2014 – 2015 Annual Report - Pope John Paul the Great Catholic
2014 – 2015 Annual Report - Pope John Paul the Great Catholic
GROWTH through giving 2014-2015 ANNUAL REPORT “IT IS JESUS WHO STIRS IN YOU THE DESIRE TO DO SOMETHING GREAT WITH YOUR LIVES.” ST. JOHN PAUL II OUR MISSION Rooted in the Dominican tradition of prayer, study, community and service, Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School is committed to the formation of youth with special emphasis on the ethical development of the students. We strive to provide an environment where students can grow in the image of Jesus Christ while developing intellectual, theological, and moral virtues. As a Diocesan School, we prepare each student for a life of faith, service, and integrity. Growth through Giving DEAR FRIENDS, WHEN A COMMUNITY IS FILLED WITH PEOPLE WHO WANT TO GIVE OF THEMSELVES, that community will be blessed. Looking back on the 2014-2015 school year, it is easy to see that God’s hand has touched many people who in turn helped Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School to grow. We have been blessed. We have a community of contributors; people who give generously of their time and talents, and their gifts have a lasting impact on our students and school programs. Our growth has been through your giving. In the 2014-2015 school year, we grew in so many ways, including increased school enrollment, greater student participation in our House System and service opportunities, growth in volunteerism among parents, increased number of military appointments in our senior class, greater participation in our school’s music program, and greater school spirit! Your giving helped make this possible as it provided the necessary means to support the school’s academic, spiritual, athletic, fine arts, and co-curricular programs. Through your giving, we were able to provide financial aid to families in need, restore our stadium field, repair the baseball field, equip the band with additional instruments, provide more opportunities for students to be involved in co-curricular activities, and much more. I am pleased to present the 20142015 Annual Report of Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School, honoring the donors, volunteers, and other friends whose participation has made an impact on the lives of our students. Many thanks for all you’ve done, and will continue to do, in support of our mission. Your contributions of prayer, time and talent make a difference in so many ways. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and dedication to our great school. Yours in Christ, Sister Mary Jordan Hoover, O.P. Principal PAGE ONE Growth through Evangelization Lights, Radio, Action! Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the combined generosity of key donors, John Paul the Great was able to commit to two major improvement projects in 2015: the establishment of our own radio station, and the addition of lights to our football field. The radio station was an idea brought to the school by Mr. Tom Vetter and was in the works for more than two years when it became clear that installing the appropriate antenna would require unforeseen resources. Just as the radio project timeline was being re-evaluated, Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Corrine Kosar approached Sister Mary Jordan with a new and unrelated idea: they wanted to help put lights on the football field. As only the Holy Spirit can orchestrate, the two ideas came together with perfect timing to solve the antenna dilemma and to provide a way to light the field years ahead of schedule. Please continue reading to learn more about both projects, and the generous people who stepped forward in faith to help make them possible! Growth through Evangelization When asked why he would help a Catholic high school start a radio station, Mr. Tom Vetter, a twice-retired resident of Montclair said: “There are a lot of commuters who travel back and forth to D.C. each day on 95 in Virginia. We have the potential to reach some of them. I’m hoping the Bioethics information from John Paul will make a difference and that the Holy Spirit will reach out and touch them.” Tom couldn’t have known it when sorting through his junk mail in 2012, but at John Paul the Great conversations had begun about ways to enhance the curriculum in technology and about how to help students put their bioethics education to use in the real world. In part, the result of these conversations was the creation of the Communications and Media Arts Department. PAGE T WO “There are a lot of commuters who travel back and forth to D.C. each day on 95 in Virginia. We have the potential to reach some of them. I’m hoping the Bioethics information from John Paul will make a difference and that the Holy Spirit will reach out and touch them.” The postcard that Tom almost threw away was an appeal from the Catholic Radio Association asking for donations to help establish new Low Power FM Catholic radio stations. For the first time in 16 years, Tom would learn, the FCC was opening up the application process for new stations, creating an affordable evangelization opportunity. He brought the idea to Sister Mary Jordan, who was immediately intrigued and understood that a JP radio station would expand the curriculum options for students, allow the school to teach about ethical use of technology, and promote the mission of the school. With the approval of the School Board, the cooperation of the Diocese of Arlington, and seed money from Mr. and Mrs. Vetter, JP Technology Director, Mr. David Morales, spearheaded the effort to apply for the FCC license. Over the course of more than two years – and with another significant donation from the Vetters, as well as contributions secured from his friends, the Knights of Columbus Fr. Cappodano Council, the St. Michael Catholic Community at the Marine Memorial Chapel, and brother Knight, Mr. Raymond Tenanty - the FCC granted the permit and approved the frequency and call letters. The only remaining question was where to properly install the antenna. Many options had been considered, but each failed to be the solution. Just when it appeared that the radio station would have to be delayed, the Holy Spirit intervened and Sister Mary Jordan received a call from a new JP family, the Kosars, with an offer to help fund stadium lights. It turns out that a light pole is the perfect place to install a radio antenna. 