474
Tanaka Shin’ichi 112, 721, 728, 729,
730, 731
Tanaka Yuki 561
Tang Enbo (T’ang En-po) 64, 134, 141,
178, 180, 181, 182, 186, 243, 246,
248, 249, 250, 256, 298, 304, 346,
347, 400, 401, 762, 763, 765, 766,
892, 893, 906, 907, 931
Tang Leangli 326
Tang Shaoyi (T’ang Shao-yi) 265
Tang Shengzhi (T’ang Sheng-chih)
212, 213, 215, 217, 225, 430
Tang Shunsan (T’ang Shun-san) 219
Tang Tsou 771
Tang Youlin (T’ang Yü-lin) 45
Tani Hisao 221
Tani Masayuki 861, 862
Tao De-min 39
Tao Wenzhao 638
Tao Xishan (T’ao Hsi-shan) 273
Tao Xisheng (T’ao Hsi-sheng) 389
Tao Zhongnan (T’ao Chung-nan) 433
Tarling Nicholas 604
Tatekawa Yoshitsugu 30, 32, 509
Tashirō Kan’ihirō 95, 106, 112, 121, 123
Taylor Edmond 713
Taylor George Edward 194, 196, 455,
Taylor L.M. 603
Taylor Jay 14, 211, 582,
Taylor Jay 14, 134, 211, 381, 572, 574,
578, 579, 582, 586, 592, 596, 607,
620, 640, 648, 652, 654, 655, 669,
671, 674, 676, 677, 678, 727, 735,
751, 759, 761, 767, 772, 773, 781,
786, 789, 798, 798, 800, 801, 804,
809, 813, 815, 816, 820, 823, 826,
827, 828, 831, 835, 887, 888, 890,
900, 916, 921, 929, 930
Taylor Thomas H. 748, 750
Teichman Eric 565, 566
Teitler Ger 87, 157
Teiwes Frederick C. 467, 793
Temperley Harold J. 209, 232, 280
Temperley Harold J. 207, 209, 266
Terauchi Hisaichi 131, 161, 182, 183,
184, 185, 191, 192
Terrill Ross 809, 943
Tetsuzo Iwamoto 242
Thomas Bernard S. 483
Thomson James C. Jr. 529
Thorne Christopher 560, 615, 669
Thronton Richard 683
Thyssen Fritz 203
Tian Han (T’ien Han) 283
Indeks nazwisk
Tiedemann Arthur 854
Timbermann Thomas 824
Tinker Hugh 877
Tito Josip (wł. Broz) 713, 855
Titow A. 472
Titus David A. 65
Tobe Ryōichi 251, 346, 347, 374, 377,
382, 400, 402
Todman Daniel 642
Tōgō Shigenori 240, 405, 537, 538, 540,
542, 544, 545, 706, 902, 911, 912
Tohmatsu Haruo 949
Tohmatsu Haruo 834, 836, 893, 894,
Tōjō Hideki 15, 112, 113, 131, 193,
196, 222, 302, 319, 407, 408, 410,
418, 421, 423, 451, 457, 487, 506,
510–513, 517, 528, 530, 534–537,
539–541, 544–549, 565, 618, 567,
658, 659, 661, 662, 664, 666, 680,
685, 711, 728, 747–749, 752, 774,
783, 801, 807, 808, 848, 855, 856,
861, 863, 866, 928, 945
Tōjō Makie 914
Tokugawa Yoshitoshi 302,
Toland John 225
Toland John 225, 528, 534, 544, 544,
663, 775
Tołczyk Dariusz 485, 781, 812,
Tołstoj (Tolstoy) Ilya 699, 701
Tołstoj Lew 10
Tomczyk Andrzej 59, 288
Tong Hollington ((wł. Dong Xianguang,
Tong Hsien-kuang) 150, 235, 314,
325, 353, 369, 550, 565, 801
Tong Hollington 150, 278, 173, 230,
231, 235, 353, 369, 484, 608, 635,
669, 801
Tong Te-kong 34, 241, 244, 245, 247,
250, 255, 261, 311, 346, 499, 557
Tow Edna 410, 412, 495
Toyama Mitsuru 660
Toyoda Teijirō 516, 518, 530, 534,
Toynbee Arnold J. 41, 319
Toynbee Veronica M. 319
Trautmann Oskar 204, 210, 211, 239
