June 2015


June 2015
Volume 56, No. 6 (Web Version)
June 2015 Hopefully, many of you are aware that members of our congregation have been participating in “Holy
Currencies,” a program developed by Eric Law and used by churches in our Annual Conference. On Sunday,
June 14th, you will hear more about the program and how we, as a church, will use what we learned to
develop a more effective ministry for these times.
Recently, John Baird and Evan Green shared their transformational experiences through Open Table, the
triumph of relationship over poverty. Instead of sitting in communities talking about ministry, they are doing
A young woman who works for a large church’s main office and is in charge of conference communications
throughout the state was telling one of the pastors that she would be gone for the next two weeks.
“Vacation?” he asked.
“No, not vacation. I’ll be working with a ministry in a women’s prison,” she responded.
The pastor told her how much he admired her for doing this prison ministry.
“Actually, I do it for rather selfish reasons,” she said. “After working full-time here at this level of the
church, I really need the spiritual renewal that comes from getting out of this place, out into the world where
God is busy, out with people who are still surprised and grateful that God loves even them.”
What is it that you want to be out in the world doing instead of sitting in a committee meeting, month after
month, reviewing the same agenda? Now don’t get me wrong, we need organization and people who are
gifted in that to enable ministry to happen. And I am grateful for them, but what about the next step. Where
and who do you want to be and do out in the busy world of God? Think about it. Pray about it. Listen for the
voice of God and be ready when the opportunity comes.
In holy curiosity,
An Opportunity Too Good To Miss
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport – June 17-20
Did you know that you do not have to be an official delegate to attend Annual Conference? And when this huge
event is as close as Burlingame, you won't want to miss it. Take a look at the agenda to see what interests you
most. The ordination ceremony? The worship? The United Methodist Women's breakfast? See Pastor Jane, or
Russ & Doris Britschgi for more information. http://www.cnumc.org/files/pdf_documents/acs+2015+agenda.pdf
Children’s and Family Ministries Discovering Disciples
Kindergarten – 5 th grade Sunday School Program
Living God’s Word – Making Choices (The story of Jonah)
June 7 – 28, 2015
Bible Verse: “I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I set your ordinances before me.” (Psalm 119:30)
God chooses us to do God's work. God gives us the freedom to choose our response to God and others. We look to
God's teachings to help us learn how to make choices that reflect what God wants us to do or be.
By the end of the unit, children will understand that:
God gives us the freedom to make choices;
We can learn how to make informed choices to help us deal with difficult situations that involve standing up to
peer pressure, keeping ourselves safe, and keeping our bodies healthy;
The choices we make affect ourselves and other people;
God provides us with the tools, techniques, and resources we need to make wise and appropriate choices.
Vacation Bible School
Everest – Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power
Mark your calendar for a mountain-top experience at Everest VBS! It’s July 6 – 10 from 9 a.m. until noon.
Children don’t just hear about God’s love: They see it, touch it, sing it, taste it and put it into action!
As they travel from station to station, they go deeper into their understanding of God and his love for us. Come
meet our special mascots Klymer, Cliff, Mallory, Pike and Yeddy.
Kids will learn to overcome obstacles through God’s mighty power!
Fundraiser for the Free Music School
International Lunch, Sunday, May 24th, following the service
The moms of Free Music School are hosting an international
lunch to raise funds to purchase more instruments. They will be
serving traditional dishes from their culture ( Guatemala,
Mexico, Ireland, etc.) on the patio following our Sunday service
on May 24th. It will be similar to a bake sale, and you can
choose which items you would like to try. They are very excited
to share some of their favorite special occasion dishes with us,
and are hoping for a “cultural exchange” with members of the
church. They want to say “thank you” for the music opportunity
Almaden Hills provides for their children. Please plan on joining
us for lunch, and bring your friends! For more information,
please contact Candace Love.