106.3 WJPN - Home of Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School and voice of the JP Nation – is scheduled to start airing by early 2016. Initial content will come from free Catholic radio feeds, such as EWTN Radio. Planning has begun to shape our curriculum and develop a course specifically for radio broadcasting. Content produced and aired by John Paul will start slowly and build over time. Ideas for student-created programming include live sports games, talk show formats, a nd school news. Teacher content might include broadcasting the Bioethics mini-series led by Sister Terese Auer, O.P. Lieutenant Commander Tom Vetter, a life-long Catholic and product of Catholic education, spent 18 years active duty Navy and 8 years of reserve service as a military submariner before retiring and starting a second career as an IT architect. Tom is now an author and a full time caregiver to his wife and love of his life - Gabriela, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Tom’s books include 30,000 Leagues Undersea – True Tales of a Submariner and Deep Submergence Pilot, as well as several volumes of historical fiction including Call to Crusade – The Recollections of Lord Godric MacEuan on the First Crusade: Volume One. We cannot thank Tom and Gabriela enough for their ideas, generosity, and for partnering with us in education and evangelization. All are invited to join Tom and Gabriela in this work by financially contributing to the new radio station. Please contact the Advancement office for more information. PAGE THREE Growth through Vision Growth Through Vision In the spring of 2015, Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School was blessed with a tremendously generous lead gift for the installation of lighting for the planned stadium complex, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Corrine Kosar. The idea was born through Corrine’s experience volunteering on the John Paul field during St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School’s Fall Festival. Limited electrical outlets and lack of lighting made hosting and clean-up a challenge. Corrine found herself wondering what it would take to get lights on the field, and how the improvement might create opportunities for students and families at John Paul and in the diocese. Later, the Kosars heard Sister Mary Jordan speak about the proposed radio station, including the need for funds in order to move the project forward. When it became clear that stadium lights could also solve the issue of where to place the radio antenna, the Kosars knew it was time to move forward with their gift. While they could not underwrite the entire stadium project, Corrine explained that they felt their donation needed to be “significant enough” to make the project viable, and to hopefully inspire others to join in their efforts. “Like many others at Saint John Paul the Great, we are just two working parents. We have a mortgage. We sit in the same traffic on 95 as everyone else,” Corrine said, “and we asked ourselves, ‘can we step out of our financial comfort zone to do something meaningful for the school?’” “We want to encourage others to participate. We are firm believers who have seen firsthand that when you give, you get back in some way, shape, or form.” Mike and Corrine Kosar visit with Sister Mary Jordan Hoover to discuss plans to light the football field. Mike and Corrine are both products of Catholic education and have long supported their various alma maters. Mike remembers his parents sacrificing in order to send him to Catholic high school by taking out a third mortgage on their Scranton, Pennsylvania, home. “I wouldn’t be here today without Catholic education,” shared Mike. “It’s important to give back.” The vision for the stadium complex is grand and planning work has begun. It will take the time, talents, and gifts of many more people to see it become a reality. “We want to encourage others to participate,” said Mike, while Corrine added, “We are firm believers who have seen firsthand that when you give, you get back in some way, shape, or form.” With joy and awe, we thank Mike and Corrine for their vision and generosity. To join the Kosars in support of the stadium complex project, please contact the Advancement office or send your tax-deductible donation today. PAGE FOUR Growth through Dignity Hugh Finn Scholarship The Hugh Finn Scholarship was established at John Paul in 2014 by Mr. Edward Finn, in remembrance of his late brother. Hugh Finn was a talented man. Born in 1954 to Thomas and Joan Finn, he came from a large, loving, family and was one of eight children. Hugh was a concert pianist, a news anchor, and a kind and giving person. When finished with work at the end of the day, Hugh would often visit Lighthouse for the Blind and record books on tape. A lover of animals, Hugh was an active volunteer at the ASPCA near his home in Kentucky. Tragedy struck in March 1995 when Hugh was in a terrible car accident. As he struggled to survive, he was moved from Kentucky to Pennsylvania while specialists battled to save his life. After months of surgeries and treatments, Hugh stabilized and remained in a minimally responsive state, receiving nutrition through a feeding tube. Physicians and medical specialists provided little hope for improvement. Hugh was moved to a nursing facility in Manassas where his family could visit more frequently and help attend to his most basic needs. After many months, it was decided to discontinue nutrition and hydration through his feeding tube. His family was distraught and