LCWC August 2012.indd


LCWC August 2012.indd
Lower Columbia
Walleye Club, Inc.
August 2012
Volume 18.8
Blade & Slow
Everybody’s Happy But
The Fish!
Stan Fagerstrom
It’s enough to give those walleyes out there in your favorite
lake or river the willies.
If walleyes could talk you could
probably have recorded the
conversation a couple of them
would have been having in the
Columbia River recently. That
recording would probably
have sounded something like
what you see in the following
“Have you seen those new
things those dang nightcrawlers are wearing?” one young
walleye asked its companion.
“It was bad enough when so
many of us got in trouble messing with those worms that came
wiggling along behind that
The Mack's Lure Smile Blade ®Slow Death rig has an action
unlike anything you---or the fish---have ever seen.
bright little piece of plastic spinning just ahead of their noses.
That’s what got old grandma a
couple of weeks ago.
“But now those doggone
worms have gone plumb crazy!
They must be on steroids or
something. They’re still wearing those little blades but now
they’re making moves the fish
down there around New Orleans haven’t even seen at
midnight during Mardi Gras!
Just what the heck is going on?
If those big river walleye were
capable of communicating with
the cagey dudes who call the
shots at Mack’s Lure over there
in Wenatchee, Washington
they could come up with the
answer. Mack’s, you see, has
just come up with a brand new
product and that’s what’s got
‘em worried.
You may not have heard about
about Smile Blades®. You
already know that these little
slip-on plastic spinner blades
have been setting records all
over the place in the relatively
short time they’ve been on the
What you may not know is that
Mack’s is now combining its
Smile Blades® with a special
Mustad hook that has also
been getting all kinds of attention, especially from dedicated
walleye anglers.
If you’ve used Smile Blades®
you’re aware they continue to
spin at extremely slow boat
speeds. They also impart a
special wiggle to whatever bait
they’re used with.
The Smile Blade® Slow Death rig is ready to go right
out of the package. Just attach it to your line and
you're in business
the new lure yet yourself. It’s
easy to understand the shivering shakes those walleye
are having. Just the name the
Mack’s Lure folks have selected for their new lure doesn’t do
anything to ease the nerves of
old guys like me.
The special Slow Death Mustad hook has attracted its own
share of attention because
the way it’s made also imparts
a fish-attracting action to the
baits used with it.
So what’s it called? The name
of this new set up is the Mack’s
Lure Smile Blade® Slow Death
rig. The two main ingredients
that make up the new product
have long since both established their own fish catching
Let me break it down for you. I
can do that because I’ve talked
about it at length with the
Mack’s Lure executives who
are responsible for putting it
If you’re a regular reader of my
columns at this website I probably don’t have to tell you much
It's the kinked back of the
Slow Death hook that adds
special action to the
bait used with it.
Combine one of these Slow
Death hooks with a Smile
Blade® and the resulting
action often drives the fish
(Continued on Page 6)
Lyle Amundson
(503) 625-6296
Activities Committee
Chris Schacht - Chairman
(360) 521-7469
Vice President
Bruce Campbell
(503) 665-2072
Lonnie Ireland
(503) 260-0424
Valerie Ireland
(503) 781-5504
Jim Gurtisen
(503) 492-2338
Larry McClintock
(503) 257-0553
E-Mail: lwmcclintock@comcast.