Calling All Graduates
It is our custom to print the names of our high school and college graduates in the July
Chimes each year. If you have not contacted us yet, please send the name of the graduate,
the name of the school, and whatever plans the graduate has for the summer or the coming
year. We'd also like to know which degree the college graduate has earned. Send the
information by May 31 to the Chimes reporter at bonstance22@yahoo.com .
Our graduates will be honored during the worship service on Sunday, June 7, and given a
gift from the church.
Beyond Our Local Church
Annual Conference Offering
For $100K Challenge
During the 2015 Annual Conference Session
there will be a celebration of the conference's
Imagine No Malaria campaign, and the
conference has selected that cause for this year’s
special funding effort as well. In order for the
conference to have an accurate count, churches
were asked to send their offering to the
Conference Center prior to the Annual
Conference Session this year, so we took a
special offering for this challenge on May 24.
(Note: if you did not get a chance to donate to
this worthy cause and still want to, please mark
your checks “Annual Conference Offering.”)
Our Local Church
Almaden Hills Recipe Book
You've admired a dish that was served at a church
potluck or at an Auction dinner and you wish you had
that recipe ! When the new Almaden Hills cook book is
put together, let's hope that one of those delicious recipes
is in it. We need all of you cooks and chefs out there to
look through your favorite recipes and donate them to
our new book. We won't count on you Chili Cook-Off
winners to give away all of your secrets, but maybe you
have another tasty recipe that you can give us. When you
meet in your small groups, do encourage your buddies to
participate. Please contact Suzanne Jones at
suzannemft2@gmail.com to submit your page.
Life Saving Equipment
Based on priorities defined by our Health
Ministries Council two years ago, our church
has recently purchased an automated external
defibrillator (AED) with funding through our
Endowment Committee. This potentially lifesaving unit is designed for people to use without
any previous instruction. It walks you through
the process by audio instructions while
emergency services (911) are called. Many
public facilities have these installed, including
multiple churches in the district.
The unit is mounted on the wall in our church
office, but it is portable and may be taken out of
its case if needed. Leslie Hallenbeck or Lilian
Guansing can answer questions about the AED.
Backpacks For Neighbors … and Beyond!
Once again this year, our church will provide backpacks
stuffed with school supplies to children who live in the lowincome Hoffman-Via Monte neighborhood adjacent to our
church. Distribution will be at National Night Out in the first
week of August. Your financial donations will help to
purchase the backpacks and the school supplies.
… and Beyond!
Providing the backpacks is important, but we also hope to host
a true community experience for our neighbors, which is what
National Night Out is all about. Our Outreach Commission is
seeking your help and involvement to accomplish this.
Can you help with a cake walk or face-painting? Help with
crafts and games for the kids? How about providing a puppet
show, or health information? Do you have an idea for a new
educational or social activity that could be organized for this
If you can help please contact our Outreach Chairman, Bruce
Eshleman. With your help we can make this an enjoyable and
productive experience our neighbors will appreciate and long
New Photo Directory – We’ve Taken the First Step
You checked your calendar, made your appointment, got your hair cut, chose your
outfit, made your way to the church to be photographed, and selected the best
picture to be put in the church’s new photo directory. It was a struggle, but you did
it! The rest of us are so grateful. We need that directory to help us put names to
faces, and without your help it wouldn’t have been possible to put it together. Thank
you so much.
Special thanks to the volunteers who signed in all 133 households when they arrived
for their appointments. It wasn’t an easy job to learn, and they did it all so well.
Sp irituality
Mission Outreach
Choose Your Favorite “Mission u” Event
The California-Nevada Conference United Methodist Women are excited to invite you to “Mission u 2015.” The
events are open to all men, women and youth. The two closest to our church are these -One-Day Event -- Saturday, August 29, 8:30 a.m. at Salinas First UMC. Registration deadline is August 12. Topics
covered are “The Church & Disabilities” led by Anna Noble, and “Created for Happiness” led by Rev. Staci Current &
Rev. Corazon Moran. The $40 registration fee includes lunch. Scholarships pay $30 of that fee, and scholarship
applications are due by June 30.