Trocki Lew ((wł. Lejb Bronstein) 22,
Trotter Anne 102
Truman Harry 672, 874, 890, 900, 901,
909, 910, 950
Truscott Lucian 895
Tsao Ju-lin – zob. Cao Rulin
Tseng Hsiang-ho 635
Tsien Tai 200, 201
Tsou Tang 770, 781, 800, 809, 811,
873, 921, 923, 930
Tsuda Shizue 328
Tsuji Masanobu 523, 659, 746
Tsukase Susumu 442
Tsunoda Jun 409, 510, 518, 525, 534,
536, 544, 546
Tsunoda Ryusaku 29, 417
Tsurumi Patricia E. 661
Tuchman Barbara 14, 821
Tuchman Barbara 129, 184, 188, 253,
559, 565, 570, 577, 578, 579, 582,
591, 593, 602, 614, 639, 640, 641,
652, 653,654, 672, 673, 678, 683,
688, 717, 722, 723, 726, 727, 733,
736, 741, 749, 750, 773, 779, 783,
800, 804, 810, 812, 815, 821, 829,
830, 831, 952
Turner Richmond Kelly 341
Tyler Fraser 198
Tyson Li Laura 166, 252, 519, 607,
622, 654, 783, 799, 950
Ueda Kenkichi 112, 356
Uehara Yūsaku 44
Ugaki Kazushige 103, 302, 310, 325,
Ugaki Matome 388
Umezu Yoshijirō 100, 107, 108, 126,
127, 129, 131, 132, 140, 861, 908,
909, 912
Umińska Bożena 914
Urbanowicz Witold 651, 675, 682
Urbanowicz Witold 675, 681
Urbański Jakub 780
Usami Ok’ie 122
Ushiroku Jun 122
Usui Katsumi 193, 265, 302, 328, 332,
335, 355, 389, 390, 392, 403, 405,
414, 416, 417, 438, 441, 443
Usui Shigeki 386, 399
Indeks nazwisk
Utley Frida 276, 280, 305, 308
Utley Frida 276, 298, 305
Van de Ven Hans J. 14, 246, 501–502
Van de Ven Hans J. 74, 89, 98, 108,
121, 124, 146, 149, 156, 157, 164,
175, 180, 188, 192, 237, 243, 247,
250, 251, 254, 262, 316, 317, 347,
353, 364, 365, 368, 372, 374, 380,
381, 384, 410, 422, 467, 483, 499,
502, 503, 532, 557, 558, 559, 574,
579, 585, 586, 589, 592, 608, 609,
624, 628, 632, 634, 641, 649, 727,
729, 738, 750, 759, 760, 761, 767,
770, 772, 783, 789, 792, 825, 826,
834, 851, 893, 937, 949
Van Slyke Lyman 479
Van Slyke Lyman 160, 464, 469, 471,
472, 474, 475, 477, 479, 480, 790,
813, 819, 897
Vassiliev Alexander 598, 881
Vautrin Wilhelmina („Minnie”) 223
Verdi Giuseppe 284
Vincent John Carter 765
Vogel Ezra F. 13, 14, 92, 107, 270, 375,
394, 428, 430, 431, 433, 434, 442,
443, 450, 451, 791
Votaw Maurice 807
Wachniewski Wojciech M. 86
Wade Thomas Francis 415
Wagner Ray 86, 87, 183, 207, 243, 267,
354, 381, 494, 691
Wakabayashi Tadashi Bob 447
Wakatsuki Reijirō 26, 30, 35, 36, 37,
Wakeman Frederic Jr 153, 163, 403
Wakeman Frederic Jr 43, 145, 153,
163, 333, 371, 403, 428, 433, 447,
688, 692, 693, 704, 705, 706, 714,
858, 867, 911, 932, 934
Waldron Arthur 401
Wallinger G. 783
Wallace Henry 780, 781, 782, 808
Wallace Henry 780
Walsh Billie K. 170
Walters J.J. 737
Wan Fulin (Wan Fu-lin) 129
Wan Waithyakon 662
Wan Yaohong (Wan Yao-hung) 300
Wan Yi (Wan I) 922
Wang Chao-jan 492, 938
Wang Ching-wei [Wang Jingwei] 43
Wang Chonghui (Wang Chung-hui)
124, 125, 128, 159, 668
Wang Dingchang (Wabg Ting-ch’ang)