tried to get an injunction to prevent this action, but, ultimately, all attempts to protect Hugh’s right to appropriate nutrition and hydration were thwarted. Hugh passed away on October 9, 1998. Hugh’s death had a life-changing impact on his brother, Ed, who wished to inspire others through Hugh’s memory. As a wrestling coach at JP the Great, Ed came to love our mission involving the formation of youth with a particular emphasis on their ethical development. At John Paul, we provide an environment in which the profound dignity of every person is affirmed, regardless of ability. Ed wanted to enable more students to attend John Paul and to learn the Bioethics Curriculum so they would be equipped to make ethical decisions related to life, death and care for the most vulnerable. In remembrance of Hugh’s talents, Ed particularly wanted to encourage and support students interested in journalism and music. Thanks to his generosity, each year John Paul the Great offers two $1,000 Hugh Finn Scholarships to students with musical and journalistic talents. To contribute to this worthy scholarship, or create a new scholarship in memory of a loved one, please contact the Advancement office. Joan Finn and son Ed Finn present the Hugh Finn Scholarship to JP students Gabriela Carlisle and Nicholas Craig. PAGE FIVE Growth through Planning School Improvement Planning and Reaccreditation EXCEPTIONAL REVIEW FROM ACCREDITATION TEAM Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School went through a rigorous accreditation process to achieve reaccreditation from AdvancED, a global accrediting agency. In November 2014, an external review team representing AdvancED visited the school for three days to meet with various stakeholders in the JP community and to review the self-study which had been prepared by the school. At the end of the review, the chairman, Mr. Rick Bowmaster, gave a formal, but enthusiastic, presentation of their findings to the school’s faculty and staff, board members, and parents. All present were thrilled to hear the report, which included professional judgment of the following areas: 1) powerful practices; 2) opportunities for improvement; 3) improvement priorities; 4) Index of Educational Quality; and the accreditation recommendation. Some of Mr. Bowmaster’s comments included: “On day one, we had a very, very, packed schedule, but we left uplifted. Your students spoke extremely proudly of the work you do.” Regarding the consistency of comments among all stakeholder groups (including students, faculty, staff, parents, administration, and others), Mr. Bowmaster stated “every group said, more or less, the same thing about their experience of the school, which is a very, very, rare find. We’ve never seen this happen so clearly.” Speaking specifically to the quality of our teaching practices, Mr. Bowmaster said, “Nobody teaches in isolation here. You work together.” Later he said,“We’ve never seen a group that is so responsive to the needs of students.” Adding, in regard to students’ needs:“You are proactive, rather than reactive.” Among the powerful practices, the external review team highlighted our Bioethics Curriculum, Options Program, Academic Support Program, the House System, living the mission, and the Dominican charism. They noted the impact of Bioethics on the school’s curriculum, mission, and students. Many of the students interviewed touted the impact that studying Bioethics has on their learning experience. The external review team noted that our Options Program and Academic Support not only provide exceptional programs to help students to thrive, but they are well-integrated into the school. Our House System demonstrates that relationships are the foundation for building community by giving each student, teacher, and staff member the experience of belonging to a smaller group within the broader community. The external review committee noted that the presence of the Dominican Sisters has a strong influence on the school’s mission and culture. The study also showed that members of our school community are being challenged to follow Christ wholeheartedly. One of the reasons we engage in self-studies and external reviews is to identify areas for improvement. The external review team and our self-study identified the following opportunities and priorities for improvement: 1) Consistent use of PowerSchool to communicate grades; 2) the development of Professional Learning Communities to improve professional development; 3) the improvement of documentation of the Curriculum; 4) training for all staff in the application, disaggregation, and use of data to verify improvement in student learning, and 5) expanding the Advancement and funding opportunities. OVERALL SCORE AND DECISION In the conclusion of their report, the external review committee presented the Index of Education Quality (IEQ) score, based on AdvancED standards. John Paul’s overall score exceeded the national average of more than 32,000 other schools in the AdvancED network, and the outstanding results led to our reaccreditation. The reaccreditation visit is important because it keeps the school engaged in the formal process of continual improvement. Many people within our community are engaged in the continuous review process and it is another example of how giving has helped us to grow! ANNUAL STATE OF THE SCHOOL ADDRESS In February 2015 at the annual State of the School meeting, Sister Mary Jordan Hoover, principal, and Mr. Carlos Chaves, board president, presented a detailed report of the AdvancED findings and our school improvement goals to John Paul parents, teachers, friends, and community members. Also addressed was information on improvement planning, fiscal status, facilities report and planning, and committee development. The State of the School video can be found at www.jpthegreat.org/documents/ StateoftheSchool-2-25-2015.mp4. IEQ RESULTS Domains External Review IEQ Score for JP the Great AdvancED Network Average Overall Score 305.13 282.79 Teaching