Weekend Event -- August 7 (4 p.m.) to August 9 (after lunch), at University of California, Davis. Registration
deadline is July 1. Topics covered are “The Church & Disabilities” led by Anna Noble, “Created for Happiness” led
by Rev. Staci Current & Rev. Corazon Moran, and “Latin America” led by missionary Nan McCurdy. Cost includes
housing, meals, and insurance, and is $296 (single) and $250 (double occupancy). Save $10 if registration is
postmarked by June 3. Dorms have air conditioning and elevators. Parking fee is $15. Registration & meals without
housing is $150.
Registration and scholarship forms are available on the counter in the church office. See Almaden Hills UMW
President K Stone for carpool information.
Team Leader Training for United Methodist Volunteers-In-Mission
Saturday, July 11, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
There will be a Team Leader Training for United Methodist Volunteers-In-Mission on
Saturday, July 11, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The training will be held at Walnut Creek UMC,
located at 1543 Sunnyvale Avenue, Walnut Creek CA 94597.
For more information, visit http://www.cnumc.org/umvolunteersinmission
Food For “FISH”
The FISH program began in England in 1961. FISH is a group of caring Christian people who wish to express their
love and concern for their neighbor. In our area we have the Southside FISH program, which has existed since 1970,
and supplies food to those in need in the southwest area of San Jose. Our church is one of nine Christian churches that
contribute to FISH either financially or by bringing food.
There is hunger here in our own community, and you can help by agreeing to bring a bag of designated groceries to
church on the second Sunday of each month. From here your food donations will be taken to the distribution center.
The average cost of these groceries is $17 per month.
If you can help, please contact me by e-mail, at Larrydean1935@aol.com . I will provide you with a designated list
of food items. You may make a cash donation by writing a check to AHUMC and marking it for “FISH Program.”
Grace & Peace,
Larry Stephenson
CROP Walk -- April 19, 2015
Our Almaden Hills CROP Walk team thanks all of their sponsors for making this year's Walk such a success. It was
wonderful to be back in San Jose's Rose Garden neighborhood again for the Walk. The weather was perfect. The
outstanding Hoover Middle School band played several numbers to get the event off to an energetic start. Boy Scouts
on bicycles followed the walkers on their route, handing out bottles of water and watching for anyone needing help. A
variety of sweet treats was waiting for the walkers at the finish line. The Almaden Hills team included Bruce
Eshleman, Mike Nugent, Bonnie Home, Josh Asada, Julie Asada, Junetta McKewan, Cindy Skrivanek, Sue
Bowling, Terri Sawdon, and Kevin Young. The donations for our team totaled over $4000, which will help to
combat hunger both locally and world-wide.
A bonus and pleasant surprise was that Dale Weatherspoon, one of our former pastors, walked with us.
Adult Education
Variety Book Study Group
A New Book Group
Wednesday, June 17, 7:30 p.m. in the
Fireside Room
Do you like to read and discuss books and
ideas but not in the early morning? There
are others like you who have expressed
interest in such a weekly book group. We
would like to form such a group at
AHUMC and want others to join us. Day
and time will be determined by those interested. Also,
the nature of what we read will be set by the
inclinations of the members. If you're interested, please
contact Susan Baird.
The book for June is China Dolls by
Lisa See. Our discussion leader is
Sharon Jahns. Anyone who has read
the book is invited to the discussion.
The book for July is Wild by Cheryl
Spring Clean UP Day
Thanks to all those who showed up for our Spring Clean Up day. We had a good turnout and got a lot done.
Caring for God’s Creations ~
Limitless ...
Spiritual, Physical and Emotional Strength!
August 22nd 2015
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
(with registration at 8:30)
Our invitation goes out to women of all ages, who know that caring for our whole self is important.