Wang Fangxi (Wang Fang-hsi) 280
Wang Fan-hsi 281
Wang Huimin (Wang Hui-min) 696, 697
Wang Jimmy 436
Wang Jiaben (Wang Chia-pen) 784,
Wang Jinbin (Wang Chin-pin) 668
Wang Jingju (Wang Ching-chiu) 639
Wang Jinjiang (Wang Chin-chiang)
Wang Jingwei (Wang Ching-wei) 43,
123, 133, 231, 239, 264, 323–338,
343, 348, 350, 354, 355, 358, 363,
364, 371, 372, 374, 375, 379, 385,
387–393, 395–397, 402, 403,
410, 414, 415, 418–421, 423–425,
427–430, 433, 435, 436, 438–441,
445, 452–455, 457, 458, 479,
481, 491, 506, 508, 521, 524, 530,
534–535, 541, 544, 545, 551, 617,
618, 622, 630, 658–663, 666, 667,
680, 693, 711, 789, 796, 826, 849,
850–852, 858, 862, 864, 865, 866,
940, 941, 954, 957
Wang Kemin (Wang K’e-min) 194, 195,
265, 271, 335, 336, 354, 390, 426,
429, 438, 440, 549,443, 445, 446,
447, 453, 464, 941
Wang Lingji (Wang Ling-chi ) 561
Wang Mengsong (Wang Meng-sung)
269, 587
Wang Ming, generał 244
Wang Ming (wł. Chen Shaoyu, Ch’en
­Shao-yu) 298, 467, 468, 469, 470, 793
Wang Ming 468
Wang Qisheng 767, 768, 773, 774, 777,
778, 786, 787
Wang Shijie (Wang Shih-chieh) 699,
786, 878, 901, 912
Indeks nazwisk
Wang Shiwei (Wang Shih-wei) 792
Wang Yaowu (Wang Yao-wu) 501, 668,
Wang Yin 440
Wang Yu San 943
Wang Xidao (Wang Hsi-tao) 306
Wang Zanxu (Wang Tsanxu) 639
Wang Zezhun (Wang Tse-chun) 770
Wang Zhengting (Wang Cheng-ting
znany jako „C.T. Wang”, Thomas
Wang) 35
Wang Zhibin (Wang Chih-pin) 642
Wang Zhun (Wang Chun) 504
Wang Ziyu (Wang Tsu-yü) 433
Wardlaw – Milne J. 125, 126
Warren Alan 568, 570, 574
Wasilewska Wanda 428
Waszyngton Jerzy (George Washington) 90
Watanabe Chizuko 933
Watanabe Tsuneo 127
Watt Eric 769
Watts R.G. 421
Wavell Archibald Perceval 1st earl of
Wavell 554, 559, 560, 570, 571, 583,
601, 602, 614, 516
Webster Donovan 621, 654, 844, 845,
Wedemeyer Albert 75, 595, 829, 830,
832, 835, 836, 870, 871, 873, 874,
875, 876, 891, 894, 895, 897, 901,
905, 908, 920, 921, 923, 929, 952
Wedemeyer Albert 832, 834, 869, 870,
872, 873, 876, 905, 906, 929
Wei Daming (Wei Ta-ming) 690, 691,
692, 693, 887
Wei Hongyun 791
Wei Lihuang (Wei Li-huang) 178, 181,
188, 189, 190, 486, 502, 503, 504,
505, 736, 738, 745, 746, 820, 832,
844, 845, 871, 952
Weinstein Allen 598, 881
Weizsäcker Ernst von 203, 210
Weland James 30, 32
Welsh Frank 561, 670, 678, 885
Wen Yiduo (Wen I-to) 278, 282, 497
Wen Yuqing (Wen Yu—ch’ing znany
jako „Y.C. Wen”) 403, 687, 688,
691,693, 694
Wen Zongyao (Wen Tsung-yao) 264
Weng Junming (Weng Chün–ming) 442
Weng Wenhao (Weng Wen-hao) 277,
625, 627, 628
West Nigel 636
Westad Arne Odd 884, 887, 900, 901
Westmacott Veronica 581
Wetzell Georg 72
Wheeler Raymond 594
Whenmouth Edwin 818
Whitamore C.E. 818
White Harry Dexter („Jurist”, „Kassir”) 484, 597, 598, 724, 795, 830,
White Oswald 356
White Theodore 296, 552, 570, 580,