Membership Chairman
Louise Moudy
(503) 658-2097
Web Master
Jim Gurtisen
(503) 492-2338
Kevin Hollingsworth
(503) 665-7332
Club Meeting Place
Grace Baptist Church,
200 SE 76th Ave,
Portland’ Oregon
2 blocks north of Stark on 76th
Club Dues are due January 1st and
expire December 31st of each
Jerry Kolman
16.25 pounds
Chris Schacht 15.00 Pounds
Dan Tuinstra
13.94 pounds
Steve Meiden
12.75 pounds
Carole McQueen 12.20 pounds
Chris Schacht
11.00 pounds
Shereen Gurtisen10.25 pounds
Lonnie Ireland 10.00 pounds
Jeff Moore
10.00 pounds
Bob Greene
10.00 pounds
valerie Ireland
9.00 pounds
Jim Gurtisen
8.25 pounds
Fred Brewer
7.00 Pounds
New Member Dues
$30.00 per year
$50.00 per year
Renewable Dues
$25.00 per year
$40.00 per year
Lifetime Member
Lifetime Family
Make all checks payable to:
Lower Columbia Walleye Club, Inc.,
PO Box 30454, Portland, OR 97294
Take a kid fishing
Today Before
Tomorrow Becomes
2 General meeting
4&5 Fishout
11 Club Picnic It is from 10am to
when ever people want to leave the
will furnish all the
hamburgers,hotdogs,chips and water
members to bring side dish and pop
look for club banner east end of park
remeber it is 5.00
per vehicle
Valerie Ireland with her 9 pound walleye.
25 &26 LCWC Walleye Derby
3 Labor Day
4 Board meeting
6 General meeting
8&9 Fishout
22 First Day of Autumn
22&23 Club Walleye Tournament
2 Board meeting
4 General meeting
6&7 Fishout Chinook Landing
8 Columbus Day & Thanksgiving
in Canada
13 & 14 Fishout - Boardman, Or
30 Board meeting
31 Halloween & end of 2012 top
ten big fish contest
1 General meeting
3 Daylight Savings Time Ends
6 Election Day
11 Veterans Day
22 Thanksgiving
27 Board meeting
1 Christmas Party
22 First Day of Winter
25 Christmas Day
31 New Year’s Eve.
Right: Chris Schacht success
wile ocean fishing. Both tuna
and halibut were caught. Nice
Well here it is that time of
the year again, the lcwc annual fishing derby will be held
August 25th&26th For those
of you who haven’t been informed our President Lyle
formed a committee of which
myself ,Roger Rousch, Sam
Caliva,Jeff Moore and past
lcwc president Kelly Parkman
were asked to come up with
some new ideas. As many of
you know we at one time had
125 teams that participated
in our tournament last year it
was down to 8 teams. Obvious reason for a change if we
are going to continue at all we
took a vote last year and it was
unanimous to continue for at
least another year. I am happy
to say that we had a majority of
the board that seen the need
to change and we are now able
to fish the Willamette from the
Oregon City 205 bridge, the
Multnomah channel the full
length and the Columbia from
Bonneville dam to St Helens.
That not only will open some
prime walleye area but in case
of a west wind we can spread
out. The next thing we will have
two separate groups. Group A
will continue as before with 2
days entrance big fish & most
weight $300. Group B with
2 days entrance and big fish
and most weight will be $100.
That is for a two person team
in either one. You are only
eligible for one group. We had
more ideas also but as they
say Rome wasn’t built in a day
and for instance it takes time
to line up sponsors etc. and
besides do we really expect a
sponsor when 8 teams participate. We are sincerely hoping
we can get people on board for
this and make this the success it can be. To sign up call
Larry 503-257-0553 or you can
sign up at the next meeting.
You are able to sign the night
before on the 24th but to have
a head count before it would
really make things easier for the people that volunteer to make it
happen. Let’s make this a success as a club and with some good
participation we can land some great sponsors,
Thank you
V.P. Bruce Campbell
Chris Schacht with a very nice 15.0 pound walleye caught in the
Multnomah Channel.
“The Slow Death hook,” says
Bob Schmidt, general manager
of Mack’s Lure, “was designed
by professional walleye anglers
including Gary Parsons and
Keith Kavajeez. The hook has
a kinked shaft.
“This hook, when rigged with a
nightcrawler and fished at slow
speeds, produces a wild action.
In its smaller sizes, the Slow
Death hook has also been effective for trout and panfish.”
If you eyeball one of the Slow
Death hooks you’ll find it looks
like something that should visit
the nearest chiropractor who
specializes in straightening the
shank of fishing hooks. But it’s
that kink in its back that gives
the hook its fish-catching qualities.