and Learning Impact 276.19274.14 Leadership Capacity 354.55 296.08 Resource Utilization 314.29 286.32 The AdvancED network includes more than 32,000 schools. GOLFING WITH WOLVES Inaugural Golfing with Wolves In September 2014, John Paul started a new tradition: Golfing With Wolves. The inaugural tournament was held in our neighborhood at the new Potomac Shores Golf Club. The weather was spectacular and after 18 holes on the beautiful course, golfers filled the club house for a delicious meal and a light-hearted awards ceremony. In addition to growing friendships, this event raised more than $12,000 to support the programs of Saint John Paul the Great. Thank you to all who supported the event, including the golfers, tournament sponsors, and volunteers. A special thank you to Potomac Shores for their Lone Wolf sponsorship, and to Gaston Gianni for chairing the event! Growth through Friends, Options Support Since the opening of the school in 2008, the JP Options Program has served students with moderate intellectual disabilities in an inclusive setting, providing opportunities for academic, social, and spiritual growth. Many have supported the JP Options Program over the years, including special mission partner Porto Charities. We are grateful for their generous grants which have helped to bring the latest technology into the Options classroom. The annual JP5K Run/Walk for Options is another key source of support for the Options Program. In 2014, the Family Association took leadership of this event, and under the capable direction of event chair, Mary Gelbach, the JP5K raised more than $7,000! We are grateful to Mary and to the 450 runners who came out on a frigid November morning in support of Options. Special thanks to the generous event sponsors, including our JP5K Champion Level Sponsor, Karen Radley Acura/Volkswagen. March for Life 2015 Nearly 400 Wolves joined hundreds of thousands of people on January 22, 2015 for the March for Life in Washington, D.C. The day began with prayer at the Diocese of Arlington’s “Life is VERY Good” Morning Youth Rally and Mass, attended by roughly 8,000 teens from across the country. After picking up box lunches, the John Paul crew headed to D.C. for the March. Chanting, banner waving, singing, and praying their way up Constitution Avenue towards the Supreme Court, JP represented with passion for life. Mr. Gerard Anthony, religion and Bioethics teacher, and Kaitlin Kotwicki (2015) were pulled from the crowed by EWTN and responded to a few on-air questions; a great example of JP Bioethics and evangelization in action! Options and Conviction GROWTH through athletics Extensive improvements made to athletic field drainage system! Baseball infield received improvements thanks to JP supporters! OTHER SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS: 5 JP girls named to US Lacrosse All American team! Sonia Okolo (2015) named VISAA State Champion in shot put! The new indoor track team was established! Varsity Football won VISAA Division 1 State Semifinals. Field hockey upset VISAA Division II State Champs at Fredericksburg Academy; 6 players named to National All Academic Squad (NFHCA) In 2015, four John Paul athletes signed with Division I colleges. Boys and Girls Track & Field won the Virginia Catholic State Championship hosted at John Paul. Growth through Service Hospitality to Visiting Schools John Paul the Great welcomed three Catholic high school groups who traveled to the D.C. area to participate in the March for Life, and provided overnight accommodations on our gym and classroom floors. These high school students and chaperones came from Bishop Snyder in Jacksonville, Florida, Bishop Machebeuf in Denver, Colorado, and Knoxville Catholic in Tennessee. At 6:15am on a non-school day, John Paul students happily prepared and served a hot breakfast for our guests. Connor Longi (2016) knew how to organize a breakfast of this size, having spent a semester in a work-study internship with Chef Courtney. He served as the student leader who planned the shopping and directed the cooking, serving, and clean-up. Thanks to all who volunteered and provided warm JP hospitality! Beach Bash In June, the Service Club and the National Honor Society joined forces to raise awareness and funds for Catholic Charities. This is the second year for the Beach Bash and the second year as co-chairs for Grant Tabler and Mark Choe, both members of the Class of 2016. From inflatable fun to snow cones to the dunk tank, students, faculty, and families enjoyed a great afternoon in the sun. Growth through Community 2015 Gala The Third Annual Gala and Auction was held May 18. The theme, “Spring is in the Air”, celebrated the many ways John Paul the Great has blossomed over the years, as well the excitement about all that is yet to come. Hundreds dined, laughed, bid, and together raised more than $50,000 in support of the school. These funds provide additional financial aid to deserving students, purchase much-needed equipment, and expand extracurricular opportunities. A huge thank you to the parents, students, friends, alumni, and alumni parents who volunteered in myriad ways – to make the evening a success. Alumna Elizabeth Kestermann (2012) gave the keynote address about her love for John Paul and how it prepared her for college life. Thanks also goes out to all those who donated and sponsored the event, especially our Platinum Level sponsors, Euro Motorcars Bethesda and Patricio Enterprises. Our deep gratitude is extended to our Gala CoChairs, Kim Munoz and Karen Barlow, who worked tirelessly for many months. They have been at the helm of two very successful gala events, and have inspired many with their leadership and dedication. Growth through Prayer Annual School-Wide Retreat Students at John Paul have many opportunities to live their faith, including an annual school-wide retreat when time is set aside for reflection and prayer. In 2015, we were blessed to have musical artist Marie Miller return to perform and encourage