633, 763, 777, 794, 804, 832
White Theodore 296, 552, 572, 585,
634, 692, 763, 794, 804, 814, 830
Wickert Erwin 223
Wieczorkiewicz Paweł 513
Wieniawa-Długoszowski Bolesław
Wielopolski Aleksander 332
Wilbur Clarence Martin 212
Wilde Oscar 527, 928
Wilhelmina, królowa 622
Willkie Wendel 606, 607, 640
Wilkins Mira 422
Williamsen Marvin 152, 190, 191, 244,
251, 254, 261, 307, 316, 317
Willmott H.P. 665
Wilson Dick 14, 953
Wilson Dick 184, 237, 243, 245, 249,
250, 254, 256, 261, 280, 293, 294,
297, 300, 304, 307, 309, 311, 322,
346, 347, 364, 376, 441, 478, 505,
532, 563, 667, 681, 723, 728, 737,
789, 831, 834, 844, 890, 893, 925,
Wilson George M. 29
Wilson Robert O. 216, 223
Wilson Robert O. 216
Wingate Orde 621, 731, 733, 738, 741
Wituch Tomasz 197
Władimirow Piotr 793, 805, 806, 807,
897, 898
Władimirow Piotr 791, 793, 805, 807,
808, 898, 923
Indeks nazwisk
Wohlstetter Roberta 528
Wolny Antoni 580, 785, 937
Wojtkowiak Jakub 15, 19
Wojtkowiak Jakub 159, 198, 284, 286,
287, 289, 338, 356, 383, 398, 481,
486, 488, 512, 656, 882, 883
Wojzbun E. 119
Woodward Llewellyn 386, 406
Woroszyłow Kliment 211, 286, 398
Wou Odoric Y.K. 431, 437, 449
Woźniak Grzegorz 12
Wójcik Tadeusz 32
Wu Dezhen (Wu Te-chen) 40, 313
Wu Hsiang-hsiang 235, 369, 759, 767,
Wu Jiguang (Wu Chi-kuang) 172, 207
Wu Jingxiong (Wu Ching-hsiong znany
jako „John Ch.-h. Wu”) 625
Wu Jiwei (Wu Chi-wei) 639
Wu John Ch.-h. 625
Wu Peifu (Wu P’ei-fu) 69, 194, 334, 336
Wu Shaoshu (Wu Shao-shu) 435
Wu Tien-wei 468
Wu Yinyan (Wu Yin-yen) 919
Wu Zhongxin (Wu Chong-hsin) 503
Wujiyoshi Kohama 108
Wyatt G.H. 191
Xia Guozhang (Hsia Kuo-chang) 208
Xia Wei (Hsia Wei) 376
Xian Xingai (Hsien Hsin- kai) 284
Xiang Ying (Hsiang Ying) 463, 480
Xiao Bo (Hsiao Po) 691, 698, 703
Xie Jinyuan (Hsieh Chin-yuan) 168,
Xie Naiji (Hsieh Nai-chi) 433
Xie Weiying (Hsieh Wei-ying) 306
Xie Xueshi 443
Xing Chennan (Hsing Ch’en-nan) 430,
Xu Guiming (Hsu Kuei-ming) 914
Xu Guozhang (Hsu Kuo-chang) 681
Xu Shaoqing (Hsu Shao-ch’ing) 442
Xu Yongchang (Hsu Yung-ch’ang) 123,
738, 768, 777, 923
Xu Yuanyuan (Hsu Yuan-yuan) 255
Xu Zhigeng (Hsu Chih- keng) 224
Xu Zhigeng 213, 214, 218
Xue Yue (Hsueh Yueh) 15, 64, 163, 165,
274, 300, 306–308, 312, 344, 345,
365, 367–369, 462, 463, 531–533,
561–563, 649, 667, 668, 674, 675,
681, 750, 767, 768, 773, 779, 784,
787, 803, 806
Yamada Otozō 354, 924
Yamagata Hatsuo 849, 850, 856
Yamaguchi Masafumi 733
Yamaguchi Yoshiko, znana jako „Li
Xianglan”, 456
Yamamoto Isoroku (wł. Takano) 15,
113, 116, 341, 385, 407, 409, 417,
517, 658
Yamamoto Masahiro 224
Yamashita Tomoyuki 605
Yan Huiqing (Yen Hui-ch’ing znany
jako „W.W. Yen”) 382
Yan Qizhi (Yen Ch’i-tzu) 919
Yan Shuren (Yen Shu-jen) 198
Yan Xishan (Yen Hsi-shan) 108, 134,
177–179, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188,