This will be a day for
Ø lots of dynamic music
Ø sharing of yourself
Ø learning new ideas and new skills from our
guest speakers
Ø checking your flexibility
Ø giving back to the community with a hands-on
project that very day
Ø expanding your creativity
by Derek Lang
Last month, a newcomer arrived at our Welcome Table asking for Jodi Picard. She
stayed at the table and chatted with us until Jodi arrived. All this time, I thought she
was a friend of Jodi’s; but in fact (and I hope I got this story correct), she had come the
previous week and Jodi contacted her as part of the First Time Visitor follow-up. They
agreed to meet on this particular Sunday and then Jodi brought her into the Sunday
worship service. That was a great system. Now we just need to make it a system!
Some would say, making friends should not be engineered. That may be one reason why we have not had much
traction in developing a formalized system for connecting people at church. But that’s something we’re still exploring.
In the meantime, what we have done this past year is to create opportunities for people to connect, and we continue to
work on creating an attitude of being intentional in reaching out to people. Not everyone needs to sign up for the
Spiritual Networking planning meetings (though it would be great if you would); not everyone needs to sign up for
Holy Currencies (though it would be great if you did); and not everyone needs to be the first face a newcomer sees
upon arrival (though it might be nice if it were). But here are some concrete steps you can take to build relationships
and welcome newcomers:
Say “hi” to a newcomer during worship.
Come by the Welcome Table after worship; show a newcomer around; or bring the newcomer to fellowship at the
Fireside Room.
Sign up to help set up or take care of the Welcome Table on a Sunday morning (note: the Welcome Table is
currently a pilot program, so we need people to help keep it going)
Invite a newcomer to join you at the monthly Fellowship Gatherings or an upcoming church event.
Invite a newcomer or someone you do not know well at church to go for coffee or get together during the week;
have a deeper conversation.
Church Auction Events
Auction Echoes -A Hike with Brunch, and More !
Auction Echoes -Do-It-Yourself Interior Design Class
Dave and Heather LeRoy and Leonard and
Trilbe Fortunati hosted an auction hike and
brunch on Saturday, May 2.
On Sunday, April 19, Janis Eggleston opened her home and
beautiful gardens to the lucky bidders who came to learn home
decorating tips. They discussed big changes in the kitchen, such
as replacing cabinets, counter tops, and the back splash, and
smaller changes to a room such as adding two pillows or a scarf
for color. The garden with its fountain, arbor, and tucked-away
retreats looked its best. Refreshments were croissant sandwiches
and a veggie tray. Participants were Jean Pricolo, Trilbe
Fortunati, and Jodi Picard.
A group of tough hikers and gentle hikers
gathered at the LeRoys' in Los Gatos. After
their treks they had a tour of Dave and
Heather's new home under construction in
Los Gatos. The group then enjoyed a brunch
served in the backyard with smoothies, a
salmon casserole, a sausage casserole,
pineapple, salad, and cookies. Trilbe made
dessert bars out of chocolate chips, peanut
butter, and marshmallows, which were so
tempting that guests were sampling them
even before the brunch was served! Those
attending were Dale and Marilyn Crandall,
Junetta and Dick McKewan, Gary Jones,
Rosemary Steenhausen Fujimoto, Diane
Moots, Clyde Bingham, Leslie Hallenbeck,
Pam Benitez, Bob Sprenger, and Kevin and
Ryan LeRoy.
Auction Echoes -- Bumpy Bocce Ball April 18
Buy a spot at Carl Hudson's bocce ball event, and you're in for
a challenge. It's called “bumpy bocce ball” because it's played in
a rough back yard with unofficial boundaries. But Carl's guests
were up to the challenge, and played remarkably well. They
were Jean Pricolo , Burnett & Arlene Pense, Jodi Picard,
Milt & Susan Revers, Dale & Marilyn Crandall, and Pam
Benitez. The snacks and appetizers were buffalo wings, cheese
& crackers, and chips with a variety of dips, among them
hummus and artichoke dip. It was fun for all !