In recent years expert walleye anglers have used Smile
Blades to take walleyes that
rank right up there with the
largest ever caught anywhere. One of these fish at
19.3-pounds holds the all
time Washington State walleye
size record.
Mike Hepper, the man who
caught that whopper, will tell
you how he got results. He
says it was because his Smile
Blade® continued to spin at
such slow speeds that he was
able to get it and its trailing
nightcrawler down there where
the record fish was holding.
The Smile Blade® also gave
his worm the special action it
imparts to any bait used it. It
doesn’t take any great stretching of the imagination to imagine the results when you use a
Smile Blade® just ahead of a
hook that also gives the baits it
holds its own big time action.
It’s no wonder those poor fish
that have been exposed to this
The Smile Blade Slow Death rig is available in the 12 fishattracting colors you see here.
latest item from the Mack’s
Lure Dirty Tricks Department
are going bonkers!
“You get some moves with our
new rig that you don’t even see
on ‘Dancin’ with the Stars’,”
says Bobby Loomis, Mack’s
Lure’s director of sales & marketing, “and the Smile Blade
Slow Death rig also continues
to do its thing at the extremely
slow speeds sometimes necessary to put fish in the boat.”
Both Schmidt and Loomis will
tell you they didn’t bring this
new rig to market until they had
it tested by select walleye anglers and fishing guides around
the country.
“The reports we received,” they
say, “proved the new rig was
extremely effective. We used
feedback we had from these
walleye specialists to perfect
the rig’s final design.”
Schmidt points out something
else that you need to know
when you use this new rig.
“The Slow Death hook is made
of light wire,” he says. “The
light wire is necessary to give
the hook the action it imparts to
a worm. Be careful when you
hook a big fish with it.
The Smile Blade® Slow Death
rig is now available in 12 different colors. The colors you’ll
find are those that have proven
effective with other Mack’s Lure
If you’re looking for additional
details you’ll find them here at
this website. Go to the home
page and click on “Fishing
Headlines”. When that page
comes up, scroll down to the
“Fishing Lure of the Week.”
I’m hearing about this one. It
isn’t just somebody’s idea of
what might work. It’s a new lure
that’s been tried and tested by
some of the top professional
experts and guides in the field
of walleye fishing.
That’s good enough for me.
The walleyes in the lakes I get
a chance to fish this year are
going to see this new rig just as
soon as I have a chance to get
Club Picnic
The club is having its
annual picnic at dabney
State Park on August
12 at the east end of the
park. Look for our club
banner. There is a $5.00
charge per vehicle to
enter the park.
The club will furnish all
the hot dogs, hamburgers and chips as well as
the water. Members are
to bring the side dishes
and pop.
Honda 3500 watt generator
with owners manual, excellent
condition. has 3 110 plugins
and 1 220 plugin.
Victor Journeyman torch with
large oxygen tank, and accetalene tank and cart.
SP200 Lincoln wire feed welder
with 2 large tanks for carbon
monoxide and a 100 foot 8
gage extension cord, and has
capacity for a 60 pound spool
of wire.
Makita chop saw
Curtis nut and bolt cabinets
Also have some hunting equipment for sale as well.
Call Larry McClintock
(503) 257-0553
I’m always interested in knowing how a new lure makes it to
market. That’s why I like what
Club Tournament Sponsors
More Tournament Sponsors
Please Print Clearly
1st Team Member
2nd Team Member
Name______________________________________ Name______________________________________
Address____________________________________ Address____________________________________
City___________________ State_____ Zip________ City___________________ State_____ Zip________
Phone______________________________________ Phone_____________________________________
We have completed the application and have submitted the total entry fee of $220.00 for the participation of the tournament. In consideration of the privilege of participation in the tournament, we hereby waive and release the tournament officials and sponsoring organizations from any and all claims for injury and or damage incurred in connection
with this event. We agree that the tournament host shall have the exclusive rights to take photographs or recordings
and to use or dispose of such material in any lawful manner. We have read the tournament rules and found them acceptable, and waive the readings of such and agree to abide by them.