191, 211, 245, 328, 372, 374, 377,
378, 380, 463, 472, 474, 502, 931,
Yanagawa Heisuke 171, 172, 207
Yanagida Genzo 733
Yanagikawa Heisuke 453
Yang Beniamin 298
Yang Daqing (Yang Ta- ch’ing) 224
Yang Daqing 224
Yang Guiyi (Yang Kuei-i) 440
Yang Hanqing 372, 388, 399, 416, 617,
659, 843, 851
Yang Huimin (Yang Hui-min) 168
Yang Jie (Yang Chieh) 199, 211, 383,
Yang Junchang (Yang Chün-chang) 255
Yang Kuisong 592, 789, 922
Yang Sanlang („Yosa Sanlou”) 661
Yang Sen, warlord 305
Yang Sen, generał 561, 777
Yang Shangkun (Yang Shang-k’un,
„Sałtykow”) 461
Yang Tianshi 211
Yang Tianshi 98, 123, 125, 126, 136,
154, 161, 163, 167, 172, 175, 212
Indeks nazwisk
Yang Tingfu (Yang Ting-fu) 199
Yang Xinhua (Yang Hsin-hua) 711
Yang Yuanchen (Yang Yuan-ch’en)
Yao Yunting (Yao Yü-t’ing) 346
Yardley Herbert Osborne 691, 692,
693, 694
Yardley Herbert Osborne 691
Ye Gongchao (Yeh Kung-ch’ao, znany
jako „George K.C. Yeh”) 943
Ye Jianjing (Yeh Chien-ying) 473
Ye Peng (Yeh P’eng) 440
Ye Ting (Yeh T’ing) 462, 463, 480,
Ye Zhao (Yeh Chao) 300
Yeaton Ivan 874
Yeh Wen-hsin 705, 858,
Yelü Chucai 332
Yen W.W. 383
Yi Anhua (I An-hua) 215
Yick Joseph 789
Yin James 209, 214, 216, 217, 218,
219, 221, 223, 224
Yin Rugeng (Yin Ju-keng) 100, 138
Yim Kwanha 25
Yip Ka-che 413
Yokoyama Isamu 638, 644, 667, 767,
777, 817
Yonai Mitsumasa 105, 113, 116, 140,
147, 148, 340, 341, 343, 385, 386,
387, 390, 395, 396, 399, 403, 406,
407, 408, 409, 410, 414, 474, 848,
855, 863, 862, 864, 866, 902, 913
Yoshida Shigeru 232, 310, 352, 408,
685, 848, 943, 944
Yoshida Zengō 409
Yoshihito – zob. Taishō
Yoshimi Yoshiaki 65, 66
Young Louise 39
Young Arthur N. 634
Young Arthur N. 72, 92, 349, 352, 496,
556, 595, 608, 609, 610, 625, 630,
635, 648, 726, 771, 791
Young Arthur Morgan 100
Young Edward M. 843
Young Shi 209, 214, 216, 217, 218,
219, 221, 223, 224
Yu Changgen 482, 878
Yu Dawei (Yü Ta-wei) 627
Yu Hanmou (You Han-mou) 313, 558,
629, 768
Yu Hongyun (Yu Hung-yun) 173
Yu Maochun 555, 596, 598, 688, 691,
692, 696, 697, 700, 701, 703, 713,
714, 715, 801, 807, 816, 872, 873,
874, 905, 921, 922
Yu Xuezhong (Yu Hsueh-chung) 242
Yu Zhan’ao (Yu Chan’ao) 437
Yuan Liang 851
Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-k’ai) 24, 25,
68, 69, 177, 393
Yuanduanwangchuk, „książę Yu” 196
Yuma Yakichirō 392
Yuxing (Yu-hsing), milicjant 941
Zafrulla Khan Muhammad 566
Zafrulla Khan Muhammad 757
Zalewski Krzysztof 61
Zaloga Steven 59
Zarański Józef 361
Zarrow Peter 801
Zborski Bartłomiej 565
Zen Sun E-tu 635
Zeng Guang (Tseng Kuang) 416
Zeng Qi (Tseng Ch’i) 279
Zeng Wanzhong (Steng Wan-chung)
Zeng Yangfu (Tseng Yang-fu) 313
Zeng Zhongming ( Tseng Chung-ming)
329, 333
Zgórniak Marian 573
Zhan Jiguang (Chan Chi-kuang) 183
Zhang Baijia 422
