Outliers, Story Of Success (pdf 3.2MB)


Outliers, Story Of Success (pdf 3.2MB)
Malcolm Gladwell
The New Yorker staff writer
formerly Washington Post journalist
also the author of #1 international bestsellers
1st edition: November 2008
- Outliers will transform the
way we understand success-
outlier ¦ out līər¦
a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body
or system : less accessible islands and outliers.
a person or thing excluded from a group; an outsider.
• Statistics a
data point on a graph or in a set of results that is
very much bigger or smaller than the next nearest data point.
The Roseto Effect
“These people were dying of old age. That’s it”
The Stewart Wolf research
on Health
map of Roseto in Pennsylvania
Why is a tree taller than
any others?
The Matthew Effect
“For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he
shall have abundance. But from him that hath not
shall be taken away even that which he hath”
(MATTHEW 25:29)
The Matthew Effect
Why is the rich get richer and
the poor get poorer?
-Simple Version on Matthew-
Matthew Effects
is simply explain
Roger Barnsley research on
Canadian Hockey League
star player (1980)
The 10.000 - Hour Rule
or equivalent to 8 - 10 years
practice (no shortcut)
Why is a musician just
“better” than any others?
Why is Tiger Woods better
than any other golfers?
Bill Joy (born 1954) founder of Sun Microsystem,
UNIX mainframe, JAVA computer language
-from Liverpool
reaching USA in
1964“Most bands today
don’t perform
1200 times in their
entire careers”
(the Hamburg
1200 performances
Bill Gates (born 1955) founder of Microsoft, formerly
the richest man on earth
Series of Opportunity
that bill gates had:
1. He got sent to Lakeside (How
many high school in the world
had access to time sharing
terminal in 1968?)
2. His mother is quite wealthy
6. The Univ. have free computer
time from 3 to 6 am
7. TRW looking for computer
programmer and they called
someone in ISI
3. Spent weekend on C-Cubed
8. The best programmer ISI
project and learn computer very known is Bill and Paul Allen
much in time
9. Lakeside willing to let Bill and
4. Found out about ISI and
Paul spend their spring term
working on it’s software
miles away, writing code
5. Live near Univ. of Washington
Steve Jobs (born
founder of Apple
animation studio
owner of Walt
I was born rich and
ur poor, how can u
be successful?
I have my own
opportunities too
Series of Opportunity
that Steve jobs had:
1. He was born on Mountain View, California (the epicenter of
Silicon Valley)
2. He attended evening talk by Hewlett-Packard scientist
3. He called Bill Hewlett for computer spare parts (that’s on a par to
Bill getting unlimited access to time sharing terminal)
4. He managed to have a summer job on HP to work on assembly
line to build computers
5. He happens to have Steve Wozniak as a friend like Bill Gates has
Paul Allen
Any Similarity between
Bill Joy, Bill Gates, Steve
Jobs? (since they are
successful in computer
They were born on
They were born on
in order to become successful in Silicon Valley,
you have to be born around 1953 to 56,
or you MISSED the opportunity
: Bill Gates starts on 1975
right : Steve Jobs on 1976
(or they missed the opportunity of Computer Revolution
on 1975)
if you’re born genius,
will you have bigger
chance to succeed?
(since being genius
makes a “naturally”
Lewis Terman
(Stanford university)
• Made the biggest study
on Genius
• Start 1921 - End 1971
• 1470 children “filtered”
with IQ above 140
• armed w/ large grant
from Commonwealth
Terman admitted he made an error, his idea about
Geniuses and Success was wrong
• In fact : The Smartest man alive is not successful
• Chris Lagan cannot even finish college
• Works on a farm which a great paradox to his geniuses
J. Robert
[inventor of nuclear weapon]
Research on Terman’s error:
Terman’s only measure intelligence by “Convergence
Test” - most widely used for IQ test,exp:Raven’s
Progressive Matrices (where there’s only one correct answer)
He didn’t take “Divergence Test” (where the test answer
could be more than one)
University of Michigan study
Divergence test
sample question:
What is the uses of :
a. Brick ?
b. Blanket ?
Why are manhole covers
(if you don’t know the answer you’re not
smart enough to work at Microsoft)
The Thing That Sets
Chris Lagan and J.
Robert Oppenheimer
apart is called:
“Practical intelligence”
In Fact :
IQ is like Basketball,You just have to be tall enough
“In order to become successful basketball player
you have to be 6 feet tall”
“In order to win a Nobel Prize you have to be
smart enough and study in a good university”
Same rule applied in order to become successful in life
Directed Action/
3 Lessons
Joe Flom
“if you were a Fortune 500 company about to be taken
over or trying to take over someone else, Joseph Flom has
been your attorney and Skadden, Arps has been your law
firm - and if they weren’t, you probably wished they were”
3 Lessons from Joe Flom
1. The Important of being Jewish
2. Demographic Luck
3. The Garment Industry and Meaningful Work
Part of Cultural Trait
Why Asians are so good at Math?
Part of Cultural Trait
Indonesian Version
Dahlan iskan,
CEO Jawa Pos Group
• was: Favorite Physics Teacher
at St Louis High School
• Marketing Staff at Sampoerna
and other big companies in
• now: one of 50 World
Marketing Guru
Hermawan Kartajaya,
Markplus inc.
Ir. Ciputra
Thanks Malcolm
Tanadi Santoso
Chief Catalyst Officer, SamDesign
Kombes M Duriyat 39
Surabaya - tel: 031-5459975
Plaza Lippo 11th Floor
Jend. Sudirman Kav.25
Jakarta - Tel 021-5212323
Email: tanadisantoso@yahoo.com