Signature of 1st Team Member
Signature of 2nd Team Member
Boat brand, length, color
Motor brand & HP
I Hereby affirm that the boat, engine, motor or water containers I will use during this fishing contest have NOT been
in physical contact with waters east of the continental Divide in the last 30 days. Any boat, engine, motor that has
been in physical contact with waters east of the continental Divide in the last 30 days will not be allowed to participate in the tournament unless there is documentation that the boat has been properly cleaned.
Boat Owner’s Signature
Fall Classic Walleye Derby Class A
Basic Entry, Per Team
$40 Most Weight/ Day Option Pool
$40 Big Fish
Total Amount Enclosed
This entry must be accompanied by payment of $220. Make Checks payable to: Lower Columbia Walleye Club, PO
Box 30454, Portland, OR 97294 Questions can be directed to Larry McClintock, 503-257-0553, lwmcclintock@
Launch Fees must be paid each day when you launch
A complete copy of the tournament rules will be available on request
New motel at the Port of Camas/Washougal: Best Western (360) 835-9292
Lower Columbia Walleye Club, Inc.
Club Classic Walleye Derby Class B
August 25 & 26, 20122011
At the Port of Camas/Washougal, Camas Washington
Total prize money based on entry and option money 100% pay out
Please Print Clearly
1st Team Member
2nd Team Member
Name______________________________________ Name______________________________________
Address____________________________________ Address____________________________________
City___________________ State_____ Zip________ City___________________ State_____ Zip________
Phone______________________________________ Phone_____________________________________
We have completed the application and have submitted the total entry fee of $80.00 for the participation of the
tournament. In consideration of the privilege of participation in the tournament, we hereby waive and release
the tournament officials and sponsoring organizations from any and all claims for injury and or damage incurred in connection with this event. We agree that the tournament host shall have the exclusive rights to take
photographs or recordings and to use or dispose of such material in any lawful manner. We have read the tournament rules and found them acceptable, and waive the readings of such and agree to abide by them.
Signature of 1st Team Member
Signature of 2nd Team Member
Boat brand, length, color
Basic Entry, Per Team
$10 per person for Big Fish
$10 Most Weight/Day Option Pool
Total Amount Enclosed
Motor brand & HP
This entry must be accompanied by payment of $80. Make Checks payable to: Lower Columbia Walleye Club, PO
Box 30454, Portland, OR 97294 Questions can be directed to Larry McClintock, 503-257-0553, lwmcclintock@
Launch Fees must be paid each day when you launch
A complete copy of the tournament rules will be available on request
Above: Chris Schacht with a
nice 11.0 pound walleye.
Below: Bob Green caught this
nice 10.00 pound walleye.
Both fish caught in the Multnomah Channel
Book of the Month
Salmon Trout Steelheader magazine readers are familiar with the popular and informative "Illustrated
Rigging" column that appears in each issue. The multitudes of different angling situations, water types
and conditions, and techniques used can leave even a seasoned angler scratching their head when
it comes rigging. When you go from fishing winter steelhead to spring chinook, then on to trout fishing
in lakes, and on to summer steelhead, then trolling for salmon in the ocean, to bobber fishing for fall
chinook in tidewater, the rigging changes with each species and the techniques used to catch them.
Illustrated Rigging shows both beginners and experienced anglers how to tie basic salmon and steelhead set-ups. If you want to catch more fish, in various places, with different methods, you need this
8.5 x 11 Inches, 144 Pages, All color, Softbound
About the author:
Robert Campbell is a 5th generation Oregonian who caught his first steelhead from the Molalla River
in 1973 at the ripe age of five. He has been deeply hooked on sports angling ever since. In between
managing a local outdoor store, writing, and fielding complaints from his neighbors regarding the
height of his lawn, Robert makes frequent forays to the rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the Pacific
Northwest in pursuit of various game fish. He lives in western Oregon and can be fishing for salmon,
steelhead, sturgeon, smallmouth bass or shad--depending on the season--within ten minutes of leaving his house. His work has appeared in Salmon Trout Steelheader, The Local Fisherman’s News,
and Sporting Classics magazines. This is his first book.