Zhang Deneng (Chang Te-neng) 770,
Zhang Dengfang (Chang Teng-fang)
Zhang Fakui (Chang (Chang Fa-kuei)
163, 171, 312, 328, 332, 787, 906,
Zhang Guotao (Chang Kuo-t’ao) 467,
Zhang Hanqing 372, 388
Zhang Liangui (Chang Lien-kuei) 455
Zhang Renli (Chang Jen-li) 434
Zhang Shankun (Chang Shan-k’un)
434, 435
Indeks nazwisk
Zhang Shi (Chang Shih) 832
Zhang Wenhua (Chang Wen-hua) 448
Zhang Wentian ((Chang Wen-tien,
„Izmaiłow”) 160, 467
Zhang Xueliang (Chang Hsueh-liang)
27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 38, 45, 71, 90, 109,
Zhang Xuezhong (Chang Hsueh-chung)
Zhang Yaoming (Chang Yao-ming)
Zhang Yimou (Chang I-mou) 437
Zhang Yousan (Chang Yu-san) 386
Zhang Yunhu 738, 747
Zhang Yunmai (Chang Yun-mai, znany
jako Carson Chang) 279
Zhang Zhen (Chang Chen) 568, 574
Zhang Zhidong (Chang Chih-tung) 68,
Zhang Zhiping (Chang Chih-p’ing)
Zhang Zhizhong (Chang Chih-hung),
generał z Pekinu 123, 125, 136,
243, 244, 245, 400, 401
Zhang Zhizhong (Chang Chih-hung),
obrońca Szanghaju 146, 148, 161
Zhang Zhonghui (Chang Chung-hui)
Zhang Zhongsun (Chang Chung-sun)
Zhang Zuolin (Chang Tso-lin) 27, 35,
70, 523, 686
Zhao Dengyou (Chao Teng-yu) 135
Zhao Shiling (Chao Shih-ling) 504
Zhao Vicki – zob. Zhao Wei
Zhao Wei alias Vicki Zhao (Chao Wei,
znana też jako Wei Wei lub Xiao
Wei) 9
Zhao Yuanren (Chao Yuan-jen) 283
Zhao Zhengshou (Chao Cheng-shou)
Zhi Fengchen (Chih Feng-ch’en) 249,
Zhen Anbao (Chen An-pao) 346
Zhen Bei (Chen Pei) 562, 563
Zhen Changfang (Chen Ch’an-fang)
849, 858,
Zhen Dajing (Chen Ta-ching) 907
Zhen Jiyuan (Chen Chi-yuan) 834
Zhen Munung (Chen Mu-nung) 825
Zhen Wenshi (Chen Wen-shih) 504
Zheng Jiemin (Cheng Chieh-min)
Zheng Lianshi (Cheng Lien-shih) 350
Zheng Longpu (Cheng Long-p’u) 474
Zheng Zu’an 158
Zhong Yi (Chung I) 401
Zhou Eric (Chou) 624
Zhou Enlai (Chou En-lai; „Moskwin”)
134, 238, 277, 278, 280, 281, 297,
300, 398, 461, 467, 468, 470, 471,
473, 476, 479, 482, 488, 591, 592,
707, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 800,
801, 803, 810, 812, 872, 873, 874,
878, 886, 887, 897, 944
Zhou Enlai 793
Zhou Fohai (Chou Fo-hai) 324, 325,
334, 355, 371, 388, 392, 403, 711,
850, 941
Zhou Langxing (Chou Lang-hsin)
Zhou Shuren – zob. Lu Xun
Zhou Zhirou (Chou Shih-you) 690
Zhou Zuoren (Chou Tso-jen) 271
Zhu De (Chu Teh, „Daniłow”) 160,
237, 461, 462, 466, 473, 475, 477,
799, 829, 830, 923
Zhu Geliang (Chu Ke-liang) 245
Zhu Huaibing (Chu Huai-ping) 180
Zhu Jinsheng (Chu Chin-sheng) 433
Zhu Mingyi (Chu Ming-yi) 336, 393
Zhu Shaoliang (Chu Shao-liang) 163,
Zhu Shouzhi (Chu Shou-chih) 428
Zhu Zhi (Chu Chih) 215
Zhuang Jianping 450, 451
Ziegler Philip 603, 654
Zischka Anton 32
Zuo Yingshi (Tso Ying-shih) 411
Żerko Stanisław 19,
Żerko Stanisław 93, 203, 210, 240,
Żukow Georgij 356, 357
Żukow Georgij 356