prayer through music. Army Ranger, Mark O’Neill, and Scythian band member, Danylo Fedoryka, both held breakout sessions about faith-in-action, conversion, and serving God even when it is difficult. Brother Athanasius Murphy, O.P., provided a moving homily during a Mass and led an inspiring break-out session. Bringing inspiring guest speakers to campus is made possible in part through benefactor support. Students and staff are grateful for these special opportunities for grace. GROWTH through the arts John Paul received 4 nominations for Cappie awards. Largest number of JP students admitted into All District Choir and Band. PAGE PAGEELEVEN NINE Growth through Witness 2015 Christ the Teacher Award Each spring, the Christ the Teacher Award is presented to a deserving teacher who is an exceptional witness to Christ, inside and outside the classroom. Nominated by her colleagues, members of the senior class, and parents of seniors, the 2014-2015 award recipient was Miss Emma Boyle. Miss Boyle joined the faculty in 2010 and serves as Chair of the Social Studies Department. Addressing the senior class at Baccalaureate, Miss Boyle reminded her captivated audience that though we have many wonderful stories in our lives, “The only story is God’s love for us, our gratitude, our response to his love.” Her love for God and her students is evident in all that she does and we congratulate Miss Boyle on this award. When JP the Great opened in 2008, a total of 200 students in grades 9 and 10 roamed the wide hallways. In 2014-2015 - only seven years later – the JP freshman class alone was 200, and the total student body topped 650. Increased enrollment means more class options, stronger athletic teams, new friends, and much more. Enrollment growth has also allowed us to become financially self-sustaining. Of course, with more students, there is an increased need for new teachers, equipment, classroom furniture, computers, and other supplies, such as science kits. As we climb towards the proposed goal of 1,000 students, your partnership is more important than ever. In particular, your financial participation in the annual drive is necessary for the growth of our school. Growth Through Community Improvements Days after the 2014-2015 school year ended, construction crews began to reshape the land surrounding Dominican Drive in preparation for the long-awaited sports park. This community project is part of the Potomac Shores development and reflects collaboration between the developers, Prince William County, and John Paul the Great. Once completed, John Paul athletes will benefit from nine multi-purpose fields and a softball field, which will provide more space for practice and games. In return, members of the community will utilize John Paul parking lots during non-school hours. These types of improvements in our neighborhood are encouraging for future growth of the school, while also providing additional resources for current students. PAGE SIXTEEN Financial Report The goal of the John Paul Finance Committee is to ensure the current and future financial viability of Saint John Paul the Great by being good financial stewards for the Arlington Diocese, the Saint John Paul parents, the School Board, and current and future students. Concurrently, while meeting all of our financial obligations, we aim to provide financial aid to qualifying families, allowing for an economically diverse student body. OUR NUMBERS: 2014-2015 Financial Summary OPERATING REVENUE 82.6% Tuition & Fees 5.3% Student Auxiliary Services 2.3% Student Activities 4.8% Advancement/Annual Drive 1.6% Family Association 2.6% Diocesan Tuition Assistance 0.8% Other Revenue 100% 7,510,346 486,614 207,460 435,898 143,631 235,956 72,079 TOTAL REVENUE $9,091,984 OPERATING EXPENSES 59.0% Salaries & Instruction 3.7% Student Auxiliary Services 6.4% Student Activities 4.7% Administrative 0.8% Family Association 8.1% Financial Assistance 10.4% Facilities/Plant Operations 5,151,106 325,200 562,234 412,849 67,723 703,444 910,134 DEBT MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 6.9% Bond Payment 100% TOTAL EXPENSES Revenue: $7,864,931 Expenses $7,409,862 600,000 $8,732,690 Growth through the Annual Drive The Annual Drive is an effort each year to raise needed funds for general operating expenses not met by tuition income. In fact, tuition payments cover only 85% of a JP education. At John Paul the Great, the annual drive is also about harnessing the power of prayer and volunteer talents in support of our mission. The goal is always 100% participation from JP families in some capacity, be it financial, prayer, service or a combination of the three. Just over one-third of John Paul families pledged gifts of prayer, service, and financial resources in response to the 2014-2015 appeal. Thankfully, we exceeded our financial goal, raising $195,000 in needed funds. Thank you to all who participated! Your contributions helped us grow while maintaining the quality, Christ-centered education that students and families have come to expect. Your generosity blesses our school. PAGE SEVENTEEN Financial Contributors - Thank you! Thank you to everyone who prayed, volunteered, or contributed financially to JP in 20142015. It is through the efforts of many that we are able to further the mission of our school. You are each appreciated and remembered in our prayers. Saint John Paul the Great Society ($25,000+) Anonymous IFM Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kosar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vetter Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary Society ($10,000-24,999) Porto Charities, Inc. St. Dominic de Guzman Society ($5,000-9,999) Mount St. Mary’s University Mr. Gabriel Patricio St. Cecilia Society ($2,500-4,999) Anonymous Combined Federal Campaign of Nat’l Capital Area Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Munoz Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Robinett Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rokosz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schaefermeier