HERE - The Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts Whittier
HERE - The Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts Whittier
The Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts, Whittier College, presents the A a h lo r e i e S s t r e c C on 2015-2016 Weldon Kekauoha October 3, 2015 Kùpaoa & Mark Yamanaka December 5, 2015 The Makaha Sons January 16, 2016 Kamaka ‘Ukulele’s 100th Anniversary Bryan Tolentino Herb Ohta, Jr. March 12, 2016 The Brothers Cazimero* May 21, 2016 (562) 907-4203 All performances are on Saturdays NEW TIMES 2:00 & 7:30 p.m. ALOHA! We will hold our Previous Subscribers seats until noon on Wednesday June 30, 2015, pending subscription renewal. After that date, we will release any unconfirmed subscribers seats in order to provide “best seating available” for our new and continuing subscribers. New Subscribers orders will be filled in the order received, so get those orders in early! Single tickets for all shows will go on sale on Wednesday July 15, 2015. Ticket orders will be processed as soon as possible. Ticket sales alone do not cover all the costs of running and maintaining a performing arts center. If you would like to make a donation to the Shannon Center to help support our activities, please fill out the donation portion on the order form. Regular Ticket Prices Five (5) Events @ $47.00 = $235.00 (Weldon, Kūpaoa-Yamanaka, Makaha Sons, Ohta-Tolentino, Brothers Cazimero*) Order by June 30, 2015 and receive the Early Subscriber Discount 5 events for $185.00 And Priority Seating! Discount Prices Good Only Through June 30, 2015 Single Tickets Go On Sale July 15, 2015 Single Ticket Prices—$47.00 To Order Your Series Subscription: (PLEASE PRINT) Matinee Evening Name: Address: City/St/Zip: Telephone: Seat Preference: Email: Keep my same seats I would prefer Choose the “Best Available” seats for me # of Series Tickets: X $185 = +Donation to the Shannon Center__________ Enclosed is My Check # (Made Payable to Whittier College) TOTAL ENCLOSED: Charge my: Visa Amex MC Disc Signature Exp. CVV2 Date Fill out the order form above and send to: SHANNON CENTER/WHITTIER COLLEGE, 13406 E. Philadelphia St., Whittier, CA 90608 OR—Fax your order to us at (562) 907–4902 OR—Call the Box Office with your order at (562) 907–4203 *If Roland Cazimero is unable to perform these performances will be Robert Cazimero & Halau Na Kamalei.
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HERE - The Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts Whittier
the Early Subscriber Discount 5 events for $185.00
And Priority Seating!
Discount Prices Good Only Through June 30, 2016
Single Tickets Go On Sale July 14, 2016
Single Ticket Prices—$47.00