Auction Echoes – Japanese-American Museum
On May 9, Diane Moots and Pam Benitez co-hosted their wonderful Japanese luncheon. The menu included miso
soup, kale & carrot salad, and teriyaki chicken with rice. The beautiful California sushi rolls were of crab, avocado,
and cucumber wrapped in sticky rice. The mochi (rice) desserts were so pretty, and the berry-infused bars were
favorites. Guests used both chopsticks and forks to be sure to get every bite. The traditional tea was made with
popcorn. Following lunch the drivers took everyone to the Japanese-American Museum on North Fifth Street in San
Jose. Their guide was a young third-generation Japanese-American who teaches history at San Jose State. He told
story after story about the early days of San Jose’s Japantown, which is one of only three remaining in the United
States. Arigatou, Pam and Diane, for a wonderful day!
Left to Right: Len Fortunati, Marilyn Crandall, Gary Jones, Bonnie Home, G.A. Hawthorne,
Diane Moots, Pam Benitez, Dale Crandall, & Trilbe Fortunati
? Did You Miss These ?
You will get another chance for activities such as these at our next big AHUMC
annual fundraiser auction on October 3. Start thinking about what you can donate.
Put the date on your calendar and plan to join us for a delightful evening.
News of Our Church Family Family Album
Leonard and Trilbe Fortunati enjoyed a trip on a paddle wheeler boat on the Missisippi River in April. They were
among the 150 people on the Mississippi Queen for seven days from Memphis to New Orleans. They enjoyed Elvis
Presley's Graceland as well as the music on Beale Street in Memphis. They spent a day touring the Civil War Siege of
Vicksburg and visiting the National Cemetery. Other stops included visiting the antebellum homes in Natchez and the
Southern charm of Baton Rouge. Oak Alley was the last stop on their tour which is one of the most beautiful
plantations on the Mississippi.
In early May, Cherry Hitt, daughter of Arlie & Carolyn Hitt, came to San Jose for a ten-day vacation. The trip
included reuniting with friends from junior high school, and an overnight stay with the family of a former college
roommate at a beach house in Aptos (less than a mile from the location of our annual choir retreat). Arlie & Carolyn
went with Cherry to the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park, and to a picnic in Hellyer Park in San Jose. Cherry
attended our worship service on Mother's Day. Cherry now lives in Durham, NC, where she is a manager in a major
social services agency.
Bryan and Rosemary (Steenhausen) Fujimoto were married on April 19 at Testarossa Winery. Officiating was
Judge John Sutro, father of Rosemary's daughter-in-law Sarah Steenhausen. The grandchildren, dressed all in white,
led the bride down the aisle. It was a small wedding with family and a few close friends ... a dream day and exactly
what the couple had envisioned.
A Note of Thanks
To my beloved AHUMC congregation:
From the bottom of my heart I thank you one and all for your unwavering support of my family and me over
the past ten months. From the sudden death of my beloved husband Dick on July 15, my diagnosis of
pancreatic cancer in September, through my recent surgery which revealed no cancer after all, you have helped
us all cope by your prayers, cards, phone calls, rides and love. We could not have emerged from this journey
without you, and we shall be forever grateful. You are truly angels of our beloved Lord.
Patti Skavdahl and Kristen, Karen and Eric
Elspeth's Trip from Lisbon to Barcelona
We sailed from Lisbon to Barcelona on the “Largest Sailing Ship in the World -- The Wind Surf,” calling in at Cadiz
where we saw the beautiful Andalusian horses perform for us. We sailed to Malaga, Almeria, Valencia where we
visited the Lladro Porcelain Factory. Then we were off to Palma de Majorca and Barcelona where we saw the beautiful
Sagrada Familia Cathedral designed by Gaudi, as well as some of the other buildings he designed. It was a lovely
~ Elspeth Thomson
The Chimes Editorial Staff
Words of Faith
Arlie Hitt, Editor - arliehitt@aol.com
Bonnie Home, Reporter - bonstance22@yahoo.com
Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in
truth and action.
~ I John 3:18
Deadline for Next Issue:
June 14