Mr. Charles Smith Mr. Daniel Sullivan and Ms. Emma Lopo-Sullivan St. Thomas Aquinas Society ($1,000-2,499) Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Finn Hollins University Mr. Kevin Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Eric Michael CDT Andre Michell Prince William Wrestling Club Mr. Charles Ramey and Dr. Margaret Mossler St. Michael the Archangel, Quantico MCB Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stoessel Mr. and Mrs. Joel Tabler Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Turner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turner Mr. Mike Dobson Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan Mrs. Maria Duquiatan Mr. and Mrs. David Florenzo Mr. and Mrs. Selden Fritschner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gillson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grandinetti Mr. Jairo Gutierrez and Ms. Diana Navarette Mr. and Mrs. Troy Hadsall Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kleber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LaVille Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Liuzzo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Montague Mr. and Mrs. Randal Noller Mr. and Mrs. Mark O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pricenor Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Ranieri Ms. Debra S. Robins Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sarchet Mr. and Mrs. Norberto Alvin Sese Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Sharbel Mr. and Mrs. John Treanor Mr. and Mrs. John Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wenzel Mr. Christopher Wode and Ms. Laura Boehm Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wydajewski Guardian Angel Society ($250-499) Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. John Adams Mr. and Mrs. Walter Addie Mr. and Mrs. Victor Alcantara St. Joseph the Worker Society ($500-999) Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Babauta Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bann Mr. and Mrs. John Beda Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Boutte Drs. Michael and Ellen Burnham Mr. and Mrs. Salomon Carias Col (Ret) and Mrs. Daniel Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Czekaj Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Davis PAGE EIGHTEEN Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Billings Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bongiorno Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burns Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Chau Chick-fil-A Mr. and Mrs. Craig Collier Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Hank Domingue Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Dominguez Mr. and Mrs. Francis Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doty Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Drouillard Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gonzales Mr. Caleb Hamilton and Dr. Bettina Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. James Horner Mr. and Mrs. Peter Houlihan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hurley Ms. Kayla Kadlubek Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kadlubek Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kingett Knights of Columbus Father Edwin F. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. James Knox Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Komp Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Rear Admiral and Mrs. Donald Loren Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Madison Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McNulty Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Platt Mr. and Mrs. John Pucci Mr. and Mrs. David Ralston Mr. Joseph Redding Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reuning Dr. Lisa Sarber Mr .and Mrs. David Sfreddo Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shideler Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Small Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spoth Mr. and Mrs. John Stine Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tillotson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Warren Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Watson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Witham Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wojcik Holy Family Society (Up to $249) Anonymous (8) Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Alicea Mr. and Mrs. John Atkinson Ms. Cynthia Austin Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Brian Blanchfield Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Botteri Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brennan Mr. and Mrs. David Brunsman Mrs. Peggy Burnham Mr. and Mrs. John Burns Mr. Michael Burset and Ms. Maria Carrera Dr. Stephen Carley, DPM and Dr. Martha Hurley, DPM Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Carrubba Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clement Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clyborne Ms. Jennifer Cole Combined Federal Campaign of Central Florida Combined Federal Campaign of Greater SoCal Combined Federal Campaign of N. Charleston Combined Federal Campaign of South Puget Sound Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Conneen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cortez Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Curran Mr. and Mrs. George DeRaymond Mr. and Mrs. Guadencio Dizon Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D’Silva Mr. John Dubelko Mrs. Mary Feltis Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. John Ferman Mr. and Mrs. David Fetter Mr. and Mrs. Louis Florenzo Ms. Annemarie Francis Mrs. Susan Friese Mrs. Zenobia Gardner Mr. Gerasimo Garvez Borneo and Dr. Magdalena Garvez Mr. Mark Gatanas Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Gerke Mr. Michael Gillespie and Ms. Eileen Halpin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Golinowski LTCOL (Ret) and Mrs. Dominic Grasso Col and Mrs. Peter Haas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Halbert Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Healy Mr. and Mrs. Mark Horan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Howard Robert and Teri Hruska Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hugo Mr. Million Hundessa and Ms. Azeb Gide Mr. and Mrs. Robert Husketh Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hyson Ms. Maricarmen Illescas Mr. and Mrs. Jan Jedrych Mr. and Mrs. James Jesse Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Philip Juchem Mr. and Mrs. Michael Judge Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kilian Knights of Columbus John Paul I Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kohler Col and Mrs. George Krakie Ms. Madison Kramer Mr. and Mrs. David Kreitzer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kubler Mr. and Mrs. William Lademan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lamontagne Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio Layog Mr. and Mrs. Troy Littles Mr. and Mrs. John Lovejoy CAPT and Mrs. Joseph Lyon, III Mr. and Mrs. Mauro Marcellino Mrs. Rosie Marich Lt. Col. and Mrs. Tim Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McCrumb Mr.and Mrs. Anthony McDermott Mr. and Mrs. James McDonough Mr. James K. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McGarvey Mr. and Mrs. Jackson McGrady Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller Jr. Ms. Leona Miller Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Milligan Mrs. Carolyn Molenda Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monaghan Dr. William Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moran Ms. Rebecca Moreira Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Morris Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen Ms. Victoria Nagel Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nash Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Natalicchio PAGE NINETEEN Ms. Loan Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Vinh X. Nguyen Dr. Frank Nuar and Dr. Aime Nuar Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Steven O’Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Filipe Mario Olivera Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Michael Packard Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Paquette Ms. Renee Paquette Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pedagno Mr. and Mrs. John Perroots Mr. and Mrs. Chris Philbrick Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pincus Mr. and Mrs. David Post Mr. and Mrs. Charles Puritano Mr. and Mrs. John Raffier Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rayhel Mr. and Mrs. Ken Reuwer Mr. and Mrs. John Riester Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Roper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ruggio Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Samarov Mr. and Mrs. Roger Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sanchez Mr. Richard Shebora and Ms. Anna Sowinska Mr. and Mrs. Earl Simpson Maj and Mrs. Robert Sirks Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Skamarycz Dr. Karl A. Smith Solarisource, Inc. Mr. Raymond St. Pierre Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stanislawski Ms. Caryn Stein Ms. Lori Strickland Mr. and Mrs. William Sydow, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Talavera Ms. Amy Talish Mr. and Mrs. William Tanis Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Piero Tozzi Mr. and Mrs. William Tully Mr. and Mrs. Neil Van Duinen Mr. and Mrs. Roman Vitkovitsky Mr. and Mrs. Eric Von Tersch Walmart Business Office Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber Mr. and Mrs. James Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wood Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woods Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Zoeller Annual Drive In-Kind Contributors Mr. Chris Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Coltharp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Cunningham Mr. Daniel Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jaworowski Ms. Linda Loffredo Mr. and Mrs. James Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Natalicchio Mr. and Mrs. Chris Padberg Mr. and Mrs. Tod Steward Walmart Ms. Mary Weber Golfing With Wolves Financial Donors Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Walter Addie Ancient Order of Hibernian Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians ASAP Tire Co. Church of the Nativity Community Resolutions, PLLC Federal Conference.com Federal Defense Solutions Flaherty Ironworks of Alexandria Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hoffmann Holy Family Catholic Church Lindsey Auto James E. Lupi, D.D.S. Michael & Caitlin McDaniel Navy Federal Potomac Shores Renaissance School Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roman Ross, Langan & McKendree, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sarchet St. John’s Catholic Church TML The Irish Plumber Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Thomason Tim’s Rivershore Golfing With Wolves In-Kind Donors Matthew Barrick Mr. and Mrs. Hank Domingue Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Gianni Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hoffmann MRV Mrs. Mary Beth Style JP5K Race for Options Donors Azalea Charities Mr. Hunter Bailey Mrs. Catherine Beck Miss Sarah Beda Bellawood Photography Ms. Diane Bender Mr. Thomas Boak Mr. Eric Buckner Mr. Mark Choe Mr. Richard Clyborne Mr. Thomas Clyborne Ms. Mary Coltharp Mr. Richard Cooper Dr. John Crum Mrs. Andrea Day Ms. Kyleigh Day Mr. Mike Dobson Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe Evans Consulting Ms. Aleksandra Fasoli Furnace Hills Coffee Ms. Megan Gaydos Ms. Joanne Gemperline Ms. Megan Golinowski Ms. Brooke Guenther Ms. Sammie Gutierrez Ms. Rose Hartzell Mr. Daniel McGarvey Mrs. Carole Morris Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Puritano Karen Radley Acura and Volkswagen Mrs. Linda Raffier Ms. Alexandra Samarov Ms. Krysten Schmerbeck Ms. Mary Style Mr. Alex Turner Gala Financial Contributors Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Alicea Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Michael Babauta Mr. and Mrs. Greg Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boak Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Bongiorno Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boska Mr. and Mrs. John Castro Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colby Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Corbett Mr. Michael Coyne Colonel and Mrs. Carolyn Daly Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis Mr. and Mrs. Darrin Day PAGE T WENT Y Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dolan Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Iso Ebong Mr. David Fetter Mr. Nick Fischer Ms. Kathy Friend Mr. and Mrs. Selden Fritschner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallagher Ms. Judy Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gelbach Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gemperline Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gildersleeve Mr. and Mrs. Troy Hadsall Ms. Leanne Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hugo Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Jan Jedrych Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William Loesel Mr. Donald Loren Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Loveless Capt. Joseph Lyon Mrs. Rosemary Marich Mr. and Mrs. Eric Michael Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller Ms. Leona Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monaghan Mr. and Mrs. John Munoz Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parker Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Patricio Ms. Nelia Patricio Mr. and Mrs. Todd Patykewich Mr. and Mrs. John Perroots Mr. and Mrs. Mark Randall Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ryan Saint Louis Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sarchet Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schaefermeier Smith Family Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith Ms. Lori Strickland Ms. Amy Talish Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Thomason Mrs. Cynthia Trax Mr. and Mrs. John Treanor Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Turner Mr. Rick Valentine Mr. John Wagner Ms. Nancy Weis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zimmerman Gala In-Kind Contributors J. David Alachnowicz AMC Theaters Anytime Fitness Azalea Charities Bahama Breeze Barrick Photography Mrs. Catherine Beck Belle Meade B&B Bertucci’s Bobby’s Burger Palace Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bow BTS Software Solutions Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burset Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Butts By Hand With Heart Café Rio Café Soleil Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cahill California Tortilla Candice McLean Photography Choral Arts Society of Washington Chuy’s Tex-Mex Restaurant Civil Cigar Lounge Clyde’s Group Colonial Cupcakes Community Landscape Services Copper Fox Distillery Mrs. Lori Costello Crime Museum Dee Upholstery Disney Mr. and Mrs. Hank Domingue Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doty Dr. Gregg Kassan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edemobi Edge Party Trailer Euromotors Fairfax County Park Authority Fairfax Foods Firehouse Subs First Command Five Guys Flower Gallery Flynn and O’Hara Fredericksburg Orthodontics Mr. and Mrs. Selden Fritschner Gadsby’s Tavern Museum Ms. Vanessa Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Grasso Great American Restaurants Inc Green Dragon Pub Bilbo Baggins Hampton Inn/Old Town Haute Dogs and Fries Honorable Service Realty Hylton Performing Arts Center Inn at Little Washington J Clarke Interiors Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation Jimmy Johns Gourmet Sandwiches Mr. and Mrs. James Larocco Lee’s Hill Golf Club Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Ms. Elizabeth Lewis Liberty Mountain Longwood Gardens Lord Charlston Kennel and Pet Spa Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Loveless Luray Caverns Lyons Automotive Mr. and Mrs. Tim Maxwell McDaniel Auction Mo Wilson Properties Margaret M. Mossler Mount Vernon Ladies’ Assoc. of the Union Nando’s Peri Peri Natural Nails Newseum NFL Players’ Association Nolan Piano Studio Not your Average Joe’s Osprey’s at Belmont Bay Over the Top Hats Paradise Springs Winery Paschal Lamb Catholic Store Patricio Enterprises Pauline Books and Media Pevs Paintball Pizza Boli’s Poor Clare Monastery Potomac Nationals Potomac Party Cruises, Inc Potomac Point Winery Potomac Shores Golf Club PR Partners Rebounderz Manassas Red Fox Inn Renaissance Montessori School Mrs. Colleen Rooney SCH Creations Shabby Pink Palm Shenandoah River Outfitters Sine Irish Pub Skyline Caverns Sleuth Mystery Dinner Shows Springfield Golf and Country Club PAGE T WENT Y ONE The Breakout Game Fredericksburg The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated The Kennedy Center The Washington Chorus Thomas Jefferson Foundation Ms. Annette Tobin Tommy Bahama Outlet Total Wine and More Trader Joe’s Mr. Paul Trapp Travinia Mr. and Mrs. Donald Turner Mr. and Mrs. William Vaughn Vera Bradley Outlet Vertical Rock Climbing and Fitness Center Viniterra Golf Course Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley & Walsh Washington Capitals Washington Nationals Washington Redskins Wasinger and Company Wegmans Mr. and Mrs. Alan White Winterthur Woodbridge Area H.S. Bowling League Woodlawn Pope-Leighey Zoe’s Kitchen Saint John Paul the Great Catholic High School 17700 Dominican Dr. Dumfries, VA 22026 “Learn to think rigorously, so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better.” ― SAINT JOHN PAUL II Tel: 703.445.0300 Email: info@jpthegreat.org Web: jpthegreat.org